#i still feel quite associate with 5 and not so much with 4
hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, and what makes a psychopath
First of all, I'm not a licensed therapist or psychiatrist, but I love reading things online. I also love analyzing fictional characters, so why not do both and show why Albus Dumbledore shows just as many signs of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) as Tom Marvolo Riddle and that both men are much more similar than they'd like to think.
Whats ASPD?
ASPD, also known as Antisocial Personality Disorder, is a personality disorder. This disorder encapsulates both what people commonly call "psychopaths" and "sociopaths" and is actually mischaracterized often. It is a real mental disorder and not all real-life people with ASPD are dangerous to be around like the fictional ones, some live completely lawful murder-free lives. This post is mostly an interesting thought exercise and not meant to be a diagnostic tool or to be seen as how all people with ASPD are.
So, personality disorders refer to mental disorders that affect thought processes, personality, and how a person interacts with the world as a whole. ASPD, as its name suggests, focuses on social interactions. It is categorized by a lack of empathy, a penchant for lying, irresponsibility, and disregard for other's rights or feelings along with a lack of remorse.
All in all it sounds a lot like what we'd associate with Tom Riddle, but Dumbledore fits just as many of the symptoms required for an ASPD diagnosis.
How is ASPD diagnosed?
The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) categorizes and describes how to diagnose all clinically recognized mental illnesses. The DSM-5's diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder:
A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
Disregarding the law, indicated by repeatedly committing acts that are grounds for arrest
Being deceitful, indicated by lying repeatedly, using aliases, or conning others for personal gain or pleasure
Acting impulsively or not planning ahead
Being easily provoked or aggressive, indicated by constantly getting into physical fights or assaulting others
Recklessly disregarding their safety or the safety of others
Consistently acting irresponsibly, indicated by quitting a job with no plans for another one or not paying bills
Not feeling remorse, indicated by indifference to or rationalization of hurting or mistreating others
2. The individual is at least age 18 years.
3. Evidence of conduct disorder typically with onset before age 15 years.
4. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
So let's look at the boys, shall we?
This isn't meant to be a professional diagnosis, I just want to show how similar Tom and Dumbledore are in certain ways neither of them would like to confess and for that, we'll look through the behavior patterns used to diagnose ASPD.
1. Disregarding the law, indicated by repeatedly committing acts that are grounds for arrest
With Tom, this category of behavior is easy to tick off. He murdered multiple people. He led a terrorist organization. He cast illegal dark magic, including all three unforgivables, I don't think anyone would argue Tom didn't do many illegal things.
The thing is, Dumbledore disregards the law just as much, if, in different ways.
The Order of the Phoenix that he leads is an illegal paramilitary group separate from the government that is kept a secret from law enforcement at large and the general population, as shown in the news article leading to the publication of Rita's book:
WHAT was the real purpose of the secret organization known as the Order of the Phoenix?
(DH, 24)
This organization is illegal in their world. Additionally, Dumbledore shows no care for the ministry or its laws once it suits him. (It's not necessarily a bad thing because the Ministry of Magic sucks, but still). He showed as much in all his interactions with people like Fudge and Umbridge, going as far as actually resisting arrest in OotP after the DA was discovered. (again, he is right for doing it, but it still shows a disregard for their law, which I personally consider healthy because it's the Ministry of Magic)
And then, of course, there was Dumbledore's quest for muggle domination with Grindelwald:
Your point about Wizard dominance being FOR THE MUGGLES’ OWN GOOD—this, I think is the crucial point. Yes, we have been given power and yes, that power gives up the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled. We must stress this point, it will be the foundation stone upon which we build. Where we are opposed, as we surely will be, this must be the basis of all our counterarguments. We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
(DH, 309)
None of which sounds awfully legal. His intentions back then were to rule over the muggles and take control by force if they had to. Showing that even in his youth, Dumbledore didn't have much consideration for the law.
2. Being deceitful, indicated by lying repeatedly, using aliases, or conning others for personal gain or pleasure
There are many examples of Tom lying for various reasons, I picked out one of them to exibit here:
Riddle laughed his high laugh again. “It was my word against Hagrid’s, Harry. Well, you can imagine how it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school prefect, model student . . . on the other hand, big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed
(CoS, 288)
But Tom lies a lot. Both at school, at the orphanage, and about his identity. He lies to his followers often and I'd say he also lies to himself, but that's another matter. This category literally mentions using an alias and that is one of the things Tom (or, well, Voldemort) is well known for.
As for Dumbledore, he lies and conceals just as much. Abeforth said he was always this way:
“I can’t leave,” said Harry. “I’ve got a job—” “Give it to someone else!” “I can’t. It’s got to be me, Dumbledore explained it all—” “Oh, did he now? And did he tell you everything, was he honest with you?” Harry wanted with all his heart to say “Yes,” but somehow the simple word would not rise to his lips, Aberforth seemed to know what he was thinking. “I knew my brother, Potter. He learned secrecy at our mother’s knee. Secrets and lies, that’s how we grew up, and Albus. . . he was a natural.”
(DH, 477-478)
The "greater good" was all for the sake of appearances, it was a deception — a lie to make muggle domination more palatable for the general population. He lied in his position as headmaster and in his relationship with Harry:
Not telling Harry about, well, anything, and justifying it to himself by telling himself Harry would be better off not knowing, even when it isn't necessarily true.
Lying to Lockhart to get him in a dangerous position Dumbledore knew he was unfit for.
Lying about Lupin being a werewolf (this one is a lie that does have a good intention behind it, but I count it here anyway)
Lying about the petrifications in 2nd year. Dumbledore was at the school last time the Chamber opened and knew what was going on, still waited for Harry to act.
Same in 1st year. Harry himself says he's pretty sure Dumbledore always knew about Quirrell but wanted to give Harry the chance to face Voldemort.
Lying to Harry about Malfoy not being anything to worry about, even though he knows what's going on. But instead of agreeing there is concern and it is being dealt with he just tries to gaslight Harry.
I can go on, but I think the gist is clear.
3. Acting impulsively or not planning ahead
They are actually both planners when they want to be. But they can also be impulsive on occasion, if more rare for them. We'll consider this a symptom they don't have, mostly.
4. Being easily provoked or aggressive, indicated by constantly getting into physical fights or assaulting others
Now, Tom can get provoked and react aggressively, although, I won't call it easily. Tom actually avoids unnecessary bloodshed when possible:
He saw the small boy’s smile falter as he ran near enough to see beneath the hood of the cloak, saw the fear cloud his painted face. Then the child turned and ran away. . . . Beneath the robe be fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(DH, 295)
I mean, he wouldn't have been prefect and head boy if he constantly got into fights. So I feel safe in saying Tom didn't get into fights often and much of the behavior we see towards his followers is fueled by both general frustration and his feeling they deserve this punishment. These punishments are planned, they aren't often impulsive and in the moment of rage (and when they are, it's only when Harry Potter is involved).
Dumbledore is quite the same. He is capable of getting angry when provoked, but avoids violence he doesn't see as necessary.
We'll consider this a symptom they don't have.
5. Recklessly disregarding their safety or the safety of others
So many times... for both of them...
For Tom:
He clearly doesn't care about most of his Death Eaters, he wouldn't mind if they died and he endangered them often.
He also endagers himself just as much, if not more; by mutilating himself to create Horcruxes.
And by charging into battle himself often.
For Dumbledore:
Dumbledore endangers the Order's safety repeatedly. Yes, they made the decision to join, but he is still the one sending Hagrid to negotiate with the giants and Remus to talk to the werewolves. He is still the one who sends them towards danger and is willing to risk them.
Dumbledore endangers Snape, he manipulates him into the position of a spy and wilfully disregards Snape's safety.
Harry. Just everything, since he placed him on the doorstep of the Dursleys Dumbledore has willfully endangered Harry — from the abuse to setting Harry up to face the various yearly adventures every year.
Dumbledore tells Harry in HBP he takes his student's safety seriously, but he really doesn't: he knows about the Chamber, but still waits for Harry to resolve it, even when students are getting petrified. He knew Malfoy was planning something in HBP, but allowed him to continue with his ploys that sent Katie Bell to St. Mongos for months. There are more, but I think you get the gist.
Dumbledore also endangers himself quite carelessly from how he picked up the ring, his willingness to go into battle, his drinking of the potion in the locket's cave, and his willingness to die for his own plans.
6. Consistently acting irresponsibly, indicated by quitting a job with no plans for another one or not paying bills
We actually see both of them are capable of holding jobs for a long time (Dumbledore at Hogwarts and Tom at Borgin and Burkes) and even when Tom leaves Borgin and Burkes, he has a plan for his leave.
Both show irresponsibility in other ways. Tom allows his Death Eaters to wreak havoc in the ministry in book 7 while he's off chasing the Elder Wand, Dumbledore repeatedly shows how unconcerned he is with the education of the students at Hogwarts (his actual job) by hiring people like Lockhart, who he knew to be a fraud and allowing Umbridge to be hired (he had the Order, he could've convinced the real Mad-Eye Moody to come teach, or even Tonks, but no, he needed to teach Harry a lesson about the ministry so he allowed Umbridge into the school).
7. Not feeling remorse, indicated by indifference to or rationalization of hurting or mistreating others
Well, not feeling remorse is kind of a big part of Tom's character, isn't it:
“It’s your one last chance,” said Harry, “it’s all you’ve got left. . . . I’ve seen what you’ll be otherwise. . . . Be a man . . . try . . . Try for some remorse. . . .” “You dare—?” said Voldemort again.
(DH, 625)
That he isn't sorry for what he did at any point to anyone. Yes, he shows affection to Nagini and Bellatrix, but he takes occasional joy in emberessing Bellatrix.
He truly isn't sorry because he doesn't care. He is indifferent to the suffering of most.
The thing is, Dumbledore is the same.
He shows complete cold disregard for Lockhart's situation after his loss of memories, rationalizing it as "deserved".
As I mentioned, he doesn't care when Katie gets cursed by the necklace or when students get petrified in 2nd year. He allows it to happen because it isn't happening to anyone important.
Dumbledore is hellbent on killing Tom, on utterly destroying him, this is weird for a person who supposedly believes in second chances, especially a person who let Gallert Grindlewald live. Grindelwald had a much higher death count than Voldemort. He killed and hurt way more people, but Dumbledore likes him, so he rationalizes killing Tom, but not Gallert.
He disregards Harry's pain and hurt over Sirius's death:
“Oh yes, you do,” said Dumbledore, still more calmly. “You have now lost your mother, your father, and the closest thing to a parent you have ever known. Of course you care.” “YOU DON’T KNOW HOW I FEEL!” Harry roared. “YOU — STANDING THERE — YOU —”
(OotP, 824)
He speaks calmly and coldly throughout the whole exchange, just waiting for Harry to calm down enough so he can tell him about the prophecy. Dumbledore doesn't empathize with Harry's pain.
