#i wanna hug the animatronics they look so cute
evillillad · 11 months
BBUUH i just want it to be saturday so i can see mr. fweddy fazbear or or or or orrorroror and also gorge myself on ramen and beef sushi mmmm yummy
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
Bean you're the best dude
So Im on a SB Daycare attendant spree rn because I'm not doing great and mans is comfort characters
Mayyyyyyyyyyyyy I perhaps get just random comfort with the daycare attendant?
Daycare Attendant x reader
stoppp this gif is literally so cute
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Work today had been…rough to say the least. Not even just today, all week you’ve been working your ass off around the daycare and in parts and service, but no matter what happened you always ended up missing something or doing it wrong. 
But, much to your relief, your shift was finally over, so you did what you always did at the end of a shift. You went to go see your boyfriends.
The walk to the daycare was uneventful, other than the fact that a map bot scared the ever loving shit out of you. When you finally got there, you decided to take the fun way down (AKA the slide) and sit in the ball pit for a bit. 
Sun’s sensors went off, indicating that someone had just gone down the slide. So, he did what he always did when someone came down the slide. He came out of his room and looked out before swan diving into the ball pit. Sun maneuvered under the plastic balls, being careful as not to be seen, before picking up the person by scooping his hands under their arms. “Hello! It’s quite late- Oh! Y/N! It’s so lovely to see you!” Sun exclaimed, excited.
“Hey, Sunny. It’s nice to see you too,” you respond, starting to try and wiggle out of his hold. Before you dropped back into the ball pit, however, Sun moved you so that you were being held bridal style.  “Sunny, put me down,” you whined.
“Nope! You worked today, so now you don’t have to do anything too exhausting. Like walking!”
You rolled your eyes but let him continue to carry you all the way to the child’s play area, where he sat you down at one of the mini-tables. He left you there, with a can of Fizzy-Fazz, as he went to grab some paper, coloring books, and crayons. Sun practically ran out, not wanting to make you wait too long. When he got back, he dropped them onto the table. “We’re gonna color now!” he exclaimed, grabbing a coloring book and placing it in front of you. 
For a little while, you two colored and talked about your day. Sun talked about how some of the kids and how they were so well behaved today, and you tried your best to talk about some of the good things about your day.
There weren’t a lot.
“Sunshine, what else happened today? Surely that can’t be everything!” Sun exclaimed. He knew that you always had a busy day, especially if he and Moon did. 
You grimaced a little bit and took a sip of your Fizzy-faz. “Work wasn’t great today, Sunny. I don’t wanna be a bother by dumping it on you two.”
“You aren’t gonna bother us! We’re here to help you, you know. You’re always so nice and gentle when you help with maintenance, and you always come and visit us when you finish a shift. The least we can do is help you out.” Sun sounded very gleeful as he went on and on about how amazing you were.
That rant lasted about 15 minutes before he realized that you hadn’t responded. He looked over at you and saw tears streaming down your face.
“Oh! Y/n, I’m sorry! Are you hurt? Did I upset you?”
“You didn’t upset him, dumbass. The sensors aren’t showing any sense of sadness,” Moon said from inside their shared headspace. 
“Moon! Language!” Sun responded, not realizing that he was talking out loud. 
You let out a small chuckle, already knowing the gist of what Moon said to the animatronic standing in front of you. Sun snapped back to attention and stood up, walking over to your side of the table. He picked you up, again, and gave you a long hug.
“You didn’t upset me, Sunny. It’s just… I really needed to hear that,” you say, your voice slightly muffled.
“I know, Sunshine. But you looked like you needed a hug.” You could hear the tremor in his voice and the way his fans were working harder to cool him down. Sun still wasn’t quite used to initiating affection, so the fact that he did makes him a little more flustered than usual. 
He pulls away for just a second to scoop you up, bridal position, and carry you up to his and Moon’s room. It’s not messy, exactly, but it also isn’t as spotless as the rest of the daycare. There’s a bed in the corner that the boys got after you started coming over after your shifts. 
Sun sets you down on said bed, making sure the stuffed animals themed around the other animatronics didn’t fall off the bed, before getting on himself. He looked awkward, his large body taking up a good bit of space on the bed. Not that you minded, of course.
The two of you cuddled, Sun as the big spoon, and you the little spoon. You rant about your week while Sun just holds you and nods along. You guys stay like that for a long time. You’re so deep in your rant that you don’t notice that the lights have turned off and Moon had come out. 
“And then Natasha had the gaul to tell me that I was an idiot for not doing it right! Like, she would have made the same fucking mistake!” 
“I’ll chat with her, if you’d like,” Moon said, rubbing a cool hand across your cheek.
You jumped slightly, but leaned into his touch. “You shouldn’t do that. She’ll get all defensive and probably get on my ass about it.”
Moon simply shrugged and pulled you closer to him. 
“How were the kids today?”
“They weren’t that bad. A few kids didn’t want to nap, so I let them color as the others slept.”
“That was nice of you.”
“What was I supposed to do, force them to sleep? That would have just made them upset and I’d have to deal with it.”
You smiled. Even though he didn’t want to admit it to anyone else, Moon was a big softie. “Of course, of course. Anything else?”
Moon hummed. “There was this one kid who was having a nightmare, so I woke her up and had her lay on me while I played my music box. She slept well after that.”
You stayed silent for a bit, debating whether or not you wanted to ask the question that was on your mind. 
“Could you… could you maybe turn it on now?” You asked, slightly nervous.
Moon made a noise of agreement and flipped a switch on his back. The sound of his music box filled your ears, and you felt a wave of exhaustion fall over you. Moon hummed along with the music, his voice box a good match for the pitch. Your eyes started to become too heavy to keep open, and you fell asleep.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
this is my first time, BUT here it goes! (i understand if you don't want to, so go ahead if you don't wanna do my request) {Y/N} asking Funtime Freddy for Valentines?
~𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂 x Reader: Valentines Day~
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AUGH I'm sorry, darlings, all the Valentine's requests have been pushed back because something came up and I've been terribly busy for the last few days. Last chance to put in a Valentine's request if you haven't, yet!
I just decided to go with doing the Valentine's Special for this one c:
Remember, it includes:
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𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝔂
~⭐How do they spend Valentine's Day with you?⭐~
~Since he can't go anywhere, and since he's an animatronic- he has to just work with what he's got.
~He's creative, too!
~Will write a ton of cheesy little love jokes for you.
~Silly pickup lines, too! They're so ridiculous and adorable.
~Bon Bon wants to tell you he loves you, too! Kiss his little head :D
~Freddy and Bon Bon will put on a silly show just for you!
~A lot of hugs, and CONSTANTLY telling you he loves you. Like. He already said it a lot in the first place,
~And he's saying it even MORE, now.
~⭐What gifts do they get for you?⭐~
~Anything cute he can find, really.
~Doesn't have much to work with, but tries his best!
~You might get a few cute little paper hearts with silly jokes and cute little compliments on them.
~He probably put one on Bon Bon's nose.
~Will also sneak you some candy and cupcakes >:))
~If Freddy can get his hand on a card (let's say they sell cards at the front desk where you check in for parties or smthn idk), he'll give it to you with a badly written paragraph about how much he loves you. It's hard for him to write, and even worse since he only has one hand LOL
~BUT, anything he does give to you is definitely made with love and excitement.
~⭐Mini-Love Letter!⭐~
Written with a pink highlighter with a few little scribbles of what look like to be stars and hearts, and a few spelling errors. The words in all capitals seem to take up the whole page...:
"Hi, (Y/N)!
Hapy valintines' day! I love love LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! Your the greatest! Bon Bon loves you too!
~⭐Moodboard time!⭐~
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Rules/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
Join my chat/roleplay server! Here, you'll be able to roleplay, make new friends, and get updates on my fanfiction and upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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trashyswitch · 1 year
A Predictable Friendship
Patton has somehow ended up in the ballpit of the Daycare in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. He meets the Daycare Attendant for the first time, and a somewhat predictable friendship starts to unfold in a matter of minutes.
This fanfic was suggested by @evadedking. I hope you enjoy!
Patton groaned and slowly opened his eyes. Almost immediately, his eyes took in the large collection of colorful things that were clouding up his vision. All he could see was duplicates of red, blue, pink, and green in his vision. What were these things? 
He moved his hands, and immediately felt light, round things shift and move around his hands. Confused, Patton tilted his head in pure confusion, but widened his eyes once he heard the bright things around his head start to shift and roll around as well. Finally realizing that these bright things could move when he moved his body around, he quickly started wiggling around to get out. He remembered what Logan told him about what to do if buried alive: Hold your breath, and wiggle around so that you can reach the light. 
And it looks like Logan was 100% correct. Because not long after, the bright light finally showed itself to his eyeballs! And though it was bright, it was quite pleasing to see the light again. Quickly, Patton realized what this was: A ball pit. He tried to push himself up onto his feet, but wound up flopping back into the pile of colorful balls. Patton verbally groaned and pushed himself out of the ballpit a bit. Closer to a green cushion, Patton pulled himself up onto the cushion and let out a sigh of pure relief. He was out of the pit. He’s okay. He’s alright. 
Now to focus on the next step: To find out where he was, and to figure out how he got here. 
Patton looked around the large place, and noticed the size of this room. It was HUGE! Who was this room supposed to be for?! It looked like this room was built for kids, but the size of the room made it bigger than what’s required for adults! He couldn’t even fathom how large and closed in the room was. He felt claustrophobic…and yet…he felt free at the same time. 
Patton jumped out and landed on the other green cushion that was supposed to help kids get out of the ballpit. He walked up the cushion ramp and across the blue cushy ground. There was climbing equipment, slides, wooden cutouts of animal creatures (A couple of which looked familiar), and even little tables and chairs! The tables and chairs were so small, they almost couldn’t fit toddlers! 
Seriously, who was this daycare supposed to be for?! But Patton froze in place when he saw the oversized bear stuffy in front of another piece of play equipment. He squealed, sprinted up to the bear and gave it a big hug. “Oh my gosh YOU’RE SO SOOOOFT! I could just-” Patton squeezed the bear as much as he possibly could. “-SQUISH YOUR PLUSHY BELLY!” Patton shouted. 
“Hoo hoo HOO!” Something said from somewhere above him. 
Patton turned around and looked around at the ballpit. “Huh?” Patton asked, before seeing something fall from above the ballpit. 
