#i want to experience human connection but i often don’t have the energy to make myself do the things required to experience that.
estrellogy · 4 months
Astro Notes Pt. 4
Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll!
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- Both water and air signs, especially risings here, are good at mirroring others. But they often evoke different responses. Water signs are often projected on because like water, they reflect directly what energy others are giving out. Water deals more with subconscious emotions and energies that others may not even be aware of themselves. Air signs, on the other hand, mimic and adapt. They are social chameleons who know what’s expected from them. That’s why they are often well-liked.
- Scorpio placements, especially sun and rising, if underdeveloped, can pride themselves on their manipulation skills and how good they are at lying. They are extremely emotionally intelligent, observant, and aware of their environment. These are the keys to be a good manipulator. However, when they mature, they’ll use these natural abilities in much more productive ways. They grow to value truth and integrity above all else because they’ve experienced the other side of it.
- Personal experience: I have Moon in 9th house and traveling is so intertwined with my life. Two out of three siblings on my dad’s side (my dad and his sister) work in the airline industry, so they travel all the time as part of their jobs. My mom is a Sagittarius moon and she loves traveling. She would let me skip school sometimes to travel. It’s so interesting to see how astrology is not only reflected in an individual’s chart but is connected through generations.
- Speaking of 9th house. I have a theory that if you want to improve your social skills and charisma, work with your 9th house energy. People usually focus on their 1st, 7th, and 10th house because they are social/relationship houses. Maybe 3rd house since it focuses directly on communication. But 9th house is the house of higher learning, philosophy, and hope. I think we often connect best with others when we discuss about our own life philosophies, our live experiences and lessons, and our hopes and dreams. 9th house represents such an interesting and expansive part of us that’s often overlooked. I think 9th house is where our human spirit is stored.
When you’re deeply connected to this well of positivity, wouldn’t you naturally become charismatic and interesting and fun? That’s why Sagittarius is such a charming sign. Even though it’s not ruled by the beautiful Venus or glamorous Neptune, it radiates light. Work with your 9th house to unlock your own charm. It is that which attracts people.
- Sun sextile Pluto women have a very subtle way of getting people to do what they want. They don’t try to dominate or force, but they play into their natural strengths. For example, if they notice that people respond well whenever they come across as innocent/childlike, they’ll play more into it. They don’t alter their authentic self but more like, they add spice to it. Sun trine Pluto does this more naturally, sometimes without even realizing. But sextile is much more intentional.
They’re usually quite playful and flirty individuals. They gain power without people noticing. Sometimes, they even give up a little bit of power, become intentionally vulnerable, while gaining the upper hand without the other person knowing. They truly understand power = influence, not control. Fascinating people to observe.
- Taurus will take their time. That’s why they’re master seducers. They don’t make their suitors wait simply to play games. They are genuinely picky and know their worth. Like any earth sign, they know the value of time, especially theirs. So they would rather wait to see if the other person is worth it than jump blindly into it and have their time wasted. It also helps that they are so sensual and tempting, which comes from being deeply connected to their physical senses and body. They radiate feminine power. Venus in 2nd house also applies.
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atthebell · 3 months
practical advice about college you say?
[the weird spaces between some paragraphs are because i hit the character limit on content blocks which i didnt really know existed until now, fascinating!]
Don't buy too much shit. There will be a lot of things that people tell you are useful— buy things that seem like necessities, then figure out what you need from there. My grandma tried to buy me all kinds of crap and some of it was utterly useless, whereas other random stuff was super helpful (like towels, you should own at LEAST two towels, more if you reallyyyyy don’t want to do laundry).
Decor and things to make your dorm room (if applicable, also relevant for apartments etc.) feel more lived in are excluded from the above; if you want to have a million pieces of art on your walls, absolutely go for it. In fact, other people will think you're cool and want to hang out with you, I'm not even joking. Maybe invest in a bean bag, those are also a good seating thing for small rooms. I had a regular bean bag and then a giant one and it was a great way to have fun seating in my room (I hosted a lot of hangouts/let people just chill in my room a lot, so your personal mileage may vary).
Go find free food. There is more free food than you could even imagine on college campuses, go find it and don't be afraid to bundle some up in a napkin or some Tupperware and take it home. This is genuinely grad student 101 (grad students often don't have meal plans like undergrads) but is very relevant to all elements of college. I was notorious amongst friends and acquaintances for going to all kinds of events and bringing food home, and it was awesome. I could swipe some bagels from a student org social and the next morning I wouldn't have to worry about waking up early enough to grab breakfast from the dining hall or, heaven forbid, cooking.
Along similar lines, keep a decent amount of snacks/food in your room. Do you love trader Joe's chocolate covered almonds? Goldfish? Wasabi peas? Keep a stash in your room at all times. Future you will thank past you, especially when you're feeling down or studying or both. If you have a mini fridge or anything like that, keep a few cold things in there, like Gatorade or energy drinks for late nights or even cream cheese for the previously mentioned free bagels.
Join some student orgs! I assure you that while I have always been an over involved maniac of a human being, I am not anything even close to a social butterfly. You don't have to be, but having a few connections, especially with people in similar circumstances to you (first in your family to go to college, low income, women in stem, queer, latine, whatever your background and/or situation may be). You might not meet people you click perfectly with, but you'll at least be able to connect with people who get your experiences on some level. I truly do not know what I would've done without my college’s first gen/low income program or the Jewish community I found going to various events.
Professors are way more chill than you think. I say this as someone who asked for extensions every single semester/quarter of university i was in and again went to several incredibly prestigious colleges. Many professors are way less hardass than you may think, and some are the kind of people who will invite you over for shabbes dinner and become incredibly important mentor figures for you. The latter are harder to find, but there are plenty of extremely cool professors and TFs and lecturers who are always down to talk about course content or any number of topics. Everyone always says this but go to office hours! It really helps and it's just a great way to connect better with people passionate about the same things you are.
Grades are stupid and bad. This is not specific to college; the focus on grades in all levels of education is ridiculous and counterproductive to learning. This is important for you to know and remember, even when grades DO matter; for transcripts, for grad school, for getting jobs and scholarships and other opportunities. Trust me, I understand that grades matter, but I want you to know that they shouldn't, and you aren't stupid or worthless if you struggle with academics, or if you feel like your grades don't reflect your effort. Grades are a way to standardize (retch) measurement of learning, but they don't show the full or accurate picture. You are so much more than your grades or where or what you're studying.
Take fun classes! I know a lot of STEM majors make it incredibly difficult to dip out of course tracks, but if you can, try to take some fun and diverse classes. Take a gender studies class, take a theater class, learn photography, take a wacky science class, take a language course (this one I want to specifically highlight!!!! learn a new language while you're in a setting that's way easier (for many people) to learn one in!), find a beloved professor from another field and dip your toes in. I took all kinds of wild classes (religious studies is not a major where they fill up your schedule with required classes, at least not at my university) and had a blast, and it's good to have some familiarity with different fields and possibly how they connect with your own. Also it's just fun! You can meet new people and learn a lot from studying something you haven't before.
Be very nice to your custodial staff but know that they are probably deeply underpaid and understaffed. And get to know your housing staff too so you know more about who to call in certain situations. Also get a tool set so you can fix minor stuff yourself.
Don't be afraid to party, but also don't feel pressured. I spent most of my college years in a group of friends who played board games every week instead of drinking, and I personally did not drink until I was 21 for various personal reasons. If people make fun of you, don't hang out with those people. If they pressure you, stay the fuck away. If people are judgy about your drinking/partying/hookup choices? They can go fuck themselves. Find people who respect your decisions, either way, no matter what they are, and anyone else can fuck off.
I didn't really date or hook up in college but I did get hit on by a lot of beautiful bisexual women. If a very hot girl that you want to hang out with in a sexual or romantic context asks you to teach her to play pool, just say yes. Do not shoot yourself in the foot. If someone sets you up on a date with a friend of theirs and you guys vibe better as friends, never let this person go. I'm joking but that's how I met my best friend who I adore perhaps more than anyone else in this world so you never know what the universe will hand you.
Get more sleep. Whatever amount of sleep you're getting, try to sleep more. Sometimes homework or frat parties or boyfriends matter a lot less than just getting a few more hours of sleep, and you will retain information better and feel less like shit. Please get more sleep and maybe drink less caffeine.
Befriend some grad students! I'm completely unbiased (<3) but grad students have a lot of insight about college and life as a young adult, and they're often very cool. They might invite you over to smoke weed and talk about Kant— I cannot stress enough that you never have to do something you don't want, but say yes to this if it's at all appealing. Definitely not another personal anecdote.
