#i was gonna be productive today but i made the mistake of going on twitter and the speed at which i opened a new canvas
todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/27/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Adopt Our Crew - Adopt Our Quiz!; Queerties Reminder; Cast & Crew Sightings; How to Help W/New Stuff; Hunt for The Pirate Home Twitter Watch Party; Articles; OurFlagMakesADifference; Love Notes; Goofy Shit For Morale
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Had some fun stuff going on across the platforms today with Adopt Our Quiz hosted by @adoptourcrew! You can still go do them! I'm including them here for those who don't have the platforms. Ordered from left to right 1, 2, 3. You can see the answers here on twitter (which have cool animations)
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Answers below in picture form:
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Twitter Thread Instagram Story
== Queerties ==
Just a reminder to vote for the Queerties if you're up for it!
TV Comedy Best TV Performance Wanna help another Taika/Rhys verse Queertie? Vote for Kaimana for Best Film Performance in Next Goal Wins!
== Cast And Crew Sightings ==
It's the weekend so as you can imagine there aren't many sightings. Definitely some personal stuff posted but nothing campaign related so I'll leave it out. Couple things I didn't know you could do was look at peoples likes on twitter, and now I know how to be a proper stalker if I ever wanna get into that kinda thing, which I don't, let me tell you. That being said, these are to make people feel warm fuzzies so here we are! Alex Sherman is out here liking our tweets all over the place! He's been doing it for days, just sweet to see the support.
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Kristian Nairn sending love and support to fans on their art!
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
Some new stuff added to our usual How to Help Lists, feel free to check them out!
== Talking About the shows Creativity ==
If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, referencing some of the awesome show-crew like Ra Vincent, Production Designer for OFMD can be great! Here's Ra Vincent's site Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks. Please be sure to credit them just like anything else you're using. Other great crew members for inspiration: Gypsy Taylor Costume Designer/Stylist!
== RADIO! ==
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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== Reminder - Twitter Watch Party ==
HuntForThePirateHome Watch Party Starts Sunday Jan 28 at 3 PM EST, 12 PT, 8 PM GMT. Hashtags for that event are:
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== Petition Update ==
We hit 82,000!! Definitely things slowing down, but I think in generally we're focusing more on going after specific platforms (not saying more signatures isn't good, just saying we seem to have shifted priorities)
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== Articles ==
I didn't see any new articles today, but I did see one I didn't notice the other day so I'm including it now:
Why Our Flag Means Death’s Cancellation Should Make You Angry
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I had a couple people ask about what's going on with some fan led Palestine Efforts so I'm linking the current thread from Our Flag Makes A Differences Resource thread on Twitter. I know there is a great tumblr thread but tumblr search sucks so please share it with me if you have it!
== Love Notes ==
Just a little reminder for tonight--- you deserve happiness. You deserve kindness, and grace and you deserve a break from all the stressors that bug you on a day to day basis. Sometimes it's other people who can give you that break, and sometimes the only person who can give it to you is you. If you can, talk a little nicer to yourself today, give yourself a little extra time curled up in bed, or watch an extra episode of your favorite show. Remember to give yourself some love too, lovelies. You deserve it. You're gonna be okay.
== Goofy Shit for Morale ==
So I'm gonna combine a couple things tonight and end tonight with some fun goofy shit also feat. Rhys, Samba, and Taika
@buckrogers2491's post
Alright, night lovelies! Let me know if I missed something or made any mistakes! (I think I double checked everything this time!)
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 8
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@hoppingheart said:
Hey c: I would like to ask for a Match up!!
I am female, have green/yellow eyes and brown, long locks.
I am a very calm and balanced person. I love to gain new knowledge and I am a chemist. In general, I am very interested in science, medicine and psychology and our universe. (idk I just want to understand how all that stuff work!)
I'm not interested in a person's appearance, I want to explore and love the inside.
But what belongs to me is a person with whom I can communicate well and it should also be a very calm person I guess, because loud people annoy me. I don't like being around people in general...
I also like reading books and comics and I like to write down my thoughts a lot. (:
It would be nice if a get a male match up and I am 24 years old.
Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day ❤️
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a/n: Hey there! I hope that you had a good week. Thank you for requesting and my apologies for making you wait so long. I had a lot to do and hadn´t the time and peace to write honestly. But I managed to work on your request in a few nights. And I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If not and if there is anything that bothers you please tell me so I can work on that and give you what you imagined. Other than that enjoy the little work I came up with. Happy reading, dear!
Match up rules can be HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @mgmgmgdo (Twitter)!!!
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· I decided to pair you up with my absolute favorite character. A character that got me curious from the first minute he appeared. The character I am talking about is Trafalgar D. Water Law (Not gonna lie. He gets me screaming whenever he says “room”. Like damn that man has way too much power over me! AnYwAyS….)
· I really think that you match so well. You have so many traits in you that not only resemble his but also traits he would love in a s/o
· Law is a pretty modest and chill person. A man that might be always alone and on his own but a man that holds power and intelligence
· You were in the library of the island that was your home. Your place of birth. An island filled by memories and times of joy and sadness. It was a pretty wealthy island who’s king always tried his best. A island, a kingdom supported and watched over by the revolutionary army since 15 years ago when the previous king used his power to torture his people and only take care of his own good life
· You were the daughter of a pretty well known doctor that not only had the position of the health minister of the kingdom but also was the head of the biggest hospital on the island
· You as his youngest and dearest daughter were having a good relationship. He loved you and always looked at you with pride. His daughter after all took the same path as he and worked in the medical industry. You were a psychologist that was aiming to also become a gynecologist just like your mother. Any person in the island knew and respected you for your intelligence and wisdom. So when it came that you told your father that you wanted to leave your dearly loved island and home he was confused and more so shocked when you said that you wanted to leave with a pirate.
· “I think something happened in the library today? Are you fine my dear?”, it took you some time to convince your parents to let you go and let you grow in your own way but after some time. You managed to do so.
· They let you go but didn´t understood what or how it happened that you wanted to leave with some pirates. Criminals. Murders. Scum’s. When told that there are many more ways to grow you smiled at them and shook your head. “Of course it is possible to grow in other ways but I want to grow in the same way he did. I want to be independent and strong just like him. He amazes me. And I am sure that he can teach me so much more. More than any other person here could.”
· How you meet Trafalgar Law you wonder? Let me tell you that.
· On a warm and sunny spring morning you were in the library looking for a book for your latest studies about the concept of punishment and reward in the process of teaching a child (I could talk hours about this since I had a course in college about it. It´s so interesting!)
· After getting everything you wanted you made your way to your favorite spot in the forest that was close to a cliff with a beautiful view to the more crowed areas of the island and it´s harbor
· You were taking notes when something weird caught your eyes.
· “A.. submarine…? I´m not dreaming.. am I? What is a submarine doing here? Wait does it belong to the marine?! Wait no. It has a black jolly roger so it must belong to a pirate”
· You were thinking whether you should go tell the sheriff of the island or go find a guard to make sure the king knows about this but you absolutely had no motivation to leave your books behind and search for someone. So you kept sitting there while ignoring the pirates that docked at the island
· And you managed to do that. You forgot about the pirates and got back to your studies until a bear asked for the way. A BEAR ASKED FOR THE WAY?!?!?
· “OH mY gOd!! You can speak!? How can you speak?!”, you looked at the big standing bear in front of you with widen eyes. You were scared but also fascinated so you pulled yourself together and apologized for your behavior. “I didn´t mean to hurt you with my words. How can I help?”, you smiled at the bear and assured him that he didn´t have to feel bad for scaring her and introduced yourself and lead him and two other man back to the city.
· When you reached the down town you told them that you will be going back and wished them the best. You were about to leave when one of them, who introduced himself as Sashi, asked you if you could help them get everything they needed since they didn´t knew the place and had to go back to the submarine quickly. You wondered why they were in a hurry but didn´t asked and helped them.
· Although they had you as a guide it still took you some time until they had everything. But nevertheless you had everything you needed and made your way back to the submarine. You had a good time with the people and actually forgot that they were pirates since they seemed to be so nice and respectful.
· At the submarine you helped them get everything inside and got plenty of thank you´s from the crew on board. After everything was on board you wished them the best and said your last goodbyes when a grumpy and annoyed looking man approached you from the forest.
· “Captain? What happened? Why did you leave the ship?”, asked the bear with worry in his eyes. You were confused and looked at the tall man who had a sword in his hand. “We have a problem. The pharmacies here won´t sell me any medical products without a permission paper of the health ministry or a doctor.”, you had a small smile on your lips and wondered what he needed that they didn´t sell him. As far as you knew basic medicines were always sell without a problem. “But did you tell them that you were a surgeon?”, the man looked at the bear with pure annoyance and frustration because of the situation he was in. He talked to him and some other people of his crew and tried to find a solution. You on the other hand were surprised that the captain of these pirates was a surgeon. You wanted to ask him were and who taught him to be a surgeon when the gaze of the man fell upon you.
· “Who are you and what are you doing on my submarine?”, the sudden shift of his voice from annoyance to anger surprised you and left you overwhelmed. “I´m no one special. I just helped your men to get the needed supplies and I will leave now. My apologizes for disturbing Sir.”, you were about to leave when the captain spoke up again. “You are a civilian of this island. Tell me why the pharmacies have such strict rules?”, you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “It´s a long story but as much as I can tell you and you need to know is that without permission you can´t be helped. But what do you exactly need? Usually they sell basic medicines without a problem.”, you asked worried to say something inappropriate and anger the pirate. “I´m a surgeon and I not only need basic supplies but also supplies for surgeries.”
· You had so many questions but help back and just nodded. Without thinking twice you asked for a pen and paper and told them that you will help them. With a simple nod the captain gave a permission that made one of his crew mates to go get you what you wanted. With a pen and a notebook in your hands you stared to write down whatever they needed. The list of supplies was accompanied by a letter by you and a signature of yours. The pirates were confused but didn´t asked what exactly you were doing until the captain took the writing and read the letter. With a raised brow and a smirk he told you that this was faking a document when you simply nodded and told him that this was going to help them. You took the paper back and mad him follow you and let you take care of the supplies. He wasn´t really opposed of the help of someone and clearly made you feel and hear it but there was nothing he could do. He needed all of the things and he absolutely had cero time and patience for waiting for a paper of the ministry. So he obeyed and did anything that was needed.
· “Thank you for helping. Is there a way I can pay you back?”, the words that left the dark haired mans lips made you think about a question that lingered on your mind since a while. “How did you become a surgeon? You´re obviously a pirate. Where did you gained all of the knowledge. And on top of that you seem pretty young for a surgeon. I´m really curious.”, you thought that you crossed a line when he looked you in the eyes with a emotionless expression. “I´m pretty young for a surgeon you say? What about you? You can´t be older than me. And the woman working there called you doctor too, didn´t she?”, with a smile on his lips he approached you and took the huge box out of your hands just to hand you his sword. “Take care of it for me. It´s precious, would you?”
· You were dumfounded and just blinked confused and followed him. Is a sword always that heavy? You wondered while you followed the man that walked past you. And it´s so big? The blade must be long. You were inspecting the sword in your hands while trying to remember your grandfathers knowledge of swords. He told me something about a number of really well known swords. I wonder if this one’s also part of it. You were lost in your thoughts when the voice of the over tattooed man took you by surprise and made you stumble over a none existing stone.
· “It´s just a sword. No more or less. Anyways don´t you wanna tell me what exactly your profession is?”, a bit dumfounded you looked at him then the sword for a few times until your brain realized that he asked you a question. “Well... yeah sure! I am a psychologist. My focus until now is on kids and teenager but I might also get into the studies for adults in the future. At the moment I am doing basis studies for gynecology out of interest but also because my best friend recently got pregnant. But honestly it is so interesting….”,
· You were talking like it was the most normal thing ever. As if it wasn´t something special that would make anyone see a genius in you. A beautiful genius with beautiful warm green- yellow eyes. Law was looking at you with awe but tried his best to keep a monotone look on. He once in a while hummed or nodded to make sure you don´t feel like you are talking to yourself. He was amazed by your passion and was full of joy that he found someone with a mind that was similar to his.
· “…. Although I really found interest in gynecology I honestly wouldn´t stop my work as a psychologist since it´s something I always wanted to do. I just want kids to be seen as an equally competent and smart living being as a adult…. Oh. Look we´re back. Hey Bepo!”
· Disappointment. Law was disappointed in the fact how short the way back to the submarine was. He wanted to hear you talk more about yourself. The wish to hear you do so made him do something that wasn´t like his usual self. “Guys, let´s stay here for today. We will set sail tomorrow. The island seems save and the people are nice. And your bodies need some sunlight. Bepo and the girls are way too sensitive lately.”, the girls of his crew instantly went into a fighting mode and were ready to throw hands if it weren´t for the boys who held them back. The sight of the mad girls and the worried looks of the boys really amused you and made you chuckle.
· “Do you mind having lunch with me? I would like to hear more about your researches.”, he asked while avoiding looking in your eyes. With a bright smile you nodded and asked him if he could tell you something about himself too, what he agreed on.
· Out of just one night it turned into a week the heart pirates stayed what was pretty unusual but didn´t seem to bother the captain a lot. In fact it was him who forgot that they had a plan to follow and reach Sabaody but that was long forgotten.
· With a lot of time and patience the man who kept talking with you managed to get you to join his crew and become a part time pirate how you liked to call it. He didn´t mind that and in fact liked it and called it cute
· It didn´t took you long to get used to your new environment and home. You had a good time and the heart pirates enjoyed your accompany. More so their actual captain that tried to be around you as much as possible. Even when you didn´t talk to each other and had a calm and peaceful silence fill the room you were in, he was happy. He liked and enjoyed it to the fullest. Quiet study sessions were a routine for the two of you. Every two days you would meet up in his bedroom (that was the only quiet place in the whole submarine because the crew is so damn loud and lively. Like basically the opposite of their captain) and have those little study sessions.
· With you being part of the heart pirates a lot of things changed for Law. As the captain who was also in charge for the health of his crew of 20 people he always had a lot to do. But since you came he had it way easier. From the day you put a feet on the submarine you asked for permission to take over the health quarter and the medical files of the crew. Without even having to start a discussion he gave them to you and let you take care of them.
· Law was grateful for you and your decision to join him in his journey. He appreciated and respected you so much that he would sometimes just stare at you when you worked while a tiny smile would lay on his lips. “Captain. Do you like y/n? Cuz you’re staring at her for more than an hour now. Like every day. Are you ok?”, would Penguin say and get a death glare from his captain.
· With months passing Law found out that he indeed liked you. He knew that he was more than just happy when you came to him for his opinion on something. He liked how you would leave his cabin without a word just to come back with a tray of coffee and water. He knew that his heart would start beating faster whenever you would stand at his back and give him a head massage. He knew that the slight pain that would grow in his heart whenever you would give Shashi or Penguin a head massage was because he wanted to be in their position. He knew that he didn´t like how you took care of the guys in his crew because you would touch them and give them a hug after every check up. He would feel sad whenever he would find you sitting between Bepos legs with some of his crew members around you when you told them stories about the universe and gave them astrology lessons they gladly and always took when they were free. You amazed them and taught them so many things.
· He knew and understood all of his emotions but never called them love until he was spending a night on deck of the submarine with you.
· He didn´t sleep for night’s again. He couldn´t sleep for nights but his body told him to do so. It screamed at him to lay down and close his eyes but his mind held him back like any other time too. His mind that told him that he needed to be awake and take care of his people. His mind that showed him the scariest and saddest scenarios whenever he wanted to sleep. His mind that would show him a picture of you whenever he wanted to sleep. His mind that would get his heart to start racing and being the cause of his heavy breathing.
· “Law you should sleep.”, you said walking up to him. You put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “Law?”, “I should sleep. I know that but my mind is telling me not because it is the only way I can keep my crew save.”, you said nothing. You kept quiet and listened to him. But your silence made him feel like he said the dumbest thing ever. “I´m sorry. I probably sound ridic…”, “No you don´t. I can understand you. Having these thoughts as a captain is accurate and understandable. There are people looking up to you. People who think that their captain will save them and take care of them no matter what will happen.”, Laws gaze that was fixed on the horizon was now drifting down to the water below them. “It´s okay to have these fears but you need to take care of yourself. Your body needs to rest. If you don´t want to do that for yourself then please do it for me and the rest of your crew. Because obviously I am the only one that can´t fight and needs protection.”
· A little smile grew on Laws lips that made him look at your hand that was laying on his. Your small hand that seemed so fragile like fine china. “There is nothing to worry about. I´ll protect you with my life y/n.”
· “I know you will but therefore you need to sleep and rest.”, Law stood on the spot without moving. His gaze now laying on your hand that was softly put on his made him realize how close you were standing next to him. So close. So damn close. He could feel the warmth that radiated from your body. He could feel you. But at the same time it wasn´t close enough. His brain was shut off and his mind was blank.
· Neither he nor did you know how it happened but one thing was clear. You were hugging each other and liking it. Law pulled you close to his body with absolutely nothing being able to fit between you two. The only thing that was separating you was your clothes. “Y/n….”, he was saying your name like he was about to start a sentence. A sentence that couldn´t leave his lips. He was frustrated. He was mad and he hated himself. He hid his face on your shoulder and breathed in your smell while a sentence left his lips you only could dream of.
· “Don´t leave me if you don´t wanna break my heart.”
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, Ep 41 - 'Antique' displayed in showcase. Its true identity is..
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome again. Ok, should we get straight on with it?
J: Yeh, shall we?
T: Yeah.
J: Just get started quickly.
K: Ok, Ojikyun... (*see last episode*)
T: Yeh, Ojikyun.
J: I'll try my hardest.
T: Ojikyun Joe.
J: Ok, well, this is today's news. 'Antique displayed in showcase, its real identity is..?' A photo posted to Twitter of a shop's showcase is getting reactions like, 'I had to look twice!', and 'I was fooled!'. The person who posted the photo was walking the streets, when suddenly they saw a shop with a showcase containing numerous pots. But when this person had a closer look, they were amazed. They read the explanation card and discovered the pots were actually Baumkuchen! The pots, made in various sizes, resemble the real finish and shape of an actual flower vase. The shop, named Villon, is a patisserie located in Sakura Shinmachi in Tokyo, and was established in 1965. These Baumkuchen made in the shape of pottery go by the name of 'Grand Villion', and the shop owner says they were born out of an idea to express the beauty of pottery though cakes. The shop also sells many other products, but people who have seen the photos online have been mistaking the cakes for real pots one after another.
