#i think this isn't what you were looking for either oops-
emeagirnacamps · 2 years
say about the whole "nico + the seven not saving him" discussion pls
i read your tags in my post and i think this is a better place to discuss
probably we agree in everthing about piper, leo, frank and hazel's actions (except the part of piper and leo not knowing nico's life was im risk; i doubt SO MUCH percy wouldn't tell the whole picture to them)
jason yes, i probably was unfair bc of his memory, i only focused on his 'roman leader' side
percy is... very difficult. i read accurate reason of why he would be either spiteful or it was just rr's bad writing. Want to hear your opinions
okay, here i go. i will just say my opinions on this, i'm not expecting you to agree with everything nor i want you to. please keep in mind i barely remember the series and have just reread the scene you mentioned. plus this is so long, i fear i will bore you.
the scene is so bad written. it's so funny how bad it is given the fact it is supposed to be a moment where both the readers and the seven get to be troubled and hesitant about what to do. except that we don't feel like that because the situation is showed to us like an emergency: nico has five days to live and he can't get out of it alone.
anyone who disagrees with the idea of saving him will be seem like an asshole. there's no question, because the situation that is presented was something urgent and without other choice besides them going and saving him.
i was surprised with piper being a mediator, i barely remember the stuff she did so reading she trying to calm and reassure hazel that yes, they are going to save her brother was so sweet. frank clearly was just trying to keep hazel from panicking so i will judge him here: he was only a trophy boyfriend in the whole scene. he didn't have an opinion and he just accepted that well, it's time to save hazel's brother then. i kinda can judge piper for the same, but given i hardly have good things to talk about her i will let it slide this time.
it's so funny how everything happens in percy pov and he. barely talks about it. he says he have a "rocky relationship" with nico, but he also affirms they are going to save him — that they have to —, but when he could say anything to make jason and leo to feel less suspicious about the whole thing, he does nothing.
it's interesting to see that since hearing about nico's situation, all annabeth does is analyze what's happening and say the obvious — she points out he is the bait when she is alone with percy and she is the first to make it seems ambiguous ether or not they were going to save him, as it shows here:
“The giants are trying to lure us,” Annabeth said. “They’re assuming we’ll try to rescue him.”
she doesn't say if she agrees or not to go save him. damn that's cold as fuck. in her defense, she is supposed to be more "rational", but she could still keep being neutral and make people think and theorize about the why nico couldn't tell anyone about the two camps instead of just passive watching. actually besides this and the other line about the death slumber, she says nothing in the entire scene.
(which is weird to me. guess i remember a different annabeth then.)
and now we came to the "assholes"! /hj
leo, like annabeth did in private with percy, was just pointing the obvious.
“Uh…” Leo shifted in his chair. “One thing. The giants are expecting us to do this, right? So we’re walking into a trap?”
that's his first line. it's after this that everything went downhill. in a critical approach, i think it should be questioned if they would save him or not before they know if nico is a) alive and b) could get out of the situation on his own. doing it after just seems like leo is being rude and apathetic to another human being life. which i doubt was the point here, given he does have some points to make:
“Don’t get me wrong, Hazel. It’s just that your brother, Nico… he knew about both camps, right?”
“Well, yes,” Hazel said.
“He’s been going back and forth,” Leo said, “and he didn’t tell either side.”
Jason sat forward, his expression grim. “You’re wondering if we can trust the guy. So am I.”
Hazel shot to her feet. “I don’t believe this. He’s my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don’t want to help him?”
while we, as a readers, knew about nico's intention and reasons, the characters does not. so if there was a change he was, in fact, a traitor, it would be great to point it out while they have time to discuss it. neither leo (, piper) or jason really knew nico — plus, while jason does says he remembers the guy — some pages ahead —, something we should keep in mind is how much does he actually remembers? and how much does he knew about him?
these two were not good judges of character here, since they didn't really knew nico beyond what others could tell them (and one of them was still working on remembering his past life). they really were the best ones for this, to add this tension, but the timing was bad. it made them look like bad guys even though they had the right to question if that was actually a good move.
hazel also gave them no actual reason as to why they should save nico (besides it being the actual heroic and right thing to do). the only thing she said here is he broke the law of the circle of life for her. and they don't want to help her?
she only made him look worse (/lh) while trying to defend him. it's not like jason or leo were bringing an impossibility to the table — he maybe could be gaea's ally, how would they know? his actions were not adding up and what she said is just a reminder of how far nico can go if he feels like it. were they right? of course not (but now my mind is like wHAT IF THEY WERE– damn being a ficwriter is ridiculous).
and even while bringing this possibility on the table, these two never said what if we don't save him, uh? it can be implied that maybe they didn't wanted to — to me it isn't though —, i guess it depends on the interpretation on who reads it. the thing is, they raised a point that nobody wanted to — or thought about — and the only thing that made they look like assholes was the fact that nico's days were counted. (my mind is so giddy to work on something like that i'm starting to hate this concept /hj)
and what it's the most funny about it for me is that hazel makes a jab at jason a lil later.
Hazel’s arms shook. A silver platter zoomed toward her and hit the wall to her left, splattering scrambled eggs. “You… the great Jason Grace… the praetor I looked up to. You were supposed to be so fair, such a good leader. And now you…” Hazel stomped her foot and stormed out of the mess hall.
my sweet summer child, he is being fair — but it doesn't seems like it because people are biased and are only caring about one life. (i probably sound like a big asshole too lmao, i swear i just being the "cold and analytical" cliche here, i hated this scene when i first read it too). was it really a good option to go in a rescue mission when they were fighting to save the world? one life is really more worth than thousand, millions one? should they really risk everything to save nico just because he is hazel's brother?
a good leader see all the options and try to see the situation from a lot of ways so they can better prepared for whatever is thrown at them. i don't think he is being a bad leader here (you, who is reading this, can totally disagree with me. my opinion won't change.)
now, if the question was only if it was a good choice to save him or not and his life time limit, i would end the post here. but no, there was another thing to put in the equation:
“That’s not much time,” Piper summed up. She put her hand on Hazel’s shoulder. “We’ll find him. At least we know what the lines of the prophecy mean now. ‘Twins snuff out the angel’s breath, who holds the key to endless death.’ Your brother’s last name: di Angelo. Angelo is Italian for ‘angel.’”
did they even had a choice here? another thing that came way too early in my opinion is how they must save nico because he was part of the prophecy puzzle. of course the majority would go on board with saving him if he is a necessary tool to defeat gaea — this could also be used as an argument, a pretty bad one being honest, since you would only see him as a way to finish your task. but still would be one more way to convince others to save him too.
it doesn't necessarily negates the point that leo and jason made though it does make it clear that ether it is a good or a bad idea doesn't matter — they will need him. they will have to rescue him, because the prophecy says that he is the one who can guide them, so even if they have solid proof that they shouldn't; it doesn't matter.
the prophecy always became true. be it by the way we think it would or be it in the unthinkable way.
to resume: does i agree with the character questions and debates? no, nico is dying and i need and want him alive. jason and leo acted like assholes? depends on how i am judging the scene, if i am being biased: yes. if i am not being biased: a little. does percy and annabeth silence is okay? no, cause it doesn't make sense — even if percy is feeling petty or is simple ooc (or both, because these two arguments can coexist), i still think he should have at least tried to make nico be seem in a better light (even if he failed at it, like hazel). annabeth could still make a neutral point about how he helped in the wars while also didn't help or made it easier in finding percy while theorizing about the reason why nico did that. frank could do better, maybe he could side with leo and jason (surprisingly) and it could be something to work on his relationship with hazel. piper actually was very interesting in this scene, i could feel she somehow empathized with hazel since she also was in a similar situation with her dad in the first book (also she calling jason and leo out for being cold?? amazing, perfect, i loved it, this piper is now part of the characterization i wil use to write her).
i don't even remember what point i was trying to do lmao. all i remember was being too annoyed with people being angry at the seven for this scene. like yeah it's completely okay and valid to be angry, frustrated or uncomfortable with their decisions (or lack of), i just felt like people didn't really understood why the scene was even there in the first place (although very bad done and executed).
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mypoisonedvine · 10 months
another idea for dr crane but i'm afraid it might be too similar to thoughtless so please just ignore if it is!!: from personal experience, being a patient of his who is seeing him bc of sexual trauma. fear of penetration due to previous sexual assault. and ofc he's all about exposure therapy. and you wanna trust him so so bad bc he wants what's best for you, he's encouraging you ("you deserve to embrace your sexuality, you get past this one barrier and you're free"), but you start to fight back. and he takes personal offense bc he's your doctor, why don't you trust his expertise? but then it starts to feel good~
idk i picture reader trying with a toy in front of him but he gets impatient sees she's struggling with going that extra step further so he takes control either with the toy or himself.
warnings: not actually that dark (I mean, it is cause he's her therapist lol but he's not nonconning her) but still manipulation, slightly medical kink?, praise kink
(oops this turned out pretty long how did that happen? lmao)
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"Did you try what we discussed last week?" he asked, and you pressed your knees together as you looked down and shook your head. "Really? You seemed very positive about it before."
"I was," you admitted. "It seemed really easy-- just sort of training myself, you know. But then I got home and... I guess it was a little overwhelming."
"Hm," he said, and you started to feel guilty for disappointing him. "That's interesting-- it seems like you were more comfortable here than at home. I figured it would be the other way around."
"Yeah, that would make more sense, I guess," you shrugged, "but-- I dunno..."
"Do you want to try again?" he wondered.
"I do," you admitted, "but I'm nervous that I'll start panicking again..."
"Then why don't you try here?"
You tensed up at just the suggestion; "Wouldn't that be... I mean, isn't that...?"
"I'm a medical doctor," he reminded you with a chuckle, "I've seen much worse. This is simply part of your treatment. I want you to get better."
You took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay," you decided. "Okay, I can try it."
"Great," he smiled, uncrossing his legs and resetting his clipboard in his lap. "We agreed before that you'd be more comfortable with your fingers than silicone dilators, is that still--?"
"Yes," you interrupted, "definitely. Feels too... clinical, otherwise."
He nodded, and there was a brief silence.
"So, do I just... start?"
"I'd like you to try," he said gently.
You noticed that his gaze never broke away from you, but you looked down into your lap as you started to slowly spread your legs. "So I just.. reach under my dress?"
"That should be fine," he encouraged. "There's nothing to be afraid of-- this is a safe space."
You nodded in agreement, pulling up your dress enough to reach into your panties. Sighing, you tried not to let nerves get the better of you as you pushed your lips apart with your fingers. But still, the anxiety was bubbling up, and you pressed the tip of your finger to your hole only to feel resistance alongside your distress. "I-- I don't think I can--"
"It's alright," he soothed, "start with the outside first-- stimulate your clitoris."
You choked on a laugh, still too nervous to look at him. "You really are a medical doctor..."
"What, too formal?" he chuckled. "Alright... rub your clit."
That shocked you even more than the clinical language; but it made you pulse inside, too. "O-okay..."
You pressed your fingers against the bud, trying to rub it, but it didn't really feel like anything-- like rubbing your elbow or something. Jonathan corrected you right away: "Not so hard," he said, "start gently."
"Sorry," you breathed, shutting your eyes.
"No-- it's fine," he assured, "I just want to help."
He was right, though; when you lessened the pressure and gently rubbed in circles, it started to feel good-- slowly, but surely. When your next breath came out shaky, you heard him hum with satisfaction.
"Is that better?" he asked.
"Yes," you answered, but you didn't mean for it to be a moan.
"I think you're ready," he informed you-- and something about his voice, it was lower than before, it was different... it was making you wet.
"Ready... for what?" you whispered, daring to open your eyes and see the darkness in his expression as he watched you.
"Ready to fuck yourself with your fingers."
"Oh," you sighed, feeling like you'd been punched in the gut-- in the best possible way. "Okay..."
"Just one to start," he encouraged, "put a finger inside yourself, nice and slow."
You sighed as you pressed the finger up to your hole again, smiling as you realized it was more open-- and wet-- than before. You gently pressed in further, finding some pressure but pushing through it until you were knuckle deep in yourself. You smiled happily; "I did it," you breathed, "oh my god, I-- I never thought I'd--"
"Don't stop," he cooed, "move it back and forth. If you do well enough, you can add a second finger."
You figured he meant it that you would be able to add a second finger, but it almost sounded like a bargain, like a reward. Do what I say and I'll let you add a second, or something. Surely that wasn't what he meant.
"A little faster," he encouraged as you pumped the finger. "That's it, very good."
You whimpered, biting down on your lip to hide your moan. You wanted him to say that again, to tell you that you were doing this correctly.
"Add the second now," he instructed, his own voice suddenly sounding a little hoarse and needy. "Stretch yourself out-- and tell me how it feels."
"It feels good," you panted as you started to add your second finger, whining at the stretch. "Fuck, I-- will they both fit?"
He chuckled a little-- a low, rough sound-- and promised you: "Yes, they'll fit. You can take a lot more than two fingers, with some patience."
You hadn't even imagined being able to do more than this-- for years, you hadn't been able to put anything inside you, and now here you were... fingering yourself in front of your therapist. "How much more?" you wondered, hardly imagining how it could be possible.
There was a long, long pause; you worried he hadn't heard you. Looking at him again, you found him watching with a tight jaw.
"How much more can I take, Dr. Crane?" you asked again.
"You can take anything I give you," he answered tensely.
A shiver ran up your spine; "F-fuck," you whimpered, and your walls pulsed around your fingers.
"You're going to come, aren't you?" he noticed, and you nodded. "Good."
You gasped.
"Very good," he egged you on, seeing the effect it had on you; your head tilted back as you pushed your fingers into yourself faster. "You're doing very well for me-- now I just need to see you come. I just need you to make yourself come."
