#i sound drunk or high or SOMETHING to myself but im sober as fuck i promise lmao
weathernerdmando · 1 year
I think I might be a Bit overstimulated bc my brain wants to vibrate out of my skin nglllll
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
talk to me
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words: 800
warnings: addiction, breaking sobriety, drinking/doing drugs, established relationship
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450
you can tell from the moment you pick up the phone that something is wrong. rafe’s breathing is so loud that it’s being picked up, coming through your phone speaker.
“rafe, baby?” you ask, but all you here is his panting in response.
“rafe, talk to me. what’s wrong?”
“i’m sorry.” rafes voice is gruff, it sounds like he’s been screaming. 
“sorry? sorry for what rafe? tell me whats wrong.” you plead, feeling tears form in your eyes. you hate being away from rafe, you know that he hates it even more than you, especially now that he’s sober. he used to just get drunk or high the entire time until you were back, but you hated coming back to a strung out rafe, and you knew it wasn’t healthy.
“i’ve been drinking.” rafe says, and you hear the slight slur in his words.
“rafe-” you stand up, already beginning to pack. you don’t need to hear anything else. you know drinking isn’t the worst thing, but for rafe, the drinking will only ever lead to drugs, and he’s been clean for so long “i’m coming home baby. where are you?”
“our house.” he says, and you hear him fumbling with something in the background, and then a crash. it sounds like glass breaking.
“rafey baby, can you go lay down in bed, yeah?” you ask, grabbing your purse and suitcase. you’d text your girlfriends from the car on the way back home to rafe. you thought that he was good enough for you to go on a spa weekend away with the girls. you made sure it was one that was less than an hour away that way you could get home quickly.
“i’m gonna go sit outside.” “okay, i’m heading to the car right now.” you were supposed to head home in the morning anyways, so you have no issue leaving the night before, knowing your girlfriends won’t mind.
“talk to me.” you say as you get in your car, starting it up. “talk to me, rafey.” “i went to the store. i bought whiskey. i fucked up baby, i know that.” “it’s okay, honey.” you swing your car onto the highway, glad that theres no cars so you can speed, praying no cops are sitting hidden.
“and now i’m making you come home because i can’t fucking do it. god, i’m the worst boyfriend.” “not at all, rafey. you make me feel so loved. you take care of me. that’s what you’re meant to do as my boyfriend and that’s what i’m doing for you as your girlfriend. i’m taking care of you.” “i’m so tired.” rafe says. “i just want to do a bump.” “rafe, keep talking.” you say, tears blurring your vision. “i’m coming home to you right now, stay strong for me okay.”
you get rafe to continue talking as you drive home, going at least 20 miles over the speed limit the entire way. you haphazardly park when you get back home, running through the house to find rafe on the balcony. 
“i’m home.” you kneel down in front of him, heart breaking at how spaced out he looks. “i’m home, rafe.” rafe lets out a choked sob, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pitching forward. you shush him gently as he cries, rubbing your hand up and down his back.
“lets go to bed, yeah?” you ask after a moment.
“i hate myself.” rafe mumbles, but accepts your help standing up. you guide him inside, not even worried about shutting the doors behind you, just focused on getting him upstairs and in bed.
“you have to break up with me.” rafe says, feet slowly shuffling down the hallway. “im going to ruin your life-” you ignore his words, blocking out whatever he was saying as you steer him into your bedroom.
“rafe, stop please.” you cut him off from continuing to speak. “i’m not going anywhere. we can talk in the morning when you have a clearer head, okay?”
rafe nods, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your forehead. “i’m so glad you’re home.” “me too.” you press your face into his chest before pulling away to tug the blankets down, watching as rafe flops down, his head immediately lolling to the side. you sit down on the bed, stroking over his hair as you watch for his breathing to change, only standing up when you are sure that he is asleep.
you gather everything on your bedside table that rafe will need in the morning, finishing it off with a tall glass of water. you’ve learned from his previous binges what he needs, you’re just relieved all he did this time was drink.
you finally get to climb into bed, sighing deeply as your head hits the pillow. you move closer to rafe until your body is pressed up against his.
rafe mumbles something you can’t make out and turns, resting his head against your chest. you smile and wrap your arms around him, holding him close, knowing this is what he needs at this moment.
“i love you.” rafe whispers.
“i love you too.” you press a kiss to the top of his head. “i love you and i’m gonna be here for you no matter what, don’t you forget that.”
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obxjj · 3 years
the way we heal | jj maybank
- pairings: jj maybank x reader
- summary: people deal with trauma in different ways but it seems that jj thinks you don't care about the loss of your friends and deep down himself but he just needs to understand that people heal in their own time and through their own meanings, he just needed to be reassured of it. kinda pre season 2 ep 1 give ot take
- warning(s): really motherfucking angsty and swearing. mention of substance abuse
- wc: 2.2k :))))
a/n: all my fics the pogues and reader are the age 17/18 only because that's more comfortable for me to write. its been a long long time since i have wrote something so sorry for and spelling errors
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People tend to deal with trauma differently. It could be resulting to crying you eyes out until you can’t breath and you can’t see through your tears clouding your eyes. Drinking until your liver wants to shut down and you whole body is so numb that yourself and everyone around you is so tuned out that you can’t function. Resulting to drugs to either feel something or not to feel anything at all. Or to have something to blame your actions on from yourself acting out simply because you don’t know how to handle the situation of a friend dying.
See you on the other hand dealt with it internally or the whim and feeling of not accepting death. Maybe it was your subconscious talking wanting you not to accept or maybe it was the gut feeling that you always got telling you that they were actually alive and have survived that storm that ‘supposedly’ had swept them away because “no body was found”.
This ‘gut feeling’ had always been right in many life or death situations. Or even just you picking out an outfit that you were unsure of whether it was going to get the boys attention that you had a crush on. It did indeed get his attention that night because that’s how you ended up loosing your virginity that night but that’s besides the point.
The best way you could describe it was like when people would do personality tests and it would ask “are you controlled by your heart or what you feel” probably not those exact words but you get the point. I felt with my feelings if my gut said yes then it was a yes.
Since the night that John B and Sarah had ‘died’ your gut had been telling you the opposite. That they were in fact not dead. As Big John use to say when you were a kid, you can never kill a Routledge. At the time it seemed like bullshit but now it was starting to grow on you.
However now your two friends were presumed dead and not everyone dealt with trauma like you did. Some would even go as far to say that you didn’t actually give a fuck that your friends were dead because you hadn’t cried or you hadn’t drunk yourself into a state of no return or resulted to smoking weed every single day and spray painted ‘murder’ on Ward Cameron’s estate. But at least Kiara wasn’t lying.
But the thing was you hadn’t cried because you couldn’t, you quite literally hated crying because it made you feel weak. Even if you tried and you tried your hardest but nothing came. At this point you could go as far as denial. This gut feeling was like getting hit by a semi truck every time a thought came into your head questioning maybe they were dead. Maybe they did get swept away at sea and never to return.
Your gut feeling was simply not letting you mourn the loss of John B and Sarah and now everyone thought you were an emotionless bitch. I mean they were right to a point but not the whole point.
So that brought you to current day driving around the Cut and night playing fucking real life Where’s Wally but its Where’s JJ Maybank because he’s blacked out drunk somewhere and now you’re on a rescue mission. Not like you had done enough of those in the last few weeks.
About an hour ago your phone rang and it was JJ asking you to come pick him up since somehow he had now idea where he had ended up and was too far gone to put together his surroundings. Well that’s what you had assumed he said since you had to decipher his slurred words.
At this point you had driven around the whole island and gone to every hid out spot that he would go smoke at or to just get away from everyday life. You had gone to all but one place. Where you avoiding that particular house because it held so many memories, plus the fact you hadn’t been near the place since shit hit rock bottom. Yes? But it was the highest chance that JJ was sitting on that dock with his legs swinging over it with a beer in hand.
Well you were right. As you walked down the old dock to where JJ was sitting it was if you could feel all the emotions, thoughts and disbelief crawling their way up your skin from the ground you were walking on. But that gut feeling was like a wave of fire, burning it all the way back to the ground.
“I don’t know why I just didn’t look here first. I should have known aye” you half heartedly said trying to keep the conversation light since you didn’t know what state JJ was going to be in. From the huff you got in response told you he wasn’t in the mood to talk.
“How much have you had J?” You asked with concern but still trying to keep you voice light and less reprimanding because you knew he was in a too fragile state for you to be angry.
“Does it even matter how much Iv had. I don’t feel shit anymore” he replied back with his words straight forward and sobered.
“Well have you even given yourself a break for your body to sober up for you to even feel the effects of it? Or have you still been going since yesterday when I saw you? J its not going to do shit if you don’t give it a rest for at least a day or so” you said back trying you best to keep you and your voice as calm as possible. You fucking hated seeing JJ like this, you would never say it to his face but fuck it just reminded you of his dad when he got into states like this. Until the last week you had never seen JJ this bad. But could you blame him.
“You just don’t get it do you” JJ was now facing you and by the tone of his voice you had unintentionally struck a nerve that you were actively avoiding. “Why did you even fucking come if you’re just going to tell me how I should cope. Do you even care that JB has gone? He was our best fucking friend. He was my fucking brother my only family! And he’s fucking gone just like his old man. You haven’t even shed a tear y/n. You’re just acting like nothing had happened. Do you even care!” JJ was now on his feet breathing heavily and his jaw so clenched you’re surprised his teeth haven’t broken
“J, please do not yell at me right now” you asked with your voice shaking trying to hold back something that was bubbling at the surface. Was it anger or was it the water works that desperately needed to be let out.
JJ started to walk back up the dock, showing that he was done with this conversation that he could have avoided if he didn’t ask you in the first place to come pick him up. Deep down he knew that you would be the only one to come and get him, he just wasn’t as good at showing his gratefulness due to the alcohol that was numbing him.
“JJ just wait please, please don’t walk away” You stood back up and starting walking after him quick on the backs of his feet. He halted his tracks and turned around to look at you with a pained look in his face, as you got up close you could see his eyes stained red. Either from crying or the linger of weed still in his system.
“What could you possibly want to say y/n. I really thought you would be the last person not to care about this” JJ was now right up in your face and his voice was holding back trying his best not to yell. But that last sentence had taken you back.
“You think I don’t care JJ!” now you starting yelling “of course I give a shit JJ our friends are gone, they are not fucking here. I know it might not seem that I don’t care. But just because I’m not crying my eyes out every hour or drinking myself into a state where I don’t now where the fuck I am or getting high that I spray paint on any wall I see” your breath was now battling to come to the surface because you were talking so fast.
“Just because Im not doing any of those things doesn’t mean I don’t care JJ! People deal with this shit differently and you need to understand that” you breathed out trying to grasp for air again “the thing is JJ I have this annoying gut feeling thats telling me that John B and Sarah are not dead, and its literally preventing me to mourn them. I have convinced myself that they are alive and I can’t fucking mourn non dead people J. I don’t know how to fucking explain it”
“Well why didn’t you just tell us that” he replied after bit letting your whole rant sink into his brain, weaving its way through the alcohol that was clouding it.
“Because JJ! Even saying that out loud I sound fucking crazy, like I’m in a deep pit of denial. The thing is I’m far from denial. Yes I know there is a massive fucking fat chance that they are dead and have been food for the sharks” you exclaimed
“Don’t make it worse y/n” JJ shook his head not very happy with your choice of words
“Okay yeah sorry bad wording. Im sorry” you lowered your head in sorrow wanting to slap yourself in the face for trying to make jokes out of trauma.
“So its not that I don’t care J, trust me I do care. But John B and Sarah are not physically here with us and I cant physically care for them right now. But when we see them can do that”
“Y/n -“ JJ tried to get a word in but you hadn’t finished
“Don’t JJ. We will see them again” you put an emphasis on ‘will’ “I trust my gut and even you know that when I get a gut feeling that it’s always been right. Correct?”
“Yes but -“ he tried to get another word in but you needed him to listen.
“JJ I care about you. I care about Kiara and Pope. You guys are physically here for me to care for. The thing is I haven’t spoken to Kie since she’s with Pope half the time and I have spoken to Pope since he’s with Kid half the time and you? I can’t speak to you because your too far gone in beers to for me to even get a coherent conversation in” This was such an over due conversation to be had, you were now on the verge of hyperventilating. You needed JJ to hear this. Fully sober would have been better but half sober is the best you’re gonna get.
“JJ I understand if that’s how you’re going to deal with all of this but you can’t throw yourself completely away. We need you. I need you JJ. I can’t have you going off the deep end and then we loose you too. You need to be here for when we get John B back. He will need you for when he’s back”. The water works that you had been holding back had finally been released and trust it to be in front of JJ. He was your fucking rock, you couldn’t loose him. No way that would be your last day on earth if that were to happen.
“I-. Im sorry. I’m just so fucking lost y/n. I don’t know what the fuck to do. You’re always at work and Kie and Pope are god knows where. I just want this to go away so fucking bad. All this pain, I feel like I have no one” JJ was now crying to and gripping your waist as is you could float away into the air
“I know JJ, but you have us you have always had us. But you have to be so stubborn sometimes that you won’t let us in and help, you won’t let me in a help you” you had JJ’s face in your hands making him look at you so he knew you meant every single word. “I’m so sorry if you didn’t think I cared and I wasn’t there to help you, I just deal with this shit in a different way. Just like every single other person. We all heal differently and that’s okay. It dosent mean we care less. It doesn’t mean I care less”
Now there you and JJ stand on the dock leading off the chateau both in each others embrace purging the pain that’s both been locked up inside you for so long. The past you and JJ had people really didn’t tend to understand but neither did you. But you would always find your way back to each other at the end of the day. Despite the fights you had in the past and the days you would be at each others throats screaming at each other to the days you would be secretly stealing a glance at him because you just couldn’t help yourself.
You would always be there to help him take the pain away and he was always be there to do the same for you.
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katsukiibby · 3 years
Argument after Argument
warnings - angst with happy ending, unprotected sex, breeding, shower sex, established relationship
another stupid argument, over what ? forgetting to pick up grocery. if it weren’t for the highschool reunion the two of you were attending tonight, you’d be at home sleeping at a distance from each other in your shared king sized bed.
at first, tsukishima didn’t even want to be in the same room as you. it took a lot of convincing but he eventually agreed just to shut you up.
he looked nice, really really nice. you couldn’t help but think he did this on purpose. he would usually never dress this nice for a silly gathering. then again, you gave him the same treatment. you dressed your absolute best, not even caring if you where over dressed.
you were expecting more of an reaction. he barley glanced at you and gave you a simple ‘you look nice’. when he saw the way you scoffed and huffed out your nose when you saw him, he was satisfied. all he wanted was an reaction.
“are you ready yet ?” he rushed you. you simply rolled your eyes and walked out the door.
you hated when it got like this. both of you had too much pride to admit that the other is right or to apologize.
you waited for him to open the car door like he always does. he doesn’t seem like the type but after 4 years together, you’ve realized he does small romantic acts instead of verbal romance. the little things he did made you so happy, it put a soft smile on your face thinking about it.
that was all washed away when he walked up to the car and got into the driver’s seat, leaving you standing outside of the car. “are you getting in or what ?” he spat. his tone was so harsh.
the drive was silent. thick tension sat in the air. you were turned towards the window and he was focused on the road. you thanked god when you pulled up to the school. you’re hoping you can loosen up tonight.
you both walked in and were instantly met by old friends. from what you heard, your old bestfriend, shoyo hinata became a volleyball player for a pro team. you were extremely devastated that you didn’t keep in touch but nows the chance to reconnect.
just as you were serving yourself a drink you hear a familiar voice. “hi ______ !”
it’s was tadashi. you never really talked to him at school, in fact you recall properly meeting him a bit after you and tsukishima got together back in college. “hey tadashi, it’s good to see you !” you brought him into a hug. “u-uh you too !” he replied with a small blush on his face. “kei should be around here somewhere.” you told him. he nodded and walked off, telling you to enjoy yourself and blah blah blah.
about 4 cups of rum punch later, you were having the time of your life. shoyo showed up an hour ago so the two of you were catching up. (well it was mostly you rambling about your day to day life while you were pretty drunk.)
you hadn’t seen tsukishima this whole time, and honestly you didn’t mind, you needed a break from him. the gathering was coming to an end and you were far from sober. you knew how to handle yourself, so it wasn’t like you were embarrassing yourself or anything, but you definitely needed help from shoyo with walking.
“let’s go find tsukishima and get you home.” he said as he put your arm around his shoulder to help you balance. “just use my phone and call him.” you slurred out.
he got your phone and attempted to open it with your old password from your first year of high school. a small smile appeared on his face when it worked.
he went to contacts and searched for tsukishima. he called him and handed you the phone.
“______ where are you ? it’s time to go.”
“hey kei, im outside the cafeteria.”
“ok im coming.” he scoffed
“thank yo-” he hung up before you could finish. you started frowning and shoyo noticed.
“everything will be fine ______” he said rubbing your back. you didn’t want to cry. you didn’t want to waste your tears on a petty disagreement. you got up and hugged shoyo, thanking him.
right on cue, tsukishima pulled up just in time to see you hugging hinata. he honked and told you to get in the car. you said your goodbyes to shoyo and got in the car. once again, awkward silence.
“so did you have a good time ?” you tried to break the tension. “it was fine. and you ? seems like you had your fair share of fun” he responded in a judging tone.
“yeah i did. it was nice to reconnect.” you said, trying to not have a snarky response. “seems like you did more than reconnect.” he said lowly. you looked at him confused “what do you mean by that.”
