#i was born on the battlefield & i'll die on the battlefield
otasnox · 8 months
i was born on the battlefield & i'll die on the battlefield (jan 17th, 2024)
art by puphound
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edenesth · 9 months
The General's Wife
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Pairing: military general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Word Count: 1117 words (I'd normally put it as 1.1k but uwu)
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Ooh, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"
You sighed, wondering when these men would ever learn. It wasn't your first time paying this bar a visit; they should know better by now to not mess with you.
Pushing your drink aside, you turned to look at the brave soul who was stupid enough to put his hand on your shoulder. He smirked when you remained quiet, "You're a shy one, aren't you? No worries, I can make things more fun for you."
The men around him were muttering fearfully amongst themselves, wide-eyed, "Does that fool really not have a single clue who he's dealing with?"
You shrugged off his hand and felt sorry for him, "Oh dear, I pity you." Confused, he followed your gaze as you showed him an emblem you'd pulled out from your pocket. His heart nearly stopped when he finally realised who you were.
"Y-you're... shit, you're the general's wife."
You winced, realising those might be his last words, especially when you saw your husband walking into the bar.
Seonghwa halted just behind the man, fixing an intense glare on his vulnerable back. In a voice that sent shivers down spines, he growled, "Have you grown tired of living, soldier? If you're looking for dumb ways to die, consider today your lucky day."
The man visibly trembled as he turned around slowly to face his superior, falling to his knees in fear, "G-General Park! I swear, I d-didn't know she was your wife—"
A resounding smack cut off his sentence as a powerful backhand slap connected with his face, sending him sprawling to the ground.
You gave a subtle shake of your head, silently urging Seonghwa not to escalate the situation. However, your plea proved futile as your husband, with a wink in your direction, assured you, "Don't worry, my love. I won't be too harsh on him. I'll give him just enough punishment to ensure he understands never to lay a hand on my wife again."
Despite his comforting words, you knew better than anyone those were lies. The man probably wouldn't see the light of day again. Beneath the sweet exterior he reserved for you, your husband harboured a ruthless side, a quality that propelled him quickly up the military ranks, earning him a formidable reputation.
Before becoming your husband, General Park Seonghwa was a fearsome military commander, striking fear into almost everyone. Uninterested in academics or any other pursuit, he was a natural-born warrior. At the mere age of 12, he knew he was destined to be the god of war.
However, amidst the battlefield and bloodshed, there was one thing he treasured above all else – you. His first and only love; he stumbled upon you in your backyard, clandestinely wielding your brother's sword in an attempt to learn self-defence when no one else would teach you. A noble lady yearning for more than a mundane life.
At first glance, he knew you were special.
Seonghwa vowed to make you his wife someday, and he did. Not one to follow rules, he sneaked into your backyard one day, scaring the daylights out of you. With sharp critiques, he pointed out the flaws in your stance, inadvertently teaching you enough to defend yourself.
In short, love blossomed before you discovered that he was none other than the renowned General Park, the King's most trusted warrior leading the royal army. When he sought your hand in marriage, your parents were more than delighted to see their only daughter assume the esteemed title of the general's wife.
Due to Seonghwa's crucial role in the kingdom, he frequently found himself deployed to battle whenever political tensions arose between Wonderland and neighbouring nations.
Despite his repeated warnings, you always made the journey to his war sites to be with him. During your visits, much like the current one, many of his inexperienced men, unaware of the situation, would mistake you for a lost civilian in a war zone and foolishly attempt to make advances.
Now, this unfortunate man, like those before him, would meet his end before having the chance to serve his country—all because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
You were escorted out of the dimly lit bar before you could witness what your husband's right-hand man did to the poor bastard. Whatever it was, you knew it would be far from pretty. To distract you from the unsettling thoughts, Seonghwa wrapped his arm around you and kissed you hard.
Pressing a hand against his chest, your attempts to push him away were useless. He was well aware of your shyness, with his men watching and all, but that was his intention. He needed these fools to understand that you were his woman.
Sensing your discomfort, your husband gently cupped your cheeks, pulling back slightly to assure you, "It's alright, darling. I'm here. No one will dare touch you again. You trust me, don't you?" Without hesitation, you nodded; there was no one in the world you trusted more than him.
His heart melted at how swollen your lips looked, and he couldn't resist pressing his lips softly against yours once more.
With a self-assured smirk, he withdrew slowly, his arm securely wrapped around your waist. He turned to cast a cold gaze at the men who instantly cowered under his scrutiny, "What are you imbeciles standing around for? Don't you recognise who this is?"
They gasped and immediately straightened up, bowing deeply before offering salutes in your direction, "Welcome to the base, Lady Park!"
You acknowledged their greeting with a nod, and with an elegant wave of your hand, they finally dared to disperse. It was an unspoken rule that everyone under your husband's command had no choice but to follow. Those who defied these rules deserved nothing less than severe consequences.
As you nestled into Seonghwa's temporary quarters that night, a comforting warmth enveloped your heart as he drew you close in bed. Planting a tender kiss on your head, he asked, "My love, do you ever regret marrying me?"
Given your dislike for violence, it was truly ironic that you found yourself wed to a military general, of all people. He often wondered how a refined lady like you could fall for a man of his rough demeanour.
Before his thoughts could linger, you gently cupped his jaw, compelling him to meet your gaze, "Never. I want no one else but you." The intensity in your eyes conveyed a steadfast conviction, reminding him you were different from other women.
Indeed, you were special.
After all, you were the only woman audacious enough to capture the intimidating General Park Seonghwa's heart.
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Would you believe me if I told you this man isn't my ultimate bias? Yeah, me neither. He wrecked me so bad this comeback, I'm barely recovering. Y'all stay safe tho lmfao.
Anyway, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed! As always, let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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writingmonet · 16 days
The Psychology of Fives: the impact of Echo's ghost, Rex, Tup & legacy (part 2)
You can find part one here if you didn't read it yet. I'm tired and (no) I didn't rewatch Umbara or the Chip's Arc (do you wanna me cry????), so leet's go memory.
Tup or why Fives may have dependant issues
Tup is a young clone who first appears in the Umbara Arc. While he and Fives aren't especially close in Umbara Arc (they are but as Fives and Jesse are as well), they do seems to have developed a special bond since, when we saw them again on Ringo Vinda, they're constantly at each other's side.
I'm gonna be honest, on my first watch of Umbara Arc I didn't pay attention to Tup that much, mainly because of a clone named Dogma. It's not Tup's fault! It's merely due tot he fact that Umbara Arc presents the challenges of bringing back clones we already knew more or less (Rex, Fives, Hardcase, Jesse and Kix) in the middle of a complex arc (Clones against Jedi, against orders) and with others complex clones (Dogma). So yeah, in the middle of this Tup was more of a secondary character for me and he isn't that developed in the two arcs he's in (but I'll talk about this later).
Back to our sheep, I mean clones. Fives, so used to having Echo at his side, doesn't seem to proceed effectively without someone at his side. Without a close friend. Tup seems to have been this other friend he seems to have been in dire need. Tup is the his way to restart again, to make sure he won't lose a brother if he can avoid it.
While I talk about Tup, this is also largely applicable to all his others clone friends. Fives is extremely protective of each of them and he advocate for their interests everytime he thinks the orders are against their well-being or security. Fives seems to depend a lot on people close to him and he doesn't seem to handle well when things go out of his way.
When Tup's chip activate, Fives do his duty by arresting him and he insist on following him. He can't lose Tup. He can't lose again a best friend. He lost his batch, he lost his twin, now he won't lose his best friend. Now, Fives doesn't display all the character traits of a protector. Or rather he can be a protector (especially toward siblings like Echo and Tup) but he cannot be too much of it since he's a soldier. Due to this, he knows that he's doom to lose siblings and has to dealt with the pain and grief born from it.
A consequence of this grief is that Fives, all during of Umbara Arc, show signs of intense emotions (justifiable considering the whole arc but that I also attribute to the loss of all his Squad). He goes mad rather easily, and he goes mad at Rex when the latter refuses to follow his plan. He decides to execute his plan because he knows it's the best plan they have, and he go search for more volunteers: two brothers against the lives of thousands of them. That's really a cost that Fives is ready to pay.
