#i want to help her but i keep having other stomp on my boundaries and she keeps monolouging me and she doesnt listen at all
lost-in-azalea-forest · 9 months
im having sudden KnY brainrot idk why
kyooojuroo uzuiiii protect me from my family this christmassss
0 notes
Three for One 1
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, customer service abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As a customer service associate, you're used to work with a wide variety of characters. Your efforts to go above and beyond draw the attention of a certain set of customers who want more than what's on the shelf.
Character: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale
Note: Right, this was supposed to be a drabble series but it morphed and not I'm fucked.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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It's the most special time of year! Mistletoe, jingle bells, and holiday cheer! Oh, and hot chocolate. Lots of that.
You hide your thermos under the desk and grab the crystal bottle again, giving a test spritz to the air. Your job isn't very complicated. All you do is say hi and chat about the perfume. Your manager says the job is selling but you don't like to see it that way.
You smile at a family of five as they veer towards the toy section. You don't think the six year old would be into an eau de parfum. It's understandable.
While you spend your hours wandering around expensive makeups and scents, you're filled with a certain hint of longing. For what you're paid to push the merchandise, you can't afford any of it yourself. Well, you've never been very materialistic.
You spin around and see a gentlemen approaching, though he doesn't seem to see you. He looks past you, almost through you. You stop in place and put on your best smile, fixing the red band around your head.
"Hello, sir, would you like to try some Gucci?" You offer and spray the nozzle at him.
He skids to a stop and recoils as if he's been slapped. He holds out his arm as he looks down at his coat, little droplets seeping into the fabric. He takes a whiff, his short mustache wiggling under his nose, and he scoffs as he tries to shake off the cologne.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He snips.
"Sorry, sir, I didn't mean to scare you."
"You just go around spray people with that horseshit?"
"Well, sir, with respect, I don't like that sort of language.
"And I don't like being drenched in dog piss," he blusters, "point me to the goddamn trimmers."
"Um, what kind? Nail trimmers? Pet trimmers? Garden trimmers?"
"What the fuck do you think?" He points to his own face.
You hold your smile. There's always that one customer who's having a bad day. Whatever's got him so upset must be worse than dealing with him.
"Personal care," you point to the far corner, "right over there, sir."
"Ugh," he stomps and storms off.
"I hope your day gets better," you call after him, "oh, did you want a store coupon--"
He ignores you as he waves you off over his shoulder. You watch him turn towards men's grooming and you shrug, rocking slightly. You try not to let them get to you. As jolly as you find this time of year, a lot of people don't feel the same.
You shrug off the encounter. You still have a few hours ahead of you and it's starting to bustle with customers. You help a couple find the home wares while keeping the boundary of cosmetics firm. Lucille, the manager, doesn't like you leaving your zone.
You approach a woman looking at the Prada selection and get her checked out with a new fragrance, specially gift-wrapped by yours truly. She leaves happy, a small victory for the day. You celebrate but not too much.
You come around the counter just as you see that man strutting back up. He has an item in his hand and ignores you as he passes. Still you smile at him.
"Annoying," he mutters under his breath.
"Need help finding anything else, sir?" You ask his heels.
He stops and you see the way his spine stiffens. Oh no, you shouldn't have said anything. He slowly turns to face you.
"You can shut up," he marches up to you and grabs the bottle from your hands, "shut." He sprays you in the face, "up." He squirts you several more times before shoving the vial against your chest, "stupid little girl."
You take the bottle, blinking as you use your cuff to wipe the perfume away from your eyes. He continues on his path as you stand dumbfounded, drenched in Gucci cologne. It's hard to breathe through the heavy scent and you can't help but cough.
What a jerk. Just because he's having a bad day, doesn't mean everyone needs to.
Slowly you grow accustomed to the smell of yourself. It’s not too unusual. You go nose blind about halfway through your shift once you spray a few too many samples. You keep your distance from customers, offering them a spritz but trying not to crowd them with the vapors of cologne rippling off of you.
You yawn as the afterwork rush floods in and you make another round, smiling at Sofia as she peeks over at you. She’s with another customer at the counter, ringing them up as she gabs. You spin at the display at the center of the crossway that runs through the beauty department and stagger back before another can run you over.
You apologise to the tall man as he skids to a stop on his soles. You can tell he’s in a hurry by the way he grips his briefcase and squares his jaw. He wears a long dark wool coat as flecks of snow melt into his thick beard.
“Oh, sorry, I er, wasn’t–” He clears his throat, collecting himself, “I… didn’t see you.”
“That’s okay, sir,” you assure him, “would you like to try the new scent?”
You hold up the onyx bottle but don’t spray him. You don’t need another dousing. He looks at the silver letters on the side then at you. The furrow in his brow lightens as his blue eyes swim.
“No thanks, but er, you think you could help me find something?”
“Of course,” you chime and lower the bottle, “are you looking for a gift for someone special?”
He nods, “my mother-in-law is on her way into town, I need a present. Maybe perfume?”
His tone is tinted with frustration as he reaches up to rub the back of his neck. He lets out a long sigh. He’s one of those shoppers; the last minute scrambler. You grasp the vial in one hand and tug at the front of your thick red sweater, you’re starting to get a bit toasty in the crowded store.
“How old is she?” You ask.
“Um,” he clamps his lips together and thinks, “hmmm, probably seventy-something? I’m sorry, I guess I should know that.”
“That’s okay, I… I would suggest some Liz Taylor,” you turn on your heel and wave him after you as you head off, “it’s a classic. Not so much a me scent but the older crowd likes it. Oh, and it’s on special so your wallet won’t hate it, either.”
You stop by the Diamonds display as you face him again. He follows at a pace and stops before the shelf, perusing the gold caps and crystal caps. He considers the rack in deep thought.
“Here,” you set down your bottle on a nearby table of seasonal decorations and take one from the display. You slip out a strip of cardstock and spray it with the sampler, “this one is gardenia. That was her favourite scent. It’s probably the least pungent.”
You offer him the sample and he eyes it. He slowly bends and sniffs the end of the paper. He wiggles his nose. It makes you sneeze too. As much as you’re a fan of the classic actress, her scents are dated.
“Smells like her,” he grumbles under his breath, “sure, I’ll take that.”
“Great,” you declare and trade the sampler for a boxed bottle, then retrieve your disposed Gucci vial, “would you like me to check you out, sir?”
“Is it faster?” 
“I can be fast,” you promise him, “this way.”
You go around the sparkling counters and he meets you across the till. You type in your log in, taking several tries to get your passcode right. The man places his briefcase on the counter,a hand resting on the edge.
“You know a lot about this stuff?” He prompts.
“Yeah, I guess,” you smile as you scan the perfume and tap the special offer on the screen, “kinda part of the job.”
“Hmm” he hums again, in that thoughtful manner. You look at him but he’s not looking at your face, “that’s a nice sweater.”
You look down at the red wool speckled with pearls. It’s new and one of your favourites already. You can’t help a little wiggle of your shoulders, “thanks!”
“Very… cheerful,” he muses as he takes out his wallet, “wish I could say the same of what awaits me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir, it’s that time of year, I guess,” you push the debit machine towards him and he taps his credit card, “I’m sure your mother-in-law will love the perfume.” The transaction approves and the receipt prompts, “would you like an email?”
“Nah, that’s fine,” he tucks his credit card away.
“Would you like it gift-wrapped?” You offer, “it’s free?”
He hovers his hand over his briefcase as he considers it. His eyes meet yours and his cheek dimples, “alright, yeah, that’s… that’s perfect. Thank you.”
“No problem,” you beam back at him, “let me just get some tissue paper…”
You murmur to yourself as you grab some gold tissue paper and a white gift bag with a Christmas tree embossed into the side. You carefully line up the small box on the paper and begin your intensive work. You're a master wrapper, you used to work at the wrapping station in the mall.
“What about you?” He asks before the silence can stretch too far, “you seeing family for the holidays? When you’re not working?”
“Um,” you smile as you look up, “I’m just hanging out with my dog. I bought him a bone.”
“A dog,” he nods, “your family live out of town?”
Usually, you ask the questions. It’s easier that way. It deflects the attention from you. It’s why you like the job; you can hear all about others and not have to think about yourself.
“Yeah, something like that,” you slip the wrapped box into the bag and fluff the tissue paper.
“Eh!” The loud exclamation makes you jump as the man merely turns his head, a tic in his jaw. His eyes narrow as another customer approaches, strutting with hands in his jacket pocket as he calls out, “Barber, what the hell?”
Your customer shifts towards the man, heels squeaking on the floor, “Hugh.”
“Don’t Hugh me, asshole,” the other man retorts, “you said you were busy? What’s the matter, you lose too much money last time?”
“Suzette is in town. Family dinner,” the man, Barber, drones dully.
“Ah, ditched for the old crone, I get it.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, wouldn’t you know it, poker night was canceled, something about not enough seats,” the man counters sharply.
“Next week,” the first man growls.
“Hey, you,” the man in the russet coat snaps his fingers in your direction, “you got some of that Acqua di Gio. That dumb girl over there said you’re sold out.”
Your brows pop up and you swallow tightly. He’s another type. The arrogant demander. He doesn’t hear no. He’ll ask everyone the same question in hope of getting a different answer.
“We are out of stock, sir, but I could order it in for you,” you suggest.
“Order in? I can just go on Amazon, thanks for nothing,” he chops his hand at you dismissively.
“Hey,” the other man nudges his chest, “be nice. She’s working.”
“What? I’m here to spend money and they got shit all–”
“It’s December,” the other man reproaches before he turns back to you, “sorry, my friend is a jerk.” He accepts the gift bag as you hold it out, “thank you. You saved me.”
“No problem, but er, I was gonna say,” you turn to the other man, “sir, I have some samples of the Armani. I could give you those while you wait for the order.”
“Samples?” He echoes, “how many?”
“Let me have a look,” you back up and go to the drawer at the back of the checkout.
“I gotta get going, miss,” the first man waves his hand as you peek over your shoulder, “have a happy holiday.”
“You too,” you chirp back and find the last few tubes of Armani. You claim them and prance back to meet the new customer at the counter, “I have five.” You lay out your wares, “if I order in a bottle it’ll be in just before Christmas.”
“Two weeks?” He puffs.
“I’m sorry, sir, that’s the earliest I can do. It’s the last day I can guarantee delivery before Christmas.”
“Talk, talk, talk, order it,” he snaps.
“Right, let me just…” you open the shop and search up the scent. You add it to the cart and proceed. “Alright, got that, did you want it shipped for pick up here or to your address.”
“Here, they can never fucking find my house,” he sniffs.
“Great, so when it arrives, we’ll give you a call. You’ll also get an email to confirm.”
“What’s going on here?” He points at you suddenly. You look down again at your sweater but don’t see anything amiss. You flinch as he reaches to pinch one of the pearls, “what is this?”
“Oh, I… my sweater,” you raise your head, swallowing down the insult. It’s cute!
“Huh, Walmart clearance, huh,” he scoffs, “alright, how much are you robbing me for?”
He reaches into his coat as you hit total. You read out the final amount but he doesn’t pull out a card; he hands you cash. You count the bills, twice over, then give him his change. He looms with impatient huffs.
“Here’s your receipt,” you hand him the strip of paper. “Have a good day, sir.”
“Mmm,” he pokes his tongue into his cheek as he shoves the receipt into his pocket, “actually, while I’m here, I’d like a new sweater. You can help me and I’ll show you what real quality is.”
You almost laugh. Not spitefully, it’s just a bit silly. He’s competing with you, a perfume pusher.
“Well, sir, I can point you towards men’s fashion but I’m not able to leave this department, I’m sorry,” you give a sheepish smile.
“Oh no, good girl wouldn’t want to break the rules,” he rolls his eyes, “goody goody and her precious little smile.” He hooks his thumbs in his pockets, “my shit better be in by Christmas.”
He twists and strides away. You watch him go but not for long as you’re quickly distracted by a customer looking at the Britney Spears collection. Those are easy sellers.
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the5n00k · 8 months
An observation about TGAMM The End
Big big spoilers ahead, click away if you aren't caught up
This is also my first NEGATIVE TGAMM analysis post! Wowie! So if you don't want to see me bitch, also click off now
The End and how Molly McGee's character was disrespected
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The End is. An episode. I have many MANY thoughts about it but it would be far too long to put in one post so I'm going to explore one of my more reoccurring opinions. This episode recontextualized a lot of things but I'm going to talk about how it recontextualized Molly as a character. Most importantly as a MAIN character. A TITLE character. A character with her own past and personality and feelings. All of which this episode completely stomped all over, handed her the check, and said "figure it out"
I want to apologize to my friend who called this so SO much earlier into the series and that he had to listen to me watch this show on lethal amounts of copium. You were right but I knew neither of us wanted you to be.
Now let's get into the meat of it, shall we?
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All throughout season 1, Molly's history and relationship with the concept of friends is always treated with complete sincerity and the emotional pause it needs to sink in with the audience that she's been through it. Moving away and leaving friends is why she put so much importance on the "forever home" in the first place because she's had to leave so many people she loved. She had a rocky beginning with Scratch during the early season but quickly became on equal footing with him as they began to understand each other and their boundaries. Because she genuinely cares about him. Similarly, season 2 explores the boundaries of their friendship and shows Scratch more willing to participate in whatever Molly is doing, even begging sometimes to be included. And Molly is very patient and kind with him all throughout trying to help him regain memories of his past. And Scratch actually reciprocated a few times like helping her learn Thai and working with Libby to set her up with Ollie. They're the closest they've ever been and something I can confidently call true best friends, possibly the closest and healthiest friendship I've seen portrayed in media. Season 2 showcases how far either of them are willing to go to help each other.
Then The End happened.
Molly is the same understanding and supportive friend as she had been all season, almost to a fault. She encourages scratch to go back to his life, knowing the risks that come with it. Why did there need to be the risk of forgetting her when his spirit didn't immediately forget his living life? Don't know. Something to do with an unreleased episode although I doubt the rest of season 3 would have sweetened my opinion of this episode. Only she knew he was about to do this, she didn't talk to any of his other friends or family before he went out to Todd's house. They only found out after the fact and the next morning is when he left. None of them had any time to process that they just lost a family member, especially not Molly.
The scene where he's talking to her on the bench breaks my heart. Knowing your friend is no longer there and is replaced with this stranger. So much of this episode would have been fixed to just let him keep his memories. Considering how hard it was to pull his living memories out of his spirit, it's very likely that even the small fragments of her he remembers will slowly fade away. She had to do the one thing she never wanted to do again and repeat the same pain that's plagued her for the entire series. And it sucks! Why doesn't she get a happy ending? Hell, I'm not even convinced this was a "happy ending" for scratch since he can't remember any of the people he just spent the last two years with.
The biggest slap to the face is when Libby, Geoff, and the McGees come up behind Molly and just act like all of this is fine? They're treating scratch like this wild animal that deserved to be released into the wild because he could never fit in with society when he was PERFECTLY HAPPY with the McGees. He proudly displayed to the entire ghost world that he was an "honorary McGee" and told a ghost hunter to his face that him and Molly would do anything for each other despite their differences. Was all of that completely pointless? Because it sure feels that way. He had this entire new "life" he just completely abandoned because oh I guess I'm not really dead. Guess I better go reconnect with my childhood friend I haven't seen in person or had any meaningful conversations with in decades!!! See ya, chumps, hope you weren't attached to me or anything!
It's so disrespectful to the audience's investment in Molly and Scratch's friendship, the themes of friendship overcoming all odds and lasting forever, and Molly as a character. And to a lesser degree, it's even disrespectful to Scratch since most of the season he spent brooding over the fact that he didn't remember his past! Now he's forgotten a large portion of his "life" all over again. Now he's going to have to live with this nagging itch at the back of his mind that he's forgetting something until he manages to completely repress it too. And to rub salt in the wound, the credits don't have near sight nor mention of Molly McGee outside of a painted portrait of her and (spirit) scratch. All this does is tell me a LONG time has passed and neither of them have managed to successfully contact each other. The dream team is gone, this is a story about a girl and a ghost and none of it meant anything.
"he'll remember when he dies again!" Where does it say that
"he didn't forget, he said Moll! That means something!" The longer he spends away from the McGees and Brighton, the more likely he is to completely forget them altogether. The vague memories will eventually fade away and every "forever memory" will be worthless.
"it doesn't matter, this is Scratch's story" then why isn't it called 'scratch and the human girl'? Or 'the scratch show'? Why is Molly a title character if she's nothing but a plot device for his character development.
"Molly had to learn how to say goodbye." No she didn't. She's been doing that her entire life. She's pretty well aware of how to say goodbye. Making her relive 13 years of trauma from the other side of the vehicle doors is not a useful life skill. Pain is not necessary to grow up.
I don't care what the excuse is. This was a terrible ending for both characters and no amount of "he's happy now!" coping from both the fans and the writers is going to get me to see this any other way. If you enjoy the episode, great! I'm happy for you, there's a lot to love in the music and voice acting and breathtaking animation. But none of that could save me from this abysmal attempt at a series finale. I was so viscerally disgusting by this as a finale that I spent a good two days completely nauseous thinking about it. What a disaster. The sad part is I like the story potential! Him reuniting with Adia is what I've wanted for him all season so he could get closure. Molly and Scratch having to say goodbye is heartbreaking but understandable, a lot of shows nowadays end that way and I half expected it. But him completely forgetting the girl he owes his new lease on life to? My gosh it's just a deal breaker. It is such a cruel end for these characters and I cannot wrap my head around why they thought it was a good idea outside of cheap angst.
I wanted to like this episode and I still do. But they just did so much wrong when one thing could change and it would have completely flipped my opinion on the episode and series in general. But what do I know, I'm just a negative nancy.