“well you were practically throwing yourself at hinata.” he said with a scoff.
your eyes widened in disbelief. did he just accuse you of ‘throwing yourself’ at your best friend.
“how was i “throwing myself at him” ?! we were literally just talking the whole time !”
“i saw how you were touching him, hugging him, laughing at everything he said. surely he wasn’t that funny.” he chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road.
“are you that fucking insecure ? god, i wasn’t touching him in any way and i was hugging him because he felt bad for me. the way you were talking to me was so fucking harsh.” your voice began to shake, not from sadness but anger.
“all i said was that i was coming to pick you up. how’s that harsh ?” he raised his voice.
“you hung up before i could even get two fucking words out.” you yelled.
“it’s not that big of a deal.” he rolled his eyes
“yeah but this isn’t the first time you’ve done this.”
“you’re always so mad for no reason.” he responded
you didn’t say anything after that. you both just sat in silence until you arrived home.
after arriving home, you both went up to your room. it was completely silent and the air was full of anger and tension.
you got in the shower, you had to cool off. argument after argument. you were afraid for what was next. tears started to well up in your eyes and next thing you knew they were falling.
he could here your soft sobs over the shower water falling. he didn’t mean to react that way. he was just so angry. he was angry at himself for letting this get so big. he was angry because you could leave him at any moment.
it startled you when he walked into the bathroom. “are you ok ?” he asked softly. it was silent for only a second until you replied with mhm.
“i-i’m sorry.” he said lowly. that was something he very rarely says so you were pretty speechless.
it took a few seconds for you to respond “i’m sorry too.” with a small voice.
“i just don’t want to lose you.” he continued with a shaky voice. “you’re not gonna lose me kei, we just need to.. work things out.” you replied. you heard a soft ok before the door opened.
“wait..” you said loud enough for him to hear. “can you come in here.. with me ?” you asked nervously.
“are you sure ?” he confirmed carefully. an ‘mhm’ can be heard over the noise from the shower.
he slowly undressed, already somewhat turned on from your request. you two haven’t been intimate in weeks due to the arguing. a few kisses here and there but nothing more. just being able to see your body again was making him excited.
he peeled the shower curtains back an stepped in, already admiring your body. you on the other hand took no time to begin to pull him to your height to kiss him. passionate and hungry for more. he tasted so sweet. his lips felt so soft, and his tongue was so warm as he slowly slipped it in your mouth.
he walked forward until your back hit the wall. he was holding your cheek so softly, kissing you so softly, as if. he was afraid he’d break you. he never wants to hurt you the way he did tonight. he wants to be more careful with what he says and does.
he began to trail kisses down your neck. he was teasing you. he knew the exact spot you loved oh-so much, but he’s going anywhere but there.
as soon as he made contact with the skin in between your ear and collarbone, you whimpered. oh god, he missed the way you’d whimper for him. he missed how your body aches for him in the most obvious ways.
you trace your hand down his chest, to his stomach, to his dick and you began to jerk him off. oh how he loved when you’d jerk him off. when you two first got together he refused to jerk himself off because “you do it better”.
he groaned against your neck. you loved that sound. the sound of him struggling to catch his breath, all because of you.
“sh-shit i’m about to cum.” he said slack jawed. “go ahead.” you breathed out.
after a few more pumps, he moaned out loud, releasing his cum for you and only you.
he caught his breath for a second and began to kiss you briefly before turning you around so that the front of your body is pressed against the wall.
he aligned his cock to your pussy, that was already dripping wet. he slowly entered, causing you to let out a dragged moan. he went painfully slow “please kei, f-faster” you whined.
he obeyed as he picked up the pace. his mouth was to your ear, so just hearing his moans were pushing you over.
he slid in and out quickly, causing you to struggle to stand. he took notice and held you up by wrapping his arm around your waist.
a line of swears were heard along with water hitting the two of you and skin slapping.
“i love you, kei. i love you. i love you.” you repeated as you felt yourself reaching your high. that absolutely pushed tsukishima over. he moaned loudly in you ear as his pace slowed down.
he milked his cock in you, and you took all of it happily. “i love you too, _____” he replied out of breath.
“let’s finish the shower.” you said with a weary smile.
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The Zone
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Mentions of violence, bruising, allusions to corrupt government, drug use, underage drinking, knives, mentions of neo-nazis, bad eating and sleeping habits, a mention of sex, mentions of death and the dead. 
Word Count: 3.7k
Songs: Changes- Charles Bradley, 4 Morant- Doja Cat, Prey-  The Neighborhood, Stay Together- Noah Cyrus, Without me- Eminem, Colors- Halsey, Where’s My Juul??-Full Tac, Pork Soda-Glass Animals, Everyday- A$AP Rocky, Facts- Kanye West,  Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?, Immortal- J.Cole, High Enough- K,Flay, Drugs- UPSAHL.
A/N: This is pretty short but it’s also the fasest I’ve released a chapter after the other was released.
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I smashed the keypad multiple times with the handle of a knife before the metal finally fell. I pulled all the wires out before hearing the words ‘System Malfunction’. 
If I hadn’t disarmed the alarm system already. I’d probably be worried right about now. I manually slid open the cell door. 
That’s when she glanced up at me.
“Took you look enough,” She smirked. 
“I could’ve gotten you out sooner if you didn’t get your ass locked up in solitary,” I tossed her the Black Cat suit. 
“You know I still don’t know your name or what you look like,” She stated pulling the suit up “and I don’t think that's fair seeing as you know those things about me,” She cooed. 
I pulled my mask over my face “It’s Y/N. Happy now?” 
“Wow I always knew your voice sounded attractive, matches the face,” 
“Okay, we can kiss my ass later but now we have about 2 minutes to get out before the guards come and get us,” 
Leaving the building the same way I came in through the vent. You’d think they’d have better security. I was thankful they didn’t when we finally reached the car. 
“Who’s car is this?” Felicia asked hopping in the passenger seat. 
“Dunno,” I said, putting the car in the drive. 
“Hold on tight,” I warned before ramming into the fence at full speed successfully knocking it down. 
I was definitely not holding my breath that whole time. And I definitely was not doubting myself. Okay maybe I was, a little.
“I’m surprised that actually worked, none of this was planned at all,” I laughed in relief.
She laughed along with me 
“Plans are for the ‘good guys’, if you’re smart enough you don’t need plans,” 
“If that’s not the truth,” I replied turning onto a deserted road “You owe me again, I’m not counting, but I believe the score’s 3:1,” 
She was right, you never need a plan. Second moral to the story is that even “villains” never work alone. I know I always talk that “every man for themselves” mess but everyone needs a support team. And for people who supposedly have no morals they haven’t betrayed me yet. 
There are the bad guys and then there are the bad guys. The heroes didn’t seem to care which you were, they just wanted you locked up or dead and to get all the glory for it. I think it’s time one of us gets the glory.
“Ow!” I exclaimed, pulling myself out of my thoughts. 
“Sorry,” Olivia muttered, “You need to be still,” She said, dabbing a cloth on my leg. 
“Well it’s hard to be still when your leg is burning,” 
I was expecting some jab or joke like normal but it was silent. She looked up at me and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. 
“Y/N…” Her eyes drifted over my bruised and cut up body, her voice breaking. 
“You don’t have to worry about me, I promise I’m fine,” 
“How am I supposed to believe that when you won’t tell me anything?”
“I don’t tell you anything cause then you’d worry,” 
“Well I’m already worried!” 
The next day of school was very ordinary. Well as ordinary as it got when you were a kid who was wanted in multiple cities. My body wasn’t as sore as it was the day before, the bruises were clearing up, but honestly these new weapons were no joke. I’d seen them burn straight through buildings and a ferry now. Anyways like I was saying before today was ordinary, nothing exciting unfortunately. 
Rich kids in Queens take homecoming a little too seriously. For the most part, I’m not complaining penthouse parties were fun. Rich white kids love their molly. 
Harry Osborn was one of those rich kids. If we’re being honest I feel like he does coke on occasion. I don’t think he actually liked homecoming all that much seeing as he’s pretty new to our school. I just think he likes being able to brag about his parties and get wasted at parties. 
One of those parties would be the one I was getting ready for right now. 
Olivia walked into the bathroom and stood in the doorway. This bathroom was very modern as well as the whole house. Like an art gallery.
“Hey kitten,” I said since she wasn’t going to say anything. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” I asked.
“You know how I feel about Harry’s parties,” 
That I did, her dad and Harry’s dad seemed to have some sort of beef. That I didn’t care enough to get into. But Olivia's family took it pretty seriously. I guess I could say Felicia and Olivia’s family. It’s still weird to see them as siblings. It’s not surprising, just weird. Just a weird family of kleptomaniacs. 
This isn’t something I say often but I looked really hot. Like really fucking hot. I had even winged eyeliner. A nice black tube top. A pastel pink tennis skirt. I had black thong type thing on, you could see the thin straps resting on my waist from above the skirt. It wasn’t like I was trying to get fucked or anything because I was not planning on being the slightest bit of sober. 
I also had thigh high socks on but only because they could conceal a knife and I’d been on high alert lately. Just because I wasn’t going to be sober didn’t mean I couldn’t protect myself. It's a sort of muscle memory when it comes to knives, at least with me 
If I wore this anywhere near the kids at my old school they’d probably call me a wannabe white girl, but those kids aren’t there and they have no part of my life anymore. 
I just wanted to get so fucked up that I couldn’t think at all. 
I couldn’t help but think. That’s all I could do lately. My brain wouldn’t slow down to let me breathe for even one second. I just wanted to breathe and go to bed. I still can’t sleep. At least now I have a valid reason. I don’t like talking about it because it’s not a big deal or anything, but today is the anniversary of-. It’s the day Rose died. No use sugarcoating it. It passes every year, no use being in my feels about it. Couldn’t help it though, every year I’d get sad about it for about 5 minutes until I did so many drugs that I couldn’t blink. 
As soon I stepped into the house. I was hit with the buzz I hadn’t felt in a while. I missed it too. It wasn’t like Liz’s “party” her thing could’ve been fun but the whole headache, Vulture thing and lack of drugs made it suck. 
Anyways who cares about that. I’d been at this school long enough to know who had molly. I’d either have to flirt with them or pay which I was down for either. 
See I knew the chewlery gem rod I had attached to a necklace would come in handy one of these days. Now I wouldn’t bite my mouth. 
Only problem is I could still think.  Which wasn’t good. There was some sort of jungle juice on the table but I just went straight for a bottle of beer sitting on the counter, because I was shaking too much to pour anything. 
Beer has to be the nastiest form of alcohol out there. It looks like pee, tastes like pee, it’s like they didn’t bother trying to mask the taste of yeast in it. 
My body was vibrating in a good way as I started talking to people. By the time I’d made small talk with the third person around me. I’d finished the beer and I went back to the kitchen to fill a cup with some form of alcohol and soda I wasn’t picky. Harry must’ve had the same idea. 
“Hey,” He said. 
“Hey, where’s your groupie,” I said referring to the blonde that’d I seen around him earlier. 
“You mean Gwen?” He said, bringing a solo cup to his lips. 
“Probably,” I moved over grabbing the orange soda next to me. 
“Why’re you wondering, jealous?” He asked being his signature flirtatious self. There was this one time that we… you know. But we were both drunk so it doesn’t count. 
“You wish I was jealous,” I rolled my eyes “We both know you're the one obsessed with me,” I laughed. 
“Yep, dream about you every night,” He joked back. 
I took a sip from my drink squinting as it slightly burned my throat. 
“I’m sure you do,” I headed out of the kitchen. 
I could feel my brain slowing down as I started to calm. That was until Facts by Kanye came on. Then suddenly it felt like my blood was boiling in my veins and I couldn’t breathe and not in the good way. I made my way to the nearest bathroom and hoped no one was making out in there. 
I opened the door and the coast was clear. 
I splashed water on my face. When I looked in the mirror my pupils were dilated and my face was flush. Normally my skin tone masked the effects of blushing but not this time.
 I wasn’t drunk. Maybe I was but I wasn’t enough. I was still laying on the bathroom floor because it was cold and felt good in contrast against my hot skin. I was going through my phone and landed on Peter’s number. I texted him because I was bored and I can text whoever I want. 
you: helo 
About thirty seconds later he responded, guess he was already on his phone. 
P 😜🤚: Hey 
you: do yuo like pengwings
He read the messages and responded rather quickly 
P 😜🤚: ? 
You okay? 
you: yesh im fine d you like penfuins 
P 😜🤚: Are you drunk 
you: no im nt drunk i m jst hPpy 
P 😜🤚: yeah sure, where are you. 
Before I could think, I clicked the option to send location. Even if I did think it wouldn’t have done much help. None of my thoughts were coherent. I was actually happy, like really really happy. 
I was still laying on the ground when I felt the floor vibrate with the knock at the door. 
“Who is it?” I asked. 
“Peter,” The voice called out
“Come in!” I said in a sing-songy voice. 
He opened the door slowly and looked around before looking down at me. 
“Hey, what are you doing on the floor,” 
I shrugged after slowly pushing off the floor so I wouldn’t lose balance.
“How’d you get here?” Since I know he couldn’t drive. 
“I got an Uber,” 
“That’s adorable,” 
“What’s adorable,” 
“You, you spent money on a ride just to come see me,” I pointed out, voice cracking halfway through the sentence as tears started to well in my eyes. 
 “Wait don’t cry, I’m sorry, did I do something? If I did sorry for whatever it was-” 
“No you didn’t do anything, it’s just me,” I moved a hand off the counter I was holding onto for balance before wiping my face. I don’t cry, at least not willingly and definitely not in front of anyone else.
“Well I was going to…” He fiddled with his hands before continuing “I was going to ask if you needed a ride because I didn’t know if you drove here or not and you’re clearly drunk-“
“I’m not drunk!” I said. “I don’t drink how could I be drunk,” 
“Okay, but like I was saying do you need a ride?” 
I was going to say I didn’t want to leave yet but it’s not like I was doing anything but being pathetic and hanging out in the bathroom. 
“Fine, yeah” 
Peter opened his mouth like he was about to say something but a knock on the door interrupted. I immediately opened the door and grabbed Peter’s wrist running, for no reason except I felt like it. I bumped into a couple doorways 
By the time we’d made it out by the pool Peter was hunched over trying to catch his breath. 
I started running toward the water and I could hear a faint 
“Y/N don't!” As I was running but it was too late seeing as I was already in the water. I laughed as I broke the surface as I floated on my back. 
Peter came over to the edge of the water and squatted down. 
“And nothing hurts anymore I feel kinda free!” I sang splashing around in the pool. 
“We're still the kids we used to be,” 
“Y/N!” Peter yelled, snapping my attention back to him. 
“Hmm?” I asked. 
“You need to get out the pool,” 
“I don’t wanna,” I whined. 
“Yeah I know but don’t you wanna go home?” He asked. 
The last place I’d ever want to go is “home” 
“No, get in the pool,” 
“Y/N,” He said sternly. 
“Get out the pool it’s cold you’re gonna get sick,”
“Fine…” I made my way begrudgingly to the steps of the pool. 
Peter gave me the hoodie he was wearing so I was able to take my skirt and socks off. I put the knife I had in the hoodie pocket. 
The last thing I remember is getting in some car. 
Oh shit 
I woke up in a room that I did not recognize. I swear to God if I got kidnapped again. I sat up quickly and hit my head on something. It was dark but there was a nightlight. Thank God if we’re being honest I’m scared of the dark. Long story I don’t wanna get into it.
I was definitely hungover, headache prominent. It only worsened when I stepped out the room and the light from the TV hit my eyes. I glanced over to Peter laying on the couch. 
Oh yeah I forgot about that. 
“Hey…” I whispered. He shifted a bit “You awake?” 
He sat up and looked at me rubbing his eyes before bombarding me with questions. 
“Did you- Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Do you need painkillers? Sorry that I brought you here and didn’t ask. That's really creepy but you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you because you seemed tired. Again sorry it’s just I didn’t really even know where you lived and I was-“
“Oh my God, shut up!” I interrupted. 
He looked stunned, blinking a few times. 
“Sorry,” I held my hand to my forehead in exasperation. “Sorry, it’s just you- you were making my head hurt.” 
“Oh I’m sorry,”
“No, I promise it’s not you, if it’s okay with you can I go back to sleep? I don’t really feel like going home right now,” 
“Yes of course you can!” He sat up and pushed the blanket off of him before standing. “Wait I’ll be right back,” He said. I nodded before hesitantly sitting down on the couch. 
He came back rather quickly with a glass of water and some painkillers. I mumbled a quick thank you before taking them. 
I yawned, surprised that I was able to actually feel tired. Normally it took at least a few hours before I could sleep if I even got the chance. 
“You can take the bed,” Peter informed. 
“I just wanna stay right here,” I said lazily. 
He tried to scoot over but I already had my arms wrapped around him so I squeezed him tighter. I looked up and his face was tinted red, smiling before I drifted off. 
I felt light hit my face and I heard the squeak of a door. I sat up and slowly unwrapped my arms from around Peter. Walking over towards May. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know if it was okay for me to stay here I should’ve called and asked,”
“No, no it’s perfectly fine,” 
“He talks about you all the time you know,”
I smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Thanks for not killing me for being in your house,” I joked. “But I should probably get home anyway,” 
I didn’t go home. Mostly because I don’t have an actual home. I didn’t go to any of the almost 13 places I’ve stayed at, at some point either. I went to some shitty hotel. I had enough money to stay for about a week. Which was great I could stay for all of homecoming week then I’d have to find somewhere else to stay before I got more money at least. 
