#i think you may be the first person to have ever used my inbox tbh
riftiee · 9 months
i shall be honest i have not heard of hld before stumbling across ur blog but i am Curious now, it looks very cool!!! what is it about?
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hi!! oh, uh, wow, that is a very dangerous question to ask me. (/lh) well, i will still try my best to answer a little, but forgive me, i am not always the most articulate without rambling too much !
[tw for mention of illness]
Please keep in mind there is a TON TON TON of other lore/implied lore that you can dig into, and this is just my sleepy rambling about one part... Uh, there may be a few little spoilers, but really nothing that goes too far into the game :]
The main plot of HLD follows the Drifter (the main character), who is terminally(?) ill with an unknown sickness.
(gif taken from opening cinematic)
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the Drifter finds himself in a place known as the Land of Light, where he follows a jackal-like entity, who we call Anubis as he searches for a cure to his illness. he is faced with the main antagonist, a being known as Judgement, or the Immortal Cell (which is presumably the source of the Drifter's disease), as he journeys though the Land of Light.
(gif taken from opening cinematic)
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all that being said, i wont say anything more here (at least, not in this post) as it would likely spoil things, and there's also just a lot of stuff i could get into, and it would take me forever to cover it all.
this game is overall super charming, beautiful, and significant... not only are the visuals and story, in my opinion, unforgettable, but the soundtrack and sound design is also beautifully made. it may not be for everyone, and that's okay; but for me, it really is a special thing. of course we are not all the same, you would likely experience it very differently than i have/do, but in full honesty, [mild tw?] i don't know if i would be around today without this game. Hyper Light Drifter, and the Heart Machine group and community, changed the trajectory of my life, in the best way freakin' possible.
uh, anyways, yeah, sorry for all that rambling, i do tend to get rather passionate about this game (gee, real shocker huh), but i hope that at least kinda answered your question?
( my messages/inbox/whatnot are always open to chat about not only HLD stuff, but really anything <3 )
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msphoenixx · 8 months
May I request NY and Texas hc’s 👁️👁️
Ahhh thank you so much for the ask!! And my first one ever I think, I didn’t have my inbox open when I used this account ages ago. Sorry I responded so late, the universe decided I wouldn’t have free time after I made my intro post lol. Anyway, some Texas hcs:
Texas has a MASSIVE amount of religious trauma in addition to everything he went through with his dad. Behind the mask he’s a very insecure person. Poor guy needs a hug and some therapy (tbh all of these guys need therapy).
He secretly loves gardening flowers, but he was never allowed to do it growing up because it was “too feminine” of an activity. He now grows both food and flowers. I think his favorites are bluebonnets (of course), and sunflowers. He only shares his garden with people he’s very close to.
Will literally melt into a puddle around any animal, but especially dogs and reptiles. He has two dogs and a bunch of reptiles as pets. A large room at his personal residence is dedicated to his pets. He has lizards, snakes, and a tortoise.
He 100% knows Spanish, but he’s just a little rusty from lack of use.
He can play the accordion and the guitar, but the guitar is his favorite.
I think that the states would be able to change form (both willingly and unwillingly), but I think most of them have a form that they like using the most. I keep switching on what I think Texas’s default form would look like. I think he’s very tan and has dark brown, almost black hair but sometimes I see him with a lighter brown hair color. He has either wavy or curly hair. He’s around 6’5 and very muscular.
New York:
Rarely goes anywhere without some kind of hat. It doesn’t always have to be a beanie, but he needs something on his head to be comfortable.
Considering he has NYC, he probably has excellent fashion sense. He can probably make regular loungewear look like it belongs on the runway
Will only be vulnerable around Jersey and their kids (huge Yorksey fan lol).
Severe PTSD and anxiety from everything throughout his history. Tbh I think the entire northeast deals with that. They can kind of sense when one of them is having a bad day and they help each other out in their own weird ways.
So many pets. So many. Rats, mice, pigeons, cats, and dogs. Every time he brings another animal home, Jersey just doesn’t have the heart to say no.
Is good friends with the Canadian provinces, especially Ontario and Quebec since they’re the closest.
He knows Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and probably some Chinese. He likes learning new languages.
New York’s default form is kinda of like a nutty brown hair, very pale skin, and he usually has some amount of facial hair. He’s around 5’11 or 6 ft. He isn’t very muscular but has more of a bulky body type? Not sure how to describe it.
I hope this wasn’t too rambly but thank you again for the ask!
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boqvistsbabe · 7 months
Hey Y’all!!
Here is the start of hopefully monthly updates. I know in my last update I said I was going to be more consistently here and active. Obviously, that didn’t happen lol. Trying to hold myself to that rn. So this is probably going to be the format for all of my update posts, just so they are easier to follow.
So I am almost completely done with the blog refresh. I think all that is left is updating links and getting some other posts (ex: theme days) made/redone. Most of that got put on the back burner due to how long they were going to take lol. But hopefully, over Spring Break, I’ll be able to get those done (no promises, another thing I’m trying to do, is be more realistic about what I want to get done by when so). 
Writing/Other Content:
Ik I said I’d write more. Once again didn’t really happen. Well, I have written a decent bit, but never finished anything. There is one fic that I am going to try and work on after this week (midterms lol) and have someone look over it (the first time I’ve had a beta reader, look at me go lol). Like the blog as a whole, I am trying to organize my writing, like requests and my ideas and what is going out when etc. (@ any of the other writers if you have any suggestions of what to/where to organize my stuff so it doesn’t get all confusing and mixed up you should def let me know). Speaking of requests, I am going to try and do at least two requests a month. That doesn’t sound like a lot but for me, that feels like something I can realistically do. I will be doing old requests first because even though they are years old at this point, I liked the ideas so I genuinely want to write them. I am still going to be accepting new requests (esp because sometimes that helps spark creativity/help with writer’s block so feel free to send in any ideas!!) but I will try to get those older ones done first. As for any other content (playlists, moodboards, IG edits, drawings, etc.) I am also taking requests for those so feel free to send in any of those requests too. 
Another Blog?!
As of rn the second hockey blog has not been “released”. I want to catch up on things for this blog before I throw that into the mix and try to grow that as well. I am hoping to add that sometime this summer. Also, I do technically have a sideblog already (@samistheman) which is normally where I reblog random things, and I don’t really have tags for that blog I just kinda willy-nilly reblog there (it used to be mostly PJO stuff but now that’s kind of here because of how much of it there is lol).
Life Update:
College is a lot rn. I’m doing 17 credit hours and tbh do not know what possessed me to do that. At first, I was doing pretty good, but now not so much. Like I said earlier I have midterms this week. If y’all didn’t know this, I’m shit at taking tests so not doing great rn. Thankfully one of my classes ends on Sunday so at least I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life recently that is impacting a lot so trying to navigate that as well. I am moving out in May, which is yes months from now but there is still a lot that I need to do beforehand. Anyway, I’m going to a college hockey game on Thursday and I am super excited. I haven’t been able to go to a game since October. Also little fun update, I’m going on a weekend (work) trip to Boston. Super excited for that. I’ll be getting to go to a Celtics game and a Red Sox game (I’m a Royals girlie tho). I’ve never been to an NBA game so that’s for sure gonna be really cool. I’ve been to many MLB games before but this will be my first at a different stadium. Anyway, I think that is it for this update. Hope y’all are doing well!!
As usual, if y’all ever want to talk dms/inbox are open <3
I am going to tag some moots, I am totally forgetting some people so I am sorry for that (if y'all could reblog that would be amazing)
@2manytabsopen @krugstrash @jimmystrudel @andreburakozy @sidneycrosbyhoe @fallinallincurls @timstuetzle @typical-simplelove @ilyasorokinn @drei-mrssvechii
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
hi hello! you asked for asks, so this is me asking you about something i like to think about way too much, feel free to answer :)
(and also, I'm dumping my 2am thoughts on this in your inbox, which i sincerely apologise for) (you have been warned)
soo, do you have any fav hc on how immortal merlin would go through life?
i personally like to think that he would truly live. by that i mean he'd surely have dark and reclusive episodes, maybe going temporarily insane or spending a century trapped in a tree but there'd also be the light and hopeful moments. he would travel the world and learn about other cultures and other types of magic, find and lose new friends, adopt some children and both magical and non magical creatures along the way. he would grow more powerful and feel more responsibility for everything happening around him. after trying to alter history, perhaps successfully even but still failing to save so many, he would eventually come to the conclusion that he has no authority to decide the course of history for people that are born into entirely different centuries than he was.
at some point he would come back to his home island and marvel at the world changing so rapidly around him. he'd still have his soft spot and empathy for the humans surrounding him, but he'd start wondering if he ever was or ever would be one of them. the rise of science and technology would give him an excellent chance to keep himself busy and learn new things, even aged about one and a half millenia.
in the year 2023 he would live as his younger self in a small house overflowing with books and plants in rural wales. if you look close enough you might be able to spot a few cats that may or may not be dragons roaming around. a network of robotic davices spans through the whole house, that magically connected truly make it a smart home. nobody is quite sure how merlin does it but he has by far the most reliably working wifi in the whole village which is open for anyone to use, so teenagers gather in his garden like flocks of birds around food in the winter. merlin himself usually can be found there enjoying a cup of tea in the evening after days of meeting old friends, working on five projects in four different continents at the same time and trying to keep the sudden influx of dragon populations under wraps. it is a good life and he is enjoying himself as much as he can without the government noticing that there is definitely something off about him.
on bad days, when the years weigh down on him and he feels like a stone chained to his ankle is dragging him down to the bottom of his memories, he turns into an old man and visits the not-very-lakey-anymore lake of avalon to allow himself to dwell in the past for jusy a moment.
on his way back a truck drives past him way to fast but merlin doesn't even bat his eye as keeps on walking....
aaand we've come full circle, yay.
so yeah, these are some of my thoughts and man, there are so many more, i hope you enjoyed i guess?
