#i think fabian trying to talk to her is adorable how is he so bad at this
relgnira · 1 month
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Sketched them on their first date cause tbh I squealed! I love Mazey so much this season has the most top tier npcs fr
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 10 months
About Jerome’s mum yeah the way Poppy and Jerome talk about her isn’t great and they explicitly state that she wants nothing to with helping their dad even though it clearly means a lot to her kids and that Jerome went to Poppy’s recitals when their mum couldn’t be assed so she’s definitely not the nicest.
[warning: this kind of turned into a long post]
Yeah none of the things anyone ever says about her or the context clues they give about her paint her in a good light. I'm trying to think of anything good Poppy or Jerome ever said about their mother and I'm drawing a blank.
Tbh I'd go as far as to say that she's probably the WORST parent of all the parents ever seen or mentioned. Or at least has the worst relationship with her kid(s). And that's saying something, given what some of these parents are like and some of the things they've done
Let's assess these parents, shall we? I'm gonna go from best to worst (in my opinion, at least)
We never hear any kind of mention of Fabian's or Willow's parents. Amber never once mentions a mother, and Nina's and KT's parents are all deceased, so we're not gonna include them, I'm only touching on the ones I know for sure exist.
Eddie's mom - A lot of this is just me drawing my own conclusions, but there's no way Eddie doesn't have a good relationship with his mother. He never mentions a step-parent, so I'm left to believe that she raised him by herself and it was just the two of them in their house. He got into trouble a lot in school in America but he never implied that caused any issues between him and his mom. He calls her boring at one point during his first date with Patricia but tbh I think that's just him lying to look cool. I think she has the best relationship of any of the parents with their kids, and I have two pieces of evidence for it: 1) Eddie brought his girlfriend across the ocean to meet his mom, who seemingly loved her, and 2) She actively helped Eddie plan a date and even called him (repeatedly) to see how it was going. A teenage boy consulted with his mom on girl problems, and one of two things happened. Either he asked her to help him plan a date/tell him what he should do to woo Patricia and she did, or she offered the date idea unprompted and he took it. That boy loves his mama and she clearly loves him right back. Absolutely none of the other kids are calling their parents and willingly letting them get THAT involved in their love lives like that.
Mara's parents (Francis & Mrs. Jaffray) - We never see them, but we hear about them a number of times, and Mara never says anything bad about them. She appears to be on very good terms with her parents. Despite not sharing their interests/passions/career choices, Mara in my estimation probably looks up to them a lot. They're both professional, gold medal-winning athletes, and I'll bet that's where Mara gets her competitiveness and her drive to be the best at everything. She probably feels a lot of pressure to achieve the same success as they did, and she does mention them being pushy, but it's probably more Mara pressuring herself internally than them pressuring her. Mara says more about her dad than her mom, describing him as normal and a little silly (he apparently dances like SpongeBob lol). Never a bad word about either of them, leading me to believe she has a very good relationship with her parents, though not on the same level as Eddie and his mother.
Alfie's parents (Philip & Marsha Lewis) - We see Alfie's parents once, when they visit the house after the play. And like, they obviously have a pretty good relationship, otherwise they wouldn't even bother visiting. Alfie's mom clearly adores him. And yes, Alfie's dad is very strict and has high expectations, but he never gave any indication that he didn't care. A lot of that comes from his desire to see his son succeed. And Alfie clearly wants his father to be proud of him and tries hard to impress him. I think Alfie's mother probably spoils him, but his dad is very hard on him, and that might have the potential to cause them conflict later in life when Alfie expresses that he doesn't want to go into the family business or even work in that field at all. Alfie describes them as strict and control freaks (his dad being strict in the "I am a businessman and in charge" type of way, and his mom in the "oh that's my baby I won't let anything happen to my baby!!!" type of way imo), but they clearly care a lot, and despite all the pressure Alfie feels from his parents they are definitely on the top end of Anubis parents. (Though tbh it's more Alfie's mom than dad that gets them this high on the list.) And since we know nothing about Fabian's dad, I think I can officially declare that Alfie has the best relationship with his dad out of all the boys in Anubis House, despite how strict he is and the potential conflict they could have.
Mick's and Joy's moms - I'm lumping these two here together because both of them are mentioned maybe once in passing and nothing is ever said about either of them. I know that they exist, and that's it. I know nothing about them or their relationships with their respective kids. So I have to assume that as moms they are just Fine, otherwise Joy and Mick would have talked about them more. And tbh I have nothing else to say about them, so moving on.
Amber's dad - Amber's dad feels like the classic "I don't know what to do with my child or how to connect with them so I'll just buy them everything" type of rich parent. Do they have a strong relationship? I wouldn't say particularly so, probably. But it's not a bad one. The main knock on him is that he doesn't have a lot of faith in her to achieve things in her life and probably doesn't think she's very smart. Does he know his daughter? No, it doesn't look that way. Does he love his daughter? Yes, he never gives any indication that he doesn't. The main thing putting him this high on the list is that Amber seems to adore her dad. She is definitely daddy's little girl. He absolutely spoils her. And she seems to revere him almost, and she believes he has the power to solve almost any kind of problem, which is probably how it went during a good portion of her childhood. He was very worried when he didn't see Amber for awhile while she was trapped in the tank room, and I'm pretty sure part of the reason he let her go to fashion school was concern over her well-being. While they have their tension and certainly their distance, this is definitely a good relationship, for the most part.
Mick's dad (Rory Campbell) - This is the point where we get into the more complex relationships. Mick's still got a good relationship with his dad, but it feels a lot more strained compared to the relationships above just because of the vibes I got while watching. Like Alfie's dad, Mick's dad is very hard on him. They're both rich and important and expect a lot. I think the main difference is that Alfie's dad was more like "I want you to take advantage of your potential so that you can succeed" but he's less particular about what success looks like. I don't believe he ever explicitly stated that he wanted Alfie to follow in his footsteps or take a particular path, it felt more vague and he would likely be more flexible with Alfie's future. Mick's dad, on the other hand, had a VERY particular plan in place that he expected Mick not to veer from, and seemed disappointed when Mick expressed that he wanted to do something else. And tbh one of the bigger transgressions in my mind is that he doesn't listen to Mick, and he doesn't take him seriously. It takes Mara's convincing to get him on board with the exact same things Mick was trying to tell him, and tbh that doesn't sit right with me. He doesn't seem to have a lot of belief in his son, and there also seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of his son if he doesn't know that he's very talented at sports and not skilled at math and science and is pushing so hard for him to be a doctor specifically and not veer from the "plan" they probably made when he was like eight. Mick expresses a lot of frustration with his dad, both during this incident and when they're taking him out of school to Australia. Another difference between Alfie and Mick: Alfie is actively trying to impress his dad. Mick feels that he's already disappointed his. I imagine the frustration decreased a lot when his dad finally accepted his son's ambitions. So overall I'd say this is a mostly good relationship, and his dad definitely cares about him, but there is tension here that I can FEEL.
Jerome's dad (John Clarke) - I'm gonna have to do the cliffsnotes version of this one, since we got basically a whole season touching on this particular relationship. They didn't make it super clear when exactly he went to prison, but there was definitely a good amount of time where he was at home with the family. Poppy said she barely remembers him, so it couldn't have been THAT long, but it was long enough for Jerome to collect a substantial amount of memories, and none of them were good. Before he went to prison, it feels like John was a pretty crappy father. And not only did his parents put Jerome in boarding school at age 5, essentially abandoning him, but it seems like being at home was awful too. So Jerome had to deal with his dad being a terrible father during probably about the first five years of his life, but he also had to deal with the trauma of his dad leaving them and disappearing. Jerome held onto that resentment for a very long time, as is warranted. And yes, John was a bad dad and disappeared on his kids, but when season 2 rolled around he truly did have a change of heart and wanted to make amends, which is the only thing keeping him from being lower on this list. You can't erase the years of bad treatment and subsequent abandonment, but he looks to have recognized that he did wrong and wants to fix them and be better moving forward, which is more than can be said for some of the parents on this list.
Patricia's parents - First of all, regardless of whether or not they are good or bad parents, it feels very clear to me that Patricia HATES her parents. And since this list is about 75% relationship with their kids and 25% how good of a parent they are, that jettisoned Patricia's parents almost all the way to the end. I'd be willing to bet that they are almost always at odds with Patricia, and that, since she's a handful, they just don't know what to do with her. And they either don't believe her, downplay her concerns, or are convinced she's always making things up for attention (probably a combination of all), because they essentially brush off Patricia's concerns when she calls them after Joy's disappearance, thinking she's talking crazy. Patricia never says her parents were BAD to her, necessarily, but I don't ever remember her saying anything good about them. Just about everything she says in reference to her parents is a negative light. Probably the biggest knock on her parents is their very obvious favoritism of Piper, whom it sounds like they raised as the golden child. They gave her all the attention, put a lot of their time and energy into her music career, and left Patricia feeling very much like the least-favorite daughter. And you know that just has to hurt like hell and also make her so very mad. She obviously still has a relationship with them, since she threatens to call their father on Piper when she ditches music school, but it's clearly not a good relationship, and she definitely doesn't LIKE them or feel respected by them. So I wouldn't say they're bad parents, but they give their daughters unequal treatment and an unequal amount of love, and tbh that's a pretty shitty thing to do. Atrocious relationship with Patricia.
Mr. Sweet - Being the right hand man of the immortality cult was already bad. And then we learned this man abandoned his son on the other side of the ocean for 16 years. My personal hatred of Mr. Sweet might bleed into this a little, but tbh I don't care. It's never made clear when exactly Mr. Sweet left Eddie and his mother, whether he left before Eddie was born or stuck around for a little bit after. If he did, he didn't stick around long, because Eddie didn't know him and he didn’t know Eddie. (Which is arguably better than Jerome where he had bad memories of his father instead of none at all?) It's also unclear what his relationship with Eddie's mother was like, whether they were married (possible but doubtful, given her different last name), or planning to build a life together, if he left without warning or had some kind of excuse for going back, if they were on good terms when he did, and also what his relationship with her is like now. (Also we don't know what he was doing in America, or when and why he decided to reach back out to Eddie and how exactly that all happened, but that's for a different post.) Either way, Eddie grew up without any kind of a father, and depending on what his mother told him, he could've hated the guy, ached to meet him, resented him, and probably every single emotion you can think of. And it undoubtedly led to a lack of trust and feeling unwanted. Not to mention that once Eddie DOES come into his life he has no clue how to be a father, and he's a pretty crap one, especially at first. On repeated occasions he acts like he hates Eddie, says he's disappointed in him (ex. the conversation in Eddie's room that Patricia overhears), and doesn't approve of him or his actions, which is not the best way to connect with your son or help him feel good (and he wonders why Eddie doesn't want to call him dad). Oh, and there's the whole "constantly putting his friends in danger" thing. And being on team evil. The ONLY saving grace here is that by the end Sweet is ACTIVELY trying to build a relationship and be a dad (I'd argue he never really succeeds at the whole being a dad part), and he seems to care and never purposefully tries to put Eddie in danger. But the two of them do not have a good relationship, I would say. And tbh I don't think Eddie should ever forgive him, after all he's done, but that's just my personal opinion.
Joy's dad (Frederick Mercer) - I feel like we sometimes forget just how awful Joy's dad was. Not only was he in the evil immortality club, he willingly used his OWN DAUGHTER for cult activities and ceremonies. Like, he essentially gave her up and said she's cult property now, intending to use her as a pawn. And he kept her locked up and isolated from the world and from her friends for MONTHS. MONTHS!!!!! And for lack of better words he was making her help them kill their friends. Like sir you have traumatized your daughter for LIFE. And it is YOUR FAULT. I have no idea what their relationship was like before all that went down; Patricia seemed to indicate that he was a pleasant guy, and even while she was locked up Joy was convinced that her dad was doing this because the others were "making him," bless her heart. Before all that, they probably had an okay, normal relationship. But tbh, none of that matters anymore. I imagine that absolutely shattered Joy's relationship with her dad. I can only imagine the heartbreak and hurt and betrayal she must've felt, especially if indeed they'd had a good relationship before, and now she probably won't ever trust him again. At one point Joy says she's trying to work on her relationship with her father, which is more than he deserves tbh. This relationship is absolutely not a good one anymore, and it may even be irreparable. The literal only thing saving him is that he at least ACTED like he cared. He repeatedly calls her darling and princess during his appearances onscreen, and he tries to assure her it'll be okay. At the very least, he cares, even if he cares in the wrong way.
And now, last and certainly least, we come to Jerome's mom. "But Liz," you say, "you're rating her worse than the two parents who were literally in the immortality club?!" Yes, and here's why.
We don't see her at ALL, but what we do hear about her paints an ugly, ugly picture. And what makes her the worst is that she does not care and does not even ATTEMPT to care. Alfie's and Mick's dads have high expectations and are hard on their kids, but they both show that they care. Amber's dad doubts her but loves her and protects her. Patricia's parents certainly have the ability to care, even if they need to reallocate their resources to BOTH daughters. Eddie's dad and Jerome's own dad, throughout all their transgressions, expressed interest in mending and building relationships with their kids. Even Joy's dad seemed to care.
Joan Clarke does not care. You said so yourself up there, anon: she refuses to help her kids with their dad in prison and never attended any of Poppy's recitals. And she sent Jerome off to boarding school at age five and left him there to rot, in Jerome's words. Throughout the entire show, I can't recall Jerome ever once saying one good thing about his mother. And he implied that his home life is bad and doesn't go home a lot, which would all be her fault, since she's the only parent there. Based on Jerome's comments and context clues, she just sounds like an unpleasant woman all around. I said this in the tags of the post that inspired this ask, and I'll say it here: I'm pretty sure Alfie has met Jerome's mom, based on clues (and if he hasn't met her, he's met her in my headcanons). In the episode with Alfie's parents, he says to Jerome "yours are WAY worse" when discussing parents, implying that he's met them. But as John Clarke is in prison and Alfie doesn't know anything about him, and also because he's definitely been gone since before Jerome and Alfie met, there's no way Alfie's met his dad. Which means he's only met Jerome's mom, and the comment was just about his mom. And if Alfie's saying it like that, you know she cannot be a pleasant lady. I'm trying to think of any redeeming things Jerome ever says about his mom, but it's difficult. Alfie makes a joke in s1 while they're "contacting Joy's spirit" that Jerome once stole Mrs. Andrews' scarf and snuggled in bed with it because he was missing his mom, but that's about it. Yes, she was technically there for her kids (unlike some of the dads on this list), but it sounds like she wasn't really there mentally. She made it clear to her kids that she doesn't care and doesn't seem to be making any effort. So if I'm Jerome, I'm going home almost never so I have to see her as little as possible [I have a headcanon that Jerome never goes home for Christmas and in fact starts going to Alfie's house for Christmas]. Because not only does he have a bad relationship with her, he has practically no relationship at all.
So, in conclusion it may be a controversial opinion, but I truly believe Jerome's mom is the worst of the parents. In their relationships with their kids, at least.
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meetmyblondemuffins · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealously
warnings: fighting
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As Sirius pulled into his usual spot by Hagrid’s cabin. Once the motorcycle came to a stop Y/n hopped off the back. This has been their usual routine since way before they even started dating. Before they were together, which EVERYONE saw coming.
"Thanks for the ride. As always." Y/n thanked him as she gets off the back of his bike, handing him the helmet he designated as hers years ago.
"You know, you don't have to thank me every morning for giving you a ride. Your my girl, Y/m/n/n." Sirius gave Y/n a knowing look. Taking the helmet from her hands.
Y/n smiled leaning forward, to lean against Sirius's chest., "I can still be grateful."
Sirius shook his head letting out a quick laugh. "You'll be the death of me. I swear."
The time they wasted before school started was just filled with laughs, jokes, and the occasional kiss. Even though the kisses were a little more PG, but possessive on Sirius's part.
"Who is that?" Brett a new guy to the school who recently moved from California asked the guys around him.
"No, dude. She's Black's girl." Peter waved his hands in the air trying to call off the guys thoughts.
"Yeah, don't go near her." James agreed, trying to deter the new guy from a path that he does not want to go down.
"Why not?" Brett asked still watching Y/n giggle and lean into Sirius from across the parking lot.
"Sirius Black has a bad temper. And a habit of getting into fights." Remus stated to the new guy hoping it was enough for Brett to drop it.
