#i want to back out but i can't just let the kid publish his piece without a rebuttal
mememan93 · 6 months
killing and biting and killing and biting
#I swear to god i want to die right now. I write for the opinion section of my school newspaper#and this guy comes in and goes 'i want to write a pro life article and an article on the republican abortion strategy'#and i jump in like “great and i'll write the pro choice one” WHY DID I SAY THAT#like yes im pro choice and yes im passionate about it. but now we're doing a pro con. i can't do that#i can't do that. i can't handle it because last time we did one of those both sides received death threats#and like everyone else there is pro choice except for that fucker but i'm the only ONLY afab person in the room.#which is bad enough as it is but they were just staring at me and i. i feel so humiliated#i want to back out but i can't just let the kid publish his piece without a rebuttal#abortion is a topic i'm passionate about. but also one i'm emotional about. guys a secret. my birth was scuffed. My mom was in so much pain#and was left with injuries that made her cancer treatment more difficult#and i just get so upset that my life and the life of every pregnant person means less to people than a clump of cells#'but it's a baby' it's a parasite. it's a clump of cells. I don't care if it has a heartbeat. I don't care. I have friends-#i have family. i have people that love me and i have things that I do that people rely on. I matter#'but what if the baby cures cancer' WHAT IF I DO. WHAT IF I DO.#I so want to back out i'm crying writing this but. I can't do it. i can't just let that fucker get his way.#he's also transphobic and homophobic btw. unsurprising but still.
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starsexplodeatnight · 8 months
John Price X Reader!
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My first published piece!
Captain John Pricex Reader!
Minors do not engage!
You loved him, really. But, John Price is a lot to handle. Yes, he is a family man, a great husband, a wonderful provider. But he holds on too tight. Tight enough to strangle. You- You had to do it.
even though it felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest when he found out... Oh, his poor watery blue eyes you loved so much...
You cried your eyes out in bed that night, alone.
Price is eh, heh- heh, heh, heh. He's not letting you go, love. Not ever.
You live in this incredible house, curtesy of your husband's high paying career in the military. It's the perfect place for children to grow up...
Toxic Ex-husband Price never leaves. "The house is ours, love. Ours is ours." And leaves no room for debate. He'll live in the in-law apartment above the detached garage, yeah? He's not happy about it and uses every instance he can to weaken your resolve and stop this silly 'separation' nonsense.
Walk's out onto the balcony in the morning in his robe, coffee in hand. The robe is open, exposing his chest to the neighborhood. He doesn't care that the women jogging by can see and stare. He only cares when he sees you stop and stare out your bedroom window, all alone. Before you aggressively close the curtains, trying not to fall for his tricks!
Semi Toxic Ex-husband Price, who still wants all the gossip you used to share with him when you were married. He'll just stroll into the house from the back door and hear you chatting with your friend from Pta.
He does what he used to, sit his ass right next to you and press his ear on the other side of your phone. Does he care about the gossip? Not really, it's amusing, but not really his thing. What he loves? He loves how you used to turn to him and go off. You look so happy, chattering on and on about what you'd just heard. Including him in your life...
He says he doesn't really like the gossip but will get upset if you don't tell him every detail. His job is to know, love. You can't just leave him hanging! He will demand to know more about Patricia from the parent-teacher conferences. She slept with the teacher! You can't leave him hanging on that, luv! Just to get you to talk to him the way you used to.
Semi Toxic Ex-husband Price, who is your mother's favorite.
She hates your sister's boyfriend; she hates your brother's wife. You? You landed the cream of the crop!!!
How could you have left him??? Your grandma, your mother and your aunties LOVE him, smug bastard. He eats it the fuck up...
They greet him like the long-lost son they wish they had! Meeting him at the door with kisses on the cheek, beckoning him towards the kitchen, treating him like royalty. He is the favorite, and he's not even blood!
"Oh, such a handsome man! So nice!" "So polite!" "And respectful!" "Here, is she feeding you enough?" Oh, when they learn you've served him with divorce papers? They all cry out in alarm. Everyone, not just the women. Uncles, Grandpa, Cousins, all of them.
"What you talking 'bout divorce? fah! He still come to family parties!" They would totally be on his side… They all help in his case to get back together with you.
It'd make him so much worse….
Especially if your youngest kid is going to her first day of school. You both drop her off and you bawl your eyes out and he's there to comfort you, just like he had with all the times before… cradling you to his strong but soft chest. So warm... familiar... soothes the heartache you're experiencing.
Do you want another baby? You miss having a little one around now that your youngest is off to school, yeah? He can help with that…
Maybe- Maybe you... Maybe you were too harsh on him. Maybe, give him another chance...
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
Top 5 comics that aren't bat related?
GOD okay I'm admittedly so so behind on my non-Bat comic reading because trying to read Everything Published In A 15 Year Period is fucking TIME CONSUMING, but! but but but!!! I have some fun ones!! also as always these are not in ANY particular order!
Thirsty Mermaids (Kat Leyh, 2021)
first off: yes we are including graphic novels! that's just a honkin big comic! nobody @ me! anyway, I read Thirsty Mermaids in one sitting on an airplane earlier this year and it was delightful. it follows three mermaid besties who turn themselves into humans and go ashore in search of booze, only to get stuck when the party mage can't remember how to turn them back. what follows is a mix of shenanigans and genuinely heartwarming character development as the trio cope with being landlocked and try to survive capitalism. there's a high potential for a story like this to get cloyingly oversentimental, but Thirsty Mermaids struck the right balance for me the whole way through and never went overboard.
also, the character designs are soooooo fun. look at them!
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2. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness (Nagata Kabi, trans. Jocelyne Allen 2016)
MLEWL is one of those books that actually completely lives up to the hype and then some, and it totally knocked me on my ass the first time I read it. I didn't really know what to expect going in, but I was totally blown away by how boldly Nagata's willing to share the ugliest parts of her life through this reflection. it's so much more than romance and yearning (and that isn't even really resolved by the book's end! Nagata continues to struggle with interpersonal relationships in later books, which you should also read!), and it felt really refreshing to see such an honest depiction of how much being depressed and anxious and insecure can just fucking suck. but at the same time, Nagata's ability to turn all of that into art and process what she's experienced in a really levelheaded way as she finds the will to grow and change is really affirming.
I have to give a special note of appreciation to the actual sex scene and how intimacy is negotiated between Nagata and the sex worker she hires, especially the ultimate realization that sex is just an act and losing her virginity didn't really change anything about why she was unhappy in her life. as a sex educator, I really appreciated the honesty and sheer practicality of how it was all framed.
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3. Nimona (ND Stevenson, 2015)
hi okay yes basic bitch alert I'M AWARE, but I reread Nimona last year to remind myself of why I didn't want to watch the Netflix adaptation and I was so right for that, because OG Nimona fucks so much harder. it's heartfelt but also chaotic and violent and funny and deeply jaded; I think when I mentioned it in my monthly reading synopsis here I described it as weird art for pissed off queer people by a weird pissed off queer person. and I stand by that! if you haven't read it already or if you haven't in a while, it's right there waiting for you with an open invitation to burn the entire corrupt government to the ground.
I know the word feral is overused and therefore cringe but christ, comic Nimona is feral. come on, man. just let her kill your ex. he's a cop.
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4. Superman Smashes the Klan (Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru, 2020)
I had to get one DC comic in here, sue me! it's not Batman-related at all! it's a really rad Superman story that takes place in the 1940s and loosely reimagines an old radio serial, "Clan of the Fiery Cross," the was pretty much a 16-part hit piece on the KKK that was hugely successful in tarnishing their reputation and getting membership to drop. how cool is that? in this version we follow Lee family, Chinese-Americans who have just moved to Metropolis and are met with harassment from the local Klansmen, contrasted with Clark, early in his hero career, still figuring out the full extent of his alien abilities. you get some really nice parallel storytelling between the Lee kids, Tommy and Roberta, exploring what it means to be part of two different cultures at the same time Clark is going through something similar figuring out how to be a representative of two totally different planets, and it all works out in a way that's really sweet. now that I have a friend who's a baby I can't wait until he's old enough to get a copy.
it's an extremely comic book-y comic but in, like, the best way possible.
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5. Hawkeye (Matt Fraction and David Aja, 2012-2015)
I can't believe I almost forgot to list tumblr darling Matt Fraction's Hawkeye! what do I even say about this series that hasn't been said already? I love the way Clint Barton is a sadsack piece of shit who's repeatedly ruined his own life, and I love rooting for him anyway because he's just trying so goddamn hard. and also because there's a teenage girl who stole his name and gimmick bullying him the whole time. (Kate Bishop you are everything to me and you will always be famous.) there are costumes and crime fighting but it's first and foremost a slice of life about a life that fucking sucks but keeps on trucking anyway, and that's so up my alley it's not even funny. a lot of the humor probably feels dated now but fuck it, the series is iconic for a reason.
MCU, eat your heart out.
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bonus because I wrote out the whole thing and then decided I wanted to include a different one: Paper Girls (Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, 2015-2019)
I'd be lying if I said that the thing about this series that I love first and foremost wasn't the art, because Chiang's art is breathtaking and I'll read anything ever if he does the art on it. but it's also just a super cool twisty, time-bending story about four girls getting roped into some high sci-fi bullshit when they're just trying to finish up their paper routes the morning after Halloween and having everything go to hell around them. I really respect a series that is committed to being weird and doesn't really care if you don't understand what's going on for a decent chunk of the plot, especially because it all comes together in a way that's pretty satisfying. waiting to read the whole series in one big run once it was all published so that I could track all the little hints and clues and things coming together across time travel bullshit was mwah, delicious.
also more than anything it's a story about how you Do Not fuck with 12 year old girls, especially in packs, because they're metal as hell, and I'm really about that.
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chubsonthemoon · 2 years
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This is To Hell and Back Again, by dear dear @perexcri. Cover design by @byierficrecs (thank you SO much for letting me use your design!). Binding by me!
I'm not in ST fandom, but I had the pleasure of skimming this fic while I was typesetting, and can I just say? I'm rooting for these kids SO hard. I'd go to hell and back again for them--[GUNSHOT]
But in all seriousness, Leah's writing is whip-smart, sincere, and funny as hell. I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who is a fan of these crazy kids. Her ao3 is a veritable treasure trove of excellent byler stories, which you should absolutely check out right now go do it!!!
As usual, process chatter and more pics, under the cut! <3
Title: Hellprint
Heading/Chapter Headings/Spine Titling: Norwester
C4 Summary: Roboto Condensed
Main Body Text: Garamond
COVER MATERIAL: Epson Premium Presentation Paper Matte, printed on my Epson Ecotank (more on that later baha)
HEADBANDS: Trebizond silk thread in the colors Garnet and Black
EDGE PAINTING: Acrylic paint in Crimson and Black
TITLING: Red iron-on foil for the text and white HTV for my maker's mark. Cut by Charlotte, my Cricut!
This was my first go at a German Bradel binding! I've seen lots of Renegade folks use this method and am so psyched I got around to trying it myself. I modified DAS's approach a bit and tipped on endpapers instead of sewing them in (there were a lot of new things to learn so I decided to shelve sewn endpapers for the next binding XD). I also only had 2.0 mm bookboard instead of 1.0 mm, so instead of layering two of the same boards like DAS did, I instead used one 2.0 mm board and one very thin piece of cardboard to create the groove for the hinge. The original article that DAS bases his video on actually uses boards of two different sizes too--a "thick" board and a "thin" board--but I still want to experiment with DAS's way of doing it, especially since I think it'll be easier to do cutouts on thinner board.
As far as matching the groove with the hinge, I think I did pretty okay for my first try! One board is definitely better fitting than the other though baha. There's always room for improvement, but hey that's where half the fun is anyway (and also you can't tell after the case-in whew), so I'm not stressed about it :D
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Nearly all of my design decisions for the color scheme were based off of @byierficrecs's gorgeous cover design! They were so generous in letting me use their cover and answering my questions about fonts, for which I can't thank them enough. And with so many wonderful elements to work with, it was so much fun to tease out the elements I loved from their work!
I decided to keep with the theme of red/black, which I also thought was fitting for a ST fic set largely in the Upside Down. Thus, black painted edges with red vines, as a kind of inverted, "upside down" continuation of the cover:
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Even the thread I used to sew the signatures is red/black! :3 (please also ignore how the picture of the textblock is not focused on the actual textblock ajsldkfjs it was very late when I took that photo)
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This was my first time printing a cover on my new printer (!!!), and BOY oh boy was it an adventure. Figuring out the dimensions took a second, but not as long as it took me to figure out what settings produced something I was happy with. Behold, all my test prints:
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Very long story short, let's just say now I understand why being a prepress color specialist is literally a career you can have in publishing LOL.