"Yes, yes," you chanted, hips rocking, moans growing louder. "It feels good-- fuck, Doctor, I--"
"I know," he soothed, "just let it happen. Keep going. Come for me."
It hit you all at once, a heavy and numbing feeling that left you shaking on his couch; he purred out his praises, telling you how good you were doing, and it only made the feeling stronger.
When you exhausted yourself, you stilled; there was a moment of silence, just your panting filling the air, until you found the strength to meet his gaze again. He was smiling at you sweetly, looking oddly similar to how he always did at the end of a session. "That was incredible progress," he said proudly. "You should be very impressed with yourself."
You sighed as you nervously pulled your fingers out of yourself. "I-- do you have a tissue I can wipe these with?" you asked nervously.
"No need," he said, "you should taste it."
"Wh-what?" you choked out, your face even warmer than before.
"Just taste it-- I think you'll like it," he encouraged.
Though you hesitated for a second, you brought your wet fingers to your lips and gently licked off some of the sticky substance left behind.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"It's sort of strange," you admitted.
"It's an acquired taste," he shrugged, making your heart pound as you realized just from the look in his eyes that this was absolutely a taste he'd acquired... then again, there must have been a reason that he knew even better than you how to touch yourself and make you come.
Then, it was impossible not to imagine what he's like when he does this off the clock-- the way he touches and pleasures the women he takes to bed. You imagined him with his fingers inside lace panties, whispering in her ear about how good she was being for him; you imagined him pushing two inside and promising to give her more; you imagined him making her come, over and over, until he's satisfied and brings those soaked fingers to his lips and calling her delicious.
And even though you tried not to picture who that woman would be, you couldn't help but wonder if he'd like a woman like you... if you were the type he'd do that to, if you weren't his patient.
"Thank you," you blurted out. "I never thought I'd be able to... thank you. It's been a long time since I was able to feel that."
He nodded. "Thank you for trusting me," he replied. Glancing at the clock, he sighed a little through a polite smile: "Oh, look at that, we're out of time for today. This has been a really excellent session."
"Yeah," you agreed as you both stood up, "definitely."
"And next week, we can discuss the next steps in your recovery."
You raised your eyebrows when you heard that, already almost halfway out of the office. "Next steps?" you noticed.
"Yes," he agreed, "you made great progress, but there's still so much more for you to learn."
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boyfhee · 11 months
aka the things they do in a relationship!
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pairing enhypen x gn reader genre fluff warnings teensy bit suggestive
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places things on the top shelf deliberately because he just wants the excuse to walk up behind you and get that thing for you in the flirtiest way possible
you're tip-toeing with one of your arms outstretched to grab your favourite coffee mug, it's the cutest sight ever, and he's already behind you with a prideful smirk
"you can just ask me to get it for you, baby,"—he's a little too close to you, and you can feel his breath right on your neck, might as well brush his lips against your nape before muttering a quiet 'oops' as if it was accidental— "no need to trouble yourself," "and who do you think is the reason why i need to trouble myself?"— exactly your response because he put your coffee mug on the highest shelf, and yet he shrugs like he's innocent
he has no shame, he will pin your against the shelf and kiss you if he gets the opportunity ( he makes the opportunity ) simply takes the mug from your hand and puts it on the top shelf again, while his lips are on yours. coffee isn't in your fate
oh and he has also wraps his arms around you from behind when you're cooking, or doing anything, but mostly kitchen work. just something about him resting his head on your shoulder, eyes closed, as he hums a song right next to your ear, with a soft smile, swaying with you slightly to the tune, puts both of you at ease
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he may not say it every time but he loves to see you in his clothes. so, picture him going through his closet and he pulls out one of his hoodies, and he's standing in front of you, putting it in front of you to see how it looks, just like mothers at the clothing stores
"hm, i knew blue was more of your colour"— every colour on the wheel is your colour if jay has it in his cupboard— "there, you can keep it," "love, that's third one this week. what are you going to wear?"— and you're genuinely concerned because half of his sweatshirts and hoodies belong to you, even a few shirts for some reason "we can always buy new ones for me"— terrible spending habits
loves to style your outfits. we know his fashion sense is over the roof so you look like a model every time you step out. actually, his goal is to match outfits with you when you go out, whether it's just a colour or a few accessories. not his fault you end up looking like you could get hired by dolce and gabbana
genuinely can't stop complimenting you. it's always him whispering 'you look beautiful,' and 'you're pretty,' and 'i can't keep my eyes off you,' in your ear with one arm around your shoulder or waist
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he's so silly and cute and smiley. he helps you with things all the time, not because he doesn't want you to tire yourself ( that is one of the reason ) but because he likes helping you around the house, whether it's with your stuff or just usual chores
also, he keeps looking at you with a smile? you'd be putting clothes in the washing machine and he's looking at you with a huge grin while also helping you. basically, it means he either wants a hug or a kiss or both
"jake-"— is deadass t-posing with a smile while standing behind you as you finish putting the clothes— "what do you want?" "what do you think i want?"— says with the same goofy and cute smile and he knows you won't say know because he's irresistible
sometimes, you'd see him at the other end of the house with same i-want-a-hug pose as soon as you return home from work or classes or whatever. then you run to hug him and pulls you in the warmest hug possible, spinning you to the slightest, kissing your cheeks. and you both just continue to hug for next five minutes
if he's in the mood, he will cup your face before you're about to hug him and pull you into a chaste kiss before hugging you. like, one time he kissed you with you were holding the laundry bucket and jake just took it and discarded it aside before pulling you closer because it was between him and you and he didn't like that. basically hugs are a must, kisses are the cherry on the top
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so weird, he texts you even when you two are in the same room. you'd be sitting on the same couch, just on the opposite ends, and you can see his text notification pop up on your phone screen. he's texting probably something like 'so close yet so far' madam is a little goofy
and his texts are not normal. it's something completely unrelated, weird, maybe an old picture of himself or just some random pickup line. most of the time, he's trying to flirt with you over text
"hey gorgeous,"— his text reads, and you see a shit eating grin on his face as he sits opposite to you on the couch, typing something on his phone— "do you have a boyfriend?" "no"— you reply, and if you think saying no would do something to put an end to this insanity, you're wrong because he comes back ten times worse you can see him put his phone aside before crawling to your side of the couch, and he's almost pinning you against it— "you don't have a boyfriend?"— says with a smirk, leaning a bit closer to you, or rather your lips— "do you want one?"
look, you don't even get to say anything here because he kisses you before giving you a chance to speak. and it's not some random kiss, he's kissing you, as in taking your phone out of your hand and throwing it away to the other end of the couch, putting your arms around his neck before pulling you closer by your waist
he's kissing you with the intention of making out, which is usually his aim behind texting you from across the room
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the ultimate sunoo headcanon i have is that you both do each other's make up. it's mostly him doing yours, says he asked his stylists for tips and he's going to try them on you. it's usually for fun, sometimes he follows a gwrm video on youtube on your request when you tell him that he's doing something wrong ( gets a bit sulky because why are you doubting his skills )
loves to do your eyeliner!!!! like he would hold your face ever so softly, carefully applying the eyeliner, saying something about how it won't be his fault if you end up looking like a ghost or something
"let me help you with the lipstick too,"— he's joking!!! and he's blushing slightly as he says that "alright,"— and now he's red. he's so nervous and flustered, and you know he's trying to laugh it off but then he looks at you again and realises that you're series "um ok,"— his heart is about to pop out of his chest
you can feel how nervous he is in the way he holds your chin, or the really flustered smile that's dancing on his lips, or in the way he backs off and leans at least five times to calm himself down
and if u peck his lips while he's helping you with your lipstick, he will literally pause. like it's so cute how easy it is so make him blush, he's probably smiling as saying how you need to stop teasing him. oh, but also, he loves to kiss your cheeks while doing your makeup
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wakes up at least thirty minutes before the usual time because you two end up cuddling and getting late for whatever plans you have for the day
he's punctual but also knows his mind sort of stops working when it comes to you so the moment he sees you sleeping next to him, all morals about waking up early and on time leave his body, and before he himself knows it, his arms are wrapped around your waist and he's pulling you closer to him
"maybe, we should get up,"— he says, his head still resting on yours, eyes closed, his half asleep already "definitely,"— but when you try to get out of his hold, removing his arms from around you, he just scoots even closer? like what happened to waking up early "five minutes more,"— the third 'five minutes more' so far
even if you two are awake, he will lay in bed with you, holding you close while his one arm is around you and the other is caressing your hair, occasionally kisses your cheeks while asking you about your plans for the day
most of the time you two end up sleeping again, but once he gets out of bed, he's making sure you're out of it too. would take away your blanket to force you out of bed, but it's only because he doesn't want to continue with his day without you
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late night walks!!! he loves to spend time with you and loves it even more when you two are taking an early morning or late night with your hands interlaced together, strolling down the streets ( brings the 'it's you and me in this world' lyrics to life for him but you won't hear him say that )
"hey, let's go for a walk"— he's nudging your shoulders and would continue to do so until you wake up "it's one am,"— you think it would help you convince him but no, he doesn't care. odd timings are his things, and he would've had it another way if you didn't always give in to his requests
holds your hand and puts it in the pocket of his jacket because he doesn't want you to get old but it's only an excuse. sometimes just kisses the back of your hand while you're talking to him and asks if that makes your heart flutter. if u say no, he will kiss you randomly between words
going to the convenience store is a must. you're getting your favourite snacks and then you two are going to the swings in the park. late night escapades with him are fun and it's only a matter of time before you both are snuggled up together while sleeping on the couch
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kira-broflovski · 1 year
main 4 boys hcs: crushing on the new girl
note: more sleepover chapters to be out soon!! also i got carried away in kenny's part oops
he thought he'd never be able to like a girl ever again, but that idea was short-lived when he saw you.
it was love at first sight.
he was planning on going up to you and introducing himself, but other guys were quicker.
i can see him being really jealous, especially if it's other football players or people he trusts. (maybe tolkien will come in and steal someone from stan again 💀)
at one point, he saw you getting uncomfortable with all the attention you were getting so stan saw an opportunity.
an opportunity to yell at the others while still looking like a good guy, that is.
"Alright, guys, that's enough!" Stan stomped his foot against the floor, silence quickly filling the teacher-less classroom. "Can't you see how uncomfortable she is?"
You couldn't stand to look at anyone while you were the centre of this unwanted attention.
The various types of guys hated the fact Stan was right and that you were visibly uncomfortable, but you were relieved at this sudden saviour.
While everyone backed off, Stan remained in front of you so you looked up at him while he approached with a subtle smile, which you thankfully returned.
"Hey, if anyone's ever bothering you, just text me." He stated before handing you a little yellow note, his phone number quickly scribbled across it.
"Thank you, uh..."
"Thank you, Stan." He was proud to be the first guy to get a genuine smile out of you.
"You're very welcome...?"
"Well, see you around, Y/N." He might have fell in love first, but you fell harder.
"Bastard wanted her all to himself!"
when kyle first saw you, he thought you were cute of course but didn't think anything else until he sat next to you for a class you shared.
he is more of a hopeless romantic, so of course he would act on a classic trope when he got the chance to.
you were struggling with the question the teacher had set, so you turned to the person on your left but they made a snide comment and didn't bother helping you. thankfully, kyle came to your assistance.
"Ignore that asswipe, Y/N." You heard someone to the right-hand side of you say. "I'll help you."
You turned around to see it was Kyle, the smartest kid in the class!
"Thank you so much, Kyle!" It was good to know not everyone was mean here. At the mention of his name with your seemingly angelic voice, he felt his heart flutter.
"No worries," he smiled nervously. "What do you need help with?"
just like the others, when he first saw you he thought you were so pretty.
he just needed to have you.
but he's not as confident as his friends, so he shied away and decided to admire you from afar.
however, that changed when you were the one to go up to him: you introduced yourself and explained you wanted to make a lot of new friends.
kenny introduced himself, as well, he never thought he'd get the chance to talk to you like this. however, he made the mistake of making his liking towards you known to his friends... more specifically, cartman.
"You wouldn't like Kenny, new girl." Eric chuckled maliciously from behind the blonde-haired boy that was simply trying to admire the girl of his dreams in peace.
"Why not?" You huffed. "I've already taken a liking to him."
Kenny tried to act as if that isn't one of the sweetest things somebody has said about him.
"Well, he's poor!" Eric shouted as if it was obvious. "He'd be an even worse boyfriend, and he clearly already has a little crush on you."
The poor boy was mortified. Worried that he had just lost his chance with you when you stood in silence.
"What?" You were taken aback. Did Kenny really call this asshole a friend?
"I'm doing you a favour, whatever your name is." Eric continued. "Don't go for Kyle either, he's a stupid-"
"That's enough, fatass!" Kyle yelled.
Kenny started to panic. He didn't know what to do, and he's never felt more embarrassed. And it was all Eric's fault!
"C'mon, Kenny. Let's go somewhere else to talk." You said, much to his surprise, but he gladly accepted.
if this isn't enemies to lovers potential, idk what is.
he'd be more discreet about his crush because god forbid the others realise he actually likes someone!
he would just simply bully you, but you were different. you were just trying to be nice, so when he realised he actually felt a little bad he tried toning it down little by little before toning it down.
he's definitely the possessive type, so when he realised you had already became friends with the others... he wanted to be your friend too.
however, he just wanted you all to himself.
"Fuck you guys, I saw her first!"
"Saw her first? She's not an object, Cartman. She can choose who she wants to hang out with, and I'm surprised she even wants to associate with you!"
The boys were bickering back and forth as usual, arguing over you as if you weren't sat there with them.
"But, Y/N is mine!" Eric yelled, taking all of you by surprise.
