#i was planning on writing a bit of a longer fic for today's prompt and have it posted on ao3 as well but i got kinda busy today
imagineacoolusername · 10 months
@carryon-countdown day 5: fight
379 words, rated G. just simon and baz having an impromptu pillow fight in their room :)
Simon has been punching his pillow for a good five minutes now, and my patience is starting to wear thin. 
He’ll punch it for a bit, place it in bed and lay his head on it, get up as he sighs frustratedly, and start punching it again. 
After a few more rounds of this nonsense, I snap. 
“Snow. What the fuck are you doing.”
“My pillow is too high and hard.”
“I want it to be softer.”
“I’m making it softer.”
“By beating the hell out of it?”
He grins, “exactly.”
He then goes back to torturing his pillow, and I roll my eyes exaggeratedly, making sure he sees me, just to know how annoying he is. 
He suddenly goes quiet, and I internally thank Merlin for the moment of peace, however brief. 
“Oi, Baz!” he calls, as if we were kilometers away and not at all in the same room. 
I sigh heavily before turning to face him, but all I see is a white blur before the fucking pillow hits me square in the face. I stay frozen as the pillow falls on my lap, too perplexed to react.
“Come on, don’t be a wanker, give it back, then,” Simon complains. 
“Give it back? You’re the one who fucking threw it at me!” I don’t even know why I’m feeling so offended. 
Simon looks at me expectantly, making grabby hands at the pillow, still grinning like a madman. I do the most reasonable thing. I throw it to his face. 
“Oh, you’re fucking on, Pitch.” He laughs, and the next thing I know, I’m being hit not once but twice with pillows. The fucking bastard took my pillow as well. 
I get up from my desk, grab one of the pillows, and start attacking SImon, who in turn is both defending himself and attacking back. 
I want to say that he’s being ridiculous and laughing like an idiot, but to be honest, I am too, and it is great. 
Soon enough there are feathers spouting out of the pillows, which makes absolutely no sense as I know for a fact that they are filled with cotton. But fuck if I care; Simon is laughing, having the time of his life, and that’s all matters. 
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orchidniins · 5 months
Forehead Kisses | Arthur Frederick
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Summary: Arthur being the biggest green flag and taking care of his sick partner. Pairing: Arthur TV x gn!Reader Warnings: Fluff Word count: 1.3k+ A/N: Short one to start the week. I have a ton of requests that I'm currently working on at the moment (honestly I'm a lot slower at writing than I thought) and I'm hoping to get out 2 longer fics next week (if work doesn't keep me busy that is) 🤞 Thanks anon for the request! Hope you enjoy!
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As you step into your apartment, the door creaks softly behind you. You clutch your forehead, rubbing your temples in an attempt to ease your pounding migraine. Each step you take only worsens your body pains, leaving you feeling as though you've been hit by a truck. You shed your jacket and kick off your shoes, your body craves rest, wanting nothing more than to just curl up in bed. However, thoughts of the work you still have to complete nag at you, not wanting anything to pile up for the rest of the week.
Tossing your keys onto the table, the loud clatter disrupts the quietness of the room and you mentally curse yourself. You try to move as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Arthur, who had mentioned his plans to live stream for a few hours today. And despite your best efforts, an uncontrollable fit of coughing wracks your body, sending a sharp pain shooting up to your head again. You groan out in pain, unable to ignore the discomfort.  
Arthur was in his office in the midst of a live stream, chatting away with his viewers when he heard you from the living room. Pausing the game he was playing, he swiftly excuses himself from the stream, taking off his headset and exits the room.
You glance towards his office, the soft click of his door catching your attention. Upon spotting your red nose and sunken eyes, he doesn't hesitate for a moment, swiftly hurrying to your side. "Hey, darling, are you okay?" His voice is laced with genuine concern as he assesses your condition.
"I just had a bit of a headache, so my boss sent me home early," you shrug as you explain, trying to downplay the situation. "It's probably nothing, maybe just because it's cold and windy outside—" Your sentence is cut short by cough, prompting Arthur's concerned gaze. "Why didn't you tell me before you left for work?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "How long have you been feeling like this?", his hands come to rest on your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly.
"You see, this is why," you remark, sounding slightly exasperated. "Weren’t you going to stream today?" Arthur immediately responds, "Don't worry about that, darling," he assures you, still just as worried.
"I'm fine, babe," you quickly reassure him, not wanting to worry him any further, knowing he'll drop everything to take care of you. "I'm feeling better now that I'm home. I'm actually gonna get some work done." But before you can continue, Arthur shakes his head adamantly. "No work, absolutely not. You need to rest," he insists firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument as he gently guides you towards the bedroom.
“But…I don’t want stuff to pile up”, you attempt to protest. But Arthur remains resolute, his gaze soft as he looks at you caringly. "There are others who can handle your work for now," he insists gently. "Right now, you need rest, medicine, and some tea." 
You look back at him with a small pout, hoping to sway him, "Off to bed you go," he says, as you two step into the bedroom.
"But Arthur," you begin, whining, but he cuts you off with a pointed look. "No, Y/N," he says, giving you a pointed look.
Finally, you concede, a sigh escaping your lips. "Fine, I'll sleep for an hour, but promise me you'll wake me up so I can finish up work." Arthur simply nods, accepting the small victory.
After changing out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable, you sit down on the bed "Just stay put, I'll get you the medicine," he says, but you attempt to get up from bed, insisting, "No, no, it's fine, Arthur, I'll get it myself." However, he gently pushes you back down. "No, I've got it,"
"But what about your stream?" you worry, but Arthur dismisses your concern with a laugh. "Just sleep, darling," he urges before leaving momentarily to fetch the medicine. Returning with water and the medicine, he hands them to you. "Here, take it," he instructs, watching as you comply before he helps you settle into bed.
"Do you need more pillows or a blanket?" Arthur asks, but you quickly decline, insisting that you're fine. "You just get back to your stream. Don't leave your viewers staring at an empty chair," you joke weakly. Arthur chuckles, "You just worry about getting better," before you interject, "It’s literally nothing, Arthur. I’ll be fine after a small nap. Just make sure you wake me up in an hour okay?" He responds with a sarcastic chuckle, “Yeah sure darling”, and you soon start to feel yourself getting drowsy. He brushes the hair out of your face, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before quietly leaving the room.
Ignoring your request, Arthur allows you to sleep for as long as you need to, making sure to check up on you every 15 minutes or so. If he hears even a peep from the bedroom, he excuses himself from his stream to ensure you're okay or to make sure you've taken your medicine, sitting beside you until you drift back to sleep.
After another 30 minutes or so, Arthur decides to end his stream early, apologizing to his viewers before quietly slipping back into the bedroom to check on you. He walks up to you and sits beside your sleeping form, noticing a thin sheen of sweat on your forehead. Gently grabbing a towel, he wipes it, causing you to slowly wake up. "Sorry, sorry, go back to sleep," he quickly apologizes, feeling slightly guilty for waking you. However, you decide to sit up in bed, “No it’s fine,” you say, giving him a small smile.
He smiles softly and leans in to kiss you on the forehead, gently rubbing the sleep marks on your face. "How are you feeling?" he asks.
"Better," you reply with a slight smile. "My head doesn’t hurt as much." Leaning to grab a tissue, you blow your nose before asking, "What time is it?"
"It's around 7 pm," Arthur responds gently. "You've been asleep for about 3 hours."
"You told me you’d wake me up," you start to say, your tone slightly whining.
"Yeah, but you are really sick," Arthur interjects gently. "You don't need more work, you need to rest."
"But—", you begin to speak, but then you cough, a sharp pain shooting to your head. You look at him sheepishly as you groan, finally accepting, "Yeah, fine. I’m sick."
Arthur nods understandingly as he laughs at your admission. "I'll be right back, let me get you some tea," he says, getting up before quietly leaving the room.
He comes back after a few minutes, finding you sitting with your eyes closed, leaning against the headboard. As he walks in with the tea and more medicine, setting them down on the nightstand, he sits on the bed next to you, causing the mattress to dip slightly and the movement wakes you up.
"Hey, I’ve got your tea," he says softly, offering you the cup. "It'll help with your throat."
You pick it up and take a sip, feeling the warmth trickle down your throat, soothing the ache.
You look at him with a small smile, "Thank you, baby."
Arthur smiles warmly, replying, "Anything for you, love. You know I always wanna take care of you."
"I love you," you say softly, placing your palm on his hand that was resting on the mattress.
"I love you too, more than anything," Arthur responds, his eyes filled with affection.
His hand comes up to gently rub your cheek. As he leans in for a kiss on the lips, your hand comes up to cover his mouth, saying, "No, you'll get sick too. And then I’ll have to take care of you, and you’re the clingy type when you’re sick."
He feigns hurt for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Okay, okay, forehead kisses only," he agrees, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, eliciting a smile from you as he leans and places a kiss on your forehead.
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Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Not working on any new requests currently but feel free to drop into my asks for a chat! 😊
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Her smile was worth it
Pero Tovar (modern AU) x plus size female reader (La jefa)
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Word Count: 1882
Warnings: DARK FIC, mobs and their enforcers, mentions of general violence and graphic violence, mentions and descriptions of torture, descriptions of injuries, solving problems Tovar style, comfort food and tea
Summary: Pero Tovar only has a few people he chooses to interact with willingly. The bookstore owner is one of them. Someone made a very stupid mistake, Tovar will handle it and still have his tea.
Notes: This was written for @iamasaddie ‘s writing challenge 2.0. My color was Mob Enforcer and the prompt was “Hurt/Comfort” and “Who did this to you?” We're longer than a Drabble again, we dribbled quite a bit. Such is Nerdie.
I may have leaned too hard into the ‘hurt portion’ but we’ll see. 👀
Main Masterlist/ Pero Tovar Masterlist/ Writing Challenges
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The only good thing about doing collections, was that most of the time, Pero wasn’t using violence. Just intimidation. The shopkeepers knew why he was here and knew the amount they needed to pay to The Family. It’s been the same amount for the past six months, in was raised temporarily for some needed repairs on the club the Valentino family owned. The actual story was that a few of the younger members had been ordered to torture a few members of a rival family and went overboard. The walls, floors and everything needed to be scrubbed. 
Tovar’s been with the Valentino family for fifteen years and as one of their premier enforcers for the last seven working his way up from errand boy. His height and broad frame discourage crossing him, and even if someone is dumb enough to do so, they find themselves bloodied, battered and with at least one thing broken. 
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Today’s last stop for collections was planned and one that Pero normally did by himself. The bookstore owner also functions as the town’s librarian since the town doesn’t have one. It’s a smaller town and to get to a library you must drive two towns over. She normally offers him tea and some type of baked goodies. He wouldn’t admit it, but he’s grown to have a slight sweet tooth. Maybe. Really, he could care less about the sweets, he usually chats up the owner and barrows books. Considering he is collecting money from her, he felt he should pay but she always said no. He got the sense it wasn’t out of fear, she liked knowing his thoughts on different books. At first, he didn’t like the idea of discussing them. The enforcer wasn’t sure if he could really talk about different themes, symbols, characters and the like he often heard people talk about when discussing these books. 
La jefa (the boss) as he often greeted her didn’t judge him on his answers or lack of them. He’d talk the best he could about what he read, even if he didn’t understand it all. She listens and sips her tea, then asks him questions to draw more answers out of him. It fustrated him at first. But he grew to enjoy the bi-weekly sit downs with her. 
The chime of the bell goes off as he opens the door. The sun is at Pero’s back as he enters the bookstore. He comes early in the afternoon around two. She’s not at the counter, though the shop is listed as open. Calling out for her, she doesn’t answer, and he sucks his teeth. It isn’t like her at all. There’s no tea out either. There are no books that appear out of place and making his way behind the counter, nothing appears to be wrong with the register.
The enforcer goes into the back of the shop, he only knew where the bathroom was back here. He was looking for anything that resembled an office, as he walked down the hallway, there was a sniffle. As he kept going, they got louder. Taking a breath while he stood in front of a door that was slightly ajar, he tried to prepare himself. Maybe it was a bad day, maybe she got a papercut or was reading a sad book or something. Tovar instantly knew none of those were the case when he opened the door. 
