#i still think meredith deserved a brother
daitranscripts · 1 month
Cullen Deleted Dialogue
Cullen Masterpost
Let’s do something together. PC: I could use some fresh air, could you?
Cullen: Rooms in the Ferelden Circle were shared. Beval requested a transfer because apparently I talk in my sleep. PC: You do.
Cullen: They didn't speak often, but Carver was always loyal. Cullen: The recruits knew better than to insult his brother. Cullen: No one dared speak ill of his sister.
Cullen: …it would look bad if I laughed in the middle of an inspection. I bruised a rib hiding it.
Cullen: …but he just kept talking. We all just looked at each other. The mages were as confused as I was.
Cullen: I don't know what he'd done, but the bird was tangled in the jesses. I had to cut her loose.
Cullen: (Laughs.) Did you really? There must be more to it. What happened after that?
Cullen: Honestly, I couldn't keep my eyes off you. But we'd only just met.
Cullen: Does this one have a name? A fine bird like this deserves a name.
Cullen: I've attended a few Harrowings. Even when everything goes well, they are nerve-wracking.
Cullen: …and then traveled by ship to Kirkwall. I'd lived in the middle of a lake. I thought I was prepared for sea travel…
Cullen: I didn't tell Leliana we were borrowing her bird. Chances are she knows anyway.
Cullen: …then says, "She's from Kirkwall," as if I would know her. Kirkwall's a big city. I didn't go around introducing myself to everyone.
Cullen: If Varric writes a story about all of this, do you think I'll be in it?
Cullen: …it doesn't matter if you have magical resistance or not. Getting singed by a fireball hurts.
(I cannot find the plot trigger for this dialogue, but it is in Cullen’s main dialogue tree.)
Investigate: Have You Met Hawke Before? PC: Did you ever cross paths with Hawke in Kirkwall?
Choice dependent dialogue:
Hawke sided templars [1]
Hawke sided mages [2]
1 - Hawke sided templars Cullen: When the city fell to chaos, Hawke fought alongside the templars. Kirkwall would be in ruins if not for [them].
Cullen (met Hawke, pre-Adamant): I’m grateful for any help [they] can offer. Cullen (Hawke left in the fade): To lose Hawke as we did… I can’t imagine Varric’s taking it well. I wish there was something I could say. Scene ends.
2 - Hawke sided mages Cullen: A few times. Hawke stood with the mages when the fighting broke out. PC: You were on opposing sides. Cullen: At first. In the end, Hawke’s stand against Knight-Commander Meredith saved us all.
Cullen (met Hawke, pre-Adamant): I’m grateful for any help [they] can offer. Cullen (Hawke left in the fade): (Sighs.) [They] seemed invincible then. Scene ends.
Beginning of the romance:
Soldier: Commander! You wanted a copy of Sister Leliana’s report.
Cullen: What?
Soldier: Sister Leliana’s report. You wanted it delivered “without delay.”
Cullen: Yes. I said that.
Cullen: I meant to my office.
Soldier: Or… to your office… right…
I want to be friends.
PC: I’d rather we were friends.
Cullen looks at the PC.
PC: I should have said something before. I hope it’s not too late.
Cullen: No. You had my friendship before we—you have it still.
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she-karev · 2 months
The Talk About Kids (Jolex Imagine)
Previous Chapter Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Alex and Jo
AN: I decided to shift my focus to a power couple that deserved so much more. I decided to show Alex and Jo throughout pivotal moments in Season 16 and 17 that I believe would fit them.
Summary: Alex and Jo go over adoption agencies online in the loft until people come over to celebrate their nuptials, cutting the moment short. The gang figures out their plans and react with joy.
Words: 1642
November 1st, 2019
“How about this one?”
Jo asks Alex who is busy making coffee while Jo is at the table going over adoption agencies in Seattle. The couple are still clad in their pajamas, having just woken up with Jo already on the track to finding a baby to adopt. Alex is giddy at her eagerness and feels his dream coming closer by the minute.
Alex walks over and looks over Jo’s shoulder at the screen showing an adoption agency website, “What makes this one special?”
“They take in safe haven babies instead of letting them go through the system. I mean its fate, right? For us to find a baby like me who was left by their mother outside a fire station?”
“Yeah, that would be great if we found a baby who was in your situation.” Alex closes his eyes at how that sounded, “Not great for the baby, I meant great for us to give that abandoned baby a chance we never got.”
“I know honey.” Jo says with a grin, “We still have to find a house and make it picture perfect for inspection so we’re just going over our options before we apply but this definitely looks promising.”
“If it has your approval then it’s got mine.” Alex pulls out his phone, “I should look into real estate agents while you do agencies, divide and conquer.”
A knock on the door stops him from typing up in the search engine. He groans but puts his phone away and walks to the door opening it to find a group of five people on the other side. Meredith Grey, Jackson Avery, Link, Andrew DeLuca and Amber Karev are on the other side holding items in their hands. Jo sees the gang and closes her laptop, not quite feeling ready to tell them about their plans to have a baby.
“Hey, what are all of your guys doing here?” Alex asks causing Meredith to raise an eyebrow.
“You told me you got married last night; did you really not expect a celebration? Or gifts?”
“Yeah dummy.” Amber adds passing her brother with a waffle maker box in hand, “It was about time you two knuckleheads sign the damn papers like you should have from the beginning.”
Andrew shakes his head amused at his live-in girlfriend, “That is Amber speak for congratulations from both of us. Happy marriage.”
The whole gang enter the loft and greet Jo who smiles at them, “Hey guys you really didn’t have to do this, the last wedding was good enough for us.”
“Well Meredith insisted we come over and congratulate you in person.” Link explains putting a box of whiskey glasses set on the table, “I think she’s antsy for a party.”
“I just got out of prison.” Meredith reminds them all, “And my medical license might be taken away from me and everyone at Grey Sloan hates me so I need have happy moments otherwise I will start throwing furniture. Coffee?” She asks sharply.
Alex quickly heads to the coffee pot, “Yep.”
Jackson hands Jo a bottle of fine whiskey, “Congratulations you guys.”
Jo grins, “Thank you, you didn’t bring Vic?” Jo sees Amber pursing her lips at the mention of Vic clearly still detesting the firefighter Jackson is casually seeing.
Jackson catches Amber’s disgusted look, “I was planning on coming tonight to bring you the gift, but Amber insisted I ditch my breakfast date with Vic. More like demanded even though I’m her boss.”
“Oh boo hoo.” Amber says dismissively, “Your good friends got legally married last night, celebrating that takes precedence over being sad rebounds for firefighters.”
Jackson groans at that and asks Jo half seriously, “Please remind me why I keep her around?”
Jo chuckles and pulls Amber in for a side hug, “Oh come on, you and I know underneath that crusty exterior there’s a heart. Besides it’s not the first time she disliked someone who’s seeing her favorite men in the world.”
Alex chuckles nostalgically, “Yeah that is very true. One time I caught her putting a cockroach down my dates back and she ran away screaming. I swear I wanted to give her an atomic wedgie so bad.”
Amber grins at that, “Well the high school tramp was calling mom a nutty loon and she talked down to me and told me to make myself useful and get her a water. And most of your other girlfriends treated me just like that, a mini waitress working minimum wage. Same goes for Aaron, you two like to pick girls whose IQ is as high as their bra sizes.”
Meredith chuckles, “So I guess this attitude towards Vic is because you see her as not being good enough for Jackson? Nobody can be good enough for your brothers?”
Amber scoffs and acts tough, “Your crazy if you think I’m that invested in these idiot’s love lives. I just hate awful people and they have a preference for them.” Jo glares at that, “Except for you, you are the exception.”
Jo chuckles and pulls her sister-in-law in for a side hug, “Well I’m glad I got your approval.”
“Please do me a favor though.” Jackson asks Amber with a pleading face, “Don’t scare Vic away with a cockroach or a snake or whatever disgusting creature feels drawn to your evil nature.”
“Are you gonna make me some coffee?” Amber asks causing Jackson to roll his eyes but head towards the coffee maker to Amber’s satisfaction, “I’ll do my best then.”
Jo chuckles and pulls away, “We feel bad if we knew you were coming, we would have made a spread or something.”
“Since when do you cook?” Meredith teases before proposing, “We’ll just go to a pancake house and celebrate with lots of carbs and syrup.”
“And bacon.” Link adds with a smile, “You can’t have a celebration breakfast without bacon.”
Meredith laughs, “And in that spirit I’ll find us a breakfast place nearby that serves all of that.” Meredith opens the laptop to Alex and Jo’s distress.
“Wait Mer don’t-” Alex’s attempts are stopped as the screen pops up showing the adoption agency website that Jo left it on.
Meredith looks at the website in silent shock with the rest of the gang looking at her confused. Alex and Jo look both embarrassed and relieved at the cat being out of the bag. Jo sighs and stands next to Alex wrapping her arm around his back as they face Jackson, Link, DeLuca and Amber who look confused by Meredith’s frozen face. Jo and Alex look at each other silently communicating that it’s okay to tell people.
“We have an announcement to make.” Alex starts.
Jo smiles, “We’re gonna have a baby.”
The gang have different reactions of joy with Link asking ‘what?’ with a big smile, Jackson’s eyes shot up in shock, Amber’s mouth gapes open before laughing in joy with her boyfriend Andrew next to her smiling saying congratulations.
“Eventually.” Jo elaborates with a smile over their joy, “We’re looking at adoption agencies which is what Meredith is seeing at the laptop that caught her off guard.”
Meredith closes the laptop and goes to the happy couple with a smile, “Congratulations! Your gonna be parents!” She hugs Alex first who smiles at the affection as well as Jo who gets a hug as well before Meredith pulls back, “And if you ever need help with the adoption process, I am the person to turn to.”
“Thank you we really appreciate it.” Jo tells her good friend.
“And seriously.” Meredith starts with a grin, “Zola is the best thing that happened to me and Derek, I knew from the moment I saw her that she was ours and you’ll know it with your baby.”
Alex grins, “I hope so and you know if it wasn’t for me that little girl wouldn’t have even come here and you wouldn’t have met her so really, I’m the reason you started your family.”
“Humble as always.” Meredith quips, “But thank you for that.”
Amber shrieks at the news and immediately tackles her brother in a bear hug that takes him by surprise, “Wow kid I think this is the most affection you’ve ever shown me.” Alex tells his sister in a strained voice over how tight she’s squeezing him.
Jo giggles and at the sight, “We take it your happy.”
Amber pulls back still smiling, “Of course I’m happy I’m finally gonna be an Auntie, Auntie Amber. What took you two so long? I have been dying to have a niece or nephew to spoil.”
Alex chuckles, “We’ll things have happened, and life got in the way of us taking the next big step.”
Jo holds his hand, “But then we realized that life is always gonna be unpredictable so we might as well have a little more love and joy to get through it.”
“Amen.” Link states, “And if you guys have a baby before me, I can just watch you two and figure how to not screw up my kid.”
Jackson chuckles, “What he means is congratulations and we hope you guys start a family soon. And if you ever need a reference, I am always up for it.”
“Or you can pick me and DeLuca and Link instead.” Meredith and Jackson look at Amber with a raised eyebrow over excluding them, “Sorry guys but out of all of us you two have a record as dirty as a swamp rat in a sewer.”
Jackson clicks his tongue, “Ouch.”
