#i w gregorio
shorlibteens · 4 months
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It's Pride Month!
Check out these LGBTQ+ themed reads at your local library:
Last Night at the Telegraph Club / Malinda Lo
Gwen & Art Are Not In Love / Lex Croucher
Pritty / Keith F. Miller, Jr.
The Black Flamingo / Dean Atta
We Deserve Monuments / Jas Hammonds
The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School / Sonora Reyes
Imogen, Obviously / Becky Albertalli
The Luis Ortega Survival Club / Sonora Reyes
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue / Mackenzi Lee
I Wish You All the Best / Mason Deaver
Ander & Santi Were Here / Jonny Garza Villa
Forever Is Now / Mariama J. Lockington
Pet / Awaeke Emezi
Man o' War / Cory McCarthy
Self-Made Boys / Anna-Marie McLemore
The Honeys / Ryan La Sala
The Sunbearer Trials / Aiden Thomas
Dreadnought / April Daniels
Wren Martin Ruins It All / Amanda Dewitt
Loveless / Alice Oseman
Planning Perfect / Haley Neil
All Out / edited by Saundra Mitchell
Being Ace / edited by Madeline Dyer
Gender Queer: A Memoir / Maia Kobabe
None of the Above / I. W. Gregorio
Hell Followed With Us / Andrew Joseph White
Just Ash / Sol Santana
Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution / Kacen Callender
Pantomime / Laura Lam
The Heart-Break Bakery / A. R. Capetta
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arthenaa · 8 months
Hey bro I like your writing and I was wondering if you could give us some Mizu x Filipino!Reader hcs🥺👉👈 ̶(̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶n̶n̶a̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶j̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f̶)̶
I have to make this poetic I'm so sorry but also making it modern!au and canon setting teehee (ALSO DOUBLE UPDATE?) slight nsfw ig!! mdni.
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canon divergent, just think of this is as that scene from Goyo where Remedios and Gregorio Pilar do a wholeass pining scene idk
Absolutely met you at some fancy ass noble party
You're a child of a wealthy Senor who's in great partnership with the Lords from the Commonwealth
Mizu's camping in and disguising herself in the party to find more intel on her next target and then she bumps into you
at first you're like very inquisitive of where she came from (considering that you view her as a man at this point), how she enjoys the party and what not
then you're suddenly like ik what you're doing. you're not from here.
Mizu's thrown off bc haha this is an international gathering of sorts and like ppl here are mostly foreign
you're like well its bc you're so obvious when it comes to occasions like this that I've already spotted you from a while back
and so youre like dancing and all and Mizu has no choice but to extract info from you
she reveals that shes looking for a white man, and that he may have connections here in the ph
and coincidence cuz you, who's also a part of the resistance, have been tracing the weapons provider of the spanish army.
so you guys work together. you give her intel, she helps you hunt down the provider and their little goons
it kind of starts like an enemies to lovers .... kind of a forced situation where Mizu has to deal with the resistance in order to get to what she wants but rlly theres no other way around
falls in love w your love for your country
despite your privileged upbringing, you're deeply interconnected with your roots, and have been fighting for the filipino people
you guys fight over the simplest of things, like how she doesnt wear things right or holds weapons correctly
you definitely bond over weaponry though and its history. the first time you've seen her katana, you were so amazed. in return, you showed her a kampilan—a sword carved and forged by your grandfather. she had so many questions.
yeahh overall i think what pulled you together was your shared anger and desperation for justice. No matter the situation, whether it be a resistance against oppression or looking for the man that caused a hellscape within your life, y'all resonated with the emotions and trauma that came with that.
BEST BELIEVE THE SEX WAS GOOD and rough and yes hbejawhejehe mhm
anys thats all. you're like PARA SA PILIPINAS and shes on her knees.
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modern au hehe
met through int sch program. mizu is a transferee from japan who joined their uni's international program and got linked w ur sch
she was in one of ur classes and like yeah, she was nearest to u so she had no choice but to ask u for sch stuff
YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS PRETTY CUTE but like u wanted a good impression so u tried to help her as much as u could
even gave her a tour of the campus
showed her a few iconic eating places that she could go to jic her budget was on a limit or wanted good filo food
you wanted to expose her to the culture as slowly as u could just so that she could adapt and pace herself
definitely stuck by your side since then
you learned that she's going to study here for 3 years before going back to japan for her masters, and you're like wow thats so cool and shes like thanks
definitely a gamer
you guys hang out at one of the comp shops nearby (IF NAGAARAL KAYO SA TAFT .... guys suki ako don HAHAHA)
loves learning abt history, esp filipino craftsmanship
you definitely treat her to various street foods
mizu : what's this
you : we call it kwek kwek, but u can call it neon balls
mizu: neon balls????
showed and taught her how public transpo works once, and she gets a hang of it a week later
knows her way around manila than you do (author is projecting mb)
knows basic filo words when navigating. you teach her the slang.
basically friends to lovers guys omg, ayon sana all eme
you do that lips thing where you point w ur lips and at first, she was so confused (this is during your relationship)
she thought you were asking for a kiss and she kissed u and you were like ?!@!?@??$?
mizu: ha
mizu: ahhh my bad haha
walks u to class teehee
hangs around in empty class rooms esp comp labs and you guys watch movies there
momol sa dorm, momol sa clasroom na madilim, momol sa may agno charot
revels in simple pda like linking ur pinkies together, thigh against thigh when seating, and just yk so landi. landi niyo.
you have her id pic on the back of ur id and she yours on her clear phonecase
EWWWW GAY PPL (affectionate)
unintentionally matching
loves gifting u jewelry esp necklaces (likes to see it when u guys are in the bedroom, splayed on your chest and just yk decorating your collarbones so nicely)
holds your hand and helps you cross the street omf
pays for ur commute fee when riding the jeepney
memorizes ur kwek kwek and fishball sauce combination
loves exchanging one shoe w u for funsies
loves taking pics w u w the cats on campus
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A/N: DEDICATED KAY DELULU RECEIVER!! eto para sayo sorry ginutom keta ng sobra huhu @ianiralvs may isa pa kong utang sayo na req mo hihi gagawen ko pa yon to muna HHAHHAHA
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st-anczyk69 · 9 months
pokój Jakuba Adamczewskiego - krótka analiza programu ikonograficznego
(podstawą mojej analizy są ujęcia pokoju zaprezentowane przede wszystkim w epizodach 1, 3 i 4 oraz w filmiku "Welcome to my Dworek" z kanału Netflix na yt, mniej pomocniczy, ale równie warty obejrzenia jest filmik na instagramie Michała Sikorskiego (aktora wicelającego się w rolę Jakuba) "MTv Cribs x 1670" (michalsikorski.official))
Wygląda na to, że w pokoju Jakuba znajdują się cztery obrazy, pięć rzeźb i w ramie łóżka jedna płaskorzeźba.