Also, for some reason I could only sometimes get the bleed to work? Basically what I ended up doing was painting over the parts where the design didn't quite extend over the turn-ins, using with the same black acrylic paint I used for the edges. You can see this more clearly in the photos I took of the groove, and the endpapers covered the messy bits when I cased in:
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Finally!! The most important part of the process!!! HI LEAH ILY!!!! This fic is special for a lot of personal reasons, but chief among them is LOVE!!!! Your A/N's made me tear up when I first read it, because AH! You read my words of love!!! And went and wrote hundreds of thousands of your own words of love!!! And now I hope I've given that love back once again :3 And on and on we go, ad infinitum, until we are relieved of the curse of literacy and greet whatever comes after all this, thanks be to Todd. But until then, I'm so glad I get to shoot holes out of bagels and scream about radioactive tumblr posts and cry over fake people with you, friend :] Truly, peace and love on FUCKING Planet Earth. We are making it and we will all go together when we--[ANOTHER GUNSHOT]
I'm so excited to see where we're going, and what other stories we have to tell. But for now: EEEEEEEE YOU WROTE A BOOK!!!!!!!
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starset21 · 7 months
Going to War
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Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
A/N: We're skipping forwards a bit here but things will be filled in eventually. There will be a pt. 2
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist 
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents and injuries
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“Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25,” the alarm rings out, forcing Kelly and Dani to break apart and head towards the trucks. “Sounds serious,” she comments.  
“Seriously fun,” Kelly quips. “Hey. You better bring that body of yours back in one piece, because I have got big plans for it tonight,” Dani tells him before heading to the truck, pulling her turnout pants on and climbing in the back of the truck with her jacket. “51, get me a water supply from the standpipe. Truck 81, Squad 3, I need search teams. Engine 37, get the hoses into the north stairwell. Ambulance 61, set up triage. Get ready, people. We're going to war,” Boden orders as everyone arrives and climbs out of their respective rigs. “Fire's on the 20th floor,” the building manager tells them as they walk in. “How many units on each floor, and where's your alarm panel?” Boden asks. “12. It's right over here,” the man led them over to it. “Mouch, you're on lobby control. Get the elevators down here,” Matt ordered. “You got it, Captain.”
   “Okay, fire is confined to 20 for now. We need to investigate the fire floor. Get to everybody trapped above it. I made at least four people signaling from their windows,” Boden tells the gathered firefighters. “We riding or walking?” Kelly asks. “Casey,” Boden turns to the captain. 
“Mouch, what's happening?” Matt calls into the radio. “I have control of one, two, and four, but the number three car is stopped on the 18th floor, and I can't get it moving. Can we get a look inside of that elevator?” Mouch asks. “Number three? Right here,” the building manager shows them. “The car is empty, Mouch, but keep trying,” Matt tells him. “Copy. Okay, heat is interfering with the electronics,” Mouch calls out after a few moments. “That settles it. You're climbing. To all companies, we can't trust the elevators. Use the stairs only. Stage on 19. Truck 81, give me a primary search on 20. Squad 3, take 21. Engine 37 will attack the fire. Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go!” Boden orders. “I don't mean to be in your way, Chief. I'm just here 'cause Commissioner Grissom wants me to be,” Gorsch tells Boden who glares when he almost runs into the smaller man. 
  “Extra air tanks get stashed on 19! We'll attack from the north stairs. Use the south stairs for evacuation. Hey, Chief, we're approaching the 20th floor,” Matt calls into his radio. “Go. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, Ritter, what's the hold up?” 37’s lieutenant yelled. “These threads are in bad shape, keep sticking,” the candidate tells him. “I thought I told you to clean the standpipe,” the lieutenant scolds. “I did, Lieutenant,” Ritter tells him. “Yeah, not with your hands, with a wire brush!” the lieutenant yells. “He used a brush. I saw him,” Herrmann speaks up. “All right, let me in there. I'll do it,” the lieutenant huffs “I got it. It's on,” Ritter tells him. “Well, then open the valve!” the lieutenant exclaims. “Hey, Paxson. Go easy on the kid. He's doing great,” Herrmann tries to defend the candidate. “Mind your business, Herrmann,” Paxson huffs, turning to the candidate. “Hey, put your mask on.”
  “Chief Boden!” Someone yells. “Halstead?” Boden turned, after hearing the familiar voice call out to him. “Where's the fire? What floor?” Jay asks. “20, why? What's up?” Boden counters. “My dad lives on 23. Dani doesn’t really have anything to do with him so she doesn’t know,” Jay tells him. “Casey, what's it looking like up there?” Chief calls into his walkie. “Hang on, Chief, we're almost in,” Matt tells him. “And we're hooked up. Let's do this!” Paxson yells, grabbing the door handle. “Hey, hold on, we haven't had a chance to-” Kelly is cut off by the door slamming open and the fire jumping out at them all. “Casey, the door!” Kelly yells. “Hey, Candidate. Hey, you're good,” Herrmann tells him, wiping his mask off. “Yeah. Fire's too advanced at 20, Chief. We can't get a foothold,” Matt yells. “Okay, new plan. Squad searches 21. Truck continues up to 22. Engine 37, get a hold of that fire floor,” Boden orders. “Copy that, Chief. Let's go.”
  “So you're not searching 20?” Gorsch asks. “You heard him. That hallway is fully engulfed. Where's your father?” Boden asks. “He lives in 23C,” Jay tells him. “Is he up there now?” Jay shakes his head, “I don't know, he's not answering.” He turns to the building manager. “Excuse me, have you seen Pat Halstead today?” he asks. “Sorry, I don't know him. There's over 500 residents in the tower,” the manager tells him. “Chief, my dad's got a heart condition,” Jay worries. “It's okay. We're working our primary search. 23 is next,” Boden tells him. “How can I help?” Jay asks. “Keep that doorway clear, would you?” Boden tells him. “Absolutely. Everybody back. Clear this door.” 
  “Check every unit! Open every door! Fire department! Call Out!” Matt yells. “Go, join the group. Right this way,” Dani tells the people coming out of apartments. “Follow them, please. Stay low,” Otis told them. They worked efficiently to guide people to the stairwells. “Chief, we cleared 22. Halstead, and I are headed to 23,” Matt calls into the radio. “Copy that. Casey, I got Jay Halstead here. His father lives at 23C. He's not answering his phone. Take a look,” Boden tells him. “On our way. Let's go,” Matt looked at Dani and nodded. Dani frowned as she followed him up the stairs to the next floor. “Hey, Chief. We pulled three victims off of 21. I still got a few more doors to kick in. We'll send these down with Truck,” Kelly calls into his radio. “Okay, hey, my buddies Otis and Stella are gonna take you the rest of the way down, all right? Just do what he says,” Cruz tells the woman he had been helping. “You're not coming?” She asks. “I gotta get back inside. You'll be fine. I promise,” Cruz tells her. “Be careful,” she tells him before taking her dog and following after the other people. “Excuse me, ma'am. All right, everybody, follow me,” Otis calls out, taking the lead with Stella. “The stairwell is so smoky. Are you sure it's okay to be in here?” A woman asks. “It'll clear up once we're below the fire. Let's keep moving,” Otis assured her. “It's a long way down. Can't we take the elevator?” the same woman asked. “The elevators aren't safe. I can hold your baby if you want. Hey, buddy. Hey, little guy. You wanna come to Otis? Hey, come on. Let's go,” Otis offers, reaching out to take the child. “I can carry him. That's not the point,” the woman huffs. 
   “Let's go. Folks, we gotta keep the entrance clear. I need you to wait across the street. Come on,” Jay yells over the crowd of people trying to push past him. “Let's get two more engine companies hooked up to hydrants in case we start to lose pressure. And move Truck 40 down to the corner. I want to leave a lane open for ambulances coming and going,” Boden orders. “Copy that, Chief,” someone responds. “Chief, we're inside 23C right now,” Matt radios as they sweep the apartment. “Dad! If you’re here, call out!” Dani yells. “Halstead,” Chief calls over Jay.  “Go ahead, Casey. What'd you find?” Boden asks. “Nothing. The apartment's empty. No sign of Mr. Halstead,” Matt reports when Dani shook her head, the apartment was clear. “Carry on, Casey,” Boden tells him. “That's good news, right?” Boden asks the detective. “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Chief.” Jay walks away from the fray and pulls out his phone. “Hey, man, they just made it to Dad's apartment. He's not there, you hear back from him?” Jay asks Will. “No. I just tried his cell again. Still nothing,” Will tells him. “Same. You think of anywhere else he might be?” Jay asks, “Well, the guy likes to stick to his routines. You know that. A walk in the morning, then home for lunch. He should be back by now,” Will tells him. “All right, well, I'm gonna keep an eye out. You just let me know if you hear from him. I'm guessing he'll call you first,” Jay tells him before hanging up. “You all right?” Goodwin asks Will as he tucks his phone away. “He'll turn up. Old man's a survivor,” he tells her. “If you want you can head over there and join your siblings,” Goodwin tells him. “No, but thanks. I'm good. Can do more here as they bring victims in.”
“All right. I want a secondary search of the last few floors. Make sure we found everyone that was trapped up there,” Boden calls out as Otis comes down with the group of civilians. “Okay, when you get outside, go across the street, check in with the paramedics, okay? Good work. Go outside,” Otis tells them but when he doesn’t see the mother and child he stops one of the others. “Hey. Where's the woman with the baby?” he asks. “She stepped aside to let faster people go by. I didn't see her after that,” the woman told him and he sighed. “Herrmann. The mom with the baby. Did you see her exit the stairwell?” he asks. “I thought they were up front with you,” Herrmann tells him. “We gotta go up and find them,” Otis sighs. “Right. Just let me swap out my air tank,” Herrmann tells him. “Otis, can you take a look at these controls?” Mouch asks. “I'm not on elevator duty, Mouch,” Otis huffs. “I know, but the number three car is still fritzing out. It was stuck on 18 for a while, then it went up to 24, and now it's stopped again,” Mouch tells him. “The mom. I told her we couldn't use the… God! Chief, do we have eyes inside the elevators?” Otis asks. “Camera's out.” Otis turns to Mouch. “Damn it. Okay, you go with Herrmann, I'm gonna work on the elevators, try a system reboot. If that mom took her baby onto the elevator they could be trapped,” Otis tells Boden. “All units above the fire floor, keep your eyes peeled. We are missing a woman and a young child. I want them found.”
 “Severide. I need to get up to 24 to check on that elevator. Can you guys finish out on this floor?” Matt asks. “Yeah, on it. Any word on the mom and her kid?” Matt shakes his head. “Boden's got companies searching from 19 on down, but no sign of them,” he sighs. “She came from 22, right? Halstead, you and Herrmann sweep that floor again just to be sure she didn't go back up for something. Mouch, come with me and we'll start a primary on 24,” Matt orders. “Herrmann. You're looking a little peaked. I mean, you sure you don't want to stop, take a breather?” Dani teases as they stop at the entrance to the 22nd floor. “Like hell. I could do 20 more flights… And still run circles around you,” Herrmann laughed. “No doubt,” Dani nudged him after she put her mask on. “Fire department, call out!” She yelled entering the floor. 
“Hey! You hurt?” Matt asks the candidate clinging to the stairwell railing, who shook his head. “Hey buddy, you okay?” Mouch echoed. “Kay, he's locked up. Took a fireball to the face earlier. Probably shook him up. Get him back downstairs,” Matt ordered. “You sure, Casey?” Mouch asked. “Yeah. He's in the way. Get him out of here,” Matt tells him before heading onwards. “What's your name?” Mouch asked. The kid just shook like a leaf so Mouch leaned over to see his last name on this helmet. “All right. Come on, Ritter, let's go.” The candidate shook his head and clung to the railing tighter. “Hey! My captain just took off by himself 'cause of you. You get to your feet! Lives are at stake!” Mouch yells at him. “Engine 37, talk to me,” Chief called into the radio. “We're still working our way in, Chief. It's an inferno in here,” Paxson yelled. “Engine 62, put another line up on 20,” Boden ordered. “Copy that.” 
“Any news?” Boden asks Jay as he comes back into the building. “Nobody's heard from him. I'm worried he's still inside somewhere. Come on, you must have seen this guy today. Pat Halstead. He's a crusty old pain in the ass. He never smiles. Loves to yell at people,” Jay tells the building manager. “Okay, yeah, yeah. I know the guy. I haven't seen him today,” the manager tells him. “Does he have any friends in the building?” Jay asks. “I see him sometimes pushing Mr. Strouse. He's in a wheelchair. Ronnie Strouse,” the manager rushes. “A guy in a wheelchair? What floor does he live on?” Jay asks. “Uh, 25C. Top floor,” the manager tells him. “That's where he went, for sure,” Jay tells Boden, going to step around the chief and head for the stairs. “Okay. Halstead. I can't have a cop get killed on my fireground. My men will handle it,” Boden stops him, grabbing his arm before he could get very far. 
