#i want to sleep so bad but my brain wont stop moving
bay7let · 2 months
Why doth sleep hateth me?
@totalcharliespringsimp you up? Because bordum is a bitch and your usually up late
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mokassong · 12 days
long smutt where paige is needy but you wont touch her until she shows you her touching herself and shes shy at first but gives in
dream- p. bueckers
!! - not short!! Dancer!reader, english isn’t my first language
!! - smut, sub!paige, masturbation, wet dreams, no pre-established relationships, giving enemies with benefits, paige cums quickly, thigh riding
Paige exclaims, sitting up sharply as she looks around her room.
Her roommate stays sleeping through the noise, and Paige only has one thought going through her brain:
After months of convincing herself that she and the dancer were not in any way, shape, or form, friends, the girl is still the first thing Paige thinks of when she awakens from her nightmare.
That’s right, the big bad Paige Bueckers has bad dreams.
Paige gets out of bed, pulling your black oversized jacket over her purple shirt.
Your purple shirt.
Paige shakes her head.
Stop thinking about her.
She slides on her slippers nonetheless, making sure to check her appearance in the mirror.
do my braids look okay? should i take them out? does she even want to see me? do-
Paige takes a second before opening her door and doing anything but running down the hall and to your room.
She doesn’t bother to knock, instead pushing the door open and going to stand in the middle of the dancer’s room.
You look up from your book, warily staring at the blonde haired girl, who’s arms are crossed.
“I- I thought you might want me here.” Paige starts. “You know, with your night terrors and all.”
She whispers the last part.
“My night terrors?”
Paige looks down at her feet. “This is the part where you invite me to lay in your bed with you.”
You trie to hide your smirk, closing your book and putting it on your bedside table as you stand up.
Crossing the room, you close your door before walking to Paige. You take her jacket off of the blonde, throwing it to a corner of the room.
You place your hand on Paige’s lower back, leading her over to the bed.
Paige lays down, pressing herself against the wall, giving you as much space as she can.
You lay down as well, and it’s silence for a few minutes.
“Y/N?” Paige finally whispers.
You ley out a quiet sigh, thankful.
“Are you awake?”
“Who the fuck do you think just said ‘yeah?’”
Paige turns on her side, facing you, who doesn’t even try to hide your smirk.
“This wasn’t about ‘my’ night terrors, was it?”
Paige doesn’t dare move.
“What happened, P?”
don’t tell her don’t tell her don’t tell her don’t tell her don’t don’t don’t don’t-
“I’m the lamest baller to ever exist.”
Your gaze softens, and you wrap an arm around Paige, who tenses as you pulls her closer.
“Paige,” You whisper, “can I tell you a secret?”
Paige is certain you can hear her heartbeat getting faster.
You smile softly. “you’re my most favorite baller to ever exist.”
Paige has to admit that she’s a bit disappointed.
“Oh. Well, thank you, I guess. goodnight.” She deadpans, turning around so you can’t see her sad expression.
You laugh though, pulling the blonde against your chest, easily spooning her.
Paige’s heart races as you slip her hand under her shirt, your fingers drawing patterns on Paige’s stomach.
You smirk at the sound of Paige’s soft sigh, and the next time you look over to check on the girl, her eyes are closed.
For the first time in a very long time, Pauge Bueckers falls asleep with a smile on her face.
Sleep doesn’t last long.
Paige wakes up from another dream, although this time, not a bad one.
She feels you shift behind her, and freezes.
The girl keeps quiet, peeling your hand off of her body before the you can notice the wet patch on her sweatpants.
“Can I use your bathroom?” Paige asks.
“Yeah, of course.”
The blonde girl is quick to get out of the bed, running to the bathroom and quickly shutting the door.
Your head snaps up when you hear Paige’s frustrated groan.
It’s obvious that the basketball player doesn’t actually use the restroom, as there are no telltale… sounds.
Paige exits the small room a number of minutes later, and gets back in the bed quickly.
You wrap her hand around Paige’s waist once again, pulling the girl’s shirt up even higher to continue the doodles on her skin.
Paige’s breath hitches when your hand ventures lower, now playing with the hem of her sweatpants.
“Were you dreaming about me, baby?” The dancer asks, her breath hot against Paige’s neck.
don’t tell her don’t tell her you don’t have to tell her anything lie lie lie lie lie-
“Yes.” Paige uses all of her power to make her voice not waver.
A victorious smirk appears on your face.
If you told Paige Bueckers six months ago that she’d be having wet dreams about Y/N L/N, she would have laughed in your face.
“Yeah? What was the dream about?”
You hold in a laugh as your hand slips under the waistband of Paige’s sweatpants.
You tuck your leg in between Paige’s, your thigh pressing against her crotch.
“Sorry,” you smile innocently, “just getting comfortable.”
Paige sighs. “In my dream, I felt good. And not like the good i feel after making a basket.” She hints embarrassedly.
You smile. “What was making you feel good?”
don’t tell her get out leave leave leave stop being pathetic leave leave lea-
“You.” Paige breathes out.
“Yeah? And why were you getting mad in the bathroom?”
don’t tell her leave leave leave you’re an addams stop being weak leave leave leave-
“I- I couldn’t do it.”
“Do what?” You ask in mock confusion.
“I couldn’t feel good again.” Paige mumbles, “I tried everything.”
You tsk in her ear.
“Oh yeah? What did you try?”
Paige is so deep in thought that she doesn’t notice your hands gripping her hips, slowly rocking her back and forth.
well, there’s no stopping now.
“I- I tried the corner of your sink, an- and I tried using my fingers, like how you did in my dream, but I couldn’t- it didn’t-“
Paige cuts herself off with a broken moan as you flex your thigh.
“Y/N- pl- please keep-“
You smirk, rocking Paige faster against your thigh.
“You like that, honey? Do you feel good?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, good, feels good.”
Paige gasps when you slip your hand under her sweatpants, rubbing her through her boxers.
Paige quickly helps take her sweatpants off, but whines when you pull away, sitting up.
You giggle at her pout. You lean against the headboard, watching Paige sit desperately in front of you. “Show me.”
“I— what?”
“Show me what I was doing to you. Show me, and I’ll touch you.” You cross your arms.
Paige’s legs seem to spread automatically, showing off the wet spot on her boxers. She brings her middle finger lower, pressing on the wet spot softly.
You smirk, watching her hips jerk.
“Yeah, that’s right. Go ahead and get yourself off.”
Paige tugs down her boxers, revealing her sopping cunt in all of its glory. She hasn’t shaved, but you can still see her engorged clit peeking out of her fat lips.
“Fuck.” You breathe, and Paige moans. She presses down on her clit softly, and starts to rub it. Her other hand spreads her folds, and you watch her pussy clench around nothing.
Paige whimpers, slipping a finger inside of herself. “I— I’m gonna—“
“Cum,” you whisper, and she does.
Paige’s head falls back, her hips jerking and her thighs tensing as she moans out, grasping at her tits. She rides it out, lazily thrusting her finger inside of herself and staring at you with half-lidded eyes.
“Lay down.” You say, moving to hover over her. “It’s my turn.”
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tobyisave · 9 months
the plot of "ethanol"
aka that Adamandi fanfiction I never finished last year (OTL) and companion to this drawing (x)! There were only a few pages (that I will never release) so instead here's what was going to happen, according to my old notes doc... it's mostly just Vincent angst I'm not gonna lie. I kinda stopped because I realized there was no plot at all and that's not how stories work
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Also: I did not write adamandi. And it's been a *second* since I was Vincent. And cannot stress enough that even the finished parts of this are wildly unfinished. So make of this what you will kdlfdsjf
(tw for body horror, medical horror, suicide, self harm, others harm, vomit, you know the drill it's Adamandi)
CH1: "I love you, too"
Vincent wakes up in Hancock Infirmary, the medical center on Ardess campus. (It's incredibly sketchy that he's not in the local hospital instead -- especially since the Infirmary has been openly racist to him and Quincy before -- but evidently this is the best way to keep things under wraps.)
He has a traumatic brain injury (from fighting Beatrix), is probably a little drugged, and starts freaking out because he's in pain and everything looks super flat and fake...
But he sees his Phaethon award letter sitting on the nightstand and feels so relieved that he lets himself fall back asleep.
Later the doctor tells him "what happened" including a reference to Vincent’s suicide attempt and "stabbing his own eye" to which he's like my WHAT. He finally realizes he can only see out of one eye - he pokes his fingers into the "soft, swollen folds of meat" on his face (thanks past toby) and finds that the eye is completely gone.
Doc is like you might have amnesia? You also have a TBI. Also fill out this form to make sure you wont kill urself when we release you
Specifically, the form is like “How often in the past two weeks have you: Had trouble sleeping…. Had thoughts that you are a failure….. Wanted to hurt yourself….. Attempted suicide….” And because he only ticks the last one the final score is "1" and the doctor's like okay free to go! (this is totally anachronistic but i think its funny so it stays)
Doctor makes him call someone to help him get home.
For some reason he doesn’t want to call Quincy (he thinks bc he hurt Quincy really bad). He thinks over who else he could call – oh yes, that guy I’ve been hanging out with lately, Ambrose! Wait fuck…. For the first time he realizes that Ambrose is not here.
After phoning Quincy to pick him up (Q cries on the phone, V feels moved to but genuinely doesn't have the energy to cry or even say much - and they say I love you to each other, except its Weird and Uncomfortable this time), Vincent roots around in the medical waste bin and pockets his enucleated eye, which he's alarmed to find is bloody and kind of smashed to a pulp.
CH2: pretty peppermint green
(title from "asthma" by b/ulldog eyes)
Quincy shows up (btw they're they/them in this because I can) and Vincent remembers pretty much everything. They share a reluctant kiss --- after which Vincent is content to slip into the fantasy that things are back to normal --- and walk back to the dorm. It's lightly misting outside. On the way there, Vincent stops and kneels to vomit from his intense headache and nausea. Quincy tries to hold them/help them up after and it makes Vincent's heart race.
In Quincy's room, they lie in bed. Vincent is often the big spoon (lol) but he feels the eye in his front pocket squish against Quincy's back, so they switch for undisclosed reasons. Quincy keeps saying they're so glad Vincent is back and they love him so much. That strikes a terrible weird chord with Vincent, and he's just lying there and he can't see Quincy's face and he's practically pressed between them and the wall and he can't stop feeling like there's another guy in the room watching them both, and he's not sure if the knowledge that there isn't is comforting or scary, and he starts freaking out until he has to leave the room.
(Why that strikes a weird chord: Quincy kept dissing him until now, and now is lovebombing him? Is that because Vincent finally earned their respect academically or because Quincy is guilty or what? He can usually tell what Q's thinking but it's very opaque to him right now - either because of the TBI or because their history is so extreme. And what usually makes him feel calm and well - ie Quincy - is not working anymore).
Vincent goes downstairs and sleeps on the basement couch. He unlocks this memory -- or is it just an image he constructed to fill the gap? -- of Quincy holding him, the weapon still in their hands, those hands still bloody, their face twisted in a horrific expression he can't even describe.
CH3: 20 grams
(title - from "duck or ape" by roar - but references an old paper that claimed to experimentally calculate the weight of a soul by weighing a person before and after death - they were purportedly 20 grams lighter.)
In the morning, Vincent goes to his own dorm. His chair and desk and bedframe were all burned in the pyre, plus most of his paper and books, so there's just big square sun-stains everywhere and a lot of empty space.
He goes to his bottom shelf, where there's a few empty jars & cans & stolen lab glassware, and puts his old eye in an open beaker. There's a big jug of ethanol under his bed and he pours some in to preserve it. (This has been making the room smell awful by the way). The beaker goes on the shelf next to an array of other trophies (aka student organs) which he'd left as a sort of last display of genius that the world could find after he killed himself.
He goes to the mirror and is unnerved to realize that he's been fully bathed and his hair has been brushed out. He checks all the bruises on his body and tries to recount where he got each one - most are from previous murders and some are from the pyre. Even though he literally just got out of the hospital where he lost an eye, he looks a lot better than in the past few weeks just because he finally got some fucking sleep and idk they probably had him on an IV or something
After that he looks at his eye again with morbid fascination --- he's seen this exact wound on corpses before, but never seen it healing.
He considers taking out his surgery kit and trying to fix the eye. There's this question of if he could repair his damaged eye and see through it again, would he be able to see Quincy the same as he used to? His right eye never saw Quincy betray him. He wonders if Quincy burned themself again after last night - the first time he remembers that knowledge - and tears come even though he's still just standing there absently.
Anyway when he goes back to the shelf to look at his old eye, he frowns at how fucked up it is, and pulls down the bottle next to it instead. In the bottle are two blue eyes. He pulls one out in front of the mirror and presses it into his socket, which is rapidly filling with fluid; it overflows out of the socket as he pushes the eye in. This is agonizing because he's putting an eye covered in ethanol into an open wound.
He stands there looking at himself, still in his jacket, with one finger up to hold the eye in place, for like 10 straight minutes. He recounts all the unbelievable things he's done this year, the way people looked at him a bit differently as he started to get his act together. The way they looked each time he wound up the killing blow. Ambrose's eye still looks completely out of place on Vincent's face.
Everything else that happens!
