#i spent way too long picking the last 4 songs here cuz there's just too many i could've put instead
phant0m-l0rd · 1 year
@24kocylinder tagged me to post a 10 song playlist (thank you!! :D) so here is the existential playlist (aka the types of songs that make you feel like a tiny part in this huge universe, which can be very soothing- to me at least).
Existential playlist ~
1. and Zero - Dir En Grey
2. In I Natten - Ofdrykkja
3. Beyond This Moment - Patrick O'Hearn
4. Alpha - Vangelis
5. Evening Tango - Roger Eno
6. Ghost/Part 2 - Buckethead
7. Madrigal - Opeth
8. EBB - Kurotokage
9. Fjörgyn - Osi and the Jupiter
10. Beethoven's Silence (Concerto) - Ernesto Cortazar
tagging @ranuunculus , @minuutti , and anyone else interested in this sort of thing! :D
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oldworldmonekys · 2 months
1, 6, 21, and 23 please :) <2
Hai Snowy!! Thanks for asking questions :D
Writing concisely is one of the things I'm most bad at in the world so advanced apologies for however these prolly long aahh answers turn out to be :) (Edit: I'm half way through question 1 and this post is probably already as long as it needed to be. It's also 4 am and I'm barely sentient. Forgive me for my sins.)
1. What song makes you feel better?
uuhhhh fake gay lame bald answer but I've never had one single go-to song for feeling better. No matter how much I like a song it can make me feel better or infinitely worse because of the random abstract feelings and places and moments in time they're tied to in my slime brain. Usually I'm just queuing up songs that fuel the mood I'm in, whatever it may be :3
However I semi-often find songs that I like in a certain way and then listen to them and only them for days on loop as some kinda' nervous system regulation so I think those songs are most fitting for this. There's been a lot though.
Recently that song has been Free The Frail by JPEGMAFIA. Really been enjoying singing along with the chorus and learning to have better vocal control and learn a less nasal-y, more smooth falsetto. Helena Deland's heart-shatteringly beautiful voice throughout the song is incredible too. Even just her humming, oml.
I want to give some other examples especially because I love talking about music more than anything but I have this bizarre fear that if I give examples of the stuff I listen to it'll misrepresent my music taste so I always feel like I gotta list something from every band and genre I've ever liked so maybe I just leave this answer here for now until I learn to be normal about it :')
6. Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
oh no
uummmm, uhhhh, I'm tryin to think of stuff that isn't accessories like my nose ring because those are my favourite things about my physical appearance but I don't think those count ~
I went on too long about the music so I'm'a keep this short. (That's how that would have to be written, yeah? "I am gonna", idk seems right)
3 Physical things - I like my big stupid nose on occasion, it makes me feel powerful like um a big bird or easter island head. I like that my facial hair grows in red even though my hair doesn't anymore and it's redder in the sun and especially during summer. I like having cartoonishly thicc and strong looking legs even though they're really not that strong, I tell people it's my Ukrainian genes but in reality it's from the neurodivergent toe-walking I've been doing my whole life lol
I skip the non-physical ones cuz uhhhhh that's a lotta effort right now and uuhhh oh look at the time!
21. If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
I thought this was supposed to be soft asks! Snowy skipped right on past questions like "what candle do you like" and "fairy lights or LED lights" and casually threw this one in there. Thank you for keeping me on my toes, o' mutual of mine.
If I could tell my past self one thing I'd probably have a crisis about it and spend months trying to determine the very best thing I could tell them to help them the most and then tell them something silly in the end anyway. If it were in the moment and I had to pick immediately though, I'd probably tell them to stay out of relationships until 18 and spend their time finding themself instead.
I'm doing a lot of catching up now making up for time unwisely spent on other people throughout the majority of my teens and I think I'd be better off now if I had done something wise like watch every Digimon series instead.
23. Favourite piece of clothing?
Last question, thank you for making it this far if you have <3
If accessories count, my stupid, circular, coloured pairs of sunglasses I wear under my already stupid, circular prescription glasses.
If accessories don't count, maybe my comfy black Junji Ito shorts I wear at home that have really rad, gruesome panels on the front. Or maybe the black jacket from my father's old job I've been wearing lately because it's thin and perfect for the weather and has a big collar so I can look professional and a little bit like a matrix character on a dress-down day.
Thanks for letting me ]practice the skill of pretending to know how to write like a person and thank you more importantly for reading it all, you're crazy for that. I don't even know what I wrote, if I tried to edit this or check anything over now I'd separate into all my component elements so instead I just go to bed in my hammock (bed). Goodnight Snowy friend and whoever else may encounter this!
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skelanonymous · 3 years
Song Prompt 4 -  You Don’t Know Me
I’m trying my hand at some bad guy poly, and if I get to my Little Night AU, this may become a prequel of sorts.
Song: You Don’t Know Me by Elizabeth Gillies
Skeleton: Nightmare
Words: 3.2k
“Boss, you can’t be serious right now.” Killer’s mouth hung open. Dust sighed off to his left, rubbing his face hard enough to shake dust from his hood. Horror wouldn’t meet his eyes, Cross also nervously avoiding them, leaving Error the only one still looking, albeit with some exasperation.
“I’m very serious.” Night responded to Killer without bending. “This is not something I’d like to be a part of.”
“If that’s the reason, cuz you don’t wanna, then that’s fine. But that sounds like a crock and I ain’t one for bullshit.” Killer grabbed the end of the table with whitened knuckles. Nightmare could taste the frustration off all of them, but his icy resolution could outlast their mounting agitation. “So just be honest. We can handle whatever you got to say.”
Nightmare looked at his phalanges, faking disdain with ease, unaffected stone face a talent he’d picked up before leaving the tree’s shade.
“I have no reason to lie. I am not willing to join your polyamorous posse.” They’d all been having “sleepovers” for months now, and he’d caught on long before he walked into a dream he wished he could erase. It would’ve been fine had it been Horror or Killer, but Dust was always vigilant and had remembered Nightmare’s brief intrusion the next morning. “I admit, it’s impressive you’ve managed to keep this working between so many of you, and I don’t care what you spend your free time doing, but my time will be spent on other ventures.”
“But in the dream-”
“I’m not a nun, but walking into a dream orgy when you expect something a little more tame and having a reaction isn’t that ridiculous.” Dust’s gaze bore into his skull. He couldn’t crack, not if he was trying to pass off this lie. Keeping calm was critical.
“So that’s it then. No?” Killer just shook his head. Good, please, give up. Nightmare’s feigned nonchalance had held through much worse, but the backlash afterwards would be worse if he broke beneath it.
“It’s a no.” Night stood from the little table he’d been called to like an intervention. “Now I’m returning to my study. Come find me if anything happens to the castle.”
He did NOT run, but he portaled the instant he turned a corner. It dropped him into a forest patch on the edges of this world just before he lost his composure.
“Son of a fucking BITCH!” His tentacles lashed out, splitting apart all the trees in the area with a giant swing. The corruption roared out of his mouth, furious and wild, screaming his voice hoarse. He didn’t give a damn about any of it, just seeing red from the blackened aura that got denser and denser around his body as he raged in nature, a force all on his own.
Of course he wanted to say yes! Envy scorched through his hands, clawing ahead for what it could not reach. Rage he reserved for himself, though saved some for his damned fate, at being too fucked to just be with a person. Even now, not within their embrace, the greed seduced his pitch black soul to have so many loves with which to indulge, having them all pay attention to him, their king, their saviour, they OWED this to him!
“God damn it, NO! Fuck you!” He continued ruining the countryside, rampant as the growth surrounding him.
He couldn’t love them. Not like they wanted, not the way they did each other, forever an outsider to the perfect temptation. He’d tip the balance and break the scales. He would destroy this for them. Slowly, he felt the brain fog raise, the tinges of red outlining everything finally fading away with his energy.
When the colors of the ruined forest fully returned, he directly portaled to his study. Dust was waiting patiently on the desk’s edge.
“The castle couldn’t have had a disaster that quickly.” Nightmare sat at his desk without acknowledging he’d been caught moping outside. Damn his perceptiveness when not distracted.
“I mean, it did.” Dust stated in a matter of fact tone. “They’re unhappy with the answer.”
“And what? You’re here to force me to change it?” Lashing out was what he excelled at. He wasn’t meant for soft cuddle puddles and doting, his body literal poison to those around him, his aura a drain. Dust didn’t bite.
“No. It wouldn’t be honest if it was forced.” He spoke airily, as if admitting the blatant truth could be anything but bitter disaster.
“Then why have you come to my study?” Nightmare hoped he’d rise to the bait that time, more direct in his aggression, and Dust would meet and rise to it most days, but besides twitching a few times, he holds his sanity at the low blow.
“To remind you. I know what I saw, and you know what I saw.” Dust didn’t leave room for argument and Nightmare didn’t lie about it out of respect. “Just know that the door is open should you change your mind.”
“Thank you, but my answer remains the same.” Damn him. Each denial took away more of his resistance. Perhaps he knew that, persistence hunting him with a strong will borne of the endless loops that forged most of his loyal following, waiting until one day he asked over something inconsequential like breakfast for the yes to slip out without Nightmare even on guard enough to catch it.
“Whatever you say Boss.” Dust nodded, but those eyes haunted him. He hadn’t heard the last of this, but the tide would ebb for now.
Nightmare fell back into the plush chair tiredly, already awaiting the next wave.
He knew what he wanted, but he could not obtain it. If he acted on his wishes, he’d destroy what he sought. And if he denied it, he’d be acting against his natural state while forcing himself to be miserable. There wasn’t a way to win that he could conceive of so he settled with ignoring the feeling entirely.
Despite his refusal, they didn’t change their interactions with him in the slightest after that first day.
Meal times remained largely unchanged except for the stolen glances at him if he betrayed any affection or laughed (which wasn’t often, but they were his crew and knew his weaknesses). Missions and responses to commands had also remained the same, though that was expected. They still offered him the opportunity to join in on movie nights. He had refused all of those since the rejection.
Maybe it was the way Horror had frowned when he’d said no for the fifth time in a row that changed his mind. Ignoring feelings didn’t make them disappear and he’d always been a little softer for Horror’s requests. He only asked for what he considered essential.
“Let me finish this. I’ll be down in five minutes.” Tidying up his papers took seconds, but he needed the minutes for composure.
When he made it down, Horror had curled up into Error’s lap with a gigantic grin, Error softly praising him with small head pets. The others waved at him.
“Hey Boss! Sorry, we let Cross pick this time.” The ‘we didn’t think you’d say yes’ was implied. Nightmare nodded at Killer while moving to sit on the couch against the wall.
“I can live with choosing next time.” The little bursts of joy hit him like a face full of air freshener, his sludge rippling but otherwise unaffected. They’d popped in the DVD and set up before flicking off the lights.
Nightmare watched intently for the first fifteen minutes, he’d never seen it before, then looked around.
The group had paired off into cuddly duos, Killer and Cross, Horror and Error, leaving a lonely Dust seated by Nightmare. From here, he could feel Dust’s cold longing, wanting to join in like the others but knowing his only possible partner would refuse him. The movie was loud, the others absorbed in it or each other and not even able to see them from where they sat. Nightmare laid a tentative tentacle over Dust’s shoulder. He refused to speak a word, merely moving his arm for Dust to accept or not.
His dual colored eyes dilated before quietly shuffling over. Leaning in, he pressed himself along Night’s side with a little wiggle to get cozy.
From this angle, Dust’s ears within an inch of his mouth, he spoke softly.
“Is this okay?” He didn’t know what he felt like to others. Dust hummed so low that Night could only feel it.
“Yeah.” His right eye twitched, Papyrus must’ve said something. “What are those weird swords called?” Night’s eyes flicked up to the screen.
“A flamberge sword. It’s mostly used to counter others by-” Nightmare went into its varied history, a few famous wielders, its construction. They kept their eyes on the film, and Nightmare whispered it to Dust, like a secret history lesson while some cheesy dramatic scene full of loud music drowned out the rest. By the time he’d stopped, Dust comfortably leaned fully against him. His head had come into contact with the corner of Night’s mouth without ceremony, suddenly making Night aware of his proximity.
“You’ve read a lot.” Dust turned his head, now his teeth only a breath away. Nightmare couldn’t take his eyes off of them.
“Books were all I possessed before…” His eye roamed over the group before returning to the gentle intensity building in the centimeter between their teeth. “Dust…”
“You can have this Boss.” Dust’s soul pulsed with determination, Night washed over in its warm waters. “I know how much you wanted it.” His red and blue eyes dropped to Night’s teeth, hovering with hot breath, half-lidded in need. “Just take it Nightmare.”
The touch of their mouths made Night’s own soul explode in the rush of desire that blazed into an inferno at the smallest sprig of kindling.  His tongue begged for entrance before he could think the action through, Dust letting it in without hesitation, shaky hands dug into Night’s sweater. The loud movie covered the quiet wet sounds, Night’s tentacles shifting silently to cradle Dust as he devoured all he was offered.
His soul lurched when he pulled back; he wanted to consume Dust but the rational part of his brain managed to catch him before he dove back.
“Hah. Nightmare, come back.” Dust’s hands had fisted in Night’s sweater tight enough to tear. Nightmare ignored it to squeeze his eye shut, trying to breathe through the mounting urge to take Dust apart, piece by piece, in view of the others, damn their relationship, he’d take ANY of them whenever HE wanted.
“Stop.” He said it at normal volume, shouting compared to the hushed exchange before. It drew the attention of the others. “I can’t.”
“Why?” Nightmare hadn’t opened his eye to see, but he could hear how hurt Dust sounded, hands trembling where they still balled in each other’s clothes. His normally distracted voice spoke firmly. “Tell me why.”
“I can’t.”
“You can. You just won’t. Tell me why.” Dust shook his head to dislodge Papyrus, ringing in crystal clear. It struck his soul, shattering the thin barrier holding back his honesty, unable to hold onto thoughts while containing the rot of his corruption from spilling over and swallowing them whole.
“I will devour you. All of you.” His tentacles sought them out, tentative. His vocal cords ached with an involuntary voice drop. “I will fucking ruin this. Your love cannot overcome my nature.” Each appendage curled around their throats, besides Dust, laying in his arms. The eye of the storm, Dust laid there calmly, like Nightmare’s tentacles weren’t threatening to strangle all of his loves in one fell swoop. Nightmare’s sludge dripped off of him, onto the couch, sizzling where it’d dropped onto Dust’s shins. He didn’t flinch.
“You wouldn’t know, you won’t let us try.”
He could feel the others struggling against him, hands sliding on the slick material while his tentacles grew tighter.
“I’LL KILL YOU!” Night growled, his own fingers clamping down on Dust’s neck, pressing down on the bone hard enough to creak underneath them. “I’ll take what I want and dust the rest!”
“Then do it.” Dust met his eyes unafraid. He relaxed into the hold, even as Night’s hands got ever tighter.
The corruption buffeted the inside of his skull, whirlwind of thoughts and crazed emotion, fed by the slow building terror of the others, their struggles more and more frantic the longer his tentacles gripped them. The only exception was Dust. His eyes had slid shut, limp and relaxed in his hands. Nightmare didn’t realize how out of control it’d gotten until he heard the crack.
Nightmare released Dust instantly, hands struggling with the healing magic Nightmare was trying to force through the agitated sludge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Night didn’t stop trembling until he felt Dust touch his wrists. The splashes of cyan across Dust’s calm smile startled him out of everything, tentacles dropping the others to curl in on himself. With a deep breath, the magic flowed more evenly, in control of this at the very least. The crack slowly wove together until only a scar remained. Nightmare avoided the gazes of the others he could feel staring him down, caught unaware by Dust pulling on his wrists, falling directly onto Dust’s chest, face onto his shoulder, forced to stare at his own mistake.
“Just relax…” Dust’s head rested atop his own. He felt the skilled hands slide into the crevices between his tentacles, pressing and rubbing away the tight balls of tension until he finally let them all go.
“How did he do that?” Cross whispered from the side.
“Hell if I know.” Killer sounded close as well, shuffling from just beyond his vision.
“Patience.” Dust’s fingers pressed down to unwind the stress of his back, though not the sins crawling there. Nightmare shifted to lay in a way that he could see off the couch. The others watched them from the floor with wide eyes. He sighed, tracing Dust’s sternum during inhales.
“I could have killed you.”
“You wouldn’t have.” Dust’s faith never wavered, the others radiated guilt. Nightmare averted his gaze.
“I’m still sorry.”
“Then make it up to me.” Nightmare sat up, resting his hands on Dust’s chest for leverage, ending up sitting on his lap before taking the hands that had fallen off his back. He pulled Dust up to match him.
“How?” Night blushed under Dust’s intense observing, relaxing at the gentle clank he got in exchange. It sent a tremor through his spine.
“Answer us honestly.” Dust’s skull twitched against him, tranquil determination a temporary state at best. He kissed Night softly over and over again, plying at his defenses with the promise of what this could be, curiosity over how they worked together. Dust wasn’t alone in this after all. “Do you want us?” The shuffling of knees hit his ears; the others had moved closer to hear him, their hearts glowing with so much hope and positivity it almost hurt to bear. Night’s voice broke under its weight.
“...yes…” The next kiss was triumphant, his face cradled close while he submitted to Dust’s tongue. Dust broke them apart, Night too dazed to see, his hands reaching out to pull his partner back.
The taste changed, the tonguework different, enthusiastic all the same. The hand on his cheek this time larger, he felt a thumb stroke across the line beneath his ruined eye. The name was out before he saw them.
“Cross.” Behind, someone had made a home amongst his tentacles, a back against his. “That’s unusually bold of you.” His eye trailed over the purple flush with an amused grin. He didn’t let the building anxiety pool in the poor guardsman, grabbing the collar of his jacket to kiss him again while his tentacles wound around his other ‘attacker.’ Killer’s groans drifted to his ears.
“Fuck Nightmare, didn’t think you’d get so handsy so fast.” The back of his skull tapped Night’s. Tentacles had wound up Killer’s legs to hold them still, a third binding around his chest to keep him pinned. The fourth explored his upper femurs, pressing over his shorts to his pelvis, Killer’s gasps music to his ears. He pulled back from Cross with a smirk.
“You seemed like you’d be into it.” Killer nodded against his back, but Cross also nodded in front of him, eyelights blown wide with Night’s taste in his mouth and his hands on his chin, wiping away the line of purple saliva from that last messy kiss.
Horror leaned against his leg from the floor. Night dropped a hand to rub against his skull, avoiding the large crack without seeing, knowing the location by memory alone.
“Thanks.” Horror purred from the ground, head falling more heavily in his lap.
Sitting on Dust, Killer against his back, Horror in his lap, and Cross leaning over to kiss him and Dust equally brought his soul peace. Error hadn’t joined, but Nightmare would’ve been more surprised if he had.
“I-I’m sure y-you know my stance on t-t-touching by now.” Error had his arms crossed, body still pixelated near his neck from the impromptu strangling earlier.
“Except Horror. He deals with Horror’s touches the best out of all of us.” Cross removed himself from the pile to offer his hand. Error glared at the TV, but took it anyway. “Most of us have gotten to hand holding though!” Cross’s enthusiasm turned Error blue.
“S-shut up…” He offered his other hand for Cross to take as well, even Error unable to contain his smile at Cross’s joy and attention.
It was laughably easy, Nightmare slotted into the dynamic with ease, an extension of their regular back and forths but sweeter, tinged with something warm. The loud voice in his mind still craved more but he could fight it off for now. Nightmare took a deep breath.
“I’m...still concerned, about everything, but I…” They waited for him to collect his thoughts. “If you’ll have me anyway, then I’ll give it all I have.”
“That’s all we can ask.” Dust smiled while Horror hummed his agreement.
“Hell, that’s what we’re doing too. You, aaaah, ain’t special.” Killer’s body writhed against him. His tentacles hadn’t been distracted by the moment, steadily edging Killer into whining pants, shorts wet against his appendage and thrusting back against it. Night raised him up to hold him solidly between himself and Dust.
“You know, this does offer many new opportunities to shut you up.” His black bones traced the rim of Killer’s pelvis peeking out over the waistband. Killer cursed when Dust leaned forward against Killer’s back, circling to the front to tease his lower sternum, finger peeking inside of his rib cage.
“None of them work. Trust me, we’ve tried.” Dust hid his smirk against Killer’s back, playfully nipping through the hoodie, shaking against the charged bones.
“Fuck you guys.” Night met Dust’s dual-tone gaze one more time. Hesitant to accept and run forward with them still. But Dust took his hand to bring it with him into Killer’s body, wrapping them both around his spine to a moan. They’d help and guide him, he need only ask for it, and with that, he laughed.
“Maybe we will.”
I’m very happy to have this out of my WIP folder.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Selfish pt.8 - Sheriff of Nottingham x Reader (Robin Hood 2018)
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Author’s Note: This sat in my drafts for ages with a note screaming that I had all the plot points and just had to write it. At least it made me chuckle every time I looked at it! But it’s finally done! And I get to bring you more of the Sheriff and his Norse Goddess. (Come on, we know she is.)
I read this back out loud and made myself laugh a bunch of times. But also there are SO many great conversations in this. It’s another piece of mine I like very much 🥰
Disclaimer: Robin Hood characters & plot not mine  / mad world still courtesy of Otto Bathust / lyrics not mine
Premise: The more you look at Nottingham the more you see corruption in it’s power structure, and you turn to the one man you can confront. There are things that you want to move forward with in your relationship, but not until you’re on exactly the same page...