“She is right.” Meredith says, “She’s mean but she’s right. Okay shall we get a breakfast spread to celebrate you guys getting legally married and starting to have a baby?” The gang all agree and head out for a breakfast party to celebrate this new chapter in Alex and Jo’s life.
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highwayphantoms · 2 months
Hi Jay! How about "if i could tell you the truth, i would." for Cullen & Hawke? Happy writing!
thank you for the prompt! I had fun with this one :D
for @dadrunkwriting
Words: 686 Rating: T Warnings: None
It was a disgustingly hot day, even for Kirkwall, and Serafina felt distinctly like she was on the verge of melting where she stood. It didn’t help that she was stuck out in the middle of the Gallows courtyard, without an ounce of shade to be had, while she waited for the next boat to take her back to the city proper. Still, at least she wasn’t wearing full plate armor. Every templar she could see looked utterly miserable, between the searing heat of the sun and the muggy air. They deserved it, as far as she was concerned. All of them.
As distracted as she was by the satisfaction of knowing that every templar in sight was faring worse than she was in the heat, Serafina didn’t realize she had company until Cullen stepped directly into her line of sight. She glowered at him, but made no attempt to leave. There was, after all, nowhere to go. Not unless she fancied taking a dip in the harbor, and she very much did not. Kirkwall’s harbor was disgusting, full of all the same shit as Darktown and then some. If you got out away from the city, down along the coast, the water was better, but it had been a long time since she’d made that particular journey.
“Still here, Hawke?” Cullen said, settling into his usual crossed-arms position.
She gestured in the direction of the miserable little dock, not that it was visible from where she stood. “Do you see a ferry boat, Knight-Captain?” she said flatly.
“No?” He was quiet for a moment, then added, “You don’t have to stand out here, you know. It’s a fair bit cooler inside.”
“I prefer to limit the amount of time I spend in close quarters with people who want to see me dead,” she replied.
“I don’t believe anyone here wants you dead, Hawke. You saved this city from the qunari barely a year ago, after all.”
She snorted and pointedly traced the scar along her jaw with one finger. “Where do you think I got this?”
Wisely, Cullen answered, “I don’t know.”
“Templars, Cullen.” Not that they’d known who she was back then. No one had. She’d been a nobody, just another Fereldan refugee in a sea of them. Sometimes she wished she still had that anonymity—but living in Hightown was worth it. She’d been lucky to survive that particular encounter, and her ruined knee was a perpetual reminder of it. At least the scar on her face didn’t hurt. “You’re not the only one who thinks mages aren’t people. Just the only one stupid enough to say so to my face.”
He visibly winced. Good.
“Did you actually want something?” she added after a few moments. “If not, I’d suggest you fuck off and bother someone who doesn’t entertain idle thoughts of setting this place ablaze.”
“Stone doesn’t burn,” Cullen muttered.
“Thank you for this novel insight, Knight-Captain. I had no idea.”
“Maker spare me. I’m trying to be civil, Hawke, but you make it difficult.”
She grinned. “Good. I try.”
“I cannot fathom how you ever made a single friend when you’re so… like this.”
“It is as much a mystery to me as it is to anyone else,” she said simply. “Why are you even bothering to speak to me if you don’t want something?”
“Is it not enough that we work together?”
“Ugh. More like I do Meredith’s dirty work so you all leave my friends alone.”
“I don’t buy it, no.” She shrugged. “What, do you think being friendly with me is going to get you on my brother’s good side? Because that’s hilarious and will never work.”
Cullen smiled thinly. “If I could tell you the truth, I would. But I don’t think you’d believe me.”
“Nope,” she said, popping the p sound to be as irritating as possible. “I probably wouldn’t.”
Off in the direction of the Gallows’ meager docks, a bell rang out.
“Oh, and look. My ride back to the city is here.” She sketched a mocking bow, and said cheerily, “See you never.”
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Do you know who I respect? Everyone who has an Inquisitor Carver AU. Y'all are neat because like... you get it. You see the potential, you see the tragedy of it, you get so creative with everything, and I am here for it.
Because Carver has such Main Character energy but is constantly overshadowed by everyone in DA2...but then he ends up going through an entire hero's journey as a warden or templar in the background while we as Hawke is just stumble our way into becoming champion. Then he shows up at the end as a warden or is a templar who turns on Meredith to fight with you, like.... baby brother went through some shit and we still don't give him the acknowledgement he deserves.
Carver just wants to be wanted, to be needed. He wants to protect people, to keep everyone he loves safe. He wants to prove his worth and make something of himself, to find fulfillment in his life after spending so much time stagnant. He wants to matter so much, to make a name for himself, and DA2 blocks him at nearly every corner.
Carver doesn't have his own people. We don't know if he has friends or anyone he actually hangs out with outside of Hawke's group. Most of them don't like him or take him seriously. He has a crush on Merrill but he's awkward and she's oblivious so that goes no where.
Even before DA2, Carver's the only Hawke sibling without magic and that was isolating for him. He never felt like he could go out and thrive because it would bring unwanted attention to his family of apostates.
So him becoming the Inquisitor seems like the perfect opportunity for him, right? He gets to make his mark! He gets to be in charge and make important, life changing decisions! He gets his own inner circle of friends!
Except Inquisition is possibly the worst game for him to be the main character of and THAT is the tragic beauty of it.
Because the Inquisitor is the most important person in Thedas but no one outside of the inner circle actually gives a shit about who they are. The Inquisitor as a person isn't important. Hell, the Inquisitor isn't even a person to some. They are a symbol first and foremost. They are the Herald of Andraste and no one cares if they want the title or not, or if they're even the right person for the job! They have the mark, they were touched by Andraste! They fell outta the fade! They don't get a choice, it's forced on them by everyone.
And Carver as the Inquisitor? First of all: "Hey, wait a minute, this isn't the Hawke we ordered! ....Eh, close enough, I guess."
Second, Carver suddenly having a magical glowing mark on his hand that can close fade rifts after spending his entire life as the only Hawke sibling without any magic? Give him some space, he needs to breathe, what do you MEAN HE FELL OUT OF THE FADE--
Third, Carver gets to lead the Inquisition, make important decisions, and have an inner circle.....yet it's absolutely a case of "I'm surrounded by so many people yet I've never felt so alone" because again... Carver's finally important and needed, but so few people actually care about him as a person, how he's actually dealing with all of this. They care more about what they can get out of him.
Fourth, Here Lies the Abyss...... reuniting with Hawke and potentially losing them in the fade...... excuse me while I go SCREAM.
Lastly, Carver is a two-handed warrior who takes great pride in those skills as a warrior.......... y'all remember what happens to the Inquisitor at the end of Trespasser??? In the end, the mark will slowly kill Carver until he loses a hand. Not only will he need to recover physically from that, but emotionally and mentally. He puts so much of his self-worth in those skills that losing a hand and not being able to fight the way he used to would be devastating.
There's just SO MUCH, okay?? Listen:
--Varric has so much dirt on Carver from their days in Kirkwall and he never misses an opportunity to tell an embarrassing story but if you think Varric isn't extra protective?? or that he doesn't go out of his way to check on how Carver's actually doing?? You're wrong and you should feel bad, Varric is here for him.
--Carver and Cullen meeting in the war room for the first time like:
Carver: Oh good, the blasted Knight-Captain from Kirkwall. Cullen: Oh good, Hawke's little brother. Carver&Cullen: WONDERFUL.
but also:
Josephine: How should we handle this situation? Cullen: Punch it. Carver: Agreed. Punch it. Cullen: With swords. Carver&Cullen: PUNCH IT WITH SWORDS!
--Carver canonically had a small crush on Leliana from when they were both in Lothering, now she's one of his advisors... small world.
--A warden Carver meeting Blackwall and immediately being like "...if you're a warden, then why can't I sense the taint in you, hmmm?" whereas a templar Carver would shrug and say, "I don't know anything about the wardens so I believe you, welcome to the Inquisition."
--It doesn't matter who Carver romances, all four choices are hilarious in some way.
Cassandra threatened to kill him and is so Andrastian that she's a potential candidate for Divine but she's also killed a dragon and that's pretty hot; The Iron Bull shows up in Carver's room like "I've noticed the flirting, you want to ride the bull" but Carver keeps insisting he's a top; Josephine is so pretty and shiny and kind but boy it's like trying to ask Merrill out all over again, he's awkward and she's oblivious; Dorian's a mage from Tevinter and Carver can already hear Gamlen's voice in his head saying, "A mage? You're just like your mother."
--Carver: I knew an elven slave from Tevinter. He was a friend of my siblings. Dorian: Oh? Carver: He used to fist magisters to death. Dorian: ... Carver: It was pretty neat.
And all of that is just scratching the surface.
There's so much fun and tragedy to be had with Carver as Inquisitor. I love and hate it, and I want more. Y'all keep making it, I'm rooting for you.
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marlasomething · 1 year
Thought Runner 2049 (Bugborg Week - June 14)
Summary: Former gun for hire, re-invented into white-collar criminal Nebula is being interviewed after being offered a job by Yondu's Criminal Family by Mantis...maybe they get along better than expected.
Relationships: Nebula/Mantis
A/N: Written for day 3 of @bugborgweek2023
Prompt: Love languages
Word count: 1626
CW: parental abuse, memories of body modification and abuse, childhood trauma
Also on AO3!
Nebula didn’t like human contact. Usually, it was something that she could easily avoid. After all, his father had been one of the most influential politicians in the History of the United States and, even these days, after having been proved how many terrible things he had done, plenty of people defended him and his shadow grew as larger as it had always done.
This fear didn’t only come from the fact that everybody knew that he seemed to believe he was the only one within the right to harm his step-children, though. It also came from the fact that, even though she had stopped being his hitman many years ago already, but people still knew about her handy-work from that time.
Since then, she had become one of the most successful criminals in the white-globe criminal underground. She had sworn not to kill unless strictly necessary. Not because she cared much about other people’s lives, but because she simply wanted to show Thanos he hadn’t irremediable turned her into a monster.
Of course, that didn’t mean that she didn’t occasionally end some people’s existence if it was absolutely necessary. Alas, her reputation was, somehow, intact in what toughness was referred.
Right now, she was wondering whether it might become even stronger in the violent department, as the contact from Yondu’s Ravangers kept being nice to her.
“Nepo-bug” she grunted, piercing her with her mechanically altered eyes. The other woman, who had some physical alterations done as well (making her shorta kinda similar to the animal she had chosen to name herself after, presumably once she had been adopted by her actual boss), blinked at her, offended.
“That was unnecessary . I’ve proved myself quite capable when it comes to read emotions and reach out to other… Illegal firms . It has nothing to do with who my family is. Also, it is really rude to pray upon another person’s body. Maybe I have good reasons for looking like… this ” after saying that, she made an unconscious gesture, grapping her very own wrist as it hurt.
Nebula understood that language.
  “Dad, why does it hurt so much?”
“Don’t worry Nebula. You will be better once you get used to it. After all, wasn’t your meaty right arm a bother most of the time…?”
 “Fuck, I knew that Ego guy was pretty terrible. I mean, he liked Thanos; but…I won’t say I am sorry, because your current dad still wants to buy my services for far too less than they are worth, but…I get it. What did he do in your head?”
Mantis composed an unreadable expression, completely alien for Nebula, before answering.
