#i think the hearts and the strawhats are great friends!!! but i do think they resent each other occasionally
cannot stop thinking about how jealous tye hearts and strawhats must be of each other because like imagine you're a strawhat. your captain is in the middle of a war and sees his brother die in front of him. you and your crewmates are scattered across the globe with no way to reach him. you don't even know if he's still alive until months later when he reappears on the front page of the newspaper with message for you guys. later when you're all reunited with a new alliance on the way, you find out that this weird ass pirate and his crew was there post war. weird ass pirate and his crew patched your captain up. weird ass pirate and his crew was there in your captain's darkest hour and you weren't. it should've been you by his side and it wasn't. and on the hearts side of things, your captain leaves you behind to fight his abuser. he does not let you come with him. you live on a submarine. you've all seen each other at your worst moments. you've seen how much doflamingo scares your captain. you've been working on this plan for fucking years and instead of letting you stand by the man you have chosen to follow he sends you away and instead takes strawhat's crew as backup. you dont even know if he's alive until the news comes out. strawhat luffy and his crew were there as your capatain faced his abuser and you weren't. it should've been you by his side and it wasn't.
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sillylittlestoryblog · 4 months
Keeping me warm
Part 1
Trafalgar Law x Reader
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Warning: None I guess. Maybe awkward writing because I wrote this at 3 am while I couldn’t sleep ( it was storming ) and english isn’t my first language. Plus I haven’t written anything in ages so pls don’t judge to much.
Summery: basically just fluffy and angsty thoughts while freezing. Idk lol (I need sleep)
If you however do enjoy this, positive words are great for anyone’s mental health. Have fun.
The howling of the wind was unbearable. The crew members sat close together in the dark cave. It had been two days since the raging ice storm. Of course, no one had planned to stay in this place for so long. But just the thought of going outside into the cold made even the bravest pirates' legs shiver.
After even the stubborn captain of the Straw Hat Pirates had admitted that it no longer made any sense, everyone realized that they would have to sit out this storm.
The cave came in handy. Together with the Heart Pirates, the Straw Hats had anchored on this winter island.
The Sunny had been through a lot and Franky had actually planned to get some material for repairs in the small fishing village. Since only a few days had passed since the last major battle and the Surgeon of death was still busy patching up crew members, his crew was more than happy to take a break. A few days off couldn't hurt anyone.
You remember how Nami had been upset, crying that she would rather have stopped off at a nice summer island or at a luxurious spa. A vacation wasn't often granted to the Straw Hats. You had comforted her and said that a bit of snow could certainly be fun.
And oh how wrong you were.
You regret your words of encouragement as you sat shivering between your friends. An icicle hung from Usopp's nose as he desperately tried to warm himself by the small campfire.
"I'm hungry," Luffy's voice penetrated the silence. He said what everyone was thinking. Sanji was still trying to conjure up something edible from the few remnants that had survived the avalanche. But even the usually so positive cook didn't really know how to help himself.
Bepo and Chopper had suddenly become the most popular crew members. Everyone was secretly hoping to snuggle up in their warm furs and perhaps sleep despite the loud storm.
The only one who seemed to be able to sleep without the warmth of the two was Zoro. Once again, you envied him for having the talent to sleep in any situation.
Your eyes glanced over to the other pirate crew. Captain Law was sitting on a rock, looking into the void. He also seemed to be cold, but tried to hide it. Under no circumstances could he show any weakness. That would only make the situation worse and ruin the group‘s mentality. He scowled at the other captain, who kept shouting for food and jumping up and down. How could he still have that much energy ?
Law just rolled his eyes whenever he thought of the strawhat.
His mind wandered again and he looked in the other direction as unobtrusively as possible. From his seat, he had a good view of everyone. So he could keep a good eye on each member of his crew. At least that's what he told himself.
He also wanted to keep an eye on you.
Trembling, you sat between Nami and Robin. The older one had taken off her dark cloak and wrapped it around the three of you like a blanket. It was a nice gesture, but it didn't seem to do much good. But at least you weren't as stubborn as some others. The cook had refused to lean against one of the other men, preferring to rather run off to the other corner of the cave on his own. He must have been freezing, Law saw him looking enviously at the floor where Zoro had been snoring quietly for hours.
Yesterday, the motivation had been a bit higher. Everyone was sure that the storm wouldn't last that long and that the sky would soon be clear again. But this was the Grandline after all. No one could really predict the weather conditions.
Brook had wrote a little song, strawhat-ya had bounced happily back and forth and the cooks of both crews had roasted fish over the campfire.
You had smiled from time to time.
A warm feeling shot through Laws body.
Your eyes had sparkled in the light of the fire and he had to turn his gaze to you again and again. You were so beautiful.
Before you became part of the friendly crew, it had always bothered Law to spend too much time with the Straw Hats. They were loud, inconsiderate and constantly meddled in other people's problems. Above all, the parties that the rubber man regularly announced were law's worst nightmare. Loud singing, food and booze everywhere and always the strangest of people. He would much rather be in his study or in a quiet library, hoping desperately to escape the chaos.
But this feeling changed abruptly after you became part of the crew. He spotted you straight away. He quickly noticed a new face. And what a face it was. He had wanted to talk to you all evening. But someone was always glued to you, if it wasn't Nami, the captain or Chopper, it was the annoying cook who jumped around you with hearts in his eyes. Asking you for company, mixing you special drinks or turning up with a hot soufflé in one and a bouquet of flowers in the other hand.
Law had been uncomfortable, but he hadn't dared to speak to you. Nico Robin had told him over dinner how much you liked to read and that had only increased his interest.
Yet he hadn't made any effort to talk to you. You probably hadn't even noticed him.
You had noticed Trafalgar Law immediately.
Of course you knew his Wanted poster, as well as the many stories about the captain of the Heart Pirates. Luffy was always talking enthusiastically about Tra Guy and the other Nakama usually had the best stories to tell. Franky once told you how intelligent Law was, when you painted one of the rooms on the Sunny together. Usopp told you how badass his powers were. And Chopper had raved to you about his medical talent.
Since then, you had often asked the other girls about him. With completely neutral intentions, of course.
That's why Nami and Robin weren't at all surprised by the way you looked at him when you first met. Nami had rolled her eyes and laughed: "You look at him like you're Luffy and he's a piece of meat." You had sent her a dirty look, but your body had already betrayed you. Your cheeks were warm and your heart began to beat a little faster. Robin had just giggled and left you two alone.
When you thought back to that evening, your face flushed again. You sincerely hoped that you hadn't made a fool of yourself.
In the cold cave, these thoughts were the only thing that seemed to keep you warm. Again and again your thoughts seemed to wander to him. A glance in his direction couldn't hurt, could it?
Cautiously and not at all obviously, you let your eyes wander.
Your eyes wandered over the body in the dark coat. How you wish you could put it on your own body now.
His dark hair peeks out from under the white cap he always wore. You had to remind yourself of Nami's words two days ago. Maybe she was right. On a warm island, you would certainly have had the chance to see Law without his hat. How much you would have liked to see all of his hair. And you also felt that his eyes were always shrouded in shadow.
Eyes that you wished you knew the color of.
Eyes that always seemed to avoid yours.
Eyes that could never lose focus while in a fight.
Eyes that just swept over your body.
Eyes that met yours all at once.
Your head quickly turned to the side. Was he looking at you?! Just pretend you were doing something else. Had Robin been talking to you? You desperately tried to get your friend's attention. You feel like you've been caught. The familiar feeling of warmth returns even stronger than before. Robin had definitely been the wrong choice for your excuse. She couldn’t have been talking to you, of course, if you hadn't wasted your time ogling Law, you would have noticed how Robin's dark hair had landed on your shoulder. She'd been sleeping quietly next to you for a few minutes.
Damn. Now you were sure. He had caught you. Cautiously, your gaze drifted back.
Law's gaze was also averted but his cheeks were blushed. And his gorgeous eyes had disappeared behind his cap again.
Law's chest was suddenly incredibly warm. Why hadn't he been paying more attention? Of course you'd catch him staring at you. Hopefully you didn't think anything bad of him. Nothing would be worse than that.
You were probably used to being stared at. The cook could hardly take his eyes off you three Strawhat ladies. But had Law just looked at you the same way? As he pulled his coat closer around him, he hoped fervently that his eyes didn't turn into hearts every time he looked in your direction.
With the most serious expression he could fake in this moment, he tried again.
But he hadn't expected your eyes to still be on him. Law was turning as red as a tomato. The warm feeling was everywhere again. And now he really couldn't be sure if his gray eyes hadn't turned into big hearts.
Because you were looking at him. And he looked back.
A small smile flitted across your face.
And Law awkwardly smiled back.
The cold and the storm were long forgotten. While the others were freezing and dreaming of warm summer light or cozy blankets,
two pirates were infinitely warm.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 3 months
Sanji with bff reader who's trying to be his wingman and failing pls (either because sanji is really bad at picking up ladies or the reader is horrendous at wingmanning, heck maybe even both, you decide)
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Next Time: Sanji and Wingman Reader
Includes: Sanji , Male Reader , Strawhats
A / N: STOP I LOVE THIS. LOSERS BEING BESTIES FR !!! I hope u don't mind that I chose male reader. I don't write much of them and I want a variety :) enjoy ! Sorry it's short @@
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"Cmon Sanji ! You got this ! Do what we rehearsed !" You gave him a thumbs up and a toothy grin. The blonde haired gentleman nodded in return as you took your place behind the door.
Another failed attempt , you assumed by the way his head was hung downwards. You walked over to him and patted his back gently. "It's okay , Ji. You'll get 'er next time !" You laughed and threw your arm around his muscular shoulder.
"Maybe I should try a different pickup line. What do ya got , Reader ?" He asked , grabbing a notepad from seemingly nowhere.
"Ooh ! Ooh ! How about this ! Pretend to spill a drink and be like 'I tripped over my feelings for you . . .' That's gotta win Nami over for sure !" You spun around and grabbed out a poster board.
"What about something about tangerines ? 'You heart is as sweet and sour as a Tangerine' as you kiss her hand. That's gotta make her swoon !" The fact that both of you were so bad at picking up women honestly made the crew feel a bit bad. Why Sanji listened to your advice , the world will never know.
"How about for Robin - Chwan !" He said , spinning as he spoke of the dark haired diva. You placed a finger to your chin , deep in thought. Maybe a dark pun ? Maybe a history pun ? Before you could think , you spoke.
"Ooh ! How about 'you stole my heart like Doflamingo stole Dressrosa . . .' Thats gotta woo her !" You jumped up and down and smiled widely. "What if I gave her something as I said that ?? Or you could help me trip for the pick up line with Nami - Swan !" Sanji rambled as he swirled around , a love tornado of lust was what he was.
"Ooh ! Great idea !! You're so smart !!" Sanji closed his notepad and you both walked over to the ginger. She raised an eyebrow and you pushed Sanji , fake acting like you did it by accident. "Oh no ! I'm sooo sorry Sanji !" You snickered , watching as he fell to his strong knees.
"I tripped over my love for you , mademoiselle . . ~" He spoke smoothly , a perverted grin on his pale face. Nami picked up the book she was reading and smacked both of you in the head.
"That one sucked ! At least be mote creative !" With that , she stomped away and left the both of you with massive bumps on your heads. You both groaned and sat up.
"Fuck , another failure. I'm sorry , Ji. I'll figure somethin' out." You scratched your aching head snd looked sadly at the devastated cook. "Maybe you just haven't met the right girl ! Try flirting when we get to the next island !"
Your suggestion didn't go unheard. As you approached an island to restock supplies , you snd Sanji ran out to the nearest bar. "Try buying her a drink and saying she's as sweet as it ! Or I could spill it on you and you could say your love for her spilled over you !" You suggested as the both of you dashed to the nearest bar.