He disregards Harry's abuse:
“Five years ago, then,” continued Dumbledore, as though he had not paused in his story, “you arrived at Hogwarts, neither as happy nor as well nourished as I would have liked, perhaps, yet alive and healthy. You were not a pampered little prince, but as normal a boy as I could have hoped under the circumstances. Thus far, my plan was working well.
(OotP, 837)
He says he knew Harry to be mistreated (and starved!) since 1st year, but he does nothing until 6th year when he needs Harry. No, instead he rationalizes Harry's abuse, it's necessary for the plan, so Harry won't be spoiled, it's for the greater good.
And, of course, he raised Harry like a "pig to slaughter":
“We have protected him because it has been essential to teach him, to raise him, to let him try his strength,” said Dumbledore, his eyes still tight shut. “Meanwhile, the connection between them grows ever stronger, a parasitic growth. Sometimes I have thought he suspects it himself. If I know him, he will have arranged matters so that when he does set out to meet his death, it will truly mean the end of Voldemort.” Dumbledore opened his eyes. Snape looked horrified. “You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment?” “Don’t be shocked, Severus. How many men and women have you watched die?” “Lately, only those whom I could not save,” said Snape. He stood up. “You have used me.” “Meaning?” “I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you. Everything was supposed to be to keep Lily Potter’s son safe. Now you tell me you have been raising him like a pig for slaughter—” “But this is touching, Severus,” said Dumbledore seriously. “Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?” “For him?” shouted Snape. “Expecto Patronum!”
(DH, 580)
I think it's telling how Severus Snape, who despises the concept of Harry, reacts more sympatheticly and emotionally to Harry's death than Dumbledore. Dumbledore is cold and uncaring, he just calls Snape out for caring as if Snape is in the wrong for reacting the way any human would. Because Dumbledore is cold enough to rationalize any sacrifice he considers necessary.
The last quote was also about how Dumbledore used Severus. He manipulated Snape into oaths and bonds to spy for him and protect Harry. Twisted Snape's guilt to get some use out of him. And for Dumbledore, it was justified, it was for the greater good.
So, Tom got 5/7 for ASPD symptoms, and Dumbledore got 5/7. And you only need 3 for a diagnosis, so, yeah...
What I wanted to talk about and get to with all of this is Tom and Dumbledore's similarities that both of them hate to see. Their despise for each other is partly fueled by it, I think. They look at each other and see some of their own traits mirrored back, but arranged all wrong.
Dumbledore sees the worst version of himself in Tom Riddle and Tom sees their similarities and Dumbledore's hypocrisy to those similarities and hates him for that.
They were both the most brilliant wizards of their respective generations, top students at Hogwarts, when they graduated, Dumbledore planned to go on a tour of the world to study magic abroad like Tom did. They both received offers for ministry positions, which they both declined because they wanted to be professors at Hogwarts. They both lead paramilitary organizations (Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix) and they are both willing to make sacrifices in the quest for their goals.
Tom is willing to kill and tear himself up to create Horcruxes because it's necessary in his eyes:
Beneath the robe be fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(DH, 295)
Dumbledore is willing to sacrifice Harry and himself in the quest for the "greater good":
We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
(DH, 309)
I just find the fact that both of them show psychopathic traits in equal measure in similar ways super interesting. This distorted mirror is so fascinating, especially because the respective characters would despise being compared to each other.
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blacknedsoul-blog · 5 months
Random Thought of the Day (VIII)
So, posh besties are finally canon, yay! Congratulations Annabel, you only had to die, get divorced, survive an assassination attempt and have about 4 or 5 mental breakdowns to make one (1) friend, that is progress! Hopefully the next one will take less effort.
That said, there are two things I want to dwell on here.
I should like to by your friend and Could we be friends?
This is not the first time we've seen Annabel ask or tell someone outright that she wants to be friends. It's the second.
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Yes, Lenore is not only Annabel's wife, but -possibly- her first proper friend. And it's really interesting because these scenes show you two really different sides of her, even though it's a similar situation.
When she meets Lenore, Annabel comes across as a very confident person, full of confidence and absolutely charming. She is formal but approachable and straightforward about her intentions: "We can help each other".
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On the other hand, at this point, Annabel is keeping the reasons she wants this friendship to herself, she seems nervous -even a little uncomfortable- and behaves much more awkwardly. She hesitates, chokes on words, doesn't quite know if what she's doing is appropriate.
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If I had to think of reasons for this contrast, there are two.
First: Annabel when she has time to plan vs. when she has to improvise. She went looking for Lenore, probably had at least an entire night to think about what kind of person this mysterious woman locked in the attic might be and how to approach this conversation. On the other hand, this conversation with Prospero had to be pulled out of her sleeve after a lot of emotionally complicated moments, maybe it didn't occur to her that this conversation could actually happen, and she has no plan B if Prospero rejects the offer.
On top of that, Annabel knows better than anyone the risks of getting attached to someone in Nevermore.
Second, that the scene with Prospero functions in some way as a reflection of Annabel's feelings when she first meets Lenore: there's no reason to believe she was any better equipped to enter into a relationship with anyone at that point in her life than she is now. But in this scene, we -and Lenore- see what Annabel wants to show, the parts of herself that she may find most attractive or pleasing. Here, Prospero gets a glimpse of her awkward and uncomfortable side, and I'd bet that awkwardness was present in that first meeting with Lenore, it's just that she had a chance to think about it, rehearse it, and thus hide those sides of her character as well.
The thing that makes me think of it that way is this:
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Annabel's first gesture to Lenore is to shake her hand, which she also mentions here:
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She still doesn't remember doing it, but the idea behind it is more or less the same: Annabel associates this kind of formality with friendly or amicable gestures; a mixture of business dealings and affectionate promises.
Again, the same intention, but with a very different performance. One that makes me wonder what exactly her thoughs when she went to see Lenore.
The Introvert Who Adopts and the Extrovert Who Is Adopted
Another thing that got me thinking about this whole thing is that so far we've seen Annabel -a very introverted person- be the one to take the first step in getting into a relationship with someone: she's the one who asks the question.
The funny thing is that even though Lenore is an extrovert, it was the other way around, she never took the initiative to start a relationship with anyone: Annabel came to see her, Morella is her assigned roommate, Duke came to talk to her, Pluto was won in a Pokémon swap (and she didn't choose him, Ada threw him under the bus), and Eulalie and Bernice approached her first.
I can see why this would happen from Annabel's side; she's a person who moves in the shadows, someone who lives by appearances and isn't afraid to manipulate or deceive to get her way. Under this premise, explicitly telling the people she cares about that this is an honest relationship feels like something even necessary for the sake of the relationship and her own mental health.
But in thinking about why this is happening to Lenore, and going back and reading chapter 22 to do this little analysis, I remembered this scene:
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And…I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to pin this one. For now.
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pastorfutureletthembe · 3 months
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Here we go again--
First thing worth mentioning is that the prime color in this artwork is pale blue. I feel like it's quite rare, most of INPLICK arts for Link Click have the same palette: burgundy red, shades of gray and black (except for the whole Surprise Beat thing which is splashed with flashy pink). All but this one:
(probably when they were 17 or sth)
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For the sake of the argument, let's say it is a significant distinction to make. The reason is simple: the teaser of the airport scene and the trailer prove that shit started three years ago, when CXS and LG made a trip after graduation. If this chronology is correct, then blue probably symbolizes Lu Guang's innocence or happiness. Blue used to paint Lu Guang but now he only sees the world in black, white and red. In the birthday official arts, blue is associated with his character. His flower is freaking Forget-Me-Not; Myosotis.
So yes, that's why I think the color palette here is relevant to the time period we're going to explore in the Yingdu Chapter.
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The couch itself is blue when we're so used to the pair sitting on a brick sofa. The cakes and the flowers are the usual shade of red, though.
On the table: red roses in a vase. Petals are all over the place. Ominous.
On the trolley: 1 bottle of wine, 2 CXS's feet, 3 glasses, 4 cakes, 5 individual desserts. The glass half full is Liu Xiao's, since it isn't on the trolley in the original artwork he is absent from. I said it in another post but the plate counts 4 portions, as in 4 antagonists, while the pudding might be Lu Guang's. The cakes are probably metaphors for timelines/curves, clocks dressed as desserts with a red fruit representing a dead Cheng Xiaoshi. V and VI are the only missing parts, just like Qiao Ling's one. CXS put his feet on the trail and I think it's both funny and tragic. I believe the correct saying is "put his foot in his mouth" but in french we say "mettre les pieds dans le plat", which literally translates "to put his feet in the plate" (to say something brutal with no tact or to do something stupid without thinking it through). He has both feet nearing timeline cakes and his head is five inches away from doomed flowers.
On the floor: 1 vintage phone. 1 camera. 2 envelopes, 3 pages of letters. 4 polaroids. Probably: 2 magazines and 3 pages of newspapers. The vintage phone could be relevant to THE TIDES, era-wise. The camera is taking polaroids and two of them are still dark, meaning they just took a shot and are yet to be revealed. The rest must be related to this chapter's plot. So much for holidays, guys (are they investigating CXS' missing parents?)
If you look closely, you'll see four different mentions of time:
Lu Guang's watch (hold this thought)
The polaroid: Big Ben
What looks like newspapers
The hourglass
We also have four mentions of information/communication
The polaroid: a public telephone box
Vintage phone (I was wondering why the phone had twelve numbers but after some research, I realized that some of them had # and *)
On another note, I don't know if their hands--
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I mean, there's something definitely happening here but let's say for the sake of my sanity that what is supposed to be noticed are the sunglasses. If I'm being honest, this is the real oddity here and the teaser weirdly showed them off?? They're standing out because everything else is so blue for one thing.
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They're pink-ish, which is close enough to magenta, so one of Lu Guang's colors (cf. Dive Back In Time). The color itself is weird for sunglasses. Lu Guang doesn't care about fashion, he wants practical. As a girl who loves pink sunglasses, I'll tell you: pink is shit at doing sunglasses' job. CXS told him to wear a cat hat, okay, but did he choose every other accessory?? My guess is that the pink served a purpose in connection with light.
And why is Lu Guang's watch on the other wrist in the artwork? I checked and LG wears it on his right wrist in the donghua and manhua. It can be the opposite for some artworks though... Or blocked from view for some reasons. It's almost as if we're not supposed to know which side is the actual reflection. 👀
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Something else is reversed here, actually: the colors AND the pocket of Lu Guang's shirt. It could be a mistake, though.
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>>>>> Basically, I think the artwork is telling us that the Yingdu Chapter is going to hurt and make us cry. If we're indeed about to see Lu Guang lose his humanity to try and save Cheng Xiaoshi for the first time therefore destroying worlds, I have no doubt it would be after Infinite Sadness™.