"Yours?" You questioned.
"Ah, shit."
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this goodness hurts (and I'm drowning in it)
carry me slowly, my sunlight (these colours, they fade for you only) - series masterlist here
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pairing: damian wayne x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.2k
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: damian is trying so hard to be an emotionally functional adult. he's not doing perfectly. reader definitely isn't, either. there might be too much world building in this oops
a/n: what if damian wayne was an adult and was trying so so hard to heal, huh. what about that.
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"Beloved?" Damian's voice is quiet and tired, but it cuts through the silence of your shared apartment all the same. Your gaze snaps up to him from your spot on the couch, your back straight and your shoulders back as if you're a guest in someone else's house.
"Hey… what are you doing awake?" you say gently.
"Looking for you," he says matter-of-factly as he kneels on the floor in front of you, switching a small lamp on and bathing the two of you in a soft glow. He uses the light to look you up and down, eyes scanning for any sort of issue or ailment. "You weren't in bed… what's wrong, my love?"
"Nothing, I just…" you sigh, shoulders slumping and hands clenching. Damian takes your hands in his gently, rubbing soothing circles on the backs of them with his thumbs as he waits for you to continue. "Sometimes it's just… hard." you finish weakly.
"What is, beloved?" he presses ever so gently.
"Just… this. All the good we have now. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in it." Damian makes a noise of understanding at your words and slides himself onto the couch next to you, wrapping his arms around you and breathing a slight sigh of relief when you relax into him.
"Why don't I bring you back to bed, hm? We can talk about this more, or I can help you back to sleep and we can discuss this later. Whatever will help you right now, my love." He says quietly, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
You sigh and lean forward to press your head into your hands, conscious of Damian's soothing hand rubbing up and down on your back.
"Do you ever feel this?" You mumble, not sure if he can even hear you.
"Yes," comes his immediate response, though. "I feel this, too. You…" Damian stops there, his voice faltering in that way that means he's stepped into unknown emotional territory and he's only realizing now that his feet are firmly planted there. You lift your head to look at him suspiciously and he smooths your hair back with gentle touches - a loving diversion that you're familiar with.
"Damian," you say softly. "Tell me." There's an importance there that's making your words heavy - your relationship with Damian, built on so many years of hatred and bloodshed, relies now on this openness that you're asking for. It's your loyalty to this that keeps the two of you together, that helped you move past the sworn enemies that you once were and towards this - something better, something softer. Home, Damian often calls it - this love that you two share.
He thinks of this now as he stares at you, weighing his words heavily in his mind. He's still so unsure, in many of the ways he knows you are, as well. 
"I… do feel like this," he says carefully, pulling his hands into his lap so that they can grasp onto each other tightly - a stoney alternative to fidgeting. "I feel this with Father and the others. It seems to come very easily to them, living normal lives and loving and looking out for one another normally. Over the years that I've spent here, that feeling has grown smaller and less significant, but I'd be lying if I said I never feel it at all anymore."
"But they're not the only ones who make you feel that way," you say quietly, a sombre ache in your voice. Damian inwardly curses how well you know him and feels his heart drop as you look up at him with furrowed brows and pained eyes. "Am I still hurting you, Dames?"
"No," he rushes to say, his hands moving to cup your face so fast you huff out a breath of surprise. "No, my love, you don't… that's not what I mean. I do feel this way with you, sometimes, but to no fault of yours. You're… good. You are the goodness I feel I don't deserve, beloved." Damian thinks he should at least be grateful that his words have swept the pained look off your face, but your current expression leaves him shifting in his seat, instead, your brows shooting up and your mouth open in disbelief. 
"Oh…" you say slowly. "Oh. I hadn't… I'd never thought of it like that."
"Sometimes I think of what it would have been like without you," Damian continues, leaving your mind to spin at his words. "If the prophecy hadn't existed… if you hadn't existed. I don't think I would've gotten here. I don't think I would've gotten this goodness." The last part of his confession is quiet, his eyes trained on the floor as you stare at him. His feet shift over the rug there and he thinks back to when the two of you bought it, a mark of the domesticity that neither of you realized you'd craved so much with each other until you'd gotten it.
"I think you would have," you say softly. "There's goodness in you, Damian. There always has been. Even back then… you had good in you." You reach your hand over to his, prompting him to loosen the white-knuckled grip he has on his pajama pants and intertwine his fingers tightly with yours, instead.
"If my goodness is inherent then yours is, too, you know."
"I don't know about that," you huff at Damian's declaration.
"I do," he says firmly, his eyes boring into yours, mouth downturned in a show of stubbornness that you know well. You sigh, squeezing his hand in yours and leaning up to press a kiss to his forehead in a show of surrender, a we can argue about this tomorrow whispered against his skin. The furrow disappears from his brow at the action and he pulls you against him once more, wrapping his arms around you.
"Maybe we should go back to bed," you murmur, your face tucked against his neck. He hums in agreement and drops his own kiss to the crow of your head, letting you settle against him for a moment before he gently nudges you to your feet, keeping one hand tightly in yours as he leads you both back to your bedroom. Your eyes flicker over the interior of your shared home as you go, over the photos and artworks and all the things that make it home. By the time you get back to your bedroom and Damian is delicately getting you under the covers, tucking blankets around you and fluffing pillows, you're looking at him with a lovesick expression that makes him freeze.
"Beloved?" He says tentatively.
"I love you," you respond firmly. A smile stretches across Damian's face, a giddy boyishness flashing across his features that makes you soften. It's not a sight anyone is faced with very often, even you. 
"I love you, too." His gentle words are muffled by him pressing his lips to yours, hands cupping your face the thumbs smoothing across your cheeks. "Inevitably."
"Inevitably," you repeat back, smiling against his lips. His reminder of how the two of you twisted a hateful rivalry into love and home and safety makes your heart thump against your ribcage, breath hitching as your eyes mist over. Damian smiles gently - knowingly, and you can't help but notice the rapid blinking of his own eyes, as well.
As he slips into bed beside you, turning to hold you in his arms, you consider the fact that maybe the two of you always were meant to end up like this. Maybe goodness really is inevitable. 
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Loki x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by >:3 anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
This little drabble turned into a 1.3K words fic, oops I got carried away. Hope you like it anon!
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It was the basic rule and you knew that. You lost the game. Loser gets to do whatever the other asks for the rest of the day. Of course you had only agreed to the condition in order to gain power over your usually evil and sassy lover Loki, God of Misschief, but unfortunately found yourself in the opposite camp. Losers camp.
"Don't worry love. You don't think I would actually ask you things to humiliate you? Just some innocent simple things to tease my sweetheart, that's all. You know what? In order to make it easier to follow my commands, I'll offer you two choices everytime. Do you agree?" Loki reasoned with a smug smile on his face.
You rolled your eyes fondly and fiddled with your playing cards, the ones that had guided you into this losing game. You nodded.
"Alright, sounds fair to me," you answered. You knew Loki wouldn't be too bad to you, considering he was your lover after all. However you liked the idea of having at least some freedom to choose. Loki nodded.
"Good. Then starting with the first set of choices. Either you give me a kiss," he tapped his own lips.
"Or... I tickle you."
Your eyes widened at the mention of the second option, and you coughed in surprise. Tickle?! What... You shook your head and quickly leaned in to kiss his lips.
"E-easy choice," you mumbled with a blush. Loki smirked at you.
"Right?" He pulled you back and kissed you more.
The next few hours, Loki would offer you more choices, but at random. However being the evil God of Misschief, he stuck to an obvious pattern. So very evil.
Bark like a dog, or I tickle you.
Give me a massage, or I tickle you.
Braid my hair, or I tickle you.
They were innocent requests at first, but turned weirder and harder.
Feed me a donut, with your mouth, or I tickle you.
Do a handstand while singing a serenade to me, or I tickle you.
"You know I wouldn't choose the second option by now! Try something else!" you said with a red face, which was about to become even redder now that you started the crazy handstand-serenade thing. And it got even crazier, that little...!
Run into that store and yell "The Hulk is my man!", then buy cookies and leave. Or… I tickle you.
"You really are enjoying yourself aren't you!" you yelled after living through that most humiliating experience ever, and you threw the pack with cookies you bought at his face. His laughter was both maniacal and sweet.
Put these on, or I tickle you.
When Loki offered a pair of handcuffs, you should've known it was a trap. Still, you were very quick to put your hands forward, blushing at the thought of him tickling you, like you did everytime he mentioned the damn word! But the moment the cold metal clicked around your wrists and Loki waved the key between his fingers before putting it into his pocket, you knew you were done for.
"Now, spread your arms and tell me you love me... or, I tickle you," he said, slowly and teasingly, his eyes locking with yours. You swallowed and moved your hands a little, only to confirm these were real handcuffs.
"I c-can't," you said. "I can't spread my arms like this... You have to take these off first."
Loki cocked his head. "That's too bad now. I'm afraid I lost the key, and I really need this confession from you. Spreading your arms is part of the deal. Hm... I guess that leaves only one other option," he said, but you jumped back and shook your head, already giggling in anticipation.
"No no no, hehehe you trickster! That's cheating, it isn't fair!"
"I did not cheat, it is fair, I still gave you two choices," Loki explained calmly, approaching you with slow steps and a sadistic and triumphant look on his face.
"Y-you're being totally unfair, cheater! I'll get you back for this!" Your back touched the wall and you gulped.
Loki only needed a few more steps to completely cage you in. “Really? You'll get me back? That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
You let out a squeak as soon as he grabbed you, and you started laughing even before you felt the long-awaited and anticipated tickles invading your body.
"Nohoho you're so mehehean!" you laughed when he tickled you with firm and steady touches, his fingers digging into your soft torso and rubbing circles almost as if he was massaging you. But damn it tickled like hell!
"I am the God of Misschief after all~" Loki said proudly, taking your cuffed hands and pushing them up over your head to pin them there, with magic. Your eyes widened when he waved both hands at you, showing you that he didn't need them to keep your arms pinned helplessly.
"You cheheheater wahahah!" you howled again when he tickled both your armpits, ribs and sides without mercy. You danced and bucked against the wall in the most uncharming manner, causing you to blush even more.
"Finally I can tickle you. I wanted to let you know that one way or another, I get what I want," Loki sang proudly. It was funny that he needed to make such a show out of it while he could've tickled you straight away from the get-go, right after winning the card game.
But no, he needed to come up with the 2 choices rule. He needed to make it into this silly game and let you do crazy things like the handstand-serenade and feeding him with your mouth, and the damn Hulk shoutout at the store, oh that was awful!
"You ahahare the wohohorst!" you shrieked, kicking your legs while the magic held your bound arms in place. Loki simply caught your leg and tickled your thigh.
"I am the worst, but you do love me," Loki said teasingly, smiling when your laughter went even pitchier the moment he tickled your thigh.
"Right?" he asked, but you were going insane with hysterical laughter.
"Nohoho! I hahahate you hehehe!" you laughed defiantly.
"Oh we both know that is a lie," he said, and yes it was kind of embarrassing that even in this helpless position, you felt like you needed to show your evil boyfriend some more attitude. But it happened. You were rude, and you paid the price. Loki lifted both your legs, making you wrap them around his waist, and he tickled your inner thighs until you were almost screaming into his face.
This was not only getting way too ticklish and tiring, but also way too embarrassing. You did love Loki after all, and looking the way you did in front of the one you loved, really was too embarrassing.
"AHAHA alrihihight I lohohove you! Hahahaha! Plehehease! Mehehercy!"
"Loki, God of Mercy, at your service," Loki teased like the brat he was. A single snap of his fingers didn't only release your hands from their magical cage, but also released your hands from the cuffs. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck for balance.
With your legs still around his waist, you were pressed between him and the wall, and you'd wipe the smug expression off his face if it weren't for this urgent desire to kiss him.
"I promise you, I will get you back for that evil prank," you said breathlessly. Loki shrugged and smiled.
"Can't wait, darling~" he answered, and finally the two of you kissed. Your own loud and hysterical laughter was still ringing in your ears, but Loki's lips against yours also set off some imaginary fireworks inside your head, which really made up for a lot of things.
But... That didn't mean you would give up any shot at revenge. Which, in the case of plotting against your powerful lover, meant that you simply had to get better at card games, beat his ass next time and claim. your. prize!
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Could you write headcanon Seb and Omi being mean at reader so they cries and run away. The boys come to them to apologize.
Sebastian and Ominis say Awful Things During a Fight
A/N: This turned out a lot more like a blurb than headcanons, oops! I liked this one, angst is fun. I'm sorry it took me so long, finals are KILLING ME!
You're sitting in the Undercroft with an ice pack to your head. Admittedly, you shouldn't have dove into the cave without a Wiggen weld potion. But you don't regret going in, how else would you save the Merlops from dark wizards.
Luckily you got out with just a concussion, Poppy dragged you away just in time.
But Sebastian heard the news in the form of a rumor, and he didn't hesitate to run out of charms class and towards where he hoped you were.
"Mc! Oh Merlin, what did you do?" He didn't even greet you as he stormed into the cold room.
You winced, half because of the pain and half because you had hoped Seb wouldn't find out.
"Hello, Sebastian." You greeted without turning around. After all, you weren't sure you could keep from crying. Sebastian grabbed your shoulders and turned you to face him gently.
He simply shook his head in wonder as he took the ice pack and examined your head. "It looks bad."
"It's really not." Sebastian frowns at your dismissal. "Okay, well, either way, it needs to be healed. The hospital wing isn't a good idea, they'll just ask questions. I'll run and grab a wiggenweld...no, I should stay with you. Anne taught me a healing charm a few years ago, I can attempt it if you would like."
