#i wanted to finish this on April fools day but i failed
jaythecryer777 · 6 months
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reystenius-01 · 6 months
April Fools
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In which: R pulls a prank on Stina for April Fool’s. Let's just say Stina did not find it amusing.
You were in the doghouse, to put it lightly. 
April Fool’s was a big thing in your family. You’d always go all out on your pranks; your brother had pretended that he and his wife were getting divorced last year. The family group chat had never been more concerned. The woman was basically a saint, the entire family had immediately taken her side before your brother blurted out that it was just a prank, which then led to a bit of no contact for a while, but anyway… 
You had pretended to come down with a headache so you could leave the team gathering a little early the previous night, wanting to set up the prank you’d be pulling on your girlfriend, if all went according to plan. You nearly failed at the first hurdle though, Stina sweetly asking if you just wanted her to stay home with her and cuddle. You nearly gave in just then, a sucker for those blue-green eyes. It took everything in you to reassure her that you’d be okay on your own for the night.
Stina did walk you to the door of your shared apartment, giving you a sweet kiss before you headed inside. 
You carefully manoeuvred around the living room, making sure everything was set up just right for when she arrived home.
Just as you finished setting up the water balloon above the front doorway, you heard the sound of keys jingling outside. Your heart raced with anticipation as you quickly hid behind the couch, waiting for Stina to walk in.
The door creaked open, and you held your breath as Stina stepped inside, a tired smile on her face. "Hey, love, I'm home," she called out, kicking off her shoes and hanging up her coat. “I know you said you’d be okay on your own, but my head started hurting halfway back to Leah’s place, so I just turned around.”
You winced as Stina's voice interrupted your thoughts, her tired smile tugging at your heartstrings. “Hey, Stin,” you replied, trying to sound casual as you peeked out from your hiding spot.
Stina's eyes sparkled with affection as she spotted you behind the couch. “What are you up to back there?” she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.
You grinned mischievously, trying to keep your excitement in check. “Oh, just waiting for you,” you replied cryptically, hoping to maintain the element of surprise.
Stina raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “Waiting for me? What for?” she asked, her tone playful as she stepped closer to where you were hiding.
Before you could respond, you heard the sound of the water balloon releasing above the doorway, followed by a loud splash as it landed squarely on Stina, drenching her from head to toe.
Stina froze in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at the water dripping down her face and clothes. “What the...?” she sputtered, her voice trailing off as she tried to process what had just happened. Her expression darkened, her eyes narrowing as she processed the situation. “Are you kidding me right now?” she snapped, her voice laced with anger as she took in her soaked clothes and dripping hair.
You scrambled to find the right words, feeling a sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach. “I...I'm so sorry, Stin,” you stammered, your voice filled with regret. “It was supposed to be a prank.” You sheepishly shrugged. “April Fool’s?”
Stina let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through her wet hair. “I can't believe you would do something like this, especially when I'm already not feeling well,” she muttered, her irritation evident as she shot you a glare.
You hung your head in shame, feeling like the worst partner in the world. “I know, and I'm really sorry,” you apologised, your voice barely above a whisper. “I didn't mean to ruin your day even more.”
Stina sighed heavily, her anger starting to subside as she saw the genuine remorse in your eyes. “Just… just give me some space right now,” she said wearily, her tone softened slightly. “I need some time to cool off.”
You nodded, feeling like a complete idiot as you retreated to the other side of the room, giving Stina the space she needed. As you sat there in silence, you couldn't help but feel like you had completely ruined the day, and possibly your relationship with Stina too.
As you lay on the couch, feeling utterly defeated by your failed prank and the rift it had caused between you and Stina, you couldn't help but feel a surge of determination to make things right. You racked your brain, compiling a whole plan in your head as you plotted your next move.
The next morning, you woke up early, determined to start the day off on the right foot. You tiptoed into the kitchen, careful not to wake Stina as you prepared her favourite breakfast—fluffy pancakes with fresh berries and a side of crispy bacon. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee also filled the air. 
After carefully plating the breakfast, you carried the tray into the bedroom, where Stina was still sleeping soundly. You set the tray down on the bedside table, then tiptoed over to the window, where you had set up a surprise for Stina. You had stayed up late the night before, painstakingly assembling a bouquet of Lego flowers for her to wake up to. Each flower was carefully crafted with vibrant colours and intricate details, a labour of love to show her how much you cared.
“Hey, sleepyhead, I made you breakfast,” you whispered, a hopeful smile on your face as you watched her stir.
Stina blinked sleepily, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the tray of food and the Lego flowers beside the bed. “Wow, what's all this?” she asked, her voice filled with curiosity as she sat up.
You grinned, feeling a sense of relief wash over you at her reaction. “I wanted to make it up to you for yesterday,” you explained, your voice filled with sincerity. “I know I messed up, but I'm hoping this will help make things right.”
Stina's eyes softened, and she reached out to take your hand in hers. “You didn't have to do all this,” she said softly, her voice filled with warmth. “But I appreciate it. Thank you.”
You squeezed her hand, feeling a rush of gratitude for her forgiveness. “I love you, Stin,” you whispered, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. “And I'm sorry for being such an idiot.”
Stina smiled, her heart melting at your words. “I love you too, you big goof,” she teased, pulling you into a warm embrace. “And don't worry—I forgive you. Even though you’re a bit of an idiot.”
You chuckled, the tension of the previous day finally melting away as Stina's teasing brought a smile to your face. “Well, at least I'm your idiot, right?” you replied playfully, leaning in to nuzzle her neck.
Stina giggled, her fingers trailing lightly along your back as she pressed a kiss to your cheek. “That you are,” she murmured, her voice filled with affection. “And I wouldn't have it any other way.”
You grinned, feeling a warmth spread through you at Stina's words. “Good, because I don't think I could handle being anyone else's idiot,” you admitted, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss as an idea popped into your mind. “I still promise to make it up to you, in every way possible,” you whispered, your voice tinged with a hint of mischief as you leaned in closer to her.
Stina melted into the kiss, her arms wrapping around you as she deepened the embrace. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she met your gaze, pulling back slightly. “Mmm, you know just how to make it up to me, älskling,” she whispered against your lips.
You felt a thrill shoot through you at Stina's suggestive tone, your heart racing with anticipation. “Oh, do I now?” you teased, trailing kisses along her jawline.
Stina let out a soft moan, her breath catching in her throat as she leaned into your touch. “Mhmm, you do,” she murmured, her voice husky with desire. “But let's finish breakfast first, hmm? We can save the rest of the making up for later.”
“Alright,” you replied, your voice low and husky as you traced a finger along her jawline. “But I promise… I’ll make sure you forget all about yesterday's mishap.”
Stina leaned in closer to you. “Well then,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “I can't wait to see what you have in mind, min kärlek.”
tempted to write smut as well 😭😭 not just for stina but for other players too, asks are open! drop any requests you got!
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mantisgodsart · 6 months
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We have finally finished this project, and thus, The World's Worst Dating Sim is finally DONE! Just in time for April Fools Day. Now, with our six new contestants, choose, uhh... who's dateable? Or not dateable? This last batch was determined almost entirely by People Telling Us Who To Add, contains multiple AUs, and is... hmm. "Unconventional" may be a good term? Half of these are probably undateable but you can still shoot your shot.
As previously, it can be a platonic date if you want, you just can't be neutral. Deadlander Lambda belongs to @cordycepsbian and has been moved into our studio for duration of this poll. Profiles below the cut.
(we're linking the first poll here)
Deadlander Lambda - Maybe - Deadlander - Good question - At least a little bit
This, uhh...
...is this safe? We don't think this is safe. ..."Already had kids before"? What do you mean it's a parent?
...well, we can't get it out of the studio, so it's an option now? We guess? This... really doesn't seem like a good idea.
Rogu - He/him - Ant drone - Very rude to ask a gentleman that, don't you think? - I wouldn't worry about that.
A charming mystery from somewhere only described as "a faraway land", though he wasn't quite scheduled in this lineup, we think we can make an exception. This silver-tongued bug seems to be able to say just what's needed to get under your skin... and from the look of it, he's angling to take you somewhere private.
...come to think of it, haven't we seen that face before? On a poster, maybe? Well, it's not a surprise he's been modelling for things, he's certainly got a pretty enough face for it, but why do we feel... nervous, all of a sudden?
Carmina - She/(scribbled in)it - (illegible) - (illegible) - (illegible)(scribbled out with "No longer relevant" written in its place)
...where is she? She was meant to show up hours ago. What on earth could have held her up this long?
Pebbles - He/him - Moth ("iterator") - Juvenile (estimated) - Unclear
Right out of surgery, this one. While we're not sure if it's entirely responsible to include this one, and we certainly don't speak whatever language he's speaking... he's cute, isn't he? And looking for a home? Well, maybe if you're the sort of person who might want to rescue a domestic moth in a bad situation...
Wereweevil Vi - It/its (wereweevil form) - Wereweevil - 19 - Aro
Pre-existing hangups mean that you can only date this one in wereweevil form. Good luck.
Kina - She/her - Mantis (big) - Haven't asked - Also haven't asked    
Well, we assume that you can do less lethal than the bandit who people mostly know thanks to her former job as a corpse disposal unit, but some people might be into that sort of thing, honestly. Are you, perchance, also a mantis?
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baurbiediv · 1 year
heyy!! i was wondering if u could do one with jack and reader with short hair, like buzz cut / pixie cut short. how would he react to seeing the new cut for the first time -- reader used to have long hair.
this is so vague lmao but reader always has long hair and i genuinely wonder what jack's reaction would be to such a drastic change (in your opinion) 😂
thnx sm and no pressure!! i love ur work 💓
early april fools
PAIRING ➔ jack harlow x gf!reader
A/N ➔ thank you sm for the request anon!! i love u!!
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now for sometime you thought that short hair would look good on you, of course when you started thinking of the idea again, countless pictures of short hairstyle popped up across your feed whether it be instagram, pinterest, or even tik tok.
wash days were always the worst when it came to your long hair, you’d find it anywhere and everywhere.
strands all over the bathroom tiles and somehow even on the bathroom sink, it was too much.
you loved your long hair but it was time for a change. since jack wasn’t around due to him doing surprise events, now was the perfect opportunity to do this, just as you, jack was used to your short hair.
at any given opportunity jack would randomly twirl your hair around his finger. his favorite pastime was playing in your hair, in public or at home, it didn’t matter. it was just something that didn’t bother you at all.
scheduling your appointment, you were very excited to see how your new look would come out, although you did have your doubts, what if the stylist cut too high and gave you the dora the explorer look?
what happened if the stylist used the wrong color? or even gave you the wrong style? it was the simple things like that which made you worry, but nonetheless, it was the stylists job to make sure they knew what they were doing.
the appointment was set for 2:30 pm that same day.
after coming home from the appointment you couldn’t contain yourself, giving in, you began playing around with your hair.
you looked at yourself in the mirror as if there were a different person looking right back at you through the mirror.
you loved it and were so glad that you changed it when you did, now the best part would be waiting for jack to get home and to see his reaction.
he had a tendency to be dramatic, which was something that you loved about jack. he was unintentionally funny, it was never a dull moment with him around.
the surround sound in the apartment played the perfect girl by mareux, just loud enough for you to hear just in case for the front door to be opened.
you wanted to do as much as you could before jack arrived home, you wanted to make this a nice surprise for him although it wasn’t something huge.
managing to occupy yourself, a few hours seemingly passed by and you found yourself cleaning up around the house a bit, you heard the familiar ding of a text notification.
quickly finding the phone, there was a text from jack;
➔ from: hubby 💘
be home in about 15 minutes, i love you stink 😚
you smiled at the message, it was something so simple, but jack never failed to out a smile on your face. as you finished the last bit of cleaning around.
you popped open your favorite bottle of wine into a glass and relaxed on the couch and put on 9-1-1, you told yourself to catch up a while ago but you never did so now was the chance.
about 10 minutes into the episode, the door unlocked and carefully putting down the glass onto the ottoman, you sat up and flattened out your hair although it was already, you know, flattened.
jack kicked his shoes off as he rubbed the back of his neck while scrolling through his phone. “hey baby,” he said after looking up from his phone, he did a double take cause he swore he was seeing things.
you took up a new place on the couch, now sitting on the leg of the couch, “hi my love!” you said getting off the couch and hugging his side, jack’s arm wrapping around you naturally.
something about you was off about you, yet he couldn’t pinpoint what the exact reason was until he got a closer look.
“y/n, where’s the rest of your hair.” he said sternly, you laughed, clearing your throat shortly after.
“what are you talking about jack? all my hair is right here.” you said letting go of his side.
“y/n, when i left the house this morning you had a full head of hair, stop playing with me and take that wig off.” he replied.
“boy, first off,” you moved his arm from your shoulders, then slapped his shoulder as hard as you could.
“this is not a damn wig, and even if it was, it damn sure is cute. you wish you could pull it off.” you retaliated.
“yeah yeah, okay whatever, early april fools!” he said before grabbing your hair and yanking it. a scream erupted from your mouth.
jack quickly moved his hand from your head as his face fell. “baby, i am so sorry, i didn’t mean it.”
you stood there looking at him, a hand on the back of your head in an attempt to soothe the throbbing.
“jack, i swear, i’m going to fuck you up.” you replied, your lips pursed together tightly.
“in what way?”
“don’t piss me off more than i already am.”
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
Ghostbusters 1984 review: Dickless for 40 Years and Running! (Comissioned by Weird Kev)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome to the start of our look at ghost busters! Kev's a fan, i'm a fan, your a literal sentient fan that eats children to survive. We're all fans here.
In 1980 Dan Akroyd drove his car into columbia pictures with a dream.. to make a film about his love of ghosts and since he wouldn't leave they sent director ivan reitman to get him to. Instead Ivan agreed with the dream and agreed to not have columbia pictures, which he was mayor of, to press charges. They then went to get their friend Harold Ramis who was, ironically trapped in the phantom zone and with the help of mon el they freed him and all 4 escaped.
Then they had to spend a year curing MOn El's led poisning but unfortuatnely failed and had ot send him to the future. With their venkman gone, they instead went with Bill Murray, who had just finished up being a consuler at a summer camp by the time the summer of 81 rolled around. They had three but they needed a fourth. So the four set out on an epic quest to find their fourth ghostbuster. So they arrived in Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So they tied an onion to their belts, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was they had an onion on their belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.
Any ways they soon found ernie hudson but he was in the thrall of the shadow king so to free him Murray winged him real godo with a boot and then a now free enrie threw him into the sun.
With that production began, but soon mysterious murders began just like what happened in woodsburo a few years ago, and bill murray sadly died confronting ghostface. To revivie him our heroes went back in time and managed to save him and unmask ghostface early, but marty mcfly's parents ceased to exist, so they went back again only to make a world ruled by apes. This was satisfactory enough for a while but when the apes decreed ghosts and all depecitons of them banned our heroes went back AGAIN and finally got a timeline that worked well enough. Bill Murray was a transformer now of course and ernie hudson could turn water into flame, but those were okay. Dan Akroyd, who was now a cartoon dog wrote a new draft, the studio loved it and thus ghostbusters was born.
They cast an all star cast: Some Guy as Walter Peck, some other guy as the mayor, Segornye Weaver who had an uneventful year but wasn't about to tell the cartoon dog, and Rick Moranis, who had his own epic quest with best friend and great white north co-star dave thomas to save the world that we'll get to some other day. THe film was a hit, created a franchise and here we are so join me under the cut will ya.
So the film begins with famous outlaws Billy the Kid and Belle Starr rising from the dead. Depsite having died a decade apart and billy having been about 20 and belle 40, they both look middle aged as they plan to rustle cattle, there apparnetly being no beef in the afterlife
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We'll deal with that terror as we get our title sequence, as Ray Jay Parker junior.. sorry three old white men sing the ghost busters theme. All three are here KOng, the leader, Spencer, the dumb one dressed like jack napier for some reason and Tracy, the gorilla who wears hats.
Their the ghost busters, they caper after ghosts and work out of an apartment in what could only be new york. So after the opening they have some banter i've blocked out because I want to live and sad to say it hasn't held up well> Speaking of holding up I can't really keep this up so
Yeah bad news, we will not be covering the 1984 classic ghostbusters.. till October. Yeah this is a hell of a way to do it but in october we'll be starting a yearly look at one of the best comedy franchises around, Ghostbusters, starting with the original timeline: Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, the video game and the first arc of the idw comic. And possibly a brucey bonus as we have an extra week.
To kick this off we decided to look not at the movies.. but at the OTHER ghost busters... the 1975 live action filmation show starring two guys from f troop and a guy in a gorilla suit who dick around an office, get a call from some guy named zero, and then bust ghosts.
This show is also why the real ghostbusters are called that: Filmation made the BOLD choice to do thier own cartoon based on the 70's show to cash in, Columbia said HELL NO, and since they coudln't get it stopped (It was within filmation's rights) instead named theirs the REAL GHOSTBUSTERS. And it was. We'll look at the other one next year for now let's talk about the live action show
The reason I couldn't hold up the gag is simple: The Ghost Busters... is pain. It is deep hurting. it is grief in telvision form. The Ghost Busters.. is lame. Or, at the very least the episode Kev choose by roulette wheel , they went thataway is. Kev is also now barred from using a randomizer for at least a review or two. Sorry kev.
I thought it might at least have a chuckle, I mean it's a series with a giant gorilla and their chasing cowboys. This had to be at least a LITTLE fun right? right?
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I mean ... it was a LITTLE fun as Tracy the gorilla.. is genuinely a delight. He throws a man upside down when he tries cheating him in a coin toss, wears delightful hats, and somehow makes a giant propellor work on a model airlplane. Is the schitch he does all that funny? no. Is he still charming anyway because it's a gorilla? yes. Sadly we do NOT get to see a fake gorilla drive a fake car.
The fact a fake gorilla doing mildly amusing schtick is the only thing this episode did that was remotely amusing should tell you to RUN SAVE YOURSELVES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD RUN. RUN. NEVER LOOK BACK. RUN. RUNNNNNN.
But since you didn't take my warning if your onto this paragraph, let the misery continue: While I can enjoy a corny joke on occasion, The Ghost Busters is the corniest of jokes. It is the lamest of ideas. It is just 20 solid minute of dad jokes without the charm of being told by an actual dad. We get a joke where the cowboys ask if Spencer , the idiot of the group wants to wet his whistle.. AND THEN HE DIPS IT IN WATER. GET IT. GET IT. GET IT. GET IT GET...
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Every fucking joke is like that: a pun without any sense of irony or whimsy that makes a pun tolerable.
The actual premise is also just.. not funny. Cowboys want to rustle up cattle because hell apparently has none. Maybe that's why theirs so many delightful 40's cannibals, we don't know. So they want to go cattle rustling but DOHOHOHO THEIRS NO CATTLE IN THE CITY and they make soup but it's warm despite no fire because she LEFT IT ON TWICE AS LONG DOHOHOHO. i'm dying inside because this show is inane DOHOHOHOHO.
I"m.. not exaggerating. I'm a forgiving man: I find the good in most stuff I review even fi I don't like it. I try to be positive: it's why most stuff I review or get comissioned for is stuff that's GOOD. And even the mediocre or bad I can still usually find something but this show has a gorilla with hats and NOTHING else. Kong and Spencer have the "schemer guy and idiot" schtick you've seen a million times. The jokes are trite as hell and were played out in 1975 to the point i'm baffled this came out in the 70's. It was aimed at kids sure but kids aren't THIS stupid. I thought given the gorilla it'd at least be goofy fun or so bad it's good.. but it's just nothing. I'm struggling to find things to say that aren't "I died a little on the inside watching this".
The actual "plot" is paper thin, which is fine for a comedy if it's actually funny. To use a refrence to the good ghostbusters, Meatballs, from the same director, is good. it's also a lot of scenes of dicking around with teens. But the bill murray jokes, his friendship with chris makepiece, the jokes that do work, that makin it dance scene.. it has more than enough to compensate. It also has a truly awful scene I skip every time that acts like consent don't exist.
This is just "dick around with cowboys", "Dick around till they go to get the call from ghost man", dick around with cowboys again" , "Dick around a bit after getting their assigment' , "Dick around and pretend to be cowboys", "Catch ghosts embarassingly easy while billy the kid humps the air". The only clever or notable things are the fact the ghosts randomly age and that Bella gets a happy ending as they at least cooked her a meal first.
So yeah this was 25 minutes of my life i'll never get back. I wish I had more to say but this is just.. nothing. Maybe the dracula or frankenstien episodes have more I don't know, and I don't care. This was a MASSIVE disapointment and hopefully the cartoon willl be better. Thanks for reading.
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wallspikes · 1 year
Chapter 4
hiiii everyone happy APRIL FOOLS! but this isn't a joke... its a whole new chapter... 3k words of my guys. still no name for this -- worlds worst title creator here. i might call it on the wrong foot BUT idunno. i cant post this to ao3 until i get a title </3. ANYWAY no warnings for this i don't thinkkkk... HAVE FUN! if you have any title ideas tell me in the notes.. please...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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Gio, no doubt sitting in the ruins of a sand dune beyond the lengths of repair, and more than likely covered in a plethora of various bug bites, felt that he was building more bridges than he had burned in the past day. The little man hadn’t sprinted off towards the closest patch of grass the minute he’d sat down to make himself comfortable — though, they still looked ready to jump away at the first sign of danger. They warily planted their feet and chewed on oversized oats just a few feet away from his outstretched calf. Gio counted that as a win, in his book.
The time on his phone was a little after twelve-thirty. He finished off the last of the granola bar, tucking the wrapper into his back pocket as he stared at the little man in a halfhearted contest that he was sure to lose. The expression on their face was uncertain, their eyebrows upturned in worried arches, their cheeks a blotchy red; Gio felt bad for making them stand there. “You can leave if you want,” he shrugged, “I’m not trying to keep you here… but, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate this, of course!” 
Gio leaned into his palms and fixed them with a thankful grin, “I felt like I was going insane last night, thinking about whether you were real or not. Like, everything felt real, but it was so unreal that I didn’t know if I was imagining it somehow.” His smile turned toothy, “So, thanks for talking to me— or, uh… standing with me. It's nice to not feel crazy.”
The little man shifted in their spot, awkwardly kicking sand to cover their feet and shaking it off again. It almost seemed like they were going to speak, but the words never came. Instead, they ran their hand through their beard, fingers catching on sticky knots matted by honey from the granola bar. 
When he still failed to coax a word from the little man, Gio listlessly shrugged. He watched them tug at their beard, wincing slightly each time their neck jerked from a particularly stubborn clump until the secondhand pain became too much to bear and he realized he had the means to help. “Do you want some water?“ He asked, leaning over to pull a bottle from his backpack, “It might help get rid of the honey before you tear out all your hair first.”
The little man quailed as Gio reached behind himself, the movement far too sudden. Gio turned back to see the man had leaped a few steps away from his calf, the granola bar clutched tightly to their chest as they eyed the nearby brambles of bamboo. Their expression had quickly changed to something more frantic, a content pinkness that had grown on their cheeks from the chance at a good meal draining to frightened paleness while their already-upturned eyebrows nearly met with their hairline. “Woah, sorry,” Gio whispered, and held his hands up in surrender, grasping his water bottle in a fist, “I won’t move so fast anymore. Sorry,” he apologized again, slowly pouring a capful of water and placing it where the man once stood, “I wasn’t really thinking.” 
It took a few moments of bated breath, but eventually, the little man found the courage to reach forward, pull the cap back towards themself, and gingerly pour some water through their beard, making sure to catch a few drops in their mouth in the process as well. Gio watched, satisfied, but wished still that he could get a closer look at his little midnight guest. He slowly pulled his legs into himself, making sure the man was watching him warily before hunching over and digging his elbows into the sand as if studying a particularly interesting insect.
The little man shrunk under his stare, worrying the granola bar between their hands as Gio propped his head in his palm. As they found themselves locked in a one-sided staring contest, Gio couldn’t help himself from absorbing each little detail, from the way the man’s hair bristled as he looked over them to the worried curve of their brows that hadn’t seemed to relax. Their hair was thick and full, and out from it stuck two large, round ears that twitched back at every move Gio made, no matter how slow. “I hope you don’t mind me being here so much,” he mumbled, “I can’t really tell…”
Again, there was no response — it wasn’t like he really expected one from the man, though there was a faraway part of himself that held out hope for a simple nod, or even more daringly, a word, even if it never came. A wide-eyed stare and the occasional nod of the head proved to be his only consistent partner in conversation. Gio studied them a few moments longer while he hovered overhead, watching their Adam’s apple bob and their feet shuffle in place as their fingers bore holes in the oats of the granola bar, held tightly in a white-knuckled grip. Fascinated as he was by the man’s features, Gio was beginning to worry all this studying might kill them. He sat back on his heels, reached to check for the time, and felt the weight of his eyelids double the second the number ticked on screen. 
Gio yawned, exhaustion beginning to catch up with him as the night continued in its standing lull. He turned his head up to the night sky, past the tall bushes and the bamboo to stare at the stars, and sighed. “I should probably go home.” More of a statement than a suggestion, he reached behind himself for his backpack. “Are you headed home soon?”
The redhead straightened up a bit at being addressed, and responded with a quick nod. They took a few steps towards the bushes. 
“Cool.” Gio craned his neck over the bushes, then through their lower brambles. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was looking for — a small, dollhouse-like structure beneath the leaves, or a glimmer of light? — but he saw nothing. He tugged on his backpack. “Do you want a walk back?” He tried.
They looked uncomfortable with the suggestion, slightly curling in on themself while they bared a set of awkwardly grimacing yellowing teeth. They shook their head for good measure, though Gio had already gotten the message. Understanding, but disappointed, he nodded. “Well, what if we meet up again sometime…?” Gio held out hope for another shot.
No harsh reaction immediately followed the inquiry, which Gio took for a good sign, though the long pauses of blank stares were equally just as unnerving. He held his breath while he waited for an answer, watching the little man thoughtfully square their jaw as their eyes quickly snapped to meet his, like they were searching for the source of an ulterior motive there. For some reason, Gio felt himself getting nervous — was he hiding something? He didn’t think so. Regardless, he did his best not to show it. 