Patton widened his eyes as he saw a flash of red and yellow had dove into the ballpit! And with no time to comprehend it, that same flash of red and yellow jumped out of the ballpit, and started skipping its flamboyant, abnormally thin self over to the human with the bear. 
“Hello there, new friend! It’s so nice to meet you!” The animatronic declared. “Do you have a name? You look a little old to be in here! But don’t worry! The Daycare Attendant loves new friends of ALL ages!” The animatronic declared. 
Patton was staring at the robot that looked to be based off of the Sundrop. Patton slowly let go of the bear and walked up to the robot. “I…I do have a name. It’s Patton.” Patton told him. 
“Patton, huh? What a cute name! Hearing your name just makes me wanna pat your head!” The Daycare Attendant declared. 
Patton looked down slightly, smiling and blushing at the robot’s little statement. “Th-Thank you.” Patton mumbled. 
“Now tell me!” The animatronic grabbed Patton’s shoulders. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” the Animatronic started squeezing Patton’s shoulders a slight bit too hard. “What brings you to the Superstar Daycare, here in Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex?” The robot asked him. 
Patton widened his eyes as he finally got a name for his location. He was in a daycare facility that was based on the Five Nights at Freddy’s Pizzeria franchise! 
That’s why those animal characters looked so familiar! They were characters from the horror series! And now that he sees it, Patton quickly realized that the stuffed bear he was hugging earlier, was actually a replica of the old Freddy Fazbear model! How did he not see that before?! 
But with this in mind, Patton couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten in worry as more questions filled his mind. How did he get here? Why was this location a thing? And more importantly: 
Is William Afton still alive?! 
“I…” Patton mumbled. 
“Awww, You look lost. Even more lost than Alice in Wonderland!” The Daycare Attendant reacted. 
Patton chuckled. “I…I certainly feel like Alice right now.” Patton admitted. 
“So what should we do, new friend named Patton? Can we color? Can we climb to the top of the climbers?” The Sundrop animatronic let go of Patton’s shoulders and started jumping around and clapping his hands. “Can we play with glitter glue? Or get ice cream? Maybe even a cupcake?!” The Daycare Attendant asked, growing more and more excited by the second. 
Patton laughed and giggled at the robot that was now acting like an excited toddler. “Those all sound great, Daycare Attendant.” Patton admitted.
“Oh no no no.” The daycare attendant got closer to Patton and patted his head. “From now on, you can call me Sundrop!” The daycare attendant told him. 
“Sundrop?” Patton clarified.
“Yes! Sundrop is the name of a candy drop with my face on, that we sell to children!” Sundrop told him. 
Patton nodded. “I see.” He replied. 
“It’s supposed to give kids LOTS of energy! So we can all run around and play for hours without getting tired!” Sundrop told him. 
Patton blinked with his widened eyes, and let out more of a nervous chuckle this time. He hoped and prayed Sundrop was just over exaggerating. Because if he wasn’t, then what could possibly be in those Sundrop candies that would keep kids energized for hours?!
“So what should we do? What should we do? What should we do?!” Sundrop asked, jumping and dancing around even more. 
“I don’t know. What’s your favorite thing to do?” Patton asked. 
“Oh boy, there’s so many!” Sundrop reacted. “I can’t possibly pick just one!” He added. 
“Okay. How about we color first?” Patton asked. 
“Okay! I’ll get the crayons, the markers, and the pencil crayons!” Sundrop declared. “And you can get the coloring sheets! FOLLOW ME!” Sundrop started heading to a boxed climbing equipment area with a white cutout version of Chica hanging on the equipment. 
Sundrop quickly hopped up to a gate door that blended in with the netted boards, and opened it up. With the door now open, Sundrop gently pushed Patton into the area behind the nets with the checkered floor below them. While Patton kept going, Sundrop closed the gate and hopped about to catch up to Patton. They walked past the kids' cubbies and over to a small, wooden door. Sundrop eagerly opened the door for Patton, and waved his hand into the opening. “After you!” Sundrop declared. 
Patton giggled as he walked up to the open door. “Thank you!” Patton said as he curtsied like a princess before entering. 
“Noooo problem!” Sundrop declared before turning on the light and closing the door. With the light now on, Patton could see what room this was: It was an entertainment room! A room full of play equipment, coloring and crafting supplies, little plushies of the animatronics, kids masks and gloves, and even large bouncy balls and hula hoops in the corners! The room was quite big despite being filled to the brim with things. But Patton didn’t care! He knew exactly where the coloring supplies were, and headed to that corner right away. 
Patton grabbed a stack of coloring sheets and went through them. Though there were 15-20 different coloring sheet options, there were lots of duplicates of the same coloring sheet. Patton decided to grab a coloring sheet with Sundrop and a moon character on it, as well as coloring sheets of the new Chica with cupcakes, the new Freddy with the microphone, and the Bonnie coloring sheet with the bowling alley as the background! “OOooh! Wonderful choices, Patton!” Sundrop reacted, looking over the man’s shoulder. 
Patton chuckled and put the rest of the stack away on the shelf. “Thanks! I may not color all of them right away, but we’ll see how long we spend coloring.” Patton replied. 
“Okay! I grabbed as many coloring boxes as I could carry!” Sundrop declared, showing Patton the 5 cases of coloring items. 
Patton bursted out laughing and took a couple of the cases for him. “Here, let me help you.” 
Sundrop smiled with a soft reaction. “Awww, thank you.” Sundrop reacted. “This gives me more room to carry MORE coloring supplies!” Sundrop declared as he rummaged around in the box of coloring things. 
“Wait wait- That’s not why I-” Patton sighed with a small smile as he watched Sundrop pick up 3 more pencil cases in his hands. While Sundrop carried 6 pencil cases out the door, Patton carried his two pencil cases and coloring sheets out of the closet and out into the daycare again. 
When they reached the tables and chairs in the daycare, Sundrop started collecting tables and put the tables together to form one big table. Patton knelt down at the table, and laid out the coloring sheets for Sundrop and himself to color. While Sundrop opened the pencil cases and laid them down, Patton opened the pencil cases and dumped the pencil crayons and markers all over the table. 
Patton let out a giggle as he watched pencil crayons and markers roll onto the floor. He looked up at Sundrop for approval, but wiped his own smile off his face the moment he saw Sundrop’s face: 
Sundrop was staring at Patton with what looked to be a horrified face, mixed with the ‘insanity’ eyes. He was staring deeply into Patton’s eyes…before looking down at the mess of pencil crayons and markers on the ground. “Oh no…” Sundrop’s eyes started to glow red as he looked back up at Patton. “What a mess.” Sundrop said to him. 
Unsure what to do, Patton had looked down at the pencil cases in his hands and chuckled awkwardly. “What’s wrong with a little mess?” Patton asked as he dropped the pencil cases onto the ground and made the ‘why’ signal with his hands. 
Taking this as a sign that Patton was testing the waters, Sundrop took action. 
For Patton, It all felt like slow motion. It even felt like the pencil cases did not touch the green floor until after Patton and Sundrop hit the ground first. Sundrop had tackled Patton down to the ground like a police officer would. It happened so fast, that it all felt like a blur that didn’t refocus itself until a few seconds after the man had hit the ground. 
Patton shook his head and looked up at Sundrop. “H-Hey! What was that for?!” Patton asked him. 
“You refuse to clean up!” Sundrop declared. “You didn’t tell me I needed to clean up!” Patton told him, actually attempting to make sense of the situation.
“It’s time for your punishment!” Sundrop started wiggling his fingers at him. 
Patton looked at the fingers with shock at first, before squealing. “EEEK! W-wait a minute-” Patton begged, holding up his hands in self-defense. 
“TOO LATE!” Sundrop brought his hands down to Patton’s belly and started tickling right away. 
Patton practically exploded with laughter right away, trying to get Sundrop’s nimble fingers away from his belly. “BWAHAhahaha! Cahahan’t wehehe TAHALK FIHIHIRST!?” Patton asked. 
“My new friend needs to learn to clean up! And what better way to teach and discipline, then to tickle, tickle, tickle?” Sundrop declared. 
Patton soon gave up defending himself, and instead tried to hide his laughter a little bit. But covering up his mouth would only make him look more embarrassed ーand more childishly adorableー in Sundrop’s eyes. 
“Awww! For a fully grown child, you’re very cute! I could just squeeze you and cover you in kisses!” Sundrop reacted, stopping his tickle attack to give Patton a big hug and plant kisses all over his forehead and cheeks. 
Patton squeaked and stuttered at first. “Ohokahahay- uhuhuh…” Patton had started blushing a lot. 
Sundrop kept planting kisses on Patton’s forehead. Even going as far as to say ‘I love you’ before every kiss. 
“I love you!” 
“I love you!” 
“I love you, love you, love you!” 
*kiss, kiss, kiss*
Patton had begun snorting from embarrassment, which only worsened his embarrassment. “Ohoho nohoho- *snort* Hehehehe! *snort* Dahahahang ihihihit!” Patton giggled, soon hanging his head in defeat. 
“Aaaand now Sunny wants to tickle you again! But for fun this time.” Sundrop declared next. Sundrop started skittering his thin, creamy yellow fingers all over Patton’s sides and up his ribs. 
This, naturally, caused Patton to throw his head back with newfound laughter all over again. “EEEEHEhehehehehe! Eheeheeheehee! Hohohohow ahahare you so gohohood ahat thihihis?!” Patton asked. “Ahahare you buhuhuilt to tihihickle?!” 
Sundrop let out a slightly evil laugh. “I’m not a tickle robot, silly! I’m a Daycare Attendant! Though, tickles are certainly part of the job description.” Sundrop told him proudly. 
Patton closed his eyes and just let Sundrop tickle to his heart’s content. And as a result, Patton laughed as much as his body would let him. Though he had to admit, he was already a blushy mess. 
Sundrop moved his fingers to the armpits. “Hey, hey!” Sundrop stopped tickling at one point to look at Patton. “Are ya having fun yet?” Sundrop asked. He squeezed Patton a slight bit. “Are ya? Are ya?!” 
Patton hid his face in Sundrop’s abnormally small chest. “Mmmhmhmhmhmhmhmm…Mahahaybehehehe?” Patton replied, slowly looking up at Sundrop with puppy eyes. 
