#i tried to angst??
sol-korolevas · 6 years
the sky is falling
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pairing: north x f!reader 
summary: softness will not protect her
a/n: aah so this came from a prompt my dear friend @mackdcddies sent me. i intended for it to be an original fic but then i realized how little north content there was. i wrote it on the spot so apologies for any plot holes and grammatical errors ;o; <3 
she saw you as soft, a weak human who needed guidance and protection. and it wasn’t like she wanted to love you. no, love was an emotion too stubborn to be kindled into a thing like herself. she was stone, both inside and out, long since fractured by the touches of men and women.
at first, north tried to form a connection with markus, who she saw as the only person in the world who might understand her. yet still, markus’s mind was plagued by the revolution, and he had no personal interests in pursuing a romantic relationship.
still, in a twist of cruel fate, she met you. a human who was close to that deviant hunter turned deviant. you described yourself as connor’s friend, a fellow investigator who became another player in the civil war. instead, you transformed into the centerpiece of her story. unwanted. unrelenting.
she didn’t need a human in her life. and yet…
“we can’t die…” your voice was so small and delicate in its tone as you looked up at her. “you can’t die, i–” you stopped, wincing from the pain in your left arm.
there was a short pause, in which the only noise was of the distant bullets and the screams of her people. north closed her eyes, pretending that there was nothing here but you. she was injured, with bullet holes lodged in her chest, lower stomach, cheek, and hip. but she didn’t feel pain, only defeat, and imminent failure. you were different, however, and at that moment, all of her thoughts were about you.
the last time she saw markus, he said he was going underneath to detonate the bombs. simon and josh were still trying to escape and connor was with them. still, it had been too long for no news to come to her and markus would have sent a message to all androids if he came across trouble he couldn’t fix. slowly, north was losing hope of ever seeing them again.
they are dead...or they left us.
it wasn’t like north to be pessimistic, but how long has it been since you and her were stranded here? just the thought of dying a slow and torturous death sends an ugly shiver down north’s back. her hair was sticky with blue blood from those of her brethren; the lower half of her clothing was stained dark: your blood.
if she was of a clearer mind, she could try self-repairing. but, she realized that even if it was successful, she couldn’t escape jericho with you. there were far too many human soldiers in the freighter and with each passing second there will be more. soon, they will have you two surrounded.
“north,” your voice was stronger now, as one hand clasped onto her shoulder. you, the weak-willed and meek little human, wore something she never saw once on your blood-streaked face. for a second, she saw the fire she longed to see on you, even if it was small and hesitant.
“they will come for us, (name), they will come and we will leave,” was her response, pausing shortly as she processed the information. “-together.” how strange, your own determination has sown seeds of forced optimism into her.
still, her old self spoke in the back of her mind, its voice cold and cruel. nobody will come, this was what the humans wanted. extermination. extinction. and, perhaps, (name) will die too.
“i love you, north.”
your voice cut through her dark thoughts with such tenderness. once she would scoff, having heard it said many times from humans in their throes of intense passion. yours was different; it was the truth, said with so much affection, and filled with so much honesty.
i am always honest with my feelings. you once told her, smiling in a way that kept her eyes to your face, a spider enchanted by the fly.
and in that moment, north felt the gentle tidings of love for you. it was different from her feeling for markus. when one was an intense need and hunger for passion, this one with you was a gentle embrace, warm and comforting. a willingness to cherish and protect and -
north slowly pulled you into an embrace. it wasn’t exactly how she planned, with you awkwardly half touching her with your good arm as the injured one hanging limply to the side. both of you weren’t sure if that one can make it. at the very least, a tourniquet was wrapped around it, stopping the blood flow from now. still, it was a painful reminder of what was happening.
the voice inside her remained stubborn, however.
no, you will shut down and (name) will die. wouldn’t that be good, too? you two will live together, in death.
“i don’t want you to die (name),” north said, quietly. she buried her face into the crook of your neck, smelling the hint of perfume and your own natural fragrance intermingled into one scent. everything about you was slow and gentle. unlike her, and unlike the humans she entertained.
yet, fate was cruel and punished her in the most unkind of ways.
/error: serious malfunction detected
shutdown imminent/
north opened her eyes, raising her head up to look past your shoulder. her world was inky splotches, slowly growing in numbers and expanding with each blink of her eyes. the damages were done, she knew it, but you didn’t.
for your experience dealing with androids, you were still naive to their bodies and functions (i am new...a rookie, you had told her). so you looked at her, calling her name, reaching up with one arm to caress her cheek.
how weak, how pathetic…!
even with you by her side, she still couldn’t protect you. she inwardly laughed, bitterly. the future she wanted was no longer achievable. why was she hated by everything? why can’t she have something good, and keep it forever?
with the force of hatred towards herself, and to the humans that caused this chaos, she pushed you off. there was shock on your pale face, nevertheless, you returned to her with trembling arm holding onto her. perhaps, you realized something wrong at that moment, and once again you looked soft.
“n-north, please, tell me you’re okay!” your cries and screams were a distant thunder, somehow still comforting and warm to her. north smiled, weakly, and took a hold of your hand. even with the pain, you chose to come to her. the red was still bleeding from your wound, and she hated it.
“go...you are human, you need to live,” came her distorted voice, as you watched and begged and screamed.
humans are a menace; they will kill her for siding with your kind.
north closed her eyes and willed the thoughts away. she even tried to drown your voice, however far away it was now. soon, she realized that she had no more energy to even move, or open her eyes fully.
of course, you remained by her side, even as the ship started shaking uncontrollably. even as a dark figure rushed by and took a hold of your arm. north watched as you tried to shake yourself from his grip, screaming for her.
no connor please, take north too.
the sky was falling, like black raindrops on stone.
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katsrinn · 2 years
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a hero, a warrior, and a kid make a bittersweet perfect family.
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inky-axolotl · 2 years
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In my opinion, it was a missed opportunity to spend episode 4 watching Obi Wan recover post- Vader fight.
(Also a bit of a headcanon- hurt or lost arms and hands of course doesn’t stop you from using the force, but it takes a bit of retraining)
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kil-luna · 2 years
𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.
Most people tend to forget that his quirk is literally an explosion. He is like a bomb, if you want to make a clear comparison. This alone can help you conceptualize how dangerous he can be. 