Zacznijmy od obrazów:
Nad wejściem do jego pokoju, w miejscu, w którym tradycyjnie wiesza się krufcyfiks znajduje się obraz przedstawiający Chrystusa w typie Vir Dolorum (Męża Boleści) (czyli przedstawienie Chrystusa martwego lub zmartwychwstałego, eksponujące rany zadane mu podczas ukrzyżowania). To konkretne przedstawienie to reprodukcja obrazu z niderlandzkiego warsztatu Alberta Boutsa powstałego ok. 1525, znajdującego się w zbiorach The Met (The Man of Sorrows). [screen z 1 odcinka]
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Takie przedstawienie Chrystusa ma swoje źródła w ikonografii bizantyjskiej, a w Europie Zachodniej swoją popularność zyskało w ramach propagowanej w późnym średniowieczu pobożności polegającej na uczuciowym rozmyślaniu o męce Chrystusa i tzn. "współodczuwaniu".
Drugi obraz wisi nad łóżkiem Jakuba oraz pojawia się w pierwszej po czołówce scenie w odcinku 4, gdy na chwilę Jakub wiesza go w pokoju Stanisława. Jest to reprodukcja obrazu przedstawiającego Świętego Franciszka z Asyżu włoskiego malarza Antoniazza Romano z lat 1480-81, obecnie w zbiorach The Met (Saint Francis of Assisi). [screeny kolejno z 4, 1 i 3 odcinka]
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Święty Franciszek jest założycielem zakonu franciszkanów, który ukształtował w swoich pismach nowy rodzaj duchowości (duchowość franciszkańska), który charakteryzuje duża uczuciowość, wierne naśladowanie Chrystusa - zwłaszcza w aspekcie ubóstwa, bezwarunkowo miłość do bliźniego, a to wszystko połączone z radością życia i uwielbieniem Boga. Na obrazie święty prezentuje stygmaty na dłoniach i na boku.
Kolejne dwa obrazy wiszą nad biurkiem (kanonem?).
Pierwszy z nich, mniejszy i bliżej drzwi to reprodukcja obrazu hiszpańskiego malarza Franciso de Zurbarana z około 1640-45 przedstawiającego Świętego Benedykta z Nursji, znajdującego się w zbiorach The Met (Saint Benedict). [screeny z odcinka 3 i 1]
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Świętemu Benedyktowi z Nursji przypisuje się autorstwo reguły benedyktyńskiej. Jest on jedynym z Ojców Kościoła i głównym patronem Europy.
Ostatni obraz wiszący obok obrazu ze świętym Benedyktem, to przedstawienie Hieronimity, Brata Gregorio Belo z włoskiego miasta Vicenza pędzla włoskiego malarza Lorenza Lotto z 1547 roku, obecnie w zbiorach The Met (Brother Gregorio Belo of Vicenza). [screeny z odcinka 1 oraz ze wspomnianego wyżej (i podlinkowanego) filmiku z instagrama Michała Sikorskiego]
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Zdaje się (co widać na screenie instagramowym), że na reprodukcji dodano nimb wokół głowy brata Gregoria. Zasadniczo nie jest to przedstawienie świętego - o bracie Gregoriu nic nie znalazłam i zdaje się, że jest to po prostu przedstawienie mnicha (Hieronimity) podczas pobożnej kontemplacji męki Chrystusa (która jako projekcja jego rozważań ukazana została w tle - tak przynajmniej podaje notka na stornie The Met) w ujęciu powielającym schemat, w którym najczęściej przedstawiano Świętego Hieronima ze Strydonu, założyciela kongregacji eremickiej, do której należał sportretowany.
Pięć rzeźb znajduje się w rogu pokoju na przeciw drzwi wejściowych, tworząc rodzaj "ołtarzyka" przed którym stoi klęcznik. Figury ustawione są na prostych, niepolichromowanych drewnianych konsolach. W odróżnieniu od obrazu rzeźba jest obiektem przestrzennym, co znacznie utrudnia wybór takowej do scenografii - z obrazami sprawa jest prosta - w ramy wsadza się reprodukcje, która pokryta werniksem albo po prostu pokazana w naturalnym świetle w oku kamery niewiele różni się od faktycznego obrazu. Tymczasem wykonanie przekonującej reprodukcji rzeźby drewnianej jest zdecydowanie trudniejszym i bardziej pracochłonnym zadaniem. Stąd, wydaje mi się, rzeźby te nie powtarzają żadnych znanych dzieł, a są po prostu rzeźbami prezentującymi szeroko przyjęte typy figur dewocyjnych, jakie cały czas można kupić do kościoła lub kaplicy (na przykład tutaj - niepolichromowane rzeźby drewniane również dewocyjne, całkiem swoją drogą podobne do rzeźby środkowej). [screeny z odcinka 1 i z filmiku "Welcome to my Dworek"]
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Rzeźba środkowa przedstawia Chrystusa błogosławiącego i jest jedyną rzeźbą niepolichromowaną.