So I think if you have a search online, you'll be able to find the images, but it really is Baumkuchen which looks exactly like a pot.
T: Absolutely.
K: Yeh, for sure.
J: What do you think about this?
K: Its incredible.
T: It is, yeh.
J: Yeh, it is.
T: It is amazing.
J: Yeah. I wonder if they sell a lot of these?
K: Can you buy these online?
J: I wonder if you can?
K: Just by looking, it seems like you order it in store.
J: These look like they are probably difficult to deliver.
K: Right.
J: I feel like it would break during delivery.
T: Yeah. But peope are buying these and taking them home as souvenirs.
J: Yeh, using Baumkuchen to make a pot...
T: Won't it become really well-known?
J: Yeah, it will. Its like making curry into the shape of poo as a kid...What? Didn't you do that?
T: Haha
T, K: No
J: Didn't you ever make curry into the shape of poo and offer it to your friends in elementary school?
K: Haha, no.
J: Its only me?? I bet some people did *points to camera*
T: They didn't, I'm sure they didn't, haha. No-one's gonna fall for you with that.
K: Haha
J: Im not Ojikyun material?
T: Not at all.
K: I thought everyone did that.
T: Hahaha
J: Isn't it a good trick? Making poo with curry? This is the same, just making a pot with Baumkuchen.
K: ??? *1
J: Is that a bit rude of me? Don't you make piled up poo with curry?
T: No! Haha.
K: How do you even make that with curry??
J: Its like, if the curry is left for a while, it congeals a bit, right?
K: The roux.
J: Yeah, kinda like the roux. I did it with that when i was a kid.
T: You did it with that? haha
J: I got into trouble with my parents for it.
K: Well, yeh.
T: Yeah, you would..playing with food.
J: ???*2
K: So thats why you're like this now.
J: No no no, ???*3. But anyway, its like an extension of that, what Villon is doing.
K: Its amazing. The cake at the bottom looks exactly like a real pot.
T: Yeah.
J: Yeh, they have uploaded the pics, but at a glance the Grand Villlon seems to cost close to twenty thousand yen.
T: Yeh, twenty thousand.
K: The big one, right?
J: Yeah, the big one.
T: Oh, the medium sized one costs ¥14,500.
J: Yeh, the big one is about ¥20,000. It would make someone very happy if you gave it as a gift.
T: Well, I wanna try it once.
J: Yeh, me too. Though it probably just tastes like regular Baumkuchen.
T: Of course, yeh.
J: So like, curry in the shape of poo tastes like curry, haha.
T: Hahaha
K: It reminds me of that thing, poo flavoured curry or curry flavoured poo?
J: The ultimate decision, right?
T: Oh, I remember that.
K: Which would you choose?
T: Probably curry flavoured..
K: Poo flavoured is impossible.
J: But the poo flavored one is still just curry.
K: Its ok to eat?
J: Yeah. 
K: So if its curry flavored poo, and you eat it will it have an  ???*4 influence?
J:..Yeh. It might be something sent from above. But anyhow, it tastes like curry.
K: So, its poo that doesn't harm your body?
J: No, well, the taste. The taste is curry...What are we talking about?? haha.
T: Right? haha
J, K: hahaha.
K: So for this, its like, is it a real pot?
T: Haha
K: Like, a pot that looks like Baumkuchen, or a Baumkuchen that looks like a pot?
J: I feel like this convo is getting off track.
K: That was your fault.
T: You went off on a tangent all of a sudden, haha.
J: Was it my fault? Im so sorry.
K: Should we buy one of these Baumkuchen?
J: Yeah, lets buy one.
K: Haha
T: Lets buy one.
K: We could eat it together.
J: Yeh, we could each put ¥5000 towards it or something.
T: Well, something like that.
K: Yeah.
T: It looks like this store is well established, I bet its delicious.
J: Its great though, established in 1965. The shop is older than me. Its been there for 55 years.
T: Thats amazing.
J: Definitively, lets try it as the TFoE team.
T: Should we ask Kami?
J: Ok. Kami?
Kami: Yes?
J: Oh, he's there, thats good.
T: Yeh, thats good. I thought he might be asleep.
Kami: Did you guys eat Baumkuchen as kids?
J: Well, honestly I was quite poor as a kid. We had a business in our house, but we suddenly went bankrupt and became poor very quickly. My Dad had a car, and he had about a million yen in debts with it, or fines.
T: When was this?
J: Oh, when I was in elementary school, so about forty years ago. So we didn't really eat fancy sweets like Baumkuchen...not that I can remember anyway.
T: Hm, as a small kid..
Kami: Um, I spent a lot of time in Nishinari in Osaka..Baumkuchen in not common there. (*Nishinari is know as a bit of a slum*)
K: Haha.
T: Im sure you can eat it there.
Kami: No, there didn't used to be any there.
T, K, J: Hahaha
J: So, you were in Nishinari, Kami?
Kami: For quite a long time actually.
J: Oh, really?
Kami: In Nishinari they really work hard making ocotopuses with sausages.
T: Haha
J: Haha. Octopuses with sausages?
T: You can buy that in the supermarket.
J: But its the same kind of idea right? Like making pots with Baumkuchen.
Kami: Also using carrots to make flowers.
J,T: Ahh, yeh, I see.
J: Kami, as soon as you enter, the conversion suddenly gets really common.
T: Yeah
Kami: It is the same idea.
K, T, J: Haha
J: Kami, you are pretty interesting.
T: Have you seen those things that are like deep fried Baumkuchen on skewers?
K: Oh yeh, I have.
T: Have you tried them?
J: I've seen deep fried ice cream, or fruit and stuff on a skewer, but not Baumkuchen.
T: Oh, there is that too.
K: Yeah, there is.
J: Ehh.
T: They definitely did this in Nishinari, right Kami?
K: Yeh, they did.
Kami: No, they didn't.
T: Haha
K: He's sure about that.
J: Yeh, he's certain.
T: He doesn't want to lose on this one.
J: But Kami, do you want to eat these pots made from Baumkuchen?
Kami: Well, yeh, to look at them, they look delicious.
J, T, K: Haha.
T: By the way Kami, how old were you when you first tried Baumkuchen?
Kami: I don't really want to tell you that.
J: Haha, its that much of a secret?
K: Maybe he doesn't remember?
J: Yeah, maybe.
Kami: But first, I want to try one of thier basic Baumkuchen.
J: Ah, more basic than this?
J: Ok, I got it. They do sell regular Baumkuchen too, so we'll get one of those for Kami, and we'll get one of the pot Baumkuchen for us.
T: Yeh, I'll eat that. 
Kami: You still have to share it though.
J, K: Hahaha
J: So you do want to eat it?
Kami: Yeah, I do.
J: You do? You should have been honest from the start. Well, I learned something today...that there is no Baumkuchen in Nishinari.
T: No, there is, there is. Will he get mad at me? There definitely is.
J: There definitely is? Well, we got to learn a bit about Kami's history.
T: You can kinda tell he probably lives in the west.
K: Well, he has a Kansai accent.
J: Yeh, he definitely has a Kansai accent. But now we know specifically about Nishinari.
T: I get the feeling he was just lurking there, as opposed to living.
K: He does seem kinda low class.
T: Yeh, he does.
J: Like, the kinda guy you want to avoid if at all possible, haha.
K: Ok, so, is that it?
J: So, we'll have to go and buy this sometime. Within the year?
T: Lets go asap.
K: Well, if they have to be reserved, we'll make a reservation.
J: Oh, yeah. Well, Kami wants to try a piece too.
K: Will Kami come down to join us then?
Kami: I do want to eat it.
J: No, well, what should we do? How can we give you it, Kami?
T: Right?
J: Kami?
Kami: Yes?
J: Yes?
K: hahaha
J: He doesn't know how to answer that, haha. Clearly, haha. He obviously doesn't know what to say! You're in the sky, right, Kami?
Kami: Thats right.
J: Yeh, so how can we get the cake to you?
Kami: Yeh, Im not sure, how could we? haha
J, K, T: Hahaha
J: He is totally stuck with this unexpected question.
T: What should we do then?
K: How about we look forward to what happens at that time?
J: Certainly!
K: Haha. Ok, well, Lets finish here for this week. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1,2,3,4,5,6 Couldn't make out, usually due to too much background laughing.
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mulletcal · 4 years
flowers, maybe daisies, might relieve the gloom. - an a.i blurb
Tumblr media
a/n: i lowkey blame @sexgodashton​ for starting this whole mini series of boomer!ash things, but i also adore this because boomer!ash is soft as hell.  and also a lil d*ddy but we don’t need to talk about that.  title is from wait by sweeney todd bc i love it.  alternative title was gonna be from L.G. FUAD by motion city soundtrack
word count: 
warnings: ashton irwin being a thirst trapping, lemon stealing whore. i’m kidding it’s just a solo ash fic w no smut but some mild ash thirst trapping.
‘ashtonirwin started a live video.’
Ashton didn’t often go live on Instagram, but this shelter in place order had left him ultimately bored - writing a song every day before noon, sure, but anything after that was a blur.  Occasionally he would have interviews or live-streams with the band, but on days without that he was left alone with his thoughts, and his thoughts weren’t always the safest place to be; so talking to fans it was. 
It was going well so far, simply asking fans how their quarantine was going - bringing some of them into the livestream so he could talk to some face to face.  One girl in particular had caught his attention when they began to discuss hobbies she had picked up during the time she’d spent at home.
“Yeah, I’m learning to garden.  I have a tomato plant that is just starting to sprout actual tomatoes, so that’s kind of exciting,” She had said, a nervous laugh escaping.
“Well, I would hope that your tomato plant is sprouting tomatoes, it would be a little concerning if it was growing something else,” Ashton replied with a chuckle, the girl giving a small shrug but still laughing along with him.
“You should look into it if you’ve got the room at your house, I bet it would feel rather rewarding to be able to cook something with your own fresh vegetables.”
“Would save me quite a bit of money too.  Can I grow yeast? I’d like to learn how to make my own bread but here in L.A. you can’t find yeast anywhere.”
The conversation continued like that for a few minutes more, Ashton taking only a couple more fans into the livestream after that to talk to before he decided he should probably do something else productive with his day.  Something like learning to garden. 
It surprised Ashton the things you were able to order online during this time - soil being the main thing.  He also read that saving coffee grounds would help, and he was excited at the idea of his insane coffee habit wouldn’t be completely useless.  He ended up buying seeds for tomatoes, mint, sunflowers, lemongrass, and zucchini.  The lemongrass and mint was specifically for Calum, realizing he would be able to dry the plants out once he had harvested them so he could make the man his very own tea.
When his package finally arrived, Ashton spread the packages out, sliding them across the table as though he was some card dealer in Las Vegas.  Thinking the fans would find it amusing, he took a picture of the spread and added it to his story with the caption of ‘pick a card, any card…’.  Maybe it would only be funny to him, but it did prompt a fire reaction from Michael.
It seemed as though the reaction from fans were positive though, them taking to Twitter to let him know their excitement about his new endeavour.  That’s where his weekly livestreams began.  He would show everyone the progress he was making with his plants, and just in general him chatting with fans.  Ashton never really thought of how refreshing it could be to just talk to the fans, without the worry of time restrictions or anyone’s personal safety in the way; in fact, it left him rather inspired, loving their fans even more if it were at all possible.
A particularly warm day in L.A. left Ashton wondering if he should go out to the garden that day - but it was the day he would normally livestream, and he was excited to show what he was up to that day.  Ashton wanted to plant another tomato plant, and also the lemons on his infamous tree had enough for him to make some lemonade so he was going to go through that as well.
Clad in some cut off jeans, or as Calum so affectionately called them his jorts, and a white tank top, he pulled up the live option on Instagram and waited for the people to begin to filter in before he started to speak.
“Hey guys! Just gonna wait for more of you to filter in before I actually head outside, but I thought that since you guys love my lemon tree so much, I’d make some lemonade.  Fuck, I sound like a YouTuber.  Is that gonna be my next career, is just YouTube tutorials on how to make shitty lemonade?” Ashton laughed to himself, slicing the lemon so he could juice it, ignoring the comments he saw about murdering his lemon children.
It didn’t take him long to make the lemonade, making mild conversation with the fans while he stirred in a little bit of sugar and some cheat mint he had ordered while waiting for his own to grow.
“Alright, now that I’m waiting for that to cool, probably best we go outside and check on those tomatoes, hm?” 
It had been weird at first, talking to himself; but he quickly realized that he talked to himself anyways, even without the phone in front of him, so it couldn’t have been too weird for anyone who could overhear him.
“So I wanted to plant another tomato plant today, because everyone can use a friend right now, you know?” He looked into the camera, a smile spreading across his face when he saw the flood of cute little emojis that followed.  “M’gonna be like the Bob Ross of gardening. No mistakes, only happy accidents or whatever it was he said.”
Ashton began to work away at his garden, building up a sweat in the process.  It wasn’t until he leaned back, glancing at his phone did he see a text from Michael flash across the top.
‘Mate, Crystal said stop thirst trapping the fans.’
Ashton’s brow furrowed, unsure of what the text was saying, “Okay so I just got a text from Michael - what’s thirst trapping? And am I currently doing it?”
Of all the comments that followed, he noticed one that said ‘I mean… I’m not gonna say either way but take a look at yourself and get back to us’.  Another one told him that it was when someone wears something in order to provoke risque texts, or gain attention from someone.
Ashton pouted, looking down at his appearance.  He was kind of sweaty, but he didn’t think that the fans would mind him being covered in dirt and sweat, it’s not as though they had to smell him.  Though, he would admit that he needed a shower. 
“Well, since my tomato plant has been… planted next to its’ friend, and I’m apparently thirst trapping you all, I should probably go shower and clean up.  Is me mentioning a shower thirst trapping as well?” Ashton rubbed his face over his hands, a small huff leaving his lips, “I don’t know… Fellow youths, tweet me and lemme know.  Also, may hold a poll later on what to name these guys.” He flipped the camera around, struggling for a moment, to show the sunflowers that were starting to sprout, “M’thinking of naming one Denise.  Just seems like a Denise.”
After his small speech was over, he ended the stream, grinning to himself.  He hadn’t meant to show off his body in such a way, but it was funny to know that even with him hardly doing anything but be himself they still lost their shit.
Glancing around at his garden, he felt himself swell with a mild sense of pride.  He was still a ways off from seeing any fruits of his labour (literally), but it made him feel good knowing he did something with his time at home, instead of slipping further into his mind which wasn’t always the kindest to him.
Ashton realized that when he was gardening, it was similar to songwriting in a way where all of his self doubts and fears went away and he could just pour himself into it - the reward being well worth the risk in the end.
Once his shower was done, he sat outside in his backyard, sipping his lemonade and enjoying the sunshine - realizing that having to stay home wasn’t all too bad, if it meant he could reset his mind, and do some small part to help how he could during that time.
tag list:  @haikucal​ @talkfastromance4​ @softbabiestan​ @boyfriend-cal​ @calum-uncrowned​ @wildflowerirwin​ @irwindoll​ @gosh-im-short​  @thesubtweeter​ @heavenisapeach​ @ridingcthood​ @loveroflrh​ @mantlereid​ @inlovehoodx​ @irwinkitten​ @n-ctarinenga​​ @g-l-pierce​ @thecurlsofgod​
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
mouth full of white lies {Machine Gun Kelly} 1
1. you look like my next mistake
Summary: You’re Douglas Booth’s adopted little sister, a YouTuber moonlighting as an assistant on The Dirt. The fact that your brother’s the lead is a happy accident. Another happy accident? Getting drunk with MGK and becoming fast friends with him. Until, of course, everyone assumes you’re together. What better way to make everyone shut up then by agreeing. Sort of. Okay so you’re not really dating but you’ve got to convince your respective fans that you are. And the rest of the cast and crew. It’s okay, flirting is totally harmless. The feelings? Everything else that comes after? Less harmless.
A/N: we meant to be a much different, much shorter fic for @kellysimagines, but i hope you like it!! fake dating AU. reader is adopted, not blood related!! warnings for drunken-ness.
the brainstrust: @sataninsatin @silvertonguedserpent @juliarose21 @kellysimagines @estxxbritt @machine-gun-casie @siriuslymooned @harringtonstudios @misscharlottelee @narcvissa @hiworlditishumbleme @angelwarner28 @nevilles-insinuations @rumoured-whispers @mgkobsessed @edwardtriggerhandzz @suckerforbarnes @wastelcve @bakerkells @local-troubled-writer @freddiessmallnipples
The fact that you and your brother ended up working on the same project was purely coincidence, and that actually wasn’t a lie. Douglas had landed the role of a lifetime, Nikki Sixx in The Dirt, and was immediately up to his eyes in nondisclosure agreements. You, on the other hand, had been scrolling through Facebook when a friend of yours, Josy, who happened to be an assistant director who had been talking about a ‘huge project for Netflix she wasn’t allowed to discuss’ asked if you wanted to come onboard as her assistant, since you’d proven to be good under pressure and fast on your feet when she had still been filming student projects only a few years ago.
“Hello! Hello and welcome back, ducklings! Today is a ‘Get Ready With Me’ for my flight to New Orleans! Can you believe it? I’m working on a big project and I have to travel - they’re paying for my travel! I’m so excited! This is going to be such a fun project, even though I can’t tell you too much about it just yet. So to start with, I’m going to run you through my every-day shower routing.”
You hadn’t been at the table read, but you had been at rehearsals, had turned up on the first day looking all done up, excited and professional, only to be met with your brother in eyeliner. 
“Duck!” Of course he was elated to see you, grin splitting his face from ear to ear. He calls you by your childhood nickname, he always has, and already you can feel every pair of eyes on you, but you don’t care. The nickname had followed you through life, of course less than a day in the project and it was already spreading. 
Everything making sense after you mention Josy had gotten you the job. She was a mutual friend, had always been fond of the two of you.