Katsuki knows this better than anyone else. And he may act like he is brash and extremely careless when it comes to using his quirk... but lately, because of you he is realizing how scary he can be. He is dangerous. His hands can cause destruction. His hands can hurt you and that is the last thing he wants to happen. Sometimes it gets to him and he overthinks. Whenever he is around you, especially when he touches you, he worries. Sometimes it even haunts him before he lays down to sleep while holding you. What if I suddenly activate my quirk while I am hugging y/n? What if i have a bad dream and then when i wake up i see that i already hurt y/n? 
He grows restless sometimes, but him being Katsuki Bakugou, he hides it perfectly. And in days like this.. he thinks he may no longer have to hide anything anymore. In days like this, he understands even more why you are the perfect match for someone like him. You love him, and you will stay; no matter how dangerous of a man he can be.
Today he was tired, as usual. And to be frank, you were as well. It just so happened that you came home a little bit earlier than he did, so you had the time to whip something up so that he can eat something when he comes home. You were kind of irritated because you did not anticipate him to come home a few minutes after you had just put on your apron. “Dumbass. I will do the cooking instead! Your food tastes weird!” he always overreacts when you do something for him. Your food tastes okay, but he just doesn’t want you to do more work. But after a long day... Katsuki’s food sounds delightful. “Okay. I just thought I can cook something before you arrive.” 
After cooking, he served you the meal he made in the couch. You two never really eat in the dining table. You always use the little lap desk he bought and sit in the couch instead so you can be in front of the television while eating. It is much more comfier and better that way. 
You were feeling really drained already so you ate up all the food in a matter of minutes and he did as well. After that, you just plopped down his lap, finding a position where you feel the most comfortable. “Were you really that tired? hey, y/n, SLEEP IN THE BED.” it was too late. You were already asleep. 
Katsuki couldn’t do anything but to stare at you. He couldn’t believe it. You really fell asleep the moment you found your desired position. IN HIS LAP. On the couch, nonetheless. He paused for a moment to take in your sleeping form. You looked so peaceful. You were sleeping like a baby, with a little smile on your face, like this is where you belong.. like this is your safe place. 
That is when it hits him. Yes, his hands can be dangerous. His quirk can be scary. He possesses a power like non other. But as he caresses your face while you’re asleep, he realized how much trust you put in him. 
Because you know that you are the safest in the hands of the man who will burn the whole world to the ground for you. He can never hurt you, and the fact that he is so scared to do so is the proof that he never will.
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rp-meme-world · 2 years
angst starters: jealousy (for more angsty prompts, click here!) change pronouns where necessary! 
❝ you’re not telling me something. ❞
❝ i wish you looked at me like you look at her. ❞
❝ i’ve never seen you smile like that before. ❞
❝ you deserve better. ❞
❝ i deserve better. ❞
❝ we both deserve better. ❞
❝ he makes you happier than i do. i know. i can feel it. ❞
❝ are you even listening to me? ❞
❝ why didn’t you pick me? ❞
❝ you get so jealous! ❞
❝ i’m not as jealous as i am insecure. ❞
❝ i try so hard. and i’m never the one. ❞
❝ i would’ve loved you forever. ❞
❝ i need you to need me back. ❞
❝ you don’t love me. admit it. ❞
❝ you have two options here: me. or him. ❞
❝ it’s not you. it’s me. ❞
❝ it’s not me. it’s you. ❞
❝ i don’t like the way you were talking to her. ❞
❝ i draw a line. and you just crossed it. ❞
❝ i’m done. i’m not gonna keep trying to prove myself worthy. i shouldn’t have to. ❞
❝ what about what i want? ❞
❝ what about what you want? ❞
❝ i feel like you don’t even see me when she’s around. ❞
❝ he doesn’t want you, he just wants your body! ❞
❝ i’m sure he’s great. but i’m the one who really loves you. ❞
❝ i’m the one who’s always there for you, and it’s like you don’t even care. ❞
❝ if you want to be with me, then just... be with me. ❞
❝ are we going to discuss the elephant in the room? ❞
❝ you said his name in bed last night. ❞
❝ you were talking about him in your sleep. ❞
❝ they’re just jealous of what we have. ❞
❝ you’ve gotta stop comparing yourself to her. ❞
❝ i’m happy for you. really. ❞
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fevertowrite · 2 years
rottmnt spoilers underneath (mostly screenshots)
Raph shielding Donnie due to his softshell
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Donnie shielding Mikey despite being a softshell
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cofe-doodles · 2 years
✏️creativity; noun; the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work✏️
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(bonus under the cut:)
a king creativity design (that still needs work) that i wanted to add but didn't
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untilsfe · 2 years
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"Sometimes Leo gets to the base exhausted and with little to not motivation. Sometimes, he wondered if this war was even worth it.
And then the laughter of his son and his protégé welcome him with excitement and joy.
Leo remembers he is doing something good. Suddenly, being alive in the middle of the apocalypsis doesn't feel all that bad.
At least, there are still happy moments to share. There's still hope."
This popped out while doing some unrelated sketches. Obviously I needed to add some color.
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drawing2cope · 2 years
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Felix's love language is stealing his boyfriend's things :)
(I am once again asking you to read @kwamisalami's Feluka Soulmate AU Part 2 in which Felix is kinda going thru it)
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piosplayhouse · 3 years
on loving too much part i (part ii here)
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
c!eryn’s ability to hear/sense negative moments of the past is really tragic, but at the same time, there’s so much comedic potential there. how strong does a negative moment have to be? do you think he can hear foolish’s breakdown over building the mansion’s chandelier, with the faint voice of toad in the background. do you think he feels fundy’s anguished cries as he runs away from a dolled up hbomb in full catmaid mode. do you think he can hear tubbo screaming at tommy to get away and that they’re not selling his bath water. do you think he can’t physically get close to bad and skeppy’s mansion because all he can feel and hear is all 70 of their divorces all overlapping at once. what are their limitations. until we get an answer the possibilities are essentially endless, and i think we should capitalize on that while we still can
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meloncalic · 2 years
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Dark’s lying :))
She can never truly rest well and be at peace until That Bastard is dealt with :))
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cinnamonkittenz · 3 years
TW: Creepy imagery and music, character death
Istg I see so many trends on insta that got washed up there from tiktok and everytime my monkey brain goes "haha do something ninjago related with it"
So here, take this very badly executed zane angst shit (I'm bad at drawing horror bc I never do), I deviated so much from the og show that it's basically an AU (does anyone remember that rewrite au I did when I started this account? me neither)
Anyways short version: Zane is human, his 2 dad's are Dr Julien and the previous master of ice and when he fights the overlord he gets stuck in this limbo between life and death bc he's not a robot and can't just be rebuild (duh), he wanders as a lost soul without anyone being able to see him, when he's about to loose hope completely he hears that the other ninja are on chens island so he goes after them and bam there's the connection between season 3 and 4
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sandushengshou · 2 years
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Happy Birthday @evakant!!!