The last step for this day was go to Olivia’s house and get my stuff back. I made my way into the house through the back door, and sure enough she was sitting on the couch like parents in movies when they catch you sneaking out.
She eyed the bag in my hand.
“So you’re leaving?”
“I-“ I didn’t get the chance to speak.
“And you weren’t going to tell me, oh okay,” 
“Where are you gonna stay?”
“I’m going back to my grandma's house,” 
“Yeah, again I’m sorry that I tried to leave without telling you I just-“
“Didn’t want to be interrogated?” 
”It’s okay, I get it, come give me a hug,”
I moved giving her a hug and she mumbled 
“You smell like booze,” 
As soon as I got back to the hotel I turned on the movie Frozen. Which I knew was a bad idea because the movie always made me cry. 
I ended up crying myself to sleep and by the time I woke up I was late for school. I slept for 18 hours straight.  
If I was going to be late might as well have had a reason. So, I got smoothies. 
“I love smoothies a lot, but banana is so so strong. Which like makes it pointless to put anything else in it. People should stop saying strawberry and banana smoothie because in reality it’s a BANANA and strawberry smoothie,” I took another sip of my smoothie.
“Damn bitch, you’re saying a lot and fast what’d they put in that smoothie,” Bri said examining the cup before turning to me again “And can I have some?” I laughed before lighty shoving her shoulder. 
“Noo! Continue talking you were my reference for my excitement portrait,” MJ said flipping her sketchbook towards me “I’ve missed my one and only chance to see you happy,” 
“Now I know you’re not talking, I don’t think anyone has seen you smile ever,”
I slid down the bench of the lunch table 
“Whatcha watching Phineas?” I asked Peter. He quickly swiped out the app. “Was it porn?”
“No! Wha- What?” 
I patted his shoulder “Relax dude, I was just messing with you,” 
That was the last I’d spoken to any of my friends. In all actuality that was the last time I’d spoken to anyone besides the hotel staff. I hadn’t been to school since...what’s today? Wednesday. Well then I hadn’t been to school since 3 days ago. Which also means I haven’t eaten since a week ago? 
Okay I know how bad that sounds but it’s not like I’ve been eating nothing. I just haven’t been hungry lately, I have had snacks though like goldfish and chips. I’ve just been too lazy to cook and don’t have the funds to cook. I’ve also been too lazy to fake a smile or whatever so I just haven’t been going to school. 
However what I have been and haven’t been eating is the issue of concern here. It’s that alien shit from the Avengers a few years ago is so much deeper than anyone could have ever thought. I’d been in research mode for a while now. I call it the zone, anything you say to me will go unheard, I mean business when I’m in the zone. If I want something to happen it will. 
“Okay so, I’ll start with the government flash drive. So the aliens that attacked a while back in 2012 were called Chitauri. So Loki had control of them and was using them as an army. Loki being Thor’s brother and the God of mischief,” I clarified. 
''And Loki was attacking because he wanted to be king but his brother was king instead. I mean I think, I don’t really get that part. So there was this thing called the tesseract and it’s supposedly like super powerful. This branch of government called Shield doesn’t want Loki to have this so they keep, then the invasion ensues. This tesseract however is some space stone and Loki used it to bring in the aliens. It’s some sort of infinity stone whatever that means. Howard Stark found the stone in the ocean, because a Stark is always gonna be the one to fuck the world up when they think they’re helping. Then he and someone else founded Project Pegasus-” 
“What’s project Pegasus?”
“I don’t really know but I know it stands for potential energy group alternate sources,”
“Oh, so it’s Shield that’s over this… Tesseract?”
“Exactly!” I clapped and the papers with all the information I printed from the flash drive rustled underneath me. 
“What are you going on about?” Carmen asked. “Like what’s the bigger picture?” 
“That’s the thing! I don’t know, this is like so covered up and coded that I can’t figure it out with information that I have,” I turned towards her “But I will, and that’s where your help comes in,”
“Y/N, when’s the last time you slept?” She tilted her head like those dogs in Minecraft when you have food. 
“Last night,” I waved her off. 
I looked down at the information I was able to find out about Kingpin since he was mentioned in the video my mom made for me. Apparently she worked for him for a while. So did Felicia but all she’d ever tell me was “He was an ass he did give me a gift I’m grateful for though,”. He had affiliations with everyone. 
From what Black Widow released out unto the world he had connections with a Neo Nazi group called HYDRA which brainwashed people from what’ve heard. 
Before I’d just wanted to take down the Vulture out of pettiness if we’re being honest, but now. Oh now? I knew I’d have to. 
Another paper I’d printed from Kingpin’s affiliations caught my eye. 
“Hey Carmen,”
“Ever been to Vegas?” 
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shyvioletcat · 5 years
More Rowaelin firefighter au prompts: Rowan uses Aelin’s shower for some reason and Aelin overhears him singing in the shower and thinks that he has a lovely voice (and tells him that hehe)
All right my friends... I did not hold back on this. I was cracking myself up.
When Aelin woke up she had a moment of panic when she couldn’t move. Then she realised why. 
Drunk Rowan had cuddled up to her while they slept. With him under her covers all barriers seemed to be removed and he had not only shifted over to her side of the bed but had also tangled his limbs with her held her against his chest.  
Aelin supposed she was not wholly innocent with her arm draped around his bare waist and her head on his chest. Aelin also supposed this didn’t feel too bad and may have laid there longer than she should have, relishing in the comfort of it. 
But Aelin had things to do. So as carefully as she could she extracted herself from Rowan’s embrace, grabbed some clothes and left the bedroom. 
~~~~~ Rowan struggled to open his eyes. He already could feel the headache building behind his eyes. He’d overdone it last night and thank the gods he didn’t have to work today. He stretched out and froze, remembering who’s bed he was in and froze. Opening his eyes he looked around and saw he was alone and resumed his stitching. 
When Rowan rolled over he saw a glass of water and a couple of aspirin on the bedside table, which he quickly downed. He felt like death and he needed a shower desperately. He got out of bed and looked down and saw he was wearing clothes that weren’t his. Confused Rowan just left the bedroom. Aelin was nowhere to be found. 
Rowan considered the walk to his apartment and it just seemed a little too far at the moment. He couldn’t function properly without a shower. So with Aelin out he decided he might just use hers then he’d be a human being again.
~~~~~ As Aelin entered her apartment she could hear the shower going. The space was so small it was hard to miss. She dropped her groceries on the kitchen bench and pulled out her prize find with a wicked grin. 
She was unpacking the rest of breakfast when she heard another sound. It started soft then got louder. 
“I just wanna take my time
We could do this, baby, all night,'Cause I want you bad
Yeah, I want you,”
Aelin stopped what she was doing to listen. Rowan was singing in the shower, and he wasn’t holding back either. 
“Slow, slow hands
Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry
No chance
That I'm leaving here without you on me”
Gods, he was good. The deep baritone of his voice was full and velvety but there was slight huskiness to it. 
“I know
Yeah, I already know that there ain't no stoppin'
Your plans and those
Slow hands
Fingertips puttin' on a show
Got me now and I can't say no
Wanna be with you all alone
Take me home, take me home”
Aelin stopped. Rowan had started to sing with renewed fervour. And his voice combined with the lyrics he was singing and the fact he was naked in her shower right now... Aelin suddenly felt a little too warm as his words conjured up certain images.
“Fingertips puttin' on a show
Can't you tell that I want you, baby, Yeah!Slow hands
Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry
No, no chanceThat I'm leaving here without you on me
I, I know
Yeah, I already know that there ain't no stoppin'
Slow hands”
Rowan stopped singing and then turned the water off. The sudden silence had Aelin moving again, quickly getting breakfast on so it didn’t look like she’d been standing around listening to the naked man in the shower sing about sensually moving hands. 
After his shower Rowan felt like a person who was mostly alive. There was still a slight pounding in his head but it was bearable. Luckily, Aelin kept some spare towels under the basin on a shelf. 
He admired how well Aelin kept her apartment despite the less than desirable lodgings. But she had nice little touches here and there, knick knacks and decorations that made the place homey. Once he dried off he slipped on his borrowed pants and stepped out of the bathroom while drying his hair. 
He heard noises in the kitchen and stopped, pulling the towel from his head. 
“Oh,” Rowan said as he saw Aelin slicing something at the kitchen counter. She was dressed in a tank and leggings, her cheeks slightly flushed, he assumed maybe she’d gone for a run or something. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” Aelin said with a smile that usually meant she was about to say something to provoke him. “Especially if it means I get my own personal concert. You have a very lovely voice.”
Rowan felt his cheek heat. “You heard?”
Aelin just nodded, grinning like a fiend. “I got a you a hangover breakfast if you’re interested.”
Aelin turned and put something in a pan that started sizzling. Bacon. Definitely bacon. Rowan debating the offer for a moment, whether he should stay or not. But then shrugged. Why not?
“Sure. Thanks,” Rowan started walking towards the kitchen. 
“You wanna put a shirt on, hot stuff?” Aelin quipped over her shoulder.  
Rowan’s face kept burn. He went to the bedroom picked up the tshirt he wore last night, it was a bit stale but it would have to do. When he came back out of the bedroom Aelin was still at the stove cracking eggs. Rowan sat on the stool at the bench.  
Aelin slid a spatula under the eggs to stop them from sticking. “It wasn’t that I minded. I was just being considerate of your modesty.”
Rowan huffed a laugh, “Thanks.”
The toaster popped and Aelin places the slices before she turned around to face him, eyes bright. “You’re welcome.”
Rowan stiffened. She was planning something. He knew it. Exactly what, he didn’t know. 
Aelin went about getting the rest of breakfast and Rowan just waited for the axe to fall. But Aelin just got out what they needed for bacon and egg sandwiches. When she was done there was toast, eggs, bacon, cheese, a few relishes and mushrooms set out on the bench. They made their sandwiches, working casually around each other as the got what they wanted from various plates. Aelin even came to sit beside him once she’d made hers. 
“This is great, thanks,” Rowan said after he’d taken a few bites. 
“Breakfast food I can do. My waffles are the best but not as satisfying as bacon and eggs after a night out,” Aelin explained. “Why were wasted last night anyway?”
Rowan finished his mouthful. “We had our fitness test yesterday. We all passed by miles, and I keep my 2 IC position.” 
“That’s great!” Aelin said. “You know I think that calls for dessert.” 
Aelin got up off her stool and went into the fridge and placed two green toffee apples in front of Rowan. He looked at them confused. 
“I used to love green toffee apples how did you -“
Oh. Oh holy rutting gods. 
Aelin was grinning like a cat who had trapped the mouse in her elaborate plan. Rowan’s face felt like it was on fire.  
You look yummy he’d slurred last night in his drunken state. 
Oh gods. 
“Um...” Rowan rubbed at his face.
Aelin hadn’t stopped smiling. 
“Would you know what else Drunk Rowan did?”
Rowan didn’t. He really didn’t. “No thanks,” he mumbled. 
Aelin unwrapped her toffee apple and licked it. “Mmm, yummy.”
Rowan put his head in his hands and Aelin cackled. Then she patted him on the head. 
“Alright. Alright. I’m done. Go home Sober Rowan. I’ll see you tonight.”
Slow Hands by Niall Horan was the song Rowan was singing.
Tags:  @tangledraysofsunshine // @nalgenewhore // @highqueenofelfhame // @galyxsy // @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @http-itsrebecca // @highladyofthesith // @aelinfire-bringer // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @sleep-and-books // @3am-reading // @average-girl-at-best // @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius // @rowaelinforeverworld // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @tswaney17 // @mydarlingfireheart // @rowansfirebringer // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @vanilla28 // @fireheart-of-your-dreams // @enquires-state-building // @im-not-rare-im-rarr // @your-high-lady // @mariamuses // @ttakeitbacknoww // @queenofxhearts // @vi0let-femmes // @kindofawalkingpoem // @sleeping-and-books // @armixers-unite // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @ladyofstoriesandmusic // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @empire-of-wildfire // @brittneym15 // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @mybbyfeyre //
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cowboyshit · 4 years
@adampage tumblr did a dumbass thing and messed up the read-more to where I couldn’t put it under one so I had to delete your ask and I’m making a separate post for this disaster of a ramble hoooo boy i hope you’re ready for what you’ve unleashed
adampage  asked: ma’am I know you’re high off your rocker but if you have time would you please critique hangman’s playlist for me bc I want to know your thoughts 🥰 anyway yeehaw
OH MY GOD yes???? yes I fucking WILL?????? let’s just pump the breaks on what i was doing right the fuck now, get his playlist in front of me (even though ive been listening to it nonstop and have so many things to ALREADY SAY) and talk about this shit. im sorry if this isn’t coherent im pry just gonna ramble. (edit to add now that I’m done: ITS FREAKING 3252 WORDS LONG LMAO OH MY GOD)
first and foremost. I Love It. let’s just slap that down. get that out of the way. ITS SO GOOD. SO FUCKING GOOD. also this is going under a readmore cause YEAH. it’s THAT LONG.
let’s start first with mr. adam ‘i taught graphic design when i was 20 and learned adobe illustrator and photoshop to design my own tshirts when i was an indie wrestler’ page’s cover image. wait. no. back up - look at the profile image he chose for his profile. it’s not a selfie. it’s not a picture he snapped with his camera. it’s a screenshot of the “has been drinking” moment on aew dynamite. what a lovable FOOL. he really saved that and put that as his profile pic im skjdfkjfd okay now swing back to the anxious millenial design with the signed hangman adam page for the cover. he designed that. I swear he did. I swear he did that. I could be wrong but I just feel it in my bones. that was him. also, THAT should have been the vintage shirt. cowboy shit is cute but ANXIOUS MILLENNIAL COWBOY? I NEED THAT AS THE SHIRT!
okay now let’s get into the songs. wait. before i go through it I do want to say something about the playlist overall.
I can’t decide if this is because he shares so many similarities to the character hangman adam page, but so many of these songs apply to his character like, this fucking playlist plays like a hangman adam page THE CHARACTER playlist. like this is the playlist i’d find on 8tracks back when that was the “thing” in fandom where every song makes me go “OMG THAT IS THAT CHARACTER” like. I don’t know if he did that purposefully as an extension of the character? or if it just happens to line up because of how similar he is and his story is to his character but SOME of these songs wooooo boy they get deep dont they? when you compare them to the character?
okay. songs.
so I know some of these, especially the classics, summertime of course, but for the ones I didn’t know I love them so much. they have such a vibe that just fits him, and they’re all so good???
rather low by nick shoulders is one I didn’t know and I fucking LOVE it. and look. it goes from Long Time Gone by the Dixie Chicks. Long Time Gone about being away from the country life, from home and if my THEORY is right about this playlist hitting the character, hangman is struggling with being lost, without a family. it goes from that to rather low, which talks about not being welcome at home. like “I told you once I told you twice, I’m steeped in verse and cursed in vice” ajdskjds GOOD lyrics. beat slaps. song slaps. I love it.
okay so we go roll on mississippi which is soft compared to the two upbeat songs that just hit us before. calms you down after that high energy beat rather low had. lets you breathe. AND it’s got a sad, soft, longing pull to it, falling in with more of those “lost” from home themes. “You're the childhood dream that I grew up on. Roll on Mississippi, carry me home. Now I can see I've been away too long.” UGH! and also, it’s just a good fucking song.
then we go to a song i haven’t heard and love, going places by aubrie sellers. it’s a little bit funkier, but still soft. also groovy as FUCK. and it obv talks about GOING places. so maybe the first three songs were about the home he’s left behind, but now it’s about where he’s going. and man this song just SLAPS.
A CLASSIC is next, 1970 something illegal smile by john prine. it has that classic soft croon, such a good country sound and it’s a little bit playful. it makes you wanna smile and sway back and forth. it’s a good song. fun. but it’s almost a little bit. dark? “ Won't you please tell the man I didn't kill anyone. No, I'm just tryin' to have me some fun. Well, I sat down in my closet with all my overalls, tryin' to get away from all the ears inside my walls. I dreamed the police heard everything I thought, what then?” it just makes me think of when his character “killed” joey ryan. I could be looking too far into it but, that’s what popped into my head.