"On second thought, I shouldn't try an unknown charm on you. Is it more of an aching pain or sharp pain? I have some herbs in my bag and-"
"Sebastian." He looks up at you fiercely. Around anyone else he hides his emotions, but around you it seems they flow right from his sleeve. Is he shaking? He is, you decide, but because it's cold. At least that's better than admitting he is shaking because of the fear you caused him.
"I'm alright."
"No, you're not. Look at this lump! How did you even get it?" the uncomfortable silence told both of you that he didn't really want to know.
"It will heal Sebastian."
"You didn't answer my question."
"It doesn't matter."
"It does!" Sebastian stands up with his hands in his hair. "Merlin, it does! You do this every bloody week, go off on some quest and come back beat up. Why don't you ever ask somebody to go with you? Is it your pride? I bet it is."
Taken aback by his outburst, your eyes widen. "I just ran into an unexpected group of poachers, Sebastian I promise."
"I don't doubt it. You...you probably scouted them out, right? You're always looking for more ways to get into danger anyways. You don't trust me. That's why you don't ask me to go with you. Either you don't trust me, or you're lying." He paces a small portion of the room.
"I do trust you, Seb. I just want to protect you."
"Is that what you call it? Lying to me about where you're going and then hurting yourself?" He turns to face you and steps closer. "Let me tell you something. You're going to die out there. A slow, painful death because you're too fucking stubborn too ask for help." When you don't budge, he narrows his eyes. "Will anyone grieve? We will miss you, but we all would know it was coming. Every one of us would know, I promise. And as much as we would miss you, we wouldn't have to worry about you anymore."
"Fuck you."
And then, you're off. A blur of tears, are you shaking? You are. No sounds but the thumping of your feet on the corridors. Your head hurts.
You couldn't comprehend what Sebastian had said, it was too painful. A fog filtered through your mind and you didn't stop to think somebody might have seen you running. Everything inside hurt.
If you were gone, it would be a burden off of everyone's back. That's what he said. It hurt so bad you clutched at your chest.
In the dungeons, you couldn't run anymore. So you collapsed into the nearest wall in a mess of sobs. Of course, he was right. Of course he was. Had he ever been wrong?
And it's three days (or really, an hour) until Sebastian comes and finds you. He has tears running down his face too.
"Fuck off."
You might agree with him, but you don't want to see him. He sits down opposite of you, and he's still shaking.
"I shouldn't have said that."
"I didn't mean it."
"I swear, MC, I was just worried and-"
He stops when you turn to face him. "Sebastian. Shut up." The harsh words shock him. "You were right."
"No!" Those eyes you love so much widen. "I wasn't, don't say that! Mc, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, let alone Hogwarts. I would- no, the world would be devastated to lose you. All you were trying to do was protect us and the innocent creatures. I was terrified something happened to you, and took it out in the worst way possible. I am beyond sorry, my love."
You frown as you took in his face. Wide brown eyes, messy hair from sprinting towards you, swollen eyebags and a red neck from the near hyperventilating breaths he had been taking.
"I'm sorry too." He smiles and holds a hand out halfway too you. An invitation, maybe. "You don't need to be. How about this? I'll work on taking my anger out, and we can come up with a way for you to tell me if you're about to, you know, jump into a poacher ring."
"Sounds like a plan." You shake his hand.
Yet again, the two of you were arguing.
It all had started a few days earlier with a letter from Ominis's parents. They had found a wife for him, a distant cousin capable of legilimency. With her powers and his Parseltoungue, they could make the ultimate heirs of Slytherin.
You wished that Ominis was able to forget things. He never had been, and never would be, but it would make your life easier. Instead, he fixated on a story his older brother had told him of one of their second cousins. Albert was his name. And he had refused to marry the bride his parents picked out. He was forced to marry her with a blade to his sisters throat and a noose around his beloved's neck.
It was probably just a tale, you told him. Maybe it was, but Ominis could never take the risk. You had spent the last few days trying to get into his head, but he prevailed. The attempts had ended in pure passive agression.
All he wanted was too keep you safe from his family, but all you had waned was him.
Here you sat, on the quidditch pitch in the middle of the night. An odd place to be sure, but it was secluded. And you could put as much distance between the two of you as you wanted.
"Are you even going to try and fight for us, Ominis?"
"try? I've been trying! I've done everything but refuse, and if I do it will kill you."
"You don't know that!"
"MC, it's not that easy. I love you too much to-"
"Love me so much you're willing to marry someone else and write me off? How is this fair to me?"
"It's not, and it's not fair to me either. But I don't have a choice." You glared at him as he swept a hand through his hair.
"like hell you dont!" You snarl. "Run away with me."
"MC, you know we can't do that. They'll find us." His look of pure heartbreak would have hurt if you weren't pissed off. "MC..."
"I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to talk right now." He frowned at your words. "this isn't easy for me either, MC,"
"I didn't say it was."
"Are you even trying to listen to me? Do you EVER listen to me?" Ominis runs an angry hand through his hair. "Do you listen to me MC, or do you ever listen to anybody?"
"Oh really, Ominis?" you stand. "you want to go there?"
"I swear, MC, you only care about yourself." You raised an eyebrow. "And that's why I saved hogwarts, and your ass right?"
"Just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you."
"You don't mean that."
"Oh, but I do. I never loved you."
Logically, you knew he was under a lot of stress and trying to protect his own feelings. But emotionally, it hit you like a bullet to the chest. You take a deep breath and turn to walk away.
"You're going to run away now?"
You started running. And didn't stop until you got to the Undercroft. Sure, he could find you there, but it was far, far away from the pitch and that's all you wanted in the moment. You crumbled against the wall and cried. How could he ever say that? It kept playing in your mind, over and over.
Tears kept coming, then they came some more, and eventually you fell asleep. It was exhausting to cry, after all. And when you woke up, there was something in your hair.
A hand.
Ominis was sitting next to you, running a hand through your hair, his face pale and blank. You had never seen his eyes so devoid of emotion. Instinctively, you curled up to him, but when you remembered what he said, you jumped away.
He looked down at you with sad, sad eyes. "I'm not even going to try to apologize. I don't deserve to be forgiven. Just, please don't make this more painful than it has to be. I know you never want to talk to me again. I just wanted to say goodbye."
"Fuck off." You groaned, scotting away from him. "I don't want to speak to you."
"I know. I just wanted to apologize before leaving." He sighed, raking a hand through his unusually messy hair. "I didn't mean what I said. I love you more than I could ever put into words. I am nothing without you. I have only ever wanted to protect you, and if that means having to say goodbye, so be it."
You stared at him for a moment before shaking your head. "You, Ominis, are an Idiot. I want you. I don't want you to say goodbye to protect me. All I want is for you to fight for me. I'm not mad about you saying you didn't love me. I was, but I know you didn't mean it. I am, however, furious that you aren't giving me a chance to fight for you, and that you aren't fighting for me."
"I want too. I will send an Owl to my parents first thing in the morning to tell them I won't marry her. That they can either cast me from the family or accept it, but it's what's going to happen."
You look up at him, wide eyed at his willingness to fight for your love.
"Really?" You ask and hate that you sound rather like a small child.
"Really." He wiped your tears with his thumbs and smiled gently. "I know you aren't ready to forgive me yet, but I'm here and I'm not leaving."
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
Okay okay, so I don't know if you know what a boudoir photoshoot is, but if you do, I just booked one for the first time. I have my consultation call in 5 hours. I'm super super excited but hella nervous. However, it got me thinking. I was wondering how my favorite boys would react to getting the pictures afterwards.
I think Solomon would be excited. I mean, sexy pictures of his partner? Sounds great!
I honestly don't know how Barb would react. I have such a hard time getting a read on how he'd react to a lot of things.
Satan I feel would be a bit flustered. He'd enjoy them of course, but he'd definitely be flustered.
They're the only three I have really thought of, but gosh. But just... every one of them (Luke excluded obviously) would have such good reactions.
Anyways, how do you think they'd react? Very curious on how you think Barb would react.
~ Solomon🤍
I do in fact know what a boudoir photoshoot is! I hope your consultation went well, I'm sure you'll love the pictures!
I agree with Solomon - I think he'd be excited about it. But I also think he'd be very protective of the pictures. Our man is jealous. He might keep them in a special photo album with a spell on it to curse anybody who tried to touch it! Or if they're digital, then then equivalent of that. Nobody gets to see your sexy pictures but him!
Ahh, Satan would be so flustered. I'm just imagining him blushing like crazy and wanting to look at them, but then also not sure if he should look at them lol. Especially if you're like... there with him at the time. Like if you send them to him so you're not sitting next to him, he'll still be flustered, but perhaps a little less than he would be if you were right there.
I think your presence would also have an impact on how Barbatos would react. For instance, if you were with him at the time, he would look through the pictures with a neutral expression. Making you think he's not affected at all. You're like waiting in anticipation for some kinda reaction. Turns out he's just really good at containing himself, but he can't hold it in forever. I think that'd make him lose control just enough that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing you and kissing you and if you let him, he'll drag you away to his room~
But if you're not there with him at the time, like you sent him the pictures and he's just sitting there looking through them without you there, he's gonna have no one to help him deal with the pent up feelings he's got. Miiiiight just go find you wherever you are. Might wait for you to come to him.
I suppose either way, I think he's gonna be flustered in a "I am losing control of myself right now" kind of way.
After that first time, he saves them for when he really misses you. He knows what looking at those pictures will do to him, so he keeps them locked away in drawer somewhere. Only takes them out when you're off in the human world or for some reason he can't be beside you. It isn't the same as having you with him, of course, but they're a reminder of how much you care about him, how much you trust him.
Oh oops I got a little too dramatic at the end there, but uh... I think you get what I'm trying to say lol.
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cherryxsapphic · 4 months
Miss Delight sfw alphabet 🎀
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So I heard the children were hungry for Miss Delight content well I'm here to serve 😌
I hope y'all enjoy ♡
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, she’s very closed off and sometimes passive-aggressive because you’re unfamiliar, and she’s honestly just scared. Once you manage to coax her out of her shell (heh), she’s very touchy and wants to make sure you’re taking care of yourself to the best of your abilities. Being an anatomy teacher, she knows how much you’re supposed to be eating and sleeping, and if she finds out you’re lacking in either, you will never hear the end of it. 
She will force you into self-care and snuggle with both the most threatening grin and the kindest eyes you have ever seen. Although she herself doesn’t really need sleep, she will lie down with you just to be near you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Definitely the mom friend. She’s got snacks literally everywhere you can think of and will not hesitate to pull one out if you need/want one. In her shirt pocket, she carries granola bars and maybe a bandaid or two in case you’re accident-prone (like me oop-)
Gives the best advice too. Having relationship trouble? She's right there with solutions or just an ear to listen.
Don't know what to make for dinner? She's got cookbooks you can look through.
Want someone to come with you to the grocery store? Sure, just give her a second to grab the suitcase she calls a purse.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I like to think that despite Miss Delight’s body being mostly plastic, she still runs pretty cold, so every chance she gets, she wants to sap your warmth like a cumbersome house cat.
At night, once you lay down to go to sleep, she is all over you. You alternate between spooning and laying on each other's chests, trying to be as close to each other as possible. During the hotter months, she makes do with just holding your hand.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Homegirl absolutely cannot cook, please for the love of god, DO NOT let her in the kitchen EVER.
But besides that, Miss Delight is very good at cleaning! While you handle the cooking and do your best to help her in any way you can, especially after she deals with so many kids daily, girly deserves a rest.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Simply impossible. You would have to die before thinking about breaking up with her.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?) 
Marriage isn't really something Miss Delight would think about at first. She's happy just to be together with you because she loves you. She would still be perfectly content being your domestic partner if it never came up.
If you call her your wife, even lightheartedly, she would probably laugh along with you, but that might get the gears turning, and you would sit down to talk about it a while later.
When you propose, she wouldn’t  want a huge flashy event like at a restaurant. A romantic date night at home with her favorite meal by candlelight  would be her dream proposal.
She wouldn’t want a huge flashy ring because honestly, it's a bit much. Instead, she'd most likely go for a smaller solitaire diamond or just a simple gold wedding band.
 G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
Physically, she may not fully grasp just how strong she is until she hurts you by complete accident. Once she realizes, she’s incredibly apologetic and is willing to do anything to make it up to you.
Emotionally, she’s extremely fragile because of everything she’s been put through in the last ten years or so. Some days are easier than others, but other days she will be so riddled with anxiety and stress that all you can do is sit with her and let her know she's okay.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
Once she warms up to you, she’ll velcro herself to your hip. She’s spent 10 years by herself, so she is extremely touch-starved and will take advantage of all your time together. 
Because she’s mostly plastic (with the exception of her torso, which is strangely body temperature), she’s a strange combination of temperatures and textures, so it was weird to get used to at first.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would be one random night, probably after dinner. The two of you are cuddled up on the couch, not really paying attention to what's on TV.
She keeps glancing up at you and looking away, almost like she's worried about something. So, you nudge her and ask what's up.
Miss Delight is silent for a second before whispering, “I uh, I think I love you,” and immediately looks down at her nails as if trying to pretend she didn't just say that.
You’re still looking at her, and you wrap your arm around her a little tighter. You lean down and place a gentle kiss on the top of her head before whispering a soft
“I love you too.” 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Being the youngest out of all her sisters, competition over everything was seen as normal. She could handle jealousy like a pro until you came into the picture.
Now if another woman so much as breathes near you, she's pissed. If she could, she would keep you at home all to herself, but instead she will shoot that woman the nastiest glare she can muster and just will her into going away.