"Yeahh !! I got this !!"
He does not got it. You spilled the drink and it got ALL over his slacks and the ground. You both ended up being kicked out for causing a disturbance and made all the women laugh at yalls failed attempt at seducing a possible suitor.
You both walked out , dejected at the last failed attempt. You sighed dramatically and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry , Ji ! Next time !"
Next time. How many more 'next time's can he take ? You both were seemingly made to be best friends. One horrendous at flirting and the other horrendous at wingmanning. Next time , next time , next time. Would there be a next time ?
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
The Strawhats go to Syrup Village when their adventure ends because they want to say hi and thank everyone they've met along the way. Luffy misses his old friends! And Usopp, of course, wants to see the Usopp pirates and... And Kaya. Kaya, mostly. They were dating before Usopp joined the crew and when Usopp started having feelings for Sanji, he sent a letter to her asking if she was fine with that being a thing. And of course, she said yes, because Sanji seemed like such a nice gentleman and if he made Usopp happy then she was happy too. But he hadn't taken into consideration how nervous Sanji would be meeting her. Which, you know, understandable. Meeting your boyfriend's girlfriend. Something totally, uh, normal for Sanji's little mind who had to have a whole crisis for two years about his sexuality and relationships. But you know, it's okay, because it's Kaya. So everything will be fine.
And it surprisingly goes great! Well, surprisingly for Sanji. Usopp knew it would be okay! Obviously!
They encounter the kids first, and they're- They're older and it makes Usopp feel old too. Because what the hell. They're taller and they look almost like teenagers and it's making his heart melt. God, he has missed them so much. They go running to him and asking questions and hugging him and Usopp doesn't think he can take this much happiness, really. He keeps bragging about his cool, awesome, powerful crew and bounty and says that he'll tell them all their adventures later. Piiman directly asks "So, which one of them is your boyfriend?!" and Usopp freezes because "How do you know I have a-" and Tamanegi jumps in like, "Kaya told us!" and Usopp obviously can't be surprised at that. Or mad. He wrote the letters for the kids too, after all. So while the crew waits there watching it all happen, Usopp tells Sanji to come with him and meet the three idiots he had for a crew. And Sanji knows them, of course. He takes a drag of his cigarette, stares at them, and instantly goes "Ninjin, Piiman, Tamanegi" pointing at all of them correctly. They're astonished, but before they can say anything, Sanji squints his eyes at them "I remember because you look like vegetables-" / (Usopp): Ooookay, Sanji, babe, enough!" And he changes the subject to ask if Kaya is home right now. The kids say yes. Yadda yadda yadda, and they start walking to her house. (On their way to Kaya's, btw: "If I cook tonight we're not having vegetables, I would feel bad-"/ "Sanji!" / "C'mon, it's funny- They're cute, I swear. Like cute little potatoes-" / "Do you want me to punch you?" / "If we have children, do you think they'd look more like a radish or a cauliflow- / "Dumbass. And those are the only children we're having for a while. Get used to them." / "Wait, I was joking! Do you- You want children? With me? I-" / "Sanji, please, not today.")
So they get to Kaya's and... And Sanji is excited. Nervous. But excited. Nami won't stop teasing Usopp about it, too. And he's not worried. He's okay. He's not anxious. Everything's gonna be okay and she will love the person he has become. Definitely. Nothing to worry about. But he's visibly shaking, and he didn't expect Sanji to be the one holding his hand to calm him down, but it happens. And he couldn't be happier.
So, of course, Luffy can't be fucking quiet and starts knocking on the door and yelling for Kaya to come to greet them. Even if it was supposed to be a surprise. And Nami says "Gosh, Luffy, calm down! She can hear you. Everyone can hear you, actually. Shut up and wait for-" but she can't finish her sentence because Merry is already there with the biggest of smiles, opening the door for them. Usopp just says a soft "Hi!" while Luffy wastes no time in going in.
Nami: Luffy! Wait for a damn second! Merry: Oh, well, not that we can control the King of the Pirates, can we? Nami: You don't need to tell me. Franky: You look like Merry. Merry: ... I am Merry? Franky: No, I mean the ship- Usopp: Franky, we've explained this to you. Franky: Not the part where the butler looks exactly like the ship, though? Usopp: Oh. True. Well. There you have it.
Everything happens a bit quickly. Kaya is walking down the stairs when they're walking in, and the second she sees Usopp she just has to hug him tight. Sanji steps away because, well, he doesn't want to get in between their reunion. And everyone thinks he's jealous or weird about it, but it only takes a moment to realize he's staring at them with the fondest of looks in his eyes. She's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen (apart from Nami and Robin, of course. But it's another type of beauty) and there's just this glimpse in his eyes nobody can actually describe.
Usopp and Kaya kiss and he starts to feel a bit dizzy because- Wow. Remembering her kisses is just as overwhelming as he thought it'd be. She's precious. He says they'll tell her all about their adventures. That he has truly become somebody she can be proud of. She says she has always been proud of him, and Usopp dies a little bit with that. When she's done staring at him, she tilts her head to the side saying hi to everyone else and she spots Sanji, hands on each side of him and bouncing his right leg. She lets go of Usopp to approach Sanji and grab his hands, and with a soft, tender smile, she says "I'm so glad you've been looking out for him. I've heard so many great things about you, Sanji! I truly hope we get to know each other better" and Sanji dies. Sanji instantly dies. Not from a nosebleed but a heart attack, probably. He's speechless for a whole second and nobody says anything. Because this sweet girl just said this in front of everyone and let's be honest, everybody is wondering how the fuck Sanji and Usopp are the ones with enough rizz to pull this wonderful girl. Anyway- I can imagine Jinbe laughing and saying "Usopp! You have a type!" and he's being genuine and sweet but it's so fucking embarrassing the sniper just wants to curl up and die.
Luffy, Nami, and Zoro see Kaya again and it's so, so sweet to see her being a doctor just like she wanted. She's healthy. She's adorable, like always. And she welcomes them into her house gladly. Kaya says hi to the rest and she. Absolutely. Adores. Chopper. That's probably the cutest doctor she's ever seen, and also the smartest! If Usopp and Sanji didn't need to talk with her, she'd probably spend the day talking to Chopper. She also gets along with the older members of the crew! They're all just so nice to her <3 Robin comments about how Usopp and Sanji have been talking a lot about her and Kaya giggles but it makes Usopp want to run away to a private place as quickly as he can. If Robin is the one talking about this, this means they will all keep the embarrassing conversation going and he can't have that.
They decide to stay for dinner, the way they had planned because Sanji is dying to cook for her and they just knew Kaya wouldn't let them go without having dinner with her. Besides, they've been staying for a while in every island so that they can enjoy their time with each person and decide what they want to do next. If they want to, you know, stay with the crew or choose to keep going with their lives outside of being a pirate (everyone chill, they're staying together. At least for a long while until they're old. Because otherwise, I will cry). So, Sanji cooks while the crew waits around the house. Talking to Merry and Kaya and wow!! The kids are staying too!! Awesome!! Usopp is in the kitchen with Sanji because he just needs a second to calm down. It's too much. In a good way! But god, he needs a second.
Usopp helps Sanji with a few things while they talk about everything and nothing. A kiss here and there. And then, Usopp is suddenly a bit uncomfortable about what he's about to say. "What do you think about, um, Kaya?" / "Are you really asking me that?" / "Yeah! Why wouldn't I? Maybe you don't- Fuck. I don't know. Maybe now that you've seen us together you don't want-" / "I want to, Usopp. More than anything." / "Really?" / "Yeah. She- She makes you happy. She even makes me happy and I just met her. And- I don't know. I guess she just looks a lot like my-"
But then the kitchen door opens quickly and it's closed just as fast, because Kaya is there, resting her back against the wall and smiling shyly at them both.
Kaya: Hi! Hi. I- Am I interrupting or-? Sanji/Usopp: No! Kaya: Oh! Oh, okay! I just thought It'd be nice for us to be together for a while? Alone? Usopp: ...... Luffy is being- Kaya: Nami? Usopp: Oh, fuck, yes, makes more sense. Sanji: Nami-san can be a bit assertive sometimes, but it's alright. Kaya: So it's okay if I stay? Usopp: Kaya, it's your kitchen- Sanji: Of course, madame. You're gonna be the first one to taste our dinner, then. I need opinions. Kaya: Oh, I'm not a cook. But I am sure your food is excellent! Sanji: Indulge me, please? Eat whatever you like. Usopp, whispering: Why are you being more romantic than me? She's my girlfriend. Sanji: And I am your boyfriend. She's, like, my girlfriend too, now. Usopp: Does that work like that? Sanji: Uh, not sure? Kind of? Usopp: ... As long as you two are happy. Sanji: You should eat too, by the way, mon amour. I am being serious when I say I want feedback.
They end up spending a long while together making dinner. While Usopp tells her about their adventures, she tells her about her life without him and her studies. How much she has been trying to help the village, too, and how the kids have been doing. Sanji asks them their opinions on the food. Asks them for help, too, if needed. And everything ends up being so domestic and nice that Usopp is surprised Kaya and Sanji just met. They're so in sync and they look so pretty together they even look like a couple already. Usopp thought he'd end up feeling left out (because he always does) but there's just something about them being together that makes his heart melt.
Skipping the dinner part, because it's just all of them having fun as usual and besides a few cute glances and blushes and compliments, there isn't anything remarkable about Sanusokaya here. They end up in Kaya's room after dinner, while the other crew members go do whatever. They have designated rooms and beds (the place is a fucking mansion, and there's room for everyone).
The thing is, they go to Kaya's room to talk about... Them. They don't know where to begin, so Usopp breaks the silence by telling Kaya about how he met Sanji. Things she already knows from letters, but she hasn't actively heard. And it's obviously more entertaining this way. So Sanji and Kaya sit on her bed while Usopp talks. And one thing leads to another and he's also explaining Skypiea. And Water 7. And when he gets to Dressrosa, something they had already talked about during dinner, Sanji decides to explain what happened back in Whole Cake Island. He didn't have this in mind. Opening up so much, he means. But there's just something about Kaya that makes him want to keep talking. So he explains a bit (not everything, of course) about his past. And she's so, so sweet about it. Holds his hand all the time. Rests her cheek on his shoulder. Usopp kisses both of their foreheads. And that's when Sanji stares at Kaya and says:
Sanji: You know? You remind me a lot of her. My mother, I mean. Kaya: Do I? The way you talk to her is so wonderfu- Sanji: You are wonderful. Kaya: Oh- Usopp: Sanji, you can't say that to her! That's my job. You're wonderful, babe. Kaya: Thanks, darling. I just- I was thinking that it could... If you are okay with it. Maybe I'm overstepping. That it could also be his job? God, I am explaining this awfully. I am a doctor, not a writer- Usopp: He would love to be your boyfriend. Sanji: Don't answer for me! Usopp: Weren't you going to say yes? Sanji: In a more romantic way, yes. Of course. Kaya: Really?! Usopp: I think he likes you more than he likes me- Sanji: Idiot. Don't ever say things like that. He's always so- Kaya: No, yes, you have to force the love into his head, huh? Sanji: Exactly! Usopp: Don't get too excited, Kay. He's just like that too. You say something good about him and he starts sobbing.
Long story short, they sleep together in Kaya's room, all tangled up and cuddling because they're the cutest, most adorable couple in the world. They stay for a while in the Village and spend some days together, growing closer and clingier every day. And sadly they have to say goodbye because they want to keep going with their journey (they have stuff to do. They tried to bring Kaya along, but she's the doctor of the village. She can't leave them alone) but she knows they'll come back to her. She trusts them to
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one-idea · 6 months
I was interested in your “dream-stealer” devil fruit power idea! What would be the thing that stops is tho? The power of friendship lol
I know it won’t be easy to give the dream back. But what would your solution be?
