#i want scenes with these kids and their parents dammit
usedpidemo · 1 year
Knockin on heaven's door (Lee Chaeyeon)
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> ​​5 minutes in heaven with chaeyeon (just something inspired by the knock mv and her being inside a wardrobe) - @idevian
“God dammit.”
The worst thing about college wasn’t the outrageous student debt, nor the mountains of units and classes you needed to juggle. It was the parties. 
It was always the parties.
Not a couple of weeks passes by without some wild party hosted by some rich nepo kid. There isn’t really a reason that justifies the occasion except to celebrate for celebration's sake. An excuse to let loose and relax from the stresses of the semester; a reasonable justification—if not for the copious amount of drugs, alcohol, and sex that happens in them. Every scene plays out like a parody, an ironic twist of fate that realizes your worst assumptions and stereotypes of college after graduating high school. 
And the worst part is: no one escapes completely unscathed, not even you.
You make one thing clear: you don’t despise parties—you just didn’t want any piece of it. It stands to reason then that you usually take refuge in the many corners of the house, away from the madness and debauchery of it all. Exposure to their degeneracy proves to be near-unavoidable. You’re essentially the designated driver for your friends, who are none the wiser. Often, they’re the first ones in, last ones out. The moment they step foot inside, they basically forget your existence until dawn. They’re insufferable, but you’d otherwise remain a loner without them, for better and for worse.
In a sea of people, someone manages to spot you. It’s not the gaze of a burgeoning romance or friendship; their eyes evidently spell out drunkenness, and their zombie-like motions toward you are about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. A little push and pull. You suddenly find yourself being escorted to a huge circle that raises immediate red flags. Even the slightest whiff of the room laced with crack triggers your fight or flight impulses. Thankfully, it only takes the simplest and most cliche of excuses to create a path of escape.
“I need to use the bathroom.”
With their impaired judgment, you’ll soon be an afterthought to them—or at worse, a horde of makeshift zombies banging at the door. The bathroom would be too obvious. It was never the destination.
Sneaking around the crowd, you find a door conveniently tucked away from the madness and rush toward your freedom. On the other side lies complete darkness, and if not for a foot teetering on the edge of some hidden stairs, you’d be a dozen steps away from a concussion and several stitches. A hidden basement sealed away from the house, blocking most of the noise.
Finally, some peace and quiet.
As expected, the actual basement is nothing but clutters of dusty boxes and forgotten relics, with a few tiny windows hidden behind the piles. Little light peeks through the otherwise pitch black room, but a bit more exposure runs the risk of your retreat getting exposed. You’d more than happily sit here until you can weasel your way out in the morning, when everyone’s blacked out and completely fucked from party overdose, or when the rich kid’s angry parents find you sleeping on the floor. 
You’ve taken overnight shelter in far worse, unforgiving places. 
Suddenly, you feel a breath of warm air tickle through your ear and skin. “Guess I’m not the only one stuck tonight.”
It’s a ghoulish whisper that impulsively causes you to drop your phone while opening its flashlight. What little the light reveals is a hint of pale flesh and blonde strands covertly moving like a predator stalking its prey. You feel something on your shoulder, sending shivers down your spine. Clawlike nails thread through your hair, slowly entrapping you beyond escape. Your eyes tilt to the side, only to find the groove of lush dark lips forming a pretty smirk.
All it takes is another whisper. “Boo.”
“Shit!” You flail your arms panickedly, swinging them around like a child with no fighting experience. You hit nothing but air. If not for the darkness concealing you, it would be a humiliating sight, the kind that gets posted and clowned upon on social media. 
The figure grabs you by the wrists, stares so sternly it warrants attention. Its tone is just as sharp, too. “Don’t get us caught, goddammit.”
You pause, take a moment to gather yourself, then another to scan the shadowy stature, looking at you now with wary and concern. Peering through the darkness, its eyes glint with a distinct sparkle. It speaks again with a more tempered voice. “You okay now?”
A silence briefly falls. You stare back to familiarize and scan the figure. A moment of clarity comes upon you. “Wait—aren’t you—”
You recognize her face plastered on the accomplishment board, primarily under athletics and sports. It simply couldn’t be anyone else but Lee Chaeyeon, a polarizing figure within the student body. You’ve heard whispers from varying accounts. For some, she’s practically the greatest athlete to ever grace the institution, a generational talent in every department she excels in. To her teachers, she barely shows up to classes because of her athletic commitments, and a peek through the records shows she’s barely holding on in her academic obligations. 
At times, she’s felt like a myth, mainly because you’d only hear her from others. You never saw her once in a school uniform. Hell, you only knew she was around because other people claimed to have seen her, but they could have been spreading misinformation.
“What? Chaeryeong?” She raises an eyebrow, puckers her lips, partially confused and mildly annoyed, while lowering your arms before finally letting them go. She knows what you said. “That’s my little sis. She’s a lot cuter than I am. You need to get your eyes checked.”
“No, no.” Blissfully unaware, you’re quick to emphasize your point. “You’re Chaeyeon, head of the dance club and athletics division.”
“No? I’m Chaeryeong, head of the music department,” she says, sarcastic, but now with a playful smile. “No shit, I’m Chaeyeon.”
“I—I never expected to meet you here of all places,” you say, awkwardly smiling and tapping your fingers together nervously.
“I didn’t expect anyone would find this spot.” Chaeyeon turns around, brushing her long blonde locks in an alluring way that leaves you awestruck. Admittedly, it’s a little bit attractive how unabashedly sleazy she looks. Even in her clean pictures, you can tell she hates the idea of looking clean. While everyone else attends these parties at their best, only to come out a complete mess, she clearly recognizes the pointlessness in such vanity. “Great timing, too. I was gonna make a run for it.”
“So, why are you here again?” 
“Boredom.” Her reply is almost immediate, flippantly delivered, that it’s convincing. She has better things to do than hang around at random parties. “I just came for the free food.” She chuckles remembering the thought, while her eyes wander around the room, searching for something, anything.
“Just like me, huh,” you respond with blind confidence, as if it’ll give you both a common ground to share, when in reality, she doesn’t care. If anything, she only amuses you because she allowed you to entertain her, and you’re doing about as good of a job as anyone when it comes to catching her attention—a.k.a failing spectacularly. 
Chaeyeon turns around and faces you again with a curious, intimidating look. “And what do you know about that?”
Gulp. “About what?”
She tilts her head and doesn't utter another word, as if expecting you to know what she means. You clearly don’t. On her lips is a dour pout, disappointed by your impulsive tongue. None of it makes any sense, and trying to figure her out seems like a fool’s errand. 
“Thought so,” is the only thing she ends up saying, and an air of awkward silence falls on you both as she roams around the basement, presumably searching for a passage out. “You wanna be useful?” she suddenly snaps at you, her stare peering through a valley of boxes.
“What do you want me to do?”
“You wanna get out of here or what?” she spits, turning to you, gaze grimacing and tone scathing. Joining her, you both take note of a narrow hatch hidden behind even more dusty packages.
Well, you may have just played the most awkward game of seven minutes in heaven in your life. 
The ride home is even more unsettling.
Chaeyeon remains dead silent, comfortably slumped back against the passenger seat of your car, keeping you at arm’s length. Occasionally glancing to your side, you’re driving, focused on the road ahead. The muted sound of radio blaring through the speakers is the only thing that keeps awkward silence from permeating throughout the vehicle. 
You can’t get her to show any form of emotion other than apathy.
Wanna have something to eat? Nothing. 
Where’s your place? Also nothing.
Where would you like me to drop you off? Still nothing.
Got any friends to meet up with? Again, nothing.
Most people would have given up by now. It’s not a good look, the kind that encourages ostracizing. Patient as you are, though, you still hope she opens up, but whenever your eyes meet, she gives you the coldest shoulder imaginable. She wants nothing to do with you. The way she stares, the tiredness peeking through her brown irises, the slow, detached gaze that examines you before lightly looking away—the very idea of interacting with people poisons her, ruins her, breaks her.
You pull off at a gas station a few blocks away from your apartment. Shutting down the engine, you gently say, “I’m gonna buy a snack. You want anything?”
She slowly turns back in your direction, very disconnected from you she can’t be bothered to look you in the eye. Her lips twist, as if ready to speak her mind, but only air ultimately comes out. As you expected by now.
“Fine,” you follow, deflecting her cold demeanor back at her. “Just wait here, then.”
After stepping out of your car, right as you’re about to enter the shop, you hear a sharp thud sound. Looking back, you find Chaeyeon, also outside, rubbing her arms from the cold air bothering her, trembling nervously. 
You call out to her, loud enough to draw anyone’s attention.
“Borrow my jacket?”
She doesn’t pay you any heed.
“I seriously don’t understand you,” you murmur, as if it’ll bring her out of her shell or change anything, if your previous attempts at reaching out to her in a friendly manner are any proof. It’s late at night; you’re both casually staring at your car—the only noteworthy thing in this gas station—and you couldn’t be any more different. You’ve almost emptied your little cup of instant noodles, while she smokes through her dwindling cigarette, blowing smoke in your direction, still purposefully uncaring. The vapor doesn’t make you crack, but her coldness does. “Why did you ask me to drive for you? What’s the point? I don’t know what you want.”
It’s probably not the best time to show even the slightest frustration. Then again, she’s been deliberately dispassionate the entire time. Anyone else would have given up at this point, but there’s an allure to her, you admit, that keeps you interested, and not just because she’s a known name within the student body. Popularity was never the goal, but like everyone else, you simply wanted to know who Lee Chaeyeon is. She’s one of the biggest mysteries within the school; an all-star athlete with a peculiar aura surrounding her. From what you’ve seen so far, it’s not all that remarkable. She's sassy and apathetic, dry, sarcastic humor is her primary weapon, and she dresses like an escort. Perhaps this is all just a mix up, that this isn’t really the Chaeyeon, one of the best athletes to ever grace the university.
If not for the resemblance with her younger sister, the sweet girl from the music club, they couldn’t have been any more different. Are they really from the same family?
“Much better.” She returns her cigar to her mouth, huffs another round, then releases a new wave, thankfully not in your direction this time. Facing you, she looks you right in the eye. It’s different. There’s no apathy behind them, but instead, genuine interest. “I just wanted a free ride outta there.”
“That’s it?” is your reply, confused. Maybe you’re thinking these words through a bit too much, trying to find deeper complexity from a simple answer. You’ve met more complicated characters before, and to a certain degree, you can relate to her.
“Yeah.” Chaeyeon drags another whiff, but intentionally smokes away. “People just suck.”
In a strange, twisted way, she reads through your mind, says something that, quite frankly, leaves you even more in disarray. “Don’t think hard about it.”
Wide-eyed, you try averting your gaze in a poor attempt to feign ignorance. “Think about what?”
“You know,” she says, songful, gives you a rather taunting stare, eyebrows raised, as if expecting you to understand what she’s on about—deep down you know what that is—while flicking the ashes of her cig down on the table. Admittedly, it’s somewhat cute. Smirking, she adds, “Do I have to make it obvious to you, bird brain?”
“Fuck off.”
“There you go.” Chaeyeon leans back, chuckles, takes delight in making you look like the bad guy, that wicked, mocking grin on her lips a few inches wider than before. Only now do you perceive the true predicament; both of you secretly playing mind games, examining each other, trying to get on the other’s nerves until they eventually break. “I guess I win.”
“Win? We’re not playing games.”
“I got you to drop the nice guy act. I won.” 
Another huff, another smoke.
“That doesn’t mean much.”
“That’s what every loser says. Remember what I said? People suck.”
“We just met a few hours ago, and you’re telling me I suck?” Your volume grows slightly louder.  “After giving you a free ride out of that party?” 
“And who got you out of there first? Hmm?” Chaeyeon’s driving you mad, but now for a completely different reason. “Let me make it clear: I knew about the secret passage even if you hadn’t stumbled your way inside that basement. You were just lucky to find me at the right time.”
“Forget about the basement!” You find yourself slowly unraveling, slowly coming undone, your screws on the brink of loosening. She licks her lips, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
It’s sudden, it’s loud, it’s sharp. The words reverberate around the shop resoundingly that in any other setting, it’s what incites a public incident, gets both of you expelled and shamed in school. Maybe just you, knowing there’s a high likelihood of preferential bias the faculty may have for one of their most accomplished pupils. Regardless, you find yourself covering your mouth, as if you’ve just spoken some unspeakable destruction into existence. Even she ends up speechless.
