#i totally am and its definitely not healthy lmao
pedroisghosties · 8 months
Does anyone else gets too into their delusions that when you get a reality check it genuinely feels like someone broke your heart... It's not just like "aww man, I'm never meeting this one celebrity I love" it's more like "I'm never gonna be happy because I can't at least be friends with them" 🥴 asking for a friend because this definitely does NOT happen to me
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auroracalisto · 2 years
colds in the winter — the reader falls ill in the middle of winter, worrying tommy and their son, charlie. tommy even goes as far as taking a day off to keep an eye on her. word count: 803 words tw: colds, slight!ooc tommy?? i feel like it could be interpreted this way, but i’ll leave that up to you to decide, fem!reader a/n: i’m always sick. you now have this as a result. :P also… ignore the totally lame title. LMAO
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Winter had fallen upon Birmingham once more. Clouds constantly littered the grey skies, and rain fell far more often than you had liked. Snow would soon litter the grounds of your beloved home.  
Your coat was often glued to your shoulders, buttoned up your body for warmth. Without it, the temperatures would have you freezing, guaranteed to make you sick. However, your attempts of staying remotely healthy fell short of successful.
In a matter of days, the cold weather had taken its toll on you, leaving you lying in bed, staring up at the tall ceiling. Your nose stuffed up, your ears feeling as though they needed to pop. A raging headache had made its way to every corner in your head. The sun peaking through your bedroom curtains did little to soothe your aching body.
Thomas was nowhere to be seen. He must have left sometime in between your off-and-on sleeping that morning. You hadn’t even bothered to check the time, knowing it was well into the day. Thomas surely had been gone for hours.
With a groan, you forced yourself to sit up, rubbing your face with the palms of your hands.
The little patter of feet came rushing towards your bedroom door.  Charlie busted through, a smile on his sweet face.  
“Mum!” he quipped, rushing over to your side.  He reached out to you, expectantly waiting for you to pick him up.  
As you moved to do so, a cough emitted from your throat, soon followed by another, and then another.  You quickly covered your mouth with the inside of your elbow, moving away from Charlie.  You couldn’t risk getting your baby sick.  
“Charlie, what did I tell you?” Thomas said as he rounded the corner, coming into your shared bedroom.  “Leave your mother—“ 
Thomas stopped short as he heard your cough.  
“Are you alright?” he asked, coming over to your side.  “Should I call for a doctor?”
You curtly nodded, squeezing your eyes shut.  
“I had figured you were tired.  Tossing and turning all night,” Thomas frowned, leaning forward to pick up Charlie.  He sat him in his lap.  “I tried to keep him from bothering you, but it seems as though my attempts were futile.”
“You didn’t go to work?” you frowned as you looked up at him.
“No,” he shook his head.
“And why is that?” you questioned your husband. He hardly ever missed work. 
He pursed his lips, avoiding your gaze. “I had things I needed to take care of, here.”
“Mrs. Shelby, I did not come here to be interrogated.” he huffed, looking down at Charlie who was just giggling. Charlie looked over at his mother, smiling all the while. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, leaning back against the pillows once more. “Well—” Before you could get a word out, you began to cough once more. You coughed into your elbow, but it only seemed to get worse with each one. 
Thomas quickly put Charlie tell, instructing him to tell the maid to call for the doctor. Charlie nodded and ran off to do as he was told, leaving his father with his sick mother. 
“I do believe this is the reason I stayed home,” he said, coming to your side. He gently pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, frowning. “You are warm. I would say you have a fever.”
“Then you most definitely should not be in here with me.”
He gave you a faint smile. “Mrs. Shelby, you are in no position to tell me what to do.”
You rolled your eyes again, huffing once more. 
He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You will be alright.”
“It is merely a cold. No need for the dramatics.”
He grinned, his hand cupping the side of your face. 
“Perhaps,” he said. “I am not leaving your side until the doctor gets here.”
You frowned. “Well that’s preposterous. You should leave. Go to work. You’ve never missed for something so silly before.”
“My wife being sick is silly?” he questioned. 
Perhaps he had a point. He had many loves in the past who left him in a matter of seconds because of things far more drastic than just a cold—but the worry he had was justifiable. 
You sighed softly and closed your eyes. 
“Will you at least lie with me? Instead of hovering over me like that?”
He just smirked, sitting down beside of you. He wrapped an arm around your torso, pulling you close. He knew the maid would warn them before the doctor arrived, so he would have plenty of time to straighten himself up. But for now, he would hold the one woman who made these dastardly winters worth it all, even if he might end up sick as well. 
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Been getting back into Star Trek after binge-watching it with my dad as a kid, and stumbled across the - ahem - "encounter" between Data and the Borg queen in Star Trek: First Contact. (I really didn't remember those scenes like this lmao.)
Soo, being a Data fan who does find him very aesthetically pleasing, I went to look for shippy fanfics involving those characters, and I gotta say, I was really surprised to find a total of 3 fanfics on AO3 that have their tag, and also just a few on FFnet, and none on a fanfic site in my language (then again searching stuff there is a fucking nightmare because people really aren't too great at tagging stuff accurately).
I hope this doesn't come across as whiny and complain-y, I will probably write about them at some point, once I'm past starting a new semester at university and have more time.
Basically just came here to say that I am quite surprised that there are such few fanfics about them (or that I'm just too stupid to find more, which is very likely lol), since they're technically temporarily canon, and I wonder if it's just because of the context and its kinda sorta dubious consent or if it just happens to not be on that many people's minds and there not being too many people who like the ship enough to write about it. (I am guessing the latter, since I also don't write about stuff that I don't think about heh.)
(Then again, I do tend to ship rarepairs and often pairs that are considered problematic for whatever reason, and where shippers get shit for shipping and writing fanfics. Though I don't know if this particular pairing is considered terribly problematic or not. Have read youtube comments on their scenes, and many people there absolutely despised their scenes and found it disgusting that there weren't more comments saying the scenes were disgusting lol. Also, kinda unrelated, but one of my favourite ships is Hotch/Reid from Criminal Minds, and I just recently read that there are quite some people on reddit who hate that ship because "bla healthy father figure bla - he's his dad not his daddy - bla" and use nasty words to describe shippers, but I am very glad that there are lots of fun fanfics for these two nonetheless, ha! :D)
Sorry for babbling for so long, it's half past one, and I should stop rambling at your inbox and get some sleep. Have a nice day/night!
Ahahaha. No, it being problematic is not why.
It's far, far more likely there's none (or none that's easily findable) because the bulk of the fandom activity around TNG was around later seasons of the show. Maybe the Riker/Troi and Crusher/Picard shippers were more into early seasons, IDK. But a sequel movie that lots of people didn't even like or didn't even see is not going to be the source of the big ships in a TV fandom.
On top of that, a lot of the shipping patterns get set relatively early in a fandom. Sometimes, a character shows up later and changes the fandom a lot (Methos, Castiel), but often, many fans stick with how they saw things towards the beginning of canon.
Adding to that is the fact that the number of fic writers in 1996 was vastly smaller than now. Spaces also weren't always set up to accommodate rarepairs or rare fandoms. A lot of archives and lists were topic-specific, and that topic could be one single juggernaut ship.
If there was fic, I suppose it was probably on Usenet or a mailing list. The great era of fannish archives was in the 00s. This movie came out in 1996. Perhaps we even grabbed a relevant list in our attempts to save yahoo groups' data, but it's definitely not going to still be up with an easily googleable set of contents.