Sundrop laughed and leaned in. Patton closed his eyes, expecting another kiss on the forehead from Sundrop. But instead…he felt a metal, slightly cold forehead touch his own. Patton opened his eyes and went cross-eyed to look at the Sun’s face. 
Sundrop was connecting foreheads and noses like a human would with their dog. Then, Sundrop gave Patton little bear kisses by moving his hard, pointy nose left and right across Patton’s rounder, softer nose. And as if he couldn’t get more cute, Patton had blushed more of a darker color of red. 
“Goodness, I didn’t know grown children could blush that color! It’s almost like…” Sundrop looked around at the many pencil crayons and markers on the ground, and searched the floor for an accurate color. Soon, he picked up a pencil crayon and placed it up to Patton’s face. 
“...No, a bit darker.” Sundrop dropped the pencil crayon and looked around for another pencil crayon or marker that better suited Patton’s cheeks. Soon, Sundrop found another marker. “Hmm…” He put it up against Patton’s left cheek. “No…That’s too burgundy. Your cheeks look more…” Sundrop thought for a moment. “I don’t know. Darker than my pants, but not red-brown like those hemlock trees.” Sundrop admitted. 
Patton tilted his head. “Hemlock trees?” Patton asked. 
“They’re trees that had reddish-brown bark on them.” Sundrop admitted. “Ah, here we are!” Sundrop picked up a marker, took off the lid and placed it to Patton’s right cheek. 
He drew a line on Patton’s cheek, and gasped. “Perfect match!” Sundrop declared. He looked at the lid and read the name of the color. 
“RV205…Peony! More purple than I expected, but it works!” Sundrop declared. “I guess that was the color I was missing.” Sundrop admitted. 
Patton chuckled and blushed more. His blush seemed to slowly reach the tops of his ears, as well as the tip of his nose. 
Sundrop giggled and drew more lines on Patton’s cheeks, almost like drawing an anime character. “Aww! So purpley!” Sundrop reacted. “Purple…Purple, purple, purple…why does that word sound familiar?” Sundrop asked next. 
Patton’s smile slowly dropped as he realized what Sundrop was talking about. Oh no…This isn’t good. Patton quickly tried to think of something. Not knowing what else to do besides tickle, Patton quickly skittered his fingers on Sundrop’s belly. “Uh- Look! I have an important phone call to make.” Patton told him as he started poking the buttons on his belly and sides. 
“EEEE! EEEK! WHAHAT AHARE YOU DOHOHOIHIHING?!” Sundrop suddenly yelled. 
Patton started making boop sounds in different tones and octaves as he poked Sundrop. “Boop! Boop, boop, boop boop, boop! BOOP!” Patton pretended to pick up the ‘phone’ Hello? Hello, hello?” Patton asked. 
Sundrop laughed from both the ticklish feeling, and from genuinely finding Patton hilarious! “Hello!” Sundrop replied, pitching his voice hilariously low. “This is the old man in your bathtub upstairs! How’s it going down there?” Sundrop asked. 
Patton wheezed and laughed at Sundrop’s words. “Thehe old man in the bathtub?! Where did you come up with that?!” Patton asked. 
“Ihi…Well, some little girl told me about it. She said her brother used to hide behind the cereal box and pretend to be the voice of an old man in the bathtub.” Sundrop told him. “It’s a little…odd…but she found it to be the best game in the world.” Sundrop told him. 
Patton could’ve cried from how cute it was. But he quickly went back to tickling instead. “Wrong number!” Patton declared, putting the ‘old telephone’ down. 
Then, Patton started poking his belly and making more sound effects. “Boop boop! Boop boop BOOP boop! Boop boop boop! bOoP!” Patton teased. “Helloooo?” Patton asked. 
“Hello, hello? Hey, you’re doing great! Most people don’t last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move on to other things by now.” Sundrop declared.
Patton froze in place when he heard those words leave Sundrop’s mouth. 
Oh…my gosh…
How…how did he- 
“How do you know those words?” Patton asked. 
Sundrop tilted his head. “What do you mean?” Sundrop asked. 
Patton bit his lip and chuckled a bit as he shook his head to shake it off. “Nothing, nothing. Just…Deja vu.” Patton admitted with a chuckle. 
“Ah, okay.” Sundrop replied. 
Patton thought about what to do now. He looked around at the pencil crayons and the markers. “Welp…I think I learned not to make messes around you.” Patton told him. “I should probably clean up.” 
Sundrop almost blinked into focus again. “Okay! And then we can color?!” Sundrop asked. 
Patton giggled. “And then we can color.” Patton replied. 
Sundrop clapped his hands and got up onto his feet. “Yay! Clean up! clean up!” Sundrop declared, picking up pencil crayons and markers off the ground. 
Patton helped him clean up, and placed the coloring supplies onto the table. When everything was collected, Patton and Sundrop grabbed coloring sheets and began to color. And much to Patton’s surprise, Patton was better at coloring than Sundrop was! Patton could soon guess that Sundrop was programmed to color as well as a toddler, so the toddlers didn’t feel alone in their creative coloring styles. And Patton didn’t mind that. Not one bit. 
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zuszab · 2 years
Your daycare story [3/?]
Someone walk in and start talk with Moon. It's probably Jonatan. He quickly start his job and turn off the animatronic. I'm looking at Moony face without his first layers, he looks kinda... creepy. Thing that scare me the most in him, right now, is his red eyes. N-not that I'm scared of this color or somethink like this! He... he was stare at me for a moment. Straith to my eyes. Jonatan remind me that his body is turn off, so we don't need to worry if he try to hurt us. It doesn't help me
- Why you need to check him? He works good and never get glitched like Sun or Eclipse sometimes do...
- They do? Oh, I don't noticed that! Thanks to saying this
I'm worried about them, Moon looks like a brave animatronic, so hearing that he is scared of that man is making me nervous.
- . . . Why you take his face layers off?
- I can better see his face movement. He have three or four face layes, so if he start moving his deeper layers I'll noticed this and fix it
- You know that you can tell them to check thier body and system? Also, daycare attendants can't lie
- But this don't means they be telling me all the truth
He look at me, after finishing cheking protect mode. And that's it? Why only this? Somethibk here seems odd. I feel watched by someone from behide, I quickly looked at Moon, but it wasn't him. Welp, I need focus on this wierd guy by now. He looked at the monitors and shortly scream with fear on his face
Jonatan yelled at Eclipse. The Moon's hand moved. I think his program take Jonatan's yelling for a sign of impending danger for me, it's cute
- Hahahaha! I love scaring you! Your faces are the best~
- Get.out.NOW.
- Nah, I'm not going anywhere. Nap time is getting over and we need Księżyc. Sorry for that, but he is the only guy who can deal with kids aftet nap time... Oh! Hello, YN! Why are you here?
- Oh... H-hi, Eclipse! Moon wants to show me where is place you are fixed, if there's a need of it and- AH!
Moon's hands took me up and he make a wierd sound. Sunset look at Jonatan and say somethink, he nod and carefuly turn Moony's body on. I get hit by one of his face half. He stop moving his face parts and start to reconise this place.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine... It wasn't that hard. Moony, how are?
- Umm... Why I have you in my arms?
- Eclipse scared him *point at Jonatan*, then he yelled at him and...
- Your protect mode was turn on, so maybe thats why your body start protecting her
- Yes, it's exacly what happened... sorry. I forget that you can sometimes move by your own, even when your body is turn off
- Can we...?
- Oh, right! You can go now... Moon I still don't finished, so come here again. You can take one of your brothers here, if this help you
- Ehehe...he... okay. Bay!
He go out with me in his hands. Eclipse is right next to us
- How are you brother?
He asked and gently put his face layers on their places. Is Księżyc scared? He say nothink
- So you aren't feel okay, don't worry, Jonatan can't do anythink to you. Your systems are to old for him, so he can't tuch them. Only what he can is checking them
- I know, but I really don't wanna him to see things throw my eyes. It's creepy!
- I hate this too. Oh, right! I'm trying to make a deal with him and if this works, we'll be free! No more looking by our eyes or other type of spying us~
Spying them? Is Jonatan really do it? I need asked about this our Pizza Plex menager, maybe Jonatan a prevert or... I don't know! I look again at Moon, he looks better now. He stop walking and put me down, when he stand straight Sunset gently hug him
- There, there~ *pat pat on Moon's head*
- I'm not a kid *push him*
- But that don't means that I can't cheer you up! Now, smile and go to wake up kids. I take care of YN~
Moony agree and run to daycare. Now I'm all alone with Eclipse. Is he a safe animatronic?
< [P1] [P2]
[P4] >
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bunnyb34r · 1 month
Nearly had a breakdown at work bc ALL of the clearance shit is a goddamn mess bc "OH IT'S $5 WELL LET'S TEAR THIS SHIT UP!" customers happened and then I had to recover that, while also moving the rest of the now clearance items down to the clearance table AND put out these god awful jumpsuit baby bullshits. The jumpsuits have like 3 cute ones and 3 god fucking ugly ones (it's Sharter's so ofc they have: ugly swamp water green dinosaurs, UGLY florals on a dingy colored background, and genderless but still ugly as hell beige™️) and theres 3 like thicknesses to the bundles. Thin, lightly fleece-y, fucking your baby is gonna overheat (but look adorable) thick fleece. To get one of every size per stack, the thick fleece is 24in high. TWO FUCKING FEET HIGH. Which I would need to match with the THIN weight AND try to match that height with the rest of my table. If I match that height and someone wants the largest size in the back stack, EVERYTHING dominos over. So I settled to put not every size in every stack, but made sure the sizes are all there somewhere. I was so close to fucking crying trying to figure this shit out I'm not even kidding. Like I seriously considered quitting my job for a good portion of my day bc it was so overwhelming and stupid.
OH and the maintenance guy decided to leaf blow under the pallets (which he is allowed to do, it does make it easier) but instead of one continuous VRRRRRRR it was like VRR... vrrrVRRRRRRR......vrr...VRRRRRRRRRRR like I wanted to break the goddamn thing so bad like can you not???