“Fire department, call out!” Matt yells as he searches the hallway. “Casey, what's your location?” Boden asks into the radio. “I'm on 24 looking for the number three car. We can't open the doors. There's no drop-key access,” Matt reports. “Okay. You make your way to unit 25C. Look for a wheelchair-bound resident,” Boden tells him. “Copy that, Chief,” Matt replies and walks further down the hallway, only to be almost blown back by fire erupting. “Chief, I've got fire coming up through a mechanical closet!” Matt reports. “On 24?” Boden asks. “Affirmative! Repeat! The fire has reached the 24th floor! The fire is traveling through the electrical shafts!”
Boden turns to the building manager now. “Is the wiring in this building original?” he asks. “Uh, no, we did a big renovation a while back. Upgraded all the old copper stuff with fiber optics,” the manager tells him. “That stuff's a lot thinner. It leaves gaps. You're supposed to seal those gaps off,” Boden tells him. “Hey, I don't own the place. If they cut corners, I don't know anything about it,” the manager tells him in return. “This is not good. The fire's traveling faster than we thought. To all companies… We are losing control of this thing. Wrap up your searches, retreat below the fire floor until we get another hose line in place,” Boden says into his walkie. 
“Come on. Ritter, you heard the Chief. Time is running out,” Mouch tells the candidate, who shakes his head again. “Okay. Okay, Ritter. Here's the deal. I don't like to exert myself unless absolutely necessary, but you're not giving me a lot of options here. If you don't get to your feet…” Mouch trails off. “I'm not like him,” Ritter tells him. “What's that?” Mouch asks. “I'm not that tough. I can't do it. I'm not like him,” Ritter manages to tell him. “Like who?” Mouch asks him. “Uncle Anthony. I called him Superman when I was a kid. He fought fires like this. But my heart won't stop pounding,” Ritter tells him. “Hey. I'm scared too. Any sane person would be. Difference is, civilians panic. Firefighters react. And you are a firefighter. Now you get your ass off that ground and let's go,” Mouch tells him, offering him a hand up. 
“All companies, be advised. The missing mother and baby have been… recovered. Continue secondary search for additional victims,” Boden’s voice crackles over the radio. “Hey, how's your air?” Dani asks Herrmann as they walk down a hallway. “I'm good. I got a new tank downstairs. Why, are you low?” he asks in return. Dani looks down at her gauge before nodding. “I, uh… I got a few minutes left,” she tells him. “All right. You know what, forget it. This floor is clear. Let's get below the fire,” he tells her. “Copy that,” she tells him. “Casey, what's your location?” Boden asks. “Just reached the 25th floor, Chief,” Matt tells him, before continuing further into the hallway. He opens the electrical maintenance door and sees sparks fly. “Chief, 25's going to hell now, too. I can't stay long,” he calls out. “Copy that, Casey. Do what you can,” Boden tells him. “Fire department! Call out!” He yells, entering the apartment.
“Over here! Help! He came to get me, but then he collapsed!” a man calls out. “I'm gonna get you both out of here. Chief, I got two victims on 25, Halstead’s father and his friend,” Matt reported. “Good call. What's their condition?” Chief asks. “They're both conscious and responsive, but Mr. Halstead's in rough shape. I need a hand,” Matt tells him. “I'll see who's close by. Any available firefighter to the 25th floor to assist Captain Casey,” Boden called into his walkie. “Hang in there, Pat!” Matt yells as he preps to carry and drag them to safety. He gets partially into the hallway before he has to stop and readjust. “Chief! Is anyone coming?” he asks. “Casey, we're here!” Mouch yells, coming with Ritter behind him. “Mouch, hurry! Take this one!” Matt gestures to Mr. Strouse. “Ready to hoist him up. Okay, stay low!” Mouch tells Ritter as they pick him up and Matt hoists Pat over his shoulder, carrying him out. 
“Dad! Is he all right?” Jay asks, spotting them exiting the building. “He was above the fire floor. Swallowed a lot of smoke. Been in and out of consciousness,” Matt tells him. “Casey, thanks, man,” Jay tells him, patting him on the shoulder before looking up at the building, he had still yet to see his little sister in the fray, and tried not to worry, she knew what she was doing. He shook it off as the paramedics began to assess his dad. “Dad! Hey, this is my father. His name is Pat Halstead. He's 64 years old. Listen, he had bypass surgery a month ago. Dad, can you hear me?” he asks. “He looks hypoxic. Let's get him on oxygen,” one of them says. “We can do CO levels and EKG en route, rule out cardiac dysrhythmia,” the medic tells his partner. “I'm, I'm okay, Jay,” Pat Halstead wheezes out. “Dad, Ronnie looks like he's gonna be okay. You did good. You're damn lucky to be alive,” Jay tells him before they load him up. “Pat going to be alright?” Mr. Strouse asks. “They'll take good care of him,” Mouch assures the man before turning to the candidate. “All right, here we go. You just got your first save, pal,” he tells him. “If it wasn't for me freezing up, you would have got there sooner,” Ritter mumbles. “Hey, Ritter. You could spend your life on "ifs" in this job. Don't do it. You hear me?” Mouch tells him and Ritter nods. 
“Empty,” Kelly calls as he leaves a room. “Same here,” Cruz tells him. “All right, Chief, Cruz and I are finished on 23. We're coming down now,” Kelly calls into the radio. “Help me!” A faint young voice echoes. “Whoa, whoa, hey, Severide. You hear that?” Cruz asks. “Fire department, call out!” Kelly yells. “Help me, please!” the young voice called. “Where are you?” Kelly yells. “20B!” Kelly looks at the door they were at, 23B. “20B? That's three floors down, that's the fire floor.” Cruz tells him. “Hey, kid, what's your name?” Kelly calls into a vent. “Josh! My mom isn't here and I can't get out!” the kid exclaims. “Josh! Stay right where you are! My name's Kelly. I'm coming down to get you!” The kid yells back okay and the two rescue squad members are on the move again. “Hey, Paxson! Paxson! We need to get in 20B! Can you take us there?” Kelly asked. “We're low on air!” Paxson yells. “I got a young boy trapped inside solo!” Kelly tells him.  “We'll get you in, but my guys need relief!” Paxson yells and they begin moving forward. “Hey Chief, Cruz and I are getting the victim on the fire floor, but 37 needs relief on this side line,” Kelly reports. “Herrmann and I are on 19, we'll be right there,” Dani tells him. “All right, we're gonna have to cut across to get to the attack stairwell. Come on,” Herrmann leads. 
“Hey! Severide! She's alive!” Cruz yells after pointing out another victim. “All right, here. You take her down. I'll get the kid,” Kelly tells him. “Copy that, be careful!” Cruz tells his Lieutenant. “Hey, Josh, where are you? Josh!” Kelly calls out. “Over here!” Josh yells, coughing. “Hey, bud! Come on. Let me get you out of here.” The fire blazes in the doorway. “Hey. It's getting a little crazy out there, - but we'll get through it, okay?” Kelly reassures the kid. “Hey 37, we're coming out. You ready?” he asks. “Negative! We're pulling back! Stay where you are!” Paxson responds. “What does that mean?” Josh asks. “Don't worry. Help's coming. All right. Hang on a sec,” he tells the kid, going to investigate. “Hey 37, what's your ETA? It's getting a little stuffy in here,” he asks. “The fire is pushing us back! Come on!” Paxson huffs. “Cavalry's arrived. Sit tight, Kelly!” Dani yells as she and Herrmann take over from 37. “Hey, Herrmann, Halstead, I hate to complain, but I got a young boy here,” Kelly tells them. “This thing is a beast! We're coming as fast as we can!” Herrmann exclaims. “This isn't working. I'm gonna bail out,” Kelly tells them. “Kelly, don't do anything stupid! Second line is on its way!” Dani calls out, noticing her air tank warning alarm was beginning to go off. 
“What are you gonna do? What's happening?” Josh asks Kelly. “I don't want to wait and see if they can get to us before the fire does. So we're gonna perform what's called a self-rescue. Don't worry. I've done this a bunch. And when we're all done, you'll have a hell of a story to tell your friends,” Kelly tells the kid before prepping the ropes. “All right, come here. Your job is to hold onto me. My job is to hold onto the rope. You got it?” he asks. “I hold onto you and don't let go,” Josh repeated. “No way,” he mutters as he looks out of the window. “Keep your eyes closed,” Kelly tells the kid as he finishes up securing things. “Hey, Halstead, Herrmann, get out of there. Meet me on 19,” Kelly calls into his radio. “One more minute, we got this. Hang on, Severide!” Herrmann calls out. “All right, buddy, it’s all good,” Kelly tells Josh as he begins his descent. “Oh, God,” the kid mutters. “Almost there,” Kelly tells him as he tries to kick in the window but it doesn’t break. “What's wrong?” Josh asks. “Nothing. Nothing, I'm just getting a tool to break the glass.” Kelly breaks the glass and kicks it clear so he can slide in. “Hey, hey. You okay?” he asks the kid. “Severide!” Capp calls as he busts in the door. 
Dani could feel the effects caused by lack of oxygen beginning and let go of the hose, moving to try and remove her mask. She was unsuccessful and felt herself falling back before passing out. Herrmann turns to tell Dani to head back down and sees her down. “Mayday, mayday! Halstead is down! I need assistance on 20!” Herrmann calls out, removing her mask and placing his own on her face in the hopes that she hadn’t been down long. “Mayday, mayday!” Herrmann called out again. “Hey, what happened?” Kelly yelled as he got to them, Dani’s pass alarm blaring. “Listen. She ran out of air!” Herrmann tells him. “Come on!” Kelly grabs her by the straps and Herrmann does his best to keep the mask on her. “Okay, clear out! Give us some room! Come on!” Boden yells as he makes a path for his firefighters to carry the youngest Halstead sibling through. “Get her up,” Matt tells them, and the four carrying her lift her onto the stretcher and set her down. “I've got a pulse but she's not breathing. Bag her,” Brett tells Foster. “Got it,” the woman jumped into action. “Her air ran out and she just dropped,” Herrmann tells them. “Come on, Dani,” Kelly mutters as he steps back to allow for Foster to move in with the bag. “Start bagging her, please,” Foster tells Herrmann once she gets it into position. “You got it,” he nods. 
“Lieutenant, cut her shirt so I can get the cardiac leads on her,” Foster orders. “Come on, Halstead,” Kelly’s voice wobbled, his eyes glued to her form. “Tube's in. Let's hang a Cyanokit on the way to Med,” Brett tells Foster. “All right, guys, let's get her in the rig,” Foster tells them. They load her up. “Boden, you've done the heavy lifting. I'll take it from here. Go check on your firefighter,” another battalion chief stepped up. “You're sure?” Boden asks. “Go.” Boden nods and turns back to his crew. “Severide, Herrmann. Stay with 61,” he orders. “Yeah come on, let's move,” Kelly says as he climbs up in the ambo. “Come on. Give them an escort,” Matt yells to the others. “I'll drive,” Foster tells Brett. “Thanks,” Brett nods before climbing in the back of the ambo and shutting the door. 
“It's Dani… Halstead. She took in a lot of smoke,” Brett tells the emergency room nurses that were with Dr. Choi but chokes up a little. “She had a pulse but wasn't breathing. We intubated, hung a Cyanokit on the rig, her CO is at 40%...” Foster trails off. “Okay. We got her. Let's transfer on my count. One, two, three,” Choi calls out. “Thank you for taking over,” Brett tells Foster, still watching the trauma bay. “I get it. It's family,” Foster tells her, rubbing her shoulder. The rest of the house walks in, some hanging back as Matt goes to Kelly and places a hand on his shoulder. Kelly swallows before shrugging Matt off and turning to Herrmann. “How did you let this happen?” he asks the older man, his eyes watering. “Hey. Severide,” Matt tries to get him to back off. “Huh? You're supposed to have her back, Herrmann!” Kelly shouts. “She didn't tell me that her alarm went off,” Herrmann’s voice shuddered a little. “She was trying to save you.” 
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thestarsarecool · 1 year
@fujoshi-simone-weil tagged me in a "things to get to know me" game! Fun, thank you! You have the best url on tumblr. Also, someone else tagged me in this game, like, a month ago and I kept meaning to do it (it was on my to-do list and everything!) but I forgot and now it has disappeared from my notifications. Also, I don't 100% remember who it was. But still, I wholeheartedly apologize to that person for neglecting their tag. I don't love you any less. Anyway, on with the show!
Last song I listened to: Answer Me from The Band's Visit. You can take the theater kid out of the theater but you can't take the theater out of the kid. Or maybe you can. I don't know. I am taking a class on songwriting for musical theater right now so I am listening to more musical theater than I have in a while, though not as much as I did in like 2019.
Favorite color: Purple!
