#i think I could have put better fitting lyrics but whatever
a-muffin · 9 months
First art of 2024 is Sheppie angst :3333
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Saint Bernard is Shepherd Coded methinks
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melminli · 9 months
my boy - by billie eilish
pairing: young coriolanus x fem. reader
summery - he ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest
word count: 2.5k
contains: angst, slightly dark themes, possessiv but soft coryo, politician coryo, talk about pregnancy and marriage, alcohol consumption
a/n: i have many songs that i think r just so coryo coded, so i thought i would choose one and write something about it. this one is just so him like, every lyric fits him perfectly
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You sometimes wondered if there really had been a time when you had truly loved Coriolanus Snow. You didn't want to doubt that you didn't anymore, but the fact that you had any doubts at all said more than you wanted to admit to yourself.
"Don't you want to get dressed?" The voice of the person you were thinking about asked you. As his Fiancée, you should definitely not think about such things. You turned your attention to him and saw him standing in front of the mirror, buttoning the buttons of his expensive waistcoat.
You noticed he was about to tie his black tie next as he reached for it, and you stood up to stop him so you could do it for him. It always looked a little messy when he tied it himself. "I thought maybe I'd stay home this time. I'm a bit tired." You said, concentrating on doing a neat job, even though you probably could do it with your eyes closed by now. Perhaps the reason was more that you were trying to avoid his gaze and also his silence.
He said something back to you as you were pulling the tie tighter around his neck. "I think you should get dressed." Was all he said and ended the discussion with a few words like he always did. It would look bad if I turned up without my fiancée. Though, at the same time - I really need something pretty to look at if I want to get through the evening.
You just sighed softly as Coriolanus walked past you to fix his hair. I think I'd better wear a matching dress then. You went to your closet to look for a black dress and it should be very easy for you to find something suitable since you had a dress for every occasion. Especially since you and Coriolanus had had started to be invited regularly to galas and events.
But you just weren't in the mood. Whatever, this should be fine. You finally decided on one and put it on. However, you had a little trouble zipping up the back, though luckily, your fiancé returned the favor and helped you out. After he finished, he watched your figure in front of the mirror and gave you a gentle kiss on the back of your neck while holding you in his arms. "There you go, my dear, you look beautiful. You should also wear the pearl jewelry I bought you, they would look good on you."
You leaned back into his arms. "Good on me, or good on the wealthy impression you want to give others." You said, already knowing the answer. Coriolanu's gaze sharpened slightly at your words. He didn't like it when you got sassy with him - no matter to what extent. It seemed to be one of your traits that were hard to get rid of, but he hoped that perhaps with time, you would learn to watch your tongue more. I don't think so, but a man can still hope. At least it's not as bad as it used to be.
"Pollux will be there." He announced and sat down on the armchair next to your dressing table while he watched you make yourself pretty for him. One of the reasons why it was there. "But I would argue that one doesn't exclude the other." He came back to your earlier statement.
So, that's what this is about. The name Pollux was not necessarily associated with positive things in your household. Ever since Coriolanus had started getting involved in politics around Panem, the two of them were considered arch enemies, one could say. Both very charming men with sweet words who also each hid a poisonous dagger behind their fake smiles so they could take the other out at the slightest mistake.
"I can't stand that fucking bastard." Coriolanus complained, grimacing as he thought about his face. "If I have to listen to him make one more pun with his name, I'll shoot myself and everyone in the room. Just because your name means crown doesn't mean you're going to get it stupid asshole. I really fucking hate that guy."
Your fiancé rarely swore, at least that's how it used to be. He thought it was bad manners and therefore never did it in public, but well, maybe you secretly just wished that he would show his best side in your presence too and not just to stupid important people.
It didn't suit him. Well, at least from your point of view, it always sounded a bit strange and kind off forced to hear him swear when he hadn't done it for so long. Like he was trying to imitate someone. "You're sounding more and more like your father." You said quietly to yourself, averting your gaze from his hate-filled eyes.
That seemed to cheer him up. "Well, thank you, my dear. Didn't realize you knew so much about him." He said and became curious. He couldn't remember telling you about him. He certainly mentioned him a couple times, but not that much that you could draw that comparison.
It wasn't a compliment. You opened the bottom drawer to pull out the box of pearl earrings and necklace after you finished doing your hair. "I don't know that much. Tigris has only told me a few things from time to time, and that's it."
He hummed as he just shook off his right sleeve a little to look at his watch. "Did she." he replied with his head somewhere else as he abruptly changed the subject to be able to talk about his own interests. "Don't take too long. The Avox should have the car ready by now, and I want to leave soon." He announced and stood up from his seat. He took the necklace from your hand and placed it on your free neck before gracefully pulling the clasp. "What did I tell you, hm? Like a pretty princess." He said in good humor and gently held you by the chin to place a kiss on your lips. My pretty princess. All that's missing is her lonely tower. "I'll go down and see if everything is all right. Just come down when you're ready."
You tried to stay in a good mood too. "Okay, Coriolanus. I'll be right there." you told him, leaving his casual mention of your staff unmentioned. You got tired of talking about how your heart got heavy when you saw the silent workers.
At least you can treat them well while they are working us. Trust me, others would not grant them such luxury. With us, they are better off than most. After all, there is a reason why they are in the position they are now. What kind of luxury? Treating them like ordinary people should not be treated as such, and yet he was right once again. They would be worse off somewhere else, so you should be able to suck it up and do your best to at least give them the dignity of looking them in the eye and enduring their silent nature. After all, they had to do the same.
That's probably what he likes the most about them. You thought to yourself and were pretty sure that your fiancé would approve if you said just as little - to just open your mouth to say what he liked to hear, like a bird that he only let sing when it was his favorite song. Wouldn't he like that? Of course he would. Well, if he wants a quiet good girl then he can fuck off.
"You know, I noticed how you don't really call me Coryo anymore." He briefly stated and left open how he interpreted this.
You continued with your make-up. "Hm? Well, I think it just suits you better now, dear. You're not the same boy you used to be."
He begs to differ. "Don't be like that. I haven't changed that much. I'm still the same Coryo you fell in love with all those years ago." He laughed as he said goodbye to you with one last kiss on your head before leaving the room.
You just sat there with a heavy heart in your lonely room while staring at your silhouette in the mirror. That's what I've been trying to convince myself lately, too.
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Thank goodness there's alcohol at these events. As someone who was born and raised in the Capitol and also came from a wealthy family, you were no stranger to popular events.
However, you definitely liked them more when they were considered parties and not some lame adult gathering. You'd give anything to hear the booming music from big speakers now while a few crazy, very drunk people hit the dance floor. It was chaotic, but at least it was real - people weren't hiding behind their pretty dresses and fake smiles like they are now. Whatever, you can't stop getting older, I guess. Maybe it would take a few more years for the Capitol to figure out a way around that, too, but by the time they did, it would have already lost its value.
You started listening again when your name was mentioned. "Now that you're engaged, I suppose the wedding isn't far off, huh?" Mrs. Valentius laughed merrily. If you remembered correctly, she was the wife of the man who had won some important literary prize or something last year. "And we all know that when marriage is near, children are not far away."
You laughed with her, albeit very uncomfortably. I'm not going to elaborate on that. You took another sip of your drink and saw how you just had a little bit left, same goes with your patience, too. I need more of both.
Your eyes looked up again when Coriolanus put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his side. "Of course. The preparations are a little stressful even if they are going well, but who knows, maybe the first one will be there on our big day. What do you say, my dear?" He replied in your place with his disgustingly charming smile. I think I would like it if she was pregnant with my child on the day of the wedding. Would just have to make a few alterations to her dress, but that can easily be arranged.
Yes, you definitely needed a new drink. "Let's see, Coriolanus. Like you said, things are stressful enough right now, and I'm sure you don't want me to be any harder to handle than I already am, huh?" You joked around and laughed with the couple in front of you. I can't believe what kind of shit I'm saying about myself, but those are the only jokes these two douchebags are laughing at, and I really don't want to talk about this subject anymore. "I'm going to go and freshen up, if that's all right with you." You excuse yourself and make your way to the toilets, but not without grabbing a glass from a tray of a walking waiter.
You shut the door behind you and finally felt like you could breathe properly again since you were no longer surrounded by all these people. Could be worse. We didn't meet Pollux and his wife yet, but it's still pretty bad. "Oh, this is a nightmare." You said, leaning your arms on the sink. "Why don't you tell them when we're fucking so they know that the baby is in the making, huh? Ugh, since when did it become normal to get so personal?" You complained and swallowed the contents of your glass in one gulp, feeling it burn in your throat. It felt good.
You wanted to give yourself a few minutes alone to clear your head and come out re-energized, but the more time you spent in the room, the less you wanted to leave. You preferred to hear the voices muffled through the door, but this thought was interrupted when it opened, and you tried to act unruffled for a moment until you realized who was coming in. "Coriolanus? What are you doing here?" You asked nervously as you watched him enter. "This is a ladies' room, you can't be here!" You whispered aggressively as you stepped closer to him and saw him turn the lock behind his back. I should have fucking done that. My head is all fuzzy.
His eyebrows drew together in slight irritation. "Your breath reeks of alcohol. You've had too much to drink." He stated, making a mental note to pay more attention to your consumption next time so it wouldn't happen again. He ignored your earlier statement and continued. "What's wrong? Are you feeling sick, or why have you been in here so long?" He asked you, slightly concerned, rubbing your arms as you seemed quite drunk
"No, I'm fine." You replied stubbornly, a little annoyed and couldn't quite find the right words, so you just said the first thing that came into your mind. "I just didn't like all this baby talk."
He hummed and continued to speak to you in a calm tone since you seemed upset. "Well, you know I want kids." He said, trying to be a little more understanding. "But I get why you would find it a bit intrusive. Don't let them get to you. That's just the way these people are." He finished, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Maybe, but that's not the way you have to be. You didn't expect him to apologize for his behavior, but it still didn't hurt any less. "I suppose you're right." You just whispered, trying not to get too emotional under the intoxication.
But you didn't manage to hide it from him. "Oh, my dear. Are you really that upset about it?" Your fiancé cooed as he saw you holding back from bursting into tears. He put his index finger to your chin and lifted your face so you couldn't hide from him. His lips moved to the spot where the first tear fell and left a soft kiss there. "You're too cute. It's really too bad that we still have to wait. A baby would certainly stop the questions, wouldn't it?" He asked you sweetly as he stroked your cheek thoughtfully and lied through his pearly white teeth. "A real shame it is. You should freshen up, I think we can leave a little early tonight since you're not feeling so well."
You just hated that he looked so pretty doing it.
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hrtsdevils · 11 months
you made me love the number forty-three | fall to me au
summary: a close-knit bond is formed between luke hughes and y/n l/n throughout the years. they have their ups and downs, but they’ll always be there for one another.
pairing: platonic luke hughes x family friend!reader
wc: 1564
warnings: fuck ass bob
a/n this is based off of abby by gracie abrams, and it’s very dear to my heart! pretend that luke wasn’t committed to umich 2 years before he graduated… for the plot! sorry jack’s kind of a meanie, i love him!!! i swear!! it just fits w the lyrics <3 enjoy and thanks for reading!
