#i want to do dumb shit and be a typical 20 something year old
WIBTA if I confronted my boyfriend about not feeling praised enough? Over dumb D&D shit?
Background - I (20s F) live with my boyfriend (30s M) and things are usually great. He's always been supportive, emotionally intelligent and caring and we've had no major problems. We met via D&D several years ago so it's pretty important to both of us, and I'm a DM. Before we met, he was involved in a years-long campaign with some friends and is generally more experienced in D&D than me (I've been DMing around 5 years, he's probably closer to 10).
The current campaign that I'm running is something I'm really proud of. It's a mid-length campaign and I made the story myself (I typically plan mine to be 6-8ish months to avoid things fizzling out) and I've tried really hard to step up my writing and story planning for this one.
I've put in a LOT of extra time and effort and have been holding myself to a much higher standard than I usually do. As a DM I get self-conscious over how much time people are spending with me each week, and I want to make sure it's REALLY worthwhile. And because my boyfriend is more experienced in D&D than me, I've been looking to him for feedback and/or praise, as it would mean a lot to me coming from him.
And I've been getting close to nothing. At the end of each session he immediately falls asleep and doesn't talk about it at all. It makes me feel like I'm keeping him up/boring him. So I started asking him things like "hey what did you think about how I handled X" and he'll give a brief response like "yeah it was great" without explaining anything.
He didn't even give much thought into the character he's playing either - for his old campaign he created a HUGE story for his character, background, goals, etc. I know for a fact he's an incredible creative writer and could have come up with something wonderful for this. But he didn't put down anything other than basic character sheet stuff. When I asked him about it, he says he only goes deep into character when it's "long campaigns like my old one" and "too bad a long campaign like that will never happen again. That's D&D at it's best but now we're all adults, and we're too busy to ever do that, half my friends have kids, it'll never happen again and it's so sad" etc etc.
It made me feel like shit - like anything I try to do is a waste of time and pointless compared to this legendary "old campaign". Like it's barely worth staying awake for, like it's some kind of chore he has to sit through every week just because I'm his girlfriend and he's just humoring me.
The other players have been EXTREMELY enthusiastic and supportive - they send me art they make based on the campaign after every session and have contacted me privately to compliment me on certain aspects of the campaign. I want to make it clear that this is NOT something I EXPECT, but moreso I just really really love and appreciate that they do this for me, especially while my boyfriend is kind of leaving a void where I'd want this kind of praise.
Full transparency, one of my worst fears is forcing people to play along with something that I am passionate about, but bores them to tears. I never want to make a big deal over something that means a lot to ME but doesn't mean that much to someone else. So maybe I should just let this go because, at the end of the day, it's just a game? And taking it so seriously makes me an asshole and I should touch grass? I feel like potentially starting a fight over stupid nerd stuff would be pointless on my end. But at the same time, the more we play the more I feel deflated and I really hate feeling that way. I'm not sure what to do tbh.
What are these acronyms?
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 5 months
Thank you for creating this account, you are so brave.
Prefacing: I used to tolerate TS and her music when I was a teen and couldn't really avoid it. Now I'm 25 and I find her abhorrent as a human being.
(I'm not American and where I am from TS was never a Big Hit, unless we're talking 14 year old girls that eventually grow out of liking her. It's not entirely for a good reason, my country's a bit too conservative-brainwashed to like a self-proclained "girl boss" on a gov. level.)
Something that I noticed about that cult-like worship of that frankly boring woman is that most of the interesting shit about her is 1. made up 2. not about her music and I DO NOT understand how this is even considered a singer anymore.
Like, for example. A bunch of liberal queers like her because they take her bland music and fill it with their own meanings. Her lyrics are so soulless and boring and generic you can apply them to anything. You don't have to go listen to staples of quuer music like what drag queens, or queer women, or Black gay men create: because their music is visceral, it speaks onto real lived through opression that not everyone can relate to. But not with fucking TS! She writes the most TYPICAL line and a bunch of people assign some secret gay meaning to it. The amount of times I saw TS added to playlists for queer content is ridiculous. Like she wouldn't be half as popular if her music was regarded as what it is: straight white girl soliloquy.
The shit about her love life? Should not be fucking mentioned in regards to her as an artist. She's SO fucking fake. She will complain that people only see her as some girl who dates all those guys but she's the one fucking monetizing her love story. I'd understand if she didnt TRY TO but she fucking does! She knows she's bland and boring and she relies on people liking gossip enough to listen to her crap.
ok quick note when you said “liberal queers” it should be “queer liberals”. im assuming english isnt your first language so your native tongue has different grammatical rules but in this instance you put “queer” in front of “liberal.” i just don’t want you to be accused of being homophobic or anything so this is a quick note for you
you said you were 25 and everyone who’s been following this blog has been 20+ demographic in particular. i think it must be because we’re old enough to remember her entire journey starting w the 2009 kanye west mtv incident up until this moment. her staunchest swifties on here were born after the fearless release 💀
hmmmm i always wonder what people imply by Taylor Swift being a global superstar. like she’s isn’t popular in the entire continent of Africa but that doesn’t count apparently? and as much as she is popular in south asia, so much news is framed with a western perspective and all westerners think whiteness is default, and this includes taylor swift. i wouldnt be surprised if theyre inflating her popularity abroad as they are here in the states. idk
and so true! she’s known for her controversies and dating drama. even her music is known not for its success but ppl questioning the legitimacy of her grammys she’s received for her music.
also your gaylor hate—i understand. im not straight and i think gaylors were lobotomized by taylor swift’s music like genuinely these bitches have bricks for brains. there are soooooooo many better queer musicians especially musicians of color who write songs of their literal shared experience of queer love, identity, etc. but here they go theorizing that taylor seift and karlie kloss secretly dated 😭 it reminds me of this convo i had with my friend about gay people admiring/looking up to straight and cis people and labelling them as “gay icons.” its so stupid and reductive and continues to marginalize actual queer artists.
also talking abt taylor swift playlists i will never forget when i found spotify’s bad bunny x taylor swift playlist inspired by their photo from the 2023 grammys 💀 it was so dumb
“straight white girl soliloquy” PERIOD ANON! i need to start making a list of what you guys say cause its fkn fire
taylor swift embedded her relationships so deeply into her brand and music that its inseparable from herself. she really does define herself by her partners and her fans do too, which is why they expected this to be a joe alwyn album.
she really is so unoriginal and unremarkable and that’s why her thing WORKS. because to swifties she’s like “another everyday girl like you and me :)” 🙄 whatever. yuck!
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lyntergalactic · 9 months
lyn reads triple zero - finale
by which i mean i finished it last night and i have Thoughts
first off, it was a decently enjoyable book when i managed to turn off my brain. solid 3 stars. there's a lot of good here that i actually really liked, it's just... unfortunately balanced out by a lot of bad that made me want to throw my phone across the room.
so here we go. thoughts, in no particular order:
1.) i genuinely love the characters. even ones like kal who i hate as much as i love. i can see why people who don't do more than a surface reading like him. personally, i love how crunchy a character he is and how all his many flaws make him this unintentionally complex character. i just want to pick his brain apart.
i could ramble on about everyone but it's a lot of "these feelings i already had about these characters have been reinforced like crazy" which basically means i'm fascinated by all of them, want to get all of them therapy, and also want to write all the fic where they get to have healthier relationships lol
2.) there's a lot of yelling in tcw side of fandom about how the clones should get chances to act like the dumb college age kids they are, and they get to in this book!! i think some of my favorite moments were when the boys were egging each other on and giving each other shit. especially that fi and sev bit with the ladder, at least until sev hurts himself. like how fucking dumb is that but also how fucking typical of 20-ish year olds?
3.) fi is gay. fi is so gaaaaay. there are so many little points in his narration where it's like "ah, yes. he is absolutely attracted to [X] person" but beyond that, his whole little subplot about feeling like something in his life is missing? wanting a normal life and a girlfriend, etc? it's juxtaposed against etain and darman so much that it comes across like fi is in love with darman and just doesn't realize.
yes, i have a new ship. yes, i'm going to write horribly angsty fic for it. why do you ask?
4.) etain and darman are cute when KT isn't pushing her weird ass heteronormative agenda. though my aroace ass literally yelled at my phone "YOU'VE KNOWN HIM FOR A CUMULATIVE WEEK AND CHANGE, YOU DON'T LOVE HIM YET" when they had their first lil heart to heart and slept together that first time. but, again, they're young 20-somethings who might die at any time, i can forgive them that.
shit, i can even forgive etain's whole pregnancy thing--to a point--because she's a dumb kid who is going through a crisis of faith. (more on that specifically in a sec) but jfc kal's reaction to it all was--idefk. he's absolutely right to be furious with etain. what she did was stupid in the first place, not well thought through, and she's putting a hell of a lot at risk by going through with it.
but everything else about his reaction was just--dude. what the actual fuck. and 60% of that is his clinging to his bizarre conservative mando ideals while 40% is his utter disdain for the jedi and i just--UUUUGH.
5.) every time the jedi came up in narration. every. fucking. time. i wanted to scream. i know KT has terrible opinions on them. i've read most of the other books!! but oh my god it was especially bad.
do i think it would be interesting for etain and bardan to have crises of faith because of the war? absolutely. in fact, it even makes sense that they would!! but the way KT goes about it is just fucking baffling.
which is really highlighted by that one conversation etain has with ordo where he says "nah, you've got a worse life than i do because i was adopted but you were given away to strangers by your parents" and i'm just
there is just. so much. so much about the jedi that's so wrong and that if it was written rightly should've fucking changed entire character interactions and plot and it infuriates me.
6.) everything about the mission is just. plot holes all over. if i take it at surface value and treat it like a bad action movie that's just here for entertainment i'm fine, but the second i stop to actually think about how this whole mission is happening i'm just--that's not how this works. that's not how any of this works. how are you all not dead???
but, you know. whatever. i can deal with it. there were highly entertaining moments. i literally cackled out loud when fi told kal that he and sev planted explosives in the one dude's car and kal was like "... the car i was in?? FI." and i'm real intrigued by bardan as like... the commandos' Q figure. it's highly entertaining.
7.) i have A Lot of Opinions about the weird ass brand of masculinity KT's characters subscribe to. but one thing i appreciate is that her male characters cry and aren't thought of as less for it. it's one bastion of good in a sea of blegh.
8.) i mostly stopped capping bits as i got sucked in but i did nab this bit which made me laugh and is a good bit to end on. (i forgot what my other points were gonna be; work distracted me lkajsdf)
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fi as a musical fan is my new favorite headcanon. i don't care if grease doesn't actually exist in the gffa.
also i need a crossover with mass effect where he and garrus exchange sniping playlists.
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staronet · 2 years
I'm gonna get drunk tomorrow while I make a birthday cake with my friend. Im going to have a birthday party that is actually fun. I'm going to not have to meet expectations except to bring alcohol and a cake mix.
I don't have to pander to my mom as we can only go to places she likes to eat. I won't have to lie through my teeth and tell her she's such a great mom for whatever gift she got me.
Ill get to have fun. Drop all fucking masks and be myself, I can curse, I can laugh at dumb shit, I can talk about how beautiful girls are, and I won't be scared.
I'm going to have a normal small party with my friend, its going to be nothing grand or eventful, but to me it will be.
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The New Hampshire House (Trap House Imagine)
Summary: You and the trap house boys decided to travel to New Hampshire for a week to film Sam and Colby’s new series. Trouble arises on the first night.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 2,250
Warnings: Swearing, murder, haunted house
Slowly sliding through the mist came a faint human-like figure and went into the new house. I shrugged it off as my imagination and helped the guys carry everything inside.
When Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey invited me on this trip, the last place I expected to be was in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere in New Hampshire. I knew we would be doing the typical stuff for the week: haunted overnights, explore videos, and midnight rituals. What I didn’t know is that they lied to me about our lodging situation. I was told we were going to be staying in this nice Air BnB in a cute little neighborhood. They even showed me pictures. But when we flew in Colby announced to me, because he had already talked to everyone while I was asleep on the plane, that there was a problem with the original house and he had to book this one last minute. We’ve been at this house for about 20 minutes and let me tell you, Bradford, New Hampshire looks and feels creepy. 
“Y/N, come in the living room, we have to talk.” I heard Sam shout from probably the living room.
“Coming!” I exclaimed. I walk into is what I think is the kitchen and spot Colby walks into a different room. I follow him and find everyone sitting around together.
“Y/N, we have to get a few things for this week and we need you to stay here and set up some stuff,” Sam explains when he sees me. 
“What? No way! I am not staying in this creepy house by myself! Why can’t we all go or one of you stay we me?” 
“We’re going shopping for food and supplies for the week. The rental is small and we need to get a lot of things.” Colby explains, patting the seat next to him for me to sit.
“Sure leave the four of you in charge of getting the food we’re going to be living on for the next week. You know what, I’m willing to put feminism back a few years for this. I’m the woman here and I’m probably going to be doing all the cooking anyway. I’ll go grocery shopping, Jake can stay home.” I sit on the armchair by myself and cross my legs; I’m not going out without a fight.
“Y/N, you know if we leave Jake, we’ll never get the deposit back.” Corey jokes. 
“Fine, then you stay Ye Rock.”  
“Fuck that, I’m not staying here.” 
“Then why do I have to?” 
“Please, Y/N, we’ll all owe you big time. We’ll be gone for an hour—two hours tops. We just need someone to charge the equipment and double-check that we have everything.” I throw my hands up and sink into the couch. There is no way I’m going to win this argument.
           I wave goodbye to everyone as they pull out of the driveway. I scan the street one more time before locking the door. We’re really the only house out here. Nothing but dirt and trees for miles. If I didn’t know any better, I would think we were in the middle of the suicide forest. I check all of the equipment that Sam and Colby left behind for me to charge. I stay downstairs for 20 minutes after that before going upstairs to my room to unpack a bit. I close the door and start putting my clothes away. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
I go and open the door, knowing that I’m the only one home, to find nobody there. It’s probably just one of the guys trying to scare me. Maybe they wanted to get a prank video done and make me the subject of their torture. I close the door and go into the closet to start putting some clothes on hangers again. I see a box probably, from the owners, tucked away in the corner. I know I probably shouldn’t open it, I’m a guest in this house. But my curiosity gets the best of me and I get the desk chair and climb on it to reach the shelf. After a few misses, I grab the old dusty brown box. I blow the dust off and open it to find old newspaper articles about this house.
Mark White (Age 37) was murdered in his home today. He suffered head wounds and had multiple stab wounds. His wife (Arianna White, Age 35) found him dead in the family room with the possible murder weapon. Police officers found no fingerprints on the evidence… 
Out of all the houses in the area, Sam and Colby had to choose the murder house. They probably did this on purpose. I go through the box I see pictures of a man and a woman, probably Mark and Arianna, standing in front of the house. Then I pick up another newspaper article.
Arianna White (Age 35) was murdered in her home today. She has suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest. Mrs. White’s husband was murdered last month in the family room and his wife was found there dead. Her children found her dead when they came home from school and called 911. The family was in the process of moving.
           They have to be fucking with me. There is no way that this group of people, the group that is always doing spooky shit, just happened to book an Air BnB where two—possibly more—people have died. On top of that, them leaving me home along with wouldn’t be a coincidence either. There have to be hidden cameras around the house. How did I find the one room in the house that conveniently just had this box in it?
“No, absolutely fucking not. Nope. Fuck you guys. I’m over this, you picked the wrong bitch.” I shout to nobody in particular and put the box back. I grab my laptop and head to my bed to binge the series I started yesterday.
I must have been tired because I fell asleep while watching the show. It’s dark now and the house is unusually quiet. I sit up and turn on the light to look for my phone. I grab it and unlock my phone to a text from Colby saying that they dropped off the groceries but had to head out for something. He said that they didn’t want to wake me up, so they left without me and would come back with dinner. I rolled my eyes and head downstairs. I pass by the thermostat on the way down and turn on the heat. For the middle of summer, it’s oddly cold. 
When I get to the kitchen I check to see what the four dumb asses managed to get us for provisions. Surprisingly, they got things that we can have for actual meals, on top of snacks. I grab the stovetop popcorn and begin to make it. I turn around and hear a loud crash behind me. The bags on the dining room table were now on the floor. 
“Y/N,” I heard a faint voice say. This has to be a prank. They guys have to be home and hiding filming me somewhere.
“Get out of our house, Y/N.” Now I hear two faint voices one sounded like a man and the other sounded like a woman. This getting weird. Maybe they hired a woman to help prank me. Or maybe one of them finally nailed their fake woman voice.
“You guys can stop now! I’m actually scared so you won. You come out and welcome me to the prank war.” 
“Nobody’s here, Y/N. No one is going to help you.” The voices are getting closer. 
“I’m never doing another video with any of you, ever again. If you don’t— if you don’t come out right now I’ll move out.” 
“Then leave!” Something else falls somewhere else in the house, causing me to scream and jump back into the hot stove. If it’s not the guys, then the ghosts of this house are still here holding a grudge against their killers. I start getting goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck as I turn off the stove.
“Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey you better fuck off right now!” I yell as I start running to my room. This house is huge it’s easy to get lost. 
While I’m running things are flying and falling behind me. I’m going to kill them when I see them. After what seems like forever I finally get to my room. I lock the door and slide my back down it. I grab my phone from my back pocket and dial Colby’s number. As I call, I feel things getting thrown at the door.
“Are you guys fucking with me right now?” I ask as I move myself to the closet.
“What do you mean? We’re not even home right now.” He sounds only mildly panicked, I don’t even know if he’s faking or not.
“Cole Robert Brock, are you and your asshole friends somewhere on property pulling a prank on me?” The banging on the door stopped and I poked my head out of the closet door.
“No, we’re on our way home from a witchcraft store for some ritual ingredients that we couldn’t find at the store. What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know, things are weird here and I’m over—” A loud bang at the door causing me to scream louder than I think I’ve ever done in my entire life.
“Oh, shit. Okay, we’ll be right there.” I hear Colby and everyone else running in the background. I don’t know if it was my scream or if they heard the bang in the background, but now they’re done fucking around.
Colby stays on the phone with me while I go back to hiding in the closet. A few minutes later I hear footsteps approaching my door. When the footsteps get close enough, that when the loud banging started up again, causing me to scream.
“Oh, fuck, sorry. Y/N, it’s just us, open the door.” Colby says on the other line.
I take a few deep breaths and open the door to reveal my idiots, scared out of their minds. I drop my phone and wrap my arms around Colby. I didn’t even realize I was crying until Colby hugged me back and started stroking my hair. Normally, I hate it when he does this because his rings get stuck in my hair, but right now I just need this hug from my best friend.
“What the fuck happened to the house?” Jake asks, breaking the silence.
“What do you mean? It was your guys’ prank.” I pull away from Colby and look at the four of them in disbelief. 
“Uh, not it’s not. The box in your closet, the stuff in your bathroom, and the two dummies outside are our pranks. All this other shit was all you.” Corey says, picking up broken glass and dropping it on the floor. 
“No, it wasn’t. Do you honestly think I’m that good of an actress? I broke character like two months ago when I tried to convince Sam that Colby fell into a ditch the last time we did an overnight. Do you genuinely think I could sit here, screaming and crying for fun? Or that I would somehow have the time to break all that shit and stage the knocking on my door.” I wipe my face and step back to finally let the boys in my room.
“She’s not wrong guys, she does share a brain cell with us. I don’t think she could pull this off. She didn’t even know we were coming here until this afternoon and she can’t think that fast.” Jake says before flopping himself on my bed.
“You know what Webber, I may be scared, but I’m not scared to throw these hands—”
“Guys! Let’s think about this. Couldn’t it have been an earthquake or something? Or the movement of Y/N running. It’s a pretty old house.”
“It can’t be an earthquake dude, I’m pretty sure New Hampshire hasn’t unlocked those yet,” Corey explains.
“Okay, first of all, Sam I’m pretty sure you called me fat but I’ll deal with that later. Second, Corey, you’re so fucking stupid, I swear to God. I’m constantly worried about your well being. And thirdly, Colby either you’re sleeping in here with me or I’m sleeping in your room with you because I refuse to sleep alone tonight.” I explain, sitting down on the floor.
“Wait, can we talk about this seriously. If none of us set up this prank, then who the fuck did. Do you think the owners of this house are doing this? Because if they are, I vote we get the fuck out right now.”
“Why would they even do that?” Sam asks, now joining me on the floor. 
“To scare us before they murder us, brother,” Jake says jokingly from my bed.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” Corey says from the door.
“Can we be serious for one second—” Sam is cut off by the lights going out, covering us in a deep velvet of pitch black. Not even the windows are helping. All five of us scream but dare not move.
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nox-artemis · 4 years
Isidro brings out the worst in Berserk (or, me going on a long, dumb tangent like the old days)
Tis’ time.
I was watching The Kavernacle’s recent upload about how a lot of anime capitalizes on this weird fetishization of women and girls - which is for the most part true and is why I personally try to stay clear of a lot of anime. Honestly, any anime that focuses way too much on the “Japanese school girl” archetype and anime that depict nearly all female characters as though they’re still in the adolescent stage either behavior-wise or “phenotypically” (like that moe shit) kind of weirds me out. 
Berserk has kind of stayed away from this, but it seems like it teeters on that because so many of the female characters in the series are under the age of 20. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that but I noticed in the chapters where the Guts’ party first arrived on Elfhelm, the character designs were on the borderline of giving characters that round cherubic type face, but especially with the female characters. In the recently chapters (From the last two years) Miura seems to have chiseled the style again, which is more preferable IMHO.
But I think this kind of tangles into some wider problems I find with some character designs. If people remember me and my content, probably my biggest gripe with Berserk as a series was its usage of sexual violence toward women. It still bugs me but I can give Miura credit in that he seems to have teetered away from using it so exploitatively. THAT SAID, I think as an older fan (and an older person altogether) I think a bigger overarching issue with Berserk is that Miura was never really that good at creating female characters.