BABE I LOVE THIS HEADCANON!!!! consider it accept by me and being used by me as well <3
tbh this is a new headcanon of mine, but I really like the idea of Merlin being pen pals with other immortals. basically forming an immortals’ support group (the other co-founder is Sun Wukong bc I said so).
idk I think it would be fun just have a sitcom-like story of Merlin writing letters to his immortal friends about his life and his past lives and stuff that they all relate to
Dear Keanu, I really enjoyed your film “The Matrix” brought back some old memories!
Dear Wukong, You will not believe the week I had! Some girl found Excalibur in the lake and Freya won’t allow me to steal it back from her despite the girl NOT being the Once and Future King 😤 I did find a compromise where Leon and I would give her lessons but we had to keep Excalibur since it was such a deadly weapons (she was a rough cookie, but we got her parents to crack first!)
those kind of letters :3
idk I just think it would be fun
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tumbleweedtech · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Thanks @losersimonriley <3
how many works do you have on ao3? 69 (heh)
what's your total ao3 word count? 397,040
what fandoms do you write for? Right now? CoD. Previously? Critical Role and the Witcher (mostly Games)
top five fics by kudos Standing on the Precipice - Lambert/Jaskier, unfinished. (Sorry. I'll get back to it sometime.) The Viscount - Lambert/Jaskier (my first published fanfic omg be nice to it) Treasure - Jaskier, hints of Lambert/Jaskier. Lettenhove - Eskel/Jaskier and Lambert/Aiden Epilogue fic Bones - Ugh, Eskel/Jaskier ish, I don't even really like this one.
do you respond to comments? I... try to? I do respond to many of them. My inbox is very, very full because the nicest comments I leave in there to cheer me up on bad days. I appreciate all of them.
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? You were Spring , probably. I'm not sure. I do tend to love a good deep ache. The pain makes the softness feel deserved.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Viscount , probably. Happy ending, everybody lives.
do you get hate on fics? Nah. Every now and then there's someone who borders on rude on my witcher fics, but I just delete them. So far I've been lucky and my CoD and CR fics have met with kindness.
do you write smut? Sometimes, largely when goaded or doing so to harass a friend.
craziest crossover: I don't know if it counts as a crossover, but I did There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury from the point of view of Kaer Morhen.
have you ever had a fic stolen? No?
have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, Three.
have you ever co-written a fic before? Yep. And while they aren't usually listed as authors, largely because they argued with me about it, @hungarianbee and @piranhaincaps are often major, massive, absolutely essential to some of the fics I've written because they somehow manage to poke the braincells into trundling along in the correct direction. There's a few lovelies in my discord server who are excellent at coaxing my ridiculously skittish muse back to the page.
all time favorite ship? Truly, no idea. There's so many ships (romantic and platonic) that just fill me with joy. I love, love stories and I love to break apart a character and see how they'd react under different circumstances, with different motivations. It's fun. I will say the only ship art I have on my walls (so far) is pacrimau!ghoap, and johnlock.
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There was a Scheherazade fic I had wanted to write but it ... well. Sometimes when you spin stories with other people, the story ends up reminding you too much of that person and you don't wanna write it anymore.
what are your writing strengths? I have no idea. I think I'm most pleased with when I succeed in showing you the emotion in a moment without saying "He was sad." Oh! I am also quite proud of how practiced I have become in writing characters without using any pronouns (or epithets, thank you) for them. I have two characters (one OC, one ... rare char that's basically an OC) that prefer their name, and it's given me a lot of practice. It makes me happy. I prefer my name, too.
what are your writing weaknesses? Tenses.
thoughts on dialogue in another language? Get over it, nearly every browser has translate abilities, no matter how remedial they may be. If it makes sense, if the character does and would switch, do it. Especially if that language is important to the story or the character itself. However - uerhg. Sometimes it's really, really jarring when people use the language in ways that bilingual people just don't.
first fandom you wrote in? Witcher. My first fic was this one: The Viscount . I've considered going back to fix it up but.... tbh? Nah. Let it live as it was birthed. I wrote that 70k monster in ... 12? days. There's bound to be errors.
favorite fic you've written? Essea Eate, probably.
Now for tagging... @jayofolympus-writes, @major-trouble, @frenchkey, @on-a-lucky-tide, and my beloved @hungarianbee. (Only tagging 5 to give the rest of you people to tag lololol
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moonjxsung · 6 months
hi baby angel🫶🏻
thank you for being literally the sweetest person ever!! i truly find so much comfort in your inbox! so i’m sorry if im annoying but i’ll never stop😅 thanks for bringing such a safe space for us💕 you’re the best! i have no words, just love!
i hope this isn’t overwhelming but imma vent a lil. bc i feel like im talking my ear off to my bf everyday so i might as well vent here to new people😂 so it’s been a tough couple of years in general. i’m kinda like super depressed and have been for like most of my life (i used to go to a psychologist but she dropped me but im waitlisted for one rn)! when i got surgery last year, i realized i don’t really love what i study. but i kept going to at least get my masters and everything was okay until this semester. im kinda failing a class (and i might be held back a year to repeat it) and i have intense impostor syndrome over it. and tbh idk if i’ll repeat it if i get held back. i’ve been thinking about taking a break after i take the tests to get my masters (which are this summer and i haven’t even had time, energy or motivation to study).
then there’s lolla! which im soooo excited for but it was such an impulsive decision. and i don’t really have much income from my assistantship job. so im not even sure i can get my hotel reservation and plane tickets until like May and that has me anxious af. this is one of my dream trips and im kinda scared for it. i don’t think i’ll cancel it or anything but i get so stressed about it amidst literally all the chaos in my life. so yeah this is trip would be my (and my bf’s) master’s graduation gift and my birthday trip as well. and i really want it to go as smoothly as possible. im kinda anxious for everything. which brings me to taking my meds again🥲 i kinda hate them bc they make me feel unproductive but i started again bc i was being unproductive anyways so at least im not as anxious anymore.
and on a lighter note, i really really want a tattoo but i can’t get another one until after lolla😭😭😭 and i had one planned for before summer but skz is first 🛐
anyways im equal parts excited and anxious for lolla! i can’t wait to see all those artists! and of course my other angel baby minho, the literal love of my life!
and this is the end of my venting session🥲 i hope i didn’t overwhelm you or anything! thank you for providing a safe space for us to express ourselves!
i love you sosososo much bb💕 have the best week and month and year! take care of yourself too!😘
My angel! 👼💞 First off, thank you for being so open with me about this, it’s so not easy to be this vulnerable with your emotions but this must have taken you so much courage and I’m so proud of you for talking about it and admitting that you’re not doing so great. That takes so so so much bravery!!!!!
I struggle with really bad impostor syndrome too and TRUST me when I say I’ve failed courses or had to repeat things in the past. School is by NO means an easy thing and especially not when you’re struggling with your mental health. You’re doing the best that you can given the circumstances and even if you can’t see a psychologist just yet (been there on the waitlist, it’s not easy!!) you’re bravely taking your medication again and doing something to combat your anxiety and that’s a MAJOR start. From acknowledging how you feel, to starting your meds again and even if you DO need to take a course, you can only move up from here. Feeling like you’re at rock bottom can be a good thing in hindsight because it forces you to look up at all the opportunities that still lie ahead for you- seeing results from meds, securing a psychologist down the line, even retrying a tough course or needing some extra time if you need it. None of this is a race, either, life is just a series of events and there’s absolutely no set time you HAVE to finish something. If you need to take some time to yourself or repeat a course or there’s ANY curveball thrown your way, the universe isn’t going to end because you needed a little more time. You’re only human, you go at your own pace and your story doesn’t have to mirror anybody else’s. It’s YOUR life and you’re doing pretty fucking amazing if I say so myself. Take some time to give yourself a little credit- think how many courses you’ve completed up until now, how many times you’ve reached out for help, even just how many rough days you’ve lived through. You’ve LIVED through all of that! Not just lived- you’ve THRIVED. You’re here, existing, still finding the joy in little things and doing it so gracefully and your shortcomings do not undermine any of your successes. Be proud of yourself and take a minute to acknowledge the things you’ve succeeded in along the way.
And about Lolla- May is still PLENTY of time to be able to book your hotel/flight to see the boys! That’s still like 2 months before the festival! Concerts can be really fucking stressful but don’t let this be a source of stress for you the way your job and the rest of life’s chaotic things are. This is meant to be a fun, relaxing birthday gift to yourself and in just thinking that way it’s bound to go well.
