#i was thinking about possible endings for this show and the most popular time travel ending is meeting the descendants/an incarnation
kittychicha · 9 months
actually im cool with whatever i feel you linger in the air decides to do with the ending because nothing will beat ice paris being his own grandfather in love destiny the movie
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lunarliyah · 2 months
Juno In Sagittarius people love to travel with their partner. Prefers someone that is out of state and sometimes even out the country. Their obsession with travel and exploring is also a huge part of their love language.
Both experiencing major headaches. In fact, they get headaches easier than others. If they don’t eat enough or take long periods of time without eating can result in headaches. Being tired can cause headaches. Quicker than normal and typically more painful.
Aquarius placements can be some of the most delusional people. They can lack self awareness. They are be so opinionated on others and what they’re doing. They can try so hard to pick apart what others have going on. As soon as someone says “you” to them, defense mode.
Leo and Capricorns have very similar energy. Both can be very sure of themselves and what they want. Both are goal oriented. Having both Leo and Capricorn in a natal chart, specifically in the big three, makes someone very reliable and independent. (My favorite type of placements tbh lol) Both energy care about how they’re perceived, they don’t do anything without thought. Contrary to popular belief, Leo’s are very calculated people. All earth signs are calculated in different ways of course. Capricorns in particular have a way of playing chess and making sure that they do things that benefit them in the long run. As far as these energies being together in a relationship, perfect match. Leo being a fixed sign, this energy wants to make things work. They are not easy to give up on things and people. They make change happen if need be but only to keep the stability in their connection with others. At the end of the day you can summarize that as being loyal. Capricorns never leave people high and dry. They are straightforward with their ACTIONS. They are honest and if they care enough (lol) they’ll speak up. For the most part, they are showers. They show people how much they care. Which Leo’s loves. A doer, not someone who’s all talk. They’re the show off and the ones doing to talking! Not their partner. Capricorns are also very loyal as well. I personally love love love these two together. Power couple for real. Also makes the best of friends too!
These people are considered the scout. The leaders. What this means is when it comes to relationships, they are more upfront about what they want and what their needs are. They enjoy people to let them take the lead. They are not afraid of pursuing people they want in their life. Romantically or friendship wise. They’re more picky and they are definitely more independent. It doesn’t take them long to move on. (cancers.. yeah maybe a little different but once they’re gone, it no way possible for anyone to get the back) They shoot their shot directly and can even be flirty. They do not beat around the bush at all. They like to jump straight into things. Sometimes this does backfire. Moving too fast into things. Rushing even. Thinking too far ahead. Sometimes they can stress themselves out by thinking too much into the future or may even be seen as bossy. Or pushy even.
(Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, & Libra)
These people are more inclined to fluctuate. They love having variety and options. They tend to not sit still, ever. Always on the go. Tend to go well with someone who helps balance them out. They are not the neatest people, yes even Virgos. These people are not that straightforward I’ve realized only when it comes to things they aren’t passionate about. In comparison for cardinal signs, it doesn’t take much for them to pursue anything. These people struggle with finishing project, ideas, etc. They can have an idea that they sit on for days (or forever). These people are very creative though. Don’t underestimate their creativity. They just need that push to execute and consistency.
(Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, & Sagittarius)
These will be your most unconvincing, stubborn, my way or the highway type of people ever. They rarely change their minds. The way they’re used to something is how it will be for a long time. How they were raised shows up a lot in their adult life. These people enjoy routine. These people also love the thought of continuous things. These people don’t like forming deep relationships with new people. They will try to make things work. They will be very loyal people. Aquarius is known to be flaky. But they’ll be there for those who give them space and don’t conflict with their decisions and beliefs.
(Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, & Scorpio)
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Thank you all for reading. I’m open for doing synastry readings and natal chart readings all week. Make sure to book your reading in my bio. Again, thank you all for reading have a nice day!