You'll talk about it after you get home, and she will think she did absolutely nothing wrong and was just protecting what's hers. Of course, you can't really be mad at her, so with a few kisses, she is forgiven for her mile-wide possessive streak.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
Imagine kissing the edge of your sink, but it presses back. She has no lips, but she’ll use her chompers to the best of her ability to give you all the kisses you deserve. Her favorite place to kiss you would be your neck cause she has a biting kink real <333
She would also enjoy neck and forehead kisses from you, especially if you're sitting in her lap so she can wrap her arms around you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) 
Homegirl is a teacher, she’s gonna be the best around kiddos of any age. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) 
Usually, you would wake up alone simply because she’s an early riser and can’t stand to be idle for too long. She’ll gently shake you awake and hand over a piping hot cup of coffee, just how you like it (she hates energy drinks and scolds you if you start your day with one)
If, by some miracle, you manage to crawl out of bed before her, she loves when you rouse her with gentle butterfly kisses all over her face (bonus points if you’ve got a plate of eggs and bacon with you)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
At first, she wouldn’t really know what to do with you. Miss Delight has spent a long time just watching and patrolling, so she would continue the habit regardless of your presence there. After you two get to know each other, she starts lingering closer to your room, almost like she’s guarding you. Gradually, she’d start laying down with you and not quite sleeping, but she enjoys resting with you. It gives her a sense of normalcy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As a teacher, she knows how to share personal stuff without making it personal, if that makes sense. It would take some time to get her to open up truly, and even then, some topics are absolutely off the table.
Should you accidentally mention one of the topics she won't talk about, like how the cracks in her face got there, or her sisters, or where she happened to be in August of 1995, she'll completely shut down and won't speak for a good few hours.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
You would think that because she's a school teacher, she has the patience of a saint. You'd be correct, but that only applies to little kiddos.
If you're an adult acting dumb or wasting her time on purpose, she won't hold back, and you'll probably get something between a pointed glare and an all-out verbal lashing.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or forget everything?)
Her brain is like a sponge; if she deems the topic important enough, she will absorb every bit of information she can. 
You just so happen to mention your favorite song? She'll memorize the lyrics on the same day.
Mention a dish you happen to like? Well, she can't cook for shit, but she will memorize a recipe to help you make it.
Miss Delight will learn your routine down to the average time you wake up in the morning so that she can make fresh coffee for the two of you to enjoy.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
As cliché as it is, her favorite moment would be your first kiss. She had gone to extreme lengths to make sure everything was perfect for the two of you.
She had ordered your favorite takeout and set it up nicely on the dining room table, went out and bought a nice bottle of wine for you to share, and she even put on a touch of makeup for confidence.
You had come home and had probably the worst day ever. Your coworkers were just piling more and more shit on top of you, and your boss expected everything to get done. By the time you left, you were ready to just collapse into bed, dinner be damned.
When you walked in the door, you were greeted by Miss Delight standing next to the table, which was covered in your favorite food. She grinned and asked how your day was while stepping closer to take your coat off. God, you loved it when she did stuff like this.
With your coat now off and in her hands, you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her into you for the warmest hug you've had in years. You lean up and gently place your hand on her cheek before whispering about how good she looks, how much you missed her, and how nice she was for surprising you like this.
“W-well, I wanted it to be perfect.”
“Wanted what to be perfect, love?”
She whispered and leaned in to give you probably the sweetest kiss you've ever had.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Miss Delight and Barb would literally kill someone if they upset or, god forbid, harmed you in some way. She's definitely up there on the protectiveness scale.
Miss Delight is a very anxious creature, so she would definitely like to avoid dangerous situations now that she's in a good place with you. If something bad were to happen, she could step up but would definitely prefer if you either stood in front of her to shield her or wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Miss Delight absolutely loves to go all out for everything. As mentioned with your first kiss, she set up the perfect date night because she wanted to do something nice for the two of you.
Anniversaries would be something very special to her, considering the fact that you might as well be her soulmate at this point. Both of you will go all out for this celebration, calling out of work and spending the entire day with each other.
This also goes for holidays as well, especially like Christmas or Valentine's Day, because imagine sitting with her and making cute little Valentine's Day decorations to hang around the house or decorating the Christmas tree like girly goes all out.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She bites, but not even in a sexual way most times. She just thinks that’s a normal way to show affection, and it has left you bruised numerous times (not that some of you would mind)
Miss Delight also leaves coffee cups and dishes EVERYWHERE. If she takes one with her to the bathroom or her home office, she will absolutely leave it there. If she takes a travel mug to her classroom, you are never seeing it again.
Your good plates? You’d better keep those in the dining room. Otherwise, you might sit on one that she LEFT ON THE FUCKING COUCH BEFORE BED, GOD DAMMIT!!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Miss Delight puts on a façade of not really caring what she looks like, but every so often, you’ll catch glimpses of her looking in a mirror. She’ll be staring at her cracked face, wondering if there’s anything that can be done or if she’ll be stuck looking broken forever. 
When you catch her in one of these moods, you always take your time to comfort and reassure her that she's beautiful (which she is) and that you will always love her no matter what she looks like.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely she would. You are quite possibly the best thing that has happened to her, and now that she's got you, she finally has someone to rely on and help care for her.
If you left, she would be torn apart mentally. The heartbreak might be enough for her to completely snap.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Miss Delight likes to jumpscare you sometimes. By standing still in a dark hallway or grabbing you from behind whenever you're not looking, she thinks it's funny, and your screams are really cute too!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
As previously mentioned, she does not like energy drinks and will scold you if she catches you drinking one.
She hates cigarettes too, especially the smell and how bad they are for you.
Also, if you have a habit of cracking your neck, back, or knuckles, she won't say anything, but she hates the sound. When you do it, she'll stop what she's doing just to turn and glare at you.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
She doesn’t need to sleep. She didn’t for a long time until she met you. When you first laid down to go to sleep, she watched over you to make sure nothing messed with you. As time went on, she got more and more curious until she worked up the courage to ask if she could lie down with you; you just looked so warm and cozy…
She rested peacefully for the first time in over ten years that night. 
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Special thanks to my beloved @s1nful-sa1nt this probably would not have ever gotten out without them, so I love you very much <33
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mjanelupinblack · 3 months
starving creatures | chapter one 🖤
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pairing: xu minghao x reader // jun x reader (mainly lol)
description: starving creatures have arrived at your homeland in forks. little do you know, they not only intend to drain the blood out of you... they'll also to break your heart in two.
genres: slowburn (please bare with me), fluff, angst, vampire!au
warnings: blood drinking, lot of blood related themes, repressed emotions, family issues, miscommunication, kinda toxic friendship with cheol? blood and smut will be mixed. emotionally and physically starved vampires oops. did i mentioned blood?
minors dni!!!
fic playlist 🖤
w/c: 3.2k
a/n: like i said, slowburn as f*ck. you'll have to wait to have fun with jun and hao but it'll be worth it if you bare with me. also i am having so much fun writing this omg ^_^ english isn't my first language and i don't have beta readers so kind feedback is welcome <3
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Joshua Hong had been the first for many things in his life: the firstborn, the first brother to complete his education, the first student among his classmates to perform a solo surgery, and one of the first doctors to try chloroform for his medical procedures, as anesthesia wasn't nearly as developed as it is now.
He was also the first one to be turned.
No other outcome could have been expected. People like him - young, enthusiastic, seemingly blessed by the gods - had to have some divine punishment waiting for them. Josh's penance would be to live forever with his luck... and to have it slowly fade into misfortune.
As a doctor, he never thought life could be eternal. He had witnessed all types of miracles at Paris Salpêtrière, but no soul had ever gotten to escape the sweet lullabies of death. At first, he felt terrible about it. Doctor Pierre had told him to get used to it, as God only gives special treatment to his friends. Little did he know, Pierre was a close friend of Him. He didn't notice it until he found himself digging a blade into his tutor's jugular vein.
No pulse could be found, but Pierre's breaths were still steady.
"Let's go, Josh! Everything's packed!" Vernon shouted as he got into the driver's seat.
"Do we really have to go through this again?" Jun complained, as if it would change anything. For the last time, he stared at the California house that had been their home for the past ten years.
He always got too attached.
"C'mon, man, you know it's better this way," Vernon replied.
From the passenger seat, Joshua looked at them. Minghao rubbed his brother's back and gently pushed him into the car despite his deep and frustrated sighs. This might be the worst part. But upon reflection, the worst part might also involve the one where locals started noticing their lack of aging, leading him to search for a new town.
"Jun, you can't be mad..." Vernon tried.
"Hum, yes, I can be mad," Jun countered. "And I can't believe you all think it's possible to move from California to this nowhere town."
"This 'nowhere town' is called Forks, alright? And it's your new home, so you better get used to it."
Nowhere Town. That's a good name, as it reflected all the peace Joshua had been praying for since Junhui and Minghao joined his and Vernon's odd nomadic, supernatural-like lifestyle.
"It's always cloudy there. You'll get to hang out more often with your friends."
"Sorry, what friends?" Jun asked sarcastically.
"You'll make friends eventually, Jun. Stop whining," Minghao said.
You didn't believe Forks was the best town in the world either. The landscape, always covered by mist and the ground sticky wet from the most recent storm, looked exactly as it did when you were born. You finished cleaning the house an hour before the awaited arrival. The large windows were all cleaned, not a single stain preventing passersby from catching a glimpse inside.
The house was empty for now, as it had been since the heartbreaking death of the previous inhabitants. You sat by the porch, trying to catch your breath and wondering what the new family looked like. Were they old? Were they nice? Certainly, they wouldn't want anyone to disturb them, otherwise, they would have chosen to live closer to the town center.
Surrounded by trees and animals, your aunt's house was known for attracting people who appreciated solitude.
That's the first thing you learned about Minghao.
There is a van approaching from a distance. The new renters arrived half an hour earlier than you planned. You stand up quickly, shaking the dirt off your pants when, for the first time, you see his face.
You won’t be able to forget that face.
"Y/N, right? We talked on the phone yesterday," one of the guys says. There are four of them now. By his introduction, you supposed you are talking to Mr. Chwe.
"Yes! It's so nice to meet you all, Mr. Chwe."
You shake his hand, surprised to find Mr. Chwe, a doctor, looks more like a student who just pulled an all-nighter.
He also has the temperature of an old man.
"Just Vernon, please," he said.
You had a speech planned, but right now you're having trouble remembering what you were going to say. There's a man behind Vernon who looks at you with tender and compassionate eyes. You assume he's Joshua, the one who responded to your emails.
"I'm so sorry my aunt couldn't make it today. As I told you, she's been sick. It would be difficult for her to climb all the way up here. I'll give you the tour, if you're comfortable with it."
Vernon shows his understanding. The same goes for Joshua, who breaks into a sincere smile and thanks you for being so attentive. It's almost as if they're acting like parents. And then, there are the kids...
"Actually, I'm tired. I'm sure we can figure out the house ourselves."
"I could really use some sleep."
"We've stayed in bigger houses anyway."
"Jun, Hao... Enough of that."
Jun and Hao; you're not sure which one takes your breath away more. With their silky, white, shoulder-length hair, they stand in the woods like fairies in a fairytale.
But you imagined fairies to be... more polite, perhaps.
"It's okay. It must have been a long ride for them. I'll leave you to rest." You tranquillize Mr. Chwe with a smile, but think, Morons, in your head.
Almost as if he heard what you said, Jun's face contorts in a gesture that appears both surprised and offended.
"Do you all see that little house right there?" you ask, pointing down into the distance past the trees. "That's where I live. Just call me if you need anything. We're the only neighbors you have around, besides the Boo Family. Oh, and I almost forgot. They asked me to leave you a present since they won't be able to come and say hello today. I left it inside."
"A present?" Minghao asks, his forehead furrowed and a fucked up temper. It's as if you'd just left a bomb or something in their kitchen.
You feel small under his gaze.
"Yes... it's just a beautiful mirror."
Vernon was the second one to get turned.
He graduated from uni, having already killed a man. He tasted his blood, vomited to stop feeling sick, but then got the imperious need to drink from him again.
“Who the hell is this Boo Family?” Jun asks once they get to the house. The mirror is still covered in the living room. There’s no use in unwrapping it as they can’t use it anyways.
“Some old friends.” Vernon answers, face paler than usual.
He made a vow to never to steal a life again. No matter how hungry he was, no matter how weak he could get, he had a strong set of values he planned to spend the rest of his non-desired eternity with, even if people told him it wasn’t the natural thing to do.
“Explain yourself.”
“No explanation needed… Just go to your room, Jun.”
“Are you grounding me or something? I thought we were over with all this weird family shit.”
“I could be your grandfather, how is that weird to…”
“Boo Seungkwan is the man who brought Vernon into this life, okay?” Joshua explains.
Josh had been his mentor. Studying hard for his degree, Vernon was only seven years younger than him and had a mind full of dreams. One of them was to become a doctor as brilliant as Joshua, which, after a lot of sacrifice, he did. But he never thought his desire to be like Joshua would put him into a world so dark and twisted. When he said he wanted to be like Joshua, he never imagined… this.
“There’s your answer.” Vernon says.
He wouldn’t have endured sane this long without Joshua as a friend.
“Don’t worry, mate, we are leaving this place.”
The house is big. Of course, they lived in much larger houses than your auntie’s, as Jun said. But this house… There is wood covering the walls and enormous trees blocking the sunlight from the windows.
Vernon asks himself, is it always going to be like this?
Will Josh and he finally be able to take daytime shifts? Will they be able to walk around town without having to worry about deadly eruptions on their skins?
Sunglasses and long sleeves, then they are ready to go. The offer is tempting.
“There’s no need.”
“What do you mean?” Joshua asks in disbelief.
“I mean… We already paid the girl.”
“And she can keep the money. We’re leaving.”