When the little man found nothing in his eyes, they subtly let their jaw relax and rumbled an exhausted growl of relief. Their expression betrayed the sound, their brow still pulled tightly to their nose, upturned with worry — Gio had half a mind to ask if they always looked like that, though he was beginning to become more unsure if the question would be answered with a ‘no.’ But, even so, as they hesitantly shrugged — a response that could realistically be a polite decline, had the little man meant it that way — Gio was ecstatic. “That’s great!” He exclaimed, the cold nervousness that had seized him just moments before making way for a giddy feeling of enthusiasm. “What’s best for you? Should I come here, or do you want to start coming to me…?”
Shellshocked, but too reserved to correct Gio if their attention had been to deny, they slowly pointed at him. The man seemed fairly settled in his decision, though Gio was still a bit unsure of the agreement. “You want to come to me?” The little man nodded. “Okay, yeah! That works fine.”
He knelt on the boardwalk and leaned over the lip until he spotted the little red-headed man slightly tucked away into the foliage. “I live on Pacific, if that means anything,” he grinned, pointing through the trees and bushes, “It’s two walks over, just skip the first one — the gray house with the deck on the left is mine. I’m there pretty often, if you need anything. Or if you just want to say hi…?”
The little man glanced in the direction he was pointing, as if to politely consider the offer before giving their answer — then nodded. Gio, hovering upside down over the edge of the boardwalk, gave an excited thumbs up, “Great! My family’s fine, so if you see them, don’t get too concerned. But, uh, I’ll try to find time out there at night for myself, so you can talk to just me, if you want.”
The man didn’t respond this time, their expression only tightening a bit — an expression Gio couldn’t quite get the read on he would have liked. He left the conversation at that. “I hope you… feel better. Sorry, again, about everything.” A pause. “Yeah,” he added, “I’ll see you later… Have a good night, man.”
Gio stood, dusted off his knees and knocked the sand from his shoes, gave the tattered net a grim once-over, and had half a mind to break the thing over his knee — but, ultimately, decided against it after remembering the last time he was whacked from the recoil of a fishing pole. 
As he walked home, suddenly more aware of each footfall with the knowledge of the man who lived beneath the boardwalk, Gio let his mind wander to his family — how would they react to seeing a man a fraction of their size? Living, breathing, thinking? Would they take it well?
Should he even tell them…?
Gio let the thought ruminate. There was no guarantee they’d even see the little guy if he never told them about them. If the stranger showed up at their doorstep looking for a conversation, Gio was certain they’d hide from unknown family members, whether they knew about them or not — though, they’d probably appreciate it to hide without peering eyes… Gio shrugged to himself. He wouldn’t tell his family, to save everyone the hassle.
Plus, he wasn’t sure he had taken the news so well himself.
Sure, stumbling across the little guy in the gully left him fascinated and even more curious by the bizarre discovery, but he thought back to the feeling of the man in his palm… they couldn’t have weighed more than a few ounces — not even a pound — and when they stood before him for their silent conversation, Gio couldn’t help but notice how pale and thin their body was. 
Gio slowed his pace as he thought. Was the stranger hungry? Sick? He wished they had taken more food, if that was the case. He could spare it easily, though, with the way the little guy struggled to carry their cargo after the hopefully generous-enough offering, the issue seemed not to come in the offering, but in receiving. There was no way they could have comfortably brought more food home. Maybe he could bring some more interesting things next time he planned to look for the stranger again. Or, he could wrap a few provisions in some napkins and leave them on the little man’s doorstep, once he knew where it was. He just hoped the man was eating comfortably.
The idea that they weren’t bothered him. He’d never seen a person like that before, but the fact that there was one meant that there had to be more — were they all so thin? Hanging so closely to the threat of starvation that their skin pales and pulls tight to the bone? He hoped not. He hoped his little stranger was just an outlier. 
Gio realized, as he found himself a few paces from his doorstep, that he hadn’t been watching his feet while he was lost in thought about the nutrition of the little man. In a heart-wrenching panic, he glanced back at the boardwalk, dreading to find any unfortunate soul who’d wandered into his path, but thankfully found nothing in the dim reflection of moonlight off the wooden slats. He sighed, and resigned himself to his screen-paneled front door — where he made sure not to let it slam behind him, or let the hinges squeak too loudly.
As his phone’s clock turned past one-thirty in the morning, he turned its flashlight to the floor, kicked off his sneakers, and softly found his way up the stairs, around the bend of the hallway and—
Gio jumped, nearly dropping his phone, but catching it before it could make a parent-waking clatter. Shining his flashlight down the hallway, Nicolette poked her head from her open bedroom door. “Nico!” he hissed, narrowing his eyes at her through the darkness, “What?! Why are you even awake?!”
“It’s not that late. Plus, I heard you sneak out at eleven-thirty and wanted to know where you headed off to without inviting me.” Nicolette leaned against her doorway, “Were you hanging out with Monty again?”
Gio shrugged — it seemed as good a coverup as any, “Yeah. They wanted to sit over by the bay.”
“Why’d you have a net?”
Gio’s flashlight slightly faltered. He could feel this conversation twist itself into an interrogation as the moments passed and the questions became more detailed. It was rare that a Clark sibling conversation could last more than a few minutes without turning into some kind of debate, and it seemed Gio couldn’t save this one’s meager life. “How did you know I had a net?”
Nicolette gestured into her room with a shrug of her shoulders, “You’re not the only one with a window.”
He grit his teeth, “We were catching crabs.”
“What’re you?” Nicolette scoffed, “Seven?”
Gio turned back down the hallway to his own bedroom door and slid his bag inside before he whispered again, his voice exasperated, “Whatever! If you wanna keep talking, come over here. We’re gonna wake up mom and dad.”
His sister huffed, but pushed herself off her doorway nonetheless. She made herself comfortable on the foot of her brother’s bed and leaned her back against the neighboring wall as Gio closed the door behind them — making sure to give the hallway a quick, cursory glance, just in case.
Gio flicked on a lamp and shook some of the long-clinging sand from the legs of his pants — Nicolette fixed him with a studious gaze. He paused. “What?”
She narrowed her eyes, “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing’s going on with me,” Gio lied.
Nicolette ignored him. She pointed to the band-aid on his hand, “First, you come home with your hand mauled. Then, you wander off at night with a net, and won’t tell me where you went. What are you really trying to catch?”
“I told you already,” Gio shrugged, turning to rummage through his dresser for a set of pajamas, “it was a fly. And I was catching crabs with Monty.”
“Yeah, you know that’s not true,” Nicolette called his bluff, a triumphant smirk in her voice, “Plus, I can see your face getting red from here.”
She was right. Gio could feel his face getting warm, too. That always happened when he lied or started to get nervous. Usually, he’d find the chance to hide the pinkness of his cheeks before it got too obvious — his most common solution was to run away — but with his sister sitting so firmly on his only hope for safe haven, he’d have to resign himself to embarrassment. “Fine,” he rolled his eyes, “That’s not true.”
Nicolette perked up. “Okay… then tell me what is!”
Gio crossed his arms. He loved his sister, but he wasn’t going to let her strongarm him into giving up all his secrets so easily this time. Maybe he didn’t want to tell her. “Well, y’know, maybe I don’t want to tell you,” he echoed his own thoughts, “Why do you always need to know everything?”
She thunked her head against the wall, “It can’t be that serious.”
He shrugged, doing his best to keep his cheeks from turning red. He was lying in every way — not only verbally, to his sister, but to himself. It was that serious. “I don’t know. Maybe it is.”
“Ugh! Gio!” she exclaimed, her voice still a whisper, “Just tell me!”
He wanted to tell her badly. Gio took a deep breath, and he held it for a moment, trying to keep himself from spilling the entire story of the stranger right then and there — but, as he opened his mouth to exhale, the dam broke. “It’s a… little man?!” Gio could have shouted with all the pent-up bewilderment of the nights before, if not for his parents’ room just a few doors down, “Like, really little. I saw them and they bit me and then I just couldn’t… stop thinking about it! I think they live under the boardwalk.”
The room was silent. Nicolette fixed him with an incredulous stare, her eyes tinged with a softness of worry after her brother’s seemingly nonsensical story. “A little man…?”
“A little man.”
“Okay…” she started slowly, then cocked her head, “You're sure you’re not sick?”
Gio wiped a hand down his face with a tired groan as his cheeks turned even redder for a different, embarrassed reason. “Whatever,” he mumbled, and strictly pointed at the door, “Get out so I can go to sleep. If you want to actually listen, find me in the morning.”
Nicolette rolled onto her feet, resigning to let whatever tall-tale Gio was telling settle for the night. “Fine, fine.” She shrugged and pulled the door open, stepping into the hallway — but not without turning in a sharp about-face to leave her brother with a final threat, “Expect to hear from me tomorrow.”
He closed the door behind her, an unamused expression atop his still-rosy cheeks. With the quiet click of the door handle closing, he flopped heavily onto his mattress. For a moment, he stared blankly at the ceiling, an image of the little man forming in his memory to play back the motions of the night. He wanted to laugh. Sharing a granola bar with a stranger past midnight is a novelty story to begin with, but for that stranger to be a fraction of Gio’s own height was taking the story to an even further, funnier degree. 
He could feel his smile crack. It was funny. Gio quietly laughed to himself as he changed into his pajamas and began his nightly routine — silently down the hall, so as to not alert his parents, or possibly his sister again, who uncharacteristically kept her door open a crack as if to listen for any suspicious, brotherly noises. He thought of the little man in their home, wherever that may be, following a routine just the same as Gio’s as they prepared for bed. He hoped they enjoyed the peanut. And he hoped the chunk of granola bar would hold them over for a while, since it looked like a Thanksgiving turkey in their arms. 
He kicked up his bedsheets and slid beneath them, finally placing his glasses on the bedside table for the night with an exhausted sigh. Tomorrow, he’d have to find time in the night when he could convince his family to give him some space as he sat on the deck.
That was, if the little stranger even came to visit.
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eggcatsreads · 1 year
July Reading Wrap-Up
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Favorite Read of the Month:
A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland (GR review)
Once a young woman uncovers a dark secret about her neighbor and his mysterious new wife, she’ll have to fight to keep herself—and the woman she loves—safe in this stunning queer reimagining of the classic folktale The Selkie Wife.
Okay, so talking with my coworkers reveals that not everyone knows the story of The Selkie Wife folktale - so I'll give a brief synopsis.
Selkies - seal women who can shed their sealskin to become beautiful women (generally, folktales of selkies surround women, although I believe male selkies are believed to seduce women away from their husbands? I'm unsure.)
A fisherman sees a beautiful woman and wants to make her his wife, and instead of talking to her like a normal person, he steals her sealskin - trapping her with him. Selkies can't return to the ocean without their sealskins, nor can they venture far away from it. So to keep her trapped with him, he hides her sealskin. She's forced to be his wife, have kids, etc - until one day one of her children discovers her sealskin and she takes it and runs away to return to the sea. Except in this folktale it's sad that she left her children behind, because of fucking course it is. So it ends with the fisherman staring mournfully at sea, despite him being the legitimately worst person on earth.
SO! IF IN READING THIS, YOU WERE LIKE. HEY WHAT THE FUCK. Then this is the book for you. It accurately displays the violence and horror inherent in the folktale of The Selkie Wife, and also allows "the wife" to escape her "husband" to freedom - AND to find legitimate love along the way. The tension so beautifully ramps up that by the time it was fully happening I couldn't stop reading. Also, it's gay, which is always a point in its favor.
This book isn't out until next April, but I absolutely suggest adding it to your TBR and/or pre-ordering it because it is ABSOLUTELY worth it! I'll be making a separate review post sometime in March closer to the release date, as well.
Other Five Star Reads:
Song of Silver, Flame like Night by Amelie Wen Zhao
In a fallen kingdom, one girl carries the key to discovering the secrets of her nation’s past—and unleashing the demons that sleep at its heart. 
DO NOT BE FOOLED BY HOW BEAUTIFUL THE COVER IS - THIS IS AN INTENSE AND DARK FANTASY. LESS DAUGHTER OF THE MOON GODDESS AND MORE THE POPPY WAR. It's great, and tbh if I knew how intense the book would be I would have probably read it when it released - but unfortunately the cover made me think it was a fantasy series of intensity close to DotMG and I wasn't quite in the mood for that until now.
A Dream so Wicked by Tessonja Odette (series)
A Sleeping Beauty retelling in the world of magic and fae, in the Entangled with Fae series.
If you like fairytale retellings, and you like romance, then might I suggest the Entangled with Fae series by Tessonja Odette? I love all of her books in this series, and each one has been a great twist on the classic fairytale. So far she's done - Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty (this one).
The Spirit Bares It's Teeth by Andrew Joseph White (GR review)
London, 1883. The Veil between the living and dead has thinned. Violet-eyed mediums commune with spirits under the watchful eye of the Royal Speaker Society, and sixteen-year-old Silas Bell would rather rip out his violet eyes than become an obedient Speaker wife. After a failed attempt to escape an arranged marriage, Silas is diagnosed with Veil sickness and shipped away to Braxton’s Finishing School and Sanitorium. The facility is cold, the instructors merciless, and the students either bloom into eligible wives or disappear.
This book is visceral and intense, and really drives the horror home. It's claustrophobic, and you can feel the time limit approaching and the end of the line for Silas - and whether he can save himself or be sacrificed. Gothic horror historical fiction starring an autistic trans man main character, and this book is phenomenal.
Rest of Books Read Under the Cut:
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
And Break the Pretty Kings by Lena Jeong
Mirae was meant to save her queendom, but the ceremony before her coronation ends in terror and death, unlocking a strange new power within her and foretelling the return of a monster even the gods fear.
The Curse of Saints by Kate Dramis
As Spymaster to the Queen, Aya's blood oath ensures she protects those she fights alongside - including Will, the Queen's Enforcer and Aya's bitter rival. When rumors of dark magic rise in a nearby kingdom, both are sent to investigate. But when Aya's power acts beyond her gods-given affinity, she risks being turned into a weapon in a war she doesn't know how to win.
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall
Miss Maelys Mitchelmore finds her entry into high society hindered by an irritating curse. However, as the curse progresses to more fatal proportions, Miss Mitchelmore must seek out aid, even if it means mixing with undesirable company - Lady Georgianna Landrake. If one is to believe the gossip, she might be some kind of malign enchantress. Then again, a malign enchantress might be exactly what Miss Mitchelmore needs.
Mister Magic by Kiersten White (GR review)
Thirty years after a tragic accident shut down production of the classic children’s program Mister Magic, the five surviving cast members have done their best to move on. But with no surviving video of the show, no evidence of who directed or produced it, and no records of who—or what—the beloved host actually was, memories are all the former Circle of Friends has. Then a twist of fate brings the castmates back together at the remote desert filming compound that feels like it’s been waiting for them all this time.
If you read Candle Cove you'll like this horror novel.
The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill
A fifteen-year-old teenager is the backbone of her small Midwestern family, budgeting the household finances and raising her younger brother while her mom, a talented artist, weaves beautiful tapestries. Yet when her mom brings home a six-foot tall crane with a menacing air, the girl is powerless to prevent her mom letting the intruder into her heart, and her children’s lives. Utterly enchanted and numb to his sharp edges, her mom abandons the world around her to weave the masterpiece the crane demands.
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
Marion Shaw has been raised in the slums, where want and deprivation is all she knows. Despite longing to leave the city and its miseries, she has no real hope of escape until the day she spots a peculiar listing in the newspaper, seeking a bloodmaid. Though she knows little about the far north--where wealthy nobles live in luxury and drink the blood of those in their service--Marion applies to the position. In a matter of days, she finds herself the newest bloodmaid at the notorious House of Hunger.
If you know anything about the legend of Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess, this is the book for you.
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean (GR review)
Devon is part of The Family, an old and reclusive clan of book eaters. Her brothers grow up feasting on stories of valor and adventure, and Devon—like all other book eater women—is raised on a carefully curated diet of fairy tales and cautionary stories. But real life doesn't always come with happy endings, as Devon learns when her son is born with a rare and darker kind of hunger—not for books, but for human minds.
House of Cotton by Monica Brashears
Nineteen years old, broke, and effectively an orphan, Magnolia doesn’t have much to look forward to. One night while working at her dead-end gas station job, a mysterious, slick stranger named Cotton walks in and offers to turn Magnolia’s luck around. He offers her a lucrative “modeling” job at his family’s funeral home. When Cotton’s requests become increasingly weird, Magnolia discovers there’s a lot more at stake than just her rent.
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders. But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club find themselves in the middle of their first live case.
Books read so far this year: 82
How I rate books.
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coffeebanana · 2 years
Shameless Self-Promo, Part...Idk?
Since I haven’t done one of these things since January...here we go again with some fics I’ve written in the last few months. Planning on doing another post like this soon with fics I’ve read, but that will require a little more organization on my part, haha. Anyways...
Love Square
Put Your Head On My Shoulder - Aged up PRPR. Essentially, Adrien keeps trying to get Marinette to rest by asking for cuddles. Paper Me With Kisses - Aged up PRPR (again!). Marinette is keeps failing to confess her feelings to Adrien, so...she dresses him up as Box Noir? Build You Up - Post-Strike Back fic taking place the weekend after the events of the finale. School is one of the last places Adrien wants to be that morning, and as it turns out...he’s not the only one. Emotional Hurt/Comfort and Identity Reveal. Can’t Fool Me - Marinette and Adrien decide to impersonate their superhero partners for April Fool’s Day...What on Earth could go wrong with that plan? Fuzzy Blanket Feelings - Post-Hawk Moth defeat PRPR. Marinette and Adrien are staying at the Guardians’ temple while the Guardians try to wake up Émilie. Adrien cant sleep; he feels lonely, unwanted, and uncertain about his future. Luckily, he’s not the only one who wishes he had some company. In other words, there were two beds but one was ignored.
Rare Pairs
The Way I Am - Alyanette. Established relationship. Plotless fluff wherein Marinette makes a mess in an attempt to accomplish some guardian stuff Something I Need - Lukadrien. One-shot set in my Marigami College AU. The best boyfriends are the ones who can get you to put down the physics, remind you that your best is good enough, and drag you to bed with kisses. At least, that's how Adrien feels about Luka. Never Gonna Give You Up - Feluka. Everything seems to be going wrong about Felix’s trip to see his long-distance boyfriend, but Luka knows how to cheer him up just the same. Yes, the title is a rickroll but I swear it’s a real fic. Take On The World - Julerose. Juleka and Rose stay up late, reflecting on their relationship and sharing their hopes and worries for the future. so if you think it’s love, it is (and if you think it’s trust, it is) - Julenette with background Love Square and Julerose (Discussions of Polyamory). Dating Marinette...it's not something Juleka expected, but it's good. It's great, even. Except for the nagging voice in the back of Juleka's mind that insists Marinette's not entirely over Adrien, and the other voice insisting that Juleka's not entirely over Rose. But maybe...maybe neither of them have to choose.
WIPs (Please Pester Me To Finish These)
Happier (1/4 chapters complete) - Adrigaminette. Set after Truth and Lies. After her break-up with Adrien, Kagami tries to be happy when she sees Adrien and Marinette grow closer. She is happy for them. She just...can’t help but want that for herself. She can’t help but want them for herself. The Simple Life™ (2/3 chapters complete) - Having been told that the “rich kids” couldn’t last a week without their family money to keep them afloat, Adrien, Chloé, and Kagami plan to spend the next month living as roommates in a basic apartment. With a normal person's budget. Without any of them really knowing how to cook, or clean, or...what is it that regular people even do Sure, Chloé wants to cry for every single second of it, Kagami seems to have made it her life mission to annoy Chloé for every waking moment, and Adrien's ready to tear his hair out, but...whatever. They'll be fiiiiine. It can’t be that hard, right? ...Right? Softer Than His Stupid Shirt (5/15(?) chapters complete) - He was just a guy in a bar, she was just a girl in a bar...Until Marinette wakes up to find a naked stranger on her floor, only to realize he's not really a stranger, but the guy whose face is on half of the billboards of Paris. And holy crap, what is Adrien Agreste doing here when she's supposed to start an internship at his father's company today?
71 notes · View notes
kimnjss · 4 years
teach me | myg
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⤑ series: be my baby
⤑ pairing: rapper!yoongi x mom!reader
⤑ genre: fluff 
⤑ rating: PG13.
⤑ word count: 5.6K
⤑ warnings: there aren’t any, oop.
⤑ A/N: hello im here, lmao. this was supposed to be on time, but i slept for way longer than i planned... nd then i got lazy, so yeah. i hope you enjoy it, tho!! x
APRIL 26TH, 2020 | 11:18
The elevator doors close as she steps out, long dark hair tied nicely at the top of her head, the curled ends tickling the back of her satin top. The same short woman that had entered your house freely arms full of boxes of clothing Yoongi had bought for Hyunki. Her smile lights up her whole face, perfectly straight white teeth gleaming it almost pulls attention from the endearing dimple at the corner of her lips.
Waving widely when she spots you, lazily dressed in a pair of jeans that just so happened to be clean, a sweatshirt that you were sure belonged to Jungkook or Taehyung at one point. A complete contrast to her well put together attire, she probably had all the time in the world to match her shirt with her form-fitting skirts.
She's bending at the waist after acknowledging you with a sweet smile, now eye level with Hyunki who has not stopped scowling since you were unbuckling his car seat. It was safe to say, he wasn't in the best of moods.
With having to say goodbye to Joon last night and the fact he wanted pancakes for breakfast and you tried your hardest to make it the way 'Kookie-Hyung' did but failed. The fit he threw over that slowly dwindled into the silent treatment (something he was becoming very fond of). He didn't speak a word to you until you were taking him out of the car.
And that was only to tell you that he could walk on his own.
Now, though, with this strange woman in front of him; he's shifting closer to you. Tiny fist clutching at the fabric of your jeans. “Hi! You must be Hyunki?” She says brightly, reaching out for a handshake – like actually offering her hand out to a three-year-old. You hold back the urge to roll your eyes.
Hyunki eyes her palm for a moment, pondering what she expects him to do with it – no bout. Before he's dragging his eyes up to her face, realizing just how close she is to him. He takes a step back.
“We don't have to stand this close,” You detect the attitude in his voice and normally you'd be reminding him of his manners. Especially with people older than him. But the kid had a point, there was no reason for her to be in his face like that. 
Clearing her throat, slight embarrassment flashes through her eyes she stands. Straightening her shirt on her body. “I'm Jiso, by the way. Yn, right?” She tries, offering her hand out to you.
And you take it, pushing a smile onto your lips as you nod your head. “Where's Yoongi?” Lifting a bit on your tiptoes you peek over her shoulder as if he'd appear if you looked hard enough.
“Oh! He's on his way down. I just wanted to come say hi,” Her eyes shift back down to Hyunki, to find he's become fascinated with one of the toys he managed to smuggle out of the house. “They look so much alike,” Jiso seems in awe by her own words, by the fact a son could actually look like his father.
This time you're actually rolling your eyes, out of habit. It's subtle and automatic and if she notices it she doesn't say anything. The moment grows stale, awkward. She's shifting on her feet, looking between you and Hyunki with that smile on her face and you're considering scooping him up and going to wait for Yoongi in the car.
As if he had sensed your distress, Yoongi is stepping off the elevator with a hustle. The corners of his lips lifting until he's full-blown grinning as his eyes shift from you to Hyunki who has cracked his first smile since this morning.
“What's up, buddy?” Without a moment of hesitation, Yoongi is crouching down and lifting Hyunki off of the ground. He's curling into his side instantly, head falling on his shoulder as his eyes flutter closed. “Did he not sleep well last night?” His words directed to you, while Jiso stands on the sidelines – listening.
“He's in a bad mood. Joon left last night and he had a hard morning.” You don't miss the way his head lifts at the mention of Namjoon, on high alert now. Fully tapped into the conversation.
Quickly, you go over the 'need knows' for the day. The schedule Hyunki's on and certain things that calm him down. Signs that he's anxious or upset. Ways to avoid a meltdown. Yoongi nods along, taking the information you're giving him all while bouncing Hyunki on his side.
Jiso watching with hearts in her eyes the entire time. You're positive the girl hasn't blinked since Yoongi was stepping off the elevator. “Daddy's gonna get you something yummy for lunch, how does that sound?” Yoongi speaks softly to the little boy in his arms, who only nods – not pulling his attention from his toy.
“Call me if you need anything, okay?” He turns his head only for a moment to grant you a nod. “Don't worry too much, okay?” There's teasing in his tone and it's obvious he's noticed your reluctance.
Not that you had any problem leaving Hyunki with him, of course not – Yoongi was his dad and you wanted them to spend as much time together as they possibly could. You just knew how Hyunki was when he was grumpy, not wanting things to get out of hand where Yoongi was overwhelmed.
Yoongi overwhelmed was much like Hyunki grumpy. A mess.
Poking a gentle finger at his shoulder to let him know you mean business, “Call me.” You repeat. Turning your attention to Hyunki, your hand gently grasping his cheeks to pucker his lips. There's smile in his eyes despite the way he tries to fight it, still mad at you.
Standing this close, Yoongi can't help but admire you. The gentle slope of your nose, long lashes that dust over the tops of your cheeks. Cheeks bones that seem much more defined than he remembered. Jaw much more angled. Grown-up.
“I love you. I love you. And I love you.” A baby kiss sealing each confession that has your son grinning at the end of it. “You're gonna listen to daddy today, right? Who's the boss?”
Reluctant to say it, he rolls his big eyes before huffing out, “Mister Yoobi.” Had rehearsed it all of yesterday when you were first telling him that he'd be spending all day today with Yoongi.
“Good boy. Stay with daddy. And I'll come get you later?” He's nodding his head with a small smile, cheek finding Yoongi's shoulder as you lean down to press a kiss to his soft cheek. A tiny wave bye, before you're turning to leave – only to be stopped by the grasp on your elbow.
Yoongi gently dragging you back and he's got that look on his face. One that you're all too familiar with, could point it out in a lineup. The glint in his eye, the smirk on his lips. “Does daddy get a kiss too?” Voice gruff, words mumbled only for you.
Despite the rapid heating up of your cheeks, your eyes roll. “No,” Easily wiggling from his grasp before you're turning your attention back to Hyunki. “Goodbye. I love you.” You repeat with a grin, pressing a kiss to his forehead before stepping back.