Pierwsza od lewej jest Maria z dzieciątkiem, następnie Święty Antoni Padewski (?), franciszkanin i cudo twórca (znajomy Świętego Franciszka z Asyżu), patron osób i rzeczy zaginionych, dzieci, małżeństw i narzeczeństw (według ludowej tradycji pomagający dziewczętom znaleźć dobrych narzeczonych). W ikonografii przedstawiany często (tak jak na naszym przykładzie) z Dzieciątkiem Jezus na ręce (wtedy zwykle w drugiej trzyma kwiat lilii - tutaj tego nie ma, nasz święty trzyma chyba coś innego, ale nie jestem w stanie powiedzieć, co to jest, stąd trochę niepewne rozpoznanie). [screeny z filmiku "Welcome to my Dworek"]
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Na prawo od dużej rzeźby Chrystusa znajduje się najpierw rzeźba Świętego Piotra - następcy Chrystusa jako głowy kościoła i tym samym pierwszego biskupa Rzymu. Święty Piotr jest uważany za najważniejszego spośród dwunastu apostołów, któremu Chrystus przekazał władzę nad Kościołem na Ziemi, co realizuje się w motywie przekazania Piotrowi przez Chrystusa kluczy - stąd klucz jako najbardziej rozpowszechniony atrybut tego świętego, widoczny również w dłoni naszej rzeźby. Ostatnia rzeźba na prawo to Święty Paweł (?) - rozpoznanie to opieram na trzymanym przez postać mieczu (stałym atrybucie Świętego Pawła), dodatkowo Paweł jest w ikonografii nadzwyczaj często przedstawiany właśnie wraz z Piotrem. Święty Paweł jest wedle tradycji uważany za Apostoła Narodów (choć formalnie nie był nigdy uczniem Jezusa; nawrócił się po jego Wniebowstąpieniu), jest również uważany za autora 1 Listu do Koryntian, którego fragmentem jest tzn. "Hymn o Miłości". [screeny z filmiku "Welcome do my Dworek" oraz z odcinka 4]
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Oczywiście z dużym prawdopodobieństwem każda z tych rzeźba jest powieleniem lub odległym echem jakiejś stosunkowo znanej kompozycji; ich dokładne opisanie i rozpoznanie pozostaje sprawą otwartą.
Jak już wspomniałam w pokoju Jakuba znajduje się jeszcze, w wezgłowiu łóżka płaskorzeźba. Przedstawia ona Świętego Jerzego podczas walki ze smokiem; jest to przedstawienie epizodu ze średniowiecznej legendy, często powtarzanej w średniowiecznych romansach. Święty Jerzy jest patron rolników, pasterzy i pól (jego dzień (23 albo 24 kwietnia) uważano za najlepszy dla rozpoczęcia prac polowych), pod jego patronatem powstało również wiele bractw rycerskich i zgromadzeń zakonnych oraz zakonów rycerskich. [screeny z odcinka 1 i 2]
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Poza tym zlokalizować można w pokoju Jakuba dwa (?) krucyfiksy; jeden stoi na kominku i jest to prosty w swojej formie, drewniany krzyż na podwyższeniu. Co do drugiego (krzyż również drewniany, ale z polichromowanym wizerunkiem Chrystusa, wiszący a nie stojący), to sprawa jest trochę bardziej skomplikowana, ponieważ widzimy go tylko w filmiku "Welcome to my Dworek", w pojedynczy, kadrze, nie widzimy go jednak ani razu w szerszym ujęciu pokoju; stąd wniosek, że jeśli w ogóle już się tam faktycznie znajduje, to musi wisieć między łóżkiem a drzwiami, w miejscu, którego ani razu nie widzimy, ponieważ zasłania je otwarte skrzydło drzwi. [screeny z filmiku "Welcome to my Dworek"]
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Trzeba przyznać, że po tej analizie wnioski są marne. Zdaje się, że obecne w pokoju Jakuba obrazy i rzeźby ani nie układają się w żaden przemyślany program ikonograficzny ani nie stanowią grupy precyzyjnie wybranej (O zaskoczenie!).
Najbardziej "pasujący" do konwencji tych wszystkich narzędzi "pokutnych" obecnych w pokoju Jakuba i sugerowanego tym samym zainteresowania cierpieniem wydaje mi się obraz Vir dolorum wiszący nad drzwiami i być może dlatego właśnie on jest w serialu najlepiej wyeksponowany.
Obraz z przedstawieniem Świętego Franciszka jest dla mnie zagadką, ponieważ zarówno to, że w swoim "stanie spoczynku" wisi nad łóżkiem Jakuba oraz to, że jest jak gdyby "obrazem symbolem" użytym w momencie, w którym Jakub chce pokazać, że zastąpi Stanisława w jego roli dziedzica (Stanisława reprezentuje tam obraz przedstawiający gitarzystę), wydaje się sugerować jakieś szczególne znaczenie tego przedstawienia dla Jakuba lub szczególne jego znaczenie jako "oznaczającego" Jakuba. Stąd zresztą w pierwszej chwili, bez przyjrzenia się i bez kwerendy uznałam, że to pewnie przedstawienie Świętego Jakuba - wtedy analogia, jako że obraz przedstawiał by patrona Jakuba, jego świętego imiennika, była by oczywista. Tymczasem przynajmniej bazując na tym co wiemy, nie da się w tym miejscu wytłumaczyć Świętego Franciszka.
(btw czy ktoś wie, czy w czasach nowożytnych określenie "Ojciec" było, tak jak dziś zarezerwowane jedynie dla zakonników-kapłanów czy zwyczajowo mówiło się tak też do księży spoza zgromadzeń zakonnych?)
Z tym, że choć ewentualna przynależność do zgromadzenia zakonnego, mogłaby tłumaczyć portret Świętego Franciszka (należałoby założyć wtedy przynależność Jakuba do zgromadzenia franciszkańskiego), to należy uwzględnić jeszcze przedstawienie Świętego Benedykta nad biurkiem, które równie dobrze mogłoby sugerować przynależność do benedyktynów. Poza tym brak w moim odczuciu jakiś oznak pobożności franciszkańskiej w Jakubie (ktoś by mnie zapytał czy widać jakąkolwiek pobożność, ale zdaje mi się, że bardziej valid byłaby próba powiązania go np. z bardziej jezuickim podejściem do sprawy (ale jezuitów brak pośród przedstawień w pokoju)). Może przewaga świętych franciszkańskich (Franciszek i rzeźba Antoniego Padewskiego) faktycznie coś sugeruje, ale wydaje mi się to raczej mało prawdopodobne biorąc pod uwagę całokształt.
Wspomniałam już o Świętym Benedykcie, co zaś do obrazu obok przedstawiającego brata Gregoria to w ogóle nie mam nic do powiedzenia poza tym, że wygląda to dla mnie na wybór całkowicie przypadkowy.
Moja teoria dotycząca obrazów jest dość prosta - być może Netflix ma umowę z The Met, która zezwala na dowolne użycie ich reprodukcji ich zbiorów w produkcjach Netflixa i tym samym jedynym, kryterium wyboru była przynależność do kolekcji The Met (choć chyba dałoby się wybrać lepiej).