Side-note: this trait of Fives having difficulty remaining quiet especially when he doesn't find the situation right is definitely a core trait of his on my rewatch of the deleted scene of ARC Troopers where he has difficulty not expressing what he thinks out loud at Rex, who noticed it. It's interesting to notice that he's already taking Hevy-traits when Echos' alive but goes even deeper into it after his twin's death.
Unfortunately for him, in his plan, Hardcase dies and, then, Tup dies and Fives, mad with grief, just doesn't get it. It's so strange that he starts to investigate immediately out of grief. There's something fishy and he will prove it out of loyalty and devotion for his brothers.
That lead me to a point: if Fives had a single doubt about Echo's survival, he would have jump to save him. No questions ask. Unfortunately, Fives will die before he is able (in a few week's time if I'm correct?) too.
Because Fives' life is marked by grief, he refuses - he cannot not go dig into Tup's mysterious death. Losing a brother on a battlefield is something. Losing a brother under foggy circumstances is another, one that Fives will not (cannot) accept.
Now, we all know what happens to Fives, and his ultimate death. I only want to use this to make the transition with the importance of Rex in Fives' life, whom he trusted until the very end, dying in his arms, hoping that his nightmares (of killing the Jedis, of seeing again, again and again, the death of his batchmates) would end.
Fives was reunited with Tup and (almost) all his Domino brothers. Fives had to survive without Echo. Now, in the cruellest joke that could have been made (and thanks Dave Filoni for the tears shed) Echo would have to live without him.
Why is Rex so important in Fives (and Echo by extension) life?
If we look at all the clones from the Clone Wars, since episode one, not much are still alives and not much has been developed about them (another subject of debate). But Rex is, beyond the shadow of a doubt one of the few clones we have known, was developped and still alive.
Rex is also, without doubt, Fives (and Echo) the most important person in their life. It's him who integrates them in the 501st. It's in front of him that Fives & Echo are named ARC-Troopers. It's Rex who serves as this older brother the fandom has established him.
After Echo's death, it's Rex who remains for Fives to hold on to, as someone who knew Echo as well as Fives (perhaps the only one? Jesse and Kix knew Echo but less deeply maybe?). I do believe that one of the reasons why Fives and Rex are so close is because of Echo. Many have drawn parallels between Echo & Rex (rule-followers, fiercely loyal) and Fives & Cody.
As Rex states: you [Fives & Echo] both have really stepped up. Reminds me of me, actually.
Being close to Rex is also for Fives a way of being close to some remaining - some echoes, of Echo. Fives have a mad respect for Rex, to the point that when he disobeys orders, he still wants to know if the man will be against or on his side. Due to the CW structure, however, we do not know enough about Fives' other relations but I don't believe that he demonstrated such a deep respect toward anyone, except Anakin maybe, since their General is always with them on the front of battles. I have little doubt that Rex is an anchor in Fives' life, like Tup is, especially after Echo's disappearance.
Unfortunately, for all the blind trust and immense respect Fives had toward Rex, the latter only half-believed him during the whole chip arc.
A side note: Fives & Anakin seemed to have been close friends. It is stated that Fives death profoundly impacted Anakin. This may be the reason why Anakin followed Rex to rescue Echo. He had known Echo, he had known Fives and if he could save one of his men he always would give it a try, especially the twin of one of his best soldier.
Echo's pursue of Fives legacy
The most ironic thing is that Echo is found after Fives' death and we, unfortunately (and scandalizing!) have no idea of his reaction to the announcement of Fives' death.
This is frustrating and, I repeat, one of the biggest issues I have with the Clone Wars is the lack of development of the clones + inter-personnal relations (but this is another essay, that will be linked with Hevy).
Thankfully, we do have some indices of how Echo may have reacted, with his goal to save most of his brothers from the Empire and to get them out of the inhibitor chip influence. Which is exactly what Fives wanted.
Echo - and Rex, are here to pursue Fives' legacy and last goal shortly before his death. According to Jennifer Corbett, the director of TBB, Echo and Rex had long and multiple conversations about Fives. Why were we robbed of at least one of these scenes is a mystery I'm unable to answer.
Echo, who wasn't here for Umbara (which he may have profoundly changed) nor for Ringo Vinga, who has lost everything, guilt-eaten by what he has done at the hands of the Sepperatist leave his second family (The Bad Batch - quite fitting considering how Hevy saw themselves as a band of bad batchers) to return with Rex to make sure that Fives' death wasn't in vain.
Echo chooses a dead man's ideals over those of living ones, and TBB knows that it is a good thing to do but isn't interested in saving the clones that they never have perceived as family, unlike Echo. It doesn't mean Echo doesn't care for them! It only means that, in the great scheme of things, Fives will always remain the person he would choose above all like Fives did with Echo's memory (his deep attachment to his clone brothers & his mindset to never lose a brother in every avoidable way again).
Okay, I'm tired. But now I know I have an essay to write about Hevy at the weekend. Again, if anyone wants to express his opinions, I'll gladly discuss it.
As a treat, our favourite pair of twins while they were still happy:
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(also the amount of non-verbal interaction between those two all the episodes they're together? If you never pay attention, go rewatch the episodes there's like a TON OF IT)
Anyway, PEAK TWIN and I'll die on this hill.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
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3.128 Fired
We arrived at home late that night loaded down with more gifts than the nursery could hold. If we received one more thing, we'd have to start a warehouse in the empty bedroom. We got so much stuff, we could probably support six more babies, heh. Baby girl could use a different towel every day of the week for the rest of her childhood. We had enough shampoo and lotion to last the rest of her life, it seemed like. If one day she entered a nobody loves me phase, I'll be sure to remind her of this scene.
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Sophia had never been a busybody and always took a more relaxed approach to life, but I was glad to see her following the doctor's orders. She spent a lot of time on our balcony, rocking in the chair early morning, thinking about whatever expecting mothers think about. Sometimes I'd catch her reading on the couch. Seeing her take the warning seriously made me feel good about leaving her alone for a few hours to visit Maira. I thought about it in the shower, and visiting her before the baby was born was the move. Who knew when I'd be able to spend quality time with her after that.
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Like I always, I began our conversation with an apology, but she didn't fault me, of course. She said it wouldn't have been right for me to neglect all my guests to hang with her all afternoon. That was true, but I still didn't like that she was alone all day. She assured me that she was okay, so I asked about her brother.
"He died in a fire," she said.
"Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry, Maira."
I never liked him, but he didn't deserve to die like that.
"Knowing he's not here anymore is its own challenge, but what makes it worse is when I think about the fire, I often think about us."
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I swallowed a few times because I knew exactly where she was going, and it made me nervous.
"I think about how you held me when you realized I was okay and what we both felt."
I couldn't move or even blink and sat there, holding my breath, hoping she wasn't about to pull a Yasmine on me. Finding good friends had been a long journey, and I felt like I had a nice inner circle now. I didn't want to lose Maira because of her feelings for me. I also didn't need her digging things back up because I had worked hard to let that go.
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"Sometimes I think about that moment and I wish I would have given in," she continued. "We could have tried to see if we would work. I imagine myself married to you and pregnant with your baby. My parents would finally be proud of me."
I wanted to stop her from talking so she wouldn't say something that would ruin our friendship, but I was frozen. This was a mistake. I wanted to be a better friend, but we couldn't be alone together anymore.
"All of that is nice to think about," she continued, "but I would be miserable. And you would get fed up with me. We wouldn't be friends anymore. Life turned out exactly how it was supposed to, and I wouldn't change a thing. I like how we are, and I like my life. It's just lonely sometimes, and I wonder if I'm missing out on something."
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I exhaled the breath I held and blinked, finally. I could keep my friend. As uncomfortable as that was to hear, I loved that we were able to be that honest with each other. That's true friendship right there.
"Everyone has their own opinions about what you should be doing with your life, so I don't think there's a right or wrong answer for that," I said. "I think as long as you're happy with your life, no one else's opinion matters."
"Yeah. You're right. That's what I say to myself. But you know how it is."
"Yeah. It's a battlefield up there."