Currently watching: Nothing really? I'm not much of a TV or movie person. I just finished watching the Fionna and Cake TV show which was surprisingly good. My siblings and I watched all of Adventure Time together a while back (we like to rewatch cartoons together), so we all facetimed to watch the finale, which was really nice. I'd missed them :)
Last movie I watched: Hmm. I don't remember. Let's think...nope, still don't remember. Sorry film nerds of tumblr.com. I wish I was as cool as you.
Currently reading: Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession by Janet Malcolm! It's a really fascinating look into the underlying contradictions of psychoanalysis and also a great overview of the history, but it's all done through an actually engaging character study! I think it was originally a lengthy piece in The New Yorker, published around 1980. Also, I just started The Tale of Two Cities, which is very fun because the only Dickens I have ever read before is Oliver Twist!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I want to say savory, but the answer is actually sweet. I put wayyyyyy too much sugar in my tea for me to be picking anything but sweet.
Last thing I googled: The last thing I googled was "Ray Donovan Music" and I will explain why because, yes, I know that that doesn't make any sense. So, I am finishing up work on this song I am writing and whenever I get to that "almost done" stage, I post to r/Songwriting to get feedback because it's fun and occasionally helpful. And someone in the comments said that my song sounds like if "the little girl from Moneyball and Ray Donovan had a brainchild with Regina Spector [sic]." Which, like, ok. Let's unpack that. The comparison to Regina Spektor is very kind. I have gotten that a few times, though I think Reddit just doesn't know any other women who write songs on the piano. The little girl from Moneyball is such a funny comparison to me. Like, she's not a songwriter? She's just Brad Pitt's fictional child. But like, sure, I get what they mean. I sing kind of light and talky sometimes which makes it sound childlike, I guess, like a Moe Tucker sort of thing. But Ray Donovan??? I literally do not know what this commenter is talking about. All I can find for who Ray Donovan is the guy from the TV show. Like, does TV criminal Ray Donovan write songs or something? Is my song particularly evocative of the Ray Donovan soundtrack? Did this commenter mash together Ray Davies and Donovan's names? I asked him who he is talking about, but received no reply. Someone save me from this hell. Who is Ray Donovan and why did he birth my song?
Current Obsession: Still The Beatles, I guess, though it's not nearly as debilitating as it was a year ago. Which is quite nice, actually! I can actually be productive now.
Current Thing I'm Working On: Well, I've just about finished up the aforementioned song! All it needs is a title. Also, I'm writing a paper on The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is fun. The guy who wrote my translation is a professor at my uni so I may go to his office hours to ask him about it!
Ok, I tag @torchlitinthedesert, @idontwanttospoiltheparty, @veidelon, @theallenklein, and @mydaroga. I know this one already made the rounds though (I think) so no need to do it if you already did it. Or, really, no need to do it at all.
Cheers, everyone!
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the-ikran-man · 1 year
Peace of Mind
Posting our most recent piece of fan fiction since it's short.
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Quaritch and Sully bury a part of their past.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Avatar (Cameron Movies)
Miles Quaritch/Jake Sully
Eywa & Recombinant Miles Quaritch
Recombinant Miles Quaritch
Jake Sully
Eywa | The Great Mother [Mentioned]
Additional Tags:
Former Lives
Late Night Conversations
Moving On
Published: 2023-05-22 Words: 820
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It started as a quiet affair.
Traveling to the shack.
The night is buzzing softly with its life, the plants glowing in an array of colors around the clearing edges.
The AMP sticking out like a sore thumb, cold and robotically lifeless.
Upon a closer look there's the faint presence of vines growing into the cockpit.
"She sure tried, didn't she?" Miles comments.
"You coming back and disturbing it probably didn't help," Jake replies, gesturing to the neck of the corpse, where its skull had been removed.
"Your kids tell you about that?"
"Think us moving it is gonna make it any better?"
"If Eywa decides she wants him, then she'll take him, we're just making it a little easier," Jake says before he reaches into the AMP, carefully removing some of the bones, the hands and arms, along with some scraps of clothes, "I'll find him a good spot, so come on."
Miles grabs some bones as well, the ribcage and spine.
He trails after Jake as he wanders into the forest, searching for a spot.
"You don't think he could tell us if he has a preference?"
"How dare you try to make such a serious moment, laughable, Miles fucking Quaritch," Jake scolds, though Miles can hear the humor in his voice.
"Sorry, sorry."
"I can't believe you."
Miles can't help the grin that comes to his face, as he chuckles softly.
The pair keep waking for a while, till they find a spot that's not absolutely choked with flora.
Jake crouches, carefully clearing some that were still in the way before he starts digging, Miles coming down to help him.
"I'll go get the rest of the bones," he says once they've got a reasonably sized grave.
"Alright," Jake says, starting to set the bones they had down into the hole, placing them carefully so they would look like the skeleton was laying on its side once it was complete, the scraps of clothes being draped over them.
Or about as complete as it could be while missing a skull.
Miles comes back with more of the bones, needing to take a third trip back for the last bits.
Jake continues to relay the bones down.
"Hey, I found this," Miles says as he comes back again.
Jake hears the jiggle of dog tags before he even turns his head to look.
"He'll probably want to be buried with those, unless we want to give them to Spider someday."
"They're not his," Miles says, Jake reaching to take them so he could have a look.
"I know Lyle or somebody took his, pocketed them so..."
"These are mine," Jake mutters.
"How'd he get them?"
"You should know."
"Tell me anyways."
"Gave them to him at some point, don't know why. It's really a stupid gesture, giving another person your dog tags in a supposedly hostile environment."
"But you trusted him."
"Guess I did. I didn't know he held onto them. He said I betrayed him, why keep something from me if he felt that way?"
"Maybe he was stupid too," Miles says, placing the last bones in their spots.
Jake laughs, "Yeah, maybe he was."
He gets to his feet, "We need one more thing, then we can cover him up. I'll be right back, hopefully I can find one."
If Eywa lets him, he'd find one, he's sure.
He doesn't find one. Or well he does, but he can't catch them, the atokirina, woodsprites floating just out of his reach. Guess even Eywa had her limits.
Jake understands.
He goes back to Miles empty handed, and kneels back down next to him to start scooping dirt back into the hole.
Miles brushes dirt off his hands when they finish, "Think we should mark it?"
"No, better for it to just disappear eventually."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, there's no reason to cling to it. Beside if I really feel like reminiscing, I have these," Jake raises the dog tags.
"You gonna wear them? Isn't there some law about not doing that?"
Jake unclasps the tags, "It's about using metals from the ground, but I feel this is different enough." He struggles a little clasping it back around his neck, and Miles moves to help him.
"I'm sure someone will tell me to take it off at some point, which in that case, I have you," he adds, patting Miles on the shoulder before he gets up.
"That's true, I certainly beat the original."
"Don't think too highly of yourself, your ego's big enough."
Miles laughs, "Says Toruk Makto. You got a ego boost large enough from that to rival mine."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm very humble about that," Jake says, with a scoff as he starts to walk off.
Miles follows him, fall into step beside him easily, their hands brushing.
Jake hooks pinkies with Miles.
They walk together, quietly, back towards home.
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cocomere · 1 year
I've cycled back into one of my Moods, so now I'm inflicting it on everyone else! The next Many words are dedicated to an old game that I love to pieces.
Ghost Master is a game I grabbed off the shelf of an Office Max back in 2004, because I was a weird kid and was instantly hooked by the idea. Usually, my game of choice was whatever the newest Nancy Drew game was, but that's a tangent for another time.
I have spent nearly two decades going through cycles of playing this game, getting just a little further, and then getting distracted. It's something that's been part of my life for longer than writing or jewelry-- both of those I picked up in summer of 2006.
Ghost Master is a weird, strange little game that feels criminal to describe as an RTS. If you look only at the mechanics, that's the closest fit. You have units you deploy to meet a goal, while you yourself sit back and command things.
But...it's so, SO much more unique than that. Your units are ghosts, and they each have semi-unique powers, personalities, and some level of autonomy. You set the tier of power you want them to use, and they will use anything in that range at their own discretion.
Usually, your goal is to scare all the mortals in the level-- "send them screaming into the night," as it's put in the intro to one level. There are some levels where the goal is instead to accomplish a different objective; one of the very early levels has you trying to get the residents of the house to find the corpses left by the previous owner. You do environmental puzzles to unlock new ghosts, as well. Some are easy, some are bullshit. Storm Talon is hidden and the only indications he exists are a weird part of the level he's in and his category not having any other ghosts.
I'm doing a terrible job of selling it, but like-- it's so, SO fun. It's campy, it's strange, it spoofs/references so much horror and thriller stuff it's nuts. Literally the names and bios of the mortals are nods. There's a level with a poltergeist made of the restless spirits of chickens from a slaughterhouse, and the level is aptly named Poultrygiest. There's a level that is just flat out the Blair Witch Project. There's a parody of the Ghost Busters named the Ghost Breakers!!
It's usual price is $6 on GoG and $5 on Steam. GoG includes manuals in English and Polish, a ton of concept art, and the OST. Plus, y'know, no DRM. During fall/Halloween/spoopy sales it gets a discount, and it's my strong belief that it's worth at the very least looking at.
Oh! And there's an active mod going on and a dedicated discord for it. Genuinely, pop in and grab the mod if you're interested in the game. It comes with a ton of bug fixes, tweaks including making obtaining the currency for unlocking new powers more forgiving, and adds ghosts that were modeled but cut before being fully implemented. (The original way the currency payout works is that you can only get more if you beat your previous score in a level. It gets HARD to upgrade after a while.)
On top of that, the mod comes with tools that dig into the game and let you do things like add ghosts and mess with narrative cues.
This does not sound impressive, but it is. The file/formal system for the game is weird, opaque, and unique. It took a literal decade of work to get the point the mod is currently at! And there's more being done with adding entire new levels that were scrapped.
The amount of work being done to keep this obscure game alive is breathtaking. And it's free, save for the slight annoyance of needing to join the discord to get the download link.
...And if you really can't swing the price, and might look for Alternative Methods Of Acquisition-- well, about that. This is the only game the studio made (it was a commercial flop due to zero marketing from the publisher-- there's a postmortem from one of the lead devs that mentions that fact), and the IP has changed hands so many times that nobody is really sure who owns the rights any more.
The devs get nothing from sales, is my point. I'm not saying you can seek Alternative Methods Of Acquisition with little to no guilt, or that I might know about where to find it...but, y'know. It's something to mention.
Anyway, here's the links to the game + a trailer for the mod (which gives a link to the discord) + the two part postmortem of what did and didn't work about the game!
And also a playlist of the OST, uploaded by the spearhead/original person behind the mod. Listen to the title sequence, if nothing else!
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starryflix · 2 years
The 27th of November, 2022
Well, for now it seems this is a daily thing. It is weirdly calming to put my thoughts out for other people to read like this. Even if I don't get any/that much engagement there's still something about just ranting and letting my thoughts go as I write these posts that has some form of relief. I have been sleeping shit the past few nights, likely due to an onset of different kind of problems.
Today it has been raining very softly. It hasn't been exactly cold, as I could make a small trip to the grocery store with just my turtleneck layered by a hoodie, but winter seems to be really coming soon. The temperatures keep swinging up and down (which is not great for my skin condition) but very slowly the windy and cold Dutch winter weather is seeping in.
It's about 16.00 on a Sunday and I didn't exactly do a lot. Something came up halting my final edits on an assignment for World History, some story about a Chilean Quilt and why it tells something about history. The assignment is interesting, don't get me wrong, but with the amount of deadlines and changes I had the past week trying to focus on the last bits and pieces of the semester before the finals is hard. I just hope that I can regain my footing and focus again next week.
The entire teacher rant of yesterday, now that I have read it back, is also one with a lot of gaps. I think it is because there's so much to say and no words to say it, never mind the fact that it also includes a large part of my backstory that I can't go into detail about too much right now. It has been a complicated few years that passed by and although my brain seems a lot more organised it is still as chaotic as always. Reflecting has always been one of my strong points, but it also means I reflect a little too much on the past.
The rainy days are better for that than anything.
My sister is watching some Netflix series upstairs, my dad is off for a fieldhockey match, the last one before the winter stop and I am sitting at the table in my childhood living room watching MatPat play Bendy and the Inkmachine the new instalment. This year a weird amount of things that I was interested in in 2017 have been resurfacing and I am not entirely sure how or why this is the case. Going back to the stereotypical 'weird middle school kid' vibes I guess. It is mainly background noise anyway. I am more focussed on watching the rain and the people outside passing by. Thinking about what their stories could be, or guessing how old the dog is. Just observing the world as it with a warm cup of tea in between my hands covered by my hoodie. (because really, is a sweater actually big enough if it doesn't fully fit over your hands?)