Anyway idk how to end this off, justice for Molly McGee, Scratch deserved to be called Scratch McGee, kill Todd Mortenson, peace out
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ninchen1909 · 2 years
The Teacher and the Mob Boss -Chapter 3-
Warnings: fluff
Word count:~2.600
I narrow my eyes as stare at Barnes, only to be met with a smug smirk from him.
"Mr. Barnes thank you very much for the generous offer, but unfortunately it is not possible for the school to accept this donation, right Mr. Stark" you look desperately to your boss, he is the only one who can save you from this misery.
But he just frowns and looks at me with a look of incomprehension: "No Mrs. (y/l/n), it is very much possible for us to accept Mr. Barnes' generous offer and we will accept it" Mr. Barnes looks at me intensely, but I just can't keep my mouth shut "I'm just saying, Mr. Barnes certainly has other, much more important things to do than to plan a fall festival for elementary school children. I mean he is a very successful and wanted businessman.”
I can't elaborate on my explanation, because Barnes interrupts me.
"I have to disagree with you Mrs. (y/l/n), helping you plan the festival will be the highlight of my week. Besides, parents should always put their children first, shouldn't they? You made that very clear to me yesterday.” As he speaks, he steps closer to me, I can clearly smell his after-shave, a mixture of musk and sandalwood rises to my nose, and I resist the urge to close my eyes in pleasure.
The topic of our conversation topic makes Mr. Stark sit up and listen closly: "Mrs. (y/l/n), what did you say to Mr. Barnes now, we already had a very serious conversation about, how you always tend to overstep the boundaries of your work…”
But before Mr. Stark can scole my any further, Barnes, unexpectedly, comes to my rescue:
“Everything’s alright Tony, Mrs. (y/l/n) didn’t overstep any boundaries, she just spoke her mind and that’s something I can only respect. What I've heard about her so far from my daughter is all very positive and I have the feeling that she's an excellent teacher."
I am surprised by his words, right now he had the opportunity to tell Stark that I crossed a line yesterday. But he does exactly the opposite, he defends and praises me. Immediately my mind goes back to the article about the women's shelter which I read yesterday. Maybe there really is a softer side to the dreaded mafia boss, a side that is not characterized by violence and bloodlust.
Mr. Stark also seems very surprised by Mr. Barnes' words, but he skillfully overplays it. "Yes, Mrs. (y/l/n) is definitely one of the best teachers at our school.”” He gives me a forced smile, but I can see in his eyes that this situation would have been completely different if Mr. Barnes would not be in the room right now. I smile back cautiously, and try to suppress the rising tension in me, but that’s easier said than done. But before any of us can say another word, we are interrupted by the ringing of Stark's office phone, and with a quick nod, he releases us from his office before picking up the phone.
I stomp out of the room in front of Barnes, I can feel his eyes on me. It's only when we're a good distance away from Stark's office, and I'm sure he can't hear us anymore, that I turn around with a jerk and stare at him "What was that all about?" briefly I can see the surprise on his face before it gives way to the smug, arrogant smile I so want to slap off his face.
"What do you mean princess, I'm just following your advice and showing more interest in the life of my little girl. That's exactly what you wanted isn't it?"
"Don't call me that and you should not care about what I want, because that’s none of your business" I cross my arms in front of my chest, and stare at him.
The arrogant smirk has disappeared from his face and he looks at me from serious eyes, the cobalt blue of his eyes reminds me of the sea and I start to calm down slightly. Slowly he walks towards me, each of his steps is carefully chosen. He definitely doesn't want to scare me off.
"See and that's where you're wrong, I do care, if it was up to me you'd get whatever you want, you just have to tell me what it is and I'll make sure you get it"
i need a while to process his words before I ask:
"But why? Why do you care if I have everything I want, you saw me for the first time yesterday, you don't know anything about me and I don't know anything about you." Incomprehension spreads through me.
"See, that's exactly what I want to find out. I don't understand it myself, and I've never felt that way about anyone. But ever since Steve told me about the "mouthy teacher who just can't keep her mouth shut," I've been curious about you. I've wondered all day long, who would dare talk to a man like Steve that way. And then when I saw you yesterday, it was clear to me that I want to get to know you, for the first time in my life I felt like I wanted to open up completely to someone. Believe me I don't understand it myself, I don't understand myself, but I want to get to know you, I want you to get to know me, the real me, not what the media or some ghost stories make me out to be. I know it doesn't make sense as we don't actually know each other, but since yesterday I can't get you out of my head. So please forget everything you've heard or read about me, these are all stories about how people see me or want me to be and not how I really am. Please make your own picture of me, because something in me tells me that this can become something really special between us. If you just give it a chance, I will definitely do that.
I mean this right here is probably the most honest conversation I've ever had with a woman, and believe me, I've had talks with a lot of women.”
Slowly he reaches out to me, when he notices I don't flinch he tenderly strokes my cheek. "So please give me a chance to show you who I really am."
The only response I can get from my body is a slight nod, after which he begins to beam "Thank you princess, I will do everything I can to make sure you don't regret it. Is it okay if I come by your house today to plan the festival?" I shake myself out of my thoughts, trying to at least act like he didn't completely throw me off with his words, "Um, yeah sure. Just let me write down my address real quick.“
I'm about to avert my gaze from him to look for something to write my adress down, when two long, warm fingers slide under my chin and lift my head, so that our eyes meet again: "Don't bother, I already know where you live." he winks at me with a grin, before he turns around and disappears in the direction of the main entrance. He calls me a quick "See you later, princess" over his shoulder before leaving the school building. I can only shake my head at him with a smile. I quickly run to my classroom to pack up my things, and then make my way home as quickly as possible. After a short cleaning session, I quickly jump in the shower, then I put on fresh clothes and blow dry my hair before I subtly put on makeup.  And just when I remember, that we never set an exact time for our meeting, the screen of my phone lights up with a new message from an unknown number, confused I open it " Hey princess, I'll be with you in about half an hour, I'll just bring Charlie to my mother and then I'm all yours. See you in a bit, I'm looking forward to seeing you. -Bucky"
For some reason my heart starts beating faster after this text. Lately I don't understand myself, I've only known this man for about 30 hours and yet it feels like I've known him for forever, none of this makes sense. I know almost nothing about Bucky, and what I do know about him is not exactly pleasant or reassuring. So why does my body and mind have this reaction to him? I’m so enchanted by him, that I didn’t even question the fact, that he has my phone number, without me giving it to him.
A soft knocking on my door interrupts my thoughts, I hurry towards the door, only to dry me sweaty palms on my pants, before open the door. And there he stands in all his glory. In his hand he holds a beautiful bouquet of flowers, his eyes glide up and down my body, before he stops at my face, and he gives me a bright smile: “Hey Princess, you look beautiful, like always“ He gives me a light kiss on the cheek before he enters my apartment and holds the flowers in front of my face "These are for you, I hope you like them" I accept the flowers and take in their smell: "I do, thank you, but it was really not necessary" I give Bucky a bright smile, which he returns without hesitation: "I know, but I wanted it that way. You deserve only the best." I notice how the blush rises in my face and my heart begins to throb wildly.
After putting the flowers in a vase and draping them in the middle of my dining room table, I lead Bucky into my living room, I notice him trying to look around my apartment discreetly. He is particularly taken with my family pictures and photos with friends, but he doesn't inquire further. After a short while, in which we sit quietly on my sofa, I decide to break the silence: "Let's start planning the festival" I tilt my head and look at him, only now I notice how close he sits to me, our knees are touching and I can feel his steady, hot breath on my skin, again his pleasantly, bewitching scent rises to my nose "Ready when you are, princess" I begin to smile "This pet name I will not get rid of so quickly, right? " I pull my eyebrows together and look at him expectantly," Yes you will, because I hope that one day I will be abled to call you my queen." when he notices my startled look he quickly adds," Don't panic, we have all the time in the world, this is just the outcome I wish for us." He presses a kiss to the tip of my nose and I am perplexed by his openness. I notice the butterflies in my stomach making themselves known, so I quickly try to turn the attention to planning the fall festival.
Planning for the fall festival is going surprisingly smoothly, and Bucky wasn't exaggerating when he said I'll get everything I want. No matter what request I make, Bucky takes it seriously and sends a message to one of his men, who will then complete the request.
 It so happens that after not even quite four hours we have planned the entire festival. "Wow, I've never finished planning that so fast before." I sink into the back of my couch, and so does Bucky, our shoulders are touching, and I feel the urge to just let my head fall onto his shoulder and close my eyes. With my last bits of self-control, however, I discard those thoughts, and instead let out a long sigh. His pleasant baritone snaps me out of my thoughts," You see princess, we just make a super team." I turn my head slightly so that I can see his face, "I guess we really are." We look deep into each other's eyes, all the doubts I had about Bucky are gone and replaced by warmth and trust. His cell phone announces a new message and tears us out of our intimacy. With a deep groan, he takes it out of his pocket to read the message. However, he doesn't seem to like its content very much, because the smile disappears from his face instantly, and his distinctive features harden, a coldness appears in his eyes, which I have never seen before in him. At that moment, I get a small glimpse of James Barnes, the mob boss. "I'm sorry princess, but I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow and please lock your door and don't let anyone else in. Understood?" With a nod I let him know that I understand. I want to ask him what's going on and what happened, if i can help somehow, but I don't dare, and with a quick kiss on the cheek and a last, longing look at me, he's gone.
 When I wake up the next morning, my first glance falls on my cell phone, which lies next to me on the nightstand and informs me of a new message.
With a certain foreboding, I grab it with a smile, and immediately my smile grows even bigger when I read the message: "Good morning princess, I hope you slept well. I can't make it to school myself today, so unfortunately we won't see each other this morning. But I wanted to ask you if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow night. Our first official date?" I have to resist the urge to scream, before quickly typing a reply: "Good morning, I slept very well, I hope you did too. Dinner sounds good to me, just tell me where and when" before I can even put my phone away, his answer appears: "Perfect, I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven o'clock from your place. I'm looking forward to it" I smile at my display and after a short "Me too." I put my phone aside, and start getting ready for work.
 Arriving at the school, I first go to Mr. Stark's office to hand over the plans for the Fall Festival, with a quick nod and the promise to go through the plans as soon as possible, he dismisses me from his study and I make my way directly to my classroom.
Even from a distance I can make out a person in front of my classroom, as I get closer I can see that it is a woman, a beautiful woman. Her tall, petite stature is further accentuated by a black somewhat knee-length dress, her blonde hair falls in even curls over her shoulders, and her full, pink lips and almond-shaped dark brown eyes are perfectly set off by subtle makeup. When she sees me coming, she straightens up and gives me a charming, but also fake, smile: "Good morning, you must be Mrs. (y/l/n), it's nice to meet you. She holds out her hand, which I shake briefly:" Yes, that's me, what can I do for you?" I tilt my head slightly to get a better look at her "my Name ist Linda and I'd like to talk to you about my fiancé." Confused I shake my head, "May I know who your fiancé is?" She gives me an arrogant smile "My fiancé is Bucky Barnes." And for a brief moment, it's as if the earth stops spinning.
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amyyythestarry · 1 year
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I would say this is the first thing I noticed, but honestly it took me a second.
Why are his fingernails green????
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My first thought was ‘IS HE ROTTING’???
Like his fingernails have never been drawn like this??
I said It could be the little kaii thing he has in his left hand, but it’s pink?
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And I really wonder what this means?
A voice beckons from the darkness, but whatever you do, you mustn’t respond.
Maybe it’s talking about the wish supernatural Tsukasa met at 3 years old??? ( I just thought of this )
Because the supernatural was beckoning from the darkness, and Tsukasa answered.
That obviously wasn’t a good choice. But why is it now being brought up again?
Does it have something to do with future chapters?
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Teru and Akane are so fine…
2. Why is Hanako crying so hard?
Like, love I know Nene got taken away, but do you have to cry so hard? 😭
She’s perfectly safe, I promise!
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Man I told myself a year ago I wasn’t gonna simp for him, but now I find it hard not to.
Look at him!
And Akane!!!
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Their boundary is sooo cool.
I don’t know what I thought I’d be like, but it definitely wasn’t this…
Like it’s so clustered. Isn’t hard to move around in?
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I found this part extremely relatable. And undyingly funny.
Whenever I’m overwhelmed, I just shutdown.
Yesterday in school was tiring, so instead of doing homework so I could relax the whole weekend. I slept 😀.
I have two quizzes on Monday… But studying doesn’t help for me.
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This is exactly why I’m a Nene kinnie. She can’t keep her mind on one topic for a second.
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He ask you if you were hungry, he’s being nice!
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She really thought that was gonna work.
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I thought he was really gonna let that slide.
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I like Tsukasa’s humor.
It’s like how he pretended to eat Nene as a fish when they met for the second time.
He probably thinks this is funny!
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Nene’s face, she killed me in this chapter!!
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She’s so me it’s not even funny ( But it’s extremely funny ). This is how I am when I have to do anything I don’t want to.
Also, when I read the whole chapter first I showed this to my sister. And before this part was shown she was like “I bet Tsukasa’s gonna count in a whole other order”.
She was totally joking and I thought she was messing with him.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, two, one, zero”??????
Tsu, who includes zero??? 😭
He’s so ridiculous.
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God, did his little feet make those big stomping sounds??
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This has to be my favorite part, and what comes next.
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Like, where did that even come from! Did he not sense it or something?
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He’s just floating, taken aback by the hit.
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Nervous laughter? Surprised laughter?
He’s beaming. Probably because he didn’t see it coming, and it was unexpected. Tsukasa likes when things are unexpected.
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Nene, don’t let your guard down so quickly!!
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He really just sat there, huh?
He really just thinks this is a fun game between the two of them, and Nene thinks this is life or death.
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Why is he just sitting there?
Is he really tired of running around? Is he actually tired?????
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I guess he recovered fast though, right?????
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Ahhhhh, so cool!!!!
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Aw, look at Tsukasa. He doesn’t like the noise.
Bzzzt, bzzzt, bzzzzzt. Rinnnnnnng.
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I’m so ready for this!!!
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I don’t feel comfortable sharing my account on this blog, so I’ll be staying anonymous. Let me ask something;
How am I meant to detach myself from Lily’s content and general account without causing an outrage with her fans?
Me and a few of her fans are on good terms, I’d even say we’re friends. But they’re the FIRM fans of hers. The kind that’ll go down with her and don’t bother to look at the evidence of her actions.
And I’m starting to believe all of the gossip. With all of this evidence and these stories, I’m pretty much convinced. Sure, there’s a tiny part of me that feels bad and thinks maybe it’s all somehow, SOMEHOW a coincidence but the rational and SANE portion of myself that hasn’t been influenced by Lily tells me otherwise.
I want to move on from Lily’s work, videos, and basically everything she’s made/says. But I have no idea how to do that without removing myself from the friends I’ve made, some of which are friends of hers. They’re all good people and treat others kindly, but I have no idea how to move on from Lily without moving on from them.
Let me clarify, it’s okay if you give any advice that might be hurtful. Or if you don’t answer this ask whatsoever. After all, you do not owe me, a stranger, anything. I’m just looking around for advice and I was hoping I could get some. Thank you if you read this ask.
Well, this is definitely a pickle.
I think it depends on how quickly you want to extract yourself from Lily's content, but I would recommend starting off by blocking her.
Block her youtube, her tumblr and her twitter. If you were never close to Lily, then she won't really notice/care, and your friends aren't going to be keeping tabs on how present you are in her fandom. (At least, I hope not.)
As for your friends... Before you try cutting them off, I would recommend setting firm boundaries. Tell them you don't want to talk about Lily, or her content. You don't need to give them a full explanation for why; you can just say the content is no longer for you, and that you just don't want to hear about it.
If your friends are as nice as you say, they should be willing to accommodate your boundary.
If they don't respect your boundary, or continue to stomp over it; Then I would recommend cutting them off. People who can't respect other people's boundaries, no matter how small, aren't worth keeping around in my books. (Of course, mistakes happen, and that's alright, it's only if it's repeated regardless of your protests that it's bad.)
However, keep in mind that your friends will be heavily influenced by Lily and her idea's/opinions.
If you want to completely, 100% separate yourself from Lily's ideology, then you will have to cut your friends off.
It's up to you to figure out what lines you want to make concerning your friends, and how closely you think they follow Lily's logic.
But I definitely recommend just blocking Lily on everything, and setting boundaries with your friends.
I hope this advice helps!
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seraphdreams · 10 months
Thanks for letting me vent. It means alot to me. And thanks for showing your boundaries as well. If I ever make you uncomfy please let me know. Its also gonna be really long so I hope you don't mind.
It's just that I've been feeling alot more blue since the wedding becuase its just that ever little noise my (POS) younger brother has been making to trigger like roughly barging into my door so that it jiggles and stomping around for the same effect. Its gotten to a point where I can no longer differtiate between the two. Like he hasn't externally been bothering but he's been doing sly shit like slamming himself against my doorknob to jiggle it (what's the word?) And its not even rough its just softly enough to trigger me. And then hes been coming in to the room I'm in, looking at me as if I'm worth less than the scum is his shoe and leaving and after he's already triggered me in just put even lower in terms of mood and self esteem and he's made me feel like I wa sshit and that I have nothing good about me. And he even did it yesterday when I was trying to sleep and he was rocking back and forth and it was really triggering and I wanted to bang on the wall but I was afraid of him and I didn't want to fight him becisse I was afaird of him banging on my door and the general backlash which could cause a fight pulling my hair out (he does that during fights) and he's always just provking me to try snd fight him just so that he can beat me up. And then there's the fact that I cant talk to nobody about it bc my therapist discharged me for three months (that's their policy) and I'm still on the waiting list for counselling and I can't talk to my mum bc she dont fully understand or says that he doesn't (as much as I love her to bits) and I can't talk with my sister bc the last time I ranted to her about ruining my plans we got into an argument and I blocked her. And then on top of that I traumadumped my sisters best friend (who was my designated friend for the day) becuase she knew about the family drama and I thought it was safe to tell her and I also told her about being flirted with by a guy but I thought it was a joke and she reassured me (said that I was above average - beautiful black girl tm) but then she said that I was insecure and constantly looking for validation which alot of girls don't like and even guys and it makes me realise that I do it alot. And I just keep reacting and giving him a reaction bc I get triggered easily and I just don't know how to properly articulate what I'm feeling bc nobody in my family will even listen to me and even say that I'M the one terrifying him. And I talked with teachers and counsellors about it but they just say that all siblings fight like that.