"So...there's no one you're interested in right now?" I asked, trying to pivot the conversation...and maybe be a tiny bit nosy.
"No, and it's all your fault. You ruined me!"
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"Me? How??"
"You set the bar way too high! No one else can measure up!"
"Oh please. I'm sure there's plenty of guys out there who are way better catches than me."
"I assure you, there aren't."
"I don't believe that for a second. Ooh, I should set you up with my friend Justin."
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"That guy who comes to all your parties? He's kinda cute. What's up with him?"
"He's a landscaper and lives in San Myshuno. He comes from a big family just like you and is a good man...a bit older than us, but at least he won't bother you about children."
"Oh-my-Watcher you're trying to set me up with an OLD man??"
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"He's not that old...I think."
"You are officially fired from matchmaking, thank you!"
I missed our banter. It felt good to laugh with her again. Hopefully, she would let someone into her life soon. She didn't need a man, but it was obvious she wanted some kind of companionship, and I was not the man for the job. Besides, she deserved to be loved and cherished, and I wanted to see her happy for once.
"The baby will be here in a couple of days, huh?" she asked.
"Sure will. I can't wait to meet her."
"So, is this the first of many, or..."
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I sighed, realizing this would be the first time I admitted this out loud.
"She might be it for us. At least if we want more, we'll have to adopt."
"Yeah. We went through a lot to get her. Sophia says she doesn't want to do it again."
"Are you cool with adoption?"
"Oh yeah, totally. You know Sophia's adopted, right?"
"Really? I don't think I knew that. It's funny...I've known her almost my whole life, but I've never really known her until now."
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Was it bad that I often forgot she and Rashidah were sisters? They rarely spoke of each other, and Sophia and Rashidah seemed closer than the sisters.
"Yeah, she is," I said. "And she's got quite a story. But yeah... We're both open to it, but actually doing it is another story."
"Well, whatever happens, I'm glad you two are finally getting your family. I can't wait to meet your kid!"
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"Oh yeah? I thought you didn't like children."
"I never said that! I don't want my own children; I love the auntie life! I think my first order of business will be teaching her forbidden words!"
"Oh Watcher. Here we go."
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dreamsoffantasty · 6 months
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━━ ❀               𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐈𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒    𝐏𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡'𝐬    ❀ ( lyrical meme appreciation featuring songs various albums, please feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit  ! some of the lyrics changed to fit better for RP purposes. anything with 'insert ' please put in what you would like to best fit the quote. )      
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❛ The darkness comes alive, feeding on me. ❜
❛ The howling Norse inside, overtakes me. ❜
❛ The time has come to stand and fight. ❜
❛ Draw your axes, let them fly ! ❜
❛ Unleash the warrior you've become. ❜
❛ Rise up, rise up, it is time for war. ❜
❛ Indestructible fortitude, wielding powers of {godname}. ❜
❛ I've got the heart of a warrior, heart of a {insert}. ❜
❛ Nothing can stop me, move out of my way. ❜
❛ Bloodlust is rising, hurricane in my veins. ❜
❛ We are, we are, we are {insert} ! ❜
❛ The sickness all around, infests me... ❜
❛ Chaos inside, runs through me. ❜
❛ The time has come to stand and fight ! ❜
❛ Draw your axes, let them fly ! Release the warrior you've become and fight ! ❜
❛ I've got the heart of a warrior. ❜
❛ Nothing can stop me, move out of my way. Bloodlust is rising, hurricane in my veins. ❜
❛ Winter nights of blood and steel, war amongst {insert}. ❜
❛ Plains being converted to ash, raze the fields and burn it all... ❜
❛ Sound the horns, the enemy shall fear, unleash our war cry ! The battle for {insert} is ours. ❜
❛ {insert}, get ready for war. ❜
❛ This is something worth fighting for ! ❜
❛ Can you taste the blood of man ? ❜
❛ Can you taste the victory ? ❜
❛ Are you ready to die in war ? ❜
❛ Glory in the battlefield, forming lines of dirt and green. ❜
❛ March to claim our history ! ❜
❛ The everlasting darkness, begins to fill into my heart. ❜
❛ A hundred days, a hundred more we sail unto the battle for our home. ❜
❛ My love, I will fight this war for you. ❜
❛ If I fall, I'll see you again. ❜
❛ No matter the fight, I'll stand up and rise. I'll carry this weight across all divides and if it's my time just know that I have loved you ! ❜
❛ As I sail far from home, I can't help but think of you… ❜
❛ I miss everything I love If you hear me Oh I… Love you. ❜
❛ My love, I will fight this war for you and if I fall I'll see you again. ❜
❛ No matter the fight I'll stand up and rise. ❜
❛ I'll carry this weight across all divides. ❜
❛ I'll remember everything with you and I'll remember how you changed me. ❜
❛ I'll remember. ❜
❛ I'll remember everything, and I'll remember till the day I rest my eyes. ❜
❛ I feel the aura on the breath of man. ❜
❛ With time let the fear sink in. ❜
❛ The bodies burn, our kingdom falls. ❜
❛ With no sacrifice what's for your kin ? Mercy is a-coming but I'm not your friend. ❜
❛ Do you know who I am ? ❜
❛ I'm the god/goddess of {insert}. ❜
❛ Destined blood filling my veins, commanding my power, annihilating the pain. ❜
❛ I drink from your bones that bled. ❜
❛ Finger on the string and my heart on the bow, one by one falling down like snow. ❜
❛ Armor on the flesh but my blade's in the wound. ❜
❛ You mock my deity ! ❜
❛ Do you know who I am ? I'm the god/goddess of {insert}. ❜
❛ Horns full of mead, as I drink from your bones that bled. ❜
❛ Mercy is a-coming but I'm not your friend.. ❜
❛ The nightmare of eternity, marches right before your eyes. ❜
❛ As the ground begins to shake, Ravens fly amongst the sky. ❜
❛ Battles of great divine. ❜
❛ Torn hearts of fear and cries, let the rage of war ignite. ❜
❛ We were born to rise ! ❜
❛ We're gonna raid all your shit, annihilate your villages, plunder all for the hell of it. ❜
❛ Warriors, stand up, fight ! ❜
❛ You're going down tonight ! ❜
❛ Berserkers, fury of war - ❜
❛ Man/Woman of honor, man/woman of war. ❜
❛ Tales be told forever more - bloody axes, bloody fields, fight with honor, clash of shields. ❜
❛ Fearless soldiers fight with heart. ❜
❛ Haunting lands of man and steel. ❜
❛ The weapon in the storm clashing in the sky. ❜
❛ The horns of {insert}, calls for war. ❜
❛ The ground will shake and the sun will fall and the war bears march as we bellow through the halls. ❜
❛ I will rise and push on through. ❜
❛ I'll prove my might and show my strength. ❜
❛ The limit of my mercy follows you. ❜
❛ I've got the power of {insert} in my hands. ❜
❛ Thunderous hammer that will sing across all the land. ❜
❛ Lightning strikes as I storm through the valleys of death. ❜
❛ You follow the empire ! ❜
❛ Thunderous {insert} that will sing across all the land. ❜
❛ We embrace our fears through realms of the dead. ❜
❛ The path to {insert} is the honor we share. ❜
❛ Blood by oath, iron swords by bond, no matter the realm, we're kings till dawn. ❜
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The Bad Batch
Fanmix Part Three
Part One * Part Two
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Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post
Meet Me On The Battlefield (Svrcina)
We carry on through the storm * Tired soldiers in this war * Remember what we're fighting for
Burden (Keith Urban)
Come to me, my brother, and I will sit with you a while * Pretty soon I'll see you smile and you know you will
The Future Is Now (STARSET)
They said there was no way * But they forgot the black hole in the sky * Yesterday is nothing * I have half a life to rewrite
For This You Were Born (Unsecret, ft. Fleurie)
Silence the doubt in your mind * You were by design a victor * Know in your heart, you're alive * Destiny is on your side
Kings And Queens (Thirty Seconds To Mars)
Into your eyes * Hopeless and taken * We stole our new lives * Through blood and name * In defense of our dreams
Fires (Allman Brown)
I was made in the fires * Of your care for me * Any strength that I have * Yeah you gave it to me * And I will find you in the next life
It's Probably Me (Sting)
But if there's one guy, just one guy * Who'd lay down his life for you and die * It's hard to say it * I hate to say it, but it's probably me
The Breaking Light (Vienna Teng)
Watch the shadow lines fade away * Brother you will return * Let your lion heart cleave the waves * Brother you will return * In the breaking light
Knights Of Cydonia (Muse)
No one's gonna take me alive * The time has come to make things right * You and I must fight for our rights * You and I must fight to survive
War (Poets Of The Fall)
When I thought that I fought this war alone * You were there by my side on the frontline * When I thought that I fought without a cause * You gave me a reason to try
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voxofthevoid · 8 months
if it's not too late for the ask game, yuta/rika and geto/yuuji? (and just for fun: kenjaku/yuuji's dad?)