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tell me your secrets, ask every question. my door is open twenty-four/seven. think you were made from something in heaven. you made me love the number eleven forty-three.
october 2008-september 2010
Your family had known the Hughes family for as long as you could remember. Your mother had played soccer at the University of New Hampshire with Ellen, and she was the first person to cheer her on once hockey season started. This allowed them to form a close bond over their four years of eligibility. The Hughes family travelled a bit around the country due to the careers of Ellen and Jim, but as soon as they settled in Toronto with their seven, five, and three-year-old sons, your mother followed suit with five-year-old you and your eight-year-old older brother.
The older two boys in each family started hockey, and Jack was soon to follow. This left you and little Luke to hang out in the care of Ellen, and occasionally your mom. At first, you loved him, he was like your personal baby doll that you could drag around, dress up, and have tea parties with. Luke didn’t usually object, except for that one incident where you tried to make him wear “clip-clops”, as you called them, to which he had a temper tantrum about the sheer idea of putting them on his feet.
As you grew older, Luke wanted less to do with you and your girly things and more to do with hockey, along with whatever else the boys were doing. Although normal of him, you still felt betrayed. What can you say; you were seven years old. To try and make you fit in, Luke took craft scissors to your long, wavy hair and cut it to look like the boys. Maybe you’d have looked better if you had a pixie cut done by a professional salon, however, he was slightly less than and you came out with the same shaggy haircut as the five-year-old. You ran to your mom immediately, about to cry of embarrassment.
“Mommy, something bad happened!” You screeched, interrupting her conversation with Ellen and catching the attention of the three boys.
Covering her mouth slightly, Ellen was the first to speak, “Oh, sweetie.. what happened?” She reached out to touch your now chin-length locks and brushed a few stray longer hairs out of your eyes.
“Luke cut it, so I could play hockey with them.” You gesture towards the boys, “And now I... I look like him!” You exclaimed out of horror, finally realizing the drastic nature of your actions.
You started to tear up before your mother cut in, “Baby, you both look adorable! It’ll grow out soon, don’t worry about it.”
You were still seething for the rest of the day, and you were plotting your revenge plan on Luke for weeks. You wanted to kill him, and had been ignoring him since that very moment.
You figured your life was over, and what better way to spend your final moments pretending Luke didn’t exist after what he’d done to you. You decided that he was public enemy #1, or at least that’s what he was until you looked in the mirror, albeit a month or two later, and your hair had grown out into a short bob, framing your sweet features beautifully. You started to feel better about it.
Later that day, you went up to your mom and curled up in her lap. “Do you think Luke and I will ever get along again?” You asked while she was reading a book.
Your mother sighed and smiled at you, “You and the boys just have different interests. When you get older, things will be different and you’ll be even closer.”
december 2015
Your mom was right, although you and Luke were pretty far in age, he was practically your baby brother and best friend. You were close, despite differing interests and he would confide in you on a regular basis. One particular night, Luke rode his bike down the sidewalk in the cold, snowy winter and knocked on the window to your first-story bedroom.
You immediately let him in, then asked him what was wrong. Ten-year-old Luke pulled you into a hug and started spilling out his feelings and secrets. “Jack’s so rude!” He exclaimed into your shoulder, “He thinks he’s so much better at everything! Hockey, Mario Kart, basketball, all of it.”
“And?” You inquired, “Just ignore him, Lukey.”
He sniffed some more and released himself from your arms, “He keeps excluding me from his friends and stuff, they’re over and he pretends I don’t exist because I’m not good.” He wiped his nose and sat on the carpeted floor by your bed, “Quinn’s not home, he’s at a tournament with Mom.” He attempted to clarify why Quinn couldn’t stop, although you already knew because your brother was with them.
You frowned, “That’s not cool of him.” You quickly shot a text message to Jim saying Luke came over here to hang out, so nobody got worried. “Are you hungry?”
He nodded, and you offered to make some Kraft mac and cheese. “Feel free to listen to music or something, love you.” You slipped out the door and went to make him some dinner.
Since you were little, you knew for certain that you’d always be there for him and now you knew you’d always look out for him, whenever he needed it. Even if one day he’d be more able to protect himself than you ever could, today you would refrain from marching over to the Hughes residence and getting in a physical fight with Jack.
march 2020
It was almost your eighteenth birthday, so you were visiting home to hang out with your parents, the Hughes’, and a few other hometown friends. You entered the front door to your house after catching up with your friend over coffee to see your parents and the Hughes’ bent over Luke and his laptop. “What’s up?” You question, hanging up your big, puffy jacket.
“We’re waiting for my UMich college acceptance letter, they sent them out today.” He said, nervously. You could tell by the shakiness of his voice.
You joined them at the table, “Don’t be silly, Lukey. You know that they’ve already expressed interest in you and your game.” He smiled a little as you ruffled his hair, and sat down at the chair to the right of him.
“I wish Jack and Quinn were here.” Luke sighed and scratched his head, “Jack promised he’d call, but I think he’s busy.”
You frowned for him, you knew how much closer he and Jack had become in the last few years, but they’d drifted again when Jack moved to New Jersey last year. A part of you wished Jack had gone to college and stayed closer, but you and Luke knew he was too good for the NHL to wait on. “I’m sure he’ll call soon, bub. Give it a little bit.”
After about twenty minutes of refreshing and chatting, the letter from the University of Michigan popped up. It was nerve-wracking. Luke had already been accepted into a few safety schools that wanted him on their hockey teams, but he really wanted to follow in Quinn’s footsteps and go to Michigan. Luke’s cursor hovered over the email for a few moments before clicking it, and to nobody’s surprise, it was an acceptance letter. Everybody cheered, but you seemed the most excited (besides Luke, of course.)
“Luke!” You squealed, hugging the boy from the side as tight as possible, “You did it!”
He hugged you back, “Thanks for supporting me, and letting me sleep on your floor.. and buying me food all the time.” He chuckled, “Couldn’t have done it without you, sissy.”
present day
It was Luke and Jack’s day off, as they had zero games scheduled for the next few days. You had come to visit them to watch a few games, and you were staying at their apartment. It wasn’t a rare occurrence that you came and watched their games, stayed in the guest bedroom of their Hoboken apartment, and hung out with their team and whatever WAGs were joining them. But today it was just you and Luke, chilling on the couch and watching ‘Elf’.
“Remember last November when we went to New York?” You recalled while watching Buddy run through the city. Luke turned the TV down and grinned.
He nodded, “Yeah, good times. And we ate so much chocolate that you almost threw up.”
“That wasn’t because of the chocolate,” you objected, “it was because you were making me laugh so hard my organs hurt.”
Luke snorted as he remembered the vacation and the hotel room you guys stayed in. It was a spontaneous trip on a week when he was injured to try and cheer him up. You guys sat all night judging random music albums and your boyfriend at the time. It was all just a part of a collection of memories you loved to revisit, a photo album in your head.
“God, I can’t believe how old we’re getting.” You said, a tone of sadness. “You used to fit on my shoulders, and now I think you might break them if I tried to give you another piggyback ride.” You laughed softly.
“I’m grateful that our moms raised us two houses down.” Luke threw a piece of popcorn at your face.
You threw it back, “I’m grateful I get to know you.” You stated, a smile gracing your features.
i’m right here. fall to me, to me. fill your head with sweet dreams, sweet dreams. you’d never hurt a thing, nothing. i hope you know to talk to me.
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 24: Behind the Scenes
Word Count: 701/Rating: T/Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader/CW: Eddie's got a crush, theatre girl!Reader, reader wears a dress, one dirty joke thanks to Gareth/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, theatre girl!Reader, Principal Higgins
Divider credit to @silkholland
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“This is all your fault,” Gareth hissed at Eddie. “I should be behind the bleachers, making out with Annie right now.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, swiping a paint brush over a two-by-four. “Sure, blame the guy standing up to The Man. Let’s not consider that Principal Higgins was the one who banned us from the talent show.”
Jeff hiked up his sleeves and grabbed the nearest hammer, ready to construct the Scarecrow’s perch. “Higgins didn’t ‘ban’ us,” he countered. “He just told us we couldn’t play War Pigs.”
“And that’s better?” Eddie shook his head. “No, we were given freedom of speech for a reason! We should be able to play whatever we goddamn want!”
Mrs. Porter, the school play’s director, glared at him and shushed. Eddie held up his hands in surrender, but continued complaining in a loud whisper. 
“All I’m saying is, if he didn’t want us putting on our own lunchtime performance, he should’ve let us do our thing at the talent show.”
“I think the lunch ladies enjoyed it,” Grant chimed in, earning himself a thwack in the back of the head from Jeff. 
Eddie was about to thank him for his support, but a flash of pink caught his eye. You were standing in front of the girl playing Dorothy and twirling in your Glinda dress. After a few spins, you got dizzy, and Dorothy caught you as you both burst into laughter.
Gareth resumed his rant, oblivious to Eddie’s sudden smittenness. “I’d rather play Girls Just Wanna Have Fun than build sets for the fuckin’ school play.” He held the perch in place so Jeff could hammer in the nail. “At least we could write lyrics and plan campaigns in regular deten–are you even listening to me?”
“Huh?” Eddie blinked a few times, snapping himself out of his daze. “Yeah. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Got it.”
“What’re you looking at?” Grant peered around one of the fighting trees, his face splitting into a grin when he saw. “Oh, that’s why you’re not pitching a fit about this set design detention.”
Jeff batted his eyelashes flirtatiously. “Eddie, do you have the hots for the fairy princess?”
“Shut up!” Eddie grumbled. “And she’s not a fairy princess; she’s Glinda the Good Witch.”
The backup guitarist put up his hands in mock surrender. “My apologies.” 
“You gonna ask her to play with your wand?” Gareth snickered, but he quickly stopped once Eddie shot him a look that could kill.
You disappeared back into the makeshift dressing room, and Eddie let out a silent sigh of relief. He might not be able to stare at you from afar, but at least he could think about you without the guys interfering. The subject naturally shifted to the songs they wanted to add to their setlist for their Hideout gigs, and Eddie was in the clear.
“Those look great!” 
Eddie’s head shot up at the sound of your voice. His cheeks reddened and his mouth relaxed into a sheepish grin.
“Thanks, yeah. I’m not much of an artist–like, a painting artist. I band. Um, I mean, I play in a band. So, like, music artist. I do music. Yeah.”
You raised your eyebrows, clearly unsure how to interpret his rambling. “Well, a music artist is still an artist.”
“Yeah.” Christ, Munson; is that the only word you know?
Gareth was more than happy to supply further conversation. “Sorry, he’s kind of an idiot around girls he’s hopelessly in love with.”
‘I hate you’ was perched on Eddie’s tongue, but you stepped in. You paid no attention to the menace-formerly-known-as-Gareth as you spoke directly to Eddie. “Well, we always need music artists to help make the orchestra pit fuller. If you’re interested.”
