#i swear i have the weirdest dreams ever...
officialzombeefish · 3 months
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IDK man... It was strange...
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cricketycrickey · 4 hours
i just woke up from a nap and the dream i had went like. some random youtube shorts guy walks up to me with a microphone, and he asks me "what's the cartoon character with the biggest unibrow" and i responded, very confidently, with "the dad from caveman" (Grug from The Croods) and he's like "that is CORRECT!!!" i don't even watch those kinds of youtubers. what i haven't even watched the croods in frickin' months ???
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black-rose-writings · 10 months
Things I have gathered about Danny Phanton without having ever watched the show (from posts and fanfics):
There's ghosts and they're kind of assholes, but they're also all friends and have christmas parties. Their presence is treated as a mild annoyance by everyone except the ghost hunters.
The main character is a dead 14yo. Sometimes. He's also trans.
There are adult professional ghost hunters around. Literally all of them seem like they are just taking out their serial killer urges on ghosts. "Man is the real monster" trope in action. At least some of the ghost hunters are a Men In Black parody.
The dead 14yo actually the most competent at removing ghosts from the mortal plane.
There is another 14yo who is not dead and also hunting ghosts. She's somehow also more competent at it than the adults.
The MC's parents are ghost hunters and want to torture him into perma-death. That is somehow not the biggest problem with their parenting.
(Like, I get that adults in kids' media need to be kinda dumb and immature for the premise of the show/book/movie/whatever to work, but I'm getting the feeling the adults in this show cross the line of 'plot necessary dumbass' into 'fucked up and abusive' territorry.)
One of the ghosts is tiny, piloting a giant mecha suit and dedicated to skinning the MC and hanging his skin on his wall. He somehow also has a cool rocker girlfriend and thinks this will impress her. Jury's out on whether or not that's a good strategy.
There is a ghost called the Box Ghost, who demands to be taken seriously. Nobody takes him seriously.
The MC's nemesis is another dude who is sometimes dead. He looks like a vampire and swears in food. He also wants to kill the MC's dad (for mostly valid reasons) and bang his mom (for no good reason at all) and adopt the MC as his son(mostly because of his hangups around the parents, not because said parents suck at being parents). In a villainous and fucked up way, because he's the main antagonists. He's also a billionaire, has a cat, and is weirdly obsessed with american football (IDK jack shit about american football, but the level of obsession is treated as not normal by the characters so I will assume it is weird and just how americans be like).
There were 3 seasons, but half of the fandom is convinced the third one may have been a fever dream because it's so bad.
There was a finale that everyone pretends didn't happen because it sucked.
There is at least one time travel fix it episode and the time travel ghost wears way too many watches.
The MC has two living friends - Wade from Kim Possible, but thinner and leaves his house, and a jewish goth vegan.
The MC has a clone and she's a baby and a gremlin.
The ships all have the weirdest fucking names.
Somehow half the named characters being dead is not the angstiest part of the show.
I kinda want to know how someone came up with it and what drugs they were taking. IDK if I want to try some or avoid them, but it would be good to know either way.
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shaunamilfman · 28 days
i had died the tiniest death
summary: You've gotten used to the feeling of being watched since you broke up with your girlfriend, Shauna Shipman, but you never thought it was more than just your imagination till now. Still, maybe you should have been more afraid to wake up to your scantily clad ex-girlfriend straddling you than you are. A/N: based on this post by @deerlottie . wrote this in three hours i fear. im so normal about her i swear
You wake up with a start, bringing your hands up to rub wearily at your eyes as you breathe out a sigh. You've been having the weirdest dreams, night after night. You'd started to get paranoid lately that Shauna was following you, lurking at the edges of your vision and quickly disappearing from sight the second you whirled around to look. You knew how crazy it sounded, but the fear was even bleeding into your dreams. 
You turn your head to look at your nightstand, nearly groaning at the time staring back from your alarm clock. Knowing you had to be up in four hours did nothing for the crushing weight on your chest– weight on your chest? 
You close your eyes as you turn your head back, dreading having to open them. You peek one eye open, your whole body tensing as you attempt to quell your instinctive urge to scream.
“Shauna, what the fuck?” You spit out, staring up warily at her as she looms above you in the darkness. Your voice is shaky, but you try to infuse it with a hint of annoyance in an attempt to mask your fear.
You shift anxiously beneath her, pinned down by the weight of her. You knew you could get her off of you if you had to, but you weren't keen on pissing her off before you knew why she was here. Pulling a knife on you wasn't something you'd ever put past Shauna, and that was before you had actual confirmation she was stalking you. 
“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up,” She complains, shifting her weight from her knees to your hips as you instinctively grab at her waist. You can just barely make out her smile at the action as she leans forward, boxing your head in with her arms as she places her palms flat on the bed on either side.
“I missed my girlfriend,” Shauna whispers, brushing stray strands of hair away from your face as she stares down lovingly.
“Your girlfriend–” You start, trailing off as you struggle to articulate the multitude of questions running through your mind. You catch yourself, quickly realizing that it isn’t your most pressing concern. “How long have you been here? How did you get here?”
“So many questions,” She murmurs, her breath warm against your ear as she breathes in the scent of your hair. “Can’t you just enjoy it?” She exhales shakily, nosing against your neck with a desperate noise.
You have to bite your lip to stop a sigh from escaping, shivering under the ministrations despite your best efforts. “No, Shauna. You broke into my house.”
“I didn’t break into your house,” She denies, a hint of a smirk on her face as she continues. “This is an apartment.”
“God, you’re such a bitch.” You tense as Shauna jerks away, sitting back up on your hips to glare down at you.
“A bitch?” She scoffs, looking angry for the first time tonight. She grabs at your throat as you try to speak, effectively cutting off your sentence with an embarrassing squeak as she quite literally takes your breath away.
“You don’t get to call me a bitch after everything I’ve done for us.” Shauna shakes her head, only letting go of your throat as you nod quickly in response. You gasp for air the second she allows it, staring up at her in a mix of disbelief and fear. Shauna had always been a little rough, but this was something else, even for her.
“For us?” You wheeze.
Shauna nods, giving you a crazed smile that’s honestly hotter than it should be. “You made a mistake breaking up with me.”
“I can see that,” You say dryly. Shauna squeezes warningly at your throat, and you certainly don’t need to be told twice.
“I kept waiting for you to realize it, but you’ve always been so damn stubborn, haven’t you?” You stay quiet, staring up at her as you try to will your heart to stop pounding in your chest.
“And then you started talking to other girls,” She continues, an accusing frown on her face.
Your eyes widen as the thought suddenly crosses your mind. “Are… Are you the reason Jenny runs away crying whenever she sees me?”
Shauna nods eagerly, looking happy to have her efforts recognized. “I had to have a talk with her. She needed to know that you’re mine.”
“You are, aren’t you?” Her gaze is intense, searching the depths of your soul as her hands play with the hem of her shirt. “I just want to know that you’re still mine.”
You reach blindly for your nightstand as you maintain eye contact, nearly crying in relief as your fist closes around the new phone Shauna had gotten you a few months ago for your birthday. It seemed oddly fitting to call the cops on her with it. You’re just about to dial 911 when you catch sight of something… interesting. 
You let it slip from your fingers as your hand comes up to the hem of her shirt, pulling it taut so you can get a better look at it.
“Are you– are you wearing my jersey? Where did you even get that from?” You ask in disbelief. 
Shauna stares down at you for a moment before rolling her eyes. “Closet, obviously.” She says wryly. “Good thing you're pretty.”
You scoff, pinching the soft skin of her thighs between your fingers. Shauna gasps in pain, hips instinctively rocking into it as she rubs herself against your stomach. Your eyes widen at the feeling, gaze slowly trailing down her body to land on where the hem of your jersey rests against her thighs. 
“Are you wearing anything under this?”
“What do you think?” She smirks, slowly rocking her hips so you can feel the drag of wet flesh against you. 
You wish you could say she wasn’t this crazy when you were dating her, but that wasn’t entirely true. Honestly, the more you thought about it the more this seemed within the realm of possibility when it came to her. You’ve got to stop sticking your dick in crazy.
“I think you need to leave,” You assert firmly, doing your best to ignore the slick feeling as she continues. God, she always got so wet.
“Don’t be like that,” She chides, her voice breaking slightly as she chases the perfect angle. “I need you back. I need to feel you against me. Don’t you want me?”
Oh no. 
The moonlight shining in through the window throws Shauna’s shark-like grin into sharp relief, quickly pouncing on your weakness the second she catches sight of the change in your expression. 
“I just need you so bad. Please?” She rests her hand on your chest as she leans forward, using her other hand to move your hand to her ass. You instinctively squeeze, kneading at the flesh before you even know what happened. Shauna certainly takes it as an encouragement, moaning as she presses herself impossibly closer. You can feel her weight bearing down on your chest, already sure her hand is going to end up leaving a bruise on your chest.
She always loved leaving you bruised, staring at them even through your clothes long after they faded. She was just so damn possessive. No matter how much of you she had,xfi it never seemed like enough. Shauna digs her knees painfully in your sides, already tiring of your mind wandering as she puts on a show.
Your eyes narrow, getting more than tired of this whole thing. You had to put up with her theatrics when you were dating, and you certainly weren’t going to do it now. You grab firmly at her hips as you roll her on her back in a fluid motion, her hands grasping uselessly at your shoulders as the landing knocks the wind out of her. 
You shove your hand between her legs without fanfare, finding her wet and waiting. Shauna's reaction is immediate, her leg wrapping around your hips as she grinds against your hand. 
“Fuck,” She moans shakily, whining in protest as you slap your hand over her mouth. 
“Shut the fuck up,” You hiss angrily, leaning close to nip at the skin of her jaw. “My roommate is home.”
Shauna’s complaint is muffled against your palm, a frustrated look coming to her face that you enjoy more than you should. She squirms beneath you in an attempt to free herself, giving up and planting her foot flat on the bed for leverage instead as she rubs her pussy against your hand.
You hold your hand still as you palm her, watching the way the muscles in Shauna’s thighs flex as she ruts against it. She gives you a pleading look as she licks at your hand, making you wrinkle your face in disgust as you pull your hand away to wipe it on Shauna’s cheek. She huffs, blowing a stray strand of hair at her face as she gives you a dirty look.
You roll your eyes, quick to wipe away the nasty expression on her face as you thrust two fingers into her without warning. Shauna’s back arches off the bed as she bites at her own palm to keep quiet, almost thrashing beneath you as you start a harsh rhythm. Shauna whines in your ear as she grabs desperately at your back, her ragged breathing and the squeaking sounds of your mattress as she tries to meet your rhythm filling the room as you try to get your temper under control.
She was always doing shit like this, and you hated the way she always seems to manipulate you into going along with it. If you were honest with yourself, you knew that this wasn’t healthy for either of you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care as she clenches around your fingers.
“You were such a shitty girlfriend. This is all you’re good for, you know that?”
“I wasn’t,” She protests pitifully, rolling her hips as she chases her high.
“You were. Always too busy with Jackie.” You curl your fingers, slamming into her roughly with no regard for her enjoyment. It didn’t seem to matter much, she was just as into it now as she ever was before. It almost makes you angrier. You couldn’t even take your anger out on her without her enjoying it.
“Oh, I can’t. Jackie needs me. Jackie needs this. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie,” You mock in a high-pitched voice, thumbing roughly at her clit in a way you know she’s always hated.
She cries out as she attempts to arch away from the touch but you don’t let her escape from it, pinning her hips down as you make her take it.
“Now you have the nerve to be a fucking creep? Couldn’t make the time of day for me when we were dating, but now you want to follow me around?”
“I’m sorry,” She pleads, almost kicking you as she tries to avoid your thumb.
“Stop fighting,” You huff, curling your fingers as she goes limp beneath you. She stares pathetically up at you, burying her head in your neck when it doesn’t seem to implore you.
You finally take pity on her at the sounds of her heavy breaths as she barely chokes back her tears, slowing back to a more manageable pace as she trails kisses up your neck.
“Tell me you love me,” She whispers commandingly against your ear.
“What do you mean no?” She whines, digging her nails into your shoulders as if that will change your mind. You shake your head resolutely, firm on setting at least this one boundary.
“Tell me you love me,” She repeats, pleading this time. “Please. You know I need it. Just once.”
You hesitate for just a beat too long before repeating yourself. “No.”
“Let me have you. Let me show you how much I need you. Don’t you want to make me come?” Her hands slide down your back, thumbing at the waistband of your boxers as she looks at you imploringly. As if sensing your dwindling will to oppose her she throws her head back in a quiet moan, exposing the length of her neck as her eyes slip closed.
You groan irritatedly, throwing caution to the wind as you give in. “I love you.” You notice the smug grin come to her face just a moment too late, but by the time you’ve realized she’s managed to get one over on you again, she’s crying out as she falls apart. 
Your jaw clenches in anger as you work her through it, stoically ignoring the way she murmurs praises and “love you’s” into your ear the whole time. As you start to pull away she wraps her arms tightly around your shoulders, holding you close as she flips you over onto your back. 
You grunt in irritation as you try to push her off you, but she’s just as strong as ever as she manages to pin your arms to your side, burying her face into your chest with a contented noise that relaxes you more than it should be.
“I hate you,” You complain, trying to squirm away as Shauna’s hand makes its way down your stomach and to your boxers.
“No, you don’t,” Shauna says, choosing to be the bigger person for once at not comment on the way your breath hitches as she touches your waistband.
“You’re crazy.”
Shauna laughs lowly, pressing a kiss to your chest as she nods in agreement.
“I don’t want you anymore.” Your voice is hoarse as you push at her shoulders, refusing to be pushed around this easily. It was for your pride if nothing else.
“You don’t get to just throw me away,” Shauna says harshly. “You’re mine and you always will be. I’m sorry I’ve upset you, but we’re going to move past it now.”
You breathe out shakily as Shauna finally slips her fingers beneath the waistband, silently spreading your legs in invitation. “I’ll show you how much you need me,” She promises.
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tourettesdog · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt where when Jason is resurrected, he does not become fully conscious. He lays in his coffin, at rest while his body slowly absorbs the ambient ectoplasm of Gotham and tries to fix the improper formation of his core.
The rest is not altogether peaceful. He often has nightmares, and has no way of escaping them. The ambient ectoplasm in Gotham is sustaining Jason, but what repairs the ectoplasm is managing are agonizingly slow.
Danny has been living in Gotham for awhile, having moved there with Jazz as soon as she turned 18. Gotham has its own host of ghosts, but Danny feels at ease without the constant strain of ghost fights.
That is, until he feels something amiss in the Gotham cemetery.
The cemetery feels wrong, in a way Danny can't place. It reminds him of Amity, how restless it is-- only different. Wrong. He keeps visiting the cemetery, trying to find the source of that feeling. The entire graveyard is saturated with it, and all Danny can do is sit in the graveyard and talk into the quiet. He lets emotions flood from his core, trying to exude an air of calm that might settle whatever restless spirit haunts the grounds.
It works, at least. The sense of restless agitation eases when Danny flares his core, settling into a quiet comfort.
It becomes stronger, too. Danny can feel it coming from a newer section of the graveyard, and he curiously wonders why he's drawn more and more to a single line of headstones.
Wonders why the one on the end seems to stand out, the name Jason Peter Todd burning itself into his dreams.
Wonders why he feels a kinship with this boy's grave, when he can't even see a ghost attached to it or feel any resonance of a core. Nothing stronger than the blob ghosts that haunt the grounds, at least.
Only ever those strange emotions and that restless energy that quiets with the sooth of his own core.
Yet one day when Danny visits the graveyard and flares his core, he's startled when another one answers his.
[I originally posted this prompt in the Batpham server and it ended here, but several of us expanded on it and what I’m posting after this are the additions I added in that discussion, some of it edited.] Jason never actually digs out of his grave. When he finally awakens and tries to dig at the coffin he actually slips through it into the soil above. A hand thrusts its way through the soil and pulls him the rest of the way up
Danny is the only one present when Jason comes out of his grave-- when he pulls him free, a ghostly inversion of Robin who he knows to be a halfa. In his confused state, however, Jason does not linger in the cemetery. He runs off, and even though Danny's half ghost and can get around fast, Jason is now too and knows the city well enough that he manages to slip away. He's terrified, confused beyond reason, and hiding.
