#i still think i deserve fandom entertainment of him. like i dont understand why there isnt more posts
waspstar · 1 year
i dont understand i went through both the doctor tag and the emh tag and theres like barely any posts. i know hes not the biggest voyager fan favorite but i thought there'd be more??? reg has more posts in his tag then emh does!!! am i the only one alive who loves emh with my whole heart? im not complaining. more for me.
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sai-lec · 4 months
in defence of the f1 girlie ….
idk man i guess i just don’t like the whole ‘f1 girlie’ thing bc there’s been an uptick in interacts especially on tiktok where it feels so internally misogynistic and also degrading to new fans who don’t have as much experience or knowledge by creating a ‘valid’ f1 female fan experience. like ive seen a major uptick in videos particularly from male fans who think they’re doing us as women a service by saying ‘thanks to the REAL female f1 fans who KNOW what drs is and DONT think the drivers are hot we see u and we’re glad to have u’ . like i understand what you think you’re doing but why do we have to reinforce a threshold for what makes a good f1 watcher. my tradesman grandad who refuses to retire and works joinery at the age of 80 watches the grand prix he cannot explain to me what drs or downforce. the manliest of men don’t know what drs is.
the difference is that we are allowing men the privilege of being casual fans. with women even when we talk about them in a supportive manner we still reinforce the ideas that they HAVE to understand every single detail about car mechanics and production and racing in order to view them as Good fans or Real fans. we don’t give women the grace of causal fandom. we don’t allow women to just engage on a base level with media or entertainment especially in male dominated areas and we continue to reinforce the standards imposed upon us by creating the ‘us vs them’ of fans and belittling or shunning women with a lesser understanding or engagement with the sport.
as for the idea of only liking it because the guys look hot, who cares. who cares. i grew up with my dad watching f1 and yeah i watched SOME races growing up but i didn’t start watching it properly until last year and there’s 2 reasons for that. 1) i watched silverstone with him 2) i saw carlos sainz for the first time and NEEDED to find out who this man was immediately . these guys are all extremely attractive of COURSE ppl are going to look into them bc of how they look and for some people it will click. for some people they will follow him on instagram and maybe check in with a race or two every now and then and some ppl might just follow him on instagram and not care about the races bc that’s just what happens to hot ppl . does it actually matter at all if someone looks at charles leclerc and thinks he’s hot??? no bc they’re literally correct he is an attractive man and people will perceive him as such even if they find out that f1 maybe isn’t exciting for them. the fact that ppl find the drivers attractive is a natural given and it’s pointless to try and control how people engage with them subsequently bc ultimately it’s so trivial and who actually cares that much .
i know people are going to come in with ‘oh well but influencers’ and yes that’s obviously a different story. because likely these people are being paid to promote the event and se are routinely seeing people who are not familiar with the event enough to engage thoroughly with the target demographic being given these positions when there are thousands of f1 content creators who do the same job and deserve to be rewarded for their contributions to f1 spaces. so people like james charles and whatever her name was at monaco only find themselves engaging at the level of ‘hot driver’ because they accepted a position of marketing in a trending sporting event (important in widening their own viewer base to include us now) where they do not have the knowledge to engage with the current fan communities or encourage other people to engage fully with the sport
th f1 girlie on the other hand. the girl that is being torn apart by men and women alike on the effort to prove we’re not like other girls isn’t given the same chance as the man even still . she doesn’t get to engage with people through aesthetic attraction. she isn’t allowed to engage in casual hobbies and interests because she NEEDS to display an adequate knowledge of car production and f1 history i mean at that point we may as well have a female only f1 fan entrance exam
it honestly doesn’t fucking matter whether or not women do or do not know what drs is . it’s the problem that we are being asked to perform to a certain standard of engagement in order to even be respected in f1 fan spaces. i feel like a lot of people are just going ‘well i know what drs is so’ instead of questioning WHY women are expected to undertake research in order to validly watch a televised sporting event . let women know fuck all about understeer and still watch a gp bc she wants to. let women be casual fans again
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inchandescence · 3 years
To Anon
Question:  Yeolmaes hate baekhyun mostly because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never said anything about it, instead he kinda validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies Understand that yeolmaes have to deal with hundreds of hate messages written in Korean everyday and they are at a breaking point considering most of them come from bbh’s own fans How is it possible to like chanyeol and baekhyun at the same time in a situation like this? Do you even take chanyeol feelings into consideration? No? Not even once? He has to deal with thousands of nasty comments coming from bbh fanbase while bbh comes on Twitter reminding them how cute they are and how much he loves them If you cbkists choose to ignore this and baekhyun is actually in a relationship with Pcy it just means that you all couldn’t give less of a shit about chanyeol as a person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks
Answer: Anon...sighs you can't see something from one point of view only really, but it's okay i get you, ok so let us talk about this one by one: 1. You said: Yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never say anything about it -When you perceive the assumption that baekhyun stans hate chanyeol the most, did u believe it right or did u question it, like why its baekhyun stans, if its true then since when they started hating chanyeol, and why do they hate chanyeol, does their reason make sense or its just stupid like how other bbhls who hate other exo members too (for example some bbhls hate jd bcs both are main vocalists and they think jd is stealing bh's spot as a vocalist) -But at the same time, we cant find the exact number that would proof that bbhls are the ones who hate chanyeol the most, we only can see what twitter shows us, and it happened to me too that i see bbhls throw hate to chanyeol the most -But at the same time too, I've been seeing yeolmaes who throw hate at baekhyun too since years ago without me knowing the reason why they do that, and I keep questioning it everytime why yeolmaes suddenly started hating baekhyun so bad, when did it start -AND at the same time too, I've been seeing other exo member stans throwing hate to either baekhyun or chanyeol -But my twitter algorithm is the same as you anon, it shows that bbhls hate chanyeol the most and yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most, so I do often make the assumption that bbhls and yeolmaes are always on each other's throat -But yet again, I don't know who started hating the first time, is it bbhls, is it yeolmaes, and why they did that -This knowledge is unknown to me so based on this, to me the most right way is to think that both sides are wrong because hating is always the worse way to deal with things, the fact that we know is chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends they are always there for each other, usually when ppl see im saying this they will say its fake and its fan service, but people can choose to not see what they dont wanna see, so the easiest proofs to prove that chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends is one chanyeol is the only member in exo that baekhyun wished happy birthday on his instagram, two both of them support each other for candy and 1 billion views by coming to the mv bts, three baekhyun and chanyeol go to vocal lessons together, four chanyeol had taken a photo with all of baekhyun's bucheon friends before so in that photo baekhyun, chanyeol, and baekhyun's bucheon friends (istg if people see these as fan service then it doesnt make sense right?)
Before we go to the next thing, I have this assumption that chanyeol and baekhyun are two members that have the highest popularity in sk, either they are the top 3 or top 4, and my reason is bcs everytime there are individual album/photobook covers sold offline, their individual covers sold out the fastest, everytime, even with nature republic stuffs, ok so there's this possibility that we keep seeing yeolmaes and bbhls on each other's throat everytime bcs well both of them are two of the most popular exo members in SK (i mean even in china, chanyeol and baekhyun are the most popular members with sehun, there's data for this)
2. You said: Baekhyun never say anything about this, he kinda "validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere and voiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies"
-First of all, let's look at a bigger picture, is there any idol in the k-industry like ANY IDOL that ever said to their fans "guys don't say that to my member" IS THERE. ANY.? what I know is: there is none, none at all zero zip nothing, and if there's at least one or two idols, then its just one or two idols right -And thats it anon, thats just about it, idols dont have the absolute freedom of speech, they never do, and its hurting them all of them, all they can say is: "I love EXO, I miss EXO members the most, EXO is my home" and most solo stans who see that will just say "its bs" yet solo stans are also asking for proofs that the members relationship are fine -None of these kpop idols ever say anything about hate speech from their fans that are thrown to their friends/bandmates, and this kind of thing happens in every fandom anon, not just chanyeol and baekhyun, it's just how korean entertainment industry is, idols never have the ultimate freedom to say or do anything
3. Not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him, saying he doesnt like musical movies -That not showing up to the box premiere really changed the way you think huh anon, yeah I think that event also changed many yeolmaes' perspectives sighs okay, not showing up to the box premiere is like a very open information we can easily see it from one tweet that didnt mention baekhyun name during that event -BUT for other cases "avoid mentioning him" and "saying he doesnt like musical movies" is not a very open information, by this i mean u have to read alllll of the things baekhyun say, look at the trans for all of his vlives/shows/etc, read the whole trans for baekhyun's last vlive before he goes to the military, so u or other yeolmaes after that situation are either trying to "search for baekhyun's act or words that deny fans opinion about how they hate each other" bcs u still "have hope in baekhyun" or "search for baekhyun's act or words that support my perspective about how he hates chanyeol and never defend cy from bbhls" -"Validate their feelings" how? once again, it's just what bbhls think, did baekhyun do and say all of that because well "his motive is to support bbhls that hate chanyeol" and who are you, who are we to say that, are we our bias? can we go inside their minds and goes aha! this is why they do this and that! well no. because once again thats the entertainment industry, the chances for idols to "explain" all of the bad situations esp when its about how their fans act, is very veryyy low, or like the chance is even minus
-We are just fans who watch them on cam, without knowing what's on their mind or what is everything they are going through behind the camera, we know nothing, all of our opinions are just perspective that our mind created that turned into assumptions, we could never know the truth because kpop industry prevents their artist from showing the truths that may "hurt" people, who actually deserve to be hurt, but those people are the "money makers" for the company, it's bad it's toxic it's awful that just bcs they have to "maintain the money makers" idols can never get that freedom -Same goes with baekhyun, gdi we dont know him, we really really dont know him, his mind, his motives and reasons for his actions, who are we to judge him and call him selfish? -But what we know is baekhyun helping to defend chanyeol when that fake rumor was spreading by tweeting the mosquito thing, what we know is baekhyun and chanyeol doing their choreo for DFTF together that was practiced since early 2021 until before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun saying chanyeol he's fine when fans asked on japanese fansign, what we know is them still doing vocal lessons together, going to vocal lesson tgt too on march after the box premiere (bcs chanyeol's hair was grey in the vlog) before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun loving and singing "tomorrow" tgt with chanyeol, so what we know is they keep spending time with each other as bandmates and friends 