Sitting behind the desk, her shoulders were slumped, and her hands were covering her face. He saw the scabs on the back of her hands, defensive marks. “Jefa dejame ver. (Boss, let me have a look).” Her sniffles stop for a moment as she shakes her head, turning her body away from him in the swivel chair. His eyes widen at the mark on her neck he spies it when she turns, it looks like it could be from a palm. Moving to her side, Pero places a hand on her shoulder, “I need to see cariño (sweetheart) or just give me a name. Who did this to you?” She finally drops her hands, but she turns her face away.
“I don’t want you to see. The envelope is on the desk Pero. Please.”  It is on the table, and he’ll put it in his jacket shortly - it is why he came here in the first place, but he can’t just leave like this. On top of her being one of a small number of people who he wants to be around, it could get around that the protection money the shops pay isn’t worth a damn because you could get beat in your own shop, and nothing will happen to whoever did it.
“Then tell me a name.” It’s sterner this time, but he’s released her shoulder and instead picked up her hand, his thumb tracing the scabs on her knuckles. She’d tried to fight back at least. She’s biting her lips when she finally looks at him, most of the discoloration is on the left side of her face though there’s a cut on her chin and one on her bottom lip. A large bruise is on her chest across her right clavicle, partly covered by her shirt. Pero’s able to keep his face motionless. “Por favor cariño (please sweetheart).” He doesn’t recognize the name she says, but he kisses her forehead and wraps an arm around her. “Gracias (thank you). I’ll be back princesa (princess).” 
Pero puts the envelope in his jacket pocket and heads out of the office. “Close the shop now and have the tea ready when I come back. Between eight and nine tonight.” He’s going to be quick about dropping the money off and he’s texted one of his associates with the name she gave. Within fifteen minutes, Pero has a picture to go with the name and a location. Marcello talks way too much, but he’s the best Tovar knows at tracking people.
Pero finds this man himself and tells Marcello to tell the higher ups that he needs to demonstrate a lesson in messaging with the family. He’ll need the basement and he’ll keep the clean up to a minimum. It’s not that there wouldn’t be blood. There might be too much blood so the powers at be approve the basement use but ask that Marcello and a second enforcer be there so that the man isn’t killed. There’s only murder when necessary and it wasn’t they viewed in this case. Pero sucked his teeth for the second time today but would make sure the man in question lives. Just not with all functioning limbs. 
After the submission of the money and subsequent torture was complete, the man’s body was bandaged by one of their doctors on the payroll and dropped off at his home, during a time they knew his family would be home with the message, “The Valentino family suffers no fools.” Pero carved it into his back to emphasize the point. He was still alive but would not be the same. Not after, as Tovar saw it, he’s violated one of his favorite places. 
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La jefa has long closed her shop and made herself dinner. Now that she thought about it, she’s never made Pero any of her food, just cookies, brownies and the like. Since he said he was coming back, she would make extra. The worst that would happen would be that he would say he didn't want any.  It also dawned on her that she has not made a book recommendation today. She should pick one out before he comes, straightening out her mint green dress. Turning off the stove, she went downstairs to look for a book and saw Pero standing at the door ready to knock. It was a quarter after eight, he was glad he’d taken the extra time to shower. He didn’t want to be late, but he didn’t want to be dirty either. 
“Ah! Mi princesa del librios es bonita (My Princess of books is pretty). You have our tea ready tonight?” His question follows the chime of the bell above the door as she unlocks it and lets him in. She then locks it again and nods.
“I have tea and I made some extra for dinner. I didn’t pick out a book for you yet.” She seems a bit brighter than this afternoon but still trying to make sure she was facing him with her right side. Pero takes her left hand and tugs it a little, not hard, just enough so she faces him fully.
“Hermosa (gorgeous) you don’t have a bad side. Don’t worry about the book. I haven’t finished with the other one yet. I want my tea and I want to see what you made for dinner.” The corners of her mouth curve and finally she smiles, squeezing his hand and leading him up the stairs. Pero watches her walk up and into her living area. It’s cozy as it has books scattered about as well. 
“I don’t know if you like stew, but I made that and heated up some rolls. There’s butter too. I have water, apple juice, coke, and some rum.” The last option surprised him as he didn’t picture her drinking at all. Maybe she had a glass or two when she sat up here before bed. She poured herself a glass of water as Pero pointed to her glass and held up an empty bowel on the table. She filled both and they sat down across from each other. “I hope you enjoy Pero.”
“I don’t doubt that I will cariño.” The food went quickly as they ate, and she asked what other kind of foods he liked. Pero felt he might be getting greedy. Perhaps he’s been gluttonous of her attention each time he comes here. She gives it so willingly. 
Tonight’s tea is mint like her dress which makes Tovar chuckle as he takes up half of her loveseat sitting down. She takes up the other and they sip tea, speaking of past books they’ve read and things he may want to read. 
Even if he got an urgent call, he’ll ignore it because he’s having his tea. Pero Tovar doesn’t feel like an enforcer or a conduit for violence. He just has an arm around one of his favorite people as she places her head on his shoulder. The tough pads of his fingers touch the injured side of her face while he tells her that it’s been taken care of. He won’t tell her details. Tovar figures she can put it together. If he can just have moments like these where he’s just a man with someone he cares for, Pero can use that to sleep. He prays she can rest without crying or being scared. 
The loveseat has his feet hanging off outside of the blanket he found on the back of it. So far, he hasn’t heard her sniffle again. Pero carried her to bed after she fell asleep in his arms. The faint scent of mint mingling with the earthy smell of the books lulls him to sleep. He had blood on his hands again today, but it was fine. It was for her sake, and she hasn’t cried again.
It was worth it.
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Rayllum Month 2024: A Prince and His Princess
Super late I know 😭 I’ve been away these past couple of days and haven’t had the time focus entirely on writing so it took me longer than usual to be able to finish this fic. I hope you enjoy this and please excuse any typo you might find 😅 I plan on finishing the Magic Prompt next and hopefully post that before S6 comes out 🤞🏽
Callum watched the training session in the courtyard from the balcony after finishing the meeting with Ezran and the rulers accompanied by their advisors from the other kingdoms earlier than expected. He admiringly watched his wife leading the training session for the knights along with Soren and couldn’t help but grin.
“Ok, now,” Rayla started. “Today, I will demonstrate how to disable your opponent by sweeping their leg, and Soren will be leading this demonstration with me,” She threw a smirk towards the crown guard who scoffed back comically. Callum chuckled as he reminisced his training session with Soren, when he tried to use that move and got told it wasn’t a thing in sword fighting, only to see Rayla successfully use it not too long after.
Rayla and Soren finally faced each other, then began to parry. As They pranced back and force and their swords kept clashing, Rayla explained each and every step along the way. Then Rayla successfully kicked Soren’s sword out of his hands and quickly slid her own beneath his feet. In the next instant, Soren was lying on his back.
“Ugh, I still need to work on countering that,” he groaned as he sat up. Rayla stood over him grinning victoriously.
“Haha yeah!” Callum cheered on from a distance, still weirded out by seeing Soren be the one on the ground. Rayla looked up in his direction, smiled and blew him a kiss.
The guards all stared in awe as Rayla looked back and bowed down in their direction. “Alright now, each of you will partner up and take turns practicing. Soren will be watching over your training as I have other important matters to handle now,” She nodded to Soren and walked over towards the stairway as swords clashed behind her. When she finally reached the top, she hugged and kissed her eager husband.
“How was the royal affairs meeting?” She asked, her hands in his.
“Eh, stuffy as always,” he answered. “But hey, it ended sooner than expected so I was able to come watch a little bit of your training session and you outmatch Soren,” he chuckled. Rayla smiled and jokingly rolled her eyes.
“Hey tell you what,” Callum continued, gently grabbing Rayla’s waist. “Can you do me a favor and wait for me in our room? There’s something important I need to show you,”
“Ooh is it a surprise?” Rayla smiled as she asked cunningly, wrapping her arms around his neck. Callum looked at her nervously then scratched the back of his head.
“Ugh can’t talk now! I’ll see you later,” he finally dashed past her and she smiled at him softly.
Rayla was more than excited to finally get to bond with her baby girl Amaris, constantly making goofy faces and planting kisses all over her tiny face.
“Who’s a wee cutie, hmm? Who’s a wee cutie?!” Rayla asked her baby playfully before blowing raspberries into her itty bitty belly. Little Amaris’s squeals and laughs grew louder with each second and her dazzling green eyes twinkled with excitement.
The door finally opened and Callum walked in, hiding something in one hand behind his back.
“Daddy’s here,” Rayla said softly as she walked over to him. With his empty hand, he reached towards Amaris’s face and squeezed her chubby cheek.
“Aww there’s my wuvley widdle princess!!” He exclaimed as he reached to kiss the squealing infant. He then looked up and smiled at Rayla, who was gently shaking Amaris. He finally revealed what was in his other hand and Rayla’s eyes widened in wonder.
“Is that..” Rayla gasped when she took a closer look. That familiar sweet and fruity aroma filled her nose.
“No! You did not!” She put her hand on her gaping mouth.
“Moonberry Surprise!” Callum finished for her joyfully. “Made by non other than Barius!”
Rayla couldn’t find any words to say. She only found herself leaning forward to kiss his cheek.
“Callum! You truly are the best husband anyone can ask for!”
They walked over to their bed and Rayla laid a cooing Amaris down. Rayla couldn’t stop gaping and drooling as Callum cut open the cake revealing the slowly trickling moonberry jelly filled with tiny fruit chunks. He brought with him two forks and plates for each of them to eat together in bed.
After Callum put a slice on each of their plates, he grabbed a fork and cut off a piece from Rayla’s plate, then reached for her mouth.
“How is it?” He asked. Rayla chewed and felt the vanilla frosting blending with the sweet and mildly sour moonberry flavor in her mouth.
“Callum this is the BEST moonberry surprise I’ve ever had in my life!”
Callum chuckled at her. “You’re kidding right? You’ve definitely had better ones in the Silvergrove,”
“Mmmm, nope! This one has Barius’s special touch and it was a gift from you. Nothing in all of Xadia could beat that,”
“Well I would do anything for my princess,”
Callum reached to gently grab her chin. Rayla let out a soft laugh but looked down awkwardly. She reached for her plate, slid her finger through the thick red jelly and stuck her finger in Amaris’s tiny mouth, with the baby grabbing her mother’s finger with all five of her fingers as she sucked the jelly. Callum looked at her curiously but he immediately understood. He reached for his daughter’s hair and softly rolled her tiny silver curls around his finger.
“You’re still not used to the title, aren’t you?” He asked calmly, eventually moving his finger to caress Amaris’s stubby little horn.
“I guess not, not really. It just sounds…too regal” Rayla answered him, feeding more jelly to her daughter. Callum then reached out and grabbed Rayla’s hand.
“Yeah I get it,” he started. “When my mom married my stepdad, I became a prince right away. But growing up, it never really stood with me. You know? Because I wasn’t born a prince and all that. Not to mention all the stuff I had to learn and do because it was expected of a prince. I felt like the title just…put me above other people and it just didn’t feel right, you know? Even being called the high mage still felt… weird. But I always reminded myself of my stepdad calling himself a servant of Katolis, that it is was his duty to serve every single person and creature in this kingdom and to make sure they had everything they needed. He reminded me that our titles in this castle don’t make us better than everyone else, but they’re reminders of our own responsibilities to everyone. What we do to help others. And Rayla?” He finally reached to hold her cheek, with Rayla lovingly putting her hand on top of his. “Knowing you and knowing how much you care for others and always want to help, I don’t think there’s anyone I know of that’s more qualified than you are,”
Rayla’s violet eyes widened and shined as she heard more his words. She felt herself leaning and melting more into his big warm hand on her face.
“Callum,” she started calmly. “Somehow, you just have a way to bring out the best in even the worst of things,” she sighed relaxingly. She then grabbed a fork, took a piece from Callum’s plate, then reached for his mouth. Callum bit off of it, but Rayla smirked then lifted the fork; taking Callum by surprise and getting jelly stained frosting smeared over his lips.
“Hey! You meant to do that!” Callum joked as Rayla laughed at his cute mischievous frown.
“Here I got it for you,” She chuckled, then leaned forward to place her lips on his, sucking off the smudged deliciousness. When she slightly backed away, Callum felt her giggle and smile against his lips. He chuckled back then leaned forward to kiss her now smudged lips. They wrapped their arms around each other and made out passionately as they also enjoyed the sweet flavor of each other’s lips.