Jason hangs about the city, and at times he goes up on his favorite gargoyle to think-- and that's the first time Babs sees him. She thinks it's just a mistake-- her own imagination-- because as soon as she looks again, he's gone.
But it keeps happening. Dick swears he sees Jason near the manor grounds when he goes to visit. Alfred swears he sees him in the rear view mirror of the car one day. Tim swears he sees him while heading home one night. Bruce sees him on patrol, long enough for the two to lock eyes, but before Bruce can even open his mouth he's gone. And Danny isn't helping, because he's Looking for Jason still, trying to help, and this suspicious kid keeps turning up in the weirdest places and at a glance he looks like Jason too.
And it fucks with Bruce's head so badly. He can't say anything about it for days, and when he shakily admits it to Alfred the butler tells him he saw the same thing-- and when the others also share this, all of it lining up too perfectly, that's when Bruce approaches the grave and finds it empty.
During this, Jason naturally grows more bold after his initial shock and confusion dies down. He's a bold and smart kid, even if he's confused and afraid. He's just trying to investigate and see how Gotham (and his family) are doing and figure out how he can approach Bruce. He sees Tim and can’t help but feel forgotten and replaced, but without the rage from the pit he's trying to be a bit more level-headed and think things through.
Jason is also learning more about his new physiology, which keeps him distracted and his mind busy. Trying to figure out himself as much as those around him. But some things still haunt him and cannot be so easily ignored.
An encounter with the Joker sets Jason off.
Jason sees the Joker and that rage and hurt builds inside of him and he manages something similar to a wail. It's the most broken sound Danny's ever heard. It's nothing like his wail, it's more like choking and static and more a feeling in the chest than a sound. Jason died from inhaling smoke and didn't have any dying screams. It’s a shattered, raw wall of reverberating emotion that has no justice.
And Danny goes to it-- stumbling, because it's raw enough to punch at his core-- and he just finds the kid he's been looking for knelt on the ground, keening and sobbing his heart out. Danny goes to comfort him, tentatively wrapping an arm around him while they're surrounded by Wreckage (and a clown-shaped dead body).
And when the bats get there they finally get a good look at the specter they've been seeing all around Gotham, and it's absolutely Jason-- with another boy beside him... And the Joker's body, twisted and bloody. But when Bruce gets close, Jason startles, visibly terrified and hurt, and Danny hides them both from view and whisks Jason away to hide him.
Bruce let the Joker live-- and now Jason has killed the man and that horrified expression he caught on Bruce's face won't leave his head. He feels like a monster, destroyed with grief and hurt, and doesn't know what to do.
Danny takes Jason home, and he’s just a fucking Mess. When they get to the apartment Jazz is just about to leave. She was sleeping but the reverberating “wail” woke her and she’s been in a mad dash to grab all of their weapons to storm out and see what the hell has happened.
But right before she can leave, Danny appears with Jason in tow and all of Jazz's questions die on her tongue when she catches sight of the kid. Danny's told her a lot about Jason since he first met him-- and about the cemetery even before then-- and she's been trying to give advice and help out in whatever was she can from a distance. And now, seeing this kid actually here and just the sheer wreck that he is, she can't help but feel fiercely protective of him. She doesn't even know what happened down in the streets, just that Jason's in distress and needs help.
No questions asked, she helps Danny sit him down on the couch, wrap a blanket around him, and make some hot chocolate to try and get him to relax. She certainly has plenty of questions she Wants to ask, but that's not what's important right now. Right now she just has two severely shaken boys that need a safe place and time to calm down.
And even once she knows what happened, Jazz is nothing but supportive. Hell, she's happy to see the Joker is gone, but she doesn't focus on that because it's also not what's important. Instead she just does what she can to make a comfortable space and lets Jason know she's there to listen if he needs to talk.
And at first Jason is hesitant around Jazz-- and alarmed at first that Danny brought him to someone he doesn't know-- but Jazz is so patient and understanding. Jason can't help but relax around her. In a way it hurts, because it reminds him of his own family, but he'd rather have this than nothing, not knowing what reception he'd get back at the manor.
Danny's terrified Batman will want to hunt them both down. He knows this kid used to be Robin, but Jason's own reactions to Batman aren't making Danny feel more secure. If anything, he has a bone to pick with Batman himself now.
And Bruce is just left to reflect on what's happened, knowing that something of his son is still lingering. And he can't stop thinking of that Feeling the wail Jason made left in his chest. He keeps going back to his empty grave, hoping he might find him there. Hoping he might get to apologize to more than just the flowers.
Danny finds Bruce at the grave-- as Bruce, not Batman-- and he puts it together. He thinks he already knew it too, since while he refused to look up Jason Todd's name, it's Too Familiar.
Danny confronting Bruce angrily, expecting the man to rise to his challenge, but all he's met with is just a grieving father who desperately wants to see his son again.
And Bruce recognizes this kid and knows Danny knows where Jason is, but instead of demanding to know where he is he just asks if his son is okay. Because after feeling that wail and seeing what he saw that day, Bruce knows Jason must resent him. He doesn't even know what Jason is anymore, but he knows he's still the kid he loved and he's hurt and Bruce doesn't think he can fix that. He just wants to know if he's okay, and for Danny to tell him that he's sorry. That if Jason ever want to come home, the door will always be open.
Jason is terrified too cause he truly wanted to kill the Joker, but he didn't expect to If he was going to kill him, it would be in a way he could feel with his hands. But the way he did it was in an uncontrollable show of power that he's not sure he could have stopped.
And Danny keeps trying to reassure him that he not only will get a better hold on his powers, but that he's not a monster. That what happened wouldn't repeat itself because the only reason it happened in the first place was because that was the man who Killed Jason and ghosts are emotional beings. It’s still a struggle.
Unfortunately, the Fentons make their way to Gotham. News of what is clearly a ghost killing a person-- villain or not-- is big enough to reach them in Amity. Jazz and Danny were only in Gotham because the parents couldn’t stomach their son being Phantom-- assumed Phantom was overshadowing Danny and turned a moment of trust into one of betrayal. The siblings were trying to lay low, but... well it was Phantom that was seen with the other ghost.
The Fenton parents come to the town with an entire Arsenal and approach the Batman, going on and on about ghosts, how dangerous they are, and in particular how dangerous These ghosts are. They lament about the Death of their own son, and the entire time Bruce is just-- shocked. He wasn't even sure what Jason was, and while the word ghost does seem to fit it still feels like his heart breaking all over again.
And he can't forget how broken Jason seemed, and how protective this Phantom was of his son. He doesn't believe the Fentons, but he does Fear them. He fears what they might do, and that's when he learns about the GIW and that these people are acting Lawfully in telling him, to his face, that they want to hunt down his son.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 9 months
The Cabin in the Woods
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Dave York x f!reader
Dark fic/dead dove, kidnapping, Dave is mean, dub/noncon, piv (wrap your Willy kids!) light dick sucking, dick biting, no description of reader other than having a vagina and grabbable hair, cream pie, scary dark basements, uhh probs some other things I’m forgetting but bottom line: this is dark. Dave is not a nice guy. Enjoy!
Summary: it’s been a few days since your world was turned upside down. Running on pure adrenaline, you plan on getting loose and running as far away as you can but can you outrun your kidnapper? Do you even want too?
A/n : yeaaa this is my first fic(?) idk I wrote this on my phone, purely horny brain rot for my suburban murder daddy. Not edited or beta’d. The more I look at this the more I hate it and feel like it doesn’t read well but in the words of the loml @toxicanonymity fuck it we ball
Your daily life has always been mundane. Predictable. Comfortable. You work, go home to a studio apartment just a few blocks from your office, every other day you order takeout, you try to workout and go out on the weekend but your couch and netflix stay calling your name. It’s the middle of September where it’s chilly in the morning but by the afternoon your sweating bullets so you decided to try and look cute by wearing your favorite black tshirt dress. Work is the same as always except you’ve recently been working on a new case, a murder/suicide. There’s something weird about this case though. A husband shoots his wife at the kitchen table before turning the gun on himself. No apparent marital problems beforehand, no affairs, no real motive behind why he would do it. And then there’s the blood splatter. It just doesn’t add up. There’s something strange about this case you just can’t place your finger on it.
It’s already half past 7 at night, you got lost in your work yet again and lost track of time. The office is empty and mostly dark. You can’t help but get the creeps as you leave your office and start walking towards the elevator. Not even half way down the hallway when you swear you hear a loud thud making you jump out of your skin as you turn around trying to figure out where the noise came from. With your heart in your throat, you pick up speed, walking towards the elevator. Just as your rounding the corner you run straight into a solid chest belonging to a very handsome man you’ve never seen before.
“Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there.” You stammer out as the handsome man just chuckles
“You outta be more careful sweetheart. Not good for your health to run into bad men.” the man said with a smirk
That’s a weird statement. Not good for my health? Bad men?? Your mind starts running wild as the handsome man snakes his arm around your back and before you can even react his other hand is coming up to your face, pressing a soaked cloth to your nose and mouth
“ Sorry sweetheart, it’s nothing personal.” is the last thing you hear before everything goes black.
You’ve always had weird dreams all your life. Even had some dreams that later came to fruition in real life. But this has to be the weirdest dream you’ve ever had. You dream of these beautiful brown eyes. Of a rough, deep voice. You can feel his hot breath on your neck while he whispers in your ear.
“ I need you to be a good girl for me sweetheart. This is for your own good.” As much as his voice alone has you turned on, you can’t help but have this nagging gut feeling that something is deeply wrong. You’re scared but can’t remember why. Suddenly everything around you melts away and your in a room you’ve never seen before. Blood red walls, a beautiful matte black four poster bed in the middle of the room. However you notice there’s no windows. That’s when you feel a hand on the back of your neck, guiding you towards the bed.
“Now I need you to do what I say sweetheart. It’s for your own good. Don’t fight me or try to run or else you won’t like the consequences.” the brown eyed man said in a low, rough voice. As soon as he said that, you suddenly find yourself at the bed. With his hand still on the back of your neck, guiding you, you climb up on the bed on all fours when he removes his hand. You don’t know why you feel the need to lay on your back with your hands above your head but that’s exactly what you do. That’s when you finally see the man standing above you as he tied your wrists together to the bed post. Just as he finishes tying you up, everything starts melting away into pitch black darkness.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is the light. It’s not super bright but bright enough when it feels like you’ve been stuck in a coma for a month. Your definitely in a bedroom, very simple. Just a regular full sized bed in the middle of the room. A small dresser to the right of it and a chair in the far right corner facing the bed and a man sitting in it. That’s when you realize your laying on your back with your hands above your head and that your wrists are tied together to a bed post above your head. Holy fuck do your shoulders hurt.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. Or I guess good evening.” Dave says as he chuckles at his little joke.
The man! The mystery man you ran into before falling into this deep sleep. Wait no it wasn’t sleep. It’s all coming back to you now. He put a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. He used chloroform on you!
“Now that your awake, I’m going to need you to cooperate. This is for your own good sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you but you are playing a very dangerous game.”
“What? I don’t know what your talking about. I’m not playing anything! I swear! You must have me mistaken for someone else! Please! Let me go, I swear I won’t tell anyone about this just let me live please!” You try to beg as you find your voice again after being asleep for god knows how long.
“Aht see that’s where your wrong. You were working on the Bernstein case correct?”
Confused, you nod your head as best you can. What does work have to do with this?
“See here’s the thing sweetheart, my team and I, we’re bad men. We do bad things for money. And you, princess, were dangerously close to solving the mystery which would be very bad for my men and I.”
You lay there with a confused look on your face as the puzzle pieces begin to fit in your brain and suddenly you’re able to put 2 and 2 together. You knew there was something off about the case but you had no idea he had any involvement or who he even was.
“ I - I’ll stop working on the case! I’ll tamper with the evidence, throw them off your track! Please! I’m sorry! I won’t tell! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“I really do enjoy hearing you beg sweetheart.” Dave shakes his head and chuckles darkly. “But begging isn’t good enough. Not when it comes to this.”
As your mind starts racing a mile a minute, you subconsciously start to press your thighs together for a little crumb of friction. The dream you had about this mystery man had you turned on and now that your awake, seeing his face and hearing his voice more isn’t helping your little predicament. While your lost in your head you don’t realize he’s been watching you like a hawk and has noticed every little movement you’ve made.
The man moves closer to the bed your on when you snap out of your thoughts. “What are you thinking about pretty girl?” he asked as he sits down next to your body. You look up at him with wide eyes
“ I - uh nothing.” You manage to stammer out, knowing damn well he can see right through you. “ uh huh. Is that right? So you rubbing your thighs, squirming like that, that’s nothing?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. It’s like he can read your mind! You’ve literally been kidnapped and tied up but yet instead of trying to get out your brain is stuck on dick. Your own pussy has betrayed you! You can’t help but notice this dark look come over his face. A hungry look in his eyes. And you can’t help but press your thighs together even more, causing your squirming to increase.
The mystery man lays a massive hand on top of your thigh making you hyper aware of the fact your in a dress. He starts rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, sending chills down your spine. It’s been god knows how long since you’ve last been laid. And the first man to touch you in so long just happens to be your kidnapper?? The universe is playing a cruel joke on you.
Your breath hitches as his hand makes it’s way up your thigh. You can’t help but notice how large and veiny his hand is. How warm . .
He breathlessly says your name. “Look at you. You’re a filthy little thing. I’m a bad, bad man who could do anything he wants while your completely helpless. And all you can think about is how bad you want me right here.” The mystery man says right as his hand stops at the apex between your thighs.
Dave tsks, “Now what am I going to find when I lift this pretty little dress up? Huh? Soaked panties? A wet little cunt who wants to be used?” He says in the most condescending voice as he slowly lifts your dress up.
Embarrassed at the fact that he’s right. Your panties are soaked. You can clearly see the wet spot on your white cotton panties you had on. “ I- I uh I don’t d-don’t k-know-ow” you barely even stammer out, words completely lost to you.
“You y-you d-don’t know-ow?” He mimics your stuttering words, “oh princess I think you do know. I think you know just how bad you want me to touch you right now. How bad you want me to use my fingers, my cock to make this wet little cunt feel good. I thought you were gonna be my good girl? Good girls are honest and beg the bad men to fuck their cunts.”
You swear you damn near cum just from his words alone. “ I- I uh I . . “ you still can’t even get words out. As you try your hardest to find words, the mystery man oh so slowly takes his forefinger and runs it up and down your clothed pussy. Making you throb even more just from the light touch.
“ I- I want you to fuck me. Please.” You say as you look down, unable to look this man in the eye. You can’t believe you even said that. You don’t know who this man is, don’t know his name, you’re still tied up to a bed somewhere you don’t even know. What is wrong with you?
“There’s my good girl.” He practically croons as he starts to slowly pull your panties down.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Now listen to me and listen carefully. The better you are for me and do what I say, the better all of this is going to be for you.”
“ Yes sir.” You said. On the inside, however, you’re speechless. What is even happening right now? Who gets off on being kidnapped and wants to fuck their captor?? Nothing in life has ever prepared you for this or even made you think a situation like this would ever even occur.
The mystery man’s hand leaves your face and goes to his belt and begins unbuckling his pants. All you can do is sit there, arms above your head, neck at a weird half up position and stare as he pulls his thick cock out. Your eyes widen as you see what exactly he had hidden in his pants. That is easily the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. It’s a good 7 inches if not more. Girthy as hell, a huge prominent vein. The head is a tanned pink and slows changes to a darker tan shade down the shaft. You can barely make out dark curls around the base but for the most part you can tell this man keeps it nice and trimmed down there. You had no idea he was gonna pull out a damn horse cock. And why is it making your mouth water?
The mystery man spits in his hand as he goes to stroke himself while his other hand goes back up to your pussy and slowly starts to circle your clit. Everything about this is so wrong but he feels so good.
Unable to stop yourself, you moan out loud, “Please” you croak out. Not sure what your asking for, just knowing you want more.
All he does is chuckle at your request. But nonetheless his forefinger makes it way down to your opening and dips inside. Just barely entering your wet heat and it has you on the verge of tears. After a couple of teases, Dave inserts his middle and ring finger into your pussy.
Oh the relief! Your whole body heats up from how good his fingers feel moving in and out of you. Maybe there is a god. Maybe this big, bad man is merciful.
After thrusting his fingers inside your sweet little heaven, Dave moves his hand away from your pussy and goes to stand up next to the bed, causing his dick to be right in your face.