I have also been having a conversation with a guy from uni, someone I mainly got in contact with because the both of us are writing a fantasy novel and exchanging creative process and ideas. I have been honest about my creative process but then he got some questions about fanfiction as he never really dove into it or got into contact with it. I did send him one of the things I wrote after consulting some of my internet friends but my god I just hope that he doesn't change his entire view of me. It's not like I have ever written anything explicit, or anything remotely out of boundaries. I have never felt comfortable doing so specifically since what I write tends to be about actual people. It is still just something that I see as a hobby I need to hide. Even though I had multiple talks with my new uni friends about it and some of them have read some of what I have written. I am not sure why it is different with him, but I think it's because I don't want to be the one teaching him about all the weird wonders that fanfiction can entail, even if he seems genuinely curious rather than repelled.
I am also not scared to admit this out here, even though I am well aware that if I do actually end up publishing something people are bound to find me, or my writing on the internet. Someone is bound to recognise my style. It is going to be inevitable anyway as the thing that is now worked out to become a fantasy novel was once a fanfic that I had partially uploaded on ao3. I have just been adjusting and reworking it for the past three years to actually turn it into my own novel, you could barely call it a fanfic in the first place to be completely honest. I did not really have to change much besides writing style and names.
So yeah. There's that. That's an update.
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solemn-siren · 2 years
Storm's calamity: Chapter seven
Chapter seven: Seal the Deal
Previous chapter: Calamity in sight
A/N: Well October was pretty busy! I wrote two theories regarding The Baron and her relationship with the royal family, finished up the Witch's Heart, and started writing non Poptropica stuff on my Quotev! School is also a thing too and it happens to be exam season too. Oh and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is soon.
Anyways enjoy Chapter Seven of Storm's Calamity!
Also Gwendolyn will soon be getting her own origin story similar to Witch's Heart! it will also be published on the PHB so keep an eye out there. Did I mention it would be longer :eyes: (The boys will get theirs too don't worry.)
There I was, walking in the forests of Monster Carnival island, my home island. It was the weekend where School wasn't there to bother me. I could go wherever I wanted whenever I wished.
Most kids in my school went shopping with their families, played video games at home, watched TV, or anything you expect kids to do these days. Instead I would take a walk in the forest, especially the ruins of the old carnival attractions. Something about knowing this place was once full of human life and fun, but was now abandoned and overtaken by nature, was fascinating.
"Come on Gwen! Let's see if we can find any treasure today!" I was too distracted by the haunting thought of the rollercoaster to notice my best friend, Lynx, had ran ahead of me. You see, because this place was abandoned, it meant people left behind strange objects. Lynx and I loved coming here and scavenging whatever we could.
"Look at this! It's a treasure map!" Lynx exclaimed, holding up a piece of paper. It was old but there was a magical charm about it. Lynx held it up excitedly, admiring every detail about it.
it was then a large net was thrown in our direction, capturing Lynx and causing the map to fly out of her hands. I caught it before it got too far away.
"Who's there?!" I demanded, gripping onto the map tightly and looking around. A strange hooded figure jumped out from the trees, a knife in their hands.
"Give me the map." They demanded in a strong and serious voice. "Or I'll take your friend's heart instead..."
I woke up gasping for breath. Thank god it was only a dream.
The sleeping quarters of the blimp was deserted, meaning everyone else had woken up already. It was 9.30am. I really did oversleep.
Just 5 days ago Alouette, Maverick, Felix and I left camp to head to mystery of the map island. Who even gave that island a name that long? Shouldn't it be Viking island? What does a map have to do with any of this? Whoever named that island needs to do a better job.
Once I got changed I went out to the deck where everyone was just doing their own thing. Alouette was driving the Blimp, Maverick was doodling stuff on the map, and Felix was carving something at the back. That kid has been doing that for the whole 5 days. I haven't seen him sleep once.
"Good morning Gwen you're late." Alouette said, waving her wand and summoning a plate of pancakes in my hands. "Not long to go."
"why are you the one driving the Blimp?" I asked.
"Can't trust either of the boys with it." She answered, carrying out multiple tasks with her magic. "Maverick would drive this blimp like a maniac and Felix would probably crash this somewhere." "Crash this somewhere?" I asked. "We're talking about some guy who managed to crash his own plane in the middle of a peaceful night." Alouette whispered, glancing at Felix. "Plus, you've seen his actions. He's so going to backstab us." --------------------
The rest of the flight went uninterrupted. We finally arrived at our destination, and because it is too long I will not say where we arrived. It's what the island gets for having a long name.
The walk to the viking settlement also went uninterrupted. The jungle was peaceful, we could actually finish our job here pretty quickly.
Or so I thought.
When we arrived at the actual settlement, there were guards patrolling the fortress perimeters, looking out for someone, or something. When we arrived we were able to get in since Amelia did let the leader know we were coming. But something really was off.
"Erik the Red, the visitors you were expecting have arrived." One of the guards explained as we were lead to the throne room. Sitting on a throne with a shiny goblet in his hands was a man with Red hair and a beard, with a large hat on his head. He looked like he was ready to let out his anger anytime.
"Amelia's children huh." The Red man said, drinking from his goblet. "They really are children. Anyways Amelia explained there's some sort of vision and prophecy that I, Erik the Red, would understand." I nodded and was about to recite the prophecy but then Erik went into his angry mode.
"However! Some Thief stole our precious treasure and we're yet to find the thief!" He shouted, his voice causing my heartbeat to speed up. "Thor's amulet. It is very important to us. So let's make a deal then. Find the thief, bring back Thor's amulet, and we will share everything we know."
Well no isn't an option here. -------------------- Alouette is searching around the fortress, Maverick is searching the nearby camp, and Felix is searching the Jungle, and I'm stuck with the dodos and the nearby waterfall.
"Dodos are mean birds." Alouette explained as we all split up to our respective areas. "They will come after you if you have food." "Unless you hunt them down first! They're delicious." Maverick added. Yea totally helpful.
"Would be kind of funny if a dodo really did steal Thor's amulet." I muttered to myself, climbing up the nest and not disturbing the dodos. They are mean, I will understand that and move on. Their nests seemed empty, and those with items inside didn't have anything amulet like.
As I climbed down I felt something whizzing past my neck, killing an unfortunate dodo behind me. I grabbed my dagger and jumped down from the nest, scaring even more dodos.
"Who's there?! Thief?" I demanded, showing whoever that I had a weapon. There was silence, but after a while a man appeared from the trees, and my heart stopped.
This was the same man who trapped Lynx and threatened to kill her years ago. And potentially a thief. Wait no definitely.
0 notes
Sick as a dog. <Bradley Bradshaw x reader>
This is my first published piece of writing but my baby, Reese Withoutaspoon aka @greatbigshiningstar is sick with Covid, and I want to make her feel better even if I’m not where near her. Love you doll hope you can imagine Roost with this.
I hope you enjoy and anytime any one of you are sick just remember Bradley would buy you your favourite soup and cut your bread exactly the way you like it!
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x (f)reader
word count: 1846
warnings: Mentions of feeling and being sick, Bradley’s awful dad jokes, way too many curse words and sexual references (if you really squint hard enough – haha hard)
summary: The reader is home sick from the flu she got from work (can be whatever job you want I’m not going to explicitly describe what job she does) and wants to just curl up and die. Will Rooster let her be alone? No! He protect. He attack. He’s got his baby’s back! Just a cute little drabble of Bradley looking after her.
Pain. Pain is all I could feel, coursing through my body and destroying everything in its path. It's like if you gave the basic flu weapons and said, 'have at it!'. Now all I can think about are cartoon germs with machine guns shooting at my immune system until there is nothing left to destroy. Now, I'm an averagely smart person I obviously know that they don't have weapons and aren't shooting me from the inside but right now if you told me to stand up straight and count to ten, I'd be doing the macarena and wouldn't even notice the difference. I go to cuddle my pillow until I realise, I'm not even in bed I'm in my car and have been since 3 pm. 4 hours in my car just sitting there. No music. No phone. Just sitting. When did I get home? How did I get home? Did I accidentally kill anyone on my way home? I guess we'll never know.
I decide that I need to go inside and curl up and live my life in a quarantine-like staycation where I will not be talking to anyone, my best friend will be my cold bathroom floor and kid's drowsy cough medicine because I only like the strawberry flavour and apparently adult medicine manufacturers thought Let's make it taste worse than their own vomit and make them take it 3-4 times a day. Yeah, no thanks I'm okay with my kiddie medication, maybe that's why I'm always asked for parenting advice by new mums in the pharmacy. By the time I actually am able to get my dead legs out of the car, it's been 27 minutes and I stumble into my shitty home like a newborn deer learning to walk. All because of Jaida from work.
That bitch Jaida can get the flu, have a few sniffles and get on with the day. But puts everyone else at risk. Like okay, Jaida you've got a good immune system we get it! She gets to continue her day whereas I am reenacting the exorcist when I even try to drink water.  How is it fair? I enjoy my job. I want to be at my job. I unscrew the top of the medicine bottle and simply drink it like it's an energy drink, the door to my bedroom opens and I just lay on the bed. 
Suddenly I hear the front door open once again. All this time I've been thinking about myself when I forget I share this shitty home with my amazing boyfriend who has such an important job and if he gets sick, what if he can't go out on a flight and countless people die because of it? Okay nope, he's not allowed near me it is decided I am going to reenact another film, Contagion. 
"Honey I'm home!" I hear the naval officer yell throughout the house. The silence is deafening in response. He starts whistling about as if his version of echolocation will be able to locate me within the house. I stand up to back myself against the door so he cannot enter which feels like the biggest task I've ever completed. I hear him try to push the bedroom door open and fail imminently. "Why are you up against the door? Are you naked? You know I don't mind it's nothing I haven't seen before." He goes to push against the door once again.
"I'm not naked. I'm sick." I weakly croak out just enough for him to hear.
"Okay? So are you going to let me in or?" His voice is laced with confusion, boy take a hint, I love you but not happening. 
"I'm not letting you in because if you get sick you might not be able to work and if you can't work then Mav might personally send firing jets to shoot me." He can tell there's a frown on my face even behind the oak door. By now I'm sitting on the floor leaning against the door because all my energy is drained. I hear Rooster's knees drop to the floor and look to see him looking through the gap at the bottom of the heavy door and hear a little giggle. "Fuck off it's not funny!" I can't help but laugh which causes my chest and throat to hurt more. "I'm dying of influenza in here and you're laughing about me. Some widow you'd make Bradshaw." Again a fucking giggle easily escapes that man's mouth. 
"Right then if you're dying might as well get some things I've been meaning to say for a long time but never had the courage to say." He sighs and sits with his back to the door as I am also doing. A light tension fills the air. "You're a stupid bitch and I hate you. You're ugly too." 
"Right now I want you to get sick you dickhead." I lightly hit the door soon realising that hurt my whole body more than I reckoned. 
"Then open the door all you have to do is open the door and let me get my karma." His voice sounds tempting. He's got that charm that could sell the internet to an elephant. Not sure if that makes sense but I'm feeling like dumbo on wine right now so I don't really mind if my idiom makes sense or not. That man knows exactly what he's doing. Is it reverse psychology or is it gaslighting either way it's super enticing. I push myself off the floor and open the door. "Ah, a hideous monster!" He yells as I open the door. Bradley sees the upset and frustration on my face and knows I'm about to slam this door in his face. "Wait no! I'm sorry!" Allowing him to walk into our shared bedroom felt illegal to me. I keep my distance from him baking away as far as I can go before hitting the bed that stood in the centre of the room. "Am I not allowed to be near you?" I shake my head in response. 
"I'm not getting you sick dude that would fucking suck! And you're a child when you're sick so I'm not willing to play nurse. Love you, not that much." Rooster puts his hands up in a surrender-like fashion and stays where he is. His dark brown eyes scan me up and down. "Stop looking at me like that." 
"Like what?"
"Like I'm a dying puppy." My lips form into a pout. 
"I want to look after you. That's all I want. I won't come near you I promise." His fingers form into a cross behind his back.
"And how do you propose that you can look after me without coming near me." I'm sceptical about his methods.
"Get into bed." A little smile forms on his face.
"I don't see how having sex is going to help bud." Scoffs pass his lips as he has given up with my bullshit. Before I can even process what is happening his long arms have been placed onto my shoulders and pushed my back onto the mattress. A small yelp escapes my lips. "I have no energy for this." I feel the mattress consume my weight as I sink in slowly but surely. 
"Get under the duvet and I'll be back." He's off! The room is suddenly quiet as I give in to his demands and get settled under the heavy duvet which I can't decide if it's too hot or too cold for it. The first noise I hear is the fumbling noise of the cupboards and then the slamming of them. Instead of Bradley coming back to the room the front door once again opens and closes. I want to get up and see where he has gone but this bed has grown more comfortable by the second and not to my recollection my eyes start to close and I doze off. 