“No–I mean, yeah, I’m interested. Super interested.” The paint brush clattered to the ground, but he barely noticed. “Where do I sign up?”
As Eddie followed you to where the orchestra conductor was tuning violins, Gareth leaned closer to the two remaining bandmates. “Think it’s a good idea to tell him that Higgins is technically the reason why he got to talk to his dream girl?”
Jeff clapped a hand on the drummer’s back. “Good luck with that.”
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adhdtsukasa · 5 days
totally not what i intended to post today but also whatever, we ball. pinocchiop is my favorite vocap and i'm very autistic about both him and wxs, so, to honor the song campaign clues that we got today, allow me to present to you the reincarnation apple wxs cover line distribution i did some time ago — and why, in my humble opinion, it fits wxs much more than it fits niigo,
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(the lyrics where the color changes each word are where the characters both sing at the same time but my notes app doesn't have the option to do a gradient)
i'm in no way expecting it to be an official line distribution because i did it based on my personal interpretation of the lyrics — and i feel like dedicating almost a whole big part of the song to each member might mess up with the game cut, but i also really would like to see them have solos of those parts — but they're here to help me explain my point better my point. so!
what i like about wandasho covers is that they are performers — and it should give them more creative liberty when it comes to their covers. that's why the reincarnation in this song could be simply treated as them getting into roles, reliving countless lives as actors. even though the accuracy of the lines sung is always nicely welcomed, the covers don't have to always be 100% fitting. and that's fine. especially in wxs' case, because that is a yet another story that they want to tell us.
people often say that the storyline fits niigo but i... don't see it at all? i mean, yeah, ena as the artist and kanade as the savior, that much is obvious (and i guess you could also say that mizuki as a revolutionary, but that is kind of a reach?). but what about the part describing the inventor that matches rui's backstory so well? what if you put main story tsukasa in the artist's place and draw the similiarities? what if you think about emu as the savior, comparing the savior's unconditional love to her wanting to save wonder stage and make everyone smile? the only match that doesn't fit quite well is nene and the revolutionary, but you can't have anything i guess. and then the adventurer part, which is a call back to the our happy ending set (i set out in search of an ideal — emu deciding to go with wxs in order to expand her knowledge and horizons) (and then you know, the end has come with the reincarnation apple)... and then lines like i'm not smart enough and i don't have a great cause could resonate with how people viewed emu and rui in the past.
"oh but isn't the start of the song a bit too dark and depressing for it to be a wxs cover?" kami no manimani starts in a similiar way and yet it still is a wxs cover.
and, putting lyrics aside, it just doesn't feel like a niigo song from the instrumental alone. i'm not a music expert so i don't have strong arguments for it, but for me it sounds absolutely like a wxs song. it even reminds me of sekahaji in a way.
does that mean you're in the wrong for wanting niigo to cover it? nope! i just simply want to explain why it fits. and i don't want people to complain that it doesn't make sense for it to end up as a wxs cover. because i will cry.
tldr: reincarnation as a metaphore for acting save me
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starter-library · 3 months
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feel free to change phrasing as you see fit
“I’m so sick of online love”
“Um, can you play a song with a fucking beat?”
“Ladies, you know what I mean and you know what you need”
“She was a playboy, Brigitte Bardot. She showed me things I didn't know”
“She did it right there out on the deck, Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck”
“I just wanna get to know ya guess I didn't quite think it through”
“Fell in love with the thought of you”
“Baby, why don't you come over?”
“Want me to fuck you? Baby, I will 'cause I really want to”
“Well, back at my house I've got a California king. Okay, maybe it's a twin bed And some roommates”
“I heard you like magic I've got a wand and a rabbit”
“Baby, let's get freaky, get kinky, Let's make this bed get squeaky”
“Nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone"
“Cause after midnight I'm feeling kinda freaky, maybe it's the club lights”
“I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind”
“I love a little drama, let's start a bar fight”
“I really want your hands on my body”
“Baby, put your hands up, Be a freak in the club”
“I'd suggest the jazz bar on Mary Ann Street but you'd buy me a drink and we know where that leads”
“I'll meet you for coffee ‘cause if we have wine you'll say that you want me. I know that's a lie”
“If I didn't love you it would be fine”
“I'd rather feel something than nothing at all”
“If I didn't trust you it would be fine”
“We've done this before and I don't need it anymore”
“Let's not do coffee. Let's not even try”
“I've heard so many rumors that I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch”
“I thought you thought of me better”
“It's hard being casual when my favorite bra lives in your dresser”
“I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not”
“Bragging to your friends I get off when you hit it, I hate to tell the truth, but I'm sorry dude you didn’t”
“I hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell”
“Never waste a Friday night on a first date"
“And so, I take him to this bar, this man wouldn't dance, He didn't ask a single question, and he was wearing these fugly jeans”
“He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me”
“I'm through with all these hyper mega bummer boys like you”
“I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me”
“We're hot, we're drunk”
“Look at her moving, baby, she's the one”
“At every party we're the party, shaking our asses and making out while the world collapses”
“Get up off your feet, get up on that bar”
“I could be the one, or your new addiction”
“I don't want the world, but I'll take this city”
“Call me hot, not pretty”
“Baby, do you like this beat? I made it so you'd dance with me”
“You can take me hot to go”
“I try not to care but it hurts my feelings”
“You don't have to stare, comе here, get with it. No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute”
“Baby, don't you like this beat? I made it so you'd sleep with me”
“What's it take to get your number?”
“What's it take to bring you home?”
“You coming home with me?”
“If karma's real, hope it's your turn”
“It's hot when you have a meltdown In the front of your house and you're getting kicked out”
“It's hot when you're drinking downtown and you're getting called out 'cause you're running your mouth”
“People say I'm jealous, but my kink is watching You ruin your life, You losing your mind”
“People say I'm jealous, but my kink is karma”
“Wishing you the best, in the worst way”
“No need to be hateful in your fake Gucci sweater”
“Do you picture me like I picture you?”
“Am I in the frame from your point of view?”
“So, tell me now all your perversions”
“I'm too scared to say half of the things I do when I picture you”
“I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line”
“If you really wanna leave I'll never make you stay”
“Whatever you decide I will understand and it will all be fine”
“And love is a kaleidoscope how it works, I'll never know”
“I know you wanted me to stay but I can't ignore the crazy visions of me in LA”
“Won't make my mama proud it's gonna cause a scene”
“On the stage in my heels it's where I belong”
“Every night's another reason why I left it all”
“Don't think I've left you all behind”
“I know you're probably busy but I would love to see you”
“I'd love if you knew you were on my mind”
“Boys suck and girls I've never tried and we both know we're getting drunk tonight”
“Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine”
“I know you want it, baby, you can have it”
“If I don't try, then it's my loss”
“Won't you fucking touch me?”
“I just want to touch you”
“I want all of your love”
“Thought I'd be cool in California, I’d make you proud”
“To think I almost had it going but I let you down”
“I fantasize what we would do and how would it taste?”
“Can we drag it out and never quit?”
“Oh my god, you are heaven sent With your dirty mind”
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Luke and Ethan Edition〽️
this is so short, sorry
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liked by lhughes_06, umichhockey, and 12,743 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update: my sons edition <3
tonight was hard. tonight, these boys put everything they had into the frozen four semi final, and lost 5-2 in the end. we all cried, but i could not be more proud of them. i am posting this a day late, so first i’d like to give some good news! mr. adam fantilli has won both the Hobey Baker Award, AND the Tim Taylor Rookie of the Year Award!!! i am so proud of you, boo boo!!
now to the good stuff! one of my favorite sons, mister ethan edwards, got the very first penalty of the game for holding at 3:05 in the first period! what a precious lil criminal!! and lukey moosey! my youngest baby! he got a penalty at 19:15 in the third for hooking. he twas very angry, but he was definitely sickly, and frankly needed to rest. (so quinn of him) everyone i love is a criminal, and that makes me feel so warm inside💙 〽️💛
to my favorite future devils, one sooner than later, i am unbelievably proud of you. i love you both so damn much and i can’t wait to see what comes next for not only you two, but the rest of the team as well. i’ll be there for your first game, lukey moosey. and when ethan (and seamus) join, i’ll be front row banging on the glass. to end, i shall quote hannah montana lyrics, because they fit really well.
“but now one more chapters gone by, and i know it’s time to move on, even though i’m not ready. i’ve got to be strong and trust where you’re heading. even though it’s not easy— right now the right kind of love is the love that lets go.”
tagged lhughes_06, edwards.73, and umichhockey
view all 206 comments
lhughes_06 i love you, mom💛 thank you for your support this season! we wouldn’t have made it through some tough losses without you! (who’s favorite child no. 1?)
dylanduke25 that is a true statement (is it me?)
yourusername anything for my boys💙 (i’m not telling)
edwards.73 (that means it’s me) (duker, you aren’t her child)
yourusername (no comment)
user1 i’m sobbing
_quinnhughes i couldn’t be more proud of you, moose! you worked hard this season, and i can’t wait to play against you next season. love you, bro!
lhughes_06 i love you, too, q! and you WILL be going down next season!
jackhughes hell yeah he is!!!
_quinnhughes we’ll see
jackhughes says the one that lost both games this season
user2 crying over hannah montana lyrics was not on my 2023 bingo card
seamuscasey26 dibs on favorite child no. 1
edwards.73 you can’t proclaim yourself as mom’s child
lhughes_06 there’s an application and an interview process to be a child
edwards.73 plus her and dad aren’t married anymore
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale
jamie.drysdale yeah okay
user3 can’t wait for luke’s first nhl penalty
user4 i didn’t even think of that omg
edwards.73 i love you, mom! now’s my time to take chances, and find my own wings. and whatever happens, i know you’ll be there waiting for me!
dylanduke25 did you just…
markestapa use more hannah montana lyrics?
yourusername so help me if you don’t stop teasing my baby i will come down there and put you all in time out
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 i’m working on it
edwards.73 @_quinnhughes don’t! i wanna see mom!
dylanduke25 i kinda wanna see how this will pan out
lhughes_06 actually… me too
user5 is y/n team mom?
lhughes_06 no just mine and eddy’s
dylanduke25 we wish
seamuscasey26 we really wish
user6 brb gonna pull a luke and vomit cry over this
adamfantilli thank you, luke and ethan’s mom!
yourusername always, my love! can’t wait to see what next season brings you <3
adamfantilli i’ll be sure to beat some records for you
yourusername if anyone can do that, it’s definitely you! best of luck, buttercup!
umichhockey couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
user7 nice y/n is always so sweet in the caption and then you go to the comments and can no longer tell if nice y/n remains😭
user8 luke hughes, YOU are a new jersey devil!
jackhughes i’m proud of you, future devs! (and future not devs) love you, baby bro!
lhughes_06 love you, too, rowdy
edwards.73 thanks dad!
yourusername this is so sweet! you don’t have to give me alimony next month <3
trevorzegras hughes, what are you giving her?
jackhughes @/trevorzegras secrets
_quinnhughes well that’s terrifying
yourusername @_quinnhughes good
364 notes · View notes
inspirationalucky · 5 months
🦁 EPIC: The Musical: Act One, The Circe Saga sentence starters. Because the lines are just That Good. Going by the exact lyrics for the most part unless I'm making it less lyric and more dialogue. Definitely change things to fit your muse's situation<3
"I have something that I must confess."