The real question this teaser isn't answering is either we'll go through the original timeline or a rewind. The last episode of season 2 makes me frown. How to be sure that the Lu Guang who dives exists before and not after the events we see unfold for two seasons? Is Yingdu Chapter a flash black or an actual dive itself? Lu Guang seems to be determinate and in a bad mood in the PV after all, could directly happen after one of CXS's deaths.
EDIT: someone mentioned that LG wears his watch on the left wrist when we get images of CXS getting stabbed. (It hurts right here in my meow meow)
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cherepizza · 6 months
Sorry for being inactive I barely have spare time. It's been nearly two months, woah!! It still feels like march started yesterday
There's a variety of different religious beliefs in beacons' world. One of the world's largest and most widespread religion has 8 major deities who are shown with quite similar appearances. The easiest way to identify a god in their standard form is to to look at their body color. A deity may be accompanied by symbolic plants/animals and objects, especially if the image is colorless. Text also might be present. Some gods have alternative forms which can be more popular in iconography than their standard ones.
It's disrespectful to show gods from the back side of the body, except for one.
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1. Goddess of knowledge, medicine (especially the part dealing with childbirth) and law. All 8 sides of her body are "front" sides with two hands and two antennae. Always depicted with light-blue skin.
2. God of creativity and passion, whose all sides are backs. Has bright red skin. In the past this god used to have darker spots all over his body, but gave them away to a mortal who ended up having too many offspring, passing the spots to all of his male descendants. Antennae are not shown (you don't draw dicks on sacred images).
3. Goddess of plants and harvest. Besides her plant-growing abilities she's also known for creating and spreading diseases. Has light-coloured skin with a yellow or ochre tint.
4. Goddess of beasts. Created all living organisms and is able to control them. Beacons are resistant to the full mind control but susceptible to her power of inflicting dread and anxiety. Associated with willpower. Her standard form is a brown-coloured beacon but more often she's shown as a spiky snake-like creature. In this form she can change size and grow so large she'd shadow the sun or become smaller than any bug to crawl under the clothes of those who she deemes unworthy of her presence and sting them. Stings are excruciatingly painful.
5. Goddess of rain, rivers and the sea. Shares ruling over the last domain with her brothers. Though her powers are inextricably tied with sustaining life, she has no direct control over living beings. Typically shown with dark blue skin.
6. God of wind. Controls wind (..who would have thought) and serves as a protector of travellers. Talkative and upbeat, he cheers them up, gives advice and tells entertaining stories, helping them continue their journeys. Has orange-coloured skin.
7. God of deep water. Hides below the surface and rarely shows himself, though in his early years used to live among mortals and taught them sailing along with his sister and brother. His long antennae can easily wrap around victim's legs and drag the unlucky one to the bottom to either kill or imprison and force to work on him. Can control underwater beasts but only to a small extent. Associated with quiet death.
8. God of change. The all-present spirit is inert and cannot change on its own. This god makes sure night would change into day, hunger would come after nourishment, and every living thing would eventually meet their death. He's quite a lonesome god and under normal circumstances rarely interacts with mortals or other entities. Has exceptional persuasion skills. Several myths support the idea of him creating the moon and stars which partly explains why he's described having white skin. The other part comes from that no mortal has ever seen his true form, so no other colour can represent his ever-changing appearance except pure white.
Important to note that for beacons relationships between siblings play a much greater role than those between parents. So instead of being paired up with a husband/wife higher gods belong to their own sibling groups which go as follows:
Goddess of knowledge – god of passion
Goddess of plants – goddess of beasts
Goddess of rain – god of wind – god of deep water
God of change (only child oh)
In older times gods were treated as separate entities connected only by blood but in recent decades there's been a shift to a more monotheistic view of world. Since gods come from the same source (force/spirit/power) it was believed that they sort of popped up in the world that already existed before them and were left to fool around and figure out what to do by themselves. They weren't a part of the spirit anymore and the only connection remaining was the ninth eye in the middle of the head that could actually see (for mortals it's basically blind, so they were believed not to be bound with the source at all). Some followers suggest that deities and, in fact, the whole world were never separated from it. When the force splitted itself into "sides", giving gods physical bodies, it manifested into other living beings as well, allowing itself to have as many perspectives of the existing world as possible. When a living thing dies, their side turns away to a new life. Gods' powers are not separate, but a spectrum, manifestations of the same thing. The number of turns is considered to be unimaginably big, but finite. It's up for debate what will happen when the force will be out of turns.
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truedarkhunter · 3 months
Counterpoint: Undertaker not with Cloudia
While many people, including ones I respect, are fond of the Cloudia and Undertaker pairing, I can't quite get behind it. I don't hate it, mind you, but looking at things both in the period and in the story setting, it kind of doesn't work for me. Here's some of why. 1. Humans are fireflies. Undertaker is one of the oldest, and would have the least connection to the human world. Hence he finds the stage of human life "absurd". He watches it as a play while attempting to stay detached. While some of the Reapers do dally with humans (Grelle in her macaroni get-up in The Story of Will the Reaper, and Ron flirting with a girl in Book of the Atlantic), they aren't long-term things. Reapers have too much to do to easily maintain such relationships and what do you do when someone wants to ask questions like "where do you live?" and "what do you do for a living?" These are some basic things people want to know quickly to assess your social status. Not only can Reapers not easily answer those questions, when they can get away to see someone (lover or no), it could be a month later or more. When they don't have a clear answer for their absences, like being in the military or a deep sea fisherman, it would be hard to wait for such a person. If Undertaker knew Cloudia from when she was a little girl, would he really see her as a woman? Wouldn't that feel weird, like Jacob from Twilight level weird? I kind of think he'd just have the affection and desire to watch over and protect Cloudia throughout her life if he formed a bond with a bright, little girl who didn't see him as scary or creepy, but rather funny and kind. She might have been the reason he discovered the value of laughter. That would be a greater gift. 2. Virginity was still a goal in Victorian times. Remaining a virgin until death was still a goal, especially with the influence of the Catholic church. You wanted to enter Heaven pure. Those who did got a special crown. With Reapers being in Purgatory already, some may wonder if it's wise to get involved with anyone when the goal is to get out of there.
3. It would ruin Cloudia. Virginity was also important to be able to marry well, as having dalliances before marriage could kill a good match. Undertaker was not her social equal. Even if he could have vied for her hand, he couldn't have offered her the life she deserved, and people would definitely have talked. If she had a relationship with him outside of marriage, it could alter her life - i.e. alter the course of human events by keeping her from the life that was originally planned. That would not be a good thing for Undertaker to do to someone he claimed to care for, nor would it be wise given how the Grim Reaper Association might come down on him. Unrequited love? Absolutely! Feeling friendship or a kinship to the girl who then died at 36, causing him to reach the point of wondering what his own life and efforts amounted to? Sure! Getting romantic with someone when you know that giving into your passions would only hurt them, especially when you know that in 5 minutes (to you) their desires will calm down or they will be married off and those emotions can find purchase elsewhere? Not so much. That isn't love, just desire. 4. Demons don't eat Reaper souls. Neither Sebastian nor Claude showed any interest in munching on Reapers, so something fundamentally shifted in them. So even if humans and Reapers can have kids, how would that have affected Vincent and Francis? Is one of them a half-Reaper? How would Heaven and Hell treat that soul after their life ended? (Angels and humans together produced Nephilim, would the Grim Reaper Association even allow such a pregnancy to reach full term? Would the other Powers That Be?) How would that soul get judged or sorted? While having Ciel be a quarter Reaper is a fun concept it also comes with a severe complication. 5. It ruins the story. The whole premise of Black Butler is about the pact between a DEMON and a HUMAN. If Ciel was 1/4 Reaper, i.e. inedible stuff, why would that pact even form? (Let's face it, he'd be like a dog dropping sandwich. No matter how little dog dropping is in it, you don't want it anymore.) What special powers would it confer? It certainly robs the tale of the struggle that makes it poignant if Ciel isn't really a fallible mortal like everyone else. His choice to walk the road not taken and giving everyone else a glimpse into a Faustian pact where instead of pleasure and power, the maker of the pact wants revenge is what makes it interesting. If Ciel isn't fully human, maybe the pact can't be properly formed in the first place. It can undo the very premise of the show, and that makes it not fun. I like it more for an AU concept than the main one. This tale is a tragedy. We are about to see it play out as a version of Hamlet. I'm more wondering who will be the one(s) left to report that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Let's see if we get to learn Cloudia's fate. I DO suspect her death, and her close ties to the Undertaker, undid the best Reaper of the association and set him on the path of ending death itself so no one had to die anymore so he might find his own end/peace. And realize, if you do like the Cloudia/Undertaker ship, good on you. I'm still going to read posts and fan-fics about them and get some popcorn. The idea is intriguing, but comes with a lot of plot holes that I need to see filled to fully get behind the match. That said, if anyone can fill holes in plots, it certainly would be Undertaker. Ciao!
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tenyearsoftrash · 6 months
Ten Years of HTP: A Celebration
Hi all, I (@eatingcroutons) set up this blog with all sorts of intentions about preparation and promotion and then Life Things Happened, but I'm still hoping to go forward with the idea of encouraging some nostalgia and memory-sharing about the last ten years of the HYDRA Trash Party.
The aim here is to be more of a celebration of community rather than your typical prompt fest - if you're looking for prompts for fanworks you might want to check out the @catws-anniversary that has just kicked off and will run until the 4th of April, or of course refer back to the Trash Meme itself!
So for this blog's purposes, feel free to post informal thoughts and musings and ramblings, and to comment on each other's memories - this is all about our shared history and nostalgia, and the idea is for it to be an open dialogue and celebration of community. A few points on logistics:
Anonymous asks and submission are open on this blog if you'd prefer not to participate under a named account. We all know how hostile certain corners of fandom have become to darkfic and adjacent content.
For all the themes below self-recs are also very welcome, if you want a chance to show off something you made years ago that hasn't gotten much attention in a while!
Go ahead and tag this blog at @tenyearsoftrash for a reblog of anything you post about the below themes!
All that said, here are some suggested themes and ideas to get you thinking and reminiscing:
April 4: Rewatch CA:TWS!
Take yourself right back to where it all began! With too many people across too many timezones we're not going to even try to organise a massive synchronised groupwatch, but maybe you could get a few of your old-school HTP buddies together to do a smaller one? In any case: fire up the movie, relive all the feels, and share any HTP-related thoughts that come (back) to mind after all these years!