“The power of friendship.” Téa from yugioh will haunt us all for years I swear.
I’m still figuring out the specifics of the fruit. I think the dreams would have to be stored somewhere. Else the only solution is death but you can’t guarantee that would undo the devil fruit’s work, it’s never worked that way for any other fruit to have their damage or effect magically reversed after the user passes.
So they have to be stored is a way. I kind of like the idea of floating bubbles. Not only because it calls back to the old comic thought/dream bubble but because they could be stylized so that each bubble is its own little dream world in it. If you look in the bubble you see what the persons dream looks like once it’s fulfilled. Or at least how they dream it will look.
So if Nami’s dream got stolen you’d see a complete map of the world completed in her hand writing. (Probable a lot of gold to)
Or if Sanji’s dream got stolen you’d see him cooking in a restaurant at the all blue. He’d probably be cooking for all of the crew, Zeff, and all of the beautiful women then met along the way. (It makes for a great way to cameo Vivi and other characters. This could also be used as a fun gag with the male strawhats being farther back, or could be really sweet showcasing all the strawhats together as it shows how much Sanji values his crew members)
But their dreams didn’t get stolen Luffy’s did. I can only picture Luffy’s vision of being pirate king as reaching the last island with all of his crew. The joy on all of their faces. Maybe Shanks is there wearing the famed strawhat as Luffy has returned it. Maybe Sabo is there cheering him on. Maybe because it’s a dream Ace is there. But regardless of anyone else. It is him and his crew celebrating together. Looking forward to the next adventure. Be that exploring the world (helping Nami’s map and Franky’s dream) or going on to accomplish one of the other crews dreams.
But as far as getting it back I think they would have to return the bubble in tact to Luffy. They can’t pop it. Dreams can be fragile things. If the dream breaks it cannot be returned.
This adds an extra layer of stress because the Strawhats don’t know this rule. Heck they don’t know what this persons devil fruit is. All they know is that Luffy pushed one of them out of the way and collapsed from one hit. When he woke up he gave up. He doesn’t want to go after this person and he doesn’t believe in his dream any more.
Maybe they try to confront the dream stealer head on. That’s when the user informs them of exactly what their fruit does. It steals dreams/ambitions and gives them power (I don’t know if this power is just greater speed and strength or if they can used the powers of the people whose dreams they stole)
They engage in a fight because they want Luffy’s dream back and Zoro cuts through one of the dream bubbles. Thinking if these are the things giving the user power he can just take their strength. Or maybe he’s thinking that’s how you free the trapped dreams. Maybe he’s thinking both maybe he’s not thinking at all. But he does it.
Only for the user to laugh at him. He just destroyed someone’s dream forever. Shattered it on impacted. And for one heart stopping moment. He and the crew fear that was Luffy’s dream. But no, the user is keeping that one close.
This means the crew has to find way to get the dream away from this person without damaging it. It also creates a tension because the user can pop the dream bubble at any moment. It would be a massive lose of power for them so they won’t do it but again the crew doesn’t know that.
I don’t know if Luffy’s lack of ambition will carry over to his feelings about his friends dreams. Does he lose all of his conviction for his own dream but still believe in theirs? Or does he not believe in anything?
Just imagining Zoro realizing Luffy’s given up on being the king of the pirates. Listening to his captain repeat all the reasons everyone’s told them their whole journey it’s not possible. He’s to young, it’s not real, there are stronger people, etc. and looking at his Captain the only person with ambitions greater then his own and try to snap him out of it. “if you’re not going to be the king of the pirates then I need to leave this crew, I’m still going to be the world’s greatest swordsman.” He doesn’t mean it, not fully. If Luffy truly gave up then they need to separate (no matter how much it would hurt, he needs to keep moving towards his dream) but he knows Luffy would never give up just like he’d never let one of them walk away. He’s expecting Luffy to snap out of it, but instead he gets Luffy looking at him with such a blank look asking why he thinks he of all people can become the world’s greatest swords man. And just like that the crew knows that it’s not just his dream Luffy’s given up on, but all of their’s, he doesn’t believe in any of them anymore.
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sanjiluvrr1 · 1 year
Warnings: none
Summary: Luffy falling in love…
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Luffy had always been one to follow his instincts. So when he found himself lost on a random island, he didn't hesitate to explore. He wandered through dense jungles and climbed steep cliffs, all in search of something new and exciting.
And that was when he stumbled upon Y/N.
She was unlike anyone Luffy had ever met before. She was strong and adventurous, with a fierce determination that matched his own. And as he watched her navigate through the treacherous terrain, he knew that she would be a perfect addition to the Strawhat crew.
"Hey!" he called out to her, bounding over a fallen log. "You're really cool! Wanna join my crew?"
Y/N turned to look at him, a puzzled expression on her face. "Your crew?" she repeated. "What crew?"
Luffy grinned. "The Strawhat crew!" he said. "We're pirates, but we're also friends. And we travel around the world, having adventures."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Pirates, huh?" she said. "I don't know about that. I've never really thought of myself as a pirate."
Luffy shrugged. "So what do you say? Will you join us?"
Y/N hesitated for a moment. She had always been a bit of a loner, preferring to travel and explore on her own. But there was something about Luffy's enthusiasm that was infectious. And besides, she had to admit that she was curious about this group of pirates who called themselves the Strawhats.
"All right," she said finally. "I'll join your crew. But just for a little while. I'm not sure if this pirate life is for me."
Luffy grinned again, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Awesome!" he said. "I knew you'd be a great addition to the crew. Let's go tell everyone else!"
And with that, Luffy and Y/N set off towards the rest of the Strawhat crew, who were waiting for them at the Thousand Sunny.
As they walked, Luffy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. He had always loved meeting new people and going on adventures, but there was something about Y/N that was different. She was strong and independent, but also kind and compassionate. And Luffy found himself drawn to her in a way that he couldn't quite explain.
Over the next few weeks, as they sailed through the Grand Line, Luffy and Y/N grew closer. They would explore new islands together and battling fierce creatures. And as they fought side by side, Luffy couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Y/N's strength and bravery.
But it wasn't until one particularly harrowing battle that Luffy realized his true feelings for Y/N.
They had been fighting a group of marines, and Y/N had been injured in the fray. Luffy had been frantic with worry, his heart pounding as he watched her fight for her life. And when it was all over and they had emerged victorious, he found himself unable to contain his emotions any longer.
"Y/N," he said, as they sat together on the deck of the ship. "I...I don't know how to say this, but...I think I love you."
Y/N looked at him, surprise evident in her eyes. "Love me?" she repeated. "Luffy, I don't understand."
Well Robin and Nami said that this fuzzy feeling I have whenever I’m around you is called “love”
Luffy took a deep breath. "So I mean, I love you," he said. "Like...more than a friend. I want to be with you…forever.
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gatitties · 1 year
the last fic you wrote is so great as an autistic ADHD person, i love you. That's it.
could you do similiar one and this time reader is strugling to share their feelings that they love their crew even thought th(Kid's crew)ey can be bastards ? So they give them gifts and still feel failing
─Strawhats, Heart Piartes & Kid Pirates x reader
─Summary: it seems that sharing your gratitude is getting more complicated than you thought
─Warnings: none
Part one
ty!! :') hope this one is good too and sorry if there is something wrong
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─ You never seemed to choose the right moment to be able to express your gratitude, or if you finally managed to have the time and the decision to let your feelings out, your mind simply stopped working and you ended up talking about something else.
─ And sometimes it was difficult for you to express yourself correctly, your mouth seemed to seal when you tried to show affection for your friends, you simply played with your hands nervously without daring to talk about your feelings.
─ So you decided to start doing small acts, placing Robin's books or Nami's maps, organizing the medical supplies, helping Franky by collecting some junk, listening very carefully to Usopp's stories (although you tried not to show much that you got distracted by something) and little things that you added to your daily routine.
─ The problem is that they only interpreted it as a little additional help and not as an intention to express how you feel with them.
─ You began to stress over not being able to complete your task and you spent a lot of time alone in your room while doing a puzzle that you bought to de-stress from these situations.
─ And everyone noticed how every day you got a little more frustrated by doing your usual routine of small obligatory things of the day, so they thought that something was bothering you, although it was somewhat complicated because the things that bothered you could simply be that a knife was misplaced in the kitchen.
─ Everyone got worried when they saw you so down for not being able to speak openly and they wanted to ask you if everything was alright but then you just took out everything you had inside without even realizing it.
You were massaging your scalp, pulling a few strands of hair between your fingers, you had locked yourself in your room after having another attempt to talk to the crew and ended up rambling about other things that had nothing to do with what you really wanted to say.
"What do you think is happening?"
"I don't know, maybe it's stress for something, Sanji, did you check that the kitchen was ordered in that specific way?"
"Yes, there was nothing unusual."
Everyone was peeking as you started biting your nails, which was a bad sign, Nami was the one who stepped into your room, grabbing your wrists gently, making all your attention focus on her.
"Okay, you don't have to get anxious, what's bothering you?"
"Nothing- I just-"
The others began to enter slowly, surrounding you without getting too close so as not to overwhelm you with so many people around you, you began to open and close the palms of your hands, you began to ramble on about other things until you accidentally let all go.
"It's just- it's so frustrating because I don't know how to express my gratitude, I try to have little details but they aren't noticeable and when I try to talk I just get distracted, I want to show that I'm happy with you because you accept me and don't treat me badly like other people, just like that guy on that island, the one where I found these beautiful bracelets and…"
Robin covered her mouth so as not to laugh at your cute attitude, Chopper approached you to sit next to you and listen, the others smiled knowing now what had made you so nervous, feeling completely special for having you with them.
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─ You tried everything to make your feelings of gratitude known, but all your attempts were unsuccessful because you ended up embarrassing yourself in the end and you chose to remain silent.
─ At least they did notice when you changed your established strict routine to do other things with them, normally you had a schedule to do certain things but now you're trying to break it to spend more time with everyone.
─ Law noticed that you also began to place a cup of coffee at the same hour on his door, you always gave three knocks rhythmically and left the hot drink on the floor late at night, time at that you normally liked to be resting.
─ The others may not notice your subtle actions, but Law made it known, he knew you wanted to say something, but he needed you to take the step so he made everyone not say or change their attitude towards you until you managed to speak for your own will.
─ Ikkaku clenching her fists not being able to say how cute you were trying hard to help her cook without needing her help to organize, you were struggling so hard to focus on a single task, but she didn't want to ruin your moment of internal struggle.
─ Shachi and Penguin partially ignored Law's orders, sometimes hinting that you had a 'secret' you had to share, but just narrowed your eyes because you didn't understand what they meant.
"So, when are you going to tell us about that, you know?"
"I still don't understand what you two mean."
You finished lining up the cutlery on the table that you took care to place symmetrically to the proportions of the table, slightly ignoring the little joke that Shachi and Penguin made with each other, the others started to enter, Law scolding the duo of idiots because he heard them hinting at you to talk about your concerns.
Ikkaku began to serve the dishes, being the last to be served and being deep in your thoughts you didn't realize it was your favorite dish until it was left in front of you, you smiled without waiting for anyone to start savoring it.
"This dish is so good...! Just as good as you guys, I'm so glad to be a part of this crew, I don't feel different and everyone treats me so well, I love you so much, thanks for everything."
You blurted everything out without meaning to and while your attention right now was only focused on devouring your favorite dish, Ikkaku laughed, patting your head while Law smiled proudly, he knew you would end up talking one way or another, you just needed some time and a little distraction.
Shachi and Penguin high-fived as if they had really been the ones who had helped you get what you had inside, Jean Bart looked at them with a raised eyebrow, eating slowly.