James nodded in agreement. "She makes him calm, so to speak."
"They've been together for years. Trust us, don't go near her with intentions of tearing them apart." Fabian stated along with the others.
But of course, Brett's attention seemed to never waver from the oldest Black and Y/n. His mind was made up. Y/n was gonna be his by the end of the day, he'll make her see he's better then Sirius.
"I have practice. You staying to watch?" Sirius asked as he walked up next to Y/n, leaning against the wall next to her.
"I already planned on staying, Sirius." Y/n smiled at him, putting the books away in her dorm after a long day of schoolwork.
"Good" Sirius smirked wrapping his arm around her shoulders all the while taking her backpack from her.
Once they got to the quidditch pitch Sirius helped Y/n set up where she was gonna be sitting and waiting for the practice to end. He set down her bag. After making sure Y/n was situated he left to go to the locker room to change with the rest of the guys, while Y/n got started on homework. By the time all the guys came out dressed and ready for practice Y/n had already finished her homework. So, she decided to start drawing in her notebook. That is till someone decided to walk over to her and judging by their stature it wasn't her boyfriend.
"What a beautiful girl like you doing here?" Brett asked once he stood infront of Y/n. It was obvious whoever this guy was to Y/n he had to be new or stupid. Especially if he dared to flirt with her. New or stupid.
"I go to school here." Y/n replaied taking a swift glance up at him. Before continuing with her doodle.
"Cute. But what I meant was, why are you watching practice? Like seeing all the shirtless guys?" Brett let out a laugh as if she couldn't tell what he was really doing. With what he asked it was obvious to her he thinks he's God's gift to the world, and that she must have been watching him.
"There's only one shirtless guy I'm here for and I happen to be dating him." Y/n looked at the new guy and stared at him directly in the eyes. She stated her words hoping he'd get that he's not wanted and that she's taken.
"Hey, who the hell is that?" Sirius asked the guys, nodding in the direction of some guy talking to his Y/n.
"We warned him, Sirius. We swear." Fabian stated, being the first to answer a close to turning red Sirius Black.
Then James jumped in as well. "We told him that she was taken and she's your girl."
"Who is he?" Sirius asked, trying to keep his voice level.
"New guy, Brett. He's on the team or at least the madam hooch is giving him a chance. He was asking about Y/n earlier when you both pulled into the parking lot. We told him she was taken, by you and that he shouldn't mess with you but..." Gideon explained.
"Apparently he doesn't listen." Sirius stated before walking over to where his girl is and to where the school's newest idiot is currently standing.
"That can always change." Brett smirked and wiggled his eyebrows towards Y/n, who if anyone looked could tell she felt uncomfortable.
"I don't want it to." Y/n stated with a fire in her eyes. She wouldn't trade Sirius for anything.
"Are you sure he feels the same on that?" Brett leaned down to be closer the Y/h/c-ed girl. Who in his mind was just being stubborn.
Y/n was ready to rip this guys head off. But right when she was about to get up and do some damage she saw her boyfriend approaching. "I'm pretty sure he does." Y/n smiled.
"What makes you think that?" Brett asked pretending to be curious but it was obvious he was gonna try and twist what she says.
"She thinks that because I tell her all the time." Sirius spoke with a tone that could scare the bravest of men. Once Brett turned around Sirius decked him.
"He does." Y/n raised even though she knew Brett's attention wasn't on her anymore. She watched the fight, making sure it didn't get too out of hand.
"You were warned" Sirius stated lowly in the guy's ear. He knows he could hear him even if he might have a slight concussion.
"Yeah, I was. But I heard you're childhood sweethearts, that's a long time. I'm just showing her that her options are open." Brett spit out some blood getting up from the ground. Still taunting Sirius after getting beat up for a solid five minutes. Yup, he's an idiot.
"I don't want any other options." Y/n spoke making sure all her words came out clear as day. To get it through his obviously thick skull. She even went as far as to lean down a little so he could also read her lips.
Sirius smirked at the idiot that kept losing his balance. "Now, I suggest you leave my girl alone and do not try this again."
"Y-yeah." Brett stuttered.
Once Brett scurried away Sirius turned to face Y/n and was silently checking her over with his eyes and hands checking her over to make sure she was ok. "You ok?"
Y/n nodded doing the same thing, checking him over. "Yeah, I'm ok. Are you?"
"I'm fine." Sirius waved her off.
"Sirius..." Y/n whined his name out knowing how he likes to hide the fact he's hurt when he is.
"Your ok, I didn't end up beating him into a pulp. So yeah I'm ok. I promise, Y/n" Sirius looked her in the eyes adoring how much she cares about his wellbeing.
"You know I don't want anyone else but you, right?" Y/n asked him cupping his cheek and neck looking at him with the same look in her eyes.
Sirius reassuring her. Lightly pulling her closer into his embrace. "I know. You know I don't want anyone else but you too, right?"
"I know." Y/n nodded moving into his awaiting arms.
"Good" he mumbled into the top of her head.
"Good. What do you say we head back?" she asked looking up at her giving her a kiss to her cheek and going to change since practice had ended due to the fight. So, they can back to their dorm and just have some alone time together.
@meetmyblondemuffins @siriusblackswife24 @drownie @f0lkl0verm0re @siriusblackwh0re @gr4cein9h4m @lostredheadinablondeworld
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Prompt: Pro Athlete Sirius because that my and Remus' kink
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~Notes: OMFG VICTOrIA!!!! I FUCKING SCREECHED!!!! lkadfjlaksdgjoiaejfalskdgjioeugisfkldshg Yes tis my kink as well!!! And then I saw this from Nonny and worlds collided and BOOM! I hope you like this my love<3<3 You incredibly talented sugarplum!!! TBH I want to write a thousand more things in this AU XD
When Remus was young— surrounded by the light breeze of the Welsh coast and the harmony of birds chirping in the distance— he would follow his mother to their small garden behind their cottage  at the cusp of twilight as his father cooked their supper, and he’d watch as she laid flat all sorts of newspapers written in French and Arabic and English, watch as she brought her red pen against the ink and marked the articles with underlines and shorthand he wouldn’t understand for years still.
He asked her once, when he was barely eight years old, why she bothered to keep up with so many different publications, why she read the same story penned by countless perspectives when all the facts stayed the same at the end of the day. And he remembers how she had let out a quick, shrill of a laugh, tossing back her golden head while sucking in a puff from the bubbling hookah she had set up besides her— a habit she acquired from her Algerian, refugee parents, and one that became synonymous to those late nights in Remus’s eyes.
“Facts can be wielded to someone’s personal vendettas, Remus John,” she had crooned in that adoring way of hers whenever she spoke to him— honey eyes that were the same color and shape to Remus’s own flashing alight and their matching smiles going crooked in her stunningly beautiful face. 
“Oh.” Remus had replied, still confused as all get out but was perfectly fine with just holding his small vigil, watching her beneath moonlight and the soft glow of their outdoors lamps, as he listened to the shuffling of papers while she commenced this odd quirk. 
It’s a decade and a half later—  as his editor for the Phoenix, a small, but bustling online editorial that plans on dethroning the likes of Politico and Vox in only a matter of years, scans his latest findings on the corrupt boosters linked to MP Avery from Leeds— when Remus thinks he suddenly understands what his mother, with her keen eyes and pixelated air, had meant by facts in how they can be colored differently simply by the words surrounding them. And he wonders if one day soon, one of his bylines will join her little stack of stories, if she’ll be proud of him even if she says as much even now, when he’s a lost twenty-something stumbling through life in the capitol and barely making it as is, between his actual job and the gig he has at the coffee shop nearest his dingy flat he shares with three other blokes.
“Mmm, this is good, Lupin,” Dorcas declares after what feels like an eon, dropping her long, dark legs from where they were lounging leisurely on her desk and scuffs out her cigarette in a pretty, glass ashtray. “Send it over to Flores to look into deeper, maybe it’ll corroborate the info she’s already gotten from her sources.”
Remus feels himself bristle, hopes that it doesn’t show, that his face stays passive as he contends, “I think I should at least help her write the expose, I’m the one who got this bombshell.”
“That’s not how it works, sweets,” Dorcas toots, tossing back her dark head of curls as she rises, perching on the corner of her desk delicately and looking down, straight into his gaze. “I know it’s frustrating, but you’re fresh blood. barely six months here, but Alice has been with us for years. This is her baby, and we’re just here to nurture it.”
“So I’ll have to wait another ten months, at least,  to get the same treatment?” He argues in an admittedly petulant way, making Dorcas laugh endearingly, and Remus is suddenly,  searingly reminded of his age, and how he’s the youngest staffer that this London based news outlet has on hand. 
“C’mon, love, it won’t be that long for someone as sharp as you, just be patient, and don’t try to pull a Zoe Barnes on us, yeah? You’re far too pretty to clean up on the rails of  the tube.” Dorcas tousles a hand into his dark tawny curls, and Remus holds back the roll to his eyes that he feels willing up inside of him as he stands fully.
“Thanks Cas.”
She smiles beatifically, and throws him a wink. “You’re joining Emmy for the report tomorrow on those United footballers and their fundraiser for the hospital, yeah?”
“Bright and early,” Remus replies, still feels a bit miffed that he was chosen to write up the charity function, considering he doesn’t know a lick about football and doesn’t really get on with anyone who does. But Caradoc— their typical sports reporter— is out sick with the flew, so it’s on him. “I’ll have it on your desk early enough so it’ll be published by tea time.”
“Good man,” Dorcas says in thanks, picking up her crowing cellphone before waving him off.
Remus isn’t all that surprised when he strides out of the office only to find Benjy Fenwick sitting against the opposite wall, knees pressed to his chest and quickly scrambling up when he catches sight of Remus. Sometimes it’s impossible to believe that the bespectacled man in front of him is one of the top editors for the Phoenix, that he’s a regular corespondent for places like the BBC or CNN— that his rebukes against the piss poor inquiries waged during PMQs have become more anticipated than the sessions themselves. Remus tends to forget all of that when he sees him like this, messy haired and wearing a graphic T-shirt with some marvel superhero embossed on the front. “Wotcher Remus.”
“Hiya Remus says, smiling softly and rocking back on his heels. “You wanted to talk to the sergeant then?”
“Huh? Oh, no, no. I didn’t want to talk to Dorcas, I just— Erm, I know you were showing her that stuff you got from that intern, Pettigrew, and i know you were chafed about not getting any opportunity here so—“ He trails off, scratching the back of his head and studying a point over Remus’s shoulder, and it’s all too endearing, and Remus is so beyond thankful he’s made such a good friend here.
“No cigar,” he says in answer to the unspoken question, shrugging noncommittally even if he feels like shit over it.
Benjy nods, face contrite in a way that tells Remus he never thought it would’ve went otherwise. “I’m sorry, that’s bollocks.”
“’S whatever,” Remus shrugs off the apology, begins walking down the hall and straightening his report to hand over to Alice. 
“Ah,, erm. We can get a drink, yeah? In commiseration,” Benjy offers, and Remus stilts only for a beat before continuing the twisting trail to where Alice is set up with the more senior members on staff. And he feels only sorta bad about wanting to refuse. He knows that if he says yes, it’ll mean something different to Benjy than it does him, that he’ll probably take it as Remus finally giving into his pestering and deciding to actually go out with him, even if he’s refuted the other four times he’s asked as much. Remus’s simply just too busy trying to get a footing in this city, and trying to figure out where he’s suppose to go from here, and what he’s suppose to do. And yes, Benjy is cute— a complete Seth Cohen archetype. And he’s sweet and smart and funny enough. But Remus is really not in the mood for doing the whole flowers and wine and candle lit dinners shtick, had gotten enough of that while still with his university boyfriend. And yeah, he’s only just turned 24, but he already feels too old and too jaded for that sort of puppy love— even if Benjy’s got a good decade and some change on him.
Probably sensing his hesitation, Benjy is quick to rectify the offer. “I’ll ask Mary, and Fabian too, and a few others. We can make a night of it, just some drinks on a Friday after work.”
Stalling by the last turn to Alice’s desk, Remus looks at him from over his shoulder, and sort of hates himself for being such a soft hearted fuck sometimes. “Yeah Benj, sounds nice. Just let me know on the group chat, yeah?”
Benjy grins, much more genuine than his awkward quirk of the lips from earlier. “Yeah, good call, I’ll let the others know pronto.”
“Aces,” Remus says, tosses him a obligatory thumbs-up before finding an expectant looking Alice who’s tapping her foot impatiently.
Yeah, today is so bloody shit.
Surprisingly, the round of drinks turns to another and then a third and fourth and Remus is currently nursing his fifth mango margarita on Benjy’s tab, and he actually feels lighter than he has since taking the job at Phoenix, feels bright and bubbling and like absolutely nothing could be wrong as long as he’s got this drink in his grasp and he’s sitting with the handful of reporters and photographers from the office that don’t all have sticks up their asses. It’s fun, it’s good. So obviously it couldn’t have lasted.
Mary is currently cackling about her Uber driver from last night who asked her all sorts of well meaning, but incredibly dense questions about her hijab— a freshly poured glass of coke in one hand, while the other is tangled into her girlfriend Emmy’s. And From his left Remus can hear Fabian ribbing Frank on his crush on Alice, while Benjy scoots intermittently closer as they watch Kingsley and Marlene sparring over something to do with a Kardashian or TikTok trend or whatever the fuck else— The guy has resilience, Remus has to give Benjy that.
“Right, who’s buying next?” Marlene asks, abrasive as ever while scrolling through her phone, ostensively finding something to prove her point against the managing editor.
“Reckon it’s my turn,” Benjy crows, standing up smoothly and glancing down at Remus with a nervous sort of half grin.
“Just a water for me, ta. I need to sober up,” Remus tells him, feels proud that he didn’t even slur slightly. Benjy bobs his head understandingly, and Remus turns to ask Marlene about her latest tinder hookup which always is a good laugh, but then he catches on it. On the sound of the pub’s doors flinging open, followed by a raucous crowd of athletic looking guys probably only a bit older than he is, clambering indoors. 
They’re all so very sixth-form, broad grins and slapping each other’s shoulders with jeers, topped off with loud, bark like laughter that makes it obvious to Remus that these wankers think that they’re some sort of group of gods amongst men, roaming around like everyone should fall to their feet and offer everything they have. It makes Remus roll his eyes so far back that it feels like he might’ve sprained them. They just give off this exhausting aura that reminds him of a past boyfriend in tenth year who was on the footie team and who’s favorite activity was either making Remus feel lucky enough to go out with someone so popular, or dragging him around like some sort of bloody trophy.
To put it nicely, Remus sorta hates them on sight. So when he sees one of the tossers— regrettably the brightest of the lot who’s all pearly teeth, and glittering eyes and incredibly impressive shoulders that tape off to a narrow waste in an objectively infuriating matter— swivels up to the barkeep and jostles Benjy on his way, well Remus doesn’t hesitate to dart forwards to tell him off.
“Oi, watch where you’re going, yeah?”
Benjy and the bloke who looks like he might moonlight as a model for Calvin briefs for when he’s not lounging in a yacht off the Tuscany coast, both turn to him at the same time. Benjy looking abashed, and the aforementioned tosser preening like the cat who’s just caught a canary.
“Sorry, love. Didn’t see you there,” he says in a delightfully deep tenner, giving Remus an appreciative once over, and Remus absolutely despises how the action makes him feel both thrilled and irritated. “Trust and believe, I wouldn’t have looked away if I saw you.”
“Not me, arse.” Remus spits back, refuses to pay any credence to how his cheeks have begun to flush. “You bumped into my mate right there, the one with the tray of loggers.”
The tosser darts his almost molten gray eyes over to Benjy for a sparing second before he laser focusses back onto Remus, the most phony expression of contrition all over his face. “Sorry to your friend,” he says the descriptor like a joke that no one else is in on. “Let me buy you a drink in sorry for the one I made slim here spill.”
Remus is officially unimpressed, hopes that his flat tone gets it across. “You’re an arse.”
“You’re mouthy,” he retorts, looks like it’s something he greatly appreciates— delights over even. 
“Ah, ’s fine Remus, really. I’ll just bring these back and get us a new glass.”