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(I can have so many interesting opinions now that I don’t care about making friends within this fandom)
No I’m not saying people shouldn’t draw any adult female character with more youthful features (I mean, as some who is at that age where I experience ageism, a lot of people - particularly men - believe that as soon as a woman hits 25 they’re suppose to shrivel up??? 🤨) just -
I think that diatribe is for another day (I know I’ve been explaining this to other people on my other social media during my Tumblr hiatus). But to condense what I’m saying, I notice that there isn’t a lot of age diversity of female characters: most of the female characters are in adolescent. Now, I don’t think it was a big issue in early Berserk because - and even though I still take some issue with how over-exploitation was handled - we still got to explore these young girls as characters whether it were girls like Casca, Theresia, Rosine(Rosalind), Jill, or even Erica and we’re meant empathize with the cruelty (or potential cruelty in the case of Erica) that the world dished out to them. Even with Luca and her gang we got explore the concept of sisterhood if just for a bit.
Now there’s less of that - WHICH CAN BE A GOOD THING because not every female character’s traumatic origin has to be rooted in a gender-based violence backstory. I like having Schierke not having a clear backstory and being “wise beyond her years” and we can just keep it that way. Only problem is that I see a lot more that weird lol!con humor when it comes to her - especially with her relationship with Guts. 
I’m thinking of the excuse they use in hentai where, “the young prepubescent girl character is really a 7000 year old demon-lord from another dimension - so it’s not really p*doph!l!a.” Schierke is way mature for her own age, so she’s practically an adult. 😒
This isn’t just an issue with Schierke. Like, I notice a lot of up-skirt shots with these newer young girl characters; with Isma it’s kind of worse because she also embodies that “too naïve to know that she’s a turn on” when she’s like what? Thirteen? Fourteen?? I guess we’re also given the excuse that a lot of these characters are magical/supernatural/near-human so you can away with a lot more. Now that they’re on Elfhelm and there is a litany of these female characters  we just have a bunch of the fantasy-universe version of the Japanese school girl shit, where we enter - 
Ugh. Isidro.
I wasn’t too fond of him the beginning but I could appreciate his place a little. But his introduction was the point where we we start to see more of that typical dumb, pervy schoolboy humor in the series. I get it: Isidro is a teenage boy.
So was Guts.
And Griffith.
And Rickert.
And it’s just as important to have a diversity of young boy characters as well, but it’s just that for the amount of spotlight Isidro is given, not much of it is meaningful, especially in recent chapters. If anything his character is devolving IMO. MAYBE it’s some weird affect that Elfhelm has on him and other characters that is yet to be explored, but I somehow doubt it. Maybe it’s a phase that’ll be gone soon. I dunno. 
Maybe just overall the time spent on Elfhelm isn’t being spent as productively as I had hoped for. I mean BY NO MEANS AM I OVERLOOKING THE FACT THAT AFTER OVER 20 YEAR OF WAITING CASCA IS FINALLY CURED WHICH IS BY FAR THE BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IN THIS SERIES EVER but I think with so much anticipation of what comes next for her and Guts it’s frustrating to see other side stories that aren’t focused on their to reconciliation spent so frivolously. We got a bit with Guts and the Berserker armor; we got a bit with Schierke and her training; we got a bit with Farnese and her training; we got a bit with Casca retraining her self and her trauma.
See what I’m getting at a bit? We’re just getting bits and shit, it seems. No streamline story arc. We get introduced to one bit and then POP where at some other point with some other character. I get that things are a bit different in this setting because this is the first time in a long while that Guts, Casca and their company are actually physically safe from the affects of the formers’ brands. I with so much rest and recreation time I WANT there to be more retrospective time as well. 
I’ve said elsewhere that I’m super duper disappointed with how Puck has gone downhill, especially in regard to he and Guts’ relationship. We haven’t gotten any sort of meaningful interaction with him since Isidro came into the story. AND EVEN BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM IT’S MORE OR LESS MEANINGLESS FRIVOLITY. Couldn’t Puck and Isidro be using their on-screen time more wisely, even if it has to be away from each other. What happened to Isidro wanting to be a bad-ass swordsman? Like, just being associated with two badass swordsmen (now that Casca is active again) is not a replacement for character/skill development. DO SOMETHING. BE INSPIRED OR SOME SHIT (INSTEAD OF LOOKING UP WITCH SKIRTS).
And what the hell is Serpico doing? And Roderick? And aren’t there like three or four other -
- OKAY this is what happens when have these big ass fantasy adventure parties where only a third of the occupants actually contribute shit of merit. That’s why the O.G. Band of the Hawk worked; I guess that’s neo Band of the Hawk technically works but I just don’t give a shit about them because #fuckgriffith.
I think I have to stop here.
Don’t you miss this? Me starting on one note and ending on something completely different but universally important?)
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denotday · 3 years
Maybel Rhodes: Protectress
Itchy arms. My armbumps bumps take over life and chew my head off like a black mother. Even the sleeves of this sweater craddle these potholes as an english muffin craddles butter. But I'm more than my bumps and I'd make a quip on Fergie, but I'm no Joan Rivers. I'm small, meager. At eighteen, trying to find myself, live my own life. Typical teen drama, boring narrative, sob story. bored already. But know what isn't boring? I like strawberry shortcake and cheeseless pizzas. I have hopes of becoming a journalist and actually leading a career as moreof a Clark Kent than a Mary Jane or whatever the fuck that bitch's name is. Mary Anne? That used to be the name of one of my teachers. Going off; just thinking these thoughts while skateboarding to highschool.
Stay on the sides, away from cars, on the sidewalk, not too close to the white kids. White kids mean white mess, white messes mean cops who sweep the streets and take all the black kids with them in the process. I'm not a racist, just a black kid trying to stay alive in white america. Thank god I'm a weak bitch, one who cries for black men, one who doesn't face real issues like projected aggression. I'm a butterfly, something that men swat away and don't care about until MeToo movements. Gotta be careful but not too careful, kind but not too kind, firm but not a bitch, bitch but not a faggot. faggots suck.
No one thinks to ask these questions, here this thoughts. They see a black woman, better yet, a black female child. Worse thing to live in a ghetto. Sike; I say that I'm black and in a ghetto and get sob points. Fucking racist. I'm skating to one of those Fresh Prince schools. Didn't move on up, I'm simply moving; parents are mid class well grounded and guess what? My parents are still together. Probably breaking up soon but still breaking barriors of broke baby daddies and black slutty whore mothers who don't believe in abortion.
That's humor in of itself. A black kid skates into a white neighborhood with white sidewalks and doesn't have a nigger daddy and nigger mommy. What can be said by those PTA suburban soccer moms who want to demonise me and my own? Or am I palatable and a token black?
Making good grades, going to class on time. Only thing is, I don't have any friends to call. Even if I had one of those top quality iPhone 411s, I still wouldn't want to burden myself with filling up those high-techy contact lists. It's all bullshit after all, just capitalistic bilge. Something to fill the void without actually trying to let the public know that the void they're filling chalks up to capitalism. But again, those little tangents? "What does this have to do with having friends?" Everything. I don't give a shit, I accept shit. I tell things like it is, speak with lisps or change it up by sounding like an oxford professor.Not going to just abandon stream of consciousness 'cause class just started. This aint sims 4 and life ain't something that can be controlled; sped up or slowed down for the sake of an other's pleasure. I'm learning about shit that I'll never use like economics. That's shit that the government gives the state to teach, a little but not enough for highschoolers to overwhelm the system and decide "fuck student loans".
Not too bad here, though. Not all just "fuck hyschool" and teenaged angst. I go to the library, read books, go on my computer, listening to some Biggie and MFDoom and Tribe. Guess I am a nigger. Nigger-me and my nigger music. Even tththough it's they inspiration for they cracker music. Hate on us enough to keep us down but keep us up enough to steal from us. Today I'm reading some teen dystopian fantasy novel that I don't feel inclined to share with you guys. And no, it's not Hunger Games. It's Gunger Hames, the cousin of the franchise. Whoops just gave ya'll the name sorry. Either way I'm into that. Idea of a not-so-distant-future; humans making mistakes that fuck up the planet---disregarding that fact long enough so that the white main character can get it on with someone from the other side. Modern day Romeo and Juliett.
End of lunch, going back to class. It's back to back all day; boring teen shit that nobody cares about. Raising hands, answering questions, not understanding anything by the end of the day. Getting by is my motto. Long enough to get an A in the class and be on those ivy league watchlists. Even if I have to bust my ass to pay for student loans. Leaving highschool after all that non-work---no friends to lie to, no one to walk with, just me and my skateboard. These white paths not dirtied by brown except for my dirt body moving at the speed that a skateboard will go. Shift right here and there. Move away from rocks so that I don't fall headfirst. It's good shit. Here and there there are stone pebbles, blunts from---ironically enough--- the white kids and sharp object that I can't identify. FUCK. I don't have time to move around it and I can't just run offf. My leg'll get cut by it. Gotta just build up enough speed to roll over. Rolling...rolling...here it comes. Crouch down, focus, focus, pump speed anddddd....it stops my speed and loosens one of my bearings. Now I gotta walk the rest of the way back to my white little house with a white picket fence. Man screw--haha pun---this object. I have to use my 20/20 vision to find some small silver bolt that'll practically blend in with this bright ass sidewalk. Fuck white America.
In a little patch of weeds growing like black fists raising in the air I see the bolt and the responsible party for tossing me off the board. I raise my foot to crush this sonnofabiscuit like a bug so that some white kid's bike tire doesn't get licked---mind you this should be considered community service---and I figure that I won't ruin my rubber soles on the glass, so I'll just pick it up and toss it into the sewer. I put the bolt in my sweatpants pocket to keep it safe. I bend over again to peer at the crack in the sidewalk that I'll punt to the other side of the street where the other half of the street lives. It has tribal markings on it and must be, gasp, an ancient arcane ruin that'll give me superpowers. Kidding, you dumb bitch. "Why am I talking to myself this way? Jeez, some self-improvement classes would be nice". It's a bracelet made of some sort of beads. Kindof pretty but caked up with dirt and sand like no-one's business. I'm no Rocket Racoon so I just leave it. Even if I felt that it was interesting enough, I'd have to clean it off and disinfect it. It would just ruin the material underneath. Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm. Lemme stop; for real, in this white bread neighborhood, I might be able to get it appraised and pawn it off for some money or at the very least, see if it's worth keeping. I know; "this is the start of every horror movie", every tv show. I get it, but I'll cleanse the jewelry before wearing it. It's fine. It's fine. Hope it's fine. Jeez.
I put the bracelet in my other pocket away from the bolt and walk back home. The soles of my feet hit the white pavement and my feet move in the fashion of jubillee ferris wheels. Slowly rise in a circle, fall in perfect arch. Walking is divine poetry in of itself. Not too long now. A little further. Feels like the day is stretching. Still light outside and the summer-brink of fall--air is warming my rectum. "Oh god, what's with gays and their rectums". You know your g-spot is in your ass, men. It feels good for us too you know. Nice coolness for the butthole----rectum is for men, butthole is for women. I think. See? Not a Cliff Huxtable type; don't know everything. Not an Urkle. Conversations with myself like this are truly golden (ponyboy).
Fondle the silver piece, twist it in lock, get somewhere new. Novel design, simple concept. My rubber soles give me cat-walking abilities and I edge up the stairs. Hear shuffling downstairs in the kitchen. But the smell of musky forest wood with a hint of olive tells me that it's just my father. I'd announce my presence but this isn't a sitcom and I have a phone that I can use to text. Who talks nowadays?
On the table near the keyrack, I scoop into my pockets in search of the goods. The warm cotton touches the cool silver bolt. Set it aside to attach it to the skateboard later. "Why not now?" That'll be a problem for me to solve tomorrow. "Procrastination isn't good" Yeah I know. I've read the same 1990's health pamphlet that the health teachers give out. I hug my side to reach around for the other pocket. Same warmth, same feeling of comfort except...it's a new sensation. Hollow and porous. It's either bone carved into beads or plastic. Hope to...Well, not God, maybe I hope to goodness? Goodness? What am I? A preacher? Maybe that's why I like 16 year old boys. Anyway. It's too white over here for it to be bone. Unless it's some cracker who brought over some hoodoo shit and dropped it somewere. Great. Gonna burn some incense to cleanse it. Then gonna toss it somewhere so that it can't hurt anyone. Wait. It doesn't FEEL menacing. No darkness, no coldness, there's a comfort to be had. I don't see any visible engravings, no bite marks no arcane symbols. It may be safe. Just to be sure, I'm keeping it downstairs for it to curse someone else in the house. I rise up the stairs into the wide landing. Step, rise, step, rise, step, rise. Before I get to the top, I feel funny. Not sick funny or CURSED funny, but someone-is-in-my-presence funny. Strech my neck to look over my shoulder. Not too far to show interest but far enough to see what's going on---it's my dad handling the bracelet.
I whip my body around and I suppose this gives him a start.
"Hey, just got back from school. I'm pretty tired which is why I didn't want to talk. Found that bracelet in the sidewalk cracks before my skateboard broke. I wouldn't touch it if I were you. Don't know if it's cursed or not."
"Cursed? Bee, this is a genuine Sudanese artifact."
"Huh? When'd you turn into a archeologist? Or are you just nerding out about a 'special interest'"
"Har har. Nothing like that. This area used to be an auction town for slaves shipped from Sudan. Martinsville, Pennsylvania wasn't necessarily known for it's 'clean hands' you know. Gentrification made the area look nicer but its history is still pretty shit-covered."
"Ah, I remember now. I heard about this in history class" No I haven't. I don't even have history. Just want to stop talking to him about some dumb bracelet. "Can it sell for big bucks at a pawnshop?"
"I mean, sure if you'd like to get rid of it. Better to give it to the local museum though! It looks to me like it's made out of elephant tusks. Pretty well preserved too! The wearer must've been some warrior. They only wear these types of jewelry if they're the village's protectors. That's what I've read online anyway. You know how the interweb is though. Could be false."
"Oh wow. Ivory? That's a pretty dirty trade. Don't want to give something like that up to white people who continue to promote the trade. This'll just make the ivory market worse. I may keep it; I just wonder if it's cursed or something. I'll ask a local witchcraft practitioner to check it out tomorrow. Can I have thirty bucks for an appraisal along with an after-school snack?"
"Thirty? What're you going to buy? A salmon dinner with asparagus and steak? I'm not giving you Carabbas money. I can do 18. Enough for some street food."
"Not enough for the appraisal!"
"I'm sure the person will be able to work something out for you. You look twelve. You can play the 'Uwu I'm a baby who has no money, please help me out adult!' card. Or, how about this: pretend to be doing a research project for school on Sudanese slaves in the area. Just act like the school lent you the bracelet for the project"
"So lie?"
"I call it embellishment."
"I see"
I reached into his calloused palm and stole its contents, As a thief, I ran upstairs away from the site of the crime, away from the demons that lurked beneath the stairs. That's customary practice when going up stairs, right? To haul ass like there's no tomorrow like we're that black chick from Scary Movie? Sounds about right. I heaved and ho'd swinging my body back and forth up the stairs. Snaking my way into my room where I burrow for my after-school nap. That's what I tell my parents anyway. What I really do is blaze up in my room and turn on the fan. Gotta keep the smoke minimal. "Such a typical teen". Yeah, whatever. Like your generation wasn't popping ass and drinking bathtub wine when ya'll were young, Get outta here.
It's a good high. Kind where you'd listen to lofi and eat peanuts just for the fun of it. Another bong hit. Satisfying. I'm just leaning back on my sofa; it's firm and uncomfy but when I'm blazed, don't none of it matter. I could lose all of my words...give up....let....go.....
"What is this energy I'm feeling? So warm and electric. Is this love? Am I so sexually frustrated that I'm in love with a bong? Shit, I fuck with that. That's pretty words. 'I'm in love with my bong'. Such nice love. haha."
I'm hungry and it's four am. The weed has worn off. So tired man. Gotta go downstairs for some chips or something. Hungry to the max. Munchies munchies munchies for the weed monster. What a drug.
I creep down the stairs and up once more. My bare footpads cling to the hardwood and leave sweat prints in the shape of my stompers. During my ascent I leave crumbs. Have the house feeling like a Brother's Grimm story. I satisfy my snack desires as I prepare for school in the next hour.
Running water on my arms. Three passes of lotion on arms and legs. Can't be the ashy black kid that look like they an African living in a dirt house. Ain't able to help the rough patches that coat my body but I can help keep my skin moisturized.
A'ight. Got my fit got my board. Just have to screw the bolt back on and find the bracelet. Shit. Left it upstairs. I'm already late as hell. Rushing up the stairs. Search for the bracelet, find it, get out house. Objectives objectives. I spot it from afar and gravitating toward it, put it gingerly in my pocket. Kindof like someone would with a used tissue. Aren't humans gross? I mean, snot? Bacteria-filled snot? Nasty. Thoughts gone, make brain go from thinking to doing. descending now. Board in arm, door opens with the flick of the wrist and just like that, I'm outty. Deck on ground I put my best foot forward and ram it onto the hard cement to push myself forward. Sorry foot, betrayals sure do suck.
School begins, in class siting in a chair. All day, several hours. Ah, the beloved system at work. Great to know that there are adults who "work" all day by keeping kids seated in a chair. Very progressive, America. Library break? I think so. On my laptop, I pull out webpages on the pocketed---the word reminds me of 'closeted---bracelet. NOW I'm imagining a gay bracelet. hilarious. Great. Typing 'Gay Bracelet' into the search bar and am getting rainbow plastic bands. Ya know, the ones that they sell at Hot Topic during pride month.
"Damn, I'm getting sidetracked" She mutters to herself. Imagine if life were a story being told by some omnipotent force? omnipresent? Think that's the word.
With a bit of typing and a bit of focus. Swift movement of hunched fingers. All is complete, then some. Ogdle: "common of the Azande warriors were pieces to signify their status such as septum tusks, mouth disks, necklaces and other adornments. Bones and tusks were common materials of such articles."
Crazy how this history is hidden. Power was taken from us and buried so deep. We're the originals but every piece of history buried underground. Hidden, secretive Big Bad America. Tale fit for young people all over. Democracy, boo yah.
Train whistle blowing through the air. No train nearby, just the sound of a change in the block. I put it all away, sweep it into my bag. Everything is so messy, so fast. On schooldays like this, it feels hard to even take time to breathe. But I get by since the system wants me to. Think I'm going to skip. Not that the next two classes even matter in the long run. "Such a poor black baby, representing her race so poorly". Yeah yeah. Not the black chick that highschools would put on a recruiting card.
Just another push....door after door falling at my fingertips. The same once that touch the coarse sandpaper of my board. Foot on, foot off. kick once, twice, thrice, now we surf the cement. Now it's time to visit good the kind old black woman who practices witchcraft on dolls. That's what you'd think right? No, they're native and keep old customs within the community. Everyone calls them---agender--- Sage. Nonbinary native americans are actually more common than people think.
Before selling the bracelet to some old rich white drudge of society, I wanna be sure that the bracelet can be cleansed first. I mean. To give away black history to the white man? Hellll no with multiple "l's". It is a pretty long ride there, even on a board. Rumbly road. Pebbles everywhere. Thousands of little rocks acting as smaller wheels vying to fling me off. It's too much.
Mumbling of my own. "Where's gentrification when you need it?" Alright, yes I get it. It's a bad joke. Of course gentrification is bad. Blah blah. Time to pick up my skateboard I guess. Walking on this ground feels just as bad as suicide. Feaful of getting my ass flung into the afterlife. Few yards left....or at least fifty feet. Forty eight, forty five, forty-however-long.
Ended up reaching it after twenty minutes. This trip better be worth it.
"Hi there, Miss Sage. Mind checking out this bracelet for me? I need to check it for a curse or evil energy. My cheap father didn't give me enough for a full appraisal but what can you do with nine dollars?"
"For nine? Not much, doll? What was your name again? You look young, do you have an adult's approval for this?"
"Oh, right. You've got me. It's for a school project. School each student a historical object to research. I figured you'd be able to help me get an 'A' on the project, you know?"
"Your manners are lacking but you seem young, so I'll let you pass. Allow me to take a look at it, if you please?"
God. Full-fledged adults really are something else. I'm only eighteen, not eight. Guess I look younger than I am----
Sage starts burning this wood that's tied with string. Incense maybe?
"That incense?"
"It's a closed practice really, so I don't want to expose anything. But it is a form of incense that I prefer to use to cleanse the spirit of objects and areas."
"Ah, didn't mean to intrude. I'm glad that there are still practices that you keep to yourself. Nothing like the White Man stripping us of our culture."
I got a soft chuckle out of them. Glad that they're able to lighten up a bit.
"OK, so here's what I've found. There's immense energy here; the power coming off of this thing is tremendous. There's nothing negative about this piece. How'd you ever come across it, again? School, you said? Shame that you'll have to give it back. Something like this would provide a large power surge to spirituals. I'd pay a pretty penny for this."
"Wonder how the school even came across this. I tell you what. Ask your school where I can find something like this and perhaps I'll give you a little something for your intel, huh?"
"Oh. Sure. I'll just--uh---"
"Right, right, right. The bracelet, I'm sorry. Really, it's more an anklet truly, but--ya know what? I'm sorry. Here ya go"
"...take it from ya. Thanks."
"No problem. Come back with more info on the anklet. That'll be your payment for my time"
Got 'caught in a lie it seems. Don't know how I'll snake my way out of this one.
Shit, it's five. My dad's probably looking for me.
Chapter two:
" You skipped class? Bee, I know that you're better than this."
God moms bitch too much. Must be the nursing job coupled with her daily acting gigs that make her so aggro.
"I hear ya, mom. I just had some research to conduct after school..."
"Research? Which kind---?"
"The school kind. I don't know what else you want me to say. I'm sorry for skipping lasses. I got too overzealous and went in over my head. It won't happen again."
"Tskk. Better not. I know that I'm gone almost every hour of the day, but please give me a break, baby. Please just listen to your father and follow the rules. All I ask."
"Mhm, even though he-----you know what, nevermind. Am I dismissed? I have to write up today's school report to type"
Phew. Gonna hit the bong now to calm down from this encounter.
Fuck homework. .... ..... Mhm.