Words: 9575
Warnings: Sexual Pre-Amble / All the plot threads for the movie pick up and our girl is not best pleased with any of them / Scars/Sheriff’s Backstory
I tried to warn her this ain’t a friendly game It’s just warfare by a different name She won’t listen so I’m tryin' to pretend That I don’t know how the story’s gonna end It’s like a tight rope hangin' by a thread A vicious cycle where no one comes out ahead She’s divin’ in to try to save a drowning man But I’ll take her down with me if I can My heart stays locked away somewhere You’re the reason that it’s there
Fighting for the things you give me I wanna share your love Feelin' like a wounded soldier Strength is not enough And I can't win this battle on my own My sword has long been buried Piled on with dirt Speak to me your promises Resurrect your word I'll rise up and be your voice I made my choice This is my story Your songs are stored inside my heart So break me apart It's for your glory Let it pour out of me Let it pour out of me It's for your glory So ride out on your wings of love Show me that you're here Cast down on my enemies Trembling with fear Cuz I can't win this battle on my own No I can't win this battle on my own I'll rise up and be your voice I made my choice This is my story
Months more passed into your marriage, and you could happily - hand-on-heart - say that you were enjoying it. Askel became a little softer on it, but kept trying to point out that he wouldn’t see it as a real marriage until at least he was involved. When you put it to Marcus, as the witness, he simply held his hands up. “Look, I just did what I was asked. But if it was just for a certificate to prove something… I dunno if it counts.” You would let the Church argue that one. Tuck would have the answer, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to hear it or not. It was a marriage, and that’s what Wil was putting to the people, documents standing or not. It wasn’t something you even had to push down or to the back of your mind, it was just something you never thought on. At least your brother was starting to realise how much happier you were now, and that your husband continued to make you happy. That was what mattered. And their relationship was certainly getting better because of it. Askel’s English was broken, and his accent at times make it difficult (not that he cared), but he was trying now. That made you proud of him, especially when the Sheriff responded in kind with Norse. That made Askel happy – to see you were not the only one trying in your relationship. Both of you were making an effort for the other.  It had Askel thinking this might work after all, although on occasion he’d grumble to you about not getting the opportunity to stab the guy on behalf of your father, and then take you back home. Teasingly you offered to let Askel return home but he always refused, preferring to ‘protect’ you. Although you weren’t sure you needed it. Askel did like spending a lot of time down at the docks now, however, as the Norse ships started arriving – you knew he was enjoying being around your people again. You weren’t always on duty with your guard, and you had them all pretty well trained by now. Marcus liked to, on occasion, give you breaks and you seemed to be given a lot more advisory meetings to attend. Luckily Lucian was still around to help you with those. You weren’t sure you wanted to put unnecessary stress on someone who was meant to be retiring, but he simply chuckled: “My dear, these are the hardest fought battles. Political ones, you’re doing excellent work out there I can already see that. But now I must help you master these. Besides, I would feel better doing something for the Sheriff. Wil does need guidance on occasion! He made the right choice with you, of that I am certain.” He didn’t need to add that statement, and you were certainly humbled. You were done with those today, though, and you knew that Wil would be busy for the rest of his own. Considering how much complaining he’d done this morning whilst dressing. To save him from leaving looking riled up – especially as the Lords decided to make it their mission to collect him - you pulled him back from the door at the last second and into a fierce kiss. At least he’d left with a smile, if not a yearning to spend the remainder of his day alone with you. He’d been continually busy for the past few weeks, and less time could therefore be spent with him outside of quiet morning and night hours. You were aware that during this time Vesper had been able to stretch his legs less and less, and that horse was growing restless. You were off duty, and with nothing else much to do other than read or sit with your thoughts, you believed you could provide the perfect solution. You approached the Sheriff’s office fairly cautiously, greeted with a smile by Alden, who was now every so often joining your guard in training. Although you seldom saw the point, because he was already very good. He didn’t need you – but he wanted to be involved and that was sweet. “Good day, my lady.” He stood to attention and you politely inclined your head, “How is he?” “On and off. You’ll be welcome respite.” “What a shame that it is only to ask one question, is he with anyone?” “No, and he’d prefer for it to be kept that way until his next meeting. Of course, you will be a notable exception.” “I’ll knock anyway!” And you did so, but didn’t wait for a response before entering. “…Oh, thank God. I was beginning to think my personal guard wasn’t doing his job.” “You specifically told him I could enter?” “I don’t think he’d stop you.” Wil pushed his chair out to stand but you stilled him, “No, please, stay seated it’s just one question and I’ll be leaving! You have much to do.” “Well, you may ask when ready.” “Vesper.” “…Yes?” His head tilted. “May I take him out? Beyond the walls? I just… You’ve been busy and I’d like to make sure that he doesn’t get… too restless.” “Ah. Well I’ll defer to you, if you think he’ll be fine.” There were a few seconds of silence between you, before he smiled and added, “I think he trusts you, but do be careful.” “I will, I promise!” You beamed – it was all about respect, but you would want to keep control of a stallion like that. You’d watched Wil with him enough to know how it was done. Thinking better of just turning and running back out, instead you approached his desk, leaning down to catch his lips – this kiss far more gentle. “Enjoy your day.” The smile that graced his face was a delight to watch, “Thank you. I’ll try my upmost to make that so.” Wil took your hand in his, pressing his lips to your knuckles to bid you farewell, you couldn’t help beaming as you left the room, closing the door behind you and wishing Alden well. You were certainly about to have a good day. Marcus had told you previously that Vesper only let the Sheriff anywhere near him to ride. So you knew that if this worked it was another number to add to the apparent ‘miracles’ that were happening here because of you. Then again, you’d always had an understanding with this horse; he was considerably calmer with you than the others, and it didn’t take long for you to persuade him to let you saddle him up, hands through his mane and over his neck, before stroking his muzzle – whispering gentle words in Norse. The same ones you used to use with your own horse before he was fully used to you; until Vesper allowed you to slip on his reigns. “Okay, Vesper…” You stroked him delicately again, before swinging yourself up onto his back, “let’s get you running!” Although you were careful with him through the streets of Nottingham, you could feel the both of you getting used to each other, figuring the other out. He was tall and steady, more than Eyhamel was – but you had to remind yourself he wasn’t the same kind of horse. Which gave him the edge out here – he was used to walking streets like this now. Eyha was still nervous about how close some of them were; in the mines especially – he was used to small spread out houses, sea air and countryside. You wondered how long Wil and Vesper had been a partnership, did Vesper grow up on streets like this, or did he know Wil’s country estate? The one where his family had- Vesper tugged the reigns sharply and you gasped, knowing you’d have got distracted, out of sync. Angrily thinking on something you shouldn’t have been. It had transferred through you into him, and you were forced to take a calming breath. “Sorry. That one’s on me.” Both of you were eager to get running, and you could feel that energy as you approached the gates. You’d come a different way to usual today, and this one led out to the toll bridge; the ground was a little flatter and smoothed out down a slope, with no trees here you knew you could let the power in the horse beneath you fly. Although you didn’t get to do that right away, because as you pulled up to the toll bridge the scene unfolding in front of you demanded your attention. The guards operating the bridge were currently yelling in the faces of a couple of scared looking peasants. And when the yelling didn’t work, they were dragged to the floor and promptly beaten. The anger running through you into Vesper had him starting forward, and you were glad of it, not attempting to pull him back. “STOP!!! STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?”  Your shouts were at least controlled as you put Vesper between the guards and the people, forcing them to back up. Your look was hard and if they thought you were done with them- “What. Are. You. Doing?” You demanded once more, glaring. “They have to pay the toll, can’t pay, no entry.” The guard very nearly spat, as if you were the problem. Clearly he wasn’t impressed with your intervention. “Are you Nottingham guard?” If they were yours you were about to axe them on the spot, “Who do you report to?” “The council.” Oh, that meant they weren’t charged with defending the city. “We are not the guard.” “I should hope not.” You forced them to back up again, Vesper was happy to aid in the fact that you were having none of it, “I’d see you off my guard before you could think. Who authorised you to do this!?” “The Sheriff. We have our orders.” You stilled Vesper for a moment with one single blink, Wil? Wil was just letting this happen? Did he know it happened like this? You knew you didn’t want to believe it. “We’ll see about that.” If you weren’t so determined to take Vesper out you’d be marching back up to the palace and dragging him down here to witness for himself. “Let them through.” “On whose authority?” You folded your arms, “My husbands. My own. I don’t care – you should be ashamed of yourselves.” Power, give them a drop and things like this happened… You wheeled Vesper around to the two peasants, recovering themselves and their goods. “Are you alright? Do you need assistance?” Your face and voice were considerably softer. That would be a short trek, you wouldn’t have minded doing that.  But they both shook their heads, bowing their thanks to you. “No, M’lady! Thank you.” “Truly, it’s nothing. I can only apologise.” You waited to make sure that they got inside before turning back to the guard, “I catch you doing this again, you really will have to answer to someone higher than me, and I can promise you, you won’t be keeping your positions either.” You made sure to let that sink in with enough fierce in your voice, before once again turning his horse on a dime and urging Vesper out over the bridge. Well, now you’d need to spend some time out here cooling off, too.
The Sheriff, whilst all this was happening, had left his office. As much to be truly alone as to catch a glimpse of you, finding the highest point in the palace to keep an eye on as large an area of the outskirts as possible. He took his work with him, although he couldn’t say he wasn’t distracted. This could at least have been brushed off for a few days, the opportunity to watch you run his horse was not something to be missed. Wil found himself smiling uncontrollably as you did appear, and when you said run Vesper, you’d really meant it. You pushed him hard, galloping across the flat plains, fluctuating between sweeping and tight turns to add variety to the speed. But there were rivers and streams that you strayed into and Wil could swear he heard your laugh from all the way out there. And on the other side, lush long grass bled into the scenery and slopping hills, before it ended in forest. You never strayed up there, but you certainly strolled out of sight every so often. On these occasions he would just watch and wait for you to come back, instead of getting anything done. He sighed gently, before chuckling – wishing he could be beside you right now, wind rushing through his hair. A distraction maybe, but a welcome one. The Sheriff’s blue eyes flicked back down to his documents, before he firmly placed them to one side, focusing back on you. Voice soft as he mused to himself, “Well, Y/N… you’ve done it again…”
 Your escapades at the toll booth this morning didn’t take long to reach the Lords and, when eventually the Sheriff had to abandon his seat in favour of the Lords meeting, they were quick to jump on the subject with him. If he were honest, he was happy that you seemed to be taking control, using your voice, showing Nottingham your authority here. As you were married, he didn’t see anything wrong with you using him as your leverage. Wil supposed that the Lords didn’t like that you were female. He wasn’t about to let that kind of thinking stop you – and the Sheriff knew for a fact you weren’t either. However, apparently, you’d been busy in town this morning. “-She’s been messing with the toll bridge! That’s there for a reason, but she’s threatened the guard! They aren’t the city guard, not hers! She’s letting people through without paying the toll! This is unbelievable! She’s going to destroy everything we’re putting into place-!” Wil sat back in his chair, and stretched, looking between them all as they all began fussing and agreeing. He’d let them all talk, but not listen to a word. That was the reason you were here after all, was it not? You were here to shake things up, that was the purpose of putting you in charge. “With all due respect, gentleman, she is in her position to challenge the way things are done.” “She means to topple us.” The Sheriff held his hands up, “No, No. My wife will make things better for our city. I’m sure whatever happened at the toll was a misunderstanding. She already has our defences in better shape. She’ll do much more for us than that.” Pembroke gave him a look of significance, “The war effort?” His eyes narrowed, what was Pembroke suggesting? “She has no part in that, nor reason to know anything about it.” “The tolls-” “I will make sure that I explain to her the importance.” Wil took a breath, “I have this under control.” “Do you?” The Sheriff chuckled, “You think I can’t handle a woman like her? She’s young, she does not understand all our ways yet. She’s malleable – she’ll toe the line. I won’t even need to ask it of her.” He knew that you probably had a better grasp of things than he’d admit to them; but the war wasn’t anything he’d needed to involve you in, it was so far away. Getting you mixed up in it was unnecessary – besides that, he was sure that his side of the plan was something you could agree with. Also, right now William had to play the game the men in front of him wanted him to play – assumed he was playing. The Sheriff had to show that he could control you, that you weren’t unruly. It wouldn’t take much for one man in the room to think you were a little above your station and want you shipped back home. Or worse, there was so much worse that could be done… Wil crossed his arms over his body, just so the hidden blade pressed flat into his chest – they were underestimating the both of you. It anyone came for you, he’d protect you with his life, of that the Sheriff was already sure. You had a duty to defend him and his city, and you might think it to be that – whether you loved him or not. But he would certainly be doing this for love; the knowledge he’d never meet anyone quite like you ever again. Shaking Nottingham up was not the only thing you’d done, after all. You were undoing him piece by piece, and it had been so subtle at first Wil hadn’t even noticed – but now he wanted all these things he’d never considered before… and he wanted to share them with you. “See it done, Sheriff.” Oh he would. Just not in the way they thought.
*** By the time you got back it was late afternoon, you made sure to come back through the gate you went out of – shooting the guards a look, just so they knew you’d be going straight to the Sheriff with this. Luckily you weren’t in a nice dress today; you and Vesper by this point drying off nicely, but certainly a little worse for wear. Water stains and mud flecked your dress and his lower body. You couldn’t help but be glad you’d got to ride him, and from the signals he was giving off, Vesper was happy too. You dismounted as soon as you entered the palace grounds, laughing as you led him back towards the stable. You were happy to go and brush him down yourself, but when a stable hand came to relieve you of him – promising that all would be okay when you warned him of Vesper’s temperament – you found yourself void of things to do. Not for long, your curiosity had you running back to Wil to see if he’d be back from his duties today. Not in his office anymore, but his ready room. Doors and windows open, light flooded him and you had to pause and catch your breath at the way it broke over his form, his eyes, sifting through his hair, the occasional glint off his signet ring. You felt a knot in your stomach for a moment and couldn’t help but softly gasp as the heat ran through you. Oh. It was like that…
Eventually he put his quill down and his eyes raised to you. A small smile on his face as this time he did get up from his seat, “Darling, forgive me, come come…” The Sheriff waved you forward. “Oh, I-!” You walked to him, “I wasn’t waiting for your permission, I-” you took his hands in yours, loving the way the smile on his face grew exponentially as you did so, “I’m sorry. I was… a little dazed.” He chuckled, “By me?” letting your hands go he cupped your face, and that smile of his became a smug smirk. “Who else?” Your voice was soft, and you let him lead you to his lips. Even though his kiss was sweet and short it just made you want him more. But Wil cleared his throat: “What happened at the toll booth today?” You took a step back from him, hoping that tone wasn’t really as accusatory as it sounded to you, “Do you know what they are doing to your people-!!?” Suddenly all your outrage from this morning came flooding back, “I understand that tolls must be paid, but beating it out of people!?! If they can’t pay, turn them around, but BEAT them!?” “Y/N-” “NO! NO! Listen to me, do you have any idea how badly that reflects on you?” Wil’s eyebrows furrowed, how much you cared for him really was admirable, but you had to understand how this worked; “Y/N, those are the rules. You care too much. You do. It doesn’t matter what they think of me, but how they follow the rules.” “They’re BEATING pe-” you stopped yourself short, you knew he understood that. Hell, you knew he understood that better than anyone. “It matters. You are not a bad person. Stop… stop trying to make me believe you are.” “This is the way it goes.” “You’re better than this.” “I’m not.” You hated that sincerity in his eyes, why wasn’t he fighting this? “You are.” You shook your head, drawing him back to you, “You can stop this.” “You know it doesn’t work that way.” He stepped back and towards his desk, “Your actions are reflecting on you and if they think you’re pushing a little too far they will…” Wil left that sentence to finish itself. Any sexual excitement within you was suddenly gone at how nonchalant he was being, “I would like to see them try!” “This’s not the point, is it.” “You can’t ignore what they are doing on the pretence of protecting me, what if it was your idea?” The look in those blue eyes was almost haunting, “The Church is fine with this!?” “Backs bent, heads bowed.” The Sheriff’s voice sounded tired – something he’d heard and repeated all too often. Too much history. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” The shake of your head was not only in disappointment, but that you really hadn’t fathomed how big that barrier was to him. A wall you couldn’t see, and maybe one you’d never clear. “It’s not me you need to apologise to, but the people of your city. What they think of you matters, if only to me. And it should matter to you.” “They will think what they think, I have very little say in that. You on the other hand…” The Sheriff collected something from his desk, and held it out for you. “I care what they think of you very much. And whilst I may have my own barriers… you influence the thinking of this City. They will tolerate me to love you. And if you are swaying the people…” You took the letter from him delicately, “The Church can’t put a stop to that?” He nodded encouragingly as you turned your eyes to the parchment, and they widened at the seal, “…My- My father-!?” “I thought it only right for you to be the one to open it.” “Thank you.” The look in your eyes and that smile were so sincere. The kind he got to see on your face when all your defences were down, when you could be yourself with only him. Something Wil wished he could see much more often than he did. You broke the seal and read, small smile immediately widening, eyes scanning the English. It was a little grammatically incorrect… but the sentiment was there. It was English for your husband, that much was for certain. And your smile became a joyous laugh as you wiped a tear from your eye. “It’s a congratulatory letter on our marriage!” “Really!?” And the tone in the Sheriff’s voice made you look to him immediately; you didn’t ever think you’d heard it so light. So overjoyed. The wall was suddenly down as genuine awe crossed his face, eyes bright and wide. You gave a nod, before beckoning him to you, and as he rounded you Wil wound his arms around your waist, propping his head on your shoulder to read. You watched him curiously, at the way he tried and failed to hide that smile – eventually doing so by placing a kiss into your skin. “Well, the honour is certainly all mine.” You laughed, hands over his, “We’re getting somewhere.” “Anything is progress.” He agreed, “Long may that continue… But, with you here, perhaps there is nothing we can’t do.” “Well,” you reached behind you to run your fingers into his hair, “As long as I can change that attitude of yours. Keep your people on side… You keep running things as you do. We make quite the team.” This time the Sheriff’s kiss was to your neck, and he lingered there, making you shudder. “On that, I can agree.”
 Eventually you discovered that perhaps the Sheriff was not really protecting you at all. Perhaps he was protecting himself, perhaps his fairly blasé approach to the treatment of his people was not on account of the Lords and the Church. It was just more spun rhetoric; but spun to you? That hurt more than you expected. Clearly you weren’t supposed to find this out, but you had only just missed him in his ready room – with the window open and the wax still melted, a stack of draft notices ready to be signed; that right around now you had half a mind to burn - and all the signs that the room had been hastily vacated, made you believe that Wil was unexpectedly interrupted and he would return soon. You were fine with waiting but were looking a little too closely at the papers on his desk; one immediately confusing you, that looked like Arabic writing… And as you pulled it from out of the stack you gasped instantly in shock. Panic overtook you for a minute and in your wish not to believe it was what it so clearly depicted, you leafed through the documents to hide it again. But you knew you couldn’t leave it out of sight out of mind, and for all he had said to you, the Sheriff owed you an explanation. Wil took the stairs back up to his space with a grumble. Why anyone had thought that small breakages were important enough to interrupt him for he didn’t know. Other than him turning his annoyance on them “Just FIX it then!” and muttering about time wasting. He didn’t need to survey the evidence, all they needed to do was mend it: in fact the Sheriff wasn’t even sure he would have noticed if they hadn’t had directed his attention to it. When he reached his ready room, he was surprised to see you there, pouring over the papers on his desk. Wil thought this odd; you’d never been interested in draft noticed before now. You didn’t need to be either, he’d already said that he wasn’t about to touch your city guard. The Sheriff entered the room cautiously, and quiet, craning to see exactly what you were staring at. Unfortunately the angle of the rest of his stacks of documents didn’t make that so easy, and he was so tall you couldn’t fail to miss him. Wil didn’t even get to open his mouth. “This better be a peace treaty because not only is that Arabic, that’s the Church seal and there’s NO way in hell I want you involved with that!” You’d allow him an explanation, but your look to his face told the Sheriff he better not even think about lying to you now. Wil swallowed hard; his mouth opened then he thought better of it. You turned away from the desk, stance fairly aggressive – and that extended to the look in your eyes, colour vibrant with anger. Wil raised a hand to stop you before you started, you had to hear it from him, no matter how hard it might be for the Sheriff to say. “Y/N… It’s not- it’s not like that.” “Those are numbers, Wil, what are you doing!? Are you paying the enemy-!?” He pressed a finger to his lips “SHH!” and his tone was insistent, “Let me explain this!” “I don’t think you need to-! If you’re plotting with them that’s treason! What about the King!? And with the Church!?” You were clearly shocked, and Wil stepped back to close the door, eyes still on you, “After what they’ve done to you!? Being in league with them!?! The King is responsible for our union! He sent me here-!” “This has been going on a little longer than you’ve been present in my life and it’s not about that, it’s a means to an end!” “If they find out they will KILL you! You’ll be made a spectacle of! This is your country! Why send so many innocent men out there to die for a cause that you’re clearly working against! What is the play-!?” You took a step back as he took one forward, flinching. This wasn’t good, and Wil had to get you back on side quickly – but there was something about what you were saying, you still only cared for him. That’s what you were worried about, what would happen to him. “Is- Is that why you must be so silent!?” “Y/N. It’s not… please, it isn’t what you’re thinking. It is not that our King is bad, it is not… a means to seize power, that is just the outcome of an idea. But I need the support of the Church to take this all the way to being in power. Think about it, if I have unlimited power… control of England, then I have the means to stop the Church. There’ll be no more control, not of me, of the people, of everyone else they oppress just because they hold power through their ‘Divine’ cause.” He swallowed, exhaling deep and trying not to sound so fanatical, “…This only works if the King is removed. That will only happen if the enemy win. Then, once I am in place… Well, the Moors will bring their religion with them too, as you have.” You took one thing from this. “You don’t believe.” “Would you?” “…Wil…” That hurt so much, “Wil, you… you are lost!” No belief? No faith? In anything…? You stepped away from him again, which was too much for the Sheriff’s heart to take and his hand shot out to grasp your wrist, dragging you closer to him: “No! No. Not with you. I have never been lost with you.” He kept you there, but the look in your eyes was breaking his heart, “The King lets this happen. To me, to countless others… and so it continues. I can’t touch the Foundling House, I can’t stop this without winning this war, this way. What kind of King lets these things happen, Y/N!? Would your father!?” “There’s another way. Wil there is a better way. Working with the Church is not the answer.” “They will never see it coming if I involve them. They think the power is shared, really for the first time it is me using them. But, make no mistake, Y/N, I need them.” “No…” You wriggled free of his grip, but cupped his face instead, “You don’t.” “You told me I was a better person than this. Now you understand I’m not.” He indicated to the paper, “But I need you with me on this. And it is the only thing I will ask. Bad, yes, I admit as much… But to do a world of good? You must see that?” You looked away from him and back to the parchment, glaring hard. The Sheriff’s hands settled on your waist, but you didn’t back away from him this time. Your look was steely, and he was going to hear this once and once only and heed you on it. “I do not approve of this. But I am with you on it - IF at the end of all this I may slay some of these Lords and these people who hurt you. And I don’t want to hear another word from you on supporting our soldiers out there. You are going to tell me the truth, William, or I’ll take this to the King myself. Do you understand me? Not one secret.” There were a few more seconds of silence than you would like but eventually he nodded, “Yes, yes.  I understand.” And the Sheriff knew there was no way to threaten you or have you back down on this. You’d be much more likely to slit his throat than listen to his demands. You took a step back, “Find yourself. Because I don’t think you’ll do it in me.” Head down you brushed passed him and exited the room, deeply troubled. Wil turned to watch you go with a soft sigh; you had it all wrong. You were all of his faith that he had left. Nothing good had ever come of believing in a higher power or doing as the Church requested… but you, something had brought you across the water, and to him… The Sheriff wasn’t inclined to think that was just good luck. You stopped on the stairs and had to sit for a moment, hand against the wall; breathing hard to make sure you didn’t cry instead. You hated that you somehow sympathised with this cause. That you understood him. It was treason, it was crazy, Wil would bet his life on something so insane that may not even work out for him. You knew he was power hungry too… you didn’t like it but it was there, and you doubted he would deny it. The Sheriff wasn’t going to find taking that crown a burden, he would relish it. But after all the pain they had caused him in the past, if his end goal truly was to rid this country of its oppression under the Church, then you couldn’t help but agree it might be something desperately needed. It wasn’t just him after all – and it was quite clearly also affecting his present. Haunting Wil in everyone he had the misfortune of interacting with. After all, the Sheriff might be free of that house, but he was not free of them.
 *** The Sheriff certainly became more careful of the way that he spoke around you in meetings. But when you knew all the pieces at play, it was fascinating to watch them talk. You wondered if everyone in this room was in on it. Just a few of them? You started accompanying him to Church a little more just to keep your eyes on them. At night though, Wil would sit you down, or take you in his arms and he’d spill all those secrets that no one else would. Things that, by the way he told them, only you knew. When you asked if this was only because you asked, or if he really trusted you with such information he only smiled. ‘You should know.’ So, for the imminent attack of what every Town Hall meeting called ‘the far enemy’ you had begun challenging Marcus, Alden and Askel to defend the walls. Each of them picked a specialist crew from your guard and tried to defend the wall from you. Armed with a training sword and bow. The idea was to stop you from making your way inside the walls, but every so often another member of the guard was selected as a target and you had to get to them. Honestly it was the most fun you’d had in a while, even if it produced mixed results and some of the teams were far better at stopping you, or slowing you down, than others. Sometimes you wouldn’t even have scaled the walls or made it to the first gate. Sometimes you’d end up cornered on top of the wall, but you’d put up a pretty good fight before they finally caught you. Sometimes you could get through, but they’d slowed you down enough to gather a force up at the palace or to move your ‘target’ far from the scene. Sometimes they’d still be peering over the wall and you’d have to whistle them from an opposite roof, waving. Sometimes you’d end up dragging the target back to them and saying, “Well, my husband would be dead by now. Congratulations!” When they dared you to do the same thing, you were nearly always successful. Askel always scoffed and said that was just because you were so adamant at defending your man – not necessarily your city. Your argument was you were head of the Nottingham guard, so if you couldn’t stop people they might as well dismiss you now. (But you might also concede his point.) But it was a laugh, and you all enjoyed it so much that it became a regular drill, and you’d practice all times of day and in all weathers. The greatest thing was just to hear Wil turn it into propaganda; how the guard were preparing for all eventualities, that they were going to defend Nottingham just as the soldiers were defending ‘us’ in the Crusade. You’d only allow it because he always looked so happy to talk about good things happening and the Church always looked kinda sour about it. You did your best to act as a Lady of Nottingham would and not smugly smirk over at them… you didn’t always succeed. But pretty soon you and Askel were teaching the best and brightest to free run the roof tops and scale the palace in good time. Marcus was built a little heavier and it wasn’t his forte, but you admired him trying, before he eventually concluded he’d rather keep his feet on the ground. Alden however was quicker than you, and as you started to figure out how useful he’d be, you were actually glad of the Sheriff’s offer of his personal guard to the cause when necessary. More important to you, of course, was that you had to worry less about who Wil had to defend him, when you could see clear evidence of how good Alden was, and how much he’d grown, right in front of you. Lucien liked watching you with a shake of his head as if you were all young, naive idiots and, usually when you’d made it to the roof, called up to you that he didn’t realise Nottingham needed an ariel team. He wasn’t about to hide how proud he was of his guard growing, and almost literally flying, with you. One thing was for sure, if the far enemy did ever get over here, no matter what the Sheriff’s arrangement was, you and your boys would defend this city. You wouldn’t let innocent lives you were charged with protecting die just so he could take power. That, you vowed.