Connect with your first gen/low income and/or financial aid office(s). They will have incredibly helpful info, including about getting jobs or scholarships or even just the experience of being low income at college. Also, if you're attending a California Community College, apply for the CCPG (previously known as the BOGW)! It waives all enrollment and tuition fees if you meet eligibility and qualification requirements. I would add more resources but I am a Californian so that's what I have at the moment.
Kind of related, if you're leaving university right now with student loans and you're low income, apply for the SAVE plan to make smaller (or no) payments and less (or no) interest. It's been saving my ass for a while now and it could be helpful for you.
Drink more water. If you need it cold, get a brita pitcher thing and put it in your minifridge if you have one. If not, ice from the dining hall + a decently insulated water bottle. You should be drinking on average 8oz every two hours, or every one hour when it's really hot.
Have a craft or a hobby or a video game or a show or a book or a movie or something that you can do like. At least once a week as Chill Time. Personally I would have some Chill Time at least once a day, but if you are busy to the max, Chill Time once a week is mandatory. Doesn’t have to be the same time every time, but if it is, clear your schedule. That is the only thing happening then. No one gets to interrupt Chill Time. Not to be confused with hanging out with friends, which is still a good activity you should do many times a week. This is Chill Alone Time, where you just sit with yourself and do something you like to do alone. Get a coloring book, learn how to cross stitch, read a book on native birds, whatever suits your fancy.
If you are anything like the hot mess express that I was, you will go to class in pajamas/sweats. This is fine. There are probably some people out there who care about this, but you should ignore them. Similarly, if you, for instance, wake up at 1pm for your 1:30pm class, feel only the amount of shame necessary to make you able to be on time to class (if the prof cares) and nothing more. I stayed up til 4:30am every single night my freshman year of college it is a miracle I was ever awake during the day and the fact that I managed to do my coursework and still have a social life continues to be a mystery to me today. Anyway, your fashion choices in college but especially your first year should never be judged to any significant standard. If you’re wearing clothes at all, that’s commendable.
If you’re on a biking campus, wear a helmet. This is not optional, wear a fucking helmet. Also for the love of fuck have a bike light and use it at night you do not want to be smushed by a car at 3am biking back from wherever you’ve been.
If you do not know how to do laundry, ask someone. Please do not just go into the laundry room with full confidence and dump 16 loads worth of detergent into a washing machine and fuck it up for everyone. Also not a single dorm dryer will ever work correctly. Know this, and invest in a drying rack or be content to fry the shit out of your clothes at 90 minutes of high heat.
Communicate with your roommate(s). You do not have to be friends, you don’t even have to like each other, but you should be on the same page about stuff. Especially re: sexiling, taking the trash out, volume levels, friends over, etc. etc. You don’t want to get to the end of the year and then realize your roommate fucking hates you because you never asked if she was cool with whatever thing you’ve been doing that’s been annoying her.
This is just general young adult life advice but: You will fuck up. Like, probably more than you think. But you will be okay, and you should know that everyone does that. You’re learning how to do stuff on your own, you’re possibly leaving a bad situation or even a great situation into something you don’t know enough about to possibly be prepared. It’s hard! It’s going to be hard for a bit! But you are not the only person who’s done this, and there are a lot of people out there you can talk to and find support from. The worst thing you could possibly do is isolate yourself, so please don’t do that. Find some good people, eat some good food, and for the love of fuck get more sleep.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
This might be a weird question but I’m first Generation Greek diaspora in Canada and I often feel disconnected from my culture. I have found out that I’m non-binary in some way and I want to change my name because it’s a very feminine name. However, it’s also a very Greek name, and I feel like erasing it in place of some WASP or USian name would make me feel even more disconnected from my culture. I’ve been looking online for Greek unisex name lists but they always have names that no Greek actually has or are not unisex. I know that we have a problem with naming people the same thing, I think like 50% of the Greek girls I meet are named Maria or some variant of it, but I have met some cool names people. Still, I want to choose a name that reflects my culture and my identity and I haven’t come out to my family yet so I can’t ask them. Anyways, I was just wondering if you could think of any off the top of your head or if you could recommend a baby name list. Sorry if this is hard I don’t mean to stress you out, I just don’t have many people who I can talk to about Greek culture
Hi! Perhaps you could go with Χάρις which is feminine but also sounds like Χάρης, the masculine name. ;) Or some other modern Greek names that end in -ις. (Which.... tbh I can't think of anything atm 😂) But feel free to check some and come back to ask if you can use them nowadays.
I am not non-binary and I don't have the energy or time to go to queer Greek spaces although I belong there 😅 This is to say that I am not aware of any solution that the Greek ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ community has found for this. And that anyone who knows what's going on can fill us in.
The explanation/context:
It's true that Greek names are gendered so I cannot find anything from the top of my mind to suggest :/ I was about to suggest some more "powerful" Greek names (like Alexandra) but that would also suggest that there are "masculine" and "feminine" traits that belong only to a certain gender. I don't want to imply that war or physical power is strictly a "masculine" thing ya know, or that a "Maria" is automatically feminine and cannot be assertive or even fire a gun. Traits don't have "feminine" and "masculine" vibes to me, they are just human traits. After all, Greek women are known for their resilience and toughness, the ability to terrify anyone with merely a stare and a slipper/stick, and their fierceness when they make it into military ranks.
Tbh I think Greeks experience being non-binary beyond names. Names can be irrelevant. E.g. you can have a feminine or a masculine name and still be non-binary. English speakers often make a fuss about what names are masculine and feminine but I haven't seen Greeks care much about it. Greeks don't argue about what names are "more feminine". That's not how we see names and that's not how we connect them with gender. No one cares if they call you Melina and you have 100 piercings and ride a motorcycle. So in this society there's no thought to get rid of your name if it doesn't "match" your actions or basic expression.
Ofc you can change your name for whatever reason. I am only speaking on the Greek mindset about names and gender. The Greek non-binary people I've met in Greece go by their gendered baptism names. In online spaces only they go by English names, or just by their initials, as the English trend is.
Sometimes I also suspect that there are differences between what feels non-binary for a Greek and what feels non-binary for a Canadian. I might be completely wrong here, but I am letting this thought out there to see if there are indeed different perspectives. For example, I've felt a difference between local queerness in some cases, like when USians see a Greek woman with "αγορέ" short hair and...average person movements (not feminine or masculine I mean, just a person existing), and immediately switch to "they/them". Meanwhile for Greek society this person naturally falls into the "default woman" category and we wouldn't see any reason to not use she/her. (I'm talking about cases where the person also doesnt say anywhere that they are non-binary or that they use they/them pronouns.)
In aaaaany case, our societal norms, our histories, and presentations are not the same and for this reason I also applaud your decision to choose a name that reflects your culture and identity. As people we are a mix of many things and our characteristics carry a cultural flavour.
Given all this, and driven by practicality, I would say that it would be better to go with a feminine name (because of your physical presentation) but choose whatever feels better for you. Don't think of Greek names for females as "more or less" feminine, since that's not the Greek way of thinking.
More suggestions:
You can choose a name that honours your values, or a characteristic that you want to have or you are proud that you have. You can choose names that express concepts, like "wisdom" (Σοφία), "love" (Αγάπη), "freedom" (Ελευθερία/Ρία), "hope" (Ελπίδα), "salvation" (Σωτηρία), "reign" (Βασιλεία), "happy/beloved" (Ασπασία), grace (Χάρις).
Just because these words are feminine, it doesn't mean that they are feminine traits. They are feminine GRAMMATICALLY. Something that English speakers might not understand is that gendered language doesn't mean that you assign gender to things. Heck, even the chair is a feminine noun in Greek but no one suggests there's any feminine about a chair 😂"Dick" (yes the genitals) can also be a feminine word. (η πούτσα) Like, the feminine pronoun doesn't mean anything.
Sure, the connection between names and sex is strong in Greek, but not in the sense English speakers (or people who speak neutral-gender languages) might think. We can recognise Greek sexism and separatism but at the same time I think it's important to understand that each society sees different traits in the sexes and genders.
You could also choose names like "farmer" (Γιωργία, to suggest that you like to work the earth), or the name of some Greek goddess, or some Greek saint to show that you have their attributes. Or the name of an empress, or the name of an emperor but in its feminine version (e.g. Κωνσταντίνα). Maybe the name of a Muse, if you are a creative.
That's it from me 💙 Sorry to have delayed this answer but I needed to think a lot, and life doesn't let me think or answer to asks a lot these days. I hope I managed to help even a little bit.