“This,” you enthuse, clutching your clipboard to your chest, “this is what you’re doing? You’re doing the Motley Crue biopic?” You’re looking at him with stars in your eyes, your talented big brother, who seemed to bring you along for the ride in one way or another. 
And finally he can tell you about it, because damn it had felt like forever since the two of you had spoken simply because he’d been hiding the biggest news in his life from you. 
“Oi, Booths!” You hear Josy’s distinct voice the moment she steps in the rehearsal room, though she’s clearly smiling, “good to see you both, but Doug, I need you up and in the space; I’m running warm ups before we get started. Duck, could you go on a coffee run for me?” She asks it sweetly; she’d picked up the nickname for you years ago from Douglas, and of course it had stuck, not that you minded. With that you’re both off. 
You’d been so distracted by getting to talk to your brother, who had been early just as you had been - there’s something to be said for nature versus nurture, despite not sharing genetics, you certainly shared a sense of punctuality - that you hadn’t even seemed to notice the rest of the cast getting in. But they’re not your job; you just have to keep Josy happy, get her food and drinks when she requested it, and type out emails she dictates. Easy. 
Of course this isn’t how things stay; you’re in close proximity to the cast for at least five hours a day, in a corner somewhere working on your own emails or scrolling through Twitter when you weren’t needed, but always around. For the first few days, no-one pays you much attention. 
“Hello! Hello and welcome back, ducklings! It’s my first week with The Project, and I’ve finally got a day off; it’s Sunday so I’m dragging my brother to a whole bunch of places you lovely people have recommended for me! Wish us luck!”
You’ve been in front of a camera for about as long as Douglas has, though never quite in the same way. You’d tried your hand at all sorts of jobs, both in the entertainment industry, and not, and while you enjoyed the entertainment industry well enough, you found that you had a passion for making your own videos. Your YouTube channel, which was almost at a million followers, had been going strong for almost four years, as you made videos about the lesser known roles in the industry. Sometimes your brother was in your videos, but often he wasn’t, and you felt lucky that you never really needed to use him for clout. He was just Doug, and your followers knew that if he was in a video, it’s because he wanted to be, but he wasn’t the reason the video was being made.
Douglas was nothing if not supportive, and when Sunday rolls around and when production gave you and the main cast the day off, while the second unit team worked with some of the secondary characters, you were both more than happy to take advantage of the freedom.
“Dude I have such a long list of places we could go, I don’t even know where to begin - haven’t you been here before?” You pressed the phone to your ear, frowning at the two outfits you had laid out on the bed before you.
“Yeah, for like,” Douglas hums at the other end of the line, “like press things, and like a week and a half for some Jupiter Ascending stuff-”
“Did that even make it -?”
“No, it got cut -” somewhere behind him, the milk frother of a coffee machine squeals, and someone’s indistinct name is called.
“Get me a drink,” you tell him, instinctively.
“Get one yourself!” He half laughs, and you hear him cover the receiver and muffle his thanks as he presumably picks up his drink.
“Who are you talking to?” When he uncovers the phone, you can hear another familiar voice; it’s Colson, you’re pretty sure. You know him from rehearsals, and a bit from his music, but not much beyond that.
“My sister,” Douglas offers, flatly, to which you make a noise of indignance. 
“Ask him if he’s ever been to New Orleans -” you instruct, putting the phone on speaker and opting to change into your more practical jeans and sweater option.
“She wants to know if you’ve ever been to New Orleans -” He relays easily, and you hear a snort of laughter.
“Of course I have.” You hear Colson say.
“Of course he has -” Douglas tells you, as if worried that you hadn’t heard.
“Ask him -” You begin, but you’re cut off.
“We’re across the road,” Douglas tells you, and you know without having to see him that he’s rolling his eyes at you. Audi ambassador, philanthropist, movie star, and occasional model Douglas Booth had the composure of a saint for everyone but you, though neither of you would have it any other way, “just come over here yourself.”
“Get me a drink?” You asked hopefully, and you heard him sigh, knowing you’d already won.
Your favourite drink is waiting for you when you arrive, as are both Douglas, and Colson, sitting hunched over in a booth with dark glasses. You can’t help but chuckle.
“Booths in a booth.” You mutter, and at least that gets their attention. Sliding in next to Douglas, you make eye contact with Colson as he lowers his glasses and frowns at you, just a little, as you sip your drink.
He looks between the two of you for a moment; you don’t share a whole heap of similarities with him, but after a beat, he nods, and gives you a curious look.
“Alright, good to meet you,” he paused, narrowed his eyes for a moment, “you’re part of the crew, aren’t you?” Is what he focuses on.
“Assistant to the AD,” you nod, before adding, “Duck, you might know me as Duck,” and that he seems to recognise at least. Colson hums thoughtfully, nodding and sliding his glasses back up his nose as he leans back against the seat. Drinking your drink with a surprising focus, you hand over your list of recommended places to Douglas, who nods approvingly, but quickly turns it over to Colson. He makes short work of it, crosses quite a few spots off, adds a few of his own, and takes pause to look up from it.
“Why are we going all over town? Why not just like... chill and maybe go over lines and shit? Isn’t that what we’re meant to do?”
“Didn’t take you for the cautious type,” you tell him with a teasing edge to your voice. Colson fixes you with a half-smile, handing the phone back pointedly.
“I’m not, I just don’t want you to narc on me if we start at bourbon street and spend our precious Sunday getting drunk in The Big Easy,” he matches your tone, sitting back with a posture so relaxed it’s almost scripted, and you’re pretty sure you like his nerve. 
“I’m...” you hesitate a little, “a YouTuber,” and though Colson winces a little, it still stings. With so much stigma surrounding your profession, even in 2018, it’s hard to explain to people what you do for a living and not receive criticism.
“So you’re gonna catch all the stupid shit we do on camera?” He asks, and oh, so that’s what he’s worried about. You let out a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding.
“If you don’t wanna be in it, then you don’t have to be; anyways, I’ll edit out all the bits that break our NDAs,” shrugging, you shoot for casual, and Colson looks like he’s actually weighing up his options. 
“You still haven’t told him you’re not a narc,” Douglas stage whispers to you, which makes your expression sour and Colson laugh.
“You’re a narc,” you hiss back, reflexively. 
“We’re method acting,” Douglas offers, aiming for that same casual confidence that Colson was exuding, but not quite getting there.
“Fuck yeah, dude, that’s the spirit,” Colson’s expression breaks out into a grin, and he offers Douglas a fist bump, which your brother gladly returns. Then Colson’s looking back at you, bright and excited rather than judgmental; “you in?”
“We’ve gained a newcomer! A tour guide, if you will, Mister-” and you turn where you’re filming yourself and the two men beside you, the camera shaking in your grip as you head down the street, and your voice lowers, “what do you want me to introduce you as-” but he buts you off, moves around Douglas, who’s laughing quietly to himself, and grabs the camera.
“It’s MGK, motherfuckers! We ‘bout to hit Bourbon Street - we’ll bookend this shit; open with it and close with it, we’ll be back here tonight!” He sticks his tongue out, and throws out the devil sign with his hands, before turning the camera to catch Douglas laughing, and you looking both excited and concerned.
“We will?” 
When you ask about Daniel and Iwan, the other two members of the film’s Motley Crue, all you get is vague answers; in time, they’ll all come to be good friends, but it’s their first Sunday off, and no-one begrudges them for them choosing to take time for themselves. Douglas and Colson, however, had decided early on to try and make their friendship both on and off screen as authentic as possible. 
“Fuck, man, Tommy’s like, opening line in the book is that he and Nikki were like an old married couple, for like twenty years, dude, that kind of connection is insane!” Colson is nothing if not good casting, waxing poetic at a diner he’d spotted around midday, your little group already tipsy and hungry since your less than substantial cafe breakfast.
“I give this bacon and egg roll,” Douglas is in his own little world, only aware that you had your camera pointing at him as he devoured his lunch with a surprisingly messy gusto, “four-and-a-half out of five cups.” He announced with a mouth full of food, using the rating system you’d devised earlier in the day. After a moment, he swallowed, before turning to Colson, expression serious, “I’ve known you for about a week, and as much as I like you, I don’t think I want to marry you.” 
“No, that’s the thing, man, twenty years is a long-ass time to know someone; I just, man, by the end of this, we are gonna be tight, okay? That’s all I want. Bros, you know?” And he wrapped his arms around Douglas, pulling him in for a hug, and your brother nodded seriously, wrapping his arm around Colson in return.
“Bros.” He confirmed, giving the camera a very pointed look. You make sure the camera catches when you flip him off. All it does is set off all three of you laughing.
It’s an incredibly fun day, the three of you traipsing around, visiting sound studios and memorials and sites that paid homage to the great city you found yourselves in. You know you shouldn’t be surprised, but Colson’s rather reverential when it comes to the history of music, and when you look back at your list, you see the sites he’s added all have to do with it. Honestly, you’re a little endeared. It’s also a fun night, the parts of it you can remember, stumbling, leaning on one another. There’s bound to be something about it in the gossip rags in the following days, not that the three of you were badly behaved, just that they had both stopped caring about avoiding paparazzi, and, alright, being a little bit raucous. 
In bed by two, you know you’re gonna have a killer hang over for your nine-am start, but it was a fun night, and you’re looking forward to reviewing your footage.
“I give this bourbon from - hey, where’s this bourbon from?” You turn to look over your shoulder, and the cup in your hand slops over with drink, splashing out onto the street, not that you notice. Douglas is talking to someone running a stall, but Colson joins you, wrapping an arm around you.
“We give this bourbon a cup out of cup,” he announces, and you nod seriously.
“Cup out of cup.” You agree, and lift up the cup, before an idea lights up your face. “Drink it with me, like same cup, try and drink it with me.” It’s a terrible idea, your cheeks pressed together, tongues out as if it would help you drink better -
“You guys look like incredibly stupid,” Douglas calls out from out of frame, finally noticing the two of you. You go to respond, but that’s when Colson tips up the cup and it manages to hit neither of your mouths, instead it splashes against where your cheeks were pressed together, and all down your clothes. “Told you.” Douglas adds. 
Colson licks the bourbon from your cheek with a grin, but moves on quickly. You look around shiftily once the boys had left, still holding the camera with one hand, and you pull the hem of your shirt to your mouth, sucking liquor from it as you follow behind them wearing a pleased little smile.
Honestly, things get more lively in more ways than one, after that. Now that Colson knows you, it seems the rest of the cast do too. Slowly but surely you’re developing a friendship with both Iwan and Daniel, though Colson’s been surprisingly quick to treat you like an old friend.
“Trial by fireball whiskey,” is what he tells you after rehearsals one Saturday night. You’re doing a dinner run, picking up pizzas before the four of them go out, with you as their chaperone, as directed by Josy. 
“Speaking of,” though you can’t help but grin a little at the fact that you’d earned his favour so easily, “I’ve almost finished the video.” 
“Oh God,” he groans, laughs, and covers his face with his hands, “do I even wanna see it?”
“It’s not that damning, I promise, I need to stay monetized, you know?” You laugh, but it’s a sad truth you’ve had to deal with a lot since choosing to become a YouTuber. 
“I’m not exactly PG-13,” Colson’s smirking when you look at him, and his gaze meets yours and what does that tone mean and why are you reading into this all of a sudden.
“So I suppose you were on your best behavior that night?” You ask, voice innocent, though you can feel yourself getting flustered. His smirk grows wider.
“Only for Douglas’ sake.” 
And then your name’s called for the pizzas and the mood vanishes and Colson just asks if you can send him a link when you put up the video; you tell him you can send him it before it’s published, just to make sure he’s happy with it, and he gives you this genuine smile that you feel warm your heart, just a little.
But it’s when you publish the video that all hell breaks loose. 
Having a famous brother is one thing. Having a famous brother is allowed. Knowing someone famous is clout chasing, is gold digging, is not allowed according to the internet. Making someone famous laugh is downright illegal, surely he can do better than you. Because with the views come assumptions, and your burgeoning crush aside, they’re baseless. You’ve known him for three weeks. Twenty one and a half days in total. Flirting aside, the internet doesn’t know shit. 
It still hurts. 
The video kind of blows up, because everyone loves relatively harmless drunk celebrity shenanigans, and Colson’s kind of been blowing up recently between his music, and his upcoming film Bird Box. So now there’s invasive questions and death threats filling up your DMs on every platform, and along with a new influx of followers comes a new wave of toxicity. You know how to deal with people accusing you of using your brother for clout, but this is a whole other level. 
“So you’re with Colson,” Douglas looks smug when you answer your door on the day after the video drops. Though quick to defend yourself, there’s already tears in your eyes having had little sleep from the stress of everything that had happened, his smug aura drops and he wraps you up in a hug. “Hey, I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” his voice is soothing and level as he walks you back into your room, closing your door.
“You’re an ass,” you tell him, sulkily, but you hug him back.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you in earnest.
“I’m gonna get fired-”
“You’re not gonna get fired, Duck, you didn’t break your NDA, you didn’t break YouTube’s terms of service, you bleeped out all the swearing, you had an alcohol disclaimer at the start; this is the fans and the media blowing things way out of proportion.” He assures as you sniffle, still hugging him tightly. 
“They’re gonna fire me,” you murmur, voice a soft, sad whine.
“They’re not.” 
This is the point at which your phone starts to go off; someone’s calling you, and the caller ID says it’s Colson. He must have just woken up.
“He okay-ed the video, didn’t he?” Douglas asks, and you nod. “Then he won’t be mad; he’s dealt with this shit more than us, you know?” He gently pushes you towards the phone where it’s sitting on your bed, and steps back. “I’m gonna give you and your boyfriend some space,” and it’s teasing again, his grin sharp as he ducks out of the way of the pillow you throw.
“Asshole!” You yell after him. Once’s he’s out of the room, however, you take a moment to compose yourself before picking up the phone. 
“Hey, I’m so sorry -” you start, but Colson seems surprised to hear your apology.
“Nah, Ducky, don’t worry about it, I called to apologise to you; if I’m ever seen with a chick everyone thinks I’m dating her, I should have realised, I should have -”
“No, I mean, I can’t post a video with a guy who’s not my brother without five different tea channels claiming I’m in love,” you laugh, trying to hide your distress. An awkward silence follows, in which you sniffle, and reopen your laptop.
“I am really sorry,” Colson says, and there’s regret in his voice that you hadn’t expected. “If I could get them to all shut the fuck up, I would; you shouldn’t be all torn up over my shit.”
Something about what he says plays in your mind over the next few days, watching, subdued in rehearsals. The rest of the cast ask if your alright, sympathizes with you, all of them having had run-ins with the media in one way or another. Josy, in her own way, sympathizes too, in that she doesn’t treat you any differently, she doesn’t pity you. She, like you, like all of you, knows it will blow over. Probably.
“Hello,” your tone is so damn subdued, “hello and welcome back. I’m here today to address some rumours you may have heard. To all my new ducklings, hello. And to all my old, hello again.”
“They’re not gonna believe you if you deny it,” is how you greet Colson, barging into his room after rehearsals on a Wednesday. It had been a good day, things had calmed down somewhat online, but still gossip rags were still going hard, seeing as the paparazzi had managed to spot the two of you together during a break in rehearsals. 
“Yeah, no, they generally don’t,” he says flatly, frowning a little as he closes the door, running with whatever train of thought you were on.
“Then don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Deny it.”
“Are you asking me out?” He actually wears a little smile at that, but you fix him with a serious look, not even a hint of a joke in your tone or expression. 
“Yes, because we’re twelve,” you rolled your eyes, tone so flat it’s almost comical, before you snap “- fucking no I’m not asking you out -” the thought had crossed your mind several times before shit had hit the fan, but there was no way in hell he’d genuinely want you now; you both came with a mob of crazed fans, and a sweet, if fake relationship with an amicable end would be far easier to manage than crazed rumors, “I’m fake asking you out. If you’d have me, I want to date you to get our fans to calm down.”
“How?!” He splutters, both confused and overwhelmingly amused. “That’d never work.”
“If we tell them we’re together, and we’re both working on projects, the industry won’t see either of as distracted by outside sources; we talk up how we’re supporting one another through this process, and that if our fans ever wanted what’s best for us, they’d support us too.”
“You’d...” he swallows hard, though he’s certainly contemplating the thought, “you’d still get death threats, you know that-”
“I get death threats when I don’t post feet pics;” you snorted dismissively, and his eyebrows rose, “I can handle them, but if you said this made you happy, well I think a majority of your fans would calm down. Stan-culture is weird and frightening, but a lot of them, most of them,” you corrected yourself, “want what’s best for you.”
“You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?” And he’s smiling now, watching you with something that almost resembles admiration in his eyes.
“Tell me you haven’t had a hundred tweets yelling about how you’ve corrupted me,” you cock your hip, and he casts a glance to his phone, before admitting he has, “well if I go back to posting non-drunk content with you in it, they’ll die down, I guarantee it.”
“What about your brother?”
“He’ll support me no matter what, it’ll be more believable if he, you know, believes it.” You hold out your hand, waiting. There’s an almost intimidating spark in your eyes, a focus that Colson hasn’t seen before. “Are you in?”
“Yeah, fuck it, why not,” and he shakes your hand, firm, grinning brightly.
“I’m here to address some rumours regarding my...” you took a deep breath, “boyfriend.”
202 notes · View notes
deltastorm101 · 4 years
So, I tried to calculate Control...