Quincy & Beatrix
Beatrix was also going to be at the hospital for back up in CH2 apparently. so pretend that happened
Quincy finds out about the preserved eye (idk how lol) and confesses to Beatrix that it creeps them the fuck out. Beatrix assumes it's because it represents Quincy's guilt and tries to reassure them. That makes Quincy feel worse because to be honest they just thought it was disgusting and scary to see their lover's disembodied eye looking back at them from the bottom of a beaker.
The three of them are planning on going together and walking through the Ardess Randolphitz graduation gate etc etc. Except all of them are kind of having a trauma reaction to the idea of going to graduation. Less so Quincy, because they missed the pyre graduation speech, but yeah. Nobody likes that.
Vincent thinks about skipping graduation but then checks his mailbox and realizes he failed two of his classes this semester. AN: In my notes it said this: the letter says he has to take an extra course to graduate - he literally cant afford that (used to have a scholarship but obviously broke the contract) so he can't graduate. His family is in China and he cant stomach the thought of explaining everything to them.
(Right before the Pyre scene he mailed a copy of the newspaper accusing him of murder to his family because he wanted his mom to see what he did (/pos??). Then he has this sudden realization that his mom has no idea who Vincent Aurelius Lin is. Not really that relevant to this fic, but I actually consider this canon to the show because I sat backstage and did it every night with the newspaper prop lmao)
Anyway I don't think the graduation logic checks out anymore, I mean he won the Phaethon so he kind of has to graduate lol. Oh well.
Quincy & Vincent
Honestly... I didn't write a lot about what happens with them because one of the central concepts of the fic is that they break up! And unfortunately I seem to have stopped working on this around the time that Quincy reentered the story, so I have no idea what that actual arc was going to look like. Upon revisiting this story though, it's pretty obvious I was just using everyone else as a sounding board for Vincent angst anyway... so that kind of sucks lol
Room situation
Vincent... doesn't have a bed... so he sleeps in the basement of Stutton (?) again. Unlike the months leading up to the pyre where he was completely sleepless (aka restless and unable to stop mentally planning each of his murder schemes and the things he would say about what inspired them after it all came out), he falls asleep really easily now (...because of the TBI). Beatrix encounters him there and heres a quote from my google doc:
B: oh my god. don't tell me you lost your keys again 
V: no. i just… dont have anywhere to go
B: … do you want my room key? like ill have to kick you out in the morning but me and portia are pulling an all nighter right now 
V: thats not what i meant. (licks lips) beatrix im not graduating
(AN: damn.... where CAN he run........)
B brings V to news room where portia and her are working, planning to use portia as the emotional support dog. this works on portia's end but vincent is not very reactive.
Beatrix is renting a house for the summer and invites Lin to sleep on her couch (upon learning that he planned to squat or get back with Quincy to survive)
Summer: Bea's house
P: Bea, he's a murderer! You're going to let him live in your house? Alone?!
B: Harper, just.... look at him
*The most hollow dead eyed broken toy of a Vincent you've ever seen*
^^^^ this is like the establishing quote of the fic, just vincent looking like that is the whole concept actually. Obviously thats also what I tried to capture with the drawing too
While shes at work he gets very understimulated and he wants to Plot Evilly and hes really really frustrated that he cant (because that project is over and he can't focus)
he used to journal/stalk every day but "lately... i cant even remember whats been happening lately." he has headaches constantly and hasnt written in weeks 
he starts chain smoking on her couch (AN: interesting choice sldjfsdkfjdsfls)
she gets back and is upset about this (the smell and he used like all of her cigs)
→ a) he realizes he cant really feel remorse over this (only intellectually he understands it and goes outside)
-> b) he's confused to see her refuse a cig from him. okay bea thats new what are you pulling here
in her office, bea (feeling like she has adopted a stray dog) chews gum while reading a terrified letter from quincy who is about to move 
(AN maybe anachronistic that bea would try to quit smoking at this time?? im not sure.)
(Also - not sure if this ever came up explicitly, but in our production, Beatrix is the one who first offered Vincent the occasional smoke back in the day, and instead of ever buying any he mostly grubbed them off her (which you can maybe see at the beginning of little more in love). During the course of canon events he gets more addicted - and if i remember correctly, he also started going through withdrawal at some point, but I dont remember why he quit - I think because he stopped seeing Bea around so he kind of just stopped?? - if anything I guess it's symbolic of Bea kind of setting him up to murder and then disappearing from his life for months. The cigarettes weren't actually in the original script at all.)
vincent paces then goes to the drugstore
while hes there he uses the restroom to stare into his eye hole yada yada
(prior to going to restroom hes dubious about entering mens but its single stall anyway)
buys like a shit ton of cigarettes and pain medicine (which was probably like coke back then idk) and also candy
(cigs are for beatrix because he just wants to be loved…)
Phaethon did not give him any money at all by the way. Maybe this is the part where he should go huh I need a job even if I can't be a doctor
IDK where to put this but also - at some point Vincent finds a horrifying drawing of Quincy killing him, and Bea is like you obviously drew that look at it it's in your style. and he can't remember drawing it but not that he looks around he sees he's actually been drawing little pieces of it everywhere
Beatrix's apology
*giant overwrought Beatrix speech here*
V: (trying to be normal about it) i uh i did try to kill you
B: (also playing cool) yeah sure, so did my dad, join the club 
V: sorry?
B: the point is, lin, you were having an episode, and instead of helping you see that i pretty much handed you a bat, spun you around a couple times, and sent you on your merry way 
(shaky breath, beat- V feels weird about being described so passively)
Anecdote I wrote last year that I genuinely don't understand anymore OTL
Vincent likes to read possibly?
B: you can read?!
V: (swallows a lump… then sarcastically) oh yeah quincy finally taught me how
(^^^ realize they always bitch at each other by default - he wonders if she would be nicer if he was nicer but probably not)
^^^^^ the book sucks anyway shes like ok go to the bookstore CUE QUINCY
(“ok read your own fucking book” “i can’t” “why” “i burned them”)
AN: like QUINCY WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT jdslkfjdsf who is that what's happening what's going ON
...I think it's Beatrix actually? idk man idk
but OMG im suddenly obsessed with the idea that this is all a bunch of absolutely insane buildup to an exes-to-lovers vincent coffee shop / quincy bookstore au dlskfjdslkfjdslkjfsjfjdsklfsdf
V’s lack of empathy - i think he cant understand other peoples feelings very well? He definitely at the least has to imagine them through incidents in his own life to picture how they feel 
People pleasing … & possibly its conflict with the above 
Bring back suave vincent :(  (AN: I failed)
Masculinity problems…? 
Realization that all of his rapports (ie with ambrose and beatrix) are facetious and aggressive. And also baggage with quincy accidentally dissing him all the time. Who will be nice to him :( 
Maybe this: 
V: "i think i might be autistic"
B: "i dont think youre autistic i think youre a sociopath"
V: "i think i might be both"
^^^^ except thats also pretty anachronistic and kind of silly but i do what i want
ambrose ghost was a representation of his hyperfixation on murder (AN: absolutely insane take. what the fuck)
he probably gets lost in drawing now if he can stomach doing anything
accidental psychiatrist beatrix bc shes really good at cracking people open 
realization that quincy didnt value him while he was innocent which fucked the relationship but V has trouble justifying it bc now he cant value himself 
difficulty feeling remorse for what he did 
→ realize you arent accountable for how you feel just for what you do 
can you love someone without empathy? (yes)
(stems from asking if q was ever in danger of murder -- obviously not!)
realization that v is actually good at something (art) 
Respectability politics - beatrix is trying to make girls/latinas look good. vincent is still in the headspace that hes inferior but starts to think about how frosh vinc would have felt about him now (AN i dont know what i meant by this ldjsf)
becoming ambrose was in a way his idea of proving himself in the world. being gnc and failing his classes was just bc he couldnt "do better" 
RECURRING: pulls open his eyelids and tries to see into his brain through the hole 
addiction (AN: thats it thats all i said its the word "addiction" sljdkfdslkf. I can only assume because for a while i had an interpretation of vincent as becoming an adrenaline junkie after his first murder - plus then bea got him addicted to cigs and murder)
other char breakthroughs 
Bea - yo vincent actually did some fucked up shit
Quincy - living with yourself. realizing you can never reconcile with some people. 
Portia - hold on… Bea actually did some fucked up shit...
(sorry this is MASSIVE i thought it would be like 7 bullets)
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AND ON THAT NOTE.... Yeah that's what the fic was going to be about. Hope that was fun??? And shoutout to @ceaslesswatcherwhatistboyswag for asking about the abandoned fic and inadvertently prompting this whole post :P
Also. by god please do not take any of this as canon or word of god (except perhaps the newspaper thing...) i beg of you... these are just the post-show ramblings of a man newly deprived of the ability to spend 5 hours a week pretending to be a fruity little murderer. very fun diving back into that time to compile this though 🫀
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alisria · 5 months
if i have to see that fucking post about how "actually it's impossible to lose weight and you should never be recommended weight loss for your health and you can never ever keep weight off and if you diet you will Starve To Death" one more time i am going to actually commit an act of violence (after seeing it for the sixth fucking time and getting mad about it AGAIN i have finally blocked op instead of just continuing to unfollow whoever put it on my dash)
i put my rant under a readmore because i was writing it in tags and it got too long if anyone tries to fucking debate me about any of this you are getting blocked i seriously do not give a fuck this is a VENT POST because im EXTREMELY ANGRY
i understand that this sentiment can be valuable for people with restrictive eating disorders. you are allowed to eat and nourish your body and not feel guilty. but saying that "oh your knees wont hurt as much and your LDL/A1C will improve but thats it it's otherwise Very Unhealthy" is grossly negligent
ldl? you mean cholesterol? a1c? you mean blood sugar levels? you mean by eating in a way that nourishes your body but not in significant excess will help prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes? which are lifelong medical conditions that can be expensive to live with in countries with no socialized health care?
how about instead of lying and saying that Losing Weight Is Bad we talk about eating varieties of nutrient-dense foods. we talk about adding in foods that are good for our bodies and slowly reducing the amount of foods that are genetically engineered to make you crave more and more and are sold by companies that do not give a shit about your health
like. eating 1500 calories a day is not a starvation diet for anyone under 5 foot 4. it is for taller people. because who would have thought people with larger frames need more energy to make their bodies work. because there is more of them to move around.
weight loss AND weight gain are morally neutral!! stop acting like One of them is good and one of them is evil!!! i understand that not every post is about me but like fuck!! seriously!!! this is the Misinformation Website!!! "this is all googleable" okay but you are also using extremely biased language. you are telling people to google 'starvation diet'. of course they will find information about people LITERALLY STARVING. 'i am a doctor just trust me bro' my doctor is the same with the body positive shit i had to CONVINCE her that losing weight would be worthwhile for me for a multitude of reasons. she finally fucking agreed with me after i said "listen. i felt so much better emotionally, physically, and mentally at [X] lbs. i could tie my own shoelaces without sitting down. i could run a mile without collapsing. using the fucking restroom is easier. i wasn't getting fucking TRAPPED on the floor. and now i weigh [Y] lbs and cant put on my own socks and i am fucking crippled and walk with a cane. i am MISERABLE. and i am STILL MISERABLE after finally being on medication that helps with my brain because i am in EXCRUCIATING PAIN every waking moment, and it even fucking wakes me up at night. i cant sleep. i cant do *anything*." and she finally had to say "yeah okay maybe it would help to lose some weight" LIKE I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO CONVINCE YOU TO BE OKAY WITH ME DOING SOMETHING THAT IS GOOD FOR ME.
this shit makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY. i have seen a dietician, who has graduated me from seeing her. i do not have an eating disorder. but these fucking posts that are just LYING are actively triggering!!!
for the love of god there are communities of people out there who have lost a significant amount of weight, have kept it off, and are EXTREMELY supportive for people who want that for themselves! people who choose to stick around once theyre in "maintenance" (staying at a weight that is healthy for them) because they want to help people improve their lives! acting like NO ONE keeps the weight off is just wrong!!