April 5: Fanwork Recs
Go back and dig up some links to your favourite HTP fanworks - whether big or small, well-known or niche, what are the works that have really rewritten your brain chemistry, and stuck with you all this time? What was it about them that hit just the right spot? Feel free to share your thoughts on Tumblr - and to go back and drop a nostalgic comment on anything on AO3 😉
April 7: Meta Recs
Over the years there's been a lot of meta associated with HTP, from discussions of what CA:TWS and HYDRA represent in a broader social context, to endless back-and-forth about darkfic's place in fandom. Are there any posts that really made you think, or that remain relevant even now? Is there anything that came out of those meta discussions that has turned out to be particularly prescient, in hindsight?
April 8: HTP Fanon
What are your favourite bits of shared or personal fanon around HTP and its related concepts? Are there any Original Characters you're particularly fond of? Any particular tropes regarding characters or events that you will never get tired or bored of? Any ideas that might seem cracky on the surface but which you are totally into regardless?
April 8: Other Media/Fandoms
We've all had those moments where we've come across something in a new canon and immediately been like, "Oh, this is delicious trash bait," right? What other media has had a "Bucky Barnes Obediently Accepts The Bite Block" moment for you? What other characters might your fellow HTP friends enjoy as interesting targets for Trash Party Shenanigans? In what fandoms have you found yourself running into an awful lot of familiar HTP faces?
April 9: WIP Amnesty
Do you have any HTP fanworks that you never finished, or never got around to starting, for whatever reason? Now's your excuse to talk about them! Feel free to ramble about what your plans would have been, lament why they're never going to happen, or share some of those great ideas you never quite had time to plot out. Or, if you're feeling particularly inspired, go back and actually finish something off!
April 10: HTP Community Memories
To finish off the week let's talk about the community itself! What have been the good times, the interesting times, any times that have been personally significant to you, for any reason? What things have you experienced or shared or understood with or through or because of the HTP community? What new friends have you made over the years, and what old friends do you miss?
Apologies again for taking some time to getting around to making this post, but hopefully people will still be interested in doing some reminiscing!
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kiwiana-writes · 5 months
I dont think anyone subscribes to you for t rated 5 +1s in your own au lol. Chop chop with those wip’s porn girl!
Well. Quite a bit to unpack here on an otherwise unassuming Friday!
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#2: I actually track this stuff. Admittedly the E-rated percentage is a bit higher if you look at RWRB only, but overall...
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#3: I think anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, or indeed anyone who follows the kiwiana-writes tag here on tumblr and sees all those fucking WIPs, knows that I like to write a bit of variety. That's not to say there aren't definite underpinnings of, like, themes and vibes that I return to over and over (which I can only assume are why people subscribe to me), but if someone only likes my college AUs, or only likes my post-canon stuff, or only likes my E-rated stuff, or only wants to listen to my podfics, they're probably going to have a much more successful time saving the tag search than subscribing to me at the author level. Or they've mastered the art of archiving and moving on without complaining about it, like I do when the authors I'm subscribed to write something that doesn't interest me. It's a useful skill! I highly recommend cultivating it.
#4: AO3 not giving series stats is and continues to be the bane of my life, but based on the number of people who subscribed to the OG actor AU, there's probably a significant chunk of people who aren't subscribed to me as an author and only want the actor AU verse stuff. And good for them! I LOVE that AO3 offers multiple ways to subscribe so you can get notified for the stuff you want (my kingdom for the ability to subscribe to individual pseuds, though.)
#5: This fandom is OVERFLOWING right now. Like, I can't keep up. You only want to read E-rated stuff? Awesome! Well over 100 E-rated fics have been posted in the RWRB bookverse tag just this week (it looks like most of the movieverse smut has also been tagged bookverse, but either way it's also very easy to find). Or go back to older fics and find some hidden gems—there's nothing an author loves more than for someone to come in and gush about a fic they wrote a year or two ago.
#6: You don't pay me, and I'm not subject to annual review. One of my favourite authors was talking this morning about how sometimes she thinks about taking a break from writing for RWRB because it's starting to feel a little rat racey, and that would suck for me personally because I love her stuff but god knows I couldn't blame her, because the (extreme minority but still exhausting) entitled comments and rudeness really do not help. Stop treating your favourite authors like content creators who owe you something new on a regular schedule, because that's a damn good way to ensure they don't want to create anything new ever again. Like... anon, you haven't even bothered to couch this in a compliment. The bar is ten feet underground and somehow you still managed to trip over it.
#7: Not to be all 'back in my day' but... well, back in my day, snippets and peeks into the universe of a remotely popular longfic were pretty much the standard lol. Nobody is forcing you to read them, I promise.
#8: I've posted two E-rated fics in the last two weeks.
#9: Honestly I just really want to reiterate #1 because what the hell lol. While pronouns don't equal gender, it's pretty reasonable to extrapolate from pronouns if you don't have any other info to go on—and of the three "main/standard" pronouns, the one most closely associated with 'girl' is the only one that ISN'T in my bio 🤦
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stormdragon23 · 2 months
My Top 10 Solo Leveling Characters
Inspired by this post
I'll keep the explanations short, but if you want a more in-depth explanation, feel free to ask for more (or look through my blog. It isn't that hard to find with how much I post about certain characters)
Choi Jong-In
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Gee, what a surprise-
What I like the most about Choi Jong-In is how complex his character is when you actually analyze him. He comes off as a confident, sly person who does what he wants to get something for himself, but when you read between the lines, there is a lot about him that shows nearly the opposite
One example is how he exudes confidence, nearly borderline arrogance, yet when you observe his physical actions, he almost always doing something with his hands, as if he is nervous and holds back from fidgeting. He also cares a lot about other hunters yet does so very subtly, like during the double dungeon when he was giving orders to the other hunters to try to keep them safe. He reacted like how Baek Yoon-Ho did during the Red Gate incident when he learned about what happened with the high orcs A-Rank gate, showing that he does care about his hunters' safety
Okay, I need to stop
2. Baek Yoon-Ho
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This should have been expected from just looking at my blog
Baek Yoon-Ho was actually my favorite character early in the story. I love how despite his intimidating appearance, he is actually very kind and a rather sensitive person. He is one of more fleshed-out side characters in terms of his relationships with other side characters and how his backstory before the gates appeared is talked about a lot in various forms of Solo Leveling
He also has a rather complex personality with how serious he appears in public and how it is clear he cares a great deal about the hunters in his guild, yet with people he is close to, such as his friends, he is very expressive and reacts quite a bit to being teased and such
3. Go Gun-Hee
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He needs to show up in the game soon
I love how caring he is with the other hunters, specifically Woo Jin-Chul and the other S-Ranks. He makes teasing remarks towards them and is quite soft with them despite his powerful aura. He definitely has the energy of a grandfather, so I like to think he gets along with all the S-Ranks very well
He also seems very protective of them as he was furious about the Japanese Hunters Association's Chairman's plan to eliminate Korea's S-Ranks. He is like that one quote
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
4. Sung Il-Hwan
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Why couldn't he have seen Kyung-Hye one last time-
I also love Sung Il-Hwan's caring nature even though it was only shown after he fought Hwang Dong-Soo and was helping people get out of destroyed buildings and fire. It was nice foreshadowing to him being a firefighter in the past
He's fairly similar to Go Gun-Hee in terms of his protectiveness of the people he cares about and his optimistic/teasing nature even though Sung Il-hwan's personality wasn't shown that much. I admire how he wanted to give up his memories of the previous timeline to properly take care of his son the way he wanted to though. It was very sweet
I want him to be the main character, not his son-
5. Park Kyung-Hye
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She should have appeared more. She's so pretty
Not much of her was shown in the manhwa, but the moments of her that stood out to me the most were how she looked out for her family before her own well-being and how she was still waiting for her husband to return
Even when she had just awakened and found out how long she had been asleep for, the first thing she did after getting a grasp on her surroundings is comfort her son. All she knew was that her son had worked hard to take care of him and could see from his hands that he got hurt while doing so. She doesn't know what exactly Sung Jin-Woo did in the years she was asleep yet still thanked him
6. Woo Jin-Chul
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Of course he's on the list. Why wouldn't he be on the list
There are many admirable traits that Woo Jin-Chul has, but I think the one that stands out to me the most is his sense of justice and desire to do everything he can to make the world a better place. It doesn't get to the point where it is all he thinks about or does, but it is enough to show that he is passionate about what he believes
His demeanor is also something I like. The way he is stoic and reacts accordingly based on the situation he is in. It makes me wonder about what his personality is actually like behind the mask and when he is not working. Some of it was shown in the side stories, which was very nice to see, though I wish the manhwa had included more moments of him from the novel
He would be higher on the list, but I'm a sucker for parental figures
7. Min Byung-Gyu
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The reason I have a strong grudge against Sung Jin-Woo
Min Byung-Gyu is a much stronger person the more you analyze him (I'm working on an analysis of him, so I'll be going into more detail there). The way he is clearly traumatized by the third Jeju raid and had already told Baek Yoon-Ho that he would not be going on the next Jeju raid, yet he still showed up in the end
He likely couldn't bear the thought of the S-Ranks dying without him there more than the possibility of him not being able to save them. Compared to the other side characters, he was actually fleshed out quite a bit, and he was a very unique character compared to the S-Ranks in terms of his personality
He did NOT need to die
8. Son Ki-Hoon
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Most underrated character right here
I don't think much about Son Ki-Hoon as he didn't have that much of a presence in the manhwa, but I really like how he was portrayed as a good leader. After all the other raids Sung Jin-Woo had been on prior to this raid, I was really worried that Son Ki-Hoon was going to be selfish like the others. But thankfully, he chose to go the route that would be the safest for the rest of the team (I think he, unfortunately, has bad luck though)
He was also very adamant about protecting his guild members despite it seeming certain that they would die. Not in a self-sacrificial way (which is a trait I personally dislike), but in a way that would the others the best chance of survival while still doing his best to stay alive
9. Park Hee-Jin
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She's so pretty alsdkfjafda
Not much of Park Hee-Jin was seen other than the Red Gate, but the game went in depth about her backstory, which I enjoyed watching. To summarize, Park Hee-Jin had "hunches" whenever something is about to go wrong, and although she doesn't know if something will actually happen or not, her instincts are usually right
However, when she tells other people, they usually don't believe her, and when something does happen, they blame her for it. Yet despite the accusations against her, she doesn't let it bother her and just ignores them, focusing on keeping herself and those who do believe her safe. Similar to Park Kyung-Hye, she also has a caring nature with other hunters, especially those younger than her.