He watches you until you're ducking into your car, rolling the window down to wave obnoxiously before driving off.
“Mommy should give Daddy kisses too, don't you think, Hyunki?” Yoongi's asking while handing over his son's backpack to Jiso, who had patiently been waiting for the couple moment to be over.
With a shrug of his shoulder, Hyunki continues fooling around with the toy in his hand. “She probably ran out.” The deadpan tone of his voice, a less mature version of the voice Yoongi uses when he's not interested in something. Like to the T.
“She can give me kisses and you kisses, Hyunki. They're different kisses, so she should have enough.” Now joined by his two bodyguards, Yoongi heads toward the back doors with his son in his arms.
Hyunki lets out a huff, pausing for a moment to eye the men that are now following him and his dad. He recognizes them as the ones who brought his gifts, so he's turning his attention back to Yoongi. “Mommy can give me kisses, duh. And Joonie too. So not enough.”
A stutter in his steps and a sideways glance to his son. Surprise written on his features, not expecting the familiar matter-of-fact tone to come out of such a small little human. Yoongi can't fight the laugh that falls from his lips, eyes rolling at his son's words.
“What do you want to eat?”
Hyunki is perking up instantly, eyes going wide. “Cheesecake!” He shouts with a raise of his little arms. With a laugh, Yoongi is nodding and securing him into his brand new car seat before sliding in the back beside him.
A bodyguard blocking Hyunki from the window and the other sat in the front seat. Leaning back against his seat, with his arms crossed over his chest, Yoongi gets comfortable as his driver pulls out of the parking space.
“Cheesecake Factory.” He directs, the smile on his face growing as Hyunki happily claps his hands.
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APRIL 26TH, 2020 | 13:02
That kid could eat. Yoongi is deciding with a smirk on his face as Hyunki finishes his second slice of cheesecake. Of course, that wasn't the only thing he ate. Much to Hyunki's annoyance, he was told to order some real food before dessert. 
He softened at the sight of the chicken tenders being placed in front of him, a large helping a fries set beside it. Digging in with a loud 'Thank you!' and the biggest of smiles on his face.
They're able to fall into easy conversation, Hyunki going on about what happened at the zoo, and how he never knew penguins were that huge. Laughing loudly when he talked about the way Taetae tried to talk to a tiger and how Kookie-Hyung got scared by a bear.
Yoongi listened the entire time, simply enjoying the sight of his son so excited to share. The stories continue throughout the car ride home, short stretches of silence falling among them before Hyunki is perking up.
“Did you know giraffes talk with their butts? Their mouths don't work or something.” He says as Yoongi straps him in his seat, reaching his hand to ruffle his hair before getting in beside him.
It's a moment before they start driving a quick exchange between Yoongi in the driver. Which lasted too long for Hyunki who is still waiting for an answer to his question. His small hand reaches out to gently tug on his sleeve to pull his attention.
“Dad, you have to listen because you don't know.” Yoongi's eyes are going wide at the name. But Hyunki is going on without missing a beat. Repeating his fun fact as normal. Then spewing ten more in the same breath.
Yet, Yoongi can't bring himself to focus. To take in the new information that he probably won't end up using anyway. The only thing he can hear is his son calling him 'Daddy' for the first time, making all of this so real. Min Hyunki. His little boy. His son. Trying to get his attention, wanting his attention while he speaks.
Warmth spreads throughout Yoongi's body as a smile breaks onto his features. Dad. He liked the sound of that. Who he was, who wanted to be. He was 'Dad' now.
“Are you even listening, Mister Yoobi?” Hyunki speaks as the car is being parked and he's realizing none of his fun facts have gotten a reaction. Back to 'Mister Yoobi' so fast, it must've been a fluke. Fantastic.
With a huff, Yoongi is shaking his head. “Sorry, buddy. My head was somewhere else. Tell me one more time.” Hyunki doesn't hesitate to restart his story, allowing Yoongi to pull him from his car seat, carrying him on his side as they enter the building.
This time, Yoongi is tuned into what his son is saying. Fascinated by how much he knows about animals, and wildlife, and just life and general. A lot more than an average three year old would know he's sure.
“Is that your favorite animal?” He asks as Hyunki finishes saying how Koala's sniff their leaves to know which is the tastiest. He nods with a wide smile, cheek resting comfortably on his shoulder. “I love them, they sleep so long too.”
Yoongi carries his son the entire way to his studio, setting him down once they've reached the door. Jimin had texted just twenty minutes before about how he, Jin, and Hobi had just arrived. Behind the door, ready to meet Hyunki.
Carefully advised by you, Yoongi takes to preparing him for what awaits on the other side of the door. In hopes to prevent any disastrous incident. The steps you laid out for him, echoing in his mind as he speaks – not wanting to mess anything up.
“Are you having fun with Daddy so far?” He asks, genuinely curious but also serving as a reminder for Hyunki. He nods quickly, smiling wide up at him. “I had two slices of cheesecake!” He grins as if Yoongi hadn't been there to watch the kid inhale them.
“You did. Daddy has some friends that want to meet you. Only three of them,” He holds up his hand to show three fingers. “Daddy likes them a lot. Do you think you want to say 'Hi'?”
Hyunki's nose is scrunching at the mention of new people. A concept he's not all too fond of. He liked the people that he knew and didn't understand why his Mommy and now his Daddy was always adding someone new.
Saying 'Hi' won't hurt, though, right? He didn't want to be rude because he knew that Mommy wouldn't like that. She always said it was good to greet people when they want to meet you. So, just saying hi is fine.
Slowly, he's nodding his head. Causing a smile to spread over Yoongi's lips. “Great. If you don't like them, you tell me. I'll kick them out.” There's laughter in his voice, but Hyunki takes his joke seriously. Mister Yoobi was on his side if these new friends were too scary for him.
Quickly typing in the code to open the door with one hand, Yoongi holds onto his son's hand with the other. The light beeps green before the door is pushing open, revealing his studio.
The size of a one bedroom apartment, complete with instruments, monitors, soundboards, a recording booth tucked in the corner. A shower across from that which held a few of his clothes for the nights he spent in here. Fridge fully stocked with drinks and snacks for those nights as well, neatly placed by the large L-shaped couch pushed against the wall.
A lot of his time was spent in this room, so he wanted to make it as homey as possible. His friend's appreciated that too.
Hobi sat upright on the couch, scrolling through his phone with one hand while he toyed with Jin's hair with the other. Head rested on his thigh as he chatted with Jimin across the room who was playing a computer game, only half-listening to the words coming from his elder's mouth.
The sound of the door slamming shut is catching Jimin's attention before anyone, his head turning toward the sound. “Is that him?” He rushes, eyes wide as he scrambles to his feet.
Hyunki is quick to shuffle behind Yoongi's leg, hands grasping his pant leg just as he had done with his mother earlier. Jimin puts a slow to his steps noticing the kid's actions, pushing an easy smile on his face.
“He's a bit shy,” Yoongi explains, bending to pick his son off of the floor. Holding him to his side. “Look, buddy, see. These are my friends. That's Park Jimin, Jin, and Hobi.” Pointing as he introduces them.
The small boy stares at Jimin from his comfortable position in his dad's arms. Studying the man that stands before him, from his pink hair to his black boots. Then all of a sudden, he's pushing his hand out, smiling big. “I'm Hyunki!”
Jimin laughs, stepping forward to take the small hand into his. He shakes it, watching the way Hyunki's smile grows until it's a spitting image of his dad's gummy smile. “Absolute insanity.” He says with a shake of his head, dropping the little boy's hand before lifting his to ruffle his hair.
“You look exactly like your daddy.”
Hyunki's head is whipping to the side, studying the features of his father's face for a moment before he's turning his attention back to Jimin. “Thank you.” He says with a nod of his head, wiggling as a signal to be let down.
Yoongi does just that, setting him on his feet as he walks further into the room. “How's hanging out with him without Yn?” Speaking in a bit of a whisper, Jimin steps closer to Yoongi to deliver his words.
“It's actually been alright, we went to eat and-,” Yoongi fills his friend in on his time with his son while Hyunki takes deliberate steps across the room. Stopping in front of the couch where Hobi and Jin sit.
Hands propped on his hips, he stares the two of them down. Jin is staring right back with a squint, determined to win this unspoken staring contest while Hobi watches on amused.
“What's up, baby Yoongi?” Hobi is breaking the silent exchange after a few moments pass. Hyunki's eyes shifting from Jin up to Hobi. “Shit, he looks exactly like you. Fucking insane.” Words delivered to Yoongi with wide eyes.
Lowering himself at his computer desk, Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Don't curse in front of the kid. Yn will chop my shit.” Never a blatant discussion had between the two of you, but he figured it was safe to assume that you didn't want your kid with a trucker's mouth.
“You're bad at this,” Jin speaks with a laugh, sitting up from his seat as he offers Hyunki a high-five. He's quickly slapping his hand onto his, a large smile breaking onto his features.
Hyunki is back to exploring the room in an instant, slowly becoming comfortable with his surroundings. His daddy's friends were a lot different than the too big smiling people that he sometimes met when he was out with his Mommy.
They always got too close, voice raising too high when they talked to him. Daddy's friends were different. Calmer. Hyunki liked that. Able to relax like he is when he's with Taetae or Kookie-Hyung, and even Joonie now.
His eyes are widening at the side of the familiar instrument in the corner of his room. Tiny feet carrying him as he rushes to it. “Mister Yoobi, you didn't say you had a pinado!?” He's grinning as he looks back to where Yoongi is sitting.
“Yeah. You want to look at it?” Yoongi is standing long before Hyunki is nodding his head. Making his way out to him and easily lifting him onto the piano bench while scooting beside him.
As soon as he's lifting the cover, Hyunki's fingers are reaching for the keys. His back is straightening and as soon as his fingers begin to move a melodic rhythm fills the studio. It isn't super complex, just a few notes repeating over and over but Yoongi is in awe at the sight of his son effortlessly playing the piano right before his eyes.
“Where did you learn to do that?” Yoongi is asking just as Hyunki finishes his first melody and starting a new one.
With his eyes focused on his fingers, he shrugs a shoulder. “Taetae showed me. But it's easy.” Of course, it'd be easy, do you know who your dad is? The response is fresh on Yoongi's tongue, but he doesn't say anything.
To enthralled at the pure talent of his son. Three years old, able to make a tune. Fingers barely able to reach the flat keys, but he manages with slight effort. He can recognize the song as a nursery rhyme but altered with an original twist. Genius.
“Here, let daddy show you something.” Yoongi is reaching for his son with easy, lifting him from his part of the bench and setting him onto his lap. He brings his own hands to the keys, playing the beginning notes of one of his songs. The last song on his latest album.
Hyunki's eyes are wide as he watches the movement of his dad's finger. An actual song, he can tell. “Did Taetae teach you too?” He's asking, twisting his body so he can get a good look at his face.
A soft laugh lights his features as he shakes his head. “Nope. Daddy taught himself.” The littlest of gasps is leaving Hyunki's lips as he turns to face the keys again. Hands lifting to cover his father's before he's tilting his head back to look at him.
“Teach me too, then.” 
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APRIL 26TH, 2020 | 19:23
As the hours ticked on, Hyunki became more and more comfortable with Yoongi and his friends. He went from playing the piano (halfway learning one of Yoongi's songs) to watching videos on Jimin's phone.
As someone who doesn't usually let anyone touch their phone, Jimin was oddly quick to offer up the device when Hyunki he was complaining that he was bored. Cueing up video after video, with the sole purpose of making the young boy laugh.
From there he was moving on to show off his toy to Hoseok, pulling it apart and quickly putting it back together while he oohed and awed at the display. The two of them were quickly falling into a game of imagine, Hobi making sound effects as they went along.
And before long he was settling beside Jin on the couch, leaning on him as the adults discussed where they'd go for dinner. It had only been one minute since Hyunki whined about being hungry, the snacks that were given to him not cutting it anymore.
“What about you, Mister Hyun? What do you want to eat?” Hyunki perks up at the new attention, finger tapping against his chin as he thinks about the options that he could possibly have.
He doesn't think for long, seeming to have what he wanted picked out before he was even brought into the conversation. “Pizza!” He shouts with a clap of his hands, eyes lifting to find Yoongi who seems to be contemplating the suggestion. “Pizza, Mister Yoobi?” A slight pout taking over his features, brows turned in.
Jimin finds a pizza place pretty quickly on his phone and it's not long before the five of them are filing out of the business and into the cars.
Hours have passed since then. While they were out, Yoongi was struck with a certain bit of inspiration. All the new feelings of spending time with his kid, hanging out with his friends, things finally seeming a bit more clear with you... he's giddy to get back to the studio to work.
“Can Park take me out for ice cream?” Hyunki is asking with the sweetest of smiles, Jimin a few steps behind him flashing a matching convincing grin. Yoongi is nodding his head instantly, laughing at the loud 'Yay!' that leaves both of their lips before they're turning to leave the room – Jin and Hoseok trailing behind them.
Yoongi's sat at his desk when you arrive, your sharp knock pulling him from his musical world. He's pulling the door open a few moments later, his lips lifting into the smile once he's seeing you.
Dressed differently from this morning. Instead of the comfy clothes you had dropped Hyunki off in, you're wearing a dress. One that hugs your body nicely, but still casual enough to be worn with sneakers. And that's not it, you've put on makeup. The whole ordeal, from lashes to lipstick.
And he's seriously fighting the urge to kiss you. Fuck, how long it's been since he's kissed you.
Leaning forward, you poke your head into the booth, searching its emptiness just like you had done in the first room. Turning, your brows furrow as you look up at your ex. “Where's Hyunki?”
“The guys took him out for ice cream.”
You're nodding at his words, lowering yourself onto the couch across from him. The same couch for some reason kept up in the time that passed but still old. It was the only thing you recognized about the studio. His higher status in the company granting him with all these new perks, it seemed.
“You didn't want to go?” Yoongi's settling into the seat across from you at his desk. “I wanted to wait for you.” There's obvious sweetness in his tone and you can't deny the easy effect he has on you.
Even when he's saying something as simple as that. Something so plain. Of course, he'd wait for you, he knew you were on your way. So duh, he'd want to wait for you. That didn't stop the flutter in your heart, though.
“What did you guys do today?” This was weird. Filling the silence with small talk. Footing not quite right between the two of you, still figuring things out between each other. You wanted to focus to be on Hyunki and Hyunki alone, but that didn't take away from the fact of how badly he wanted to touch you.
And not even in the sexual sense. Well, yes in the sexual sense – but that wasn't it. He missed being able to hold your hand, play with your face, wrap his arms around your waist. He just missed you. Even now when you were sitting right in front of him. He still missed you.
But like you said, for Hyunki's sake. “A lot. Took him for lunch and dinner. Hung out around here. I taught him how to play a song on the piano.” The smile that takes over your features sets a stutter in Yoongi's heart.
But he ignores it.
“He's getting real good at that.” Of all the times you found him practicing with Taehyung. Adamant to get every last key correct, annoyed each time he'd mess up, starting over from the top every single time. Just like his dad.
You'd be a fool to say you didn't wish things turned out differently. That you had never left and the two of you could've raised Hyunki together. It was crazy how similar the two of them were and they didn't even know each other.
Imagine if they had. How special that would be.
“You want to hear something I've been working on?” He speaks to fill the silence and you're instantly perking up – nodding your head. One of your favorite things was to hear his unfinished work, he'd always ask you for your opinion and it made you feel that much more connected to him when he was taking your advice.
It's natural, how fast you stand as he's scooting back from the computer desk. Don't even think as you're lowering yourself into his lap before he has the chance to get up for you to sit. Something he had entirely planned on doing.
As soon as your bum is settled on his thigh, you're realizing your mistake. Eyes going wide, but you don't move. You're committed at this point so you're acting as if your heart didn't just enter a hundred-yard sprint and leaning back against his chest.
“Show me.”
Yoongi's hesitant at first. Not sure if he should move or move you, but at the same time not wanting to do anything about it. He finds comfort in having you this close. The smell of your sweet shampoo tickling his nostrils. You haven't changed it. You didn't seem to have a problem with this, so why should he? Right?
Why should he? So he's lifting his arm to wrap around your waist with swiftness, pulling your body tighter against his as he reaches for the headphones that lay on his desk. He's securing them on your head with one hand, not willing to unwrap his arm from around you to use both.
“It's only half-finished, but be honest.”
There aren't any words. But you can already tell it's much different from the type of music he's usually putting out. Brighter. Instead of the heavy notes he usually uses, this one sounds more fun? 
Something that could potentially be sung along to. Was he planning on singing? The beat shifts and you assume that's where the chorus would be. More bass is added to the sound. Was he going to dance too?
This was so different, but you liked it. Like a lot. Excited to see what he'd do with this since the poppy tune was so unlike him. The beat slows toward the end and even though he isn't listening, he's perking up when it's fading out.
Watching you expectantly, almost nervously as he waits for your input. He too noticed the different approach he had when creating this beat. Determined to try something new, detached from the last two albums he released. Something to stand on his own, that would make fans go: Oh, he can do that too?
“It's really good.” You say first to ease his worries. “Like scary good, you know? It's not what you expect when you turn on Agust D... but I don't know? I like it.” The corners of his lips lift at your praise, you could literally see the nervousness melting away.
It's only gone for a moment before worry is striking his brow again. Teeth tugging at his lower lip gently. “You're not just saying that, right? You think people will like it?” You can't help the smile that breaks onto your features at his words, hand instantly reaching forward to grasp his chin.
Like you've done a million times before. Something you'd began to do to Hyunki too when he was feeling some type of way. Yoongi's lips pucker from the push of your hand, eyes widening as you lean in – almost certain that you're going to kiss him. But you don't, well not exactly. Your lips are finding his forehead, landing two short kisses to his skin.
“You're so serious.” You mumble, not thinking much of it.
If this were three years ago, it wouldn't be a big deal. Sort of your catch phrase when he was stressing himself out about things he didn't have to worry about. Things that were out of his control. It's only after you're seeing the way he's looking at you do you realize it's not three years ago.
Ready to throw caution to the wind, not a care in the world. Just you. In his arms, putting his lips on him. He didn't care where. After so long without your touch, he'd settle for anything at this point.
Obviously too comfortable in this space, on his lap, things started to feel familiar and you acted out of turn. Inappropriate. You were the one that asked not to pursue anything, so what were you doing?
An apology fresh on your tongue, as you pull your body from his grasp. Ready to assure him that you were caught up and that that... that was just a slight relapse. The words don't leave your lips, though – because the door is bursting open and loud laughter is instantly filling the room.
“Mommy! You came back for me!” Hyunki is yelling over the ruckus, climbing out of Jin's grasp and bolting in your direction.
A forced laugh leaves your lips, the awkward tension taking a while longer to dissipate, you lower yourself to scoop Hyunki off of the floor. “Of course, I'd come back for you, baby. Did you have fun with daddy, today?”
“I had two slices of cheesecake and ice cream!” The amount of sweets not something you'd usually root for, but you hold back on chastises either of them. Still stunned from how you acted, how you almost acted.
“That's good, baby. I'm so happy for you. Why don't you give daddy hugs, we gotta go get ready for bed.” Hyunki's nodding at your words, climbing from your arms to Yoongi's outstretched ones.
He sets his cheek on his chest, small arms wrapping around him as he squeezes. Yoongi's slow at lifting his arms, holding his kid close once he finally does. “I'll see you tomorrow, okay, buddy?”
Hyunki nods with a smile, turning his attention to the boys that have sprawled around the room. “You guys can come see me tomorrow too!” He shouts and much to your surprise, Jimin is the first to agree.
Taking his time to say goodbye to everyone and you wait patiently until he's saying he's ready to go. He's leading you out of the room as if he owns the place. As if he's been there a million times and you're the one that needs the guide.
Yoongi watches as you go, a measly smile offered in his direction before you're turning the corner. Despite not being able to see you anymore, he didn't look away. Still trying to wrap his head around what just happened.
You had kissed him. On the forehead, yeah. Seemed like a high-five in comparison to all you've done before. But it was something. Something after nothing in years. And now he was determined. More ready than before to fix things with you.
More than ready to be a family.
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— when the love of his life suddenly vanishes, he drives himself mad looking for her. seemingly erased from the world, he’s forced to pick up the pieces of his life and move on… fast forward three years and someone who looks a lot like the woman he lost is being spotted, holding a kid with an oddly familiar gummy smile…
⟲ masterlist ⟳
⇝ taglist: @randomkoalablog​​​​​​​​​ @smoljams​​​​​​​​​ @dee-ehn​​​​​​​​​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​​​​​​​​ @hehehehahahohohuhu​​​​​​​​​ @sw33tnight​​​​​​​​​ @butterflylion​​​​​​​​​ @withlovestudyblr​​​​​​​​​ @soulstaes​​​​​​​​​ @bangtansonyeondayyyum​​​​​​​​​ @samros95​​​​​​​​​ @korkanswers​​​​​​​​​​ @houseofarmanto​​​​​​​​​​ @marifujioka​​​​​​​​​​ @tae165​​​​​​​​​​ @uxwi​​​​​​​​​​ @jinhitwhore​​​​​​​​​​ @preciouschimine​​​​​​​​​​ @yeontanie21​​​​​​​​​​ @aa-ronpa​​​​​​​​​​ @taefect94​​​​​​​​​​ @lee-karliah​​​​​​​​​​ @codeinebelle​​​​​​​​​​ @mochibabycakes​​​​​​​​​​ @diminieshoe​​​​​​​​​​ @fuddyize​​​​​​​​​​  @soloikeadates​​​​​​​​​​ @0xmysticx0​​​​​​​​​​ @bbyjoonies​​​​​​​​​​ @amoreguk​​​​​​​​​​ @tricethecharm​​​​​​​​​​ @diminieshoe​​​​​​​​​​ @jayyayyy17​​​​​​​​​​ @softlyjins​​​​​​​​​​ @bangtan-noona​​​​​​​​​​ @fan-atic-blog​​​​​​​​​​ @fuck-expectations-people​​​​​​​​​​ @paradisetaemin​​​​​​​​​​ @nyamjinnie​​​​​​​​​​ @lilacdreams-00​​​​​​​​​​ @vsugakookie0104​​​​​​​​​​ @koostime​​​​​​​​​​ @la-evforia​​​​​​​​​​ @betysotelo18​​​​​​​​​​ @chocobetterknot​​​​​​​​​​ @simplysanha​​​​​​​​​​ @delicategukkie​​​​​​​​​​ @kookieswithtaeq​​​​​​​​​​ @jeon-ggukkie​​​​​​​​​​ @angjeon​​​​​​​​​​
⇝ taglist: @bangtansbun @flamboyant-louie @elliemeetsevil @angiexyoung @stonyiscanon @strawberryforever25 @mipetronella @rageyoudamnednerd @hellotherehoneybee @joonies-babyy @mypurplelamp @jikooksgirl19 @sushi-date-ghost @bigimpression @kookiesjoonies @amour-quinn @diamonddia-mond @alterlovess @gemad08 @daydreambrliever @acc3ssdenied @silentlyimpractical @bella-victoria002 @ashleyjoyx @yoooonie @btsbed @sungieshines @thia-aep @taeshuworld @hopiebabie @trynavibewhileicry @illwritetomorrow @kookoo-kachoo @prettxyliies @triviasjms @ratking101 @elephantdoors @feel-like-gold @kelitt @itsponybeaches @alpaca1612 @jeonkookiebangtan @rather-not-sayy @kimsouthjoon @seokjiniebabie @wisenerdcreator @cosmicflwr @kookie-monsteur @donghae-bae @sugalarity93 @eugeneliem @morgstreet  @niieceyy @thefouranemoi @ayasanuwu @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @izzyexe @justzeera @xjoonchildx @pjmcth @fizziefizzco @monetsberet @killaqueeeennnn @mayumioutloud @mygsbae @fakeluvrm @lovingele @tetekiim @masterpiecejoonie @tiddieshakeshownu @kuppyjiminie @xlovelyyoongix  @beeeb05 @comically-sleep-deprived @spillthetaesissy @kerikaaria @ephyra1230 @hajiraa06 @bburninggoldd @luvsoobin @agustneeds @fromthedt @hecticwonderer @cuteipat @hispoutylips @moonlitmyg​ @fanfics-for-fun @ruinsofangels @untainted-memories @ughtear​ @hopetookmysoul​ @unicornnomore​ @jungkookspromise​ @namjoonbaby​ @vantaexx​ @apurpledheart​ @rjsmochii​ @ladyartemesia​ @bangpink123​ @jrobmorebangtan​ @baabelleer​ @midkpjm​ @kthvhs​ @trinityxsope​ @thecityrain​ @princecalpal​ @honeyspillings​ @kim-ji-hyeons-world​ @hyungaway​ @agustdakasuga​ @namjoonsleftankle​ @notasunshine​ @abyssiniandissociation​ @taegix94​ @alison-renee​ @somewhereinthestarss​ @salty-for-suga​ @simplymemyself​ @hear-me-growl​ @ggukkieland​ @hisunshiine​ @ephyra16​ @yoong-i​ @diorhobii​ @lexy9716​ @psiphidragon​ @ireneterea​ @crazyboutjooni​ @mvltimoon​ @barbikatherine​ @adoringinsanity​ @g0lden-sunset​ @thefiresfromheaven​ @nanied93​ @sunshine-ybba​ @sakura-uji​ @bbyxiumin​ @snortyport​ @haveumetbadeth​ @abra-cadabra-jin​ @bangtandongsaeng​ @sixwestonrd​ @yoongs-jeontae​ @agirlintheparkjimin​ @1-800-jinsoul​ 
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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mf-despair-queen · 3 years
Partners in Crime - Lee Taeyong
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Pairing: Lee Taeyong/Reader - Mafia AU
Word Count: 17,864
Summary: Y/N meets the man of her dreams one day randomly on the street. Little does she know - he is the boss of a mafia in town. But does she care? No. They were partners in life - and partners in crime. 
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, I am too lazy to put more to this. 
Notes: April Fools - I’m actually posting! I’ve only had this sitting in my drafts completed for over 3 months. Be warned - I didn’t really proofread this. But it’s fine. everything is fine! Enjoy! 