some of us have fucked up hunger cues!! some of us have adapted overeating as an unhealthy coping mechanism!! as a form of self-harm!! and these things deserve to be faced with kindness and understanding, not "You Will Fail, You Will Fail, You Must Stay Fat"
being fat is morally neutral!! being thin is morally neutral!! you are not a bad person for wanting to gain weight! you are not a bad person for wanting to lose weight! you are not a bad person for wanting to stay the same weight! you are not a bad person for not even being concerned about your weight! but by fucking god you are allowed to feel happy and comfortable with your body in whatever shape it is, and if you know you would be happier in a different shape, you are allowed to work for that!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
Pls do Leon for all ;; I love this man so much
ALL,,,,,,,,,, i was gonna tell u to come back with less but u know what . hes my special little guy im going for it [under a cut for 8 million miles length, warning for various bad eating habits, mentions of past abuse/trauma, addiction, self loathing, etc]
🎵 Do they have a noisy tummy? Is there anything unique or notable about the sounds their tummy makes? - i dont think theres anything too special about his tummy noises but it does have a lot to say. he either neglects to eat or eats absolute garbage, has a tendency to eat too much garbage in one sitting, chews a lot of gum (alternative to smoking) & gets bloaty from it, etc he does not treat his poor tummy kindly & it has no issue with speaking up about it
🏃 Do they eat faster or slower than average? If so, are there consequences? - he tends to eat way too fast & winds up 1. full of air and 2. too full bc he ate too fast for the fullness to catch up with him until its too late
🤬 How do they act when they're hungry? When they're too full? Which is worse? - he tends to be relatively quiet in his suffering so neither is awful. he forgets/works through/skips meals often enough that its just standard business for him, he'll be tired & achy & low energy but not That much more than usual. too full is probably worse bc a belly full of crap may incapacitate him for a while & then hes all sad & miserable
🥺 How do they feel emotionally when they eat too much? - shitty ! his lousy ex husband bill always made him feel awful about himself for overeating, putting on weight, etc & that mean-ass voice is still in his head. & he also feels like a stupid asshole for putting himself into that situation
🫢 Do they have any kind of belly kink or awareness of it? Do any of the characters around them? - i dont think so, although shel is very fond of his tummy but not necessarily in a kink way
📅 How frequently do they get into tummy shenanigans? - All The Dam Time [see first question] its rare for his tummy to Not feel at least a little crappy or be at least a little bloaty
🫥 Are they able to hide their hunger? Do they try to? - he tries & he usually succeeds at least until his belly starts growling enough to notice. cant hide it from shelly tho that guy can read him like a book
🤢 Are they able to hide it when they're too full? Do they try to? - Not At All. he tries to downplay it but he cant even try to hide it bc its useless. his tummy sticks out so much
🛌 What's the number one thing they want when they're too full? (belly rubs, sleep it off, lay down, etc) - mostly he just wants Comfort. wants someone to hold him so gentle. & if he feels all yucky n queasy he wants to sleep it off
🕒 What's the longest they've gone without eating? How did they feel? - probably like a day and brother . He Did Not Feel Awesome
break bc it straight up will not let me put all this in one block
🥘 What's the most they've eaten in one sitting? How did they feel afterwards? - i have 2 scenarios in my brain. one is the time someone talked him into weight watchers & he snapped like 3 days in & ate a ton of random crap in the middle of the night and the other is eating an entire pizza in one evening for no good reason. hes a little guy and in both scenarios his belly is so distended he can barely move. hurts and feels like a dumbass
🍽️ What's the most they can eat without getting a bellyache? - Good Quastion it depends on What hes eating. i think if he goes out for lunch somewhere & gets like a decent-sized sandwich & fries or some shit he can finish the whole thing & be just about at his limit before it becomes uncomfortable
🛑 Do they tend to stop eating when they're comfortably full, or do they keep going? Why? - he has a tendency to go overboard for various reasons. knows the food wont stay good any longer, eating his feelings, cant stop picking at it, etc
🧑‍⚕️ Do they usually ask for comfort when they don't feel good, or does somebody just know to comfort them? - hes too ashamed to ask for comfort. he feels awful making anyone worry about him. lucky for him shel knows when he needs a little extra care
💝 Do they want comfort when they don't feel good--even if they won't admit it--or do they prefer to deal with it alone? - he wants comfort So Bad even tho he doesnt think he deserves it & doesnt wanna worry anyone he wants nothing more than to be held & comforted when he feels shitty
😢 Are there any specific foods that upset their belly? - i dont think theres anything really Specific & his body is so used to eating like shit that its more the quantity of whatever hes eating than the food itself
🎈 Do they ever find themselves feeling bloated from something other than food? (swallowed air, too much liquid, period, illness, etc) - swallowed air is a big one, both bc of the fast eating & the gum, and liquid is also one. it doesnt really come up in my writing much but he is a (semi-recovering) alcoholic & this naturally causes some considerable bloating
🍎 If the goal was to eat as much of one food as possible, what food would they choose? Why? - i dont know if its the Best choice but i think hed go fries. that guy can put away some fries. even when his belly is absolutely stuffed he cant stop pickin at fries
👕 Have they ever had a belly-induced wardrobe malfunction? (popped button, shirt riding up, etc) How did they feel about it? - almost certainly. his empty tummy is nothing to write home about but it gets Impressively big, bordering on looking pregnant, if hes really full/bloated. i dont have a specific scenario in mind but whatever it was hed be absolutely mortified, even if nobody witnessed it
😈 Have they ever gotten into tummy shenanigans on purpose, for their own pleasure or somebody else’s? - no. he doesnt need to tho bc it happens by accident enough
😝 How would they feel if someone teased them for being hungry? For being too full? - he can laugh at himself a little when hes hungry but if someone teased him for overeating hed probably cry
😟 Are they shy about their belly for any reason? - he Hates his belly he thinks its so ugly. all he can see when he looks at it is this pasty doughy un-masculine mommybelly. he hates how chubby it is he hates the stretch marks he hates his dumb little appendectomy scar & bill Really hammered it into his head that his body is unappealing, esp after having their baby
🖼️ How would someone close to them describe their belly, in appearance or otherwise? - to contrast that last response, shel would describe his tummy as Absolutely Adorable and soft and pillowy and warm and squeezable and very nice to touch
🕴️ Is there a certain type of situation that frequently results in tummy shenanigans for them? - some days he'll go to wawa after work for a snack/dinner & overestimate how much he can eat bc hes starving. winds up getting a bunch of greasy crap & giving himself a bellyache
⚖️ Has their weight changed at all over the years? How do they feel about it? - hes never been really skinny but hes def put on some weight over the years. he mightve been ok with it if bill hadnt been so awful to him about it but alas
🫄 Has there ever been a time when their belly was so bloated that it got in their way/made a task difficult? - his belly sticks out Far when hes really bloated. things like washing the dishes when his bellys pushing against the counter, trying to reach to the bottom of the washing machine, etc become Awkward And Uncomfortable
🧐 Is it obvious when they’ve overeaten, be it by the appearance of their belly, their behavior, etc? - even if his belly wasnt Crazy Distended i think itd still be clear that whatevers in there is weighing him down, esp if its something really heavy thats got him feeling kinda queasy
🍔 Has another person ever caused them to overeat deliberately or unintentionally? - shel has def gotten him to eat too much unintentionally. not his fault he wants leon to eat good food for once🤷
🫧 How do they feel about burping in front of others? Does it happen often? - i think it happens fairly frequently with the amount of air he swallows & he tries to keep it quiet or swallow it back down bc hes a little embarrassed about it
☹️ Have they ever forced themself to finish eating something that they didn’t want to finish? - probably, if he didnt think he was gonna be able to save it for later. doesnt wanna waste it & if nobodys around to share it with hes gonna cram it in
😍 Does anybody give their belly extra attention even when it feels perfectly fine? How do they feel about it? - shel is all over his tummy he Loves that thang. leons all bashful about it but it Does make him feel loved & it helps to combat some of those negative thoughts since shels affection is so genuine
💭 Have they ever had a memorable tummy shenanigans incident that other people still bring up to this day? - i think he once overate at a work party & popped a button upon sitting down. hell on earth humiliation. one of his annoying coworkers still brings it up from time to time. he wants to bite her head off
🚗 Does their tummy get upset from things other than food or hunger? (nerves, vehicles, etc) - he gets carsick if hes not the one driving. nerves probably also but thats indistinguishable from any other aspect of his day to day life
🛏️ Does anybody ever use their tummy as a pillow? If so, how do they feel about it? What’s it like for the other person? - shellyyyyy i just Know shels using his belly as a pillow its so soft & plush & cozy he'll fall asleep on it so fast esp bc leons playing with his hair while hes layin there. & then leons Stuck There. he thinks its kinda sweet tho
🙄 Is there a certain type of recurring tummy shenanigan that they’re notorious for? - everything .
🫱 Do they like having their belly touched? In what circumstances, if any? - hes a little skittish about it even with shel bc of The Insecurity & also bc bill would like jab n pinch him so sometimes he still flinches a little (shel wants to hunt bill down & skin him alive every time that happens) but he Does like when shel rubs his belly once he settles into it
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kaimelia-endgame · 2 years
I’ve Got You
This is my first time ever writing smut and it’s literally a garbage fire I’m sorry.
Basically Amelia has a bad day and Kai takes care of her. Smut with some angst.
Amelia was exhausted to say the least. There was a major pileup right when she got to work. Back to back surgeries all day, holed up in OR 2 for a full fourteen hours. She had fifteen patients, and only one didn’t survive. But of course she felt the overwhelming guilt of not being able to save that one. The patient was a single mom. And when Amelia walked into the waiting room to see the little boy curled up on a social worker’s lap, she could barely hold it together. You’re the reason he doesn’t have a mother anymore. She could usually pull herself together by the time she went to pick up Scout from daycare. And once she held him in her arms and looked into his adorable eyes she would always feel better. But Link had Scout for the weekend. And recently, although she wouldn’t admit it to anyone other than Richard Webber, she’s been having intense cravings. She wasn’t sure why or when they started, all she knew is she was hanging on by a thread. And this day has pushed her to her breaking point. Her feet ache, her neck stiff and sore from looking down all day. All she wanted to do was go home to Kai and curl up in their arms. That’s where she felt safe and calm. But she couldn’t bring herself to leave the hospital yet. It was late, but she knew they’d still be up waiting for her. She couldn’t go home and have them looking at her with their eyes full of worry support, ready to take care of her. She didn’t deserve that. So she went to the attendings lounge, poured herself a cup of cold coffee, and sat down to wait it out. It was around 3am when she finally stumbled home. She smiled when she slipped into their bedroom. Kai was sprawled out across the entire bed, snoring softly. She quietly changed into pajamas, careful not to wake her sleeping partner, then crawled into bed. As soon as she laid down next to them, they started to stir. “Hi baby, I missed you” they reach out and pull her into their arms. She stays stiff as a board and starts to shake and they immediately open their eyes. “Did you have a bad day?” they ask softly. Amelia can’t find any words, just looks down at her hands and nods her head slightly. “Can you tell me what happened, baby?” She keeps staring down and says nothing. They bring up a hand and start running their fingers through her hair. “That’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. You look exhausted. Do you think you could let me hold you while you get some sleep?” Amelia nods but her whole body is still shaking. Her body is stiff, all her muscles clenched. “Baby you need to calm down so you can get some rest. Can I help you relax? Let me take care of you”.
“I’m keeping you awake” Amelia forces out. These were the first words she’s said and they were a little startled but they just being up a hand to cup her cheek. “I can’t sleep when I know you’re hurting. Let me take care of you. You’re not a burden, Amelia. I know sometimes you need to feel close to me when you’re upset. Do you want me to touch you sweet girl?” Amelia blushes a deep red and bites her lip, nodding slightly. She’s so embarrassed but they know all the right things to say, all the right things to do when she’s feeling out of control. “Okay baby. Can you turn over and be my little spoon. I want to feel you against me”. Amelia shifts over and presses back against them. They feel solid and secure. Kai leans their head down and begins placing soft kisses on her neck and jaw. They hands gently roaming her body, not wanting to move too fast, just exploring and giving her soft and reassuring touches. Amelia begins to slowly melt into them, but her brain wont turn off. She can’t get her muscles to stop tightening. Kai continues to roam her body with their hands. One coming up to start teasing her breasts through her sleep shirt. “You’re being such a good girl for me. Just close your eyes and feel me touching you. Relax each muscle one at a time. You feel so good Amelia”. Kai knows when Amelia feels like this she needs reassurance. She definitely has a praise kink despite her self deprecating tendencies. And sometimes she just needs to be taken care of. Needs to be told she’s good and she’s loved. After a few minutes of giving her boobs some attention Amelia starts to get restless. She whines and pushes her hips back against them. “Do you want me to touch you, pretty baby?” She just whines again and pulls one of their hands down to the waistband of her underwear. They finally dip under the waistband to find soaking wet folds. They begin to gently circle her clit while nipping at her earlobe, wanting to build her up slowly. “You’re so beautiful Amelia. So smart, so good. You feel so good when I touch you”. They end each compliment with a kiss to her neck or to the side of her face. They pick up their pace a little, drawing tight and fast circles against her. Amelia rolls her hips against them and tries to stifle a moan. “No don’t hide. I love the pretty sounds you make. Let me hear you”. They continue their pace and soft kisses, not wanting to overwhelm their girlfriend, just building her up to that edge.
Amelia was so close. She just needed another little push. She couldn’t let herself relax enough, didn’t want to face the intense emotions she’s been running from all day. “Kai I’m….I’m so close” she whined, tears brimming in her eyes. “Shhhhh I’ve got you. Just let go. I’m right here” they say as they reach up and tweak a nipple. Amelia came with a sob, every muscle tensing and shaking. Kai slowed their hand and worked her through her orgasm, pressing soft kisses on any exposed skin they could find. They wait until she’s whimpering and her hips are bucking against them, then pull her onto their chest, wrapping her up in their arms and stroking her hair. “You did so good for me baby I’m so proud of you” they coo in her ear.
She nuzzles into their neck and closes her eyes. For a moment she tries to just breathe. She knows she’s safe in their arms but her brain is still slightly in overdrive. But she does feel much better. Her body is boneless and soft against them. It’s like their body is holding hers up, holding her together. “Let’s get some sleep okay? You need to rest that beautiful brain and we can talk in the morning” she just nods slightly, still unable to process her thoughts into words, and attempts to pull them even closer. “Hey I’m right here Ames, just close your eyes”. She’s laying on top of them with her arms wrapped tightly around their torso. They keep one hand threaded through her thick curls, the other scratching softly up and down her back. Kai waits until they know she’s asleep, her breathing finally evening out. They press a kiss to her hair before whispering “I love you, Amelia” and drift off to sleep themselves.