Jun seems thrilled. What will their new location be? Bahamas? Maybe France? Oh, he loves pain au chocolat! Now it is gonna be great.
“I want to give it a try, Josh,” Vernon says, much to Jun’s disgrace. “Yejin is dead. And there’s no other reason for the Boo family to attack me again.”
“Yejin? Like your ex-friend Yejin?” Minghao asks.
“More like the maniac, out-of-her-mind-obsessed-with-Vernon, Yejin.” Joshua corrects.
“How did you know about her, Hao?”
“I might have stumbled upon your diaries once. But then we moved, and I don’t know where you hide them anymore. So I’m kinda stuck in the middle of the tale.
“Well, well, well… Looks like we know very little of each other to be part of the same family, Mr. Chew. Or should I call you Doctor?”
Jun disappears from the room, not caring for Joshua, who wants to say something to him. Even if he couldn’t move at this dazzling speed, he would’ve been able to escape the situation with equal grace.
That’s the way he is.
“Welcome to Forks, then.”
“So… the new renters are a piece of shit.” your friend Cheol says. It's nice to catch up after a whole summer apart, not seeing or hearing anything from him.
Your ankles ache from the cold wind that bites as you walk the last stretch to school.
“That’s not what I said,” you explain. “The doctors were very nice to me. But the young ones… This guy Jun was in a terrible mood and treated everyone like shit. The other brother was…”
Threatening? But gut-wrenchingly beautiful? Eyes so deep like sinking ships after crashing with an iceberg?
“…a bit serious, I don’t know. When the doctors asked me if there was a highschool nearby, I thought I'd get to make some friends.”
“Are you saying I’m not enough of a friend?”
Okay, that was a low blow and you need to respond to it.
“The whole summer you went missing. So yes, at some point your friendship felt short for me.”
Many years of friendship taught you that you can open up with Cheol whenever you feel sad or lonely. You arrive at school and identify some of the friends he spent the whole summer with. A sight escapes your mouth. You love the guys, but you kinda wish your alone time with Cheol would have lasted longer.
And he notices.
“We can hang out later. Just you and me,” he promises, grabbing both of your hands. “We can sneak and spy on this jackasses’ house. Then you’ll watch them nose-picking and realize they’re not that big of a deal.”
“Voyeurism? That 's the date?”
Cheol pinches your nose in between his fingers and smiles playfully. Same old smile. Same old gesture that makes you feel safe. Even after a whole summer of not knowing what the hell is going on in his head.
“I know you. Don’t act like you don’t like to get into other people’s lives.”
Touché. You admit there’s a certain rush of adrenaline growing in your veins whenever you think about getting into your new renters’ intimacy. There's a certain power that comes with knowing about other people's secrets. Even when you don’t plan to use any of those against them.
“I’ll think about it.”
“I take it as a yes.”
“Take it as a maybe I'd rather go grab some coffee and not do such creepy things!”
You hit your friend in the arm playfully. When they see you coming, the gang welcomes you with a hug and some cheering. Hoshi tells you about how your best friend drank his blood’s weight in beer and none of the parties were near as entertaining as when you are there to join them.
You don’t believe him. You know he’s only saying this to make you feel better. But you have nothing against white lies when they serve their purpose.
“Maybe invite me next time?” you say, knowing that you are asking for the impossible.
Soonyoung looks at Dino, who answers without saying a word. Cheol pulls you closer to him. Silent and almost surrounding you with his arms.
“I really don’t think you’d like it,” Soonyoung says. “Plus you’ve been busy training, from what I heard.”
Of course. Training. You are not sure what Soonyoung must have heard about it, or who he must have heard it from. But this summer, you have been leaving your house at five in the morning everyday with the intention of running your sacred five miles before seven a.m—or whatever number of miles you could do before starting to feel like you’re about to pass out. It has been awesome; wind whipping your skin and not a single thought crossing your head. Just a pleasant sensation of hurt that would leave your legs shaking and your mind blank.
After that, you’d return home just in time to give your auntie her meds.
And then you’d like to run away again.
“Are you getting into a competition or something?” Dino asks.
“Nah. I was just doing it to clear my mind. But who knows… I’m fast.”
“Maybe I could help your train then”
Around the corners, or maybe even a couple of blocks away, there’s a soul with the extramundane ability of hearing your thoughts and sayings with just the gaze of your silhouette.
“Hum… who the hell are you?” Seungcheol asks him.
He wasn't there just minutes ago. You must have been too lost in your own thoughts as the sight of your neighbor makes your heart skip a beat.
Maybe he wants you to introduce him?
“Guys, this is Jun. My auntie rented the house to his family, so he and his brother are new here.”
“Great way to introduce yourself, mate. You’re an asshole, from what I heard?”
You step over your friend’s foot, hoping to subtly silent him. Damn, Seungcheol has a big mouth.
“Actually, I’m here to apologize,” Jun says, much to your surprise. And then he looks at you like no one else is there. “My manners weren’t the best. We had a long trip from California so I’m sure you’ll understand.”
“California? You’re a ghost, man.”
Ignoring Soonyoung’s comment, your neighbor continues trying to apologize.
“I just wanted to let you know that whatever neighborly thing you need, you can count on my family and me.”
Just by the way they’re silent, analyzing every bit of him but actually finding nothing, you can tell that the guys already hate Jun without even knowing him.
And for that, you feel relieved.
“Thank you, Jun. I really appreciate it.”
“My pleasure.”
You live in a place so different than Mr. Chwe and Mr Hong’s new house. It only has a few rooms; none of them fancy and only spacious enough for you to sleep and change in there. The little wooden cabin remains hidden in between the trees, all of them prominent enough to prevent your house from being in plain sight. Rain has to make an effort to fall in between thick leaves. And if it wasn’t because of the oscillating movement of your auntie’s chair, Joshua would´t have found it.
He has always been a good neighbor. It’s a signature part of the made up story he tells about himself every time his life changes. So there he is, standing on the porch of your house with a basket of freshly baked cookies in hand. He expects to find you there and maybe ask you a couple of questions about the Boo family and your relationship with them.
“You didn’t have to” you say, receiving the basket in your hands with guilt wrinkling your eyebrows. “Really. I feel terrible. I don’t have anything to give you in return.”
“You’ve given more than enough. This is just a thank you. To you and your aunt.”
Some persistent raindrops have started to pierce through the trees.
“Come in, I insist” you say, opening the door fully even though it’s kinda messy inside. You haven’t found the time to clean up and embarrassment shows in the crimson red of your plumpy cheeks. “You won’t make it to the lodge before the rain. And I was about to make some coffee to warm up anyways.”
Joshua knows perfectly that he will be able to reach the lodge even before the next drop of rain. Despite that, he decides to enter your house and take a seat at your table, waiting for the cloudburst to stop, like any normal person. In front of him, there’s a cup of coffee. He asked for it without sugar or milk because he wouldn’t be able to enjoy those flavors if you put them in there anyways. Of course, the story he tells is different. It’s easier to explain he’s grown accustomed to preparing his coffee bitter in the rush of his night guards.
“So, California…”
Your friend Hoshi’s observation over Jun had been rude but sharp. California’s sun had rejected Joshua’s family in an inexplicable way.
“Yes, we stayed there for a short time,” he answers. For him, that is not a lie. Ten years really is a short time. “We have a condition. It makes us sensitive to the sun. So long term wasn’t an option.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry for that...”
“It's okay. We just have to be careful. Forks seems like the perfect place for that.”
“Trust me. Forks can give you a lot of trouble but sunny days won’t be one.”
Joshua takes a sip of his coffee. It doesn’t taste like anything, but it’s reassuring to see you enjoy the cookies he baked but can’t taste.
“A lot of trouble?” He asks, eyes full of curiosity. “What do you mean by that?”
Coming from California and —from what Vernon told you— previously New York, you imagine your neighbor has no idea of the consequences of living in a place like Forks.
“Well, a small town can be a vast hell if you don’t keep things to yourself,” you explain. “Forks is amazing. But there’s only a few habitants and they all get bored easily, so rumors fly.”
Joshua’s well aware of how deadly rumors can be. Especially when truth revolves around them.
“Do you have secrets to entertain us with, Mr. Hong?” you mock him, feeling a little more comfortable around your neighbor who’s not only a kind person but also a great baker.
His eyes get all wrinkly when he smiles.
“I’m afraid we’re gonna bore you all,” he answers “And please don’t call me Mr. Hong.”
“Fair enough.” You say, while cleaning leftover cookies from the corner of your mouth.
“What about you, do you have secrets?”
You laugh at the question. Maybe it’s because you know the answer damn well.
“Of course. We all do.”
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masterlist | next chapter
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
So as mentioned in a separate post I read by you, you mentioned Jeff had a mannequin named Lucy in his room who was his "true love" 😭😭
Basically how would he handle his s/o finding out about Lucy??
Oh my goodness we STAN lucy 🫶🫶🫶
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Finding out about Lucy as Jeff's s/o
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It had been about 4 weeks or so since you and Jeff had begun dating
And it's been wonderful so far
Neither of you are perfect, but your relationship is loving and very refreshing
And with the conversation you got wrapped up into tonight, you almost called all that into question
You, Jeff, Ben and Toby were chilling in one of the manor's many living room areas, chatting about nothing in particular when all of a sudden, Ben speaks up
"Sooo, have you been introduced to Lucy yet, y/n?"
You make a confused face and tilt your head "Lucy? Lucy who?"
Ben and Jeff look at each other, and Ben lets out a dramatic gasp
"Jefferey! You haven't told y/n about Lucy? What kind of boyfriend are you?"
Jeff decides to play along "I guess I just never got around to it"
Ben looks back at you "Y/n, I don't know how you'll take this, but uh...Lucy is Jeff's...intimate partner, so to speak. They've been on and off for years"
Your face heats up and you look over at Jeff with shock "What?? You never told me about any other partners!"
Honestly it probably wouldn't have been that big of a deal if he would've just told you about this, because this is a huge dealbreaker
Jeff uses his pinky to dig around in his ear "oops."
"oops?? That's all you have to say?"
"She lives here in the manor." Ben says "Would you like to go meet her?"
You look down at your lap and are very quiet for a few minutes, taking in all the information
Eventually though, Jeff lets out a huge sigh and stands up, picking you up by your arm and making you stand as well "Come on. It's not that big a'deal."
'Not that big a'deal?!' you think, quietly following Ben and Jeff to Jeff's bedroom
You hadn't been in Jeff's room yet, so the entire experience was pretty new for you
You were immediately taken back by the smell, it was a mix of body odor, blue razz, and nicotine
The next thing you notice is how messy it is, you could barely walk without tripping over either clothes or trash
And as Jeff walks through the mess, he comes to stand next to a very disheveled mannequin
"There she is" Ben says in an admiring tone "Our girl Lucy. Aka Jeff's one and only"
You study the mannequin confusedly
She is missing fingers, has a knife through her eye, is missing a leg, has a matted and tangled wig practically falling off her head, her makeup is smudged and almost wiped off, and she has mlp stickers over her nipples
You are once again, quiet for a moment
"You're joking, right? This is her???"
Jeff looks up at Lucy and begins to stroke her hair "Yep, this is her alright. Sight for sore eyes, isn't she?"
You begin to laugh before coming over to jeff and lightly slapping his chest "You jerk, you had me seriously worried!"
"Nah, you ain't gotta worry. I like you pretty good" he says, pulling you into his chest and kissing the top of your head
You look at Lucy again, and study her closer "What was the point of the stickers even?"
Jeff sneers "well I can't leave my girl naked and cold now, can i?"
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"Masterlist? What is that?"
"it's mostly a record of the writings here, feel welcome to have a look and see if something catches your eye" she turns around and points to the the book detailing where every book or pages should
"last time I updated it was may 9, so it can get a bit behind but usually everything is in here"
Genshin impact
"a magical land where people are able to handle elements as they please, a bit too fantastical for my liking but she seems to enjoy writing them"
There is a folder on the table and named with perfect cursive handwriting "Holy offsprings". It seems it's a collection of small works
A bouquet of feelings
Sometimes actions have unexpected consequences. Good thing Aether knows how to fix this one.
Ancient language au
A long forgotten tongue slips away from their lips to the ears of people who believe it's their god's language
Read my lips
"to suddenly be left in a world where I couldn't read anything... Such a torture"
Universal language
After alhaitham found your ability you were almost forced to work for the academia translating works, some misunderstandings arise
Great sage au
A foreign face settles as a country's sage and tries to help, even when it isn't all that easy
As a former player the new great sage had a nice base of knowledge to stand on plus some new tools
Such a backstabber
His duty with sumeru has gotten him into a trail leading to you and believes you to be a danger. For some reason the proof he has reminds you of something… wait a minute.
Over tea
Luckily after cyno recognized them as not guilty they were allowed to return to their position and enjoy their new found love for tea. Seemingly the nation's calmness has lead to people allowing themselves to fantasize about their bosses’ love life
Everything feels so beautiful
"this one fits in the timeline but I'm not sure if even the writer knows how or when..."
Secret husband timeline
Be it because of secretiveness or nobody believing it was possible nobody found out about your marriage with the iudex until someone says it straight up. Oops
The first two are two different beginnings
How the iudex sleeps
"why did she choose for him to have a resemblance with otters? Even then it's a really sweet domestic piece"
Melusines say the darndest things
sometimes children can slip up and accidentally say more than desired. In this case the journalists are very happy about that.
Would they peel an orange for you?
"mhmm... I wonder why she chose oranges, I think she likes better pomegranate. Wouldn't it be more fitting 'would they open a pomegranate for you?' but I guess at the end it's the same intention"
Do they know if you wear silver or gold?
