#i want to just. ignorance is bliss fr
cumonstevie · 4 days
Home Sweet Home
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts but not detailed
A/N: guys I'm really excited to post this frfr, I'll edit it later. I think there might be 4 parts to this, but we'll see. Also, this is like, 3.6k words and I tweaked the timeline a bit so don't worry about the logistics fr 😶 I hope you like it!
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“God, Nance…” Steve panted as he tried to catch his breath from above you.
The blissful haze suddenly bursts as his words registered in your head and you open your eyes with a frown. “What?”
“Huh?” He doesn’t even realize what he’s said and that upsets you even more.
“Get off me.”
“What?” Steve lifts his head from the crevice of your neck to look at you.
“I said get off of me.”
He’s confused. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I said get off!” You raise your voice, tears already threatening to spill from your eyes.
Still confused, Steve complies and moves beside you on his bed. You immediately sit up with his blanket covering your body as you search for your clothes while he covers himself with a pillow.
“Y/N,” he calls, “Y/N what happened?”
You ignore him and pull your shorts on before searching for the rest of your clothes. Steve hurries and puts his boxers on, carefully walking over to you.
“Did I hurt you?” He slowly and softly touches your shoulder after you had just put your bra back on.
“Don’t touch me!” You whip around to face him and he immediately retreats his hand like you burned him.
“What did I do!?” He raises his voice. “Tell me what I did! I-I thought we were having a good time-”
“Yeah, we were,” you start as you finally tug your shirt on over your head, “until you called me Nancy.”
The color drains from his face once those words leave your mouth and he seems deep in thought, probably trying to recall the moment he called you a different name.
“Y/N I- I don’t- She-”
He’s at a loss for words. What could he possibly say to make this better? He doesn’t even remember calling you Nancy but by the tears silently slipping from your eyes, he knows you’re telling the truth and it crushes him to see you like this.
You and Steve have known each other since sixth grade. The pair of you had to sit next to each other for a semester which brought you two very close. You stayed friends for the remainder of the year and continued to be friends since.
You didn’t start having feelings for Steve until freshman year. It had just stopped raining when the two of you exited the movie theater and on the walk back home, there was a massive puddle blocking your way. You told him you were fine walking through it, he disagreed saying you’d get the bottom of your skirt wet and dirty. You told him that it was fine and that you could just wash it when you got home, he said no and with a blink of an eye he had picked you up, bridal style, walking across the puddle and getting his shoes dirty.
You told him he didn’t have to do that but he just shrugged and continued to carry you. You took this time to study his features and suddenly a strange feeling erupted from the pit of your stomach. When did Steve get so cute? Was he always like this? How did you never notice it before?
He sets you down at your doorstep with a grin and you finally come back to. You thank him, not only for taking you to the movie theater but for carrying you as well. He says it’s no big deal and “what are friends for?”.
For the rest of the night, you replayed that moment in your head.
Sophomore year came around rather quickly and just one month into the school year, Steve was dating a freshman named Nancy Wheeler. She was really sweet and very kind and boy did you envy her. Because she had what you wanted. Steve. As her boyfriend.
They dated for a year and you really got to know her, even befriend her. You also befriended a peculiar boy named Jonathan and an even more peculiar boy named Eddie. Your junior year, to complete your little friend group, you befriended a talkative girl named Robin.
And maybe a couple of middle schoolers. But to be fair, you only became friends with them because two of them were your friends' little siblings.
Steve and Nancy broke up a few days after their one year anniversary. Steve was torn. You were there for him, like always.
Seven months after Steve and Nancy called it quits, you finally decide to tell him that you have feelings for him. You’re extremely nervous. He doesn’t say anything but he does pull you into a kiss which leads to the two of you being intimate which then leads to the moment at hand.
“You’re unbelievable.” You scoff, throwing your bag over your shoulder and shoving past Steve.
“Wait-” He takes your hand in his to stop you but you yank it away.
“No!” You shout, “God, I thought you felt the same way about me! You kissed me!”
“I do feel the same way!” He looks at you with panic-stricken eyes.
“No you don’t!” You take a step away from him. “You’re still hung up over Nancy. I’m so stupid. God, we- we had-” You trail off, pressing the palm of your hand to your head. “Shit. I need to go.”
“Y/N please wait. Let me explain-”
“Just leave me alone, Steve.” You interrupt him. “Please leave me alone.”
He stands at the doorway of his room, defeated, as he watches you walk down the hall and disappear down the stairs. When he hears the front door slam shut he closes his eyes and bangs his fist against the doorframe.
After that day, you did everything to avoid him. You didn’t talk to him in class, you were always one of the first people to leave, you didn’t answer his phone calls, you begged your mom and dad to tell Steve you weren’t home whenever he’d stop by, you even started having lunch in the library with Eddie just to avoid him.
You continued to do all of that for the remainder of the school year and when summer came around, you and your family ended up moving to Michigan. Not because of the Steve situation, your parents didn’t even know what happened between the two of you. The only one who knew was Eddie. Your dad got a job offer and decided to take it. At least avoiding Steve would be way easier now.
You told your friends about the move and although they were sad, they wished you well with whatever came next for you and you did the same for them.
With one last group hug, you bid farewell to your friends and farewell to Hawkins.
Starting your senior year of high school being four months pregnant was not ideal. You only found out after the move and when you told your parents they were deeply disappointed. Their 17 year old daughter falling pregnant was not what they had wanted for you and as reluctant as they were when you told them you wanted to keep it, they were supportive. They told you it would be tough but it was a risk you were willing to take.
You blurted it out to Eddie one night when the two of you were speaking on the phone. He was telling you about how Nancy and Jonathan had started dating and how Robin was in band now, also telling you that she looked absolutely ridiculous in her uniform and that he’d mail you photos of her in it so you could laugh as well. He caught you up with the kids drama and made sure to avoid the topic of Steve.
Eddie was telling you about some D&D campaign he created when it slipped.
“All I have to do is tell those little squirts that-”
“I'm pregnant.”
There's a moment of silence before you hear Eddie's voice again. “Nooo... Why would I tell them that?”
“Eds..." You sighed.
“Ace… You're not- Are you serious?”
Ace. A nickname he gifted you when you annihilated him in a game of cards once.
“As a heart attack.”
“Oh my god…” He whispered. “Who knows? Is it… Steve's?”
You shut your eyes and rub your left temple. “Yes, it's his and no one knows but my parents and now, you."
"Y/N/N... holy shit. Are you gonna tell him?"
The thought had crossed your mind on several occasions.
“No.” You reply.
“And you're not gonna say anything to anyone, Eddie. I mean it. Not the kids, not Nancy, not Jonathan, not Robin, and especially not Steve, you hear me?"
Eddie let's out a defeated sigh. “Loud and clear.” The two of you are quiet for a few seconds before he talks again. “Can I at least know why you're choosing not to tell him?”
“I just- I don't want to ruin whatever plans he has for the future. He's probably still hung up on Nancy anyway and besides, I doubt we'll ever see each other again.” You spill. “It's better this way.”
“Whatever you say, Ace.” You can tell he's not happy with your answer. “My lips are sealed.”
January 1985 is when you gave birth to a healthy baby girl who you named Penelope.
Penelope Eden Y/L/N.
You had sent pictures of her to Eddie with a note explaining that Eden was close to his name and that’s why you chose it while also saying he would be the best uncle to your little girl. He called you that same day, pretending like he wasn’t crying on the other end as he told you how happy he was.
Two and a half years later, you and your parents move back to Hawkins. You debated on whether or not you were going to stay in Michigan but ultimately decided on following your parents back home. Sure, you made a few friends here and there but nothing would beat your friends back in Hawkins.
Eddie was practically bouncing off the walls when you told him over the phone one night. You promised him the two of you would meet up the minute you were done settling in.
A week after moving back to Hawkins, Eddie came over to your place with a hug for you and about three toys for Penelope. You told him he didn’t have to get her three of them but he shrugged and said he didn’t know which one she would like so he just got them all.
You were about to protest when he held his hand up to your face and said, “Ace, as her favorite uncle, it's my job to get her anything and everything she ever wants.”
For the rest of the time he was there, he bonded with Penelope and the two of you talked about what has been going on for the past 3 years. He told you his band was booking small gigs here and there and you told him you’d go to a few of them when given the chance. Once the catching up died down and it got later in the day, he suggested a reunion with your former friends.
“Come on, Ace, it'll be fun. I’ll invite everyone to my place-” He had gotten an apartment recently. Nothing too big, but just enough for him and his things. “-I won't tell them you're here and when they all show up, BAM! Surprise!”
“Mmm… I don't know, Eds.”
He knows why you’re hesitant.
“Steve won't be there, I promise. He doesn't really hang with us that much anymore. The only one who sees him often is Robin and that's because they work together.” He holds your hand with both of his as he looks at you with pleading eyes. “Please, Ace? It'll only be me, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Will, Mike, and El. Just us. They all miss you just as much as I do.”
He continues to beg and you think it over in your head.
“You promise Steve won't be there?”
“I pinky promise.”
“If he is, I’m breaking your guitar.”
“Deal.” He doesn't miss a beat.  “That's how confident I am that he won't be there.”
Eddie had picked you and Penelope up a couple of days later and you helped him set up a few things for the little reunion that was about to take place in less than an hour. Eddie made sure to tell them to all arrive at the same time and as confused as they were, they obliged.
Your hands began to get clammy as time got closer and closer to your friends arriving. You didn’t know why you were so nervous to see them. They were your friends for crying out loud!
Maybe it was the fact that in a couple of minutes they’d all be meeting your two-and-a-half-year-old daughter who they had no clue even existed yet, who also just so happens to look identical to your former best friend. Yeah, that’s exactly why you were so nervous.
“Eds, I’m nervous.” You voice to him as you eye the clock on the wall.
“It’ll be okay.” He rubs your shoulders in a soothing manner. “They’re gonna freak when they see you. In a good way, though. Maybe even pass out when they see Pen.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s not helping. I think I’m about to have a heart attack.”
“You’re fine. Relax, everything is going to be alright.”
He helps you regulate your breathing and when he finally has you calmed down, there’s a knock at the door.
“Oh my god.” You panic. There’s another knock on the door.
“Come on, Eddie, open the door! it’s hot as hell out here!” You recognize the voice as Mike’s and you cover your mouth, eyes wide as you look over at Eddie.
“I’m gonna throw up!”
“No you’re not! Not in my living room, at least.” He whisper-yells back to you. “Take Pen, go into my room, and shut the door. I’ll come and get you when everyone is inside.”
You nod, your stomach doing somersaults as you quickly walk over to Penelope and pick her up. As you shut Eddie’s room door, you tell your daughter to be quiet by putting your finger to your lips and going, “shhh.”
She does the same thing back to you, showing you that she understood.
You could hear a couple of voices from outside of the room and you nervously started tapping your foot against the floor as you waited for Eddie to come get you. About a minute goes by when you finally hear him tell everyone he has something to show them.
You hear Max groan and say, “You better not have gathered all of us here just to show us another one of your new guitars.”
He’s offended by the statement and defends himself, making you believe that he has gotten them all together just to show them one of his new instruments before. You stifle a laugh.
Eddie opens the door slowly so as to not scare you and motions behind him. “You ready?”
You take a deep breath and nod. Eddie guides you down the hall and you unintentionally hold onto Penelope a bit tighter.
“Surprise!” Your friend shouts just as you turn the corner into his living room.
Dustin was mid stuffing his face with chips when he saw you. Everyone’s movements were paused, eyes wide as they stared at you.
“Oh my gosh…” Jonathan managed to get out.
“Y/N!” Robin is the first to jump up off her seat and gather you in a hug.
It’s like her actions bursted through everyone's bubbles because one by one they all came up to you with tears threatening to spill.
“It’s been so long!”
“Are you back for good?”
“How have you been?”
“How long are you here for?”
“We missed you!”
“Wait!” Robin interrupted, “We’re all glad you’re back but uh, is this your baby sister or…?”
Everyone’s attention is now on Penelope and your heart starts beating faster. She’s oblivious to what’s happening at the moment and is even reaching over towards Dustin’s hair.
You clear your throat. “Guys, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Penelope. Penny, say hi!” you take her tiny hand and wave to your friends as she says a small “hi.”
There’s a beat of silence before they start speaking at once.
“What the f-”
“Watch your mouth, dingus, there’s a baby present.”
“I can’t believe you’re a mom.”
“Who’s the dad?”
“Mike! You can’t just ask that!”
“Why not?”
You feel yourself getting overwhelmed the more and more they ask questions. Eddie senses this quiets them down.
“Guys, guys! Let’s all settle down. I’m sure Y/N will answer all your questions in a bit and even so, she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to. Let’s all just appreciate the fact that she’s back, alright?”
Everyone agrees and says sorry. You tell them it’s okay and offer to tell them what they want to know as you move to sit on the couch. Penelope wiggles out of your arms and walks over to Dustin who was sitting on the floor beside you with the rest of the kids.
“Oh,” he says, “hi.”
Penelope grabs a fistful of his hair pulling ever so slightly before letting his curls go and watching them spring back up. This makes her giggle and she does it again.
“Penny, no. We don’t pull people’s hair.” You tell her before fixing your gaze to Dustin. “Sorry Dusty, she likes to play with people’s hair. Especially people with curly hair.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles, “I don’t mind. Here,” he takes his hair and pulls it before letting it go, showing your daughter that he was okay with her doing it again. She giggles and tugs his hair again.
“Okay,” you sigh as you scan over everyone in the room, “What do you want to know?”
You had just finished updating them on everything that has happened since you left. You didn’t go into too much detail, just told them that the father of your baby was someone you met when you moved to Michigan and that when he found out you were pregnant, he bailed.
You didn’t mention anything about Steve and to your knowledge, no one even knew that you guys were involved at one point.
They didn’t ask any further questions about Penelope or her father. They either were done asking or they didn’t want to pry any further just yet. Instead, you moved on and told them about your time in Michigan and asked about what they had all been up to over the past 3 years.
Nancy and Jonathan were still together, Robin has a crush on a girl named Vickie and is too chicken-shit to ask her out, Dustin met some girl at a science camp he went to and now they’re dating, Mike and El were still together, same as Max and Lucas, Will was still playing third wheel (poor Will), and you found out that Joyce and Hopper had gotten together which threw you for a loop.
“Wait, wait, wait-” you shake your head, “your mom-” you point a finger between Will and Jonathan, “-is dating Hopper? Jim Hopper, like the guy who never cracks a smile? The guy who doesn’t enjoy like, anything?”
“That’s the one.”
“Well,” you start, “you find love in mysterious places with mysterious people, I guess. At least they’re happy.”
You turn your attention to your daughter who was in the middle of playing with Max, El, Dustin, and Lucas. They were helping her build a little tower. Well, they were doing most of the work, she was putting blocks on the tops of their heads saying, “stay!”
“Aww I wish I brought my camcorder, they’re so cute.” You pout.
“I brought my camera!” Jonathan says as he pulls it out of his bag, “I could snap a couple of photos for you.”
“Why’d you bring your camera?” Eddie questioned.
“I bring my camera everywhere.”
“Says the freak.”
You’re glad to see that not much has changed within your friend dynamic.
“I’d love it if you’d take photos of them playing with Penny.” You tell Jonathan. “I’ll even pay you!”
He scoffs as he snaps his first picture. “That’s not necessary Y/N. We’re friends. Plus, I just self-appointed as Penny’s uncle so if you want me to take photos of my niece, I will.”
“Oh, you self-appointed, huh?” You say with an amused smile.
“Let’s not let things get out of hand,” Eddie interrupted, “I’m still and always will be Pen’s favorite uncle.”
“We’ll see about that.” Dustin’s voice cut through the air.
“Stay outta this, Frodo.”
“Guys,” you interrupt them, “I’m sure she’ll love you all the same. Now-”
You were cut off when you heard the front door open then shut.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice you hadn’t heard in a while dances around the room and you feel ill. “I’m assuming my invite got lost in the mail because I know my friends would never meet up and not tell me, right Eddie?”
He finally comes into view yet he hasn’t seen you and you feel like you’re about to throw up. You hadn’t spoken to him since he shattered your heart that fateful day in his bedroom. He looked older, a bit more mature. His hair was all the same, however. Maybe just a tad bit longer but nonetheless the same.
Your heart is pounding at this point. It feels like it’s about to pop out of your chest. Not a good feeling.
“So,” Steve starts, “what’s going-”
He finally sees you and his words fall off. It looks like he’s about to throw up too.
Eyes wide and jaw slacked, Steve manages to say one thing.
“Aw man…” you hear Eddie murmur.
You inhale deeply and slowly turn your head to the one person who promised you that he wouldn’t be here. Eddie is looking at you, utterly terrified, as he chokes out;
“Please don’t hurt my guitar…”
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hyukasmiles · 1 year
Txt reaction to you still being needy and wanting more rounds, even tho you just had sex and they're exhausted (but still horny) 🥹
—Tomorrow x Together—
Description: 💯💯
Fem Reader
Warnings: NSFW// unprotected sex// mention of oral// overstim// these are all pretty similar I’m so sorry 😔 NOT PROOF READ
He was given a mouth for a reason.
“Oh my god.” Yeonjun repeats over and over as he fucks into you, pressing his chest against your back in attempt to gain a little more stability. You tighten around him, shoving your face into the pillows beneath you, the feathers muffling your broken whines.“You close?”
Nodding your answer is the best you can do, tears slipping down your cheeks as Yeonjun gets you closer and closer to cumming again. You can tell he’s getting there too, his hands reaching to grab your hips, arms, hair, the sheets, anything he can see to try and ground himself.
Yeonjun cums with a groan, fucking himself through it, sparking your own orgasm, and when he lets his head rest on the back of your shoulder you know he’s worn out. “Am I heavy?” He asks his hips jumping away from yours when you shift below him.
“A little.” You try to ignore the neediness that fills you as your boyfriend slides out of you to roll onto his back, hands behind his head. You prop yourself up in your elbows and take him in, exhausted in his post orgasm bliss. “Are you going to sleep?” You run a hand across his chest before laying your head on it.
Yeonjun looks at you with an eyebrow raised. “Are you not tired?” He laughs when you just pout at him, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “My cute baby.” He coos, rocking you back and forth. “Wanna sit on my face?”
If you’re not tired he’s not tired. Period.
It’s been hours and Soobin is pretty sure he’s shooting blanks at this point but you keep asking him for more so he keeps going. Or at least he tries.
Soobin is just weakly grinding his hips into yours, his back hunched so he can shove his face in your chest as he does so. “You’re doing so good, bin.” You whine, the praise keeping him going like you knew it would.
You’re doing most of the work at this point, rolling your hips up towards his because you’re desperate, you have to get off again. Soobin hisses as you tighten around him, a short whine following. He kisses up your chest the best he can, biting into your shoulder when you wrap your legs around his hips, pulling him impossibly closer.
When Soobin is sensitive like this all he wants to do is kiss you. Of course you let him but instead of the soft kisses you’re used to you get a desperate mess of tongues and teeth that forces all the air of your chest and pushes your lover over into cumming.
His hips still and you whine. “Baby, you gotta make me cum.” You roll your hips. “I need it. I was so close.” And Soobin is hard again because he has to make you feel good.
Hold up… fr? He’s only human!
Beomgyu comes home most days exhausted, either from photo shoots, filming, or practice, there’s always some strenuous activity in his day to day activity. So when he gets home he just wants to wind down with his pretty girlfriend and go to bed. So it’s only natural that when he gets a day off you try and take full advantage of it.
“Hold on, angel. I just..” Beomgyu whines as you bounce on his lap ignoring him. You feel so good and it’s been so long since that you just don’t hear him. You do feel him cum, a groan spilling out of you in response. You’re so close you can taste it; you just need one last push- and when Beomgyu reaches down to circle your clit you crumble in his arms. “I didn’t realize we were waking each other up with sex today.” Beomgyu laughs, intertwining his fingers with yours. “Not that I mind.”
You giggle as he moves your hand up to his mouth to kiss it. “Wanna go again?” You lay flat against his chest, kissing the underside of his chin.
Beomgyu looks at you like you're crazy and blindly reaches for his phone. “It’s six in the morning.” He shows you the small screen. “Let’s go back to sleep. We have all day.” You just sit up and bring his hand to your chest, his fingers dragging down your stomach when you let go. You move to get off of him but are stopped by a hand on your hip. “One more time.”