"do you ever take chanyeol's feeling into consideration, you all couldnt give less of a shit about chanyeol as person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks" 1. Baekhyun tweeting that mosquito tweet to defend chanyeol -Responses>> People went: oh he's just defending himself, he's being selfish once again, he doesnt care about chanyeol 2. Baekhyun answering fans question about chanyeol's condition -Responses>> No one translated this after few days OP has translated Original post Jan 29: https://twitter.com/tomo_exo/status/1355177834185064451?s=20 First ever translation on FEB 13 (AND FROM A CBKIST): https://twitter.com/NTH_2705/status/1360626904756228096?s=20 Also this cbkist isnt always active translating, I know her, she's not on Twitter as much as other trans account and she doesnt understand japanese, so she actually found the post on weibo and translated it from chinese thats why it was translated 2 weeks after, but before her? does ANY account translate this? well no. 3. Baekhyun and Chanyeol doing choreo in DFTF tgt -No BTS, no anything from SM, people who hate seeing them tgt can ignore easily, chanbaek stans can only watch the part over and over 4. Baekhyun and Chanyeol practicing their hitting the woah part in just usual mv -Again no one commented about this, except chanbaek stans bcs this is easily ignored 5. Lesson With Baekhyun -Responses>> yeolmaes went "chanyeol don't do this, chanyeol im not watching this, chanyeol what are you doing, i want chanyeol only, oh god why is chanyeol with him again, chanyeol is feeding chanbaekist, his fans (bbhls) gonna come at us again, fuck this im not watching" and bbhls went "the translation is wrong look theyre trying to sabotage bbh" and yeolmaes replied with "good for him haha, ya serves him right for being selfish" and also "why is it always chanyeol who does this kind of thing and never baekhyun? oh right because hes selfish hes sm golden boy he never gonna do this bcs his channel is own by SM" "look he promoted kyoongtube even in the nng" "look SM posted kyoongtube but not NNG u can see whos the mistreated one him"
All of those 5 things I mentioned, even tho some are small things....they got mostly negative responses from yeolmaes and bbhls who are not cbkist dont they? The things that prove chanyeol and baekhyun are always there for each other and they are bandmates, true friends, nothing change between them And yet, what did bbhls and yeolmaes do? Throw negative shits and comments to those things, esp Lesson With Baekhyun, and until now still hate Baekhyun... when Lesson With Baekhyun, is a vlog recorded by Chanyeol alone, he taped his phone in the car, he added Candy MV BTS with Baekhyun calling him "chanyeol ah" and baekhyun smiling while holding the food, a vlog where he praised baekhyun's vocals, prepared playlist for him, sing tomorrow together with him, laughing during their vocal lesson, and just...doing things tgt
And yet people still call it a fanservice? feeding chanbaekist? baekhyun is still selfish? when chanyeol worked hard preparing that vlog, providing it for us, baekhyun and chanyeol practicing their part tgt for DFTF, baekhyun tweeting the mosquito tweet
When Chanyeol and Baekhyun have done so many things together, after the fake rumor, after the box premiere, proving they are still good friends... so do you even take chanyeol's feelings into consideration? oh wait not just feelings, his efforts, his time, him uploading to NNG about him hanging out with Baekhyun, have you ever take that to consideration? or just ignore all those facts because "whatever i still hate baekhyun" 
So two options: 1. Hating and keep hating and telling others selfish because yall hate the fact that baekhyun never do this and that, that yall wanted him to do, but actually we don't know the reason why, we just don't know anything at all, accept assumptions that "baekhyun validated fans feeling" and thats according to you, your mind, your perspective, oh wait... it's all about you? 2. Know and accept and support and love, chanyeol and baekhyun's friendship, because thats what we know, thats what themselves say to us, thats what themselves been doing, accepting the fact that "chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends" and know we are not in the position to turn the friendship into bad relationship bcs what? bcs it comes from chanyeol and baekhyun themselves, not yeolmaes, not bbhls, not even exols, and so be a fan that know chanyeol and baekhyun have good relationship, keep reporting bbhls who said bad things about cy and vice versa, bcs what? we never want chanyeol to see that after lesson with baekhyun, apparently his "fans" still think baekhyun, his best friend and bandmate, is still a selfish person who doesnt care about chanyeol, so chanyeol is happy that we know and appreciate his relationship with baekhyun, with exo members because we care about chanyeol's feelings, because we trust his actions, his words, and we love everything he does, and also we love everyone around chanyeol that he loves
So choose... and last thing, are social media and on cam interactions, are enough to "measure" a group of people's relationships, so if your best friend never post any picture of you on their instagram and never tell stories about you to other people who well, actually are also strangers, living thousand miles away from you and your best friend, then it's okay for those strangers to say that your best friend hates you? avoiding to be affiliated with you? a selfish person? Have people ever think that it's tiring that just because you're a celebrity, you have to show everything, including minds, feelings, emotions, actions, personal reasons, to your fans? For them to be validated? And for them to turn into facts? Well, at least for me, the things I don't know then I don't know, I don't have the right to judge, and the things I know, especially positive things, that came from my own idols, that's what I'm holding on, that's what I support. *extra note: exo members always call us as EXO-Ls, not bbhls, not yeolmaes, not anyone, but EXO-Ls, so when they say they love us, "loved ones" are those who say themselves are EXO-Ls, who loves EXO as 9 members, because that's the fact
Have a good day anon, stay safe and healthy, God bless you, spread love and not hate
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daydreamrry · 3 years
What saddens me the most is how at this point it feels like a competition between us (the fans ) and H&O. It's like bcuz we keep pointing out how fake they look and how pathetic this makes them seem they turn out to do it even more and go extreme. I mean the massive amt of pics they leak just screams "here suckers you think we fake look at me roaming around London and LA w this woman you think I'm gay? Look at me kissing this woman and sneakily taking pics of her and coming to kiss her all while she's reading a book" like it's not even funny it genuinely hurts me to think how drifted I feel from him as a fan. Like hazza , we're not against you we're not your enemies we're just simply pointing it out bcuz it's ruining your image , your career , it's not fair to you or to her family and her kids. The most annoying thing is when i say anything abiut olivia and my friends or holivia shippers say why do you care he doesn't even know about your existence and honestly I'm aware duh but it's the fact that them doing every legit intimate/non-intimate thing a couple could do they do it public and shoving the pictures down our throats is so wrong and insensitive. Like what do you wanna prove? It's like i feel like genuinely apologising to the holivia shippers for fantasizing about me and harry together. Like dude ik it won't be true, ik I'm just a fan chill but me calling out Olivia for being an attention seeker, a lesbophobic, a racist has got nothing to do w jealousy. It's got to do with facts that's been proved. It's got to do with how genuinely pathetic of a human she is. And trust me at this point I don't even like harry. Genuinely, I've stopped stanning him not because he is a homewrecker but because he is continuing with this stunt still. He is easily letting her take advantage of his popularity and how fucking disgusting it is how she keeps acting as if she's a victim and Harry's fandom sends her hate when she fucking literally is playing with us and he's allowing her to . Like as fans very honestly he doesn't do anything for us , he goes to tour bcuz yes he likes to and likes to meet fans but it's also coz it's important for him to make money and he honestly loves this "untouchable guy" image that his management has created. We have no idea where he is most of the times nd then one day he decides to show up in the spotlight again holding hands with a woman who is actually her boss. I honestly don't believe Jeff is trying to ruin harry. They have been good friends for a long while, harry isn't forced to do anything by his management he shows up when he wants to, he makes music at his own pace , he writes about whatever he wants to, whether he's gay or not doesn't matter he made the lights up music video if his management really had to hide his sexuality and throw in Camille and others as a beard they won't even allow such a music video which would raise so many questions. They know that nowadays it's all about being open and supportive so if harry really is gay they are smart enough to not hide it and be supportive of him bcuz that would make them seem good in the gp so it really is either Harry's own personal choice to hide or he's genuinely straight( personally i think he's straight) and hamille was no beard it was pr but it was also real, holivia might also be real but what the main problem with this one is
Is that not only is it destructive of them, their management, their families, their careers, the movie and the other actors it is also not acceptable in any way for two people to be so highly unprofessional to just be in a relationship and not even hide it until the shooting was over. You can't just be like I fell in love what could we do? You can't just let your feelings just so easily get in the way of other things. If it's actually true love with an element of pr its still wrong. Bcuz she didn't think of Jason doesn't matter if they were already on the edge of breaking up, what matters is when you have a baby with someone you're always gonna be family and it's not right to just forget about then and be like it just happened like no you have ethics and responsibilities. This goes for harry too.
As laughable and entertaining this stunt is , it also should be a wake up call for all of us especially who believe it is wrong and is a stunt to not watch dwd, to not follow Olivia, to not search her on Google. They both made a mistake and they should pay for it its only fair. Especially Olivia
And for harry I just hope he realises how valuable and important fans are. We are not shits you can manipulate with , we dont deserve paying money for concerts and not having any guarantee whether it's gonna happen or not untill the end moment, we dont deserve to just be ignored and only be cared for when theres new music or a movie coming up . I hope he learns that even if he's a big star he's not as big as selena gomez, Ariana Grande, Taylor ,Justin or Billie. Even they're super busy but they do things for the fans, there's a gratefulness you can sense, they communicate. But if he continues to be so complicated and drifted he'll lose his fans and I believe he's smart enough to know that by this point!
not gonna lie, this made me tear up.
thank you for sharing this! i think it’s really important for us to talk about this situation and share our thoughts because this is really affecting his fans, in a bad way, and is causing people to drift away from him.
i completely understand and agree with everything you said, especially the part about this being unprofessional. it’s wrong in so many ways. if you look at it from the real side: she cheated on jason, a man she’s been with for 9 years and has 2 children with. harry knew she was with him and has kids, she brought her daughter to the DWD set, yet he didn’t think or care about that. they had an affair while she was still engaged, and she went “public with her bf” just a month or two after calling the engagement off.
the PR side: harry agreed to be in a fake relationship with an engaged woman who has children to promote her career, and to promote the movie (that already has such a talented cast). she’s putting her children on the line just to get more attention and promo for herself. their teams have created such a messy storyline that’s fucked both of them, and there’s no turning back.
this entire situation is messed up, and i hope both of them realize that.
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kingjasnah · 4 years
Is there the full list of brandersons favourite games reposted somewhere?
i dont think so? or not that ive seen. u can literally just sign up for the newsletter on his website but screw it ill just post them for u. it sure was a TRIP scrolling past these to get to the interlude though. undertale is on this list.....im shakign at the thought that adolin was based off ff10 tidus but i cant get it out of my head now
#10: Katamari Damaci
I love things that make me look at the world in a new way. Katamari did this in spades. It is an imaginative, bizarre vision with unique gameplay. It is like nothing else in the world and I love it for all its strangeness and occasional lack of gameplay polish.