Five minutes passs. Fifteen, twenty. Maybe not minutes. hours? seconds? Time is too funny. With LEDs on, the vibe is fatallll. Still have to open a window to let out the smoke but gosh is this magical.
Mhm magic. Does it even exist? Doubt it. It's all science, right? ....
Right. Like, this anklet. Not real power. Not real magic. Just something people believe in. Like God. It's all faith.
"So, theoretically, I could even put it on my person and nothing would even happen"
"And, so it begins"
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT VOICE" and why am I screaming?
Get off, get off, get off! Something's dripping on me.
"Tears, they're tears"
Oh god, I fucked up. I knew that I shouldn't have smoked that much. Knew it'd bite me in the ass one day. Now I'm fear-crying. I NEVER FEAR CRY.
It's all a dream maybe. Go to sleep, Bee. Just take a weed nap.
"Ba ba bang"
A booming voice raspy from coffee withdrawal.
"Everything OK in there Bee? You're about to be late for school."
No time for conversation. Move it move it move it.
"'Cmon Bee. I'll drop you off at school on my way to the college".
Bookbag? Check. Board? Check.
I feel the rush of air against my cheeks as I fly out the door and jump into the getaway car. Fast, but atleast I'm not Furious. Dad and I chat it up all the way until the tires cross the smooth pavement of school grounds. Departing words are exchanged along with "I love you's" and "knock 'em deads".
That familiar sound. Principal as the school conductor. "Chooo". Just as it drones, my body moves to the steps of teens dragging their feet toward their dreaded first classes of the day. The light of morning cradles the marble arches of the school entrance until the sun starts to suck in the morning cold to blow out midday warmth.
"So, who are you, voice? What's your angle? Typing ensues. The screen watches my fleeting pupils; left, right, side, side. Wouldn't be surprised if the computer got whiplash from me. One scroll, two, three. Read a page. Nothing. Another website. Up and down; my fingers are cramped now. Nada. New Oogdle search: "Can I hear voices with weed smoking." Now I have a hit; "yes weed can have you seeing voices. Many aren't even your own. Maybe lay off the TV for a while."
"Thanks 'BouncyNina29'. Quora is one hell of a place." Guess it must've just been the drugs then. Hilarious, me hearing some voice. "Gotta lay off the bong smoking".
"Shhh!!" Some nerd in a striped beanie raised a finger to pursed lips.
Sorry, sorry....Jeez. "My bad" You know what? Maybe I can visit----
the train whistle interrupts my 11pm "ball" with myself. "Dammit". OK. Maybe I can bribe one of the delinquents behind the school to take my place in English. Teacher's not there anyway; the sub won't know the difference. Time to go pay someone off.
"Here ya go, five dollars."
"A'ight and you said what room that English class in?"
"301 B man. It's at the end of the third floor, right wing. Hard to miss and---remember---my name is Maybel Rhodes. Just fake like you're doing some work and no one will even notice that you're not me. I'm a loner, so, that'll work."
"Mhm hmm. I hear ya Maple"
"Yeah, that's what I said"
Scoff. In a smooth curvular motion, I plant my feet on the board and race to Sage's before their store closes.
As I approach, they're putting a silver key in a lock. Gah! The store closed.
"Miss Sage---"
"Gah! Don't do that!! Scaring me and sh--I mean, 'crap'. Scaring me and crap. Look kid, I'm closed right now but we open tomorrow. By then, I'll have the energy to discuss your school's anklet with you. Actually, about that. Do you have intel on where the-----"
"Yes, yes. About that, see...I lied. I didn't really get it from the school. I found it on the ground somewhere."
"'Found it on the ground somewhere' is code for 'I don't have money to pay nor do I have anything else to provide'? Am I getting warmer?"
"Look Miss Sage, I'm really sorry. Hey---look at it this way. I'm in debt to you. If you'll just help me with one teensy little thing, I'll ask my dad for some food money and will give you every cent he gives, alright?"
"Kid, that's not how an adult runs a business. Call what I gave you yesterday a 'freebie'. You're banned from the store. Good night."
Wait. "Wait" Their stride is aimed toward their silver camry. Yeah, I know a camry. Did you expect them to be riding a horse? Racist. Sage acts as though they don't hear and gets into their seat, key in ignition. One twist away before exiting the rocky parking area.
"IT SPOKE TO ME" Yup. That is how I yelled it. All caps, woke some birds up even. Just like in those Loony Toon cartoons. Is that why they're called "Loony Toons" 'cause they're loony cart----
Now they exit their car, slamming the heavy metal door. "What did you say? It...SPOKE...to you? What do you mean 'it'?"
Mhm Mhm. Just prepping my throat. "I wore it on my ankle and I heard a voice that has never existed before in the chasms----"
"Stop the theatrics"
"....Chasms of my mind. It was a male. Around your age in old-timey-ness."
"Har har."
"But it's the truth!" Why won't they believe a magical voice but insist that sage, a random plant, purifies the air?
Their chest contracts and expands in a sigh. Sage closes their eyes for a second. I could practically smell the gears turning. Need some WD-40, really. "Fine. Come by the store Saturday. That way, no one will be in to eavesdrop."
"And bring actual MULA this time or else we won't have our little discussion". Crud.
"What are you thinking Sage?" No response. I paid one hundred fifty dollars for this after BEGGING both my folks (who think I'm using it to enroll in some after school sport) to slide me some cash so that I can 'better myself as an individual and actually do something with my time as well'. Lies are no good.
"Shh! Let me think, please!" Sage subverts their attention from me back onto the tarot cards laid in front of them----exactly where the bone anklet (bonklet) lay in silence
Ten minutes pass before Sage gives me the break down. "So, as I've said before. The anklet carries some heavy energy, something similar to passion and justice. Very potent stuff. That's what the spirit realm is saying, anyway. When you were---ahem--- HIGH----"
At this point I look away
"...You honed into that energy and that's why you heard the voice"
"Hm. So, how do I hone in on that energy now? Is it something I can control conscious?"
"Look, I dunno kid. Just, be safe. Meditate beforehand so that you are actually able to chime into the anklet's power source. Don't want to darken the talisman's power or anything."
"Sure, sure" I am literally out the door before Sage utters the second part of their sentence. I buzz with excitement at the opportunity and the best part is? I'm basically a super! Hoo ho. This is awesome.
There's an empty industrial facility near by Hawesome Li Cosmetics. It went bankrupt several decads ago. I'm pretty much the only one who knows about the place. Excellent ground to skate on---smooth as butter. Either way, it's empty and no harm will come to anything or anyone nearby. Any damage that I do will be to the building nearby, which no one cares about anyway. "So, it's just me and you buddy." Blunt in hand, I blaze it up. "Time for the magic to happen."
It's a slow high. The high takes as long as a flame reaching the wooden stick of an incense rod for the high to hit. Upwards of thirty minutes. So I wait. It feels like time warps. So I meditate. So I clear my thinking and reach out to the anklet.
"Mhm, Anklet, tell me who you are?"
"What?? You can hear me?"
"Yeah man. Who are you, why you speaking to me?"
"Why would I tell you? I don't even know yer name"
Tiring. It's like talking to a wall.
"Hey, I heard that!"
"Maybel. My name's Maybel. What's yours? Let's start there."
"Like Nat Turner? The rebel slave?"
"Don't know who that is, this 'Nat Turner'. Just knew my master gave me the name." How progressive. "So...I suspect that I'm dead."
It's not easy news. I get it. But hey, the north won. That's something, right?
"Well, I guess it is....you know, I had a name before all of this...."
So, are you going to tell me?
"You may call me 'Asim'."
"I'll call you Ase."
Don't call me 'Ase'. Too late, Ase. Hey, how old are you anyway? 12? 11? My name is ASIM, nothing else. Fine, grumpy. ASIM. I'll call you Asim, Asim. Where'd that name come from anyway? What does it mean?
"Let's find out, shall we?"
"...It feels electric! (Boogy woogy woogy). Such power, this wade in...glory."
Are you a God?
"Blasphemy!" Then what are you? How are you able to lay such energy unto me?
Look, I don't know either, alright? But what I do know is...we're both negr---
Black. We don't say that word anymore.
"Black, then... Perhaps I'm connected with you due to our shared skin?" We stopped being related millenia ago. Millenia? Not familar with that word.
"Long, long ago. We don't share any common ancestors. It was all a lie." A lie? You don't believe in a God? I'm moreso spiritual; creation is a possibility not something I'm invested in. I believe in forces of the universe. "But not a God? So, this can't be some spiritual connection. We're too different." So perhaps a soul connection? A link between our spirits.... What else do we have in common? A slave and a black kid?
"Hatred of the white man? Wanting justice against them?"
"War. Destruction"
"No, I don't want that. I'd prefer peace." There may be no PEACE without WAR.
"A lie. Violence is not the answer. Kindness is."
"'Kindness' doesn't resolve problems. 'Kindness' doesn't end racism. 'KINDNESS' was the one that slept at my feet while I was lashed! "
Andddd you're gone. Great. Well, I'm going to head back home, then. We can hang out again tomorrow. "Head back" means leave. All right, see you.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt21:Ice Breaker?
[Part 20 here! <-]
Snow, as far as the eye can see. Summer has had enough of snow. A terrible thing considering her move sets and living situation. The frozen rain gently fell down into a meadow of pure white, blanketing any beautiful flowers that could be right below the surface. Her body fell flat, landing stomach down. Cold, but not too cold; the usual case for her mind every time she ended up here. Why was she here? Her heater was definitely on before she laid down. Wool socks kept her toes nice and toasty, and windows were shut tight. She had triple checked. Perhaps this was an actual dream this time instead of an unpleasant visit from the worst guest ever. Summer didn’t want to deal with Shiva. She didn’t want to do anything really. Her body felt...tired. Eyelids were heavy and energy was spent. What was this?
The crunch of snow being crushed broke the silence of the meadow and obstructed Summer’s already limited view. Her head lifted up to see the last person she wanted to. Now she really hoped this wasn’t a dream. It would be dreadful for Shiva to take those away from her too.
The problematic entity laid down on her side. Her hand reached out to brush away a few strands of Summer’s hair to get a better look. “Tired?” Shiva asked, rubbing the girl’s cheek. “I’d be too, faking joy in my life. How long do you think you’ll last? You feel it right, time slipping past you? Days, hours, minutes, seconds; how much more time can you spend failing at everything? Aren’t you tired of it all?”
Summer didn’t respond. Summer couldn’t respond. All she could do was stare into Shiva’s alluring gaze and weep, motionless.
“Awww poor thing.” Shiva rolled Summer over on her back, then straddled her. Her left hand kept rubbing Summer’s pale cheek. Shiva looked down at the girl with a smile that while small, was still oozing with a smug attitude despite her calm voice. “Just close your eyes and surrender to me. What else can you do? You can’t beat me, out think me, or do anything that matters when it counts the most. Do you enjoy it, burdening everyone? How much longer will you hold Nick back?”
Summer’s lip began to quiver. The warmth of her tears was the only source of heat filling her. They began to run faster and faster down the side of her face, only to meet Shiva’s gentle hands rubbing them away. Those same hands drifted lower down and stopped on Summer’s eck. Shiva never squeezed or even entertained. Her demeanor felt almost infant like, the way she tilted her head as she examined everything Summer did. Or...what she didn’t do.
Above, the ice ceiling began melting away again, the meadow fading into dust along the way. Shiva was the last thing Summer saw before everything became an empty space of black. Then, she woke. Dried tear marks were strong on her face and something pinned her right hand from trying to rub them off. Summer looked at her bedside and was taken back by the sight of her brother sleeping with his head laying on the mattress and hand holding her own. “Nick?” Summer said softly, pulling her hand free gently. Nick had always been a light sleeper. Summer had barely done anything and yet Nick woke up.
The boy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey sis. Did you sleep okay? You kept crying and trembling.”
“I was?” Summer rubbed her neck and rubbed her tear tracks away. “Sorry. I...guess I had a nightmare.” The sun barely hit her curtains so it must still be pretty early. “Were you here all night? Nick, you’re sick.”
“It’s not like you can catch a cold, miss immunity.”
Summer pouted. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You’re not gonna get better sleeping on the ground. Worry about yourself first for once?” She said, dry and tired. Summer laid back down and faced away from her brother. She heard him stand up but didn’t hear him walk away. Her mattress sank down seconds later and his hand took hers again.
“Are you...mad at me? You were pretty upset a couple days ago about the Paladin match, and Valerie sure had some choice things to say to me. I know I can be…overbearing at times. I get that you probably want space, but can you at least tell me if there’s anything I did specifically.”
His voice sounded hurt and tired as well. Summer didn’t know Valerie and Nick were on shaking ground. Is that why Nick didn’t tell her he was sick? Summer turned around. “I’m not mad at you. Things have been really low lately is all. I’m sorry if it felt like I’ve directed any of it at you. Things should get better after the tournament. Veronica will probably leave, I’ll have nothing but school lined up, and Oscar will hopefully be back by then. Not the biggest fan of virtual sessions.”
“Yeah, I can see that. Listen if you want more free time then I won’t make you-”
“Performing at the tournament is just fine.” Summer smiled. “Like I would miss a chance to stun a crowd, all of Remnant in fact. Besides, I made an Acr promise to an orphan, remember? I couldn’t back out if I wanted to.”
“Yeah...that would be pretty bad:” Nick cringed at the thought of an entire orphanage being sad and lied to. That’s guilt that would follow someone forever. “Got any plans today? It might do us some good to practice at least once together before the tournament. Not that we really need it.”
“Please, if it isn’t our dual summoning then we’re set. We can’t do that today though. Veronica and I are...umm…” Summer wanted to tell Nick about their argument yesterday which led to Veronica all but forcing her to agree to a fight today and the use of stolen diamond dust, but it wouldn’t make much sense to. Endangering him with her risks was the main reason things escalated. “We’re...going around town and the woods to get things for my outfit.”
“The woods?”
“Yeah she wants to see me fight grimm and we’re gonna look for pure dust and stuff. So don’t worry if you get one of your little twin chills or whatever you call it.”
“I don’t call it anything. Twin chill is nice though. Well be careful. Expect a call if I feel it. Better safe than sorry. It would suck for me to be grabbing school papers while Shiva is rampaging through the woods.” Nick was getting a little stressed thinking about it. One minute he’s stapling papers then sees a massive glacier outside the school window. Not to discredit his sister, but that’s the kind of luck Nick typically had. Things go fine, and then they don’t.
“School papers?” Summer questioned. “Nick it’s not a school day.
“I know. I’m gonna stop by there this afternoon and get the work I missed.” A look of disbelief and judgement shot him right in his heart from Summer. “What!? Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean the homework disappeared. I’m simply going to get it and come back home to rest. Summer’s look did not waver. Nick turned a little red for the nonverbal call out. He stood up. “Leave me alone! I’m going back to bed and then I will do exactly as I said I would do.”
“You’re full of shit…” Summer said while doing a fake cough.
“Night, you little diva.” Nick walked out her room and grabbed the door to shut it.
Summer reached out for a second. “Wait a second.” She said, her voice more reserved. “Nick, y...you love me right? Like, spending time with me?”
Nicholas looked at his sister with a raised brow. “Of course I love you. You’re my baby sister. Not that you being that means I have to hang around you or anything. Why, someone dumb tell you otherwise?”
Summer couldn’t help but smile. “No, hearing you actually say it is just nice. Rest well.” Nick smiled back then closed the door. The smile Summer wore tried its best to stay, but left as quick as it came. Her swarming thoughts made her head feel heavy and cluttered until Summer found herself resting it in her hands as she attempted to rest a little more. Sleep never came back for her unfortunately, no matter how many minutes passed her by.
It felt like no time at all before Summer was out of her bed and getting dressed for the day. She decided to keep her hair down for now and was more concerned about if she was gonna be warm enough. Her standard black thermal leggings and old white over coat should do the trick, but Summer felt compelled to put her ear muffs around her neck and wear warmer socks with her already poofy white winter boots. Snow gloves were put in her coat for safe keeping. Testing diamond dust without Nick was more stressful than she thought it would be. At least the layers of close gave her a good excuse whenever she’d start sweating.
The fated knock on the door finally came and took ten years off of Summer’s life. “Y-Yes?” The door creaked open before being fully swung open with Veronica on the other side. An exceptionally beautiful soft brushed purple winter coat that had a belt around the waist and big black buttons to bundle the whole thing up. Her color of choice was complemented with grayish-white jeans that looked roomie; a weird choice for the girl. Then there were her gym shoes school? Her entire bottom half was casual in contrast from the coat.
Summer got a bit worried. Veronica dresses herself with purpose. Her wardrobe doesn’t sacrifice functionality for flare, yet is stylish nonetheless. This one felt disjointed however. “Ummm what’s with the shoes and jeans? I would’ve thought you’d look a little more...stunning?” Said Summer, choosing her words carefully. She must’ve succeeded because Veronica gave a rude look and nothing else. It was easy to tell that she was still tired from the way she rubbed her eyes. “Didn’t sleep well either?”
“I’m sore and the time difference hasn’t gone away yet. As for my clothes, why would I wear my good clothes when I’m going to the woods and things can get physical? I’d wear a different coat if I had one.” Veronica pulled out a scrunchy and put her lion’s mane of a hair into a ponytail tail.
The sleeves of the coat fell down and Summer became a little more anxious to see Ember Cilca on Veronica’s wrists.“ Oh right, of course she’ll dress comfy in a fight. And use a strong weapon. Why not use her own? Is punching me that exciting?” Her eyes looked down and noticed a small duffel bag outside the door. “What is she gonna do to me!?” Summer ‘casually’ walked over to her sword and put it on her hip. It made her feel a little safer. Then she grabbed a hidden vial of diamond dust. Safety was right back out the window.
“You’re only bringing the one?”
“If this goes terribly then I don’t need Shiva getting a double dose. One is more than enough.” Summer held it out. “Here. It’s probably better you have it for now.”
“On that, we can agree on.” Veronica took the vial and grabbed and used her tail to grab her bag. “Let’s get this over with already…” she stormed off immediately.
Summer thought it best to follow Veronica’s lead. The girl was clearly in a bad mood. “Dying in the woods by a girl crushing on my brother. Yeah, that’s on par with the rest of my life.”
With two of noisiest people out of the house, it was pretty easy to tell something was amiss for Weiss. It’s almost eight in the morning and the sound of guitar or vocals hadn’t rattled her morning coffee. Yeah they had a sound room, but that never stopped Summer from playing a rift on the way to it. “It’s quiet, too quiet.” She took a sip from her mug then went to the garden. “Maybe Summer is training? Veronica could probably hear through the sound room.”
The closer Weiss got to the garden, the easier it was to hear that someone actually was there. Yang. She was upside doing push-ups in just a tank top and yellow pajama pants.
“Forty five...forty six...forty seven…forty- oh hey Weiss.”
“Hehehe, how are you not freezing? It’s barely warmed up yet.”
“Since when have I ever been bothered by a little cold air?” Yang let her balance slip to land right side up. “I’m hot every day all day.” She flipped her hair for dramatic effect.”
“Well Mrs. Hot stuff, have you seen Summer? Despite her reluctance to go to school, the girl is an early riser. Especially on the weekends. Is- hey, you got a little…” Weiss pointed on a few bruises on Yang’s right shoulder.
“Oh this? Veronica wanted to spar yesterday. Her mood wasn’t exactly friendly.” Yang sighed. Her body flopped on the soft grass near the tear area. “That girl, it feels like all we do these days is spar rather than trying to talk.”
“Gee, I wonder where she gets that from.” Weiss said with the most sarcastic tone in the world. “I guess I’m in no position to make fun. Summer is hard to communicate with too. Teenagers man.”
“Tell me about it! Were we this bad?”
“Yeah.” Weiss nodded, remembering everything and cringing. “Yeah… gods, we were a lot to deal with.”
“You maybe. I was pretty-”
“Hard headed and passionate? Uncompromising on everything? Loud as hell?”
Yang sat up. “Okay already! Point taken hehe. Oh if you’re looking for Summer, she’s out in town with Veronica.”
That wasn’t an answer Weiss thought she’d hear. “For what? Those two can’t breathe in front of each other without wanting to fight.”
“Well they don’t have a choice if Veronica wants to make a perfect outfit for her. Walking, running, sitting, posture, Veronica likes seeing all of that in order to make a quality design. Kid has a real gift.” Yang crossed her arms. “Too bad people don’t give her the time of day.”
“Oh. So the situation hasn’t gotten any better for her?” Weiss asked.
Yang shrugged. She began pacing around in circles. “Besides what happened here, there hasn’t been a school fight in a while or calls home. Grades are average but that’s to be expected. No drugs either, thankfully. Pretty sure that was a one off thing. Still, Veronica is clearly unhappy and not even Blake gets much out of here these days. We’d take her therapy but she’ll run off or flat out won’t go.” Yang let out another huge sigh, slouching over. “I’m worried. I just want her talking to somebody that will listen and care.
Weiss could relate to that. “Well, at least Nick chips away at that armor of hers.”
“True. That boy is magic. I don’t wanna have him doing it all by himself though. I’m positive he has his fair share of problems too. How is he?”
“All work and no play recently. You saw how sick he was yesterday right? If I could just take a little bit of his drive and replace it with Summer’s reasoning….”
“Ruuuuude! I’m reasonable!” Shouted the boy from the balcony. “Some would say I’m actually quite flexible.
Weiss scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully. “Those people don’t live with you! How are you feeling? Still have a fever?”
“A little one, but I think I’m alright. Well enough to go get my assignments from school? Please?” He said, giving puppy eyes that made Yang laugh and Weiss facepalm.
“Hahaha. Nick, I wish my horses worked half as hard as you do, but I think you might be giving your mother gray hair.”
“Oh he knows! I tell him all the time that one day he’ll notice my hair is gonna go from white, to silver over night because of him and his sister.”
He smiled. “And you’ll look just as beautiful.”
“Nice try, Jaune jr. Fine, you can get your work. However, you’re not walking. I’ll drive you there later and just like with training I’m gonna time you. I swear I don’t know where you get this drive from. Even I know when to take a break.”
