#i was doing some research and just stumbled onto this fact
pombeom · 1 month
no escape from you | beomgyu fic (part 1)
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pairings: enemies to ??, roommate! beomgyu x reader
warnings: suggestive content
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for days but i finally wrote it the way i want. might make this a series with smut in the next chapter so keep a lookout 👀 (not proof read)
You were the responsible one between you and your roommate. You always kept things clean, even picking up after his dirty dishes. But being his partner for a paired project was not what you signed up for. Gambling your grade and trying to work with him? Not a chance. 
When are you free? We really need to start our presentation! 
Your frantic spamming of texts went straight to delivered and were probably not going to be read for another 24 hours at least. You would think that being assigned to do a presentation with someone who was quite literally your roommate would be a breeze, but with Beomgyu never being around, the task seemed impossible. You hated the guts of this guy but you were willing to work through it for the sake of your grade. Well that’s only if he comes backs to your shared dorm before the end of the fucking day. Your sleep schedule awaits no one. 
Sat at the kitchen table, you spend the next 3 hours researching for parts of your presentation knowing that it’s probably be easier to start it off without Beomgyu. Scrolling through websites and watching videos on the topic, you write down the notes in your notebook but eventually, without meaning to, your eyes slam shut, falling alseep in your folded arms which rest on the table. 
A lock clicks as the door screeches open. At the early hours of the morning, you are awakened by your drunk roommate. You jolt your eyes open upon hearing the noise of his shoes, his footsteps uneven, indicating his intoxicated state. Anger bubbles in you as you turn sharply to face Beomgyu, giving him an intense glare which he meets with his half open eyes, appearing to be laughing at you. 
“Aww, did you wait up for me, sweetheart,” he taunts, knowing how much you hate the stupid nicknames he gives you on purpose. 
“No. In fact, I fell alseep trying to finish our fucking presentation which is due in fucking 2 days! Do you know how many times I called and texted?” Your tone came out harsh and direct which in some ways was exactly what you were going for but more so, you just wanted to get your point across. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I was out.” 
“I can see that. And stop calling me “sweetheart”. It sounds so fucking stupid. I have a name and that’s what I’d like to be called.”   
He inches closer to you, stumbling a little, grabbing onto your arms for support. His grip is gentle but firm, cautious to hold tight but not to hurt you.  
“Listen sweetheart, if you’re gonna yell at me at least do it when you’re not dressed like this. I can’t help but get a little turned on.” 
“Fuck you!” You turn a shade of crimson as you feel a sense of angry embarrassment. Your slip dress was short and the low cut did nothing but show off your cleavage to Beomgyu who towered over you, getting a clear view of your chest. 
“Well if that’s what you want, sweetheart. I’m down. But maybe tomorrow or something. I’m tired right now.” He smirks, saying goodbye with a two finger salute. 
With that, he makes his way to his own room, leaving you filled with a cloud of confusion and unease. He may have been joking but his words made your stomach flutter, carrying and intense heat throughout your body. 
I really need to go to bed. 
Getting approximately 4 hours of sleep last night had you waking up on the wrong side of bed. You were cranky beyond help and your mood only depleted when you saw Beomgyu sitting at the kitchen table, munching away at his cereal. 
“Good morning sleepyhead, get a good night of rest?,” his remark was sarcastic, almost shaming you for your evidently tired appearance. 
“Beomgyu please. It’s too early in the morning to be arguing with you.” 
“As you wish.” 
You joined him at the table, grabbing yourself some fruit and toast and you both continued to eat in silence. The air was stiff as you could feel Beomgyu constantly looking up from his bowl to stare into your face whilst you desperately attempted to avoid looking in the same direction to prevent any accidental eye contact. 
Why was he being so intense today?
As you finish your last bite, a wave of relief washes over you as you quickly get up and head over to the sink, washing up your plate before you feel a presence behind you. Beomgyu’s chest came in direct contact with your back sending a flush of pink straight to your cheeks. You tried to move away but his arms caged you. You could hear his breath against your ear, leaving a tingling sensation on your sensitive skin. 
“You know my offer from last night still stands. If you’re up for it,” his whispers send you into a frenzy and you turn around faster than the speed of light almost challenging him as you look up to his face. 
“Listen to me Choi Beomgyu. You have no right to speak to me like that. Nothing of the sort will ever happen. Do. You. Understand?” Your voice was firm and confident, concealing any embarrassment you felt earlier. 
“Shit. That was kinda hot, sweetheart.” He places his hands over yours which had somehow made his way up his chest, grabbing ahold of his white t-shirt. “Now, we have a class to get to. Wouldn’t want to be late now would we?” 
The realisation struck harder than lightning as you jolt you eyes over to the clock, knowing you had a little over 7 minutes to make it to your class. If you ran. 
You push Beomgyu away and grab your bag and slip on your shoes by the door and dash out the door, without care for your roommate who was also in the same class. 
“Hey, wait for me!” His voice yells from behind you, almost catching up. 
“Beomgyu, I really don’t have the time for this right now. I’m gonna be late.” 
“I know a shortcut. Follow me.” He grabs ahold of your hand, dragging you in the opposite direction from the one you’re used to. What started off as speed walking had evolved into a sprint as you’re left huffing and puffing trying to match the strides of his long legs. 
Within minutes you arrive at the door of your lecture theatre, astounded that you made it on time. As you both walked in, still clutching hands, you quickly noticed the limited seats available. Almost every row was full apart from 2 seats on the furthest end of the 7th row on the left. 
“There,” Beomgyu points, upon identifying the seats, ”Guess we’re sitting together today.” He sounded rather pleased, the corners of his mouth lifting to display his smug expression. 
“Brilliant. Sooo excited,” you sneered, ensuring that the sarcasm in your tone was conveyed as you squeezed past the entire row, making your way to the end, as Beomgyu takes a seat to your right. 
“You better be, sweetheart.” 
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heizlut · 11 months
Me & The Devil
alternative (dual yandere) version here
cw: non-con, dub-con, heavy manipulation, gaslighting, somnophilia, dacryphilia, yandere, DARK CONTENT
this fic is no joke when it comes to darker content, extreme trigger warning. read at your own risk
tags: yandere!dottore, fem!reader, mostly proofread but there still may be some minor errors here and there
word count: 4.5k this is the longest one i’ve written so far.
check out my masterlist here!
Finally you have a chance to break free. The sound of your bare feet slap against the cold floor as you try to run for an exit. Your breathing is heavy, teary eyes full of hope thinking that today is the day you can finally escape him. Right before you can reach the exit, a large hand grips your arm tightly, causing you to stumble and fall to your hands and knees. You’re flipped over onto your back with him looming over you with a smirk on his face, “Going somewhere, my love?”. Dottore. How did this even start? When did it even start?
You were just a curious akademiya student. Many said you were too curious for your own good but you always brushed them off. You couldn’t help that you were so curious about the things that were forbidden to be researched. The more someone tells you not to do something, the more you want to just say ‘fuck it’ and do it anyways. It didn’t help when you found some curious files and notes left behind from a student named Zandik. After asking around and getting strange looks from others, you were about to give up on this Zandik guy. You bumped into something hard causing you to drop the notes and files you had found and you land hard on your ass. When you looked up, you saw a tall man with blue hair wearing a mask that hid his features.
He didn’t think anything of you at first until he saw what had scattered on the ground. With a smirk, he held out his hand to you, “I apologize. I must not have been paying attention to where I was going.” You grabbed his hand, trying not to wince at the pain from having landed so hard, “I should be the one to apologize. I’m the one who ran into you.” The man laughed it off and bent down to help you gather your papers which caused you to push him away.
Your reaction made him raise an eyebrow under his mask, “What? Do you have something to hide, little one?” You felt your face heat up at the accusation and the nickname. It felt like he could see right through you, “N-no.. It’s just-“ You sighed as you gathered your thoughts. “If you’d like, we could go somewhere else if you’d like to tell me about it?”, he offered with a smile that you couldn’t quite decipher. You nodded and gave a small smile in return, “It would be nice to have someone to share this with. Thank you.”
The man you learned was named Dottore. He listened to everything you explained with just a sly smirk on his face. The mask he wore made it hard for you to decipher his true feelings, but the fact that he had sat there and listened with some sort of intrigue to what you were saying made you feel like you were finally understood. He made no move to berate you for what you chose to have an interest in.
Little did you know that the files and notes you had found were all from him and his previous research from before he was expelled from the akademiya and changed his name. He was more than happy to entertain your curiosity. It shocked you when he offered his hand to you for the second time that day and asked if you would like to pursue your curiosities further with him as your mentor. You stared at him in surprise, then you took his hand. That’s where it all began.
At first, Dottore kept some distance from you. You didn’t mind as you were so caught up in finally being able to pursue your true interests. Little by little he began to cut you off from the rest of the world without you paying it any mind. It started with him offering for you to stay one night since it had gotten late. He said he worried about you going home alone in the dark. You naively accepted and soon it became a habit to stay with him after long days of researching and experimenting together. Dottore was good at hiding his true intentions and the dark things he was doing without your knowledge. You had no idea the other types of experiments he conducted. He was so careful to show you only what he wanted you to see.
Next he made an offhand comment about you just dropping out of the akademiya and studying under him full time. He had only said it when you came to his place after yet another tough day at the akademiya. You were going on and on about how you wish you could fully pursue your true interests without interference. After he made the comment about you just dropping out, you gawked at him for a few moments to which he smiled, “It’s all up to you. But just know… You’ll never reach your true potential if you’re trapped under the akademiya’s thumb.” You mulled over his words.
What he said was true. You just wanted your freedom. To do as you pleased without anyone getting in the way or giving you dirty looks or rejecting your proposals time and time again. “I can give you everything you need. All you need to do is say the word.”, is what he said as he watched the gears turn in your head. You looked up at him, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “I’ll drop out. Just promise me that you’ll help me pursue what I want.”
The smile on his face grew. If you hadn’t been so naive to his real intentions, you would have noticed that his smile held insanity and obsession. He wanted you all to himself and he was finally getting closer to what he wanted.
Days turned to weeks, which turned to months. Dottore was everything to you whether you had realized it or not. You had fallen right into his trap. You had become dependent on him, cut off from the world around you. When was the last time you saw the sun or felt it warm your skin? You didn’t really seem to care. You had gotten incredibly far with your research all thanks to Dottore’s help. He gave you everything you needed. Everything you wanted. No questions asked. He never even asked for anything in return.
Now that began to bother you. You felt like you had to repay him in some way but whenever you brought it up, he would brush it off with a laugh and smile saying that seeing you happy with what you were accomplishing together was more than enough. You always failed to notice the way his gaze on you would change when your back was turned to him. The way it travelled down your body, taking in every inch of you, committing it to memory… It was dark and hungry…
You had reached up to grab a new test tube from a shelf you couldn’t quite reach when you suddenly felt hands touch your waist. A hard chest pressed against your back. Hot breath on your neck… “Let me get that for you.” You blush at the closeness. Dottore had never touched you like this. You didn’t see him as anything other than a mentor and a friend. He never made it known that he had felt anything different for you.
You didn’t know whether you liked his touch or closeness or if you wanted to push him away. You were frozen. Conflicted. You snap out of your thoughts when he let out a breathy laugh, the test tube held in front of your face, “Aren’t you going to take it?” You swallow hard and take the test tube from his hands, muttering your thanks.
His hands linger, moving down your body. You swear you could feel something hard poking your ass but you shake your head to push the thoughts away. There’s no way he thought of you like that. No way you thought of him like that. Sure he was handsome in his own strange way but you never really saw him this way. You turn around to move from his grasp only to be pushed further into the shelf, the spare glassware rattled from the impact.
Dottore’s sly smile. The dark look in his eyes. It made you shiver. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, huh? Anything you want to share?”, he was taunting you. You just knew he was. You gently push him away to create distance and he lets you, letting out a small laugh, “You don’t have to tell me. Your face says it all.” Your eyes widen at his words and you quickly make your way back to your experiment table.
Nothing else happened for awhile after that. It bothered you. Did he really see you as something more than just someone he was mentoring? You feel yourself grow slick with arousal as you lay in your bed. You kept replaying the way he looked at you, the way he touched you… You let out an annoyed groan as you rub your thighs together to quell the aching need you were feeling. You couldn’t be thinking of him this way. You didn’t even know what your feelings were towards him, let alone his feelings towards you. You let yourself fall asleep, frustrated, sexually and emotionally.
He stood there over your sleeping form. His cock stirring to life and he rubbed himself through his pants at how innocent and soft you looked as you slept. You turned onto your back in your sleep, muttering his name. His eyes squeezed shut as he palmed himself with even more pressure. You had said his name in your sleep.
You must be dreaming about him. Dottore lets out a soft groan of satisfaction. His sweet little student was thinking of him even in their sleep. He pulled his aching cock from his pants, pumping his length over your sleeping form.
Suddenly you let out a soft, breathy moan of his name, causing him to release all over your face with a choked groan of his own. He smirked as he kneeled down next to you, tucking himself back into his pants, and admiring how much prettier you looked with his cum splattered across your sweet face. He takes his finger, running it through his release. Once he gathered some on his finger he gently pressed it into your slightly parted mouth.
He hoped that you would wake up with the taste of his essence still on your tongue. Dottore removed his shirt and used it to gently wipe the remaining cum off your face. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and whispered, “Sweet dreams, little one.”
You woke up the next day with a strange taste in your mouth. You swallow a few times to get rid of the foreign taste which doesn’t help. You sigh, pushing yourself up to sit on your bed, your knees pressed tightly to your chest. Flashes of the dream you had the night before flutter through your mind. Images of Dottore touching you even more than he did that day in the lab against the shelves. Images of him kissing your neck and down your body…
The dream felt so real, you swear you could almost feel the lingering touch of his soft lips and calloused hands on your body. You faintly remember when the dream changed to him entering your room, jerking his cock over your body as he came on your face. The strange taste in your mouth comes to mind but you brush it off. It was all just a dream… right?
You let the water from the shower run down your body as you feel yourself starting to overthink everything that had to do with Dottore. He was just your mentor. You had to keep it that way or you may risk him finally kicking you out and leaving you on your own. The thoughts made you realize just how much he consumed your life little by little. You were in too deep to let it all fall apart just because you were confused by your feelings. You needed him.
A few days had gone by. Things seemed to have gone back to how they always used to be between you and Dottore. You felt like maybe you were just crazy for thinking he saw you as something more than just his student. Little did you know that Dottore was planning even more deep in his twisted mind. His careful image and manipulation guided you exactly where he wanted you. Dependent. Needing him. For everything. He wanted your thoughts to be on him. Only him.
As time went on, you noticed the little lingering touches he gave you. The way he would press himself against you. How close he would get, just inches from your face with that sly smile on his own mostly hidden face. It was driving you insane. You were so confused. Did you want him as more than a mentor to your forbidden research? No. You couldn’t. You didn’t want to.