I was transfixed the first time I played it, and have looked forward to it being remade and rereleased on multiple different consoles. I love the cute—and somehow creepy at the same time—storyline. It feels like a fever dream more than a game sometimes, and is probably the closest I’ll ever get to understanding what it’s like to do drugs.
#9: Undertale
This is an oddball on this list because I think it’s the only game that is not a franchise from a major studio—but is instead an indie game, which I believe was originally funded on Kickstarter.I loved how this felt like a novel as much as a game. It was one person’s vision; a single story told really well, with a huge amount of personality. The humor was just my kind of wonderful/terrible, and I was instantly enamored with the characters.That probably would have been enough, but it is a nice deconstruction of video games as a medium—and has not one, but multiple innovative gameplay mechanics. Together, the package left me enamored. This is a work of genius that I feel everyone should at least try, even if it ends up not being for them.
#8: Fallout: New Vegas
I have played all of the core Fallout games, and I was one of the (it seems few) who was really excited when it moved from turn-based tactics to first-person shooter. While Fallout 3 was good, it didn’t have the charm of the first two.New Vegas delivered on everything I was hoping to see. The charm was back, the writing sharp, the quests imaginative. The gameplay was engaging and branched in a variety of directions, the gunplay was solid, and the atmosphere immersive. I of course love the first two games in the series—but New Vegas combines everything I like in gaming into one package. (As a note, I own the Outer Worlds, and am looking forward to digging into it. Consider this item on the list a recommendation of other Obsidian games—like Knights of the Old Republic Two—regardless of genre, as I’ve found them universally to be superior to their contemporaries.)
#7 Super Mario World
When I was eleven, I flew (alone, which was very exciting to me) from Nebraska to visit my uncle Devon in Salt Lake City. Before I left, my father gave me $200 and told me to pay for my own meals while on the trip—but of course, my uncle didn’t allow this. At the end of the trip, I tried to give him the money, which he wouldn’t take.I mentioned my dad would take the money back when I got home, but that was okay. Well, my uncle would have none of that, and drove me to the local mall and made me spend it on a Nintendo Entertainment System. (This uncle, you might guess, is an awesome human being.)Since that day of first plugging it in and experiencing Mario for the first time, I was hooked. This is the only platformer on the list, as I don’t love those. But one makes an exception for Mario. There’s just so much polish, so much elegance to the control schemes, that even a guy who prefers an FPS or an RPG like me has to admit these are great games. I picked World as my favorite as it’s the one I’ve gone back to and played the most.
#7: The Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 3)
I kind of miss the golden age of adventure gaming, and I don’t know that anyone ever got it as right as they did with this game. It is the pinnacle of the genre, in my opinion—no offense to Grim Fandango fans.This game came out right before gaming’s awkward teenage phase where everything moved to 3-d polygons. For a while after, games looked pretty bad, though they could do more because of the swap. But if you want to go see what life was like before that change, play Monkey Island 3. Composed of beautiful art pieces that look like cells from Disney movies, with streamlined controls (the genre had come a long way from “Get yon torch”) and fantastic voice acting, this game still plays really well.This is one of the few games I’ve been able to get my non-gamer wife to play through with me, and it worked really well as a co-op game with the two of us trying to talk through problems. It’s a lovingly crafted time capsule of a previous era of gaming, and if you missed it, it’s really worth trying all these years later. (The first and second games hold up surprisingly well too, as a note, particularly with the redone art that came out a decade or so ago.)Also, again, this one has my kind of humor.
#6: Breath of the Wild
I never thought a Zelda game would unseat A Link to the Past as my favorite Zelda, but Breath of the Wild managed it. It combined the magic of classic gameplay with modern design aesthetic, and I loved this game.There’s not a lot to say about it that others haven’t said before, but I particularly liked how it took the elements of the previous games in the series (giving you specific tools to beat specific challenges) and let you have them all at once. I like how the dungeons became little mini puzzles to beat, instead of (sometimes seemingly endless) slogs to get through. I liked the exploration, the fluidity of the controls, and the use of a non-linear narrative in flashbacks. It’s worth buying a Switch just to play this one and Mario—but in case you want, you can also play Dark Souls on Switch... (That’s foreshadowing.)
#5: Halo 2
Telling stories about Halo Two on stream is what made me think of writing this list.I’m sometimes surprised that this game isn’t talked about as much as I think it should be. Granted, the franchise is very popular—but people tend to love either Reach or games 1 or 3 more than two. Two, however, is the only one I ever wanted to replay—and I’ve done so three or four times at this point. (It’s also the only one I ever beat on Legendary.)It’s made me think on why I love this one, while so many others seem to just consider it one of many in a strong—but in many ways unexceptional—series of games. I think part of this is because I focus primarily on the single-player aspects of a game (which is why there aren’t any MMOs on this list.) Others prefer Halo games with more balanced/polished multiplayer. But I like to game by myself, and don’t really look for a multiplayer experience. (Though this is changing as I game with my sons more and more.)I really like good writing—which I suppose you’d expect. But in games, I specifically prefer writing that enhances the style of game I’m playing. Just dumping a bunch of story on me isn’t enough; it has to be suited to the gameplay and the feel of the game. In that context, I’ve rarely encountered writing as good as Halo 2. From the opening—with the intercutting and juxtaposition of the two narratives—to the quotes barked out by the marines, the writing in this game is great. It stands out starkly against other Halo games, to the point that I wonder what the difference is.Yes, Halo Two is a bombastic hero fantasy about a super soldier stomping aliens. But it has subtle, yet powerful worldbuilding sprinkled all through it—and the music...it does things with the story that I envy. It’s kind of cheating that games and films get to have powerful scores to help with mood.The guns in Two feel so much better than Halo One, and the vehicles drive far better. The only complaint I have is that it’s only half a story—as in, Halo 2 and 3 seem like they were one game broken in two pieces. And while 3 is good (and Reach does something different, which I approve of in general) neither did it for me the way Two did, and continues to do.
#3: Final Fantasy X
You probably knew Final Fantasy was coming. People often ask if the way these games handle magic was an influence upon me. All I can say is that I’ve played them since the first one, and so they’re bound to have had an influence.On one hand, these games are really strange. I mean, I don’t think we gamers stop quite often enough to note how downright bizarre this series gets. Final Fantasy doesn’t always make the most sense—but the games are always ambitious.Ten is my favorite for a couple of reasons. I felt like the worldbuilding was among the strongest, and I really connected with the characters. That’s strange, because this is one of the FF games without an angst-filled teen as the protagonist. Instead, it has a kind of stable happy-go-lucky jock as the protagonist.But that’s what I needed, right then. A game that didn’t give me the same old protagonist, but instead gave me someone new and showed me I could bond to them just as well. Ten was the first with full voice acting, and that jump added a lot for me. It has my favorite music of the series, and all together is what I consider the perfect final fantasy game. (Though admittedly, I find it more and more difficult to get into turn-based battle mechanics as I grow older.)
#2: Bloodborne
Those who follow my streams, or who read other interviews I’ve done, probably expected this series to be at or near the top. The question wasn’t whether Souls would be here, but which one to pick as my favorite.I went with Bloodborne, though it could have been any of them. (Even Dark Souls 2—which I really like, despite its reputation in the fandom.) I’ve been following FromSoftware’s games since the King’s Field games, and Demon’s Souls was a huge triumph—with the director Hidetaka Miyazaki deserving much of the praise for its design, and Dark Souls (which is really just a more polished version of Demon’s Souls).As I am a fan of cosmic horror, Bloodborne is probably my favorite overall. It really hit the mix of cosmic and gothic horror perfectly. It forced me to change up my gameplay from the other Souls games, and I loved the beautiful visuals.I am a fan of hard games—but I like hard games that are what I consider “fair.” (For example, I don’t love those impossible fan-made Mario levels, or many of the super-crazy “bullet hell”-style games.) Dark Souls is a different kind of hard. Difficult like a stern instructor, expecting you to learn—but giving you the tools to do so. It presents a challenge, rather than being hard just to be hard.If I have a problem with Final Fantasy, it’s that the games sometimes feel like the gameplay is an afterthought to telling the story. But in the Souls games, story and gameplay are intermixed in a way I’d never seen done before. You have to construct the story like an archeologist, using dialogue and lore from descriptions of in-game objects. I find this fascinating; the series tells stories in a way a book never could. I’m always glad when a game series can show off the specific strengths of the medium.In fact, this series would be #1 except for the little fact that I have way too much time on Steam logged playing...
#1: Civilization VI
This series had to take #1 by sheer weight of gameplay time. I discovered the first on a friend’s computer in the dorms my freshman year—and I can still remember the feeling of the birds chirping outside, realizing I’d been playing all night and really should get back to my own dorm room.That still happens, and has happened, with every game in the series. I have a lot of thoughts on this series, many of them granular and too specific for this list. (Like, it’s obvious AI technology isn’t up to the task of playing a game this complex—so could we instead get a roguelike set of modifiers, game modes, etc. to liven up the games, rather than just having a difficulty slider that changes a few simple aspects of the game?)I’ll try not to rant, because I really do love this game series. A lot of people consider IV to be the pinnacle of the series, but after V unstacked units—and VI unstacked cities—there was no way I could ever go back. If for some reason, you’ve never played this grand patriarch of the 4X game genre, it’s about starting with a single stone-age settler who can found a city—then playing through eras of a civilization, growing your empire, to try to eventually get offworld with a space program. (Or, if you prefer, conquering the world.)It’s a load of fun in the way I like to have fun, and I feel like the series has only gotten better over the years. My hat is off to the developers, who keep reinventing the series, rather than making the exact same game over and over.Now, about that request for difficulty modes...
there are runner ups but for the sake of anyone whos on mobile and cant get past a read more (first of all omg im SO sorry) ill refrain. anyway he thought WHAT loz game was the best before botw?
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fuzzbuns · 5 years
Im in a bad mood because american education system is hell so im gonna ramble about stuff no one cares about for that sweet serotonin aka atsutodo* tho really just Mr Atsushi... Sir Joned arbuck-
*?... like i mean its lowkey atsutodo i will not front but realistically speaking im just gonna talk about thier relationship and whether you see it as platonic or not it is up to you but like just know in my minds eye MY GOD these bitches GAY.... good for them tho... good for them
I just legit don’t understand people who either think/ characterize atsushi as someone who is mean or doesn’t like todomatsu. Like the only person who legitimately should ever feel that way is totty but we will get there. like, i get not everyone stans atsushi and has been following him ever since that one tweet after ep 22 where he is shown baking a totty themed meal (srsly look at this. the second i saw this tweet back in like 2016 i was like “oh i love this dude”)
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LIKE.... LOOK AT THAT.......