“Not at his age.” Yang shot back. “Jaune and Ruby mellowed you out. Nick, your mother didn’t know what to do with herself sometimes. Especially when nobody was around. I’ve walked in on her reading a cookbook, in Menageran! I live there now and I barely know one dialect!”
“Blake didn’t teach them all?
“No point. There’s tons of different languages. Just ask Veronica. She knows two fluently and will gladly show it off. Did you by any chance hear the part of the conversation where your mother and I talked about her? If so, can you not mention it?”
“No worries, didn’t hear anything besides you wanting her to open up more. I don’t think you gotta worry about that too much.” Nick spoke with confidence, hitting his chest. “Veronica might not know it yet but I’m positive Eliza enjoys her company; and I’m trying my best to get Veronica to talk to Summer semi-friendly.”
Weiss was skeptical. “You’ve tried that before. Got a master plan you haven’t shared?”
He shook his head proudly. “Not at all! Hahaha!” Nick looked to the sky. Gentle snowflake flowed through a slow air current like a frozen river. “All I have is hope.”
“This is utterly hopeless.” Was the only thing Veronica can say in despair as dozens of people stood in multiple lines to board airships. “Why is everyone up so early!? It’s been half an hour and we haven’t budged. The week day isn’t like this.”
“Of course it isn’t. People work.” Summer looked around to see familiar citizens going on and off ships with luggage; as well as complete strangers who haven’t adjusted to the cold of Atlas. “Many important people have already started showing up in advance for the tournament. They may not help like you will but coming so soon is a great excuse to explore the kingdom and gain influence. They might even drop by the schools and try recruiting if they can get away with it. Almanac is a place where-”
“I know, I know. It’s where society collides. It’s built down on Mantle as a way to expose youths like yourself to how the less fortunate live and inspire you to make the city better. Conversely, all the trips and equipment allows the kids in Mantle to have quality equipment and see Atlas up close; giving them a goal to work towards.”
“It also exposes the older people here to the citizens of Mantle. Creating situations where interactions between the two isn’t rare changes some people’s perspective, or at least makes them think twice about deciding on some affirmative action that hurts the people below. It’s a little harder to disregard the common man whenever their kids are friends with them and you know some.”
“Not really. They think twice because it isn’t smart to angry people who can get to your front door with ease.”
Summer felt her entire vibe get a little bleeker. “Way to make it pessimistic.”
“Hard not to be with a line like this!” Veronica shouted too loudly, drawing a few eyes their way. Not that she cared. “Ugh, isn’t there another means of getting down? Can’t you flex your last name and skip?”
“Weren’t you listening? A lot of high profile people are here. If I throw titles around then so will they. Then you have a bunch of rich people being snobby and being put into a bad light. That includes your family.” Summer witnessed Veronica’s agitated state get a little more restless. It was very strange. This wasn’t the “people agitate me” kind of mood Veronica showed off. No, she seemed torn up. Against her better judgment, Summer took the girl's hand in concern. “Hey are okay? You’re acting weird.”
Veronica looked at the girl's big blue eyes. It was scary how pretty those eyes were. Arc blue had its own appeal that was different then Nick’s chilling Schnee eyes. Veronica looked at her hand and pulled it away. “I’m just a little hungry and you know, lady stuff.” She lied about the second part. “Also don’t touch me without asking. You know I don’t let anybody touch me without asking.”
“Yeah between that and your semblance I can’t imagine you being much of a hugger.” Summer laughed nervously, wondering why she said that of all things. This line has single handedly forced the longest interactions they’ve had without a fight in an extremely long time. Summer was waiting for Veronica to decide on fighting here instead. They were running out of banter! “So umm...wanna eat and pray the line gets shorter when we get back?”
“Will it?” Veronica deadpanned. The lack of eye contact told her all she needed to know. This line was only gonna get worse. “Ugh. Fuck it, new plan. I’m not waiting any longer to get a ride.”
“I told you, using your title is a bad idea.”
“I’m not going to, genius. Follow me.” Veronica ditched the line and started heading back more towards the outer rim of Atlas, right where buildings and watch posts were stationed. “Let’s play a game.”
“That’s never a good sentence.” Summer instinctively moved a little slower. She was not about to get sucker punched. “What kind of game?” She was already regretting asking. It was gonna be crazy.
Veronica finally stopped moving and turned around. “A race to Mantle. The fun way.” She pointed to the edge.
Summer looked out and saw the chains extend down. One of them had a good enough angle to point them in the direction where the woods are. Right at the edge of the old slums in fact. “You’re nuts…”
“Don’t play that card!” Veronica pointed at her. “I know all about you snowboarding on these things!”
Boom! Caught red handed. No way Summer could deny that. “I promised Winter I wouldn’t needlessly endanger myself.” That was a solid excuse.
“Aren’t we literally going to the woods to mess with dangerous dust you stole?” And that was a solid answer. “You’re not gonna talk me out of this. I debate and public speak on national levels. You have a school club.”
“I’m not even in the debate club.”
“Exactly. Now stop arguing. We’re wasting time.”
As usual, Summer could only fall into whatever crazy thing would happen next. But she wasn’t giving up that easily. Veronica wouldn’t dare be too rude in public. “What’s stopping me from walking away right now? I could get on an airship and make it to the forest before you get down the chains.”
An amused chuckle came from Veronica. “Hehehe, it’s funny how wrong you are sometimes. I said race to Mantle, and I never said I was gonna use the chains.” Before Summer had a chance to even think about what she just said, Veronica fell through the ground.
It was so sudden that Summer was thankful she didn’t blink. “Veronica!?” She gasped. Now there wasn't a choice at all! “That’s so...I can’t believe..aaah! Why is she like this!?” Summer shouted to nobody. Her feet raced to the edge, then jumped. The rush of cold early morning air was more than enough for her to create a snowboard of ice that planted her right on the chains. “Can’t things be normal for once?” A path of glyphs shot down the chain. The use of her semblance with the little control over diamond dust she had made for a potent combination. Summer was blazing down the chain! The links between each one were terrifying though. A late hop could shatter the board and send her flying. “Don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up, and juuuump!” Little hops was all it took for her to soar down wards for seconds before landing. “Doing a trick or two would be pretty amazing if this wasn’t so dangerous and a race.” Summer looked around the air. “Where is she anyways?” Her gaze finally spotted the girl. Veronica was actually beneath her. The girl’s back faced the ground while her hands rested in her pockets, eyes closed blissfully. “Veronica?” Summer said. She got noanswer. Veronica continued to fall effortlessly. As if she was unconscious. Summer shouted again. “Veronica! You alright over there?” Still no answer. Now Summer was worried. “HEY!? VEE VEE!”
Not even her despised nickname gave Veronica a reaction. Summer could feel her heart start to race. “She can’t actually be unconscious right!?” Reasoning with herself wasn’t working. If by some chance Veronica was knocked out...Summer didn’t want to think about it. There was no time to think. Without another second to waste, Summer jumped off the chain and began falling towards her long term acquaintance. She brandished Myrtenaster and angled three glyphs to bounce off of to reach Veronica. Summer extended her hand in fear of the girl’s safety. “Veronica!!!!”
“Huh?” Veronica opened her eyes to see a blur of white and blue hurling towards her. “What in the-” She wasn’t the only one surprised. Summer’s eyes bugged out. The girl was completely caught off guard, crashing into Veronica and sending them spiraling through the air. Fortunately, Veronica was quick to grab Summer by the sleeve and pull her into a tight embrace for the girl’s own safety. “Summer!? What the hell!? Why did you jump!?”
“Why were your eyes closed!?!?! I thought you had passed out or something. I was screaming your name!!” Summer yelled with tears in her eyes from the fear.
“Summer I can’t hear shit when wind is roaring through my ears! I was relaxing!”
“RELAXING!? YOU ARE FREE FALLING!!!!” Summer screamed. No doubt Veronica heard that.
“IT IS A LONG FALL, SUMMER! IT IS LITERAL HANG TIME!” Veronica yelled back. She finally noticed the tears coming from Summer. At first she thought it was because of the wind but they kept coming. “Are you crying right now!?”
Veronica’s heart felt like it stopped for a moment. She had no response for that. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Summer, anyone, to freak out over something like that. It was a little haunting. If she didn’t feel like a jerk before, Veronica definitely was feeling that way now, just a little. She looked over her shoulder to see Mantle buildings and ground coming in hot. Her arms fastened tightly around Summer’s upper and lower back. “Wrap your arms and legs around me, tightly!”
Summer did as she was told and felt Veronica’s hand press against the back of her head. What should’ve been several seconds before a splat became extended free falling. Summer went from seeing the sky, buildings, the pavement, and then minerals. Crushed sediments and pavement that were firmly placed within the dirt. Summer was experiencing seeing underground for the first time. “Woah…. you can do this all the time!? You see €€this all the time!? How deep are we?
“You are quite literally being impressed by things you can see with a shovel. Now flex your stomach and try not to get the wind knocked out of you.”
Once again, Summer listened and gave a pat on the back for confirmation. A weird feeling ran over her body. As if going down an elevator, then €€boom! That feeling became ten times worse. It was like a rollercoaster on the highest drop. But instead of going down, their bodies were being forced up. The world of minerals was left behind for streets once again. Their momentum kept going up until they came to a midair stop. Summer instinctively made a platform at their feet before they fell again.
Veronica finally let go and pulled Summer off of her body. “Well that’s one way to stop. I’ll admit, clever thinking.”
“What was your plan?”
“I would five back into the ground and back up. Each time would get less air then the last before eventually I would be like several inches from the ground, or I’d land on a roof on the way down. Simple stuff.” Veronica brushed off her outfit in an attempt to get the wrinkles out. The puffy eyes looked from Summer made her let out an auditable little laugh in disbelief. “Tsk, I cannot believe you actually cried.” She teased.
Summer squinted at Veronica before folding both arms and turning her head away dramatically. “I don’t see what’s so funny. Not in the slightest.”
“That’s because you have no sense of humor.”
“What’s humorous about a death like that? It’s terrible.”
Veronica shrugged casually. “Eh, there’s worse ways to go. But ummm thanks for checking, and stuff…” Veronica jumped off the glyph and onto a roof before Summer got any mushy ideas from a thank you. “The race is null in void. Move your butt. We have ground together since we made an emergency landing.”
“We’re skipping the fact you just showed me a little gratitude?” Summer teased. She couldn’t help it. The glare shot at her for it though reminded Summer that teasing a person she had to fight soon wasn’t a great plan. Unlike Valerie, Summer wasn’t gonna get any buffs or debuffs from it. “Hehehe….I’ll start moving my butt.”
“A wise decision.”
“Alright, we’re here.” Weiss said, parking her car into the mostly empty school parking lot. “Nick, you have fifteen minutes to get what you need. Anymore and I’m coming in to drag you out myself.”
He laughed. “Can you at least send the gigas in? If you’re gonna be extra then go all the way.” He hopped out the car and ran inside.”
“Don’t tempt me!” Weiss shouted. She was not above embarrassing him like that. Not in the slightest.
Nick jogged his way down the halls. Benefit of the weekend, no crowded halls. Just him, the occasional faculty, and the sports team. Basketball, soccer, the usual suspects. However, the sight of favorite blue haired girl in an Atlesian military uniform and the kingdom’s flag had caught his attention. Seeing Eliza with her twin tails undone and in one regular ponytail was always so shocking to him. “Yo, Eliza!” He waved.
She looked at him briefly before doing a double take. “Nick? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed resting?”
If he had a nickel…. Nick walked up to her in disbelief. “Is everyone my mom today?” He joked. “I am fine. Just grabbing my assignments. Anyways, color guard practice today? Cool. Didn’t realize I wasn’t the only one doing double duty for the tournament; though I guess I’m technically doing triple.” The weight of that hit him a little. How’d he manage that!?
“Yeah, just for the opening ceremony. I’m the lead when it comes to the flags so hehe, all eyes on me.” It was hard not to hide her nerves about the whole thing. “In terms of weight, it’s not too different from my spear. The routine is almost solid.”
Nick could tell she said that more for her benefit than his. It was funny. Eliza wasn’t one to waver most of the time. Then again, this was her first time doing this and second time competing in this tournament. “Hey, you survived cameras on you before. You fought me last year without choking.”
“Yeah, and lost miserably.” Eliza would never forget that day. “Thanks for the reminder.” She said sarcastically.
“Shut up, you got third on your first major tournament. You couldn’t ask for a better debut against veterans like myself and Val. Oh, thanks for sticking around Vee by the way.”
“Don’t mention it. I did it more for me than you anyways.”
“Ouch. You’re so cruel to your work husband.”
Eliza’s face turned a little red. She pointed her finger at him and sparked it with magical electricity. “Never say that again.”
“Hahaha! I’m just teasing. I still appreciate the help. Anyways, I gotta go get my stuff and bail before my mom makes due on a not so empty threat. Bye!” He ran off past her towards his classrooms.”
“Council room” Eliza said, making Nick stop halfway down the hall. “All your work...I put it in the council room for you.” Even from a distance she could see Nick’s eyes light up. Did it really not take much to make this boy happy?
“Awww Eliza-” she pointed at him again with Fire this time. Nick thought it best to quit while he was ahead and continued walking. Although, he made a little mental note for later. “Hmmm, I wonder if Eliza would be good at candle training. Fire is fire after all. Magic or dust wise.” Nick continued pondering the idea. Magic has always been cool to Nick. The fact he actually knew a person could do it was especially cool. If he could trade being the heir for being the first person with magic in centuries, he might not think twice about it. Nick couldn’t help but fantasize about a life with lower expectations and no heavy title. “Vee is right. I should really talk to my uncle about this. Well, after the tournament, or maybe do it beforehand then soften the blow by winning gold? That would be good.” He turned a corner, failing to check for on comers. “Look at me, talking as if I don’t have to face-” Nick ran head onto Valerie hard and stumbled back.
His friend dropped a bunch of hockey sticks. Some of which hammering her toes. “Ow!” She screamed, her team hearing from several feet away. “Hey watch where you’re- Nick?”
“Hey Val…” He said nasally. The impact had him rubbing his nose gently as it turned red. “Tackling you must be a nightmare. You're like a wall of tanks.” His strange analogy was ignored entirely. He looked up at Valerie and saw nothing but shock and irritation as she pulled him close, real close.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? I’m the one who told you to get rest? I didn’t know it was bad enough for you to be bed ridden.”
“I uhh well you see…” Focusing was hard enough from the crash. The literal inch between them made Nick feel unprepared. Though her face was upset, he still found beauty in it. Especially with the hint of care he saw her turquoise eyes. “You said you wanted space. So I thought I wouldn’t bother you.” He finally said, hesitantly. Valerie didn’t seem too happy with his response.
“Idiot.” Valerie said, “If it’s about your health then blow up my phone for all care!” She huffed. Valerie’s cheeks turned a little red. “Are we clear?” Nick didn’t respond back. His eyes avoided her gaze and he seemed uncomfortable. “Nick? You alright?”
He looked towards her, a little nervous. “Can I make it up to you? Since you were worried and all?”
“What are you-”
“Not as a date if that’s what you’re afraid of.” Nick reassured, “Clearly I upset you so let me fix it by taking you to your favorite dine in restaurant? These last couple days I…missed you okay?” He could feel his face turning red. Platonic or not, this sounded like a confession. And yet Valerie hadn’t let go of him yet. It might’ve been his imagination, but he could’ve sworn she had gotten redder.
Valerie could feel herself being apart mentally. Nick wasn’t one to lie, but enduring was what he did best. How often did he think about her while he was sick? Did she make his fever worse? Was not telling him more painful for him than it was her? Valerie didn’t know. Making sense of any of it wasn’t important. “Nick I-” her voice was cut off by the murmurs of the halls. Athletes and onlookers passed by with their whispers and giggles. They had once again made a spectacle out of nothing. Another thing for idiots to gossip about and spread their lies. Valerie couldn’t stand it. Her blood began to boil. It never failed. Nick had made life, her life, a little more about him and less about her. Valerie finally let go of him, pushing him away. “No, sorry.” She said, clearly irritated. “I still want my space; and we both know how you are. Date or not, you just can’t help yourself but pull out the red carpet act like if I need you when I don’t. It’s pretty…” Nick didn’t let her finish. He turned his back to her. It was only then Valerie realized just how much she was mouthing off. “Wait that came out wrong.” She double backed, “I…”
“You don’t get to do that.” Nick finally bit back, “Telling me I should’ve called and that you care, only to push me away at your convenience. Now you’re berating me? What is with you lately!?” His voice echoed through the hall. It was only then he paid attention to his peers who quickly moved along the moment he tried meeting their gaze. Suddenly, something clicked. “Are you...embarrassed by me?” He said, mid revelation.
“You’re causing a scene, Nick.” She muffled, unusually reserved. “Listen, I just think the tournament takes priority is all.” Valerie lies, unknowingly letting her pride get the better of her. “I’m not embarrassed by you, honest.”
“So why do you brush me off every time people are around huh? I’m not a mind reader. Just come out with it.” He got no answer. Just silence while Valerie’s eyes looked for people who might still be watching. Now he was really annoyed, and he wasn’t even sure if it was because of Valerie or himself for getting worked up in the first place. “You know what? Forget it. Have it your way. I’m too ill to argue.” He said dismissively. Nick walked away from the argument to get what he came for. He was on a time limit anyway.
Valerie watched her friend turn the corner, hurt by her words. Or maybe the lack of them. Valerie turned around to go back to practice and stopped after only one step, stunned by the sight of her mother carrying extra sports gear.
Nora let out an exhausted sigh then smiled, “Oh boy. Here I thought your biggest worry today would be run down knee pads.” She laughed awkwardly at her own ice breaker. “Wanna talk about it later.”
Valerie got closer. She took the gear from her mother and went towards the gym. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
Nora let Valerie get away. There will be time for questions later. Nora put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Teenagers.”
Neither twin was having the best mood right now. Summer could feel her heart beating out of her chest the deeper into the woods she went. Ever since the free fall, Veronica had gone silent. Any attempt at conversion was ignored. She just kept walking deeper and deeper until everything started to look the same to Summer. Thankfully no grimm had appeared, but if they kept walking aimlessly like this… “I think this far enough, Veronica.” Summer said. Veronica actually listened and stopped before turning around.
“Yeah, this’ll do nicely.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the diamond dust while dropping her bag. “I say it’s about time we get this over with. Catch.” She tossed the vial of dust, underhanded.
Summer nearly panicked as she caught it midair. “What are you-don’t do that! This stuff is dangerous!” If her nerves weren’t shot before, they were now.
“The dangerous part is yet to come.” Veronica engaged Ember Celica and brought her fists up. She would’ve liked to remove the jacket, but a piece of her mind told her it was far wiser to keep the extra layer of warmth and protection. “Well?”
“Yeah, what are you waiting for?”Said the alluring lethal voice inside of Summer’s head, sending chills up her spine. This wasn’t the cold’s doing. No, this was fear. Pure unkempt adrenaline that made her stomach twisted into knots and body shiver. “She’s asking for it, so let her have it. Better her than fear sweet Nicholas, right?”
Summer couldn’t stop shaking in place. This wasn't the plan. Not like this so much could go wrong. Was she really to fight Shiva again? Did Veronica stand a chance? Just how much stronger would Shiva’s grip be by doing this. If they failed, if she wasn’t strong enough then…that might be it. This wasn’t just her own life at stake either. Summer already thought Veronica might’ve died today. If it was by her own hands���
Bile threatened to come up and out of throat. Summer couldn’t even see straight anymore. The trees spun around her and her balance felt off. The whole world seemed to crush her under her own weight and tears-
“Lesson learned.” Called out Veronica, bringing reality back to Summer. She hadn’t realized it through her panic attack, but Veronica had gotten remarkably close to her, looking right into her soul and placing a hand to rub Summer’s pale cheek. Summer was so overwhelmed she began stammering. “W-What a...are y-you-”
“This terrifying fear that’s crippling you; the absolute anxiety of knowing how potentially dangerous it would be to pull a stunt like this? Maybe remember it the next time you wanna drag Nick into one of your reckless training, kay?” Veronica took the Diamond Dust away from Summer and returned it to her pocket. “Okay, now for the real reason we’re here. We need things for your outfit and so on.”
Summer watched Veronica nonchalantly lift her bag and walk off again. She couldn’t be it. This entire was a set up. A guilt trip into thinking more about Nick’s safety, and it worked. The humiliation of it all. What’s worse was Summer felt...like she deserved it? Did Nick ever feel this, this fear? How many times did she want to train her control and he went along with it? Why did he go along with it!? Her body felt weak, exhausted. Summer stumbled back against a tree, sliding down until she sat in the snow on the verge of breaking down. “Stop.” She said, weak and afraid. “I need a minute, so please stop.”
Veronica looked back to see the state Summer was in. No longer was she fighting back tears. Summer openly wept as she hugged her knees tightly to try and stop the shaking. She wasn’t the only one feeling guilty.
“Damnit Veronica! I didn’t think it would scare her this bad or make her cry!”Veronica walked back to the fragile girl and sat next to her quietly. This was a complete disaster. Emotional vulnerability was never a thing Veronica was good at doing or dealing with. She took a chance and used her tail to wipe Summer’s wet face, gaining her attention. “I ummm, wasn’t trying to...a panic attack was not in my plans. You looked a little frantic at first but then you spiraled in the blink of an eye. I’m…” Veronica looked away, her ears folded in shame. “I fucked up. My bad. Nick told me to take it easy on you and here I am being worse than usual.”
Summer sniffled. She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to being comforted. Especially by Veronica of all people. Still, it felt nice. Different from others. That’s for sure. “I’m sorry.”
That was out of left field. “What?” Said Veronica, turning back around. “Umm I don’t think you know how apologies work. I mean I barely do, but this isn’t right.”
“I said some things I didn’t mean about you yesterday. I was angry at myself and directed it to you. I may not know what bothers you but I know you probably have shit in your life going on too.”
“Yeah well...we’re famous. Problems come with the territory, and puberty.”
“Eh, can’t relate. High regen and pain tolerance. I don’t get cramps, or get sick. The only upside to getting blasted with dust no scientist can identify.”