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k1d1c4rus · 5 months
i totally apologize if you’ve already talked about this, but will cboyz joe and andy get back together or will their relationship be more developed upon? i am soooo interested in their dynamic (and eager to please puppyboy joe + sweet caring ruthless hardcore dom andy makes my nuts explode) (but only if it’s healthy and done for the right reasons)
(…also can i please know trick’s canon dick size. does trav call it little for kinky reasons or is it actually small. i gotta know for science)
there will absolutely be more of their relationship- I've got a flashback one-shot kind of thing in the works that elaborates a lot more on them, shows more of their sceneing and relationship dynamic in general and has plennnnnty of puppyboy sub joe. there will also be more in the main fic (especially as we get into andy's chapter w patrick) that explores the impact of the breakup on both of them. joe is definitely more outwardly fucked up over it but we will get to see andy's perspective tooooo
r.e. dick sizes I actually answered an ask for all of the cboyz the other day (lmao) but safe to say trick has a comfortably average size cock and trav is definitely playing it up for the cameras. but also comparatively to his........ its a fair description
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smute · 1 year
thanks for the tag @jamdoughnutmagician !!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
not as far as i know 👀
2. When was the last time you cried?
probably like yesterday? i cry a lot. its healthy (or so i keep telling myself lmao)
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
definitely! in fact i think it can be a bit much sometimes
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people
eyes and hands usually
6. What’s your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
if these are my only two options i'll take the happy ending 🥰
8. Any special talents?
nope! totally immune to talent
9. Where were you born?
in the beautiful state of hesse, germany
10. What are your hobbies?
reading i guess? i used to do so much drawing painting sewing embroidery leather crafting woodworking photography... but it feels strange listing these things as hobbies when i never get around to actually doing anything lol
11. Do you have any pets?
i mean technically it's my mom's cat but he likes me the most so... 😎
12. What sports do you play/have played
i love telling people that i used to play american football because they always get this epiphanic look on their face like suddenly everything makes sense and they've figured out who i am nezisrhje but i only went to two practice sessions before i decided contact sports weren't for me
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
english duh
15. Dream job?
golden retriever in a midwestern suburb who dies suddenly and tragically after 8 and a half glorious years of kibble and cuddles
tagging @mmolia @macbethwitches @snoozy-red-panda @caressthosecheekbones @isabella-lugosi @fourwindows @kluntjekandis @leatherleaves
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely, I was kinda feeling rebellious today, going out of my comfort zone.. trying to be open just a little...I rarely open up to anyone neither my family nor friends..and it's not like I don't have anyone to share its just I've always been this way? Idk lol.. uhm lately I've not been feeling quite well? Ig, my mind is not in a good place.. and ik it'll pass and its something we all go through, we all have our days right? I get angry easily eventhough i rarely do and then I feel like crying almost every night, and I give in most of the time..crying helps alot..So yeah that's a short glimpse into my very closed off life lmao.. and.. I might totally be wrong, but I've sensed that type of sorrow? ( from you) Is that too extreme of word? Gloomy maybe? Idk.. its something that makes me feel that there is something bothering you? Something that's dimming your light... this probably is not even true and I'm just being my sensitive self ( which let me tell you, I'm sensitive afffff especially to people I care for so 😓) and if there's the smallest chance that this is indeed somewhat true...I want..truly want it to get better, for the both of us, ik talking to people and all helps and it's healthy but at the end of the we're the ones who has to deal with it ri8? It's only us that can make things better for ourselves not matter how much support we get how much love we receive at the end of the day its us who has to make it better for ourselves, so I will not tell you to do non of that instead I'd wish you to be strong, you can let it hurt you, you can cry too, but don't hurt too much, don't cry too much.. you can think about it, all day all night but, remember to hold your ground don't stray too far and lastly never ever lose yourself while trying... its something I really wanted to hear from someone at times like these.. idk I might be sounding crazy af 💀 coz what if I truly am wrong..but still I wanted to let you know.. ( I know I said I wanted to be open but deciding to send this as an anon at the last moment, huh it must way b harder for me to truly open up , but I tried and I was able to speak my mind like this, so I guess that's something ri8?
ah... hey there, love 🥺 first of all, i'm happy you felt comfortable enough to open up to me/us... it means a lot. on the other hand, i'm sorry you needed to vent at all, bc i wouldn't want you to be unwell :( crying definitely helps, so if you ever need to, definitely do. i'll offer a warm hug anytime, too 💕
as for me... i'm so flattered that you reached out at all :( like, it makes me feel so warm that you'd care so much, truly. i think that yeah, the past couple weeks and months have been rough, and a lot of shitty stuff has been happening. i try to be optimistic about everything and try to hold onto hope, bc yeah you're right, we're the ones who'll get ourselves out of this... but i'm really sorry if i dampened the mood in any way 🥺
in any case... thank you again. these are things i usually tell you guys when you vent to me, but sometimes, it's so so nice to hear them, too. i love you, i appreciate you 💕 we'll be okay 🫂
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thrumbolt · 2 years
About the question you answered which mentioned thramsay, I am very new to both tumblr and asoiaf in general (i'm in since 2020?) And i was really surprised by how kind and overall chill the people in the thramsay community are!
That's so weird to me because I'm used to huge fanbases about normal healthy relationships where the fandom is toxic af, but then the kindest shipping fandom is the one built around torture and abuse?? That was surprising lmao
Do you think there's a reason behind this? you're basically a thramsay guru at this point
Aww. It must be both cool and not so cool when you're new! 'Cause the fandom sure is much quieter now but you have all the art and old shit to sort through haha.
Hmm good question tho. I think the biggest reason for it is definitely the size. If there's just 10, 20, 50 people or so it's easier to just be nice with everyone. There's not this huge anonymous mass (which imho really facilitates hate and nastiness). The more people there are, the more disagreements there will be.
I guess with Thramsay it also was the case of a lot of 'hate' coming from outside/the rest of the Asoiaf fandom (which was much larger) so it makes u stick closer together? No time to hate on each other if other people already hate on you haha.
Also people who are into fucked up shit maybe don't take everything so seriously? Might also be a reason why it's more chill.
And for some reason....as toxic as tumblr is and was (especially in its hay days), somehow I feel twitter is MUCH worse. But I think that's mostly because of the way it is set up and works. Frankly, I still feel much more comfortable to post and voice my opinions here, whereas on twitter you can get dogpiled by complete randos for something totally benign lol
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atherix0 · 2 years
MUMBO IS HAVING GAY THOUGHTS MUMBO IS HAVING GAY THOUGHTS AHHHHH Oh that HINT. That INKLING you gave me of Mumbo's protective instinct. Oh my GOD this is gonna be glorious when it stabs me ;)
Also the zombie swimming? The hint of mobs - truly impeccable. A creeper showing up mm mm mm. This is giving me ideas. So many ideas. I love when the minecraft world leeches in just a bit more than usual. And Mumbo going, tearing through the woods, slowly getting more and more concerned until he sees them and they're alright and its like he flicks a light switch so they dont SEE AHHHHHHHHH.
All this talk of dancing is gonna make me request a dancing scene outta you, btw. I need to see them dancing now. I require it to sustain my life at some point down the line. AND THE OH MY GOD SCAR AND CUB YEEEEEEEES So. fun fact. about your local feral mumbo enjoyer. I only got into hermitcraft a month ago, when I watch all of Grian's S9 videos and then immediately ran off to go watch season 6 - I'm almost done with Grian's playlist [Im on ep 90??? I think] but. Convex has my life so im like 👀👀👀 even though this is mumscarian im also just like. Hello there past.
SPEAKING OF PAST, OH MY GOD MUMBO'S RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS WIFE AND CHILD. THE BRAIDING SCENE OF MUMBOS PAST DID ME IN. This throws my thoughts out of order but they are BRAIDING! SCARS! HAIR! BOYS YOU ARE BEING GAY! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh my god and poor Scar is just sitting there looking like a tomato. They are braiding scars hair, Grian has a elven engagement hairpiece, he's making a thing w his feathers for mumbo, BOYS YOU'RE GETTING ENGAGED I AM SHAKING ALL THREE OF THEM BY THE SHOULDERS
But also. How they almost talked and then all three of them aborted mission. Good lord. Please. Healthy communication skills are necessary for a long-lasting relationship. And I have a feeling this one is gonna be,,,*long* lasting 👀👀
Oh my god and Mumbo realizing he is having Gay Thoughts TM and just being like "shit. shit." god bless him, he's competent. We love competency.