“Listen to slim, Remus, he’s got the right idea.” The tosser hurriedly interjects, strutting close enough to him that he makes it so Remus has to tip his head back just slightly so not to drop his gaze. “I’m Black, Sirius Black, just to get the pleasantries out of the way.” His leer tells Remus that the name should probably evoke some response of aw into Remus, but all it does is make him sound so egregiously pretentious that Remus wants to smack his own bloody head against a dry wall and stay in the hole until this ruddy Sirius bloke leaves him the hell alone.
“Good for you,” he says instead of all of that, and spots Sirius’s friends from behind Sirius chuckling and elbowing one another. Evidently this is a line the tosser uses frequently, and Remus is pleased that he might be one of the first who aren’t at all impressed by the grandiose way he introduced himself.
“Hah, you know I’m use to the pretty ones playing hard to get, but I’m really feeling here that you’re not exactly liking my company, love.”
Remus sucks in a frustrated breath through his nose, shouldering past Sirius and taking the tray of drinks from Benjy before storming back to their table where the others have begun openly gawping at the scene— Marlene outright squawking with Fabian just as Remus takes his seat.
“Don’t,” Remus warns them all as he silently says fuck off to the water and instead gargles down one of the loggers. And if he has to steadfastly not turn around for the rest of the night towards where he can feel Sirius’s gaze burning into his back— well then so be it.
The next morning, Remus has to puke twice into the toilet, and gulps down three aspirins just to stave off his bloody hangover from the night before where he decided that getting properly sloshed would prove as a good technique to not end up making out with Sirius in some dark corner— or regrettably the backseat of his car. And if he does still remember flashes of ranting to him about how insufferable preppy, rich boys actually are while Sirius gazed at him endeared— well Remus just decides to purge it out along with the stomach acid. It’s not like he’ll ever see the douche again.
He meets Arthur— one of the accountants who also helps out by taking photos for more low key news stories— outside the hospital where the conference will be taking place with the Manchester United team. There was a scrimmage that they all played with some of the kids in the cancer ward that occurred at around eight in the ruddy morning, but thankfully Remus didn’t have to show up until an hour later when the team presented their big shiny check, to the big, shiny hospital. 
However, Arthur has been here for hours, so he’s beyond chirpy and looks like he’s downed three cups of espresso as he chatters on about his son Percy starting secondary school, and his eldest, Bill, getting an award for his reading prowess, and all the strange craving his wife has been having throughout her pregnancy with the twins they’re expecting any week now. And Remus loves Arthur, he does— one of the sweetest folks he’s ever met— but God, his head is still thrumming from those misguided tequila shots and he really just wants to get his three quotes, and write up the story so he can find refuge back in his sheets.
While Arthur has moved to talking about his wife, Molly’s, plans to open up a daycare in their refurnished garage, Remus scans his eyes over the familiar face of reporters from other outlets who look just as bored as him, and then to the stage where a woman in a sharply pressed suit is ushering for the group of football stars to join her, so that the conference can finally fucking begin. 
And Remus thinks that their faces are sorta familiar, probably from all the publicity they get on the telly— but then he freezes as he stops at one of them with dark brown skin, and thick rimmed spectacles— and he suddenly can hear him chatting about his redheaded girlfriend and drunkenly declaring that she’ll be the mother of his children some day soon. So he completely expects it when his stomach drops as he moves his glance just a bit to the right, being struck by pearly teeth, and glittering eyes and incredibly impressive shoulders that tape off to a narrow waste, made all the more infuriating by the tight kit he’s got on and the blazing number twelve splayed against his chest.
And fuck.
Remus runs through about a dozen scenarios in which he can make a discrete, or not so discrete exit before he notices him, but in tandem to his spiraling thoughts, the wanker actually looks forwards, and like a creepy metal detector, his quick silver gaze pinpoints onto Remus.
They stare at one another for a beat before his smirk goes wolfish, and he runs a hand through his artfully tousled hair in a way that practically screams, fancy meeting you here. And holy fuck he looks so mouth watteringly attractive with that faint film of sweat running down his neck, and how his smile pulls slightly more to the left, and how he’s looking at Remus like he’s his birthday and Christmas presents all rolled into one.
Remus suddenly hates everything— but most of all hates Sirius, and how bloody fit he is.
“Oh, you’re a fan then?” 
Starting, Remus shifts around slightly so that he’s facing Arthur completely. “Pardon?”
“Sirius Black I mean, you’re a fan?” Arthur asks in that abrasively congenial and intensely scrutinizing way that he treats everything. “I mean he’s a great player, but I know you don’t really watch. So I bet it’s all that charity work he does, yeah?”
“Charity work?” Remus echos, feeling like a floundering fish.
“Truly some amazing stuff.” Arthur pontificates, rubbing a hand against his jaw as he tips his head back. “I mean obviously I’m partial to the fundraising for Reporters Without Borders, but of course the things he does with the more impoverished kids is great. And I know Molly likes his very outspoken posts about being anti war and his annual live streams to earn money for refugees in those war torn nations, like the last one he did for Syria?”
“Oh—“ Remus says, feeling like his head is being overrun by a fountain of new information.
“Yes well, you don’t usually see athletes get into the thick of it with political issues, but I reckon he never really minded. I mean the fact he’s the first football star from United to have come out without any fanfare really proved that. Oh, I think they’re starting, I should probably get some photos before Dorcas gives me a tongue lashing.”
And as quick as the flash of his camera’s lends, Arthur is using his considerable height to get to a more advantageous spot towards the front, and leaves Remus in the dust, as if he hasn’t just obliterated his every assumption of Sirius from after that initial meeting.
And unbidden, the words his mother had told him so many years ago, about facts and how they can color a situation just simply based off the person who’s speaking them— flood to the forefront of his mind.
“Fucking hell,” Remus mutters lowly, gets jostled by Greengrass, a hawkish reporter from a rivaling publication who always has on the most wickedly sharp acrylic nails, and perfectly quaffed curls— as she waves around her certification to speak her inquiry.
“My question is for Potter,” she announces when the woman leading the event, McGonagall, points her way. “And I was wondering how early you boys have to rise for training during the season? And how intense the sessions are that Coach Hooch puts you guys through?”
Potter, the one with the redheaded girlfriend that Remus heard so much about last night between his ranting at Sirius, parts his lips, but it’s not his voice that ends up reverberating through the outdoors space. Instead, it’s Sirius, who’s shouldering him with a goading air, obviously expecting his comment to have only ended up in Potter’s ear and not caught by the mike.
“I wonder if Lupin will let me wake up with’m so he can let me get some real training done before practices, eh?”
And just as soon as his words pitter off, the entire crowd drops to a hush— quiet enough so that they could probably hear it if a pen dropped. 
Sirius’s handsome face— strong jawline, and broad but sharp cheekbones, and a long, narrow nose— goes suddenly ashen, and he flashes over to Remus as if he’s terrified that he’ll bite his face off.
God, what an idiot.
With a long suffering sigh, Remus plucks out the microphone from a slack faced Greengrass’s hand. “We can discuss the regimen afterwards, Black. Just meet me by the front doors and let your mate answer the bloody question.”
Everyone around them falls into laughter that’s caught between uncomfortable chuckles and amazingly amused cackling, but the only person Remus is paying any mind is Sirius, and how he seems to have gone absolutely incandescent, nodding electrically before miming the zip of his lips and gesturing for Potter to carry on.
Jesus help him, Remus has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.
~My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist
~Buy Me A Coffee 
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darthwheezely · 3 years
dating george weasley and being a ravenclaw
warnings: stupidly [wickedly] hot men named george fabian weasley, kinda smut, cussing fs, angst because our angel is insecure, also i may have almost cried writing this and it’s sO LONG I AM SO SORRY
people that may like this (?): @whiz-bangs78 @vogueweasley @gcdric (whenever you’re back! :)) @theweasleyslut @thehufflepuffwife @lupinsclassroom @wand3ringr0s3 @kitwalker02 @monoscandal @pansydaisy
i’m obsessy espressy w this pic btw please take it for your enjoyment
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this man boy
is so enamored with you
he doesn’t even really know a whole lot about you at first, stealing glances from across the great hall
listening intently when you answer questions in class
he starts to memorize the way you roll your eyes when you ask snape a question you can’t answer
and the way you wrinkle your nose when someone stereotypes you based on your house
you’re fiery, but you’re so poised for quick answers and sharp looks
he would pay big money to have you roast him during class like you do to cormac when he tries to hit on you a lot
which earns him many a revenge prank
and then he starts to try and talk to you, rather foolishly at first
but he finds it so intensely sexy the banter you two get involved in during these interactions
“If it isn’t my favorite little bird, Y/N ;)”
“Aren’t there other nests for you to bother, Weasley?”
“None that I find as mildly riveting, my dear, I do love a bird that chirps back”
“Do you like ones that bite, too?”
“I don’t know if your beak is sharp enough, love”
“Come up to me when I’m reading again, and I’ll give you some harder evidence of just how bad my bite is hmm?”
(Unbeknownst to you as you walk away, he’s already got some harder evidence growing in his jeans...)
he doesn’t stop searching you out, determined to prove to you he’s enough
you two after about a week and a half finally go out to hogsmeade on your first date
he takes you to the three broomsticks where you both drink butterbeer and make deep conversation for hours until close
there’s a point where he makes you laugh so hard you snort and spit out some of your butterbeer
which makes him snort and spit out his butterbeer
he realizes a couple things then:
1) he’s obsessed with the way you tell stories or talk passionately about the subjects you love. he adores watching how you light up everywhere in your body and talk so fast at points you can’t breathe
2) he wants to live in your head. he studies the way you think and watches you intently as you process punchlines and stories and memories and he realizes
i need to be something she thinks about
and without realizing it while you’re laughing super hard he puts his hand on the back of your neck and kisses you like it’s the last night on this planet
after about 12 seconds he pulls away and starts to turn red seeing your blank face unmoved
“i-i’m really sorry i promise i didnt mean to be that guy i just-“
and you’re pressing into him everywhere mouth and body and mind and he’s drinking you in like the butterbeer stained on his scarf and he is totally balls deep in love with you
you two are inseparable after that, making it official on the walk back to the castle
if you’re going on a stress tangent about how much work you have, for Beverly negative thought he’ll press a kiss to a pet of your face until you’re giggling and a mess and you’re kissing him back and then you’re on the table in the library...
“Georgie, you’re gonna kill my grades if we keep doing this!”
“You kill me everytime you blink for godric’s sake and yet here I am!”
he is a simp
he says he isn’t but anytime you bring out the “georgie, please” or “love, please” he turns to butter
fred thinks it’s the funniest shit and he capitalizes on it constantly
he calls you his little bird
most specifically his mockingbird because he claims you always set him at ease and make him feel like everything is centered
and he’s right, you do
you center the wild fire in him when he needs to breathe and look around
you see parts of him that aren’t balanced
there’s a night when you walk in on him just curled on his bed crying
your beautiful boy alone and sad and you instinctively start to cry too
You wrap your arms around him as he turns to you and buried his head in your lap. George, my love, what’s wrong?”
“I-I’m not like Fred I’m not like Charlie I’m sure as shit not like Bill I’m not like anyone that’s actually important” he chokes
“No, you don’t understand, Y/N. I’m not good enough. For anyone. And I see it and hear about it everyday when my mum brags about how great her kids are and save us for last and when Fred can never shut up about how good he is at EXISTING and I-it swallows me whole, Y/N, I cant feel like this anymore” his body wracks out a harsh sob and you hold him like this
You hold him until he can start to fall asleep and you lay with him until you too, are asleep when he wakes up to tell you
“I love you. Forever, Y/N.”
And you push the hair off his lightly sweaty forehead and tell him “and I love YOU, George Weasley.” and you two fall back asleep happy crying in each other’s arms
he sees you struggle too
struggle with your workload
struggle with your own insecurities of not being good enough for him
telling him you’re just a girl that talks a lot about weird stuff and that you bring him down and he every time cups your face in his hands and pulls you down into him and says
“I love you here.” And kisses your forehead. “I love your mind.” And kisses below your earlobe “and I love you here. How you listen to people and always know what to say” and he kisses your nose “and I love you here, how you snort when you laugh really hard.” And he finally lands on your mouth, staying there for a moment, “and I love you most of all here. When you speak everything in your head and laugh and sing and talk and just breathe, my love. You’ve always been enough in all those places.” He presses one more kiss to your forehead and murmurs “I love you everywhere.”
anyway it’s time for spicy stuff
bow chicka wow wow as Fred would prolly say
George loves fucking you in the library it’s canon
he loves hoisting you on a table or against the stacks and murmuring against your skin how loud you are for him
“Is my little bird wanting to chirp a little louder?” He pries your thighs farther apart prompting a squeak and a small whine. “There it is, love, taking me so well...keep quiet, angel don’t want Pince to know how much of a cockslut you are for me writhing against the shelves do you?”
whew chile anyways
he also likes to touch you when you’re reading to him
but will stop and pull his face away from your neck and your hand from your core when you stop reading to him
“Angel, are you so much of a slut that you can’t focus on the words in front of you?”
“N-no, Georgie, oh my god right there”
“Thereeee, it is-“
mmmmm he’s hot fuck on GOD
when you guys slept together for the first time, he brought you to the *ding ding ding* restricted section after hours
he set up a whole ass blanket and relit the candles and brought pillows
it was very much making love to george and he whispered sweet nothings and praises in your ear the entire time
ugh what a MAN
molly fucking adores you
“My George brought home a beautiful Ravenclaw? Please know, Y/N he is an idiot most of the time and we wouldn’t be hurt if you found an out-“
again, Fred really does love you and enjoy your company
frequently comments about truly how unconditionally happy George has been, and how happy it makes him to see his younger twin so confident and full of joy
he also wouldn’t say this out loud but the more confident georgie gets, the better his prank plans become
i mean after all - he is the brains of the operations ;)
every chance he gets when you’re around his family or really anyone, he’ll sneak up behind you and plant a hearty kiss on your cheek and a quick “ILOVEYOU” in your ear before running off to do god knows what
oh, y’all bicker constantly
and by bicker i just mean argue about like
or is Wyoming a state
just like factually dumb but quirky shit
you’ve only had a fight like ONE time
and it was because George took a prank too far with Fred and you didn’t talk to him for an entire day
and because George has a lot of separation anxiety plus fear of abandonment he did not take it really well
You had gone back to your room after dinner in the Great Hall. For the whole day George didn’t eat. You knew because you hadn’t seen him anywhere in the Hall, and none of your classes. When you opened the door you saw him crouching knees pressed to his chest on your bed, he looked like a ghost. He met eyes with you and choked out a sob and ran to you, you opening your arms to hold him. “Please forgive me, Y/N I know you’re hurt but please don’t leave me I’ll be better next time I promise” he got faster and you knew he couldn’t breathe so you just whispered to him you weren’t going to leave you’ll be with him and you’ll stay and mistakes happen, you promise. “Georgie, I promise I’m never leaving. Okay?” He nodded into your shoulder, hunched into you. “I love you so much it hurts.” “I know, Georgie. I know.”
regardless for all his quirks and all his fears and hurts
there is nothing you wouldn’t do
to spend every waking moment with this boy
your love
and he, for the first time, knows he is enough
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aelwynrights · 3 years
if you’re still doing the reverse ask meme, thoughts on bad kids and how they feel about aelwyn post sophomore year?? also LOVE ur aelwyn meta always fun to read!!
i am always doing all ask memes emotionally also thank you i adore doing aelwyn meta
the bad kids..... rvs.... okay in order:
kristen applebees likes aelwyn because they are both lesbians sparkleheart and they both have shit parents so they bond over that. occasionally they will try to make dinner as a surprise for jawbone and sandra lynn together (the surprise is the smoke alarm going off and them having to order takeout because god neither of these girls can cook)
riz thinks aelwyn is still a little scary partly because she did almost kill him and mostly because once she dropped by his office to pick up adaine, took one glance at his latest conspiracy board, and said “huh, don’t you think you should look more into the trucks coming in from bastion city to find out if they’re a part of the issue?” and she was RIGHT and it fixed everything and cracked it wide open he’s never admitted it to her and is terrified one day she’ll find out (she already knows). they have study sessions where they sit in opposite corners of the room and do not speak to each other and get SO much done.
fig doesn’t super trust aelwyn still but aelwyn has such older sister energy that she can’t HELP going to her with her relationship “issues” (they’re literally never that serious) also she does like it when aelwyn teases the boys so she can stay (and also she and aelwyn have a weird overlap of fashion sense so there’s like three items that become shared closet items between the two of them). fig and aelwyn will run errands together because they both appreciate being Efficient and not Dawdling, Kristen,
fabian seacaster and aelwyn abernant are both gay and rich and rude and that’s it (brennan lee mulligan don’t get any ideas) they love to hang and insult people and laugh about when they were repressed together. literally the most dynamic duo. i do think fabian deserves to teach aelwyn how to swordfight.
gorgug has never spoken to aelwyn properly in his life and i doubt he ever will. they are civil and consider each other friends but just. what would they talk about what would they DO actually i do want to see them like. the only two free on a thursday evening and desperate for socialisation and they’re like we’re friends we can hang! and it doesn’t go badly it’s just not a night either of them expected to have.
adaine. hoo boy. that’s her older sister!! i can’t get into sister emotions right now i simply cannot but. that’s her older sister and they do fight about adaine getting up too early and making too much noise (aelwyn is the lightest sleeper in the world) but that’s her Older Sister!!
aelwyn and the hangman can hang. end of post.