Anything for his perfect girl 🫶
You can’t get enough of Taehyun, he’s just the perfect guy, strong, sweet, handsome and funny and just absolutely perfect. And similarly Taehyun can’t get enough you, he’d do anything for you, even if it his fucking himself raw.
It hurts a little, every thrust into your tight cunt stinging just a bit, but he works through it because you took time out of your way to cook him his favorite meal so he’s gonna fuck you until you can’t breath.
You’re crying, throwing your head back and forth on your pillow but you don’t want him to stop, you tell him that, sobbing about how good you feel.
“Gonna cum? I wanna see you cum again.” Taehyun asks, surprisingly composed for someone who has tears pooling in his ducts. “Come on, baby, I know you’re close.” He’d play with your clit but he’s afraid that you’d somehow get tighter around him and he doesn’t know if he could handle it.
“Don’t stop.” You cry, nails dragging up his back. And Taehyun won’t, even if he is completely drained.
He’s too lazy to peel his shrimp…But not too lazy to make you feel good.
It’s very rare you get to the point where Hueningkai is exhausted, and he’s never too tired to get hard so when he lifts you off of him because he needs a break it surprises the both of you.
“Sorry.” You mumble, pulling your knees up to your chest, holding onto the water bottle Kai passed to you.
“Don’t apologize.” This is the most awkward you guys have been since you started dating, and Kai hates it.
He’s slipping onto the floor before you know what’s happening, pulling you to the edge of your bed. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but I can still make you cum.” He kisses the inside of one of your thighs, sucking a mark on the other. “As much as you need.”
Inbox always open 🦅
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It's Always Been You
Part 5
Jack Hughes X F!Reader (Childhood Best friend)
a.n: Don't beat me up guys. I know this damn chapter took forever but fr I didn't know where to take this chapter, I was going to start with a flashback, so it wasn't boring but even that was boring. so after the long-awaited hiatus here is the next chapter!!!
Warnings: anxiety, kissing, eventual smut (part 6), arguments, unrequited love, ignore the mentions of summer I was to lazy to remove them lol.
Word Count - 4,163
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Summary : When do you finally accept that it's time to move on? When do you finally admit that everything you fought so hard to forget is exactly what you're meant to remember for the rest of your life? How long can he pretend that it hasn't always been you?
Jacks masterlist
The Michigan sun streamed through the gauzy curtains of the guest room, the faint light of the morning sun illuminated her features, showcasing her furrowed brow and pensive eyes as she stirred awake.
For a blissful moment, she forgot where she was—and why her heart felt so heavy. Then reality crashed over her like a wave, and she remembered: Jack's family home, the ill-fated confession, and the potential love that she left back in Jersey.
Y/N sat up, running her fingers through her tangled hair, which was tousled from sleep. The distant laughter from downstairs was like music to her ears, a sound that she had grown to love —Jack's chuckle unmistakable even from afar. Her heart clenched. How was she supposed to act normal when every fiber of her being ached to be near him?
Her eyes darted towards her phone, resting on the soft sheets next to her. The glowing screen illuminated a new message and a missed call from Liam, causing her heart to flutter with anticipation and guilt. Ignoring it, she tossed the phone aside and decided to get up and get dressed.
She dressed slowly, each movement deliberate as she tried to delay the inevitable. The soft cotton of her favorite t-shirt offered little comfort as she pulled it over her head. It smelled faintly of home, of simpler times when loving Jack from afar seemed enough.
Hesitantly, Y/N made her way down the worn staircase, each creak of the wood echoing in her ears. Her heart raced as she prepared to face him, unsure of what the outcome would be. The aroma of coffee and bacon guided her to the kitchen, where Jack stood at the stove, spatula in hand.
"Morning, sleepyhead," he greeted, his voice carrying a hint of playful teasing. "Thought you might sleep through the whole trip," he added, his tone lighthearted yet genuine. He flashed that crooked smile that never failed to make her knees weak.
Y/N forced a laugh, hoping it sounded genuine. "And miss out on your world-famous pancakes? Never."
She slid onto a stool at the kitchen island, acutely aware of the distance between them—both physical and emotional. Jack moved around the kitchen with easy grace, and Y/N found herself tracking his every movement. The flex of his forearms as he flipped a pancake, the way his t-shirt stretched across his shoulders when he reached for a plate.
"Earth to Y/N," Jack's voice cut through her reverie. She blinked and looked up to see him staring at her with a mixture of amusement and concern, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She realized with a start that he must have asked her a question while she was lost in her own world.
"Sorry, what?" she mumbled, feeling heat rise to her cheeks.
"I asked if you wanted blueberries in your pancakes. You okay? You seem a million miles away."
If only he knew how present she was—how every cell in her body seemed attuned to his presence. "I'm fine," she lied smoothly. "Just a little tired. And yes to blueberries, please."
As Jack turned back to the stove, Y/N caught a flicker of something in his eyes. Was it longing? Regret? Or just her imagination playing cruel tricks? She pushed the thought away, focusing instead on the plate he set before her.
They ate in companionable silence, but Y/N was hyperaware of every accidental brush of their hands, every shared glance. The pancakes tasted like sawdust in her mouth as she struggled to maintain the facade of normalcy.
"So," Jack said, breaking the silence, "we were thinking of taking the boat out today. Weather's perfect for it, just a little chilly."
Y/N's stomach dropped. The thought of being trapped on a small boat with Jack, pretending everything was fine, seemed unbearable. "Oh, um, actually..." she started, scrambling for an excuse.
Jack's smile was encouraging, but Y/N could see a flicker of disappointment in his eyes at her hesitant response. Just then, Luke appeared in the doorway, hair tousled from sleep.
"Morning, everyone," he said, his smile bright as he made his way to Y/N. He dropped a kiss on her cheek, and she saw Jack's jaw tighten almost imperceptibly.
"Luke," Y/N said, an idea forming. "Jack was just telling me about going out on the boat. What do you think about staying behind with me instead? I'm not really feeling up to it, and I'd love to explore the yard a bit."
She saw a flicker of something cross Jack's face before he masked it with a nonchalant shrug. "Sure, if that's what you want. Daphne and I can take my parents out."
The mention of Daphne sent a fresh wave of pain through Y/N's chest, a sharp ache that tightened her throat. Her eyes flickered with a hint of hurt before she quickly masked it.
She forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes, which darted away to avoid revealing too much. Her fingers curled into fists at her sides, nails biting into her palms. "Sounds great," she managed to say, her voice strained. "You guys have fun."
As they finished breakfast and plans were made for the day, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that she was standing on the edge of a precipice. Every interaction with Jack felt charged, laden with unspoken words and suppressed emotions.
She watched him as he cleaned up the kitchen, his movements efficient and familiar. How many mornings had they spent like this, comfortable in each other's presence? Now, every moment felt like a bittersweet reminder of what she couldn't have.
When Jack's hand accidentally brushed hers as he reached for her empty plate, Y/N felt a jolt of electricity run through her. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world fell away. There was something in Jack's gaze—a softness, a question—that made her breath catch.
But then Luke's arm snaked around her waist, breaking the spell. "Ready to go for that walk?" he asked, oblivious to the tension in the room.
Y/N nodded, tearing her eyes away from Jack. As she let Luke lead her outside, she couldn't help but glance back. Jack stood in the doorway, watching them go, an unreadable expression on his face.
The air was thick with the scent of pine and possibilities as Y/N stepped onto the porch. She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head of thoughts of Jack. But even as she walked away, she could feel the invisible thread that connected them, pulling taut with every step.
The afternoon sun hung high in the cloudless Michigan sky, its warmth a stark contrast to the chill that had settled in Y/N's chest. She stood on the weathered dock, watching as Jack's family bustled around, preparing for their boat outing. The gentle lapping of water against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to the chaos but did little to calm her racing thoughts.
Jack emerged from the boathouse, his chestnut hair pushed back carelessly, revealing the strong angles of his face. The pale blue shirt he wore clung to his athletic frame, bringing out the cerulean depths of his eyes - eyes that seemed to seek Y/N's gaze with an intensity that made her breath catch.
She found herself drinking in the sight of him, memorizing every detail as if it might be the last time she'd see him like this: carefree, relaxed, and heartbreakingly handsome.
As Jack approached, carrying a cooler, Y/N caught a whiff of his cologne - a woodsy scent that reminded her of countless shared adventures and unspoken longings. She fought the urge to close her eyes and lose herself in the familiar aroma.
"Sure you don't want to join us?" Jack asked, his voice low and tinged with something Y/N couldn't quite place. Was it hope? Regret?
Before she could respond, a melodious laugh cut through the air. Daphne sauntered down the dock, her presence as imposing as it was graceful.
She was the epitome of old money elegance, from her designer dress to her oversized sunglasses. Her honey-blonde hair fell in big, bouncy curls reminiscent of a 1970s fashion icon, framing a face that belonged on magazine covers.
"Oh, Jack!" Daphne called out, her voice saccharine sweet. "Don't forget the picnic basket I prepared. Remember how we used to love our little sunset dinners on the lake?"
Y/N felt her stomach twist, the image of Jack and Daphne sharing romantic moments on the boat searing itself into her mind. She clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms as she fought to maintain her composure.
Jack's eyes flickered between Y/N and Daphne, a conflicted expression clouding his features. "Right," he muttered, "I'll grab it."
As he turned to head back to the house, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way his gaze lingered on her, a silent plea in his eyes that she couldn't decipher. The moment stretched between them, heavy with unspoken words and suppressed emotions.
Daphne, not oblivious to the tension, sidled up to Jack, placing a perfectly manicured hand on his arm. "We should recreate one of our romantic sunset cruises," she purred, loud enough for Y/N to hear. "For old times' sake."
The suggestion hung in the air like a challenge. Y/N felt a surge of emotions - jealousy, hurt, and an overwhelming desire to stake her claim. Before she could stop herself, words tumbled from her lips, sharp and biting.
"I'm sure Jack's made plenty of new memories since then," Y/N said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "No need to dwell on the past, right?"
The dock fell silent, the only sound the gentle creaking of the boat against its moorings. Jack's head snapped up, his eyes wide as they met Y/N's, there was surprise there.
Daphne's smile faltered for a moment before she recovered, tightening her grip on Jack's arm. "Of course," she replied, her tone icy. "Though some memories are worth revisiting, wouldn't you agree, Jack?"
Jack stood frozen between the two women, the conflict evident on his face. His eyes darted between Y/N and Daphne, as if he were trying to solve an impossible equation. "I, uh..." he stammered, clearly at a loss for words.
A thick atmosphere of unease hung in the air, causing Jack's family to glance curiously at Y/N as they loaded the boat. She could feel their questioning stares, as if they could see the unspoken connection between her and Jack that she was trying to ignore. It seemed like everyone knew something that they didn't, except for the two of them.
Luke appeared at Y/N's side, sliding a lanky arm around her shoulders. "Everything okay here?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Y/N leaned into him, grateful for the support even as her heart ached for Jack. "Everything's fine," she replied, forcing a smile. "Just wishing everyone a good trip."
As the two began to board the boat, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way Jack's eyes kept finding her, even as Daphne chatted animatedly at his side. There was a longing in his gaze that mirrored the ache in her own chest, a silent communication that spoke volumes.
Daphne, sensing the shift in Jack's attention, redoubled her efforts. She laughed louder, touched him more frequently, her actions screaming of desperation and possessiveness. It was clear she felt threatened, her carefully crafted plans unraveling in the face of the unspoken connection between Jack and Y/N.
As the boat pulled away from the dock, Y/N stood with Luke and his parents, watching it disappear into the distance. The sun glinted off the water, momentarily blinding her. When she blinked away the spots in her vision, she could have sworn she saw Jack standing at the back of the boat, still looking in her direction.
"You okay?" Luke asked, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Y/N nodded, not trusting her voice. How could she explain the tumult of emotions raging inside her? The love, the longing, the frustration, and the glimmer of hope that refused to be extinguished?
she turned to walk back to the house with Luke, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. And as much as it terrified her, a part of her welcomed it. Because pretending not to be in love with Jack was becoming harder with each passing moment.
The sun had begun its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. Y/N and Luke sat on the porch swing, the gentle creaking of its chains providing a soothing rhythm to their conversation.
Despite the picturesque setting, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach since the boat departed. Luke watched her, his brow furrowed with concern. He nudged her gently with his elbow. "Hey, space cadet. Where'd you go?"
Y/N blinked, forcing a smile. "Sorry, just... thinking."
"About Jack?" Luke asked, his tone free of judgment.
She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. This was what she loved about Luke - his ability to read her, to understand without pushing. "Am I that obvious?"
Luke chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. "Only to someone who knows you as well as I do, sis."
The term of endearment brought a genuine smile to Y/N's face. Though they'd been dating for a short while, their relationship had always felt more familial than romantic. Luke was the brother she never had, a safe harbor in the storm of her feelings for Jack.
"Want to talk about it?" Luke offered, his arm coming around her shoulders in a comforting squeeze.
Y/N shook her head. "Not really. Distract me instead?"
Luke was quiet for a moment, then sat up straighter, causing Y/N to lift her head from his shoulder. "Actually," he said, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice, "I've got some news that might do the trick."
Y/N turned to face him, curiosity piqued by the gleam in his eye. "Oh yeah? What's up?"
Luke took a deep breath, barely containing his grin. "So, you know how I've been waiting to hear back about the draft?"
Y/N nodded, her heart beginning to race with anticipation. "Did you...?"
"I got drafted!" Luke exclaimed, his face breaking into a wide smile. "I'm moving to Jersey after the summer. I'll be playing for the same team!"
For a moment, Y/N sat in stunned silence, processing the information. Then, as the reality of Luke's words sank in, her eyes widened. "Are you serious?" she asked, her voice rising with excitement.
Luke nodded, his grin growing impossibly wider. "Dead serious. Got the call yesterday, but I wanted to tell you in person."
"Oh my god, Luke!" Y/N squealed, launching herself into his arms. The porch swing swayed dangerously with their movement, but neither of them cared. "I can't believe it! This is amazing!"
Luke laughed, wrapping his arms around her in a bear hug. "Believe it, sis. Your boy's going pro!"
Y/N pulled back, holding Luke at arm's length to look at him properly. His face was alight with joy, and she felt a surge of pride and affection for him. "I'm so proud of you," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "You've worked so hard for this."
Luke's expression softened, and he tucked a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear in a brotherly gesture. "Couldn't have done it without my number one cheerleader," he said with a wink.
Y/N punched his arm playfully. "Oh please, as if you need any more ego boosting."
They fell into comfortable laughter, the kind that comes from years of shared jokes and mutual understanding. As their mirth subsided, Y/N found herself marveling at the easy camaraderie between them. Luke had been her rock, her confidant, through all the ups and downs of her unrequited love for Jack. And now, he was embarking on this new adventure.
"So, Jersey huh?" Y/N mused, settling back into the swing. "That's not too far. I expect free tickets to all the games."
Luke grinned, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "You got it. VIP treatment for my favorite girl."
Y/N leaned into him, feeling a mix of excitement for Luke and a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving him behind for the next couple months. "I'm going to miss you, how am I supposed to deal with Jack all alone until fall?" she admitted softly.
Luke squeezed her shoulder. "Hey, none of that. Summers gonna pass in the blink of an eye. Plus, think of all the headaches I’m gonna cause when I move in."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress her smile. "Always looking out for me, aren't you?"
"Someone's got to," Luke replied, his tone light but carrying an undercurrent of sincerity. "Especially with all this Jack drama."
Y/N tensed slightly at the mention of Jack, but Luke quickly steered the conversation back to his draft news, regaling her with details of the call and his future teammates. As they talked and laughed, the sun dipping lower on the horizon, Y/N felt some of the day's tension melt away.
The boat glided smoothly across the lake's surface, leaving a trail of ripples in its wake. Jack sat at the stern, his eyes fixed on the shrinking shoreline where he'd last seen Y/N. The fading sunlight caught the pale blue of his shirt, making his eyes appear even more vivid than usual.
Daphne sauntered over, her hips swaying with exaggerated grace. She held two glasses of champagne, bubbles fizzing merrily against the crystal. "Here you go, Jackie," she cooed, using the pet name that had once made his heart race but now only made him cringe inwardly.
"Thanks," Jack mumbled, accepting the glass without enthusiasm.
Undeterred by his lackluster response, Daphne settled herself next to him, pressing her leg against his in a way that was clearly meant to be alluring. "Remember our first boat trip together?" she asked, her voice dripping with nostalgia. "We watched the sunset right here."
Jack shifted uncomfortably, trying to put some distance between them without being overtly rude. "Yeah, I remember," he said noncommittally.
Daphne leaned in closer, the overpowering scent of her perfume suffocating him with its sickly sweetness. "We could recreate it, you know," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear. "For old times' sake."
Jack felt a twinge of something - nostalgia, perhaps, or the ghost of old feelings - and for a moment, he almost considered it. Daphne was familiar, safe in a way. She represented a simpler time, before these confusing feelings for Y/N had taken root.
But as he turned to respond, his eyes caught sight of the house in the distance. Even from here, he could make out two figures on the porch - Y/N and Luke, their heads close together in conversation. The sight sent a jolt through him, clearing away any lingering thoughts of rekindling things with Daphne.
Jack shook his head, gently but firmly removing Daphne's hand from his arm. "I'm sorry, Daph," he said, his voice soft but resolute. "But that's not going to happen again."
Daphne's perfectly plucked eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But why not? We were so good together, Jackie. We could be again."
Jack took a deep breath, surprised by the relief he felt at finally voicing what he'd been feeling. "Because... I think I have feelings for Y/N."
The words hung in the air between them, heavy with implication. Jack himself seemed surprised by his admission, as if hearing it out loud had solidified something he'd only half-acknowledged to himself.
"Feelings I don't quite understand yet," he continued, more to himself than to Daphne. "But they're there, and they're real."
Daphne's expression cycled rapidly through surprise, hurt, and finally settled on a mix of resignation and irritation. She plopped down next to him with a dramatic sigh, all pretense of seduction gone. "God, Jack," she said, rolling her eyes. "I could have told you that."
Jack blinked, startled. "What? How?"
Daphne took a long sip of her champagne before answering. "The night I came to see you after your game? The way you talked about her, the look in your eyes... It was obvious to anyone paying attention."
Jack sat in stunned silence, processing this revelation. Had his feelings been that transparent? And if so, how had he missed them for so long?
As the boat continued its lazy path across the lake, Jack found his gaze drawn once again to the distant shore, to the house where Y/N waited. For the first time, he allowed himself to fully acknowledge the depth of his feelings for her, and the enormity of what that might mean.
Dark clouds rolled in from the horizon, their ominous rumble a stark contrast to the earlier calm. Jack guided the boat back to the dock, his knuckles white on the wheel as he fought against the choppy waters. The first drops of rain began to fall, creating tiny ripples across the lake's surface.
As they approached the dock, a crack of thunder split the air. Jack quickly secured the boat, then extended a hand to help Daphne disembark. She took it without a word, her earlier flirtatiousness replaced by a cold silence. As soon as her feet touched the wooden planks, she brushed past Jack, heading towards the house without a backward glance.
Jack stood for a moment, letting the light drizzle soak through his pale blue shirt. His eyes scanned the porch, searching for Y/N, but she was nowhere to be seen. A memory flickered in his mind - of a young Y/N, hair in pigtails, running to hide in the garden whenever she was upset.
Following an instinct he didn't quite understand, Jack made his way towards the old garden. The rain was falling harder now, plastering his hair to his forehead and blurring his vision. But he pressed on, drawn by an invisible thread.
As he rounded the corner, he saw her. Y/N stood by the fishpond, her back to him, seemingly oblivious to the rain soaking through her clothes. The sight of her, vulnerable and alone, made Jack's heart clench.
"Y/N?" he called out softly, not wanting to startle her.
She turned slowly, her eyes widening as she saw him. "Jack? What are you doing here?"
He took a step closer, raindrops clinging to his eyelashes. "I was looking for you. I thought... I thought we could talk."
Y/N shook her head, a pained expression crossing her face. "I can't, Jack. I can't do this anymore."
"Do what?" he asked, confusion evident in his voice.
"This!" she exclaimed, gesturing between them. "Pretending everything's normal when it's not. I can't be around you and act like my heart isn't breaking every single time."
Jack felt as if the ground had shifted beneath his feet. "Y/N, I-"
But she cut him off, words pouring out of her like a dam bursting. "How long, Jack? How long can you pretend that it hasn't always been me? By your side, helping you through everything, loving you for who you are?"
The rain fell harder, mirroring the intensity of Y/N's emotions. Jack stood frozen, the weight of her words washing over him.