“ You want a taste pretty girl? Go ahead stick your tongue out baby”
You do what he says quickly. It’s almost comical how fast you stuck your tongue and boy did he notice. Your starting to believe nothing gets by him. Except one thing. Your restraints. They’re tight but not tight enough. All you had to do was wiggle them just so and you’ve managed to loosen them up even more.
Dave takes his cock in hand and sits the head on your tongue. He gives it a little thrust while you do your best to swirl your tongue around the tip. Dropping your jaw wide open, he takes that as you want more and thrusts his cock half way in. The sudden intrusion caused you to gag around his cock, sending spit and drool down your chin.
He keeps thrusting into your mouth despite your gagging. It seems to only be turning him on even more seeing your teary eyes look up at him.
“Fuck princess. Your sweet little mouth feels like heaven.” Dave moans out as his eyes roll back.
That’s when you decide to take control of the situation. With your hands loose, you yank down, freeing yourself and bite down hard. A metallic taste floods into your mouth and you know you’ve drawn blood.
Dave’s enjoyment is cut abruptly when you bite his dick. He falls backward trying to get his dick out of your mouth and slips on his pants. You jump up off the bed and manage to get past him while he’s on the floor cussing, trying to nurse his injured cock.
You bolt out the bedroom door to reveal an open floor space. You quickly realize your now in the living room and make a dash towards what you think is the front door. After a few seconds of desperately trying to unlock it, you finally get it and bust out the front door onto the porch and down the stairs. From the looks of it, you’d say it’s probably about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. The suns going down, you might have another hour of light left. But you don’t care. You run full speed into the woods in front of you. All you know is the mystery man took you, brought you to a cabin in the middle of the woods, night is approaching and you’ve just escaped his clutches.
After running what felt like hours in no particular direction, you start to feel yourself tripping over sticks and leaves. You immediately start to fall to the side when you crash into a tree shoulder first. As you steady yourself and try your best to take deep breaths while also catching your breath is when you hear him.
“Sweetheart come on out. You and I both know you don’t know where you are but I do. I know these woods like the back of my hand.” he shouted out. The mystery man sounds close. You start to move as fast as you can without making a sound, practically holding your breath so you don’t get caught. You’ve managed a fast half walk half run from tree to tree, frantically moving your head all around to make sure you don’t see him coming towards you. As your hiding behind a rather large tree you decide to take a quick second and look from behind it to see if you can see him or not. When suddenly you hear a twig snap right behind you and that’s when you feel a large hand yank you by your hair, pulling you backwards into the mystery man himself.
Wrapping his other arm around you tight, with a death grip on your hair, he leans down by your ear and whispers “Gotcha.”
“You little fucking bitch. You bit my dick. I was being nice and showing you some mercy because you were being such a little slut and you bit. My. Dick. Now your gonna see the monster that I really am.” Dave growled in your ear.
With that he keeps a tight hold you as he shoves you down on the ground, belly first. His body following yours, Dave puts his full weight on top of you. With his hand still grabbing your hair, he pushes your face into the dirt and manages to lift your dress with his other hand.
“If you try anything else I swear to god I’ll make this even worse for you.” He spat on the side of your face as he pulls himself out of his pants. He quickly spits into his hand, lubing his cock up and thrusts into your still wet pussy. Fucking hell his cock splits you open. You have no time to get used to his cock inside of you before he’s thrusting like a mad man. You swear you can feel him in your stomach. Thank god for his ministrations from earlier because there is no way in hell you could’ve taken all of him without it.
“Such a fucking dirty little slut. I can feel this cunt squeeze my cock sweetheart. Don’t try and lie to me. You fucking love this.” Dave growls at you while his massive cock pounds your poor pussy. And he’s right. You do love this. The way his cock is splitting you open. The delicious way he’s forcing your pussy to take every inch. Even his body weight on top of you is making you gush around him. Both of you grunting, you from trying to get away and him from pounding the life out of your pussy.
“Ngh that’s right take this fucking cock slut. Take every fucking inch. Hnnn fuck yes. Fuck. Look at you, already cockdumb. Can’t fucking say a word, just taking it like the filthy little whore you are.” Dave grunts out as he continues to mercilessly fuck your pussy.
His words alone have you creaming. You can’t help but moan. No point in trying to hide it. You know he can feel it. You’re so wet and creamy now from his unrelenting cock. You’re so close, if only he would just touch your clit or you could move your leg just right and get a little friction where you desperately need it. You swear you feel him speed up and after a few more thrusts, you feel him pulse deep inside you.
“Fuck sweetheart. That’s it. Take my fucking load deep in that sweet pussy.” he says panting in your ear. After a few more seconds of him panting in your face, he sits up on his knees, still pinning you to the ground. He puts himself up, stands and yanks you by your hair once again to make you get up.
As he turns you to face him, you realize what a mess he made of you. Tear streaked face, dirt and leaves stuck all over your body and in your hair. Cum trickling down your thighs. The bastard looks you up and down and just smirks.
The walk back to the cabin was quiet. You knew you were fucked. Literally. As soon as the two of you re entered the cabin, he took a left turn instead of going towards the back where the bedroom was. Soon you approached a door with a chain lock. You knew deep in your soul you weren’t making it out of here alive. After unlocking the door, he opened it to reveal a set of stairs going down to what you assumed must be the basement.
Dave tightens his grip on your hair as he guides you down the stairs in front of him. Once you both reach the bottom, he turns you to the right and all you can see is a damp, dark basement. Two little basement windows are the only light source to help you see where you are. Cement walls, some boxes stacked on the far right wall, what looks to be a washer and dryer just a few steps in front of you. He flicks a light switch on, flooding the room with light, causing you to blink real hard because of the sudden harsh light blinding you. Dave continues to be silent as he walks you over to the other side of the boxes to reveal a set of cuffs attached to chains stuck in the cement wall. He lets go of your hair only to shove you down on the ground and put a cuff on each ankle. Wordlessly he chains you up and turns back around to go back upstairs.
“Wait!! Wait! Please don’t leave me down here! I’ll be good I promise!! I’m sorry for earlier! I won’t do it again! Please!!” You begged. You pleaded to him to not leave you only for him to stop and turn to look at you
“It’s too late for that sweetheart. Begging will get you nothing. Your lucky I’m putting you down here when I should take you out back and put a bullet between your pretty eyes.” And with that he turns the light back off and stomps up the stairs, leaving you all the alone.
- I hope y’all enjoy this! My first fic ever! So I’m super nervous lol I do hope it’s good and reads well, the perfectionist in me is saying it’s horrible and delete, delete, delete but I’m not. Im posting it lol but yea if y’all like it I could definitely do a part 2(:
Tagging a few of ya that encouraged me to write this and a few I think would enjoy(:
@toxicanonymity @lumoverheaven @bonezone44 @neverwheremoonchild @wannab-urs @multiversed-daydreamer
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yoonzinuhh · 6 months
what kinda future ?
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : seungcheol x reader
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : fluff,romance,angst,possible reincarnation
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : mentions of death
𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : for entertainment purposes only. might sound so dramatic and rushy but i rlly love this tbh. and yeah it’ll just have 2 parts ! thanks @asyre !!
the first time when he saw you,the girl of his dreams. girl of his dreams as in literally. his dreams always had the same pattern.
him as a knight climbing up the balcony to meet the princess,the love of his life. her voice and laughs were like a melody to him,her eyes that spoke million words,her smile that gave him assurance.
the second time he saw the girl of his dreams. she had her hair tied up,some of them falling onto her eyes,as she ran behind a balloon that was flying towards him. but he couldn’t care about the red flying whatever. his eyes were on her,just her.
she sees the balloon fly towards someone tall,hoping he’d catch. he smiled and let it pass. she gives him the weirdest look before running towards it.
for a second seungcheol thought his world stopped but was interrupted by her disgusted look. he chased her,the balloon,her steps and finally held the string,smiling. and her clumsy self tripped onto him. cliche but god he swear he hears something romantic playing behind as he held her,eye contacts being passed,like the whole world paused,again.
but his dreams always had a pattern. he would fall in love. fall in love so bad that he was ready to give his life away for you,his love. so would she, but the only difference was she does as she said. you always gave up your life for him. not once,not twice. but in every single dream of his,always without showing your face but a small mark on the right side of the shoulder. thats all he sees in his dreams.
seungcheol never believed in second life or reincarnation. he never believed in soulmates either in contradiction to his dreams.
it was another weekend where he is on the other side of the counter,putting up a fake smile for his side savings,to take care of himself. with rain being harsh the shop was more crowded.
cliche again. the door opened with the sound of the bell ringing,cold breeze hitting his face,drops of water on the glass as he looked at the direction of bells. he swore time stopped.
the prettiest girl he has ever seen,your hair little messy and wet from the rain,little shivers over your shoulder as you came upto the counter. hands hugging yourself you look through the menu board biting your lower lip trying to decide on something hot to drink.
“hi..can i get the hot cocoa andd..” you eye the bakery counter and give out a sigh.
and stupid seungcheol did not hear a word. his whole attention was on you. your hair,your lips trembling and little droplets on your nose. he snapped when you wave a hand at him with a confused look.
“um..do i have to repeat my order ?”
oh god. is he in love. he is in love. he is.
you sit in the corner of the cafe,sadly looking through the window while sipping your cocoa. the rain doesn’t seem to be kind to you. sighing you get up walking towards the door until a voice,little too familiar but you don’t know who it is from.
“hey ! here..you can carry this..” the clueless handsome guy from the counter handed over his umbrella to you.
“no..thats fine i can manage thank-“
“i insist. and i have hours more for my shift it’ll stop by then.”
and something doesn’t make you deny.
his eyes were fixated towards the door. maybe you’d come in to give him his umbrella. maybe he could shoot his shot. maybe he could- oh god..there she is.
walking in you smile at him. everything feels slo-mo to him. with romantic song playing behind. just like his dreams.
“hey ! thank you so much..uh..”
“seungcheol..you can call me cheol” with a stupid smile.
“thanks seungcheol. oh and im y/n” you giggle out.
y/n. such a pretty name. he thinks.
“two minutes. it’s on the house” he rushes as if it was most expensive order he has ever taken.
“no no seun- cheol.” his heart skipped a beat.
“you’ve already done enough yesterday. if at all anything it should be me who should be getting you something” you laugh.
“lets do it” oh. he cant believe he just said that. to be honest he’s little too proud of shooting his shot.
the day ends with him dropping you off at the bus stand,too many stories and laughs. he is giggling and kicking his feet off at bed thinking about you. and it goes on for almost a month and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t fall more and more for you.
and right when he thinks about having a peaceful sleep it returns. tears streaming all over his face as he screams into a void. a image of his lover trying to smile a goodbye as the beeps of the little screen next to her ends. he begs,cries,asking you to stay but just like the other dreams of his,you choose not to.
at first cheol thinks of it as a nightmare. once twice nothing scared him. but everyday ended up the same. him falling in love. him being in love. him losing his love. the pattern was always the same. it was too real and often for it to be just a nightmare. but honestly he cant take it anymore. waking up with a bead sweat slipping down his neck he looks at the clock. 4:02am. the same as every other day. and something in him always asks him to get flowers every time he gets the dream of her passing. for some reason,the daisies.
his usual go to shop is closed so he just walks where his phone takes him to.
‘must be here’ he mutters to himself.
“good afternoon sir how may i help yo- cheol !?” your eyes widen then softens.
“you work here !?”
“uh yeah..not too long ago..” you smile. “soo how may i help you?”
“i’m just..looking for some flowers..”
“oh really ? i thought you were here for laptops” you say high pitched earning a laugh from him and you.
“well..do you have daises?”
“daises ? my favourites” you smile. “just a minute”
billing it for him “it’s in the house” you wink.
“oh come on y/n-“
“i insist ?” you laugh mocking his tone something’s on up your head.
“do you know..daisies mean new beginnings ?”
“really ? i just..”
“thats why i really love daisies. it’s like..” you stare at the flowers and he stares at you. a few seconds go silent.
“anyways..are these for..someone?” you eye at him. hoping for a no. god you don’t even know why but you just want it to be the answer.
“uh yeah” he scratches the back of his head. wow.
“see you later ?” you nod a smile.
running back home from work he sets the flowers onto the little water jar on his desk. he just stares at them. for a minute,or minutes. and something in him tells him to run. run to her. and he does.
running to the flower shop he sees you with your bright smile getting out while waving at the old woman inside.
“y/n ! y/n wait !” you turn around to see breathless cheol resting his palm on his knees while the other had his little flowers from earlier,little dull still beautiful.
“cheol- whats wrong is everything alright ?”
he shakes his head into a no. still breathless he hands over the flowers to you. “for you” he says trying to catch his breath.
“me ?..why-“
“y/n look..i’m..i just want to be straight forward..oh my god what am i..just hear me out for a second okay..?” he says taking your hand in his.
“okay..” you whisper.
“look..i know its so sudden but god..i like you..ever since you walked through the door. felt like my whole world..just stopped..it sounds cheesy but yeah..i really like you..i’d..i’d like to..like you ?”
“woa- damn yes that really did sound cheesy” you chuckle looking down. but inside you felt everything heat up. the handsome guy from cafe just asked you out..or the only friend you made who you might have a little crush on just asked you out..wow.
breathing out he tries to find your eyes “so..?”
“so ?”
looking up at him for several seconds you tip toe to peck him on his cheek.
“bye then ! ” you laugh as you rush away.
my god. thats all cheol could think you. his big ass grin,he bets you saw those tomatoes on his cheeks. he was down bad for you.
dating cheol was pretty simple. you both made sure to meet almost every day with him dropping you home or take you out for a coffee. and friday evenings meant a movie and cuddle at one of your places. it was peaceful. it was loving.
and just like another day there were you trying to make a meal without burning the kitchen down while cheol is just walking behind you like a puppy.
“no way he did that !?” he exclaimed at another story of yours tonight. that’s what you loved about him the most. growing up you never had attention which made you a reserved person but he was always ears. always ready to listen to everything you say out. blabbers rants worries..everything.
gently pacing away the hair that fell on your face “let me tie it up” he smiled while tying your hair with your band that’s always on his wrist just in case you needed it.
hugging you from behind he places his chin onto your shoulder and places a peck. at the very moment his eyes widen. his eyes widen at the mark on your shoulder. the one that always haunted him.
“y-y/n..how did you get this mark..”
“uh i dont know but i remember my mom saying it was a birth mark ? pretty unique right” you tilt your head back to get a glimpse then peck his lips.
the whole night during the movie seungcheol was unusually silent. all he could think about was the mark. it could be a coincidence right ? the stupid dreams he had could be just dreams right ? it should be..right ?
tags : @aaniag
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sudeikisfms · 6 months
Please tell me I'm not the only one who has really weird dreams. To the point where you have to question how you even came up with that because I just had a whole dream about a guy called Lord Henry Vajazzle, and he was from the early 1900's and I was an attendee at his dinner party and he was explaining how he invented 'genitalial decor for the fairer sex' and he was going to name it after himself. There were some very graphic commissioned paintings to go along with his pitch, and everyone applauded in Downton Abbey. I don't know what happened next because my daughter woke me up with a tummy ache, but I swear sometimes my head hits the pillow and my brain just goes "Live! From New York! It's Saturday night!" then shows me the weirdest sketch show I've ever seen in my life. | @hillsfmsstarters
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sokovianheadtilt · 1 year
Dancing In The Dark
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Bucky Barnes x black!reader
Summary: Y/N is 6 months pregnant, Bucky finds her in the kitchen at 3am indulging in her slightly odd cravings
Warnings: Pure fluff 
A/N: Just realized I haven’t added anything to the My Little Love universe since last June…my bad y’all I’m gonna be more consistent I swear :) also, HAPPY PRIDE🏳️‍🌈 (p.s., there’s one line in here that may seem like a taylor swift reference but it’s not, I just thought it was cute lol)
Word Count: 844
Y/N glanced over at the clock sitting on her bedside table, the red glowing numbers reading 3:17am. She sighed and slowly got out of bed, rubbing her large belly that’s housing her two twin girls. When her and Bucky first found out, he was ecstatic that his family was growing at a faster pace, you’ve always wanted twins and now your dream is coming true. The only downside was that your precious angels gave you the weirdest cravings at the most unpredictable times, like right at this moment in the middle of the night. 