"There's only so much left we can endure. Whatever you need to say can wait some more."
"Where's the rest of your crew?"
"By the gods, what happened to you?"
"We came across a palace, and inside we heard a voice."
"Nothing could prepare us for the power that awaited inside."
"We are weak to a power like this!"
"Take a seat, let me bring you all something to eat!"
"I bet you're tired from the years spent on your feet."
"Think of your past and your mistakes."
"They'll be the last mistakes you'll make."
"I don't play, I puppeteer."
"This is the price we pay to live."
"The world does not tend to forgive."
"She turned our men from men to pigs!"
"I've got all the power."
"Look at all we've lost and all we've learned."
"Let's cut our losses, you and I, and let's run."
"I can hardly sleep now knowing everything we've done."
"There's no length I wouldn't go if it was you I had to save. I can only hope you'd do the same."
"What if she can't be killed? Will you choose to leave?"
"It's a game of wits, but you don't have to play!"
Wouldn't You Like
"What a brilliant speech you gave!"
"Who goes there?"
"A foe like Circe is not to be messed with."
"You want to beat her? You'll need the blessing of a certain God."
"Wouldn't you like a taste of the power?"
"Wouldn't you like to have some of the magic?"
"She can turn you into an animal that'll end up on her plate."
"She can conjure up a monster that'll grind you to the bones."
"She has all the ways to haunt you if you take her on alone."
"Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred?"
"Here in the root of this flower lies such a power to take her on."
"Don't thank me, friend! You very well may die. Good luck!"
Done For
"We seldom get a warm welcome so I must ask just to be sure: Did you do something to them?"
"All I did was reveal their true forms."
"I don't know who you are, nor why you're here."
"I've got people to protect, friends I can't neglect, so I'm not taking chances, dear."
"If you make one wrong move, then you're done for."
"I could put a spell on you and you're done for."
"Boy, you better run, or soon you will be done for."
"You will fail at placing any spells on me."
"You and I are now evenly matched."
"Now there is no turning back."
"You've made your one wrong move, now you're done for."
"I'll be the one to prove that you're done for."
"My nymphs are like my daughters, I protect them at all costs."
"The last time we let strangers live we faced a heavy loss."
"You've given me no reason to bestow you with my trust."
"Everyone's true colors are revealed in acts of lust."
"I'm not sure I follow."
There Are Other Ways
"There are other ways of persuasion."
"There are other modes of control."
"There are other means of deceit."
"You have so much left to learn."
"Want to save your men from the fire? Show me that you're willing to burn."
"Who's to say with all the mistakes I've made that they will be the last mistakes I ever make?"
"This is the price we pay for love."
"Back at home my wife awaits for me. She's my everything, my Penelope."
"The God of Tides is out to end my life."
"There might be a way to get home."
"Though this other way's very dangerous it might be your one final hope."
"I know of a brilliant prophet, problem is this prophet is dead."
"I can't get you home, but I'll get you to the Underworld instead."
"Maybe showing one act of kindness leads to kinder souls down the road."
"I have been in love once before."
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superfallingstars · 2 months
Hey! Wanted to send you another playlist ask prompt (if that's ok) ^^: Percy Weasley in his flat, trying not to think about his family. I'm genuinely wondering what he would listen to
send me playlist asks!
First off, you can basically always send playlist prompts, I’m fine with it, I have a ton of fun with these. It’s just a matter of whether I answer them in a few weeks, months, or years LOL
I confess, before receiving this ask, I had thought about Percy for maybe a grand total of 5 seconds, so suffice it to say that I had no idea what to do about this. However I recently (VERY recently) started rereading the series and I’m slowly remembering who tf he is lol. My playlists for the other Weasley kids all have a huge Britpop influence, so I decided to continue that (along with some other alternative 80s and 90s stuff) on Percy’s. Hopefully it comes across that he is a huge stuck-up nerd, but he is also just a young guy trying to find his place in the world, going through the difficult process of realizing that he's made a mistake, and admitting to himself and the people he hurt that he was wrong... I imagine it was a very humbling experience. Also wow there’s so many great songs about moving on and starting a new life and I don’t think about you at all anymore so idk why you’re even sending me a sweater MOM. Basically I'm quite proud of the lyrics on this one (part of why it took me 10000 years to answer) – so let's get into it
Track list:
Blur - There’s No Other Way: starting off strong with some early Blur. Tbh I don’t really know what this song is about but I enjoy that it starts out with “You’re taking the fun out of everything.” Soooo true Percy you killjoy
The Wedding Present - Box Elder: Great song about leaving (specifically a relationship – unfortunately most great songs about moving on are about relationships, but whatever)! “I’ve got a lot of things to do / A lot of places to go / I’ve got a lot of good things coming my way / And I’m afraid to say that you’re not one of them.” Yeowch!
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?: I adore this song in all its 80s glory! The meaning is a bit ambiguous but imo it’s about being an opinionated, idealistic, pretentious young person (“Making your friends feel so guilty about their cynicism”) who doesn’t realize real life is going to – well – break their heart.
The Smiths - London: I just heard this song for the first time two days ago and omg it's perfect. Like it’s literally about leaving your friends and family behind to go move to London and work in the big city. Percy would 10000% listen to this (and uncritically agree that the only reason his family is mad at him is because they’re jealous of his success and his big boy job at the Ministry)
Ned’s Atomic Dustbin - Selfish: from what I can tell, this song is about being an insecure loser so you get all stuck-up and mean about it. "If I don't know what's cool / Will you call me a loser?" ... “I hope your head's aching from having too much fun” ... “The selfish gene in me / Has finally come into being / He’s teaching me how to be mean / But that’s a sorry sorry state to be in” ..Rather fitting, isn’t it?
The Wedding Present - Getting Nowhere Fast: read an article about this song (the original song, this is a cover) that described it as “the feeling that your failing life isn’t what you signed up for” and honestly I can’t describe it any better than that
Blur - Birthday: this song is about spending your birthday alone and feeling really weird and bad about it. Which is something I hadn’t even considered could have happened to Percy but now I 1000% believe that it did
New Order - Weirdo: These lyrics man. “It’s a life that’s made for me / Where I can be completely free / So long as I obey this sound / That echoes all around” Lollll
Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms: This song is a little dated for Percy’s time, but I quite like putting 80s stuff on here because I think older music adds to Percy's supposed maturity as well as making him seem accurately uncool. And “We’re fools to make war on our brothers in arms” wow sooooo true
The Verve - Neon Wilderness: truly captures the vibes of being a lonely young person living on your own in the big city. I can vividly picture Percy listening to this alone in his flat and slowly realizing what a sad and solitary life he has created for himself…
Pavement - Stop Breathing: THE REALIZATION. This song is technically about a soldier dealing with the emotional toll of war but it works fantastically well for this playlist (the guilt of realizing you were wrong, that you truly hurt others, and that your whole belief system was massively flawed). “Write it on a postcard / Dad they broke me / Dad they broke me.” Ummmmm screaming crying throwing up
The Rentals - It’s Time to Come Home: It really is.
WOWWW this one was so fun! It was a challenge to create a playlist for a character I’m not super familiar with, but honestly that was probably the most fun part about it! It’s so rewarding when you spend some time thinking about a character you (initially) feel neutral towards and force yourself to really consider their motivations and relate to them – I like Percy a lot more now LOL. Thank you so much for the ask!
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moremaybank · 2 years
hello there!! can you write a rafe cameron imagine (smut or fluff, you can choose whatever fits better) based on 'change your life' by kehlani? :)
PSA: i fckin love kehlani & this album and i'm really happy for finding your acc and see you writing based on these songs!!
pairing rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary as you and rafe fall in love with each other, you take great strides to ensure that he sees himself through your eyes and recognizes the potential for greatness within himself. (based on the song "change your life" by kehlani feat. jhené aiko)
warnings language (lyrics), mentions of the use of drugs/alcohol
author’s note hi, love! thank you so much for requesting this! i honestly feel like this fits so well with rafe, and i'm so so glad you're here! hope you stay awhile🫶🏻 side note: i adore kehlani as well, they ate this song and album up, and i don't think i'll ever let it go😭
series // rafe masterlist
find the song here!
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i heard that you a gang-gang-gangsta
not one to try to sa-sa-save her
always focus on your paper
don't got time to wager with your heart
i'm tryin' to switch up your cadence
book flights and vaca-ca-cations
tequila and rela-la-lations
kissin' on new places, oh woah
before you'd gotten to know rafe personally, you had heard the rumours floating around the island about him; kook prince, recreational drug user, frequent partier, and a single-night-of-fun sort of guy.
he hadn't been in any relationships to actually deem them as serious, and to be quite honest, he'd never gone further than a hook-up. either he didn't have time for a committed relationship, or he simply didn't want one. whatever the reason, you chose not to pursue him because you were the type of person who wanted to build a strong and meaningful bond with someone. to cherish them, build them up and be a pillar for them throughout every obstacle they would have to face. you wanted something that would last, and you were certain that rafe was not the type of person to make it happen with.
but on a single night at a party, the two of you had gotten to talking and had connected on a level that was so deep it was astonishing. the typical rich-boy, dick-ish persona that he constantly put forth had faded away completely. on that night, he was just a boy. and a lonely one at that. someone that was in desperate need of approval from his father. someone that yearned for the type of love he believed only existed in the movies. someone that was just dying to be seen.
and now, you saw him.
baby, let me change your life
you wanna see
that you can be anything you want
baby, let me change your life
you oughta be
you oughta be anything
baby, i can make you right
you wanna see
that you can be anything you want
baby, let me change your life
you wanna be
you wanna be anything
you could be anything, everything
the more time you began to spend with the cameron boy, the deeper you fell in. you were harbouring feelings, strong ones. and the more layers of himself that he peeled back whenever you were in his presence, the more you found those feelings transforming into love. a love that seemed too good to be true. a love that seemed too bewitching and enchanting to be real. there was absolutely no question. it was everything you'd been searching for.
the only problem was that when it came to love, support and something as simple as belief in himself, rafe was flat-broke. no one had ever taken the time to dig deeper and shine a light on the unrealized greatness inside of him. no one but you, that is.
so, if nobody wanted to put in the work and nurture the potential that rafe kept buried deep inside, you would. you were desperate for him to see all that he had in him. he had the chance to prove everyone who had ever looked down on him wrong. to the ones that failed to give him the benefit of the doubt, he could become somebody unrecognizable. and you silently promised him, and yourself, that you would be the one to do so.
you had the vision of what he could blossom into, and now, you just had to execute it.