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“You should have left while you could…”
“You know that wasn’t a choice.” A hand slid into his.”We are partners in crime after all. If you go down, I’m going down with you. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and I will never regret it.”
A small smile graced the man’s face, lacing his fingers with yours. With a reassuring squeeze and the click of his gun in his right hand, he glanced to his side. 
“I honestly knew this day was going to come eventually. I knew I would go down one way or another,,” he rasped, tucking the gun once more into the back of his jeans. His eyes locked on yours before continuing, “But I’m glad that I have you by my side.”
You smiled at him before placing a tender kiss to his lips, your free hand carefully placed on his bandaged shoulder. His eyes closed, relishing in the feeling and taste of your lips on his. The screams from outside the building fell on deaf ears. The threats made went unheard. In those ten seconds, it was just the both of you, embraced by the calm emotions shared between your forms. Silent tears slid down your cheeks from fear and sadness, knowing your impending fate, but he wiped them away gently after pulling away. His lips dragged down yours as he backed away solemnly, wishing this wouldn’t be the end.
“I love you,” he mumbled just loud enough to be heard. 
“I love you too,” you repeated, taking his hand and preparing to stand and face the gallows of red and blue lights flashing through broken windows and bent blinds. “I always will, Taeyong.”
“Excuse me!” The young man called, though his calls went unnoticed. Heavy footsteps fell along the concrete as he attempted to catch your retreating figure, clutching the book you dropped while rapidly making your way down the road. When he finally caught up and tapped your shoulder to get your attention, he understood why you ignored his calls. 
With a jump in shock, you turned to the red haired man in awe. Earbuds were tucked deep in your ears, soothing jams filling your mind as you moved. Time stood still when your eyes met his deep brown ones, your heart jumping slightly. Before you stood a handsome man, mid-twenties if you had to guess, with sweet, angelic eyes, fluffy hair draping across his forehead and shielding the small slit in his eyebrow, and the sharpest jaw you had ever encountered. 
He wore a simple red wool shirt that hugged his neck and lean torso, a thin black hoodie and a puffed gray vest that was decorated in red designs. Black jeans hugged his slim waist, a black belt wrapped through the looks, and black vans covered the white socks on his feet. Three sparkling earrings dangled from his left ear, a ring adorning his left helix and one single stud rounded out his jewelry. 
Realizing that all you were doing was staring, the man awkwardly smiling and uttering mumbled words through your music, you tugged the earbuds out. “I’m sorry about that,” you whispered sheepishly. “Music.”
“I get it,” he chuckled deeply. His voice was smooth and sweet, the underlying rasp making your heart jump a second time. “I don’t mean to bother you, but I saw you drop this earlier.”
He extended the book towards you, your eyes widening at his gesture. Carefully, you took the book from him, glancing into your small bag to find it empty. “Oh my god. I didn’t even realize it fell out. Thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem at all,” he laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets. “It’s the least I could do to help a beautiful girl.”
A blush spread along your cheeks, a shy smile growing on your lips. Tucking the book safely back into your bag, you glanced at the handsome man. “Well, can I know the name of the lovely gentleman that returned my book and made my trip to the cafe to read not in vain?”
He smiled, extending a hand toward you. “I’m Taeyong.”
You took his hand, finding it warm and soft. “Y/N.”
“It’s a pleasure, Y/N.”
“Same,” you chimed. “Well Taeyong, how can I ever repay you for this?”
“Oh, you don’t have to-” he started to say, sealing his lips when you shook your head.
“Please, I insist! I really appreciate what you did. I would have lost it in the middle of the cafe if I found I lost this book. It’s my favorite and it was a gift from my sister,” you confided. “I want to repay you somehow. Please?”
“Well,” he started, rubbing his lips together. His eyes narrowed and his lips curled into a cheshire-like smirk. “You could let me buy you a coffee.”
You giggled at his suggestion, tucking some hair behind your ear. “I’d like that, but only on one condition.”
“You join me for said coffee?”
Taeyong chuckled, nodding happily. “I’d love that.”
A smile grew on your face, butterflies fluttering rampantly inside your stomach. You could feel a small blush spreading across your cheeks as your looked up at the handsome man. “Great. Shall we get going?”
Taeyong smiled back, his glowing smile infectious. “Lead the way, beautiful,” he uttered. You nodded, turning on your heel and leading him towards your original destination - Haru & Oneday - with Taeyong at your side. His hands were tucked deep in his pockets as you walked, a happy hum coming from the man. “So, tell me about yourself.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “That’s a deep conversation. I hope you know that.”
“I have time.”
A skip inside your chest, a knot of excitement in your gut, a flash of heat across your face despite the chilled weather of December.
The entire afternoon was spent talking, tucked into a small corner of the cafe. The second you arrived, Taeyong asked what you wanted. While he ordered your coffee, you picked a secluded place to talk, knowing the book you planned to read that day would go untouched. You were more interested in the mysterious man that captivated you on the street, kindly returning your lost item. 
And learn about him you did. He was a kind soul, living in the same building as a bunch of friends that he worked with in business. He enjoyed singing and dancing in his free time, spitting a rap that made you laugh and clap in excitement. He liked to cook, but you figured out that he had a massive sweet tooth more than anything from the way he devoured a whole slice of chocolate cake by himself. The smile that lit up his face as he ate the decadent treat made you smile happily. 
You told him your story - where you were from, growing up in Busan, your love for cooking and reading. You even told him about the boring desk job you worked to pay for the small apartment you had. You lived an ordinary, boring life in your opinion, but Taeyong listened intently, taking interest in the little things that made you happy. 
Just as the sun was setting and his phone was ringing, presumably from his friends asking where he had disappeared to, did you agree to wrap up for the day. Taeyong slipped from his seat first, but not before sliding a folded napkin in your direction. 
“I enjoyed spending the day together, Y/N,” he mused, pocketing his hands. “I’m glad I was able to meet you today. It really made my day better. I hope we can do it again sometime.”
He waved before walking off, leaving you to gather your stuff. Just as you were finishing, you glanced at the napkin he left. Your stomach flipped and your heart raced, finding his phone number written on the paper, a cute doodle of himself, and the simple words of Call me? printed underneath. Tucking the napkin in your bag, you left the cafe, thanking the owners on your way out.
It was dark by the time you arrived home, closing the front door with a soft click of the lock. Your shoes were left forgotten in the doorway, headed straight for a shower to wash away the day’ odor. Finishing your nightly routine, you returned to the bag you left on your bed, sitting on the plush mattress. Your fingers tugged out the napkin, your lip tugged between your teeth as you contemplated shortly.
Your fingers moved without much though, grabbing your phone and typing the number into a new contact. The message you sent him was simple.
To: Taeyongie - Hey. This is Y/N. I just wanted to thank you again for today. It was great meeting you and getting to know you. I hope we can do it again sometime. 
His response didn’t take long.
From: Taeyongie - I’m glad you messaged me. I was worried for a bit that I wouldn’t get to hear from you again. 
From: Taeyongie - I’m glad I got to meet you too. You really brightened up my day, so for that, I have to say thank you.
From: Taeyongie - I can’t wait to see you again.
Your heart was aflutter, sinking into your bed and rereading the message a few times. You were glad you decided to brave the cold and travel to your favorite cafe, even if you hadn’t intended to almost lose your book and meet a gorgeous gentleman that seemed to steal your heart from under your nose already. After many failed relationships through school and early adulthood, you didn’t think you’d find someone like him that would sweep you off your feet so easily. 
When your phone buzzed again, making you jump slightly in shock, you reread his last message three times before your eyes grew wide.
From: Taeyongie - Though next time, I hope you’ll allow me to take you out for a proper first date.
Your fingers shook as you tried to type a coherent response, 
To: Taeyongie - I’m looking forward to it.
He really was one of a kind.
Nearly four months after meeting Taeyong, you were head over heels for the man. You talked to him daily, waking up to sweet messages wishing you a good day and falling asleep to messages bidding you sweet dreams. You had learned much about the man, finding yourself falling deep into the abyss of his chocolate colored eyes. You were wrapped around his finger, though not in a bad sense. He had stolen your heart, and you were willing to let him keep it.
Every other week, you found yourself going out with the man when you weren’t at your house together. When you chose to stay in, you would be wrapped up on your couch or in your bed watching movies while his fingers ran through your hair soothingly, or the tips of his fingers ghostling along your arms. You’d make dinner together, play games together, and even go out to walk Ruby together when he brought the small dog over for your amusement. You’d occasionally find yourself dancing together around the house, singing whatever song he decided to play for you, but you never once hated these moments. They were some of your favorites.
But he would insist on taking you out to dinner, treating you kindly to a romantic date that consisted of expensive dinners or trips to random places - the arcade and the beach being recurring destinations. He’d never let you pay, sometimes making you wonder how he could afford the expensive meals - he never did clarify what his job was - but you wouldn’t decline the dates if it meant you could see him. After the second date, he would always tentatively kiss you goodnight, the connect short and sweet, leaving you craving more. You never shared more than that - though you wished you did.
Tonight was one of those nights. Taeyong had sent you a sweet morning greeting, telling you that he was going to take you out for dinner that night. He didn’t specify where - only to dress elegantly, finishing with a cheesy remark that you always looked fabulous. He planned to pick you up at six sharp, leaving you the rest of the day to clean around the house and prepare for your fancy date. 
At five, you jumped in a shower, dressing in a lacy set of red lingerie before doing your hair and make up. You picked a sleek black dress from your closet - an expensive present you had gotten from your family one year but never found reason to wear - that would accentuate your curves, but not flaunt you in a promiscuous way. The skirt flared out against your thighs and the top hugged your chest, not being too showy around your cleavage. You wanted to impress the man, not make it seem like a slut. You finished with a pair of low heels and minimal jewelry consisting of earrings and a necklace Taeyong insisted he buy you on your third date.
Exactly at six, he was knocking on your door, holding a bouquet of roses in his hands. He smiled brightly, tilting his head cutely in greeting. The silver earrings swung with the movement, a few loose strands from his slicked back hair flopping loose. He wore a red and black checkered jacket over a black and white checkered button up shirt, tight black jeans with rips in the knees hugging his lean waist. 
“Hey beautiful,” he greeted, extending the flowers towards you. “These are for you.”
“You know you didn’t have to, Tae,” you giggled, taking the flowers from him and relishing in the delicate aroma they offered. “But they are beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I know I didn’t have to but they always make you smile,” he mused with a smile. He watched you rush to put the flowers in a vase before grabbing your purse, locking the door on your way out. His arms wrapped around you, hanging loosely at your side as he stared down at your smiling face. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you murmured with a light blush, running your hands up his arms, resting on his biceps. “You don’t look half bad yourself. Not that it’s hard for you with your face.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he laughed, taking your hand. “Shall we get going? Dinner awaits.”
“Lead the way.”
He led you to a car - which was rare - that took you to your mysterious location. The tall man in the driver’s seat introduced himself as Johnny, giving you both a smile before driving off. Turned out the man was one of Taeyong’s friends that he had told you briefly about before, and he had kindly offered to drive you both seeing as Taeyong didn’t have a license himself. Johnny kept to himself, allowing you to talk freely with Taeyong, the red haired man flirting carelessly the entire time.
You arrived at a tall building, Taeyong chuckling at the confused look on your face when Johnny parked the car and opened Taeyong’s door for him. Taeyong held out a hand to help you from the vehicle, thanking Johnny for the ride. The tall man simply pat his friend on the back and gave him a wink before returning to the car and driving off. Your hand slid back into Taeyong’s as he led you to the doors of the building, the doorman nodding.
“Good evening, Mr. Lee.”
The interaction with the doorman and Taeyong further confused you. This was different than your normal dinner dates where you always had a private room or balcony in the restaurants, servers catering to your every need. He wasn’t leading you into a high class restaurant where he could bypass the line and walk straight to a table without question. You were in a pristine lobby with a fountain and couches, a giant chandelier above your head. 
He led you to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor, snickering at your confusion. He didn’t bother to clarify what was going on. He simply ran his thumb over the back of your hand, listening to the music play above you. When the elevator dinged that you were at the top floor, the man led you out wordlessly, digging into his pocket for a set of keys for the door at the end of the hall.
“Where are we?” you finally questioned, watching him unlock the door. 
Taeyong hummed while pushing the door open, allowing you to walk in first. He witnessed you gawking at your new surroundings, the elegant living room of the penthouse you found yourself in leaving you flabbergasted. “Welcome home,” he chimed, shutting the door.
“This is where you live?” you asked, turning to the man. In the time you knew him, he had never once talked about where he lived. You had never seen his house, always spending time together in your tiny, cozy apartment. Now, you were staring at the large living room with multiple plush couches, art lining the walls, and a large kitchen and dining room in the distance. The table was decorated with candles and place settings, a bottle of wine being chilled in a bucket.
“Is it too much?” he asked, pouting slightly. 
“You just never mentioned you live in a penthouse!” you scolded, shoving him lightly before wrapping your arms around him. “But this is breathtaking.”
“I’m glad you like it,” he whispered. “I figured that today is our fifth date, not counting our little cafe rendezvous when we first met, so what better date night than for me to make you dinner in my own home.”
“You’re making dinner?” you chirped, gleefully bouncing on the balls of your feet. “I love your cooking so much.”
“Well, go ahead and get comfortable and I will get cooking.”
You nodded, watching him make his way into the kitchen. He poured you a glass of wine before he started cooking, watching you sink into one of the couches to watch him. He caught you occasionally looking around to take in the impressive surroundings, laughing to himself. He told you that his friends lived in their own apartments in the lower floors, leaving you to wonder what exactly they did to afford this. You didn’t know his exact line of work - he always just said business - but he was obviously successful enough to afford the penthouse of the building.
Taeyong beckoned you over when food was ready, pulling out your chair for you. He poured you more wine before serving you a piping hot bowl of bibimbap. Taking his place beside you with his own glass and bowl, he tilted his glass towards you. “To the most beautiful girl in the world.”
You giggled, flushing brightly and tilting your glass to his. With a clink of cups, you responded, “to the most handsome man in the world.”
The meal was delicious, melting on your tongue. You made small talk as you ate, enjoying Taeyong’s giddy nature from drinking. The man couldn’t hold his alcohol at all, and one sip left him red faced and giggly. You helped him with dishes when you were finished, even though he protested it vehemently, finding yourselves flicking water at each other and blowing bubbles into the air.
You curled up on the couch together for a while before he would have to take you home, Your head on his chest and his fingers running through your hair. The silence was welcoming, the sound of his erratic heartbeat all you needed for comfort. He would sometimes hum a song for you, but mostly you just relaxed in his grasp. It was times like this that you enjoyed the most - being with him made you feel content. 
In your entire life, you never cared for someone as much as you did the red haired man before you. Never in your life did you like someone as much as you did Taeyong. He made you feel loved and cherished. He made you feel beautiful and wanted. 
You wanted nothing more than to be with him forever.
You frowned when he suggested it was time to take you home. Instead of calling Johnny to drive you back, you opted for a late night walk so Taeyong could sober himself up, treating yourselves to some crepes on the way. You walked hand in hand the entire way, the sway between you both making your heart jump in your chest. 
Arriving at your apartment, you sighed under your breath, turning to look at the man. “Thank you for tonight,” you told him, giving his hand a squeeze. “I enjoyed our date. I think this was my favorite date so far.”
“Well, there’s more of these to come,” he chuckled, tugging his lip between his teeth. He stared at you silently, moving his free hand up to your face. His fingers curled against your cheek, smoothing across your skin as you sank into his touch. “Y/N…”
“I should probably go inside-”
He cut you off with a passionate kiss, tugging you into him. Your hand was dropped so he could cup your face in both hands, putting everything he could into the connection. The shock from the initial kiss wore off, your eyes fluttering closed and returning his kiss. It was deeper than any kiss you shared before. His head was tilted and your lips meshed together perfectly. Your hands gripped at his jacket, pushing up into him as much as possible. 
The world around you stopped. It was just you both in that moment, sharing the most amazing kiss you had ever dreamt of. This was what you wanted, this was what you had waited for. The way his lips dragged against yours as he smothered you with his lips left you eager for more. The smack of his lips disconnecting from yours left you gasping for precious air, yet a desire to return your lips to his.
“Be my girlfriend,” he rasped deeply against your lips. 
All you could do was nod in return before he was kissing you again, dropping his hands to your waist to tug you closer. Your hands moved up and around his neck, tangling into his hair, pulling him deeper into you. The kiss intensified, lips speeding up and parting for an entourage of open-mouth kisses to start. Your bodies were flush against one another, heat spreading along your limbs.
The moment was broken from the ring of his phone, the red-haired man pulled back with a scowl. He kept you against him as he fished the phone from his pocket, reading the message he had received. Low strings of curses left his mouth before dropping the phone back into his pants, tilting your head to place a kiss on your forehead. 
“I’m sorry, but I have to go. Something came up that I need to take care of.”
“Is everything ok?” you wondered, frowning at his for his reaction to the message.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine, I promise. Just some last minute work popped up that I need to help Mark with,” he tried to reassure you. Something was off about his tone, but you nodded at him anyway. He must have caught your uncertainty, pulling you into a light kiss. “I promise it’s nothing to worry about. Now, go inside and I will talk to you tomorrow, alright?”
“Alright, Taeyong,” you whispered, kissing him one last time before backing away to unlock your door. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he said, blowing you a kiss as he backed away, turning on his heel and stampeding away. 
You watched his form vanish around the corner, tucking yourself into your apartment. Leaning against the door, you let your fingers run along your lips, smiling at the thought of your new boyfriend. The questions you had about his late night business venture were pushed aside for now as you chose to trust the man. You rushed to your room to prepare for sleep, enveloped in happy dreams of the red-haired man.
Outside your building, Taeyong stared up at your window for a moment before a black car pulled up. He quietly filled the backseat, meeting eyes with Johnny and Mark. The blank tint of the windows kept the outside from seeing the gun passed to him by the young lad int he passenger seat, Taeyong checking the clip once over.
“How’d it go?” Johnny questioned cheekily.
“You know the rules,” Taeyong glowered. “Don’t touch my girlfriend and protect her from this shit.”
“What’s going to happen when she finds out?” Mark asked.
“Don’t worry about that. That’s my problem,” Taeyong hummed, tucking the gun into the waistband of his jeans. “Focus on this deal for now. I can’t have you distracted if this goes south.”
“Yes sir,” both men spoke, the car going quiet as they advanced towards an abandoned warehouse where their deal was to take place. 
One year. 
One year since you started dating the love of your life. Six months in, you had been the one to say it first.
“I love you, Lee Taeyong.”
He didn’t hesitate to repeat the phrase multiple times while placing kiss after kiss to every inch of your face and neck before curling into you and cuddling you tightly. You didn’t regret saying it, especially after he responded the way he did, loving you just as much as you loved him. You knew you wanted to spend your life with this man; you knew he held your heart in the palm of his hand. But you were happier than you had ever been. This was the highest point in your life.
You started spending more time around Taeyong’s massive penthouse on your days off or after work, your routine with Taeyong nothing different than before. Everything just seemed to get better - especially as his friends started to migrate into your life as well. There were twenty boys living in the building that he worked with, but he had a group of eight others that were closest to the man and popped up most often. 
You had met Johnny before when he was your chauffeur for your date, so getting to know the tall American was different. He loved photography and fashion, sometimes spending his time with you on your days off by having mini fashion shows in Taeyong’s penthouse. Taeyong always had a good laugh when he walked in on your faux walking down a runway, planting himself on the couch to watch and take his own pictures.
Taeil was the oldest of the bunch, a quiet man that enjoyed singing with his friends Doyoung and Jungwoo. He was famous in the group for his dad jokes, becoming the butt of many jokes. He also had an equally bad alcohol tolerance to your boyfriend.
Doyoung was a snarky man that loved to pick on Taeyong, but you could tell he cared about him. He had rabbit-like qualities that you found adorable. When Taeyong was busy when you were around, Doyoung would make you delicious meals that left you in a food coma on the couch until Taeyong would return.
Jungwoo was a mischievous little brat, but you always found him to be funny. He whined childishly for attention and played around with the others. He craved long hugs that made Taeyong yell at him because he was taking his girlfriend from him. 
Jaehyun was your workout buddy. The fittest of the bunch, the man with deep dimples had offered to exercise with you when you complained you had gotten lazy in Taeyong’s house. You could never keep up with him or Johnny, who often joined you both in the gym, but having someone there to push you was worth it. 
Yuta had the most infectious smile. He would always play games with you and make you smile. But the thing you did most often was watch soccer together. The man loved the sport, having grown up playing in Japan, so watching games together was always exciting. He got so captivated by them that he wouldn’t realize he was jumping around wildly.
Haechan was a brat, but he was skilled in dances. He had this innate ability to watch a dance on tv and perform it. His time would be split between the main group of nine and the younger boys in the building. Even with his evil personality, you loved the young boy, happily failing by his side when you would dance together.
Mark was probably your favorite. He was the one around most often, caring for you when Taeyong was working. He had quickly grown to be like a little brother that supported you through everything. He told you about his life in Canada while you told him about your life in Korea, sharing the littlest things with each other. He would play the guitar for you in his spare time, often lulling you to sleep with the beautiful melodies.
You didn’t expect to meet such a rowdy bunch, but they made your relationship with Taeyong even sweeter. And though you still often had dates with Taeyong, you also spent a lot of time with the group on outings. Going out for meals or going around the city was more special with your hand clamped in Taeyong’s and the bundle of males running around you.
As much as you have enjoyed your one year anniversary alone with Taeyong on a romantic date, eating an expensive dinner that you knew Taeyong would insist you have and finishing the night together tangled in the sheets, you were glad you went with the current idea. When the group found out that it was your anniversary, they insisted on taking you both out for a good night.
What started with a fun meal of barbeque that they paid for completely, not a single cent paid by you or Taeyong, turned into a drunken mess at a nightclub. Hesitant at first, you barely took a shot or two of soju with the others. Taeyong was wrecked just from those couple shots, beginning to drink more and more. Watching him enjoy himself let you relax, beginning to down your own drinks.
The night slowly became a blur of flashing lights and loud music, but you knew Taeyong was always by your side. Either his hand was in yours or resting somewhere on your body - the small of your back, wrapped around your waist and hugging you to his side, and resting on your thigh as you sat at a booth, drinking and playing games together. 
You danced together, your body rolling against his. He was obviously more skilled than you were, but even in his shrunken state, he led you confidently and naturally, grinding against you eagerly. Your back pressed against his chest as his hands sat on your hips, fingers splayed against bare skin from where you shirt rode up. When you faced him, you arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tangling in his fluffy red threads. 
Hot kisses were left on your mouth, your lips left puffy and swollen from the multiple attacks he left on you. You were already warm from the club and the plethora of people around you, but your body was searing against his. Each taunting kiss he gave you, lips parted and tongue slipping into your mouth, left you craving more. Your hands wandering against his form, trailing up and down his arms, let him panting, the man tugging his lip between his teeth.
“We should get out of here…”
That’s all he had to mutter once for you to find yourself escaping the heat of the club and back in Taeyong’s penthouse. It was past midnight when you stumbled through the door together, your lips latched together in a sloppy kiss. Your arms were wrapped weakly around him, trying to kick off your shoes as you pushed into the doorway. Taeyong kicked the door shut with his foot, struggling to lock it and discord his sneakers before entering the house. He couldn’t focus with your lips connected to his, your tongues swirling together eagerly between your cheeks.
He picked you up with easy, a squeal of shock lost to his throat. His steps were uneven as he moved forward, supporting you with one hand on your ass, the other following the wall to guide him through the darkness. The kiss broke when he tripped over the rug and bumped into a table, a bruise bound to form on his knee. Low curses left his lips, the man rushing into the bedroom. 
The door slammed shut behind you, Taeyong turning to trap you against the sealed entryway. His lips found home once more on your own, igniting another fiery kiss between you. You happily returned it, tasting the vast amounts of alcohol that lingered on his taste buds. A subtle swipe of his tongue against your lips told you to part them and let him inside, which you willingly complied. The taste of the bitter liquid from the evening was heavy on his tongue as it roamed your cheeks.
Your moans were muffled, mind foggy in the midst of the kiss. It didn’t occur to you that his hands were traveling up your sides, pushing at the bottom of your shirt until it was resting underneath your breasts. The skim of the pads of his thumbs against your sides and ribs sent shivers up your spine, more mewls of delight lost to the sensual lip lock. Taeyong pushed harder against your, his hips rutting against your clothed core, both sets of jeans blocking what you truly desired in that moment. His head tilted to deepen the kiss, letting out a groan of his own.
The first time you separated, chests heaving for precious amounts of air, he uttered two short words. 
“May I?” 
You knew what he wanted, even in the blur of words that met your ears. You nodded at him, arching off the door long enough for him to rid you of your top, the cotton fabric strewn across the floor carelessly. Lips back to yours for a single second before disappearing south, searing hot kisses leaving a wet trail along your neck and clavicle. Your swollen lips parted with delicious moans for him to savor, trembling fingers lacing through his locks on the back of his head. 
His teeth toyed with the strap on your left shoulder first, playfully nipping at your skin in his futile attempts to drag the strap down your arm. Your mewls of delight mixed with short giggles before taking the opportunity to rid yourself of the pesky garment. Taeyong pouted without a doubt - he always hated when you did it for him - but didn’t bother to argue. 
His lips found home on your bare chest, lips wrapping around the pert nipple on your right breast. A content sigh left your mouth, back arching into his touch. Your hands twisted through his red strands, giving him a tug whenever he found a sensitive spot on your chest. You tried to watch him through the haze, but your eyes were blurring too much. 
Was it the alcohol still present, slowly wearing off? Or, was it the pleasure of him suckling at your nipples, giving them short tugs with his teeth, and pulling away with short pops that rang in your ears?
You didn’t know, nor did you care. You were in heaven.
Taeyong spent several long minutes pleasuring your chest, red marks lingering on the mounds and between them when he swaps between them on occasion. With each kiss he left, and each bite he left, his hands holding you up against the wall grabbed at your backside. His hips ground against yours, becoming more frequent and harder against your covered core. The bulge in his tight jeans was obvious, growing more prevelant by the second. His cock was stiff, and his actions just solidified what he wanted.