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vaudeville-venom · 3 months
3/4AM — O3-12-2O24 : RANT / RAMBLE ﹐🪶 ˖ overview: im tired of tiktok, want to move to other social media platforms. want to start blogging / journaling on tumblr and love the idea of others doing the same and find it interesting. want to redo my intro post really bad (i bring it up alot.) i want to have the 'average highschool experience', feel alone then ramble about my life a bit. talk about how i am rambling and how i dont expect anyone to read it. im tired of having a fucked up sleep schedule and being unstable. then an ending note talking about journaling on tumblr again, moodboards, the fucking intro post again, and want to work on a tagging system. (im really fucking tired oh my god)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ me-core / aesthetic of my brain atm ] : images frm Pinterest
im really debating on just leaving tiktok for now, the algorithm fucking sucks especially right now. its boring as fuck and im not even seeing stuff of my interests or my mutuals ☠️ its all the same 3 god damn audios of content i wouldnt ever like want or expect to see??? ive mentally wanted to stop using shit like tiktok and move to using tumblr more and other sites like spacehey and stuff. i really need to redo spachey too. because while tumblr still has an algorithm ofc its alot less addicting and doesnt absolutely wreck your attention span like tiktok has for me. i feel like not using tiktok other than for occasional posts and sending things to / receiving things from friends would make me a bit more productive as well as being better for me mentally. while it wont magically cure me from any mental illness itll make me feel better and probably help my stress a bit.
i really love the idea of using a tumblr blog to post whatever i want and like use as a digital diary of some kind,, its super fun imo. i had an old acc but it felt like more of a chore to keep up with so now it’s abandoned. speaking of that blog i may make a post being like “hey, im [here] now!!” because i had some neat mutuals there. i think its really neat to see people post about their day and share things they like and reblog everything that catches their eye yk! that may just be a me thing.
i want to redo my intro post a bit, because idk im a bit unhappy with it. (dont be surprised if i edit it mid-writing this or before i post this..) i really love to write but i havent had much motivation at all. i typically love researching my interests and taking notes on them but recently i havent been able to no matter how much i want to, maybe this diary / blogging kind of thing will help me get back on my feet with that :)
i really dont have a ‘yearning’ for anything at the moment, besides having the experience of like everyone else my age. idk how (hahaha) corny that may sound but like for background, im online schooled due to mental and physical disabilities, i dont have many friends online or in person, i rarely see anyone, and i live with my dad and see my mom sometimes and dont really have family outside of that. the family i do have i dont get along with very well or theyre distant (physically or emotionally.) the family i really consider is my dad, because hes always there for me, and my friend micah, but he lives like 9 hours away from me like a LOSER (ily bffie.) im a big believer on chosen family and he is that chosen family. ok i got sidetracked, what im saying is i have no social life really, dont have a place to get a social life (school), and cant really connect with people no matter how i try to. i want to live life like how i see in teen life films or tiktoks of people vlogging with their friends, hell id kill to even have an irl bestfriend to be around. i do have irl friends, and i do have close friends, but i dont see them often or have the personal connection of a mutual best-friend feeling. my dads probably my best friend but i need someone my age lmfao.
this post will be so long that no one will read it i garuntee but also i dont mind?? im not gonna spill my guts like someone wont read this but im not gonna act like i have a large audience. this will just be a nice thing to look back on and keep up unless i anxiously delete it whenever i look back on it (maybe in the morning)
im really tired of waking up at 3-4pm right now, but i cant sleep earlier than 5am no matter what i do. and if i manage to fall asleep at 2am or something i wake up an hour later or wake up at 4-5am panicking for some reason. i havent been to therapy in forever, my therapist is like not doing her job as well as id like and i have no doctor other than my pediatrician who doesn’t understand what im talking about ever!!
i just made this post and thats kinda what led to all of this ranting and wanting to write and shit. im sorta just tired of alot of social media and would love to find myself in other ways and use other forms of social media to share those things even though tumblr is a bit more dead than some things :) im gonna end this one here but if i write another tonight or early tomorrow (like the afternoon same day but it’s tomorrow to me) dont be surprised i love rambling to myself. now i think im going to make this post look cute, post it, redo my pinned intro, work on featured tags/a tagging system, then go from there ^^’
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nineliabilityrisk · 11 months
considerably long sleep deprived blog management ramblings (+ question that i would appreciate input on) below the cut. apologies if i sound a little insane ive been up for almost 24 hours because my brain is going too fast to let me sleep (the downsides of being autistic and fixating on your own fucking five nights at freddys roleplay blog)
ive been trying to keep this blog mainly canon characters bc thats just. easier overall (dont have to explain every little thing abt them) but like. hhhfgh. i love the character dynamics the muses that i have offer me but like. they have very very concrete roles in the story. they have their Places.
now, i very much enjoy these roles. i enjoy playing them, i enjoy planning things to do with them and developing on them and i very much enjoy the way the people i play them WITH add to the dynamics on their end and add their own insight on my characters as my interpretations are not fully formed and likely never will be. yall r great im so happy to have found you guys.
but also. i have a very specific set of characters. other than the animatronics, i have the afton boys, cassie, and jeremy fitzgerald. and this specific set of characters are all very restrictive in a very specific way.
michael is. the human punching bag. this blog has just turned into me bullying him and like. not that im complaining, i just wasnt expecting the muse for him to hit me that hard. he has taken over this blog and that was not what i had planned. the thing with him is: nine times out of ten, when he is interacting with someone else, he is not a participant in a conversation. he is a target. that is just due to the nature of how his life is. he is the protagonist of a franchise of survival horror games. other than a few select family members and maybe like. henry, charlie, and jeremy, he doesnt have positive relationships with anyone. which means he is a GREAT source of angst or conflict, which i love to write, but it also means he doesnt provide many other forms of interaction. he may have a few soft moments here and there, with his mother or with henry, taking care of him and giving him reprieve from his father, but... thats about It. unless he finds some new friends, he doesnt do lighthearted, funny social interactions, and i highly doubt my michael will find any romantic partners for a long time. he is great at what he does. i just need to find balance between him and my other muses because i dont want my blog to be me just beating this poor guy up 24/7. thats just cruel.
evan - only really knows his parents, siblings, and maybe charlie. hes a baby. probably wasnt any older than five or sixish when the bite happened. very very good for soft, comforting moments. unfortunately , incredibly limited in who he could reasonably interact with. i mean, feel free to prove me wrong, but im coming up with a blank here.
cassie - also a child. would be good for more psychological horror type threads like how ruin was, but i do not feel comfortable putting her in real physical danger. mainly, just like evan, she is a muse i want to keep safe and comfortable, no matter how much it disregards canon. i am very very touchy around my younger child muses, for obvious reasons. yes, i am aware this is the Child Murder Franchise. no, i am not going to let you Child Murder my fucking elementary schoolers. full stop. also, moving on from that, likely wont get much interaction outside of security breach muses or muses with sb verses. once again, constricting.
and then theres jeremy. lets be real here. he has no canon connections to anyone. hes the only one with any actual connection to the fnaf 2 location, and thats just about all we know about him. obviously, hes basically an oc already. my jeremy is close to michaels age, so hes not gonna be involved with just about anyone else - hes just fucking here, basically. just SITTING here. hes my favorite child i wanna play him so bad im here waving him frantically at passersby hoping for interaction but its no use because theres nothing to work off of to START interactions. that is nobodys fault but mine. my dumb ass got attached to Background Character #43 and now i cant let him go. hes the abandoned doll collecting dust on the corner of the shelf because nobody plays with him. he barely exists.
BASICALLY, all of that mess was to say that i need to diversify my roster - i need a muse that i can throw at whoever i want. no pre-existing canon connections to anyone to complicate things, no timeline constraints until we possibly build one of our own, just, fucking. Miscellaneous Fazbear Entertainment Employee #4067 that i can put in Situations.
if i actually went through with making a fnaf muse like that, would anyone be interested in interacting with him or would i just be making a guy in my brain and then putting him on the shelf next to jeremy?? genuine question please help.
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cryoriku · 1 year
feellikeimgonnaconstantlythrowupallthetimmeeeee never emotionally got to recover from my last situation bc the person just wanted to pretend like it didnt happen instead of resolving it and didnt realize because we just numbed tf over it but that entire safe space feels fucked plus a lot has changed in the small time we couldnt talk to anyone really and i chase it but i cant keep up to stay relevant and cool and funny and we're blurring as hell and work is FINE but my stupid mentally ill brain is breaking from working full time (which would be bad enough but also all the training is done from home) i wont stop shaking and i just wanna cry but we move out soon and need the money. im venting so much on here and i don't want to be but without a safe space and without a therapist (because my stupid boss won't give me a schedule to even make appointments in and when i make them ahead of time she gets upset) i have nowhere else to go. i dont expect people to reply to this i just need it out. this is so miserable. none of our interests are engaging or comforting us right now either.
i wish id never left florida. i have less here than i had there. i wish i stayed and played as some bimbo at a bar in the keys until some rich man swooped me up and told me he wanted to take care of me. i probably wouldnt then if all my needs were met but if i ever had to go inpatient then i know i could without actively making my situation worse by devoiding myself of money that couldve went to food or rent.
i dont want to die. i want to disappear. but i think its gonna only get harder to keep myself alive. its cruel to say this because i know how emotionally abused and controlled we were as children but it feels almost sick in retrospect knowing then how suicidal we were when we had food on the table and hot showers and no bills and now. no because we didnt even get that bc of roxas's consistently borderlining ed i swear was spurred by our parents comments and having our near naked body checked to make sure we werent cutting or hiding anything (yeah, dont let your suicidal baby get therapy or comfort them or anything, take away their phone and friends and invade their privacy nonstop because fear and deprivement will DEFINITELY make it better)
our youtube career better kick off as soon as we are in an apartment and start paying the bills because . hey! have i mentioned being demiromantic sucks ass! its 7am. i have got to stop typing. im going to get food or keep sleeping.
edit: i decided to lay in bed longer then birthgiver entered the room and im reminded i dont have room to have mental illness i need to grow up and get the fuck out of this house because i cant keep living like this her not gonna say more on this or im gonna explode.
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notafeeling · 4 years
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1990jeevas · 2 years
puts my chin in my hands n kicks my feet behind me. bff do u have any headcanons for craig and those guys, i love the way ur brain interprets these silly paper cutout guys ^_^
yaaaa ofc bestie <3
-is a movie snob but not in a "this movie needs to be the most well written film Ever" way, he's a snob in a "if this movie isnt so bad my sides hurt from laughing i just wont fucking watch it" way. seed of chucky is peak film to him
-has two left feet but likes to dance <3 his lanky body does not agree with the movement but that wont stop him from bussin it down celibate style or whatever they call it nowadays
-used to build wooden model airplanes and then paint them with tricia (i almost typed ruby somebody take my hands away), most of them are hung in her room but craig kept a few
-this mfer the type to go to college with literally zero plan, decide to take art after being undecided for as long as possible, hate art bc they make him do other types of art besides what he normally does, then drop out or smth along those lines
-the worst excuse for a mom friend but the guys dont care. he can't cook. he will send them a text just saying "go bed" at like 10pm before immediately going to bed himself and not bothering to see if any of them actually Plan To Sleep. carries around bandaids but will not give them out unless they are deserved (you fell jumping off the swing? dont jump of the swing next time, bitch. no bandaid for u). literally only the mom friend bc nobody else could fill the role
-white chicks is unironically his favorite movie, right next to the medea halloween movie (incase yall forgot token canonically likes tyler perry movies. i cannot blame him. they suck so bad they're good)
-he dresses like a 60 year old dad going fishing or like he is going to the most important meeting of his life, no inbetween
-wants to learn an instrument really bad but has sucked at every single one he's tried so far, not to mention he cant read sheet music for shit.
-is the only one in his class who can write in cursive but he only learned bc both his parents wrote in cursive and he got tired of not being able to be nosey when he found notes around the house. turns out they were mostly grocery lists and appointment reminders.
-he/they user
-^ goes thru a gender identify crisis in the 10th grade before goin nah. just a dude who likes they/them pronouns sometimes.
-is on the football team all throughout high school but only bc they need more players. everyone knows he sucks at the game. he does not gain any sort of popularity from being on the team, but he stays so he has an excuse to get out of the house more 🤷‍♀️
-dylexic AND dyscalcic. double whammy! with a side of adhd <3
-is craigs certified dance partner whenever the dude starts jamming. craig will just drag him out to the middle of the room and make him lead in a shitty foxtrot.
-speaking of craig, the height difference between them is crazy. craig gets tall, ofc, but clyde is just kinda. at his chest. face in boobies. it's like u got the absolutely twig of a man at 6'4" and then there's his bestie at 5'6", dragging him around by their linked arms.
-despite the whole meth thing, regular coffee is actually apart of his enrichment. it's like the adhd meds he never got, without the extra upper of doing way too much meth on a day to day basis! is a fan of the starbucks iced carmel frappes.
-likes to cook when he is overwhelmed but cooking for him means being up and moving the entire time otherwise he will start to overthink again. he cant do none of that oven cook shit. give him a meal that requires a lot of prep work and watching the stove so he will be busy for a good hour and suddenly it's like he was never upset to begin with.