10. Eun-Seok
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I know he was only in the anime for like. 3 minutes, but hear me out
Despite Eun-Seok not being on screen for long and barely being mentioned anywhere else, the effect he had on the surviving hunters was very impactful. It clearly affected his close friends, Baek Yoon-Ho and Min Byung-Gyu, the latter of whom retired after the raid. It's not clearly stated, but in the game, he also seems to be the reason why Lim Tae-Gyu seems rather jaded at times, so I assume the two must have been close
As for his personality, he seems like someone who looks out for his friends often yet has a playful side to him as well. I hope we get to see more of him later, whether it's in the game or in a flashback in the anime, but already in the anime, they gave him a lot of features, including a whole character design along with very unique powers
I'm very weak towards selfless people who are humble in case you couldn't tell
If you made it this far, congratulations. Have a cookie 🍪 I don't know what other foods to give. Maybe a fruit next time
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tired-reader-writer · 5 months
Considering who to put in charge of safeguarding the northeastern border of Pars against Turan and Turk before Shapur becomes a marzban and... There aren't... that many, are there? Those younger than Shapur are automatically out of the picture (Kubard, Daryun, Kishward), Bahman has been stationed at Peshawar for a long time by canon era so ?????, Kharlan, is he even a marzban ten years before canon? Even if he was, I associate him much more with the western half of Pars, if only because it would make it easier for him to coordinate with Hilmes in Lusitania (assuming no switcheroos happened like it did with Kishward, he was originally stationed at the southwestern border of Pars against Misr, but was plunked into Peshawar some time before canon).
That leaves us with... Manuchurh, Garshasph, Saam, Khurup, Khayr, and Khshaēta.
We all know what Saam looks like, estimated to be in his 40s, but here's what the other 5 look like (well we also know what Garshasph looks like too but just as a reminder):
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I... don't feel like Saam is a good fit for the kind of emotional beat I want to portray for one of the two pre-canon Turanian invasions (foreshadowed in chapter 2). So that leaves me with the other three. Three complete and total strangers of whom we know absolutely fucking nothing about.
Which narrows the six options down to five.
I think Khshaēta looks a tad young to have been marzban for too long, so I'm booting him out of the candidate list to make my life easier.
This leaves me with four.
I got nothing for Khurup and Khayr, we know nothing of them, but as for the other two... We know what Garshasph is like, which is, uh, kinda unpleasant, he might be a good candidate for what I'd planned, but also... Manuchurh, Nasrīn's father, Kishward's father-in-law. He purportedly had a beautiful voice and Andragoras made him do the court announcements and stuff bc of his pretty voice.
So basically, among the four candidates left, we only really know two of them.
...which one shall I pick, now?
Oh, I forgot what the emotional beat I wanted to incorporate was, it was Shapur maybe realizing the marzban in charge of the northeastern border may have been responsible for the deaths of his friends and the destruction of their village after the marzban lets slip about some “bandits or potential rebels who kidnapped people and caused unrest” which Shapur knows from talking to the clan before that the abusers or tormentors who felt entitled to their victims might have painted them that way to justify trying to hunt them down or avoid having to confront the harm they themselves have caused to their victims, and Shapur feeling... quite nauseated. Remember how Isfan immediately jumped into trying to avenge his brother in the manga. Remember how rash Shapur was even by the Battle of Atropatene. He won't do anything here, he can't, because Eihon (debuting in chapter 3! I still don't know whether the invasion would be chapter 3 or 4) has made sure to hammer the point home that doing so will only bring them doom, there's no way he can demand justice for a commoner village in the middle of nowhere who were branded as criminals.
He has to swallow his bile and work to repel the invasion. Feeling like he's failed his friends for not being able to protect them, give them a funeral, or even avenge them.
I know with this context it'd be easy for some of you to immediately pick Garshasph considering how much of an asshole he was during the siege but. What if. The emotional whiplash of it being Manuchurh. But also I could just pick Khurup or Khayr to avoid the headache altogether—
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famdommcfanface · 4 months
An analysis of alcemy for the Magnus Protocol!
I have just finished the episode I have found a list of alchemical symbols let's fucking gooo baby. Just to clarify it is my belief these are the new entities. I know it would probably be better if they were less rigidly defined but I love sorting things and am hyped!!! This is going to be long so strap in (not all of those though they're just to illustrate)! I am so sorry if you use dark mode (like me!) these images are almost all transparent.
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1: Mercury!
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Referring to both the metal and the planet, go wild. Mercury is all about transcending boundaries as it's kind of both a solid and a liquid (it's not but whatever), specifically the boundary of life and death, possibly even transcend death. That seems relevant. Also related to snakes so if snakes show up... probably mercury. Also if we ever get some sort of white queen in a chess way? Mercury. It also represents the mind, or spirit maybe? It's got a lot going on. Colin said it'd make the world end. Fuck yeah probably why not.
2: Salt
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This is one that is not included on one list I have but is on the other. I'm not guaranteeing all of these are significant I'm finding it hard to find a definite list. If you look into just all the alchemical symbols they've got loads and I doubt they're all significant. Anyway. Salt is the physical body in this trifecta (we'll come onto that). Very to do with physicality, the body, honestly might manifest in a few ways similar to the Flesh. Also to do with purification? In general but also 'purifying' the body which I think medieval people meant in a good way but sounds evil to me. There is also of course, seperate to the whole alchemy thing, salt circles and all that. You've seen supernatural you know what I'm talking about. Although that's also to do with purification.
3: Sulphur
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Or sulfur, if you are American. This one's actually got a few different symbols but let's go with this one for now. Honestly, and I know we shouldn't be comparing these to the TMA entities, but this one's pretty desolation. It's all dry heat and masculine destructive energy. Yeah this one's 'masculine' and mercury's 'feminine' for some reason, I doubt that will come up. Which I guess makes salt non-binary. This is the red king, too. This is the soul in the 'tria prima', Mercury, salt and sulphur, which were the three first elements apparently, and also cause disease? Idk. That might be relevant. Hell's meant to smell of sulphur, that tells you most of what you need to know. Again, we've all seen Supernatural. Colin said something about this making you go mad. I think yeah sure but less spiral-type mad more slaughter-type mad.
4: Air
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Right, onto the four basic elements. These all have a humour related to them too and air has blood for some reason. Air is life and light and God and passion and all that good shit. I have to imagine it's gonna have some vast shit going on too because I don't think Jonny can help himself, but it's also to do with being changable and generally quite nice. Oh also ideas and creativity. All that good shit!
5: Earth
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Basically the opposite of air. The 'masculine counterpart' as all these websites keep saying. It's associated with salt, which makes sense, and is all about stillness and being grounded and again, I feel like there's going to be some buried attributes in there. It's got the humour black bile which is all about sadness and shit. Most of the four basic elements are fairly self-explanatory.
6: Fire
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You know what fire does. Passion, emotion, love and hate and all that. Although honestly in an alchemical way fire seems to be more emotional. So far (and I am writing these as I look into them) if you want something based around physical destruction you're gonna wanna look at sulphur. Its humour is yellow bile.
7: Water
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Water, humour is phlegm, connected to mercury, honestly alchemically I can't find anyone having much to say about it but y'know. It's water. BUT I HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT WATER. Okay so this has gotta be the deep, right? The whole mix of the buried and the vast thing with the sea? That killed the girl Alice saw? Or at least was involved with the death. It's all very water.
8: Lead
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Right, onto planetary metals! Which Mercury kind of also was but hey ho. So, Lead is associated with Saturn. So, alchemists believed that lead was the base metal, that all other metals were just lead that had turned into something else. Which means it's really important but also kinda sucks, and is why people kept trying to make it into gold. So lead is also to do with change but also kind of purity as they thought it 'purified' into gold. Also associated with the Roman god Saturn/Greek god Chronos, who are both to do with time so that might be involved.
9: Tin
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To do with the planet Jupiter. It seems to be connected to wisdom and maturity and education and all that. BUT ALSO. It is connected to Lady Mowbray, hell yeah. Because I watched a video about the arg and noted that on the back of Lady M's assistant's clipboard or whatever is this symbol which I recognised at the time as Jupiter! Now. What does tin have to do with dogs and eating people. As far as I can tell fuck all. I thought I'd misremembered for a moment and it was actually the Saturn symbol because that would work with cannibalism at least but no Lady Mowbray seems to serve... tin. Which is kind of funny. I get the connection to nobility at least, Jupiter is king of the gods after all, but as far as I know he doesn't hunt people with dogs? Idk.
10: Iron
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Related to Mars and, as I'm sure you can tell, men. Because these fuckers loved gender. Similar to fire it's all about anger and passion, but also seeing as Mars is the god of war I don't think it's beyond belief we've got something similar to the slaughter on our hands here.
11: Gold
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Connected to the sun and therefore does not have a classical god I can interpret. Damn. Maybe Apollo? Gold is about having gay lovers. No. So gold's big thing is that it doesn't corrode. Something about staying as you are, the opposite of Air's changability, sort of similar to earth... I could make something out of this.
12: Copper
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Well hello ladies. Copper actually has a cooler symbol but I suspect we're sticking with these. Connected to Venus, obviously, which is all about attractiveness and desirability because copper is a very pretty metal. Personally, I would say episode 2 is to do with copper. I don't know if ink5oul themself is (I think they might sort of span entities) but what's her name from the episode and her obsession with looking good seems very copper to me. I know I'm not sorting all these episodes (yet! I have to relisten first) but this one jumped out at me. Copper is also to do with love, of course. I feel like one reason maybe the desire theory got so big is a lot of alchemical elements are to do with love and desire, so that just sort of bled through?
13: Silver
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That's right, it's the moon! Very to do with mystery and weird shit. I think if you get the non-literal elements of The Dark you've got Silver. Also keeps away evil, again, Supernatural. Although it also has to do with tides so I think there is a very small chance that actually this is the Deep? I doubt it though.
14: Antimony
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So I wasn't going to do the mundane elements because they're less likely to be important (you'll see) but some of them are really interesting! I might not do them all. Anyway, antimony is about the wild and animalistic side of human nature, and is to do with wolves. That remind you of anyone? A certain... aristocratic milf? I know she's connected to tin but it should be antimony okay??
15: Arsenic
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Arsenic is cool, we all know it. It's my mum's favourite element on the periodic table. Anyway. Swans? It's to do with swans. Apparently it transforms its appearance like a cygnet to a swan. It also fucking kills people which I'm not convinced the alchmists were aware of.
16: Bismuth
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Nobody knows what they were doing with bismuth. RIP. Also, I don't know my astronomy but that is taurus. Does that mean anything? I looked into the metal; it's quite pretty and people get it mixed up with tin.
17: Magnesium
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Oh boy. It's hard to extinguish once it's lit, so it represents eternity! That's gotta be something babyy! Some combination of the end and the vast and all that.
18: Phosphorus
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They thought phosphorus trapped light. I know it's easy to say this from a modern perspective but alchemists were fucking dumb. I feel like I could disprove this. But they were the first scientists so we have to be nice to them I guess...
19: Platinum
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Supposedly a combination of gold and silver, hence the symbol. Possibly something about being bound to something... idk.