“Just sensors to get people better. That is how I know you are trying to get extra money just to prove to your sister that she got payed less because she fancies my brother in the Biblical sense . Also, the money part of business is held by my mom, not dad. Meredith is the best with money, even if not choosing partners, some might say” she smile, and it was genuine. Then, she clicked her fingers and an angry male voice could be heard from behind a wall as all the cameras shut down.
“Lylla! The blue-tattooed lady is going to kill our Mantis if we left them alone. And, then, Drax is going to kill ME !”
“Oh, Rocket, pretty please, shut up or you are sleeping on the couch. I think those two deserve a bit of intimacy…you are alone, honey! Right, Rocket ?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, but you go next time Floor’s teacher calls, alright?”
A door opened and closed and Nebula didn’t hear the end of the conversation (not that she cared).
“So….terrible early childhood dad, uh?”
“Biological, in my case. He cheated on Meredith with a…I don’t even know who my mother was, or is. Just that I was one of those kids that were already born with an inclination to be genetically modified and, since Peter is too old-fashioned human for it…my existence healed his disappointment . What he didn’t expect was, well…”
“…your mother taking his two children and running away with the criminal he had paid to murder his older yet useless son? I mean, that story is kind of famous in our circles”. It had also been the beginning of the end of Ego’s reign in the underground.
“Yes, that. However, the Bad has already been done. I…I might be receptive to artificial modifications, but, what I am not receptive to is to read people as most people do. So…it was…challenging, also, the whole not-fitting-with-my-name-thing” Nebula bit her tongue there; the only thing Thanos had done for her was giving her a name she felt matched more than Pompeii (the one her parents had given her, a bit too much for her taste). “I hear feelings, sometimes even thoughts; when the person is emotionally too vulnerable; but I just burst them out loud, I didn’t get that that made people uncomfortable for quite a while. Then, when I chose to be called Mantis, I asked for the modifications so the ones Ego did remained hidden, especially from me”.
“So, you knew what I was thinking so…am I emotionally vulnerable?” Mantis smiled even more (fuck, how much could this woman made her feel comfortable?).
“That is not bad; I think is a kind of language, an especial one. Just as you got what was going on with me because of how I gestured. I think these are ways that made us communicate in ways that nobody else could” all of the sudden, Nebula felt herself blush.
“Woah, bug, that your brother and my sister are doing grown up things doesn’t mean that you and I…”
At this, Mantis blushed even more.
“Oh, no. No . Of course…I didn’t…just friends”.
“ Friendly acquaintances ” Mantis shrugged.
“Well, at least you dropped the nepo bit already. A beginning is a beginning”.
 Nebula stopped the recording and eyed her partner, who was relaxing over her legs. Mantis laughed at her face.
“I know the pain Lylla went through as a teen, but I swear, it will be nothing compared to the one she is going to feel when I catch her. She said they had stopped recording!”
“She didn’t specify …”
“She did!”
“You know she didn’t!”
“Oh, it’s been a while since my mind has been that easy to read” it was true. Apparently, the only thing she had needed to stop being so emotionally vulnerable was…to stop being so close within herself.
“ Oi! It is not the only way I have now to understand you” Mantis hit her with delicacy, but certain strength.
She was right, though. They had been together for longer than Nebula had been not only in a relationship, but it good terms in general with anyone (except for Gamora, of course; but shared abuse would do that to you), and every day she realised she could understood Mantis without having to exchange traditional words.
In small gestures, in shared silences, in how she poured water into a glass…even the silliest of gestures could mean a world. And Mantis was catching up, too; for the first time, she was getting someone from the beginning without her unnatural abilities put into use.
They were just perfectly similar, yet not equal enough, for it. Nebula couldn’t have been luckier to have met her.
She would still call her Bug , though; that was something Mantis would never be able to avoid.
(Not that she actually wanted to).
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salsedine · 1 year
Per l'ask game propongo Solas e Anders di Dragon Age
Ps ho schiacciato sul blog sbagliato e ho mandato un ask per sbaglio all'op voglio morire
Hello e grazie mille per l'ask! Credo che l'op non se la prenderà, ci sono ask decisamente peggiori in questi lidi 🙈 E se può consolare, una volta Tumblr ha glitchato di brutto inviando un mio messaggio critico verso uno show molto popolare ad un blog iper fan del suddetto show. Capisco l'ansia!
Daje now we'll switch to badly written English.
Solas: I wish I could say something, but I still haven't played DAI 🙈 (and i don't even know if I'll be able to without melting my laptop). However, from posts and fanarts I deduced that he is some kind of old god/trickster archetype/the dreadwolf thingy that wants to destroy the world. Interesting!
And a fun fact. For... quite some time I used to think that Solavellan was the name of an actual character. In my defence, it sounds legit for a fantasy setting.
Now, let's move on to the character that will make people stop talking to me lol. Under the read more because I'm on mobile and have no idea how long this is going to be.
* First impression: hello fun guy that hates the chantry and is obsessed with cats, I like your earring! Oh you refused to speak and ran away multiple times so... they left you a year in solitary confinement?? Oh and then your ex/first love is illegally magically lobotomized as a threat against you? WTF WTF WTF.
* Impression now: I pretty much like all the characters, but he really grew on me. I find him very interesting and compelling, BUT I also want to hit him with a brick for every bitchy/condescending/hypocrite comment towards Fenris or Merrill. I also suspect that with him the writers tried to portray mental illness or something similar? I think I read something somewhere.
* Unpopular opinionS: ehhh, here we go. It's called "the last straw" and not "I'm going to commit a political assassination at the first inconvenience" for a reason. I agree that it could have been handled differently (with more time- this game definitely deserved more development time), but it wasn't on a whim, nor I see it as some grand machination that he planned for years. It's a very desperate act that was preceded by years of activism and trying to find a compromise. A compromise that it is impossible to reach, imho, because compromises in order to work need good faith and/or some kind of leverage. Mages have no leverage and Meredith (and Elthina too) have no good faith. Meredith explicitly wanted an excuse to kill them all, and the right of annulment has been sent for... how can you compromise with someone that considers your existence a mistake to correct? I can see that it's a political situation that would have required more nuance than what the game had time to provide - but overall I think it's pretty clear why he did it.
* Favourite moment: The "hello Varric, take my mother's embroidered pillow, just in case something happens ahah I'm so subtle" scene is quite sweet (despite everything that follows), and while I affectionately mock it for being very loud, the First Big Kiss in the sewers is a classic. And any mention to cats is very much appreciated, obviously.
* Idea for a story: the 3 years gap between the acts are full of possibilities, and I love missing-moments stories. Also! If the "something here is a metaphor for mental illness" idea is true I'd definitely love to read some in-depth exploration of it.
* Favourite head canon: considering what I saw from the official writers about him after the events of DA2, I'd just say "the opposite of that".
* Favourite relationship: platonic, I'd say Varric ("let's brainstorm how to kill my brother :D! Also I'm paying criminals to stay away from your underground free clinic, bye"). Romantic, definitely Hawke. But with a disclaimer: I've tried the romance path thingy with a male rogue/archer Hawke (after much consideration, I was really curious about Fenris and Isabela too, but the "ten years, a hundred years-" quote got me) but I still haven't finished it. So yeah, I'm aware I'm missing pieces here -and this is why I looked for all the spoilers. "And I love you so much I'm going to let you kill me" indeed, mrs Welch singing during the end credits, indeed.
Thanks again for asking! 💃✨
[edit] finished the game - he is now in the top 10 of my favourite characters, huge fan of the romance with Hawke (friendship route and 'let's run away' ending).
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greypetrel · 2 years
How bout 8, 10, 13 from the ask game for your Hawkes (or just one of em, if you prefer) ? :3
Hello! Thanks for asking!
No no, Garrett deserves some love too, and Raina will start screeching from her trashcan if I leave her out, soooo... :P
Tis the prompt list
8. Who is your OC’s greatest enemy/rival? Why? Is the feeling mutual?
Raina: She surprisingly has no rival or mortal enemy. She WILL get in a fight if you poke at her enough... But rivalry? No, man it's too tiring. The two people she really can't stand and go closer to that, tho, are Meredith and Elthina. Meredith because she's "a self-righteous bitch who is convinced she has the right to use other people as pawns in her silly game". Raina didn't react very well on Meredith basically blackmailing her in doing work for her if she didn't want her brother to be taken to the Circle and her arrested for housing a (...2 blood...) mage(s). Elthina because of her pure lack of will to do anything about it, even when people told her, asked her to please maybe talk to the fucking Knight-Commander. No?
Garrett: Garrett is too chill to have enemies. He can't equally see Elthina in any good light because her inaction let things go maybe more south than they should have, he would have respected her more had she tried to do more, even if she failed. He has a rocky relationship with Anders, they start on similar basics and agree on more than one thing, Anders taught him Spirit Healing. Their opinion differed pretty quickly, namely on Fenris and Merrill and on the whole "I won't tell you I'm about to make the Chantry explode but still have you help me anyway". Which is as close a rivalry as he can have.
10. Where is your OC’s favorite place? Like if they were having a bad day, where would they run off to?
Raina: She is the local queen of awful coping mechanism. So the Hanged Man to drink and start a fight. She just likes the chaotic energy and no one giving a shit about who's Champion of what. There are friends if she wants to, there are private corners if not, Beowoof is allowed to enter, she can sing aloud all she wants, and if not, there's always some thugs to start a brawl with. Alternatively: She curls up between the roots of the Tree in the alienage. It's peaceful and quiet and if she closes her eyes she can pretend she's still a child in Lothering, napping under the oak in the courtyard. Until Merrill comes around with something to drink and... Well, until Merrill finds her and drag her inside.
Garrett: He honestly like the Wounded Coast. He doesn't like much cities, he prefers the countryside, so every trip outside town is a big yest for him. He likes to take off his shoes and feel grass between his toes. Give him a garden, give him some quiet corner with some green he can tend to.
13. Is your OC left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous? Also, can they flip a pancake without dropping it?
Raina: She is ambidextrous, but she can't flip a pancake without either breaking or dropping it. No. Honestly look at her do you think she can cook? In a modern day AU she'd live on frozen meals and instant noodles, come on.
Garrett: Right handed, can flip a pancake without dropping it, can make delicious pancakes but prefers waffles because they can hold more sauce.
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10ireland13 · 2 years
Happy 33rd birthday Taylor!! 🎂🫶🏻🥂
We have never met. 🤞🏻I will get to meet you this era 💝. I met your mom, she is the SWEETEST person I have ever met!! 💝❤️🥰 Your mom & I are close in age.