Can you give me advice on how not give him a reactions. Or how to cope with his bullshit. Also what do I do if I am reacting. Sorry for dumping his on you, I just need someone to tell who will listen and not dismiss me.
i just want to say i’m sorry that all of this is happening and people should not be dismissing you especially the ones that are there to help you. that’s no “sibling fight” that’s straight up abuse. and though i’m not well versed on the subject of siblings, i just think that to stop giving a reaction you should stop caring. if i do remember correctly, you said your brother was younger? in that case, it’s futile to give into him since he’s younger and not important.
let’s switch the narrative here — instead of thinking that you’re the problem, think of his behavior. people who are happy with themselves don’t ruin others’ day. in conclusion, he’s just bitter and acting like a child and in that case he needs to grow up. his actions don’t reflect you.
now all of this won’t happen in a day, and if you find yourself reacting just remember that it’s normal in the healing process to fall back, but that just means you gotta push two steps forward. also find things to distract you or rewire your brain from reacting. when you find him provoking you, just think of something else besides his annoyances. something that makes you happy or calms you down. or just switch your focus to a whole new task/topic
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aethernightmare · 6 months
I know I'm making this update 7 months later, but I felt I had to get my thoughts out somewhere, due to there being no one else in my life I can really talk to about it.
I was right about my mother experiencing dementia symptoms from low thyroid hormone (Hashimoto's Disease).
For quick clarification and context, in the video I spent a lot of time talking about my home life more akin to a vlog, due to the pent-up stress I was experiencing. I currently live with my elderly mother due to the pandemic making rent completely unaffordable in my state (mostly due to low wages, lack of housing, outrageous rent, and extremely high taxes - in my case, 47% of my earned income). My mom also went through a major organ-removal surgery after I'd moved in, where she would have died had I not been here. So I've been staying closer to family to both help out where I can, but also because I literally don't have any other choice at the moment. Statistically, something like 80% of people my age, in my area, had to move back in with their family somehow, or face homelessness. Regardless of what kind of jobs they had.
Anyways, my mom had become increasingly agitated about my presence over the past few months, with no obvious triggers, and was even out of the blue threatening to kick me out. I'd like to think I'm a decent roommate, as part of my 'rent' is agreeing to handle most of the chores (all of the chores, and meals in bed, when she was in surgical recovery). And as a person, I'm way too boring to do even mundane things like have guests over, or make that much noise. Heck, everything I do, I do with headphones. So living with me is often like rooming with a poltergeist who happens to dust your cabinets and wash your dishes while you're away. Which isn't meant to be a humble-brag, I'm just a very introverted person who appreciates time to themself.
But around August of 2023, my mom really just snapped on me. Picking fights about my "attitude" (since I suppose there was nothing else to pin blame on) at any chance she got, and attempting to draw me into nonsensical verbal fights with her, whenever she perceived an opportunity. And it's hard to say what I was doing wrong, because I could literally breathe too heavily, and she would say I was "dramatically groaning and rolling my eyes for attention". I would tiptoe up the steps in an attempt to be as silent as possible, but she'd angrily follow up after me to yell and frame the action as "stomping up the stairs to make a scene" (to who? nobody else lives here??).
It was so bizarre that it's actually hard to verbalize, process, or initially find a root cause for, because her personality shift rolled in like a storm. One day she was happy to have my help, and the next she would be crying and screaming about what an awful person I am, and how she "doesn't know why I'm treating her like this". Though she would never actually clarify what she means, because as sad as it is with mental health episodes, I doubt her brain even really knew.
And that's the hard part with dementia symptoms especially - many times the agitated elder doesn't know what they want. I like to think I'm an amicable person open to compromise, so if I was really doing something to upset her, I'd rather just be told so that we can both maintain good boundaries. If she needed me to help pay more of the bills, I probably would (within reason). If she needed me to change how I'm doing a chore, I would. If I have a bad habit I'm obvious too, I'd rather know about it so I can change. If she wants to spend more time by herself or out of the house (like with friends), that's never been something I've ever taken issue with, towards anyone. But she treats me and resents me as if I'm keeping her housebound, when in reality, I'd love if she spent more time elsewhere. It'd give me so much more space to relax or get things done at my own pace, without her constantly around lol. If anything, she's the one keeping me housebound, not the other way around.
This isn't the first time she's gone through such an episode either. Extreme agitation with no obvious source, leading to verbal fights or even completely kicking me out, and then later not remembering that she was even angry/abusive to begin with. Which is why I was able to make the assumptions that I did in this video. Because after my mom comes out of these fogs, she doesn't seem to comprehend she was the aggressor who had the mental breakdown, and as a result, I take all of the heat and blame instead. (If she can't remember a source, she by default makes me the source). Thankfully, I secretly recorded some of her latest meltdown conversations for myself, so I know for a fact later on who exactly said what, and what each of our states of minds were. But you know it's bad when it gets to that point to begin with. In all of the recordings I was lucid, calm, and making attempts to de-escalate. So I can say with certainty I know I probably wasn't actually the real trigger. (I've also shared these recordings with my therapist, who agrees all of my reactions were appropriate, and that my mom's behavior was indeed abnormal/abusive).
Worth noting too, is that another obvious "tell" for when my mom's thyroid causes dementia symptoms, is that she frequently gets me mixed up with my aunt. She'll call me my aunt's name on accident, sometimes multiple times in a single conversation, even if she corrects herself immediately afterwards. But I have a strong suspicion that since my mom and aunt don't entirely get along super well (sister drama), my mom might be unconsciously melding memories of things my aunt did onto me, and thus getting mistakenly mad at me in the process. Since the worse she gets, the harder it seems to be for her to tell us and our histories apart.
Idk, it's just that when I hosted this livestream months ago, I feel like it came off as baseless complaining, due to my own guilt about daring to talk about my real-life issues on stream. But now that I've finally been able to get her thyroid hormone blood levels tested again, and gain access to an increased dosage for her medication, I feel so much more validated in what I was saying here. That my home life really was that bad when I recorded this video, and I wasn't just "being ungrateful". Worth noting too, is that my mother's condition and memory started to improve again after her hypothyroidism was once again being properly treated.
It's just that during the last couple of times my mom had major episodes like this, I would wind up getting kicked out. Though I do find it suspicious how much she likes to point out "she would never do something like kick me out", any occasion the topic gets brought up elsewhere (like local economics or in movies) - when she has done so three fucking times already in the past. Each one she then attempts to then hand-wave away and say "I never kicked you out, it was your choice to leave~". Which makes it hard for me to know if she just genuinely doesn't remember, or if she's refusing to own up to her actions.
The hard part too, is my mom actually is a decent person when she's not manic or having delusions. Its just that she's always had these kinds of mental health struggles, ever since I was a kid (I have a running hypothesis she's also ADHD and Bipolar, but have no way of getting her officially diagnosed). But now that she's getting older, and having thyroid problems in addition to everything else, it feels like all these disorders can flare up hard and fast out of the blue. And now she's having other cognition problems in addition to the lack of focus and mood swings. She can be great for months, and then one day, she just hates you, and starts struggling with basic tasks or general comprehension. She starts thinking you're "evil" (her words) and out to get her or hurt her (despite having no history of such a thing with anyone ever). Things you say to her can become wildly misinterpreted, to the point you question what she actually heard you say. She has trouble sleeping to the point she'll stay awake for days on end, or be repeatedly woken up by vivid nightmares. (I try to convince her to at least take over-the-counter medicines for this, like melatonin or CBD gummies, because they do noticeably relieve her sleep-related symptoms, but I can only convince her to take them around 10% of the time).
My heart goes out to anyone who is struggling to take care of an elderly or mentally declining family member like I am, in an economy with no avenues to either put them into full-time care homes, hire help, or even be fully financially independent ourselves.
As a result, I'm not really sure what I should do moving forward. Obviously I'll try to keep the peace as much as I can in the meantime, and try to find other avenues towards my own housing independence (though that largely depends on the state of the economy). But I also know that being independent comes with a high chance of me having to move far away from my current location, and not be able to take care of anyone else in my family whatsoever, and vice versa. And once I leave, I know I'll probably never come back this time. At a time where I know my mom will probably need me most. But I'm also not sure what else I can do. Running away seems like it might be my only option in the future. (And to be fair, she did abandon me as a child first, so it's not like this wouldn't be overdue karma).
Even if I stayed here, if her dementia continues to get worse, to the point she loses her job, there won't be much I can do for her. (Sometimes Hashimoto episodes can have a full recovery, and other times it turns into Alzheimer's). I'll probably end up needing to put her in some sort of assisted living home, because I know from her past lows, it won't be suitable for me to be her caretaker. I think my existence is just too triggering for her (especially if she gets me confused with her sister), and it would be better to have someone as manic as her taken care of by a trained and competent team of professionals, with access to proper treatments, facilities, and medications. And personally, no offense to other caregivers, but I'd rather work 80 hours a week and live in a 300-square foot studio apartment, than have to become a full-time caregiver who's unable to even leave my own house. Multiple times since I've lived here already, she's done things like leave the gas stove running, leave random cleaning chemicals on the countertops until they were dried out and sticky (she sprays them and forgets), has let her car battery run dry, or leaves doors unlocked or wide open.
Which is why there's a part of me still on the fence about enlisting to join the military. If the pay/benefits were better, I would have done so already, but those got slashed in recent years too, paying less than what I currently make. But at the same time, I'm the only young person left in my family even capable of working. If something happens to me, who takes care of my other family members? If I die in the corps, or am just unavailable for too long due to deployment, everybody else loses their safety net too. Because they have nobody else they can rely on, and I'm priced out of most government options for them (if they even still exist in a few years), so what then?
Sorry, I'm just going through a lot right now, and feel insanely emotionally exhausted. I'm handling things to the best of my ability, but am not sure how much longer I'll be able to hold out in any regard. And worse, through all of this, my mom keeps making "jokes" (that aren't actually jokes) along the lines that she "should help me buy a van so I can just go live down by the river instead". Which is...such an insanely cruel thing to tell someone, let along your caregiver/child.
Mentally I've been doing a lot of prep because I really could become homeless out of the blue, and it's a lot to keep that in the back of your mind at all times. Might really need to consider getting that RV. But if I do, I'm moving down south. Fuck van life in the northern winters, that's a recipe for death. I don't really have any other relatives that can assist me either, so all parties will probably have to be on our own. Might consider a career change too, to whatever will keep me housed and fed in the meantime. Since I'm having no luck finding affordability based on my current work. Everything either doesn't pay enough for the city it's in, or there are no employment options at all.
I do have a former co-worker that might consider helping me find a space. She successfully did the van life thing for a while after her divorce, and even became a cross-country trucker. I mean, why not when you have no more ties?
2023 was just extremely personally abusive to go through. I feel like I lost pretty much all of my closest connections in one way or another. And there's a real, credible chance that I'll wind up homeless and all alone. Honestly, I'm not okay. I'm pretending to be to the best of my ability, but I've taken a real beating this year, and feel lost and directionless. My mom, while not the best fit as an emotional connection, is literally the last "close" person in my life, and that candle flame is flickering. Eventually, I'll be left with no one. Possibly even nothing.
I hate it here. I just want the space and peace to prepare for and process it all (and grieve), but life won't give me the chance. I feel like I'm in survival mode all the time anymore, and the stress has been causing/exacerbating other health issues as well. I'm angry. Angry that stuff like this is always happening. Angry that my ex chose this of all times to abandon me. Angry that I always have to be the adult for everyone else, but rarely is anyone else the adult for me. When does it stop? When am I allowed to stop struggling? Will I ever be able to find connection without strings of servitude attached? I'm just so tired. My only spark of "hope" right now is that at least if I'm homeless, I'll have time to cry without getting yelled at for it.
0 notes
muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Soft dom harry makes subby reader upset subspace?
Y/N's day is been shitty so far. It started with an ache in her lower abdomen from Harry’s morning stiffy bulging against her asscheeks fattening everytime he snuggled into her to hoard her warmth and blankies and to stuff his face in her neck with incoherent blabbering.
She wanted to wake him up with her hand, mouth, hole— anything around his cock and to please him and dull the burny feeling in her tummy -- but -- she had an important workshop at UNI that was must needed to be attended.
The time she managed to knock herself out of her needy and lusty headspace, she was getting late and whirling around the room and closest like a thunderstorm -- burying a snoring Harry under the heaps of clothes and littering the floor with her shoes collection, the kitchen got treated much more worst with maids being not around (she’s used to Harry waking up earlier than her and making her a full course brekkie) after making a laughable ruckus of cabinets all she stuffed her mouth with was a chocolate protein bar.
The stars were still not in her favour. She was grabbing onto her hair until far when she missed the bus (she usually don’t take buses, Harry makes sure the driver drop her off safe and secure) and it started raining leaving Y/N with nothing but a bare head to take all of it as she already left the bus shelter to stop a taxi.
If all of that wasn’t much of a tragedy and humiliating, Y/N slipped the moment she stepped out of the vehicle and on the slippery curbs of the building, she saw her life flashing right infront of her eyes as the papers tucked in her armpit fled everywhere and landed on the rainy mud sadistically along her. It gave her a serious hit in her ankle and completely yanked her hip, still being a stubborn-head she picked herself and went inside despite how many glares the cleaning staff threw her way for bringing the dirt with her feed all over the shiny floors.
She felt bad.
Stupidly bad.
Her workshop teachers were kind enough to accept her late arrival, but her designs for fall got rejected and they’d have been a huge milestone for her to get her dream internship.
Y/N felt awfully, teeny, pathetic and little while slumping into the corner of the bus and holding her breath to refrain from crying these little liquidy bitches out of her eyes.
Reaching back home she was met with pure chaos, bumping into petrified and agitated employs from Harry’s company scurrying out of their main foyer and she could persist but to ask what happened only to be informed in stammers that the staff messed up big and caused a loss of million dollars— making Harry terribly mad and fire people left and right.
It wasn’t a joke at all.
Because once, she steps inside, bag falling from her shoulder as she sighs in exhaustion feeling her muscles stiffening everywhere but one particular spot's hurting wrenchingly— her foggy mind couldn’t figure it out yet. She peeks into Harry’s home office to be met by a very annoyed, aggrieved, furious Harry pacing in his office all whilst with a phone against his ear shouting at someone who was destined to be humiliated today just like her and she pouts gingerly seeing his features skewered tightly into displeasure, the vein that curves along his temple prominent with blood pumping erratically in his body.
His head snaps up at the door’s creak and albeit his eyes softens a little, the kink of brows and the scowl on his lips is still there and he watches her paddle towards him carefully knowing anything at the moment would burst his chimneys out and she wants to be good for her daddy.
“Hi.” She speaks timidly, pout getting more rusty when the greetings not returned and instead he keeps all of his attention on the phone keeping a loose arm around her.
She grumbles, when he gestures down at her to give him a sec and untangles himself from her walking away and huffing and puffing into the phone.
How could he!
She feels so denied and rejected and kicked like it’s done to those affection starved lil puppies.
Her clingy tendencies flying high drunk and wooly. The needy beastie inside her wanting nothing more than take a bath where Harry could cream her back in her favourite berry bubbles, massaging her head and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, then lots and lots of cuddles, maybe he'll be generous enough and let her keep him snug inside her while they watch movie because she had such an awful day.
But, No! He's trying to escape free from her because she’s such a burden for him now.
Her eyes turns glassy, her shoulders slumping sadly and out of nowhere she’s feeling cold and barren as Harry’s voice becomes a wafting fume for her— an indication she has gone under too much.
“Daddy . . .” She stomps behind him, circling his footsteps like a whiny puppy and grapples at his dress shirt gasping sullenly when he swats her dainty hands away and glares down at her in dominance, his tone harsh as he blocks the receiver with his palm and mouths at her with a huff, “Stop being needy fo’ once. I’ve clearly some important issues to care for, Y/N.” Poor Y/N's deathly grip on his shirt loosens sorrowfully and her chin wobbles as she nodded still wanting to be good for him and if it wasn’t enough to give her the biggest heartbreak of the year— he even rolled his eyes at her too grumping under his breath about something how he turned her into a spoiled brat himself.
“Okie. . .” Her voice strangled and small. She shrinks into herself but wasn’t paid any heed from Harry and without another word she leaves him as to be it.
Having a huge breakdown in her room didn’t help at all. A painful headache hitting her like a train as she clumsily strips down, wearing one of his t-shirt heavily drenched in his scent he keeps for her under her pillow anytime she needs it and hides under the blankets with tears still running down her swollen cheeks— slipping into a light slumber from all of weariness and crying.
Once the smoke cleared from Harry’s mind and his capabilities of rational thinking coming back to him, he was reminded of how he denied his baby of his littlest of affection and tenderness when she clearly looked so glum and sad and upset.
He wanted to whip himself in head.
He’s such a twat that he let work come between them.
He curses himself. Making a sprint to his bedroom, knowing he’d find her none other than there and he was right puffing out a disheartened sigh when his eyes falls over his princess buried under all of these layers of blankets, he crawls up towards her carefully not to startle her awake.
Grunting at himself when he finds she’s been crying, he strokes a thumb up her blushy cheeks and her wet lashes, kissing her puffy eyelids and her little sad unhappy pout away.