Y/N slowly got out of bed, looking over at Bucky to make sure he was still sleeping. You hated waking him up, it always made you feel guilty. You quietly made your way downstairs and looked in the fridge before finding what you wanted, pickles and mustard. You grabbed the items and went to sit at the kitchen table before opening the door, pouring some mustard onto it and took a bite. You let out a soft moan at the seemingly delicious taste and kept eating. 
You were on your third pickle before hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. Glancing up, you saw Bucky walking over to you with a sleepy smile. 
“Again sweetheart? Come on, you know my body knows when you’re not laying next to me” he chuckled and went over to press a kiss to your head “And this is not healthy” he gently took the jar and closed it 
“I know baby, but the babies- you know, the ones you put inside me?” she said as he interrupted “Oh please that night you were begging me to stay inside you, are you really shocked?” Y/N looked up at him “Yes, I was there, now what I was saying, your children give me these cravings, take it up with them” you told him, watching as he turned your chair towards himself, moving to kneel in front of your large belly. 
“My little princesses, Aurora and Arabella, maybe you should let your momma snack on some carrots or something so she can help you guys grow big and strong” he gently rubbed your belly as you ran your fingers through his hair. “I can’t wait to meet you both. I hope you look like your momma. She’s the most ethereal woman I have ever seen and you’re gonna love her” he pressed a gentle kiss to your stomach “Goodnight my angels” he stood up and went to put the pickles and mustard back in the fridge. 
You got up from the table and went to follow him, tears falling down your cheeks as you sniffled. Bucky looked up at you and frowned “Baby what’s wrong?” he cupped your face in his hands, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “I-I just got so lucky you know? I have my dream man, dream life, gonna have 3 wonderful kids” you sniffled again “It’s all so perfect”
Bucky smiled at your declaration. He never thought he’d be able to have this type of life either. But the greatest day of his life was when you moved in next door, and now he’s here. 
“It is perfect my love” he pressed a kiss to her forehead “Because everyday when I see you, our little boy, and our little girls? I thank the heavens every day” 
He moved his hands to your waist, starting to gently sway with you in the refrigerator light, despite no music playing. Y/N moved her hands to rest on his shoulders, resting her forehead on his as he hummed gently. The way Bucky treats you is so…unlike you’ve ever experienced. He treats you like the finest china on the shelf, with so much love and respect, so gentle and caring, you never want to give that up. You never want to wake up in the mornings without him kissing you awake, making you breakfast in bed, watching him take care of a little boy who he treats like his own, you never want this to end. 
“Marry me” you whispered as you felt him stop moving and humming “What?” he said gently as you pulled away to look him in the eye “Marry me” you set a hand on his cheek “Bucky I never want to know what it’s like to live without you. You love Logan and our girls so much, you treat us all so well, and I just want to make our forever love official. So, James Buchanan Barnes, will you marry me?” Bucky looked at you with a stunned expression as he teared up “Y/N, my gorgeous angel, of course, I’ll marry you” he leaned in to kiss you passionately. When he pulled away, you saw the tear tracks down his face “Sweetheart, I promise to give you the wedding you deserve, anything you want, I’ll make it happen” he kissed your nose “Now, my sweet fiance, let’s go to bed” he took your hand, closed the fridge, bringing the both of you back upstairs, as fiances.
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cuubism · 2 years
followup to Complex Mathematics
“Dream,” calls Death, coming through the front door of their flat, “it’s two in the afternoon, if you’re still asleep I swear to God—”
She skids to a stop in the kitchen, grocery bags swinging in her hands.
“Oh, hey Death,” greets Hob, casually, from where he’s standing at the stove… cooking? He’s barefoot, hair unkempt, t-shirt and jeans loose and rumpled.
“Uh,” says Death, then collects herself enough to keep walking, depositing her groceries on the counter. “Hi, Hob?”
Death doesn’t really invite people over to their flat. Dream doesn’t like it and she does try to respect at least some of his wishes. It’s because of her he doesn’t live alone in the first place, so it’s the least she can do.
(Although if he could get it together enough to manage even a semblance of a functional human life without continual supervision, neither of them would have this problem in the first place.)
So someone being here is… unexpected, to say the least.
Hob looks up at her with a smile, but there’s some tightness to it, as if he’s not sure if she’ll be upset with him being here. She isn’t, of course. It’s not like Hob is some stranger.
She is confused, though.
“Need any… help there?” she asks, sitting at the kitchen table. What is he cooking, anyway? It looks like… crepes?
He chuckles, shoulders relaxing. “Nah, almost finished. You want some coffee? Tea?”
Still feeling knocked askew, Death says, “Sure. Coffee’s great.”
Hob hands her a mug, black, because of course he knows how she takes it. He’s just… like that. How someone like that actually managed to squirm under her brother’s defenses is still a mystery, but Death is glad of it.
She’d had the fleeting thought, the first time Hob had mentioned running into Dream, before he’d even known he was Death’s brother – “met the weirdest bloke the other day, why is it always the weird ones that are the most compelling?” – that there might be… something. That his sheer determination to be fascinated with Dream, despite Dream’s continued efforts to make sure no one got close enough to become fascinated, might at least get her brother to socialize and get out of the house.
Hob and Dream were complete opposites, of course. Hob’s interests were varied and diverse – he and Death had met by bonding over obscure historical trivia that no one else knew nor cared about, after all – while Dream was myopic to the point of fault; Hob got out and socialized and engaged in activities while Dream kept to himself unless he was forced to be somewhere; Hob was cheerful and engaging and Dream was… well… Dream.
And yet.
“Sorry for just… being in your flat,” Hob says with a tiny laugh.
“I’m sure you have your reasons,” Death says sagely, and Hob flashes her a caught-out sort of look, but not without amusement in it.
Death isn’t blind. She’d sussed out Hob’s developing feelings for her brother pretty quick. He was quite possibly the only man insane enough to have feelings that got stronger over time, instead of fracturing the first time Dream sent a withering glare his way. Whether Dream would ever get with the program had been the real question.
She hadn’t thought in a million years that Hob would get him on the same page this fast. Clearly, he has Dream-whispering powers she hadn’t thought possible.
“Wait, is he—”
“He’s fine,” Hob says quickly, and Death lets out a relieved breath. It’s the only other reason Hob might be randomly in her flat in the close-to-morning hours. If something had happened. “Still sleeping, though. Creature of the night and all.”
Death laughs. “He’s not a vampire.”
“No?” Hob says with a grin. “I’ve never been totally sure.”
The door to Dream’s bedroom creaks open. Oh, Death thinks, sipping her coffee. This will be interesting.
“Hob,” Dream groans, voice still rough with sleep. Death hears him coming irritatedly down the hall before she sees him. “It is early and you are being loud.”
“It’s two p.m.,” says Death, just as he reaches the kitchen, a horrible, gleeful grin on her face.
Dream stops just at the threshold of the kitchen doorway, swaying forward with the force of it. He stares at her, and Death sees the minute thought of fuck flash behind his eyes.
It only makes her laugh. “Come on. I’m only going to make fun of you a little. What are big sisters for, if not that?”
“For leaving me alone,” Dream grumbles. Hob steps over and presses a cup of coffee into his numb hands, then wraps his arms around him, swaying him a little with it, kissing his cheek. Death thinks she hears him murmur good morning into his skin. He gets a tiny smile out of Dream for his efforts.
Death watches with wide eyes. Is this… her brother… allowing a hug without being bribed into it?
Oh, oh, this is excellent, this is delightful.
He crumples into a seat beside Death at the table as Hob returns to the stove, plating his crepes, or whatever they are. Dream’s hair is flattened on one side by his pillow, and a complete mess elsewhere. He’s wearing a sweater that definitely does not belong to him.
It’s the best thing that Death has seen in her entire life. She’s going to buy Hob dinner for weeks.
“So,” she says, with barely restrained glee, leaning on the table and propping her head in her hands. “This is a development.”
Hob shoots her a smile. Dream shoots her a murderous glare.
Hob sits down at the table, passing them both plates of crepes. Death digs into hers. They’re delicious, layered and full of strawberries and cream. Dream, meanwhile, stares at his plate like the concept of food personally offends him.
Hob pokes his arm.
Dream picks up his fork.
Death grins around her next bite of crepes.
“So…” she starts again. “Seems like you two had an interesting day yesterday.”
“Yeah, Dream solved an iconic maths problem,” Hob says, sidestepping her real query with a shit-eating grin. “How many years did that go unsolved, Dream?”
“Eighty-five,” Dream grumbles around a mouthful of crepes. He slants a look at Death. “Please, do not ask.”
A startled laugh jumps up the back of Death’s throat. “Did I just hear a please come out of your mouth? Have I stepped into an alternate universe?”
Dream just keeps staring at her, gaze hard, but with a pinch of anxiety at the corners of his eyes. Wow, this really matters to him, enough that he wants to protect it from even Death’s good-natured probing.
This thing with him and Hob, whatever it is, is new and fragile, at least in Dream’s eyes. And Death knows well the way emotions challenge and weigh on her brother.
She relents, laying her hand on Dream’s upper arm and meeting his eyes in reassurance. Come now, you know I’d never truly try to upset you. “Talk to me sometime soon, yeah?”
He nods, relaxing, and turns back to his crepes.
Hob watches them, bemused but fond, not questioning them. But he takes Dream’s hand on the tabletop, running his thumb back and forth over his knuckles.
Death takes a sip of her coffee and smiles into the mug.
She corners Hob in the hallway as she’s on her way back out to work. He leans against the wall, hands in his pockets, casual and easy.
“Is this where I get a shovel talk?” he asks.
Death scoffs. “If anyone needs that, it’s Dream.”
Hob laughs, sharp and surprised. “Well. I guess I’ll count myself lucky. I can imagine your kind of shovel talk, and it’s terrifying.”
It’s sort of gratifying to know she can be intimidating when needed. “In that case, we definitely don’t need to have that discussion. I’ll let the imagined me do the talking. But in all seriousness, Hob, it’s not needed. I know you.”
Hob tugs at his ear, fidgeting under the compliment. His gaze drifts automatically back towards the kitchen, where Dream is still sitting, out of earshot. Then he flashes Death a guilty little grin and whispers conspiratorially, “I’m kind of obsessed with him, you know.”
Death smiles. “I’m aware.”
Dream is categorically obsessed with him as well, Death has heard about it at length – but she’ll let him admit that to Hob himself.
When Hob returns to the kitchen, Dream is still sitting at the kitchen table, deliberating whether he should eat the rest of the crepes. On the one hand, Dream is not generally in the habit of eating regularly. On the other hand, it would certainly make Hob happy if he did so.
This, his feelings for Hob, this… relationship, such that it is – it is a far more complicated problem than any mathematical proof.
Dream is not… good at relationships. But it’s already becoming far too tempting to let himself pretend this one won’t end in fire like the others.
Hob wraps his arms around Dream’s shoulders, tucking his face into the crook of Dream’s neck. He’s very physically affectionate now that he feels he’s allowed to be so. Dream can’t help but soak it in like he’s been out in the cold and Hob is long sought-after warmth. He tips his head into Hob’s temple.
“Is it really so horrible for your sister to know about us?” Hob murmurs against his skin, stubble scratching Dream’s jaw.
“No,” says Dream. Death cares, he knows, and he trusts her – a rare thing. It’s just— “I merely want to… think about it. For myself, first.”
Hob is… Dream had meant it when he’d said Hob was stymying. He is hard for Dream to wrap his mind around, and his own feelings for him even more so. He’s not like Dream’s previous romantic entanglements. He makes Dream feel… settled.
“Ah, keep it in its little bubble, I see,” Hob says, and Dream nods. More teasing now, Hob adds, “Keep the problem in your head until you can solve it.”
Unlike so many others, Hob understands. But not because he feels the same. It's because he listens, and believes what Dream says about his own feelings, whether they make outward sense or not.
“Yes,” says Dream. “You know I do not care to work aloud.”
Hob steps around the chair so he’s facing him, and holds Dream’s face between his hands. He looks softer and more rumpled than Dream is used to seeing him, and an echo of the heat of Hob’s bare skin as he held Dream through the night flashes through him. Dream tips his face up to meet his gaze.
“This matters a lot to you, doesn’t it?” Hob says, thumbs stroking back and forth over his cheeks.
Dream hesitates, then nods. The admission is worth it for the way a brilliant smile spreads across Hob’s face. He has a mesmerizing smile; his eyes literally sparkle. It’s completely unreasonable.
Hob kisses him, still smiling. Dream doesn’t know how to reciprocate that kind of outward expression of feeling, so he doesn’t try. He just kisses Hob back.
“God, you’re so pretty,” Hob says, when they’ve separated. He runs a hand through Dream’s hair and it flies up in all directions.
“Am I?”
“Mmhmm. Your eyeliner’s all smudgy right now, though.”
Dream pouts, and Hob laughs. “Don’t worry, it’s cute.”
Dream studies him. The scattered swoop of his hair, still disheveled from sleep, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes, his broad shoulders, the grounding warmth of his hands where they still hold Dream’s face.
“Pretty is not the right word for you,” he decides.
Hob laughs so loudly, just pure shock and glee, and— ah. This is another one of those instances when Dream has said something unintentionally insulting. Hob never seems to take true offense to it, though.
“What is the right word, then?” he asks, when he’s calmed down.
“Vital,” Dream tells him. “It has two meanings, as you know. Full of life. And—”
“Important,” Hob says, smile softening.
“Necessary,” Dream corrects. “To me,” he adds, in case that clarification is needed.
Hob keeps smiling at him like that, and Dream ducks his head. Hob kisses his cheek. “You’re just a sap deep down, aren’t you?”
“I resent that,” Dream says, but doesn’t move him away.
“You resent everything,” Hob replies. “Kiss me.”
Dream lets Hob drag him to his feet and into another kiss. Hob holds him in his arms, swaying him back and forth. Which one of them is the sap, exactly?
He lets Hob do it, though. Pulling away from Hob’s touch is an effort Dream’s not capable of at the moment.
“I think we should keep working on this problem,” Hob says. “Give you some more time to figure it out.”
Hob tugs him backwards, grinning. “Didn’t make enough progress last night, I don’t think.”
Dream follows him with slow steps, raising an eyebrow. “You are very mathematically inclined at the moment, Hob.”
“Oh, love, you have no idea.” Hob smiles at him, warm and teasing, eyes crinkling at the corners. It’s far more effective at getting Dream's heartbeat to tick up than any attempt at seduction would be. “You have no idea just how mathematically inclined I am right now.”
“Perhaps not,” Dream admits, voice low. He squeezes Hob’s hands. “But I would like to find out.”
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roguelov · 9 months
I think have an answer to an ask from so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site had about calliope saying orpheus was an accident baby and a) people probably have nightmares about condoms breaking and accidentally becoming pregnant so that may affect Morpheus but also b) calliope is a greek goddess and also a daughter of zeus who had like a thousand kids hypnos who is Morpheus dad in the myths had a some kids maybe calliope should be happy she only had one kid 🤣
but also imagine reader finding about this and gets really really really nervous. Having one child is enough, never mind the fact that she may have a whole army of kids to carry and birth. Morpheus will not be touching her without several layers between them both who knows if its just the regular way he can get people pregnant and not through osmosis or something
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😂😂😂 I would keep a yard stick between us for eternity sorry Dream you’re not putting a baby in me
“My dear, you are being ridiculous.”
You were wrapped up in layers of blankets, while sitting on the couch. “Safety first,” you mumbled from your cocoon.
“That is not how it works,” Dream sighed.
“Have you seen mythology? People got pregnant from the weirdest things. Nope, not risking it. Not ever.”
Dream couldn’t deny that. He was there for some of it. “Yes, but -“
“And didn’t you say Orpheus was a surprise? What the hell do you mean he was a surprise?”
Dream winced internally. “Well, that was different.”
“Fucking how?” It was obvious you were get irate.
“Calliope and I are gods, beings above the rules of the world. Different logic applies to us.”
“Dream, how is that supposed to comfort me?” You huffed, and retreated further into your bundle. “‘Logic doesn’t apply to me’ blah, blah, blah. You’re not helping in anyway.”
He sighed deeply. He supposed he didn’t word it correctly. He slowly walked over and sat on the couch. “Please, come out. I assure you, nothing will happen unless you consent to it.”
“Still not risking it.”
“My love,” he whispered softly.
You slowly peered over at him.