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bywhatilove · 3 years
“The Friend Trap” Chapter Five
“Actually,” Fabian began as he stood up, “I’ll go talk to her.”
Before either Eddie or KT could interject by reminding him of the headspace Nina was in at the moment and that maybe it would be best to send either of them out there, he was out the door.
“Oh boy,” KT gulped as she laid her head onto her palms. “Why did I let you talk me into this?”
Eddie’s eyes widened with shock. “Me? Talk you into this? K.T, may I care to remind you that this was all your idea!”
“I was hoping you would forget about that…” she muttered under her breath. “We are screwed, Eddie. Nina is never going to forgive me for keeping all of this a secret from her. Fabian is going to be pissed at you for ambushing him.”
“Oh my god. Would you relax?” Eddie leaned back into his chair like he did not have a care in the world. “Nina and Fabian will thank us for this one day. Probably not today…. but someday.”
“Yeah. Okay. Sure.” KT stated out loud, mostly for her own benefit. She gestured towards an empty spot by the window, which would give the two a front seat for the Nina and Fabian reunite show. “I guess we should give them their privacy.”
Eddie nodded his head in agreement. Yet, not even a moment later, the two found themselves racing for the empty chair that would provide them with the best view.
“No fair!” K.T whisper-screamed as Eddie pounced down onto it first.
“As Nina’s Osarian and sworn protector, Fabian’s roommate and best friend AND the one who has known them longer, I think that I rightfully deserve the front row seat for their reunion.” Eddie replied as his eyes took focus on two of his best friends.
K.T rolled her eyes, but all of those were factual statements, and, well, you can’t argue with the facts. So, she begrudgingly took the seat behind him and strained her neck to get a view of what was going on.
Outside, Nina and Fabian had their backs turned away from the coffee shop facing towards the street, which meant that all KT and Eddie could see was their backside as Nina sat on a bench and Fabian stood behind her.
“Oh what I would give to be a fly on that bench,” K.T blurted.
“That’s a good sign,” Eddie noted as the pair watched as Fabian took the empty seat beside Nina.
A few moments of silence passed, with only the occasional hand gesture or body movement to understand what was being said. But that didn’t stop Eddie from providing his own commentary.
“Right now they are both professing their undying, unconditional love for their other. Nina is apologizing for leaving the way she did. Fabian is accepting it. They are making an oath to never break up again. Next, they are going to come in here holding hands being all adorable again and live happily ever after.”
K.T snickered. “Is that your osarian senses tingling or just your own Eddie Miller instincts.”
“That is just common sense,” he replied straight faced. “They are Nina and Fabian. They have survived much, much worse than this.”
Suddenly, Fabian stood up from the bench. He began walking back towards the shop before he stopped in his tracks. K.T and Eddie watched him tell Nina something without even allowing a glance back in her direction. His face was stone cold, nothing like the shy smile K.T and Eddie knew and loved. Whatever he said (K.T and Eddie had never wished they could read lips more than in this moment), must have delivered a final punch to Nina. She let her elbows fall onto her knees and her head collapsed into her palms.
“Hate to break it to you bud, but I think common sense failed ya.” K.T declared unwillingly.
“Go, go, go,” Eddie ushered K.T back away from the window and to their original table. The two barely made it back as the door opened and Fabian entered the room- looking absolutely pissed.
“I’m heading out,” he grunted, “going for a walk. I just need to clear my head. Text me your address, K.T, and I’ll be there later this evening.” He started to walk away towards the back door to ensure he wouldn’t have an awkward encounter with Nina on the way out. Just before he walked through the door, he turned his head almost as if he was about to say something more. Yet, he decided against it and left with a simple shake of the head.
K.T and Eddie glanced at one another.
“Well, with all considering, that wasn’t too bad.” K.T shrugged. The two had accepted a much worse blow up from their meddling. It wouldn’t have shocked them too much if Nina or Fabian refused to speak to them for a couple days. Or if Fabian had bought a ticket straight back to England on the earliest flight available. Or if Nina decided to escape the city by taking a spontaneous trip to see her gran.
Eddie gently shook his head. “Don’t get too relieved. Fabian has always been the more level headed and calm of those two. I love Nina, but she is known for acting impulsively and not the most level headed. It’s usually because of her love for her friends and determination to keep them safe, even if that means she has to brave all of problems on her own. Hence her leaving without a trace senior year….I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
K.T nodded her head. “You do that when you get nervous.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the two as they sat and waited for the tidal wave that could be Nina Martin’s anger. They didn’t have to wait long, though, as Nina soon entered back into the shop. She didn’t look mad… but rather just upset. And somehow, that was all the much worse. Her eyes gave away that tears had recently escaped them and her red tinted face was proof of her distress.
“I’m just gonna head back to the apartment,” she gestured back towards the door. “I guess I’ll see you guys tonight.”
Neither K.T or Eddie had the chance to respond before she was out the door.
“She wasn’t mad at us, which is a lot better than I expected.” K.T began to nervously play with her nails.
Eddie let out a deep sigh before responding. “No, she wasn’t. But she looked so…”
“Broken.” K.T interjected.
“Yeah. They both did. Which honestly makes me feel a lot worse than I would have if they came back here guns-a-blazing and screaming at us.”
“What do you think is going to happen between the two of them? And I don’t want any of your fairytale happy ending b.s.”
Eddie took a moment to sit with this. He did want to give her his honest answer. “Honestly? I’ve heard stories from Amber and Patricia about infamous Fabian and Nina fights. Apparently they can be brutal sometimes. Yet, what neither realizes is that they are usually fighting over the same thing. Nina wants to keep Fabian safe by keeping him far away from any of her chosen one craziness and Fabian wants to keep Nina safe by being right by her side every time something happens. So eventually they erupt into some huge massive argument because they are both so darn stubborn. I mean...that is what this is all about, right?”
K.T looked puzzled like she wasn't quite following.
“Oh, yeah, I forget, I have known them longer and do know them better.” Eddie playfully nudged K.T with his shoulder before continuing. “Fabian is mad at Nina for leaving like she did and she left like she did because she was trying to protect Fabian and the rest of us. Obviously, it didn’t work because she didn’t take into account that egyptain gods and curses love to torture us with or without Nina around. So we just have to make both of them see that they were trying to achieve the same thing and ba-bang. They’re back together!”
“You make that sound a lot easier than it is going to be…” K.T huffed.
Eddie flicked his hand jokingly. “Pfff, no way Rush. My osarian senses are ah tingling and I can promise that everything is going to work out. Nina and Fabian are obviously meant for one another. Anyone can see it. Well, anyone but themselves that is.”
“Like you and Patricia are meant for one another?” She winked at Eddie. “How are you two, actually? With all the Fabian and Nina drama, I completely forgot to ask.”
“Amazing. I mean, long distance sucks butt. But, her university is only two hours drive from mine and Fabian’s. We’ll make it work. I know we will.” Eddie suddenly became fidgety, like he was nervous to say what came next. “She’s the one, ya know? I can’t see myself with anyone else.”
K.T responded by looking at him with adoration and a hint of something else. Something Eddie couldn’t put his finger one. “What is it?”
“Oh...it’s nothing,” K.T gently shook his head. “It’s just that, who knew Anubis House was such a place for matchmaking. You and Patricia. Nina and Fabian. Heck, even Willow and Alfie are still going strong. Sometimes I just feel like I missed out, that’s all.”
Eddie playfully hit her on the shoulder. “Hey now, I don’t want to hear any of that self-deprecation. You are a total catch, K.T Rush, and you are going to make one very, very lucky girl extremely happy one day.”
K.T jokingly rolled her eyes, but Eddie continued speaking. “Now, where is that tacky tourist New York City experience I was promised? I didn’t fly all the way here just to sit in a coffee shop all day and worry over Fabian and Nina. Let's go!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the door. Eddie Miller was promised a tour of NYC, and a tour of it he shall receive.
A couple hours later, hours full of buying extremely tacky NYC decor from touristy shops, taking even more tacky selfies from NYC tourist staples and plenty of food pit stops. K.T and Eddie's phones dinged simultaneously. It was a text from Nina.
"Could y'all come back to the apartment? We need to talk."
"Oh boy," K.T breathed.
"Oh, boy, indeed," Eddie agreed. "Be there in 15." He responded to Nina's text as the two made their way towards the newest Subway stop and made their way back to K.T and Nina's apartment.
When the two walked in, Nina was sitting on the couch.
"Nins, hey there girl!" K.T called out nervously, trying desperately to hide her nerves and caution the blow.
Nina turned her head and her expression was all but the smiling girl K.T had grown to love. "K.T...Eddie...."
"We can explain," Eddie began.
"I'm all ears," Nina gestured to the open seats beside her. Eddie and K.T sat beside her, looking like a couple deers who were caught in headlights. As much as they loved Nina, she could be pretty terrifying. Even without her ability to call on the Egyptian Gods whenever she pleased, an unhappy Nina Martin was a Nina you wanted to steer clear from.
“Where do we start? Why don't you go ahead, Eddie?" K.T shot her glance over towards the boy sitting next to her. "After all, what were you saying earlier, you have known Nina and Fabian the longest and you do know them better..as her osarian and all that fun stuff."
Eddie grimaced at the way K.T used his previous words against him like a weapon. "Yeah...where do we start?"
Nina interrupted him before he had the chance to begin, though. "How about how the two of you know one another? And what happened senior year?”
Eddie and K.T chuckled nervously. “That’s a really funny story, actually,” Eddie began.
“Eddie,” Nina pleaded, “I stayed away to try and protect you all from any more curses and danger craziness. You said something about a great evil? And, K.T, you know about Sibuna?”
No longer did Nina sound angry about Eddie and K.T messing around in her relationship with her and Fabian’s relationship nor was she sad about what Fabian had told her, but rather she sounded like a friend who was desperate to protect those whom she loved. So, K.T and Eddie told her everything. They told her of keys and visions, of crypts and frozen men, of secret sisters, of sinners and tricks and, as they told her, Nina’s heart broke with every word.
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alienjock · 4 years
now you know gorthalax youve met all the guardians. out of the bad kids who do you think has the best parents, or just favourite parental figure in general (jawbone or bud)
i think. okay. okay. here’s a ranking of best to worst guardians.
the thistlesprings - endlessly supportive and incredibly adorable. a+ parenting skills. trying their best.
gorthalax - DOING HIS BEST INCREDIBLY GOOD ROLE MODEL. my personal favorite in terms of like how he interacts with the bad kids. i’m always thinking about the scene where he meets fig and he talks to the bad kids
bill seacaster - the love and pride he has for his son warms my heart i just wish he didn’t place so much pressure onto him. i AM going to fuck fabians dad.
gilear - trying his best <3 go to therapy king
riz’s mom - she’s kinda cool and objectively a good mother and i appreciate what she did for adaine but like her being a cop really hurts her ranking ngl
the abernats - BOO WE HATE YOUR PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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88missmarauder88 · 5 years
Sirius x Reader / Remus x Reader -- Part IV
SO SORRY for the delay. Already working on Part V, so it won’t be far behind! And if I’ve forgotten anyone in this tag list, please message me and let me know!
Tag List: @ideas-nocturnas , @evyiione , @a-hopelessly-imaginative-girl , @intense-sneezing , @ghostlyrose2 , @peasantview , @la-fille-en-aiguilles , @toasterking , @too-involved , @onthebroadway , @comebackanothertime , @hfflpffs-shit , @actually-a-tree , @ohhowthetableshaveturnedd , @justducky0423 
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"I'm really not in a party mood, Lily."
You slumped against the railing at the top of the staircase leading to Gryffindor Tower. For someone who'd been unconscious for the better part of two days, you were exhausted. All you wanted was to crawl into your own bed and stay there. Possibly permanently. Or at least until Sirius and Remus were both graduated and married. Not that they'd ever be able to find girls good enough for them, of course, but-- Merlin's pants, were you actually jealous of fictional girls now?
"Don't frown so, my dear!" the Fat Lady chirped. "You'll develop wrinkles!"
"No offence, but that could not be lower on my list of concerns right now," you grumbled.
"Y/N, I know how you feel, I really do. On all accounts," Lily sighed, leaning over the railing beside you.
"Then please just tell them I'm ill. And cursed. And transferring to Beauxbatons."
"You know better than I do that if I said you were ill, they'd go into nursemaid mode again, and I will not have Sirius Black playing harmonica in my dorm room. Besides, it's not just them. The whole House is waiting."
You groaned. "All right, here's the plan. We go in, you shout that Marlene's about to get her kit off, and I escape while everyone's distracted."
"No. For two reasons. Firstly, because Marlene would actually take that as a cue to get her kit off, and secondly, because you have got to talk to Sirius. The longer you let it go, the worse things are going to get for the two of you and for Remus. And I know you don't want to hurt Remus, Y/N."
"Oh I do adore a triangle amoureux!" the Fat Lady gasped. "But you'll of course choose the Lupin boy... such a fine, polite lad. That Black, on the other hand--"
"Do you mind?" you snapped.
"Well!" the portrait sniffed. "Forgive me for attempting to offer my counsel as someone older, wiser, and--"
"Nosier, yes, we know." You turned back to Lily. "And no, I don't. The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt Remus. But what if I'm wrong about all of it, Lily? I'll just end up making an arse of myself, and they'll both never look at me the same way again."
"And what if you're right? All the wondering and worrying will be over, and by tomorrow, you could be looking across the breakfast table at the love of your life."
You desperately did not want to allow yourself to get carried away by daydreams, but you couldn't ignore the slight flutter in your stomach at the thought. Maybe you were just misreading Remus. Maybe his odd behaviour was a side effect of his more difficult transformations. Maybe he was nervous about whether or not the boys' animagus plans would work, or that you'd find out what they'd done and be angry.
Maybe Lily was right, and in a few hours, you could finally look into those maddening grey eyes and not be terrified about what they might see in yours.
You turned to Lily with a shrug and a grudging smile you couldn't quite fight off. "Your eternal optimism is contagious."
"Hooray!" she cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Now we just have to figure out how to get you two alone in a room full of people."
"One of those people being Remus," you said, your brow furrowing again.
"Ignore the remainder of my sage advice if you wish, but you truly must stop scowling, child," the Fat Lady interjected. "One cannot hope to achieve a pleasing visage by constantly giving one's countenance over to gloom. Surely you've noticed my flawless complexion?"
"Which I reckon has nothing at all to do with the fact you're a painting."
"My but aren't you a cheeky sprite. Perhaps you're a bit more suited to the Black boy after all..."
"Oh, Sir Cadogan! The Fat Lady was just telling us how she'd love to hear the tale of your triumph over the Wyvern of Wye again!"
"Why, you little--!"
"KNICKERBOCKER GLORY!!" Lily shouted. The Fat Lady huffily swung aside, and Lily shoved you through the hole in the wall and into the Gryffindor common room.
"Honestly, Y/N, you and Sirius do give that poor woman more grief..."
"She started it!" you began, but you were quickly cut off.
The entirety of Gryffindor House bellowed out their greeting in unison, and you couldn't help but smile. All the turmoil within your group of closest friends had cast a shadow over the joy that usually accompanied returning to Hogwarts for a new year. But the warm, familiar faces who came rushing over to pat you on the back or pull you into a hug put you unexpectedly at ease, and you found yourself thinking you might just be in a bit of a party mood after all.
