#i struggled with the fucking stick for 5 minutes before i gave up and had to walk 2km home in soaked pants and water and mud in my shoes
souliebird · 11 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 8]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to protect his new family from not only Hell's Kitchen but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Words: 3.9k
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There is a pigeon perched on the streetlamp that sits on the north corner of the block. It's got some sort of stick, most likely, and has been unsuccessfully trying to make a nest for the past hour. Given that the streetlamp is curved, this is a very bad idea, but the bird doesn't know that. The poor things weren't meant to be in the wild and a single stick is not going to save its egg from falling off if it chooses to lay it there. But it keeps at it, picking up the stick and putting it back down at different angles. 
Matt very much understands the dumb bird's struggles. He has no idea what the hell he is doing, either. He felt, finally, after many a year, he actually had his shit together. And sure, maybe it was held together with duct tape, a lot of ibuprofen, and multiple prayers, but it was stable and balanced. He had a handle on things, for the most part. 
He was doing what he loved, in all aspects of his life - defending people with the law and with his fists. He had Foggy and Karen, and he was working more with the Defenders, and he could be in Frank's presence without a fist fight happening. There was a drop in crime in Hell's Kitchen - he'd stopped the last two crime families who had tried to set up shop here before they even had a foot hold. 
Then everything in his universe changed and Matt is now the human equivalent of a pigeon trying to lay an egg on a streetlamp. 
He never thought he would be a father. It was something he dreamed about, in the deep recesses of his mind, but he never thought it would be a reality. Not with Daredevil. But, oh did God love to yank on his chain and remind Matt he had no clue what His plans were for him. 
Matt wouldn't change it for the world, though. Something fundamental in him changed the moment the words had left your mouth and when he met Minnie for the first time, he knew he was a goner. 
He would happily throw himself into the pits of Hell if it would make his daughter smile. 
He wants so much to be a good father. Everything in him aches to be half as good as his own father was to him, but he doesn't know how, and he is terrified of fucking it up. 
Because if there is one thing Matthew Murdock is good at its fucking things up. Especially when he thinks he means well. 
So, Matt is taking in all the lessons God has taught him over the last few years and going against his instincts and he is going to ask for help. 
Foggy and Karen should be at his door any minute, if they stop pausing to talk on the stairs, and Matt is going to tell them everything. 
He hasn't been this nervous in years and he can't stop pacing. He's pretty sure he's going to wear his path into his floor if he keeps going, but he just adds it to all the other damage the apartment has incurred over the years. It's not like he's getting his security deposit back anyways. 
He wants to open his front door and yell at his friends to hurry up, but he doesn't want to alarm them. They know something is up with him, Matt apparently wears his emotions on his sleeve, but they don't know what. He suspects Karen might have an inkling because Karen has an extra sense when it comes to detecting secrets, but Foggy is clueless and Matt doesn't want to worry him. 
He allows himself to stop pacing once they reach his landing and tells himself to walk calmly once they knock on the door. 
He prides himself in not wrenching the thing off its hinges from his nerves and gives his friends a beaming smile, "I thought you'd never make it up the stairs." 
"Oh good," Foggy chimes, clapping Matt on the shoulder as he walks by, "He's still being weird."
"I'm not being weird," Matt counters quickly, only for Karen to pat his cheek when she passes him.
"You're being weird."
He shuts and locks the door before following them into his main living area. Foggy goes straight for the fridge, browsing his beer options while Karen takes residence on the couch. He doesn't need to be able to see to know she's staring at the two big binders sitting on the coffee table. 
"Buddy," Foggy starts, popping three beers open with a hiss of the bottles, "the past few weeks you have been Grade A weird. You keep getting this dopey look on your face and spacing out. And usually," he continues, walking leisurely to the couch and handing Karen her beer first, before giving Matt his, "I would suspect a woman, or a man, because the heart wants what the heart or dick wants, but I know Matt Murdock falling for a girl weird. This isn't that type of weird. And this isn't Daredevil weird, because you get broody when it's that. This weird? I don't know this weird. So, spill Murdock, why are you being weird."
"And don't tell us it's nothing," Karen adds. Her beer sloshes in the bottle, indicating she's pointing it at him. "Because I agree with Foggy. We don't know this weird."
Matt deflates just slightly. He guesses he's been way less subtle than he thought he was being.
"Fine, I've been weird, BUT," he says with emphasis, "It's for a very good reason and I want it on the record that I was not hiding anything or keeping it secret. I was confirming all the facts before presenting my case. I.." he pauses to choose his words carefully, "didn't want to get ahead of myself." 
"You didn't want to get ahead of yourself?" Foggy confirms and he gives a nod. 
The response is for both Karen and Foggy to take long sips of their respective beers. Matt's nerves are too riled up to drink his, yet so he starts to scratch at the label to get the energy out. 
"So, this is Devil related?" Foggy asks. There's a hint of disappointment and exhaustion in his voice and it makes Matt's heart hurt. He has really put his best friend through it, hasn't he? 
"No. Well, yes, but no. It's complicated." Because the Devil is involved by default because it is Matt and it will be something that needs to be addressed down the road, but for right now, no. Not Devil related. 
"That's not very reassuring," Karen points out. 
"Just tell us, buddy. Whatever it is, we're here for you."
That makes Matt's lips turn down, "It isn't a bad thing, Fog." 
"Well, we wouldn't know that because you've told us nothing," Foggy counters.
His instinct is to keep bantering with Foggy and he knows they can go at it for another hour, but he reminds himself of his resolve and settles back into the couch. 
He's practiced his speech about a dozen times but all of it dies in his throat and the truth comes out on its own, blunt and to the point.
"I am a father."
Foggy has the more intense reaction, confirming Matt's suspension that Karen had an idea at the truth. His best friend inhales sharply, heart starting to beat harder in his chest. His body is sending all sorts of signals, and this is one of the times Matt wishes he could see - just to know what expression Foggy has. 
It feels like hours before Fog finally says something.
"You're going to be a father?"
"No," Matt corrects, "I AM a father. I already am."
Karen leans forward, her spine creaking and her hair swishing, "The little girl. From last week. That's her, isn't it?"
Matt nods, feeling a smile start to pull at his cheeks, "Yeah. That was her."
"Oh my God, Matt!" He hears her weight shift as she pushes herself across the couch and right into Matt, loosely throwing her arms around his shoulders. He leans into it, hugging her back with the arm not holding his beer. "She is adorable!"
"She is, isn't she?" He preens. 
Foggy's brain finally seems to process the information and he sits on the arm of one of the chairs, like he needs the support, "Wait, no, that was a toddler, wasn't it? That child was like five."
"She's three. And a half." Matt says as Karen pulls away from him to go back to her spot.
Foggy's bottle of beer sloshes and Matt imagines he's holding up his hands in a mock surrender. "Sorry, three and a half. Plus, nine months that would…Jesus, Matt, that's before we started the firm. The first time."
"Blasphemy, Foggy. And.. Yeah, the Christmas before we started the firm. When we were still at L and Z," he allows himself a sip of beer before diving into his explanation, "That Christmas party we went to, the one good one we ditched the L and Z one for."
Foggy shakes his head, "I was with you that whole night, Matt." 
"Until you ditched me for the French woman," he gently reminds his best friend. 
Foggy goes quiet and he must be trying to remember. Matt can tell Karen is watching like a hawk, keen eyes and ears trying to unravel the whole story. 
"I forgot about the French woman. She ditched me and I guess I assumed you left and…" Fog trails off.
"Well, I did leave, to be fair," he reminds them. "Just not alone."
"Jesus, Matt," Foggy repeats and he lets it slide this time. He'll say an extra Hail Mary for him. "Did you not wrap it up?"
Both Karen and Matt give a bark of laughter.
"Of course, I did. And she was on the pill, but you know that is not a guarantee." 
"Why come forward now?" Karen asks, redirecting the conversation. 
"She didn't know who I was. She says she tried to find me, and she wasn't lying. Then she saw that interview we did and recognized me," he tells them. 
He hears Foggy rub at his jaw and Matt just knows his brain is going into lawyer mode.
"But why did she tell you," Karen pushes, and he can tell she's looking for an angle that isn't there.
He ducks his chin just slightly and goes back to playing with the beer label, "It's not like that. It's not. She wants what is best for Minnie. She wanted me to be aware and have the option to get to know her. She was fully prepared for me to turn her away. She had already signed the forms waiving her right to ask for child support. The only thing she wanted was to know my family medical history."
"Her name is Minnie?" Karen cooes and that warms Matt's heart. He suddenly very much understands your need to gush over your daughter.
"It is. Winifred Love. She goes by Minnie or Mouse," he knows he's smiling like an idiot, but he can't help it. 
"That is such a sweet name," Karen hums and he can hear her smile.
"It is," he agrees, then he tilts his head towards Foggy, his voice dropping to something almost apologetic. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to be sure. She wasn't lying when she said I was the father, but that could have been because she believed I was. And I am. We got a paternity test and I wanted…I wanted it to be official. Real. Before I told you. And now it is. My name is going to be added to her birth certificate. I filed the paperwork and everything."
He can't nail down how Foggy is reacting and that scares him. He doesn't want his best friend to be upset with him, again. He was really, really trying to do the right thing this time. 
Foggy finally, finally pushes himself off the chair and steps around the coffee table before enveloping Matt in a tight hug. Matt hugs him back, just as tightly.
"I'm so happy for you, buddy," Fog breathes against him. The corners of his eyes start to sting, and Matt tells himself he is Not going to cry.
Foggy holds him for a good thirty seconds before letting go and stepping away, "Okay, before we jump into the whole Daredevil -"
"I'm going to tell her," Matt cuts his friend off. He puts his beer down and leans forward to put his elbows on his knees, "Not right now, but I completely intend to. If I can trust her. I think I can, but we've only just really met again. But I've learned. From both of you. I want to do this right. I want to tell her about my senses, first, and then we can build up to the other stuff. Once I am completely sure I can trust her."
Neither Karen nor Foggy respond to him right away and he has the feeling they are having a complete conversation with just their eyes. He waits. He doesn't want to rush them either. Matt wants to go into this with all of them on the same page. It's important to him. 
They are his family, too. 
"Tell us about them," Karen finally says and Matt doesn't even try to fight the grin that spreads across his face.
He tells them your name, then reaches for the first of the binders - the one that is twice the size of the other.
"She's…she's Good. You'll like her. She, uh, made me this, kind of big guide to our daughter. Everything I need to know and it's…in Braille. She knew I couldn't read print, so uh, all of Minnie's life she's been requesting copies of documents in Braille for when she found me." He pushes the binder towards Karen, and she picks it up in a flash, starting to flip through the pages. 
"This is pretty detailed," she hums, before cooing again, "There's pictures. Look, Fog." 
Foggy walks around the couch to stand behind Karen. Matt can tell that even though they are both Happy for him, they are worried, and he more than understands. He knows once he tells them more, that worry will fade. 
He just needs to drop the final off the bombshells. 
He licks his lips, clears his throat, then throws himself into the open, "Minnie is like me. She has my senses." 
They both go as still as they can, taking identical sharp inhales. 
"Not as…intense as mine, I don't think, but she has them. I.. Confirmed it. She could hear an ice cream truck four city blocks away."
"Matt…" Foggy starts and Matt shakes his head.
"We had a conversation, Fog. Clear across the park. I was whispering. She's…she's like me. She was born with it, but she's adapted, for the most part. Her mom just thinks she's sensitive, and she is, and she…she.." he motions with his hand, trying to convey what he wants to say, "Her mom helps. She gets her these headphones to block out sounds and all these things to help her. She just does it, she's doesn't question the why. All those little stupid things that make my life more annoying - the smell of cleaning supplies and how food tastes like the sewer or that certain fibers feel like sandpaper - Minnie deals with those and her Mom does her best so that she doesn't have to suffer. And that's…I need your help." He taps the second, smaller binder. "She made me a guide, so I want to make her one. I just…I don't know how." 
He deflates a little. Over the past two weeks, he's done his best to type things up, things he thinks will help, but he has no clue if any of it makes sense to anyone but him.
"Oh, Matt," Karen hands the big binder off to Foggy, then leans forward to take Matt's hand in her own, squeezing it tightly, "Of course we will help you." 
"We will make the best how to deal with your bat radar guide that has ever existed, bud. You can count on us," Foggy adds, starting to flip through the binder himself.
That evaporates Matt's doubt, and he huffs out a laugh, "I don't think there is another guide, Fog."
"Then we will set the standard for human bat radar guides," Karen counters with mirth. 
"I'll drink to that," his best friend says, once again moving so he can grab his drink. He raises the bottle in a toast, "To the best damn bat radar guide there will ever be, and to Matt, whose man whore ways have blessed us with another him!"
Matt scoops up with beer with a laugh and clinks his bottle against Foggy's, Karen's joining a moment later. 
"To Minnie," Karen adds and that makes Matt beam.
"To Minnie!"
"To Minnie!"
They all take long pulls on their beers then set them down on the table. 
Matt can practically feel Karen grinning at him, "What?" 
"I want stories," she says, reaching over to shake his arm, "You've told us the big picture, I want to know about this little pumpkin. How many times have you gotten to meet her?"
"A few times," he says, unable to hide his own smile. "She calls me Mister Matt. We haven't told her who I am yet. We want her to be comfortable and I…want her to want me to be her father, you know?" He hears both of them nod and he keeps barreling on. "She's…she's perfect. She's so sweet - she loves to use her manners, you know? Please and Thank yous. And she just wants to help, with anything. She's pretty good for a three year old at being a Guide. I'm learning a lot about what she thinks is important."
"What is important?" Foggy asks, and Matt can hear the underlying happiness in his voice and that makes Matt giddy. 
"Colors. How soft something looks. If it has a name and how it's feeling." He grins and adds, "At the park she was telling me how we can't walk in the grass because it's rude and hurts the grass' feelings. And that we can't pick flowers because it takes them away from their families and makes them sad."
Karen cooes, "That's the sweetest thing."
Foggy huffs fondly, "She wanted to pick flowers with you?"
He shrugs and ducks his head a little, "Kinda? She was talking about how to make flower crowns and bracelets."
"Is she going to make you a flower crown?" Karen asks, and Matt can sense her leaning towards him. The teasing in her voice has him guessing she's got her Mischievous look on. 
"That's so sweet."
"It's so 2014," Foggy adds with his own teasing.
Karen throws one of the throw pillows he's somehow accumulated at Foggy, "She's a baby, leave her alone."
Both he and Foggy laugh and Matt can't help but get his own dig in, "Like you would deny a flower crown from her."
"Damn right, I wouldn't," his best friend bites back. "I'm accepting all flower crowns, hair braiding, nail painting, and tea parties. I am going to be the best uncle she could ever dream of - wait, does she already have an uncle? Do I need to do research? I'll out Uncle anyone."
Matt shakes his head, "No, it's just the two of them. No other family. It seems like a sensitive topic, so I haven't.. Pushed. She hasn't either, but my background is a little more…public?  I haven't told her about Maggie, yet."
The couch groans as Karen leans back into it, sipping again at her beer before humming, "Well, it will be easier to keep your late night activities under wrap. Less people to question things?" 
"That's a way to put it," is the response from his other friend. Matt shakes his head at both their words.
"I told you I want to tell her, once it's safe. I need your help with that, too," Matt pushes himself up and starts to pace behind his couch, "With everything we've been through, all the things we've been working on as a team - and I know most of that is me with all my bullshit and issues." He stops his walking to rub at his jaw, "I know…I know I'm going to be bad at this. I know I'm going to fuck something up. I've done it to both of you countless times. And I can't give up on being the Devil, we've seen how it goes when I try to go either way, so I need to find the balance quick but I can't.." He trails off slightly as the emotions swell in his chest at his self sabotaging this and he has to inhale deeply to keep himself from getting too worked up. "I can't lose them. I can't."
"Oh, Matt," Karen whispers. 
He's so caught up in his own emotions he doesn't hear Foggy get up and actually starts when he's clapped on the shoulder, "Matt, let me say this with my full heart, and I know Karen will one hundred percent agree, and I'm pre-facing this with I love you and you are my brother and best friend, and I think this is exactly what you need me to tell you. If you pull any of the bullshit you did with us with them or anything similar, I will personally drop you into the Hudson. After Karen is through with you."
It catches him off guard, but his best friend is right and it is exactly what he needs to hear. 
"There would not be anything left to dispose of," Karen cheerily adds and Matt doesn't need super human hearing to know she's telling the truth. 
He nods in understanding to both of them, "Thank you." He needs to properly thank them for so many things, but he doesn't know how and all he can do is repeat the words. 
"So," Foggy starts again, squeezing Matt's shoulder before shaking him a few times. "When do I get to meet my newest niece?"
"Once we tell her the truth about who I am to her. I'm going over for dinner tomorrow, to try and be in more everyday things to get her used to it all." He wonders if his excitement about the dinner is showing through. He gets to visit where you and his daughter live and that always says so much about a person. He wants to be let into that bubble. 
"Wait!" Karen gasps, turning more in her seat so she is facing towards the two of them, "If Foggy gets to be Uncle, does that mean I'm an Aunt?"
"Do you want to be?" He asks, because it is obviously a 'yes' in his mind. 
Karen considers this, Foggy narrating, "She's debating on her head, doing the whole tilting it one way and then the next." 
"Oh, hush, Fog! Of course, I want to be!"
This quickly dissolves into playful bickering.
"Aunt Karen has a good ring to it."
"Oh, like Uncle Foggy is much better?"
Matt grins and finds his way back to his seat and his beer. He grabs the bottle and takes a long sip, listening to two of the most important people in his life bask in the glow of their little family getting bigger. 
Maybe, just maybe, he isn't as helpless and lost as he thinks he is. 
Maybe it will all be okay. 
He just needs to have faith. 
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
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@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
@theclassicvinyldragon @aoi-targaryen @lunaticgurly @nikitawolfxo @shireentapestry @snakevyro @yondiii @echos-muses @honeybug-victoria @the-bisaster @ristare @mrs-bellingham @eugene-emt-roe @cometenthusiast @stevenknightmarc @hunnybelha @
Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @dil3mma @allllium @
two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend
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bonefries · 2 months
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Outlast Trials | Fanfiction | Mostly SFW + Depictions of gore / little bit of suggestive groping.
The Fox and the Hare | Franco Barbi x (Reagent OC) Sister Elizabeta
This picture is now the cover for this one shot I wrote about Eli and Franco! This is the story about the first time Eli reveals to Franco that she wants to cannibalize his heart. I've never really written a fic before so I gave it a try. (Please go easy on me. Writing is not my first skill.)
(Outlast Trials story, you have been warned.) Writing under the cut!
"5 AM in the Goddamn morning." Franco's voice rumbled from his bed at the less than pleasurable sound of the morning intercom. The crackling static of the Murkoff speaker as it popped on to inform him that he has 15 minutes to prepare before his first appearance of the day.
His blanket would shuffle as he struggled to slump himself forward, clearing the morning gunk from his throat and rubbing the dust from his eyes. Lifting his ring finger to his face, he delicately massaged the thin layer of his eyelid. In this gesture he would push away the pesky tears that pooled along his waterline.
"Marone." He would roll off his tongue in agitation. There are few individuals that opt to run his stage so early before sunrise.
This was, even for him, too goddamn early. However, it was all a part of the contract. On call at whatever moment of the day Murkoff desired. In exchange, Franco is given his milk and honey. The heroin operations intact, his clientele happy and paying, and his protection guaranteed from whomever senior Salvatore may still be trying to throw his way to disturb his little slice of heaven. Though, one did think about the audacity it took for him to be so inconvenienced by waking up early for work. He was, after all, complaining from his large and private bedroom that was custom fitted with all of his nice things. From his silky bed sheets to his hardwood armoire that held his finely tailored wardrobe. The things he can't help but want because of his upbringing in a luxury lifestyle. Back then, young Barbi could have whatever he wanted so long as it didn't require Daddy's love and affection. "Who the fuck wants to be in there at ass crack'a dawn." Franco would take a deep breath, the air hissing through him as he swung his legs over the side of his bed. The already irritated Barbi had no intentions of getting dressed this first time around as he searched his bed for his evening robe. As he sat on the edge of his sheets, he would run his fingers over the side of his head to feel how his wound was fairing. It was a regular issue that he has long since discarded serious care for. The chemicals Murkoff pumped into him at regular check ups somehow managed to keep the infection in line just enough every time. But, it was still a chronic pain. And of course, the dressings he had gone to sleep with were off once again. He could never manage to get them to stick as he would toss and turn throughout his appointed resting periods. At his bedside of course, sat his precious Lupara. He'd grab the gun with a haste most only saw in soldiers hurried to war.
"I'll be fucked if some spunky little cunt is really lookin for a fight this early in the mornin." He spat with a jagged scowl.
If it truly was some reagent with the balls to be so punctual, he wasn't going to give them the pleasure of seeing him in his proper work attire. Hell, the only thing he truly bothered with were his socks and shoes. The small man had every intention of looking ridiculous for the poor sucker he was hoping to find. --------
"Good morning Mr. Barbi." Said the man behind the glass. Waiting for Franco at this gated entrance as always. "Up yours, scum pig." Franco would snarl, with no hesitation and no eye contact to spare. Never had he cared for the authority around him that Murkoff provided. This may be their set up, but this was his turf, as far as he was concerned. Once he was past the gate and through the doorway, he would be in the facility. With Lupara over his shoulder, he would stop to stare out into the distance of the Docks. Searching for anything out of the ordinary.
The morning silence was deafening. “So fuckin early even the rats ain’awake yet.”
Franco stated as he stepped along metal staircases and wooden hallways. The disgusting smell of sulfur, like that of rotting eggs. The fake simulated cries of seagulls and the moist sloshing of water and carnage against the cargo ship. He would make his way to the rising platform that laid beneath the hatch, expecting to find someone perhaps within the bridge. As his footsteps trebled against the metal panels of the floor, his predatory intuition made clear that his prey was not too far off. Something in the air changed, a presence, a frequency. A silent alarm, if any. And it made his trigger finger itch.