“I will keep you safe entirely.” He carefully peeled back one layer of the blankets. You allowed him, if not somewhat begrudgingly. “To be blunt, I am not ready to father a child again. But, maybe with time and with a proper conversation with you, I may.”
He removed all the blankets, tossing them aside. He cupped your face, leaning in closely. He pressed his forehead against yours, so you saw his eyes clearly.
“I am telling you if you ever so wished, you will only get pregnant in the traditional way.”
He was telling the truth.
And you believed him.
You sighed, closing your eyes. “Okay, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he kissed your forehead. “Your concerns are valid, but nothing - and I swear nothing - will come of it unless you consent.
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eternal-love · 4 months
Austin and Me
“Fairytale wedding”
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
Part 1, Part 2
Weddings are supposed to be big and beautiful days for the bride to celebrate her upcoming life, well mine wasn’t. Being pregnant before marriage was a huge no with my parents, so I was terrified to tell them. I was 20! I wasn’t even out of their house yet. I had to tell Austin first, but I was terrified, what if he didn’t want to have a baby? He was 27.
At first he was perplexed, he blinked a thousand times more than I’ve ever seen anyone in my life. I was ready for him to shout and blame me but he didn’t.
“I’m gonna be a daddy…” Austin muttered under his breath before a smile appeared on his face. He grabbed me and kissed me all over the face. “We’re gettin’ married, baby!”
I was giggling excitedly, it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever lived. Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve always dreamed of having a romantic proposal— not this. But I read the room and un destroys that he was short on money. We thrifted my rings that same night, to me it was beautiful.
I waited a while before telling my parents, we were having dinner at him. My mom and dad sat besides each other in front of me, meanwhile my younger sister and brother sat on each side of me. I had kept my hand hidden and kept trying to use my left hand but the excitement got to me.
“I’m getting married.” I said nervously as I showed off my ring.
“You’re what?” My mother put her utensils down slowly, so did my dad.
“Austin… proposed.” I stuttered once again. “I said yes.”
“You do know what this means, do you, Cynthia?” My father said sternly as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“I know…” I knew he wanted me out of the house as soon as the wedding took place, I would only be able to visit home and never stay here again, just like my older sister did. “I’ll be out of the house once the reception is done.”
After dinner I was in my room, dreading the decision I made hours ago, was I even ready to be married? I loved Austin but to spend all my life with him. Soon enough my mom and younger sister were there with me, laying in bed, talking to each other.
“Y te juro que el me hablo pero bien lindo, ¿cómo lo iba a rechazar? (And I swear he talked to me sweetly, how could I reject him?)” I groaned to my mother, my little sister giggled.
“Yo se, yo se (I know, I know).” My mother rubbed my head softly. At the end of the day, I’d only have my mother to cry to.
“Can I be a bridesmaid?” My 12 year old sister asked excitedly, the same exact excitement I felt when my older sister got married and I had the privilege of being one of her bridesmaids.
“Of course.” I told her with a big smile.
I always wanted to have a big wedding, like the ones of fairytales. With the big dress and big wedding, I tried to tell Austin that but he was quick to always shut down my wishes.
“Baby, a big wedding it’s just too much work for the both of us. And I ain’t going to risk our baby.” Austin said as he placed his hand on my lower stomach.
“I know I just— I’ve always dreamed of my wedding being big and beautiful.” I said softly as I then pressed my lips together.
“Now— what happened to the twinkle in your eyes?” Austin rubbed my cheek softly. “All that matter is that we’ll be husband and wife, and that we’ll have a small baby with us…”
He made me feel as if wanting a big wedding was just a silly and egoistic wish, how dare I want to stress myself planning wedding and harming his baby on the process?
We looked through a bunch of salons for the reception and we ended up finding one we both liked. It was pretty and small, to keep it private like Austin wanted. I already had on mind how I wanted to look that day, my mind was all over Priscilla Presley’s wedding look. I wanted that bouffant and a similar dress, I was already skinny but with the pregnancy— I looked bloated. I needed a vintage wedding dress and so I went on the look out for one. Austin had bought himself a nice tuxedo, he had recently dyed his hair black because of a Broadway play he was doing.
The day of the actual wedding, I was excited beyond belief. I woke up at 4 AM, so did my mother and sisters. I did my makeup on my own but my room was a mess, my older sister, Jackie and my younger sister, Pattie, we’re getting ready there with me. I did my usual glam— just this time I added three pairs of falsies, Jackie helped me do my hair that day, she helped me tease it into a bouffant, then my mother helped me put on my veil. I would be lying if I said my father didn’t cry, it was the first time I saw him cry in all my life, he just hugged me tight.
The wedding was quick, we said our vows but the good part would be the reception. As we entered the salon, the guests were already there as ‘Venus’ by Frankie Avalon played on the background, I felt so— lucky. I was marrying who I thought was the love of my life.
“I’m so happy, baby.” Austin said as we sat at our table, he was squeezing my hand.
“Me too.” I whispered back to him.
My dad ended up accepting Austin as my husband, as he watched how Austin handled me so tenderly, how his big hands cupped my face, how his hand wandered around my waist as we talked to guests, how he kissed my cheeks countless of times.
“My little girl’s gonna be a good wife.” *My dad told Austin as they shook hands. Then my dad walked up to me and hugged me again, crying again as he took a step back to watch me. “Mija, tú sabes que tu mamá y yo siempre vamos a estar para lo que tú necesites (Mija, you know that your mama and I will always be here whenever you need us.)” My father said sweetly.
I cried a lot that day too, I never wanted to stop living with my family, we were very close, but I was maturing and growing up, I was starting my own family and I had to be strong.
Austin and I got married on February 12th, 2018, while I was one month into my pregnancy. We went back to his house, he carried me bridal style and laid me on the bed, he got on top of me, he kissed me.
“My wife.” He whispered softly before kissing me passionately.
It’s not like it would be my first time with him— but it felt magical. I don’t know why I felt so taken care of. I was scared, I never knew you could have sex while being pregnant, but he told me he had been doing his research. He made sweet love to me that night.
I was now Mrs. Butler— it had a nice ring to it.
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I know some of y’all might not like Austin on this fanfic! He might be an asshole half the time.
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
So Close, Yet So Far - Part 2
Continuing "So Close, Yet So Far".
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: After seeing you two could live happily ever after, Stephen confesses his true feelings for you. Will you feel the same?
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex, pet names, language/swearing, creampie, porn with minimal plot, mentions of masturbation
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"Wow. I don't mean this in a mean way, but you look like crap Doc." 
You sauntered into the library where he had already set up for the day. He wasn't really paying attention to the book in front of him but more just zoning in and out. He was afraid if he thought about anything else for too long the images he saw of you last night would fade. He didn't want to concentrate on anything else until those images of your face and body as he pleasured you had burned themselves into his mind's eye. 
Yet at the same time he had to concentrate on anything else. He needed to not think about it. Partly out of fear that he would seek out that universe again. Peek into your honeymoon together. Partly out of fear that if he did look he would never leave that universe. He had already tempted the darker fates too much by even looking in the first place. He never should have done it, but now that he did he would never be the same. He would never see you the same. 
He would look at you and see his wife. See you in his arms dancing in that white dress. See you underneath his naked body moaning his name. He would now always see you and wonder what could be if he could find the balls to tell you he wanted you. That was what he was trying to do now. Trying to figure out the right way to ask you to be his.
It took him a moment to even realize you were talking to him. Eventually your eyebrows quirked upwards and you waved your hand in front of his face to get his attention.
"Yeah. Sorry. I just... didn't sleep well I guess." 
You walked around the table & took the seat next to him. Casually putting your feet up and crossing your ankles on something Wong would have yelled at him for even touching. Peeking forward to get a better look at the spine of the book Stephen had in his hand. You were always so curious about everything. 
That was part of why you & Stephen got along so well. You both liked to make trouble by sticking your noses into stuff. That was also part of why Wong liked having you around too. You liked to listen to him talk about anything and everything. You could get even the quietest people to blab their entire life story to you within 20 minutes of saying hello.
Stephen knew he stood very little chance of not eventually telling you about the boundary he crossed. About him snooping in other timelines. The question was could he keep from spilling the beans about what he saw. Or what he did with the images of what he saw.
"I don't think I slept that great either. I still feel exhausted. I did have the weirdest dream last night. It was crazy. You and I were married. We were..." 
A blush crept over your cheeks and you seemed to think better of what you were originally going to say. After rephrasing your thought you continued.
"...Well I guess it was our wedding day technically. White dress and everything."
Oh shit. Did his little trip to see that other universe somehow pull you with him? Had your dream been the same wedding night he saw? The one where you said you wanted him, your new husband, to fuck you all night long? 
He tried to keep his face neutral. He couldn't exactly tell you that you may have played tag along on his little voyeuristic adventure where he jerked off while watching himself fuck you. Not only would that violate a ton more boundaries. It also made him sound both like a stalker and an egomaniac at the same time. He wasn't sure what to say. Should he say he had a similar dream? He wanted to tell you that he liked the sound of your dream. He wanted to flirt with you like he normally did, but his brain had stopped working.
You were mindlessly playing with your left ring finger. Seemingly twirling an invisible ring. Biting at your lower lip as he could tell some image was playing behind your eyes. It was the same way you had been biting your lip when he was kissing at your neck. 
"Must have been from seeing you all dressed up last night. You do clean up very well, Doctor Strange." 
You glanced sideways at him with a flirtatious teasing smile as you picked up the mug in front of him and took a sip of his coffee. Wrinkling your nose and making a face at the fact that it had now gone completely cold. He couldn't help but break a smile and small chuckle at you. The way your nose crinkled and wiggled was adorable, like a sweet little mischievous bunny rabbit. Maybe he could call you bunny when you were his?
Wait. He was getting ahead of himself again. First he had to figure out a way to ask you out. Oh, he should ask you to a nice dinner alone since you said he looked good dressed up! That was actually a good idea. It was just a plus that both versions of him had a thing for you all dressed up too. 
By the time he snapped from his thoughts, you had his mug in your hand walking out of the room. You yelled back towards him that you were going to get him hot coffee in a bigger mug, as you would also be drinking it. You liked using his things, and borrowing his jackets and sweatshirts. Basically if it was Stephen's you decided you had free reign to use it. Wong had insisted that was part of your way of flirting with him. Reinforcing his argument by saying that you never steal his stuff, just Stephen's.
The sight of you wandering back into the library pulled him back to the present. As if to reinforce his train of thought, sure enough somehow on your way back to the library, you had found and were now wearing Stephen's light blue Columbia sweatshirt. He did like seeing you in his clothes. Especially things like this that you had a tendency to take a nap in. Then by the time you gave them back they smelled like you. 
As you set the now steaming larger mug down in front of him, he looked at you questioningly as he scanned over the sweatshirt then to your face. You smirked and rolled your eyes at him. You knew you weren't in trouble. 
"What? I was cold, and you won't let me snuggle in Cloakie. Plus it's comfy and it smells nice. So shut up."
"It's not a blanket you know. The Cloak of Levitation is a sacred relic."
You playfully rolled your eyes and reached out to scratch the collar of the Cloak like it was a puppy. It's collar wiggled around Stephen's neck, tickling him a little. A self-satisfied smirk on your face at the garment's reaction. 
"You're just jealous of that time it snuggled with me when I fell asleep on the couch." 
He responded without really thinking about what he was saying. Shrugging as he admitted the truth.
"Maybe I am..." Suddenly he felt particularly brave, "... But maybe I was jealous of it." 
He paused a moment before his next question.
"Go to dinner with me? Just you and me. You said I clean up nice, I think you clean up nice too. I could get used to seeing it."
A quizzical look coming over your face, a sparkle in your eye as you questioned him. Trying to prod at him to find his motivation.
"Like a date?"
"Yeah. Like a date." 
"O... Okay." 
You answered confidently, without any real hesitation. Before either of you could overthink or change your mind he stood up and walked to the entryway of the library. Turning back to face you like he was going to say something, only to change his mind and smiled broadly at you instead. Pleased when he saw the blush that had crept back up onto your cheeks.
He shouldn't be this nervous should he? I mean he had gone out with you before. It was just never explicitly on a real date before. He stood pacing back and forth at the bottom of the staircase obsessively adjusting the sleeves and collar on his suir waiting for you to meet him there. He was usually early and you were always five minutes late. You balanced well.
When you came around the corner you looked radiant. You were actually wearing the same dress from the other night. 
"I thought maybe you liked this dress."
You had clearly seen through his attempt to play cool and not stare. He blushed and looked at his shoes trying to compose himself. Finally gesturing to turn and lead you to the front door.
"Actually, Stephen, I have a little bit of a different idea if you are open to suggestions." 
As he started turning back to face you you pulled him to you by his tie and kissed him before he had the chance to say anything. Pulling him into you and wrapping your arms around his neck. Letting his hands come to rest on your waist once the initial shock had passed and he let himself sink into the kiss. You let your mouth open and let his tongue start to dance against yours. Only pulling apart when you both finally needed to breathe.
You could feel his hands lightly shaking from taking him by surprise. Bringing your gaze up to his to look in his shimmering crystalline blue eyes and letting one hand drift up to let your fingers trace the gray at one of his temples. Shrugging your shoulders and casually finishing your suggestion.
"We could just stay here."
He closed his eyes and chuckled before he opened them again. Just to make sure this wasn't a dream. Quickly he reached into one pocket and pulled out his sling ring, opening a portal to his bedroom. Not wanting to waste the time navigating the Sanctum's stairs and hallways just in case you changed your mind. 
His lips started moving back toward yours and he started pushing you back through the portal before he could manage to get out his response. Whispering against your lips as he shrugged off his suit jacket, "Yeah, let's do that. That is a much better idea."
In between kisses he began confessing all the things he had been holding in, now that it was clear you felt something for him too. He wanted to make his intentions clear. That he didn't want this to be just a physical thing. He didn't want a one night stand or to be friends with benefits. He wanted you for as long as you would have him. 
"Before we do this, I want to make sure that we are on the same page. I want everything you dreamed about the other night. Everything I saw the other night. I don't want to ever let you go. I want you to be mine, & I want to be yours."
He stood holding your face in his hands at the edge of his bed. He wanted to hear your thoughts, your assurance that you wanted him the way he wanted you before he pushed you down on the soft blankets. Once he got you laying down he would have a hard time stopping himself.
"Do you know how long I've wanted you to kiss me Stephen? I thought maybe the other night was finally when you were gonna make your move. Then when the night ended and we went our separate ways I thought maybe it wasn't meant to be. I mean I flirt with you every fucking day. Believe me, I want this. I want us."
He smashed his lips into yours and started devouring you with a new passion. Pushing you to lay on the bed before bringing himself to lay on top of you. He let one hand trail down your side to your thigh where he promptly pulled your leg up to wrap around his hip. The bottom of your dress bunching up in the process. Your bare leg now warm under his touch. 
As he began kneading the newly exposed flesh he brought his lips to trail down your jaw and neck. Feeling the heel of your stiletto dig into his ass as he bit at the supple skin at the base of your throat. Pulling the first delicious moan from you as he started to soothe the newly sore spot with a lick. 
You reached for his tie and started working the knot loose. Getting frustrated before you could completely untie it and just pulling it over his head. He smiled as he buried his face against your cleavage. Pleased at how much you seemed to want him too. He started pulling at the straps on your dress only realizing after a moment he should probably unzip it first. Neither of you were thinking too clearly as you tried to shrug off your clothes. Too excited to finally feel each other's skin.
After a moment you both gave up the ghost of trying to make undressing romantic and just stripped yourselves to your underwear on your own. You let your eyes roam over each other's bodies as you came together and embraced each other again on the center of the bed. Smiling and placing soft kisses on each other's lips. Stephen was the one that made the first move by gently lowering you onto your back.
"You are even more beautiful than I imagined, bunny. By the way I'm calling you bunny now."
You started laughing at the new pet name, prompting your nose to start twitching and wiggling. Stephen placed a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose.
"... and that is why." 
"Just shut up Stephen." 
You quickly kissed him before he could start talking again, grabbing the band of his boxers and pushing them down in one quick shove. He growled at your assertiveness and let his lips descend onto your bare breasts. Starting to lick and suck at your nipples just like he had in the alternate universe. Like he knew would make you moan his name. 