When I attended Global Citizen back in September, I hadn’t flown to New York in over 10 YEARS, and I was nervous out of my MIND. 3 days before the festival, they announced the skz car accident. I was a crying wreck. The flight there was delayed, the festival had rumors of being canceled due to hurricane weather, my sister and I didn’t get a WINK of sleep the night before and we were in TERRIBLE moods when we first got to the airport. My eyes were swollen from crying over half of skz not attending and my sister was stressing about how much money we spent considering it might be canceled anyway. Guess what we did? We planned our cutest outfits for the airport, we got some amazing airport breakfast, we sat down and we said let’s be in good moods for this whole trip. No exceptions. No more crying, no more sulking- let’s just stay positive. We planned out what to do in New York in case the festival was canceled, and every single hardship that happened after that we simply laughed about. We waited around 13 hours in line in the POURING rain to see 3racha, fought a girl in line and had to stand in wet mud to see them perform. And guess what?? We met the sweetest girls ever in line, laughed about everything, we bought ponchos together, we cheered for every artist, we got to watch 3racha and Jungkook, and I thoroughly believe everything went just fine because we chose not to stress about it even if it was the worst case scenario. I promise you even if there’s any stress involved, Lolla is going to be fantastic and you and your bf are going to have so much fun. And worst case scenario if you can’t go, tour is just around the corner! Skz aren’t going anywhere! Also second you on the tattoo bit- I’m itching for some new ink too but I think I’ll have to hold off for a bit 🥹 it’s okay! The time will pass anyways 🫶
Ending this longggg blurb with this tale of my New York trip- we left the 3racha show at around 11pm, and even though it was POURING rain, I said to my sister “let’s walk back to the hotel!” Mind you this walk was almost an hour long through the busy streets of New York, we were wearing skirts and had already been standing for nearly 15 hours at this point. But that’s exactly what we did- we walked home, stopped by a coffee shop on the way to the hotel that just happened to be open and had our first food (sorta) in HOURS. Passed by so many kind people on the way there, craned our necks up to look at the giant buildings and just dance in the rain. We took pictures of everything, beaming and on a complete high from having seen 3racha perform after such a rough day. It was absolutely magical. I vented to my sister about missing Felix, in particular, and then about an hour away from Central Park in a random dark alley, I looked down- and there’s a concrete drawing that just says “Felix”. Nothing else around, no sign of construction work or wet concrete. Just a random sign- to this day I take it as a good omen that you have to look for the good in every little thing. Walk home in the rain, laugh about the curveballs life may throw your way, give yourself some credit for at least trying. You might find a late night coffee shop and your bias wrecker in the concrete along the way… :)
All my love sweet angel. As always, I am always here for you. You’re doing just fine 💖💘💓💕💞🩷🫶
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wastemanjohn · 10 months
fic quiz
tagged by the wonderful @nameslikeguns, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 38! Got two WIPs cooking so hopefully I'll hit 40 by the new year :)
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for? Literally just SPN these days. I do tend to just write for one fandom for years at a time though!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
when i'm down on my knees you're how i pray
someone forever warm
when i hear your lips make a sound
and if you crave it then you know that you are injured
i don't mean to suggest that i loved you the best
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes - eventually. I am always so happy and grateful for comments, they fuel me, but I'm bad at replying to them bc as @nameslikeguns said I can find it difficult to respond bc I find kind words hard to know how to respond to. IRL if someone compliments me I tend to just squirm lmao so my responses to comments are the online equivalent of that I guess! I tend to just scattergun reply to my whole inbox all at once when I feel brave enough.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh gosh; as someone who mostly writes angst this is really difficult to say! Most of my endings are *~angsty~*. but I guess the first that came to mind is i don't mean to suggest that i loved you the best.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? That's easy lmao. so many moving parts or maybe some unholy war, which is a fic I forget about because i wrote it so early on... but it has a happyish ending!
8. Do you get hate on fics? i don't know about hate but i've had the odd pass agg anon here and there who wanted to tell me my edgelording triggered their IBS or about how much they hate john. Just makes me lol tbh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Is the pope Catholic... :) Yeah my fics are predominantly smutty but I don't write a lot of straightforward porn these days (I want to but the muse doesn't take me there). Wanky as this is going to sound I usually build the story around the smut so I can get horny and Make A Point at the same time. Works pretty well for me!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I used to write a ton of bandslash back in thr day and that quite often involved crossovers from different, er, bands. I'm not going to talk anymore about that though lmao.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not fully stolen to my knowledge but there was a fic going around tumblr recently that had quite clearly borrowed heavily and too specifically from this fic to be a coincidence. The person in question when my friend investigated was actually a minor so... it felt really difficult to do anything about it lol, I'm not about to go after a child on the internet. So I just made a pass agg reblog of the original fic instead like "Hey recognise this?" like the mature and sensible adult I am. But BELIEVE the bee in my bonnet is still buzzing about that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes in my previous fandom I had a few translated into Chinese and Russian! That was really cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes several back in my bandslash days... I wish I could refind my Franz Ferdinand girlies from LJ and confess that I was one of the people behind "the dark!fic" lmao. (Or maybe not bc I was like 14 and had no business being in that community or posting what I was posting).
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? John/the world. I want that old man to fuck everyone. Or possibly get fucked by everyone depending on where the mood is taking me.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Serial killer John may be one of my roman empires and yet it lies in googledocs gathering dust. One of my resolutions for 2024 is to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Ugh these questions make me feel so awkward lmao. I mean... I think I have quite a good range? Which is feedback I get quite a lot so hopefully there's some truth in it! And I think I'm quite good at imagery and emotional pacing ig? I'm not sure what else to call it. Also in the vein of common feedback anyway.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? SELF DOUBT. Honestly mate if I wasn't bogged down with that shit so much I'd be dangerous 🤪 It does make me write slowly and abandon a lot of stuff I start but I'm working on it. From a technical standpoint though I do struggle with plot. I think I'm more of a vibes/moment in time writer than an epic plot writer which does gall me lol. But yeah - I definitely struggle with longer works because I struggle with keeping things cohesive and overwriting/explaining then just overwhelming myself. Again, a resolution to work on for 2024. I also feel like I struggle with dialogue sometimes; if it doesnt magically come to me fully formed which is rare I'll really have to work at it. Trust me if you've ever written a dialogue heavy fic from me then just know that chances are said dialogue will have chopped and changed and been edited within an inch of its life.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I can only speak English sadly and have ultimate respect for people who write in a language that is not their first. That's just so amazing to me.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The White Stripes. Lmao. There were quite a lot of us back in the day.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Hands down i heard love is blind. sharp teeth dry heat and when the stiff wind blows are close seconds because i lived my goddamn truth with both of those fics 🥲 And I have a somewhat complicated relationship with what it is but I'm happy that it exists and i'm happy that it still does the rounds occasionally!
tagging @amiwritesthings @castratedsamwinchester @spnyuri @lovetranasction @beautyandthebeastiality @babybrothershaped and whoever else wants to do this idk who is and isn't writing atm lol
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stereax · 1 year
if someone is accused of sexual assault im not jumping through hoops to find them innocent, you wrote all that for what? the case is incredibly distressing for me as a victim myself so i haven’t read the full details and tbh i refuse to. him being a 4th liner is such a moot point?? him being the 7th player who may have witnessed it and not partaken - that’s a hypothetical you’re willing to believe but not the very real possibility that he was involved? sorry just not following your analysis.
First off, I want to apologize for the delay in this reply. I try to keep my inbox clean and reply quickly, but this one needed time to marinate. I hope you can forgive me for this; I didn't mean to make you feel as if I wasn't listening.
I think we see the situation different ways, anon. Let me tell you a story of my own - I'll try to make it brief.
It's the summer of 2019, and a fifteen-year-old Stereax is sitting in a police station. There are two officers across from them - one man, one woman. On the table between them are printouts of messages. Stereax takes a look at these printouts - the messages contain strong suicidal and homicidal tones, ranging from murdering their parents to smuggling a bomb on campus and blowing up their school.
"Did you write these?" the man officer asks. Stereax denies it. "They came from an account with your email address," he informs them. They explain that the account must have been hacked. The conversation pivots around as the officers probe into the kid's life, trying to figure out whether they would be the type of person to write these messages. Their relations with their parents are fine, school is going great, they don't feel depressed because why would they? The officers look at each other, clearly frustrated. The man takes a breather; the woman clicks her pen as she writes notes.
The man returns after a few minutes, his shirt now tucked into his belt so the handcuffs on the belt are clearly visible. He sits down at the table again. "Stereax," he explains, "If you're not going to talk to us, we're going to have to detain you until we investigate and figure out the truth."
"How long is that going to be?" they ask.
"A few days or so."
The child cracks. They spin a story that the officers want to hear, hoping that agreeing and going along with the police will get them out of the police station. They show their unblemished wrists when asked about self-harm but claim it was long ago. The police officers decide that, for public safety, they're going to have the kid checked into a short-term mental facility.
Through all of this, Stereax was never afforded the right to counsel, nor were they ever told this right existed. They were presumed guilty, and, when the interrogation was not going in the direction the police wanted it to go, the officers used threats to get the child to tell them what they wanted.