i'm not sayin' that you incomplete, but
just imagine what we'd be if we became one
you deserve someone that'll take you to another level
let me put you on
you've got so much potential, i really am fuckin' with you
just open your heart
i'm tryna get you right, take you to the other side
the plan was now in motion. you were determined to break down the walls that he'd spent his entire life putting up, no matter how challenging it proved to be. the goal was to show him that there was so much more to life than the pain he'd been drowning in all his life. and over time, you began to excel at it.
rafe began to see that you were the light he had been searching for in the darkness he'd recognized his life to be. you were beautiful and kind, so selfless and headstrong that it sent shockwaves through his body every time he thought about you. you inspired goodness in him and challenged him in ways he never thought were possible.
but what's more is that you were the sole person to ever give him the love and adoration that he constantly sought out but was never granted by ward and, in turn, everyone else that had crossed paths with him. you were the one who supported his dreams, the one who cheered him on and never gave up on him no matter what he seemed to go through or how hard he was on himself.
his days were brighter, his smiles were wider, and he was finally starting to feel a sense of true happiness. rafe was now realizing that the good things, the best things that life had to offer, were now attainable. and they always would be now that he had someone rooting for him.
look, wanna be a lover? i can teach you love, yeah
wanna be a hubby? you can wife me up
wanna be a chef? go on and spice it up
wanna be a boxer? beat it up, don't ever need no glove
wanna retire, different bitches your lifestyle
used-to-be models, IG honeys all shaped like bottles
but now you seein' that it's more than body, face, and smile
you see me and you look beyond it, you feel inspired
i'm here to excel with you
here to break bread with you
here to travel the world and sleep in different beds with you
here to make revenue
and always impressin' you
your faith in rafe never seemed to falter. you were determined to prove to him that he could do anything he put his mind to and be anything he wanted to be, and you would give him someone that was there to help him succeed and believe in him while doing so.
and it was working.
rafe was realizing dreams that he had never allowed himself to realize. with the love you provided, he was on top of the world. he felt unstoppable, so unstoppable that he was failing to even recognize himself in the mirror. he was forever changed.
the constant partying and drug use was coming to a halt. ward's harsh words stopped stinging as harshly as they previously had. rafe opened his heart up to the possibility of having more in this life, and he knew that as long as he had you by his side — this magnificent girl that he was sure was conjured from his deepest fantasies — there would be no limits to his greatness.
rafe was in it for the long haul with you. as corny as it was, he imagined rings to show your eternal commitment to each other, a grand house with a damned white picket fence. miniature rafe's and y/n's scrambling through the house and causing trouble wherever they went. maybe a dog or a cat. hell, a whole farm of animals if that was what you wanted. you'd travel the world and immerse yourselves in all the incredible cultures out there and build an incredible life together, and it would be far more magical than he ever could have fathomed. anything you wished for, he would grant. no questions asked.
all it takes is the right person to believe in you. and for rafe, that person would always and forever be you.
rafe tag list (join here!): @houseofperfecttaste @rafesmuse
*if you signed up for my tag list before i added rafe and you would like to be tagged in his post, just shoot me a message to let me know!
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Dixon Dallas Lyrics RP Meme
Below is a list of assorted lyrics from Dixon Dallas songs (nsfw), ranging from explicitly sexual to hopelessly romantic lines. Various lyrics have been slightly edited from 3rd person to 2nd/or 1st to better fit the rp ask meme format.
"i don't know why, i can't think straight when i look into your eyes."
"your mustache tickles my nutsack, baby."
"you said you wanted to cover my face with love."
"throw it back, yeah, just like that."
"you know just how to do it, that ass is fat."
"spread my cheeks and make me scream."
"you're my number one daddy, i'm going to make you cream inside of me."
"when i'm slurping you down, it's my favorite sound."
"you look so sexy when your hands are wrapped around it."
"flip me over. beat my meat up while you pound it."
"you got a way with your words and a big fat cock."
"i don't care if it hurts, no, don't you stop."
"i know i've been a bad boy. tonight, you're top."
"i'll be your king or your queen. whatever you want me to be."
"let's make a movie. let's make it juicy."
"i think i like you just a little more than friends."
"i know i've been so nervous. when i'm with you it just feels so perfect."
"you build me up and then tear me down; you pull me under until i drown."
"i swear, you're kinda like a drug."
"you turn my rainy days to sunshine."
"my heart is beating way too fast, i really want to make this last, so--"
"can you come a little closer? love you even more when you're bending me over."
"don't be shy, look me in my eyes."
"i can't get this feeling with just any other guy."
"we can get sweaty, you can make me suffer."
"damn, i love it, but i hate it when you go."
"stay a little longer, make my curl my toes again."
"oh, you make it hard to breathe when you're deep inside of me."
"oops, i got way too damn horny. boy, we turning right into a slutty love story."
"wanna be suckin' you off until the sun comes up."
"the way you're gripping my cock, i think i'm about to nut."
"baby, beat it up just like i owe you."
"we can do it slow, we can do it fast. i don't really care, i just really want it in my ass."
"there's no safe words in this bed."
"i'm all yours and your all mine, so give me what's between your thighs."
"we've been moving fast, everyday a little closer."
"i don't want to lie, i'm getting scared."
"i hope that this'll last. never want it to be over, i don't think my heart could be repaired."
"i know that was cheesy, that's just how you make me feel."
"hold me when i'm sleeping, you know how to make me heal."
"hold my hand, i want something i can feel."
"so fuck me in the booty, til i pass out from the pain."
"we can make a movie. damn, i'd love to scream your name."
"don't you stop until you cum, i love it when you fill me up."
"press my head, face down, in between your legs."
"we can throw a party, nobody but me and you; just your body and my body, show you what my mouth do."
"i really like that you got a nice ass and that dick is real fat."
"i just want my face covered in your nut, i'm so obsessed with the things you do."
"now i'm head over heels, i think this is something real."
"that look in your blue eyes, it makes me lose my mind."
"you put your hands up on my body, and it made the room a little hotter."
"sipping you like whiskey, got me wetter than the water."
"boy, turn around, lemme suck it from the back."
"yeah, i know how you love it when i do it like that."
"even though i hate to see you go, i love to watch you leave."
"levi's on top, what a sight. i love them booty cheeks."
"you're grinding on my lap like it's the last night that we have."
"you got me catching feelings, i think it's too late to save me."
"there's something about the way you look in my eyes."
"like a starry night, you light up my sky."
"i heard you sigh, you know i love that sound."
"you're bouncing off my booty cheeks, i love the way you ride."
"i can hardly breathe when you're pumping deep inside."
"call you daddy while i holler, man, you're just so damn good looking."
"ever say we spend together i fall more into you."
"i can't find the words to say, so i wrote this little note, kissed it, sealed it so you'd know."
"i've got some time if you got some time too."
"you've been on my mind, baby, let me remind you while i lay you down."
"i can't get enough, i'm stuck in your love."
"no this ain't just a fling. i'm all in, baby, i'm falling. you can be my king."
"you got the kind of love i've only felt in my dreams."
"now take 'em off and let's get down to business."
"i saw you starin' at me from the corner of the bar we've been partyin' in."
"i got something on my mind that i bet will make you more than a friend."
"when we get to sippin' whiskey, and we get a little frisky..."
"i wanna climb up on and ride you like an F-150."
"got me hootin', and a'hollerin', and beggin' for more."
"nothing but my boots on, baby, let's get down on the floor."
"or out in the shed. or maybe by the lake and bring it back to your bed."
"i can be straightforward but i know just what i want."
"when I saw you i just couldn't help myself but get to know you in a way that we can skip all the talk."
"we ain't gotta say nothin', we can get to lovin'."
"maybe for a week or maybe just one night."
"i love the way you're grinnin."
"i'll turn around and you can crack open like a cold bud light."
"you know just how to make me weak in the knees."
"yeah, you got a little somethin'... come here, boy, let me make you see what i mean."
"maybe for a lifetime or just for the night."
"i need a man to lay me down and give me something to feel."
"come pull me closer, bend me over. i'm just here for the thrill."
"no strings attached, i'll arch my back and let you do what you want."
"use me as you please, i'm on my knees."
"i'll go and grab a couple candles, you can grab me by the throat."
"nothing i can't handle, it's just a little choke."
"don't be shy."
"i like it rough, it ain't enough until i'm screaming your name."
"don't make me beg, unless you want it."
"take off your boots and come and show me."
"we talk a lot but i don't think you really know me."
"it's getting hot, you really got me cocked and loaded."
"i'll clench my teeth and grab the sheets."
"we'll break the bedframe, baby."
"we'll do some bad things, let me wrap my hands around it."
"we'll take our time, i'll make you mine."
"baby, you can show me how to love again tonight."
"kiss me, i just want to feel alive."
"trace my body with your fingertips tonight."
"you know you're my favorite type of high, when you take me for a ride; get inside."
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meta-squash · 1 month
@callivich came up with this idea of doing DVD commentary for fic on @shamelessdvdcommentary, which I think is brilliant because I love reading the thoughts and creative process of other fic writers, so I want to try!
The Needle And The Burning Body Summary: They're supposed to be running away together. Ian hates whatever fucking nurture-over-nature compass Fiona somehow instilled in him that means the one thing he's running back to is never the thing he wants to want. That Mickey's love makes him want to run away as fast as he can because this thing, this solid thing is so much. And he's already so much on his own. Mickey had two burning torches for hands but he knew what to do with them. Ian's head was on fire and all he knew was how to run and keep running. How to find a cliff and jump off. How to make Mickey chase after him, again and again. And in a cold cell in prison, Mickey catches him.
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) I wrote it in winter of 2018. I switched laptops around that time so I don't have the metadata for exactly when I made the doc/how long it took, but I remember bashing it out fairly quickly. I tend to get a flash of inspiration and then bang out fics in a couple of sittings. This one is a one-shot, 10,623 words.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I wanted to explore Ian's POV, why he went all the way down to Mexico with Mickey and what made him turn around and go back. I had this idea that the way Ian grew up, so dependent on his family, put a compass inside him that always pointed back to them, even when he'd rather it point somewhere else. And that metaphor just took on a life of its own.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character? Ian is so WEIRD and hard to pin down and I wanted to try. Part of it is the Shameless writers' bad writing, but I think Ian also goes through such drastic and traumatic experiences that he has no control over, and it really messes with the way he acts. A lot of what happens to him has less to do with his choices or actions and more to do with either his mental illness or just circumstances. Plus he's actually the quietest of all the Gallaghers, which is kind of crazy. I wanted to try and explore why Ian is so often contradictory or weird. I also really wanted to explore his confusion and insecurities that he doesn't voice.
What was your favourite scene to write? The moment where Ian is sitting in the prison cell waiting for Mickey to get back and thinking about their past. I came up with imagery of Ian jumping off of a series of cliffs with Mickey chasing him to try and catch him at the bottom completely in the moment of writing, and it's one of my favorite things.
