#i still like the show XD
im-just-star-dust · 2 years
Sue me, but stranger things just isnt good now.
It hasnt been good since season 2, it shoulda just ended there.
Like its ok now, i guess. I just feel like since season 2 ending the writing has just been absolute shit
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weevmo · 1 year
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Oh no another outfit - this time Wally's 'correction' wear!
I'm sure if they took a moment they both could understand where the other is coming from lmao. Let's just say, before they left, Frank was one of Home's biggest troublemakers; in that he goes 'off' not very often...but when he does it's explosive.
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owlyhouse · 1 year
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old doodles from when i was figuring out how to draw owlhouse & also tryin to figure out how to draw again aksdkgjfh
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tumblingxelian · 7 months
I really enjoy Whiterose as a ship, but I do wish more of the FNDM surrounding it weren't so invested in their V1 characterizations.
Ruby and Weiss have both grown so much and honestly its as they are now that I love the idea of a romance between them.
Weiss has become a lot kinder and wiser, while still being able to get a bit prissy and bent out of shape.
Ruby has had more burdens to be sure, but has also grown smoother and more confident in how she carried herself.
Both still have a lot of their original energy, when Ruby is in a good space she can be very bouncy and Weiss can be quite regal, but there's more to them than "Puppy X Tsudere" and I wish we saw more of that.
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fyther · 1 month
Yooooooo!!!! Can you draw my girl tfp arcee??? She needs some love ong
She doesn't get alot of spotlight from the fandom (from what I know) compared to the other characters. But she definitely has such an awesome design :0
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Thankus for the ask Anon! Glad to give the pretty two wheeler some love :)
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agerasiaa · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel ep 5 and 6 spoilers!
I’m sorry but WHAT was that? I loved the first 4 episodes even when I could agree they were a little rushed and introduced us to way too many new characters without really letting us see the main cast. But the new eps were next level. Introducing characters, past reveals, lore left and right. All emotional moments have zero weight because they come out of nowhere. No one is having an actual arc— stuff just happens faster than you can chew the stuff that happened 1 minute before.
Alastor suddenly claiming him and Charlie have a father-daughter relationship? Like yeah he was probably just doing that to piss off Lucifer (WHO HE HAS NO REASON TO DISLIKE AS MUCH AS HE JUST DOES? it’s so funny) but we have literally seen Charlie and him interact like what? Once in the first ep and suddenly they have a dynamic that hasn’t developed at all to how they act around each other. And this is just one example of the many problems I have with the new eps…
The hotel is helping Angel. HOW? We have seen no actual redemption stuff that would help someone out of drug addiction or change his attitude. The one that helped was Husk and the only thing he did was have one conversation with Angel and suddenly Angel has gone through sooo much character development—even standing up to Valentino who he has no reason to suddenly not fear. (To be fair, it has been probably a few months since the events of ep four, but for a watcher it doesn’t feel like that. So the development seems a little sudden.)
Other notes:
Heaven having no rules who gets to heaven and who not, and no one just ever questioned it
Why are we even introduced to Heaven yet? Many types of reveals that happen are not season 1 material at all (or it would be if they had more episodes)
Charlie and Lucifer had a distant relationship and Charlie supposedly had ”daddy issues” and then they are just— so happy with each other and everything is resolved SO EASILY / FAST
The whole premise of the Hotel seems to be meaningless. Charlie’s great plan for redemption was… trust falls. Didn’t work. Now they must get to Heaven bc how could that be!? Like girl…
Everyone needs their own episodes! Lucifer and Alastor and Mimzy stuffed together. Vaggie and Angel Dust again and the entirety of heaven all together in a 20 minute episode—
I really wanted to love this show because I’m invested in the characters due to waiting 4 years, but it’s just… it’s so badly written. The actual plot is likeable, but the pacing and the amount of off-screen stuff is just too much. (From episode 1 to 6, 5 months have passed, but it feels more like a couple of weeks at best.)