The change in young Stereax's story - the change that reverted itself instantly when there was no longer a fear of jail time for perceived noncompliance - led many of the staff at the mental facility to believe that the child was delusional. The first practitioner who evaluated them on entry was appalled at the perceived lack of understanding of reality and stated outright that she believed a thirty-day booking was necessary at minimum. The truth only came out a few days later, when the head psychologist, in a one-on-one discussion with the child and their parents, asked why they would write such messages on the internet. Stereax's response? "I didn't, not really, but the cops said they'd arrest me if I didn't play along, so I told them what they wanted to hear. I guess I've always had a hyperactive imagination, so it was easy to make them believe it. I write a lot of stories and roleplay on the internet. It's pretty easy to make things up."
This is a true story, anon.
...I think one of the reasons we're differing in our viewpoint is because of our different life experiences. You see this from the side of the victim. I look at it from the perspective of the person who is being accused. From the victim's eyes, it only makes sense to blacklist McLeod's name (and others'), put Xs over the letters on the metaphorical Cups, and generally execute scathing damnatio memoriae over every member of that roster. From the eyes of the accused, however, the story is much different. McLeod has not even been accused, yet many already jump the gun and say he is guilty.
And this is where we get to the legal thinking. Every person, no matter how heinous the crimes they may have committed, deserves counsel and defense (in a legal setting). This is true whether in the States or in Canada. Every person has the presumption of innocence - the idea that you are innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof rests on the accusers, not the accused. This is often maligned with regards to rape cases, where it can be manipulated to illogical conclusions; namely, that those who accuse others of rape are lying and that the words of a victim are not enough to conclude that the crime happened. (In fact, this is a hotly-contested legal debate; how do we protect and support victims of sexual assault while still maintaining the rights of defendants? I do not consider myself nearly educated enough to have a concrete opinion on this.) Despite this, the presumption of innocence is still the standard that we apply in court, and it is the same moral standard that I uphold - that I must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt to label someone as guilty.
Yes, the legal system can be flawed, and justice can be dispensed unfairly, but the alternative is essentially witch trials and public stonings. We are not omnipotent; any system of humans judging humans is bound to be imperfect. However, a system where facts and reasoning are cast to the wayside in favor of conclusions without any evidence is not one that is sustainable.
The victim has not (publicly, at least) named any of her assaulters. If she had done so, this would be a far different situation, and this post would be far different as well. As it stands, we have 22 players on the 2018 WJC Canada roster and all we know is that at least one is implicated in this rape. You can pick any or all of these players and say they were involved, but that assertion, with nothing else to support it, does not make those players rapists. (You are within your rights to avoid content of these players, however. It's your internet experience, so curate it to your liking and what makes you comfortable.)
And this is where we end up - at the end of the day, in my opinion, I do not have enough evidence to conclusively say McLeod is guilty. Until the report comes out (and the longer we wait, the more skeptical I become that it's ever coming out), I will not have enough evidence to say he is guilty. I do not have enough information to draw that conclusion. This does not mean I assert innocence; rather, I presume it.
In the original post on the topic, I presented a bundle of circumstantial evidence that makes me believe that McLeod may not be guilty. If this bundle of evidence, painstakingly collected, corrected, and fact-checked for the benefit of the reader, is believed to be my "jumping through hoops" to "prove" McLeod's innocence, then I will play Devil's advocate (pun intended). I cannot prove or disprove innocence, especially not to the point required in a court of law and especially not with the dearth of information we have; I can only analyze the situation as I currently see it and offer my arguments and counterarguments.
It's funny, actually, how similar to Schrödinger's cat this is. He's either innocent or guilty, but we have no idea until we open the box and get that report. I'd rather prepare a bowl of cat food than carve the tombstone. I'd like to believe in him and in the team. Perhaps I have too much faith, but I'd rather have too much faith than none at all.
I generally don't talk about McLeod almost at all, really, and you can check my tags on that. Even if he's one of the most intriguing players on the Devils roster from playstyle, and even if I'd really love to do a deep dive someday on how he's carved out a bottom-six role with his laundry list of intangibles, I don't think that's what anyone wants to read as long as the spectre of 2018 WJC still hangs over his head. I don't think I want to write that at this point, what with the general response I've seen to most posts mentioning the guy. I'd rather save myself the trouble.
Many of the people who read this blog are already convinced of McLeod's guilt and want nothing to do with him. That's okay. That is your opinion on the case, colored by your experiences and morals. I hold a different opinion that's colored by my own experiences and morals. We're both entitled to these opinions, and it's unlikely we change each others' minds.
I'd rather not write giant posts weekly about this, especially if I'm mostly rehashing the same few points. I do feel obligated to respond to all my anons, but I'd still like to leave this topic for now, if that's okay with everyone, because I feel I have nothing else to say about it that I haven't already. When we get the report and the information we lack, we can revisit the case at hand.
And, once again, none of this is to diminish the pain and suffering the victim has gone through. None of this is to excuse Hockey Canada or the NHL from not having taken action earlier and from not publicizing the information earlier. The issue is, once again, we simply do not have the information to make definite conclusions about this case, and Hockey Canada is squarely to blame for this.
If I could leave you with a piece of advice, anon... take care of yourself. Please heed the warnings I've posted before and during posts dealing with sexual assault, blacklist the tags, whatever you need. You've clearly read through much of that post, even when it probably wasn't good for you. Don't feel the need to read something that will hurt you, not for me or for anyone. Your time is far better spent on other things.
With that, I'm signing off for the night. See you on the flip side. o7
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 years
hii !!!
so i decided to reread pomegranate ink bc i just love it way too much, and I FORGOT HOW FUNNY TULLIA IS, i literally love her sm omg she’s definitely one of my fav characters that you’ve written (along with friedrich from SITH!)
i completely forgot how WHIPPED yuta is for the mc & im absolutely living for it omg. the way he was so protective over her during the goodwill event & literally went batshit crazy bc she got hurt had me wanting to scream /pos
i also love how supportive noritoshi is! instead of making him a toxic partner, you made him trusting and supportive and it’s so refreshing. other authors may have gone with the cliche & made him toxic, and i’m so glad you didn’t. how he acts so sweet to the mc and wants her to be happy despite their situation is so endearing to me. it shows that he cares sm abt her platonically & i adore their friendship <3
AND TOGE!!! i love how he’s been a shoulder to lean on since the beginning! he’s helped the mc out sm & he’s such a reliable friend to her. their friendship is also one i adore. & toge & tullia are so cute, i hope they get together soon!
i’m loving tanvi’s character so far!! you rlly have such a good way of incorporating ocs into the story where they’re not just randomly thrown in. and you always find a way to show their importance too! i can’t wait to see more of tanvi in the future! she seems so sweet & i feel like her & tullia would get along so well.
sorry for ranting sm!! i just love pomegranate ink with my whole heart. it’s definitely my second fav of your fics, right behind SITH!
i’m interested to hear what you would do in regards to when yuta comes back during shibuya. like, would the mc stay in tokyo & meet the first-years & participate in the goodwill event or would she go with yuta overseas? it’d be cool to see her interact with the first-years though!! especially nobara, i feel like those two would get along despite nobara’s headstrong personality! i also think her & yuji would be good friends! thinking abt how gojo wanted to set her up with megumi would be funny in regards to those two meeting for the first time LMFAO. i definitely think megumi would respect her like he does yuta & i feel like she’d be like a protective older sister figure to him or maybe she’d remind him of tsumiki in a way?? i just like theorizing! :D
i’ll stop rambling now haha, i hope you’re doing well & taking care of yourself! :))
— 🪐
HIII sorry for the late response I feel like I’ve been kinda MIA recently!!
I feel like it’s not Yuta if he’s not at least a little whipped I’m glad you liked how I wrote him :) halfway through that fic I gave up on trying to make everyone be in character and just decided to write based on vibes alone HAHAHHA I think the best way to describe it is JJK vol 0 on crack tbh
I considered going the typical route or having him be in love with her but it’s just sm better with them as friends. Noritoshi is so sweet and he deserves sm and I hate when authors make characters villains for no reason when canonically they probably wouldn’t behave that way
TOGE IS SO GOBLIN I LOVEEE HIM he feels like someone who will just always come through when you really need him and isn’t afraid to say things straight up 🫶🏼 the best friend we all need FR and you’re so right he and tullia should be together by now…maybe if I ever actually wrote they would be 💔💔💔
Aww thank you I love using OCs so I’m glad people like them!! Tanvi will be a love interest for an already-introduced character but I will leave it a mystery as to who 🤞🏼
DON’T APOLOGIZE I LOVEEE LONG ASKS I always get happy when I see them in my inbox hehehe they’re the best form of validation Fr
MC will stay in Tokyo when Yuta goes overseas!! She’ll probably have a more background role because otherwise some plot points simply wouldn’t happen (ex during the exchange event she would be left to fight Todo as they’re evenly matched and she’s beaten him before) but she will be present for most major things. I think nobara would definitely look up to her the way she does with maki, and I think the MC would probably love the fact that someone thinks she’s strong HAHAH. I do think she would like yuji a lot as well!! Honestly she’s a pretty friendly person I think she doesn’t really dislike anyone (except for naoya). I can see yuji and tullia getting along very well though! And as for megumi…I think gojo would constantly be third wheeling or indiscreetly spying on them anytime they try to talk so that might make it hard for them to be super close but who knows lol.
I’ve been doing pretty well recently, just been super busy which is why I haven’t written anything in so long. I watched the new AOT ep with my family today which will hopefully motivate me to update SOMETHING soon hahaha.