I have been a Swiftie since 2009. My hubby & I first saw you at The Speak Now Tour 💜 To actually see you live was breathtaking & astonishing!! 🌟. You were so grateful to all of the fans & you still are. You love us as much as we love you!! There is this element that bonds us all together 🥰. Taylor you are the glue!! Watching you grow you always remained grounded & humble. You definitely had your share of hardships but you took them & created many masterpieces 🌟❤️🌟 You persevered & you grew strong!! I seemed to lack that element most of my life. I came from a very abusive environment. I was basically my stepfather’s punching bag. I was bullied in school because I lived in fear. I wanted to die…. I did grow up & married my HS sweetheart. He truly saved me. I constantly carried this issue of low self esteem. I am a mom & now empty nester. My baby left a week after she graduated HS to go to school in London. I dived into a state of depression. Taylor it was YOU that pulled me out of this darkness. Your art of music & your beautiful soul saved me. Honestly when I heard Reputation for the first time I discovered this sass within myself I never knew existed!! I cannot thank you enough for saving me in so many ways. Everyone that knows me does know exactly how much you mean to me!! They understand the grief I carried & know it was you that gave me this happiness 💝❤️🥰 I can say NO & not feel guilty. My life & feelings matter!! TAYLOR YOU DID THIS!!! 🥰 During the REP Tour in Minneapolis I met your mom. We made eye contact. The back of our seats were against Club Meredith. She walked right over & gave me the longest hug I have ever had. A good long hug!! I became emotional 😭!! How did she know?? Later she asked if we wanted to see you closer, YESSSSS!!! She took us with security around us. We were dancing 💃 💃& singing like 2 old friends!! I kept thinking is this real?? Why me?? My brother was at the show & scooted in when your mom brought us up to the stage. You were singing Dress & then Blank Space. I wish I would have talked more but I was Star stuck & I didn’t want to cross any boundaries. Damn I wish I would have!! I don’t have many friends & I had my chance. I feel your mom & I are similar. Meaning we are good loving people 🥰 I will forever cherish that night!! Taylor you did that also!!! You are like a Holiday!! The excitement you give us your Swifties ❤️We are all so lucky to be alive in the era of Taylor Swift!!! I am older but soooooooooo grateful to you!!! Thank you !!! 💝❤️🥰🫶🏻 I hope you are having the best birthday because you so deserve it!!! 🎂🥂🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️ @taylorswift thank you & I just love you!!! 💝❤️🥰
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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extravagantliar · 2 years
[ FINAL ]:     a letter written in the aftermath of the recipient’s death, where the writer knows they’ll never get the chance to read it.
letter prompts // meme cache // accepting 
Vellum stained by sun and time, ink and fingertips, ash and smoke - something he had done on the eve of the command. Bran had told him that with the utmost certainty the Mage Ministers and the Kirkwall City Guard could move Meredith safely to city cover, underground and in the keep of the Viscounts, far from the people and the prying eyes of others. It had been an exercise in not just restraint; but an exercise in the forgiveness of one’s self. He bears grief for not doing more to stop the trade of the idol, for not doing more to stop Bartrand, and ultimately Meredith. Kirkwall is his burden, she wasn’t always, but the people he cares for - makes her his burden. 
9:44 Dragon, the 12th of Bloomingtide
Knight Captain, Former Viscount
Meredith Stannard,  
If I could understand that there is a cloud of uncertainty around us in this world. I suppose that kindness could have been extended to you as well. Tomorrow you are pulled from the dockside Gallows, and I close them in an act of Viscount, in a plan to expand trade through the Great Passage. I enter the second season as Kirkwall’s Steward, and as I continue to go over the accounts, I write with simple displeasure that you had been at the helm of my city for far longer than I care to admit. As I go through the books and archives, your name ended in legal proceedings for much longer than just the last six months of stability in Kirkwall. I cannot say it is a great pleasure to be your successor, but you and I share a common goal. I also aim to protect our people and our interests, but I am also still rebuilding from two years prior, you and I also share a history within these stoned walls as this has always been our homeland. 
I do not envy you, nor do I pretend to understand what laminations that idol sang to you to bring you to this point, for I watched it corrode my brother like a toxin, some growth that even he could not overcome. 
Alas, tomorrow you will be laid to rest in the Undercroft of Kirkwall, it has taken months to get to this point, but my brother’s bones and you will rest well away from our people. Just out of the utmost caution.
I do not plan to follow the follies of feckless Viscounts previously impoverished to the Chantry and to you. It has been hard to get the gentry in line, and I assume you resorted to fear to implement change among the Gardeners and Hightowners. I have not had to resort to such extremes yet, but I do think they approach me with more mistrust than they do you, as I am an outsider and a heathen seated at the Court of Kirkwall, alas I have done well enough to reach into my own purse and help Kirkwall out of these times. I imagine this is also not a problem you faced as the coffers of the Chantry. Perhaps, it is my own age and many head injuries, but I will not take the Grand Catherdal’s money.
There is not much purpose for this other than my own ill-intended ramblings on a subject I never got to close. You harmed Kirkwall from the surface on those bloody months and while I cannot discount the horrors we have all seen, I do have to give the just credit that you deserve for keeping Kirkwall in her states for so long. I do inherit a burden, I do inherit famine and broken docks, but I also inherit a people with a spirit that cannot be broken. I inherit a people who are willing to take the gates down at the Elven Community. I am also mindful of these diverse peoples and the shared history of Kirkwall - the death, the horror, the destruction. I am not here to write over it or even forget those parts, however - I am here to step us forward rather than behind. 
Typically these are sent, however, I do not feel right tucking this in with you in that long-embraced sleep. I wish you peace and I wish us all well. Let ours be the last sacrifice.
Faithfull a servant of Kirkwall, 
Varric Viscount of Kirkwall
It is thoughtful in its statements, tender, almost in its wording, an exhausted man writing a ghost. Of course, not all ghosts rest in holy slumber, nor do they always wish us well. This ekes in looming from the undercroft, through guards and into the inner workings. The vellum should be a loss betwixt books, papers, or in the care of Bran to thoughtfully go to the preservation, however, it makes it way much like that ghost through the channels and chanted words, over water and into the deep crimson; crystal burning away at the paper as it falls into their, her, our grasp. A maligned and blighted existance twisting it’s way through her body, pulling from blood and bones of other, making her stronger. 
He creates the very thing he fears.
Pretty pose is not lost; no rather the words are burned nearly into the very stone they fall onto. 
The last line rings a verse in the Chant, waking old magic and rage, waking within her. 
Let the blade pass through the flesh, let my blood touch the ground,
Let my cries touch their hearts. Let mine be the last sacrifice.
Let the blade pass through the flesh, let my blood touch the ground,
Let my cries touch their hearts. Let mine be the last sacrifice.
Something wakes.
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fangirlmary · 1 month
Summary: Ashley has nightmares about fire in the lead up to the anniversary of the Calaway parents' deaths. Kayfabe details used only. Third part of Two Brothers, One Friend, Many Stories series.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the pro wrestling gimmicks/characters. Just my original characters.
It was now the spring of 1997. Over the past several months, Ashley had been living her life as usual since getting back into regular contact with her childhood friend Mark aka the Undertaker. Her children had gone back to school and they were doing well as far as getting good grades went. Lucas, Colin, and Meredith were especially happy when the Undertaker had sent them T-shirts autographed by him for Christmas. Ashley herself was doing fine as well; it helped that she had gotten a raise at work. She was now comfortable with teaching her oldest son Lucas how to use the stove and oven since he wanted to be able to cook for himself and his siblings when his mother wasn't home. He had turned 11 years old on January 7th. Colin had turned 9 years old on February 4th and Meredith had turned 7 years old on April 9th. Ashley's birthday would be on May 1st, just two days after what would have been Alexander's birthday. She was not thinking about that right now though.
At the moment, Ashley had gotten home with her children from her brother-in-law Wayne's house after joining him, his wife Melanie, and his 8-year-old twin sons Jacob and Jeffrey to watch the most recent WWF Pay Per View, In Your House: Revenge of the Taker, on April 20th while having pizza and non-caffeinated soda for dinner. Upon getting home, Lucas, Colin, and Meredith had gone upstairs to get ready for bed, talking about the event and how terrifying it was that the Undertaker had burned Paul Bearer's face with a fireball. Ashley couldn't help but feel terrified as well even if Paul did deserve it. She had never liked him much the few times she had seen him when she was younger back when the Undertaker was just her best friend Mark and had invited her over to play on days when it was too rainy to be outside. In those cases, she had just been creeped out by him and had never imagined that he could do what he had done as a wrestling manager. Still, she was not going to say anything about this when the Undertaker called on Tuesday if he didn't want to mention it first, as they had agreed to when he had called on the Tuesday evening after her children had started school again.
For now, Ashley had locked the outside doors, turned off the lights, and gotten on her pajamas before retiring to her room for the night. She was now asleep and having what was perhaps the scariest dream she had ever had: one where she was trapped in a fire and the Undertaker was trying to save her but struggling more than expected. When Ashley awoke about an hour before she needed to be up for work, she was shaking. Still, she got herself calmed down enough to get dressed, have a bathroom break, washed her hands, and then made a note to check the smoke alarm batteries when she got home just to be safe. She was not sure why she had that dream; she guessed that it was because in less than a month, it would be 20 years since the fire that had taken the Calaway parents' lives. She concentrated on making breakfast for her children since she had enough time to cook it. Lucas, Colin, and Meredith had gotten themselves ready fast when they smelled the food and then came down to eat. After breakfast, Ashley made sure that the stove was turned off and brushed her teeth after putting the dishes in the sink. Her children had brushed their teeth and had gotten on the school bus by now. Then she made sure she had her lunch and her purse and had tied her hair back in a bun before getting her shoes on in the laundry room, going into the garage, locking the door between said garage and the house, and then hitting the remote to open the garage door. Ashley was soon in her car with the doors locked and her seatbelt on as she started the engine and backed out of her garage, making sure to hit the remote to close the garage door again afterwards. Then she was backed out of her driveway and headed off to work.
That was how the weekday mornings went over the next week. In the afternoons, Ashley would get home after her children had done so and prepare supper while they did their homework. After supper was over, they would talk about their days, make sure that the dishes were washed, dried and put away, and watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy together. On Tuesday night when the Undertaker had called, Ashley hadn't said anything about the recurring nightmare; it was still frightening though as some nights it had been different such as her seeing Kane trying to assist the Undertaker in rescuing her or her trying to rescue them and failing. He has too much to worry about, Ashley had convinced herself.
"Mom, I heard you screaming last night and a few other nights this week. Were you having a nightmare?" Colin had asked on Saturday morning, April 26th.
"I was; it's nothing." She insisted but her children could tell that she was lying.
When the Undertaker had called that evening before supper, it had been Lucas who answered the phone as Ashley was finishing taking a shower. "Hello?"
"Hello Lucas. Is your mother available?" The Undertaker asked.
"She's in the shower." Lucas answered. "I don't think she's doing as great as she says she's been. She had a nightmare over the past few nights and says it's nothing. I think she's lying because she didn't sound sure of it."
"Let's hope you don't get in trouble for mentioning it without permission."The Undertaker took that information in and paused briefly. He didn't have much time to talk but he was doing well with hiding how worried he was.
"She didn't say for me, Colin, or Meredith not tell anyone." Lucas shrugged as he said this.
"Lucas, I'm dressed now! I'm coming down!" Ashley called down. She was now clean, dried off, and dressed in clothes she wanted to wear tomorrow to sleep in (blue sweat pants, a light pink t-shirt, and white socks) and had brushed her hair. She then came down and grabbed the phone from Lucas. "Go help your siblings set the table."
Lucas did so, wondering if his mother would talk to her friend about her nightmare.
The conversation that Ashley had with the Deadman was indeed a short one in which she mentioned that the woman who had murdered her late husband had recently been found guilty and sentenced to life in prison; she refused to talk about the nightmare. He didn't press for details but he could tell she was trying to hide her fear. It was something he could do easily even if whoever he talked to wasn't speaking with him in person. When he hung up, he tried to put his own worry aside for the moment. He would just have to try a different approach to get her to give more details.