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augustghosts · 2 years
1988 - Eddie Munson
A few more looks into my stupid lil take on Eddie surviving and escaping Hawkins. The sequel to 1987.
Word count: 8k (lol)
Warnings: Minors DNI. 18+, gets a lil spicy multiple times. There isn’t any full detailed smut in this one, but lots of allusions to sex, basically in every month hehe. Slight mention of knife play and Eddie’s famous handcuffs. Gets pretty angsty as well. Eddie crying multiple times is defo its own warning. Smoking and alcohol are mentioned throughout. Talk of alcoholism and addiction. Weed is used, but only in one month. Talk of nightmares. Talk of therapy and ptsd. Jealousy. But also some disgustingly sweet fluffy stuff too! Just a bit of everything really. only lightly proofread so if there’s any mistakes just pretend they aren’t there…
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January, 1988. Rain pounding the pavement. Earth saturated. Eddie, running from his car to their apartment block entrance. The ground is slippery, winter - old ice and new rain. Terrible combination. Especially for a clumsy man wearing boots. He’s fumbling in his pockets, where the fuck were his keys? Shit. Did he leave them in the car? He looks up, their front facing apartment visible. Kat is perched at the double doors which lead to the balcony. Peering through the glass, almost mocking him. He sighs, making his way back to his car. 
20 minutes later he’s sitting in the car, but this time outside of her work. A quiet bookstore, her shift doesn’t finish for another half an hour. They had just got back last week. New Year's eve. December 1987 had been spent apart. Christmas, back in Hawkins. Him and Wayne tucked away in Wayne’s new house. One bedroom - small, but good enough for Wayne. Her with her family on the other side of town, just like back in Highschool. They had met up once during this month long ‘break’ in their relationship and fucked in a motel room. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry.”  “Fuck, you feel so good, Ed’s. I love you.” 
Apologies, whispered praises and promises. The cruel game of love that they had been playing since they were teenagers. Sneaking back to their families after ‘running errands’. Just like old times. He had felt mad without her. Although, sometimes, Eddie thought that he was never sane to begin with. They had been doing well since they got back. Happy to be out of Hawkins again, back home. Together. Belonging. 
When he walks in, she’s at the counter, hunched over a book. The store is empty, dimly lit. She jumps as the bell above the door rings. Slamming the book shut, ready to greet a customer. Her tight customer service smile fading and being replaced by a genuine grin when she sees her boyfriend sheepishly standing in the doorway. Water dripping from his hair and clothes. 
“Did you walk here?” She jokes. Walking to the other side of the counter to greet him. He takes a few steps towards her, stopping when he notices the droplets from his boots are leaving footprints on the carpet. 
“No, i uh - i think i lost my keys.” He chuckles, his teeth slightly chattering. January weather. He looks around. “Are you here alone? Is that safe?” 
She frowns, watching him shiver, rain dripping from his bangs. She walks around him, locking the doors. How many customers are going to come in half an hour before closing during a storm? 
“Come here,” She says. Reaching for his shoulders, slipping his wet coat off. Throwing it to the floor. The store is warm, and so is she. Always warm. She hugs him tightly, pulling back to wipe the wet hair out of his face before pulling him down for a kiss. Cold lips meet warm. He groans against her mouth. Trying to pull her closer. 
“I’m gonna close up now. Then we can get you home, get you in the shower.” 
He scoops his jacket up from the floor as she walks away. A smirk -  “Are you going to come in with me?” 
February. Cookies. A new hobby for her, baking. Truly domestic bliss. For her at least. Eddie would complain the whole time, it takes too long, it looks boring, I miss you, come cuddle. She had heard them all. He would complain, up until he got to taste whatever she had made. Today was no different, he was waiting. Leaning on the counter, elbows on the marble and his head resting in his hands. Brown eyes watching. You can’t eat them when they’re hot, Ed’s. She had told him. 
“Do I need to wait for these to cool down?” He mumbled, eyes fixed on the treats. Kat was beside him on the counter, almost mimicking his expression. 
“Yes, honey.” She laughed, moving to untie the apron she had on. She was dressed in the apron one of Eddie’s shirts and her panties. Fuck, she looked good. He leaned further over the counter to look her up and down. 
“Wait,” He said. Her hands paused on the strings. “That is very cute.” 
She giggled as he approached her. His strong arms wrapped around her waist. “You like it?” She asked. 
“Mhm.” He hummed, hungrily taking in her form one more time. One of his hands slid around her back, pulling the strings. Apron now on the floor. His hands under her ass, hoisting her up into his arms. 
“Ed’s!” She squealed as he lifted her up onto the counter. His large hands squeezed her thighs. She was the luckiest woman alive. As much as Eddie wanted to deny it. Lips joined as he leaned against the counter between her legs, his arms on either side of her, caging her in. His weight on top of her is familiar and welcome. As they kissed, she felt Eddie grabbing something on the counter behind her. When she pulled away to look he was holding a small knife she had used earlier to open the packet of sugar she had been struggling with. 
“Do you remember how much fun we used to have with these?” He smirked, his mouth inches away from hers. She grinned back at him. Memories flashing through her mind, Eddie’s trailer in high school. His handcuffs and the switchblade he used to carry with him. Nothing dangerous, always fun.
“Yeah,” She mumbled against his jawline, a groan rumbling in his chest as she pressed her lips to his ear. “It’s a shame you didn’t keep those handcuffs, baby.” 
“I can always get us some more.” He whispered, his voice low. Bringing the knife up higher towards her cheek. Pressing the cold metal against her warm skin, not hard enough to leave any marks. Trailing it down to her throat. Eyes dilating. 
“From where?” She laughed, watching his face as he dragged the blunt edge of the knife over her skin. 
“I don’t know. Sex shops are like, in right now. We didn’t have one in Hawkins, we can get you some fluffy ones.” He teases. Dropping the knife to kiss her again. 
“We can get fluffy ones,” She agreed. Arms wrapping around his neck, legs around his hips. “Only if you let me tie you up with them.” 
March. Still cold, not quite wedding season yet. Yet here they were. Almost 1am, in a crowded hall, surrounded by mostly strangers. One of her colleagues is getting married in March. Stupid, she had thought. Sitting at a round table, glasses and confetti littering the cloth. Eddie, leaning back in his chair with a sigh, hand absentmindedly stroking her knee. Wearing all black, jeans and a button up. “You know we’re going to a wedding, not a funeral. Right?”  She had joked before they left. He looked beautiful. As usual. 