My only saving grace was that FGM unplugged the goddamn horrible animatronic skeletons that sing every time you walk past them bc "you guys don't need that on this early. We'll turn em back on at opening" (I wanted to hug him so bad for that sgdgdgdg you do not know how much I hate those bastards) like we dont have radio lately for whatever fucking reason so it's just forklift beeps and skeleton music and it's on a loop some days and it makes me wanna scream so bad
I think I might have legitimately had a breakdown had he not turned those off at the beginning of my shift (the breakdown period was like 5:30-8am)
Like I seriously thought ab just silently crying as I worked I was that stressed out. And theres nothing like anyone could do to help me bc I didn't know how much shit I needed to move down to get the new shit out and I didnt know just how annoying the puffy fleece ones would be until I was in the thick of it
Anyways thank fucking god that's over ... for today anyway
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chiliechicken · 6 months
𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐀 𝐆.┊★ ramble, ramble, ramble Glamrock Chica x GN!Reader, Fluff, OOC? Chica bbluvs
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This sucks, your life sucks, your job sucks, everything sucks. It was late into midnight when you were suddenly called into work to fix Chica again after she ate some more junk from the garbage cans.
Right now, you were stuck with her at the Parts and Service center. You were trying to clean up her chest cavity, removing the junk she ate while also trying to fix some bent parts in there. All the while, she's just talking your ear off about her day and how Monty tried stealing her bowling bowl again.
"Like, oh my gosh, he should just stop touching my stuff because he has his own. But then again like, he keeps destroying his own thingz. Can you believe that? He's so annoying!" Chica exclaimed, turning to look at you.
You sighed and simply nodded, cleaning up the metal plating of her chest carefully as to not scratch it. Ugh, she ate so much junk! Why can't they just give this robot an actual stomach to store the food in?
Chica smiled at you and continued the conversation, moving to a different topic, "Okay, so like, do you know how Roxy gets to have her own wardrobe?" Roxy has a wardrobe? Huh. That was some news to you. "I was like, thinking of asking the dudes up top, I don't really know which people design us... Anyways, that, right? I wanna ask them specifically to make me some clothes that look cute."
You nodded along again while trying to scrape off some junk off her. Chica continued, "I really love those bimbocore clothes! Or even mcbling, gosh they're literally so hot!" She excitedly fawned over her own words, kicking her feet up. You told her to calm down and she gave you a bashful smile. "Sorry! I just... I just don't get to talk to anyone else about this stuff. It's been awhile since I have..." Chica averted her gaze as her voice became embarrassed.
You raised a brow at her and stopped what you were doing for a second. She's the bubbliest and most-outgoing animatronic among the crew. How come she never talks to anyone else about... Eh.. what she likes?
Chica cleared her throat and looked back at you. "Anywho... How was your day?" She asked you with a smile and you held up your hand towards her, as if telling her to stop. You told her to continue what she was saying earlier while you finish up the last bits of cleaning and fixing on her chest cavity.
Chica stared at you with a dumbfounded expression before smiling widely. "Oh my gosh, thank you!" She went to hug you after you closed up the metal plating on her chest. She held you there for a moment before setting you back down.
"Okay, so like, where was I? Oh! Yeah, definitely bimbocore, mcbling, those are my go-to styles! They're just the best out there! Also, did you know that Bonnie once told me that if he could, he wanted to try drag?" She chuckled with a sigh. "He would've loved to meet you. If you think I'm chatty, then you would've loved listening to him." You looked up at her with a gentle smile and she returned the gesture.
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
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★┊Bonnieeee (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
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Last scene for tonight.
Scene 9
Same night at Sandy’s
Ezra: (walks in through the front door) Hey guys. I’m back.
Sandy/Callie: (on stage)
Sandy: (gasps and excitedly runs over to Ezra) Ezra! (Hugs him tightly and is slightly lifting him off the floor)
Ezra: (suffocating) Sandy… can’t…breathe…too….tight….
Sandy: (drops him on the floor) Oops! Sorry.
Ezra: It’s fine. So, how did the maintenance day go?
Sandy: It was amazing! They opened me up and put their hands inside me!
Callie: That’s what she said.
Sandy: (looks at Callie, puzzled, then looks back at Ezra) Anyway, it tickled!
Ezra: You guys can be tickled?
Sandy: Yeah!
Ezra: But how? You’re robots.
Sandy: Um, I don’t know. Maybe the author just wants us to feel things like a tickle.
(Me: Stop breaking the 4th wall, Sandy!)
Ezra: (is confused) Um, ok then. I’m going to start working now. (Starts heading to the office) See you around.
Sandy: (waving) See ya!
(In the office)
Ezra: (walks in and sits at his desk. He begins working. A small blue bird flies in and lands on top of the computer) Oh, hello.
Bird animatronic: Whatcha doing?
Rockstar Star: (walks in) Skylar, there you are. What are you doing in here? You’re not supposed to bother Ezra while he’s working. Come here. (Holds out her finger on her left hand)
Skylar: (flies over to and lands on Rockstar Stars finger)
Rockstar Star: (puts Skylar on her shoulder. To Ezra) I’m sorry about Skylar. Sometimes, she likes to bother the employees.
Ezra: It’s fine. She’s really cute.
Rockstar Star: (smiles) Thank you. Skylar, can you say “thank you?”
Skylar: Thank you. (To Rockstar Star) Whatcha doing?
Rockstar Star: I’m trying to keep you from disturbing Ezra, baby.
Skylar: Give me kiss. (Kisses Rockstar Star’s cheek) Muah! Thank you, baby!
Rockstar Star: No, thank you! You’re such a sweet girl! (To Ezra) Well, I’ll leave you alone now. (Turns to leave)
Ezra: Wait, don’t leave yet.
Rockstar Star: (turns back to Ezra) Yes?
Ezra: You seem very familiar to me.
Rockstar Star: (confused) Familiar to you? How?
Ezra: You remind me of my sister.
Rockstar Star: (smiles) You have a sister?
Ezra: Had a sister.
Rockstar Star: (her face falls) Oh. I’m sorry. What happened to her?
Ezra: (sighs) She was, uh, killed back in 2017.
Rockstar Star: Oh, I’m very sorry.
Skylar: Wanna a treat, treat?
Rockstar Star: Skylar, now’s not the time for treats. You’ll get some later. (To Ezra) What was your sister like, if you don’t mind me asking?
Ezra: It’s fine. Well, for one thing, she was British of course. She looked like you too, only she wasn’t a robot, and she was really good with animals too. She’d go out and feed and talk to the birds everyday.
Rockstar Star: She sounds like she was a very sweet girl.
Ezra: She was.
Skylar: Wanna treat, treat? Wanna treat, treat?
Rockstar Star: Ok, Sky, we’ll go get you some treats. (To Ezra) I’ll see you later, Ezra. Again, I’m so sorry about your sister.
Ezra: Thanks. I’ll see you later.
Rockstar Star: (gives him a small smile, then turns and leaves)
A/n: Btw, Skylar is a blue African ring neck parrot animatronic
This is what they look like
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clumsyenby · 3 years
Heya! just wanna say i love your work! please keep doing what you are doing :) <3. Could you do a scenario of Sun/Moon reacting to GN Y/N calling them their husbands as a little joke (maybe with the kids or with parents at pick up), i think that would be so cute!
masterlist (REQS ARE CLOSED)
hey all! sorry for the late post and accidentally skipping last week's update - was caught up with something family-related! i also am facing a bit of a writers' block but i'm slowly worming my way out of it :^) this req idea was too cute, i had a lot of fun writing it!
TW: none adult, gender-neutral reader - 2095 words *(Y/N) - Your Name They/He pronouns for Sun/Moon.
Forever Playmate
- being the animatronic handler and lover of the Daycare Attendant had its perks, yet you never thought it would lead to calling them your husbands one day. <3
You watched as a child squealed happily from being swung around in Sun's arms. The animatronic mirrored the child's gleeful expression, loud giggles emitting from their voice box.
"Having fun?" You asked while leaning against the wall. Sun hugged the child closer to themselves, "Oh, my star! This child is absolutely the sweetest!" Said child, who could only babble nonsensical words due to being a toddler, grinned brightly. As if they understood what the animatronic was saying. Perhaps they did, children were much more smarter at this day and age.
Sun bounced up to you, child still in their arms and wrapped their free arm around you, inviting you gently into the hug. You sighed in content from their warm exterior and returned the gesture. Your eyes darted to the clock on the wall across from you. 6:30PM.
Just as you were going to inform Sun of the time, curious green eyes met yours. The child peered at you, squealing loudly when you waved at them. "Oh! What is the commotion about?!" Sun asked as they were not able to see the interaction. You pulled back and pinched the animatronic's cheeks, "Nothing Sunny. Little buddy over here is just being cheeky," You teased the child, gently taking them out of Sun's arms.
Sun let out a low whine in discontent, wanting to hold the child for longer. You hummed, understanding their feelings. "I know, Sunny. But it's almost time for the Daycare to close." Sun's faceplate turns, causing the child to giggle. The animatronic perks up, faceplate turning once more.
Sun continues to turn their faceplate as they followed you to the exit of the Daycare, where you knew there was a line of parents waiting on the opposite side. Being the animatronic handler of the Daycare Attendant also meant that you practically worked two jobs at once - Not only did you look after Sun and Moon, you also had to help for Daycare responsibilities. This included signing in or out the children during opening and closing hours.
It was a grueling job at times, the seemingly never-ending energy of the children taking a toll on your body after a long week. Not that you minded, since your main priority happened to an expert in looking after your sore body.
Sun stood behind you, swaying on the balls of their feet as they watched you do a headcount on the children waiting patiently in line. The youngest of the bunch was the child you held in your arms. Sun cocked their head to the side upon hearing you let out a 'Huh?'.
"What's the matter, my star?" They asked. You frowned and motioned at the children. "I think one of them is missing, Sunny. Could you do a quick check of the play-area for me?" They nodded quickly, "Oh, no problem! I will be back~!" They exclaimed and pressed their faceplate to your forehead in a quick peck before skipping away to do their task.
Sun hummed to themselves as their eyes scanned the vast play-area. Aha! There was indeed a child hidden behind one of the play structures, curled up behind a pillar. Sun's faceplate turned in confusion. Why was a child hiding behind a play structure?
The animatronic creeps up slowly, trying to be as quiet as physically possible, despite the creaking noises being made from their metal joints. Sun's head peers around the the pillar, a soft laugh escaping them as they realised the child had fallen asleep. Their long and slender arms came in handy, lifting the child into their arms with ease without waking them up. The child hums sleepily, small hands grasping Sun's sunrays gently. "Mr.. Sun?" The child asks.