Mumbo is just one big Gay Thought at this point in time <3 He has Realized something while failing to Realize something else haha <3 My delay in answering this ask was solely so I could stab you with it a little sooner :)
I NEED my minecraft fanfiction to have minecraft story/lore in it thank you very much <3 Will I ever explain the thing with Scars and Creepers? Well. One day sure <3 HAHAHA Mumbo thinks he covered it up so chill meanwhile Scar teases Grian about his boyfriend's first thought waking up being "must find Grian NOW" lmao while simultaneously failing to realize Mumbo was speaking in plurals about them both jfdsklfds
Haha bold of you to assume I don't already have a dancing scene planned <3 YEAH HOW CAN YOU HAVE SCAR AND NO CUB, it was always my intention to make him a childhood friend/sweetheart, unfortunately while Cub obviously isn't a bad person (since obviously I won't make the canon characters bad people <3) his and Scar's relationship did not end on a good note </3 Keep in mind they were teenagers and their communication and coping skills were even WORSE than what Scar has going on now </3 Also haha totally not planning anything for when Cub shows up out of the blue after a certain thing I have planned for Scar-
Mumbo <3 Stuck between the tragedy of the past and the tranquility of the present, his last memory of braiding hair is negative but now he has a new memory of it and braiding Scar's hair has definitely led him to a Realization(TM) <3 THEY ARE BEING SO GAY and they are beautiful while doing it <3 The whole braiding thing is super important trust-wise but also the fact that these are two people Scar is Very Much Attracted To does not help </3 lmao- THAT AWKWARD MOMENT YOU GET ENGAGED BEFORE YOU EVEN REALIZE YOU'RE DATING AMIRITE-
hjfgdskjgf these boys are allergic to serious conversations, and they will continue to abort mission. Except Mumbo, because Mumbo has had a long-ass time to process, and all he has left to do is let go <3 hfhsjfsj Very.... very long-lasting <3
Mumbo is competent enough to realize he is having Gay Thoughts and that Scar might be having Gay Thoughts too, but not competent enough to realize Grian has spent the entire time in Aqua Town in a Gay Panic <3
Apologies if I answered anything badly or wonky it's 3 AM and I spent all day writing a 12k part and now I can't read anymore <3
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viscountessevie · 2 years
(Villainisation anon here)
[Ohh you have such an efficient way of tagging and maintaining different discussions! I am very much involved in another fandom and receive lots of asks about discourse but I somehow always manage to make a mess of tags, lol]
As for the name, I think I’ll go with 📖 anon or whatever tag you want to use. I am assuming you get a lot of anons regarding discourse so I don’t want to club myself with them.
I can totally understand your frustration regarding the lack of knowledge the general audience may have about The Sharmas. It’s frustrating when you know so much about something but cannot let it all out, especially to strangers on the internet. I have been in similar situations, and I am sorry if my ask ever made you feel that way.
I have definitely seen the word racist be thrown around quite carelessly with unclear implications, with the most recent instance being yesterday. I won’t go into the details of what was said, because maybe the person is your mutual and I don’t wish to involve you in any drama. (You may have, perhaps already seen something about it on your dash). But the words were hurtful and they invalidated my experience as a desi person watching the show. I know people can be quite vitriolic on both sides of the discourse, and it’s sad. But that’s the truth of fandom spaces - discourse is inevitable and I don’t have any ideas on what to do about it, lol.
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day/night (if you live in India, it must be past midnight for you! It’s dinnertime for me, so I must dash. But thank you for such a healthy and respectful discussion).
Here are Bookie 📖 Anon's previous asks!
Hello again 📖 Anon - I think I shall call you Bookie for short ahahha if you're okay with that! While Villianisation/Villain Anon sounds cool af I didn't want to make you sound like a hater lol. So I dub thee Bookie 📖 Anon!
Anyways thank you for the compliment, it means a lot. Also there's no right or wrong way to tag or run a discourse blog so don't worry about yours - do what feels right for you!
Funny thing is, I never use to tag things AT ALL before I start running this blog. Hell I wouldn't even link previous posts but then I started getting more related asks and it seemed logical to give context. The Emojis started recently though and they are so fun! I think only Jett and Ring Anon have come back to my asks a few times lol. I think its cool to know where they all stand on different topics instead of me assuming every anon is a different person because Uhhh that's like over 140 (I think that's how many asks I've answered since March?) people who have been talking to me and that's a daunting thought oop.
That was a fun tangent but let's get into the meat of this post!
Thank you for being so understanding, Bookie! But I'll survive and stick to my friends' fics for wholesome Sharmas ahahah. And oh, if I could I would scream about the Book Sharmas all day but I'm not that unhinged lmao. Instead I will passive aggressively hype them and their book scenes up (I did it here also wanna make some edits with the book scene quotes tacked onto S2's scenes at some point) Also want to reassure you that you did not make me feel that way at all! It was nice to have people who like flawed Sharmas' fics to be civil and open to discussion - it was a good change from the usual drama on my dash ahahah.
That being said ohmygod Bookie, spill the tea and call them out!! Who was that?? I saw another post vagueposting Mimi and I but they weren't being 'racist', just fucking rude.
But the words were hurtful and they invalidated my experience as a desi person watching the show. I know people can be quite vitriolic on both sides of the discourse, and it’s sad. But that’s the truth of fandom spaces - discourse is inevitable and I don’t have any ideas on what to do about it, lol.
Tell me about it, the invalidation in this fandom is INSANE sometimes, I mean I'll admit sometimes I am a little guilty of it but its in the name of invalidating bigots who should be drowned out because we do not need this energy here. I do hope you're feeling better now and the words didn't get to you <3 I know I said spill the tea but if you don't want to give yourself away and get involved in the drama, I totally understand! That being said if you do want to vent about that situation, my DMs and off anon asks (I can respond to you privately!) are always open if you need them.
Take care Bookie, and yes it was ard 1am (I'm in Asia, GMT+8 btw) when I posted your second ask and fell asleep soon after ahhaha. Hope you had a good dinner and can't wait to hear from you in the future!!
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writteninkat · 3 years
Heyy🐻 I usually ask for NSFW but this is crack with a little ✨nasty and fluff✨ um- any of the MHA/BNHA boys reacting to the reader gagging on the toothbrush....idk I just want a bit of fluff
you can do whatever with this just have fun with it☺
remember to drink water and eat daily🥰
w/ Katsuki, Tenya, Kirishima, Denki
a/n: hi ilysm u're always so freaking sweet sendin' mwa requests 🥺 hope u stay healthy always luv <3 also this'll be a bit shorter than my usual hc's since i can't rlly think of a plot for this to follow idkidk
genre: fluff, suggestive themes, some crack lmao
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it's early in the mornin', you're half asleep, you remember the layout of your shared apartment so good that you can walk to rooms with your eyes closed
katsuki is already there brushing his teeth and as soon as you step inside, he hands you your tooth brush and puts the toothpaste on the brush for you
your mistake: you yawn while putting the toothbrush in your mouth and you totally miscalculate how deep you've pushed it in your mouth
it hits the back of your throat without any warning at all and of course, you choke
"tch, be careful, dumbass. it'd be idiotic if you died from a toothbrush"
yeah the sudden hitting your back and almost choking to de*th (im joking can yall tell? 😐) part definitely woke you up
the second you step inside your shared bathroom, still yawning and your hair all over the place, Tenya is smiling at how adorable you are
he loves mornings cause he gets to see you in this state- not in your prim & proper pro hero costume but instead just... you.
as he daydreams about how inlove he is with a Y/n who has dried saliva in the side of her mouth and eye boogies in her eyes and her hair a bird's nest, it's immediately broken when he hears you gag
you're dropping your toothbrush on the sink and coughing for dear life as your husband rubs and pats your back, telling you to "breathe, Y/n, breathe!"
when you assure to him you're okay, he goes on to lecture you about...how dangerous it is if you don't hold your tooth brush properly???