But his gut warned him to hold steady. And gently, Franco pushed open a door to the bridge control room. The red lighting in the room would make it rather easy for someone to sit still and eventually slide by quietly. Like a conniving little rat. But this wasn't the case, as the intruder made no real efforts to conceal themselves.
A figure hunched over a box of junk and trinkets. The sound of objects being picked up, inspected perhaps, and dropped back in. Though there was something odd about the way that they did, as there didn't appear to be much urgency in their gestures. At least not the kind that you would expect from most reagents.
"Who the fuck is that!?" Franco asserted. Aiming his Lupara with a ferocity that came quicker than the pull of the trigger.
It wasn't more than a second before the hunched figure rose to their full height, head turning slightly to capture a side eye view of Franco's threat posture. Their gaze presented with a very silent and eerie calmness despite the gun pointed to them.
"Thats an awful rude way to greet 'a girl so early in the morning, Mista' Bambino." A voice with a short fuse for patience spoke out to him. You could hear the small gasp that wormed it's way out of the mobster's lungs after being addressed. Franco would drop his hostile pose with Lupara still in his hand. Motioning his arms forward, he gestured the way one would when asking for a hug.
"Lizzy!" Shouted the Barbi.
The giantess gave Franco the quick up and down. Her eyes hung in a way that made them look so soft, but sad. The same way a Forget-Me-Not makes you feel by it's name.
"Doooon't you Lizzy me buster! Yous was just aimin'that goddamn Lupara at the backa' my head!" Her shoulders would jerk around, a small medicine bottle in one hand while the other put up a scolding finger.
Franco would note that she didn't look like her typical self. While she dawned her ever holy reagent bindings and gear, something was unkempt about her.
Her hair was frizzy and bedridden, her make up was fading and tacky along the features and creases of her face. Loosely fitted from her body was a hand made evening jumper. The material looked surprisingly close to the silk of his sheets back in his bedroom. Lastly her stockings were put on in a hurry. They were already full of tears and holes as they pulled against the shape of her legs. For her that had been good enough, and she had walked into the trial shuttle without any shoes.
The two would walk forward from their respective spots in the room, meeting each other half way.
"No, no, Lizzy! You know I'd never take a shot at ya! I-I ain't seen ya in a week I wasn't thinkin it was you!"
Franco's demeanor would shift ever so quickly to that of a begging pup as he put his hands together. Pleading with Lizzy that he was not out of line. That he did good hesitating before letting his trigger finger do the talking for him. "S-Sugar." He would stutter, his expression failing to show any real confidence in his display.
Lizzy would roll her eyes and shake her head. The finger that did the scolding now gently brushing through the front patch of Franco's hair.
"Yeah well, I didn't have much of a choice Barbi doll." She said.
Her nails gently pushed the strands of greasy hair into their signature swirl on his forehead. The gentleness of her motion reflected in the way it felt. A slight tickle on top of the skin, oh, it was something so minor that could make a man like Franco purr.
She could melt him like butter. His knees could turn to jelly on the spot as she stroked his hair. Like being praised for good behavior while he batted his eyelashes at her. Despite how disheveled she would consider herself in the moment, she was his Madonna. An icon he'd get on his knees to worship while he pleaded for her forgiveness and her blessings.
"One of tha'rookies in my cell block is havin a tough time with a nasty stab wound. I said I'd go get them somethin first thing in the mornin." She explained. The tone of her voice suggesting that she was, in fact, the one looking for forgiveness.
"I didn't mean to wake ya up Frankie- Honest. But yous was the first in rotation today." Lizzy tried to assure him, her fingers clenching lightly to his chin. Making him look into her eyes while she tried to reason her actions to him.
Her hands were so soft, except for her pointer finger. He could feel the callused tip of it, making it stand out against the rest. The spot where she pricked too much from sewing without a thimble or machine guard, surely.
Smitten, his mouth would curl into a dotting smile. How he wished she would give him more than just this simple restraint. Though, the thought would quickly pass as his expression changed. Resembling that of a mean and feral tom cat. Scrunched together, like there was a bad taste past his tongue and teeth.
"Wait wait. You got up at this time for some....random newbie! Lizzy. C'mon what'dya get outta helpin these people!" Franco would argue. He was more upset on her behalf than she was.
In fact, she didn't seem to protest the task at all.
"These people ain't got nothin for you. You fuckin know that. Whats'tha sense in goin through.......through this kind of bullshit! Eh?" The little man would kick his leg limply as he let his fuse run without much thought to his outburst. Lizzy offered no real response other than a puff of air. Her red painted nail would lightly poke Bambino on his nose while she uttered something.
"Look Frankie. You might get a nice cozy spot all to ya'self but I share a parlor'wit a buncha other people. Some'a them need someone to look out for them alright?" The woman didn't say much else other than to point out that it was a simple act of kindness for a wounded stranger. "They're just taking advantage of'ya Liz." He grumbled and grabbed her free hand by the wrist. Holstering Lupara for the moment, a thing he rarely did when he was out and about.
"They ain't workin hard like you do, baby. They're just lookin to get what they can outta ya, and then suck you for every last drop you got." Franco's tone would once again reach a level of irritation. He hissed in a low volume and moved to hold her hand in his palms.
"You can't just go willy fuckin nilly doin shit for these people. They're gonna stab you in the back the second they get the goddamn chance."
The way Franco said it truly reflected how often he looked over his shoulder. One could imagine that he never meant a hand shake a day in his life, or that his fingers surely ached from how often they were crossed behind his back. It takes a rat to know a rat, and he has been both rodent and thief in his day.
"Frankie, you're ova'reactin. It's just a little medicine, sourpuss." Lizzy would puff her cheeks out, unbothered by the assumptions Franco was making. She calmly slid her hand away from his grasp to gesture as she spoke.
"Besides....Gave me a reason to come see ya'didn't it?" She giggled at the statement, her fingers running down the open lining of his evening robe. Adjusting the fabric slightly, Lizzy would cup the side of Franco's face. Feeling the heat from his cheeks that she couldn't see on him now.
Franco just stared at her. His thick eyelashes flickering as he blinked in confusion and bashfulness. He didn't want to admit he had gotten a little overworked about the situation, but he had to muster up an excuse of some sort, right?
"Y-yeah. So what if it did? I ain't gonna thank'em! And now I'm all fuckin worked up and out here in my fuckin pajamas!" The man whined. A wincing pitch to his voice that made one feel like they were fighting with a child.
"Fuckin...mothafucka.." Bambino growled to himself. Massaging his eyelids softly once again to push the waterworks away.
"Aw, my poor Bambino. Always cryin, never'sad." Lizzy would bend down to kiss his temple. A faint smear of red tint from her lipstick that she'd had on since the day before. It's darkness was only visible if you really looked for it under the red light of the bridge. Franco's sad moans would cease after this short reward, but only briefly.
For Franco, especially at this time, it still wasn't enough.
"Mother...May I?" He winced and groaned. The sound he made was pathetic to say the least. Like a pained beast, begging to be put out of it's misery. He ran his hands up the woman's sides, gripping them securely much like the way he would grip his precious Lupara.
Lizzy's eyebrows would raise in surprise by his assertiveness in this moment. She scoffed and shook her head. "You'know I ain't got time't fool around wit' you Frankie." She protested. Looking into those sad puppy dog eyes of his. Lizzy had a strong will, but sometimes the break line was thin. She sighed. "C'mere Barbi Doll. Give mama some sugar." She beckoned him with her finger. "Marone...." The mobster buried his face into her belly without a moment's notice. Whispering sweet nothings into the pit of her stomach. His sweating skin sticking to the cool silk that hung loose from her figure. Nosing at it like a desperate animal in heat. Breathing in her scent like it was the last thing he’d do. "Look at what ya'do t'me..." The words crawled out of his mouth like a bum from the gutter. Desperate and yearning.He could never have what he wanted most from her. No matter how many times she appeared on his stage. A dream that was far off, but he had played in his head one hundred times over. The idea of getting warm and close to Lizzy in such a manner made his heart skip and his head spin. He couldn't even catch his breath to properly word the excitement it brought him. So instead, he tried to show it through physical affections as he tugged Lizzy closer to himself. His hands cusped just under her wide and soft curvature. Lizzy's expression would go from soft to perky and surprised at the sudden affections. “What do I do to you, Barbi Doll?” She whispered the question into the air as the tension built itself up. The musk was thick from the stage’s fake salt and morning fog that poured from machines in the walls. "You make baby crazy, Liz…” He groveled as his legs failed to hold him up any longer. Holding on to her ankles for dear life as he looked up at her face. His palms rubbing past the holes in her stockings, occasionally slipping a finger under the fabric to circle her skin tenderly. He would heave slightly as he leaned forward to kiss at the shimmering fabric. The woman stared intently at his display of affection. At the vulnerable state he was willing to subject himself to so he could hear her affirmations. And all she could do was watch him as he kissed at her feet. His lips were dry and sticky as he peppered trails up each leg. One at a time. An alarm was going off somewhere inside her head. The way Franco appeared at the floor before her made her skin hot and her stomach warm. A smirk would creep at the corners of her face, only emphasized by the red lipstick colors that stained her mouth. “Bambino…” Lizzy said. Franco’s short breaths paused as he made eye contact with her upon his title being named. “You know what you make me want to do?” She questioned.
Franco's eyes would light up at the opportunity to ask her. What did he make her want to do. How did she feel? "Mother...Please...." His voice was eager and hurried, like it was being squeezed from him.
"W-what do I make you wanna do, Mother... Tell me. Please." Franco's head was almost on the ground as he bowed it to the question.
"Mother please." The man child begged.
"Heh.." The tall woman snickered and cleared her throat. The air hissing as it sucked in past her teeth that she bared. And if it hadn't been for the lighting one could swear that she had the grin of a predator. Sharp and wanting. Drooling. Itching to snap down on bone and flesh.
Franco's eyes darted back up as he stared from below. The silence getting heavier and heavier with every second that passed. Waiting for her answer.
Before he could gather the air to speak and cut through the quiet, he was hoisted into the air. Lizzy having put down the medicine bottle to give herself more control and range to handle Barbi.
"My Little Baby Barbi Doll." She sang. She pulled his small body close to her so they were nose to nose. Holding him as if he weighed nothing more than a toy to her. Her facial features formed what could only be described as an intoxicated expression.
"If I had it my way..." She giggle-whispered. Her high pitched tone jittering as though something was very funny to her.
"If I had it my way, Barbi Doll. I'd reach my hand right through that little barrel chest'a yours." Lizzy circled her finger nail lightly over the skin above Franco's heart.
"I'd push past your ribs...until I could feel'ya heart between my fingers. And yank it right outta ya. Tubes and all." As Lizzy detailed the viscera of the scene in her head, you could hear the peak of the pleasure she took in describing it. In some twisted way, it made her heart flutter and gave her butterflies in her gut.
Franco's jaw was nearly on the floor as she hushed her desires right into his ears. They locked eyes, and as his mouth was agape, Lizzy's grin was that of a hungry....wolf. No.
He was the wolf here. Lupara, echoed in Franco's head. He still had Lupara, but he dare not grab for it. He knows how much Lizzy hated when he handled the gun around her.
No not a wolf. A vixen. And right now, Franco was the hare. The foolish hare that laid it's head in the maw of the fox. At any moment she could snap her jaws right on his little neck and do him in.
"I would take a bite outta your heart like a fuckin fruit. Frankie." The woman's lips twitched into a sadistic and hungry little grin and she leaned in close to whisper into Franco's ear. "And I bet you taste sweet. Sugar-sweet. Like milk, and honey."
The sentiment was enough to make Franco's mind go over the edge between fear and arousal. He was speechless, short circuited. Not a clue this side of hell what to say to her.
She sighed a longing sigh, as if she had just been minorly inconvenienced. "A girl can dream..." Lizzy would cut off her thoughts quite abruptly.
Putting Bambino back on the ground, his eyes widened with fear and uncertainty. Was she serious? Franco didn't actually know the answer, but his face was hot and flushed so much so that the sweat dripped from his skin. He took a deep breath and asked.
"Y-you wanna eat me?" He said with little behind the question. His teeth clenched from the anxiety. His mouth hollowed with confusion to Lizzy's true motives.
Their gazes would meet and there was a short pause. Lizzy wiped the corner of her mouth with the tip of her thumb and snickered softly.
"You heard me, Barbi Doll. I just wanna. Eat. You. Up."
She hunched over a bit, lowering herself to his level to place a deepened kiss on his lips. It caused Franco to moan lightly with relief as her touch was a comfort he had been missing for days. His temper was short because he felt ignored. Neglected even. But this was just the pick me up he needed, despite how he came about it.
But, the answer was still unclear. Although it wasn't something Franco saw any worth in dwelling over. Not after the heart skipping moment he just felt with Lizzy. Not right now.
A sickening bond that was ever growing between the two of them.
"One'a these days, Dollie. But not today,alright?" She grabbed his chin again and jerked his face lightly and playfully. His eyelashes fluttered at the motion.
"You gonna walk a little lady to the exit shuttle then?" Lizzy requested.
Franco whom already felt a lingering intimidation radiating from Ms.Lizzy, would hold no argument as he hooked his arm around her waist. He had no qualms with escorting her along with the medicine bottle she acquired.
After all he just wanted to get back to bed. He had thoughts to think over, and desires to dream of before the real trials of the day began.
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nikkisheep · 2 years
Rick Grimes' Girl
Rick Grimes x female!reader
Warnings: season 5 Rick, kiss, cursing, Judith crying, Aaron looks at the reader for a second too long for Rick's liking, everything Rick does is hot
kinda short but I rushed because I have too any ideas for this. Kinda bad too. Sorry
Summary: When meeting a stranger in the woods, the group seeks out the stranger's cars. Leaving you and Rick with the stranger in the barn with Judith.
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The rain had cleared up. Maggie and Sasha came back with a man. A man we did not know if he was bad or if he was good. We knew nothing about him. Rick was talking to the man, at least he was before he punched the man. You were holding Judith, since taking him from Carl's arms, and watched the toned man's back flex after the punch.
Michonne wanted to check out the man's words but Rick did not trust them. He was not going to put his kids and the group at risk over something a man said. Eventually Rick caved to her words and gave them an hour to get back.
"You have 43 minutes," Rick said to the man who claims to be named Aaron.
Judith started crying while Rick tried and struggled to crush acorns in a bowl with the handle of his gun. You walked up to him and removed the crying Judith from his arms.
"Let me take care of her," You offer, bouncing the baby in your arms.
Rick looked at you with love and adoration which was not all that rare when he looked at you. With everything he had seen and done, you could barely believe that he was still able to look at someone with that stare.
"Did you see the apple sause in my pack?" Aaron spoke.
Rick then went on a crazy spree, not trusting the sause for his daughter. He forced the man to eat a spoonful to prove that it was not poisoned or anything that could harm Judith and then licked the remaining bit off the spoon. Now was not the time to fantasize about his tongue sticking out for just a second to lick the spoon.
You fed Judith and flattened her growing hair. Rick kept glancing at his watch, waiting for the group Glenn took out. He just itched to be proven right by the man that was bound on the ground of the barn. Yes, there was a small part of him that hoped there was actually a camp or community or whatever the hell Aaron had said but he just did not trust the man. Something in his gut was telling him not to trust the man who claimed that he could help the group and give them a home. He just did not want to risk it.
Aaron looked worried when the group still was not back after about 35 minutes. He looked at you while you cooed the baby to sleep and he smiled. He looked at how Judith fit right in your arms and how much you may be the mother.
"Is she yours?"
"No, I wish but no she isn't."
"She kinda looks like you."
"Shut you fucking mouth," Rick said. He did not want you to be talking to the stranger. He did not want the memory of Lori coming back to mind. Even after so long, she still haunts him in his sleep. But not when you can help it. You knew that he loved his wife and you knew that she would always have a place in his mind. She was the mother of Carl and Judith. Even if Judith wasn't Rick's, he still loved her as if she was. And in a way, she was his. She was everything to the former cop.
The group made it back with the news that Aaron was telling the truth about the cars, at least. Rick was listening to Michonne and Glenn speak while you moved to a haystack to sit on. Aaron looked over at you for a minute, hoping you could talk to the stubborn cop who threatened to stab him in the skull.
Daryl noticed and leaned down to Aaron's ear.
"I would stop staring."
"I was't staring."
"Listen, tha' girl is with the man in charg'. That's Rick Grimes' girl and ain't no body gonna touch her'. So if I was ya, I would stop lookin'."
Aaron looked at you and then the archer beside him. Daryl was giving him the look as if to say, "Go ahead and see what happens". Aaron simply bows his head and then glances up when Judith started to cry softly.
"Tell me where the camp is," Rick demanded.
Rick argued with the tied up man and he kept noticing that Aaron looked at you for help. But Rick did not think this quickly. No, no, he thought that Aaron was sizing you. Looking at you for too long and he was tired of it.
"She.is.mine." He gritted out and strutted over to your area.
Rick grabbed your head and pulled you into a kiss. His lips moved against yours and you started to get dizzy from how good it felt. Rick pulled away all too soon and you leaned to get another kiss from his soft lips. He chuckled and turned to Aaron.
"Stop looking at my girl and tell me where the camp is."
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biisexualemma · 2 months
guts pt.7. bucky barnes
word count: 4.5k
warnings: triggers, trauma, ptsd, mentions of blood and injuries
requested: i guess so
plot: bucky is awol and you have to navigate without him
a/n: this series is pretty intense sorry for all the angst but also i live for it lol also this is preeeettyy long but i promise it's worth it... just stick it out to the very end...
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / masterlist
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you walked into the kitchen, expecting the room to be empty, instead you caught steve with a mouthful of cereal sitting at the kitchen island alone. you hesitated, about to walk back out and return when you didn't have to face any of them.
you were exhausted, physically and mentally, you'd had nightmares every night for nearly a week. you were getting next to no sleep, you felt like a zombie in the day time, bags under your eyes, brain fog, your body felt physically weighed down. you tried not to let it show when you were around the rest of the team, but you were struggling the longer it went on.
just as you took a step back to head back to your room, steve spoke up. "i'm nearly finished," he glanced at you for a second out the corner of his eye, before scooping another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "so don't run away on my account."
"i wasn't running away," you clarified, trying to snap back but honestly you were too tired so it came across a little more pathetic than you'd intended. "i... thought i forgot something but then i realised i... didn't."
"sure," he mumbled in between scoops, rolling his eyes. "just eat your breakfast, training starts in 10. don't be late again."
"you don't have to instruct me, i'm capable of keeping my own schedule," you were just arguing for the sake of it at this point. you didn't really care about any of it. you had to numb yourself to your surroundings and that included the people constantly in your vicinity that hated your guts. the avengers hating you had become the least of your concerns in the last week. you were too busy trying to function as normal when you felt so far from it.
"10 minutes, y/l/n," he repeated, placing his empty bowl into the sink and walking out of the kitchen.
you shook your head, trudging into the kitchen to make yourself something quick to eat when you were startled by the sound of another voice. "you should get some coffee in your system, you look tired," you'd recognise that voice anywhere, anyone would.
"be careful, you almost sound concerned for my welfare, tony," you regained your composure, ignoring his suggestion and making yourself a round of toast. "did pepper tell you to speak to me or something?"
"don't speak to me about pepper," he was short with you. nothing new. "it was an observation, we need you on top form if you're to be beneficial to us at all. so, take some sleeping tablets, go to your mandated therapy sessions and drink your coffee like the rest of us."
"so fucking dramatic," you rolled your eyes, taking a bite of your toast, speaking without swallowing first. "i'm fine. not that it's any of your business."
he gave you a look, like he knew something, and for a second you thought that maybe he did know something. had bucky told him about the other night? about the mission? you hadn't said much, but you thought that was between the two of you. bucky was supposed to be keeping an eye on you, did that mean he also had to report back to tony about you?
no, he wouldn't, would he? you didn't completely trust him, but you thought there was some kind of mutual understanding. a complicated mutual understanding.
"just show up and don't fuck up, ok?" he raised an eyebrow at you before turning to leave the room. what was up with everyone today?
"you know, coffee doesn't solve all your problems, you fuckin' boomer," you mumbled that last part, scoffing as he walked away.
you ate the rest of your breakfast in relative peace before heading to the training rooms, on time.
there were a few people missing, leaving only you, tony, steve, wanda, and natasha. bucky was nowhere to be seen, you couldn't figure out if that was a good or bad thing. he was usually your sparring partner, you hadn't trained with anyone else since you'd been here.
you wandered around, getting yourself situated and stretched out when steve walked over to. you glanced over your shoulder at him while stretching out your arms.
"you're with natasha today," your arms dropped to your side when he spoke. you opened your mouth to protest but he had anticipated your reaction and held up his hand to stop you. "bucky's out of action— natasha is subbing in for him. they have a similar technique, and i want you to continue the repetition of your usual training sessions."
"out of action?" you couldn't catch yourself before you said it aloud, your eyebrows furrowing for a split second. bucky always showed up. he was always here. you thought it must be something serious to keep him, bucky was a stickler for routine and repetition, he hadn't not shown up before. something you'd picked up on unconsciously by being around him. "what does that mean?"
"it means out of action," he repeated, he looked you up and down, noticing the expression that flashed across your face for a split second before you hid it. steve liked to think he was good at reading people, but he struggled with you. he thought he'd known you better than anyone way back when, but you proved him to be wrong. and now, now he didn't even recognise you, never mind knowing you. your expression could've meant everything or nothing. "he'll be back in tomorrow."
you avoided steve's eyes that were piercing into you, he was trying to get a read on you. you immediately put your guard back up, not even realising till now that you'd let it slip. "a break from mr routine, what a treat," your lip curled into a weak smirk but it quickly disappeared when natasha joined the two of you on the mat. "never mind, this is worse."
nat didn't say anything, she hardly looked at you, her eyes on steve. her eyes were always on steve though so that was nothing new.
"work on your hand to hand combat, both of you," steve said, eyes lingering on you before a second before turning to natasha. "stick to the training sets that bucky's been running with you, y/l/n."
"don't you think we should switch it up a bit? bucky's not even here to—"
"stick to the set, romanof."
you'd never really heard steve be stern with anyone other than you before, his eyes lingered on natasha who was glaring at him unmercifully. "sure thing, cap'n," she rolled her eyes before briefly looking over at you, unable to hold your eyes for long. "c'mon then, y/l/n. sooner we start, sooner we finish."