He frowns. Feeling her feverish and flushed under his hand, “Hey puppy . . .” He thumbs down her throat getting a little fretful when she doesn’t stirs, however she’s such a squirmy little one and he moves the blankets away to let her body cool itself smiling proudly at his shirt swallowing her whole is when she snuggled herself more into her stuffie letting the shirt ride up her thighs and hips exposing a ghastly bruise of red and purples and he frowns not remembering it being there before.
Now. He feels shittier. Wanting to jump of the cliff for being a shitty sadist boyfriend to his only beloved.
“No!” Y/N whimpers loudly, squirming away from his touch as he examines her gently and it sent shockwaves to each of her tissues and lions causing her an undeniable pain.
“Puppy, shh, shh. ‘s just me, making sure if y'okay.” He scrambles closer to her towering her to cradle her face and kiss the tip of her nose—- his face falls drastically and his heart cracks miserly when Y/N pushes him away with a sorrowful mumble not even letting him wipe the drool away from the corner of her mouth as he usually does.
“’M okay . . .” She tries to knuckle the sleepiness away with shivery hands, “No you’re not —...” He’s cut off by her angry pout and her silly efforts to keep as much distance between them as possible, “I don’t need, Daddy . . ‘m big and I could take care of me self.” At her puny waver realization dawns upon Harry and his brows shoots up to his hairline feeling nauseous and terrible for not taking care of his babylove earlier.
He’d have never let her be away from him if he knew she was in her subspace.
“Y/N baby . . . I didn’t mean it, darling —--...” With gentleness he tries to approach her but she wraps her arms around her petite figure in a protective manner, haziness taking best of her and Harry’s chest suffocates into itself, being a dom it’s your responsibility to make your subby feel protected, loved and happy and he even failed at that.
He quickly cups both of her hot cheeks in his nippy palms when she hiccups sadly, a sob threatening to slip out, “Yes you did! You meant it. Said you spoiled me, I don’t want your money, promise! I just want you and y'shooed me away saying Y/N’s too needy . . .” Harry flinches at her words. He never even spared a thought to this negativity that she chooses to be with him for his money because he knows out of all the people she’s the only one who loves him out of the boundaries of status and money.
He realises how stabbing they'd have been to her when she was so sensitive and floaty wanting nothing more, just him.
How deep she has gone if she’s taking her own name in third person.
“’M sorry baby. So sorry. Swear on myself, didn’t mean to hurt my baby, knows tha’ work shouldn’t be an excuse t’ make y'feel unloved—- but those bastards got a tick outta me.” He rambles on frantically. Afraid she’ll think he’s lying and would finally make up her mind to leave him.
“You didn’t?” She asks with so much innocence Harry nearly cries out, “’Course I didn’t! How could I? You could never be needy, Bab. I love you so much and you’re my whole word, forgive me please?”
“You’re forgiven,” She let a small smile flutter up her features, a tinge of gleam in her previous dull eyes brightening the whole room and Harry immediately bunches her up in his lap.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks her, not sure if she still needs space from him and would rather be better without him but she bobs her head shyly and he chuckles softly before touching their lips together into a tender loving kiss and brushes their noses up and down murmuring sweetly coy to her.
“Now, could y'tell daddy how y'got this bruise baby? How did ya get hurt?” He coos, brushing her sweaty hair back and rubs her sweet gland behind her ear delicately, “Oh yeah . . . this, was raining and slipped.” She murmurs, hissing a gasp jolting away when Harry glides his fingers gently down her hip bone and fresh tears springs in her eyes as she buries herself in his chest, “Daddy hurts. . .” . “Oh babypie. Daddy’s g'na take care of his love.” He lays her down gently kissing her forehead when she whines for him to keep on holding her, “’M right here darling. G'na prep us a bath, make my baby alright.” Saying this he quickly disappears inside the washroom and next their room’s sursuring with marble tub filling with warm water, Harry throws in her favourite pink coloured bath bombs and rose essences and throws their towels in the warmer coming back with her as he left her to be, he has decided he’s gonna love on her whole night, “My baby’s the best, ain’t she? She’s my bestest girl.” He coos down at her sweetly and slides his forearms under her knees and back picking her up carefully and brings her to his chest securely.
She closes her eyes, biting down a whimper when Harry dips them in the water some it sloshing down the edges of bathtub and it envelopes them and gives a stingy feeling to her bruise before soothing it down.
He rubs her arms, and circles smoothing patterns on her tummy and kisses her a gallons as she melts in his embrace and he let’s her sink into him more, nibbling and sponging wet ticklish kisses on her neck making her purr and become a puddle of softness in his hold while she takes her time to mumble all the bad events that happened to her and he felt so guilty of not asking her how she’s and how her day went when she came to him, in need of some of his lovin.
“I love you so much, bab.” He suckles her earlobe, toying and plucking her bottom plush lip, “Was prick to me love —.. you deserve all my lovin,” He noses at her jaw, not forgetting it to mark it with his pecks and sloppy bites.
“’S okay daddy, y'had a bad day too.” He’s grateful to have her in his life. She cares about him, maybe more than he does for her and he feels himself lucky for it.
“You want me to help you relax?”
“Can I have you?” Her tone bashfully desperate and coy, Harry meanders their fingers together and kisses her knuckles softly.
Considering her wound still being sore and pulp, having sex would be painful for her and she might not grasp it in her hazy mind but Harry doesn’t want to hurt at all.
He plants a little noisy smooch to her shoulder when she nods, she mews and purrs when Harry glides his palm all the way down her body and cups her pussy digging his palm into her mound and coats his digits with her arousal dipping the pads of his fingers into her entrance, “All this wet f'me?” Palming her tits while whispering sweet nothings into her ear when she gasps and closes up on Harry scratching nails into his bended knees.
“Shh, shh puppy, jus' relax hmm? Feel yourself.” With sputtery inhales she does as he says, soon two of his fingers slips inside her and he strokes her pussy and pulls them out making her all whiny and pushes them back with a squelching noise, fucking her with it smiling and stopping when her thighs parts falls again his’s completely.
“Daddy!” She writhes and whines, trembly hands trying to bring Harry fingers back to her pulsating wetness, “You’re the cutest.” He smiles against her lips giving her cheeks several squishes and pats her head loving to see his adorable princess all flustery for him.
On her demands. He slicks his fingers back inside her and caresses the insides of her thighs while she pants and sinks onto his knuckles blabbering out daddydaddydaddy weepily.
“Cum fo’ me, puppy. Feels good? Yeah? My baby feels nice?” He rasps in her mouth, curving and petting the soft spot inside her pussy and sucks onto her upper lip when she moans and mewls loudly gushing all over his finger and he keeps on fucking her till she’s all sleepy and balmy against his chest.
Harry coaxes her tenderly, smoothing his hands all over her twitchy spots and patches sloppy kisses all over her face that makes her all giggly and shy—- the amount of endorphins spiking high in her system.
“Love you so much, daddy.” She mushes puckering her lips into his throat.
“Love you too, pup.”
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loveaffaire · 3 years
OK OK OK!! SO I SAW THIS IN MY REELS!! how about a tom holland or peter Parker x reader (u choose) where they both are arguing over something that tom/peter did by mistake (not cheating tho) and tom/peter just doesn’t know what to say so he just screams out her name and continues to ramble his mistake and her how sorry he is.......BUT WHEN HE SCREAM HER NAME HE ACTUALLY SAID Y/N Y/M/N HOLLAND (or Parker)
and reader is just like all shocked and blushing and she just kisses him to shut up his rambling and it’s all cute fluffy with apologies and cute overall heart melting! I hope you write this I love your work❤️❤️❤️
His Last Name Next To Mine
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: Arguing, controlling family issues, angst, some cute fluff.
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: I think Tom is someone who will definitely have that slip up lol. I wrote this at 3am and i haven’t proof-read it so yeah, I hope you still like it though<3
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“I can’t believe you did that, Tom” you snarled as you walked through the apartment door, almost shutting the door on Tom’s face in the process.
You were so angry, you were livid. You’ve just come back from a dinner party at your parents and your lovely boyfriend has blurted out something he shouldn’t have.
“I said I am sorry!” Tom said sharply as he locked the door behind him, kicking off his shoes near the shoe rack.
“No, sorry doesn’t cut it! I told you to not tell them and then you just slip up like that?” you yelled from across the living room with your hands up with your hair from frustration as you looked at your boyfriend with wide eyes.
“Yes I made a mistake,” he yelled back, now getting a little angry with all the fuss,”I told them that we’re moving away to New York and you’re taking that new job because I slipped! It wasn’t intentional!” he loosened up his tie and started walking towards you.
“Don’t come near me Tom, I’m really mad at you” you whispered angrily as you tried to calm yourself down. You pulled a chair out and sat on it, keeping your palms flat on the cold table.
Tom stopped right in his tracks, “I don’t know why you’re so angry, you were gonna tell them anyway right, baby?”
You scoffed as you looked up at him, “yes, that’s correct, I was going to tell them myself which you ruined!”
You pushed the chair back as you stood up, your heels clicking on the hard floor as you made your way to the bedroom. Tom followed you with a stony look on his face.
“Y/N, don’t you walk out on me when we’re talking- hey!”
You banged the bedroom door as you walked into the bedroom, almost breaking the thin necklace as you removed it from your neck. You heard the bedroom door slowly opening.
“Don’t bang doors in my face, Y/N” he said with his eyebrows raised, nose flaring with anger.
You took a sharp turn, facing him, you said, “you know what’s your problem, Tom-“
“Yeah, tell me what’s my problem” he cut you off this time as he stood close to you, trapping you between his hard chest and the wall behind you.
“Oh, I will tell you what your problem is,” you narrowed your eyes at him, pushing his chest away and stepping aside. Tom didn’t stop you, he always respected your boundaries, even when you both were arguing.
“I’m angry because you told them we’re moving away when I was planning to tell them that when we have already shifted! You know how controlling they can be; how they get in my head and now they will try to do it again. I don’t want them to control me anymore, Tom!” You snapped as your eyes started to get wet.
It was true, you parents were always a little too involved in your life and as a 26 year old, you hated it. You kept things from them and only told them when it was done with, you felt that it was the only way to have some privacy.
Tom knew it all too well. He knew how controlling they were and how they tried to get in your head. Hearing you express this as you looked at him with teary eyes broke his heart as he tasted guilt on his tongue.
“Baby, I’m sorry. Listen, come here-“
“And I hate how you’re making it look like I’m making a big deal out of this by yelling at me!” You stomped your feet and shook your fists like a little kid but you were so frustrated, it didn’t matter.
You slowly stepped away from him as you clutched your head, you felt a headache coming.
“Baby,” Tom huffed, “you know I hate it when you walk away from me during an argument-“
You turned on your heels as you reached for the bathroom door, twisting it open as you quickly walked inside and oh boy, Tom decided that he has had enough of you walking away in the middle of his sentences.
You heard the door shut behind you as you stood cold in your tracks, your fists opening up in shock. In a daze, you turned around and slowly unlocked the door and peeked outside. Tom stood there cold in his tracks with his mouth slightly open in shock as his forehead glistened because of the thin layer of sweat. You both looked at each other with wide eyes.
“What did you s-say?” You whispered as you blinked slowly, waiting for him to answer.
Tom opened his mouth and then closed it, no words coming out as he waved his hands around in panic, “I said Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N” he said quickly.
“My last name sounds nothing like whatever you said but it did sound a lot like your last name. . .” You said cautiously as you took small steps towards him.
“I- okay fine, I said Holland. Please don’t be mad” he whimpered as he bit his bottom lip, clasping his hands together.
“Why would I be mad?” you said softly, you hated seeing him scared and right now, he looked terrified.
“I don’t know, I don’t know,” he blabbered as he closed the distance between you two, wrapping his arms around your body, “you know when you think about something a lot in your head and that thing kinda slips out of your mouth? Yeah that is what happened again and I know I pissed you off before and I don’t want to do it again, I’m so sor-“
You softly pressed your lips to his, he got the hang of it pretty quickly as his lips started to move against yours in an instant. You felt his tongue making its way to yours as you pulled back, your face still close to his. Tom frowned as he pouted his lips, asking for more.
“Do you think about it often?” you asked gently as you brushed his hair away from his forehead, “like-like my name with your um last name?” You felt shy, your cheeks turned rosy as you looked down briefly.
“I think about it all the time” he said rather quickly, resting his forehead to yours.
He bumped his nose against yours playfully, your bodies clinging to each other. In that moment you and Tom were one.
“I know we’ve been together for just 2 years and we’re so young but I can’t help it” he mumbled against your lips as your eyes fluttered, “can’t help it if you look like an angel, can’t help it if I wanna kiss you the moment I wake up, just can’t help myself”
You embraced him in your hold, lips roughly meeting his in a passionate kiss. Butterflies bursting in your stomach from his little speech. His tongue successfully made its way to yours this time, gently picking you up to place you on the bed as he gripped your body.
Tom felt you gasp as he kissed you again, you moved your body away from his hold gently as he loosened his grip. Tears streamed down your face.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Was it something I said?” he panicked as he cupped your face. You sat up as Tom supported his body on his knees, you shook your head.
“No no. I’m just- I’m so overwhelmed, I love you” you said as you laughed softly, feeling a little embarrassed now as you worried him for no reason at all.
“Oh baby” he signed as he kissed your cheeks, “I feel awful about tonight though, I should have been more careful” he frowned his brows as he looked at you.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you” you sniffled as you choked on your words.
He admired you as you dried your wet eyes, how gorgeous you looked even when you were crying tears of joy.
“I have a crazy idea” he whispered, brushing your hair out of your face, he spoke up again before you could say anything, “maybe we should get married”
To Tom’s surprise, you hadn’t freaked out, rather quickly nodded your head. Tom almost pulled a nerve when you told him that you were thinking the same thing. The next morning, you picked out a pretty white dress and he fixed his tie, you both walked out of the court with his last name next to your first name and you realised that you’ve never been this happy before.
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A/N: so. . . yeah? Don’t know how I feel about this, I also have absolutely no idea how court marriages work.
Leave some feedback below if you liked this, would appreciate it if you can like/reblog! Thank you!!
© loveaffaire
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦
Warnings: Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Suggestive scenarios only, no actual NSFW content.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Hongjoong!" You continuously poked at his arm rather harshly, trying to get him to look away from the phone in his hands.
"What-what?!" He freaked out and accidentally dropped his phone on the floor.
When he saw you peeking over to see what had gotten him so interested, he quickly scrambled to pick it up before hiding it in his lap. That made you even more suspicious.
"What are you trying to hide?" You squinted your eyes at him.
Hongjoong gulped nervously, which made your anxiety rise up.
"No-nothing... " But obviously there was something if his eyes refused to look at you. The longer you stared at him, the more Hongjoong seemed to recoil back in his chair, looking like he was..... guilty? Ashamed?
Dropping your fork on the table, you held up an accusatory finger at him.
"I'm warning you right now Kim Hongjoong, if you're fucking cheating on me I will cut off your penis while you're sleeping!" You threatened him.
The color drained from Hongjoong's face but nonetheless he got up to go over and calm you down.
"No no babe! I'm not cheating on you! I swear." He promised you, even getting on his knees in front of you.
"Then what were you looking at that you didn't want me to see?"
Sighing softly, Hongjoong took out his phone and pulled up the picture that he was looking at: it was a really cute and girly crib with a pink bed setting. You had to admit you were surprised that it would be something he was so intently looking at.
"And tell me why you were so distracted by this? Who were you planning on buying this for? Our son is already 3 and I don't think he'll appreciate the frilly pink in his room." You tried reasoning with him.
"No it's not for him. I've just been seeing so many nursery ideas for baby girls and it kinda got me thinking...." He paused and layed a hand on your stomach as he bit down on his lip, hoping you'd catch on to what he was trying to say.
And you most certainly did.
"Hongjoong- are you telling me you actually want another baby?" You weren't put off by the idea but it was so sudden and unexpected that you didn't know how to react.
Standing upright, Hongjoong squeezed your cheeks and softly pecked your lips.
"I do. I want an adorable and beautiful little girl... just like you. " He chuckled adoringly as he pressed more kisses to your cheek, trying to coerce you into saying yes.
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Dang, could you imagine raising 6 kids?" You asked Seonghwa as you cuddled up closer to him, your hand stroking the little patch of skin that was peeking out of his pajama shirt while you two watched the old sitcom The Brady Bunch play on your tv.
"Well you'd never have a boring day for sure." He chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You hummed softly, eyes never leaving the screen in front of you.
"True...but to think how exhausting it must be. We only have two and they take up most of our time."
Seonghwa laughed at how true your words were, your twins already nearing 5 years of age and boy were they a handful. If you weren't making sure they were doing well in school, you almost always had to deal with the boy pranking his sister or causing all kinds of mischief or you had your daughter coming up to you with the darnest of questions, one after another.
"But you can't deny they're adorable and they make our life happier." He reminded you, and you had to agree. Like Seonghwa said, there was never a boring day with your two munchkins around.
Feeling Seonghwa's fingers idly tap along your hip, you knew his mind was elsewhere and not on the show playing on the tv.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked him.
Seonghwa wondered whether it would be a good idea to say something but ultimately decided 'screw it.' Turning off the tv, he sat up and looked you straight in the eye.
"How would you feel about adding another member to the family?" He straight out blurted it out.
Although you knew what he meant, you decided to play like you didn't understand.
"I thought you said no pets because they make a mess." You giggled which caused Seonghwa to flick your head.
"You know that's not what I meant." He huffed out.
"I know, I know love...."
Grabbing the collar of his shirt, your fingers slowly began undoing the buttons.
"So.... you want another baby?"
Seonghwa felt himself hardening when he looked at your suggestive eyes.
"Yes." He breathed out, tongue swiping over his lips when you brought your face close to his.
"Wanna fuck another baby into me?" You smirked as you layed down on the bed and pulled him on top of you.