... and its Epic Games deal, with the help of my certified smooth brain™ and probably incorrect sources. I started this last night hella tired and with a headache, I have finished it up today hella tired and with a headache, and this is what I produced: bullshit! :D But hey, at least double checked bullshit that’s open for discussion and contribution and expansion. Also, I probably won’t list the sources because a) I’m lazy and b) I didn’t have to dig thaaat deep down to find all this so if you really wanna know you could probably hit google with it as well. Anyhow here we go lol So, the initial thought which got all of this rolling was the 2020-wrap-up-post Remedy linked on their twitter, and Epic’s linked publishing announcement in it: studios Remedy, Playdead and GenDesign will release their next next-gen games with Epic. Now, we all know Remedy are working on some sort of Alan Wake-ish thing as we speak (right? right?? god I hope so), which meanssss our boy will most likely be an Epic exclusive. Which makes me kinda sad because, well. I’m deep in Steam’s ass. Hell, I waited for Control for a full year before I played it because they can pry the Steam version from my cold dead hands. So I asked myself... was it worth it for them? How much money did they throw at Remedy (and 505 Games) to have them play along? Would they have reached more people from the get-go if they had released it on Steam right away? Did the individual programmer, designer, writer, artist, person behind it profit from this at all? (Also, like, about the rights and copyright thing,,,,, you’d think they could have learned from Alan Wake and its IP belonging to Microsoft and so not really being able to do anything more with it because they don’t ‘own’ it and shit) buuut anyway that’s not the point of this post, now it’s time to do some MATH BABEY
Ok, let’s start with some things we know. Facts. Figures. Data. Turns out my initial question, how much money was involved, could be answered by doing one (1) google search: according to Wikipedia, Epic gave Remedy and 505 Games €9.49mio. The total budget for the game was €26.9mio over the course of 3 years of development. We know that as of December 2020, over 2mio copies of the game were sold, with November 2020 being the best-selling month ever since its initial release in August 2019. This is where question 1) comes into play: how many of those 2 million copies were sold in 2019 and how many in 2020? Stay tuned, I think I found out.
We know that Remedy gets to keep 45% of the revenue, which, I assumed, means that 505 keeps the remaining 55% (probably a lot more going on there but shhh). We know that Control’s sales cooked up €17.84mio in 2019 (so months September – December), €17.7mio of those in the first month alone (O.O). Side note: because it came out at the very end of August, I’ll ignore that month and declare September the first sales month.
We know that 60% of sales in 2019 were digital ones (aka Epic Store, mostly), 40% physical ones (consoles PS4 and XB1), while in 2020, only 10% of sales were physical and a whopping 90% digital; which is people on Epic who wanted to get their hands on the first DLC and – you guessed it – the Steam release of the Ultimate Edition in August 2020.
Which begs question 2): what’s bigger, 60% of 2019 sales because ‘ooh shiny new game’, or 90% of 2020 sales because ‘yay steam release’? The answer may look obvious, but you have to take into account the dropping price, which I also researched for your pleasure and enjoyment.
For this I used a German website called idealo.de, which focuses on looking for the best deals for basically anything you can buy on the internet, and it also gives you diagrams that describe at which point in time the product was at which exact price. This is what it gave me: - release price: €60 - December 2019: €41 (PS4)/€44 (XB1) - mid-2020: €30 - Ultimate Edition release: €30 - December 2020: €14 (PS4)/€18 (XB1)/€30 (Ultimate Editions) At this point I was like “lol hold on i need chocolate for this cuz i’ll be here for some time *sweating*”
To continue this mess™, I see more questions: 3) How many employees does Remedy have, which positions do they work in and what are their salaries? 4) How many employees does 505 have, which positions and salaries do they have? 5) What’s the total revenue that Control has generated so far?
And also some more stuff like, are my numbers accurate, am I even grasping these concepts correctly, are there even more people involved or am I just trying to explain complete crap (yes) but let’s just ignore all of that shall we. At that point I went “oh shit what have i gotten myself into, this screen does not get my point across, i need pen and paper” and you know shit is gonna go DOWN when I do math on paper.
My paper math birthed the following calculation:
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Following this up, we can calculate the end-of-2019 sales, if we set the price for September and October to €60, for November and December to approx. €45:
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Now, you might notice that one of those numbers is big and the other is HUGE. Why might that be? Well...
- Covid19: everyone stayed at home and needed video games to play - More sale months of the year, naturally - dropping price: why get it for €60 when you can get it for 20 - Ultimate Edition: why buy it in June when you get more content in August aaaand... - it comes out on Steam.
With this in mind, let’s see what questions we can answer: 1) 661,110 copies in 2019; 1,338,889 copies in 2020 2) 60% digital sales in 2019 means 396,666 Epic copies; 90% digital sales in 2020 means 1,205,000 copies – most of it from Steam? Some of it? A good chunk? The bigger chunk? There’s no way of really knowing for sure but... you could read this into it. I definitely am. 3) Google told me Remedy had a little over 250 employees at the end of 2019... 4) ... and 505 has less than 100. I found no good sources for this, I think linkedin said 37, someone else said 50. I’ll just use the 50 figure, idk. No idea man. and for 5) I’ll contradict my point that the Steam release is what knocked the sales out of the park and assume that the number of sold copies stayed the same across all 12 months of 2020, which gives us this:
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Ok and now we’re getting into the most dangerous of danger zones because I have no idea how companies or capitalism work, so for educated people™, the remaining calculations might read like a toddler wrote them; I apologize profusely and hereby present last night’s brain vomit:
As stated earlier, development took 3 years, but everyone wanted to get paid in 2020 as well so let’s use 4 years to find out the salaries, which is 48 months. Let’s assume the utopian idea that every employee on the line here gets the exact same amount of money (LOL ikr but shhhh, let’s live out our dirtiest equality fantasies for a second ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Which would mean...
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And now without the Epic Deal™:
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Quod erat demonstrandum. Remedy has been selling their souls to Epic for €350 a month since 2017. (I don’t mean this as maliciously as I’m making it sound, don’t worry xD)
OKAY SO, O B V I O U S L Y, I have not the slightest idea what on earth I’m talking about so read this like you’d read a good fanfiction. We don’t know the different salaries across the different positions (and genders HAH), we don’t know if other parties were involved, I’ve completely ignored the sum that Epic themselves get, I have ignored taxes, I don’t know if my numbers are accurate (they’re definitely not I mean 505 must have more employees than 50), if I made mistakes (yes), and also somewhere along the way I forgot to use the €26.9mio budget figure because, uuh, I have no idea where to use it, what it means, where did it come from, where did it go, cotton eye joe - but oh well, I’m not starting over, take it or leave it.
So... I can now officially say I have written hot steamy economics fic xD Man I put waaay too much time into this but damn was it fun. Good three-hour-deep-dive (two of them spent munching on chocolate half-asleep listening to psytrance to keep my brain twitchy). Real-life-theorizing. Fuck capitalism. Don’t do drugs. Pet a cat. Wear your mask. Call your grandparents.
If there’s typos in this I’m sorry but also I’m not, I can’t be bothered to proofread again lol. Goodnight imma catch up on the sleep I lost. Gotta love full moons
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
“The straightest you’ve ever been”
I lost my Rhett and Link vlog commentary last night, and with this second attempt, I’m not going to make the mistake of writing it on my phone again. Because, the vlog is worthy of a proper, thorough commentary. As far as vlogs go, I think this was pure perfection from start to finish.
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The premise for this week’s vlog is that Link surprises Rhett with a hair makeover. You can clearly see that this is a true surprise, because Rhett seems not only a bit annoyed for the distraction of Link appearing to their office in vlogging mode, but once he hears that Link is going to do something to his unkempt hair, a range of emotions cross his face. He looks puzzled, annoyed, alarmed, and almost ready to cry - all of this in the few seconds before Link explains to him that he is not going to cut Rhett’s hair, but just straighten it. Rhett should trust his friend a little more - Link wouldn’t do something that would upset Rhett knowingly.
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Link is clearly much more excited than Rhett as they step into the beauty wardrobe room. I would love it if the guys decided to start a men’s beauty vlog - I know I’m a gal,  but I’ve quite ofthen thought about how much I love Link’s style, and I could easily see myself wearing what he wears on a regular basis. He has this very nice, casual but chic style, and I totally dig it. And, I’m dying to know how he fixes his hair to stay intact regardless of what he does (well, as was proven in that livestream they did last night, wearing a bike helmet does take a toll on his hair). But today’s “beauty vlog” is all about making the slightly reluctant Rhett look beautiful.
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I love how Jenna shows up with a pile of first aid supplies for burn injuries, and Rhett refuses to take part in this project unless Link agrees to let Rhett burn him where ever Link burns him. Where is the trust on this man’s skills? But after an agreement and a fist pump, Link is finally allowed to get started - with Jenna closely supervising the process.
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Rhett tries to throw Link off his game with a failed insult of saying he looks like a hairdresser. Link considers that a compliment, and carries on unfazed. Only, he claims to be a little nervous about touching Rhett’s hair, which I find just a little unbelievable, since this most certainly isn’t the first time he’s done something to his buddy’s hair:
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Coincidentally, in the episode Weird things You Can Do With Peanut Butter from which the above screenshots are, Rhett mentions Link’s backup career is to become a hairdresser. And, Link uses the exact same hairdresser voice in both episodes despite them being filmed 5 years apart.
Link seems determined to keep things professional, pointing out he doesn’t want touching Rhett’s hair be pleasureable for anyone, but since only moments later he looks like a happy kid brushing the mane of his first pony, I’d say he forgot his own intentions pretty quickly. Which is, of course, what we all want to see. But I do agree, the act of touching someone’s hair is intimate. That’s one of the main reasons why I’ve only been to four different hairdresser in my lifetime. The only way for them to get rid of me is to retire or move out far enough.
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I’ve spent hours watching diy hair tutorials in the past couple of weeks, so I know what virgin hair means, but Rhett asking if him having virgin hair (untreated hair) means Link is deflowering his hair now, made me cackle. I laughed even more, when Jenna corrects him by saying that deflowering would require something like bleaching, and Link mentions that is something they did in highschool. So, yeah, they already deflowered eachother’s hair in highschool. But why Link calls spraying hair product to Rhett’s hair as a few kisses? Wasn’t he supposed to try not to make things too intimate?
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I think Link might have been watching Queer eye again, because they always ask the guys they groom to say affirmations to themselves on that show, right? At least it sounds like the kind of thing they’d do. But at this point, Link is fully enjoying all this hands on hair connection. And Rhett doesn’t look quite as worried, either. But how adorable is it that Link used to cut his boys’ hair?
(My dad would never agree to that, but I’ve cut his hair a few times. And my mom cut my hair once for a school event, and curled my bangs and I was so embarassed about them that that never happened again. I was probably 8 years old, and ever since, I’ve gone to professionals.)
Oh man, Link saying to Rhett: “You’re gonna be the straightest you’ve ever been” is the best line he’s said in a while. Let’s talk about that, huh? No, apparently not. But at least it made Rhett chuckle and Jenna look like she’d so want to comment on that.
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Josh shows up with the Mythical Kitchen team to spork the guys all of a sudden. I had actually watched that episode, so I knew there’d be a vlog about Link doing something to Rhett’s hair, but with everything going on, and after the quarantine vlog last week, I’d completely forgotten about this - so Rhett wasn’t the only one getting surprised.
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Link just had to comment on Rhett’s lack of a proper chin, and honestly, it was just friggin’ cute how Rhett reacted. Something about this episode makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And just as soft as Rhett’s beard looks.
After all the grooming, brushing and smoothing, Rhett finally is ready to be revealed in his new, straight glory. Link looks immensly proud of his creation, which DOES look a bit like a strangely kempt caveman. And also, pretty insane.
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Hairstyle is not a Kinsey scale, but I think it’s safe to say that the hair he has in the end of this vlog is pretty straight. It sure did go through quite a few stages before getting there, and it appears Rhett’s personality reflected the change on the outside.
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This vlog was delightful. Link got all of his desires to touch Rhett’s hair sated for a while. I feel he’s been dying to get his fingers on it for months now, and only now came up with the perfect excuse.
There is a canine element to straightened Rhett. I know he already compared himself to wet Barbara on Twitter, but I think he got the breed wrong - he very much looks like an afghan hound.  I prefer the wavy version of Rhett over the straight one - as cute as dogs are, there is something very majestic about Rhett’s not-quite-straight mane.
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sparklydreamies · 4 years
Pastel Smudges
Group: NCT (Dream)
Pairing: Jaemin + Jeno
Genre: Fluff, platonic relationship
Summary: Jeno just can’t seem to paint the second hand right.
Word Count: 1,746
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“Jesus Jeno, don’t put your nail polish remover so close to your laptop, you’re gonna knock it over.”
Today was NCT Dream’s first day off from practicing and promoting for over a month, but of course they couldn’t enjoy it properly due to all of the rain pouring down outside the comfort of the dorms. Most of the members decided that they were going to sleep in and watch movies all day. Jeno wanted to spend the day doing something he had been wanting to do for ages, but never had the time for. 
He was sitting on the floor of the living room, in between the coffee table and the couch. His laptop was open on the table, playing a nail tutorial video he saved a few weeks back. 
“Jaemin, you worry too much.” Jeno murmured, just loud enough for the other boy to hear. He hit play on the video as he twisted the top off of the pastel pink paint. 
“That laptop cost so much money, so when you ruin it, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Jaemin nagged, leaving to go take a shower. 
Jeno silently mocked the boy as he left, but quickly swiveled around to make sure Jaemin didn’t see it. Say what you want about Na Jaemin, but Jeno knows the dangers of not going along with his badgering. So, he moved the remover liquid from the coffee table to the side table beside the couch. 
The video did a good job with instructing him on how to apply the polish. Jeno never had much of an artistic flare when it came to things like makeup and nails, but he wanted to try hard to gain it. He always found things like this really beautiful, and wanted to show that boys could be beautiful just like girls can.
Jeno wiped off the slight bit of polish that got on the skin around his fingers, which ended up smudging the sides of his nails. he had to pause the video multiple times, since his amateur hands were not as nimble and accurate as the lady’s in the video. 
Jaemin always took long showers, so Jeno was surprised when he saw the boy walk into the kitchen. Jeno checked the time to see that he had been working on his nails for the past half hour. 
“Oh Jae...” he moaned, closing his polish again. “This is so hard, my back hurts from sitting here so long.”
Jaemin chuckled a little bit as he walked over to the couch, sitting beside where Jeno was on the floor. “That’s the price of beauty,” Jaemin sing-songed, making Jeno scoff. “Can I see them though?” Jaemin asked, holding out his hand.
“They’re not finished yet,” Jeno said, “but fine, take a look.” Jeno placed his unfinished hand into Jaemins for inspection. “They’re not done,”
“They’re not bad, Jen,” Jaemin admitted, and Jeno scoffed for the second time. 
“You don’t have to sound so surprised, Jae,” Jeno mumbled. Jaemin released Jeno’s hand and stood up from the couch, patting the other on the head. 
He began to walk back to the kitchen before he said “I didn’t think your sausage fingers were capable of making art!” Jeno tried to punch his legs as he walked away, but Jaemin jumped out of swinging range. 
Jaemin sat at the kitchen table and began scrolling through twitter mindlessly, trying to pass time. 
Jeno continued to work on his nails, sighing and groaning every now and then when he made a mistake. He ended up having to take all of the nail polish off of his pinky finger because the smudge he made was too noticeable. 
“Ah shit!” he hissed after he ruined his thumb polish by testing to see if it was dry or not. Jaemin giggled at his frustration from the kitchen, asking if he wanted help. “Shut up, Jae. I’m doing fine.” 
Not even five minutes after that, Jaemin heard his name being called from the living room. He closed his phone and made his way back to his previous position on the couch, next to Jeno who was obviously frustrated. 
“Are you finished yet?” Jaemin asked him, once again holding out his hand for the boy to take.
“One hand, yeah,” Jeno gave his finished left hand to Jaemin. 
“Really? You’ve been working on this for about an hour, and you’re only done one hand?” Jaemin teased, making Jeno even more frustrated than he was. Jaemin turned his hand over, eyeing the finished product of Jeno’s labour. “Oh wow, Jen it’s actually pretty good,” he admitted, and Jeno felt his ego boost a little bit by that. “I hope it stays on for a long time, or else that’s precious time down the drain for you.” Jeno nodded in agreement. The last thing he wants is for this polish to last for three days and then peel off. 
“So what about your second hand?” Jaemin asked, reaching for his other hand. He ran his thumb over his right hand nails, and he saw that there was just a little bit of pink polish staining the skin around them. 
“I mean I tried, but I’m right handed so it’s pretty hard to do,” he admitted sadly, which made Jaemin sad. Jaemin had been joking around about his nail polish, but it seemed to make Jeno happy. Jaemin wanted to protect anything that made Jeno happy. Plus it looked so pretty on his nails.
Jeno pouted slightly and looked up at Jaemin. “Jaemin,” he asked, “will you please help me put the nail polish on my other hand?” 
Jaemin sighed a bit. It’s not like he wanted to spend an hour putting pink nail polish on his friend, but Jaemin found it very impossible to say no to Jeno when he pouted like that. It was like a magic spell. Or maybe, more like a curse.
“Please, Jaemin?” Jeno begged, “I can’t put it on myself, and it will look weird if I walk around with only one hand painted.” 
Jaemin frowned at Jeno. “Fine. I’ll help, but you are buying me dinner tonight to make it up.” Jeno’s eyes lit up and he quickly agreed with the deal. “So.. what do I do?” Jaemin asked, shifting down to sit with Jeno on the floor. He reached over the other’s arm to grab the pink polish. 
“Okay, I’ll play the video back for you, and I’ll pause it when you need me to,” Jeno offered, but Jaemin nodded him off. “Why not?” 
“I think I’ll understand better if you explain it to me,” Jaemin countered.
“But I suck at explaining things,” Jeno said, but Jaeming tsked him off. 
“Just try your best,” Jaemin told him, “after all, you can tell me if you like yourself. She can’t even see your nails. You’re a better judge of this.” 
Jeno nodded his head, and instructed Jaemin on how to start. Jaemin held his breath as he applied the first layer of pink on Jeno’s nails. 
“Jae, you got more on my skin than you got on my nails,” Jeno complained, but Jaemin shook his head. 
“I’ll get it after.” 
They went on like that, Jaemin trying his best to make the coats even and smooth, and Jeno calling him out on everything he misses. When Jaemin was done, he moved to stand up. 
“No no no,” Jeno said, “we have to let it dry, and then you have to put another coat on it.”
Jaemin groaned at him, asking why. Jeno simply shrugged and said “That’s how it is.”
“Why do they make nail polish that is so thin it needs more than one coat? Why not just make it thicker? I don’t understand this!” he said, and sat back down on the ground. 
“It will dry faster if you blow on it.” Jeno offered. Jaemin looked at him in disbelief. 
“Blow on it yourself, Jen!” Jeno frowned at him, giving him the same exact pout that roped Jaemin into this in the first place. His eyes were bounding him in. “Goddamn it, fine.” Jaemin gave up trying to keep his dignity. 