Ok so back to the point : like i get most people do not care to keep up with the guy who had 19 seconds of screen time in ep 22 LIKE I GET THAT but literally the very second you look at his characterization in literally anything it is just so clear that he genuinely likes totty and seeks out his company!
And like i know some people saw how totty reacted to him in the movie and went “uh.” But you guys are literally forgetting that todomatsu is a matsuno.... plus totty literally tried to maul his own siblings? IDK to me it just kinda shows to todomatsu clearly feels close enough to atsushi in order to treat him like his siblings because totty is the kind of person who values what people think of him (including atsushi. In ep 7 season 2 he literally is apologizing to atsushi even when atsushi isnt even there which means he clearly cares about whether he is on good terms with him or not) so like....? If he really didnt like atsushi he just wouldnt hange out with him. He just got pissed off,,,, not very deep. Plus atsushi didnt even react.... which to me is just like.... he is close enough to totty to know he is dramatic and is use to having totty be a drunk menace to society. Also? People think he was being mean with the whole ‘neetville’ thing WHICH LIKE..... WHAT ABOUT IT.... like im not even convinced he meant it like that but even if he did, he is just teasing them....it really not that deep..... it is one negative interaction out of the many postitive ones they have had and its is mostly totty who is making a stink (which is a common theme.... BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN HE HATES ATSUSHI WE WILL GET THERE)
Back to atsushi, i feel like seeing him in highschool made me kinda get his character more (tho its just my interpretation so idk. I literally do not know how they characterize him in tabi or the spin off because i just havent seen translations for that stuff? Tho i know i heard that in one of the tabi events he was in people said he was nice to totty (aka he was a good guy... like we have known this.) but thats like.. it.) We barely see him talk! He is super quiet! Which is... going back to the last part.... kind makes the lines he has make sense? I feel like he isnt really the best at taking the lead in conversations and isnt really even that good of a conversationalist but he knows what people what to hear so he just says that and it usually works out fine? Like he can fake it well, like when i write a paper and think “idk what im talking about” and then i get it back and the prof is like “wow..... this was.... breathtaking...” like thanks my head is empty! idk if that makes sense but he just seems like the kind of person who was forced to get good at conversing when he finished highschool in order to network and shit but like deep down he would rather not. Like he is friendly! He has friends and he likes being with them but i feel like if it was up to him he would be a bit more reserved. And the fact he likes totty kinda speaks to this?
Before we get to that i should probably prove he likes totty but i feel like it is so obvious i shouldnt have to..... he set totty up with the girls in ep 7, he apparently goes to the gym with totty every now and then and like. Looks forward to it. The hesowars sprite where he is waving totty as if totty was some kind of celebrity (in front of the girls who clearly dont want to see him. Like atsushi is so oblivious to the fact the atmosphere is awkward because he is too busy being.... gay??? Sorry homies i decided it is gay.) also the offical art of totty and atsushi on a totally-not-a-date.... even if you take the subjective gay subtext i put on there off its still obvious atsushi and totty hang out and atsushi puts effort in in order to do so. I feel like the fact he is still in touch with totty after highschool speaks to just how much effort atsushi put in to keep him around because lets be 100%. Todomatsu seems like a NIGHTMARE to actually have a stable friendship that lasts more than a year with. This is the guy who literally does not get the concept of friendship... and yet here atsushi is.....very much being his friend
I feel like unless you are someone who is very good at reading inbetween the lines/a good listener, it would be impossible to be todomatsus friend just because of the front he puts up. I honestly think since they are highschool friends, totty doesnt put up as much of a front with atsushi cuz like... he saw totty at his most baby..... like you cant come back from that. But totty puts up fronts even with his own siblings so he definitely still has to put up some kind of front with atsushi. So i think atsushi being this quiet kid in highschool gave him the skills to deal with totty. I KNOW THAT SOUNDS MEAN I PROMISE I LOVE TOTTY IM JUST BEING REALISTIC. when you arent doing the talking and you are just listening and taking in what people are saying you start to pick up on a lot of little things. And because atsushi knows what totty was like in highschool i feel like he genuinely understands todomatsu as a person. Like totty can act self assured and dismissive but we (and atsushi) know that deep down he really craves affection and validation. Which is why atsushi sticks around with him and even goes as far as setting him up on dates. Atsushi is a quiet dork at heart. I will not budge on this.
So like where does the asshole rich man idea of atsushi even come from?? Because atsushi isnt really like that (tho i will admit it is very funny... rich asshole atsushi is very funny i can not lie)? The line about him having a car never came off as snobbish to me tbh it just seems awkward (like you know... a quiet kid who is forced to converse). Remember how i said we would come back to that? We are finally doing it. Todomatsu matsuno has too many insecurities and he projects them on the people around him. Notice how we always see atsushi from todomatsu perspective! Totty see atsushi as the guy who always one ups me and takes girls from me.... the guy who said neetville,,,, the guy who likes to look down on commoners..... but .... totty isnt a reliable narrator. Todomatsu has a hard time seeing other people as being genuine because he himself cant be genuine. So when atsushi hangs around him, he assumes that he must be looking down on him, because why else would someone like atsushi wanna be around someone like totty :( (i suggest “because he is gay” but like-) i think totty genuinely likes atsushi but he is so self sabotaging that he cant accept the idea that anyone who knows who he is could ever want to connect with him so he tries to keep atsushi at a distance and lashes out whenever atsushi unknowingly proves his warped perspection of him (an asshole rich guy) right because the idea of someone using ur misery as entertainment is upsetting to say the least.
Its 2020 and i cant believe i just rambled about atsutodo but i was thinking about atsushi recently plus...... i dont keep up with the oso fandom but i saw shit about people who thought atsutodo was.... bad??? And like I genuinely just cant see how you could get to that conclusion? It doesnt have to be ur thing but to reach and say its somehow “Problematic” ??????? The only messy thing about it is just totty being a matsuno like..... atsushi is genuinely such a chill guy i just... its not clicking for me.
Anyway atsushi is a dork man. Quiet highschool kid rep. Coconut head king. jon arbuckle. And if he wants to hold hands with todomatsu matsuno?? Who am i to stop him.... insert image of fma love is love thumbs up
In fact after all the effort he has put in? He deserves to hold his hand..... AND TOTTYS HAND DESERVES TO BE HELD/??/
Ok i have work to do bye
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
I almost drove this poor Misha fan to tears, because I have so much hate in my heart.
I found this passionate message in my private messages, written by a possibly sobbing @holymoonshine:  My responses are in bold.
''your blog made me want to cry, i don't even know why i read it. i like supernatural, i love Jared and Jensen and Misha and alex, i don't ship anything, i don't care about shipping, i just like the show. i understand not every celebrity is likable, and that there are ships in every fandom that are a big NOPE, but this is another level, you are far too gone. do you even read what you write before doing another publication?
Honey, I have a feeling you don't know how to read or write.  I had to fight the urge to edit this drivel. 
according to you Misha Collins is the most hated and despised person in this fandom, castiel is a useless character and nobody wants him, according to you his fans are just a bunch of crazy teenagers without money that cannot do anything for him and he is going to die on a ditch when the show finally ends. if this is true, why is Misha still in the show if no one wants him, if he only lowers the ratings? And if all this is true, then why on earth would Jensen Ackles have the need of (as you put it yourself) whoring himself to the destiel fans during jibcon panels?
Reading is fundamental.  I said, that other than his miniscule 1% [and I would add on the minions too because they are not always the same group of people] nobody else likes Misha.  That is why his con flopped.  I said Cas is a useless character because he is.  What is his purpose?  He does nothing.  His fans being mostly a bunch of teens is proof of why his con flopping.  They couldn't screech at mommy and daddy to foot the bill for the con tickets.  There were empty seats. 
And when did I say I wanted Misha to die in a ditch.  I have never made death wishes against another human being.  And if I have, point it out.  I usually call out death threats and wishes in my blog.  The answer to why that dunderbrain is still on the show in on a post in my blog.  That proves you didn't read everything.  You just read a couple of articles and boo hoo, now you want to tell me off.  I also answered in other posts, as to why Jensen puts up with Misha and his disgusting fans. 
if they are not important. this is what bothers me the most, that you really think so low of him. he is JENSEN ACKLES, he doesn't need to "whore" himself to anyone, he is not a delicate flower that will be affected by stupid comments from teenagers on the internet, even if destiel shippers were 90% of the fandom he does not need Supernatural either, he is a super talented actor who already has lots of work proposals, he has his brewery, he has his family and friends. he doesn't seek or need the approval of a bunch of stupid people on the internet.
Go read my posts properly, you nut.  I am not repeating myself. 
you claim that you defend Jared and Jensen, you claim to be oh so offended in their behalf, because you love and respect them. but the true is that you dont care about them at all, you just hate Misha, you hate him so much, that you rather believe Jensen is mentally ill and instable, than to accept he likes Misha even a little. now maybe Jensen actually hates misha, or maybe they are just work pals, or maybe they have a nice real friendship, or maybe they love each other in a platonic way, or maybe they are madly in love with each other. who knows, who cares, is their private business.
Yeah, you are either underage or suffering from a severe case of stupidity.  Also, for a non shipper, you swerves right into heller territory, reading things in my post that are not even there.  I guess you didn't read about heller online death threats and bullying, before you started defending them.  And yet you apparently read my blog.  Go take a laxative, Madam Touchy.  You need fulfillment. 
you hate Cockles shippers because they speak on Jensen's behalf saying how much he loves Misha, but you do exactly the same thing. you hate destiel shippers because "they are mad people talking shit about J2 and their families and threaten them", well you do the exact same thing with misha, and i know you wish he would be dead, because you have said so in your blog. just imagine if someone else would talk about someone you love (your brother, father or husband), the way you talk about misha, if someone who you don't even know would accuse them of rape or pedophilia, you probably wouldn't like it.
Literally nothing you have said here, appears on my blog.  You are just making things up.  I have dedicated a few posts to good destiel shippers.  Did you read that?  Of course, not.  And when did I wish Misha would die?  Please, answer that one.  And I never said Misha raped anyone, you freak?  Are you sure you read my blog?  I said that Jensen said, Misha looks like a pedophile and then I pointed out why Misha's behavior can be construed as pedophilic.  I made absolutely no claim that Misha was a pedophile because that would be defamation of character, you dumb idiot.  That is why my blog hasn't been shut down.  I have done nothing illegal or wrong.   
what you do is not right, you hurt yourself and you hurt everyone else. why keep watching the show if you can't stand misha, if it upsets you so much. just get him out of your life, or do you think he is worth your suffering? i know he may be freaking annoying sometimes but he hasn't hurt anyone (certainly not Jensen) and you know that. he is a good person and doesn't deserve all that hate.''