Placing you on unsteady legs, his nimble fingers made quick work of your pants, the man kneeling long enough to tug them down your legs. Your panties came with, leaving you naked before his eyes. The red head toppled slightly, nearly falling on his ass in his tipsy state. A mixture of the alcohol and his awe at your body left him speechless and wobbly, slowly standing while working at his own jeans.
Your hands were quick to replace his, struggling to undo the button of his dark skinny jeans. Taeyong had to place a hand on the wall to keep himself upright, his other hand massaging his face a few times before pushing his hair back. Low groans and swears escaped, staring down at you when you grew frustrated and collapsed to your knees, stumbling just as he had. 
“Dammit,” you growled, tugging angrily at the jeans when they wouldn’t unbutton. Taeyong chuckled deeply.
“Need a hand?”
“No. Fuck you. I can do it myself.”
The man let out a hefty chortle at your frustration, repaying you for what you did earlier. His fingers made quick work of his own jeans, the button unsnapping and zipper slowly lowered before your eyes. With a short huff, you tugged the dark denim down his legs, leaving them around his ankles so you could rub at his covered cock.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned loudly. The hand he had on the wall slowly curled into a fist, pounding against the wall lightly. You smirked up at him, biting at your lip. He rarely cursed, but when he did, you knew he meant business. “Don’t tease me.”
You clicked your tongue at him as you tugged his boxers down, letting him spring free. The fabric was left to pool at his feet, you focus turning to the large cock staring straight at your face. It twitched with anticipation, the tip red, swollen and oozing precum. It pulsed as your fingers grazed along the shaft. The sight made your mouth water, tongue tracing your lips slowly.
Taeyong’s fist pounded harder to the wall, a loud grunt exhaled when he felt your lips on the tip just before taking the entire length between your cheeks. He struggled to focus, blinking repeatedly to clear his vision to watch you bobbing your head along his cock. Your hand gripped the base firmly, pumping it in time with your bobs. Your tongue trailed along the underside of his shaft as you moved, the tip traveling along the pulsing vein that protruded out. Your other hand toyed with his balls, juggling them between your fingers and giving them light squeezes.
“Shit,” he cursed again, earning a small smile from you. Taeyong leaned forward, placing his head against the wall, heavier pants starting to leave his lips. He could barely form words with the overwhelming ecstasy of your mouth around his cock. “Please, baby. Give me more.”
You kept your motion steady, not giving into his plea entirely. You wanted to savor the taste of his salty sweetness that seeped onto your tongue, overriding the bitter drink from the early evening. Taeyong didn’t seem pleased; his hand gripped at the hair on the back of your head, his hips jutting forward suddenly. He halted when you gagged once, knowing his abrasive stunt was a bit much.
When you were situated, stilling your movements but keeping his cock resting on your tongue, he thrust forward against. He leveraged the hold he had on your hair to push you forward, your nose meeting his pelvis. His cock met the back of your throat repeatedly as his timed thrusts met your forced head bobs, a slobbering wet gurgle of him fucking your mouth filling the air. Taeyong moaned loudly, unable to keep his voice down - not that he needed to. 
He didn’t stop until he was groaning loudly, his wild thrusts that had grown sloppy ceasing and he was spilling his salty seed down your throat, the white ribbons of cum filling your cheeks and swallowed happily. He pulled out at the end, hand wrapping around the base and giving it a few final pumps. The last few shots landed on your face and chest, your tongue extended to try and capture them. You let out a hearty giggle, tracing the cum along your face and chest with a finger.
Taeyong huffed when he watched you suck the finger clean. The man, fed up of waiting, hoisted you up by the hand before lifting you bridal and turning towards the bed. With the fabric still bundled around his ankles, he stumbled forward, kicking anxiously at them to discard. 
You were thrown careless on the bed with a light yelp and laugh, Taeyong pouncing on top of your bare form. His lips instantly met yours, furious open mouth kisses shared. Your bodies were grinding against each other rapidly, hands eagerly tracing each other’s forms. Your legs twisted together, feet playfully nuzzling against one another. Your arms looped around Taeyong’s neck, fingers curling through his tangled red hair. 
Taeyong pulled away, glancing between your forms long enough to align himself with your core, sheathing himself inside you with one quick thrust. Your eyes closed, moaning and groaning from his size. He wasn’t the largest man out there, but it never ceased to amaze you whenever you were intimate how well he could fill your pussy up. The man stilled, peppering your face with kisses and uttering sweet nothings until you gave him the signature tap on the shoulder to let him know he could continue.
His thursts always started slow, pulling back until he was about to leave you empty and then pushing back in completely. The pace would be slow and steady, soft moans leaving you both. But as time went on, he would gain momentum, hips starting to snap into yours hastily until he was slamming into you, pressing you into the mattress. The sound of clapping skin grew louder, the moans became screams of his name, and your body trembled under his. 
You were quick to orgasm, feeling his thick cock sliding in and out of your tight core quickly, pounding at you quickly. The tip pushed against your g-spot every time he pushed into you, earning himself a breathy pant from below him. Your walls would hug around him, making it harder for him to concentrate on his thrusts. It grew worse when he felt you shudder, back arching and toes curling. Your pussy squeezed him, spilling around his thick shaft and soaking it completely. 
Taeyong stopped moving, not wanting to fill you up so soon, watching your twitching form relax after a minute. Leaning back on his knees between your legs, he pulled himself out, satisfied at how wet his shaft was. HIs fingers toyed with your sensitive entrance for a moment, hearing you groan and watching you twist in subtle discomfort.
He placed a longing kiss on your lips before turning you on your side, laying behind you. His fingers ran along your sides soothingly, drawing different shapes on your stomach and chest. He carefully draped your leg back over his hips, jutting his forward to slide himself between your pussy lips. A low mewl escaped, turning your head back to him to share a loving kiss just as he pushed into you once more.
His hand gripped at your breast, lips pressed to your shoulder. His thrusts picked up steadily, pushing himself deeply into you from behind. The new angle allowed him to hit deeper inside you, his already moist length sliding with ease between your tight walls. He collided with your backside with each thrust, groaning happily with every smack he heard. The bed squeaked with his quick thrusts, jostling with the movements of your bodies. 
Despite his hard and fast repetition of his cock pushing into you, his lips placed kisses to your ear. You could hear his pants and low grunts in the buzz of your ecstasy, enjoying the way he felt thrusting into you furiously. Every slam into you made your head spin, the feeling of his length sliding against your walls causing your heart to beat faster. The way his lips felt against the side of your head at the same time that his cock pushed deeping to and pressed against the most sensitive spot to make you quiver was causing your stomach to burn.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured into your ear softly, nipping at your earlobe. When you moaned in response, his lips curled upwards. His hand grasped tighter to your breast, burrowing his face into you. “Fuck, I love you so much.”
“I-I love…” you started, panting quickly. 
Taeyong knew what you wanted to say. It was clear. He also knew that you were close again - because so was he. His thrusts were growing sloppy and he could feel your walls tightening sporadically around him. You were both chasing the final high of the night as exhaustion was becoming apparent.
He pulled out, leaving you whining and empty. It wasn’t for long because he pushed you once more on to your back, sliding into you quickly and roughly. Every time, Taeyong had a thing for finishing in a way where he could see your face. He loved to watch you ascend into heaven, feeling blissful from sex. He leaned on his knees between your legs, one hand pushing your leg back and resting on the back of your thigh so your foot rested on his shoulder, and the other pushing your other leg out to spread you wide for him. His eyes were cast onto you body, swapping between your breasts bouncing with his quick snaps, to your heavenly face, swollen lips parted with moans.
“Come on,” he whispered, feeling the sweat running down his brow. “Cum for me, baby,” he pleaded. Rule number one with Taeyong: he always wanted to make sure you were pleased before he was. He always made sure to make you cum before him, and if he didn’t he would work extra hard to please you. It wasn’t uncommon for him to beg for you to snap under him.
“I know baby,” he let out, heaving for air. “Come on. We’re almost there. Just let it go for me.”
“I love you…”
He grit his teeth and dove in for one last kiss, both of you breaking at the same time. Your bodies trembled together, your juices spilling around his length and his thick seed filling your core completely. Your inner walls were painted white by the strings he spewed, letting them decorate your core in warm stickiness. You moaned into his kiss, too weak to hug him close. 
You were limp when he pulled out, half-lidded eyes watching the satisfied man. His fingers danced along your core, spreading your pussy lips to watch your combined juices trying to escape. One slick finger carefully pushed the juices back in, causing you to shutter and mewl his name. Content with the pleasure, he collapsed beside you, two sweaty bodies sticking to his silk sheets. A thin blanket was dragged over your bodies, one of his arms draping across your stomach. You curled into his side, letting out a long breath.
“I love you so much,” you whispered again. Taeyong didn’t reply, making you glance up at him. “Taeyong?”
“Move in with me,” he whispered. you almost felt like you didn’t hear him right. You blinked a few times before sitting up slowly, groaning in pain. You hugged the blanket to your chest, turning to the man. 
“Move in with me,” he repeated, louder this time. “You’re already here all the time, and you shouldn’t have to be paying for the dingy apartment. I love you so much, baby, and I want you to live with me.”
The room grew quiet, the air thick. You repeated the offer in your mind. The alcohol had worn off at this point, so there was little chance that he wasn’t thinking straight. Taeyong stared at you silently as you thought, biting at his lip. Only when you carefully took his hand in yours and placed them laced together in your lap did he let out the breath he had been holding. 
“I will,” you mumbled before turning to him and kissing him passionately. “I will, Taeyong. I love you so much. I will move in with you.”
“Wonderful,” he whispered, kissing you once more. “You just made a man very happy today.”
“Well, you always make me happy,” you told him back.
“Yeah. I always will…”
You awoke to the sunlight streaming through a small crack in the curtains, the light hitting your face directly. A low groan left your lips as you turned over, finding the bed cold and empty beside you. Since moving in with Taeyong, you had become accustomed to the morning he was gone when you woke up. He had work to do, and he hated to disturb you when he left. 
When your eyes fell on a small box on your side tab and a folded note, you smiled. Carefully sitting up, blanket to your chest, you grabbed the two items, looking at the note first. It was short:
A beautiful present for a beautiful woman. I will be home for dinner, so I will see you then. I love you. Have a wonderful day babe.
You shook your head, looking into the box. It was a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings that would dangle and shine from your lobes. You shook your head, letting out a short laugh. 
“That man,” you scowled playfully. “He just doesn’t know when to quit.”
He always bought you presents, especially after you moved in months ago. They were always expensive, and you would yell at him for wasting so much on you. He said it wasn’t an issue and he wanted to spoil you. It left you wondering how much money he had. You never fought him hard about it; the gesture was always sweet and made you smile because he thought of you so much.
Climbing out of bed, you grabbed an outfit from the closet, showering and dressing quickly. It was the early afternoon when you stepped out of the penthouse, leaving the large building with a pep in your step. You walked down the road to a small market store on the corner, a place you would frequent when you had small cravings or needed mild groceries. With the thought of Taeyong returning in time for dinner, you wanted to return his generous gift with a homemade meal of his favorite items - complete with a chocolate cake.
The only issue was you were low on groceries. The last of your groceries went to a large group dinner a few nights prior, the pair of you opting for take out after that. You figured you would only get a few groceries for the time being until Johnny could take you down for a full grocery run. 
The door jingled when you walked in, the street oddly empty. You paid no attention to the lack of people around, waving at the store owner who sat at the register behind the counter. You grabbed the small reusable bag and disappeared down the aisles, humming to yourself as you searched for what you needed. 
“Let’s see. If I make kalguktsu, I will need more noodles and vegetables. We have stock still, and I could pick up some prawns for it too. Maybe grab some snacks and something for lunch. Maybe some kimbap…”
You talked to yourself as you placed the desired items in your bag. Making it to the last aisle for your snacks, your eyes ran over the items, searching for anything that sounded good. You kneeled to the floor to look at the lower shelves, placing the bag aside, when the door jingled again. Initially, you paid no mind to it, figuring another customer walked in.
Until you heard a gunshot. 
You collapsed to the side in shock, watching the water canister in the corner get pierced, water leaking onto the ground and flooding it. You covered your mouth in shock, afraid to make a noise. 
“Well, well, Dohyeon,” someone spoke, causing you to shake. “Is anyone else here?”
Your breathing stopped. you glanced towards the end of the aisle, afraid they would hear you or find you. You could feel your hands shaking, tears starting to leak from your eyes. With bated breath, you awaited the owner’s response. 
“No,” he responded confidently, no waiver in his voice. “It’s been slow today. But I guess I know why.”
“Yeah,” the person responded. “Come on in, boss. Coast is clear.”
The door jingled, two pairs of footsteps tapping against the floor. You waited to hear what they would have to say, but what you heard made your heart stop for reasons other than fear.
“You should have known I would find out.”
Through bleary eyes, you glanced up, finding a reflective mirror in the corner of the store. In front of the counter stood four men - four men you knew too well. Johnny and Jaehyun held guns at the owner - Dohyeon - while Mark stood behind the man with familiar red hair. You wanted to cry and sob, but you couldn’t. You were appalled to find Taeyong there, staring down Dohyeon with his own gun.
“You knew those drugs were mine. You were supposed to sell them for us. But no. You had to go and doublecross us and sell the stock to Stray Kids? What kind of profit did you make off that.”
Dohyeon was quiet.
“Yeah, you know I’m fucking pissed. You know better than to cross me. But you did anyway!” Another shot fired, making you jump as a counter behind Dohyeon collapsed. “Now, you’re lucky I’m willing to give you one last chance. I could easily kill you here and now, but you haven’t done us wrong until now. 
“But, it won’t come free. I want you to hand over all of the cash you received from them, plus interest. And I expect the next time we give you something, you make sure to stay selling for us. Your cut will be reduced until you are back in good faith, but it’s better than being dead, right?”
“Yes, sir,” Dohyeon whispered bitterly. 
“You don’t sound very grateful,” Taeyong growled. “Would you prefer I just shoot you here and now? I can make that happen.”
“No, sir.”
“Good.” Mark threw a bag on the counter. “Put the money in the bag. All of it.”
You watched Dohyeon load the bag with money from under the counter, as well at the money from the register to satisfy Taeyong’s demands. The bag was zipped shut, Mark taking it from Dohyeon’s grasp. The owner sat back down, watching the four men.
“Think of this as a warning,” Taeyong sneered. “You agreed to this. You work for me and if I find out you are pulling some shady shit again, I will have you killed in the most gruesome way possible. No one fucks with NCT. Am I clear?”
“I say am I clear?!”
“Yes sir!”
“Good. And if anyone asks what happened here, we were never here. Some kids vandalized you, or something of the sort. You’re a smart man. That’s obvious by trying to sell to Stray Kids, but not smart enough if you didn’t think you’d be caught.”
Taeyong made his way to the door, Mark in tow. Johnny and Jaehyun followed behind them both, never lowering the guns. Taeyong sent one last glance at the man behind the counter. 
“Pleasure doing business as always.”
When the door closed and the jingling stopped, you dropped your hand, feeling your entire body trembling. After a minute passed, and you were sure they had left, you stood on shaky legs, grabbing the bag from the ground. You stumbled out of the aisle, slipping in the pool of water on your way to the door. Dohyeon said nothing as he watched you slap money onto the counter and rush out the door. You ran down the street with bag in hand, disappearing into the sudden sea of people that flooded the previously vacant area.
Sitting at home awaiting his return was nerve wracking.  The second you got home, you threw yourself into another shower, collapsing to the floor and wailing loudly with sobs. The remainder of the afternoon was spent replaying what happened, and pondering how to confront Taeyong about what you had witnessed. You watched the time tick on, curling into yourself with a blanket on the couch.
Taeyong walked through the door with a smile, dropping his keys on the table by the door, kicking off his shoes and stripping off his red jacket. “Baby, I’m home,” he called happily, making his way into the living room. He expected to find you cooking or watching tv, but let his smile fade when he noticed the silence and you curled up on the couch staring at nothing. “Babe?”
You didn’t respond, worrying the red-haired man. He rushed forward, taking a seat at your feet. His hand ran along your blanket covered leg, pausing when he felt you flinch. Taeyong frowned, tilting his head at you. “Y/N, what’s going on? Are you ok?”
“I saw you…”
“What?” he questioned. “What are you talking about?”
You finally looked up at him. He could immediately tell you had been crying from your red and swollen eyes. “Tell me honestly - what is your job?”
“I…” he started, but stopped, turning away.
“I saw you at the little corner store you took me too and we always shop at.”
He stayed silent.
“Taeyong, I want the truth.”
“I think you already figured it out,” he rasped bitterly before sighing. “If you want out now, I won’t blame you. I won’t hold it against you. And I will make sure that no one comes after you for it as long as you remain quiet about what you know.
“But I… I have lied to you many times. And I’m not proud of that. I honestly should have never dragged you into this, but I couldn’t help myself. I have lied about many things, but I have never lied about my feelings for you. I love you with all my heart, Y/N, and I will do anything to keep you safe.
“But I understand that I have made mistakes by keeping this from you. I never wanted you to be involved, but I should have seen this coming one day. And I’m sorry.”
His gaze was on the floor as he talked, but shot up when your cold hand took his, lacing your fingers together. He stared at you, nervously holding his breath. “I don’t like that you lied about this. That you kept this from me for so long.”
“I know…”
“But, I’m also in too deep,” you murmured. Taeyong gave your hand a squeeze. “I fell in love with you the day I met you and I’ve only gotten deeper since then. I… I don’t want to leave you. I love you too much to leave you.”
“You know I live a dangerous life, right?”
“Yeah, I figured that out,” you told him. “But, we are in this together. I will support you and help you where I can. We’ll just be partners in crime.”
Taeyong bit his lip, running a hand through his red hair until the strands were tousled and sticking up in random directions. “Are you sure you want to get involved in this? I don’t want you to feel pressured to join this lifestyle because of me.”
“I’m sure,” came your meek voice. The man could tell you were scared of the answer, of the path you were agreeing to, but the solid grip on his hand and the fire behind your blown orbs gave him your resolve. “I want to stay by your side. I will help you no matter what.”
“Partners in crime, eh?” he chuckled weakly, smiling weakly at your own giggle in return. 
“Yeah. Partners in crime. If you go down, I go down with you. I’m not leaving your side in this. I know I may not seem like the best candidate for this, but I am a quick learner for whatever you need. Train me for whatever you think you need me for. 
“But going forward, you can’t keep things like this from me. If you want to make this work - to make us work - we need to have this trust. If you are as serious about us as you say you are, and I know you are because I have felt your love and passion, then we need to be open. Which means no lies, no deceit, and most of all, standing by each other’s decisions. We are partners in life, in death, and now, in crime I guess.” 
You paused briefly to let out a breath, watching the man nod at your words. “I won’t deny that I am scared of what I am agreeing to, but I will do what I have to because I want to be with you. Until death do us part.”
Taeyong didn’t say anything. The leader silently crawled onto the couch with you, your body shifting slightly so he could nestle himself between you and the back cushions. His head rested on your breast, one arm looped loosely around your waist. Your hand ran through his ruffled locks, feeling his tense form starting to relax at the soothing motion. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew he was scared too - not for the work he did, but for your inevitable involvement. 
“I love you. So much…”
His voice was low and muffled, but his words were clear.
“I love you too…”
It made you wonder how a man as soft as the one curled into your side was when you were alone could be so ruthless. You heard him that day threaten the owner of the store, and the thought alone still sent shivers up your spine. But it was just another thing you were going to accept about the mysterious man. 
You were serious when you said to death do you part. You were determined to stand by his side in every situation. He loved you and you loved him. Even though he was a dangerous man, you knew you couldn’t escape.
He had your heart in his hand after all.
Hours later, long after the sun had set and the clock struck midnight, you sat on the same couch, listening to Taeyong pace around behind you. After your confrontation upon his return home, you prepared dinner and had an emotional discussion about everything. He revealed everything to you in that time, laying his life on the table before you. 
He led a small mafia group called NCT. They were one group under a larger organization, and their group controlled the area you lived in. There were twenty-one boys in their unit, breaking into smaller units to manage their territory. Taeyong mentioned there were rival groups that tended to do business in their area, but for the most part, they didn’t clash too much. 
Taeyong, though he led all of the boys in the building, worked mostly with the eight other boys you had spent so much of your time with. The other two groups, Dream and WayV, had members who lead them when Taeyong couldn’t. The building they lived in was owned by their organization. 
And as he spilled everything, including his background and how he got involved coming out of high school, everything seemed to click more given everything you had been through with him since you met. Yet, it didn’t change your feelings for him. It just solidified his trust in you and his desire to have you in his life. 
Now ame the hard part.
“What’s going on boss?” a loud voice chimed as the front door opened widely, eight chipper boys filing through the entryway quickly, led by Mark. “Did something happen with that weapons… call…”
Mark’s voice faded away when the group saw you sitting on the couch and their leader anxiously walking back and forth, his thumb nail in his mouth as he nibbled at it. All of the boys gaped at the sight, unprepared for your presence. Mark seemed the most uncomfortable, seeing as he was about to talk business, assuming that was what they were being called for given the cryptic message they had received that simply said “we have something to discuss. It’s important.”
“Y/N…” Mark stuttered out, panic laced in his voice. “I didn’t know you were here…”
“She lives here,” Yuta pointed out lowly, only to receive a jab in his side from Mark’s elbow.
“Well, just ignore whatever I was saying! It wa a joke really-”
“It’s fine,” Taeyong said, cutting the young boy off. He stopped pacing to face the group, still biting at his nail. “She knows.”
The boys stared at their leader for a minute before bursting into a loud mixture of questions and concerns. Taeyong stared blankly at them until he got fed up with their loud noise, motioning them to silence. The room grew quiet in an instant, all eight of the boys finding places to eat to listen to what Taeyong had to say. 
“She saw us earlier today when we went to handle Dohyeon. She knows who we are and what we do. We’ve already talked about it,” Taeyong muttered.
You stayed silent, waiting for someone to react. But the last thing you expected was Jaehyun, your trusted workout buddy, to stand from his seat across from you and point a gun at your forehead. His eyes narrowed on your form, your stare on him unwavering. Deep inside, you were quaking with fear. You barely registered the remaining boys behind him yelling at him to stand down.
The leader wasn’t having this action. Taeyong was swift to react himself, grabbing a gun he kept in a drawer near the couch and aiming it at Jaehyun. Taeyong’s glare at his friend was sharp, eyes darker than normal. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he snarled, gritting his teeth to keep from snapping completely. “Stand down, Jae.”
“She knows, Taeyong,” Jaehyun retorted, never moving his gaze to his leader. “What’s to stop her from spilling this to the cops? What’s to stop her from leaving when we least expect it and turning us in? We aren’t the good guys here, and now your little girlfriend knows our secret. I knew this wasn’t a good idea when you started bringing her here. It was only a matter of time. So now, we need to make sure she isn’t going to turn.”
“I don’t plan to sell you out,” you spoke up, cutting off Taeyong. “If I did, I wouldn’t have come back here and confronted Taeyong about this.”
“So? That means nothing. You could be gathering evidence to bring to the cops-”
“I love Taeyong,” you cut in. “I wouldn’t do that to him, and I wouldn’t do that to you guys. You guys are my friends. We have spent so much time together and I love you guys to death.”
“How can I trust you?” Jaehyun snapped.
“You’ll just have to,” you told him.
“Put the gun down, Jae,” Taeyong told him, watching the man slowly lower the weapon and return to his seat. His own gun was placed aside, placing his hands on your shoulders instead. “We’ve talked about this all night. It hasn’t been easy. But you guys know I love Y/N to death. I don’t want to lose her. And her saying she is willing to accept this part of me, this part of us, means everything to me. I don’t want to lose her.
“So, after talking about it, I’ve agreed to let her join us. She said she wants to help us. But, we wanted to get your guys’ approval for her to join as well. We are a team and I can’t decide this on my own.”
You placed a hand on his that was on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I know you guys may be concerned, but I promise you that I am here to help. I don’t want to sell anyone out or see anyone get hurt. I just want to be with Taeyong and all of you.” You paused, feeling Taeyong lean down to kiss the top of your head. “Taeyong and I are partners. I love him with all my heart and I will stand by his side until death do us part. Now, we’ll just be partners in crime too.”
The room grew quiet again, your stomach bubbling with nerves. You weren’t sure what their response would be, or what would happen if they decided you didn’t belong. You feared you would be forced to leave the man you loved because of his occupation.
“So, till death do you part? Does that mean you guys are going to get married finally?” Jungwoo chimed happily, eyes sparkling. “I’ve been waiting for Taeyong to propose for so long. Can I be the flower boy?”
“You’re not even the youngest!” Haechan growled, Jungwoo giving him a smug smile.
“But I’m cuter!”
“Hey, no fighting!” Doyoung scolded the two boys. “They didn’t say anything about marriage yet!”
“We all know it’s coming,” Yuta chuckled, watching your cheeks instantly flush a bright red. You turned to Taeyong, flustered. Taeyong shrugged with an obvious smile.
“They aren’t wrong. One day, you will be mine. But, I plan to propose to you properly.”
“Taeyong!” you screamed, swatting at him. Everyone laughed, Jaehyun excluded. As everyone quieted down, Taeyong spoke back up.
“By a show of hands, how many of you are in favor or letting Y/N join? Before you decide, please know that we will need to train her in what we do.” His eyes turned to Jaehyun for a moment before continuing. “On a count of three. One… two… three…”
Four hands shot up instantly - Mark, Jungwoo, Haechan and Yuta. three hands were slow to follow - Taeil, Doyoung and Johnny. Everyone turned to Jaehyun, who had yet to decide. The man stared deeply at you, mouth in a tight line.
“If she joins, I am in charge of training,” his cold voice cut in. “I don’t trust her in this situation and if things turn south, I will not hesitate to end this deal.” 
You shivered at his words, but glanced up at Taeyong, giving him a nod. Taeyong sighed.
“Fine, but just know that if you turn around and kill her, I will kill you.”
“Deal,” Jaehyun said before raising his hand.
Taeyong smiled slightly before nodding. “That’s it. With everyone’s consent,” he hummed, moving to sit beside you. He kissed your cheek swiftly, your face heating. “Welcome to NCT, Y/N.”
You smiled, bowing to the boys. “Thank you for having me.”
“This is going to be interesting,” Mark hummed, everyone agreeing.