OKAY NOW this next one. fuck yeah I DIG this song. I hadn’t heard this song and it quickly went into my liked songs. and if we’re following his character, the lyrics hit HARD. “ I've lost the will to try this worthless lullaby. Its melody won't fly me past oblivion. I bet it would be nice to find that paradise, a world of sparkling light beyond the setting sun. But I don't dream anymore” ugh !!!!!!! UGGGHH!! SO GOOD?? and even the slight upbeat to it. “would if I could but I don’t dream anymore” uuuuggghhh SO GOOD. love this song. one of my faves of the whole list for sure.
the next two back-to-back are CLASSICS and fit the hangman adam page character so damn perfect. i’ve even looked at lyrics from merle haggard’s i don’t want to sober up to night for adam in the past akjfdkjdsf it’s fucking perfect. and then followed by dwight yoakam’s honky tonk man?! amazing. we go from from fucking heart-wrenching lyrics if you think about them for him: “ I don't want to sober up tonight. I don't want to act like things are alright, and I don't want to change just to make you think I'm happy. That's my right, I don't want to sober up tonight. I want to keep my mind a little hazy. I don't care if all my friends think I'm crazy. The way I treat myself I might be a little crazy But that's alright, I don't want to sober up tonight. I'm here to drown another day of misery. I'm in here to spend one night without a mem'ry and the way I'm drinking now there won't be any memory. But it's alright, I don't want to sober up tonight” to HONKY TONK MAN. HONKY. TONK. MAN. “ Well I'm a honky tonk man and I can't seem to stop. I love to give the girls a whirl to the music of an old jukebox, but when my money's all gone, I'm on the telephone singing, hey hey mama can your daddy come home?” ajhsdjksdjkf like. look. partying hangman, drunk, swinging a girl around in the country bar???? cause he refused to sober up and just wanted to have fun? anyways regardless if there’s a connection or if im reaching, these are some good classics to pull out right here. honky tonk man will ALWAYS bring the party back up.
another song I didn’t know but now love? happy reunion by colter wall? this is a good freaking cowboy song??? and it’s a cute story???? about what a cowboy does during his day??? what the fuck? riding along the range with his dog, helping the cow, getting the calf back that’d gotten lost???? CUTE? anyways this is a vibin as HELL song and if it’d come out when I was still raising cows my ass woulda been blasting this shit as I drove to feed the herd for SURE. this song is a whole ass vibe and I’m digging it.
okay. walk through fire by yola? another i didn’t know (which - so far it seems all the songs that arent classics - spare dixie chicks - are from 2019) and I am obsessed with???? it’s so good? and fuck just such a good love song??? “Standing on the side of the river. Staring across the great divide. I'd give all my gold and silver just to get to the other side. Your love is like a rescue vessel, carries me through the night through these flames of destruction. I know you're gonna make it right. I know, I know you're gonna save my life.“ LIKE? HENLO????????? FUCK!!!! THATS SO GOOD. that whole song I could post all the lyrics tbh. and the way she CROONS it ugh. yeah. I love that song.
FUCKIN YES. DOLLY FUCKIN PARTON. youre not gonna make a country playlist and not include a dolly parton song boy i KNOW IT. and the song choice??? hm? remind you of a CERTAIN COWBOYS STRUGGLE WITH NOT HAVING A HOME???? “What difference does it make which way I go, got an empty feelin' down inside. Still I need to stay alive and who can tell what waits beyond this road. I'm a drifter” ajdfshjsd god I love dolly. and of COURSE he does too. i’m so pleased by this choice I can’t stop smiling. ugh. love this. love dolly.
sandpaper oneside, rubber other by the bobby tenderloin universe what do you know? another 2019 song I didn’t know and yet absolutely LOVE. I also am loving how he does a mix of classics with newer (but still almost classic-country sounding, maybe like. classic meets modern) country music in this playlist. AND WHAT A SONG. it’s so good? and again, just makes me think of the character. “there are two minds inside me. that’s one life too many. but i keep moving slow on both sides, strong as I can be.” tell me that doesnt make you think of hangman adam page. and it has such a... sad vibe. “i cant believe the things i am. as much a lion as a lamb” !!!!!!!!!!! ugh such a GOOD LINE. THAT SLAPS. LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh this song. especially the back vocals of the woman that comes in later on? it’s like. ethereal. beautiful. fucking beautiful and almost haunting. paired with the sad lyrics? UGH. gorgeous.
long white line by sturgill simpson i do know and LOVE and it’s got a fun, uplifting cowboy beat following the more slow, sad croon of the last song. it’s SO COUNTRY. the way it’s sung? SO COUNTRY. and also ajdfskjsd adam. “I woke up my baby was gone without her I don't need no home” and “Gonna' push this rig 'til I push that girl out of my mind. If somebody wants to know what's become of this so and so tell em' I'm somewhere looking for the end of that long white line” kjdjkfdkjf this is just such a country song, and it fits SO well, especially after that previous pick.
now we go from two new songs to another classic. another (i think) 1970s country hit. lonesome, on’ry and mean is SUCH a classic country song. it has that good old sound, and the story it tells too. and just, I can’t stop thinking about hangman just “ Been driving these highways, been doing things my way. It's been making me lonesome on'ry and mean.” ajdskjflkf it’s fair to say that character IS lonesome, on’ry and mean right now. anyways, fun country song regardless and I DIG the addition.
okay back to a newer song and holy shit. this is my personal favorite of the new songs he introduced me to. this song I LOVE this song. fuuun FUN beat, makes me want to fucking GROOVE. I love love love this, and I love the way the singer sings? it just makes me wanna UGH. just wanna sway to it. the whine in the croon I just love. and the BEAT. the beat is so fucking good. and the lyrics? “I'm that wholesome Midwestern boy that you want to bring home to your mama. Even though I bring you joy, baby I'm not the toy you wanna play with at night. Too many things I've seen. Too many people and places I've been. I'm thinking about doing those things I shouldn't be doing. Something I've never done before. I want something to fuck me up. Need somebody to fuck me up. Everyone feels like it. Fuck me up, fuck me up, fuck me up” ajdsjkds I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH “Well I might go and get drunk and stoned 'cause it's better than being only crazy. If I ever come back, wherever I end up at is where I was supposed to be.” it’s so perfect for his character it drives me crazy. this is a song I’d listen to and first, groove to, and then be like THIS SONG IS HANGMAN. love this song. absolutely a favorite.
the next song though. the next song. fucking hangman adam page and his love of biscuits. southern biscuits by seasick steve oh. my. god. this BOY. THIS COUNTRY BOY. THIS BISCUIT LOVIN COUNTRY BOY. this is such a damn good addition. not only is it so fucking country, almost. spoken/sung? the soft hum with the fucking banjo??? and of COURSE of course he knows and loves this song I can’t with him. and it hits you with the: “ Southern biscuits, nothin' better in the world 'less they're made for you, by your southern girl.” and I go UWU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
two new songs so guess what? classic time. BALANCE. HE’S KEEPING BALANCE. I swear he’s done this purposefully and I could be crazy I could be giving him more credit than is due but I swear he’s picked the arrangement of songs too. because this is too coincidental. so, we’ve got our classic livin on the run by david allan coe. what a DARK song to go with. about a man who murders a woman and lives on the run (again, can’t help but think of the joey ryan murder thing, but hey. that’s just me grasping for straws) regardless if it ties or not, it’s a good classic and it’s fun to croon to even if its uh. dark but sung like. upbeat? almost???
okay, another classic and, to me, one of the sexiest songs on this playlist. I fucking love this song. it’s sexy with an underlying of dark. she literally seduces and knocks the guy out and robs him blind and he’s STILL craving her summer wine like. this song is SO GOOD. so fucking good. the way the music swells with the storytelling is beautiful. “Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring, my summer wine is really made from all these things. Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time, and I will give to you summer wine” is just so ajkdfskjdfs ugh i love this song
and guess what? two classics so we’re swinging to a newer song. left turn on a red light by blackfoot. oof. I didn’t know this song and it hit me, it’s so good and I know im saying that about all of them but Honestly. “ Sun shines down on the desert, and it seems to make my life a haze, and I dream of my childhood sweetheart,and the freedom that I had in those days.” UGH. “ Will I always be a rambler? Will the ones I love always keep tellin' me, "You stare too long in the mirror, son, someday you'll be too blind to see.” HELLO???? those lyrics? SO GOOD. and again applying them to hangman just makes me FERAL SCREAM.
cowboys and hippies by cody jinks is such a hangman song it’s almost unreal. if I was going to REALLY reach I’d say it almost reminds me of the way the crowd pulls him back. “At some old honkytonk bar that I know by the smell, some old drunk on a barstool on a Merle Haggard tune. That's my kind of room. Raising hell with the hippies and the cowboys. They don't care about no trends, they don't care about songs that sell. Yeah, tomorrow I'll be gone, so tonight everybody just sing along, raising hell with the hippies and the cowboys” GOOD LYRICS. this has the same sad undertones too as a lot of these songs have too.
ugh. I love him sincerely for this next one. blue skies is one of my favorite songs, but blue skies by willie nelson? YES. my grandpa used to play willie nelson ALL THE TIME and I love this version. an uplifting song to follow the heavier songs. I’d like to think of a hangman who has the blue skies from now on. all of his blue days gone. this song is such a classic (cover) that just. good pick. I love this.
alright, so we’ve got a classic but he’s chosen the version from bojack horseman which makes me think that might’ve been the first time he heard it, but that’s neither here nor there. stars is a BEAUTIFUL song. and boy am I happy we had blue skies before this cause fuck. how sad? how emotional?????? “People lust for fame like athletes in a game, we break our collarbones and come up swinging, some of us are downed some of us are crowned, and some are lost and never found” fuck. fuck fuck fuck. and the last two lines, thinking about hangman? “So if you don't lose patience with my fumbling around, I'll come up singing for you, even when I'm down.” FUCK. my HEART. good pick but OUCH. good but ow.
summertime by orville peck is next BLESS finally an orville song I was gonna lose it on him if he put a playlist and DIDN’T include an orville song. interesting though he went with summertime, the newest, and not any of the ones off pony. but! it follows stars well. its soft, lull, and the lyrics are so hangman now that I put it in this context. “Catch 'em by surprise and chasin' the horizon, nothing holds me down. Askin', "Where the time's gone?" Dreamin' with the lights on, tryna keep your eyes on something along the rise" anyways I know YOU know this song well it’s so fucking good. has that same soft pull a lot of these songs have. the way that chorus swells though? the secondary vocals??? ugh. yeah this was a great choice, I’m glad he went with summertime. it fits the vibe of this playlist so well.
we’re ending on a song with such a country sound to it (i mean all of these do), a bit more upbeat, a bit more funky. “Some say I'm a wild man, drink too much nectar from the corn” and also “Oh the school, it wasn't for me. I earned my stripes a different way I learned to sing harmony and go play out on the stage” definitely makes me think of hangman for SURE. it’s a funky song to end on, and if you keep listening to the playlist on repeat like I do, it even falls into long time gone really well.
and of course this is assuming you’re meant to listen to them one after the other and not on shuffle. I’m sure it still works on shuffle but I LOVE the flow of this playlist listening to it one after the other.
love this whole playlist. and my identifying it with the character could TOTALLY be reaching, but of course I’m going to think of him and analyze his selection of *these* songs specifically to put out to all of us. out of EVERY song he likes. he didn’t include... hmm cowboy take me away, for example? shoulda been a cowboy??? the vibe of the overall playlist FITS “anxious millenial cowboy” it has an underbelly of sadness to it. and I dig the fuck out of that.
overall 10/10 I love this fucking playlist thank you goodnight
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
discord II text Roman & Aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron and @romanbeckett​
Mentions: @davieslandon​ @malakhai-ozera​ @jayceelynd​ @alison-haynes​
Where: Aaron is at his house and Roman is at his house.
When: evening of May 26th-monrning of May 27th, 11:30p-2:30a
Description: Roman texts Aaron and they talk all night until they both fall asleep
Trigger Warnings: smut, what I would imagine harry’s peen to look like, really cute shit
Khai broke up with me, so. With us.
with Jay and I. And he left.
oh my god...im sorry Ro
Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.
what did he say? Like why...?
He told us that he loved us but needed time to work on himself or whatever.
I don’t know Khai that well but it does seem like he’s got a lot of shit to figure out
how are you doing with it?
and jayc? Should I reach out to her or....does she not know we’re talking
you can talk to her if you want. I think we both just don’t really know how to feel to be honest.
im sorry
i hope he's okay
and i hope you and Jayc are okay too
don’t be lol honestly Aaron, I set myself up for it the second I agreed to close myself off, knowing all of the issues I need to work through as well
contrary to popular belief, I’m far from having it all figured out.
that makes two of us
that was quick tbh
Yeah. I just feel like an idiot.
what no....thats not what i meant
how are you
okay....no please dont feel like an idiot. its his fault not yours
im....okay....getting better than i was last week
miss you though not gonna lie
I miss you, too. A lot.
im sorry
idk why i am i just feel like i need to apologize
you have nothing to be sorry for lol at all
if anything, I’m sorry.
for bringing you into all this drama
and making you eat at a Chinese buffet lol
making me eat at a Chinese buffet is the only thing you have to be sorry for
i inserted myself into this mess as well. and didn't pull out once i realized who you were to landon
does it make me immature if I laugh at you saying you didn’t pull out once?
I might just be high, but now I can’t stop laughing lol
im sober and laughing so
well not sober
i had a few drinks
everyone knows you’re a lightweight Aaron, stop tryin’ to be sly lol
who you callin a lightweight, lightweight?
only when I haven’t eaten anything LIGHTWEIGHT
michelle tanner voice
You miss me. Just a reminder.
you miss me
another reminder
I’m not the one calling you rude lol
you called me out for being a lightweight and i retaliated
forgive me
you’re in denial is what you are :fingerguns2:
but I’ll forgive you.
idk you'd think for how much i drink i'd have a higher tolerance
i need therapy
probably lol I’ll go with you
lol couples counseling?
I actually think it would be quite funny to see what they have to say about US
i need a therapist to tell it like it is
then again i do have ali
that woman calls me out on my shit literally daily
maybe shes just a free therapist
LMAO that’s...amazing. I like her already.
she do be driving me up a wall
shes family
Ah, family. I’ve been trying to get my sister here, but she’s being an ass lol
who wouldn’t want to move to New York
satans demons.
whats keeping her from coming?
she’s not as hellbent on big cities as I am lol
city life has always been for me
arent you from manchester? is that not a big city?
it’s not New York lol
she lives in the country now though.
no city is new york
exactly lol
what are you doing
besides getting high
I’m naked on the couch eating cherry gilato while watching good mythical morning on YouTube
i would very much like to be naked on a couch with you
I painted my nails and did a facial first lol i could do yours as well
ill take the facial
i couldn't pull off the nails though
you’d look so kickass with some black nails
you think?
hell yes. Even a sky blue, like those eyes
i blush
maybe we can try the toe nails first
in case I end up hating them
OH, I’m also trained in Swedish massage, head to toe. If you want a personal spa day
that would just give me a boner
well, it’s a FULL body massage after all.
dont tempt me
Aaron. I just.
is it bad that I don’t want to stay away from you anymore?
that’s a dumb question
I know it’s bad.
its not dumb
I don’t want to stay away from you either
but I promised Landon
I know. So did I.
You’re right, I’m sorry.
he’s my best friend
dont be sorry
im glad you’re being honest with me
I just don’t see Landon being okay with this anytime soon
I know! I know. He’s mine too, and I care about him more than I care to admit. I shouldn’t be like this.
damn this is fucked up
I shouldn’t have said anything
I wish this could be easier
im the one that started with the boner references
Not really. I offered you a massage
okay yes but
I told you I wanted to be naked with you
because I said I was naked
I just don’t want you blaming yourself that’s all
I know, but it is what it is. I made a mess of everything, and now everything I had is ruined lol I deserve it.
I’m sad you think so little of yourself
I don’t. It’s just consequences. I made bad decisions, and now I have to deal with the consequences. That’s all. It’ll all be okay.
I wish I could make you feel better
you already do. I promise.
I just smiled
show me?
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omg bad idea my heart
you’re so fucking jahshsbzjdndjendj
I’m mad at you
for looking like that
Well i can’t stop thinking about u
let me just
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yeah I kept drinking
and as we’ve established I’m a lightweight
okay I showed you a selfie now you should be a selfie
oh yeah? Trying to boss me around again are ya?
do what daddy says
Roman.BOTToday at 2:02 AM
yes daddy.
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brb gotta go jack off
not kidding
you don’t need a better picture than that to do the deed
??? Lolll
I mean....you could send me some
Roman.BOTToday at 2:09 AM
Does this help?
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holy fuck
ugh I wanna fuck you so bad
and put all of you in my mouth
I want it too. I shouldn’t, but I do. I want you to fuck me with my hands tied behind my back, and you pulling on my collar from behind.
fuck don’t put those thoughts in my head or I’ll act up
I wanna tie you up so bad
and punish you for being so naughty
I’d want to call out your name so loud, but you’d have to let me.
you can’t do anything without my permission
I’ll do my best daddy. You know I like to make you proud.
Ro I just came into a sock so hard
I want you so bad but the fact I can’t have you makes that even hotter to me
forbidden fruit, hm?
you’re my forbidden fruit for sure
wish I could have been there to help
you did enough helping trust me
are we terrible people lol
I know
we are
im trying though
so that’s gotta count for something
I hope it does, for both our sakes lol
if this doesn’t work out we can always be together in hell
that sounds like a rightful ending
at least I’ll be tan.
we’ll both be hot and tan chilling in hell together
and we can fuck all we want
sounds like the next big Netflix series.
could you imagine a Netflix series about us
no, I’m scared to lol it would be more insane than Tiger King
you think our lives are more insane than Tiger King?!?
scary, right??
thats definitely...quite the comparison
I would have loved to have seen your face watching it for the first time
watching that together would have been so fun
I can picture us watching that and freaking out together
maybe one night we’ll trip acid and watch it again
confession I’ve never tripped before
do it with me!