You sat across from Dottore, pushing the food around your plate with your chopsticks, caught up in your own thoughts. He studied you curiously, wanting to pry into your mind, “Is everything alright? You know you can tell me anything. I’ll listen.” You snap out of your thoughts, looking up at him with a dazed expression, “What are we doing…” He tilts his head slightly at your words, “What do you mean by that? We are research partners. I am your mentor. Does that not satisfy you?” Your face heats up, “N-no.. I-I mean it does satisfy me. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You didn’t have to do all this-“
Before you could continue rambling he cuts you off, his palms pressed against the table as he leans over it. So close to you now… “Always so humble and sweet…” Dottore tucks a strand of your hair behind your hair and leans even closer, “Too bad I’m not satisfied.”
His words chill you to the bone. You’re frozen in place as he smirks, “Be mine. I can give you even more than what I give you now. After all… it’s only fair.. You owe me so much…” You push him away, quickly standing from your seat, “No.” He looks up at you, a dangerous glint in his eyes as a distorted smile creeps onto his face. He stands up, walking closer to you. Your heart is pounding, threatening to break free from the confines of your chest. “No?”, He laughs, but there is no humour in it. “You think you can tell me no?”
Dottore moves to caress your cheek, but you grip onto his wrist before he can. He huffs out a laugh, a crazed look in his eyes. He grabs both your wrists in one hand, pinning you to the wall, “You think you can stop me? You think I don’t know about the way you think about me? The sweet little dreams you have of me…” Your face pales. How did he know about the dreams…?
He now caresses your cheek with his free hand as if you were truly his lover all this time, “You’re easy to read, little one…” You try to squirm from his grasp only to make his smile grow wider, “You’re not going to leave me. Not now…” He leans in close to your ear and whispers, “Not ever.” He nips at your earlobe, pulling a gasp from your throat. You don’t want this. Maybe you do… Maybe he deserves it after all he’s done for you… No. No. Stop thinking like this. Suddenly you feel dizzy. Was it the way he had you pinned against the wall? How close he was? No. He had drugged your portion of the food. He smirks as your vision begins to fade to nothingness. “Mine.”
Your eyes slowly blink open. You move to stretch, only to find that your wrists have been cuffed to a metal bedpost. You look down and sigh in relief to see that you still had the clothes on that you had the night before. That was last night… right? Your heart jumps in your chest when Dottore appears in the room with a tray of food. “What’s going on? Please let me go, I promise I’ll do whatever you want”, you plead desperately. He just smiles and sets the tray down on the nightstand by the bed before sitting down on the bed. He reaches out and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, “I’m afraid I can’t do that, little one.”
A tear slips down your cheek as you turn from his gaze. He clicks his tongue as he gently wiped the tear away, “Now, now. There’s no need for tears. Haven’t I treated you so well? What is there to cry about?” His saccharine voice made your heart ache. You turn to face him again, looking at him with glassy eyes and bottom lip trembling. Dottore tilts his head as he studies your expression.
He admits to himself that the sight stirs something within him and the feeling was not sympathy. He reaches for the bowl of warm soup on the tray and scoops a small bit into the spoon and holds it to your lips, “Be careful now. It’s still a bit hot.” You look from the soup spoon to his eyes, then back down. You give in and part your lips slightly. Your obedience bringing a smile to his face as he feeds you the first spoonful, “Such a good girl.”
You sputter from the heat, the soup dribbles down your chin causing Dottore to click his tongue again in annoyance as he slams the bowl back down onto the tray, “What a waste.” His voice is sharp and it feels as though it cuts right through you. Before you can apologize and beg for another chance, he begins tearing open your shirt; buttons flying across the room. He cups one on your breasts as he looks into your frightened eyes, then he squeezes.
You can’t help but bite down on your bottom lip as a sick sense of pleasure washes over you. Dottore chuckles softly at your change in demeanor and begins pinching your pebbled nipple between his fingers, “See? You like it…” You shake your head in defiance but he quickly grabs your throat with his other hand, “Don’t try to deny it.” The hand toying with your breasts travels down to your thigh and one finger presses against your soaked panties.
Dottore smirks at you as he moves your panties to the side and presses down on your clit with his thumb, drawing a small whimper from you, “Your little cunt is so soaked, it’s just begging for me to claim it.” You can’t help the tears that slip down your cheeks. You feel so ashamed for enjoying his touch when you felt that you shouldn’t be. You feel like you’ve been used this whole time. Was his true goal to mentor you or did he just want your body…to make you his?
Dottore leans in and licks the tears from your cheek as he slips a finger into your wet cunt. A shiver racks your body from both actions, letting out a quiet moan. He begins pumping his finger in and out in a slow, torturous way as he watches your face twist in both pleasure and disgust. His voice is low and sultry as his hot breath tickles your face, “You’ve thought about me doing this to you before, haven’t you? What a sweet little student you are… Here I was trying to be your mentor and you were thinking filthy thoughts about me…” Dottore lets out a devious chuckle when he feels your walls clamp down on his finger.
“For someone who doesn’t want this, you seem to be enjoying yourself so far”, he teases. He adds a second finger and begins to pick up his pace; his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. You try to hold back your moans but fail. It feels too good even though you’re trying so hard to hate it all. Dottore lets go of your throat and graos your chin, tilting your head slightly to the side. He licks a line up your neck then begins nibbling and sucking at your sensitive pulse point. He’s determined to leave his mark on your body to show you that you now belong to him and him alone.
The way his fingers pump in and out of you, his harsh kisses to your neck, and his thumb pressing and circling your clit bring you closer to orgasm, “G-gonna cum”, you mumble out as you moan. Dottore immediately stops what he’s doing, pulling his fingers away from your core and his lips away from your neck. More tears fall as you groan in dissatisfaction of having your orgasm completely ruined. He simply laughs and presses a kiss to your cheek, “Oh I apologize~ Did I ruin your climax?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He was immensely satisfied by your reactions and the tears you continue to spill.
Dottore begins unbuttoning his own shirt as he stares down at you, “You cum when I say you can cum. Besides… You’re only allowed to cum on my cock.” His words alone make your eyes roll back and your walls clamp down around nothing. He discards his shirt and tugs his pants down just enough to free his long, girthy cock. He gives it a few pumps as you watch, completely mesmerized yet terrified at the same time. There was no way you could take his cock in your pussy.
Dottore smirks at your expression and leans down, positioning his cock to your entrance, “Don’t worry, my love~ I’ll make it fit.” You try to move away from him, but your handcuffed wrists and your position on the bed make it impossible. He leans forward, rubbing his aching cock against your soaked cunt, letting your arousal coat his length. You let out a small whine when the head of his dick catches against your clit, your hips move upwards on its own accord. Dottore raises an eyebrow under his mask as his lips curve up, “Oh? Looks like someone wants more.” He brings his lips to your ear and whispers, “Beg for it. Tell me you want my cock inside this pretty little pussy of yours.”
You feel your heart flutter, unsure if it’s from fear of what he’s asking you to do or if you truly wanted this. You shake your head slightly which angers him yet again. Dottore grips your jaw tightly, his lips inches from yours, “Say it.” You let out a broken cry and his grip tightens further, “P-please.. Put i-it in…” His demeanor shifts back to satisfaction, “Put what in~?” You let out a shaky breath, “Y-your c-cock.. Put your c-cock in my pussy, p-please.”
He releases your jaw and presses a kiss to your forehead, “There you go. That wasn’t so hard now was it~?” You sniffle and shake your head. Dottore caresses your cheek gently, “This might hurt.” Without another word, he pushes his thick length inside your tight walls. Your cry morphs into a moan when he hits that spongy spot inside you in just the right way. Tears spill down your cheeks yet again, the pain and pleasure of having him inside you was incredibly intense. Seeing your tears only turned him on even more.
Dottore begins thrusting deep and hard with reckless abandon. The way your gummy walls gripped his cock was intoxicating to him. He needed more. You struggle against your restraints, desperate to grab hold of him as he battered your insides. Heavy breaths mix with moans and grunts as you both begin to lose yourselves in this moment. You can’t deny the way his cock made you feel despite wanting to push him away in disgust. You were disgusted by him and even more disgusted by yourself for finding any ounce of pleasure from what was happening to you.
Dottore’s thrust start getting sloppy as he gets closer and closer to orgasm, “Cum with me. Cum on my cock.” His voice comes out ragged and breathy as sweat beads on his forehead. As much as you wish you could stop yourself, you find yourself coming undone all over his cock. Your walls clamp down on his length, milking his own orgasm as he spills his sticky seed in your pussy. Dottore’s cock throbs inside of you as you both ride out the intense orgasm.
“You’re mine now. You’re never going to leave me. I’m going to pump you so full of my cum each day you won’t ever be able to leave”, his dark words haunted you as he pulls his cock out of you and tucks himself back into his pants. He takes a moment to admire just how ruined you look and his lips curve into an uncharacteristically sweet smile, “Beautiful…” he mutters. Dottore gets up from the bed and opens the handcuffs. Your arms fall to your sides and you rub at the chaffed skin of your wrists. Dottore holds his hand out to you, “Come. Let’s clean you up.” You hesitantly take his hand and follow him on shaky legs to the bathroom where he takes his time bathing you and giving you such care it makes you dizzy.
Weeks have gone by since the first time he forced himself on you. Not a day went by where he didn’t repeat his actions, making sure to stuff you so full of cum that it leaked from your sore pussy. This day in particular, although your wrists were cuffed yet again, Dottore didn’t cuff you to the bed. After he took care of you, he left you in the room alone. It took you a few minutes to realize that you weren’t attached to the bed. You get up from the bed and quietly make your way to the open bedroom door, peeking your head out to see if you could see or hear him.
You let out a breath and begin making your way down the hall as quietly as you possibly can. You didn’t know what he would do to you if he found you out of your room. Soon your eyes fall to a door further away that seems to have sunlight pouring out from under it. Your eyes well with tears and you no longer care about being stealthy.
Finally you have a chance to break free. The sound of your bare feet slap against the cold floor as you try to run for an exit. Your breathing is heavy, teary eyes full of hope thinking that today is the day you can finally escape him. Right before you can reach the exit, a large hand grips your arm tightly, causing you to stumble and fall to your hands and knees. You’re flipped over onto your back with him looming over you with a smirk on his face, “Going somewhere, my love?”
a/n: honestly if you read this all the way through, i am sending a billion kisses to you through my phone. no i will not pay for your therapy, sorry
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the-cookie-of-doom · 8 months
Kim saw the moment Chay realized something about him was different. Seconds after digging his hand into Kim’s boxers, and he froze up like a deer in the headlights, greeted by well-groomed hair and distinct wetness. 
“... P’Kim?” 
Kim realized, about five minutes too late, that he probably should have warned Chay first. Given him some indication that he wasn’t exactly what he presented to the rest of the world. In all the ways that mattered, sure; Kim walked the walk and talked the talk, and while there were thousands of people every day calling him pretty, none of them would think to call him anything other than a man. But that didn’t change the fact that Chay’s fingers were cupping the soft curve of his mound, and not the hard dick he’d been expecting.
“Problem?” Kim asked. He kept his voice neutral even as he felt his face flush, his body braced for rejection, and didn’t allow himself to break Chay’s wide-eyed stare. 
Rather than jerk his hand back and call an end to this whole thing, like Kim expected, Chay quickly shook his head and crowded even further into Kim’s space. Close enough for Kim to feel Chay’s warm breath on his face. 
“No!  No, I just—I’ve been thinking about this for so long, I was researching,” the way Chay looked away from him, somewhere over his shoulder, with an awkward little giggle, told Kim that his research was probably porn, “and I don’t… know what to do? With this?”
Kim would really like to be having this conversation without a hand in his underwear. But Chay was on top of him, between his legs, pinning him to the couch with his hand and weight. Kim couldn’t get away if he wanted to, not without hurting them both. Except then Chay’s fingertips started to wander, calloused from his guitar practice, grazing against him. A light little scrape that had him clenching around nothing. 
“It’s okay, though, it’s good!” Chay quickly reassured. “Really good. Everything about you is so good, P’Kim.” 
Kim… didn’t know what to say to that. Didn’t know what to do with the warmth filling him, that had nothing to do with his arousal, pooling in his chest and curling up around his heart, soft and satisfied. It felt like a lifetime ago that Chay stumbled his way through a confession that he liked all sides of Kim; somehow, Kim didn’t expect him to like this one, too. Didn’t expect to be met with such open fondness and eager desire. He hadn’t let himself think about it at all. It felt like too much to hope for, until they were making out on the couch and Kim was consumed with so much want that he forgot to be afraid. 
“The thing is, though… I definitely don’t know what to do. Tell me?” Chay asked. He was sweet, all big brown eyes and unsure little smile, like he didn’t have his hand halfway down Kim’s pants. 
Kim let the tension bleed out of him. He hitched a leg up around Chay’s waist and wrapped his arms over his shoulders, drawing him into a filthy kiss. Not much of a direction, but enough of an answer to make the other boy shudder. Chay dipped his hand lower, until his fingertips passed Kim’s clit and brushed the gathering wetness between his thighs. 
“Oh, P’Kim,” he whispered. “Can I—”
“Yes.” Kim canted his hips up, letting his head fall back onto the cushions when Chay lightly, so lightly brushed a thumb against his clit. It was a heady, torturous feeling, teasing him. He pushed on Chay’s hand, guided him lower. “C’mon,” he urged. Chay bit his lip as he slid one finger into him. 
It wasn’t too much. But it was strange, the sensation of something inside of him. Kim rarely fingered himself; he preferred to abuse his clit for the fast orgasms. The only sex toy he owned was a vibrator, and he never let anyone fuck him. But now—he wanted Chay inside of him. He felt his cunt throb with it, and he knew Chay felt it, too, with the way he gasped and pushed in just a little deeper. 
“Wow, you’re—you’re really wet, P’Kim.” Chay watched him, wiggling his finger a little bit to feel Kim’s slick walls, but not otherwise moving. He was so shy, kind of just… sitting there, knuckle-deep in Kim’s cunt. “Tell me what to do?” he asked again, already starting to withdraw, then push back in again. 
“Fingering me isn’t any different than yourself,” Kim said, grinning at the scandalized sound Chay made, like Kim had no right to go around assuming something like that. He didn’t deny it, though. He didn’t ask for any more clarification, either, and Kim knew he was right.
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
You know~ I was a pondering~ the FASCINATING plot potential of Pink Kryptonite on an ALREADY Hella Bi Kon? When I realized! Why not make it SPICIER~♡?
Because I DO so enjoy? That "thrill and danger of sleeping with a living God. A man who's very body is so strong it not only can crush you, but they have to ACTIVELY try NOT too. Who you touch and it feels like touching living marble." Vibe~! On TOP of Alien Sex and good ol Wholesome Kent Boys!