How did you come up with the title? I'm terrible with titles, I usually end up using song lyrics or a bizarre jumble of words, but this one is so straightforward. Ian gets the needle metaphor in this fic, and Mickey's metaphor is being a constant burning. So it fit.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice? I have a line in there, "Ian was better at finding whole things that weren't his and clinging to them. Mickey could make wholes from the smallest of pieces." I think it's a way of looking at their relationship that really explains well why it was the way it was pre-season 9.
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this? The smut. I don't tend to write smut because I either find it unsexy when it's not done well or when things logically would be uncomfortable/physically impossible/unhealthy in a not-even-sexy-in-the-moment way. If I write smut I like it to be poetic and for it to mean something in terms of moving plot along. I tried to make it both sexy and poetic, and tried my best to infuse every action with emotion and also intent. A bit like the advice my drama teacher gave us in high school: a character should not move from point a to point b for no reason. If you want to go to a different spot, you have to have some sort of reason or motive or intent. In this case, it's more about sex than walking, but it fits. I think I did pretty good in this one, but I think the smut I wrote in my other fic Proof Of What You Want was better.
Favourite line in the story? Well, it's more of a paragraph: It had all felt so far away when he'd asked, foggy and dull, ready to push. You gonna want to be with me even if I don't? Everything far away. Watching everyone for betrayal the way Monica taught him. So Mickey's sigh had no written all over it, and that no meant reading all the other signs wrong. But when you think you've lost everything except an identity you never wanted to have in the first place, you're bound to misread things. Really, the sigh was the same Mickey always seemed to breathe into his mouth. The same way he'd mutter jesus fucking christ like he was so annoyed even though he wasn't, and then he'd hold on and jump after him.
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? A lot of times I start a story in the middle and work outward, or start with whatever scenes popped into my brain first and work to connect them. I think this was one fic I actually wrote linearly from start to finish. I always intended the first half to be the ride to Mexico and the second half to be Ian and Mickey in prison together. But the metaphors and imagery I used really solidified as I was writing it. I had Ian's compass needle from the start, but Mickey as a pair of burning hands didn't come until later, and a lot of the other imagery just developed as I was writing. I didn't know I was going to have the two of them sit down and have an actual Talk about their relationship, and I'm glad I had Mickey basically saying like, 'I love you and I still want to be with you, but things are still fucked up and we gotta work on them.'
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this? This was my first time writing solely Ian's POV (as opposed to an omniscient POV or Mickey's), but it's not a specific trope or genre.
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) The metaphors! I'm sooooo happy they worked the way I wanted them to and came together so well and I'm soooooo proud of the last paragraph of the fic, which literally gave me chills as I wrote it.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story? No, but I tend to do the opposite. I post the fic and then reread it once it's already posted and add to it. So I'm fairly certain there are at least a few sentences if not a whole paragraph in the fic on AO3 that doesn't exist in my original doc.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line? The one I quoted above as my favorite line came about because I always felt like Mickey's reaction to Ian's questions in the breakup scene aren't a rejection at all or even disappointment or whatever. It felt to me like that sigh and Mickey's body language were more in line with his actions in 5x09 with the b vitamins and stuff. Like he realizes that he'd rather have Ian in whatever way and he'll be there for him, whether he's on his meds or not. It's not a sigh of "no I don't want to be with you", it's a sigh of "I'd rather it was some other way, but I'm not going anywhere." And I wanted to have Ian realizing that, and realizing that he'd interpreted Mickey's actions in the context of his siblings' actions, but Mickey's motivations and feelings are totally different from the Gallagher siblings. He doesn't have the context of growing up with Monica and he's willing to stick beside Ian, manic or not.
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add? I don't think so. I actually frequently read back stories in the months after posting them and add bits and bobs. There's a oneshot fic I have in a different fandom that I wrote in 2015 and have been adding to ever since as inspiration strikes. So I tend to just add things if I decide something should be added. This fic in particular came out pretty much complete, though.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story? I don't think so. Especially considering where canon went with the storyline of them in prison and their relationship in general.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc? Not in this one. Mostly because it's the only fic I've written solely in Ian's POV. And all the easter eggs I use for Shameless fics are for Mickey's POV, so I couldn't easily slot them in here.
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity? This was my most popular story for a long time, and I'm not at all surprised. It's the one I'm probably the most proud of in terms of all the imagery and also the denouement.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story? Oh, excited, definitely. All the other Shameless fics I'd written before this one were shorter and more straightforward, less poetic. This was the one that felt the most artistic and that I felt really inspired the whole time I was writing it.
(This was really fun, I might do this with my other Shameless fics! Thank you so much for the idea @callivich!)
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atwooozi · 3 months
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gojo x original character
Chapter 7: Trust
summary: At the end of a demanding week, Ai is invited to a wrap party, where she reluctantly agrees to mingle outside her comfort zone. Amidst the laughter and banter, Ai observes the real dynamics of the cast and crew, capturing fleeting glimpses of the man behind Gojo's public persona. Her determination to uncover the authentic Gojo fuels her, but as the lines between professional distance and personal connection blur, Ai faces an inner struggle—can she maintain her integrity while digging deeper into Gojo's guarded life?
genre: modern AU, slice of life, comedy, eventual romance, eventual smut, some angst
A/N: So before posting these chapters I like to think about what songs I'd like to pair with them because it's fun for me and I had a really difficult time deciding what songs would "fit" this chapter. Anyway, I landed on two songs that I think would be great for this chapter. Oddly, I think they kind of work together.
First is I CAN'T STOP THE LONELINESS by Anri. I love this song when I picture this fic as an anime I always pic this song as the opening. The second song is Good Luck, Babe! by Chappell Roan. I love her 80s synth vibe that she brings to her music it really fits the energy that I picture whenever I sit down to write this fic. My interpretation of the lyrics could be off, but I always read them and thought of the person that Chappell Roan is singing to is closeted. It doesn't necessarily fit the narrative that I've created here, but I think the sentiment is there? Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.
The first week of following Ai’s assignment was at an end. Just as she had gotten used to Gojo’s schedule but today, production was wrapping up, everyone seemed to be in a much better mood, except for Gojo. Gojo always seemed to be in a decent mood, whatever the circumstances. Ai wasn’t sure if that was an admirable trait or if he was just rather disconnected from everything.  
“Are you gonna go to the wrap party or are you just gonna hide in here some more?” Gojo asked as he tried to take a peek at Ai’s notebook.
The “here” that Gojo was referring to was his dressing room. At this point, it served as Ai’s de facto office space as well as Geto’s photo studio. The usually sparse dressing room now had different lighting and camera equipment placed in the corner of the room, while Ai’s and Junpei’s laptops sat on the table along with their scattered papers. It was something that Ai would usually feel bad about, but Gojo seemed to enjoy the three of them in his space even if it did feel cramped. 
Ai jumped a bit and brought her notebook to her chest as she gave him an unamused look. “I’m gonna head back to the hotel actually.” 
“Bo- ring ~” Gojo teased as he stood up straight. “You guys are gonna come, right?” he asked Geto and Junpei, jutting out his lower lip and batting his lashes. 
“I have some stuff to do, but I’ll make an appearance,” Geto shrugged as he snapped a quick shot of Gojo. Geto tsked as he looked down at his camera screen. “Satoru, stop looking directly at the camera.”
“But the camera loves me, Suguru.” Gojo pouted at his friend, batting his lashes.
Geto rolled his eyes in response and put his camera down.   
“I-I can come?” Junpei pointed to himself in disbelief, bringing Gojo back to his earlier conversation. 
Gojo clapped Junpei on the back and laughed. “Of course, Junpei-kun!” 
“It’s going to be at a bar not too far from here just in case someone changes their mind , ” Gojo glanced at Ai and playfully stuck out his tongue, reminiscent of a petulant child, before adjusting his blindfold over azure eyes. 
Ai narrowed her eyes at Gojo’s antics. “I don’t think so, but I hope you all have fun.” 
Gojo left the dressing room without looking back, his laughter echoing down the hallway as he waved carelessly. 
Once he was out of sight, Ai thumbed through her notes. The pages were filled with different scribbles from her week. She felt like she held a wealth of information in her hands, but hardly any of it was straight from Gojo, which stressed her more than she’d care to admit. As she scanned the pages of her notebook, she smiled to herself. During Gojo’s downtime, Ai noticed he liked to play the Digimon card game online. It made her laugh when he would get called for a scene in the middle of a game because of how conflicted he would look. Ai sighed and shut her notebook, she didn’t want to dwell on it too much. She was sure that once she did a proper look-through, she would see that she had more to work with than she expected. 
“Are you sure you don't want to go?” Geto approached Ai as she was packing up. While she wasn’t completely sure, the expression on Geto’s face looked a bit devious.  
“It's not really my scene, besides, I wouldn't want Gojo to feel like he has to filter himself because I'm there,” Ai said meekly.
Gojo snorted in response. “Trust me, Satoru won't care. See it as a networking thing.” He grabbed Ai's bag and slung it on his shoulder along with his own. “Leave your work at home for once, Ai-san.”
Ai narrowed her eyes at Geto as he gave her an innocent-looking smile in return.   
Junpei nodded in agreement. “Geto-san is right,” he said falling in step behind them as they made their way to the car. “It’s going to be fun!”
“Why thank you, supervisor Junpei.” Geto hummed.
Ai wanted to fall to her knees in despair when she heard Junpei agree with that demon . Somehow the menace of a photographer had turned her sweet kouhai against her. There was no way she was going to be able to weasel out of it now. 
Uncertainty spread across Ai's face as she listened to Geto and Junpei bicker about the pictures and lighting issues throughout the day. As much as Ai wanted to sort through her notes, she couldn’t really pass up the opportunity to talk with Gojo in a more natural setting–for the article , of course.  
“Fine,” Ai said, sealing her fate as she climbed into the car.
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Ai wondered if she was right to want to stay at the hotel like she initially planned. When she arrived at the bar with Junpei, everyone was already a few drinks in. The energy in the room was lively and inviting, but she felt a bit out of place. 
Ai had always tried to skip work drinking parties since she and alcohol never seemed to mix well. She cringed inwardly as she thought back to the office New Year's party where she slurred her way through Anri’s “I Can’t Stop the Loneliness” at the top of her lungs. That could not happen again. 
Unlike Ai and Junpei, Geto had arrived separately. He was happily sipping on sake and picking at some yakitori near the corner of the private room reserved for the Jujutsu Kaisen cast and crew. 
While Ai couldn’t be certain, it seemed like Geto had made nice with the restaurant staff because despite being sat in the corner, fresh plates of food always seemed to travel his way first. She figured that it must've been one of the giggly waitresses since they would always linger a bit longer than they needed to after setting the plates down, blushing and smiling when Geto gave them a quick wink. 
Ai walked over to the table where Geto sat, Junpei following behind her. “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” she said as she and Junpei took the unoccupied seats next to Geto, the apparent womanizer.  
“I almost thought you changed your mind again.” Geto hummed as he took another sip of his sake. 
Ai shook her head. “I got a phone call from my boss.” 