Supernatural can be viewed by people who hate Cas because the show is not about Cas.  The show is about the leads.  Most non hellerminions are watching the show for the stars.  Misha is nothing.  Misha is an add-on.  And a very ugly one. Supernatural is not his show.  This year, he is fifth on the call sheet.  He got demoted, dunderbrain.  He doesn't deserve hate but his fans can threaten Jensen.  Buzz off, liar. 
I checked up this snowflake's blog.  There are only two extremely nutty flowery posts and one reblog.  I think this is a heller I have dealt with before.  She set up a whole new blog, to use so she can come at me from a different angle altogether.  Guilt tripping.  And she is projecting herself as a feel good, no hate, only love, fragile flower type.  Look at this.
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AWWW!!!!! Isn't that just cute?  The fictional land in her head must have flowers than whisper ''missshhaaaa'' as they bloom.  Lovely!  @holymoonshine,  thanks for your rant.  I was thoroughly entertained.  But I will not take you seriously, because there is clearly something wrong with your intellect.  Now go take your laxative.  It will put a smile on your face. 
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sweater-vest-reid · 7 years
{miles and piles of you} chapter one: nobody’s perfect
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{inspired by ‘the last five years’}
the five-year-long turbulent and failed relationship between an aspiring violinist and the newest member of the bau. your story starts at the end, and his starts at the beginning.
~chapter list~
a/n: apparently i’m allergic to writing stories in chronological order. this series will be kind of short but i’m very pumped to write it and share it with you all! i hope you enjoy!
{summer, year five}
Normally the sight of Spencer’s scribbly handwriting brought you joy. For the past five years, it had decorated love letters, thoughtful little notes, and birthday cards. But, staring down at his last letter, now soaked in your tears, it brought you nothing but sadness. 
You had returned home after months away to find your apartment empty of all traces of him. Vacant shelves where his massive collections of books once sat. His clothes were gone, his things removed from the bathroom. The only remains of Spencer in the home you once shared were memories, and a single letter, on top of which sat his wedding ring. 
After all that you and Spencer had gone through, and he wouldn’t even say goodbye to your face. 
Did he think that the letter would somehow make everything better? That it would excuse his actions? Because all the letter did was frustrate you further. 
He blamed you for his leaving, claiming that all of the problems were yours. Nobody is perfect, but you had tried so hard to make this relationship work; to always support him and to a better wife. But you knew it was his lies and his stupid ego that turned your shared love into bitter remorse. Afterall, he was the one who cheated, not you. 
Questions swirled around your head, making you dizzy. Did he really think that running away and hiding would solve his problems? How could he be so certain that you two could never be fixed? When did you become a lost cause?
You would do anything for one more day together. One more day with him so you could maybe see the failed relationship that he saw. 
You wiped away your tears and got off the couch. You couldn’t look at that letter anymore, it hurt too much. You walked over to the table where his wedding ring still sat. You looked down at your hands, covered in years of gifts from Spencer. You slid the wedding ring off your finger, placing it down next to his. Next came off the many bracelets from Christmases past. And last, you hesitantly removed your watch, a reminder of Spencer you’d worn every day for almost four years. 
You sank down to the ground, staring at your now bare hands. They were a fresh new canvas, waiting for the next stage of your life. But you weren’t ready to move on, still covered in scars that you didn’t deserve. 
Spencer is probably doing just fine But I’m still hurting
{summer, year one}
For days, Spencer held his phone in his hand, wondering if he would ever get up the nerve to finally call you. He couldn’t understand why he was so afraid to reach out because he had a feeling it would be the greatest decision of his life. And he wasn’t wrong. 
You two had met only a week earlier, at a dinner party hosted by a mutual friend. You had been exchanging flotations glances the entire night, exchanging small talk in-between bites of food. At the end of the night, you wrote your number on a cocktail napkin and slipped it in his pocket as you said goodbye. For the next few days, you anxiously waited for his call. You had never been happier to hear a phone ring before. 
You two went out for a nice lunch together. He told you all about his work; how he had recently graduated from the FBI academy and that he had just started working as an agent. He entertained you with little facts about everything; his intelligence seemed to be infinite. You told him about how you wanted to play violin in a professional orchestra, but in the meantime, you worked at a bar and only played at the occasional wedding. Spencer was so intrigued, he hung to every word that came out of your mouth.
Once you’d finished eating, he walked you back to your apartment. You kissed him goodbye, and soon that kiss had escalated into much more. 
Pressed up against your bedroom wall, only stopping your intense make-out session to remove another item of clothing. He removed your shirt, revealing a collection of tiny tattoos scattered on your sides. 
“You have tattoos?” He asked, tracing one of them with his thumb. 
“Yeah. Does that matter?” You replied, breathing heavily.
“Not one bit,” Spencer said, his lips crashing into yours once more. You were breathtaking, and he couldn’t get enough. 
Soon, you moved onto the bed, Spencer on top of you. 
“God, you’re perfect,” he moaned, kissing your neck. 
“Nobody’s perfect, Spencer,” you teased.
“That’s true,” he agreed, “But you’re pretty fucking close,”
I think that I could be in love with someone Like you
M&PoY tags {like/reblog this post to be tagged in all upcoming chapters}: @dont-rain-on-my-fandom / @imarockstar45 / @bearbearthehero / @dazedrowsy / @crazycc124 / @criminal-navy-writings / @rhianen / @thelightthatisblindingme / @paperipoika / @inthedative / @wrecklessheart-wastedbreath / @molina0110-blog
Forever tags {like/reblog this post to be tagged in everything I write}: @jugbyers / @maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals / @brithefairy / @sweetestcreaturefionn / @chocok22 / @yakirei / @innocent-until-proven-geeky / @bethany-lynn01 / @loverosetyler / @mindsunleashed / @reidspinach / @wishing-to-be-somewherenew / @queensalphawolf / @xtaylorscat / @mutifandomgirl / @lifeisabitchandsoareyou / @daskiwichen / @beysenpai / @genericanimefan876 / @ratclanqueen / @thatspookyhoe / @isabelzimmer997 / @doctorspencerreidrp / @barnstormingt / @lunatic-metal-witch / @sirkekselord / @hufflepuff-and-feminist / @bakerstreetgirl221 / @cynbx / @ fortheloveofpearlet
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stellardeer · 3 years
been watching "You" lately because my roommate put it on, and I had avoided it previously because I'd heard some negative things about it from people on here (it's told from the perspective of a man stalking a woman in the beginning which made me uncomfortable at first but i kept watching anyway and got sucked in), I wouldn't recommend it to teenagers but the writing is really compelling and it's really good if you like shows that make you go 'WHAT is gonna happen next??'
(more opinion/possible spoilers under cut)
(cw: stalking, killing, [unrelated to show] sexual assault mention) The reason I say that it's not for teenagers is because the show does kind of normalize the stalking/murdering to a degree, to an extent that might put wrong ideas into the heads of younger people who are still learning and developing. And I use the word "normalize" instead of "romanticize" or "glorify" because the show does repeatedly remind you that none of the main character's actions are okay, the response from all of the other characters is negative, none of the characters are going "aww it's okay what you did because you did it for love :)", which I believe is where the line is crossed when writers intend to make a negative behavior seem good. When I say "normalize", I mean that they're giving his perspective on his actions through his inner monologue, and his attempts to explain everything away and make it rational definitely give off the idea of like "People who do bad things are damaged too and not necessarily the monsters we think they are" and maybe even a little bit of "what if i stalk and kill people as a coping mechanism?? :(" And that's maybe not an idea that we want to be putting into the heads of young, impressionable people. Not saying that adults can't be affected too, but I think that it's less likely to change the mind of an adult, unless someone already thinks that way in which case they might just feel validated.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH, I'm recommending this show because I think the storytelling and directing is phenomenal from a purely technical standpoint, disregarding the content. If you like shows with crime/mystery or just any story that leaves you wanting more, then it's a good show for those reasons. I don't necessarily think that it is the responsibility of the entertainment industry to show us 100% wholesome content at all times, and if there are already adults out there who think like "what i'm doing is fine because i'm doing it for the right reasons", then I don't think that avoiding showing that perspective in fiction is going to reverse that thinking. It's true that it may make it harder for people to justify their own actions if they never feel validated by a piece of fiction, and if you believe that is the right way to handle media then I can't really argue with that and I understand why you wouldn't support a story like this. I'm not trying to say "We should be promoting this show on every billboard across the world!" I'm just 1 person recommending this to my few meager followers who might actually even read this post, who may or may not enjoy media that depicts crime/violence.
If you've read this far and you have decided that this piece of media is not for you, then I definitely understand that, especially if you're someone who has experienced interpersonal violence of that kind, it could be very triggering. The first episode opens with the main character/narrator meeting a woman and then immediately stalking her for what I think is several weeks? (timeline slightly unknown) And the first season ends (spoiler alert, skip to next paragraph to avoid) with him murdering that same woman in what could be considered a crime of passion. It's terrifying to watch as a woman/woman-adjacent person. It makes you feel like nothing and no one is safe. I felt the same way about 13 Reasons Why in the end when (also spoiler, but not for 'You') the character who committed multiple sexual assaults WENT TO TRIAL was NOT convicted despite being FOUND GUILTY, it was infuriating and triggering to me, so if you have had a stalker and don't think that you could watch a show in which a stalker/murderer basically gets away with it (altho i dont fully know since it isn't over yet), then I would not recommend this for you either!
NOW FINALLY ON TO WHY YOU MIGHT LIKE IT, contains minor spoilers about general content but no specifics This is not a show like Hannibal or Dexter, about a serial killer who can't stop himself (I haven't watched those shows so sorry if I'm wrong). It's a show about a quote-unquote seemingly "normal" guy who essentially accidentally let his life get a little out of control, but ends up repeating the same patterns every time he thinks that he's out of the woods. Which, who knows, maybe he IS just like Hannibal or Dexter, who probably also think that what they're doing is justified somehow. But in 'You' this character is not someone who seeks to harm people, he doesn't want to harm anyone, he usually doesn't even plan to harm someone it just happens in the moment but he doesn't know what to do about it after. His goal is not to harm, his goal is love, and he ends up harming people who get in his way of his love.
I will say that I was put off by the first couple episodes because this man is just obsessively watching this woman from afar and claiming it's because he wants to make sure she's worth it before trying to date her, and I kept watching because I'm like "surely this will end poorly for him. surely justice will be served", and after a couple episodes and the twists and turns that ensue, I'm like.. well it's not ending in justice necessarily but what the FUCK is happening I need to see where this will go.
And then things get worse and you think "Well surely NOW he will get caught and there will be consequences??"