"tenya I don't need this right now, I almost d!ed!" you pouted to which your husband rolls his eyes at. "You can't die from choking on a toothbrush!"
you take your brush and point it at him, "Wanna test that theory now?"
God he fucking loves you so much
you reach up to him for his third morning kiss of the day before you walk over to your side of the bathroom sink
as you're brushing your teeth, you start to doze back in sleep land, your hand moving on its own as your head slowly droops forward
no, your red haired husband doesn't notice this cause he's too busy flossing and you know what happens next? you know what happens next.
yes you choke. on your toothbrush. what a fucking idiot.
and instead of asking if you're alright as you're coughing out the foam from the toothpaste, Eijiro is laughing his ass off like it's hilarious watching you suffer
he's slapping his thigh, laughing loudly until you finally calm down
you glare at him
"what?" he asks
"what?" you copy him, "dude I almost d worded! couldn't you help me by like rubbing my back or something?"
"it was funny!" you narrow your eyes at him, "like how bad do you have to be to fuck up brushing your teeth?"
"Eijiro I give you five to run."
"Five what? minutes? hours?"
"four, three, two-"
"ahh, fuck."
little shit makes fun of you for walking with a limp from last night's activities
"need a wheelchair there hon? ah wait- it probably hurts more if you sit, doesn't it?" he pouts, faking sympathy as you simply glare at him
you take your toothbrush, squeezing toothpaste on the bristles
"hey, hey hon, I go in hard but come out soft and I don't mind if you blow me. What am I?" he smirks, poking your side with his elbow.
"I swear to god Denki if it's-"
"I'm a chewing gum!" He smiles ever so innocently which only makes you glare at him even more
"what's long, and hard, and has cum in it?"
at this point you're just ignoring your idiot of a husband
still ignoring.
"hon hon hon, what's hairy on the outside but soft and wet in the inside, and whose word starts with 'c' and ends with 't'?"
still ignoring him
your thin string of patience snaps and you move to hit him on his arm but push your toothbrush in even deeper instead, making you choke
"mmhmm, that's exactly what you said last night."
oh my god you're gonna k word him 🙂
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
Super specific placements astro notes/rants
Usual disclaimer: take this with a grain of salt and only what resonates.
You can look at Chiron and the planets it touches to see conflicts/trauma regarding family remembers or people in general
Sun - father, masculine figures
Moon - mother, feminine figures
Mercury - siblings/cousins (not sure with this one)
Venus - feminine figures.
I want to elaborate on this one. I personally don't like assigning gender to placements, but energies. Feminine and masculine don't directly point to gender, only behavioural characteristics.
Mars - masculine figures
Jupiter - masculine/mentor figures
Saturn - authority figures (you may also look at the midheaven for this one, although its meaning is a little distorted)
That moment when you even hint at mercury-uranus, mercury-saturn, mercury-mc, mercury in the 1H/3H/6H/7H/9H/10H/11H that they are stupid 😀🔪 I am calling myself out with this one.
Mercury-uranus makes someone's intellect their pride, what makes them stand out. Mercury-saturn go through a lot of wrestling with how intelligent they are.
Mercury-mc suggests that they are known for their smarts, and they are truly pragmatic(they look up to intelligence as well).
Mercury in the 1st house makes intellect part of their core identity, meanwhile mercury in the 3rd is in its home, how can you insult something in its more comfortable place?
Mercury in the 6th may doubt their intelligence a lot, despite how logical they most likely are in their day to day life.
Mercury in the 7th brings rationality in their relationships, and its also something they are recognized for.
Mercury in the 9th, I have this one, really ties intellect to personal beliefs. Insulting their brains is like Insulting what they believe in.
Mercury in the 10th, just like mercury-mc. And mercury in the 11th house is also probably thought of as rational as well. Their friends know it, their community knows it.
Trines are lazy. These aspects give so much potential but it's so easy to lose focus with them, this is why I prefer sextiles over trines.
Your 12th house represents your dreams. Whatever you have on your 12th house can point to how your dreams are.
F.e I have moon in the 12th. My dreams tend to include lots of feminine figures and emotions. I also have capricorn on my 12th house, so routine and constant reminders of my responsibilities keep popping up
Scorpio on the 12th house may have nightmares often
Gemini/Sagittarius on rhe 12th may have very bizzare dreams.
Libra on the 12th may dream a lot about relationships
We tend to turn towards the opposite house we have our Chiron in.
9th house? The person may turn towards facts, logic and education (3rd house) to make up for their wounded beliefs (others may have said they're too drastic or simply stupid, or religious trauma etc)
1st house? We tend to turn to others (7th house)
4th house Chiron can indulge too much in their career or public image(10th house)
Not much of an astro note but, any other Libra venus in the 8th house here? I swear I could have been such a flirt if I had it in the 7th house or 9th, LMAO. 8th house venus kind of hides the venus sign's traits. Only when you get to know me I truly display the Libra qualities. Until then I am like :|
Also, talking about libra venus, I saw it get a lot of hate in the community despite it being one of the best venus placements objectively.
If anyone here has Virgo sun in the 7th, please focus more on yourself and less on what others think. It is indeed a quality to be considerate, but you also have to not lose yourself
The ascendnat doesn't only represent looks amd first impressions, but also your identity and self. I don't think ascendant aspects in synastry get a lot of credit, being shunned as superficial and simply physical attraction. I believe they are the representation of how the people involved see each other and shape their identity, what sides they bring out of each other.
I think that the best compability is shown by asteroid Juno. If someone has major or prominent sign placements as your juno sign, then you are most likely a good match (especially if it's mutual)
Mars in pisces may be passive, but don't confuse that with weakness. I noticed that most of the time these people tend to brush off or try to forget conflict, which in the end can actually be beneficial (most of the time, there are moments when confrontation is needed). While some may describe them as fickle, when developed they can be very resillient ngl.
You don't relate to the physical descriptions of your ascendant? That's totally fine! There can he multiple reasons for this, first one being that astrology cannot determine how we look, genetics do that, and second you should look at your ascendant aspects and other planets you have in the 1st house.
I have aquarius rising. Most descriptions say thay we're tall, meanwhile I'm here at 5'2, buuut I also have neptune in the 1st and ascendant conjunct chiron. I don't mean to discredit people who do these descriptions, they're actually accurate! My friend also has an aquarius rising and Uranus in the 1st and they look exactly like that--
I personally love the 5th house in astrology. Mine is empty but I've met some people with stelliums in it and my god they're so fun to be around!
5th house stelliums are naturally focused on hobbies, fun activities, children and the self (not necessarily inna selfsih way lmao). They are most likely very artistic and knowledgeable in their interests.
Many squares to the midheaven can point towards difficulty in reaching dreams, but also lots lots of potential. I've read somewhere that squares are blessings in disguise, so people with an extremely squared mc will have to go through a lot but it will definitely be worth it in the end.
Not much of a note again but I have an empty 10th house but a lot of focus on the 9th and 11th house. If anyone has these as well, are you career/project oriented but very little interested in the public eye?
If you really want to get into astrology, I recommend checking out your vedic chart. You get introduced to a bunch of new aspects and systems, but in the end I personally found the analysis I got very accurate. (You can check out @meandmypeace their blog is very insightful!)
Taurus risings are really down to earth, but I noticed they tend to space out a lot
Oh, you have a Leo venus? Let me tell you how cool you are. My bestie has this placement and my god they're one of the best people to offer comfort and affection. Their way of displaying it is very cute but also rather intense. It makes my libra venus go <3 they love attention and praise but they deserve it too lmao- when healthy they really care for the people close to them and are truly protective of them. Also side note, they may or may not pride themselves in the relationships they have
And that's it. Thanks for reading!