As I said, I am not non-binary, and I don't want to speak over non-binary people. I am answering this because you said that you don't have lots of people to talk about these things, and perhaps it's better to have someone queer say some stuff about it. As always, more opinions are welcome in the comments and reblogs. I don't have all the knowledge in the world.
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devouredbyflame · 5 months
I’m a lesbian and I think Im attracted to Loki (whether I’m actually receiving interest from Him is something I plan to spend a while figuring out), but Im worried if I’m attracted to Him I’m making Him something He’s not in my head. I also dislike super masculine depictions of Him, and I’m worried that’s because I’m feminizing Him inappropriately or something. I’ve gotten mental images of Him while meditating that don’t seem accurate to normal depictions and it’s like I can’t tell if 1) I’m making it up or 2) He’s showing that kinda look to me because He knows I’ll like that look more.
I know Deities are kinda beyond actual human looks and gender stuff. Ive seen some people mention using different pronouns for Him, like They/Them… Though I respect the folks who did that, I’m kinda embarrassed to say it but I’ve asked like pronouns/terminology stuff myself, phrasing it as how He’d want me to refer to Him. I almost thought I felt Him amused or something when I did that, first time, and my results with divination seemed… unlikely. Almost felt like He was joking. Not like, at my expense, but still joking. I think keeping trying to confirm was bad though because the answers got really inconsistent and I thought I felt Him again, but this time He was annoyed. I’ve pretty much discounted everything I got from asking that way.
I’ve seen you mention being sapphic/gay in your posts, so I don’t know if you consider yourself interested in human men. If you’re technically bi or something it might not be the same situation, but I just don’t know where to ask about this. It feels like such a silly human thing to worry about when thinking about a Deity but the area feels so important to me it’s hard to just wave off.
Hi anon!
So before I begin, I want to acknowledge that these kinds of questions tend to be difficult to ask especially around the lokean community. It is difficult to have an experience not be in line with the rest of the community’s experience and believe me when I say I know how that feels. So thank you for having the courage to say something because I don’t think many wish to discuss these sorts of things without feeling worried they would somehow be shot down or panic that they would get canceled. I don’t consider myself among the lokean community for this reason just because I don’t align with their opinions or assumptions of Loki at all.
So with that out of the way, you now know my opinion isn’t in alignment with many others'. I don’t wish to sound like I know anything more than other people, but I do realize that pulling away from the community helped me understand Loki in a new light.
Hopefully I’ve amply prepared you for what I’m about to say on this matter because I do have my opinions and they tend to carry more weight to me because they happened outside of the echo chamber I once used to be in with Him.
First of all, having feelings for the Gods, especially Loki, in this way is actually the most natural sort of feeling you can have with a Deity. Loki inspires passion and intimacy and He also tends to feel much like arousal because His energy tends to pull at humans in a way that gets blood pumping and can often feel much like ecstasy.
Loki is, in my opinion, the very heart of Divinity within humans. He is the one who gave us this gift so we can sense the Divine’s presence and He gave us this blood so that we can feel the impassioned responses of sensing Them. Unfortunately, in the West, such feelings are accompanied by shame and guilt and it often destroys this connection to the Divine we might otherwise be having. We repress this feeling because we feel like we shouldn’t have this sort of (very natural) response to a Deity because we are human and what do we mean to Them?
However, we are as much a part of the Divine as the Divine are a natural part of us. These feelings are mutual. We all long to be with the Divine and They long to be with humans. Because Loki is the one to have given us this gift of connection, He, most of all, inspires intense passion and romantic interest in us because we are so immensely devoid of this kind of connection in a lot of places in our lives but especially with the Divine.
So you shouldn’t feel ashamed of that. In fact, that is an absolutely amazing sign that you are open to having this kind of connection with Him that most have already written off because they are human and therefore shouldn’t be feeling any sort of intensity towards a God.
Given that this is the baseline response that is triggered once a human is in proximity to the Divine, there is no other connotation around it beyond the fact that the connection is real and He is with you. People often associate this as a courtship or dating and this also is why Loki tends to have a lot of godspouses because we have no better way of explaining this phenomena otherwise in our Western culture even when those in the East figured this out millennia ago.
Now, in regards to gender, I also, once more, want to say that I am not popular in the Lokean community because I do not think Loki is trans, genderfluid, or non-binary. For further context, I am non-binary and sapphic. Due to being His priestess and wife, it doesn't matter what I'm attracted to because I won't be dating or marrying anyone but Him. I've also known a gay man being married to a Goddess and having the same sort of relationship I do with Loki.
The Divine do not hold the same context and definitions of gender and gender binary as we do, and therefore Their gender alignments aren’t about who has what body part, but rather whose energy is more in alignment with what and in what way. It is ideological rather than physical and so They don't run into the same problems we do with it nor experience Themselves in a similar fashion.
Loki has explained to me that he doesn't care for pronouns because He thinks they ignore the real problem in society which is that femininity is widely considered shameful.
That being said, though He prefers being called a man, that doesn’t stop Him from appearing androgynous, female, or anything else that people fancy Him to be. He normally appears to me as a man even though He once appeared to me without gender and once as a female (to none too subtly point at the fact that I’m gay and I was with a man and this is problematic). He is androgynous, graceful, and tends to act more like a female than male.
He has shown me that He is female-aligned in His own nature given the fact that He enjoys taking care of the home, and doing labor that is considered more feminine (like spinning, weaving, knitting, cooking, cleaning, etc.) than masculine. In Lokasenna, He is called out for being a milk maiden for a winter and also He is known for doing seidr which is a feminine art.
So, anyway, the moral of the story is that, in my experiences, your experience aligns with mine. He gave me the same reaction when I asked Him His pronouns and also got very annoyed with me when I kept asking and finally explained He is a male and then gave me the aforementioned spiel to the effect of “stop putting a definition on me that appeals to your standards of gender."
However, if you are worried about annoying Him, please don’t. He isn’t the most patient of beings and He will be the first to acknowledge the fact that He has a temper sometimes and can get annoyed easily by anyone. I think He just would prefer people to actually ask Him His opinion on things before assuming things that aren't always true. He isn't annoyed to be cruel, He just has a lot of opinions and people don't always ask for them before assuming something of Himself.
It's not because He doesn't like non-binary people, or doesn't support the LGBTQ+ (obviously, He's very queer and tends to collect queer and neuro-divergent followers), but the Divine are not human and therefore don't abide by our societal rules and expectations because They don't experience Themselves as humans do.
We tend to place our societal norms on Them because we think it makes Them more human-like when we're really just trying to make Them fit in with our standards of how to behave in a "correct" society. They tend to look at the bigger picture instead of the smaller ones that fill our time and experiences as humans. Loki is incredibly not interested in being "correct" in any sense of the word. In fact, that is His prerogative to not be what we want Him to be. I think it mostly is the issue we have in general with not asking the Gods who They want to be shown as and would rather write Them into our own narratives ourselves.
I know that was likely more information than you ever wanted and I apologize in advance for the long ramble but I felt like this was an important post to make. I hope it helps you feel more at ease, though.
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vivianseda · 6 months
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Thank you to Em at NeuroWild
“Let’s talk ‘size of the problem’.
This is something a speech therapist might work on with a kid. Potentially it might also be picked up by a psychologist, OT, teacher, or other adult.
Generally, this goal is given to neurodivergent kids to try and minimise their emotional responses to ‘small problems’. In other words, adults want our ND kids to stop ‘getting upset’ over ‘trivial’ things.
Here’s the thing though- what is small for some people is not small for everyone else.
We don’t choose our emotions.
We respond to problems and situations with whatever processing system and mental capacity we have at the time.
We do the best that we can.
Our ND kids might react more intensely to something like spilling a drink than their neurotypical peers. That doesn’t make their response wrong. It simply reflects the varied human experience.
It’s important to remember that a big emotional response is often due to an accumulation of stressors, increasing dysregulation, and depletion of mental energy. It’s actually not about the problem that just occurred- that was just the breaking point. It’s about all those other things.
I hope these images make sense.
I know they’re wordy.
If anyone could write up image descriptions I will attach them.
Otherwise, I’d like to know your thoughts on this.
Em 🌈”
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moonlightndaydreams · 11 months
How do you think Jisung would handle having an extrovert girlfriend? I'm really curious how you would make this dynamic
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Oooh what a fun ask. Anon must know I am a Myers Briggs nerd!!!
When I think of extraversion I don’t automatically think “sociable”, or “loves being around people” because that’s not really what it’s about.