 He reaches for the pack of cigarettes, leaning into her ear. “Lets go outside.” 
She nods, downs her drink and follows him outdoors. A deep sigh, the fresh night air a welcome change. Eddie passes her a cigarette, he leans down to light it for her when she places it between her lips. A stir inside of him as she looks up at him. She looks amazing. He can’t help but wish it was their wedding instead. He pushes the thought aside, lighting his own cigarette and leaning back against the brick wall. Cold. She leans into him, head on his shoulders. 
“When we get married, I don't want a wedding like this.” Her voice surprises him. 
“When?” He smiles. Sometimes he thought that she could read his mind. 
“Yeah.” She says, still leaning on his shoulder. “When. We’ll invite Wayne. Dustin maybe. Head down to a courthouse or something and do it there. I don’t need all this, unless you want that?” 
“Fuck no,” He laughs. “We could go to vegas.” 
“Wayne would hate that. 
“Yeah he would.” Eddie confirms. They both laugh. A rare conversation between them. Eddie usually isn’t the type, it scares him. Maybe it’s the alcohol, he thinks. He’s wanted to marry her since the day they met. When he found her in the Hawkins High parking lot in the rain yelling at her car for breaking down. When she had hopped into his van and stolen his cigarettes and waved at him from her front door after he’d taken her home. 
“I haven’t asked you, though. Like, properly.” He mumbles. Finishing his cigarette and stomping it into the dirt. 
“You don’t really need to.” She says. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug.
“No?” He smiles. Thank fuck for that, he’s never been able to imagine himself doing the down on one knee and big wedding thing. He’s always on his knees for herself anyway. He just wants her as his wife. He wants her forever. 
“I want a ring though.” She smirks, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He hums in agreement, his hand moving up her arm to softly grasp her throat, pulling her into a kiss. He kisses her deeply, full of love. Her fingers grasp his hair, tugging lightly. Almost as if trying to pull him closer, they were already impossibly close. His knee sliding between her thighs. His hand is still around her neck protectively, squeezing a little harder now. 
Her hands drift down from his neck, stroking his chest on their way to the front of his jeans. Her fingers grasp the cold belt buckle, undoing it hastily before going for the zipper. 
“Are you sure?” He mumbles into the side of her neck. The skin on her neck is hot from his mouth, but her hands feel cold as they brush his stomach. He wishes he had brought his jacket out to drape around her shoulders like in some romantic movie. 
“Yeah. No ones gonna come out here looking for us, we hardly know any of em’” She giggles breathless as her hand dips into the front of his jeans, stroking him over the fabric of his boxers. 
“Fuck, okay.” He groans as she finally wraps her hand around his semi hard cock.
“Your hands fucking cold though.” He laughs as she begins to work him just the way he likes. He latches back onto her neck to quiet himself, just in case. 
“You’ll have to warm them up then, baby.” 
April. It’s late, the apartment is dark. He’s stressed, She’s stressed, Kat is also stressed - watching his parents fight. Eddie knows what would cure him instantly. He longs for it. The exact cause of the rift happening right now. 
“Will you stop that?” She snaps at him. He’s pacing, jittery and frantic. He’s tired, she’s angry. She’s so fucking angry at him and he hates it. 
“Eddie!” She calls his name again. Stern. He swings around, the tears running down her cheeks makes his chest hurt. Or was it something else doing that? He wasn’t sure anymore. 
“We need to talk about this. I can’t do it again.” She sighs.
“It-it’s not that bad.” He stutters, he feels sick. He sits down and puts his head in his hands. “I’m fine.” 
“You’re not.” She has her arms crossed. Staring at him, he doesn’t respond. She makes her way over to him, he’s on the couch, she sits on the coffee table in front of him. “Eddie, please.” 
He needs a cigarette. They’re arguing about him, about his drinking and about those fuckin pain killers again. They help, he’d said. The drinking helps him sleep. Stops the nightmares. The pills help his head, it always hurts when he doesn’t sleep enough. He looks exhausted, she thinks.
“I’m trying to help.” She whispers.
“I know,” He practically sobs.. The dam finally breaks, the tears brimming  his lashes start  falling freely. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
He leans into her lap, his forehead resting on her knees as he cries. Repeating apologies. She rubs his back, runs her fingers through his hair - anything to calm him down. He’s shaking, but he mumbles something. 
“Huh?” She cups his face, wiping his tears when he lifts up his head. 
“I’m scared.” He whispers. “The nightmares, they scare me so fucking much. I’m scared that they won’t ever end.” He paused, sniffling. He feels pathetic. She waits for him to continue- “I just - I’m so tired. I never meant to hurt you. I love you.”
“I know.” She takes his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I love you too. So fucking much, Ed’s. There’s steps we can take, help you can get. People you can talk to-“ 
“I'll talk to you.” He cuts her off. “I do talk to you.”
The thought of telling anyone else about his problems makes his headache worse. What was he supposed to tell them anyway? 
“I know but I mean someone else, professionals.” She smiles. Ugh, he sighs. She continues: “I need you in top shape for when we get married.” 
This makes him smile. He rests his head back on her lap, he’s desperate to sleep. She hugs him close. 
“I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to get tired and realise you deserve better.” He says. Still in her lap. He could never say this while  looking into her beautiful eyes. “The nightmares scare the hell outta me but you leaving, that scares me more.” 
She doesn’t respond for a few seconds. She’s delighted that he’s opening up, telling her the truth. Eddie had always been so reserved when it came to anything other than happiness. He never wanted to burden people with his problems. From a young age he had decided that if he was always the happiest person in the room, people would like him more. People would want him there.
“I’m not going anywhere,” She says softly. “This is okay. Rough patches like this, it’s all okay. We can get through it. You can get through it.” He wraps his arms around her waist, head on her chest. Heartbeat. “It’s gonna be okay, Ed’s.” 
“I know.” He whispers. “We’ll be okay.” 
May. Eddie’s birthday. He had been working so hard recently. Familiar for him, around this time of year. He never liked to celebrate. He needed this, she knew. As much as he didn’t want to admit it. He had been doing well mentaly, as well.  He’d been sleeping well mostly, and when he didn’t, he would actually talk to her about it. She wanted to show him she was proud. She told him all the time, but Eddie was no good at accepting genuine praise. Not outside of the bedroom, anyways.  She wasn’t much of a cook, but his favourite meal was take out anyway. So, a win for her. Kat had been following her around the apartment. Like he could feel the energy coming off of her. Sniffing around the gifts in the living room. 