"And why are you proud? You didn't even do anything."
"What are you talking about, we help-"
"You didn't do shit, Ikkaku's plan worked better than your hints."
"She had a plan?!"
Ikkaku winked at both of them as she let you eat in peace, she knew that sometimes you liked to wander in your thoughts while eating and sometimes you just shared those thoughts out loud, so she just needed to cook your favorite food.
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─ No one, absolutely no one seemed to notice your actions to express yourself.
─ You were trying so hard, breaking your schedule and your little hobbies to help the men on this crew, but they just seemed more focused on other things.
─ Maybe the only one who appreciated your small actions was Killer, but he was too busy to notice beyond your intentions behind your actions.
─ Which led you to have a stress episode because nobody seemed to notice your internal struggle, Heat had to help you calm down with one of those sensory objects that Kid made for you, you also did some relaxation methods that helped you.
─ These guys just don't appreciate even the extra help you give them, or maybe they do, but they won't bother to show that they're grateful, because you know, masculinity.
─ You decided to give it another approach when you tried to talk to Wire (being a disaster again), he doesn't usually talk much and sometimes he speaks by signing or writing, so you thought it would be easier to express yourself through paper.
─ You also added some small gifts as a detail, so maybe it's more meaningful to them, but you wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't cause any kind of effect.
You finished wrapping the last gift, before anything else you went back to check that everyone had the bow well done and there was nothing that bothered you with the organization of these, you also went back to reread the note that you had written with sweat and tears because it was hard to write and make the handwriting legible, you wanted everything to stay perfect.
You had to break your sleep schedules to be able to leave each gift in its respective place, since you did not intend to deliver them directly, just leave them in areas where you knew that person would find it, so you worked at night when most of them were resting.
But your mission got complicated when you entered Kid's workshop, he was there, although he seemed to have fallen asleep while building something, you took the opportunity to leave the gift on the construction table stealthily, but apparently you weren't good enough.
"What do you think you're doing, rat?"
"Aw man, I won't be able to give you the secret gift!"
"The secret… what?"
"Just take this and shut up!"
You hit him in the face with the wrapper, taking advantage of his confusion to get rid of his grip and run, Kid blinked a couple of times, still assimilating what had happened, he read the little letter trying not to smile at your words, although he finished letting out a small laugh as he opened the gift… which was just a few nuts and bolts, well, you were definitely something.
"So… do you also have a gift?"
Killer peeked through the door, holding a handmade mask, at least now he knew why you had been weirder than usual by not being so strict with certain habits and he understood better all the previous actions.
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[You and Sanji got married]
["MINORS DO NOT INTERACT" Header made by @benkeibear ]
This fic is originally made for my beloved friend who gives me unconditional support @syntheticseraton1n . But anyone who reads this can feel self inserted here. Nala, sweetie, I hope you like the wedding I prepared for you. And readers who don't like NSFW, it is okay, cause the first part of the fic is actually SFW! Just a fun wedding and meeting of friends 🥰
But still, I think I messed up with the whole fanfic and ruined it. Sorry, One Piece fans. Sorry, Sanji simps 😭😭😭
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Wedding OST 🎶 (might add more sooner or later, dunno)
1. Nupcial march [violin] (When bride comes in);
2. Barbie 12 dancing princess theme (Couple dance);
3. The wellerman [violin];
4. Hey Brother [cello] (Avicii);
5. Wake me up [cello] (Avicii again);
6. Angel eyes (Abba);
7. YMCA (Village People);
8. California Gurls (Katy Perry);
9. Work (forró version - Rihanna);
The list goes on but it would take too long to put EVERYTHING!
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Honestly, you couldn't be more thankful when you met the strawhats. Everyone there is so cheerful, almost looking like a daycare of children but grown up. Your captain, Monkey D. Luffy was the most childish but he had an empaty ability. Luffy always had that sense inside on his heart to know when people were good or bad.
And then there was your beloved Sanji. The guy who would marry you in that sunny and bright day. Blonde has always been supportive and gentle with you, especially when he joined the crew. Everything in him was so charming. His greyish-blue eyes, the way he lights up his cigarrette to smoke away from you (to not bother with the smell) and makes sure the smell fades away later so he can be closer, his heart shaped eyes when talking to you (well, honestly, for any woman). When he genuinely confessed to you in a wonderful night, your heart did a backflip. It was the very first time you felt like that: butterflies fluttering in your stomach, trembling a little bit, teary emotional eyes, cheeks as red as the most stunning rose. And when Sanji proposed to you? Gosh, it was a disaster because Luffy ate everything Sanji has prepared for both of you. But you accepted him with no hesitation.
Today, was your wedding day. Nami was helping you get ready to get married in the amazing Thousand Sunny. Of course that the ginger one and Sanji thought of marrying somewhere else better for you. But Thousand Sunny has given all of you guys great memories and it meant so much for you, just like the resting in peace now Golden Merry. The gold digger young navigator stopped and helped you dry your tears.
—Just look at you, S/O... You are so wonderful! - the dress was a strapless white one with laces on it. Nami also chose good jewerly to put in your ears and in your neck, giving a special touch on it. Your hair was decorated in an elegant messy bun with flowers on it. Your makeup wasn't that heavy but very perfect for the ocasion. And so were the heels. Not too tight but made you look a little bit taller to kiss Sanji.
—I've... I've never been so beautiful... Oh, Nami, this means so much to me!
—Hey there, it is okay! Just don't cry or the makeup will run! - she said, containing her tears as she gave a friendly kiss on your forehead - Are you ready?
—Of course! Our captain must be waiting for us since he for sure is hungry - the both of you laughed at the comment about the captain - Let's go.
—Just one more detail - Nami stops and gives you a bouquet of fake flowers. Since you guys spent more time in the ship than in the lands, Nami made sure to buy fake flowers for the wedding before the trip to the island where you guys would stay. The flowers may not be real, but the reciprocate love between you and Sanji for sure was.
When getting out of the cabin, everyone was waiting there. Robin was reading her speech to make the cerimony happen, Luffy was already stuffing his mouth with meat, but what had surprised you the most was seeing Zoro being Sanji's wingman. Everyone knows they fight a lot but deep inside, care for each other just like brothers. Speaking of him, he was impecable! Sanji wore his best suit and even put a red rose as a decoration.
—You look amazing, ma cherrie... - Sanji says with a weak whisper as his eyes get filled with tears. You, in response, comfort him with your healing touch.
—Everyone, except for the main couple, sit please - Robin said - Strawhats, we are here together to celebrate a very special ocasion. It isn't everyday someone gets married in a ship. And this is a very special one. We are here to celebrate not only their love. But also their companionship as well. This time, the couple destiny predicted was Sanji and Y/N. I gotta speak some words by myself as well. I was hoping for you two get married and look at everyone now - she laughed - You guys even managed to get our captain all dressed up.
—Robiiiiiiin! This itches! Can I take it oof? - Luffy said impatient.
—The bowtie isn't that tight, Luffy! - Nami growled before noticing Robin adjusting Luffy's bowtie with her devil fruit.
—Back to the cerimony, I want you two to know that this whole crew loves you both!
—Chopper, the rings, please! - Robin called and the tiny reeinder came all happy and proud. He even stood in the point of his hooves to give you both the rings, but the raven haired beauty gave him a little help as well - Now your vows, please.
—Sanji, you are my everything. My moon. My sun. My stars. My whole world. I, Y/N, want to be loyal with body and soul to you. You own my heart. You had saw me at the worse of the moments, saw my deepest fears and I am taking the best decision of my life right here, right now. We finished one chapter of our lives and we are starting a new one - you had to use a mini stair to reach Sanji's cheek so you could kiss it gently, leaving the blonde with goose bumps. He helped you go down
—I, Sanji, promise to always hold your hand and never let go. To comfort you when sadness comes, And the most important: be loyal and loving you no matter what happens. I'll be your light, always - he spoke softly but still with all certain in the world while holding your hand as if you were made of porcelain, kissing softly your hand - And of course, do your favourite meals.
You giggled at the last part.
Everyone was so happy for the two of you and all of them with no exception helped in the decoration of the wedding party. Chopper even did a special chocolate candy. Even Luffy did part of the decoration even though he slept while doing it. You could see Franky crying hard while blowing his nose. He got emotional, someone please give the capitalist cyborg an hamburguer later. And Usopp was in the very same state as Franky. Both held hands while imaging a life like that.
—Sanji, do you accept Y/N as your‐
—And, Y/N, do you accept Sanji as‐
Robin snorted and let out a laugh before finally saying as clear as crystal:
—I happily announce you two as husband and wife! You can kiss now!
—Come here, mon coeur! (Come here, my heart!) - Sanji held your waist, lifted and pulled you closer for a passionate and loving kiss.
There were petals thrown by Nami, Robin's multiple arms due to her Akuma no Mi, Luffy and even Chopper. Let's be honest, he was trying his best in his daily form (boi was sparing rumber balls for important ocasions). Zoro even let out a laugh and said:
—NOW LET THE F*CKING PARTY BEGIN! CHEERS! - he grabbed the first alchool bottle and chugged down half of the bottle.
As soon as the magical kiss ended, Sanji adjusted a string of your hair behind your ear and gave another kiss, but this time, in your cheek. His greyish-blue eyes filled with emotions that he couldn't speak but you understood him better than anyone else.
The party was absolutely amazing! Brook already got his violin on point for the first dance of the night between you and Sanji. Your knight held your waist gently within one hand and with the other, your hand. He had whispered some words before you felt like you were on a fairytale during the song.
—I don't deserve you...
You replied by giving a soft quick peck on his lips that said more than words. Once it ended, everyone clapped and Luffy said automatically to put on a more cheered up music which literally made him drag Usopp and Chopper to dance. You decided to dance with Nami and Franky just for funsies while Brook danced while playing his violin. Sanji danced with Nami, Robin, Chopper (honestly, these two were so adorable together) and even Zoro. Only booze to make them feel like that sometimes. You guys danced and singed for like, 4-5 hours straight. And of course, Luffy ate his daily meats in a corner (some angel had prepared for that monster).
—Attention everyone, the bride will throw the bouquet! 1... 2... 3... Whooo! - and the lucky one to got was... Usopp! (THIS WRITER SHIPS USOPP AND KAYA, OKAY? 😭)
—Sanji! Y/N! Come here!
—Hm? What happened, miss Nami?
—I got a room for the two of you in the hotel.
—Of that lesbian couple of old ladies? - you asked.
—Those two! I talked to them about your wedding and guess what? You two will sleep in the best room!
While the whole crew rested on the ship, Nami had reserved a special room for you and Sanji spent the night as a couple. If you know what I mean. Sanji carried you in the most gentle bridal style way and when the door was finally locked, leaving the two of you, both of you were impressed! Nami actually chose a great suite! With even a frigobar, special bathtub with candles, a very comfy bed and anything a newly married couple could want and get in a room. The ginger navigator even included the best breakfast for the next morning.
You could feel your husband smirk in a devilish way and you were right. He started to attack your neck with teasing kisses, starting to get you ready for what you two are about to do.
—Sanji! C-Can we have a bath first?
—Of course! Plus... I know this dress makes you like a queen but I guess tonight it would look better on the floor~ Hm~? - that was everything he said before seeing you fully red. He gently placed you on the bed before removing his fancy suit and put them in some wardrobe. He noticed they also had put robes and towels. Man, for sure these people are prepared.
—Sanji, I can't reach my back. Can you help me? - before you could even think of anything else to speak, the dress was off, revealing the white lacey underwear that Nami also bought you.