He began to blow lightly on the fingers, making Jeno smile a bit and comment on how much it tickles. 
Finally, Jeno deemed the paint dry enough for a second coat. Jaemin was fairly careful with the first coat, wanting it to look nice and make Jeno happy, whereas with the second coat, Jaemin just wanted to be done. 
“Jaemin, you’re getting it on the skin again!” 
“Sorry, Jeno!” Jaemin took a paper towel and tried to rub it off carefully. 
“Who had the sausage fingers now, huh?” Jeno commented, making Jaemin pretend to hit him. 
Jaemin sighed at him. “You’re such a brat, Lee Jeno.” 
“But you love me a lot, right?” Jaemin stayed silent, picking up the tiny brush again. “Right?” Jeno repeated.
“Right..” Jaemin agreed, smiling slightly at the other boy’s nails. If Jeno wasn’t so cute, there was no way Jaemin would have stuck around to help him this long. 
“I love you too, Jae,” Jeno said, and Jaemin warned him not to be cheesy.
They moved on for a little while longer. Jaemin was getting used to the little instrument, and was moving faster by the end. His brush strokes were more accurate, and he began hearing more encouragements than complaints from his “client”. 
“I think I’m done,” Jaemin announced. Jeno inspected his nails, and smiled at all of the tiny smudges and light pink stains on his skin. Somehow, Jaemin even got pink nail polish on Jeno’s wrist. “Is it satisfactory?” Jaemin asked, hoping that Jeno would say yes, not only because he wanted to be done, but also slightly because he wanted Jeno to be happy with it. 
“Well,” Jeno started, “Mine is much better-”
“-well we already knew that-”
“-but, I think since it has your love in it, it's good enough.” Jaemin pretended to punch him in the arm, and stood up from his spot. 
“You know what, this was actually kind of fun.” Jaemin admitted. “You were annoying, but it was a good way to pass time.”
“I wasn’t annoying, you just weren’t doing it right, Jae,” Jeno tried to justify, making Jaemin scoff down at him. 
“Whatever.” Jaemin began to make his way back to his and Jeno’s shared room. “Anyways, I’m just glad you liked it,” he said.
“You forgot the clear coat...”
“Screw off, Jen”
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bl4cklabyrinth · 4 years
Live Report: MY FIRST STORY TOUR 2019 Semi-Final at Kobe World Memorial Hall
Disclaimer: Take note that all of these reports were translated by ear, so there is no assurance of accuracy. Because of this, please do not retranslate my work. I am no Japanese or English native.
I am only reposting the relevant MCs from my Twitter thread for archive purposes. Please check my tweets to read more about my thoughts on the show.
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from MFS’ official Twitter
Black Rail
終焉レクイエム (Acoustic ver.)
Love Letter (Acoustic ver.)
LET IT DIE (Acoustic ver.)
Band session
Missing You
Weight of my pride (Pay money To my Pain cover)
With You
THE OVER (UVERworld cover)
Story about Weight Loss
Hiro: Anyway, this has no relation (to the acoustic session) whatsoever, but didn’t I get super thin?
Kid’z: You did! Tell us more! You really did lose weight! Nob too!
Hiro: We declared during Hall Tour that we’d lose weight within one month, but we couldn’t do it. We made a promise though, didn’t we? I did my very best, you know?? I seriously gave it all I got!!
Kid’z: I’ve been avoiding carbs for a long time, and even tried diligently apportioning my meals and stuff like that. But before I knew it, I was already eating curry!
Crowd: *laughs*
Fan: How much weight did you lose?
Hiro: I dropped 6 kg.
Crowd: Ohhh! *claps*
Kid’z: That’s a lot!
Hiro: Amazing, right? On the contrary, I’ve always been fat.
Kid’z: No, seriously.
Hiro: I lost weight so that I can get fat again. I want to get fat so I lose weight. When I’ve lost weight, I’ll gain weight again. It’s a never ending cycle.
Kid’z: Don’t leave it as it is!
Hiro: I get told that all the time. I mean, I’m gonna gain weight before METROCK again anyway.
Kid’z: Isn’t METROCK great though?
Hiro: Can I say this? Why do they hold festivals at such a season?
Kid’z: Because (the weather) is cool? I once thought Doraemon was the one singing.
Hiro: Who you calling 123 cm tall?
Kid’z: Nobita-kun.
Hiro: I’m not the blue geezer.
Kid’z: He isn’t a geezer!
Hiro: He’s a geezer, isn’t he?
Crowd: *laughs*
Hiro: Generally, we release a CD around spring or summer. Then we start tour around autumn, right? From the beginning of fall, Hiroki starts losing weight. Little by little. Then, year end starts rolling in. By the end of the year, tour ends, it becomes production season, and eating Hiroki comes out. Hiroki enters hibernation, just like any other large mammal.
Kid’z: You need to stock up, right?
Hiro: Yep, so I can get through winter. Then it becomes spring again. METROCK is waiting for me, but I don’t want stocked-weight-from-hibernation-at-its-max Hiroki to be exposed there! Why do I keep getting told I got fatter or thinner every time?! Leave me alone!!!
Kid’z: But you did your best, right?
Hiro: ...Yep.
Kid’z: Good job.
Crowd: *claps*
Kid’z: How about Nob? How are you doing?
Nob: I lost 5 kg.
Hiro: You lost weight only because you were sick, right?
Kid’z: Because his tonsils were taken out.
Nob: I haven’t gotten my sense of taste back up until now.
Hiro: Don’t let yourself lose one of your most important senses!
Nob: Some time ago I had pickles and it was the best.
Hiro: What an old man.
Story about Poor Kid’z (figuratively and literally)
Kid’z: This story has no relation to anything we’ve talked about so far, but you (Hiro) started an IG account, right? During Hall Tour. Since then, you did a lot of things to me, like that game with the paper cups and the 10,000 yen you put inside one of them, which I played along with having good intentions in mind. I chose the right cup and you gave me the bill, but you revealed that there was 100,000 yen in the other cups.
Hiro: Yep.
Kid’z: ...I tried that with a friend. I was caught. 100,000 yen.
Hiro: Eh?? They made a winning move, huh.
Kid’z: I was like, “Oh no, what should I do?? Should I take it back?” I wanted to be able to fool someone, to get a taste of how it feels! So I started turning the cups around thinking I could do it like you did. When it was time for them to pick, my friend chose a different cup, and in my head I was all, “No no no, not that!!!” and eventually they got it...
Hiro: That person probably saw my IG post and thought you were an idiot.
Thoughts on Marriage
After Love Letter, Hiro and Kid'z talked about being excited yet nervous to play the next song, since it's been a while since they last played it.
Kid’z: Speaking of which, the person beside me seems to be nervous!!
Nob: *rubbing his palms on his pants*
Kid’z: Can I do a hand check? *touches Nob's palm* It's all sticky!
Hiro: Eh? You're scared of making a miss again? Like in Yokoari? Higedan. Ah! Speaking of which, Satoshi-kun got married! Congratulations!
H&K: *congratulate Nob*
Hiro: Eh? Official?
Kid’z: This is Unofficial.
Hiro: Ah, sorry. Unofficial. He got married, huh... There's been a crazy marriage rush recently... 
Kid’z: Yeah, it's been all over LINE NEWS lately.
Hiro: Right. back number, Higedan, Maple Chogokin.
Kid’z: You're mean for putting Maple Chogokin as last!
Hiro: No no no. *laughs* The marriage rush is insane, right... Right... Insane right... 
Fan: Do you want to get married?
Hiro: ...I don't wanna get married. 
Crowd: Eh???
Hiro: Do you? Someday, I assume. As for me, I don't wanna get married at all. 
Kid’z: *in a teasing tone* Is it because you don't have a partner?
Hiro: *taunting tone* Ha? Ha? Ha? What the hell are you saying, you.
Kid’z: Ah, sorry we had a little quarrel.
Hiro: Let's get a divorce first!
Kid’z: What the hell is this breakup!
Poor Nob
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from Hiro’s IG post
Hiro: Anyway, are we good? You (Nob) still seem nervous. How are his fingers?
Kid’z: They're tender. 
Hiro: If I had to play it in a room like this, I'd be pissed.
Nob: *strums a tune*
Kid’z: It's that song!! It's definitely that song, right? Can you do it, Nob bear? Are you alright? You practiced last night without sleeping.
Kid’z: Give him your support.
Crowd: Cute!! You can do it!!!
Kid’z: The pressure on you is rising, huh.
Hiro: *in an old man voice* You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
Kid’z: Eh? What was that voice? Father?
Hiro: *taunting tone* Ha? What the hell are you saying. Who you calling father, come home and I'll kill you.
Kid’z: Ah, sorry. Father, I apologize.
Hiro: to Nob You okay? Dududadududa~ (T/N: the intro of LET IT DIE) The last song for the acoustic session. Please listen, LET IT DIE.
Then, Hiro crouched down from his seat and kneeled, looked at Nob closely, and so did Kid’z. Nob stared back, aced the dududadududa intro and everybody clapped for him! However, Nob made a mistake towards the very end, playing the last string of notes twice. When they were walking back to the main stage, Hiro put his arm around Nob and teased in a mocking tone, "Hey, in LET IT DIE, in LET IT DIE, hey, during the acoustic set, hey, I was satisfied with the beginning, but in the middle of the song, hey, you made a mistake, right? Even if you were doing so well." When they got back to the main stage, Nob bowed down in apology.
Weight of my pride MC
Hiro: Your voice has been heard! There were a lot of requests for PTP, and in my heart, PTP is my eternal hero. It shouldn't be just us; so that he can also hear your voices, shout as loud as you can Kobe!!! Next song is called Weight of my pride!
Check out their version of the performance at Saitama Super Arena here:
モノクロエフェクター MC
Hiro: How are we doing Kobe? I thought everyone in Kobe could handle it, you know? Aren't y'all drinking too much milk tea? Your nipples are gonna become tapioca if you drink too much milk tea, you know? Well, if you're sure you're not drinking too much then you should be able to handle it, so let's all dance together!!
Reviver MC
Hiro: Thank you so much for today! It's been a great day, I'm really grateful. I've always been alone. I've lost so many people I didn't want to lose, and I've let go of things I didn't want to part with many times. I might not be able to change the world with music, but because of music, I met the members, I met all of you, and it made me think that my life was pretty impressive. I want to believe it was my destiny to meet all of you here tonight, so let's keep walking together Kobe!!!
With You MC
Hiro: Thank you so much for today, Kobe!!! After this, the tour will be ending soon. Thinking about it makes me sad, but knowing that you will all be supporting us next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, and even after 10 years makes me feel very grateful. But there's one thing I want to say before today ends: Kobe, I love you!!!
Hiro: How was it? MFS' UVERworld. Did I become Hiroki∞? This song was really difficult. The way the lyrics jump, especially during the part before the last chorus.
Kid’z: I didn't learn that note.
Hiro: *emphasizes the difficult enunciation of a line from the song* Unbelievable, I had a hard time remembering it.
Kid’z: The instruments were tough, too. Even Nob was complaining, there were notes he had never seen before.
Hiro: I couldn't match the timing of the lyrics either. I had to enter at an exact time, 3 characters in one second!! If MFS were to do it, we'd go with a lower key.
Kid’z: You say MFS but it's your key, right? Your voice is hella loud you know.
Hiro: It's because if I'm alone, then it's not MFS.
Kid’z: Nah, we were able to match the key, but only you can sing it that high, right? (T/N: They seemed to have raised the key by 2 octaves)
Hiro: You guys thought the cover song was only Weight of my pride, didn't you? You're wrong! We did UVERworld but we received many other requests. There were a lot of PTP songs in the tags. Who else was it... Sheena Ringo, Oral, and King Gnu too.
Kid’z: Weirdly enough, B'z was highly requested too. 
Hiro: It'd be weird if I sang their songs.
Crowd: Sing! Sing! Sing!
Hiro: 萎えぇぇ!萎えぇぇ!萎えぇぇぇぇー (T/N: Nae is Japanese slang that roughly translates to “no” or “ugh” in this context) Wait a minute. Change the song.
Kid’z: *offended tone* Huh?
Hiro: Well then, sing a line that starts with A!
Hiro: You're an Ultra Soul Idiot. Do you know any other song apart from Ultra Soul?
Kid’z: Of course I do! Don't you? All of you? I love them more than anyone else, I'm even in the fanclub! こいよ!!
Kid’z: *sings a B'z line that starts with A*
Hiro: Gi!
Kid’z: Gi? *sings a line that starts with Gi* I told you, I can do anything.
Teru: Yu!
Crowd: HEY!!!
Hiro: Oi, Teruki!! Why did you say "yu"?! You should've let him build up first before making him sing "yu"!! It was too early to make him sing that as the third song!
Kid’z: It felt really good!!
Hiro: Why did you say "yu" so quickly?!
Teru: I just made a mistake.
Hiro: Don't be an airhead!!
Kid’z: I'm really grateful!
Nob’s Redemption Arc
After their UVERworld cover, Hiro asked the audience what they should do next. The crowd started screaming different songs, to which Hiro said "I'm seriously fine with anything." Nob suddenly played the first three notes of LET IT DIE, to which Hiro said, "Ah, from earlier?" Kid'z said, "He made a mistake a while ago, so let's give him another chance." Then Nob started practicing. The crowd screamed, "You can do it!!!" then Nob walked towards the center stage and did a moonwalk. Hiro was all, "You can't do it, you're not Michael Jackson!" then sang a MJ line and howled his signature "Woo!"
Final MC
Hiro: Today was truly an amazing day, thank you all so much. We had such an intense gathering here at Kobe World Memorial Hall. The first Coming Kobe was also held here. We have so, so, so many memories here in this place. Right now, we're still on our way to reaching our dream. From hereon, we don't know if we could make such a big dream come true. We still have a long way there, but we're doing our best every year, making music for everyone and visiting various places as well. Next year, and the year after that, and even after 10 years, it would be nice if we could all make amazing memories together. Thank you so much! We're definitely coming back, Kobe!!
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from Hiro’s IG post
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psycho-slytherin · 6 years
Strangers ch. 26
You see Xiumin again, and the drama is off to an interesting start.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Genre: Fluff
<–– Prev   Next ––>
Yoongi freezes. “Wh-what?”
His bewilderment is so adorable that you can’t possibly keep from laughing. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, oh my god.”
Yoongi exhales loudly, as though he had been holding his breath. “Dumbass, you scared me.”
You pout. “Is the idea of kissing me that terrifying?” You’re joking, of course.
When Yoongi speaks his voice is low, half strangled.
“I mean, we’ll both only be acting, right?”
You blink once, twice. “Right, only acting...” you scratch your head, chuckling weakly. His flat tone is off-putting somehow. “Man, once this drama starts your fans are gonna keep going off–”
Uh-oh. You instantly realize your mistake, backpedaling clumsily.
“I mean, I just meant, uh... you know, I guess ARMYs can be kind of... harsh? I’m only assuming,” you rush to add.
“Y/n... have you been getting hate from our fans?”
You gulp. Yoongi doesn’t follow you on Twitter, since he’s only online with the BTS account. If he hears the type of comments you’ve been receiving, he’ll worry, and his dorky ass might actually try to do something about it.
“Are you kidding? Of course not. I’d tell you if anything was bothering me,” you laugh, booping his nose playfully. The falsehood tugs at you, wrestling with your conscience, but you refuse to let it get to you. Of every lie you’ve told, this one isn’t bad.
“Anyways, I have hella homework and now that I have, you know, my own bed again...” you shift your weight from side to side. “Thanks again for letting me stay with you by the way.” I was in a bad place, the worst place, and you gave me everything. “I really appreciate it.”
Yoongi reaches out and rubs his thumb against the Starry Night bead resting at the hollow of your throat. “Of course, y/n, what are friends for?”
“Nerd.” You smile widely before shoving your hands in your coat pockets. “I’ll see you later then?”
Too jittery to ask for a ride, you turn and begin walking the familiar road back home.
“Y/n, wait!” You feel Yoongi grip your elbow and when you turn around, you very suddenly find your face an inch from his, his eyes devouring you, and his lips so, so, close...
Yoongi smirks. “Kidding. Catch you later, y/n.”
You swallow. “Right. Later.”
You spin on your heel and hightail it back to your apartment. What was that? Did he try to kiss you? Was he getting you back for teasing him earlier? And why, oh why did some very small part of you really want to kiss him, want to press your lips against his and–
Idiot. No. No no no no. If anyone in the whole wide world is off limits, then it’s him. Yoongi. The man with the big “DO NOT TOUCH” on his heart, so to speak. You can’t like him, never ever, and certainly not now, at the peak of his career.
Besides, you only felt that way because he was an idol, right? Right? Up until you met the guy, all you wanted was to marry him. And, of course, after acting out that scene for the audition– it’s only natural.
You shake your head, remembering the shiver that ran down your spine when his lips neared yours. What was happening to you? As you lie in bed, half asleep, your thoughts drift to what your life has become.
“Talentless, worthless, pathetic.”
The voices swirl around you, the insults flying like gusts of wind, and they tear at your frame, shoving you, forcing you to your knees and when you try to speak it feels like your words are sucked straight out of your lungs.
“Stop it!” You try to scream, but no noise leaves your mouth. “I didn’t do anything wrong! Stop it!”
“You touched him.”
“You talked to him.”
“You kissed him.”
“He’s ours!”
“Ours, ours, ours, ours, o-”
“Fame, flashlight– gi-give it to me!”
“Aah!” You bolt upwards, chest heaving, your forehead damp with sweat. You reach for your phone to shut off the alarm– your neighbors probably hate you by now.
Ugh, you’re sleepy, but you’ve got things to do. What else is new? It’s been... what, the third day in a row that you’ve gotten four hours of sleep? As you stand up, you feel a sudden dizziness. A few seconds later it passes, and you can go about your day.
And by day, you mean coffee. After you quit working at the cafe, your daily dose of caffeine had become more expensive– to the point where you finally gave in and bought a cheap coffee machine. Which, of course, has suddenly decided to stop working.
You watch the machine sputter and gasp, resulting in two drops of coffee and one headache. Great. You start filming for Moon Over the Sea today and you really can’t afford any mishaps. Especially if you’re filming with Yoongi. 