When the sound of his keys jingling on the other side of the front door drifts through the apartment. Both she and Kat jump to attention. He opens the door slowly, almost as if he’s awaiting something. He knows her too well to think that she doesn’t have something waiting for him on the other side of the door. But boy, did he have a surprise for her instead. 
When he finally enters, she's waiting. She opens her mouth ready to say something, probably a Happy birthday baby! Or a Surprise! But when she sees what he’s holding in his arms she stops, Kat freezes beside her as well. She covers her mouth with her hands, a whispered what the fuck? As she approaches him. 
The small cat in his arms watches her before it looks back up at him. It’s claws digging into his leather jacket as it tries to bury itself further into his arms.
 “I uh, i found him.” He smiles, sheepishly. “Well, actually he’s been hanging around the shop for a few days. He’s so skinny, look. I’ve been feeding him and it's raining tonight so..”  He trails off, watching her smile as she reaches for the animal. It shys away, moving closer to Eddie. Kat is at his feet, trying to join in and see what everyone’s looking at. 
“He’s shy.” Eddie says quietly. “But I think he’ll like it here.” 
“I think so too.” She beams, taking the cat from his arms. It stiffens for a moment, nervous as it looks back at Eddie with pleading eyes. “Did you name it?” 
“No,” He says, watching as it relaxes in her arms as she scratches its head. Something he knows all too well. “You know how bad we are with names. He’ll probably end up being Kat number two or something.” He jokes. They both laugh, quietly so as to not disturb the nervous cat. 
“I know,” She agrees. “What are we gonna do when we need to name children?”
Her words cause a stir inside of him. He’s grinning as he leans down to greet his first child. She walks into the lounge still cradling their new one. “These are for you!” She gestures to his gifts. Putting the cat down on the couch and approaching him. Before he can protest with a You didn’t have too, she takes his arm, hugging it tightly, leading him into the living room. The cats surround them as he opens them. A new guitar, only an acoustic one. She knew nothing about all the electric ones, too complicated. Plus, his acoustic guitar had gotten broken when they had moved in over a year ago, when he kept dropping all the boxes. He still hadn't bought a new one. A new vinyl player. The one he had now was the same one they had danced too in high school in his trailer bedroom. And a few of his favourite albums. 
“Baby, i-” He starts. He doesn’t know how to finish. So he practically crawls over to the couch instead. He climbs on top of her on the couch and kisses her with as much love as he can. 
“You’re welcome.” She smiles against his lips. He tells her he loves her, whispered into his mouth. 
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” He says, fingers squeezing her waist - finding her thigh to hook her leg over his hips. “At work on my fucking birthday when all i wanted was to be here with you.” 
“And them.” She points to the cats who are inquisitively sniffing around each other. The new addition already a part of the family. 
“And them.” He confirms with a smile. 
“Anyway,” He continued, grasping her jaw to look her in the eyes. “Are you gonna make me wait any longer?”
She would never deny him. Never could. Especially not on his birthday. She slides out from underneath him with one last kiss. Taking his hand and leading him to their bedroom, his other gift lay in wait on the bed. He laughed loudly as he laid his eyes upon the pair of pink fluffy handcuffs lying on the sheets. 
“Oh, fuck yes!” He exclaimed. Giggling with her as he grasped her thighs, hoisting her up into his arms to lay her down on the bed. Best birthday ever, he thinks. 
June. Eddie, awake early. As usual. In High School, he used to sleep late and wake up late. The opposite now. Funny how things change. 6:30, the clock says. He’s sitting on the balcony. Kat on his lap. The new cat, they’d been calling Two for a month now, was asleep with her in bed. Always cuddled up under her chin. Eddie was convinced that they had to give him a silly name like that, exactly like they had done with Kat. Because what kind of parents were they if they only bothered coming up with a cool name for their second one? ‘Babe, we literally named our first cat, cat! We can’t give number two a cool name. How will Kat feel?” 
His notebook in front of him, his guitar next to him which he’d put down when Kat joined him. Taking the place of his guitar on his lap. He didn’t mind. He sipped his coffee, smoke from his cigarette floating into the bedroom. He secretly hoped it would wake her up, he missed her every second they were apart. Even when they slept. He just didn’t have the heart to wake her. She had work soon anyway, so did he. Maybe he would have too. He sat out there watching and listening to the city for another half an hour, lighting more cigarettes and drinking his cold coffee. 
“Good morning, love of my entire life! Did you sleep well?” Her cheery voice sounded behind him, just as he was thinking of waking her up. He laughed, turning to face her as he leant down to kiss his cheek. 
“What?” She laughed with him. 
“That’s always exciting to hear.” He said. Passing her the cigarette box, watching her lips as she lit one. 
“Because it means you want something.” 
“I can’t tell you that you’re the love of my life without wanting something? I’m hurt.” She asked, sitting in her usual chair opposite him. The city was beginning to awake. More cars, louder. He tutted, shaking his head. Shooing Kat off of his lap and sitting back, patting his thighs. She took the hint, shooting up immediately and perching on his lap. He held her tightly, her arms around his neck. 
“I need a ride to work.” She mumbled into his hair.  He laughed, whispering  I knew it into the skin of her neck. His head resting on her shoulder.
“You are the love of my life, though.” She took his face into her hand, tilting his face up to kiss him. 
“I know.” He said between pecks, “Because you’re mine too.” 
He loved this balcony, and he loved kissing her. Her on his lap, out here the sun rising and the sounds of the city. Her lips on his, her hands in his hair, cupping his face. A life like this was something he thought he would never live. Something he thought he didn’t deserve. 
“You look beautiful.” He whispered into her mouth, his hand kneading her thighs. She pulled away smiling. 
“Flattery will get you everywhere, baby.” She said, beginning to stand up. 
“Yeah?” He asked, playfully trying to pull her back down onto his lap. 
“Yeah, everywhere being a shower with me,” She took his hand, tugging him to stand up. “I need to get ready for work, but i want you first” 
“I like everywhere.” He laughed, following her back into the flat. The cats sat side by side on the bed, watching their parents make their way into the bathroom together, instead of making their way into the kitchen to fill up their food bowls. 
July. Almost 2am. Late for them, but they both have a day off tomorrow, so no harm done. It’s a clear starry night. She’s fascinated. They’re both laying out on the balcony - side by side. Their chairs pushed aside, a blanket laid out on the concrete surface underneath them. The blanket is thin - all the thick ones apparently ‘too expensive’ to be put out on the balcony floor. 