—My~ I am trully in heaven~ - he whispered as he removed his pants and then his socks. And finally, his underwear, revealing his dwong, slightly hard and you were impressed of how his pubic hair was slightly blonde as well. Anime logic? Fanfic logic? Where? Logic? What is this? Is it to eat?
As soon as both of you emerged in the bathtub all naked, you reached to get the soap so you could wash your body.
—Soft... - he said as he placed a kiss on your shoulder but quickly cleaned his mouth because it was with soap as well. You laughed at his reaction - Oh, it is like this, then? Already wanting a little punishment in our first night as a couple?
—Oh, you're such a tease~
—I can't help if my love is looking so sexy right now~
—Hehehe~ Let's go once we finish here~
Even though Sanji was excited for the moment, he still helped you wash the body like the gentleman he is with no rush, just loving and appreciating the process. Once he finished, he got a towel to dry both of you and by your surprise, he picked you up like if you were a potato sack and ran to the amazing comfy bed. Now he could begin properly. Sanji started attacking your lips.
His kisses are normally sweet outside (and even with the) sheets. But this time, he was desperate, starving, as if your lips were the last thing that could keep him still but at the same time, weak on his knees. He then went down to your neck, giving small but loving hickeys to remind you how much loved you are for him. With each kiss, your heart increased the beatings. When you less noticed, blonde cook was already in your most sensitive area: your cherry.
—Well... Bon appetit. For me~ - that was his only warning of what it was about to come. It is like that his tongue does magic with your clit and pussy. He knows exactly where to stimulate you and at which speed. Not too slow for you not be teased but also not too fast for you to come quickly, he wants you to enjoy the moment but let's be real: he is enjoying way more for sure. Your fluids were like the best tea for him.
—San... San... Ji...~♡! Aaah~♡
—Don't need to be shy, love~ Just let me hear that sweet voice~ We have the whole night for ourselves... - he lost his composture as soon as you gently touched his head as a sign for you to go further. That was more than enough to get his motor going working harder.
—I'm... I-I-I'm...
—I'm close!
—Yay! - he let out an "yay" just like a cute adorable kid who had recieved the best chocolate bar. But it was only a gentleman eating a pussy. And you are the wife of that gentleman now - Go on for me, princess~
With one more yelp, Sanji thanked mentally for the tea and made sure to not miss anything released.
—What a yummy meal, my love~ Now, I guess for being such a good girl, you deserve the main part~ Just let me get the condom—
Your hand slapped his gently which made him widen his eyes like "wtf". You spoke softly:
—It's okay... I asked for Chopper to make something for me...
—And how did he reacted?
—He got embarassed. I need to apologize to him once the honey moon ends... Poor fella - you sighed.
—Hey, it's okay. Maybe one day he will ask for his partner in some future ahead use it too.
—SANJI! - you both didn't hold the laugh.
—What? It is true!
—Why don't you come spend some... Energy with me instead thinking of Chopper's future life?
—Sounds amazing~ No condoms?
—Not this time.
With a big smirk, Sanji positioned himself between you.
—I'll go in, okay? - he whispered as he held your hand. You nodded and my, Sanji fitted perfectly on you. About his dick size, he is normal but perfect! Not too thick cause it would hurt you, not that long, but fits inside perfectly. And no matter what size he would have, he would know how to use that sword. Plus, for Sanji, sex isn't only "banana in, banana out, banana in, banana out". It is a loving moment where he can spend with you and be romantic. Sanji absolutely hates quickies and wants give all of his love to his beloved one. It didn't took that long for him to start moving inside with that "ploc ploc ploc" sound coming as well.
—Shh... Just relax and let me please you... - he couldn't help but groan and let out some soft moans with you. His magical hands stimulated your exposed nipples, bringing more pleasure to your smaller figure - F*ck... But if you keep squeezing me like that I won't handle that much~ So tight...~♡
—San... I... I love you...
His heart did a tiny dance inside his body at those sweet words of yours.
—I love you too, Y/N... - he squeezed gently your hand before kissing your forehead. And it was in that moment when Sanji got a little bit more of speed on his movements, making you moan more and more. You couldn't think of anything else but Sanji loving you intensily - C-Crap... I'll release...
—Me too...
—Together... - that's all he said before kissing you intensily. In some minutes, one of your most intense orgasms finally came. Blonde, panting, kissed your forehead and stayed some minutes still inside of you before finally removing it. God blesses for whoever will clean those sheets. And may the boss give some extra pay for them.
Your husband picked you up and took to the shower just to do a quick clean before finally sleeping in bed. As soon as you two were spooning, he pulled you closer, face to face and whispered:
—The first of many of our nights as a married couple...
—Yup... Sanji, today was amazing... Not only this moment of ours but - you gigled - Our friends finally reunited as well. Even Zoro was happy!
—That marimo. He knows how to have fun sometimes as well.
—You missed him laughing and being like that as well, hm?
—Not that much.
—You admited it! I know you two are besties!
—Sowwy~ Hehehe~ Let's just... Rest for a while... I got tired... Goodnight, my love...
—Bonne nuit, mon amour... Une dernière chose: je t'aime ♡ (Good night, my love... One last thing: I love you ♡)
"Take more 4, Luffy" (Nami)
"Nope" *lands one more +4* (Luffy)
*laughs and lands one more +4* (Robin)
"Yohohoho!" *purs two +2* (Brook)
"Not with me!" *puts one +2* (Franky)
"Neither me!" *puts +2* (Chopper)
"...fuck you guys..." *gets +20 cards of Uno* (Zoro)
The couple was just cuddling and being sweet in the next morning, don't worry, fellas :)
(And yes, you guys wrote a letter for princess Vivi about the wedding. She cried because she missed that moment but was so happy for the crew)
The end.
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acutecoral · 7 months
Anyways, that was a fun first day! Especially given my main povs are mostly in Red Team, which...well, I honestly did not expect them to have spiralled that hard the last half an hour? It was glorious to have witnessed though. Despite the frustrations and drawbacks, they really did claw it back?? Somehow??
I'm still sort of in a state of being overwhelmed, since I had like 14 tabs on and swapped between povs when I had to, and somehow that hit a level of stimulation that wasn't debilitating but just enriching for my brain which is one of the funniest things that came out from this.
We enjoyed seeing Charlie tryhard at being tactical??? We didn't realise until he mentioned it, that for a good 3 hours, he had not cracked a joke and went off being a spy and eavesdropper to help protect and give an advantage to his team. Like damn.
Carre was a GOAT?? HOLY SHIT???? And also, it was great that Cellbit managed to help bridge the communications between Carre and the rest of the team, after having gotten really great at spanish thanks to Roier. But man, that was unexpected but pleasant as they rallied with each other to fight back and complete the quests.
But my personal favourite moment is how BOLAS?!??!?! started fucking spiralling. The frustration had built up so much, the event pushed them SO HARD, that they threw out their Whole Ass character arcs out for EVERYONE IN THE TEAM TO HEAR. I am not sure if that was just them being meta so it's not actually a canon confession, BUT!! THE FACT THAT THEY DID!! THEY FUCKING TOLD ALL OF THEIR TEAMMATES THEIR DEEPEST SECRETS.
It's funny!! Like MAN. WHAT A DAY.
Other fave moments:
-Etoiles being sad about killing Jaiden and Philza. Him wanting to be with Red and have fun with his broooosss. He kept apologising lmao
-Tubbo and Carre's beef, but Carre apologises and Tubbo forgives him, that was really sweet
-Etoiles and Roier!!! Yessss give me more interactions of their cubitos thank youuu
-Bad being BOLAS?!?!?!?'s enemy #1 LMAO
-Foosh fucking CRITTING BAD, JESUS THAT WAS SO QUICK??? He did not escape damn
-Carre being hunted by Tubbo and Niki, and Cellbit helping coach him on how to hide his name in the map and he manages to kill Tubbo and Niki instead, JESUS
-Charlie's rants, nuff said
-Charlie and Cellbit fucking doing a stick fight pvp (Etoiles would have loved it so much, please let the man chill with Red next time he misses his friends)
-Tubbo and Aypierre??? Team up??? Oh my goddd, I'm so happy to see them working on the same side, like reminded of the fact that Aypierre had wanted to adopt him when Tubbo was first announced to join LMAO
-Fit reverting back to his good ol 2b2t self, my man is toxic, let’s go, it's good enrichment for him, probably reminds him of the Incursions he participated 🥰
-SPREEN AND DANTDM CANONICALLY DEAD??? I mean, I feel it's a bit of a sad reveal since that means they don't have plans to come back to the server, but at least their characters got some sort of closure...?
-RUBIUS???? LOGGING IN??? BEING TURNED MORTAL???? Too bad with issues on his game not working, that sucked, hope that works next time and the admins help him to fix it and he joins!!!
-Bad??? Stealing Jaiden's strawhat??? BRuhhhhhhh
-Charlie goading Bad to a battle?? I think that was hilarious, but then the Sun Became A Deadly Laser and Charlied dried
-Phil did the entire Casulones emote oh my god, they finally did it
-But!! Red chose him to be the leader, and I thought that awesome, that's so deserved
-The bonfire, live sacrifices, and planned descent to cannibalism 🥰🥰
-Charlie joining other peoples vcs near the end and just BROKENLY checking in on them and telling them the plans of BOLAS???!?!?! and literally giving them the coords to their base LMAO
-Baghera killing Phil, Phil waving her goodbye before DEAD
-FOREVER SAYING THE WORDS THE BLACK CUCURUCHO GAVE HIM???? Not sure if anything came of that yet, but OHHH BOYYY
-The post-event wind down where everyone is chatting and vibing and talking to one another, that was a vibe and was really chill as everyone played tetris and watched each other's streams, and complimented Tina's tetris skills
Honestly, I'm sure there was so many fun moments despite everything, my streamers had fun despite the frustrations and discouragement
I am ecstatic where they may change about things going forward! I trust Q and the Admins to listen to the feedback from people and see how they can shift things to balance it out. We'll see!
Until then! Back on the bus we go!
Remember to stay clear of the pvp! You don't want to find yourself in the way of an axe or a sword swing!
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mirandimoo · 1 year
sometimes i get overwhelmed by just how much one piece makes me FEEL. it makes me feel in such an overwhelming and astonishing way that i don’t think any other piece of media has made me feel. ​it honestly feels disingenuous to describe one piece as ‘just a show’ because it’s not just like “i’m a fan of this and it makes me really excited!” it’s more like somehow this entire world that’s been created and laid out in front of me, and this silly group of pirates that i have the privilege to follow along the journeys of, has changed my life at a very fundamental level. like the very way in which i view life has shifted dramatically ever since the strawhats have been introduced into my life… ever since luffy has entered my life.
my heart races when they’re on an adventure as if i’m right there alongside them. my eyes well with tears whenever something goes oh so right or oh so terribly wrong. i feel my hands physically shake and my eyes and heart and soul brighten and awaken in such a joyful and passionate way when hearing roger, luffy, or any other pirate talk about their dreams being full of adventure and freedom.
to be happy. to be passionate. to be free.
that’s they’re dream. and how lucky am i to feel such emotion upon hearing their dreams.
my dreams are filled by the great expansive seas. in my dreams i’m part of a pirate crew and our bond is closer than any other relationship, be it blood, romantic, or any other type, other people could only dream of sharing a bond like we do. we live every day, every moment, every second, knowing that it could be our last. none of us are afraid of death for ourselves but we fear it for each other, even if that may never be admitted out loud. we plunder and steal. fight and kill. we sing and we dance and we cry and we live. we live so brightly and so shortly but oh how wondrous a life it is.