"I've been there through everything," Y/N continued, her voice cracking. "Your first game, your injuries, your breakups. I've loved you through it all, Jack. And I can't pretend anymore that it doesn't kill me to see you with someone else, to know that you don't feel the same way."
Thunder rumbled overhead, punctuating her words. Jack took a step forward, reaching out to her. "Y/N, please-"
But before he could finish, a brilliant flash of lightning illuminated the garden, followed immediately by a deafening crack of thunder. Y/N jumped, instinctively moving closer to Jack. For a moment, they stood there, inches apart, rain streaming down their faces. Jack could see the pain in Y/N's eyes, the vulnerability, and something in him finally clicked into place.
"You're right," he said softly, his voice barely audible over the storm.
Y/N blinked, confusion replacing the hurt in her eyes. "What?"
Jack reached out, gently cupping her face in his hands. "You're right. It's always been you, Y/N. I've just been too blind to see it."
The world seemed to hold its breath as they stood there, the rain falling around them, the air electric with more than just the storm. Jack leaned in, his intention clear, but before their lips could meet, a voice called out from the house.
"Y/N? Jack? Where are you guys? It's pouring out here!"
The spell broken, Y/N and Jack stepped apart, both breathing heavily. They stared at each other, a thousand unspoken words passing between them.
"We should go in," Y/N said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. Jack nodded, unable to trust his voice. As they walked back to the house, side by side but not touching, the air between them crackled with possibility and unresolved tension.
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cheollipop · 9 months
so I've been thinking about the sleepover and there's one scenario won't leave my mind.. Imagine you (reader) is dating seonghwa but he seems to know that san has a thing for you as well. He thought nothing of it when san would linger in his room when you were over but then he started to notice san's eyes look longingly after the two of you. There was nothing san missed, not a touch or shared glance, but he didn't seonghwa watching him. After sometime seonghwa suggest san "sleepover" while that watch a movie marathon. cramped side by side in seonghwa's bed you try to watch the movie but there's more attention on you than on the flashing tv screen.
My brain hasn't filled in the blanks but what if San lays beneath you, pressed chest to chest while seonghwa rails into you from above. Imagine San's poor cock trapped between the two of you. Leaking and swollen red. But he can't take his eyes of your changing face expressions. Seonghwa has practically pinned your waist to San. A whiny moan leaving San's mouth everytime Hwa thrust harshly. Fingers probably twitching at his side, unsure if he can touch you or not.
I'm going to throw myself in front of a moving bus,,, I am so horny for these two.
2𝙠 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩
nabi.....i've dmed you about this very ask,, screaming, creaming, crying, throwing UP- ahem. no fr though, the visual alone had me gripping my sheets and contemplating arson. bc???? oh my lord. I wrote this all in one go, and it ended up being longer than I thought it would be bc I ignored every possible ending until I realised that I needed to stop ✋ thank you SO much for sharing this with me, and I really hope I did it justice!~ happy reading~ ^^
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pairing: bf!park seonghwa x fem!reader x roommate!choi san
w.c.: 0.9k
tags: smut, voyeurism/exhibitionism, mean-ish dom!seonghwa, san is soo desperate, begging, grinding (ig?), hints of a creampie kink, i think that's it >:]
nsfw under cut—minors dni!
“You wanna touch her, don’t you?”
The fingers digging into the flesh of your hips splayed out between your shoulder blades, pushing you down onto San’s body, nipples brushing over his and breaths mingling in the shortened gap between your faces. Seonghwa hammered his cock into you, getting off on the broken moans leaving your lips, and perhaps on San’s pathetic expression as well—furrowed eyebrows and teary, hooded eyes taking in the sweat beading on your forehead—as he watched him use your cunt like a cocksleeve, arms resting idly beside him while he resisted the urge to touch your trembling body.
“Bet you’re leaking all over her.”
A shiver ran through San’s body, spurting more precum onto his lower belly, the sticky mess transferring onto yours as you jerked forward with every thrust. A whimper fell from his lips, his cock—hard and throbbing—trapped between his firm torso and yours, and more than ever, he wanted to watch it sink into your tight heat, to empty out the load he’d been holding onto just for you, only to watch it flood out in thick streams.
“Think I didn’t know you were jerking off in your room every time I fucked her? You dirty slut,” the backs of your thighs stung as Seonghwa pumped his cock into you with fervour, folding himself over your figure with a growl echoing in his throat, peering at San over your shoulder. You nearly scoffed; he’d missed the hints of irony laced into his last statement. Seonghwa was the one getting off on fucking you atop his roommate’s body, his cock pulsing between your walls at the desperate whine leaving San’s lips. “You wanna touch her?”
San’s eyes snapped off your blissed-out face to meet Seonghwa’s, fingers twitching at his side at the mere thought of running them over your damp skin. He nodded his head vigorously, envisioning your nipples at the mercy of his thumbs and pointers, handfuls of your ass in his palms, pushing you back onto Seonghwa’s cock, and forward to grind on his.
“Beg for it, Sannie.”
And San was a desperate man, with a pride that allowed him to give the older man what he wanted, the heavy presence of his cock resting under your heated flesh nearly driving him to delirium. “Seonghwa, please. Fuck—hngh—c’mon, let me touch her, I’ve been so good. Please, please, Hwa-”
Sandwiched between the two men, Seonghwa pressed you down onto San until your face buried into the crook of his neck, missing the wide, glimmering eyes staring into those below you while he spoke, a sly smirk evident in the deep baritone, “don’t wanna.”
A stubborn, possessive side of Seonghwa surprised the both of you, a frustrated huff leaving the younger man’s lips before the other straightened up, regaining his balance on his knees before building up to a pace he knew you enjoyed. Enjoyed, meaning: burning pleasure sent your nerves into overdrive, rolling you over the edge before you could even process the speedy climb, legs closing around San’s hips while Seonghwa continued to fuck himself into your weeping cunt. Your orgasm stretched, face tucked into San’s neck and your thighs quivering violently, hips spasming away from each thrust, only for the firm hands grasping them to pull you closer again.
San simply laid there, eyes shut as he took in the melody playing in his ear—your euphonious voice matching the beat of skin-on-skin—unconsciously rutting his hips into your belly, moaning piteously as you glided over the length of his cock, painfully hard and angry at the neglect.
You wanted to give him attention since, as he said, he’d been so good. But then Seonghwa was unloading within you, making sure every last drop was fucked deep into your womb. “There we go—fuck—my pretty girl, my beautiful darling,” he grinded his cock into your used cunt, eyes fluttering at the loud squelch of your mixed arousal, “taking it all so well, ‘bet you feel so full.”
You nodded lazily, resting limply over San’s body and inhaling the faint scent of bergamot off his skin. As the blinding haze of his orgasm faded, Seonghwa’s possessiveness came into play, eying the tranquillity, the ease in which you allowed yourself to drowse in over another man’s chest. So he disrupted it, veined arms wrapping around your middle to pull you off the firm body and into his own, mooning over the slow turn of your head, the pucker of your lips as you leaned in to plant a kiss onto the plush of his. A reminder of the man settled under you came in the form of a simple muscle twitch, and two heads twisted to gawk at the sight of him: sprawled out on the sheets, milky cum painting his defined abs—the remainder of his load clinging to your abdomen—while he looked up at you through his eyelashes.
Seonghwa huffed out a laugh, an amused smirk curling his lips, “that wasn’t very good of you, was it, Sannie?”
San tilted his head, a smile gracing his feline features while his spent cock twitched in interest, his tone spiked with childish playfulness, “and what are you gonna do about that?”
565 notes · View notes
pedroshotwifey · 2 months
To the Flame chapter fifteen
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Chapter w/c: 3.4k
Chapter warnings: physical abuse, like hardcore abuse pls heed the warning, manipulation, mental abuse, toxic relationship, alcohol consumption, alcoholism, description of injury, choking and not in the sexy way, noncon piv sex, noncon fingering, panic attacks, emotional distress, anxiety attacks, this is fucked, please just go in with caution, like fr i don't think i can sum all the fucked up shit in this chapter up
Chapter Summary: Is this the end?
A/N: Hey to everyone who's stuck by this story! This chapter is very intense and I just want to put it here that everything that happens here (and in this story in general) is obviously not okay. I am here if anybody needs to talk about anything at all. Take care of yourselves ❤
You barely see kindness from Javi for the next couple of weeks. It was pretty much the same as the usual, but now you have to spend most nights with a terrifying man you don’t know. Whereas your husband used to come home, tired from work but still kind, there’s now a stranger who seems to not care at all. It’s happened so fast—the switch—that you think you may be in a perpetual state of shock. It’s hard to comprehend, but the difference is there. Easy to see when you just open your eyes. The biggest you’ve seen is how his first move once he gets home, is always to the fridge or the liquor cabinet. By dinner, he’s usually at least a few beers or glasses of whiskey deep, and by bed, he’s drunk enough to be slurring his speech and forgetting whatever he says the second it’s out of his mouth. 
A couple of nights, he comes home a bit later, and you suspect that he’s been to the bar on those days because he comes home already drunk off his ass. You don’t know what’s worse—watching the buildup or being hit with dread as soon as he walks through the door. There have been a couple days where comes home and doesn’t touch a drop, and you savor them. Those precious moments you get with him when you know he’s listening to you and giving you his time instead of the alcohol.You like to just pretend that everything is okay on those days, because blissful ignorance is better than ruining those good moments by thinking about the bad. Knowing you have days like that, though, makes it so much worse when you go to him, wanting to talk or simply be around him, and then feel the disappointment when it sinks in that he’s already gone. 
It hurts every time he does it, because it makes you feel alone again. You’ve come to understand that he turns into a different person when he drinks, a person you don’t know. This new person—this stranger—likes to hurt you. He’s rageful and hateful and relentless and overpowering. You take a sip of your coffee from where you’re currently sitting at the kitchen table and shiver at the memory of just last night, when he’d fucked you deep into the mattress and spilled within minutes before collapsing on top of you, dead asleep. You keep telling yourself that you wanted it, but you know better. You’d told him no, and when he ignored you, you’d gotten scared. So you let it happen. It’s your own fault for being weak and you know it. 
Besides, that voice in your pounding head challenges, what kind of a woman doesn’t want to make love to her husband? What kind of woman doesn’t want to feel her lover’s touch?
It shames you both ways. Not wanting him but letting him take what he wants anyway. You think that you might be doing it because fighting would make it real. If you just let it happen, he’s not taking anything from you. Maybe if you just let it happen, he’ll stop.
Lies, that other part of your brain spits at you. The more logical one. 
You take another sip to smooth out the knot that’s formed in your throat. You pretend that it was never there. You’ve been doing a lot of that lately. 
It seems like every day gets worse. He gets meaner and he takes more and more. You can tell that there’s something making him do it, something controlling the impulse to pick up that bottle and down the entire thing. You wish desperately that he would just talk to you, or that you at least knew what it was so that you could help, but you’re just as useless with that as you are everything else. You want to kill the stranger inside of him. You want to pull him out and gut him and hurt him in every way he’s hurt you. You just want your Javi back. 
But even then, it wouldn’t be the same, and you’re painfully aware of that. It’s still awful and wrong, even now, in those moments he is there. When the Javi you know and love is dormant and there to hold you like nothing’s wrong. The worst part because you don’t know if he remembers everything he does to you. It doesn’t make sense, because you know he sees the bruises that cover your body some days, the way you have to limp when you’re too sore to walk right. You see the glint in his eye when he reaches for you and you flinch away. He can see the physical bruises just as well as your mental wounds, but he acts oblivious, like he’s not to blame for your pain. 
You ignore the tear that slips down your cheek as you catch yourself caught up in it again. It’s so fucking hurtful and confusing. You want to pretend, too. Pretend that none of it ever happened, but you’re the one who has to wear the consequences, so you have no choice but to face them. 
You asked him one morning, when you’d woken up and caught him sober as he was getting ready for work, why he’d hit you the night before. The night before when he’d stripped you and taken you to bed and covered your mouth with his hand when you began to sob. You didn’t mean to, but as you’d tried to get him to stop, you felt skin between your teeth. Just to see if he remembered, you asked him. You know you shouldn’t have, but you were so tired and the hole in your stomach was so large that you needed to know. Just to see if you could find an excuse to forgive him and close it up.
But Javi had stopped and watched you for a moment before his eyes darkened and he looked at you like he was angry at you. “You fucking bit me. What did you think was going to happen?” 
You’d just laid back down and let the tears ease you back to sleep. He knows what he does. You know he does. He just doesn’t care. But why? Why doesn’t he care? Regret it? Feel sorry? What happened?
You’ve become numb with each day that passes, more accepting of the fact that you need to stop letting your emotions control you. The anger, the fear, the hatred. You can still feel it lingering somewhere deep inside of you, waiting for the right moment to pounce, but you’re content to just ignore it for now. Ignore everything that makes you question why. It’s like a tightness around your heart, a shield that went up without your permission. And maybe it’s for the best, but you wish it would drop at least a little, because you feel like you haven’t been able to be yourself around Javi in days. You can tell he sees it, too. But he never says anything. Does he even care that you’re changing, that he’s the one who’s changed you?
You set your now-cold coffee down and look out the window. How the fuck did you get here? You’re so tired of your every day being this. Alone in the apartment, and then scared when you’re not. Sometimes, you don’t know what’s worse. There’s days when you get the idea to just leave, but you know better. You can’t. Your husband is still here, somewhere. You can’t leave him because it would break your heart completely, and not being around him at all is something you can’t handle. And even if he wasn’t, that man who’s replaced him would find you. You know it in your gut that he would. 
You let out a shaky sigh, brush away your tears, and stand up. At least you have things to do today instead of sitting in silence. As far as you know, Steve and Connie are still coming over Sunday night for dinner. The house isn’t too messy, since you usually start your days with tidying up the mess from the night before, but there are things that can be cleaned more thoroughly. The kitchen needs to be scrubbed, the living room tidied. 
Javi had woken you up before he left this morning and asked what you plan on making. He’s going to bring the ingredients home tonight so that everything will be ready for you to start tomorrow. You’re actually excited about that. Not just about seeing people again, but also about putting together an elaborate meal. Recently, it’s been whatever kind of soups or sandwich stuff that Javi brings home for you to make. It’s been too long since you made something more complex than a casserole. 
You bring your mug to the sink and start with that, rinsing it and placing it on the side with the rest of the dirty dishes. You take one look at the massive pile and decide you’ll do that last. You absolutely despise doing the dishes, Besides, leaving it for last will be more rewarding once the pile is gone and everything is officially spotless. 
You start instead with the living room, and then the bathroom, and then the bedroom. It takes all day, but you’re proud of the result by the time you’re ready for the kitchen. It all looks as good as the first time you cleaned it, not a speck of dust in sight, everything in its rightful place. You’re proud of yourself, and catch yourself genuinely smiling as you make your way to the dishes. 
You’re in the kitchen, filling up the sink with water, when he gets home. Keys rattle in the door, making you jump in surprise. It’s only then that you notice it’s gone dark outside. Your eyes flick up to the clock, and your stomach churns when you see the time. It’s almost 12:00am. It shouldn’t take that long to go to the grocery store. You know immediately where he’s been. Your body goes taught as you hear the door shut behind him. He doesn’t announce himself, but you can hear his heavy footsteps as he walks through the house to get to you. They sound wrong, like he’s stumbling. 
Your hands begin to shake as you push the faucet to stop the running water and wipe them down on your shirt. You feel more than see Javi’s broad form stop in the doorway beside you, and you contemplate greeting him, but you don’t know how his day’s been so you don’t want to start anything if he wants silence. 
You pick up one of the plates from the pile beside the sink and dunk it slowly into the water before pouring a bit of soap on it, continuing to avoid eye contact with your husband. The gentle scrub of the sponge against the ceramic and the occasional drip of excess water is the only sound to be heard throughout the house. 
You can feel his eyes on you, and you have to physically resist the urge to squirm beneath his heavy gaze. You just try to keep your breathing steady and focus on your task. 
“Not going to ask me how my day was?” Javi’s voice is hard. Cold. It makes you shiver. Wrong choice, then.
“How was your day?” Your voice in contrast is meek even as you look at him and flash a smile. So small it makes you want to slap yourself. You just blink and keep washing the plate in your hands. 
Javi sighs loudly as he leans against the door frame, as if thinking it over. “How was your day, sweetheart?” He starts to walk toward you, coming up behind you and putting his hands on your waist, ducking down a bit to press his lips to your neck.
“It was fine,” you say, though there’s a pang of hurt as you wish so badly that he was asking genuinely. That he wanted to talk to you, wanted to be here with you. 
He nods against you, his hands traveling down to your waistband. You squirm a bit but try to hold still in hopes that he’ll just stop. “Just fine, hm? I can make it better.” Your eyes shut. Of course he wouldn’t. 
“No, thank you, my day was good. I’m just tired.” You start to push his hands off of you, but he doesn’t allow it. 
“Well, I didn’t have a very good day,” he counters. “I was looking forward to coming home and fucking my sweet, pretty little wife, ‘n’ then she tells me she doesn’t want me.” 
Irritation prickles at your neck, warring with the fear that’s made a home there already. “That’s not what I said, Javi, and you know it.” 
“Oh, but it is.” He pulls you tighter, slipping one hand down your shorts to feel your panties. You whimper, trying to get out of his grasp. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, baby. Fucking scared. disgusted” 
You freeze against him. 
“I don’t want you to be scared, sweetheart,” he coos. He brings the hand that’s not cupping your pussy up to your cheek, brushing away a tear with his thumb. “But your tears are so fucking sweet that I just can’t help myself sometimes.” 
You shake as he slowly brings his thumb up to your lips, pressing harder and harder until you’re forced to let him in and taste the salty drop on your tongue. 
“I do it for you, baby. You know it’s all for your own good.” He makes your head nod up and down with the hand grasping your chin. “Just gotta keep you safe.” 
He pulls his thumb from your mouth, a quiet sob leaving you as he does so. He grasps your hip again and grinds your ass into his erection. “And you don’t even care to show your thanks.” He tuts, and even the mock disappointment in his tone makes you want to crumble and cry. “Thought you were better ‘n that, sweetheart.” 
You’re gasping in quiet and shallow breaths at this point, your face heated with shame. You know it’s not him talking, but you can’t help but hate yourself for what he’s telling you. You’re a disappointment. He thought you were better. You’re a screwup to him just like you are for everyone else. The voices and taunts swirl around in your head until you’re so overwhelmed that you have to close your eyes to settle them. 
“Stop!” The ferocity in your voice surprises even you. The anger and hurt revealed is raw and visceral, out in the open for him to catch a glimpse of what you’re feeling inside. “Get your hands off me, Javi.” 
He chuckles darkly into your hair, his hand now coming to your throat. You swallow thickly and stiffen as he loosely wraps it around your neck, holding you close to him. He doesn’t apply pressure, but it’s enough to make you bite your tongue to stifle anything else that might want to slip out. 
“I don’t think you’re really in a position to be demanding things, baby,” he says the words gently. “Why don’t you try asking nicely.” 
You blink, and all you can think is that you’re so fucking tired. “Please let me go,” you give in and whisper. 
“What was that?” His hand tightens ever so slightly, and then slackens again. You eye his booted foot next to yours, and get the idea to stomp on it, but you know why that’s not a good idea. You speak up.
“I said, please let me—” 
He tightens his grip, crushing your windpipe as he holds to the point where you can’t draw a breath. “Thought I fuckin’ told you who was in charge,” his voice comes to your ringing ears. He keeps still as you struggle, even though you’re trying your hardest not to. “Don’t make me have to remind you, sweetheart. I don’t like to see you hurt, but I can’t promise anything if you keep acting so high and fucking mighty.” 
He lets you go, and you practically collapse against him. He wraps his arms around you and you lose it. 
“Leave me alone, you fucking bastard!” You scream at him with the first breath you can manage, spinning around and backing away as you push and hit at him, trying to get his arms off of you. If you can just get away, maybe you can lock yourself in the bedroom and wait until he’s taken his anger out on something else. You don’t feel bad at all as you claw at him. You manage to get an arm loose and you use it to land a slap to his face. His hold on you loosens the slightest bit, and you use the chance to scramble away even as your stomach drops as you realize what you just did.  
You should have known better. It all happens in slow motion as your head comes into contact with the lip of the counter, right by the sink. He’s forced you back around and is now folded over you, using one hand to shove your shorts down and the other to pin the back of your neck down. “Fucking bitch!” he yells into your ear, and you know that you just made this worlds worse for yourself. 