You scanned the room and found three-quarters of the Marauders introducing a large crowd to a table laden with butterbeer and firewhisky. Lily, meanwhile, had made a beeline in that direction, and she and Remus were now engaged in frantically attempting to snatch bottles and cups out of the hands of wide-eyed first and second years.
"Some seeker you are!" Gideon Prewett grinned, ruffling your hair.
"Right!" his twin, Fabian, chimed in. "How are you ever going to spot that wee little Snitch if you can't even see a bloody bludger heading straight for your noggin!"
You wrapped an arm around each of the Gryffindor chasers' necks before giving a sharp tug, knocking their heads together. They joined you in laughter, and you allowed yourself to be led off to the sofa in front of the fire, where you proceeded to drown your anxiety in blissfully uncomplicated chatter with the Prewetts, Marlene, Frank, Alice, and Emmeline. This was the Hogwarts you'd been missing, and you sank back into the soft cushions, determined to enjoy it while it lasted. No decisions, no choices; just the firelight, reflecting off the Prewetts' collar-length ginger hair till it danced like the flames themselves as they took turns doing rather spot-on impressions of Slughorn and Kettleburn. Just Marlene, endearingly loud and brash, vying not-so-subtly for one of the Prewetts' attention... or both, you couldn't rightly tell. Frank and Alice, stealing glances and touching hands when they thought no one was looking. Worst-kept secret at Hogwarts, but it was sweet the way they still assumed nobody knew. Emmeline, shy and quiet, but always beaming, enjoying the company.
After a half-hour or so, however, you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"Could you give me a hand over here, Y/N?"
Reluctantly, you joined Lily at the base of the staircases and, with effort, fought down the urge to sprint up to your room and away from whatever was about to happen. You'd been contemplating telling her to forget the whole thing, that getting involved with any of your friends was a daft idea and you'd changed your mind. But watching Frank and Alice, you couldn't help but think... was it so bad to want something like that for yourself?
"There he is," Lily whispered, bumping her elbow into your side and nodding towards the far window. Two armchairs sat facing it, and over the back of one, you could see the top of Sirius's head. The other, you noted with a hint of nausea, was empty.
"You're not going to get a better opportunity."
"I know."
"Are you ready?"
"How do you feel?"
"Like I've just been hit by the Knight Bus."
"Well... none of that is good, but I don't think it's going to get better until this is over, so... break a leg, love."
"I'd much rather."
With a deep breath, you somehow prompted your cold, numb legs to carry you towards the window. Dropping onto the empty armchair, you sat stiffly on the edge of the cushion, staring into the darkness beyond the window. Your limbs felt like they'd been starched, but you did your best to assume a casual position, realising you probably looked more like someone had tossed aside a marionette instead. Your throat was parched, and you glanced longingly at the drinks table for a moment before biting down on your bottom lip and clutching the arms of the chair in an attempt to focus. You were a right mess, and you couldn't go on like this. It was now or never.
You turned towards Sirius, who was looking at you quizzically, his eyes dark in the dim light. You forced your voice to manifest, and it sounded just as croaky as you'd figured it would. Fuck.
"Hey, you."
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James turned from the crate of butterbeer he was unloading in time to see you smiling at your assembled classmates. He immediately glanced to his right and left.
Sirius had a bottle of Blishen's in his hand; slowly, he lowered it to the table, his eyes fixed intently on you. Sighing, James turned to Remus, who had dropped the empty cups he'd been trying to fill with punch before Sirius could fill them with firewhisky. Pity he didn't know Sirius had already spiked the punch. Remus looked as if he were about to hyperventilate as he stared at you, and James rubbed his eyes wearily with the heels of his palms. It was going to be a long night.
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Remus barely registered the sound of the stack of empty cups he'd been holding hitting the floor. You were smiling, and you were beautiful when you smiled. Not that you weren't beautiful when you didn't smile... you were beautiful all the time and... a bit extra beautiful when you smiled?
Well, that clinched it. He was not cut out for this.
Worse than that, he felt like he'd already ruined things between the two of you without even saying a word. You were his best friend, for Merlin's sake. If this were last year, he'd be bounding over to you right now, scooping you into a bear hug, and the two of you would spend the rest of the night laughing and swapping chocolates and taking wagers on when, where, and after how many firewhiskys James would pass out. Instead, you were chatting with the Prewett twins, and he was standing here like a numpty and sweating.
At least you looked happy to see everyone; Remus had worried you'd just want to go to bed after finally getting out of hospital. Frankly, he'd wanted to do the same after confessing his feelings to the lads. The walk back to the castle had been unusually quiet, but James had seemed adamant that if Remus intended to let you know how he felt, the sooner would be the better.
Remus jumped, startled out of his thoughts, and inadvertently kicked a few empty cups across the floor. They were immediately snatched up by a delighted-looking pair of fourth years, who dunked them into the punch and began guzzling. A bit of a line had formed at the punch bowl. At least some people appreciated a nice, simple beverage. He glanced up to see Lily rushing towards him.
She pointed angrily to Remus's right, and, as per usual, Remus found James and Sirius at the end of that finger. They were cheerfully waving everyone over to the drinks table like social directors on a holiday cruise.
"The third years can have butterbeer -- to a point -- but they can not have firewhisky, and the first and second years can't have anything other than punch..."
Remus didn't in the slightest feel like spending the evening playing cup-and-bottle cop, but neither did he want to let Lily down. He glanced behind him as he plucked a firewhisky out of the hands of a second year to see you making your way towards the sofa, arms around the Prewetts, whom Remus suddenly and irrationally hated.
On second thought, he could use a distraction.
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Sirius halted midway through filling a cup with firewhisky to watch as the irritated look on your face when you first entered the common room slowly melted into a smile.
You had rather a lot of smiles. This one was genuine; you looked a bit relieved and happy to see everyone, and Sirius was glad of that. He hadn't figured you'd be in a party mood, but you were good at adjusting when the situation called for it. Then there was the polite smile you reserved for professors and casual acquaintances. The slightly pained smile when you wished someone would go away but were too nice to put it out there. Two others were high on his list of favourites: the truly delighted one always lit up your eyes and reminded Sirius of the girl he'd met five years ago; the wicked grin that usually preceded a great prank idea excited him for a growing variety of reasons.
But there was one smile in particular Sirius liked to think was his and his alone. At least, he'd never seen it directed at anyone else. It was rather like the childlike one but mixed with a complete sort of ease that seemed to indicate you were precisely where you wanted to be in that moment. He'd almost started to let himself believe that, just maybe, where you wanted to be was with--
"Finished with that, mate?" James asked, studying Sirius's face as he gently took the bottle of Blishen's from his hand. Sirius blinked a few times, then grinned.
"Yep. All done with it."
He cast a glance your direction and made a quick mental note to put itching powder in the Prewetts' Quidditch gear tomorrow. Then he spread his arms wide.
"Come and get it, lads and lassies! Drinks are on the Marauders tonight!"
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James popped open another butterbeer and surveyed the common room.
Remus was sitting on a desk near the portrait hole, pretending to listen to Peter, who was on another rant about his failed attempts to use Engorgio to make himself taller. Remus's heels were battering nervously off the legs of the desk as he stared at you on the couch, and he looked as if he might vomit at any given moment. Fantastic.
Sirius was sitting alone in one of the armchairs by the window. He'd forgone the cups and was drinking directly from the last bottle of firewhisky. He'd kicked off his boots, and his hair was a mess. He looked like a rock star coming off a weekend binge. Marvelous.
Meanwhile, the number of little kids passed out in various spots and positions around the room was increasing. Hilarious.
James flopped onto a nearby chair and downed the rest of his butterbeer.
"I hope you're pleased with yourself."
"I generally am, Evans."
Sadly, he didn't have the energy to tack an additional pithy remark onto that. He barely had the energy to lift his eyelids, but he made the effort just to see her glaring at him, one hand on her hip and the other clutching her wand. She was adorable when she was angry.
"Children, drunk. Rubbish, everywhere. About ten school rules, broken. And as usual, you're all present and accounted for when it's time to make the mess, but you'll be nowhere to be found when it's time to clean it up."
Evans was saying something prefect-y, but James's thoughts were louder. Mess. That's what it all was, and he couldn't deal with it by himself anymore. He hadn't had any bloody time to think between what happened in Honeydukes' cellar and now. There was too much to sort out, and he needed help.
"Potter, are you even listening to me?"
"Not in the slightest. Hey, Evans, I need a favour."
"The nerve of you! You are the most selfish, arrogant git I have ever encountered."
"Absolutely right."
"Never giving a fig for anyone else until you need something, and then we're all supposed to jump to attention because the great James Potter snapped his fingers."
"Completely inexcusable."
"You're drunk, aren't you."
"Tremendously, but look, Evans, I'm serious. Will you please at least hear me out?"
Lily looked torn for a moment, but slowly, the redness began to fade from her cheeks, and she sat down primly with a dramatic sigh.
"What do you want, Potter?"
"I know something about some people, and it's some people you know something about too, but you know your something from someone else, and you only know half of it, but I know the other half, so if we put it all together, we might be able to do something."
Lily stared at him, one eyebrow raised. "I can't even put that sentence together."
James sat up in his chair and slapped himself on the cheeks a few times. Not only was this his chance to get another perspective on his problem, it was the first time he could recall that Evans had spent more than a minute talking to him without hexing him and/or storming off. He couldn't blow this.
"Sorry, let me try again. I know that you know that Y/N fancies Sirius and Remus fancies Y/N."
Lily's eyes widened in shock.
"I... erm... well, she... wait -- how do you know I know that?"
James held up his hands, very conscious of the fact she was still holding her wand.
"Please do not hex me. I was asleep in here when the two of you came in, and when I woke up, you were already in the thick of it. I tried, but I couldn't not hear you."
"So you were spying on us!" Lily's wand hand twitched.
"No!" James said quickly. "I told you, I tried not to hear. Either way, though, she's one of my closest friends, Evans. You know I can't abide her hurting. All I want to do is help."
Lily took a deep breath and nodded. "Go on."
"I decided to see if I could suss out how Pads and Moony felt. If it wasn't like she thought, I would've let her know. But it turns out, it's almost exactly like she thought. Remus is definitely in love with her. But... I think Sirius is too."
Lily rubbed her forehead for a moment, eyes squeezed shut, before looking behind her at Remus and Sirius, then back at James.
"She didn't want to get her hopes up about Sirius. And mind you, I'm not a fan, and I don't at all see the appeal, but if it's what they both want... maybe it'd do them both some good. The problem is, she can't stand the thought of hurting Remus."
"That's not the only problem. Apparently, Pads can't either. Moony told us all how he felt earlier, and Sirius said he should go for it with Y/N."
"Perfect," Lily groaned. "Who knew Black was actually noble. So has Remus told her yet?"
"Have you seen him? It's a wonder he hasn't bloody combusted and taken Pete with him."
"Then we have to let Y/N talk to Sirius, Potter. If he decides after hearing her out that he still wants to step aside for Remus, then at least Y/N knows where she stands. I don't want anyone to get hurt either, but it's up to them now. And if Black and Y/N really are in love, they'll find their way to each other no matter what happens next."
James hated feeling like the whole thing was out of his control, but Evans was right. After a moment, he nodded, and she stood and headed towards the couch before pausing and turning back to him.
"It's... very nearly human of you to care so much."
James thought his grin might split his face in two as Evans walked off, calling over her shoulder, "Now clean up some of this mess, you irresponsible oaf!"
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Why "Hey, you"? Of all the idiotic things you could have said... should you run? Maybe you should just run. He'd think you'd drunk yourself ill, and you could both forget the whole thing. Then again, judging from the empty cups on the floor around him and the nearly empty bottle in his hand, he had an impressive head start on you.
"Ah, the girl of the hour!" Sirius said, raising the bottle of firewhisky in your direction. You took the opportunity to snatch it from his hand and drain the remainder of its contents. Liquid courage and all that.
"Hey, that was--"
"The last of the firewhisky, yes. Sharing is caring."
Sirius gave you a lopsided smile and dropped back into his chair. He was fairly well sloshed, but maybe that was a good thing. You could find out how he felt, and chances were better than average he wouldn't even remember it tomorrow.
"Sirius, can I ask you something?"
"You just did."
Well, this was off to a rousing start. Before you could think of a new angle, a pair of sixth-year girls sauntered past on their way to the drinks table, eyelashes fluttering and lips pouted in Sirius's direction. You looked over to see him watching them; he nodded, and your heart sank. What were you thinking? Every girl at this school but Lily fancied him. Not for the reasons you did, of course... not because they'd peered into all his dark corners and found his truest self hiding in them. But at the same time, would they not give their right arms to be in your position? After all, you were the one sitting next to him as he paid an unusual amount of attention to a hole in his sock. You were his friend. What would you do if you lost that? What if love in this case meant just knowing when to leave well enough alone?
Lily's voice interrupted as clearly as if she'd been whispering in your ear. 
"Love is worth taking all the risks in the world for."
"I need to ask you something else. Something important."
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Sirius just wanted to go to bed.
The fun of watching Polly Prefect Evans handing out glasses of spiked punch to the first and second years had faded quicker than he'd hoped, seeing as it was the only distraction he had. Now, it was just him and firewhisky, and his head already felt like a swarm of Billywigs was infesting it -- had done ever since Remus blurted out those words in the cellar.
In that instant, Sirius had felt nothing but anger and pain. At first, he'd been angry with Moony. Why did he have to fall in love with you? You were already his best friend; the two of you spent loads of time together, reading, re-reading, talking about bloody reading. Why wasn't that enough? But Sirius was angrier with himself, for getting his hopes up. He'd been telling himself for two years now that whatever changes he thought he was sensing in his feelings for you were nothing but a recipe for disaster. A good way to fuck up friendships. But every time he thought he had himself convinced, that other little voice in his head would bleed through: But what if...?
What if you felt the same way? Surely he wasn't imagining the little glimmer of something in your eyes that hadn't been there before whenever you looked at him... though, considering how quickly you usually looked away, it was hard to tell. But he definitely hadn't imagined the flush in your cheeks in the hospital wing... though, you could have just been self-conscious knowing the lads were staring.
Sirius kicked off his boots and ran his hands through his hair in agitation before taking another long pull off the bottle. This "maybe this" and "except for that" bollocks was driving him round the bend, and just when he was finally thinking he'd worked up the courage to take a chance, here came Remus. And it would be Remus, wouldn't it? Probably always had been. He was the best friend. The book reader. And Sirius was just-- no. It wasn't fair to pretend he'd ever felt beneath Remus in your eyes. You'd never been anything but kind to him. You made him feel valued and understood and accepted. The hang-up was his, but it was one he was beginning to think he'd never get around.
Sirius the devoted friend and confidant would love you till the day he died. Sirius the heir to the House of Black would never put you in the path of the insanity that entailed. Especially not if there was an alternative. Someone who'd be better for you.
Sirius's heart shot into his throat as you tumbled stiffly onto the chair beside him. What the fuck? Was he putting out some sort of misery tractor beam? He quickly took a few more swallows of whisky. You were fidgeting awkwardly all over the chair, clearly nervous, and Sirius had to fight with all the sobriety he had left not to reach over and hold you still. And then never let go.
Instead, he stared dumbly at you until, finally, you glanced over.
"Hey, you."
Shit, did you just say something? His ears were ringing so loudly he couldn't tell... quick, say something back, moron!
"Ah, the girl of the hour!"
What the hell was that?! And did he just toast you?! Merlin's saggy--
You plucked the bottle out of his hand, and all Sirius could do was mumble, "Hey, that was--"
"The last of the firewhisky, yes. Sharing is caring."
Banter. Banter was good. Sirius tried to force a convincing smile onto his face and fell backwards against the cushion; it was either that or fall forwards onto his face at this point. He had lost all control of his motor skills.
"Sirius, can I ask you something?"
"You just did."
That was not the correct use of banter. Fuck. Just don't say anything else. Nonverbal communication only. Bloody hell, was that a hole in his sock? How was he supposed to take care of anyone else if he couldn't even take care of himself? Sirius's train of thought was derailed by a couple of sixth years prancing by, but he nodded, hoping you'd take the prompt to go ahead and ask your question. He also hoped the older girls' faces would stick in those stupid expressions they were wearing. All this rapid blinking and lip puckering... you never did frivolous nonsense like that.
Sirius looked over at you in time to catch that something different in your eyes again and froze.