Extraversion could mean a person feels energised and recuperated by interacting with the world around them (it could mean connecting with people, or tinkering with things, or exploring and adventuring). It doesn’t even have to involve people!
So… when I consider an extraverted girlfriend for Jisung, here is what I am imagining:
She is an ENFP, meaning she is energised by thinking about and talking about abstract and quirky topics, and is fascinated about the world around her.
She is led by her heart and feelings. Sometimes she has a hard time doing something she doesn’t feel Iike doing. Unfortunately he finds you unintentionally talking him out of knuckling down and working because “wouldn’t be more fun to go for a drive and see where we end up?”
She has big ideas and is and idealist. Han loves her love for life and her belief that “anything is possible”. She never puts his ideas down, and only encourages him to keep trying. She believes in him.
She loves trying new things, and seeing new places. Jisung loves that they can go visit and explore new places and that you love to talk to locals, asking them for stories and to share their experiences. Jisung let’s you do the talking and he sits and listens. He finds that it gives him ideas for songs.
For Jisung, it’s almost like she’s the gateway for him to access the outside world and the people in it. He gets so caught up in his head, and he works so hard, often not seeing people (other than his members) for weeks at a time. She helps him connect with the real world (even though your discussions are often about the “what ifs” rather than “what is”.
Sometimes, though, she has far too much energy for him. Like when he wants to snuggle in for a quiet k-drama, and all she does is want to know what he thinks is going to happen, and then asks him to analyse his favourite part.
But their love of learning about the human experience, and their compassion for others, as well as their tendency to act like the biggest, silliest dorks, is why they work well together.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @lyramundana @queen-in-the-shadows
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aegidiusrex · 1 year
Being aromantic but emotionally intense myself as a person, characters who don’t feel love normally or straightforwardly and/or experience attraction in an unconventional way really grip me, and Gil & Luis hit that spot for me so well… sometimes I think I simplify them down to a “mutually unrequited love/mutual emotional constipation but secretly they’re in love” kind of dynamic purely for ease of communication, because communicating in trope speak is effective in fandom spaces, but that’s not what they are tbh.
Gil’s feelings for Luis are like, I have soft humiliating feelings for the human that you are, but I hate the figurehead you also are, and those two sides of Luis’ persona have no hard dividing line so he feels those things for Luis very much together at the same time. He’s also attracted to/aroused by the opportunity to dominate Luis BECAUSE he often dislikes Luis and feels powerless under him, so he’s not exactly repulsed by Luis’ cruel side either. Gil is also riddled with Stockholm syndrome and he knows it, he knows that his feelings are muddied by his literal dependence on Luis as his master & captor, he NEEDS Luis’ continued favor or he will literally die, so he can’t even trust his own feelings or his attachment to Luis as being from a genuine place in his heart. And when he does feel some genuine longing for something real with Luis, he feels so much guilt and self loathing about it that it makes him feel better to just withhold this from Luis to the point of hurting Luis with his detachment. He knows Luis wants to make a real connection with him and he denies him because he wants Luis to suffer a little bit too. So it’s not exactly that he’s uncommunicative about his true feelings because he’s embarrassed, or because he believes they’re completely unrequited, but because he knows he can’t have anything with Luis anyway so he might as well dangle that out of Luis’ reach. The one thing he has the power to deny Luis is his heart.
Which is the thing Luis wants the most! Deliciously! Luis’ feelings for Gil are based on this strong attraction he has to authenticity, new experiences, adrenaline, a relationship he could never have with anyone else. The nature of Gil’s feelings matter very little to him. Gil’s hatred is just as valuable as Gil’s love because it’s real and it’s for Luis specially and exclusively. Luis spends so much energy trying to draw out ANY genuine reaction from Gil because he loves seeing that kind of authenticity directed at him, as someone who is constantly surrounded by disingenuous manipulators. Luis himself is a disingenuous manipulator. He has never known anything else. So when Gil looks at Luis with the undisguised intent to kill him, Luis is immediately addicted to it. Many people hate him and would love to see him dead but they smile and play nice and pay him empty compliments. He loves the unique danger of going to bed with a man who could, and would very much like to cut his throat in his sleep. It’s not really clear if Luis just doesn’t have the perspective to take this danger seriously or if he is subconsciously self destructive. I think the latter fits very well with his character. Luis is the type of person who sees a priceless porcelain vase that’s very significant to its owner and has this compulsion to smash it. And I think since he sees himself as this valuable commodity, since that’s the only way anyone has ever seen him, there is something attractive to him about being broken and defiled by somebody who sees no inherent value in him at all. He could not ask anyone but Gil to fuck him the way he wants to be fucked, and on top of that, Gil gets just as much out of it as Luis does. Fucking is the surest way for Luis to draw out Gil’s true nature. But Luis is greedy and he wants to know that Gil’s heart is all his, too, whatever is in it, and Gil will never give him the satisfaction (of knowing that it absolutely is.)
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daisys-reality · 1 year
Your pick a piles are just *chef's kiss* 🤌 💖
As someone who practice divination techniques, how do you see the law of assumption and reality shifting? I just want to know your views on them <3
Oh dear anon, that is a truly interesting but very broad question.😅 First of all, thank you for the feedback regarding my PAC readings. It makes me happy to know you enjoy them.☺️🌸
general disclaimer: I'm not preaching absolute truths here! I'm just sharing my opinion and my personal perspective of these things. I'm not forcing anyone of you to agree or anything. My opinion often changes slightly too. So, I'm rather open for discussion and sharing each other's opinion! I just want to be clear about that. Also, as this feels quiet personal, I don’t know how long I will keep this on this blog.
[here the link to part two]
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I'd like to say first that I've been into Divination (Tarot, oracle, Lenormand, astrology etc.) way longer than I've been into Reality Shifting and Law of Assumption. The latter two only since the beginning of 2022. Sure, I have heard of those expressions before 2022 but I couldn't really wrap my mind around those terms, I didn't know how to fit them into my belief system at that time. Oh, and even before Divination, I was also deep into subliminals and Law of Attraction like around 2015/16 but Law of Attraction is not what I follow anymore (obviously). Now that you have a little background, let's focus on your questions.
In regards to DIVINATION specifically:
-> I think I've talked about this somewhere before but in early times I focused on the communication with my 'spirit guides' and 'my high self' specifically but I don't really do this that way anymore. I still have my grounding and protection techniques (mainly through intentions and visualization) and stuff but I just try to connect to some open source (if that makes sense, idk how to explain it better) and ask for messages/advice. If I receive something because someone/something reaches out to me that's fine, if not, also fine. Things should never be forced ! Keeping a cool head at all times is advisable as well. Analyzing your environment, its atmosphere and energy also sometimes gives you clues. In my opinion, you have to be grounded and persistent in your boundaries in the way that you don't accept anything else than truth and/or the ideal advice for the respective person. Respect is very important as well - to yourself and every party involved! At the end of the day, it's all about your attitude and assumptions I guess. On a side note, just like reading for any other person you can connect with and read for people in other realities too (obviously including fictional 'characters' as well). There is nothing like 'great distance' or someone being too 'far away' to connect with on that dimension. However, there can be blockages (like for example, someone not wanting to connect or not wanting to share something with me as the reader or with the receiver of the message at the respective time).
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Now, I will try to explain the main points of my belief regarding reality shifting & law of assumption in general (I don't think I need to additionally specify what those terms 'Reality Shifting' and 'Law of Assumption' stand for. So, I will get right into my personal perspective):
-> I see myself just as consciousness. And there is much more to myself than I'm currently aware of or rather more than I could probably grasp at this very moment. I'm currently aware of only a really small part of this 'consciousness'. I like the analogy that this life we have (the 'human body experience') is like a movie we watch in our mind (- and while we're on this topic, reality shifting in this case is kind of like switching the tv chaneI.) Though, I feel the need to say that this life (or rather the 3D) is still REAL !! There is no reason to get sad or whatever just because everything is a "movie". I sometimes see that some people in this community are scared of the idea that nothing is real or that everything is meaningless and they spiral into negativity and hopelessness. However, this is not necessarily the case because the human word "REAL" has a definition that is made by us humans specifically for this so called "movie" we're seeing and experiencing !! So, let's do some equations: We humans claim that Life/3D = REAL. The properties of this adjective 'REAL' = a movie-like experience. Life/3D = a movie-like experience while still being (=) REAL. [On a side note: DR experiences (while shifting) = REAL = movie-like experience as well] - I'm not sure if this made things more complicated , I really hope not. Oh well, let's continue... One of the main thoughts in the Law of Assumption community seems to be that 'I am the operant power(/'god') of everything and therefore, there is nothing outside of myself'. In contrast to this, I personally believe I am not 'alone' which brings me to my next aspect.