"you sweet talk all your partners like that, nat?" you cocked an eyebrow, watching how hard she was trying to avoid meeting your eyes. you let out a scoff.
"shut up and start," she mumbled quickly before taking a swing at you.
you pulled back just in time, her fist ghosting past your jaw. "jeez, alright, lets go then."
you sparred back and forth for what felt like forever, neither of you getting anywhere. your fighting patterns were too alike, you had been trained the same way after all. so you knew every punch and swing she was going to throw and she knew yours. it was exhausting.
you were a little slower to react than usual purely based on your lack of sleep, but you still managed to keep up with natasha, practising like you would normally with bucky. you thought about what was keeping bucky out of action, he never mentioned anything and as far as you knew he didn't have any missions lined up just yet.
you'd have to remember to bug him about it next time you see him in order to curb your curiosity.
you felt steves eyes on you as you continued to fight, mindlessly you swung in all the right places, ducked when it was natasha's turn to fight back. it was nothing you hadn't practiced a hundred times.
"keep your mind sharp, y/n," steve hollered at you from across the room where he'd been watching your every move. "you're lagging."
"i'm keeping up just fine," you snapped back, not appreciating him calling you out in front of everyone when you were doing the exercises he'd instructed you to do exactly like he'd asked. "keep an eye on romanoff why don't you— we all know you prefer to keep your eyes on her—"
"y/l/n," he raised his voice sternly. "shut up and concentrate."
you rolled your eyes as you swung at natasha's head and she caught your wrist like she was supposed to. "maybe if i didn't have you nagging me i could concentrate better—"
natasha caught your fist in her hand, pushing you backwards, throwing your fist back at you. you huffed, jabbing at her as she slapped your hands away every time. "i don't want to hear your excuses, y/l/n."
you were caught off guard for a second, your attention turning to steve who was oblivious to the words that held so much weight to you. in a second you were transported back to that night, you felt it all.
that was until natasha's foot smacked into your face, silencing all the noise and knocking you with a spin straight onto your ass. 
"nat," you just about heard steve scold her over the ringing in your ears. "i said hands."
"she was getting too comfortable," she defended, not even concerned. "you said it yourself, i just did something about it."
you held your hand to the side of your face where it was beginning to throb. "you're such a bitch, romanoff," you gritted through your teeth.
she looked down at you for a second before rolling her eyes and looking back over at steve. "you're too soft."
"take five, romanoff."
you pushed steves hand away when he tried to help you up, instead pushing yourself up onto your feet yourself.
"i suggest you take a break too, get some ice on that," steve was trying to be civil, he could see your cheek burning up already.
"i'm done for today," you said in hurry, permanent frown now stuck on your face. "fuck this and fuck you both."
it was later that day, you hadn't seen or heard from anyone, not even bucky. you had showered and proceeded to sit in your towel on your bed and stare at the wall for what felt like hours until you finally were able to pull yourself out of your trance and change. truthfully, you had no idea how much time had passed, you were in and out of your head since your training session with nat earlier, you were finding it harder and harder to distinguish between what was real and what was a memory. being in this place, being around these people dredged up memories you'd suffocated and buried for years. you weren't sure how much longer you could keep up the act and go along with all of this.
there was a knock at your door, your eyes refocusing as the noise pulled you back to your room, your hands laying on your thighs, nails dug into your bare skin. your head turned to the door but it didn't open, it wasn't bucky, he would've let himself in. nobody else ever knocked at your door. 
you dragged yourself over and snapped at the handle, pulling the door open to reveal steve on the other side.
you eyed him up and down, "i told you i was done for today."
he was fixated on something, you didn't know what it was, but having spoken you seemed to snap him out of it. he cleared his throat. "that's not your call to make. i need you on a mission tonight, no fuss or mess," he stiffened, his shoulders straightening and his eyes glued to your forehead, he wouldn't look you in the eyes. you were a machine to him at this point, to all of them, not human, not capable or useful unless you were in the field. "it's you, nat and me, and we gotta go now."
"i don't think that's a good id--"
"i don't care how you feel about either of us, leave your shit at the door and do what you're here to do. i need you suited up in ten," your hollow eyes stared up at his but he didn't meet them, he turned and walked away, calling over his shoulder, "don't be late."
you were suited and down in the hanger in ten minutes, head pounding when the mission brief was read aloud to the three of you.
you were supposed to be in and out. 
your eyes were empty, you stared ahead, the thudding noise of the helicopter muffled in your ears as you sat across from nat and steve. you stared at their feet, eyelids heavy, you needed to land and get out of this metal box and away from them as quickly as possible. you couldn't take another lecture, you couldn't hear how you'd fucked up again. 
neither of them had looked at you since you narrowly escaped the mission you'd been sent on hours ago. nat was being tended to by the medics on the aircraft, you had slapped anyone away that had dared to come near you to clean you up. you needed to get out, you needed to get away from them now and yet you dreaded what was to come when you landed. there had already been a debrief on the failed mission passed along to the team back at the compound, so they could do damage control and prepare for the return of you three.
your body rocked as the aircraft came to land, the hanger doors began to open and you unbuckled and got to your feet. you were so dissociated at this point you could hardly feel any of the pain, just a throbbing all throughout, but that didn't mean you didn't know that it was bad. you felt your leg lose out under you, a medic came to assist you but you swatted them away and dragged yourself out of the helicopter with a slight limp.
your ears rang, you could hear their muffled voices talking to each other, nat and steve had marched on ahead of you not even looking back. you just walked straight, eyes unfocused and unclear, you were in a daze, unable to come back around. you just needed to get away from everyone, that was all you could think when two hands grabbed either side of you and physically halted you in your stride. the cool metal touching your burning skin pulled you out of your head, you eyes refocusing on him now standing in front of you.
you studied his face, eyebrows knitted together tight, his stoic blue eyes darted around your face and further down your body where your clothes were torn, and blood soaking the fabric in places. you were relieved to see a familiar face and soft eyes after being glared at and scalded for the past twenty-four hours.
"woah-- woah-- what happened to you?" you had a gash above your eye, bleeding still because you hadn't let anyone touch you or clean you up on the flight. your eyes still glossed over and slightly unfocused, but you felt yourself soften and ease up at the sound of his voice. behind him out the corner of your eye you watched the rest of the group angrily marching off in front of you.
"don't," you mumbled, barely audible. you were beginning to come out of your daze, he was pulling you out. you were starting to feel the full extent of your injuries. everything hurt, sharp shooting pains in your shoulder, your ankle weakening on you as you continued to walk.
bucky was looking you up and down, more concern as he watched you in real time start to feel your injuries and come back to your surroundings. he glanced ahead at the team who didn't even look back at you, his eyebrows furrowed tighter, confused. 
"c'mon," he held his arm open to you, offering himself up as a crutch for you to use until he could get you to a medic room. you glanced at him for a second, your head pounding, looking on at the team again who'd carried on without so much of a glance, and then back at bucky who had stopped with you, his arm still hanging open. "c'mon, i can help clean you up."
"you don't have to do that," your voice was low, embarrassed even that he was once again seeing you at your lowest point.
"i know," he gestured with his hand for you to come over and, though reluctant, you let him hold you up as he took you to the nearest medic room.
"bucky," you mumbled quietly, unsure what you wanted to follow with.
you didn't often use his name, it caught him off guard a little but he covered it quickly, clearing his throat.
"i know, it's ok."
"careful," you hissed, tilting your head away from him when he applied too much pressure to the cut above your eye. "that hurts."
he took a deep breath, holding his hand away from your face, waiting until you gave him the ok to continue. you moved back towards him, a small frown on your face as he moved to carry on cleaning out the wound.
"do you want to tell me what happened yet?" his eyes flickered down to your eyes for a split second. he wore a soft frown of his own, trying his best to keep his emotions in check.
"there's not much to tell," you mumbled, eyes now focused down on your lap, where your hands sat fidgeting.
"tell me anyway," he was trying to keep you occupied while he cleaned you up to keep you from pulling away again. he didn't want to keep you longer than he had to, he could tell you were tired. 
"i just lost my focus for a second, that's all," you shrugged, playing it down. bucky could tell there was more. "i'm human, it happens."
"like when you lost your focus in training?" he watched as you shifted with his eyes on you, redirecting his gaze when he realised you were becoming uncomfortable.
"you weren't even there," you mumbled. "you don't know what happened."
"you could tell me," he paused, letting his hands drop, falling opposite to where yours still sat in your lap. 
your eyes were cold, uncertain when you lifted them to meet with his, your eyebrows knitted softly together. "how am i supposed to trust you?"
bucky sighed, putting down the supplies he'd been using to clean out your wound.
you didn't know where you stood with him. he acted as if he cared about what happened to you but you couldn't figure out if that was genuine concern, or if it was a tactic to get you to open up because he had people to report back to about you.
repeating it to yourself in your head, it sounded ridiculous, you sounded paranoid, but you had every reason to be with this particular group of people. you knew this team well, inside and out, all the good and bad. except for bucky. you'd heard of him, you'd encountered him in your past lives but you didn't know him like you did the others. 
"not everyone has it out for you, you know," was his response. "i definitely don't."
"your job is to get me to trust you though—"
"my job is to make sure you don't go rogue," he cut you short, he shook his head. "you don't have to trust me— i get why you wouldn't want to. but i'm here and not just because i have to be."
your eyes flickered back and forth between his while he spoke, trying to absorb everything he was telling you and his meaning. you looked over at him a little bit softer than before, reminded that his history was just as grey as your own.
he let out a sigh when you didn't budge, straightening his back out and pulling his gaze away from you for a second. "alright, if i tell you a secret, will you tell me what happened?"
you rolled your eyes, out of habit you said, "a secret? how old are we—"
"y/n," he warned you to stop teasing and you did. you huffed, looking over at him sternly and nodding.
"fine," you spoke. "tell me."
he took a deep breath, exhaling through his nostrils. your eyes squinting ever so slightly, watching as he rubbed his palms against his thighs. "everyone walks on egg shells around me," he started. "they send me to therapy, give me a routine to stick to, only put me out on the safer, straightforward missions— they want me to be better," he spoke with a slight shake in his voice. "but they watch me, hover, waiting for me to slip up — it's a constant remind that everything's not normal— that i could lose it at any given moment."
you were hanging onto his every word, your eyes locked onto his which moved around the room as he spoke, your lips parted slightly. you wanted to say something, anything, but nothing seemed right.
"you don't don't do that," his eyes met yours when he said this and your breath caught in your throat slightly, catching you off guard. "you hold me accountable, you don't make excuses for any of the shit i've done."
"you make me feel more human than i have in years," he cut you off, shaking his head when you tried to speak. "you don't treat me like a ticking time bomb— you don't hold back—" he exhaled, like he'd let a weight off his shoulders. "and even though you're a pain in my ass— i feel more myself around you than anyone else."
"interesting," you stretched the word out, your eyes glossed over as they wandered away from him in thought.
it'd been a while since someone had enjoyed you being around them. you'd spent the past decade or so on your own, you had gotten used to it, but the past couple months you'd spent with bucky had been different. whenever he didn't show up, though it wasn't often or without good reason, you found yourself lost. you had been navigating everything here with him there every step of the way, whether you appreciated that he was there or not. subconsciously, you had grown used to having him two steps ahead or behind you. 
"don't let that go to your head, i also said you're annoying— and i meant it," he quickly cleared up, clearing his throat. "i also meant it when i said that it was a secret."
"ok, i promise i won't tell anyone you think i'm super annoying," you joked, the corner of your lip twitching upwards only for a second as you teased him. you swore you saw bucky's eyes flicker down to your lips. you narrowed your eyes at him but before you could say anything he'd beaten you to it.
"you're really funny," he rolled his eyes, before nudging his knee against yours. "it's your turn anyway. 'fess up."
you huffed, rolling your eyes. "it's really not as interesting as your little confession," he didn't respond, only waited patiently for you to carry on. his eyes didn't move from yours. he wasn't going to let you off. "ok i'll tell you but quit the staring competition, sarge."
he straightened his back, creating a bit of space between you two, his eyes wandering down to your fidgeting hands.
"i was paired with natasha, because you weren't available and someone had to watch me," you began to explain, he watched as you pulled at your fingers while you did. "you should probably keep in mind that since the nightmares got particularly bad i've been skipping my therapy sessions," he looked up at you disapprovingly, opening his mouth to protest but you cut him off. "i know, i don't need to hear it," you pleaded with him, he sighed. "anyway, i haven't been sleeping, at all, which you kinda know, i guess," you struggled to hold eye contact with him. "and i don't know-- i jumped the gun, ignored natasha's direct order to hold my position and as a direct result, tipped off the guards that we were supposed to take out discreetly, who then set off the alarms and disrupted the entire mission."
your head was hanging low at this point, unable to meet his eyes again. you ran your hand over your face, letting out a tired huff. "i got my ass handed to me, because i'm not on top form right now. tony tried to tell me and i didn't listen, steve told me to get my shit together and i didn't listen, nat tried to keep me in check and i didn't listen."
"if natasha hadn't been so quick to act, i'd probably look a lot worse than i do," you sighed, your forefinger and thumb trying to unknit the crease between your brows. "they're all super pissed at me. pretty sure tony is ready to give up on this whole thing, and maybe that's not the worst idea."
"tony's not going to give up on you," was the first thing bucky said. 
you shook your head. "he's done it before, he'll do it again."
"trust me," bucky shook his head, his hand moving to sit on your knee, giving it a squeeze. "it happens, for one reason or another, missions never go exactly the way we plan them to. tony knows that better than anyone."
"we're supposed to be better than this."
"you know better than anyone that we're not."
you chewed on the inside of your cheek, trying to keep yourself in check. "i'm just tired," you mumbled. "really fucking tired of all of this."
you felt your throat tighten, immediately dropping your head when you felt your eyes grow wet. bucky's hand moved from it's place on your knee, grabbing onto your fidgeting hands and giving them a squeeze. your eyebrows knitted upwards at the contact and before you could restrain yourself, you had closed the gap between you, desperately wrapping both your arms around him. you tucked your head into his shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief when you felt him wrap his arms around your torso and squeeze just enough so that he didn't hurt you.
"i know," he breathed out, a little bit taken aback from you initiating the physical contact. "it's ok, we'll figure it out," you nodded slightly, sniffling, tucking your face further into his neck, your breath ghosting his skin. his breath hitched in his throat, goosebumps running up his arms. he gave you a squeeze before encouraging you to pull back. he was more confused than ever.
your eyes stung red, wet with tears but none had spilled, you used the back of your sleeve to wipe under your nose. your cheeks were flushed, blood beginning to trickle down again from the cut that bucky hadn't finished cleaning. his lips parted, unable to move his eyes away from your face and the state that you were in. he just wanted to make it stop. his eyes lost on you, he couldn't form a coherent thought, he just found his body involuntarily leaning closer to yours.
your eyes darted back and forth between his blue orbs, they were soft, full of concern and warmth. your eyebrows twitched together in a small, fleeting frown, you felt yourself pull back from his lean in. almost brought back to reality from the small movement you'd made, bucky faltered, his eyes refocused from where they had been glossy and locked in, he paused. he opened his mouth to apologise but before he could say anything your hands were either side of his face. you hesitated, the scuff of his stubble under your fingertips was new, it was rough but somehow a comforting reminder that he was real, he was in front of you and he wanted to kiss you.
you moved closer to his face, eyes now meeting directly in front of each other, noses inches apart, your chin tilting upwards to ghost your lips in front of his. "are you--?"
"it's ok," you barely got the words out before he closed the gap, his lips against yours. your hands travelled to the back of his neck, his moved to your waist. he was kissing you.
tag list: @caillouthebabywitch @alanis-altair @the-obelisk @seabass17 @bqnners @jihyunncho @inpraizeof @angelpirabbit @the-chocoholic-writer @cjand10 @paintlavillered @leviathanspain @luckyzipperscissorsbat @g1g1l
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footiehoemcfc · 1 year
We'll be Alright pt. 2
Okay so I was able to finish this part yesterday, I definitely think it will have four parts MAYBE 5 (only if I have time to make it longer) but i'm excited for you to read it! I was going to wait until I came back to post it but when I get back I have lots of stuff to do so bare with me for part 3 I promise it won't take much longer than a week. Thankyou for all the love on the first part :) Angst fic, tw none, 2.1k words PART 3 is on my masterlist!
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The whole car drive back home was horrible. You started letting your thoughts get to you. Were you too dramatic? Was it too much to let all that out while he is struggling as well? Should you just suck it up and let the season end before talking about this? Maybe. However, the conversation escalated very quickly and before you know it you just let your heart out. When you got home, you thought of calling your best friend, but you didn’t. The last thing you wanted to do was recall everything that happened. You took everything out of your overnight bag, got showered, did your normal skin care routine and feel asleep with your headphones on listening to sad music. 
The night before you didn’t even bother to check your messages to see if Mason had asked if you got in okay. You were hoping he would text you today at least. You opened your messages and nothing, nothing from him at least. Sophia had texted you asking what your plans were for the weekend suggesting having a drink today at the new rooftop bar. You had nothing else to do at night and staying at home dwelling on what happened did not seem like a good plan. You agreed and put your phone down, ready to continue with more work stuff. You had to admit, it hurt that he hadn’t texted you. It sting you, normally if you guys would bicker or argue he would always text you something reassuring, but then again you said you were done. Did you mean it as a breakup? Not really, but how would he know.
Mason on the other hand did not get any sleep at all. He replayed your argument over and over again. He knew he fucked up, but he knew you were also right. All these big decisions, he hadn’t thought through them carefully yet. It kind of bugged him you knew him like the back of your hand. He knows you know how he feels just by simply looking at him. Since he was injured and it was game day, he decided to just stay home and watch the game there. He had meetings with other agents in the morning and his mom was coming over later in the day. Watching the game he thought about texting you, but he didn’t know if you needed space or if you were even together still. He didn’t text, opting for giving you space for the weekend. 
Mason heard the front door open and saw his mom come in. Still on the couch watching the game, he got up and greeted her “Hi mom” with a smile, a sad one. “Hi darling” Debbie said smiling and hugged him. He noticed she stared at him for a little bit and knew she could tell something was wrong. You and his mom had that in common, you could read him so easily. “Why didn’t you go to the bridge today?” “I had a meeting 30 minutes before kick off and would not make it in time, also thought it would be nice to stay in”. They both sat down on the couch and continued watching the game for a little bit until Debbie spoke again “I thought y/n would be here today, where is she, how is she?” she asked smiling. You and Debbie had a great relationship and Mason loved it. You would always have coffee dates and in big family gatherings you would always stick with her because it felt more safe. Mason stopped looking towards the tv to respond, “Yea she’s alright, she’s home busy doing work stuff” “My gosh that poor girl works all the time, last time I saw her she said it was taking a toll on her” “Yea I know”. Mason didn’t know what to say. After last night, the only thing he could think of when he thought of you was the fight. “Mhm” “What is it” “Mason Mount, I gave birth to you, do you think I don’t know you?” Shit. He knew she could sense something was off. I mean if he was going to get advice on his relationship, he never thought his mom would be the first option but here they were. “It’s nothing, we just had a bit of an argument last night” he placed the remote down on the table, got up to make some tea. He knew his mom would not just be satisfied with that, he knew she would be here all afternoon interrogating him so the tea was necessary. Mason and his mom talked about it, for a while. “Listen darling, I’m your mom and I won’t tell you what to do in your relationship. You two work together, and lately you haven’t and that is not a crime. You two are allowed to fight, to make mistakes, to get annoyed, however, in a relationship you owe it to each other to try and fix it and make it work. Give her space, trust me she is probably thinking about you too. And as with the contract, honey whatever you decide to do will be the best option, but make sure it’s what you want.” Mason felt a lot better talking to his mom. She really understood him and having spent time with you too, she knew you would appreciate exactly what she had said. 
It was 9 pm and you were just finishing getting ready to go out with Sophia. You had worked all day so had little to no time to think about Mason. You knew it would come up tonight. Sophia was one of your best friends and whenever both of you had issues with Mason or Kai you were there for each other. You ordered your uber and just as you were about to leave, Mason texted you. You opened your messages to read, “Hi my love, I wanted to give you space today and I knew you had a lot of work so that’s why I didn’t text sooner. I know it’s weird between us right now but whenever you’re ready to talk I’m here”. A wave of relief hit you, you wanted him to text you, so you knew it was not over completely. You didn’t want to answer yet though. The uber arrived and got in it to go to the bar. When you arrived, Sophia was already there. She greeted you with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. You loved nights like this, were you and her could talk about online drama, funny TikTok’s you saw and just catch up on everything especially since you had not seen her for a while. It was nearly 11 pm, you had no idea where time went by. “When should we do it then?” Sophia asked. Both of you thought it would be a good idea to spend the weekend at the Soho farmhouse, mainly her but you weren’t sure since you didn’t know when you and Mason were going to be good again. “I don’t know, maybe next weekend” “Yea we’ll have to check with them to see how their scheduling is. And we should also tell Chilly and his new girl, I met today at the bridge she is very sweet you will like her.” “Great yea, the more the merrier” you said smiling. “Okay it’s been two hours, I’ve been holding in asking you because I thought you would already tell me but what’s wrong?” You sighed knowing you had to remember everything form yesterday and tell her. You told her everything from the fight, to work to family issues and to how you were feeling. “Babe, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?” “I don’t know I feel like I don’t even have time to think about myself”. The mix of alcohol and remembering last night made you tear up a bit. Sophia hugged you, “I know its tough now and yea he fucked up but I am 100% sure he already knows. I feel bad for him too because he is going through a lot too. But you guys are a couple, partners, boyfriend and girlfriend. You two just need to talk. You already told him how you felt, he needs to tell you how he feels because I’m sure he has been holding it in too. You two will get through it I promise.” You looked at her with a sad smiled and hugged her tight. 