To show solidarity with your trainees - and those now returning to the city from war unable to be much use there anymore, but still wishing to help out, that you’d taken into your guard – every so often you would stand the wall yourself. You certainly didn’t mind it; everyone was in fairly good spirits and would call to each other up and down the wall. Sometimes they sung songs that you didn’t really understand and if Wil passed below you, he’d yell up about using such language around a Lady with a shake of his head. Only with them throwing back that you were ‘hardly a Lady’. You didn’t mind it much, you were just happy that everyone else enjoyed themselves and you got to look out across the landscape and dream about riding out as far as your eyes could see. Sometimes you could see smoke whisps coming from far off villages and on the occasions that you were facing Shirebrook you could only smile as you thought of Charles and Cara. They seemed due a visit, you would make a mental note of that. One thing you did always make sure to check on was the mines and the tolls. Regular contact with your people kept you popular and Marian, along with her Will, were always welcoming. Especially if you took Tuck with you. The four of you would discuss policy that you had no qualms taking back to your husband for your night talks; even if he blustered and told you he’d hear no more on it. As long as there was one voice in his ear attempting to help the people, you were happy being it. Especially away from the smoke and mirrors world of the Lords – who you trusted less and less the more they opened their mouths. Today you were back on the wall, and in a moment of true boredom, doing nothing more than passing the time of day with Marcus. There were still a few complaints you had that you’d only tell him, and as usual he’d simply chuckle about it and offer solidarity. Sometimes advice, but even just lending his ear helped you sort through things in your brain. Luckily it was a clear day, and the suns rays were warming but not beating down on you. Good on all accounts. However, you were distracted from the conversation by someone calling you: “My Lady-!” At first you couldn’t find the source, not the wall, or below you, “My Lady!” Turning you realised that they were in the street behind you, a small group on horseback. You approached the edge of the wall cautiously, Marcus walked in step, hand on the hilt of his sword, almost making you laugh to see how quick he would be to defend you from nothing. “Yes?” “My Lady, do you… perhaps know where we can find the Sheriff?” You tilted your head, why would they ask you? You’d been out here all day. “Your husband is expecting some very important members of his jurisdiction. They have arrived and urgently wish to speak to him but, we have looked everywhere. We were hoping you may be able to assist?” Instead of offering them any places you’d be convinced they wouldn’t have checked – that he wouldn’t want anyone else knowing of anyway – you simply chuckled, “Yes. I will find him for you, whereabouts would you like him sent?” “The main hall, if you please My Lady. Thank you.” You turned back to Marcus, “Well, right hand, I leave my watch in your capable hands.” “Go on. Aid him to his meeting. In fact stay, he’ll need you, I can imagine it’ll only be tedium!” You headed towards the set of steps with another barked laugh, “Thank you, Marcus! You’re sending me to that tedium too!” It didn’t take you long to figure out where Wil would be. If they’d been thorough in their search, there was only one room they wouldn’t dare enter. Each and every room you could knock on and, alright you’d be facing his wrath if you entered without permission, but you’d have still found him. If they couldn’t find him, then he was out – unlikely, considering Wil often told you if he was to be away from the palace for too long – or he was here. You knocked gently on your room door and upon receiving no answer opened it softly. Your assumption was correct and you closed the door quick, but silently, behind you. Wil was lying on his front on the bed, arms folded under his chin, completely unbothered by the day. You stilled for a second, wondering why he might have left his shirt off. You weren’t about to ignore how much those scars still made your heart ache. He was clearly here to hide away from the world, you weren’t about to stop him. “Darling, what’s wrong?” Your voice was soft, as you walked forward, studying him for any signs that it was anything of significance. Illness? He’d been alright when you’d left him this morning. Wil sighed, shuffling, “To be honest I’m fed up with everyone. I just needed some quiet time alone. Not to be shirking my duties, but…” You paused, not wishing to be intrusive if he didn’t want, “From me too?” “No… No…” He chuckled, “You can stay.” You clambered onto the bed, still surveying his body; “You’re tense…” “I’m what?” “Tense… It’s all in your body language… your shoulders are tense, are you okay?” Wil opened his mouth, but clamped it shut, lucky that you wouldn’t see. No, he dare not tell you about what was going on in his head. “Yes, I’m… fine.” “Just close your eyes and try to relax…” He was suddenly aware of a pressure on his lower back, and your legs brushed against his as you settled yourself on top of him, trying to make sure not to pressure him with too much of your weight. Suddenly your hands were on Wil’s shoulders, pushing gently against all the tensions that had built themselves up in his muscles. “What are you doing?” “It’s just a massage… don’t worry, I’m pretty good at it, you can thank your rigorous guard training for this – my mother passed it on to all her children and now all you guard are perfecting it too. Good for war and training injuries but, also tension… and you, husband dearest, are extremely tense. I will not ask what is troubling you, but I would like to relieve you of it.” He groaned gently as you worked at the knots, which made you smile, at least he was enjoying it, “That feels good…” “Yeah?” “Yeah… Where have you been all my life?” He moved his arms from under himself at your insistence. “Well, now you know. Just come to me!” The Sheriff groaned again as you worked down his arms, into his fingers, and then back up, “Can you do it a little harder?” “Oh I forgot, it’s not fun if it’s not painful.” You smacked him playfully, “Sure, whatever you say.” But that only made him elicit more contented groans, louder than before. “Shhhh!” Although you couldn’t help but giggle, “You’re meant to be hiding from the world, aren’t you?” “Harder!” “Wil – I don’t want to hurt you-! Y’know there’s a fine line between relaxing your muscles and tearing them!” You ran your knuckles up his spine; and the growl he elicited made you smirk; you did the motion again, if only to keep the Sheriff growling like that…  “Agh-----!!!” “I told you it’d hurt.” “That didn’t hurt, that was good, do it again.” Unbelievable. “You’re very good at this.” “Happy to help!” You made your circles a little lighter, assured that even when working tension out of him you wanted to be gentle. There was probably a lot of scar tissue under his skin, and you didn’t want to upset it, or cause twinges in him. He chuckled slightly, running his hands gently along your legs under your dress, you couldn’t help but sigh against his fingertips. Although you couldn’t see the Sheriff’s face, you were sure that pulled a smirk from him.   “I don’t know want to be too rough…” “Nothing wrong with being rough.” You wondered if you were supposed to take that with the sexual edge of his voice. Probably. You swallowed hard, happy that if you were blushing he also wouldn’t see your face. You pushed your fingers to his neck, and then through the ends of his hair, the Sheriff sighed again as you pulled your fingernails back down, and then over his shoulders and ran his spine; Wil shivered a little, which made you giggle. “Isn’t gentle so much better?” “I get the feeling this isn’t a massage…” You refused to rise to that, even if that heat that hadn’t flooded you for a little while – since you’d seen him in that glorious sunshine before speaking about the toll booth in fact – returned at just the sound of Wil’s voice right now. You continued circular motions up his back, pushing harder in areas and softer in others; what the Sheriff didn’t realise of course was you’d spent the first few run-throughs seeing what he liked best and where, so now you could give him a proper massage. All you wanted was his emotional responses the way he’d given them to you before. “Ahhhhhhh---!!” You smirked slightly; “Better?” He growled; hands back on your legs, “Harder---!!” Ignoring Wil’s command for his whole body, just pushed harder through the parts that wanted it, you refused to strain anything on him. You supposed this was fairly intimate, considering you’d not actually officially consummated your marriage yet… if you could call it a real marriage. He still messed with your feelings too much, you didn’t want to give yourself to him once more until you could trust him to keep your happiness paramount, to keep you completely in the loop. Your body let you know exactly how it felt about that idea, and threatened to shake, you pushed back through his hair, and stopped. The Sheriff’s smile was present in his voice, “Finished?” “If you want me to stop?” And you thought that was probably for the best. “Well. Lady’s choice.” You laughed, and sat back, so you were between his legs and not sitting on him anymore. Wil turned so that he was leaning on his elbow, and could look at you, “What is your verdict, should I be partaking more often?” “It’s possibly not the only way you can relieve tension.” The smirk twitched on his lips and Wil took your hand in his, guiding you a little close to him, “Well, I’m certainly fine with staying here and learning more.” This time you knew you were blushing horribly, and your body was fine with completely betraying you. “Well, I believe I should be telling you that you have visitors, but I will greet them for you as your wife… I wish for you to stay here. And rest, you do enough.” You smiled gently, “I’m glad you thought it was okay.” “Okay?” Wil shook his head, and leaned in, for your efforts you received a series of short and incredibly sweet kisses, “It was a lot better than just okay.” he murmured against your lips before kissing you one last time.
Quiet mornings were nice between you, today you didn’t need to be anywhere in particular until much later in the day and even then, the Sheriff had extended his invitation as a courtesy. Certainly, therefore, a meeting to present only as his wife and not an important advisor. You’d probably decide if you were turning up or not at the very last minute. Wil was getting ready for the day, but, sitting there at the end of the bed talking to him in your white nightgown was distracting at best. You had one foot dangling off the edge of the bed and your other tucked up under you as you rested your arms and head on your knee. Due to this, your nightgown had ridden up, and both legs were fully exposed to him. This wasn’t unusual, he couldn’t lie about that – but… this morning looking at you was getting him a little worked up. The Sheriff supposed that was mostly because he had a lot on his mind right now, especially about you. His movements were sluggish as he got dressed, and Wil felt uncomfortable at best, breathing heavily. He bit his lips together, hoping you weren’t noticing this… and yet perhaps hoping that you were… Good God he wanted you, but, did you want him? Did you really? There were too many mixed signals, an he needed to be sure.
The Sheriff cleared his throat, approaching you, “Y/N... I realise that... we have not been intimate in a long time. And I don’t know if that is because you don’t trust me, you don’t want me- Well, with what you know it almost doesn’t surprise me. Although I... have been in conversation with Tuck.” You immediately looked up; eyes wide, attentive to what he was about to say. Clearly you couldn’t trust anybody anymore. “And he... imparted to me that you have been in conversation about... the possibility of children?” Of course Tuck would betray such a conversation. After all the confessional visits; this was a big one. “I...” You blinked a few times, unsure of exactly where this conversation was going to lead. It wasn’t one you’d ever had; you didn’t have the faintest idea of Wil’s stance on it. “I have talked to my handmaidens about it, yes.” The Sheriff stepped forward, taking your hand in his as he sank to his knee, “Oh, so… you would… want to-” He paused for a minute to think on his phrasing, “Do you want this with me?” “I never exactly envisioned this conversation happening this way.” “Well, what better time?” “Why did he even mention it?” Wil shrugged delicately, “He thought I might like to know.” Your eyes dropped from his face and you chewed your lip, “Forgive my thinking, but I wasn’t so sure – with your own past – you would want to have children.” “It wasn’t something I suspected to get the opportunity to-” He waved a hand, and then smiled gently, “Forgive me, but the prospect is exciting, isn’t it?” You swallowed thickly, “It is.” You wouldn’t deny that, “But I cannot bring a child into a world where we are not on the same side about where we’re going.” “Aren’t we?” “…Wil. There are problems here, and I will not have a child with you to fix them.” Your hand was still in his and you squeezed it, as his eyes dulled and you knew you were hurting him, “…But,” and it was a big but, “I am ready to try. While we figure everything else out.” Then you took his other hand in yours, “And we will, figure it all out, together.” The smile on the Sheriff’s face, the brightness in his eyes, the way he laced your fingers had your body screaming at you. Louder than ever before, than even that first night. “We will.” He agreed, “But do not doubt that I want this, with you.” That emphasis was clear, you knew all about the other women; but you were his only focus now. Your body trembled and you hoped that it was not betraying you to him; was that excitement? Or desire? Or both? ‘It’s now or never!’ was all you could think. ‘If you want him as bad as you know you do, what better time than when he is asking you for this.’ “Do you, have anything important to do today?” The Sheriff’s head tipped, eyebrow raised, wondering if you were going where he hoped you were: “Not, particularly.” “I do not wish for you to just shirk your duty for this…” Although there was a tiny smirk on your face. “Is my duty not to you?” and to our future. “Stay. With me.” “Now?” This wasn’t just the conversation about what could be, this was the conversation. His eyes brightened, “Of course, I will stay. If my wife insists.” “Oh…” You pulled him off his knees and to your lips, as Wil already shrugging himself out of his coat, “I do.” Wil’s hands glided up your legs, as his kisses became a little harder, a little hotter. Your nightdress moved up your body and it was all you could do to help him, pulling at the ties at the top to wriggle out of it. You looped your arms around his neck, already moaning against his kisses, knowing that your arousal was already plain to see on your inner thighs. The Sheriff stripped himself of his jacket and undershirt, and then his trousers and undergarments. His hands on the inside of your thighs as you kept kissing him, parting your legs delicately as he laid you back. That sticky sweetness already lingering on his fingertips, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “How long?” “Too long…” Was your only breathless answer as Wil pulled his lips from yours to lick his fingers, “Oh, Y/N. You should have said something.” You shook your head, but he denied you the opportunity to recapture his lips as he ran his fingers through your wetness – causing you to shudder. “…You just said it for me.” That smirk of his was bigger than usual as he tasted you again, and this time when he kissed you harshly, the Sheriff pressed his tongue to yours, giving you the opportunity to taste yourself. You moaned quietly again, pulling his body to completely cover yours and he held you strong in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his. “I love you.” You pulled back for just a moment, just to study his face as he said it. “Do you?” “You know I do.” You were once again struck by the vulnerability, the way Wil said it with such conviction. No games, no lies. There was no room for any of that here, not between the two of you. Not here. “I love you too…” He shuddered at the Norse. Your hands were up in his hair, gentle kiss to his forehead, then his lips, “I want this… and I need you… Wil, I need you.” He held your hands once more as he pushed into you, gentler than before – but so different. Your body tingled, coils in your stomach radiating the same heat as before. Everything was suddenly so pleasant. It had been before, but now… perhaps that was just you thinking on context. Before it was about you, it was about becoming his… This wasn’t; this was about both of you, about your future. The possibility of having a family… You pulled him closer, and mixed with your moaning were distinct words; Norse – what else? The Sheriff smiled into your skin, pressing lingering kisses against your shoulder. “I want to hear them, Y/N, even if I don’t understand them…” But you both knew he already did. The sentiment, the million different ways you were capable of telling him how much you loved him. The million different ways you always would…
💜Thank you for reading! I don’t think I’ll get 9 done by the end of the year but I’m happy that we’re at this point and we can start heading towards the movie plot now!💙
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colorfullfalls · 4 years
Worst to best night
Reader x Embry Call
(In this Jake never imprints on Nessie, he ends up imprinting on a girl his age named Callie)
Black mechanics had a busy day. Three customers showed up without calling in, and Jacob was livid. Hot sun beating down on the garage only made it ten times hotter inside. A quileute wolf's blood ran naturally warm without humidity blasting them. Garages usually stayed open for 8 hours in the area, but Jake was usually willing to work however long until he was exhausted.
Today was different. His sweet Callie was waiting for him and he had to miss seeing her. Jake's temper was slowly slipping out of grasp. Quil and Embry, hired as mechanics, noticed his anger and were giving eachother annoyed looks as Jake kept snapping at them.
To progress, each man worked on a different vehicle. Embry and Quil liked to joke around while they worked, but this day Jake was not a fan. Embry smiled as Quil tripped over a wire. The two shared a look and busted out laughing. Jake rolled his eyes and bit his tongue from saying anything.
"Quil, hand me the light dude." Jake said ten minutes later.
"I don't know where it is. Em had it last." Quil retorted, his long frame coming out from under the truck he had been working under. Motor oil smeared on his face as he rubbed it sheepishly from Jake's hard stare.
"It's a big fucking light, how do you not know where it is?" Jake stone voice pierced the air.
Embry rolled his eyes. Jake was being irritating. None of them were in a peachy mood and he wasn't making it any better. Hostile environments also weren't Embry's thing. He just wanted to defuse the situation.
Jake nodded his head in acknowledgement as he took the light. Embry flipped him off when he wasn't looking before returning to his task. For a while work was carried out silently, only old 80's songs playing lightly could be heard. Although the atmosphere was calm, inside Jake wasn't. His veins were pulsating as he fumbled to still work. God, he wanted to be home. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Embry's imprint and wife, Y/N, and Callie pulled into the parking lot of the shop and parker up as close as she could to avoid getting drenched by the rain on her way in. La Push was rain 70% of the time. Either adapt or hate life.
Embry called his wife an hour earlier to tell her to not make dinner for him and Quil because they wouldn't be home for a long time. His tone held guilt and sorry as he explained it, but his lovely woman assured him that it was fine. Nothing to fret over.
Y/N was annoyed at whoever dropped off their vehicles without calling in because it set the boys back. Why the boys agreed to work on them was beyond her. Good men, the three of them were.
She knew that the mechanics wouldn't go get food if so much was left to do, so she bought Chinese food and decided to surprise them. Ordering 5 containers of general tsos, 3 containers of orange chicken and 4 boxes of fried rice was embarrassing, but she still did it out of love.
She called Callie to come with her because Jake was taking a tantrum about his soiled evening, and she wanted to put him in a better mood. Not only for his sake, but the guys too. Y/N didn't appreciate Jake's pissy attitude towards Embry and Quil, but she understood how wolves get antsy when they're away from their imprint for too long. Hell, she even got cranky when she didn't see Em for a while.
Together they grabbed the food, plates, cups and drinks and ran for the door. Before they could open it, Quil pulled it open and stepped aside.
"Ooh, ladies.." his eyes wandered across the bags and his nose picked up on the smell, "Yes! Ladies with food! It's as if you heard our grumbling stomachs. Have I ever said how much I love you guys?"
Y/N kissed his cheek as he took some of the bags from you to help, "love you too, kid."
Jake stood up and ran to Callie, kissing her face all over and spinning her around. The couple's intimate moment was alike every time a wolf saw their imprint after being apart. Y/N grinned, happy to have helped.
Embry wiped his hands off on a rag before coming to take the rest of the bags from Y/N while giving her a peck on the lips. She hummed in pure bliss at his close proximity. They set the food down on the back table and we're grabbing benches and random chairs to sit.
"You're my savior, like always. Missed you so much today." Embry whispered into Y/N's ear from behind as he wrapped his arms around her.
She laughed, body naturally melting back into him, "I missed you too, lover boy. C'mon, let's eat guys. You must be starved."
Five adults chewed, laughed, and talked happily as they enjoyed their well deserved dinner. The chemistry between the group was buzzing as they shared stories about how their day went.
"Jake was a dick all day. If it weren't for you guys showing up, we may have killed him." Quil exaggerated, winking at Embry.
"I was a dick. M' sorry about that, didn't mean to take it out on you guys because it wasn't fair. But God damn, how do people not have the common courtesy to not just drop their shit off?" Jake ranted, shaking his head in utter disbelief.
Callie patted his arm, "People are half wits, Jacob. Dealing with them comes with running a business," she turned to the boys with a beautiful smile on her cheerful face, "thank you for dealing with the grumpy guy all day."
"His anger was reasonable cuz we were frustrated too- I had been itching to get home to Y/N." Embry confessed, looking at his wife that was showing orange chicken in her mouth.
She caught his eyes and shrugged with a blush as she shoved the rest of it in, "good food.." she mumbled.
Embry chuckled, admiring how goofy the love of his life was. Y/N was just so refreshing to see after the shitty day he had and her showing up washed his bad attitude away. Now he was all smiles. They all were.
"Tomorrow I say we have a fun day at the beach and later have a fire or something. Relax and unwind a bit, yanno?" Quil brought up, his tongue poking out to lick the sauce at the side of his mouth. A chorus of yes came from the group.
Y/N wiped her face with the back of her hand before picking up her fortune cookie. Her nimble fingers tore off the wrapper. She cracked the cookie and took out the little slip of paper.
"A new love is around the corner. Open your heart and it shall arrive..." She read out loud. Her face looked deep in thought as she set it down. Embry grinned at the cliche fortune, pulling her close for a second to kiss her forehead.
"Lame. Your man is right there. Let's hope my fortune is better." Callie said, grabbing hers.
"Actually... It's kind of right. I was going to tell you in a more thought out way but now is good... Embry, I'm pregnant." Y/N softly said, her eyes staring deep into his.
Everyone's mouth dropped in surprise at the news. Embry quickly grabbed her face in his large hands and kissed her passionately, the warmth of his hands seeping into her skin. Callie, Jake, and Quil clapped as he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers for a moment. He smiled smittenly and shook his head, pulling her into his lap to hold her close.
"There goes my wine drinking buddy.." Callie teased, nudging Y/N's foot with hers.
"Got that right, Y/N will not be drinking. Or doing anything remotely dangerous." Embry sternly said, pulling her closer to him with a kiss to her hair.
Quil snorted, "This will be a fun 9 months of Y/N living in bubble wrap.."
"Uh huh" she protested. The group laughed as they all set into a comfortable silence. The couple would be the first out of the pack to have a kid, even before Sam and Emily.
"Happy for you man" Jake said with a nod of his head.
"Thanks Jake... Wow, this day really went from shit to one of the best days of my entire life." Embry beamed.
Rest of the evening was spent talking about potential baby names. Some silly ones were thrown out there, but it was nice to get ideas. Y/N and Embry shared a look and knew immediately that their baby would be loved by their aunts and uncles. But of course, not more than he or she was loved by their parents.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Ryunosuke Tsunashi Twelve Hits Rabbit Chat Part 2: Request Hits 1
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for joining, everyone! We'll be accepting requests for Tsunashi-san's RADIO STATION Twelve Hits! here. 
Tsumugi: I'll be your moderator, just like the previous times. I look forward to chatting with you!
Ryunosuke: Hey, everyone!
Kaoru: Ryu's the last member of TRIGGER to do this! Thank you all for coming.
Rinto: Thank you!
Banri: We'll be here to observe, too.
Tsumugi: The requests for Tsunashi-san's radio show will be chosen at random. As usual, we'll start in order from youngest to oldest!
Ryunosuke: I can't wait for your requests..!
Gaku: Ryu was pretty excited before the group chat started (lol)
Tenn: He kept checking the clock, and couldn't sit still.
Ryunosuke: Hey! You don't need to tell them that!
Gaku: He's embarrassed (lol)
Tenn: Definitely
Momo: Ryu, that's so cute! You're like a young boy waiting for his first date to show up \(*´ω`)(´ω`*)ノ
Mitsuki: We'd have a real family outing if all 16 of us went on a date together, lol
Yamato: Not to mention it'd almost be a total sausage fest.
Yuki: Gender doesn't matter, as long as we all have someone to pair up with.
Iori: You really are a free thinker.
Banri: I think he's just lazy (lol)
Tamaki: Me!
Tamaki: I wanna team up with Ryu-aniki
Ryunosuke: Huh, are you sure? Not that I'm unhappy with that or anything, but why me?
Tamaki: It's almost your birthday, so if I go with you, I'll get cake
Ryunosuke: I see, so you'd be in it just for the food (lol)
Sogo: Tamaki-kun, do you realize how disrespectful that is..!?
Tamaki: You can come too, So-chan
Sogo: I suppose I'm glad to have a team now, but still...
Riku: It's like we're choosing partners for gym class!
Kaoru: What are you fooling around for!? Hurry up and start with the requests!
Tsumugi: R-right! Tamaki-san, go ahead!
Tamaki: Yup
Tamaki: Who's your fave member from IDOLiSH7?
Ryunosuke: Huh!? My fave!? Wait, didn't you..?