Still playing it, dw! And ah, these will be fun:
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I support the monsterfuckers by default. Get it, Yuuta!
In all seriousness, this isn't something I'd actively think about or seek out, but I like the weird, fucked-up mess this is in canon. The trauma-prompted creation of Rika and how she stays with Yuuta for years as an extremely powerful monster with the mentality of a child—it's a cool concept.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The monsterfuckery, of course. In general, it amuses me greatly that Yuuta's type seems to be "inhuman special-grade curse." He kisses two "people" onscreen, and it's Rika and Kurourushi. I still think they should've let him out into the battlefield when Mahoraga and Agito entered the picture. Flash some dick/hole, save the day.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think every word I say about Yuuta's sexuality would piss off his Reddit-type stans; does that count?
Don’t Ship It
Warning for my rather vehement dislike of Getou popping up below.
Why don’t you ship it?
The only thing I ship Getou with is a lobotomy.
What would have made you like it?
I'll be honest, Getou's pretty enough that I'd have sniffed around him (in this context, sniffing around involves writing Yuuji dicking him down) if not for his more...hardcore fans tainting the whole character for me. I was never his fan, but I find him to be interestingly written, especially pre-defection when he still had functional brain cells, and I might have delved into that some. I still do, but mostly in the form of past!stsg or just through Gojou's thoughts.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I do think that, in a senpai-kouhai AU or in a time travel scenario, Yuuji and Getou would have very interesting interactions. They have similar (not the same) ideologies born out of very different mentalities, and those alone would lead to some insightful conversations. Yuuji's reaction to his defection and its rationale would also be fun to explore from various angles.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
The Kaorijaku reveal, 'nuff said. Seriously, that blew my mind and did all sorts of ungentlemanly things to my perception of JJK overall.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love Kenjaku and think they deserve a husband who looks at them wearing his wife's corpse like a pretty sleeve and goes, "This Is My Normal Wife Who Totally Didn't Die. Let's Make A Baby." I'd also love to know whether, when, and how Kenjaku killed Jin. We don't know if they did, just that Wasuke was afraid of it. Clearly, they left Yuuji before Jin passed, and it could have been an unrelated incident, but I'd prefer it if Kenjaku did kill him.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Tbh the only opinions I see on Kenjaku/Jin are those of @cursedvibes, and I enjoy his takes on them. If there are larger conversations about this ship in the fandom, I remain blissfully unaware.
Ask can be found game here.
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derekscorner · 6 months
Fated Rantings: Mordred pt2
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I have just finished the two Camelot films and my post about them but one part I found too big to leave within it was my thoughts on Mordred.
I made a post on her already way back when I started my Fate journey but I couldn't help but want to add more after seeing these movies and playing through FGO's Camelot Singularity.
That said, for this, you will need some context from the first post so I'll link my part one of Mordred here:
Mordred Part One
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Victim of Projection
To reiterate a portion of what I stated in Part One, I think Mordred is a highly complex individual. Her entire backstory is a tad convoluted as well.
I believe that some of this gets lost among fan discussion due to how people project onto her.
People see clips of her threatening to gut her master in Apocrypha because he called her a woman and jump on the trans wagon. And before you rage quit the post, I am not saying that there's no truth to that.
My issue is that her reasons are more complex than just her gender and that seems lost due to surface level understanding. She's also not that way due to surface level "daddy issues" either.
Her issues are far deeper due to her unnatural birth.
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By "unnatural" I refer to her magical origins.
At the time, Artoria needed an heir but as a woman couldn't make one with her wife. To fix that Merlin used magecraft to temporarily erm...."alter" Artoria's body.
Morgan learned of this and essentially used her magic to charm Artoria and conceive Mordred.
This was Fate's way of working around Mordreds origins in mythology since Mordred is often cited as Arthur's bastard born of Morgans deceit and incest with their sibling.
Thanks to the magic of both Merlin and Morgan and the sheer level of spite that was the motivation for their birth Mordred was born a humunculous.
Which also meant that they would not only grow far faster than a normal human but live a much shorter life. Even if Mordred wasn't fated/cursed to die on battlefield of Camlann they would've died early anyway.
Mordred was doomed from the start and they know this. They also have a clear dislike for Morgan in other Fate stories for their upbringing.
Then there was Artoria's rejection of Mordred. Mordred perceived it as due to hate for Morgan or due to their gender but Artoria just did not believe they could be king.
Artoria rejected Mordred entirely without even sparing their "petty" emotions like hatred.
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The damage on Mordred's spirit and beliefs is far more layered than just gender alone. That's what makes them endlessly appealing and tragic.
But I've already covered the deeper topic in the first post. What caught my eye about Mordred in the Camelot movies and FGO singularity was how Mordred rectified that as a knight of the Lion King.
The summoned knights have their full backstories in-tact. Mordred has all of that baggage seen in Apocrypha but is choosing to serve the king anyway.
And mind you, Mordred isn't treated well in the Camelot Singularity. The film didn't go over it as much as I'd have hoped but Mordred is choosing to be loyal to their father despite being banned from the city itself.
Despite Lancelot himself being there, Mordred is the one treated the worse of the knights present.
The more fucked up part of this info is that King Arthur is the one who decided that. The way she describes Mordred's treatment in the mobile game is cold, akin to the use and abandonment of a tool.
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Gift of Rampage
On top of banning Mordred from the city save for certain times or for meetings the Lion King also "gifted" Mordred with "rampage".
All of the knights were given a power or gift upon serving her but Mordred's in particular not only plays on Mordred's angry nature but harms them when used.
Artoria Lancer essentially cursed Mordred to harm themselves in servitude to the Holy City while banning them from it for most of the time.
It's particularly cold treatment from a divine spirit that's lost her humanity. If anything, Goddess Rhongomyniad, aka the Lion King, aka Artoria Lancer shows more hatred/emotion toward Mordred than the real King Arthur did.
Despite that Mordred serves to the point they throw their life away to battle Caster and stop Ozymandias' pyramid.
And I can't help but think about why.
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And upon seeing her final scene with Caster I think I can understand why. There's a sense of guilt in Mordred. I wouldn't say Mordred wants to atone like the other knights but she does say that they will die "as a knight" as she "should have".
Which rolls back to Mordred's complex feelings for their father. Mordred truly idolized Arthur and Morgan grew frustrated by this and it was only then that she told Mordred of their parentage hoping to spark conflict.
Sadly that ploy ultimately worked but after all the hatred and love and despite Mordred's own unsorted feelings in other Fate works they idolize their father, the king Arthur.
It is almost ironic as well because Artoria Lancer treats Mordred no better than Morgan did in life but given this second chance Mordred would rather die her knight than betray them again.
On some level that love is there and Mordred chose to adhere to it in the Camelot Singularity and its tragic to see. Even for Caster who ultimately takes Mordred down.
Hell, even Agravain feels some sense of pity for Mordred when he questions the Lion King as to why Mordred is banished from the city. Granted, he was seeing it from a wasted soldier example but he still had s semblance of care/respect there.
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I think that love also bled into her harsh words toward Bedivere. Mordred makes it clear they were never fond of him and I can't help but wonder if jealous is at the core of it.
Bedivere was Arthurs most loyal knight, a knight the king kept near at most times, a spot Mordred never had. They were never given the consideration and care Bedivere was despite being fare more powerful than him.