Swirling his tongue around one and then the other before pressing kisses down your sternum. He nipped at your low belly and your hip bones as he started working your panties down. Your hands grabbing into the gray patches of his hair making him all the more eager to finally claim you as his. 
He couldn't help but groan when your cunt was finally revealed to him and he saw your labia glistening with arousal for him. You were wet for him. The lust in his eyes making you spread your legs wider for him. Diving forward he placed a long lick up your slit. Pulling your clit into his mouth and sucking on it gently as he placed little kitten licks over it. The sensation making your eyes close and your back arch to press harder against him. 
He couldn't wait any longer and neither could you. Stephen pulled himself back up your body. Nuzzling and tickling your sensitive flesh with his facial hair. Placing random wet kisses as he went. Once he was back at eye level with you you cradled his face in your hand, just like you had done in the timeline he saw. Just like you had on your wedding night. 
"I want you to fuck me all night long Stephen." 
He couldn't believe his ears. You were echoing almost the exact same words that had been playing non-stop over and over in his mind. He quickly positioned himself so he could slide against your slick prepping himself so he would be able to enter you in one smooth thrust. His hips starting to rock against yours. Feeling your wetness coat him completely.
"Just so you know, I will never get tired of hearing you say that." 
As he finished his statement he angled himself to push inside you. He swore he was in heaven when he felt your warm wet heat stretch around him. Stalling when his thick cock was fully sheathed in your cunt. Savoring how tight you were and the little whimpers you made. Only starting his thrusts when your legs wrapped around his waist and he heard you mewl a soft 'please'.
He started slowly but it didn't take long before his speed started to build. He could feel your hips rocking forward and back as he thrust in and out. Your bodies moving perfectly in time with each other. A symphony of moans and the soft slapping of wet skin pushing you both closer to the edge of climax. 
"Fuck, Stephen you cock feels so good. Fucking me so good baby. Don't stop, please don't stop."
He groaned and buried his face in the crook of your neck. His hips bucking against you harder and faster. His hands moving to grip your ass to rock your hips harder against his pelvis adding more stimulation against your clit. 
"You feel so fucking perfect bunny. Your pussy feels like it was made for me. Need you to cum for me. I can feel you starting to squeeze me. Cum on my cock bunny. I'm not gonna last long."
He had your hips lifted completely off the bed when a particularly deep stroke hit you just right. A loud moan coming from deep in your throat as he worked to hit that same spot over and over. Feeling your pussy start to flutter and the muscles of your legs contract holding onto him tighter. Your nails digging into his back as he felt your arousal flood both of you and a wordless cry come from your mouth. 
Knowing that you were cumming around him, Stephen let himself go completely. Fucking you hard and fast. Grunting and groaning as he bit at your shoulder. As you felt his cock start to twitch and spurt inside you, you locked your ankles together to hold him as deep inside you as you possibly could. Wanting to take every drop of cum he would give you. Loving the sensation of his warm cum filling you. Humming in satisfaction as you felt him slowly relax on top of you. 
You lay there with him still wrapped up in arms, legs tight around him too. Placing slow sweet kisses on each other's lips and nuzzling your noses together. Just enjoying the feeling of finally being with each other. Something both of you had long thought about and wished for.
When you finally did separate, Stephen promptly rolled you into his arms. Bringing your head to lay on his chest. Feeling him press kiss after kiss into the top of your head. You lay listening to his steady heartbeat, playing the evening over in your head. Breaking the silence as you thought about what he said when he confessed his feelings for you. 
"Hey, what did you mean earlier when you said you wanted everything I dreamt about and everything you saw the other night?"
"Well, umm... It's a long story but, your dream wasn't a dream. It was us, it was real. It was just another universe. Unsurprisingly, I love you in every universe."
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Here, Kitty, Kitty (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnlingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I pictured myself dancing to "Superstar" by Usher with Aizawa & now I'm wet. Enjoy. -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
Weeks go by and the weather quickly rises into the high 70s/low 80s temperature range which means May is finally here. 
Time really does fly when you’re having fun…in the case of your version of “fun,” that is. 
Ever since you apologized to Aizawa and finally got that ramen date, you’ve been texting nonstop. Since then, you’ve been learning much more about him. You’ve come to realize how dark-humored the guy is after a text convo you had over your favorite comedy movies, or how he doesn’t understand the hype with boybands.
You’ve told him about yourself too, such as how sometimes you sleep on the couch because you’re too lazy to walk to your bedroom or how you’re lactose intolerant but you can’t live without your coffee (he got a kick out of that one). 
With every text, more layers of this mysterious, sexy enigma of a man are peeled back, revealing the soft-hearted, passionate, loving person he is underneath. You find yourself falling for him every day, with every wave you give him through his classroom window or lock of your eyes in the halls. 
There are some phone calls sprinkled in there as well, but usually, you’re too shy to make the first move to call and just opt to text Aizawa. The thing is Aizawa is too, but he still made the groundbreaking move to call you for the first time. When he had called, you were literally in your hero gear, strutting along the rooftops in the city to stake out some crime. When you saw his name pop up on your screen, you nearly had a heart attack. 
You decided to take a seat on the roof of a cooperate business, your heels dangling off of the twelve-story building, and answer his call. “Hello?” you said, hating how breathless and needy you sounded. 
“Y/N?” Aizawa’s voice sent shivers up your spine. He sounded so much sexier over the phone. “It’s Shouta.” 
“I know,” you giggled. “How are you doing tonight? How’s Eri?” 
The conversation went on just like that with you telling each other how your day went (some awkward pauses stretching the call out here and there). As you talked, your heart lept with excitement and anticipation for…what? For this friendly, innocent relationship between you to turn into something more? 
Definitely, absolutely yes. You wanted desperately to tell Aizawa how you felt and stop beating around the bush. You wanted to be in his arms and in his bed; to abandon all self-control and doubt. He continued to haunt your dreams with his eyes and voice, your mind constructing how you believe his moans sound like. It has led you to many free hours of touching yourself to the thought of him, picturing your fingers as his cock stretching you out and filling you up. 
You want that man. All of him. 
But you know that could never ever be…at least for right now. For one, it’s because Aizawa is a father and that makes things so much more complicated. Eri only knows you as her favorite pet; not as you, a UA counselor, Aizawa’s friend, and a liar. 
There is also the fact that you have yet to spill your secrets to him, such as, you know, the fact that you’re the cat he adopted and the cat girl vigilante that he’s been fighting alongside on the streets which could ultimately cause you to lose your job, your friends, and him. But even that doesn’t stop you from hitting the streets and visiting Aizawa and Eri’s dorm every night. 
You have started cutting your nights in half: the first half after work is for vigilante work, and the other half is for Aizawa and Eri. And while it is a good system, you can feel it taking its toll on your body, your mind, and your sleeping schedule. You can’t remember the last time you had a full eight-hour rest or what your body looks like when it’s not bruised up. But you ignore all of that. You suck it up; drink your coffee; rub on ointment to clear up the bruises. 
You’ve got this. You can handle all of it. 
The Friday during the first week of May is a nice one. When you awaken in your dorm after sneaking in before the sun rose, you feel bubbly and light as a feather. You feel like you could hug the entire world, wrap it up tight and squeeze it. A content grin stretches across your mouth as you stretch your arms high over your head. You feel good. You feel great. 
Never mind the fact that you’re due for work in an hour after only four hours of sleep. Never mind you spent all of last night outside, spending the first half as Night Claw sniffing out crime and the next sneaking under Aizawa’s door for a cuddle with him and Eri. Never mind the fresh set of bruises you see in the bathroom from weeks of fighting criminals, quirked and non-quirked, and attempting to stop the crime that has been booming since the weather got warmer. Never mind the fact that you’re lying right to Aizawa’s face about who you are and throwing his poor daughter into the mix, too. 
‘It’s fine,’ you tell yourself as you get ready for work. ‘You’re fine. You’ll tell him soon. Just not right now. As long as you keep your mouth shut and stay careful, everything will be fine.’ You keep chanting this mantra in your head throughout the day until lunch finally comes. Today you packed a tuna sandwich and some Kombucha: your favorite. 
You also decide to try today and look nice because of the warm weather, choosing a brightly colored dress that hugs your body in the way you wish Aizawa would replace along with a cardigan and pantyhose to kill two birds with one stone: look professional and hide the bruises so no one asks questions. When you walk into the UA faculty breakroom hours later after several appointments with students, Nemuri and Mic take notice of your outfit immediately. 
“My, my, look at you, Ms. L/N!” Nemuri purrs as you take a seat next to her. “What’s the special occasion?” You giggle as she jokingly runs a hand up your thigh before tickling your side. “Good weather. As a catgirl, I thrive in the sunshine and warm air.” 
“Well, you look ravishing!” Mic excitedly says, his eyes roaming over your face. “And refreshed. Your skin is practically glowing!” He is so loud and boisterous with his compliments that you flush, wondering if someone will hear from outside. 
“That she is, Mic,” Nemuri agrees, giving you a secretive look. “She does look very glowy. Any reason for that in particular, Y/N?” She raises one suggestive eyebrow, alluding to the tired-eyed hottie who you’ve been texting and building a relationship with. 
You ignore her suggestive expression and question, instead directing eye contact to Mic, who looks like he’s anticipating what your secret is for such a nice complexion. “Nothing except me goin’ hard in the gym,” you laugh. “I’ve been working on my weight training and kickboxing. Unfortunately, it’s fucking up my body.” 
That actually isn’t a lie. When you’re not kicking ass or letting Eri brush your fur while you curl into her lap, you’re at the gym. Ever since that training session with Aizawa, you’ve been serious about increasing your combat skills and mastering the abilities that come with your quirk. You hope to show Aizawa your improvement one day. “Just don’t harm that cute little tail,” Mic chuckles as he takes a sip of his Pepsi. “Aizawa would be devastated.” Nemuri giggles while you scoff and passively crack open your soda can, ignoring your friends’ teasing. 
“About what?” a familiar, deep voice asks. You squeak, startled, and look towards the door where you see Aizawa standing there as if he emerged from thin air. You swear the man doesn’t make a single sound when he moves. His eyes meet yours from across the small room, rendering you speechless. It suddenly feels like only the two of you exist in the room. 
'Damn this ‘being friends’ shit.'
“There you are!” Mic cheerfully says. “I’m glad you’re here. I was just about to bring up tonight.” Aizawa barely spares his friend a glance as he makes a beeline for the coffee machine. As he passes you, he brushes up against your shoulder. You’re not sure whether it is on purpose or by accident, but it sends shivers down your spine and makes your tail curl all the same. 
“What about tonight?” he grumbles as he opens the dishwasher. He plucks out a big, yellow mug and places it underneath the coffee machine before turning it on. 
You, Nemuri, and Mic share a look. You already know Mic is alluding to some nighttime adventures which you’re sure Aizawa will say no to. “Mic and I were talking about visiting Hot Spot tonight if you both are free,” Nemuri explains, batting her lashes up at Aizawa. “It’s been so long since we’ve been out for a night on the town and I’m in need of some action.” 
“More like your bed is,” you mutter. Nemuri smirks at you. “Precisely, and you should take a hint. I’m sure your bed is in need of breaking in.” You flush at her words, your eyes jetting across to Aizawa. His back is to you as he stands at the counter, waiting for his brewing coffee. You’re not sure why you’re so concerned about his reaction to Nemuri’s words, especially since you and he are just friends. 
But as much as you hate to admit it, the idea of having someone else in your bed besides him doesn’t sit right with you at all, and you’d hope he’d feel the same way. You hope he’s burning with the same need that you are for him. 
“We’re going to be meeting some other pros tonight for drinks if you two want in,” Nemuri says, glancing between you and Aizawa. You shrug, figuring you could use the outing. “Fuck it, I’ll go. It’s been a while since I’ve been out.” 
“Excellent!” Nemuri squeals and excitedly claps her hands. “What about you, Shouta?” She turns to him as do you and Mic, waiting for the pro to give her a hard no. He says nothing, the coffee machine still bubbling. “Just hear me out, please,” Nemuri rushedly says before he can refuse. “I know you’re not too keen on socializing with others in a public setting, but the weather is simply too good to stay inside and–” 
“I’ll go,” Aizawa interrupts. 
“What?” you, Nemuri, and Mic all blurt in unison. You stare at Aizawa like he just grew another head. The guy stares back at you three in confusion, his coffee mug in hand. “I said I’ll go,” he repeats with a passive shrug. “I’ve got nothin’ better to do tonight since all the grades are in. I’ll have Mirio babysit Eri, too.” 
You, Nemuri, and Mic still stare at him, dumbfounded. It’s just too shocking. Aizawa? Clubbing? Socializing?! A flush coats Aizawa’s cheeks at your stupid, wide-eyed expressions. “What?” he huffs. 
“Nothing!” Mic coughs, plastering a big smile on his face. “Absolutely nothing. This fills me with so much happiness, Shouta! We’re going to have so much fun!” Aizawa rolls his eyes, still blushing, while Nemuri glances at you. “That, we are,” she hums with a smile. 
Now it’s your turn to blush, thanking God that he made you a Black woman. 
“I can’t you how hot you look in this dress, Y/N. Like, if I were Aizawa, I’d fuck you right now.” 
You gain this compliment from your friend aka Mt. Lady standing behind the velvet rope in front of the Hot Spot nightclub hours later. It is a warm night and the streets are buzzing with activity. Rumi aka Mirko is eyeing you down the same way Yu is despite Yu being straight as a ruler. “Shit, I’d do it anyway,” the Rabbit Hero brazenly says. 
Nemuri’s curls nearly whip Yu in the face as she turns to glare at Rumi.  “Rumi!” she gasps. Rumi shrugs passively, crossing her arms in her leather jacket. “What? I can’t be honest?” Nemuri shakes her head, rolling her eyes at you. “Sorry about her. That’s talk that can only be influenced by those pregame shots.” 
Rumi shrugs as Yu giggles to herself in her yellow bodycon dress. “Thank you, ladies,” you laugh, sliding your hands down the pink dress that hugs your body and makes your legs look fantastic (especially since you slathered them in coconut oil before leaving). “I still can’t believe I look this good in your dress, ‘Muri.” 
Nemuri gapes at you in her billowy red mini dress that you’ve had one too many men eyeing since you stepped in line. “Are you kidding me? As soon as you picked it out, I knew you’d look fabulous! It’s only right for our new partygoer comin’ out tonight to celebrate with us.” She gives you a wink, making you flush in the warm, spring air. 
“How you managed to convince the troll to come out from under his bridge is beyond me,” Rumi chuckles, fixing the bust of her white corset crop top. She looks like an Amazonian model in her lowrise skinny jeans that shows off her toned abs. “I refuse to believe he’s coming here of his own volition.” 
You stare at the girls, open-mouthed. “Y’all are so mean!” you protest. “Shouta is not a troll and he’s not that anti-social!” Yu snickers beside you. “That anti-social,” she parrots. 
Though you feel bad for what the girls are tittering about over your crush, you will admit that you’re just as shocked that he decided to come out tonight. Aizawa always said he wasn’t the clubbing type and he seems like he barely has the patience for large groups of people. So what’s with the change in behavior? Though it confuses you, it also excites you. Could it perhaps be your blossoming friendship that has flipped a switch in him? You hope so. 
You were more than excited to hurry back to your dorm after work to get ready, even consulting Nemuri for an outfit. You wanted to look gooder than good tonight for Aizawa. You wanted him to take one look at you and pluck you out of the friend zone expeditiously. Though you knew it wouldn’t happen, you could still look yummy for some other eyes you were hoping to get tonight. If you didn’t get Aizawa’s attention, you could certainly get someone else’s. ‘Who needs Erasherhead anyway?’ you think to yourself. 
“Maybe not to you,” Rumi laughs to you. “Because he likes you, girl! And with those cute little ears and that ass, I can definitely see why.” You flush at her words, sliding your hands down the buttery-soft dress. “Does it really look that good?” you bashfully giggle. “I guess Pilates is working out for me.” 
When you aren’t out in the streets sniffing out crime or visiting Aizwa and Eri, you’ve been in and out of the gym lately, trying to stay consistent with workouts…but also trying to see if you can catch Aizawa. You have a few times while he is squeezing some cardio and weight training in between his very busy schedule. While you should be focusing on your yoga and pilates, you always find yourself looking at Aizawa through the mirror, admiring his muscles and thighs that could crush your head…and you’d thank him. 