Because yes PLURAL!
What IF? Suspect research facility? What they up too *suspicious squint*? Why your building lead lined? Gasp! Kryptonite research! Luthor! Fuck, not AGAIN! They are trying to make artificial Kryptonite, because (for obvious reasons) the Justice League keeps finding and DESTROYING any natural supplies.
Infiltration Time.
Superboy(Jon) is NOT allowed to come. But Kon can. In fact, he insists. And? It would be good bonding? Clark is trying to be better. Is still awkward around him. But there is improvement!
Kon, of course, brings Tim. For hacking and mostly emotional support. Also Kryptonite containment if they find any. Batman is somewhere in Prague. Let's go team!
Honestly? It was a terrible fucking idea. Clark should have asked someone NOT deathly allergic to this specific rock to do it. Tim carrys the mission HARD. They destroy stones. Destroy chemical supplies. Research gets copied and obliterated. They barely manage to avoid a few "evil superman" scenarios. Stressful all around.
0 out of 10 stars in Tim's book.
But there is one building left. Well separated from the others due to a heavily redacted "incident" Tim doesn't have the time to decrypt. One left right? And at least they KNOW it's not Red in there. Let's go.
And, see, neither Kon nor Tim have ever SEEN Pink Kryptonite before. Only Clark has. The NATURAL crystals? Made him a rather flaming Queen for a while. He hit on Jimmy. And? The solid, dull, magenta BLOCK of rock in the lab they find? Deeply artificial. Clearly meant to try and REPLICATE Pink Kryptonite.
Hits Clark like a magically backed punch to the lower gut. He can see Kon stumble out of the corner of his eye. Everything feels... warm and pleasant against his skin. Tingly. Oh... oh no.
Kon's hair suddenly looks so nice. Soft and fluffy. Clark's eyes are being dragged over his figure almost against his will. No.. NO! That is his... his SON. Cousin? Clone! Blood! S-stop that! He wrenches his gaze away and... oh.
Oh, Tim grew up WELL, didn't he?
He's leaning over to examine the block. Unaware of two sets of eyes locked like hunters onto him. Effects like Pollen, that he can not feel. It.. IS weird that Kon has stopped chatting though. He was making fun of the lab, wasn't he? Hey, Superboy, what's uuu-? Uuuuh you guys... good?
Tim contains the rock. Quickly. No dice. Apparently the exposure was enough. Will need to wear off. He inches around the two fixated Kryptonians to a computer console. What the HELL is going on? He finds out. Compares it to Bat computer notes. Mixed compound? Likely lack of impulse control...
Well... Shit.
Okay. Okay, don't panic. Just call Lois for Clar-! Tim is airborne. Heeeeey, Supes! Wanna put me down? Gonna just call your wife real qui-. Nah. Clark wants you. He hugs Tim like a teddy bear from behind, carefully of course. Steel bands would be easier too escape. Clark rubs his cheek against Tim's hair and neck. Soft~
Kon? Well HE always really, REALLY wanted to eat Rob out. The guy's super squirrelly. He legit thinks a few dozen orgasms might fix like... SO much about his life. Or at least would help with the constant STRESS. And he LOVES the guy. Plus Kon is GREAT with his tounge! He's been practicing. Getting tips.
And for some reason? He can't think of a reason NOT too right now.
So now Tim is in the air, feet not touching the ground, trapped between two drugged out Kryptonians, and getting his PANTS undone. Kon? Kon, buddy!? Next thing he knows, his legs are being held in place by immovable hands, tossed over his friends shoulders, and Kon is dipping forward.
Hot and wet plunders as it pleases, making him jolt and squirm. But he can't escape. Can't get any leverage. Even if he could, he's being held by SUPERMAN, what good would it do?
Kon's tounge is less relenting then a human's. It's almost like being teased by the wet drag of a toy. Clark is kissing his neck. Holding him easily with one arm, now. The other working open his uniform. His powerful hand sliding in to run lightly, so very lightly, across Tim's chest.
And from what feels like an iron bar digging into his back? Clark has completely forgotten the "no threesomes unless I get to be apart of it and/or watch" rule that Tim is technically not supposed to know about. Lois is going to murder him.
He'd care more, if there weren't fingers carefully working there way into him. Distracting him and starting to melt his brain. Kon CHEATING, using his stupid TTK to run hands that aren't there over skin and press kisses everywhere. And when Kon fumbles open his costume, desperate, hands hovering but not touching. Trying not to GRAB because he's so, so turned on and doesn't even trust himself right now?
Clark just rumbles "I got you" from behind Tim like this isn't surreal. Like he's not about too-. And Clark just crowds closer and slides Tim ONTO Kon like he's some sort of shared toy. Because, Tim is vaguely and hysterically aware off, if KON slide home? He might accidentally break Tim's pelvis! Or worse!
And Kon is gripping Clark's arms hard enough to bruise. Hissing through his teeth as he makes himself stay still. Because Tim feels so, so damn good. Clark is rocking him, steady and perfect as you please, a waterfall of murmured praises falling from him.
Then, when Kon's shuddering apart? His grip relaxing and control returning? He helps Clark. Pulls Tim into HIS arms. Lifts him up and slides him down on to the wet dream of most of the planet. They take turns. It's hours before Tim touches the floor again and by that point they've flown back to the Nest.
Tim seemed tired, after all.
Tim manages to distract them with Needy Demands from their almost medically exhausted fucked out Robin. Manages to army crawl across the bed to a silent alarm. Nightwing, bring the GREEN Kryptonite and red sun lamps or so help me, you'll be down a brother.
*near immediate sound of nearby window crashing open*
Just? The spirit is willing but the flesh is squishy Human, guys. There are two of you. You are both LITERALLY super human! It's in your ACTUAL CAPE NAMES. P-put down the Tim... w-we can talk about this! *ravished like a romance novel Protagonist* oh nooooo~♡ lol
Kon feels moderately bad about it. On one hand? Mmmmmm~♡ Tim sex. Nice. But on the OTHER? Big Oof. Leaving your bed partner one big bruise from Too Much Sexing is BAD. Deeply conflicted.
Would delicious take out from that place you like in Italy and all the oral you desire help? *interested Tim noises*
Clark? Hunted for sport. Lois? Terrifying but moderately understanding. It WAS Kryptonite. But BATMAN? You fucked his baby boy, Clark. Didn't even take him out dancing first. You, a married man, old enough to be his father, FUCKED HIS BABY BOY. *smashs bottle and menaces with the jagged edge* Run.
bruce would NOT let clark know peace 😭😭😭
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grison-in-space · 5 months
Hi! I've just stumbled onto the dogblr side of Tumblr and it seems fascinating. Could you recommend any fundamental reading/watching material for people who want to start learning about dog training/behaviour/cognition? It would also be cool to hear about how you, personally, got into it if you're okay sharing- it seems like a niche field and I'm curious about what the journey might look like for different people. Thanks! ^.^
Oh, sure! Bear in mind that my particular path is, um, actually much weirder than most folks': the dog training with clients is a very new (and very part time) development in my professional life. In my full time job, I'm a postdoctoral associate in neuroscience working on motivation and decision-making in the context of animal behavior. And even for that, my career path has been bizarre: I started out in population genetics, did the PhD in behavioral ecology with a side of metabolic neuroendocrinology, and have now wound up in a NIH-oriented lab focusing on topics related to sex differences, neurodivergence and addiction.
It just occured to me that the dog training thing puts me squarely on the grounds of applied animal behavior research, which means that I've done it! I've poked into all the disciplines that can be described as Animal Behaviour and collected all the achievements! I really gotta reinvest in the Animal Behavior meeting, huh. Oh, wait, no: I'm forgetting behavior genetics, which is an area of strong interest I've poked around the edges of but never myself published in.
See, animal behavior as a formal study contains at least four different disciplines of study that really only loosely interact with one another. Behavioral ecology often appears in concert within ecology and evolution, and it focuses on the study of animals within their own natural context according to their own concerns and experiences. Neuroscience is typically thinking in terms of understanding the mechanism of the human brain, and behaviorism is similarly trained on the universal mechanisms of learning and behavior. Applied animal behavior involves studying how to most effectively, safely, and ethically manage animals in human care, including both domestic animals and captive wild ones; it also covers finding out how to teach animals to do complex but useful behaviors, like training working animals. Neuroendocrinology involves studying how hormones effect changes in the brain and body: metabolic hormones, stress hormones, sex hormones, the works. Behavior genetics (and epigenetics) include studying the effects of genetic variation on behavior itself.
It's certainly not uncommon for people to jump fields once or twice, or to straddle an intersection of approaches over their careers. It's.... less usual to bounce around one's career to quite this extent, which I attribute to the fact that a) I have quite a bit of fairly obvious ADHD, b) I've never worked for anyone who hasn't had their own case bedeviling our focus, and c) I graduated directly into COVID, which meant that I had to figure out a solution on the fly when all the positions I had intended to cultivate dried up overnight.
Not that I'm bitter.
As for how I got into the dog training gig, essentially I like dog training, I really like this outfit, and I have some credit card debt I would really like to pay down. I wanted to meet and talk to more dog folks in the area and I also really missed teaching—I taught every spring and fall through my 8yr PhD, I'm good at it, and I really enjoy it. Since I've respected (almost) every instructor I've had through this outfit, and the one exception involved being listened to immediately about my concerns and increased supervision in response, and I knew that one of my instructors worked part time with them, I figured it might be a neat side gig. So far, that's been bourne out.
I also do have some longer term plans to do some behavioral genetics and neuroscience work on dogs, and I would like to incorporate some noninvasive experiments that use dogs from the general public. My facility also has a robust doggy daycare program and it'd be rad to work with them to build opportunities for everyone in a few years. I'm hoping to leverage a permanent tenure track job at my institution over it, but I might go in several directions from here. Predicting the direction of my career has been a losing proposition so far, so let's see what seems good at the time and stick around as long as I'm having fun.
As for how I got into dogs and dog behavior specifically? In addition to the ADHD, I'm autistic enough to have been diagnosed as a tween girl in the 00s, and my special interests never quite leave —they just flare up and simmer down in long periods over my life. Dogs are the first and earliest of these; my parents told me that they'd seen me gravitating towards the family Lhasa from pretty much the moment I could roll over on my belly. That seems about right. Dogs have been my gateway to huge corridors of my intellectual world, and dog training specifically have been a hobby for some time. In addition to my training gig, I'm experimenting with functional service tasks to support me as burnout and neurodivergence have limited my capacity.
Books and reading recs I'll try to get to later, mm falling asleep right now.
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tragedy-of-commons · 6 months
annabelle’s homework
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sucrose x gn!reader | wc: ~650
“22 days and 21 nights, crossing every T, just making it right.”
tags/warnings: modern au, childhood friends, unrequited love, angst, one-sided pining/attraction, based on the alec benjamin song, songfic(??)
notes: repost. pls forgive me heeehee 🙏🏻
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“You weren’t at the gate,” you say, breathless. 
Sucrose is curled up in a ball, knees tucked under her chin, fringe likely obscuring a tearful expression by the way her shoulders shake. The awning shielding her from the elements is pitiful - just a thin leg of metal jutting out from the roof of the science building.
She heaves a sob. “You were right. I should’ve listened to y-you, but I didn’t,”
Your stomach plummets, urging you to quickly surrender your umbrella to your weeping friend. The rain begins its assault on your dry uniform, but you can’t bring yourself to care. She looks up with a sniffle that’s accompanied by a frenzied headshake. She doesn’t want it?
You.. you don’t know what to do. If there’s one thing you and Sucrose bond over, it’s social inexperience. Would it be too much to ask what happened? Is your presence making her uncomfortable? 
The sky cracks harshly with thunder, causing her to flinch. Your arm is starting to hurt from the strain of your olive branch. “..Can I sit with you?”
She swallows audibly and nods. With her confirmation, you settle next to her on the damp pavement. Between the threshold of your bodies, you prop up the umbrella so it combats the wayward downpour. One problem at a time. The silence isn’t as awkward as it is unsure. You should say something. 
By her wording earlier.. “Is this about Annabelle?”
“Yes. You were right, s-she was just using me for answers. I did her biology lab like I usually do, and then when I finally worked up the nerve to..”
(You did warn her about Annabelle, but only some of it was grounded in reality. Instead you acted out of ugly jealousy whenever she persistently slipped your best friend notes littered with pink hearts that were attached to incomplete assignments. Walking home with her one day, you huffed,
“Sucrose.. be careful around her. She’s probably taking advantage of you to better her own grades.”
She just sheepishly smiled, looking up towards the clouds. “I don’t think so. She’s just busy with extracurriculars most of the time, and I was the one w-who offered. She even hugged me. Things are looking up.. I’ve read enough studies to recognize romantic attraction!”
Sucrose prattled on, this time a little embarrassed by her outburst, but you couldn’t pay attention - not when your heart ached at the fact that she hadn’t researched enough to recognize the soft looks you reserve only for her.)
The wind billows while she continues, “I finally worked up the nerve to ask her out on a date. She laughed, and I made a fool of myself again.”
Your knuckles blanch around the umbrella handle.
“It’s not your fault.” You press your handkerchief into her hand after a moment of fumbling; her warmth makes you pull back, as if burned by her infinite possibilities. “She’s an asshole, and you.. you’re wonderful.”
The disbelief she regards you with is painful. 
Stagnant minutes after she wipes her face, you hoist Sucrose up from the ground and start the journey off school property before you both get fenced in overnight. You wince whenever she stumbles over her untied shoelaces, hushing her subsequent broken apologies. The storm rampages on, so you offer her to stay the night at your house. (It’s the right thing to do.)
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” her head lolls onto your shoulder, “I never thought that I’d keep a friend this long, with how insufferable I am.” 
You feel the same plus a lot more, but she’s still heartbroken. You know well enough that those wounds don’t heal overnight; they ache, fester, and get infected without the right balm. So you’ll relinquish yours to her, just to see her smile again - even if that same grin was the cause of your afflictions in the first place. Even if she’ll never direct its full radiance at you.
“You’re not insufferable. For you, I can bear anything.”
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Stubborn Like Me (Tony Stark X Teen!Reader) *PLATONIC
Characters: Tony Stark X Teen!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: None
Request: Tony Stark x teen reader. The reader is the second best genius mechanical engineer behind Tony. The reader can basically build anything they can think of. (He has a IQ of 267) One day after a contest the reader school beats Tony old school. Tony tries to recruit the whole team including the reader. The reader says "No I want to build my school up by being the best." (The reader is on their school own debate, robotics, athletic, etc team.) That's when Tony stops by the reader parents house and they make the reader goes to Tony's old school m
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Tony wasn’t really one to dwell on his earlier years, or to check in on those back then unless they actually meant a lot to him, and with his messy history, there wasn’t many of those people. However, one thing that he always ended up checking on was his old school. He had a lot of good memories there, and it was his refuge from his toxic homelife with his dad. It was a place where he could be himself, have friends, and where he was able to thrive.   