“I probably shouldn’t envy you but maaaan, little jealous. Not gonna lie.”
The girls shared a small chuckle for what it was worth. Summer sniffled again and rubbed her eyes. “Ya know, we don’t really...talk, do we? Not since we were five. I’m sure there’s a lot of things we could learn.”
Veronica couldn’t suppress her unwilling groan. Bonding was not on her agenda. However, Veronica couldn’t help but think about Nick’s words and her promise to him. “Let’s make a truce? We have to spend time together. There’s no getting around it.”
“I’m painfully aware…” Summer moaned. “What’s the truce?”
Veronica stood up and reached for Summer’s hand, lifting her up as well. “I will do my damnedest to be less confrontational if you do as well. Also if you are willing to explain this whole Shiva business to me, then… I’ll explain my faunus business. I suppose.” Her tail instinctively wrapped around her waist for security. She could tell by Summer’s expression that she was definitely intrigued. It was warranted. Veronica didn’t speak much about it on purpose. Now she was offering it on a silver platter. “Well?” She said anxiously”
Summer retook Veronica’s hand and shook it. “Alright, truce.”
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whitehotharlots · 4 years
Andrea Long Chu is the sad embodiment of the contemporary left
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Andrea Long Chu’s Females was published about a year ago. It was heavily hyped but landed with mostly not-so-great reviews, and while I was going to try and pitch my own review I figured there was no need. Going through my notes from that period, however, I see how much Chu’s work—and its pre-release hype—presaged the sad state of the post-Bernie, post-hope, COVID-era left. I figured they’d be worth expanding upon here, even if I’m not getting paid to do so.
Chu isn’t even 30 years old, and Females is her debut book, and yet critics were already providing her with the sort of charitable soft-handedness typically reserved for literary masters or failed female political candidates. This is striking due to the purported intensity of the book: a love letter to would-be assassin Valerie Solanas, the thesis of which is that all humans are female, and that such is true because female-ness is a sort of terminal disease stemming not from biology but from one’s inevitable subjugation in larger social contexts. Everyone is a woman because everyone suffers. Big brain shit.
But, of course, not everyone is a female. Of course. Females are females only some of the time. But, also, everyone is a female. Femaleness is just a title, see. Which means it can be selectively applied whenever and however the author chooses to apply it. The concept of “female” lies outside the realm of verifiability. Suggesting to subject it to any form of logic or other means of adjudication means you’re missing the point. Femaleness simply exists, but only sometimes, and those sometimes just so happen to be identifiable only to someone possessed with as a large a brain as Ms. Chu. We are past the need for coherence, let alone truth or honesty. And if you don’t agree that’s a sign that you are broken—fragile, illiterate, hateful, humorless.
Chu’s writing—most famously, her breakthrough essay “On Liking Women”—establishes her prose style: long, schizophrenic paragraphs crammed with unsustainable metaphors meant to prove various fuzzy theses simultaneously. Her prose seems kinda sorta provocative but only when read on a sentence-by-sentence level, with the reader disregarding any usual expectations of cohesion or connection.
This emancipation from typical writerly expectations allows Chu to wallow proudly in self-contradiction and meaninglessness. As she notes herself, explicitly, meaning isn’t the point. Meaning doesn’t even exist. It’s just, like, a feeling:
I mean, I don’t like pissing people off per se. Yes, there is a pleasure to that sometimes, sure. I think that my biggest takeaway from graduate school is that people don’t say things or believe things—they say them because it makes them feel a particular way or believing them makes them feel a particular way. I’ve become hyper aware of that, and the sense in which I’m pissing people off is more about bringing that to consciousness for the reader. The reason you’re reacting against this is not because it contradicts what you think is true, it’s because it prevents you from having the feeling that the thing you think is the truth lets you feel.
And so she can get away with saying that of course she doesn’t actually believe that everyone is a female, the same as her idol Valerie Solanas didn’t actually want to kill all men. The writers, Chu and Valerie, are just sketching out a dumb idea as a fun little larf, to see how far they can push a manifestly absurd thought. If they just so happen to shoot a gay man at point blank range and/or make broader left movements so repulsive that decent people get driven away, so be it. And if any snowflakes complain about their tactics, well that’s just proof of how right they are. Provocation is justification—the ends and the means. The fact that this makes for disastrous and harmful politics is beside the point. All that matters is that Chu gets to say what she wants to say.
This blunt rhetorical move—which is difficult to describe without sounding like I’m exaggerating or making stuff up, since it’s so insane—papers over Chu’s revanchist and violent beliefs. Her work is soaked with approving portrayals of Solanas’ eliminationist rhetoric—of course, Chu doesn’t’ actually mean it, even though she does. Men are evil, even as they don’t really fully exist since everyone is a woman, ergo eliminating men improves the world. Chu goes so far as to suggest that being a trans woman makes her a bigger feminist than Solanas or any actual woman could ever be, because the act of her transitioning led to the world containing fewer men. Again: big brain shit.
I’ll leave it to a woman to comment on the imperiousness of a trans woman insisting that she is bestest and realest kind of woman, that biological women are somehow flawed imposters. I will stress, however, that such a claim comes as a means of justifying a politically disastrous assertion that more or less fully justifies the most reactionary gender critical arguments, which regard all trans women as simply mentally ill men (this line of reasoning is so incredibly stupid that even a dullard like Rod Drehar can rebut it with ease). Trans activists have spent years establishing an understanding of transsexualism as a matter of inherent identity—whether or not you agree with that assertion, you have to admit that it has political propriety and has gone a long way in normalizing transness. Chu rejects this out of hand, embracing instead the revanchist belief that transness is attributable to taking sexual joy in finding oneself embarrassed and/or feminized—an understanding of womanhood that is simultaneously essentialist and tokenizing. When asked about the materially negative potential in expressing such a belief, Chu reacts with a usual word salad of smug self-contradiction: 
EN: You say in the book that sissy porn was formative of your coming to consciousness as a trans woman. If you hadn’t found sissy porn, do you think it’s possible that you might have just continued to suffer in the not-knowing?
ALC: That’s a really good question. It’s plausible to me that I never would have figured it out, that it would have taken longer.
EN: How does that make you feel? Is that idea scary?
ALC: It isn’t really. Maybe it should be a little bit more, but it isn’t really. One of the things about desire is that you can not want something for the first 30 years of your life and wake up one day and suddenly want it—want it as if you might as well have always wanted it. That’s the tricky thing about how desire works. When you want something, there’s a way in which you engage in a kind of revisionism, the inability to believe that you could have ever wanted anything else.
EN: People often talk about the ubiquity of online porn as a bad thing—I’ve heard from lots of girlfriends that men getting educated about sex by watching porn leads to bad sex—but there seems to me a way in which this ubiquity is helping people to understand themselves, their sexuality and their gender identity.
ALC: While I don’t have the research to back this up, I would certainly anecdotally say that sissy porn has done something in terms of modern trans identity, culture, and awareness. Of course, it’s in the long line of sexual practices like crossdressing in which cross-gender identification becomes a key factor. It’s not that all of the sudden, in 2013, there was this thing and now there are trans people. However, it is undoubted that the Internet has done something in terms of either the sudden existence of more trans people or the sudden revelation that there are more trans people than anyone knew there were. Whether it’s creation or revelation, I think everyone would agree that the internet has had an enormous impact there.
One of the things I find so fascinating about sissy porn is that it’s not just that I can hear about these trans people who live 20 states away from me and that their experiences sound like mine. There is a component of it that’s just sheer mass communication and its transformative effect, but another part of it is that the internet itself can exert a feminizing force. That is the implicit claim of sissy porn, the idea that sissy porn made me trans is also the idea that Tumblr made me trans. So, the question there is whether or not the erotic experience that became possible with the Internet actually could exert an historically unique feminizing force. I like, at least as a speculative claim, to think about how the Internet itself is feminizing.
Politics, like, don’t matter. So, like, okay, nothing I say matters? So it’s okay if I say dumb and harmful shit because, like, they’re just words, man.
Chu can’t fully embrace this sort of gradeschool nihilism, though, because if communication was truly as meaningless as she claims then any old critic could come along and tell her to shut the fuck up. Even as she claims to eschew all previously existing means of adjudicating morality and coherence, she nonetheless relies on the cheapest means of making sure she maintains a platform: validation via accreditation. This is all simple victimhood hierarchy. Anyone who does not defer all of their own perceptions to someone higher up the hierarchy is inherently incorrect, their trepidations serving to validate the beliefs of the oppressed:
I like to joke that, as someone who is always right, the last thing I want is to be agreed with. [Laughs] I think the true narcissist probably wants to be hated in order to know that she’s superior. I absolutely do court disagreement in that sense. But what I like even better are arguments that bring about a shift in terms along an axis that wasn’t previously evident. So it’s not just that other people are wrong; it’s that their wrongness exists within a system of evaluation which itself is irrelevant.
Chu has summoned the most cynical possible interpretation of Walter Ong’s suggestion that “Writing is an act of violence disguised as an act of charity.” Of course, any effective piece of communication requires some degree of persuasion, convincing a reader, listener, viewer, or user to subjugate their perceptions to those of the communicator. Chu creates—not just leans on or benefits from, but actively posits and demands fealty to—the suggestion that her voice is the only one deserving of attention by virtue of it being her own. That’s it. That’s what all her blathering and bluster amount to. Political outcomes do not matter. Honesty does not matter. What matters is her, because she is her. 
This is the inevitable result of a discourse that prizes a communicator’s embodied identity markers more than anything those communicators are attempting to communicate, and in which a statement is rendered moral or true based only upon the presence or absence of certain identity markers. Lived experience trumps all else. A large, non-passing trans woman is therefore more correct than pretty much anyone else, no matter how harmful or absurd her statements may be. She is also better than them. And smarter. And gooder.
Designating lived experience and subjective feelings of safety as the only acceptable forms of adjudication has caused the left to prize individualism to a degree that would have made Ronald Reagan blush. And this may explain the lukewarm reception of Chu’s book.
While they heaped praise upon her before the books’ release, critics backed off once they realized that Females is an embarrassingly apt reflection of intersectional leftism—a muddling, incoherent mess, utterly disconnected from any attempt toward persuasion or consensus, the product of a movement that has come to regard neurosis as insight. The deranged mewlings of a grotesque halfwit are only digestable a few pages at a time. Any more than that, and we begin to see within them far too much of the things that define our awful movement and our terrifying moment.
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Hi! My names arthur and im working on improving my word and building my story, which currently has no name haha! I have a myriad of characters who ill try to list out and give brief descriptions of, aether is technically my main character and some of the characters who are up for question are dead in canon. But you can still ask them stuff, itll just be set before death.
When asking characters questions, rememeber to include the name, their age if theres diffrent ages, i dont mind repeated questions, but if you see the question try not to ask it again lol. If you cant find it with a quick scroll just ask it, although i dont know if this blog will even get that big.
He comes in three evolutions lol, technically, theres four but idk if i would count 7 year old aether.
Ages: 13 yo - colder, hasnt gotten used to emotions, there are two to this as well, pre-rev and then post-rev 13 yo aether, remember to specify lol.
16 yo- a bit more out there, still kinda disconnected and figuring things out, a bit more defensive
22 yo- lax, hes sorta figured shit out, hes not going to go grazy, hes just gonna be chill lol.
!The gaggle Ghosts!
Her personality is very, ehhh, becuase i havnt done work with her, and i havnt completly figured out who she is fully yet, shes 18 yo when aether is 22 yo
18 yo- pretty oblivious, somehow still a bit cynical, very nice and sometimes motherly
Few thousand- mean, likes to bully yurei as he huants her, lowkey a simp for yurei but he wont admit that. Kinda cynical and likes to bring others down, generally a bully
19- emotionless, has to be a really strong emotion to make her emote, tends to stray away from other people, likes to be alone, blunt
A few thousand- sweet, warm and welcoming, tries to be very fatherly and a trusted figure, is very busy most of the tiime unfortunatly though.
!The greek gang!
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Argus agapov
16- unstable, pretty baby, protective over friends and family
Mythos agapov
23- whore. He also loves his family, lowkey, hes a trad wife
15/16- timid, intrested in posiosn and acids, generally quiet, likes to eat leaves, scaredy cat
14- germ of phobe, kind of a brat, more just a bitch, will yell at you if he sees your hands were dirty from gardening or something while you’re walking to the sink, other than that hes fine, picky eater
15- disorginized, trys his best, likes to write stuff down, helps plato with his writing and grammar in general, gullible, likes record data, has a nice typewriter with tha good clicky clack
8- sweet baby boi, loves his older brother (socrates), idolizes him even, not a good idea though. He writes down everything socrates does, sometimes he imitates his brother as well.
17- dumb of ass, also just dumb, held back a grade, feral child, bites alot of people, soft aestechic but hed stab as a warning
30- also dumb of ass, loves cars in that ‘mah babeh’ kinda way. Hates motorcycles, he thinks they’re ugly. Chaotic but he utilizes it to be the weird and cool uncle/cousin thing
46- too tired for this shit, is a dad, went out to get milk, jk jk, dissapeared for a hot few years, probably got captured by some gang dunno, it happens. Very serious, would make the dumbest jokes with his brothers with a straight face
50- lowkey the neglected middle child, soft goth lookin ass, loves his kid, tries his best to raise his kid, sometimes gets help from esme
57- proud stay at home dad, buff but does the typically wifely duties, makes sure his children get enough love, nutrience and care
54- very active, the money maker, kinda soft, both her and her husband poseidon are so just in love with their kids, dote on them constantly, very extroverted, always makes time for her kids
51- tired of zeus’ shit, does her best to make sure no one dies, still treats mythos as her ‘little baby boy, tired mom vibes.
!the Eden gang!
Eden is a fictional country that i slapped onto the globe. It is where aether is from, technically aether is apart of the eden gang as well. Everyone here, if they have an age option, the first age option is the age they are when aether is 13, and the second will be when aether is 16 unless stated otherwise
General kyelli
49- fatherly, thinks of most of the gang as his children, calls everyone ‘son’, as a general rule. If you ask for another nickname, he will do his best. Has a bad knee, and is kinda of bad at existing physically
52+- fatherly still, loves almonds, always has a bag of almonds, dont test him. Enjoys travel, might adopt people he meets along the way, still has pains but now he sees doctors, wants to stay active
13- sweet, optimistic, always looks on the brightside and tries to see the good in others. Little heater, understands that sometimes fighting is the only option
16- lively, very loose and relax, can get serious when needed though, always making jokes and trying to lighten up the mood
19- a bit more, mellow. Still quite lively and childish, but with two signifigant-others you have to settle down sometimes
16- lively, more stern than akrano and kinda worried, but ultimatly also very loose and bright
16- serious, seemingly colder towards everyone, gets along great with psycho-lops, makes him new eye-patches to pass time, actually just very monotone and blank most of the time, although she does care
19- she doesnt change much, she got a bit more expressive, likes babysitting howl
16 1/2- always looks determined, actually kinda scared of conflict, likes to help out with healing though, very proficient in it as well, sounds intimidating while talking about how cute puppies and kittens are
19/20- still the same, is considering studying medicine and medical practices to become a doctor.
17- bright, incredibly lively, loves to joke around and tease and sometimes bully the others, targets aether primarily, hangs out with his brother most of the time, he can fight for himself but he likes the backup, especcially since he is kinda glass-jawed, being that hes a twig
17- quiet, intense eyes, always sounds vaugly confused when he speaks, deep voice lol, likes to train, doesnt understand barks need to tease others, likes to read to the children
20- quiet, intense eyes still, more so nervous sounding, slightly paranoid, cluastrophobic and cant stand dusty places, usually in his house or at the docks, doesnt really go anywhere else
17- loud, headstrong, adamant about her opinions, gets along well with bark, she tries alot to be intimidating, not a twig, but not very big, pretty friendly and sociable
!the band of pirates!
A few hundreds of years- kinda bored seeming, loves blood, technically cannibal, but not really since he isnt human, to an extent. Despite being fine on the ocean, he gets very car sick very easily. Actually quite nice, very easily triggerd into violence, especcially by something that could be used as a good murder weapon, blood makes him jittery and more lively
21- calm, too calm, deals with akleas bullshit wonerfully, he just stands there, blank smile on his face as aklea beats the shit outta someone, unintrested in most anything, likes to draw, but hes a much better pastry chef.
!the shakespears!
Midem(pink boi)
33- lively, loves to work with kids, very creative, likes to make things, mainly art, mainly carvings. Often make little minitures of scenes from midens writing, loves his twin, does anything it takes to fund midens intrests. Very loving to those hes close to
33- calmer by alot lmao, pretty introverted but he can hold a long conversation without becoming too drained, enjoys writing and making stories, also makes plays for fun, runs off little sleep cuase he stays up so late to write, and gets up early to write.
9 billion- confused boomer, loves his ‘children’, hates to be hated, always tries to help in anyway he can, despite making them, always curious into what mortals are doing, loves the universe he created and does anything he can to protect it
7 million- sore loser, does get a little salty, ultimatly bounces back and becomes a very good sport, always will adopt tactics, whatever it takes to win within the rules, keeps most all of his trophies from random feats hes done
5 billion - calm, straightforward, tends to disregard others and do things himself, likes to sit on cliffs and watch the ocean
Hes been around since 776 bc- very loud, lively, bright, tries his best to educate people on proper form, workout regime i intesne, doesnt allow others to take it, makes custom workout regimes for free, owns a gym, dude bro but hes nice, baby
Her age technicaly is not accurate, shes like, 2 billion? Since dima was made right after her death. But since her history still lives, ima count it
5 billion but older than ventus- bitter, violent, former god of justice, fucking dead haha, hates mortals, primarily humans
Also not super accurate, hed only be a few centuries of being an active god before being sealed, but since hes technically, concious and has cognitive function hes counted
3 billion- mean lol, likes blood and gets even more violent when it starts getting messy, ‘new’ god of justice, uh, pretty bad at it like the last one, but worse, will kill over slight misdeameanors, everythings a crime smh
24- softspoken, from imperial russia, died young, he no longer feels his face is his own, has a mask that he likes better, has the sickness, but since he was human it killed him, can control it post mortem, is strong enough to be seen, but weak enough he can go invisible and go through solid objects.
More ocs will be added when i remember them, or create new ones, characters i dont really have built at all are not included
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peachade · 4 years
Writing Asks
thank u to sarah @soldouthaz, lily @theisolatedlily and late @tomlinvelvetfics for tagging me !!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted
started in eighth grade after moving which fucked me up (i’m still to recover lmao) n i needed a distraction, reading had always helped but writing is what let me see what the root of my agony was. (im not trying to be pretentious i swear) i first started on wattpad (love hate relationship to this day) and beginning of lockdown this year gravitated to ao3 which has been my saving grace !!!
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
so far i’ve mostly written in louis’ pov. i’ve had to ask this question in the early stages — i resonate the closest to harry. most of my wips are harry centric for that reason. i mean, yes and no — i tend to take some part of me and fit it into the character but at the same time i don’t like seeing me on a page so yes and no.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
EVERYWHERE. mostly others’ stories be it in the way of songs, music, writing, art. usually it’s me coming across a vaguely aesthetic picture and my brain spitting out one or two random scenes and me trying to make that a story.
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
both !!! i have new wips but also i lost a lot of motivation to do anything for a bit. school is sucking the soul out of me — it’s both easier and harder with it being online, the worst part is i can never truly feel like i’m getting a break from it. recently it’s been easier for me bc of the friends i made (ily all) it’s hindered a little bit bc i can’t go out and watch people and streetlights and the blur of cars and try to pour out that feeling into words and create something. at the same time it’s helped me gain more perspective on people and relationships which has been a massive help to writing in general.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence?
depending on the number of classes i have/attend, my mental stability, the story and my sensitivity. i often can’t stand loud noises so there’s that but there is always some noise or the other so it’s never truly silent. i like it that way. sometimes i just play intense studying playlist on spotify and write, Lucida by Odin Sørlie and Haunted Heart by Dawn, Dawn, Dawn are my favourites.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
excessive usage of the same word in mine. in general, i’m not a fan of stereotypical characters or romanticising harmful themes.
7. describe your ideal writing setup
2 am, in bed, music still ringing in my ears, three texts from my best friend about a story or about their day. under the blanket, the room smelling of chocolate or something sweet.
8. favorite time of day to write?
anytime but afternoon. those hours are for naps.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
fiction? i’d love to write a fantasy au 👀
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?
yep yep. i just edit an old story or read my old works or other writers’ fics. i gave up trying to force myself into writing — i hated the end product and felt bad so.
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult?
probably the emotions? dialogue without a doubt — i dread writing it. it doesn’t come to me naturally. i can write lengths without dialogue tbh. also smut — it’s an eh eh aspect.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable)
my wonderful friends. they do dumb shit and i want to tell the world about their dumb shit so i make characters out of them.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?
as of now it is fucker — delightful word that one. least favourite is probably squelch — just no.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
the dreamy feeling i manage to write without a doubt !!!! dialogue and pacing. i don’t have the best dialogue or the pacing or the length for fics but i’m working on all of those !!
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
still a wip so i can’t tell you much except that it’s a proper treat. will write this once i’ve posted that fic !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
*nervous laughter* the font changes from fic to fic — crush is comic sans, size 11. October was Lora, 11. Twisted in bedsheets is courier new, 11. stargazing is spectral, 11. so yeah — whatever the fic demands. single spaced !!!! except when i’m overwhelmed i do double spaces.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?
I Cannot Type. if you think i can — congratulations you were fooled. autocorrect is the loml.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
of course !!!! i basically do not exist out of my writing.
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?
pain, pining, longing. lust.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
we’re all fucked up but we’re trying and trying sometimes is enough. you shouldn’t spend your life carved out around one person. it’s okay to ask for help and need a shoulder to lean on. i hope these come across in my future fics !!!!
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
bold of you to assume i’ve ever received advice.
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
a new fic. will update the answer once that fic is out !!!!!
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?
chronologically. i can’t do out of order. i do have a page full of scribbles but they are to tell me the order sjakmd.