The animatronic rubs the child's back soothingly. "Hello, little Robert! You fell asleep behind the play structure and it's time to go home," Robert yawns, releasing the sunrays and wrapping his arms lazily around Sun's neck. "Sorry, Mr. Sun.. I wanted to tell Mr. Moon but naptime was already over.."
"It's no problem, friend! Next time just tell me and I'll get Moony for ya!" Sun reassured the child. Robert nods slowly, still drowsy and closes his eyes. Just as Sun was about to approach you and the rest of the children, he watched curiously as the children laughed amongst themselves. They heard your stuttering, your tone higher than normal as you squeaked out words in surprise.
"Helloooo~!" Sun greeted everyone, tilting their head in confusion as the children burst into laughter once more. You turned to him, blocking the children from view. You eyed the sleepy Robert in Sun's arms. "He fell asleep again?" You asked. "Yup!" They chirped happily in response.
Little Robert was a regular visitor of the Daycare. Yet somehow he was always sleepy, despite just woken up from a nap half an hour prior. It was no surprise that he was always found last, curled up behind different items of the Daycare with each visit. He was one of the few children that absolutely adored the Daycare, finding its atmosphere calming enough to fall asleep in, even when nap time was over.
You smiled in relief and gestured for the children to stand as you opened the exit of the Daycare. The children fell into excited chattering, many yelling for their parents in joy upon spotting them. Sun bent down to pass Robert to his parent, waving when Robert muttered out a sleepy goodbye. The animatronic gave out hugs and high-fives to each child as they exited the Daycare, humming happily to themselves as they watched the children run to engulf their parents into a hug.
The last child frowned as she faced you and Sun. "I don't want to go yet.." She mumbles quietly when you asked if there was a problem. You smiled and ruffled her hair. "You can always visit us next time! We'll be waiting for you," You said encouragingly as her mother came into view. She perked up as she noticed her mother, waving her over to where you and Sun were.
She pointed at you and Sun, "Mama! This is Mx. (Y/N) and their husband, Mr. Sunny! They took care of me today!" Her mother giggles at her daughter's words, grasping her small hand gently. "Thank you, (Y/N) and uh- Husband," The mother winked at you teasingly, a cheeky smile pulling at the edge of her lips as she observed the animatronic.
Your words came out jumbled as you stuttered once more, resorting to give an awkward wave instead as the mother-and-daughter pair walked off.
You turned to Sun, blinking in surprise when you noticed they had their face hidden behind their comically large hands. "Sunny?" You called, placing a hand on their wrist gently. They squealed, their face popping out from behind their hands. You could see the excitement practically swirling around in their white 'blank' eyes.
Sun pulls you into another embrace, carrying you up effortlessly in their arms as they twirled you around. "HUSBAND!?" They exclaimed happily. You held onto their shoulders for dear life, already dizzy from the sudden movement. Sun sets you onto the floor gently, apologising bashfully for causing your dizziness. They kept an arm around your waist to keep you upright.
While your vision was still readjusting, you managed to mutter out a sentence. "You like the sound of being my husband?" You could feel Sun practically vibrating in excitement from the arm they had around you. "Like it? I LOVE IT!" They yelled. "It makes me feel like we're actually married! We'll be forever playmates!"
"And all the children we look after can be our kids!" Sun added on. You smiled lightly at Sun's understanding of the term. It was just pure innocence. You knew Sun adored you with every line of code they had. The same went with Moon, though they preferred to be more subtle about their feelings towards you.
"Should I call you that then? Husband?" You tested out the word. It felt odd, yet right at the same time. You had been working with both Sun and Moon for almost three full years and had starting dating them two years ago. Due to the work you did with them practically daily, it felt domestic, almost as if you were already married to them.
Sun nods rapidly, pulling you into their arms once again. They pressed their faceplate to your cheek, "MWAH! I love you, my star!" They exclaimed. You laughed and returned the kiss, placing one on their lips. "I love you too, husband."
Sun would not let you out of their sight for the rest of your shift, wanting to keep at least a hand on your frame at all times. They stared at you like a lovesick puppy. Had this been a cartoon, you would have seen hearts flying around their frame.
As the lights to the Daycare powered down, you held Sun's hand gently. Even though Sun was no longer afraid of allowing Moon to take control, it did not remove the quiet groans and whines of discomfort they let out. It always broke your heart to hear those pained sounds, despite Sun reassuring you that they were alright. You rubbed their back soothingly just like how Sun did to Robert earlier that day.
The subtle jingles of a lullaby told you that the transformation was complete and that Moon was fully in control in this moment forward. You called their name, pulling away from the embrace Sun had put you in before the lights turned off. Red irises bore into yours, faceplate turning. "Hello.. My planet.." Moon greeted you quietly, looking down as they ran a thumb across your knuckles.
Their faceplate pressed itself to your knuckles as a greeting. While Sun loved to kiss you wherever they could, they had a preference for your face. Unlike Moon, who had a fascination with your arms, hands and neck. They would always peck one of your limbs when he took control of the body, a silent yet sweet way to convey that they missed you.
Just as you stood up to allow Moon to stretch, they pulled you back. You fell onto their lap, a squeak of surprise escaping your lips. Moon hums, wrapping their arms around you and places their head on your shoulder. "Could we stay here like this... For a little while?" They asked slowly, almost bashfully.
"Of course, Moony." You replied, shifting slightly to adjust the placement of your body into a more comfortable position. Moon adored physical touch, especially when it came from you. Being touch starved before you came into their life, Moon always took the opportunity to wrap themselves around you when possible. You did not mind at all, for their presence alone was soothing. They also helped you fall asleep on nights you stayed overnight at the Pizzaplex.
You heard Moon mumble something softly to themselves, pulling you out of your thoughts. "You said something?" You asked. Moon presses a light kiss to your neck, "I heard you calling Sunny their husband earlier,"
You nodded, a smile threatening to surface. "Why? Jealous?" You teased lightly. You giggled when you felt the vibrations from their chest, a light growl coming out of them. "I can call you that too, if you'd like," You reassured them. Moon pulled their face away from your neck to face you fully. "Really?" They muttered.
You smiled, leaning up to peck their faceplate. "Are you okay... Husband?" You tested out the term again, laughing when Moon's faceplate spun several times. Moon buries their face in your shoulder. "Don't look at me.. This is embarrassing.." They grumbled.
Their arms tightened around you, holding you closer to them. "Husband has a nice ring to it.. I like it.." You heard them say quietly.
Moon recovers from their embarrassment moments later, looking at you with a twinkle in their eyes. Despite only having red LEDs for irises, they always looked like they were up to something mischievous. "If you call me your husband, can I call you my spouse?" They asked. It was your turn to hide your face from embarrassment.
Needless to say, you were presented with two rings from Sun and Moon the next day. One was made with copper wire bent to form the shape of the sun, along with a yellow bead in the center. The other was made with silver wire, bent into an elegant crescent shape. When asked how the rings were made, both animatronics just chuckled and changed the topic of conversation.
Now, how in the world were you going to make rings for your animatronic lovers that had comically large fingers?
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fnaf-pluto · 3 years
Can I request a Platonic sunny x child reader. Where apparently there’s a bad parent being mean to him so the reader does a “little” revenge on the parent?
Just Pranks!
Pairing:ALL PAIRINGS ARE PLATONIC Sun x Child! Reader. Moon x Child! Reader
Pronouns: They/Them for Reader. He/They for Sun and Moon
Summary: You spend time in the daycare with your fav animatronic, but someone starts to be mean to them.
TW: A Parent yells at Sun.
Notes: Thanks for the request, and to all the people that followed me, ily all/p <3. Requests are open! Please read the rules first :)
Wordcount: 1,297
The melodious rings of childish laughter rung all throughout the daycare. Sun was playing a round of tag with everyone! You rushed into a play structure, safely watching from one of the lookout windows inside. The jingle of Sun’s bells grew further as he chased a kid.
You let out a sigh of relief as you cautiously crawled out onto the padded floor. You looked left, and right, making sure the coast was clear. Failing to notice the concerning lack of jingling, a pair of arms wrapped around you and they swooped you up.
Air rushed past your face as Sun lightly threw you into the air,” Tag you’re it Friend!” Laughing in joy as you got thrown into the air, they set you down. Sun ran away from you as you started to now chase the other children.
The game had now come to an end, every child exhausted, happily chattered as it was now snack time. Picking at the animal crackers Sun had laid for you, your eyes swept the room. The setting being familiar due to being here countless times. Finishing your crackers up quickly, you rushed over to Sun, not having much one-on-one time with him yet.
“Sunny!” You rushed over to them, arms outstretched. He met you gladly, swooping you up so that he now carried you. You gladly relaxed into the artificial warmth, head resting on their chest. “Hello there Sunbug what’s up with you hm?”
“I missed you!” You exclaimed, taking your head off of his chest to look into his eyes. Sun shook his head as they chuckled, booping your noise,” But Sunbug you’ve seen me all day!” You shook your head,” Nope! That’s different, I haven’t been able to just be with you!”
They shook their head laughing,” Since you miss me sooo much Sunbug, let’s do something before the other children finish okay?” You nodded excitedly, “Can we draw pleaseeee Sunnyy!”
They nodded,” Of course we can!” He set you down in a chair and sat across from you. You happily picked up a blank piece of paper, knowing exactly what to draw. Sunny curiously attempted to glance at your drawing, you shook your head and screamed slightly,”No! It’s not done yet!” He nodded in understanding,” Oh I’m sorry Sunbug! I can’t wait to see it.” You blushed, even more excited to show off your drawing.
Your masterpiece was finally done, and you were ready to show it off! Sunny, caught up in their own drawing, noticed you tug at the ribbons on his wrist. “Hm? What is it Sunbug?” You shyly slid the paper over to him.
Their faceplate whirled slightly as they observed the drawing. It was a cute drawing of him holding your hand, and in messy handwriting, ‘Best robot in the world!’ scrawled along the top. He chuckled happily,” Oh Sunbug this is delightful! You did a very good job!” You sunk in your seat at the praise, cheeks warming, as a smile broke out on your face.
Sun folded it and tucked it into their pocket for safe keeping. “Snacktime’s over Sunbug do you wanna help me clean?” He chuckled as you shook your head no, giving you one quick hug, he walked over to the table of kids.