(I still love the show tho. For the songs and the characters.)
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blackbatofel · 3 days
What are Clark & Bruce's love languages for each other?
I think Bruce's would be acts of service and gifts. He's a fixer, and he'll jump at any opportunity to help others, specially those he loves. Thing is, he's also a bit controlling (understatement of the century), so he'll most likely do these acts of service without asking first (same with the gifts), and I can imagine that, at least in the beginning, it'll bother Clark. But he'll eventually get that that's how Bruce shows he loves him, and he'll make a point to ask him to not intervene whenever he deems necessary.
I can also imagine a situation where Clark tells him he doesn't like expensive gifts, so Bruce's solution is to make his gifts more personalized and meaningful. Bruce would give Clark the most earth-shattering sweet gift, like something he made with his own hands and worked on for months, and he would just shrug and say "it's nothing, I just thought you would like it" while Clark is on the verge of tears.
Clark's love languages would be words of affirmation and quality time. It's canon that he doesn't shy away from telling it to Bruce how it is (more often than not, that means calling him on his bullshit), and I don't think it would be any different when it comes to telling him directly how much he cares for him and showing his affection with words. Of course, Bruce would short-circuit for a second, but he'll get used to it. I also like to think that Clark would try to make time to be with Bruce as often as he could. He would visit him at the cave and accompany him while he works, or drop by during patrol just to say hi.
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danwhobrowses · 24 days
Okay so I was gonna do a big gush over all the new Bells Hells outfits on the recent cr episode (a surprise since I had expected that they'd show them for the live show), but instead I'm gonna encourage you to check out @agarthanguide who is answering asks about the process of designing them, they're very insightful, and I'm sure they're more than happy to answer more - within reason ofc.
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destinationtoast · 7 months
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Well, it's been a hell of a couple of weeks, and one of many things that happened is that I ended up coming home from Urgent Care looking rather like fruit being packed up for long distance shipping.
I got pretty scraped up when I fell while hiking nearly a month ago. Then I got significantly better... and then I got a whole lot worse.
If you would like to avoid some truly disgusting and painful wounds, you should know that you are likely to develop an allergy to Neosporin if you use it for multiple weeks (and probably the same goes for other brands of over-the-counter antibiotic ointments, I'm guessing).
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cheesecake801 · 3 months
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Found a perfect excuse to draw blushing Volkner ! It's one of the first drawings I made of him, I was still figuring out how to draw him bach then
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inksandpensblog · 2 months
inks, i get it now. a long time ago u were talking about how the sticks are not actually humans and how interesting it would be for a fic to explore the non-human and purely internet aspects of them rather than treating them as Digital Humans, Basically, and now im trying to do the same thing for cybertonians and explore the alien biology aspects of them but every fic ive read seems to want to treat them like cars
That’s rough, buddy.
I’m not familiar with cybertronians outside of a vague awareness that it’s what Transformers are, so I can’t really say any different than those fics because I legit don’t know enough about them to make informed statements, but oof I feel your pain. I imagine that it’s easy to simplify them down to just being glorified self-aware shifting car-robots (and even easier to imagine any human characters trying to do that in-universe), as far as how they work and their literal body mechanics, and it must be frustrating to see their potential go unexplored. If you wanna get into specific points feel free to educate me, if it’s anything like my gripe over the stick-fics then I’d love to be able to better commiserate with you.
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
After learning about the video game "CONTROL" and watching Julia LePetit-Drawfee play it, I have amended my views on brutalist architecture.
I used to think that brutalist architecture was a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, with absolutely no acceptable applications.
But NOW I think that brutalist architecture is a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, which is actually quite suitable for a visually striking video game about a living building that fucking hates you and is actively trying to kill you and everyone in it. ✅ ✅ ✅
I'm being silly but tbh anyone who disagrees with me can go ahead and spend 10 years commuting in the dingy gray concrete brutalist dimness of the DC metro system and then fucking get back to me.