It was later that night that the Undertaker had decided to teleport to the McCormick family's home; a simple lock on the door could not keep out someone with powers like his. He was standing inside the front entry way and took off his wrestling boots before quietly making his way towards the staircase. As he climbed the stairs, he could hear Ashley calling out in her sleep.
"Kane, Mark, anyone! Help!" The brunette woman called out in fear. "No!" She then woke up and got out of bed. She screamed as she opened the bedroom door. "Mark! What the hell are you doing here?"
"Checking on you in person since you didn't seem to want to be honest over the phone." He answered. He was not the type to be comforting, but he sure as hell was going to try to do so.
"How did you-wait, you teleported in, didn't you?" Ashley asked as she went past him to go downstairs.
"I did." He replied.
Meredith had been woken up by the commotion and came out of her room. She was wearing her bright yellow pajamas and had a light brown teddy bear in her hands. She asked "Undertaker, what are you doing here?"
"Trying to get your mother to be less stubborn regarding dealing with a problem. Go back to bed, please." The Undertaker answered. He was not usually that polite, but he knew that Ashley would never allow him over again if he was ever rude in front of her children. (Of course, he knew she had also told them not to imitate what he or any other members of the WWF roster did on TV since she had mentioned that in a past phone conversation, but that was neither here nor there.)
Meredith returned to her room and went back to sleep. She was not as scared of the Undertaker as she had been before, but she didn't want to know what he would do if she didn't listen.
Ashley sat down on the sofa in the living room and seconds later, her childhood friend was sitting next to her after turning the lamp on. "Well, I did say that my door was always open for you, so I shouldn't be surprised that you showed up. I just didn't expect you to come here at 1:00 a.m. in the morning."
The Undertaker looked at the single mom as if she were crazy. "Now what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't willing to do something like that out of worry for your well being? I would go through Hell for you if that was necessary. I'm curious as to what you were having nightmares about."
"I think it was seeing you throw a fireball in Paul Bearer's face plus remembering that it won't be too long before the anniversary of your parents' deaths that triggered those nightmares. Either I was trapped in a fire and you and/or Kane were trying to save me but couldn't or it was the other way around, me trying to save both of you from a fire." Ashley couldn't look him in the eyes as she said this, instead staring at the digital clock on the VHS player on the first lower shelf of the TV stand. "I never mentioned that the reason I didn't want to be reminded of how I broke my left arm doing that stupid stunt with my bike was because for years I was convinced that if I hadn't done that and therefore gotten punished by being forbidden from playing with you and Kane, I might have been able to talk you both out of playing with matches. It took years of counseling to convince me otherwise. Intellectually, I know that I can't control what choices others make, even those I know well, but still sometimes get a stray thought that I need to be strict with my kids to keep them from making the same mistakes. The only reason I'm not strict is that type of parenting would just encourage them to sneak behind my back to do whatever they wanted and not trust me." Ashley didn't bother to stop her tears from falling. "I know you can handle yourself pretty well on the road and in the ring, but I think the fact that I still occasionally worry, especially with what you've been through recently, could be another reason for those nightmares." She couldn't say any more to describe how anxious and scared she was.
The Undertaker put his right arm around his old friend. That was the only thing he could think to do at this point. Had it really been almost twenty years since he had lost his family? Yes, it had been, as hard as it was to believe. Right now, he was not the Phenom, the Deadman, or whatever. He was just trying to be a good friend. "Ashley, I made a poor choice of my own free will that day and I have to live with the consequences of being a terrible example to my little brother. If I could go back in time and stop myself, I would do it in a heartbeat."
"I know." Ashley sighed as she got some tissues from the blue box on the table in front of her to wipe her tears away. "It's too bad we can't turn back time." She put the tissues in the waste basket next to the end table on her right. "I didn't want to say anything about those nightmares since I didn't want you to worry, not when some would argue that your issues are a much bigger deal than mine." She made a mental note to ask her parents to leave flowers on the Calaway parents' graves the next time she talked to them on the phone on Thursday night. Ashley's parents Dr. Thomas Williams and Caroline Williams had been told by their daughter back in August of last year that she had gotten in touch with her childhood friend again; they had not been told that Mark was now the Undertaker.
"Since when did you worry about what others think, old friend?" The Undertaker asked, giving an incredulous look.
"I suppose it started from me remembering that single parents were stigmatized when we were much younger and still are to some extent these days." Ashley admitted. "I'm doing my best to raise my children right and support them since that's all I can do."
"From what I've seen, you're doing a great job." The Deadman assured her.
"Thank you, Mark, for coming over here and listening to me talk." Ashley was not 100% okay, but she was feeling much better. She got up from the sofa.
The Undertaker stood up as well. "You're welcome. You've been so supportive of me and it's only fair that I return the favor. I am not all take and no give when it comes to the few people I care about."
"And I'm glad to know that." Ashley yawned. "By the way, I'll be away from home the last weekend in May for a family reunion hosted by my parents. Just thought I'd let you know ahead of time. Although if you did want to still talk that weekend, I hope you remember my parents' phone number well."
"I do remember it. Good night, Ashley." With that, the Undertaker got on his wrestling boots and in an instant, he teleported away after using his powers to turn off the living room lamp.
"You're a show off, Mark, but I am glad that we're friends again." Ashley commented to herself as she went back upstairs and yawned. She returned to her room and closed the door before getting back into bed and falling asleep. She would rest well the rest of tonight, unaware of the shocking news that Paul Bearer would eventually reveal about Kane.
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mxstball · 4 months
[Past Dealings] Hyde
Tor was holed up in her room more than usual. She's already raided the fridge for anything that she could get her hands on, and already has a stock of snacks that she was getting through. Not only that, but she was on her Rotom Phone, scrolling through pictures of cute Pokémon to soothe her mind….
Yet, no matter what she would do, ever since Daiyu showed up, she couldn't stop thinking about her brother--
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"...Hyde…." Tor sighed as she closed the application before shoving another spoonful of ice-cream down her mouth. She felt like it was so selfish to think about her brother when Heidi and Lauren were now properly dealing with the loss of theirs, but she couldn't help herself. It's been over a year since she was rescued from the clutches of death in her world, but she still couldn't stop herself from thinking about the very action that saved her -- Hyde's sacrifice. She wondered how different things would be -- how much more outgoing and impactful Hyde would be if he had lived in her stead… how much he would have helped everyone--
--but then she quickly shook her head. She didn't want to think about that. She's helped in her own way! She's helped revitalize the effort to look for survivors… invigorated Heidi to keep this world protected for their sake… she's even made uneasy friends with Nergal and genuine friends in Daiyu, in Chrona, in Lauren, and even little Lati. She's making it through on her own…
… but she still couldn't help but think about her brother. He deserved to be here just as much as she did.
"Hyde…. I… I miss you so much." Tor shed a tear, only to distract herself a little bit by eating some gummy worms. "I… I hope that you're proud of me-- and that-- that I can be strong so no one ever has to go through what you did ever again…." She shook her head. If only there was a way for her to change things… if only there was a way for her to go back and find him again… to reunite with him like Heidi did with Meredith--
Wait. She has an idea.
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theaarts · 1 year
What else is there to say—? Nauubosan na ako ng sasabihin so I think that's a good thing. I just wanna sleep muna. Rest.
I rested for a bit. I feel slightly better than this morning and last night. Right now, my chest just feels heavy. My heart is mildly pounding. It still hurts. The feeling is still bothersome but it's manageable. We've been talking and I respond. But I don't know how to answer his latest question: "Why are you forcing me to be away from you last night?" I don't know. I... just... don't. I don't know what came over me last night.
All I know is that I was overwhelmed by my thoughts last night. I was scared that we won't be able to meet again; that I won't be able to meet his needs if we don't see each other. I was worried that he was just with me because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Instead I hurt myself and him in the process. Ewan ko. Baka nagtitiis lang ba siya sa akin. That's a lot of bullshit coming from me. And knowing him, he might just say that that isn't true and will find words to assure me and make me feel better. That's the kind of person I see in him. I feel like I don't deserve such kindness.
Here I am thinking a lot again. Sigh. I'm trying to formulate a reply to his question. I'm so conscious. I want to choose my words carefully. This is a second chance already. I don't want to waste it with my impulsiveness. He doesn't deserve this.
Everything just feels heavy. I felt like a hopeless romantic, a desperate woman for a man's attention. Felt like Meredith Grey. Lol. Now it feels like he has control over me. Kek. I still have to think about my mother tho. She's very opinionated but I get that she's just concerned. It just feels all so heavy.
I still haven't thought of anything to say. I don't want to rush it but I also don't want to leave him hanging, waiting for an answer. He deserves an answer.
[June 13, 2023]
I've been feeling better than yesterday night. I mean he responded to me and it looks like he still wants our "relationship" to work. I don't know. It's just that when he takes a really long time to reply, I get anxious. Super worried. I'm not sure why. We're just casually dating but he always tells me na wala naman siyang iba, even though I keep pushing him away. I just don't see why he would see himself with me.
I'm overthinking again. I don't know why any guy would want to be with me. Damn. I have some serious self-esteem issues. Anyway, it's been 12hrs since my last message to him. He must be tired from travelling? He did say he was going to Tagburos. I'll just wait for his message. I can't always be the one chasing him. After all, he's the one who approached me first. I want to see if he really wants to be serious.
Holy shit. I tried listening to the voice recordings I sent to Don when I was crying my heart out when I tried to push Christian away by ending our casual relationship.
Damn. It's so cringe. VERY, VERY CRINGE! I want to kill it with fire! Omg. What has gotten over me?! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyway, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. But I'm very excited to see if Christian will make a move. If not, it's not my loss. I already tried putting in an effort for our relationship, but in order for my mom and brother to like him, he has to make a move. I don't know how my family will take it but I'll accept whatever the outcome is, depending on how Christian will react. My poor heart is tired from crying and trying over the past 2 weeks. I deserve someone who will at least put in an effort for me. I know I said I didn't want any romantic relationship at the start, but if I see him making an effort to be with me, then why not give him a chance.
I get really conscious or anxious whenever he doesn't reply or he takes time. I think I'm just in denial but I think he's less interested in me now since we haven't hooked up in quite a while. I know he has told me some very serious and sweet words but why does it feel like parang nakikihati ako sa attention niya. I'm craving for him: his attention, his touch, his smell. But at the same time, I'm sad. I know I'm overthinking again and he has told me that anything I think about him isn't true. So I will try to be patient, just enjoy the little things he can provide. And hopefully someday, he can make a move. If not, then I know hindi ganun ka-importante ako at ang relasyon namin.
0 notes
Wash Off the Day (Pietro Maximoff x Reader)
Author’s Note: I’m procrastinating from anxiety right now so I’m posting this instead! I had like a dialogue prompt (see if you can spot it, lol) and the basic premise of this fic written in a word doc from years ago and never wrote it, and Wandavision has me in my feels, so I wrote this. And yes, I know the gif is of Meredith and Derek from Grey’s Anatomy, but it gives off the right vibe for the fic, so sue me. Enjoy, guys! :)
Summary: After a long day—well, a long week, really—you want nothing more than to cuddle up to your husband and fall asleep, but he has other things in mind to help you unwind.