The next moment is even more destructive: Chaeyeon’s lips suddenly cover yours.
“Fuck, that’s good,” mutters Chaeyeon, between a shower of seemingly endless kisses on your lips, shoving you against the wall of the bathroom beside the convenience store. The doors are locked, with not a single soul’s around to interrupt you. Either way, she proves to be too much—too much to fight, with both words and actions, that you quickly give in, much sooner than she expected.
It’s not that you never considered the thought of kissing Chaeyeon—at times, they were a little tempting if not for the fact that she’s a smoker—but rather how delectable her lips are, even with the tainted scent of smoke etched on them. She passionately makes out with you, drives her tongue between yours, drives the wedge that seemingly kept you both apart, and no amount of self-righteous character can bury that want, that craving for affection—and sex.
“You do this with every man you meet?” You forcefully rip yourself from the kiss, only to find your lips dragged back in almost immediately. She knows it’s a futile effort to gain control, something you never had right from the start. 
“Fuck no,” she mouths between even more pecks. “Consider yourself incredibly lucky.”
She’s tugging on opposite ends of your shirt, threatening to rip them apart, something you recognize. Even as you continue to make out, with your hands exploring and marking new territory in the form of her divine figure, you make time for her, letting her freely own you by lifting the obstructive clothing over your head before she promptly tosses it aside in return. Her lips gradually slide down and make themselves familiar with you; your neck first, then your collarbones, smiling to herself as she marks each part as hers with her teeth, while creating more friction by palming your bare chest.
“Finally, someone who’s actually hot,” she quietly mouths to herself, though you can hear her loud and clear. You’ve got a response, a retaliation, but you choose to bask in the moment, acknowledge how good she already makes you feel in the form of a light groan.
Her hands slide down the steep hill that is your torso, until they find more difficult fabric. Locking eyes with yours, she works on your pants, keeping you suspended as she figures out how to claim her rightful prize. Behind those brown pupils is a burning lust, a raging flame consuming her from within, eager to take what she wants; it’s not the same cold stare from before. 
“How long have you wanted me?” she asks, followed by the gentle whir of your zipper as she slides down your pants and boxers in one swing. Before you can formulate a reply, you suddenly release an airy gasp—your only response—caught unaware by her deft, silky hand pressing on your balls and your raging cock. Her smirk widens, amused and absorbed by your electric reaction. 
She continues to fiddle with your cock, giving it one slow, but delicate pump after another, as you fall under her dizzying spell. Forget about the question; the answer is quite clear, based on the stickiness slowly building up between her hand and your cock. Pleasure begins to spike all over your body, and almost single handedly ends you, if not for her other hand keeping you steady against the wall. It’s a little too soon—a little too much for your brain to comprehend.
Her gaze lingers on yours, watching you gradually crumble in real-time; you’re no better than anyone else in this situation. It’s amusing, gets cute, sweet, playful looks that seemingly brighten her day after what seemed to be an absolute disaster. She knows what she’s doing and she loves it. Your hands cling to shoulders, feel the softness of her skin, and it sparks a fire in her eyes, quick to spread and consume.
“Tell me how long you’ve wanted me,” she repeats herself, the bright glint in her eyes and her grin more mischievous than serious. Determined to get the answer out of you, she tightly cups your balls, drawing out a deep groan. “I know you’ve been staring at me since we met.”
She’s not entirely wrong. Even in the darkness of that desolate basement, you knew she was drop-dead gorgeous. It became clear under the pale moonlight that she was even hotter: a black crop that teased the subtlest of cleavage, exposed her toned midriff, and jeans that accentuated her shapely ass. Yes, even when you thought she wasn’t interested, she knew your stare never departed. 
“Since always.” Not the best answer; you both literally just encountered each other earlier that night, but it’s the most logical. Not a single girl in college made you hot and heavy like this. Sure, some of them were cute, her sister included, but none of them had that appeal, that love at first sight attraction that Chaeyeon carried. 
Her free arm reaches up to the zipper of her shirt, presses her cleavage together a little. There’s amusement on her features watching in your eagerness to watch them slip. She contemplates the thought, painfully stalling the inevitable by a few precious seconds, then she unzips her top down. One side of the sleeve slides down her shoulders, then the other, until only a matching black bra remains. 
It promptly joins the other clothes on the opposite end of the bathroom, completely irrelevant. 
You and Chaeyeon make quick work of her jeans before you’re quickly drawn together like magnets, feeling each other’s hot, sweaty skin, entangled like a complete puzzle making out against the walls. It’s an intense back and forth, a tug of war as you both desire complete ownership of the other’s body. Each torrid kiss screams of desperation, not intimacy, to be used, to be consumed. 
Spacious as the bathroom is, you can’t seem to find common ground. One moment you’ve got her pinned against the furthest stall, the next she has you fastened in another, until you eventually acquaint yourselves with all three cubicles. Both of you know where this is going and where it should lead; you just don’t know how you can get there. There’s plenty of distractions in front of you, mainly Chaeyeon’s perfect naked figure, a leg wrapped around your hip, and the gleam in her eyes wanting and yearning. It’s dangerous; temptation lurks everywhere you look. If not for the arms wrapped around your neck, occasionally dictating that you only look at her lust-filled face between kisses, the rest of her body would earn your worship. 
Chaeyeon moans, writhes in your grasp, slowly relinquishing control over to you. From her bottom lip, you slip them down to her neck, and she trembles, clings tighter, feeling weak. Her hands pinch the back of your hair, mouth mumbling airy, faint words. It’s passionate, sinful, and tender—something you never expected with an otherwise rough woman like her.
“God, you’re so hot—” you hiss, gasping as her touch arouses you. “Mmm—”
She suddenly regains composure, stops you a breath away from her chest, then pulls you back toward her face. Another deep kiss. “Enough. I’m not in the mood for love making tonight.”
Regretfully, she removes herself from your clutch, pulling you by the hand instead to lead you to the bathroom sink. Every time she kisses you, her lips smell of alcohol and lipstick, and it never gets old. You wonder if she simply likes kissing or if she’s conveying some kind of message that you somehow have to decipher. She notices the curious expression on your face, lets out this droll laugh that gives off the assumption you’re onto something, when really, she’s as unpredictable as ever.
There’s nothing funny, nor is it supposed to be, but it makes no sense, perfectly in line with her character.
Before the awkwardness looms over you again, she grabs you by the waist, pushes you forward to impale her. Her back arches against the sink, perfectly spaced between her torso and legs. She spins around, flaunts her shapely curves that immediately capture your attention—and your hands. Ignore her steely glare that pierces through your reflection in the mirror; her flesh melts, molds comfortably in your grasp, as if they were tailor made for you. 
She grunts, loses control again, but it’s only momentarily. “Don’t keep me waiting.”
Even though you’ve seen her look vulnerable, her sharp attitude keeps you on edge, stops you from committing a sinful act. Your cock is in the perfect position to ruin her, break the facade and the space between you, but it’s not a fight worth contending, especially when she follows up with a dagger that almost pierces your heart. “Keep it between my legs.”
You immediately knew what she meant. To be quite honest, it’s a little disappointing. All that preamble, pleasantry, the tease of something more, only to be shot down before it even starts—it’s almost disheartening. Of course, you had no room to complain, not when she’s splayed out in her barest, practically giving you free reign over every other part of her, but something feels—off, incomplete.
Chaeyeon spreads her legs wide, gracious to space your cock right in its center. Her cunt is on full display, ripe and ready to be used, to be fucked. Unfortunately, you won’t get to have any piece of it without her word. It’s near-impossible to look away, spellbinding you with an unforgettable mental image. The thought of—or the lack thereof—filling her pussy torments you. Even as her smooth, perfect thighs sandwich your cock, the notion poisons your mind, leaves you wandering and aimless, until the perfect amount of friction strikes and—
It’s smooth, suffocating, devastating. Now you truly have nothing to whine about, except to whine about how tight her legs feel around your cock, rubbing and stroking yourself between her thick thighs. Barely hanging on, you press your hands on her shoulders, losing yourself in the pleasure quickly. Thanks to the little flecks of precum from before, sliding between her heat proves to be much easier. 
Slowly but surely, you grow accustomed to her asphyxiating warmth, unable to process anything beyond the slickness and powerful sensations around her flesh. Eyes closed, you moan in prolonged, deep spurts, resting your head beside hers. Her feelings don’t matter at this moment, only yours. You don’t realize her hand is gripped to your thigh, only that it amplifies the surge of pleasure coursing throughout your body. A possible reminder to keep your cock away from her cunt, but you didn’t need it anymore—her thighs are more than enough.
“Yeah. Fucking enjoy it, horny bitch.” Chaeyeon’s tone and expression seemingly derives no enjoyment from watching you lose it, as if it’s only an obligation and not something both of you share pleasure in. She moans, but it’s faint and weak. “That feels good, right?”
“It does,” you blurt, trapped in the heavenly bliss between her legs, loving every little motion. “So good, Chaen, holy fuck—”
She sees you visibly struggling and helplessly trying to gather air, smiles and laughs at your predicament. It’s a mess; it’s her schadenfreude. Delightful, she thinks to herself, now playing along with her lewd expressions plastered on the mirror. Unconvincing, if not a bit too much leaning towards parody. She’s waiting for the opportunity to get the edge over you, the killing blow. 
Tightening her grip around your cock, her toned legs collapse, and you can feel the fire in your loins gradually building and hurling toward a calamitous explosion. There’s nothing you can do to stop—not that you ever want to, watching your cock slide in and out her thighs at a perfect rhythm is its own reward—only praying that the moment lingers a bit longer. You’ve got both hands pinched to her taut nipples, thankfully unresisted, kissing around her collarbone and ear, trying in vain to stifle the endless string of curses and moans leaving your lips.
It doesn’t help that her voice is seductive, downright merciless, repeatedly goading you into submission, staring at your reflection expectantly. “That’s it. Cum for me, bitch. You won’t ever get this kind of opportunity with anyone else but with me. No one else will ever make you feel this good. Just cum, and cum, and cum—”
The word rings in your head, hypnotic, borderline leaning toward brainwashing. It isn’t gaslighting when she has a point; she feels so fucking incredible, so tight and hot and suffocating—no one else can possibly compare. Then again, ecstasy is the only thing running through your head, clouding your better judgment. You’ve got a hand digging through her endless sea of blonde locks, pumping between her thighs, each thrust sorer than the last, like you’ll regret the action in the morning. 
“I’m so close, Chaen. I’m going to cum,” you say desperately. 
There’s that familiar twinkle in her eyes, and a mischievous grin forming on her lips. Troubling. “Say it.”
“Say what?” you say, your cock aching painfully between her wet, toned thighs. 
“Please!” you shout, teetering dangerously close to the edge, threatens you and Chaeyeon. Again, slowing down proves to be impossible. You’re so far gone.
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum! Please let me cum, Chaen, oh God.”
“That’s it. Cum—”
As soon as she lets that word out, the lights immediately turn green. Releasing all your inhibitions, your eyes widen, pumping your cock hurling to that oh-so deserved orgasm between her legs. Her thighs receive every last shot, every single drop. You both moan into each other’s ear, with Chaeyeon finding comfort and satisfaction from feeling the warmth you’ve given her. 
She throws her head back, cranes her neck, brushes a hand around your hair while you pump through your climax. Eventually, your cock slips, winds down to a complete halt. You find your lips returning to her collarbones, taking solace on her sensitive flesh as you remain intimately attached together for a little while longer.
“Shit.” You look down, past the curves of her chest, see the puddles and drops of slick on the floor. She mirrors your gesture, checks the damage between her legs, and it’s a disaster: her thighs are dripping with cum down to her feet, with two noticeable blots parallel to the other. 
“So needy.” Chaeyeon says with a laugh, caressing your cheek, her voice a temptation in your ear, goading you for more. “Not lucky with the ladies, hmm?”
Wistfully, you reply, “Yeah.”