"Hell yeah-"
Your moment was interrupted when you heard the screeching of your daughter as she called out for you, ratting out her brother in his new prank. Seonghwa sighed loudly as he got up.
"Guess we're trying this another night."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Picking his son up from school, Yunho watched as the little boy waved goodbye to his friends who in turn ran to their respective parents. He noticed how the boy seemed to look with great curiosity at some of them, particularly when they would hug or mess around with the sibling that was accompanying their dad or mom. Even during the car ride home, Yunho would peer through the rear view mirror and saw the little boy fidgeting his tiny hands.
"What's up buddy? Something on your mind?" He asked.
His son looked around nervously before blurting out:
"Dad how come all of my friends have brothers or sisters but I don't?"
Yunho had to steady his grip on the steering wheel to keep from swerving onto the opposite lane. He was not prepared to be asked such a question by his son.
"I well umm..... mommy and I didn't know you'd want a sibling...."
Yunho looked back at his son through the rear view mirror, hesitating on his words.
"Do you want a brother or sister?"
The reaction on the boy's face was immediate, eyes growing big and sparkling.
"Yes! I want someone to play with every day too!" He squealed.
Yunho chuckled at his son's excitement. Getting out his phone, being careful not to take his eyes off the road, he made a quick call to Mingi and asked him if he could babysit for a couple hours, which his friend was more than happy to do. Yunho immensely thanked him and hung up.
"Well buddy, for today please settle for Mingi's daughter. Maybe this time you'll actually beat her in climbing up a tree faster."
Happy at getting his boy content and with entertained for a few hours, Yunho dropped him off at Mingi's place, the latter promising to take good care of him, which Yunho didn't doubt one bit. Getting back inside the car, he nearly drove over the speed limit just so he could get home as fast as possible. You were just finishing up setting up the table for lunch when Yunho came running inside.
"Hey, where's-"
You slightly gasped when Yunho cupped your face and began kissing you hungrily, his mouth devouring yours as his hands went to the back of your thighs so he could pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist.
"Yunho what has gotten into you? Where's my baby?" You finally asked when you were able to catch your breath.
"He's over with Mingi and he'll be there for a couple hours, perfect if you ask me."
You couldn't help the blush that spread across your cheeks when Yunho kicked open the door to your room and proceeded to lay you on the bed.
"Our son is lonely, he wants someone to play with and keep him company."
You giggled when you caught onto his meaning, tilting your head when he began peppering kisses along your jaw.
"So let's try and make him a sibling."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang and you calmly laid out the food on top of the picnic blanket, one of you looking over every once in a while at the pair of kids running around the park, making sure neither of them got hurt, which they didn't. You two merely exchanged amused looks when you heard their playful bantering.
"Hey! No fair! You cheated!" Your son accused his older half sister, face frowning at having lost in their game of hide and seek.
"Did not! You're just a sore loser." Eunbin called out.
Huffing loudly, your son stomped his tiny 4 year old feet away from her, but stopping midway to turn around dramatically.
"I liked you better when you'd let me win!" He exclaimed.
"And I liked you better when you couldn't talk and still needed to be changed. You were a lot cuter back then!" Eunbin replied, half snorting at her statement.
You and Yeosang tried not to burst out laughing right then and there, preferring to keep quiet, knowing they'd be friends again in 5 minutes and forget they even got mad at each other. You went back to your task of peeling fruit, so engrossed that you almost didn't hear Yeosang start talking.
"He was incredibly adorable as a baby, Eunbin isn't lying." He commented.
"Yeah he was. He looked like a little cherub. Squishy cheeks and button nose." You faintly squealed as you recalled all the times you'd stay by his crib and watched him sleep.
Yeosang also began reminiscing about those times, his mind starting to get ideas.
"What if we had another one?" He asked so casually.
"Another baby?" You raised your head to look at him.
"Yeah.... I mean... I kinda miss all those sleepless nights of crying, endless feeding, rocking them to sleep and changing diapers." Yeosang admitted.
"I did most of it though." You reminded him.
"I mean.... I helped didn't I?" Yeosang tried to argue.
"Actually Damian helped out, even if he was grouchy about it." You rolled your eyes.
Yeosang huffed. "So I take it this means no baby?"
"Now hold on, I didn't say that. I'm very open to the idea, but you know this isn't a decision to make ourselves."
Calling for your children over, they speedily made their way to you two, each of them sitting next to their favorite parent, Eunbin next to her father while your son scooted over with you, resting his head on your lap.
"Hey kids, what do you guys think about mommy and I getting you guys a brother or sister?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"There you go princess. All nice and pretty like always. Remember to behave at school ok? And be nice...."
Looking over to make sure you weren't within earshot, San leaned in and whispered to his daughter.
"But if anyone is being mean to you, remember to do that thing I taught you."
The tiny pig tailed girl held up her tiny fists and proceeded to lift her foot up and kick the air, just like her father had secretly taught her to do when you weren't around.
"That's my girl! Love you."
Kissing the top of her head, he watched her get in the car that also contained Wooyoung's daughter, their mom waving from the driver's side before taking them both to school. As usual, San stayed by the doorstep and waited a couple minutes before heading back inside. He joined you in the kitchen, where you were busy washing dishes from breakfast. Feeling your husband hug you from behind, you looked over and pecked his cheek.
"What's wrong?" You asked when you saw his pouty face.
"I'm worried about our princess. What if something happens to her?" He was starting once more with his overprotective dad mode.
"San she's going to be fine." You assured him.
"How do we know for sure? We say that now but what about later in life? Soon she'll start growing up, start making her own decisions and- Oh my God! Boys! Some boy will try to take her away from me!" He screeched, pure panic on his face.
"And that's normal. She will attract boys, she will date, will get her heartbroken-"
"Oh no no no, anyone breaks her heart, I'll break their necks." He cracked his knuckles to get his point across.
"You can't spy on her 24/7 you know. You might not even know when someone is interested in her or if she's interested in someone." You tried explaining to him.
"Hmmm true....we need someone else to do the job.."
Turning you around, San had a mischievous look in his eyes as he began untying your robe.
"Maybe someone like a little brother to report to me anything that goes on in her life."
You scoffed at him. "Choi San, are you suggesting we have a kid merely so they'll become your little accomplice?"
San chuckled as he pulled your body against his.
"That and it's getting pretty gloomy in the house without our daughter. Another baby might cheer us up."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi and you cooed at the tiny baby that was in Yunho's arms.
"He's so adorable." You squeaked when he brought it closer to you so you could get a better look at his tiny face
"And big." Mingi pointed out
"Yep, his mom felt that too while pushing him out." Yunho grimaced as he recalled the excruciating hours inside the delivery room.
"But it was all worth it in the end. We brought another healthy precious boy into the world and our son won't be so lonely anymore." Yunho continued as he looked over towards his son and your daughter who were currently immersed in their favorite tv show.
"Here, wanna hold him?"
Of course you did. Carefully taking the baby from his arms, you rocked him in your embrace, your heart nearly bursting out of your chest from how cute he was.
"Oh my god Mingi! He's the cutest thing ever." You whisper yelled, not wanting to cause the baby to cry or anything.
"I know. Doesn't it make you want another one?"
You whipped your head over at Mingi, who looked shocked that he actually said that.
"I mean- if you don't want to that's fine. I understand. After all, we already have our lovely daughter and I wouldn't want you to go through another pregnancy if you weren't up to it..." His babbling started to trail off, throat clearing as he felt embarrassed about what he said.
"Well look at that, he needs to be fed. Maybe it'll give you two time to talk." Yunho laughed slightly as he took the baby away and went to go prepare a bottle.
When Mingi looked back, you had your arms crossed over your chest, foot tapping against the floor. Your stare made him nervous.
"Song Mingi....do you want another baby?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I mean....I would but if you don't, I won't-"
You silenced him by pressing a kiss on his lips.
"I do. I think it'd be nice to grow our tiny family a little more." Your reply brought a smile to his face.
"Really? You mean it?"
You nodded immediately, giggling when he pressed more kisses on your lips.
"Can we start trying tonight?"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N, I need your opinion on something." Wooyoung called out for you.
Walking into the room, you saw him face deep on his laptop, scrolling the mouse down.
"What?" You asked as you came up behind him.
"You know how we've been talking about moving to a different area?" You nodded at his question. Indeed, you had both been discussing about moving to a neighborhood that was close to your daughter's school.
"Well I found a few options and I wanted to see if you liked any of them."
Hunching over slightly, you started looking at all the different houses Wooyoung found. They all looked pretty cozy and very spacious.. a little too big though.
"Ooh! That's the one I liked! It has this huge backyard and I was thinking maybe we could install a playground for our daughter out there. With swings and a slide. Or maybe a trampoline!" He excitedly poured out his ideas.
"Wooyoung these are all 4 bedroom houses though." You pointed out.
"Yeah. So?" He shrugged.
"It's literally just 3 of us, what on earth are we going to do with 2 spare rooms?" You questioned him.
"Well I mean....what if..it wasn't just us 3? What if 3 became 4...or even more?" He looked up at you as he bit down on his lip, his hands coming up to caress your hips in a suggestive manner.
Smiling fondly at him, you cupped his cheeks and hummed.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You smirked at him.
"Are you going to say yes?" He looked at you with a hopeful smile.
You pretended to think about it, but eventually sighed and gave in.
Wooyoung jumped up from his seat and crushed you in a tight embrace, his lips attacking your cheek with pecks that felt more aggresive than grateful.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" He repeated over and over again.
Running out of the room, he barged into your daughter's bedroom where he proceeded to pick her up and spin her around, the poor girl confused.
"Guess what babygirl?! We're moving to a new house and you're going to get a sibling!"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho steadied the tiny girl on his lap who was bouncing out of emotion while watching the soccer game.
"Ok ok honey, settle down. I don't want you falling off or something." He said as his strong hands kept her in place.
You and your daughter proudly cheered for Hongjoong's son and his team as they continued to score goal after goal, eventually winning over the other team which sent all of the spectators into a frenzy.
"Oh my god! They actually won!" You clapped.
Overflowing with excitement, your daughter hopped off her dad's lap and ran full speed into the field where she proceeded to latch onto Hongjoong's son, her tiny arms clinging to him while the poor boy was looking scared and nudged for someone to help him.
"Of course she'd run over to him." Jongho let out a sigh.
"Upset that your little girl already has her first crush?" You teased.
"No- well yes, but no actually."
Sensing that something was the matter with him, you inched yourself closer to Jongho, your hand reaching out to hold his.
"Is something wrong?"
It took a while for Jongho to muster his thoughts, but he eventually laid out his worries to you.
"No, it's just.... don't get me wrong, I love our daughter very much, she's my whole world along with you. But I can't help but feel jealous of my friends with their sons. Taking them to soccer matches every weekend, teaching them how to kick a ball, score a goal, you know, activities for father son bonding times."
You understood what he was talking about and although he could very well try to teach those things to your daughter, she was much too delicate and girly for such things, not to mention she didn't have much of an interest in sports. Resting your head on his shoulder, you smiled as you suggested:
"Maybe we should start trying for a boy then. I think it'd be nice don't you?"
Jongho whipped his head at you, questioning if you were being serious or not. You grinned and kissed his nose, effectively letting him know you were indeed being serious. Giggling, he pulled you against him and kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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Hot Chocolate and Chill
Peter Parker x Male Reader
Word Count: 1644
This is pure fluff you guys! Thank you so much to the person who requested this, I need more fluff in my life and this is working toward that!
Y/n was certain he had never been more excited before. He couldn't stop himself from literally bouncing up and down as he made his way out of his last class of the day and toward his locker.
His friends just rolled their eyes and got out of the way. Y/n thought about feeling bad or trying to calm down, but then he would remember all over again that it was tonight.
He had been counting down all week to the time that he would be able to spend uninterrupted time with his boyfriend.
Peter had invited him for a sleepover after classes Friday, which, when he had suggested it on Monday had seemed like an eternity away.
But it was Friday and he had just been released from his last class. Nothing was going to stop him from being alone with Peter, and Y/n couldn't be happier.
He slammed the things he wouldn't need that weekend into his locker, slung his bag over one shoulder and took off in search of Peter, totally blanking on the need to close and lock his locker.
In the back of his mind he registered the long suffering sighs of his friends, but he was on a mission. There was no time to calm down, he had a boyfriend to track down.
It didn't take long, as he was still standing by his own locker talking to Ned. Y/n didn't stop to think, he just bounced over and launched himself at Peter.
Peter stumbled back a step as Y/n collided with him, but managed to keep them both standing. Y/n silently thanked the spider that had bitten Peter for the results as he none too subtly appreciated the muscles holding him up.
"Hi Y/n," came the resigned sigh from Peter's friend Ned.
"Yes, Tis I, The Amazing Y/n, come to light up your lives."
Okay, so he was feeling a little extra right now, sue him.
"You may now revel."
Peter and Ned lost it, which was the end of holding Y/n up. He pouted from his new spot beside Peter and waited for the two to stop laughing at him.
His pout gave way to the dopey grin that usually crept up on his face whenever he was looking at Peter for longer than a second. There was just something about his adorable dork of a boyfriend that made Y/n feel like he was floating.
Y/n subtly snuck his hand into Peter's while he waited for the other two to say their goodbyes. Luckily Peter was used to Y/n's actions and didn't startle even when he decided to hang over his shoulder.
"That's so gay!"
'Ugh, this guy,' thought Y/n as he turned to face Flash.
"You know, that isn't even an insult. We are in fact gay. Or I am at any rate, Pete's pan, right?"
Peter just nodded from beside Y/n.
Flash looked nonplussed.
"What? So you admit it, you really are gay? Ew!"
"You sure are stupid for someone who's supposed to be smart. That's like me saying, 'Oh, my God! You're such a person!'"
Y/n even affected an over the top pose to add to his effect.
"Ew, you're a person! That's so gross!"
Flash just looked confused at this point, which to be fair, that was a common response to people who weren't used to being near Y/n's particular brand of crazy, but still.
Y/n was going to go ahead and call that one a win. He and Peter turned away and ignored the bully.
Peter just looked at Y/n in shock as he heard Flash sputtering and stomping off behind them.
"That was amazing! I have to remember that for next time!"
Y/n grinned at his boyfriend, eternally grateful to which ever deity it was that had paired him up with someone who wasn't put off by his over the top personality like others had been.
May was watching from her place by the table in their kitchenette, bemused as Peter straightened one of the pillows on the couch for the tenth time in the last two minutes. He had been quietly freaking out for the better part of an hour now, and that was only the time he had been out in the main living areas. She was sure he had been freaking out in his room for much longer.
"I'm pretty sure he won't hold it against you if the pillow isn't in the exact right spot when he gets here."
May immediately regretted speaking when Peter's head shot up and he stared at her with the widest eyes possible. Oh, this was more than just normal anxiety. This was much more important than normal to him.
May unfolded herself and made her way over to her nephew.
"It's going to go just fine, you two are so happy together, I can't imagine anything causing a single night together to go wrong."
She held Peter close to her for as long as he would allow. He was growing up more and more every day, and didn't let her comfort him near as much as he used to, so she was going to savor this for as long as possible.
May felt Peter melt into the hug and was glad that at least she could still provide a little support, even if she couldn't fight every dragon for him anymore.
The door bell rang, startling them out of their hug, and Peter managed to trip over twice in his rush to get to the door as fast as possible.
May just shook her head at the thought of ever being so young and clearly in love.
She took her place by the table again after greeting Y/n. She had a cup of tea and a book calling her name.
Y/n looked around the living area of Peter's apartment, why he didn't know. It wasn't like it was his first time there after all, he had visited lots of times before. This time felt different for some reason though.
"Did you want something to drink?"
'Poor Peter,' Y/n thought, 'He looks just as nervous as I felt earlier.'
"I brought snacks and the makings for hot chocolate for our movie marathon. I can set up here while you sort out the drinks? Or are we watching in your room?"
Y/n handed over the bag that had the drink things in it and was pointed to the couch.
"Thank goodness you didn't have to patrol tonight. Are you sure it's okay to take the whole night off?"
"Yeah, I got someone to cover for me."
Y/n nodded and set about organising the snacks.
It didn't take them long to get settled with the assortment of snacks on the coffee table in front of them, their drinks close by and a movie playing on the TV.
It was a little awkward with neither of them wanting to step over any boundaries, especially with Peter's aunt sitting up at the table, but some time during the first movie they managed to relax enough to lean against each other.
By the time that the second movie was half finished Y/n was laying with his head on Peter's lap, no longer paying any attention to the movie because Peter was giving him the most amazing head massage and running his hands through Y/n's hair.
May made her way into the lounge area on her way out for her shift, but stopped at the sight that met her.
Peter and Y/n were curled up together on the couch fast asleep. She melted and tried not to coo too hard as she fished out her phone.
This called for proof, whether to blackmail or embarrass was still up for grabs.
As she closed the door and locked it from the outside, May was once again thankful that Peter wasn't the type to take advantage of being alone with someone he liked, so she didn't have to worry about them getting up to things they might not be ready for.
Bonus Scene
Mrs Rodrigez had been walking back from her daily walk down to the corner shop. She would never let on, but half the reason she made the time to come down each day was to see the sweet young man who always insisted on helping her cross the street.
She was surprised, and a little suspicious of the person who approached her that particular evening at the cross walk. Whoever they were, they were not her 'friendly neighbourhood spiderman' as he always insisted he was.
This man was wearing what appeared to be hardened red leather in an all over suit. He was also a lot older than her normal escort judging by his height and broad shoulders.
He had a very bad homemade cosplay mask of spiderman over what looked like another mask.
The man (she assumed) got close enough for her to read the words scrawled hastily across his chest in a messy hand.
'Spiderman! No really!'
Mrs Rodrigez fixed the man with a steely stare. She was 78, and like all older ladies, carried a large handbag that was filled with mostly useless junk that was just begging to be swung at him if he pulled anything she didn't like.