Warnings: Fluff/shamless flirtation, swearing, and ~smut~ (fingering, hand job, oral sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kiddos))
Other Characters: Wanda Maximoff and Vision (told you I’m in my feels)
Word Count: 1,350
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“Babe?” you call as you enter the living room. Pietro had promised a special date night after the week you’ve had. All your deadlines were quickly approaching, you had been worked down to the bone. Plus, after an impromptu but globally important mission with Steve and Tony, all you wanted to do was snuggle your husband. “Wanda, where’s you brother?”
“I’m not sure, actually,” she says as she cuddles next to Vision, the both of them reading the same book. What adorable dorks they are. 
“Last I knew, he was out and about running errands,” Vision adds.
“Is everything alright?” Wanda asks you.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you sigh. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sleep for three years.”
“Sleep tight,” she laughs. “I heard what happened today. If anybody deserves a good nights sleep, it’s you.” Shuffling up to your room, you dramatically open the door before closing it behind you. It takes you a few seconds to register the soothing feel of the room and your favorite person in the world laying in wait on the mattress, rose petals strategically covering himself. 
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” you chuckle.
“I’m your husband. It’s my job,” Pietro winks before propping himself up on his elbow.
Tossing your bag to the ground, you kick off your shoes and sit on the mattress, leaning forward and embracing him in a tender kiss.
“You’re such a dork,” you tell him with a smile. “Rose petals on the crotch?”
“I’ll have you know, it took a lot of roses for me to get the coverage right,” he says, his eyebrows raised in his traditional sassy fashion.
You laugh and kiss him again. “I am fully aware of how much coverage you need,” you smile as he leans in for another kiss. “But I’m so exhausted. I don’t think I’d have the stamina for what you have planned.”
“It was that rough of a day?” he says, his eyes full of sympathy.
“Yeah. The presentations, meetings . . . I’m lucky I had the energy to take the elevator.”
Pietro wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to your forehead. “How about I draw you a bath, hm? That would help you.”
“Thank you.”
Pietro gets up, his carefully arranged pile of rose petals falling to the ground as he strides to the bathroom.
“You’re all set,” he tells you after a few minutes, casually leaning against the doorframe.
“And is there reason why you’re still naked?” you grin.
“I guess a few, maybe,” he teases, playfully shaking his head. “First, it’s to show you what you are missing out on. Second, we’re married and it’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Third, I’m joining you.”
“Mm, joining me, huh?”
“Yes I am,” he clarifies, walking over to help you stand, his hands carefully roaming your body. “We can unwind together, talk about our days . . .”
“You can feel me up in the tub,” you finish.
“Let the record show that you said it, not me,” he says, his lips pressing into yours. “Come, before the water gets cold.”
You follow his commands, peeling off both your clothes and the day and letting it all hit the tile floor. The hot water is amazing, and your husband’s comforting form behind you relaxes you in a way that hot water and bath salts never could.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks, breaking the long silence as his fingers intertwine with yours, knowing you have a lot on your mind.
“Not really,” you say. “It’s just the pressure of presentations and actually getting these projects greenlit. It’s exhausting.”
“I’m sorry it takes so much out of you,” he says kissing your temple. “I wish I could help.”
“I know you do,” you breathe. “How was your day?”
“The same as it is everyday: I train, I eat, I train some more, and then I wait for you to get back,” he sighs.
“I think we’ve turned into an old married couple.”
Pietro kisses your neck, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I can’t wait until we actually are an old married couple,” he says.
You smile at the thought of Pietro with naturally white hair and the lines of age gracing his face, zooming from room to room. Time may make him old, but his spirit will always stay young.
“You’re gonna be a hot old guy,” you tell him, voicing your musings.
“And you’re gonna be a hot old lady,” he respond, wrapping his arms around your middle and holding you tight, peppering kisses on whatever skin he can.
“Stop!” you laugh wildly.
“Can’t,” he says. “Skin.” Kiss. “Too.” Kiss. “Soft.”
You adjust in the large tub so your fronts face each other, his lips moving from your neck to your lips, hungrily kissing you. You kiss him just a fervently, your fingers tangling in his wet hair as your movements cause the water to splash over the edge of the tub. The water and soap makes everything slicker, and as you try to position yourselves in a way that advances your movements, you constantly slide under the waterline. 
Pietro curses under his breath and picks you up, taking you out of the now lukewarm water and pressing your back against the cool tile of the walk-in shower, his lips never once leaving your body. Your hand slides between your bodies as you gently grab his length, your gentle stroking quickly making it hard. As you pleasure Pietro, his fingers tease your inner thigh, carefully pushing them apart to feel your slick folds. He carefully pumps one, then two fingers into you as his thumb rubs your throbbing clit. You gasp at the sensation, your hand coming off of his cock to hold him close as you kiss.
“Are you ready for me, princesa?” he hums as he marks your neck with his teeth.
“Oh, Pietro,” you moan.
“Tell me you’re ready for me,” he commands.
“I’m ready for you to fuck me,” you tell him.
He licks a line up to your ear, biting on the lobe before moving down your body, readily eating you out. You moan in pleasure, pulling at his hair as he moves his lips and tongue between your legs. It feels as if he is down there forever when he comes back up, his pupils blown with lust.
“Now you’re ready for me to fuck you,” he growls. 
His lips attack yours like an animal, and you can taste your arousal on his lips. Pietro swiftly picks you up before effortlessly sliding into you and fucking you senseless. His thrusts are deep, the grip of his hands intoxicating, his mouth magic. You can barely process what is happening when you come fast and hard around his cock. You hold on to Pietro for dear life, letting him continue his thrusts until he finds release himself. As your heart rates decline, he carefully lowers you and pulls out. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you deeply, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
“Are you feeling better?” he smirks.
“Much,” you tell him, your expression matching his.
“And you said you didn’t think you had the energy in you.”
“To be fair, you did all the work . . . and we usually do a little more than that.”
Pietro smiles brightly, nothing but the sparkle of love in his eyes.
“I hope that relaxed you enough for a good night’s sleep,” he tells you.
“Believe me, it did,” you assure him, your eyes starting to feel heavy.
He kisses your forehead and embraces you lovingly. He grabs a nearby towel and wipes you down, placing kisses here and there as he goes. When he’s done, Pietro picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bed, tucking you under the covers and kissing you softly.
“Sleep well, (Y/N),” he whispers.
“I love you,” you say through your yawn.
Pietro brushes some damp strands of hair away from your face, his fingers gingerly placing them behind your ear. “I love you more.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​​​​​​​​ @steampowerednightvaler​​​​​​​​​ @themusingsofmany​​​​​​​​​ @just-the-hiddles​​​​​​​​​ @toozmanykids​​​​​​ @dangertoozmanykids101​​​​​
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
better half of me [lexie grey]
lexie grey x fem reader
requested: hi there can I request a Lexie grey x fem reader imagine where reader is marks sister and moves from Houston where she was working previously and gets a job in Seattle so when she arrives she flirts and sleeps around with all the nurses, but then she meets Lexie and falls deeply in love with her and stops sleeping around and tries to pursue Lexie but one day sees her and mark in bed together so she starts sleeping around again, and when the plain crashes Lexie makes it out alive, because reader saved her and when they get back reader confesses to Lexie, and if it’s possible could u write a time skip where they have a bunch of kids and are happily married?
trigger warning: slight mention of alcohol addiction
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*not my gif*
You don’t remember what happened on that plane. How you guys got in the middle of the woods with your plane split in half. Everything was blurry, but you saw mostly everyone: Meredith, Cristina, Arizona, your brother Mark, and Lexie? 
Wait...where’s Lexie? 
You immediately shot up, ignoring the pain that you felt in the right side of your body. You tried walking normally when you started to limp. 
“Woah, woah, Y/N!” Mark comes over and you finally look at your foot and hand.
Your hand was impaled by the pieces of the plane metal. It was numb. Your whole hand was numb, but you didn’t care about that. So was your foot, you couldn’t feel it. But you didn’t care, all you cared about was trying to find Lexie. 
“Y/N, we need to get that out of your hand. It’ll cause serious damage,” he tried to stop you from whatever you were doing.
“No, I can’t. I got to-I got to find,” you start to say, but trail off.
He sits you down on the mulch ground before you can protest, “This is going to hurt,” he whispers. 
He pulled the metal plane out before you could even realize what was happening. You let out a piercing scream, he immediately ripped a piece of fabric from his scrubs and wrapped it around your hand. 
Before you knew it he did the same thing with your foot, “You need to rest Y/N,” he told you, but you shook your head, pushing him away.
“No! Where’s, where’s-” you start to say again.
“Lexie!” Meredith scream and your head shot towards the sound of her name like a deer hearing the softest of footsteps.
You ran towards her to see her trapped over a piece of hunky plane metal. Her breathing was heavy as she couldn’t move. 
“Y/N, is that you?” she whispered.
You nodded, immediately lying down on the floor next to her, “Yeah, yeah. It’s me. I’m right here,” 
“I’m gonna die,” she whispered.
You shook your head quickly, “No, no! You are not dying. I am going to save you, do you understand?” 
You started to get up from the ground when she grabbed your hand, squeezing it ever so softly. You were met with those beautiful brown eyes that you completely fell in love with. Then all the memories from when you first moved to Seattle and meeting Lexie flooded back. 
“So I was thinking you and I go on a date tonight. Something casual, wine and pizza at my new place,” you asked, suggesting more to come out of the date. 
The nurse had her head propped up onto her chin, “I’d really like that, but what’s for dessert?” she whispered back.
You were about to answer when someone shoved a chart in the nurse’s face. You looked to see a dirty blonde haired woman. She gave you a fake smile, “Hey, Dr. Grey?” you looked at her coat, “Have you seen uh Dr. Sloan?” you asked a dirty blonde hair girl.
She looks at you, slightly annoyed, “Another one of Mark’s suitors?” she asked and you shook your head.
“That is probably the grossest thing I’ve ever heard, I’m Y/N Sloan, Mark’s sister,” you told her, “I heard a lot about you,” 
“That explains the flirting with the nurses, wait- Mark talks about me?” she asked and you nodded, “What does he say?” 
“Well that depends are you the ‘dirty mistress’ Grey or ‘little’ Grey?” you return the question and she just internally rolls her eyes.
“Of course he says I’m the dirty mistress,” she whispered.
You were about to respond when someone called Meredith’s name. You followed the sound of the voice to see a beautiful brunette girl approaching the two of you. Your eyes widened slightly at the beauty of this one girl.
Her brown doe eyes caught your attention and you smiled ever so slightly, “Cristina needs you to help her with a CT scan. It’s for a patient,” 
“Thank you Lexie,” she said, but before walking away she turns to you, “I’ll page Mark. Try not to flirt with any more nurses while you wait. We already had a case of syphilis, we don’t need another,” 
You let out a heart laugh, “It was nice to finally meet the dirty mistress,” you teased and you knew it was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship. 
“You know Mark?” the beautiful girl named Lexie asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, he’s my brother. I just moved here from Houston, got a call from Dr. Webber himself and was offered a job,” 
“That explains the comment,” she mumbled and you just raised your eyebrows, “Mark’s known to be a player around here and by the looks of it, it runs in the family,” 
“Well, you know what they say, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,” you said with a shrug. 
She scoffed softly, “Is that my favorite Sloan?” you heard a familiar voice ask. You see Derek walking towards the two of you. You wrap your arms around them and pat his back in the process.