-> Gods/deities and other entities exist (in what dimensions tho idk). You've probably seen some people in this community working with deities. I don't really believe there is a super strict hierarchy with them in the sense that they are 'above us'. They are just more aware of their self [their existence and abilities] and have a broader perspective than us with our limited 'human body awareness'... I wouldn't go so far and say that they have an omniscient perspective. In fact, they (or most of them I guess) usually seem to notice/see our emotions (based on our aura/energy I suppose), they can communicate with us in more abstract ways and perceive more dimensions than us BUT they for example can't read our thoughts/feeling specifically at least from what I've seen and heard. Let's be real though, you don't need to 'belief' or worship them just because they exist. Most of them don't really have a need for interacting 'with us or our world' but some do and reach out to us but it depends on a few aspects...what entity it is, who you are and often what their respective mood is at the moment lol and more. I know that especially in the Law of Assumption community they often ask something like 'You believe in other gods even though you claim to be the god or operant power of your own reality? How can these things even coexist??' and they often respond with something like 'You can believe whatever you want and what you believe(/assume) to be true will manifest.' - which is kinda true! We do have great abilities and we're able to "exclude" things out of 'our world' if we don't want them in our life!! We ARE the operant power of our own worlds but I believe there is still something 'outside' of it and you decide whether to let it in or not. I for example find spirit and deity work very interesting and I love reading about other people's experiences but I personally don't practice such work. I might maybe someday but I currently see no need to increase my responsibilities (because you shouldn't take it lightly!) and I also usually feel very anxious when I feel other energies/entities around me. On a side note, I think that many more deities/entities exist than we know of and that those we 'know of' are not really how humans have characterized them. Well, in general, human scriptures shouldn't be taken too seriously anyways...not only those of mythology but also religious scriptures because we know humans usually have a limited capacity of understanding certain things and usually have certain (personal) intentions while writing - and I don't even wanna think of the influence of the society/government and of the general attitude that prevailed in the respective time period these scriptures where written in. Anyways, back to the topic...
-> Each of us have their own consciousness but we are all intertwined somehow. It's what I believe but I'm not sure how to explain this one exactly. I said above that other entities exist out of "our own worlds" (- here I mean everything that is included in our consciousness) but you and me and other 'humans' have their 'own worlds' all on the same level/dimension which overlap partly... well 'overlap' is maybe not the correct word but I don't think it is possible to correctly visualise it in a 3D-model way anyway, if you know what I mean. Perhaps 'interconnected' fits better... these consciousness (pl) are so interconnected that it is hardly possible to see the lines between each of them which makes it seem like one big collective consciousness - which I personally think is where the law of consciousness (or what it respective name is... non-dualism?) potentially relates to/stems from. But I haven't done that much research on "non-dualism" yet. So this is - of course - just my humble opinion.
-> Some add-ons regarding my attitude : There are so many more things in this world I don't know about yet. To be honest, I'm super duper curious and greedy to know more (everything lol) but on the other hand, I also believe that rushing (receiving an overwhelming amount of information) makes no sense and is counterproductive in a way? I personally decided to give myself the necessary time to process the information I receive and the information I find out myself on the way. I mean I'm human, I have my emotions (duh) and my phases in life where I feel down. Why burden or overwhelm myself (and my lil human mind🤧)? But the journey for more knowledge makes life here a little more exciting too in my opinion. I'm not exactly sure if that is the right expression or just something weird from my mother tongue but we say that 'we sometimes need time to grow on certain ideas/information' which basically means that after some time has passed, you can grasp certain ideas more easily and react less emotionally to them and see them from a more distant and clear point of view. In addition to that, I have never been an 'absolute thinker' type of person anyway. I always try to be receptive to change. The state of my mind or my current opinion are not absolute or set in stone, more so they are ever-changing and growing. Being open is the best way to flow with life's motions in my opinion.
So, yeah. My answer turned out a bit long, though why does it still feel kinda wishy-washy? Oh man... shame on me. Anyways, to all the people who took the time to read through this till the end, thank you🤍. I don't know if this completely answers your question, anon, but feel free to ask follow-up questions! Bye bye!!☺️🍀
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aphrodites-garden · 5 months
Honestly just wanna vent right now because my brain fog has been so terrible and debilitating. Between the bpd, adhd, and chronic migraines it’s a hell I can’t seem to get out of.
Every project I write I have to look up a thousand synonyms to figure out what I want to say because I can’t find the words. Then I have to go back to the page again because I’ve immediately forgotten what I read. I used to keep a journal for fun, I just call it my notebook because I also make lists and shit that aren’t diary entries. Now I have to write anything I want to remember in it because otherwise I’ll never remember it again, whether or not it was fun. It could be one of the best experiences of my life and I’ll still forget details.
I’m exhausted, my brain hurts constantly, it feels hopeless because I’m in constant agonizing pain and it never stops. I can’t even describe how I feel it’s so awful, it feels like the energy that’s making my blood boil is crawling through my skin. It feels like I’ll never get back to how I was before. I know I’m a great writer but it’s just not the same anymore. I can’t feel like myself. The words just disappear, it’s like I just can’t make connections in my brain anymore. I’m in a place where I have help and I know what to do when it gets bad and I get help, but it doesn’t really ever feel better. My head literally feels like it’s almost heavy or something.
I want to be able to enjoy my life again. I want to feel as smart as I used to. I have all the knowledge but it just won’t connect. It’s like I read an entire instruction manual and have all the knowledge, but when I go to put the project together I just can’t do it. Like my hands are just too heavy and tired to even pick up one piece. It feels like I just want to sleep for a year or something because it’s so tired and needs a break. But I can’t because I have school and work and need to survive on my own. I have a thousand problems almost no one else has to deal with and I have to fix them in a body that doesn’t work anymore.
I’ve been called a compulsive liar because I can’t remember anything and people think that saying I forgot is just an excuse. I have to use it so much I don’t blame them if they don’t know. But as soon as I try to explain why no one gets it. They think it’s just lies on top of lies and it just makes it worse. I just want to finally be believed and loved. I’m dating this girl who l really really love and I think she understands, but she’s going to school to be a cop and I haven’t had a chance to explain to her why it’s not something she should do. She wants to do it to help people and we’re very similar in that way, but I think it’s just because she doesn’t understands how the system works. I’m hoping she’ll understand when I explain it because I do it calmly and try to give good points as I always do, but I love her so much I’m worried it’ll just end. We’ve only been on 2 dates and I might see her again tonight which means I probably have to explain it.
I’m just afraid she’s gonna turn on me and think I’m a criminal because of the things I’ve done. I’ve had to steal before to eat, and also a few times something small because I did something well and couldn’t get any nice things if I didn’t do that. It’s like I work so hard so I deserve a little treat once in a while like everyone else, like a cool pen or something. Basically nothing but even a few dollars is a lot sometimes for me. I’m big into social activism which means people often call us criminals for giving advice on what to do in protests to avoid police. We avoid them because they target us and try to arrest us because we disrupt what the government wants, because we want BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND FOR A GENOCIDE TO STOP. Because they want power and control. And I’m afraid she won’t get that and it feels like she’s the only one who understands me right now. All of our experiences together have been so good that it literally feels like a dream and when I see her again it finally feels like reality. A bunch of my shitty friends turned on me and I don’t fucking care, I hate them, it’s just that I don’t have anyone else to talk to now besides my coworkers and a few teachers.
So I just need to find a way for this to get fucking better because I can’t stand it.
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anonymous-eggy · 2 years
Misc. Fae and Gwydion Headcanons!
since courting the crown wont give the lore we deserve 😤
It was mentioned that Fae don’t need much sleep, but whenever you and him are together and you need sleep, Gwydion loves laying with you and holding you while you rest. Could he be doing other things? Yeah, but his favorite thing is being around you.
He’ll read or simply lay there thinking about how lovely it is to hold you.
The only reason he wouldn’t be laying with you is if something important comes up that requires his attention. If he needs to leave and won’t be back by the time you wake up, he leaves you a cute little note for you and gives you a loving kiss on the forehead.
It was mentioned that Fae parties often last days. Obviously, there’s no way you’d be able to party for so long, and Gwydion knows that well. The moment he senses you need to get away and get some rest, the two of you sneak off.
When I imagine Fae parties, I think of something similar to a renaissance festival. There are archery competitions, music, dancing, games, kids running around with ribbons.
When it gets darker, there are bonfires, more dancing, and food. Stories are traded and everything is still particularly high energy.