You heave wet sobs as he brings his fingers to your bare cunt and roughly shoves two inside, your hips bucking as you try to get away. You’re yelling something as well, something that sounds a lot like ‘stop’, over and over again. 
You can’t focus on whatever words are spilling from his mouth now, only on the ringing on your ears and the water sloshing around in the sink only about an inch away from you. A jolt of deeper fear runs through you as you catch the gleam of it, and you scream and cry louder and struggle even harder, trying to do something, anything, before Javi gets the idea that just flashed through your head. 
Maybe it was your own fault with all the screaming, or maybe he saw it at the same time you did, but his hand on your neck starts to move higher, until it’s on the back of your head. You resist as much as you can, not even feeling his defiling fingers anymore as your nose touches the soapy water and pieces of your hair grow heavy as they soak it up. You can tell the second you’re going to lose the fight, and you realize that you’ve never been so terrified in your life. 
Between the sobs and screams and tears, you don’t get much of a breath before you’re being submerged. Your body flails wildly, and you think in that second that you’re going to die. He’s going to kill you. The terror running through your body is indescribable. You just want to scream but you can’t. You want to close your eyes and go before you lose the small breath you have and water floods your lungs. It feels like a nightmare, like it’s not real, can’t be happening to you. But it is, and you don’t understand why. What the fuck did you do to deserve this? 
You push and push up with all your might, using your hands against the counter and your entire body to try to lift your head, but he keeps his hand on top, not letting you breathe the surface no matter what. You feel so pathetic as your body shakes with silent cries that you’re forced to hold in through the panic.
You almost forget about everything else until you feel his cock push inside of you, and you scream. You forget, and upon the burning sensation as he forces himself into you, you open your mouth and take in gulps of water. Your body surges with pain and fear as the burn spreads up to your chest and then to the rest of your body. 
This is the end, this is the end, this is the end. 
Everything you’ve ever known will be gone. Your family probably won’t even know what happened, won’t care. Nobody will. Maybe Javi will eventually, if he ever comes back. Your vision starts to go black, and your body slackens, your hands falling uselessly as you lose the energy to fight. He’s going to hate himself, you realize. And that thought may hurt you most of all. He’s going to be alone, just like you. You won’t be there to help him. Your Javi is going to be devastated. 
That’s the last thing through your mind as your consciousness fades to black. 
The end.
Next chapter will be up next Friday 😘
Series taglist:  @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy
@survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff  @missladym1981 @sofiparallel
@koshkaj-blog @sheepdogchick3 @movievillainess721 @jessie8605 @casa-boiardi
@justlulu @iamsherlocked-1998 @hjzghi-blog @glitterymanboy @letstalkaboutshtufff
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whorediaries-09 · 9 months
Hi, I hope that you're having a nice day! Could I request angry sex with Sirius with the prompt 28? Maybe they've had a fight but Sirius got tired of the whole ignoring each other thing and took matters into his own hands?
hi dear anon! i hope you like this xoxo
i think you make me a maniac
pairing- sirius black x reader warning(s)- 18+ content. a/n- gahhhh. this is just pure filth 😵‍💫
kinkotober rules the slut club
prompt- angry sex + 'you want gentle? wrong fucking address.'
one of his hands hastily unlatch his belt while the other pins you against the door of his bedroom. you try to squirm away, but he holds you close, his lips bruising every inch of your body which you had left uncovered.
'you think you can ignore me?' he rumbles into your ear, pushing through the door. he slams you against his mattress and you let out a squeak of protest, but he doesn't acknowledge it. he's angry and you know it. it sends electrifying lust through your veins, but you try not to show it. he's rogue, he's rough while he tears off the clothing off your body.
but you love it. it drives you crazy, it drives you into a high, scorching you with emotions of desire and fierce addiction of his touch.
and although he's just wearing his boxers and shirt, he can't get rid off them fast enough. his lips trail every inch of your skin, he breaths hotness with every rogue brush of his touch. he blows cool over your hot mound of nerves and you arch your back. he smirks, inserting two fingers into you at once, stretching you deliciously. you moan, as he rams his fingers into you, his thumb rubbing at your clit.
his cock is big and you know it. and he's preparing you for it. you had heard tales about it, but never experienced it. of course. you were supposed to be friends weren't you? but now you were in his bed, naked, as he rammed his fingers into you, driving you into an insanity of pleasure you had never experienced before.
he shoves his fingers soaked in your juices inside your mouth. it tickles your throat and you gag. and before you know it, the walls of your cunt burn, and sirius pushes all of him inside you. you scream, your hips rolling. tears creep at your eyes, his hand curling under your waist, as he picks you up, pushing your bare chest closer to his. you whisper,
'gentle, please.'
darkness hoods his eyes, and he smirks.
'you want gentle? wrong fucking address.'
and he's ramming into you. it drives you crazy, he explores your guts, and he somehow hits all the perfect spots. he groans and whispers dirty words in your ear, but the slow sensual way his words beat against your eardrums is nothing like the pace he slams into you. his pelvic bone rubs against your clit oh so perfectly, and you think it won't be long before you're screaming his name, cumming on his cock.
he drives you crazy, and you feel like a maniac. heat surges through every inch of your body and he slams hard and fast into you. it's a sweet symphony of abuse. a punishment you think. but you like it. the saccharine bliss of his roughness, his hot touch, the feeling of his cock in you, ruining you, breaking you apart, you like it.
and he knows you like it. he smiles like a fucking devil when you scream his name in a string of profanities.
'sirius-fuc-shit-OH! don't you fucking stop-'
'yeah? i won't. ignore me again and i'll fuck you till you're fucking braindead.' he promises.
you think you're already a bit braindead.
he's ruining you, exploring all of you, rutting into your guts. he hits your g-spot perfectly and you groan, your head falling slack against his shoulder. his hair tickles your face and the overwhelming desire of orgasm grips you. so close, you think, your walls pulsing around his cock, gripping him tight. the coil of your orgasm bubbles like boiling water in your stomach. you hear the smugness in his voice,
'cum around my cock darling, i can feel you,' you mumble incoherently, the pleasure numbing your senses. your walls flutter, and the coil breaks free. you scream, as he rubs your clit while you release,
'god, thank y-shit-sirius!' he growls, ramming into your harder, chasing his own release. he paints your insides white, releasing white hot ropes of cum inside you. he smiles, placing a chaste kiss over your forehead.
it's maniacal.
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lixiesfreckless · 4 months
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Deep | l. m.
part two: Deeper
➸ synopsis: you should not be here. not in this car, not at this hour, not again,
and especially not with him.
➸ starring: lee minho x female reader(ft. a mention of another skz member)
➸ word count: 1.2k
➸ general content: ex bf!minho, reader knows what a moral compass is and doesn't use it, they're both enablers in the worst way, toxic is the understatement of the century, car sex, angst, minho is a dirty talker lmaooooo
➸ warnings: swearing, cheating, sexual content
➸ rating: 18+ MA
➸ author’s note: I feel like I have to preface this fic by saying that cheating is never okay. in no way am I trying to glamourize it, I just like writing stories about messed up characters sometimes. that being said THIS FIC IS SO MESSED UP IDK HOW I WROTE THIS TWO YEARS AGO WITHOUT BATTING AN EYE like I fr pumped this out in a day and was like "I'm just a girl" yeah one that needs to be put into a straitjacket, tf?
♫ deep- summer walker, 너와- jaymin
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The tow truck pulls out of the parking garage, trailing your lifeless hunk of metal behind it as Minho turns to you, hands tucked into his pockets.
“Thanks for…coming out to help me so late,” you mumble, hands busying themselves with your jacket sleeves as your eyes watch the concrete. He hums, not trying to draw out the already tense atmosphere. He knows better.
He knows why you’re so stiff.
You two situate yourselves into his car, and he’s asking something about how long your car will be in the shop, but you barely register it. Three days, you feel yourself say, but you don’t really know.
You don’t really care either.
“Who’s going to drive you to work until then?” He turns in his seat to face you. A small part of you wishes he hadn’t.
“I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” You force yourself to not meet his piercing gaze, and thankfully he sighs, looking out the windshield.
“I’ll drive you.”
“You don’t have to-”
“It’s already on my way to work, and I already know your schedule,” he states calmly, ignoring the way your eyes flicker to his lips. “It’s nothing, really.”
You know you can’t change his mind, and you also don’t want to, so you press your lips together, not-so-unintentionally wetting them as you did so.
“Don’t sweat it.”
There’s a faint hum in the car. Minho hasn’t clicked it into gear yet. There’s a little red symbol blinking on his dashboard and you figure he’s overdue for an oil change. Someone is walking out to a dumpster a ways away from his car, and your ears barely pick up the way the lid slams when the worker carelessly lets it drop. Minho is mindlessly rubbing the leather on the steering wheel. He doesn’t normally do that.
You thought those details would be enough to distract you.
But it’s never enough.
Nothing is ever enough if it’s not Lee Minho.
He lets out a small breath of air, and you can see the frustration in his eyes as he quickly checks the surroundings. The small voice in your head screams at you, because you know you shouldn't be here like this, but he turns back to you and squanders the remaining sanity in your brain as he leans into your face.
And it’s hot and desperate and fast, the way your lips move against each other, the way your hands fist in his hair and grab at his collar, the way one too many curse words slip out of his mouth; but there’s no time to think about that, not when his hands are on you, igniting a fire that you’ve tried to put out time and time again.
And it’s dizzying, the way he tears himself away from you after a few seconds of sinful bliss, because the guilt rocks your entire body like a boat caught in a summer storm, and you’re not used to dealing with the consequences of your actions this soon.
“We can’t,” he pants, “we can’t keep doing this.”
You stare at him, shirt slightly crushed where you had gripped him from earlier and hair an absolute mess, and despite how enticing as he looks you nod, because he’s right.
You can’t.
Unfortunately you’re a pair of liars.
And it’s not even you who pulls the other back in, how ironic.
You take it upon yourself to move into a more comfortable position, one that lands on his lap, and he exercises his restraint for a few moments more before his hands land on your hips, helping you move faster over the gear shift.
Maybe you’re moving too fast but you can’t help it, his hips are positioned under yours just right and it’s not long before you’re grinding down against him. You expect him to hold you off of him and call it quits, not groan into your mouth and hold you closer like he’s doing now, and it takes every fiber in your body not to whimper back into his lips.
Your jacket disappears in the wake of his desperation, and there’s finally more skin-on-skin contact between you two. His fingertips burn with the knowledge that what’s happening is far from right, but the fire building inside you makes it feel like heaven, makes him feel like heaven, and you long for his fingertips to run under your shirt, where they definitely do not belong.
And they do.
So yours work their way to the hem of his jeans, tired of the leather that’s holding them together, and he breaks the kiss, hopefully to tell you to stop.
What he says next, unfortunately, doesn't surprise you.
“We need to stop getting ourselves into this situation.”
You look up from his belt, watching as the shame glosses over his eyes and you nod, feeling a pang of guilt rise in your stomach.
But the need between your thighs temporarily stalls the negative emotion, and before you can apologize for letting the situation escalate this far again, he’s the one undoing his belt.
At least you’re not the only one at fault here.
And the pressure between your thighs is finally satisfied as he lets you ride him, lips sucking on your neck hard enough to make you gasp but not hard enough to leave marks. For obvious reasons.
“Fuck baby,” he halts his trail of neck kisses, “if you were gonna take my cock this well you should have called me earlier.”
You wish hearing him say that didn’t make you feel so good.
He meets you halfway in slow, lazy thrusts, which makes you feel every ridge of him through the latex separating you two, and suddenly you’re crushing the fabric at his shoulders now too. 
“You like that huh?” With the way you clench around him, he doesn’t need verbal confirmation, but he edges it out of you regardless. “You like when I fuck you like that?”
“Yes what?”
“Y-Yes Minho.”
“That’s my girl.”
Oh, how that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
You whisper something about wanting him to go harder, faster, and he’s compliant, seemingly not in the mood to tease you. Or maybe, judging from the way he was gripping you, he was just close.
The glass is fogging up.
There is a foreseeable end in sight, and you feel relieved, after weeks of not having any sort of real release. To be fair, last time was supposed to be the last time. As well as the time before that.
And the time before that.
But you chase away the guilt creeping up again with your own fingers, rubbing away at your clit with a determination that even Minho doesn’t have chasing his own high.
He knows how badly you need it though, so he slams up into you the same way that made you finish the last time.
Suppose there’s no such thing as a good time when there’s nothing good about what you’re doing.
Which is why although you want to, you shouldn’t complain about a ringtone slicing through the humid atmosphere of the car.
Both of your hips come to a halt, and it takes a moment for your brain to recognize the ringtone to see if the call is urgent.
It is.
And the high that you were close to reaching comes plummeting to the ground as soon as you read the caller ID.
Incoming call… Jeongin <3 
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sadnightforus · 7 months
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biker boyfriend!juyeon x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: In an attempt to surprise you for the 500 days anniversary, he took you on a ride to his favorite places that are far away from the city, after various complaints from you that you found nothing to do in Seoul. 
WARNINGS: none… we reached this point guys (besides the mentioning of Eric being a super rich guy that’s all). too much fluff *insert the crying waterfall emoji because normal emoji does not cut it* 
A/N: don’t know if y’all know this but I was inspired by that one particular fanmade video. the og concept was supposed to have a bad boy vibe but he looks too good in that middle pic so I have to comply with this one instead. so cute, I’m kicking my feet fr. also omg full on fluffy soft fic from me??? I Will Die. 😭😭😭
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
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You’re bored of Seoul. 
 Don’t get it wrong, you don’t hate the city at all. But Seoul always has something going on. The streets look amazing during the day and night and there’s modern technology everywhere. Everything seems so fancy and lavish. You’re proud of how far the world has come. 
 Even though it’s incredibly hard to earn a quiet time for yourself since it’s a really busy city and if you want complete silence, you have to block out their own voices. It’s hard to ignore the presence of others when there are loud noises and so many people at once. 
 However, for you, it’s also the city of love.
 You met Juyeon when you both first enrolled into the same college and happened to closely share a semester together due to the duo group work your professor was making you do (and the deadline was well over 2 weeks). Those 2 weeks were blissful, you used to think he was a bit cold and even more so, a bit too full of himself, since he is immediately dubbed as ‘the dancing prince’ and he hangs out with the popular crowd. But your first impressions didn’t matter because he was incredibly nice and polite, and was so helpful when helping you with the project too, be it ideas or just offering to take places in completing the work. And you both ended up getting an A due to the outstanding efforts you put into your work, which you have to thank your amazing partner for. 
 And after the project ended, he still keeps in contact with you, insisting that you’re quite an interesting individual to know and hope to develop a further friendship. A total lie from him because he later admitted that when you both got into a relationship with the saying that by then, he already liked you and he just wanted to see if he has a chance with you. 
 Now back to the present. 
 It’s Saturday and you both are on a semester break. You live with your roommate/coworker and she’s off to work already, leaving you alone in this apartment as it’s your day off today. You were cleaning up your room and wiping off the dust off the furniture when suddenly you received a phone call. You look at your caller ID and you can’t help but smile when you see who it is. 
 So you pick up, pausing your cleaning process so you can talk to him just a little bit. 
“Hi, my pretty baby.” 
 That name never fails to flatter you and make your heart jump out of your chest. 
“Hey there, pretty boy.” 
 You think you do a pretty job concealing your flustered face and tone (rightfully, sue him for reducing you into a mushy lover). Otherwise, you would’ve been so embarrassed if he knew he had done irreversible damage to you. 
“You don’t have any plans for anything today, right?” 
“Why? You wanna take me to one of Eric’s father’s fancy restaurants?” 
“Great idea, actually.” He laughs, humoring you along. It’s no secret that Juyeon loves spoiling you. He had a hard exterior, according to all of your friends and you yourself. But when you guys began dating, they were subjected to the PDA between you two and their opinions on him quickly changed because just who is this guy? And plus, he also likes to take you on a new adventure. 
 Somehow, it makes you feel like a naïve teenage girl who’s dating a bad boy and you always wanted to ask him if he is truly one (even if you know he works part-time as a barista for his parents’ café shop). It’s hard to believe that someone as perfect as him can possibly exist. It’s unbelievable. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for today's exploring.” He shyly explains and you can feel his shy smile tugs through his tone. What have you done in your past life to get a guy like him wrapped around your finger? Whatever you were doing, you’ve done it right. 
“If it’s Seoul, I’ve practically walked through every shady alleyway. It’s no fun.” You whine, your wet cloth cleaning off the dust is long forgotten amidst the phone call between you and your lover. 
“It’s not Seoul. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He keeps it vague and you suspect that he has a surprise for you. 
“Okay, let me clean myself up a bit.” You exclaim, putting down the wet cloth and hanging it up to dry from your bedroom (in your defense, it’s not dirty at all. You have a habit of wiping off your dust often and you definitely don’t have enough time in your hand to clean it right now). 
“Can you pick me up in an hour and a half?” You ask him, strutting around in your room to go to your bathroom to freshen yourself up. 
“You can still show up in sweats and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He says, means every single word of it because he thinks you’re pretty. So goddamn pretty he loses his mind over you and he doesn’t believe that he’s the one who gets to have you all the time. 
“Lee Juyeon, shut up. I think I stink. Do you honestly like it when I’m sweating like a dog?” You make a gagging face while you’re putting on your cleansing foam. 
“The sweats can’t wipe away your beauty.” His reply makes you want to bang your head into the wall so bad. 
 God, he’s such a romantic. 
“I’m showering. You can save that sappiness when you pick me up later.” You furiously blush, trying to get him to end the call so you can get ready to go wherever he leads you to. 
“I’ll see you later then, baby.” 
 And the line is disconnected. 
 You sulk a bit before putting your device back as you snap back to reality. But you’re also beyond excited where he will take you to today. 
 So you divert your attention back onto getting ready and hoping that the new things you’ve been wanting to try out will work. 
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“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Is the first thing Juyeon says after he comes to pick you up. 
 You decide to wear a black big cozy jacket, combined with black jeans and white shirt, which goes with his similar casual wear that he chooses. 
 There’s a spark in his eyes as he scams your whole body. A boyish smile yet so much of a shyness ticks behind that expression. He hands you a helmet, to which you still remember that the particular item is a gift from his dad who bought motorcycle tools equipment as a present for his 19th birthday and that includes the helmet you’re holding in your hand. You check to see if it has been unlocked yet. Once you see that it does, you quickly put it on your head, adjusting it properly before locking it and you gently hop onto the vehicle, excited for the ride.
“Are you ready?” He asks, wanting to make sure that you’re seating yourself comfortably before the motorcycle takes off.
“I’m all done.”
 And you hear the engine takes off, as the vehicle takes both of you far away from your place.
 The air feels fresher than usual, the atmosphere and the feelings remind you of the old Hong Kong movies you used to watch with your friends as a teenager. You always dream of doing something wild and adventurous to feel the essence of the ‘neon & loneliness’— something that has been used to precisely describe those types of movies. And now it’s like you’re living your dreams out. 
 If it’s a dream then you don’t want to wake up from it. 
 His soft woody cologne that radiates from his body all makes you feel like everything is in a daze and you’re the main protagonist of those films that you always loved. How did you get so lucky? 
 The motor is being driven further away from the city and you’ve crossed numerous luxurious stores and fancy places as you hold on tight to your lover. You’ve seen different kinds of people today; the sad, the happy, the singles, the couples, the divorced, the kids, teenagers, adults and you think you might’ve driven past celebrities by accident too. 
 Your eyes are trained to watch the road and take your worries off the daily life you’re experiencing today. You think though, instead, it’s making you realize something very precious about life. 
 People can be in a state of anything, regardless of their age. And they’re diverse, they have something to tell. Behind every person, there’s a story that is waiting for a person to uncover those. Uncover the deepest, best and worst parts of themselves. 
 You think you’re lucky that your boyfriend is the most gentle and caring person who always brings out the best part of yourself. Never once had you ever felt as if you were held back or restricted from good opportunities. He always encourages you to chase after your dream, while he steadily works towards his goal. 
 The short breeze through the city now has long escaped. You both are going somewhere unfamiliar, although you’re not sure how exactly familiar he is with where he plans to take you. However, you know better than to doubt him when he is quite literally the very same person with a really great taste in everything.
 Your thoughts do eventually come to a stop as he drives to a gas station and by that time, it’s around 3 and a half in the afternoon. The vehicle’s engine is no longer running after he shuts the power off and you know it’s time you get off the bike.