“I hope I’m your favorite Sloan,” you teased, “Where is my brother anyway?”
“I have no idea, but I heard you got a job here. You’re here to give me a run for my money huh?” 
 “Wait, your specialty is neuro?” Lexie asked.
“Yep and to answer your question Derek I am definitely going to give you a run for your money. Head of neuro will be mine,” you joked as he rolled his eyes.
“Did someone forget to tell me that my baby sister got a job at my hospital?” you heard his voice boom through the lobby. You rolled your eyes playfully as he hugged you.
“Why didn’t you tell me you got a job here or better question how many nurses numbers have you gotten?” he asked and the two of you laughed. 
You reached into your pocket, pulling out pieces of paper, “I taught you well!” 
Lexie who was still standing there scoffed as Derek just let out a sigh, “The two of you are insufferable,” she stated annoyed before walking away.
You looked at her as she walked away, “Is she single?”
“Nope, that’s off limits for the both of you. You’re not going to put her through that,” Derek stated and you let out a sigh.
You were snapped back into the harsh reality as Lexie tried her best to squeeze your hand, “Y/N, I still remember being on your service. You came to talk to me about our patient...” she was lost in thought before she started speaking again, “It was a Jane Doe after a tragic car crash and I was having a rough day because of my dad. Then you, you heard me snap at Meredith...” 
She started to trail off and you nodded, “I remember,” 
You were walking up to where Meredith and Lexie were talking. Meredith started to walk away as Lexie followed behind her. You posted at the nurse’s counter next to where they were standing to right down a quick note, when you heard them argue.
“My mother was born in March. He lied, he’s a liar. And I’m glad. Really, I’m glad that you found him charming. I’m sure he was delightful. He’s a blast after five drinks not so much after nine though, he gets a little weepy and mean,” you overheard her say. 
You were about to walk away and find her later when she yelled, “He’s a drunk, Meredith. He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are. How sad he is that he doesn’t get to spend more time with you. You know, yesterday he told me I was his favorite daughter. The day before I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before he wrote me a check for 20,000 dollars because he said I deserved everything life had to offer because he was so proud of me. A lifetime’s worth of proud. So you can’t listen to anything he says,” her voice started cracking and your face softened, “Because it’s not about you. It’s about a pint and a half of Dewar’s. So thank you for letting me know I needed to keep a better eye on him. Thanks.” 
She started to walk away and you stood in front of her trying to get her to calm down. You noticed the tears forming in her eyes, “No please don’t,” she pushed you away gently before walking away.
You immediately followed after her to the attendants break room. You looked the door behind you as she sat on the couch, placing her head in her hands. You walked over and sat right next to her, sitting there in silence.
There were a few moments of silence before you spoke up again, “I know what it’s like to have a drunk dad. You’re not alone. You don’t have to take this on all on your own,” you whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder, “If you want you can rest up in here. I can handle Jane Doe until you’re ready. If any of the attendants give you shit about being here, let them know I gave you permission. If you need anyone to talk to, I’m here,” 
Lexie squeezed your hand, bringing you back from the memory, yet again, “That was the first time I saw you as an actual person. Not someone who just wanted to mess around with people’s feelings, an actual person,” she smiled softly through the pain, “But I didn’t fall in love with you until the night at my dad’s house. You came to pick me up to take me to Meredith’s party and my dad was drunk and he was mean and he-” 
“I know, I remember,” 
You pulled up to Lexie’s house. You were supposed to meet up with one of the many nurse’s you’ve been hooking up with it. But you cut it off, you cut them all off. 
After you comforted her, all you could think about was her. How intelligent she was. How sweet and kind she tries to be with everyone around her. Yeah, she was beautiful, but she was so much more than that.
That’s the only time you’ve ever felt that towards anyone.
You knocked on the door, you waited patiently. One minute would pass and you decided to knock again. But no one answered.
You turned the door handle and surprisingly it opened. You looked around the room to see shattered glass all over the floor and Thatcher passed out on the couch.
Lexie was sitting on the kitchen floor. A deep cut on her forehead. Her eyes red and puffy as she swept the shattered glass with a small broom.
“Lexie! What happened?” she jumped at the sound of her voice.
She sniffled, “He-he got mean and he didn’t like that I was going out. He through his beer bottle at me, not just one either,”
You looked at the empty beer case next to the couch and you pulled her up from the floor. Immediately, pulling her out of that horrid house.
The car ride was silent as you felt your blood boil. You forgot all about Meredith’s party and went straight to your apartment. The two of you entered and you immediately grabbed your first aid kit.
Lexie sat on the kitchen counter as you stitched up her forehead. The two of you in a comfortable silence. Once you finished bandaging her, you helped her off the counter.
“Are you okay?” you whispered and she nodded with a tight lipped smile.
“I-I’m fine,” her voice cracked as tears poured out her eyes.
She let out loud sobs as she broke down onto the floor. You scooped her up in your arms to keep her from falling onto the floor.
You held her tight as she buried her face into your chest, “Shhh I got you. You’re safe now. You’re okay.”
That night she fell asleep in your arms. You picked her up and laid her gently onto your bed. You tucked her in, placing a soft kiss to her forehead.
“I promise I’m always going to protect you,”
You started to get up when she squeezed your hand, “Please just stay with me,”
From that night on, you decided to be better. To do better. To be someone she deserved.
But once you got there, it was too late.
You were going over to Mark’s house to surprise him with takeout, when you walked into something you didn’t ever want to walk in on.
Mark and Lexie were cuddled up on the couch. Their clothes on the floor as a blanket hanged loosely over it.
It was too late. You were too late.
“I thought you hated me for a while. Your whole demeanor changed around me,” Lexie said, her breathing still heavy.
You heard shouts from Meredith from behind you as Cristina kept on yelling for her shoe, “I could never hate you,”
You walked into the attendant’s break room to see Mark and Lexie being all couple-like, “Hey Y/N,”
You have them a tight lipped smile before going to pour your coffee, “You’re not supposed to be here,” you stated simply.
“What?” Lexie asked.
You didn’t look up from the coffee pot, “It’s the attendants’ break room. Residents aren’t allowed. You need to leave,”
“Y/N, seriously?” Mark asked.
“I don’t make the rules,” you whispered.
You could feel Lexie’s stare piercing at you, “It’s fine Mark, I’ll leave,”
“What’s going on with you, Y/N?” Mark asked.
“Nothing I’m fine,”
You don’t know what came over. You gave up on trying to be better. Do better. So there you were with a nurse sleeping on top of you and the only person you could think of was Lexie.
Then of course like it always does the worst happened. Lexie came bursting through the room, “I uh I’m sorry. But Hunt wants to meet with us, Mark, Derek, Meredith, Cristina, and Arizona,”
“I’ll be right there,” you threw on your clothes and walked right past her.
“What’s your problem with me?” she asked as you guys were walking to Hunt’s office.
“Obviously there’s something, you won’t even look at me,” she stated a hint of sadness in her voice.
“There’s nothing. We’re fine,”
“Just stop and talk to me!” she yelled.
“There’s nothing to talk about Lexie. You already have one Sloan in your life. You don’t need two. Remember the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,” you snapped.
“Y/N, I’m dying,” she whispered and you shook your head. The adrenaline coursing through your body.
“No, you’re not dying today, okay?” you whispered.
You started to get up again when she grabbed her hand, “Please just stay with me. I have one more thing I want to say,”
“I always thought you were-you were a player. You didn’t want to settle down, you just wanted fun. But that didn’t stop me from loving you. If things were different, if we were different,” she whispered and your eyes started to tear up, “I never loved Mark the way I loved you. And he knew that, we both knew that.”
“Stop, okay? No goodbyes. You’re going to become and amazing neurosurgeon, Lexie. You have so much more to learn. A whole life ahead of you,” you told her, “You’ll settle down with kids and a husband or wife. Someone who makes you happy,”
It was her turn to shake her head, “I don’t get that. We will never get that together. I know you hate me, but Y/N, you’ll always be my favorite what if,”
That was all it took for you to get up. You don’t know what came over you, but you stood up and you tried lifting the stupid plane metal off of her. You let out a groan as you started pushing it off.
Hysterical strength is what they called it. When your adrenaline and your hormones and body chemistry kicks in during a dangerous situation. You pushed the plane right off of her.
Then started to immediately patching her up. Not too long later a rescue plane arrived. Lexie started falling in and out of consciousness.
You sat in the emergency room as your hand was getting checked out. They rushed Lexie back to the OR, you didn’t care if your hand lost all its function. All you cared about was her.
“I always knew,” Mark whispered to you as the two of you sat next to each other in the emergency room, “That she loves you and that you love her. I don’t know why I thought that I could get into the middle of it,”
He places his hand in your numb one, “She’s going to be okay,”
“The last thing she’s going to think about me is that I hated her. I never hated her,” I whispered.
You don’t know how long it was before the doctor came out, looking straight at me, “She’s okay and she’s asking for you.”
You shot out from your bed and rushed to her room. She sat there, her hair slightly messy as she gave you a small smile, “Hi,”
You immediately ran towards her, cupping her face as gently as possible, before pulling her closer. The two of your lips finally touching. It was magic. Sparks flying as the two of you kissed.
“I never hated you. I could never hate you. I’m sorry I was just so jealous and upset about you and-“ you started to ramble as you pulled away.
“I know,”
“I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you,” you whispered, “Please don’t ever leave me. You’re too special to be a what if,”
Fifteen years later
“So mommy used to have super strength?” your youngest daughter turned to Lexie and you chuckled softly.
Lexie nodded, “She still does. Whenever you’re in danger, mommy will help activate her super strength and help you,” Lexie bopped her nose as the two of you told her, her favorite bedtime story.
“She’s like the Hulk!” your son added and you laughed before ruffling his hair.
“You guys really set the bar for love stories didn’t you?” your teenage daughter asked, rolling her eyes playfully after hearing the semi true fairytale story for a thousandth time.
“Oh definitely. You can try to beat us, but you’ll fail,” you teased her and Lexie pushed you playfully.
You guys laugh, “Bedtime everyone!” Lexie announced.
“Goodnight,” the two of you said to your youngest daughter, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Before hugging your son and daughter.
The two of you settled into bed as Lexie curled up into your arms. She placed her hand in yours, squeezing it ever so softly. The feeling of her hand in your once injured one was comforting.
“You’re my better half, did you know that?” you whispered, “You bring out the better half of me,”
“And you bring out mine,”
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Hi i dont know if your still accepting prompts but I didn’t want to forget the idea lol no pressure though take your time with this one: Hayes bringing Meredith to Ireland to meet his family and to spend time together just the two of them
Tell Ma I'm Coming Home - Merhayes
I've been shockingly bad at writing lately so I'm sorry that this took so long but I hope this is okay x
“You know, it’s a well-known fact that I don’t do very well when it comes to meeting parents.”
After a 13-hour flight that included a stopover, Cormac had yet to persuade Meredith that his family were going to love her. He’d spoken to both his parents in length about Meredith, mainly due to his Ma’s probing. Initially, they had both just been grateful that Cormac had been willing to open up his heart again. There was never a concern as to how he would handle becoming a single father to two teenage boys. The worry had laid in the thoughts that their only son wouldn’t find someone to share his life with. That his grief over losing Abigail would be all-consuming, not allowing him to understand that he could be happy again.