Co do rzeźb to tak, jak już poniekąd napisałam, podejrzewam, że ich wybór odbył się na zasadzie "to co w miarę łatwo pozyskać to weźmiemy". Podobnie pewnie było z łóżkiem, bo nie podejrzewam, żeby płaskorzeźba była tam wtórnie wstawiona.
Oczywiście obecność każdego z przedstawień da się jakoś tam wytłumaczyć wewnątrz lore - najprostszym sposobem na to może być "Jakuba tak naprawdę w ogóle nie interesuje jakie obrazy wiszą w jego pokoju i jakie rzeźby tam stoją i zostały przez niego wybrane na chybił trafił" (chociaż dręczyć w tym ujęciu i tak będzie mnie ten Święty Franciszek).
Ale ja bym rzecz jasna wolała, żeby jakieś szersze ikonograficzne znaczenie w tym wszystkim było, a chyba go nie ma.
(W opisie pojedynczych obiektów starałam się mimo to w większości uwypuklić te ich znaczenia, które można jakoś zinterpretować na korzyść).
[edit - dalsze przemyślenia]
Jeśli teoria o ograniczeniu wyboru dzieł do zbiorów The Met narzuconym przez Netflix jest prawdziwa (czas zbudować hipotezę na hipotezie), to po dość szybkim ale chyba całkiem dokładnym obejrzeniu zbiorów The Met malarstwa Europejskiego (a te w przedziale lat 1300-1670 nie robią niestety zbyt wielkiego wrażenia) zaczynam chyba rozumieć modus operandi. Przede wszystkim wybór zawężono (dość mocno) do przedstawień portretowych, rezygnując z wybrania obrazów ukazujących epizody z historii świętej lub z życia świętych, ograniczając się zdaje się do zasady „jeden obraz - jedna postać, i to najlepiej nie wykonująca żadnej czynności” (decyzja, którą nie do końca umiem sobie wytłumaczyć!). Po drugie odrzucono wizerunki. Marii z dzieciątkiem, których w zbiorach The Met mnóstwo, zakładam, że w ramach większej „maskulinizacji” przestrzeni (że tak powiem) (wszak jedna tylko rzeźba Marii się pojawia, ale wyjątek potwierdza regułę i jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni). Po trzecie zdaje się, że odrzucono pomysł powtórzenia obecności jednej postaci (poza Chrystusem) dwukrotnie, co najpewniej sprawiło, że odrzucono obrazy przedstawiające Świętego Franciszka Frederica Barocciego i Il Grechetta, które są ładniejsze (ciekawsze!) i zdają się bardziej sensowne niż ten portret brata Gregoria, ale najwyraźniej, mimo że postać Franciszka podkreślono (pewnie wcale nie celowo), to najwyraźniej nikt nie chciał w to brnąć jeszcze bardziej.
Fajny też obraz Filippa Tarchiani przedstawiający samobiczującego się Świętego Dominika odrzucono być może ze względu na częściową goliznę świętego.
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W tak zawężonej grupie dokonany przez scenarzystów (albo kogoś tam) wybór (przypominam tylko przy założeniu konieczności wybrania dzieł z The Met!) staje się zrozumiały.
Dziękuję za uwagę! :)
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
this is about your "likely scenarios" and "what would have happened if Violetta had bumped into someone else in Episode 1" (w/ Francesca)
i feel like it would've been "the rain scene"
and francesca was probably on her way to the studio and either overslept or wasted too much time on the phone yapping with cami and maxi as she was eating breakfast/preparing herself
and now she was (fashionably) late (as always)
the circumstances don't really matter because she would've been way too much into her own world to even realise that it was starting to rain
until it started pouring HARD but she couldn't turn back (aka didn't want to) because "she already went so far" (she was too lazy to do it)
for this scene i actually have two options in mind: 1. before running out of her house her mother reminded her of her jacked and she picked it up (but kept it on her arm as she was running) and she used that to cover her head (because she was so caught up in everything that she felt like stopping to put on the jacket would've made me lose way more time) or 2. she didn't hear (or ignored) her mothers words and ran out without it but then used her backpack as a way to shield herself from the rain (which would've made a mess either way)
while this is happening there is the usual scene of violetta picking up her pace as she notices that it's starting to rain harder
and then the "slip"
Francesca and Violetta's path crossed and Fracesca is barely slower than her, which allows her to see the girl walk right past her and she throws her backpack in the mudd to be able to catch her
(i feel like it wouldn't play out like Tomás's exagerated catch but something more like a "casquè" type of catch (like the dance figure)
This would knock the air out of Violetta and impress her so fucking much actually like, "wow, oh she really did that. That was... THE COOLEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME" (which wouldn't be too far-fetched since she has always been controlled and never had a real relationship or close/meaningfull friendships/dynamics since she moves away way too fast to even be able to have that)
this all happens very quickly in practice but it feels like hours passed as Violetta was caged into her arms
the same thing didn't happen to Francesca at least until she turned her head down and looked into her eyes (poor Vilu probably had the most terrified/open-eyes bambi look on her face since she almost feel and made a fool of herself infront of this "very cool" and "very pretty" stanger
anyway, after Francesca realises that she's staring TOO MUCH at her she quickly almost catapult Vilu on her feet with all the strenght she put into her push
and take her backpack from the mudd and starts to ramble in the most random way about how "she's late" and that "she hopes that she's okay but needs to be more careful" and how this "gregorio is gonna cut her head and put it on a silver plate if this other person (spoiler: angie) isn't there, since she's way more understanding and would still scold her but she would get it" as she was trying to make it (the backpack) look at least decent
(and she wasn't really talking TO Vilu, it was more about talking AT HER, to take her mind off what just happened and how she made a "fool out of herself")
Vilu at the same time is probably stopping her mid-phrases trying to say that "she's so sorry" and that "she would be more careful the next time" and maybe even saying that she wants to repay her by buying her a new backpack (and Fran is way too deep into her own bullshit to listen fully to her, because if she did she would've insisted and said no)
just pure chaos
at the end she gives up on cleaning her backpack
takes violetta by the end and then they quickly cross the street together
Francesca takes a few steps with her usual quick pace and then turns back to her one more time and she wave her hand as a way to say goodbye
as she disappears running into the other side of the road Violetta is probably staying still trying to process all that just happened
and then she would probably just shake her head and go on with her day, while keep thinking from time to time about the "mysterious girl"
This is before their canonical meeting, and I feel that if things went this way, Violetta would have for sure recognized her from that day, while Fran was probably way too overwhelmed with everything happening in the studio and her family, and Luca always bringing up what her family has sacrificed to be able to let her frequent the school that she probably wouldn't have been able to recognize her straight away (at least until she told her).