And somehow there are still no consequences. And eventually you find yourself (I use general 'you' because my roommate agrees) not necessarily rooting for him, not in a sense of "Wow I hope you get what you want and every bad thing you did is justified and never discovered and you live happily ever after (:" but it's more like... "Please just stop doing bad things. Please this one time just walk away and don't do the wrong thing. You can still salvage this. It's not too late in this one instance. REALLY you should be turning yourself in for what you've done, but it's not too late to avoid doing more harm!"
Which, again, is where it may get kind of dangerous, since even I went from "Wow this guy is fucked, i hate him and anyone like him and they should all die" to "Okay I get that you're messed up, but can you just fucking stop?" Throughout the series I just keep turning to my roommate and basically reminding myself out loud "he killed people, wtf" The show doesn't really let you forget, either. Again, it's not like the writers of the show want you to forget what he did and forgive him and let him be happy, they repeatedly remind you that he has done unspeakable harms, and then just when you think it's over and the jig is up, he manages to make it out unscathed.
If you've seen Death Note, it's very similar to the way that's written. In Death Note, you get Light's inner monologue. You almost want to support him because he's convinced HIMSELF that what he's doing is right and hearing his perspective almost convinces YOU that he shouldn't be punished for what he's doing. Death Note is a little different because Light is trying to "save the world" whereas the MC of You is just trying to fall in love, so you might find it harder to sympathize. However, the storytelling is pretty much the same. And what happened to Light? Justice caught up with him. He got what he ultimately deserved, no matter how much you might have wanted to root for him. It's a little harder to root for the MC of 'You' because his end goal is not as "noble" as "ridding the world of evil" or whatever, but I think that's better. It's easier to hate and fear him, especially if you feel like it's something that could happen to anyone. It's something that could happen to you. Which is why I think they chose the name 'You' for the show. For that matter, the you could even be the main character. He just seems like a normal guy. He's just trying his best to survive and make meaningful connections like anyone else. This could be 'You', given the right(wrong) circumstances.
Anyway, I've written a whole lot, glad I put it under a cut, but if you've paid attention to my blog at all you'll probably know that I don't normally talk about media too often on my blog, I'm not too much into "fandoms" or ranting and raving about the stuff I like, so I feel like the fact that I feel compelled to tell other people "omg have you seen You?? can we please talk about wtf is happening in this show??" is honestly reason enough for me to recommend to others and say "it's good!"
But I felt like all these caveats were necessary! Because I do remember seeing a lot of negative reactions from Tumblr users when the show first came out due to the nature of the content and its presentation. If the story were told from the perspective of the women, it would be a horror story. In fact, it wouldn't even be a horror story until the very end when the love-interest finally discovers what's been going on. It would be more like a boring love story until you finally found out "omg he was stalking her? how disgusting!" But that's how it is in real life, too. Real life horror stories aren't always actually horrible until it's too late. You often don't see the atrocities coming when they're committed by someone who you know and trust. That's how the majority of traumas/tragedies go.
By telling it from the bad dude's perspective you get an interesting story, you see how scary it can really be, you see how easily someone's good intentions and average crime-free life can turn sour by a few poorly calculated emotionally-driven decisions. You see how the trauma is created from the actions of authority/parental figures. There is a repeated theme throughout the show of neglected children, and the the people that they can become when it goes unchecked. I feel like that biggest takeaway from the show is that every child should be shown love and kindness. Lest they grow up to be fucking serial killers.
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
oh god seeing that stability transcript i cant believe some people still force their black paladin l4nce idea ahskdjskf glad that they dont even entertain that question. also "from last year" let it sleep my pal (sorry to vent your way ahskdj)
I mean, we’re all going to interpret characters differently, so of course we won’t always agree. And wow, I wish I got to ask questions at two different Voltron panels!! They’re living the dream. 
But yeah, personally I never understood this thing with black paladin Lance and never saw it as something that was ever implied in canon. If anything, we’re shown just how bad a leader Lance would be in season 3. I feel like it’s often glossed over or forgotten, but Lance was incredibly insensitive and selfish. Lance’s entire reason for wanting to lead is merely for the sake of his own glory. 
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And the look on Keith’s face when Lance instigates him to the breaking point is absolutely heart-wrenching. He lashes out in another grief-stricken outburst, and the effect is immediate. The whole room falls silent as Keith panics at how much he’s revealed and quickly closes off again. Keith was mourning, grieving the loss of the one person who never gave up on him. He cared about Shiro more than anyone else in the universe. It’s clear he’s struggling to cope even all these months later, withdrawn and temperamental and always on edge. He’s traumatized, but Lance still has the audacity to disregard Shiro’s last and will and testament for the sake of his own damn ego.
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But even after Lance sees how much he’s hurt Keith, even after he clearly looks concerned–he just doesn’t stop. For the sake of salvaging his own pride and nothing else, he continues to flagrantly spit on what Shiro wanted and just how much his will meant to Keith. And for what? Just to one-up Keith in some imagined game where no one else is keeping score? Sure. Tear on the guy in mourning when he’s just lost the only long-term support he’s ever had in his life and accuse him of being a lying glory hog. That’ll help. 
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When he’s trying to pilot Black, Lance spends more time waiting in the seat than anyone else. While Keith is saying things like “I know this is what you wanted for me Shiro. But I’m not you. I can’t lead them like you,” and begging “please, no”–Lance is sitting there telling himself “This is your moment.” See the difference? Keith was concerned about the overall wellbeing of the team and wanted to do right by Shiro. Lauren straight up said the Black lion saw in Keith what Shiro did, and it was through their bond that she was able to sense Keith’s intentions and merit. Meanwhile, all Lance wanted was to be in charge because he felt like he deserved the glory and attention. I fail to see how he’s mature enough to be the leader over Keith when his entire drive for the job was flimsy and steeped in his own ego and taste for glory. 
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But hey! You know what? That’s okay! Not everyone is meant to be the black paladin. And I think people have really lost sight of what that means–being Black’s pilot doesn’t mean you’re the “best” and it’s just a popularity contest to put your fav on type. The whole point of the lions combining is that everyone has their own strengths and they’re equal parts of a whole. And hey, they’re all still learning! It’s okay if Lance didn’t really have a grasp of what leading meant yet. Yeah, he’s eager to prove himself–something we see in Allura as well. And given the Blue lion’s nature as this “mothering” lion who fosters growth in aspiring pilots, it’s easy to see why she chose Lance and Allura. But then Lance also really grows up here and understands that Voltron is about being a team and not being on top. He respects Black enough to accept her decision and encourages Keith to take up the position instead of tearing him down. And just comparing how he acted at the beginning of the episode, that shows he’s grown a lot. I’m proud of him. 
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So when fandom reinforces this idea that somehow Lance is the true black paladin and Keith is apparently incompetent, it’s always bothered me. I feel for one thing it shows people don’t really care about Keith. And for another, I think it’s people misinterpreting Lance and undermining his character development as well. If his strength in character was to acknowledge when to “put his own need for glory aside” and support what’s best for the team–then why take that development away from him? 
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icegoddessrukia · 4 years
I dont understand azula apologists. She has yet to earn a redemption she has a long long ways to go before she can be forgiven
Exactly... thank you! I really do like Azula as a character and a lot of people do because she’s a complex and entertaining character but I’ve seen so many terrible takes in ATLA fandom and blaming every other character for things that Azula still chose to do of her own will. Sorry I just have to rant about some of the ridiculous complaints and theories I’ve seen regarding Azula...sorry this gets a bit long. 
Ursa and Iroh get blamed for Azula’s situation and demonized. It really annoys me how they insist neither one ever loved or cared about Azula and bash Iroh for his comment about how “she’s crazy and she needs to go down.” Talk about taking things out of context. He said that after Azula literally blasted fire at him and seriously injured him for no real reason...and after she tried to shoot Zuko with lightning and manipulated him and Uncle into almost being kidnapped and taken back home as prisoners to Ozai. 
Iroh was perfectly entitled to that opinion and no, Azula’s age is irrelevant. Iroh is not her parent or her therapist. And fandom needs to stop acting like Ursa was some bad mother who hated Azula because we never saw proof of that. We saw that Ursa was upset by some of the comments Azula made as a child about killing people and that’s pretty understandable for her to have that reaction. 
Some Azula fans also seem to expect her to have joined the Gaang at the end of series and thinking she was somehow slighted... you know after she spent 2 books abusing everyone around her, threw Mai, Suki and Ty Lee into jail, killed Aang, tried to kill Zuko and Katara... sure the whole group is just supposed to bring her back with them and she did nothing wrong 🙄 Not to mention the constant insinuation that Azula was somehow robbed of a redemption arc that she deserved during Books 1-3. 
The insinuations in fandom that Zuko is/was a bad brother or just basically throwing Zuko’s character under the bus to defend Azula with weird comments about how he didn’t do enough for her or wasn’t a good brother. Like fuck that Azula literally terrorized Zuko for his entire life! I’ve even seen Mai get bashed for betraying Azula...you know the girl who was using her power to control Mai and was trying to kill the love of Mai’s life. 
Azula fans (stans, really, not true fans) complaining about Aang allegedly not forgiving Azula in the comics... This one really annoys me because ATLA made clear that some victims choose to forgive their abusers and some don’t and we need to respect that. Stop expecting characters that got hurt by Azula to just forgive her! They don’t know her situation with Ozai and even if they did, it’s irrelevant because she still did fucked up shit and she still has to account for it!
Azula stans blaming Ozai for basically all of Azula’s character traits instead of allowing her to have her own agency just so they can use her trauma as an excuse for everything. Let Azula have her own personality for goodness sake! Let her have her own choices, flaws and motivations. Yes her dad was a huge factor in how she became but to act like she’s nothing more than her dad’s puppet instead of her own character is doing a huge disservice to her.  
Then we get the age argument...insisting that because Azula is 14 we’re supposed to just let that be an excuse for everything she’s ever done. This is ridiculous because the entire main cast are between the ages of 12-16 and we all hold them accountable for their choices. It’s hypocritical because when Zuko, Aang, and Katara make mistakes, they’re called out for it despite their age. 
Can we ever just like villains without making constant excuses for why they do cruel things and blaming their entire characterization on people or situations around them?
Azula would need a very long and complex slow burn redemption arc for it to feel earned. There is a chance for that to happen because I think there’s a part of Azula that is human and has empathy but it would have to be the equivalent of four or five ATLA Books long
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fytaem · 7 years
How have the nomination rules changed since PYN? Is it usually harder for solo artists to get nominated than groups? I guess I dont understand because I thought SHINee had a pretty big and loyal fandom.