“I’d like to fill in the tank please.” Is what he says. His honey voice, ever so softly, makes you wonder how people aren’t falling for him already. The staff comes to him immediately and helps fill in the gas as per request. 
“Do you want to buy something?” He turns to ask you. “Or do you need to use the bathroom?”
“Not really.” You respond as you shake your head.
 You both stand while waiting for them to pump the gas and calculate the bill. And when you both are done, he gears up the vehicle to signal that the adventure is nowhere done. You hop on it, excited to see what will be waiting for you.
 You both leave the place, 
 Your boyfriend’s scent soon lures you to sleep, with you being barely able to open your eyes. It hasn’t been that long that you fall asleep together with him, but you both are somehow always away with the college assignments and personal workloads that are being dumped on you. Having him really close for the first time in 3 weeks does nothing but really makes you want to rest up.
 And you think to yourself, hmm, screw that. He’ll wake me up when we arrive at the place.
 Then you lay your head and close eyes as you feel yourself drifting further away to the dreamland that has been long awaited for you.
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 You woke up once you felt like you were being carried.
 You didn’t register it until you felt the abnormality of the said body pillow that you’ve been resting on start moving up and going even gradually higher. It’s only then that you open your eyes, consciousness not fully hitting you yet as your exhaustion keeps luring you to the dreamland. However, since you don’t have such a habit of sleeping when you are being moved around, you try your very best to open your eyes and pray that the sunlight will hit your eyes, although it’s unlikely as the sky beams with the color of soft orange and yellow, like a beautiful fire in flames.
“Shh, baby. Just sleep.” He shushes you, continuing to give you a piggyback ride. You immediately protest and almost go feral and also, almost cause a disturbance to him too.
“I’m wide awake, you can put me down and I can walk.” 
“Nice try, but no.” He chuckles and you can already imagine the most annoying yet such a beautifully crafted boyish grin plastered all over his face. He’s lovely– that’s just who he is.
“But where are you taking me?” You ask, eyes now can’t close on their own as your sleepiness already wears off from talking earlier.
“You’ll see.”
 And several minutes later, you both reach a part of a town that you’re sure has never been here before. He seems to be lost, with the way he hesitates to take a step further as he walks. 
“But Ju…” You whine. “Can’t you tell where you’re going?” You plead for him to give an answer, you so badly wanted to know what place he will show you this time. 
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head a bit, still insisting on being mysterious and vague with the direction you’re heading. 
“But will you put me down? It’s uncomfortable being carried when I’m like, awake.” You complain and he finally gives in, sighing as he puts you down and you almost stumble forward and fall as the gravity feels new to you and if your boyfriend wasn’t there to catch you at all, you’d certainly slip by now. 
“Thank you.” You mumble out. 
“You good to go?” He asks, offering you his hand to hold as you busk in a new, unfamiliar place together. His eyes sparkle up, light of hope and love, so much adoration stores up in a gaze of his that belongs to a person that you’re proud to call him yours. 
 You’re losing track of yourself with the way you keep looking at him without a word, like a dumbfounded teenager that has no idea what they should do when they harbor romantic feelings towards their crush. But he lets you, until you gulp down to wet your throat and proceed with the next thing you’re going to say. 
“Yes.” You have a dopey smile on your face. “I can’t wait.”
 And you both take one step, two steps and more steps forward. Until you get inside the mysterious building. 
 Your boyfriend is not a man of many words, but his actions are always sincere. When he speaks, he always expresses his love for you. 
 You can even say that in almost two years of your relationship, you never have to doubt his feelings for you. That’s just how transparent he is. You don’t think you can find a greater love than him.
 With more steps further, you make it past the door and you see many abstract arts and paintings being hung, scattered all across the wall. Each frame and piece, colorfully coming together to make a piece of stories that is waiting to be told. The lines that piece it together, asymmetrically perfect in a way that it never seems to be out of place, although if you separate it, it wouldn’t make much sense to the naked eyes that only saw the remaining pieces and never get the chance to witness the beauty of the completion and harmony that lies in the form of crafts that you see with your own eyes. 
 Similarly, that’s how you feel about your boyfriend. 
 Not many people know him and you always had the impression that he was rather cold and closed off. That’s how he appears to the outsiders. The description of him from fellow classmates and his friends are drastically different because they never get to fully see what he is like as a person. 
 A person who is full of love to give to others, the one who dotes on others and is full of adventures. 
 Life with him is never boring, he brings a new kind of joy in your life. The kind of excitement that is dangerous, but you’ll let him lead you to go anywhere, even if it’s a thousand miles away. You trust him to keep you safe because never once had you been harmed or run into dangers.
 He instructs you to stand in front of him, you do so without a question. He pulls out a silky fabric and you already know what he wants to do– blindfolds you for the surprise. You let him as he carefully wraps the material around your eyes in a gentle manner to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you.
“Hold my hand and follow me.” He speaks to you softly and you nod your head. “I want to show you something.”
In a sight of darkness that is hard to break from, you let him guide you. He’s your light amongst all of this and you know he’ll never let you slip or stray away. With careful steps forwarding on the stairs and going up, further and further and then the floor feels smoother without the anxiety of reckoning,  it only takes a bit to finally realize you’re past the staircase.
 You feel like time freezes and you’re not sure how much time has passed by, although you think it’s not that much. It’s by far, the most anticipated thing for you. 
 Then you hold his hand tighter as he takes you in this unfamiliar place.
 You’re not the only one with so much adoration for your significant other. Your boyfriend is no different from you. 
 For Juyeon, being with you makes him feel like he’s in heaven. There’s no greater feeling than your presence around. 
 You heal a broken part of him that he didn’t know existed until you become the most cherished and frequent presence in his life, which is no doubt, loneliness.
 You’re calming, intelligent and intriguing. You’re an open book, but also, a mystery that he wants to keep uncover. He can lose himself in just studying about you and he wouldn’t care. You’re that someone to him who he trusts, with all of his life.
 When he inherited a motorcycle as a present from his parents in 11th grade, he usually rode it everywhere alone, even when he had friends. He discovered many fascinating locations, hearing every kind of life story from strangers whom he met on the road when he did his little exploring and witnessed people going through many stages of life. He used to watch people flirting and he wished that he had someone else to share his perspective and sightseeing with.
 You came along unexpectedly and stole his heart away. He can barely imagine a life without you now. The things you do to his heart is unhealthy. You’re the sole reason that his burning passion for life doesn’t become something he deeply despises. 
 The once cold seat of the motorcycle is now replaced by the warmth of you. And he wouldn’t want to have it in any other way. 
 He has seen many beautiful things that calm and heal his soul, but none of it were you.
 He thought beauty lies in the empty roads of complete darkness, or constellations and stars in the sky. But it’s clearly you, who is a Venus personified. 
 He’s in love and he’s not hiding it. 
 Which is why he wants to show you this view.
 By stopping in his track as he has reach the final destination, he reaches to slowly the blindfold off your eyes, all while tells you to still your eyes closed and only open under his command. 
 Both of you walk further and further away, with the help of Juyeon who guides you in the desired direction. Cold breeze hits you and you realize now that you’re most likely on the balcony and not in the secured walls of this building. 
“Open your eyes, baby.” 
 You let the light penetrate your vision as the skin that covers your seeing splits apart. 
 The view is breathtaking. 
 The sky turns into a light beat of deep orange, pale blue, deep pink and purple. You see the simplicity, the complexity and something so lively. 
 You see how the sky slowly turns itself into a pitch black, as the colors start to beautifully blend themselves, creating an unforgettable view that spreads through all across the universe from your own eyes. The wind blows slowly, as if to celebrate the magic of your shared happiness with him, which makes the moment even more unreal. 
 The lights that hang from there only intensifies its beauty. 
 You see polaroids of you both together being decorated, some you weren’t aware that the pictures were being taken. There are books and a table for dining that are put together like high end restaurants and you have no doubt that it wasn’t just a one day of work at all. 
“Happy 500 days anniversary.” He tells you, hand gently caressing you. “This house originally belonged to my grandpa. He has since passed it down to me.” He states so ever so softly and you’re shell shocked. 
“He told me that if I find someone special, I should bring them here. Because this house witnesses how my grandma and grandpa love each other and everyday is always special to them. For a long time, I didn’t understand what he meant because the idea of a lover that exists in a lonely person’s story doesn’t make sense. But I met you, my special person. I want this house to witness our love, too.” 
 You have tears brimming in your eyes as you listen to him speak further, all while his gaze lovingly settles on you and his thumbs wipe your tears. 
“I didn’t know what love was until I met you. When you’re away, I miss you. When you’re sleeping, I wish you’re awake so I can tell you some jokes that make you laugh.” 
“Me too.” You lose yourself into the warm brown eyes of his. “When I think about you, all my sadness disappears. It’s cliché, I know. But.. I think I’m so lucky to have you.” You choke on your own silent sob as he presses light kisses onto your lips.
“I’m so lucky to have you too.” He says truthfully. “I never believe in destiny, but I think we’re destined to love each other.” 
 And under the now moonlight that slowly shines onto you both, he cups your face and kisses you with all his might, as fireworks go off in the sky, as if to be a witness of this beautiful love story. 
 You don’t care for any of that as he whispers ‘I love you’ and you whisper one back too.
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staycalmandhugaclone · 5 months
Ode to Artists Pt 1
Part (1) of Ode to Artists, the next arc of Doc's Misadventures! If you're new, start at the beginning with Touch Starved!
Am I well past when I was supposed to finish my Bingo sheet? Yup. Am I still counting this one toward the "Bed" prompt? Also yup. I meant for this to just be a one-parter, but I just can't write those... so it'll be 2 or 3 parts of mostly (emphasis on mostly) fluff before we get into the next whump-tastic arcs I have planned. (Also, after my appointment today, the midwives say I could literally go anytime from tomorrow to 5 weeks from now, soooo if I vanish for a bit... well, you'll know why)
Warnings: This arc will mostly be fluffy stuff, but there will be references to past torture here and there. This one has some flashbacks, profanity, and loads of emotions like guilt, fear, anger, and general angst, as well some brief mention of wanting to die (not SI - with relation to ending torture), and I supposed some dependency
WC: 3,405
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Rough Mando'a translation:
hut’uunla chakaaryc - coward and a rotten, low-life, (considered worst possible insult)
When we’re children and we first learn that the sky is endless, when we’re told of the countless lives beyond that stunning blue and the thousands of planets that we’ll never visit; when we’re first taught that the impossibly distant stars who’s lights danced in the darkness of night had died and been reborn long before we’d ever glimpsed them, and we discover just how small we are amidst an existence that would live on unchanged in spite of our hopes and dreams and fears, unmoved by our short lives and inevitable deaths; when we’re children and these harsh truths rob us of that innocent sense of invulnerability and infinite potential innate in the brilliance of youth, there is a wound that is dealt in the wake of that revelation regardless if the words are spoken with unapologetic honesty or gentle wonder, and those wounds may scar or they may fester, but they never fully fade.
I remembered when I learned how big the galaxy was. I didn’t feel that loss then. At the time, I’d felt inspired, enamored by the vast stretches of possibilities I’d never before considered and lightened beneath the new sense of freedom granted by those possibilities, but I felt those scars now.
Used bandages lay forgotten in small piles atop the medbay counter as my eyes stared blindly at the still pink bands encircling my wrists, fingertips just whispering over the newly knit skin. The freshly formed nerves shuddered beneath that delicate touch, unaccustomed, yet, to even gentle sensation. I hadn’t seen the damage wrought by how violently I’d thrashed against those restraints, not until after Comet had done his best to clean and sow them back together, and bacta gel had regrown most of what surely still dirtied a floor already coated with too much blood, but I could imagine it. For the scars to still shine so starkly against the unmarried flesh beside it, I didn’t doubt how near I’d come to severing tendon and exposing bone, and the simple fact that I could remember no sense of pain beyond the panic of drowning held its own morbid wonder.
It was as I stared unseeing at those scars, thoughts coming and going absent a moment’s true consideration, that I felt small. I’d never known fear could cut so deeply, that the body was capable of such terror, and yet I’d suffered beneath it for so long as the worlds around me continued in blissful ignorance. Children played as I screamed. New lovers relished the touch of another as I died. Stars were born as I begged for everything to end, and yet I now stood in the same room of the Marauder that I’d lived in for well over a year. The air still held the stale taste of too many rotations through the recyclers. The engines hummed with that same subtle rumble fading into the ambiance of the occasional beep of an alarm, and beyond the door, if I bothered to listen, I was sure I’d hear Wrecker’s boisterous voice or catch a sharp retort from Crosshair.
Even in that haze of wandering memories, my heart still leapt at the thought of him. He’d refused to let me so much as change my own bandages during the week we’d remained on the Negotiator. What arguments I’d tried to offer failed beneath the gentleness of his touch, the way his eyes hardened and his lithe body curled over mine. It didn’t feel possessive. It felt safe, and that was far too precious to refuse. Between those moments, however, I’d rarely seen him.
Only after noting his absence for several days did I learn that he kept vanishing to the training rooms, seeking anyone foolish enough or brave enough to spar and ensuring what minor injuries he sustained had been tended long before returning to my side. I wanted to talk to him about it but found myself unable to force the question past my lips, too worried that I already knew the answer to risk asking, because what could I say if he was fighting as a means of distracting himself from everything I wasn’t yet willing to speak of? If he felt driven to escape a helplessness I knew too well, a helplessness he only felt because of me? It had been something of a relief to get word of our latest assignment if only to break that routine.
With my wounds now all but healed and the lot of us en route to Alderaan, some semblance of normalcy was finally beginning to return. Friendly bickering again flowed between the brothers, free of that tension that had made my heart twist since Devaron, and no one shot away to hide the instant the medbay door opened or purposefully avoided eye contact if we were in the same room. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better. That return to normalcy, however, brought with it a quiet I wished I could appreciate, but the thoughts it granted freedom to were ones that robbed me of breath and left me staggering amidst memories I couldn’t force back.
“Doc?” My attention snapped away from those lingering scars, chest hitching in a small gasp at the suddenness with which that daze fled me. Echo stood barely a handful of steps away, brows draw lightly together above eyes full of the beginnings of worry. I hadn’t noticed the hiss of the door opening or closing, hadn’t heard whatever initial greeting he’d offered as he entered. Had he asked me something? How long had he been speaking before falling silent at the realization that I wasn’t even aware of his presence?
“Sorry, Echo; guess I got a bit lost in thought.” I said softly with a gentle smile that did little to chase the concern from his gaze. “What did you say?” He hesitated a moment, jaw tensing, and I couldn’t help but fear I’d missed something vital in whatever words he’d spoken while my mind had floated absent intent.
“Just… wondered if you’d eaten yet? Figured I’d grab you something since I was headed there anyway.” My heart sank at the offer, certain that had nothing to do with why he’d really come here, but the tentative truce between us was still too delicate to strain beneath blunt questions. I turned my attention back to the counter, using the excuse of gathering the discarded cloth to hide the threat of disappointment from my gaze.
“Probably a good idea.” I sighed despite how unappealing one of those flavorless bars sounded. “I’m finished here, anyway, so I’ll come with you.” A stranger wouldn’t have noticed the tension steal through him, the delay preceding that forced smile. A close friend wouldn’t have hesitated to address them. I noticed and said nothing, caught in the lingering uncertainty of where we stood, terrified that I might push him away again with one poorly chosen word.
“Have you reviewed the mission brief, yet?” He asked, vying for some attempt at nonchalance as we started from the medbay. I nodded, still a bit confused by it. We were making a delivery to the governing body. Given the relatively safe location of the planet, using a squad with the immaculate record Hunter and his brothers boasted made little sense. Echo let out a small chuckle at my expression, and my heart leapt at the sound.
“I think Cody sent us on this one as a bit of a break.” I didn’t fight the look of surprise that drew my attention back to him, though the darkness that followed left me turning away just as quickly. He was babying us because of me… sending us as a glorified delivery service. I wasn’t sure if I was grateful for the reprieve or enraged at how badly I needed just that: a respite from the unending horrors of this nightmare of a war.
“I don’t think he meant it as an insult.” At that, a quick huff escaped me, cheeks warming from how effortlessly he read me.
“I think he meant it as an olive branch more than anything.” I retorted, pleased to glimpse the smirk those words brought to his lips.
“Or an excuse to get Crosshair off his ship as soon as possible.” He mused, voice lowering as he leaned subtly closer to me, and I found myself biting back a string of laughter at his conspiratory tone.
I wasn’t surprised to find Wrecker in the small kitchette as we entered, a few empty wrappers already littering the table with a third already half eaten. His eyes lit up when he saw us.
“Did he tell you?!” The vibrant excitement in his voice was almost enough to make me hesitate, eyes flicking back to Echo for a moment.
“I’m going to guess not yet?” I replied, brow hitching expectantly. The arc didn’t bother even trying to explain before his brother jumped to his feet.
“They got this celebration tomorrow on Alderaan! Tech says they only do it every five years!” He purged the news in a loud, eager rush of glee that I was helpless against, lips instantly drawing up into a broad grin.
“Tomorrow? Are going to make it?” A quiet whisper of fear coiled in my chest, images of too many strange faces milling about overly pretentious floors as music danced through the air, but I refused to grant it purchase in the wake of Wrecker’s delight.
“Yup! Hunter even said we’d have the whole night to see it while the ship gets fueled up!”
“It’s outside,” Echo added softly, and I couldn’t quite meet his gaze despite how my body automatically shifted toward him, too aware of what prompted him to offer the gentle reassurance. “Up in the mountains.” Alderaan’s snowy peaks were renowned for their timeless beauty, and the knowledge that we wouldn’t be confined to some inescapable prison veiled in the guise of splendor and finery proved the perfect balm to the quickening of my heartbeat.
“We’ll have to bundle you up with a couple extra layers.” I didn’t doubt that he heard the gratitude warming my words as I finally found the strength to look at him, and the kindness in those eyes shown untainted by the distance that still haunted us.
“Pretty sure I’ll be thawing out the whole trip back regardless how many sets of blacks I put on.” He grumbled, but there was no heat to the complaint. I offered a sympathetic smile and bumped my shoulder lightly against his chest before treading further into the small room to retrieve some rations for us.
“Did Tech mention what all we might expect at this event?” I knew Wrecker would have seen through the subtleties of how Echo eased that fear from me; knew he’d likely understood the instant my gaze first turned away from him, just as I knew he understood the true reason behind my question, and I loved him for how readily he answered my unspoken plea for a distraction as he raptly described what he remembered of Tech’s earlier explanation: of the group of artists that had lived and died centuries prior, but who’s works of Alderaan’s beauty became so renowned throughout the galaxy as to alter the very fate of the planet, inspiring countless others to seek out those natural landscapes to witness that beauty for themselves. He spoke of the promise of endless venders offering unique food and drink and all manner of goods, and he drew no attention to why I sat so quietly beside him, why I failed to respond with my usual glee to his animated retelling, but he was not silent in the face of my stillness, powerful body shifting ever so subtly about mine, hand gentle in every brief touch that somehow never lasted too long, and I couldn’t bring myself to feel anything but relief at his unspoken offer for a comfort that was so soft as to barely be noticeably beyond the unwavering sense of safety it granted me.
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It was late. Offensively late. The medbay lay illuminated in the faint glow of a monitor I hadn’t been able to bring myself to turn off, knowing what darkness awaited me the instant I flicked that switch, what terrors lingered in the shadows vying for any excuse to strike. Crosshair had said nothing about it as he shifted atop my bed, groggily holding the blanket open with feigned impatience, but I couldn’t dismiss that flare of shame at yielding to that fear. The instant I settled into him, however, the warmth that enveloped me as he fit himself perfectly around my too tense form and let out that deep, quiet sigh of contentment robbed me of all thought beyond the feeling of his chest dancing with unhurried breaths against my back, the strength of his arms holding me with a covetous need, and I’d found myself drifting into a far kinder sleep that I had any right to hope for.
I loathed the unknown disturbance drawing me from that gentle slumber, jaw tensing beneath an attempt at denial that I might simply ignore whatever it was and slip back into that blessed nothingness. Crosshair lay perfectly limp against me, face tucked into my hair with that precious stillness of sleep. Resigned to a late-night visit to the privy, I reluctantly tried to slip away from him, laughter threatening to bubble past pursed lips at the tiny groan that escaped him as his arms tightened petulantly around me, but he showed no signs of waking as I finally managed to detangle myself from his embrace.