So, when Cormac had finally told them that he was seeing someone, neither of them could care less who it was at first. Their excitement was purely because their son had eventually understood that finding love again didn’t mean that his love for Abigail would ever diminish and that he deserved to be happy. Over the past few months, they’d gotten to know more about the girl that Cormac had fallen for. She sounded headstrong, confident, stubborn. Everything that Cormac needed.
“Mer, I promise you that I’m not throwing you into the lion’s den. I wouldn’t ever do that to you. So, please trust me when I say that they already love you.”
The two of them were trundling up a stone strewn path. After getting a bus and a taxi from the airport, Cormac had told the taxi driver to drop them off in the middle of a small village, telling Meredith that the walk to his parent's house out on the fields was definitely worth it. After ten minutes she was yet to believe that. It might have been a bit better had they not been dragging their suitcases behind them. Cormac had offered multiple times to take hers but Meredith had stubbornly refused. She could carry her own bags.
When the house eventually came into sight Meredith stopped in her tracks. Her mouth dry. Realising she wasn’t following him anymore, Cormac turned around and walked back to his girlfriend. Placing a hand on her hack, he kissed her cheek.
“Come on, I promise you, my family are just as crazy as yours are.”
He gently pushed her forward with him, knowing that she wouldn’t be willing to move otherwise. It was odd for him to see Meredith like this. The woman that he had fallen in love with was so confident in her work, so headstrong in her life that it was peculiar to see her this anxious about something that he hadn’t thought was that big of a deal.
From outside the door, the pair could already hear booming laughter from inside. The sound of his father’s laughter made an unconscious smile appear on Cormac face. It didn’t matter how long he spent in America, this was always going to feel like home to him. One hand still on Meredith’s back, Cormac opened the door with the other ushering Meredith in first, who hesitantly walked in.
Cormac brought both the bags in, giving her a grin before yelling out, “Ma, Da! We’re here!”
A woman in her mid-30s came rushing out of the living room, her blonde hair falling out of a bun.
“Cormac!” She flung her arms around his neck, making him stagger back a little before he steadying himself and returned the hug,
“Trying to kill me, are ya, Niamh?”
She pulled away, slapping his arm. “Well, maybe if you visited more often then I wouldn’t find the need to.” She stuck her tongue out at him whilst Cormac just rolled his eyes.
Not entirely sure what to do or say, Meredith, stood off awkwardly to the side. She didn’t want to interrupt Cormac’s time with his family. He’d spoken in length to her about his sister Niamh. Whilst the age gap between them was quite large, he had always been close to his sister. Always let her tag along when he would be going to play football with his friends, would spend the entire weekend with her when she was able to convince their parents to let her visit him in uni.
Niamh nudged her brother, nodding over at Meredith so she could be introduced.
“You know you could just introduce yourself. I feel like you might just be old enough now.”
That earned him another punch in the arm. Winching, and rubbing the injury, Cormac decided not to risk any more teasing. “Niamh, this is my girl, Meredith. Meredith, this is my entirely annoying,” he flinched as Niamh went to punch him again, “but extremely talented, baby sister Niamh.”
Grinning Niamh pushed her brother out of the way and went to hug Meredith. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
Eventually and awkwardly, Meredith hugged her back. This was definitely a warmer reception than she had had with Derek’s sisters.
“I thought he was going to hide you from us forever. You must be exhausted, come into the living room, Da’s already in there and Ma just ran out for some milk.”
Meredith found herself being dragged off to the living room and when she turned back to her boyfriend, she found him with a huge grin and knowing look on his face. He’d had no doubt that this was going to be the reception she got from his family.
Cormac hadn’t even managed to step foot into the living room before Niamh had begun introductions.
“Da, this is Cormac’s girlfriend, Meredith.”
“it’s a pleasure to meet you, Meredith.” Standing up from a worn-out armchair, Cormac’s father was dressed in a white shirt and a pair of grey trousers.
Meredith took his outstretched hand to shake, “Thank you for letting me stay here, Mr Hayes.”
He gave a hearty chuckle, shaking his head. “Oh, you don’t need to call me, Mr Hayes. Rory will do just fine. Come on, take a seat, Ava won’t be too long now.”
As Meredith took a seat next to Niamh on an empty sofa, Rory welcomed his son home. The two shared a long, tight hug. It was clear to see that Rory had missed having Cormac around. The space between visits had been far too long and Rory had left it up to his wife to badger their son to come and visit them but he had missed Cormac more than anyone. Watching the Six Nation hadn’t quite been the same since his son had left.
When the two of them had finally let go of each other Cormac gave a pointed look to Niamh, the same one he had given her when they were kids as he wanted her to move but she wasn’t six years old anymore and happy to listen to her brother.
“Oh, I don’t think so. You two have been dating for months which means that you’ve had her to yourself for months. So, I’m pretty sure you can survive not sitting next to Meredith while Da and I get to know her.”
Cormac looked over at Meredith, hoping that she might support him but instead his girlfriend just smirked at him. “You heard her. There are plenty of seats in this room.”
Shaking his head, Cormac took a seat on the other armchair in the room whilst his father laughed at him. Inside though, he was pleased that Meredith felt comfortable enough to not need him next to her, that she was happy to sit next to his sister. The next ten minutes were spent with Cormac mostly on the outskirts of the conversation as Rory, Niamh and Meredith all got to know each other. Meredith found herself quickly at ease with the pair much to her surprise. That ease soon faded away when she heard the voice of Ava Hayes as she entered the house. This had been the member of the Hayes’ family that Meredith had been most worried to meet.
Cormac had told Meredith of the close relationship that he had with his mother. She had always been his number one supporter: his toughest critic yet his biggest cheerleader. It was Ava whom Cormac had leant on for support when Abigail was first diagnosed, always at the end of the phone whenever he needed her. Whilst she hadn’t agreed with Cormac’s rash move to Switzerland, she had still gone to visit him and the boys after a few months to make sure that they were settled properly.
“Cormac!” A lady of around five feet bustled through the door in a floral white summer dress and coral cardigan, her brunette hair going white at the roots hung around her shoulders.
Cormac immediately got up from his seat and wrapped his mother in a hug. “Ma, I’ve missed you.” He kissed her cheek as they pulled away.
Ava smacked his arm making her son wince, “You wouldn’t have to miss me if you just came to visit more often.”
As he opened his mouth to reply, his mother quickly waved him off. “Don’t bother with the excuses. It’s Meredith that I’m more excited to see.”
“Thank, Ma.”
Ava ignored her son’s sarcastic drawl and turned to look at Meredith who’d gotten up from the sofa. Much like her daughter, Ava pulled Meredith into a hug.
“it’s so lovely to finally meet you, Meredith. Cormac won’t stop going on about you whenever he calls.”
Meredith gave a nervous smile, a slight blush crawling up her cheeks. “It’s nice to meet you too but I definitely wouldn’t believe everything he says about me.”
“Nonsense. You’re the woman who’s finally managed to put a smile on my son’s face again. I’ll forever be grateful to you because of that.” Ava’s eyes began to well up with tears.
Meredith took one of her hands and gave it a squeeze. “You raised an amazing man and he’s done a lot more for me than I have for him.”
Ava quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen. “Oh, don’t praise him too much, it’ll just go to his head.”
“Oh, trust me, there’s no risk of that.”
“It’s true, that’s probably the first compliment she’s given me in the past three months.”
Meredith just rolled her eyes at him in response, “There’s just not a lot to compliment and that’s not my fault.
Ava couldn’t help but chuckle at their interaction. She felt fully at peace now having met Meredith. She’d never doubted her son’s judgment but having finally met Meredith, Ava knew that her son was in good hands, and she couldn’t be happier. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t spoken to her son’s girlfriend for very long, Ava just had a good feeling about her. Not only that but she had seen the way that Meredith and Cormac kept glancing at each other, she could sense the lightness in her son’s stature that she feared had disappeared forever and the woman standing in front of her had been willing to take a 13-hour flight to meet her boyfriend’s family for the first time. If Cormac ever let go of Meredith, Ava was going to give him hell, but she was pretty sure that this was Cormac’s second chance love and she didn’t know anyone that deserved it more.
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rosered2018 · 3 years
St. Kilda - Determination and Curiosity
Apologies for skipping a week. I've been struggling with writer's block, and I am hoping that this may help me break it. Also, last week's episode felt like setup for what was to come.
So. The past two weeks, we've had more than a few developments.
First of all, we've gotten some information as to why Andromeda is so determined to have Lockie in her life. Her family's curse is killing her, and she thinks he can heal her. More to the point, she thinks Dubrach himself led Lockie to the island to do that.
Which brings us to this week, where we find out that Lockie's con artistry extended to being a bogus faith healer. And not only has his past come back to bite him in the ass, he's been put in the position where he's going to have to prove he can do what he claimed he could.
I do have to agree with Lockie on the subject of the journals. It seems odd that Cormac, who had been fairly verbose on paper, would suddenly clam up at a point, and that he wouldn't say a word in his journals about his little daughter Andromeda. There was some kind of major change in there, and Andromeda was probably too little to notice it or to know what happened. And, for my money, if there were journals missing, they've probably been destroyed.
I noticed that the fallout from that first ritual and the aftermath is still coming. The immediate political fallout has yet to hit, I think, but it's going to cause a lot upheaval when it does.
It's kind of heartbreaking that Angelique wouldn't even sell Wee Mary any cat foot because she decided to side with Mathias. Poor Toast was an absolute innocent in the whole mess and did not deserve that.
And on the subject of our favorite red-haired disaster area, does Mathias actually have any relationships that he hasn't screwed up in some way, shape, or form?
He alienated probably both of the Torrence brothers, and I can't see Wee Mary wanting anything to do with him. And given what happened after the attempted ritual, I can't see him being too popular with the community in general.
Whatever relationship he's got with Andromeda is probably gone after his attempted coup (whether that was what he actually intended or not) and trying to throw Lockie into a bottomless pit.
His relationship with Niyathi is probably shaky at best, considering she's his ex-wife and that they should probably have never gotten together to begin with. He's been carrying a torch for Andromeda since he was kid, and I don't think he was her first choice, either. The fact she's quite definitely moved on from their relationship and is getting involved with Lockie is not going to help things any. At this point, I'd say that the only thing they have in common at this point is Hari.
Hari, of course, is still an adorable little kid, and I know people guessed that Mathias was his father just from the way they interacted in the first episode. I've gotten the impression that Mathias loves him dearly, but has no idea how the hell to relate to him. The only time that child showed any interest in being in his father's presence was when Mathias was going to get him ice cream and then make the phone call that probably brought Preston to the island looking for Lockie.
The backbone, however, I don't think is as literal a thing as Niyathi and Lockie seem to think it is. For my money, it's probably a person, though at this point, I don't know who, and I can't see Andromeda being happy with the idea of them poking around her family crypt while chasing a metaphor.
Personally, I suspect it might be Mathias, but I don't know if that's just because I have a minor crush on Ben Meredith (I like his voice!) or because he's the only other character with the potential for a major story arc. Mathias certainly sees himself as the backbone of the community, even though everyone else seems to see him as a pain in the ass. Plus, I like the idea of Mathias and Lockie becoming reluctant allies and even more reluctant friends while they deal with whatever's coming.
UPDATE: Just went back and realized that I had a paragraph out of order, and went back and fixed it. I have no idea how I managed to miss it the first time. Sorry about that.
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