On top of that Bedivere was there for Arthur in her final moments while Mordred couldn't even get an iota of emotion from Arthur on the fields of Camlann.
Even in the Camelot Singularity where their roles should be reversed (in theory) they aren't. Mordred is treated like something to be used and left broken while Bedivere is walking around going on about seeing Arthur and fixing a mistake.
He also never argues with Mordred. He accepts their criticisms much to their anger. Mordred can't even get a rise out of Bedivere.
This is conjecture on my part of course, I have no way to prove it but it was something I wondered while watching the movie.
"What about Bedivere pisses her off so much?"
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Ultimately Mordred continues to be interesting but tragic just like her father. It's hard to not talk about them or what's running through their mind.
I hope we get Mordred in another Fate story one day. Something to give them focus like Apocrypha or one that has more exploration into their relationship with Arthur.
It was only in bits in the FGO game and some scenes in the movies but it's fascinating to see the knight you'd expect to rebel instantly to die for the cause despite the treatment.
I know this seems to end a bit quick but there's not much else I can think of to say given the first post. I just found Mordred's situation in the movies interesting, I want to know what drives them.
One day maybe we'll get that Mordred route.
For my other experiences with Fate go here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I saw your meta analysis about how Leon die as a hero is so great. I kinda found some similar story (from my friends) about a man who fought many wars and always won, the one who took the most risks, and want to die while on it the most. But fate tells different, he eventually die at his old age (approx. 80th years), on his bed. Before he die, he told to his comrades who visited about how pissed off he is and ranted why he didn't die on the battlefield. WHYYY!!!???? And his comrades like....😑....(.....
UGH see I'm torn about this. The irony in the idea of Leon living out the full length of his natural born life is appealing for a number of different literary reasons. There's a real message that could be conveyed by doing that if it's done right. Dying won't undo Leon's suffering, and it won't unmake his choices.
Because I think that's what's really missing from his character arc right now -- and it's something that I didn't really notice until I played through FFXVI.
We all like to say "Leon didn't get a choice" -- but that's not actually true... is it?
There's always a choice. And what Leon did was make the easy one. And he didn't just do it the one time. He did it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Ever since escaping Raccoon City, he has always only ever taken the easy way out.
It's very easy to surrender. It's very easy to throw up your hands and say "it's out of my control."
And that's what he did. He surrendered.
I'm not saying that he should've tried to fight the CIA while he had a bum shoulder and only rudimentary combat training via police academy -- that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that, once Leon found himself in the situation that he was in, he never tried to change it.
He never tried to get Sherry back or broker a deal for her freedom. He never even tried to ask for help -- not even from Ashley's dad, who was probably Leon's best chance at making this happen as a sort of "you saved my daughter, I'll save yours" thing.
And once Sherry was emancipated after RE6, he still didn't walk away. He resigned himself to his fate and committed to staying in the repeating nightmare that is his role in the federal government -- and he blames everyone but himself for his life turning out that way.
Think about how much power Leon actually has by the time of Infinite Darkness, even -- much less RE6. He is the most skilled and deadly combat unit the US government has ever produced, and he has the admiration and respect of most federal LEOs and high-ranking politicians. He also has knowledge of the inner workings of the federal government that could topple the whole goddamn system if he were to ever open his mouth and say something in front of a camera. And yet, every single day, he chooses not to use that power. Every single day, he chooses to take the easy road and keep his head down while doing the same thing that he's always done.
In 1998, the CIA kidnapped Leon off the street outside of Raccoon City and said to him, "We own you now." And, in response, he said, "Okay."
And he gave up.
So, to kill him at the end of his story is kind of like... okay, this is what he wanted, but does he actually deserve it? Does he deserve the easy out of a hero's death, when he spent literally his entire adult life already taking the easy way out?
I don't trust Capcom to understand, capture, or convey the nuances of all of that. I'm pretty sure that my only two choices for a character ending in RE are death or happily-ever-after.
And I don't actually see how Leon could possibly even get a happily-ever-after at this point, so I guess my choice is death LMAO
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x-authorship-x · 10 months
i feel like we're not helping you write the red Istari but these pairings are too fun to stop 🌝 any other combinations you'd care to share?
I always was too much of a multishipper to function 🤦
The OG Idea Ship: Shisui x Faramir:
I love love love Faramir so much, and I absolutely do love him with Eowyn don't get me wrong, but my desire was to explore his time with the Rangers of Ithilien and becoming a brilliant Captain despite Denethor's....everything, and I wanted him to meet Shisui, who is this crazy glowing motherfucker, and be both awed and bemused lmao
The Obligatory Magical Girl Ship: Shisui x Legolas
Honestly this was born from both impatience and sadness for mortality because Faramir is gonna die, he's not going anywhere off Middle Earth, and there's a lot of time between the current chapters and when Shisui gets to meet him. Legolas however is kicking at this time, working on removing the stick from his ass courtesy of his father, and I loved the idea of them finding themselves through knowing each other. Also it's funny to imagine Aragorn trying to live undercover as a random soldier/Ranger BUT TRAILING BEHIND HIM ARE THE ELVEN PRINCE AND A SUSPICIOUSLY HARAD-LOOKING WIZARD 😂 Aragorn what have you got there? A smoothie?
The Bros Are My Hoes Ship: Shisui x Boromir
I have a previous Istari!Shisui fic with this pairing and, well, I never could leave anything alone. I love the idea of these two being sensitive but also slightly meathead-ish. The closest the Fellowship can get to having two all-star sportsmen eyefucking in the locker room. Hold my hand on the battlefield, my brother in arms. Handle my sword, as if it were your own. I'll be your shield, your armour. You look stunning in the dawn of victory; come, place your forehead to mine and we shall draw breath together. This idea will never leave me alone.
Protective Husbandry Ship: Shisui x Samwise
I don't need to preach to the choir about this glorious mix of protective instincts, plant care and good food. It really does speak for itself. Also I love the imagery of Shisui, who alternates wildly between deadly gorgeous and sunshine gorgeous depending on if you can see his dimples, and Sam, who is no doubt the Shire's Hottest Bachelor with a head of sunny curls and a kitchen/garden to drool over. A summer wedding under the Party Tree, please and thank you.
Majestic Heart attack Ship: Shisui x Aragorn
I'm sorry but the inherent homoeroticism of a knight genuflecting to his chosen king. Like. A KING AND HIS WIZARD?! also Aragorn is the fav poetry, brooding, sweetheart and you're telling me you can't imagine Shisui sliding him a tender smile, sitting down beside him at the campfire and twisting their fingers together. The promise of what little happiness they can find now, knowing that 'later' could mean Aragorn sworn to a crown, with the ensuing duties, and Shisui, like a distant star, sailing away with the other Istari. Um. My eyes are glinting with unshed tears in the moonlight. Neither would ever leave the other but fate might not be so kind. Also Shisui wounded at some point and whisked away to be cared for by Gandalf and Radagast and then he gets to make his Arwen-Coronation entrance and declare that he will NOT sail 😭❤️
Sexual Tension and Gorgeous Hair Ship: Shisui x Eomer
Shisui is in Big Trouble because he's a feminist in a world where feminism is a 'weird and not really a thing' thing. Yes he expected Eowyn to be wielding that sword, why wouldn't she, and why are you getting all up in my face for encouraging her. This is different from Aragorn complimenting her desire to defend her people, this is Shisui helping Eowyn smuggle armour and showing her how to garotte an orc. Eomer wants to punch the red wizard so bad, from the moment he dared OUTRUN A HORSE (wtf) to the moment he dared flash that cheeky grin and JUMP ONTO A ROOF TO LEAVE A CONVERSATION. There is a lot of tension and unnecessary interactions, like if they actually hated each other they would avoid and ignore lmao. The very slow slide into allies and gruff trust. Shisui doesn't appreciate being stifled, thanks. Eomer is ramming his head into the wall until he gets a better idea and uses biting kisses to shut Shisui up. Everyone thinks these two need to be hospitalized. (Aragorn, with those healing hands on Shisui's forehead: I have never seen you behave this way?????)