Chaeyeon slowly releases your chin from her hand, slips from your clutch to grab a stream of tissue rolls to clean herself up. You cling to the sink with wobbly legs, staring down at the basin, overcome by a wave of both regret and exhaustion. Unwelcome thoughts creep in. A lack of protection, a return of her dour persona, and your reputations at stake—you’ll entertain them all in the morning, when the honeymoon period ends.
When you look up, you see Chaeyeon in the mirror, almost finished dressing up, fixing her cleavage before zipping up her crop top. She stares back, grinning. “You know you still have to drive me home. So when you’re done pining over not cumming in my pussy—”
“Where? Where's home?”
(A/N: Finally got to one of the four selected requests! I'm sorry this one took a lot longer than expected, but what can you expect from me XD I still have PCD as I write this down and no amount of copium can help me recover haha. I loved the request as it gave me the perfect excuse to write Chaeyeon again; she's an underrated hottie and I'm glad she (1) quit Queendom Puzzle instead of pushing through and (2) Knock became a surprise hit. It's only a matter of time before her star rises even further. Thank you for reading!)
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Something cute with Zhang Hao where the reader became close with one of the boys (Jiwoong maybe?) and he's jealous because poor boy has the biggest crush on reader :( with a cute lil confession? 🥰
A real kiss~
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pairing: jealous zhang hao x long time friend reader ft. jiwoong as the cause of drama (jk)
pronouns: none used
genre: canon au, fluff, humour
tw/tags: introvert things, nicknames, jealousy lol, jiwoong giving hands-on acting lessons (maybe a lil too hands-on for hao but he’s just being nice y’all), woong best wingman (yes he can sense the tension), kdrama mention, flashback, kissing, confessions
wc: 1175
summary: maybe hao’s a teeny little bit jelly of how well you get along with jiwoong. 
a/n if any of you saw this earlier than scheduled, it's because tumblr hates me and likes to confuse me constantly~ anyways thanks for the req anon, this was really cute and i enjoyed writing it very much, a little content note: xiào xiào is a nickname used for kids who are like happy or smiley but hao calls mc that bc they make hao happy shdsd ok if any better mandarin speaker would like to correct me or suggest another nickname, just lmk~
check my pinned for more fics!
Zhang Hao likes to think he’s a fairly laid back person.
Or at least, that’s what he likes to think when you’ve been deep in conversation with Jiwoong for the past hour and not spending time with the person who actually invited you over (him).
Okay maybe he isn’t being fair. You’ve also, over the past hour, checked in on him and tried your best to involve him in your conversation. It’s just that Hao is an introvert and today is one of the days where he doesn’t feel like making it a three way conversation. Also they’ve mostly worked it out but he and Jiwoong still have their awkward moments so there’s that too.
“You alright Hào hào?” Well at least he can enjoy the fact you’re using the nickname that only you call him. (Because absolutely no one else is allowed to call him that ever).
“I’m fine, Xiào xiào.”
You had joined Yuehua around the same time, Zhang Hao as an idol trainee while you were preparing to go into acting. To say you were close would be an understatement. You clicked immediately, the other Yuehua trainees would joke that you were Hao’s co-parent with how often you would come over to their dorm with food. 
Hao spent every free day he had off the program with you if both of you weren’t busy. Sometimes you’d even accompany him to visit his subway ads, obviously sporting a mask and hat and keeping it lowkey so as not to draw attention to yourself. While you’ve been an extra or had a line or two for a few drama gigs, you haven’t exactly made your public debut just yet.
It just so happened that you’d be working with Jiwoong on your first minor supporting role in The Good Bad Mother, alongside your actor sunbaenim in Yuehua who had the starring role. The eldest hyung also happened to have quite a bit of experience in acting and you happened to have questions. While your company sunbaenims and teachers were helpful, they were also quite busy and you didn’t want to bother them too much.
“So for kissing scenes-”
Suddenly, Hao’s full attention is on you as you ask his bandmate how one goes about filming such scenes. He’s not dumb. Hao knows once you start getting bigger roles, you might do scenes like that. But dammit, he wants to be your first kiss, not some actor who’s playing your love interest.
“You’ve never been kissed before?”
It’s one of those moments where you’re too tired from the hours and hours of PR training, Hao preparing for Boys Planet and you for the eventual conferences and public appearance you’ll make once you make your acting debut. 
“It’s not that.” You sink into the sofa of the little room you’ve been in for hours, learning how to avoid getting a bad edit on camera. 
“It’s just that none of them really meant anything, you know? It was for fun, for a dare or some shit like that. To figure out whether I liked boys or girls or both. I just don’t think it’s a real kiss, you know?”
“What’s a real kiss then?”
You’re quiet for a bit and Hao’s about to move on with the conversation when you speak again.
“With someone I like. I’d be nice to kiss someone I like. Someone who likes me too.”
I like you, Hao thinks. I’d like to kiss you. 
He could do it. He could offer. But he’s shy and your friendship is only a few months old and he’s going to get shipped off to this Mnet program soon. So instead he says:
“That sounds nice. I’ve never thought of it that way.”
“Maybe because you’re the type to go around kissing everyone, Mr. Campus prince.”
You tease.
“Hey! I wasn’t like that at all.”
Hao protests. You grin mischievously and your conversation devolves back to light, playful back and forth.
But Hao doesn’t forget.
Maybe that’s the day that he decides to try and become the someone you like.
Jiwoong’s hands are on your shoulders. Zhang Hao’s not sure when that happened but he does know that he doesn’t like it.
“So my hands should go here?” You ask, patting Jiwoong's rib cage. He nods, expression completely placid and wholly focused on teaching you how to manoeuvre yourself.
“You can also put it on their waist, the director will be giving you instructions and you can monitor yourself on camera between takes as well.”
You nod thoughtfully, tentatively placing your hands on him. Zhang Hao’s fingers twitch, just a little. Most of the members who had been filtering in and out of the room seemed to have disappeared. It’s just him, you, and Jiwoong.
Which is why you decide to lean in, your face just about a few inches away from the eldest ZB1 member.
“So I just go like this?”
That’s it. Hao’s had enough. He can’t do this. He can’t watch you anymore.
“Xiào xiào?” 
Hao’s careful not to show how happy he is when you pull away from Jiwoong and look at him. His hyung must have sensed it anyway, standing up and saying he’s supposed to meet Seobin soon. You thank him for the help, he says you can text him anytime (Hao’s not sure how to feel about that one) and then he leaves the two of you alone.
“There goes my acting teacher.” You pout a little and Hao can’t help himself.
“You came here to spend time with me, not take lessons from Jiwoong-hyung.” 
“Awww, is Hào hào jealous?”
“I miss you.” He says instead of answering, hugging your side like he usually does.
You hug him back, and in a small voice, you admit.
“I’ve missed you too, Hào hào.”
There shouldn’t be anything special about the moment. You’ve done this before, hugged like this before, said things like this before. But this time, he just-
Hao pulls away, his arms still wrapped around you loosely. It’s just enough so he can see your eyes, looking at him, he can’t read you too well, he swears his heart’s beating so loudly that you can hear it. But you don’t pull away. He leans in.
His lips are soft against yours, you can feel the slightly sticky sensation of the lip balm he uses, taste a little of the tea he was drinking a while ago. It’s warm and nice and it feels perfect.
His arms slide to your waist and your fingers circle around his shoulders, holding onto the fuzzy knit fabric of his cardigan. You can smell the perfumed lotion he uses, pleasantly floral and addicting. He keeps kissing you. You keep kissing back.
Hao only stops when his heart feels like it’s going to give out, catching his breath and looking at you with your flushed cheeks and swollen lips. He can’t help but ask.
“Was that a real kiss?” I like you so, so much.
“I think it was, Hào hào.” I like you too.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
adding onto my magical boy Tim Drake ask
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There's the question of how does anybody feel about a boy as young as Tim running around late at night and occasionally during the day doing heroism
What do they think of Mes'Dremere having gifted this young boy the power to be a hero?
What do the Bats think of the kid being inspired by them, but Robin especially?
What do they think about the fact every fact points to Dreaming of Robin being the only one with the power to defeat Nightmare Awakenings and see Hollowing Wishes before they cause a big fucking problem for their victims?
What does Gotham's hero/villain and criminal scene think of this squirt marching up to them to throw Merry Memories at them and to pound Hollowing Wishes they can't even see but are attached to them into the dirt?
"Come back! You have too many Hollowing Wishes on you and I have to give you Merry Memories to protect you from them!" "I'm not looking to be snitched to the cops magic hands!"
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I should probably expand on Hollowing Wish, they gravitate towards the miserable, which constitutes much of Gotham, hence why Criminals, rogues and vigilantes will have more of the suckers than the average Civillians
but that isn't saying much since it's Gotham, most people with Hollowing Wishes on them have at least three on their person
Also, while Hollowing Wishes can't hurt people until they become Nightmare Awakenings, Tim is the exception, he's the canary in the coalmine
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Gosh, when Jason dies, what will Tim do? He has to worry about dealing with Praying For a Forever Demise, but Batman is practically attempting suicide by criminal or rogue every night
In the scenario that Tim blackmails himself into becoming Batman's leash, I think Mes'Dremere would be there to step in whenever Batman abuses the boy and give the Wayne a piece of his mind
Heck I think the vulture could be the parent-figure Tim never got in his life. Let Tim have someone in his corner dammit
So yeah, Batman looses his son, goes insane for a time, and boom, Tim tries to become his leash only for Mes'Dremere to do it instead and now Tim basically gets free entertainment and a burden off his shoulders
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On a more lighthearted note, Tim absolutely exploits his Dreaming of Robin time to take more pictures of the bats than ever
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I imagine public news stations out of Gotham would bring up Dreaming of Robin and Nightmare Awakening exploits after confirmation of their existence, and people with knowledge with whatever magic Mes, Praying, and Tim fall under would go "hol' up"
Who is this person/these people? idk but itd be fun if they contacted Batman, or other Gotham rogues or other people in Gotham about this or traveled to Gotham personally for whatever reason related to this whole fiasco
What this person/these people want done however? idk lol
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Arkham Asylum houses Praying For a Forever Demise, who I've basically set up to be the final boss of this AU, meaning Tim is going to be very wary of hanging around there since there are more than enough Hollowing Wishes to outnumber and kill him and Mes'Dremere, even when pulling all the stops
That being said, he'll definetely put in his best effort to get Merry Memories into Arkham Asylum for people to put on the walls and have on their person to at least try to deal with the infestation
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Tim will likely be all for Batman's rule of other villains and rogues and heroes spending as little time as possible in Gotham
cuz the idea and then the reality of Hollowing Wishes leeching off of foreign supers & then becoming Nightmare Awakenings outside of Gotham forcing Tim to traverse outside of his comfort zone and deal with the fallout over there leaving Gotham vulnerable without him is something he wants to deal with as little as possible
After Jason dies, Tim is probably losing his mind in the amount of work Batman is making for him. Not only is that man drowning in grief, but he's making criminals and their families miserable as well. He'd be pulling double shifts just to try to clean up the damage that Bruce is inflicting.
In this AU, Tim could become Batman's leash with the help of Mes'Dremere. That poor kid has his work cut out for him, though. Not only is he juggling Robin, but he's also juggling his magical boy responsibilities.
I am curious how Tim being magical affects all kinds of canon events. Would he be able to use his magic to further prove Bruce is alive somehow? Does he try to turn to magic to help with the cloning? Does he take his dad's murder differently because he has magical abilities? Also, which side is the ancient culture from? His mom, his dad, or somehow both?
I am down for him snatching up Steph for his own team rather than Batman's, though.
I'd add Duke, but it's a toss-up on whether Duke would he happier with Batman or Tim. His meta abilities might give him the advantage of seeing Hollowing Wishes even without Tim's magical routine.
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ramonag-if · 4 months
i have 2 questions
1. It that going to have sparring scene between RO and MC? If not what will RO going to react if MC win in sparring match?
2. It that going to have life after married DLC without RO and MC children? Look I know people obsessive having kid for some reasons but i really cringe everytime kid topic was up, so i wonder it that possible to have DLC focues only childfree RO and MC relationship. Let them be childfree couple Dammit!
By the way sorry for being rude and selfish i really piss off and thank you for answer me!