One of the aspects that he kept up to date on with his old school were their competitions that they reigned supreme in. Since his turn around into a hero, the school often asked him to come, give speeches, be judges for inward competitions and to give out rewards for projects he put funding in. With it being the best school not only in New York but also in all the neighbouring states, he had handed out a lot of rewards and gone to give a lot of speeches. So he was fairly surprised when he found out that his school came second in an mechanical engineer. To a public school. An average public school that had never even passed the initial round before now. It was shocking to everyone, and it wasn’t long until it ended up in the local newspapers. It also brought a lot of light to the winning school- mostly the mystery group that ran and won the championship without breaking a sweat. Tony was one of those people, and he spend an afternoon and night doing his research into the group. Several members had been in the group a few years, not long from graduating, and while smart, clearly hadn’t been the winning force, so he looked at the newer faces to the team. He didn’t have to look far until he stumbled onto you- the newest recruit to the team. 
Y/N L/N, 15 years old, also on the school debate team, Robotics, and also in your school’s sports team, and in each you had gotten yourself an important role by working hard, managing all that in just a year of being in high school, and in that year of you joining these groups, you had boosted their success. In fact, the robotics team were in the middle of a local compeition with some other local schools that could go to the championships, and the debate team were now successful enough to be able to compete as well next year, and your sports team had their first winning streak in quite a while. It all revolved around you.
Tony sent a letter to your family’s address to congratulate you and offer a transfer to the best school in New York- his school, letting the school know of this and why, only to hear back from the school a few weeks later that you hadn’t applied or got in contact with them, and you hadn’t contacted Tony either. He double checked the address was right and that the letter sent, and it had. Unsatisfied, he decided the next action was to reach out to your school, saying he wanted to meet the winning team, and they weren’t gonna turn that down. 
And so here he was, at your school which was a major downgrade to the school he attended many years ago, in a small classroom next to the parking lot which was apparently where your group operated… along with the robotics group. As soon as the group walked into the room to see him, they were all surprised, but in awe to see him… except you. Tony looked right into your eyes, and the look you gave him told him alot. It told him you already knew why he was here, and you weren’t falling for it.
Still, Tony persisted, keeping a smile on his face as he congratulated the team on their success, how he always kept up to date on the competitions and how impressed he was with them. After softening them up, he made his proposition. “So, this place is a bit cramped, and that’s not considering you’re sharing with the Robotics team. Well, I spoke with the school your won against, and they were impressed by your potential, and they want to start a program where your class with have access to the garage they assist at you you’ll have better tools, a larger work place and more vehicles and such to work on. If it works between your two schools then there’s talk about doing it for your other neglected classes, maybe combining your school’s extra-curriculars, and since it’ll be the big guys funding it, that’ll show on your records so you’ll have a better rep when it’s time for you to look into colleges, universities and jobs.” Tony informed you. He watched the group look amongst each other with excited grins at the proposition that was too good to give up. 
“What’s in it for our school? How does it benefit?” You spoke up, your arms crossed, sat on the edge of a desk.
“Other than having students have access to better activities that they won’t need to fund so they can put that little into other things to better the school?” Tony responded, copying your pose but on the teacher’s desk. Your friends noted the silent argument happening between you two, and split to give you both a clear sight of each other, but also allowing them to watch the interaction like a game of tennis. 
“I know the rules and regulations for the competitions for school competitions. If we use the other school’s resources- which by the way is biased because it’s the school you went to and you’ve been funding them essentially ever since- then our school technically can’t compete. We’d have to compete under the name of the other school, which means any trophies, rewards, certificates, and more importantly money that can be spent by the school to improve, would go to that school, not ours. In the larger image, that doesn’t seem fair.” You pointed out. Tony didn’t speak immediately to rebuttal your comment, because honestly he wasn’t expecting it. You pointed out a flaw in his offer that no one would have spotted without prior information- like the fineprint of the competitions rules and regulations. 
“While that is a negative, I believe the positives outweigh it.” Tony reasoned with you. “But that your decision. Please decide amongst yourself and let your principal know your decision.” Tony spoke, before leaving the classroom. 
He heard back the following day from his school that the offer had been accepted. With one problem. You dropped out of the program. If you didn’t remind Tony of himself before, you did now. Stubborn and determined to not give in to something you didn’t agree with, even if it meant self-imploding. It took a few hours of pondering, talking with his teammates and Pepper, before he formed a new strategy, this one being far more personal, and an offer you couldn’t justify turning down or sabotaging, and to ensure you couldn’t just rip up a letter or delete an email to ignore it, he decided to personally show up at your house. Needless to say, when you opened the door and saw him there, he sent you a shit eating grin and your face… oh if looks could kill. However, you kept in any curses for him to turn around and leave you alone, your manners overruled you and you stepped to the side to let him in. He stepped inside, noticing how quiet it was.
“You have an hour until my parents come home. Make it quick.” You answered his silent question, brushing past him to walk deeper into the home, sitting down at the dining table, leaning back and crossing your arms. Tony followed you, keeping his eye contact with you as he came and sat down opposite you.
“I heard about you dropping out of mechanical engineering.” He started. 
“I’ve got several other extra curricular to sparkle up my resume, dropping that one isn’t that big of a deal.” You brushed off. 
“We both know that’s not why you dropped it. You were the brain of that group, the reason they won. Without you they’ll go back to being mediocre and the merging of the schools will be cancelled.” He pointed out. 
“If that means we can claim our own prizes and we can reap the reward for our hard work instead of having to hand it over to a school that doesn’t need it, that’s fine by me.” You retorted, and Tony could feel his frustration bubbling in his chest at your refusal to even consider, before he remembered why he was there.
“I have a new offer for you.” 
“I’m not transferring or doing anything for your little private school.”
“I want to offer you a paid internship.” He told you bluntly. You paused, staring at him for a moment, blinking several times. 
“Fully paid. And you can still go to your school. Since you dropped Engineering, that might clear up some of your busy schedule, and since there’s no major competitions for the next few months, I’m sure your other extracurricular activities won’t sink if you only do every other class. You won’t be the only intern either- I have another bright mind called Peter working for me, but you’ll be working in different roles. I’d like you to be more hands on, right beside me with major projects.” He explained to you. You remained quiet as he spoke, waiting for a catch. Any catch.
“What do I need to sacrifice?” You asked of him. Tony paused his ramblings, looking at you. You were slumped now. Almost defeated. Almost. He could still see the fight in you- the urge to support your school and your peers. 
“…Nothing. You don’t have to sacrifice anything… You clearly love your school, enough to give up on a hobby you’re talented in and give up a chance to go to the best school in the area. I guess it’s because you know you’re the thing keeping all the other extracurricular activities running. Without your success, your school would have to shut them down- and by doing so, those other students lose important notes on their record for college and university.” You didn’t say anything, and that proved to Tony he was right. He leant forward, resting his arms on the table. “I’m going to start a new project. One that funds the activities in the smaller schools. That includes yours. If there’s any you’re only doing to keep them running and you don’t enjoy it, you can drop it. It’ll be safe, I promise. All I want from you is your cooperation. You have an amazing mind, kiddo. You’re going to do some amazing things, and I want to give you a boost to the top. We could really do with someone like you with us.” He spoke softly. Your ears perked up as you glanced up at him. 
“The Avengers. SHIELD. Those are the projects I’m talking about. You’ll be on the payroll. Of course, you won’t be able to tell your folks about what exactly you’re doing, but that’ll just make them more impressed, right? What do you say?” Tony offered, holding out his hand. You stared at it, looking for any loopholes he might have made, but soon finding nothing, you reached out and shook his hand. “Welcome to the team, Brainiac.”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my GIF
TAGS:  @klanceiscannon14​ @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog​ @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress​ @abbybills22-blog​ @mutantjediavenger​ @theoraekensnotsosecretlover​ @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp  @hello-love-youre-pretty  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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tiredmako · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering could we get either a Frank Morrison or Ghostface x reader story where they’re in a relationship and they find out either Frank/Danny got injected with Blights serum.
Reader is then worried about him and rushes to try help him recover from the serums pain? And maybe the other killers seeing that being shocked that a survivor is caring for a killer. If that makes sense and isn’t too much!
Thank you 🤍
⭒kisses for my killer ~ frank morrison⭒
woahhhh sorry this took like forever to right... my play that im in is coming up and ive been pretty busy with that, but tech week is next week so ill be extra busy then but after im free for like!!! ever but anyways 2nd tumblr fic! woohoo ALSO! i had to do a ton of research on blight lore but it was super confusing but i promise i tried my best.... sorry if shes not perfect ;( also not proofread
the woods surrounding the survivor's campfire were dark and lonely. it was an ideal place for some sort of horrible crime- a child to get snatched up, a murder, or in this case, a betrayal.
whenever y/n wandered into the woods in hopes of ending up in ormond, they had a heavy pit in their stomach. if they were caught by another survivor- or worse, ended up in the wrong realm, they were done for. other survivors were already beginning to get suspicious about why they were sneaking out so much, and the lie of 'looking for offerings' was beginning to fail as they often came back with little to show for their long disappearance. if the other survivors found out why they were gone for so long, y/n would never live through another trial. y/n would forever have to keep their dirty little secret. no, not that secret. not the 'i left you on hook because i couldn't get to you in time' while in reality they were just too scared type of secret. a secret dirtier then that.
frank morrison. y/n being romantically involved with frank morrison was their dirtiest secret. a survivor and a killer. somebody who would spend eternity killing, and somebody who would be a victim to it all. not exactly the best pairing.
despite the... not so good circumstances, they still found their ways to love each other in secret. whether it be frank giving them the hatch or y/n helping him recover from a frenzy, they knew that no matter how small their action was it meant worlds to the other. such as in their last trial- they were with susie. after she'd massacred y/n's friends, she allowed them to hop into the hatch without a scratch on their skin. y/n knew for a fact that frank had something to do with this, which is why they'd decided to risk visiting ormond to say thank you. what they didn't expect, was to see frank before they'd even wandered out of the gloomy woods.
"frank?!" they yelped as he stumbled towards them.  his mask was long gone, and a panicked look was etched onto his face."are you okay? what happened?" he was limping and tripping over his own feet- clearly not in the best shape. he practically collapsed on top of them, y/n doing their best to hold him up.
"that stupid.." frank coughed violently as y/n began to slowly rub his back. "the fucking freak. blight. he tried to..." he leaned into them, gasping for breath. "experiment on me, or something." he'd ran away from the blight as fast as he could, but obviously had some disadvantages.
"what was it?"
"i don't know!" frank snapped, hugging them tightly. "fuck." he breathed out heavily. "i... sorry."
"no, frank, i'm so sorry..." they murmured, squeezing him tightly. "i don't know what to say, god that's so horrible." they gently rocked him. "you don't have to worry, though. he's not here, he can't hurt you. where were julie, susie, and joey?"
"they were in their own trials!" he gripped onto the back of their shirt tightly, allowing y/n to sit them both on the ground. his body was draped over theirs as they peppered kisses along his cheek and neck in an attempt to comfort him.
"well, he's not here anymore, okay? he can't touch you, i won't let him. i'll... beat him up, or something."
"you? you'll beat him up?" frank snickered, slowly beginning to calm down in their arms.
"or something like that." they rested their chin on his shoulder as he relaxed against them. "either way, you don't have to worry about him. you have a little team of people who'll keep you safe, yeah?"
"yeah, guess i do." frank paused, thinking for a minute. he squeezed them a bit tighter as he quietly spoke- his voice nearly silent. barely above a whisper. "i love you."
y/n smiled. "i love you more, frank."
off in the distance, joey, susie, and julie were watching in surprise. they knew from frank that him and y/n were in some sort of relationship, but the last thing the three of them expected was for y/n to be this... sweet on him. frank was a ruthless killer, yet here he was being cuddled and cooed at by a survivor. it was shocking to say the least, but in a sweet way. seeing that two victims of the entity were able to still find a light in the entity's realm filled the other three with some sort of... hope.
a hope for something better.
like + reblog for kisses <3
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angelwheat · 6 months
The Mundane and the Magic
༻ a codz x reader story ༺
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➶ The Giant // ❝ Self-righteous Suicide ❞
➶ Chapter Four , 4621 words
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Wobbly legs failed to support her as she nearly toppled over onto icy ground from the sheer unsteadiness of being exported from reality for a brief second and zapped into a land unfamiliar. Evidently, the experience struck the four men just the same, for each of them stumbled, struggling to recompose themselves as their heads were virtually spinning.
Hunching over where she stood, the girl pressed her hands to her hips, fighting to keep the bile down that she could feel bubbling up inside. Allowing the motion sickness to subside, she stayed put for a moment, listening to the men huff and grumble in displeasure.
After a short while she straightened her posture, smoothing down her hair that had blown askew at such a surprisingly harsh motion of blending through the linear fabrics of the universe.
Observing the foursome spaced out around her, (Y/n) noticed that the German appeared the most well composed out of them all, somewhat strangely unbothered by the experience of being teleported. Perhaps he was fortunate enough not to feel the sickening effects so strongly… or maybe he’s used to it.
The fact that he looked so unaffected but merely swayed for a second was enough to taunt the boys who almost landed with their faces in heaps of snow.
Dempsey staggered to composure, spitting his words at the German. “What the fuck was that Doc?”
Richtofen bit his tongue, infuriated with the American’s persistent use of his abbreviated title.
“Time travel.” He answered bluntly, looking down to smooth his attire.
“Yeah, no shit.” Dempsey coughed into his arm.
Nikolai had readied his shotgun the very second his eyes could focus steadily on his surroundings.
Immediately, the location struck as new, and eerie without a doubt, for there were tall, fully constructed buildings surrounding them, unlike the crumpled monuments seen prior to their hasty departure from Northern France.
These buildings towered high, some ranging from two, to perhaps three or four floors. The location appeared to be a group of factories; guess-ably of use for constructive purpose for the German army, for the writings on metal signs were stamped with painfully long words in Deutsch, that only Richtofen could make sense of.
Now they stand in the centre of the grounds, in a courtyard. A wide elevated steel platform stands a small distance away, with stairs leading up to a large machine, somewhat resembling the teleporter they had just been thrown into. Connected to the contraption were three chunky electrical cables, adorned with thick icicles along their length, which separated and lead to three mainframe facilities equal distance from each other. What they were connected to was as good as anyone’s guess.
Questions began to rattle around their heads as they observed their surroundings.
“Where are we German?” The Russian growled.
If Nikolai were to lock eyes with the Doctor, his deadly glare would kill him. But instead, Takeo eyed the German suspiciously, waiting for his predictable short-handed answer.
“We have arrived at a research facility.” Richtofen answered, as simply as predicted. “On the outskirts of Eastern Germany.”