When they finally pulled away, they leaned their foreheads against each other’s and stared into each other’s eyes tenderly. They then burst into laughter and laid back onto the bed. They looked towards their daughter and found her already fast asleep despite all the noise they were making. Callum carried the sleeping infant and went to place her in her crib, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. He then joined Rayla back in bed to cuddle and eventually doze off.
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thefairywithboots · 4 months
If You Wake Up With The Sunrise (Robert Plant x fem!Reader)
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Our unnamed OC wakes up next to Robert after a night of passion. She gives him a massage before he has to leave for an interview.
This is filling out TWO fluff requests that were sent to my inbox two weeks ago, the first one requesting a massage fic, and another being from a prompt list that included "pressing foreheads together."  I wanted to prove that I was capable of writing Robert fic that wasn't smut, but even my fluff fics have smutty undertones. Anyways, I have delayed this fic longer than I should have due to my personal life being hectic, and it's much shorter than I usually write, but I hope someone enjoys this.
Warnings: Fluff and sap with smutty undertones.
Rating: T+
@bijouxcarys @chromations @ourshadowstallerthanoursoul @strsmn @jimmysdragonsuit13 @callmethehunter @firethatgrewsolow @brownskinsugarplum76 @m-faithfull @elliotironmaidenfan @elliotts-personal-property @chauffeurkashmir @friccinfricks @jimmypage7 @teaforqne let me know if you want to be tagged for future fics. 😘🌻
Her body felt heavy when she awoke in the morning to sunlight peeking through the curtains in the hotel room. She had been so satisfied with last night’s endeavors that it took her a moment to remember that she was not in her own bedroom.
Her eyelids were heavy with sleep, and she could feel Robert’s warmth lying next to her. She felt tempted to fall back into a deep sleep and cuddle into him, but instead rose to open the curtains to flood the room with sunlight.
Robert stirred in bed, only to roll over and bury his head in the pillow. She made her way over to his side of the bed, placing her hands over his shoulders and leaning down to press small kisses to his face.
“It’s time to wake up…” she said gently.
He groaned into the pillow. “Just a few more…”
She pressed kisses down his bare shoulders as she laid her body over top of him. “I’d like to sleep in with you too, but you have some interviews to do today, remember?”
He let out a small groan as he rolled over onto his back to face her. She took in his messy hair and sleepy face. He looked adorable, she thought, as she leaned down to press her chest against his. He smiled sleepily as he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her against him. Their lips met lazily while the last bit of sleep lingered between them. She inhaled his kiss, as if she were breathing him - as if he were her life source.
When the kiss finally broke, she pressed her forehead against his, their movements much slower and more languid than the roughness they had displayed the previous night. She closed her eyes, breathing in his musky aroma as he held her naked body tighter against his. He stole another kiss from her.
“You wore me out last night, you know that…?”
She smiled mischievously before pushing herself off the bed. Robert let out a small whine as he reached for her, his hands lingering on her hips as she pulled away.
“You plan on teasing me again, doll? You know how that always ends… you always end up on your back eventually.”
She felt her thighs clench when he said that, and it took everything in her to not just let him pull her back into bed and let him ravish her.
“You have an interview to do today,” she reminded him.
Robert sat up, propping himself up on his elbows as he looked at her. He was still half asleep, but his gaze was intense, as if he were hunting her down. It made the heat pool low in her abdomen. “We have a few hours to spare before I have to leave. I could have you lose your voice in less than half that amount of time.”
She bit her lip and glared at him, pulling on her robe to prevent herself from giving in to the temptation. “I think you should get a shower, Robert.”
She should too, they both smelled of sweat and sex, but she knew very well what would happen if she were to get into the shower with him.
He didn’t argue with her as he pulled himself out of bed and made his way into the bathroom. While the shower ran, she took the time to freshen up.
As she glanced towards the bathroom, she saw that Robert had left the door wide open so that she could have a clear view of him through the glass shower door. Her eyes travelled over him before the steam of the shower could completely fog up the glass as he washed his hair. The way the water poured over him, and the way he shook the water from his hair made him resemble a lion under the stream of a waterfall.
She was putting lotion on her legs when he came out of the bathroom, towel drying his hair. He didn’t even bother covering himself as he made his way back over to the bed, his usual air of confidence apparent as he pranced around in the nude.
“I saw you watching me, darlin’…”
“Oh, did you?” She continued lotioning her legs.
“You could have joined me.”
“You and I both know that would have taken more water than if we were to shower separately.”
Robert stretched out languidly on the bed, his toned body on display for her. “We have about an hour before I have to leave.”
She turned to face him. “I think you should be relaxed when you go…”
Robert’s arms looped around her as he pulled her against his warm body. “And you know what would relax me more than anything…” He pressed his lips against hers, pushing her robe back to get easier access to her breasts.
She kissed him back for a few moments before pulling away and holding his hands to prevent him from groping her. “Roll over onto your stomach,” she told him, reaching for the lotion.
He propped himself up with his arms. “Why?”
She rolled her eyes. “I told you I want you to feel relaxed before you leave.”
He did as he was asked and rolled over to lay down on his stomach. She pumped some lotion into her hands before gently massaging it into his broad shoulders, focusing her attention on his tense muscles as she added extra pressure to knead them.
Robert relaxed under her touch, letting a low groan escape his lips. She continued to knead his muscles, feeling the tension in his shoulders slowly dissolve as she continued her handiwork.
He quietly whimpered her name.
She felt that familiar sensation course through her at every little noise he made, and she soon found herself straddling his body. She leaned down to press a kiss to his back as she started to focus more attention on his lower back, causing him to whimper softly again.
“Am I being too rough?” she asked gently.
He shook his head into the pillow. “No… god, darlin’, don’t stop… I needed this…”
She continued to knead the muscles in his lower back, digging the heels of her hands into his lower back. Every small groan he made caused her core to flutter with anticipation. He seemed to know the effect he was having on her, because his noises became louder and more obvious that her massage was arousing him.
She quietly added more lotion as her hands continued to knead his muscular back. She resisted the urge to go any lower than the small of his back, as well as the urge to grind against him.
Robert’s body had gone limp from relaxation, and for a moment, she thought he had fallen back asleep. But as she got off him to put the lotion away, he turned his head in the pillow to meet her gaze through half-lidded eyes.
“You’re so good to me…” he said drowsily, his speech heavily accented.
She leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead. Her hands ran through his still damp hair, massaging his scalp. This was his weakness, and she knew it. She mimicked her earlier ministrations she had done on his back on his head. “You do so much for me… I just wanted to make you feel good for once.”
Robert let out a soft, whiny moan. “Darlin’… just having you near me is enough to make me feel good…” Her nails gently scratched his scalp, and he turned his head slightly to steal a kiss from her. “I love you so much…”
She kissed him gently as she continued to work down towards his neck again, his skin slick and smooth from the lotion she used earlier. “I love you too, Robert.” She stood up. His gaze followed her. “Now get ready for your interview. It’s almost one.”
His blue eyes narrowed in annoyance, as if he were contemplating pouncing on her. “That’s it?”
She shrugged. “I wanted you to feel relaxed. Now get dressed.”
Robert looked like he was about to argue but instead got dressed, pulling his trousers on. She went into the bathroom to wash her face, and he followed in behind her a few minutes later, fully dressed with his leather jacket on.
He placed his hands on her hips and spun her around to face him, his eyes glaring into hers, almost predatory. He was so much taller than her, she had to crane her neck back to look up at him. She shivered when she felt how hard he was against her stomach.
“That little massage of yours has made me ridiculously aroused right now, and now I’m going to have to spend the entire interview trying to hide the obvious,” he said while placing his fingers under her chin as he held her gaze.
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Well, maybe it wouldn’t be that difficult if your bell-bottoms weren’t so impossibly tight — “
She barely finished her retort before he suddenly pulled her tight against him, his mouth capturing hers in an aggressively passionate kiss. Her eyes widened before she closed her eyes and kissed him back, reaching her hands up to run through his hair. This gesture caused a low growl to rumble through his chest as the kiss became more possessive.
When the kiss finally broke, her face was flushed, and her lips were swollen.
“I’ll see you in a few hours,” he told her while pushing a lock of hair out of her face. “And when I get back, I can assure you, you won’t be able to walk by the time I am finished with you.”
She let out a quiet gasp as Robert left the bathroom and left for his interview. She steadied herself against the counter, her mind spinning as she anticipated what they would do when he finally got back. 
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hgwellsmykabering · 10 months
Bering and Wells Advent Calendar
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A bit spontaneous, but this is a fanfic collab event we just came up with today on the discord server, us being @birdofdawning (idea for the fic) @lavendelhummel (advent calendar idea) and myself (collab idea):
24 days of Bering and Wells ficlets, creating a (semi-)cohesive getting together fanfiction! If you want to write for one of the days, sign up in a reblog addition or ask, and your name will be put on the list! You write your ficlet and aim to post it on the corresponding day of December, but as long as it’s posted some time in the month it’s fine. If you can coordinate with the people who post the days before yours, maybe tell us your planned summaries so everyone can adjust accordingly, that’s cool, but if the ficlets don’t fit together perfectly that’s alright, we’re just here to have a fun B&W advent time!
“Never get involved with a roommate!” The fanfic idea is: each day’s title is something Myka tells herself not to do in order to avoid getting involved with Helena, and of course ends up doing anyway.
Update: all fics now linked here!
No minimum wordcount - you can write a drabble as long as it fits the theme!
The setting we came up with on discord is an AU in which Helena and Myka live in the same apartment - less baggage than canon, but just as many feels! More details to it can be found here!
The daily prompts are below the cut. If you have ideas for what else Myka might want to avoid doing but don’t want to write it yourself, feel free to send in the prompt!
As apparently tumblr no longer shows the most recent version of a post when clicking under the readmore of a reblogged post, please check with the original post to see which days haven't been chosen yet!
For the readers: you can find all entries under #BeringWellsAdvent23!
We can still rearrange most of the prompts! If you want for example prompt 4 but don't think you'll finish it in time, tell me another (still free) day with your sign-up.
#1 moving in together - @lavendelhummel is taking on this one
#2 Never have a crush on your flatmate - chosen by @purlturtle
#3 Never be alone with the housemate you have a crush on - Charlie @akittennameddaisy is taking on this one with the idea that Helena tries to cook, creates a chaos in the kitchen and Myka ends up alone with her after all!
#4 Never tell her how much you like her hair - chosen by @viharistenno
#5 Free Space - @lilolilyr is doing ‘stop staring at Helena!’
#6 never let Helena persuade you to watch a movie with her - chosen by @purlturtle: "because forced prolongued proximity in a dark room and WHO EVEN KNOWS what kind of movie Helena might pick!"
#7 Never borrow Helena's clothes - claimed by @jesstrel
#8 Never let Helena wear your clothes - chosen by @lilolilyr "I think seeing Helena in her own clothes might feel even more intimate to Myka than wearing HG's clothes"
#9 Free Space - @purlturtle chose 'don't let her convince you to go to the swimming pool / gym with you'
#10 Never let Helena give you a back rub - by @purlturtle
#11 never watch Helena eat ice-cream (the lip-licking will drive you insane) - chosen by @purlturtle
#12 Don't let Helena read poetry to you - chosen by @sallysetonbw
#13 Don't use her shampoo, that's weird -chosen by @lavendelhummel
#14 never borrow that blanket she keeps on the back of the armchair - chosen by @violetren
#15 Never listen in to Helena when she's on the phone - @purlturtle
#16 never sit right next to her on the couch - chosen by @lilolilyr
#17 Make sure you're not the only one laughing at her obscure jokes - chosen by @thiakerrigan
#18 Never fall in love with your flatmate - chosen by @lilolilyr
#19 Don't let her see you in your pyjamas - @lilolilyr
#20 never go on a road trip together @purlturtle
#21 Free Space @tryingthisfangirlthing
#22 @lavendelhummel Never go to the Christmas market with Helena
#23 Never match your flatmate on a dating site - chosen by @lavendelhummel
#24 Never kiss her on the lips - @lilolilyr
Post your fics to Ao3 in the BeringWellsAdvent collection and/or on tumblr with the hashtag BeringWellsAdvent23! If you want to use a header for example for a tumblr post, you can use this made by @viharistenno and @purlturtle:
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Some other ideas to fill the 'Free Space' days with:
- don't let her convince you to go to the swimming pool / gym with you
- don't imagine Helena naked
- don't suggest to cook for her (because Myka would get so caught up in her perfectionism that she'd spiral and feel so bad about what she's setting in front of Helena)
- don’t share a room/bed with Helena
- never masturbate to thoughts of your flatmate
- don’t share a drink with Helena
- Never give her a gift or accept a gift from her
- never lend her your car
- Never lend her money again
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
hi my love, can you do anthony lockwood x reader
possibly with prompt 17 or 24 from the angst list?!? ive been craving some lockwood angst recently and i love your fics so who else could i ask to fulfill my needs
a/n: yes yes yes i have been dying for angst it’s my favourite thing to write. i'm so glad you like my fics! feeling honoured rn. this is shorter than some of my other fics, but i hope you like it!
warnings: angst, language prompts: "You're not my friend anymore, remember?" and "You left, you left, and now you have the gall to come back like nothing happened." gn reader
Your day couldn't have gone worse.