"I only ever wear this uniform, I'm not really sure how important that kind of stuff is"
Types of baby daddy
"my father has been a 'baby daddy' many times, including my and my sisters' conception and many of our half siblings. Despicable man. He even runs as fast as the thunders he throws so he is hard to catch"
Your ex in my body or me in their body
"seemingly this question is used to pick a fight with your lover, I'm not sure why would you, though"
"some blurbs or unrefined concepts, maybe in the future they can become something more polished"
Npc sagau
"suddenly strangers and your loved ones start acting as mindless zombies and only certain people seem to wake up but you are unable to know when... It sounds stressful doesn't it?"
Living together (npc sagau)
"it would make sense for them to live close by the only people you can speak with"
Obey me
"It's a kind of undefined academic environment in hell? I heard from other visitors that highschool and university are difficult and sometimes unenjoyable but isn't this a bit too on the nose? Either way seemingly she could romance demons, angels and a... Regular human? I'm sure she did not... My goodness"
Night bringer saga
All this happen during night bringer but aren't particularly connected or in a particular timeline!
Love language: acts of service
After being temporarily transformed into a demon you find that there are some gaps in your knowledge of demon features care but Solomon is very happy to help
With the firstborn's ring I made you mine
A before bed chat with Solomon leads to you showing some concerns about wearing the ring of light so openly and he offers himself as a scapegoat
Love language, gift giving
He is old enough and famous enough that he can spend some money on superfluous gift and extra candies as long as you smile at him
The sorcerer's demonic firstborn
Nobody is exempt from Mother nature's cruel whims, not even the all powerful sorcerer that defied death. Some friends of yours help you with your dream
Twisted wonderland
"another fantasy setting that happens in a world where people can use Magic and a school? I'm seeing a pattern with her likings. Just tell me she wrote for a prince or a future king or- it's just a guy with white hair again? No just because he is sleepy doesn't make him different, writer..."
Forced fairytale
The tale of the sleeping beauty is one he holds dear, be it because it's related to his great grandmother or his dorm, malleus can't help but feel like silver and the prefect would be such a perfect modern retelling.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Just simple dating Peter headcanons with some inclusion of how first times would be
Peter Parker x Male!reader
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● the first time Peter saw you was on the first day of 10th grade
● he was standing at his locker watching you talk to the principal who was showing you around
● Ned broke him out of his trance "happy first day of school Pete"
● "yeah, yeah you two Ned. Who is that?" He asks pointing to you
● "Oh I think his name is Y/N? He just transferred here from some school in Brooklyn"
● the first time you talk to him is a few days later in Chem class when the teacher told you to partner up for a lab assignment
● your seat was in front of him and he hadn't been paying much attention to what was happening
● you turned around and he was looking longingly at you which he quickly stopped doing as soon as you locked eyes
● "Hey you're Peter right?"
● "yep that's me, Peter Parker"
● "did you want to work together?"
● "absolutely! Uh work on what exactly?"
● he had been crushing on you for an entire year when he finally told you he had feelings for you
● your first date was to a little Italian place that May recommended
● Peter nervously spilled marinara sauce all over his pants
● you thought it was hilarious, the waiter however was quite annoyed
● your first kiss was the same night when you walked him home and stood outside his door saying goodnight
● you leaned in and kissed him when May opened the front door
● "How was the date Peter? Oops looks like I'm interrupting"
● "May!!"
● the first time Peter called you his boyfriend he was talking to Happy
● "So you're turning down an invitation to work with the avengers… over a boy?"
● "not just any boy Happy, my boyfriend! … holy crap I've never called Y/N my boyfriend before"
● the first time he tells you he loves you is 6 months into your relationship
● he had a really close call on a mission and snuck in through your window to see you
● "Peter are you okay? Did you get mugged?"
● "yeah I uh, got mugged and it was super scary and I just needed to tell you that I love you because I really didn't think I'd be making it home tonight"
● "I love you too Peter"
● his entire demeanor changes when you say it back and he just smiles and kisses you
● "as much as I want to keep kissing you babe we should really get you cleaned up, i think May would freak out if you came home covered in blood"
● your first time isn't too long after that
● May was out for the night so you had the apartment all to yourselves
● Peter wanted it to be as romantic as possible
● so he cooked you dinner, lit candles (which he may or may not have almost caught the curtains on fire with) and dressed up in his nicest clothes after showering three times
● it was soft and gentle, a lot of asking if what either one of you was doing felt good and where it was okay to touch each other
● there was a lot of fumbling around and giggling
● you guys were laying in his bed still naked, the biggest smiles on your faces when you hear the front door open
● "Oh crap May's home where are my pants?"
● "Peter? You home? Why are there candles everywhere? And what have I told you about leaving dirty dishes in the sink?" You hear from the living room
● that was also the first time you had to sneak out of Peter's room through the fire escape after having sex
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crescentfool · 2 months
What are your ryomina headcanons? I've loved these two since I played P3 FES, and I'm so excited to get back into the fandom^^
hi!! thank you so much for the ask, welcome back to the p3 fandom, it's always a delight to see new and old ryomina fans alike! 🥺💛💙
as for headcanons, here's a "few" i that i tend to come back to a lot! my interpretations of them are influenced from both the source material and other's fanworks, so i've linked to them as i saw fit! hcs in no particular order under the cut because oops this got long (900 word bullet point list, mentions of reload content up to 1/1)
minato's hair is dyed blue (hair originally brown, you can see it in his roots!) and he has a beauty mark on under his left eye. i like mirror imagery and there's definitely a few arts i've rb'd that portray them this way :) (e.g. this one by feliichu and this one by marasschino)
as far as i'm concerned the bathhouse scene from the manga where ryoji's hair down = similar shape to minato? that is canon to me. this art from xierru is a fun depiction of hair down ryoji :D
ryoji is homeless. everyone say thank you foxmulder_whereartthou for this awesome fic it's why i have the headcanon! but like seriously. we have no idea where ryoji lives and i could believe this.
minato dying at the end of the game is sad to an outsider's POV BUT!!! ryomina gets to be together in death for the rest of their lives (this illustration from mafuwara is a gorgeous representation of them as nyx avatar + the seal)!
speaking of the seal, they are like telepathically communicating to me in the great seal together. (mymp3 had a comic wip with this. give it a looksie :D)
ryoji likes cuddling with minato because he's warm :) (something something orpheus has fire affinity, minato is warm by extension and ryoji is cold because he's death)
ryoji's camera roll is filled with pictures of minato! ryoji... loves life, to me. and i feel that photography and journaling are perfect ways of expressing gratitude and capturing the moments in life that are most important to you :3
my other favorite activity for these two is stargazing- i feel like it's something they could appreciate either in life or death (looking at the stars from the great seal...)! they do a bit of this in the fic eurydice's vow by crescentmoontea (P5R spoilers, takes place in third sem it's a very fun fic concept).
between ryoji and minato i feel like ryoji was the one who fell in love first- and it doesn't really click in place for minato that he loves ryoji until december hits (appriser reveal + ryoji transforming into thanatos). its about the realization that ryoji was with him for his whole life and that he gets him like no one else does.
ryoji is like a sad and wet puppy who is so scared minato won't like him back. he is so scared of being rejected by minato to me like. this boy straight up deflates after he does his "i know i said i wanted us to be friends, but... i actually want to be something more." / "what about you?" on 12/1 ???
AND SPEAKING of wet puppy ryoji. ryoji is like. every animal in the world to me. he's a bird. he's a cat. etc. and also ryoji knows every language in the world ever and uses it to express his love for minato. see this fic from superheroics to see what i mean.
both of them are lactose intolerant. "this isn't lactose, it's milk!" i definitely think ryoji would make himself sick eating ice cream and milk he doesn't know what lactose is. (i made a silly poll about this once and the tags were very entertaining.)
i see minato as transmasc or nonbinary depending on the day (schrodinger's headcanons babey they're simultaneously true and not true at the same time!!). either way he's not cis to me and ryoji is like. His Gender. anyway go read this fic by nail_gun for t4t ryomina :D !
ryomina are WEIRD GUYS TO ME!!! they are so strange and they understand each other better than anyone else because of the circumstances of their relationship!!! if you asked them to do the "i wonder what i taste like" meme i think they'd start biting each other (affectionate) tbh but that's just me.
after ryoji gives minato the music box in 12/31 on reload, minato listens to the music box every night in january. this boy has insomnia and also chronic illness to me (things that housing death does to you). but i think he finds comfort in the melody and memories he made with ryoji.
in general, i think it's fun to imagine minato taking ryoji to places and show him things he's interested in! i feel that ryoji takes a lot of interest in minato's life, this isn't really a hc because in reload, minato DOES give ryoji a tour of the school (11/9) and possibly port island (11/12). but ITS CUTE OK! (tangentially related fanwork: this series of doodles from vinnigami: 1, 2, and 3)
not a hc but minato's kindness is like the backbone of their relationship and i think we would not have the ryomina we know and love today if minato wasn't such a kind soul. oh minato.... we can learn so much from you... like ryoji did!
anyway! that's all the hcs that i could think of, thank you for the ask! i had a lot of fun answering this, these two mean a lot to me 💛💙
i hope you don't mind the links to the fanart and fanfic as well, the fanwork people have made for ryomina have really made an imprint on me! if you want to see more of them, i definitely recommend looking through my tag for them because oh. i got a lot of them reblogged alright 😂 (<- SOOO NORMAL)
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Let Your Fingers Do the Talking
Jake Lockley X Villain Reader
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Not Beta Read - Requested By @lunalockley
Kinks - Finger Fucking + Enemies to Lovers (I know E2L isn't a kink but that's what the generator came up with so here we are)
You're a lesser known villain who got "caught" by the infamous Moon Knight. Your specialty is a toxic violet gas that makes your victim obey your every command. How will Jake Lockley respond when he's not the one in control? - Sort of a prequel to a mini-series I have loosely planned for the far future.
NSFW, dub-con (reader committing dub con), fingering, finger fucking, enemies to lovers, mind control for sex, mind control drug, reader is a villain, Jake is MK
Word Count: 1.2k
“Get up!”
You jumped awake and after realizing where you were, a smirk crept over your face slowly. You’d heard about the secret hideout that Moon Knight would sometimes take lesser known, and less dangerous, villains to in order to get information out of them. You’d wondered when it would be your turn to be interrogated…guess that day is today. Out of the shadows stepped a man, well dressed in a white button down that was tucked into a pair of black slacks. He had a tie around his neck to match. You bit your lip and spread your legs out, making sure your pantiless cunt was easy for him to see.
“Jake Lockley,” you said seductively.
“Don’t start this bullshit. You’re going to tell me where Harrow is, or I’m going to make you talk.” He stepped closer to you, narrowing his eyes in warning.
“I don’t know where Harrow is, handsome, but if you untie me I might be able to give you…something else I think you’ll like,” you raised your eyebrows in hopes that he might give in to your flirtatious invitation.
Of course you knew where Harrow was. He was going to make sure no man had the opportunity to hurt another innocent woman again, and that was why you were helping him. Jake gave you a smug grin. Always so cocky, that one. You supposed that was part of what you liked about him. Overconfident, with the looks and fighting skills to back it up. He stepped closer, putting a hand on either side of your head and getting close to your face. He smelled good too.
“I’m not going to fall into that trap, not like those other men you lure in and then–”
“No, I don’t expect you to, you’re too clever for that aren’t you Jakey?” you asked, breaking the capsule you had hidden in your mouth and blowing your signature violet particles in Jake’s face.
“What the f–what is this?” He stepped back, wiping over his mouth and spitting on the floor. When the shock subsided, the anger kicked in. He lunged forward, gripping your throat tightly, “what the hell did you do to me puta?” He asked through clenched teeth
“You’re okay. In fact, you might even like it,” you managed to choke out.
“This is the stuff you poison your victims with, hm? So what…now I’m under your spell? Is that it?”
“Let go of me.”
His face was filled with surprise as he stepped back, releasing your throat from his firm grasp. You snickered to yourself, knowing that the normally calm and collected Jake Lockley was feeling out of his element, and completely under your control. Even the toughest and most clever men were no match for you. 
“Untie me.” You demanded, watching as he immediately went behind you and undid your restraints. You rubbed your wrists where the rope had been chafing just a little too harshly. “You know, I’m no different than you. I find guys who have either already hurt women, or who intend to, and I make them suffer. Get on your knees.”
He scowled at you and did as he was told, “you’re not like me, I put them out of their misery quickly and quietly. You torture them and then watch them bleed out. We’re not the same.”
You walked up to him, pulling up your skirt and exposing your uncovered cunt, right at his eye level.
“Oops, forgot my panties.”
“Something is wrong with you,” his tone was dark, “is this what you do to the other men too? You–”
“Why don’t you stop running that pretty mouth, and let your fingers do the talking hm?” You raised your eyebrows.
With a strong and firm hand, Jake grabbed your hip and used the other hand to start rubbing his fingers between your pussy lips. You moaned, grabbing a fistful of his dark curls and leaning into his touch. Even though you were expecting it, you gasped when you felt two of his thick digits slide into your wet channel so easily. In truth, you’d fantasized about getting the handsome Moon Knight to take you one of these days, you’d just never had the opportunity. He started pumping his fingers in and out faster.
“There you go baby, feels good,” you cooed.
He looked at you with such scorn, but you could tell he liked it too. His eyes sparkled like you’d never seen them before, like he was glad to give you what you asked for. Your special drug, the one you’d blown in his face, only served to make them obey, but they were still free within the confines of their mind. He could hate you and shout curses all he wanted, but his body was yours.
Jake’s digits were fucking you hard, punching in and out of your cunt with ease thanks to the slick juices he’d drawn out of you. You were so wet you noticed the glistening around his wrist as you soaked him. He still looked so angry, and something about that alone made your walls flutter around his dexterous fingers.