You arrived home at 12 pm. Before falling asleep you decided to text Mason back, you knew he would be freaking out since you hadn’t responded. “Hey, I kind of figured. I feel like we both need time to think, but I love you and we’ll talk when were ready” he responded very quickly with a heart and an “I love you too” which put a smile on your face. You knew he was eager to see you and talk to you, so were you but you were right you both need time. You need to think about how to manage work better, your family and how to fix things with him and make him open up to you. He needs to think about how to open up to you, think about his future and think about the upcoming games and prepare.
4 days had passed since that night. You were busy with work still, but you were finding different ways to handle it and asked your boss for more help on the projects you were assigned. Mason had been doing some light training. The conversation he had with his mom put him at ease and made him think about the whole situation better. Your conversation with Sophia also helped a lot and it gave a new perspective on this whole thing. During these 4 days without seeing each other both of you had time to think, and you were still texting each other simple “Hellos” or just casual conversations. But it was not the same as before and it hurt both of you. Both of you just wanted to go back together to how it was. It hadn’t even been a week but it felt like torture. 
After coming home from work, you saw Sophia’s close friend story. It was a picture of her two dogs in Mason’s backyard. Weird, she would’ve told you she was seeing Mason. You didn’t think too much about it and hopped on the shower. Once you were done you checked your phone and had multiple messages. Sophia had created a group chat called “SOHO”. Fuck. Well that explained why she was at Mason’s house, they were probably planning the weekend with Kai and Chilly. If they really wanted to do it soon, it meant you and Mason would probably still be in a weird place. Sophia sent a message saying, “Okay I just added Ben and Alix, I made the reservation for this weekend Friday through Saturday so we should leave all together early in the morning to spend the whole day there and leave like 5 pm Saturday?” Everyone responded with thank yous and yes. This Friday? So, you had what, two days to try and talk to Mason? It was not going to be possible. You were trying to finish everything during the week from work so you had the weekend free and had to visit your family so seeing him would be impossible. Would it be awkward to see him until Friday and act as if nothing happened? Maybe. But you had no choice really. As you were finishing reading all the messages form the road trip, Mason sent you one “Will you be able to go?” you started typing “Yes I can go, although I won’t be able to see you until Friday”. You plopped your phone on your bed and finished getting ready for bed. When you came back to lay down on your bed, Mason had already responded “That’s okay love, I’ll see you Friday. I love you, we’ll be alright.” That melted your heart so much. It made you more confident in how you two were dealing with this little break if you can call it that. You replied with an I love you too and went to bed. 
The rest of the week you continued grinding out at work, trying to finish everything so you had nothing to worry about while you were away. On thursday you were able to visit your family, which was something you were dreading. It turned out to be surprisingly nice, and you felt better about the whole situation. You were very optimistic about the trip, you thought it would be a good idea to have some time just with Mason during one of the two days. You started looking at it in a better light now that you had kind of solved two big problems in your life, now you had to solve the most important.
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thatvampk · 1 year
Pansville- greenhouse rewrite
It was the fourth year and Pansy still hated herbology. It was her worst subject; she just didn’t understand the importance of plants. They were once again repotting mandrakes and she absolutely hates these things. Neville, who was stationed beside him, was already on his fourth re-pot when she herself was still struggling to pull her first out. “Miss.Parkinson if you want to be out of here by classes end you better get a move on, you have 3 to go after that” professor sprout called out to her. Pansy looked down at her pitiful attempt to re-pot and frowned. She didn’t have any classes after this but that didn’t mean she wanted to stay late. She reached out gripping my mandrake tightly, giving it a sharp tug. Nothing happened. She let out a loud groan “fuck this” she said annoyed. She reached out to try again, this time more determined she definitely didn’t want to stay. 
She would probably get roped into sweeping the greenhouse till after nightfall like the last time she had to stay back. Grasping the mandrake tightly again she feels another hand place on top of hers tightening her grip and holding the pot . “On three.1.2.3 '' on three she gave a sharp tug and a loud screech started. Smiling widely she quickly dropped the mandrake baby into a new pot covering it with dirt. No wonder this mandrake was so hard to pull out, it was a really fat and heavy one. “Oh thank you thank you” she turned to her side to find Neville smiling down at her she gave him a tight hug. She quickly turned and looked at the clock for 5 minutes. How was she meant to finish? She gritted her teeth turning back to her station grabbing the next on gripping so tightly her fingers turned white giving a tug, hearing a screech dropping and adding soil a total of three more times to equal five total repotted plants. 
“Alright class that’s all the time we have for today if you didn’t finish please stay behind. Pansy that means you” professor sprout shouted out. “Actually professor I completed all of my reporting” everyone’s head snaps to my station eyes wide with disbelief as I have to stay after every class. “Neville here demonstrated how I was supposed to be doing it properly.” I added on “very well then 10 points to Slytherin for the courage to accept help when needed and 10 points to Gryffindor for helping another student succeed” professor sprout replied. I smile to myself pulling off my garden gloves putting them in my herbology bag along with my apron. She looks around for Neville to see him nowhere near. She quickly grabs her herbology bag from under her desk and her school bag from the shelf in the front of the room rushing outside to see if she can catch him. There he was a few meters ahead walking with Dean, Seamus, Hermione, Harry and Ron “hey Neville wait up” the entire group turns to look at me as I jog up to them. “Yea” Neville replied blushing “what’s up?” I smiled “I just wanted to say thank you for the help I’ve really been struggling. Um I was also wondering if maybe you want to go to hogs-mead with me this Saturday we could get tea at the cafe” I say looking at him hopefully “ohhh Neville’s got himself a date” Ron calls out “shut up Ron” Hermione says pulling Ron who grabs Harry away. “YES! I mean I’m yea sure” Neville shouts out. “Okay perfect then I'll meet you outside the Gryffindor common room at 8:15 sharp” she leans forward and pecks his cheek before dashing off to meet with her friends.
“What was all that about? '' Draco, one of the friends she's had since she was a baby asked. “Neville, he helped me out in herbology and im taking for tea saturday”. Blasie, Matteo, and Theo stop walking, shocked at what she had said. “Damn it” “fuck” “bloody hell” they say one after the other. “Thanks a lot Pansy, now I'm 50 galleons short”. I turn to face them confused “what?” Draco smirks and sticks his hands out collecting the three bags, one from each of them. “We bet on you and Neville, Draco said that you would make the first move.We said otherwise.” Theo says in despair. “Thats so fucked up, but i respect the hustle. Um, dont yall have advanced potions with Snape?” The look at the grandclock down the hall “holy hell bye” I laugh and go to my dorm to chill. 
It is now Saturday, it's 30 till 8 and I'm FREAKING out. I had nothing to wear. I grab my wand “Accio Draco” I hear a thud on my door, I open it up “Draco so glad you can make it” he looks pissed “are you fucking kidding me Pans I told you to stop using that spell.” I turn around looking at him, my eyes wide while one is twitching. “Draco please help me, what am I supposed to wear?? I can't find anything, all my clothes look filthy rich, and I don't want to show up in my Zabini, or Parkinson and Malfoys, or even my Greengrasses. And don't even get me started on my shoes. Draco please help me” He starts laughing, “Blaise, theo bring it in.” Blaise and Theo walk in with a box. “Here, muggle clothes.” I opened up the box and smiled. It was a tee that had the letters ACDC in a cool font, some blue jeans similar to what I've seen Hermione in and some shoes that had a badge on the side ankle part that looked like a star. I smile, pulling them all into a hug. I quickly pulled off my sink nightgown and began to get ready. “Dayummmmmm, should have tapped that when I had the chance” I snapped my head around my pants halfway up my butt. “Draco shut the fuck up please. Get out all of you.” They laugh while walking away. I finish getting ready and check my clock on the wall. Five till 8, I'm going to be late. 
I'm running through the halls, and of fucking course the stairs the began to move, I pick up my pace to make it before it moves off this floor. I jumped into the stairs, almost falling. I sprint looking down at my watch, im late by five minutes fuck. I'm barely halfway to the Gryffindor common room. I get to the last turn “I knew it, this was all a joke.” I sprint around the corner. “Neville no wait, this wasn't-'' I bent over breathing, “it wasn't a joke i'm just running late. I'm so sorry I couldn't figure out what to wear because I didn't want to make you feel bad by wearing my designer clothes so I was panicking but then draco and the others surprised me with muggle clothes so that I can fit in, and I was coming from the dungeon and it took such a run im so sorry.” he begins to laugh. I look up at him, “is that” I laugh. “I see you did the same as me, are you wearing Zabinis?” I pull him into a hug, smelling his dirt and fresh cut grass scent. 
“Okay let's get going” I grab his wrist pulling him along, “come come i'm so excited im going to show you my favorite bakery, it's very exclusive, and by that I mean Theos mom runs it for all the rich spoiled brats, aka me” We make it to the shop, “Stacy's Bites” I hold up my arm and it scans my parkinsons crest mark. The door opens. “Pansy it's so lovely to see you how have you been, oh this must be thay Neville boy you are always talking about.” My face drops “oops sorry sweety” I grab his arm pulling him to a booth. I laugh awkwardly “eh sorry about that, that's theo's mom” he laughs his cheeks a little pink. “That's alright I talk to my Grams and friends about you too” I smile looking at him happily. “Heh so um what do you normally get” he asks me. “Well, I normally start off with fried pickles, a delicacy I had in the states once, then I get the buffalo habanero wings, and for dessert I get one lemon macaroon, and 2 birthday cake ones and tea with sugar and honey.” He looks at me with a smile. I love fried pickles, although spicy foods aren't my thing so I'll get the honey BBQ ones. “Hello I'm Maya and I'll be your server for today. What can I get yall started with?” I smiles “Um…” neville looks down, obviously too shy to place his order, “Hey Maya, I'll get my regular but can I get two orders of the appetizer and the dessert, but for the wings can i get my regular and for the other order of them to be Honey BBQ.” She smiles writing it all down. “So we have two orders of Fried Pickles with a side of ranch, buffalo habanero wing and Honey BBQ wings, two Lemon macarons, two birthday macaroons, and two hot teas with sugar and honey.” I nob. “Yes, send the bill to Draco Malfoy please.” she nobs walking off.
“Bill it to draco? I could have afforded to pay, you didn't have to do that” I let out a small laugh. “No, I'm billing Draco because he's an ass to bet on me asking you out.” he smiled. “Wait, are you the reason that he stopped picking on me after the first year?” I look down, “you remember when he came to class first year with black eyes and busted lips? Yeah I got mad and beat his ass for making fun of you for not knowing how to properly fly” He smiles at me. 
Neville was now walking me back to the slytherin common rooms, “this was a really fun date, um would you maybe want to have another, tomorrow maybe, a picnic in the gardens?” I smile, “yes i would love to go on another date with you” he smiles down at me pulling my waist in. He leans his forehead on mine and lets out a sigh of what I'm guessing is relief. I step onto my tippy toes and kiss him. 
I knew this was the man I would leave riches for.
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pup-st0rm · 2 years
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Poor Steven when he was informed about the new Federal Law passed requiring all males between the ages of 18-25 to report to a collections office to get their penis measured and anyone under 6 inches would become government owned slaves,he thought he’d be safe, but sure enough when he got to his measuring he stopped just short at 5.8 inches.
“Come on doc it’s only 0.2 inches you can cut me a break” Steven said hoping the doctor might look the other way. Suddenly the doctor slapped Steven across the face so hard Steven fell to the ground then said.
“Sorry fag boy rules are rules, you’re a slave now so I gotta teach you early to follow them. Guard come take this one in for processing.” Steven was shocked and angry but before he could do anything a 6’3 muscular man walked in and easily put Steven’s 5’8 scrawny in handcuffs and lead him away by his wavy curly brown hair , but before he left the office the doctor said “you are a cute little fag tho I hope you get put up for auction so I can bid on you.”
The rest of the day was processing he got the government branded “Slave” tattoo on the back of his neck along with a identification barcode on his butt and was told he was not aloud cover them under any means before assignment and he was to obey any order given to him by any man. Then he was let go for 48 hours to give up all his belongings and settle affairs before reporting back for assignment. To help him start they took everything he brought with him including his wallet, phone, car keys and, all his clothes leaving him to walk 20 minutes home bare naked.
After got to his apartment he realized they took his house keys and the only other pair were the ones his pervy old landlord has. To avoid anymore embarrassment from just standing naked in the hall he quickly rushed down the stairs and knocked on the landlord’s office door.
“Come in” said the landlord. “Oh look who we have here Steven.” The landlord was a fat 50 year old Italian man who always made Steven feel uncomfortable, always looking at him like he was a piece of meat. “Guess you were smaller than I thought” he said mockingly while circling Steven. Well I suppose you need me to unlock your door so you can pack up, had a couple other slaves come in Buck naked asking the same.”
“Yea” Steven said sheepishly embarrassed about his current predicament.
“That’s Yes Sir to you faggot” said the landlord before giving Steven a good slap to the ass.
“Yes Sir” replied Steven.
“Good Fag now unzip my pants and suck my cock” the landlord demanded.
“No fucking way” Steven said in disgust before getting slapped to the ground for a second time.
“Are you fucking stupid faggot I’m a Man and I gave you an order and to my understanding you have to follow it now unless you want to call the local Slave Center to collect you early you’ll suck my cock” the landlord said while unzipping his pants and sticking his semi hard dick In Stevens face.
“Yes Sir” Steven said in defeat while slowly putting his lips around his perverted landlords sweaty cock.
Immediately after Steven had taken the landlords cock in his mouth his grabbed the back of his head and started face fucking him. “You’re lucky I’m a gentleman and saving your Cherry incase the government wants to auction you” said the landlord while Steven was trying and failing to escape the brutal face fucking him with his now fully erect 7 inch penis. After 5 minutes Steven stop struggling and his landlord started coming down his throat, “Good faggot can’t believe I’ve waited years hoping you’d be a couple months late on rent so I could to do that to you, oh well let’s get you into that apartment so you can get back to the center.”
Later all Steven could think was “I gotta find a way out of this, I can’t do that for the rest of my life.” So he scoured the internet on ways to escape luckily he found a group of new slaves in a town just a 1 hour drive away away that planned to sneak over the border the next night but since he couldn’t leave county limits on public transport and his car was repossessed he’d have to start walking that night so he through on a loose hoodie and sweats and started walking while holding his finger out hoping anyone would let him hitch the rest of the ride.
Sometime mid morning he was walking on the side of the highway and a delivery truck pulled up next to him.
The driver rolled down the passenger window and said “hi I’m Dave hop on in.“
“Thanks Dave I’m just going to the next town over” said Steven while getting in the truck.
“Well that’s great I’m heading that way right now “ Dave said starting the truck and merging back onto the highway. For the next 40 minutes of driving they talk and joked around like regular dudes. Steven was happy to finally be treated like a real human being again like the last 24 hours never happened.
The truck came to a stopped ,“welp you’re here” said Dave. The passenger door immediately swung open and Steven was grab by huge man. Panicking Steven looked around and suddenly realized he hood was down the whole time, Dave must have seen the tattoo on the back of his neck and taken him to a Slave Center. While the big man took Steven inside kicking and cursing at Dave, Dave just got out of his truck and walked up to the trainer in front of the building.
“Thank you for bringing in this misguided slave be rest assured he’ll be punished accordingly for trying to escape. After that he was originally assigned to be auctioned but as gratitude for bringing him in we’ll let you decide his fate.” Said the trainer.
“Well I could use a new slave to tie to the front of my truck and use a truck stops and what not” said Dave.
“Any specific modifications ?” Asked the trainer.
“Permanent chastity obviously but maybe you could really work his throat and seal him in a self cleaning/cooling bio rubber gimp suit. I wanna be able to leave him at a truck stop for a day or two and not worry about dehydrating him” replied Dave with a devilish grin.
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Finally wrote something again! Sorry it took so long. 
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How exactly do you get a dog to lose your scent? Because avoiding your werewolf boyfriend Embry was proving a lot harder than you had anticipated. Last weekend was… eventful. You guys had finally done it. Gone all the way. After 6 months of dating and an imprint bond, you both finally decided you were ready to take that next step. And you’ve only had one thought since that night. 
That shit hurted. 
It was borderline unbearable. The pain was searing. You lied there until Embry was done, faking moans and even faking the Big O, and you were less than eager to do it again. Were you broken? He seemed to enjoy it, so obviously you were to blame. He’d been super clingy and lovey since that night, even more so than usual, and you didn’t have the heart to be around him knowing you had faked it like that. What if he found out? He’d be crushed. What if he wanted to do it again? You couldn’t take that pain another night. What if he faked it too and was going to break up with you the next time he saw you? Yeah, no. Avoidance was the way to go. 
He wanted to take you out to see a movie. You mysteriously came down with a case of allergies in the middle of winter. 
He wanted to pick you up after school and give you a ride home. You had the sudden urge to join a club that was meeting after school that day. 
He called, your phone was on silent. 
He texted, you suddenly became illiterate. 
But he kept trying. God, why was he making this so difficult?! Thoughts like this swirled through your head as you walked the long way home from school. He knew your usual route, so obviously that was out of the question. You took a path through the woods that would eventually spit you out right by the beach where you could sit and think. The forest had always felt like a second home to you. Peaceful, comfortable, private. You walked for some time before hearing twigs snapping in the distance. Probably a rabbit or something. Louder snapping. Bigger sticks. Definitely not a rabbit. You halted, waiting for the creature to pass, when a large gray wolf stalked out of the trees. 
He was wearing the softest, cutest, most “kicked puppy” look on his face that you had ever seen. Head bowed, he walked up to you slowly, whining. So he had noticed your avoidance. You held your hand out to him, petting the thick fur between his ears. He sniffed your hand, giving it a soft lick. 
“Hi,” you whispered. He whined louder at this. “Embry…” you started, before he crouched down, a silent cue for you to get on his back. He waited. 
Guess this was inevitable. And at least him showing up in wolf form gave you some time to think about how exactly you would explain what had happened. With another soft sigh, you climbed up on his back, holding the fur tightly as he trotted off into the trees. After about 5 minutes, you realized that he was taking you to Sam and Emily’s house. You weren’t in the mood to be around the rest of the pack right now. 
“Embry, I’m kind of busy today. I don’t really have time to hang out with the pack.” 
He ignored you, trotting along as if your statement was the buzz of a mosquito in his ear. When you reached the house, however, you quickly realized that no one else was there. They must all be out. It was a Friday afternoon, after all. 
When you reached the lawn, Embry stopped and crouched once more so you could dismount. When you did, he ran off behind the house, walking back out several minutes later as the inky-haired boy you had grown to love. His face was full of sadness, yours full of anxiety. 
“Let’s go for a walk,” he said. 
You silently followed him down the path that led to the cliffs, waiting for him to say something else. He never did, only kept walking. You struggled to keep up, but were too stubborn in your silence to ask him to slow down. You both finally reached the rocky cliffs jutting out over the frigid ocean. He stopped, staring out at the horizon. You paused next to him, waiting. After another several minutes of silence, you grew impatient. 
“It’s supposed to snow Monday,” you said. 
You waited. Silence. 
“The news said they might even cancel school.” 
A pause. Nothing. 
“I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use a three day weeken-”
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he cut you off, seeming agitated. For as long as you’d known Embry, he was never in a bad mood. Never anything but happy. Maybe sad on a few occasions, but never angry. Never frustrated. And it was making you nervous. 
And now it was your turn to be silent. Yes! You wanted to say. You hurt me! But you couldn’t. Wouldn’t. He didn’t do it on purpose, so why would you make him feel guilty about something that was your problem and your problem alone? 
“Because, if I’m counting correctly, it’s been 5 days since I’ve so much as heard from you. Barely a text back. Not a call, not a ‘hey! I’m super busy this week.’ Why are you avoiding me? I thought… after last weekend, we should be more in love than ever right?! Did it not mean anything to you?” 
You remained quiet, tears pooling in your eyes. You gave no sign that you were going to respond, so he kept going. 
“Just tell me where your fucking head is at, Y/N. You can’t keep brushing me off like this. Did I do something wrong? Do you regret what we did? Am I, like… not ripped enough for you or something?” 
“Embry, no,” you pleaded. You could see the insecurity behind his eyes. You had to tell him what was going on, but you knew it would crush him. “It’s not that at all.” 
He waited. “Then what?” 
You closed your eyes, a tear slipping down your face. You wiped it away quickly before taking a deep breath. “I have been avoiding you.” You looked up at his face at this, finding tears building up in his own eyes. “I love you, Embry. But last weekend, just… I can’t do that again.” 
He clenched his jaw, looking anywhere but your face and nodded. He was hurt. You definitely could have worded that better. 
“Let me explain,” you pleaded. He wouldn’t look at you still, but didn’t walk away, so you kept going. “I think I might be broken or something, because that… It didn’t feel right.” 
At this, he looked back at your face, switching from hurt to concerned almost immediately. 
“Why would you think you’re broken?” 
Another pause. “I know you would never hurt me on purpose…”
“You were in pain?” he panicked, fresh tears pricking in his eyes. 
“It’s not your fault,” you hurried. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that? Why would you let me keep going?!” 
“I’m sorry!” you cried, causing him to walk up and embrace you. You sobbed into his chest as he pet your hair, all signs of anger gone. “You were having a good time, and I didn’t wanna ruin it, but it hurt so bad…” 
“Shhhhh,” he cooed as he rocked you from side to side, letting you calm down. “It’s okay.” 
After several minutes, you finally stopped crying. He didn’t falter in his embrace, only left light kisses on your forehead and cheek. 
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” he whispered into your hair. 
“It’s not your fault,” you replied. 
“Yes, it is. I’m supposed to take care of you. It was my job to make you feel good, and you were hurting that bad and I didn’t even notice.” You sniffled, just enjoying being in his arms. A few more minutes passed as you both calmed down. 
“To be fair, I did take a drama class last semester. I’d say I put on a pretty convincing performance,” you added weakly, an attempt to lighten the mood. 
He huffed a laugh, if for no other reason than to make you feel better. “Had me fooled,” he added. 
You smiled, looking up at him. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.” 
“It’s okay. I just wish you would have told me as soon as it started to hurt that you wanted to stop.” 
“I know. I should have, I just got all in my head about it.” 
“And I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ll never forgive myself, and I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore,” he answered, nervously awaiting your response. 