After visiting you in Arvore and experiencing how slowly, yet pleasantly things move there, he finds himself wanting to step away from Fae parties every now and then. He loves the energy and indulgence, but sometimes he just needs a little break with you.
Which is all the easier if you’re the type of person who also needs to step away from time to time.
You can absolutely bet he’s gonna be showing you how the Fae dance and party though!
Even though Gwydion was considered quite distant, Fae are very much connected, which is why humans really wouldn’t consider him distant. Friends and family often bathe together, and stranger danger is pretty much nonexistent because no one is strangers to eachother.
Sometimes Gwydion forgets this when he’s with you. It just slips his mind that humans are more strict, in a way, with who you bathe with and who you’re “allowed” to be vulnerable with
Which leads to some amusing situations early on in your relationship that involves you being flustered, but not necessarily uncomfortable with how casual he is with that stuff.
The endearing thing about it is that he doesn’t forget that when he’s around any human except for you. He just completely forgets with you because of how fast you guys connected (even if it was because of magic).
Compared to the strict environment you grew up in, Gwydion is like a breath of fresh air; an open field you can stretch out in and just let yourself be.
During the transition to a new year, Isla del Strella has a tradition of shooting shining arrows through the sky to celebrate Astrellio. It is said that every single year, Astrellio responds with shooting stars of his own, marking the beginning of the new year
During this transition to the new year, it is tradition for elders to shoot off arrows alongside children, to symbolize the passing of generations.
It’s a mix of formal and rowdy. How Fae somehow balance this so perfectly? You may never know.
But the first time you experience it? How can you not love it? Even as the only human there, you don’t feel out of place.
And, to be honest, Gwydion finds these events even more enjoyable with you around. Seeing you in his realm, looking at these things that are normal to him with such wonder and joy makes him feel all warm inside.
He often finds himself asking you what you think of it. He can feel how you feel, but he wants to hear the thoughts that accompany such wonderful feelings.
Your thoughts, your feelings, give him an entirely new perspective on almost everything about the realm he grew up in. The realm he is the leader of. Somehow, you have something to say or feel about every new thing that he had never thought or felt about it.
Of course, with visiting the land of the Fae, you get to see all sides of them.
Gwy is probably one of the least mischievous Fae you know compared to the others. Of course, you’re just as clever.
“May I have your name?” A Fae boldly asks.
Gwydion opens his mouth to stop the trickery, but your amused laughter cuts him off.
“You may not have it, but you may know it,” you respond slyly, earning a bright smile from the Fae.
“Oh! Oh they’re as clever as the rumors say! I wasn’t gonna keep it anyway, I know better than to be so rude. Worry not, Gwydion.”
The Faefolk are tricky, but they aren’t malicious. Nothing to worry about.
lastly, since you visit Isla del Strella more often, you find yourself with quite a few fae friends. While Gwydion is busy with his tasks that you aren’t much help with, you and your new friends will have fun running in fields, napping in the moonlight, and making eachother flower crowns.
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the27percent · 1 year
YOUR MUSE'S INVENTORY. [original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.]
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t reblog.
fingerless black gloves - if atieno doesn't have them on, these are contained in their pockets. it's an easy to access accessory and they feel a certain kind of presence in putting them on.
casual cosmic shards/minerals/rocks - they pick up all kinds of weird little rocks and things as a part of their constant movements throughout the universe. they are glad to share these with a friend or someone they meet, just because they knew these are rarities and they exactly where to find them
occasional snacks - although atieno doesn't really need to eat, sometimes they will just carry an energy-bar or some kind of weird snack with them in the area, just so that they have a thing to bite on when they are bored, and thinking about where they want to go next.
custom carved knife - it's something they've forged from incredibly dense material, embedded with a personal power - that can cut and tear through whatever they need at a given moment. it's formidable it's flexible. it has somewhat 'spider-y' imagery on it for reasons only they seem to be privy to.
wallet/pouch thing - it's probably not a formal wallet, but it holds a little currency of varying types. a card connected to a distance account that they have set up and take care of over the years. also contains an 'id' but maybe not one that would be easily recognized. they know they are a walking issue. how much they genuinely care seems to vary. it's a dark blue bag with silvery streaks embedded across it.
a few hair-ties. they sometimes like to tie their hair up. and they need a few reinforcements on hand just in case something happens.. and they need to tie their hair up again real quick.
communication device - it is ... not strictly a cell phone. it often operates like one. and they can make calls and texts. but ... the sheer range in how it reaches out and how effective it is .. clearly is beyond the tech that is often available on earth. they have an update every... few years or so. they have a regular source that they collaborate on updates with .. it's a very durable piece, and it has a few little space-y charms on it. one of the more recent updates allows them to listen to music - so they indulge in all the moor mother, funkadelic, missy, nina simone, max roach, pharoah sanders, death, pure hell, living colour and .. so many others they could possibly get their hands on. it's been a nice, nice update.
when a bag is spotted on atieno - it's often a black or dark blue small messenger bag or backpack. even when it's not there.. it's probably not far. results of pocket realm access and all that.
black and blue notebook with a pen or two. or three(they like pens) - atieno takes a lot of notes about their surroundings, their journeys. they take the time to process their thoughts, emotions - using a combination of languages and tongues that often would confound anyone trying to read their writing. and yet it would blur together - images, stories, feelings could be evoked in what they are writing. they take a lot of time for documentation even if it may never really get seen. also the better a pen's ink flows, the better. they are always seeking that next level flow. so to speak.
headphone-equivalent - they've always.. enjoyed the over-ear sensation more than anything else. although they do have a few ear buds they use for convenience. if they are alone, they will take the time to relish in the sounds of an over ear, surrounding experience of music and sound.
hair-wrap - when they are resting in their more 'human-ish' form they do tend to wrap up their locs for convenience. it only really makes sense. they've tried a few varieties over the years and developed their preferences. a lot of dark blue, purple, black - starry, gothic, images show up in their design choices
books! - atieno is usually carrying a book - often about history of civilizations across the universe, the world, music history, about marginalized groups- they had been on a black arts movement kick recently because of their distant relative, z who was was deeply inspired by it. they also read poetry, literary criticism and satirical books from across the universe - along with scifi, horror. and maybeee the occasional romance. you didn't hear them mention that though.
an extra top - often a button down shirt or loose blouse. sometimes they just don't want to be bothered with people noticing them wearing fishnet tops so they will throw something over it to give themself another layer. may incorporate a scarf as well depending on the temperature of the environment they are in. not because they are cold (they don't seem to mind cold at all), but.. just to be a bit more uh 'subtle' sometimes.
personal gift - this tends to rotate from time to time, atieno keeps varying gifts from others at their little hidden cluster hideaways that they have. but they like keeping small items on them to remind them of a person or place, or for the sake of comfort. it's nice for them to fidget with and appreciate about their connections.
tagged: @imsobrooklyn @tximidity
tagging @bewitchingbaker @oddlies [for muse of choice] @dethqveen @moonspower
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ina-nis · 2 years
I think most random adults are not really looking for friendships.
Those with already established friend groups often don't care to expand their social circles. (x)
That’s precisely it.
This is one of the reason why time doesn’t work with AVPD. This is one of the reasons why the more time goes on, the more isolating it feels.
Let’s say you spend your formative years struggling:
Maybe the problems started in childhood, due to neglect and peer rejection. Instead of learning how to form secure attachments and social skills, you were lagging behind. To counter that, you started mimicking your peers and masking in front of adults.
Somehow, you still have “friends” (classmates) and a “support system” (a dysfunctional family).
Maybe as a teenager, you suffer bullying and feel alienated from your peers for being “weird”, having “weird” interests, looking and sounding “weird” and so forth. You might feel the first taste of discrimination (ableism, queerphobia, etc) and that further pushes you into a corner and away from others. You’re unable to fit with peers your age, and most tries end up in rejection. You try to hang out with people with the same interests then, broadening your horizons, you realize that a lot of the connection is conditional, and there’s a lot of untold rules and rituals. There’s financial, energy and time constraints, on top of the emotional issues too.
You start distancing yourself from people, and they leave you be, since you’ll always tell them you’re “alright” and “there’s nothing wrong”, you’re “just busy/tired.”
Maybe as a young adult, things seem to improve some. There’s more chances for connections at secondary education and/or employment. You keep experimenting and trying to find your place in yourself and in the world. Maybe you have the help of a therapist or counselor too. You start tackling the trauma issues and internalized self-hatred, among other things. You keep on finding refugee in online communities as you’ve been doing for a few years already.