Gaku: ...Already ask that from me?
Tamaki: You just said you liked all of  us the same amount, Gakkun!
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Gaku: You're still mad over that? (lol) Look, I'm sorry, but I did buy you a King Pudding afterwards.
Tamaki: I ate it already, so I forgot
Ryunosuke: So, you're trying your luck again with me! lol
Tamaki: That's 'cuz I trust in you, Ryu-aniki
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Ryunosuke: Since you're being so straightforward, maybe I should pick you as my fave!
Tamaki: Awesome!!!
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Mitsuki: You're gonna settle for that, Tamaki..!?
Sogo: You should respect Tsunashi-san's genuine opinion more.
Nagi: Now that you have asked both Yaotome-shi and Tsunashi-shi, you will have to ask Kujo-shi, as well.
Tenn: You’re just trying to complete the set, huh?
Riku: I want to know, too! Tell us! Tell us!
Riku: And not just because the others got the same question!
Iori: He'll be in big trouble if he chooses anyone but our center...
Tenn: If you'd requested it from me, I could've answered, Riku ^^
Riku: Aaaaw!
Tsumugi: I'm curious about who Tsunashi-san's favorite is, too!
Tsumugi: Iori-san, you're up next!
Iori: Mine is to do an OX Quiz.
Iori: It's a quiz where you have three seconds to answer questions by holding up an O or X sign. If the questions are intimate enough, Tsunashi-san's fans will get to see a whole new side of him.
Ryunosuke: So basically, I'll have to answer on impulse? That sounds fun!
Ryunosuke: Will you come up with the questions, Iori-kun?
Iori: That's the plan. I'll run them by Anesagi-san first, of course.
Momo: I wanna come up with questions for Ryu, too~ (ノ´д)ノ
Sogo: Um... Would you mind if I helped?
Mitsuki: Ah! I also wanna ask something!
Iori: That would be very helpful. If they're genuine questions, they'll add depth to the quiz.
Yamato: Wow. They're practically fighting over you, Tsunashi-san!
Gaku: You're real popular, Ryu!
Ryunosuke: That makes me kind of happy..! These request corners are so nice!
Tenn: You're a natural born swindler, Ryu. Though that's one of the things I like about you.
Ryunosuke: Huh, s-swindler!? Is that supposed to be a compliment!?
Tenn: Of course. I just said I liked it, didn't I?
Ryunosuke: Really? I'm so happy that you'd say that about me!
Ryunosuke: Feel free to ask me anything, guys!
Tsumugi: I can't wait to see what they come up with!
Tsumugi: Riku-san, you're next!
Riku: Okay! I want him to tell us about the baddest thing he's ever done! 
Riku: Tsunashi-san's really nice, and cool, and great at cooking, and also cool! But I'm curious to hear if he's ever done something naughty!
Yuki: You said "cool" twice there
Gaku: Our Ryu's just that cool!
Ryunosuke: I never knew you felt that way about me! I'm really happy to hear that.
Tenn: It's hard to imagine Ryu doing anything bad, that's for sure.
Riku: I know, right! I don't even have any examples for how he could've misbehaved.
Nagi: Such as waiting overnight in line for a big doujinshi event?
Mitsuki: That's definitely a bad thing to do, but I'm pretty sure Tsunashi-san wouldn't even think to do something like that, lol
Ryunosuke: It's important to respect the rules at a public event!
Rinto: Would that even count as something naughty, I wonder..?
1. What about running in hallways..!
Ryunosuke: That's dangerous! Especially if you happen to slip or trip..!
2. What about wearing the wrong shirt with your school uniform..?
Ryunosuke: There were some kids in my school who customized their uniforms in secret! I never really understood it, so I just wore it as is, lol
3. What about only lip syncing to your school song during assemblies..?
Ryunosuke: I always sang along, but I guess some people are too embarrassed to do that if the people around them aren't singing, either.
Ryunosuke: Sorry, but I wasn't a very naughty kid, lol I spent most of my time at sea, anyway!
Gaku: I thought that went without saying!
Tenn: It would've been interesting if he had a past like that, though.
Kaoru: No! I want him to have been a charming and gentle boy with a little backpack!
Momo: I dunno if many grade schoolers would act like that! lol
Ryunosuke: I don't think I was charming or gentle, either... I was a rowdy grade schooler who ran around barefoot, lol
Ryunosuke: I don't know if I have any stories like what you're looking for, but I'll go look through my childhood pictures and try to think of something!
Riku: Thank you!
Yamato: I'm pretty sure fact that he's willing to look through photo albums for a request is proof that he's more diligent than anything else.
Sogo: His sincerity is so heartwarming!
Tsumugi: I have to say, I'm interested in seeing Tsunashi-san's naughtier side, too! lol
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, could you go next?
Tenn: Yes. Mine is that if he has anything to say to TRIGGER, he should spit it out.
Tenn: It's more just for Gaku and I, though. Ryu's not exactly the type to assert himself, so I thought I'd take this chance to encourage him to speak up
Tenn: It can be something he wants to do, something he wants us to change, or a request for us
Gaku: That's a great request! Ryu, you can tell us anything.
Ryunosuke: Thank you both! In all honesty, I think TRIGGER's about as perfect as can be, so I don't have any requests.
Tenn: You're proving my point. It won't kill you to be selfish every now and then, you know
Ryunosuke: I could say the same to you. You handle everything from work to family matters all by yourself.
Ryunosuke: You were holed up in our dressing room with a cold not too long ago.
Gaku: Right! You really should've said something back then.
Riku: You caught a cold, Tenn-nii!? Are you okay!?
Tenn: I'm fine. It was cured overnight.
Riku: Good..!
Gaku: That being said, couldn't we have gotten you medicine or food or something?
Tenn: You're still going on about that?   We've already had this discussion.
Ryunosuke: It's because you're so reserved about the strangest things, Tenn.
Tenn: It was just a little fever, and I didn't want to infect either of you
Gaku: This again?
Ryunosuke: In all honesty, I'm a little angry about this.
Tenn: You don't get mad often, but when you do, you can be stubborn as a mule
Ryunosuke: I'm only mad because I have a reason to be.
Nagi: Are the three of you fighting?
Tamaki: Stop fighting, you're supposed to be adults!
Mitsuki: Ah, I dunno if I'd call this a fight... I can definitely relate to both Yaotome and Tsunashi-san.
Tenn: We're not fighting. This conversation is over
Gaku: The hell it is!
Ryunosuke: We'll talk later. A group chat isn't the appropriate place for this..!
Tsumugi: I can understand both not wanting to make your friends worry, and wanting a friend to rely on you...
Tsumugi: Nagi-san, you're next!
Nagi: Leave it to me. I shall cleanse the heavy atmosphere of this chat!
Momo: I bet you're really good at that, lololol
Yuki: Well said
Ryunosuke: Sorry, Nagi-kun. Thank you for trying to calm us down!
Nagi: You are most welcome. I will accept fulfilling my request as repayment :-)
Ryunosuke: Got it! I'll try my best to get your request..!
Iori: Whether you're an altruist or opportunist... I honestly can't tell.
Nagi: Sweat not the small stuff! My request is Tsunashi-shi's very own Improvisational ☆  Haiku!
Ryunosuke: A haiku as in the poem with five, seven, and five syllables?
Nagi: Precisely. I will prepare topics that I want you to use as the basis for your haiku recital.
Nagi: I would also like you to add an echo effect to your recital.
Sogo: That's a lot of instructions.
Nagi: One must always strive for the perfect production quality.
Ryunosuke: You're really something, Nagi-kun. Thank you for thinking so hard about this!
Nagi: By the way, you will have to stay up to date on the latest episodes of Magical★Cocona in order to be prepared for my prompts.
Nagi: In particular, you must memorize the catchphrase of the villain from last week's episode, Chief Darkness Bear.
Ryunosuke: T-that really is a lot to remember!
Riku: Speaking of which, didn't you mutter something about him and Tsunashi-san having similar voices the last time we watched it..?
Mitsuki: You're just trying to make him pretend to be that bear guy!
Nagi: (゜3゜)~♪
Tenn: I'd like to know what haiku have to do with this character
Gaku: Really makes you wonder why he wouldn't just ask for an impersonation.
Ryunosuke: You seem to really care about this, so I'll do my best..!
Nagi: I look forward to it :-)))
Tsumugi: I'll have to catch up on the show, too..!
Tsumugi: Sogo-san, you're next!
Sogo: Tsunashi-san is usually very gentle, so I'd like to know what makes him angry.
Sogo: But we just talked about that because he was worried for Kujo-san...
Sogo: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dredged this topic up again..!
Ryunosuke: It's fine. We weren't fighting, really. 
Gaku: Ryu's got a big heart. He doesn't even seem to care if someone's a dick to him, or if someone walks into him on the street.
Ryunosuke: What point is there in getting angry over it?
Ryunosuke: The other person might be having a hard time, too.
Yuki: This guy's a saint
Sogo: I can relate. I don't usually get angry over things like that, either.
Sogo: Though I never forget the names and faces of people who've wronged me.
Yamato: That makes you even scarier! lol
Iori: I'm not sure if that's what Tsunashi-san meant when he said he doesn't get angry over small things...
Sogo: Y-you think so?
Tamaki: I gotta be careful not to do anything bad to So-chan
Banri: He already remembers your name and face, after all (lol)
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Sogo: It hurts my feelings that you're so scared of me.
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Ryunosuke: It's important to have a good understanding of the other person! I think it shows how far ahead you can think.
Ryunosuke: I really admire that about you, Sogo-kun!
Sogo: Thank you..! I'm honored to hear that from you.
Mitsuki: 'Scuse me! Can we take a little break?
Tsumugi: What is it, Mitsuki-san?
Mitsuki: Nagi was trying to rewatch that Cocona episode with Darkness Bear, but he can't find his recording anywhere.
Mitsuki: He's really depressed about that, and I feel bad for him. Do you think we could all look for his hard disk together?
Yamato: Apparently the episodes are still airing, but it's not the  same as a recording.
Ryunosuke: I see..! I hope the recording is still around somewhere!
Mitsuki: Sorry that we had to interrupt you for this stuff!
Tsumugi: The chat has gotten long, so let's take a break. I'll let you all know when we can resume!
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thestudyfeels · 5 years
100 Days of Sweat
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Welcome to the official admission post for the 100 days of sweat challenge! *plays the conquer theme song and does a booty pop* This is a pretty long post, but has everything you need to start, so read on!
READING TIME: 6 minutes.
OoOh? What's that?
Thanks for coming out of the cave! In short, it's a consistency challenge to turn working out into a habit.
You've basically got to move your body for a 100 days straight. No slacking, no backing out!
Most take on this challenge personally, but I felt accountability would be great for those beginning with exercising & those who can't seem to keep their streak (cough, me).
Sounds fun! How do I join? Do I need to do a booty pop too?
Booty pops are appreciated. But here's how!
1. First things first, decide whether you'll be joining via IG, Discord or staying on Tumblr.
2. If using IG, reply to this post with your handle or (alternative) if you'd like, join Discord instead! For that, click here to join the server!
(NOTE: Those who joined via the first post I created regarding this needn't reply again! I've already added you to the list.)
3. Lastly, boost this! Reblog, get your followers to join! Drag your friend or sibling in! (already dragged my bestie into this in case no one joined in lmao)
Important PSA: yO, ANYONE can join! All my beginners and winners, young teens and old pals, drarry fans and johnlock shippers, team cold water AND hot water (sparing y'all because I stan working out more), EVERYONE!   
Here's what I'll do: 
I'm creating an IG group for those interested in staying fully committed. (Pros include making friends! Or enemies, for a hundred whole days! Some of you might even get married together, I have high hopes because wedding cake is everything)
Sayani from @studign-stars will be the admin for Discord! You can hit her up for queries, if any. 
In short, there'll be 3 separate groups. One for those joining via Discord, one for those on the IG group, and a third for those staying on Tumblr.
If you wish to use any other platforms like Snapchat and Twitter, feel free! Also plug your progress on Tumblr too so we can hype each other on! (tag stuff with #100dos)
+ That said, I highly suggest joining either one of the groups, for accountability does wonders. It's now up to you, fellow warrior.
How to prep for this challenge:
OhO! There's a whole lot prepping to be slayed. To finish this challenge as smoothly as possible, here's a few steps. Make this easier for yo’ lazy bum.
1+ Firstly, grab a marker and scrap paper (when you on a student budget, cuz same) and write down numbers from 1 to 100. I did 1 to 30 to prevent myself from being overwhelmed, but do right them numbers to gain momentum.
2+ Take couple before photos. From the front, and the side. If you don't want to, take them anyway and store it in a folder you never open. Also measure your weight, and if you have a measuring tape, take other basic measurements of the chest, waist, arm etc.
3+ Coming to the main part! Pick your 'base’ routine. This is the primary workout you wanna do 2-3 times a week. It's the main course!
For beginners, I suggest choosing a 15 min full body workout. Do try it out before you start 100 days— make sure it's challenging enough.
For those who already move their bodies, pick a workout that aligns with your long-term goals. If you want toned legs, pick a leg day routine. If you want abs, focus on abs.
My base routine is the Beginner's Bodyweight Workout (BBW) from the NerdFitness website. I do 3 sets of the entire routine (takes around 25-30 mins) thrice a week.
So, do some research and pick a workout! Doesn't have to be an hour long at all, just make sure it's time-effective and challenges you.
4+ Find your cheat day workout.
Yikes, the wording is kinda incorrect, but anything for the clickbait.
This is the workout you do 2 days a week, and is the second most important workout. (This means: 3 + 2 = 5, you’ve now got five days planned!)
I do Alexis Ren’s ab routine (I hate it) twice a week because abs are my target zone. For you, it could be arms, thighs, butt, anything!
5+ Leave your last two days for simple moving.
It's up to you to decide what's going to be cooking in the remaining two days. For suggestions, you can pick a fun activity, say yoga, handstands, cartwheels, splits, any form of dancing like hip-hop, Zumba etc.
I'm trying to do a handstand this year and get my middle splits already (I fell off track so I still have quite a way to go) so I'll be stretching and doing hand flexibility exercises in the last 2 days.
Or you can just go for a jog or a power walk. Just keep the momentum going!
A quick recap:
To summarize, you're doing a major workout 3 times a week, a toning workout (mine is abs) twice a week and a fun activity in the last two days.
Also, mix this up. Your muscles need time to heal, and I strongly emphasize leaving the next day free for lighter activities after doing a major workout. Here's my routine, as an eg:
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Do remember that this is just a STARTING POINT, because we don't want you to wake up everyday and be like “wut I do today.” It's now your mission to plan your workout routine. Consider taking more workload or reduce it as per your level (this is definitely a lot, try reducing if you're just beginning).
Also important: DETERMINE your workout routine NOW. I spent 2 years (only stopped like 3 months ago) doing YouTube videos haphazardly. This works, because you are working out after all, but it's a pretty lousy method if you want consistent results. Also makes you depend on motivation to workout (which has probability results equal to me marrying Tom Felton), whereas if you had a routine, you'll have to workout because it's in your schedule and you'd be a loser to lie to your schedule.
Is this a lot? It's a lot. I know.
If this is overwhelming you, don't back away darling. Face your fears. Here are some reasons to not back out—
The entire challenge is flexible: You don't have to follow that routine ^ if you don't want to. Starting out, you can do a major workout 2 times a week and fill the other 5 days with fun stuff. You can always change the routine later, 100 days is a long ass time.
The challenge fucks with your mindset and strengthens it: 100 days of continuous movement is CRAZY. Can you imagine how strong (mentally too!) we'll all be at the end? You'll have grown so much!
Working out will become a habit: I've been working out for 2 years now, and it has positively affected every single sphere of my life. Exercising is the #1 habit I suggest everyone build. Since science says it takes 66 days to build a habit, we're ON it.
You'll be really proud of yourself: I know I'll be. I'm literally going to hug y'all at the end of it, and sing jingles about how far you've come. 2019 will have been slayed.
I could go on and on, but this is it. Now's the moment. This is about doing something you're afraid of. Taking risks. Learning, falling, getting back up.
Thence, ladies, gents and non-binary pals, THIS is the 100 days of sweat challenge. You're cordially invited to it.
(We're dramatic, yes.)
The challenge itself begins on 10th April, 2019.
You'll be added to the IG group latest by 7th April.
Because I'm your mom, I'll add everyone in, tell you the details and everything. If you’ve got any questions, jump into my inbox now and get them answered.
That said, please remember that I won't take anyone in midway (no, not even if you buy me free tacos for a year). So join in now & spread the message! The more, the merrier! Bring beer too!
Thanks for joining in! This will be promising and hugely interesting (accountability can do wonders, but we'll see). I'll be waiting for you on the other side with my stuffed animals, cIaO fReNdOs!
— Nandini (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ 💌
letting my taglist folks know (which you can join here!)
@doctorearlgray, @mintschlar, @procrastilate, @scienceandsarcasticdroids, @sxudying, @hannistudies, @vocative, @studign-stars, @ash-trological, @sweet-bean-study-queen, @chaoticstormthings, @lunetudes, @beingstudent, @beautiful-magicalbrain, @akydemics, @literery, @redvelvetstu-dies, @vivinotes, @jynsdesk, @moonshinestudies, @studying-in-chaos, @thelazyunistudent, @einstetic, @ram-the-blonde-bitch, @a-students-lifebuoy, @studahliless, @inspostudying, @the-diary-of-a-failure, @would-iwasshookethspeared, @coffeeandpies, @artsytourism, @gloomstudy, @scrolls-of-jupiter, @studytrivia, @ristudy, @isatriestostudy, @historicalbeez, @luvjoys, @indiaisstudying, @studyingunderwater, @dianeemay, @kemi-k, @londonotes, @froststudies, @pennyfynotes, @studiently, @midnightstudying, @unicorndoesstudies, @studyingundersun, @wingedprunepsychiclawyer, @tonystarkstudies, @delphinaaugery, @morganastudy, @studiies-psych, @sumastudies, @emrys-studies, @parleonstudies, @acataemic, @studylustre, @adelinestudiess, @sorcierstudies, @coffeeinfusedstudying, @pizza-and-studying, @the-third-me, @scrunchiestudies, @jemsjournals, @jas-study, @jabuticabablr, @khelmatic, @avastvdies + you, if you’re reading this!
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morphituu · 5 years
Chapter 14: “Goodbyes”
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Ch: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
2 Months Later
She was taping another box stuffed to its limit when the glittering piano loop started droning through the house, stirring a long sigh from Callie before her head dropped back, waiting.
“Why’re men great ‘til they gotta be great?” came Nick’s voice carrying from the kitchen.
“Again with the song,” she intoned, looking back down at the box she was securing with packing tape. She could hear the twisting of the ice trays before dropping cubes in glasses, all the while singing to himself as he prepared drinks.
She did her best to ignore the song, it having been the thousandth time she’d heard the tune in only a weeks time, and she even made extra loops around boxes with the tape so the tearing of it drowned out some of the noise still coming in.
A tall glass of cold tea popped up beside her along with Nick, a sheepish grin meeting her when she looked up suspiciously, again waiting. She sipped, her eyes fluttering when the cold drink washed away some of the stifling heat that made its way under her sweaty skin in the spare room they’d spent all of the muggy morning cleaning out.
“That’s good,” she groused, pushing her glasses up to press the chilled cup to her flushed cheek. The ceiling fan above them did nothing to help, only pushing around the stuffy air even as the breeze swept across her damp arms and stomach she’d lifted her shirt from some time ago. As soon as the warm weather had hit LA, wearing anything over her sizable stomach had simply become bothersome, resulting in sports bras and boy shorts being her new go-to.
“You coulda had a bad bitch, noncommittal,” Nick started up again, swaying his hips in time with his side to side bounces behind her after he’d taken off his own soaked shirt, leaving him in old jeans.
“Oh my god Nick,”
“Help you with you career, just a little,” he went on, picking up the box she’d finished packing and dancing it out of the room.
“How do you have so much energy?” she whined, arching into her hands that pressed into the achy crook of her spine.
“Cuz I get to see my baby today,” Nick came back in with a wide smile and shimmying shoulders that coaxed a reluctant grin onto Callie’s lips before he dipped behind her to wrap his brawny arms under her bust and shoulders.
“Nooo, we’re all sweaty,” she griped, ultimately melting in his arms when he only squeezed tighter. He swayed her gently as he mumbled soft words of delight in regards to her scent after pressing his nose against her neck, reminding her how much he liked when she was sweaty. It made her groan, her head landing back against his chest while his hands wandered down her sides.
“You’re getting so big,” he admired, trailing the full curve of her stomach even when she groaned in discomfort.
“If anyone else said that I’d tear their kneecaps out,” she mumbled bitterly, stirring a throaty chuckle from Nick. “C’mon, we gotta get this done,” she tried wiggling from his hold.
“We don’t have to finish it today,” he reminded, reluctantly letting go after nibbling her bare shoulder playfully.
“But wouldn’t it be nice to come home and set up the crib?” she questioned, grunting when she hoisted up another box to sort through.
“Will you stop with the heavy lifting?” he barked, taking the box from her.
“If you’d stop dancing around and help me with this I wouldn’t have to,” she pointed out, but he only mocked her, flinching from the slap against his arm. “We should look at storage units after the appointment today, I don’t know where we’ll find space to put all of this,” she exhaled, holding her cheeks as her eyes roamed over the various belongings they’d both stuffed into the room through the years.
“Hey,” he took a step backwards with another crate of junk in his arms. “Don’t stress, if push comes to shove I can throw stuff out,”
“What- no! We just need to organize it,” she reasoned, and although it took a moment, she finally understood his little grin once her own words really sank into the growing anxiousness collecting in her chest. She was thinking too far ahead again when all the could do was just sort and toss; worry about the now, not the future, he’d say.
“You’re not feelin’ it today, are you?” he asked, and she shook her head.
“It’s hot, and Leo has been lunging since like, three AM and the braxton hicks,” she trailed off, holding her hand over her eyes, swaying side to side to calm the ever erratic Leo.
“Let’s just finish this later then. Go take a shower and relax ‘til we have to leave,” he tried.
“I just wanna get it done so we don’t have to come back to it. Please? I know I’ve been a cranky bitch all morning, I’m sorry, but can we just get this over with?” she plead, her chin bumping his shoulder.
Nick sighed. “Are you sure you don’t need to sit down?”
“I promise I’m fine, I just need a shower when this is all done,”
He pursed his lips, looking her up and down once. She really didn’t show any signs of physical stress besides being bugged by the heat. “Alright, let’s get this done.”
They’d started at the crack of dawn, and by noon managed to clear the cluttered room enough to uncover and open the window at the far end of the room, both of them sighing in pleasure when the cool breeze from outside at last drifted in. There were boxes upon boxes stacked over bags, most of which ended up piled around the garbage outside, but the more important items were neatly organized and restacked under the patio in preparation to be taken to storage, whenever that would be.
Nick tugged in the wide, heavy box containing Leo’s crib as she finished vacuuming the plush carpet that had been almost untouched since he’d first moved in nearly a decade ago, moving aside so he could prop it under the window.
“Didn’t realize how big it is in here,” she grunted while sitting at the center of the floor, her legs outstretched and leaning back on her hands.
“Should be able to put a dresser and rocker in here, too,” Nick estimated, sitting beside her.
Callie hummed, looking at all the corners and blank walls. “Now what color?”
She snorted. “Boring,”
“It’s a boy color,” he argued.
“It’s not Leo though,” she explained, head tilting. “I feel golden-brown,”
“You gonna want it to be glittery too?” he teased, but she smacked his thigh with the back of her hand. An agonized groan brought his eyes to her, watching as her back tensed and her toes curled. “Bad one?”
“They’re not bad, just annoying when they stack up like that all day. It’s worse at work with those awful chairs,”
“Speaking of, you’re supposed to be on maternity leave already,” he confronted, shooting her a vexxed glare.
“I’m waiting as long as possible, you know I get stir crazy,” she mumbled.
“Is it worth that though?” he pointed out when another cramp seized her concentration.
“It’s only another week, calm down,” she waved his concern away, imitating his chuff when he fired one at her. She was getting better at that.