“I forgive you. And of course I still want to be with you, Embry. I love you. We just need to work on our communication skills a little bit,” you laughed. 
“We do. And I’ll start. I would really love another chance to make you feel good. If you promise to be honest about how you’re feeling, I know I can do a way better job. But I understand completely if you wanna wait a while… or if you never wanna do it again. You’re in charge here.” 
His words had your heart melting. He really did care about you, and you knew that if you had told him in the moment that you were in pain, he would have done anything to get you feeling good. You were always his first priority. 
“I’d be willing to try again, but what we did last time didn’t work. I think we need to think of some new techniques or something,” you mumbled shyly. 
“Tell you what. I’ll do some research, get some stuff, and you can come over tonight… if you want to. And we can maybe try again? And if you get there and aren’t feeling up to it, we can just watch a movie and cuddle. No pressure… I just miss you.” 
You thought for a second. Worst case scenario, you’d cuddle on the couch and eat junk food. You trusted Embry completely, and if you said stop, you knew he would. 
“Okay,” you replied. 
After a long shower, some fresh makeup, and a cute-yet-comfortable outfit, you were ready to go over to Embry’s. Sure, the nerves were kicking in, but you trusted him when he said he would do some research. When you pulled up, he was already standing in the doorway smiling. You ran out and gave him a giant bear hug (or wolf hug), and he picked you up and carried you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot. 
“I missed you,” he said, face buried in your hair. 
“You saw me like 3 hours ago,” you giggled in response. 
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen you all week! Gotta get my Y/N fill or I might die!” 
You laughed loudly, hands threading up into his hair as he sat down on the bed with you seated in his lap. 
“Yeah, yeah, just try not to crowd me,” you cheekily replied. 
He raised an eyebrow before tackling you back onto the bed, tickling you like a maniac and placing playful kisses all over your face and neck. 
“Like this?! Don’t crowd you like this?” 
“Embry stop!” you laughed, trying to suck in a breath between his manic tickles. When he finally stopped, he was lying between your legs, one hand grasping both your wrists above your head, the other propped beside you so as to not crush you. He stared lovingly at your face before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. His grip on your arms loosened, as if to say You can stop me anytime, but you didn’t. You kissed him back, arms staying in place to tell him that you were okay. 
The kisses grew slightly more heated, but Embry kept them gentle. And every time you thought he was about to take things to the next step, he’d just kiss you some more. You were growing slightly impatient, breath labored and blood pumping fast. Your stomach became slightly warm, and every time you leaned up, he’d pull away. 
“You’re being mean,” you whimpered. 
He just looked at you and smirked before leaning down and capturing your lips once more. You could feel your blood heat in every part of your body. From your head to your toes, you felt warm and fuzzy, yet desperate for more,,, more touch, more pressure, more Embry. Growing frustrated, you hooked your legs around his waist and tried your best to pull him closer, unintentionally grinding your hips into his. When he brushed up against your core, you let out an involuntary sigh. It actually felt nice. He smiled into the kiss, pulling his lips away from yours and dragging them down to your jaw, and then your neck, suckling and sucking and leaving light red marks that made your head spin. The hand that was holding your wrists came down behind your back and up into your hair, firmly pulling your head back to give him better access to your neck. 
This movement made your entire back arch up into his body. His grip in your hair tightened slightly, lips sucking your skin up into his mouth as he nibbled, before soothing with his tongue. Your toes curled, legs pulling him impossibly closer. When he felt this, he ground his hips down into yours. The combination of his hands, lips, and weight on top of you made you let out a gasp. Your hands held onto his shoulders for dear life, pulling his shirt up in an attempt to take it off. He got the hint and sat up to remove it, being away from your body for far too long for your taste. He didn’t lower fully back down, however, instead sliding his warm hands under your shirt and onto your stomach. You sat up, taking your sweatshirt off and throwing it violently across the room. His eyes widened as they looked down at your bare chest in an almost feral fashion. He gripped your thighs, tugging you down the bed with ease, and resuming his position on top of you, hands roaming all over your torso. He cupped your breasts gently, rolling your nipples softly between his fingers. You shut your eyes and threw your head back, enjoying the sensations. His kisses trailed from your neck and down to your chest, softly. Lovingly. When he reached your nipples, his tongue poked out and licked around each of them, before taking them into his mouth and sucking. His hands continued to caress your back, and he took his sweet time switching from one breast to the other, and back again, until he felt your skin grow almost as hot as his. You were writhing underneath him, panting as your mind tried to comprehend the sensations. And his mouth, God it was so warm. You felt him kiss the undersides of your breasts, and then your stomach, and then lower… 
When he reached the waistband of your leggings, he brought his hands up as if to pull them off of you. He stopped, looking up at you for permission. You gave a lazy nod Yes, and lifted your hips to help him. He pulled your underwear off as well, spreading your legs and almost salivating at the sight of your soaking pussy. Not wanting to waste another second, he once again began placing kisses on your lower stomach, and then down to your hip bones, scraping his teeth lightly against the skin, which had you shuddering. He trailed lower, to where your thighs met your core, and began to suck lightly and the soft skin there. Your clit was throbbing by now, desperate for any sort of attention. You thrust your hips up, desperate for his mouth on the place you needed him, but he only pulled your legs over his shoulders and brought his arms across your stomach to hold you in place. Your hands went to his hair in an effort to control any aspect of this situation, but the boy was strong. He teased and teased and teased, until you thought you might very well crawl out of your own skin if he didn’t properly touch you soon. Embry brought his face right up to your center and licked into your entrance, making your toes curl once more. His hands gripped your hips as he brought you as far onto his tongue as he could, nose not quite brushing where you still needed him. 
“Embry…” you whimpered, about to tell him what you needed. 
“I know, baby. I got you,” he spoke, as he finally brought his warm tongue to lick a firm stripe up to your clit, swirling it around and sucking the swollen nub into his mouth. 
You let out a moan. A real one. Your first real one. And it only encouraged Embry, as he began to suck and lick with a steady rhythm that caused your legs to shake. You felt your stomach start to coil after several minutes of this, hands fisting Embry’s hair even tighter. It felt amazing, but that coil wouldn’t snap. He started to notice you coming down slightly, orgasm fading away, when he brought his index finger into your mouth. You sucked on instinct, before he pulled it out and brought it down to your entrance. He swirled the digit around a few times and began to push in slowly. One knuckle. Then two. And then he was fully in you. Sucking your clit into his mouth yet again, he rubbed his finger up into your front wall, massaging the ridges there. 
“Oh… Embry, oh my God,” you moaned. He used more pressure, and then brought his finger out and added another, slowly pushing them in together and resuming the ‘come-hither’ motion. You felt your muscles shake, losing all control, and the coil in your stomach tightened rapidly once again, only this time, it broke. Your back arched, eyes shut tight, mouth open in a silent scream as you came hard. Waves of pleasure drove through you, hands holding his head firmly onto your center. When you came down and opened your eyes, you looked down at his face to see an excited grin. 
“If you tell me that was fake, I think I’ll cry,” he chirped. 
You calmed your hard breathing enough to mutter a “That was real.” 
“Do you wanna keep going?” he asked. 
You nodded, taking note of the obvious tent in his shorts. You reached a hand down to grasp him, when he grabbed your wrist and said “Nuh-uh, I’m still making it up to you.” 
He stood up off the bed and went over to a plastic shopping bag on his desk. He opened it and pulled out a condom, some lube, and a small pink toy. Your eyes widened, and he cockily stated, “told you I’d do some research. Come here Sweetheart.” He held a hand out to help you up, and moved you so that you were on your hands and knees, bum facing him as he stood at the edge of the bed. He tore the condom packet open with his teeth and rolled it on, and then opened the bottle of lube and slathered it all over himself. He then brought what was left on his hand up to your sensitive core, distributing the substance gently. Throwing the bottle onto the floor, he lined himself up with your entrance. 
“You sure you wanna keep going?” he asked. You nodded in response. “I need you to say it, babe.” 
“Yes, I want to keep going, Em,” you almost cried. 
“Okay, but I need you to tell me if it hurts even a little. Promise?” 
He grasped your hip with one hand, guiding himself in with the other. Slowly, carefully, he became fully seated inside you, giving you a moment to adjust. You felt no pain, just a delicious stretch inside your walls. When Embry saw that you were relaxed, he pulled himself out a couple of inches and softly thrusted back in, looking for any signs of discomfort. He found none, and continued. He dragged himself in and out of you at a torturous pace that made your breathing pick up yet again. You needed more. You began rocking yourself back onto him, begging for a faster pace, and he complied. He pulled out several inches more this time, shoving back in at a quicker pace that had your toes curling and your moans going up in pitch. At this, he stopped holding back. Embry began pounding into you, hands gripping your hips tight enough to leave the good kind of bruise. You were moaning loudly, brain turning to mush. This is what sex was supposed to be like. What you’d always imagined it would be like. Passionate, loving, amazing. 
Embry found himself reaching the edge, but would not allow himself to finish before you. He reached down onto the bed for the small pink toy that you had forgotten about. He flicked it on, brought his other hand down and around your throat to pull you up against him, and held the small vibrator right onto your clit. The pounding pressure of his dick paired with the fervent vibrations had you seeing stars. You came. Hard. You didn’t know how long the orgasm had lasted. When you came to, you were lying on your back on the bed, breathing still labored, as Embry cleaned your thighs off with a damp towel. He noticed you looking up at him. 
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he cooed.
“Hey,” you responded weakly. 
“How ya doing?” 
“Really good,” you laughed. 
“Yeah?” he beamed at you as you nodded in response. “Good. I’m gonna get you some water and then we can cuddle, okay?” You only smiled in contentment as he walked off into the hallway, returning shortly with a cup of cold water. “Sit up for me?” 
“Can’t,” you answered, eliciting a laugh from him. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you,” he spoke as he gently held the back of your head, supporting you as you leaned up to drink from the cup he was holding up to your mouth. After you took a few sips, he seemed satisfied and placed the cup on the floor, lying down next to you and pulling you close. “If you start ignoring me after that, I might have to kill you,” he teased. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t ever ignore you again.” You sighed in contentment, listening to Embry’s soothing heartbeat, before you began to wonder. “By the way, what the heck kind of research did you do?” 
He huffed a laugh before responding, “Some guy on the internet called Owen Grey.” 
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kassiekole22 · 2 years
Unlikely Friends
Description: The reader wakes up separated from her team, when she sees an Iraqi in desperate need of some help. After she helps him, they both realize that like it or not, the best option is to stick together. (I had wrote this a couple of months ago, and forgot about it. It wasn't until I was taking to @108garys the other day about Dar, that I remembered about this odd fic I did. So I decided to post it. Enjoy! 🙂)
Warnings: None...
TagList: @lorebite, @buttermykolchek, @yellowroseskolchek, @house-of-kolchek, @kawaiiwitch224, @koexchange, and @yeslieutenant.
(This takes place after The Horror chapter…)
You woke up, feeling very dizzy. Your eyes shot open as you heard somebody screaming for help. You stood up, stumbling a little, because your ankle was hurting bad. You looked around the room to see a man getting attacked by a group of the creatures. Not hesitating, you grabbed your gun, and shot at the creatures, scaring them away. You ran over to the man, and helped him up.
You both ran out of the room, and down the hall. You ran for a good 5 minutes, before you had to stop. Reaching down to rub your ankle, you glanced up at the man standing infront of you.
'Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me?!' You thought, as you realized who you were stuck with. The tall Iraqi soldier stood there, looking around the room in fear. Out of anyone you had to be stuck with, it had to be him. And it wasn't even the nice Iraqi. No, no, no! You had to get stuck with the stubborn asshole one!
["What the fuck is going on?"] He muttered to himself. Luckily, Rachel taught you a bit of Arabic. So you could kind of understand him.
["Beats me."] You mumbled, standing straight again. The man turned to look at you, and gave you a glare, then looked away.
'The nerve of you!'
["Oh! You're welcome, for saving your ass, by the way!"] You snapped. He turned to look at you again, shocked by your tone.
["Well, I never asked you too!"] He snapped back.
["Well, would you have rathered me walk away, and let you get killed?!"] I asked. He gave me a glare.
["I can handle myself!"] He grumbled.
["Oh, yeah. I can see that."] You said sarcastically, as you rolled your eyes.
You went to walk, but gasped and stumbled due to the pain. He caught your arm, stopping you from falling.
["For the love of Allah…"] He mumbled to himself, clearly being frustrated by the situation. A small part of you couldn't blame him. He bent down and grabbed your foot, poking at your ankle, and making you move your foot around.
["It's just a sprain. You'll be fine."] He grumbled, standing back up.
["Thank you."] You muttered, and he rolled his eyes.
["Do you think the others made it?"] He asked, clearly he only really gave a shit about his friend.
["If they did, they shouldn't be to far ahead…"]
He turned away from you, and started walking down a dark hallway, and you followed, clearly having no choice in the matter. As his friend said earlier, "We have to help each other. It's the only way…"
You followed closely behind the man. Both of you being as quiet as possible, to listen for the creatures, and because you didn't want them to hear you.
You noticed that he kept squinting his eyes. It was dark, but not dark enough to not be able to see.
["Having trouble seeing?"] You asked.
["Why do you care"] He grumbled.
["I don't…"]
You both went silent for a minute. He sighed.
["I lost my glasses when I fell down here…"] He squinted his eyes even more, to the point where they looked closed. ["Shit!"]
["Fuck, that sucks."] You watched the man struggle.
["Here."] You got infront of him. ["Follow me."]
Awhile later, You walked into a room with some light in it. A good place for a break. You leaned up against a table that the archeologists set up.
["(Y/N) (L/N)."] You spoke up, offering your hand to the man. He looked up at you.
["Dar."] He stuck his hand out. ["Dar Basri."]
You shook his hand, before turning your attention to the ground, noticing initials drawing in the dirt.
"Jason!" You called out, happy to know that your friend is still alive. Dar look at you confused.
["My friend is still alive! He went this way! Let's go!"] You called out to Dar in excitement. He sighed and followed you.
Awhile later you came across a waterfall. You both stopped to rest. You were both extremely tired and worn out.
Dar stood there, watching the water, looking lost in thought. You stood back for a few, not knowing if you should interrupt him. You approached him slowly.
["You ok?"] You cocked your head slightly, with a concerned tone to your voice.
["We might never get out of here. I might never see my wife again…"] He whispered.
["You're married?"] You asked, your voice sounding more surprised then you meant it to.
["Going on twenty-five years."] He smiled. ["I still remember it like it was yesterday. She was so beautiful..."] He looked down. ["She still is…"] He added, his voice sounding more sad now.
["Is that-"] He started. Suddenly his eyes widened. He pointed at the water.
["My wallet!"] He gasped. You looked down to see an open wallet, laying on a rock that was just poking out of the water.
["Damnit! How did it get down here?!"] He grumbled. He stared down at the wallet, when suddenly he started breathing heavier. His eyes widened, as he began to panic.
["I should have listened to Salim. He didn't want to fight. He said that the war was over… Now look at where we are… He even warned me about the demons, but I didn't believe him…"] He sighed, knowing that panicking wasn't going to get him anywhere. You remembered that Salim was the other Iraqi, because Nick had mentioned his name earlier on.
["We should go…"] He whispered.
He had no choice, but to leave his wallet behind. It was hard to see, but there was a picture of him and his wife inside. He watched it for a few more seconds, before turning to leave. Was that going to be the last time he saw his wife?
You had stumbled deeper into this nightmare, to find the creatures true home. Apon making this discovery, You seen Your team, and his friend crawling into a hole under the wall, to get away from the creatures. You followed them.
You lifted Your head up when you made it inside, to see Jason staring down at you in shock.
"(Y/N)! You're alive?!" He called out, as he bent down, and offered you his hand. You took his hand, and he helped you up. "Hell yeah! Have any doubt, Lieutenant?" You smiled.
["Dar?!"] You heard the other Iragi, Salim, call behind You. Dar was struggling to climb all the way through, as Salim bent down, offering his hand to help him up. Dar took his hand. ["You thought you could get rid of me that easily?"] Dar laughed. Salim chuckled at that. ["I'm so glad that you are ok, Dar"] Salim said, and Dar smiled.
Dar introduced you to Salim, and you introduced him to your team. You all made a plan on how to take out the creatures before leaving. You weren't %100 sure that the plan would work. But you had to have hope.
You had finally made it to the surface, and survived the eclipse. You and the others sat in the shepard's huts, resting your bodies from the hell that you had overcome.
"I must see my boy…" Salim said. He stood up and grabbed his metal rod. "A souvenir." He held it up, and laughed a little. You smiled at him.
"I must go too… I have to see my wife…" Dar said. He got up, and followed Salim to the door, turning around for a second to give you a small smile, before turning back again to leave.
"Salim! Wait!" Jason called out. He got up and headed for the door. "Yeah, wait!" You called out, following Jason.
"Good luck, brother. You wish Zain a happy birthday from me." Jason smiled at Salim. "Thank you, Jason." Salim shook Jason's hand, giving him a sad smile. "Goodbye, my friend."
"Goodbye, Salim. You wish Zain a happy birthday from me too." You hugged Salim, feeling your emotions pricking at the backs of your eyes. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He smiled down at you. "And you take good care of her." He turned to Jason. Jason laughed, and nodded his head. "Take care of yourself." You smiled up at him, feeling a tear threatening to escape.
You looked past Salim, to see Dar waiting by the door. You walked over to him.
["Goodbye, Buddy. Thank you for everything."] You said to the man. Your voice went shakey. ["Thank you too. I probably wouldn't have made it, if it wasn't for you."] The older man smiled down at you. You smiled up at him, finally letting those tears fall down. You shook his hand, and turned to go back into the hut.
"Goodbye, my friend." You heard Dar speak up. You turned around in shock. He smiled, and you smiled back one last time. He turned around, and left with Salim. You watched them walk away for a little while. It broke your heart to see them leave. But you knew it was for the best. Salim was going home to his son. And Dar was going home to his wife.
You knew to expect the unexpected when doing this job. But you never expected to fall into the earth. You never expected to discover a buried ancient temple, that contained a nest of unearthly creatures. You never expected to make friends with two Iraqi soldiers. You knew one thing for sure, you'd never forget them. You'd never forget the day that you made two unlikely friends...
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Friends with Added Benefits
Part one of ?
Warnings - smut / daddy kink / breeding kink
You and Cillian had been working together on Peaky Blinders since the beginning- it had become a FWB situation at the end of Series 4 after a drunken kiss at the wrap party. Both of you had kept it completely secret, hooking up solely while you were filming series 5 and living out your own lives the rest of the year, but what happens when things take an unexpected turn as series 6 begins filming?
A/N - Cillian is single, and has no children. Reader is in her early 30s, and plays Tommy Shelby's wife.
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby
You sat on the floor of the bathroom and took a deep breath. Now or never y/n... A sudden voice jolted you from your thoughts.
"Y/n, you in there?" What the fuck was he doing here? How did he get into your apartment?
"Sorry, yeah.. I'll be out in a minute..." You flushed the toilet and quickly hurried out of the bathroom.
Cillian greeted you with a warm smile, sat on your sofa with the TV remote in his hand already flicking through the channels.
"You left the door unlocked - came in to make sure you were okay, you seemed a bit off onset today?" He patted the sofa next to him for you to sit down.
"Sorry... Just a bit tired I guess, only been back a day and I'm done already!" He lifted an arm to pull you into and you happily accepted the invitation.
"So series 6 then.. the last one," you sighed, curling your legs over his.
"Yep. Only gotta put up with me for another 16 weeks and you're free to do as you please. Or who you please at least," he kissed the top of your head and chuckled, you feigned your own chuckle in response. You knew this was just a 'filming only hook up', but you couldn't help but feel a bit sad. You'd looked forward to Peaky restarting again the second each series had finished. You knew though, that there was no tying Cillian Murphy down - other women had tried, but he was a happy, carefree bachelor. You'll make the most of the next 16 weeks together and move on.
Before long his fingers made their way over your hips, circling slowly as they crawled over your stomach.
"Does our agreement still stand or do I need to stop?" He whispered, sending a shiver down your spine.. that fucking accent...
"I'm single again, if that's what you're asking me.."
"I was seeing someone.. I ended it a month ago." He pulled back slightly.
"Sorry y/n.. were you with him long?"
"Just a few months, nothing serious it was just a casual type thing. He decided he couldn't compete with Thomas Shelby."
"You told him about us?!"
"No, the rumours have been flying for YEARS Cillian! He wouldn't believe me when I told him it wasn't true.."
"That's because it is true, and you're a terrible liar!" He smirked, before pushing your body down on the sofa, covering it with his own.
"He'd certainly have his work cut out for him wouldn't he?" You smirked back. "You gonna show me what I've been missing Mr Murphy?"
"I absolutely am Miss y/l/n... But let me shower first? I'm still wearing the makeup from earlier and it's pissing me off!" He kissed you lightly on the nose before grabbing one of your towels out the cupboard and heading into the bathroom.
He came out 10 minutes later, towel wrapped round his waist and stood next to the sofa, brow furrowed.
"What's this for y/n?" You looked up and your heart sank. In his hand was the pregnancy test box you'd hidden in your cabinet - clearly not hidden too well.
"Well it isn't for baking cakes Cill..."
"Are you pregnant?"
"I don't know yet, I haven't taken one.."
"Well what are you waiting for? Come on." He took your hand and handed you one of the tests. "Go do it. Now." You couldn't help but laugh at his insistence and went to pee on the stick.
Coming back out with the test in your hand two minutes later, you held it up to show him, tears in your eyes as your chin wobbled. He was pulling his jeans back on as he took the test from you.
"Okay well now I'm confused? It's negative - why are you crying?"
"I'm not crying, I'm fine.." you choked, wiping your eyes on your sleeve.
"Come on, y/n... What's wrong?" He pulled you over to the sofa and sat you down, squeezing your hands, worry written all over his face.
"You wouldn't understand Cillian, just leave it okay?"
"Did you want it to be positive?" You looked into his eyes and burst into tears, nodding. "You wanted his baby?"