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imagines-mha · 3 years
⭒ haikyuu x exam season ⭒
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Daichi- when i say he is the MOODIEST person when studying. It’s all fun and games until you interrupt him one too many times and he fucking explodes. Needs 2 chill
Suga- his goal in life is to be an aesthetic studyblr like this man will go and get iced coffee, order the prettiest stationary and then spend 20 minutes organising it for his instagram. As for ACTUALLY studying? He’s amazing at it. Literally the person we all aspire to be
Asahi- anxiety crams before tests. He does more than like 70% of his classmates but is always convinced he’s fallen behind on everything. Cries a LOT when he doesnt understand smth
Noya- another one who cries only he does it SO easily. Personally victimised by anything past question 1. Gets literally everyone to do his work for him
Tanaka- tries so hard he really really does. His handwriting is a mess and his notes look like something a 7 year old would do. Gets everything wrong but doesnt let it stop him
Ennoshita- did someone say pretentious straight A student??? Offers to help his friends just so he can flex his pretty notes and intelligence. Seems like he has everything under control but really? He cries like once a night in the lead up to exams
Kageyama- he doesnt have any room for anything in his head that isnt volleyball. Hes hopeless
Hinata- LACKS COMMON SENSE SO BAD. He’ll finally understand EVERYTHING but write the answer in the wrong place or leave out a decimal place in the exam. Stupidest mistakes
Tsukishima- he sticks to a study schedule like what? Who tf sticks to a schedule? Doesnt like to flaunt his grades around anyone who isnt hinata and kageyama, but akiteru and his mom are 100% the type to post his grades all over facebook like “so proud of my son !!!!!!”
Yamaguchi- the king of saying he hasn’t done much for exams, but then stays up every night til 2am studying. He HATES people having any expectations of him so keeps all his preparation secret lmao.
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Kuroo- hes smart and he flaunts it so bad. 100% a teacher's pet, especially for science. Around exam season he lives in the library. Motivates kenma to study with him too tho hes so supportive
Kenma- hes naturally smart, which is like 70% of the reason his grades are good bc he does NOT study. Leaves it all to the night before/ when hes with his friends in the library but other than that nope he doesnt have energy
Lev- doesn't fully register he’s taking a test until he’s 3 questions in and hasn’t written a single word. Then he starts panicking.
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Bokuto- he goes through the 5 stages of grief every single time he has to study. Gets frustrated as hell when he cant understand something, gets distracted by everything, a mess. Always leads to him slamming his textbook shut and sulking for an hour
Akaashi- the only one in fukurodani who actually spreads his studying out over the year so he doesnt have to cram. He has pretty notes and diagrams but still gets so stressed smh
Konoha- “yeah ill study in ten minutes” *cue him 6 hours later only starting* studies mostly at night and doesnt care about grades , yet still manages to score really good on every test
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Oikawa- if this man is anything he’s dedicated. Actually finds balance between volleyball and studying when exam season’s in full swing, but that doesnt mean he still doesnt overwork himself. Surviving on 40 minutes of sleep and coffee lmao
Mattsun- doesn’t take school seriously at all. Hes like “who cares im gonna die one day” “if i dont know it now ill never know it”. So fucking chill
Makki- tries to be like issei so bad but it fails every time. He’s like “yeah who cares about biology anyway lmao”. He is a liar. He cried for 2 hours over biology last night smh. Biology is actually his number one care.
Iwa- naturally smart and follows a routine. The only healthy studier in seijoh tbh. Motivates his friends so much though hes the only reason mattsun and makki pass smh
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Ushijima- sounds pretentious but he doesnt mean it. The worst person to study with because hes so naturally smart and makes everyone feel stupid. Hes like “how do you not understand this? Its easy?”
Tendou- hes so average when it comes to studying i cant even explain it. He goes home and studies, has dinner, watches some anime and studies a little more, then just goes to bed? Never overly concerned about it but hes the best for calming nerves. Makes you really believe things will be okay
Goshiki- CHRONIC WORRIER OH MY GOD. definitely gets the shakes before an exam and almost has a fuckin panic attack every single time, never feels prepared but he really is. Needs tendou for emotional support
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Atsumu- too confident in his abilities lmao. He’s like “yeah ive got this i totally know it” then acts shocked and appalled when he fails. Thinks he’s the main character, therefore he HAS to pass. He’s not. And he never learns.
Osamu- the slightly smarter twin yet still not exceptional in any way. Doesnt really care about grades, he knows there’s more to life but still studies enough to pass
Kita- hello mr “whats a failing grade”. Never stresses and never fails. Actually the top of his class in basically everything. Manages to study and still find time for hobbies.
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Aone- i am convinced a hug from him would get me through exam season every single year. Another person who just? Doesnt stress? Follows a routine and doesnt mind if he doesnt know something in the test. wow
Futakuchi- “i dont care about exams at all fuck them” *gets 53% and cries*. He doesnt have the patience to study and feels betrayed when all his friends actually do the work
Koganegawa- hes like hinata only he actually passes most of the time. Works SO hard and gets so happy when it pays off!! Always treats himself to mcdonalds after an exam thats self love babie
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Terushima- you need to be cautious around this man. He’ll spend every night of exam season partying and ignoring any responsibility, yet still come out with 100% in everything. Where does he find the time? How does that work? What the fuck?
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lavenderfeminist · 2 years
hey re your post about the split attraction model...i totally agree that it is kinda a flawed system. I've identified as biromantic asexual for a while but i've just discovered gender criticism/radical feminism (literally in the last week) and am now questioning my identity through that lense. i know i'm very much ATTRACTED to both men and women and would love to be in a relationship with either, but i'm just not really keen on sex as a whole (especially not with men, but could maybe see myself with women idk). idk if its right for me to claim to be bisexual when my /sexual/ preference is basically "no." but it also like....i am bi and i dont want to deny that part of me. or maybe im just altogether delusional i literally cant tell anymore lmao. i know you cant tell me what my sexuality is for me, but i was wondering if you had any insight on how to avoid the appeal of the split attraction model. if you feel this question would be better directed to a bisexual lmk. i just saw your post and it really got me thinking! thanks so much! <3
Heyo. So sorry for the late response; I always want to give a well thought-out response but this is still a tumblr blog and I’m a student. I'm definitely not qualified to make a judgement call on your sexuality, but hopefully at least a few people who follow me will have some insight to offer to help you think things through at your own pace, and hopefully the rest of what I say may help you illuminate some of your own feelings. I know very well how overwhelming discovering radical feminism was, and I never had cause to question how I described my sexuality during that process!
My advice for letting go of the split-attraction model is drastic and simple. Throw the whole thing out. It’s not a legitimate option. Seriously. It doesn’t mirror reality, and pretending it does causes issues for people like me, as you read, but it also causes issues for people like you. The general approach people take to asexuality is nonsensical to begin with, and the split attraction model makes it worse by legitimizing that nonsense.
There are two major issues with the split attraction model. The first is that it treats romantic and sexual attraction as separate. Not only does this play into the kind of homophobic thinking I mentioned in my post, but it actually perpetuates the narrative that desiring an emotionally fulfilling non-sexual relationship with someone is only possible if you have more-than-platonic feelings for them. That is simply not true. You can love somebody fully and completely and have only platonic feelings for them. Platonic relationships are only less fulfilling than romantic ones because we live in a society that expects you to center your life around a romantic partner, and treats any other kind of lifestyle as non-normative. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Not being interested in sex doesn’t mean you’re excluded from having someone to share your life with, if that’s what you want. The split attraction model gets this part right. But it says that that desire for emotional intimacy is what makes your feelings romantic, when in reality the difference between platonic and romantic is the desire for sexual intimacy. I’d actually argue limiting yourself to only “romantic” partners shuts you off from forming relationships with the kind of women who’d be seeking the same thing you are, namely heterosexual women who want to build a life with another woman rather than a romantic partner. Now, when I say “you”, I’m referring to truly asexual women who still have a desire for emotional intimacy and partnership. Whether that’s you or not is not something I can determine for you.