No mishaps means caffeine. Caffeine means cafe. Cafe means...
You shake your head and breathe deeply– you’re going to have to see your ex eventually, and your old cafe is on the way to the studio. It’s the only place you can stop if you want to get there on time.
The familiar bell jingles and you’re once more drawn into your old life– a life before you met Min Yoongi; a life when your love of BTS stemmed from music videos and interviews, not games and banter; a life when you were only an overworked acting student and not despised by thousands of ARMYs. A life when Xiumin was nothing more than a friendly coworker.
You walk to the counter, where a painfully familiar head of hair is making a drink.
“Hi, can I help y- oh.” His voice makes your heart stutter, because it’s Xiumin, he made you breakfast and visited you in the hospital and cheated on you with a girl he called beautiful...
In your head you’re punching him. Out loud, you merely steel yourself– “Hi, can I get a double espresso?” No please. He doesn’t deserve a please.
“Uh...” Xiumin swallows nervously, and you feel a small rush of satisfaction. “Yeah. It’s been a while, huh?”
Your smile remains frozen on your face. “My double espresso?”
Xiumin doesn’t move. “Y/n, come on, talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. My espresso would be nice though.”
“I miss you.”
At his words you expect pain, you expect longing– you expect to want him back. And yet...
Your mind wanders to Yoongi. When you told him what happened with Xiumin, you saw his face: pure rage was reflected in those dark eyes.
“You deserve better,” he’d said during one of your long winded, alcohol-fueled rants.
He was right; you did deserve better. Is that why, now, you don’t feel a twinge in your heart on seeing your ex?
“Y/n, please, come back to me. Things can be just like how they were.”
His voice shakes you from your stupor, and your careful grip on your emotions loosens.
“How they were? Tell me, Xiumin, how exactly were things? Because I seem to recall a supposedly monogamous relationship in which we told each other everything, and I’m guessing you only recall how desperate you were to get your dick wet.”
Xiumin opens his mouth and you raise your eyebrows in response. “Answer me, I dare you.”
“You know, I could sue you for my birds,” he growls finally. “And my car. That’s property damage. I could sue you for every penny you’ve made from those ads, and that music video.”
You pause. What is he talking about? “Property damage?”
He scoffs. “Don’t act like you don’t know. You ruined my car!”
Delusional. “Whatever you say, Xiumin. Can you actually do your job and give me my coffee now?”
With an icy glare, he thrusts your espresso into your hands. As you saunter out, you turn and call to him: “Enjoy losing the one person in your life who could actually remember your name!”
He flips you off in response and, with that weight off your shoulders, your gait turns sprightly as you make your way to the studio. You arrive at 8am on the dot, and spy a familiar figure among the many milling around and awaiting direction.
You approach and tap him on the shoulder. “Yoongles~”
“Huh?” He turns around and it’s not him, it’s a face that’s very much not your Yoongi, it’s someone else, and you called him Yoongles–
“Oh! I’m, uh, sorry!” You turn and scuttle, cheeks flaming; you just bothered what must have been Yoongi’s body double, you’re such an idiot.
“You too, hm?” You hear a low chuckle and notice the real Yoongi leaning against a wall. “You’re the fifth person who thought he was me. Shit, I was confused when I saw the guy!”
You laugh with embarrassment. “Some friend I am.”
“Hey,” Yoongi leans forward and boops your nose. “You’re a good friend. Really.”
You blush. A world famous idol thinks you’re a good friend, even when all you’ve done is lie and pretend. How did you get so lucky? “Shut your face hole, nerd,” you reply, poking him before you get too sappy.
Yoongi opens his mouth to reply when you hear two loud claps echoing through the loud studio.
“Okay! Hello, cast and crew of Moon Over the Sea! I’m your director, Avery.” An elegant women with a curious accent speaks over the general chatter.
“You may notice I have an accent– that’s because I was raised in America. Now, we’re on a tight schedule so I expect all of you to work hard and productively for the next for months to make this drama the best it can be!”
The present company claps politely. “She seems nice,” you whisper.
“Here’s to hoping,” Yoongi murmurs in reply.
Avery consults a clipboard. “Now, for the scenes today I will need the following actors.” She reads aloud a list of names and you only tune in at “...Min Yoongi, and l/n y/n. The rest of the cast may go home– we’ll need everyone tomorrow, so be here bright and early.”
The studio empties out and the hair and makeup crews retreat to their respective areas. There are several extras and about a dozen named actors left after the movement ceases. Some of them you even recognize. You feel more than a little starstruck– you’re definitely the least attractive person here.
“As you know, this drama is inspired by the time-honored classic of Pride and Prejudice,” Avery continues. “Our leads will be played by Park Bo-young and Park Hyung-sik–” she nods at the familiar-looking actors and you blink hard, half blinded by the physical perfection. “– but the rest of you still have important stories to tell.”
You nod along, enraptured, and you see Yoongi smirk at you. He’s probably used to all the glitz and glam, but you’re savoring it– who knows how long it’ll last?
“For that reason, we’re filming Kim Ji-woo and Moon Sung-min first.” You jump at the summons of your character. “The scene is set for their first meeting, at the Sung family ball. I expect all actors and extras to be in costume and in character in the next half-hour. Go!”
Half an hour later you find yourself well dressed and slightly out of breath in a very realistic studio ballroom. Yoongi, infinitely more well dressed and not at all out of breath, nudges you.
“You look pretty,” he whispers.
“Not in comparison to literally everyone else,” you reply.
Yoongi looks like he’s about to say something  when Avery approaches, barking orders at extras. “You and you, there. You, go there. Bo-young, you play Hyeon, and you’re y/n’s younger sister, so stand a bit behind her. You know your lines, yes? Good. Let’s start with Bo-young’s line. Ready, and... action!”
There’s a clap and the cameras begin rolling. In the grandly decorated ballroom, the extras talk quietly amongst themselves. You and Bo-young stand tall in your dresses.
“I do believe Moon Sung-min is looking at you, sister,” Bo-young says teasingly.
You glance up momentarily and catch Yoongi’s eye. He’s gazing at you intensely, eyes alight with interest. 
You quickly blush and look away. “You’re mistaken. He’s far above us–”
“Which is why you should talk to him. Imagine the look on Mother’s face when she sees you with one of the wealthiest men here.”
“Hyeon!” you laugh. “Please, I could never!”
“Doesn’t seem like you’re going to have a choice, Ji-woo. He’s coming over~” Bo-young sings. “I’m going to go dance with the others. Have fun!”
It’s too late, the fake crowd has swallowed her whole, and suddenly Yoongi is right in front of you and every cell in your body feels tense, nervous, as if it really is your first time meeting him.
“Hello. Miss Kim, yes?”
You feel your cheeks heat up at his voice.
“Y-yes,” you reply, sweeping your skirts in a deep curtsy. “And you must be Mr. Moon Sung-min. Are you enjoying the ball?”
Yoongi’s voice dips low, laced with longing. “Much more now, I think.”
“Cut! Great, guys.” Avery’s voice draws you back to reality, back to a world where the man in front of you isn’t meant for you. “Let’s take it from the top– that chemistry was crackling. I’m sure we’ll get it perfect in the next few takes.”
Suddenly an assistant holding a buzzing phone scurries up to Avery and hands it to her. With a nod of apology to the cast, she answers.
“Hello? Yes, this is she... What? Hang on, we have that area scheduled for filming on those dates. Who–” Avery’s voice turns icy. “I understand. What other times are available...? Oh, you’re kidding. Okay. Okay. Yes, crystal clear. Thank you, goodbye.”
As she hangs up she sighs deeply. “This is gonna mean a lot of emails.”
“What happened?” You ask.
“We have a number of outdoor scenes scheduled in a few weeks and we reserved an area for filming, but someone bought out the space. They can move our time, but... it’s a pain. We’ll have to redraw the filming schedule and move those scenes forward.”
“How forward?”
Avery grimaces. “Starting tomorrow. Congrats, Yoongi, y/n– we’re filming your first kiss tomorrow. Alright everyone, let’s get back to work!”
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trashcanmarvelfan · 5 years
Best. Job. Ever 9/13
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com. (Legal) alcohol use as well but since it’s legal do I really need to tag it?
Word Count: 1600 for chapter 9.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: :|
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
Y/N had just gotten dressed to go meet Tom and Harrison for brunch when her phone chimed with a text alert.  A bright grin bloomed on her face when she unlocked it.
Tom: Good morning.
Hi, she typed back.
Tom: I’m heading downstairs. Want me to go ahead and order your coffee when I get to the restaurant?
Sure. I’ll be right down.
She did a quick check in the mirror before grabbing her purse and heading out the door and down to the restaurant, where Tom and Harrison were already seated. Y/N’s coffee was waiting for her, already fixed to her liking.
Y/N glanced at Tom as she sat down, who gave her a shy smile as he sipped his own coffee.
They had a pleasant but mostly quiet brunch.  Y/N kept sneaking glance at Tom whenever she thought he & Harrison weren’t looking, remembering the kiss from the night before and blushing into her french toast. Professional, Y/N, she kept reminding herself. Keep it cool in public.
At one point she looked up and noticed Harrison watching her. He glanced back & forth between her & Tom and raised an eyebrow.
Y/N felt herself blush again. Shit, he caught me staring at Tom. She was relieved when Harrison turned to Tom and asked a question about plans they had made for when Tom was back in London.
The rest of brunch passed without incident, and as they stood to leave Y/N gave Harrison a long hug and a quick peck on the cheek. “It was so great getting to meet you.”
“It was great getting to meet you too,” Harrison replied. “Stay in touch, and if you’re ever in London let me know.”
“Sure will. Have a safe flight.” Y/N turned to Tom. “I’ll see you later for our meeting?”
“Yeah, sure,” Tom replied.
“Bye, guys.” Y/N headed back up to her room to get some work done before her meeting with Tom.
She set her reminders for the upcoming week then decided to start reading one of the books she had bought at the Strand the previous day.  She became so absorbed in the story that she was startled when her phone rang.
“Mmmlo?” she answered.
“Y/N,” came Laura’s voice. “Have you seen the Celebrity News Report website today?”
“Of course not,” Y/N replied. “You know I don’t read that gossip rag that calls itself a news site.”
“Well you have to at least see today’s front headline. Here, I’m linking it to you.”
Y/N’s phone chimed with a message and she tapped on the link.
“Oh shit,” Y/N blurted. Above the article was a grainy photo of her & Tom at the nightclub the night before. From the looks of it, it was taken right before their almost-kiss. Luckily, it was dark and of super poor quality like it had been taken with a cell phone from a distance and Y/N’s face was turned away from the camera, so there really was no way to identify who was in the photo.  Y/N quickly scanned the article.
Spider-Man actor Tom Holland, who is in New York City filming Spider-Man: Far From Home, was spotted getting awfully cozy with a mystery (Y/H/C) at an undisclosed NYC hotspot last night.  Sources say that Holland, 22, has been spotted at several different NYC restaurants over the past few weeks with the same woman. Has he moved on from co-star & rumored flame Zendaya, or is he playing the field? Keep it here at the Celebrity News Report to find out more as the story progresses!
Y/N groaned. “They didn’t even mention that Harrison was there as well. I danced with him too, you know.”
“I know,” Laura replied. “You didn’t post anything on your Instagram from the club though, did you?”
“No, of course not. I only sent you that selfie.”  Y/N sighed. “I actually haven’t posted anything on Insta since I’ve been in New York.”
“Besides, it’s not like there’s anything going on between you two anyway.”
Y/N was silent.
“Wait, right?” Laura asked. “Y/N… Nothing *is* going on, right?”
“Umm, well…” Y/N hesitated. “Tom and I kissed last night.”
Y/N quickly moved the phone away from her ear so she wouldn’t go deaf from Laura’s pterodactyl screech.
“I want deets, girl! SPILL!”
“Ok, well, when we first got to the club Harrison insisted that we all do tequila shots to start.”
Laura clicked her tongue. “Y/N, you know what happens when you drink tequila. Remember the Delta Pi party sophomore year? You almost wound up naked with the captain of the collegiate swim team!”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I chased it with lime juice this time like I’m supposed to, how was I supposed to know it’d still hit me like it did? I’m used to the cheap stuff!”
Laura laughed. “Anyway, go on.”
“So we did a couple of shots, then Tom left to go get me a drink while Harrison went dancing.  Oh, then  this creepy dude hit on me and Tom pretended to be my boyfriend when he got back. Then Harrison came back and Tom and I hit the dance floor, which is probably when the picture was taken.  We…err… we *almost* kissed on the dance floor but someone bumped into us, so I said I was hot and needed to go to the restroom.  We had a few more drinks in between dancing and it was late when we got back to the hotel.  We all took the elevator up and Harrison got off at his floor and told us good night, and Tom and I had initially parted ways once we got up to our floor, but Tom had my phone and ID and stuff so he walked over to give it to me so I could get into my room and one thing led to another and… he kissed me.” Y/N sighed at the memory.
Laura squealed. “Ooh, girl, you are so lucky!” She paused. “Hey, listen, I’ve got to go, there’s an early call time on set today, but I want to hear more later, k?”
“Ok,” Y/N replied.
“I’ll talk to you later. Bye!”
Y/N hung up and flopped back on her bed. Shit, what am I going to do?  She’d have to lay low for the rest of the filming. She couldn’t be seen in public with Tom or else someone might figure out that she was the girl in the picture, suss out her identity and create a media frenzy of speculation. Neither she nor Tom needed to deal with that, Tom being a pretty private person outside of scheduled interviews and what he personally shared on Instagram and Twitter and Y/N beginning a new job in a few weeks. She definitely didn’t want to be the subject of company gossip when she was just starting out.
Her phone dinged with a text.
Tom: Hey, Haz just left for the airport. Can I come by?
Y/N replied, Give me like 15 minutes?
Tom: Sure.
Y/N hauled herself out of bed, took what was probably her fastest shower on record, and dressed in flannel lounge pants and an oversized sweatshirt.
Not long after she had dressed, there was a knock on her door. “Y/N? It’s me,” came Tom’s voice.
She opened the door. Tom stepped in, holding 2 coffees.
He held up had holding one of the coffees.  “I was downstairs and thought you might like this.”
“Thanks so much,” Y/N said, taking it.
Tom rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.  “Before we get to next week’s schedule can we talk about something?”
Shit, shit, he saw the article, Y/N thought. Of course he did, his agent probably stays on top of any kind of news about Tom.
“I suppose you’ve seen the gossip sites this afternoon...”
Y/N nodded. “I hadn’t, but Laura called me a while ago about that picture floating around the internet of us dancing at the club last night.”
“Well… umm,,, also speaking of last night -- I mean, after we got back from the club, that is…” Tom looked uncomfortable.
Shit, he regrets kissing me, Y/N thought. Give him an out. She waved him off. “Oh, the kiss? That was no big deal. Don’t worry about it.”
“No big deal?” Tom echoed.
“Psh, yeah. We both had been drinking, and ya know, with oxytocin and sciencey brain chemical stuff combined, things happen. We can just forget about it, chalk it up to a drunken mistake.”
“Right.” Tom fiddled with the sleeve on his coffee cup for a second, then pointed his thumb towards the door. “You know, actually, I just remembered I have something to do now, so I’m gonna go. You can just email me my schedule for next week, yeah? I’ll see you later.”
And with that, he turned, and for the first time in almost two weeks, Tom left without at least giving Y/N a hug goodbye.
As the door clicked shut, a pang hit Y/N in the solar plexus. She wanted to run after Tom and tell him that she didn't mean it, that the alcohol had long since worn off so she had kissed him with a totally clear head, and that it had been the best kiss of her life and that she would remember it forever.
Instead she curled up in her bed and cried herself to sleep.
Taglist: @laureharrier @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
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toby-stephens · 6 years
By May 16th, it was pretty much confirmed there would be a Season 2 of ‘Lost in Space’, confirmed on 20th by Netflix twitter.
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Also confirmed was a new BBC 2 cold war drama, ‘Summer of Rockets’ to star Toby alongside Keeley Hawes, Linus Roache & Timothy Spall.
This six-part series is set in the UK during the Cold War period of the late 1950s, a time when the UK, like much of the world, was dealing with the threat of international espionage and nuclear armageddon.
Filming has begun in and around London and Oxford, and it will be screened sometime in 2019.
The story will be Poliakoffs personal insight into this period and is set against the backdrop of Britain testing its first hydrogen bomb.
Executive Producer Helen Flint, a long-time collaborator with Poliakoff on productions such as Close To The Enemy, Shooting The Past and Perfect Strangers, said:
This piece set in 1958, is hinged at the pivotal point of world history where the past and future are pulling in equal strength and human beings, young and old have little control over the eventual outcome.
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On “Lost in Space”:
“I think they have been very respectful to the original series, but they smashed it out in their own way.  The thing is, one cant’ be overly reverential to these things because otherwise, you’re just remaking exactly what was already made very well.”
“I think John’s just trying to find his place within this family now. The idea is that he was confronted with the situation of his family going away and him never seeing them again unless he went along. Now that he’s come along for this ride, he’s trying to find his way back into the family, how to relate to his family, how to relate to Maureen, and how to work things out.”
“In my case, why I think it is fun and why I think it works is there’s something timeless about the original idea. The Swiss Family Robinson, obviously, is the original idea of a family in jeopardy. It follows the trials of that family, but also the emotional trials of how they overcome their problems and their weaknesses, because they have to confront them and overcome them.”
“That was then taken into ‘Lost in Space’. In the first iteration of that what worked is that you’re looking at a regular family and their problems, but in this extraordinary situation. It’s hundreds of light years away from earth in a space ship and on a planet, but they’re having the same regular, everyday problems of any other family. The irony of that is that dynamic is really fun. What we’ve done is we’ve updated it, so rather than it being this pristine, apple pie, American family, its a modern family with all of its dysfunctions.”
“We know every family has dysfunctions. There is no ideal, pristine family, and the Robinsons are one of those families. Just a normal family that everybody can relate to, but it’s in this extreme situation and you still get the ironies of watching a family deal with each other and their own problems in the way every family does that you can relate to, but in this extraordinary back drop of being on a planet thousands of light years away. I think that that trend still works and its fun.”