[sorry for how long and messy this is, also ignore the usual grammatical errors lol]
Aww I love this so much 💝💝
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luraagenaa · 2 years
COD: MWII OC - Valentina Xóchitl O'Driscoll De Leon pt.1/?
Scarface - Cara cortada
Violent - Violenta
Brave - Valiente
Sochi - Vale - Tina
Sangrienta - Bloody
Sanguinaria - Sanguinary
»Age: 24(when she met Ghost, days after she turned 25) (My HC: Ghost is 28)
»Nationality: American - Mexican
»Rank: Sergeant
»Affiliation: Task force 141, Los vaqueros (Mex), Bloody Demons(US), Ghost team
Valentina is highly experienced in many things as she'd been trained all her life since childhood by her father after two unfortunate events.
Spanish (Latino)
Japanese ( a little bit)
She's still learning more
Human and animal medical attention
Mental and emotional manipulation
Martial arts
High in energy
((Bad / PD???))
Crazy - sadistic
»Weapons of preference (Close-range):
Knuckles with sharp blades
Volk loadout
Francisco Theodore O'Driscoll (Father; Alive)
Meztli De Leon (Mother; Deceased)
Aldo Omacatl O'Driscoll (Older brother; Alive)
Gregorio Necalli O'Driscoll (Older brother; Alive)
Charles 'Charlie' O'Driscoll (Younger twin brother; deceased)
Charlotte 'Carla' O'Driscoll (Younger twin sister; deceased)
Alejandro Vargas (Older Maternal cousin)
⟩⟩The drawing is just a concept, in her casual clothes for now, I'm not sure I will keep to those colors yet, also that I need to make some fixes in the face
(I was tired so I didn't noticed them until now 😩)
Once finished, I will upload the finally concept, for now have a brief info. I'll share her story + her love story W/Ghost once I have it finished <33 their love story will contain a lot of angst because I like drama >:DDDD
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icarus-suraki · 2 years
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Haunted Doll Watch!! That’s Delaine in the striped chair (haunted doll 1) and the harlequin doll is Luna (haunted doll 2)
Books! Mostly witchcraft, Wicca, and New Age junk that I snagged for free out of a donation bin during my library days. Yes it includes Big Blue Buckland and To Ride a Silver Broomstick. You can’t see the nearly-complete Kyron collection behind the Pagan Family book but it’s there. Also yes that’s a fanbook for the MXTX series. 
The Chris Chan art is on the top shelf next to the tiny treasure chest (which contains old, old Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents).
World Band radio from my dad. Journals and notebooks down there.
Literature shelf 1: Joyce and Pynchon and Pratchett but also a first edition of New Frontiers of the Mind which was about to get weeded at a library. Naturally I grabbed it. Also Sister Karol’s Little Book of Spells and Rituals which is so odd and I love it. Rando army officer’s guide that once belonged to a Rosicrucian. No joke.
Tasty-smelling unused candle (unused) with silver butterfly, Nendroid boxes, MXTX books lying down (because they tend to bend when standing up). Imported stickers.
Bottom shelf is a lot of foreign language: Japanese novels, including Memoirs of a Geisha, Misery by Stephen King, and one titled God Is a Gun. Again: donations that I grabbed. Couple of manga because back in the day you could score Japanese manga at conventions. I miss those days. It was fun. One book in Japanese about “Getting Along in English” and another on “adulting.” Also the Glitch game artbook. I miss Glitch so much. The lantern is disassembled because the batteries leaked and I need to clean it up, sigh.
Literature shelves 2+: drawing books, Japanese craft book for cat houses, Cormac McCarthy my beloved, The Practice of the Presence of God. BCP (baptism gift to me as a baby) and the Bible in Chinese (another donation). Teacup for gin (it’s the cucumber one, yes). Random bottles and jars because I love them. A Course in Miracles both volumes and teacher’s workbook (more donations). V.C. Andrews because I sometimes have no taste. Haunted photograph, Arthur, is in the ripped-up looking case to be protected from sunlight. Animal Crossing: New Horizons-edition Switch dock (I didn’t want the paint/decal to get scratched). Little tiny chenille chicks used for pranks. People in a bag for Sashimiko cosplays. Japanese fashion magazines and Gothic & Lolita Bibles. The Red Book sitting on a children’s book in Chinese, partial view of sewing patterns. Unseen: more books stacked on the floor.
Literature shelves 3+: with Saint Dymphna, patroness of those with mental illnesses. Listen, I’ll try anything. There’s Big Blue Buckland’s, couple more Llewellyn magic(k) books, the Normal Tarot book, and the third copy of City of Bohane (I love that book but not enough for 3 copies; long story). Tarot cards and Lenormande cards. Russian language book. Imported stickers. Random electronics bits (cords, &c) and office supplies live in the two bins.
On top you’ve got Senor Misterioso (he glows in the dark) and his real saint figurine self, Doctor Jose Gregorio Hernandez. They are counterparts. Lantern. Fake succulent. Rando room spray. SACRED TUMBLR BRAND SHOELACES!!!! Aforementioned haunted doll, Luna. Egg cup with blessed salt.
On the other side, egg cup w/ salt (alt. view), plastic palm trees from my old desk in the library, “fake” fountain pens and more imported stickers. Fake flowers mostly from cosplay, bowl held by claws (Target Halloween 5 or 6 years ago), cup with a jubilee of pens. Xie Lian bookmark 💗 Tiny gashapon and blind box doodads. Wooden jar. 
There you go. That’s my shelves. I can entertain questions if you’d like. Closeups available. 
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
“Master….. I’ve come for my monthly report on the Crew….”
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“Ahhh, my Little Nani. You were reminded of what you’ve done for me in Guangzhou, weren’t you? I heard from a little birdie you’re getting married…”
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“You did?! From whom?!”
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“You. Just now.”
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Giovanni takes in a breath. He hates this. He hates mind games with the Master... and he hates how he can never win. Not with his own brain the way it is.