"I need to ask you something else. Something important."
Not that. Anything but that, Y/N. He couldn't give you the kind of uncomplicated love you deserved. He couldn't keep you safe. And Moony... he'd always been afraid, consumed by that "someone like me can never have a normal life" bullshit. For him to want to tell a girl he loved her was huge. That was the sort of love that was worthy of yours.
Sirius's heart felt like it was shattering as he looked at you. How much fucking firewhisky did it take to not feel anything at all? Don't let her say it. You can't let her say it.
"Can... can it wait till later?" he stammered, tearing his eyes away from yours. "I, erm... I've got a date."
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queenkeeleyhawes · 4 years
REPOST: queenkeeleyhawes’s official ranking of keeley’s male character counterparts
**reposting because i added theo (i forgot him the first time), added martin (mutual friends) because i recently watched it. removed david from top tier after i revisited some things. moved sven to top tier because it’s what he deserves. and moved gene hunt lower because let’s be honest, he’s the worst.**
this list includes: husbands, boyfriends, bosses, and other male coworkers. there is some of her work that i left off because her part was too small. i started this list originally at 5 am a couple of weeks ago. these are my personal opinions. please don’t come for me. most are pretty self-explanatory too but i did list reasons anyway. if you happen to disagree with me, that’s fine, but i’m pretty set in my ways so even if we have a nice conversation, you’re unlikely to change my mind. ** SEMI(?) SPOILERS AHEAD**
Top Tier 
Spiros - hello he literally did everything for her and her family. took such good care of them from day one. literally found them a house when they got on the island. and furniture. and a maid. he got her ring back when she sold it to bribe those thugs in series 1. attempted to tutor gerry when she couldn’t find anyone else. held her when she needed a good cry after hugh nearly died and after florence could have died delivering her baby. watched her children while she went back home briefly. built gerry his zoo. the list goes on and on.
Caspar -  saw her for who she was. was impressed by her mind. “you’re beautiful as well as good. one of those things i can't change. the other i never will.” that is all. 
Fabian - *crying emojis* he literally cared so much for her. always wanted to be with her. literally put her aunt into a home and paid for it when it was not cheap. pretty much disowned his eldest daughter for her. after everything still adored her.
Samuel P. - hoo boy it’s a lot. clearly they made a connection. but he respected her and her marriage to not pursue it further when she put an end to it. was so happy for her when she found her son.
Jarvis - he just loved her so much. the lil hotel kissing scene. the way they looked at each other. ugh. we’re not even going to talk about them singing together in rehearsal. i don’t have it in me.
Dick Dewey - i mean hello. good on the eyes. sweetheart. loved her so much. the hand washing scene. the lake scene. saved her father from the bear trap and let some other dude take the credit.  made all the boys apologize to her via song after they humiliated her in church. 
Danny - let her move in with him when he saw how terrible her living arrangements were. so much more. i really wanted them to end up together.
Theo  - obviously, he belongs in Top Tier because he was always just absolutely wonderful to louisa and to gerry (duh) and he always gave her the best advice. like I truly believe they were best friends and though he didn’t include himself, he was definitely part of the “men she loved the most on the island.” also he’s an “honorary woman.” the end.
Sven - literally saved her son from dying. brought her nets for her olives. let gerry borrow a goat. eventually i liked them together and i think they could have worked...but...you know.
Good Tier
Harry - cool dad. loved their relationship. he took care of her.
Tom - they were very good friends and he treated her so well. he genuinely cared for her as an employee. obviously the real chemistry was there but i'm honestly glad they didn’t go in that direction.
Ray - listen i know he’s an ass but he’s the ass that you actually love. and she changed him for the better. i loved the dynamic between him and alex and as they grew as friends. plus dean and keeley just played off each other so nicely.
Daniel - she just wanted him to call about that damn flat but he finally had his little break through by the end so he can stay and obviously matthew and keeley working together is *heart eyes.*
Richard Shaw - he had his issues but he really did love kathleen and even though he was basically in denial about their son and did some things she didn’t like...he was a good man who took care of her.
David - i mean it was literally his job to save her and he did try (we’re not gonna talk about the end of episode 3). i believe he really put her at ease and was making her change her opinions and views on so many things. but there were issues...we can’t deny that.
Mr Morley - we didn’t see them interact much...but he’s fine.
Chris - he’s fine as co-workers go. i think he definitely respected alex eventually but he wasn’t my favorite.
Will (MI-5) - he was fine. a little boring but fine and he literally was not even cute. really zoe??? he did love her. and she did end up having a good life with him.
Bad Tier
Martin Grantham - almost cheated on his wife for revenge. told her potential boss she had mental health problems just to keep her from getting the job. believed a rumor that she had hired a solicitor so he hired one out of spite. umm the bar scene with their son. everything he did with peter. enough said.
Rob Graham - he almost cheated on his wife. he was in slight denial about their son. didn’t want to get a dog. loved her and he clearly fought to stay with her. a few points for that.
Joe M*cb*th - was just kinda there? not horrible but not great.
Steve A - do i really even need to explain? he’s just so infuriating. you’re probably wondering why he’s not lower on this list...but...well just wait until you see the rest.
Mr Royal - he just generally sucks and also he ruined her dessert in that one lil scene and was just horrible. and he fucking slapped her, knocking her to the ground???? no sir.
Peter - the jealousy i mean come on and he terrorized her. nearly killed her best friend. not to mention i’m about 99.8% sure he stole her cat.
Hugh - ugh he was with her to make vasillia jealous. i don’t care what he tried to say. and i hate that he called her angel when that’s what her husband called her. also i think she just liked the idea of them and then realized how quickly it wasn’t going to work out, especially when he wanted her to go back to england when they hadn’t even been there that long and clearly corfu made her happy?!?!? purposefully hurt spiros.
Miles Mollison - it literally took him hearing his mother calling his wife a failure for him to grow a spine?!?!? and dude your wife looked like that *long sigh*
Trash Tier 
Billy - how many times did she have to ask him about getting a job. the jealousy. he didn’t do anything???? he took care of jake so he gets points for that. but he made her feel like crap for it so….bye. and he told tina even though angela didn’t want to tell anyone.
Michael - literally tried to murder her.
Othello - actually murdered her.
Dennis Hamilton  - crazy, jealous. possessive. made her get an abortion. spent all of her money. just gross.
Alec Wilson - hello he literally had another wife and two other children that she knew of. and he only gave her 5 measly fucking pounds….rude. 
Terry Leather - had an affair with another woman. kinda redeemed himself in the end but not really. 
Hallam - literally had an affair with her sister. forced her to take in lotte when she was terrified she’d lose their baby. was trash to his little sister after making a big deal about getting her out of the asylum. was horrible to blanche. was fine (?) with the staff but not really?? 
Sam Webster - had an affair. got another woman pregnant when that’s something his wife wanted again. literally never believed her about anything. blamed her for alice’s death and then later tried to tell her not to blame herself when she was depressed. horrible to their son. just an all around shitty person.
Roger - jealous of j’s power. racist remark about david. tells her something she specifically said she doesn’t care to hear. and let’s be honest he was probably bopping some blonde 20 year old.
Dryden - wouldn’t leave his wife. forced her to get an abortion. literally picked up a 15 year old at some gathering for a bj. gross gross gross.
Gene - grade A asshole. i literally do not understand why people love them together??? he was the one who saved her as a child??? but then almost hooked up with her in the afterlife??? creepy. no matter how many times i re-watch, i cannot find any redeeming qualities in him or any reason why they should be together. also he was a sexist, homophobic, RACIST pig. i don't care it was the 80s...gross. this one you definitely will not be able to fight me on.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
56. Part 2
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Waving my friends off and sighed out, I really want them back already. Now I’m stuck with Cassius which is no help, I guess I will have to FaceTime them and stuff “you going in?” Cassius said behind me “I guess so” I mumbled “so” Cassius placed his arm around me “Olivia out here cheating” why did I tell him this “yes but don’t say anything Cassius, I told you this in confidence please” Cassius dapped one of his people as we walked to the house “would you cheat on me? Like she did?” Looking up at him frowning “me? Cheat? No I wouldn’t cheat on you like that. Olivia has always been like this, anything that is remotely going right in her life she goes out of her way to ruin that for herself, I don’t know why she is like this but she is. She has done it before and do not repeat this Cassius” I don’t see Cassius as a gossip but you never know with him “I won’t, you know if you did cheat on me I would kill the guy slowly and make you watch it” here he does “that sounds” I paused “nice?” Cassius chuckled “but seriously I would” walking into the house “but you would spare me? So you think highly of me” I grinned “sometimes, but on a really I get irritated a lot and it’s not because of anything you have done but it’s like handling my own thing, my business is just a headache” grabbing his hand that lazily rested over my shoulder and pressed a kiss to his hand “and I’m here for you, you know this. I mean I think you at times don’t like me to speak about it but the girls are sick of us. We need to get this wedding sorted” Cassius groaned out “you know I am doing this for you, I don’t care for it. I would keep you as my girl forever but this is for you. It stresses me out that I have to you know” we stopped walking “what?” I smiled at him “be loving with people there, and then Kyle talking about speech, why do I have to speak” he is so cute “you have to speak about how much you love me, Cassius stop being hard headed” he is thinking too deeply into this, bless his heart.
Wiping my hands on the towel “do you like it? I mean it’s what my mom made, Barbadian breakfast” Cassius smiled at me “I do like it, you make good food babe. I like when you do your Barbados food, your mom teach you or force you?” He put his fork down “force” I laughed “I cooked for everyone in the house, be ready to make someone a wife. It’s like engraved in my head to be one, so I’m glad you liked it” Cassius nodded his head smiling at me “I do bub, I like anything you do. You know your family in Barbados, are they good?” He asked, he never really asked that. Sitting next to him at the table “they are, I loved going there. Only time I got treated well, I felt free but I would always get proposals there but my gran gran was like no, she is my pretty grandchild, she will find the one. I did like it there but there is no way of contacting them, I don’t have their number” Cassius frowned “you have your auntie?” He is right I do “but I don’t want Celine there so I am not inviting my auntie either, just saying I am taking my brother away on holiday” Cassius shook his head “Bryce is going to be there with his mom, now what?” Pulling a face at him “Bryce yes, not the woman that sucked your fucking dick Cassius. No!” Is he stupid.
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Dapping Fabian and Jasper “you got a tan, you got darker” Fabian pointed out “I have bro, good to be back” I am happy to be back, Jamaica was the one for me, I am an engaged man. Cassius told me to do it and I did, I’m so happy to have that break away and Cassius didn’t once call me, he didn’t demand me to come back so fingers crossed things may be going well for us. I’m so happy that Amira and I are engaged and then soon hopefully I can have my own child, we did so much baby making but back to the grind, Amira is actually going Miami tomorrow for club business and that will be something new to do for her, I just hope she can get pregnant quick because I want to be a dad since Cartier is around. Unlocking Cassius home door, I have all the codes for this place. It’s my second home “right, ok. Let me get the niggas that fucked me and invite them too, I don’t care! I don’t want that bitch there!” My eyes widened hearing Sofia shouting, that is not a good sign “you tripping way too much over Celine Sofia, just hear yourself. Honestly you are tripping over a bitch I command at my call, she ain’t nothing” not this Celine issue, I mean I was happy to see these but now I’m just like let me go “command at your call? Right Cassius well I am commanding your fucking ass right now and I am saying no! Then don’t invite your nephew! Fucking simple and you know what Jasmine is coming she can take care of him” Cassius got little Sofia shouting, my god this is deep.
Poking my head around the corner “it’s not how it works Sofia, Celine is just a girl that I know and is your family too, it means nothing” Sofia screamed at him “she’s not a fucking girl!! You asshole, she is a girl you had sex with! I have said this so many fucking times!!” This ain’t the Sofia I know “woah! Woah! Woah! People! Calm down” I said trying to calm this down “I’m back?” I laughed nervously, these two stared at each other “she ain’t invited, done! And Kyle you speak to this idiot before I catch a case myself” Cassius smiled nodding his head “right” why does my friend need to speak “is that it? You want my cousin, have her! You are really something else” I had to come back at this moment “I’m engaged?” I mentioned “if you’re anything like him, save Amira’ heart. You had sex on several occasions with my cousin, assumed that Bryce is yours and you want me to let her come to the supposed best day of my life, you continue to keep her. I continue to not bother with this wedding day. I don’t want it, I’m not scared to take this ring off and once I do there is no coming back from this, I put that on my son so you better come back with better answers and fix your attitude, I could have Jordan at my job. He is a normal clean guy, least he would give up everything. Probably a suited person for me” Cassius eyes bulged out “don’t like it oh? Anyways fuck off out of my home until you can respect me, Cassius I will have you crying on your knees again, I can do that, I know that! Don’t test me!” side eyeing Cassius “just relax, sit here” I said to him “she feeling other men and you want me to relax?” Now I’m going to have to play between these two “I think she wanted you to feel what she is feeling, and you are. Just sit here” I will see what’s up with Sofia first and then I can work on Cassius.
Knocking on the bedroom door, I know she has come here “fuck off Cassius” I cringed, she is mad “it’s Kyle, I wanted to speak to you. Can I come in?” I hope I can “yes so you can take Cartier with you, I need a break” opening the door “it’s a pretty bad time to come back huh” I laughed like anyone else is laughing right now, this is so awkward “why does he continue to keep my cousin Kyle? Why? You should know? You do know” her voice strained out “I think it’s just she works for him, she has saved his ass on numerous occasions. When Cassius before he got locked up, she was there for him a lot. She acted like his girl but not official, she did a lot for him. Now I can’t say if that has made some bond between them but as I know, she has been constantly loyal to him and she really has come in handy with getting people, men were easily led by her so Cassius can get them. And yes her home was a place he ran too, I just think it is that loyalty” Sofia flicked away the tear that fell “then have my cousin, I don’t want it. I don’t Kyle. You can tell him that. We are in this stupid triangle, I won’t fight my cousin for him because he makes me look stupid by talking to her, no. You can tell him from me, it’s done with” licking my top lip thinking, this is a whole ass mess. Rubbing my face not knowing what to say “let me talk to him, ok?” I said in a whisper, what can I say. I have always secretly thought Cassius always liked Celine but then he saw Sofia and now they both very pretty, he liked Sofia because she is clean cut and not in his business like the the way Celine is, take me back to Jamaica already “I will take Cartier from you” I don’t mind him.
I have actually missed Cartier, he is so adorable and quiet. He probably senses the hostility with this “let’s go” I said to Cassius “go where? I am staying here, she is really just taking it too far Kyle. Celine needs to stay, I fucking need her to do my shit” turning around “are you coming” he will eventually come “what are they like Cartier” I wish they would both sort their shit out, look at Cartier. He needs them or I will take him with me “I am only coming for my son, I ain’t want your goofy ass with him all that time” he knows he is in the wrong, he only walking because of that “drop him off with Amira, I need a blunt and shit. I can’t deal with the bullshit” I was going to do that, I was not about to take this baby with us. Looking down at him, he stared up at me “you grown ain’t you, look at you. Momma really working on your curls, you so light skinned boy” he smiled at me, his eyes go ever so small that I can’t even see his hazel eyes anymore “you happy as shit, I got you. We going to see Amira and she will be so happy to see you” I am going to try my best sort it out with these two, I mean it’s just Celine issue but like Cassius is just determined to string this girl along, he did this for years so there is that.
Didn’t even get a congratulations on getting engaged but whatever “so Sofia is tripping” I parked the car up outside the warehouse, Cassius been smoking that blunt while I just drove “tripping, as they do” he agrees on that “you need to sort this out Cassius, you can’t have two lives. I mean whatever the fuck you doing here” chewing my bottom lip “doing what? I don’t get you, come on Kyle. I need Celine to do business for me” squinting my eyes at him “she is being good, she is trying to change. Why you being toxic? She has Bryce, let her be” Cassius laughed “you think I need her? Nah, please. She needs me” staring at Cassius “what about in rehab, didn’t you call her then but not Sofia” he wants to get like this “you bringing that up yeah? Is that what we doing” Cassius is getting offended by the truth “If you want too, I just don’t see. I mean I do but you got the better cousin. Sofia is the best, you need to quit it but I know you won’t, that is the funniest thing ever. I get it, I do. You and Celine have been around for years, not together oh no Cassius, never say together because two crack heads can’t be together can they. I think Celine hurt you when she cheated on you with your brother. Do you like her?” Cassius mean mugged me “I will fuck you up Kyle, don’t piss me off. I love Sofia, I want her. That is it, she is there for when I need her” I sighed out “but Cassius that won’t fucking work, you know that so choose Cassius. Is it because Celine is clean now, are you fucking Celine and I don’t know?” Cassius got out of the car “fuck you! I would never cheat on Sofia!” he banged the car door shut, getting out of the “but continue to speak to Celine, let her go. Whatever you owe her, or whatever you feeling about her you need to stop. Cassius bro, stop. She also fucked you up, she fed your habit too. She also bought out the shit side to you, I was fucking there Cassius. I know this! You need to make decisions nigga” I don’t know what thoughts is running in his mind “you think I would put Celine above Sofia?” I shrugged at Cassius asking me “you tell me bro? Would you?” Staring at him.