24. how do you handle criticism?
if it’s constructive then well. no thick skin tbh. makes me feel as if i need validation from someone else on my art which isn’t necessary but my brain is wired to seek it and it’s a hassle.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
write everything you would want to read. write it bad, don’t worry about the quality. don’t worry about the audience. end of the day, it should be something you can turn to for comfort not something that makes you feel bad.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
people telling me they like my writing and it could take them out of this world for a few minutes !!!!!
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?
probably crush verse !!!! harry — his is probably the one character where i dump most of me in.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
rant to me about anything. i enjoy talking. ask me about wips so i can take the little guilt and write more.
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
it’s nice to let go and express things and create characters with a better situation than mine.
30. why do you write?
keep myself busy.
boost yourself + tags
1a. share the last sentence you wrote
No kissing. No flashbacks.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about
a little something i’m writing inspired by @brickredtoe’s art !!!!
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of
ok. well. from 5436 miles
“Or we could always add a trail of stars to one of those moons,” he replies, words dragged out, rolling around in his mouth.
He can see the glint in his eyes even behind his closed lids. Everything about Louis is inked and etched into every fiber of his being.
He would’ve kissed him, words pouring from his mouth into Harry’s, only half his.
He snorts. “And make it seem like the moon has a buttplug? No, thanks.”
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s)
both my published fics have circular endings.
5436 miles — Louis always had more stars in his eyes.
these tornadoes are for you — His heart beats in peace.
5a. link to the last fic you read.
sugary sweet by the immensely talented @soldouthaz
6a. link the last work you published
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable)
8a. someone that inspires you
taylor. she’s so so wonderful.
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year
all of riv, sarah, ris and late’s fics. they’ve been so so comforting. Event Horizon by @mercurial-madhouse
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag!
@mercurial-madhouse @harryanthus are the only ones coming to mind atm. i’ve been up for too long apologies.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
KBTBB x OC Prologue
Hello all! My first go at writing on here, no smut yet but just wanted to build a base background slightly different to the actual story! Ending with your choice of character, so please let me know if theres a preference! Enjoy and I’m super excited to build this, especially with a more strong held character, also much smut to come for all!
OC does smoke lightly in this, but its to gain slight connection whilst writing Mamoura’s part!
Abit of difference and twist to the storyline, still being brought by the bidders but quitting you of your maid job, you are now confined server in the penthouse where you also reside. The MC is unlike the story as she’s feisty and not as submissive as the traits of the story, she has a fight in her along with other skills. 
 ‘So, you’re telling us, you get to live here, FOR FREE, with 5 beautifully stunning men and there’s no catch?” Your best friend Rachel asks you, still shocked at the news you just told her. Pressing yourself you move from the lavished cream couch and head over to the immaculately clean open-spaced kitchen.
“I mean, I wouldn’t say no catch,” You reply, you certainty wasn’t going to them you was brought in black market auction and these men now (as they repeatedly liked you to remind you) owned you.
 The reality was you was a maid at the hotel, about 2 years into the job, you joined at the ripe age of 20. It was never meant to be a long-term thing but the pay cheque was nearly triple the other monthly wages in the city and you were desperate for the money. Taking all the overtime you were able to became a bad habit over yours, working your fingers in the hotel. But the cruelness of the other staff at times had tempted you more than once to leave your job, especially Erika and Rina and Kana (or as you often referred to them Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb).  The constant remarks and degrading attitude they had towards you brought you tears at times though a cruel word towards them never left your mouth. You were better than that. Not to mention the often statements and remarks you received from hotel guests, most days you were cat called by men staying at the hotel and many offered payment to spend a night with you. You had always declined.
 The attention you received you was mainly due to these pesky uniforms Mr Ichinomiya had stated mandatory for the staff. A tight white button up shirt clung to your chest which tucked into a skin-tight black skirt which settled mid-way down your thighs but had a strong tendency to rise when you walked and bending over in this was mere impossible. You wouldn’t say you wasn’t attractive, but you also wouldn’t say you was beautiful either. You were quite pale, with naturally thick straight blonde hair that cascaded half way down your back with light blue eyes to match. You blame your paleness of the fact you were British, moving from the country to Tokyo at the age of 18. 
 So how did you end up in this position of living in one of the city’s most expensive penthouses with five handsome men to keep you company? It started like a normal work day, running out of your apartment throwing your hair into a sleek high ponytail trying not to be late. That was getting harder since the new uniform came into place, tugging at your skirt trying to keep it down. You reached the end of the corridor to the staff elevator and spammed the button, waiting for the doors to open. Come on, come on you cried in your head watching the numbers slowly reach your floor. If you was late again Erika would have your head! When the doors finally reached and opened you ran into the lift and waited for it to take you to the lobby. You arrived with a minute to spare before your shift and let out a sigh of relief. Your shift manager, Mr Ren, was at the front desk waiting you.
“I’m not late” You say to him before he can even make a noise. He shook his head and chuckled.
“No, you are on time, but there’s some new changes I need to go over with you, since it’s a big weekend and you know you’re working on introducing guests and presenting them to their rooms, Mr Ichionmiya has requested another uniform change,” He said before reaching behind the desk. Shit, you forgot this was the big poker weekend for the casino in the hotel and that you was introducing guests. Your eyes light up when you saw what Ren had pulled from the desk, a beautifully stunning pair of black stilettos, you dare think how much they had cost most likely more than your weekly salary. 
 “Size 5?” Ren said seeing the twinkle in your eyes. You nodded and sighed kicking of your normal pumps and slipping your feet into them one at a time. You tried not to curse at the pinching sensation in your feet. Today was going to be long you thought to yourself.
“So, what’s the plan?” You asked Ren, trying to find a balance in your new added height. Pulling out several ID cards and sliding them to you, he replied “Mr. Oh, Mr. Baba, Mr Kisaki and Mr. Kishi, will all be arriving in the next hour. You need to greet them and bring them to Mr Ichinomiya penthouse suite where they will be residing, use this key in the elevator to take them to them their”. He slides along a gold-plated key card.  You nod and take all that has been passed to you. 
 “Oh, and these are here by Mr Ichinomiya special request, whatever they do, act or say to you, just remember these are the CEO’s friends. I heard rumours one is a high superior of a gang, just smile, be nice and don’t get fired,” Mr Rem added giving you a slight pat on the arm before turning away to maintain the rest of the hotel staff. 
 Taking a deep breath, you walked into the middle of the lobby and put on your best *fake* friendly smile and waited for you guests to arrive. It must be have been 10 minutes before the first two arrived together and from their appearance you guessed it Mr. Oh and Mr. Baba. You felt your eyes watching them checking to the front desk before being pointed in your direction. You gave a friendly smile and walked towards the men, the one had an unimpressed stern look whilst the other had a friendly smile.
“Mr. Oh and Mr. Baba, welcome I’m (YN) and I’ll be escorting you to Mr Ichinomiya suite,” You say sweetly holding our hand to be shaken. Mr. Oh tuts and ignores whilst the other bows, taking off his fedora hat and presses your hand to his mouth. You blush at the boldness of this stranger and try to brush it off.
“The pleasure is all mine princess,” Baba says before gently releasing your hand resulting in an eyeroll from his friend. You felt slightly flustered at the gestor and regain yourself.
“Um, is it just the two of you?” You ask before you see a young man, running and panting through the lobby.
“I just saw the cutest dog,” He said through pants before leaning on Mr. Oh who to say the least did not look impressed and tutted loudly pushing the younger man off him. The young man who entered was Ota Kisaki and you was trying extremely hard to have a fan-girl moment, he was a star in the arts world producing paintings that would sell for more than you could count. He finally caught his breathe and looked at your eyes wide open.
“Dear god, I didn’t get to pet the dog outside but the gods have gifted me with this,” He said quickly taking your hand. You were slightly star struck, mainly creeped out by the young man and his comments. You wanted to jerk your hand back and give him a good scolding but Ren’s words stayed in your head ‘just remember these are the CEO’s friends’. Giving a smile through gritted teeth you reply, “Mr Kisaki, pleasure to meet you, I’m (YN). I’ll be escorting you to the suite,”. He finally let’s go of your hand and you pass the ID badges you were given to all of the men in front of you.
“These are your ID’s, they grant you access to the casino event and must be worn at all times during the event,” You say. You realise you still have one pass left for Mr. Kishi. 
“Is Mr. Kishi with you gentlemen?” You ask, realising all three men have been looking you up and down whilst explaining to them. Typical men. 
“God damit, you didn’t say he was coming,” Oh said through gritted teeth turning to Baba, his eyes going a dark shade. Baba chuckled slightly behind patting his friend on the back, “It’s okay old friend, I’m sure you can get on for this time, is he coming but not with us so if we could go up,” he said turning his attention to you. 
“Of course, gentleman if you will follow me,” You said before turning your back to them and strutting towards the elevator. You didn’t hear them following so you stopped and turned your head over your shoulder. All three of them had been watching your ass sway, mesmerised and in a state like trance. 
“Boys?” You said watching them snap out of it and chase behind you. 
“She talks to me like that again, I put a bullet through her,’ You heard Mr. Oh whisper to one of them, making your heart almost stop. 
“I’ll put something in her, repeatedly,” You heard Mr.Kisaki reply earning a chuckle from Mr.Baba. Pigs you thought to yourself, but you bite your tongue and dared say anything in retaliation. One for the fear of one shooting you and two your job, you was being paid nearly double time for this weekend. 
‘Don’t be so crude to my beautiful princess!” Mr.Baba chimed in. Reaching the elevator, you inserted the gold key card into a slot and watched the three other men clamber in. It was a tight squeeze, 3 grown men, a woman, three full suitcases and an extra-large duffle bag which Mr.Oh kept extremely close to him. Scuffling around you ended up with your back being pressed into one of the chest of the men, your plump little behind pressing against their front. You felt a slight heat rising inside you, you hoped it was just the embracement of the situation. 
“Hey no fair! Mr, I hate women is getting her all to himself,” You heard Kiaski whine and pouting. 
“Shut up Kid,” Was stated, through gritted teeth behind you.
You flushed as the comment made you realise you was pressed up against Mr.Oh.
‘So, my pretty, where has Mr Ichinomiya been hiding you,” Mr. Baba said taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up at him. Your lips slightly parted and a blushing tint was rising on your cheeks.
“I…I’m just a maid,” You reply to him, his eyes glistening and burning into yours. Your gaze is broken by an abrupt stop and fall forward onto his chest. The lift had jolted to a stop before carrying on up the 52 floor of the hotel.
“Mother fucker,” You curse due to losing your balance from these heels before you gasp, realising you was pressed against Mr.Baba chest and your strong choice of words. Pushing yourself off him, you heard a chuckle from all three men.
“I’m so so sorry, the shoes are new,” You mutter, your face quickly rising in colour. I knew this would be a long day.
 “No worried princess, feel free to fall for me anytime,” Mr. Baba replied giving you a cheeky wink. You heard a few murmurs of protest from Mr.Kisaki, you was positive you heard the word pet escape from his mouth. The rest of the journey up is silent and as the elevator finally reaches it stop, it shunts forward again but rather sending you forward again into the welcome arms of Mr.Baba, a strong arm wraps around your waist keeping you in place. Surprised at the arm around you, you fall back ever so slightly pressing your behind strongly against the front of Mr.Oh and a quiet but deep growl escapes from his throat. Highly embarrassed by the situation you aim to get out of the elevator as fast as you can. Whispering a quiet thank you to Mr.Oh you race out of the elevator and wait for the men to follow. Walking forward a few steps you feel the gaze of the men burning into your backside once a again. 
 Reaching the marble coated double doors, you knock and wait for a response.
“Tsk,’ Mr. Oh says before opening the doors and allowing himself to enter, followed by the two other men. Unsure what to do, whether to leave them men or follow suit, you feel a wrist wrap around yours and tug you into the suite. It was beyond beautiful inside, coated in marble and gold with the most luxurious furnishing inside. It almost took your breath away. It was Mr. Kisaki who had pulled you in and let go before wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Eiiiiiisuke!” He yelled, his voice echoing through the suite, “We want to thank you for the gift,” he added. You wanted to protest, you wanted to leave but you couldn’t. You was normally a ruthless person, taking no shit from anyone but the fear insulting one of your CEO’s friends, in his suite, with him somewhere inside was more powerful. 
 “Well, well, well,” A voice said. You looked around and saw a deviously handsome man strutting down the marble staircase which lead down to the open plan kitchen. It was him, Eisuke Ichinomiya, the king. You almost stopped breathing, your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him. His long legs strutting down the stairs before making way over to you, ignoring his guests. As Mr.Baba had done earlier, he took your chin in his hands and pulled your face up to meet his gaze.
 “And who are you?” He said, his mouth forming a cheshire smile. You was lost for words gazing at your CEO.
 “Don’t make me ask twice girl,” He said in a harsh tone and gripped your chin tighter. 
‘I… (YN), I work here, I have the honour of greeting your guests sir,” You say. You wasn’t sure what you said but his face smirked and you felt the other men’s gaze burning at Mr Ichinomiya. 
 “Honour of greeting my guests? If you consider that an honour, what would you call being bedded by me?” He says smugly. What an asshole. What a unbearable smug git he was.
 “Hands off shes mine!” Mr. Kisaki whines pulling me away from Mr Ichinomiya’s grip.
“No way, this is my princess, I saw her first,” Mr Baba joins in, tugging me into arms. Dear god what is happening, am I dreaming?
 “Hands off the goods,” You hear Mr Oh say and feel the grip around you loosen. You met Mr.Ohs gaze and see  his pointing a gun at Mr Baba. Seriously, what the fuck is going on, like there is a gun. Being pointed. At another man’s head. And he’s joking around all calm. WHAT IS HAPPENING you cry in your head.
 “Well it seems Miss (YN) that you’ve had an extremely positive effect on my men here, if you affect them anymore I think I’ll have lock you away for only my eyes,” Mr Ichinomiya says holding his hand to Mr.Oh a signal to lower the gun which he does. He takes a step towards you, but you step back as he does. Forgetting about these sodding heels, you lose your balance slightly and feel your back collapse against the wall behind you. Taking advantage of the situation, Mr Ichinomiya presses a hand next to your face and learns forward pressing into you, you could feel his breath heavy on yours. The scent of him was intoxicating and made you feel slightly dizzy.
 “So tell me why I should let you go,’ He whispers into your ear. He was the most glorious sexy bastard you had had ever laid eyes on. Your face was burning hot and you were speechless. Unable for words, you tried to mutter something, anything but nothing came on.
 “Eisuke, don’t torture the poor girl, she still needs to collect that sloth you decided to bring for no reason,” Mr.Oh said but was meant with a daggering flare from Mr Ichinomiya. Seizing the opportunity of his attention being diverted from you, you duck under Mr Ichinomiya arm and scutter to the door.
   “I’ll be with back Mr. Kishi when he arrives,” You say quickly and dart to the elevator as fact as the heels will let you. You heard several remarks about your behind coming from the men you had just left. Escaping into the elevator, your mind raising about what had just happened and trying to piece together the events. Reaching the lobby floor you scan the room in case Mr.Kishi had appeared but he had not. Your cheeks were flushed and you felt the heat from within you rising.
 Seeing as your guest had not arrived yet, you head outside the hotel to try cool down and think about what really happened. The cool air hits you, leaving slight goose bumps on your skin and you inhale, breathing in the fresh air. Whilst outside a man in a long detective style coat had just sparked up a new cigarette and you couldn’t take your eyes off it. You use to smoke, not as a regular but you found it happened when you felt stressed or in uncomfortable situations. 
“It’s rude to stare kid,” You hear from the man who turns around and walks towards you. He had a roughed attire to him, his cigarette handing from his mouth. 
“I… I’m sorry!” You said, take back slightly from words, he wasn’t even facing you when you was staring. He stretched out his pack of cigarettes towards you, guesting.
“I… I shouldn’t,” You say looking at his out stretched arm.
 “Sweetheart, I can tell you need this,” He says and slowly takes one and puts it into your mouth. You inhaled as he hit lit the end.
 “Fuck,” You say slightly louder than hoped and the man chuckles. His eyes followed your hand and mouth inhaling and exhaling, moving the cigarette expertly in your hand. His eyes lit up as he watched your lips perfectly hold the cigarette between them and ever so softly suck the bottom of your lip when you exhaled.
 “Thank you, honestly I can’t begin to explain how much this is needed,” You say to your detective styled hero. His hair was slightly messy with a goatee stubble perfectly trimmed, he had a sleepy look in eyes. 
 “Rough day sweetheart? I find nothing beats that than a nap,” He said, the words nap seemed to make his eyes sparkle slightly.
 “Aha, I wish, I’m waiting for a guest to arrive for Mr Ichinomiya but after from up there, I don’t really want to go back up,” You say with a slight defeat in your voice. Before your mysterious stranger can say more, you stub out your cigarette, you’d be in such trouble if you had been caught.
 “Thank you again, true hero detective man,” You say with a slight chuckle and run back inside the hotel. Walking over to reception, you ask if your last guest had appeared but nothing so far. At least it meant you had longer without being in that room of men. 
 Your eyes flickered as you saw your humble stranger from outside enter into building and head to reception, maybe you would be seeing more of him you thought. Deciding to look at your final ID card, your face went pale slightly and you wanted to curse. Of couse the handsome stranger was Mr.Kishi. Fucking brilliant. You saw him chuckling as he headed over to you.
“Mr. Kishi, welcome, please forour brief encounter outside, I had no idea you was a guest of Mr Ichinomiya,” You said, your eyes slightly pleading to him. You felt so embarrassed by the situation from outside, you hoped to god he wouldn’t tell Mr Ichinomiya. 
“It’s okay darlin, I wont say anything if you don’t,” He said his eyes gazing into yours and gently strokes your face. Another one, dear god why. Handing him his ID card you guested towards the elevator. He keeps his distance slightly behind and as you enter the elevator you catch him in the reflection checking you out. This uniform was the worst thing to ever happen in this hotel. Slotting the key card in, you feel the lift begin its ascent to the suite, you felt dread slightly come over you.
 “Don’t worry sweetheart, I wont let them touch you,” Mr Kishsi says stepping forwards slightly towards you. You gave up at this point and smiled back. He didn’t seem like the pervy kind like the others, maybe he was nice. Learning from your previous mistakes, you hold tightly to the rail to keep your balance. You see the man opposite you leaning against the wall, his eyes shut, is he asleep? No, he can’t be possibly. As the lift comes to a stop, his eye don’t open but falls forward like I had in the previous time up. Not realising the flailing man in front of me I pulled my skirt down as much as I could before entering that wolf-stricken suite. He fell forward and his eyes flung open, his arms out forward to brace the fall. He fell onto me causing me to lose balance and tumbling to the floor with him ontop of me. You gasped with the man ontop of you and the doors to the elevator open for you to see on the other side three of the men who you previously left, smirks on their faces. Your face burned red, the man ontop of you floundered and got off you as fast as he could.
“If you seduce any more of my men, I’m going to lock you away where no-one can set eyes on you again,” Mr Ichinomiya says with a smug smirk on his face. The other men behind in chime in with comments and unfair whines of how close Mr Kishi was. I watched their gazes skimming over me, most of their gazes stopped as they saw the skirt had hitched higher and was barely coming yourself. You pulled it down as quickly as you could and saw a hand stretched out to you. You took with it without hesitation and was pulled to your feet by the man who had knocked you down. You mouthed thank you to him and slowly felt the heat rising down from your face. You stepped out the elevator brushing yourself off and avoiding the gaze of the men surrounding you.
“Mr Ichinomiya all your guests are here, I’ll leave them in your care,” You say turning to Mr Ichinomiya. His smirk turns to a serious face.
“Did I say you could leave?” He says. You look a little stunned.
“No but… I thought…” You said slightly confused.
“What happened to that obedient girl from before, has too much time with other men distracted you?” He questions, crossing his arms.
“Mamo, you brooooke her,” Whined Mr Kisaki with a wide pout.
“Shut up,” Mr Baba says through gritted teeth elbowing the young man in the ribs. You wasn’t sure what to say.
 “Go easy on the kid,” Kishi said placing another cigarette between his lips. Mr Ichinomiya is the only one not to react, his expression unchanged. He grabbed your arm and pulled you close.
“I told you once. I will not tell you again little girl, do not make me ask twice,” Mr Ichinomiya said still clutching your arm. You look slightly confused still, just wanting to escape. 
 “No Sir, I was only told to present the guests, I thought my dutys stopped there,” You whisper back. You were slightly terrified of what might come out of his mouth next, you felt the gaze of all men on you. Mr Ichinomiya let go and pushed you slightly in front of him and the other men, so that you was facing the doors to the suite.
 “Walk. Slow,” He muttered to you. Taking a deep breath you headed slowly towards the doors. You knew why, you felt all four of the men present staring at your ass once again. You felt slightly humiliated at what was happening but you was a big girl, you knew what men was like. You knew Mr Ichinomiya was known for his womanizing ways. You almost reached the doors when they burst open and Mr.Oh came flying out, the doors swinging wide open. Your eyes widened seeing the inside of the suite, masses of guns were lying about, with more poking out of the duffel bag he had brought out. So the rumour was true, he had some relation to a gang. He again had a gun in hand and it was pointing at you, his face stern.
“Eisuke, what are you playing at, you know what’s happening in here,” He hissed, keeping his posture. You didn’t know what to do, the men behind you had walked to your side whilst the man in front of you kept his gun pointed at you. 
“Don’t hurt my princess,” Baba said, wrapping his arms around you, almost trying to shield you.
 “Go. You forget what you saw here, you speak of this to no-one or we’ll come after you,” Mr Ichinomiya said stepping in front of you. Without hesitation, you free yourself from the grip of Mr Baba and scurry into the elevator trying to erase your memory of the last 10 minutes. You heard the whining at your lack of present and stating Mr Ichinomiya was a pure kill joy. Your breathing was frantic and you felt your heart in your stomach of the events. As you watched the numbers slowly descent, you realised the lift never stopped at the lobby, instead it went down future. You sighed and repeatedly pressed the lobby button but it kept going down. Dear god what now, you sighed and slumped against the elevator wall. Once it came to stop you didn’t see anyone outside the lift so you stepped out but as you did you bumped into a figure you never saw and heard a horrifying smash. You gasped and saw two figures who had been holding something that looked like a statue was smashed into pieces on the floor. Fuck sake.