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“We still have that deal, Giovanni. You give me a soul of equal value to your beloved Annalise, and I will leave her alone. You haven’t been able to do that for me yet. Not even with your little stint at dragonslaying.”
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“Please, Master! Is there no other way?! Can I not offer you anything else?!”
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“You and your Crew were not able to procure me the one hundred souls for Arcelia’s. I am giving you the chance to give me one. Just one for Annalise. Can you not do even that?”
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“Please, Master! There has to be another way! Guy went to you, didn’t he? What did he offer you? He offered you something when he ran to you last winter, didn’t he?!”
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“What makes you think he offered me anything, Nani? For what?”
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Giovanni pauses for a guess. What would Guy want from the Master beyond what was already gifted to him? The young man considers how--despite his impulsiveness and hedonism, Guy is otherwise fairly down-to-earth. “W-……… I don’t know….. Your company?”
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The Master grins. “Do you believe that is the case, Giovanni?”
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“Were you able to guess that just like how Guy guessed your secret?”
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“M-Master….. N-no…. You read my soul?!”
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“I didn’t, Nani. Once again–you just told me.”
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“You know I cannot just read souls readily–I need to crack them open first like a clam. Though having your soul fragment given to me freely is helpful so that at least I can track your whereabouts no matter which part of the world you and your Crew flee to. Where is that trust you established with me and just me, Little Nani? Are you afraid I will back out on my deal?
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“Did I break my promise in Guangzhou, Nani? That I will not place retribution upon you and your Crew for betraying me?”
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“Have I ever broken my promises, Nani? Have I ever broken our deals? After all, Giovanni Bartolomeo Vespucci….
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“You were the one who came to me. Hoping to make a deal to ensure that your beloved Crew will never abandon you. Just as Phoebus was abandoning you for his new hospital. As Rashid for his new business venture with Mrs. Cheung. As Guy was for San-Gwong. As Ruixiong for his heroics in China. For Josep and Abena for their daughter Arcelia.
“You knew they were never going to bother returning to the sea. That they would never return to me. Not with a hospital, a business, a rebel plot, and marriages on the way.”
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“It wouldn’t matter if we never aged. Phoebus was becoming close with figuring out how to artificially age us. We had no plans on how to fake our deaths with old age once the time comes, and even then–old age would still be a very long time for any of us….
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“I was so scared… so scared they’ll just put me away and forget about me until I wither away… just like Gregorio and Lorenzo…”
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“The domestic life without having to deal with a pox was always tempting for your Crew. Ten years is a long time… imagine fifty. All because Josep–your savior–chose his daughter over you. But thanks to me, that abandonment didn’t happen. Your Crew belongs to you and only you now. And they will never abandon you as long as I am in constant watch over them like barnacles to a hull.
“Imagine the irony of the situation now. The tables have turned. You are the only one who is about to have that happy life in marriage. All while the rest of your Crew wallow in misery of lost love and broken relationships.”
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“No wonder your secret is destroying you from within. My deal still stands, Nani. You have a few more months before I collect. More than a single night, no? Whatever Guy does with your secret matters not to me–that’s entirely on you and your Crew. I will see you when I see you, Little Nani.
“You can give me a full report on the Crew the next time I see you. You have a good night….”
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 1.24 (before 1940)
41 – Claudius is proclaimed Roman emperor by the Praetorian Guard after they assassinate the previous emperor, his nephew Caligula. 914 – Start of the First Fatimid invasion of Egypt. 1438 – The Council of Basel suspends Pope Eugene IV. 1458 – Matthias Corvinus is elected King of Hungary. 1536 – King Henry VIII of England suffers an accident while jousting, leading to a brain injury that historians say may have influenced his later erratic behaviour and possible impotence. 1651 – Arauco War: Spanish and Mapuche authorities meet in the Parliament of Boroa renewing the fragile peace established at the parliaments of Quillín in 1641 and 1647. 1679 – King Charles II of England dissolves the Cavalier Parliament. 1742 – Charles VII Albert becomes Holy Roman Emperor. 1758 – During the Seven Years' War the leading burghers of Königsberg submit to Elizabeth of Russia, thus forming Russian Prussia (until 1763). 1817 – Crossing of the Andes: Many soldiers of Juan Gregorio de las Heras are captured during the action of Picheuta. 1835 – Slaves in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, stage a revolt, which is instrumental in ending slavery there 50 years later. 1848 – California Gold Rush: James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter's Mill near Sacramento. 1857 – The University of Calcutta is formally founded as the first fully fledged university in South Asia. 1859 – The United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (later named Romania) is formed as a personal union under the rule of Domnitor Alexandru Ioan Cuza. 1900 – Second Boer War: Boers stop a British attempt to break the Siege of Ladysmith in the Battle of Spion Kop. 1908 – The first Boy Scout troop is organized in England by Robert Baden-Powell. 1915 – World War I: British Grand Fleet battle cruisers under Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty engage Rear-Admiral Franz von Hipper's battle cruisers in the Battle of Dogger Bank. 1916 – In Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., the Supreme Court of the United States declares the federal income tax constitutional. 1918 – The Gregorian calendar is introduced in Russia by decree of the Council of People's Commissars effective February 14 (New Style). 1933 – The 20th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, changing the beginning and end of terms for all elected federal offices. 1935 – Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company starts selling the first canned beer. 1939 – The deadliest earthquake in Chilean history strikes Chillán, killing approximately 28,000 people.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