20: Potassium
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Or potash. Didn't seem to have much historical context. But I believe it has very important modern context.
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21: Zinc
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They burned zinc to get what they called 'white snow'. You fucking idiots snow is already white.
That's it! Honourable mention to horse dung, which is a more obscure element but gets its own symbol and everything.
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also soap and urine and all sorts of shit so I think we should stop there. What have we learnt? Possibly nothing! One of these has got to be to do with plants - I assume earth? That would make sense. One's something to do with luck from the sounds of things and I have no idea what that is, hopefully someone knows more about alchemy than I do for that. There's definitely some sort of watcher and I think either that's the eye crossed into this dimension or possibly mercury? I don't think the names are going to be these because honestly imagine Lady Mowbray being like hey I serve Tin. She's probably going to say Jupiter but we all have to know in our heart of hearts. It's just fucking tin. I am very tired I am going to bed.
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biglittleluobo · 6 months
萝卜's Beginner Guide to Sichuanese!
Welcome to the first in an unofficial series of posts where I will share the (very large) amount of new vocab, cultural experiences, and topics that I was introduced to while spending ~5 weeks in China!
Today’s topic is: Sichuanese! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
I won’t pretend to be an expert in Sichuanese (yet, please chime in / add here if you are!), but I spent >50% of my time in the province while abroad which gave me lots of exposure. It certainly took me by surprise at the beginning! After about two weeks I started to get a better feel for it. Here’s some tips and vocab for getting started:
1. Get ready to hear 得 (“dei” pronunciation) just about everywhere, this is an essential character thrown around constantly. Most common are these three words:
要得 (yǎodei) – yes, good
没得 (módei) – no
晓得 (xiǎodei) – understand, aka 明白
Sometimes it also just randomly appears, for example 得行 (deixíng) has the exact same meaning as 行 (fine, okay)! You just gotta expect it.
2. The majority of Sichuanese people do not pronounce the “h” in sounds like “ch”, “sh”, “zh”. This makes it very tricky for a student (like me!) who still internally looks up lots of words, so any “s-” word could be a word that starts with “sh-” OR a word that just starts with “s-”. Some examples:
橙汁 (chéngzhī) as "cengzi"
这儿 (zhè’er) as “zer”
什么时候 (shénme shíhou) as “sazisihou”
是不是 (shìbùshì) as “sib’si” (with the u sound in “bu” typically omitted)
3. The “an” sound is pronounced as in the English word “can” (as opposed to the usual pronunciation which is a bit more like the “awn” sound in “yawn”). Combined with (2), this has the very cute effect of turning 吃饭 (chīfàn) into something more like “cifaan”, and is something you should expect to hear a lot in a province like Sichuan! Just be aware that this applies to every “an”-suffixed word and can sometimes totally change how you hear it. In many ways I feel like this feature makes it sound a bit reminiscent of American southern dialects.
4. There are a few other Sichuanese alternative pronunciations to be aware of:
“Hu” is often pronounced as “fu”, leading 护照 (hùzhào) to sound like “fuzao”, or 西湖 (Xīhú) as “xifu”
“R” sounds can sometimes be pronounced with a “y”, e.g. 容 (róng) as “yong”
Most tricky is that the flat 1st tone is very rare, and many characters simply have different tones than “Standard” Mandarin. As far as I can tell (and have read online), there isn’t really a systematic adjustment for this, it’s just how it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Surprisingly, though Sichuan is a southern province, there are tons of erhua around! At least here, it seems like the 儿 ends up quite merged with the original word. Some examples I heard:
米粉 (mǐfěn) as “mifer” (extremely delicious breakfast option!)
老板 (lǎobǎn) as “laober”
没得 (módei) as “moder” (apparently extremely rarely heard though)
豆花 (dòuhuā) as “douhua’er” (quite common in northern Mandarin as well)
熊猫 (xióngmāo) as “xiongmer”
And finally, a few more Sichuanese specialties!
好(多)钱 - how much does it cost, aka 多少钱 (the 多 is sometimes omitted in quick speech)
啥子 (sázi) – what, based on the casual substitute word 啥 for 什么 (also often pronounced as sáza)
闹热 (nàorè) – lively, as opposed to the usual 热闹
可以 (kěyǐ), pronounced as as “kǒyǐ”
冒菜 (màocài) – a local variant of malatang (麻辣烫)
抄手 (chāoshǒu) – (v) to fold arms up the sleeves; (四川) wonton, dumpling
稀饭 (xīfàn) – congee, 粥, literally "thin rice"
干饭 (gānfàn) – regular rice, 米饭, "dry rice" to distinguish from 稀饭
嘛 (ma) - often heard at the end of sentences, just a local sound! Not (as I understand it) generally associated with some of its other meanings (like impatience, stating the obvious, etc)
See you next time. 下次见!
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heinzpilsner · 8 months
Annnd here's another issue of the "autistic nerd trying make sense of the Southern Raiders zutara narrative on her own" series, because of course it is
I need to write all those posts to regain my honor, don't judge me
You know, my main point of confusion in relation to tSR episode always was this: "Why exactly Katara forgave Zuko in the end? What changed between them during this trip? By which intricate mechanism such a stressful and unfruitful trip was able to improve Katara's relationship with a boy she supposedly hated just days ago so drastically?"
(Spoiler: I finally found the answer!)
All of my hypotheses for a long time didn't sound convincing to me though:
1) Did Katara forgive Zuko because he helped her in her revenge in general?
Obviously, facing Yon Rha didn't really resulted in Katara being happy or satisfied. Quite the contrary, it was a rather unpleasant trip - a trip she spent with a person she supposedly barely tolerated. You'd think, by association, it would make her dislike Zuko even more than before, not forgive him. So, not likely.
2) Did Katara forgive Zuko because after the trip, she was no longer linking* her "mother loss"-connected anger with him, as Zuko guessed?
But... why the association would break? Or anger would subside? Just as a result of yelling at Yon Rha? Sounds like bullshit to me:
- Katara is still angry at Yon Rha in the end of the episode, because anger management doesn't really work like this;
- Katara's anger at Yon Rha, her anger at the Fire Nation and her anger at Zuko, while associatively united, are three separate entities, hence they require individual specific approach to them anyway.
(*associative nature of Katara's anger towards Zuko could be true in itself though - after Ba Sing Se disaster, she linked him in her mind to both "mother" and "most traumatic experiences related to the Fire Nation").
3) Did she forgive Zuko because during the trip he fought so readily against his own nation?
Doesn't sound convincing - he already fought guards at the Boiling Rock and his own sister previously, and Katara was only angrier at him afterwards.
4) Did she forgive him because he sided with her against Aang's preaching?
Not enough in itself, especially considering her supposed hatred towards Zuko.
5) Did she forgive him because he called her mother a brave woman? Not enough in itself. And how dare he comment on her mother at all after his betrayal anyway? The nerve! Just another reason for Katara to be angry, it seems. Except... She really wasn't, for some reason. Hmmm.
(Why she decided to tell him the story of her mother's death at this point at all? Wasn't she supposed to merely tolerate his presence? What a truuuly confusing mystery!)
6) Did she forgive Zuko because he fought so enthusiastically on her behalf?
Also doubtful. Such an enthusiasm from a person you don't like (or even hate) would only be unpleasant, and 'mr and mrs smith" synchronicity of movements with him would feel disturbing. Who does he think he is?! If Katara hates him, it is not Zuko's place to act like this. It also wasn't his place to wait all night in front of Katara's tent - that would be creepy af. This kind of behaviour would work against him in her eyes, not for his benefit. So nope, no forgiveness.
(Unless, of course... She didn't really hate him as much as she made it seem in the first place? Buuut it's too early to settle on this explanation, hehe.)
7) Did she forgive him because he didn't comment at her bloodbending?
Not enough in itself. And it only shows what an awful, awful person he truly is anyway.
8) Did she forgive him because of something that happened after Yon Rha - something the audience didn't get to see?
Well, in all seriousness, that just wouldn't be a good storytelling move. So, nope, bad hypothesis. (Could be true within universe though).
9) Oops. The last hypothesis I have is a romantic one I mentioned in my different post. In short - Katara was angry at Zuko because he didn't seem to realise the importance of their connection in Ba Sing Se for her. But when he offered to revenge her mother, it was a signal he finally understood. Hence, she forgave him.
So, in the end, we have two convicing hypotheses at our hands (6 и 9):
- one which works only under condition that Katara didn't really hate Zuko at the start of the trip;
- downright romantic one;
And several satellite ones, each of which implies Zuko's full acceptance of Katara.
So... Here's my answer, I guess.
I basically came to the same conclusion about the nature of zutara interaction in tSR as before, just by different path. And I didn't even have to use romantic framing as an argument this time, which is a big improvement in my books, lol.
The only question left though - if Katara didn't really hate Zuko, why she lashed out at him after their escape from the Western Air Temple?
Well, I'd guess that Katara was generally frustrated at this point. By Azula's attack, by the new separation of her family, by need to hide and run, by war, by the whole situation, really. She was pissed. So she lashed out at the only Fire Nation person around. Basically, it wasn't something personal at this point (...Until Zuko decided that to ask her why she doesn't trust him like all the normal people do is a good idea lol. Oh boy).
Something like this, I guess.
Now I wonder if the writer of the episode meant it to be read that way, or she just wasn't so good at psychology, and all those implications were purely coincidental, lol.
Or maybe it's me who isn't good at psychology, and all I just said was no more than a load of bullshit induced by my lack of sleep?
Well, who knows.
Definitely not me. I'm not a psychologist - I'm a Melon Lord, Bwahahaha!
(... No, really, I'm not a psychologist, don't trust me)
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
What is your sunlight theory about?
Hi, baby, buckle up, because this one is crazy. I don't know if you're familiar with the construction on sunset theory, I'll link some posts that will explain that better than I can here and here, but basically, you have the way everything about Ana in season 4 and the beginning of that relationship, happens around Sunset Boulevard, and you have the way Eddie is late coming back from the date in 4x08 because "there was construction on sunset" and he had to take a detour and then Buck and Eddie proceed to have one of the most domestic buddie scene in the show, all that after the most awkward date ever with Ana, created this whole "Ana was a detour on Eddie's way to Buck" (particularly, I love this as someone who views the shooting as Eddie's oh moment, and I know the show is gonna take that away from me, but it will be my truth until they do) and considering we as a fandom like to take things and run with them, that became a whole thing because Eddie has some sun imagery attached to him when it comes to relationships, which is definitely not just about Buck, even more with the way he's sitting on the sunset reading Shannon's letter, but like, we have the painting on Pepa's house behind Vanessa, stuff like that, but we also have things like Buck using sunset colors to draw his heart on the "I misunderstood the assignment" scene. I have been curious about the sunlight of it all since I wrote this post, because with one episode, and the fact that we don't know if the sun is setting or rising during the locker scene, I couldn't really create a pattern that would lead me anywhere. Then the loft stills leaked. Because then we would have 2 scenes where the sun seems to be important a few episodes apart, but I hadn't really thought about the construction on sunset angle until this picture.