You knew he wasn’t wrong. 
If you ever thought you’d be good at something in life, it wasn’t your skill with fighting or with a gun. It wasn’t your natural ability to be intimidating on command. Maybe you thought you’d be good at sewing, or maybe drawing beautiful scenary on paper. 
But no. 
Under Jaehyun’s watchful eye, the glint from the darkness as he watched you punch at a dummy in the weight room before pushing it back completely despite being twice your size, or when your eyes narrowed on a target, the sudden jolt of the gun in your hands leading to a bulls eyes through the forehead of your paper victim, you had managed to fit right now with the mafia boys you had come to love. 
Jaehyun, naturally, still had minor suspicions of you, even after months of one-on-one training to get you in tip top shape to be a member. But, the day you managed to take him down in a spar, leaving you giddy with delight before hopping around the room ecstatically, he started to lay off on his threats to end you so willingly. When you hadn’t spilled the truth to anyone, even when your former boss asked why you were quitting so suddenly, he felt a bit more at ease. When you took training seriously, showing up early and staying extra late to master what he was trying to teach, pushing through pain to continue, he would smile just a bit at your determination.
Taeyong couldn’t have been more proud. He had told you that on many occasions. When he would pop in to assess your progress, he never found a second to be unimpressed. You had grown strong in your time with Jaehyun, making you a force to be reckoned with.
And he couldn’t lie when he said it wasn’t attractive. 
There were the days when he would join in on your hand-to-hand training, after Jaehyun was willing to allow his boss to intervene. There were days he would be in the gun range on the ground floor, hidden deep in the back in a soundproof room, where we would watch you fire shot after shot without missing your mark, sometimes joining for a small competition. He never lost, but you didn’t make it easy when he would get distracted by your beauty.
In those days, Jaehyun would dismiss himself early, trusting his boss and friend in case something were to happen. And he was right - in a sense. Those were the days you found yourself getting frisky with your lover, moaning loudly while he thrust into your wet core. He’d have you pressed against a mat in the training room, or sitting atop the table in the gun range where you’d place your unused weapons, pounding you like an animal in heat, leaving searing hot kisses along your face and throat. You’d have to clean up afterwards, but it was worth it to be with Taeyong in that way; night time was never the best for intimacy when you were both exhausted. 
Part of you was glad that no one ever walked in when you had those moments, but part of you was also convinced that Jaehyun knew what would happen when you were left alone together, and he would warn the others not to disturb you. 
He was cold, but you knew he meant well. 
When you awoke one morning nearly six months into your newfound profession, you found Taeyong dressed in a black turtleneck and tan trench coat, loose blue jeans hugging his slim waist, and his bright red locks slicked back the way he did when he meant business, you knew he was on a job that day. 
“I want to join,” you meekly voiced, catching him off guard. The man whipped around to face you, adjusting his necklaces.
“You’re worn out, baby. And this is a pretty big job today. I don’t want you to get involved,” he voiced, biting at his lower lip. “This jewelry store owner that we leant money to so he could start up his business hasn’t paid, but he’s not a pushover. I don’t want you there in case things turn ugly.”
“I’ll be fine, Yong,” you hushed him, slinging yourself from the bed and rushing to the closet. Taeyong pouted, following after you.
“No, don’t start,” you huffed at him. “You’ve only sent me on small jobs. I’m ready for something more, Taeyong.”
“I know, but-”
“But nothing!” you yelled. When Taeyong recoiled slightly, you sighed. “I’m sorry, Yongie. But I think I’m ready. I agreed to do this, to join you guys. So, let me do my job. I can help. And if things go sour, I can handle myself. I’m almost as good of a marksman as you. I can sometimes take down Jaehyun in a fight and he’s not an easy target. Yes, I’m tired because of yesterday’s training, but I’m not too tired to go help you with this. So, please-”
He cut you off with a kiss, his plump lips sealing yours. Your body instantly melted into his, wrapping your arms around his torso. His hands were clasped to your hips, tugging you closer. When he pulled away, finding your eyes closed and lips puckered, he chuckled. 
“Shut up and get dressed. We don’t have all day.”
You were left alone, a silent cheer leaving your body before rushing to find an outfit. In a matter of minutes, you were bouncing into the living room, pulling on a loose blouse to go with the tight black jeans. Taeyong’s eyes followed after you from the breakfast bar, licking his lips.
“Do you plan to seduce someone?” he chirped cheekily. “Because I must say, it’s working.”
“Shut up,” you scowled at him, trying to hide the blush and smile on your face while trekking to the front door. You picked up a pair of sleek heels - ones that Taeyong gifted you one day - and turned to the red haired man, giving a sultry wink. “Now, shall we get going, big boy? We have a job to do.”
“I’m starting to regret agreeing to this. You’re gonna be the death of me before we ever get to the store.”
You giggled, pulling on your shoes and slipping out the door. Taeyong closely followed, taking your hand on the way to the elevator and to the garage. Johnny and Mark were waiting, as per usual for things like this, but the look of surprise on their faces when they saw you at their boss’ side made you chuckle. They didn’t question, Johnny simply opening the door so you and Taeyong could slide into the back. The tall man took his place at the wheel, Mark bouncing in the passenger seat as the car rolled from its spot onto the crowded street.
On the drive, you were briefed more in depth about what was going on. Mark, who was busy loading ammo into an arsenal of guns, passed two back, Taeyong tucking one into his jeans and handing you the other. Your heart pounded, looking down at the gun in your hand. It felt heavy in your grip. Despite the training, and the few things you had done for Taeyong, you had not actually used the weapon on someone. Would today be the day? You couldn’t say, but something in your gut said today wouldn’t be a good day. Bile rose in your throat at the worrisome feeling that lingered inside.
The street was near desolate when you arrived, the four of you sliding out of the car and approaching the jewelry store. No one was inside when you entered, a small bell ringing upon your entrance. The store owner, an older man named Youngjae, sitting behind the counter turned his head up with a smile that quickly vanished when he realized who had entered. Taeyong approached him confidently, you and Mark on his tail. The young blonde boy carried a large duffle bag in his left hand. Johnny guarded the door, flipping the sign to closed, securing the lock, and pulling down the sun visor so people couldn’t see what was happening so clearly. 
“Time to pay up, Youngjae,” Taeyong spoke clearly, skipping the theatrics and jumping straight to the point. Youngjae’s gaze on the young mafia leader didn’t falter, his lips sealed in a tight line. “Are you deaf? You’re lucky we waited until now to come collect. You are nearly six months overdue on that loan for this shop. And from what I’ve heard, you’ve been doing rather well for yourself.”
Taeyong walked around the store, picking up some necklaces on display that had diamonds that shone brightly, trailing some fingers along the sapphire bracelets, and finally stopping at the engagement rings. He picked one up that had a square cut diamond in the center, two smaller ones adorning either side of it. He seemed to hum in approval, grabbing a velvet box from a stand and turning to Mark. 
“Pack up some of the jewelry. We can use it as part of the payment.” Youngjae went to move when the younger male moved to collect from open stands, Taeyong quick to pull his weapon on the man. The older gentleman rose both hands, stilling in his movements, his stoic face unchanged. “Don’t even think about it.”
When Mark finished collecting what he deemed most valuable, he placed the bag in front of Youngjae. “Money,” the boy spoke.
When he didn’t move, Taeyong’s eyes narrowed. “You heard him,” the boss sneered angrily, narrowing his eyes. “All of the money in your safe deposit under the counter - I know it’s there because we installed it - and in your register. We’ll take that for now. If you continue to avoid payment, we will come back for the bank account. Sound fair?”
Youngjae continued to stay unmoving.
In a flash, you pulled out your own gun, clicking the safety off and aiming directly at his forehead. Your eyes were dark, making the older man visibly swallow. You were mildly thankful for your quick makeup job, making you somewhat more intimidating than your normal soft exterior. 
“I won’t say it again,” you huffed. “Put the money in the bag, or I will shoot you. I don’t have time to play this game with you, so if you value your life, i suggest you do what you’ve been told, pay up when you need to, and move on with your life. You made a deal with the devil for this, so it’s time to pay up. What do you say, sweetie?”
Youngjae silently nodded, opening the register and pulling handfuls of bills out. He followed by kneeling down on the floor to unlock the safe deposit box, pulling out more wads of bills that were all placed into the duffle bag. When he was finished, he backed away slowly, hands still in the air.
“That’s what I thought,” you smiled eerily, nodding at Mark to grab the bag. Taeyong smirked at himself, waving at Johnny to unlock the door. Mark left first, Johnny following to bring the car forward. “Pleasure doing business sweetheart. Don’t let this happen again.”
Blowing in a quick kiss, you made your way to the door, heels clicking and hips swaying. Taeyong followed after you, keeping an eye on the owner before slipping out of the door. You both piled back into the car, the vehicle quick to disappear down the road.
But what you had both missed in that moment was Youngjae pressing the small panic button on the underside of his countertop. His eyes traveled to the small tv on the side of his counter that showed security footage of the car you had gotten into, the man narrowing on the license plate. When his phone rang, police on the other line, he picked up.
“I’ve just been robbed by the mafia. I have their plate number. It’s…”
The events went unbeknownst to you on your way back to the penthouse, Taeyong’s hand on your thigh. He placed a kiss to your ear, nipping it lightly. “That was hot,” he whispered. “I never thought I’d be so turned on hearing you talk like that.”
“Is that so?” you hummed, turning to face him. His eyes were dark and lustful, making you wiggle in your seat. His lips curled up, giving a toothy grin.
“Guys, take care of the goods,” he voiced when Johnny pulled into the garage. You were nearly yanked from the car before it could come to a complete stop, Taeyong lifting you into his arms and carrying you away. Mark and Johnny watched you squeal loudly, cringing when they saw Taeyong smack your backside on his way to the elevator.
“I didn’t need to see that,” Mark mumbled, Johnny nodding in agreement.
The moment you were pushed through the penthouse door, you were dropped onto the couch, shoes and blouse discarded immediately. Taeyong went to pounce on your, narrowly missing your escaping form into your shared bedroom. His huff of annoyance could be heard as you ran into the bathroom, pulling off your jeans and undergarments as you went. You disappeared into the glass shower before Taeyong could join you, starting the hot water up. 
Taeyong’s eyes narrowed on your now wet form, watching you make faces at him through the glass. Your form was bare and dripping, and adding that to the memory of early, he was twitching already. The tan coat had been discarded on the bed before he joined you in the bathroom, but he didn’t hesitate to shed the turtleneck and jeans as well. The door was shut, and the glass door was opened, the man appearing at your side.
Immediately, you were tugged into a searing kiss, your body melting into his grasp under the waterfall of droplets that cascaded down your forms. He didn’t bother to ask for permission, his tongue bypassing your lips to attack the inside of your mouth. His hands gripped harder to your hips, veins running along up his hands and along his arms. His head tilted to the side to press perfectly against you, his mouth molding into yours without issue.
He pulled away for air, the steam from the shower making it harder to breath. Taeyong eyes were darker than normal, lust slated within the brown orbs. His tongue passed over his swollen lips, tracing yours slightly from the close proximity, earning a small whimper from within your throat.
“You were wonderful out there today,” he hummed lowly, nipping at your skin until he reached your ear. “I wasn’t expecting you to jump in the way you did. And you way you handled everything?” He paused for a moment, his breath hot on your ear. “It was pretty fucking hot.”
His words made you shiver, a mewl of delight piercing the sound of falling water. Taeyong pushed back his now wet hair, biting at his lip. 
“I should reward you for it. How does that sound?”
You didn’t even respond. His face was simply tugged back to yours, eagerly kissing his plump lips once more. Your hands cupped his cheeks, taeyong pulling you taut against his body. His steps moved forward; yours moved back. You found yourself pressed against the chillingly cold wall of the shower, grimacing in the midst of the sloppy connection and arch your back away from the steely frost against your skin. It only pushed you further into the mafia boss’ needy body, feeling the heat that radiated from his skin.
His lips traveled from your ear, down your cheek and to your neck, attacking it with suckling kisses that left dark red blotches ebbed on your skin. Your hands on his cheeks slid up to his wet red locks, scratching at his scalp happily. Your body burned under his light touches, feeling his fingers ghosting along your arms to your chest, fondling your breasts for a moment before his lips replaced his diligent digits to suckle at the hardened nipples, finally sliding down between your soaked forms to to with your moist pussy. 
The combination of his long fingers alternating between circling your clit and prodding at your core, and his gentle cites and kisses to your sensitive mounds sent your head reeling back, loud moans unceremoniously filling the air. Taeyong’s wicked grin against your chest was obvious almost as much as his increased actions, speeding up rubbing at your nub and popping his lips against your chest when he would tug at the buds.  
“Yong,” you whimpered at him, squirming in his grasp. Your stomach churned with arousal and delight, the feeling of his fingers sliding into your tight core adding to the stars you were already feeling. The thrusts of the two digits made you body jolt, his hand quick and nimble. His thumb pressed to your clit as he moved, the man grinning at your face that was twisted with ecstasy. “Oh god, baby. Yes.”
“You like that?” he mused, kissing his way back up to your face. “Or, do you like my cock better?”
“At this point, anything,” you managed to get out, breath picking up the closer you got to your end. “I love you so much, Taeyong.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured, kissing you lightly. “I love you too, baby.”
He pulled his fingers back before you could finish, a whining groan escaping you. “You love me but you don’t let me finish? How dare you-”
In a flash, you were spun around, your eyes meeting the wall, barely able to make out the condensation dripping along the white porcelain. Your hands pressed to the surface to keep from falling over, fingers curling against it. The feeling stung against your palms, your hands cold in contrast to the wet wall heated from the water that rained around you. The heat of a body pressed against your back, searing kisses placed along your neck and shoulder, sent shivers along your spine. Strong but delicate hands roamed along your form, hips rutting against your backside slowly, before your right leg was hiked up swiftly. 
“Are you ready for me?” he whispered seductively into your ears, lips tracing along the shell delicately.
“Yes, please,” you mewled at him, tilting your head back to rest on his shoulder. “Please, Taeyong.”
The low hum heard amongst the shower left your mind blank, anticipation flooding your veins. The slow rut of his hips was agonizing, and it wasn’t until he finally slid into you with one swift thrust that you felt full. A loud moan left your lips, your forehead placed against the wall happily. His thrusts began quick, wasting no time with slamming himself into your tight center and shoving your body further against the wall. 
“Oh Tae,” you let out. The familiar curl of his grin against the side of your head was unmistakable at the sound you made. 
“God, you always feel so good,” he rasped lowly, jutting himself harder than before and grinding against you harshly. The deep grunt he let out was thrilling to hear. “How did I get so lucky with you?”
“I think it’s me that got lucky,” you managed to say through plants, jolting when he resumed his rapid thrusts. “I’m so lucky:”
Taeyong seemed to speed up from your broken words, his cock pistoning in and out of you swiftly. His hips clapped against your ass, your leg hiked up bits at a time that made the angle deeper and his cock hit spots that made you shake. Every push into you, he found that one spot that had you moaning his name pathetically, chanting it like a mantra. 
The water was beginning to go cold by the time you were convulsing from his thrusts, feeling his hand wrap around your throat the closer you got to your high. You begged him softly to let you cum, the man commanding you to wait until he was ready to fill you to the brim with his own milky essence. His lips trailed down your neck nipping at the skin with his teeth and giving a gentle squeeze that made your sight go white with a rainbow of stars for a moment. 
“Yong, please.”
“Hold on, baby,” he kept saying, gasping the more he did. His thrusts were growing sloppy and forced the longer he went, his grip on your body hardening. With his forehead on your shoulder, he managed to utter a quick, “I’m almost there,” before grunting loudly.
THe last of his thrusts were the hardest and deepest, his cock lingering inside your wet pussy as he released. His milky seed spilled into you in bursts of warmth, painting your inner walls in the creamy white substance. His release sent your own into a fit of spasms, your walls tightening and convulsing around his length. They hugged at his thick shaft, coating it in your release while milking his own. Taeyong’s movements slowed to a gentle rhythm, letting your two forms meld into one against the wall and your cum mixing together deep inside of you.
Fingers pressed against the side of your face, tilting your head to the side. Your hazy gaze landed on the deep brown irises of Taeyong, a warm smile on his lips. Slowly, he leaned forward, remaining buried deep inside of you as he pressed a firm and loving kiss to your lips, conveying every ounce of love he felt into the connection. The frozen droplets of water did nothing to you against the heat of your bodies and the smoldering kiss you shared. 
And as his lips dragged down against yours, you couldn’t help but to smile.
With your body dried and dressed in onee of Taeyong’s baggy, long-sleeved shirts and a pair of jeans, you walked into the living room, headed for the kitchen. As you opened the fridge to find something to make for dinner, two arms wrapped around your form, a giggle erupting from your lips. Taeyong snuggled into your neck, lifting you off your feet and kicking the fridge shut.
“Taeyong, no! I’m hungry!” you scowled through a laugh, flailing in the man’s arms. Your actions proved futile, Taeyong carrying you to the couch and falling on his back atop it, placing you on his lap. 
“I know. But I wanted to spend some more time with you,” he pouted, the look adorable in your opinion. His fingers played with the hem of the shirt you wore, dipping under it to trace his fingers along your side. “Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are?”
“Maybe once or twice,” you joked, leaning forward to place a butterfly kiss to his nose. 
Taeyong sent you a shimmering smile, pulling you into a harder kiss. His tongue bypassed your lips instantly, the kiss growing hotter by the second. Your eyes slipped closed, your body eagerly rolling against his. A deep groan was muffled in his throat, hands pushing desperately at your shirt until your chest was exposed. That was the only time he broke the kiss - so he could attach his lips to your perk nipples, tongue flicking them happily.
“Tae,” you moaned loudly. 
You pushed against his chest to sit upright, rolling against him harder and faster. Your jeans pushed into your aching core, feeling his growing hard on through his own pair of black denim bottoms. His hands gripped at your chest, hooded eyes watching you grind against him. Your eyes slid shut, head falling back as his name left your mouth.
“Tae,” you whimpered, cracking open your eyes and turning to look at him. But your movements slowed, much to his dismay. The male under you whimpered and pushed up into you, eager to continue. “Taeyong, what is that?”
The mafia leader ceased his movements, propping himself up on his elbows and turning to follow your gaze. His brow creased at the flashing blue and red lights that reflected slightly on the window.
“The fuck?” he murmured, moving you from his lap and rushing to the window. “Why the fuck are the cops here?”
“The cops?” you whispered to yourself, eying the man you love. Before you could question him more, muffled gunshots could be heard through the building. 
Taeyong was quick to rush to the door, grabbing a gun on the way and sliding on his shoes. You jumped up after him, stumbling as you pulled on your own shoes and following after him. The noise in the hallway was louder than in the penthouse, screaming and shouting growing louder as your bounded down the stairwell. Exhaustion was setting in from the numerous stairs you rushed down, but neither of you stopped.
“Taeyong, wait!” you called at the man who refused to slow down. “Don’t rush in there! You could get hurt!”
Seething with anger, he didn’t listen, pushing open the door to the ground floor as soon as he hit the bottom step. You barely could register someone yelling Taeyong’s name and a shot being fired before he was stumbling back, a hand on his shoulder. 
“Fuck!” he yelled out in pain, pulling his hand back to see the crimson blood coating his fingers. 
“Baby, are you alright?” you asked, pulling him further from the door and seating him on the steps of the stairwell. Your own hand trembled, placed on his and feeling the blood slide between your fingers. “Shit, you’re hurt.”
“I’m fine,” he grimaced, wincing while adjusting how he was sitting. 
“You’re far from, sir,” you told him, ripping off one of the sleeve of the shirt you wore and wrapping it around his arm. “This will help for now but…”
“It’s fine,” he said again. “We need to get out there and meet with the others. I saw them briefly when I opened the door.”
“But what if they shoot again?” you asked, your voice meek.
“I will protect you,” he said, letting out a deep breath before pressing a kiss to your temple. “Stay low and you’re going to go left. Jaehyun and Yuta are behind the reception desk.”
“Alright,” you let out. 
“Don’t worry. I will be right behind you.”
Nodding, you cracked open the door, crouching low. The flashing of the police vehicles was brighter when you entered the lobby, finding the once beautiful area destroyed. Dead bodies of the staff that were employed by the NCT mafia to man their building were laid in various areas of the room, blood pooling around their unfortunate bodies after being caught in the crossfire. Furniture was ridden with bullet holes, upholstery exposed, and tables and desks having their wood flaked and chipped. 
Jaehyun was quick to aid you, pulling you behind the front desk before helping Taeyong over. Yuta, Jungwoo and Mark were with him, heavily breathing and reloading their guns with the limited ammo they had. 
“What the hell is going on?” Taeyong snarled at no one in particular. 
“The cops, obviously,” Yuta cheekily joked, his laughter ceased with Taeyong’s glare.
“Obviously,” came the leader’s retort. “Did the police say anything?”
“No,” Mark told him, leaning against the desk. “I can only assume we were ratted out after what happened earlier.”
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Taeyong yelled. “Shit!”
“Yong, calm down,” you told him, taking his shaking hand. This seemed to calm him slightly.
“Where is everyone else?”
“Already sent off to the escape tunnels,” Jungwoo mumbled, eyes darting to a wall to the right. Taeyong had told you of the secret passage for escape in case of emergencies. “We told them that we would hold them off so they could get to the cars and escape.”
Taeyong nodded, running a hand through his red locks. His mouth opened, only to be silenced by the squeal of a microphone outside.
“This is the Seoul Police. We have the place surrounded. Come out with your hands up, or we will be forced to fire!”
The boys seemed adamant on fighting, telling you to stay down as they opened fire at the door and windows, the police firing back with each shot. The ring of the shots made your head hurt, your hands cupping your ears in an attempt to shield them. Your eyes squeezed closed, curling in on yourself and only hoping that a stray shot didn’t hit anyone. 
When the firing came to a stop, and the boys ducked down, thankfully unharmed, they were all cursing. Jaehyun pushed at the desk, dropping his now empty gun.
“We’re fucked,” he growled, ruffling his dark locks. 
“No,” Taeyong said firmly. “You guys go and escape. I will keep them distracted.”
“What, no-” Yuta began to protest, but Taeyong shook his head.
“I’m your leader. I swore to protect you all. I will go down fighting for my family.”
Yuta, Jungwoo, Mark and Jaehyun nodded, Marking peering around the desk. “We have a chance now. They aren’t looking in that way. If we can make it to the passage, we’re fine.”
“Good, then go,” Taeyong ordered, turning to look at you. “You need to go with them.”
“No,” you firmly said. 
“That wasn’t an offer, Y/N,” Taeyong huffed. “Please, I need you to go. I need you to be safe-”
“I know it wasn’t an offer. I know what you’re thinking, but my answer is still no. I told you a long time ago when I learned what you do that I would be by your side until the end. I will be by your side until death do us part. I’m not leaving you to handle this on your own, Lee Taeyong. If you go down, I’m going with you.”
“Y/N,” he started, glancing at the others. They all held looks of concern, but chose to say nothing when their leader nodded hesitantly. The four men gave you a soft look before they darted for the passageway, the wall sliding open and closed quickly, their forms gone.
Taeyong sighed, leaning his back against the desk. He took the gun from his jeans that he grabbed on his way out of the penthouse, checking the ammo he had. “Not much left, eh?”
“Never thought this would be the end, did you?” you teased, trying to lighten the mood. Taeyong smiled for a second before becoming serious. 
“You should have left while you could…”
“You know that wasn’t a choice.” A hand slid into his.”We are partners in crime after all. If you go down, I’m going down with you. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and I will never regret it.”
A small smile graced the man’s face, lacing his fingers with yours. With a reassuring squeeze and the click of his gun in his right hand, he glanced to his side. 
“I honestly knew this day was going to come eventually. I knew I would go down one way or another,,” he rasped, tucking the gun once more into the back of his jeans. His eyes locked on yours before continuing, “But I’m glad that I have you by my side.”
You smiled at him before placing a tender kiss to his lips, your free hand carefully placed on his bandaged shoulder. His eyes closed, relishing in the feeling and taste of your lips on his. The screams from outside the building fell on deaf ears. The threats made went unheard. In those ten seconds, it was just the both of you, embraced by the calm emotions shared between your forms. Silent tears slid down your cheeks from fear and sadness, knowing your impending fate, but he wiped them away gently after pulling away. His lips dragged down yours as he backed away solemnly, wishing this wouldn’t be the end.
“I love you,” he mumbled just loud enough to be heard. 
“I love you too,” you repeated, taking his hand and preparing to stand and face the gallows of red and blue lights flashing through broken windows and bent blinds. “I always will, Taeyong.”
Together you stood, lifting your hands as you walked towards the door. You spied the barrel of guns aimed at you as you stopped at the door, staring down the cops. Their words fell deaf on your ears waiting for Taeyong to pull the gun and proceed with his last hurrah. Your heart was pounding, hands clammy.
This was the end. 
Just as Taeyong reached for his gun, smoke filled the area, shouts and screams and shots firing around the blinded area. Taeyong gripped your hand, tugging you back into the lobby of the building. He rushed towards the secret passage holding your hand tightly. As the wall slid open, he turned back to the doorway, spotting a figure in dark blue with a gas mask on watching them. You turned to follow his gaze, spotting the figure gesture before disappearing into the smoke.
“Who was that?” you asked quietly.
Taeyong pushed against the small of your back to force you into the passage, the wall sliding shut behind him. “Heechul.”
“Who’s that?”
“Our older brother mafia,” Taeyong hummed, smiling giddily. “Super Junior.”
“They came to our rescue?”
“Yeah,” the leader mumbled. “The others must have called them as soon as it was safe.”
“Well, I’m glad then…”
Taeyong chuckled, pulling you into a hug despite the pain he felt in his injured arm. His face nestled into your hair, a low sob escaping his throat. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”
“We’re both safe.”
“Well, not yet I guess,” Taeyong said. “We need to go. Now.”
Taeyong took your hand once more, the two of you running down the darkened hall, hoping that nothing would find you at the end.
You hummed a song softly, staring out a crack in the window at the barren road in front of the motel. Your fingers ran soothingly through the dyed black locks of your lover, who was curled up in your lap. Turning to look down at him, your own dyed locks fell against your cheeks, ticking his nose. A smile grew on his face, eyes remaining closed. 