He had already gotten higher on her 'list' by pretending to be the younger vigilante. He was on thin ice as far as she was concerned.
"Hi! I can't help but notice that you are a helpless little old lady possibly in need of assistance across the street!"
The man offered her an arm, but was met with that steely stare being upped to an outright glare as she pulled him in close enough by that very same arm, to be nose to nose.
"If you've done anything to that sweet young man they will never find your body!"
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
20 with kuko please:D!(gn preferably)
Harai Kuko: 
You’d never seen Kuko look at you like this.
There was this burning rage behind them, completely unprompted by anything you had done. He couldn’t even give you a direct reason for the hatred spewing from his mouth, the anger he was directing at you over imagined scenarios. Kuko was an honest boyfriend, he would never start a fight just for the sake of it which left your mind reeling even more. How had you not seen this coming?
“Kuko…!” You reached out to touch his shoulder but are met with a heated glare, the monk slapping your hand away from him before you could make contact. You looked at him wide-eyed, thinking the momentary regret you see flash in his eyes as just an illusion, something you wanted to see. You held your hand to your chest as tears gathered in the corners of your eyes, wishing more than anything that you could hurt him in the same way he had hurt you.
But he’d already said he didn’t care about you, about your feelings, that it was over.
There was nothing left for you to say to him.
You remember sobbing when you got home that night, hastily deleting the pictures you had of him in your phone, trying to wipe all memories you had of him. Kuko had been such a positive pillar in your life, you had grown alongside him for so long, you had thought you really knew him inside and out yet this hit you like a bullet. It happened so quick yet the pain of his words still lingered, you couldn’t help but think he wasn’t acting like his usual self. You no longer had the strength to question it though, too afraid of facing his wrath again; Kuko really was a scary person when you were on the other side of his anger.
It’s been years and yet you still think of him.
You tried to rationalize that it was just because he was your first love, of course you missed what you had with him because it had been intense. Being with him was unlike any romantic encounter you had, including the relationships you attempted to get into as a fresh-faced adult. You knew you were still young but there was the lingering fear that no one would ever make you feel the way he did, that you were missing an important detail and that blocking his number had been the wrong thing to do. But you had protected your heart in the only way you knew how, trying to look toward the future rather than back at what once was.
Kuko had been the one to give you that advice…
You were happy to be starting your new job at Amaguni Law Offices, having heard great things about your boss. You were hired as an aide to the secretary but you were hoping to directly assist with cases one day, not knowing if law was exactly the right career but wanting to see change in action. You were having a relatively good day, you found you were quite good at speaking to distressed clients and scheduling their appointments was a breeze once you understood how the computer system worked. The secretary seemed relieved to have you with her as she said work tended to be fast-paced and overwhelming with just her, it left you feeling good, like you had a real purpose.
Everything was good until you had to see his face again.
You’re hidden behind the computer and don’t look up at first until you hear the sounds of footsteps walking past you, having been expressly told to not let anyone interrupt the meeting your boss was having. You jumped as quick as you could, you had been making a good impression all day and you weren’t about to let some teenage punks ruin that for you. You reached out for the shorter one, hurriedly asking him if he had an appointment before you’re stopped in your tracks.
When Kuko’s eyes met yours it felt like the world had stopped, the same way it had when he had stomped on your heart. Your mouth went dry and the expression on his face was completely unreadable but you had at least gotten him to stop walking. The taller of the two, a boy you didn’t know as it certainly wasn’t Ichiro, looked at the two of you with confused eyes. Your heart was beating rapidly and it felt like no air was reaching your lungs, you knew you couldn’t stay in the same room as him much longer. Maybe if you had been prepared to see him you could’ve taken this but this was the most unwanted surprise you could ever have on the first day of work.
Hitoya walked out of his office to see why there were people lingering at his door, eyebrow raised when he sees the staring contest occurring between you and Kuko. He hadn’t looked away from you yet, it seemed he was still processing like you were but you bet he didn’t hurt like you did. He was the one who left you in the dust, after all.
“I have to go.” Your eyes flickered to Hitoya’s briefly before you made yourself scarce, gathering your belongings and leaving the law office as quickly as you could. You kept your head ducked down as you walked through the bustling city streets, hoping to get lost in the crowd, to just blend in among the people and disappear completely. You would have to give Hitoya a proper apology later and accept that potential firing at suddenly walking out on your job, but you couldn’t stay there a second longer.
Why did he have to look at you like that?
You’re exhausted and out of breath when you’re finally home, heading straight to your room without a second thought. Your head is spinning, heart still pounding, anxiety flaring up as you think about how you’ll have to grovel to Hitoya in hopes of keeping your job. But did you really want that if there was a chance of seeing Kuko again? You had avoided this problem for so long that when it came rearing it’s ugly head you were at a total loss of what to do, the pain unfortunately fresh.
‘He looked good,’ You thought miserably, ‘His hair looks better not slicked back. I bet he’s still causing problems for his dad… I wonder if he matured anymore.’
You wished you didn’t still have this odd fondness for Kuko, the lingering feelings of love. You couldn’t just hate him despite what he had said to you because there was still a part of your brain that felt total disbelief at the turn in behavior he showed. He had always been respectful, a teasing brat for sure but he knew what was too far and what your boundaries were. Your Kuko would never…
You couldn’t think about him like that anymore.
He wasn’t your Kuko.
He was just Kuko.
Your phone began to ring and you were reluctant to pick it up, but seeing as it was your boss calling…
“…Could you come back? I think we should all talk.” Hitoya paused to allow you a chance to process his request, “I’d like for you to continue working here with me, you show promise and you’re quick but I won’t put you in an uncomfortable situation. I can recommend you to other lawyers in the area who have openings.”
“Okay.” Your voice is soft, so quiet he almost didn’t hear you, but he lets out a relieved sigh. “I’ll be on my way soon.”
You feel just as awkward as you did when Kuko first walked into the office but with Hitoya and their other friend here, it felt considerably less awkward. It’s not to say you didn’t still feel like curling up into a ball but your former boyfriend wasn’t exactly being his normal loud self, something that left you both unsettled yet entirely grateful. You don’t know if you could take the usual Kuko energy right now but it seemed like your personal shields were getting ready to leave the room to give you both a chance to talk it out.
“If you have a question then ask it.” Kuko’s gaze was steady as he looked you square in the eye, something that pissed you off just as much as the fact that he was the one to start this conversation. You had thought of countless things you wanted to say to him over the years, that you hated him too, that you didn’t deserve to be talked to or yelled at like he had, that you deserved an explanation, that you missed him.
“Why did you break up with me?” There’s hesitation in your voice, as if your brain didn’t think about the consequences of learning the answer to this question before you had posed it.
“I…don’t know.” Kuko still seemed calm but you could hear the hints of frustration in his voice, “I wanted to come see you. To talk about what happened but I couldn’t… I didn’t have an explanation for what happened. Everything I said to you…”
“You said you didn’t have feelings for me! You said you hated me and my face and that you never wanted to see me again!”
“I know what I said, damn it!” Kuko sighed, crossing his arms. “All I can tell you is that I didn’t mean it. I did in the moment but after… Whenever I think about it, it’s just a blur. I didn’t want to bother you if I couldn’t come up with a proper explanation for my actions but I don’t think there is one.”
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
“I know it doesn’t! I didn’t want to bother you without being able to offer a proper apology which would require knowing why the hell I did what I did!”
“So why are you apologizing now?”
“…Because I saw you again. At any moment life can present you a crossroads, a chance to lead you closer to your personal truth or further away from it.”
“I’m glad you still talk in tongues but I don’t know what the hell that’s supposed to mean.”
“I’m not the same person I was back then, and I don’t expect your forgiveness. I’ve never forgotten what I’ve said to you, I could see how much it hurt you and I wanted to stop but there was this feeling inside of me… this burning rage that wanted to be taken out on anyone close. You’re not the only person I lost that day.”  
He seemed sadder now, vision clouded by past regrets, but the look is quickly wiped from his face replaced by a more confident smirk. It was the old Kuko you knew and loved, the troublemaker who had a good heart even if he was a bit brash. You could see that he truly had grown over the years, likely having much more room to do so but as a monk there was always growth to be had. To truly help people he would have to experience as many things as he could, truly understand people, so you could see how what happened to him was especially annoying from his perspective.
“I don’t. I don’t forgive you but I’m really tired of being so mad at you. I know all about you and the rap thing and Mr. Amaguni being part of your team so I’ll do my best to stay out of your way.”
Kuko didn’t want that, he didn’t want you to stay out of his way but he knew he had no right to request anything else. He simply nodded his head in agreement, wishing he was the type of man who could speak up for what he wants rather than watching the person he loved walk away from him once more.
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: Boyfriend Moments
Twilight!Au & Imprint!Au
Hyung Line
Summary: cute moments with your protective, goofy, werewolf boyfriend
Warnings: twilight/imprint!, mates, cutesie shit, badboy!hobi, protective hyung lines, sassy seokjin, jin roasting a girl, sad?insecure?reader?, namjoon’s part is pretty emotional and the reader is depressed/distressed? I don’t know how to explain it. min yoongi being whipped for read. I think implied d/s relationship for both yoongi and hobi’s part. Oh, hobi being whipped 10000000%%%
W.C.: 2.17 k
Notes: I don’t know why namjoon’s turned emotional but it did, I guess I wanted to show the emotional side/connection that the imprint bond brings in the relationship. Also, in this on yoongi’s and hobi’s part, I tried to dabble in the d/s theme a little bit… I hope that is okay? I’m trying to expand my writing a little bit!!
Kim Seokjin:
Too be honest, and you are saying this with all of your heart, your boyfriend, or imprint, is one of the most extra person ever.
And also, one of the sassiest person, or werewolf (besides Jungkook and Taehyung), ever.
It is very entertaining though, especially when someone pushes his buttons when it comes to cooking, sense of humor, or and most especially, you. When someone, especially women with no boundaries, he is defending you until his death. There are times when certain, rude, women try to flirt with Seokjin (because have you seen the man?), and they purposely try and act that you are not even there. So, Seokjin, being himself, brings you into the conversation.
And that is one the one thing that you love about the man, he makes sure and puts his paw down by showing you off to that woman.
An example would be right now.
The pack and the imprints are at the local bar, or night club, and are enjoying the Friday night that Namjoon had allowed due to the victory of defeating the newborn packs with the Cullen’s. Everyone is dancing with their imprint and are having a blast, but you and Seokjin are relaxing at the bar, not feeling the dancing spirit like everyone else is. You are cozied up into Seokjin’s side, loving the protectiveness and warmth that only wolves and their imprints get with one another. It is very peaceful and nice, especially with the two young ones making a scene by dancing like idiots and having dance offs with one another. The looks that both of their imprints are making to one another is having you giggling, the look of embarrassment that is mixed with adoration warms your heart.
“Well, you look lonely,” a woman’s voice purred, knocking you out of your thoughts.
Shifting in your boyfriend’s embrace, the first that you see is a older woman, who in your opinion is beautiful, is ogling your boyfriend, clearly ignoring his hold on your waist (which is now gripping it).
“I’m clearly not,” Seokjin commented, his tone is as if he is talking to a peasant. “If you have not noticed, I am with my lady,” Seokjin spoke, making you blush.
“Well, she is not that entertaining since you seem bored. I think I can help you with that boredom,” shocking you to the core due to her insinuation. You cannot believe she just said that with you standing right in front of her.
Seokjin right away sensed your discomfort and down mood, knowing that you want to speak up but cannot due to your anxiety. Sighing, “It is a shame that some women do not follow the girl code…” he began, “But also have, you need to realize that throwing yourself at someone does not look good on you, sweetheart, desperate does not suit you.” And with that, Seokjin grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the other end of the bar, “Come on, love, let’s go someplace else.”
You still think that you do not deserve Seokjin, and as if hearing your thoughts, Seokjin squeezed your hand a little harder, and pressed a kiss to your forehead. And that is all of the confirmation and comfort that you needed.
Min Yoongi:
Some people found it very adorable on the dynamic that you and Min Yoongi, your imprint and werewolf boyfriend, had. It was never a bad view on your relationship, in fact, it was the best view that you believe people had on it.
To the outside world, Min Yoongi was the cold, reserved, grumpy, or in Stiles Stilinkie’s term, “sour wolf,” person. The reason why people viewed this is because they can never see the adoring smile that he held for you out in public, but you can see it and the pack can see it. Yes, it may look like a blank face, but only those who know him can see the twitch at the corner of his lips and the head-over-heels look in his eyes.
“Please?” You whined, pouting at your boyfriend in the candy store at the mall, wanting to get some more snacks.
“No.” Your boyfriend grunted out, trying to not fall into the trap of giving into your adorable puppy (lol) eyes.
Stomping your foot, earning a look from your boyfriend, “But why?” You asked in a cute, whiny, tone that made Yoongi melt along with his wolf.
But, not liking the stomping of the foot that you made, he gave you a daring look. “Don’t stomp your foot at me, princess.”
Looking down at your feet, you slumped your shoulders, realizing that you were not able to get candy because of the orthodontist explaining that you have been having too many sweets, especially with your braces, and that you need to cut back on them. But! In your defense, you have another four months that you will not see them, so you can start cutting back on next Monday! Knowing that your boyfriend is very protective and always is very concerned for your well-being, he takes these kinds of things very seriously – even having a nightly flossing schedule that you both do every night.
Hearing the defeated sigh that held sadness with it, both Yoongi and his wolf can not and will not stand the thought of knowing how devastated you are. Sighing himself, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest and pressed several kisses that earned your giggle, a sound that brought joy to him and his wolf. “You can have a little bit of candy, but this should last you several weeks because we cannot have you sick off of candy and running around like a hyper bunny.” Yoongi bargained, a bargain that you agreed to and happily chose the candy that you wanted.
Yoongi only forgot that a little to you is three bags of candy – he just could not be mad.
Jung Hoseok:
One thing that the pack was for sure about when it came to Hoseok whenever you were not near him, was that he was constantly texting you. Now, this did not upset them at all, in fact, they were happy to see their hot headed, angry, but caring pack member happy. When you and Hoseok first met, they knew that it was going to be a long journey of finding your guys meeting points. But, the whole time it was worth it because they got to see their brother become a better person and a happier person.
Anyways, Hoseok was currently texting you, a small smile on his face, but a serious expression apparent. Everyone was out at the beach, a bonfire put on by the maknae line, wanting a fun Saturday night. You were showing up with your cousin, inviting her with you to the groups hangout since she was in town for the next few days. You felt your phone buzzing with texts from your boyfriend, the feeling of your heart doing flips with just the thought of your lover. Pulling out your phone, you smiled at the message.
           Hobi: when will you be here? I miss youuu
Smiling at the sentiment, the one thing that Hoseok will ever show you and not anyone else. He only acts like a whiny puppy with you, always wanting to keep his cool front on in front of everyone else. But you have began to notice that he has started to let his walls come down in front of his pack.        
           You: almost there! I cant wait to see you!!
When you and your cousin showed up at the bonfire, the first thing that your cousin noticed was that the man who had a stony expression and a powerful aura surrounding him that screamed danger stood up from the chair, making their way to you. She could see the way your body lit up, smile shining so brightly that it made her smile also. The look of love and adoration was what surprised her when she saw it shine on the males face.
Ah, that is the Hoseok that you were talking about.
When Hoseok reached you, he brought you into a short, but sweet kiss. The both of you did not want to pull away, but having respect and liking to keep that part of your life to yourselves anyways. Hoseok wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side protectively before realizing that he has yet to meet the cousin you have been talking about for the past week.
“Oh!” You gasped, bringing Hoseok’s attention solely to you (as if it was not already on you). “Hobi! This is my cousin, Linda! She’s the one I’ve been telling you about! Linda! This is Hoseok, my boyfriend!” You introduced the two happily.
Linda could see the smile that was brought onto Hoseok’s face so easily, jealousy slightly burning at that. She wished for something like you and Hoseok, especially from everything that you had told her about. She knew that Hoseok took great care of you.
“It is nice to meet you, Hoseok.” Linda spoke kindly, smiling at him.
Nodding his head, a kind small smile on his face. “You too, miss.”
“Let’s get food! Linda! Come, come!” You made sure to not leave your cousin alone since she is new here. “Hobi! We forgot an extra chair. Is there one that we can borrow for Linda?”
Not giving it another thought, Hoseok leant down and kissed your forehead before taking off to find a chair. As if on a mission to find gold, Linda watched your boyfriend search for a chair, realizing that you, his girlfriend, did not realize how your boyfriend would fight through hell if it meant to make you happy.
You truly are the luckiest girl, ever.
Kim Namjoon:
If there is one thing that Namjoon is for sure about, it is knowing you like the back of his hand. Now, he is not saying this just to say it, he is saying it because it is true. Ever since he met you at the farmer’s market, accidentally bumping into you, he has observed you every minute that he is with you. He knows your little quirks, your dislikes and likes, wants, and your favorite terms. He knows that you hate burning hot chocolate milk, so he makes sure it has cool down just enough to still be warm, but cool enough to where you have to blown on it to where it is not burning your tongue.
Another thing that he knows is that you have moments where you are completely down. It is as if a switch got switched off, making you completely emotionally vulnerable, the one thing that you are needing is comfort and his attention – but you hate asking for help. You are completely stubborn, hating to ask for comfort and his time because you know that he is busy with the pack. But, what you do know is that Namjoon knows when these times happen. They happen once you are completely happy, having no worries in the world, but once you get home, you shut down because you believe that you do not deserve happiness. Why? Because in your past, every time you had a good day, or feel happy, and something snatches it from you. Something like a text from a friend that sounds mad, but you know in the back of your head that you cannot read emotions over text. Or, your mother snapping at you for something that was out of reach. It has, and Namjoon knows that this will always happen, but that is okay, because he knows you and he loves you.