-an alt baby <3 screamo calms him
-^ wants to take the guys to a concert but clyde "has never listened to something not in the top 40s" donovan and craig "nearly died in the pit at a local punk gig that kenny dragged him to" tucker are against this idea.
-him 🤝 craig
shitty scifi movies
-^ anything with bad aliens in it will become his new obsession for like 4 months and everyone will have to hear about it. hyperfixation go brrr or whatever
-hates scripting sets for the life of him. like. will just write down jokes and hope he remembers bc he cannot be fucked to actually attempt to stick with his own plans
-speaking of scripts, he enjoys a bit of acting but, again, cannot be fucked with scripts. he hates memorizing and feels like it sounds more. well. scripted, when he actually memorizes lines, rather than just getting the jist of his lines and how his character acts and improving it. this technique has mixed results and, obviously, does not go over well with other people he is supposed to be acting with
-^ that being said he is a hit in improv classes ofc
-becomes a big fan of photography sometime in high school, is the resident phototaker both of the group and the grade. if people are posting a candid group photo, it's probably from him
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juju-on-dat-beat · 2 years
"Stay": Parent!Sniper x Kid!Reader Part 2
Previously on "Stay":
Demo looked at me with sorrow. "Im so sorry lass." He said softly and quickly.
I looked at him with tears falling down my face and my hair all over my face. I held my dad's hand harder now.
"Dont die" I mutter softly.
Present time: (No one's POV)
Y/N didnt know where they were. They have already awaken from their short slumber.
How did they fall asleep? Maybe from all the sadness they felt and confusion, Y/N's mind overloaded.
The 14 year old opened their eyes slowly, making sure the light wont blind them immediately.
They sat up straight from the hard surface and realized they were not alone.
Multiple people, including 'Demo' and The girl was there.
Y/N looked around, processing what happened and what is happening.
They realized that their dad was not in the room and remembered the bad memory that has been implanted into their brain. It just happened just a while ago too.
Y/N grabbed their head.  It felt heavy but then they managed to sit up straight.
Y/N's eyes began to prick with tears. They blinked and held their head in their hands.
They sniffled ever so slightly, not wanting to gain more attention.
Someone then placed a hand on the kid's shoulder.
Y/N looked up and saw the girl again. Y/N looked like they were about to break down to a million pieces.
Ms. Pauling then pulled Y/N closer and hugged them, it was hard with the handcuffs on but they managed. Patting their back and whispering 'its okay's and 'Im so sorry's in their ear.
Y/N cried softly onto the director's shoulder, hugging her back the handcuffs were tight.
"Its Ms. Pauling" The girl who hugged the child said.
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed, asking to repeat it.
"My name. Its Ms. Pauling. You are Y/N, yes? Mundy's kid." Ms. Pauling asked and let go of the child.
The 14 year old nodded and said nothing, tear stains on their face.
The director looked at the kid sadly and moved a hair out of their face. Then she continued to hug the child.
•••• (Y/N POV)
I hugged the woman tightly. Holding it like I would rip off from the world.
I couldnt stop the scene replaying in my head, but the girl's hugs, pats and words made it a little more bearable.
"How old are you, kid?" 'Ms. Pauling' asked me.
"F..F-Fourteen." I answered.
"So young. You are too young to deal with stuff like this." Ms. Pauling muttered. She continued to comfort me.
For a while, I stayed like this.
"Z..Zhat is ze bushman's child, correct?" A man in a red ski mask broke the silence.
I look up at him but never moved from my position. The man was just beside Ms. Pauling.
"Yes, Spy."  Ms. Pauling said a little annoyed.
"The kid's fourteen. With no one to take care of them. They just lost their father, okay? Try not to shi-... Trash-talk Sniper at the moment." She defended.
Spy opened his mouth and closed it back again.
I stared at him for a while. Until he felt eyes on him and looked at my direction. I then moved my hand and waved at him.
'Spy' looked at me, no expression on his face. Then after a while, he waved back. This made me smile a little, but it did not last long.
'Demo', who was behind me, started sputtering out nonsense. I let go of Ms. Pauling and turned to him and started poking his sides, to see if he was still alive. He didnt move.
"Is he dead too?" I ask.
"No! No.. No..." Ms. Pauling yelped and smiled awkwardly at me.
"He's just poiso- sleeping! See?" She reassured me and punched his side softly, no response. "Asleep" She repeated
I raised my eyebrow. "Okay.." I went back in for a hug and she accepted it.
She then started talking to the Spy.
I heard nothing but her heartbeat and vibrations from her voice.
After a bit, out of nowhere, she started sobbing.
I looked at her and repeated the same treatment she gave to me.
Ms. Pauling smiled sadly and held me closer.
The man in the red ski mask stayed quiet. Then, he spoke up.
"Ms. Pauling. I will not let them torture us, including the kid. In three seconds Im going to crack a cyanide molar." He said.
"If you both open your mouths, Ill spit a good sum of it into your throats before my heart stops." He finished.
I looked at him with disgust but rethink the chances. Maybe it was the most disgusting but best way? I dont wanna be tortured or even worse..
(Reminding you all the TFC Scout and Soldier are fucking pedophiles. Not accepting that fate for the kid)
I nodded.
"Thank you, Spy." Ms. Pauling thanked him and sniffed, letting go of me.
"De Rien." He replied.
We started doing this process. We looked like birds fighting.
Just then, a big guy broke down the door, screaming.
He panted. "What did Heavy miss?"
Spy spat out the weird foam as Ms. Pauling asked 'Heavy' some questions as he took the handcuffs off us.
He smiled at me and continued to talk with Ms. Pauling.
I didnt hear what they were saying because I was checking on Demo.
Though I only heard him say that only me and Ms. Pauling should leave.
I didnt mind it but I still tried checking on Demo.
"Wake up? Are you okay?" I whispered to the man who muttered nonsense.
I looked up to the person who sat beside Demo. It was a person with a gas mask.
"O-Oh? Hello" I said and waved.
They waved back happily but I only heard muffled sounds from the masked person.
I loud ring from probably a phone then distracted me and I turned towards the door.
"Heavy! Behind you!" Ms. Pauling said.
A man went through the door and Heavy puffed into smoke.
I yelp at the sudden poof. The smoke cleared and revealed an older, slimmer man. The mask hugging his face and something strapped on his head, covering an eye.
"I am working here." He muttered angrily.
"Urgent Call. Its the boss." The other man who entered the room answered and handed him the phone.
I quickly, but silently, went behind the gas-masked person I waved at just a while ago. They noticed my fear and brought me closer.
"What. Yes, I heard it. why?" The fake 'heavy' asked. "When? Is Beatrice alright?" He might have gained a negative response because he sighed.
"No, I can help. We got what we needed" He then proceeded to say a bunch of numbers to which I guess are coordinates? Maybe?
The two men went on.
"Ive got to go"
"What about these guys?"
"What do you think?"
The mask guy said sarcastically until a woman, who I learned was named Zhanna, was outside the door.
"Kill them." The masked intruder said as he pulled on his mask just enough to see his lower face.
Just then, Zhanna punched him but it dealt no damage, instead the guy was in place, shocked. Zhanna's blood decorated his mouth.
"Mm. It did not work" Zhanna realized and she frowned as she looked at her,,,, arm? Her hand was gone.
"Huh. Here, hold the shotgun" 'Soldier' said and gave Zhanna the shotgun.
"Let me try"
I knew what would happen next so I looked away.
After I heard a body hit the floor I stepped away from the gas mask man who shielded me.
The other man quickly grabbed Ms. Pauling and threatened to shoot her if they wouldnt put the shotgun down.
Anger ran over me. Ive already lost enough. I wont lose more.
As Zhanna slowly placed the shotgun on the ground, I boosted towards the guy who held Ms. Pauling captive. I clenched my fist and gave my all to give him a massive and painful punched to the side of his face.
My fist had landed on the man's cheekbone and he fell towards Spy. I grunted and held my hurt hand in pain.
"Agggghhh.." I  grunted and kept holding it, hoping the pain would go away.
Ms. Pauling gasped and grabbed my hand to try and sooth the pain. She ripped off some cloth from one of the bad guys and wrapped it around my sore and in-pain knuckles.
"Thank you. How brave of you" Ms. Pauling said as she finished the bandage.
I looked up at her. "Mm.." I only hummed.
Again, I blocked out ever noise, focusing on the pain on my knuckles. I sat down next to Spy. Ms. Pauling, Soldier, Zhanna and Spy were probably talking.
Soldier then grabbed an old man in a grey suit and left him on the floor to do God knows what.
I didnt pay attention much but Ms. Pauling and this Grey suited old man began talking, I believe. Spy was listening. Soldier and Zhanna? I have no clue.
I kissed my knuckles, to sooth the pain.
Just like what dad used to do.
A tear left my eye. Either from the pain I felt on my knuckle or the pain I felt in the inside.
I heard nothing so far.
Until a certain sentence got my full attention.
"You killed Sniper."
"You killed that child's father"
Ms. Pauling seemingly argued with the old man that laid on the ground, close to death.
I cover my ears wanting for the voices to stop but it kept circling and repeating around my head.
"You killed Sniper. You killed a child's father"
It repeated, and repeated, and repeated and repeated.
I had enough and my body took control. My body made me run out the open jail-cell door. I heard someone call my name but I did not stop. I ran and ran, getting farther away from the door.
I found a room filled with supplies and stayed there for a while. Hot tears ran down my face.
"The world is a cruel place"
I mutter.
•••• (Timeskip) (3rd POV)
By now, Y/N was all alone in a supply room. Crying. They tried to process everything that has happened today.
How would it affect them?
Arent they just a 14 year old kid?
Y/N sat in silence. The sounds of vents. The sounds of sniffling.
Medic brought back Sniper into his little lab. Contemplating.
Was he going to really bring this man back to life? What urged Medic?
Science? Experimenting?
Or perhaps was it the crying child who wept for their father? Did that urge him?
"Yes. Definitely dead." Medic spoke up. He was examining Sniper's body.
"For at least six hours" He finished. He then hummed in frustration.
A dove then landed on Sniper's forehead. The bird cooed.
"Not impossible, Archimedes. Just very very hard" Medic answered his dove, as if Archimedes would reply.
•••• (Sniper POV)
J felt as if all my troubles have been lifted.
I felt as if no pressure was being pressed onto me.
I felt like in heaven.
I opened my eyes to see my adoptive parents infront of me. They both were sad but most probably happy to kind of see me.
"Mum, Dad" I said, hugging them.
They both hugged back and let go.
"My son. You must go back. Do not forget your child. They wish to be with you again. They are hoping you arent dead darling." My mom said to me softly. She reminded my about the child I have.
Honestly. I wanted to stay but my responsibilities. I shouldnt leave them all alone.
I contemplated.
"And you left a bunch if @!?/*@$"' down there that need killin'"
"Yer mum's right. A professional wouldnt  quit when there is work to be done. And you are a professional." My dad said.
I smiled a little but my face faltered when I remembered the kiddo.
"Now get back there and give the men who killed you, Hell. " My dad supported.
I scratched my neck and sighed.
"Oi've been a huge jerk ta Y/N lately. Oi have not spent anytime with them oin the past few months, Mum, Dad" I admitted. I frowned and looked at the ground.
"You still have time if you go now, Darlin'" Mom reassured and smiled sweetly at me.
"Okay, Mum. Dad."
Thats all I saw
My body ached but I still got up from a cold table.
I gasped for air as I sat up.
Medic infront of me. Talking, I think.
That utter bastard.
All I heard was loud ringing sound. Was it just me returning from the dead?
I looked at my body. My torso had plenty of sewed cuts. I was not bleeding though. My whole torse and arms, filled with the fixed cuts.
My hearing slowly returned.
"Its like I've alvays said! Zhere's nothing wrong with playing God zo long az jou are-" I grabbed his throat and started choking that blabbering German.
"You utter bloody BASTARD." I cursed. The German looked at me, shooked.
"YOU KILLED ME!" My hand trying to not kill him. I was so close to just letting my anger take over my whole body.
Oh, my poor kid.. What happened to them?
The German then started to defend himself: "Vell, Yes. I also did just bring jou back from the dead, Partial points zhere, Ja?"
He paused.
"Also, technically I didnt 'kill' jou. I vas standing next to the person who killed jou!" He explained briefly.
My anger. My blood boiled from it. "You were smilin' The last thing Oi saw 'fore Oi bled out and DIED was your smug, evil grin!" Remembering his face from before I died.
"I vas just happy to see jou! Zhat's just how I look vhen I smile! See?" Medic then gave me one of his infamous smug smiles.
"How could you join them?" I asked, venom laced my voice.
"Our team disbanded! Zhey needed a Medic! Black Market organz dont march directly out of exotic animalz into jou'r body cavity, mein experimentz require funding!" Medic explained as he raised his hands up a little showing that he was really cooperating with me.
"I feel like ve are glossing over zhe part vhere I defied modern medizine und brought jou back to life!" He pointed out.
I sighed and let go of his neck. I looked around a little bit and scratched my head.
"How long was Oi gone?" I asked
"Twelve Hours! Zhis waz mein greatest triumph!" He exclaimed. He seemed so proud of himself.
"It alzo cost mein employers in zhe neighborhood of 1.3 billion dollarz. Zo try not to get zhot again, Ja?"