The Holy Fuck My Eyes Ship: Shisui x Arwen
I cannot unsee this, I did this to myself in The Red Ally when I suggested that Elrond had hoped that Shisui could marry Arwen so they could all sail together. And then I went and described Arwen like a goddamned marble sculpture who stepped off her pillar into a pool of moonlight and she held Shisui's arm so gently and they were supposed to be friends but now I cannot UNSEE AND I NEED YOU ALL TO SUFFER WITH ME
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otasnox · 5 months
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yuri playlist so good spotify thinks i should put radiohead AND the smiths AND weezer on it. Wowie!
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The Death of a Hero
I am dying. My entire body is in pain, every nerve on fire. Blood flows from a dozen different wounds, oozing over my skin. My body is caked in it, coated in a layer of blood and dirt. Air rattles in my lungs, and I wonder which breath will be my last.
There are voices all around me. People are talking, but I hardly hear a word. Someone is crying, begging, pleading. They want me to speak, to tell them I'm alright, that I'll survive. I am silent
I always knew that I would die, that it would end this way. I didn't know if it would be tomorrow, or in a year, or in a decade, but I knew it would end, and it would end in pain. There was never any other option.
There is no long life for a hero, no old age. We die in fire and flame, bruised and bloodied. We die by the blade, by the hands of the enemy. We fall from our pedestals and we lie broken when we hit the ground. It is inevitable.
The fact that I am dying doesn't surprise me. Doesn't scare me. I was always going to die. It is what I was born to do. Raised to be a hero, and to die an early death. My grave was dug before I was born.
I suppose it might be a blessing. Heroes are not built for peace. We are built to bleed and fight and die. When the battle is won, when the war is over, the others can go home. Build lives, grow families, find peace. But that was never my destiny.
There are more people standing over me. Distant, hazy blurs. They call for a healer, plead with the gods. They may plead all they like. There is nothing to be done. I have done my duty.
The world is fading, turning black. I can no longer hear the battle. I wonder if we've won. I suppose we must have, or they would not let me go. I would not get to be free so easily.
Gentle whispers come to me. They float across the battlefield, caressing my ears. They promise me happiness, love, eternal life. I know they speak lies. There will be no happy ending for me.
Something chases them away. A voice, older than any I have heard before, and heavy with the weight of the world. Warm and gentle, but above all, kind. Come, they tell me. You must be tired.
I am. So very tired. Tired of being the hero. Of having the weight of the world on my shoulders. Yes, I say. I reach out. Something takes my hand.
Rest. Your work is done.
I am falling, hurtling into oblivion. It does not scare me. The nothingness is a comfort. As the world fades away at last, I let out a sigh. I am free at last.
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xiaoao · 2 years
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Destined To Meet You.
Prologue - The End of War.
Previous > m.list > next
A/n : It's pretty long ! It's just readers backstory, idk if it's relevant to the story, but kinda is bcs of how the extinct of Umi Kitsunes happen n stuff GWLFISKW also readers background, like her powers, how shes connected in some stuff, anyways have fun reading !! Btw, there's names that came from games like bandori, genshin, prosekai, and more bcs I absolutely don't have creativity when it comes to names.
warning : gore, mentions of death, mentions of blades, mentions of blood. If this ever triggers you please don't read this, you have been warned.
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"Kitsuyo.. Please, take your sister." Your mother said bringing you in her arms to your brother, slowly, your brother, Kitsuyo took you out of your mothers arms, "Mom.. You can't just leave us like this." Kitsuyo says, the woman looks at you, and her son, "I'm sorry, Kitsuyo. Us Umi Kitsunes, they're destined to have life long battles. They are the Guardians of this enchanted forest." She says, she took a deep breath, "Remember Kitsuyo, protect your sister at all costs, okay? Don't run away, don't ever run away. Don't let her die in your arms. Us Umi Kitsunes, your family, we love you so much, Kitsuyo. Now go, far from this place, far from this battle." She says turning around to help her husband, to help her friends in combat. She ran and ran, and she never looked back. Kitsuyo, watching your mother going in battlefield knowing she will never come back. He looks down at your sleeping figure, though you have just been born a few months ago, you've grown some hair, "I'll forever protect you, [name]. You can trust your big brother on that." He says as his voice breaks, he turns away from the battlefield, and flees. He goes back to the camp where you have been born, where the most safest place is. Now, it is his responsibility to train you, feed you, raise you, as a guardian of the forest. And he vows to never abandon you.
And years and years have passed, Kitsuyo became more stronger, you too, became older. Your ears became longer, you hair became more beautiful, your powers became powerful. Kitsuyo helped you trained your powers, and finally, you grew your first every tail, Kitsuyo felt as if this was a huge accomplishment, you were quite shocked, but seeing that your brother was happy, you assumed it's a good thing. But, you always wondered where your parents went, and why your brother always made you train with him, but you just obliged. The weapon you picked was rather too heavy for a child, but at the same time you're a kitsune that's extremely strong. Though it was a beginners scythe, it was not bad for training purposes, though even after all your training, Kitsuyo never made you actually legitimately fight in battle, you'd usually watch from the sides inside the forest in order to "stay safe." You'd see other kitsunes like you in combat, and they were amazing. You'd look at them in awe and in amazement, "Hopefully I can be like them soon.." You once mumbled. This was basically your life routine, eat, train, rest, train, sleep then repeat. There was never ever something special happening, at least that's what you thought. When you were in the age of almost 600 you overheard a conversation of your brother, you heard that a battle might happen again, and the Umi Kitsunes are the most needed, you thought this was your opportunity to fight in battle, "[name]." Kitsuyo calls, you turn to him, "Yes?" You ask, "I know you heard a conversation between me and someone." He says, you swallow, "[Name], remember, stay in the forest, don't ever move away unless someone calls you." He says, "I'm telling you [name], no matter how much you want to be in combat you cannot. You have not mastered your powers yet, and you're still vulnerable to death." He warns you, "but–" You got cut by his glare, "[name], listen to me." He says sternly, "Don't. Do not go inside the battlefield, it is too dangerous for you." He says, you opened your mouth to protest, until you heard foot steps approaching you both rapidly, "Kitsuyo! They started attacking!" One of the Umi Kitsunes says, "What? That fast?!" He says flabbergasted, "Shit. Let's go. [Name], remember, stay here, do not go in battlefield unless you are needed." He says before running in combat, you only watched in the distance as they slowly fade in the darkness of the depths of the forest. You sit down at your camp and await of your brothers arrival to come back.
A few hours has passed, and the battle has slightly died down. You saw some kitsunes coming back to their huts or back to their homes, you even found some kitsunes in their human forms coming back with a smile on their faces. "Maybe we won?" You thought, you stood up and stretched after many hours of sitting down, you proceed to walk to the battlefield, you were near the battlefield, then you crouched, you ducked your head and lowered your ears, you slightly peeked your head through the trees, then, you saw what you hated the most. Your brothers deceased body. Your eyes widen, and immediately stood up, the crunch of the leaves may got the other kitsunes attention because one of your cousins went up to you, they sighed, "I'm sorry you had to find out like this." They said, you turn back at the sound of their voice, "Kitsuyo.. He said he wanted to tell you something." They added, they look at you in the eyes, "What is it..?" You ask solemnly, your cousin sighed, "Well, he says he wants to apologize because he wouldn't let you fight in combat, he knew you wanted to fight beside him, but now, he leaves everything up to you, but you need to practice your powers, and you need to practice how to dodge." Your cousin says, "You know, [name].. I'm willing to help you train." Your cousin offers, "Al.. Alright.." You stutter, "You can go back to your camp, I'll clean up Kitsuyo's body." Your cousin says, you nod, you watch as your cousin approaches your brothers body, you walk away to save yourself from watching your brothers deceased body possibly be buried or something like that. Your brother was kind of strict with you, but that didn't matter, as he was your only family member. But now? You're on your own, you don't have any of your family members, just you and your cousin left, well, distant cousin. You came back to the camp, you just sat down. Thinking what the future offers you, would they kill your distant cousin too? Would they even kill you, as well? But, you didn't want to die yet, not until you knew where your parents are. However, you did learn something awhile back, "Umi Kitsunes are the guardians of this forest." So, how are you going to be a guardian when you're just sitting here sulking? If you want to continue your family's legacy, you needed to train and train. You still remember the training routine your brother gave as you started training ever since you were extremely young. You just had one tail when you started training, that was almost 500 years ago. now, you had 6 tails, though you were a young kitsune, your mind was very matured, and though you seem young, you have fully mastered some of your powers. As the sun slowly sets, you see your cousin walking to you, you stop panting and facing their direction, "You've improved, [name.]" They say, "Thank you.." You say out of breath, "Take a break, care for some tea with some friends?" They say showing a cup, you nod hesitantly as you never really went out to socialize. Your cousin smiles softly, "Follow me then." They say turning back, your cousin was very old. Almost 4,000 years old. As you both arrived at where your cousins and their friends would usually stay, you saw some familiar faces, you saw one of the most famous and a rare kitsune that can also turn into a human. "Is this [name]?" a woman says, "That's right, Sei. [Name], meet Sei, she's a Seishin kitsune, that's how she got her name." Your cousin says, "Nice to meet you, [name]. Just as Chisato said, I am Sei, I hope we can fight alongside each other, I've heard great things about you." Sei says elegantly, the way her voice just flows sends shivers down your spine, after Sei, you see two other people, "Hi there, [name]! My name is Mishiro, I also got my name from my kitsune type, Mori. It's a pleasant to meet you!" Mishiro says, Mishiro looks like she has a good type of energy, you slightly smile, "Good to meet you too, Mishiro." You respond, "This is Inei, she's a Kumiho kitsune." Chisato, or your cousin introduces you to them, Inei bows their head, and so do you. "Please, [name], take a seat."