You're not being rude 🌼
This is on my to-do list. There was supposed to be a scene like this in Chapter 8 (and earlier) but I didn't have time to add it in so expect some sparring with the ROs in the full game (even though I dread writing combat scenes, I'm determined to add them in).
Yes, there will be two separate DLCs. One will be the marriage/wedding DLC and one will be the children DLC. This way, you can choose which one you want to play so you won't be forced to have a child or play through scenes where the MC becomes a parent.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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oh-shtars · 6 months
Hello flick’s cool alternative blog! Can I christen it with a prompt? Give any random thing you’re excited to explore in your AU
Heeeyy!!!!! ✨✨
You know, I was planning to accompany this ask with doodles but I’m going to have a busy week and most likely won’t get the time. But then I didn’t want to keep you waiting for a while so. DAMMIT-
For now, I’ll answer this with words. But keep an eye out for the RFTS!Drawing Dump I’d be posting here on @oh-shtars. (Friendly reminder to follow this RFTS!Blog if you haven’t already.)
But yeah, some random things I’m excited to explore in the Reach for the Stars!AU! :)
1. Valentino
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. “wtf Flicker-?” Hear me out first.
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I did attempt to make Valentino (or ‘Tino’ for short) a lot more endearing than his canon version. And honestly, I grew to like the little guy.
He’s just a 1 month old kid who views Asha as his parent after his actual mother rejected him. (Some animal moms tend to do that.) Once he was bottle-fed and grew stronger, he’s ready to face the world head-first.
No really, he would headbutt anything that bothers him or Asha, regardless of who they are. She even adorably dubbed him her “loyal protector.” Don’t worry, the headbutts don’t hurt as much and the worst they can be is annoying. Tino is impulsive and brave but cares a whole lot about Asha.
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He didn’t like Star at first, even when the latter tried to ensure him he’s no threat. Tino disliked him for scaring Asha at their first meeting and over the story, gets a little jealous and bratty that he’s getting a lot closer to her. Like a lot… Idk, I find it funny that their first interaction is something like:
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But eventually, Tino grows to like him and comes to become protective and endearing to BOTH of them now. Just imagine this scene, but instead of Canon!Star, Tino was more than ready to charge at Magnifico while RFTS!Asha and Star lunged to stop him:
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So yeah. I, Flicker, had gotten to love RFTS!Valentino more than I expected. Not only would he be a little comedic animal sidekick, but he’s going to play a neat role in the final battle and have Asha’s back the entire time, while not letting his size stop him.
Tino’s going to be fun to write :))
2. Magnifico’s Character
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Remember when I said RFTS!Magnifico is just brimming with unresolved trauma/issues? Well, then he projects all that towards people that don’t deserve it. He’s sour and furious on how the universe turned its back on him as a little kid when he watched his village get destroyed.
And under being raised by his adoptive father, who just never seems to listen to him, Magnifico thirsts for revenge and thinks he deserves to get the world that he and Amaya were denied from. So he would step on other people to get his way.
Another thing about him, is that the moment Magnifico discovered Wishing Stars exist, he genuinely thought they ignored his pleas for help and downright hates it. He unleashes that frustration onto Star and his whole kind.
Frustrations like how people only really care about you for your potential and the things you can offer. Mag had a belief that King Oliver had only took him in just so that he would have an heir for the throne, but didn’t actually loved or cared for him like a son. (Which wasn’t true.) So Magnifico projected that onto Star for the past decade he was caged, stating that:
“You know people only value you for what you could offer…. In your case, it’s your ability to grant wishes. For mine, it’s being a sorcerer AND an heir... But without all that..Well, you can really only imagine…”
So guess where Star’s insecurities came from:
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RFTS!Magnifico is going to be an interesting villain, that’s for sure.
3. Asha’s Wish
Asha, before and through the story, has a little habit she does every night before going to sleep. She whispers to the sky her wishes and desires and some of her concerns.
It’s a little thing her father used to do with her before he passed away, and she holds onto it as a memory of him. Tomás used to say that if she does this every night, then she wakes up the next day feeling refreshed and start the morning new. Maybe, just maybe, the stars above would be listening and would try to help.
Present Asha now believes that all those stories were just fairytales but she still hung onto them dearly since it’s one of the remaining things left of her dad. She also has this one wish:
“For everything to go back to the way it was. When dad is still here and that I never drifted away from my 7 friends. To wake up and see that the incident was just a mere dream.”
Welp….I sure hope that one wish doesn’t come back to bite her in the arse anytime soon-
4. The 7 Teens
Somehow, I found a way I could make each of them have a part to play. Each friend that Asha had gotten estranged from ever since the “incident with her dad,” share a bit about themselves and rekindle their relationship with Asha. These short plots would be scattered at certain times throughout the story as Asha and Star encounter them on their journey.
And at the same time, each teen presents a positive trait of theirs that shows a very cautious Star, how not all humans are terrible people. Each show an example of an admirable trait:
Safi - Selflessness and integrity. Helping others even if it inconveniences him (Allergies)
Simon - Protectiveness. He means well but it doesn’t always show up right.
Bazeema - Consideration and kindness for others. (Doing small things to make them comfortable)
Dahlia - Determination + Loyalty
Dario - Patience + Forgiveness (Especially since he’s hard of hearing)
Gabo - Justice and hatred towards prejudice (it’s why he’s grumpy)
Hal - Helpfulness and the happiness received from doing so
Asha - Empathy and Love for others
Basically, these group of friends revive Star’s wonder and slowly help him become more trusting and open. In Star’s eyes, it’s amazing how they do all these incredible things for others even without the need for magic!
Idk, I think all this would be a very sweet thing to brainstorm. Haven’t finished developing this idea yet but I’m loving it so far 💖
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Okay okay, I said I would talk about my theories on Ochako’s feelings for Toga, but most of it is based on simple parallels between bkdk.
Lets start with Katsuki Bakugou: Rising.
I can hear you saying, “Oh but Ochako hasn’t sacrificed herself for Toga/the other way around”. Correction, they haven’t done it yet.
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What do I mean by this? Well, let’s look at a more closely relating parallel in the newest chapter.
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These two panels align just, so well. TOO WELL, in my opinion. Too well to ignore.
Honestly I could see an Uraraka Ochako: Rising in some way. Some sort of apology for not seeing her as human; to show that she does genuinely care about toga. How she couldn’t stop thinking about her.
And yes, I’m well aware of Toga’s genuine acts of violence and Uraraka’s justified view of her at the time. I’m not saying she’s a bad person, but I’m saying that she isn’t a perfect person in this situation either. Even in this chapter, Toga was not seen as a “full on villain” until this rejection.
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Hell, she’s just following orders now because she thinks that will be her only purpose from here on out. Ochako and Toga need to prove their worth to each other, because if they don’t then they will never even accept themselves.
Ochako is like (and I couldn’t put this as well as angy-grr has), a weird hybrid between Izuku and Katsuki. She has Izuku’s martyr complex and Katsuki’s determination to win. They are both her biggest assets and weaknesses. Weaknesses that have been exploited, assets that she’s learned to be a better person.
And god, all for one is watchful. I’m sure at one point or another he’s going to use their love of each other against the other in some way, like keeping Toga to stay in line and keep fighting, or for Ochako to sacrifice/hurt herself in order to save a villain. It’s a double edged sword, they either have to literally refuse to express their feelings or hurt themself to do so.
And, while I do dislike Twice’s death, (bc it makes me sad not narrative reasons) it had so much purpose in Toga’s arc. It makes her have to question the ideas of death as valuable or not, is life valuable or not, and does she truly want to hurt the ones she loves, or does she just want to express the way that she’s been treated all her life?
Like, okay yes, Toga partly acts the way she does because of her quirk. But god dammit, it’s also because she’s expressing her trauma. On other people. She can kill whoever she wants, whenever she wants, because she loves them SO MUCH! Because, even though she hates her parents, that’s how they “expressed” their care and love for her.
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That’s what this scene was referencing. She views love as something she’s willing to let destroy her. Love is destruction, and if it’s not her then it’s the other person. She wants love to be tangible, yet out of reach. Like Sato or Izuku.
So when her first true experience with love, familial love with twice, it leaves this question:
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Because this, THIS MOMENT, is a lasts act of desperation. To find love without violence.
Just because toga seeks out violence for love, does NOT MEAN that she actually WANTS it. Unhealthy behaviors don’t just happen. Horikoshi is very much pushing nurture over nature throughout the story, so I feel like we focus too much on Toga’s quirk and the consequences to it, and not WHY there’s consequences in the first place.
You don’t just grow up and decide “I like when the people I love are bloody and beaten”. No, that’s caused by a deeper issue, one usually because of an innate experience.
Yes her eating the bird as a child was supposed to show that she had an attraction to blood, I know that, but we are also dismissing this the same as the heroes (like ochako) have throughout the story. “She was such a good kid until her quirk made her commit such violence!” THATS the storyline the news pushes.
And then when the reporter comments on it, she says that it is due to a society that actively suppresses quirks. Quirks, quirks, quirks. Who’s entire identity also surrounded the fact that he had a strong, flashy quirk that made him worth something?
And tell me, if Katsuki’s quirk truly was apart of his anger issues and general “explosive personality”, then why does he lose it the more he uses self introspection? Why does the explosive energy slowly descend into something more of a mask? If Ochako was bubbly because her quirk was cute and made her float, then for the love of god, why does she get more serious?
We have ignored this repeatedly as a fandom. Quirks are nature, isn’t that stated by people who are actively suppressive? Like Toga’s parents? Like AFO?
Toga isn’t violent because of her quirk, she’s violent because it was the only way the people who cared about her expressed love. For the love of god, Sato was literally in a fight when she fell in love with him. And Ochako, our amazing girlboss who’s changing the world, has finally put the pieces together.
Quirks aren’t nature.
And the fact of the matter is, you don’t come to that conclusion without a deep understanding and care for another person. You don’t see past that “nature” they’ve been taught. From Aizawa, to Mitsuki, to Izuku Midoriya.
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Hell, Uraraka thought Katsuki was just that stubborn! That there was no changing that! And yet, and yet, Izuku fucking came anyway. He came and he made kirishima take his hand because of WHAT OCHAKO SAID!
THIS is what Ochako’s character has been leading up to. Because she loves toga, and she doesn’t want to let her go. You don’t just, start wanting to save someone you see as irredeemable. That you don’t care about.
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hydrangeyes · 9 months
I ramble about headcanons while reading the artbook:
Here are my notes::
So idk if peeps talk about it but timeline wise I'm going to assume brozone's last concert had to be before the bergen fully captured the trolls.
I'm mainly basing this on the art work from the artbook, as well as how it would make sense how easily the older brothers could just walk off and live their own lives. Given previously with the whole bergen town surrounding the tree, and the only actual safe way out had to be a tunnel they were digging potentially not even ready yet.
So I would assume say a month at least after they left the bergen took over. Which could also play into all of them thinking the other was dead/captured and simply couldn't risk coming back even if they wanted too.
John dory returning when he had more experience and got "floyd's" letter. But for the most part genuinely was fine on his own. Maybe wanting to at least open communications back with his family.
Clay having found his way to Viv (I REFUSE to entertain the thought that he was with them when escaping just didn't contact branch or grandma)
I don't think floyd was even CLOSE to the tree to know. I imagine he did do a solo career but everything was so big and trolls being cared about wasn't till later. Which plays into that image of him playing alone in some alley on mount rageous.
Bruce traveled and maybe sent out a letter that never got received and found himself starting a new life and having kids.
I thought they were at MOST early 20s. Huh. Makes me wonder about the life spans of bergen.
I like to think outside bergen long since learned they don't have to eat trolls to be happy.
I need the extra of Viv consoling Poppy. Cause I need that.
I also need poppy and branch talking about sense of being left by siblings. How branch is still upset but dammit he's just as happy to be around them and singing with them again. How poppy just found a sibling who filled that unknown/forgotten side of her and having to potentially give a family member up. How now she understands branches hesitant to be involved with John dory at the start, etc etc.
I need more solo songs from the brothers. I need those scenes where they're bonding again. (Idk if you can tell but I want a TV series for the movie like the others).