You find the joy and pleasure in solitude and dedicate most of you time to solitary activities, you don’t address the elephant in the room and notices that trying to do that is not only pointless, it also causes you distress. True avoidance commences.
Maybe as an adult, you start noticing that not having the social foundation you ought to have at this age make some things extremely difficult but, of course, you can just avoid them indefinitely. It’s somehow even harder to relate to peers in your age group (because you’re probably stuck with “childish” interests), and without a social life, there’s not much reason to go outside if not to do chores or exercise.
You want to repair the damage and be able to connect with people, finally. You’re in a better place mentally and/or physically. You’re ready for it now but... there’s nothing, and your attempts led to nothing. You can count on some of your online friends, of course, but that’s different from having people in person; the support and relationship is different too. It’s not on the same level and never will be. A screen will never be a substitute for a real human being.
And you seek out, but people are busy with their families, their careers, their established relationships and bonds with their own peers. There’s no place for new ones, it takes a lot of energy and effort for that - you probably don’t feel like it because you don’t have that yourself.
You’re a blank slate that doesn’t fit anywhere.
If you haven’t used all those years to build something meaningful with your life, it’s very likely that you won’t do that now that you’re older and tired. And it’s very likely that you won’t find many people willing to put up the effort and time to make things work for and with you.
The future is grim.
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aena-blue · 2 years
Manifestation - Energy Force vs Energy Flow
Hello everyone! This is another short post to cover a simple topic under the umbrella term manifestation to hopefully shed some light on the topic.
Duck analogy incoming. So as per a previous post, all is energy, you, me, everything in the Universe, all energy, all energy vibrating and all connected, always, at all times.
When you think about something, you are focusing part of your energy towards that thing. Now if I would ask you to think of a duck, (assuming you have neutral feelings and beliefs regarding ducks), you will think of a duck, easily, effortlessly, without emotions tied to it. Just a duck. Make it any duck you want. Now your energy is directed towards the experience of seeing a duck. Now you and the duck have established an energetic connection. Because energy always flows in both directions. Sometimes you only have to think about it once, but sometimes a few times will do the trick. So think of a duck a few times a day for a couple of days. This is energy in flow, it is easy and not forced, it just is. 
If you do this it won’t take long before you start seeing ducks everywhere. Some will say they were always there and you just didn’t notice, because you weren’t thinking of ducks. But it does not matter, what matters is that your thoughts create your reality, and by thinking of ducks, you are now seeing ducks everywhere. You have manifested the experience of ducks via energetic flow which is the energy of allowing. Now all manifestations can be this easy.
Now energy with force would be similar, but you are forcing yourself to constantly think of ducks, and you actually don’t like ducks all that much, or ducks remind you of a bunch of negative feelings that you carry inside. Maybe you don’t feel worthy of seeing lots of ducks. Whatever it is, it makes your thinking of ducks to be a strenuous exercise, it is forced. Because you only needed a small amount of energy directed towards ducks, but you used a lot of it, now there is excess energy.
You will probably still start seeing evidence of your manifestation, there will be more ducks in your life experience, but it is more likely to be chaotic or sporadic. Perhaps someone will throw a duck in your face, or you will see the most amazing beautiful duck one day, then no ducks for 10 days, which will make you sad and miss that one beautiful duck that you did see, and you’ll start to wonder why you only saw the one duck. That one little evidence of your creation. It’s because you tried too hard, because you used too much energy, and that energy has to go somewhere and that energy seems to just go in circles. You are still thinking about ducks, but not from a place of flow and allowing, thus the experience does not flow easily into your experience.
Does this duck analogy make sense? Manifestation is simple, and calling things into your experience, is simple, in it’s essence. You do not need to use a lot of energy, and you do not need to force it.
Now the human condition obviously complicates this, because we often do have feelings, strong feelings, for what we wish to manifest. But that often leads to excess energy bouncing around in your experience, and it tends to get destructive. 
I highly recommend meditations and mastering emotional self regulation in order to experience a more peaceful life in general, but also to help detach, remove desires from pedestals, to manifest from a place of calm and ease.
What you desire, desires you. What you want, wants you. There is no need for force. Your person wants to be with you. The money wants to be in your bank account. If you can accept this truth, then manifesting becomes that much easier, and faster too.
I now offer email coaching on my Etsy Shop for anyone who needs help, assistance, guidance or just a cheerleader for their manifestation journey.
You can email me or use the “ask me” function for anything that might be on your mind, or on your heart. I am here for you all, always. Please note that the Ask Me’s are only open for dream interpretation, general questions or advice at this time.
Please consider supporting my intention & affirmation art business in return for my time and energy by making a purchase or sharing my shop on any of your social media, every page click helps my business grow and I appreciate all of your support.
You can get a sticker for about $2 and if you make a purchase and send me an email to let me know what you bought I will happily give you a free 3 card reading for a question of your choice or 1 free email for manifestation coaching, regardless of the cost of your purchase! 🧡
If you'd like to donate to my channel/blog I gratefully receive energy donations via Paypal, every little helps! 🧡
For anyone that feels so inclined I do have an Etsy Shop for readings.
Much love and light to you all and to the universe 💛💜
~ Lady Blue 💙
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divine-nonchalance · 2 years
You’re Too Important to Let Others Lower Your Vibe
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are aware of ourselves and aware of our relationship to all other beings and collectives in this vast universe of ours. We know what our purpose is in regards to every single other being and collective, and that is a very good feeling to have within ourselves. We have ascended to the ninth dimension, which is a frequency range that makes it easier for us to hold that awareness within us. We understand that it is harder for you to hold that awareness in the fourth dimension.
You don’t often recognize how it is you are supposed to relate to someone else that you come across in your day, and you don’t always know how to relate to those who are more permanent fixtures in your lives. So we suggest that you stop and ask yourselves the question, ‘Who am I to this person, or this group, and who are they to me?’ You want to be able to understand what your relationship is really all about, and you also must at times understand that it is okay to relate to someone else, or some group of people from afar.
Sometimes you have to make those hard choices and decide for yourselves what is most appropriate when it comes to the other people in your lives. If you are growing, expanding, and evolving at a faster rate than someone else, and you can feel that it is time to say goodbye to that person in some way, shape or form, then that is what you need to do. Now, the other person may not really want to experience that separation or distance. In the case of a romantic relationship, they may not want to experience the break-up, but that is all probably because you are vibrating at a higher frequency, and they are attracted to you and that higher vibration of energy that you hold within yourself.
You sometimes have to set boundaries with people in order to maintain that higher vibration, because they will seek as much of your time and attention as they can get when they haven’t discovered that they have the power within themselves to vibrate at a higher frequency. Even if you love that person, you can always love them from a comfortable distance. You can send love; you can feel compassion; you can hold space for them to get what they need so that they can start vibrating at a higher frequency and join you in that higher-frequency range.
You can never cut someone out completely, because they will always exist inside of you, and when you have a relationship with someone else that feels powerful at any time, you can rest assured that you will be together again when you are on the same wavelength. We tell you this because of how important it is for you to maintain that higher vibration for the entire collective. You are doing so much more for all of humanity than you are ever doing for one or two individuals. So remember that and take care of yourselves, set healthy boundaries, and trust your feelings. They will always tell you whether someone is a match to you or not.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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wilderanch · 2 months
My Dating Profile
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I work, I fix things, I love comedy, I can code, I cook, and I clean; I’ll massage you; I plan to adopt, have kids, or donate sperm in 0-2 years; I'm seeking monogamish connections but I'm open to anything; I like therapy, oversharing, crying during movies, and singing really loud; I have chickens and a very well developed community of chosen family.