“Alright friends! Let’s clean this mess up together okay?” Happy with the nods he received, they collected the cups along the table and smiled at the kids throwing away the plates. However, the ever approaching nap-time was something Sun was starting to get wary of.
Sun hoped Moon wouldn’t do anything drastic, well he had been calmer recently, they can thank their Sunbug for that. Getting the naptime mats ready, he gestured for all the children to lay down and get ready for story-time. It was a good distraction for the approaching light shut off.
Sun noticed you staring and he waved, sitting down criss-cross in the middle of the mats, storytelling began. Every child that fell asleep caused more and more tension to leave his body, then the lights shut off.
Attempting to muffle their sounds of pain and panic, they seized and fell over. Soon Sun shifted to the Moon and their red lights sweeped over the kids to make sure they were all sleeping. Their eyes snapped to you, crawling over the sleeping children, they stopped at you. “Naughty! Naughty!”
You pouted,” Shhh you're gonna wake up everyone else!” They got closer to your face,” Your supposed to be sleeping Moonlight!” You pouted,” But Moooon I missedd you.” You let some of your words drag out as you whined.
They huffed as they picked you up,” You better fall asleep soon Moonlight.” You snuggled into his chest,” Mhm! I will now.” He shook his head as you started to drift off, comforted by the presence that embraced you.
You blearily woke up to Sun shifting as the lights came back on, music flooding your ears. He shielded your eyes from the lights as you got adjusted to them, they held you as the others started to wake up. “ Alright Sunbug, go play with the others! I gotta put all this away.”
You were playing with some kid called Jeremiah as the usual pick-up time neared, kids filtered out of the room, and you overheard a certain conversation.
“Seriously! For a robot I’d think that you would do your job right! This is unacceptable!” Sun wrung their hands,” Ma’am I didn’t do anything wrong! I followed all the rules you set for Marie, I didn’t let her eat anything but the snacks you packed during snack time!”
You squinted your eyes as you glared,” That lady is so rude! Sunny doesn’t deserve to be treated like that!” You thought to yourself. You glanced around the room, trying to think of anything you could do to help. Then you spotted it, the arts and crafts table.
Rushing over, you picked up one of the cups that had a little bit of paint water in it. Grabbing a bottle of glitter glue, you squeezed it as hard as you could!
Pop! Sploosh
The top fell off into the water glue mix as more glue dumped out into the cup. You grinned, this was perfect! Stirring it, you looked around for more things to add to your disastrous mix, a pack of different sized googly eyed sat in the middle of the table. You poured it in widely, excitedly stirring.
This was perfect! You looked at the pink glittery abomination you had stored in the cup. Running over to Sunny, you came from behind, rushing up. “Are you stupid or some-” Her tangent finally got cut off. As you just so happened to “trip” with the mixture in your hands.
Her shrill shriek is what you heard first. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU KNOW WHAT I’M OUT OF HERE, YOU JUST LOST A VALUED CUSTOMER.” Glue drenched her from head to toe, and she stomped out with her kid behind her. You blew a raspberry at her back as she was leaving.
The daycare was now empty. “Oh Sunbug! You tripped, are you okay?” You nodded, beaming at him,” Sunny are you okay that lady was really mean! I’m glad I got her to leave you alone!.” Sun gasped,” Oh Sunbug you did that on purpose!” You sensed that if he had the ability to frown, they would be.
“But she was being mean! You don’t deserve that Sunny, you’re the best!” Their non-existent heart warmed,” Sunbug you let me handle these things next time okay? Thank you for helping me but no one deserves to get glue spilt on them okay.”
You shyly nodded,” Okay Sunny I’m sorry…” They chuckled,” My little warrior hm? Let’s get this spill cleaned up.”
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cu4troisdead · 3 years
It just feels really weird for me being back in the fnaf fandom like i was in like 6 grade???’ when those games had m whole friendgroup in a chokehold  and it was all about the jumpscares and what we considered spooky and the lore, and then we just kinda let that one go? and it just got more and more lore that i never tought i would get into again just to be pulled back BY FUCKIN GLAMROCK FREDDY in the form of one of my favourite tropes (fatherless child childless father) and then I check and there a whole lot of games and theories and books i missed and idk is a lot
 my edgy six grader  self liked the games for VERY different reasons  (yk  gettin into horror game my mother would disapprove of and spooky stuff) and my today self is here like  the animatronics now look kinda cute (im in love with them i wanna hug em so bad)
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hatsukeii · 4 years
One where y/n has been obviously in love with Tsuki since they were kids and not afraid to show it, but he’s always been lowkey mean to her and thinks she’s annoying and then finally years later she decides he’s not a nice guy and let’s him know she’s fine with all that crap and then he realizes he’s falling for her and does something really sweet for her and they fall in love? 😭😭🥺👉🏻👈🏻 ty in advance. Sorry if this is too long or specific, if it is, feel free to ignore
I genuinely hope you didn’t think I would actually ignore this<33
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Dear diary//Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warnings: Cursing
Genre: Angst??? I guess???
Summary: He’s an ass, but you still love him to bits, and it’s killing you.
July 16, 2008
Dear Diary,
I got to play with Tsukki again! He had his dino with him, it was super cute! He told me his front teeth came off last night, and there’s a big hole in his teeth, but it’s okay, because he said it will grow back. I tried to hold his hand while going down the twin slides but he said it was sweaty, so next time I’ll wear gloves!
You flip through the hot pink diary, cringing at your young infatuation. Your diary entries were cringey as fuck, but they always rekindle something within you whenever you read them. You can’t even remember when you stopped writing in the book. Was it when you turned 10? Maybe 12? You don’t have a single clue.
April 30, 2011
Dear Diary,
Tsukki refused to marry me in the playground at break:(( I’ve known him for so long though, aren’t we supposed to get married? I just wanna hold his hand and hug him and give him a biiiiig kiss<33
Chuckling at the memory, you recalled the event from that entry clearly. You were seven years old only, still an immature kid. You still thought that getting married in a middle school playground was a huge milestone in life, almost as crucial as a legal marriage.
May 29, 2016
Dear Diary,
Love how Tsukki didn’t even remember my birthday:,) Must be nice getting made fun of. Half the students in my class felt my second hand embarrassment from when he completely forgot about it. God, why am I even in love with this asshole? I’m gonna have to go to school tomorrow and deal with all my classmates making fun of me for being hopeless. Brb, currently digging a hole for myself:)
Frowning at the memory, you think back to when you were twelve. He was an asshole then, still is an asshole to this day. And yet not an ounce of your unconditional love and support for him has faded. Grabbing a tissue, you wipe the remaining tears from your eyes, ignoring the dried tear stains on your cheek. Your hand slams onto the bedside table, lazily feeling for your phone. Tilting it towards your face, you sigh at the empty lock screen, accepting defeat. Flicking through the rest of the book, you are welcomed by pages and pages of white. “So that’s when I gave up on this diary...” you mutter to yourself as you lift yourself up from your bed. Heading towards your desk, you absentmindedly grab yourself a pen, notebook in hand. Slamming the diary down, you open it up to the next entry page after your last one, gently placing the tip of your pen on the first line. You grab your hair out of frustration, the ink bleeding into the thin paper. “What to do, what to do...?” You mumble, starting to form sentences in your notebook.
July 17, 2020
Dear Diary,
It’s been a while hasn’t it? Holy shit, all my entries were about Tsukki weren’t they? Jesus, of course they were. At least I was able to get it off my chest this afternoon. Telling him that I’ve been in love with him for years, that was fucking terrifying. Telling him that although I know he’s an ass, an animatronic dick complete with ballsack, that won’t stop me from falling harder, it was gut wrenching, but also relieving to a certain degree. I’m still waiting for some form of response, although I’m not sure I’m gonna get one anytime soon. I can’t decide whether telling him was the dumbest or bravest decision I’ve made. Maybe it was both. Just wait until I look back on this entry like a decade later and still cry about it lmao. Tbh he’s a genuinely nice person at heart. I know that all too well. He may be an ass most the time, and he may think I’m annoying, but despite how hard he tries to push me away, I’ll never abandon him. Jesus Christ, I sound like a yandere here, but it’s not that. It’s that I care for him a lot. Maybe even a bit too much. It’s ridiculous how absolute and utter shit a crush can make you feel.
Throwing the pen down, you flop back onto your bed, huffing into the thick blankets. You stay silent, not sure of what to think of the situation. “I’ll just deal with it all tomorrow, I’m tired of this shit.”
On the other side of the incident, Tsukishima is currently going through a mental crisis.
The blond sits at his desk, eyes unwavering, but focusing on nothing. It feels as if he hasn’t blinked in what seemed to be hours. Just hours of staring at his wall that led to nothing. Your confession plays in his head nonstop, like a broken record that refused to run out of battery.
“The thing is I like you. I’m pretty sure I always have. And I know that you’re such an asshole and all that, you won’t treat me as well as people would expect, but it’s fine. I’m fine with all that. All the dumb, stupid, careless insults you’ll throw at me, the side eyes and sneers, telling me to shut up and go away, I’m fine with it. I know you’re a good person, and that’s all that matters to me.”
“Well shit what the fuck do you want me to say?”
Maybe he shouldn’t have said that.
Maybe he should have let you down slowly.
But as he stares at his wall, the photos of the two of you framed and balanced on his floating shelves, he starts to reconsider his feelings.
The way your expression faltered then as you hastily took your bag and rushed away without a single word, the way you avoided him in the halls, the way you stopped talking to him throughout the day, it drove him crazy. He couldn’t handle the realisation that he hurt you so incredibly badly, so now all he can do is stare at his empty, blank wall. Did he know why he felt that way? No. He didn’t and still doesn’t. He’s Tsukishima fucking Kei, the emotionless, provoking, unlikeable king, yet a mere girl is somehow able to mess with his mind so badly, that all he can do is wallow in regret and confusion? What is this weird feeling? His throat itches, his heart is beating like crazy, sweat starting to gather around his temples. He clamps his two hands together, slamming his forehead onto them and squeezing his eyes shut.
How could I have been so dense?
How was he unable to see that you were absolutely in love with him? Even with the bento boxes, birthday gifts, constant compliments, he still only ever thought you liked him as a friend. However he never did. He likes you more than that. Way more. Yes, he thought, and still thinks you can be annoying at times, especially when you nag at him about not eating enough or being rude, but it was undeniable that there was something else he felt. But his stupid ass shitty ego would never let him admit it. And now that you finally confessed, he freaked out and fucked up. Even then, he didn’t think it would affect him to this extent.