You had taken refuge in a small motel far from the city, waiting for things to die down. The boys were scattered and in hiding, just like yourselves. Disposable phones were the only way to keep in contact to make sure everyone was safe still. There was no telling how long you were to live like this, but you didn’t mind it. 
“Y/N,” Taeyong sang, finally opening his chocolate colored orbs to look up at you. “I love you.”
He took your hand that was previously resting on his chest into his, playing  with the square cut diamond ring you wore. It was the same one he took from the shop that day. A few days after your escape, after Taeyong had been patched up for his injury by the Super Junior mafia and everyone separated for protection, going into hiding, he pulled out the box from his jeans pocket. 
“I was going to propose with this that night. I had everything planned - a nice dinner, a big speech, and a night to make love to you - but it all got fucked up. I would understand if you didn’t want to be with me,” he had said while laying in bed, fiddling with the box. 
“You’re stupid if you think after all of this that I would say no and leave you. Till death do we part, remember?”
You happily wore the ring still, never once taking it off since he slid it on your finger. It wasn’t your ideal proposal, but you weren’t going to argue if it meant you got to be with him. Watching him fiddle with it now, a grin on his soft, handsome features, left your heart fluttering. 
“I love you too, Lee Taeyong,” you hummed. “And remember, I will always be by your side.”
“Partners until the end?” He asked. You smiled leaning down to kiss him softly.
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remmushound · 3 years
Bay/rise 37!! @errorfreak88 @selfindulgenz @digitl-art-monstr @brightlotusmoon @yarchurr @dakotafinely @sententiously-sarcastic @sprinklestheditty
Content warnings!! Mentions of death
The ringing in Leo’s ears was deafening. After his humiliating defeat, the best thing he could think to do was find someplace quiet to think. The single place in the lair that offered such solitude was Splinter’s room— the only single-person bedroom in the entirety of their home. It was small and Leo could barely fit through the doorway, and laying on the bed made him feel colossal, but he didn't care. He buried his face in the pillow and it smelled like his father and that was all that he cared about.
He didn't care about losing the spar. Sure, it was a bad sting to his self esteem, but at least his dad hadn’t been there to see it. But maybe if Splinter was there he could have talked some sense into Leo before he made a fool of himself in front of his brothers. He didn't know what he was doing and he admitted that to none but himself. He had been leader for almost four years— and even before then he had always taken well to bossing his brothers around. That’s why he had been made leader in the first place! Because Splinter saw something in him and chose to highlight that above all his flaws and faults. Leo still didn't know why!
As a kid, though he had always taken charge, his personality wasn’t just that. Not like what he was reduced to now. He remembered running the sewers with his brothers and mapping out the tunnels with their minds alone and how he was always the one who could find the way home even when Donnie’s techniques failed. He remembered Splinter taking them up to the storm drains so they could watch the parades go by in the streets. The colors, the people dancing, the music sounding off and filling Leo with such a bubbly, warm joy that he just wanted to dance along to any song that carried down the tunnels.
That was what ninjitsu was to him at first. Dancing. Memorizing the moves and following through as fluid and free as the dancers he saw on the streets and in movies. Trying to emulate what he saw— feeling the melody in the very blood that coursed through his veins. Then a fun hobby turned into an obligation. It wasn’t a game anymore— it wasn’t something to enjoy or a fun thing to practice in his free time. It was his duty, his responsibility. His honor. And he couldn’t let his father down!
He wasn’t human and he could never be human. He shouldn’t want to be human! He was a turtle— he was a mutant— he was Splinter’s son! He had to live up to all the stories he was told about how great he would be and he had to live up to his father’s expectations and he had to live up to what the people in the city needed him to be! He didn't need to dance, he didn't need to like his work—he shouldn’t like his work! Work is work and work isn’t meant to be enjoyed. He was a savior— a messiah in the form of a grotesque monstrosity and it was him and only him that could protect his brothers and the city and the earth and he just wished the ringing in his ears would stop—
Then he opened his eyes again. The ringing wasn‘t just in his ears. It was all around him. An alarm— Donnie’s alarm— sounding a warning of some enemy approaching. Leo looked up and dried his tears just as Donnie came rushing into the room.
“Leo! An alarm went off in the south tunnel! We should check it out! Are you gonna…?”
Leo stood up quickly, shoving his way past Donnie and reclaiming his swords on the way to the entry tunnel. He didn't dare look up at any of his brothers or their counterparts as he passed them by. He was a leader and he had to be strong and silent and he wasn’t allowed to cry. He wasn’t allowed to be weak. He had to be the best— he was the best! Even if Leonardo had beaten him.
They traversed the tunnels in silence. Leo’s brothers were all gathered around him, Mikey with his head hung low like a puppy and remarkably silent. Donnie gave Leo space instead of being right at his side as usual, and Raph put some distance between himself and his Leo for completely different reasons. He needed a chance to cool off before he strangled Leo for how the stubborn leader had been acting the past few dates. He could strangle him later, Raph told himself. Just wait until the sensei’s are safe.
Leonardo was in the lead of his family, Michelangelo clinging to his arm for security against the rushing water that tried to force him off his feet. Leonardo, slippery as he was, always had a better grip under the water than the land-dwelling box turtle could hope to achieve. Donatello was tapping away on his watch, though Michelangelo was half convinced that it was actually just a game. In the place of Raphael, who’s exhaustion couldn’t be moved even by the loud scream of the alarm, was April taking up the rear. She had yet to get her special baseball back, though whoever this Casey Jones was had promised to get it out of police holding for her. In its place she had a new, regular bat covered in nails. Not as effective as her mystic bat, but she was sure it could pack a punch nonetheless.
They came to the place where the alarm had gone off. All eight of them slowly came to a halt when they saw the intruder just standing there, calm as day, as if he had been waiting for them quite some time. Leo and his brothers all took an audible gasp as they stepped back, Leo putting his arms out to protect those behind him. Leonardo and his family, however, gasped for a whole different reason.
Despite Leo’s wide motion for them all to stay behind him, Leonardo lead his family to all ignore the leader and dash forward under Leo’s arms to greet the skeleton man. Hueso looked filthy, his normally flawless suit stained with the sewage he had to wade through and dripping even after he had found an almost-dry spot to stand on. 
“Oh Hueso! Es bueno verte! I can’t believe you’re here! I’d hug you if you weren’t so gross!” Leonardo laughed and held his arms out for a social-distanced hug.
“Yes, I’d do the same if not for similar reasons.” Hueso grumbled under his breath.
“How’d you get here Hues?” April asked, walking closer to the calaca than Leonardo dared.
“It is a very long story.”
“You go on ahead Cassandra. I got some loose ends to tie up.”
When Cassandra left through the rift and the portal closed behind her, only then did Draxum put Hueso back on the ground and release his vice-grip. Hueso gasped softly as he clutched at his throat, his eyes full of hate and locked on Draxum like he were the scum of the earth.
“What do you want from me?” Hueso asked finally, his eyes never once leaving the sheep yokai.
“We have a common means, calaca.” Draxum said, calm and steady. “I hear you are fond of the one called Leonardo.”
“Fond?” Hueso laughed, “I wouldn’t much call it fond as I would call it a... hostage situation.”
“But you know of him. You care for him?” Draxum made a fist and raised it to the air. “You are a very clever Yokai, I can tell. And I could trust no other with a message as important, and to accept what I am about to ask of you would ensure riches and safety for you and your family.”
A glint came to Hueso’s eyes. “What is your request?”
“My creations think me cruel. They know not of my plans, and I need a carrier to bring the news to them so we may unite our forces to take down a common enemy.”
“The Shadow Fiend…” Hueso whispered softly, looking to the place where the rift had once been. “He is not whole. He cannot be defeated in the state he is currently in.”
“Yes.” Drauxm growled softly.
“He must be made whole again, and the only way to do that is…”
“A sacrifice. A sacrifice of Hamato blood will bring the Shredder back whole. He’ll be defeatable.”
“But the cost...”
“...would be great.” Hueso finished. “You would be able to destroy The Shadow Fiend once and for all! He sent me here to be your guide.” Hueso looked to Leonardo.
“So he’s not bad!” Michelangelo said quite loudly, his voice echoing all around them as he ran fast to hug Hueso, almost tackling the older skeleton. “DRAXUM’S NOT BAD! I knew he wasn’t!”
“You… you’re just…” Leo pointed at Hueso.
“Just a bone man, yes.”
“Hm.” Leo smacked his lips together as he nodded ever so slightly. “Okay.”
“Can I touch your bones, dude?” Mikey asked, his mouth hanging open and eyes wide.
“That is extremely disrespectful.” Hueso spat, “You should show more respect to your elders.”
Everyone just stared at him.
“Well? Data prisa! We haven’t got all day!” Hueso started to usher the teens back down the sewer tunnel, his confidence and booming voice enough to compensate for the shorter and weaker form he had compared to the brothers. “Malditos chicos! Tan lento!”
The mutants scattered along at his urging just as they would if their Splinters had done the same. Hueso grabbed Leonardo before the blue ninja could get far. 
“Talk with me.” He said in Spanish before they started to walk again.
“Why the Spanish?” Leonardo spoke with the same tongue and in a hushed voice. He hoped none of the counterpart-brothers could understand what was being said.
“We must talk of your father in private.”
“Splinter? Why? Do you know something?”
“I told you the ceremony requires blood magic! It requires the host to be bled and possessed by the Dark Armor. The host would be your father with his hamato blood.”
Leonardo’s eyes went wide. He stopped walking for a moment, but Hueso grabbed him by the arm and forced him to keep going.
“B-but if we destroy the shredder then he’d be free right?”
“To destroy The Shredder, we will have to destroy the host.” Hueso looked up at Leonardo with mournful eyes. “If we go through with this, then you will have to kill your own father.”
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cherrykadeu · 3 years
Saturday 17 April 2021. You have heard word there was an attack by the resistance on the armory in Club territory. Worried for your brother, you send someone to investigate and after they return you learn a bit more than you bargained for.
The young fox had followed her morning routine as usual. The soft sound of the singing birds coaxed her gently out of her deep sleep before any of the attendants rushed inside of her bedroom, small whispers wishing her a good morning falling from their lips.
Warm and scented water was enough to make Nari relax, the gentle conversation between the attendants made it difficult for her not to fall asleep again, but still the nerves made her want to keep her eyes open. Nothing changed as she prepared herself, long dark hair was now forming a bun, her lips were painted red as usual but allowing the rest of her face to shine with her natural glow. Her clothes were casual, a simple white set, long loose pants and an equally comfortable blouse that was kept together by a gold sash around her waist, all perfectly finished with her favorite jewelry.
There was not a single line on her face that was weighed down by surprise, her red painted lips tainted the golden brim of the cup as she calmly sipped on her tea. Nari could taste it, the rich hint of chocolate that touched her tongue, the light and pleasing floral finish as the tea slipped down her throat. She allowed herself to focus on all of those details for a moment, if only to distract her from the news that were now being delivered to her.
Nari knew that it was only a matter of time until the situation escalated, so she was not shocked by what had happened at The Armory, even if she had not exactly predicted it, it was still expected. However, she had been worried about her brother. There was no way she could forget the look on Geon’s face that day she encountered him in his territory, no way she could just shake off the feeling that something could have happened to him during the attack.
However, the news were worse than she had expected.
Her legs were crossed, her back straight and her gaze focused on the man she had hired and for the first time during the whole conversation she was surprised. Unfortunately, it had not been the good kind of surprise she had hoped for.
While you knew your brother was a guard at the armory, it’s now come to your attention that he was a member of the resistance. During the fight he was stationed on the ground and switched sides, attacking his fellow guards rather than the resistance vanguard.
It felt like her whole world had dropped at the words of the investigator, the cup being positioned back to its saucer on top of the small table, her elbow meeting the side of her chair as her fingers worked on massaging her temple. So, her brother had been lying to her all this time, risking his life for some unreachable future, for a loss cause, working for both sides and attacking those who had obviously put their trust in him.
Geon would be treated like a traitor, because he was one and there would be no resistance capable of protecting him. They were all just mere servants to a cause, dispensable, Nari was certain of it that if it came the day when he was no longer needed, they would get rid of him, just like they did with her friend, just like they did with Jung Anton.
Since then, your brother has disappeared. Unable to confirm his death, the investigator you sent tells you this is likely a good sign. It’s more than likely Geon has gone underground with the resistance.
“Geon, you fool” she murmured more to herself as she looked at the investigator, the man looking back at her probably expected to see a better reaction, a much happier one at least, but that was impossible to deliver, since Nari failed to understand how her own blood had decided to trust some group of strangers instead of her. His own sister.
Then a dreadful thought swirled around in her mind, made her stomach turn and transformed the delicious tea into some nauseating beverage. Just how many of them knew about what her brother had done? How many were dead and how many had survived to spread the word? How many would come for him?
Her eyes came back to watch the men’s figure, before suddenly standing up. Her heels clinked all the way to the large doors where she stopped, turned the key and locked them both inside.
A sigh left her lips when she caught sight of the nervous look the man was sending her, the way he twiched in his seat as she approached him once more, before grabbing his shoulders with both hands, never allowing him to slip away as she stood tall behind him.
“I can hear your heart beating, is it for me?” the question rolled out of her lips easily, her claws digging slightly into his shoulders when she felt him trying to move away. Forcing herself not to eat properly had many drawbacks and one of them was that basically everyone looked like a good meal, her instincts much more aware of what could be seen as prey and definitely a lot less selective.
A small giggle left her lips as she moved to be in front of the investigator again. Nari could see him sweating, almost paralyzed in fear and for a moment she almost regretted the way she was acting, but she forced herself to believe that this was for the well-being of her brother.
“No need to give me that look, it’s quite offensive” she scoffed, reaching for the pocket in her pants before showing him a gold key, the one that opened the doors she had locked to prevent his escape “I just want you to promise that this conversation will stay between us and that you will do anything to find my brother and bring him back to me”
After a series of fast nods and words of agreement the man rushed out of the room, with trembling legs and dropping the keys on the floor at least twice before he was finally able to open the doors and leave. But, not even then did she laugh. There had only been space for one idiot in the family and that idiot had never been Geon, she just hoped that he would not start being an idiot now.
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satanickpanick · 3 years
this is technically late HOWEVER i had way too much fun and it got way too out of hand not to post for @tmanostalgiaweek day five: shenanigans! a very happy all fools’ day from me and everyone in the archives :)
“You got the goods?”
Martin nodded seriously. He reached into his jacket and, one by one, produced the instruments of chaos necessary to the events of the day.
Sasha grinned widely, and it only grew wider as she took inventory. Zip ties, fine glitter, styrofoam plates and cups, silly string, and several rolls of duct tape, all check, and more on the way according to the text she’d got from Tim. Martin seemed to be almost vibrating in excitement, eyes alight with mischief. She took out her notebook and they started to review the plan.
“-and if we time it exactly right, with Hannah to keep watch, of course, it’ll get him right in the-“
“Happy All Fools’!” came the shout, heralding Tim with a joyous laugh and a heavy tote bag. He set it down on the table with a satisfying thunk and let himself be swept up in one of Martin’s great bear hugs.
“You’re late,” Martin accused laughingly.
“Have you considered that you two might just be early?”
“Forget that, let’s see what you’ve got!”
Tim’s smile grew as he reached into the tote. “We have here my finest equipment, my greatest collection, the tools of a master’s trade-“ Martin swatted at him- “All right, okay…” He flourished each item as he listed it off. “Half a dozen whoopee cushions. Several bags of balloons. One industrial-size ball of twine. A packet of plastic spiders. Four handshake zappers. One rubber rat. And the centerpiece, my Magnus opus, if you will… one hundred wallet-size portraits of Jimmy Magma himself.”
“Holy shit, Tim, you came through,” Sasha breathed. “This is gonna be absolutely brilliant.”
“Ah, good morning, Tim,” came Jon’s voice from the doors to the breakroom. “Delighted you decided to show.” The three assistants froze. He raised an eyebrow. “What’s all this, then?”
“It’s April Fool’s day?” Martin squeaked out before anybody could think up a good story. Dammit, Sasha knew they’d missed something planning.
“I see.” Jon offered in a tone that said they very much did not. “I take it you were banking on my being shut up in the office all day?” Their collective silence was answer enough. “Right.” He made a valiant attempt to look indifferent. “Carry on, then, I won’t interfere, but I won’t be held responsible.” Jon turned to go.
“Wait,” Tim said, surprising, it seemed, even himself. “D’you want in on it?”
“Tim-!” Sasha hissed. He waved her off- but she knew that look now she saw it. A plan was forming.
“We could use your help, y’know- most of this is pretty standard stuff, we’re gonna put up glitter bombs in the doors and take the-“ He cut off abruptly as Jon held up a hand.
They tried for a beleaguered sigh, failed, and instead broke into a small, amused smile. “What do you want me to do?”
Martin shared a wide-eyed look with Sasha as Tim eagerly explained the climax of their plan. Jon nodded along, their smile growing more and more genuine- and more and more dastardly.
Finally, he turned to go. “I think I can manage that. Just give me… an hour, to finish up the box I’m on.” Tim nodded, giving a mock salute, and with that their boss- their boss, holy shit- was gone.
“Tim, what were you thinking?” Martin whisper-yelled the moment the door clicked shut. “He said he didn’t want to be involved.”
“They said they didn’t want to be held responsible,” Tim countered. “Besides, he’s the perfect one for this- he’s got legitimate reasons to be in Douchard’s office.”
“And we don’t?”
“I’m with Tim,” Sasha interjected. “Jon deserves to have a little fun once in a while. And besides, his being part of it guarantees he won’t rat us out.”
Martin sighed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” A beat. “Well, let’s get going, shall we? This place isn’t gonna booby-trap itself.”
And get going they did. With plastic wrap over tea left out, spiders in desk drawers, silly string rigged up on sinks, and other harmless little tricks, today had been months in the making. Sasha remembered well the day Martin had sat them down and told them about a tradition from when he was a kid- on he, for reasons yet undiscovered, wanted to start up with them. The tradition in question?
Total carnage she hadn’t thought the nervous, tea-brewing mass of jumper 5$-) was Martin’s face value capable of.
But all too soon it was done, and the three of them had very carefully navigated the network of traps back down to the breakroom. Sasha was animatedly recounting a close call in artefact storage with a tripwire and a nosy researcher when Jon entered, narrowly missing the confetti popper tied to the doorknob. He looked tired, moreso than before, but surprisingly eager.
“Okay, Jon,” Martin told him. “Rosie says he’s on the phone with some donor, but he’ll be leaving for lunch in… ten minutes and be gone til around 1130.”
“Which gives me… er… fifty minutes…? to get in, put them up, and get back out.”
“Yep.” Sasha held up a plain manila folder. “They’re in here, so’s a card of sticky tack.”
“Now, you know Rosie’s already agreed to help us, but that doesn’t go for the rest of the floor. You have to look like you have business.” Tim pushed his shoulders back and made a face like he’d smelled something sour. “Y’know-“ he put on an overly posh accent- “I’m the Archivist, I’ll zap you with my lazer eyes if you perceive me, I ha- ow!” He gripped his shoulder dramatically where Sasha had smacked him. “You get the idea.”
Jon chuckled darkly. “Do I really act like that?” Martin shrugged apologetically. “Well-“
“He���s gone!” said Sasha, thrusting the folder of tiny Jonahs into their hands. “Go, go!”
“Go, Jon!”
“Remember the safe route!”
The three cheered laughingly as Jon straightened up to his full tiny meter and a half and headed out the breakroom and up.
A tense ten minutes passed. Twenty. Martin left to take care of something trivial and returned. Thirty. The silence was broken only by the occasional giggle, quickly hushed by the other two. Forty minutes. They were getting quite down to the wire.
Pop! The party cracker at the door went off, making everybody jump. Jon had yelped and thrown the folder still in their hands, and now stood in the doorway, hair full of paper bits and sputtering laughingly.
“The deed is done,” they proclaimed dramatically through laughter, all but collapsing into an open folding chair. “That was- so much worse than I could’ve imagined. They were all- they were all staring at me.”
Sasha joined him first in laughter, the others soon to follow. Nobody could really understand what anybody was saying-
“…can you imagine?”
“Your face-“
“All of those eyes-“
“This is the greatest plan you've had since-“
Eventually, though, the energy died down. Jon stood, visibly reassuming the role of “boss”. “Well, that was certainly amusing. But we should all get back to work.”
“Come on, admit it, you had fun,” Sasha goaded.
“…all right, I did,” they admitted, “Doesn’t mean you lot’re getting out of anything, though.”
With a last conspiratorial look, the four separated Sasha liked to imagine she could hear Elias’s shout of confused frustration m as he returns to find his office plastered in tiny, smirking Jonah Magnuses.
She didn’t have to imagine Jon’s as he opened his own door and was showered in a cupful of neon pink glitter.
the joe mogus featured here, by the wonderful @fox-guardian:
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1tarot1with1k1o · 3 years
Good day, if your free readings are still available by the time you receive this ask, could I please ask for one? Since april I've been undergoing an inner transformation, and while I know for certain that transformation is far from over, I've noticed I'm not grieving as much as of late. It seems I've reached the acceptance stage. Could I please get a reading on my self-healing? How much progress have I made? Thank you kindly for your time and energy. Best regards, EV
Good day to you 💙 you’re more than welcome to ask!
cards I got: 9 of wands, 7 of swords, the fool
The cards are indeed confirming that you have been going through a challenging situation for a while. They say you might feel drained, and just wanting to move on to a better chapter. They’re telling you to hold on, because you’re almost there, you’re very close to the finish line. You’ve done a lot of work on your part, and even if things might not have always worked out for you, you did the right thing.
I don’t know exactly what this energy is about, but they’re saying to be careful about who you keep close. There might be a friend or person close to you, who is acting nice when you’re around, but secretly hoping for you to fail. They are draining your energy greatly, so it doesn’t help, with the already existing burden you have been working on dissolving.
I see new beginnings in store for you, something fresh and exciting coming your way.
You might have overcame the bigger obstacle, but there are some “smaller” challenges you have to get over with, which were caused by the moment of instability you had to go through.
Perhaps the adventure, will be something you’ll have to have trust in, and go for it. Even if you’re doubtful or unsure that it would work out for you, if you feel called to it, there’s a reason, and you should probably do it. Believe that it is aligned with your purpose. It will bring you many positive energies, and that will revitalize you. Giving you the final push to get through the challenge.
You have done very well, and they are proud of you for being so resilient. You can do it! Good luck with everything 💞
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magma-cjay · 3 years
Lingering Fragments (cw: death, angst, implied suicide)
(foreword: ok MagmaCjay, you asked for it, don't say you weren't warned)
They were all dead. Every single one of them.
With great effort Risotto staggered toward the headquarters, limping painfully, his right leg dragging, and barely attached to his body by Metallica's power alone. Torn nearly off and barely hanging on by a few strands of muscle and tendon, and the ability of his Stand.
He had barely escaped his encounter with the unassuming young boy. A boy whom he knew had ties to the Boss. Who had mistreated him and his team for far too long. Who he was a fool to have underestimated. But he was lucky to escape with his life. Especially when Bucciarati's team intervened.
If one can consider me lucky, by any definition, Risotto thought.
His whole team was gone. He was the last man standing. The rest of his men, his family, slaughtered like swine by Bucciarati's team, and for what? Hadn't they sought to betray the boss as well? Hadn't they sought the same goal? Weren't they two teams on enemy sides, yet united with a common enemy?
It was all so damn unfair.
It wasn't long until Risotto neared the Hitman Squad hideout, a small, shabby and unassuming apartment that lay secluded in the Italian suburbs. A place where he and his crew dealt their shady deals to survive and hid from the wrath of the Boss. A place that was what many would call the dark, ominous underground of Italy's streets, but was a shelter for his men and himself.
A place that was the closest thing he could call a home.
Barging into the door, blood pouring from his numerous wounds, Risotto stumbled painfully into the living room with a cry of anguish. A cry that echoed through the empty halls of the hideout and gradually warbled away into silence. A painful, deafening silence that hurt Risotto far more than Aerosmith's bullets ever could.
He collapsed heavily onto the kitchen table, breathing heavily and wincing in pain. His dark inky eyes darted down onto the table, which was empty, save for a newspaper, and a plate of long-stale crackers, which were beginning to attract ants from their time left unattended.
Risotto's heart sank like lead as the gravity of what those meant struck him harder than any blow from the Boss's stand. The newspaper was spread out at a crossword puzzle, the date: April 1st, 2001. Risotto wished this was all a fool's day trick, but the silence was all too real. All too agonizing to endure.
The crossword puzzle was half-finished, with angry scribbles and incorrect answers that Risotto recalled too well. Of the angry hollers of Ghiaccio, as he struggled to comprehend words, while Formaggio mocked him playfully for his incompetence while snacking on the table.
Now the remnants of Formaggio's last meal lay untouched, as if silently awaiting their consumer. But there was none. Once wise-cracking, prank-pulling, now just a charred, cold corpse on a street somewhere. Would he at least be laid to rest by whoever found his body? thought Risotto. Or would he be left to rot, be picked away by rats and roaches like garbage? Like the garbage he had always been treated as, by the world, by society, by the very gang they had found themselves trapped in?
The unfinished crossword puzzle also brought Risotto little comfort. He had always loathed Ghiaccio's rambling, his angry ranting at the most trivial of things. But now Risotto ached for that irate voice. He would have given anything to hear that voice one last time. Not that Ghiaccio's throat, pierced right through the spine and out his windpipe, drowned slowly in his own blood by Giovanna and his gunman, would ever make another sound again.
Risotto glared at the crossword puzzle, and the one word that Ghiaccio had managed to fill. "An eight letter word synonymous with forever." 
Eternity. How painfully appropriate. Gone for eternity, never to be seen or heard from again. Forever. Just like the only family he ever had, with this one word, inked out in a sanguine red on the faded parchment, as if an ominous tiding of death.
The sight of these leftovers were too much for Risotto to bear, and despite the agony he heaved himself off the kitchen chair, stumbling to the living room and throwing himself onto the couch. His blood stained the faded, torn cushions, as he pressed his face into a pillow and muffled a scream. He breathed in through his nose, and caught a waft of a familiar scent. Prosciutto's cologne. His favorite pefume that he wore before...that mission. Risotto felt a lump in his throat.