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camoooh · 1 year
Got tagged by @guywiththeroses (thank you ily) to answer some questions lets fuckin goooo 🤙
1. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?
hmm. probably 80's boy george because hello, fun
2. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling?
whatever's going really, i like lots of sauces, gotta have lettuce and tomato on it too. i love cheese but it doesn't like me so probably not that, rip. and gas/charcoal like what's better for cooking with or for the taste? i wouldn't know the difference for either tbh
3. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?
no question, just a staring contest. he who wins, takes the oval office. i'm your president now, i'm going to fix it all (i don't even live in the U.S)
4. It’s your first day of vacation, what are you doing?
making sure the car has petrol, worrying I've left something behind, figuring out the layout of the building, finding all the exits
5. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies?
Nothing, i used to smuggle in my own stuff
6. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?
spam emails die quietly in my inbox that i never check. pop ups count as jump scares and make me violent
7. What do you think Captain Hook’s name was before he had a hook for a hand?
Captain gurrrl what shampoo do you use, your hair is luscious
8. Rock, paper, or scissors?
9. How long was it from ‘the first date’ until the proposal of marriage? How long until the wedding?
i have never been engaged/ married
10. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
Both can be equally as awful depending on my mood
11. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?
noticing and remembering small details
12. At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter?
this post is very american but growing up in england it was always a big ole jar of humbugs
13. What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city?
the volcano probably
14. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
Agreeing with Dane on this one, celebrity gossip switches off my brain so fast. i don't care
15. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
in NZ there's three exams to get your license, your learners (like a written exam) which i passed first time, restricted license (can drive but within curfew and no passengers) i had to take 3 times, and full license (go for it, no restrictions) which i passed first time. i taught myself to drive so i'm not surprised it took a few attempts
16. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose?
not really a sweet/ ice cream person but i think strawberries would be good with it, or fruit in general
17. What food item would need to be removed from the market altogether in order for you to live a healthier, longer life?
tbh my diet isn't what's stopping me from living a long healthy life, its cigarettes
18. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?
eh fuck it take the chance, go for the $500
19. If you had to choose, which would you give up: TV, or internet?
i already don't watch tv, i just stream everything, so give up tv i guess
20. Who is your dream girl or boy from movies/tv?
tbh i don't really have one? i always just look at characters and go yeah wow they're cool i'd like to be buddies with them
21. Have you ever met a celebrity?
22. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid?
didn't eat lunch, the times i did have food it was just loose in my school bag lmao
23. What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?
a cook, i hate cooking with a passion, need someone to make sure i eat right
24. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic?
traffic, easy, you've got music and a comfy seat, and lots of people in the same situation, its chill. stuck in a lift? i'm laying on the floor and accepting my fate. this is how i die
25. Lets say a brick fell on your foot, and your kid is standing right next to you, what is your ‘cleaned up’ swear word?
I will straight up swear in front of a child, they'll live. but sometimes its fun to blurt out random words that aren't even relevant, like "mozzarella!" or "traffic cone" or "Azerbaijan" (the last one i've used a lot recently it's just satisfying to say)
this was fun, i tag @echoanddust and whoever else wants to join 🤙
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Reading your responses like a morning newspaper teehee
Tysm for all of the praise/compliments aaaaaa! >\\\< I'm incapable of explaining things in a short and concise way so I'm really glad that you see so much value in the way I explain things and just generally the points I bring up! Thank you, myo!! Also, you should cut yourself some slack, I may not know you personally but you seem like a chill person. I radblr and the general tumblr website tbh you're quite nuanced, patient and someone who overall tries to sympathise with others compared to many users from what I've seen. And your writing isn't that bad, I understand it at least. Or maybe it's 2 rambly people understanding each other bc we are alike idk :p (clown to clown communication)
Definetely take me up on my offer! I won't judge you for whatever you choose to share nor how, and I'd be very happy to help even just a little bit :]
I like how you explained things BTW! It made me think about once again how I went from finding the tra (is that the term to use here?) label of lesbian/sapphic more inclusive and progressive and poetic and yada yada to now just going "uuuuuuh I'm just into female bodies I dunno mate lol". A majority of my friends are trans or cis but very trans positive (I think I mentioned this in the past??) so I think ever since my views have shifted slightly I avoid talking about my orientation. I don't think they'll dog pile me for using the wrong words or whatever, they're not like that and I'm sure they wouldn't care much, but it does feel alienating to basically have different definitions for something so important(?)
They're also a lot (and I mean A LOT) more into the "lgbt culture" stuff (online inside jokes pretty much I suppose) meanwhile I've distanced myself from that so it adds to another level of discomfort despite us finding a lot of solidarity in each other as a bunch of queer people. Also, I'm someone who LOVES talking about these sorts of things and am a big fan of debating (guilty pleasures 😔) so my little heart is sad to have such restrictions. Womp womp
This also made me think of my younger sister, she's still a kid and doesn't know much about queer things but she has some basics down I suppose. Once my parents and I were joking about match making me with a lesbian non binary (afab) friend and my sister protested that I couldn't possibly be attracted to them because I'm into girls and they're not one. For the first time I didn't know what to tell her. I guess normally I would've explained to her that "lesbians can like enbies bc they're not men" but I also don't believe in gender anymore an things working that way. But I couldn't tell her "I don't think gender exists and that that factors into my attraction rlly" bc then I'd have to explain a perspective very different form what she knows so far and would then have to explain to my parents why my views changed and it's exhausting just to write about LMAO.
All of this more anecdotal and less "proper discussion about social stuff and politics" talk to say labels are indeed silly these days and I'm kind of resenting how my change in views makes me happier about multiple aspects of my life but subsequently isolates me and puts me in difficult positions at times. Makes me a bit worried about my prospects in terms of romantic partners lol, though I'd imagine once you go out actually looking for people, they're a lot more chill and willing to disagree on things but also understand your intentions and let it be that and won't call you a bigot TwT (I hope I'm not coming off as trying to call myself a martyr LMAO)
I guess that segways into the fact that I'm therefore happy to have found your blog where I feel like I can barf out my thoughts and hit send on the inbox and get a valuable response and pleasant conversation from someone on here lol
AAAAAA THIS IS TOO MUCH WORD VOMIT I will now eclipse myself and hope for the best! Bai!!!
thank you for all the nice words :0 my ego has never been fed so well !! I am a bit too harsh on myself but I consider it part of the job of what I do on this blog...using social media in a non-self aggrandizing way is always my goal, and I also find translating the impulse to self-deprecate into small bits of snarky reflection in my writing a much better alternative to saying it out loud in real life and making everyone around me uncomfortable lolol
but enough about me! I really just wanted to highlight a part of your message, the part about how some of your new changes in view makes you happier in some aspects of life but it makes a lot of new problems. that's literally so real. in a way, it's like I've been able to see the world in a clearer, less filtered view once I let go of held biases and focused more on reality, but it really really is tough trying to talk to people who still have those mental filters (for better or for worse).
hence, the existence of this blog for me lmao. it really is just the consequence of my desire to air out my observations that people in talk to in real life simply wouldn't understand, and I feel like I say this a lot, but I am truly so delighted that literally any other person can even get something valuable out of this for themselves! it proves that I guess we're really not alone out here in this kinda fucked up world, which is so relieving to know after coming to revelations how you're essentially the minority of a minority and every new complex thought you have propelling you towards actualization is also quickly shrinking the pool of other people who you can truly trust or those who will actually understand you. it is genuinely very nice to know that there's even at least just one person who can relate to a shared experience! one of the nicest benefits of the internet (among a sea of downsides lmao)
the dating thing also hits home a little too hard lolol, even though I swear I won't get into a relationship until I can actually be a decent partner, it sure is lonely sometimes and i can't help but think about it anyways, and man oh man does the dating pool (in my area) get smaller and smaller as I think about it...
but as you say, most people are understanding and honestly, even when you come at something from a different perspective, I find most people who value progress and kindness and understanding do fundamentally agree to some extent with what I also believe. in a way, because some notions about the world (specifically in feminism too) are just undeniable, and a lot of experiences (especially shared within afab people) just sort of make people subconsciously aware of certain truths. so, hopefully, wishing well-read, feminist, nuanced, and compassionately curious girlfriends for the both of us lolol !!
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hisandsnakes · 11 months
This isn’t really an argument for or against him or anyone else, but Hollywood and many other industries are full of Zionist elites who can have anyone’s career ruined (just look at how many people have been fired so far from other professions, like journalists, simply for saying “Free Palestine” or liking Pro-Palestinian posts). So honestly it’s unsurprising to me why half of celebs aren’t speaking out publicly. Also wouldn’t be surprised if there were more than just career threats across all these industries tbh. I will say though, in regard to P, as you highlighted, he is a Chilean refugee whose own parents were forced to flee (with him as a baby) from a U.S-backed and Isr*eli-supported coup that put Pinochet’s fascist regime in power. He also demonstrated a Pro-Palestine stance back in 2021 when he still had Twitter, so I think we can at least guess where he personally stands. And to be honest, given how many other celebs have been posting neutral ‘both sides’ bs, sharing misinformation and spreading Isr*eli propaganda, I’m glad he’s at least not joining in on all that shit. We also just don’t really need every single celeb to ‘weigh in’ with their geopolitical commentary because most of them are ignorant af and tend to just take publicly neutral positions, which is not helpful, at all... If they can’t take the time to truly educate themselves before speaking or are afraid to speak, then the most helpful thing they can do is to just stop opening their mouths and start opening their purses instead to support Palestinian relief funds.