A group dressed in Nazi clothing put anti-Semitic material on scores of cars at Fort Worth Botanic Garden on Sunday, the same day people wearing similar paraphernalia were videoed eating at a Torchy’s Tacos.The Botanic Garden’s CEO and the Austin-based restaurant chain both denounced the incidents on Tuesday. It is unclear whether the same people were involved at the two locations.A video of the group eating in Torchy’s went viral after it was posted on TikTok on Sunday. The group was eating inside the Torchy’s in Fort Worth’s Medical District, at West Rosedale Street and Forest Park Boulevard. In the TikTok video, one man in the group can be seen wearing a swastika armband over a tan uniform. Another in the group can be seen wearing a sweatshirt with an image of a skull on it and the slogan “Gott Mit Uns,” or “God With Us,” both of which were used in Nazi Germany. The video also shows a swastika patch on that man’s backpack.The woman who posted the Torchy’s video, Jessica Gregorio, told the Star-Telegram that the group of about 10 people was already sitting down and had finished eating when she walked in. She initially thought they were in costume. Their blatant Nazi paraphernalia, plus the fact that they’d been served food and seemed to feel comfortable sitting in public, made Gregorio extremely uncomfortable, she said.Gregorio, who was eating with her mom, said that she was staring at the group and talking about them with her mom. Then, one of the men in the group walked by Gregorio, who is Jewish, and said “white power.” That kicked off a verbal altercation, Gregorio said.“I just felt like, silence is compliance, and I can’t sit and watch these people in public comfortably,” she said. “Because I’m uncomfortable, so if I’m going to feel uncomfortable.”After the verbal fight, the group left, Gregorio said. When a couple of the men then returned to order more food, Gregorio said, the staff at the Torchy’s denied them service.Gregorio said that she spoke with a local Torchy’s employee immediately after the incident, and that employee indicated that the restaurant had called a regional manager who had instructed staff to serve the group and get them out of the restaurant as quickly as possible.Austin-based Torchy’s Tacos sent a statement to the Star-Telegram on Tuesday afternoon, acknowledging the incident and denouncing the Nazi group.“Let us be clear, we do not stand for hate and do not support this group or any hate group,” the statement said. “In a difficult situation, our team acted to first ensure the safety of the other guests and our team members.”The statement also said that Torchy’s will work with “local authorities” and is “taking this matter extremely seriously.” The statement ended with, “(EXPLETIVE) HATE.”Torchy’s posted the same statement on its social media accounts around noon Tuesday, after the initial Star-Telegram story was posted.Gregorio also said that someone at Torchy’s headquarters called her and told her they would be retraining staff on how to deal with situations like this. The Torchy’s representative indicated that they would deny service to hate groups in the future.Gregorio said that she was most upset with how the restaurant handled the situation, and that she was also disappointed that no other customers said anything to the group or the restaurant.“I see all these comments on TikTok with people who say, ‘Oh, if I was there I would have stood up,’” Gregorio said. “But, you know, there were other people in the restaurant and nobody stood up. Nobody said anything.”Incidents at Fort Worth Botanic Garden, elsewhereA group of about six people dressed in similar Nazi paraphernalia was seen in the parking lot of the Fort Worth Botanic Garden on Sunday afternoon, according to garden CEO Patrick Newman.Newman said the group left about 250 fliers containing anti-Semitic material on cars. When visitors alerted staff to the group’s presence, staff removed the fliers from the vehicles. By the time garden staff found out about the group’s presence, Newman said, the group had already left.
Newman emphasized that the group was not welcome on the property, and that staff would call 911 if a similar incident occurred again. He also said that no one matching the description of the group members was admitted to the garden itself on Sunday.“Let me be absolutely clear: The Fort Worth Botanic Garden is a garden for all and we have a zero-tolerance policy for the spread of hate speech in any form,” Newman said. “We regret that it happened, and we will certainly be more vigilant.”Also on that same Sunday, in the morning, a group of people dressed in similar Nazi gear protested outside of a church in Dallas, according to social media posts and a post by LGBTQ+ media outlet Dallas Voice.Additionally, on Friday, two days before the protests and Gregorio’s encounter, well-known white supremacist Nick Fuentes visited the Fort Worth headquarters of a right-wing consulting group, the Texas Tribune reported. Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and others have condemned the head of that consulting group, Jonathan Stickland, who is also a major Republican donor.This story has been updated.
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anissapierce · 1 year
So who do u think created the first pflag for superheroes like ... I mean ok at this point half the league is there anyway but... My money is on Jefferson bc as much as i love him i do kinda appreciate that in his original appearance he was dealing with homophobia but i disagree w how overt itd b. I can see him being like most accepting 'straight' parents where like theyre accepting but kinda not and need to work on stuff.
and his way of working on tht was research n starting a pflag chapter. He keeps trying to get Apollo to join in a very 'youre the only out gay parent i know n i need to be reassured tht my little girl is going to b ok bc shes dating someone tht i think is a bad influence but if i can interact w u n ur husband who i know ill butt heads w then ill be able to connect w grace at least' ....way n apollo can Smell that on him n wants No part.
Gregario joins bc he deeply pities the sheer ally desperation rolling off of jefferson in waves. And also bc he does want to talk shop with someone who Raised meta human children who like... lived to adulthood. Also Jefferson is 'straight' but like he isnt hes literally slept w men and had close relationships w them after where they wouldnt discuss the benefits part of fwb but is too in the closet to realize he could b bi. Like hes fine with and knows that bi ppl exist but hes got like sexuality imposter syndrome.
And like it takes like three beers max for him to just spill that Gregorio who thought he was just unwinding w a tentative new parenting friend. And a younger gregorio would've probably like said something with a lot less tact that jefferson would react like a spooked dog to. But instead he chose the high road.
But like once Irons joins as someone who is Actually straight like ... Jefferson had to unfortunately (for him) see if he needed to do some excavating. But then Ollie joined and they kinda just fed into each other's worse flaws wrt that. Like the thing is ...even after Ollie gets together w Hal it takes Jefferson Seeing Ollie come out to the group for it all to click w him. Like when the guy youve hooked up w once comes out the cats kinda out of the bag.
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organisationskoval · 2 years
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115) National Socialist Party of Costa Rica, Partido Nacional Socialista de Costa Rica, Narodowa Partia Socjalistyczna Kostaryki - nielegalna partia polityczna o ideologii neonazistowskiej w Kostaryce. Nie wiadomo na pewno, w którym roku powstała partia, ale wiadomo, że jej pierwsze publiczne wyst��pienie miało miejsce w 2003 roku, w relacji kostarykańskiej gazety „La Nación”. Kierował nią niejaki „Gregorio”, a partia miała strony internetowe poświęcone zaszczepianiu nienawiści wobec Żydów, Murzynów, Chińczyków, homoseksualistów, komunistów, feministek, masonów, a zwłaszcza imigrantów z Nikaragui i Kolumbii (nieco ironiczne, ponieważ Gregorio był synem Nikaraguańczyków, chociaż według niego byli to „biali Nikaraguańczycy”). Byli również zaangażowani w propagandę białej supremacji i byli powiązani z wieloma aktami przemocy, takimi jak lincz wobec imigrantów. Obecnie partia jest rozwiązana, jednak była inspiracją dla innych grup nienawiści, które później powstały w Kostaryce.