I NEED backstop of the brother's parents and just WHERE are they if we're going with the before the bergen's theory.
I think it's funny before floyd and Branch were born. That Bruce was the middle child to probably dory's older brother and Clay's younger brother shenanigans. And then Clay becomes a middle child himself but not the peace maker kind lmao.
I need to see and hear that talk the sisters have with king peppy. Cause that whole side scene where he feels guilty was NOT enough.
I have this idea that what positivity was to branch in movie 1 is what being silly is to clay. Like it's not that they hate it but being taken serious and not always that one thing is a nice breath of fresh air. And maybe Viv had been someone who was able to welcome both sides for clay.
Branch is a poet idc what anyone says. He doesn't write anything bit he has his moments.
Also Poppy being a Clay stan idc idc idc
I LOVE SEEING MORE TYPES OF TROLLS. especially interesting when they don't seem like the typical singing ones!
Mount outrageous being a place without a single adult is... I have several questions on that. Whether that stayed in the final movie or not....
Concepts of the bergens remind me of old og Shrek designs.
Floyd not just being the more emotionally mature one is nice, he's also generally intelligent and clever/witty (from the artbook). Also, his style being confirmed emo is funny to me. Like, yeah, the hair is obvious, but now it gives me the pass to draw him wearing SO many cool/interesting outfits.
Creek concepts have me feeling annoyed at the fact that yeah... I can see it.
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nescaveckwriter · 8 months
Stethoscopes & Triangles - Chapter One ❤️‍🩹
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Sam Winchester x Reader (Aka - Amy Summers)
A/N: Heya bugsie 🐞, here is another fanfic, about Sam & Dean, was requested by a beautiful anon 💕 (I hope you like it darling)
Side Note: Thank You Bugsies for the love and support, I'm open to take more requests, as writing is one of my favourite things to do
Warnings: Death, Swearing, Angst, Hospital Scenes, Fluff
Code Blue!!! Code Blue!!!!
"Dammit!!! The kid keeps coding, come on buddy, pull through for me" she whispers while standing over him, giving him chest compressions.
"Doctor Summers, its no use, its been more than 15 minutes, he's gone!" The male nurse exclaims.
Her eyes throwing darts, "Dammit Jeremy! The kid is only five, we owe him, we have to try just once more."
Shaking his head in disbelief, agitated he says, "fine do what you want!"
The sweat on her forehead is visible, determination evident, "1...2...." Counting the chest compressions underneath her breath.
Standing back, while they place the defibrillator once again! Seeing the little boy's body jolting up and then down towards the bed again, is just one to much.
"Stop! Just stop it! He's gone, there's nothing we can do now!" Her voice stern and emotionless.
Calling the time, while removing her cloves, and letting it fall to the ground, walking out of the emergency room! Walking towards the parents, ''Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, I'm so sorry but unfortunately your son didn't make it'' her voice disinterested. Walking away till the sobbing off the parents becomes more, and more distant.
''Dr. Summers is truly a very cold person, don't you think Judy?'' his voice bitter.
Scornful she replies ''Jeremy, we are not suppose to talk about other people that way, especially not Dr. Summers, she is absolutely amazing at her work'' 
''Just because she's great doesn't mean she needs to be such a jerk'' he mumbled bitterly.
Staring at herself in the bathroom mirror, her bangs  still clinging to her sweaty face, her ocean blue eyes now, a distant grey, looking tired, trying to fight back the tears, cursing herself mentally for failing the little boy, recalling the crushed look on his parents face. Biting her tongue, the taste of blood, awakening her senses. Cupping her hands, bringing some water to her mouth, swooshing it around, then spitting the slightly red-pinkish water into the basin. ''Man Up Amy! Stop being a failure, you're such a disappointment to me'' hearing her father's gravelling voice in her head. 
Hearing the chatter of nurses coming closer, locking herself in one of the bathroom stalls, their voices fruity, but hushed ''That Dr. Summers is real something, she's so cold, how that hot hunky boyfriend can actually love her, blows my mind'' 
''Tell me about it Claire, what he sees in her, I have no idea, yes she has beautiful long black hair, and those blue eyes, and quite a fit physique as well, but her personality is so cold and distant.''
''Oooh I'll take that gorgeous looking man any day'' 
''Oh yeah, we'll be a better fit anyway, our personalities is warm and friendly, not like hers.''
''They don't call her doctor cold for nothing'' laughing as they walk away.
    Tears staining her velvety cheeks. ''Get yourself together Dr. Cold'' mocking herself. Unlocking the door, walking to the basin to wash her face. Dabbing the paper towel over her face, her mouth curved into a smile, revealing the dimples, Sam, amazingly handsome Sam, he always had a way of making her knees weak, ever since they met in college, they disliked each other at first, her nature hard and cold, and his soft, empathetic and so gentle, they'll clash about every little thing. They lived opposite from each other, but it changed one night, getting a 'D' in chemistry, and freaking out about it, she sat on the stairs at three in the morning, knowing her father is most probably going to kill her, she felt a big gentle hand on her shoulder, his smoky voice, full of empathy, ''whatever it is, its going to be okay.''
The two of them sat till the sun came up, shared stories about their father's and how if affected them. He asked her out two days after that, revealing he had felt this way for the longest time, and they've been going strong for a little over seven years. Moving in together was the next logical step after college, building a life together while she was busy with her residency and Sam serving articles for his clerkship, didn't come without challenges, but they made it, both of them have their dream jobs, and their good at what they do, even if it interferes with their social lives and especially their relationship, but their still holding on and going strong. The pager alerting her, there's yet another emergency, breaks her thoughts. Tossing the paper towel in the dustbin, she runs off to the ER.
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Unlocking the door with its detailed appearance, he walks in. Peeking in to the kitchen, then to  the living room, shaking his head at the sight of her sneakers laying upside down at the armchair. ''Babe, were are you at?'' hearing her mumbling something that's she's in the bathtub. Peeping inside, the bathroom smells like lavender, the fragmented candles reflecting the glow on her fair skin, her long hair, tied up in a messy bun, her body drenched under the hot water and the white soapy bubbles, creeping up to her collar bone. ''Damn your beautiful'' his voice smoky and slight breathy.
''Hey babe, thank you, I missed you today!'' her voice tired. 
Knowing her like the back of his hand, ''Sweetie, hard day at work?''
Tilting her head towards Sam, revealing her greyish blue orbs. ''I lost a five year old boy today, due to a damn drunken driver.'' her voice heavy with emotion.
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Concerned look on his face, his brows furrowed, ''Love I'm so sorry'' walking closer, landing a kiss on the crown of her head. Placing himself down on the floor next to the bathtub, taking her hand, stroking her lean fingers. His voice low, ''What can I do?'' 
''There's nothing you can do, babe, you being here is enough'' revealing the pain in her voice.
Looking up at her, stroking the tears off her dewy cheeks, knowing, that she's a strong women, but not really the cold person, she makes out to be. He whispers,  ''I'm here for you baby'' while kissing her softly. 
''Thank you love, I don't know what I will do without you.'' replying breathy.
A corner of his mouth lifted, ''Probably pass out due to hunger'' trying to lighten the mood, he suggests he'll make some dinner, while she relaxes a little more, and when she's ready, then the the food will be plated, and they'll binge, one of those home renovation shows she likes so much. 
''Sounds perfect thanks babe'' a soft giggle escapes her full lips.
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Giving her a small kiss he walks towards the kitchen, wondering if she knows how much he loves and adores her, no one get's him like she does, that's probably why he is planning to ask the big question, once he's done working this big case.
Chapter Two Here :)
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thaliaisalesbian · 1 year
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 4: and there you are
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ao3
Jonathan can’t help but keep glancing back at Steve, enough that the kids are all whispering about it. Despite being the one most well-versed with the Upside Down, he insisted on being behind all of them.
He can’t help but wonder if it’s because Steve is worried about slowing them down if he’s in the lead.
Jonathan knows the woods well enough, but not the way Will does. Steve’s just been living in them, lately.
When he looks back again, Steve and El are talking, and Dustin looks a little put out. He’d been next to Steve, a few minutes ago, but they hadn’t really been talking.
It’d be funny in any other situation; Dustin seems to think he has a claim on Steve that means none of the other kids can be close with him. 
“Where are we going, Steve?” Nancy calls from where she’s at the side of the group, between Mike and Max.
“El thinks if we get close enough to the Upside Down version of the lab she might be able to get us out.”
Why hadn’t any of them thought of that?
“Should she be doing that?” Mike snaps. “I thought you didn’t want her using her powers!”
Jonathan doesn’t know what it is Mike has against Steve, but it’s been like this all morning—at least, it’s morning if they’re still matched with Hawkins time.
It'd been different when he’d been a brat about Steve and Nancy dating—he'd had a little more reason, then. These days he’s mostly mean to Steve just because he can be, it seems like.
“I don’t.” Steve says. “Unless she has to. Getting us out of here seems like a ‘has to’ situation.” Mike grumbles a little, but he doesn’t have anything to say to that.
Eventually, they have to stop to take a break, and Jonathan tries not to think about what his mom must be thinking right now. She and Hopper might even be combing through the woods, looking for them. And the other kids—what have they told their parents? 
They’re all in so much trouble when they get home.
“How much farther do we have to walk?” Dustin asks, too loudly. Even the t-shirt mask doesn’t muffle his voice much.
“Keep it down, okay?” Steve sighs. “We’re about halfway there. We’ll probably be back in Hawkins by sunrise tomorrow.”
“How do you know that?”
“I mean, I don’t. I’m guessing on the time frame there.” He shrugs, and when the leaves rustle, tightens his grip on the bat, stepping in front of the kids.
“It’s me, I’m sorry.” Max steps out. “I told Nancy where I was going.”
“That’s okay, Max.” Steve tugs her braid. “Jonathan, do you want to switch for the next half, or are you good up front?”
“We can switch.” When the kids are distracted, he watches Steve slip some of his crackers to El. She doesn’t seem to notice that she's gotten extra.
Steve’s much thinner than he was last time Jonathan saw him. He doesn’t need to be giving the kids extra food. They’ve got enough crackers to last them for the rest of the day, at least. And at this point, he doesn’t think any of them would actually complain about the hunger—they’ve kids, but Jonathan knows that at least Max has clocked how skinny Steve is now. Will, probably, too. They’re the least likely to make a scene of it, which is good for Steve.
“Worried about your mom?” Steve leans against the tree next to him, and if Jonathan didn’t know that he’d been sleeping in them, he’d be wondering how he does it. The trees mostly look like normal trees, but some of them are so infected with rot, and covered with all of those vines, that just looking at them makes him feel queasy.
continue below or finish on ao3
“Yeah. She’s not going to take this well.”
“Can’t blame her. Hopper’s going to be pissed, too.”
“Well, I think the first priority is going to be making sure you’re okay.”
Wrong thing to say. So, so wrong. Dammit, Jonathan, this was going well. Maybe he could have said something about needing to talk, later, when they’re out of here.
“I’ll be fine, I told you.” Steve won’t look at him. 
Jonathan doesn’t believe him. Not for a second. He's got to be hurting right now; he probably hasn't slept in days.
“I know, but you’ve got demodog bite wounds on both legs. I wouldn’t be standing.”
“It’s fine. I hardly feel it anymore.”
He doesn’t believe that, either, but he lets it go. Fighting with Steve about this isn’t going to get them out any sooner, and he feels like every time he tries, he’s just going to mess it up even more.
“Alright, kiddos, let’s move.” He thinks Steve winces a little when he pushes off the tree, but it’s hard to say if it’s part of the motion or actually from pain.
Steve makes contact with each of the kids at least once before they start moving again—messing with their hair, adjusting masks, squeezing their shoulders.
It’s like he has to remind himself that they’re here, that they’re real.
Oh, god. 
Has he been hallucinating them? Or hearing them? Had he heard their voices when they were searching for him?
Maybe Jonathan should have said something to Hopper about that conversation, when they were checking things out. Maybe Steve would have heard him. Maybe he’d be more willing to let them help him.
Will drops back to walk with him as they start moving again.
“Mom’s not going to let us out of the house for weeks.”
“We’ll deserve it.” He agrees. “Are you—”
“I’m okay. Really. You’re here, and so is everyone else. Steve’s never let anything happen to one of us before, he won’t now.” 