This also may just be my cynical side, but I really don’t believe that that ceasefire letter which Oscar and some odd-50 celebs signed to the U.S. government is going to do anything at all to make Biden’s administration move. It’s at best a hollow effort. The U.S. government will always, always support, fund, cover up, and LIE for Isr*el and all it’s atrocities. It WANTS Isr*el in the Middle East because they are essentially their military presence there—Biden himself defended Isr*el’s existence back in the 80s for this very reason. A colonial government that has interfered, divided, destabilised, destroyed, and massacred the Middle East for decades is simply not going to bend over to some celebs writing a neural letter politely asking for them to get Isr*el to ceasefire... A ceasefire alone will not end the apartheid and oppression; it’ll just go back to business as usual. Like these celebs are using only 2% of their brains if they think a ceasefire will magically solve everything. Netanyahu must also be tried for his war crimes. The IDF must be dismantled. And the Palestinians must have their freedom restored and ALL their occupied land to be returned to them. They should have included all that in their letter too if they want their gesture to at least be actually meaningful.
All that said, I think the only actual hope is the collective threat of Russia, China, and the global South all stepping in to intervene. The West needs to be threatened at this point because nothing else is working.
(Sorry for this mini-rant in your inbox. Witnessing the world governments’ active support for this genocide is the most infuriating, devastating thing I have ever witnessed in my relatively short lifetime. My heart breaks everyday for the Palestinians.)
Well don’t be sorry because this was very interesting to read and i actually agree with all of it.
Also i didn’t know P demonstrated a pro palestinian stance a few years ago, do you remember what he said ?
Same my heart breaks for the palestinians and i can’t stand the injustice..
Thank you for sharing your opinion and for your insight on this 🤍
(I wish i could say more but english is not my first language so i can’t find the words to express all i want but you did it so that’s good!)
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I see some girlies are rooting for austin to be with a WOC but i don’t know if i see it 👀 maybe he would look good with some chocolate but i think he prefers vanilla with a little swirl 😏(white girls with tanned skin and brown hair/features) or filipinos since vanessa’s half filipino it never really dawned on me that v isn’t really considered as being a white woman i used to think she was hispanic
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Idk which "girlies" you're talking about Anon, but I don't understand how fans (who don't even know somebody personally) can think they know who a celebrity would possibly date?? 🥴 Are you in the man's head and I just don't know about it?? 😅
I just find fans to be really presumptuous sometimes when it comes to things like this. "I don't know if I see it".... Well, it doesn't matter if you do or you don't lol.😅
Tbh, I never would have looked at Tom (a British man) and thought that he would date Zendaya, a black American woc from Oakland lol. But yet, here we are! 5 years going strong lol. 😂
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People have to stop looking at people and making split-second assumptions about them. You can't just look at what someone looks like and try to assume that you know what is going on in their head or who they may be attracted to. And you can't even go by who people have dated in the past either.
My FIRST white bf looked NOTHING like the previous bfs I had ever dated in the past (they were all black), but he and I were friends for a while and we just CLICKED and he confessed that he had secretly liked me for a very long time, and so we started dating! BOOM! Plain and simple as that. 😂
People just click w/each other, and sometimes that's all that it is. 🤷 Sometimes it's also proximity and who/what you're exposed to. I don't think Tom would have even had the opportunity to date Zendaya, let alone even meet her if they hadn't been cast together in the Spider-Man franchise. Sometimes you are just exposed to different people and you and that person end up clicking and liking each other. Plain and simple. 😊 Let's not make it more complicated than it has to be lol.
RE: Austin...
Idk too much about him. All I'll say is that based on some of the interviews I've seen of him so far, he seems like a pretty chill, kind, down-to-earth type of guy....kinda shy...reserved, but very charming, and seems to also get along with just about everyone. He gives me the vibe that he could actually date a whole variety of different women...just judging by his body language and how he talks to people of diverse backgrounds.
Besides, imo Austin has already dated a "woc" for almost a decade.🤷 Vanessa is a woc imo.
But I will agree with you on one thing... He does look good with some "chocolate" lol aka black women lol. 😏😏
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But then again, I like to think that we black women make EVRYONE look good though lol. 😉
Lemmeee stop before I get hate trashed in my inbox lol 🤭 🤭
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
Do you think canon Zuko has any understanding of the idea of duty? That he, especially given that he aspires to political power, should act like his status as Prince gives him certain responsibilities? That doing what's best for the for Fire Nation or the world might require him to do things which make him unhappy or uncomfortable or require him to make grave personal sacrifices? Does he even understand duty as a concept?
Oof. Complicated questions, thus, this sat in my inbox for a veeeery long time.
I honestly, seriously, genuinely... don't think Zuko truly understood, at any point in canon, what it really meant to be a leader. I know many of us (and I think you, too?) don't particularly like the comics, but in my opinion, The Promise did a surprisingly decent job at highlighting several problems left in the wake of the end of the war, and perhaps unintentionally, this is one of the problems: upon becoming Fire Lord, Zuko is remarkably erratic, unsure of his choices, even seeking advice from his FATHER, of all people, because he has no idea what he's doing.
In the most favorable possible view of Iroh, he taught Zuko to be a better person. I don't entirely adscribe to this belief, but fine, let's concede that he did, or else this answer would never end: not just because you're a good person, however, are you guaranteed to be a good leader. Zuko, as we both know, is far from the best person in the world, and he is prone to making impulsive, emotional mistakes that can cause harm and trouble, and typically, Zuko doesn't face the consequences of most his actions, or the narrative just pins the blame on someone else. When we see this sort of behavior in a real-life politician, the immediate reaction we would have is "this guy is awful at his job", and sadly, I find myself thinking that quite often when it comes to Zuko's canon tenure as Fire Lord.
So... what is Zuko's concept of duty? Going by his pursuit of Aang in the first two seasons, duty is a task given to him by someone whose approval he seeks (in this case, Ozai) and he must pull it off, no matter what, to gain said approval. By Book 3, this logic still applies fairly easily to how Zuko acts over Iroh: I've highlighted in the past that the main motivation for Zuko's redemption is Iroh, doing right by Iroh, making amends to Iroh, regretting how he treated Iroh. He points that out explicitly in Ember Island Players, he does it as well indirectly by bringing up Iroh first of all, when confronting Ozai: this is his main priority. Ergo... I'd honestly say it's safe to judge that this is what Zuko regards as duty, as what he has to do. Iroh wants him to be Fire Lord? That's exactly what he becomes. The difficulties and complications in this particular line of work are taken for granted, and so, we have an outcome that was remarkably well depicted in The Promise, despite that comic's many glaring flaws: Zuko gets swept back and forth, twisted left and right by all the pressures and responsibilities, because he has no idea what he's doing as Fire Lord, and no idea/experience in how to be a real leader.
As far as I can tell, the core of the matter is that nobody really seems to have taken Zuko all that seriously as future Fire Lord. Ozai, evidently, wasn't training Zuko to be his personal heir. Ozai himself is a questionable source of information regarding learning what it means to be Fire Lord, considering he, as well, wasn't raised to take that role, just as he didn't raise Zuko for it. Yet Iroh didn't exactly teach Zuko how to lead anyone either, as far as I can tell: his lessons were meant to be of a more personal nature, and even then, Zuko had lots of trouble accepting most of them. Iroh's firebending lessons to Zuko were typically stunted in the basics because he was hot-headed and rash about getting to the intense and interesting stuff...
So: neither Ozai nor Iroh gave Zuko actual responsibilities. Ozai gave him a punishment Zuko was trying to endure however possible, a punishment he wanted to prove himself unworthy of by finding the Avatar and "regaining his honor". Then, Iroh punished Zuko as well by giving him the cold shoulder in Book 3, then he escaped and Zuko did everything he did, after betraying Ozai, to prove himself worthy of Iroh's kindness once again. It's not actual duty, the way it is in Azula's case: no doubt, Azula wants Ozai's approval too, but she has the madman's trust when it comes to finding her brother and uncle, to taking down the Avatar, and to conquering Ba Sing Se, as far as anyone can tell. I do doubt Ozai gave her all these missions at once, but he gave her the resources through which she pulled off ALL of them: she had the firebending procession, she had a ship, she had a train-tank, she had mounts... Zuko had a rundown ship that looked like a 1:10 scale version of every other ship in the harbor back in the very third episode: he was being punished. In contrast, Azula is entrusted with a mission, with LEADERSHIP, while Zuko has no visible, tangible, objective experience with the latter (consider how Azula steals the Dai Li's loyalty from under Long Feng: when did we see Zuko pulling off something like this? Even with Jet, Zuko was more of an associate to the Freedom Fighters, and Jet was still the leader).
I've always thought Zuko wasn't prepared to be Fire Lord, and the main reasons are the ones you indirectly point out through this ask: Zuko doesn't seem to treat the throne as a responsibility, but as his right. I won't get tired of pointing out that this was NOT Zuko's birthright, he was NOT born thinking he'd be Fire Lord: he was born to the second branch in the Fire Nation family. We literally SEE the day in which Lu Ten's death is revealed to him. According to somewhat official sources? He's ELEVEN in Zuko Alone's flashbacks. I, personally, think he looks a little younger than that, but I think that's the official wikia age, no idea where they got that info but that's what it says. Meaning...