“I feel dizzy.” She says, quietly. 
“Gimme’ that then.” Eddie says, his voice slow. Holding out his hand to take the joint from her. 
“I haven’t smoked since before we moved.” She mumbles, still transfixed by the stars above them. Eddie has to admit, they do look nice tonight. Maybe it's just the weed though or maybe it’s that fact that she thinks they’re so amazing that he automatically does as well, he isn’t sure.
“Me neither.” He says, exhaling the smoke towards the sky. 
“I don’t think I like it anymore.” She whispers, turning to look at him. He looks beautiful. She can hardly see him, just the lit end of the joint between his fingertips, the moonlight. The flat is dark behind them, her insisting that the light would interfere with the view of the moon. But still, she knows he looks gorgeous. 
“Me neither, to be honest.” Eddie says, putting it out in the ashtray beside him. He sits up to take a sip of the water bottle beside him, offering it to her. She says she thinks she’ll throw up if she sits up. He laughs, laying back down. 
“We used to make a lot of money from it though, when you used to sell it.” 
“It wasn’t a lot.” Eddie snorts, “Barely enough for gas for that fuckin’ van.” 
“It was a lot for us!” She says, maybe a little too loud. “We could afford pizza almost every night.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” He laughs, reaching for her hand. Holding it tightly. Looking at the rings on her fingers. His eyes fix on the empty space on her left hand. 
“I miss the van.” She says, watching him play with her hand. 
“Me too.” He sighs, “I miss fucking you in the back of it.” 
“Eddie!” She giggles.
“What?” He laughs with her. “I do! You gave me my first blowjob in the back of that van. I’ll never forget it.” 
“Neither will i. Would you get another one?” 
“No,” He says quickly. “That ship has sailed, I think. It would remind me too much of, you know, the past.” 
She nods, staring at him while he stares up at the sky. She whispers: “Sometimes the past can be good.” 
“Not mine. You’re the only good thing about my past. I never wanted anything but this,” He gestures between them. “I don’t wanna go back to it. Not hawkins, not the weed, not the van. None of it. Only you.”  
She registers the tears in his eyes and the way his hand shakes and grasps hers tighter. “Okay.” She says. Simple, but he knows that she's saying she isn’t going to pry anymore. An understanding between them, he appreciates.  She shuffles closer to him, throwing her arm over his waist, nuzzling his neck. Just them and the moon and the stars. All he’d ever wanted. All he’d ever need. 
August. Loud voices and crowds. Two things she hated. The reason she missed so many of Eddie’s shows with his band back in school. Something she regretted now. She clung to Eddie’s hand as they left the cinema building. Beginning the walk home,  not far from their apartment. A warm August evening, Eddie looked gorgeous in the sunlight. His short sleeved band t-shirt, minus his usual leather jacket, his own personal style that he still clung to. 
“I thought that was great!” He smiled, swinging their hands back and forth. She had a different opinion. Horror movies, they’d always been Eddie’s favourite. He had sat her down on the couch and convinced her to watch hundreds during their relationship. How was there so many? Who was making these? 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah it was good.” She agreed - lied. The sun was beginning to set, the streets getting quieter now as they got closer to their building. He felt her squeezing his hand a little tighter. Turning to look over her shoulder every now and then. He smirked, taking his hand out of her grip and throwing his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close into his side. She grasped his hand again as it draped over her shoulder. 
“You scared?” He teased, lowering his voice as his mouth neared her ear. 
“No.” She mumbled. 
“You sure?” 
“I’m not scared. That movie was just… weird. I don’t know how you enjoy those so much.” 
“Don’t worry, baby.” He said, fishing his keys out his pocket as they approached their building. “I’ll protect you.” 
She nodded, looking around again as he unlocked the door. She hated the hallway outside their apartment. During the day it was annoying, a long walk after taking the stairs. But at night, it was terrifying. It wasn’t just long. But dark as well. Eddie paused at the top of the stairs, looking down the hallway. 
“What?” She asked. He didn’t answer, without warning he sprinted down into the darkness towards their apartment. 
“Eddie!” She hissed, running to catch up with him. Hearing his laughter at the end of the hallway. “Don’t do that!” 
He was still laughing as she  joined him at the front door. The cats surrounded their feet when he opened it, making sure she got in first. Even though he had just abandoned her in the terrifying hallway. 
“That’s so not funny.” She whined after he had safely locked the door. Pushing him away when he mumbled an aww and tried to hug her. 
“Fuck off.” She groaned as he wrapped his arms around her, much stronger than her. He attempts to push him away feeble. “Such an idiot.” She mumbled against his chest. 
“Aw, I'm sorry sweetheart. Did I leave you all alone in the big bad hallway?” He practically giggled into her ear. He brought his hand up to her jaw, tilting her face so he could join their lips. “I’m sorry.” He laughed against her mouth. 
“I don’t know if I can forgive you, Ed’s.” She said as he  moved to kiss her cheek. Suggestively - “You might need to show me how sorry you are.” 
“Oh?” He whispered, their foreheads touching. She nodded. “Oh, I can definitely do that, baby. Come here.” 
He bent down, one of his arms hooking under her knees as he lifted her up into his arms. He crossed the threshold of their bedroom, dropping her onto the bed. Lifting his shirt over his head before climbing on top of her, ready to show her just how sorry he was, a loud meow from the doorway  interrupted them. Both their heads turned to the doorway to see the cats standing next to their empty bowls, the cinema trip meant they had missed dinner time. 
Eddie sighed, getting up from the bed to his feet, “Wait there.” He said sternly, pointing at her lying on the bed. “I want those clothes gone when i get back.”
She laughed as she began to strip the offending garments off of her body. Lying back in wait for her boyfriend who was currently apologising to the cats, the sounds of their food being poured into the metal bowls ringing through the apartment. God, he was fantastic. 
September. A cold evening, a store. The bane of Eddie’s existence - shopping. He was pushing the cart. Full of, frankly, stuff they didn’t need. A weekly occurrence for them. Grocery shopping for ‘essentials’ only, and arriving home with more than they needed.
“You know, I don't think we’ve picked up a single thing on this list, baby,” Eddie sighs. The love of his life was currently making a beeline for the newly put out halloween decorations. Why do stores keep putting this shit out in September?
 “And halloween isn’t for another month!” He calls after her. 