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Because paired with the sunset light on Buck's bi awakening, and the sunset light here, I'm making the executive decision that yeah, the sun was setting in the locker room.
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I don't want to say Tommy is a detour, Tommy started a huge discovery for Buck that Buck wouldn't realize alone, but an anon pointed out how maybe they hurt Eddie so that he couldn't show up at the loft so that we could have the Tommy, so they quite literally had some detour happening during a sunset, like what the fuck?
But I'm really interested in the blue aspect of the scenes. @stagefoureddiediaz has some really interesting color and costume metas, including one on the use of yellow and blue in season 5, that talks about how yellow is a color used for communication and blue is a color used for, like, introspection, which could mean something interesting is cooking here. Because Buck's shirt in the basketball is blue, his shirt on the loft is blue, Eddie's shirt in the locker room is also blue and Buck's jacket also has blue detailing.
We know Buck and Eddie will have an important conversation, but that associated with the sunset theory, and they were literally on the sunset, I think the sun is finally actually setting now. No more detours. Only the discoveries they need to have in order to work as a couple. Buck's bisexuality is huge on that front, and I don't wanna say Eddie is gonna suddenly look at Buck after he comes out and be like 👀👀👀, but at the same time Eddie "questioning his place in the world" could very much be Eddie looking at Buck and being like "oh, that's an option?" especially if he's having trouble connecting with Marisol (random addon but with the sunset being a detour for Eddie, I think is hysterical that Marisol is named Marisol, because her name sounds like "Mar e Sol" and that's literally "Sea and Sun" in Portuguese, Spanish too but I don't really speak Spanish so it wasn't my initial connection there, and the sun setting on the sea it's a thing, and I feel insane for typing this out, but it's there, her name is the detour), this could mean they are gonna talk, and work through things, and get closer the way Ryan and Oliver keep teasing and reach the conclusion they are meant to be together.
Okay addon you don't know it's an addon because you're seeing this post as a whole thing at once but I hadn't thought to look at other buddie conversations until right now, but that particular pattern of light being present in 2 scenes where we see them finally be honest with each other makes it even more interesting to me really.
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Because if you look at Buck's bisexual awakening as a moment of Buck being honest with himself and the locker room as Buck being honest about why he got in the relationship with Natalia, the sun behind Eddie, if it's only behind Eddie, could sparkle Eddie into some honesty himself and about himself, and that's what they need, open and honest communication. Because if yellow is used for communication, the sun could be being used for honesty.
But that's just a theory. A game theory. (sorry I said it out loud and had to add it oskaoskaoskas)
Anyway, that's all I have right now, if you read this I love you 🫶
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crepes-suzette-373 · 11 months
【Dengeki Blue Game Stream】Battle Fruits Nine w/ Stealth Black - Dengeki Blue carries the level while Stealth Black is Useless as always [off-camera view]
A kind of fanfic version of that one drawing I made of Niji and Sanji being Vtubers. There's no real plot. Just modern AU chaos and rambling and general silliness. Everyone's normal/happy, the Vinsmokes are a good family, no sad, no angst, no painful drama.
This all basically just a big joke because "Nijisanji" is a Vtuber company name.
[AO3 Link]
He’d brought this upon himself, Sanji had to admit. The last time Niji nagged him to “guest” in his livestream, Sanji said he’d do it if Niji got him Vegapunk’s new mini combi oven, just to get Niji off his back. All Vegapunk appliances are expensive, and even if their family was well-off he figured it’s still high enough up there in price to make Niji leave him alone for a while.
The oven showed up in the brothers’ shared apartment within 2 days.
Sanji wasn’t sure if he was more baffled about Niji having that much money to spare, or that Niji wanted him on the stream that badly. He still felt guilty about it, though, so he’d told Niji he promised to agree to be a guest without protest 10 times, as long as he’s not tied up with more important things to do.
Naturally, he got ambushed the very next day.
That was how Sanji found himself sitting and waiting for Niji to set up whatever it is that was required to have a second person on his livestream, and hoped that it wouldn’t be a “talk stream” session that day. Chattering idly with anyone for an extended amount of time without there being some other activity involved, like eating or watching TV or him cooking, always made him feel awkward. With a gameplay stream, at least there was the game they’d be playing.
Not to mention, “his” virtual character apparently had a specific backstory associated with it, and being on a talk stream tended to involve having to adlib some kind of fictional story on the fly. Fortunately, he wasn’t required to keep up play-acting the character the whole time, no, and he left most of the wild details to Niji. He still had to include the fictive anecdotes, though, because of… some reason he much preferred to not know.
It was very confusing the first time he got dragged into this. Niji sat him down and explained in great detail about the backstory of his virtual persona, and Sanji still had no idea why he didn’t immediately run away then. It was a complicated setting with superheroes (or was it supervillains?) called Germa 66, mad scientists, clones, and quite honestly he wasn’t sure he remembered all of it.
Niji did set up their characters to have mundane daily lives, like all good classic superheroes do. That way they can also mention some things about things they did in reality and pretend that was part of the mandatory “lore”-talk, and not have to constantly make up random stories about aliens and robots.
They still had to be careful not to reveal things that are too personal or private, though. Sanji almost called Niji by his real name instead of Dengeki Blue a couple of times at first, and Niji kicked him in the shins every time that happened. As thankful for the save as he did, he still always kicked back.
“Aaalright, and here ya go.” Niji finally finished fiddling around the computers and handed Sanji a controller and headphones.
“What’s the game gonna be?”
“We’re continuing Battle Fruits. Still remember how to play that?”
“Of course I do, damn you, I’m not a techno-peasant!”
Niji cackled. “If ya say so,” he said with an oh-so-smug voice, putting on his anti-glare goggles and rolled his chair to face the screens.
Sanji doesn’t reply. Yes, he played by random button mashing and can’t remember any skill combos. Yes, Niji usually does most of the work in clearing the missions. He still knew what button does what, though, so that still counts as knowing how to play. 
“Starting in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… And—Loyal Germa fans rejoice, Dengeki Blue is back with everyone’s favourite guest: Stealth Black!”
There’s a reason why Sanji was very glad his character was just a static image, and not a moving model like Niji’s, because he doesn’t have to worry about his movements making the model behave weirdly. Niji’s opening babble were always ridiculous, and he could never not have the urge to cover his face and groan.
The character image was not actually him, but some of his friends were regular viewers of this stream, and they will make fun of him for any character hiccups. There was that one time the image was for some reason displaying upside down, from the top of the screen, and Usopp then called him “ninja” for days upon days after.
“Black, say hi to yer fans.”
Sanji removed his hands from his face, and saw that it was not the game screen that was on, but the setup normally used for the talk stream. Immediately suspicious, he asked, “Aren’t we playing Battle Fruits?”
“It’s just a little chat. I’ll open the game in a sec. Just say hi for a bit.”
“Do I have to?”
“They already heard ya talking, so ya might as well. Come on, say something nice, or yer fans will cry.”
It was an annoying testament that he had been here for too many times when he looked at the chat box and actually remembered and recognized a lot of the names among the flurry of comments. Still, he wouldn’t deny it was flattering to see the excited welcoming remarks.
Oh, there’s Usopp. The name “GodSogeKing” flew by, and he said, “Hello SogeKing” instinctively.
“Oooh, ya said someone’s name!” Niji crowed, “Ya done did it now.”
“What? Why?”
“Yer not playing fair. The others are really mad jealous now~”
“How is that any different from saying ‘Hello everyone in the chat’?” Sanji protested.
Niji shrugged, grinning. “I don’t make the rules.”
The chat was, indeed, now peppered with new comments saying the varying forms of “Stealth Black say my name too”. Once again, it was somewhat flattering (if a bit weird), but he would never loudly admit that.
“Say, what if we make that a chat donations thing? Nothing special, ya can just say ‘thank you whoever’.”
“Are you trying to use me for cash bait? No!”
“Fine, fine, but speaking of yer fans though, ya ok with having merch of ya, at least? One Dr.Death has been a pest about Stealth Black merch forever.”
Sanji huffed a laugh. “Dr.Death? What kind of edgy junior high online username is that?”
He immediately realised his mistake, but it was too late. Niji was already hysterical beside him.
“Ya heard that Dr.Death? He said your name! I know yer there. Bet yer drowning in happy tears, aren’t ya?”
“What the hell? Did you just trick me to say that? What merch are you even on about?”
Niji shook his head, still howling with laughter. “No, really, that right there is your biggest fan. Back me up chat, tell Black what Dr.Death said. And here’s merch.” He then pulled out his phone and showed a picture of a little Dengeki Blue keychain.
Well, if it was just the illustrated character and not him having to dress up, then it’s no issue. “Okay by me, about the merch, but...”
Niji proceeded to go on about the logistics of the merch, so Sanji looked at the chat box again. Lo and behold, there actually was a Dr.Death in there. The aforementioned user was vehemently denying the barrages of comments providing so-called proof that Niji was right and other teasing remarks.
Dr.Death: Hey, Black, if you’re seeing this, I was NOT like that!
It was immediately followed by a ton of more comments, all saying “lies lies”.
SuperFrankyR0b0: Bro, the previous stream chats are all still there. Everyone can see it.
Damn. With even Franky saying that it was true, Sanji decided it was definitely too weird and ignored the chat until Niji finally started the game.
Despite even the game’s tutorial recommending using different Fruit Battlers for each stage, Sanji always picked the Orange Battler. She was his favourite and no amount of whingeing from Niji or the viewers about her being useless in certain levels could change that. Niji selected the Banana one this time, probably because that’s the actual best character for the level.
“The banana matches your hair,” Sanji said.
“Shut up!”
That was true of both Niji and Dengeki Blue, so Niji couldn’t kick him. Rather, he shouldn’t have a reason to, but still tried to kick anyway. Sanji dodged it.
Many minutes into the game later, the conversation topic had turned to future streaming plans, which was mostly answered by Niji.
Someone suggested another cooking talk stream, and this was the only kind of talk stream Sanji had no problems with. One stream session long ago, he’d been dragged onto a talk stream that he’d tried to leave multiple times, until somehow the viewers and Niji conspired to finesse him into talking about cooking. He ended up staying for 3 hours. Aside from the chat being flooded by people whingeing about getting hungry, it otherwise went pretty well.
(The viewers in that session, of all people, happened to include Luffy and Ace, who both came to him demanding to be compensated with real food the first chance they got.)
