#i want destiel to be canon
qtepasacalabaza · 11 months
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destiel day‼️‼️‼️ here take this little guys with you
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wigglebox · 3 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 15; Healing Touch
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eddiegettingshot · 2 months
“i guess so” was so insane of buck to say. what do you mean you guess so. there was no reason to respond like that. why not just say yeah. YEAH. YOUR ATTENTION. what was the point of i guess so. he looks soooo relieved to have an answer for his feelings but he’s saying i guess so. girl what. what! you’re guessing? you still don’t know for sure? he’s standing in front of you and you still can’t conjure up an emphatic yes? you’re acting in ways so strange your sister is baffled? you don’t even know why your father figure would approve of your relationship? you don’t know what you’re ready for? you don’t know why you lied to your best friend or why you hurt him? you’re just not certain of anything? “i guess so” WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY KNOW!!!
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captainvulcant · 11 months
Doing a poll on the Destiel website for science
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elainiisms · 1 year
girls will be going insane and it will literally be over a non canon ship involving two middle aged men
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warpedpuppeteer · 6 months
Listen, I've been around the block a couple of times already, and shows that don't want to make a popular queer ship canon often just absolutely RUINS whatever they have created between the two characters so if we don't get canon Buddie, I don't fucking care as long as they keep giving us Buddie scenes. Like, if the price of having Buddie or Buckley-Diaz family scenes is hearing them call each other brother or having completely useless prop girlfriends then whatever. We'll just create our own Buddie headcanons and interpolate their scenes together and survive instead of them not having any or minimum scenes together.
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lambmotifz · 1 month
every single possibility of d*stiel becoming canon was non existent after 4.14. sex & violence
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perlukafarinn · 1 month
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heliotrope155 · 4 months
HC That Cas can use his grace to fix anything, like frequently reviving the plant Dean assured him could live without water, fixing the fridge, repairing things that they break during arguments, but Dean draws the line at Cas ever using his grace on Baby. It's a frequent argument because Cas has to resign himself to sitting in the cold garage for hours or days while Dean gives his ancient classy car tune ups.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 9 months
wait wait wait i just realized something. jensen’s answer about dean’s biggest regret wasnt that he DIDN’T save cas. it was that he COULDN’T save cas. couldn’t which sounds to me like he tried to save him after he was taken by the empty but he wasn’t able to 😭😭😭 (also it sounds like cas hasn’t actually been saved yet)
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Uncensored 💡❕
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angelsdean · 4 months
I know it's a bitter pill to swallow in this fandom for many reasons but, the phrase "open to interpretation" IS inherently a positive phrase that good creators use to affirm to their audiences that stories and art belong to the fans, and that every fan is able to find their own meaning through their own interpretive lens. It's not up to creators or actors to tell people what something--especially ambiguous or subtextual moments--mean. Everyone will come to a different understanding, some views might be more supported by canon than others, but it's still within every viewer's right to see things how they see them.
All "open to interpretation" means is: you get to interpret it! And you! And you! This is a key tenant of any creative work. It can be interpreted. And that is what literary analysis is all about. You build a case for your interpretation. You go into the text and find supporting evidence for your view, your thesis. And some interpretations are argued better than others. But everyone's still allowed to have their interpretation. (Also, literary analysis is fun).
I say all this because I've seen posts about Jensen going from "open to interpretation" to "clear text" as if he's now against the fact that things can and will be interpreted by fans. In terms of Cas's declaration of love? Yes, that is "clear text." It's romantic in nature, that's not up for debate, and Dean processed and understood it as romantic on the dungeon floor. But for stuff that is still ambiguous, still subtextual in some ways, like Dean's own feelings? Those are still open to interpretation by all sides, whether we like it or not. Until we get to see more of Dean and Cas's story in the basically guaranteed reboot, Jensen is not going to speculate about Dean's feelings or Destiel's reunion. He's never going to word-of-god confirm anything about this on stage at a convention. We have to wait to see it play out on screen.
As an actor, it's also not his place to confirm or deny these things. He leaves it up to the fans to read into his performance whatever they want. And yes, that sentiment IS affirming to a Destiel interpretation. We can read reciprocation into his performance. We can read romantic love into his words about Dean wishing he'd said "I love you back." We can look back on the years of queercoding and subtext and Jacting Joices and read Dean as being in love with Cas for years. And, well, the other side can read what they want into it, and we don't need to care what they think, tbqh.
This, IMO, is also part of the reason Jensen tends to give "vague" answers or use language that can be perceived in different ways by either side. As an actor, at a fan convention where fans of all sides of the fandom have paid to be there to have a good time, it's not his job to personally validate specific headcanons and interpretations. Jensen may have his own personal beliefs about Dean's feelings, but he's not going to divulge them in full if they close off one side's interpretation. So he will weave his way through answers. He will use terms like "brother in arms" which one side will hear as simply "brother" and think "platonic" and Destiel shippers will hear as the full meaning, a strong bond between men, and see the queer history associated with these warrior bonds.
He does this, IMO, to keep all lanes open for every fan, because first and foremost he's an actor at a convention being paid to entertain. He's also not a writer, he's not someone who can definitively say what was intended. Personally, I feel that his metaphor about being in an art gallery that he gave back in 2020 is incredibly apt. People come to the gallery and look at the art and find their own meaning. And the artist isn't standing there beside them confirming or denying their interpretations. That's not the artist's job. Once it's out there, it's for others to find meaning in what the artist made.