in my dreams i stare out at the endless horizon line curving out in front of me. i feel the suns bright rays warm me as the salt water breeze cools me down. i help cook, i clean, i fight, i train. i practice my craft specialty in order to be able to better serve my crew. maybe in this dream i’m a musician. maybe i’m a swordsman. maybe i’ll become the king of the pirates. we never know the day or the month because we don’t need to. we just track the seasons by the length of the days and the temperature of the weather and that’s enough because that’s all we need to know. we spend our days together and alone. laughing and crying and singing and creating memories out of the grandiose or the mundane. at night we sit under the stars and lower the anchor to sleep through the night. maybe in this dream i’m on watch duty tonight. id stare out at the stars, blanket wrapped around my shoulders, thinking of how magnificent and absolutely beautiful this life is. i think of the friends i’ve made, the adventures i’ve had, and the freedom that makes my heart ache with what i could only describe as life. true and real life. this is how life is meant to be lived. short and fast and tragic and beautiful. creating bonds and memories and having adventures that perfectly encapsulate the essence of who i am as a person. surely there’s more to life. and surely i have found it here. in this life. with this crew.
and before i know it,
i wake up.
and my dream is over.
sometimes i wonder if Oda knows just how powerful and beautiful of a world he created. if he knows how impactful his characters are and how it has unlocked a part of my heart, my spirit, and my soul, that nothing else in this life has done for me. i haven’t felt anything in a long time. i can feel my passion for living slowly slipping through my fingers with every passing day. apathy spreads through my chest, my mind and my soul like a plague. and yet… out there exists a group of pirates, in this world that i could never be a part of, that acts as the antidote to my apathetic self sacrificially plagued soul.
i wonder if Oda knows this.
i wonder if Oda knows that he’s created a world that fills my dreams every night. that runs free through my veins like the worlds most intoxicating beverage. that has fully and entirely deconstructed my soul and then put it back together piece by piece, intertwining it’s value and passion of freedom into its foundations.
sometimes when i’m really sad, i like to imagine that in another life, this is where i was and where i belonged. to a crew of scheming brave and filthy pirates with a bond so close, who lived so fast and died young. out on the sea, meeting new people every week, having new adventures, exploring uncharted parts of the world, not knowing what lay ahead but being okay with that because it’s the life that i chose and the people that i chose to live that life by.
and that’s freedom.
and if i had to die fighting for that, then id die.
i think in another life my recklessness was seen as a strength and my fixations as a blessing in perseverance. my annoying and loud personality was seen as endearing and my short attention span seen as a useful battle strategy. i think in another life all my shortcomings, and things that hinder me were a strength to me out there. out on the sea.
so until that day comes i’ll keep putting one foot in front of the other. and living my life in a way that all my past selves and all my future selves would be proud of. i’ll live a life that i think luffy would be proud of.
i wonder if Oda knows how much of our souls have become irrevocably intertwined with the souls of the strawhats, their stories, and the world that he’s created.
i hope one day he knows just how much one piece has made me be able to feel again. to live again. to be free again.
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seventeenlovesthree · 9 months
OPLA episode 2 - first impressions
I swear, I feel like a screamy fangirl, considering I have watched German One Piece since I was like... 12, quite literally, since it aired in 2003. Even though I haven't consistently read/watched the series, I had a stronger phase in 2011 or so and watching the series now brings a lot of nostalgia back. SPOILERS AHEAD.
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I've said it before, but the Romance Dawn Trio is giving me SO much life. I have always had a fondness for OT3 dynamics and the dynamics portrayed here are just... Wow. (I told this a friend, but they actually kinda remind of me of the JJK trio here, but let's not digress.) Again, the whole thing with Zoro and Nami doing their best not to give the impression that they give a damn, just to STILL end up doing everything for Luffy and each other is giving me so many goddamn feelings every. Single. Time. Zoro and Nami have always been infamous for having that "One for you, one for me" dynamic, constantly bickering, always looking for that "equivalent exchange" with, apparently, no strings attached, only gains, no emotional attachment whatsoever... But the one thing they (and all strawhats, really) have in common is that they would move mountains (read: die) for Luffy. And that's where they'll always put their differences aside - the moment they smiled at each other, promising to kick butts of everyone they'd encounter (to eventually save Luffy) side by side, was everything to me. Maybe there aren't a lot of emotions between them, but even if they appear to be on completely different ends of the loyalty/motivation spectrum - there is that thing that links them together and that's just very enjoyable, despite all the bickering. ("There's something way more valuable than diamonds - knowledge!!!") Also, a piece of framing I haven't even REALLY thought about before is really nicely done - the fact that BOTH Zoro and Nami do NOT think highly of pirates at this point in time. So Luffy being Luffy, convincing them that he is indeed different... It makes their developing bond so much more special.
The LuNa scene at the beginning - even if we've already seen them in clips -, is just sending me. Luffy's ADHD energy is beautiful, you can really tell how excited he is - and how easily he attaches himself to his not crewmates. I mean, one of his love languages CLEARLY is physical touch after all (the second one is food sharing) and, again, I just love how natural it is. Or maybe that's just me.
... What is it with the way Zoro's opponents have been oozing with sexual tension towards him so far??? And he's not any better, seriously... I mean, we already have the lone wolf facade CRUMBLING HEAVILY, having Zoro basically CONFESS that "this simpleton in a strawhat" changed his way of thinking within HOURS of having known him.... Be still my ZoLu heart.
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I love the foreshadowing in Shanks' portrayal, even as someone who hasn't completely caught up to everything that is happening.
I really enjoy that Buggy is actually portrayed to be terrifying, I think they did find a good middle ground in language usage not being TOO on the nose with everything. But the imminent fear of death is always there and his over-the-top, dramatic acting fits SO well.
Again, I really enjoy Koby's acting, his and Helmeppo's dynamics are great and Garp has been intimidating as well...
Luffy's good-hearted-main-character-energy is still through the roof and I love it. Never stop smiling, my friend.
Fight choreographies and CGI still look high quality to me.
Again, for me it's easy to take this for what it is, I feel heavily reminded of my beloved Digimon stageplay and I've known these characters for years, so my bias should not come as a surprise. But really? I enjoy being catered to and the quality speaks for itself!
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i-am-minty-fresh · 6 months
Saw your post! (Hope you will get better soon) How do you feel about Nami and Usopp? I really like their general relationship, a bit "sibling like" and "we're the only sane people around". How do you feel about them ( plus Chopper) being called the "weak trio" or "coward trio" in comparison to the 'monster trio' ? (Personally idk, i don't really mind but the "pure strenght" fighting ability is not really my focus with OP chaacters) And about their dynamics in general?
Hello Dear friend O’Mine! Your question interests me and has left me puzzled for the last few days because there’s just so much to discuss! I have decided to start at the beginning and work our way that way! Then we’ll talk about the groups themselves.
In the beginning, there was light…more specifically the fires of the war that Nami and Nojiko were saved from (I’m starting with Nami cause she’s older). Nami’s story is about trust and determination. She’s the child of a hardy ex-marine who taught her grit, but was unable to stop her nasty habit of pickpocketing (would have probably gotten the chance without the lead between her eyes). The result means she ended up with half of a childhood lesson and a half taught out of habit…leaving her with stealing and trickery but only from people who deserve it…like dirty pirates for example. Nami’s a spit fire greedy asshole who takes advantage of her charm to get what she wants while still having a kind of moral compass (it doesn’t work great but…it works about as well as any of the strawhat’s does).
Usopp on the other hand was a momma boy (I assume). No grand story of misery, just a kid who wanted to make his mom feel a little bit better as she slowly died of some unknown illness. He’s never been good at coning people or tricking them or anything like that…nor was he seemingly taught any lesson on bravery or hard work…
They’re functionally opposites.
You can also look at the way that Usopp and Nami view pirates. Nami (for the most part) has always understood them to be no-good rotten assholes who function on nothing more than blind greed. Usopp on the other hand has idealized them in a way that almost makes the job impossible, never really understanding what being a pirate actually means beyond the fantastic lies he makes up to see Kaya smile and the lies he tells about his dad that he tells his mom so he doesn’t have to think that hisdad actually abandoned them both. Usopp lives in a fantasy land of swashbuckling heroes and Nami lives in the real world full of greedy assholes….it’s just their luck that Luffy’s crew is a healthy(?) combination of both.
This is to better define the age differences between Nami, Sanji, and Zoro compared to Usopp and Luffy (Notice how both the monster trio and the coward trio have a healthy dose of both?) Nami is a realist who has a defined skill set built on years of discipline and who’s been keeping the lesson’s shes learned from Bellemere held close to her heart so she never becomes the rotten thing that took her mother from her. Usopp doesn’t have any of that.
Nami acts to ground Usopp and, in a way, pass on the knowledge that Bellemere taught her about hard work and discipline onto this insecure teen. She reminds him that not only are there actual stakes in being a pirate, but that those stakes are scary because you should never give up.
Usopp on the other hand brings a healthy dose of stupid teenage boy bullshit but being smarter than Luffy…but still pretty stupid overall. He doesn’t take everything so seriously and it must feel like a breath of fresh air to Nami who’s been living every day like it’s the last day of her life.
That’s their differences, now let’s talk about similarities or what makes them a part of the ‘cowards trio’ (we’ll talk about Chopper a bit more in a sec because this question is about THEM specifically).
They both avoid confrontation like it’s the plague. Sure Nami is more willing to attack when she feels threatened but more like a scared shelter animal might…self-defense isn’t exactly assault (I’m looking at you Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji). She has always looked out for herself so she’s got some good ‘stay-the-fuck-away-from-me-or-i’ll-make-your-digestive-track-work-in-reverse’ energy that helps her get outta dodge before the big powerful guy shows up, but now she’s just Luffy so…it becomes a stamina problem.
Usopp’s got the same practical issue, stamina, with a different reason… lack of experience and area of expertise…he’s a 17-year-old sniper who’s never really had to fight anyone before…
Nami’s used to tricking her way out and Usopp is used to running…neither of which are really that viable in a strawhat fight.
Because Nami has never needed weaponry that does any more than deliver a clear (and metal-tasting) message then it takes til the iconic scene between her and Usopp before Alabasta where she asks him to make her something better suited to actually fight with. The physical fighters on the crew rely on either pure strength or fucking devil fruit magic which leaves them both at a sort of disadvantage. Nami knows she can’t compete melee-wise with her metal pipe (Sabo scoffs somewhere) and asks Usopp for help because he does a good job not being melee and she wants in on that skill set which turns them both into….
Support fighters! (Clapping ensues).
We’ll go into what this means in a second but this combination of similarities and notable childhood differences leads to the sibling-like interactions between them…Nami trying to teach her younger brother the ropes, only to find that some of the ropes she’s been relying on are no longer needed. She finds out that the younger brother in question has found his own ropes that provide tremendous aid and says that she wants in. They start carrying the same general load, even if Usopp’s a smug asshole about it in the beginning (the ‘party tricks’ thing with the climatact made me want to pull my hair out but it’s actually what a smug younger brother would do….make a useful but humiliating weapon only Nami could really use).
In regards to why they’re the only sane ones, that answer is notably easier…they’re the only humans. Sanji and Zoro are excluded from this category for genetic reasons, all the devil fruit users are excluded for Magic reasons, Jimbei is excluded for Fishman reasons, and Franky is excluded for SUPER reasons, it only leaves Usopp and Nami. They’re mortal and very aware of it. Nami knows just how close to death she can dance and the strawhats tend to consistently drag her to dance WAY beyond that safety net while Usopp, on the other hand, lacks the experience to be comfortable anyway closer to death than explicitly necessary…which is apparently not strict enough criteria for Luffy and his gang of monsters to leave the poor son of a bitch alone.