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tmntkiseki · 5 months
Reasons why later iterations worked to make the turtle designs more distinct from one another.
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ywpd-translations · 11 months
Ride 738: Towards to scorching hot stage!!
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Pag 1
The climax of the training camp arc!!
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Pag 2
The incandescent battle is starting!!
Sohoku, towards the Inter High!!
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Pag 3
4: It's so hot
It's so hot suddenly!!
I can't do this anymore, I'll take a two hours break
I'm your buddy, so I'l also take a two hours break!!
5: The weather on the third day of training camp....
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Pag 4
1: is scorching hot
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Pag 5
3: Kakaka it's pouring out!!
Pouring out!!
5: Sweat!!
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Pag 6
1: Finding shade and running like this seriously exhausts our stamina!!
2: Yeah!!
5: Murakamii!!
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Pag 7
1: Yessir!
3: Thanks!!
Thank you!!
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Pag 8
1: Kaa....!! Cold water feels so good...!!
Hyaaa.... it works..!!
2: The standard spots to pour water on yourself are face, head, and back, Onoda-kun
Putting it in yous stomach also feels so good, but
3: In one shot you'll upset your stomach and then a toilet hell will await you
O-okay!! Scary...
4: Alright, we're refreshed!! Let's raise the pace again, Onoda-kun!!
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Pag 9
1: Naruko-san....
3: Incredible... the senpais aren't taking a break and keep running
Despite how hot it is...
4: By the way, have you noticed?
Their jerseys
5: Since this training camp started, the senpais
6: have been wearing long-sleeved jerseys
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Pag 10
1: Why!? Ah! It's true, Imaizumi-san... and Kaburagi-san too
They should just take it off, since it's so hot
2: Is it a way of training?
Like carrying a burden to power up?
A heavy burden
3: I'm sorry... my left knee hurts
Is that so?
4: I was overly optimistic... I thought that if I did a good job.... and succeed in this training camp, then I'd be one of the six members
5: To overcome everything and keep fighting, you need physical preparation
6: Just being cunning won't open the way
7: I understand, I accept your retiring
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Pag 11
1: You'll work behind the scenes for the last two days
There's a lot of work to do behind the scenes, and this time you'll do it with all your strength!!
3: If you want to become stronger, you have to study and watch other run, too
Observe, discover. There are things you can only discover when you're not pedaling
4: Not a single second is a moment you can't learn!!
5: It might be the first time I meet such an intense senpai...
“Learn”.... Naruko-san....
6: I want to become stronger, I'll do my best
Let's add ice
7: The jerseys have a meaning too, I'm sure
It's not just a careless burden
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Pag 12
1: There's something!!
Human bodis have the ability to adapt
2: From spring to summer
3: From autumn to winter, we meet seasonal changes and adapt
We do it two times a year
4: The body naturally creates its own system to face the hot and cold according to the climate
5: Just like during summer the leaves grow green and thickly
6: While during winter the leaves fall
7: You can't see it with your eyes, bt our skin, bones, sweat glands, and muscles, go through dramatic changes
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Pag 13
1: The proof is that, during summer, 10° are so cold you feel like freezing, but during winter it feels warm
2: To force that adaptation faster, that's the meaning of these long-sleeved jerseys!!
3: Adapting takes time. So we're adapting to heat earlier to prepare for the summer Inter High!! Our bodies too!!
4: Yeah!!
5: After all, this year's summer is gonna be our third Inter High!!
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Pag 16
3: Kyushu, Kumamoto Prefecture, Mount Aso
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Pag 17
1: Do you know? A long time ago.... they say that here, as far as your eyes could see, there was a hugh volcano surrounding this scenery
2: Huh, really?
When humans still hunted with stone tools
3: There were four big explosions and the mountain collapsed in the magma pit
4: With a diameter of 25km, it's the largest caldera in the world.... and it made this outer rim of the crater
So, the cities, roads, and fields we can see from here, inside the muntain?