Zuko, objectively, only had been crown prince for FIVE YEARS.
Zuko was NOT raised, not by his mother, not by his father, with the belief that the throne would one day be his (Ursa is gone before Ozai is crowned and Ozai clearly wanted Azula for the job rather than Zuko).
And yet, when you backtrack to the show? It seriously looks like that was the case. He clings to the throne in Books 1 and 2 as though he had no other purpose in life, as though this was everything that was promised to him (in contrast, Azula only ever indicates wanting the throne in Sozin's Comet: Part One). Even when he's an outlaw, discarded and cast out, he STILL talks about the throne, as though most his identity were built upon the notion that he must become Fire Lord: why? How come? Within five years, he's crafted his entire existence around being the heir to the throne? That's... a bit weird.
And a bit wishful, too. Which is why I commend that the comics show him struggling as Fire Lord, if anything they should've had him struggling MORE than that, because Zuko is simply NOT prepared for these responsibilities. He never gave any indication, any sign, of seeing it as such. He sees it as his right, his birthRIGHT. Why? Why more people don't ponder how utterly strange this behavior is, beats me. But it really does bother me that Zuko built his entire existence around being Fire Lord in a very similar way to how Korra built her own about being the Avatar. I have very little praise to give LOK in general, but the premise of Korra learning she was a person, a human, and not just the Avatar felt like the perfect parallel to Aang's story, where he was very much anchored in his humility and belief that he was just "one kid", and his rejection of his duties as the Avatar was meant to change gradually as he learned to accept himself as he was. Korra, however, never fully hit the mark with this subject, in my personal opinion... much as Zuko doesn't hit the mark either, since the show's only direct attempt to "deconstrue" Zuko's clinging to the throne happens in one dialogue, and his attachment to the idea is built up again, right afterwards:
Zuko: And then ... then you would come and take your rightful place on the throne? Iroh: No. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko. Zuko: Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes. Iroh: Yes, you have. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation. Zuko: I'll try, Uncle.
And there we have it. The only point in the show (that I can remember) where Zuko seemed to not feel worthy of the throne and questioned he should be the one sitting on it (RIGHTFULLY!), buuuuuuuut he goes right back to wanting it, right afterwards, based on how this single exchange was enough for him to be 100% determined to take down his sister, merely a few lines later.
As for his willingness to make personal sacrifices... some might say he was outright willing to die for Katara in the finale -- though I'll point out he was trying to redirect the lightning anyway, didn't do it as well as he should have, but he wasn't exactly, consciously, trying to DIE for her... --, some might say that he left Mai behind in the FIre Nation, and that as well was a sacrifice... but was it? We don't see him missing her, or suffering about her fate, at any point in time after SHE sacrifices herself for him in the Boiling Rock (my biggest gripe over this particular canon couple is this, tbh). I feel like the show generally presents Zuko's situation as somewhat... self-sacrificial? Especially in Books 1 and 2, and yet that's really not the case: it isn't Zuko himself who makes the choice of traveling to find Aang, it's a punishment inflicted upon him.
This particular view upon his circumstances makes it so Zuko is never responsible for... well, any of his choices? It's always someone else's fault, therefore, whatever he suffers through, there's always someone he can (and usually does) resent for it. Therefore... I can't genuinely think of anything Zuko sacrificed in order to come as far as he did. He was forced to let go of things by his father, typically, by Zhao as well, maybe, but even then, it's not like we saw that he has a super healthy and happy relationship with, I don't know, Earth Kingdom people (his only meaningful positive EK bond was with Jin, which went nowhere and goes forgotten after a single mini episode)? The Palace staff? The commoners of the Fire Nation (they just treat him like a hero and he seems awkward and distant about it anyway, like he can really just do without their worship)? He doesn't have other friends beyond Azula's own friends... thus, he doesn't sacrifice anything that really matters. And in a sense, some people might say he doesn't have to sacrifice anything at all: he already went through so much strife and struggle that why would he need to sacrifice anything else? But the thing is... you DO have to learn to make such sacrifices if you're going to be a good king.
So often, people who devote themselves to their jobs have to consciously neglect their families, to name one thing: Zuko neglects Mai and she explodes at him for it in The Promise, then he just tries to get her back at all costs in Smoke & Shadow, with no thoughts given to the fact that maybe he isn't ready to juggle both a relationship and the throne, that maybe Mai could be happier with someone other than him, someone who can give her the attention and relationship she's looking for... THOSE are the sacrifices I'd be referring to, personally, sacrifices where his happiness and peace of mind have to be set aside for the sake of something much more important than himself, and I expect that's the kind of sacrifices you're referring to, too. I seriously don't think he's ready to make them, and with the comics as reference, there's seriously no evidence to suggest he's prepared to accept these burdens that come with the heavy mantle of leadership and ruling. I've never seen any signs of him being ready for it, myself. Maybe I need to reexamine the show and see if maybe I'm missing something... but I don't really think I am.
The worst part, for me, is that Zuko isn't even doing the bulk of the things he's doing in pursuit of genuine happiness: he's doing it over a sense of destiny. He never stops to reason with that destiny, to wonder if maybe he doesn't need to be Fire Lord, if maybe he could have a life beyond that role. Book 2 veeeery briefly suggests he MIGHT be on his way to questioning that destiny, but as I've said before, I don't see the sense in Zuko's big change of heart after the Appa incident considering we don't really understand what he's learned, other than how to be the perfect nephew for Iroh, apparently. Zuko never really is happy, as he says in the show: his happiest moments are with Mai and they're only like a 25% of his relationship with her, everything else is a mess (and his relationship with her isn't exactly the core of his character, either). So, the way I see it... Zuko is even worse off than it looks at first glance. He's out to fulfill a destiny he has never stopped to reason with, a destiny he's 100% sure is his, despite he has only been on that path, objectively, for five years? Despite he wasn't raised all along under the belief that this was what he was supposed to be? If given a chance to be genuinely happy, what on earth would he even do? A lot of the growth I gave him in Gladiator was based on that particular question: is the throne really what Zuko needs to be happy? It doesn't look like it, even in canon. If it's not... then it's not happiness he seeks, it's some sort of sense of assurance that he's doing the right thing, according to the figure of authority he follows at a set point in time: by Book 3, said authority is Iroh, and Iroh wants him on the throne. His motivation, as far as I can see it, is as simple as that.
Long story short... I don't think Zuko really has a strong grasp on many concepts that he absolutely should have reasoned with and worked out in order to become Fire Lord. In a sense, he's way too young for the role he's given, for the heavy burdens he has to deal with, and I'll NEVER see the sense in not having Iroh taking the throne (beyond how "poetic" the creators and writers found it to crown Zuko to finish his story, of course), at least for a short time, before Zuko can be ready. This is exactly why I wrote things that way in my oneshot where Azula takes Zuko's role, more or less: Iroh serves as regent while Azula prepares for taking the full role of Fire Lord when she's ready. I love her, she's awesome, I absolutely adore her character... but I don't think an Azula who was sidelined and sent on a long voyage with her uncle for YEARS could possibly be ready for the responsibilities of being Fire Lord right away.
Meanwhile? Iroh was given leadership of military missions enough times that he became a general in the Fire Nation forces. By all evidence, he was Fire Lord Azulon's pampered and spoiled son, whom he DID prepare for the duties of a Fire Lord for as long as Iroh was born: Iroh literally had fifty-ish years of preparation, as far as I can tell? How is he NOT the better suited person to take the throne, if just temporarily, while his nephew learns what it really means to rule by watching him, or by maybe learning leadership by managing smaller duties first, a specific town or city, and then putting his knowledge to good use by becoming Fire Lord properly?
Eh... because it wouldn't be an epic enough finale for the show, I suppose. That's the only answer I can find for this particular question.
So... yeah. That got long :'D but in short... I don't think Zuko has a strong grasp on responsibility and duty, let alone on the burdens inherent to these concepts. Yet more reasons why his character's arc can't hit all the marks it should, imo, to make it as great as the whole fandom is already convinced it is.
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maos2013 · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Ok, I could’ve sworn I was tagged by @aleksandrachaev but now the notification has disappeared? Idk what the hellsite is up to by making me think I have notifications, but I’m going to do this anyway 😂 😂 . I haven’t looked too closely at my stats and everything in a while, so this will be fun! 
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
77. But please don’t ask about the number of WIPs I have  😅
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
208,442. Huh. I thought it would be more? Oh well!
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Three. One random one shot for each ER and T100. The rest are all AoS!
Actually, wait. Since Kat says (and I agree whole heartedly!) that Black Widow is it’s own fandom, then make that 4! I wrote a one shot of an alternate end credit scene for that movie!
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos? (I’m not including the ones I have cowritten)
Everything’s Changing 372 Kudos-  Talk about a wild idea I had watching a movie from the 90s. Anywayyyy. Philinda and Philindaisy moments. Lots of fluff. (which if you know me, you know I do more angst these days.  😂)
We’ve Come a Long Way from Where We Began 265 kudos - Aww! The first thing I ever wrote! Lots of May and Daisy moments and they work t reunite their team. (But also I now refuse to read this because I can see how much my writing has improved since then, and now I get mad at previous me 😂)
A Bad *Axe* Birthday 177 Kudos- May gives Daisy an axe for her birthday, and teaches her to throw it. Because to quote Rosa Diaz from B99 “What kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?”