The girl side-eyed him in disdain. His will to speak simply, almost like he was dimming down his intelligence to match that of the rest of the crew, or his frequent use of compulsive riddles and metaphors was already driving her mad, and she had only known him for a month or so.
Although now that time travel was brought into the equation, she could have very well known Richtofen for an eternity after discovering that shifting timelines and potentially re-writing history was entirely possible.
“What are we doing here, Richtofen?” She asked flatly.
All eyes landed on her when she spoke but flicked to the German when he shifted on his feet.
“I- We need to collect something.” Richtofen stammered, his eyes widening slightly.
The small slip up of his words raised wariness instantly, especially in Nikolai and Takeo for they narrowed their gazes at him in sync.
It fell eerily silent as all four pairs of eyes stared down the German, intimidating him as they all awaited a follow up speech explaining just what he needs to “collect”.
When he had no indication of opening his mouth to speak, Richtofen took a step forward, only to be brought to a halt when the barrel of Nikolai’s shotgun came mere inches from his chest before he could even blink.
“Explain why you have brought us here, German. You’ve been feeding us nothing but riddles!” Nikolai’s accent thickened, lacing his words with a menacing tone in his burst of rage.
Dempsey, Takeo and (Y/n) stepped up alongside the Russian, but none wanted to console the brute, instead believing he was right in resorting to a more threatening manner of interrogation. Richtofen raised his hands up in feeble surrender, his chest heaving as he stared down the thick barrel of the gun aimed at him.
“I can explain in time.” Richtofen answered hastily. “That I promise.”
Nikolai shook his head, his jaw setting in a sharp line. “I’ve heard that one to many times already. I do not believe you have any good intentions.”
The Russian adjusted his stance, planting his feet firmly on the ground, his gloved finger grazing the trigger on his gun, prepared to put a bullet in his chest without a second thought.
(Y/n) could have sworn she saw a plead for mercy in Richtofen’s usually dull eyes, hoping he can be granted some leeway, and a chance to move without the men of the group virtually always breathing down his neck, for he stared between her and the weapon threatening him rather quickly.
Perhaps not this time.
While (Y/n) had been lenient in the beginning, simply following him blindly as a means of keeping everyone alive, however, it now seems that she’s growing just as impatient as the boys. Richtofen had certainly foreseen this.
“Alright, easy now.” The girl intervened with a firm voice, her hand reaching to lower the shotgun Nikolai held. “We know that killing each other isn’t going to get us anywhere.”
Visibly infuriated, and practically steaming from the ears with boiling rage, Nikolai huffed loudly and retracted from the group, allowing Richtofen to lower his hands and exhale a long breath.
The girl dismissed the way the Doctor stared at her for a second, and instead focused on Nikolai in concern, albeit even wary of his next move.
His broad shoulders noticeably rose and fell with every heaving breath he took as he simmered down the fiery rage within him.
She could understand his dramatic actions for the world was flipped upside before their very eyes in a matter of seconds, and at this very moment in time, any action, no matter how drastic, could be deemed as justified.
Just when everything seemed tranquil, the sound of glass shattering made all unleash their firearms.
Staggered footsteps across icy ground emitted a small distance away, gradually growing closer. A stumbling decomposing corpse hauled itself through a beaten down wooden barrier. Yet another fallen soldier to have become a victim to the brain-rotting infection. But it seemed lost. Although it appeared to have retained some memory of marching; as the man would have done alongside his platoon before the outbreak.
Though given the unpredictability of the zombie, all but one keeps their weapons aimed steadily.
From what the girl could tell from discreet glances, Richtofen appeared to be studying the creature, or perhaps he was awaiting its next violent move. She had learned that he was not an easy man to read, at least not through his expressions, for he typically appeared emotionless.
She missed the way the Doctor rolled his eyes and swiftly breezed past the crew with his arm raised and pistol loaded to gun the zombie down with a single bullet its head.
With a heft thud, the lifeless creature dropped to the floor, the heap of snow its head landed in now absorbing the blood pouring from the gaping hole in its skull.
Richtofen holstered his pistol, turning to face the group looking utterly unimpressed when he was met with four scorned faces.
“I would simply suggest killing them when you see them.” He instructed blankly. “Research shows that they do in fact sense presence sooner or later.”
Silence enveloped once again, and (Y/n) felt herself shivering as the wind whisked through much stronger than before, creating an eerie whistle as it crawled through crevices in buildings. Her intolerance to the cold failed to go unnoticed as Richtofen witnessed her body quiver, and she pulled her coat snugly to her body.
“We must not waste time. There is much to be done.” Edward asserted, wanting nothing more than to hasten his own mission.
As much as the Doctor tried to ignore the thought, he wished to get the girl somewhere warmer, or at least direct her there if he could not escort her himself. He would not dare to admit that part of him felt a fondness for her, especially for her will to seek justice between the crew.
“Might I also suggest we search for supplies.” Richtofen added. “I’m sure we’ll be needing them.”
As if his queue to leave, Richtofen spun on his heel and made his way towards the central facility.
Dempsey made a hasty move to follow the German, but a light touch of a hand pressing to his arm had pulled him to an abrupt stop. He turned, only to be met with a look of annoyance from the girl.
He immediately opened his mouth to argue before she raised her hand to halt his words.
“I think we should leave him be.” She spoke generally.
The American stared at her in disbelief. “You’re gonna let him run off?”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s not gonna run off.”
Dempsey’s hands flew out beside him in confusion and frustration. “Then what- “
Cutting him off swiftly, she declared, “If he doesn’t separate from us for a while, I think he’ll get killed.”
(Y/n) discreetly motioned to Nikolai with her eyes, who had his back turned at the time, prompting Dempsey to scoff and shake his head in annoyance, knowing very well that she was correct.
As flakes of snow fluttered down into her eye view, she peered upwards, sensing an impending snowstorm brewing above. Takeo had followed her gaze skyward, thinking just the same as clouds tumbled in thicker, hiding away the stars that barely glimmered in the evening sky.
“I’m gonna go look for supplies.” She told, wanting nothing more than to find somewhere warmer to roam.
Like her feet carried her away automatically, (Y/n) turned her back and began traipsing carefully over the snow towards a building. The doors to the main entrance virtually inviting her in as they were wide open.
Barely two seconds had passed before Dempsey’s cocky accent caught up to her.
“Woah woah, you’re not going alone missy.”
She could hear the way he spoke with a smirk on his face, and faced him immediately, quipping. “What? You don’t think I can handle myself?”
Tank’s eyes widened subtly upon sensing the stares from Takeo and Nikolai. (Y/n) couldn’t help the way she bit her lip in amusement as the American visibly regret his choice of words and fumbled to find a believable excuse.
But little did she know that Nikolai had turned away slightly to hide the way he smirked to himself, not wanting to have Dempsey bark at him in retaliation to finding his visible embarrassment amusing, but also, secretly, because of the way she held herself in that very moment. With her hand on her hip, almost proudly, as the corner of her lips curled up smugly. It made his heart skip a beat.
“What- No!” Tank breathed a faint awkward laugh, averting his eyes. “I just think we should stick together.”
(Y/n) shrugged. “Very well then, we’ll go in pairs. We can cover the grounds quicker.”
The three men perked up instantly, eyeing her attentively.
“Feel free to join me, but I’ve gotta get somewhere warm before I freeze to death.” She resumed walking away, this time much quicker as the cold air was nipping at her through her coat.
The trio exchanged blank glances, silently questioning whether to follow her footsteps. Yet not one of them dared to move, even though the girl had already entered the building.
That was until Nikolai wasted no time in taking a step forward, his boots imprinting the settled snow as he swiftly headed in the same direction as (Y/n).
In his wake, Nikolai left two men frustrated, with Dempsey visibly turning his nose up at the fact that the Russian had beat him to the same idea.
“That settles it then.” Dempsey grumbled, trudging past Takeo displeased. “Let’s just search this damn place.”
Hefty footsteps emitted behind her in a hasty manner, although not like the jagged pattern of a zombie. Despite how quick the person was walking; their steps had a steady pattern. She glanced over her shoulder, brows raised, only to be struck with surprise upon seeing the Russian following her path. She smiled politely when he reached her side, to which she earned the same in return.
“I was half expecting to see Dempsey behind me.” She admitted.
Nikolai couldn’t help the lie that slipped from his tongue. “He had agreed to pair with Takeo.”
(Y/n) nodded, oblivious to the fact that Nikolai was merely eager to join her.
Standing side-by-side, together they surveyed the room. From its spacey layout, and the huge vents surrounding a furnace central of a partially walled off section, it could be guessed that it was none other than a storage room, or perhaps a place that materials were discarded and burned for ashes littered the feet of the caged firepit. She couldn’t refrain from spluttering and covering her nose at the putrid smell that wafted from the furnace, one would assume the previous occupants were incinerating bodies what with such a foul smell.
A few crates and barrels lie on their sides, some of their contents spewed out and trampled across the floor, most of which were papers, scrapped rusty components, and bullet shells. Upon closer inspection, (Y/n) surmised that the bullets were splayed recently for not a drop of dirt covered one, and Nikolai had noticed this too.
“There was bloodshed here recently.” Nikolai thought aloud, moving forward a few steps.
(Y/n) hummed. “But the question is, where these people killing each other, or zombies?”
The thought of an army, once forged together by loyalty and discipline, turning on each other utterly driven to madness as the world collapsed, and people turned to flesh-eating murderers before their very eyes.
“I dread to think of it.” Nikolai responded, watching the girl as she crouched to view a crumpled sheet of paper.
Steel catwalks above their heads creaked and popped as the wind breezed through holes in the doors and walls, nudging its every obstacle with vengeance what with the force it was brewing up. Parts of the structure had already fallen from its rightful place, lying in piles of debris in random areas, the building being entirely torn apart by the harsh weather alone.
“We best not stay here too long.” Nikolai told. “My guess is that this place will be nothing but rubble before we know it.”
A fairy-light clink hit their ears, and as if ironically on queue a bolt from an overhead beam hit the floor, bouncing astray into a pile of ash. The pair locked eyes warily at the timing.
“Let’s see if there’s anything useful and get out of here.” (Y/n) urged.
Nikolai nodded and began his own deconstructive way of searching.
Little time had passed, and they had each found a great supply of fresh ammunition to be shared amongst the crew. Not being able to carry such a heavy amount of munitions between them means they resorted to shifting the supply crates to an area more safely accessible, for the crew to return to instead.
While (Y/n) had her hands elbow deep in a crate, she pondered on the earlier encounter with a raging Nikolai in the courtyard. His seething expression and merciless intentions to kill Richtofen remained permanently in her mind.
Knowing that she doesn’t fear the Russian in the slightest, for he has shown nothing but loyalty and kindness to her throughout the few weeks of knowing him, more so than he has shown anyone else, (Y/n) couldn’t help but wonder if Nikolai would have followed through with his drastic intentions if she had not intervened.
She looked his way, catching the way he swiftly averted his eyes to the crate he stood searching, taking herself aback when she felt her heart skip a beat.
Pushing away the thought of the mere instance, she called out to him. “Nikolai?”
The gentle way his name sounded when it fell from her lips made his rounded eyes met hers, prompting her to speak but the words were lodged in her throat as his eyes captivated and shimmered in the dim light the furnace glowed.
“You know I don’t blame you for nearly killing Richtofen earlier.” She declared with all sincerity.
However, the Russian scowled instantly.
(Y/n) watched as Nikolai drew in a deep breath, pressing his palms to the edge of the wooden crate.
“Richtofen is beginning to test my patience. What with all his riddles…” He told in his gruff voice.
“Tell me about it.” She muttered, fiddling with a bullet she had picked up.
“But I fear we are descending into madness by following his orders.” He admitted. “And I’m finding it nearly impossible to have any ounce of faith in his intentions.”
Something about the way Nikolai held himself in that moment struck her strange. He began to softly drum on the crate, his lips pressing into a line when he turned his attention back to the equipment before him. It seemed like there were words on the tip of his tongue, yet he could not allow them to fall past his lips.
(Y/n) chewed the inside of her cheek, staring blankly at the bullet she held, ruminating on his words.
“Do you believe that Richtofen has good intentions?” Nikolai blurted out.
The girl instantly locked eyes with him, noticing how serious he looked with such a hard-faced expression. His question made her ponder for a minute.
“I can’t say.” She answered truthfully. “He’s acting suspicious, that’s for sure. And God knows what he’s up to right now.”
Nikolai only nodded, acknowledging her.
“But let’s just get on with what we need to do. I’m already tired of stressing about his next move.”
Something sent a pang of guilt through the Russian. If the girl had not turned her eyes away, she would have seen the pitiful look on his face.
(Y/n) huffed and tossed small components back into the crate, walking briskly past Nikolai, and over to a smaller one yet to be searched on the opposite side of the room.
Another clink of a falling screw went unheard of as her footsteps overpowered the faint tap of metal hitting the ground. That was until the piercing sound of steel screeching, peeling away from the lengthy catwalk above their heads, a support beam overhead came barrelling down at an alarming speed driving terror straight through her as she froze beneath the collapsing structure.
She opened her mouth to scream, but she was voiceless.
Two hands gripped her sides firmly and dragged her out from under the beam’s line of fall, to which the enormous steel bar slammed to the floor with a deafening clang, rattling and shaking every inch of the building upon impact.
Riddled with sheer terror, the girl could not control the way she collapsed into the body of someone.
Nikolai almost toppled at the quick pace he moved, his back connecting harshly with the wall and audibly knocking the air from his lungs, his arms remaining locked around the girl in his arms.
Subconsciously, (Y/n) had pressed her palms to his chest to break her fall, and while still unable to comprehend such a flash of events, her mouth hung agape as she panted heavily. She could barely register a thing, feeling a dizzy sensation as she stared at Nikolai, her face full of fright at the thought of being crushed.
The Russian was worried that she could feel the way his heart was beating like a banging drum at such sudden closeness, but when her eyes dropped to see her hands planted firmly just below his shoulders, she came to her senses and almost jumped back out of embarrassment.
“O-oh my god, I’m sorry!” (Y/n) began to fret, adrenaline still rushing through her, causing such jittery movements.
She snapped around to observe the wreckage of the catwalk, that was once situated above their heads, now in a heap of itself, entirely blocking an exit route from the building.
“Are you alright?” Nikolai’s deepened voice called to her in pure concern.
When (Y/n) turned, she saw his face contoured with stress, and a hand readied to place on her shoulder, however, stopping himself when she nodded with a heavy sigh. She planted her hands on her hips, letting her head bow and eyes fall shut as she calmed herself.
“Thank you, Nikolai.” She breathed, wiping a hand over her face. “I owe you one.”
However, his face was flushed red as the thought of being so close together remained permanently etched into his mind. Unbeknownst to Nikolai, (Y/n) wouldn’t dare lock eyes with him, feeling the same embarrassment and awkwardness of being pressed so tightly to someone she hardly knew.