Will's unwavering trust in Steve is heartening, but it's the kind of thing Jonathan is worried about. 
That Steve is going to end up getting himself killed for them.
“That’s good, Will.” is what he settles on saying, because he’s not going to tell his kid brother that he thinks Steve has a different plan than the rest of them.
One that doesn’t involve all of them leaving the Upside Down.
Steve sets a faster pace than Jonathan did. He’s not sure why they haven’t come across any demogorgons or demodogs yet, but he doesn’t want to risk it.
Maybe the group of them isn’t as appealing as just him. Are they smart enough to know when they're outnumbered?
He doesn’t really care, so long as none of the kids get hurt.
No one else is getting hurt on his watch.
He knows he’s not a good enough liar to fool Jonathan and Nancy about how much pain he’s actually in, so he’s staying away from them for now. El probably knows, but she won’t say anything.
At least not yet.
He’s had more than a few migraines while he’s supposed to be watching her, and she seems to understand now that not every one means he needs someone to come and take care of him.
The first few, she’d called Hopper or Joyce to come over; they’d usually make him stay the night.
As if Hopper wasn’t going to make him do that anyway.
Despite the faster pace, they don’t take any more breaks. The kids are all hungry and complaining, but the truth is they don’t have a lot of food left. He doesn’t want to waste time getting them to the lab—getting them out of here—if he can help it.
It’s already been a lot easier than it should be, like something knows what their plan is and is going to have something waiting there for them.
Or maybe he’s just being pessimistic.
“We are near.” El doesn’t grab his hand this time, and he glances down at her. “You will go first.”
“No, El, I can’t do that. You and the other shitheads will, okay?”
“No. You. You pushed them out.”
“El—” He doesn’t want to tell her that it’s better if he’s the one left behind. That he should be the one left behind. It will just be easier for all of them if he is. He knows they’ll miss him, but they’ll have each other. They’ll probably forget about him by the time they graduate high school. “El, you’re still all kids, you’re going first.”
“Then you.”
“And then Jonathan, Nancy and I will follow, yeah.”
“No. Then you. Promise.”
“I can’t do that, El.”
“Promise. Now.”
“I can’t. We don’t know if there will be any demogorgons there, and if there are, then I’ll be fighting them, and I won’t be able to keep my promise.”
She watches him for a long moment, thinking about what he’s said. She doesn’t look happy about it, but she nods.
“There.” El points ahead of them.
Well, at least from here it still looks abandoned.
Nancy adjusts her grip on her pistol a little as they get closer to the Upside Down version of the lab. The whole walk over was just… way too easy. She knows it’s got Steve set on edge too, from the tension in his back, and when she glances behind her Jonathan has his bat raised already.
“Okay, El, do your thing.” They stop right outside the gates. Hopefully it’s close enough.
It takes a few minutes, the kids circling around El as if to protect her while she’s got her eyes closed.
El’s gate doesn’t look quite like the one they came through, but that might be normal; it’s not like she’d been attention to how the gate looked when Steve was still on the other side. Steve helps Will and Dustin through, picking them up when it’s a little too high for them to reach, Jonathan boosting Mike and Lucas.
Steve’s just grabbed Max when Jonathan yells, and Nancy doesn’t think she hears much of anything past the first word.
She’s shoved to the ground, and then Steve and Jonathan are both standing over her, bats raised.
Getting to her knees takes longer than it should. She can just see the kids’ faces through the gate, all of them screaming, but she can’t hear them either.
“El!” Steve hits the demogorgon closest to him—one of three; they’d barely beaten two yesterday— “Get out of here!”
“No! No, Steve! You first!”
“El, go!” When she doesn’t move, Nancy pulls herself up on the fence and staggers over. If it were Mike, she probably wouldn’t be able to pick him up easily, but El is still small enough that it’s not too difficult to get her through the gate.
“No!” El screams, kicking at her. “NO! STEVE!”
But it’s too late. None of the kids are tall enough to get back through alone.
Nancy turns around just in time to shoot the demogorgon that’s trying its best to eat Steve.
It’s still not enough.
She’s never shot with a pistol in each hand, but if she hits one of the boys they’ll all be dead anyway, so she might as well try.
Steve and Jonathan alternate hits on the demogorgons without getting too close, and she falls into their pattern, shooting at the ones Jonathan is going for. She takes a step back, so close to the gate she can feel the change in energy, and hopes they can hear her.
“Keep backing up! El can’t hold it forever!”
Nancy’s not sure El is holding the gate open anymore; she doesn’t know if picking her up broke her concentration enough to stop her.
When the smaller two demogorgons start backing off, she fires her last rounds and turns into the gate.
“It’s closing!” The kids are there, pulling her off the ground when she falls through, and yelling at Steve and Jonathan.
It’s probably a good thing they did this way out here.
What would the town think, if they’d seen this?
It would be a disaster. EL would be taken away. Steve would be taken away, probably for testing.
She can’t do anything but watch, wondering if this is going to have the same outcome as the last time they did this.
God, she really hopes not. She doesn’t think Steve would survive another month in there.
On the other side of the gate, Steve is still swinging, but he’s slower than he was yesterday.
Jonathan manages to pull him through, arms around his waist. El sticks her hand out and the gate folds in on itself.
“Nancy, how fast can you run?” Jonathan gasps out.
“Or one of the kids, it doesn’t matter, just go.” Jonathan is mostly supporting Steve, she can see that now, when she couldn’t through the gate. “Find Hopper, find Mom, someone. The faster the better.”
When she steps around to look at them probably, she sees that Jonathan isn’t just supporting Steve—he’s hiding how bad it is from the kids.
“Go in groups.” She turns to the kids, trying to stay calm. “Will, El, Max, you go to the cabin. Hopper might be there, and you can call from there, too. Dustin, Lucas, Mike, go to our house. You know where my stash is?” It’s not like she can tell her parents why she needs guns, or extra cash for times like… well, like this.
Mike nods. “Good. Take it all and go to the store and buy a first aid kit. A big one.”
She’s pretty sure the hospital won’t be able to take Steve—and she doesn’t want to risk him being taken away from them for good. The bigger one is definitely too far away, even with a car. He’d probably bleed out.
And they can't explain his injuries easily, either. They don’t have bears around here to blame it on, they don’t have any natural creature around here that could cause this damage.
“Where are you going?” Dustin asks. He’s not even trying to look around to see Steve.
“We’ll meet you at the Byers.” The cabin might be closer, but taking Steve back through the forest, having to navigate branches and roots while he’s like this, it’d be too hard. It would slow them down so much. Staying on paved surfaces will be easier and safer.
Nancy waits until the kids have all set off before pulling Steve’s other arm around her shoulders.
“The kids—” She doesn’t know how he’s awake, much less talking, despite how slurred it is. But it means he’s alive. If he’s talking, he’s breathing, and he’s alive. So he can talk all he wants. 
“They’re fine, Steve.”
It’s going to be a long walk. Hopefully Hopper or Joyce will be able to meet them at some point, but she doesn’t know where they are, or how long it will take the kids to get into contact with them.
Nancy’s not even going to let herself hope that they get here before she and Jonathan manage to get to the Byers’.
<- 3 5 ->
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wandering-words · 1 year
Hello! I love your writing! Would it be possible to ask for 3 and 13, maybe?? Avanine, please! Thank you!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy my writing! Sorry this prompt fill took longer than usual to fulfill, I just wanted to wait until “Mom” was out to make it perfect :)
3 - forehead kisses & 13 - family
As much as Ava pretended not to listen to anything Janine said, she knew what Janine’s relationship with her mom was like. She knew that Janine’s mom was careless, neglectful, and didn't respond to Janine’s constant calls or texts. She also knew that Janine still loved her and chased her for affection despite her misgivings, which made Ava feel something in her stomach that she couldn’t identify. 
All of the pieces came together when Ava recognized Janine’s mom, Vanetta. She’d never asked the woman’s last name, just knew that Vanetta knew how to work a club more than anyone else. 
Sometimes even more than Ava. 
Because while Ava knew how to work a crowd, she was careful about what she revealed about herself, if anything. She danced on whoever she wanted, but she was quick to leave and not make it too personal. 
When they danced on tables together, Vanetta was always the person to take a customer to one of the club’s back rooms while Ava would reject any advances made her way, slip an unassuming wrap around her shoulders, and exit the club quietly and quickly. 
It was painfully ironic that Vanetta was Janine’s parent, being so neglectful of her own child while being so mindful of strangers and the money in their pockets. 
Ava might be able to beat Vanetta in a fight, or at least she would get brutally hurt trying, but she didn’t want to cause a scene. Not when Barbara was so poised, her posture perfectly straight and her voice calm and soothing as it always was. This was a better fight for Barbara to fight, using her words and calm sensibility.  
It was only when Ava saw Vanetta waltzing out of the school, her glossed lips pursed into a thin line and her absent brown eyes trained on the exit, that Ava felt a white hot rush of anger sweep through her. 
Vanetta gave Janine so much shit, and it hurt Ava to see Janine look so downcast, her eyes watering as if she were about to cry with every mindless quip Vanetta threw her way. 
Only Ava could talk to Janine like that, dammit. And it wasn’t so personal from the principal, either, it was always a dig about something shallow, like Janine being uncool or her height, and it wasn’t like Janine cared about Ava’s opinion anyway. 
But she actually cared about Vanetta. Wanted to try to have some semblance of a proper mother-daughter relationship, one that was based on love and respect and support. 
Janine was nowhere to be found, so this could stay between them, anyway. 
“Vanetta,” Ava ground out, and Vanetta turned to Ava with a sharp glare. 
“What do you want? If you’re going to cross any boundaries like that Howard woman, then I don’t want to hear it.” Her fingers were splayed on her hips, and she looked at Ava with a glare so intense that Ava almost backed down. 
“Look, I don’t want a fight,” Ava said, throwing her hands up, “but the insults? She actually cares about what you think.” 
Vanetta scoffed. “What insults?” Her accented voice, which already lilted higher with some words, seemed almost shrill. “She’s the daughter I’m actually proud of!”
“You’re only proud of her because she gives you money.” The words slipped out before Ava could stop them, and at Vanetta’s shocked expression, one that quickly morphed into a sharp glare, Ava knew she’d gone too far. 
“That is none of your business!” Vanetta shrieked.
Kids were still trickling out, looking at the two of them with wide eyes, and then Vanetta looked her up and down, kissing her teeth. 
“I would beat your ass if the kids weren’t still here,” Vanetta muttered, quietly so only Ava could hear, gritting her teeth, and Ava shrugged, pretending like the words didn’t affect her. 
(She claimed in her head that she could beat Vanetta in a fight. She claimed the contrary for the cameras, just so that she had an excuse to leave after throwing a petty insult towards Janine, but if given the chance, then maybe she could if Vanetta wasn’t wearing those sharp green acrylics. 
But the woman wasn’t worth her time or energy. And Ava was pretty sure, deep down, that she couldn’t actually take her.)
Then she turned and left the building, turning to give Ava one last threatening glance as if she’d hunt the principal down herself just to get back at her, before slamming the doors behind her. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” 
It was Janine, and when Ava turned around, not expecting to hear the shorter woman’s quiet voice, Ava deflated just slightly. 
When she noticed the camera crew packing up, the cameras too disassembled to be put together fast enough to catch their interactions, Ava deflated just a bit more. 
“Look, I recognize her from the club. If she can take enough time to care about that, she should take the time to care for you, too.” 
Ava didn’t like to be sincere like this, but with no camera evidence and Janine looking so small and unsure, the words just… slipped out. 
Janine just looked bashful, a wide smile creeping up on her face, but she looked down at her feet, as if by looking at her shoes Ava couldn’t see the pure joy emanating from her face. 
(Maybe Janine actually cared about what Ava thought.)
At this point, the hallway was empty. Most of the staff had headed home, and the only sound that Ava could consciously process was the clacking of her heels against the reflective beige floors as she got closer to Janine.
Janine looked up at Ava with wide, fearful eyes, but Ava didn’t want to fight her, not really. Usually Ava would take an opportunity like this to throw a shallow insult Janine’s way, but the thought of doing that in this moment, a moment charged with an electricity Ava didn’t want to couldn’t process, she didn’t. 