I Took You for Granted 150 Kudos- TBH, I’m surprised this one was this high? It’s not one of the better things I’ve written tbh. But it’s May and Daisy, in season 7, and God knows they needed more scenes together, so maybe that’s why this one is on the list.
What Did We Do To Deserve This 137 Kudos- Oooooooh. *sigh* Early season 5 Philinda feels for when I still had hope for my OTP.
5. do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Ummmm YES! You kind person took the time to leave me a comment! I will let you know my appreciation for that! No comment is too big or too small! You can literally comment a <3 and I will respond because you made my day! That said, I usually respond like once a month to all the comments that have been building up in my inbox
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*cackles* Ummmm. I have several, but I think the angstiest would be The Unimaginable. Poor May just lost everyone in this fic. 
OR! the pieces of my heart are missing you because I just kill all of my favorites.
OR! the moon and the stars are nothing without you because Philindaaaa feeeeels
I’m Lost Without Her  and Stay Alive, That Would Be Enough are runners up!
7. do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope. Not creative enough for that  😂 😂
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think so? Only hate for making people feel too many feels  😂 😂 😂
But to the person who once commented “Bestie I hate to break it to you but this ^ is not therapy” on one of my angst fics, please know that even though I don’t know who you are, I love you and think about this comment everyday.
9. do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yes, but not lately. And it usually has feelings involved. No plots usually, but feelings yes.
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I doubt I am even known enough for someone to bother  😂
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be awesome!
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! Lean On Me with @shadowcass! Set during season 7 of AoS- Instead of MaYo going to Afterlife, it’s May & Daisy!
13. what’s your all time favorite ship?
Philindaaaaaaa. I have way too many feels about those two. 
14. what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Anything that’s in my old laptop. I got a new computer about 6 months ago, and any of my WIPs that somehow didn’t transfer over will probably never be finished. 😔
15. what are your writing strengths?
Angst! Also fluff (if I’m in the right mood). Sometimes humor! (again, depends on the mood.)
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
Feels I think? Sometimes I just write and then I go back to read it later and the dialogue in the feels particularly cringey. Also, I have a habit of using my southern slang in random places if I’m writing while tired, so I try to double check that.  😂
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally, I’ve only done it a couple of times, and for very short sentences or phrases because I don’t want to accidentally say something wrong and make a mess of things! I sadly only speak English with a few words of Spanish and Italian thrown in for funsies. Still waiting on a fic where I can randomly throw in a word or two in Italian.
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Agents of Shield I believe! Unless you count the poorly written story I practically copied from an episode of Desperate Housewives that I was probably way too young to be watching. I wrote with gel pen on some loose leaf paper and then put into a pronged folder. I was maybe... 12? Mayyyyybe 13?
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s like choosing my favorite child! (Not that I have children, but I do have 4 pets and I can easily tell you who my favorite pet is. 😂)
Hands down, I think my favorite has to be It’s Only a Matter of Time. I wrote a spec fic before the AoS finale where the team splits up across time, and I sobbed so hard while writing it!
Also I really really like The Unimaginable listed above with the angsty ending!
I’m tagging @tessathetesla @samanthaswishes @herosofmarvelanddc @brutashaphilindaandsylkieohmy if you guys want to do this!
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kiloxy · 4 years
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Listen Guys I have come up with the greatest theory/analysis of my life. Twitter could NEVER. This is about to solidify me as one of the lead big brain theorists on tumblr, cross my heart..... *cough* shit-poster *cough* I mean what? anyway... This analysis includes lots of receipts! Now let’s begin me launching my 1000000000 IQ career faster than Dream can MLG water out of this damning post. 
Tw: Close up of eyes since I zoomed in images of their eyes as proof. It will be under the cut.
So let me start with the question everyone has asked: WHO IS DREAM?!?
He’s the mysterious lime green, tea kettle sounding, god level skill, 10000 IQ, pissbaby enigma that took the internet BY STORM. He has grown so fast and so quick it’s insane, big brain plays must be through the roof. We could wonder how he did this... Why he did this.... But really. All we should care about is WHO THE FUCK IS HE?!!?!
Excuse my language... But anyway.. I have been working DAY AND NIGHT. To figure this out for you guys. It’s been 78 hours of no sleep. After escaping Dream’s basement (smart ass found out I was going to expose him) I have finally made it to a computer to post this...   
Dream is Blonde George
Okay wait wait wait! Before you go leave, screaming and appalled, slamming the button to unfollow my broke ass, hear me out. 
First point... What the fuck is blonde George?
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THIS MAN. REMEMBER HE BLEW UP?!?! WHY DID HE? WHY??? I mean we hate him! Well the only reasonable explanation is that he was a PLANT!
Yes that’s right, blonde George was a plant. This is actually Dream. Now Dream loves chaos, he’s even mentioned before he may make a stan account/pose as a cosplayer and I think this was his way...He leaked this photo of him on twitter to fuck with us. To test the waters before the Mr.Beast video where he might reveal himself as blonde George. 
Only Dream and his 1000000 IQ could blow up a post like this guys, think about it! 
We know Dream’s hair color okay, look at this twitter post where he does a hair color reveal:
Now let’s take a closer look. Here’s Dream’s hair:
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Rest of the analysis under the cut includes more analyzed images, links, and video as proof:
Now I took to an eyedropper and examined Blonde George’s hair and got:
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LOOK HOW CLOSE THE NUMBERS ARE!  AND WE KNOW NUMBERS DON’T LIE! The more samples I took of blonde George’s hair and compared to Dream’s the clearer it became... Their hair... Is the same! 
Now that we have the hair matching what else can we figure out? I mean Dream said he had green eyes, we even have a pic here of them. 
But I ask you.... Dream’s smart. You really think he’s telling the truth? I mean think of the the vlog incident. Man is a liar. 
I introduce to you a concept: CONTACTS
You see Dream knew that blonde George would get a lot of traction (he wanted it to). But he didn’t want to be outed too fast. I mean blonde white dude? blowing up on twitter? Obviously traceable back to Dream. So change one of his most distinct features, his eyes! He is wearing brown contacts. I have proof, let’s look at blonde Gog again. uSING MY EXPENSIVE HIGH TECH EQUIPMENT I-
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I mean first just looking at this you can see the odd white glare on his eye... Now that is not your usual eye glare, no... That’s an eye glare that shows what it looks like when light reflects off a contact lens. He is wearing contacts! 
But if that isn’t enough for you I cleaned up the photo of blonde George’s eye using mad skillz I learned from crime shows and got:
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Dream put in brown contacts! Why else would this “blonde George” be wearing contacts huh??? We know real George has 100% real gorgeous brown eyes. 
Now you may be saying, well that’s just an edited photo of legit George. We have the real photo of George.  But no, it’s not! THAT’S WHAT DREAM WANTS YOU TO THINK SHEEPLE, WAKE UP!
Dream put on a red hoodie, styled his hair to look like George, and he posed just right so it looks like it’s an edited version of that photo of Gog. But it’s not! We can tell by the contacts! Also George would never exude the off vibes blonde George does. It doesn’t pass the vibe check. 
Now while there are so many other bits of proof... This is getting long and I want to wrap it up. So here’s one last big bit of proof. 
They talk about blonde George and, George claims it is photoshopped but he smiles nervously. And as he pulls up blonde George Dream does his nervous laugh. Why is he nervous? Why would he be nervous?? about this “meme”. Maybe because he’s scared to be found out,
Now the most important part:
“I don’t rlly like it tbh.”- Gog.
“Uhhh I don’t like it.”-Dream.
Now you may have brushed past this upon viewing, but.... Nobody asked for Dream’s opinion. This was supposed to be about GEORGE why would Dream input his opinion and speak like it’s about him... BECAUSE IT IS HIM
Now the most damning of all... 16:50 same video.
“Dream have you like ever done a face reveal or no?”-??
“No- I haven’t yet. I do plan on doing one but I haven’t yet.”
As he speaks his words get more rushed and quiet, he’s lying. He’s nervous.
Then George saving him, redirects the topic completely off blonde George and Dream immediately jumps on the new topic eager to switch focus. It’s so weird how fast they move the topic, the clearly don’t want to talk about it. George is a good friend, he knew that Dream was scared and needed an out of the conversation before he outed himself as blonde George. 
But... they couldn’t keep the ruse up.... BECAUSE I AM HERE! 
*cough* Anyway, now my very very last point. 
Why haven’t we ever seen Dream and Blonde George in a room together huh? It’s weird right?? They can’t coexist separately because THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON. IT’S SO OBVIOUS! 
If this grade A++++, wagyu quality, meaty with receipts analysis wasn’t enough to convince you then.... I am going to hack into Mr.Beast’s content. I am on my way to his house as I type this... Next post I am LEAKING images from the shoot when Dream drops the sign that will SHOW that he is in fact Blonde George. 
If you have more proof.... Anything to add... react... or respond to this analysis. My inbox is open.
Wish me luck, I honed my hacker skillz just for this. You may not be able to trust Dream, but you can trust me! Hopefully I can do this before Dre catches me again. 
o7 bois 
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