Neither of them could bring themselves to move as awkwardness was eating them up inside.
As if relieving them of the tense situation, Dempsey, tailed closely by Takeo, barged through the doorway atop the stairwell nearby, out of breath and clutching rifles tightly.
“We’ve got company.” Dempsey informed loudly, his voice gruff and stern. “Get your asses out here.”
Apparently, the crashing noise was enough to alert the stray undead swarms nearby, for they were filtering in through any access point possible, with some of them even tearing of their own decaying limbs as they came through or impaling themselves on broken barricades.
Equipping their weapons swiftly, (Y/n) bolted for the stairs that lead to a vantage point, with Nikolai tailing behind. She breezed past Dempsey, and took position beside Takeo, who had found excellent position that allowed for quick and easy shots to the heads of zombies.
With the team regrouped the hordes were cleared strangely fast. Typically, swarms came in frequent waves, virtually endless, but this time the air stilled. Not a groan or cry was heard from a zombie around. Even some of the boys moved to peer through open barriers, surveying the area, but they soon reeled themselves back to the group with their brows knit in confusion.
“Strange.” Takeo spoke aloud in his husky voice. “The land is silent.”
(Y/n) acknowledged Takeo and hummed in agreement, both vigilantly looking over their shoulders for approaching danger.
“So, did you guys find anything?” She asked, filtering her attention between the other pair.
Tank shrugged, looking a bit defeated. “A little. Couple cans of food, but that’s about it. This place is deserted if you ask me. We ain’t gonna find much.”
(Y/n) sighed in disappointment, the idea of a delicious homecooked meal seemed so far out of reach. She’s certain the men craved something more than just a measly can of beans, and even then, it’s typically shared amongst the five of them, barely subsidising the painful hunger.
Clicking of a gun being reloaded sounded. It was Dempsey loading his sidearm. While keeping his focus on what he occupied himself with, he spoke.
“What about you? Find anything?”
A response was on the tip of her tongue, but her own mind caught her off guard, teasing the image of her body pressed against Nikolai’s, and the way his gorgeous blue eyes stared deeply into her own. Vividly recalling the way his large, gloved hands rested softly on her sides, supporting her knees that dared to buckle under the weight of embarrassment. She felt her hands begin to clammer up at the intrusive thought, wiping them subconsciously on her coat.
When (Y/n) never responded, Dempsey’s little task in his hands halted as he peered through his eyebrows at her.
“We found stashes of ammunition, but not much else.” Nikolai had interjected.
Mentally, the girl thanked him for taking the words she failed to speak, however, feeling more awkward when she saw Dempsey eyeing her suspiciously.
Starling her, Takeo breezed past silently, moving to a cracked glass window that overlooked the storage room. Apparently something had caught his attention from afar. He observed the sight of the wreckage of the fallen catwalk; it certainly stuck out compared to the feeble clutter in the room.
(Y/n) couldn’t help the way her feet carried her towards him.
Sensing that she was standing a small distance from him, Takeo spoke.
“We heard a crash on the opposite side of the facility. Was it this?”
Takeo sounded so genuine, strangely. His speech was typically blunt and didn’t have much change in low tones.
“It was the catwalk that collapsed. The place is falling apart at the seams.” She answered briefly.
Takeo nodded in acknowledgment. He had suspicions that the rumbling noise of steel landing with such a mighty force had alerted the chaotic number of undead creatures.
(Y/n) stared blankly at the structure below, somewhat in a daze when she confessed. “I was standing underneath it when it fell.”
Dempsey and Takeo pivoted to face the girl simultaneously, their shoulders visibly tensed and eyes almost bulging.
Snapping back to her senses, she forced a smile as she quickly reassured, “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
Both relaxed in sync, breathing relieved sighs.
“But I have to say that I’d be dead right now if it weren’t for Nikolai pulling me out of there.” She told, looking at the Russian sincerely. “I really owe him one.”
In that moment she hoped that the frosty air nipping at her skin had already tinted her cheeks a rosy hue, for she could feel a burning fluster rising from her chest. A smile threatened to tug at Nikolai’s lips as he glanced her way.
No one had seen Dempsey’s eyes practically burning fire as he snapped a dirty look towards Nikolai.
“Alright, enough with the sappy ‘who saved who’s life’ shit now.” Dempsey blurted out bitterly. “We’ve got shit to do.”
Thudding footsteps followed as Dempsey stormed off out of the building with his assault rifle under a mighty grip and chest puffed in hot rage. Takeo looked to (Y/n) who stood tall by Nikolai, only to be scrutinising the Russian with his intensive eyes before stalking out with a huff.
The girl knit her brows in confusion.
It could be said that Dempsey was known for his ability to lose his temper quickly, and few times she had seen his anger get the better of him, but Takeo’s strange reaction struck her differently. She had never seen him give anyone, but Richtofen, such a fierce glare.
“What was that about?” (Y/n) asked, sounding somewhat bewildered.
Nikolai swallowed hard, struggling to muster a response when she looked at him with beady eyes, hoping for an answer.
Unfortunately, the Russian knew all to well just what sparked Dempsey and Takeo to be so infuriated, with him only.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say they seemed jealous.” She spoke aloud.
 Oh, but how jealous they were, and that’s only the beginning of it.
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enigmatist17 · 6 months
Part 1 - AU where Angel comes to help Spike after he escapes from the Initiative
Buffy and Riley didn't notice as Cordelia slowly closed her phone and stood, one hand nervously swiping some imaginary strands of hair from her eyes.
"Cordelia? Is something the matter?" Wesley asks, currently bouncing back and forth between research texts with Giles.
"Um...Riley, is it?" Buffy and Riley look up from their conversation, the soldier a bit confused by the woman he'd only met a few days ago looking at him with concern? Disgust?
"Yes ma'am, how can I help?"
"You uh, wow you're really just like cardboard." Cordelia shook her head, and pressed on before he could express his offense. "So fun fact, Angel's coming, and you need to stick close to Buffy because he's totally going to rip your throat out if you piss him off." She finished with a grin, the room going silent as everyone stared at Cordelia and Riley.
"On a level of general irritation to dealing with Wolfram, how angry are we talking?" Wesley asked suspiciously as Giles headed for his defense stores.
"Like Doyle... like Doyle angry." Cordelia gripped her phone for a moment as her voice trembled before shaking her head. "Says he wants to talk, but you know how temperamental he can be."
"You're being nicer than usual."
"You got here fast." Wesley swallows thickly, the sight of Angel practically materializing in Giles' kitchen making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. "Is Sp-"
"Yes." The answer is more a growl than an actual response, and his eyes scan the room before fixating on Riley.
"We are talking, right?" Buffy had moved between the two men, and for a moment the two lock eyes before Angel shrugs, crossing his arms.
"You know Hos- the guy who escaped?" Riley bit his tongue, watching eyes colder than anything he'd ever experienced in training lock onto him.
"What did you do to him."
"Me? Nothing." Riley winced as he stumbled over his words, extremely uncomfortable that the vampire could probably hear the beating of his heart increasing as those eyes just stared.
"You should tell him." Buffy's voice is light, but both men are well aware that she's stamping down as much of her frustration as possible, so Angel slowly uncrosses his arms.
"Buffy I can't just tell one of them-"
"What can't you tell little old me?" Angel's lip twitched in a barely repressed snarl, and before Riley could move for the pistol strapped to his thigh, someone loudly cleared their throat.
"As much as I am loving this whole macho manly man dick measuring contest, we need to play nice now." Cordelia gives her brightest smile as all eyes shoot to her, and Angel to everyone's chagrin looks embarrassed, stuffing his hands in his pockets as Giles barely hides his chuckle with a forced cough.
"Man, I need some popcorn." All eyes turn toward the now open door as Xander walks in, freezing in place with Willow curiously peeking from behind his shoulder.
"Hey guys, welcome to the shit show." The two finished entering Giles' home as Riley sits back down with Buffy, constantly looking toward the far corner of the room, where Angel had joined Wesley to quietly murmur about something.
"Nice to see Deadboy hasn't really changed." Xander, helpful as ever quipped, earning an annoyed look from the vampire in question. "But Cordy, you look..."
"Amazing? I know." The brunette smiled, and despite their rocky departure, it's not long before she draws him to the couch to catch him up on everything she's done in L.A.
"H-Hi Angel, hi Wesley." Turning to his left, Angel is surprised to see Willow standing near his side, trying to look at the book they were rifling through.
"Hello Willow." The aspiring witch gave a smile, and her hands fiddle with a small pouch.
"Pleasure to see you again." The former Watcher gave a small bow and looked at what was in her hands. "May we help you with something?"
"I uh, I can help you." Willow held out the pouch, and Angel carefully accepted it with a raised eyebrow. "I um, I read up about vampires who get hurt, o-or starved, because that's what Spike is like right now? So, I found these different herbs and stuff, a-and if you mix it in the blood you give him, it should help accelerate his healing."
"You did this for him?" Angel is surprised as he opens it, seeing varying bags filled with dried powders labeled for a feeding schedule.
"I may not like him, n-not that it's like a bad thing, but no one deserves to be starved, you know?"
"...thank you, this is very sweet of you." Angel's praise was soft, making Willow blush a little bit, and he gently reached out to squeeze her shoulder.
"L-Let me know if you need anything else, okay?"
"Will do." He nodded, and Willow wandered off to join Xander on the couch.
"She's still such a lovely girl." Wesley hummed, glancing down at his books.
"That she is." Angel shook the bag before closing it back up, stowing it in his breast pocket for later. "Was Cordy really worried that I was going to hurt the kid?"
"Well, yes?" Wesley coughed, avoiding his gaze. "Angel, may I ask you something?"
"Go ahead." Angel leaned against the closest wall with his arms crossed.
"You hate Spike, don't you?" Wesley began cautiously, heart thudding in his chest as he kept his gaze away. "You're quite upset with his state however, helping him despite the fact he nearly tried to kill you, so I must ask...why?"
"Hate is not the word I'd use." Angel sighed, closing his eyes briefly as Wesley watched without a word. "As much as he's done a lot to cause pain and irritation, Spike is family, the blood we share supersedes everything. I can't explain it in ways you'd understand, but he's a childe of mine, and I just...have to help."
"I'd say I understand, but for the most part I don't." The former Watcher winced as he scrambled for the right words. "You know I follow where you lead."
"I know, and I really can't thank you both for leaving everything to come with." Angel gave him a small smile, missing the look of surprise from Buffy across the room.
"Speaking of Mr. Hair dye, what are we going to do with him?" Cordelia asked, the conversation with Xander and Willow having trailed off as both men looked over. "I mean, I don't think we can exactly leave him here, not with the government doing all their...wait, what are you doing anyways?" Cordelia looked behind her, Riley once again squirming in discomfort.
"We -" He glanced over at Buffy, who just squeezed his hand. "I can't disclose government information to civilians."
"We don't need a whole dossier." Angel crossed his arms, his words twinged with a growl that had everyone sitting up a but straighter. "What. Do. You. People. Do."
"Learn about the enemy." Riley's response is terse, and he's trained his gaze on the floor.
The silence could cut through steel.
"By any means necessary, right?" Willow crossed her arms as Giles did the same. "That's horrible."
"I just help keep the peace."
"By hunting down demons for capture." Angel filled in the blanks, rather unimpressed.
"...that's the crux of it."
The silence dominates once more.
The sounds of the shower alert Angel Spike is once again awake when he returns shortly before dawn, the older drawing curtains closed to make sure the main area was kept from the sun. His jacket is slung over the back of the couch, the torn duster carefully spread over the coffee table and cleaned at the least, judging by some blood-soaked gauze tossed to the side. Angel scoops up the trash and tosses it before going to the half-emptied duffle from earlier, pulling out the several types of sewing kits and varying thread he'd scooped up earlier to place them beside the familiar jacket.
"Reckon I can fix it."
"Most likely." There's a small grunt of acknowledgment as Spike retreats back into the bedroom, Angel moving to get himself a mug and Spike two of blood. The powder Willow had given him mixed in with ease, and by the time Spike returned with clothes that shouldn't have been loose, Angel is offering his mug.
"Cheers." Spike raised in before his face changed with a slight wince, looking down at the blood in hesitation before bringing the cup to his lips and taking a large sip. Whatever reservations there could have faded when Spike chugs, reaching for the second mug before he has enough time to set down the first.
"Ease up, I'm not cleaning up vomit." Angel rolls his eyes when the other gives a grumpy growl, but slows down as his grandsire scoops up the empty mug and takes it to the sink.
"Dunno what's in this, tastes bloody amazin'." The smaller man hums, one hand snatching Angel's jacket and draping it over himself like a blanket.
"Healing powder, though I don't think it tastes like anything." Spike grumbles something he can't quite hear, but a quick peek shows that the other keeps drinking. "Do you need more?"
"No, likely going to be sick if I do." Spike is lying, he could drink for days, but his stomach decides it doesn't want to listen as it roils at the first decent meal in ages. "Bloody soldiers."
"I met one, dating Buffy of all people." Angel tries to not sound irritated, but Spike giggles. "He hasn't said much. Yet."
"You'll make him sing, peaches." Spike sets the mostly drained cup on the coffee table before tucking his legs underneath the coat.
He's so bloody tired.
"I know I will." Angel isn't much warmer than he is, Spike's mind supplies, but it feels like the arm that magically appears around his shoulder is as warm as the sun. "You need to rest."
"Can't, not for long." Spike mumbles, rubbing his cheek against Angel's shirt unconsciously. "They'll find me..."
"No, they won't." The pompous voice is so soft, so gentle, and Spike wonders what he's done to deserve it. "You can rest, I'll be on the lookout."
"You can't lookout for shit." Spike tries to keep his eyes open, but the task is herculean.
"I'll get by." There is the soft voice again, and now a hand is running through his curly hair. "Sleep."
For once, Spike listens.
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[Rhymix] Main Story: Redrawing The Colorless World — Chapter 2: Invention
oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo AYE oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo ooooooooooo bischuktakeawefethouAYE (idk)
I remember the first time I made any sort of art.
It was...sort of bad—but at the same time, that's the charm point of it. I still have it with me after all of these years, and whenever I look back on it, I always find myself smiling. It just tells me that I've improved a lot, and also reminds me of how far I've come.
And to be honest, none of this is possible if it weren't for the fact that I kept on pushing through.
So now that the world is like this, I want to also keep pushing through for it.
That morning, I already showed up to Technicolour's place at 9 AM. He was...taken aback by how early I got there, to say the least, but it's not anything too out of the ordinary for him. It's certainly not as weird as that one time some weird madwoman decided to break into this world and try to become its new God.
We spent the entire day asking people around and researching about such a topic. It ended up being of no use; because by the end of the day, we didn't got anything noteworthy. There weren't any records of something like this ever happening before either, so that just made us even more confused.