"It wasn't that.. Cillian I'm 32 years old. Kinda thought I'd be married with a kid or two by now you know? I'm sorry okay, I'm just being stupid..."
"What's stupid about wanting children of your own?"
"Because I'm never going to have it am I?"
"Says who?" You took a deep breath.
"Look it's crazy okay, I'm just hormonal and crazy..."
"Okay you're not crazy y/n. Pretty sure it's normal to want children and marriage, I'm just an oddball!" He laughed. He'd made no secret of the fact he had no paternal instincts at all.
"Thing is... I don't want marriage. Not even a relationship.. just a baby. Still think I'm normal?"
"You might struggle there y/n.. I don't need to have 'the talk' with you, do I?" He smirked.
"No Cillian I'm well aware.. I was thinking of adoption maybe, or a sperm donor?"
"Admirable for the adoption route. Terrifying for the other one, you could end up with anything..."
"True. Kinda leaning more towards all of that though.. the feeling of carrying my own baby is just.. it's exciting I guess. I'm freaking you out, aren't I?"
"Strangely.. no. In fact, I have an idea."
"You want a baby, but not a father, right?"
"The dad doesn't need to be involved at all, ever, yeah?"
"Nope, never. I don't need help emotionally, financially, nothing."
"Well let's make a baby then." Your neck nearly snapped with the force you looked up at him.
"I'm sorry, what did you just say?!"
"I have exactly what you're looking for, right? I have decent genes, copious amounts of sperm as you know very well," he smirked. You weren't laughing though.
"You're insane, you can't possibly think this is a good idea?"
"Why not? You've made it clear that you're not interested in a relationship - that's one of my boxes ticked. I get to have sex with you without a condom - second box ticked. I get to fuck a pregnant woman - third box ticked. Kinda been a fantasy for a while..." You raised an eyebrow at his last admission.
"Do we have a daddy kink, Cillian?"
"Yeah, without the desire to actually be a Daddy. Just the thought of you.. swollen belly.. breasts overflowing... Fuck y/n you'd look sexy as hell..." He made his way over to you, the bulge in his jeans evidence of his arousal at the thought of you being pregnant.
"And you'd sign over all parental rights to me?"
"Just tell me where to sign..." His hands cupped your face gently as he pushed his body against yours, backing you up towards your bedroom.
"No weirdness... No one would know the baby was yours?"
"No one..." He pulled at your t shirt, lifting it over your head before crashing his lips against yours, both of you falling onto the bed together as he pushed his erection against your core hard. Unhooking your bra and throwing it across the room, his lips found your nipple, sucking and nibbling on it as he pulled your jeans and underwear down your legs.
"Fuck.. Cillian.. you need to be sure about this..."
"Never been more sure of anything y/n.. I'm gonna put a baby in you... Let me put a baby in you..."
You gave in when his fingers entered you, pulling forward finding that one spot inside that only he could find. Your hips bucked against his hand as your eyes closed, mouth open gasping his name.
"Fuck I've missed this... Don't stop..." His lips were on your neck, leaving marks that your makeup artist wouldn't thank you for tomorrow but you didn't care in the slightest, the need in you too much.
"I need to feel you on me y/n... Come for me girl..." his fingers pulled harder and faster, sending you over the edge while his voice whispered in your ear. Within seconds of your orgasm he pushed his length inside you with a hard groan, lifting your leg over his elbow. Your nails digging into his shoulders as he thrust his hips, hitting that sensitive spot over and over again.
"Yes... Fuck yes baby fill me up..."
"You want this huh? Fuck you feel good bareback... I can feel all of you..."
"You feel so good Cillian... Filling me up... So fucking deep..."
"Fuck.. I'm gonna come... Jesus y/n..." The sensations too much, he spilled into you, you could feel ropes of his cum deep inside as your walls milked him for all he had. He fell onto your chest, pushing himself as deep inside as he could.
"I'm not letting any of this fall out... Need it to take... Stay on your back." You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling him softening inside you.
"You really want to do this, don't you?"
"If it makes you happy, yes. You want a baby, I want to give you a baby. You don't want a father, I don't want to be one. I see no problem with any of this."
"And if the baby looks like you?"
"Crazy coincidence."
"If you change your mind?"
"About what? Being involved? I won't, trust me."
"Reckon we've made a baby tonight?"
"We may well have done. I still get to fuck you if we have, though, right?"
"Damn right you do - you're giving me a baby, least I can do is give you a pregnancy fuck to say thank you," you laughed as he pulled out slowly, kissing your lips then down to your belly.
"You better hurry up in there, I've got a fantasy to cash in on..." You batted him away laughing as he moved over to collect his clothes. He never stayed overnight, it would raise too much suspicion. He winked at you as you lay on the bed, and headed out the door smiling.
This might just work out, you smiled, curling under the sheets and drifting off, dreaming of your blue eyed baby.
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rainieclown · 3 years
michael myers x reader - chapter 3: blood pill
when you're in your room, you feel tired and lonely. it's been a long afternoon with doctors running around to find a new carer for you while miss burnham went home to recover. most of all, you were terrified that michael was being treated unfairly. there were sick rumours of doctor loomis mistreating patients, but you'd have to wait and see.
tags: angst, morning sickness, pregnancy/pregnancy tests
warnings: forced abortion, vomiting, angst, crying, yandere themes
huge trigger warning for (forced) abortions this chapter, i want to go into how patients are treated by the hospital as this is set in the 1980's and people in mental hospitals were treated cruelly around that time (esp in the halloween franchise) if you can't read this chapter, that's completely fine! i hope you're doing well, drink plenty of water and eat three meals - rin <3
michael had been gone for 4 weeks now, and you felt terrified. when you woke up this morning, you started vomiting and found that you can't move too quickly as you'll grow nauseous. miss burnham had visited, and was on crutches, only to be sent home by the administrator of the hospital. you felt lonely, they still hadn't found a free nurse as the hospital was pretty full, causing most of the staff to be overworked and unable to fit you on a schedule. so, doctor addison took you in on his more light schedule, he was simply researching cotard syndrome, and had three patients under his care for therapy and interviews about how they felt and how they became the way they are today. so, when you got up, after checking michael's room for any sign of him, you headed to the rec room where one of doctor addison's patients sat. they were talking, and the poor girl was truly convinced she was a vampire, referring to herself as "the mistress of the dark." you believed her name was thelma, but you weren't sure as she was never interested in talking to you and you just left her be. "thank you for your time, miss howcroft. i shall leave you to your undead activities." doctor addison bows his head before heading over to you.
"good morning, y/n. you look a little rough." the doctor greets, and you huff. "mhm. i feel sick, just spent 5 minutes throwing up." you sigh, and doctor addison hums, beginning to scribble down notes on a new page. "tell me your symptoms?" he suggests, and you hum. "nauseous, just feeling generally ill. i feel like i'm going to throw up." you tell him, and he hums, writing down the information you gave him. "morning sickness?" he suggests, looking up at you. "pfft, yeah maybe." you sigh, grabbing a cup to fill up with water. "is there any chance you could be pregnant?" he asks, and you choke on your drink. growing flustered, you stammer slightly, looking away from the man. "i'm guessing so from what i witnessed." he teases, nudging your side. "shut up..! i'm not pregnant." you huff, glancing at your stomach. "you could be, i'll get a test for you." he says, leaving the room.
you sigh, looking over at thelma who was staring at you. she makes a small noise as she realises she's been caught gawking, and you furrow your brows as she slinks away out of the room. you had noticed her wandering around curiously, sometimes spending her time with a burn victim. they seemed to get on pretty well, and you and doctor addison made a bet that they were secretly dating. when doctor addison returns, he hands you a thin box. "take this, and tell me the results asap." he smiles, pushing the box into your hands. "fine.. but i don't think i'm pregnant as morning sickness normally happens before this time." you note, but doctor addison corrects you. "no, morning sickness starts around the 4th to 6th week of pregnancy." he smiles, and you roll your eyes as you walk into the bathroom.
your heart dropped when you saw the results. you were pregnant. terrified of how the doctors would react, how miss burnham would react, but most importantly.. how would michael take it? would he be happy or would he ditch you? "fuck.." you whimper, tears streaking down your face. a few gentle knocks sound through the bathroom and you flinch. "y/n? are you done?" doctor addison calls through the door, and you whine as you open it up for him. "so..?" he asks softly, and you hand him the stick. "oh my... congratulations!" he smiles brightly, pulling you into a hug. you cry into his coat, and addison's smile drops as he rubs your back. "how will everyone react?" you whimper, and the blonde man sighs. "that i can't say, but we have to tell the board of your pregnancy. i'll leave it to you to tell mr. myers. come on, i'll take you to solitary to see him." he says, his british accent gentle and soothing. "thank you.. i'm scared but- i have to tell him at least." you sniffle, letting him lead you out of the room.
you've never been to solitary, as you normally stayed in your room or stowed away in the corner of the room. so seeing all the patients locked away and seemingly bored or distressed scared you. "is he okay?" you ask softly, and doctor addison shrugs. "i'm not sure.." he says softly, glancing at one of the more erratic patients in his cell. all of them were sound proof, inside and out, and were dark and cramped. "oh god.." you mumble, grabbing the doctors arm tightly for protection as you rest a hand over your stomach without realising. you get to michael's cell, and you see doctor loomis sat with him. michael spots you immediately, and his eyes brighten a little. you give him a small wave, upset at the bruises on his face and neck, desperate to get in there and hold him tightly. doctor addison gets his master key and unlocks a small panel on the door. "doctor loomis, i need to borrow mr myers." he says firmly as the older doctor turns. "ah, doctor addison. what a surprise." he grins, standing from his chair and turning his back to michael. "i'm just about done here. keep a close eye on him, he's deemed dangerous." doctor loomis says as he steps out.
you slip past the doctors and latch onto michael tightly, wrapping your arms around his neck, forgetting about his bruises. he doesn't seem to care as his shackled hands find your hips, holding you closer. "i've missed you.." you mumble, moving away to cup his face in your hands. "me too. are you alright?" he rasps, voice rough from lack of use. you nod slightly, leaning your forehead against his as you gently brush his hair with your fingers. "how peculiar. i've never seen anyone get a positive reaction out of him." doctor loomis notes, and addison hums. "they have a special bond, but we need to let them have a private conversation as i tell the board the situation." he says, closing the door to speak to loomis privately as well.
"are you alright?" you ask, still resting one of your hands on his cheek. "mhm. i'm fine." he replies, nuzzling into your neck as he pulls you fully onto his lap. the two of you sit in a comfortable silence as you curl into his chest. "how long until you get out?" you ask after a while, and michael hums. "soon." he responds, kissing the top of your head. "can i tell you something..?" you continue, voice quiet. "of course." he says, tilting your chin with his finger so you would look at him. "i'm pregnant.." you announce, averting your gaze from his. michael smiles, the thought of you swelling with his child was so hot to him, a true marking, but the thought of having a kid annoyed him. he doesn't like kids... but he'd make an exception for you. "michael..?" you mumble, tears welling in your eyes.
"don't worry, i'm happy." he smiles, nuzzling his nose against yours. you smile, kissing him softly. "thank you for not turning me away.." you sigh happily and michael rolls his eyes. "i would never. you're mine now, forever." he mumbles, resting his large hand on your stomach. you feel warm inside, and despite being terrified of the teen pregnancy, you felt happy that you weren't in this alone. the door opens abruptly, and you jump. "y/n, please come with me so we can talk." doctor loomis crosses his arms and you feel unsafe as you shuffle closer to michael. "talk to me here.." you say quietly, not willing to leave michael again, and he clearly feels the same way as he holds you tighter- this time being careful of your stomach. "fine. i'm assuming you've told him of your predicament." doctor loomis adjusts his glasses before continuing. "the board just won't allow a pregnancy between two patients, let alone between two 17 year olds." he continues as doctor addison looks away. "i'm sorry, but we're going to have to perform an abortion." the blonde sighs from where he stood. "what?! no!" you protest, draping your arms around your stomach protectively. "don't worry, y/n. it'll be over before you know it." doctor loomis smiles.
michael moves to stand, putting you down carefully and moving in front of you. "don't touch them." he says, voice rough as he speaks up. "i'm afraid you have no say in the matters, myers. hand them over." loomis says, folding his arms. "no." he furrows his brows, feeling you clutch the back of his shirt as you nuzzle into his back. "myers, this is crucial. let me take y/n to my operation room." loomis says sternly, taking a step closer. "over my dead body." he growls, and loomis simply smiles again. "we'll dig one hole." he shoots back, grabbing michael's wrist and stabbing a syringe into his vein. michael feels himself growing weaker slowly, but his urge to protect you- to protect his baby- is too much. tugging on his shackles, he tries to lunge for the doctor, but alas, he slumps to his knees as you gasp, moving to help him.
"now then, y/n. come with me please." loomis smiles at you, taking your arm into his hand to pull you from michael. "no! michael, help!" you yelp, trying to struggle. "enough, doctor loomis! you can't hold my patient like that." addison steps up, trying to pull you from the older doctor. "now now, addison. you don't want to get in trouble for stopping the process now, would you?" loomis teases, and you feel dizzy at how fast the doctor had pulled you. michael tries to grab you again, but he collapses fully onto the floor, unable to help you as you cry. eventually, a needle pricks your neck and you cry in pain before growing dizzy. "michael..!" you whimper as your world goes dark.
when you awaken, you're lay in your bed, snugly wrapped up in your blankets but something's wrong. you feel... empty. you can just tell that your baby was gone, and you start to sob. you cry for hours, feeling no motivation to get up to dry your tears or get some water for your dry throat. you just cry, clutching your stomach as you roll onto your side. your baby wasn't even a month into development, and they had stripped you of them. you barely got to experience pregnancy with michael, barely got to feel like a parent. your door clicks open, and you don't even react as you sob into your pillow. "y/n." a gruff voice starts, and you finally turn. michael moves over to your bed, and you scramble to hug him tightly. "they- they..!" you wail, and michael sighs as he holds you close to his chest.
michael didn't feel anything, but the sight of you mourning made him feel sick. he wanted revenge on the facility for making you feel like this, wanted to murder anyone who hurt you. "my baby..!" you cry, still clutching your tummy as he holds you. michael kisses your head softly, rubbing your belly for you. "it's okay. they won't get away with this. i'll make sure of it." he grumbles, a tinge of anger in his voice. "they killed my baby.." you whimper, hands coming up to grasp onto michael instead, his presence comforted you as you guessed he was feeling the same way. "it's alright.. i'll make sure they never hurt you again." michael states, laying down with you carefully as you settle with him, letting you cry yourself to sleep into his chest.
time passes, and doctor addison grants michael access to stay in your room whilst you mourn. he feels rage boiling his blood as he has to force you to eat, to drink, to shower, to take medication, to take care of yourself at all. they made you like this, and he was going to make them pay for every ounce of distress that filled your mind. currently, you were fast asleep against his chest, mumbling something incoherent in your sleep. michael can't sleep, and he doesn't mind staying awake until you feel better even if it kills him. you were his top priority, his obsession. he loved you deeply, and cared about what happened to you.
they had destroyed all progress you had made, you couldn't even get out of bed to go to therapy. michael gives you a small kiss on your forehead as you shuffle in your sleep slightly, your hands clutching his shirt tightly. tears are slipping from your closed eyes as you sleep, and michael gently rubs them away, leaning in again to kiss you softly. you relax slightly, but when he pulls away you whimper. "my baby..!" you cry despite being asleep. michael lets out a small breath as he rubs your back, fluttering soft kisses over your face so that you would settle again. "michael..?" you mumble, and he hums softly. "it's okay, i'm here." he says back, unsure if you're still sleeping or not.
you doze off again, content in your dream, still grasping his shirt tightly to keep him close. michael checks the time behind him, it was 3:41 am, time was going so slow. michael's throat was dry, and he can't fight the urge to go get water. slowly, he slips from your grip and gets up, unknown to the fact that despite unconscious you knew he left. as he gets a drink from the tap in the bathroom, you cry softly, curling in on yourself. your cries grow distressed as you lurch up, wide awake. "mike!" you yelp, hands trembling as you search for him. the other patient steps from the bathroom quickly, stalking over to grab you tightly. you settle with your head on his chest as he bundles you up into his arms. "it's okay.." he mumbles as your tears wet his shirt. "why did they do this to me..?" you cry, looping your arms under his to pull him closer. "because they don't care about anyone in this hospital." michael's reply is sour, and he moves back to the bed with you.
you sniffle as he lays you down, and you make grabby hands at him. chuckling, michael joins you and wraps you both up in the covers. "thank you for being here.." you mumble, nuzzling into his chest as you wrap your arms around his middle. "mhm, i love you." he smiles, kissing your head softly. "i.. i love you too." you reply softly, smiling brightly. after a few moments of silence, michael assumes you've fallen asleep but your small voice mumbles his name. "hm?" he looks down at you. "if we get the chance, would you like to have kids?" you ask softly, and michael is slightly taken aback. "in here or when we get out?" he questions back and you shrug. "either." you mumble, and michael thinks. "absolutely. i'll do anything for you." he says softly, "besides, the thought of you being full of my kids is hot as fuck." he adds teasingly, enjoying how you fluster. "thank you.." you mumble to the first part as he gives you a soft kiss.
michael pulls your leg over his hips and you hum, happily shuffling closer to him. "you're so cute.." michael whispers as you settle on him. "stop." you whine, hiding your smile. "mm, no." he teases, lifting your head to give you a soft kiss. three soft knocks interrupt your moment, and you sit up. "it's almost 4 am, who..?" you trail off as michael gets up, gesturing for you to stay put. slowly, michael peels the door open and is surprised to see doctor addison standing there. "may i come in?" he asks softly, and michael looks back to you. you seem uncomfortable, yet nod, so michael lets him in. "i just want to apologise.. i shouldn't of told them, i just... my research means anything to me and if i slip up it will mean nothing." he explains, and michael hides you protectively behind him.
you sniffle slightly, leaning against michael's shoulder. "however, if anything were to reoccur... i promise i won't tell as long as i can keep doing my research." he says, placing another pregnancy test on your bedside table. you eye it curiously, and despite feeling a lot of pain you know it's always possible to try again. "thank you.." you mumble, circling your arms fully around michael as he continues to watch the doctor's every move. "i hope you can find it in you to forgive me, y/n.. i think miss burnham is coming back soon so hopefully you both can do art therapy again." he smiles, leaving the room after bidding farewell.
michael grabs the test, offering it to you. "what do you think?" he asks softly, and you take the box from him. "i might still need some time, but i will happily try again." you smile, and michael smiles back.
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eatyourchancletas · 3 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
[chapter index] [playlist] [previous chapter]
AUTHOR’S NOTE | we’re back! sorry for the long break, hopefully we can get into the flow of things! monnie’s already started chapter 5 off amazingly too :p written by both of us this time (mainly edited by monnie)! please leave feedback, like, reblog, whatever you can to let us know whether you enjoyed it or not!  (re-edited because dongwoo and changsik were switched up)
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​  if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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y/n was usually called outstanding, hard-working, smart. but in reality, he was an idiot when he was outside the workforce. 
being a workaholic meant showing your skills, growing them, improving them, and practicing them constantly. sometimes it seemed to be all he knew— it’s what all the people around him saw. 
yet again, outside of it he’s quite a gullible man; which brings him to his current situation… 
“looking for something?” 
he looked away from the bandages he was previously examining to come face to face with a man that looked around his age. “not really, just restocking my clinic. or—trying to find things to restock it with.” the man nods, glancing around suspiciously, although y/n didn’t didn’t seem to take notice of this particular action. 
“this pharmacy is pretty small, but it has lots of good supplies… lots of hidden gems. want me to show you where i get my tools?”
“oh,” y/n blinked in surprise, “you’re in the medical field?”
the man made eye contact with him, managing a convincing smile. “yeah, there’s a clinic down the road from here, about fifteen minutes by foot, this is the nearest pharmacy, so we stock up from here most of the time. i work there as an assistant.”
y/n nodded, amusement sparkling in his eyes. “wow, then please! show me what you suggest.”
at the approval, the man nodded, “name’s changsik, by the way. what do you work as? i’m assuming you’re also in the medical field.”
they walked along the aisle of the cough syrups, ointments, and the few other medicines to turn and make their way to the exit door. y/n furrowed his brows, about to ask why they were exiting until changsik made another turn, walking towards the staff room. 
“your assumption is correct, i’m a surgeon…” he replied belatedly, trailing off as he stepped foot inside the room. his eyes trailed on the shelves full of unopened boxes, more prescription pills, and—bingo! the supplies he’d written down on his list. 
for a split second, the memory of san handing it to him flashes across his mind, blinking it away as he turned to changsik. “wait, how are you able to access this?”
“i’m a regular.” he glanced across at him, looking past the window. “and also the perks of having a pharmaceutical license,” a hefty laugh left his mouth, “took some convincing though.” 
“huh,” y/n squatted down, inspecting a box that was on the floor, “i guess that makes sense.”
“just put what you need in a box and take it out. i’ll just say you’re helping me take it back.” changsik smiled, watching y/n nod and do so.
after a few minutes, y/n finished and announced he was ready to check out. changsik’s eyes met one of the cctv cameras before settling on y/n. 
“alright, let’s go check out.” 
as they walked toward the front, they reached the hallway that led to the exit. just as y/n was going to walk past, toward the checkout counter, a hand forcefully grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. he looked behind him, in a startled manner, thinking changsik had just forgotten something. however, a deeper fear struck when changsik’s hand moved to clench at the back of his collar. 
“don’t make a sound.”
the second the cold blade touched the skin of y/n’s neck, the surgeon knew to stay quiet. there was a burning in his throat as he struggled to swallow, scared to trigger any abrupt movement. his frantic mind jumbled about, words of scolding placed toward himself and the situation while trying to get a grip. he thought of using the in-ear to alert jongho, but it would risk exposure of the communication device: in any case… he’d be dead by then.