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you (Y/N).”
He says that over and over again, desperate to cloud out the disagreeing thoughts in his head that scream otherwise.
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you.”
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you.”
“It was a stupid middle school crush, I’m over you.”
The guilt didn’t go away.
In fact, now that he’s said all that, he feels even worse. Oh how much he wants to find you right this second, wrap you in his arms, tell you how incredibly sorry he is, but he can’t. He doesn’t deserve to do that. His heart is begging for him to just get out of the house and run to yours as fast as he could, but his body won’t move. He wants to cry. Scream. Shout. Throw something. Shatter something. But most of all, he wants to get another chance.
Picking up his phone, he hesitates, before typing in your contact, the cleared out, empty chatroom showing up on his screen. Going as fast as his fingers could, he typed out the one sentence he’s been dying to let out.
“It was a middle school crush, but I’m still into you. I always have been.”
Is it just me, or is this bad-
Idk man it seems like all my fics are pretty much the same and I hate it😌
@sunshines-and-tatertots @izzyphantomgamer @justachillgirl @trashcanweeb @just-another-bored-writer @poppirocks @majorfangirl37 @kaylacinderella @random-fandomlover @tiger1719 @tiredgr3mlin @itmekisuu @skyeackermans @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @shoutsukii @agentvicinity @sakusasgarbage @kuroo-thought-of-a-better-un @sneezefiction @bokutokoutarou @thirstyvolleyballhoe @iwaixiumi @iwaigroomi @inlwlevi
Feel free to comment or pm to be added to taglist!
I’m back to writing lmao I’m bored in two week quarantine rn
Edit: cue me realising I was half asleep and missed something in the request don’t be surprised if I repost this💀💀💀💀
Btw the hq manga just ended time to cry
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Overcoming Fears
Gregory is terrified of the Moon animatronic. And things take a wild turn when Sun and Freddy try to let him know that Moon is actually harmless and wouldn't hurt a fly.
This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user. Hope you enjoy!
Gregory was hiding from Moon. He was terrified of moon. Freddy noticed this fearful reaction on Gregory’s face. Freddy walked up to Gregory and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey kid…”
Gregory looked at him. “Please don’t tell him where I am…” Gregory begged.
“Why not? He’s harmless.” He told him.
“Harmless? He’s terrifying.” Gregory told him. “He creeps me out.”
“I know…” Freddy told him. “But I assure you, he’s not as dangerous as he makes himself out to be.”
Soon, Sun came hopping over. “Hello new friend!” He greeted. “Shhhh!” Gregory ordered as quietly as he could. He did NOT wanna get caught.
“What’s the matter?”
Freddy looked at Sun. “Gregory’s scared of your brother.”
“Moon?” He reacted.
Freddy nodded back.
Sun hummed in confusion. “He’s not scary though. He’s just protective.”
Gregory shuddered. “No thank you.”
Sun picked up Gregory. “Come here, new friend! I’ll show you that moon isn’t that scary.” He declared.
Gregory gasped and reached out for anything to grab. “NONONO!” He begged. “Come on! You’re just overreacting!” Sun told him. “He’s a good guy! Right Moon?” He asked the moon. Moon rubbed his hands together and bounced on the spot. “You found the boy!”
“Hey Moon!” Sun greeted. Moon gave Sun a big hug. “Hi Sun!”
“You’re harmless, aren’t you?” Sun asked.
Well, of course I am!” Moon replied. Gregory was too scared to even speak or look at him. “Little Gregory is fearful of you.” Freddy said, walking up to them.
“Fearful? Of me?” Moon reacted. “I’m afraid so.” Freddy replied. “Oh…” moon looked at Gregory, who was looking away from him. “Hey Gregory.”
Gregory kept looking away.
“What can I do to make you less scared of me?” Moon asked. Gregory looked down and ignored him.
“Hm…” Moon muttered.
Sun lit up. “I know what would help!” Sun declared. “Hey Gregory!”
Gregory slowly looked at Sun with confusion.
“Are you ticklish by any chance?” Sun asked.
Gregory widened his eyes and stared at him, slightly nervous. “N-No. Why?” Gregory lied.
“Oh really?” Sun teased. “You’re not ticklish…on your sides?” He started tickling Gregory’s sides. “Nohoho- Stopit!” Gregory ordered. “Come on, new friend! I know you’re ticklish somewhere~” Sun teased.
“Am not!” Gregory argued. Moon watched curiously as Sun started tickling his belly and ribs next. “Who’s my bright little ray of sunshine? You are! You are!” Sun started teasing. Gregory covered his mouth and wiggled around helplessly as he was tickled in one of his most ticklish spots. He was not gonna break. He was not gonna break. He was not gonna break-
“How about these armpits?” Moon asked as he moved his fingers into Gregory’s armpits.
Gregory let out a muffled squeak as he leaned himself back. “MMMMHMHMHMHM!” Gregory laughed all muffled.
“Ooooh! I think we’re breaking him!” Sun told his brother.
“Yeah! We’re making him laugh!” Moon told him. “Just wait till you hear his unmuffled laughter! You’ll love it!” Sun told him. Gregory widened his eyes and screeched as his armpits were further dug into. Gregory finally threw his hands away from his mouth and exploded with laughter. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Gregory yelled. Moon gasped and covered his mouth. “It’s SO CUTE!” Moon reacted.
“I know, right?!” Sun reacted. “THIHIHIHIS IHIHISN’T FAHAHAHAHAIR!” Gregory argued.
“You know you can easily tickle us back, right?” Sun told Gregory.
“Yeah! Go for Sun’s belly! He’s got a really squeaky laugh!” Moon teased.
“Why you-” Sun stopped tickling, gave Gregory to Freddy and started tickling Moon. “I’ll show you!”
“AAAHahahahahaha! Nohohohoho! Gehehehet thehehe kihihihid, nahahahat mehehehe!” Moon begged.
“Why shouldn’t I tickle my brother?” Sun teased. “You haven’t been tickled in a while, actually!” Sun added. “Ihihihi’ll gehehehet yohohohou fohohohor thihihis!” Moon fought.
“I know you will. That’s part of the fun and games!” Sun reacted. Gregory was watching all this play out in front of him. “You know…” Gregory started. Freddy turned to him. “Hm?”
“Being tickled by moon wasn’t really that bad actually…” Gregory admitted. “Moon isn’t as scary when he’s got weaknesses like tickling.” Gregory admitted further.
“Well: I’ll be darned!” Freddy reacted. “Moon is growing on you!” Freddy reacted further.
“Yeheah, I guess he is.” Gregory replied. “Do you wanna join their tickle fight?” Freddy asked.
Gregory nodded and allowed Freddy to put him down. Gregory ran up to the Sun and moon, and started tickling moon too. “WAHAHAHAHAIT! NAHAHAHAT YOHOHOHOU TOHOHOHOHO!” Moon yelled. “YES me too!” Gregory replied. “I wanted to join the tickle fight!”
“And join, you may!” Sun declared. Gregory giggled at the backwards grammar.
It didn’t take long for Gregory to catch Sun off guard with tickles. “Coochy coochy coo!” Gregory teased. “Wahahahait, whahahahahat?!” Sun giggled. “EEEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” The sun started to let out squeaky laughter.
“Ooooh! Taking my advice, I see!” Moon reacted. “You bet!” Gregory replied. “Go for the neck too! That’s a really good spot too!” Moon encouraged.
“Why don’t you help out?” Gregory asked. “Ehh, fine. What the heck.” Moon walked up and started tickling the back of Sun’s neck. “How’s this for revenge?” Moon teased. “MEHEHEHEANIHIHIHIE!” Sun shot out.
“Meanie? Me?! Never!” Moon joked. Gregory laughed at that. “Why would we EVER be meanies?” Gregory joked. “Exactly!” Moon reacted.
“LIHIHIARS! YOHOHOU’RE AHAHHALL LIHIHIHIARS!” Sun fought. “I think the proper word for it is…Sarcasm.” Gregory corrected.
“Ooooh! Listen to the little genius over here!” Moon reacted. Gregory giggled again. Soon, the sun was given the gracious freedom from tickles, and Gregory was tickled all over again. “Gitchy gitchy goo, kiddo!” Sun teased. “I guess you could say I’m the tickle moonster!” Moon joked.
(Joke suggested by an anonymous user)
Sun laughed at the pun, while Gregory verbally groaned. Freddy was doing everything in his power not to laugh at the pun and Gregory’s reaction to it.
Gregory laughed and giggled through all the tickles. “GEHEHEHET FREHEHEHEDDYYHYHY!” Gregory encouraged. “Ooooh! Not a bad idea, actually!” Sun reacted. “Not a bad idea at all.” Moon said as well. Both Sun and Moon looked up at Freddy, who looked like he would be sweating if he had sweat glands. Freddy put his hands up in surrender and slowly started to back away. “Get back here!” Sun yelled. “You’re not getting out of this alive!” Moon declared. Freddy took off running the other way, but was quickly caught and dragged back to the daycare. “Nice try, teddy bear.” Sun teased. “Now you get to be tickled by all three of us!” Moon declared. “Let’s get started!” Gregory declared. “W-Wahahait! Plehehease!” Freddy begged.
“Sorry buddy! You’re ours now!” Sun declared. And that’s how Freddy got roped into this whole mess. Freddy was tickled by 3 evil tickle moonsters, and was left breathless from them.
“Now THAT’S how you win a tickle fight!” Sun declared. “Thank you Sun!” Gregory said, hugging Sun. “And thank you Moon!” Gregory said as he hugged Moon as well. “I’m not scared of you anymore!”
“Yay!” Moon declared. Gregory ran to Freddy and hugged him last. “Thank you Freddy!” Freddy was still breathless. “No…Noproblem…k-kiddo.” He managed to get out.
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kadssp · 3 years
Ooh wait if we’re talking about OCS I’ve made three SB ones- (tbh I’m addicted)
-Sandra the Squirrel, she lives in “The Treetop” and the place has obstacle courses in the sky kids can play on. She loves racing against kids and chases Gregory through the treetop while he goes to find things.