Originally, your plans for your first day off in weeks had been to spend your time in the library nearby, listening to the rain on the tall windows as you read in your favourite seat before stopping off to grab a takeaway on your way home.
Of course, things can never go to plan in a world haunted by ghosts.
To preface, the Visitors aren't the problem, not today at least.
You've reached a particularly good chapter of your book when things start to go wrong. You're completely content just reading away, sipping on some tea in your travel mug, when a shadow looms over the pages, making it hard to read.
Looking up, slightly irritated, you say, "Hey, do you mind moving, please?"
Then you see the face, and the irritation melts into something more: fury.
Anthony Lockwood stands before you, soaked with rain and dripping all over the floor. His hair, usually neatly brushed, looks like a wet rat, and his cheeks are flushed from the November chill. From the way he smiles, they remind you a little bit of apples. You like apples considerably more than you like him.
"What do you want?" you ask.
Lockwood points at the free chair next to you. "Can I sit?"
"Absolutely not."
"Right." He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his greatcoat. "Can we talk?"
"Also, no," you say, returning your attention to the book. "Goodbye."
A sigh. "(name), please, it's important."
"Important enough to bug me on my only day off? No, I don't think so."
You hope for a moment that he'll turn and walk away, but this is Anthony bloody Lockwood, and when does he ever listen to you? He moves, sinking into the seat beside you, and crossing his legs. You make a point of ignoring him, continuing to read the last paragraph you were on.
"We need your help."
No response. You keep on reading.
"(name), please. It's a big case, and we could really use your Talent."
Again, you ignore him, silently mouthing the words as you read them. Your focus on him strays, and for a minute it's as if he's no longer there, but the scent of bitter tea and citrusy shampoo lingers, taunting you.
Swiftly, you shut your book and stand, grabbing your bag. The action seems to shock Lockwood, and his daze gives you enough time to slip the book back into its slot on the shelves and storm out of the library.
Alas, Lockwood has long legs and catches up momentarily.
"I don't want to talk to you," you grumble, pulling your hood over your hair as you step out into the rain.
"I know, and that's my fault, but, please, listen this once. We -"
"Need my help. Yeah, I got that." Squeezing through a crowd of kids heading into the library, you continue, "But, thing is, I'm not an agent anymore. And, even if I was, you're not my friend anymore, remember? You gave up that right months ago. I wouldn't help you even if my life depended on it."
That stops him short. You keep on walking, arms crossed tightly over your chest.
"You're not an agent anymore?" he asks, catching up once more.
You scoff. "Haven't been since that last case we went on, and I don't plan on becoming one again."
Judging from his expression, he hasn't taken the news lightly. He almost looks betrayed, and that makes you want to strangle him. He's got no right.
"Why not?"
"Because," you say, stopping at the side of the pavement, out of the way of other people, "you left. You left me there, Lockwood. And now you have the gall to come back like nothing happened! You don't just do that."
His frowns. "I didn't leave you."
You want to scream at him, to pull your hair out. It feels like you're about to explode from the rage you're feeling.
"Yes, you left. I was left in that goddamn maze of a mansion by myself while you and George, what? Went to go have some celebratory doughnuts? Not all of the sources were secured, Lockwood. I almost died trying to get out of there."
"I didn't -" His face blanches, and he looks like he's going to be sick. "We thought we'd secured them all."
"Well, you didn't. Want to know why I didn't go back to Portland Row for a week before getting my stuff? I was in the hospital recovering from ghost touch. Took my a month to regain full use of my right arm, you know. I almost lost my arm, in fact. But you didn't ask, you just stood and watched as I packed my stuff."
That makes him angry. "What was I meant to do? There was no stopping you."
"I wanted you to try," you say, and your voice wavers. His expression softens. "If you'd tried, I might've stayed. I might've forgiven you. But you just watched. You never asked me where I was for that week. No, you were busy revelling in your success and hiring other agents."
"We needed another agent, anyways."
"You should've checked on the one you had!" Your breathing is heavy, and your head hurts from the myriad of emotions swirling around. "I'm not - I'm not doing this right now. Today was meant to be a good day. Goodbye, Lockwood. Don't come see me again."
You start to walk away, but his hand clasps around your wrist. Scowling, you tug it from his grip, looking at him incredulously.
"I'm sorry, (name)," he says. In his defence, he's being genuine, but that doesn't mean that you're having any of it. "I am. About all of it. Please, can we talk it out?"
Thank god for the rain, because it hides the tears in your eyes. "No. I - I'm going home, and you're going to leave me alone. I don't want to see you again."
Lockwood's jaw goes slack. "Please, I'm sorry. I can't lose you."
"The minute you left me alone on that case, you lost me," you say. "I don't care how sorry you are. It does nothing. It doesn't stop me from seeing the moment I almost died every night when I sleep. It doesn't change the fact that I don't trust you anymore."
"(name) -"
"I pray that your new agent, Lucy, 'the Superstar' - that's what you called her on live TV, right? - I pray she doesn't have the same fate. I hope things work out well for you, Lockwood, truly, but that doesn't mean we'll ever be friends again. Now, I'm going home."
"Please don't go." His voice is a little shaky. It's the most emotion you've seen from him other than that fake smile he gives to the press. "Please, I'll do better."
You shake your head. Then, wordlessly, you turn and make your silent, miserable trek home.
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mystique-6 · 7 months
Kinktober Day 8: Cock Warming/Rough Sex
Summary: Astarion punishes Ailis for a perceived slight by putting her in a very uncomfortable situation.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like this please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tag Warnings: Cock Warming, Rough Sex, Non-con/rape, semi-public sex, penis in vagina sex, domestic violence, abuse
Additional Note: This fic involves Ascended Astarion. He is mean and nasty in this one. Mind the tags and take care of yourself.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
Ailis sat naked and impaled on Astarion’s cock as he lounged on his throne reading.  He seemed to be enjoying himself, though she wasn’t sure if it was the book or her discomfort that he was amused by.  If she had to guess it was the latter.  He’d kept her this way for the last hour.  Every time he shifted caused her minor agony as she was forced to feel sparks of pleasure.  She didn’t know how he could stand it.  Each time he moved, her cunt squeezed around his cock, yet he never so much as made a noise.  She was tempted to do it on purpose to goad him into finishing this teasing, but she doubted it would work.
            Astarion didn’t have her warming his cock for either of their pleasure.  This was a punishment.  He was punishing her for questioning one of his plans for the city in a meeting with other nobles he’d allied himself with.  She had only done it so the holes in the plan could be fixed, but he only saw it as an insult.  So, in return, he was insulting her.  He knew she hated to be put on display.  For whatever reason it was a boundary he typically respected, but he was pushing it today. 
            In addition, besides the discomfort from his cock, he had also withheld blood for the past week.  He rarely starved her or any of the other spawn.  This was a testament to how angry he was with her actions.  He also knew she’d be more compliant if she thought behaving would earn her blood.  She hated that it was working, but her throat felt like it was burning and her stomach pained her in want of sustenance.  If this went on for much longer, she would lose her senses.  She had them now though and she tensed as she heard footsteps approaching the throne room.  She felt only minor relief when they passed by.
            “You needn’t be tense like this, pet,” Astarion said, not looking away from his book.  “I already told you the other spawn and servants have been warned away from entering here today.”
            “Unless there’s an emergency,” she replied.
            “There is very little likelihood of that occurring,” he replied with the first hint of annoyance in his voice.
            “What if a guest arrives?” she asked, squirming a bit at the thought.  For the first time, she heard him moan softly at the movement.
            “Then they will be turned away and advised to come back tomorrow,” he said cooly, and then stilled her hips with a crushing grip.  “Sit still, pet.  Honestly, I might think you don’t like warming my cock with the way you’re acting.”
            “You know what I don’t like,” she said through gritted teeth as she did her best to refrain from moving.
            “Which is why I took all precautions to make sure we won’t be disturbed,” he said.  “Now sit still, Ailis, or it will be another week without blood.”  She gritted her teeth and did her best to remain still.  At the mention of blood though the gnawing pain in her stomach became her focus.  He had set her up to fail.
            Still, she tried to do as he said, and after a moment he returned to his book.  She continued to stare anxiously at the door.  Her anxiety grew as his hand slipped from her hip to between her legs.  She gripped the arms of the throne to prevent herself from moving as his thumb began to circle her clit, though she couldn’t stop a breathy moan from escaping.  A clatter in the hallway outside the throne room made her flinch.  Astarion let out an angry sigh.
            “Get up, pet,” he ordered.  “I guess if I want you to sit still, I’ll have to wear you out.”  She lifted herself off his cock and then stood before him.  He raked his eyes over her for a moment before he too, stood up.  He moved to stand behind her and then she was shoved roughly towards the seat of the throne.  She only just managed to get her arms out to catch herself.  She felt shame and embarrassment seep through her veins at the position she was in with her face down and her ass raised prominently in the air.  She felt more like an object than a person.
            He grabbed both her hips in a cruel grip and then thrust into her cunt.  She cried out at the brutal treatment and felt a small bit of relief that she’d been prepped by warming his cock.  He set a punishing pace.  Each thrust rocked her nearly off her feet.  She was weakened from being deprived of blood and could barely hold herself up.  After a particularly brutal thrust, she fell face first on the throne.
            Astarion didn’t care and continued to pound into her.  His crushing grip on her hips kept her where he wanted her.  She adjusted her upper body so that her face rested on her folded arms and just stared blankly at the arm of the throne as he used her.  He moved one hand to cup her ass.  She winced as he squeezed harshly enough for his nails to pierce her skin, but she refrained from crying out.  Her eyes widened as a finger was pressed to her rim.
            “I could fuck you here, you know?” he contemplated.  “Just force my way in with no prep and truly have you.  It would be so much tighter than your sloppy cunt.”
            “No!  Please don’t,” she cried, voice cracking.
            “Shh,” he said.  “I wouldn’t do that to you.  I love you.”  Tears spilled down her cheeks.  He didn’t love her.  You didn’t do this to someone you loved.  Finally, his rhythm began to stutter and after a few more thrusts he finished inside her.  He pulled out after only a minute and pulled her into an upright position before he sat back on the throne and stared at her consideringly.  She forced herself to maintain eye contact with him.  Did he even feel bad at the sight of her tears?  She watched as he stroked himself.  His cock rose back up with interest.
            “Get back to warming my cock, pet,” he ordered.  “If you behave yourself the remaining time it takes me to finish my book you’ll get a cup of blood tonight.”  She felt her heart sink, but did as he said.  Her walls fluttered around his cock as she sank back down on it.  His hand settled on her hip and she tried not to flinch at his touch as she stared blankly at the opposite wall, pointedly not looking at the door, and waited for her torment to end.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 8 months
Space-Time Continuum [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@everydayschristmas) Center (@masterwords) Right (@happyheidi)
Prompt: Aaron and the reader take down the last of the Christmas decorations. As they work and spend a relaxing afternoon together, Aaron realizes he wants to ask the reader to move in with him and Jack. 
Pairing: [established relationship] Aaron x fem!Non-BAU!reader. The reader uses she her pronouns 
Category: fluff/comfort 
Word Count: 4.4K
Content Warnings: mention of Haley’s passing, implied intimacy. If I missed any, please let me know. 