Everywhere he looked, everywhere he went, the house was filled with little remains of everyday things, which like nails further hammered in the loss in his already wounded heart and soul. Scents. Sights. Sounds, or the lack thereof.
His knee accidentally pressed something hard on the sofa and with a static whirr the television came on. It was a dramatic soap opera currently on air. Melone and Illuso's favorite television show, featuring soppy tales of love and romance which they dutifully watched day after day, despite mocking jabs from Formaggio and Ghiaccio about their tastes in genre.
And now they will never know how the show ends. The last he had heard of Melone was a report from Ghiaccio claiming to have heard him scream on the phone and lose contact. And Illuso...was gone. Not just dead, but gone: vanished without a trace, melted into thin air, with not even a hair or piece of clothing to remind the world that he ever was.
Would anyone remember them? Would anybody even care?
They were just criminals to the world, weren't they? The scum of the earth, filthy, cold-blooded killers. They were the monsters of society, and to anyone else? They'd say they deserved to die.
But to Risotto, they were family. His family. His brothers in a way, who were all dragged in this horrid life by the cruel twists of fate. He'd wished to have escaped from the trappings of this mafia, but they were mired too deep into the quicksands of crime. He regretted deep inside having turned them into this life of a gangster. Especially Pesci. He was too young, too naive. He never deserved a life like this. He never deserved to see his big brother crushed under the wheels of a locomotive, and be torn apart alive shortly after by that damn Bucciarati's stand to spend his final moments in pain and terror at the cold, freezing abyss of a lake.
He despised himself at not having been able to save them. Of having failed to free them from the binds of this miserable existence. But it was too late. Since the day Sorbet and Gelato befell their dreadful end, he swore that he would lose no more further. But he did. One by one. And every single day, Risotto returned to find his home a little bit emptier.
Until there was none.
He was all alone in this cold, cruel, void, everyone he had ever cared about but a distant memory or a pallid lifeless corpse. There was nothing left for him. No one to turn to. Not even Formaggio's uplifting cracking jokes or Prosciutto's affectionate reassurance. He hated Giovanna and his allies for everything they did. If he could, he wanted to take their lives with his own bare hands, make them pay for the pain they wrought. But what would it bring him? Satisfaction? Justice?
There is no justice in this wretched world, Risotto thought bitterly. That's why I am here in the first place.
He could murder Giovanna and Bucciarati and the Boss for all he cared, but the damage was already done. Nothing he could do would bring back his family. They were dead, gone forever, and all of his efforts would have been in vain.
There was nothing left for him, but a future of emptiness.
Why did he have to suffer? What did he do to deserve all this? They were bad people who did bad things, but it wasn't their fault they were forced to become what they were. Risotto whimpered like a frightened child as he curled up on the bloodstained sofa, embracing himself tightly in a futile effort to make the pain go away, the pain of his body's wounds, and the agony that seared his soul like hellfire.
He wanted the pain to end.
A gleam caught his eye, down next to the sofa. Something black and shiny lay tucked against one side of the cushions It was Prosciutto's spare revolver, which he kept in good condition, and kept hidden away in case his original was lost or damaged if a mission went wrong.
It couldn't have gone more wrong.
Everything had gone wrong.
Their entire life had gone wrong.
With trembling hands and heaving breath Risotto reached out for the revolver and felt its cold, hard steel touch menacingly, and yet enticingly, to his stiff, shivering fingers.
Maybe this would make the pain go away.
For eternity.
(afterword: yeah, told you this would get really depressing. i didn't know if Risotto would kill himself or choose to continue living, in which case he would just suffer all the more so yeah i never made a chapter two. oh well. sorry all you squadra fans for making you cry today)
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umbry-fic · 3 years
The Revenge Plot
Summary: On a lazy afternoon, Lloyd hatches a scheme to prank Raine. Genis gets pulled in against his will. Colette is just happily along for the ride.
Will Raine figure it out? Will the three succeed?
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters: Colette Brunel, Lloyd Irving, Genis Sage, Raine Sage Relationships: Colette Brunel & Lloyd Irving & Genis Sage, Genis Sage & Raine Sage Rating: G Word Count: 4712 Mirror Link: AO3 Original Post Date: 01/04/2021
Notes: A fun little gen fic for April Fool's Day featuring the Iselia trio!
“We would have tricked Professor Raine and gotten our revenge at the same time!” Lloyd finished. His voice, the scratching of a singular pen nib against paper, the occasional flap of pages turning and the creaking of his chair were the only sounds filling the quiet classroom.
The three of them, Lloyd, Genis and Colette, were the only ones still left in the Iselia Schoolhouse. The sun was setting, casting the entire room in different shades of muted reds and oranges. The shadows cast by the trees outside the windows stretched across the desks, resembling gnarly, bent fingers that shifted. Lloyd and Colette were scrambling to finish the homework that was due tomorrow and had agreed to stay back in the classroom after school to finish it. Genis had no reason to stay. He’d finished the next two week’s worth of homework.
Genis had crossed his arms and claimed he wanted to do supplementary exercises. So he would be staying as well!
Much to Genis’ relief, the two of them hadn’t tried to refute this reason. If they had, Genis would have shot back with an excuse of pitying the two of them for not having the tenacity to even finish one page of exercises. That would have been enough to shut them up. Hopefully. That was the plan, at least.
Colette nodded eagerly, gaze fixed on Lloyd and chin nestled on her palm, having long given up on actually doing her math homework. The textbook on her table had been opened to the page of multiplication practices for the last ten minutes. Not a single word had been written on it, her pen instead laying uncapped next to it, having left a trail of ink down its side. The time had instead been spent raptly listening to Lloyd while experiencing a growing sense of awe, eyes widening as he went through his plan. It sounded smart! Who would have thought?
Genis, on the other hand, had his head buried in his textbook and was doing his best to ignore Lloyd’s continuous talking, pen scribbling down equation after equation. But he couldn’t tune it out completely, and it was starting to get very annoying.
Lloyd, who was sitting in his chair backwards so he was facing his friends, arms hugging the backrest and legs swinging in the air, grinned. “So? What do you think, Genis?”
With an annoyed huff, Genis loudly snapped his textbook closed and slammed it upright on the desk, glaring at Lloyd over it. “I’ve only been half-listening to your mindless yammering and even then I can tell your plan is ridiculous. You should be doing your homework, not being a distraction! Do you want to get detention tomorrow?”
Lloyd winced at the thought of spending a beautiful sunny afternoon trapped in here again, writing “I’m sorry” over and over on the blackboard until his fingers were completely smudged white with chalk and so raw he thought they might bleed. It would be great if he never had to go through that again for the rest of his life.
“I couldn’t focus. It’s not my fault all of the math questions are impossible.” Lloyd pouted, starting to rock the chair on its legs. Colette worried, with how far back Lloyd was tipping the chair, that he might just fall over. “So I came up with this instead.”
Genis groaned, resisting the urge to chuck the textbook at Lloyd’s head. He would leave the physical violence to his sister. “If you can come up with such a ridiculous prank, you have the time to finish your homework.”
“I was asking you what you thought of it! You still haven’t answered.”
“I think it’s quite good!” Colette spoke up. “But Lloyd, your -”
“Explain to me exactly how you’re going to clear this classroom of students on a school day?” Genis asked smugly, interrupting Colette’s attempt to warn Lloyd of his dangerous chair rocking behaviour. He could bet Lloyd hadn’t thought of that. This should be enough to stump Lloyd and get him to rethink pulling a prank on Raine. Why was he even trying to do that anyway? Was he asking for death?
“That’s where you come in, Genis,” Lloyd replied, stretching his arm out to point straight at Genis’ face. Genis gaped. What? Himself? How did he even play into this idiotic scheme?
“You get to go around town the night before telling everyone that school’s off the next day. You’re Professor Raine’s brother, so everyone will believe you!”
“I - H - how did you even come up with that?” Genis was at a loss for words. The worst thing was that Lloyd’s idea made sense. What had the world come to for such a miracle to occur?
Did Lloyd have a brain somewhere in that ridiculously thick skull of his?
“Dunno, just thought of it,” Lloyd said nonchalantly, further rendering Genis speechless. Just thought of it??? “So, you in?”
“No!” Genis protested. “Do whatever you want, but I’m not pranking my sister!” He wasn’t insane enough to agree to this. If they pulled this off, what would Raine do in retaliation? Make Lloyd carry four buckets of water instead of two? A week’s worth of detention? Make him sleep in the dark? Just the thought of it was enough to make him want to cower.
The smile on Lloyd’s face wasn’t dropping, however. It was unnerving. Did Lloyd still think he could be convinced? How?
“Then you leave me no choice.” Lloyd tipped the chair towards Genis, leaning closer over the desk. Genis scooted his chair back, attempting to put as much distance between the two of them as possible. “I invoke the sports meet. You remember, don’t you?”
Colette cringed at the increasingly loud creaking sounds coming from the chair, the harsh sound almost deafening to her. Did the other two not notice it? Were they too engrossed in their conversation? Was that a crack running down one of the chair legs?!!
“The sports… meet...” Genis trailed off as realisation hit him like a lightning strike.
Every year, at the insistence of the mayor, the school held a sports meet where the students were divided into two groups and pitted against each other in various activities. It was sweaty, loud, competitive, and Genis hated it with a passion. Every student needed to be assigned at least one activity, and no matter how many times he had pleaded with his sister, she had refused to budge on the matter. School regulations were school regulations, she had said, and what kind of school teacher would she be if she let him off easy just for being her brother?
After three years of embarrassing himself and letting the whole world know of his absolute lack of athletic abilities, he had grown tired of it. At last month’s edition of the annual sports meet, he had brokered a deal with Lloyd - take his spot at the 100-metre sprint, and Lloyd could have one favour, any favour.
Thank the Goddess Raine hadn’t noticed anything amiss. Either that, or she had chosen to stay silent.
“You’re using your favour for this?” Genis spluttered, starting to panic. “I thought you were going to ask me to do your homework for a week or something!”
To be honest, Genis had completely forgotten he’d ever made that promise. He had expected Lloyd to call in his favour within a day, but there had been complete silence from Lloyd’s end over this matter. For it to return now, of all times, to bite him in the back…
“A promise is a promise. Right, Genis?”
Genis remained silent. There was no way to refute that statement. He had, indeed, made that promise. And Raine had always told him, since young, to never renege on them.
Lloyd had, for once, well and truly cornered him. Had he planned this all along?
No, it couldn’t be. Genis refused to believe it. Lloyd wasn’t smart enough to play that long of a game. It was just a lucky coincidence.
Lloyd grinned, leaning back with his arms crossed behind his head, causing the chair’s front two legs to come off the floor. “So I guess that’s settled! It's a great opportunity to get Professor Raine to loosen up a little! We’ll deal with the details some other time. As for the tomatoes, Colette, can you borrow some from your grandmother’s garden?”
Colette nodded, frowning at what she was very certain was a crack on the chair’s leg. “I can ask Grandma; she’d probably give some to me without asking any questions. But Lloyd, you should stop rocking your chair.”
Lloyd blinked at Colette in confusion, cocking his head. “Huh? Why -”
A resounding “crack” echoed throughout the classroom as one of the chair’s legs split in half in an explosion of wood splinters, pitching the chair to the side and throwing Lloyd onto the floor.
“Lloyd!” Colette cried in worry, running over and kneeling next to the groaning boy on the floor. “Are you alright? Does it hurt? Are you bleeding? Do I…"
Genis paid no attention to any of this, sinking down in his seat and putting his head in his hands. He was embroiled in this ridiculous scheme now, definitely for the worst. He could only hope that Lloyd failed in his machinations or came to his senses.
Even if they successfully pulled this off, the only result awaiting them were the graves they would have dug for themselves.
He supposed he had his answer now.
The fact that Lloyd had ever considered trying to prank his sister proved, once and for all, that he was a mindless idiot.
One Week Later
Genis stuffed his feet into his shoes, staring out the window at the unnaturally dark sky. It was the middle of summer, and on any other day, the sun would have been happily smiling down at the world, even in the early evening.
Just his luck that the day before Lloyd’s… revenge plot (calling it that left a sour taste in his mouth), the sun would be hidden behind a barrage of storm clouds, thunder faintly rumbling as lightning lit up the sky.
He would hate getting caught in the rain while running around Iselia doing Lloyd’s bidding. It’d just be rubbing salt on an already open wound.
Genis sighed. Might as well bite the bullet and get it over and done with. Lloyd had at least promised him that he wouldn’t need to turn up tomorrow for the actual deed. Maybe Raine would never know he was part of this!
No. There was absolutely no way Raine wouldn’t figure it out. No matter what, he would be dead by the end of tomorrow.
Speaking of Raine, his sister should be preparing for tomorrow’s lesson right about now. She almost always stuck to her daily routine - eat breakfast (prepared by him), head to the schoolhouse, conduct her lessons, eat her packed lunch (also prepared by him), organise any necessary detention or supplementary sessions, come home, eat dinner (cooked by him, what else did you expect?), prepare tomorrow’s lessons… She carved out some time, especially on weekends, to read up on ruins and, of course, spend some time with him. They could talk about anything: more complicated magic incantations, the most recent book they had read, the insane things Lloyd got up to… Countless topics, skirting around the one thing they wouldn’t bring up unless they had to.
But they were both creatures of routine - perhaps that provided a much-needed sense of security to combat the ever-present fear that their deepest secret would be unearthed, here, in a place where they had finally found peace, much like it had before. History always repeated itself. That was how the saying went.
Maybe Raine did need to loosen up a little.
Well. He would get going. There should be no chance of being caught now and raising Raine’s suspicions -
A hand landed on his shoulder, causing his heart to jump out of his chest as a familiar voice was heard from behind him. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Holding his breath and praying his absolute hardest to the Goddess, Genis turned around slowly, trying to maintain a straight face. Raine stared down at him, unimpressed, one eyebrow raised as she crossed her arms, awaiting his answer. How had she even gotten behind him without making any sound?
Lloyd had laughed at him when he’d said, once, that Raine was a silent predator. But you had to be there to believe it! She had struck terror into his heart ever since he was seven, when she’d caught him stealing from the cookie jar and grounded him for a whole week.
He’d been forced to eat Raine’s cooking for that entire period. He sometimes still had nightmares about the writhing tentacles he’d had to consume.
“I was going over to Lloyd’s to help him with math again. You know how he is with fractions.” He was going to have to congratulate himself later for keeping a stable voice. He had no idea how he was managing it.
“At this time of day?” Raine replied, frowning as she glanced out the window.
Steeling himself to come up with some plausible excuse, Genis opened his mouth -
“I’m worried it’ll rain while you’re out there. At least take a raincoat. I wouldn’t want you catching a cold.”
“Oh, right.” Genis accepted the raincoat his sister had grabbed off the clothes rack and stuffed into his hands, staring down at the grey plastic, a small smile forming on his face. “Thanks. I’ll… get going, then.”
“Take care. And don’t stay out too late, alright?” Raine opened the door, stepping back. “I will punish you if you turn up to school late tomorrow.”
“Can’t you just wake me up and take me with you?” Genis complained, stepping out of the house, still smiling.
“No. My answer is final. I will not accept any dissent over this issue.” Raine leaned against the doorframe, the corner of her mouth curving upwards slightly.
Genis waved goodbye to his sister, setting off down the footpaths of Iselia towards his closest schoolmate’s house. It’s not like he expected Raine to change her tune.
Stubborn, overly strict, prone to violence, but diligent, protective and caring. That was his sister.
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Next Day
Raine figured out something was wrong the moment she stepped foot into the schoolyard.
Shutting the book on the Balacruf Mausoleum that her head had been buried in just moments before, she closed her eyes and tried to identify the source for the sense of wrongness that had arisen.
Come on. Concentrate…
Ah. That was it. The complete silence.
Teaching at a schoolhouse that catered to children ranging from the ages of 8 to 16 meant there was always some noise, from somewhere, reaching her ears. Excited chattering, the scraping of desk legs against the floor, the creaking of old wooden boards that supported the weight of children, chasing each other around. One got used to it until it became nothing more than background noise that she didn't actively register. Nonetheless, it was a collection of sounds that brought comfort.
All that sound, carrying the weight of life with it, was gone now, drained from the schoolhouse and leaving it dark and soulless. The children, playing skip rope, catching or hopscotching in the dirt of the schoolyard until she shooed them in for class were absent as well.
There was not a single hint of life. The air was still. Silence dominated.
Was there no one here at all? Hmm.
She had suspected something was off ever since last night. Genis seldom left the house so late, and for Lloyd to do his homework at that time of day? It was unbelievable. Nothing, no force in this mortal world, could make Lloyd Irving finish his homework. It infuriated her to no end, but… It was also slightly endearing; part of what defined one of her beloved students.
So this was what Genis had been up to last night. She’d contemplated asking for the truth or just forbidding him from leaving, but had seen no point in doing it. He was no longer the tiny, vulnerable bundle she had cradled in both love and fear, wondering if they would survive, wondering how she could ever create a happy life for her brother. Genis would be turning 12 next year, growing into himself. Maybe this was part of a rebellious phase. Who knew?
That thought brought with it both a sense of loss and a dizzy, wondrous, beautiful sense of joy.
Not too long ago, she would have never thought they would get this far.
Raine reached the door to the schoolhouse, trying the door handle and finding it coated in some... thick substance. She brought her hand back, red, viscous liquid dripping lazily onto the dirt. Now that she looked properly, there were random puddles of this same liquid scattered haphazardly around the school grounds, almost like it had overflowed from some container being carried across.
The consistency and the earthy smell… There were even still small chunks swimming in the liquid. Tomato paste. Definitely.
That meant Colette had to be involved as well.
Firstly, High Priestess Phaidra had the best garden in Iselia, which, impressively, she somehow maintained on top of all her duties. All the children got their tomatoes from there for their fake Halloween blood.
Secondly, Lloyd would not have survived mashing the number of tomatoes required to produce this amount of paste. Not when, on Halloween night, he had hidden behind Colette every time one of the children, dressed up as vampires with fake tomato blood dripping from their fake fangs, had passed by. It was a ridiculous sight, since Lloyd was taller than Colette, but Colette didn’t seem to mind, smiling and letting out a little giggle whenever Lloyd gripped her shoulder, hissing in her ear about the evils of tomatoes.
Colette deserved to have fun as well before everything came to an end. She was just as much a child, and yet she had to shoulder a heavier burden than even Raine had at that age. The most Raine could do was give Colette the childhood she herself hadn’t had the chance to experience.
Lloyd and Genis were already doing a good job of that. Raine was thankful, but at the same time…
All she could hope for was that they made the best of memories together, memories that wouldn’t fade like those she had of her parents, that remained forever in the most pristine of conditions. In the end, that would be all that remained. Would it be enough? Would it ever be enough to fill the gap left behind by a beloved person, forever gone and never to return?
Walking into the dim building, Raine spotted the trail of red footprints leading straight into one of the classrooms.
This was far too obvious, wasn’t it? What was all the red supposed to represent? Blood?
Were they trying to make her believe the schoolhouse was haunted? She would never fall for that. The “blood” itself was amateur at best; it didn’t have the right texture to masquerade as the real thing.
That was strange. Genis was most likely the one who had boiled the tomatoes. Lloyd couldn’t operate a stove, and Colette might have been able to do it, but not without potentially causing a fire.
Genis should have known the proper technique, but yet…
Might as well indulge them. Children, living the time of their life. She couldn’t begrudge them that. Honestly, it was cute to see their honest attempt at a prank.
Though she would still have to punish them afterwards. She was looking forward to that.
“Lloyd!” She called, placing her book down on one of the dressers lining the corridor and taking a single step into the classroom. “Come out, would you?”
Earlier that week
“The plan’s simple, really,” Lloyd said from his position at the sink, scrubbing his arms with soap for the third time, the skin starting to turn pink from all the rubbing. Colette and Genis were sat at the dining table with a vat of chunky tomato paste in front of them; Colette staring at Lloyd in concern while Genis stared in disbelief.
All three of them had taken part in the tomato mashing after Genis had boiled the tomatoes, making use of the hammers that Lloyd had… borrowed. Colette had asked if it was okay to use Dirk’s tools on fruits and if it would stain, but Lloyd had shrugged and said that it would be fine and they’d just wash them afterwards. “Dad will never notice” had been Lloyd’s exact words. Genis was starting to doubt that, considering the hammers were now a wonderful shade of red, with stray pieces of tomato pulp hanging on by their dear life.
Surely the tomato paste had been washed off on his first trip to the sink, as it had been for the two of them. Lloyd was making a huge deal out of this. He’d been wincing throughout the entire mashing session and had taken great care to dodge the occasional squirts of liquid.
Lloyd really hated tomatoes that much, huh?
“I know you asked why we’re making the paste so chunky,” Lloyd continued.
Yes, Genis had indeed asked that question. If they were trying to convince Raine of supernatural activity, they were doing a terrible job. That’s what Lloyd had said in the classroom last week, right?
Raine wasn’t even the type to get scared. He was.
“That’s because it doesn’t matter! It doesn’t need to be convincing. In fact, we want Professor Raine to think she’s got it all figured out!”
Raine felt her foot catch through a loop of something thin and fragile, experiencing resistance as the loop went taut, a loud scraping sound coming from behind her.
Ah. She’d thought it all figured out, and let her guard down as a result. It had been a trap all along, and she’d fallen head-first into it.
Impressive. She’d have to congratulate whoever came up with this later.
Raine barely had enough time to glance up and see the other end of the string now looped around her foot, climbing up the wall and tied to the handle of a washtub resting on a ceiling beam right by the door, before the chain-reaction of tugging string and gravity caused the washtub to tip over and release a veritable waterfall of red liquid.
It all crashed down on her, pelting down on her clothes and face at high pressures. Now, instead of just one of her hands, every centimetre of her was covered with tomato paste. It was heavier than expected, her sleeves weighed down and drooping towards the floor.
Ugh, the earthy smell was nearly overpowering at this intensity, nor was the mushy feeling pleasant. Was this why Lloyd hated tomatoes? She could understand a little now… Though only when there were this many.
Thank the Goddess she hadn’t brought her book in with her. Otherwise, she’d have to murder the three of them.
“Towel?” Genis offered, crawling out from his hiding place under one of the tables with a folded towel in his hands. Raine was standing absolutely still with her head angled towards the floor and hadn’t moved for a full minute, clothes dripping liquid onto the floor and forming tiny puddles. The washtub was balancing rather precariously on the edge of the ceiling beam. He hoped it wouldn’t fall over and smack Raine on the head.
Lloyd was sitting cross-legged in the corner of the classroom, snickering. Even Colette, sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest next to him, couldn’t keep a smile off her face.
Raine raised her head, and Genis was relieved to see that his sister was, indeed, smiling. He had decided, in the end, to come along of his own volition. He wanted to see the results for himself.
It's been some time since he's seen a smile so wide on his sister's face.
“Thank you.” Raine took the towel, moving away from the shadow of the washtub as she began to towel her hair. The clothes were most likely hopeless. There’d be no cleaning them without a good wash. “Congratulations. You tricked me. Did you come up with this, Genis?”
“No, I did,” Lloyd interjected, waving from his corner. “Did you like it?”
“So you can be intelligent if you apply yourself. Surprising,” Raine muttered, a glint beginning to appear in her eyes. Colette’s smile was beginning to drop, though Lloyd hadn’t yet noticed.
“Ha! Well, now you know how terrible tomatoes are. And this is revenge for all the buckets of water you’ve made me carry!”
Genis took a step back, sweat beginning to form on his brow as he recognised the murderous expression on his sister’s face. Time for the grave, then?
It was inevitable.
“We’re even now, I assume?” Raine towered over Lloyd, smiling sinisterly. “Well, that’s good to know, because I have the most special idea planned for you! All of you!”
Yep. Yep, they were dead. So dead, and there was nothing they could do about it.
As he'd said to Lloyd at the very beginning, this had been a terrible idea.
But... Genis can't quite say, anymore, that he regretted participating in it.
In the end, Lloyd and Genis were forced to clean the entire schoolhouse from top to bottom. “It has to be sparkly clean,” Raine had warned, or they would really be in for it.
Colette, it turned out, had church duties to attend to that day. Not even Raine, in her position of authority, could touch the Chosen. Colette had apologised profusely to both of them, telling them that she would be back as soon as she was done. After all, she had played her part as well and should accept her due punishment.
So the two of them had slaved over walls, the ceiling, and furniture, armed with an army of rags and a tiny bucket of water that they had to keep refilling. It was toiling work, further slowed down by Lloyd’s staunch refusal to touch the tomato paste. Lloyd was the only one who could reach the ceiling! He needed to stop being so squeamish and just do it!
Admittedly, there were also moments when Genis had thrown the rag into the bucket a little harder than necessary, causing a splash of droplets that hit Lloyd and elicited vicious water-splashing battles. He was trying to express his earlier frustrations at getting dragged into this in the first place (even though he had long changed his mind over the whole thing). At least water would dry on its own.
Colette turned up later in the day with a tray of chocolate muffins that her grandmother had freshly baked, warm to the touch and which melted in the mouth. Genis savoured one happily. He would never pass up Head Priestess Phaidra's baked goodies; they were absolutely amazing and didn't come along that often. Genis watched in amusement as Colette laughed at the messy way Lloyd ate, chastising him in a soft voice and gently wiping the crumbs off the corner of his mouth.
After the wonderful break, it was right back to work. Colette took up a rag herself and began cheerily cleaning, chatting with the both of them and joining in the water fights with an enthusiastic grin until they were all giggling uncontrollably. At this point, Genis could come up with no excuse for his behaviour. But it didn't matter.
Even Raine turned up again, wearing a new change of clothes, and helped clean the floor with a mop. His sister slipped in the occasional berating, which Lloyd enthusiastically retorted as Genis sighed at the usual childish display (ignoring his own behaviour), as Colette covered her mouth and laughed.
The schoolhouse was awash with warm sunlight, laughter alive in each of their chests. Joy fluttered in the air, and the memory of that day was a warm, golden sphere to be cradled and cherished forever.
All in all, Lloyd declared it a success.
Genis was inclined to agree.
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