To briefly mention Chopper (because I’m gonna start more formally discussing the various trios and the doctor shouldn’t be just casually dismissed altogether) his inexperience with the human world almost acts as a middle between Nami and Usopp. He lacks Nami’s experience but his lack of an appropriate starting place doesn’t leave him quite as discombobulated as Usopp. In other words, he doesn’t know how to handle the strawhats crazy but he doesn’t know anything but that crazy so he’s not as bothered as either of them. All of this paired with him being the youngest strawhat overall, and you’re left with a scared kid who wants something rational he can hold onto for stability…nothing about Luffy, Zoro, or Sanji is stable in the combat sense but Usopp and Nami…their fear is entirely rational. It makes complete sense. He’s also a doctor which means he doesn’t want to cause unnecessary harm without a valid reason + the pirate king and his goons aren’t quite the post-op patients a doctor dreams about late at night so preventing his future patients from harm whenever possible might also act as a bonus for peaceful conflict resolution.
Now let's discuss the various trios and what they mean. I would argue that the ‘coward trio’ is an accurate way to describe Nami, Usopp, and Chopper in a fight the same way the ‘monster trio’ is an accurate way to describe Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy in a fight….the first three are cowards that want nothing to do with a fight on principle, while the later three are demons from hell with little regards for self-preservation, property damage, or levels of sadism (Zoro, I’m mostly looking at you for that one). ‘Weak trio’ though? Thems’ fightin’ words. Weakness is all perspective. Is Luffy’s weakness to seastone put him in this group? How about Sanji’s weakness to women? How about Zoro’s weakness to Milhawk or Kuma? It’s all about perspective. I think a more fitting term would be ‘support trio’. You get a wizard, a marksman, and a healer… they’re supporting characters for the barbarian, monk, and fighter classes that are gonna find themselves in quite the consistent predicament if they keep just trying to fit things as hard as they can. That’s not all Nami, Usopp, and Chopper are in the same way that not all Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro are…if we’re defining these characters purely by their fighting style then it works but I try to take the harder path of analyzing them individually as well as through the relationships that they form (hence the reason behind me wanting these asks).
Hope this was what you wanted, I sure had fun writing it! Any and all thoughts as well as feelings would be much appreciated! Thanks for the ask! (Also here ya go @certain-arcade-dinosaur , this is what I postponed my Classics final to write, and it was worth it!)
(Loving the recently Usopp Love!!! Big fan of my favorite dude getting some love recently!)
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wicked-binch · 9 months
Please do your thing tubmlr
Season 2 OPLA:
Now with season one OPLA done and the second announced I’m seriously considering trying out to be princess vivi (assuming season 2 includes alabasta) idk how but I’m going to find a way and I need help from anyone with information on how to actually go about this
Alabasta has and still is one of my favorite arcs for a multitude of reasons
1. I live in Arizona which if it wasn’t already known is a desert state. I’ve lived through droughts and seen in the years how water is treated as currency in my region. It’s dry and hot over 100 days out of the year with 100+ degree temps but I’m a desert girl at heart and always will be and I want to do what I can to keep this state from getting worse with climate change. The whole scheme from crocodile hit me hard (ngl he smart as hell to think of a plan like that) and felt so helpless alongside vivi.
2. When vivi was first introduced I knew there was more to her that met the eye and immediately connected with her story. I’m a sensitive girl and grew up wishing we could solve the terrors of the world by talking instead of fighting (obv the world doesn’t work like that) but still hoping it’d change if someone heard my voice.
3. When it comes to those I care about I get protective and almost self-sacrificing if it’s for the greater good. Like vivi I tend to shoulder everything forgetting about those who are standing with me (sometimes I just need a lil slap) to tell me I’m not alone in this fight.
4. When the strawhats are leaving alabasta and vivi calls out to them asking if they would call her a friend were they to meet again (I FELT THAT) I’ve lost many a friend wondering where I stand and if I’m even deserving of friends. Then that pause.. and they raise the x on their arms as a silent message that yes she does have a place with the strawhats even though she’s staying back to do her duty as a princess
- All in all it would be just an absolute dream an honor to bring her to life in the live action. Also I happen to look great in blue hair (I have photo proof too) and would not mind bleaching the hell out of it if it could help make this dream a reality.
So I’m asking no begging for advice or knowledge about the film/television industry like casting or whatever to get my foot in the door. I have nowhere to turn and I feel if I actually bring it up with anyone they’re just gonna laugh in my face.
I know this may seem like an impossible feat but if I learned anything from Luffy is to never give up on your dream.
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spiritiss · 8 months
Part three of Usopp being a great friend
This time it's about Usopp in Water 7 arc.
We all know how Usopp challenged Luffy to duel over Merry Go and lost (tho i do think he did a great job in this fight), it's obviously one of his lowest moment so far in the series, but he did redeem himself very soon after that whole fiasco and boy, he did that in great style!
He risked his life multiple times in water 7 for Merry Go, for their lost berries and for Robin and didn't hesitate once to do that. Ik he's a part of the "coward trio" but, oh boy, I don't think he's really a coward.
Usopp is for the most part very reliable. He was repairing Merry Go for almost 400 chapters, he made weapons for himself and for Nami (and that weapon is fucking brilliant) but the best thing about Usopp is his trust in strawhats, especially in Luffy. They went through a massive fight and yet Usopp still believe in Luffy and I love it.
I think the situation between Luffy and Usopp was realistic, like, quarrels between friends happens sometime but that doesn't mean the feelings will change. Usopp was mad, he was hurt and he defo was ready to leave for good, but in his heart he still trust his Captain and feels deeply ashamed of his actions.
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(Pic unrelated to Usopp ofc, just thought Sogeking looked cool here ;>)
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Yes! Please talk more about transfem!Usopp x Nami!!! Power couple!! You think they were annoying together when they were just friends? Its ten times worse now that they're dating <3<3<3<3
Anon, I can't thank you enough. I appreciate this ask so much because they've been living in my head rent free and if I don't talk about this I might collapse. I need it. So. Thank you. Really. I'm gonna add transfem!genderfluid!Sanji and Sanuso too, by the way, to the surprise of literally no one because I am obsessed with them. It's like. My whole online personality. Sanuso, Nami and being a lesbian.
Okay, first things first, transfem!Usopp. She has a hard time realizing she's a girl and accepting it, not because she thinks it's wrong or weird, but because she's so, so focused on being the guy her father would like (Yasopp, before going away, always told Usopp (s)he'd grow up to be an amazing man like him). Usopp still admires him and she doesn't want to be a disappointment. It's kind of dumb, but she has his words in her head all the time. Not to mention that "maybe if I had been that type of boy he would've stayed with us" and also the fact that Usopp just... It feels like lying to her mom, you know? Banchina always knew she had a daughter, but Usopp didn't know yet and never found out about her mom knowing, so she thinks that being a girl now only turns the years she spent with her mom into a lie because she wasn't truly herself. Again, irrational thinking, but it keeps her from accepting she's a girl. When she hangs out with Kaya she feels way better than when she is near guys. She feels safer. At home. Maybe it's just because they're best friends, really. Maybe it's just that being in love makes you feel like this. Safe. But Kaya knows. And sometimes, when they were 15 or so, they used to get drunk without anybody else knowing. And sometimes Usopp told her how nice it'd be to be a girl. Not to wear dresses and having cute stuff like Kaya, she- She wouldn't be like that. Or maybe she would. It's kind of a mix. "If I were a girl, which- Which I'm not, but just imagine for a moment. I'd be so fricking cool, right?" / "Usopp, sweetie-" / "I'd be the coolest woman in the world! Strong. With long hair, oh God, long hair. That would suit me, wouldn't it? And okay, not dresses, because, uh- They don't look comfy. But maybe long skirts. You know that green, long skirt my mom used to wear? That one. But the point is- Hear me out. Boobs. I like yours. They're nice" / "Thank you? Usopp! Please, let me speak-" / "I wish I had boobs. I don't want girly clothes, I really like my overalls. But- But they'd look great with boobs, wouldn't they? And-" / "Usopp!" / "Wha- What?" / "First, stop drinking. You've had enough, honey. And second... You know you can just... Be a girl, right?" / "Mm? Come again?" / "A girl. If you- You can trust me, alright? If you feel more comfortable being addressed as a girl-" / "No! No! Me? A girl? What? Nope. Never. I'm a man, what- What are you even saying? Kaya, babe, I- My dad-" / "Your dad? Usopp, this is about you. Follow your heart-" / "My heart tells me I'm a man. I swear. I'm not a liar".
She has always been one, but she wasn't sober enough for the words to make sense to her. It did hurt to say it, though.
So Usopp joins the Strawhats knowing something is weird about her gender but never quite accepting it. Until she starts spending more time with Nami. The thing about Nami is that she's extremely feminine but unapologetically a menace to society and she doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. She's strong in her own way and she's the smartest person Usopp has ever met. She's gorgeous, too, it makes Usopp wonder what the hell she's doing with this crew when she would rule the world on her own. So she's... She's the girliest of girls and yet she manages to be extremely ruthless and scary too. It's kind of the perfect mix. And it's not that Usopp accepts instantly that she's a girl, but Nami helps quite a lot. Who makes her realize, though, surprisingly, is Sanji.
These are two different stories, you know, but the point right now is that Sanji treats women differently. We all know this. And Usopp isn't sure when it starts. Maybe Skypiea? Water 7? Perhaps even a little bit earlier. But she has this huge crush on Sanji and hates it. Because he's just a guy! Nami won't stop telling her, too. He's!!! He's so annoying!!! But-- But Usopp sees more of him than others do, and he's just so kind and self-sacrificing and he has the biggest heart in the world. So when Usopp sees him interacting with both Nami and Robin and, you know, all the girls he meets... She thinks "Oh, that'd be nice" and it turns into a "Oh. Oh, fuck. Fuuuuuck. Nooooo" because she just realized that imagining herself as a girl being treated as such is not normal man behavior. She comes to terms with that thanks to Nami, because she's the first person she comes out to. She opens up her heart to her best friend. She tells her everything about her parents and her experience with Kaya and how badly she wants to be seen as a girl but doesn't know if people would like her that way. If people would be disappointed. But Nami? Nami loves Usopp deeply. Nobody has ever trusted Nami so much before. it kind of makes her want to cry, so she hugs Usopp to hide the tears a little bit. Usopp hugs her back even tighter. Long story short, Nami makes her see that being a girl is so much more than what people think, and that nobody in the crew would ever think less of her for that. And by the way: "Really? Sanji?" / "He's- He's cute, okay? I know he's a moron but you know how he is" / "I know. I know, don't worry, sweetie. It could be worse".
MEANWHILE! While Usopp was falling for Sanji and coming to terms with her gender, Nami was having a sexuality crisis! She's a lesbian. She's always been a lesbian. She has always known, ever since she was a kid. She has never liked a man that way. Never will. But- But Usopp. You know? But Usopp. They've always been a duo. From moment one. They've always been so, so close. She feels a connection to her (him, at that moment for Nami, but you know) in a way she has never felt before. They have intimate moments she can't quite explain and she never wants to use any romantic labels here because she's a lesbian. She's not supposed to see Usopp that way? But it's not even sexual or anything she's not- She's not attracted to her but if she wanted to she would and if they kissed she wouldn't move away and- And, okay, it's just weird. And when Water 7 happens she knows she's completely, utterly fucked. Because the second she leaves the crew? That's the moment Nami knows she's losing the love of her life (one of them. Vivi is her long-distance girlfriend and is also the love of her life). So imagine her face. When Usopp comes to her to tell her she's a girl (yay! Sexuality crisis solved. Nami's gaydar is awesome. But also- Fuck, she's in love with her best friend) and that she's in love with Sanji. In love. With Sanji. Of all people. And she's in love with him. And not her. And it kind of kills Nami. But they're best friends. She's supposed to help. So she deals with Usopp's drama all the time, pining in the background as she sees this new relationship happen in front of her.