“The only reason to do something again is if you feel that you can say something to a new generation of people and you can do it in a totally individual way. You’re just taking the kernel of the original idea and re-doing it, but for now.”
“We can’t replicate what was done in the original show. It just wouldn’t work now. The tone of it is very different although it still retains some of the fun aspects of it, the comic stuff that goes on there, the light touch. I don’t think we could repeat what that show became.”
“I think the original pilot episode is much more akin to what we’re doing. As the series went on, it became if you’ll forgive this phrase campier and campier. It was almost like a sitcom, but in space. I just don’t think that that would work now. So, we’ve made it into something that is lots more for todays generation.”
“I think it’s really great that they did a gender swap. It’s actually a genius stroke because you cannot replicate what was done with that character in the original series. But Parker Posey is such an individual performer. She brings to it her own sense of wackiness and fun.”
"That is a reflection of what the original character was, but it’s very much its own thing, and I think that’s absolutely right. If you cast a man in that part, they would feel this pressure to replicate what was done in the original series, a moustache-twirling villainous kind of thing. I think it just wouldn't hold water now and it would just seem sort of arch.”
“In other words, I think what Parker Posey does is so much her own thing, and as it goes on, you realise that it’s a much more nuanced character in that there are reasons for her being the way she is. I like that you can get the fact that she is horrible and does terrible things, but at the same time, she’s a real and complex character.”
“I don’t have any interest in doing that at all. I love earth. It’s a beautiful planet, and I think, going to Mars, although it looks amazing from aerial photographs taken from orbiting satellites and things like that, and I’ve seen documentaries about it, but I think it’s a desolate, dangerous place, filled with radiation. It would be too dangerous going there, and so arduous.”
“I think that is one of the things that we show. There is a warning to this. The idea that we can trash this planet and then move on to another planet somewhere else, that there’ll be some other Goldilocks planet that we can go to, have it and trash that one, and then just keep on moving on, its crazy. We have to look after the planet were on. I’m all for space exploration, but I wouldn’t want to do it myself because I’ve got kids and a family and the idea would be terrifying to me.”
“The planet is presented to an audience initially as, ‘Oh, it’s so great. It’s got oxygen, so they can breathe. It’s similar to the Earth.’ But then as you get further and further into the drama, you realise there are more and more hostile things about this planet that are dangerous and there are reasons that there are storms with diamonds and deserts. There are astronomic reasons why this planet is like that, which then become apparent. Then they realise that they have to get off it. This isn’t somewhere where they can just set up their colony.”
“It is aspirational to me in that it’s about people trying to be better, in the best way that American shows and films sometimes do. When it doesn’t work, its because its super sentimental and glib.”
“This is about people who find themselves in jeopardy, but also they’re in jeopardy in their personal relationships, in the way that they relate to each other, and it shows how they overcome their own problems and weaknesses. They all do that in a very real way, so I think that’s aspirational.”
“Also, one of the things in watching this, the kids are so bright and so capable, especially the girls. One of the things I would like my daughter to get from this is how strong and capable the girls are, and how intelligent they are. They’ve worked really hard to be that way.”
“It would inspire me, if I was a child, to want to work hard and to want to be like that. Look, I’m not saying that TV should be life changing. It’s entertainment, but if it, along the way, inspires kids, or reflects good qualities, aspirational qualities, without lecturing people or being sentimental, I think that’s good. I think ‘Lost in Space’ does that to a certain extent, in a way that family shows should do, in a gentle kind of encouraging nurturing way, rather than patronising.”
Source: parade.com
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“When I discussed it with Zack Estrin he was like, look, this is not an apple pie family. This is a family that is full of great people, but they’re damaged here. The relationship between the mother and father is dysfunctional. They’ve padded it, and it’s in disrepair and that’s part of the drama. Are they gonna be able to figure things out? How do they relate to one another? It’s an estranged father, who’s been away fighting wars and stuff like that, and he has become disconnected from his kids.”
“It’s just not very dramatically interesting to have a family thats always kind of fine. I mean, it’s dramatic enough that they’re in this life-threatening situation, but you add to the drama by saying they don't really know how to relate to one another and there’s this whole family dysfunction that they have to work out as well. And are they gonna work that out?”
“There’s something disingenuous about them being a family that’s perfect. Not only would it be dramatically boring, but it’s also just not true. We know anybody who has a family knows that it’s not perfect and that people make mistakes. But the thing is that these people, like everyone, are just trying to do better. And I think that that is something everyone can relate to, whether you’re a kid or you’re an adult.”
“One of the things that I really love about the show is that it’s aspirational. This family, they are, they’re people who are trying to be better and do good and to survive. And so it’s very, in many ways I think its a very cognitive show. And all these relationships in the end, while they’re complicated they are part of this. And we need that kind of, I think we need the kind of show like that because theres a lot of really depressing shows out there, which are fantastic and amazing, but they’re really depressing. And this is one has a really positive message and a kind of affirming message.”
“To be able to do what they wanted to do with this show, to kind of make it as magical to kids now as it was when it originally came out in 1965  it takes an organisation like Netflix that can throw enough money at it to achieve that. The kind of wonder and the kind of adventure. The scale of the adventure that they’re going for.”
“I think what I really loved about it was the kids are really intelligent. If I was a kid watching this I would go, I want to be as intelligent and as capable as that child. Im gonna work harder in school. Im gonna really try and work hard at math. That’s great as well. So I like that, the fact that the kids, to some extent, end up helping out the adults. Its a nice dynamic.”
“The kids need that adventure and the fun. But then the grown-ups who are watching the show need to care about these people as well and enjoy the show on a different level. So we were kind of like, that part of the show is for the grown-ups. For them to relate to these people and to identify with them. To go, I know what thats like. I know how difficult that can be sometimes."
“I really love working with Molly. We actually had a lot of dialogue early on, both together and with Zack Estrin, about just figuring out exactly what their relationship was. Because when we were talking, we were both like, This marriage has to seem real to people; otherwise people just aren’t gonna care.”
Source: indiewire.com
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“One of the relationships I though was really quite clever is not between Will and the robot, but between John and the robot. The fact is the son chooses the company and protection of the robot above his own father.”
Source: thetimes.co.uk
“If it’s going to be a family show, then the families have to recognise themselves through the screen. We had to present normal families, and modern families are all complicated.”
Source:  dailynewsegypt.com
“There's this sort of thing of, ‘Oh, why are they together on this thing if they’re separated?’ It’s like, If you don’t take me with you, I’ll never see my family again. So theres that reason for him being there”
Source: io9.gizmodo.com
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“They sent me the script and I was dubious, at first. I said, ‘Lost in Space’? They’re reviving that?! They tried to do that with the film, and it didn’t work. And then, I read the script and I actually liked it. The thing I liked most was that they were pitching it at such a great level. It was sophisticated enough for adults to watch and really get something out of it, and yet it had this fantastic adventure quality. What I really liked about it is that the kids are intelligent and its aspirational. If I were a kid watching this, I’d be like, I want to be that bright and that capable. And it doesn’t get ridiculous. They pitched it at the right level. And I felt that Maureen and John were real people. I like the way that they were written and I liked the fact that it was a relationship in trouble. They’re trying to figure out how to get along and how to deal with not only this extreme situation that they’re in, with extreme jeopardy and the terror of that, but also figuring out how to work things out between themselves. Thats what sold me on it. They seemed to be a family that people can relate to because its not some apple pie family that just doesn’t exist. They’re fallible human beings, who are trying to be better.”
“Like most kids, they’re all completely different from one another, and they have different strengths and weakness, just like normal kids in a family. It’s about how you cope with that. All of those different dynamics that happen seemed real to me, they're just in these extraordinary circumstances.”
“It’s brilliant! It’s one of the reasons that I love doing what I do. You can do something so entirely different, not only in its context, but also in its whole feel. I had done ‘Black Sails' for four years and it was a really tough journey for me. I know it sounds slightly pretentious, but I really was wrung out, by the end, by the whole experience. It was an amazing experience, but Ive never worked that hard, in my life. There were long days with extreme conditions, filming in South Africa, and you had to go from massive physical set pieces to doing intense dialogue scenes. You’d go from one extreme, of being beaten up physically, to another extreme, of being beaten up mentally. So, when this came along and I started doing it, it was a relief to me. With ‘Black Sails’, Flints journey and options were narrowing down and it was inevitable, what was going to happen to him. With ‘Lost in Space’, it seems to be opening out. Its about people trying to survive and trying to be better people and fighting to be alive. Flint had a death wish. After four years, that was really dark. It’s just a really nice juxtaposition to ‘Black Sails’, which I miss, enormously, but it felt like I was on holiday with ‘Lost in Space’. Although, like any job, ‘Lost in Space’ had its own pressures, but they weren't the same pressures that I experienced on ‘Black Sails’.
“His relationship with the kids,  that was a wonderful journey for me, as an actor. I really enjoyed playing that. As the season progresses, the robot becomes this surrogate father and protector for Will, who’s physically frightened. The irony is that Will has this father who is very brave, and who’s gone off on done all of this fighting in war, and he’s very capable, himself, but he’s nervous and frightened. So, the robot becomes very protective of him, but at the same time, threatens John. His son has to go to a robot to get what he should be giving him, and thats painful for him. The realisation that he's missed out on an enormous amount of his kids childhood and not being there for them, and trying to make up for that and connect with them again, is a very moving thing to play.”
“Initially, John is very distrustful of the robot. It’s a real problem because you need the robot in this extreme situation, since he seems to be able to help you, but at the same time, what is this thing goes berserk? You just don’t know what he's going to do. And as the show goes on, you realise that there are more reasons for him to distrust this thing. The whole thing is a great journey. All of that is really fun to play.”
“The biggest learn for me, that I’ve never had to do before, was doing all of that spaceship acting, sitting in the pilots chair and knowing what all the buttons do. That was such fun. While you’re doing it, you’re going, What am I doing?!, and then you have to remember what you used the buttons for, the next time. Being on a spaceship, throwing yourself around, I had a blast. You have to pinch yourself, once in awhile, and go, What am I doing?!”
“Yeah, the spacesuit was pretty uncomfortable, I have to say. One of the things I most enjoyed about the shoot, because it was so refreshing to me, was working with the kids. One becomes a bit jaded. Its easy to fall into saying, Oh, this spacesuit is so uncomfortable! But when Max Jenkins is jumping around going, This spacesuit is so cool!, it’s so refreshing. It’s so refreshing to be around that enthusiasm. It’s infectious. It was so great having the kids around because it just made you realise how lucky we were to be doing what we were doing.”
“We had a little bit of rehearsal time, but it was just a little bit. Max is such an easy kid to get to know. He’s just so open, and his parents are adorable. We couldn’t have lucked out more with the children that we got because they’re really great kids. They’re really open, really friendly, really open to having a great time, and up for learning. That just makes things so much easier. Im assuming that things can go very differently. We were incredibly lucky. All of us just really got on well and working with them seemed very natural. There didn’t seem to be any process that we had to go through. It just happened very quickly.”
“Molly and I spent a lot of time with Zack Estrin, talking about their relationship. If this isn’t a real relationship and a real family than nobody is going to care. The relationship has to be real without being depressing or sentimental. It has to be something that people can relate to. Especially because this is a family show, grown ups have to watch this, so it has to be sophisticated, as well as incredibly fun for the kids. We need grown ups and parents to be able to relate to Maureen and John and their problems and aspirations. What made it really great fun for me was working with Molly because she’s such a great actress, and we have that back and forth, both on screen and off. Their relationship feels like these are real people. Whats kind of funny is that the romance of the whole thing is really them. They’re the romantic couple. You want them to figure it out because they’re good people. If we’re lucky enough to go again, it will be interesting to see where they take John in Season 2. The other thing that I really enjoyed was working with Max and exploring that relationship, which to me is very real. I spent a lot of time away from my family, filming in South Africa, so I knew what it was like, being away from your family for a long time and feeling slightly out of place when you come back into it and trying to figure things out. I could really relate to that relationship, between John and Will. My son is about the same age as Max, but maybe a bit younger.”
“Interestingly, I would say that he creates the strongest bond with his son. He works out a lot of stuff with Maureen, but the greatest distance he covers is with Will. The last four episodes are really lovely, for me. John is also a slow burn. You don’t really get to know him that well, for awhile. It takes awhile to figure out his agenda, and whats going on between him and Maureen. It takes a long time to figure him out, but once you see what he’s trying to do, the last four or five episodes are really nice. It really is a journey for him. He does things wrong, but it’s because he’s clumsy. He doesn’t quite get it right and he misjudges things a bit. He’s too tough because he’s used to giving orders to people. Hes an army guy, so it’s all about training and execution for him. He has to relearn what empathy is, and how to deal with these kids without being this grumpy soldier.”
“Yeah, my kids did come, a couple of times, and they got on really well with Max, Mina and Taylor. And Mollys son came to set. It was really nice. It felt like a very family-oriented show, and they all hung out together. It was a really nice feeling and very relaxed.”
“Molly and I were quite adamant that the stakes had to be real and the threats had to be real. As an actor, the only thing you have is your instinct and your imagination. Those are the two main tools that you use. I didn’t really enjoy putting myself in that situation, where you are the person and your kids are under threat, but you had to give it that intensity. Of course, if it was real, I probably would have died. I would have had a nervous breakdown within an hour, but these characters can manage it. Obviously, one has to imagine what that would be like.”
Source: collider.com
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“I was seven years old when ‘Star Wars’ came out. That just kind of blew my head off. ‘2001’, ‘Blade Runner’. All of these, all of the stuff like that. This is the one genre I completely expected to be in.”
“The character of Captain Flint, who I was playing, was a very nihilistic character that was on this kind of tragic course toward death. So to get something so polar opposite was really fun. It just sort of ended up being the perfect antidote to having done something like ‘Black Sails’.”
Source:  indiewire.com
"The thing I admire in John is that he is somebody who knows that he has got it wrong, and he's trying to put it right. Not only for his relationship with his wife, but individually, his relationships with his children. He's trying to not only save their lives, but he's also trying to do the right thing. And I think that's what I really like about this series, is that it's something that is aspirational without being sentimental. It's about people trying to be better people and trying to do the right thing."
"I think that that's something we kind of need right now, because the world is really depressing at the moment, and things are really frightening. You watch TV and a lot of it is really depressing--and brilliant--but pretty much depressing. And I think what's nice is you can get lost in the adventure of this, but also these are people who are trying to be better. And I think there's something uplifting about watching that."
Source: gamespot.com
"Will is quite insecure, his confidence is not great”
Source:  digital spy.com
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On inequality in Hollywood:
"I think the movements are great. I am a parent of two girls and I have a wife who is very passionate, and I want a change for them, my wife and for all our friends”.
"I can only sympathise with and support the movement. Change needs to happen and it is mad that it has taken so long”
"It is a correction. It is really needed at the moment. Being a parent of two young girls, I am really excited about a show that has two young girls who are represented as incredibly capable, strong, smart, and sassy.”
"It is really great that there is a show which is showing that. I am excited for my kids to watch that and excited for the whole generation of kids to watch those characters and aspire to be like that.”
"There are moments which are light. Also, what is fun is that it is taking the domestic situation essentially and putting it in space.  So, there are these situations that occur and every parent or child will recognise... They have either been through that or seen them. But it is this extraordinary situation where they are million of years away from Earth which makes it different.”
Source: business-standard.com
On ‘Summer of Rockets’:
“It’s great to be working with Stephen Poliakoff again after such a long time. I loved working with him on ‘Perfect Strangers’; he’s such a unique and original voice in British television. It’s also good to be filming something back home in the UK for the BBC. It’s been a while.”
Source: deadline.com
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Maxwell: “I’ll never forget going up on top of the glacier. My scenes with Toby where we were walking in the snow, weren’t green-screen we were on a real glacier! We had to take a one-hour and 45-minute ride on a snowmobile to get there.”
“It was cold but sunny, and Toby didn’t think of getting sun protection. The following day, he had sunburn above his eyes and under his nose, and the glass of the space suit charred half his face.”
Source: entertainment.inquirer.net
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garrettauthor · 6 years
Hello Writer, and welcome back to my life.
Today's question comes to us from patron Kristen Stevens, who asks: "How do you find an editor that you trust?"
Simple question, not the simplest answer in the universe.
Finding an editor is maybe the most important decision in your career. It's just vital. It's like choosing a business partner or a spouse. And, as with decisions of similar importance, you should not rush into it.
Start by looking for recommendations. You are, or you should be, part of a community of writers, either IRL or online. One of their editors can be yours.
The wonderful thing about editing is that it doesn't have to happen in person. You send them a Word document, and they send it back. Lovely.
So start out by talking to authors, finding the biggest and the best authors you can find. You want to talk to somebody who's been doing this a while, who's preferably published many books, and who's used the same editor for several of those books, if not all of them.
Get their recommendations, find out who they work with, and then find out how fast those editors generally work and how much they charge for their work.
Obviously, you should never skimp on editing. Never go for the cheapest or the most cut-rate editor, because you'll get cut-rate work.
The first editor I ever worked with charged around $400 per book. The edits were...let's go with "not good." I had to go and re-edit them all—paying the RIGHT price the second time. So just keep things like that in mind.
BUT, at the same time, you likely won't start out with giant budgets of thousands of dollars to edit your books. So find what you can afford—but don't settle on quality.
If an editor doesn't do good work, it's easy to find out. You can talk to others who may have worked with that person and find out what they're like to work with, or you can get examples of their previous work.
If somebody is offering to edit your books for four or five hundred dollars, and you get a previous book they've edited, and it's filled with mistakes, don't hire that editor. Duh.
An editor like that might EVEN catch some of your grammar and spelling errors, but if you're going to have to re-edit it anyway, why not just do it right the first time? Readers don't care if you've got 3 errors per page vs. 5 per page���they'll think you didn't edit at all.
Side note: it's important to specify what KIND of editor you're looking for. Your first hire should be a copy editor, the person who finds your spelling, your grammar, your wrong words. (Mine is Karen Conlin, who goes by @GramrgednAngel on Twitter).
If you ask around for an editor and get a developmental editor—who helps you with structure and broad-level story changes—you might still publish with spelling and grammar errors, and that's just not good. So prioritize, and be very clear about what type of editor you are looking for.