Instead, she did something even more horrifying and embarrassing. 
Before Ava could fully process the implications of her actions and what they meant for the currently charged dynamic between them, Ava was cradling Janine’s cheeks and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. 
A kiss that told her that she was there, that she supported her, that she was in Janine’s corner whether she acted like it or not. 
Janine’s smile grew even bigger, and the shorter woman’s arms were wrapped around Ava’s neck before Ava could step away. 
“Thank you,” Janine murmured into her shoulder, and Ava knew what she was thanking her for. 
Not for the confrontation, because Janine handled Vanetta quite well on her own, but for the acknowledgement that Ava didn’t hate her, and that she was, in fact, on Janine’s side. That she was rooting for her. 
And that was enough for both of them. 
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
I’d like a little scene of smoll Ford having a nightmare and mustering the courage to go up to Angie and Stan’s room for comfort^^
Happy early birthday ;)
Thank you :)
I also got this request from an Anonymous, who specified they would like it during the time when Stan doesn't know the kid he's taking care of is actually his twin, not his twin's son. So I went with that for this, so that it fulfills both requests in one. Hope you like it!
              Ford sat bolt upright, heart racing, covered in a cold sweat.  He quickly grabbed one of his many stuffed animals at hand, a plush axolotl given to him by Angie.  Squeezing the stuffed animal close to his chest, he tried to steady his breathing.
              It’s okay.  Everything’s okay.  Ground yourself in the now.  Though he was able to calm his pounding heart, the anxiety didn’t fade.  Dammit.  Come on.  I don’t want to do it.  Ford closed his eyes, but immediately opened them again, unnerved by the loss of the soft glow of his nightlight.
              “No,” he whined out loud.  He hung his head with a sigh.
              Time for the nuclear option.  Still clinging to his stuffed animal, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and slid off.  His bedroom door was ajar, and he pushed it open the rest of the way as he exited.  Thankfully, Stan and Angie had installed a nightlight in the hallway, not just his bedroom.  They claimed that it was in case Ford needed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but given how many times they made it clear he could visit them if he had a nightmare, he felt it wasn’t the only reason.  Damned nightmares.  I can’t even remember what they’re about when I wake up!  Why is something I don’t remember keeping me from falling asleep?!  But that had been the case ever since he was reduced to a child.  Hopefully, seeking comfort from his twin would be less humiliating than from his former foster parents, Wyatt and Madeline.
              Ford knew the way to Stan and Angie’s bedroom, but even if he didn’t, he would have found it immediately.  Stan’s snoring could probably be heard two houses over.
              Honestly, it’s a miracle he found a spouse who can sleep through it.  Ford tentatively pushed open the bedroom door.  Angie’s side of the bed faced the door.  She was sleeping facedown, her limbs akimbo.  Ford was reminded of his college roommate, Fiddleford McGucket, who slept in the same manner.  It wasn’t the first time Angie reminded him of his old friend.  But Fiddleford talked about his family a lot.  None of his relatives have a name as normal as “Angie”.
              Ford walked around to Stan’s side of the bed.  Stan was sleeping on his back, possibly the cause of his snoring, and sprawled, but less than Angie.  Ford nervously tugged on Stan’s arm dangling over the side of the bed.  The snoring stopped immediately.
              “Whuzza…oh.”  Stan turned onto his side.  “Ford?”
              “Yes,” Ford squeaked.
              “What’s going on?” Stan asked.
              “I, um, I had- I had a-” Ford stammered.  To his frustration, he didn’t feel any less embarrassed asking for comfort from Stan.  Thankfully, Stan caught on.
              “Did you have a nightmare?” Stan asked softly.  Ford nodded, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.  “Do you want to snuggle with me and Angie?”
              It’s “Angie and I”, Stanley.  You’re a teacher, you should have better grammar.  Ford immediately felt bad.  Don’t be ornery towards someone you’re asking for help.
              “Yes,” Ford mumbled.
              “No problem,” Stan said.  “You’re in luck, actually.  Half the time, Angie takes all the blankets.  The other half of the time, she throws ‘em all off.  Tonight’s a night she’s not being a blanket hog.”  Ford made a noncommittal noise.  “Wanna hand getting up?”
              “Yes, please.”
              “You got it.”  Stan reached down, picked Ford up, and set him on the bed, between himself and Angie.  “Go ahead and crawl under the covers, sport.”  Ford obediently pulled the blanket over him.  Stan turned to face him.  “…Wanna talk about it?”
              “About what?”
              “Your nightmare,” Stan said.  “If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s fine.  But I figured I’d ask.”  Ford looked at his stuffed animal, avoiding eye contact with Stan.
              “I don’t remember it,” he said quietly.  Stan was silent for a moment.
              “Do you really not remember or are you saying that to avoid talking about it?” he asked pointedly.
              “I don’t remember!” Ford said, louder than he meant to.  He winced.
              “Don’t worry, you’re not gonna wake up Angie,” Stan said, immediately picking up on what Ford was worried about.  “She sleeps through everything.  She falls off the bed at least once a week and doesn’t realize until her alarm goes off and she wakes up on the floor.”
              “Oh.  Good.”
              “I believe you that you don’t remember your nightmare,” Stan continued.  “But I wanted to make sure you weren’t saying that just to keep me from getting upset.  Like I said, it’s fine if you don’t wanna talk about it.  I’m not gonna try to pull it outta you.  Even kids have boundaries that need to be respected.”
              “Did you learn that phrase from An- Aunt Angie?” Ford muttered.
              Dammit, I almost forgot to tack “Aunt” in front of Angie’s name.  This façade is difficult to keep up during the day, let alone in the middle of the night.  Stan chuckled.
              “You’re just like your dad, you know that?”  He ruffled Ford’s hair.  “All right, if you don’t wanna talk about stuff, let’s focus on getting to sleep.  We’ve got school in the morning.”  Ford nodded silently.  He rolled over, facing away from Stan.  To his surprise, he felt Stan’s hand on his back, making gentle circular motions.  “Remember, kid.  You’re safe here.”
              “Yeah.”  Ford closed his eyes, already feeling better.  “I know.”
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
For the character thing. Warren Worthington, Viktor from Arcane, and... the Corinthian
Ooh okay!
Send Me A Character and I'll Give You....
1: sexuality headcanon - oh he's very much bisexual. I'm surprised they haven't made it canon yet tbh 2: otp - canon-wise, him and Psylocke. Though is it wrong to say my own OC too? 3: brotp - I like the idea of him and Kurt making up after the fight and eventually getting to be really good friends 4: notp - I see people shipping him with Bobby and I don't really get it? No harm to those shippers just not my cup of tea 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - hates hospitals and gets severe medical anxiety after what his father put him through in his childhood. Thankfully his healing factor is usually strong enough to avoid it though. 6: favorite line from this character - "Sometimes I feel unimportant, like all I do is catch those that fall. But I look like an angel. People call me an angel. And though I'm not taking names, I'm the one who is most visually saving lives. I'm doing alright, and dammit, I'm an X-Man" 7: one way in which I relate to this character - only one? uhhhhh how about all the rampant unexplained medical issues that first sprung up at age 12 and had me locking myself in the bathroom? among a lot of other things 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - there's one moment in the comics where he's kinda misogynistic towards Jean? It's from one of the very first X-Men runs from the 60s 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - both, and I mean that genuinely. Un-brainwashed he's a bit more of a cinammon roll, but then there's everything in the Apocalypse arc...
Viktor (fair warning I haven't watched Arcane in a while)
1: sexuality headcanon - gay, possibly ace or demi 2: otp - him and Jayce I guess? I don't really have one tbh 3: brotp - Don't really have one of these either. I guess it could be fun to see him and Jinx make friends, since they're both kinda inventors and that could be interesting 4: notp - none? Look After is literally the only Arcane fic I read right now, so I don't really know who he gets shipped with to begin with 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - uhhh everyone has chronic lung problems from the pollution in the Undercity but it affects him worse because he's prone to asthma/bronchitis/other lung conditions 6: favorite line from this character - "We lost ourselves. Lost our dream. In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good." 7: one way in which I relate to this character - Joint problems babeyyy 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - none? Been a while since I've seen the show, don't remember any specific moments 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon - not a headcanon but Neil Gaiman's confirmed he's pan and I like that 2: otp - again, do my OCs count? Nothing compares to Prometheus 3: brotp - don't really have one, but I want him and Hob to dish about Morpheus being a little bitch (/j) 4: notp - Corintheus. I get that it's popular but Dream's technically his creator and that just... gets weird to me. 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - he's got a soft spot for kids and genuinely doesn't want to hurt/scare them, it's the adults he gets fed up with 6: favorite line from this character - "You ever notice that people only ever use your name when you're in trouble? 'Get over here, Jed!'" (it's not the most impactful line of his but I think the delivery is really fun) 7: one way in which I relate to this character - on a simpler note... general Southern-ness I guess? But also the themes of being neglected/seen as inherently flawed by a parent (which... may be a repeat trend for me, just look at Warren lmao) 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - In the comics, when he gets remade the first time and is first relearning about the Dreaming and what happened. It's a great scene overall, there's just something about the way Dream and Matthew talk to him that feels a little weird to me. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Problematic fave, no doubt
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azurdlywisterious · 4 months
OC Pride Parade (9/12)
Danburite "Danny" Skinner
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Who would've thought Danny's happy ending would've been in a Fallout 3 fanfic that reads like a rejected season of Supernatural?
Some fun facts about him:
Okay, so, he's going through it. Possessed and tormented by the demon prince, Paimon (thx mom) as well as getting the pleasure of hearing the voice of his sister (who's stuck in a mirror dimension) taunt him.
Even worse he's had a crush on Butch DeLoria for the past... forever.
Oh and also has a smaller crush on Amata.
I mean eventually through a series of even more unfortunate and wacky events the three of them end up in a polycule but that is a story for like another post that also features a chart and at least three musical numbers
Maxed out an offbrand version of Just Dance with Amata when they were younger (to the point that they started making up weird challenges because it was either that or play baseball)
As is my nature, my Fallout 3 fanfic is half told in jukebox musical format (including and I'm not joking, literally singing a line from "Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf" during one of the tutorial scenes because I thought that I was gonna have to make up some scenario to shoehorn in the second verse of "Unrequited Love and He Who Sleeps Beneath" and apparently no thats just in the actual game if i ignore what everyone is saying which is easy since Danny's perception is canonically a 3 and then i opened my mouth and it was a very similar worded line from a song about infidelity)
Oh and also at least one Crazy Ex Girlfriend song (but more accurately it's probably five)
And a song about Security Breach: Ruin and like half of MARINA's discography. Anyways.
Oh yeah he also blew up Megaton because Paimon made him and said sister trapped in the mirror dimension tried to kill him when they were kids (this is why she's in the mirror dimension long story)
thanks to the demon possession, his strength is an 8 and charisma is a 1. His intelligence being a 10 is caused by everything else (literally i wrote a scene where butch is bleeding out long story and one of danny's many thoughts is "I remember my dad telling me in middle school that the human body has about five liters of blood in it when I helped him with the yearly blood drive." cool danny. very normal)
Has a sledgehammer that he found back in the grayditch subway that he named "Clarisse."
And some fun facts about his creation:
So much of Danny's life in the Vault is just me projecting my time in private school onto him. And also changing things because dammit I would've much rather have played Just Dance than play kickball again I fucking hate kickball and its been nearly a decade since I last played kickball but that resentment is still buried deep inside my psyche. (Funny enough I actually like baseball).
He was originally made as ttrpg character for a sequel campaign (his mom was a reverse psychologist and also a catgirl). One of our party members had a cousin named Leonid which our dm made the mistake of using Butch as the face claim for him. And i have been utterly smitten for the fucking t-bird reject ever since.
Danny's whole thing was originally thought reading and this is the only version of him that can't do that (funny enough this is the version my friends hate the least).
From the very beginning hes been a bi oriented ace, though this is the only version that actually gets some sort of a happy ending
The glasses he wears are fakes and always have been (the ttrpg was set in a magic world and both of his original parents were magic doctors and my dm said there was no reason for him to have bad eyesight but I wanted him to have glasses so I just said that they were fakes. And now it's a quintessential part of his character!)