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jq37 · 5 years
okay so I meant to send this on anon and I think I might have accidentally done so off but then I tried to cancel it and idk if it worked?? anyways! the point is, I’m the anon who doesn’t have dropout rn so! what’s the tea on the new ep? what did I miss? :)
**spoilers for arcade ambush**
Now, I know I use the word wild a lot, but don’t let that take away from the fact that this episode was truly wild.
Biz had such an interesting power set. He has the wings so he can fly, he has all the weird mesmerization type powers (I was picturing that old bager, badger, badger, mushroom video when he was multiplying himself to trip up Fig). Fighting him is like being stuck in Toon Town but in the worst possible way. Then there were the game cabinets sucking people into them and the ghosts possessing people and forcing them to flee. It was really a brutal fight.
(Sidenote, are we to believe that the ghosts that he raised were nerds who died in arcade? Morbid, if true. Also it would have to be a different arcade since that one was new.)
Anyway, this def was an ep full of frustration. They were constantly getting frightened and forced to run or trapped in games or whatever. It’s a good think Ally casted Guardian of Faith before the fight because they were, once again, a life saver. I was a little surprised the arcade game fights were one and done Box of Doom rolls but I guess there was a lot going on.
“Well I’ll just shoot him.” Riz getting a nat 1 trying to shoot Biz point blank was so painful. 
Riz: Hey guys, Biz is a bad guy./Adaine: Yeah, no duh! 
Everyone making the most mediocre rolls to check out the prizes in the prize cabinet. And Brennan just getting more and more like, “Come on y’all.” I wanted someone to pick up the sneakers. I felt like they were gonna be some kind of stealth bonus item.
Gorgug got a nat 20 charisma! My boy!
Oh, side note, they updated Adaine’s mini with her boss new jacket which is super dope.
Fig and Kristen actively antagonizing the corn god who’s saving their ass.
“Fucking nerd.” Adaine, who has been pretty savage the past few episodes.
Fabian who has never been denied anything in his life looking at the million credit sword: I’d like it.
Everyone being furious at Riz being stuck in the game but also impressed by the design of the set.
Gorgug calling his parents mid-fight! Which seems wild but actually is the SMARTEST THING ANY OF THESE LITERAL CHILDREN HAVE EVER DONE.
I feel like Brennan def read up on his philosophy quotes after the last fight because he was back in business this ep.
Cleric is an underrated class y’all. Ally is really rocking it.
What a bad time for Adaine to finally fail a panic attack roll. She’s had a really long run without them though.
I love that Lou always curses as Fabian by saying, “Christ,” completely ignoring that doesn’t make sense in this world, but like. That is what Fabian would say, you know?
Fabian getting stuck in DDR instead of Punch Out is personally offensive to him.
“Hell yeah I take a disengage”
Sidenote: Divination is a really cool ability.
Ugh, Riz. What a terrible time to fail an investigate check. HE GOT PALIMSESTED.
Aww at Lou giving Murph the, “Hang in there, buddy,” shoulder rub after that happened. 
Gorgug getting trapped in whack a gnome is MESSED UP. Also, the fact that whack a gnome is a game that exists in a world where gnomes also exist is SUPER MESSED UP.
Adaine: Fuck, I’m fucked! 
Fabian having to have a dance off in the middle of the fight.
The girls getting downloaded periodically throughout the fight was so freaking ominous. 
“I’m under the influence of two ghosts.”
Fabian and Adaine both terrified and running into each other and yelling like freaking Scooby Doo.
OK, while Fig was possessed, Brennan made her read a card that said “Wow. A lot of strong feelings to process here.” And I am told (but can’t confirm) that that’s a line that was said in ep 1? Maybe by the guidance counselor? And then it’s not resolved in this episode. So that seems important.
Emily upon hearing that Riz is stuck in the crystal: Piss in it.
“Do you have any clue about how to get out of here, I mean, clearly you don’t.”
What would Fabian do without that bike, man?
I love that Emily uses Kristen’s full name for no apparent reason half the time.
Kristen channeling the power of friendship to turn undead.
Gorgug is a bottomless pit of HP.
Ally: Is it good to get in the game?/Literally everyone else: NO.
“A tasty walk?”
The philosophers going, “Verily,” to Fig’s base playing and then her moonwalking away.
Siobhan immediately irl cringing at being called a lovely lady by Biz.
Penny’s scene with Riz in the palimpsest was like legitimately touching. 
But again, Murph gets the nat 20 at the most story appropriate time! Just like last week.
OK, so the girls’ downloads are getting sent to the AV room in Aguefort. Not necessarily suspicious considering that Biz is involved, but interesting to note.
Gorgug pulling an Odysseus and cranking his tunes to ignore the games. 
Also his, “Sup nerd?” to Biz.
Kristen absolutely crushed this fight y’all. She basically got out without a scratch. 
Siobhan saying sick like Brennan is hilarious to me.
Gorgug being so mad at Biz’s pronunciation of meme.
“Hot topic nerds hate AV club nerds.”
Nothing bothers Emily more than not being able to take an action.
The gang actively mocking and taping Biz as he tries to mesmerize them.
Aww man Murph failing that roll before Penny was downloaded. Heartbreaking. 
Everyone visibly recoiling every time Biz talked.
Zac reminding Brennan about advantage and then him picking up every dice he owns. “LIE NEXT TIME DUDE!” He has a cool ass shock of white hair now though. Like, not good but kinda rad.
I feel like Ally has gotten really comfortable with the game mechanics as we’ve gone on. 
Kristen hugging Gorgug to protect him is such an adorable image. 
“I’m still full health because God exists!”
Shoutout to the SFX guys. They were especially on point this ep.
“Can I just use mage hand to plug the machine out?”
Kristen as Fig getting is her ass kicked by the doppelganger Figs: KISS ONE OF THEM.
The guardian that killed Biz throwing down his cig like a true French philosopher. 
Kristen was the MVP of the fight but Fabian was the MVP of the episode y’all. Like I said, all that promo yelling was either gonna be a TPK or the raddest thing ever and it was option 2! 
Shoutout to Siobahn for getting Lou that advantage roll because that saved his ass.
Lou just pretending to get up and leave because game over y’all.
Brennan starting to just narrate assuming failure. 
Zac being like, “Well at least try.”
Lou doing them 1 by 1 for the drama of it all, just like Fabian would want it.
Getting a ten first, exactly half of what he needed.
Then the absolute CHAOS that erupted from the table at the 20. By this point, I was pretty sure he was gonna get it because that shot from the trailer hadn’t happened yet and it was near the end of the episode but DAMN it was satisfying. Moments like this are what MAKE RPGs.
Being showered with gold coins sounds extremely painful but that’s beside the point here. 
Fabian coming back and lying that he was fighting ghosts outside and everyone totally buying and being like thanks for having our backs man.
I love how much Fig loves her two dad situation now. 
Emily and Ally evil mischievous smiling at each other when Emily requests to kill Biz.
Everyone Else: NO.
Brennan: He’s dead, bruh.
Ally like Grinch smiles when Brennan announces that Biz is dead.
“Would she be able to casually get him out of a palimpsest?”
“I still have these handcuffs.”/”Where’d you get those?”/”Uh, nevermind.”
Every time this group has to interrogate someone they escalate all the way immediately.
 But MAN Riz was doing some serious drug cartel interrogation on Biz, shooting off fingers and stuff!
Adaine REFUSING to feel bad about bullying Biz (she’s right and she should say it).
“If I were to have a morsel such as yourself stuck in a palimpsest–” IMMEDIATELY slapped by every party member. Bro, you GOTTA stop perving on Adaine IN FRONT OF HER.
Brennan full on RPing unconsious Biz.
“I’m not a bad guy.”/”YES YOU ARE!”
“Fucking Aelwen again!” Same, girl.
OK, so Biz has false memories of coming up with this idea, but what does that mean exactly? Was he manipulated Inception style or actually forced? Because I come up with bad ideas every day. Doesn’t mean I act on them.
“Blow your fuking nose!”
“You see his dick glows for a second.”
Nice of Adaine to ask for permission to do her brain jitsu, even though she didn’t have to and she had all the extenuating circumstances in the world to just break in.
Biz speaking to Penelope on the regular. Hmm.
Siobhan/Adane’s look when Biz says, “I’m cool too.”
So his memory was cut out the day before the Hudol party. Interesting. 
Adaine getting a clear threat on her family’s life: THEY CAN BURN MY FUCKING HOUSE DOWN I DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
So two things:
1) Siobhan keeps getting KILLER end lines.
2) I threw a lot of plot info at the bottom without analyzing it because I’m going to look at that and the promo in another post (prob tomorrow) so stay tuned! 
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
Jane the Columnist Chapter 62 Recap & Review #JanetheVirgin
Jane the Columnist: Chapter 62
Episode rating: 8
Isn’t it a little weird that this whole show is about what Jane does with her flower?
OK, Young Jane Villanueva used to have nightmares about her flower. Like, her flower had teeth and used to laugh at her. Yikes. Seriously. I could see how that might prolong her virginity.  But despite her amazing no-sex, all-nighter with Fabian, Jane is totally chill about the whole sitch ( that’s what the kids say these days). Jane’s Dude-Bro of an editor calls and tells her Cosmo OnLine wants her to write a column about being a 28 year old widow reentering the dating world. Jane is totally ready to get her Carrie Bradshaw on. I think this was a little too pat; Jeremy didn’t even flinch at asking her to monetize her thoughts about her widowhood. Still, I like Jane’s big flower pin. Raf brings the Mateo back to Jane’s while she’s working on her new column.  He’s got the twins and they are adorable, just like their mother.
Xo and Ro tell Jane they’re getting married. They’re planning an uncharacteristically small wedding.
Chuck is driving Petra to Pensacola.  Chuck has no charger so Petra has no phone! Danger, y’all! Chuck drives her eight hours out of the way and takes her to some crappy hotel.  Chuckto get some grub and Petra finally plugs in her phone and hears Rafael’s “I love you” message. Meanwhile, Sexy Detective Dennis tells Raf that J.P. IS CHUCK!  Raf calls but PETRA DOESN’T ANSWER because she thinks it’s about his love and not that fact that CHUCK IS GONNA KILL HER!
Jane is expecting a romantic night with Fabian, but he wants to play teacher and student, and not in a good way. He wants Jane to play book club and Jane wants him to want her for more than her mind. Fabian decides he wants to MAKE LOVE TO JANE right that minute! What?! I mean, yes, please, give Jane’s flower some water, but that was a frickin’ neck-snapping turnaround from last week, right?
Jane goes to the bathroom to regroup and Abuela calls to tell Jane Mateo had a nightmare.  When she goes back out to tell Fabian HE IS BUCK NAKED and he is Mr. Big.  Hey!  Jane leaves. Jane—after three years without sex—leaves to go comfort a child who is safe in the loving arms of his great grandmother.  Arrrghhh!
When Jane gets home, Mateo tells her the kids at school told him he’s artificial and he wants to know where babies come from.  She tells him about the mommy and daddy’s “special hug.” Then bad-assed Mateo goes down to the playground giving girls special hugs so he can make a baby with his pre-school friends.  When Jane tells him that’s not the move, he asks how he was made. Jane suggests ice cream.
Chuck goes to take a shower and Petra looks for something to wear. While she’s going through Chuck’s gym back she finds a she’ll bracelet that she connects to Scott’s rotting corpse just as Rafael texts her that Chuck is really J.P., THE POSSIBLE MURDERER OF SCOTT! Petra stay getting trapped in the everglades in a crappy cabin/motel with some homicidal maniac (Roman Zazo, anyone?)! Petra hits him with a bottle and runs. Chuck chases her. Turns out Scott was blackmailing Chuck. And the only reason Chuck has been acting nervous and twitchy is because CHUCK LOVES PETRA!  EVERYBODY LOVES PETRA! Chuck gets arrested and taken down to the station to talk to Sexy Detective Dennis. Chuck’s seems innocent and he tells the police about a woman he met on the beach who might have something to do with Scott’s murder.
JANE SHOWS UP AT FABIAN’S HOUSE WITH NO DRAWERS ON AND HIS ABUELA IS THERE! Jane is forever running to have sex with no drawers on and getting caught. Remember Professor Hottie? It’s nice that Fabian is so serious about Jane. See, even though the JTV writers are trying to be sex-positive, they’re not just gonna let Jane bed just anybody.
There’s a Sex and The City send-up and ANDREA NAVEDO DOES A GREAT SAMANTHA! The Villanuevas listen as Jane decides to break up with Fab. Xo and Ro are planning a courthouse wedding. Xo really wants a big wedding, but she doesn’t want to remind Jane of hers.  Sad. Jane eventually tells them she wants to celebrate.
Jane goes to break up with Fab and he claims her on international TV. He couch-jumps (whoever wrote this episode really likes the late 90’s). Jane checks Fab for saying she was his lady and they have a big fight. OH, GOD PLEASE LET THEM HAVE MAKE UP SEX.
Raf and Jane tell Mateo the story of his conception. Mateo says, “Oh, my gosh!”  Mateo falls asleep and Jane and Raf text so as not to wake him up. Jane invites Raf to Ro’s telenovela blessing, but Raf is going to have dinner with Petra and the girls. Jane is kinda catching feelings in this scene. Hmmmm.
At the telenovela blessing, Fab tells Jane that the couch jumping video went viral and now he needs her to act like his girlfriend.  They fight. 
Alba and Jorge (yay, they’re still together! He’s still in the country!)—OH MY GOD, JORGE JUST SAID “I LOVE YOU” TO ALBA—they’re about to kiss, and Jane ruins the moment! As I was about to say, Alba and the Latin Lover Narrator are really laying it on thick about JTV being a telenovela and how much everyone love telenovelas so they are obviously setting up a new love triangle with a fake relationship chaser.
Fabian—BODIES ON BODIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jane is about to get busy, but she feels guilty.  Xo, the great lover of sex, tells Jane to go get busy. They bang all around Fabian’s apartment. JANE HAS SEX!  But she doesn’t spend the night. Playa, play on!
Jane calls Raf to tell him about the good sex. He has to go because he’s with Petra. He realizes Petra knows he loves her.   He asks Petra to say yes to love when there is a knock at the door. It’s sexy Detective Dennis with a composite of the woman Chuck saw on the beach when he was not killing Scott.  Petra and Raf gasp. dun Dun DUNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, this was a pleasant return to form:  hijinks, misconnections, professions of love—and JANE HAD SEX!!! I even thought Fabian was a little cute this episode.  There were some sudden tone shifts but the JTV writers just poked fun at themselves so it was ok. They’re still underutilizing Rogelio (and Dennis!) and Sin Rostro is still free. It’s my guess that the picture Det. Dennis shows is of Rose.
Jane’s totally over Michael. Mateo doesn’t even seem to remember him. Dag.
To Be Continued…
Let me know what you think,
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“Mutant Empire: Siege” Ch 5 & 6
Okay guys, here's my notes for Chapter Five and Six of “Siege” the first book in the “Mutant Empire” triology! We get some interesting Charles/Erik debate stuff, reflection on the reality of how relationships are basically all sacrified for the X-Men, some Acolytes team dynamics, and MILAN! 