Eventually, the next day, we traveled to Notalano. We asked the people there what happened during the long period of time their nation got their colors sucked out of it dry. They said it's a weird phenomenon that was caused by someone. We didn't get any further details than that because they're still investigating it.
Technicolour then took me to a friend of his' place. He said that his name is Stasis, and he's a pretty well-known inventor who has made a gigantic airship powered by Notalium once. He then said that airship initially was ill-fated, but after some repairs it works perfectly fine again.
The moment we stepped into Stasis' house, the guy in question stumbled out looking really messy. "Hey! Sorry about uh- all of this. Just working on something." He said, before sighing, turning his head away in shame. "It's really a hassle for such a simple device." Once I heard that come out of his mouth, I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
Stasis then took the both of us to his basement—which he just calls his workplace, and it makes sense why he'd call it that. He apparently works there most of the time. I could tell from how messy the entire area is. Blueprints were scattered everywhere and stacked onto tables, a few shelves were covered in dust, and the main table where he'd usually do his work is really all over the place too. Has he ever even tried to clean it up?
"Sorry for not cleaning up! I'm not done with this stupid little shit yet." Stasis apologized, before glaring down at the object on his table emotionlessly. It's clear whatever he's working on gave him a headache in some way. Technicolour and I gazed down to the object in question.
It's...just a simple paintbrush?
"What...what are you gonna do with a literal paintbrush?" I asked nervously, pointing towards the paintbrush in question. Stasis chuckled. "Hah, it's another one of my big brain ideas to restore color to not only Notalano, but this entire world too~" He answered, giving me a playful wink. It's cute, to say the least.
...I really need to stop getting short-term crushes on random people I just met.
"What's so special about it, though?" I asked again. By this point, my curiosity just kept building up more and more. Meanwhile, Technicolour was merely frowning at the messy state of the workplace. "It's powered by Notalium, and basically if you just wave the brush around with the intent of giving the world color, then color you'll give to it!" Stasis explained to me energetically, before walking towards a different table in the distance and picking up a different paintbrush that looked similar to the one he was working on.
"I have a finished version of it for testing! Give it a try outside." Stasis offered, and I simply took the paintbrush and nodded. The cyan colored diamond on the paintbrush's handle captivated me in a way that I can't even describe. It just...resonated with me for some reason. Probably because I really like the color cyan.
"Huh? What do you mean, "nothing"?" Stasis asked me, a confused look on his face as he just looked at me as if I was crazy. When I went to test out Stasis' special paintbrush invention, it didn't work at all. "Oh c'mon now, Colorless. I tested it myself the other day and it worked swell." He then said again, a frown on his face as he then gazed at the paintbrush.
"What's wrong?"
"Maybe you just didn't have such an intention to redraw the colorless world in your heart when you were trying it out."
Hearing Stasis' statement, I raised an eyebrow...again. "What do you mean? I clearly did. It's the reason why I wanted to try it out to begin with." I told him, crossing my arms, giving him a tired look. Stasis chuckled again at that. "Haha! No, no. The feelings just- aren't finalized yet. My wanting to restore color to Notalano is already finalized enough."
He then puts a finger on my chest, as if playfully mocking me. "Yours haven't yet." He added, a smirk on his face. My face could only turn red at that, but he did have a point. Maybe it's just...not fully realized at the time. "Just- look, listen here; I'm gonna let you bring that home with you. Once you feel like you've fully realized your wantings, then try again."
Stasis then gave me a reassuring nod. "I'm sure it'll work. Just believe me." Hearing his words, I felt a little eased. I nodded, a smile on his face as I silently accepted his advice.
...And here I am now...
At a coffee shop...
With that one guy I bumped into the other day.
I accidentally encountered Convergence again during a rainy day. We had to take shelter at a bus stop and then just...had a casual talk.
At one point I made him laugh and smile, which is nice, to say the least. I feel proud of myself for being able to successfully do that.
Now here the two of us are, enjoying coffee brewed by Convergence's favorite coffee shop. I'm not usually a particular fan of coffee, but he got me to try it. Pretty good, honestly. "What were you doing outside alone, anyways?" I ask him, trying my best to start up another conversation after a few minutes of silence.
Convergence looks up from his coffee, before finally answering. "I wanted to go...somewhere. But then the rain poured and then things had to get rescheduled." He says, a visible frown on his face as he sips on his coffee again. I nod in understanding—a part of me wants to ask him further on it, but then I decide against it.
"For now you can stay with me." I say, before quickly adding, "Until the rain stops, that is. Hehe." Convergence nods, a small smile on his face as he looks at me again. It's nice to have some alone time with him like this. Alongside my stress of trying to piece together the strange mystery of the world's loss of color, I also couldn't get this stupid man out of my head.
He's just that pretty, honestly.
But still...
I can't shake off this uneasy feeling.
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chronicsyd · 2 months
Yk… I was just enjoying my morning in the arcane tag on TikTok when I stumbled onto this:
Tumblr media
Ok Firstly: UUUHHHGGG 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Now that That’s out of the way.
Vi’s practically the Antithesis of a “Mary-Sue”. I bet the person saw Vi as “female who punches stuff and is badass therefore Must be a Mary-Sue” and put no deeper thought into it.
A “Mary-Sue” is unrealistically perfect and has no flaws, and to be honest that’s why a lot of people don’t like them. They see them as poorly written “author insert”’s a lot of the time. HOWEVER, the Point of Arcane was to show that EVERYONE is morally gray in some form or another (like I could make a college level essay on each of the characters and what makes them morally gray in their own way). There is no character where you could realistically say “they are perfect heroes! no flaws whatsoever!” (Realistically the closest person Id give that to might be Ekko but everyone else…)
However if I Am going to be honest for a quick moment, Vi is clearly based on the “basic hero” archetype which the creators expanded upon to explore such archetypes. Much like how they did with Jinx and the “manic pixie dream girl” archetype. But even Then that’s not what a Mary-Sue is. A Mary-Sue lacks any Meaningful flaw, and Vi’s FULL of them, it’s what makes her character so Interesting to the viewer. Vi’s whole story Hinges on the fact that she Can’t be perfect. Hell one of the First things the show shows us is her leading the others to steal from Piltover, which lands them in trouble with Enforcers (albeit accidentally however things not going to plan is something that should be planned for). And Vi is someone who’s Incredibly stubborn, something we see throughout the Entire season. In fact we see her making quite a few selfish decisions through the season as well. For example, her teaming up with Jayce had nothing to do with “Making the Undercity better” it was solely “I’M pissed at Silco, YOU’RE pissed at Silco. so let’s go over and destroy his shit.”
Like Maybe this was just a poor choice of words on the creators part and they just don’t fully understand what a Mary Sue is, or it’s a completely misogynistic take and they just see Vi as “female who punches stuff” (this is from a Reddit post after all…)
TLDR: Vi isn’t a Mary-Sue, please do your research on what these words mean before making takes like this. And now, I’m going to have a nap 😴
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acidsaladd · 6 months
incoming rant abt a possible ninjago atla au u have been warned
the gist of the au and what i have in me head is that lloyd is the next air avatar but for some reason the air nomads are skeptical/afraid of baby lloyd so misako takes lloyd and skidadles far away from the temple. because of this, lloyd grows up as a regular kid with no air benders around to teach him air bending And no knowledge that hes the avatar (and therefore that he can bend the other elements)
fast forward to when hes like 9?? 10? wu finds him, surprise ur actually the avatar its training time something something big spiritual evil that might be related to garm something something then wu Leaves and so the training bit falls onto the ninja. which. none of them is an airbender mind u and lloyd Still doesnt know airbending. so they teach him the other elements and Hope that he somehow learns air by proxy
i have a very small and not rlly thought out idea for what an equivalent of the aging tea could be but this is basically it in terms of bg and going forward its just ur usual avatar and ninja shenanigans
ok. now. i have a couple ideas for why the air nomads could be wary of lloyd. one is that they know garmadon is his dad and garm has been cursed by a Particularly Evil spirit and so they think evil dad equals evil son and they dont rlly wanna deal with that so they r like we must get rid of the child he will reincarnate either way its no biggie which,,, uhh yea lets not
the other one is that the nomads have discovered that lloyd is going to be the first avatar that is a direct decendant of the first ever avatar (the fsm) and so they want to like?? harness his power or smth idk.
(the only problem with these ideas is that it kinda relies ok the air nomads having kind of violent and evil solutions to problems so i stil. dont rlly know 😭)
the point is!! one way or another, misako starts seriously fearing for lloyds life and the fact that he might not ever have a choice over it as his own so she takes the baby and Runs.
[abt the fsm, raine lowkey gave me this idea entirely so shoutout raine hello but i was thinking that theres two of them. like. u have the FSM, the first ever avatar, all plwerful godly being. and then u have the dad, the f in fsm stands for Father, this guy is just wu and garms dad. i dint have much else thought out for him just. yea]
now. if i want to talk abt the possible aging tea equivalent i need to talk abt garm. soo augh idk abt garm but i think rhe gist of it is that hes been possessed/corrupted by a spirit bc of a deal he made or for messing with a spirit when he was researching things. the point is hes known as this being that brings chaos and stuff but then wu and misako reveal to lloyd like, thats ur dad actually, and misakos being researching ways to bring him back and lloyd stumbles on this research and decides (not so smartly) that if one qants their dad back one must do it himself so. he manages to contact the original spirit that garm annoyed
so they talk and the spirits like "well i Would give him back but he kinda made me lose my time and energy on him for like,, 4/5 years so unless u figure out a way to give me rhat time back i aint giving him to u" and lloyd goes bet take does from me no biggie
so then lloyd makes this deal not rlly knowing what hes doing and he goes back to the real world and suddenly he has a brand new dad and also abt two whole heads more in height woops
(this all happens post training arc starting so lloyd already knows the ninja and has been living with them for a while)
so ive been Rlly debating whether i should do the Usual thing and just stick em in the element rhat they have in the show. OR (and this is the idea im leaning more towards) i go with vibes. obviously the vibes are still informed and consider their element in the show
ok first kai and nya. i want them both to be fire nation buut idk if i should make them both firebenders or make them have their usual elements. i do wanna let nya be a waterbender, However since they do live in the fire nation (most likely in a more rural town far from the mainland) nya would be a waterbender that uses mostly firebending styles and techniques. i just have always found this type of mix and match they do with aang and zuko specifically SOO COOL i love it so im gifting that to nya
cole is an earthbender obvi. i havent rlly thought much abt cole bc i immediately decided he would stay an earthbender and didnt question him further.
NOW HEAR ME OUT HERE. i kinda rlly want to make jay earth kingdom and leave him as a non bender. why??? bc the Vibes man. i want to rlly focus on his engineering and tinkery side. i think he would still be rlly involved with bending and stuff and he tries to find different uses to bending outside of fighting. maybe him and cole are childhood friends and jay is always bugging cole to try some of his projects with coles bending.
and finally zane!! hes water tribe but i struggled to settle him on either tribe. i think the northern tribe could fit him in the future but i do think he's originally from the south. i feel like the south gives him more potential to be the specific brand of Peculiar that zane was in the beginning of the sbow. and since this is situated pre war, the southern water tribe would be bigger and better off than how we see them in atla so it would be cool to explore that
so im picturing him as the weird son of the local medic and whatever else dr julien gets up to . so maybe dr julien is teaching zane stuff and he gets Rlly Rlly good so they send him to a bigger settlement with better teachers and eventually he decides to leave the south pole to continue learning and stuff.
i do have ideas abt how wu gathers them together but ive ranted way too much so i will make another post on that if i remember to
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tsururoach · 2 months
Danmaca B-Side Minific
Vito x Lerche (vaguely. probably.)
no content warnings apply || 2.1k words
Lerche is a pleasant company on the condition that he not be accompanied by Vito. It is not to say that Vito perhaps does not enjoy being around Lerche. Saying so would be absurd, when often he went on months on end with only the older man to dissect his thoughts. Dear Celestial. He didn’t even think he’d had problems with his few lingering thoughts.
The problem lies within the fact that Lerche felt far too interested in his thoughts– for someone who merely wished to survive day in and out. 
“Vito,” Comes the steady voice he’s long been familiar with, “Have you had enough of dancing around me?” 
“...” Quickly averting his eyes, Vito tries to not look constipated. Because he’s not- At least shouldn’t be. Lerche’s last gambit with an odd looking snake still left him feeling queasy, but not ill. “If anything, I wonder if it even matters to you.”
“Why you wish to live?” Lerche laughs in that curious way of his, “I find that rather important.”
“Years down the line does not count for importance,” Vito pauses before tilting his head, “And that does not seem to be something you can afford down on the Surface.”
Lerche leans back onto the withered tree, lamp light flickering against his weathered skin. That specific look comes over the man- one Vito has seen several times before. One he pretends he didn’t have the name for.
“Landmarks are those that are weathered and worn.” Lerche’s smile turns tighter, “Isn’t it so, even the most astute would only know what stays?” 
Vito muses over that for a second. There is not much fault in that.
“Well, why do you?” Vito replies earnestly. It’s not something grand or terrifying he needs to keep close to his heart. He’d rather not, counted as enough reason to him. Want and will was the way he lived.
Lerche seems mildly taken aback.
To the Vito who followed him around, it was the equivalent of stumbling backwards in shock. Lerche is emotive- all good storytellers were- but the genuinity hidden in that mere gesture sends Vito into an emotional recoil. He’s not sure what to do with the fact that he might be a bit endeared- and not just obligated.
“Me?” Lerche echoes, as if haunted with what thoughts came from that. It’s only fair that he gets cross in the ricochet of his own question- but to Vito’s disappointment Lerche laughs. “Isn’t my age enough? Seeing everyone scour research to reach what I’ve long got.” 
Vito shakes his head, assuming that his question will lead nowhere once more.
“I don’t need a reason, I just don’t feel like dying.” Vito muses over it some more, before he makes a move to sharpen his knife. Cleaning would be a good call too- goop covered and dull from trudging through an unfriendly thrush. All that for an unidentifiable plant he’s sure Lerche will discard two days past. 
To his surprise, Lerche elaborates.
“Instinct and want do not always go hand in hand,” he grieves, “Did you know I had a child?”
Vito very carefully does not react. He doesn’t touch the feelings that come hiding behind the thin layer of curiosity- he’s finally learning more about his companion. 
“Well, I would only know of what you’ve told me.”
“A legacy” Lerche sighs, “A legacy is a treasure one may not often get to have.”
Vito’s not sure if he should point out that his child is very decidedly not there. But as tragedies are on the ark, he has the grace to let Lerche say as he wills.
“As such, I like the idea of a legacy. Not being one- I wouldn’t dare.” Lerche smiles, “Owning a legacy though… Not that is what that child was.” 
“Then what do you mean?” 