"So it was real then, me mun and dad, theyre.. Oh God.. Y/N..
D'yer know whot this means?" I realized.
"It meanz jou hallucinated bevore brain death, Mein Freund! I injected a blue vhale's pineal gland zirectly into jou'r brain stem!" Medic answered as he lifted up a needle and some.. Thing..
"Nah, Mate." I denied and pointed at myself. "It means Oi'm the most dangerous bloody man(n) on this island"
My face faltered as I remembered my kiddo. "Jsh... Poor thing. Oi need to get out with no one catching me somehow" I muttered, almost silently.
" Ah need to find moi kid. Now. "
"Out of zhe question! Jou are in no condition to-"
"You are fucking KIDDING ME." The same big guy who shot me twice earlier said angrily and growled.
"Why. Is. He. ALIVE?"
I looked away from the commotion trying to think of a plan on how to get back to my kid.
Just then Medic asked me for some of my blood, to which I replied with its human blood. He chuckled and looked away shrugging me off now.
Soon that big man and Medic started blabbering about God knows what? I had my chance to escape, so I took it and bolted.
"Aw bloody hell, Y/N, where are you?"
I met up with Spy half way.
•••• (Y/N's POV)
I woke up from a mini nap to the sound of men talking. How did I fall asleep? Oh... Yeah... I think I just did as I cried earlier.
I looked around for a hiding spot and went to the corner of the room, boxes surrounding me so that I was not visible.
Soon, the men opened the door and were chatting. They started to put and pick up some gear. They finally fell silent.
For a bit, all I saw was the men gearing up. When they finished, they started chatting again
"Locked and loaded. You got everything you need?" One of them asked.
"Well, I got bullets in my gun if thats what you mean. But no Ross I dont got everythin that I need." The other, with orange-y hair replied annoyed.
The men went on and on arguing about something. I dont know what. Saying that they hesitaated with taking this job and all that.
I kept listening though, hugging myself.
"Think about it. That old safehouse in Newark? We clear those grenade crates out... It'd make a hell of an orphanage, wouldnt it?" 'Greg' said. Thats his name. From what I heared anyways.
"Are we really doing this Greg?"
"Lets do this."
Maybe those guys are not so bad?
"We are going to have endless supply of kids to-"
I immediately knew what he ment which filled me with fear and disgust. I accidentally yelped a little and hit a box with my foot. A bucket fell down.
Oh. Shit.
Tears pricked my eyes, just thinking about what would happen next.
"What was that Ross?" Greg asked.
I try to shuffle backwards and hoped that I would just sink into the corner. My hands covered my head.
"God has answered us! Look, Ross, a kid!"
(stay away you mf ped-)
I yelped again in fear. "PLEASE! Dont hurt me! Im just 14..." I pleaded and proceeded to huddle onto the corner.
"Well well. Kid's pleadin'" Greg responded to my cries as he yanked me out of the corner with my arm but still fell on the floor.
"Greg, as much as I would LOVE to do this, this is not the time to- We have men to kill here!" Ross reasoned.
"Y-Yeah! Please just.. Go!" I agreed and backed away from them. Tears left my eyes. Hot tears. I backed away from them till I hit a wall, I pleaded.
"Shush Ross. Its been such a long time since I-" Greg said as he grabbed Ross's arm.
"Ross why are you covered in gasoline?"
Just then a clicking sound echoed the room. A small light shimmered in the dark room.
There I saw the same gas masked person who comforted me earlier. A smile grew on my face.
They proceeded to torch down these pedophiles as I walk out the room and waited for my lifesaver to exit the soon-to-be-dust room.
The moment my lifesaver ran out I quickly shut the door and panted.
"T-Thank you so much!" I chirped as I held my hands togeether.
I recieved muffled happiness as a response.
I smiled at them and hugged them.
"ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!! You saved my life from them, Gas Mask!" I exclaim as I mentioned the nickname I decided to give them since they did not have a name..
Gas Mask held my hand as we walked out of the building. I slowly got tired from walking and felt sleepy. I didnt sleep this early morning, long trip, lots of drama, lots of...crying, and whatever just happened in that God forsaken room.
I was burnt out. I didnt wanna move anymore.
I sighed.
Gas Mask must have noticed my tired look and expressions. My hand was falling from their hand. They decided to pick me up and gave me a piggy back ride. They looked at me.
I swear. I could feel them smile. I just know it!
I smiled at them and slowly fell asleep on their back. They still continued to carry me, not dropping me. Once.
After quite a bit, I guess. I woke up to a sound of mumbling. It was from the mysterious Gas mask person again.
I grunted and opened my eyes. "Hrr?" I slurred, I just woke up from my nap.
"Hmhmhmm!!" Gas Mask mumbled.
"I dont know what you said but.." I looked up and saw a group of people. Thats where Gas Mask was taking me.
"Oh cool! Other pe-" I cut myself off from shock.
One of the people in the group...
That cant be...
Thats... Thats impossible..
My thoughts swarmed in my head. My hands covering my mouth, my eyes widened, my hair bouncing from gas mask carrying me, and hot tears pooled my eyes once again for the 3rd-4th time today.
"Dad?" I said trying to catch his attention which failed.
"Dad!" I made my voice higher and louder for him to hear.
He looked at the direction of my voice and the true happiness came back. He finally smiled with REAL happiness and relief for the first time in so long!
"Cupcake!" Sniper yelled happily. His voice filled with relief as he ran towards gas mask and I with his arms open.
"Dad! Oh my God. How are you alive right now??? Is this a dream? Am I in heaven? Did I die in that room with the fire?" I panicked, worry filling me as I got down from the gas masked person who carried me all the way here.
"Dream? Heaven? Room? Fire? Died?" Father questioned as he held my shoulders. He kneeled on the ground, he was about my height now, still taller.
"No! Its real, mate! Oi'm bloody alive! Oi missed ya so much" He said with a breathy voice. He sounded like he was about to cry. Not that I wasnt, I had tears rolling down my face as I hugged him.
We both just hugged each other for a while. Filling ourselves with relief that both are alright. I have yet to question his scars. I was just too overjoyed that Dad is here now.
"Oi'm so sorry, cupcake. OI have not been the best father lately. Oi missed your birthday, months ago. Havent made a longer converaation than this for a while now, mate." He spoke, sadness in his voice. He was deeply and truly sorry.
"Its alright. I understood, Dad. What matters is that you are here now." I replied, sniffling.
What a happy, sad and dramatic family reunion.
•••• B O N U S
... "Dad?" "Yes, kiddo?" "Why are you naked? In the outside?" "Err, long story, kid. Ill tell you when you are a little bit older." "Okay." ... "Love you kiddo." "I love you too dad."
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Can I request a fluffy HC? SKZ comforting you while you’re rlly drunk when you get home and taking care of you. (Like you stumble and have to throw up and stuff)
i just realised that i kept on calling my headcanons for reactions?? I MEAN i dont even know at this point lmao imma call it... headcanons/reactions
ALSO new territory for me,,, im usually not much for fluff unless its really captivating or like drabbles (ahhh bf!skz is my weakness) AND SO YEAH UNDERSTAND IF ITS A BIT... lackluster. 
jesus christ ive been listening to touch you for like an hour now ASHAHS save me,,, its too good
Warnings; skz x gn!reader; fluff (wow amazing?? cherry writes fluff?) established relationship, drinking, use of alcohol, vomiting, minor injuries, mentions of bruises. 
worry mode; on
lets say you were out drinking
dont even think that you could make it one step outside the pub/club
babyboy would already be waiting in his car outside
the entire car ride home he would tell you to stop drinking so much
“y/n,,, why do you always do this,,, you know how bad it is for your health and im scared that you’ll hurt yourself on the way home”
meanwhile you dont understand anything, rolling in the backseat of the car.
when the two of you arrive home he immediately places you in a warm bath, rubbing your back as you almost fall asleep with your back against his chest. 
worries a lot even though you’re fine
makes you breakfast in bed the day after :(((
complaining about everything ASHASH
he’s like mumbling underneath his breath, wondering why you’re so stupid and do this every time you go out drinking
much much MUCH rather prefers drinking with you alone 
not only because he can control how much you’re drinking
but also because he likes seeing you tipsy?!?”!?
my brain is working rn u guys
its because he likes seeing this kinda,,, hidden flirty side of you that comes out when someone is tipsy 
yk... the whole.. coming too close or laughing lazily at his jokes YK YK?
god im having such a difficult time to keep this fluffy AHSAHSH I THINK EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT I WANT TO SAY
he gets really soft with you because he knows that you probably wont remember anything SO HE CAN SHOW HIS SOFT SIDE
without you teasing him for it lol
he’d stroke your cheek with the back of his hand while your leaning against him on the couch, falling asleep in his arms. 
he wraps a blanket around you and mumbles softly
“i love you y/n”
he’d be just as drunk as you HASHHASHAH
the two of you would have to call chan because none of you can walk properly 
ok but if it was only you being the drunk one then he’d know what to do
him speaking from experience that is 👀 👀 👀 
removes your clothes (NOT LIKE THAT YOU FILTHY FUCK) and tucks you snuggly in bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead
might even remove your makeup if you’re wearing any
he notices a bunch of bruises on your legs, shaking his head at your clumsiness
makes a promise with himself to go with you next time
even though you would want to be with only your friends ahsahsh he doesnt give a shit about that
everything to keep you safe
doesnt want to see his precious baby hurt :((
sweetheart that holds your hair/clothes back when puking :((
he pats your back gently as his face has a disgusted facial expression, loving you too much to leave you alone in the bathroom but feeling squeamish
“siri, how do you care for a drunk person?”
reads somewhere that you need to replenish water levels after puking and so he just starts bringing a whole pack of waterbottles in the bedroom
“if you need water during the night, it’s over here” 
he’d try to leave the room, thinking that you’d maybe want some space when having the nausea from hell but you quietly whine which caught him off guard
“d-do you want me to stay?”
you nod and he smiles shyly, laying next to you and just looking at you sleeping??
he thinks you’re adorable :((
even if you’re a lot to handle when drunk
ngl this mf laughing his ass off when you’re just blabbering random incoherent sentences
“who was your boyfriend now again?” “m-my squirrlll...” you reply, rubbing your face on his shoulder. “your squirrel? am i a squirrel?” you nod which makes his heart beat faster. 
if you were to drink together bet your ass that he would be wrecked 
probably even more drunk than you so... good luck
everytime you wanted to go out drinking with your friends he would try to persuade you to stay with him instead
“look y/n, staying and cuddling with me brings you both a cute boyfriend, take out and movies”
you shrug “doesnt bring my friends” you say putting on your shoes
“HEY! im your friend,,, your boyfriend!” he says back hugging you, dragging you to the couch, just laying down on top of you
“Jisung!! I’m gonna be late, move!”
“nope... we are cuddling tonight, remember what happened last time you went out drinking?”
you were reminded of you lying passed out infront of the apartment which scared the everliving shit out of jisung, thinking you were dead.
“noo....” you lie, smiling mischievously.
poor boy would let you sleep ahahshs
he’d tip toe around your apartment, trying to be as quieeeet as possible....
only knock down a whole fucking shelf of pans and pots
but a complete sweetheart that makes you food, knowing you’d be too tired to do it with a hangover. 
do you know those jellies that can prevent hangovers??
yeah, you would find those in your bag
he wouldnt let you wear high heels because he’s scared of you falling over in them :(((
also if you go out he has to know at least one of your friends and have their phone number because NUH UH HE ISNT JUST LETTING YOU GO WITHOUT HIM KNOWING EVERYTHING
he cares,,, a lot and doesnt want to see you come home with scraped knees
because that happened,,,once?? or like maybe 10 times??
teasing youuuu
“weak, you barely finished a bottle”
take a bunch of pictures of you leaning against a telephone pole and then tease you for it the day after
he carries you on his back, lowkey scared you’d puke on him BUT CARING NONETHELESS
you pass out on the bed, still dressed in your fancy clothes and he simply looks at you, admiring your features
if there’s anything you want, he will get it
“w-water” you groan and soon enough he returns with a glass of water
slowly sitting you up and stroking your hair, getting it out of your face. 
“be more careful next time ok?” 
you nod, not really understanding what he’s saying before pulling him down in bed with you, falling asleep with him in your arms.
he dont know what the fuck he’s doing
panic,,, sheer panic
he himself doesnt drink too much
maybe enough to feel tipsy but not DRUNK DRUNK
so when you stumble in through the door, your shoes in your hand and hair looking like a mess he gets scared HASASHAS
you fall down, scraping your knee in the hallway and he runs towards you and lifts you up, placing you down on the bed
then he’s like “....now what”
in panic calls chan that tells him to make you drink water and place a bucket nearby
he does just as he’s told but kinda scared to leave you alone in a room for too long, pulling down everything in the house to find a bucket
he removes your jacket and wraps you up in a blanket, snuggling real close to you as he slowly strokes your forehead, feeling you sweat a bit
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
Homebound - Deya’s childinnit au
This oneshot is for the amazing @deyageka ‘s hotel arc childinnit au! Go check it out, please! This is long, 8 page or 2,641 words, long, please note!