The second issue with the split attraction model is that it perpetuates this concept that “you can be asexual and still want and enjoy having sex”. The idea is that you can have consensual and healthy sex in the absence of sexual attraction, because you’re in a “romantic but not sexual” relationship or somehow your desire to have sex in disconnected from what is revealed by which kinds of people you want to have sex with, or that you want to have sex at all. But you can’t make a claim like that about something which is being asserted is a unique sexuality without applying that same logic to every other sexuality. If asexuality is a legitimate sexuality, the idea that asexuals would be anything less than traumatized by having sex is about as ridiculous as saying “you can be a lesbian and pursue sex with men” (a disturbing sentiment that has been picking up some steam recently) or “you can be a straight man and pursue sex with men”. So the criteria of asexuality must be that you lack sexual attraction altogether, and therefore would never choose to have sex.
So where do people who don’t really have an active sex drive but might hypothetically be okay with having sex if they were in an intimate partnership? You know for certain you feel attracted to certain people but you really don’t feel any kind of desire for sexual intimacy? My guess would be low libido. Libido isn’t something innate, like sexuality. It can fluctuate throughout your life. I can’t really speak to this part of the equation, so that’s something you’d need to look into for yourself. Are you more repulsed by the idea of being with a man than a woman for social or political reasons? Or is that aspect of your personal feelings something worth paying more thought to? I can’t answer that. But what I want to say is that no matter which conclusion you come to, you deserve fulfilling relationships and emotional connection, no matter what. You should never have to make yourself uncomfortable or distressed due to a mistaken belief that there are “acceptable” or “standard” expectations for relationships. You can find emotionally intimacy and fulfillment without sex, and you should be able to pursue that. You know what you want better than anybody else, and I sincerely hope you get it. Good luck :)
P.S. if anybody has a comment/criticism/advice for me or anon, please do offer it!
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ace-ffa · 2 years
pinned post
Hi I’m Rose, asexual (sex-repulsed) and aromantic FFA and this is my kink blog! Actually that’s not my real name but you need to be Confidant Rank 10 to know my real name. (As you can tell from that reference, an interest besides thicc boys is video games. I also like to write and draw! And cook.) My kink preferences can be found here! https://ace-ffa.tumblr.com/about
(But the basics are I’m attracted to SSBHM with lots of soft fat. I don’t like hard fat. Similarly I only like soft feedism, not hard feedism. Soft, soft, soft.)
So to get this out of the way first, as sadly being a woman I have to make this clear: I am not really here for… feedist... flirting? Idk how to put it. Is it called fat chat? I’ve ‘been there, done that’. I've been approached by many, many guys by virtue of being an elusive fa girl (or “female” as many of them called me, which was an instant ignore lmao), but with few exceptions it lead to nothing but disappointment and awkwardness. No more, I learned my lesson; I only want to have that kind of talk now with a like-minded asexual (SS)BHM. If you aren’t asexual, do not message me with that intent because I will not respond. And don’t lie, sadly people have lied to me. 
(And of course I’m totally open to making friends! I’d love more FA friends to share kink stuff with! This might sound weird, but I really love this kink, I love talking about it. I’m really shy though and bad at small talk, but I don’t bite. Note that I can only see messages when I log in on PC because on mobile which I use most of the time, I have to use a third party tumblr app in order to make sure I am not confusing this account with my main, ADHD is a bitch. And yeah said app does not have the chat feature so, forgive me if I take a while to respond!)
lastly I guess I should have this warning about myself. I wholeheartedly believe medical fatphobia is a problem. I believe that weight is not the be-all-end-all of health. Being thin does not mean someone is healthy or even fit, and I can personally attest to that. Some obese people are in better health than thin people, and it is definitely faaaar worse for health to be too thin than it is to be too heavy, and likewise it’s far worse to eat too little than too much. Nor do I believe obesity is a moral failing. But, I believe obesity especially to the extent which I am attracted to does have a negative effect on one’s health and lifespan. I have been called fatphobic for thinking this, hell, for the fact that I don’t want to be a feeder because of the effects extreme obesity has on a person’s health. I was told I should “reevaluate myself” and. No. Sorry, as a life science nerd I’ve been fascinated by fat and its effects my entire life, not even out of fetishy-interest. I just like this stuff. I’ve done lots of reading up about obesity. I am by no means claiming to be an expert, but I am about as informed as a layperson can be. I will not go in-depth about what I think about the link between obesity and health unless I am asked, but my point is, I believe obesity has a negative effect on health, and I believe those who think otherwise are in denial and are simply believing what they want to believe. If you consider me fatphobic for this, whatever. The block button is right there. I will likewise not reply to and block every clown who tries saying anything to me about it. Don’t waste my time or yours.
Anyway enjoy my blog. Thanks for reading.
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all “what’s the record for most consecutive bone breaks within the span of a single minute” and, without waiting for an answer, proceeded to unleash roughly 17 Smashes onto Tomura. Kacchan was all “THAT DOES IT, I’M TAKING THE REINS OF THIS SHITSHOW” and carried Endeavor and Shouto up to where the action was so Endeavor could hit Tomura with a Prominence Burn. AFO was all “Tomura would you rather burn to death or let me take over your body” and Tomura was all “...” and so AFO TOOK OVER and was all “STABBITY STABBITY” and used his Stabbing Quirk to do some Good Old Fashioned STABBIN’. First he stabbed Endeavor, and then he was all “hee and now I’m gonna stab Deku”, but Kacchan was all “SIR THAT’S MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT RIVAL” and so he rushed on in AND GOT HIMSELF STABBED INSTEAD. And so basically THIS PAST WHOLE WEEK HAS BEEN A RIDE, LET ME TELL YOU.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan is all “sup Deku lemme just downplay how I totally took this fatal blow for you just now” before he dramatically passes out and is caught by Todoroki “BTDUBS I CAN FLY NOW” Shouto, who is also carrying his dad because the kids really are just doing it all, here. AllForRaki Tomura For One is all “HAHA BAKUGOU IS PRETTY DUMB”, at which point Deku just LOSES IT ENTIRELY and ASCENDS INTO A NEW PLANE OF FURY LIKE A LITTLE GREEN RAGE BUDDHA. But then like two seconds later Tomura is all “ANYWAY, SO” and FUCKING TOUCHES DEKU’S FACE, CAUSING THE TWO OF THEM TO ASTROPROJECT INTO THE FREAKY OFA/AFO MINDSCAPE BECAUSE THIS CHAPTER IS BANANAS. Vestige!AFO is all “reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated but aren’t you glad I saved your life though, Tomura”, while Tomura is all “!!” because he’s hopefully starting to get A Clue, and meanwhile Deku just stands there watching all “what the fuck.” The chapter ends with SHIMURA MCFUCKING NANA showing up all, “HI, I HEARD SOME BITCHES WERE TRYING TO HAVE A GIRL POWER ARC, AND THEY DIDN’T INVITE ME.” Go on, Nana. Give ‘em hell.
you guys. I’m not normally one to take pleasure in another human being’s misfortune. BUT THAT SAID, there are exceptions to every rule, and so let’s just say certain events have transpired early this morning which have PUT ME IN A VERY, LET’S JUST SAY, NOT-TERRIBLE MOOD which this chapter will hopefully improve upon!!