“It’s hard just watching you walk around on those heels sometimes,”
“I’ve seen moms keep going at 40 weeks and not complain, I’m fine at 28,”
“How many of them were high risk though, you stubborn mule?” he teased, but she only giggled and grinned, appreciative of his sympathy, but he probably didn’t realise that although the chairs at work caused her stressed back further misery, she did a lot more sitting than walking around during the day, so the heels were the least of her worries.
A strong kick outwards prompted a wince and soft grunt, her hand falling to her stomach. “Someone’s awake,”
“I saw that one,” Nick grinned, poking the spot he’d seen a foot or elbow, or maybe even a knee push out. He found great enjoyment in pressing the spots across her stomach Leo pushed first, sometimes getting a little shove from the same spot.
“Okay you two, enough,” she slapped his hand away, Nick springing up to help her stand when she struggled onto her knees. “The shower is calling me.”
Callie waddled her way to the bathroom after Nick told her he’d be in the back for a bit. She stripped the sweaty bra and shorts off, running her fingers through her shaggy undercut with a sound of displeasement before letting her long hair down from its lopsided bun.
The water remained cold once she stepped under the stream, both shivering and moaning when it bled across her scalp. The sweat and dust caked on her skin and hands washed away as she scrubbed the luscious bubbles across herself, her jaw even hanging open in bliss when she scrubbed her scalp heatedly.
When she finished shaving her legs- with some difficulty- she glanced downwards, taken aback when she remembered she couldn’t even see her feet anymore.
Callie huffed, placing the razor back in the shower caddy.
I need to get waxed.
The cold shower left her feeling the warmth lingering in the house again once she padded her way to their room, dropping the towel around her feet and beginning her ritual of bathing in lotion and cocoa butter.
She’d managed to keep the stretch marks that still grew dully along her stomach and hips mostly at bay, but with every week that Leo grew rapidly, the more they started to show across her tanned skin like scars. Generous palmfuls of the body butter was lathered into her skin, even across her breasts and ass where she could see the evidence of further weight gain her resilient cravings caused.
She turned before the mirror to make sure she covered the crow across her back in goo evenly before moving onto the heartagrams down her sides, but slowly stopped the longer she stared at her reflection.
Often, even before Nick, she’d stared at her form and wondered what she would look like in late pregnancy, daydreaming how kicks felt and if the pregnancy glow really existed. To now be blessed enough that it only took a small lift of her hand to feel her own baby flutter beneath her fingers sometimes left her in awe, amazed that her once temperamental body now chose to support life.
She held her hair up, overlooking everything from her chin down to her toes; her swollen toes, that was.
Callie didn’t think herself to be otherworldly, maybe decent at best, but even she could admit her body took to pregnancy well compared to others. She’d avoided the breakouts early on and even though some days she grew pale from the nausea, her skin was soft and supple from all the lotion she caked on daily. The Orkish prenatals had made her waves luscious, cascading around her shoulders and back when she dropped her locks.
Her arms wrapped loosely around herself, lifting a knee onto her tippy toes and turning to gaze at the side profile of her curved, pregnant body; a pose she often took when sending photos to Nick to torture him while he worked.
But even now basking in the thin stream of sunlight coming in, inspecting every new pound that widened her hips or filled out her ass, she felt good; there was nothing she’d change about herself in this moment.
“Should I get naked too?”
She scoffed before even turning to find Nick leaned in the doorway and stunningly shirtless with his jeans riding low on his hips, but the Clumbasters hid his hungry eyes.
“You need to shower,” she directed weakly with a wide smile, butterflies erupting in her gut when he was already placing his sunglasses down and sauntering up to her.
He was careful not to brush her shimmering skin when he leaned down to capture her mouth in a soft kiss, but he couldn’t, just couldn’t stop from touching her when the soft whispers grew heated and the yearn he’d felt spike in his chest upon finding her naked before the mirror skyrocketed.
It started at her face, his thumbs tracing under her heavy eyes when he kissed her how she loved; deep ones, his tongue teasing her parted lips until she was inclining to chase his mouth. After that, neither of them cared how clean she was or how sweaty and coated in dirt he was.
The throaty whine she emitted provoked his own soft groan, looping an arm around her waist when her weight shifted against him.
She turned boneless in his embrace, pressing hungry kisses into his collar as he moved her hair aside to ravish her throat in soft bites and sucks, greedily digging his fingers into her bare ass cheek when she stroked his growing cock through the jeans.
A resonating growl blossomed in his chest, her essence dizzying him with every deep inhale or taste of her tongue. He was already so fucking drunk on her that he had to blink away the fog before his eyes, his body rigid with anticipation, wanting to sink his dick into her until he found the back of her pussy.
“You’re going into heat soon, aren’t you?” she breathed, her damp hair tossed around her face and following his steps as he moved her back towards the bed. Nick smirked; he smelled the spike in her arousal when she asked.
“Maybe,” he growled, but he knew two days ago it was coming. He’d woken up flushed and rock-hard with no recollection of any dreams to have caused it, but upon passing their calendar besides the door, it made sense once taking note of the days marked ahead of time.
Even if Callie wasn’t on her monthly cycle, his body was, and still wanted to breed.
He lowered her carefully, his mouth detaching from her nipple with an audible pop so he could press wet kisses under her chin, pulling her knees from beneath him.
“A quickie,” she exhaled, her touch fluttering across his shoulders.
“Uh-huh,” he mumbled into her lips, moving to drag his mouth down between her breasts.
“Nooo,” she lamented, trying to pull him back up, but he pinned her hands down as he grinned deviously up at her, running his cheek down her stomach. “You’re gonna see my double chins!”
“Not with my face in your pussy,” he growled, sending a flush across her cheeks and goosebumps down her sides.
He fucking loved when a calf came to rest across his shoulder blade after maneuvering over her stomach and between her thighs, kissing her clit before spreading her lips. He salivated as he admired her glistening sex, his painfully hard dick twitching in the uncomfortable confines of his jeans.
When his hot tongue lapped at her, sucking gently against her clit as he purred, a desperate cry cracked in her throat, his arms curling around her thighs to keep her still. He listened intently to the way she sobbed his name, smiling when he found a luscious spot and her thighs closed around his head.
“Dame más.” She gasped. Nick grinned against her cunt.
Fuck the quickie.
Callie elbowed him after the other Orc stepped out of the elevator, their brief exchange having not gone unnoticed by her.
She knew as soon as they stepped on that he’d smell it on Callie; Nick’s seed left deep inside her, the indication even sharper since he’d gone into heat. Forget the baby he’d stuck in her- Orcs would smell the fresh fucking above anything. She’d also caught Nick puffing his chest, his arm sliding from her shoulders to around her neck.
“Don’t you think the stomach already proves you fucked me?” she asked lowly once they were alone, but he snorted.
“Still good to let ‘em know who does the fucking.” He smiled cockily, earning a roll of her eyes as the elevator opened to their floor.
He eased up on the Orkish displays as they entered the waiting room filled only with humans and found their seats after picking up the same, extensive check-in forms she’d nearly memorized by heart. Nick looked on lazily until she finished, both of them looking around at the many sets of eyes staring at them curiously before disregarding them and pulling their phones out.
Callie frowned at her screen, bumping Nick’s elbow.
“Look at Yareli,” she handed over the phone to show him Patricia’s two month old, chubby cheeked with dark eyes and a full head of hair grinning gummily at the camera.
“Oh God,” Nick said affectionately, zooming in to see how her round cheeks narrowed her almond eyes.
“She’s so cute,” Callie sighed, pouting before she closed the photo and responded to Rosie.
“You wanna see her, don’t you?” he asked, his chin rested in his palm.
Callie nodded, pursing her lips. “But Trish is back to hating me,”
“What’s it this time?”
“Fuck if I know,” she exhaled, adjusting in her seat and twirling her hair over the opposite shoulder, then fixing her tight, twisted tank dress around her stomach. “Why did I decide on this dress?”
“It’s easier to pull up dresses than push down pants,” he recited as he skimmed Facebook.
She only grumbled, finally finding a favorable spot that was with his hand between her thighs so she could lean comfortably on his stretched arm, watching the videos he scrolled through.
“I wonder how Dura is doing,” she mentioned.
“Well they’re home already,”
“Yeah but I know what it’s like seeing your boyfriend all mangled in a hospital bed,”
He shrugged. “He wasn’t mangled though,”
Callie flicked his hand. “She broke seven of his ribs,”
“The burns too,” he shuddered, recalling the poor condition Sergey had been in when they last visited.
Callie’s arms were already open once they’d stepped through the heavy hospital door, squeezing Dura tightly when she melted into her embrace.
“How’re you doing? Are you eating okay?” Callie questioned, pulling back to rub Dura’s arms.
“It’s hospital food, but it’s still food,” she sniffled, wiping her eyes.
“I brought some food that the nurses said you could keep in the fridge, okay? You need to keep your meals up for that little one,” Callie insisted, holding the sides of her small belly that had just started to show at a surprising three weeks along.
Dura smiled weakly, moving to hug Nick when he came at her with open arms too before they followed her through the shared hall and into Sergey’s room.
“What the hell happened to you two?” Sergey rasped, propped up with a multitude of pillows and gown open to let the ointment spread across the shallow burns over his chest and face. Callie retracted quicker than she meant after leaning over to give him a careful hug and kiss on the cheek, glancing at Nick.
“Yeah I was going to say, you two look like you were in a car accident,” Dura pointed out, motioning towards the overall mangled appearance Nick and Callie had walked in with.
“We were at that explosion on 31st,” Callie beat Nick to one of the poorly constructed excuses that was piecing together in his head.
“Really? How close? I’m surprised you two didn’t see Sergey there,” Dura’s swollen eyes widened.
“Yeah, how close?” Sergey piped, his lips mashed together in a riled scowl and glaring at Nick.
Thankfully Dura missed his temperamental tone, instead making herself busy trying to declutter the room they’d been stuck in for two weeks already, but Callie’s insistence that she relax eventually halted her frantic efforts as Nick found a seat on Sergey’s other side.
“How much longer are you in for?” Nick asked.
“Until I can take care of these at home. That explosion really fucked me up,” he emphasized his words with a hard stare, but Nick could only show his apologetic look partially; they were under contract not to talk about this shit and here Sergey was being… Sergey.
Callie sensed the boiling temper. “Do you have to do the breathing exercises? Nick hated those when he broke his ribs,” she tried, Nick nodding fervently when she eyed him.
Sergey only chuffed, staring blankly at the TV even as Dura leaned towards him in confusion, her hairless brows knit together.
“How’re you feeling? How’s the baby?” Callie distracted her quickly too, and for a second time Nick exhaled lowly in relief, running his hands down his face.
“Oh- I’m good, it’s good, I’ve just been kind of side-tracked lately so I haven’t really… thought about it,” she trailed off, pulling on her earlobe nervously.
“You’ll be amazed at how often you can forget that when it’s attached to you,” Callie smiled, the two giggling.
When Sergey remained unmoving, and expressionless, Nick slyly motioned his head towards the door and Callie nodded.
“Hey let’s go get some lunch, our treat! We’ll bring something back for the guys, yeah?” Callie asked Dura, already standing and pulling her along despite Dura looking back at Sergey in concern.
“Don’t let him get up, Nick!” Dura called, pushing into her slippers and grabbing her sweater as Callie ushered her out of the door.
It wasn’t until he heard the second door latch did Nick scoop the remote up and turn the TV off, forcing Sergey to look at him even if the stare was bitter.
“I’m sorry,” Nick said first, sincerely, but Sergey shook his head. “I never thought you would be a part of this,”
“I don’t even know what all of this is!” he hissed, wincing when his ribs spasmed. “They told me nothing about her and instead swore me to secrecy or my life is thrown away with it’s key!”
“It’s best if you don’t know about any of it-”
“How can you say that when I was attacked? By that psycho?”
Sergey’s usually vibrant eyes were dismal, full of betrayal, and Nick swallowed his words, dropping his head. He was right.
“I was left there until someone found me-” his voice shook, looking away. Nick waited patiently, his eyes averted as his young partner wiped his eyes crudely against his shoulder with a few sniffles. He well understood the sinking hopelessness of staring up at the night sky, completely consumed with the reality that you were going to die alone. “I couldn’t even tell Dura. All she does it stay awake with me and barely eats now. Because of all of this she doesn’t remember she’s pregnant,”
Nick nodded; what words of advice could he offer when he knew Callie would have acted the same no matter how insistent he was she take better care of herself?
“You and Callie obviously weren’t at the explosion,” Sergey cleared his throat, carefully adjusting the pillows under his arms.
“No,” Nick sighed. “We were taken, with Ward, chased down by two more Brights. Callie was almost killed, we all were,” he confessed, his temple resting in his palm.
Sergey looked at him in surprise. “What?”
Nick nodded, the recollection of their ordeal still not far enough away for his liking. “It was absolute hell, but I’m sorry you were ever sucked into it, I really am,”
Sergey’s face scrunched, his temperment lessening. “What happened? To… to them? The Brights?”
“If MTF came here then you know we can’t talk about it, even to us, so don’t. Don’t let Dura know about this because it won’t happen again, trust me,” Nick lied through his reassurance even though Sergey still wasn’t satisfied with such a vague response.
“How would I even tell her anything when I know nothing?” he muttered.
Nick nodded again. “I’m really sorry Sergey. I tried to keep it under wraps but… I’m just sorry,”
Sergey ran his tongue over his clipped tusks much like Nick did when he was contemplating, and eventually shrugged, grabbing for the remote again. “You owe me lunches for a year, old man.”
Nick scoffed in addition to a long exhale of relief; he’d come in thinking Sergey was going to be the one that would be tossed away after showing reluctance, and had ultimately expected some disdain after what Nick had accidentally involved him in, but now he could relax. There was no need to get into specifics, because even though Sergey knew not of the extensive trauma he and Callie had been through, he’d had his own share and was sworn to keep the same secrets, and that was it.
“They’ll be okay,” Nick reassured, squeezing her thigh.
“Yeah I hope so,” Callie pouted, her chin resting on his shoulder, her line of sight roaming. “One of them could be the tail, huh?”
Nick too looked up, discreetly observing the many couples and mothers to be occupying the waiting room. “Could be,”
“Why would they send a pregnant one?”
“Could be a fake stomach,”
She looked at him in horror, provoking a low chuckle from Nick. “They’d do that?”
“If it means preserving their cover, then yeah I think they’d do that,” he frowned, watching her expression convey the pieces connecting in her head.
“I’m suddenly really uncomfortable,” she mumbled.
They both turned at the call of her name, Nick jumping up to gently pull her from her seat. “I guess we’ll know if one of them follows us into the exam.”
“My hands are cold, I’m sorry in advance,” Callie’s doctor expressed before she started palpating her round stomach. She tensed more so from the extra pressure put on her bladder, her thighs tightening.
“She’s ticklish, watch out,” Nick mocked.
“How can you not be being poked around like this? Ahh, he’s head down now,” Dr. Sangui’s eyes moved in various directions as her hands were left to do all the imaging.
“Is that bad?”
“Not at all. He won’t be breech, which is good- we don’t want butts coming out first,”
“Doesn’t that also mean I’m gonna pop soon?” Callie asked cautiously, alerting Nick into a straighter position.
“It could, but babies can flip down as early as two months in advance so don’t solely rely on this little spin,” Dr. Sangui winked at Nick who’s shoulders were slowly relaxing.
“We still have stuff to buy,” he grieved.
“Oh I think you still have time for that- oh! Looks like someone is waking up,” she laughed, her finger following the movement under Callie’s skin.
“He seems to act up when we start talking,” Callie noted.
“Well he can hear you two by now, he’ll definitely recognize your voices when he’s born,”
“Really?” Nick perked up again, his eyes full of wonder.
“Come talk to him, I bet he’ll kick,” Dr. Sangui encouraged as she stepped away to wheel the ultrasound machine over.
Nick scampered over quickly from his seat, leaning in close to her stomach. “Leo? Leonardo Makar, do lat daggog alnej?” he sang, and when an enthusiastic punch bumped Nick’s chin, he beamed up at Callie.
“So it’s not a coincidence that he jumps around when he hears you talk,” Callie realized, and Nick’s smile only grew.
“I love you too mausan liavavle ni,” he declared softly, quickly pecking her stomach before moving back to his chair as the lights dimmed and the doctor returned with the machine.
It seemed as soon as Nick wasn’t there to lull Leo that he was unwilling to cooperate, as was the norm when trying to get a clear image of the elusive little one during ultrasounds. He spun and hid, kicking Callie in retaliation when they tried nudging him the other way.
“And, there’s your big guy,” Dr. Sangui smiled after Leo finally settled enough for her to position the probe for a perfect side profile just as his little hands had rose to rub over his face.
“Oh c’mon, I wanna see who’s nose he’s gonna have,” Callie grinned.
“He’s gonna show us at his debut,” Nick cooed warmly, absently toying with Callie’s hand as he watched Leo wiggle and nudge in his ever shrinking space.
“You’re just worried he’s gonna look more like me,”
“Damn right I am,”
“Ahh don’t be,” Dr. Sangui started as she handed Callie her scans and a towel to dry her stomach. “The father’s genes are more dominant in Orc human offspring,”
“So my nose, your color,” Callie teased.
“What if he’s your color and my nose?” Nick pondered, admittedly a little bewildered imagining a pale Orc. “I’ve never seen a human colored one before,”
“There’s been albinos, it’s actually common in halflings,”
Nick and Callie looked at one another, both of them recognizing the concern brimming their eyes.
“Okay!” she clasped her hands together. “Let’s see your kick counter.”
Callie groaned below her breath, leaning back into her hand and swaying side to side even if it did little to ease the discomfort in her back and legs. The line was expectantly long, and with the woman up front chattering before they collected their bags- some ordering fifteen kilos worth of fresh, warm tortillas- had left Callie in line for close to forty five minutes and beginning to wonder where Nick had run off to in the cramped market seconds before he popped back up.
“Took you all that time to find that?” she asked, eyeing the cucumbers and Takis.
“I was looking at the pork shoulder, sassy,” he shot back, already knowing to curl his arms around her shoulders so she could lean back against his chest.
“Craving carnitas?” she sighed, letting her head fall back against his chest.
He hummed, his cheek against her temple and swaying them gently. The longer he beared some of her weight, the more the discomfort rolled off until it was tolerable, but the line was at a standstill with one of the customers asking for six bags.
Callie groaned. “We should’ve gone to Sawaya,”
“We can still go,”
“I don’t wanna lose my spot in line,” she snapped. When Nick didn’t respond, she exhaled slowly. “I’m sorry,”
“What’s up? You’ve been edgy since we left the doctors office,”
She shrugged, but still answered, “I keep thinking about what she said- about halflings coming out albino,”
Nick shifted a little, moving his chin atop her head. “Would you be upset if he came out albino?”
“Not in the way I wouldn’t love him, but more he’s going to be teased. Does it bother you?” she asked, looking up at him.
“No, never. I mean- I always worry about him being teased because… you know, but no matter how he comes out, that’s my boy, my kid. There’s not even a chance I’d ever consider skipping out if anything was wrong with him,” Nick promised, holding tighter when she wiggled closer to him. “Did I give the impression I wouldn’t be in this if that were the case?”
“No baby, I just worry. I’ve had experience with babies and toddlers and all that and a little with conditions cuz you know Francisca is autistic, but… you’ve never taken care of kids or dealt with that kind of stuff. You’re already stepping into fatherhood without experience, but adding special needs? I couldn’t gauge how you were handling that possibility,” she explained, slowly growing quieter.
“I mean it shocked me for a minute, but then the next it was just a possibility and it didn’t affect how I feel about him at all. That’s my baby boy,” he nuzzled behind her ear, grinning when she chuckled. “Nothin’ is gonna make me run, Cal,”
“Good cuz after she said he’ll likely start teething at three months it just proved I have no idea how to raise a little Nick,” she ribbed, earning a chuff against her ear that made her pull her shoulders in. “What do Orcs even use for teething?”
“Sticks,” he answered without skipping a beat, and she turned to look at him in horror. “It was a joke, dummy,”
“I think our best bet will be rubber spoons,” she mumbled. “He’s gonna tear my boobs apart,”
“He better not- I’ll throw him away if he ruins ‘em, those are mine.” Nick declared, already tensed before she landed a sturdy elbow in his gut.
By the time the line at last progressed and Nick had their own warm tortillas in arm, Callie couldn’t even sit without aching, and despite insisting she could whip up a quick dinner, he hushed her pressing and called in to their favorite Mandarin restaurant so their order was ready by the time they made the drive across town.
When Callie accompanied him inside, the usual behind the counter greeted the regular, peculiar couple warmly, doting over her growing stomach and the proud smirk Nick carried until he was called out loudly on it. Their teasing was harmless, but when a few more gathered to poke fun at the difference in their sizes, Nick still turned a few shades darker while Callie held her flushed cheeks.
Only when they promised they’d bring Leo in when he was born did they allow the couple to head out with the order and an extra side thrown in, both of them a little deflated after the whirlwind of an interaction.
No longer did she snatch the keys from him, and instead reclined in the passenger seat with the aux cable in her control. Nick’s hand always rested at her thigh or stomach, sometimes chatting softly to Leo in Orkish when he pushed against his palm.
She was slowly starting to pick up on words the more Nick rattled off around her, things like mausan beauavausan; my beauty.
It made her heart sing every time he keened lovingly, praising Leo with your kicks are so strong, my love. It seemed that now he knew Leo was always listening, he couldn’t stop doting over him, sometimes asking if he’d know the sound of his voice when he was finally able to hold him.
She hid her teary eyed blubbering behind a chicken wing she snuck from the take-out bag, handing Nick one when he whined.
A few more were munched on before they made it home, not even bothering to unpack their groceries before they sat at their table and dug in.
Often through the meal, Callie looked down to her side, expecting Pucca’s head to rest in her lap. It still stung; when she didn’t come galloping at them when the door opened, it reminded them just how much she filled the house with warmth, and every time they passed the TV, they’d brush their fingers across the cherry wood box that held her ashes, her pawprint rested beside it.
She snapped out of her trance, snorting when she caught sight of Nick struggling to stack green onions and chili flake garnish atop his wing.
Whereas usually Nick was the one to mow through tray of wings and the sides of fried rice, Callie now dominated that title, cleaning them down to the bone before washing up and crawling into bed while Nick put the groceries away.
Before he even made it into the room she was propped up against the footboard with her feet towards his pillow, ready to ask for a foot rub by the time he made it in.
She wiggled her feet with a wide smile, waiting patiently as he handed off her giant water cup filled to the brim with ice and stripped down to his briefs, finding the Firestick before flopping into bed beside her.
It was a struggle not to let his fingers trace up her smooth ankle, sometimes tapping the inside of her knee with his eyes glued to the TV. His nose was the only indicator he needed to know she was losing interest in her phone she had been scrolling through before massaged her feet, but now that his wide palms were cupping her toned calves and sliding up to her thigh, her eyes were wandering, and meeting his when he smirked.
“Again?” she asked softly, her knees parting to reveal the peach, lace panties she’d slipped on that morning after he’d made her levitate off the bed.
He nodded slowly, the amber of his eyes blacking out when his pupils dilated. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths, a low chuff sneaking in when her foot dragged over his lap, bumping his heavy dick swelling with life.
“You’re a fucking tease,” he growled, stirring a smile from her.
“How’re you even still attracted to me with this globe in the way?” she laughed as he rocked forward onto his knees to loom over her.
“Cuz I put it in you,” he breathed, moaning when he slipped his tongue in her mouth.
“You gotta take it easy on me this time,” she reminded huskily, her touch following his chiseled stomach into his briefs where he was already dripping with precum, a low groan meeting the soft squeeze of her hand.
It took a few seconds to realize the heavy fall of steps wasn’t his heart beat thrumming in his ears as he left wet kisses across her chest, and his head lifted in time to spot the shadowed figure moving in the night through their patio.
Nick shot up, the lust cleared and jumping off the bed to yank open the bedside table drawer in search of his gun.
“What- what the fuck!” she exclaimed, scrambling to sit up.
“Stay here,” he ordered, hastily stepping into his jeans again before darting down the hall and towards the back door through the laundry room.
He moved the blinds aside, the gun’s safety off and held securely in his palms as he peered out.
“What is it?”
Nick jumped, turning to glare at Callie. “I said stay there!”
“You left without saying anything!”