I mean yeah I used to do a lot of coke when I got drunk and sometimes still do but that been the extent of my drug use
hahaha I will trip with you, Roman Beckett
aces! Just tell me when and where, and it’s a plan!
but yeah let’s do it this weekend
I’m British you knob. Shut up lol
I know MATE I was making fun of you
sends long audio clip making fun of Aaron’s New York accent
I do say that though
I know, I’ve listened to you talk enough
it’s cute though
ready for bed?
just about
I was gonna go to bed a while ago but wanted to keep texting you
tuck me in lol
do u want me to tell you a bedtime story
yes, but make it snappy
and I want warm milk
so bossy
but okay
you know I’m spoiled.
that must’ve been my fault
okay Des like this one:
By the African river, know as the Nile The sun fell away and it rested a while The rhinos had braved all the smoldering heat They lay down to sleep as they wiped off their feet The elephants marched to their elephant beds And gently they rested their elephant heads Slowly the hippos sank into the river The water so cold that it gave them a shiver (Hippos can't swim, like the pelicans think They also can't float, they could easily sink) The hippos went bathing in cool, shallow pools Thinking the rhinos and elephants fools Underwater, they fell to the soft river bed On darkish green plants with a smidgen of red They strolled on the bottom, then bounced up for air They did it for hours, without any care The fish followed closely, and wove in an out Under their belly, and up to their snout Each of the hippos came up to the shore To feed on the grass by the river once more They dried off their bodies by shaking and stomping And took bites of grass, chewing and chomping With night fading fast, they were full from the feast The sun returned back, rising up form the east The hippos crept off to collapse for the day While rhinos and elephants got up to play Enjoying the warmth of the sun and its light Never knowing the story of hippos at night
just read it in my New York accent you’re so good at
goodnight Lois
that was perfect. Goodnight Clark.
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arthurmorganthings · 5 years
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Surgeon and the Scientist.
Pairing: Javier x Painter!Femreader
Summary: “But don't trust the surgeon with your heart, She's drunk and sips from poison cups, and don't you trust the scientist, He says "life-is-like-a-wineglass" as he spills his drink like secrets all across your dress.”
Explicit Content: +18
Hands stained with tertiary colors and the soft bristles of your brush, you practiced realism with the help of Flat Iron Lake, Clemens Point offered you peace when you weren’t off doing chores for Miss Grimmshaw. Your tent filled with journals of rough sketches with studies you’d find upon each travel. The study of outlaws napping aimlessly in saloons, working girls reeling in potential clients—your favorite person of interest to draw was him.
Javier Escuella. His soft features enthralled you, when he played his guitar with such passion, beckoned you. Though you’d been riding with the Van Der Linde boys for quite some time, you hadn’t said much to him. Occasional hellos, and small talk perhaps—but a full fledged conversation? Never sparked. You craved interaction so bad, you started to think perhaps you weren’t his type after all.
You knew the type of man he was, the men he surrounds himself with. There were times he wouldn’t come back until the crack of dawn—Javier laid with women. Charming them with his native tongue, into the soft sheets he’d lay his head on.
Jealousy found you quickly, gripping the brush tightly as you paint the undertones of the sky. Perhaps it was a silly dream of yours, but someday you’d be a world renowned painter, with suitors from every continent feigning to see your beautiful art.
A girl could dream. But until that time, you’d continue to paint until your hands grow brittle, and weak. You sensed a body hover behind you, “What chu’ paintin’ there?”
Oh. It was Arthur. You pivot with your back foot as your hand still gripped at your brush, your easel wobbles. “Hello. Nothing too important, just figured I had some free time, so here I am.”
He chuckles, rubbing freshly trimmed beard. “You kiddin’ me? It’s beautiful—err, it’s like a picture.”
He always had such a way with words, or none at all. His quirkiness was apart of his cowboy charm. You laugh wholeheartedly. “Thanks. I suppose.”
“You got time to spare?”
You blink. “I mean I-“
“Have a drink with me.”
His forwardness came as a surprise, one drink wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?
“I should put my easel away then.” You respond softly but Arthur beats you to it. Kentucky Burbon in his hand, you assume is from his Satchel. Handing it to you, you hesitantly take the liquor. The sharp smell of whiskey in filled your nostrils as you winced before taking a swig.
The taste was—well, repulsive to say the least as you return Arthur his bottle. “I can never get used to Burbon.”
He laughs, before taking his swig. “You and I both.”
You continue talk of the old days, when the gang was set on helping folk and less on the idyllic greed for money—it seems when Micah joined, was when the root of all the gang’s problems arised.
Two shots of bourbon became three, then four, then the whole bottle.
Throughout the day, you and Arthur tell tales of drunken banter such as today. It was wholesome. He’s like a big brother figure, you wished to spend quality time with but knew his role within the gang.
Arthur was their support, Hosea was the anchor.
Nightfall crept as the two of you sat near the campfire, the fire cackles as you hug your knees—thoughts of him flooding your mind. Javier had yet to return from his Homestead job with Sean, unless he was pent up in some hotel inside of a whore, they’d camped out somewhere—your cheeks flush at the thought of him doing things unimaginable.
Arthur senses your unease. “You okay kid?”
Your head perks up, staring into his. “It’s nothing.” Your words slur, dejectedly. “I’m just conflicte—Javie—shit, Arthur.”
He sees what’s going on now. “You like ‘im.” He states.
You wanted to slap yourself for setting yourself up for inevitable teasing, but you frown instead. “He doesn’t like me. I’m plain-looking, Javier likes exotic women, and I—well, I’m, me.”
Tears on the brim of coming out as Arthur sighs, “You must be a fool to sell yourself short. Javier is an even bigger fool.”
Before you can argue with him, the faint sounds of horseshoes grazing the mulch of the woods could be heard. Lenny, who was on watch calls, “Took y’all long enough to get back.” It was him.
Your heart dropped to your stomach as Javier hitched his horse. Arthur pats your shoulder reassuringly, “Remember what was said.” As he shuffles to his tent. Javier writes his name in the ledger before placing the undisclosed amount in he camp’s donation box. You felt like a lamb, watching as its prey nears closer.
Removing his clunky boots, Javier grabs his guitar from his tent before shuffling towards the campfire. He was surprised to still see you up, as most of the gang was either asleep or in town. You placed your chin onto your knees as your arms hugged the shins. Javier sits himself next you with his guitar.
A tense beat of silence ensued, almost awkward, but Javier had the first say, “You’re never up this late.”
“You aren’t ever at camp to begin with.” Thank god for the alcohol to enable your bold behavior. You would have never said something like this if you were in a sober state of mind. Javier sniggers, tuning his guitar. You took the time to observe how his fine fingers caress his guitar so smoothly. God, If only he’d do the same to you.
“Yeah well, duty calls my love.”
My love.
You suddenly felt a warm pool at your core. Javier was a man of many skills so it would seem. He strummed beautifully, the tunes releasing from his acoustic. He paused, glancing at you, causing you to look away smoothly before he could notice.
“How’s your painting coming along?” He inquired.
“It’s coming along well,” you respond sheeplishly. “I didn’t think you noticed.”
Javier quirked an eyebrow, shaking his head. “I observed everything. “The drawings, how you stick your tongue out when you’re focused on the details of your paintings, how you look at me.” Your thighs squeezed together from underneath your skirt, Javier was no fool to know what he does to her.
He could never be with her, she was too good for him. But he’ll make her feel things she’s never felt before. Closing the distance from where he sat, wrapping his arm around you, Javier says,“I know that you’re mad at the man that I am, the life I lead.”
“I never said I was Javier. It’s just—I feel like a ghost to you, but I’m no fool to know that you sleep with women. And for the longest time ever, I asked myself—why couldn’t I be the one you have your way with?”
The alcohol was definitely taking its toll, what a story will this be in the morning. Javier’s expression was masked underneath his hat, but responds nontheless.
“Because I respect you too much to.”
You blinked, perplexed. “Javier, sleeping with said person shouldn’t equate the amount of respect you give someone. Dutch has his fair share of women but you hold him to such a high level.
“You shouldn’t speak on things you don’t know girl, it’s incessant.” He mumbles, throwing mini twigs he toyed with on the ground, into the fire.
“But I know, Javier.” You pause. “I know your type, I know you. Even if I’m invisible sometimes.”
You weren’t going to wait for his response, you simply removed yourself from his grasp, shuffling to your tent, near the lake. You opted for more privacy. It was larger than most, filled with old pieces and sketches scattered across the floor. Suddenly the flaps of your tent opened, causing your head to perk near the entrance. It was hard to see during the night but knew who it was.
Closing the flaps, Javier grabbed you by the neck softly. “You think you’re invisible to me?” He questions, his voice not the same from the fire, it was husky and deep. The callouses toying up and down your arm now filled with goosebumps.
“You would rather want me to fuck you like a whore instead? On your back like some working girl?”
Your innocent eyes widened at his crass language, the shift of character only turned you on more when his chest was against yours. Javier was short, but you was shorter by a few inches. His lips found the shell of your lobe.
“Come on. I want you to say it.”
“I, want you.”
He tightens his grip, illiciting a moan. You knew what he wanted you to say. Your soft fingers pressing at his hand. “I want you, to fuck me, like a whore.”
He chuckles. “On your knees then.”
You place yourself in front of him, knees kissing the ground you walked on as he unzips the seams. Your face flushed once graced with Javier’s girth—larger than you’d expect.
It’d be foolish to say he wasn’t a man that was well-endowed. His unconscious incompetence at times was rather amusing when observing him around camp. But when it came to laying with a man you’d yearned for.
This was completely different.
“Come on girl. His hand gripped at your cheeks, as he forced you to look up at him from your compromising position. “We don’t have all night.”
You waste no time taking his length into your mouth while staring up at him doe-eyed. The taste of precum ensued. Watching him groan before you brought a warmness to your stomach before staining your bloomers with an embarrassing amount of essence sure to show once they were removed. Nothing at this point in time mattered as you took him in some more. His pelvis thrusted forward as he gripped your locks of hair, forcing his cock down your throat—the movements followed continuously as you gagged.
Your eyes watered, saliva stained the sides of your cheek as he removed himself from your mouth to avoid from cumming. Javier did not want to miss his chance of getting to be inside of you. He growled, “Take these off.”
You followed suit, removing your plain blouse and skirt, followed by your chemise and bloomers. He pushes your onto the cart, on all fours. His thumb grazing your wet cunt with content upon touch.
You gasp, pulling at your lips softly as he rubs in circles.
“I’m gonna need you to keep quiet, princess.”
Your heart fluttered at the pet name as you nod, taking that as a confirmation. Once lined at your cunt, Javier sucks in a breath, the tightness of her walls would make any man groan in pleasure. “Fuck, you feel so good around me.”
You grip at the edge of the cot tightly, biting your lip, you wiggle your way further into his cock. He watches as it disappears and reappear again—it takes a lot out of him not to grab at your hips and fuck you. The squelching sound of your wet heap wasn’t making it any better either. It was embarrassingly loud it wouldn’t be a surprise if anyone from camp could hear the sounds of coitus.
Covering your mouth with your hands as Javier speeds up his pace by grinding his hips agains your back side, it grew difficult to stay quiet. How, when you wanted to let the world know the man of your dreams was fucking you with raw, unadulterated passion? The tiny squeals, and pants could only be heard by said lover as he lets out ragged breaths.
He whispered in your ear, “How bad do you want to cum?”
So goddamn bad. The precipice was near as you knit your brows together and nod in your mouth. Fearing the sounds that could come out of you removed them. He thrusts harder, his grunts increasing in volume while he pistons into your cunt—your face flushed, squealing into your palms while your body seeps into the cot.
“I said, how bad do you want to come?”
He wanted you to answer, in such a compromising position like this. You remove your hands briefly before replying, “So bad.” Your voice higher than last time as he grunts.
“Where do you want it?”
God if he was making her choose, she’d easily say inside. Despite what that may cause in the inevitable future.
“Anywhere, haaa.” She moans loudly, abosoloutly careless of her shameless inhibitions. Javier clasps his fingers across her mouth, digging at the cheeks—sighs of his own orgasm ensuing. His thrusts grew slopper, his jaw tightened with ragged breaths. Your walls convulsed before seeing white.
Eyes fluttering closed, mouth in a silent gasp as Javier’s seed fills your womb. You fall limp onto your cot before the overstimulating feeling of Javier remove himself from inside of you before adjusting himself back in his pantsuit.
A beat of silence followed, the only sound heard was the ragged breaths of both lovers. Feeling of realization hits you.
“Shit.” You curse. “I forgot, my canvas by the board walk. My paints are probably all dried out by now.”
“I’ll go get it for you. You get some rest.” Javier replies as he leaves for your tent. You call out to him before he does, causing him to turn around.
“Can we do this again?”
He smirks before pondering. “You know, my mom once said, don't trust the surgeon with your heart, She's drunk and sips from poison cups. And don't you trust the scientist, He says "life-is-like-a-wineglass" as he spills his drink like secrets all across your dress.”
You furrow your eyebrow, “The Surgeon? Javier what does this even m—“
“In due time, you’ll know.”
Upon his exit from the Tent, you lay back down onto your cot with a quilt covering your indecency, the line still engrained in your heart.
The surgeon, and the Scientist.
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k-popggwritingtime · 5 years
[TWICE] Jihyo's smile is good. It's even better covered in cum.
this will be long! i have a whole scenerio in my head, i hope it's halfway decent lol.
this is good this is really really good. maybe Jeong & Nabongs know how to bring out the brightest smile in their sweet leader..
G!P jeong. Sub! jihyo. Sadist! nayeon.
The bed was plush, you could almost melt into the fabric. Jihyo thought she mine as well make herself comfortable if she was gonna have to wait to be taken care of. The leader has been in a particularly bratty mood to her two unnies since dinner, she knew she was in for it tonight & couldn't help but express her need for the woman in front of her to do something, anything, just so she didn't have to deal with the nuisance of being still.
Jihyo pulls herself up on her elbows, raises an eyebrow at her unnie almost mocking her, daring her to make a move.
"Don't think because Jeong isn't here that i won't start without her." Nayeon spits out.
Nayeon was growing impatient of waiting for the 3rd of the infamous trio to come back into their room. Jeongyeon was on the same floor of the hotel making final rounds with maknae-line and staff wishing them all a good night. The members were traveling, filming for their new comeback. Everyone was near exhausted, well, almost everyone.
"And what would you do anyways, unnie? Everyone knows you're just Jeong's little 'rope bunny' as much as the rest of us, isn't that right?"
Jeongyeon heard the retaliating muffles of her brat through the door. Although Jeong didn't need to strain her ears as much to hear the sharp sound of a slap & the moan that followed.
(nayeon POV)
I couldn't shut up the absolute cumslut, that is twice's leader, fast enough so it seemed. In a split second i'm on our bed sitting up on my knees with my long fingers in the back of Jihyo's throat. My other hand caressing her reddened right cheek, tentatively, establishing my warning that i can hit her again and again and again and ag-
I guess i can't trust either of you to keep your hands to yourself for 2 minutes."
I whipped my head around to where i heard the dominating voice. Daddy putting the complimentary "Do Not Disturb" sign on the front knob of the door, checking the hallway, then closing the door slowly behind her. She hasn't looked up at the unfolding scene on the giant king-sized bed, no, not yet. Only hearing the delicious gagging sounds of her supple leader, desperate to be filled more in the hole of hers that thought it could talk back.
I took my fingers out of jihyo's mouth slowly, letting her latch onto my fingertips once more as a warm gesture. I knew she wouldn't get her way for the rest of the night so seeing her sucking and nibbling for me, making a mess of herself. her big, droopy, pleading orbs staring into mine as if I've given her the world, almost made me want to go soft on her. She's always been gorgeous, god i loved that smile. but i knew better than to think that would do for the stunt she pulled under the table at dinner earlier tonight, not just that but her drunk teasing gets under my skin so easily; she deserves what's coming to her. Remembering this i pull away from jihyo quickly and stand at the end of the bed, turning my head to daddy instead.
(jihyo POV)
God, it's taking everything in me not to get on my knees and beg nayeon to come back and choke me, hurt me, to do what she does best. It felt so good that i didn't notice the tears dripping down my chin, i'm a mess & ive never felt better. It takes me a moment to absorb the situation. I decide to defend myself to daddy, i wanted to test if unnie nabongs might lose control on me again.
"I kept my hands to myself daddy i swear, mommy is the one that came to me, I was being your good little slut."
(jeongyeon POV)
I lift my head to see the scene unfold of my bunny sending a threatening glare in Jihyo's direction. I faintly heard what the cumslut of the night said as all my attention was towards my rapidly growing bulge under my jeans. "Nabongs please get the red nylon rope & the silk black blindfold from my bag." I demand. I see jihyo crawling towards the end of our bed so i walk right up to her and take her face in the palm of my hands. she's pawing at my crotch like a desperate kitten. Jihyo always had a beautiful smile with a gorgeous face to match, maybe Jeong could do her a favor.
---earlier that night---
Jihyo was very bad at dinner tonight. Tzuyu was seated to my left, Mina at my right, Jihyo across from me. Long story short Tzuyu and Mina saw me get embarrassingly flustered at Jihyo wanting to play footsies under the table, my kitten going as far as to caress her high heel up my leg and getting comfortable directly on my apparent boner. Not just that, but Nayeon was seated right beside Jihyo. After Jihyo's 4th glass of Cabernet she started to become more confident in her words. Nayeon having to deal with Jihyo's teasing the whole ride home about god knows what, probably just about her being the oldest & calling her a grandma. anyways, seeing Mina & Tzuyu giggle at my obvious distress deserved more than just a plump red ass to end the night.
---end flashback---
(nayeon POV)
Handing over the requested items to daddy jeong i stand back & just watch. Daddy works very fast to tie both of babygirl's wrists behind her back with a particularly tough knot i notice.
"Daddy that's really tight. I'm not nayeon. I'm the good girl, remember?"