A/N: Hi loves! Here is another fic based on the amazing @imagining-in-the-margins January/February Writing Challenge about New Beginnings. This story is inspired by the dialog prompt: “The time will pass anyway.” This is pure domestic fluff. I can just imagine Aaron looking forward to asking you to move in with him. I hope this story warms you up as winter keeps wintering. If you like this story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. If you’re starting school (uni) next week, or you're already back, just know I’m proud of you! Love Levi - ❤️
List with all stories 
_y/n_ = your name
_y/f/c/b_ = your favorite caffeinated beverage 
_y/f/c_ -= your favorite color 
_y/f/s_ = your favorite scent  
_t/c_ = tea or coffee
_y/f/c/b_ = your favorite caffeinated beverage 
_y/f/p/b/s_= your favorite perfume or body spray 
_u/sf/d_= up, straight forward, or down (depending on your height)
_f/b/c/m/m_ = your favorite book, coming, manga, magazine 
_y/n_ woke up warm. Aaron had his arms wrapped around her and he was already half awake. He murmured, “Moring.” _y/n_ smiled into his chest and replied, “Good morning. Have you looked out the window yet? The weather said it might snow overnight.” Hotch shifted in the bed and sort of repositioned _y/n_ to his left side while he used his long muscled arm to pull the curtain on the window to the side. _y/n_ could have done this herself, but she wanted to bask in the warmth of Aaron’s broad chest just a moment longer. After a second Aaron said, “Well the weatherman was finally right. It snowed. Still is actually.” _y/n_ hummed to see for herself. Outside small flurries gently fell from the side and to the frozen pavement three floors down from Hotch’s apartment. It looked like about five inches had fallen overnight. _y/n_ was very grateful that it was the weekend and that she and Hotch could sleep in for a bit longer. They could also let Jack sleep in too. When _y/n_ and Aaron had gotten serious, Hotch’s son had taken to _y/n_ quickly. Over time when she started staying over more often, not just on the weekends, she’d started getting Jack ready for school if Hotch was rushed to get to the office for a case. Then _y/n_ dropped Jack off at school for the first time and they’d sung songs in the car on the way there. Aaron was so relieved that Jack and his partner had bonded. It warmed his heart that _y/n_ loved his son so much. Even though _y/n_ was younger than him, _y/n_ had great parental instincts and often spoke to Jack when he threw a fit or got into trouble as well as he would. _y/n_ was very good at putting difficult concepts into understandable, neat packages. It was one of the things Hotch loved about her. If they had a fight, or needed to talk, he always had her full attention, and if she didn’t understand where he was coming from, she tried to see it from his shoes. That was something he’d never been great at in his personal life. After a moment of quiet, _y/n_ sat up and asked, “So, what are the plans for today? I hope they don’t involve a lot of going outside.” Hotch chuckled, knowing that _y/n_ didn’t love dealing with the cold and snow. Aaron stretched giving _y/n_ a small peak of his stomach and elastic of his briefs for a second. Aaron cleared his throat and said, “Well I need to shower first. But one thing that’s been on the list forever is taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. It feels overdue.” _y/n_ nodded. The tree had been up for some time after the holidays. Neither of them had had time with the return to work bustle. Then Hotch had been sent to cases back to back and had been too exhausted to think about it last week. But not that he was rested it felt like as good a time as any. _y/n_ nodded and said, “Sounds good. We can figure the rest out as we go. I’ll change, start breakfast, and get Jack up while you shower, okay?” Aaron smiled and replied, “Sounds great, _y/n_.” 
Under the hot water, Hotch lathered his body with soap. As the foamy lather rinsed off his body and down the drain, he contemplated how relaxed _y/n_ could be. He appreciated that she didn’t have to have every second planned. He’d had to do that more at work recently. There had been a threat to national safety and the team had made it in time, but Strauss was still slightly unimpressed with how long it had taken the BAU to take down the threat. He had started seeing things in timed chunks and thinking about efficiency, even in his personal life. He didn’t enjoy the feeling. But _y/n_ was a reminder that it didn’t have to be that way at home. It was doubly admirable because _y/n_ had stress in her life too. Stress with family, and work, and friend, and her crappy apartment that was literally falling apart. It wasn’t the same kind of stress he faced, but it was still stressful, and Aaron admired her ability to put those things aside and still see life with optimism and happiness. After a few more minutes under the flow of water, Hotch turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower. He dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He moved over to the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth. 
_y/n_ heard the shower start running as she quickly made the bed. She made sure the sheets and comforter were neat and tucked in at the corners. She then moved to Aaron’s closet and grabbed a comfy outfit for the day. She settled for some soft leggings and a _y/f/c_ shirt that she layered under a knit cardigan. As _y/n_ pulled through her clothes in the walk-in closet, she realized how much of her stuff had migrated to Aaron’s. At least half of her wardrobe now resided in Hotch’s space. It had been a slow transition, but once Aaron had bought her favorite _y/f/s_ed body wash, hairspray, and sanctuary products, it was pretty much an invitation for her to start getting more comfortable in his space. And boy was his space more comfortable than her leaky, small,  cold, old apartment much farther from her job than Aaron’s. _y/n_ smiled knowing she was so welcome here. Even if she didn’t get to spend as much time with Aaron and Jack as she liked, when she was here, it felt just like home. With her outfit on, _y/n_ moved to the kitchen and started making the batter for some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She woke Jack, and then Aaron joined them and they had a relaxed morning. Jack watched some cartoons, and _y/n_ and Hotch worked on a puzzle from Rossi from Christmas. In the early afternoon, they all started to work on taking down the tree. Aaron got the boxes from the closet and they all set to work. 
After an hour of work, Jack gave Aaron his biggest puppy dog eyes possible, and after a minute, Hotch said, “Alright Jack, what do you want?” Jack’s face burst into a smile, and the little boy replied, “Hot chocolate!” Hotch sighed. It was still cold enough out for a sweet cup of cocoa and it wasn’t too late for his son to have one more small sugar rush before naptime. With a fake look of defeat, Aaron said, “Well alright, but just a small cup. I can’t have you bouncing off the walls while we’re all trying to take down the Christmas decorations. Isn’t that right, _y/n?_"_y/n_ nodded with mock seriousness saying, “Of course. Dad’s right. Remember when you ate all of your Halloween candy two months ago? You couldn’t sleep and then you couldn’t wake up for school the next day?” Jack’s face took on a little frown, as he nodded yes. Aaron’s eyes moved over to _y/n_’s, and he gave her a smile that was just meant for her. Hotch got up from his seated position and said, “Let me see if we have the stuff to make it here.” Hearing this, _y/n_’s ears perked up, and she said, “Oh. We do. Or we did, but I used the last of the milk in my afternoon _t/c_. Sorry, Aaron. I forgot to put it on the list. I was going to run to the store later tonight to get stuff for dinner. Hotch didn’t mind and said, “You don’t have to apologize, _y/n_. I’ll just run to the coffee shop on the corner. Do you want anything?” _y/n_ grinned at his consideration and said, “No. I think drinking _y/f/c/b_ right now would have more than just Jack bouncing off the walls.” Aaron chuckled and said, “Alright. Well if you change your mind, you can text me.” _y/n_ nodded and tipped her head up and back, as he stood behind her and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. He then moved to his son, ruffled his short dirty blond hair that always reminded him of Haley’s. When Hotch was at the door, _y/n_ called out in a clear voice, “Be safe on the roads. I’m not sure they’re all done thawing, even with the sun coming out.” Hotch replied, “You got it,” and then slipped out of the door. 
_y/n_ listened as Aaron grabbed his keys from the stand on the kitchen counter, then as the door swung open and clicked closed. Now that Hotch was gone, _y/n_ moved to the space where he’d been next to Jack. She could feel his residual body heat on the carpet, and it comforted _y/n_ to no end. Jack was reaching for an ornament above a level that his arms could grasp. Without saying anything, _y/n_ got up and picked the boy, so he could reach the ornament. It took a moment for _y/n_ to realize that Jack was crying now fully. _y/n_ set him down, got on her knees in front of him, and wiped away one of the tears coming from his eyes. _y/n_ hadn’t expected this and asked, “What’s the matter, Jack? Why are you crying, sweetheart?” Jack sniffled and said, “I don’t want Christmas to end. I don’t want to go back to school. I don’t want you to leave.” As _y/n_ processed the emotions Jack was feeling, Jack continued in a voice obscured by a small hiccupy cry, “Why can’t everything just stay the same? Why can’t it be Christmas all the time?” _y/n_ didn’t fully understand where the core of these feelings were coming from, but she could agree with the sentiment. The week of Christmas had been so nice because they’d all just got to hang out and be together. The stress of work and the often boring tasks of cleaning the dishes or taking out the trash seemed so much less terrible when they were happening with Aaron and Jack. Sure, part of that was that she and Hotch shared the tasks and split things between them, but it was more than that. Just being with Aaron made life better. The small things felt alright when she was near him. It wasn't that she tried to hide anymore. In the early days of their relationship, _y/n_ had feared that the simple joy of being near Aaron would scare him away. After all, he was an intense man, but as it turned out, under all the suits and his tough exterior, he needed someone who cared for him as much as _y/n_ needed him back. Now, in front of Jack, _y/n_ tried to think about the right thing to say. She thought about her own experience first. The feeling of being jerked around sometimes with Aaron’s inconsistent schedule, and the constant danger he was in didn’t help either. _y/n_ didn’t talk about that often. What good would it do? She had slowly become content with praying or wishing him a safe return when Hotch told her he was heading on on a case. If it was hard for her, then it must be much harder for Jack, who couldn’t fully understand exactly what his dad really did. Not yet at least. Add onto that the fact that Jack had been in the house while Haley died. One hour his mom had been alive, and another, she was gone. _y/n_’s heart ached for Jack, as she said in a soft, reassuring voice, “That seems nice, Jack. I think I’d like that too. But that’s not how life works.” Jack sniffled and said in an angry voice, “Why can’t it? Why can’t it be nice all the time?” _y/n_ took the ornament from Jack’s small hands and quickly put it away before taking his hands in hers. She replied, “Because time, as mean as it can seem, knows what’s best for us.” Jack had such big eyes as he asked, “How? How is it good that we can’t have it be nice all the time?” _y/n_ bit the inside of her cheek and tried to think of an appropriate and understandable way to talk about the need for balance in life.
With a small breath, _y/n_ realized that she could use his candy incident as an example. _y/n_ cleared her throat and said, “Well, think about Halloween. Did you think you were going to like having all of your candy in one night?” Hesitantly, Jack nodded yes. _y/n_ replied, “Good. Do you think you’ll do that again next year?” The little boy shook his head, no, and _y/n_ smiled at how hard he nodded. _y/n_ ran her sleeve under his nose that was dripping and said, “Sometimes life is like that too. It sounds fun to have Christmas, Thanksgiving, and your birthday all back to back. It might even seem nice to have that happen forever. But once we have it a lot, or too much, the thing doesn’t taste or feel very good anymore. It just turned into another day or toy or sweet. But, if you just let time pass, then you get these really special pockets that mean a lot. Not that every day isn’t special, just that it’s good to have some normal ones too. Does that make sense buddy?” Jack stood still for a moment while he processed what _y/n_ had said. After a few seconds, he said, “I guess so. I just wish it didn’t take so long.” _y/n_ waited to say anything because she felt that Jack would say something more, and he did in a voice just above a whisper, “Mommy really loved Christmas too.” _y/n_ nodded and blinked back tears. She didn’t want to seem sad in front of him and make him cry again. _y/n_ leaned forward, taking him in her arms, and said softly in his ear, “I bet she did. I bet they were the best Christmases ever, but just because we’re taking the decorations down doesn’t mean you have to forget her. We can remember your mom every single day. Just like your mom loved you every single day.” _y/n_ could feel Jack nod against her shoulder. When _y/n_ pulled back, she asked Jack, “How about I pick you up and we get the last of these ornaments? Maybe you could tell me about some of the happy memories you have with your mom during Christmas?” Jack agreed, and _y/n_ helped him onto her shoulders and let him talk and remember. By the time Aaron got back, Jack was happy and animated again. Hotch walked into the room and smiled at the scene before him. The sight of _y/n_ and his son in the light of the Christmas lights still on the tree. Jack ran over to him and hugged his legs like he’d missed him a lot. Hotch smiled and said, “Your hot chocolates on the table Jack. Why don’t you drink it in the kitchen?” Jack smiled and said, “Sure Daddy.” The child let go of his father and moved into the kitchen on excited legs. _y/n_ who was still standing stepped toward him and kissed him softly. His mouth was still cold from being outside. His lips were slightly chapped, but _y/n_ didn’t care as she warmed them with her mouth. When they pulled away, Aaron reveled in the scent of _y/f/p/b/s_. He said, “Sorry I was so long. The light was out on the corner and there was a line almost out the door at the shop. _y/n_ smiled and said, “It’s alright. Jack and I had a good conversation.” Aaron raised an eyebrow and set his arm around _y/n_’s lower back. He noticed that all of the ornaments were off the tree and said, “How about we tackle the lights? I can take the bottom strand and you take the middle?” _y/n_ agreed and they set to work. 