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everythingyaattlls · 3 years
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May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Here are more young adult books by AAPI authors in our collection. Stay tuned for more posts!
Authors: Wesley Chu, Melissa de la Cruz, Julie C. Dao, Somaiya Daud, Pintip Dunn, Susan Ee, Hafsah Faizal, Sara Farizan, Andrew Fukuda, Kelly Loy Gilbert, Maureen Goo, and I. W. Gregorio
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tcplnyteens · 5 years
None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio
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The novel None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio follows the life of a seemingly ordinary teenage girl named Kristin Lattimer. Kristin is a cheerleader who was recently voted Homecoming Queen and is in a relationship with the quarterback. Unsurprisingly, she is one of the most popular and well-loved students in her high school. After a painful sexual experience and the consultation of a physician, Kristin discovers that she is intersex, having male gonads and androgen insensitivity syndrome. Once her condition is revealed without her consent, Kristin questions her entire identity, and what it means to be a woman.
I remember a week ago when I was looking around the library for interesting looking books to consider reading. None of the Above caught my eye. I had always seen this book around numerous local libraries before, but I hadn’t paid much attention to it until I read the blurb on the back of the book, and I decided to give it a try. The first few pages weren’t too interesting, only talking about Kristin’s everyday life and her friends, and I almost gave up on it. However, things took a turn further in when Kristin goes to the gynecologist and is diagnosed as intersex. Before reading this novel, I can say with certainty that I didn’t know very well what it meant to be intersex. I understood that it was a number of genetic conditions affecting certain people, but I had never really understood the details of it, and how people with it were affected in their everyday life. This book also shows the dangers of being outed and how people treat you. This is very true not only among the intersex community, but also among the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. After being outed as intersex to her entire school, Kristin is shunned, her boyfriend dumps her because he believes that she is male, and she is attacked by other students on a daily basis. This novel covers feminist and queer issues, and tackles the idea of what it means to be a woman. It is a deep, heartfelt book that I think everyone should read.
Happy Reading! -Tobey
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2020ya · 5 years
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by I W Gregorio
(Little Brown, 4/14/20)
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Jocelyn Wu has just three wishes for her junior year: To make it through without dying of boredom, to direct a short film with her BFF Priya Venkatram, and to get at least two months into the year without being compared to or confused with Peggy Chang, the only other Chinese girl in her grade. Will Domenici has two goals: to find a paying summer internship, and to prove he has what it takes to become an editor on his school paper. Then Jocelyn's father tells her their family restaurant may be going under, and all wishes are off. Because her dad has the marketing skills of a dumpling, it's up to Jocelyn and her unlikely new employee, Will, to bring A-Plus Chinese Garden into the 21st century (or, at least, to Facebook).What starts off as a rocky partnership soon grows into something more. But family prejudices and the uncertain future of A-Plus threaten to keep Will and Jocelyn apart. It will take everything they have and more, to save the family restaurant and their budding romance.
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theomnilegent · 6 years
None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio - PRIDE MONTH REVIEW  🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Have you ever had the wonderful, warming experience of reading a book, getting to the very last pages, and closing it slowly, feeling affirmed, at peace, and grateful to the piece of literature you just consumed?
That is how I felt as I finished this book.
None of the Above is about Krissy, an eighteen-year-old woman who realises, after a failed attempt at sex, that something might be up with her body. This leads to a fateful OB-GYN appointment, a diagnosis, and a very life changing revelation: Krissy is intersex.
This book is very thoroughly and well researched, and it shows in the writing. Never once did I feel like I was reading off the intersex Wikipedia page, or being preached at about transgender and intersex rights; Gregorio writes with a youthful voice, helping the reading understand intersex through Krissy’s eyes, while never leading us astray with an oversaturation of facts or outdated medical practices. Not only that, but Gregorio has clearly worked closely with intersex people in writing Krissy’s response to her diagnosis; she doesn’t make it seem like the end of the world, and she ensures the narrative never invalidates how Krissy is feeling, while still ensuring the story is factual. Krissy is given positive intersex role models, a support group, and supportive friends who help her come to terms with everything.
There was also a bullying aspect and storyline here that was, I thought, handled well. It could have been handled better – personally I would have liked to see each and every person who was horrible to Krissy receive swift and karmic justice – but it showed clearly how Krissy was impacted by the bullying, and that the adults around her weren’t useless; they were, in fact, more than ready and willing to do something about it. Krissy even takes things into her own hands and stops herself from being victimised, very much making herself the hero of her own story. She does this multiple times – she stands up for herself against the transphobic jerk against the club, learns to ignore and brush off the cruelty of her classmates, and learns to stand up for herself, as an intersex woman. Krissy is strong and resilient, even though much of the story focuses on her perceived weakness, and her subsequent depression after her diagnosis.
Most pleasantly, this book doesn’t demonise therapists or therapy at all. Both Krissy and Darren are mentioned to have each gone to a psychologist, gotten help with their mental health problems, and to coming to terms with how their lives changed. It also made clear that therapy can benefit people who are undergoing grief, significant life change – not just for people with severe mental health problems. It was comforting to see, for a change, a book make it clear that therapy is for everyone who may need it.
Gregorio has written a beautiful, honest story, and one that I feel needed to be told. It was sad, it was sometimes funny, and its ending had me teary, cheering, and bursting with joy for our protagonists. Everything about Krissy’s story is told with such kindness, and Krissy herself is a very relatable character, despite going through something that 99% of the population will never have to experience. She embodied the kind of teenage insecurities I remember feeling, and her response to everything that happened to her was so very teenage, so very accurate to those last years of high school. I’ve seen other reviewers say it was too much teenage drama, but I implore them to think back to their teenage years – didn’t everything then feel like it was life and death? Like if a rumour went around about you, it was the end of the world? Those teenage insecurities get dealt with respectfully in this novel.
I recommend Gregorio’s book for anyone who wants to read a fresh little YA Romance where the romance isn’t the primary topic at hand, or as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about intersex identities. It is a lovely book, and I feel as though a small part of me has shifted imperceptibly after having read it.
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b-br4ve · 7 years
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"That was when I realized that life was a multiple-choice test with two answers: Male or Female. And I was None of the Above."
—None of the above (I. W. Gregorio)
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