“Yeah, but look!” She laughs, eyes drifting over to the pet Halloween costumes. Eddie couldn’t lie, he didn’t want to step foot in that aisle. He felt stupid, but honestly, the bats made him nervous. Although these ones were all cute and cuddly. He started to take some deep breaths, March 1986 was a long time ago. But he couldn’t stop his heart rate picking up at the sight of the light up bats on a string, the paper bats that hung from the ceiling almost taunting him. He started to back away slightly. She followed his eyes to the ceiling, the bats hanging above her.  She suddenly felt guilty.
“Are you okay?” She asked softly, putting the cat pumpkin costume down. 
“Yeah. Yeah - no, I'd uh, I'd just like to leave.” He mumbled. She nodded, offering to take the cart from him. He let go quickly, shuffling over to the next aisle and taking a few more deep breaths. 
“ I’m sorry, Ed's,” She said, standing a few steps away from him. “Do you wanna go home?” 
“ No! No, it’s okay!” He said softly, walking back over. “It’s okay. It's just, you know, down there.” He pointed to the offending aisle.
 “This list is still pretty long.” He forced a laugh and a smile. Taking the cart back from her. 
“You can wait in the car if you like? I don’t mind.” She offered.
“No, I'm fine! Honestly.” He assured her. His shaky hand came to rest on her shoulder. She looked around at the empty aisle they were in, before leaning up to wrap her arms around his neck. Pulling him into a tight hug - full of love. He relaxed, resting his head on her, his own arms squeezing her tightly, 
“I’m proud of you, baby.” She whispered. He smiled against her hair. “I love you.” She cradled his face to look into his eyes. 
“I love you more.” He said, hands travelling up and down her back. 
“I don’t think so.” She jokes, pulling away to look back down at their shopping list. He pulls her back, grasping her waist so his chest is pressed against her back. He pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin of her neck, his lips ghosting over the mark he had already made earlier in the day, before whispering:  “I think I showed you just how much I love you this morning.” 
October. Eddie is locked out of his own bedroom. Sitting with his back against the wall next to the door. Kat beside him, Two on the other side of the door with her. Both cats are equally as confused as Eddie. Well, he shouldn’t be confused, he fucked up. Big time. 
“Honey, I’m sorry.” He knew you could hear him. He was met with silence. “Please. We need to talk about this.’ 
“I don’t want to talk to you. Not right now.” The first words he’d heard from her in almost twenty minutes. 
“Please. Give me five minutes. Let me explain.” More silence. 
“Explain what? Explain why you’re drunk? Explain why your new girlfriend was trying to make out with you in front of me?” 
“She wasn’t! She’s not and she wasn’t! That- that’s not what happened. I’m not drunk either, I promise.” He stuttered. Fuck, maybe he was. He put his head in his hands, his knees pulled to his chest. “Baby, please. I don’t even know who she is. I just met her.” 
“Okay? That doesn’t help. I know what I saw.” He could hear that she was crying. His heart was fucking broken. This was it, wasn’t it? The last straw. She was going to leave him. She was probably going to fuck off back to hawkins and leave him here in this big city all alone. All his fault, like always. 
“I know what it looks like you saw. I promise it wasn’t. I’m gonna explain. ” He whispered, his head resting against the door now. She didn’t respond, he started talking anyway.
Eddie had been out with friends from work, a rare occurrence for  him. He’d become a home body since they had left Hawkins, something he was completely fine with. He was in some dirty bar with his dirty new friends who he honestly didn ‘t like that much. All he wanted was to be home with his girl. One of his new friends had brought his girlfriend who had brought a friend. A friend who had been giving him the eye all night. Eddie had pretended not to notice. He wasn’t very good at turning people down, but turn her down he definitely would. He had the most beautiful girl in the world at home waiting for him. The most gorgeous woman in the city who was probably sitting up on the couch with their two cats. The only place he wanted to be right now. He had been drinking, that was wrong of him. He can admit - he had been doing so well. He was just so nervous and he thought he could handle it. Lesson learned. He had called her, the most gorgeous girl in the city, to come pick him up. 
“Look, baby, I'm so sorry. You gotta come get me.”
“Have you been drinking, Ed’s?” 
“Yes. I’m sorry.” A sigh had come from the other end. 
“Okay, I'll be there in a sec. Stay safe.” That had made him smile. He told his friends he was leaving which had caused complaints, his girl was coming to pick him up, he’d said. He didn’t miss the pout from the friend who had been eye fucking him all night. He had smirked. His acquaintances had offered to come stand outside with him, to have a smoke and keep him company while he waited. The girls had followed. Just as the love of his life had pulled up in his car, the friend who had suddenly started standing very close to him had twisted her ankle on her heel. Eddie, being ever the gentlemen, obviously didn’t want to let her fall. But now, hours later, he was pretty sure she had done it on purpose. He wished he had picked that up at the time. Actually, now he thinks about it, was she even wearing heels? Anyway, the way she had fallen into him and thrown her arms around his neck could not have been an accident. And that's exactly what his love had seen. He had helped the girl stand up straight, her and her friends giggles had  infuriated him. The car ride home was silent. And here he was. Now locked out of his own bedroom. 
“And that’s it.” He promised. He was crying now too. “Please open the door. I’m sorry for drinking so much, I messed up. I can admit that and I'll make it up to you. I swear.” 
He sniffled, listening as he heard shuffling on the other side. He continued, “But the girl, it was nothing. I promise. I was just trying to be nice. I didn’t know she was gonna do that. I’m sorry you saw it but i would never. Baby, i would never.” He practically sobbed the last part. “Please. You’re it for me. I love you. I love you so much. I would never ruin this, ever. Please.” He pleaded one more time. Tears trailing down his cheeks. His head hurt now, from the crying or the drinking - he wasn’t sure. He just wanted to sleep. He wanted a hug, and he wanted to sleep. In his own bed, with her. Not the couch with Kat. 
The door opened. “Really?” She sniffled. Her face matched his. Sad, tears. He nodded, his big brown eyes full of tears, looking up at her. 
“Yes. I promise. I wish I could prove it to you.” He whispered. He was still on the floor, she crouched down next to him. 
“I’m sorry.” She said, “I-” 
“No, no I am.” He cut her off, taking her hands into his. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Ed’s. I’m sorry I didn't let you explain.” She put her arms around his shoulders. He basically curled up into her lap. “I just- I guess I got jealous. There was no need, I trust you Eddie. And I believe you. I’m so sorry. I love you.” 
They stayed like that for a while, on the floor. Whispering apologies and promises of love. She got up to make him a drink. He downed a pint of water and crawled into bed next to her. That was his last night out for a while, he thinks. Hopefully forever, she thought. 