I don't know how long it's been while I've been sleeping but I am slowly awoken by the smell of rich chicken wafting its way from the kitchen. My eyes slowly open and I am alerted by Bradley's figure standing in the doorway. My body does a small tense reaction to his terrifying stature. "Hey, sleepysauras. Temp check!" He works his way over to my still comatose body and sticks a thermometer into my mouth. A hmmm noise comes from my chest as I feel the cool plastic on my tongue. "Okay! 101*. You, little lady, have a fever."
"That's mean." My eyes roll around my head. 
"I made cheddar broccoli soup. Just for you. Because I love you!" I stick my middle finger up at him. His laughs fill the house as he goes to fetch the amazing-smelling soup from the kitchen. The soup enters the room before he does as he is holding it out at an arm's length. "So I don't have to come near you!" Weak fake laughs come from my mouth. The tray is set on my lap and the bread is cut my way. "Even though I'm pretty sure it's a felony I cut it horizontally because you're sick and I have to spoil you." I try not to break out into a smile and or cry because it is so stinking cute. "Now eat it up."
"Yes sir, Lieutenant Bradshaw, sir!" I give him a small salute. He goes to leave, "What you're not going to spoon-feed me as well?" He stops in his tracks and does a little 180* spin on the spot. The speed of his run could be considered inhuman, he could put the flash to shame. Instead of simply walking around the bed as a normal person would, Bradley leapfrogs over my side of the bed to his side. The metal spoon is lifted from the white ceramic bowl into his hands.
"I'm going to be honest with you I have already taster tested a lot of this soup. For your protection of course." My head shakes up and down in a mocking gesture.
"My hero!" Rooster's lips move closer to the spoon, which holds the cheddar broccoli soup, and lightly blows on it. Aeroplane-like noises advance from the aviator's lips as he spoon feeds me like a child. "It's nice." Dark brown eyes squint at my choice of words. "It's delicious, Gordon Ramsey would be proud!" Pride fills his expression as he seems very impressed with his amazing cooking. As I demolish the food in front of me my stomach churns only slightly enough to make me gag but not to be physically sick. Rooster goes white as a ghost in front of me, not very well-known fact is that Roost is a huge Emetophobic. Reassurance washes over his pale complexion as he realises I wasn't going to throw up.
My anxieties of not wanting to get him sick are gone as I open up the duvet for him to get underneath with me. He willingly does so and joins our bodies together. The warmth from his body and his arm wrapped around me sends me back to sleep. 
I hope you enjoyed!
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gracefulsunflower · 2 years
PUBLISHED: 13/06/2022
I sat across from my dad in the snug of the Garrison. He said that he had something important to tell me, but I wasn't sure what it was. I sipped on my glass of water, waiting for him to speak to me. It was too early in the day to drink, even though it was the weekend.
He looked at me, his brown eyes boring holes right through me. I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable.
Dad reached for his mug of beer and took a drink, then placed it back down on the table, taking a deep breath in.
"I'm sorry," He said, "For putting you through this."
My jaw dropped. Maybe I should have gotten alcohol.
"What do you mean you're 'sorry?'" I demanded, jabbing a finger into the table as I looked at him.
He wouldn't be sorry. Not now, not ever. What's done was done.
"I am — Sorry. For making you get married. I was thinking about myself. I thought about the good of the family, and not what was good for you. I'm a terrible father." Dad admitted, and I narrowed my eyes at him, then raised my hand, swinging it at him.
However, my palm never made contact with his cheek because he grabbed my wrist, stopping me.
"You can't go and get physical whenever you're mad." Dad warned, and I swung my other hand, loving the sound it made at it connected with Dad's face.
"I don't forgive you, what's done is done, and I'm going home, to my husband." I gritted out, standing up and storming off.
I walked outside, and to my car, getting in it and starting it. I pulled a piece of gum out of my pocket and unwrapped it, throwing it into my mouth and chewing angrily as I sped off.
He may have been sorry, but he shouldn't have married me off in the first place.
I drove in an angry silence, bar the aggressive chewing of my poor gum. Once I reached Finn and I's apartment building, I shut off the car, and took a deep breath to calm myself, not wanting to blow up on Finn. I continued taking deep breaths, then got out and walked up to our apartment, where Finn was stood out on the balcony having a smoke, leaning against the railing with his feet crossed, watching the kids play out on the street.
"Not good," I answered Finn's question before he could get it out, heading inside.
He followed me, hot on my heels, as I headed for the kettle and put it on the boil, grabbing my mug, and his, and twelve biscuits, splitting them evenly onto each side of a plate. I spat my gum out into the bin.
Finn stepped up next to me and silently made the two cups of tea as I grabbed a chocolate from the basket on the bench and started eating it. I broke off a piece and held it out to Finn, silently offering it to him. He took it, grabbing the end of it with his teeth and pulling back, then tilting his head up and letting it drop into his mouth.
I chuckled as the kettle started whistling. He pulled it off the boil, then poured it into each of our cups, then poured the milk. I grabbed my own cup and the plate of biscuits, and we headed over and sat on the floor in front of the fire.
"What happened?" Finn asked, watching me as I dunked my biscuit into my tea.
"He said sorry — which I'm grateful for," I stopped to bring my now soggy biscuit out of my tea, and eat the soggy half, "But it doesn't fix anything. It doesn't turn back time and change anything, it doesn't unmarry us. And then he had the nerve to tell me to not get physical whenever I'm mad just because I went to slap him!"
Finn nodded, then took a sip of his own tea. "Um, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah?" I replied, pulling the soggy second half out of my tea then eating it.
"First up, unmarry isn't a word. Secondly — He's right. You can't just get physical any moment of any day. Yeah, he deserved it, and I reckon that you're in the right for slapping him, but you just can't act on it all the time. Being mad is fine, being physical with the people you love isn't." Finn said, making me scowl.
"I know that!" I snapped, taking a sip of my tea to calm myself down.
I closed my eyes and hummed in contentment after I swallowed it, feeling it warm me from the inside out.
"I don't mean slapping and being physical with other people — You do it with objects too, throwing them around, and I do it when I'm drunk but I'm not fond of it, I'm scared it might turn in to something else," Finn confessed, making me open my eyes and look at him.
"Why are you saying this?" I asked him carefully, eyeing him as he picked up one of the oval shaped biscuits and flipped it around in his hand.
"Well, what if we make it a rule? So we can stop it before it gets really bad. I'm not saying that it will, but it could. And what if we blow up in front of Tommy or the kids? That'll fuck us right over." Finn stated, dipping the biscuit into his own cup.
I watched as he moved it up and down, making sure it was soggy, but not enough to break, before pulling it out of the cup.
"That'll be a good rule, but what if we get proper cross and can't help it?" I questioned, grabbing two biscuits and dipping them.
"We should get away from the situation before we get that mad. Go on a walk or something," Finn supplied as I ate the soggy parts of the biscuits.
"What if it's Tommy or someone bigger than us and we can't just walk out?" I pointed out, making him frown.
"We can walk out, they can't keep us there. If you want me to, I can come and get you and say that you need to help me with something." Finn suggested, and I hummed in agreement as I dunked two biscuits again, "It's a hard skill to master but I reckon we'll be able to do it."
I moved them around in my tea, making sure to soak them, "I'll do the same for you. But how am I supposed to know when to get you out of there?"
"I'll — um, I don't know. Wave at you?" Finn decided, and I nodded.
He never did it any other time, so it would be an easy sign that he needed me.
"Shall I do the same?" I said, before dipping my final biscuit.
"Yes," Finn answered, standing up and grabbing the paper and pencil from the mantle, "That way it'll be easy. A universal signal. I'll write it down in our rules."
"Erm, can I write it?" I questioned, feeling slightly embarrassed to be asking a question like that.
Finn just grinned as he slid the sheet and pencil over to me.
"Number six. No throwing or kicking stuff around when cross. Number seven. When the other gives you the signal, you go to their aid." I said as I wrote them down.
Finn looked at the sheet, and nodded in approval, "Your writing's gotten a lot better. It's even clear upside down."
I felt pride bubble up in my chest.
"Thank you," I mumbled as I stood up and placed the sheet back on the mantle.
"Anytime," Finn said, grabbing his last biscuit and breaking it in half, then pouring some of his tea onto the plate and placing a half in it.
I watched as Finn Junior came over and started lapping up the tea. Finn hesitantly reached out and stroked the cat, who continued purring. Finn Junior leaned into Finn's touch, and I smiled.
Maybe my two boys would get along.
I walked with Jenica and Ezzie down to the netball courts. The other day, Ezzie and I signed up and joined the team. Today, we'd have our first practice. I decided to join some club so I wouldn't be stuck at home bored all the time, just until Tommy found some position for me to work in. Even so, I'd still probably play netball, so I was active. I couldn't stand not doing anything. When I camped out, I was always doing something. Hunting, cooking, playing with the kids, walking my dog, doing chores, messing around with the animals, but in our apartment if I swept the floor one more time I'd go mad.
I convinced Ezzie to join with me because it would bring her into town more often so I, Jenica, and Isiah, could see her more often.
We played netball at our camps, because it was quite an easy game to set up, and the rules were sort of simple, but I wasn't the best at it, being a bit on the shorter side, especially compared to the other girls.
Finn didn't know that I joined the team yet. I wanted to make some friends of my own, friends that weren't Finn's friends. Finn's friends were alright, but I needed some of my own so I wasn't hanging off my husband all of the time.
"Ladies! This is Esmeralda and (Y/N)." Jenica said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked around, and the first thing I noticed was how big the range in ages was. There were girls that were as young as me to girls that were Ada's age. There was one woman who looked to be Polly's age, standing there and holding a whistle. I quickly counted. There were nine girls on the court, not including the woman holding the whistle, twelve girls if you included Jenica, Ezzie, and me.
"The Golds, our newest recruits. I'm Coach Lynnette, but you can call me Lynn," The woman with the whistle said, giving us a motherly smile, "There's a pile of dresses here. Go take a few into the change rooms over there and try them on, see which fits you best."
"Yes, Coach." I said, giving her a grin as I stepped forward and and grabbed a few of the blue dresses that looked my size.
I waited for Ezzie to do the same, and we walked to the change rooms together. I stepped into a stall, placing my rucksack down on the ground, getting out of my red dress, shoving it into my rucksack, along with my flats, and tried on the first blue dress there. It seemed to fit. I stepped out of the stall and moved my arms around. It fit just fine.
I grabbed my rucksack and got out my leggings, slipping them on under my dress, then putting on proper socks and a pair of canvas shoes that Jenica leant to me to practice in.
I pulled my water bottle out of my rucksack and waited for Ezzie. She soon emerged from her stall, her own rucksack over her shoulder. I picked up my rucksack and the other dresses, then we headed back out onto the court, where the other girls were warming up. I put my rucksack and water bottle down on the bench, next to Jenica's, and began to warm up next to Ezzie and Jenica.
"Girls! Fall in!" Coach Lynn commanded after a short while, and the other girls immediately stopped what they were doing and ran over to Coach, standing in a semicircle in front of her.
I stopped and went and stood at one end of the semicircle awkwardly.
Ezzie and Jenica went and stood at the other end. Traitors.
"Now, as you can see we have two new players. Esmeralda and (Y/N)," Coach Lynn began, bouncing the netball she held in her hands, then quickly threw it at me.
I caught it, making an 'oof ' sound as I did so, the ball managing to wind me. For an older lady, she was a lot stronger than she looked.
"Good catch," She praised, then looked back at the other girls, "Now, make them feel welcome. Introduce yourselves."
The one next to Ezzie spoke, "Hiya. I'm Florence, but you can call me Flo."
She looked nice enough. She also looked to be my age, her face still retaining the fullness of youth.
"Hilda." She looked Lizzie's age, and very motherly.
"Dorothy — Dottie for short." She was stunning, a bit older than me, and Ezzie.
"Elsie." She looked Ezzie's age, easily.
"Winnie." She looked older than Ezzie, but younger than Hilda.
Her skin stood out the most, white patches against her chestnut coloured skin.
"Ivy." Another angelic face, with a name easy enough to remember.
If I wasn't married to Finn I'd probably try my luck with some of these girls, honest.
"Emily." She was another who still had the childish roundness to her face.
Her voice sounded settled, though, so it was safe to say she was older than me.
"Sarah." She grinned at me, a shy one.
I returned it, making her smile wider. I reckon she'd be a good mate.
"Dinah." I looked at her, standing next to me, and her flawless brown skin and her brown curls up in a bun.
She looked my age, another good person to try and befriend.
"I'm Jenica, but of course you already knew that," Jenica said, making us chuckle.
"Now, girls, we'll start off with warmups, then move up from there. Grab a partner and a ball, practice your passes." Coach commanded, and I moved to go grab Jenica or Ezzie.
Ezzie paired off with Dottie, and Jenica paired off with Ivy.
I suddenly felt like a fish out of water.
"Hiya. Want to be my partner?" Florence — Flo — asked cheerfully as she strolled up to me.
"I'd like that," I replied, and we walked over to one side of the court.
"Are you Finn Shelby's wife?" She asked, and I nodded.