Hotch sat down with a small grunt. They could hear Jack from the other room pull out his chair and sit at the table. _y/n_ and Aaron would go to check in with him in a minute, but Aaron wanted to take just a minute alone with _y/n_. These moments were rare these days with their busy schedules. Aaron started unspooling the lights around the bottom of the tree. He looked over at _y/n_ and asked, “So? What did you and Jack talk about while I was gone?” _y/n_ gave him a little grin and said, “Oh you know, just the inevitable, unstoppable march of time. I don’t think you’d understand it. It’s adult stuff.” Hotch, chuckled, the sound came deep from his core and reverberated up his chest. He shifted around _y/n_ to continue removing the lights and said, “Well I’m willing to learn, _y/n_. If you’ll teach me?” _y/n_ smile grew. She loved it when Aaron played the bit. Hotch being more than a few years older than her had worried _y/n_ for a while. They wondered if the differences in culture and knowledge would make them an unequal couple. A couple set up from scrutiny. But, as it turned out, age was just a number when you were both that in love with each other. Out in public, they did get a few stares, but Aaron’s practiced glare worked well on everybody, so _y/n_ didn’t worry. Over time, _y/n_ had started joking about their age gap much to Hotch’s amusement, like they were doing right now. _y/n_ cleared her throat and said in a mock educational tone, “Well, I told Jack that you can’t have all the nice things at once. You kind of have to spread them out so they become more enjoyable. Life gives us lots of nice things, but an equal amount of mundane things. So the highs and the lows feel big, and we need to enjoy them and understand them as much as we can.” Aaron let out a breath. He loved the way _y/n_ spoke about everything. Condensing ideas into little ways of understanding like he did with information in a case. Even if it was just silly banter, Aaron loved it. He loved all of _y/n_ and a realization he’d been contemplating for some time now, clicked. 
Gently he said, “Well that was quite an analysis. Thank you. I think I understand the space-time continuum much more clearly now.” _y/n_’s clear laugh washed over him like a shooting star. He stopped with the light strand and said, “Mind if I add to your lecture?” _y/n_’s eyes glistened as she nodded yes. Without overthinking it like he did most things in his life, Aaron said, “Yes, it’s important to highlight the big things. The weddings, birthdays and holidays. But there’s pleasure in the small things too. Seconds make up minutes, which make up days that go on and on forever. We only have so much time in those moments. So who you spend them with becomes pretty important if you think about it in that context. Who do you share that time with.” _y/n_ looked at Aaron with wide eyes. They wondered if this was happening right now, in early January. _y/n_ wanted to be at eye level with Aaron and sat next to him. _y/n_ asked, “What are you saying, Hotch?” _y/n_ needed to hear it from him, to know they weren't making this up. It was important because as relaxed as _y/n_ was on time, she did value knowing where their relationship was going. And Aaron had agreed that they should move in together before progressing to a thing like a proposal. But moving in was the next big step for them. Aaron took in her beautiful curious face. He pondered how _y/n_ never could keep her emotions at bay. How honest _y/n_ was without even having to try. He smiled and said, “I want you to move in with me, _y/n_. When the time is right and you're comfortable with it, I’d like you to live with Jack and me. I want to spend all my time when I’m not working with both of you. Does that sound good to you?” _y/n_’s face lit up and she had to stop herself from laughing because Aaron looked so serious, and _y/n_ felt like she was swimming in a tub of serotonin. _y/n_ pulled Hotch to his knees and into a tight hug. _y/n_ looked _u/sf/d_ at the love of her life and said, “Of course, I’ll move in with you both, Aaron. When I’m here, I’m home. I’ve felt that way for about a year, but this makes it official. Aaron Hotchner, I feel more at home here than I’ve ever felt in my whole life.” All Aaron could do at hearing _y/n_ say something so special was to kiss her forehead and say, “You make this house a home, _y/n_. You have no idea how much joy you bring here.” _y/n_ traced a hand down his shoulder and to where Aaron’s heart was steadily beating in his chest. The rhythm of the muscle kept track of each second they stood in each other's presence. The idea of being home, made _y/n_ think about Jack’s comment about her leaving, and _y/n_ said, “Speaking of Jack, he was afraid that I might go away. I think maybe we should tell him about this. I think he’ll be happy.” Aaron’s brow furrowed slightly and he repeated, “Jack thought you were going to leave.” _y/n_ brushed a hand over Aaron’s knuckles and replied, “Something like that. But I think that’s more of a long conversation we can have later. Once he’s in bed.” Aaron nodded just a tiny bit. Jack’s happy behavior and _y/n_ saying they would talk about it later allowed him to relax and believe _y/n_ was right. This conversation, whatever it was, could wait. He did want to let his son know that _y/n_ was going to be a more permanent fixture in their lives going forward. 
Jack was ecstatic at hearing the news and _y/n_ pulled him into her arms and said, “I’m not going anywhere, Jack. I’ll be here for you and your dad for a long time to come. Aaron moved behind his son and embraced both of his greatest loves. That evening, after a lengthy conversation about Jack and making sure Jack felt the most secure as possible, Hotch and _y/n_ moved to bed. As Aaron stroked a hand over her naked back, her body was pressed to his under the covers. He kissed down her jaw and the ghost of stubble rubbed against _y/n_ skin. She made small contented noises, and his hand traced lazy circles over her back. Hotch asked in a bit of a husky voice, his thoughts more on the feel of _y/n_’s skin under his fingers than his statement, “Would you send me a copy of your lease tomorrow? Maybe I can find some loophole to get you over here more quickly. I want all of you here.” _y/n_ shifted up onto her elbows, giving Aaron a better look at her bare body. _y/n_ smiled and said, “Sure love. But I think even your JD is going to have a difficult time getting me out of this lease. My landlord was such a pain when I renewed for half a year instead of the full twelve months.” Aaron smiled and said, “We’ll see about that, but I think there are more pleasant things to think about right now, don’t you think.” _y/n_’s eyes gleamed with desire in the dark space as she said, “Say less.”
It wasn’t until the next weekend on Saturday that Aaron had the time to look over _y/n_’s lease. They were sitting in his office in the field office. Aaron’s long sigh had _y/n_ look up from her _f/b/c/m/m_ and say, “Is there no way out of it?” Hotch ran a hand through his hair frustratedly and said, “Apparently not. That is unless you want to pay the last two months' rent plus interest without a chance of you getting your deposit back.” _y.n_ cringed at the idea of how much money that was.” Aaron looked up at _y/n_ and she seemed disappointed, but not crushed. He said, “I was hoping to get you out of there sooner.” _y/n_ leaned closer to the desk and took his hands in hers saying, “The time will pass anyway. It’s just two months and the important thing is I have you. I couldn’t ask for anything more than that.” A smile tugged at Hotch’s lips. He appreciated how differently _y/n_ interacted with time. Aaron was used to tight timelines and all-nighters on cases. Aaron reflected again about how _y/n_ saw life. Even though she had her moments of stress or insomnia, just saw time as a thing that happened. She saw the good and the bad but chose to focus on the good when she could. Like the fact that she was moving in with him at all. She didn’t complain that she would have to wait to have that dream come true, because the dream was in front of her at all. Aaron hoped that with _y/n_ living with him, some of _y/n_’s view of life would rub off on him. He hoped to just see things as they were. To accept the good and let go of the bad, even in cases. With _y/n_ and Jack by his side, that didn’t seem so impossible after all. He’d take it a day at a time. As _y/n_ had said, “‘The time will pass anyway,’” and it was going to be wonderful to pass it with her.
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allwayswildchild · 2 months
You have anything you'd like to yap about? It can be about one of your fic ideas (I saw the one about Malon dying 😭😭😭), or literally anything you'd like! This is an excuse for you to yap, all and about whatever, you want!
I hope you're having a great day!
Ooooo! I love yapping :)
Hehehe, I'm glad you liked that one about Malon dying :) Like I said before I have a concerning love for angst
Anywho! I'll probably yap about my two most written fic's, Legend is fine in the end and the crack fic
Okay, so in the "crack fic" (I don't have a name for it yet) I said before how Wind is going to be found by the dumpster which is still going to be true but it might be a little different than I thought originally because right now I'm writing them playing new Super Mario Bros Wii.
I started off the fic with Warriors yelling "Why is there milk in the cupboard?", then the chain all pointing at each other and accusing each other till they eventually find the person (Hyrule) who did it. Then Wild got up and decided to put the milk away but since he was so tired he actually put it back in the cupboard instead of putting it in the fridge, he eventually got it though.
Anyways I'm really excited to write more of this fic, I'm finally on my way back home so I can finally write more! I wrote a little bit I didn't have much free time :( I had so many Ideas but I couldn't write them, but I could write them down so I could remember them!
Then also in Legend is fine in the end, I have a few chapters posted but I think it's going to end up way longer than expected, well actually it was going to be one chapter but now it's 11k words so yeah.
Fun fact, that fic was the result of me asking for fic prompts and someone responding with picnic and/or flower crowns. So normal people would think they wanted fluff or something like that. That fic is definitely angst though, so yeah. And I haven't even gotten to the part with the flower crowns yet!
Anyways you already know about the Malon dying wip, which I am really excited to write because more angst! Also I haven't really written Time much, so I'm glad I'm going to be able to do that! I also have a wip that is where Legend and Warriors end up drunk and have a cry session together :)
I also listened to the podcast Jojo was on and it was so cool to listen too! It was amazing to get to know more about the author of one of my favorite hyper fixations! And more about Linked Universe and plans for the next chapters!
Anyways I think this was enough yapping for today lol, thank you so much for this ask, this was so much fun to just freely yap. Hope you had a great day! <3
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goldenbi · 7 days
Could you please write more !nicest fics with Reg and Sirius and James joining them
oh gosh I definitely plan to!! Here is the thing: I am a terribly slow writer. I apologize to everyone for this because really I have these great fic ideas and write as much as I can and then totally lose momentum and don't write for weeks. ANYWAY, here is a snip from a fic I started for Blackcest Fest but it went in a different direction than my prompt so I just made two different fics:
(context: regulus has moved into the Potter Manor with one goal: get Sirius to fuck him)
Regulus would have to adjust to Potter—James—in the room. He was sure he could get Sirius alone eventually.
The most that he’d gotten so far are a few offhanded flirtatious remarks and dazed looks. Both were intoxicating, but not enough. Not what he needed.
So today he would escalate.
They’d spent the day playing Quidditch, quite awkward with a Seeker, a Chaser, and a Beater, but somehow Potter and Sirius made everything into a game. Everything was a race or a competition. Who could eat the most (Potter), who could do a handstand for longer (Sirius), who could carry the other the furthest (Potter), who could stack their exploding snap cards the highest (Regulus, this was the only one he deigned to play and only because he was certain that he would win).
When they got back to their rooms Potter immediately pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the hamper. James Potter was fit, that was undeniable. Everyone knew he was fit, but unfortunately so did Potter. It made him unbearably cocky, and Regulus refused to fall for it. He’d only loved one person his whole life and he couldn’t lose focus now, not when he was so close.
Potter was distracting though, with his easy smile and the sweat trailing down his chest and—
Regulus looked to Sirius who seemed to be ogling Potter. If Sirius could fall for Potter, then surely Regulus could use the same tricks.
Regulus pulled his shirt off as well and watched Sirius’s eyes go wide as saucers. Regulus heard James choke a bit in the background, and Regulus turned smug.