 “Ohmygod Im so so sorry,” You cry unsure what to do. The figures grabbed your arms tight and pulled you down the corridor.
 “You idiot that was an irreplaceable statue!” One screamed. You tried to free yourself but it was no hope you were too weak against the men.
“I guess we’ll have to take her instead,” The other replied. You thrashed against them but to no use. You were shoved into a dark room and flinger into a small cage. They left you in the darkness and tears started streaming down your face. What was this day, what was happening? 
 You had no idea how much time passed before you felt like the cage you was in was moving and before your eyes you was left on a stage, thousands of masked people in the audience gazing at you. You wanted to scream for help but that was when you heard it.
“Sold for 20 million to you sir at the back”. You chocked. You was being sold like cattle at market, you’d just been sold in a black market auction. 
 The cage you was in was covered up and you felt it moving again, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling but you refused to let who was moving you hear you cry. Exhausted from your tears and slumped against the bars of your cage waiting for this nightmare to be over. You wasn’t sure you travelled far, but then again you had no idea where you was, until you heard a recognisable voice. No scrap that, five recognisable voices. Are. You. Serious.
The cover was removed and there you saw them. The five men you had encountered that morning standing on the outside of your cage.
 “I told you, I’d lock you away for only me,” Mr Ichinomiya said smirking. This was his doing?  “She’s not just yours, she’s all of ours!” Pouted Kisaki making puppy eyes.
“None of you touch my princess, please let us get her out of that cage,” Baba says looking innocently at you. 
 “She looks like a pet!” Chimed in again from Kisaki. This was the most degrading experience of your life. You finally mustered up the courage to say something.  “W…whats happening?” You say with more tears in your eyes looking hopelessly at the men around you. 
 “We brought you, we own you, us,” Mr Ichinomiya said, he emphasised own more than anything else. 
 “The five you…?” You whispered back, seeing each of their hungry eyes on you, eyeing you up like a piece of meat. 
“You belond to us, all five of us, we brought you for a share each and now you have to obey what we say,” Babe says with a devious smile. Your eyes meet the rugged detective styled man from earlier, once again a cigarette handing from his lips, his eyes focused on you. Your head ached and you felt cramped inside the cage you had been thrown into earlier.
“Can… can I please get out this,” You asked, your voice just above a whisper. You hear a small chuckle from some of the men, you don’t know who but you hope they heard your plea. You see Mr Ichinomiya learn forward and unlock the cage allowing you to be free. You don’t hesitate to spring from the cage, your legs slightly week and once free you fall a little unable to keep your balance only to be caught by several pairs of strong arms, each man had lunged to keep you from falling. Guiding you to one of the cream sofas you sat down, whilst the men placed themselves around you, Kishi sitting on one side of you.
“So… so you brought me? Why? I’m confused what’s happening,” You ask.
“Who could let such a thing of beauty go?” Kishi finally speaks, taking your face in your hand. You flustered at the movement. 
 “You need to decide a place to stay, one of us as your master,” Mr Ichinomiya said from a separate armchair, crossing his legs. You started to laugh. But none else did. 
“Wait, your serious…” You said, looking at all the men’s stern faces. Babe fell to the floor and crawled to you, placing his hands on your exposed knees.
“I’ll treat you like a princess, the princess you truly are,” He said burrowing his hazel eyes into yours and slowly moving his hands up your thighs. You feel your face turn in one powerful swift to face Kishi who was inches away from you, he smelt strongly of whisky and cigarettes. 
 “I’m a detective, I’ll keep you safe,” He whispers against your lips. Before you can register what’s happening your swept of your feet and held into an embrace by Kisaki. 
“Be my precious pet,” Kisaki said brushing your hair out of your face. You were once again whipped away by another strong pair of arms and held strongly against Mr.Oh’s chest. 
“Women are a waste of time, but for you I’ll make the acceptation” He spoke softly into your hair. Before finally, you pulled down onto the lap of the king , Mr Ichinomiya. Your back pressed firmly against his chest and he leaned against you snaking his hands over your waist.
 “Stay with the king and be treated like a queen,” He whispered into your neck. You felt dizzy, the staring of each men burning into you whilst the hot breath of Mr Ichinomiya tickled against your neck. 
“I… I have an apartment here, can’t I just st-“ You started but was cut off with a no from almost everyman. 
 “What if we propose a new deal then,” Baba said walking over and stroking your face. A rival growl from Mr Ichinomiya was stated from behind you. Almost like a look, don’t touch. 
“I’ll stay here,” You pipe up before any other men can stay anything. A chuckle comes from behind once again and he places a kiss against the back of your neck causing a slight shiver to run down your back.
 “Boss wins again,” Sighs a defeated Kishi .
“God damit” Oh mutters. You feel daggers staring at Mr Ichinomiya who’s still chuffed with the result. 
 “I said here, not him,” You state and try to stand up but the hands around tighten.
 “Don’t toy with me girl,” Mr Ichinomiya whispers into your ear. 
 “I… I’m serious, I don’t know you, any of you, if you own me I’ll be here, but I belong to all you not just one,” You say after mustering all you can. You was done, you was tired, no exhausted. Enough of this, enough of all of this.
 “I mean, I can share my princess here but if any of you touch her…” Baba starts.
 “I swear to god, I will shoot one of you if you break her,” Oh adds, his hand in his blazer. A deep sigh comes from behind you but there’s still a tight grip around your waist with one placed now placed on your thigh.
 “I’ll be here all the time, just more time to myself,” He says squeezing your thigh.
“I…um, I need to get back to work,” You say before pushing his hands off you and standing up pulling down your high risen skirt. 
“You don’t leave.” A stern voice said. You wasn’t sure who said it but you heard it.
“I… I have a job, I cant just-“ You start but was interrupted.
 “We’ll look after you, but as part of this you do not leave, not without one of us,” Kisaki says walking over to you and holding your wrists gently. You look over your shoulder to Mr Ichinomiya.
 “S…Sir?” You ask, regardless the others he was the CEO of where you worked. He smirked.
 “Look at me like that again and I will have you pinned against a wall faster than you can Sir, but yes. You live here, your life is here, you serve us now and if you leave you will be ended,” Mr Ichinomiya said his eyes glazing with a darkness. 
“O…okay,” You finally surrender and the men give me devilish smirks and smiles.
 The penthouse was exquisite, beautiful in every way. From the living area was joined with a open kitchen which had a marble staircase leading to a upstairs full of rooms. Each man had his own suite and bathroom, Mr Ichinomiya had his own office and you were finally taken to your room. It was bigger than the whole of your apartment you lived in and beautifully detailed in every way. You also had your own en-suite with a spa bat-tub and wall to floor shower. You gasped when you saw it, a smirk appeared on Mr.Oh’s face.  “Impressed by this? We have so much more to show you darlin,” Kishsi said gently wrapping his arms around you much to the protest of the fellow bidders.
 A few hours had passed and you spent them in your room still confused of the events that had happened today. You was owned by these five men, no choice, no escape, no home to go back too… You ended up passing out from exhaustion on the silk bed in your room. When you woke you found the stuff from your apartment had been placed inside and you realised this wasn’t a nightmare or a bad dream, it was all real and happening. Walking into the bathroom you looked at the state of you in the bathroom and sighed, you looked a mess. You skirt was hitched up from your slumber, barely covering your ass, your shirt was messy and untucked, your sleeked ponytail was messy and falling out and you still had the toe pinching heels on.  Stripping off, you stepped into the shower washing away the humiliation you faced from today away. You used the lotion already stacked in the shower, making your skill smell of vanilla. Drying yourself off and stepping into your room, you found your lounge wear in the pile of stuff brought to your room. Sliding into your lacey low-cut tank top with your black lace shorts, not your best clothing option by far but it’s all you had I mean you never expected to live with a group of five men. Grabbing the secret stash of cigarettes, you kept hidden in one of your coat pockets and retying your hair back up and slipping on your flower kimono you take a deep breath and exit your room.
 You was greeted to a cheerful sound of men and the mixed smell of alcohol and cigarettes greeted your nose. It was a smell you wasn’t use to but it’s a smell you finally get use to and call home. A round of whistles filled your ears when you stepped down the marble case gaining all of the bidder’s attention. This was something you would never get used to. 
“Well, look whos finally come to join us,” Mr Ichinomiya said sitting in the same chair as earlier, a whisky in hand and that smug smirk on his face. 
“Yes, yes enjoy the show,” You say and twirl before walking into the kitchen, all eyes on you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mr Ichinomiya says to you rising an eyebrow. Looking confused.
“Getting a drink…?” You respond. 
 “Did we give you permission?” He responds. You scoff and grab one of glass flutes before picking up the bottle of champagne and pouring a glass.
 “You can’t be serious,” You say shaking your head but the next minute your slammed up against the fridge Ichinomiya pressed inches away from your face. His hot breath pulsing against your next and your hands pinned to the side of your face.
 “Do not test me, you obey me, you answer to me with sir and if you don’t do what I say within 5 seconds, I will bend you over the nearest thing and fuck you there and then,” He says whilst pressing his lips against your neck. You cant help but let out a sweet moan at the sensation and without realising you respond, “Yes sir, sorry sir,”. You feel the smirk of his mouth pressing against your neck before he pulls away. Your face is slightly flustered and you feel the drink you previously poured pushed back into your hand. 
“Good girl,” He mumbles, watching you walk away. The men had moved to a poker table sitting around and you sat in the free chair next to Baba, which you didn’t know was the best option.
“So princess how are you.” He says and places his hand on thigh and squeezes it gently. You give a simple smile and look around the table feeling the gaze of the bidder either on your face or your chest. You sipped away at your drink whilst watching the men engage in their game of poker. Every time you found your glass empty, one of the bidders had filled your up glass up almost instantly. 
“So sweetheart you playin?” Kishi asked before popping a cigarette into his mouth whilst shuffling some cards. You licked your lips slightly watching him fondle the cigarette in his mouth before you took yours out to the gasps of the other men.
“If you like the look of his mouth, wait til you see what mine can do,’ Kisaki whispers into your ear, Baba’s hand still squeezing your thigh. It was like a competition of them for your attention…
 “Yeah, fuck it,” You replied, before placing the cigarette between your teeth and raising your eyebrows to Kishsi gesturing to his lighter. Instead he shifted from his chair and shoved Kiaski out of the way taking his place. He leaned in close to you placing the end of his lit cigarette to yours and mumbles for you to inhale which you comply. Your eyes lit up watching the end spark up. You rolled it between your lips and lean back in your chair and cross your legs with your drink in the other. You hear muttered curses and comments from the others.
“God, I wanna see what else you can do with them lips,” Oh says watching your every movement. 
“Let me put something better between those lips,” Ichinomiya says with a smirk. You wasn’t sure if it was the attention you was receiving, the drinks you’d had or a mix of both because you started to feel more confident. 
“So we playing boys or what,” You say leaning forward, before seductively sucking the end of your cigarette and slightly licking your lip. You heard a low grown from the bidders, unable to place the groans to each man. This could get interesting you think to yourself, inhaling, exhaling, your chest rising to each movement. You knew the men were watching anticipating your next move, but there was none. You leaned forward for Kishi’s ashtray and stubbed out your cigarette. 
 The cards were dealt and a round was played, losing within the first few minutes of the game. 
“Shall we make it more interesting?” Ichinomiya says smirking behind his cards. All eyes were on him, except for mine, I was far more interested in topping up my drink, since we started playing the men stopped catering for your needs.
 “For her.” He states shortly and quickly with the other bidders in unison. Realising what was said you almost chocked on your drink. You wasn’t dumb or naïve and you knew what that meant and by god was you going to let one of these men win you like a prize. Looking for an escape on this, you watched as Baba loosened his tie and it hit you.
 “Or…” You start and finishing your drink for courage, all eyes back to you.
“Strip poker, winner gets a kiss…” You breath out after a deep exhale. You hear Kisaki clap and rub his hands together, sitting opposite you in Kishi’s original chair. Oh winks at you before diverting your gaze and you feel Baba had snaked a hand around your waist giving you a tight squeeze. Kishi gently took your wrist before placing a small kiss to your palm sending a heat of excitement through you. Ichinomiya gets up and walks to you and pulls you back by your ponytail gently, he leans down and places a kiss against you neck, sending you slightly breathless.
“You better get that pretty mouth of yours ready to kiss me all over,” He whispers into your ear before releasing your hair and returning to your seat. Slightly intoxicated with the situation at hand you regain yourself and smile.
“Game on boys” You say. 
Surprise, surprise you lost the first round so you lost the kimono, leaving you in your tank top and shorts. 
 You didn’t lose the next few but you watched, Oh Baba and Kishi all lose an article of clothing, mainly ties and fedoras.  But then you lost again and you had to decide on what went. Sighing and mustering your courage, you slowly removed your tank top thankful you kept your white lace bra on but it left little to the imagination, your slight erect nipples poking through the material. Kisaki and Oh’s jaws dropped, Baba placed his hand back onto your waist before slowly tracing it up your side, Kishi who had nearly fell asleep was now wide awake and his eyes burning through your chest. A recognisable growl came from the king, the same kind you heard earlier when you was sat on his lap. This was the first moment you realised the full effect you were having on these men but also the effect they was having on you.
“Okay boys, pack it in,” You saw with a new confidence and throwing you shirt at the table. You play two more round, winning both and watching Ichinomiya lose his jacket and Kisaki his shirt, he was hiding a beautifully tone chest under there.
  It was the last round, a make or break for you. You lost the first half much to your disagreement but you sucked it and teased the men watching you. Standing up, your first traced your hands up your stomach but moved them down to your shorts meet with anticipated breath from the bidders. Slowly you tug your shorts down just a little reviling the hem of your lacy panties. Slowly you push them down, using your other hand to keep up your shorts. Met with gasps and you catch Kishi drop his cigarette his mouth gaping open. Sitting back down, you extend your leg out pulling your panties full off and placing them on the table. You was met with a stunned silence and felt extremely proud of your power move.
 The final cards were dealt and you could cut a tension with a knife, the bidder slowly revealed their cards, all but you and Mr Ichinomiya. He smirked and laid out his cards, “I want all them clothes gone for our kiss,” he says smugly. You look at your cards and give him a defeated look before sighing. He knew he had won, until you laid your cards out.
 “I call that a royal flush, sir,” Your purr, seeing his eyes widen and that cocky grin wiped off his face. You raise a brow at your defeated opposition and watch him slowly lose his lavender shirt. His chest was chiselled and you felt it hard to keep your cool.
 Regardless of his dick attitude, he was a sight to behold. You licked your slightly parted lips at the sight but a comment from Baba brought you back to reality.
“So winner…” He said leaning into you neck. You already knew who you wanted to kiss… right now it was all of them. Each one brought a sexual tension and with your confidence and high of winning you was ready to explore. 
“Since you all share me, I want a kiss of each of you, you know please all my masters,” You say with a cocky grin on your face.
No-one complained or whined infact they were rather submissive. Each kiss was different, Oh’s and Kiski were sweet and delicate, Kishi’s tasted like an ashtray (but you enjoyed the taste), Baba however was gentle with a tight grip on your waist and sucking delicately on your bottom lip. And Mr Ichinomiya, he pulled you into his lap and kissed your cheek before moving closer and kissed the corner of your lips, instantly you leaned to him but he pulled back and then you heard it, the words beg fell from his mouth and formed a declivous smile. You couldn’t believe this prick.
“Kiss me,” You muttered against his lips. He pulled back again.
“Kiss me who?” He said cocking an eyebow.
“Kiss me, sir,” you said and his lips came crashing onto yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth, showing his dominance. He pulled back leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips. Feeling heavily intoxicated with passion and lust, you bid the bidders fair well before retrieving your top and kimono and bounding upstairs.
“Aren’t we forgetting something?” One of them yells up, your panties still in the middle of the table.
“Keep them,” You respond, hearing an argument breaking out between them. You reached your room, shut the door and sighed, what had you got yourself into? 
“So what is the catch?” Your other friend Gemma asked, perking up from the sofa still marvelling at the fact she was in the penthouse of the Hotel Tres Spades. Grabbing a fresh bottle of champagne from the grey-metallic fridge you place it on the counter and lead forward pressing the palms of your hands flat against it.
Taking a deep sign, you reply, “I mean my freedom in a way, I’m a private maid for the penthouse, I’m not allowed to go freely out of the building without informing anyone of where I’m going, my apartment is gone I can only stay here, I guess I can kiss a love life goodbye, not that there really one,”.
“I mean the last time you last got laid was when you were 17 wasn’t it,” Rachel said, both her and Gemma giggling.
“Shut up!” You yelled, lobbing a bag of peanuts at her head and trying not to go the colour of the perfectly red apple sitting on the counter. She was right though, it had been five years since you last had any sexual connection with a man. Not that you hadn’t had the opportunity, but the first and last time you had sex, you were lied too, tricked into thinking you and he was in love but really all he wanted was your body. You never told or spoke to anyone about it because you felt embarrassed, ashamed of your naivety but you were young, you thought you was in love.
Pouring yourself and the two others a drink, you waltzed back across the room.
“To Miss (YN) new lavish lifestyle!” Gemma said raising her glass and waiting for us to join in.
“To no catches!” Rachel chimed in causing a giggle from all three of you.
 “So come on, what’s the real gossip, what are these men like?” Rachel ask you, wiggling her eyebrows. You took a sip of your champagne and though about your response. You knew no-one was in the penthouse, or you hoped at-least, you was still getting use to everyone’s schedules even though they never really stuck to them. You gave your friends a brief description to your friends of them ensuring to leave out details from the poker night, that only happened 2 nights ago.
“They all sound devious but come on, if you had, which one would you screw?” Gemma asked and you had to think.
The smug and demanding yet charming boss – Eisuke Ichinomiya
The mafia leader – Soryu Oh
The flirtatious thief – Mitsunari Baba
The young artist – Ota Kisaki
The ruggedly handsome detective – Mamoru Kishi
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probablyottrpgideas · 4 years
Tabletop Asks
In reference to the previous post: 1.) Game Master, Player or both? Why? 
I am currently lucky enough to be player in one game and DM in another (both 5e D&D), however ordinarily I am overwhelmingly the DM/GM. 
2.) When did you start role playing? How old were you? 
My first start with published tabletop adventures was actually quite late, in my second year of university when I was about 19, so 11 years ago now, with D&D 4e. However, I think my first freeform roleplaying experiences were with a mate of mine all the way back in primary school, where we had this quite extensive worldbuilding and characters. It was my first introduction to the idea that I wanted to be a writer.
3.) What was the first role playing book you ever owned? 
The 4e PHB, DMG and MM all at the same time. I had a job then, missed playing, decided “fuck it, I’ll start my own” and dived in.
4.) Describe the first game you ever ran or played in. 
A 4e Starters Box run on Keep on the Borderlands. I played a Dwarf Fighter out of the box, which I named Xzienne (which some of you know is my regular online handle). He was fun; in my oh-so-extra way, I kept my game notes as In-Character journal entries.
5.) Which system did you grow up with? 
D&D, all the way. Fourth edition and then Fifth, with a look at Third in between. But I’ve played about a dozen or two different systems all up.
6.) Which system do you play now? 
Predominantly 5e
7.) Longest campaign you’ve run or played in? 
My D&D “Empires Intelligence Services” campaign ran from 2016-2020.
8.) Where did you meet your current gaming group? 
I tend to throw my groups together from among various people I know from all over. My favourite group ever was the one formed entirely of cast members from our local theatre company production of Wicked.
9.) Strategic combat or dramatic plotlines? 
Does it need to be either/or? I feel like good drama gets you invested in the character’s outcomes, good combat (or puzzles or traps or whatever) gets you invested in the character’s actions. You want people to achieve their goals with emotional satisfaction but without just narrating to them; they need to feel involved in the process of making those goals come about. Challenges are not just there for the Power Gamers and the Slayers, they make the plotlines feel satisfying for everyone.
10.) Favorite RPG genre?
I love Science Fiction and I love Fantasy, and my own work so often smashes the two together. I write a lot of Contemporary/Urban Fantasy, and my D&D world is a magepunk magitech setting with spacefaring aircraft and so forth.
11.) Your first character. 
Xzienne the Dwarven Fighter, mentioned above. My first character I made though, on the other hand, not including NPCs, was much later. I think it was probably Tetsuo, my Shin-jin from a Dragonball RPG
12.) Your favorite character. 
Definitely Ortlinde. An Aasimar Witch who was the granddaughter of a Valkyrie, and was mad that the gods would be so callous as to bar her mother from Valhalla just because she wasn’t a warrior, and so tried to stage a coup against Asgard. Fuck she was cool.
13.) Your most ridiculous character. 
If not Ortlinde, then possibly Parian, my 13th Age Bard whose “One Unique Thing” (a 13th Age mechanic that I love) was that he could modify his spells on the fly by casting the verbal components as full poems, which I would write and perform in-session. I once got to add a Fear effect to a Thunderwave because I made it sound like the trumpets of judgement day, and I managed to cast Charm Person but with an allied player as the focus of the target’s charm by making the poem about their character.
14.) The best in-character line you’ve ever had. 
Not a lot of what other players have said have stuck with me, really. Possibly my favourite was Alice’s ranger in Castles and Crusades who said a whole lot of buckwild shit until my halfling begged her not to talk. 
Whereupon she shortly thereafter discovered a secret Dryad home inside a tree, and didn’t mention it to the party. When asked why?
“You told me not to talk.”
15.) Your most epic death. 
I haven’t died that often, to be honest. Probably the most memorable death was Parian, who got crushed in a moving wall trap and had to be scooped up in a bag and carried around as “bard soup” until a True Resurrection could be cast.
16.) Your most disappointing death. 
See above.
17.) Something that shouldn’t have worked, but did. 