Okay, So Usopp comes out to crew. And guess who was having another sexuality crisis at the same time as Nami? Exactly, Sanji. So everything makes sense right now, and Usopp and Sanji start dating not so long after Usopp comes out. Usopp starts dressing a bit more fem sometimes, everyone of course starts seeing her with different eyes, she moves to the girl's room... Etc, etc. Sanji and Usopp are-- Awfully clingy. It's horrible to witness. Nami is going through the worst time of her life because Usopp right now is the happiest woman ever and,, And Nami should be happy for her. She should move on. But they won't stop kissing everywhere. And hugging. And Sanji pays way more attention to Usopp now, so, okay, whatever, less snacks for her too, to hurt her even more. Nami and Usopp often have private talks together in the middle of the night. They always do. They literally sleep in the same fucking bed which is, the worst thing right now because Usopp is touchy and clingy when she sleeps. And sometimes she spends hours talking about Sanji and- And Nami can't stand having her so close yet so far. And most of the time she can't even stand the sight of Sanji himself. But she has to live with it. She wishes Vivi was here.
So, we have Sanuso dating. Transfem!Usopp being extremely happy right now. And Nami having the worst moment of her life. Yeah?
Well. There's MORE.
Because of course, Sanji and Usopp have THE talk about Nami. Because we all know Sanji loves her to death and isn't sure how... Usopp feels about that. Long story short, after a very brief but emotional conversation, they both realize they're in love with Nami. So. Fucking hilarious. Because they can't make her just?? Join their relationship, right???
Well, things happen.
While everything was going on, Sanji was having a gender crisis. I don't need to explain much about this because we all know how trans-coded Sanji's story is, so I'll just say: Genderfluid Sanji realizing in the timeskip that she wants to have a more normative fem body (Ivankov we love you). She goes by any pronouns but, you know, it changes and she usually prefers she/her but she's alright with whatever. Usopp coming out to the crew truly helped her realize what she wanted. Usopp and... Also Nami. Basically for the same reasons Usopp has. I have a whole post about this. The point is! The timeskip happens and Sanji comes back with a different body and comes out to the crew. Usopp comes back, still in love with Sanji and Nami (idk if they get help from Ivankov or if it's Chopper the one who helps or maybe even Law, but they help her transition. Choose your fav. The girlie wants boobs, I don't care how she gets them). And Nami comes back, still in love with Usopp but finally accepting their relationship. Well, jokes on all of them, because there's more drama.
Whole Cake Island is... It's fucking awful. Sanji comes back to a family that doesn't love her and just wants to play with her feelings. They make her act like somebody she isn't. They make her pretend to be a boy and bind her chest and it's,, Leaving Luffy. Leaving the crew. Leaving Usopp and Nami. It's killing her. While she tortures herself this way, Usopp begs Nami to bring Sanji back with her. And Nami-- When they were at Zou with Sanji. The time she spent with her without Usopp and the others around. Sanji smiling at them before sacrificing herself. Nami is starting to feel things she thought she would never feel for Sanji. And while Usopp waits in Wano, Nami goes to look for Sanji. And when the fight with Luffy happens, she's angry. She's angry at Sanji for treating them this way. She's hurt because she knows this isn't her Sanji if Sanji was even hers in the first place. She's frustrated because she can't do anything to fix this. And she's furious, too, at herself, because she just found out she's in love with Sanji too. So imagine this poly lesbian realizing she can't be with the ones she loves because they're already in a relationship and one of them just left their fucking crew.
WCI happens and... Okay. This is probably Nami's fault. Or Sanji's. Nobody knows who leans in first but right after WCI, they kiss. It's short and sweet and soft and Nami won't stop crying because Sanji is finally back and she won't let her go. Never again. But she's now panicking and Sanji will probably die from a heart attack because she just kissed Sanji??? And Sanji has a girlfriend??? And her girlfriend is also Nami's best friend??? And she just happens to be in love with her too??? So Nami does the most reasonable thing ever and runs away without explaining anything. Yay. She's sure, once they get to Wano, that Sanji will tell Usopp and they're going to hate her forever. She's not used to this! She usually has everything under control! She's losing her mind. God.
But... But Sanji just experienced the one thing he's been waiting for for years??? God, she needs to tell Usopp right away. Wano happens and it's not like they have much time for talking. Sanji is still going through her, um, 'bring on more past trauma' era, so it's pretty difficult. And Nami spends Wano all the time with Usopp and it's so, so hard not to focus constantly on the fact that she has kissed Sanji. And she's about to die when she's fighting against Ulti and sees her whole life passing right before her eyes so she realizes, then, that she has to be honest with both Sanji and Usopp if she gets out of there. When she actually survives she kind of hates herself for making that promise. Yadda yadda, post-Wano happens. They're all partying, still there, and Nami tries to distract herself from all this drama because if she thinks more about it she might end up having a breakdown. But Sanji and Usopp do talk and- And they need to approach this. Usopp is a bit hurt that perhaps Nami only wants Sanji, but she can deal with it. If Nami wants to be with Sanji, that's completely fine with them. So they have the talk, finally, in a private corner of the festival where nobody they know is around.
Nami starts uncharacteristically apologizing? Which is weird for her to act like that, but she does. She's lost so many people already and she refuses to let that happen again. So she apologizes. She should've never kissed Sanji and- And what's even worse is that she's also in love with Usopp. With both. And it makes her look so selfish and greedy and she swears it isn't like that. Her feelings are genuine. But then Usopp starts?? Laughing??? She finds this whole situation hilarious and explains that they've been stupid the whole time.
So, uh, yeah. They're idiots. This is biblically accurate because lesbians are always like this. We do not know how to communicate.
They're all,, So relieved. So, so happy. They won't stop smiling. And Usopp is honestly feeling a bit left out because?? She hasn't yet kissed Nami??? So they finally kiss. And then they kiss again. And Sanji joins. And they're the cutest thing on earth. And telling the crew is just as easy as Franky seeing them like that, telling him... And the word spreads fast enough.
This is getting long but, basically: They're the clingiest throuple in the whole world. If they were all annoying at first, imagine how annoying they are now. At this point, there's no "girls' room" anymore because Robin has moved to sleep with Franky, so Sanji, Usopp, and Nami have their own room. Which is good for literally all the crew because imagine having to deal with them. Sanji is so loud about her love for her girls... She's constantly showering them equally with love and cooking their favorite meals. She's always panicking a bit because she wants to give attention to both but sometimes Usopp is in her workshop and Nami is taking care of her trees so what is she supposed to do??!!! She wishes she could be everywhere at the same time... They end up telling her to do whatever she wants and follow her heart and split her time because they know she loves them equally and she doesn't need to prove anything. For Nami, dating her best friend and the person she thought was incredibly annoying at first is... Weird. She isn't used to so much affection from Sanji. Like, reciprocating the affection and loving him back. It's weird because now he isn't annoying at all but incredibly sweet? And her relationship with Usopp is pretty much the same except that now they kiss and hold hands and whenever Nami is like "Zoro! Carry me!" he always goes "Tell one of your girlfriends to do it" and it sucks because tbh Zoro does look like he has comfy muscles to rest on. Usopp is so excited about this! She loves both of them deeply she never thought this would happen. She sends letters to Kaya constantly about them, too! They're just,,, So so sweet. They go to sleep together and wake up cuddling and all tangled up. Usopp and Nami do gardening together but they always end up making out behind the trees. Sanji and Nami try to be casual about it but Sanji just loves showing all the love she has for her girlfriend to the world so PDA is something assured. Sanji and Usopp always spend the night watches together (Nami doesn't because it's comfier in bed and bold of you to assume she's getting out of there). Usopp gets stronger and toned post-ts and Nami and Sanji are always sitting on top of her. Sanji has a lot of issues going on after what happened in WCI/Wano and both Usopp and Nami help them go through their panic attacks. Usopp draws them all the time and has her whole sketchbook filled with drawings of her partners. Nami always peels the best tangerines from her trees and brings them to them even though Sanji insists on being the one doing it, but Nami says that sometimes she needs to be the one eating and not just serving. They share clothes constantly, but they have different clothing styles so sharing clothes pretty much happens either on accident or whenever they want to make Sanji go insane. Usopp leaves notes and drawings for them all over the ship. Nami is always offering to put makeup on them but it's always an excuse to be close. She also often falls asleep while working on her maps so they have to carry her to their room without waking her up. Nami loves brushing Usopp's hair!! Sanji absolutely adores feeding them sometimes like, playfully, and you can imagine how that ends. Oh!!! And Usopp is always giving them flowers. Not to mention that Nami often creates rainbows for them because they're pretty!! Also, when the fight isn't that serious, both Usopp and Nami act like they need saving because they know how much Sanji adores playing the hero. Usopp tells them stories while they paint each other's nails and talk shit about other people together.
This is the best relationship ever because it's just three best friends to lovers. My absolute beloved. I have a lot of,,, More ideas for them,,, But yeah,,,, Thank you so much for this ask. I love talking about them.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
hii fluffy! is it alright if I request for nami and a fem reader for when reader is buying some clothes at a clothing shop and accidentally bumps into Nami.
thank you! i hope your day goes well!
“beautiful accident”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· you thank this beautiful accident that helped you meet the beautiful navigator of the strawhats, cat burglar nami.
⠀⠀➧ fluff | nami × f!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, pure fluff here...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: nami is kinda 💅 and i know it. (✷‿✷) and thank you anon! have a nice day too!
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Shopping is fun, especially when there's a big sale and discounts on clothing items that you were fond of—
“Aha! I finally found them, the new clothes of the season!” You exclaimed, squishing yourself through the big crowd to get that one piece of clothing you really want.
“Man, it sure is crowded here, well, there's a sale after all!” Leaving the crowd, you then headed to the changing room to fit the clothes you picked.
“I can't wait to see these on me, bet they'd look great—ah!”
Suddenly bumping into someone as you rejoiced on your clothing haul, you gasped, eyes landing on an orange haired woman with a shopping basket in her hand, panicking.
“Oh no, miss, are you alright? I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going!” She apologized, helping you get back up on your feet—her beauty mesmerizing you too much that you didn't realize that you were on the floor.
“..N..No, it's alright, I'm.. I'm fine and—I-I wasn't watching where I was going either so...” Letting out a small chuckle as you wore a sheepish grin, a blush spread on your cheeks as the woman lets out a relieved sigh.
“That's good, oh well, I'd be going now, miss! Bye!” Bidding her goodbye to what you thought was almost immediately, you shrieked.
“W..Wait, miss! Can I get your name at least, and—uh, here! You.. You may take this, I think they look good on you better than me.” Stopping her, you then asked for the lady's name and offered her one of the dresses you were supposed to buy.
“Ah! I'm Nami, and oh my! They do look good! Are you sure you want me to get this instead? They look good on you too..!” She introduced, taking the dress and pressing it to her chest, a pout of her face as she spoke.
“Yes, yes! You may have them, and—I'm Y/n, by the way.. It's nice to meet such a beauty like you.” Whispering this, Nami blushed a little, being bashful by the compliment you gave.
“Hey, don't compliment me like that, it's making me feel like I'm the prettiest girl in the world~” Nami cooes, posing cutely, her actions causing you to chuckle.
“But you really are—” “Nami, are you done shopping? Luffy says we're setting sail.”
About to compliment her again, another woman appeared who is probably her friend, interrupting you two. “Ah, Robin! I'll pay for these and go real quick, can you come with me?” “Sure.”
Leaving, the two headed to the cashier to pay as you sighed— “Oh yeah, bye, Y/n! Hope to see you again!”
Waving her hand goodbye, Nami flashed you a smile that pierced through your heart, “Y-Yeah! Bye, Nami!”
Damn. So beautiful accidents really do happen, huh?
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© butterfluffy 2022
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