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Pag 18
1: I can feel it, somehow....
The breath of the earth
2: With my whole body... yon!!
3: Fou!! Really!? I can only see this huge scenery....
!! No, I can feel it...!! Fou
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Pag 19
1: This splendid scenery and steep slopes
2: This magnificent nature
3: An unpaved side road that appears from time to time
4: We came to.... inspect the race's course
5: and chose a “road bike”, but
6: Ah!! I get it!! I was thinking about it now!!
7: I wish we had bought our “mountain bikes”, yon!!
There's so many roads that make me want to run!!
I totally get that!!
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Pag 20
1: Our third and last Inter High will be in the scorching hot Kyushu!! In the “land of fire”, Kumamoto
2: Mount Aso
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Pag 21
1: will be our stage!!
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Pag 22
1: It's gonna be a hot one, this Inter High!!
2: It's burning up
3: Our final last stage
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Pag 23
1: Red like magma!!
2: Challenge!! The last Inter High!!
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Pag 24
2: At CSP, Sohoku High School racing team's training camp is 3 / 4 done
Everyone is riding at their buddy's pace
3: Many of the first and second years retired, but even so, the third day ended without any incident
4: Currently, there are 8 people in the top ranking who could be chosen as Inter High members
There's only the last day
5: The fourth day
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roz-ani · 4 months
I can excuse gory murders, but I draw a line at selfishly lying to your patient/"friend"
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Y'all ship these two? Smh...
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shiori8 · 4 months
Di Angelo Siblings
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Sooo, to absolutely no one's surprise the new Percy Jackson reboot kicked me into full-blown pjo brainrot mode again lol. I saw these super cute fits and some vintage photos of Venice alleyways floating around on Pinterest and was consumed with the need to draw the Di Angelo siblings in them (it's probably wildly "historically and geographically" inaccurate for them, but we're just going to have to deal with the fact that I'm dumb and uncultured xD It's the vibes™ that count, okay!)
Psst, wanna see something cringe😂? Found this old sketch of them from one of my first forays into digital art years ago:
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And to quote past-me "I can barely look at the old one, but at least that means I improved, aye?"😂
#pjo#percy jackson#percy jackson and the olympians#pjo series#pjo show#my art#fanart#artists on tumblr#digital art#pjo fanart#nico di angelo#bianca di angelo#di angelo siblings#well if there is one thing I certainly haven't improved on it's being able to make people actually look the ages they're supposed to be#they both still look a bit too old; they also look like they're judging your entire existance but that's probably fair for Hades' kids lol#proportions and colours are still a little off too; but hey this piece had a very complicated history ok xD??#ok so to go on a bit of a semi-personal rant (scroll away now if you don't wanna see woe-is-me-artist ramblings xD):#I've finally made a veeery old dream of mine come true and got myself a graphic tablet with a display 🥺 fancy glove and all XD#my ratty old wacom has served me well but it really makes such a difference to be able to see wtf you're doing when you move the pen xD#so this is my first piece to celebrate the occasion and oh my goodness...#digital art is hard 😭😭#I'm studying to become a textile designer I have used Photoshop extensively for almost the last 6 years#*slaps roof of my brain* this bad boy can fit so many shortcuts and encyclopedic knowledge of all its features in it#I know this godforsaken program inside out but goddamn it have I never felt so dumb before lmao#wow so shocking who knew that designing patterns and making fanart with like sketching and anatomy and shit would be completely different🤪?#but it really is so different I seriously felt so dumb and like I had to learn how to use photoshop completely from scratch again xD#I did all of my other digital works on my tiny ass phone (Ibis Paint my beloved♡) and I've had years to kinda establish an ok workflow ther#in a weird way having more tools and options at my disposal hindered my workflow so much more because I would get into analysis paralysis#over every brush stroke; every colour selection; brightness adjustion etc.#idk it's kinda weird I wonder if people can relate
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