Footsteps as near to silent as I could manage, I tread carefully down the hall, tiptoeing past the bunkroom, though only Wrecker and Echo lay within, both far too lost to their own blissful sleep to note my movements. It wasn’t until I’d nearly reached the privy door that something on the very edge of perception left my blood running cold. I couldn’t say what it was, not yet, but my body seemed drawn toward it, wide eyes locked on the fore of the ship as my legs carried me forward despite the sudden urge to flee.
Even after some recognition began to note the sound of broken gasps amidst free-flowing water, I couldn’t bring myself to stop. There was a haunted sense of familiarity in the way I watched myself move through the ship; in the automated motions I didn’t have the presence of mind to even try to stop.
“…severe forms of torture.” There was a weight to that normally clinical voice; a dread that even he couldn’t fully suppress.
“Tech.” Hunter’s hushed voice barely registered as he turned sharply to face me, but I couldn’t focus on him. I hadn’t even noticed myself climb down the ladder into the cockpit.
“Who ordered the hit?!” I don’t remember when that man’s voice had filled with such anger.
“It’s rare for anyone to endure longer than a couple minutes… what she went through”
“Tech!” Hunter barked, finally ripping his brother’s attention from the audio clip. I didn’t see the look in his eyes as he followed Hunter’s gaze toward me.
“Just tell me who planted the kriffing bomb!”
“I don’t know!” It didn’t sound like my voice. It was enraged and terrified and ruined by hours of screaming. Hunter’s hand flared toward Tech, but he sat frozen – caught – as I approached on strides faltering beneath the tremble just beginning to steal through me.
“That’s krayt spit, and you kriffing know it! Who ordered the hit?!” Part of me wanted to be impressed at how clear the recording was, mind eager to detach from the rush of liquid that followed my every response, the way my lungs panicked and burned with the afterimage of that agony.
“Just kill me, you hut’uunla chakaaryc!” I’d heard Warthog say that once… even Wolffe had been taken aback, and only Sinker would tell me what it meant when I’d asked. That man surely had no idea what I’d called him, but the violent slap that tore from the speakers followed by the seemingly endless flood of water and desperate coughs left no uncertainty that he’d fathomed a guess.
“…Doc.” My hand was reaching out, senses dulled to all but the echoes of my nightmares screaming with such haunting clarity from the speakers, deaf to Hunter’s quiet call.
“Who was behind the attack?!”
“I don’t know!!” That voice was sobbing and screaming and so utterly broken.
My fingertips barely brushed the console before the recording stopped, but I could still hear it… the gush of water… I could feel it’s chill tear the warmth from my flesh; felt it flooding my mouth and nose… and I felt that undeniable, visceral fear of death creeping through me.
Hunter shifted hesitantly toward me, but I merely shook my head. The movement was so slight, I barely felt it, but it instantly left him frozen, shoulders sinking beneath emotions I was still far too raw to try to name.
Without a word, I stepped away from them, away from whatever apologies or questions or murmured reassurances might be festering atop their tongues, my eyes still staring blindly at the endless buttons and switches decorating the console, and when I turned away, when I began to leave in the same silence in which I’d arrived, neither could bring themselves to try calling out again.
Any other night, I would have cringed at the thought of waking him. I would have strained myself to slip back into his embrace as carefully as possible, breath held in my chest until I was sure my intrusion hadn’t robbed him of that empty sleep, but I could spare little thought toward such things. He was warm. And he was safe. And I didn’t bother to even slide beneath the blanket before pressing myself against him.
Crosshair’s torso swelled with a sharp inhale, brows drawing together with some mixture of annoyance and confusion, but then he went still. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him, body curling into his as though I might hide from the memories still raging through my mind. He studied me for mere seconds before shifting in careful, unhurried movements, one arm slipping beneath me to wrap around my shoulders while he brought his other hand up to just whisper against my cheek, the unspoken question clear in that tender gesture.
Again, I felt my head give the slightest shake, unable to offer anything more. His thumb trailed the ridge of my cheekbone, touch featherlight, before letting his hand brush gently through my hair to rest against the back of my neck, holding me with just enough force for me to feel his strength, and a shuttered exhale escaped me that left us both clinging just that much harder to each other.
He didn’t speak throughout the night, but the occasional dance of his fingers or touch of his lips in something too gentle to be called a kiss reassured me that he was still awake, still holding me until that tension began to slip away. I don’t know how long we laid there, letting the minutes and hours pass in that perfect quiet, but when I finally heard the steady thrum of his heartbeat over those horrid screams, I wanted to sob. I wanted to shout beneath the disdain I felt toward myself and the apologies I didn’t have the strength to voice. I wanted to tell him that he could leave; that I wouldn’t blame him for needing to separate himself from the mess I’d become, but I couldn’t stop my grasp from tightening around his shirt at the very thought, and when he responded without hesitation, when his arms nearly crushed me against him, I abandoned even the memory of fear that he’d want me to grant him that escape.
In the morning, I’d thank him. In the morning, I’d try to offer some manner of an explanation that he was long past due, but for what few hours still remained in that façade of night that meant nothing in the emptiness of space, I let myself give in to the simple need for his presence and the quiet it granted me. I let myself be weak that I might find solace in his strength, and I let myself love him with every atom of my being for the selflessness of his comfort.
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skeleton-mischief · 2 months
-totally non evil chuckle-
I’ve been thinking a lot about pirates lately. Maybe…. pirate underfell sans?
An evil, menacing captain of the seas comes to your kingdom, with intentions of showing your king whose really in charge. You work as a doctor in the castle, and are bandaging up a butler when all of a sudden horns blow, signaling a pirate attack. As you help everyone out, you end up locking eyes with their fearsome captain. And well, when pirates see pretty things, they just cant help themselves from taking them for their own. 😋😋
argh fr😍🤞🏽
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Hey, it's meeeee. I'm gonna jump into it:
Please enjoy‼️‼️
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Wow...wow. There's little that could capture the description he'd use. So, it's a bit damning when he gets to see you at what he'd consider your worst. He'll make it up to you, he swears on his soul. You didn't need to be in the middle of the crossfire, and he feels rather bad to know that the Devil himself had used you to escape.
"Shi-!" "Language." Your hands didn't stop from plucking the shard of glass and dabbling the alcohol into the butler's wound as you cut him off. This butler, which you couldn't remember the name of, had messed up his hand by dropping a glass vase and then attempting to clean up with just his hands. Or,,,,paws? Yeah, that's a better word. He wasn't very tall, in fact he was only a bit taller than you were. He was a Cat Monster, one with desaturated brown fur and drooping eyes. He was rough around the edges, especially his...vocabulary.
Nonetheless, he was always attempting to be polite with you. He would be caught sometimes by guards for drinking booze in the royal kitchen past hours, in which he'd complain and weakly attempt to excuse himself before getting water thrown on him. He was pathetic really, but you didn't mind. You suspected that he hasn't properly learned about the ways of the Palace since he's new, so you were more tolerant. So you preferred him like this, where he held still and was kind enough to listen to you. "....sorry,"
Speaking of which, your eyes darted to look at his face, which was bandaged at the moment. His ears were flattened, and you almost wanted to tell the pathetic thing how stupid it was for him to look so sad, but your naturally stern expression simply softened. "It's fine, I know that it hurts. Just hold still, okay?" He nodded, his uneven smile growing as his whiskers twitched. "Thank you doc," You huffed lightly in acknowledgement before turning your head to focus on grabbing the linen.
Being a doctor was rough, especially the royal doctor. You had a few others working with you, like assistants, but you were naturally more comfortable working on your own. You weren't like the nurses who had to help the soldiers, especially since you only focused on the servants or the royal family. Which, now that your mind drifted, you cringed at the thought.
The Dreemers.
Or, more specifically, King Asgore.
He's...in simple terms, strict. Or more precisely, he's a cruel King who isn't afraid to use violence and fear to get his point across. Some rugged barbarian dress in reds and gold, for certain. When the sun catches on the tar black glimmering from his horns, he's towering and imposing. His nose slightly crooked just like his sneer, he didn't bellow but rather spoke with a rasp. Foolish Human, foolish to work for the King whose horns are sharp enough to gore.
He has higher standards than any bull, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that he was willing to slaughter anything or anyone that got in his way. Your mistake, you learned, was to even work for him. You're lucky to even be alive under his critical eye, but you suspect it's because you can identify the ache within the Goat Monster's soul. Patches of purple and swelling are much easier to spot than guilt and other turmoil, but your eyes could see beneath the curves of bone and fur. In your experience, silence and blissful ignorance were a powerful duo, and King Asgore knew that you understood this.
He at least respected your work, even if that meant he didn't really see you as well....you. His nostrils would flare at the sight of you, practiced courtesy forcing him to not spit an insult your way. You were indebted to the King, and he was indebted to you. You just finished wrapping the hand in linen when you looked up to not see a bull but rather a wet puddle of a Monster. He twisted his hand from front to back, analyzing your handy work.
"Thank you, doc," The young cat straightened up as his tail flicked, a very soft purr escaping him. You placed your hands on your hips as you scanned over the fur for any other indication of injury, humming when you saw none. "You should be more careful, butler." "Burgerpants." "Hm?" His eyes, which seemed to carry two bags of purple bruising, stared directly at your own. His toothy grin turned to a more sincere one as he offered his paw to you. "That's my name. I don't expect you to remember that, but you can call me B.P. instead."
You reluctantly shook his hand, your lips quirking up. "Well, B.P., you have quite the name. I'll try to remember," You declared with a confidence he understood and had hoped for, purring involuntarily at this, pleased with your answer. "Thank you, it's a nickname, but I think it's grown on me overtime."
You were about to speak when you were interrupted by a loud sound. A blaring, blurring sound that pierced your ears. Now what was once so quiet has changed, horns echoing around the walls of the emergency room and throughout the hallways of the palace. There's a clamoring in the palace below your window, shouts of fear that stirred both confusion and trepidation within your belly.
Before you could speak, B.P had stood up sharply, coaxing himself to take a peek. His ears were flat as his tail lashed aggressively, his fur prickling as he let out a low growl. "What in the-..." "Pirates." The Monster answered your question as his expression morphed. He seemed to be thinking about something as his brow furrowed, his lips curling back as he gritted his teeth and glared at the running figures holding sword and gun.
"I swear...they-...." He was muttering to himself as he must've had thoughts cracking into his dome just as you. You frowned, the distant sounds of running being heard. Pirates, huh? You felt a huff escape you as you rolled your sleeves up, buttoning them together as you heard the slurred sounds blending together.
You've encountered a few stories of them from around the palace. Apparently, before your presence became part of King Asgore's reign, you had heard of the Monsters of Porcelain. Two of them were leaders of a giant ship, one so large and the other so terrible. They had caused a mess, leaving a pain that was stinging and vile, leaving King Asgore to immediately demand higher security at the Palace. He had to provide hope, display strength to make it easier to strike when the day comes of their return.
It was apparent that the day had finally arrived. Everything that was painted honey and gold over the chalked stone of the palace was now fluttering with spurts of red and dust. Burgerpants wasted no time, turning heel and running as he slid among the tile and turned sharply down the hallway. You couldn't chase after the fool as he had done it before you could think, only sighing now as your frown deepened.
Today was going to be rough. You grabbed your medical bag, hand gripping around the handle as you took a deep breath and huffed. Great. Just great. Any plans you had today were now slammed to a halt, leaving you here to deal with the mess of foolish Men and Monsters. You don't get paid enough for this.
"....fucking great."
"DAMN IT!" The tall skeleton shouted, ramming his body against two guards with full force as they slammed against the wall. Damn it! Damn it damn it damn it! A large monster grabbed at the guards, wrestling them to the ground before smashing their skulls a rattling mess together. She turned to the tall skeleton, his brow scrunched up as she panted. "Captain?" "GO. WE'RE NOT SURRENDERING JUST YET."
The monster looked reluctant before speaking, gesturing to the wound that was on the skeleton's ribcage. "But Captain..." "DON'T." He sharply ordered, cutting her off. She bit back a response, only nodding her head before turning down the hall with a pause to her step. Pitch watched, his ribcage shuddering as he felt his phalanges grab at the edge of a small table.
He winced as he leaned against it, his jaws curled down into a frown. Where was his damn brother? Eugh, he just HAD to run off towards the center of the palace. So idiotic. He swore to the Stars above that he was going to smash that blasted numbskull's head so hard against the ships outer rim that he would be seeing double for a whole fortnight!
The sudden sounds of running footsteps snatched his attention, his head snapping to the side before he straightened up. His shoulders rolled back, tension bleeding through him. It coursed through him like a steady river under clothes and curves around bone. He felt his bones rattle slightly as his glare turned to steel, his expression intense as he was ready to fight once more despite his injury. He wasn't a coward, and enemies be damned if he wouldn't fight until dusting.
Though, what he didn't expect was to see a Human in white. He could see the way your chest heaved as you caught yourself by pressing your weight against the door frame by your hand catching yourself. You looked around the room and saw the two fallen guards, a mess that resulted in torn curtains, broken decor, and a skeleton. You locked eyes with him, and he faltered if not only a little.
A doctor, huh?
He stared, still as stone as he watched you look at him critically. His hand tightened on the handle of his sword, but he did not dare raise it at you. He wasn't sure what you intended to do, but he wasn't foolish enough to notice how your sights pinned down on his chest. You expression scrunched up and looked back at the guards before looking at him once more. "Are they alive?" You asked, gesturing towards the guards in metal.
He felt his eyelight shrink, staring intently as he gruffed out what sounded to be a yes. You seemed to be debating something, your eyes dragging themselves away from the guards. "....You're injured." You said a little dumbly. Yes, clearly. He huffed in response with indignation, not answering. Your eyes narrowed as you seemed to bite your tongue, debating if you should snap back a smart retort.
It didn't take you more than a second of logic however to retract that idea from your mind before you spoke once more with a more cool tone. "If you let me, I can patch that up for you." There are hisses of confusion and anger all feathered and sprinkled in the air from the distance, but they sounded faint compared to the screams and the ringing. The ringing felt suddenly louder, echoing around the skeleton's skull as he felt his soul thrumming in sync.
His steely gaze flickered to one of disbelief, before it turned to suspicion. "ELABORATE." He gruffed, authority clear in his tone. You raised a brow, how audacious. He liked that. "I'm a doctor, not a soldier. It's my job to help, sir." You firmly stated, as if it was quite obvious. He liked that too, especially as you looked at him without flinching. He said nothing, momentarily debating if he should let you. Clearly he was a pirate, you shouldn't trust him. He couldn't trust you either, not blindly anyways.
And yet, the intent in your voice was crystalline clear. Still suspicious, he stared at you with a glare that lacked much emotion as he critically judged you. He then promptly nodded his head only once, one of his leather gloves tilting his black cavalier hat in respect. "I'LL ALLOW IT." You nodded your head in return, walking towards him cautiously. Smart. Your eyes narrowed upon seeing his sheathed sword, but you didn't comment on it as you pointed at the ground.
He let out a HMPH, but didn't argue as he let his body sit on the tile floor. He winced as he clutched his wound, his legs buckling slightly as he did so. He had been slashed by a guard in the middle of a fight, staining his once white button up a blooming red as dust was chipped near the edges. You worked without saying much, setting your kit down as you went to grab a disinfectant and linen. He watched you like a leopard seal whose eyes caught prey, unmoving and almost unnaturally focused.
You were careful to help remove his black, lavish coat, unclipping the thin necklace of gold that kept it on his shoulders before letting it fall down his back. You unbuttoned his white and silken dress shirt just enough to inspect his wound, a cloth pressing straight into it. He hissed back a silent curse, trying ever so hard to hold still without showing how badly it stung. He's been through worse, has felt worse, but stars above if it didn't burn.
He took the time to keep your features imprinted into his memory, letting his head rest against the wall as he closed his eyes momentarily. This wasn't the events he had in mind, but it felt nice to have someone tend to his wounds while they were till fresh. Oftentimes he had to threaten a doctor among the townsfolk with his crew after raids such as these.
And as a bonus, he kept in mind that your bravery and honor to your job just made you twice as attractive as he found you beforehand. At the realization of his attraction, though, he instinctively clenched his fist and felt like slapping himself. What in the blasted devil??? Attraction? He must've suffered from a head injury. He didn't slap his skull backwards, however, and instead flickered his only useful eyelight away from you.
Your hands were a stark contrast to what he was used to, especially when you wrapped the linen around his chest and sliced through the material with skilled precision from your scissors. He hisses when you fasten it tight, shooting you a harsher glare that both made a stampede rush to your heart and made you murmur gently to soothe his heated glare. "I know, I know..." You went to straighten yourself out as you assess him, your voice still stern but less guarded. "Better?"
It hardly registers that he had moved, something you didn't pick up on, not until a massive hand curls tightly around your wrist. The touch is not at all gentle, it's probing, the tip of each digit leaving small curved indentations in your flesh, intent on keeping you thoroughly in place. "WHY AREN'T YOU AFRAID?" His voice comes out as an odd grumbling, strained from excessive usage.
It isn't deep, either, which comes to be one of the more jarring things in this situation. At least that's what he gathered, based on the way your hand twitched when he spoke a bit more quietly. "Should I be? You bleed crimson just the same, do you not?" You ask, your tone probably the most gentle he's heard so far. Hmph, you should be more cautious when dealing with Pirates, let alone with ordinary men or monsters like him who were not yet known, but it was too late.
He dared not respond, but the way his magic had his cheekbones flush indicated that he liked what you said. He released his iron grip on you and grunted after some reluctance. "Stupid Human," His voice canters off to silence when you stare at him, making him feel uncomfortably vulnerable under your gaze. Before he could find something to say, anything really to cut the silence, you stood up abruptly.
"Now, I'm off to go help the other injured souls you ended up making a mess of, okay, skeleton?" There was a sting to your words, an irritation that he could understand despite never being a doctor. It takes an overworked soul to know another. When you had skill, it was irritating sometimes since that left you with much more garbage to take care of.
Did you not even know who he was? Of course you knew he was a skeleton, but he almost felt offended that you were so bold and assertive in the face of a monster who could gut you. He didn't, however, because it was clear that you've earned it after patching him up. And even if you did know who he was, your bravery was more commendable.
He turns to you with a forced stoicism, and he speaks with a sort of keening voice, one reserved for wolves or other sorts of predators. He doesn't know why, but he felt the impulsive desire to share his name. "It's Pitch. Pitch Serrif."
You repeat it, once, twice. You repeat your own when he doesn't ask for your name, repeat it just the same to him to remember. It rolls off his tongue when he follows after you, smooth and sweet. He wanted to pry further, he figured, have every secret expelled upon your tongue like the juiciest of pomegranate. Instead, he stirs, rumbles someplace in the expanse of chest, and lets you go.
What a strange doctor you are. What a strange Human you are. He likes that.
"Your brother is going to have your head, Captain Red!" "Hah! As if!" The swing of his hand, a flick of the thumb, and the trigger is finally done being teased as he aims and shoots. One, two, both fallen as their bodies are nothing but useless, armored shells now. Beside him, the familiar face of B.P. scowls. "You shouldn't have come, not today."
Red scowls at this, rolling his eyes the same time he rolls his shoulders back. "'s that so?" He lets the words hang heavy in the air for a stretch of time, before scoffing out a barked laugh. It mimicked his usual, boisterousness, but the sharp tinge of aggression was apparent. "Now why's that, B.P.? You tellin your Captain what to do now?" He asked the fool dangerously, but he's surprised to see the scaredy cat glare challengingly with a lash of his tail and the low growl that escaped his chest.
Now now now, what is this?
"If that's how you see it, then yes," He spat, flinging a chair into a servant's stomach. It felt good, especially since that bastard had made him work double a few times since he'd slink away. Good riddance. Plus, it wasn't life threatening, just hard enough to disarm and ahed enough to get his anger out. "I didn't want the doctor to be here for this,"
Red's eyes gleamed like ruby as he grinned, a bonebrow raised as the two rushed down the hallways of white stone and intricate architecture. His gaze drags up from his throat to his eyes, his soul humming with an electric excitement. He had a temper past his eccentric personality, and Burgerpants was testing the waters.
"Doctor?" "Yes, that's right. They're a-" B.P.'s voice catches within his throat, like a hook had caught and dug into sensitive flesh as he chokes. He seems to be hesitant to speak, as if he needed to claw the hook out of his flesh and remove the barbed metal
"A good soul, one who I consider a friend."