Jihyo is so annoying when she's not sober. A horny, annoying, touch-starved kitten that isn't satisfied until she passes out. I stare up at daddy awaiting what she'll respond with, she doesn't respond with words but nods at me and signals at her kitten expressionless.
(jihyo POV)
I thought i was clever with my words but that only earned me not being able to see the second slap to the right of my face by mommy. daddy made sure the blindfold was tight as well. I let out a yelp but regained my balance & took deep breaths. I angle my head up and flash a wide grin in my mommy and daddy's general direction just so they know I've got some fight left in me. I was about to utter something to annoy mommy more but something poked at my lips so i opened them, i couldnt take it all in at once. I let out a long moan because being filled up felt so fucking good, it was daddy's cock for sure. I let my mouth adjust to an O shape and sucked what i could without gagging too much. I feel Nayeon behind me lift my shirt up to expose my breasts and knead at them. fuck i'm so sensitive but i have to please daddy and her cock, it feels too good.
(jeongyeon's POV)
I see nayeon climb on the bed and hover behind jihyo, grabbing the back of jihyo's head i poke my tip at her full lips asking her permission to fuck the life out of her, she's not tentative to open them, my little cumslut always ready for me. I stand still and pull jihyo's head towards my cock and shes sucking me like it's her life force. "ugh fuck fuck fuck babygirl you take me so well mmmm fuck" i'm hitting the back of her throat everytime i thrust up to meet her heavenly mouth. I feel her moans making vibrations up my cock & i swear I'm in heaven. I have a grip in her tangled hair i can tell im already so close, i want to see her messy smile.
(nayeon POV)
I'm getting turned on by both of their moans in total and complete bliss. I know babygirl has very, very sensitive nipples so she's moaning like crazy. i take my left hand off her left breast & stick it down my own pants, god I'm soaking. I love jeong for letting me get one more hit in before jihyo passes out, very thoughtful. I continue to pinch and knead at jihyo's right breast and can't help but to mewl and hump into my hand, already being so fucking close, getting off to jihyo being completely used gets me off everytime.
(jihyo POV, final)
I'm crying, it hurts, i'm on fire, and i couldnt ask for more. My eyes are rolling into the back of my head, I've already cum by mommy playing with my nipples, im so messy and wet i know ive ruined the sheets, my shirt and my underwear. "nnnggg ahghhh" im choking on jeong's dick until he pulls back and i take a deep breathe but im cumming, im cumming way too hard and i feel hot strings of daddy's load onto my lips, my hair, my chin, i dont have the energy to stick out my tounge properly but i have to make the biggest grin and let out a giggle, daddy's cum is still landing on me its all over my smiling lips. daddy always cums so much. I feel nayeon slump on by back. so much is happening at once. im shaking so much the comedown making me feel light and airy. nayeon unties my blindfold and i look up at daddy still stroking herself and little spurts of hot white cum landing on my tits. I remember saying one last thing before all i see is black and i pass out..
"thank you mommy and daddy"
AAAAAA that was my first time writing for someone i know it was kinda shitty but it's practice so thank you for the request!!!! This was very fun, send me tips on what you liked, what you didnt like, etc.! :)
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alittleranting · 6 years
Yoonseok (Sope) Fanfic
So yeah hey see who had this on her laptop for almost a month and forgot to post it... So here you go, boo. @mysticalkpopper
You hear the rain pouring outside. Great.. really great, it's raining... What am I gonna do now? You'd planned to meet with your best friend Namjoon to have a BBQ. His little brother Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung also wanted to join you. But the guys were whining about the rain and cancelled it. Now you're just sitting in your living room, starring out of the window and whining yourself.. You let out a deep sigh and fall onto your sofa. You closed your eyes and think about that party you read about on a flyer. Initially you didn't wanted to go but it's your best option at this point. At least something you could look forward to. You decided to call your sister, maybe she has some time to come over. You dial her number: "Dawon?"
"Hey Hoseok, what's up?" "The guys cancelled and now I'm bored... Wanna come over?" "Sorry, but no I have to work the late shift today.. " "How come? You never have the late shift, unless..." "Bingo. My coworker bailed out because he wanted to go to a stupid party." "I actually thought of going to on myself..." "Mh ok, have fun then. Listen I have to go back to work but tomorrow I'll come over ok?" "Sure, see ya." "Bye." Dawon ended the call and you put your phone back on the coffee table. Another deep sigh leaves your mouth. You get up and drag yourself into the bathroom. A hot shower is probably the right thing with that unpleasant weather. After you finished you waddle to your bedroom. Still naked you stay in front of your closet. The hell should I wear? I have just too many clothes.. Yikes. Ripped jeans, a green button shirt and your new Balenciaga shoes probably will do it. It was still pretty early so you just put on your clothes and sat back down on your sofa. You scrolled through social media when you get a text from Namjoon.
"Hey Hobi what are you doing?" "Nothing really. I dressed up and think of going to that big party later. U?" "I went to a friend because he wanted my advice on his clothes. Guess he wants to go to the same party. But his type of clothes really aren't my style so I cant really say anything...." "Haha need my help?" "Technically yes but I can't just take pictures of him and send them to you.." "I mean TECHNICALLY you could." "Hobi you know I don't do stuff like that!" "Yeah yeah I get it. Then have fun playing dress up." "Thanks...."
Pfft.. Joon can play dress up with someone but won't grill a fucking steak with me. Guess I have to life with a fake ass bitch as my best friend. AND then he doesn't even send me pictures of that boy. Like come on maybe he has a cute ass.. I WANNA SEE!!!! Damn lucky noone can read your mind.. Your dramatic ass would be so embarrassed.
You take a look on your watch. In a while you could start walking to the location. You would still be one of the first there but then you can get a seat at the bar. You went into the bathroom to put on light make up and check yourself out for the last time. Grabbing your wallet, phone and keys you leave your apartment. You let google maps guide you too your destination and to your suprise there already is a queue. Nontheless you didn't have to wait long. You show your ID to the bouncer and get to enter the club. The room is huge and just a few people stand there in groups and are talking. The music isn't really loud yet so the atmosphere is rather relaxed. Just as planned you got a seat at the bar. You settled in and ordered a beer. After your third beer the club was pretty full, all those people were enjoying themselfs but you sat there alone. You started regretting coming on your own but after today you didn't wanted to mope anymore. Hesitantly you scoot down from the bar stool and make your way to the dance floor. As you start moving with the rhythm you feel you're in your element and lose yourself in the music. You don't even know for how long you danced when your bladder practicly screams at you. You drank six beer by now and your tolernace isn't high at all so you're pretty dizzy and waver to the restroom. Once you're there you look in the mirror. "Wow I look tousled." "Nah, you look pretty cute." A guy you didn't know showed up behind you and playfully slapped your ass while winking at you. He scared the shit out of you and you almost wet yourself. At the pissoir you bump into the guy next to you and murmer a 'Sorry' to him while making eye contact but your eyes didn't stay up there. They wander down to his dick. Mh not bad. Maybe a little small but definitly average.. I could make that work! The dude next to you eyes you. He's clearly uncomfortable with you checking him out BUT you couldn't care less right now. Finally relieved you go and wash your hand. You leave the restroom but not without checking yourself out a last time and fixing your hair. You decide it's better to take it slow so you return to the bar, take a seat again and order a glass of water to clear your mind. Moments later the barkeeper gives you your water and presents you 2 shots along side. "I DIDN'T ORDER SHOTS!" The bartender points to the other side of the bar. You follow his direction and see a young woman. Your eyes meet and she smiles gently at you. Not knowing what you should do you nod to her in appreciation and take a sip of your water. You listen to the music for a while but nothing they're playing at the moment sounds familiar to you. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, as you turn around it's the pretty girl. "Don't you like liquor?" "WHAT?" "DON'T YOU LIKE LIQUOR?" She pointed to the shots that still set next to your glass. "I DO BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET SUPER DRUNK." "YOU DON'T SEEM REALLY SOBER TO ME." She laughed and took both shots in her hand, handing you one. She clinks the glasses and downs her shot. You follow her. "I'M HOSEOK." "NICE TO MEET YOU. I'M YEEUN." She held out her hand and you shook it. "THANKS FOR THE DRINK. Do you wANNA DANCE?" "DANCE?" "YEAH. YOU WANNA?" You got up and looked at her curious. She shrugged her shoulders and followed you into the dancing crowd. You two had some fun dancing together but at some point she started grinding against you. You try backing up a bit but get shoved into her by the jumping people around you. Yeeun gets really touchy and you feel uneasy. "LISTEN YOU'RE CUTE BUT YOU'RE NOT QUITE... MY TYPE." "I'M CUTE?" Her eyes shimmer and it seems like she wanted to kiss you but you step back and push her gently aside. You rush away from the crowd into the restroom and lock yourself into a cabine. Damn that was weid.I never really attract women so how the hell did that happen!? You take a deep breath and left the room just to see Yeeun waiting in the doorframe for you. "Why you ran away? Wanted to lure me into the restroom? Naughty." "Listen! I don't like girls ok?" "Wait what?" "I'm gay!" "Eum..." Her face turned really red and she left without saying anything else. Puh.. that was awkward... Am I always that weird with people? No, that's not possible, right? I can't recall ever having such a problem with a guy. As you were cought up in your thoughts something else came to your mind. Yeeun spreed the idea in you to also look for someone. You already saw some cute boys and if it wasn't for your bladder you could have been the pray of the guy in the restroom, maybe you can find him again. Walking through the mass you scan the people for someone who seems like a nice match for tonight. After a while you felt like sobering up so you thought getting back to the bar was the best shot for now. You felt like wasting your time, sure you had had some fun but suddenly lying in bed and watching an episode of Adventure Time sounds very temping. You emtied your forth glass and decide that it's time for you to go home. Once again you move through the people heading for the door but before you could reach it a guy walks in. He's wearing  tight leather pants and a cute crop top revealing a belly button piercing which matches his earings. He's really cute and the first thing that comes to your mind is: "DIBS!" The guy you were reffering to looks at you with a mixture of suprise and pride. Just then you realized that you didn't thought but spoke it out loud. Your cheeks got flashing red. You wanted to leave the scenery so badly but the guy you dibsed still stood there blockig your way. You ran as fast as possible into the crowed aiming for the restroom to lock you up. You were panicking and the first person you thought of was Namjoon, you needed his help. You figet with your phone needing quite some time to unlock it and finding Namjoons chat. Guess I wasn't sobering up, just thirsty for more liquor. I'm drunk as hell. "Namjoon!!!!!!!!" "I fked up!1!!!!" "Im rlly druk n I yelled dibs at that hot guy that entrt the club.........." "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!" Namjoon didn't take long to reply. After seeing a dozend of cry-laughing smileys he actually send a text message. "Calm down, everything's alright. Yoongi just texted me literally the same, bragging about the fact that his outfit was hot and that some random dude yelled dibs at him." "YOU KNOW HIM!?!????!" "Yes I know him. I told you I helped a friend with his outfit for a night out. That was him. Just talk to him. You can even say that you know me or do you want me to text him for you?" "NO!! Pls dont! Ill tak to him." "OK, have fun, Hobi. And just so you know it: He's gay and on the hunt. ;D" You put your phone away and lean against the closed door. You close your eyes and try to foces. What should I say? How can.. Your thoughts got disturbed by a knocking on the door. "You in there?" "Wh-who's there?" "The guy you just dibsed. Wanna collect your price?" Not thinking twice you rip open the door and just look at the guy who's named Yoongi. "What?" "I mean you called dibs, you look good, so here I am." You still don't move and just look at him with wide eyes. Yoongi sighs and grabs your hand, you don't resist and move along with him to the bar. You refuse to drink more liquor but Yoongi downs 3 shots. "By the way I'm Yoongi." "I know, Namjoon told me about you." "Huh? You know him?" "He's my best friend." "Ahhh you're Hoseok." "He told you about me?" "Of course.  Although I'm hurt he never introduced us." "Mh maybe he had his resons. Do you dance?" "No." "But-" "I said no." "Why so stern?" "I- I can't dance." "Have you seen all those people? You really call that dancing? That's just body wiggling." You show him your bright, heart shaped smile and laugh about your own words. Yoongi just smiles at you with gentle eyes. "You know, you seem like a fun guy. Maybe it would be ok to try dancing with you." This time you're the one grabing Yoongi's hand and nevigate him to the dance floor. You start moving your body once again to the rhythm not taking your eyes of Yoongi who just stands there awkwardly. You grab his hand and spin him around until he's laughing. He sounds cute. You put your hands on Yoongis waist because he was dizzy and stumbling all over the place. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "YES. Yes." He seemed to relax beause he started dancing again on his own and you joined him. After a while you grew confident and searched for more body contact. You scoot closer to him and lay your arms around him grinding against his ass. Suddenly you stopped your movement having a deja vu. Just as you wanted to make some space between you two you realize that he leaned into your embrace and moves along side with you. Probably wondering why you stopped moving Yoongi turned around and looked at you with a puzzled expression. You scan his facial features, the soft lips that form a pout, his dark eyes that search for an answer regarding your behavior, the cute nose, his heavy but decent looking make up. You didn't know what came over you but you cupped his face and pressed your lips against his. Yoongi widened his eyes but he didn't pull away. He slung his arms around your neck and traces his tounge over your lips searching for access. You part your lips and let your tounge play with his, due to the alcohol he tastes sweet and bitter at the same time. Lost in each other you just stand there kissing each other. Your hands wander down and grab his ass which feels squishy although he's wearing those tight pants. Yoongi suddenly breaks the kiss. "LET'S GO." With that he starts walking towards the exit and you trail behind him. Once you two are outside Yoongi reconnect your lips. In a short break he whispers into your ear: "Your place or mine?" "Ehm..." Fuck... fuck fuck FUCK. Should I go home with him? Or take him with me? Should I even at all!? I know I wanted to 'hunt' but know that it's at that point I'm not sure. Should I? Your head was spinning. All those thoughts rush through your head and the fresh air just makes everything spin even more. "Hey, are you alright?" "No, I don't feel so good." "Damn should I call you a cab?" "No no it's fine, I'll walk home." "Are you sure?" "Ye-" You couldn't finish your sentence because you vomited. "Sorry.. I can't take alcohol well." "I see..." Yoongi moved away some steps and pulled out his phone. "Hey Joon it's me. You think you could pick up Hobi? He's pretty drunk and I don't want to put him into a cab. - Yes? - OK. - Alright, I'll wait. - Yes, see ya." "OK, Namjoonie is gonna pick you up." "As I heared... Thank you." "No problem." Yoongi trudges around in a circle, repeatedly blowing air in and out of his right cheek. After what felt like eternity Namjoon arrived and put you into the car. "Thanks for looking after him, Yoongs. Should I take you home?" "Nah, I'm fine. I guess I just go back into the club." "OK, see ya." "Bye."
You see Yoongi vanish into the building while you try to smile at Namjoon but it came of more as a sad grin. Namjoon took a deep breath and shook his head. "What were you thinking Hobi? You know you don't take alcohol well.." "I know..." "You're lucky Yoongi knows me, who knows what could have happend." "I know..." He sighs and manoveurs you onto the backseat. You plomp down and curl into a ball. Namjoon gets into the drivers seat and brings you home. Once at your doorstep he pulls your keys out of your backpocket and even brings you to your bedroom. "Can I leave you alone or should I stay with you?" "No it's fine. I'll just lay down and sleep." You let yourself fall face forward into the mattress. You feel how Namjoon takes off your shoes and throws a blanket over you. "I wait until you fall asleep." "Thanks Joonie." "Of course." The bed bunks down beside you and you feel his hand caressing your back and ruffling your hair. Immediately you drift into a deep slumber. When you wake up the next day you take a look at the clock. It's the middle of the day and you kind of want to turn around and sleep some more but you're grossed out by your own smell. Alcohol, sweat and smoke - the holy trinity of a clubs smell. You rise your heavy feeling body from the bed and undress, on your way to the bathroom you grab a fresh pair of boxers and a cozy sweater. Finally under the shower you start to relax. The warm water pouring over your body seems to wash away your sever headache. At least a little bit of it. Now that your head is somewhat clearer you start to think of the previous night. You face palm yourself and lean against the cool tiles behind you. Oh god what the fuck did I do last night... I have to ask Namjoon for Yoongis number so I can apologize or maybe I just should make sure to never see him again so I can't embarrass myself even more.. You finish your shower, quickly dress up and your first instict is to call your sister. "Dawon, where are you?" "I'm on my way to you. Why, do you need anything?" "No. I'm just... stressed." "Tell me, I can hear it in your voice. But I have to rumble some myself so prepare some tea, it's gonna be a long ted talk!" "Oh- ok." Before you knew it she already hung up. You made the tea and didn't have to wait any longer for her to knock. You ripped open the door and fall into her arms, hugging her tight. "Dawooooon... I messed up big times... It's so embarrassing." "Stop whining. When you're like this I almost forget I'm younger then you." "But -" "No but. Just sit on yours and drink your tea. I give you some time to calm down. In the meanwhile just listen to me because otherwise I'm going crazy because of my coworker! I mean yeah he's pretty funny when you know him and he sometimes is a real weirdo but boy.. oh boy you have no fucking clue how annoying he can be. If something happened to him he's going to talk about it FOREVER. If it was something bad he pouts all day and whines about it and if it was something positive he's going to brag about it. But the worst is if both happend. Like something good tuning bad. For example today he was just sitting in the corner not really working saying he was "too upset" because this really cute guy from yesterday messed up or some shit. I didn't even listen. If Yoongi continues like this I'm seriously going to kill him." "Yoongi!?" "Yeah Yoongi, my coworker. Do you know him?" "No. Nononono. NO! Just no." "Hobi what the hell is your problem?" "That's the guy from yesterday.." "What do you mean?" "I'm the one who messed up. I'm the dude he's talking about!" "Wait WHAT?" "I told you I wanted to go to that party and he -Damn it makes sense you even told me your coworker wanted to go to that party..." "Oh god what happened?" "I kinda made out with him, wanted to take him home and vomited in front of him..." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "Oh my fucking god." "Yup.." "But look at the bright side. You at least made enough of an impression to him so he whines about it to me." "I really don't see anything positive about that." "Didn't you listen to me earlier? He called you cute and was sad that that happened because he really wanted to go home with you." "You think so?" "Yes. Because, like I said, he wouldn't shut up about it." "And now?" "What do you mean 'and now'? You'll fucking talk to him and grab that ass." "Dawon! What the fuck?" "What? I'm maybe younger then you but I'm not an innocent child. Shocking news: I already had sex." "Dawoooon... I know that but I honestly don't wanna think about it." "God, I'll give you his number and you text him." "I don't want to." "Why? You just wanna handle it as a failed flirt? You know the chances of meeting him again aren't that small." "OK... Give me his number. I'll think about it." "Good." Dawon gave you Yoongis number, you drank your now cold tea and talked a little more. The day went by fast and it was already evening again. You texted Namjoon also asking him for advice how to handle the situation but he also just suggested you to talk it out or actually ignore it and hope to never meet him again. You spend the night thinking a lot before you go to sleep.