Uh...... okay...... let’s take it step by step.
1) Nomination rules haven’t changed since PYN at all. The only things that have changed have been: 1) Instiz Chart changing the sites that count the most in the score distribution (x), 2) Music Core bringing back again the winning system. The 1st one actually hasn’t affected Taemin at all because shawols do work a lot in the same sites as in PYN (Melon, Genie and Bugs) but this time thanks to the free streaming in Naver Music it has become also a new focus of streaming. PYN wasn’t digitally doing well in Melon as it’s happening with MOVE, and yet MOVE has reached #1 in Genie, #1 in Naver and made it to the top10 of Bugs. 
Melon is the most important and popular music site in Korea, because it’s used both by general public and fandoms. So, this means the competition is so high right there due to the competition between fandoms but also the music that the general public listens to, that could be from these idol groups or other artists, but they get truly influenced by TV shows (this is why survival music shows or anything that involves music competition on TV always reach high positions in the charts, because people get attracted by the TV entertainment). Also songs that go viral on the internet or in TV, or between idols, can also reach high positions in charts (for example, Sunmi’s Gashina won’t leave the top100 from charts because people love the song like crazy). So as I said this makes Melon a crazy and difficult chart.
2) No, it’s not harder for solo artists to get nominated. Both Jonghyun and Taemin have been nominated many times. But as I’m repeating again and again these days: the competition is crazy nowadays. People who are underestimating groups like BTOB and NU’EST W have no idea how their popularity has increased in the general public + their own fandoms going harder due to these groups situations (I don’t know if you might know already, but NU’EST for example has suffered a very complicated time due to member Minhyuk being on hiatus from the group because of joining Wanna One, and I think this has increased even more their popularity). In the case of BTOB they are considered idols but idols that many, many people get to know about and that means they get more chances to people to feel interested in their music. Different is the case of EPIK HIGH because they always reach very good numbers in charts, every single time. So no, Taemin doesn’t have low numbers in charts because nobody’s listening to his music, but instead more people are listening to these other groups and in a more potential way. And talking about the success of a solo artist in the charts is, for example, IU, who is extremely loved in Korea and overseas. So, numbers are only numbers of a specific moment from an artist and will be of course conditioned by the moment that other artists are living. Right now the groups I’ve mentioned or even others are living an incredible moment of popularity that, tbh, they deserve because they’ve actually faced terrible situations and they’re getting what they deserve after their hard work. So welp, those who are underappreciating these other groups only because they can’t understand how crazy is the music industry and how many sacrifices groups do to get to the top... Taemin might not be getting music wins but he’s at the top100 of almost all charts, being a 10 years senior and whatever is his results in the music shows he has already a stable career, same as SHINee. Other groups can’t speak the same, so let them enjoy their best moments, because the fact they’re at the top and Taemin’s not doesn’t mean all the world has a bad music taste, but the fact that some fandoms and general public feel attracted to some trends right now, that in the end will end up changing again and again because that’s how the industry works.
3)“SHINee had a pretty big and loyal fandom”. Jesus... okay. As I’ve mentioned, SHINee is a 10 year senior. Back in 2008 when they’ve debuted, they already got noonas (adult women) who followed them like crazy and they increased their popularity between young people with time. Of course there’s still noonas and both adult and young people who love SHINee, but... we’re all living a life. People study, people work, people get married, people get children, etc. Many decisions that leave behind the activities of being a hard fan to become more a quiet fan: to buy CDs and to attend concerts, for example. But, the life of streaming 24/7 music videos and digital charts, the life of purchasing hundreds of copies, the life of being able to wait for hours out for recordings... that’s not something everybody can do, but only young people who can be free in some specific moments and of course people who have money (their own money or money from their parents, that’s it). So no, the activity of SHINee’s fandom isn’t as low as you can imagine? I keep seeing people doing groups and projects, to stream all day, to purchase also copies like crazy, but many of them are also adults that have to control their fan life and their personal life. Young people that belong to newer groups have more time and more access to support their groups, but us, SHINee World, we don’t follow the same rhythm. Does that mean shawols are lazy? There might be people who might be, but sincerely I’ve seen many, many people doing real efforts to support Taemin this time. Does that mean shawols aren’t loyal? Wtf... SHINee has probably one of the most solid fanbases since their debut in 2008. There’s still many people who are staying since 2008 and more people who came later but still are staying for so long. SHINee still gets to get full venues in Korea and overseas, and their tour in the United States is a big example of how even after waiting for so long yet many shawols got to fulfill their dream of seeing SHINee live. So no, SHINee World isn’t a bad fandom only for not behaving in the same way than other actual fandoms. Generations are different and so are fans. Actual young fans will have also to leave some of their fandom activities to pay attention to their responsabilities in a future. 
Also, the fact that SHINee is a group whose concept is to be a “contemporary band” and that means to keep creating new trends and not to follow the trends that others do (important: following a trend doesn’t mean the music is bad, it just follows popular trends because in the end what groups search for is to be popular and to be stable in the music industry). This is a very risky concept and YET SHINee are still known in the Kpop industry. People keep believing rookies just talk about SHINee as a way to show respect but nope, SHINee do actually create a big influence between younger artists, they do know about their music, about their new concepts, dancing, etc. SHINee is that kind of group that might not call the attention of everybody in a first glance, but they already do what other groups might be doing in a near future. SHINee does this and yet they’re into their 10th year as a group, as Jonghyun and Taemin have developed their solo careers but they’ve also this in common with SHINee: to develope music that doesn’t follow trends, but that follows only the personal interests of Jonghyun and Taemin to develope their own and personal color, their own music. And this is amazing, so amazing. Their solo albums, same as SHINee albums, have different sensations and colors and yet you can say it’s their work.
So welp... SHINee World might not be great in front of your eyes when you compare it to other fandoms, as SHINee might not be great in front of many people when comparing with other groups, but SHINee has become already a group that has nothing to prove to the industry, they only are interested in doing their own thing, their music. The fact that Taemin has been talking these days about ignoring gender rules to do the music that he wants, that makes him the artist he is. The fact that Jonghyun does also ignore gender rules, but also trends and general topics to do music from deep inside his soul, even bringing issues as mental health, that makes him the artist he is. SHINee is a 10 year senior with an incredible stability after their different changes in concepts because with each one they’ve developed incredible music, and we all (even with the many differences we have between each other as a fandom) love SHINee’s colors and SHINee’s efforts to bring us fresh and different music, because that’s how SHINee is. And SHINee is fine the way they are, they don’t have to change at all only to get to the top of the charts. 
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//siblings bein’ siblings :’)
boy theyre really piling on the dick with roger. and yet, it somehow feels kinda forced. not quite as goofy-forced as ‘matt swirl my brandy and show off my scratched eye engarde’ but still... 
he’s so obnoxious that i wanna hold up a hand like “chill, chill, youre the villain, you dont have to try so hard. yeesh.”
In spite of everything, it's still (Tr)u(cy)
Did Godot also ghost write the gramarye creed?? We didn't need this man 
I love that she's "magical girl Trucy"
That is a HUGE ASS SWORD. Trucy must be ripped to balance that shit with one hand 
(Cries) the judge bravo’d her my heart
And Apollo asks her to be careful I fhfhfhggg 
JUDGE! Don't call her a butt!! - Bonny: a fan of mine took some footage of the me in the show. It's kind of creepy but it might help.
Me: ok well it can't be any creepier than the normal show footage which focuses on her quite a bit anyway---
(Footage is shot from backstage)
"What a waste of time"
I know, sadmad, it is a waste of time hinting And blabbing on when the contradiction is SO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS
To this games credit, I actually looked thru the footage to check for the edit and it's actually there. You can see the screen skip ever so slightly. I mean it's a little improbable that Trucy was still in the same position after twirling but that's a neat little detail. Not bad, SOJ, not bad at all.
- (Snerk) sexy pan up shot for mr retinz
- I know everyone loves the 'what's crackalackin homie" line but it stinks of pandering to me
It's like mr grossberg saying his hemerhoids were doing the Harlem shake. But I don't even think they were referencing the meme back then.
Also something about the way they write Nahyuta feels like the equivalent of a foreign character saying "it is-- 'ow you say..."
Burger barn sounds like the shittiest restaurant on earth. I wonder if it was the Ramen Ranch in the Japanese version...
"It's pretty long so I'll just show you the part with.." OHHH NO. We learned our lesson in dual destinies. We watch ALL the footage, damn it.
That must be Trucy! ... Six seconds after she runs in the opposite direction, also shown rising up into the rafters. ‘kay. Sounds legit. Prosecutor sadmad, please call me a moron and threaten more insignificant reincarnations...
"It threatens to disrupt the karmic course of this case" You mean it's so bullshit that you're obviously going to lose, right? It's ok, you can just come right out and say it. Nobody will mock you.
huh. retinz just called sadmad ‘pretty boy’
gee whiz guess theyre gay for each other now. c’mon fandom work your magic.
I'm starting to really not know what the victim’s last rights actually are. could you be a lil more clear on that sadmad
but it sure is for mine [snicker]
also gr8 excuse there, roger
“every industry has its own way of doing things, just as we in the legal profession focus exclusively on evidence and testimony’
really? for some reason i thought you were more interested in The Magic Pool and The Screams of the Condemned.
i can see theyre trying to write sadmad funny but its just not.... funny???
even with roger’s obnoxious persona i find him funnier. his texting sprite is hilarious. he just looks so fuckin pleased with himself.
Lang Zi says... Nahyuta needs a different schtick.
( well this numbskull has a thick skin, so there )
-holds back tears-
“not bad for a shitty soap opera twist”
yeesh, that was a very sudden bout of self-loathing from the writers.
poor manov. somehow i feel more sad about his death than the entirety of the victims in DD (apart from Clay that is)
i mean he was just some magician tryna make it big.
(sigh) they tried to do the ‘are you high’ joke again and yet they still dont understand what made it funny in the first place.
“Strange are the karmic threads before me...”
is that Koorahneese for ‘shit, I'm losing!!’
i love when villains do that thing where it’s obviously fucking them and a jury would haul their ass to jail in 2 seconds but since it’s the bench trial system theyre like :3c I'm not admitting to anything! I just revealed something incriminating and suspicious as fuck but since my name isn’t carved into it you cant punish me~~~
im not being sarcastic either, at this point its just funny 
roger must have assistant’s blood in him; all of them can do it 
ohhhh. ohhh. i think. i see how he did it. if so, shit bro; that’s fucked up. but actually a pretty good sneaky murder method, with some pretty good foreshadowing that really stuck in my mind. 
Not bad, SOJ. Not bad at all.