Butch canonically dyed his hair for this picture
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This one for the Doctor AU:
We had Thena loosing a patient but what if Gil looses patients as well?
Heads lift and turn and spring up all over the floor at the sound. It's one many of them have never heard before, even if the voice is familiar to them. It just doesn't happen like this.
Thena puts her charts down, not even looking behind her as she starts to move.
"Gil," Kingo says gently, trying to reach for his partner and pull him up off the ground--away from the stretchers with the two patients they were trying to save. "Come on-"
"Shit!" Gil continues to curse up a storm, a far cry from his usually cheery and jovial self. He stands and stumbles back into Kingo after his exhaustive efforts to continue chest compressions even after they exceeded the voltage safe to exercise on such a young life.
Kingo looks back at Thena as she walks down the hallway towards them. She takes one look at things and he shakes his head. The closer she gets the more she can see what has Gilgamesh so beside himself.
He rushes off, careful not to knock into her on his war path. A few interns snooping around do not get the same courtesy, all but sent flying as he seeks the refuge of an on-call room before he starts really laying waste to something.
Everyone but Kingo and Thena are left reeling in the wake of the display from who is usually the gentlest and lightest of heart among them. Thena kneels down, pressing her fingers to skin and using her stethoscope. She looks at her watch and then up at Kingo who nods. "Time of death, 11:47 am."
A car crash involving a family of four. Parents dead on scene. Daughters - age 6 and 9 - rushed to hospital via ambulance. Eldest suffers internal injuries (DOA). Youngest arrives at hospital and codes en route.
Thena closes the door to the on-call room behind her. The place is a disaster, only safe from Gil actually picking things up and throwing them. He's not really the type to throw punches when he's upset, but she can't blame him for his strife.
He runs his hand through his hair, faced away from her. "You can't be here, honey. I just...I need to..."
There's no end to the statement. She knows that he doesn't want her to witness his hurricane--to risk suffering getting caught up in it. She comes up behind him though, running her hand over his arm as she moves to sit on the oncall bed in front of him. "Gil."
He shakes his head, eyes completely full of tears. "They're just kids."
"I know," she whispers, pulling ever so gently on him. Gravity does the rest and he collapses into her, arms around her waist, his face pressed into the front of her scrubs. He's still covered in blood from the other girl.
Gil lets out a scream that rattles the room and probably outside of it too. It's agonised and raw and sounds like an animal in pain. His tears accompany it. "They're so young."
Thena listens to him get out his grief (a mere drop in an ocean to come). She rubs his back and his shoulders as he cilngs to her, sobbing into her lap.
"Th-They're-" he gasps, his whole body shuddering and trying to force him forward as a means of getting rid of what's wreaking havoc on his nervous system. "Six--she's six! She didn't...she's hasn't..."
"Sh, love," Thena whispers and coos to him as another scream tears out of him. She continues to hold him as best she can, wishing she could take even a drop of this pain from him.
"They didn't see anything," he whimpers, pressing his cheek to her thigh, "they didn't do anything. They were too young."
They're always too young.
"We could have-"
"No, Gil," she whispers, moving her hand to run through the dark feathery hair at the top of his head.
"If we had-"
"No," she shakes her head, running her hands over him gently. "There was nothing you could have done differently for those kids."
As much as they always wish there was.
His body finally loses some of its momentum and he truly slumps into her, devoid of strength. His hand clutches a fistful of the back of her scrubs, "it's not fair."
"It's not," she agrees, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
"Why," he whimpers, snivelling more than wailing from deep within his chest.
"I don't know, baby," she whispers to him, pressing her lips to wherever she can reach. "I'm sorry."
"Not fair," he sighs again, now that his steam has run out. He loosens his hold on her.
Thena looks up at him as he pulls himself back to his feet. This is what really makes Gil the strongest one in the hospital. It's not that massive frame or any of his muscles; Gil has never had to leave a run early, even on the worst of worst days. She holds his hand delicately as she stands with him. "Hey."
He looks at her, and he looks just as bad as he must feel. She presses her - always a little cold - hand to his cheek, around his flushed and puffy eyes. "You okay?"
"No," he tells her truthfully, nuzzling into her touch like that's what's going to help him get back out there again.
Thena just nods. She would work the next 48 hours straight if it meant she could send Gil home right now. But he's not one of her doctors, or nurses, or interns. He's only the most important person in the world to her.
Gil sighs through his nose and holds her palm still so he can kiss it. "Thanks, sweetheart. I'll be okay."
"Will you?" she asks, desperate to make sure that, even if he's lying, that she can see for herself the severity of it.
"No," he smiles and shakes his head, and at least he's not lying about that. He pulls his hand back to himself as he prepares to leave their little haven and be separated from her again.
"Hey," she rushes to catch him before he opens that door--before they're plunged into the cold waters of their work life again. She moves swiftly, barely stopping her momentum enough to lean up and kiss him softly.
He leans into her like he's aching for it. After they're both off and out of this godforsaken hospital he can have all the kisses he likes--anything he needs to put this day a little further behind him.
She runs her hand down his chest, hoping that he knows just how much she wants to take this on for him--how much she loves him and how much she would be willing to endure in the name of that.
He nods. He knows--he always knows, when it comes to her. He leans down for one more kiss before turning and leaving before either of them lose what self-control they're clinging to and just stay in here for the rest of the night.
Kingo is hovering at a concerned but respectful distance. He nods at Gil, "yeah?"
"Yeah," Gil confirms, not at all concerned about the obvious evidence of his crying. He sighs heavily and looks at Thena again, "the family-"
"I'll call them, Gil," Thena assures him, her hands hovering at her sides, dying to reach out for him again, even under the unforgiving fluorescents of the hallway. "I'll do it personally."
His eyes are so, so sad. "You sure, hon?"
She nods, needing no fake smiles with him. "It's okay, Gil. I'll take care of them."
In his place, she'll take the best care she can of anyone left reeling after such a loss. Because if he were here to do it, he wouldn't rest until he had done everything he could for them.
He gives her another unapologetically sad smile before falling in step with Kingo, who glances at her behind him.
"Take care of him for me," she whispers, assured as Kingo gives between Gil's shoulders a pat, heading towards the next call and hoping it goes better.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 048
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What’s that?  The Zamasu Saga doesn’t suck enough?   Well, what if we throw in some Pilaf!
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In the future, Trunks flies into a rage and attacks Goku Black for killing (ha!) Mai.  But it doesn’t work.  Black is too strong, so all Trunks can do is throw his sword like a boomerang to spoil Black’s aim, then use a Masenko to cover his escape. 
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By the time Black locates Trunks, he’s already launched the time machine, and he disappears into the past before Black can figure out what’s happened.  All he knows for sure is that Trunks is gone.
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Meanwhile, in the present day main timeline, we find this world’s Trunks doing a math class in his home.  I guess Bulma hired a tutor or something.   Also, he’s got Pilaf, Mai, and Shu taking the classes with him. 
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This is another huge problem with this arc.  In a lot of episodes, time is pissed away by having the Pillaf gang uselessly comment on whatever is happening.  We’ll see this demonstrated later, but in this scene Pilaf does a whole bit when Trunks struggles to solve a math problem.  Everything just turns into this long, drawn out nonsense whenever Pilaf is nearby, because he doesn’t understand what’s going on with the plot, and no one ever explains it to him, and yet he feels compelled to babble endlessly about it.  And the people making this show thought you really wanted to see every second of this. 
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There is a scene here which I appreciate.  I must have missed it on the first viewing in 2016, but Mai thanks Trunks for letting them live in the Capsule Corp. building.  This happened off-screen, but according to Trunks, they seemed to be having a hard time, and the house has plenty of rooms, so why not invite them to live here?  The way the Pilaf Gang have been lurking around so many major characters lately, it’s probably not much of a stretch that they ran into Trunks recently. 
The point of this, of course, is that Trunks is sweet on Kid Mai, which is meant to reflect the apparent relationship between Future Trunks and Future Mai.  This saga keeps insisting that this somehow matters, but it never leads to any profound connection.  Pilaf and Shu keep talking about it anyway, though, so that’s another tedious thing to sit through.
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While they eat lunch on the balcony, they notice the time machine arriving in the backyard, and Trunks is astonished to find his future self inside.  Of course he doesn’t realize it’s his future self just yet.  Starting out, he’s just confused by the resemblance, and he doesn’t understand why Bulma keeps calling him “Trunks” too.  Pilaf speculates that Future Trunks is actually a secret love child Bulma had long before she married Vegeta. 
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Much of this episode is an obnoxious game of telephone.  Trunks gets Pilaf to get Shu to get Bulma, who then tells Whis to tell Vegeta to tell Goku to tell Korin to get a senzu bean for Future Trunks.  This is like watching someone dial a phone in a movie.  You don’t have to show this part, dammit!
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Also, everyone keeps freaking the fuck out in this episode, which is just really annoying. 
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Oh, Korin’s playing limbo.  But he admits he doesn’t enjoy it much. 
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So Trunks finally gets his senzu bean and wakes up to see his parents and Goku.  And he attacks Goku, mistaking him for his mysterious enemy in his own timeline.  And that’s the cliffhanger. 
Oh, and Beerus and Whis tagged along, because they have absolutely nothing to do with this nonsense, and shoehorning them into a story arc is just one more bad move to add to the pile. 
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That’s a nice gazebo, though.   Gohan and Videl probably made out in there once or twice, don’t you think?  Sorry, I’m just trying to distract myself from this.
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oh-shtars · 6 months
Been brainstorming RFTS!Mag and his character for a bit. So AU dump to try and organise my thoughts on his character:
Growing up as an adopted prince in a castle with a trying father after struggling as an orphan who lost his home sounds like a great change in life, right? Yeah, maybe it was alright for the first few years.
But as a prince, Magnus (or Magnifico) has expectations as the next heir of Rosas too. Rosas had a long line of previous rulers who were all sorcerers/sorceress that strived to serve their people in their own special way. Anyone can take up magic if they try.
But using and mastering magic requires acceptance of oneself’s identity and forming a deep peaceful connection with your surroundings. Only then can you command the pre-existing magic around you. Magnifico’s trauma allowed him to do none of that and no matter how he tried to take up magic, he couldn’t. He just couldn’t.
Plus while growing up, Magnifico also had a desire to go explore outside the island. To satisfy his boredom of just being in one place. Maybe visit his old home and find clues of who did it and get some closure maybe? He had mixed feelings of becoming the next king. All the power and control would be his. “A king can do whatever he wants.” A feeling of being in charge now, in contrast to when he used to feel helpless. It was promising and sounded great. Sure.
But also, it irked him at the same time. Mag didn’t like the idea of responsibility, or that he isn’t going anywhere out there in the world anymore, or that he’s going to be the first king without any special sorcery skills. And how some people openly expressed how ‘unfortunate’ this was. It didn’t help that his concerns were often brushed off like:
“It’s all in the past now, okay? You have a bright future here. Maybe it’s about time you should forget about it and move on. You’ll do great here.”
Forget? Forget?? Forget his old home? His old life? His biological parents? His old former self who grew up happy in his little village? Forget the tragedy like it never mattered?
It boiled Magnus’ Magnifico’s blood.
(Oliver meant well and provided all he could to raise this kid in a comfortable castle environment but dammit man, that’s not the right way to go with unresolved trauma-)
(I imagine this one scene in Brave perfectly captures Magnus’ and Oliver’s dynamic in their later years.)
Feelings of resentment only got worse as years passed. Magnifico got more frustrated with each rule, each dismissal, each failed magic spell he could never get right, each hint of disappointment for every expectation the kingdom had on him that he couldn’t reach. He almost never gets his way. And he’s done with it.
Fate had been unkind to him for the longest time. Had often been against his own wishes.
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But from then on, he decides. He’s going to be in charge of pulling his own strings this time. In charge of every ungrateful rat in poor, dear father’s kingdom. After trying and being patient for so long, this is the thanks he gets??
But oh well~ With his love, Amaya by his side, the magic of a captured star, and the stored power of everyone’s wishes in his castle,
Magnifico is going to make Rosas’ 100th Anniversary quite the night to remember….
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