Almost a whole week past since the night you were out and you still hadn't texted Yoongi. Dawon as well as everyone else around you who by now knew about it teased you. You were almost sure at this point even Yoongi had heared about your stupid behavior. You just came home from work and sat infront of your food. You took your phone out, opened the still empty chat with Yoongi and started typing. "Hi here is Hoseok, the guy from the party last week." You paused and read the sentence again and again, the deleted it. No that sounds stupid... You start typing again. "Hello, I don't know if you remember me but I'm the dude who wanted to fuck you and RUINED IT BECAUSE I FUCKING VOMITED!!!!!!!!!" Yeah really subtile.. definitly perfect.. Damn what should I say.. You deleted it again and took a deep breath. "Hi here is Hoseok. I got your number from my sister, Dawon. Seems like you guys are working together. I wanted to apologize for fucking up. I really can't handle alcohol well. Would be awsome if we could meet up again. Sober this time." You hit send so you wouldn't overthink everything again although you regreted it instantly. OK, now we have to wait and hope for the best. Almost immeditaly your phone was vibrating. "Took you long enough to text me. If you want we can meet up. Mh Dawon.. now that I think about t you two do look very similar. Where do you wanna meet?" OK his text was kinda rude and all over the place but sure... I don't know where.. how about the when? "Yeah I guess we do. I don't have a special place in mind but let's start with the fact when we could meet up." "How about right now?" "OK?" "Good. Meet me in 2 hours at the new mall in the city center." OK.. ok.. okokok don't panic you can do that! Yes you can. I just need to change my clothes. You ran into your bedroom, throughing your working clothes into a corner and standing there once again with a puzzled look, not knowing what to wear. You look for almost 30 minutes before you go with shorts and an oversized white shirt that you tuck in in the front. Before you rush out you put tennis socks, a cap and some random shoes on and grab your essentials. oyu arrive just in time and see Yoongi already standing there at the front door. He seems even smaller then the last time because he's wearing a wide hoodie and skinny, ripped jeans. If he wouldn't have looked into your direction you almost wouldn't have recognized him because the bucket hat he's wearing covers almost his entire face. You approach him with a big smile but he doesn't react. he just sips from the coffee he's holding. "Hi?" "Hey." "I just wanted to say sorry again. I was gross." "It's fine. Shit happens." Yoongi waves his hand, symbolizing you should follow him, what you do. You goes inside the huge building. "My coffee is almost empty. Do you mind if we go grab a new one?" "No sure." You weren't familiar with the building therefore you just trailed behind Yoongi. Both of you didn't say anything. You got nervouse because you asked for this meet up but now it's just kinda awkward. Lost in your thoughts you bump into Yoongi who came to an holt. "Watch your step." "Oh yeah sorry." You look into his face and you think you see him smile a little while he shakes his head in disbeliefe. He orders an Iced Americano while you just grab a bottle of Sprite from the little fridge. Yoongie pays for both your drinks and trails off again. You murmer a thank you and follow him silently. Yoongi walked to a little bench and set down. You two just set there sipping from your beverage. Almost 20 minutes pass when you finally say something. "Soo... Why did you want to meet here if we're just sitting around? Wouldn't a café been more effective?" "Mh. I like the coffee here. I don't visit places I'm not familiar with." "But at some point this place also was unknown to you, wasn't it?" "Mh yeah." "See so you do had to try it first. Wanna be crazy and actually go around the mall?" "You mean strolling around and buying useless stuff? No thanks." "Oh come on." You stood up and held your hand out. When Yoongi wouldn't take it you took his hand yourself and interwind your fingers. "Come on grandpa. Let's have some fun." Yoongi didn't answer but he didn't seem to complain either. When you looked at him to find out what his mood was you saw him starring at the floor. He was trying to shield his face with his hat to hide the fact he was smiling. You thought it was so adorable that he's that shy. After searching for a while you found a little store that had decor and accessoires. You dragged Yoongi inside and let go of his hand to rummage through the shelves. On a little stand in one corner there was a little pink plastice crown, you grabed it and got back to Yoongi. You snatched his hat away and replaced it with the crown. He glared at you and made his infamous pout that Dawon told you about. You couldn't help it but melt. You cup his face and coe at him. "Oh my life you're sooo cute." At a loss of words Yoongi got all shy and blushed like furious. Not thinking about it you kissed him straight away. He melted into your embrance and slung his arms around you. You two got down from cloud 9 when you heared someone behind you. "Ew damn faggots, kissing where everyone can see it. Disgusting." Yoongi looked shocked and didn't seem to dare saying something. You on the other side grew brave when you're angry. "Your face is also disgusting and nontheless do you walk around in public were everyone can see you. So as long as you don't walk around with a paperbag on your head, I'm gonna kiss whoever wherever I want." Grabing Yoongis hand again you turn around and stumb away. You aimed for the exit when Yoongi suddenly stopped you. As you turnt around you  saw him pointing to the top of his head. Just then you realized he was still wearing the crown and neither of you payed for it. Luckily there seemed no price tag to be on it or something that could have activated the alarm of the store. You just stood there not knowing what to do when Yoongi started laughing. You hadn't heared him laugh so far and it was contagious. "Damn ok, I give up. You're right I should try new stuff more often. That was fun. I mean did you see the face of that dude? He didn't expect that comeback tho. Damn Hoseok you're cool." Now you're the blushing one and you just smile at him. Yoongi stepped unexpectedly close to you and almsot whispered to you. "Say, do you want to continue were we left off?" "Are you seriously asking that? Of course!" "Then let me ask again: Your place or mine?" "I live almost an hour away from here so probably your place." "I actually also live quite far away.." "Mh.. up to some more new things?" "What do you mean?" You looked around for your destination and quickly found it. "Just follow me." You didn't expect it but Yoongi willingly took your hand in his and interwind your fingers again. He was blushing a little bit and you wanted to kiss him so badly that you hurry to get to the area where the toilets are. You go in the one for disabled people because it's a single stall and further away from the main area then the normal ones. Once both of you were inside and the door was lockes you pin Yoongi against the wall and kis him passionatly. His lips are increadible soft and his body pressed against yours feels just too good. You put one of your legs between his to fixate him in that position but Yoongi uses the opportunity to grind himself on your leg. While your lips were still connected soft moans slip past his mouth. As he was stimulating hisself you feel your own lenght hardening. Seeing Yoongi enjoying himself turns you on. You let one hand wander down to cup his ass while you slide the other on up his hoodie andplay with his nipples. It takes only a few flicks to make him fully moan. He then drops down on the floor pulling your pants down with one swift move, revealing your throbing cock.  He pumps his hand up and down and licks over the tip of your dick. Soon enough he replaces his hands with his mouth, sucking you off. "Oh fuck, You're really good." You press his head down and rock your hips forth and back. Yoongi seemed to be encouraged because he bobbs his head even faster on your dick. You were lost in the feeling of his warm and wet mouth around you when Yoongi pulled away. He slid his own pants down. "Please fuck me!" He doesn't have to ask you twice for that. You lift him up and place him on the sink. You shove two fingers in his mouth. "Lube them." While Yoongi sucks on your fingers and lets his tounge play around your fingertips you stroke his little cock.Once your fingers were wet enough you glide both of them into his ass. He grabs onto your arms and inhales deeply. You scissor his ass open, you wanted to be rough with him but not too harsh. Soon Yoongis insides were clenching around your fingers in the hope for more. That's when you replace your fingers with your cock. Yoongi moaned loud and arched his back when you entered him. You placed a hand on his mouth and hold his other hand while you push your whole lenght in. Once you were fully burried inside him you slowly start moving. Fully out and back in. You want him to feel every inch of you filling him up. After a few more thrusts Yoongi closed his legs behind you pushing you deeper. "God dammit, stop teasing and fuck me already!" "As you wish, your majesty." Yoongi was flustered but didn't take down his crown. You kissed him to keep him muffled while your hips thrust into him fast and deep. Yoongi pulls at your hair to keep you as close as possible, enjoying your embrance. The small room fills with hot air and both of you start sweating. Longing for better excess you decide to put Yoongi down and shove him face forward into the wall; fucking him from behind. You play with his niplles and watch his small penis twitch with every delecate touch of yours. You feel the tention building up inside you, so you place your arm around his waist  pulling him closer and holding him by his throat pushing his head onto your shoulder while you increase your pace. You can see Yoongis eyes roling back into his head and nothing more then a pleasured whimmer escapes his mouth. You grunt into his ear. "Do you like being fucked like that little prince?" Because Yoongi didn't answer you stopped your movement. He's being needy and trys to move on his own but you hold im thight in place. "Answer me." You place a sweet kiss on his forhead. "Yes. Yes, I love how you fuck me. Please don't stop!" Satisfied with his words you pick up your speed and thrust relentlessly into Yoongi until you come inside him. His warm walls milk your cok and he himself came almost untouched. Yoongi made a mess on the tiles infront of him. He turns around kisses you eagerly. "Wow, we definitly need to do that again in the future." "We can repeat that as often as you want. I would glady fuck your fine ass again." Feeling playful you wink at him and show him a bright smile. Yoongi hits you soft and laughs himself. "You're an idiot." "If you agree  on seeing me more often, I may be your idiot someday." "Mh.. you know, I actually kinda like the idea of that."
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catmeme-moved · 5 years
all of the asks! >:3
god ok 
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Tumblr media
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
i dont think i could date anyone who does any kind of drugs,, it makes me Very uncomfortable
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
its only 4 babey
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober...ive never been drunk
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
i guess?? it was in high school so i dnt think it rly counts since yknow, i was 16
7. What does your last received text say?
“jgdijgjfdivjdjdj me“
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
not enough times !!! i love kissing my gf
9. Where was your last kiss at?
in the parkinglot behind my dorm building
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
i saw both my sisters when i was home for break a few weeks ago
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
my bed 
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
not rly? i think if relationships r hard then they arent rly meant to be
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
god i wouldnt have spent so much money
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
none at all ;3c
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
i guess rainy....overcast weather is my fav
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
my mom ! probably lots of other people too shjkdh lee is a fairly common name i think
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
i hope so!!!
20. Does anyone like you?
god i sure hope my gf does
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
ya thats why i kissed them ghksdjs
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
no one that i know personally.. there r some like celebrities and other famous ppl i dont like
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yes i want a tattoo from a specific artist in my hometown!!!
25. In the past week have you cried?
i mean probably i dont remember though
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
a pug...i saw him in a donut shop
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
i dry off as im stepping out of the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
no bc jocks intimidate me
29. Do you think you’re old?
not really in the grand scheme of things.. im only 20 i still have decades ahead of me !
30. Do you like text messaging?
31. What type of day are you having?
its been ok! i spent time w my roommates downtown
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
i hav my septum pierced but a nostril piercing would b nice
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
i dont rly think theres such a thing as “opposite sex” since sex is also on a spectrum like gender
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship ! flings r nice i guess but i prefer the stability and commitment of an actual relationship
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
i thnik im fairly simple..idk
37. What song are you listening to?
when he died by lemon demon
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yea of course39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
my best friemd emily40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
theyre hot and funny and very kind!!!!41. When did you last receive a text message?
idk maybe an hour ago42. What is wrong with you right now?
im hungry and not being held by my gf43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
its my mom so fairly well i think44. Does anyone disgust you?
men45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
no bc im already dating someone46. Are you in a good mood right now?
i feel...neutral47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my roommate !48. What color shirt are you wearing?
its blue pruple n green tie dye49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
ya my history professor told me i had to read books50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
no one is coming to mind51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
i dont hate anyone!
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
almost gave up on ever being able to pet the raccoons outside the dining hall but someday ill be able to earn their trust
53. Do you like rain?
yes!!! 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
not rly ! as long as theyre safe about it ykwim55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
no i think ive told most of my crushes how i felt about them at the time 56. Do you like to cuddle?
god yes i love to hold and be held57. Are you shy?
its the social anxiety 58. Do you get along with girls?
i am a lesbian59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
we r dating !! 60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone and my peper spray 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
id do it for 10 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
ive been in my current one for 7 and my longest lasted 8 ! 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
yes! 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
anything my gf does is cute65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
my cat yawned when she tried to meow and made a weird squeak sound
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
18 (or maybe 19 now idk), 19, 20
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
i do them myself bc i hate spending money68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
ghgdh,....neither69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
i dont have a car yet 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
neither...i dont rly like eithr of those music genres71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
im samsung bitch until i die72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
its been months. maybe years. i dont like pizza73. Do you like diet soda?    
i dont rly like any soda anymore tbh74. What color are the walls in your room?
plain white...f    75. Are you 16 or older?    
bitche im 2076. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
nop i dont even know waht its about77. Do you have a job?    
yes i work in a library !  78. What are your initials?    
ylb79. Did you ever have braces?    
no :^/80. Are you from the south?    
nope im a pnw bitch
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
something about voting82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    
ya shes my best friemd83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
my mom.. fuck my dad !84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?   
i vaguely remember attending a gymnastics class when i was like 5 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
uhh.. venom i think86. Do you smoke?    
no never !!!87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?   
flip flops. 88. Is your phone touch screen?    
god how old are these questions. who has a phone that isnt touch screen now89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
my hair is naturally curly !90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
no91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
a pool..... rivers and lakes r scary92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
not yet93. …Had sex in a car?    
no that seems. . difficult. theres not very much room94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
im in a luvly relationship95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
sleepin96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
new years i think??97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
yea its pretty nice98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
no but ik i wanted one before i got into my current relationship skdgjhj99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
no but i did drink half a beer thing once and went to sleep bc i got a stomach ache100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
i dont even use facebook101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
when i was in first grade id play “family” w my friend sometimes and she’d pretend to be the dad and i was the mom so we would spoon each other bc we thot thats what sex was and i thought she actually got me pregnant bc i was 7 and didnt know anything102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
the song blind slaps103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
no its winter and i also dont go outdoors104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?    
 i hate wearing shorts
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y’all i’m fucking crying
my 5yo nephew Y and his little like 7yo friend J keep walking down to the basement (where i’m sitting on the couch in pitch black darkness on my phone brightness down white point reduced) they turn on the only light they can reach without me seeing them by reaching super far around the corner. and now they keep running down here every time, they run back up the stairs after quick council about someone being asleep. and now they’ve come down here and are chanting “wake her up! wake her up! wake her up!” and they put a sound making toy down here with me to ‘wake me up’ and i’m just keeping quiet the whole time. it’s hilarious. now they’re down here. disrupting my not-sleeping. i’m high asf right now. this isn’t happening. Y came back to get his pretzels and said good night and we yelled i love you’s. This Is Why I’m In The Closet. i just don’t know how me liking girls will affect the smallest things. i don’t think they’d be kept separate from me or that i wouldn’t get to babysit them anymore or hug them. i knew that. but if i was out, i would wanna be really out. like making lesbian comments and jokes all the time just like we do straight comments. our friend D is gay but he just isn’t the same if my brother-in-law is around. i wouldn’t have to be like that because he’s the interrogative type, military, always quizzing us on knowledge and opinions he knows nothing about. the boys would be okay. my nephews would accept me and understand. they love me. my sisters would love me and allow to be my full self, wlw g-rated lesbian comments during dinner, family time, tv/movies to assert my sapphic tendencies periodically and frequently. i know myself. i’m not afraid of initial reactions as much as lasting, awkward ones, which i’m afraid might occur with my mother. whether condescending or attempting to connect, it would make my skin crawl. i love you’s to and from my mom catch in my throat and abbreviate. i can’t stand the feeling of her touching anywhere on my body. i’m fine with showing affection to anyone else. literally. as a kid, i constantly hugged my girl friends and boy friends alike. i didn’t mind having girls sit on my lap (ohmigawd im gay) on bus rides or at snack time. but something happened. the summer i was 18 i lost my virginity while post shower intoxicated and then weeks later was sexually assaulted (not raped) while very intoxicated. with the loss of my virginity came the blossoming of a friendship in the form of ‘i had sex 10 feet away from your sleeping form.’ R still doesn’t know to this day that i lost my virginity that night. then one night, a battle between a drunken, hazy okay? and a sober, eager yes! had me losing the only virginity i had left. kissing virginity. the guy who unknowingly took my virginity, didn’t kiss me because (as i would find out) he had a girlfriend. then i got really, super, ‘drunkest i’d been to that day’ drunk and let a guy carry me home. he kissed me while she showered then dropped me off to go try his luck with her. when she said no, he came back and forced his way into my bed. offering warmth during and icy rainstorm to my near incoherent self. we kissed and used his hands and that’s it, but the next morning he called by a name that only vaguely sounded like mine but one that happened to be the nickname of one of my sisters. i stopped trusting and sharing everything with my best friend R because she didn’t bunk with me that night and she rejected the guy who then invited himself into my not private hotel room. i don’t mean to. i want to trust her but she’s a whole different person after a year. so we at least started somewhere happy, but now you know the tale of why i’m a lonely useless lesbian who keeps a secret from everyone she wants to be close with. i know that it makes no sense. but i can’t do anything about it. not yet.