“Do the Pilates explain this here?” Nemuri grazes her fingers across your jawline where, sure enough, you feel a slight sting from a bruise that hasn’t healed after your latest run-in with a street criminal.
This one was a regular, non-quirked guy with a taste for the rush of stealing from park joggers, but damn, could he fight. Luckily for you, your flexibility kicked in and you were able to one-up him by dropping into a split on his next throw and kicking him in the balls. You made sure to knock him out before telling his jogger victim to call the cops and running out into the darkness. 
You’ve been on a role with the arrests lately. Almost every night, unless your body absolutely cannot take another night of fighting, you’ve been out in the streets fighting crime. Unfortunately, you haven’t run into Aizawa again but the rush of fighting crime and keeping your city safe is enough adrenaline to keep you coming back. Plus, you see Aizawa every day in school which is more than enough for you. 
You’d be lying if you said your night job hasn’t been taking its toll on you lately. Mostly on your skin. You’ve been noticing the bruises are becoming less easy to hide behind makeup. Nemuri says the exact same thing to you now, her worry palpable. “You know that makeup can only cover so much, Y/N.” 
You ignore her worried eyes and glance away from her, not wanting Rumi or Yu to hear. “It’s just a bruise, ‘Muri. I get those all the time.” 
“How many more are there?” Nemuri asks, her concern only growing. You keep silent, refusing to tell her any more about your nightly adventures. You don’t need her worrying about her. “Listen, Y/N,” she sighs worriedly, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this.”  
“Nemuri,” you sternly say, cutting off whatever it is she was about to say. “Let’s not do this here, okay? Not right now.” You turn to her, giving her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine! I’m still here breathing and I fully intend to be. But I’m not quitting my night job anytime soon. I have a duty at this point.” 
Nemuri’s lips purse, obviously disagreeing with this statement, but you don’t care. She doesn’t understand. This isn’t something you can just give up. Your city needs you, and you fully intend to be there. You put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. “Let’s just enjoy tonight, okay?” you whisper pleadingly. Nemuri looks like she wants to say more, but Rumi’s gasp stops her. “Look!” she shouts. “The men of the hour!” She points down the street and sure enough, you see the two you’ve been waiting on for over fifteen minutes…or rather, one in particular. 
As soon as Mic walks up with Aizawa, your eyes are instantly drawn to him. He decided to go for a simple dark denim jacket with matching jeans, high-top sneakers, and a loose tank top that you thank God for because you can see how defined his muscles are underneath. His hair is pulled into a low ponytail and his scruff is trimmed, making him look like a brooding cologne model. ‘Oh, my God, he’s so fucking hot,’ you think. Other women seem to think the same as he wedges through the line to you and the girls, their eyes drinking him in. 
His eyes land on you suddenly, causing your body to feel like it just stepped into flames. You have to force yourself to give him a friendly smile, hoping he didn’t catch you eyefucking him. “Hey, ladies!” Mic greets in skinny jeans and a floral, purple button-down that exposes his toned chest. He reminds you of a 70s heartthrob. 
“What a pleasure seein’ you here, Eraserhead,” Rumi snickers, eyeing the dark-haired pro humorously. “What, your kid drivin’ you crazy?” 
“Not at all!” Mic protests, wrapping an arm around a very uncomfortable Aizawa. “Eri is the sweetest little angel! Shouta here just wanted a change of pace and decided to hang with us losers. Right, bud?” Aizawa sighs, rolling his eyes. “I’m regretting that decision already,” he grumbles. 
Rumi tuts as you begin to move to the front where the security guards stand at the doors. “You say that now till you get a drink in you. Now come on!” She slips one of the guards $100 as she slips through the doors to the club that the guard holds open for you, giving you a taste of the activity going on inside. Nemuri, Yu, and Mic follow Rumi, leaving you and Aizawa outside. 
You glance at Aizawa, noticing how out of place he looks despite not even being inside yet. He looks tense and awkward, his shoulders bunched up as if he expects something to jump out and bite him. 
Realizing you’re watching him, he glances up at you, nearly rendering you breathless when his eyes meet yours. This ‘just friends’ shit is becoming way too hard for you. 
“Come on before she kills us,” you giggle, unconsciously taking his hand to drag him into Hot Spot. The club is already jumping when you walk in, lights flashing a pretty multicolor that corresponds to the Usher song playing overhead. You spot many pro heroes among the crowd on the dance floor and at the bar along with notable celebrities and high-end industry figures. 
You spot the girls and Mic at the bar ordering their drinks, but you don’t immediately walk over. You’re more concerned with Aizawa. “Not so bad, right?” you ask over the music, shooting him a smile. But he is too busy staring at your hands that are still connected, your fingers interlaced. Embarrassment blooms in your chest, making you feel hot all over. “O-oh, sorry!” you gasp, releasing his hand. “I didn’t realize–” 
“You’re fine,” he cuts in, adverting his gaze from yours. You believe you see him flush under the lights, but it could just be the way the light illuminates his skin. You look away from him, your heart lodged in your throat and your skin on fire. You thought that tonight was going to be easy, but right now, you feel like you’re being put in a line of war with your heart and hormones. Why the fuck does he have to be so goddamn fine? 
You suddenly feel something soft brush against your knuckles and you look down to find Aizawa sneaking his pinky through yours, interlacing them. “You look…great, y’know,” he awkwardly says, his eyes flitting to yours before flitting away. Now you can clearly see that he’s blushing, his cheeks a rosy shade of pink that makes you want to cuddle him and suck the soul out of his dick at the same time. 
A dumb smile stretches across your face and you feel like you just won the lottery. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” you giggle, earning a smirk from him. Damn this ‘just friends’ shit. You don’t wanna be ‘just friends’. You wanna sit on his face, dammit! You want to run your hands over his muscles; kiss every part of his body; feel his lips against yours while his hips rock against yours as he strokes your– 
“Hey, you two done flirting yet?” Rumi calls from a booth near the bar. “I’m in need of a shot!” Nemuri and Yu giggle at each other like little high school girls, making you want to melt into the floor. 
“Shouta, come help me get these pretty ladies some drinks!” Mic hollers, nodding over to the bar. Aizawa grumbles to himself, but does so anyway, releasing your pinky in the process and making you feel like you just got dipped into a pool of ice water. The emptiness you feel without him stuns you so much that you have to remind yourself that you’re not together like that. 
But something in the way Aizawa looked at you just now makes you feel like he wants to change that, but something is stopping him. Maybe Eri? Maybe his work? Sighing to yourself, you walk over to the booth and plop down next to Nemuri, needing a drink. As Rumi and Yu talk amongst themselves, Nemuri turns to you with a giddy grin. 
“Seriously, babe; the chemistry between you two is insane. I was sensing so many sparks that I thought you were about to set this building on fire!” She animately fans herself, moving her hair off of her neck. You scoff at her antics, rolling your eyes. “What the hell are you waiting for, woman? He’s head over heels for you!” 
You ignore the sparkle in her eye. She can’t expect this to be so easy for someone like you. Someone with secrets. “It’s much more complicated than that, Nemuri,” you sigh tiredly. “He has a child and is working two stressful jobs! I can’t just–” 
“Fancy seeing you here, Ms. Midnight,” someone says, cutting you off. When you look up at your visitor, you can already believe who you’re looking at: All Might in the flesh, though not in his hero form. Tonight he’s just Toshinori Yagi in a white tee and black jeans; laid-back and awkward, hands stuffed in his pockets. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, your heart rate accelerating. Suddenly, all thoughts of Aizawa are gone. No way the All Might is here! You’ve never seen him at Hot Spot before. 
“Well, if it isn’t the symbol of peace himself!” Nemuri laughs giddily, leaning a hand under her chin. “Just what are you doing out and about tonight?” Toshinori sighs, resembling Aizawa in the way he looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. “More like I got dragged out here against my will.” 
“It was my idea, of course.” A stranger steps out from behind Toshinori, and he is quite handsome: he is tall and muscular, decked out in designer clothes and sunglasses that cover his eyes, adorning a half-white, half-black buzzcut that stands out against his tanned skin. Slowly, he takes his shades down to get a good look at you, his violet eyes roaming over you. “Well, who’s this? Nemuri, you truly have the cutest friends.” He gives you a flirty, white-toothed smile, ignoring Toshinori’s sigh. 
You turn to Nemuri, raising a brow. Who the fuck is this? “This is Y/N, the new counselor at UA,” Nemuri says to the two men. “Y/N, you know All Might, but this is–” 
“Kaleb aka Snapshot, new and upcoming hero at your service,” the stranger cuts in, taking your hand in his to shake. “I used to be underground, but I’ve recently decided to take to the public scene.” 
You can now see that his hands are adorned with rings, his wrists dripped in gold chains the same as his neck. He was an underground hero? As flashy as he is? 
“Well, you’re definitely fit for it,” you joke. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kaleb.” The ex-underground pro smiles when he hears his name on your lips. “So you’re the new counselor?” Toshinori asks, sounding pleased. “Nemuri’s told me all about you. I’ve heard what you do for the kids.” 
You beam from the praise, never believing in a million years that you’d be talking to All Might. “And I’ve heard how amazing you are as a mentor for Midoriya!” you brightly reply. “He’s quite the kid. You do a good job picking them, Toshinori.” 
Toshinori blushes sheepishly, earning a giggle from Nemuri. Before either one can say anything, Kaleb is already hurtling questions at you, his attention posed strictly on you. “So what’s it like bein’ a counselor? Those snot-nosed kids don’t give you trouble, do they? Just tell me now and I’ll handle ‘em. My quirk allows me to transport people to another time and place with just a look.” He gives you a wink, making you believe that under different circumstances, you’d probably end up somewhere like his bed judging from the blatant flirting. 
You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t welcomed though. Kaleb is open with the fact that he’s pinning after you, even pulling up a nearby chair to sit and chat with you more. Nemuri and Toshinori practically disappear into the background when he talks to you. All of his attention and time are set on you, and though it’s overwhelming, the drinks that start flowing make it less and less so. 
You start with two tequila shots and then with a cocktail dubbed “The Sakura Blend”–a rose-pink drink with strawberry puree, a hint of fiji apple, lemon, and crisp rosè vodka. By the time Kaleb moves on to telling you how pretty you are, with his hand brushing your knee, you’re feeling bubbly, loose, and as pretty as he thinks you are. 
You are tipsy. You can tell from the way you squeal in excitement when your favorite 90s R&B jam pumps through the speakers. “Oh, I love this song!” you say to no one in particular, already getting up to get on the dance floor. Kaleb abruptly stands with you, making Toshinori give him the side eye. “You wanna dance?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. 
You don’t have to be asked twice. You take his hand and walk to the dance floor together, the alcohol making you way more reciprocal and agreeable. You’re just going with the flow. And though it feels good, you logically know that this could get heated very fast if you’re not careful. So for a while, you play it safe with Kaleb on the dance floor. You face him as you begin to sway to the music, your hands to yourself. 
You close your eyes and allow the beat to take you, the alcohol beginning to take full effect. In this moment, you feel like you could do anything: touch the moon; run a marathon; kiss your crush. Aizawa’s face is suddenly appearing behind your eyelids. You picture his body up against yours, hips grinding, and his hands all over you on the dance floor. 
When you realize that a solid body is actually up against yours now, your eyes open to find Kaleb taking you into his arms. You gasp as his chest presses flush against yours and his hands toy with your hips. 
“No lie, I noticed you as soon as you walked in,” he breathes into your ear. “Can’t believe I managed to snag you all for myself. And now, I’m not lettin’ you get away.” 
His hands move over your lower back, but he doesn’t stop. He slowly moves his hand lower and lower until he is dangerously close to either touching your ass or your tail. Your ears flatten, uncomfortable with this, and you attempt to pull yourself away from Kaleb. “Hold on a minute,” you begin, but you’re stopped by a shadow suddenly looming over you from behind you. 
Kaleb’s eyes flit up toward the stranger and his flirty smile falters an inch. As soon as you catch the scent of eucalyptus, you know who your savior is. “Can I cut in?” Aizawa gruffly asks, not at all sounding nice. 
He doesn’t touch you but his presence makes you feel safe and your ears relax a bit. 
Kaleb doesn’t step away from you or let you go. His eyes turn into sharp slits as he regards Aizawa. “I don’t know, Eraser,” he quips drunkenly. “Can you?” 
Aizawa doesn’t like that. You can feel the anger radiating off of him as he steps closer to you, serving as a wall for you to fall back on if he need be. “Don’t test me, Snapshot,” he growls, a warning bubbling beneath the service of his tone. “You know what I can do to you. Wouldn’t wanna embarrass you in front of your audience.” You picture his eyes flashing red like a warning sign. 'Don’t test me, bitch,��� they say.
Assumedly, you must be right because Kaleb puts up his hands in defense and backs off. “Sorry, cutie, but I guess this sucker wants a turn,” he chuckles. “I’ll wait for you later, ‘kay?” He gives you a wink before sauntering off the dance floor, leaving you and Aizawa alone. 
You slowly turn to him, getting only his chest in your face. His hard, broad chest you just want to stroke and touch. “T-Thanks,” you stutter, suddenly too nervous to look up at him. “No problem,” he replies, his voice like the smoothest jazz to your ears–pleasant and sexy. “You looked like you needed him off your back.” 
Before you can say anything more, he begins to walk away from you, his hands shoved in his pockets. A new song begins to play now–an old Usher jam that begins speaking to you. ‘Don’t go,’ your body screams, physically moving towards Aizawa. You want him to stay close to you. 
“Wait!” you protest before you can stop yourself. Aizawa turns, staring at you expectantly. You swallow the nervous lump in your throat, not wanting to back down when you almost have him right where you want him. “Dance with me?” you imploringly ask, peering up at him through your lashes. 
Under the lights, you can’t exactly read Aizawa’s expression too well, but it looks like your request is registering. The alcohol begins to make you feel self-conscious and small. What were you thinking? You go to backpedal, to laugh it off and tell him you were just joking, but his calloused hand suddenly taking yours stops you short. 
He doesn’t say anything as he takes you to the middle of the dance floor, whisking you away through the throng of moving bodies and under the flashing lights that pulse blue and purple in line to the Usher song. Aizawa raises your hand up and slowly twirls you around so your back is now facing him. You feel him behind you again, but this time, his aura is less intimidating and way more intimate. Sensual. He places his hands on your hips and begins to sway you to the music, still giving you enough space to move if you wish to. 
But you don’t. You want to stay here with him, in his arms, enveloped in his body heat and scent. Your ears and tail relax as your eyes flutter closed. Completely relaxed, you melt into him and lean your head back against his shoulder, breathing him in. You begin to move your hips in his hands and wind your ass into his crotch. He doesn’t say anything nor does he move away. In fact, he only pushes up on you, not allowing any space between you. 
He keeps up with you, moving with you on the floor like you’re one. You dance like that for a while before Aizawa twirls you around to face him. Though his eyes are hooded and dark, you have no time to pay any mind to them because he’s already grinding his body into yours again. Taking your arms that have seemed to have gone limp, he wraps them around his shoulders and presses his hips flush against yours. You feel dizzy from how close he is. You’re torn between pushing him away and falling into him all at the same time. 
To anyone else, it’d look like you are a couple with how sensually you’re dancing. Or at least two people who want to fuck. And boy, do you want that more than anything. You know deep down if Aizawa told you he wants to take you home right now, you’d go with him because you want the same thing. It is a desire that is nearly burning you. 
Finally, the song transitions to one more upbeat and the moment dies. Aizawa stops dancing with you, slowing his movements, and releasing your hips. He doesn’t release your hand though. Instead, he securely holds it as he takes you off the dance floor, moving through the sea of people until you’re finally off the floor. You deliriously giggle, hot from the dance and with need. “I didn’t know you could move like that,” you tell him, impressed. 
He looks down at you then, a mischievous and teasing glint in his dark eyes. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me,” he says in a dangerously low tone that caresses your pussy in your panties. 
Your heart pounds at the underlayer of desire that plays beneath the surface of his voice. Is it the booze or could he really feel the same way right now? Either way, you decide to play right back like the naughty kitty the shots and cocktails are turning you into. “Anything you’d be willing to share?” you purr, smirking up at him. “Other than how much you like cats and Sailor Moon?” 