“Just-” he exhaled, turning back to the door.
She still squeezed her way in enough to look out beside him until he carefully nudged her back, but both of them froze when the figure stepped under the low light of the dying bulb outside.
“Is… is that?” Callie cracked, stepping back when Nick unlocked the door.
“Call Kandomere,” he instructed, and stepped into the crisp night, his blood having already run cold upon sighting Tikka.
She turned wobbling towards him, her cheeks sunken and clothes mangled, her hair matted and dirty. The lightning of her eyes still uneased him, and he kept a safe distance between them; he had no idea what mental state she was in or if the wands she’d run off with were still in her possession.
It was just like the last time he’d seen her; completely unsure if she was real or just a figment of his imagination, but scenting the air brought the sickly sweet sickness that riddled her glossy skin, and he scowled.
When she reached weakly into her jacket, he raised his gun instinctively, the maneuvers to get back to Callie before she blew them to pieces racing before is eyes. More than anything he wanted to run with Callie until he met MTF down the road; he couldn’t go through this shit again.
What if she lunges and Carried him away, to some far place he couldn’t find his way home from again?
Nick swallowed, doing his best to keep his aim true.
But instead, she produced two silent wands that fell from her grasp and onto the concrete.
She stared down at them as Nick looked between them, the frenzy rising in his body.
“I’m Dismantled,” she finally spoke, her voice croaky. “I… the Bright I found, they… it’s gone,” she brought her hands into her chest, looking at Nick with glossy eyes. “Everything is gone,” she wept, shoulders starting to shake.
Nick took a half step back.
“Everything- everything about me is dead,” she gasped. “Fero is dead and my home is gone-”
“Tikka,” Nick interjected, stifling her hiccups. “I told you to stay gone,”
Her eyes fluttered, tears racing down her dirty cheeks; where had she gone these two months to leave her in such disarray?
“I know,” she rasped, nodding. “But I wanted to apologize,”
Nick’s brows furrowed.
“The battle became yours when it never was,” she wavered, her face scrunching. “When he killed Fero, I just-”
“Tikka,” Nick raised his hands, shaking his head. “You can’t… there’s no fixing this,”
She stared at him, shaking like a leaf in the cold night.
“What’s done is done but I cannot have you here! This shit you brought with you almost fucking killed us, Tikka!”
“I know! I just, I wanted to say I’m sorry,” she pleaded, stepping towards him.
“And you said it, okay? But-” he exhaled, holding his head. The cold bite of the gun against his scalp was uncomfortable. “They’re gonna be here soon for you,”
“I know,” she smiled sadly, looking down at her fumbling hands. “I passed them walking up here,”
Nick rolled his eyes.
What fucking use they are.
“How is Daryl?” she asked, peeking at him.
Nick sighed. “He’s not working anymore. He took an early pension,”
“Is he okay though?”
“No, he’s not. We all live under MTF’s thumb and therapy doesn’t do shit, Tikka,” he snapped vehemently, and she retracted further into herself, her eyes averted.
The distant wail of sirens started to float through the night, but Nick still remained vigilant and glancing at the wands across the ground. He wouldn’t simply go off her word; at any moment she could summon those fucking things and blow them apart. In his own home, where he’d thought they’d finally escaped the madness.
He hoped to God that Callie was safely inside and not sticking her head out, but she was just as protective as he.
With the sirens came a helicopter, thundering through the night as it approached, and when Tikka looked up to shield her eyes from the light and wind whipping her hair and clothing around, Nick backed up, the wands skidding across the concrete towards him.
She looked at him again, her eyes filled with fright.
Where just a couple months ago she was composed and ready to fight, she had gone back to the cowering girl they found all those years ago, looking desperately to her only protector, and above all the disdain he held for her, it broke his heart to see her looking for someone to help her again.
The turmoil collected in his chest as the sirens blared, armored MTF officials shouting and running at her with modified guns until she had her hands above her head, sobbing under the blinding light of the helicopter.
They rushed past Nick from the back door behind him, pushing Callie into his arms when he turned.
Even as he bellowed at them, they only rushed Tikka, surrounding her with guns pointed and crosshairs covering her until she was kneeling and begging for mercy.
A flash of blue brought Nick’s attention back to the door, and was a little taken-aback to see Kandomere walking out in less than formal wear this time, but still elegant as ever.
“She got past your men again,” Nick yelled, but Kandomere shook his head.
“His remains are scattered across the car,” he replied coolly, and walked on when Nick and Callie remained silent.
Tikka met Kandomere’s metallic eyes as he approached her just as they’d cuffed and harnessed her, but something shifted in her.
Her expression washed over, her body stilling under the chaos as she glared up at him, her pupils the size of pinheads. She yanked against her constraints, her nose wrinkling in a low snarl.
Nick’s brows knit together; where had the misery gone? The fear that almost compelled him to stand before her in protection? She’d gone from prey to predator in the snap of a finger.
It wasn’t clear at what point Kandomere had collected the wands, but they were now in his grasp, glowing softly, thrumming like the gentle pulse of a hummingbird's heart. It had never occurred to Nick that he might have been a Bright, but it made sense, really. Why deal in business you have no business dealing in?
“Ron naa il- lle,” Tikka hissed, but when one was pointed to her forehead, she stiffened.
“They were never yours, either. Rilinquo,” Kandomere whispered ethereally, and all at once Tikka erupted with pained cries, the burning overtaking her form as the enchantment within her was forced out.
Nick could’ve sworn he saw a glowing from behind her eyes and deep in her throat spark and then fizzle, but she thrashed too violently to be sure.
When it had subsided, and left the dull throb across her muscles, she sobbed, her body folding over and remaining limp as they dragged her away through the backyard, the light of the helicopter following them.
Callie’s eyes lingered on Kandomere while Nick followed Tikka to watch her be loaded into transport, but he came back in time to watch them deposit the wands into the two person cases, immediately ringing and pulsating in agitation when they were confined.
Kandomere turned to look at them over the commotion still ringing through the neighborhood, neighbors standing outside their houses and even peering over the fence to see what was going on, but just as quickly as they had arrived, they were leaving, and with it the Bright that had been so elusive for so many years.
Nick didn’t know what to say; should he ask if she was okay? Would it even matter after she’d clearly come here again with ill intent?
There was a tense moment between them before Kandomere nodded tersely once, stepping past them to walk back through the house.
Nick turned, further confused.
After years of hunting her, was that really it?
She glanced at her phone; it was about to be three and neither had been able to find any form of rest or relaxation.
Looking to Nick found him still staring up at the ceiling, just as calmly as when they’d first laid in bed after awkwardly moving about their own home after it had been searched and cleared.
Neither had spoken to one another after the chaos had passed, but she could sense the unrest.
She rolled onto her side, gently running the back of her fingers against his cheek. He leaned into her touch, his eyes finally closing.
“You’re upset,” she whispered, and he nodded with a long sigh. “You didn’t want them to take her?”
His eyes opened to search for the words, but it was a long beat of silence before he answered.
“At first I felt bad about it, but she was lying again. There was a dead agent sitting in front of our house and we didn’t know it,” he murmured. “I can’t shake the feeling she’s going to pop back up again any minute,”
“You saw them take her,”
“I did, but she’s like a fucking phantom,” he grieved, running his hand down his face.
“She won’t, she can’t. Check in on it tomorrow at work,” Callie moved closer, holding his face so he looked at her. “I don’t think she’s going to come back this time, baby,”
His face sorrowed. “What if she does? What if she keeps ruining everything?”
“She’s only an Elf now, you can shoot her,” she grinned, and he scoffed. The turmoil still swirled in his gorgeous eyes, even as she angled his face to pepper soft kisses across his cheek. She knew no amount of words would calm the dread; only time would free him of such misery.
“Did my anxiety transfer to you? You’re usually my rock,” she teased softly.
“It’s this little thing,” he grumbled, poking her belly. “Every time you’re out of my sight I feel like the earth is gonna swallow you up or a fucking Bright is gonna find you. We can’t even say we’re completely safe at home,”
She pursed her lips; the idea had at first only been a small, partial thought that she didn’t think Nick would be on board with, but the closer Leo’s arrival came and taking in the past history of this house, tonight might just have been the boost she needed to bring it up.
“Let’s move,”
Nick’s eyes flickered to hers. “Move?”
“Wouldn’t you feel better being somewhere that our past didn’t know about?”
“You know I’ve thought about it before, honestly. My mom kind of planted the seed in my head a while back,” he confessed.
“Oh yeah?”
He nodded, rolling on his side to face her. “When she’s not going on about Leo she’s asking how many more we’re gonna have, saying she has a few properties she wants to show me,”
Callie smiled. “Should we?”
Nick eyed her before leaning up on his elbow. “You wanna take that on?”
“I love it here, don’t get me wrong, but I also wanna raise Leo somewhere you weren’t almost killed and I wasn’t almost kidnapped,” she relayed, pulling his chin up when he looked down in guilt. “But I’m not doing it unless you’re with me. I go where you go,”
Nick grinned, cupping her cheek before he leaned in for a long kiss; a delicate one that didn’t need fervent hands or eager tongues.
“You know if I tell my mom we wanna look at places she’s gonna expect more babies,” he chuckled against her mouth, and Callie shrugged.
“Maybe if we lead her on she’ll give us a better deal,” she simpered, giggling when he dug his fingers into her side. “So you wanna look then?”
“Yeah, let’s do it. I could always use a bigger backyard,”
“Can we throw in a dance studio for me too?” she pouted.
“Fuck it, let’s buy a mansion,” he boasted, his spirits lifting when she smiled at him.
There was a drawn moment they simply looked at one another, somehow tangled and sleep starting to fill the void where apprehension once brimmed. The longer they maintained eye contact, the wider Callie’s smile grew, her shoulders drawing in.
“What?” he chuckled.
“Thinking of it all just makes me happy, we’re gonna buy a house together,” she beamed.
“Have a baby soon,” he added.
Nick’s brows perked up. “Now you’re on board with that?”
“I’ve told you from the beginning I want a bunch’a little Nick’s running around,” she cracked.
“Maybe a little Callie, too,” he pouted, forever attached to the idea of having a little girl.
“We need a big house then,”
“Like I said, a mansion,” he reiterated, but a soft smack against his chest prompted him to pull her close, her head tucked under his chin after pressing a few hard kisses to her cheek. “I love you so much,”
“I love you more,” she nuzzled his collar.
“We got way off topic again,”
“But do you feel better?”
Nick grinned to himself. “Yeah, I do.”
I told you there would be fluff
Translations: -"Dame más.": Gimme more
-"Leo? Leonardo Makar, do lat daggog alnej?": Leo? Leonardo Makar, do you hear me? -"mausan liavavle ni": my little one
-"Ron naa il- lle": they are not yours
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
"People were truly starting to wonder if they “broke up” -- This was a frequent refrain back in the day, funny that Abby will dust it up now. Nobody ever wondered if they broke up except the tinhats. Any time a pic of Chris alone appeared, the "rumors" were started by the tinhats. Then inevitably it either transpired that Will was there, or they were seen together later on. But for a really long time "maybe they broke up" was like the elusive holy grail of tinhat hopes and dreams.
I said last month that the Tinhatters were drunk on the idea that Ryan Murphy is about to help Darren come out and that Darren spent the first half of the year “promoting Mia”-something Abby has decided is one of the main demands that Mia has given Darren and that must be fulfilled in order for him to complete his list of tasks before he can walk away. Then she read Chris’s new book and she was beside herself with all the data points that proved things are about to change. They spent 4 or 5 days just frantically talking about the great signs of things to come and know, after Elsie, there are again many posts about how optimistic they feel about the future. Limited photos of Mia during the event (so far) and Darren’s set list is two of the data point that makes them super excited. Here are some recent points to back up my point: 
(from today)
Anonymous asked:
I think something is different too, previous year has show us beard before-during-after no stop! Maybe I'm talking to soon but this year was not like that, and the song at the AF? Totally a pay off, we even had pricky on the drummer! I don't want to get my hopes to high yet, but things are being handled different.
I agree nonnie, even though she was able to hold court with some of her biggest stans, thus far, I have not really seen that D gave her much at all.  My understanding is that the songs at the after party were pretty much done so M could screech and the jumping jackass could play the drums.  Add that to no M&Gs and Sk being given the closing number over actual broadway vets and talent seems to indicate something good. But again, I am petrified of being optimistic.
Anonymous asked:
Is it bad that I’m hopeful for the upcoming year after last night? Something’s changing,, he’s done..
I want to be hopeful too. But I’m scared to be wrong again.
Anonymous asked:
Wonder if PBB sings that song in her sleep? Seems like SK and her just can’t manage anything new. Would have very much preferred to have AJ and D so something from a Book of Mormon but ... I guess not. Glad that D was able to pull off EF this year, I was seriously starting to have my doubts. So looking forward to next year cuz ... well you know. Anyone else wondering why D seemed to streamline EF this year—-small M&G, short D set?!! I assume he is just exhausted but? 🤔
She must right? Imagine being married to a talented musician and only being able to sing 2 songs?  You would think she would have plenty of time to practice her craft.  And agree on her and SK, they keep repeating the same stuff over and over and over. SK needs to stop living in the past and realize they aren’t ever going to get bigger and they only remain even slightly relevant because of D.
D did pull it off, he did the minimum required but he did not disappoint his fans. He had amazing performers, and while his personal set list was short, it was amazing and more, very transparent and the message he was sending was very clear.
On the M&Gs, i find it very interesting they did not happen. I am hoping that is D gaining back control.
rougedraconteur asked:
So, I have a few observations. First of all, C was in Atlanta area Saturday for his book signing. It’s where I usually go, but I had a work conflict this year. W has family ties in ATL, so that was probably where he was spotted, he normally is there, I have seen him every year there so far. Atlanta is in Georgia. (Southern USA.) Wait for It. Lyrics. Yeah. He almost seemed violent on that song, like he wanted to pick a fight. I know that’s the song, but I think he did it rather too well.
ajw729-I knew W had family there so not surprised he was present. C needs to keep up the pretense and he had not been seen in quite some time. People were truly starting to wonder if they “broke up” and I honestly don’t see that  happening as long as d is stuck. W offers enormous protection. 
D spoke through every damn song he sang last night. He could not have been more clear. I think @leka-1998’s discovery that he switched the pronoun from he to she “she keeps winning” was him virtually screaming from the rooftops about his situation and his frustration. He wants and needs to win. And he’s desperate for people to finally start listening to him and to stop ignoring what is incredibly obvious. And yes he was angry, pouring his emotion about his situation into that performance.
Then we have ERTW about corruption.
WTSW is incredibly impactful and speaks for itself. “I try to speak, but nobody can hear.” We heard you d. You were quite clear. No one can say you did not try to speak in every manner possible.
Then we have WIAB. He has said so frequently H/edwig is his favorite show and his dream role. I remember the review when he started in San Fran and the comment was that he must have been through a bad break up between broadway and San Fran as his performance was so much angrier. And it was. In the 15 months between shows his life changed and the PR got so much worse. He said his favorite song is The Long Grift. Is about a swindle.
And last night he put his entire heart and soul into his performance. A song about hiding behind a wig and make up.
The character of H/edwig clearly resonates with him and is so deeply important. I think playing that character was deeply cathartic for him and in some ways healing just like writing is for C.
thewriter2016 asked:
Cab we talk about Wait for it? That performance was so powerful, I cannot imagine for who he was willing to wait for it ;D
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Anonymous asked:
Think about D's setlist: Waving Thru a Window-about feeling invisible and no one noticing your pain. Everybody Wants to Rule the World-about the destructive desire for power and control. Wait For It-about watching others get what you want while you just have to wait. Wig in a Box-about hiding from yourself by pretending to be someone else. Sensing a theme, kids? Also, where can I find afterparty vids? All I see are stills on sockie's site (which usu happens when M sounds awful).
Nonnie. @flowersintheattic254 and @cassie1022 and i were just talking about this. Once again d spoke volumes through his set list. He may not have played many songs but everyone one of them had a direct message. Again I wish people would listen to him but instead there will be posts saying we are crazy and they are just songs he likes. It must be incredibly frustrating to him to invest the time to make an impactful statement and be largely ignored.
She needs to just stop singing. The only place I’ve seen them are on some m/iarren stans blogs. I know there’s more out there but I’m not sure where. But god that woman needs to stop screeching into the microphone and torturing people. I think she’s getting worse.
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15001700tt · 6 years
Mix And Match
Jongin X Song Yong Sang (Alex)
werewolf! Prince! Kai x Human! Princess Yong Sang (You)
Part 1    Part 2   Part 3  Part 4   Part 5  Part 6
The Pack and Humans have had a peace treaty that kept them hostile towards each other, to further this peace holding the Humans and The Pack decided to take step forward and meet up and hold a peace gathering between the two families.
The day came and Both Kings sat down at the dinner table in the werewolf territory for safety measures. They begin to discuss the measures they need to achieve to uphold the peace even longer as the war continues on. This started when a werewolf mated with a human, it started an uproar and New Age. People were furious but after a while they got over it, the New age started when two different beings mated, it messed with traditional values and biology. They created a new race, before the New Age a werewolf had never imprinted on a human before. The commotion caused the Royal families to take some precaution towards the new findings. Both kingdoms were not heartless, this was something that wasn’t taken light heartedly but also not sadistic, both races decided to not separate the mates from each other so they made a peace treaty that will last a long time.
A new threat rose when the Kims were in power of the Pack and the Songs were in power for the human race. The vampires, weren’t the most vicious out there in this world of supernaturals, because the Fae were the worst, but the races dealt with them long time ago and they don’t bother the species anymore. The Coven wasn’t the friendliest either, but they mostly minded their business.
But now they are out for blood for some reason that occured a long time ago. So to keep the peace with at least someone, the Kings of the Humans and the Pack met to discuss a marriage between their kids. The human Princess, Song Yong Sang and the Pack’s Prince, Kim Jong In. granted it is not the best position that she’s ever been in, but it wasnt the worst. Being a warrior princess and a stubborn daughter wasnt an easy thing that her parents agreed on. But they still love her which is why she’s still here today, she really wanted to fight them on this meeting but she couldn't really do anything about except whine about it. Which she did to her younger cousins Hyun Jin and Ji Mi, step sisters but inseparable since a young age.
“I just dont get why I have to go” she whined, to them the night before as they came to visit and ask her if she’s getting married.
“Its your chance to meet him and decide from there, you’re jumping to conclusions right now, he could be a very kind person, you know” Hyun Jin tried to reason with her.
“But I dont wanna meet him, I am fine being single” she huffed
“You’re being immature, have you ever thought that maybe your parents arent going to marry you off in a jiffy, they’ll probably agree to let him court you first” Ji Mi rolled her eyes at her tactics.
“I am sorry, who’s older here? Cuz its seems to not be the oldest” Hyun Jin teased. Yong Sang rolled my eyes smiling at her.
“Give him a chance you might actually like him, i mean have you ever seen his face? Its angelic, I am sure he’s very kind” Hyun Jin added after a moment with a sigh, again my eyes were completing a circle but this time Ji Mi joined me.
“Is that all you care about?” she grunted kicking her softly. She grinned at us before continuing, “Dont be like that! You know he’s very hot, especially his Nobles? I cant even believe that such fine human beings could exist” she sighed dreamily and very dramatically.
“That’s because they arent, they’re werewolves” Ji Mi deadpanned
“So this is what you guys do on your spare time when I am not around” she mused at them, Hyun Jin and Ji Mi’s cheeks flared red.
“No” Ji Mi denied
“Liar! You admitted that Kyungsoo is hot yesterday!” Hyun Jin accused. The princess burst in laughter when Ji Mi covered her face in embarrassment.
“You guys are tempting me to take you with me tomorrow just to see you guys get all squirmy and shy” she joked. They shook their heads ferociously at her, she smirked.
The next day was spent getting ready for the dinner, she wore a beautiful blue dress with a white shawl, she loves this dress, she sighs in annoyance, ‘such a waste on something so...annoying.’
Her parents complimented her and told her how the night was going to go.
“So once we get there we’re going to have small talk first then once we move to dinner and after we eat, you and him will leave so we can talk about the proposal” the King listed off, while her mother added after him.
“Please be on your best behavior, and try to get along with him because if this ends well you’ll be courted by him for at least two months” her eyes narrowed at the thought but she tried to think positively and instead put a smile on her face. He might be nice.
she kept on repeating that in her head all the way to his front gates. This was her first time seeing their home and it was magnificent. The green was everywhere it reached the lowest ground to the tallest towers. The towers were a royal blue that was appealing to the eyes, it was her favorite color, hence her dress. She mentally groaned, great he’s gonna think she did this on purpose.
Funny, her heart was beating at a crazy speed. She tried to calm it down by taking slow breaths but it didn't help. They reached the front door and were greeted by the King and Queen themselves.They gave off an aura of power and knowledge, it was intimidating. They greeted her parents before turning to the young girl with twinkling kind eyes, they didn't seem that scary anymore.
“Oh my! you are so beautiful” the Queen complimented her causing her to shuffle her feet before forcing herself to stop because ‘princesses dont shuffle their feet when nervous’ her annoying Lady in Waiting’s voice rang in her head, she bowed in respect and thanked her.
“Thank you, your highness”
“Oh no, no formalities please! Were going ot be family just Mrs. Kim is fine.” she waved off her formal greeting.
“Yes i agree with my dear wife Mr. Kim is fine” the king added as i bowed respectively to him too. We made our way inside as the king quickly added, “i apologize for my son’s absence, he got caught up with a meeting concerning our positions in the battle, i am sure he’ll be here within a few moments.” i shook my head and smiled at his apology, at least i dont have to deal with him for now.
Like my father had prepared me, they had a small talk before we moved on to dinner, their son still not showing up. I honestly think this meeting might go faster if he never shows up because then i wont really have talk to him.
Unfortunately my prayers werent answered because midway in dinner the doors opened and came in a strutting tall figure that had an apologetic smile on his face. I Know its him because Hyun Jin shoved a picture in my face last night. My heart decided that beating at an abnormal speed is what it should do when we made eye contact, then tingles spread through my body. It seems that all conversation stopped when he stepped in the room, as we continued to make eye contact my parents cleared their throats, snapping my attention towards them. Noticing how the Prince’s parents were smiling with mirth swimming in their eyes. His eyes turning a quick red before disappearing as if it never happened, i elected to ignore it.
“I apologize sincerely for my absence, i had to deal with a few minor issues regarding the war” he stated with a sweet smile on his face that won my parents over, making them shake their heads in dismissal of his rude action. I mentally rolled my eyes, they probably think hes going to be a great husband. I was fooled except he hasnt done anything bad except be late so i cant really make him a villain, yet.
“Come, come! This is princess Yong Sang from the Song family” the Queen introduced us. I bowed while he took my hand, igniting tingles in my arm and kissed it lightly. My heart fluttered as i scowled at it in my head. I am supposed to not like him. What is this? Is he playing mind tricks on me? As he straightened up again he smiled a very attractive smile at me that made me shoot him a small one back. I swear what my cousins said last night is messing with my brain because now i am considering giving him a chance.
Dinner wasnt uneventual, unlike many others i have been through, he was seated right across from me and he kept on shooting me heart stopping smiles. My heart couldn't take it and i was very relieved when they announced dinner was over but the dread settled when i heard the Queen suggest for the Prince to show me around the castle while they talked. I was not surprised when he agreed and offered his arm for me to take. Making the same feeling tingle up my arm again. I swear i am not going to survive tonight if e keeps doing this to me. As the door shut closed behind us, he turned to me and asked,
“What would you like to see first?”
“What would you suggest?” i asked back curiously, i am going to try to push back all the negative and tingling thoughts and try to enjoy my time here, because at least my parents picked it a beautiful man for me to marry.
“In my opinion the weaponry and the library are the best.” he said after a long pause.
“I would like to see the weaponry then” i confirmed, causing his eyes to widen in shock. I guess i understood his surprise i was in a very restricting dress and i didn't appear to have that kind of likes. I nodded in confirmation when he raised an eyebrow.
“Please, lead the way” i said with a small smile. This boy doesnt even know what hes about to get into.
“Alright, my lady. Would you like to hear about war stories then?” he joked.
“Yes please that would be wonderful”i wanted to add ‘i am curious at what is your choice of weapon’ but i am going to ask later.