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Since you were looking for short goldenglock ideas...
Grisha notices that John is like...severely depressed today. More than usual. He starts trying anything to cheer him up, just throwing himself at John in every way possible, cuddling with him, babbling on and on about nothing to keep him entertained, etc. Until eventually he resorts to telling John outright how much he cares about him, and that's the one thing that seems to get through.
(No pressure, idk if you take writing prompts!)
Omg thank you and yes please send me all the prompts you can come up with I will take every opportunity to write about these fuckers and not worry about the main fics plot progression. That post was basically asking for prompts.
Things take place after the 4th movie so John cuts ties with everyone and is in Grisha’s circle “full-time”, living with him. Decided to make it take place in a longer span than a day because Grisha is way too dumb to find a solution that quickly. 
Idk how we got here but now there’s also insomnia??
“I worry about you.”
John is hands down the calmest person in Grisha’s circle. Nobody has the same amount of emotional control, which often made him the supportive rock involuntarily. This group full of relationship drama and misunderstandings would just gravitate towards him, like a voice of reason, even though he wasn’t the best at giving advice. 
Being able to make him smile was Grisha’s biggest accomplishment but recently…he just couldn’t manage to do it. Everything that worked before just suddenly stopped and he would see John get lost in his own mind more than usual. 
- John, listen, something bit Volodya in the ass and now he’s throwing an absolute shitstorm my way, so we have to leave in like-
- I’ll stay.
Grisha’s thoughts break off, as he tries to put on his leather jacket in a haste.
- Are you…sure?
It might sound silly but this was somehow the thing that triggered Grisha’s alarm. Nearly every time Grisha tells John about his plans, the man is already at the door. He doesn’t always end up being useful but he still finds these little adventures entertaining enough to join in even on the most mundane tasks. They were basically inseparable. 
- Yeah…
Grisha would have stayed, if the phone wasn’t aggressively vibrating in his pocket right now.
- Okay then…see you for dinner?
John nods.
God, it felt weird saying that. 
He felt bad being out of the house for so long and when he came back, he expected to see John asleep at this point…but he wasn’t. He was laying on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen. There was an empty take-out bag in the kitchen. To Grisha’s surprise, John seemed to have ordered delivery while he was home.
Grisha completely stopped using delivery once he moved in, because John would rather cook himself. So all of this was really uncharacteristic for him. 
- I’m home.
He finally spoke up, watching John slowly sit up.
- What, not even a bark?
Grisha lets out a laugh, hoping that he will break John with just the stupidity of that sentence but it’s like he didn’t even register the words.
- What are you doing up so late anyways? It’s…
Grisha checked his watch
- 3 AM.
- Just…didn’t feel like sleeping.
John answered in a mellow voice. 
- C’mon John, I was gone for just a day, no way you started missing me this much already!
He was sure that this would at least pull a protest out of John but, once again, it’s like he didn’t have any energy for Grisha’s antics, which made the conversation awkward, to say the least. His joking was completely cut short and now he didn’t have any ideas. 
He took a whole day off, just to stay with John and convince him to go outside. They were side by side the whole day, just one on one, with nothing to do but bast in each other’s company…but it didn’t help. John still seemed to not be entirely here, instead drowning in his thoughts that Grisha, sadly, couldn't read. He was desperately showing John love at this point, not letting the man’s skin breath without him for too long. Shoulder grabs, holding hands, hugs, as if his touch could send a message. John didn’t push him away but wouldn’t respond much either, like a stone statue. 
Is insomnia contagious? It started to feel like it is. Grisha was laying on the bed for what feels like an eternity but the inner turmoil of knowing that John is not happy right now, makes his eyes stay open. He couldn't just leave him like this...so he got up.
Grisha walks into the living room and leans on the wall, crossing his arms, watching John mindlessly sitting on the floor and staring at the screen. He wasn’t actually watching it, none of the channels registered in his brain. He just pressed the remote button over and over again, in a rhythm, even. He wasn’t really asleep but also not awake. It was hard, seeing him like this. Despite his talents and strengths, lack of sleep can take anyone out.
Grisha sighs, with a bit of hesitation, but finally gets enough courage to step towards him.
- Sorry, did I wake you up?
John addressed him first but didn’t look away. At least he’s aware that Grisha is standing there, next to him…which is something.
- I worry about you.
He delivers it to him straight, which seemed to have grabbed his attention. John’s finger stopped clicking the button, now looking at nothing but static. He was still silent so Grisha didn’t have much choice other than just continue. 
- I’m watching you get tortured by things outside of my understanding and there’s nothing I can do. 
John gently places the remote on the floor, as if to make sure the sound doesn’t interrupt him.
- I want to give you everything. I want to make it better but I’m just…too stupid to figure out how.
He couldn’t be sentimental without at least an awkward joke for too long. John lowers his head, looking at the floor. He’s trying to hide his face with his hair.
- You deserve happiness…or sleep, at least. 
Grisha gestures to the TV.
- I’m so lucky to have a chance to be the one to give you that happiness…but I don’t know how to help a man who’s stronger than I could ever be.
After a beat, John picks up the remote once again but only to turn the TV off. He leaves the remote on the floor and finally gets up on his feet. His eyes, slightly watery. 
- Let’s go to bed.
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semperama · 6 months
Sorry I didn't get to send this earlier! But thank you for filling my Daniel/Josh prompt yesterday! You don't have to publish this ask if you don't feel like it, but I wanted to let you know that I love daydreaming about Josh's perspective in both "On the fifty yard line" and the drabble you wrote! I love how you can tell through your writing that Josh is grateful for the 3 hit rule when he initially enters the ring with Daniel, because fighting these smaller guys always makes Josh feel scummy! But then his opponent is looking like he is thriving fighting Josh; So maybe Josh, like Daniel, is wishing this fight would last a bit longer.
Thank you so much, anon. <3 I feel bad now, because I ended up deleting the fic, but I just wanted to let you know it's not your fault. I'm just going through a really hard time right now, and today was a particularly rough day, and having that out there and feeling like it was not resonating was making me feel worse. I'm republishing it here under the cut for you in case you didn't have it saved though, because I don't want it to be gone for you. <33 I really appreciate this message. It helped me a lot to read. Thank you so, so much. <33
"You don't actually have to fight if you don't want to," Scotty says in his ear as they walk in, the miasma of salt and copper hitting Daniel like a physical thing. "It's not like the movies."
It's pretty much like the movies though--an abandoned warehouse, men stripped to the waist, glistening skin and rippling muscles. The floor is sticky beneath Daniel's feet. The air is humid from all the overheated bodies, and it makes Daniel want to shed his own shirt, whether he's fighting or not.
"But is the first rule still, 'Don't talk about fight club?'" Daniel asks. Scotty's eye roll is answer enough. The first fight they see ends in a guy stumbling out of the ring to puke in a dirty bucket. By the end of the second, Daniel is bouncing on the balls of his feet, hands flexing at his sides. He never planned on just watching, not since Scotty first told him about this place, but now that he's actually here, his curiosity has become a physical necessity, an itch between his shoulder blades, a tugging in his gut.
"I want next," he tells Scotty. "How do I--?"
The corner of Scotty's mouth lifts, like he knew this would happen, but fuck it, Daniel will have a meltdown about being too obvious later. He lets himself be dragged by the arm over to a swarthy man clutching a dirty sheet of paper and a stub of a pencil, and then his name is on the list.
The "ring" is really just a circle surrounded by men, the boundaries of which seem to be marked by the light thrown by one of the few working light bulbs in this place. Ten minutes and two fights later, Daniel shoves his balled-up t-shirt into Scotty's hand and steps into that circle.
He should feel stupid and small and scared looking at the man who steps out across from him--a man who's a full head taller than him, with broad shoulders and a wingspan for days. Instead, he feels relief. This isn't going to be easy. Good.
The man--Josh, the barker says--steps forward, and his hand engulfs Daniel's, making Daniel's stomach swoop. His smile is strangely kind, and he says, "Sorry," like he's done something wrong. Like Daniel didn't sign up for this. Like he didn't want it. Daniel can only shake his head. His throat is full of rocks. His vision is tunneling already, narrowing down to just Josh, only Josh. Someone puts a hand in Daniel chest, pushing him back, pushing Josh back too, and then--
Daniel dodges the first swing instinctively, ducking low under Josh's first jab. Hit me, he thinks as he bounces backward out of reach. Hit me, as if he can will it to happen. His body won't let him take a dive, the instinctive urge to avoid pain too strong, but it's bound to happen eventually. Josh's reach is longer than his. He seems more experienced too, his fists grazing Daniel's ear, his shoulder.
When it does happen, it's perfect. Just what he needed. Josh gets him right in the ribs, under his right pec, and the air whooshes out of him, the impact rattling his teeth. Pain blooms like relief, seeping outward through his chest.
Twice more. Those are the rules. To keep them all from killing each other, first man to land three hits wins.
It won't be enough, Daniel thinks as he skitters away from Josh again. Three won't be nearly enough.
He's grinning, he realizes. Across from him, fists raised and ready, Josh grins back.
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scummy-writes · 2 years
If it appeals to you, either Arthur or Theo getting edged on my MC? She'll say, "prove to me you deserve this," while continuing to tease mercilessly.
Thank you for opening up requests! I love your writing so I'm excited to see what you come up with! 😊
I decided to choose Arthur! I’m not sure I’ve written him being teased like this yet, but I know I’ve written Theo being teased a lot with my Training Theo fic. I hope you enjoy!
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Rating: Explicit (Minors DNI)
Words: 1754
Pairing: Arthur/Reader
Tags: Femdom, teasing, edging, restraints, brief mention of impact play, facesitting, submissive Arthur
Note: I took some requests based on @xxsycamore's kinktober prompt list, and this prompt comes from that!
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Being in a relationship with Arthur meant that, teasing-wise, it was rare you could get the upper hand. He was either ready to meet all of your advances with his own, or quick to try to overwhelm you at your own game.
But sometimes, you could have him melt in your hands by playing your cards right.
The devious plan started with small steps: waking him up with morning kisses that began innocently- just soft kisses between whispered good mornings that had him sighing happily. Nipping at his bottom lip woke him up further, however, and soon you had him sliding his hand down your side, trying to linger longer with each kiss, before he teased his tongue.
You let him enjoy it, shivering when his breathing became husky with want, and riled him up further by slipping your hand between the two of you, getting a wonderful feel at just how excited he was getting.
And then you cut him off smoothly, with a practiced excuse of needing to do some early morning prep with Sebastian. His pout was immediate, and you could see a hint of confusion on his face, but he let you go with only minor complaints.
The next step was just a quick visit during one of Arthur’s writing breaks. He was used to your well timed coffee refills, and your encouraging words to help fuel his writing session. It was easy to distract him with a wandering hand. Just teasing touches along his shoulder, a few light trails of your finger down his neck before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, and then a nibble to the shell of his ear.
His low chuckle so close to your ear nearly made your cheeks flush, the sound immediately bringing to mind the heated moments between the two of you where he had the upper hand. But you stayed firm, pulling away just to bat his hand away playfully.
It wasn't until you were heading out the door that you heard his chair creak as he finally turned back to face his desk, but you were also rewarded with his sharp intake of breath as he noticed the warm panties you left by his coffee. 
After dinner might have been the worst. The two of you were finally alone again as you washed some of the dishes, his arms encircling your waist as he hummed a low tune.
Playing along instead of shooing him away rewarded you with slow kisses down your neck, and his hand wandering between your legs. The fabric of your skirt was thin enough to where it was easy for him to palm at your heat, but thick enough to where it still just wasn't enough, even without panties in the way.
But two could play that game. You bent over the counter a bit more, purposefully grinding your ass against his crotch, and chuckling when he groaned.
"Already that hard?"
"Keep it up, darling, I'll take you right here and now."
You smirked, glancing at him over your shoulder, "I don't think I want just a quickie for now, Arthur. You know that's not enough for me."
"Never said it just had to be one, luv. I'll gladly fuck you in here, then in every room in-between until we get to mine."
God, you'd be lying if you tried to pretend that didn't make your legs tremble, hearing that promise in a husky whisper by your ear, his bulge right up against your ass… but this wasn't what you wanted to do today.
You straightened and turned to face him, ignoring the heat on your cheeks and the smirk on his face as you tapped a finger to his lips.