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“what is taking him so long?” jongho grunted, tapping his foot in impatience. it’d already been about 10 minutes since y/n entered the store—it shouldn’t take that long for a surgieron to find equipment that’s of medicinal standard!
tapping his in-ear and calling out the doctor’s name, he got no response. placing his face mask on, he rushed into the store, beckoning the cashier. “have you seen a man, about 6’3” with h/c hair?”
the cashier stared at him with a shocked look, “yes, but he went back toward the restrooms. is he dangerous?”
jongho shook his head before running toward the back of the store. he shoved against the restroom door, shouting out the older’s name as he threw open each stall door. finally admitting the fact that the older had disappeared, he tapped his in-ear once more, calling out for anyone.
“jongho, what’s going on?” hongjoong had intercepted the connection, hearing jongho’s worried voice.
the bodyguard had no time to register the primal fear that would settle itself in his bones once faced with the leader, “it’s y/n, hyung. he ran away.” 
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jongho returned to the headquarters after scoping out the area once more and had just entered through the front door when he was met with the sight of the whole group. 
hongjoong was staring at him with his jaw clenched and an almost empty whiskey glass settled in his lax hand. jongho had never seen a look so severe in hongjoong’s eyes—he’d never messed up this bad. and apparently, the leader wasn’t the only one emotionally affected by his mistake, because before hongjoong could even physically express his own anger, san had snatched the glass from his hand and launched it at jongho, missing his head by less than an inch.
everyone was shocked at his silent outburst, san even going as far to ignore the immense pain in his abdomen and on his shoulder, but hongjoong simply sent the younger a look, causing him to cower back in the slightest. jongho, however, was enraged at what had just happened. what gave san, who had no superiority over him, the right to do that?
“what the fuck was that?” he had stormed over to the boy, grabbing his shirt with both fists. san didn’t back down, sticking his jaw out toward the youngest.
“how could you lose y/n?”
“i was told no matter what to avoid cameras, so i stayed outside! i didn’t exactly think the fucker would have the balls to run away!” 
everyone watched the two, eyeing when to step in and pull them apart. but hongjoong let them run their mouths. the longer someone talks, the more something is revealed. what he was looking to be revealed, he didn’t know; but something would come up.
san pushed back against jongho, “y/n hyung wouldn’t run away. he’d never do that!” 
‘oh,’ hongjoong perked in interest.
the younger scoffed, “what makes you so sure?”
san’s next words came as a bit of a shock, leaving the others with silent questions, “he promised he’d come back.”
an awkward silence filled the room as they all stared, speechless at how hopelessly fond their brother had become for their hostage. as much as some of them hated to admit it, y/n was only a hostage to them at the end of the day. and for san to fall into a reversal stockholm syndrome of sorts was nothing short of  a disappointment. however, that couldn’t be the main focus, y/n was missing and they didn’t know how strong his resolve would be in the event of torturing.
“run us back on what happened, will you?” hongjoong told jongho, trying to get a clear picture on what went down because the first thing they needed to know was why y/n was taken, much less, who took him. was it by the same person who’d been running their mouths in the streets? 
and right in the middle of his explanation, an alarm went off on yeosang’s phone; it was a message. the others kept talking, figuring yeosang could handle whatever message he’d received. 
it was when he promptly stood up that all attention had been placed on him. 
“it’s him! it’s dongwoo!”
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a soft whimper sounded as y/n was thrown to the ground, hands bound and eyes blinded by some piece of cloth.
“boss,” y/n’s kidnapper spoke in a submissive wave, causing y/n to assume the guy had straightened his spine and was saluting him in some way.
a moment later, a gruff voice broke through the eerie silence in the room, “and who is this?” his voice wasn’t angered or bewildered at all, and that’s what scared y/n. he sounded intrigued; like even he wasn’t expecting to be a part of this situation.
“someone with connections to ateez— saw that bodyguard walking around with him.” 
the other man hummed, “the bodyguard didn’t follow you, did he?”
“no, no. i found them by the pharmacy; i know the area pretty well because i do the runs for sowon— i knew the camera blindspots!” his abductor seemed to be a bit on the simpler side when it came to this “boss” of his, y/n concluded. this was a completely different personality than when he was being abducted at the scene…
“good job. and you know what, changsik-ah,” his voice seemed to be getting more intrigued, y/n’s heart beating even faster in response, “since you bought in such a valuable hostage, i’ll let you have the honors of obtaining information from him.”
y/n felt the air beside him shift, changsik bowing a full 90 degrees at his boss’s blessing, “thank you!”
a sickeningly hearty laugh resonated and the creaking of a chair sounded before the boss’s next words seemed to be the final straw for y/n’s pounding heart.
“i want him alive.” 
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“he better be alive,” san growled at jongho.
“we might get to him alive if you two would quit bickering. we’re wasting time because of you two, so shut it and sit down!” hongjoong had had enough of the two. he knew it was a sensitive time for san and jongho, different reasons for both, of course, but they would only get nowhere if they weren’t level-headed.
the two boys bowed their heads at their leader, san still sending a side-eyed glare at the younger before sitting down in his chair. 
it’d been two days since y/n was kidnapped and they still hadn’t been able to come up with a plan to get y/n back. 
wooyoung tried to trace where the text message came from within the first minute it was received, but surprise, surprise! it was a burner phone— so back to square one; checking all of the cctv footage in the area and trying to spot a suspect that wasn’t even visible from the first frame. 
the cameras in the pharmacy showed only y/n, the pharmacist, clerk, and four other customers. of those four, only one person never entered through the front door. and within those 48 hours, he’d managed to single out a vehicle that had arrived in the frame of one of the street cams showing the alleyway behind the pharmacy, and left the same way not even 5 minutes later. it was a suspicious vehicle too; white van, no windows in the back, and paper license plates. the paper plates hinted that they were most likely changed recently or are changed frequently.
and so after hours of having to witness his best friend be so uncharacteristically frantic and down, wooyoung, unfortunately, decided to do what he thought was smartest—save y/n himself to make his best friend happy again.
his intentions may have been well, but in stories like these, doesn’t something always go wrong?
“help me set the table guys,” seonghwa cleared his throat, hand on his hip as he stirred the soup on the stove. the steam from the boiling liquid sent another cloud to his tired face, a sheen of sweat and condensation forming.
“i really don’t understand why we are acting like we have the time to set a table and eat home cooked meals when we don’t!” san exasperated, pacing around the dining room. 
mingi gave a sympathetic smile, patting him on the back before going to help seonghwa. 
while mingi was more on the understanding side of san’s worries, jongho disagreed, “how exactly do you expect us to find him if we don’t take care of ourselves?”
“all i’m saying is food and sleep shouldn’t be this consistently on your minds when we’re all in this situation!”
jongho scoffed, finding the utmost absurdities in san’s words, “why are you acting like he’s so important? he doesn’t know anything about us or our weaknesses— for fuck’s sake, it’s not like we can’t just get another doc—”
a fist had flown toward jongho’s cheek, cutting off his words, before san’s thrashing body was being pulled back by mingi and yeosang.
“go to hell choi jongho!” san screamed, trying to force his way through the barrier the two had made with their bodies. the boy could feel his stitches tearing as he fought, but he didn’t care. jongho had been a bitch since the very first moment y/n was around, and for what reason?
“cut it out, san!” yeosang hollered, voice brute as he pushed against the boy.
“no, let me at him. he wants to keep being a little shit, i’ll show him shitty!”
“stop it! you haven’t even noticed, have you?”
san didn’t stop trying to break the barrier, focusing on getting to jongho and the other’s words, “notice what?”
“wooyoung’s missing,” yeosang began, san whipping his head toward him and trying to disagree, but yeosang was having none of it, “and you haven’t done anything but antagonize everyone here for not doing their jobs at your pace!”
“oh, excuse me for trying to be as quick as possible in finding him!”
“yeah, and who ever said quick was the efficient route to go? we’re dealing with people we know nothing about, but they seem to know a little too much about us, no? so stop getting on everyone’s asses and—”
“shut the hell up! please!” seonghwa had slammed his hands down on the table, screaming at the top of his lungs. every person in the room had immediately gone silent, words left on the tips of their tongues in a desperate attempt to fly about.
“you’re all going to shut it, sit down, and eat this meal like the civilized people we are and come up with a plan to get y/n back as safely as possible,” he gave a quick glare at everyone, blowing a puff of air at the lock of hair that had settled over his eyelids.
“am i clear?”
"yes, sir."
179 notes · View notes
hyuckssunchip · 3 years
[5:34 pm]
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Pairings: Jeno x Reader, ft. Haechan
Words: 1.3K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), fluff
college studying boyfriend drabble
Jeno desperately is trying to do his homework as last minute as it can get. 
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“Can I look at your homework?” You lifted your eyes from your computer to find Jeno shooting you those begging eyes that you could never resist.
“Jeno it’s due in like half an hour, but go for it.” You pulled the packet out of your backpack, sliding it to him. “You really shouldn’t wait so long. I’d have given it to you earlier if you just ask.”
He grinned, eyes crinkling as he opened up the booklet. “I didn’t have time, I was at practice all day yesterday.”
You ran your hands through your hair. “Too busy to ask for a picture? Honestly the amount of unnecessary stress that you get from this isn’t worth it.”
Jeno didn’t look up from his scribbling as he replied, “It’s not stressful, I know you’ll give it to me.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning your head onto your hand, eyeing him. “You’re lucky that it’s math class, otherwise it’d be suspicious how similar our answers are for every assignment.”
His pen paused over the paper. “It’s not every assignment.” He whined at you before hurrying back. Jeno glanced at his phone, the minutes were counting down.
You laughed at him enjoying his struggle. 
“It’s not really that funny Y/N.” He gave you a quick teasing glare. 
“It kinda is.” At this point you had abandoned your own books and chose to solely watch him. Jeno had his tongue slightly sticking out in focus as his hand moved across the page. 
“How do you even pass the tests? You never actually do the homework.” You asked, curious at his good standing despite his lack of apparent effort.
He shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m a good guesser I guess.”
You snorted, “Good guesser my ass. Our math tests are all free response.”
Jeno didn’t reply and you tilted your head, focusing your attention on him for the next fifteen minutes in silence.
“Don’t be fucking creepy Y/N.” You heard the chair next to you scratch against the tile.
“It’s not creepy. He’s my boyfriend I can watch him whenever I want to.” You stuck your tongue out at Haechan as he sank into the chair.
“Right. It’s not creepy when you do it, but when I do it it’s weird.” He huffed, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, cause you do it when he’s sleeping. That’s just weird.” You squinted your eyes at him with a frown on your face.
Haechan turned his attention away from you stubbornly before actually taking a look at Jeno. He snorted, “Cheating off Y/N again?”
Jeno didn’t bother acknowledging him, “It’s not cheating, just collaborative.”
“Yeah, Y/N does the work and then you write it in your own handwriting.”
“If she was willing to give you hers you’d do it too.” Jeno accused him with a glare before returning to the papers. He was almost done and three of you would have to leave for class soon.
“No I wouldn’t. Because I’m diligent and smart.” He turned up his nose before turning to face you, “But if you’re ever feeling insanely generous, I’m more than willing to receive answers.”
Haechan shot you a toothy grin, which fell off his face when you shoved him, and obvious no in your actions .
He shrugged, “It was worth a try.”
You picked up your phone, realizing that it was time to go. “Jeno, are you almost done?” 
“Almost.” He bit his lip, scribbling twice as fast as he was before.
“We’re going to be late.” Haechan sang out, teasing Jeno distractingly.
“Shut up.” You smacked the back of his head softly. “Don’t be mean.”
“How was that mean? I just said that we were going to be late.” He cried out, rubbing his head dramatically.
“It was the way that you said it.”
“It was the way that you said it.” He mocked you, but quickly moving away to dodge the second smack he was dangerously close to receiving. 
“Jeno. We should really get going now.” You were putting your books and papers into your backpack.
“Okay. I’ll just do it while we’re walking.” He mumbled, standing up dazedly, still scribbling.
You giggled, “How are you going to do that?”
Jeno looked up for the first time in a while, eyes darting to Haechan.
Haechan shook his head, already knowing that something was up. Jeno silently took Haechan’s backpack and made the boy wear it on his front.
“I’ll use Haechan’s back.” He smiled sweetly at you as your own grin widened. 
“No. Who said that you could use my back?” Haechan pouted, but still obliging when Jeno turned him around using force. 
Haechan didn’t really stand a chance against Jeno’s strength and he had learned to just go with it before he really resorts to force.
“Ow, that hurts.” Haechan dramatically whined as Jeno pressed especially hard against him.
“No it doesn’t.”
“Um, yes it does.” He replied, “And how would you know? You’re the one doing the stabbing, not being stabbed.”
“Because this hurts.” Jeno pushed the pen hard against the paper that was on Haechan’s back, purposefully adding more strength.
Haechan squirmed away and turned to face Jeno with a wide eyed expression. “Ow.”
Jeno grinned, motioning for him to turn around again. 
Haechan shook his head horrified, “No way. You’re gonna do it again.” 
“I’m not, just come here.” He smiled and eventually Haechan obliged. 
“You’re boyfriend’s a psycho.” Haechan muttered to you.
“Shhh. In case you didn’t notice he’s got a pointy object against your back.” You giggled, eyeing your boyfriend who didn’t seem to hear it, intensely focused on his writing.
Haechan gulped and for the rest of the way he kept his snarky comments to himself.
The three of you sink into three empty seats towards the back of the lecture hall. Jeno whispered to you that he was done and handed the packet back to you before sprawling out in his seat as if he was exhausted. 
“Jesus my fingers hurt like hell.” He groaned, eyes widening at the red marks that now stood out. 
“Alright, let’s get started.” Your professor walked to the front podium with his notes. 
The students slowly settled down, voices eventually petering out.
“Quick announcement before we get into the lesson. A lot of students had emailed me over the weekend saying that they needed more time to finish the assignment so it’s been extended until Wednesday.” You professor announced and you struggled to stifle a laugh at the way that Jeno’s face fell. 
Haechan didn’t even try, snickering and jabbing his elbow into his friend’s side. 
“Are you kidding me?” He muttered under his breath, staring at his hands in disbelief. 
“If you didn’t procrastinate so long you wouldn’t have struggled like that.” You scolded him teasingly, knowing that you were just pushing his buttons.
“No. If anything it’s more reason to procrastinate. My fingers wouldn’t have had to suffer and I would have had extra time.” He groaned, arguing with you.
“You know he’s got a point.” Haechan nodded before shutting up at the sight of your glare. “Or not.”
“All I’m saying is text me the night before maybe? Or maybe I should just send it to you and then I don’t have to go through this headache with you.” 
“No. This is fun. I enjoy watching this. Don’t make it not fun.” Haechan pouted, looking genuinely worried that you would take away his source of entertainment.
“It’s heartening to know that you enjoy my suffering.” Jeno glared at the boy.
“Is that new news?” Haechan asked, slightly disappointed that it had taken so long for Jeno to get it. 
“No. We just thought that you would at least have the class to not admit it out loud.” You poked at him.
“Okay. Shut up. I can’t hear the lecture.” Haechan averted the attention.
“You’re just salty cause you were losing.” You muttered, picking up your pencil to take notes.
The fact that Haechan didn’t reply gave you satisfaction.
“No. I think I’m losing. I’m stuck in between the two of you.” Jeno said with exasperation staring incredulously at the two of you in turn, then shaking his head. 
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
227 notes · View notes
eternalsimp · 3 years
Cursed Fears
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 3096
Warnings: aged up Megumi, use of female pronouns, swearing, mentions of violence, spoilers for episodes 5 and 6, mention of character death, slight sexual themes toward the end, angst, minors dni.
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The sound of the rain steadily increasing was the only sound in your apartment as you waited patiently for your boyfriend. Your laptop displayed that it was midnight as you lazily scribbled statistics solutions onto the notes app of your tablet. Once you felt you reached a stopping point you got up to find a long sleeve to stave off the cold that seeped into the apartment from the storm. Striding over to your closet to pull out something to remind you of him. As you grabbed his signature grey shirt, you were immediately hit with the soft scent of cedar-wood. It was thin and soft from years of use. It hung loosely and brought you a sort of comfort as you counted down the minutes ‘til he got home. You weren’t a sorcerer, but you were well aware of the dangers that your friends went out and faced, and the panic in the back of your mind grew louder as the hours passed since Megumi had walked out of the door.
You stifled a yawn as you finally heard the lock to your front door click open and shut. You closed your eyes and stretched your back to loosen the knots that formed from doing your homework on the living room floor. As you made your way to the door to greet your boyfriend, he was frantically kicking his shoes off and stripping himself of his jacket.
“Hey love, how was it?” you said softly while reaching for his rain-soaked torso. He flinched away from your touch, eyes wide and afraid. His blue eyes scan your confused face before he blinks slowly and takes a shuddering breath.
“Sorry, I didn’t expect you to still be up.” He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before retreating to the bathroom. The smell of blood, dirt, and god knows what else isn’t lost on you as he tries to pass you quickly. You bend to pick his jacket off of the floor where he had tossed it in his haste, and walk to your shared bedroom to put it in the laundry basket. You open the drawers to his side of the dresser to pull out his favorite sweats and a plain white tee-shirt, before gently placing them on the bathroom counter where he is aggressively scrubbing his face. 
“You’re gonna get sick if you stay in those wet clothes much longer,” you say oh so matter of factly before pushing up on your toes to kiss the corner of his jaw. Your movements take him slightly off guard, which you use to your advantage to nudge him to a sitting position on the bench next to the shower. You run a washcloth under the warm water of the sink, move to stand between his legs, and gently brush the cloth against his temple. He closes his eyes and leans into your touch. You both sit in silence as you wipe the remnants of sweat and blood off of his face and neck. You notice the way he's holding your waist, hands so light his touch is barely there. Like he’s afraid you'll break if he makes a wrong move. After you finish wiping his face and neck, you tug at the hem of his soaked shirt and he complies with your wordless command to take it off. You step back out of the bathroom to toss it into the basket with his Jujustu Tech jacket.
When you walk back in, his head is leaning against the cool wall, letting you fully take stock of the bruises and cuts adorning the top half of his body. The worst of it looks like a slight split at the corner of his bottom lip and a shallow cut above one of his brows. You stride over to him and run your fingers through his black hair. “Baby,” you crooned softly. He gave a soft hum in acknowledgment as you nuzzled your nose into the top of his head. “I love you but you smell like a sewer, can you please shower before you fall asleep?” He sticks his tongue out playfully as you back away from him so he can stand up and move towards the shower. 
Though his normal stoic behavior wouldn’t concern you, you still can’t shake the terrified look on his face when he first entered the apartment. How tense he’s holding himself and the way that he’s obviously trying not to worry you. His eyes linger on your face like he’s trying to memorize every aspect of it before he drops his gaze and shakes whatever thought he had out of his head.
You settle back on the living room floor between the coffee table and the couch and turn your attention back to your college notes. You only have time to pick your stylus back up before your phone starts vibrating in your pocket. You look down and see Itadori’s name scrawled across the screen along with a picture of him smiling next to your grouchy-looking boyfriend.
“Hey Yuuji, what’s up?”
“Hey y/n, I know it's late but I just wanted to make sure Fushiguro got back okay.”
“Yeah, he’s in the shower. Do you want me to have him call you when he’s out?”
“No… I just… did he seem okay when he got back?”
You chewed on the corner of your mouth for a second, “I mean, he seemed kinda unsettled but that’s not unusual for when he comes back from your guys' missions.”
“Yeah… yeah you’re right. I don’t know, he just seemed off after everything. Never mind.”
You hear the water shut off in the other room and quirk a brow. “Yuuji you better spit it out or else I’m gonna come over there and start cutting your fingers off! What are you not telling me?”
“On that note, I gotta go. Just talk to him, okay?”
“Wait Yuuji-” the line goes dead before you can press him with more questions. You stuff your phone back into your pocket and tap your stylus on your tablet for a couple of minutes. Just talk to him. Gore and violence are nothing new to Megumi, and he isn’t easily fazed, so what would shake him so bad that even Yuuji is worried?
You’re pulled from your thoughts both literally and figuratively when you feel a pair of muscular arms lift you onto the couch behind you. You are once again settled between your boyfriend's legs as you’re pressed against his strong chest. You yelp and try to wiggle out of his grasp but his years of training with the other Jujustu Sorcerers, even after graduating, leave him with an iron grip on your hips. 
“Hang on let me grab my notes,” you protest. He presses his face into your neck and whines. After a few moments of struggling against him, you manage to snatch your tablet and pen off the ground and open it to your last question. You adjust yourself so your shoulder is against his chest and you can lazily drape your legs over his thigh. He rests his cheek against the crown of your head and readjusts his arms around you so he can still hold you tightly while not blocking your view of your classwork. You scribble notes for a few more minutes before deciding that him falling asleep in this position will mean him complaining of a sore neck in the morning, what with the awkward way it's twisted to lean against you. You could feel his body getting heavier against your own. You remembered what Yuuji had told you, and in an effort to keep him awake, you decided to ask what had been nagging you since he got back home. 
“Are you okay?” All you get in response is another hum from your barely awake boyfriend. You shift again and reach up to run your fingers through his still-damp hair, “‘Gumi, baby, you shouldn't fall asleep here. Let’s go to bed.” He chuckles lightly at the nickname you gave him way back when you first started dating, and how you save it for private moments like this. 
“I just wanna hold you for a bit longer, I promise we’ll get up soon.” Megumi finally murmurs. You don’t miss the way his jaw clenches as you try to fix your gaze upon him. You sigh and set your tablet down before turning to straddle Megumi’s lap and force him to look at you. 
“What’s wrong, you’re more distant than usual?” You rest your hands on either side of his face and turn him to look at you. He avoids eye contact and suddenly you’re looking at the guarded 16-year-old boy who refused to open up to anyone when you first met. You lean to rest your forehead against his as he focuses his gaze somewhere between your jaw and the base of your throat. “Please talk to me? What happened out there?”
Megumi struggles internally on how much to tell you. You mindlessly stroke his cheeks with your thumbs and he finds himself settling his hands back on your waist again, with the same feather-light touch that you would use with glass. Finally, you get his answer in the form of a whisper.
“I’m scared I’m gonna lose you…”
You immediately pull your head back to look at him straight on only to be met with a faraway gaze. You furrow your brows together and squeeze his face just enough to get his attention. His eyes snap to yours and you can see the tears starting to prick at the corners. “I’m not going anywhere ‘Gumi.” You smile at him before pulling him closer to you and he buries his face into your neck.