So as we walked, he told me stories of the wars he participated in, when we arrived, i was shaking my head laughing.
“Really? How did you think telling a warlord to “shut the fuck up” wouldn’t have consequences?”
” If it makes it any better, I meant it.” he refuted my remark. As we went in, i was already comfortable around. The thought scared me because i just met him, but it feels like ive known him for years. As we walked around i noticed that there was a part of the room he avoids. As i looked closer i understood why, it was silver, i remember that his kind cannot stand silver. It physically burns them.
“I wonder why the Pack’s weaponry has a section with silver laced weapons?” i said outloud pointedly looked at the Prince. He chuckled and turned around.
“Because sometimes even your own kind cant turn against you.”
“Well then how did you use them?” i questioned.
“When we needed those weapons we had a seer enchant them.” he explained vaguely.for now i am going accept this answer.
“So which weapon do you prefer best?” he asked, beating me in asking the question ive been itching to ask.
“I prefer small daggers” i answered, “what aboout you?”
“I am good with swords” i nodded. I have to admit he proved me wrong, i thought he was going to be unpleasant.
“Library next?” i asked. He neared me and nodded his head before tilting his head in a cute puppy kinda way.
“I would like to show you something. But you have to hold onto me” he proposed. I was curious so i gave him an okay sign and held onto his arm. He wrapped his hand on mine and smiled at me mischievously before the world was whirling around me and landed in the ground.
My head was spinning still not understanding what he just did before my eyes sharply looked into his.
“You teleport” he shook his head with a grin on his face. I was still not stable and i was swayed a little too far before he caught me.
“Are you alright?” he questioned, the mirth quickly disappearing from his eyes and worry replacing it.
“I am alright, just still dizzy from that” i gave him a small smile in reassurance. After i steadied myself we made our way inside the awaiting open doors of the huge library. I looked at the books around and quickly turned.
“Ou do know that my parents are here so we could get married, right?”, i totally forgot that werewolves have mates until i remembered when i looked at one of the book’s title.
“Yes i did, originally i had a problem with it” he paused before looking at my eyes deeply, making my stomach churn. “But then i saw how beautiful you are” he added with a slight smirk.
“Oh my god stop, this is serious what about your mate?” i rolled my eyes smiling before turning serious.
“I dont think she’ll mind.” he shrugged. My head didn't comprehend what he just said.
“Excuse me?”  he repeated the sentence again, and i looked at him like he was crazy, which honestly i think he is. He doesnt look like he’s kidding.
“Explain” i deadpanned.
“Shes kinda standing in front of me right now.” he stated with a big smile on his face, it seems my brain is slow today because it took me a full minute to realize hes talking about me.
“I need to sit down” i backed up into a chair, and plopped down.
After a few minutes i spoke again, “so i am your mate, and this is going to work out” i stated, confusing him.
“Look, i wasnt keen on the idea of marrying you, because i was okay being single, and now this whole thing with the mates, i mean ok, so this worked out for both our favors, because you didnt turn out be a complete asshole and i dont actually mind you but like please dont expect me to fall in love with you like...today” i ranted, as he listened, i could tell he wanted to object over a few things that i said but then he just accepted that i am not budging.
“Of course, i didn't expect you to.” i felt like he was going to say more but then the butler interrupted saying that they needed us back.
“I guess i’ll see you later” i said to him as he walked me back to my parents.
“Yeah, i look forward to it.” he smiled at me. And my heart felt like it could burst but i held my breath until we were out of sight. I took a deep breath, this wasnt what i had in mind.
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kazosa · 6 years
We Were Just Friends, pt 4
Summary: Saturday at the convention. Reader and Briana chat about the night before. Reader and Rich meet for brunch and dinner.
Words: 3300 (whaaaat?!)
Warnings: language, super fluff
Tags: @aquivercactus  @lefthologramdeer  @byereallife  @dragongirl420  @nobodys-baby-now  @sorenmarie87  @soythedemonqueen  @sumara62
Previous PART 3
Saturday was always the real test of your endurance. The con went non-stop, all day. Your wake-up call came far too quickly. Taking significant effort to actually pick up the phone, you grudgingly answered.
“’ello?” you answered.
“Get your ass up, bitch!” It was Briana.
Eyes still closed, you smiled, “You talk so sweet to me.”
“Meet me at the gym in 20, got it?” she ordered.
“Ma’am, yes ma’am,” you answered. Briana was your con work-out partner. You helped each other keep to your workouts and routines. The jetlag could be terrible and, for some reason, working out helped to combat the effects.
Seventeen minutes later, you were walking into the gym and Briana was already there, waiting for you.
“You better tell me everything!” she said as soon as she saw you.
“Sure you wanna know?” you teased.
“Ugh, gross,” she got on the treadmill. “A little discretion, please.”
“I don’t know what happened. I still can’t believe it was real. I got on the elevator and he was there. Maybe he was coming to get me? He asked me to be his date for the night,” you said, Briana ‘awed’ and you started your treadmill. “I told him we could just do how we always do, ya know? Go as friends. He said we could do that if that was what I wanted, but he wanted it to be a date.” Briana was listening intently. “I agreed, and you saw us together. He held my hand and walked me back to my room. I’d teased him about a proper courtship, but I meant it, too… So,” your cheeks flushed remembering, “he kissed me goodnight. Said he’d better go and that he’d see me later.”
“Oh my god, (Y|N)!” she squealed. “Did he make your toes curl? Did he light up your vag? Oh my god! You guys are finally together!”
You knew your face was bright red, but if anyone asked, you were going to blame it on the treadmill. Briana was still walking and looking at you, waiting for you to answer her questions.
“Oh god, B…” you could barely keep the giggles away, “he’s such a good kisser. Not gonna lie, my vag approved.”
“Holy shit, babe!” she said. “You gonna make him wait? Hell, it’s Rich, make him wait.”
“I promised myself I wasn’t going to chase men anymore, so when the time is right, it’ll happen.”
“Do us all a favor, just keep traveling with us. It’ll happen. That man has been a miserable piece of shit without you.”
You threw a look of disbelief at her.
“I’m not even exaggerating. Sad-sack city,” she went on. “It’s not just him though. We always miss the people that can’t come or whatever.”
Briana didn’t like to get gushy about feelings and neither did you. You knew what she meant, you’d missed them all, too.
“I got to hang out with Gil and Matt a few times, so it wasn’t all bad. I missed my Supernatural loves, though. …Matt and Gil sure are dirty fuckers. God, I love you guys.”
“Good, cuz you’re stuck with us, especially if you and Dick are a thing,” she winked at you. “I’ll talk to the powers that be if I have to. So, did you guys make plans for later? Are you going to dinner with us before SNS?”
“Yeah, I said he could take me to dinner, just us, and we could meet everyone later for drinks,” you said.
“I’m happy for you, baby,” she said sincerely. “Glad you’re back, too.”
If you didn’t go get Rich for brunch, he’d probably be late and have to rush to get something to eat. To spare Rob a little torment that Rich would surely inflict, you text him that you were on your way to Rich’s room to get him moving.
“You owe me two months, but I forgive you. See you soon,” he text back. Poor guy, they could be relentless on each other.
Standing outside Rich’s door, you banged on it as hard as you could and quickly stepped to the side, so he couldn’t see you through the peephole. There was a thump from inside the room and muffled cuss words met your ears. You banged on the door again, just as it opened.
“Who the fu…” he opened the door.
You leaned on your shoulder against the wall, snickering.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” you giggled.
He turned to see you. Clearly, he’d just rolled out of bed. His hair was a mess, he didn’t have on his glasses, and was missing a shirt. From what you could see, you were unsure if he was wearing anything at all.
“You decent?” you asked, still smiling.
“Shit,” he said disappearing inside. “Just one sec.”
You chuckled and stuck your foot in the door, waiting for his “okay.”
“Okay,” he called. As you stepped inside, he said, “How late am I?”
You looked at your watch quickly. “Not too bad,” you told him.
He was wearing a pair of shorts, which surprised you that he even had any. You’d only ever seen him wear pants. He was bustling about his room gathering clothes and toiletries, so he could get ready.
“Time for a shower?” he asked.
“Haul balls, Dick,” you told him.
He was gonna give you a hard time when he realized you’d actually gotten to him early. Rich liked to get his sleep and was a bit of a night owl, like you. Waking up earlier than was absolutely necessary was not something he liked to do. The bathroom door closed, and you heard the shower start right after.
While he was in the bathroom, you took a seat in the open desk chair and surveyed his room. The desk was filled with the chaos that was his life. It reflected how his mind worked. It never failed to amaze you how on the surface, he looked cool as a cucumber, but on the inside, his mind was working at a million miles a minute. He was constantly working and by what he had laid out, it looked like he was going to direct a Supernatural episode again soon.
The bed wasn’t a disaster, but you did note that he’d spread out overnight. You’d rousted him from his room before, but you’d never really paid much attention to the inside. Usually, when you got to his door, he was mostly ready to go.
About ten minutes later, he was out of the bathroom, nearly ready. He was fastening his watch and reached for his coat.
“You about ready, gorgeous?” he asked. “Always waiting on you.”
“I’ve been ready, ass,” you answered, getting up from your chair.
Rich opened the door for you, “Honestly, woman.”
You pointed at his chest, “So.” tap “Mouthy.” tap
He grabbed your hand and let the door close as he pulled you to him.
“Missed you,” he breathed out as his demeanor changed.
Your bodies were pressed together as he held you. Leaning back a little, your hand went to his longer strands of hair that fell behind his ear, your fingertips gliding through his hair.
He went on, “I shouldn’t have let you go.”
You were a little confused but feeling playful, “But you were being a proper gentleman.”
“I didn’t mean last night,” he clarified. “I should never have left your house.”
He was talking about leaving your house when he stayed in your guest room for a week after finding out about Jaci and Brady. How was it that he could always give you butterflies?
Your hand brushed his cheek. “It’s okay, though,” you assured him. “Things have worked out.”
It had been harder staying away from Rich as much as you had in the last year than it had been going through the divorce from Brady. Not seeing Rich between conventions, not spending all of your free time with him at the conventions…it was best for the divorce proceedings, but it had sucked, bad. Talking on the phone, when you weren’t with him, was tough, too, it wasn’t the same as going to each other’s houses to hang out. Cutting yourself off from your best friend, when you needed him most, was gut-wrenching. The last thing you wanted to do was rush him, but your impatient side wanted him to love you the way you loved him, right now. Loving him as long as you had, it was getting tiring carrying the torch on your own.
“Things would be so much better now,” he was regretful.
You smoothed back his hair again. He looked so handsome in his scruffy beard and new glasses. You’d helped him pick them out during a video chat call.
“Hey,” you said softly, “none of that. This was how it had to be. We’re here now. Our timing was always off, but we’re finally on the same track, right?”
“I guess we should go eat,” he suggested.
Brunch with your friends went as it usually did, lots of chatter, good food, and friendly ribbing on all sides. Once you’d all eaten, you had to go your separate ways and Rich made you promise that you’d come by the green room to see him whenever you could get away. You always tried, but you liked to tell your convention stories from the point of view of the spectator, which meant you were all over the place. Your convention days, like Saturday, were spent watching the panels, taking notes and pictures of the guests and interviewing convention goers. You were planning to try something different for SNS, though, and Rich had nearly discovered your plan.
The idea to surprise Rich at SNS by going out on stage to sing with everyone on the last song had come to you at your last convention. It was no big deal. You just didn’t want to embarrass yourself. You’d had dinner with Jensen after a practice session with him and Jason at Jason’s house. You knew you couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and if anyone could help you sing better, it was Jason and Jensen. Jensen had borrowed Jason’s car to take you out to dinner. He had to go to Vancouver the next day and needed to get back to Jason’s house, so he dropped you at Rich’s house without going inside. Rich, of course, had seen Jensen pulling out of the driveway and that had started the green monster showing up.
There was a three-hour break before the SNS and you were going to get the most out of it. You went back to your room and started picking out our clothes that you were going to wear for your date with Rich. He was going to “pick you up” from your room and from there, you didn’t know what was going to happen, but you prepared for… whatever may happen. You zipped your clothes into a garment bag for later and waited for Rich to get you.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait too long. Your nerves didn’t have a chance to get to you. Telling yourself that it was just a normal dinner and that there was nothing to be nervous about was actually helping, right up until you heard the knock on the door. Fairly well springing up from your spot in front of the TV, you had to make yourself slow down as you went to answer the door.
Taking a deep breath, you unlocked the door and saw your best friend smiling back at you.
“Hey gorgeous,” he grinned. “Might I take you to dinner?”
There were those damned butterflies again… “Um, yes, just let me grab my garment bag.”
“Garment bag?” he followed you just inside the door.
“Yeah, I want to wear something special tonight and I don’t want to ruin it by slopping food on it. Thought I could change in your room and we could go to the show together.”
“Oh, great. Perfect. I’ll take it. Ready?” he said.
You smiled at him. He was so wonderful, in your eyes. He spoke fast like that when he was nervous or being a smart-alec. You handed him the garment bag and took his arm once you got outside your room. He led you toward the elevator bank and pushed the ‘up’ button.
“Wouldn’t it be something if a little scout and an old man with a walker were in the elevator,” he asked.
Catching his reference, you said, “I’d be more impressed if it were Ellie and Carl. I mean, clearly, you’re Carl, but I’m definitely not Russell, though the age difference is there.”
“Ouch,” he said, feigning hurt. There was a small moment of quiet between you as you waited for the elevator to arrive. “Nah, you’re my Ellie.”
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened for you. You caught your beaming reflection in the elevator walls as he pulled you inside with him. He laid the garment bag on the floor of the elevator before pulling you to him for a kiss. Your knees felt like they might not be able to hold you up any longer as his tongue swirled with yours, lighting you up, once again. Eventually, he had to let you go.
“Wanted to do that all day,” he mumbled as he picked up the garment bag and the elevator stopped on his floor. “C’mon gorgeous.”
Still trying to recover, the doors almost closed before you came to your senses.
“Where are we going?” you asked as he led you to his room.
“By strange coincidence, we are going to chez Dick this evening,” he carded his door and opened it for you to step inside.
“Awfully presumptuous, don’t you think, Dick?” you said.
“Well, we don’t have time to go out, and I didn’t want to rush dinner. I thought we could have a nice time here,” he said.
It was then that you looked around his room and realized that it was very neat and tidy. All of his notes and computer were put away. In the middle of his suite, the table was set up with a white cloth, a small bundle of flowers in a vase, and two candles.
“Oh Rich,” your voice barely more than a whisper.
He hung your garment bag in the wardrobe that was near the bathroom and gently moved you closer to the table. He pulled out your chair for you and got you seated.
“In the interest of saving time, I took the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you don’t mind,” he said.
Who was this man? Did all men do this, or had you just won the lottery? Brady took you out to dinner, but he never did anything like this. Rich had even gotten flowers in your favorite color. Had he done that knowing or was it just luck? And he ordered for you?
“What did you order?” you asked.
“Don’t you trust me, (Y|N)?” he teased. “I think after all this time, if anyone is going to know you, it’s me.”
You couldn’t deny that. “This is all very nice, Rich. I gotta say, I’m impressed.”
The two of you talked and discussed what the set list looked like for the show until the knock at the door came from room service. Rich excused himself to get the door for the hotel staff. Your mind briefly flashed to that Kings of Con episode and a fantastic day for you on set. When the staff member took the cover off the dishes, you laughed at Rich’s choice for you. He was spot on, it was your favorite, go-to meal. You waited for him to sit back down before you dug in.
“So, how’d I do?” he wanted to know, his eyebrow cocked at you, a knowing smirk on his face.
“I think maybe you do know me,” you assented and took a bite.
After that dinner went smoothly and before you even realized, your food was gone, and Rich’s alarm to get going sounded. Rich didn’t have much to do as far as getting ready for the show. All he really did was change his shirt. You, however, grabbed the garment bag from the wardrobe and went into the bathroom to change. It didn’t take you long to get into your outfit, but you did need help. Stepping out of the bathroom, you looked for Rich to help you.
He didn’t know what he expected, but he hoped like hell that the night wouldn’t be a total disaster. He’d kissed her the night before and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. All day, he’d seen her flitting about, talking to people, taking pictures. She’d come by and give him a quick hug, not anything too out of the ordinary. All he’d wanted to do all day was to see if the kiss the night before had been a fluke. He’d taken his opportunity in the elevator and he found out that it was even better the second time around. He thought for sure that it would be weird, but it wasn’t, it was fantastic.
Just like always, dinner had been great. He’d gotten her favorite food and drink for dinner and the conversation was just as easy as it usually was. It had been a huge relief, for both of them, he suspected. He was riding pretty high as he went to change his shirt. (Y|N) was next to change and she grabbed her garment bag to head into the bathroom. He had no idea what she had in there, but when she stepped out of the bathroom there was nothing in the world that could have prepared him for what he saw. Only one time, in the ten years he’d known her, had he ever seen her in a dress, and that was on her wedding day. She stepped out of the bathroom wearing a black dress, like what Audrey Hepburn would wear. He was staring, and he didn’t care.
“Rich?” she said. “Will you button me up? I can’t reach all of the buttons.”
She went over to where he sat in one of the arm chairs, sitting on his lap, her bare back open to him.
“You’re killing me here, gorgeous,” he said, not trusting his hands to stay PG.
“Are the buttons too small?” she asked, seemingly unaware of the torture she was putting him through.
His fingertips brushed her warm skin as he fastened the buttons. What he really wanted to do was feel all of her skin, soft and warm under his touch and to let her know the sweet torture she was unleashing on him. The buttons finally done, she got up from his lap like nothing had happened. “Mother of Christ,” he thought. “This is not just a fluke.”
By the time she had put on a delicate silver necklace and earrings, he’d calmed down enough to not embarrass himself and stood up from the armchair. (Y|N) was smoothing her dress and checking herself in the mirror. Why he had never seen the way she lit up when she saw him? How had he never noticed? Maybe he had and told himself it wasn’t real. He went to stand behind her in the mirror, when she saw him there, her eyes lit up again and she smiled at his reflection.
“How do I look?” she asked.
He put his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her shoulder, “Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.”
She put her hands on top of his and any qualms about them being together completely melted away. He had no doubts left.
“We better get going,” he grudgingly said.
She turned and gave him a quick kiss, “I can’t wait for tonight.”
Part 5
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supernoondles · 6 years
this year i learned that (white) people send holiday cards, and i guess these posts have always been mine. to revive the three pronged thesis from the trenches of middle school: i traveled a lot, i started grad school, and i became more horny.
on travel
i kept track of every place i slept this year. here is a map:
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and a bar chart:
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locations serve as a good summary of stuff that i did for “work” or “career” or whatever. life fell in segments. having graduated undergrad, i interned at [generic tech company] while living in san jose from the beginning of the year until mid may. one time i fell asleep in a meeting that i called. around late feb/march i also missed over 15 days of work (lol) because i was touring all those phd programs--that was a lot of fun!
i went to 3.5 conferences this year: one in cyprus that was my first talk (though about work i think has fundamental flaws), a preconference in san diego for communications that was awful, one at MIT with an associated week long ‘summer school’ that i enjoyed, and one in orlando for digital humanities that made me very grateful to be in HCI.
i spent summer in europe and that was the dream. i was a really bad researcher, but can anyone focus on doing work when surrounded by the beauty of paris? after my research stint ended (and financed by that internship money) i did what every other college grad with newfound wealth did and traveled around europe. i went to iceland, which i had been wanting to do since i was 12! on my way back to the states, i stopped in chicago to see some friends and also drove down the pnw to see the solar eclipse. a lot of planes this year! feeling bad for my carbon footprint. oh, i also bought my first car (i survived in the peninsula for 10 weeks without one...sigh), so that ain’t helping either. though i do now commute by bike to school, which is really great (and good cardio)!
a brief media interlude
here is my annual best of playlist. this year i went to at least 15 shows, mostly in the bay area. the ones i remember: thom yorke, grizzly bear, tennis, badbadnotgood, radiohead x 2 (berkeley + arras), avalanches x 2 (sf + boston), andrew bird x 2, gorillaz, the national & sufjan stevens et al (planetarium) in paris, mitski, the xx, blood orange, lcd soundsystem. when i saw thom in december my first thought when he stepped on stage was ‘he’s so fucking ugly and needs to wash his hair so badly,’ a stark contrast from the first time i saw him (at 14) which was incoherent crying and worshiping--character development, i guess?
this year, more so than any other (perhaps my nomadic nature), i’ve started to have vivid associations of songs with place. kendrick’s damn (album of the year) or tennis’ (band of the year) yours conditionally: listened to heavily while carpooling to work in the south bay in a truck 20 years older than i. radiohead’s man of war: dashing to the pompidou when it was released to watch the music video as i didn’t yet have data, and then blarring out of speakers in a late night coffee shop as folks wandered the streets of arras, waiting for the first morning train home.
i also read 14 books this year, potentially the most books i’ve read in any year in recent memory--that’s what graduation affords. i started actively seeking out stuff written by asian americans (especially millennials) and i am soooo glad that i did. favorite ones are pamela: a novel (pamela lu), when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities (poetry, chen chen), chemistry (weiki wang), and sour heart (jenny zhang). is this how white people feel all the time, seeing their stories and narratives and experiences captured and validated and published?
on grad school
i spent a few weeks agonizing where and with whom to spend my next ~5 years, which to like literally anyone not in the academy as a computer science phd student just sounds like crying because you can’t decide between artisanal ice cream flavor x or y, so i won’t elaborate. but--i visited the campus i’m now at the day i had to make a decision and met with some faculty on the roof of the new art building. the bay stretched the distance, sunkissed. when they left, i just sat, waiting for my mom to pick me up, and i started crying, because i felt so lucky, because i felt like i really had the opportunity to achieve my dreams, and i didn’t even know what those dreams were (i still don’t). i’m trying to hold on to that feeling.
it’s only been 10 weeks, and i definitely am having a good time (the cushiness of private school!), but i still miss my undergrad. i moved out of a 140 person co-op and into a 2 person apartment (heavily subsidized by my school) in the heart of silicon valley that i think is bigger than the house my parents live in. no more spontaneous dinner hangouts because campus is its own city and the downtown 1.5 miles away is too fucking expensive anyway. while the peninsula can’t compete with east bay, i have met some really radiant folks here, but i wish we hung out more. in the start of this year, when i was still living in berkeley, i was getting dinner or exploring the city or doing something dumb (or just doing work together and getting distracted) with people i really loved every day. i didn’t expect graduate students to be closer to working adults than undergrads in terms of their social lives, but that’s what i’m feeling. 2018: a year of foraging closer bonds, the kind that make you feel like you’re overflowing. also 2018: a year to get serious about school again. i feel like i just had a lot of fun in 2017! gotta work harder.
on being horny
this year i had a very necessary and very belated realization of my attraction to the White Man™ (just look at the kinds of media i idolized when i was younger, or my hometown). i was also in love, at some point, with two of them. one helped me formulate my own definitions and actions around romantic love (granted, this has always been/will always be happening, but it was a catalyst to get me to explicitly think about these things). one helped me further that and also breach into the realm of touch. i had identified somewhere in the grey ace spectrum for the last 4 years of my life (around the same time i realized gender was a painful lie, the same time i went to college and escaped white suburbia, stumbling upon the qpoc oasis i’m still trying to create in grad school) but i think a lot of it was because i associated sex with shame and denial. but hey, physical intimacy is cool! i know it seems painfully obvious, but it wasn’t to me.
six chronological selfies from 2017
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mt haleakala at sunrise / cyprus at sunset / me as asian fuckboy / me as asian tourist in versailles / me as european fuckboy post italian haircut + glasses / the most beautiful place on earth
i wore 4 different pairs of glasses (most current not pictured) this year cuz i kept on breaking ‘em!! 2018: the year where my ass sits only on things it should.
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kpop-melody · 7 years
How would BTS propose ?
Anonymous said :
How would the boys ask for marriage? .~
Hi sweetie~thanks for requesting ! .. here’s your requested reaction and I hope you like it >< .
I didn't think creatively ,since they are human beings their ways would be more special than we think...so I became more logical and made these proposals depend on their habits that we all know ...sorry if this sounds silly but I didn't have much time to think deeply about them ,their personalities and how they would propose ..sorry again !