Sei says, you sat down beside Chisato and Mishiro, "There's a reason why we called you here, [name]." Chisato says, "I'm sure you find us all familiar, yes? Our faces." Chisato asks, you nod, "That's because we're the leaders of our kitsunes. Sei is the leader for Seishin kitsunes, Mishiro for Mori, and so on." Chisato says, you don't talk, you just listen to Chisato, "And since we're both left for the higher classes for the Umi Kitsunes, I offer you to be the leader for the Umi Kitsunes. I cannot bear this responsibility anymore, as I am close to death." Chisato says, Inei sighs, "We've all already found our alternative leaders, death is inevitable. Especially those for the leaders with great power." They said, you swallow the nervousness you're feeling, "But.. Why didn't you pick someone else?" You ask, "That's another topic we want to talk about as well." Chisato says, "Umi Kitsunes are turning extinced, there is some unknown killer targeting the Umi's, and, well, you're the only one that I can rely on. Whenever you train, I always watch from afar, and as a 600 year old kistune, you've mastered multiple powers some can't at your age. It only took several hundred years for you, while others takes thousands of years. That's why I want you to be the new leader." Chisato explains, you look down, nervous. You'll be the new leader of one of your kinds, "Trust me, we leaders didn't want to do this. I needed to give up my role to my daughter." Sei says, "So? What do you say, [name]?" Chisato asks, "I accept. I will bare any type of responsibility and I will try to be the good leader you will be expecting." You say, Chisato smiles, "I'm glad, [name]. I'm willing to help you guide you through this before we all die." Chisato says, "But, there are things you need to know." Chisato adds, "As the leader, you will always be needed in battle. A training session happens multiple times a day. The training session is held by the former leader." Chisato explains, you listen attentively, "And always be prepared for the death of your comrades, or maybe even yours." Chisato adds, they all nod, "But," Mishiro says, "Are we still going to try and find the possible killers?" Mishiro asks, "This can be a mission for us." Inei suggests, "That's right, we can find the killer if we all work hard enough." Chisato says, "Chisato.." You say, "Yes, [name]?" Chisato asks, "There's a power where I can't fully master, and I'm scared I might hurt other kitsunes." You say, "Don't worry, [name]. We'll help you." Chisato says, "But what if I accidentally hurt any of you..?" You ask slightly scared, "Then we won't blame you." Mishiro says, "What Mishi says, we won't blame you because you hurt us, whatever power that overcame your body will be in faulty." Sei says, "Isn't that right, Inei?" Sei says looking at them, Inei slightly nods, "I've been there before [name], I've killed other kitsunes because of it. We promise to help you control it.'' Inei says, you smile at them, "Thank you, all of you." you say, they all smile, "Cheers to the new Umi leader?" Chisato asks, "Cheers!" They all say in synch.
Evening falls, and the four leaders are all sleeping. You in the other hand, proceed to the battlefield, it felt as if something important was there, once you got in the middle of the battlefield, something hit you. Your head started hurting, the pain hurts, but you couldn't scream, you fell to the ground, and you screamed. You screamed for help. Then the next thing you remember, is someone calling out your name, and your vision blacking out. It felt as if you were sleeping, but your mind is wide awake, you open your eyes, you open your eyes to see a familiar face, your brother. "Oh, you're awake." He says, "Kitsuyo..?" You say in shock, your eyes started filling up in tears, Kitsuyo chuckled, "Why do you seem so surprised to see me?" He asks, you started crying. "Are you.. real..?" You ask, "Yes, of course. Why not? Look, even mom and dad are cooking." He says pointing to the other side, you couldn't see their face, only their bodies. Even little kitsunes are running around playing, "There's so many children playing. Isn't it so sweet?" Kitsuyo asks beside you, you turn back to Kitsuyo and hug him, "Haha, why the sudden hug, [name]? Is something the matter? Did you have a nightmare?" Kitsuyo asks as he hugs you back, you shake your head, "No.. nothing happened, I just want to hug you one last time.." You say, "Alright then." He says stroking your head, your beautiful [color] hair, you close your eyes, just to open them to see you tied to a tree. You gasp, "[Name?!]" You hear Sei, "Sei!" You call out to her, "Are you finally there?" Sei asks, "What?" You ask confused, "So this is what you mean by a power you can't control." Inei says, "It's so similar to yours, Inei." Sei says as she removes the ropes she summoned in order to tie you, "What did I do?" You ask rubbing your wrists, "You killed multiple kitsunes and foxes." Inei says, "Inei! You could've said it a little less gruesome." Sei says, "We need to be straightforward to her. How is she going to be a fit leader?" Inei asks, Sei says nothing, "Chisato! She's awake!" You heard Mishiro call your cousin, you heard your cousins footsteps rush towards your direction, "No one is injured?" Chisato asks, everyone shakes their head, "There's some kitsunes that survived, but.." Mishiro cuts herself, "The killer also attacked." Mishiro says, "What?!" Sei says shocked, "Yeah. I smelled a scent that isn't apart of the kitsunes, it's from someone else." Mishiro says, "At the same time?" Chisato asks, Mishiro nods, Chisato sighs deeply, "This is a scary fact but.." Chisato pauses, "I think [name] is capable of killing us all." Chisato says, "What?!" Sei, you, and Mishiro says in synch, "With [name's] speed and the way she blends in the dark is a good escape route, but, why did you do it?" Chisato asks, "I didn't know what I'm doing.. I just had a dream about Kitsuyo, and mom and dad.." You say recollecting the pieces of the dreams you had, "So you were sleep walking?" Sei asks, "Seems like it." You say, Chisato sighs, "I think we have to be careful whenever the killer attacks.'' Chisato says, "It seems that when the killer attacks [name] attacks as well." Chisato says, "I think so too! The direction [name] is going is towards the killers scent! We can use [name] to kill the killer, we just have to make other kistunes and foxes leave her sight!" Mishiro says, "That's right!" Chisato says as her eyes lights up, "We have to be extremely careful for this plan." Chisato pauses, "But how do we know when the killer strikes?" Chisato asks, "I think I can tell in advance. Again, I smelled and sense a different presence in advanced, I thought nothing of it at first and now I understand." Mishiro says, "Alright, I think we have a solid plan." Chisato says, "We can do this!" Mishiro says happily jumping, "They're both so full of energy." Ineii says, "Haha.. you can say that again." Sei says observing the duo.
time skip, the killer strikes.