“Fuck, that’s not what I meant. I’m scared I’m putting you in danger,” his voice is starting to waver, “You didn’t ask for this, any of this. I’m gone all the time, always on missions constantly putting both our lives in danger. I can’t even imagine what would happen if one of the special grades were to find out about you. It’s bad enough Sukuna knows you.” His voice cracked at the end of his sentence and you feel his chest shudder.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him. You nudge his face away from your shoulder and see the tears he’s been holding back finally fall. The only other time you can remember him crying like this was when he thought Yuji died. You go back to stroking his face and shushing him but it's too late, the dam is broken and he can no longer hold back the sobs. 
“What if I can’t protect you?” He continues to choke out his fears while you keep stroking his face lovingly and whispering soft reassurances to him that everything is going to be okay and you’re both safe. You let him cry into your chest until his strangled sobs slowly turn into soft sniffles.
“Feeling any better baby?” You gently push at his shoulders and lean him back again so you can look at him. He nods hesitantly and lets you wipe any remaining tears from under his now puffy eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m just tired and I guess everything kinda boiled over all at once,” he sighs. You lean down to press a soft kiss to his lips and he instantly melts into it.
“Don’t be sorry Megumi, you can talk to me about anything.” You press another kiss to his forehead and continue rubbing small circles into his jaw to loosen the tension there. After a few moments of holding each other silently, you pipe your voice up again. “Yuji called, he seemed worried. Did something happen tonight?”
You felt Megumi go stiff underneath you before quickly relaxing into your touch again. “Itadori started to lose control and Sukuna was just being a dick, per usual.” You inhale sharply and try to remove yourself from his grasp, you are gonna kill those two one of these days. As if he could read your mind Megumi quickly grabbed your wrists effectively pinning you against his chest once again. “Okay no, stop it. Nothing happened, he was just being mouthy and trying to wind me up. Obviously, it worked...”
“I don’t give a shit what Sukuna says and neither should you. If by some miracle he is able to get out of their pact, Gojo and Yuji would never let anything happen, and neither would you.” You press your forehead against his again since he still has a firm grip on your wrists to keep you from moving away from him. “I don’t care what you think, the safest place for me is right here with you. Sukuna is just bitter that he’s in a cage so he’s decided to make it everyone else's problem.” Megumi chuckles lightly again before releasing your hands and replacing his arms around your waist. 
“We should go to bed, you have class in the morning.” He sighs. You crane your neck to see it’s well past 2 am, you stretch again to release the last couple of cracks in your spine and your boyfriend takes the opportunity to nip at your collarbones and make you squirm against him. 
“If you stop doing that I’ll stay home with you instead, deal?” He jerks his face away from your chest and gives you the biggest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“Are you sure? You have exams this week right?” 
“There’s no point in going to a lecture if I’m just gonna fall asleep. I’ll study for my exams tomorrow after I wake up, but I’m planning on sleeping in tomorrow. Both of us need it.” He hums in agreement before trying to lift himself off the couch with you still in his arms. You gasp in surprise as you feel him wobble and stumble back into the couch cushions, tucking you into his neck with a hand to the back of your head to keep your faces from colliding. 
You look at each other and let out a chorus of laughter. You shake your head before pinching his nose gently. “For someone so smart, you are so fucking dumb sometimes.” He scrunches up his face and swats your hand away as you peel yourself out of his arms and off his lap.
“You know, I’ve done it before and I was confident I could do it again. Also, I gotta keep my pretty girl on her toes.” This time it was your turn to swat his hand away as he grabbed at your thighs and rear. You rolled your eyes comically at him and moved towards the bedroom. He jumps up, throws you over his shoulder, before unceremoniously plopping you on the bed with a speed you’ve only ever seen him possess. He hovers over you as he presses his mouth against you in a rushed, teeth-clashing kiss. You push at his shoulder so he can dramatically flop on his back and open his arms expectantly. 
“Give me a sec to change, I’ll be right back.” He whines like a child when you grab your pajama shorts and a tank top from the top of the dresser and stride into the bathroom. You’ve never known anyone to be as handsy as Megumi. He hates PDA and would never in a million years let strangers see through his cold, tough exterior. In the comfort of your home though, you quickly learned that he can never keep his hands to himself and they tend to wander on their own. He always wants to be touching you when you’re home together and he’ll whine and pout if he can’t. You can never find it in your heart to turn down his affection, especially on nights like this when he is feeling vulnerable and needs reassurance. Those nights are few and far between but you indulge your boyfriend in anything he needs whenever his facade starts to crack and you get glimpses of the version of him that he keeps carefully tucked away. 
You pull your jeans and his sweater off and quickly throw your pajamas on. You toss your clothes into the basket from the door and find your boyfriend sprawled on your side of the bed scrolling through his phone. You poke the middle of his back and yank the blanket, covering him from the waist down, to what's supposed to be his side of the bed. His jaw drops in mock offense before he's pulling your front flush against his chest once again. 
His lips latch onto yours again as he's tangling his legs with yours and threading his hands through your hair. You bring your hands under his shirt to stroke your fingertips lightly against his sides as his kisses grow needier and more urgent. One of his hands leaves your hair to grip your hips as he rolls his own into you desperately. You bring one hand to press against his chest lightly and move away from him for air. 
“Baby please…” he looks like he's on the verge of begging. His heart pounds heavily under your fingers on his chest. You press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose.
“‘Gumi, you’re exhausted and very emotional right now, just go to sleep.” His bottom lip sticks out in a cute pout and you lift your hand to run your thumb over his protruding bottom lip. “I promise I will be here in the morning and we have all day tomorrow to hang out and do anything you want.” 
His brows quirk up and his mouth pulls into a smirk. “Anything?” He drops his head to try and catch your lips again but you evade him.
“Anything, if you go to sleep right now and wait ‘til morning.” He scrunches his nose up and huffs pathetically before moving to tuck one arm under your head and wrap the other around your waist protectively. You nuzzle your face into his chest to breathe in the usual smell of cedar-wood and a lingering scent of rain. One of your hands is tucked under his jaw while the other slips back beneath his shirt to keep tracing patterns up and down his sides. He shivers at the featherlight touch of your fingertips but melts into the hand you have on his face.
You can feel his breath growing more rhythmic and you glance up to see his eyes fluttering shut. You press one last kiss to his jaw before murmuring a quiet “I love you” into his chest. He squeezes the arm that's around your waist to pull you impossibly closer to him before you drift to sleep.
“I love you too baby. I promise I’ll always protect you.”
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Dog person - Harry Hook x reader - Oneshot
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Harry wasn’t a dog person, he was more a cat person, cats were clean, kept to themselves, hunted for their own food, and didn’t roll in mud at the first chance they got.
Gil had insisted that since Harry had never met a dog how could he say he didn’t like them? Harry knew he liked cats, so why would he like dogs?
Well, now Harry was in Auradon, where dogs were and…
Well…Harry ain’t a dog person but wow that person walking their dog was really cute and holy shit the dog looked at him what was he-oh shit. Harry took a sudden step back as the large grey and white Pitbull pulled their very cute owner towards Harry with a loud bark, their owner yelping as the leash was wrapped around their wrist and easily pulled them into Harry's chest, the Pitbull trotting around the two to wrap their legs together.
“Cerb!” the owner yelped, Harry's chest fluttering as they ripped off their beanie and pouted down at the smiling Pitbull “dude come on! Why you gotta embarrass me like this?!” the Pitbull, Cerb Harry assumed from their very pretty owner scolding them. The owner looked at him, Harry's brain freezing as they locked their sparking (e/c) eyes onto his. “I’m so sorry about this, he-he never acts up like this” Harry struggled to find the words as the owner forced Cerb to walk around them to undo the leash.
“it-it’s okay” Harry stumbled, feeling his ears turn red as the owner looked back at him, stepping away from him a little bit as the leash around their legs loosened. “um-he-you, didn’t mind-shit” Harry, the notorious flirt of the isle, was getting word jumbled over a person he had only seen a minute ago. He felt heat spread to his cheeks as the owner smiled at him and held out their hand.
“I’m (y/n), again sorry about the behavior of this little asshole, but his name is Cerb” Harry took their hand and shook it telling them his name as he looked down at Cerb, laughing slightly as Cerb jumped up to Harry and pushed at Harry's arm, as if demanding Harry to pet him. “Sorry about that, he’s actually never like this around guys” (y/n) sighed, going to pull Cerb off of Harry but Harry shook his head, rubbing his palm into the side of Cerb’s head and decided then and there that dogs, especially ones that looked like this and had very pretty owners attached to their leash, were very cute.
“Why isn’t he like this” Harry guested to Cerb eagerly pushing his muzzle and face into Harry's hand “around guys…other than meh apparently” (y/n) gave a sad smile and shrug.
“Bad family before I rescued him, probably abused, mainly by males, he’s good with all females and kids, just dudes freak him out” Harry let out a small noise of pain, taking his other hand and rubbing Cerb’s face a bit more.
“he’s a good dog” Harry hummed, yelping as Cerb jumped up at him and got a good lick at his chin and nose “ah!” (y/n) laughed and grabbed Cerb’s leash and collar, pulling the dog off of Harry, cooing at him as Cerb started to whine at the separation, “I think he likes meh”
“I think he does too” you laughed, stepping on either side of Cerb to trap him and prevent him from bulldozing Harry. “I’m sorry but, you can’t have him pet you forever!” Harry laughed at that, sticking his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels slightly, watching you intently as you made sure Cerb’s leash and collar were good before looking back up at Harry with a blinding smile that sent butterflies swarming around his gut. “thank you for being nice to him, and sorry again for him getting us tangled up” Harry shrugged it off with a wave.
“it’s no problem, if it wasn’t fer tha’ we wouldn’t have met” Harry slapped his hand over his mouth at that, his entire face burning as (y/n) stared at him with a small smile. Did he really just say that?!
“a flirt, aren’t you?” (y/n) chuckled, fixing their beanie back over their head and biting their lip “you being for real, or is that just you?”
“I-“ Harry couldn’t get the words out, just continuing to stare red-faced at (y/n). (y/n) looked down at Cerb, then glanced at Harry, as if asking the dog ‘well, what do we think?’ Cerb pushed at (y/n)s leg towards Harry, (y/n) easily getting his message.
(y/n) looked back at Harry with a grin, to which Harry let out a small squeak that he mentally smacked himself over. (y/n) took out a pen from their jacket pocket and grabbed Harry's hand, writing their number on the back of his hand and winking at him “you’re cute, and my dog likes you, call me. okay?” Harry rapidly nodded, holding his hand close to his chest as if it was treasure as (y/n) waved goodbye to him and lead Cerb back to their dorm.
“fuck” Harry muttered, looking down at his hand and biting his lip.
Well…he definitely was a dog person now.
Now he owed Gil fifty bucks.
Lowkey inspired by that one commission 5 parter I did…last year (it’s called love at first sight :3)  but Im staying up with my cousin until she gets picked up by her friend to get out of her house and this helped me not crash heh.
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @thecaptainsgingersnap
@jatp-rules-my-life @verboetoperee
 @rintheemolion @remembered-license 
@random-thoughts-003​  @imtryingthisout​ 
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
PLEASEEE write more for august walker! i'm in love with the banter in "welcome home, walker" and how he's grumpy but has a soft spot for the reader. LOVE UR OTHER WORKS TOO <33
Aww, I love Auggie! And it has been a bit since I wrote for him. Soooooo...
Pairing: August Walker x fem!Reader
Words: 2145
Summary: You and Auggie go out with the graduating cadets to celebrate your new assignment.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (innuendo, teasing, sex in a public place, fingering, unprotected vaginal sex), violence (fistfight, implication of gore and death), betrayal, protective!Auggie, TW- implication of impending date rape/mentions of drugs, SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: This got away from me a bit if I’m being honest. I was just gonna do the teasing in the gym but I couldn’t stop myself, so please enjoy this little impromptu fic! And please feel free to send me an ask if there’s a character or kink or anything you’d like to see more of! 
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist here if you want!
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You didn’t know how he got you in this position. You could practically feel him beaming over you as you struggled to get out of the hold he had you in. 
“You keep moving like that, you’re gonna make me hard, sweetheart. You want me to fuck you right here on the mat?”
August ground his crotch against your ass to illustrate his point and you let out a moan. Your arms were bent back at your shoulders unnaturally as you scrabbled for some purchase to get out of his grip.
“Fuck off, Auggie. You know the only reason you’re on top right now is because I didn’t get any sleep.” Maybe if you arched your back a little...
August groaned in your ear as your ass rubbed against his growing erection. 
“Shit, Y/N. The director is right there.”
You turned your head as much as you could to see Sloane standing at the gym entrance, surveying the cadets as they practiced their sparring. You wiggled your ass again, making Auggie growl at you.
“You’re not giving me a lot of options, baby. You know my brain doesn’t work when I’m sleep deprived.”
He grumbled and you felt him start to loosen the hold he had on your arms. You grinned to yourself as you wrapped one arm behind his neck, gripping the hair at the base of his scalp and rolling forward. You heard him give a small sound of surprise as you flipped him over, knocking all the air out of his lungs when you slammed him into the mat and wrapping your body around his shoulders, stretching him to the point of pain. 
“Damn it, I thought we were done.”
“I don’t remember tapping out, sweetie.” You gripped his wrist and stretched his arm even further as you squeezed your thighs around his neck. 
He wheezed for a second before a wicked grin spread over his face. “Y’know, when you get me in these holds, I can smell you, and it drives me fucking crazy.”
You almost loosened your hold at his admission but caught yourself at the last second. “August...” you growled in warning.
“I know you’re soaked under these sweats, sweetheart.” He turned his head as much as your hold would allow, running his nose along the inseam of your sweats until you released him with a hiss.
“Fine, it’s a draw.” You mumbled, drawing yourself to your feet as he chuckled darkly. “Equipment room in 5?”
“Walker, Y/L/N, with me.” Sloane gave a beckoning motion and the two of you moved to follow, sighing with frustration. 
You moved with the director as she marched back towards her office, shooting each other apprehensive looks as you considered what she may want to talk to you about.
“Good news you two.” Sloane announced as she closed the door to her office behind you. “We finally managed to get the heat off you from Interpol, and you’re set for a new assignment in Brazil.” She handed you your files detailing the op. “Looks like there’s a Syndicate group operating there, moving weapons through the black market there. You ship out in two days. Please do your best to remember, Syndicate members are assets, not targets.”
“Right, boss.” You murmured, flipping through your ID docs. August just grunted beside you.
“Alright, I heard the two of you are going out with the graduating cadets and trainers tonight to celebrate the end of the course. Don’t overdo it.” She gave you a knowing wink before you turned to leave the office.
“I think she knows about us.” August whispered as the two of you headed to your lockers.
You just laughed at him. “Auggie, honey, we’re the worst kept secret at Langley.” 
“Y/N, Walker, I hear congrats are in order! We’re gonna miss the two of you in training!” Melissa managed to find out everything as soon as it happened, you didn’t know how she got stuck in training instead of the field. “I’ll make sure everyone buys you a round at the club tonight.”
You groaned at that, those goddamn trainers would have you passed out if they got their way. You slammed your locker closed and turned back to August. 
“Meet you at the club, baby. Make sure to do your reading first!” You called over your shoulder as you headed out.
You arrived at the club 4 hours later to see August looking incredibly uncomfortable in the middle of a group of rowdy cadets. You tutted to yourself as you approached him, he always had a stick up his ass.
He saw you then, and his face relaxed as he walked to meet you.
“You’re late.” He grumbled as the two of you headed to the bar. “You know how much I hate talking to these kids.”
“Relax, grandpa.” You smiled before turning to order yourself a gin and tonic. “You gonna dance at all tonight, or just stand there glowering?”
He scoffed into his scotch as you grinned at him, moving closer and rubbing your foot over his calf suggestively. 
“Don’t you start something you’re not prepared to finish, beautiful.”
Just then, Melissa arrived with a tray full of tequila shots, and you let out a groan. This was the second time you got cock blocked today, and you were starting to get frustrated. 
“Look what I’ve got for you!” she said gleefully as the two of you winced at her.
“Melissa, I’ve told you a million times, I don’t do tequila.”
“C’mon, it’s your last night with us, just a couple.”
You took a deep breath and grabbed a shot for yourself, giving August a shrug before tossing it back. He hissed between his teeth as he downed his own.
“Fuck me, you sure this isn’t rubbing alcohol? Jesus, Melissa!”
She just handed the two of you two more with a giggle, and clapped her hands when you swallowed them. Before you knew it she was dragging you towards the dance floor, your head fuzzy from the tequila as you instructed August to watch your cocktail. He gave you a grin before turning back to the bar, but that quickly changed once he noticed movement in your glass.
August clenched his jaw as his arm shot out to grab the cadet that was wandering away from the bar, wrapping his fist around his upper arm with a vise-like grip.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” He growled, a menacing glare taking over his face.
“Get your hand off me, man.” The frat boy idiot actually looked offended as he glanced down at August’s hand.
Walker just tightened his grip as he patted the asshole down, cocking an eyebrow as he pulled a tiny baggie of tablets out of his breast pocket.
“Graham, right? What’s a senator’s nephew doing with… what is this? GHB? Molly?”
“Look, buddy.” The moron gave him a grin like he was his friend as August stared him down. “That piece of ass needs some loosening up. I bet she’s a tiger in the sack.”
August threw your drink in his face before hauling him outside. He considered letting you handle it yourself, but he wanted to let off some steam.
He didn’t say anything, just punched the smarmy bastard in the face. The idiot didn’t even try to defend himself, pathetic.
“What the fuck?! You broke my nose!” Graham held a hand to his face as he stared at Walker in disbelief.
“Yeah, that’s not all I’m gonna do to you.” He growled as he set to work.
Five minutes later he stood over his handiwork, wiping the blood off his knuckles as he let out a sigh. That had gotten a little out of hand.
“Fuck.” He muttered, pulling his burner out of his suit pocket and dialing. “Yeah, this is Lark. Send a cleanup crew to the alley outside Sketch. Yeah, some senator’s nephew.” He frowned over the phone. “Because it’s a fucking order.” He hung up, not bothering to wait for the Syndicate’s sanitation team before heading back into the club to find you.
He found you on the dance floor and a hungry sneer came over his face. He strode toward you and wrapped a possessive hand around your throat from behind, drawing you fast against his chest and growling into your ear. You whined as he pulled you away from the group, Melissa beaming at the two of you like an idiot.
“Have fun you two!” She called as August steered you around a corner.
He pressed you into the wall behind a column, his mouth devouring yours as he slotted his knee between your legs. You whimpered as he shoved a hand in the front of your blouse, squeezing your breast viciously before tweaking your nipple to the point of your pain as you arched into his hand.
“Fuck, Auggie. What happened?” You were panting with need as he moved his face down to bury in your neck, his teeth scraping over your throat.
“I’ll tell you later. Are you still drunk?” He moved his other hand to the apex of your thighs and groaned against your chest when he felt your slick coated folds. You weren’t wearing any panties.
“No, the dancing burned most of it off. Shit.” You hissed as he inserted two fingers inside you, stretching you open as he fumbled with his zipper. “Can’t even make it to the bathroom, huh?”
“Sorry sweetheart.” He mumbled as he freed his dick from his slacks. “Sure seems like you were expecting this, though.”
He moved his lips to yours and swallowed your cry as he dipped his hips and plunged into you. His hands wrapped around your thighs and lifted them to wrap around him as he started to move his hips. He tried to move slow so it wasn’t obvious what the two of you were doing, but those goddamn tiny whimpers you were making into his mouth were making it hard for him to control himself.
“God, this cunt feels better every time I’m in it. Fuck.” You were clenching around him with each thrust and your breath was coming in ragged gasps, letting him know you were close. “Jesus Christ, it’s barely been a minute. You’re so fucking sensitive.” He nipped at your bottom lip and stilled his hips for a beat as he teased you.
You slapped his bicep playfully and whined. “Shut the fuck up and move, asshole.”
He braced one hand on the wall and drew his hips back slowly before slamming into you. You buried your face in his neck to muffle your scream as you came apart. Your pussy fluttered around him as every muscle went rigid. He felt you sobbing against him as your muscles quivered in your release, his hips still setting a punishing pace as he fucked you through it.
“Shit, honey.” He murmured against your cheek as you came down. “You make it so easy.”
Your snort turned into a whimper as a particularly deep thrust had him kissing your cervix. “Fuck, Auggie.”
“Yeah, right there?”
You nodded vigorously as your face screwed up in bliss, leaning it back against the wall as he picked up the pace.
His cock was dragging against that sweet spot inside you with each thrust and it was all you could focus on. Your thighs squeezed around him as he brought you closer and closer to another orgasm. He loved watching you take it, getting completely lost in your pleasure. And knowing he was the one doing this to you was just icing on the cake.
“You close, gorgeous?” He asked, feeling his own imminent release looming.
“Shit, shit!”
He was extremely grateful for the loud music as you screamed in your release. He swallowed a shout of his own as his cock twitched and his cum spurted into you, painting your insides as his hips faltered and he collapsed against you.
“Jesus.” You whispered as you set your feet on the floor, August still sheathed in you as he softened. “Public sex, who knew?”
You felt his chest rumble against you as he gave a low chuckle, sliding out of you gently before he tucked himself back into his slacks. He ducked his head to give you a tender kiss as he drew down the hem of your skirt over your thighs.
“We should go back to your place.” He whispered after he released you, leaving you breathless.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight, but I’m totally fine with it. Lemme just say goodbye to Melissa.”
He grinned as he watched you saunter away, your gait a little wobbly as you tried to keep his cum from leaking out of you. He was really looking forward to your new assignment. The thought of being cooped up with you for several months was making him hard already.
@slothspaghettiwrites @stargazingfangirl18 @starlightcrystalline @jack-skellingtons-stuff @drabblewithfrannybarnes @captain-asguard @harrysthiccthighss @bonkywobble @dslap65 @stanallstarks @macgruberrr @blackestpinkworld @wanderinglunarnights @sebslut @allinhishands
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