oh my god Deku’s one non-fucked-up eye that he still has control over is SO WIDE YOU GUYS
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hmm I know I shouldn’t be all (゜▽゜) while the two of them are all (; ▼ Д ▼) (⁰ Д゜;) ... and yet here we are. btw I’m worried tumblr’s formatting will ruin those two emojis which I worked so hard to get just right so I’m gonna repost them on another line here just in case
(; ▼ Д ▼) (⁰ Д゜;) that’s them. Kacchan and Deku. my boys 
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(ETA: really love how my son, with what for all he knows could be his dying breaths, decides that the absolute most important thing is to preserve his selfish asshole facade so as not to fuck up his status quo with his rival. “LOOKEE HERE I GOT MYSELF ALL STABBED AND SHIT FOR YOU, BUT I TOTALLY JUST DID IT BECAUSE I WAS TIRED OF YOU GETTING ALL THE COOL HERO MOMENTS” yeah, that’s right! SELFLESS MOTIVATIONS, WHAT ARE THOSE sob.
also tbh I’m glad they didn’t delve any further into their feelings right here and now because this really isn’t the place or time for it sadly. WE WILL JUST PUT THOSE ON HOLD UNTIL AFTER THE ARC ENDS, when they are all recovering from their various wounds and traumas and have time to catch up and have some long-overdue heart-to-hearts. it deserves its own chapter or two or three. maybe time to head back to Ground Beta once they’re healthy? “healthy” perhaps being a relative term given their current condition fjsdjkf.)
by the way it looks from here like only the ones through his torso and shoulder actually hit, so that’s something at least. WE’VE LOST ENOUGH LEGS TODAY. I need to conserve my remaining puns
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anyway so it looks like Kacchan might have caught a break here because AFO/Tomura is pulling the stabby quirk activation tendril things back out! rip, “Kacchan vs. Deku part 3″ theories
p.s. I got ALL CAUGHT UP IN THE DRAMA and thus glossed over the chapter title which is “one among us”! hmmm this is definitely AFO/OFA related, calling it now. ooh lord I am excited
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even before his eyeballs kfldkakjk. which, btw, how does he even know what’s going on right now? “this fight has shed a lot of useless blood” sdkmkjl okay well (1) WHOSE FAULT WAS THAT, AGAIN??, (2) SERIOUSLY THOUGH, HOW DOES HE EVEN KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO YOU STABBED?? ARE YOU EFFECTIVELY BLIND FOR THE NEXT FEW SECONDS HERE, WHAT’S GOING ON, and lastly (3) I seriously can’t tell if this is AFO or Tomura talking right now. or are they going back and forth?? help this is so confusing
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okay and now we’re cutting to some quick panels of the unconscious Aizawa, Gran, and Ryuukyuu, along with the “still conscious but in a very real sense might as well not be counted” Manual who is really having a day, that poor guy
anyway but then there’s also some dialogue boxes being all “if you act out of rage your power will respond accordingly, the most important part is to keep your head clear.” which I’m like 90% sure is Deku/OFA related, but honestly NOTHING ABOUT THIS CHAPTER IS CLEAR SO FAR YOU GUYS. except for the Shouto-is-a-badass part anyway
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it must be a callback to some line I’m forgetting. maybe Lariat explaining Blackwhip to him that one time. probably should have been in italics if it was a flashback quote, but hey. anyways the point is Deku is absolutely, 100% following this advice to the letter (/s)
(ETA: yep I’m almost positive this is the same quote from chapter 213. “listen, when you use this power out of anger, it’ll really start working for you. what really matters is controlling your heart.” which is still one of the weirdest pieces of advice in the entire series, but basically I think he was just trying to tell him it’s okay to get mad, so long as it’s calmly mad. like, controlled fury, as opposed to this white-hot berserker nonsense he’s been running on as of late. anyways I do still love me some shounen rage all the same but Lariat has a point.)
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it took me a minute to realize THOSE WERE DEKU’S EYES. holy --
(ETA: this is a two-page spread omg. I didn’t even realize at first. this scan ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT DO THIS BADASS PAGE ANY KIND OF JUSTICE but I can’t wait to see the real deal on Sunday holy shit.)
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(ETA: he actually looks a bit like the Vestiges/Kurogiri tbh.)
meanwhile Tomura basically has the exact same face I would have had in his position. yeah for real man. I don’t even know
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if this was a physical page I was holding I would have FLUNG THAT SHIT AWAY LIKE THERE WAS A SPIDER CRAWLING ON IT. WHAT THE FUCK
HOT DAMN. well uh. so that’s SUPER DISTURBING, what a lovely panel of Tomura’s melted face slowly growing back while his ears lag behind, and meanwhile that little scar that had been growing and growing and which at one point certain people (ME) thought might turn him into a BEAUTIFUL BUTTERLY instead RIPS HIS FACE IN HALF to reveal the KINDER EGG AFO SURPRISE UNDERNEATH AHHHHH TAKE IT BACK
-- NO!!!
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oh my god. I almost would have rather cut away right after the Kacchan incident than freaking cut away NOW of all times, jesus. THAT’S JUST A BITCH MOVE, IS WHAT THAT IS. if we don’t cut back within the next three pages I SWEAR TO GOD
anyway so GUESS WHAT GIGANTOMACHIA’S DOING YOU GUYS. if you guessed “the exact same thing he was doing last time we saw him” then you are absolutely right, because it was actually PRETTY EASY TO GUESS
anyway but he says he detects “master’s scent”, except that there’s apparently two of them. interesting! one in Tartarus and one in Jakku, right? lol Horikoshi has burned me so many times already with his excruciatingly slow reveal of this that I’m not gonna hold my breath just yet, but I’ll get the hype train warmed up JUST IN CASE
okay so meanwhile in downtown Jakku, the heroes are handing off the civilians over to the police and rescue forces while they prepare to engage with “the villain”, by which I assume they mean Gigantomachia. does this mean Iida and Ochako are gonna fight Machia you guys omg
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“PLEASE INFORM THEM ON FOOT” well I know a certain SPEEDY BOI who would be PERFECT for that job oh my. make haste, Tenyar FastmLeggy
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so rather than answering my VERY PERTINENT question, Ochako is instead spending an entire page thinking about how their complete clusterfuck of a life keeps getting exponentially worse all the time! well but she’s not wrong though
NOW SHE’S ALL “GUYS...!” and, rather than explaining ANYTHING AT ALL, Horikoshi is again cutting back to THIS, OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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(ETA: good thing Kacchan wasn’t awake to see his dramatic “I’ll just get myself impaled for Deku’s sake” plan result in this outcome ALL OF TWENTY SECONDS LATER smdh.)
so now he’s all “MIDORIYA!!!” because OF COURSE HE IS. his best friend just got impaled, and his dad too, and now he fully expects to see his other best friend crumble to dust right before his eyes holy shit. T R A U M A ™
-- !!!