"Shit! What do we do?!" Sei says in a panic, "Chisato!" Sei calls, "Why isn't [name].. no, why isn't this creature following the scent of the killer?!" Mishiro asks, "Are we.. actually going to die here..?" Chisato asks, "No, Chisato, no! We aren't going to die to this creature." Sei says, "At the same time.. I don't mind dying in [name's] hands.." Chisato says holding her abdomen to stop the bleeding, "Chisato.. your.." Mishiro says frightened "I'm sorry, everyone. I lost too much blood." Chisato says weakly while she falls down on her knees, "Chisato!" Mishiro calls out to Chisato, "It's okay, Mishiro. If I die then I'll willingly die to [name's] hands. I'll be honoured, even." Chisato says, "Chisato.." Sei calls out in sorrow, "I've prepared a scroll for [name] to read, I knew this would happen..'' Chisato says while coughing, "I did too." Inei says, "I think we all did." Sei says summoning a scroll, "If we die, that's the time [name] wakes up." Chisato says, "So, if we just put the scrolls next to us then, she'll find it." Chisato says, everyone puts their weapons down as they are too weak to continue fighting, "I guess I agree with you, Chisato. The only time I agree." Inei says, "That..?" Chisato asks, "That I'll be willingly to die in [name']s hands." Inei says as a blade pierces through their throat. "Inei!" Mishiro calls, "I'm next huh..?" Sei says looking at you, "Thank you for the memories then, [name]. I love you." Sei says as multiple blades stabs her. "Now us.." Mishiro says, "I love you, Chisato." Mishiro says as she turns to Chisato, Chisato has her eyes closed, and her chest isn't rising anymore. Mishiro smiles,, "To die beside my comrades.. It's the best thing I ask for. Thank you, [name]." She says her final words as a blade cuts her head and decapitates it from her body.
taglist [opened]] - @xiaos-wif3 @riabef @klementime ( hello to all of you ! This is gore, please skip if you're triggered :)) )
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startouched-maiden · 10 months
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Bored at work so dropping some Eulalie lore!
Born to Vivien and Kaian Walker, Eulalie is the eldest of three and is mixed Miqo'te / Hyur. Due to their mixed ancestry, Vivien and Kaian did not anticipate having children but were beyond thrilled to welcome their first baby girl into their lives. (the other two were also surprises; these parents didn't learn.)
While she typically goes by Eulalie, her family and loved ones sometimes call her Eula. Her youngest sister, Rosalie, calls her Eulie.
Eulalie is incredibly shy and even formal around strangers but opens up into an excitable chatterbox around trusted individuals. She does not have great confidence and frequently second guesses herself except when she has a firearm in her hand.
Taking after her father, Eulalie is an incredibly talented inventor and can recreate most technology after only brief use. She showed her interest in magitek as a toddler and deeply bonded with Kaian over their shared interest and passion. As she grew older and expanded her studies into combat, she has proven herself to be an adept markswoman, making her a machinist (and sniper) to be feared on the battlefield. Each of her guns have either been handcrafted by herself or specially purchased by her father; each gun in her collection has been bestowed with an affectionate nickname.
As Eulalie is only half Keeper, the Moonmaiden blessing did not recognize her as eligible to receive the blessing. She was an incredibly weak infant as the blessing nearly rejected her entirely, causing Vivien's pregnancy to be a particularly difficult one.
When her parents die in her timeline, she sets out to find a way to better the world and eventually comes to the conclusion that the best hope for her world is to reset the timeline. In her endeavors to travel back in time, she spends most of her teen years pouring over her father's research, Moonmaiden lore and using her connections to access Labyrinthos. Both of her siblings, Julien and Rosalie, assist with this although it is impossible to deny that Eulalie is the brains of the three. Eventually, she is able to harvest Vivien's aether from the aetherial ice her body is encased inside and uses it as a "beacon" to travel back in time to not long after Viv received her final blessing from Menphina.
PHEW I WROTE A LOT! I'll be back with more Eulalie Walker lore 🫡
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cryopathiic · 8 months
“I expected more from you.”
angst prompts || not accepting right now
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A TAUNT THAT FALLS on deaf ears — if anything, a glimmer of mirth shines through Upper Two's hollow gaze. If the aspiring swordsman assumed it to be a show of excitement, they could not be faulted. As hoarfrost settles like a veil over the battlefield, Dōma sweeps his tabi over the frost glazed floor, swinging idly as if he's merely bidding his time. The air of nonchalance might have reached some of the more temperamental pillars; but in the serenity that shrouds this one, it seems the second moon has found his match.
The child dons quite a deadpan.
A stark juxtaposition to the hurried apology that comes so effervescently from the prancing demon.
❝ — oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bore you, I just wanted to give you some time to warm up, first ! ❞
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❝ You humans devote your entire life to perfecting your swordsmanship, all just for a chance at injuring one of us. It's really moving to think about how much you guys go through in this pointless pursuit. So, I would like to offer you a chance to demonstrate the full range of your abilities before you die! I believe it is respectful and fair to do so, don't you agree? ❞
Cutely, he cants his head; the golden fans are raised mid-air, reflecting every play of ambient light in the room. Particles of ice float around Upper Two's serraphic visage as it assumes a guileless smile — and he flutters the iron weapons parallel to each other. From the dust and rime; a ball of crystal is born. The pillar should know not to approach until that frosty air has settled, of course.
❝ Okay... I'd like to see how much longer you can keep going. Most pillars die rather quickly in my experience, so I don't really get to play around much nowadays... mmm... ❞ He wears a brief pout that comes across as endearing, if anything. But the upbeat attitude is back a mere second later. ❝ —let's try something a little bit more challenging for you. Since Kokushibo-dono's smell is all over you... ❞
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C R Y S T A L O F S E L F R E F L E C T I O N.
The crystal ball launches in the space between the two adversaries; mortal and divine, separated by the spikes that protrude violently from it as it begins to take shape. And while the demon hums and sways with childlike carelessness, his creation takes the form of Yuichiro's spitting image.
❝ This little guy can copy all your moves, including your mistakes! So, here, I'll give you a last chance to perfect your techniques until I get bored. ❞
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blue-howlite · 2 years
Hi! Can you do a few headcannons regarding your favourite female character?
Also, what does horny disgrace mean? (Pardon the dump question)
Sure! My favourite female character is Chang Pu (she was the healer that kept my team alive in the early days when I didn't have much luck with the pulls, so I'll just do some random headcanons for her).
And to answer your question, horny disgrace is an affectionate way I use to refer to people who are dirty minded and like/want/request NSFW content. It just came to me one day while I was writing some headcanons and it got stuck in my head. I don't mean anything bad by it, it just sounds funny.
Chang Pu headcanons
Author note: I made a bunch of random hc, I hope that's what you meant lol. If not, just resend the request telling me what you wanted exactly (I admit I lack xReader content for female characters so if that's what you wanted don't be shy and just ask for it, I have a few girls I can write about).
I believe that Chang Pu is unable to hate. You see, I have her in a team with Bardon, Tang Xuan, then Hall and Leon. And most of the time, in the early days when I didn't know how to build espers and stuff, she basically kept Leon alive 'cause that man is born with DEF down. Hall too, but Leon was worst. I just think she is the type that on a battlefield doesn't look at the injured person's faction, she just heals them and makes sure they're fine. Totally subjective and biased opinion though.
She goes to therapy. Because let's be fucking honest, we know she is 14 and that her age was changed by the devs just because she had too many creeps going for her. She most probably goes on the battlefield to heal people. She saw some nasty injuries, if not people die. And she's a teen. Someone (probably another medical team member) sent her to therapy to make sure her psyche isn't damaged from all the messed up things she sees.
She was there when Bardon lost his arm, she also was the first to intervene. She probably feels guilty she couldn't recover his arm though. Another biased headcanon due to my original team formation.
When she treats children who suffered some psychological trauma she gifts them scented plushies that have dried herbs inside like lavanda or chamomile, to help them sleep better at night.
The previous headcanon also goes for the other people in the Esper Union actually. Almost everyone has a scented plushie from Chang Pu because they're all traumatized children deep inside.
On a more wholesome note because I'm making this stuff too dark and sad, I think she is an introvert and when her social battery dies during an event she just falls asleep and the other people at the Union take turns for carrying her back to her room.
Also she is really shy, and that's canon actually (from one of Aurelius' bounty stories).
That's pretty much all I have on her on random headcanons.
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