“Everything good?” Geto asked, easily shifting from comfortable and relaxed and back into work mode. 
“Yeah…” Ai nodded as she got more comfortable. “He just wanted to check to see where we were with the story.” 
Geto nodded as he listened, lighting a cigarette. “Is he always so hands-on?”
“You smoke?” Ai ignored Geto’s question as she eyed the cigarette. 
Geto raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that a problem?” He brought the cigarette to his mouth before exhaling a small puff only moments later. 
Ai shook her head. She didn’t mind, she just didn’t think it suited her image of Geto. In her mind, he would smoke using a kiseru-style pipe much like a monk or a samurai did back in the 1800s. For whatever reason, cigarettes seemed too modern for him.
“So about your boss…” Geto trailed off, waiting for Ai to get back on track.      
“Oh right,” Ai pursed her lips and thought and looked at Junpei, who just shrugged in response. 
The thing is, Ai wasn’t even sure. With all her previous jobs she had always reported to someone under Yaga. When she got the call from her boss earlier, her heart felt like it was going to stop. She wasn’t sure how he could have found out, but she was almost positive he had somehow discovered her crush on Gojo and was about to fire her. However, Yaga gave no indication that he knew about the crush because any sane person would know that it was impossible for him to even know that. In actuality, he called just to check in and see how things were going. Yaga had much more important things to deal with than Ai’s nonexistent love life.
“No, this is just a big story for the magazine.”
“Well of course it's a big story. It's about me .” Gojo butted in as he sat himself between Ai and Junpei. 
Ai couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Gojo's comment as she scooted over– then again, she couldn't deny the truth of it, either. 
The man was truly everywhere--on magazine covers, on billboards, on keychains, he was inescapable. She passed him each day on her daily commute to the office--promotional images of Gojo plastered inside the station. If she paid attention, she could make out lipstick marks and encouraging post-it notes littering the promotional pictures. If she paid more attention, she would notice the lipstick and notes increasing with each passing day. The love for the man’s character was unreal.    
Gojo shoved his phone in Ai’s line of sight. “Look, they’re making another figure of me. It’s beautiful, but I think I’m even prettier.” 
“You’re so humble, Gojo-san,” Ai said dryly as she poured herself a beer, getting a chuckle from Geto and Junpei.
She knew that drinking probably wasn't the best idea, but between Yaga talking her ear off and Gojo being Gojo, she needed something to help her unwind a little.
“Thank you, I know,” Gojo replied, not even missing a beat as he started to pick at the various plates that littered the table.  
Gojo leaned back in his seat, draping an arm casually over the back as he took the room in. “So what were we talking about before I so courteously interrupted?” 
Geto glanced at Ai, asking for permission to share their conversation. She nodded as she took a sip of her beer. It tasted awful, but she continued to drink it. 
“Work stuff, nothing too exciting, you really didn't miss much,” Geto explained as he took another drag from his smoke.
Gojo raised an eyebrow and looked at Ai from above his glasses, clearly unconvinced. He graciously let the subject drop and pushed a plate of yakitori in front of Ai's face with a charming smile. “Have some. It's good stuff.” 
Ai pushed the plate out of her face. She leaned forward to check on Junpei and let out a sigh of relief when she saw him talking with Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara. She didn’t even notice him getting up and going to the other end of the table. She was worried that Junpei might have felt obligated to pal along with her, but she was glad to see him interact with others closer to his age. 
Gojo glanced in the same direction as Ai and smiled. “They're good kids.” 
Ai couldn't help but smile at Gojo's comment. Despite his usual obnoxiousness, there was a genuine warmth as he looked on at his younger costars. He almost looked fatherly with the way he spoke about them. There was an obvious care that went beyond the typical working relationship. 
“They are,” Ai agreed as she rested her cheek against her fist. She felt a warmth spread in her chest. She supposed it could be the beer making its way through her system or the pride she felt as she watched her shy kouhai laugh and smile so freely. In her mind, it was a bit of both.
“They work really hard.” 
“Oh yeah?” Ai glanced back at Gojo.
Gojo nodded as he bit some chicken off a skewer. “Mhm, I’ve been pushing them to train more.”
“Train more?” Ai sat up a bit straighter. 
She cursed herself for not bringing a notepad with her to write anything down. Of all times–why didn’t she take her notebook with her? She quickly fumbled for her phone so she could at least type some quick notes down for later.  
If Gojo noticed Ai acting like a frantic mess, he didn’t give any indication because he continued to speak calmly and affectionately. “Itadori and Kugisaki are pretty new, right? I mean, Gumi-chan is too, I guess...” he shrugged. “Anyway, I’ve been pushing for them to train more so they can do more of their own stunts.”
“How come?” Ai asked curiously. It’s not like Jujutsu Kaisen had a tight budget; they could easily afford as many stunt doubles as they needed. They just finished making a blockbuster movie with a record production budget.
“It might be a load of crap, but I think it’s necessary to truly understand your character,” Gojo explained rather matter-of-factly as he tried to steal some gyoza from Geto’s plate.
“Do you feel more connected to your character because you do your own stunts?” 
Gojo pursed his lips as he continued to try and steal from Geto’s plate. 
“Satoru, just get your own,” Geto complained as he started to fill a plate for Gojo himself.
“But I think the ones you have look the best,” Gojo insisted as he easily swiped Geto’s plate with a smile, causing Geto to glare at him. “Anyway, as I was saying, I think it just flows more naturally if you do it yourself.” Gojo shrugged as he started to eat his newly acquired food.  
“What do you mean by ‘flows more naturally’?” Ai asked curiously as she struggled to type as much as she could before Gojo continued. When she glanced down at her phone screen the text was riddled with typos. What the hell did ‘I’ve been psy9ny for them to twin more so they dan fo their own stunts’ even mean? She hoped that Junpei would help her decipher it all later. 
“I mean, it just looks better,” Gojo stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “It opens up so many different possibilities in terms of shooting fight sequences and aside from what Itadori and Todo have to do, the choreography isn’t that difficult.” 
“Are you sure it’s actually that easy?” Ai questioned. “I mean, of course, it’s easy for you –you were a professional fighter before an actor.”
Gojo put his chopsticks down and looked over to Ai with a cat-like grin, dipping his glasses down his nose to see her more clearly. “Ai-chan, have you been looking into me?” 
Ai blinked at the man. “I mean, that’s literally my job.” 
“Oh yeah.” Gojo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “I forgot.”         
Ai rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but smile to herself. Internally she wanted to throw her hands up in the air and cheer. She had finally gotten something more from Gojo. She made a note to herself to thank Geto and Junpei for convincing her to go.
The night carried on and Ai seemed to relax. The worries of work melted away as she drank more and more beer. She felt her body noticeably relax as time passed. She wasn’t sure if it was because she had some more workable material or if it was the alcohol making its way through her system. The only thing she could wonder now was when had she become so stressed that her whole body seemed to ache with tension. 
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On the trip back to Tokyo, Ai decided to use the two-hour ride home to sort through her notes despite her mild hangover. She wasn’t ready to start writing the article yet, there was still too much work that needed to be done, but this would help keep the information fresh in her tired mind.
She skimmed through her notes and prepared to transfer them to her laptop.
He hides behind smiles, but maybe even unbeknownst to him, his giveaway when he’s stressed is the way he tends to clench his fist. 
Ai frowned as she looked over that particular note. She recalled jotting it down when there was a technical malfunction on set, but she noticed him doing it whenever Gakuganji didn’t like a particular take of his. It was too wordy or maybe it was just that it wasn’t that interesting to begin with. She didn’t like it at least. She frowned as she transferred the line into her word doc. As a writer, she’d find a way to rework it at a later time. It could be the future Ai’s problem. The dull headache she had made it difficult for her to do much else anyway.  
Ai leaned back into her seat and stared out the window, taking in the blurring scenery. She was still having a difficult time pinning Gojo down. She couldn’t really make a whole article based on their brief conversations. It was difficult for her to discern what was real and what was just an act he put on. She only could capture brief moments of the person beneath the character; that was the nature of the game with actors, but she wanted to dig deeper. 
Most actors put up a front. It was all part of the job for them. It didn’t matter how famous the actor was. Ai remembered when she interviewed Nobara, the girl put up as much of an act as Gojo did, but unlike Gojo, Nobara was able to reveal her caring nature and sense of duty to her craft without much trouble. It did take some work, though. It was when Ai finally convinced Nobara that she wouldn’t write about her more-than-platonic relationship with one of her female co-stars that she seemed to really open up. 
Given that there was a large shipping culture around Jujutsu Kaisen characters, Ai decided to ask Nobara about her thoughts on same-sex female pairings. She expected Nobara to give a diplomatic answer, but she answered rather casually. Ai tried to remember what the actress said. It was something like, ‘Honestly, I think it’s great that people can see themselves in the characters they love. If I saw that on TV I’d probably come out to my grandma.’ Ai wanted to include that in the article. But since Nobara wasn’t fully out to her, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she hurt someone like that–even if she was trying to encourage others in the process.
Besides, it wasn’t the type of story that Ai wanted to write anyway. Ai did her best to be professional; she wanted her subjects and sources to know that they could safely talk with her. Yes, she was a reporter, but her integrity as a person meant more to her than any story. She would like to believe that didn’t need to rely on such underhanded tactics to get readers. She just had no idea how she’d convince Gojo of that…
It felt like whenever she was getting closer to gaining his trust, he’d immediately put a wall up. It was frustrating, honestly. She scoffed as she thought about it. People always said she rarely let people in, but she'd argue that Gojo might be worse. 
Ai frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest. She generally didn’t like getting too friendly with the people she was writing about–it was just easier that way. It probably would be safer for her if she kept Gojo at a distance anyway. She didn’t want her feelings to grow into anything more than a crush. For the sake of her sanity, she couldn’t allow that to happen. After all, these stories weren’t about the relationships she formed with her subjects. The articles Ai wrote were about her subjects and her subjects alone. 
Ai would have to make a special exception for this case. In order to get something tangible from Gojo, she would have to offer a bit of something in return. It was the last thing she wanted, but she didn’t have much of a choice. How else could she get Gojo to open up to her if she didn’t open up a little herself? She could stand to be a bit more vulnerable if that’s what he needed to trust her.  
As the train carried on towards Tokyo, Ai couldn't help but feel some anxiety stir within her. It felt like electricity was traveling down her arms and into her fingertips. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing instead. The tingling soon dulled and she opened her eyes again to stare out the window. She could see her reflection in the window and frowned as her tired face stared back at her. 
She could do this. Ai sighed and rubbed her temples, the faint throb of her headache still there. She refused to let it slow her down, though. 
Her gaze drifted back over to her laptop. “One step at a time,” she muttered to herself, as her hands moved swiftly over the keys. As time passed, Ai had amassed pages of notes, each line a fragment of who Gojo was. The pieces were coming together but she still couldn’t see the whole picture. 