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somehow in the excitement of the moment I forgot his actual goal for a sec lol. meaning I instantaneously switched from HORRIFIED to GRINNING LIKE A MANIAC :D :D :D come on OFA time to show him what’s what
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I’M ON BOARD WITH THIS, WHATEVER. also it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Deku is in fact nekkid underneath that mystical cloud bs, so let’s hope one of his remaining yet-to-be-unlocked quirks is a pants-conjuring quirk lulz
“this place...” yeah we all fucking know what this place is son, let’s get on with this. by my count we’ve only got four pages left so PLEASE BUDGET THEM WISELY
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holy shit. I have so many screaming thoughts about this lol but I just want to keep on reading lkjlkjlkjl okay I’ll come back later and edit them in, how’s that
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shit. okay let me just try and sum this up as quick as I can
so just in case it wasn’t already crystal clear, AFO’s soul being roommates with Tomura’s seems to be just about 100% confirmed now. good for you, All For One For All theory!! the “Kacchan loses his quirk” theory died so that you might live on in glory
AFO does seem to have almost fully taken control now. it looks like Tomura’s still fighting back, but AFO clearly has the upper hand now if their body language is any indication. Tomura on his knees with AFO calmly holding him down and ignoring his struggles... not looking too good for him at the moment
people seem to have somewhat lost sight of this in the midst of the great “heroes vs. villains Who Is Right Who Is Wrong What Are Morals” debate of 2020, but just a friendly reminder that AFO is in fact responsible for 100% of all of Tomura’s suffering from pretty much the moment he was born up till this very moment we’re now witnessing!! like, you can go ahead and blame Nana and Gran and The Complacent Apathy Of Hero Society and whatever the fuck else from here till Sunday, but All for One is the reason Kotarou was orphaned. All for One is almost certainly the reason why the seemingly quirkless Tenko suddenly just magically developed THE MOST FUCKED UP QUIRK OF ALL TIME at the worst possible moment. All for One is probably the reason why no one helped Traumatized Baby Tenko in the immediate aftermath (I can and likely will write a separate post about this in the near future). All for One is definitely the reason why no one helped Tenko at any point after that. All for One is the reason why Tenko grew up all fucked in the head (“HERE’S YOUR DEAD FAMILY’S HANDS, MERRY CHRISTMAS”), and the reason why he grew up blaming Heroes and Society rather than the sole person who was actually responsible who was literally standing right in front of him the entire time. and lastly, All for One is the reason why Tomura has now been manipulated into unknowingly sacrificing his own body and possibly even his mind. so THANKS A LOT FOR THAT. more like jerk for one amiright
basically what I’m trying to say is that Deku and Tomura are not actually enemies here, and they never have been. the two of them have a common enemy, and I’m convinced Tomura’s story is about him eventually coming to realize this. and this looks to be the first step towards that, for two reasons. one, because AFO is finally starting to out himself to Tomura as the rat bastard he has always been. and two, because Deku is catching a glimpse of this now for the very first time. up until now he didn’t have a damn clue lol. but this is now something for him to file away in the back of his mind, and perhaps follow up on at a later date, once all of this craziness finally subsides and he has some time to process
anyway, so that’s basically it! tl;dr AFO is the final villain and unless I’m very much mistaken, this scene is going to finally start to set that up. let’s read on!
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NOOOOOO I can’t believe it fucking ended there I can’t fucking believe it, fuck everything
smdh. what a place to end it. didn’t confirm a damn thing. not even whose mental landscape all of this is actually taking place in! like, don’t mind me though Horikoshi, it’s not like THE FATE OF THE WORLD HINGES ON THIS QUESTION OR ANYTHING except oh wait it really kind of does. kljkj
but seriously. because if it’s Deku’s mind, it means that Tomura’s attempt to take his quirk wasn’t successful. but if it’s Tomura’s mind, though... well... hhhhhhkhfff
or it could be both, I guess. more of that “AFO and OFA are the same quirk and thus linked” goodness. oh man. anyways stay tuned for next week when Nana presumably helps Deku out with the rest of that black fog and also hopefully finds him some pants. or maybe Nana can just go fight AFO herself. a little payback for everything he’s done to her protege and to her grandson. either way I CAN’T WAIT omg. VESTIGE ANTICS ARE A GO
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A BIG collection of my favourite randomly generated incorrect quotes with the top 5 (+ edgejeanist unsurprisingly - I think I got pretty lucky for that part) :
@ohpleaseiwillendyou idk I just thought you might enjoy these 🥰
Tsunagu: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Shinya: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Enji: You remind me of the ocean.
Shinya: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
Enji: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Tsunagu: Where the devil is Shinya?
Rumi: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Keigo : Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Keigo : Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Tsunagu: But are you shuffling?
Keigo : Everyday.
Shinya: What language are you two speaking??
Tsunagu: So, what are we doing?
Shinya: Wasting our lives.
Tsunagu: I meant for lunch...
Keigo: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
Rumi: Eyy, homie!
Shinya: But then there's cootie...
Tsunagu: Die.
Enji: What does “take out” mean?
Keigo: Food.
Rumi: Dating.
Tsunagu: Murder.
Shinya: It can be all three if you’re brave enough.
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Rumi: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Enji: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Tsunagu: if you want information it is
Keigo : why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
*playing twister*
Rumi: Right hand red.
Shinya: *ends up on top of Tsunagu*
Tsunagu: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Rumi: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Shinya: What do we think of Tsunagu?
Keigo : *sighs* Nice pal.
Enji: I think he’s gay.
Keigo : What do rainbows mean to you?
Tsunagu: Gay rights.
Shinya: There's money.
Rumi: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood.
Enji: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
Tsunagu: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
Keigo : If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Rumi: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Enji: Drunk.
Shinya: Wasted.
Tsunagu: Dead.
Enji: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Keigo : An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Shinya: A realist sees a freight train.
Tsunagu: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
Rumi: Is this your plan B?
Shinya: Technically, this is plan P.
Rumi: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
Shinya: Yes, but I marry Tsunagu in plan M.
Tsunagu: I like plan M.
Kidnapper: We have your child
Enji: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Enji: Oh god, you have Keigo
(I kinda wanted to change this particular one to Tsunagu, but I think it’s funnier if Enji says this one - especially with the ‘I don’t have a child’ lmao)
Tsunagu: Time for plan G.
Enji: Don’t you mean plan B?
Tsunagu: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Keigo : What about plan D?
Tsunagu: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Rumi: What about plan E?
Tsunagu: I’m hoping not to use it. Shinya dies in plan E.
Shinya: I like plan E.
Shinya: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Tsunagu and I are dating.
Tsunagu, Rumi, Keigo , and Enji: *gasp*
Shinya: Tsunagu, why are you surprised?!
Uh oh I’m getting carried away there’s so much more:
Enji: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Keigo, Tsunagu , & Rumi: Okay.
Enji: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Keigo: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Tsunagu : Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Rumi: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Keigo : Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and…
Enji: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Keigo : Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said…
Tsunagu: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
Shinya: Can we go out to get icecream?
Tsunagu: Did you ask Rumi?
Shinya: She said no.
Tsunagu: Then why did you ask me?
Shinya: She’s not the boss of you.
Tsunagu, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Keigo : Where's Shinya?
Rumi: Don't worry, I'll find him.
Rumi, shouting: Tsunagu sucks!
Shinya, distantly: Tsunagu is the best person ever! F*ck you!
Rumi: Found him.
(I am genuinely surprised with how lucky I got with these ones, they make me so happy wow)
Shinya, watching Enji & Tsunagu panic : What's going on?
Keigo : Enji is having a midlife crisis and Tsunagu is just having a crisis.
Rumi: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Keigo : Several traffic violations.
Shinya: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Tsunagu: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Enji: Also, that’s not our car.
Shinya: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Tsunagu: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Shinya: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Tsunagu: Is it working?
(Again, was not expecting this one to be randomly generated but hey I’m definitely not complaining lmao plus he’d totally do this)
Tsunagu: Rumi, what do you have?
Rumi: A KNIFE!
Tsunagu: Okay, have fu-
Shinya: NO!
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Shinya, with Enji and Keigo behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Shinya: Oh, my God—
Police: Wha-
Shinya: Tsunagu FELL OFF!
Enji: You know you can die from that, right?
Keigo: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point.
Shinya: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up.
Tsunagu: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
Shinya, trying to convince Enji to join the group: You know... I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really... strong!
Keigo: And loud!
Tsunagu: And grumpy!
Rumi: And oblivious to reality!
*The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword*
Shinya: Rude.
Tsunagu: That's fair.
Enji: Not again.
Rumi: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
Keigo: Shinya-
Shinya: *sighs* Tsunagu used to call me Shinya...
Keigo: ...Because it's your f*cking name.
Rumi: Do you cook?
Tsunagu: I made a cake once.
Shinya: Yeah, it was good.
Tsunagu: Really?
Shinya: Don’t make me lie twice, Tsunagu.
Enji: And now for a gay update with Shinya and Tsunagu.
Tsunagu: Getting gayer.
Enji: Thank you, Tsunagu.
(Of course of course)
Tsunagu: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Shinya: Sure!
Shinya: Whats your favorite color?
Tsunagu, laser focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
(This is accurate. Why is this accurate ahaha)
Tsunagu: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Ahaha okay I think that’s enough it’s late now- I have way more but hey, that’ll have to be later
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