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Jin would try his best to make it unexpected ,and made the propose as a surprise when you both do the thing you like together .When you were cooking some dinner since you decided to spend the day together ,Jin was giving you orders ,yes you didn't know how to cook but Jin liked to give instructions and be the leader ,and you didn't mind cuz the time you spent was with your boyfriend ,and that’s all what you would ask for .
-“babe ,give me the mixed spices box please ...” he said while mixing stuff in the bowl .
-“ok ..” you replied quickly ,and went straight to the cabinet and opened it ,there ..a small red fancy box was placed .
-“what’s this ?” …you mumbled while taking it out and staring at it .
-“ohh …I don't know .Suga was here before you come ,open it and let's see what's inside !” he said simply ,acting super professional as his eyes locked on the bowl in front of him .
You opened it slowly ,you knew something was wrong ,and knew that Suga won't leave his stuff for others to reach ,and you expected something but you didn't want to seem silly .As you opened the box your expectations came true ,at least Suga won't ask to marry you after all! ..a small peace of paper was written on it (will you marry me?~) ,and a simple golden ring was there too .As you were reading it Jin let the spoon down and turned to face you “you won't reject me right?” …you looked up at him with eyes filled with tears ,his sweet smile was full of hope to you saying yes ,and you didn't let him down ,you said yes ,for his cute way to propose ,for his sweet smile ,and for the hope of him being your partner till the last breath in your life.
Suga :
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After a long day at work ,your boyfriend came only to see you and have lots of cuddles .You were lying on his chest ,talking about your day full of embarrassing stories and you didn't resist to tell him ,yes he maybe would tease you ,but after it he would give you the strengthen and the courage to face those people again ,he is so helpful .he was playing with your hair ,humming from time to time at some sentences ,till you finished ,and there a scary silence showed up ,and you know when this happens he would be thinking about something else .You looked up at him as he was staring at the window the whole time .”wanna tell me what annoys you that much to not react at all?” you whispered ,but he didn't look at you at all ,ok there IS something wrong ..
-“ umm …I was thinking of a song I produced and sang lately ,I think it won't be professional or enough “ he said ,taking the phone from the table next to the bed and searching for the song .
-“enough for what? ,come on let me hear it ,of course it's professional ,It's done by the genius yoongi!” you said while putting on the headphones and started focusing on the intro of the song . It was romantic , describing a girl in a wonderful way ,which made your heart melt ,then it started to talk about great times happened between him and her …there you were sure it was you ,but the end was shocking ,he started saying things like ( I want this good times last longer // I want to hold you closer every night till I get older // I want you to be officially mine and say it out loud to the world //……..) and when the song was over ,he whispered by his manly voice as he took off the earphone and had a ring in his hand “enough for a precious girl like you , will you marry me Y/N?” …
Rap Monster :
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Sharing interests together was something normal between you and Namjoon, your love ..and sharing books was also something you both used to do .At midnight when you were at the end of a book your Joonie gave to you ,you were curious about those highlights you have noticed when you were reading it the whole week .At every chapter there was a highlighted word ,you thought they would make sense or ,Namjoon just highlighted them randomly !. You grabbed a paper and a pen and started from the beginning : Chapter one : want, chapter four : to, chapter eight : be ,chapter fifteen : my ,chapter twenty three : love ,chapter thirteen : forever  .. (want to be my love forever ?) .You pouted ,is this a proposal or a cheesy filtration ? ...so you picked up your phone and messaged him although it wad 2 am but you knew he would be up reading a book ..or ..waiting for an answer :
-“ joonie ? ...what will happen if I answered with yes ? And what  will happen if I answered with no ?”
-“finished reading ?”
-“yep ..now answer me ..I'm curios “
-“well ,if you answered with yes you would be my love forever as it was said ,and if you answered with no ..you would be my love forever too !”
-“....Joonie? ...are flirting or..?”
-“yes ...the answer is I'm flirting but in more official way ...”
-“official ? ...”
-“will you marry me?” ...
J-hope :
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This hyped boy would plan for this for so long ..like so so long! .One day ,you waked up at 4:14 pm from your daily nap as someone just rang your door bell ,when you opened it ,a bouquet of flowers was placed there ,with a card was written on it (two days left ..) ...two days for what? ..you checked the date ,and it was 4/12 ..you pouted ,your boyfriend Hoseok isn't here cuz he’s on tour so he won’t mess with you ,it’s not your anniversary and not your birthday ...so? ...you just ignored it and continued your day normally .The next day ...at 6:06 pm another bouquet of flowers was placed outside with a card written on it (one day left ) ..ok ..that started to get creepy ...the third day ..you came back from your late shift at work at 10:30 pm ,when you found a bouquet with a card ( did you miss me? I did ,and I'm waiting for you in the backyard) there you stated to get scared ...with hesitant steps you walked to the backyard ...and there was the shock ...sparkling lights were thrown in a beautiful way on the trees and your Hoseok was waiting for you in a fancy suit at the middle in front of huge amount of flowers which were designed to be like a large clock on the grass with the time (11:11) ...
-“DAMN ..Hoseok ? ..aren't you on a tour?” ..
-“well ,I wanted to spend this special time with you !” ..he said ,standing in front of you ,nervous af .
-“ ohh ,so YOU are the one who sent those bouquets...I thought it was a serial killer or something “ ..
-“ohh ..did I miss up?” he said with a scared smile on his face ...
-“no ..not at all ,but what about this clock?... and why are you dressed like this?” ..you said pointing at the huge clock on the grass and his suit ,so he took a deep breath ,closed his eyes and started speaking super fast from nervousness :
-“well ..I decided to make those special iconic times be more special since you know we spent two years together and I saved them by heart ! ..the 4:14 , two years ago was the first time to kiss you ...the 6:06 , last year was the first time to hear the first (I love you) from you ..and the 11:11 , also from the last year we were cuddling talking about future ,when we started to talk about family and children and , from there I started thinking ...” then he opened his eyes and stared into your eyes deeply ..” I was going to ask you this question two days ago ,from the first bouquet, so it would be the first kiss after the question ,and yesterday would be the first time to hear I love you after the question and I would refuse to hear it till the right time ..and today would be the first time to say (I want you to be by myside forever ) out loud ...but the manager refused to let me go till I finish the concert in Philippine ,so ..I would feel satisfied if you just said yes even though my plans gone with the wind ...”
-“and the yes is for the question you wanted to ask three-“he cut you ..super afraid from your answer ..
-“to my questions Y/N ...to my question which I'll say now ...so ...will you marry me? ...I know I couldn’t make the proposal special but the manager was THAT cruel ,and I promise I’ll make our coming marriage years better and treat you well ,so ...?”
Jimin :
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This cute pie would train for days till he would miss up ...totally ruin everything! .It was a normal day when you cancelled your extra hours at work because you wanted to rest... directly to yours and Jimin’s house ,and you didn't expect for him to come till midnight cuz he had schedule to follow up with .As you entered the house ,the lights were off ,only candles were everywhere in the salon as a table was placed there with some plates and a cake ..you pouted ..did Jimin do all that for me or...? ...you heard whispers of someone inside the room of you two ...you tip toes toward it to see Jimin leaning his head on the mirror, his eyes closed and saying out loud “ok again ...Y/N ...I love you ..and I wanna love you till the last day of our lives...no no ...no I won't talk about death now ..again ...Y/N ..I was in love with you for a long long time ..and I'll always do ..so will you give me the chance to stand by your side whatever happened to you ,me or around us? ...no ..that's too ornate ..again ...more direct ...Y/N ...will you marry me ?...no ..too serious again ..Y/N ...uhh ...I'll totally miss up ..uhhh ..I hope she accept !” ...you pouted at that stupid idea you had a minute ago ...then quickly smiled and tip toed back to the door ...there you opened it and closed it again..shouting “ohhh my GOD!! ...what's this ..JIMIN??? babe are you home??” ...and started acting as if you didn't see anything and arrived home two seconds ago ...there ..you heard a shout after five seconds “YES ..I'M HERE!” ...and he got out ,his head down but super brave ...just different from the one near the mirror one minute ago ..but! ... as he spotted you he stopped ..took a huge breath and became super nervous...there you continued acting “Jiminie? ..did you prepare all that?” ...he nodded ...came closer with a weird smile and dragged you to sit in front of him on the table ..there ..he stared at you as you said “ohh Jimin ..what are all these for? ..I don't think our anniversary is now “...he started playing with his fingers ..trying to speak out but failed ..one minute as you can't control yourself not to say that you saw everything he finally said “Y/N ..yes it's not our anniversary but ..I realized now how much I love you and how much I need you by my side ...Y/N ..I was in love with-“ ...there he stopped as he saw you smiling ..damn he was about to explode because of how tense he was ..so you continued for him “with you since a long long time ...and I'll always do ..so will you give me the chance to be by your side whatever happened to you ,me or around us?” ...there he was super shocked ..he stopped playing with his fingers ..but his eyes locked on you as you thought his brain stopped working for a minute ,trying to figure out how did you know ,but you cut the doubt with certainty ...”yes Jiminie I accept ..I totally accept!” ...
V :
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Taehyung and you were making some bracelets by some coloured wool threads for the kids in the park next to your house .. you two are used to do this when he had some free time cuz you two like children and like to share this time in a helpful way .As a kid was sitting in front of you two ,waiting for his bracelets to be done by you ,you asked as your eyes locked on what you were making “Tae?? ..what are you doing ?” ...he answered as his tone seemed as if he was focusing on something else “making couple things for us ...” ...you giggled “you made three pairs already !” ...he replied fast “no ..this's rings pair, not bracelets ..I used golden threads too ! ...till we choose the rings together !” ...you stopped what you were doing and looked at him “but Tae ..I don't like rings ..!” ...he smiled as his eyes still on the ring he was making “but make some exception for these rings ,they're our rings !” the kid cut your thoughts “can I have a ring too?” ...he giggled “ohh ..but I can't marry a little boy! ..just the girl I love!” ..your eyes were still wide as you couldn't get out of the shock that he already proposed to you! ...the kid interrupted your pink dreams again as he said “so I'll have a new friend? ...you gonna give make me have a new boy to be friends with?” ...he smiled warmly and looked deep in your eyes “no cutie ,we are going to give you friendS ...around five or six ...right babe?” ...
Jungkook :
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This maknae would do his best to make the way he reposes unforgettable ! ...you got a call from him as he said “wear fancy dress ...I'm on my way to pick you up” ...he didn't give you a second to ask anything ,so you put your dress on and some make up ,made a simple hairstyle and there someone knocked at your door ...when you opened you saw the driver ,behind him the newest Audi car ,you pouted “did Jungkook-ah send you?” ..he smiled “yes he did ..now please?” and he opened the door for you. After a long drive you arrived finally ,the car stopped in front of a huge villa which you expected it was unaffordable even by Jungkook’s high salary ..the maid opened the door even before you reach it and took you to the backyard ,which was a fascinating garden more than a simple backyard .As you stood there ,staring at the great decoration was made and the beautiful kinds of flowers ,he said behind you “like it?” ...you turned facing him as he was more than perfect with a suit on...“ohh my God! ..of course I did ..I mean ..why did you even do that? ...” ..he smiled simply “because you deserve ..” ..and took your hand ..dragging you to a small table with a box and a bouquet of flowers placed on it ..there were more four similar tables in front of you which made a long line ended with a huge table with plates full of food on it ! ..he smiled “open it!” ..you opened the first box to see the neckless you liked last week when you both were shopping together ,you looked at him “Kookie ! ..you didn't have-“ ..he cut you by placing a finger on your lips ..then dragged you to the second box which had a small taco  ...you giggled and said “I can't imagine that you still remember my wish I made that night !” ...he smiled “I told you shooting stars make the dreams come true !” ...the third box? ..it had your shared box of wishes you both decided to make them whenever you had the chance to ...you heard him saying “I wanna start making those wishes ...with you ! ,I think I made your first two wishes.. and my first one is in the last box! ..I hope you do it for me” ...you smiled “sure I will do it ..come on ,I'm curious to know it!” ...you went together to the last box ..as you opened it ..you saw a diamond ring placed on a huge amount of coloured dried flowers leaves ..you looked shocked at him when he said “when we decided to make those dreams come true ..I knew that this journey would be long ..and I wanted to start it with the first wish I made ,and it was when I first met you ..sorry my first wish wasn't to travel and see pyramids ..it was to get married to you ..so ...Y/N ..will you marry me and start working on our endless dreams together till the last day we spend together? .and it witl start if you said yes?”  ..
GIFs are not mine
requests : closed ! 
-Admin M
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iceripperthethird · 7 years
I guess tag time?
Rules: Respond the 92 questions and tag 25 persons. I wasn’t actually tagged, but I’m pretending I was 
1.Drink: Half Dr Pepper half Cherry Pepsi
2.Phone call: Pocket dial from an ex doesn’t count, so facetime with a long distance friend that kept getting disconnected
3.Text: “Because it’s stuck in my head, but that’s kinda my fault cuz I keep listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over again”
4.Song listened to: Three-Thirty by AJR
5.Time you cried: About three hours ago
Have you ever:
6. Dated someone twice: Hell naw. Don’t know think I’d ever take any of them back tbh
7. Been cheated on: Nope.
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Um... no. Not that I can think of.
9. Lost someone special: Lots of times.... 
10. Been depressed: Yeah.... but I’m trying
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. Just got spacey as fuck after a shot and half a cosmo and a screwdriver
List 3 fav. colors:
12. Purple
13. Blue
14. Idk, black I guess
In the last year have you:
15. made new friends: Probably
16. fallen in love: I’ve loved but I don’t think I’ve been In Love
17. laughed until you cried: Tons of times :D
18. found out someone was talking about you: Unfortunately
19. met someone who’s changed you: I don’t know...??
20. found out who your true friends are: Yep.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Uhhh... *checks friends list* No.
22. how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them except one, who happens to be a mutual
23. do you have any pets: Unfortunately, no :(
24. do you want to change your name: Nah
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Did a shot with the fam and went to the bar with my (then) boyfriend, then spent the night at his house afterword
26. what time did you wake up: 6:45am because fuck my life, that’s why
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Growing frustrated with the aforementioned long distance friend’s wifi because our facetime kept getting disconnected
28. name something you cannot wait for: I don’t know, something amazing, I guess...
29. when was the last time you saw your mother: We’re literally sitting in the same room right now? 
30. what is one thing you would change about your life: I wish I didn’t have to deal with depression and anxiety as much
31. what are you listening to right now: Sober Up by AJR (my favorite song right now)
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yep. My godmother’s ex husband’s uncle (or cousin or family friend or something) brings his poker chips and dice to family gatherings and everyone chips in a dollar and we play Left Right Center and whoever wins gets the money. It gets really intense sometimes, and there was one time we crowded 20 people around the dining room table. 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: I don’t know... Kind of everything, really
34. Most visited website: Tumblr, youtube, and facebook
35. funniest memory: That one time @piper-rory and I got into shenanigans in English class. We got away with so much shit that we shouldn’t have, and to this day I have no idea how.
36. memory from school: “Big S-curve,” “THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC COMES FROM My LOINS,” and basically anything else that came from band class. Also “Slutty olive oil,” “clear as a diamond at Tiffany’s” and “Carbonated piss” from Environmental Science
37. memories you want to make: I want to go on Hobbit-style adventures and have fun and make friends and I want to go to Disney World and I want to go to the Indiana Dunes again and I want to go on a road trip 
38. natural hair color: Too light to be brown but too dark to be blonde, with too much red to actually decide one way or the other
39. long or short hair: Long, but not long enough. When it’s sopping wet and being pulled as straight as it can get, it’s down to the bottom of my rib cage, but I’m growing it out in hopes that I can get it down to my hips.
40. do you have a crush on someone: Ahhh... residual love from a fresh breakup, and beyond that... I mean, there’s a cute guy that I’m friends with, but at this exact moment, that’s it.
41. what do you like about yourself: I have good curves and awesome legs and sometimes I say stuff that makes sense 
42. piercings: Just my earlobes, but sometimes I like wearing ear cuffs 
43. blood type: Fuck if I know 
44. nickname: I don’t really have one, but my D&D character’s name is Mnemosyne (nim-AH-zen-ee) 
45. relationship status: Freshly single and more bothered by it that I like to admit.
46. zodiac sign: By the traditional star chart, Libra. Mathematically correct, Virgo. Chinese, rat. Native American, raven. 
47. pronouns: She/her. Cuz I’m boring.
48. favourite tv show: Avatar: The Last Airbender. 
49. tattoos: No, thank you.
50. left or right handed: Left
51. Surgery: It’s not something I like to talk about, so if you want to know about it, feel free to send me an ask (but please not anon because, well... I’m still self conscious about it even though it was like... 10 or 11 years ago)
52. Piercing: As previously stated, just my earlobes.
53. Best Friend: Don’t really have one at the moment, but if I had to pick, I’d say either the D&D group or MiniMads
54. Sport: Marching band and show choir all throughout high school, track in 6th and 7th grade
55. Vacation: My grandparents owned a lake house in Michigan that we went to all the time when I was growing up
56. Pair of trainers: Black high top Converse, black low top knock off Converse, black slide on fuzzums, black knee high boots. Basically all of my shoes are fucking black.
57. Favourite snack: Ice cream.
58. Drink you hate: Mountain Dew is fucking disgusting
59. I’m about to: Probably go to bed tbh 
60. I’m listening to: Basically anything and everything you can find on this youtube channel here because I love this band to death they are my absolute favorite
61. Waiting for: I don’t know... something amazing, I guess. 
62. Wanting: A trip to Disney World
63. Get married: I don’t know, tbh.
64. Career: Something that won’t make me miserable.
Your type:
65. hugs or kisses: Cuddles and kisses both
66. lips or eyes: Eyes, but soft kissable lips are nice too
67. Shorter or Taller: Taller than me
68. Older or Younger: Either, as long as it’s a reasonable age difference either way
69. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous romantic.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: As long as they’re able to give good hugs, I don’t think I really care
71. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive and able to communicate
72. Hook-up or relationship: Hookups are fun until you get attached, but relationships are stressful when you’re not good at them. So... relationship
73. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant at first but as soon as you cross me, I can and will make your life hell.
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a Stranger: No. And I don’t plan to.
75. Drank hard liquor: All I had on my 21st birthday was vodka. 
76. Lost glasses/contacts:  No???? That shit’s expensive, why the fuck wouldn’t I keep track of it????
77. Turned someone down: Yes. Quite a few times.
78. Had sex on first date: HELL NO
79. Broken someone’s heart: Yeah, but they broke mine first, so they had it coming.
80. Had your heart broken: Several times.
81. Been arrested: No. I might be reckless, but I’m not that crazy. 
82. Cried when someone died: Everyone does???
83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah.... and then he switched schools and told me it wouldn’t work between us and dated one of my best friends who went to the same school as me and then when they broke up he ended up with another girl that I haven’t met in person but we’re mutuals and I think they’re still together but either way I don’t really care because I just want him to be happy.
Do you believe in:
84. Yourself: Most days, yeah
85. Miracles: I haven’t really thought about it, but my chronically single long distance friend managed to get laid, so I guess that counts as a miracle?
86. Love at first sight: No. It is statistically improbable.
87. Santa Claus: Yeah, it’s a town in Indiana. All joking aside though, I believe Santa Claus is the spirit of Christmas. It’s the holiday cheer and spreading joy and the little adrenaline rush of giving presents. It’s the sparkle of Christmas lights reflecting off tinsel and it’s trees in the front window. Santa Claus isn’t a person, but everyone has a bit of Santa Claus in them
88. Kiss on first date: My (now ex) boyfriend and I made out for 4 and a half ours after our first date. 
89. Angels: Yeah, but they’re really complicated
90. Current best friends name: @doctordetectivewinchester @vengeance-is-sworn @a-girl-in-a-place and MiniMads
91. eye color: Green
92. fav movie: Wonder Woman, Howl’s Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, basically anything Studio Ghibli, and anything Disney.
I hereby tag everyone who’s already been tagged in this post, as well as @vampireapologist cuz all I know about her is that she’s eaten poison ivy and somehow lived to tell the tale. And you know, anyone else who’s actually read this far. 
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
MACKLEMORE FT. KESHA - GOOD OLD DAYS [4.14] At least he's not stressed out...
Rebecca A. Gowns: This song is like the equivalent of running into an old college friend in the grocery store, one you lost touch with but you're delighted to see again, and she says she's here with her fiancé, then the guy with his head in the freezer section pops out to say hello, and it's that one awful guy that you knew in college, the one that would somehow keep getting invited to parties even though all he did was talk over other people and inevitably offend someone. So all you can muster is a smile and "Oh! Hello!" and shake both their hands, reserving the warmer smile and more tender touch for your old friend. They fill you in on their lives in the past ten years, and you do too, and even though it seems like you're going deep into a tunnel of nostalgia, mere seconds are passing by and all the details being shared are superficial. You want to open up more, but you don't feel like you can with this guy right next to you; and I mean, maybe he's changed, in fact, you're pretty sure he's changed, cuz we were all kind of assholes ten years ago, when you think about it, and if he ended up with her and picking up frozen berries and kombucha and artisan cheese, how bad can he be, really? Or is this more about the banality of evil? Or, really, the mediocrity of mediocre men? You realize you've all been standing there quietly regarding each other just a moment too long, and you're the first to exhale -- "Well! It was nice to see you!" You promise you won't be a stranger, but exchange no contact information. You make a mental note to try to look her up on Instagram when you get home. Maybe you can message her with your number. Maybe you can grab a coffee while he's at work. Maybe the two of you can re-connect and share something with real substance. [3]
Alfred Soto: He admits to not knowing things, doesn't affect humility, and cedes enough song space to a not bad Kesha -- a good dude. But if "Good Old Days" has a sapient musical detail or ear-catching line I've missed it. [4]
Will Adams: "Good Old Days" takes a quiet approach to nostalgic yearning, which is nice, but the song never finds its release, instead dimming to one last chorus at the end. The only thing keeping this score from going any lower is the idea that we were likely spared a Macklemore feature on Rainbow. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: Nice. Soft and pillowy piano; slight guitar stabs; fuzzy strings; popping little drums; and low, chilled out bass -- oh, and a choir! Kesha lifts it. Mack stays out of the way. [6]
Stephen Eisermann: There's a difference between knowing your strengths and releasing the same type of song over and over again. It's a thin line that many artists struggle to balance on and Macklemore absolutely fails at it. Too often, his songs have the same message, the same sound, and are composed in the same formulaic way. This is no exception, even if Kesha's melancholy turn on the chorus digs a bit deeper than most Macklemore features.  [4]
Ryo Miyauchi: The type of rap music Macklemore deals with is one ripe for mid-age musings. And it's been 12 years since his last album bearing his name solo -- he was 22 then, 34 now -- so if there was an opportunity to look back at the good ol' days while seated in his backyard chair, this year should be fine as any. That said, "wasn't that, like, not that long ago," was my first response to all this, before I did the quick Wikipedia search on his exact timeline. Put in work, he did, but his imprint on the public consciousness, his run with Ryan Lewis on The Heist, still hasn't yet receded far enough into the past for this reminiscence to echo like the grand memory he shares it as. [4]
Jonathan Bradley: Because it's still 2013 in Australia, Macklemore spent a good couple weeks recently as a flashpoint in a culture war here. Slated to perform as the showcase entertainment at a national sports championship game was this white rapper -- so fitting a guest for our distinctive national brand of insecurity and mediocrity: even with his declining commercial stock he retains the imprimatur of a foreign passport. Macklemore landed to tumult; he planned to perform his pro-gay rights single "Same Love," one of his biggest and most anodyne hits, but for a nation undertaking a farce of a public survey supposed to eventually deliver marriage equality but designed in reality to stave off the prospect for as long as possible, the Seattle rapper found himself reinvented as a prominent spokesman for a headline civil rights cause. It's never been easier to feel good about Macklemore than when his mere presence antagonises the revanchists of the right-wing, so "Good Old Days" is a handy reminder of what a schmuck he is outside that context. He delivers these reminiscences in reverent spoken word, as blandly and generically emotive as the accompanying soft-pressed piano chords, which prod as if that action alone will nudge feeling into being. [3]
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