Aizawa smirks right back and you feel yourself teetering on that edge of falling harder for him. “I suppose I could give you a pass,” he hums, “but only if you spill some more about you…other than the fact that you have a scratching post in your office.” You gasp, embarrassed that he knows one of your secrets, and he releases a laugh that makes your heart flutter. That’s fucking it. You’re falling hard for this man, and you don’t give a single fuck about the consequences anymore. 
“Hey, you two!” Rumi’s shout ruins the magic between you two. You glare at her waving hand from your booth where the rest of the crew sits with a new round of drinks. “If y’all are gonna fuck, do it after we do our group toast!” she hollers, making Nemuri tug on one of her long bunny ears as punishment. 
You groan to yourself, hating your friend for ruining what was only straight out of your wettest fantasy. However, Aizawa wipes away your utter disappointment when his thumb strokes your knuckles. “Come on before she embarrasses us anymore than she already has,” he grumbles. 
With his hand still in yours, you walk over to your annoyingly embarrassing friends for a toast. 
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Fandom Leap
Chapter 2 Carry On
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Fandom Leap Masterlist
Prologue /Chapter 1
🥧 Universe: Supernatural
🥧 Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
🥧 Words: 2005
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Notes: I am screaming, crying and throwing up both from excitement and nervousness. Also huge thank you to @supraveng for even considering me for this. I have NEVER been in any type of writing collab and I am shook I was even thought of for this. I am excited to see the flow and to read all the other writer’s stories and see the other universes. So I hope everyone enjoys it and please check out the other writers involved. Also any mistakes are my own. This was not beta read.
Thank you so much for reading this, as always reblogs and comments go a long way and are welcome and super appreciated. Please check out the other parts of the story and enjoy!
Dividers from @firefly-graphics
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“Where am I now?” You glanced around seeing a very few buildings, in the distance you saw what you thought was a sleazy hotel, sighing you started walking towards it. You wish you could know what the heck was going on, you were so close and then you “jumped again” After a while you realized the hotel seemed even further away than you thought.
Everything hurt and you really just wanted a soft bed and a shower. Before you can gather your bearings the roar of an engine makes your jump. A sleek, black and chrome car rounds the corner and all you can do is brace yourself for the inevitable impact, but you’re surprised when the car stops right next to you. Grumbling to yourself you hoped it wasn’t some grade A creeper, you hear someone talking to you “Sweetheart, do you need a ride?”
Getting ready to throw some attitude at the driver you turn, and are shocked. The man talking to you looks at you confused “Sweetheart you good?” You gape at him,slowly shaking your head no "No I was just in New York where am I now?" you take a shaky breath as you shake your head hoping that this is a dream. Sighing the man looks to the passenger and stops the car gesturing to the back seat “Come on sweetheart get in and we’ll at least take you to the hotel up the road, it's a little hot to be walking outside today, and you’re in Lebanon Kansas”
Looking at him, you swallow he looks sincere his green eyes looking at you with concern, the spray of freckles across his face make him look younger and you can’t help but smile “Uh sure thanks, sorry can’t be too careful nowadays” The man nods and smiles “I agree sweetheart, name’s Dean, Dean Winchester. This is my brother Sam and sometimes an angel will sorta appear. His name is Castiel.” You almost let out a squeal, you thought he looked familiar. You watched all of Supernatural more times than you could count, had any and all merchandise and were mildly obsessed with Dean Winchester. And now you were staring at him, his brother and Baby…..you couldn’t believe how your day…days were going.
Sliding into the car you gently shut the door knowing how much Dean cared for his Baby, unable to hide the smile on your face you looked over to Dean and Sam “Thanks so much for picking me up, been on any interesting hunts lately?” Suddenly the car stops and there is a gun pointed at you from Dean “Who the hell are you,are you a demon or one of those dickhead angels?” Sam looks at Dean “Come on Dean maybe there is an explanation..” 
“Dean put the gun away, this woman is clearly not from this universe” You turn to your left and see Castiel, nodding you clear your throat “He’s right! I swear I was just somewhere else in a different universe and I jumped, I honestly have no idea how this is even happening” Glancing at the men you blush feeling embarrassed, Dean chuckles softly “It’s ok sweetheart if Cas says you’re from another universe we believe him, trust me this won’t be the weirdest thing we’ve ever seen” Winking at you he smirks and turns back around and starts Baby back up, driving the short distance to the hotel. Checking everyone in you wait for the brothers before entering the hotel room, looking around you smile “Oh magic fingers! These are great! Anyone got some quarters?”
Dean laughs and smiles moving closer to you “Sweetheart I think I’m going to like you being here, see that Sammy another Magic Fingers enthusiast. Now sweetheart tell us everything that happened before you got here, every detail. Cas get down here please so you can help explain things” Hearing wings you look and see Castiel smiling at you, sitting next to you “Hello again” Smiling you nod “Hello again Castiel Angel of the Lord” Dean rolls his eyes slightly and sits on your right side, placing his hand on your knee “Go on sweetheart tell us your story” Nodding you start telling them everything including how you had just jumped when you were walking on the road, Sam look intrigued while Dean looks sad and so does Castiel “Everything she said is accurate Dean” Dean nods “But how does so go back to her right universe? She can’t just keep bouncing can she?”
Castiel shrugs “I think that depends on her, someone or something is allowing her to meet these people so until she has met them all she will continue to jump, once then will it stop” You nod slightly “It’s that easy? Won’t that uh mess me up? I mean traveling that much sounds damaging?” Dean nods in agreement “Yeah I feel like that can’t be good sweetheart no offense” Castiel cocks his head at Dean “She’s been fine so far I believe she will continue to be fine, for now we should enjoy our time with her before she “jumps” again” Dean smiles and nods “Sammy, Cas how about you get a bunch of greasy cheeseburgers with the works and fries, oh and some pie! And we’ll have a party of sorts for our new friend” Winking at you again Dean smiles, Castiel chuckles and nods “Of course Dean.”
Sam nods and looks at you “You going to be alright here with my brother?” You laugh and nod “Yeah I’ll be fine” Sam laughs and looks at Castiel “Come on let’s get Romeo here some food and pie” Castiel looks at Sam confused “That is not Romeo that is Dean” Laughing softly you watch the two of them leave, glancing at Dean you sigh “I hate to ask this but I really want to take a shower and clearly I have no spare clothes with me can I borrow something?” Dean chuckles and nods “Yeah I think I have a spare flannel you can wear and maybe a shirt, otherwise Sammy has some but they might end up a dress but hey it’s something” Smiling you nod and look around the room as Dean rumages for clothes, suddenly you feel someone behind you. Turning you see Dean with a smirk on his face “Here you go sweetheart, now go shower and then we can eat”
Blushing slightly you nod and head into the shower, shutting the bathroom door you strip, turning on the shower you let the water get nice and hot. Walking under the spray you sigh happily letting the hot water relax your sore muscles washing up you grab the shampoo and lather up your hair. Feeling much better than before you shut off the water and step out, drying off you pull back on your bra and panties. Pulling on the shirt and the flannel and your pants you walk back out “Dean?” Looking up from his laptop he licks his lips and smiles “Yeah sweetheart? Feelin better, you look better, more relaxed” Laughing you walk over to him “Oh so before I looked bad? I’m kidding, I do feel better, thanks for the clothes. Sam and Castiel back yet?” Dean shakes his head, his eyes still roaming over you “Not yet sweetheart still just you and me, come on and sit with me while I do some research” Nodding you sit and look at the papers and books laying around.
My neighbor came back and took a bite out of my arm ... .My sister isn’t my sister, she’s a body snatcher…The ghost of my cat is haunting me Glancing at Dean you smirk slightly “Can we look for the ghost cat? Sounds cuddly and kind of cute” Dean laughs and watches you “I was researching for a case sweetheart but I’ll be sure to get you that ghost cat” Winking at you Dean gently pats your knee making your skin break out in goosebumps, Dean grins and looks at you “So what was the other universe like?” You blush slightly, licking your lips you smile “It was good, hard to explain but there were some enhanced people there and yeah was good” Frowning slightly you remember Bucky’s face shocked as you jumped again, Dean sees your face fall and rubs your knee gently “Hey sorry sweetheart didn’t mean to bring up anything sad” You shake your head “No offense but I wish I could have stayed there more,but I am glad I’m here uh with you and of course Sammy” Dean smirked “Oh course sweetheart” Blushing you shake your head at him “I’m serious!”
Dean laughs and smiles “Oh I believe you sweetheart I promise, so let me ask you how do you know if or when you're about to jump universes?” You look at him yawning slightly “It’s hard to describe it just feels like something is going to happen…and then I’m just somewhere else” Dean rubs your knee gently “That sounds like that would be very difficult to get used to, well I hope your with us for a while and if you do jump again I won’t stop until I find you again alright?” You nod your head, tears filling them “That means a lot to me, thanks Dean” Stroking your cheek with his thumb he winks at you “Anything for you sweetheart, I know I haven’t known you a long time but I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime, now you’ve had a long day so how about we get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning?” 
Nodding you smile “That sounds amazing it’s actually exhausting to jump through universes” Standing you walk with Dean glancing around the bunker “Was going to ask if you wanted your own room or wouldn’t mind sharing one with me? Only because we don’t know when you’ll jump again” Laughing softly you smile up at him “Sure we can share one if you’re ok with it” Smirking at you “Sweetheart I’m sure I would like the left side if possible, plus I always sleep with a gun and its hidden under a pillow on that side. I’ll try to stay on my side promise” Looking at him mischievously you smile “I can’t promise anything but I’ll try to behave myself” Dean laughs and nods “Fair enough sweetheart, I hopefully will see you in the morning”
You nod hoping that this time you won’t jump, you slide into bed and still can’t believe that this whole thing is happening. How many more times would you jump? What universes would you go to? Would you ever be able to stick with one?” Your mind was running a mile a minute glancing at the nearby wall. You felt arms wrapping around you and pulling you close. “I can almost hear you thinking sweetheart, just get some sleep and remember I’ll find you no matter what ok?” Nodding your head you press close to him before closing your eyes.
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Feeling a light in your eyes you groan loudly turning you frown “Oh no…” You manage to open an eye and realize it happened again, your heart sunk as you realized you were not in the hotel room with Dean, but where were you now?
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
hiii can i request one where the reader had a rlly bad nightmare while sleeping with jj and he calms her,basically full of fluff thingy. thank uuu
Beneath The Waters Surface
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a/n: IM SORRY BUT THIS TURNED OUT WAY MORE AGNSTY THAT INTENDED slfdkgheol in the end there is fluff I swear. honesly i don't know where i pulled this text away from BUT STILL I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY WITH THIS <33333
word count: 1.3k
summary: when your eyes close at night they should be met with the sight of fairies and pirates not the terrible depths of your nightmares which JJ has to pull you from.
warnings: downing, deep waters, storms, night mares, screams, if i missed any please, please, please let me know!!!
obx - masterlist m.masterlist
Everything was going fine. 
That’s what dreams are supposed to be like, right? 
Dreams are supposed to be your break from reality. To whisk you away from all of your worries. Even if it was for a single moment. They take you to unimaginable places. They take you to kingdoms; to space, where maybe you are high fiving a dinosaur. Dreams should make your inner child come out to explore. Even if they approach the weirdest scenarios. 
Dreams are supposed to keep you safe from all the bad memories. Keep you from all the terrors you have to face when you wake up.
But why aren’t your dreams gone like that? Why didn’t you get the broad spectrum of refuge?
It all started on the 17th of July. Just getting back from your month long trip to the mainland, you were more than excited to hit the waves. As well as experience being back with your most favorite people to ever exist.
A storm was scheduled, but none of you minded. Kie said that this was the only way to truly celebrate your return. Pope and John were more than happy to agree. JJ really just wanted to see how your skin shined while the bank’s water glistened across your body. Also to see your pretty smile being lit up by the sun.
But in the end there was no sun. Dark clouds instead blocked up its presence.
Maybe you should have taken it as a sign. It was almost like some higher power was pushing you away from the shore with the wind that cascaded through your hair. Warning you that it had been more than a month since you touched your board last. Almost twice as long when you last surfed in those types of conditions.
So when the waves pushed you under as soon as you stood, maybe it should have been an indicator that your body was already tired and sore from the amount of packing you did the day before. But yet again, you only saw the possibility of a good time. Of Course you got back onto your board. Sitting on the smooth wood while you caught your breath. Getting ready to head out again.
Cheers were heard to your right while you looked over to see Kie riding along the water as the boys held up their hands and hollered to egg her on. A smile made its way to your face. Your body felt warm even though the water was chilly. The memories and happiness all flooding back to you as you realized how much you missed this. Maneuvering onto your stomach you brought your attention to the ripples in front of you. Scanning across the vast waters, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And you took your shot when you saw it.
Back to the present you now knew your mistake. There were plenty of factors that stacked the odds against you: the wave was huge, the biggest you’ve ever coasted across, your legs were shaky when you stood, your breathing was still heavy, your balance was off, and your focus wasn’t placed where it should have been.
So now as you experienced all of those terrible events from then, it felt like you couldn’t breathe. The dark, muggy water surrounding you didn’t indicate which way you should go. With all of your strength you pushed to where you believed was the surface. Lungs burning as a glint of belief passed through you as everything became brighter. Only for it to be quickly ripped away from you. 
Another wave had crashed down. Pushing you closer to the water’s floor. Slowly the edges of your already lacking vision began to fuzz. Kicking your feet in an attempt to get back to the surface, you grew frantic. It felt like your whole being was burning. The murkiness once again faded away as you swam up. But yet again another force took all hope away.
Instinctively your mouth opened to inhale. Attempting to grab any air it could, only for water to fill past your lips.
 Your body thrashed around, striving to get some sort of relief. With every ounce of effort you had left you screamed. You yelled for anyone to hear you to help-
“Hey, hey, come on. Wake up, Y/n. It’s just a dream. Baby, please-”
With a gasp you were yanked from the fake reality. However as your hands shot out to your throat while you gulped in all the oxygen you could, you knew the situation had been oh so real.
A hand that was previously grasping your shoulder that didn’t belong to you moved to your back, rubbing it gently. The warmth from the contrast of the cold memories made you lean back. Another hand reached out to cup the side of your face. Pulling your chin into his direction, JJ’s blue eyes met yours. 
“Just breathe, okay? You’re okay. You’re here. With me now, in,” His gaze was intense as he searched for some way to ground you. Inhaling through his nose, JJ motioned for you to do the same. Following his actions, you stuttered a breath in. “And out,” he directed, blowing air from his mouth slowly. Repeating these actions, the both of you wait for your chest to stop heaving and your heartbeat to slow.
You nodded once you calmed. When you did, you slouched into JJ’s hold. Instantly he held the back of your head. Directing it to his chest as his other hand wrapped around your middle. With your lip still quivering you curled into his embrace.
“Same one?” he asked. Without verbally answering you nodded once more. The boy sighed before kissing your temple gently.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. These nightmares have been happening for over two weeks now. And every time they occurred, you were woken up by J. Either with a light shake of your shoulder or him trying to sooth you out of the terrible cage of your own mind with his words. The bags under his eyes were the result of that but yet you must have looked worse.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he assured, pulling you impossibly close. “I should be the one apologizing anyways.” Huffing into his shirt, your head turned to peek up at his side profile.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Not answering JJ just leaned back onto the pillows. Pulling you with him. Silence ensued. The beat of his heart sounded beneath your ear. The repetition of the same argument almost nightly had grown on you both. Him saying he should’ve called the surf off. That the pogues should’ve just thrown a welcome home party or something instead. You say you overestimate your abilities and obviously shouldn’t have gone for that wave.
“I’m just glad you’re here,” he stated, a stuttered breath releasing past his lips. Humming you ran a hand across his chest.
“That’s thanks to you, J. Stop brushing past that,” you responded. The blurred images of you being pulled back to shore and placed onto the sand flooded your mind. JJ’s body was knelt beside you as he tapped your cheek gently before you jerked up to spill water from your throat. Once the haziness had washed away you were again on the ground; looking up at the crying faces above you. 
Blinking hard you pushed the thoughts away, burrowing further into your lover’s warmth.
Taking his other arm JJ tucked it around your back. Pulling you flush against him, you felt his breath fan lightly across your face as he connected his forehead to yours.
The lulling and steady push and pull of his breathing made the attempt to hold your eyes open wither away slowly. 
Maybe there would be more terrors behind your lids but you were sure JJ would save you from them. He was here now, next to you. As long as he was here you could float above the surface.
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