And again, it's not his place to speculate or write fanfiction for anyone on stage and personally confirm or deny headcanons. He's pretty adamant about the reboot, so I think for some things we'll just have to wait and see.
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cas-poisoning · 4 months
Does anyone else find it… interesting… how nobody involved with supernatural used to want to talk about destiel (except maybe Misha) and suddenly now in 2024 it seems a lot more cast/crew are really open to talking about it. Like hmmmm what’s going on here
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smaeemo · 2 months
Destiel would have been more canon if Supernatural were a book series and here’s why:
Destiel feelings are “subtext” but as Jensen said it’s “Clear Text,” and that was canon destiel confirmation enough for me. I think that a lot of people wanted Destiel to be canon in the sense that they got a romantic relationship, however with what we know now, and prior to that knowledge; they already had a relationship. Relationships encompass a lot, such as friendships, platonic, familial, etc. And they already had a much more complex and intricate relationship than most people can comprehend. Speaking strictly in canon, they technically already had a relationship that was fueled on savior, on love, on so many foundations. And let’s say for argument’s sake that neither of them had romantic feelings, but rather familial love, their story would still be circulated around LOVE.
However, I think that most of us can agree that it wasn’t just love that comes from a sense of friendship and commrodery. I think that a lot of the time we forget that Castiel and Dean are paradoxical, they realistically could never be in a happy relationship due to the fact that their story is inherently a tragedy. Now, we can also incorporate the “Chuck wins theory” into this and argue that they can never be together because of Chuck’s manipulation. However that can also be easily outweighed by the fact that Cas was never even supposed to be in the story, and that he was the only one with a “crack in his chassis.” (sorry got a bit rambly”
Destiel, is the love story (for many reasons that I will get into another time), but it is also the tragedy. The fact that over and over again, Dean and Cas hurt eachother, the fact that emotional repression and incommunication is a constant in the story is what makes them, them. So, in my eyes the confirmation that it wasn’t just subtext was enough for me to feel that it was canon. For a tragic love story to be canon there doesn’t have to be dates (which there are, they just don’t know it) or kissing, or grand love confessions (which again, there is CANONICALLY), but there doesn’t have to be the confirmation that they even know what they are. But, with interpretations of canon we can clearly see that they are in love they just don’t know it/they can’t know it.
What my point is, is that Destiel is already canon but we should have been fed more! Like if Eric Kripke wasn’t a bigot, or it wasn’t made in the 2000s, or if Sera Gamble didn’t hate Cas etc. Most all of the factors that played into the tragedy and denial of canonical destiel was due to circumstance. Also, given that Supernatural is a show about Sam and Dean and their fucked up family and brother shit, it wouldn’t have made sense to not make destiel a tragedy or to let them be happy. After all, the show wasn’t originally about them.
All in all,
If Supernatural had been written as a YA book series, Destiel would have still be canon, but we would have been given a better perspective on why and how they were canon. Actually seeing into their inner monologues, whereas in the show so much of it is left purposefully open for interpretation. So, realistically Destiel could never actually be happy, but they already are canonically burdened and tortured by their love for eachother and we would have gotten a better perspective of their own perspectives if it were in book form (such as Twilight and Midnight sun).
Which is also why fanfiction is such a staple of what makes them, them. Now I have to say, The fanfics I like the best are “Codas” rather than “fix-its” because Destiel is already canon, and their tradgedy is what makes them, And I want my Destiel version of Twilight and Midnight sun!!!
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youchangedmedestiel · 6 months
This ficlet is called "You are perfect the way you are" (also available on AO3). This came to me because I wasn't feeling so great. I wanted to hear those words, instead I wrote them. But if you need to hear them too, then this is my gift to you. And also, you are perfect the way you are! This is clearly not my most elaborate fic but if it can help at least one person to feel better, then it makes my day. I hope you'll enjoy reading it:
"I love you." Cas declares, his arms holding himself up above Dean, his hands resting on the mattress at each side of his face.
"What's that for?" Dean chuckles, because what else can he do when Cas is facing him, blue eyes piercing deep in his, honesty all over his face.
"You are smart." He says, kissing his forehead.
"Right." Dean answers, not believing a word of it.
"You are funny." Cas adds, kissing the tip of his nose.
"Cas." Dean says quietly, he wants to tell him to stop but he can't.
"You are kind." Cas keeps trailing his road, kissing Dean's cheek, noticing the light blush starting to grow there. Dean wants to hide it, so he turns his face towards Cas's arm. "Dean." Cas tries to make him look at him again, but without success. Instead he uses his other hand to grab Dean's chin and make him look up at him. They lock eyes and he adds, "you are beautiful." And he kisses his lips before Dean gets the chance to look away again. It's a chaste and soft kiss. Dean chases it when Cas moves his head away.
"Are you done?" Dean asks, acting annoyed but his blush betrays him.
"No." Cas answers, squinting his eyes. "Did you listen to what I said?"
"Yeah. I'm clearly out of your league." Dean jokes, but Cas isn't.
"Dean!" He says loudly, frowning. He softens quickly when Dean looks up, his eyes wide open, surprised by Cas's tone. "You are perfect the way you are and I love you." Cas insists on every syllables, never looking away from Dean's eyes. Even when you're joking and it's not the time, he thinks. Dean can't escape this, trapped by Cas's body against the mattress. The only thing he can do is watch how sincere Cas looks when he pronounces those words.
"I love you too, Cas." Dean whispers, lifting his upper body from the mattress to reach out for Cas's lips with his. That kiss is not as chaste as the previous one. He grabs the back of his neck and pulls him down with him.
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howldean · 15 days
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