Sam walked home that day, humming to himself. Really, he wasn’t going home per say - just to the small house that Puffy, Foolish and himself had built after they found Tommy. Sam was calm as he could be, he walked instead of using his trident in an attempt to calm himself down after how long the day was. Dream has pulled at his strings early in the morning, and Ranboo sent him on a wild goose chase the second he left the prison. 
Sam hoped that Ranboo’s alright, his message didn’t sound right, even in chat. Why would Ranboo need a totem?
Sam walked into the house, and felt mounting dread as lights didn’t turn on. They should have already been on, the only reason why they would be off is if Puffy had taken Tommy out, but she had sent him a message asking him to come home as soon as possible. They weren’t in danger, she had said, Tommy had just wanted him back.
“I’m back!” Sam called. He smiled as he hoped that the pair were just napping as he shut the door.
False hope can only last so long.
“Puffy!” He screamed, looking at the woman as she lied on the floor. Blood ran down her face, unconscious. Almost like she was dead.
Sam doesn’t remember much of what happened next. Of course, he knows what happened. 
Dream escaped, stealing Tommy. At least, thats the basics. He knows Ranboo was there, he knows that Ranboo was - is - possessed. He knows that Tommy woke up as he was teleported away. He knows that some of the toys that Tommy had were taken.
He knows that Puffy hasn’t woken up yet, even though it’s been three days.
Phil and Techno came around, Techno helping Sam track down Dream and the boys. Tubbo moved Micheal into Sam’s base, hoping that it would be safer. Quackity, Karl, Sapnap and George also joined the search party. The groups split up, scouring the land. Tubbo joins, looking through places he knows Ranboo frequents.
Sam has been banned from searching after Phil found him, half dead, in the snow. 
Ponk helps him heal, but it isn’t enough. Sam can’t - won’t, he’s too much of a coward - voice why he won’t rest. It’s his fault that Tommy’s gone. It’s his fault that Dream got out. He is - was - Tommy’s father, and his was - is - the warden. He failed his jobs. He let not only Tommy, but the entire server down by letting Dream out.
Dream was right, Sam can’t protect anyone, let alone Tommy.  This is his fault.
“Hey, Sam.” Ponk says softly, carrying in some warm soup. “You up to eat now? I’ll eat some too, it can be a real date.”
There’s kindness in Ponk’s eyes, love and sympathy and caring in the brown eyes. Sam doesn’t deserve it. Sam’s hurt too many people, Ponk shouldn’t-
“You’re thinking too hard.” Ponk smiles, handing Sam the soup. “Stop blaming yourself for Tommy’s kidnapping. You couldn’t have known.”
“He’s gone because my prison failed.” Sam whispers. “I failed everyone. I was supposed to be the warden, I was supposed to protect-”
Sam breaks, sobbing. He can’t keep being strong, he can’t keep up this facade. It’s dragging him down, pulling him under the water. Vines wrap around his throat, squeezing the life out of him. The void would be a kinder death, he’s falling apart and-
And Ponk wraps his arms around Sam, letting the creeper hybrid sob into his arms. He holds Sam together, as the world falls apart.
“Tommy, settle down.” Dream rolls his eye, not that Tommy can see under his mask. The child is still annoying, but he follows orders easily.
“I want Papa.” Tommy protests, clinging to the Sam Nook toy that Ranboo had stolen for him when Dream took him. “Where’s my Papa.”
“I’m right here.” Dream says, cooing at the child.
“No you’re not.” Tommy glares, tears forming in his tiny eyes. “I want my Papa and Big Q and Karl and Foo’ish and Mama Puff and Sap and George!”
“Do you like George?” Dream asks quietly, shock filling his chest. He could have George back, his best friend.
“Yeah! He reads to me and is safe.” Tommy smiles, tapping the Sam Nook toy around. “Makes me sleepy, though.”
“How would you feel if I asked George to come around?” Dream offers, taking out his communicator.
“Will he?” Tommy looks up, happily. 
“I’m sure he’d love to.” Dream says, and Tommy cheers, throwing Sam Nook to the side as he gives Dream a hug. “But now you need to go to bed.”
Tommy whines, but doesn’t struggle as Dream picks him up. The small child - only two or three years old at most - yawns, snuggling in to sleep as Dream places him in the bed. Dream smiles from under his mask, shutting the door slightly as he leaves. Dream walks down the stairs, watching through the door as Ranboo tidies up the living room. 
Dream whispers to Georgenotfound: Would you like to come around, I haven’t seen you since I left prison. Dream whispers to Georgenotfound: You can bring Sapnap as well, I guess. But I’d like to catch up with you - and tommy’s missing you i guess :/ Georgenotfound whispers to Dream: What are your co’ords? I’ll come now. We can bring Sapnap once he’s calmed down.
Dream smiles, sending through the coordinates without a second thought. Of course George would agree to come around. George is his best friend, he’s Dreams other half. George - and Puffy, a traitorous part of his brain whispers - would do anything for him.
Ranboo stops cleaning for a moment, looking up the stairs. Dream frowns, following his line of sight. No one is there, but he notices the small sobs that emit from the higher floor. Tommy. The child must be crying, maybe a nightmare. He’s too young to remember L’Manburg, the disks or the wars. He only remembers some people, after all.
Sam is one of them. Tubbo was not. A child's mind is a strange place.
Dream walks up the stairs, pausing outside Tommy’s room. He knocks before he enters, warning the boy. Dream turns on the light, not knowing what to expect. 
Tommy sits up in his bed, his eyes screwed shut as he sobs. Tommy hugs Sam Nook close, but no words fall from his lips. Dream sighs, scooping the boy up and gently rocking him. Tommy blinks his eyes open before he screws them shut, crying again. Dream frowns, sinking to the ground as he tries to settle the boy.
“Please stop crying.” Dream mumbles, rocking Tommy. He’s so small, so fragile. Dream can feel every shake of Tommy’s tine body as the child cries himself back to sleep. 
Dream sets the boy back into bed, tucking him in gently. He’ll wait with the boy until Ranboo is done, and then he’ll go to greet George.
“Dream sent me a message.” George says, casually leaning against the doorframe. “I have his coordinates.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Eret gasps, covering their mouth. Bad and Phil stand up, looking over George with carefully concealed confusion. “How long ago did you receive the message?”
“About fifteen minutes?” George frowns, checking the time. “Yeah, around fifteen minutes ago.”
“And you didn’t tell us until now?” Techno glares, an axe summoned into his hand.
“I couldn’t find you until now. Are you guys coming or what?”
“Have you told anyone else?” Phil asks, pulling his wings out of his cloak.
“Quackity, Karl and Sapnap are halfway there.” George says, walking towards the coordinates.
“Doesn’t need the stress.” George says. “He’s too sick.”
“What’s the plan?” Bad asks quietly.
“Karl, Sapnap and Quackity stake the house out from a distance. I go in, distract Dream and Ranboo, and then grab Tommy and run.” George says.
“Where do we come in?” Techno asks.
“I dunno, we didn’t think that far ahead.” George shrugs. “Work it out when we get there.”
And with that, they walk.
Dream stands in the kitchen, watching the kettle boil as he waits for George to arrive. He’s boiled the kettle twice so far, waiting for his friend, but he doesn’t want the water to go cold before George can have some tea.
A knock sounds at the door, and Dream cautiously walks over, opening it. White clout glasses and brown hair appears, and Dream relaxes, opening his arms for a hug. George hesitates for a split second before he sinks into the hug. Dream doesn’t - wont - think about it. The hesitation.
“Hey.” Dream breaths, and George smiles. 
“Hey yourself. How are you?”
“Good. I’m a father now.” Dream smirks, and George pulls out from the hug. “Do you want some tea?”
“The gosip type or the good type?” George jokes, and Dream steps aside, showing George the kitchen bench, where two cups are laid.
“Why did George hug him?” Techno whispers to Eret.
“They’re best friends, he’s keeping up the persona.” Eret replies. “Letting Dream’s guard down.”
“Will it work?”
“Well, we won’t know unless George either gets Tommy.” 
“Or he starts screaming.” Phil says darkly, his wings fluttering nervously behind him.
“Dream wouldn’t-” Bad shakes his head. “No, this Dream isn’t the same one who played with Sapnap as a kid. Dream would hurt George, wouldn’t he?”
“Is Tommy sleeping alright?” George asks, trying to sound casual. “Sam used to complain that he’d only ever sleep peacefully if I was there.”
It’s a lie, but George and Sam had both noticed that Tommy would sleep easily in George’s arms. Nightmares would still happen, but Tommy would calm down faster.
“He’s been having so many nightmares.” Dream admits. “He also cries a lot, even during the day. I think he needs you around. Familiar faces and all that.”
“What about Ranboo?” George asks, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Ranboo hasn’t been Ranboo since I escaped.” George can hear the self centered smirk in his voice, the proud lilt of admitting that he’s controlling the teen. “I think Tommy can tell that. It doesn’t seem to bother him all that much, he’s seen my face and isn’t scared.”
George’s stomach drops at that, fear lacing his insides. There’s a reason Dream wears the mask. He doesn’t look safe to be around, he looks like if the void had a neon green eye and a glowing, neon green hole gaping where his mouth and nose should be. But George knows better than to mention that, only raising his eyebrows with surprise.
“I would have thought that would make him cry.” George jokes, lightly elbowing Dream. “Is he sleeping?”
“I hope so, do you want to check?” Dream cocks his head to the side, not too unlike a puppy. George nods, and let’s Dream walk him up the stairs. 
Now’s his chance.
Sapnap nervously paces, the treeline hiding him from Dream’s watchful gaze. He’s far enough away to see everything, but not be able to hear anything. It’s safer this way, watching from a distance. Karl and Quackity won’t get hurt if he’s caught, this way. He doesn’t trust the silence, and from the nervous looks on his fiancees’ faces, they don’t like not being able to hear either.
An ear piercing scream tears the silence in half as Karl makes eye contact with Sapnap.
“GEORGE!” Sapnap screams, running towards the house. Snow melts under his feet, he can’t contain his anger. “George!”
Sapnap slams open the door to the house, his hand melting the door handle. George lays on the ground, his glasses under Dream’s foot. Blood. There’s so much blood. Too much blood. George is curled around Tommy, who wails at the top of his lungs. George isn’t moving. Why isn’t George moving? Why isn’t he struggling.
Ranboo’s punch misses.
Sweep your opponents leg out from under them.
Ranboo falls to the ground, his head cracking painfully.
Keep your eyes on the room.
Blood pools under Ranboo’s head. Dream laughs.
Don’t let your guard down.
“Did you really think that George could take Tommy from me?”
Don’t let your opponent see any fear.
“I trusted you both. You’re my friends. I can’t believe you would betray me like this.”
Focus on the fight.
“I thought you cared about me, all I wanted was for us to be a family again.”
Dream stands on George, and Sapnap can hear the pained weaze that George breaths out. He’s still alive.
“Eyes on me, Snapnap.” Dream taunts, and Sapnap’s eyes jump back to his once-best friend. “You’ve got to work on that.”
Don’t make the first move.
“Not going to talk to me?”
Go on the defensive.
“That’s rude.”
“Let’s dance.”
Duck. Sidestep. Block. Jab. Punch. Duck. Owch, was that his eye? Duck again, keep focusing. Get to the door. Duck. Open the door. Punch. Step outside. Block. Run backwards. Duck. Throw a punch
Sapnap is thrown through the air, landing with a scream on the ground. Snow melts around him, and he lets out a gasp of pain. There’s blood underneath him, staining the snow red. It’s pretty, almost.
Sapnap can see Phil and Techno fight Dream, out of the corners of his eyes. Eret and Bad run into the house, carrying out Ranboo, Tommy and George. They’re safe. Everyone is safe now. Sapnap did good.
“Stay awake Sap.” Karl says, and Sapnap forces his eyes open - when did they close - to see his fiancee’s. Quackity cradles his head in his lap, and Karl fumbles with his pockets. “Keep your eyes open, yeah, that’s good. Keep it up.”
Sapnap groans as Karl pours a healing potion directly onto his torso. It wont help much, there’s something in his back, but he can’t speak. It hurts too much.
“Open your eyes.” Quackity says, and Sapnap feels warm fingers on his cheek. “Open your eyes. BAD! BAD SAPNAP’S-”
Sam watches out the window of his room as birds flit around tree branches. Ponk had left the room half an hour ago, just after he served breakfast. Ponk hadn’t said much, simply kissing Sam’s forehead and telling him to relax.
Sam can’t relax. He shouldn’t be allowed to, pneumonia or not. Not while Puffy suffers, while Tommy suffers. 
“Hey Dad.” Quackity’s voice doesn’t surprise Sam, who sees his son every morning.
“Hey duckling.” Sam smiles. “How are you this morning?”
“Good. Sapnap and George are in a bad shape though. Bad kicked me out of their rooms.” Quackity laughs wetly, tears in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sam says, opening his arms out for Quackity. The man smiles, but shakes his head, wiping away tears. 
“There’s something you need to see.” Quackity says, and apparently thats a cue for something, because Jack opens the door to his room.
Niki wheels Puffy into the room, the woman sitting on a wheelchair, her hair falling down over her shoulders. She’s still got a bandage on her head, but there is colour in her cheeks and a knowing smile on her face.
“Puffy.” Sam gasps, happy to see his friend better, if not up and running. Sam tries to stand, to give Puffy a hug, but Quackity just pushes him back into his bed.