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damnsammmmfics · 6 years
A/N: Hey guys, so this one is kinda based off of a car ride I had with this guy that I really like, and as soon as I got home I immediately listened to this song and cried to my best friend. (also, this took me MONTHS to write, im talking since like fucking June-Julyish) P.s halsey is queen
Warnings: explicit language
Song(s) Used: Drive- Halsey
Pairing: Dan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1401 words 
Your P.O.V
It was late, must've been around 1:45 am on a Friday night. The party I was currently attending with a few friends was still in full swing, but I was bored. Maybe it was because of the fact that I wasn't drinking, because I had to be the sober driver, but I was bored. My night has consisted of being hit on by my friends and watching my drunk friends act in an animalistic state.
As I was sitting there, thinking about wanting to go home, Dan comes over and sits next to me and leans his head on my shoulder.
"(Y/N), can you take me home? I'm really tired." He asks, slurring his words slightly. I giggle at how childish he looks, feeling butterflied in my stomach because of the close contact we have. I say yes and we stand up and head out the door.
I jump in the drivers seat as he jumps in the passengers seat next to me. We put our seat belts on and then I start up the car. There's something about having this insanely attractive guy in the car with me, that makes me feel so awkward and nervous. I wrap my hand around the stick shift and put the car into reverse, reversing out of the drive way, and then when we reversed out, I put the car into drive, and then we were taking off.
I quickly glance at Dan sitting in the passengers side and he looks so peaceful, so content, his face illuminated from my headlights bouncing off of an exit sign that I just missed. "Fuck" I curse to myself. But Dan, he just laughed at me
I feel like I cant keep my eyes off of him, but as dangerous as that is as a driver, I wish I could just stare at him forever.
It's always been obvious that I like Dan, and it's always been kind of obvious that he likes me, except neither of us are willing to admit it to each other in fear of rejection. And so we drive, and i think about all of the feelings buried inside of me, hiding them, not wanting him to know just yet, but I always feel like I'm waiting for a sign from him that gives me a definite answer to whether or not he does feel the same way about me.
I quickly glance over at him, and the look on his face, maybe he's thinking the same thing, maybe he's thinking about all the feelings that he hides. I guess we let our pride get in the way when it comes to admitting our feelings.
I turn my music on to release some the awkwardness in this silent car. And the first song that comes on is Creep by Radiohead.
"Holy shit, I love this song!" Dan exclaims excitedly as he turns the music up. I let out a little giggle at his excited behaviour. He's everything I could ever want, he is perfection to me, and also Dan managed to sing out the words perfectly in tune; maybe that was because the actual song was playing, so it was easier for him to get the notes, but he did.
We stopped at a red light, and I look at him for a little while, just admiring him in all of his glory. His cheeks red from the alcohol that was consumed, the smile on his face, looking content; his lips. Looking at his lips illuminated by the red light in front of us, it's almost like I can feel his soft lips on my neck and I can't shake off that feeling. It's like a tingly feeling on my neck that nerve goes away.
"What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. I don't belong here....." Dan finished the song in a harmonious tune, it was quite beautiful actually.
"Oh my god that was so bad" he laughs. Almost as if his laugh is echoing down the high way. His laugh is so compelling, such a joyous sound. His laugh always makes me happy, instead of feeling the hollowness in my chest, I feel happiness.
This whole process was going fairly slow, I mean the whole 'Dan and I' process. Apart of me wishes he woud just make a move already, but then another part of me wishes he wouldn't. Why? because theres nothing worse than getting what you've always wanted, only for it to end up being not what you thought it was gonna turn out to be, and not what you wanted in the first place.
What if that would happen to us? It's something I've had high hopes of for a while now, and what of Dan and I get into a relationship and nothing is what i thought it would be and the both of us wind up being disappointed and hurt. What if?
"What are you thinking about?" Dan leans over to my side of the car and whispers in my ear. The feeling of his warm breath slightly on my neck is enough to send shivers down my spine. I swallow hard, trying not to think about what just happened.
"N-nothing, just trying to concentrate and getting you home in one piece." I joked. I could feel his eyes on me, burning through my skin, and I knew what look he was giving me. His smirking face. "But seriously, it's not important, don't worry about it."
We were stopped at another red light and I looked over at his face, he looked like he was almost disappointed. "Well, you're one of my bestfriends, and i would've thought you would be able to tell me anything that's on your mind." Best friend. Best friend. Best friend. Just bestfriend, and that's all I'll ever be I guess.
"It's a conversation for later, Dan" I sighed as I started driving again, about 5 minutes away from his flat. But he wasn't having any of it.
"Pull over" he demanded
"What? Dan n-"
"Pull over (Y/N) Goddammit!" He shouted. I obeyed and pulled over on the side of the road
"Dan! What the fuck's your problem?" I yelled at him, looking at him like he was crazy (but i was probably the crazy one)
He looks at me, his brown eyes burning into mine. "Fuck sakes (Y/N)! I know theres something you want to tell me! I'm not stupid." I look down after he says those words, contemplating whether or not it's worth it. I look at him with regret in my eyes. Regret for not telling him, but also regret for even having this conversation in the first place. He looks at me almost the same way. "(Y/N), you know I like you, so if thats what you were thinking about, then please tell me. I can't be left with all these questions with no answers to them." Dan confessed softly. His confession should've shocked me, but it didn't because he's right, I knew.
"Then you must know that I like you too? You can't be that oblivious can you?" I admitted, slight annoyance in my voice mixed in with a giggle (if that's even possible). Dan laughed shaking his head.
"Yes, I can be that oblivious." he giggles to himself "So, what do we do now?" Dan asks, uncertainty in his voice.
"Well it's simple, we can't stay here on the side of the road all night. So how about I take you home?" I asked but he smiled and shook his head no.
"Orrrr we could...." He smiles and leans in, closer, closer, closer until i feel his lips on top of mine. We both smile into the kiss and honestly? It's everything I imagined
"All we do is drive. All we do is think about the feelings that we hide. All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign, sick and full of pride. All we do is drive..."
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Day 1: My room turned into a ocean. I swear I found fishes and sharks swarming into my lungs. Or maybe that was the remains of you trying not to escape but desperately needing to
Day 2: You weren’t at school today and I should’ve been happy, I was more sad
Day 3: I thought I was ready to move on, then I saw you with her.
Day 4: We haven’t spoken in days now. My mind thinks its being shoved off a cliff.
Day 5: I wish it would just hit the bottom
Day 6: This will be the first weekend we dont hang out. I know you’ll be seeing her and I know youll be smiling without me. I’m trying hard to learn how to too
Day 7: I asked you for help on a history assignment and you replied with “Ask someone else im busy”
Day 8: You posted a video with her on the only social media site you have. When I saw it I erupted. I spewed lava every where, oh god its every where
Day 9: My mum made me sleep next to her. she was afraid I would try and do something like I did 1 year ago when another guy tore up my heart. I actually had thought about it
Day 10: I slept in your sweatshirt one last time so i can feel myself engulfed in you. I know you wanted them back so I had to feel you and smell you one last time.
Day 11: I gave you all of your stuff back and you thought I looked like a warrior but really I went home and tried getting you out of my bloodstream
Day 12: when will my eyes stop flowing?
Day 13: I snuck out with a guy and smoked weed on his couch. He talked about love and how much it hurt. I only pictured you.
Day 14: I woke up next to that same boy and I woke up screaming. The boy was worried and confused but I knew why I screamed. I ran out of his house so fast you’d think Id be better at running from you.
Day 15: Its break and im with my best friend and your with her and i swear i can feel you tracing her spine the way you used to trace mine
Day 16: You said to leave you alone so I ignored you and it felt worse than the puking i did that night
Day 17: Im treading icy water while you’re swimming away from me, I guess I just hope you’ll loop around and find your way back to the shattered, but still there, us
Day 18: I don’t remember the sound of your voice I don’t remember the color of your eyes I don’t remember your the taste of your lips.
Day19: No amount of screaming gets your name out of my head
Day 20: I got on a plane today and when we took off I swear i almost walked to the door and started flying
Day 21: They say it takes 21 days fo break a habit but I think I just manage to fall more in love with a greedy monster
Day 22: I saw you today and had to pretend like I was okay and happy for you. Maybe eventually.
Day 23: Its still a new year and I'm starting to be more myself. i think im beginning to be over you
Day 24: Just kidding
Day 25: i think i understand now. when you first told me you loved me your mouth curled up on the edges, two days before you left when i gave my bare self to you your mouth was a straight line when saying i love you
Day 26: if you’re trying to kill me its working
Day 27: i woke up this morning to my blankets and pillows piled in a corner in my room. its something s ghost would do to make his presence known. im haunting myself. or maybe its the ghost of us tsking over my body
Day 28: its almost been 2 months since you told me it was never me. i almost texted you but i saw those old text messages and just got angry
Day 29: I hate that you act like you didnt break my heart. i hate that you think im fine that im not writing a shit poem sbout your shit personality
Day 30: thirty days since you’ve wanted me. thirty days since i told you i love you. thirty days since you’ve slipped from my fingers. i tried catching you. you’ve been gone far too long. thirty days is too long
Day 31: i had a nightmare last night about you. you told me you loved me and kissed my forehead. i woke up breathing heavily and shaking. i want you out of my life
Day 32: running on no sleep isn’t fun
Day 33: ive been awake for over 50 hours in fear that ill see you in my dreams again. i cant risk that. it hurts so much. get out of my head
Day 34: my mother told me that love will do this. that its cruel and torturous and breaks you into such little pieces not even yourself can pick up all the pieces. you know where they all are, please come back and pick them up
Day 35: i talked to another guy last night we stayed up late and he asked me questions about you. we were sober so it wasn’t easy spitting up vowels and similies and euphemisms explaining the empty feeling in my chest after you left
Day 36: fuck if i stopped seeing you everyday i swear id be over you.
Day 37: my body is still pulled towards yours like it always has been.
Day 38: you told me that you didn't like a lot of things about me. thats not what you said when we were trying not to get caught in the back of your car
Day 39: you told me you’d take me to prom and everyone is preparing. itll just be another day you promised to spend with me. its funny how our plans turned to dust in a matter of seconds after cleaning
Day 40: the thunderstorm of us was inside of you and maybe that why it felt so close. i keep counting the seconds between the boom and light hoping you arent moving away buy i fear that you are already letting others feel your storm. the plants you grew are dying. maybe you should come back to water them
Day 41: ten days since its been a month since you left. i cried at prom because all i could look for in the crowd was you.
Day 42: i got so drunk all i could see was your face. the guy i fucked kept telling me his name wasn’t yours. i just screamed and cried because you’re all i still think about despite your efforts to continue to push me away
Day 43: i should be getting high today but if i do ill just write more and think more about a guy who will never care
Day 44: i think im trying to gain feelings for someone else because it’ll make moving on from you easier. im afraid to write that it hasnt
Day 45: you traces my leg like you used to. it was like dandelion tea. it made my insides fill with happiness. you’re my yellow paint.
Day 46: Van Gogh used to eat yellow paint because he thought it would put happiness inside him. He would consume it everyday in the hopes that it would bring his sadness to rest despite the fact that it could kill him first. i gues you were my yellow paint emphasis on the were. see im not going to write about you anymore, because when i write you down im under the impression that you’ll stay with the words but you don’t. this is the last sentence I’ll ever write about you
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revenge-goth · 5 years
addiction: a life update
so im gonna post an update on my life. not that yall want it or will even read it but i really need this rn soo. also theres a lot im not gonna iclude bc i wanna talk about addiction. theres a lot to be said about gow i used sex as a coping mechanism, my relapses with self harm, and my journey w medications and mental illness. ill save that for another time. also huge trigger warning for addiction, rape, and suicide.
i started drinking back around 2013 when i was 15. from there, i became a high functioning alcoholic for the next three years. i would always start my day drinking, always took tumblers w alcohol to school. no one really noticed until around my senior year when it really started to become more of a problem due to having been in a really sexually abusive relationship. i did it to cope with everything. i was scared about the future since i never thought i was going to make it past 17 and my 18th birthday was slowly approaching. i was scared about college and growing up and what i wanted to do with my life. i remember being really drunk when receiving my awards and scholarships at a school district function. i remember i found it funny that a fuck up like me was representing my high school and seen as a really successful student while i was masking my drunken state.
by the time i went to college i was blowing through cash for alcohol, i stole from bars, i stole from frat guys. i lied a lot. i did a lot of stupid shit.
during this though, my following on twitter was growing steadily. my drunken thoughts and actions became peoples entertainment and was sensationalized by those around me. people would recognize me as sandia goth in public, people wanted to party w me, people wanted to hang w me, people loved that version of me.
in 2017 i started abusing pills after being raped at a party. i was really drunk when it happened and i dont really remember it. that night is one of those regrets i have to carry with me for the rest of my life. at first i would abuse sleeping meds. later on i started to abuse the fuck outta my antipsychotics. eventually i was prescribed ativan, a benzodiazepine, and that was the beginning of my downward spiral. i was constantly downing pills with a bottle of vodka every night. i was always really careless. i had it in my head that maybe taking all those pills and drinking would eventually end up killing me and that one night i just wouldnt make it home. i dont remember a lot from that period in my life. i remember vague things like stading out on my dorms balcony while all the color around me was extremely saturated and everything was shiny. i remember waking up after a really bad bender in my own vomit. i remember how disappointed my sister was. i remember staring at the bathroom floor.
i hit rock bottom that december, i had tried to commit suicide multiple times in my life but this time i felt like it was a lot more real and a lot more final. it didnt happen though. i dont remember christmas and in my drunken state i lost the christmas present my sister was so excited about giving me. looking back at pictures you could tell that i wasnt there at all and that my family was taking notice.
in january 2018 i checked myself into an inpatient hospital to get sober. i was terrified. i showed up to the hospital intoxicated. they ask you a lot of questions when you come in and i remember talking about everything and just laughing about it. the assessor was really creeped out. they made me sleep it off in a waiting room before they let me into the unit.
it helped a lot and i met a lot of people i wont ever forget. it was kind of weird being the youngest there and group was rough. i remember staying in my room and not being able to go eat because my heartrate was at 52 and i felt actually dead. the withdrawal process was really difficult and staying off was even harder. the first thing i did when i was discharged was drink a whole lot, get high, and had my friends drive me across half of the valley going 90 on the freeway while blasting lcd soundsystem with the windows down at 3 am.
after that i decided that it was time to really stop. my parents had cleared out the liquor cabinet and moved me to a room downstairs with no lock where they could keep an eye on me. they found my stash and threw it out. i also started smoking a lot of fuckin cigarettes. i was sober for about 5 months.
i started drinking again but just socially. a healthy amount. i was good except for a few hiccups here and there until march 2019 when i was raped, again, at another party. i was sober this time which really fucked me up. i remember everything and still have nightmares about it. i started abusing medications again and smoking a lot of weed. i was high for about three weeks before i became suicidal and called the cops on myself so i could be hospitalized. i would end up being hospitalized for two weeks. when i got out i started snorting ambien (which is fuckin wack and i dont recommend). that landed me back in the hospital two weeks later. i would be hospitalized two more times before being stable enough to not have someone taking care of me 24/7.
and we come to now. last week i relapsed. i got really sick though bc the wine i drank was spolied. it really scared me though because i thought my braincells were dying because of all the pills i had snorted (i literally thought this) but it was just the wine. it kind of scared me back to my senses though that that path is not the fuckin way to go.
ive recently gotten back to the things i love: music and art. i reopened my tumblr acct, found my sketchbooks from high school and dug up my old music. doing all of this, including doing a lot of research on my old icon gerard way, watching life on the murder scene and crying because ive been there, and seeing frank iero live, has (as ridiculous as it may sound to most that someone you look up to can be a saving force) made me consider getting clean for 2020. for real this time.
sometimes i miss her. the sadia goth everyine loved and looked up to. i lost a lot of friends when i got sober and even more followers. thats not important in the grand scheme of things, it was an empty sense of validation for me. whats truly important is that im not her anymore. im me. addiction prone, mentally ill, over medicated, lonely, sad, artistic, gives no shits, emo trash, goth icon, uses way too many gerard way references, astrology loving, empathetic to a fault, me.
i know that this is something im going to struggle with for the rest of my life, but i really want to go forward knowing that im trying my hardest and giving it my best shot. this is possibly my hardest feat, my biggest challenge in life, but im trynna make it and ill sure as fuck never let it take me alive.
-sandia goth
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