November. Balcony doors open, the curtains rustling. Cold, 9am. Way too cold, now that Eddie was no longer beside her, or inside of her. Her legs are still shaky, hair a mess. Rumpled sheet. The smell of coffee and cigarettes coming from the kitchen. Eddie’s voice, talking to the cats. She smiled. When he reemerged, two mugs in hand, the pack of cigarettes he had been looking for in the draws now in his hand. 
“I told you they were in the kitchen.”
“Whatever.”  He mumbled, muffled by the one in his mouth. He passed her the pack after placing her mug down on her bedside table. He climbed over her to his side, placing his own on the other table. A mumbled come here, gorgeous as he opened his arm, urging her to curl up into his side. Leg thrown over his, his heartbeat in her ear. Happiness. 
“You know, I can’t believe you still  have a ridiculous amount of sugar in your coffee.” He said, taking a sip of his own. “I thought you would have grown out of it or something.” 
“It’s the way I like it.” She scoffed. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Dunno.” He looked down at her, the hand around her shoulders coming up to run through her hair. “I think we have cereal.” 
“Mhm.” She hummed at the feeling of his fingers on her scalp. “We like cereal.” 
“Yes, we do.” He whispered. Tilting her head to kiss her. She pulled away too quickly for his liking, but before he could reel her back in she had bounced up and placed herself on his lap. Their lips met again, his hands going straight to her ass, pulling her closer against his chest. Her tits pressed against his skin made him groan into her mouth and knead the skin in his hands. 
“Round two?” She smiled against his skin, her lips travelling to his neck. Marks she had already left, a slight burning sensation as she sucked on them again. He loved it. 
“Damn baby, I thought you were tired?” He gasped as she reached down between them to grasp him in her hand. He went straight for her chest as he worked him slowly, his mouth closing around one of her nipples. Her hands tighten in his curls. Heat in her abdomen spreading, their mouths exploring each other once again when, like clockwork - two high pitched meows. 
“Hey!” Eddie pointed at the offenders, “I’m trying to seduce your mother! Go away!” 
Both of them laughed as he pushed her backwards off his lap, hand cradling the back of her head, his face above hers. Coaxing her to wrap her legs around him as he slid home. 
December. A snow storm. No Hawkins for Christmas this year, something Eddie was secretly pleased about. The glittering tree she had insisted they put up flashed in the corner every time a car drove past. The headlights catching the god awful tinsel. He didn’t hate the tree, he hated the decorations. The cats kept stealing them. They kept waking up to the living room covered in plastic and tinsel. Maybe he just hated cleaning. 
The awfully cheesy Christmas movie was long forgotten after he had convinced her to make out with him on the couch instead. Something that was going well until the words ‘hot chocolate’ had been mentioned on screen. Then suddenly, she had to have one as well. So here he stood - in the kitchen, arms wrapped around her waist, his chest to her back as she stood at the counter. Stirring the drinks that had distracted her from his body. 
“Stop pouting.” She giggled, looking at him from the corner of her eye. 
“I’m not.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before stepping back. 
“You are.” She cooed, bringing a hand up to pinch one of his cheeks. He shooed her hand away, mumbling an ow. 
“Come on!” She laughed, leaving the kitchen - mug in hand. He took a sip of his own drink before following her. He had to admit, it was fucking good. 
“Very well done, my love.” He commented as he joined her on the couch. 
“Thank you.” She giggled as his lips met her forehead. 
“Please don’t put that movie back on.” He whined. 
“What else do you wanna do then? There’s nothing to-” 
She stopped talking as the whole apartment went dark. The only sound, the cats paws as they both ran in, skidding to a stop in front of the couch. 
“Well, I was going to say I had something in mind.” He teased, his hand reaching her thigh. “But now, that seems to be the only thing we can do while we wait for the power to come back on.” 
“I don’t know about you, but I'm gonna finish drinking this.” She brought the mug to her lips. “And I'm gonna go find some candles.” 
He watched as her silhouette left the room. Eddie sipped his own drink again, hearing a commotion in the hallway. Neighbours asking each other “is yours out too?”. He laughed to himself. 
“Do you have your lighter?” Her voice behind him. Her arms are full of candles. Placing some in the kitchen and some of the table in front of him.
“Yeah, here.” He said, reaching for it where it lay next to his cigarette pack. While they were busy lighting candles, they failed to notice their two children eyeing up the presents under the tree. Two made the first move, dragging a small, badly wrapped box out from underneath. Obviously wrapped by Eddie. The corners are thick, and there is too much tape. While their parents kiss and giggle in the kitchen, Eddie whispering things in her ear that made her want to cross her legs, the cats get to work on ripping off the paper. 
“You hear that?” Eddie asked, pulling his mouth away from his girlfriend's chest. 
“No.” She mumbled, sucking on his jaw, trying to pull him back. But the unmistakable sound of rustling paper foiled her plans. 
“Those little shits!” He exclaimed, running to the lounge. Trying not to trip in the dark. The candles gave just enough light to see what they were doing. His eyes widened as he realised which one they had picked up, just enough paper being ripped off to expose the velvet box underneath. 
“Fuck! Not that one!” He gently pushed the cats away, scooping up the box. 
“What did they get?” She asked, coming in behind him. 
“Nothing!” He said, a little too quickly. Stuffing the box into the pocket of his sweatpants. 
“What? Let me see!” She laughed, trying to reach into his pocket. 
“No!” He grabbed her hands, stopping her from grabbing the box. “It’s one I got for you.” 
“Looks tiny,” She joked. She tried to reach for it again, “Let me see it! The cats have spoken, that gift is an early one for me to open now.” 
“No, this one's special. You can’t see it till christmas day.” 
“Oh,” She pouted. “Why do you hate me?”
They both laughed against each other's mouths, him trying to pull her back down onto the couch with him. A distraction. Hate? Well, the ring currently in his pocket would beg to differ. Those damn cats.
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elitadream · 2 years
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Buckle up folks, because things are about to get real! >:3
But first, a bit of context.
Did you know that Gru almost ended up looking terrifying? :O I recently stumbled across some art by Sergio Pablos that was made among the movie's first drafts (back then titled "Evil Me") and OH BOY was one of the designs something! Here's the official concept sheet for this bad boy:
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I was fascinated by this version, and liked the design so much that I decided to use it as an actual villain. I wanted to try and develop something where Nefario would have his very own arch nemesis; someone who's equally intelligent and resourceful as he is, but rotten to the core and very dangerous because of it. 
This was done as an experiment while I was working on ideas for this potential story. And let me assure you, there WILL be more. ;)
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