“If you’re that happy to see me, you’ll need someone to hold you back with who Foolish has.” Puffy jokes, though her voice is hoarse.
Foolish walks into the room, gently holding a wiggling Tommy. Sam gasps, and true to Puffy’s prediction, it takes Quackity and Jack to stop Sam from getting out of his hospital bed. Foolish passes Tommy to Sam, and the man holds onto Tommy gently, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he’s here. He’s safe, finally.
“We’ll explain later.” Quackity says. “Just relax for now. Everyone is safe.”
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sningo-prompts · 2 years
Some team (idk) makes a threat to Emmet about taking Sningo by force! This is before is public knowledge that the sneasel is Ingo. Some Rangers step up and offer to take Sningo somewhere to protect him they assure Emmet they can do a better job then he could. Emmet refuses. He is a subway boss. He is strong. And he does not wish to separate from his brother again. Ingo fully agrees with Emmet. He would rather risk it than be taking from Emmet.
Doing a read more cause idk it got like a bit longer than i liked. It wasnt even a prompt i just couldnt move on till the idea was gone from my brain. Which is how this blog came to be in the first place. Very fitting
Then theres a scare. The team make an attack against the subway boss and its only a fluke that sningo wasnt taken. Emmet was helpless to stop it. They just got lucky and he knows it. Now Emmet is really thinking about taking the Rangers up on that offer. Is his pride worth his brother getting hurt?? No its not. He calls the rangers to ask for help.
Ingo still does not wish to leave Emmets side. They are a two car train after all. A pair that should never be separated!! Sure hes worried about getting taken by this team but staying by Emmets side is much more important to him. Emmet has no idea what it was like for Ingo in hisui. And Ingo never wants to be in that situation again!
The Rangers show up and Ingo is not having it. It isnt until Emmet softly pleads with Ingo to go with them. Its just until we can catch them. Then you can come back home! Its safer this way please Ingo. But Ingo really doesnt wanna. He probably isn convinced until Emmet like mini snaps at him “I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HURT AGAIN!” Or something like “IM NOT STRONG ENOUGH! I cant.. i cant keep you safe here so please just go with them.” Ingo can see how much this is hurting Emmet to do and he at least knows Emmet wont be able to sleep if Ingo stays so he goes. It’s heartbreaking for the rangers to watch tbh. Im picturing that air bud movie there the kid is like sobbing or something over the dog. Elesa is there and just the moment they walk out the door with Ingo (in a carrier im gonna add) Emmet just sobs into her shoulder.
This was verrrry hard for him but its the right choice. She is reassuring him. Now with him at his weakest she leads him to his bed and gets him to get some sleep. The moment hes up and walks into his kitchen he can see her sitting at the table surrounded by papers. They arent going to wait around for the cops to catch these guys. And Emmet can tell his bad habit has bled to her. She even got the red yarn out. Hes so proud.
Ingo meanwhile is having a ruff time (haha borkbork) Emmet informed the Rangers that the Sneasel is Ingo his human brother. They at least they are treating him like a person. The carrier was just a formality after all. The moment they got into the car he was promptly let out. Of course hes sulking. He misses his brother already. Also how could Emmet send him away. They should have solved this together. Arent they a team. Of course Ingo only has like an hour to be mad before his separation anxiety kicks in. And the Rangers bless them are trying but Ingos got a lot of problems (mental mostly) that they arent really equipped to deal with. The nightmares for starters really got them off guard.
This could also go where Emmet doesnt trust the Rangers so he doesnt tell them that the sneasel is Ingo. Now Ingo has to spend however long with people treating him like a pokemon. Really takes a hit to the mans self esteem. Its probably very tiring for Ingo. Plus hes sper depressed that Emmet sent him off so hes just not having a good time either way. Probably sleeps a lot while with them. Of course they try to give him exorcise which is just making it worse. Ingo hardly eats and just finds a place to hide and sleep. The Rangers assume its because well the truth. Because he misses his trainer. Which is pretty damn close. Its just his brother and he feels betrayed. Everytime one of them try to cheer him up they can tell this sneasel is humouring them. Its kinda off putting how humanlike this sneasel is probably. I imagine they are all trying different things that get their pokemon perked up. But since Ingo is human its just making him feel lower and lower. The only one who gets its is a Rangers who treats him like they would their SO or something. Finally human comforts and Ingo finally calms down enough to eat or something.
Idk. Its four forty in the morning and im in the shower. Also Emmet gets hurt a little but he totally kicked some (insert team name here) butt! The police congratulated him and Elesa for it and everything! Of course when Ingo gets back hes finally comfortable enough to be mad at Emmet again. Emmet doesnt understand why Ingos mad at him? Look at what i did for you!! It was all for you!!! It takes Elesa to point out that Emmet didnt even give Ingo a choice in staying or going. He just decided. And abandon his boy while at it. Ingo feels betrayed about it. Till Emmet apologises and opens up about how afraid he was about Ingo getting hurt worse. And losing Ingo permanently. Ingo cant stay mad at that. Emmet promises to never take Ingos choice away again! Which he has some close calls but Ingo has a way to remind him brother.
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batfamtv · 3 years
me after writing smut: is this who i am? is this who i represent? lmao i've never written smut until trese, i guess the thirst was too much, let me know how y'all like it! thank you so much for all your support, ily <3
(ノ´ з `)ノ
kambal x reader; established relationship
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gif by @rasputinaillyanna (see their original gifsets here!)
the three idiots
seriously, alexandra feels like she keeps aging 20+ years whenever you three are together and goofing around
this is one of the reasons why you’re not allowed on the field with them, they’d get absolutely nothing done
that, and the twins simply wont put you in danger under any circumstances
alexandra also treats you like a sister (in law) and wants you safe, but can only do so much to keep you out of their lives since you still find ways to help them out
absolutely rowdy when you’re with basilio, you and him practically have a lot of inside jokes and a secret language
people would give you both weird looks when you’re out in public, just because you’re both so damn loud
with crispin you’re more mature (but not a lot), he does these grand gestures like taking you out on expensive dates, takes instagram/pinterest style pics of you
basilio also takes pics of you, but those are some of the most unflattering ones that he sends to your groupchat as memes
the ppl who arent familiar with your relationship with the twins are almost often confused when they see you with just the one twin: they’d think “huh i saw this couple a week ago, but i could have sworn the boyfriend had much shorter hair, it couldn’t have grown that long in a week, right?”
when you do go out with the twins, they flank you and you almost get squished in between them, so sometimes you have to push them both to the sides so that you would have space to move around
the three of you like to just chill at the mall sometimes, go window shopping and then eat samgyup/mang inasal later on
other times when you manage to drag alexandra with you, people would assume that you guys are on a double date, and alexandra has the ugliest/most disgusted look on her face as she corrects them “these are my brothers” “im gay”
in your groupchat (just you and the twins) crispin is the sweet, doting one who would text you “have you eaten?” “want us to pick something up for you on the way home?” while basilio sends you memes and selfies of the twins
they send you videos and pics of pets they meet “today we met brownie and blackie”
with regards to living arrangements, the twins have separate rooms (basilio’s is the messy one, smells weird)
when you moved in, alexandra offered you your own room, and most of the time that’s where the boys stay anyway
the bed is much larger than theirs because it needs to accommodate all three of you
you three try to cook meals for ate alexandra, but it almost always turns out disastrous - mostly when basilio insists on helping
so you always make him run errands (“can you go pick up some more garlic and magic sarap”) while you and crispin man the stoves
you braid basilio’s hair while crispin tunes his guitar!!
and you spend a couple of hours listening to crispin play the guitar, basilio’s head now resting on your lap
crispin’s movie taste are like *film* and *poetic cinema* while basilio might enjoy movies that are so bad they’re good, but you three are all suckers for superhero ensemble movies and horror movies
the boys become really annoying when watching filipino horror movies because they like to point out mistakes in the film “aswangs dont do that” “why would you go there all alone are you stupid???”
“please boys i just wanna watch the movie”
a huge cuddle pile
both boys run hot, so during cold nights (that never happen, bc you live in the philippines) you’re all warm and toasty between them
both light sleepers! they were pretty heavy sleepers when they were kids/teenagers, but the occupational hazard of their jobs require them to be ready at a moment’s notice
they still, however, snore quite loudly
crispin doesn’t ever tend to move positions when sleeping, he wakes up in the same position he fell asleep in
basilio rotates around the bed like hands of a clock
most often falls off the bed, but clumsily climbs back up and cuddles you
really really simpy when it comes to you, though most of the time it’s just you three sharing one brain cell (it’s with you, mostly), they can be quite romantic and cheesy if they want to
crispin probably has his brother as just “Basilio” on his phone, and “Y/N ❤️" for you
basilio has “my love ❤️😍😘💘 ” for you and crispin’s number isn’t even registered lol
nsfw under the cut
threesome? threesome
boys barely do anything separately and usually just have a Single Thought in both their heads, so if one is horny, the other one is 69% (lol) horny as well
you realize that crispin doesn’t like to be teased at work, but basilio enjoys it so much
you find this out when you’re alone and horny, so you send a pic of you touching yourself to the boys in your groupchat
crispin sees it first, but doesn’t say anything?? he honest to god just left you on read
meanwhile basilio also sees your pic not too long after and you quickly get a “what the fuck” as a reply from him
like 10 mins later he sends you a pic of him in what looks like a washroom and his cock is straining in his pants
he texts you “had to find a washroom so fucking fast so that ate alex and the police captain doesn’t see me so fucking hard in my pants” and “wanna eat you pussy babe”
crispin does text you when the three are on their way home, not mentioning the picture you sent “we’re on our way home”
and at first you thought he is mad at you bc he didn’t bring the nude up?? does he not want you anymore :(
but the moment they arrive crispin all but sprints to your shared bedroom and sees you there, in your underwear
holds your cheeks in one hand, “what the fuck was that baby, hmm? what did you send us?”
you try to ask if he’s mad bc you sent him a nude, ask him if there’s anything wrong, but he just lets your face go as he takes his suit off, basilio finds his way to your room, locks it, and gives you a kiss
basilio whispers “missed you baby” against your mouth before moving away to undress
crispin, now fully naked in front of you, makes you suck his cock, which is hard and twitching, its tip leaking with precum, he makes you place both his hands on your head, “do you know how surprised i was when i saw a text from you and it’s a picture of you touching your cunt? hmm?” he sighs as he sees you looking up at him, eyes watering as you struggle to take all of his cock down your throat “i had to stop myself from getting hard in front of everyone, baby, basilio couldn’t even do that”
basilio huffs but the boys reposition you so you’re in bed and on your back, crispin kneeling to your side, his cock still throbbing in your mouth, basilio positions himself between your thighs, moaning when he sees how wet you are
basilio removes your panties before rushing to sniff your cunt, groaning in delight--you’re sure his eyes roll to the back of his head before he dives into your cunt
you moan into crispin’s cock and he grunts, shoving more of his cock into your mouth, now moving faster, “i really wanna cum down your throat baby, would you let me?”
you nod and he pushes his cock all the way into your mouth, your nose practically touching his groin and pubes
you gag, for a moment panicked as you try to breathe in, while crispin just eyes you, his cock growing ever harder when he looks at your face wet with tears and drool, he grabs your hair, softly at first, to make sure you’re okay, and when you nod crispin groans as he sets up his pace, groaning as he feels his orgasm building
basilio, meanwhile, is licking and sucking your clit with three fingers knuckles deep in your cunt, and when he starts to feel you spasming, a telltale sign that your orgasm is approaching, he pulls his mouth and fingers out and quickly replacing them with his fat cock
immediately, you and basilio both groan, your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel yourself so full of cock
basilio curses under his breath before taking your legs and resting them against his shoulders “fuck, y/n, im sorry i’m not gonna last long” “your pussy got me so fucking hard you tasted so good baby, you know how much i love your little pussy, right?”
crispin groans at this before he pulls his cock out of your mouth, leaning down to kiss you, he then moves down your neck and your tits, making sure he marks your chest
basilio whimpers and thrusts three more times before releasing a long groan, his cum exploding deep in your pussy “fuck baby you feel so good” he manages to pull out and you see his cock wet with his cum and your juices before settling beside you, panting harshly
you barely had the type to recuperate before crispin flips you on your stomach, making sure your face is resting on the pillows before he thrusts into you with a grunt
“fuck, still a tight little pussy after basilio rammed your cunt, huh?”
your eyes rolling, you couldnt do much other than hold onto the sheets and basilio’s hand, moaning loudly when you feel crispin’s fingers on your clit
“can you take one more, y/n? can your pussy take one more load?”
speechless, you nod, trying to grind your ass against crispin’s hips, but his hands on your hips hold you firm
he grunts approvingly, “good baby, take it deep in your pussy okay? and cum on my cock, baby, i wanna feel it”
you cum on his cock, almost violently, and twins groan at the sound of your moaning, and the sight of you spasming and shaking on crispin’s cock
a couple of deep thrusts later, crispin also cums deep into your pussy, his cum now mixed with basilio’s
crispin moves to get a washcloth to clean the three of you up, before all three of you collapse in bed, huddled together, basilio with his arms wrapped from behind--already falling asleep, you rest your head against crispin’s arm
“so, no more nudes when you’re at work?”
crispin laughs softly before pressing a kiss on your forehead, “unless your cunt is ready to take two cocks at once, no nudes when we’re at work”
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