"Not tonight, Arthur. There's something new I want to do."
He tilted his head at that, but didn't seem disinterested. He opened his mouth to speak but another voice interrupted the two of you- Sebastian politely coughing as he entered the kitchen.
You both stepped away from each other then, not wanting to make Sebastian feel too awkward, but before Arthur could leave you tugged him towards you briefly, whispering for him to wait for you in his room so that the two of you could properly discuss how you wanted tonight to go.
Wasn't this a treat? You stared down at your naked boyfriend, stretched out on his bed, wrists restrained and cheeks flushed.
Arthur's breath came out in heavy huffs after he gave up muffling them. The creaking of the headboard and the leather cuffs around his wrists had a thrill of excitement running up your spine, and you gave your poor lover another kiss to his stomach. The action still made him groan, his hips jutting up as his neglected cock rubbed against your bare breasts- until you pulled back again.
"Look at how desperate you are, even straining for a chance to rub up against any part of me, hm?"
His eyebrows furrowed as his blush deepened, but he made no comment, just looking at you with quietly pleading eyes. 
You smiled, picking back up the small riding crop you had, sliding the tip of it under his chin, making him keep his eyes on you.
"Is there something you want to say?"
He kept quiet for a moment longer, before offering a strained smile.
"Luv, I'd like to keep playing with you like this, but-"
"Don't tell me you're close already?" The crop left his chin, and you trailed the pad of it down his chest, watching how he shivered, "you've teased me much longer than this before, and you're known around Paris for your endless appetite. Are you sure you're close, or are you just wanting to cum soon?"
As you spoke, you moved the crop down towards his inner thighs, tapping lightly before swiftly smacking it against the sensitive skin.
Arthur strained and bit his lip, a muffled groan leaking out as his hips involuntarily jutted up. You watched as his cock twitched, a heavy bob that caused a heady bead of precum to drip down his length. Idly, you slid the tip of the crop along his cock, smearing his precum around his tip.
“I never realized how quick it took you to get to this point. You always show such restraint when I’m on the receiving end…”
"Y-You've been riling me up all day, luv. You palmed my cock this morning while we kissed, then left me your panties during my writing break- mmph!"
You blew a heated puff at the tip of his cock as you gently tugged on his balls, listening to the creak of the headboard as Arthur tugged against his cuffs. His chest rose slowly as he seemed to take in a few deep breaths to steady himself before lifting his head, looking down at your grin.
“I really get you that excited? Leaving you so hard all day that you could barely stand it?”
Crop discarded, you carefully held his cock at the base, just a light grip that he couldn’t feel too much relief over, but enough to let you barely press your tongue against his shaft. A slow, barely there lick had him throwing his head back on his pillow. A light kiss was enough to have him twitch, but suckling at his frenulum, that tender spot under his glans, had Arthur panting as more precum leaked out.
"Maybe I'm being too harsh on you, hm? I've just been teasing you with such light touches…"
As you sat back again, Arthur's gaze met yours, his eyes swimming with need as he watched you straddle his waist.
You weren't sure what reaction you were expecting when you ground your wet, aching pussy against his cock, but the strangled whine he gave as he desperately tried to steel himself made your inner walls clench with need.
You kept up a slow, agonizing pace as you kept rubbing yourself against him, letting yourself moan freely at how good it felt just to grind your clit against his length, and watching Arthur squeeze his eyes shut, trying not to break any of the rules you gave him earlier.
"You really want to touch me, don't you?"
"Mmph- please, luv. Just, ah, just let me make you feel good."
"This already feels good, though," you leaned over him to press a kiss to his cheek, getting to hear his gasp right in your ear as you pressed your entrance against the head of his cock, "or did you mean this? Filling me up and pumping me full of your cum?"
Arthur couldn't speak for a moment, grasping the headboard so tightly you could hear it creak again.
"Gods, I'm going to-"
"Prove to me that you deserve this," you mused, pressing his tip just a bit further into you.
Arthur groaned, "tell me what you want me to do to prove it, luv, and I'll do it in an instant."
"Can't you come up with it on your own?"
With that you pulled away from his cock, ignoring the way Arthur involuntarily cried out from the loss of your heat. You didn't even get a chance to tease him on it before he spoke quickly and desperately.
"Use me as much as you want, luv. Fuck my face until you're satisfied, gag me and use that cockring on me, fuck me until you can't move any longer- just let me please you, darling."
This was what you wanted. A disheveled, blushing and desperate Arthur underneath you, finally being the one to beg. And all of it was focused on making you feel good, not just him getting to cum.
You smiled, thumbing the budding tear of frustration away from the corner of his eye, "good boy."
A quick tap to his arms, and Arthur finally stopped grasping the headboard like his life depended on it, letting you straddle his face with ease. With how good he was being, you decided to unlock the cuffs that held him, pleased that he still didn't touch you without permission.
"You can use your hands for this," you muttered, fisting his hair, "and if you continue to listen well, I'll let you cum inside of me tonight. I know how much you love watching your seed drip out of me…"
Arthur immediately grasped your hips, swiftly pulling you down to lap at your aching cunt.
As you relaxed into his grip, melting against his tongue, you considered that maybe, you should do this much more often.
Hope you enjoyed! I'm not sure what kind of teasing you wanted, but this is what I came up with. I don't think it falls under full edging, but... Maybe still fun to read?
While I think Arthur would be desperate to cum at a certain point, I think he really gets off on getting to please Mc and cumming from that, so that's why I wrote him begging like that.
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Newt Appreciation Month!
I was initially planning to take up a challenge for Newt’s birthday month, as it’s Newt’s birthday on the 24th February. I wanted to dedicate this moth to Newt with some prompts, that fans could answer if they so wished to take part in the way they did with Tina’s birthday in August. I wanted to use the same questions, but with Newt’s name and in regards to him instead. I was supposed to make the grid with the questions on it, and have it up today but it seems I’m a little late. I was so preoccupied with another challenge during January, that I didn’t manage to finish it on time. To be honest I’d started ages ago, but I’m queen of procrastination, and always seem to do everything last minute dot com.
So the prompts will come a little later perhaps, or at least the fancy (ok really badly made picture grid) will be posted up a bit later than expected, as I’m still working on it. It’s proving to be a little more trickier than I thought. I’m not as talented as the fbevents page admins who normally host these things. But as you saw not so long ago they are no longer holding events for Fantastic beasts in general and doing things mainly for Tina instead it seems. But I’m determined and want Newt to be celebrated, and I want to do something for his birthday, so I thought if I want to take part in doing something, I’m going to have to be the one to host it myself. Even if I’m the only person doing it, then so be it. My prompts, fan fics, fan art barely get much recognition, so I’m not holding my breath in anyone joining me, because people usually don’t and my things mostly go ignored anyway. But I’m going to do it, and I’m going to celebrate Newt because I still love the Fantastic Beasts films, and want them badly. And I still love Newt and he still holds a special place in my heart.
Anyway I’m going to post the prompts as a list for the time being, so you can all see them, while I make the grid, and if you want to join in, that’d be great. I’d appreciate it. So here are the prompts for this month:
Day 1: Five things you like about Newt
Day 2: The first moment that made you fall in love with Newt
Day 3: Describe Newt in 3 words
Day 4: something you have in common with Newt
Day 5: cutest Newt moment
Day 6: if you could meet Newt, what would you want to say to him? Or do with him?
Day 7: Favourite Newt quotes
Day 8: Favourite Newt moment with Tina
Day 9: Favourite Newt moment with others
Day 10: Favourite Newt moment of all time
Day 11: Favourite Newt none romantic relationship (friends/family etc)
Day 12: Favourite interview about Newt
Day 13: Favourite headcannon about Newt
Day 14: Favourite theory about Newt
Day 15: Favourite Newt AU
Day 16: Favourite Newt costume
Day 17: Favourite Newt’s item/belonging
Day 18: Favourite Newt hairstyle (his hair did look different in each film, so which film hair did you like?)
Day 19: If you could adopt one of Newt’s beasts, what would you chose?
Day 20: A song that reminds you of Newt
Day 21: Favourite Newt merch or wish you could have
Day 22: Favourite fan art
Day 23: Favourite fanfic
Day 24: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEWT - post a fanfic or fan art for his birthday
Day 25: Favourite fan video edit
Day 26: Favourite graphic/edit/GIFF/aesthetic
Day 27: Top 5 favourite Newt accounts
Day 28: what do you want to see for Newt in Fantastic Beasts 4/ future plot?
You can do this any way you like, draw fan art, write fan fic, share pictures, videos etc, or just a simple answer the question or whatever.
Lastly I’m going to pin this post so I can refer back to it, which means my normal pin with my intro will disappear from the top of the page. Eek! I’ve decided maybe I will pin prompts each time I take part in something maybe. Anyway let’s celebrate Newt for February. We can continue using the usual birthday tag FebulousNewt or if anyone has anything better, then let me know. Because I can’t think of anything creative. Or we can just go with NewtAppreciationMonth.
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months
Also curious about 9 and 21... :)
Thanks for dropping back back in! :DDDDD
9. Hmmmm, no unfinished fics; but I have a few free-floating metas around. Two? three? that are for the randomfoggytiger Christmas presents. And, actually, I might have one in my drafts that I forgot about. (Drafts are mostly filled with fic lists and a sentence or two to flesh out later.)
21. Quite a few! ;))) I treasure each tag and I treasure the repeat readers or viewers who like my work and I treasure the rare drop-in. All have their advantages, and all are the spice of life~.
However, my specific, prominent memories were a bit long; so I had to include a cut.
You replying to each and every one of my HTGSC meta posts with an enthusiastic gif really, really made the work I put into that series worth it and more. I looked forward to putting out each post and running to the tags to read you and @baronessblixen and @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure comments (all of which I treasure); and I'd even include sections or points I thought would be particularly interesting for the three of you to come across organically as you read. ;)))
The support behind my first "Musical" X-Files episode edit was so kind that I pop them open to reread occasionally; and it was @baronessblixen's enthusiasm for the section where Scully walks in and the music softly changes that gave me the extra push to work on the next one--TINH: Scully's Solo-- which I believe is my favorite despite its inadequate lip sync at times (that song gets me every time.) Not to mention she and @demon-fetal-harvest left the first two (of three) comments that still make me tear up, mainly because it was such a rewarding moment for an editingfoggytiger.
I've already said every single comment on "Son of Egypt" because it was my first fic and everyone I tagged piled on and left something so, so wonderful in the reblogs; but ALSO every single comment on "The Dead Are Everywhere, Scully". The first fic was a shoot-from-the-hip, the second was more "planned"; and I couldn't be more awed and thrilled that both were so well-received.
Specific fic moments that meant a lot (because I'll do an overview sometime before the New Year, I've just decided): @baronessblixen loving the banter in my longer, bantery fics ("Time Passing in Moments" and "Something Approaching a Normal Life" and "I Think He's a Hard Kid to Love"), which is my favorite style to write; @agent-troi crying a little over "The Dead Are Everywhere, Scully", and tagging "naughty naughty puffball" (which I quote in unhealthy doses) on my AU Queequeg fic ("Regardless of His Actions Last Night"); @amplifyme's poignant encouragement as I flexed my writing muscle (and that my Krycek fic was one of her reblogs~); @perpetually-weirdening and @baronessblixen enjoying the comedy I didn't know I'd written into "How Much You're Like Ahab"; @nachosncheezies's tags on "My Religious Convictions Are Hardly the Issue Here" making me feel like a peacock; and @xxsksxxx and @tossingmyglossymane and @stephy-gold and @wexleresque (and agent-troi and you!) enjoying how all their prompts turned out~. (And every single comment on “Kids Today, Huh?” because it was out of my canon wheelhouse and I worked hard to maintain their more mature relationship while sidestepping IWTB and Revival requirements.)
And I just wrapped up Eight Nights of Mulder-- my second fic event (and first personally created event! with friends!)-- with fics I'd written the previous month; and, though their style was a bit wonky for my norm (weird writer things that happen), they turned out alright, I think. The comments on Day 2 (and the not-Hanukkah wedding swan getting broken) were a highlight, ngl. ;)))
And that's that! XDDD It was long; but I had a lot to say, apparently.
Drop in anytime; and thanks, again, for the ask! :DDD
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