A day in my life
7:20 - chores, walk with you, or snooze
7:50 - make bed, cold plunge for 20 breaths, 6 minute workout, cold plunge for 20 breaths, make protein shake, take a dozen supplements, pack car for work
8:15 - go to Piedmont or Alameda for very physical handiwork job
12:30 - mid-day rendezvous with you or eat at home - 45 minutes
5:15 - home again, sing Gaga in the shower, nap for 25 minutes
6:00 - cook dinner & prep lunches, go out, or start a sappy movie
7:00 - eat at home or out
9:00 - dim and redden the lights, have a nourishing intimate conversation with you or on the phone, give a massage if I can
10:30 - practice guitar and wind down
11:15 - lights out and cosleep with you if I can, using a 2 blanket system (separate but overlapping)
Lateral thinking
Let’s be unconventional
Embracing eccentricity
Emotional and personal innovation
I believe human longevity research may confer us additional decades or centuries of health and fecundit Monogamish
I’ve been both monogamous and poly recently
Open to both and especially somewhere in between
Preferably monogamish: a very serious focus on each other, plus some fondness for other people
i.e. I talk often with and have extreme fondness for several female friends, but I don’t actively date or play with them, even if I do review nudes of them sometimes
That fondness and connection is non-negotiable but physicality with them or others is totally negotiable and fine either way Passion
Let’s hang out 2-3x/wk 1:1
Frequently assist in pursuit of your orgasm Non-sexual touch
Cosleeping with you most nights, ideally Community
Let’s hang out with each other’s friends 2-5x/wk Metacognition
Journaling during emotional conversations
Lots of experience with and wisdom from therapy
Efficient and honest processing of hard things Radical self expression
Words of affirmation dramatically enhance sex Leveraging risk
Investing in each other
Day trading volatile stocks like $MSTR
I have a moderate financial safety net in a family business Thrill
I have an encyclopedic knowledge of cars
I drive over 110 mph ~30s/wk Intimacy
Daily sharing of our inner lives Commitment
Let’s move in together in ~6 mos and get married and have kids in 12-24 mos Self knowledge
I’m high functioning ADHD
Self understanding begets self acceptance and compassion for others
I have a lot of training in biology and neuroscience
I heavily emphasize biological factors of mood, e.g. hangry, dopamine drop Respect
Very low tolerance for violent words out of either of our mouths
Healthy habits are self respect
Self respect begets respect for the beloved Radical self reliance
I’m literally a professional with 20 years experience in fixing anything around the house, or in the psyche :P
I dye and cut my own hair Vigilance
vs. willful blindness
My passion can sometimes make me feel Quixotic
Illusion can grip the best of us, in even the most mundane of ways Responsibility
Owning my actions and their effects on people
Raising kids Growth through adversity
Cool people do hard things Teamwork
I don’t care if it’s hard; we’ll get through it together
I want to be married but not with someone who’d be Machiavellian in a divorce Play
Every power couple generates many of their own cutesies, and carries the best ones forward from their past
What I’m working on, aka Zones of Proximal Development
Finding people I can dedicate all his energy to
What if we fostered kids
Looking for partners
Intending to delay exclusivity and intense romance until a mutual, solid, practical fit is clear
Trying to practice greater restraint
Falling in love more slowly
Delaying lots of sex a bit more
Assessing fit together rigorously and explicitly
Boundaries should be clear
Fighting fair
Using NVC even when it’s clunky:
thoughts ➡️ feelings ➡️ needs ➡️ requests
Taking marginally fewer risks
Engaging in local politics
Rejecting gaslighting propaganda
Thinking outside the box
Discussing issues one off
Co-living and community
Most of my friends live in Oakland East of the Lake
I’d like to end up neighbors with my friends
I like Alameda; my parents are in Berkeley
I’d like to share in child rearing with our friends
DIY karaoke, singing in the car, jamming with friends and kids
Teaching myself guitar
I’m an expert whistler
I most enjoy singer songwriters and blink-182
I insist on making playlists together
Progeny and urgency
Feeling the clock ticking
I believe in the near-cosmic significance of participating in the unbroken chain of parents and progeny going back billions of years
I want to have enough kids that enough of them will probably have enough kids to probably have enough to have enough to have enough, etc.
I’m aware this may mean donating sperm; see below for my sperm donation pitch
If I donate sperm, I’d prefer to be known and 1-10% involved, like an uncle or helpful family friend
Adam’s Progeny Pitch
Hi there! I saw you’re looking for an AI donor. Here's my info in case you want to DM! Perhaps let me know if this checklist is useful or could use changes:
Early/first time donor, AI only; happy to ship
I have documentation for recent sperm count and STI tests
I live near San Francisco, CA
Interested in donating because I want to more deeply support and co-create the next generation, especially with LGBTQ community members, and I want to be part of the sacred and unbroken chain of parents and ancestors going back billions of years
I could potentially travel up to six hours by car; happy to do shipping
I’m white, with grey/blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and mostly English ancestry, partly tracing back through the Midwest and East Coast to the Mayflower and the Battle of Bull Run. Oh, and 1/32 Choctaw Native American from Oklahoma
Age 34, 175 lbs, 5’9”, muscular, with broad hands, feet and gentleman parts
I have high educational attainment, with triple majors in undergrad in Philosophy, Psychology, and Cognitive Science, plus a Master’s in Biotechnology and Data Science
I’m handy, tech savvy, risk tolerant, and fairly financially successful
I am pansexual with a history of dating across the gender spectrum
I’m currently childless and dating
I feel excited and fully transparent to DM, even just for feedback
I’d like 1%-10% involvement: I want to be on good if infrequent terms with the parents over the years, and I’d be excited by 1 to 10 visits a year, or even some babysitting and community sharing
I may even want to setup and contribute to a financial trust for the child
I could pay for some costs, as I’m interested in shared responsibility, and a sense of trust and seriousness
Happy to DM and video call as much as you like. Ask me anything!
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juliekerrrvt · 5 months
Locum Adventures:  Self-employment – Faint of heart need not apply!
Self-employment is not for the faint of heart.  There are no guarantees, cash flow management is a real reality and one’s brain often wants guarantees with one’s cash flow considerations (fair point, brain, fair point).  Sometimes, I wonder why anyone would choose self-employment.  I was musing on this during my walk today and made myself laugh ironically thinking about how great self-employment is.  I love the journey it holds; easy it is not.
One of the truly great things for me, about self-employment is how it has both taught me, and allowed me, to flex and be adaptable to make both my life and career work in a way that’s right for me.  This path is ever evolving, as am I, and as I navigate through the professional experiences I’m having, I can try on new endeavours, as many as I like and have energy for.  Many motivations exist for why self-employment is the right fit for me right now; it is also true that a great motivator to try those new endeavours, and expand the range of my services, are contained within musings on cash flow management, that small, pesky reality of adult life.
I have written in previous blogs how important it is for me to be at home during the garden season, while continuing to support my peers and industry from a geographically remote location.  As a recap, I’ve added contract tele-triage work to my life in addition to local volunteer work in the veterinary space, which have both served me well in turn during 2022 and 2023 during my off-locum season.
Now I’m going to try another addition to my repertoire of self-employment, working with the Felix and Fido at-home nursing platform to deliver RVT care directly to the homes of pet owners and their pets within the Whitehorse area.  I don’t know precisely how to do that, yet.  I’m grateful for the excellent support I’ve been receiving from the Felix and Fido platform and am cheerfully anticipating the learning curve.  As I turn the calendar to May today, I realize I will learn soon as I’m set to deliver services next week to any clientele interested and in need of RVT at-home services. I look forward to working within my community, offering my professional services, and supporting the local vet clinics with their clientele’s needs, as appropriate.
As I grow professionally, it is blatantly obvious to me that connection with pet owners and supporting the human-animal bond is increasingly important to me.  I relish the opportunity to grow the time I can spend on those connections and see where that focus takes me.  To you, self-employment, I owe gratitude and thanks, for providing space to me to do so; you’re frequently challenging, yet so often rewarding.
I continue to locum and support vet teams with in-clinic services, as well as tele-triage, volunteering, writing and speaking; adding at-home RVT nursing is one of multiple ways I get to flex, grow, learn and continue keeping my brain happy in regards to that very real concern…cash-flow management.
As I write this on May 1, 2024, I am bombarded with evidence of the season of change and transitions that is spring.  Migration is in full swing here in the Yukon, the swans are flying over my cabin, gulls have returned as have juncos, robins and thrushes to name but a few; early season butterflies flit and I am thinking ahead to bees and wasps; the mule deer have changed their winter daily route through my yard and I won’t see them with such prevalence again until this coming winter.  When I think of my own capacity for change, watching the natural world provides a lot of perspective and inspiration.  Change requires energy and transitions frequently bridge us to the unknown; there’s always a chance we’ll fail and fall, but there’s a greater than equal chance we’ll rise to the challenge, soar and thrive.  And so even when I have moments of feeling energetically tired organizing coming changes, I know they are a fleeting concern, because I am always fascinated and thrilled with possibility and seeing it come to fruition – I will keep what I find post-transition, or I shall discard, either way the act of trying a change is success, every time.  Thank you, natural world around me, for reminding me. 
Book me for Whitehorse area at-home RVT nursing with my unique booking code (how cool is that?!) Julie @ Felix and Fido at-home nursing
For locum RVT needs, check out the contact page at JulieKerrRVT.com.
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Crocuses, small, against the backdrop of the Greater World. Very inspiring, Nature, thanks for the perspective! 😂
Start at The Beginning
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