So, once you opened the door from a night out with your friends, Namjoon can sense the sudden wave of sadness from you. He could feel it once you left the bar, a imprint bond perk that he loves so he knows what to do, and he could feel your distress from a mile away. The distress being your questioning of whether or not you deserve happiness. And as you are taking off your heels, Namjoon comes up behind you, helping you take them off by kneeling down and unzipping them for you.
You stare down at your boyfriend with tears forming in your eyes, suddenly crying, but Namjoon this from your heartbeat beating a little faster. Standing up, Namjoon wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him, the both of you relaxing at the touch of one another. Breaking down, you clutched onto him tightly, fearing that he will disappear on you.
“I don’t know what happened, everything was perfect and I had a good time—” you were cut off by your sobs, face nuzzling into his neck, the familiar sent of him helping you calm down.
“I know baby, I know. It is okay, I’m here, I’m not leaving beautiful.” He promised, kissing you the side of your head. “You’re okay, you’re okay.”
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Something New & Something Blue
Azriel paced back and forth across his bedroom floor, the small note clutched in his hand. The swirling script seeming to taunt and tease him as he read the words that sent a thrill through him that he hadn’t felt in centuries.
It was almost like the feeling of finally mastering his wings and soaring through the sky, the feeling of unbridled happiness; something that felt so natural and right, but that he’d had to struggle and fight for.
The note had been laying on his pillow when he’d walked in and after declining the invitation to join everyone at Rita’s for the evening. He had feigned a headache and made his apologies as he headed upstairs. He fought the urge to laugh to himself as he heard Cassian reasoning with Nesta that they could join the group now that Elain wouldn’t be left in the house alone. She had already retired just before dessert, claiming that a long day of gardening under the sun had drained her, but Az knew better.
This was their little game, and they played any time they wanted to steal a moment away for themselves.
It had all started innocently enough, a shy request from Elain asking him to help her learn to let go of her lingering fear. Help to ease her into this new life she had finally come to accept. She never called it training, but it was, training to sharpen her awareness and defend herself if she needed to. Over time, the game changed and then they played to see how sneaky she could be, see what information she could collect from the others without them realizing, and then after one almost kiss, the game changed again. Now the game was what they used to steal their time together. The sound of the others leaving and shouting their goodbyes snapped Azriel out of his daze and he looked back down at the note in his hand. Come to my room after they’ve gone. ♥, E Azriel moved to the door and hesitated, his hand on the knob, waiting.  The front door swung open and he heard Cassian stomp back in quickly before retreating and letting the door slam shut behind him.  “Got it!”  He called to the group, always forgetting something. Az shook his head and quietly made his way to Elain’s room, knocking softly and squaring his shoulders.  He had no idea why he felt so nervous every time, he supposed that he wanted to look his best for her all the time, lest she come to her senses and realize that she no longer cared for his company.  He pushed the doubt from his mind, clearly tonight she had decided that she did want his company and he was thrilled to join her. His breath caught as he heard her footsteps hurry across the floor and the door opened.  She smiled up at him and grabbed his hand, pulling him into her room. “Hurry, before he finds he’s forgotten something else.” He chuckled and let her pull him along, closing the door quietly behind himself and locking it before turning to face her again.
Elain was stunning to him on a normal day, in her floppy gardening hat or with flour dusted cheeks in the kitchen but the Elain before him now, the Elain that only he was allowed to see in these stolen moments, she was absolutely breath taking.  She stood before him in a robe of cobalt blue silk that hid very little from him, her hair gathered and held up by a matching blue ribbon. She blushed as she felt his gaze slide over her and she moved to slide her fingers through his hair, her hand resting to cradle his cheek. “Headache not too bad, I hope.”  She teased. He shook his head with a smirk then turned to kiss the palm of her hand and slid his arms around her, inhaling her scent as he placed soft kisses along her neck.  “Never felt better.” She moaned softly, her arms sliding around his neck. “Az?”  she whispered, eyes fluttering closed as his hands slid down her back coming to rest on her hips, his touch setting her skin on fire. He hummed against her neck, pulling back to look down at her. “I wanted to try something new tonight.  I mean, if you want to.”  she added nervously. He smiled and gave her a nod before asking.  “Alright, what did you have in mind?” She blushed more and moved to sit on the bed, pulling him along to sit across from her. He watched her, keeping her hand in his, his thumb gently stroking over her palm to soothe her. “There's no need for you to be nervous, El, I would never judge you.”  Truth be told, he would do anything she asked.  It thrilled him each time they played this game, each time a little more comfortable than the last, a little spicier than the last and this time, it seemed, would be no exception. She shook her head.  “No, I know that, I do…”  The flush returned to her cheeks as she hesitated, her bottom lip held between her teeth. “Don’t get shy on me now, petal.  Tell me what you want.”  He said, the playful tone slipping and giving way to a much more assertive tone as he tipped her chin up to look her in the eyes. Her heart fluttered in her chest, her eyes widening slightly at the tone he’d taken with her.  She swallowed, pressing her thighs together.  “I…I want to try this.”  She whispered, sliding a small book out from under her pillow and showing him the illustration that had set her dreams on fire for the past week. Azriel’s smile grew as he looked over the illustration of a man ravishing a woman with her hands bound.  He nodded, setting the book aside.  “Alright, we can try that.” Elain beamed at him as her nerves disappeared.  “Alright, how do we start?”  she asked, sitting taller, her excitement taking over. “Well, lets start with the rules.”  He said, knowing that they couldn’t move forward until their boundaries were established. “Rules?”  she asked. He nodded.  “I need you to know that we can stop anytime you want and for any reason.  If you change your mind, if you’re uncomfortable or if it just doesn’t feel right I need you to tell me, alright?” “I will, I promise, and you tell me too.”  She answered, not wanting to ruin this for either of them. He smiled.  “Agreed.  Are there any rules that you want to set for me?” She nodded, smiling.  “It isn’t so much a rule as a request… a condition.”  She amended, straightening her back a bit. Azriel’s brows raised slightly.  “Alright.” Elain took a shaky breath, lifting her chin and meeting his stare.  “Don’t be afraid of me.” He opened his mouth to speak but she pressed a finger to his lips and he kept his eyes on hers. “I don’t want you to be too gentle with me, Azriel.  I know its our first time trying this and you’re always so careful with me, and I DO love that.  It’s just - Tonight, I want you to touch me like I’m a woman you desire, not like a fragile flower you’re afraid to crush.” “You’ve already ruined me for anyone else here,” she said, rising to her knees and placing his hand over her heart.  “take me the rest of the way.  I’m not afraid, I’ve never been afraid of you.” Az couldn’t stop the smile that lit his face up as he leaned in to kiss her, his hand moving to slide up into her hair and cradle the back
of her head.  Elain deepened the kiss before leaning back to look at him. “Was that a “yes” to my condition?”  She asked with a grin. He nodded.  “I will do my best to meet your condition.” She kissed him again, giddy excitement filling her now.  “Alright.”
He stood and toed his boots off, giving her a wink before pulling his tunic off as well.  Elain watched him, lips slightly parted as she took him in.  He was beautiful and at this moment, she knew that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.  He offered a hand to her and she took it, rising from her place on the bed.  Azriel leaned in to kiss her, his hands sliding the silk robe over her shoulders and letting it pool at her feet.  She was completely naked underneath, not even a scrap of lace keeping him from pleasuring her until she could barely stand.  He expected her to blush as he took her in, but she didn’t, she felt confident now and she moved to help him take his pants off.  Azriel only stopped her as she moved to get on her knees. “Not tonight, tonight is for new games.”  Elain did blush then and nodded in agreement. “I am so bewitched by you.”  Azriel confessed as he slowly pulled one end of the blue ribbon in her hair, his grin widening as the thick waves of brown hair cascaded down and around her back and shoulders.  Elain looked up at him and smiled, presenting her wrists to him.  “Its only fair, because I am utterly enchanted by you.” “Flattery will get you everywhere.”  He said with a smirk as he wound the ribbon around her wrists before tying it off, his eyes meeting hers as he asked.  “Too tight?”  Elain shook her head, practically bouncing where she stood.  “Just right.  Done this before?”  She asked, arching a brow as she moved her hands around to test it and make sure.  Azriel blushed and cleared his throat, narrowing his eyes as she laughed.  “You think you’d be nicer when you’re about to be completely at my mercy.”  He said as he made a sweeping gesture with his hand toward the bed.  “Maybe I want you a little riled up.”  Elain said as she moved to the center of the bed, her heart thundering in her chest as she took him in.  He stalked closer and she felt like prey, she lay back ready to be devoured by him. Azriel towered over her now, knees on either side of her as he instructed, “Arms up, no touching for now.”  Elain moved her hands up, feeling electrified, her skin tingling everywhere she felt his skin touch hers.  He kissed her and looked down at her.  “Remember, we can stop any time.”  She nodded, kissing him back.  “I know.”  He kissed and sucked on her neck, careful not to mark her anywhere that couldn’t be hidden with her clothes.  He kissed his way down her chest, his scarred hands massaging her perfect breasts, thumbs grazing over her nipples.  Elain arched her back, whimpering as her bound hands gripped the pillow for dear life.  Azriel continued kissing until he reached her nipple, slowly running his tongue over it before very gently tugging at it with his teeth.  Elain released a shuddering breath before pressing her head back into the pillow and begging.  “More…again…please, Az.”  Ever the gentleman, Azriel obliged, taking turns massaging, sucking and nipping at her breasts as she writhed and arched beneath him. Azriel continued to kiss a trail further down, Elain’s body reacting to every kiss, every touch.  He slid his hand down between her thighs and she parted them, moaning softly as he settled himself between them.  Elain’s eyes blew wide as Azriel kissed along her inner thigh before sliding his tongue over her slit and sucking on her clit.  Elain couldn’t stop herself from fisting her hands in his hair as she felt his fingers slide into her, moving slowly, torturing her. He chuckled, the vibration from his deep voice nearly sending her over the edge.  “Should I stop?”  He teased, looking up at her.  Elain shook her head vigorously, eyes shut tight.  “No…don’t stop, please.”  She pleaded, breathlessly. “Then, no touching.”  He repeated with a smirk, winding the loose ends of the ribbon around his hand before bracing it against the wall above Elain’s head.  He leaned in and kissed her roughly, dominating her mouth, his tongue swiping over hers as she pulled at the ribbon, needing to touch him. He trailed his hand down again, sliding his fingers between her folds.  She was
already warm and slick for him when he thrust his fingers into her, pumping them in and out, teasing her clit with his thumb this time.  Elain gasped and threw her head back, her moans and cries torturing him in the best way.  Az continued pumping his fingers into her bringing her back to the edge before curving them to hit just the right spot, the spot that made the stars dance all around her as her body felt weightless.  Az crashed his lips into hers, swallowing her cries of pleasure as she arched off of the bed and he felt her clench around his fingers.  He smirked as he heard her breathy whispers.  “Fuck…oh fuck…Az…”  Elain was still catching her breath when she felt Azriel position himself between her thighs before thrusting into her.  Elain wrapped her legs around him and moved her hips to meet his thrusts, that blue ribbon still clutched tightly in the hand he had braced against the wall. “Please.”  Elain panted, her hips moving to meet his rhythm.  “I need to touch you…” Azriel let the ribbon slip through his fingers and her bound hands were on him, moving his face so that she could kiss him, whimpering and moaning into his mouth.  He planted his hands on either side of her head, her nails sliding down his chest as he continued to thrust into her, their tongues teasing and dancing with one another until Elain was pushed over the edge again and even their kiss couldn't smother the euphoric cry that might be heard all the way to Rita’s.
They don’t move for a moment, can’t move, both of them panting with smiles on their faces.  Stars danced in Elain’s eyes as Az moved to lay on his back, taking Elain with him.  She released a soft, lilting laugh as she settled, her still bound hands resting on his chest as his hands lazily stroked her thighs. “That was…well…it was perfect.”  Elain said, leaning in and kissing him softly, sliding her hands over his chest as she straightened. “I did get the impression that you were pretty satisfied.”  He teased, smiling up at her. “It was even better than-”  she blushed and hesitated, but his quirked brow told her that it was too late to go back now.  “It was even better than the dreams I’ve been having all week.” “Next time, don’t wait a whole week to ask me.  I’ll play any new games you want, petal.  Any day, any way.”  He said, sitting up and kissing her again, his hands in her wild tangle of soft brown hair, their bare chests pressing against one another.  Elain moaned into his mouth and it sent electricity straight to Azriel’s cock when they heard the front door open and multiple voices filter in.  Elain groaned and rested her forehead against Az’s, but his shadows moved to cover her door, blocking any trace of light from the other side.  To anyone who passed, Elain and Az would both appear to be asleep in their darkened rooms. Elain smiled as he placed a soft kiss on her lips and whispered.  “Do you want it to be over now?” “No…”  she whispered back, her heart beginning to race. Azriel nodded and Elain listened as the noise from the others eventually began to die down as they all retreated to their own rooms and got ready for bed.  Her eyes never left his hands though, watching  as he gently untied the ribbon, checking her wrists and rubbing and kissing the inside of each wrist before he retied it, binding her wrists again.  He finished with a tidy little bow this time, his eyes meeting hers before giving a wink and bringing her bound hands up to his lips, placing a feather-light kiss atop each one. Azriel looped Elain’s bound wrists over his head, leaning in, his nose brushing against the shell of her ear as he whispered.  “Hold tight and don’t make a sound.” His deep, breathy chuckle sent chills through her and she wrapped her legs around him again as he stood, his large hand splayed across her back as he carried her, pressing her back against the wall as he kissed, sucked and nipped at her neck.  Elain gasped, burying her face in his neck to smother the sound.  She shuddered and he adjusted his stance, positioning himself before easing into her again. 
Elain bit her bottom lip and swallowed back the moan threatening to expose them both, her bound hands tangled in his hair as he moved slowly at first, quickening his pace as she nipped at his neck.  He grinned and nipped her neck, his chest rumbling with a low growl as he felt her thighs tighten around him, trying her best to force him in deeper until he finally unleashed.  Azriel rocked into her harder and faster than before, her own hips moving to meet his thrusts before her entire body tensed, her core tightening around his pulsing shaft and she bit Azriel’s shoulder to stifle the scream that threatened to tear through the quiet of the house.  Azriel followed her over the edge, the feeling of Elain’s teeth on his skin making it nearly impossible for him to keep quiet, but he did.  For her, he did, because if they were found out, if their little game had to come to an end, he wouldn’t survive and he knew it. Silence fell over them, a comfortable silence as their breathing returned  to normal, the both of them delirious, their foreheads resting against one another’s before Azriel softly peppered Elain’s face and neck with sweet kisses.  She smiled, returning the kisses, clearly exhausted but euphoric.  Azriel lowered her onto shaking legs before slipping her bound hands back over his head and kissing her hands again before untying the perfect blue bow and releasing her.  He lifted her, carrying her into the bathroom and sitting her down while he ran a warm bath.  He grinned as he looked over at her, a dazed and dreamy smile on her face as she watched him.
“Will you be joining me?”  She whispered.  He tipped a sweet smelling purple solution into the warm water and nodded.  “Nothing could drag me away from you right now.”  He said, picking her up again and settling them both in the tub, her back resting against his chest.  “Besides, I don’t think your legs will be working properly for at least a few hours, you might drown if I leave you here.”  She slapped his arm, laughing quietly. “Thank you for tonight.”  she said softly, lacing their fingers together and kissing his hand, holding it to her chest. He hummed, kissing along her shoulder.  “Of course, I would do anything to make you happy.  I love you, El.”  Her hand tightened around his.  “I love you too, Az.”
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wisteriashouse · 4 years
falling (i).
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pairing: rengoku kyoujurou x reader
genre: fluff, dark
warnings: gore, murder
word count: 4212
remarks: i have absolutely no idea what i’ve just done, please tell me if this is considered psychological horror or if it’s just me trying to be edgy and turning out cringey. also please note the warnings above!! if you want fluff, just stop reading at the ‘>>>’  i might delete this in the morning out of embarrassment lmao
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i. for your lies
The tea is piping hot when you run into Rengoku Kyoujurou for the first time.
His frame is broad, an immovable mountain, and it’s no wonder that you were sent stumbling while the man before you seems to have barely taken a step backwards. The force of your collision sends the porcelain teacups hurtling off the tray you’re carrying, scalding water splashing over the delicate skin of your hands with a gasp. Your heart lurches into your chest as you fall, but before you can crash painfully to the ground, a pair of strong arms wrap around your middle, pulling you upright. Instead of the floorboards, your nose collides with a firm chest and immediately a slightly sweet, earthy scent fills your nose.
Behind you, there’s the sound of porcelain shattering, the clatter of your tea tray hitting the ground. You stand there for a moment, stunned, trying to register what has just happened. You didn’t even see him move.
“My apologies!” The man apologises to you immediately, although it was you who crashed into him first. His voice is loud and booming in the corridors of the brothel, and the stark contrast to his unassuming attire takes you by surprise. It’s as though he is attempting his best to stay indistinguishable from the crowd - the colour of his robe is a dull, earthy brown - common attire found on most of the chōnin who frequent the red light district of Yoshiwara. However, it does little to mask the brightness of his hair, his smile, and most importantly, his eyes - they burn like twin suns in the sky, and you find that it is near impossible for you to meet his gaze. “Are you alright?”
You bow low immediately, hiding your face from those piercing eyes. The hairs at the back of your neck prickle. “No, no, it was my fault.” You say. Glancing behind you, you see broken shards of porcelain scattered across the ground, hot tea seeping between the cracks in the floorboards. “I’m so sorry that you had to see such an unpleasant sight. I’ll clean up the mess immediately.”