"Cool." She said, "Now, we're going to do a passing drill. You have the ball, and you have to pass it to me. I've got to keep my hands by my sides while you chest pass it to me. I can only move my hands once the ball is in the air and the pass is in progress."
I nodded, and passed the ball to her. She quickly caught it, making my eyes widen. Her reaction time was crazy fast.
I'd have a bit to learn.
I sat with Jenica and Ezzie in my apartment, listening to Jenica pack her nail polish away, the glass bottles clinking against each other like the marbles Bonnie and I used to play with.
Violet was down in my room napping, thankfully. The girls went and grabbed Violet from the babysitters and had showers, and I made cupcakes and put them in the oven before I showered. They were done now, and I whipped cream up and made them butterfly cakes.
"So, you and Isiah, what's been happening?" I demanded, making Ezzie blush.
"Ooooh, yes, tell us!" Jenica added, coming to sit on the floor next to me.
I sat my freshly painted nails on my lap, trying to keep them free of smudges.
They were nearly dry, but I didn't want to risk anything.
"It's been going good. I ring him and he comes to see me and I go to see him and we go for walks or to dinner or to the pictures. I think I really like him," Ezzie confessed, making me 'aww'.
She had never said that about any boys before Isiah. She never blushed around about any boys before Isiah. She was utterly head over heels.
"He's cooking me dinner tonight. I'm having dinner with him and his father." Ezzie added, making my jaw drop.
"You two are that serious?" Jenica questioned, and Ezzie nodded.
"Fucking hell. You must love him a lot to settle down for him," I joked, making the girls laugh.
I was glad that Ezzie was feeling this way about someone. She deserved to be loved.
We heard a cry come from my room, and Jenica hopped up and rushed down there, coming back out with baby Violet on her hip.
"I'll take her home now, she might be hungry." Jenica muttered, and I nodded, standing up, Ezzie doing the same.
"I'll go to hers too, sister, see you later." Ezzie said, gathering her belongings, as well as Jenica and Violet's.
"See you. Call me and tell me how it goes," I demanded as they headed for the door.
"I will!" Ezzie promised, then held the door open for Jenica and Violet.
Jenica headed out first, then Ezzie, then Finn came inside, saying bye to the girls and shutting the door behind him.
"Nice nails," He said after he came and sat in the armchair in front of me.
"Thanks," I replied, then he spotted my rucksack and shoes next to the couch, as well as my netball dress and leggings on the clothes horse in front of the fire.
"What's that for?" He nodded towards them.
"I play netball now." I informed him, and he hummed in acknowledgment.
He leaned back in the chair and took off his cap, "When's your first game?"
"Saturday, two o'clock, at our courts, against a team from Camden town." I replied, moving to the kitchen and grabbing two cupcakes from the tray.
I bit and pulled the paper down on one with my teeth then bit into the cupcake as I walked back over and handed Finn the other.
"You spoil me," Finn commented, making me chuckle.
"I'll make sure to make your game." Finn promised, then took a bite of his own cupcake, "Holy fuck. Can I take some to work tomorrow? I want the lads to know that none of their girls can bake like you."
I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Finn, you can take some to work tomorrow."
Please note — I do not play netball outside of sports/PE lessons lol, I do know the basics and stuff but I don't play it enough to know *everything*
What do you guys think of the reader joining a netball team to make new friends? Yay or nay?
Love y'all ❤️
- Sunflower x
Part 23
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ravenadottir · 3 years
HEY!! i just wanna start by saying i love love LOVE ur stuff and I've read too much to calculate three hundred times and everything u write is so cool woohoo
and speaking of my boy Carl! i downloaded matchmaker recently, and after hours of cheating at candy crush, i found that apparently one of Carl's interests is anime??
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i rly don't see him watching anything other than like, death note and spirited away, but i rly wanted to see what u think abt it!
thank you so much, it means a lot to know people like carl's story 🥺💙😭
sooooooo... i'm absolutely the wrong person to ask this, 'cause i don't watch anime so my answer will be lacking.
from the ones i've seen, i agree with you about 'death note' because it has such a dark storyline, i think carl digs that a lot.
'attack on titan' is in his list for the same reason. it's almost cathartic to him i would say. don't know where he stands with this tik tok trend though lol
i haven't seen 'spirited away' yet, so i don't know what's about and can't really agree or disagree (i want to stay away from the premise 'cause i like the mystery), so let me comment on the ones i think he might dig besides those:
he read 'demon slayer' mangas and is enjoying the anime now. the humor, sometimes acid sometimes goofy, can really represent his own jokes fairly, 'cause most of them are double meaning and whenever he catches one he's like "😝 haha i get it".
also, he might really like nezuko because of the duality she's trapped in. being a demon is not easy, especially if you're travelling in a box.
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anime probably happened really early on, so 'sailor moon', 'dragonball' and 'saint seiya' ('knights of the zodiac') might've been part of his initiation. playing around while pretending to be one of them is probably the thing he did the most, especially because i think he had a lonely childhood. i definitely seem him playing as ami mizuno (sailor mercury) and the little dude in red (i think he's pegasus seiya?), because of the aesthetic they have in common.
and i don't think carl cared about being a female character at all. they have a lot in common and that's what matters to him.
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"fullmetal alchemist" is one of those pieces of media that truly mature a child quickly, since a vital part of the story was really shocking (you know the one). now it feels nostalgic to go back and watch it, and cry over that part. given he was 10 when it was first published i reckon he grew up wth it, but it's so mature i think he watches it to this day.
he might've let animes like 'sakura' or 'naruto' slip because of the themes. carl strikes me as the type of kid who was born with an old soul, so naruto repeating himself for the 50th time in the same episode could've been jarring, despite having some other amazing characters like kakashi, gaara (the love of my life) and even sasuke.
i also headcanon carl being very passionate about sakura being wasted away in stupidity for so long. SHE WAS WASTED, OK? she was so fucking capable but somehow would turn into an idiot all the time, i hated that!
now, about pokemon. i feel like every kid had their phase, and sometimes pokemon doesn't even feel like anime because it's not as underground as others can be.
still, i can see little carl with a cap on his bowl cut and fingerless gloves while playing with stuffed toys, and later on gameboy.
it's possible he still plays it from time to time, including the TCG format and pokemon go. no one can change my mind he geeks out about legendary pokemon he has in his backpack in the app.
plus, i risk to say his favorite of all time is arceus or xerneas, and his initial was squirtle.
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and i think that's all i can contribute! i haven't even scratched the surface with these suggestions, but i would like to hear your thoughts and anyone else's who digs anime and manga. i have probably seen less than 1% of what's out there, so i would love to hear from more people!
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hootysblog · 2 years
So before the new episode gets released, I'm releasing my fanfic.
I know there are a lot of theories about Luz getting possessed, but I like the idea of Amity getting possessed. So, I made two fanfics about this, but I'm only publishing the one and I'll release the other one some time next week.
And I'm hoping no one gets possessed, but I'm not a writer on the show so I'll just see where it goes. Enjoy!
Amity slowly wakes up. Her vision is a little fuzzy, but she can make out her girlfriend, and it looks like she's struggling against something.
She looks and sees a dark figure toying with her girlfriend.
The memories come rushing back to Amity. She remembers the Collector saying something about a body, Luz saying that it'll never happen, then a fight ensued where Amity got knocked out.
Eda grabs Amity and trys to drag her away from Luz.
"Eda! What?! Let me go!" Amity growls at her.
"No way. Luz wants me to keep you safe and right now, you're not safe!"
Amity scowls and still struggles against Eda. She looks towards Luz and hears something about possessing. She puts to pieces together and knows that she has to save her girlfriend.
"Sorry Eda, but I have to do this!" Amity says.
"Wait, what are-OW!" Eda cries as Amity bites down on her arm and also kicks Eda in the leg.
Eda drops her and she rushes towards her girlfriend.
Luz is panicking. She wants to protect her friends, but she didn't think that she is going to get possessed.
The Collector starts to move forward towards her and Luz closes her eyes.
"I'm sorry everyone," Luz thinks to herself, "but I need to keep you all safe."
Her eyes are closed, but she notices that something is in front of her.
"Well, this is an interesting twist," the Collector says. "Okay, you'll do instead."
"Instead?" Luz thinks. She opens her eyes to see Amity standing there.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Luz yells.
Amity turns to Luz. "I made you a promise Luz. I'm not going to let you get hurt, and that includes this."
She creates an abomination and it grabs hold of Luz.
"Luz," Amity voice breaks, "I know you'll find a way to save me, but to save me, you need to be safe."
"Amity, you can't do this!" Luz cries.
"Ugh this is taking too long," the Collector chimes in.
"Abomination, take her to safety."
The abomination starts to move, but Luz tries to squirm out of its grip.
Amity creates a spell circle, but it's for the abomination to grip Luz harder.
Amity looks to her and tears are flowing down her face. "I love you Luz."
Luz gasps. That is the first time she ever said that to her. "AMITY! NO!"
The Collector turns Amity around and devilishly smiles. The two of them are engulfed in a bright light and disappear from the area.
The abomination turns to goo since Amity is no longer controlling it. Luz runs towards the spot Amity was at. She collapses to her knees at the spot. The gang rushes towards Luz, but keep their distance. They didn't notice that Amity left Ghost behind. The palisman sprints towards Luz and paws at the ground where Amity once stood.
Luz feels her hot tears streaming down her face. She opens her eyes and sees that her girlfriend's pendant fell off and is laying on the ground in front of her. She reaches down to grab it. She runs her thumb over it, while Ghost rubs against Luz's hand. She gives him a smile and scratches behind his ears. Ghost sadly purrs and climbs onto her shoulder.
Luz looks down at the pendant and she gets a determined look on her face.
"I promise I will save you, mi amor. No matter what."
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My Brothers, The Lovers ❤ (Repost: Classic fanfic)
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My Brothers, The Lovers *Revised version*
By Annabelle Naughty Princess Rose
Summary:I wouldn't trade my Brothers for anything in the world. SAM/DEAN/OFC. Wincest!
Rated: MA (18+)
Author notes: Hey guys! Well, I have  another classic fic of mine to share. This was a little idea I had while I wrote this story, an OFC sister of Sam and Dean Winchester, and thier growing forbidden bond. So, this is a Wincest story.
This story was recently published on my Fanfiction.net, as well as on live journal, Wattpad, and WordPress page. There may be some little changes I made because the story had bad typos. (Don't judge me.)
Please note: That this story contains Wincest. If you are uncomfortable with this nature, please DO NOT read!
Lastly, I don't own any characters. The story plot was my idea. ;)
(Reader's POV:)
I love my brothers. They are caring. They are protective. When you're feeling down, they turn your frown upside down. If it was over a guy, they would stop at nothing to nail his ass to a wall. Any person, whether boy or girl is lucky to have them.
I wouldn't trade my brothers for anything in the world. They are a godsend. Sam and Dean: my knights in shinning amour.
We been through a lot together. Since our father died, it has been hell on earth...literally!
But no matter, we had stuck it through till the end and now we could live our lives...
A lot has happened since we saved the world from certain doom. We had one hard challenge: to learn how to live normal lives. I mean, I know it sounds stupid to do one simple thing, but come on, In our eyes, we are hunters. We were born as hunters. I don't think the three of us couldn't shake the fact that life was over. It was the only thing we knew.
But still, we somehow mange to cope with it. We settled in Kansas with the help of our father's will. We brought a house pretty much like the one you see on those commercials with the white picket fence.
It was close to the University Sam was planning to attend to resume his studies as a attorney and close to Lisa, Dean's one last stand and his possible legitimate lovechild Ben. I, myself was planning to go to a local Community College. At first, I didn't really wanted to go to school, but Sam insisted that it was serve me well later in life.
Yeah, life was perfect... at least for the half of that year. The urge of the life of freedom were still brewing inside us. We miss the life with no worries, of bills, school, kids...
So we sold the house hop into the impala and left.
About three months after, I noticed that our bond was changing. I noticed Dean would at times, would make quick glances out from the corner of my eye. I really didn't pay to much attention to it at first because I thought it was something that brothers normally do.
But now I found at night when I take turns laying next to him or Sam, at times I could have swore I felt his eyes staring down at me while I sleep.
Sam on the other hand had a very different approach. There would be times whenever me and him are alone, he wouldn't normally act like your typical big brother. He would act as though like a boyfriend. When me and him are alone, He would be a lot closer than usual. At times when I'm in the shower, I could have swore that I heard him breathing on the other side of the curtain not to mention to very tall figure I see just standing mere inches.
I guess I'm just imagination things. That's it's all in my head. Or maybe, I have a bad case of thinking dirty. Can I help it? I am not going to lie. My brothers are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous! They could get the princess of Cambridge a heat attack! I found that comment to be quite interesting! I begin to think the times when the three of us would be out, like geoceries shopping, bars,at the park. I have women rolling their eyes, whispering words about me, thinking that I was a whore for my brothers...