‘do you think the audience will let you get away with the twins schtick twice in a row?’
alright writers, your self deprecation is making me a little uncomfortable now.
i like picturing manov’s soul sitting on he judge’s head.
“could you hurry it up? I'm tired of listening to butterfly over there banging on about last rights. i just wanna see retinz get his ass kicked.”
wait did i completely miss something 
what the fuck is with the random tuna boat joke
did i miss a reference to it before
is it a joke on turnabout: tuna-boat ??
hang on. is this a half-case? 
they did this in dual destinies with the two last ones. i guess they can’t fit five full cases into a game after all... for some reason.
i was right! well done. thats a well written twist. anyway, most importantly:
as much as i appear to like ragging on these games, i really hope the rest of the cases are as good. 
sadmad: you f––
writers: [shake heads vigorously and make cut-throat motions]
sadmad: ..! ..uhh... [opens up a thesaurus] dim-witted... ignorant... imbecilic?
writers: [nod and sigh in relief]
sadmad: putrid red pepper. 
“just some good old fashioned logic”
oh look at that they just admitted the ‘rethinking the case” mechanic is just an off brand logic rip-off.
wow that was the most over-the-top prosecutor breakdown I've ever seen. how did that even work? physically, i mean
maybe the soul butterfly is getting its revenge
also holy shit that was one helluva hallucination. I'd like to think Magnifi was responsible from beyond the grave for one last feat in dickery. 
Trucy’s absolutely right and murder is 99% never justified, but Magnifi is heavily implied to be a bag of dicks. 
“Wow trucy, i never knew that being the best could be so tough good for your dating life’
“do you think I'm a naive greenhorn?” “No, she's not...”
don't use the ‘smile in spite of everything’ thing, don't use the ‘smile in spite of everything’ thing, don't use the ‘smile in spite of everything’ thing––
Ff fffffuuuuck
god dAMNIT
what is japans obsession with smiling thru shitty times??? its, like, ok to cry when you feel down, you know? its admirable to be strong in times of distress but your worth isn't based solely on how well you can pretend not to feel like shit
why not present that quick-ass thinking she did to get around Bonny’s mistake? THAT is the mark of someone who’s ready to be on stage. somebody who’s ready for any eventuality; that’s the mark of a clever performer. she kept a cool head and let the show go on; thats impressive!!!
get this shoe-horned in shit outta my face.
alright alright... theyre trying to have an emotional moment between siblings. ill calm down... for now.
Apollo: You’ve really changed Edge––– eh h I mean, Nahyuta.
Nahyuta: fuck you. 
trucy: you don't like to talk about your past, do you? because you always change the subject!
apollo: its not so much that i don't like to talk about it as that it’s constantly being rewritte––– 
[shotgun cocking sound from capcom]
phoenix: you're a full fledged lawyer, apollo
apollo: aww gee thanks
phoenix: do you know the definition of full-fledged, in the bird world
apollo: uh
phoenix: it means they fly the coop. leave the nest. go to a completely different country, shall we say
apollo: ah
phoenix: just putting that out there apropos of nothing.
apollo is now fucking dead, and living up to the title “Spirit of Justice”
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baobao0331 · 8 years
My hope for the Sherlock fandom
A disclaimer: I ship Johnlock. But this post entry is NOT about why I believe in this relationship. This post is about my thoughts on the different reactions from the Sherlock TFP, why there are such strong reactions, and what should we do about it. I also enjoy other ships: sherlolly and Adlock. And I follow people with different ships. All ships can sail and should sail, in each shipper’s own universe. That is the enjoyment of being in the fandom - to make our fantasies come true on Tumblr, share it with like-minded souls, and see what different ships look like.
Jan 29 is the anniversary when John first met Sherlock. I think very few people will disagree, that John and Sherlock share a very special bond, they care for each other, they understand each other, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for each other … that they share a very strong emotional bond, which can best be described as love. What kind of love it is - romantic or bro, intimate or plutonic … has never been explicitly confirmed by either the book or the TV show (no kiss in TFP). Many johnlock shippers are hugely disappointed, and many are still angry. I was disappointed at first after TFP. And without the kiss, I lost the bet to my husband. But with help from some blogs from Tumblr, @ivyblossom in particular, I got over it, and now I see, that the ambiguity is a gift that the show gave to all the different shippers in the fandom - a freedom to hold on to everyone’s fantasies, and dream on. The show give permission to fan’s imaginations to run free, and that, is a beautiful thing - all shippers can sail freely, in our own alternative universe.
From a story telling point of view, leaving lots of room for people to keep guessing is a good and often adopted approach, it keeps the story living on, and inspires all fans to continue to guess and debate, long after the show is finished. Will he, or won’t he? Many great literatures have done that.
Commercially speaking, I can also see why the show runners left Sherlock’s emotional journey unclear, and dropped hints that made all ships have reason to go on. Sherlock has been a huge commercial success globally, and confirming one ship is to deny other ships. In particular, if johnlock is the intended ship for the show runners, confirm it explicitly would have meant a much less global sale and refusal for entry in quite a few huge markets, such as China and Russia. While many, especially young people, would like to argue that for a right cause it is worth it, and I myself feel the show missed a historical opportunity to be a true trail blazer, I respect the creators’ choice, whether it is for artistic or commercial reasons. It is their show. And a brilliant and successful show it is.
About Johnlockers’ deep disappointment - it is natural for any shippers who have their fantasy / speculation denied to feel disappointed. But the blow of the ambiguity to the johnlockers is particularly hard. Many are very bitter, many are angry, many lashed out to the show and to other shippers in the fandom. This level of resentment is unusual. Why? It is not just about a ship, a wish for two persons to be romantically involved. To many people, johnlock is about the LGBTQ community finally has a main stream world wide popular show that can champion their right to be recognized and accepted. Also I do believe that there are a lot more hints and evidence of johnlock in the show, than any other ships, so johnlockers felt very convinced that they know what the show runners’ end goal is, when when it did not happen, they felt cheated, and worse, betrayed. But considering john and sherlock are the two main characters in the show, it is only natural that people will find more evidence to support this relationship than others. To be fair, even though Molly and Irene have a lot less scenes, the show has provided enough evidence for these two ships to ring true, to their believers.
Why so angry and drastic reaction? In human’s progress and fight against injustice and discrimination, minorities being oppressed often have to resort to more extreme measures to shake and wake people up and make their voices heard. There are many examples. The women’s liberation movement - many burned bras, some went to the extremes of undergoing operations to give up their ability to bear offsprings. But now in western countries, although the discrimination still exists to various degrees, overall women have a lot more choices, and the movement is a lot milder - because we (I am a woman) now have a lot more equality with man than before. Our rights are a lot better protected than before. The fight for equality for women continues, but at a much more confident and calmer level.
Imagine years from now, when same sex marriage is widely accepted (even if just in western, developed countries), when many LGBTQ people no longer feel the need to hide their sexual orientation, when their rights are truly and thoroughly well protected under the law, even if it may still be imperfect, even if there are still wide gap to fill (just like women’s equality issue now), do you think some johnlockers will react with such strong emotional responses? I think not. Because by then, their disappointment would have only due to their ships not sailed, but not about their identify and hope for acceptance and equality, which is every single person on earth’s god given right. I am confident that day will come, in the not so distant future, because I believe that civilization is progressing to be more and more supportive of a society where people are equal, maybe we will never reach there entirely, but we get closer and closer, even though there are bumps along the way.
So I do understand, deeply, why such anger among many johnlockers, in particular at this point, when there is a major setback in the US for minority rights, with the election of the new president. Johnlock is no longer just a fantasy about a relationship, to many people in the LGBTQ community and their supporters (myself included), it became a beacon of light, a symbol of what could be and should be, but did not.
This is not to say, that sending hate mails to the show or to others who do not share the same ship is right. Those who have done so need to realize, you should treat people the way you would like to be treated. And no one want to receive angry or hate messages, or have people lash out to them, simply because they do not share the same view. Those people need to understand that, people who do not confirm or support johnlock in no way equals to people who do not support LGBTQ community.
Many are hating this show which they had been loving and supporting for the past 6 years simply because the kiss did not happen. But I would like to remind everyone, in addition to its enormous entertainment value, how much this show has done to unite and inspire the LGBTQ community, and how much it has raised awareness of LGBTQ issues around the world. Take me for example, I am a straight married woman. Before the show I was fairly indifferent about LGBTQ issues and the discrimination against this community. But with this show, and through following people on tumbler, I understood the issues a lot better and gained a deep empathy, not just for this community, but for minority groups in general. I got to know several people from this community in Tumblr , that I adore, respect and admire. As a result, I am trying in my work and life, to find ways to support minority groups, whether it is LGBTQ or women, Muslims, etc.
Think about it, how can some people send hate mails to Mark Gatiss, an openly gay man who has devoted so much of his life in getting the community equal rights and raise awareness? How doe he feel that some people in his own community resent him, while he has given so much of himself to the cause? Mark deserves better. I sure hope, being a celebrity, Mark has thicker skin and can brush such negativities off easily, although I certainly can not, and I dont think he can either. Celebrities are human beings first, they can be vulnerable, they have the same feelings as us, and they have every right to be respected.
My hope: johnlockers who are hurt and angry, could calm down and channel your imagination and energy into continuing supporting LGBTQ community, and let your johnlock belief live on in your hearts and in your own fan arts, and let that continue to be an inspiration to you. Don’t harbour hate, it not only hurts the people we lash out to, it also hurts and poisons our own heart, and our own cause.
My hope: others who do not share and support angry responses to the show, can champion the voice of reason. If you feel that you are strong and in a good mental place and have the capacity to support others, then reach out and help those who are suffering, be understanding and tolerant. The people who are hurting now, are the same people we shared our joys of the show with, and they are going through a grieving process; If you feel you are not in a position to support or not have the willingness to help those who are suffering now , by own means don’t. Stop following angry posts. You have every right to do so. You need to take care of yourself and your own mental health first.
John and Sherlock have such a beautiful relationship (whatever it is), let’s simply treasure it in the way we interpret and want it to be. Whatever you think, as long as it keeps you happy and content, you can do no wrong.
Wow, this is long. I know the likelihood of this post gets read by more than even 10 people over Tumblr will be slim. But I take the comfort that I have said my piece, organized my thoughts, and cleared my head through this writing process. I am more determined than ever, that today, I will go to the next step to proactively reach out to support minority groups, within my sphere of influence, whether it is through work, through volunteering, or even through Tumblr. I know exactly what I am going to do today, and the next day, and the next day, to make a difference. DO YOU?
This is after all, what Benedict Cumberbatch would have done, and in fact, what he is doing. All I need to do is to follow my angel.
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