Another suggested a live cooking stream. That would be a no; not unless there’s some empty kitchen they could borrow or rent. Everyone in the apartment agreed that the livestreams should never show their building. Not even inside Niji’s room.
“Winch Green? Eeh, probably doable soon. No promises on Pink.”
Then the topic turned to guests. There were frequently requests for the other “Germa 66” members to show up. Niji had set up Dengeki Blue as a part of a team to make it easier to cover up slip ups when he accidentally mentioned overly-revealing real life things in his early streaming days. The 4 of them brothers share an apartment, besides. The backstory served as a handy excuse in case of noises of people walking around or talking can be heard through without breaking character. Yonji, especially, can be rather loud.
Getting Reiju to come on the stream was naturally difficult, since she lived with their parents and had full time work, but she was otherwise very agreeable. With Yonji, it’s only a matter of catching him between homework and classes and bribing him with a ton of food.
Ichiji, well…
It was just then that Sanji looked at the chat that he had been ignoring, and noticed that there was a wall of comments about “Sparking Red”, a.k.a Ichiji.
“Why are these people so obsessed with Red anyway?” he asked, “Is it because he’s the only one who’s never been on stream?”
“Oh that…” Niji said distractedly, his fingers hitting keys furiously to execute a combo attack, “I never told ya, huh? Hold on.” He didn’t speak again until after the Banana Battler on the screen mowed down a field of enemies, and “Objective Cleared” flashed on the screen. “Red came in yelling at me once, and everyone heard him. Chat’s gone insane ever since. It’s like those crazes over trying to catch a phantom beast or something.”
That was news. It was one thing to just hear about a character through the lore talks, but Ichiji has actually been heard clearly and not just vague noises through the door.
“How long ago was this?”
“Maybe almost two years ago? Around… around after that time ya crazy weirdos kept saying I was a zombie.”
Ah yes, the Zombie Niji incident—wait a second. Sanji straightened up. Wasn’t that also around the time when…
“Red’ll murder me if I ask him to come on, but eh, figured there’s still ya guys,” Niji babbled on. “The chat love it.”
That was about the time when Niji started pestering him and Yonji to come on the streams. To think that the entire reason for it was Ichiji—Ichiji!!
Sanji fumed. He decided it would be his mission to somehow, by hook or by crook, drag Ichiji on to the stream as well. Damn it all, even if it actually would make Niji and his weird chat group happy, he would still get it done. Ichiji caused it, so he should get to experience it too.
Maybe he’ll get Yonji and Reiju to team up for this mission later.
The quadruplets are still in uni/college, and they live in this apartment away from home. Ichiji working at the family company, whatever it is, part time. Reiju already working there full time. Niji is a Vtuber on the side when not in school. Sanji works at Baratie part time. Yonji is just a student full time. Sora still alive. Not sure how Judge would be like TBH, maybe just a normal standoffish dad, but otherwise okay.
I'm so sorry Law, but the meme of him being a Germa nerd is too funny.
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tempestswing · 6 months
Ranking the Dark Council:
hi! I was writing some notes for a piece of SWTOR fiction I am working on, and decided to create this list as a fun way to share that information.
Dark Council Pre-Shadow of Revan:
12. Darth Aruk - we know nothing about this character, other than that they were head of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy. According to the Wiki, rooting out Revanites was supposed to be their job. What a failure, hopefully they still have a job after Shadow of Revan?
11. Darth Rictus - Also kind of a mystery, which is ironic since he was head of the Sphere of Mysteries. Rictus does appear in a novel called 'Annihilation', but that book is mostly about Theron Shan. All we really know about Rictus is that he's (A) old, (B) dislikes aliens, unless they're murderous enough, and (C) founded the Dread Executioners to take down the Dread Masters. Not enough information to rank any higher.
10. Darth Acharon - at least this guy appears in the game. He's kind of a nothing character though. He defended the imperial occupation of Corellia unsuccessfully. He was head of the Sphere of Biotics. Since he died on Corellia, he would presumably have been replaced by Shadow of Revan, but we don't know who by.
9. Darth Arkous - hate this guy, but he's still technically head of the Sphere of Military Offense after the Hutt Cartel plotline. God, what a bag of dicks he is though. The one good thing about this character is that he's technically Lana Beniko's master? Although she's an advisor rather than an apprentice, so he gets no credit for the existence of awesome Sith wife.
8. Darth Decimus - Also found in game on Corellia! Decimus is actually present in the imperial quests, so you get a lot more interaction with him than Acharon. Canonically, he also trained Krovos! Krovos is really cool, so decimus should get a few points by association. Not enough to bump him up the list though. For the head of Military Strategy, he's not a very good commander.
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7. Darth Ravage - You can meet Ravage at the end of the Inquisitor and Warrior storylines, and for all imperials he is present during the cutscenes preceding the Emperor Malgus flashpoints (although does nothing to help?). The main reason I'm putting Ravage so low is that he's a little bit inconsistently written. He'll gladly say "good riddance" to Darth Thanaton's death in the inquisitor plotline, but if you kill Baras in the Warrior plotline, he'll show up at Nathema and be all offended that you claimed power by murdering your master... does he know what a Sith is?
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6. Darth Mortis - I have a bit of a soft spot for Mortis. He's got a no-nonsense demeanour which is rare amongst Sith, and he's clearly serious enough about their philosophy to join a secret conspiracy against the alliance if you "squander" the power of the Eternal Throne - a petty move, this man is a bitch after my own heart. He also is the one who snaps Darth Thanaton's silly little neck, which definitely earns him a few points in my eyes. As a point, he's involved in the Macrobinocular missions, which I did not enjoy, but he was a highlight of the questline.
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5. Darth Acina - WOMEN IN POWER!!! Empress Acina is better than Emperor Vitiate. Unfortunately Acina is kind of bland, I really don't feel strongly about her either way. I've killed her on Iokath in most of my playthroughs, even if I don't intend to defect to the republic later. I might be lesbian but I just don't like her that much. Her reforms to the Empire are interesting though, I do have to give her credit for making the Empire slightly less racist and Sith dominated.
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4. Darth Vowrawn - Silly guy!! This man is genuinely quite funny. He's a blast to spend time with at the end of the Warrior story, after dealing with Baras' grumpy ass for close to fifty levels. His choice to help the Wrath with the Hand on Rishi says... something. He's genuinely an interesting character to me, especially since he maintains that joviality when he becomes Emperor. It's tempered, to be sure, but I think it does show it wasn't entirely an act. Vowrawn could be a genuine friend to the Wrath.
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3. Darth Jadus - Sue me, I like unapologetically evil characters. Jadus is not just an evil clown, he's an evil circus. Schemer to the core and melodramatic as fuck. I chose to serve him without a second thought in my agent playthrough. I appreciated the name drop on Iokath and I have 1% chance 99% cope that he will return at some point in the story.
2. Darth Occlus/Nox/Imperius - OCs are fun. No further notes. I should probably drop the lore for my verison of this character, huh... maybe in another post.
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Darth Marr - Everyone's favourite tired Dad just trying to keep his society from collapsing as his colleagues bicker about inane bullshit. I reckon he drinks coffee straight outta the pot in the Dark Council's break room. I really wish he hadn't died, but his force ghost shenanigans were neat and I liked seeing him find a measure of redemption. Again, I am on a high dose of copium but if Malgus can return after being killed and abandonded on an exploding space station why can't someone scrape Marr off the floor of Zakuul and rebuild him. I do also low-key ship Marr with Satele Shan?
anyway, that's my totally subjective ranking of Dark Council members.
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golden-eye-ramblings · 2 months
Moore Tomato Headcanon Dump Part 1
Yea ok so I caved this was an inevitably, I need to join in on this. Mashle gives me crumbs so I make bread with it(also sorry no cool gif of Moore he shows up like 3-4 times but you can still admire his handsome face)
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Moore Tomato
Height: 6ft/184cm
Age: 18
Birthdate: August 9th
Sign: Leo
Gender: Uhhhh??(Agender he hates labels)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual(<- he doesn't know the name of these he's purely going off of vibes)
• Likes rock music. Has a record player in his dorm and one at home so he can play his favorite bands
• He is also in a band! It's your typical 4-person garage rock band he started with his friends. He's not entirely committed, but he still shows up for practice(he is actually really good at playing guitar but he downplays his music skills hard)
• Favorite food is tomatoes... Yes he is aware of the very obvious joke.
• He also often prefers being called by his first name than his surname. For obvious reasons. Mr. Tomato isn't a name to be taken seriously...
• Often teased as House Lang's mascot(wolf wulfes joke here). Hates it. Because they don't know how true they actually hit the mark(put a pin in this and stick it in ur brain we're coming back to this later)
• Son of Mr and Mrs Tomato and is the eldest of 5 siblings. The Tomato Family Tree is extensive...
• Moore's family is quite the rowdy bunch, well known beast tamers with their unique summoning bloodline magic Wulfes. Well known for using "pack tactics" in order to subjugate magical creatures.
• Each Wulf is unique to each corresponding member of the family, size varies as well depending on magic aptitude and hierarchy status within the family. With Mama Tomato's Wulf being the largest and strongest with Moore's coming in second.
• The Wulf Bloodline Magic originally was a curse. Though with each generation, that curse eventually was twisted and evolved into the wulfes magic known within the family today. Unfortunately, for Moore, that curse eventually circled back to him.(aha see it circles back)
• Moore is cursed with lycanthropy. During every full moon, he will transform into a werewolf. It is an incredibly painful and terrifying process, as his body will actually physically change. Aching joints and bones growing and breaking and healing, muscles tearing and mending, fur and hair growing. Actually feeling his intelligence and awareness dwindle. Worst yet, he will not remember a single thing he does whenever he transforms.
• He often treats this condition of his as a form of chronic illness. There's not much he can do about it, no known cure as far as he's aware of. So he kinda has to deal with it every time it happens. He becomes irritable and moody whenever a full moon is coming up, so he often pays a visit to the nurse so they can help deal with his transformations. On the days he cannot make it to the nurse however, he often just fucks off to the woods and prays he doesn't get lost when the following morning comes.
• Very few people know of his condition. That being select members of staff, his family and those he considers to be extremely close friends.
• Comparatively to most other known Lang students, Moore is known to be the most... Approachable, despite his rather blasé disposition. While not nearly as ambitious, he still very much prides himself in his abilities. when it comes to succeeding his goals all on his own without the use of underhanded tricks or a sense of crude superiority over others(or whatever the fuck was happening in the Magia Lupus he doesn't wanna be associated at all with that mess). He is extremely independent and rarely asks for help, making him a bit of the odd one out given how tight knit/close his family is(insert wolf pack joke here).
• After the events of the Divine Visonary Exams, Moore found himself spending more time with that Adler student he teamed up with during the trials... Hmm...
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