-Misty and an (so far) unnamed owl, they both work in Roxanne’s salon! Misty is a cow animatronic with a bigger endoskeleton to help insecure children feel welcome! Misty designs outfits for the kids and has a long braid for her hair. The unnamed owl is a tall animatronic with feathered arms. She has a bun with swoopy bangs that dangle low and does hair designs for all the kids!
(I imagine Misty and the owls relationship like this:
Misty: “Ugh, I can’t find an outfit!” *Constantly looking in between two closets*
Owl: “Mhm…” *Being hit by Misty’s braid constantly, just over it while clutching her hair dryer* )
-🐍 anon
i love them!! especially misty :( she sounds like such a good confidence booster for insecure kids and the fact she designs clothes for the kids makes me think she’d also help them figure out their styles and what they want to wear and that’s honestly adorable :( your ocs are so cute i wanna hug them!
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Bonnie is one of my main crushes and even though I'm having a really rough time being an adult he helps me feel like It's alright to enjoy doing some "immature" things. Sometimes you just wanna play arcade games all while eating pizza and drink soda, and cheer when the animatronics perform.
Awww that’s so cute!!
Bonnie helps me too! I’m a huge Bonnie kin and he and the other Bonnies are also a comfort for me so I actually do something similar when I’m feeling stressed from my schoolwork or home life. I just sit with a cake or just anything really and watch Fnaf vhs show tapes on YouTube with my headphones on while hugging my Fnaf plushies. I recommend it if you have the time and are quite imaginative!! It definitely feels like you’re there, especially if you watch a Freddy Fazbear’s pizza ad first, then have like- asmr of a car going for a bit as to mimic the drive to Freddy’s, or nature sounds the mimic a walk and you close your eyes and imagine yourself in the car or walking, and then show tapes and then same drive/walk back home! It’s quite time consuming though so if you do it I recommend making a day of it! It’s like shifting but without the whole scripting and shifting realities thing haha like a dollar store version. (Also if you don’t know what shifting is I recommend looking it up! Apparently it blew up in the hogwarts/Harry potter fandom on Tiktok-)
Anyway that’s my rant for the day done- thanks for your submission, anon!!!
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krattgirl124 · 4 years
Core Activated Chapter 8
“Mom? Moooom!” Chris was in a pitch-black room, his head pooling out blood from where the bear bit him. He heard his mother’s voice, but where is she? Through the darkness, there was a faint glowing figure.
“Mom!!” The child yelled happily, running towards the glow, “It’s been so long! I missed you!”
He skids to a halt when he saw the identity of the glowing figure. The silver teeth, the red-eye, and the yellow eye. It wasn’t his mother, it was his aunt, whom his child mind had tried to block out so many years ago.
“Awww Chris, you’ve missed me?” A tendril wrapped around Chris, preventing him from running away, “We’ve only hung out for a few days when you were really little. I’m surprised you remember me, look at how much you’ve grown.”
Chris opened his mouth to scream, but the tendril coiled around his mouth, muffling all noise.
“Hush you, didn’t your mother teach you to be polite to relatives? Oh wait, she wasn’t able to.” She cackled and Chris watched in horror as one of her arms molded into a bulky black animatronic arm with large claws on each of her fingers.
“You know. I'm surprised you still call out to your father every night. After all, he broke his promise.” Willow laughed as the rest of her started to change into a black bear with sharp teeth and claws.
“I will never break my promise, Belle. Never ever. Uch so sickening.” Willow mimicked. The tendril let Chris go as Willow picked him up by the head, “He continues to promise that he’ll protect you, but I’ve already taken most of his beloved family away.”
Chris thrashes and squirmed in Willow’s grip, crying loudly. He felt himself getting lowered into something, he kicked and thrashed around more.
“STOP SQUIRMING YOU BRAT!” Willow threw him down, growling.
Blinking the tears away, Chris saw that he was in a Fredbear suit, tendrils from inside the suit coiled around his arms and forced them into the arms of the suit. Willow, in her black Nightmare bear form, knelt down and picked up a Fredbear Head.
“Wasn’t this bear your friend?” She taunted, “Wasn’t he supposed to protect you? Well, now he can.” She raised the head high before slamming it onto Chris’s skull. He shrieked loudly in pain as his head pounded in agony, it felt like something was peeling his skin off and replacing it with the suit. He jerked around the suit following his every movement. Willow watched in amusement, she had fully turned into a black, nightmare bear with red eyes that glowed.
“L-let me go,” Chris begged. Willow laughed.
“Let you go? And what would be the fun in that?” Chris started to struggle more. The more he moved the Fredbear suit moved along with him. Chris screamed in agony as the suits screws and wires dug into his flesh
“MAMMA!” Chris screamed.
“Aww. Crying for your dead mother? How pathetic.” Willow sneered. Soon Chris's entire body was a golden Freddy suit.
“W-what did you do to me?”
“I reunited you with your friend of course.”
“I wanna go home. I want my mommy!” Chris wailed his voice sounding more like Fredbear’s than his own.
“You want to go home alone and cry?” Willow growled.
In the hospital, William could only watch in horror as Chris’ heartbeat started to rise at an alarming rate, 72 bpm…...100 bpm…...150……...then a flat line. William could feel his heart split into two as the realization hit him, first it was Elizabeth, now Chris was gone…..he was losing his family one by one. Tears stung his eyes and he quickly wiped his tears away so Michael wouldn’t see them. Michael….he was the one responsible for Chris’ death….he needed to pay for his actions.
“Dad ...?” He heard his eldest son’s voice from behind him, “What are we going to do now ...?”
Without hesitation, William slapped his son across the face. Michael fell backward in shock and held his hand against his face, the slap from before was still hurting and now this just added more pain to it. He noticed a glow in his father’s eyes, a glow that he only saw in Willow’s eyes ...when she took his mother away from them.
“This is your fault, Michael, your brother would still be with us if it wasn’t for you!” William yelled, storming out of the hospital room, getting into his car, and driving to Fredbear’s. There were a couple of teens still inside, and they threw Charlie out, cackling before slamming the doors shut.
William parked his car by Charlie, she was staring into the building through the window. The puppet box had two large boxes on top of it, preventing the puppet inside from getting out. Seeing her face through the reflection of the window made something inside William snap, he could only see Willow’s face. She was right there...he was right there to take his revenge.
He covered Charlie’s mouth and dragged her back, she let out a muffled scream and looked up at William in confusion. The glow in his eyes grew brighter and it started to rain heavily, perfect...it could easily rinse off the blood. He pulled out his pocket knife and held it to her throat, listening to her muffled scream. Soon the blade was dragged across her throat, slitting it. The blood pooled out of Charlie’s neck and she made no sound as William dropped her body and drove off.
The puppet inside burst free from its box and floated out of the diner, the rain immediately messing with its circuits. There was a girl with a green wristband that it needed to save. It collapsed and dragged itself as the rain destroyed it. When it finally got to Charlie, it collapsed with one arm wrapped around her.
“Charlie?” Henry called out, walking out of the diner and into the pouring rain. He checked the side of the building and his jaw dropped in shock. The puppet was laying next to his daughter, his dead daughter. The culprit of her murder only left a trail of tire tracks.
“Charlie...no...not you.” Henry gently moved the puppet’s arm off and picked up his daughter. Warm tears fell down his face, “NO!!!” He yelled in sorrow, before completely breaking down into sobbing.
Later that night, Henry was in his office, alone, working on another endoskeleton. But this one was going to be different, instead of a hand, it had a long sharp blade. It had one purpose, and one purpose only. He powered on the endoskeleton and stood up.
The endoskeleton sprung to life, its eyes darting from everything in the room until it locked into Henry. Limping towards him, the endoskeleton pulled its blade back before plunging it into his heart. Henry flinched but didn’t do anything to stop it, his breathing became shaky and he felt his own heart stop. The endoskeleton locked eyes before pulling its blade back and deactivated.
A small smile spread onto Henry’s face as he collapsed, his eyes dull with no more signs of life.
In the dark abandoned walls of Circus Baby’s Pizza World, one animatronic had sprung to live. Her once blue eyes had turned a bright green.
“H-hello? Daddy? Chris?” The animatronic said sheepishly, slowly trying to get up to her feet.
In another room, a porcelain bear with a blue bunny hand puppet has also sprung to life. His blue eyes scanned the empty room, the ears on the sides of his head lifting up as he heard the voice.
“Uncle Henry?”
“I-is that you?” she said. “Where are you?”
“In here,” he called. The door opened and. Circus Baby walked in. The porcelain bear animatronic blinked in confusion.
“Elizabeth?” he asked in disbelief.
“Uncle Henry?” Circus Baby squeaked. “What's going on? Why are you, Funtime Freddy? Did he get you to?”
“Get me? No. Why would you ask that?”
“Oh, well, Circus Baby got me and now I'm here,” she explained.
“I'm sorry,” he said feeling a little guilty about his suicide attempt. William had lost his wife and now his only girl. The only one who reminded William of Belle.
“What happened while I’ve been trapped down here…?” Circus Baby asked hesitantly.
“Well…...Chris got bit by Fredbear and he didn’t make it...then Charlie was killed, then I…..” Funtime Freddy glanced to the side, “built an animatronic to kill me. But now I’ve possessed Funtime Freddy.”
Circus Baby sat down by the porcelain bear and hugged him, sobbing softly, “I want to see my daddy again...I want to see my brothers again…..I’m scared….”
Funtime Freddy went to hug her back, using one arm since BonBon was giving him creepy stares.
“We’ll find a way out of here. We’ll find a way to be reunited with the rest of our families.” He murmured, patting her back.
“Uncle Henry…”
“Charlie always talked about how she rarely knew her mother and brother. Can you tell me about them?”
“If it will make you feel better.” Henry hesitantly said, “My wife, she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. She was always supportive of the crazy things I was building. I had built our children little gadgets and gizmos to play with. Charlie had a twin brother named Sammy and he was such a mama’s boy.”
“Aww how cute.” Circus Baby said.
He nodded a little and continued with his story, “There was a big fight, then the divorce, the twins were barely a few years old. She took Sammy and moved to another city. You guys were like family to us. You, your brothers, your father, you had become more than just friends, you were our family. And since family has each other’s back, I’ll take care of you until we find a way out of this place.”
Circus Baby smiled and hugged him again, “Thank you, Uncle Henry.”
He patted her on the back, “You can call me Funtime Freddy while I’m like this, for simplicity’s sake.”
She just giggled a little at him, “Alright then, Funtime Freddy.”
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