MILAN IS SO ADORABLE OMFG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH especially because the way he acts with Magneto is the way I've always written Anne Marie with Magneto? I want to put him with the first-gen Acolytes so he can fanboy with Anne Marie about THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR MAGNETO and so Delgado can protect him <3 This is SUPER LONG so it’s under a cut
CHAPTER FIVE This chapter is about the X-Men, not the Acolytes, so no Magneto or Milan, but here's a few bits I thought worth noting
“Where Dr. Henry P. McCoy could forget, just for a moment, that he was a member of that elite race known as homo sapiens superior.” Elite race seems a....poor word choice. But this kinda comes back to what I talked to you two about before, about how I think certain forms of bigotry are actually MORE likely among mutants (ableism, scientific racism, etc.) because so much of mutant identity and the way mutants are understood both by society and themselves is based around being the “next step of human evolution” and being able to do things other people can't, etc.
“Finally, Bobby looked over at him, raised eyebrows in place of an actual shrug. His body had filled out from the time he'd joined the X-Men as a teenager. These days he was muscular and fit. But Hank figured that tousled brown hair and open, genuinely handsome features would make him look like a college boy forever.” Is...is Hank kinda gay for Bobby here? I didn't think straight guys thought about other guys bodies filling out with muscle or having handsome features. But then again, straight girls get to straight up compliment other girls on their boobs and it's not gay, so maybe I'm just falling victim to the homophobic mindset that guys can never ever EVER notice anything attractive about another guy or it's TOTALLY HOMO which is not something I support. Normalize bros saying their bros look nice today! You go novel! Anyway, Bobby has pointed out that they're fighting for their future and their children and all that, but the reality is that none of them except Jean and Scott have been able to have a consistent relationship that lasts more than a year, so most likely none of them actually will ever have children. Deep, man. I mean, I guess if you wanted to go all selfless hero you could say “yeah but other children still matter!” but the fact is, they have basically given up their lives for this. Wolverine tells Storm he wants to be on her X-team and not Scott's because Scott at least sort of expects Wolverine to call him boss, whereas being called “boss” surprises Storm every time. Okay, I'm calling bullshit, no way SCOTT would expect LOGAN to call him boss, whereas Storm is THE BOSS OF ALL BOSSES ok, this queen led a team of X-Men at the same time she was leader of the Morlocks at the same time she was White KING of the Hellfire Club. And this is when SHE DIDN'T HAVE HER POWERS. She is THE boss. I am just gonna say Logan is trying to suck up to her. BECAUSE SHE'S THE BOSS! “Attention X-Men. This is Colonel Tomko, United States Army. You are trespassing at a top-secret federal facility. Throw down your weapons and surrender or you will be fired upon.” “Seem a little anxious to shoot a couple mutants, don't they?” Uh, no, Wolverine, I think it's that you're a group of known vigilantes with a history of leaving a whole lot of destruction, trespassing at a top-secret government facility, and carrying A HUGE PLASMA RIFLE. Like I feel like the fact they are giving the X-Men warning here proves they'd rather NOT open fire, because like...look what happens to actual minorities when they encounter racist government authorities while NOT trespassing and NOT carrying weapons and NOT known criminals? Like I feel like this warning would have been just as easily issued to a bunch of humans, especially if said humans were a vigilante group commonly believed to be terrorists by the public and also toting A BIG FUCKING GUN like sell me on this 'feared and hated' thing a bit better please. I...have a hunch this writer might be a white dude, if he thinks this is what constitutes super-obvious out-of-bounds bigotry from government authority towards a minority seen as dangerous.
CHAPTER SIX Ok, here's where we get Magneto and Milan and the Acolytes! It starts out with some stuff about Charles and Erik, and I know you guys are hella down for that, so here's the bigass quote because I love you enough to type it all out: “Xavier would see the light at last. That was important to Magneto. Once, they had been the best of friends, but their divergent dreams tore them apart. Ever the idealist, Charles would argue with him hour after hour, day after day, until finally Magneto realized he must act to make his dream real, rather than simply debate its finer points. The last time they had parted as friends, at peace with one another, the argument had reached new heights. In the heat of the Israeli summer, desert sand flying in the sweltering wind, bodies baking inside uncomfortable clothing as their Jeep bounced on rutted unpaved roads, their already-tattered friendship was torn asunder. Finally, Magneto had insisted that Charles recognized the primary flaw in his philosophy. “And what might that be?” Charles asked, eyes narrowing at this new approach to the debate. “It's so obvious, Charles,” Magneto had answered, “You see it around you every day, in every newspaper, in every city. It's something I learned in war that you have yet to accept. Human society needs someone to hate. There must be a bottom rung on the ladder. Right now, mutants are it, and I don't see anyone else climbing up after us. Therefore, as long as mutant society exists in its current form, humans will hate and fear mutants.” Charles was quiet for a long time after that, his face darkened by the shadow of his consternation. When he met Magneto's gaze again, he seemed unsettled, yet determined. “There are certainly humans who need to hate,” Charles began, “But I do not believe that is true of humanity as a whole. Humans and mutants can live in peace, Magnus. I will never believe otherwise. Never.” That stubborn quality had blinded Charles from the beginning, and Magneto believed that it still did. But not for long. In one day, he would teach Charles Xavier what he not been able to in all the long years since they had first met. Today.” I think this is really interesting for two reason. The minor reason is that the “humans need someone to hate” isn't something I've seen Magneto say before (though that could be because I've read far less of him than you, Hex) Like I feel like he's said things that are CLOSE but not this specific. The bigger thing, though, is that this points out what a lot of people miss in fandom in my opinion, that Charles is as adamant in his stance as Magneto is in his. He gets painted a lot as the soft and yielding one who compromises, but he's NOT. He does NOT compromise with Magneto one little bit, he is NOT open to Magneto's ideas, and you know what, GOOD, he shouldn't be. But I feel like that tends to get forgotten and Magneto is the only one people talk about as being hubristic in his belief he's absolutely right, even though Xavier is doing the same thing. Also, even though I really like this, I have to point out that at this point in the timeline...the claim that mutants are the bottom rung really would not apply? Mutants were NOT really cropping up enough to be noticed by the public at that point in time, Magneto and Xavier were the first of their kind each other had met, the whole “mutants as a persecuted minority” thing didn't start till the 1980s. Magneto's belief back then, if I recall right, is supposed to be that mutants will BECOME treated like other minorities, not that they already ARE. Now on to Milan, my favorite part/person. He's still mentally hooked up to a computer to broadcast a jamming signal so the US military's radios don't work (Magneto and the Acolytes have taken over the military base where the Sentinels are kept) while Magneto's magnetic force shield (MAGNETS ARE MAGIC I GUESS) keeps them out. Milan's consciousness is “completely integrated into the computer core” and the poor baby is totally slumped over like a corpse. We get a POV switch to Amelia Voght. In case you don't know who that is, Jon, she's a mutant woman (a teleporter, precisely) who is not only an Acolyte, but was Xavier's girlfriend when he founded the X-Men. But she considered that to be “asking for trouble” and wanted to live a normal life, so she left him  (and he tried to MIND-CONTROL HER INTO STOPPING) It's not clear exactly what happened in her life later, but apparently she lost her family and everything else to humans, according to her, and she decided that, also according to her, since every decision she made was bad, she'd let someone else do it. But she was always one of the questioning, less hateful Acolytes despite this claim she WANTED someone else to think for her. Oh, and she's the poor lady that Fabian tried to shove in his would-be harem. I would like to note he's still dead at the time this novel takes place, and while I would like to see him, I am glad for Amelia's sake that his skeevy self isn't around. Anyway, we get this infodump on her past, and this interesting bit gets said: “When he began to build the foundations for the X-Men, their relationship became...well, competition was the only word she could think of. If she had wanted to continue her relationship with Xavier, she would have had to throw herself wholly into his dreams for the X-Men.” I guess this is something I technically knew, but never thought about: That anyone romantically involved with Xavier basically has to be involved with his dream too. They're inseparable. I'd say the same is true of Magneto too except he does end up having a tryst or two where that doesn't apply, like with Lee Forrester, but then again I think that was when he wasn't a villain? I can't remember. But I think this also goes back to what Bobby and Beast were talking about, about how they probably won't ever have kids and a family and all. And canon reflects this. Not only do a lot of superhero relationships not last, but if one of the parties is NOT a superhero, they usually DIE. I guess this doesn't really come up in RP a lot because everybody is playing a member of the X-Men or Brotherhood or similar, no civilians, but, yeah. (Or civilians who can just...somehow be buddy-pals with bad guys and never had it affect them or think twice about these people being CRIMINALS >>) Also just because Amelia questions the violence and methods of the anti-human Acolytes, we're reminded she also thinks that the X-Men are “hopeless fools all, seduced by romanticism and wallowing in ignorance” and that she will be “happy to teach them the error of their ways.” Magneto tells Amelia to watch her back in battle around Carmella Unuscione, and Amelia thinks how she expects that from Unuscione but is surprised Magneto would “deign” to mention it. For some reason, this makes her worry he has romantic interest in her. I don't pretend to understand the leap that she's making here. She then wonders if he's trying to manipulate a confrontation between her and Unuscione, which makes slightly more sense at least. Just slightly. As for what Magneto is thinking, we get back to his POV, and it's neither. He is confident that Amelia can handle herself against Carmella, but he believes the women are on a “collision course” for each other's throats and he doesn't want to see their conflict undermine the “Empire Agenda” which is what his plot is called. We never see any sign of this dymanic between Amelia and Carmella in the comics, nor any backstabbing traits from Carmella, which is why I really enjoy these novels---the comics don't have time to give a lot of development to the personalities and team dynamics to the bad guys, it's hard enough working that in with the good guys in a 25-page issue, but the novels frequently take time to develop this stuff even for the baddies that don't usually get it. Milan 'wakes up' to tell Magneto that “We're ready, My Lord” and Magneto thinks he looks like he's dying and he's all sweaty but he seems super pleased at Doing A Good and dgkgksfkg I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUUUUCH and he says all that's needed to reprogram the Sentinels now is to enter Magneto's password. “For a moment, Magneto wished he did not have to disappoint one of his most faithful Acolytes, but there was no avoiding it.” Oh no! What is Magneto about to do?! Magneto: “I'm sorry, Milan, but I must take over from here.” Milan: “My Lord? Have I offended you somehow, Lord? What may I do to salve whatever wrong I have produced. Surely, there must be...” Magneto: “Please, Milan, be still. You have done no wrong.” OH NO, THIS PRECIOUS ANXIOUS NERD HE THINKS HE DID A BAD BECAUSE MAGNETO IS TAKING OVER THE REST OF THE JOB
LOVE HIIIIM Anyway, Mags puts in his password (“Empire”) and identifies himself as “Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, called Magneto, White King of the Hellfire Club” and we learn that Shaw programmed this all in for him while he was with the Hellfire Club in the 1980s. So Magneto not only KNEW that Shaw had Sentinels, Shaw set things up for Magneto to use them! Holy shit, HOW GOOD WAS THE MAGNET DICK, SHAW?! Magneto has to put his fingers down to scan for fingerprints and cut off a swatch of skin for genetic analysis to confirm it's him (smart move, Shaw, that keeps out shapeshifters) and when it does, Magneto winces, and: “My Lord, you are in pain,” Milan said, and Magneto almost laughed at the childlike wonder in the man. Though it was possible devout piety and childlike wonder were too often confused.” OH MY GOD HE -IS- ANNE MARIE ANNE MARIE IS THE GIRL JOCK, MILAN IS THE BOY NERD, THEY ARE THE RULE 63 VERSIONS OF EACH OTHER CLEARLY SRSLY THIS IS JUST LIKE HOW I WRITE ANNE MARIE WITH MAGS AND IT MAKES ME LOVE HIM I WOULD LOVE HIM ANYWAY ALL THE LOVE FOR MILAN
Cut to some government people. Specifically Valerie Cooper and Henry Gyrich. These are long-standing canon characters, and long story short, Cooper is on the side of mutants and Gyrich is not. But bigot though he might be, GYRICH IS CLEARLY SMART because I don't think ANYONE else has thought of this in the X-series before: “Then we can only assume, as I have long believed that Professor Xavier is directly tied to the X-Men.”
GASP! Val Cooper, who knows that's indeed the case, tells Gyrich basically pssh no, we just know that Xavier is friendly with the Beast (whose identity is apparently public? I guess because he was a member of the Avengers and Defenders for awhile) and Beast has been seen with the X-Men before, so probably Xavier passed on such and so info to Beast who passed it on to the X-Men. ...I feel like this is MORE support for Gyrich's guess, not less. But she continues she finds even this idea unlikely because Xavier has too much to lose in terms of support for mutant rights if he did something to make himself so unfavorable to the current administration. Yup, that's Professor Xavier, never puts a toe out of line, perfectly respectable law-abiding human guy! ;)
Surprisingly, Gyrich agrees with her, but now he thinks it's the X-Men who took over the facility (the one Magneto has taken over) Whoops. Back to Milan and beating himself up immediately when Magneto says he needs to take over, this reminds me of when he does that in the comics too. Like when he couldn’t get everything from Moira’s head that they needed all at once when he was trying to digitally reroute her memories on to the computer to get info they needed, he said that he felt like he had failed his brethren. Amazingly, it was FABIAN who comforted him, saying that,“You’ve done nothing wrong, Milan. The task you set yourself up for was monumental. Using your mutant ability to psionically transfer mental impulses into electromagnetic video impulses is difficult to apply under the best of circumstances. Having to fight this human’s formidable will makes it nearly impossible. I am confident that wherever Magnus is, our true lord and master has blessed you for your efforts.” AW, FABIAN Seriously, I really love this moment, not because I think Fabian has a secret soft side or something but because showing him being kind and encouraging to the Acolytes makes his manipulation and control of them more believable. If an abusive person is abusive and awful 24/7 all the time, nobody would get near them, but true abusers know how to balance the carrot with the stick. It’s ESPECIALLY common with cult leaders; they recruit with the carrot, and once you’re deep in and dependent on them, they can bring out the stick over and over, but the carrot still makes an appearance now and then so you have REASON to try and want to please them. Fabian showing that he values and appreciates the gifts and efforts of his Acolytes (or rather, acting like he does) is probably something they needed tremendously in their lives when he first approaches them, as likely no one else saw anything good about them being mutants, and that’s what enabled him to get them to stay around long enough for him to start showing his tyrannical dickbag side. Sure, he might be awful—but if they left him, they would be going to an even worse world, one that was ALWAYS awful to them, unlike Fabian, who, clearly, was not. I also notice that when he’s harsh on the Acolytes, it’s usually only on an individual to individual basis, when he’s alone with just one of them, so they probably don’t realize they’re ALL being abused, versus that they alone are being singled out like they probably think, so they’re less likely to think there’s a chance of uniting against him. But anyway, I’m getting off-topic, this is about MILAN, not Fabian. And Milan clearly wants to be useful SO BAD and he beats himself up over minor things/acts like he failed just because he didn’t 100% flawlessly succeed, and I just AW BABY especially since we see his teammates being jerks to him too. For instance, when the Acolytes were looking for Cable in the comics, Milan said that the base they were searching for him in was jamming his power, so he couldn’t use it to pick up any signs of Cable, and his teammate Javitz said “So you’re even more useless than usual.” SO MEAN, JAVITZ! WE CAN’T ALL BE TEN FEET TALL! So yeah, he gets ribbed, his powers aren’t good for fighting, maybe that’s why he stays buff, so he won’t be the scrawny nerd cliche (yes, I’m reaching to explain 90s-art anatomy, because this dork child is drawn all big and buff like every man in the 1990s) But I would just like to point out that he clearly has other talents! Milan, along with Joanna “Frenzy” Cargill and Carmella Unuscione, were the ones who found Simon “Neophyte” Hall, a young mutant who had holed himself up in a church, and they spent two days talking him out.  This is just a hunch, but given the aggressive, downright mean personalities of Frenzy and Carmella, I suspect that it was Milan who did a lot of the actual coaxing, with the ladies just there to protect him in case this young mutant had dangerous abilities. Likewise, this is also just a hunch, but given how upset Milan was at Neophyte “betraying” the Acolytes later, I also wonder if he didn’t bond with him afterward, maybe feel responsible for him. It would make sense, with Neophyte being younger and someone he had personally brought into the fold at such a vulnerable point in the boy’s life. I like to imagine that Neophyte looked up these three Acolytes, seeing Frenzy and Carmella as the terrifying badasses they are, and Milan more as a kindred spirit cool big brother. Which would also be nice for Milan, since, again, it seems like the more aggressively-powered Acolytes looked down on him. I love Milan guys I love him so much ;A;
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