“You make the other guys you put under your spell do this too? Isn’t this the kind of thing that you kill them for?” His voice sounded angry still, but there was a slight undertone of unmistakable arousal.
“Only the good looking ones,” you said, biting your lip. “I just want them to get a taste of their own medicine, being forced to do something against their will.”
He reached his free hand up to grab your shirt and push you to the ground before climbing over you and pistoning his fingers into you harder. You grabbed onto his arms for stability, relishing in the way his muscles rippled under his skin. He moaned, which isn’t something that men normally did in this position.
“Don’t you want to–oh shit–don’t you wanna kiss me Mr. Lockley?”
With a growl he went in, fingering you roughly still while melting his mouth into yours passionately. He curled his digits in a way that pushed against that spot deep inside that made you reel from the wave of pleasure that possessed your body. You grabbed his collar tight and bit his lip so hard he started to bleed as your cunt squeezed in a vice grip around his fingers. Your deep, guttural moans filled the room until you were fully satisfied in a panting mess on the floor.
“If it’s any consolation,” you were still trying to catch your breath as you stood from the floor, “I’d put you in the top five of all the men I’ve seduced.”
“You’re disgusting, you know that?” He wiped his hand on his shirt while you readjusted your skirt and walked toward the door.
“Am I?” You giggled in the open doorway. “Oh sweet Mr. Lockley…that was such a low dose of my toxin, the effects should’ve only lasted a couple of minutes…max.”
He stood there staring at you in awe. If what you said was true, the majority of the time he’d spent with his fingers inside you was…all his own doing. Jake Lockley had never felt so played.
Jake Lockley Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Post
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apples4day · 2 months
BLAME || Yandere! TDWT x Fem! Reader
2/2 EPISODE TWO (Walk Like An Egyptian- Part 2)
This is part 4 of my series, go read the other parts if u haven’t!
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Your team was behind team Amazon, looking absolutely ridiculous all stacked up on one teeny tiny goat. They were struggling with making the camel go faster, you were struggling to trust Alejandro to not let you fall.
"We're gonna go win the race now, see ya!" Heather stuck her tongue out at us.
"Eat sand losers!" Courtney smiled.
"Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women, I'm both humbled and intrigued." Alejandro complimented. Courtney shooed him,
"Nice try but I'm with Duncan."
"And what a pity it is that you should give yourself to a quitter, who doesn't deserve you."
Alejandro was moving a lot as he talked and you were starting to get even more nervous.
"That's not- Duncan is totally- uh- you're just...will someone hurry this camel up!" Courtney was at a loss for words.
"Oh he's good. Too good..seriously what is his deal? He is just so..perfect. Don't even get me started on Y/n. UGHH"
So that's his game plan? Flirting with every girl here? As expected from him. He's got the looks for it I'm not gonna lie. You thought, staring at his face.
"If you want you can take a picture," he suggested, winking.
"What? No. You have a bug on your face." You lied.
"Do I?" He smirked.
"Yes. Oh! Oops...you're the bug." You shrugged and he looked a little surprised.
I don't usually care when someone insults me...but that felt different. A lil peak into his thoughts 🤰
Man you suck at being nice, he's just so easy to be mean to. No matter how badly you want to win.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed water. A big blue body of water. Tapping Alejandro softly on the head, you leaned in to whisper what you discovered.
"What? Do you want a kiss señorita?" He puckered up and you cringed. "No! Look, the Nile." You pointed out. He stopped and looked, smiling like he was the one who found it?? Narcissist. Man what a weirdo this guy is. You thought to yourself.
"Hold on everyone, I'm changing our route." He bucked his hips (Into me😈) in another direction and you grabbed his head. I will NOT die because I fell off a human tower. Especially because some guy moved his hips and I fell off his shoulder.
"Perhaps it would've been kind to show the girls team which way to go but you've seen my team, we need all the help we can get."
Alejandro crossed his arms.
"For some reason Y/n hasn't fallen for me. I think my best plan would be to get into an alliance with her. She isn't very social so I'll be her only option."
"There's the finish line!" Tyler pointed.
Crocodiles jumped out of the water, "flying abilities anyone?" You joked.
Chris said something you couldn't hear. Owen couldn't hear him either,
Chris kept speaking, Owen still couldn't hear. "Did you guys get any of that?"
Chris snapped his fingers and had a weird megaphone passed to him.
It was so loud that the wind got way stronger. Noah was almost blown away and had grabbed you for support. Everyone's eyes were wide open because of shock. Owen ducked and covered his head. You and Noah were basically cuddling.
There's that vanilla scent again. He thought, holding you.
Chris explained that we would have to make a boat blah blah blah.
You were a bit zoned out and only caught the last part of his sentence. Noah's hands around you were kinda the only thing you could think about, especially with your face pressed into his body. Finally zoning back in, you heard the last part of Chris' sentence. "Aka goat face over there!"
Tyler looked insulted, "hey!" You gently removed Noah from you and put your hand on Tylers shoulder, "I believe he meant the goat." You pointed to the goat. Tyler thanked you. "I'm surprised you can reach his shoulders," Noah said. He was basically making fun of you and your height. "I'm surprised you could reach the 6th grade, and I'm surprised you didn't get blown away by the wind." You retaliated. His face flushed.
"I'm the smartest person here. She doesn't know what she's talking about, she probably got held back."
He sighed.
"..she's amazing. I think my heart is gonna explode."
Chris continued explaining. "This is perfect!" Sierra seemed happy. Noah didn't,
"What? The fact that we're hosed?"
"I'm a fourth generation basket weaver!"
Owen cheered, "yeah!"
"We're gonna need a lot of reeds," Sierra rushed to start picking reeds. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. "Hey Sierra, can you teach me?"
"Of course!"
You caught on pretty quickly. Alejandro noticed, "As expected from a fierce intelligent woman, fast learning." He placed his hands on his hips and smiled as you weaved the boat together with Sierra. "Ya sei tu plan, ya para de chamuyar." You looked up at him. (Translation- I already know your plan, stop sweet talking me/flirting.)
You were on your knees to weave the basket.
I quite like this angle. He thought, since he was looking down at you.
"¿Sabes español?" (Translation- you know Spanish?)
"No pendejo, estoy hablando portuguesa." You replied sarcastically. (Translation- No idiot/asshole, I'm speaking Portuguese.)
The team was looking at you guys. He continued anyways, even though it would raise suspicion. "Espera hasta que estamos solitos para hablar de..esto." (Translation- wait until we are alone to talk about..this.)
You nodded in agreement and kept weaving. Noah gave you a look, and you simply smiled innocently at him. He swears his stomach flipped upside down when you looked at him. Team Amazon finally showed up.
"Basket weave a boat? UGHH" Heather complained. Sierra stopped weaving and got up to talk to team Amazon. You reached out to grab her but she had already walked away. "Sorry you guys are so far behind, our baskets nearly done already thanks to my speed weaving!"
This doesn't look good, you thought.
"Plus you got Owen on your team, lucky!" Izzy said.
"But you have Cody." Sierra ran to Cody, pressing him into her chest. He looked disgusted. "I know Cody, I wish we were on the same team too!" He looked miserable. "Uhh I have to do..something." He ran away as fast as possible. "Cody has been wanting a girl for awhile. Guess he just didn't want some crazy stalker," you said to Noah. Noah looked away, he couldn't handle looking at you for some reason. It was all odd to him, he wasn't the type to like a girl like this or at least this badly.
You didn't notice his pink cheeks, all because you started a conversation with him just now. "Aww you guys are so cute together!" Izzy referred to Sierra and Cody. Noah wished she meant you and him. "Maybe we could swap teams?" Sierra made a hand gesture, Heather considered it.
"Trade a basket case for a basket weaver? Fine! Sierra, you're with us. Izzy..go play with the boys!" Heather shooed. "Do I look like a boy to you?" You rolled your eyes. Heather waved at you, still trying to make an alliance. "What?!" Alejandro looked mad about the swap.
Sierra began building their boat even quicker. Probably for Cody. Team Amazon laughed at Heather thinking she was the boss. You giggled too. Noah kept staring at you and then turning away when you went to look at him. Alejandro was still stuck on the swap, "where's Chris? He won't allow this."
Chris pulled up on a boat. Sierra immediately went to sweet talk him. "Did somebody-" Chris was cut off by Sierra hugging his feet. "Todays officially the best day of my life! So I really hope you allow us to swap. But of course you'll make the best decision cause you're the best decider ever!!"
"And that's why I'm going to allow it!"
"Smiley face!! Ahhh!!"
Chris waved goodbye and you gave him the most betrayed look ever. His smile dropped for some reason at that. The boat pulled away, and he stared at you as he went back to the other side. "As you wish.." Alejandro was defeated. Heather stuck her tongue out at him and he blew her a kiss. You rolled your eyes and bit your lip, trying not to say something.
Sierra already finished, even putting a hut on the boat. Your team complained and you stood up, crossing your arms. "I hope their boat sinks or that the camel refuses to get in." You mumbled, your team heard anyways and Noah chuckled, so did Izzy. "Don't give up! We still have a shot!"
"Al's right! Thanks Al."
You saw Alejandro shiver at that nickname and decided to get in a bit of teasing. You walked over to him, leaning down a bit because he was on one knee. "You cold? Why are you shivering?" You teased, getting even closer. "Uh..yes. It's cold in here." Noah glanced over, "dude it's the fucking desert. Y/n don't get too close to him, you might catch a disease." You giggled. Alejandro glared at Noah.
"So you're cold?" You touched his forehead with the back of your hand. "Don't feel cold...maybe you should let us all know what you like to be called." You continued teasing, walking back to Noah. Noah almost looked like he was gonna grab your wrist to get you away from Alejandro. Meanwhile Alejandro still looked traumatized from being called Al. He also looked like he was gonna strangle Noah.
"I have no problem being called..Al." He shivered again. "Uhhh that wasn't- it's just- chilly..in here." He shivered again but it was fake this time. He looked around.
"Also that Noah kid..he needs to back off. From me and Y/n, he's like her dog and this is only the second episode."
(Alejandro doesn't know I'm about to make him the same way😭🙏)
Team victory finally arrived and team Amazon was struggling to get their camel in the boat. "Izzy! Tell Ruby to get in the boat." Izzy began speaking to the goat at the command of Courtney. "Woahhh woah, Izzy's on our team now. Not yours." Noah stated. You touched Izzy's curly ginger hair for a moment in awe and then spoke, "not a word pretty lady." You found her pretty, so why not call her pretty? Though you might look a bit lesbian, which you are, it doesn't matter. (Y/n is bisexual by the way, js a reminder)
"Ooh fun!" Izzy treated it like a game. "Fine! We'll do it ourselves. C'mon." Courtney said. They struggled with the camel. The boat was finally finished, the back looking a bit wonky since it was done by everyone but Sierra. "It floats! Awesome!" Owen cheered. Alejandro whistled to the goat, which immediately ran to his arms.
Team victory also finished building. You were rowing behind Noah, and in front of Alejandro and his weird goat. "We're gonna win fair and square..but to make sure you believe that..talk to the camel." Alejandro gave Izzy the go to talk to the camel. You spoke up, "what? No! Don't do it Izzy. Are you trying to make us lose Alejandro?"
Alejandro looked down at you, "we won't. And if we do lose because of me, you can sleep on me in economy." You grimaced, "like I'd wanna." Alejandro nodded at Izzy to continue. She started talking to the camel who immediately got in team amazons boat after she told it to.
The musical bell went off. "Time for a musical reprise!"
Everybody groaned. "Hey! If you'd finished the song the first time you wouldn't be here now, Zeke! Start singing. And put your backs into it." Chris looked like he enjoyed everyone's misery. He definitely did.
Pick or make your own part again 🤷‍♀️
Team Amazon passed you guys, as you said they would. So your team got second and team victory got last. "Congrats! You're alive. And as long as you all brought your rewards across the finish line, there will be no eliminations tonight." Most people cheered at the news, you were too busy glaring at Alejandro.
"I lost the stick..heh." Ezekiel said, his whole team looked at him in anger. Chris chuckled. "Sucks to be you."
"Losing Sierra to Heather? Ehh tragic. But I still have the upper hand, the president of Cody's fan club doesn't know a thing about me. No one does, and I intend to keep it that way. Compared to me, Heathers a saint. Well...I guess Y/n thinks she has me figured out. She doesn't even know a quarter of it though."
"Y/n is...a valuable asset. Noah keeps getting in my way though."
You were pissed sitting in economy. You were sitting in between Noah and Alejandro. "So? What do you have to say? I literally told you not to let Izzy talk to the camel! You didn't listen." You complained, leaning back. "Now we're stuck on this stupid wooden bench in this very sketchy area of the plane." Alejandro only looked at you as you ranted about his mistake. "I apologize cariño, I'll make it up to you," he grabbed your hand, attempting to kiss it.
Noah scoffed, "quit it Prince Charming." He grabbed your wrist, pulling it away from Alejandro's grasp. "That's no way to grab a lady." Alejandro said.
"Suck it," you scooted away from Alejandro. "I'd take his touch over yours any day, Al." You taunted, using the name he oh so hated against him. He shivered.
"Necesitemos hablar, sígueme. Y por favor, para de usar ese nombre." Alejandro said, standing up and walking into the confessional. He wanted the world to see how he made you his puppet. (Translation- we need to talk, follow me. And please stop using that name.)
But something is making him wanna make you more than just a puppet. Make you his.
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NOT proofread.
Part 5 ALREADY out
As I said in earlier chapters, Y/n is hinted to be short.
Alsooo my Spanish is Argentinian and Mexican..as I am Argentinian and Mexican so don't say anything🤷‍♀️
Part five⬇️
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