Meliorn Metcalfe, Tiefling Spellbinder, orchestrating an ambush in a town square against the people who had been sending thugs to attack the party in their beds and stealing shit from the townsfolk. I set up traps (clay pots filled with caltrops and poison), used sunrods to blind the attackers while we had our backs to the light, and we greased the buildings around the area so that they couldn’t climb to safety. It went perfectly, even after they rocked up with a gargoyle.
18.) Something that went hilariously awry. 
Just recently I was playing in a Wildemount game which saw the party running Benny Hill style around an ancient lab from a Wight. In the process I got nearly killed by both flying knives and a very angry carpet.
19.) Your most memorable in-character moment. 
Ortlinde’s speech to Frigg, lambasting the Gods for their mistreatment of mortals. 
20.) The coolest item you ever got and how you came to possess it.
The Masque of Clavicus Vile, from the Elder Scrolls games, pulled from Niddhogr’s treasure hoard and buffing my Spell Save DC to 27 (including other stuff like class features for the Witch and another item which synergised with those). 
GAME MASTERS - Describe:
21.) Your favorite NPC and how the party reacted to him/her 
By far Celia Sapienza, Eladrin Kensai, who became the party Mum even though she was younger than a few of them. She’s now the head of the Empires Intelligence Services Northern Branch.
22.) A game you wish you could run or want to run someday. 
I’ve been eyeing off Dread, Skullduggery and Leverage for years, but I also recently got the Dishonoured game which looks sick as, and Blades in the Dark, and...
23.) Something you made up on the spot. 
So so much, but most recently I had a Marid sailor NPC who I had to improvise and entire story of his previous voyages. I did it in a Brian Blessed voice and the players, no shit, fucking applauded. 
24.) Your most successful game. 
The Wild Huntresses, finally figuring out who had killed the town alchemist and facing off against her and her pet Water Elemental in the caves beneath the hills. Such an epic game. God I miss that group.
25.) Your least successful game. 
Paranoia, but that’s just built into the premise.
26.) The craziest thing your players have ever done, and how it affected your plans. 
I had a player walk straight out the front doors of a castle under siege. I hit him with 2 dozen crossbow bolts. That guy was an asshole.
27.) Your favorite setting or game location. 
I massively love the idea of Eberron, and I love the MTG crossover settings like Ravnica and Theros. 
28.) Your creative process when you plan a game. 
Typically write about a page of notes for every 2-10 hours of gameplay, depending on the amount of combat expected. Things like important NPCs and what they want, where the party are expected to go in general terms and some ideas for things to throw at them when they inevitably wander off the path, that sort of thing. If it’s really plot important, though, I’ve been known to write pages and pages of lore and character info to hopefully seed into conversations. I also once wrote a full script that we did as a table read for a big conversation between a bunch of NPCs that the party were there to listen to but not be involved in. 
29.) The best / worst character concept you’ve ever heard. 
No character concept that fits within the rules is ever really bad, although sometimes the execution isn’t great. Some are very, very dumb, like say every character ever built or played by the asshole player I mentioned a few entries back.
30.) What makes GMing fun for you.
Players getting invested in the world and in each other’s stories. Nothing makes me feel better as a GM than being able to sit back while the players have a full in-character conversation with each other.
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sunflower-swan · 4 years
Wolfstar Chapter 20
A/N: Here’s what you need to know: I created this story for Writer’s Month 2020. Every day is a new prompt, and therefore a new chapter. This is an AU Wolfstar where Remus is a tattoo artist next door to Sirius who manages a flower shop. James and Lily are alive in this universe and own a coffee shop across the street. And to make parts of the story work with the prompts, Remus is about 10 years older than Sirius. It also takes place more or less in present time, minus Covid-19.
This is chapter 20 of a multi-chapter work. If you’d like to start from the beginning, here is chapter 1.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. I just like to play with them.
Day 20 Prompt: Loss
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 1297
Tags: babysitting, fluff, pet name, old scars, language
Chapter 20
Simon & Garfunkel, “At the Zoo”
The monkeys stand for honesty
Giraffes are insincere
And the elephants are kindly but they're dumb
Orangutans are skeptical
Of changes in their cages
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum 
The man who opened the door looked like Remus, but like...a Remus who wasn’t done yet. There were no silver strands peppering the sandy blonde. No crinkle in the corners of his eyes. His arms were inkless and criss-crossed with scars. Sirius sniffed...he smelled like Remus. The comforting scent of old books and chocolate grounded Sirius, but he still wondered, What the hell is going on here?
“Eh-- uh-- erm…” Sirius stammered. 
Not-done-yet-Remus leaned against the doorframe. “Hey,” he said with a mischievous grin.
Sirius lifted his hand and poked the sort-of-stranger in the chest. He was real, Sirius wasn’t hallucinating. “Remus?”
“Yes?” His lashes fluttered.
“What…” Sirius looked Remus up and down, not believing his own eyes. “What did you do?”
Remus shrugged. “Oh...eating right, getting enough sleep...the usual.”
“No...but really,” Sirius took a step closer. He ran his fingertips across Remus' scarred collarbone that showed above his collar, and down his scarred arm. What have you done, Remus? Confused, he said, “You look…”
“How do I look?” Remus whispered.
“Different good or,” Remus forehead creased, “different bad?”
“Just...different.” Sirius looked up into Remus' face. “How did this happen?”
“Ok, fine.” Remus rolled his eyes. “I...might have...taken a teeny --” he rubbed the corner of his eye, “-- de-aging potion.”
Sirius took a step back and looked Remus over again. De-aging potion? That would explain the how, but it didn’t explain the… “Why?”
“You don’t like it?”
“Oh, Remus.” He shook his head and laughed. “I liked you just the way you were. Please, tell me this,” he gestured, “is not permanent.”
“It’s not permanent.”
“Thank goodness.” Sirius slid past Remus and marched up to the flat.
Remus shut and warded the door. “You have until 9 P.M. to enjoy twenty-five year old me,” he called.
Sirius reached the living room and collapsed on the couch. He tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. Good grief. What in Merlin’s name was Remus thinking? This will be a weird damn day.
Remus appeared in the doorway, and then settled onto the couch next to Sirius. He crossed his legs, and leaned his head on Sirius’ shoulder.
“I’m sorry if I freaked you out,” Remus said. “I thought it would be funny. But now I’m stuck like this --” he held his arms out, “-- all day.” 
Sirius reached out and traced three fingers along three dark, parallel scars that ran diagonal across Remus’ forearm and ended near his elbow. He felt Remus' body stiffen next to him.
“Sorry,” Sirius whispered. He withdrew his hand and leaned the side of his head against the top of Remus’ head which was still on his shoulder.
Remus lowered his arms to his lap. “It’s ok. There’s a reason I spent the time and money to cover them.”
He hoped it wasn’t too personal of a question when he asked, “How did you get them?”
“Me. Well...werewolf me.” Remus sighed. “It’s not so bad now with the Wolfsbane Potion. But before…” He shuddered. 
A sudden RAP-TAP-TAP came from the kitchen window. They both jumped and gasped. Remus stood to let the small owl in. It swept in, landed on Sirius' lap, and stared at him until he removed the scroll from it’s leg. Then it gave a small hoot and flew back out the open window.
“Who’s it from?” Remus closed the window and walked back to the living room.
“James and Lily. Want to babysit Harry with me?”
One of the perks of being a Godfather, was spur of the moment babysitting duties. Sirius and Remus apparated to James & Lily’s house to take Harry off their hands for the afternoon. Lily had, in James’ opinion, made the colossal mistake of inviting her sister’s family to dinner that evening. Which meant Lily was beside herself wanting everything to go well. Her family tended to bring out her crazy a little bit. Not that her friends would ever tell her for fear of being hexed into oblivion. With Harry out of their hair for a few hours, James could calm Lily down and also help her with preparations.
After fielding questions about Remus’ appearance, James packed them a small backpack. He filled it with Harry’s favorite snacks, a bottle of water, a few small toys, sunscreen and a change of clothes. Then he plopped a bright yellow ball cap on Harry’s head, strapped the bag to his back, and pushed the three of them out the door with a hurried, “Thanks! Good luck!”
Sirius held Harry’s hand as they walked down the sidewalk.
“Wemus?” Harry said.
“Yes, Harry,” Remus replied. He slid his hands into his pockets and looked down at the boy.
“What happen to the pretty pictures on your arms?”
“He took them off for today, buddy.” Sirius saved Remus from attempting to explain the complexities of de-aging potions to a toddler.
“Oh, ok.” Harry shrugged.
Remus looked at him wide-eyed and mouthed, “Thank you.”
Sirius winked at Remus, then he asked Harry, “So, Harry, what do you want to do today?”
Harry gasped. “Can we go to the zoo?! Pleeeeease??”
“Sure.” Sirius chuckled.
They walked through the zoo at a leisurely pace, stopping to see each animal. Sirius noticed Remus hung back away from the exhibits most of the time. Harry was enthralled watching the kangaroos play with each other, so Sirius left him to it and walked to where Remus was standing a few feet away.
He stood next to Remus, watching Harry wave and talk to the kangaroos. “You ok?” Sirius nudged Remus with his shoulder.
“Animals don’t like me, especially typical prey animals.” He squinted. “It’s an instinct thing -- they can sense the werewolf predator inside me.”
“Why didn’t you say something?” Sirius asked. “We could have done something different.”
“Harry seemed so excited. I didn’t want to ruin his day.”
Sirius studied the side of Remus' face. When he had scrunched his eyes in explanation, Sirius could see his-Remus there for a moment. He knew it was only the outside that had changed, but it was still strange. Inside, Remus was the same thoughtful and caring person that Sirius had always known.
“Tell you what.” He reached for Remus' hand, and threaded their fingers together. “The next time you get a bizarre notion to take a temporary de-aging potion, we can go to Tate Modern or something.”
Remus' mouth fell open as he looked down and gazed at their interlocked hands.
“Oy…” Sirius gave Remus’ hand a squeeze. “Earth to Moony.”
“Moony?” Remus blinked at Sirius and lifted an eyebrow.
Sirius snickered. “Aw, Moony doesn’t like his pet name?”
Remus grinned and rolled his eyes. “If you insist.” He sighed.
“I do.” Sirius leaned over and kissed Remus on the cheek. The stubble was coarse against his lips. Remus tightened his grip on Sirius’ hand in response. 
More than anything, Sirius wanted to snog him silly right there in the middle of the zoo. But Remus still had protective barriers up around himself. Sirius didn’t want to take a wrecking ball to them, so much as a sledgehammer and slowly chip them away.
“My Moony,” he whispered into Remus’ cheek.
“Uh...Sirius...where’s Harry?”
Shit! Sirius raked his eyes over the kangaroo enclosure. His heartbeat was in his throat as he looked left and right. “Harry!” he yelled.
Harry was nowhere in sight. Sirius had lost his Godson. James and Lily were going to kill him.
“We’ll find him,” Remus reassured Sirius. “He couldn’t have gone far. Where do you think he would go?”
Sirius ran his hand across his chin and looked around, trying to push down the panic. “Um...I have an idea. Follow me!” He ran, with Remus right behind him.
A/N: Ok, so here’s the dealio. I have the last ten chapters of this fic mapped out, but they are not words on a page yet. Real life finally caught me, dammit. I will finish this fic if for no other reason than I don’t know the meaning of the word “quit.”
While I may not “win” the writer’s challenge, I still got a pretty cool story out of it, and I’ve had a lot of fun writing it and sharing it. Like I tell my students, failure is always an option; it’s the only way we learn and improve.
I will hopefully get at least one, if not two, chapters out per week. So, subscribe and sign up for notifications, or leave a comment if you want to be tagged when I post a new chapter. I promise, promise, promise I am not abandoning this fic.
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
20 Questions, 2020
Tagged by @pikapeppa, @kita-lavellan, @gothkimmyschmidt, and @cassandra-pentughasst, and maybe one or two other people? (Sorry...I’ve been putting this off for...no particular reason? I love talking about myself, so...)
1. Do you make your bed?  
The only bed I make is the bed a guest will be sleeping in.
2. What’s your favorite number?
5 is nice. Right? Yeah...5 is a nice number, I guess.
3. What’s your job?
Ugh...I’m somewhere between a disgruntled academic and a stay-at-home mom at the moment and not gonna lie, it is depressing AF for me at times, but I guess I’m glad I have the luxury to have no idea what I want to do with my life? I have been a full-time teacher, a full-time student, project coordinator, and researcher, but being a part-time everything is hard, man.
4. If you could, would you go back to school?
I would’ve happily been a PhD student forever. Unfortunately, I actually finished my dissertation. Now I gotta, like, do something else.
5. Can you parallel park?
Yes! I do better if it’s a one-way and I’m parking on the wrong side of the street, though...
6. A job you had which would surprise people?
As an undergrad, I worked as the manager of a small hotel and loved it. My favorite shift was the midnight shift...saw/heard some amazing shit. I just realized while typing this, that this may be why I love Schitt’s Creek so much...
7. Do you think aliens are real?
Of course! I think there’s a good chance some of them already know about us, too. We should probably hope they’re not anything like us, though, because when humans ‘discover new civilizations’ we typically act like total assholes.
8. Can you drive a manual car?
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
This is my guilty pleasure. Also staying up all night binging TV shows.
10. Tattoos?
I can never make up my mind, but if I ever do, it’s gonna be super extra and wrap all the way around my back/shoulder/side/hip/neck/skullbrain/whatever because there’s no point in doing anything in half-measures.
11. Favorite color?
Teal and turquoise and everything between blue and green!
12. Things people do that drive you crazy?
Offering unsolicited critical feedback on other people’s appearances. It is the quickest way to make me decide to hate you.
13. Any Phobias?
Kind of terrified of swimming in bodies of water I can’t see the bottom of...
14. Favorite childhood sport?
I did 15 years of dance -- ballet, tap, jazz, modern, swing, etc. -- and then abruptly stopped. Which was super dumb. Because I super loved it.
15. Do you talk to yourself?
Not out loud...
16. What movie do you adore?
Wow...“adore”??? *looks at shelf full of DVDs I haven’t watched in years* E.T., maybe? The Birdcage is pretty close to “adore”-level, too.
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
Sure. My toddler loves them. I’ve really only ever done puzzles voluntarily to cope with break-ups or extreme boredom, though.
18. Favorite kind of music?
Funky stuff...new and old.
19. Tea or coffee?
Coffee, and lots of it!
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
I was hellbent on being an astronomer in middle-school. When I was 12, I was quoted in the local paper as saying, “I just find the vastness of the universe very comforting in a weird way. Like, we’re totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so what we do doesn’t matter at all.” And that’s when my parents should’ve started me in therapy...
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
Rando Munday ramblings! For new followers, on Munday sometimes I just post a bunch of personal stuff I normally wouldn’t. Not usually anything intimately personal, more like random thoughts and news that just isn’t relevant to the blog in any way, not related to X-Men or RP or writing in general, etc. ....there’s a lot of Hannibal today, sorry, I’m rewatching it.
- I definitely wanna have a pair of critters named Hannibal and Hasdrubal at some point, maybe if there's a third I'd name him Hamilcar. I know everyone will think I named them after Hannibal Lector but actually these are really common names from Ancient Carthage. Like if you look at Carthagian history and records, everyone is Hannibal, Hasdrubal, or Hamilcar, it's like John, James, and Jim. I'd prefer the pair, though, since Hannibal and Hasdrubal were a pair of brothers and famous historical figures, so it would feel much more like a "set" that way (whereas they did not have a brother called Hamilcar) - Speaking of Hannibal Lector, I knew he was based on a real person, but I did not realize that person was a gay Mexican man. That’s...an interesting example of gay history, for sure. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Thomas Harris (the writer of the books that the films and later the TV series were based on) based Hannibal on a surgeon he met while interviewing an inmate at prison for another novel. This surgeon was so intelligent and charismatic that Harris implicitly assumed that he was a doctor in the employ of the prison. Nope---the doctor was an inmate himself. Harris was so shaken by the encounter that it inspired him to create Hannibal Lector, who, in contrast to the typical media portrayals of serial killers as uncontrolled lunatic slashers like Michael Myers or Leatherface, is a charming, culture, charismatic intellectual. To protect the man’s identity, Harris called him “Dr. Salazar” in interviews, so that was always how I knew him. I just now learned not only was his real name Alfredo Balli Trevino, but his victim was Jesus Castillo Rangel, his male lover. Harris describes him as a small, lithe man with dark red hair and, unsurprisingly, “a certain elegance about him”. Though Trevino was given the death penalty for his crimes, his sentence was commuted to 20 years and he was released in either 1980 or 1981. He died in in 2009 when he was 81 years old. He reportedly spent the last years of his life helping the poor and elderly, and he expressed deep regret for his “dark past”---which I suppose makes sense, since his crime was that he killed a lover in a fit of rage during an argument, whereas Hannibal simply killed people in cold blood whom he had no attachment to because he liked eating them (something Trevino never did) and to punish them for rudeness. - I’ve decided to stop buying silk, unless it's from a thrift store and thus my money won't go to supporting sericulture. Ahimsa silk isn't an option either, the bugs aren't technically killed but they're not treated well either. I know it might seem weird to eat meat and wear leather and yet not want to purchase something that hurt moths and larva, but...I have to eat meat for medical reasons, and my leather purchases is limited to boots that I then keep for YEARS AND YEARS so it's very sparing. There's really no such thing as a cruelty-free diet or lifestyle, whether that cruelty is suffered by animals or by other humans, but I can still make choices that at least lesson some small aspect of harm. I need to eat meat, I don't need real silk. ...Haven only wears bamboo silk for this reason and when this came up with Shaw, he absolutely thought she was fucking with him, like even SHE can’t be THIS insane, NO ONE ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT BUGS WTF - The books nearest to me right now are “Women Who Run With The Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype ” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Period, “X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy” by Steve Lyons, two  horror anthologies, the script for “M. Butterfly” by David Henry Hwang, “The Spanish Riding School of Vienna: Tour of America 2005″ book I got from when I went to see the Lippizanner horses perform, and a big beautiful leatherbound English translation of “The Flowers of Evil” by Charles Baudelaire. This is...this is a summary of my whole personality, sans rodents. Also god I need to clean my room. - Something I've noticed is that many sci-fi horror films that do the whole "science went too far against nature!!!" thing....don't actually have the problem result from the lack of ethics involved or because the scientists did something "unnatural", it happens because they didn't follow basic safety precautions, lab protocol, common sense, etc. "Splice" for instance, is a really good example---the problem isn't that they made a part-human hybrid, that's not why shit goes wrong, shit goes wrong because the two scientists act like idiots, adopt the creation as a child, hide it in their barn instead of a sterile controlled environment, and then one of them HAS SEX WITH IT. Or in "The Fly" the problem isn't that Brundle invented a teleporter, it's that he tested it ON HIMSELF while he was ALL ALONE. Even in "Jurassic Park" the issue is less that dinosaurs are breeding and more the result of a disgruntled worker who was given way too much power over being able to run things, and thus shut them down when he wants to. So many "science gone wrong!" movies end up not really being condemnations of science itself, so much as depicting scientists as utter dumbasses. Which, on the one hand, I do like, because I dislike the notion of condemning scientific progress just because it seems icky or creepy or "goes against nature" (so do vaccines, I still like those!) But on the other hand, the movies don't FRAME it as "this is the result of failure to practice science safely and sensibly" they frame it as "they should never have attempted such an unnatural thing and this disaster is punishment for a moral sin" even though the issue doesn't happen because what the scientists did was "wrong" it happens because they do something DUMB. - Bringing it back to Hannibal, I reached the episode where Margot Verger first appears, and if I have one big disappointment about the Hannibal series, it's Margot. In the books, she's a huge butch lesbian, literally and figuratively. In the TV series, she's a pretty femme fashionista like all the other women, and she fucks Will in order to get pregnant. At the time this came out in 2013, I tried to be all resigned and fair-minded about this. I was like "ok, well, they didn't want to be offensive with a stereotype, and I guess that's fair, I guess not hurting people matters more to me than getting the horseback-riding bulldyke hearthrob of my high school years on-screen at last" but you know what? No. Firstly, butch lesbians deserve representation too. How many have you ever seen onscreen, let alone in a mainstream media production? Sure, it's a stereotype, but it's not an inherently negative one, they just get treated that way in media because society sees it that way. But the way to handle butch lesbians and femme gay men and so on isn't to erase them from the screen, it's to start writing them as human beings and not caricatures or jokes or monsters. Margot is a fleshed-out human being, she's nuanced and twisted and hurt like everyone else in this series, she would be PERFECT for that. She wouldn't be just a butch lesbian, she'd be a CHARACTER who just also happens to be a butch lesbian. I don't really think she was changed to avoid "hurting" lesbians, I think she was changed because the director, gay man or not, clearly has a way he wants the women in his series to look (they're all fashion plates, all have long hair, all very sophisticated, etc) and book Margot didn't fit his aesthetic, his design if you will. Because god forbid we just make her a DAPPER dyke, right? Back to having sex with Will, which most certainly did NOT happen in the books...that's not bad itself in a VACUUM, fucking men to get a baby is something real-life lesbians do, I had a friend in college who was actually conceived that way, but like...no media exists in a vacuum, and there is very little depiction of lesbians in media that doesn't feature them fucking men for SOME reason or another. They want a baby, or they start the story with a boyfriend, or they're actually bisexual, or they're even raped, but there's always SOME reason we have to watch a guy fucking them and it's frankly distressing. Like, remember Irene Adler in BBC's Sherlock? It's a pattern. And I'm not saying lesbians who have had a sexual past with men, or who were the victims of sexual violence by men, don't deserve representation, I would never say that, those are very common experiences, I'm not saying "gold stars only", I'm saying that there is a strong pattern in media where it seems almost obligatory that a lesbian has to have sex with or be attracted to men at some point, while comparatively the opposite case, where a lesbian is depicted as exclusively and only attracted to and "with" other women, is seldom there. And it's just kind of a kick in the nads for me, as I think it was for a lot of other lesbians, butch or not, that a gay director took an opportunity like Margot Verger and turned her into just another attractive lipstick lesbian that is okay with having sex with the male protagonist as a treat tee hee (Spoiler: She does end up with Alana though, which I appreciate)
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