Red can't seem to find any indication of exasperated detail, and so instead he pauses his ruthlessly draining running as he leans against a marble wall with a heaving ribcage. His golden tooth gleams against the honeyed glow of the setting sun, dull due to the towering pillars and building of the castle. He missed the smell of the sea, of being able to see the sun in all her glory.
Instead, he cocks his head to the side as B.P. joins him, placing his paws on his knees as he's bent forward and lurched down to catch his breath. "Are they cute?" He asks, teasingly and without bite, only to earn a slight hiss from his companion. "Don't even think about it." Red has found that B.P. has grown a spine, or at least one that solidified enough when it came to you.
You really must've meant something to him, and so Red respected that. Anyone can be considered valuable, after all. He rubbed his lower jaw with his phalanges, mockingly debating something. “We do need a doctor, B.P. If they're a friend…well…. 'm sure they wouldn't mind helpin a couple of misfits, yeah?” He chuckled, seeing B.P. biting back his tongue. Heh. Adjusting his cloak, the fur around the rim grazing against his neck, he cracked his knuckles.
“Ah, ‘m just messin with ya. Come on, we got a King to slaughter!” He roughly patted the scrawny idiot on the back, knocking the wind out of him temporarily. He didn't wait to try and see if he listened, knowing that he would anyways, and he instantly ran down the hallway with heavy steps, his boots clinking along the way.
The idea sounded appealing, but he didn't think you were worth the time of day if he couldn't even know who you were. And besides, even if you were a pretty thing, he wouldn't take you without reason.
From the bottom of his crooked soul, he didn't think he was actually going to meet you. Wow...wow. There's little that could capture the description he'd use. So, it's a bit damning when he gets to see you at what he'd consider your worst. He'll make it up to you, he swears on his soul. You didn't need to be in the middle of the crossfire, and he feels rather bad to know that the Devil himself had used you to escape.
To lock eyes with a predator indicated the urgency to escape, or at least you thought so. So may Asgore be damned and sent straight to wherever he belonged. Right now, the predator you locked eyes with seemed actually more concerned with your life than his own.
When the smoke thins out from the burning hot muzzle, the red mist that seemed to develop skulls and screaming faces, only now could you see the obscure figure in better detail. You see a glimmer of gold and aren't so shocked to see the absence of a normal face. A skull head is what meets your eyes with teeth set in a strained, Cheshire grin. You see rings adorning his bony fingers gleaming under the light, and how gold practically danced around his chest and body.
His stature was shorter than the previous skeleton, and only now did it click that the two could be related. Both had one working eyelight, both had an anger within their souls, and they both clearly held the same cocky air to them that was unmistakable. Something sticky is running down your face, nails digging into your head as the tall, imposing King is holding your body in place. It should be expected. You are not as hard as bone or as tough as the skin of a fruit when you're finally clawed into.
You are stripped of all your defenses right now, laid bare as if the clothes on your back did not matter. Your fate now rested in the palm of a Pirate with a deadly glint to his eye and a King whose heart, if he even had one, was as black as charcoal. You're starting to feel beads of sweat prick at your skin, down your nape as the two coerced but spoke in what felt like a tongue you couldn't decipher. This does not prompt a response from you, knowing better than to thrash about despite the urge to twist and kick and scream and tear.
An anger within the skeleton resembled your own, united in unsaid words and not quelled as the King of Monsters offered a horrid, demanding choice. The ugly, ivory prongs atop his head was like a crown of authority, but you felt that the cavalier hat atop the porcelain skull held the same degree of power. Something smelt to be burning mixed in with gunpowder, something wooden and electric.
Your eyes crawled to glare at the King, seeing his misplaced wrath as his other hand gripped the golden and handcrafted spear that stood tall like a pillar. He had grabbed you to avoid getting shot, but he was clearly interested in making sure that it was only him he was concerned about . He seemed to hold the same morals as street rats, willing to throw anything away in the name of survival. A coward disguised as a beast, a Monster of deceiving embers.
King Asgore seemed exasperated by this entire ordeal rather than eager, even if he could leave you gored out instead of fulfilling his oath to you. Your side of the oath, however, was that you'd dedicate your life to him. You didn't particularly have to be alive to have him do his duties, and it was clear that he was debating whether or not to toss you away.
You released the breath that was caged inside your lungs unbeknownst to yourself, but a heavy hand clasped over your mouth to shut you up. "Quiet, Human." He spat. Oh you did not like that. You didn't even seem to think about the repercussions, head cloudy with disgust at his audacity.
So, you sank your dulled teeth straight into the side of his fat fingers, digging into flesh as you bit down hard. There's a blinding white as though the sun has seared its way into your skull as you hear a loud, rumbling shout, rays of warmth sprouting from your skull as a blow strikes down and you're flung forward towards the marble floors at the feet of the undead. It's a shock that you didn't just crack your head, if not for the way your head was angled and instead collided within the arms of a Monster who seemed less cruel.
He stumbled back, clearly having intentions to catch you when he lurched forward. The sudden shift in gravity made his knees buckle, but he head steady. Ah, is this what the smell was beyond gunpowder? Your eyes locked with his, only for your vision to grow blurry from exhaustion and blood loss that was blooming from your head. Foolish Human. You felt heavier suddenly, before you completely blacked out.
"this the Human you spoke of?"
"Yes, Captain. Stars above, they look terrible..."
"what choice is there? I told ya already-"
Burgerpants was silent at this, his ears flat. Thankfully, you were sloppily patched up, so you weren't on the verge of death anymore. He grimaced, but a part of him was silently grateful. Both Red and Pitch seemed to have met you before this, even if Pitch had tried to act like he was indifferent to seeing you bleeding and passed out. Burgerpants was less levelheaded, practically a walking porcupine as he assessed you and fretted.
He had wanted to leave you there, at the palace, especially since the Pirate life was rough. You were too, though, and brave. Foolish more like it, but brave at least a little since you had dared enough to bite King Asgore hard enough to tear his flesh based on what Captain Red said. You wouldn't be alive right now though if they didn't take you, left to bleed out or be speared down by Asgore as punishment.
He stroked the back of his hand against your cheek, frowning down before he turned to the two Skeleton Brothers. They were quite decisive, more so than he expected them to be, but hey. You are safe now, and surely he can explain everything when you wake? He's so sorry that you were caught within this mess.
The two Captains nodded his way, and so begrudgingly he walked towards the door of your temporary room. Stars, he really needed a beer.
Closing Notes: heourgh. I wanted to put a bit more effort into this writing because I love pirates and wanted some good world building set up. I'm sorry it took so long, especially to you @vamppiko
Forgive me, testing was beating my ass
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sanjoongie · 1 year
I’m just thinking about (anyone from ateez) and reader high and they would be watching tv but he’s lazily fingering you and idk it’s just sounds like a good idea (I’m high rn so this might sound weird or something) but yours or @cheollipop writing would do my idea justice fr
Okay, hear me out but deep breath Wooyoung. Wooyoung always comes off as the video fiction consumer. Anime, hp, action movies, you name it he watches it. Also, Wooyoung getting high would calm down his normal antics and allow him to just focus on the films! Also, just gonna say ‘written by a stoner, for a stoner, while stoned’ ;) So, without further ado, I present to you! High!Wooyoung smut
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Lazy Saturday
✯Pairings: Jung Wooyoung x Reader (f)
✯Genre: non-idol au, domestic bliss au, established relationship trope
✯Word count: 1,072
✯Warnings: mentions of smoking cannabis (both reader and wooyoung are partaking), fingering (f receiving), rubbing wooyoung through his pants squirting
✯Rated: 18+ MDNI
✯Summary: A high Harry Potter marathon turns into Wooyoung reading your thoughts on being horny while high ✯Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland for being my speedy betas <3
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It's days like today that you loved. With no responsibilities, phones on mute and a rainy day, what better activity could you do than get high and binge the Harry Potter films with your boyfriend? 
You and Wooyoung had spent the better part of the morning and afternoon getting through the majority of the first few films, pausing and expanding on the scenes you viewed. But the both of you would get immersed in the high excitement scenes and then drift off into hyper focus which was what the weed was enabling.
What it was also enabling was your libido.
You had cast a wayward leg over Wooyoung’s, hips touching and his arm around your shoulder. But that left you in a vulnerable position that Wooyoung simply could not ignore. His hyper focus suddenly became on your crotch and how much he wanted to rub you through your leggings and hear you gasp for him.
What Wooyoung didn't know is that your pussy was throbbing right now. The thought of your legs spread, available for anything to happen, had your chest heaving in anticipation. You couldn't help but pull that stereotype that you wished your boyfriend could read your thoughts, so that--
You gasped audibly when Wooyoung was wiggling his fingers down your stomach and in-between your leggings and underwear. "Wooyoung!" You couldn't help but scold him with his name.
Wooyoung jolted his chin, motioning back to the movie. “I love this line: ‘Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.’.”
You had no idea what Dumbledore just fucking said because Wooyoung’s nail just skimmed over your clit and you cried out at the injustice that he thinks he can just fucking touch you like this without acknowledging it. Fine, two can play that game.
You rolled your hips along with Wooyoung rubbing your cunt. His four fingers cupped you slightly but his eyes stayed glued to the tv screen. You swallowed down your whimpers and cries, knowing that was exactly what he was looking for but continued to enjoy the free massage nonetheless.
You could see the twist of his lips from the corner of your eye; Wooyoung was not impressed that he was not making you a mewling mess that he could tease you about later. So that was where he took it up a notch. In no time at all, he had your panties pushed to the side, hand still beneath your leggings however, and he was dipping a middle finger into your folds. A small cry escaped your lips as the newly wet finger brushed your clit with correct, measured strokes. He smirked, pushing his lips to one side of his face, and his tongue played with the freckle on his lip. 
You didn’t tell him to stop and you certainly didn’t dare stop watching the movie. Somehow this lewd moment while watching a staple in your house was working. Also the fact that both of you were attempting to treat this like just another day in your house, getting touched intimately in the middle of the living room, got you both off, frankly.
But then this fucker inserted his fingers into you. He used careful, gentle thrusting, listening to your intakes of breath and soon he had them easily resting inside of your velvety walls. Wooyoung hesitated, waiting with bated breath for you to turn to him and tell him to take his fingers out of you. He would do it, licking them saucily, but he would be sad if his playtime was cut short. 
You pressed your lips together and tried to fight through your lust and your high haze to focus on the film. Which was impossible with what happened next.
You whimpered as Wooyoung lazily pumped his fingers in and out of you. It wasn't not much at first, just a tiny bit of stimulation. Not truly enough to keep you distracted from the movie but enough to get your hips rocking again. It wasn't like the rough, quick pace you usually demanded from him, but with his fingers working inside of you, curling inside of you, scissoring inside of you, you could not complain with whatever pace he was working, it just felt good.
Somehow the two melded into each other. Hermione shouting in fear for Harry, your continued whimpers and Wooyoung’s soft chuckles. Eventually you moved your hand over his lap and rubbed the outline of his dick through his soft gray sweats. The two of you were whimpering, the movie no longer even a factor unfortunately. 
The theme that usually caused goosebumps to cross your skin played but you were too focused squeezing the head of Wooyoung’s ridiculously sensitive cock. “Fuck,” Wooyoung cursed, bucking up into your touch now. 
Except you had no time to offer to climb into Wooyoung’s lap. Wooyoung had been tapping your g spot with enough insistence that you had one of those slow, unannounced orgasms that took you by surprise. Your lips made an ‘o’ and you had a silent orgasm. You squeezed your eyes shut and thrusted your pelvis forward as it hit you suddenly. You barely noticed him removing his fingers from you and shifting beside you on the couch. 
You then heard Wooyoung’s obnoxious photo clicker noise, that you know damn well he keeps on just to mess with you, and your eyes flew open. 
“Wha…?” Your mouth was open in surprise at the huge wet spot you were now sporting on your leggings. 
“I made you squirt,” Wooyoung announced, looking quite pleased with himself.
You began to whine about being so messy and dirty. “Help me!”
Wooyoung chuckled lowly, akin to an evil chuckle. “No.”
“No?” You demanded in bewilderment.
“No,” He shook his head confidently. “I want you to strip them off and see how long you can sit with me inside of you before we pause the movies and fuck slowly.”
You whined even more. “Why am I doing all the work suddenly? Jung Wooyoung!”
The laughter got louder and more squeaky as Wooyoung enjoyed himself. “You’re such a baby when you smoke.”
You frowned heavily and stood up. You slapped a hand on the back of the couch and begin to touch Wooyoung like you had been before. Your thumb and forefinger played with his head and his mouth dropped in a whimper. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” You said before dropping your hands and walking away.
“Ba-babe!” Wooyoung called after you. “Wait! I’ll help. I was just kidding before. Babe!” ✯Tag list: @hijirikaww @flowerboykun @kitten4sannie @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy @a-soft-hornytiny
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Vent? Rant idk below
This isn't directed at anyone, I don't think
Can I be so fr.
I'm kinda tired of people telling me this and that person are bad or done this tbh
I honest to whatever lords above, don't give two shits. I don't want to be told "hey, this person/artist is bad, they've done this this and that, and they're not a good person"
Ignorance is bliss my friend
Cool, you don't like this artist because they've done this this and that, but where's your proof.
Telling me with 1, no evidence is not going to get anywhere. 2, they've been nothing but nice to me so that's a definite no, 3, I just dont care anymore man, let me enjoy what i want
Let me enjoy what I want if it isn't actively harming people !!!
I'm gonna enjoy what I enjoy, I'm gonna reblog what I'm gonna reblog, if you don't like it, block tags, block me I Don't care
And this may come off rude or asshole-ish or something idfk but I legit don't give a fuck
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firstdivisiongirl · 3 months
ok i'll just drop some background info abt myself here :33
i'm aromantic + nonbinary, i am an entp 7w6 and i'm a pisces !! i like to draw, listen to music (either metal or just mainstream music i listen to whatever atp) and dance in my freetime !! :3
based on my personality ::
my friends tend to tell me that i'm the embodiment of the quote "dont judge a book by its' cover" cuz on the outside i act like a full on metalhead and really passive aggressive but at home i sleep next to a whole tower of plushies 💀🙏 and i collect stickers of silly little cats and otters (not my fault that they're so cute oml) i'm usually the clown of the group !! i tend to be hyperactive but my emotions change a lot- one second talking to me is like trying to get a toddler to pay attention to your teacher and the other is like trying not to get bitten by a rabid dog (my friend's words not mine). i tend to be a loud mouth srry . . . i do try to be quiet if necessary but if i get excited when talking i am a walking speaker . . . i get rlly excited if my favorite things are mentioned ?! like i would get rlly happy, smiley and would talk about it until i forget to breathe !! i like to consume horror media ?? idk if i can say that without sounding like an edgelord sobsob im sorry . . . i just love consuming those types of media (as a former kid w unsupervised access to the internet-) and i tend to ramble abt them along w other philosophical topics !! i like to discuss abt meaning of life, whether there are other universes, abt the capabilities of the human mind, etc. they're just so interesting!!! :] i guess im proud to say that my best trait is my humor 😋 maybe im overconfident abt this one cuz i just have pretty dumb sense of humor if im being honest frfr i tend to say things out of context . . . i like terrorizing my friends by saying the most outrageous things and overexaggerating them for the fun of it :333 though sometimes i kinda mean what i say
for my ideal partner ::
i'd say i would like someone who's fun to be around but at the same time they gotta be interesting for me to find them fun . . . like they gonna have smth to them that makes me wanna observe them like they're a lab rat being experimented on and being put under observation :33 ppl like that make me wanna see whats inside them and how they see the world around them !! i just love those kinds of ppl aaaaa ik im overdramatic for this one but like . . . i need someone who can handle me- as in my emotions and sometimes my way of loving . . . cuz if i did love someone, i would obsess over them and would dream of dying w them out of euphoria cuz being w my partner is the only thing that keeps me alive and human 😞 i wanna feel genuine happiness and pure bliss w my partner so thats why after that i think we should die together, that way we both know that finally we lived our life to the fullest (in my pov, 'the fullest' means you finally reach the climax of ur happiness/u live to the moment where you're the happiest you've ever been) (idk if that makes sense but that has always been my fantasy LAWD IM RAMBLING) need someone whos as crazy as i am :333 if he aint insane i dont want him fr i need to make him worse /j
i think thats all abt me :333 pls take ur time and make sure to put urself first btw !! aside from that, its ok if you ignore this one cuz at the end of the day its up to u <333 have a wonderful day/night mwah you're super cool
Hello! Of course you can have a matchup. Thank you for the kindness. I would like to warn you that I picked a somewhat controversial character. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!
Tumblr media
If boy can handle the chaos the is Shuji Hanma, he can handle you!
You wanted crazy...
Would love to see you smile when you get super excited about something! His favorite thing is to see the person he loves happy.
He is really really smart. So you would have very intellectual and philosophical discussions.
Would love that you aren't all you seem. Because he is the same way. You two can be badasses when out, but totally different when it is just the two of you (and Hanma sometimes when he is being Hanma and not leaving you all alone.)
Movie date nights. He'd let you pick it. If you're happy, he's happy.
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aquaquadrant · 5 months
Act two, oh boy. Ughhguhegjeb ok good to go.
Tango, the jig is up, everyone knows everything is NOT FINE dude
And here we go again, I am the Watchers' number one hater fr
Ooooooo, Helsknight mention, realization, yess
Grian's "that makes so much sense" is so funny for some reason
REN TOO LMAO. It was just another Tuesday on Hermitcraft.
Mmmm, explanation, tasty.
I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin, UGHG.
Maybe if I turn off my computer rn, I can live in ignorant bliss.
Nope, continuing.
Reminder that the Watchers literally watch hels too, and probably knew about Tango, like at least one did. Ugh.
This whole conversation is just, ugh, like, everyone is just horrified. I mean, it's really putting into hindsight just how HORRIBLE it was, like omfg.
This explanation of how the farm works, UGH, Tango being so chill about it, UGGHH
When I first read the accident line of Etho's, I thought he meant the portal switching them was the accident, and not that Tango didn't mean for it to happen lol
Seriously Watchers are on my LAST NERVE
Tango talks so casually, omfg.
Hm, how did you not see that coming Grian? Lol
Ty so much for having all the DL people be on Tango's side, literally couldn't handle this otherwise. Cleo's statement about how could they not tell Tango was dealing with this? Mwah
OOOOOOO, Grian askin' about Hels..
???????? Was that???? Grian's voice/thoughts??? In Jimmy's head???? Hm??????
Oh, is this were the decapitation comes in?
I'm still so worried about Tango going back to Hels. Please, so scared.
Oop, Jimmy speaking back to the Watchers omfg, love it.
Tango trying to justify why he should be a damn farm, uggghhh. This is literally just him coping and stemming from trauma, and it's not even hurtful seeing as death has no consequence.
Sometimes the Watchers can be funny, as a treat, they still need to stfu.
OOP "I don’t care if some random guy thinks you’re just the manifestation of all his evil- frankly, I think that says more about him than it does about you.” YEAAAAHHHHHHHH, GAG BRAVO WHEN HE CAN'T DEFEND HIMSELF (he couldn't even if he wanted to)
The l word :) (love <3)
Fade to black and back to the ranch afterwards
"My gloves" awwwwwww, they're Jimmy's gloves now ugghhfew
The DL ppl coming to help ugh, love DL
And Etho takes the comm to explain! Huh, why am I getting deja vu back to a certain Hels player hm
Petition for a oneshot where the DLers explain what happened after this is all over to X, I think that would be great.
Etho a portal expert, do you get deja vu?
LMAO, Patho said he'd need Tango's comm to confirm his theory, and now Etho says he'd need Bravo's comm to confirm his theory, my my how the turn tables have turned. Just sit these two in a room already damnit.
Atlas fr need to move on god damnit. All these issues is because of Atlas, god damn it.
Uhoh, I thought we could be happy and not mention the feather farm again :(
Not the Watchers again 😭 I'll give em a pass, cause they're all moods.
I do wonder how everyone else outside of DL is handling all of them being on lock down. Can they still message, or is everyone just cut off from contacting them? How's X, an admin of a sanctuary world, reacting to this fiasco? How's fWhip, the admin of Empires, doing with a good chunk of his friends stuck in one server with minimal to no context?
Mmmm, please have the decapitation work, pleeaasssee
Jimmy talking back to the Watchers is my favorite Jimmy <3
I was so worried Tango was just gonna BOOKIT through that port 😭
??????? NO?????? NO???????? NO??????????