Nothing could prepare me for what happened two weeks later...
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was sitting on the sidewalk in front of a sleazy hotel. I was writing in my journal at the same time sneaking glances at Dean as he was wiping down the impala. The way he smiles as he glazes down at his baby makes me happy but a tad jealous...but he assure me that I was his main baby.
I could hear the faint sound of water coming from the bathroom. Sam,was inside, washing his god build form in the shower.
Turning my head, I couldn't help but grin as I saw a narrow view of his ass. Even after all these years, Sam still had a nasty habit about leaving the shower curtain open.
"Hey," Dean replies getting my attention. I turn my head towards him trying to look innocent."What are you smirking at?" He asks.
At his question, I raised my eyebrows giving him a side smile.
"Nothing. just a thought I was thinking." I looked up at him and I could tell he wasn't buying it. That's the thing I love about Dean, he has the sense to know whether something was troubling me or Sam...and he would stop at nothing to find out.
"About? I curious," He replies in a singing tone making me laugh.
"It's personal. My thoughts only," I winked. Finally he give up the debate and returns to his duty wiping down his impala.
Later that night, we decided to pay a visit at local bar. That day was the worst night of my life.
To be from what seemed, the only sibling with two very handsome attractive brothers was a bitch!
From the second we walk in, there were woman, whether their were in a relationship,married, or even betrayal their same-sex partner, had cornered us.
One was a blonde, who I can tell had the personality of stupid trying to seduce Dean with her luscious but totally fake breasts. While a brunette who was staring Sam down and was the bartender of the bar didn't give a damn if she had other people waiting to be served. It disgust me how women could be so depraved for a man.
I wanted to get out of there. The room felt as through it was trying to suffocate me. It hurt my heart to see I was the only one left out. To keep myself from bursting into tears, I did just that but my attempt to leave was cut short by a hand on by wrists.
Turning my head, I came face to face to a man who was pure hillbilly. He had messy hair,oily jumper and I remember that when I was at the bar, I would turn my head and he would smile at me.
"Where do you think you're going, darling?" The man asked. I can tell that he was drunk and had the slightest clue as what he was doing.
"Going home," I replied. "And I appreciated if you remove your hand from my wrist." I tried to Jerk him away but it was a useless attempt.
"I don't think so darling, You're looking very pretty there's no need for an angel face like you to scurry away..."He tried to pull me along, but I stood my ground. Then he does the unthinkable, He roughly pulls me against him loosing his balance completely falling on one of the now broken tables.
Everyone turned their heads Including Sam and Dean who immediately lest from their social gathering to my aid.
"Hey Asshole!"Dean replies as he and Sam walked over to the scene. "What are you doing with my sister?!" He began to throw insults at the poor man, while ignoring Sam's attempt to help me up, I stood up on my feet.
"I'm fine," I replied. "The fat ass broke my fall."
"Fat ass?" The man shouted. "Who are you calling a fat ass you bitch!"
"Hey!" Dean shouted. reaching down to jerk the man up by his collar. "Don't fucking talk to my sister like that!"
"What happened?" Sam asked, taking my hand and I jerked it away.
"Oh! Like you care! he was trying to rape me!" I shouted. "Forget it! I'm getting the fuck out of here!" The last thing I remember was Dean calling that fat bastard "a Son of a Bitch" before throwing punches and Sam trying to calm him down.
At the Hotel, I stood fully nude in the shoulder letting the warm water abuse my body. I was just so relieved that I got out of there.
So what I acted like a ass. So what if I act like a jealous girlfriend. I'm not going to be held responsive. I could hear the door to the hotel room opening following the distant voices between the two.
Dean was shouted some sentence that were inseparable and Sam was speaking in a mild tone. I covered my ears, to try to block out the conversation, along with the pounding of the door, but it a useless. Finally, I finished my shower, wrapped myself in a towel, and took a deep breath. I made my way out of the bathroom with my head down before glazing at the faces of my older brothers.
Sam, who now has a sad look on his face. His green eyes sparking with concern. Whilst Dean has a pissed off expression, trying his best to remain calm. There were no words that were unable to fall out of mouth. I just walked passed them and climb into to very large king side bed we shared with saying a unexpectedly surprising, I suddenly began to cry my ear out.
Almost immediately, Sam and Dean's expressions changed. If they were confused, I could say the same thing. The reason why I was crying, I couldn't understand. I was always the second tough one when it comes from intense situations, I guess with everything that we had been through together finally had took a toll on me. I see with my watery eyes Sam turned towards Dean and he nodded his head. without hesitation, they began to walk towards me.
Dean lay on my left, Sam lay on my right. They huddled up against me trying to console me. Sam was wiping away from my tears, while Dean began to rub small circles down my back.
This warm fuzzy feeling began to grow inside me. I gaze into Sam's eyes and I can see the easiness and calm in his face. Then I did the unthinkable. I reached my hand and caress his cheek and I leaned in a kiss him passionately on the lips.
There was no feeling I can't describe other than, I felt as through I explode into a million pieces. What was more shocking is that Sam didn't pull away. He gave in and began to response with my advances. Dean was anxious to show his passion. I could feel his lips on my neck, his hands trailed down to my breast giving them a firm squeeze.
I moaned in response breaking my lips with Sam replacing them with his. I tried to show my love for the both of them. Wanting to give them all of me...
Everything happen in a flash. the removing of clothes. The hot soft lips on my heated skin. The feeling of being completely filled. Like flipping a page in a book. Like riding the biggest wave and suddenly ,you're caught in the tide.I felt so much pleasure.
It felt like Heaven. It was heaven...
That was last night...
And here we are...
Today is a new day. I stare at the ceiling with a smile on my face as I felt warm naked bodies sleeping silently against me...
Nude Dean on my left...
Nude Sam on my right.
Right now, I can't say that God is pleased. Not with the events that had happened. Now, When I said I love my brothers...I love them more than just a sibling nature. I love them, I'm madly in love with them! When I think of their eyes and their smiling faces, it makes my body want to explode in fireworks.I don't care what people would say. I don't care if our father would turn over in his grave, I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world! it always will be the three of us forever...
Sam and Dean,
My brothers, the lovers.
The End.
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kitsu-katsu · 5 years
On kiribaku becoming canon and their evidence:
So I posted this on reddit earlier, but wanted to have it here where more KRBK shippers are, since I just ended up compiling a lot more than I thought I would.
Fair warning: A pretty big text with a compilation of kiribaku moments ahead.
We would all love kiribaku being canon, and I think it's not as much of a longshot as some may lead you to believe.
Honestly, if one of them was a girl, this would most certainly be canon, like, just in the anime we have:
Them becoming friends slowly in the background, leaving us with good development between them that is so seamless it can hit you hard once you notice how close they've become if you hadn't noticed before.
Them arriving and leaving the pool together while walking in the sunset.
They support and compliment each other (both on personality and quirks, like come on).
Kirishima can just lean on Bakugou or side hug him all the time and Bakugou lets him with no problem, which considering who we're talking about is a pretty big thing.
Kirishima can seem even more agitated than Deku about Bakugou being taken, and Deku is the one who idolized him since childhood.
The whole "It has to be you" thing and the precious hand holding (including that little scene after the rescue, where Kiri tries to grab Baku's hand again).
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Kirishima bought expensive night vision googles in case they were useful for the rescue even though they had Yaomomo with them (this boy goes through extremes just to ensure his boyfriend's best friend's safety)
Kirishima is officially the one Bakugou considers an equal, and considering his conflicting inferiority and superiority complexes (making him perpetually place people as above him or beneath him) is vital information.
Kirishima is esentially Bakugou's first real friend (as Deku was considered more of an incomprehensible nuisance and his childhood troop seemed more like his followers who just put him up on a pedestal and followed what he did).
Kirishima has jumped in front of danger for Bakugou's sake quite a bit of times (including a time in the movie).
Kirishima is a central piece in Bakugou's character development.
Bakugou was the one who told Kirishima he was strong and gave him his confidence back, reminding him of what he said at the start of their friendship.
Kirishima unlocked fucking UNBREAKABLE because of Bakugou's encouragement.
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Going to extra stuff:
Bakugou's favourite hobbie is hiking, and we're shown he takes Kirishima with him sometimes, thing he doesn't seem to do with other characters.
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The whole festival thing, with the narrator outright assuming Bakugou must have given his coat to a pretty girl who was cold, only for it to be revealed in another picture that he gave it to Kirishima because as usual, he didn't have a shirt on.
On the movie Bakugou could have taken anyone to I-Island and took Kirishima as his plus one. They share a room. Kirishima bought suits for both of them, with the most detailed one with white roses being for Bakugou, and they decide to go to the party together.
In a BNHA Smash connected directly to the movie, Midoriya notices the white roses in Bakugou's suit and notes that they mean deep respect and "I'm the one for you", which prompts Bakugou to send an explosion his way (not to Kirishima who gave him the suit, mind you), which makes the flowers turn red (from blood), after which Mineta appears to say that red roses mean "beautiful and passionate love".
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They are usually seen together in merch stuff.
There's this tumblr post talking about japanese fan's reactions to one of Horikoshi's drawings which I find at least hilarious:
There are discussions regarding Kirishima's character sheet and the translation of him liking "tough guys" (here's a podt by aitaikimochi explaining the meaning of the translation: https://www.google.com/amp/s/aitaikimochi.tumblr.com/post/171127708911/amp) where even translator such as aitaikimochi have gotten into, and they have mentioned that there's a japanese stereotype of a type of gay guy who is obsessed with "manly behaviour" and usually stay away from women, prefering tough guys instead, which is interesting to say the least.
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Some of the light novel episodes which show more slice of life moment feature some good kiribaku moments, with a prominent one being this one wich details their study date (it seriously seems like fan fiction, not even kidding, and this is supposed to be sort of canon):
Also there's a chapter where Kirishima tells Fatgum about Bakugou being extremely happy, and another one where they are arm wrestling between classes and they cheer for one another heavily.
(Honesly, just go through aitaikimochi's whole kiribaku tag, there are some pretty interesting things there)
Here are some analysis on their possible coding, if you guys are interested:
(Bakugou's one link can be found at the end of that one)
And in BNHA Smash, there are quite a lot of things, and we must not forget that the whole thing still gets approved by Horikoshi before being published, some of my favourite things are:
Kirishima inviting Bakugou to spend christmas together, with the translators noting christmas in Japan to be a romantic holiday in the same panel.
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In one issue, Jirou falls for Kiri and him being oblivious just leaves her for Bakugou.
Once Bakugou becomes a shoujo boy after being his with a quirk and just involuntarily talks in flirt, and in one moment Kirishima outright flirts back.
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Bakugou works his ass off to repay Kirishima for the night vision googles they used in the rescue.
Kirishima is literally described as the chicken soup for Bakugou's soul!
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An interesting thing I found out is that in the chapter where all of 1A minus Bakugou turn into animals, one scene originally had Kirishima (as a dog) getting jealous of Kaminari and Midoriya petting Tsuyu (as a cat - yes I know, a cat) and giving all their attention to her, however, Horikoshi himself changed that scene, noting he didn't think their character relations worked well in that scene, and made it so that the one that ended up in smash contains Kirishima (as a dog) getting jealous because Todoroki (as a koala) has climbed up Bakugou's torso and won't let go. I saw this all in a tumblr post a few months ago, which showed the original scene in a book (I think it was in italian and was translates below) but I can't currently find the link, sorry, if someone finds it, It'd be appreciated if you could reblog with said link.
And in regards to meta stuff, the show already has some LGBT characters in it, with Magne and Tiger being trans and Toga being bisexual, so it's not as much of a lost cause to hope for this as it would initially seem.
(Please kirimina shippers, don't take offence because of this, it isn't my intention to insult your ship, I simply want to analize what has been given to us, so please try to take this lightly):
We should also take into consideration Krishima's first version in the sort of "beta" for the manga (where Midoriya was Yamikumo).
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His character sheet mentions he's quite the delinquent and entered UA to impress a girl. Obviously his character evolved tremendously since then, but the girl was most probably intended to be Mina's equivalent. This was later changed to him liking "tough guys"/"hard liners" and his thing with Mina became more of an "I admired your bravery and heroic spirit when in middle school even if I hardly knew you", later seeing each other and establishing more of a little friendship. However, it hasn't really moved further from there, and Kirishima has already established much stronger bonds with our favourite exploding boy. All changes in characters are made for a reason, and Horikoshi clearly changed his mind on Kirishima's motives for wanting to be a hero and his relationship with Mina.
So yeah, all in all, this ship is great, it's precious, adorable, helps both characters grow, is balanced and has good chemistry. So even if after all these things they don't become officially canon, we still have so much canon material for them in the present I'd honestly still be happy, these dorks make me smile and melt my heart, so I hope they both have good endings.
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