Turning around, you drop to your knees to pick up the pieces, but before your fingertips can so much as brush one, the man is already kneeling before you, gathering up all the shards into his sleeve with one hand and picking up the fallen tray with the other. “Okyaku-sama, I-”
“It’s no problem! It was my fault, after all.” His insistence makes you hesitate for a beat. Perceptive eyes pick up your uncertainty in an instant and he’s quick to reassure you, flashing you a quick grin. “Besides, you shouldn’t be aggravating your injuries!”
Surprised, you glance down at your hands and see pink splotches forming over your skin. A small wince leaves your mouth, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by the man in front of you. “You should get the scalded area under some running water! It’ll help cool down the burn.”
You swallow, looking over at the broken teacups in his sleeve. “But…” 
“Oi, [name], what’s with the hold up? Why hasn’t the tea arrived yet?” A snappish voice interrupts you and you turn around to see a middle aged woman stomping up to you, arms folded across her chest. You’re about to explain yourself when her eyes narrow at the mess on the floor, her lips twisting in a satisfied sneer. “Well, well, well. Even the owner’s favourite makes mistakes, I see.”
It takes a significant amount of effort to conceal the roll of your eyes.
“Sorry, Masako-san.” You force a polite smile onto your face, inclining your head to the overseer of the brothel. “I’ll get another tea set prepared right away-”
“It was my fault.” 
Surprised, you glance up at the man standing next to you. There’s a polite, apologetic smile on his face as he speaks to Masako. “I am the one to blame here, I bumped into her.” At the sight of him, Masako’s eyes widen - she must have been so fixated on you that she completely missed him - and she hurriedly bows before him. “Okyaku-sama!”
“I’m sorry that I broke such a beautiful piece of art.” He inspects the shards in his sleeve with a cursory glance, brow furrowed. “From the glaze, it must have been a rather expensive set. I’ll pay for it, if need be.”
“There’s no need to. You’re a customer, I’m sure the owner would not hold it against you.” Masako replies breathlessly, shaking her head. You keep your mouth shut. If the man had not taken the blame onto himself instead, you’re sure that she would have insisted you pay every bit of it. “If you would come with me, okyaku-sama, it would be my pleasure to bring you some of the most beautiful girls in the establishment-”
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m not here for such pleasures.” The man cuts her off politely, yet his voice is firm. One of his hands comes to rest on your shoulder. “This lovely lady said she would show me where to dispose of the pieces, so we should get going before I drop any of these and cause an accident.”
Taking his words as a subtle cue, you nod in agreement. “Then, I’ll be leaving first, Masako-san. I’ll bring up a fresh set to the room later.”
Unable to argue with a customer, Masako can only watch as you lead the man down the hallway and around the corner. Once you’re out of her line of sight, you heave a sigh of relief, shaking your head. 
“Thank you for helping me back there.” You murmur softly as he falls into step next to you. “I really appreciate it.”
“It’s only natural to help someone in need!” He smiles, jovial, and you find the sight about as radiant as the sun. “I’m glad that I could be of assistance to you. Besides,” his smile turns a little sheepish, “I was speaking the truth when I said that I was not here for sexual services.” 
“What are you here for, then?” Your question seems to be something he wasn’t expecting, because he raises a brow, lips pursing slightly. You put up your hands immediately at the guarded expression that flashes across his face. “Apologies, I appear to be overstepping my boundaries. You don’t have to answer my question, okyaku-sama. I’m just a servant here, after all.”
The corners of his lips dip into a frown. “Do not speak of yourself that way. You and your work here are valued, I am sure!” The cautiousness of his face seems to have abated slightly, because he ponders your question a little more seriously this time. “Well, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I am searching for a friend, whom I was supposed to meet here.”
“Friend?” You ask, curious. Your footsteps halt before a sliding door that you make quick work to open, revealing a kitchen behind the screen. “I’m the cook of this establishment, so if you describe them to me briefly, I might be able to tell if I’ve seen them around.”
“Well, his name is Yugou Fukuzashi.” the man begins. He seems oddly nervous now. “He has a pet crow.”
You pause for a moment, musing over the past few days before you let out a little gasp of recognition.
“Oh, yes, I think I’ve seen him before! His crow looked so cute, I couldn’t help but approach him and ask him to let me pet it.” You tell him enthusiastically, watching the way his eyes light up. “He mentioned that he was heading out for a while and wanted me to leave a message for the next person looking for him.”
His back straightens almost imperceptibly, eyes sharpening. If you hadn’t been watching him out of the corner of your eye, you would have completely missed the sudden, subtle shift in his attitude. “Would you care to tell me the message?” 
“Well,” you step into the kitchen, and the man has to duck his head slightly to enter after you. “He said that he was investigating an urgent, new lead about something, and that you should wait here for a few days until he returns, in case he needs your immediate help. That was all.” 
“New lead?” He repeats to himself under his breath, brows furrowed. Stepping over to the sink, you gesture to the trash bin in the corner of the room. “You can dispose of the pieces there. I’m truly sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you, okyaku-sama.”
“It was really of no trouble to me!” You hear the clink of pottery behind you as you hold your hands under tap, cool water streaming over your skin. “And please, don’t call me okyaku-sama. It makes me feel strange, considering that I’m not here for the services on sale!”
You blink over your shoulder. He’s seated himself at the kitchen table, both hands resting lightly on the tabletop, eyes bright as he regards you. That sight is incredibly foreign to you - no one has sat in your kitchen that you remember, with good reason. “Right. What should I call you, then?” 
He beams at you. Sunlight streams in through the open windows, casting shadows over his hands. “You can call me Rengoku! That’s my name, Rengoku Kyoujurou.” You repeat his name slowly, testing it out on your tongue, intonation slightly stilted. “Rengoku-san. That’s a rather dramatic name, don’t you think?”
His name means inferno, purgatory. A divine fire that burns away even the deepest, darkest sins of men, unrelenting in its pursuit for righteousness and justice. Your mouth pulls into a thin line. 
It suits him, you think, with the flame tipped hair and the burning coal of his irises that seem to scorch you bare to the bones with his gaze.
You introduce yourself to him in turn, and he repeats your name back to you with bright enthusiasm. “You have a beautiful name.” He smiles. Although his expression is relaxed, his back is still ramrod straight, one hand constantly hovering at his left hip. You swallow silently, heart racing in your chest. 
“Flatterer.” You reply lightly, turning your eyes away before he can notice your staring. Pulling your hands out from beneath the tap, you hold them up to inspect them - the pink is already beginning to fade, and with a little ointment, they’ll be as good as before in no time at all. “See? They’re perfectly fine.” You show Kyoujurou your hands with a slight smile. “There’s no reason for you to feel bad at all. In fact, I should be thanking you instead.” 
“There’s no need to!” Kyoujurou laughs. The sound is bright and clear and honest, unlike the poisonous titter of the prostitutes you hear so often in the private entertainment rooms, or the delighted chuckles of the conmen and schemers that prowl the streets, looking for a quick coin. “As I said, I only did what anyone else would have done. It is nothing to be thanked for.”
What he says makes you pause in your step, your throat tightening. Does he truly believe that, or is he simply spouting empty words, a hollow vessel echoing the words of others? “You are a very kind man, Rengoku-san.” Is all you end up saying softly instead, and Kyoujurou looks startled at your words for a moment. Before he can find some way to excuse that as well, you continue, lightening the mood with a quick smile. “Besides, you did save me from having to pay for those cups. They’re part of an expensive tea set, and if any of them did break, I’d probably be punished by Masako-san.” You catch Kyoujurou’s lips pulling into a frown at your words and quickly continue. “I’d like to treat you to a meal to repay you! As I mentioned earlier, I’m the cook of this place, so I’m sure I could find some way to satisfy your palate!” 
Kyoujurou stares at you for a moment before he shakes his head. “No, it’s quite alright-”
“This place might be a brothel,” you say, suddenly a little put out at his refusal, crossing your arms over your chest, “but our food is pretty good too, you know.”
“That’s not what I meant!” Kyoujurou hurries to clear up the misunderstanding before you can continue to insist, eyes wide. “Your hands are injured, so you should abstain from using them in the meantime! After they are well, I’d love to try your cooking!”
“Oh.” You pause, suddenly embarrassed. Momentarily flustered, you step over to the cupboards, pulling out a small tray piled high with elaborately made wagashi. “Then, Rengoku-san, in the meantime, please have these instead.”
His eyes widen with almost unbridled excitement as he looks over them, before he turns to you. “You made these yourself?” There’s such honest joy in his voice that you can’t meet his eyes, ducking your head to the side a little awkwardly.
“It’s a hobby of mine.” You say, rubbing the back of your neck. “Please, eat up.” 
Kyoujurou doesn’t need a second invitation, picking one up and admiring the detail on it briefly before putting the sweet into his mouth whole. He chews for a moment, and as much as you try not to, you find yourself watching his face in anticipation. Are they any good? Do they suit his taste?
He swallows and takes a deep breath.
You nearly reel at the volume of his declaration. “Absolutely delicious! Delicious!” He continues to exclaim, reaching out for more, and within minutes the staggering pile of handmade sweets have been completely demolished by a man alone. You watch the scene unfold in shock even as he gathers the crumbs off the tray and pops them into his mouth with a final proclamation of ‘delicious!’, said with great gusto.
You stare for a moment before shaking your head, rendered quite speechless. It’s as if he’s been famished for years. “I assume they tasted good?”
“They tasted fantastic!” Kyoujurou beams at you, one hand reaching up to wipe away the few stray crumbs clinging to the side of his mouth. “You are an amazing cook! I am very lucky to have the privilege of having your food!”
You give him a slight smile as you reach over to pick up the tray. “Well, you’ll have plenty of chances to taste them over the next few days, since you’ll be staying here. I hope that I’ll get to know you better during your time here, Rengoku-san.” Your words are sweet, and so very simple.
He smiles back at you, completely guileless.
“I look forward to getting to know you better too!”
When night falls, the sun extinguished by shadows and darkness prowling the streets, the red light district comes alive, a nocturnal beast raising its slumbering head. Kyoujurou has long retired to bed, citing a need to wake up early the next day, but you wonder if part of his reason for doing so is to avoid the depravity that settles over the floating world of pleasure. Upright, moral and righteous, adhering to a strict code of conduct and self discipline. 
That’s what you’ve picked up about Rengoku Kyoujurou so far in the time you’ve spent together.
A covered tray in your hands, you make your way down the hallway, ascending the stairs to the very highest floor of the building. Here, the walls are lavishly decorated with various signature artworks from famous artists of different eras, glazed vases and pottery, the tatami soft and firm under your feet. It’s almost as if you’ve entered a different world altogether, compared to the lower floors of the brothel, this would be a place almost fit for royalty. 
Almost no one knows of the topmost floor and the secrets it hides. 
Quietly, you knock at the door. Your knuckles whisper a secret pattern into the wood. “It’s me.”
There’s a long pause before you hear a familiar series of clicking and whirring, hundreds of locks being undone from the other side. You wait patiently, and with a final click, the door slides open for you. 
You take a single, deep breath, and step into the lion’s maw.
It’s dark, the only light source the candles scattered about the room, their meagre light throwing eerie shadows at the walls. The interior is even more decorated than the exterior, rich, soft carpet lining every inch of floor, gilded ornaments dotting the space to its owner’s every whim and fancy. Yet, it cannot hide the heavy scent of iron that suffuses the air, thick and poignant.
Carefully, you make your way to the front of the room, where a figure sits cross legged on a raised dais.
Its leering smile sends chills down your spine, but you continue walking towards it with as much calm as you can muster, although every nerve in your body tells you to run in the opposite direction. To your side, a kneeling figure trembles. You don’t spare him a second glance.
You stand before the dais, setting down the covered tray before you. Two simple words leave your lips.
You watch with emotionless eyes as a dark tendril lowers a single squawking shape down to your eye level, the kasugai crow letting out a stream of desperate, high pitched shrieks and caws. That’s the last sound it ever makes, because in the next second the tendril squeezes, and the little bird simply splatters over the ground in a mess of blood and black feathers. The room abruptly falls silent, devoid of the bird’s wails. “That’s far better, I was getting tired of its ceaseless noise. The curses it hurled at me, you wouldn’t have believed how unkind its words were, darling.” You remember how soft its feathers were under your fingertips.
“He’s here.” You say, simply.
The creature before you lets out a low ‘oho?’, and all around you, you hear a unsettling concerto of dry, raspy slithering, as if there are a thousand snakes in this very room with you. You’ve only seen its true form once, and the nightmarish sight still haunts you till this day. “So the little bird was right, after all.”
“You didn’t have to wait till now to kill it.” You answer, impassive. The demon tilts its head as it regards you, one corner of its mouth tilting up in a grin. 
“I had to let it know that it failed its mission at the moment of its death. Just thinking about the agony it felt in its last moments sends shivers down my spine. It’s all about the despair.” It coos, voice dangerously soft with glee. “So, a Pillar has really come to my humble establishment? Have you convinced him to stay for dinner?” 
The tea had been piping hot when you had run into Rengoku Kyoujurou for the first time.
Watching from the upper floors, fingers dancing over the boiling kettle, you had been waiting the entire morning - eyes on the streets, looking out for a man who fit the description of Flame Pillar to approach. It’d been around midday when you had caught sight of him, guided to the front of the establishment, and when he’d tilted his head upwards to take in the building, you had instantly known that the man before you did not belong in this pit of depravity.
It was him.
“I have.” Your words are short and curt. “He’s meeting his friend here. Yugou Fukuzashi.”
“The poor man will be waiting a long time.” With a soft, poisonous chuckle, the demon reaches forward to lift the cover of the tray, and there’s a choked scream of terror behind you at the sight it reveals.
Yugou Fukuzashi’s severed head sits on a platter, neatly slicked chunks of raw, red meat set around it in a perfect circle. You don’t even bat an eyelid, hands clasped behind you as you continue staring at the wall opposite you. “Thigh, chest and shoulder meat. Just like you wanted.”
“You’ve done perfectly, as usual. Lovely, absolutely lovely. You’re an astounding cook, truly.” The shadows against the wall amass and morph into the distorted shape of a hand, reaching down with a pair of chopsticks to dip a slice of meat in soy sauce before lifting it into its mouth. “Slayers always have the best meat. Their well trained bodies are so firm and juicy. I can never resist a beautiful meal.”
The person on the ground next to you scrabbles to his feet, babbling nonsensically at the grotesque sight as he tries to flee on shaky legs. Before he can take so much as a step, there’s a soft, silent breath as the air itself is cleaved in half and the man goes crashing to the ground once again, screaming terribly as blood gushes from the back of his calves. Achilles tendons severed, the man has no way of escaping - well, not that he did, in the first place.
None of them ever have.
“I wonder,” the demon says thoughtfully, over the din of the screaming man, “what the flesh of a Pillar would taste like.” Its eyes come to rest on you, and the hairs at the back of your neck prickle. “What do you think?”
You exhale. “I don’t know.” The screaming jarring your thoughts, and you take a deep breath to regulate your emotions. “But I can bring him to you, if you want.”
It coos. “And that’s why you’re my favourite, darling. So obedient, so willing. It’s no wonder why you’re the only one I’ve kept around for long.” The shadows surge, shifting restlessly before something unnaturally cold touches your cheek, dangerously tender. “That Masako should really learn from you.”
Next to you, the man screams again, trying to crawl away, gasping for air through his tears and the taste of his own blood in his mouth. “No matter. She won’t be around much longer.” You don’t flinch when the demon’s tendrils snake down to play at the delicate skin of your neck, taking steady breaths and counting your heartbeat in your mind. “She’s far too noisy, much like this slab of meat here.”
The shadows wrap around the man’s ankle right before he can make it to the door, hoisting him into the air and he lets out a terrified shriek, thrashing about madly. “If only you hadn’t tried to steal from that previous meal of mine. I hope that gold embroidered coat you’re wearing now is worth the life you’re about to pay for it.” The demon hums lightly, shaking his head. The man sobs and screams, all dignity abandoned, his sounds melding together into a desperate cacophony. “You should have to pay a far greater price, considering that it was your silly mistake that brought the demon slayers knocking on our door. But because I’m merciful, I won’t drag it out for you.”
A seam opens up in the writhing mass of shadows to reveal a maw filled with rows and rows of jagged teeth. The man cries for mercy, pleads with the gods for salvation, before he turns his eyes to you, desperately begging you to save him with the last of his breath. You don’t even spare him a glance when his words are cut off abruptly, the sound of bone crunching and breaking as the demon swallows him whole.
The room falls silent once more.
“And that settles one little problem we have.” The demon says with a satisfied sigh. You don’t move a muscle, hands still clasped behind your back. “If only he were more like you, he wouldn’t have died. The silly man.”
You snatch your air back into your lungs, searching desperately for your voice. “He shouldn’t have stolen that coat.” You breathe out. Your blood seems to have turned to ice in your veins.
“He shouldn’t. If they were all more like you, they wouldn’t have died. He was a selfish, materialistic man.” The demon agrees, its voice a playful hum. A gentle weight rests on top of your head, and suddenly you feel as though you can’t breathe. “I know you’ll never be like that, my darling. You’re my favourite, after all.”
You take that as your permission to leave. “Then, I’ll take my leave first.”
You turn around and walk slowly towards the door, careful to avoid the trail of blood smeared over the carpet. The ominous feeling of death chases at your heels, but you don’t let yourself look over your shoulder as you continue to put one foot in front of the other. When you finally step out into the hallway, you turn back to slide the door shut, and hear the shadows whisper your name.
“Bring me the Pillar’s head, darling.” Even through the gloom, you see its mouth curve into a terrible grin from the dais. “I know you won’t disappoint me.”
You bow your head low.
The door slides shut, the locks and bolts clicking back into place once more. Taking a deep breath to steady your legs, you make your way to the stairs and descend, leaving the locked room behind you like a bad dream pushed to the very recesses of your mind.
Almost no one knows of the topmost floor and the secrets it hides, except for you.
Because you’re the only one who’s walked out of it alive.
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