It's done, it was a roller-coaster, htp can't hurt me (for a while)
Tysm for this incredible fic <3
‘voluntary decapitation’ got a LOT of reactions hagsjdha i didn’t know how else to put it…
one thing about tango is that he is gonna try and insist he’s fine TIL THE BITTER END like asking for help is always the very last resort for him in all facets of life. we stan an emotionally walled-up king.
obligatory ‘the watchers suck’ blanket statement 🫡
i’ve talked abt helsknight before but it was SUCH a handy way to quickly get into the explanation, like that’s the whole reason tango ever even realized he was a doppelgänger. and ofc the other hermits who were there are like ‘OH HEY YEAH wtf was up with that…’ they’re so used to having weird shit happen and then just moving on LOL
“I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin” :3
of COURSE tango had to tell them all about the horrible blaze farm while acting like he’s completely unaffected. no way was i gonna leave out any of those tasty details.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: IMPULSE WAS THE MVP 💪 💪💪 even if he accidentally spooked tango in this case, it’s good to know he would go FERAL to protect his friends.
the rest of the DL gang are p great too, NO WAY they’d buy all the ‘doppelgängers are evil’ bullshit 😤 and i really don’t like mischaracterizing someone just for the sake of added drama/having an antagonist. i can just MAKE a new guy for that (hence bravo and atlas HAH)
WATCHER (kinda) GRIAN MAKES AN APPEARANCE FINALLY 💃 usually he’s more careful about not using his abilities near a listener but the situation had him frazzled.
listen. the scene where jimmy finally confronts tango about the destructive nature of his self-hatred is my FAVE. sometimes love means just being there for someone and supporting them, but other times it means laying down some hard truths. it’s the culmination of jimmy’s arc and i’m SO glad you enjoyed it.
it takes a server to rebuild a ranch 💪
i am an ethogirl first and a person second so u KNO i had to have etho lay it out for us, at the same time allowing me to draw parallels between him and patho.
i’m def not qualified to discuss fwhip or empires in general (i’m a sham, i’ve never watched any of it) but x was for SURE freaking out. this is gonna make one hell of a story (hah) for the rest of the hermits when they get back.
CMONNN i couldn’t have the decapitation work, that’d be too easy ;0
i’m cryin at ur reaction going from “I was so worried Tango was gonna book it through the portal” to “NOOOOO???? NOOOOOOOO” like damn talk about foreshadowing 😂
GLAD U ENJOYED THE RIDE we’ve still got plenty of twists and turns to come 💃 thank u for being absolutely STELLAR w the feedback!!
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
I can’t help but feel bad for dbf!Price’s wife. Does she get any consolation or anything?
i personally love when i get angst, and it sticks to what's realistic.
i want no happiness, no boss bitch moments. Take your L and persevere.
if anything, she's not really suffering. she doesn't go through his phone because, in the end, she's not leaving him. so she'd just be hurting her own feelings only to do nothing about it. ignorance is bliss.
and fr, in MY personal preference, i really dislike when there's a weird, hyper-unrealistic situation where the girl gets to one up. it's cheap and deeply unsatisfying. it's giving fan service and not the good kind. but again, that's literally only me, im just a bitter soul.
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN Meet-Cute ??
Gen. ;; Fluff + the tiniest amounts of angst - Headcanons/Scenarios
Warnings ;; Mild Swearing + Crying + Stressful situations + Semi-Detailed Description of Murder + Brief Mention of Torture ?? (THIS ISN'T AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS I SWEAR !!)
Proofread + edited ;; Yes !! :)
Auth. Note ;; These are pretty long - I got to know the character and my interpretation of each of them as I wrote which was pretty fun but made these so long to write. Enjoy !!
Aaron T - Meet-Funny ??
I like to think there were a lot of small instance before y'all went just fuck it, we see each other every day, we're basically besties now
The first probably being at your place of work
You work at a cinema (movie theatre) and your job is to clear up after the movie ends
You absolutely hate when people make huge messes (i'm looking at you entitled parents with messy kids) and then just leave them alongside all of their snacks and drinks on the seats and floor
There's bins on the way out people, you have hands, just please-
T was supposed to watch a movie with the rest of 4*TOWN but those backstabbing motherfucking traitors silly billys ditched him
So now he's sobbing in the back of a semi-lit cinema room (i don't know the word bro please-) by himself, clutching onto an almost empty box of popcorn
Lucky for you, you're tasked with the job of getting T to chill out with the ugly crying and leave so you can finish cleaning up
The movie probably wasn't even sad
Bet it was Zootropolis (Zootopia)
Aaron T is just sitting there, blubbering away, whilst mumbling along to Shakira
As he should, honestly
While you calm him down you also manage to clean up any mess around his seats (the ones the rest of the group were going to be sat in before they decided to ditch poor T)
After you finish your cleaning you guide him out of the showing room (someone please tell me what it's called i beg-)
You're just awkwardly standing outside of the showing room door as he sobs into your shoulder
I mean, wtf do you do in that kind of situation
The amount of looks you got was humiliating
Just imagine trying to become one with the wall as a grown man ugly cries into your shoulder and people stare at you like you just killed his pet guinea pig (Giles the 4th)
Unfortunately for you, you don't have to imagine - this actually happened
"Uh...there, there...it's okay..."
Eventually T calms down, reduced to the occasional sniffle
He thanks you and shuffles away to who knows where
And that was the last time you ever saw him
At least, it was
Then you saw him again but those are some stories for another day!!
You definitely left that situation with not-so-positive feelings about the ugly crier from row M
But after a day or two to comprehend whatever that was you begin to find the situation a lot more funny
It brings a smile to your face, especially whenever you remember what movie he was watching
Every time you think back on it you find a new element of the situation
The fact he was watching a kids movie all by himself
He was crying whilst whisper-singing Shakira
He had the whole row to himself
And most of the showing room tbh
Overall you're left with fond amusement when you think back on the ugly crier from row M
T on the other hand thought you were some kind of angel fr
Kind of thought it was funny
Someone who stayed with him despite his dramatics ?? An immediate 10
But when he tells the other guys what happened he's immediately shut down
Like,, T didn't even think of half of the things the boys bring up
Mans is mortified
Kinda wishing he didn't tell the boys about this one...
Ignorance is bliss after all and he misses that shit fr
T is thankful that you were so patient and kind but he's embarrassed af now and kinda wishes he was swallowed by the Earth
Jesse - Meet-Cute ??
Guess the trend in these meets
Jesse isn't exactly crying when you first meet him but he sure isn't smiling
Nah this man is down an alleyway, clutching his phone to his ear with the strength of 5 bears
Okay but on a serious note
It's early afternoon, around 2:45pm and you're on a mission
There is no milk
You searched the fridge back to front, side to side and...nothing
You even checked the cupboards for that gross powder milk that you add water to but alas, there was none to be found
So now you're going impromptu grocery shopping
So yeah you grabbed the milk you need plus some lollipops and chocolate
so you began your journey back home
Jesse is in a nearby alley on the verge of a breakdown
You see, he has a full schedule - all day rehearsals, band meetings, interviews, etc.
His kids get off school at 3:00pm
And the babysitter he hired just canceled on him
So yeah, forgive the guy if he's not in tip-top shape at the moment
And it's not like he's got a backup because the babysitter was his backup
Originally his ex was supposed to be taking the kids but their car broke down
Which is fine because they let Jesse know ahead of time
So there's no backup for the backup
And he has an interview in 5 minutes that he can't miss
So of course when you see some poor bloke with his head in his hands sitting in the nastiest alleyway you've ever seen you're a little bit concerned.
Is he homeless? Dying? Just got broken up with? What's his deal?
You're no expert but you're not convinced many homeless people have access to the expensive clothing he's wearing
Dying...well he's breathing but it's not like you can see his face so the options not completely out yet
Best to just check...
You kind of just hover at the entrance of the alleyway for a bit,
Opening up with a "Hey, man, you alright?"
Immediately regretting it because does he look alright??
Wishing you'd never opened your mouth and wanting to disintegrate into nothingness
Jesse looks up at you with the most tired looking eyes you've ever seen
Honestly heart wrenching
You walk the rest of the way down the alley and crouch near him, offering a small smile
You dig around in the plastic bag you were given to transport your goodies + milk and pull out a strawberry-flavoured lollipop
Jesse takes it, returning a watery smile and a small "Thanks..."
You ask about what's going on with him and he rambles about the situation which quickly turns into a full-blown rant as he unwraps the lollipop
The thought of offering to pick up his kids enters your mind before you realise just how creepy that would be
Not to worry though because before you can beat yourself up mentally Jesse brings your attention back
By asking you to pick up his kids...
Is this man that desperate or does he just not believe in kidnappers?
Luckily you aren't a kidnapper so it's fine
Anyway, you accept, asking where he'd like you to drop his kids off and when he'd be able to come and meet them
And also where their school is...that's kinda important
Do they have a password so they know whoever's picking them up is safe?
Que panic #2
Seriously this man is not with it today
That's okay
Take your time
But not too much time because these kids need someone to pick them up
"Hey, it's okay, try one question at a time, whichever you have a definite answer to, okay? We're gonna get your kids home safely, don't worry."
Someone get you a medal holy shit-
Once you carefully extract the necessary info from Jesse you make preparations to get the kids
You make it on time, if not a minute or two late
And now you have two very hyper kids on your hands
Looking back on it you feel pretty bad for Jesse
Poor guy has so much on his shoulders; you have this strong, very sudden urge to lift that weight
Later on when he collects his kids from you he's the sweetest, most thankful person ever
And now his kids adore you
Probably because you gave them some of your sweets but don't tell Jesse
Are you their new babysitter? They sure hope so!
Overall you find his love for his kids charming and he seems very sweet.
His kids are adorable little terrors but you wouldn't mind seeing them again
He thinks you're amazing - an angel!
Genuinely the kindest person ever-
He worships the ground you walk on basically
Aaron Z - Meet-Ugly to Meet-Cute ??
Oh god please-
You thought this man hated you (for good reason tbh-)
You and Z both attend the same weekend basketball club, they're unimportant games, just for fun y'know ??
Somehow you are always put on opposite teams to each other and this man guns for you every single time without fail
It's beginning to piss you off tbh
Like,, what is his problem ??
Just what did you do to make him so intent on destroying your bones ??
It's another weekend and you're hyped for another match, maybe not for Z to attempt murder but for everything besides that !!
Not to be dramatic but one more stunt and you're going to explode
You liked to think you were pretty fair when it comes to things like this,, some people are just competitive but come on !!
This is just targeted now !!
When you get to the sport center you've hyped yourself up for either a battle to the death or a normal game basketball, though either could be considered a battle to death when Z's on the court
That was not a compliment...no one tell him you thought that !!
You make your way over to the team listing for the week, scanning for your name...aha !!
Team B
You quickly look over your teammates
And your stomach drops
How...how after all this time
You've been put on the same team as Aaron Z
More like arrogant
On the bright side, at least he won't be gunning for you anymore-
Is what you thought
And you were partially right...
What fresh bs is this-
What is his problem ??
Luckily your other teammates include you when Z isn't hogging the ball
That's it !!
You may not know what his problem with you is but you're going to find out, no matter what it takes
So like any normal, sane person you corner him once he's come out of the changing rooms
Yeah...desperate times call for desperate measures and you are so far beyond that-
Immediately Z is flustered, you can almost feel the sudden heatwaves emanating from his face
"What is your problem? Have I done something to you? What is it?"
The meekest "what?" paired with the widest eyes
You are beyond pissed and fired up-
"Why do you keep acting like a jerk on the court? You always gun for me like I personally killed your grandma and then ate the last of her special cookies and then today you completely ignored me when I was open most of, if not all of the game!"
Deep breath
"So spill. Why do you hate me so much?"
Your interrogations are met with a lot of mumbling as Z desperately avoids eye contact
You raise an eyebrow, "I can't hear you, would you mind upping the volume a bit?"
You sigh and take a step back, noticing how close you'd gotten
"Sorry, but I genuinely cannot hear you, do you mind repeating?"
You notice that Z's trembling and your mind reels
What had you done...
Maybe he was just competitive and didn't realise your perspective
you're a terrible person
"I'm so, so sorr-"
Z is huffing and puffing as he calms down, still noticeably shaky and entirely red in the face
"You're good at what you do and I thought...that if I showed off on the court and...y'know... you'd think I was cool..."
As Aaron Z pushes himself through his voice gradually gets smaller and smaller as the embarrassment gets to him
And then he runs away
I'm not kidding
Mans said abort and hit the ground running (didn't make sense not to live for fun-)
Overall I'd say you're fairly shocked and need a few minutes...or days to digest what just happened
And Z is mortified and wants to cease existing
He's seriously contemplating never returning to the weekend basketball meets but don't worry, the boys are making sure he doesn't quit life <3
Once you've recuperated thought it's safe to say you're flustered as anything
Mentally going over ways to talk to Z in the future now that you've found out he's not you're worst enemy
Funny how things happen, isn't it ??
Robaire - Meet-Cute !!
Don't you just hate when your package gets lost or when your mail is delivered to the wrong address?
So does Robaire
He hates that it's been happening for 3 months, even more !!
No matter how hard he tries to contact the companies he buys the packages from or the mail office that's meant to deliver to him, it never gets sorted
And he's kind of running out of options here
And patience
Especially considering the fact that everyone else seems to be getting their mail just fine !!
So what gives ??
Now imagine receiving tons of mail and packages that aren't yours and you didn't order but they don't have return address
Yeah, that's your reality
What do you do with that ??
You've tried locating the original address but try as you might you can't find it
Either Google's been taking some hard drugs or this address is completely locked to the public
But then why are the packages being delivered to you !?
So you do what any person at the end of their patience does and you put out an ad listing some of the mail and packages you've wrongly received, and the beginning of the address.
And, of course, you get plenty of private and public messages reaching out for the lost mail but none of them can seem to finish the address
So the mail remains lost another day
Now imagine Robaire's surprise when an add for his packages pops up on his feed
So obviously he rushing to private message you as fast as humanly possible
His first questions is whether you still have his stuff because damn, that would be frustrating if you'd given it away already
"Hello, yes I do still have all of the packages and mail in my possession, unopened. I completely understand your frustration at this mix-up! However, despite this, I am going to have to ask you to complete the address listed in the ad, I'm sure you understand why. Thank you <3"
Robaire didn't think he'd ever been more thankful for a message in his life, but there we go
Once confirming his full address, Robaire noted that you became a lot more relaxed and informal in your texting style
"Oh thank god !! You have no idea how many fakers have reached out to me so far lolol"
"Really? I'd be offended but I know first hand just how cool those packages are - I bought them!"
"Pfffttttt for sure dude, whatever you say lolol"
"Bet you've got some weird anime merch in there somewhere"
"Why'd you order so much stuff if you knew they weren't delivering any of it to you"
"Kind of just hoped they would in the end, I guess. But turns out I have my package savior so I don't need to hope anymore ;)"
Robaire was having fun talking to you and you were having fun too
It was weird how quickly you clicked considering the circumstances !!
Or maybe that made it less weird, who knows ??
You two chatted back and forth for a while
But eventually you made plans to meet up so you could give Robaire his mail
But the chats didn't end there
Even when one person had to go as soon as they got back you two were continuing the conversation as if it never stopped
Some real sappy shit
And you're surprised to find you two click just as easily in person as you do online (maybe all the chats helped)
Or maybe that's because Robaire is a complete charmer but we can't be sure
You're definitely saved into his phone as "Package Savior <3"
He's saved into yours as "mY pAcKAgeS!!" (read that in the voice of the "my cabbages" guy from avatar, i beg-)
Overall y'all became fast "friends"
Flirtationship before the word was invented y'know ??
Tae Young is convinced it's fate that brought you two together
Robaire doesn't really care if it was fate or a coincidence, he's just glad to have you in his life (aw <3)
Tae Young - Meet-Cute !!
The park near your work was a popular place to go for lunch breaks
Many people liked the peaceful atmosphere of it
Others liked the beauty
You were no exception
You liked that none of your coworkers were anywhere in sight
You were on your lunch break and if anyone disturbed you you'd be going back a felon and they would be going six feet under
Exaggeration ?? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !! No.
You had spent an extra time working whilst Jennifer took her "lunch break" AND SAT READING A MAGAZINE FOR AN HOUR
So yeah, this lunch break was off limits
But not everyone in the park was as gloomy as you
Tae Young was happily training one of his newest foster doves nearby
He was thinking of naming her Sunny !!
Sunny was probably one of his more nervous rescues but Tae Young knows how to deal with that easily so it wasn't a particular concern of his
That's actually what these training exercises were meant to be helping with;; Tae Young hoped to bring the young dove of her shell
It wasn't the most successful but slow and steady wins the race !!
Speaking of success, your interruption-free lunch break was going amazing, thank you very much
Jennifer is still on your hate list but the soothing atmosphere in the park was helping calm you down
Like,, before you would've tortured her until she begged for death
Now you'd just stab her in the throat and watch her bleed out !!
...it's still progress, okay ??
A sudden, unexpected weight settling on your head dragged you from your murder plot
And the cries of a surprised Tae Young running towards you
You look up at the boy from your seat on the bench, puzzled in every sense of the word
Tae Young dissolved into apologetic babbles about doves and heads and a bunch of things you can't quite catch
"Uh...dude? Mind slowing down?"
Tae Young nods his head so vigorously you're worried it might fall off
"Right, right! So, okay, hmmmm, how to say this...Sunny has sat herself on your head."
Fuckin' pardon ??
"Um, Sunny...oh right, Sunny's a dove that I'm fostering, anyway she's a little flighty" Nervous giggle break "Flighty, 'cause she's a bird...not the time, okay, she's, um, landed on your head! She looks quite comfortable actually !!"
"Right...okay...can you get her off?"
Tae Young in his bobble head era fr
"Yeah, I can, I'll have to touch your head though. Is that okay?"
"Sure, man, whatever you need. I just need to get to work and I can't have a bird on my head for that and I'm sure you don't want that either"
"Mhm, it would be best if we could avoid that.."
He says as he scoops Sunny off of your head, tongue poking out because he's that mf
Sunny simply jumps out of Tae Young's hands and floats back down to your head
"Huh...that's not promising"
No shit, man...
As much as you want to be mad you feel like the chosen one and you can't help but feel fond of the tiny dove
You can't even be mad at Tae Young because he's being so sweet, trying to help you out and being friendly on top of that when you'd kidnapped (??) his dove
Is it kidnapping if the dove is the one who jumps on you without prompting ??
Dovenapping ??
Drawing yourself out of your thoughts you notice Tae Young begin to panic, becoming more frantic in his attempts to get Sunny away from your head
"Y'know what, I'll call my boss, let him know the situation so you can handle this properly without panicking. I'm sure Jennifer can work hard like everyone else for a little while."
And Tae Young visibly deflates in relief much to your satisfaction
"Oh thank goodness, I was worried you were gonna be so mad when I told you it may take longer than I first thought."
You can't help but smile as you surf through your contacts
"No worries, between you and me I've become more attached to Sunny in the past however long it's been than I have ever been to my job"
You send him a quick wink and smile before calling your boss
As your focus moves onto your phone you miss Tae Young's face flaring up in a fierce blush as he begins once again coaxing Sunny off of your head
You get the okay from your boss and start up a conversation with Tae Young as you wait
You two chat about anything and everything as you wait for Sunny to give up the fight
Before you know it 20 minutes have passed
Sunny finally leaves your head and your free !!
Finally !!
"I don't blame Sunny for sitting on you, your head looks very comfortable!"
A little confused but he's got the spirit
You accept the compliment (??)
Not like you'd be able to reject when he has the cutest nervous expression on his face ever
"Y'know, Sunny really likes you so I'm sure she'd like if you came to visit her every now and then."
You crack a smile and pretend to contemplate the offer
"I'd love to come visit little Sunny, I like to think we've established a bond after this. I'd also like to visit her fosterer if that's okay?"
You offer, feeling a boldness that quickly deserts you once you begin talking, leaving you stare anywhere but at Tae Young
You have never seen such a bright smile, seriously it rivalled the sun !!
Tae Young on his bobblehead arc part 3
Everyone leaves this meeting happy and excited to meet again, especially Sunny - you've got a really comfortable head !!
And you do end up visiting
Endless teasing on Tae's end (poor baby)
Like in Robaire's scenario he absolutely believes it was fate that the two of you met and he thanks Sunny everyday he sees her
It's really sweet actually
"I got you some extra seeds today, I know they're your favourite !! You deserve them for being my guardian angel in disguise !!"
Oh my gosh, this took so long,, all this for a dying fandom too *cries*
Hope you enjoyed !! <3
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