Ai glanced out the window once more, the skyscrapers of Tokyo coming into sight. The train began to slow, and a voice came over the speaker alerting passengers of their imminent arrival. Ai quickly saved her work and shut down her laptop. 
She glanced at her reflection once more. The same tired woman stared back at her, but now there was at least a flicker of confidence. “You’ve got this,” she whispered to herself, standing up and preparing to disembark.
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goatsandgangsters · 4 months
🦗 and 🎵 for the emoji ask meme!
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
I used to be Very Strict about only writing in order, but I started letting myself jump around ~two years ago and WHAT A GAME CHANGER, IT HAS SAVED MY WRITING LIFE!!!!!
I get so much more written by jumping around, because when inspiration hits for a scene I can actually take advantage. it makes my writing so much better when I have not just an outline for What's To Come but specific scenes written that I can write towards and mirror very intentionally with word choice, lines of dialogue etc. jumping around when writing multichap fic has made my vision for the whole thing clearer, my choices more deliberate, and—most importantly—it's made it more fun. because I actually get to write the fun parts that inspire me!! instead of torturing myself by dangling the good bits as a carrot of something I might theoretically one day get to write!
(general you, the writer reading this, try it. give yourself permission. if it's not for you, you've still learned something about your process. but if you've never tried and think "oh I could never write that way," I would have said that once too. but tbh if I'd let myself do this earlier, it would have made everything SO much better and I would have gotten so much more done. just experiment so you Know if it's really for you or not)
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
yes but they're waaaaay less Curated than if I were making a fanmix. my writing playlists are not "here's a highly selective 12-song playlist with lyrics and music that fit and that come together to tell a story musically" as with fanxmies. they are "I need a 13-hour playlist that's Vibes Only that I can put on shuffle and have the right ambiance for whatever I'm working on."
I've got specific ones for all my different Boardwalk AUs, then one for generic grishaverse writing purposes, and I think "sexy" speaks for itself
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50s au: honestly not that long, I don't have that much 50s music
Focus au: ~7 hours. the great gatsby (2013) soundtrack is actually perfect vibes. plus a lotta amy winehouse, lana, etc. anything that feels humid and sultry
Grishaverse: ~24 hours. not fic-specific but works for anything in that fandom. I've got the shadow and bone soundtrack, the lotr soundtrack, a lot of florence, anything that has light/darkness imagery, anything that feels Bigger in a high-fantasy, fate-of-the-world way
High School au: ~24 hours. basically all pop music circa like 2008–2012 and some pop punk. whatever makes me feel Teenagery again. also functions as a fun nostalgia playlist
Hunger Games au: ~9 hours. as many soundtracks from the movies as I could get from my local library, plus anything folk-y and sad (the civil wars, etc)
Sexy: ~2 hours, not necessarily songs about sex, just songs that Are Sensual musically or kinda kinky bc let's be real about what I'm writing
also it's not a saved playlist, but I've been writing a lot of Edwardian-set stuff lately, so for that I'll go on spotify and put on early 20th-century English composers like Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughn Williams and let the algo take it from there
fanfic writer emoji ask meme
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nanaloco · 2 years
Being best friends with Mark
It was only until you were lying on his bed, half asleep in his dark blue hoodie that he realised how fast his heart was beating
Warnings : none (I only write fluff)
Genre : fluff, Bestfriend!Mark x Reader
What it would be like to be best friends with Mark (who you secretly like) [who secretly likes you too]
Appart of the : It's complicated series
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• Now listen, Mark is a very awkward guy, but not with you
• He's someone you confide in
• You'd have deep late night talks about anything
• What your ideal world would be like, what would you do if scenarios
• He's very observant, and would listen intently to whatever you have to say
• He thinks that blue jeans are the only correct jean color which you agreed to disagree on
• He's SUPER gullible making him the perfect person to prank and his reactions are PRICELESS
• WILL get super defencive after finding out he's been tricked and WILL come up with an excuse
• "I didn't even belive that! Plus you're good at making stuff up you should like write books or something"
• If you ever do something great he'll make it seem like its 10 times better than it actually is and that it should be your career
• "Yo these cookies are like SO good you should like become a chef like seriously"
• You two would share food without really thinking about the fact thats an indirect kiss
• You'd even share icecream, but you wouldn't think of it that way
• You'd even wear his hoodies, but you wouldn't think of it that way
• You'd even made a playlist for eachother filled with love songs, but you wouldn't think of it that way
• You both liked R&B and most R&B songs are about love so it doesn't really mean anything
• The type of friend that can't walk in a straight line
• If you sit next to eachother at school, he will take up all the space without realising because of something stupid like his left hand has to remain flat on the table at all times
• "Mark can you MOVE I HAVE NO SPACE"
• "But I can't write without my-"
• Everything he does is so funny because he's just a naturally funny person
• You find yourself laughing at and with him A LOT like everything he says or does is so hilarious
• And you already know that mark laughs at everything
• So two people who laugh at everything put together is not a good combination
• You two would be laughing to the point where your cheeks and stomachs hurt for NO REASON
• Teachers KNOW not to put you next to eachother because in a silent classroom everything is ten times funnier and Mark in particular wouldn't be able to contain his loud ass laugh
• You two are pretty contempt at being just friends
• Until one day you two are eating at a resturant in celebration
• And your waitor mentions that you two would make such a cute couple
• Then Marks mind starts going places
• Starts thinking about the stuff you do together
• All the times you'd stolen his icecrean and ran off with it after he'd already eaten half of it
• The odd out of place songs in the R&B playlist you made for him which he listens to everyday that don't fit the vibe of the rest of the playlist like 'puppy love-gant' (very lovey dovey crush confession pop song)
• Or the ones that are R&B but the lyrics are a bit too specific like Japanese Denim by Daniel Caesar (chorous goes - my blue jeans, will last me all my life, basically LOTZ of emphasis on Blue jeans )
• It was only until you were lying on his bed, half asleep in his dark blue hoodie that he realised
• How absurd your relationship was
• And how absurdly fast his heart was beating
• And that he liked you
• But he could never tell you
• Or maybe he could, maybe he would
• He just doesn't know how you'd take it or if you'd like him back
• (You do)
• But
• For him, for you two, Its the fear of ruining what you already have that makes you stay as just friends
Thank you for reading ♡
If enough people like It, I'll make a part 2 where they're dating so lmk 💕
👾Lets be friends!👾
@/hoshiiitrd on instagram and twitter [for mutual, friends or trades :)]
Requests are open so literally spam me!!
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calethelettuce · 1 year
The Sides As ABBA Songs, Because ABBA Slays
I'm on an ABBA kick guys, bear with me- I thought this would be a cool thing to do, plus you get reasons why :3 If you disagree, lmk!
Honey, Honey
- Look, it’s as cheesy as ABBA can get. It’s totally up Roman’s alley
- Probably daydreams about Thomas’ crushes to this song specifically
- Knows almost all of the Mamma Mia! lore (Context: A lot of ABBA music was used in Mamma Mia!, a concert-style musical made specifically with ABBA in mind)
- Puts him in the mood to write some kind of romance novel
- Bro is probably obsessed with ABBA an unhealthy amount, to the point C!Thomas starts having dreams about the group members
The Name Of The Game
- I was originally going to put S.O.S for Lo-gay, but I feel like this one fits better
- Totally jams out to some of ABBA’s chiller songs while reading or while working
- ‘And you make me feel, and you make me show, what I’m trying to conceal’ sounds like somebody is having some funny lil issues hiding something HMMMM???? MAYBE SOME EMOTIONS?????
- Likes to research the members, just to familiarize himself with the artists to better understand
- Probably analyzes every little lyric, but likes this song just a tad more than the others because.. well, he relates in a way.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
- The purp man, listening to something OTHER THAN ROCK????!?? Holy shit it’s a miracle
- The most emo song made by ABBA by far
- ‘Won’t somebody help me chase the shadows away?’ C’MON NOW
- Really likes the instrumentals, that’s for sure
- Listens to it kinda often, although it’s kinda just shoved in his 12 hour playlist
- For some reason it calms him down a little when he’s really anxious
- Probably makes up scenarios in his head based on the lyrics
- Not a huge ABBA fan, but tolerates their music a good amount
- Would totally go to a concert tho
Slipping Through My Fingers
- ‘Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture, And save it from the funny tricks of time’ I CHOKED AND DIED :(
- Pat probably listens to this song sparingly, because he might relate just a lil too much
- He does like it, it’s just he’s a very emotional guy
- Honestly, he probably listens to ABBA just because it’s ABBA
- Jams to Dancing Queen tho
- Come on now. The phrase ‘Nothing promised, no regrets’? Literally Janus in a nutshell.
- Not really his taste, but sometimes puts it on as a boost of some sort (Probably in the morning)
- I mean, this song is just a bop
- DEFINITELY plays the Just Dance version with Remus or one of the other sides
- I lied he likes playing all the ABBA songs on JD okay he just does
- Probably quotes the french in this song (Only Roman gets it, and 85% of the time he just doesn’t remember what it means)
Does Your Mother Know?
- Do I need to explain? 
- This song is just- yes
- Would definitely tease someone interested in him exactly like this song does
- He’s just so silly
- Probably headbangs to ABBA’s more “explicit” songs
- This one though, he likes because of its funny lil’ indications
- Likes Mamma Mia! like Roman, but only because of the dirty jokes and the “funny” content
- Is pissed it’s not on Just Dance
- Most likely changes the lyrics sometimes to whatever weird things pop into his head that works
- Blasts ABBA music in the background when smashing things with his morningstar (need I explain? we all know he smashes things outta nowhere)
Money, Money, Money
- You know this dude is about to spend all his money on starbucks
- It’s just- his aesthetic
- Would definitely marry a wealthy man/woman just for the money
- Hardcore ABBA fan, shut up you cannot change my freaking mind
- Knows all the words
- (Begrudgingly) Geeks out with Roman about it every once in a while
- Causes C!Thomas to lose sleep over this fact (Sleep literally just disappears)
- His personal playlist is half ABBA
- Scored Megastar on Just Dance on every ABBA song (Janus and Remus r jealous of his talent)
- The song reminds me of the therapist friend, so ofc the boi himself deserves it
- Prefers to listen to cartoon soundtracks, though will make an exception every once and a while
- He’s such a sweetheart omg
- If C!Thomas and Emile met in some multiverse I feel like this song describes how a later interaction would go
- I forget that Sleep and Emile aren’t sides lolol
- Also really enjoys Super Trouper for some reason even he can’t explain, he just likes it lol
- Nico where u at bby gurl :0
- It’s one of those correlations you can’t explain in a simple way
- ‘Sometimes, when I’m lonely, I sit and think about him’ LIKE AWH ik the song is actually about a breakup BUT SHHHH LET ME BE DELUSIONAL
- Probably enjoys ABBA a moderate amount, he doesn’t really have a cohesive opinion
- Is tired of Roman’s bs tho lol
- There is a breakup mentioned in SaSi somewhere, so this song does kinda make sense in a way
- Vibes with Patton to Dancing Queen 100%
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