So after searching awhile and getting a list of prospects, it's time to see if you can actually work with one of these editors.
Any editor worth their salt will do an "audition" editing chapter for you. They'll take the first chapter of your book—provided it's not one of these, like, ten thousand word chapters—and they will edit it for free.
You can look at what they've changed and see if you agree with it, if it makes your writing better. (That's your only criteria).
If you want to be super sneaky, you can also install, purposefully, little mistakes that you already KNOW you often do, writing tics and so on, especially if they're very subtle mistakes, and see if the editor catches them.
I didn't do that, but I've heard of people who have, and it could be effective at finding somebody who can deal with YOUR writing.
Anyway, I suggest you do "audition chapters" with multiple editors before choosing one. Evaluate whose work seems the best, the turnaround timeframe, and who communicates the best about what needs to be fixed.
Fellow YouTuber and indie author Antoine Bandele just put out his first book 'The Kishi.' It's very, very good. You should go buy it.
And Antoine spoke with me during the editing process. He had found an editor through recommendations and had hired him for a very, very low rate.
And the editor took...quite a lot of time. Antoine wanted to know if that was sort of normal? I happened to know the editor, so I said, "No, it is not normal, and, if you want my opinion, don't work with this person."
And he didn't. He found another editor and sampled his work with them. The communication was fast, it was professional, and deadlines were hit.
That's what you want, even if you find a good editor for cheap.
If you're gonna be stressed out, if the editor takes too long or misses their deadlines, if they're not emailing you and letting you know what's going on, it's bad.
Don't work with people like that. There's plenty of professionals out there who want your money.
So we've mentioned budget, but I just want to stress, again, you don't want to get cut-rate editing.
A good copy editor is gonna charge you, at a minimum, at least a cent per word, probably two cents per word, and up to five cents per word.
I know that that sounds expensive. And it kind of is. But you have to think about this in terms of a career.
If you're starting a delivery service business, you have to buy a van. You have to fill it up with gas. Otherwise, you can't deliver the product your business is supposed to deliver.
At two cents a word, an average novel costs around $1,600 to edit.
If your book doesn't make at least five grand short-term and way more than that in your lifetime, how do you think you're gonna build a business model?
Two grand seems like a whole lot when you're first starting out—and it is!—but that book is going to exist forever. And it should earn, if you're putting together a good business, quite a bit more than that.
So keep that perspective in mind when you're looking at editing prices, and just don't skimp!
There's one more thing I want to highlight here.
You've shopped around. You found some editors, you've sampled their work, you found The One. You can afford them, they seem to work well with you, and they've been recommended by other authors.
It is now your duty as an author to remain as professional in your relationship with your editor, as your editor is with you.
Yes, you are hiring them. Yes, you are "the boss".
But don't be a douchebag.
Stay in contact with your editor. Let them know when projects are coming up, let them know as fast as you possibly can. Let them know when things change.
And do not—DO NOT!—do the thing that far too many indie authors do, of expecting your editor to do more work than you are actually hiring them for.
Some authors get their manuscript out and send it to the editor, the editor makes their edits and sends it back, the author makes their changes. So far so good.
But then some authors REWRITE whole sections of the book and send it back, saying, "Oh, can you check these, too, for free?"
To which the correct response is, "No. Pay me."
There's often SOME back and forth. But this is just egregious and exploitative.
Which brings up a good point: yes, you should contract out this work. You should make an exact agreement. This many words, this price, etc.
Once that agreement has been made, don't expect more extra work for free.
Editors are amazing people. They are the foundations of our careers. Don't mistreat them. Just don't be an asshole.
If you're a professional, if you treat them well, your editor will the springboard for you to reach your potential as an author.
You can't do it without them, so it's well worth the time and money investment finding and using the right editor for you.
Thanks to Kristen for this week's question. It was a fun one to answer, and I hope everyone else found the answers helpful, as well.
Kristen and my other $5 patrons on Patreon get these videos two weeks in advance, and they're the only ones who can request future topics.
Pitch in: https://www.patreon.com/garrettbrobinson
Thank you so much. I will see you next time. Byyye!
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katedisonsmoved · 7 years
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Cursing, mild violence, nsfw themes.
“Forget that stupid agent.” “I cannot ask my parents for any more money.” “Who are you texting so early?” “Mi closet es su closet.” “You and I… we’re still good, right?” “Are you too busy to be the star of a major motion picture?” “I haven’t been sent a script in months.” “Maybe I can earn my way back to the top with some indie cred.” “I’m afraid that if we start working together, it’ll complicate things.” “One minute you kiss me and then the next minute you act like we're strangers.” “I know exactly what I want.” “Blockbusters don’t come cheap.” “Agents make your life easier.” “You can kick me under the table if I said anything stupid.” “I want out of this fresh hell.” “I see the big movie star’s got a mouth on him.” “I wonder what your adoring fans would think if they knew about the real you.” “Everything I have is invested in ___.” “I see you’ve already got an entourage.” “What do you say we eat first, talk business later?” “If handled the right way, a franchise can be a meal ticket for life.” “You didn’t take a pay cut?” “How we handle this opportunity could determine your career for the next twenty years.” “Am I allowed to ask how much money I’m making?” “This movie is gonna make you rich.” “Oh my god, this really is a conspiracy.” “A friend in need is a pain indeed.” “One sec, I need to reschedule my interview.” “I sacrifice more than my fee to get this movie made.” “I need a closer parking spot worked into my deal.” “I’m supposed to get you to hair and make-up.” “You in some kind of trouble?” “How long do these things usually take?” “There must have been a problem with the dress.” “My friends are gonna kill me, and honestly? I don’t blame them.” “I’ve been acting for years and every time they put up new sets, it never gets old.” “I hope he was worth it.” “I love when the bass comes in like that.” “You’re a hard woman to track down.” “I see the wheels turning, but your lips aren’t moving.” “Tell me everything and start at the beginning!” “I’m sure it was not as bad as you think.” “He threw my script away. I saw it in the trash.” “She was probably drunk, because she never called back.” “I think I did a really bad thing.” “Hideous. Ugly. No. Hard no. Heinous.” “You naughty little senorita.” “Well, you can start by taking off that dress.” “These stilettos are killing me.” “You didn’t want people finding out about us so you made sure that wouldn’t happen.” “Like everything else in my life, you probably stole it.” “Who is this bitch?” “If you ever bother him again, you’ll be dealing with me.” “I think this is the last we’ll be seeing of your mother.” “Why didn’t you tell me she called the first time?” “Her agents liked the script and they want to rep me.” “Ever since you got cast in this film, you’re like a different person.” “Why aren’t we using our inside voices?” “I’m sorry for the way I acted at the photoshoot.” “We used to be like family.”’ “If you have a friend you consider like family, they’re worth giving a second chance to.” “You sound like a producer.” “I can’t physically be in two places at once.” “I packed light because I don’t plan on wearing much.” “Stick with me. I can teach you all kinds of things.”
“They picked you out of thousands of actresses!” “We can take selfies when nobody’s looking.” “We’re in this together, right?” “It’s not like that. I really like her. She’s special.” “This is Stage Nine. Where all the magic happens.” “Craft service is that way. All you can eat snacks, 24/7.” “New single off the album?” “I’m sorry I haven’t returned your calls.” “Apparently, I’m an actress now.” “That album is not gonna record itself.” “I thought you could wear it on our first date.” “Would you mind putting this on?” “How did you feel in the studio this morning?” “I’ve been working on some new music.” “Don’t try to Miley Cyrus your ass into edgy.” “I don’t have time to clean up another one of your messes.” “He gave me the P and I gave it right back.” “Congrats on joining the movie.” “You’re where you’re at because you’re talented.” “It’s your life, ___. Not hers. Do it your way.” “Stand there and just say your lines.” “Dude, you’re killing us here.” “You held up the crew and you delayed production.” “Try just being her co-star. See how that goes.” “Not great doesn’t even begin to cover it.” “Are you having any regrets about turning him down?” “Another short day on set for you, huh?” “If there’s something there, you should go for it.” “Are you kidding me? This is all yours?” “I’m starting a Twitter war.” “You know what? Tweet away! She deserves it.” “I’m sure his ego isn’t damaged at all after being turned down for the first time in his life.” “Just the person I was looking for.” “I was a working child actor, so I never had a best friend. I was lonely.” “Maybe after the movie wraps?” “If you came here to tell me I made a mistake, save it.” “My whole life we’ve done it your way. Not anymore. Now, we’re doing it my way.” “I don’t understand what he sees in her. She’s so fake.” “You should probably start working on your Oscar speech.” “You felt it. I know you did.” “Yesterday I did a really moving scene with a tennis ball.”
“Trust me. You know what you’re doing.” “I think that’s the first time someone’s ever called me a real actress.” “You’re working on your birthday?” “He’s my co-star. I’m not sleeping with him.” “Don’t mess with tradition.” “I feel free, like I could do whatever I want.” “It was about us, wasn’t it?” “Does that mean you’ll come out tonight?” “You guys are not in sync with each other at all.” “Smiley face pancakes are moments away.” “Are you really acting jealous right now?” “She won’t be able to mess with you from behind bars.” “The story we built about who you are is finally safe.” “I’ll be ready for those shirtless scenes next week.” “So you’re sleeping with him?” “This could be a chance for me to control my fate for once.” “My accounts are frozen. I can’t access any of my money.” “I kinda feel like my mind is a million miles away.” “This is not just some random hook-up.” “If you don’t show up tonight, you could seriously damage this friendship.” “This has your fingerprints all over it.” “I’m gonna sue you in court.” “This is my story. It’s intensely personal.” “You should’ve seen the way he was flirting with this girl today.” “Do you have any idea how amazing that is?” “You were in on this?” “Every master planner needs a great accomplice.” “Do something. Push back.” “Consider it a small price to pay for your freedom.” “She was instrumental in pulling all this off.” “I would never tell anyone about us.” “All I ever wanted was what was best for you.” “You fight me and your career is ruined. That’s a promise.” “You’ll be hearing from my lawyers very soon.” “You can start by getting the hell out of my recording studio.” “I’m so glad you decided to celebrate our little victory after all.” “Oh, do tell.” “You might be starting over but you’re not doing it alone.” “He deserves to know who his father is.” “Like I said, the party was… pretty lit.” “Thank you for giving me the bed. How was the couch?” “Forget about my history. Because when I’m with you, I want to change.” “So what’s for breakfast?” “Who the hell are you?”
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Questions For Zodiac sings
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What’s up guys hello how are you? Welcome to your favorite podcast 
For today’s episode, we are gonna answer  the questions for the zodiac signs,
okay in TikTok there's a guy who asks questions his name is Brennan I really don't know if I'm pronouncing his name right I'm sorry, well the thing is you have to do a duet to answer them and I think it's really funny, okay he has a series of questions for all the signs of the zodiac, I don't really know if I believe in the zodiac or not but I think it's funny, plus most of the time they always have something good to throw you off, I really don't like to classify myself as an Aries, Leo, Gemini or any sign, I don't even know who or what I am, so today I'm going to answer all the questions.
So let's get started. 
Aries  March 21- April 20
Are you really a Control Freak? Kinda
Besides your self who is your favorite leader? Ellon Musk  Period 
When do you feel the most alive? okay four things car, night, cool music, friends yeah PERIODT 
Why are you jumping into relationships? This question is not for me. I've never been in a relationship
Best kissers? I don’t think I am, I’m on average 
Favorite color red? No
Lucky Number 9? I don’t have lucky number
How rich do you want to be? I really don’t want to be rich I just want to have a decent life, but I want to save the world so I think a lot.
Would you be a great president? No
What big secret are you keeping? I don’t have a big secret, sometimes the people are more boring that every one thing 
Okay, guys, this was the question for the Aries. I think I'm 50 percent, Aries.
Leo july 23- Agust 22
How stubborn are you? omg like a 100 percent I really am stubborn
The biggest heart? No 
Prefer to be around other people? yes
who are you most jealous of? nobody really
Favorite color purple? No
Like being treated as royalty? if who doesn't?
Most attracted to Aries? kinda 
Who’s your favorite comedian? i don’t have one 
How do you react when someone ignores you?
It depends on the form and the case but I guess I get angry because it's rude or if it's in the form of relationship I think I'm still trying
How loud i your roar?
okay I think I'm 60 percent Leo I don't know if this is good or bad because a lot of people say it's the most hated sign
Okay next 
Gamini may 21-June 20
Social butterfly?
I think it's when you go from place to place all the time and mix with all kinds of people so if I'm a social butterfly
Always changing your mind? cuz I have issues bro, I’m not stable, I don’t have emotional intelligence and I know cuz I made the test for know it
How well do you handle stress? I think I’m in the average 
two personalities? I have about a thousand, I think I'm going to name them, I think i have a problem 
Last important decision? make this episode and wake up 
Is your mind always racing with thoughts? yea but I’m trying to do yoga cuz maybe in the future that can be a problem 
favorite color yellow? No
slow to commit to relationships? no
What’s your IQ? I don’t know I think is low and I hate then 
How flirty are you? like a 9 I’m sorry mom 
 i think I’m a 70 percent Gemini 
so next
Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21
ask a lot of questions? sometimes
how energetic are you? i think a lot
good at giving advice? I'm the worst. I can give general advice like how to take care of yourself, drink water, but in specific problems I can't do it.
Too generous? no really
How optimist are you? 5 I'm very realistic but I think anything is possible
Can you make people laugh?On a scale of one to ten, I'd say an eight
Reaction when someone lies to you?I can't remember the last time I discovered a lie, but I guess I get angry
Fav color blue? omg yess i really love blue but in blue clothes I think I look great. I don't know. Blue is my color.
The most intelligent zodiac sing? idk 
Been mistaken as rude? no 
I'm just gonna say I love the color blue
aquarius jan 20- feb 19
Are you shy and quiet? No
Hard to trust other people?
no but i think that is a problem
The best listeners? i can listen but im not the best 
friends first? no 
hate being alone? i enjoy being alone
How do you help people?in any way possible
fav color black? no
Reaction when someone disagrees? I get stressed out
How many times have you broken a promise? I don't remember making a promise to anyone except myself, and I'm not going to break it.
How often do you just lose it? idk
Libra sep 23- oct 22
Are you a peacekeeper? kinda 
how charming are you? four of 10
What is your motto? You can do everything 
Admit when you’re wrong? its super hard for me
Talk someone out of something dumb?yeah
Make big plans? yeah because i really want a good life and for that i need big plans
Living your best life? im trying
fav color pink? no but its one of my favorites 
Why are you indecisive? I really don't think that I'm indecisive
What do you daydream about? collage, my crush, and be independent
 Cancer june 21- july 22
How persuasive are you? I'm not persuasive. I'd like to be.
How much do you like art? 100% i really love music, movies, films, paint but I'm not good at creating it, so I think it's better to catch it
Are you insecure? kinda but im trying to fix it
How emotional are you? a lot 
How big is your imagination? not a lot
Favorite place to go with friends? State fair 
Favorite family member? im 
Fav color white? no 
Favorite tv show? euphoria 
How moody are you? 4 of ten 
 Virgo Aug 23- Sep 22
How sensitive are you? 8-10
Afraid to speak in front of people? no 
Get mad when people don’t follow rules? sometimes
Why do you worry so much? because i have issues
What do you do to stay healthy? I exercise 30 minutes a day, try to sleep early and drink lots of water
Hate asking for help? I don't hate it but it scares me
Favorite animal? I think the chicken is the best animal in the world because you don't need to kill it to survive like cows or pigs, I love the egg and it can be your best friend forever having a give and take relationship for life, I think it's beautiful
Fav color gray? no
You talk to your self? Yes, and that's a problem, which is why I created this podcast
How clean is your room? 4- 10
scorpio oct 23- nov 22
Why are you so stubborn? because you have to fight for what you want to have 
Are you a “True friend”? yeah
How brave are you? 7- 10
What are you most passionate about? help people
How secretive are you? As a two, I hate secrets because they give me worries and I like to be in complete peace 
What pokemon would you be? pikachu
Need to be right all the time? people think that, but the truth is that I like to give my opinion and talk when I know about it, I don't like to talk about things I don't know because they can cause problems, so yeah i need it
Fav color red? no
Scale 1-10 how much of a joker are you? 6 Always tell the truth? no but I’m not a liar 
Taurus April 21 may 20
How patient are you? 2
Are you practical? yeah super and that’s why i don’t have a lot of patience 
Do you like drees up? sometimes
How responsible are you? 8
Scale 1-10 do you like to cook?  8 I love cooking, following recipes but I don't like how I cook, the taste of my dishes is horrible
Are you opposed to change? no im pro-change, change is always good and some ways
Good at minding your own business? I hate drama, getting into trouble that's not mine, I hate that kind of stress so I try to stay away from places where I'm not called, its for my mental health
Fav color green? no
Easy to make money? no really but i have some ideas 
Most reliable zodiac sign? idk
Capricorn dec 22 jan 19
How disciplined are you? like a 7
Are you a “know it all”? no, but that’s my goal 
Are you a family person? no 
Would you be a good manager? no but i can try it
Is tradition important to you? no really 
Do you expect the worst? sometimes 
Coke or pepsi products? coke but i like pepsi too
fav color brown? no
Fav music Genre? pop and rap
Do you learn from your mistakes? sometimes 
pices feb 20 march 20
are you a compassionate person? yeah
hate to be criticized? if it's not constructive to hate it
why are you always sad? im not sad always im neutral
what are you most fearful of? losing an arm or a leg, an eye, having one of those kinds of accidents, I think it's for brave people to be able to overcome that and I'm not that brave person I'd rather die Do you play any instruments? no i wish 
favorite season?fall I love it with all my being, it's cold and hot at the same time, hallowen, the sky is always beautiful, pumpkins, the color of the leaves I don't know if I could live in one season it would be fall
the wisest zodiac sing? idk
fav color purple? no
sleep all the time? no i hat sleep
do you trust everyone? no really
okay friends these were the questions for the zodiac signs, i really liked answering the questions, i'm going to post the profile of the person who created these tiktoks in case you want to make them, all the information is on my twitter, i really liked this episode i really don't like to classify myself and i think i have something from everyone, in the end we are all the same, we all have insecurities, good things and bad, so see you guys in the next episode hugs and kisses
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