“Well, I’d like to one day tell a legend I see first hand. Change? Destruction of what we know?”
Vito’s stare could only be described as disbelief.
“That’s what it is? Or- well, then what?”
“I lied,” Lerche smoothly adds on, “Perhaps I just want to see all that I can see- you know I’m fond of things like that. My child has long gone on her own path and I have no need to haunt her steps.”
Vito doesn’t believe him. Vito surprisingly doesn’t believe in a lot of things Lerche says. Perhaps it was the trust in what he’s fed is for some greater part of living. Brushing off the implication that Lerche just had a family he’s long separated from Vito can’t help but feel irritation at how easily Lerche marks his words as bullshit.
Lerche barks out in laughter, “Maybe you’ll be a part of it, Vito. You’d be a brilliant talent to bring into my stories.” 
Vito sighs and shakes his head with exasperation before settling back into the rhythmic grindstone. 
“You won’t get much story from me- or at least more than you already have. If there’s a journey it ends with that terrible escape. I just wanted to live.”
“Is that so?” Lerche taps the binding of his book, “If that’s so, you should’ve just stayed with the Order.”
“Wasn’t it easier to live up there? You certainly don’t seem pleased with the state of ‘life’ down and around here. The endless faction wars, the greed, sitting ducks that we all are,” Lerche flicks to a page with sketches of the corpse of a Unity Order soldier. One that Vito had to fend off and bury, “All you had to do was submit Show your hackles and your neck. They wouldn’t bite the herd they lead.”
“Just because I miss ignorance does not mean I will simply retreat back into it.”
Vito hadn’t meant to let it sound so harsh. He knows his decisions are impractical, after all he saw Reue fall his way to the top. He’d seen plenty of people go that path. Easy. Safe. Convenient. He can’t help but wonder if they felt nothing of it. That submission.
Or was it truly the thought of yielding to another that plagued him?
“It’s not that much different down here.”
“It is.”
“How so?”
Vito struggles to find the words. Before laughing mirthlessly.
“For one, I like to think that everything I did was of my own will.”
“So it was the idea of choice? Is that it?”
“They didn’t give me a second option, so I had to find it.”
Lerche seemed to think that Vito was hiding something deeper. Perhaps something more inspiring- more meaningful- something worthy to document in that almost eternal book of his.
“If  that is what you consider true,” Lerche relents, ”But besides instinct and beside will, there is something else that is controlling you.”
Vito carefully does not let himself linger on what that implies.
“Factions are like sheep,” comes Lerche’s abrupt voice. “Led by the nose until they must meet their use.”
Vito laughs, “Aren’t livestock like those far too valuable for slaughter? Not even your generation would have been familiar with them”
“Words that outlived their time, I fear.” Lerche simply shrugs off, “Perhaps it’s poetic that only people are merely livestock now.”
Vito hesitates as he holds onto Lerche’s bloodstained bag. No sign of wear or struggle as if the owner was attacked. He’s not sure he’s ever seen Lerche try to fight. Patience was a learnt trait and he’s reminded of it constantly when confronting the oddities that cling to that man.
“Is there any particular reason you’re telling me this?”
“You seem bothered.”
Vito wants to bite back with ‘shouldn’t you be as well?’ or ‘It’s natural.’ He could afford pity and grief on the ark- he could not assume that Lerche had the chance to be the same.
“...Weren’t you just talking to them?” Vito tries to grasp some kind of fact to relate back to Lerche, “Wouldn’t you lament the fact they will no longer have their story recorded?”
Lerche smiles very slightly. 
“Oh Vito, I record deaths before I record lives.” 
“What’s the point of recording deaths if you don’t even- If they don’t even live?”
Left with silence, Vito stands up from where Lerche was waiting for him. This time it didn’t look like a simple raid done by another faction- the kills were too brutal. Too careless with equipment that had long been forced into scarcity. They didn’t have the knowledge the ark did, but they developed technology too quickly- in a way the head of the church likely couldn’t agree with.
The itch comes again. Why had they let Lerche live?
“Do not take me for a biased person, my friend.” Lerche nods to the broken crowd by his feet, “But I warned them appropriately.”
“They never had a chance.”
“Indeed. Another late night for you?”
Vito glances at the buildings and then to Lerche. 
“If factions treat people as livestock, what are you?” Vito lets the unspoken ‘we’ run away. He knows that he didn’t want that answer.
“I don’t know.” comes honestly. “But I find that doesn’t matter.”
Vito doesn’t catch himself fast enough, but he catches Lerche just fine. His hands moving faster than his mind- he grabs Lerche’s arm. 
“Lerche.” comes seriously, “What do you want from me?”
Objectively speaking- the answer Vito wished most for was to be a simple mercenary. The trade off of daily necessities being provided in order for putting his neck on the line was simple, but anything that came from this guy couldn’t be. Vito’s done this same routine until his nails stained red and his mind worked on practicing indifference. It’s cruel that the only moment he truly acted on the hesitation was when Lerche felt so distant. 
The world was cruel anyways, so Vito packs aways those feelings.
Lerche meets his eyes calmly. If it had been someone else, that would be a sign of sincerity. Instead, Vito watches as Lerche studies his own face with strong fascination. As if he didn’t feel any real threat at all.
… Not that Vito would do anything anyways.
“I just find you interesting to have around. This old man has the luxury of boredom after all.”
Lerche turns his body fully as Vito is hit with the hilarity of it all- one who sat through a bloody conflict and one who didn’t. One would think Vito had been there for the massacre judging by the blood on his hands.
Taking a sticky step closer to Vito, Lerche leans into his shoulder. 
“It’s not often you run into someone who values death as much as you do.” Vito feels oddly stifled- unsure what to do with any part of his body. Lerche laughs into his neck- warm air brushing against Vito’s scarred ear. “And I’m not keeping you here, Vito. I’m not your shepherd.” 
Vito’s heart clenches hearing that.
He couldn’t. 
Would he survive? 
He pauses. He’s not entirely sure what to make of that thought that suddenly hit him. Not so gently as a ship hitting shore- but as if a heavy caravan had derailed and knocked into him.
Never before had the air felt so arid. A miracle despite the (bloodied) puddles around them.
“Aren’t you?”
Lerche’s face is hidden from view, but he can feel the way the man’s face shifts against Vito’s stiff body. 
“Now what does that mean?”
Somehow Vito isn’t convinced that Lerche doesn’t know- if anything Lerche knew better than Vito himself. Feeling intense resignation, Vito lowers his head and looks down at Lerche’s shoulder. 
“You’re exhausting.” 
“And yet you stay.” Lerche smiles, “It’s not like I treat you poorly, so does the reason matter?” 
It does. Vito reminds himself.
“Alright,” Vito says.
Perhaps Vito was like a dog. Loyal even when it bites back at him. He still can’t get used to the killing no one calls murder. He can’t stand finding Lerche’s neutrality despite claiming the same for himself. And yet he stays.
Backing away from Lerche in a poor attempt to separate himself with these feelings, he wonders how he’s still falling into the same pitfalls he criticized merely years ago. Nothing changed except the environment. Vito wonders why he’s fine with that.
Lerche is smiling. Looking at him as if he was ready to accept whatever Vito chose- including leaving. There is no choice in that- he knows that he cannot leave and still be himself.
Want and will are different things, Vito acknowledges.
“... I don’t know why I bother.”
Lerche takes that as an affirmation that Vito would be following once more. Turning heel without checking behind him, Lerche heads for their next destination sooner than expected.
“Well, I managed to bargain for some dried meat for you before it happened.” Lerche gestures backwards (presumably to the sack Vito was carrying for him), “Nothing they would bother to confiscate.”
The bag feels heavier than mere food supplies should be.
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azeriairis · 4 months
Alright Mini-essay time
I'm going to focus on two main things for this one. The deletion of that one scene in SGA, and the ending of SGA, and how those put Universe in a bad place to begin with. Because I actually like Universe and think it could've done well if only they set it up properly.
Let's start with the deleted scene, if you don't know what I'm talking about it's this one here:
So What do we learn from this scene? Two big things; A: It may be possible to dial the 9th chevron, and B: Zelenka is one of the people working on this.
A is important because the knowledge that it may be possible to dial the ninth chevron makes the premise of Universe " we dialed the 9th chevron and we now have to find a way to stay alive on the other side " sound much more plausible, and not like something that was just pulled out of the asses of the showrunners.
B is important because if the writers knew what they were doing could've been used as a set-up to introduce the audience to some of the Characters from Stargate Universe in season 5 of Atlantis. I'll give two ways this could happen. The easier route would be to just put Zelenka himself into Universe, he's already an established character who is well-known and beloved by the fanbase who through this scene is tied to the research into the ninth chevron. It makes sense for him to be there, and him being there would guarantee off the bat that the majority of the fanbase already has a character they at least somewhat care about in Universe off the bat. The Other route is to have a Universe Character (probably a scientist or engineer) visit Zelenka during the 5th season and introduce them to the audience that way, maybe something comes up that requires Atlantis to go into lock-down and stop travel back to earth, and this character needs to help the Atlantis cast fix the problem, giving them an excuse to stick around long enough to begin to familiarize themselves with the audience. Either way you'll end up with a character in Universe that the fanbase at least has met right out the gate. This would be helpful because it gives the fans some reason to stick around at least long enough for them to get to know (and hopefully begin to care about) the other characters (that reason being " I want to know what happens to [character I already know] ").
Alright now I'm moving onto how Atlantis was canceled and why it should've been extended (Given the fact that MGM ran two shows at once during the SG-1 - Atlantis transition, it should be possible). First The fact that Atlantis was canceled and wasn't allowed a proper finale, rightly made many fans of Atlantis feel upset. Add that to the fact that Universe came basically right after and many fans had a sour taste in their mouths about Universe. Extending Atlantis to overlap with the first few seasons of Universe, would've given it the chance to come to a more satisfying conclusion and avoided the negative feelings around the Cancelation of Atlantis that may have prevented some fans from giving Universe a fair shake. Additionally as Universe was an experimental work, at least as far as the Stargate franchise is concerned, it had similar early stumbling blocks as SG-1 had as it figured out it's formula. Unsurprisingly resting the fate of a franchise on an experimental work that hasn't yet figured itself out is a ludicrously bad idea. If Stargate Atlantis continued into the early parts of Universe then Atlantis could've served as the frontrunner of the franchise whilst Universe figured itself out and familiarized itself with the fanbase. If Universe still flopped then the franchise could fall back on Atlantis until they came up with a new show to continue the franchise with, and if Universe succeeded then Atlantis would conclude and Universe would continue as the Frontrunner.
Also as far as Critiques of Universe, due to how different the vibes and all is they could've lessened up on some of the stuff, like the Nudity, in earlier seasons so that it isn't so stark of a difference. Then they could've slowly introduced it in so it's a more gradual (and therefore easier to get used to) change. Otherwise I don't quite know because I actually like Universe as it is.
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sanjisluvbot · 2 years
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Imagine really living in a world with super powers? Going to school to learn all you can about using your quirk to help people. Fighting villains who threaten the peace and false sanctuary of the world.
You spent hours day dreaming about it and reading comic books. That’s how it should stay, imagine living in THIS universe and people had super powers… funny but not funny haha funny absolutely terrifying.
“ You know what I like this Y/N, I feel like you’re really going to make this into something wonderful for the spring news paper ”
“ Thank you Mrs. Montgomery, I think the student body will enjoy a fun story about becoming a super hero or vigilante considering all the new books and movies coming out when this is published.”
She smiled at you and sent you off your way, the school was now partially empty and the creative writing club was spending time after school to put together the first edition of the newspaper.
You had an entire week of Christmas break to write and let your creativity flow free. The snow fell as you made your way home and it gave you a child like joy, so you made a wish.
If there is a high power somewhere in the universe, I want my story to come alive this Christmas so I have something wonderful to publish on the newspaper.
After arriving home and eating dinner you decided to develop your characters. Research was important for making well written characters so you spent the next few hours writing and reading about different powers and superhero’s across the multi verse. You stumbled upon a series that sparked your inspiration like no other.
My Hero Academia
In this series 80% of the world is born with super powers that they call quirks, and they have high schools specifically meant to create future hero’s. The main character reminded you of yourself, born without powers but way more ambitious than anyone else.
Y/N are you coming?
Huh where?
Your eyes opened, when did you fall asleep? I was just watching the newest episode of My Hero and-
“ Y/N are you dressed we’re going to training soon!”
“ Yeah be right there”
Mother sounds weird, and what training is she talking about?
Taking a look around this wasn’t your room at all, it was like you were in a customized hotel suite with everything personalized to your liking. Looking at your clothes you were in some kind of costume as well. You weren’t home and nothing was making sense, was that even your mother calling you just now? You grabbed your phone and headed to the door clasping onto the knob without opening. Voices could be heard outside it sounded like there was a bunch of people in front of your door.
You opened it and were met face to face with the meanest mug. “ Bakugo?”
“ Let’s go you’ve been locked away since last night I was gonna barge in and drag you out myself ”
“ What? ”
“ Are you thick let’s go ” he angrily grabbed your hand and all but dragged you down the hall as the others followed. Everything looked exactly how it did in the show, you were amazed was this some type of Lucid dream?
“ Why do you look like that?”
“ Huh? I look like what”
“ Like you’ve never been here should I get you medicine or something ” Bakugo’s kindness surprised you a great deal be was standoffish even with his friends for the most part.
“ Bakugo why-”
“ Again with Bakugo? What happened to Tsuki?” He whispered turning away from you with a reddened ears.
“ Yeah my fault… Tsuki”
When you were all at the training arena it was as if using a quirk was second nature to you. You felt like you were truly super human, like you were finally alive. The second part of training you were paired off into teams, you were paired with Bakugo which gives you the chance to figure out the extent of your relationship.
Walking down the hall together yiu we’re thinking of a way to bring anything up without giving away the fact that you really have no clue what is going on when you noticed him looking over his shoulder every few second.
“ What are you looking at?”
You looked over your shoulder to find no one just the regular UA halls. Turning to him he was starring at you intensely, was he angry? He licked his lips and placed his hands on your hips pulling you close.
Okay now I get it.
“ You looked great earlier, I told you training with me would help. Can I get my promised reward?”
“ Reward?” Your hands felt clammy and your cheeks were hot. What did he want as a reward..
“ yes, a kiss? I missed you yesterday you started acting strange when everyone was watching a movie.”
“ O-oh yeah no don’t worry I’m fine must’ve been a headache Yanno?” He smiled softly and his hands wondered further making you Yelp.
You were now inches apart and your hands glided to his face. You’ve kissed people before but something about these red eyes made you so nervous. You closed your eyes and connected, his lips were so soft why did everything just feel right here.
“ Sorry to interrupt you two but the arena is waiting”
To be continued possibly
I was inspired by another story I’m working on and I think a regular Isekai to step away from the Yandere for a bit !
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