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charmercharm3r · 4 months
prev: four, next: six
It was a good idea in theory. In reality, it was a shit show. Literally. Trips to Jeju are always fun, even if you’re supposed to be filming. However this time around you were informed that the group would be filming a parody of a popular dating show. Whose genius idea was that?
It would’ve been perfectly fine if your members were normal. To your pleasure or misfortune— it’s still unclear— they’re far from it.
There were no hitches the entire trip, traveling and the initial filming was as planned. You were assigned the role of a host while the boys were to be “dating” amongst one another. They followed direction as best as you could ask for with their limited attention spans, jumping from conversation to conversation and even getting in some teasing as the cameras continued to roll. You could already tell a lot of film was going to get cut seeing as they tended to get sidetracked into talking about incredibly personal details.
The “first dates” were going as you expected, you were instructed to go around and give them interviews to provoke more conversations when they started to fall quiet. Seungmin was indifferent the entire time while Felix tried to keep it as lively as possible, no doubt the former doing it on purpose. Jeongin and Jisung didn’t really even need you there as they practically forgot you even were— in their own little world. You got lost in the orchard when looking for Hyunjin and Minho, breaking the fourth wall a few times to ask the crew member on where to go, eventually giving up and wandering on your own for a little too long. Only to find Chan and Changbin sitting and have what looked like a normal conversation— they didn’t need much help either.
The looks of surprise and betrayal was fun to witness as they regrouped to pick who was riding with who to go to dinner. You got to pick whose car you rode in once they finished, and decided on Minho and Felix’s car.
Minho drives fast, which is even more fun when he takes off the child locks in the backseat and rolls down the window for you. You and Felix stick your heads out the window as he surpasses the other three cars, the both of you hollering at them with joy and barely catching a faint smile on Minho’s lips when you sit back again.
Everyone, including you, forgets that you’re supposed to be filming during dinner and goes silent as you eat. Until Hyunjin speaks from across the table, “Y/N’ie, I thought you were supposed to interview us earlier. Did you think we were so hopeless as a couple that you decided not to?”
His question threw you off, totally unexpected as your mouth was full. Half chewed and half hearted, “I got lost.”
“What did you say?” Jisung called at the other end.
“You got lost?” Chan chuckled at your right, the confession sending him and Hyunjin into a fit of giggles. The information eventually made it to the other side of the table and the rest of them erupted into giggles as well.
“It wasn’t my fault! Why were you two so far away?” You turned the attention onto Minho and Hyunjin, who shared an amused look.
When both of them simply shrugged, Changbin stepped in, “that’s okay. I would’ve stayed up all night looking for you if you got lost.” He beat his palm onto his chest and jutted his chin out with a nodding smirk.
“That’s nice, but you’re supposed to be interested in each other. It wouldn’t be a good look for the show—“ you gestured to the surrounding cameras— “if you showed more interest in the host than in the contestants.”
“But the host is always the most attractive one!” He exclaimed, throwing his spoon down. Your eyes widened in confusion of where this sudden infatuation came from.
You looked at your manager standing by one of the center cameras, he was laughing just as hard as the members, “I don’t remember this being part of the script.”
“It’s not a script!” Changbin’s chair scraped against the floor as he abruptly stood. “These are my true feelings! Do my feelings look like a joke to you?!”
None of the others were going to help you now, they all avoided eye contact and kept their mouths shut as you sought out a scapegoat for Changbin’s bombardment of affection. “If I say no, will you sit down?”
Then it hit you, play along.
Your chair almost toppled back when you took to your feet, Chan stuck his hands out to catch you just in case. “Then yes!”
Jeongin let out a small, “what is happening?”
“You’re a joke!” You replied back to Changbin with feigned anger. “You broke my heart! Then you come on my show to rub it in my face!”
Everyone at the table was suddenly invested in where this was going. You glanced over at your manager and he waved his hands as though throwing up a white flag. Green light.
“Do you want to humiliate me? Is my pain funny to you, Seo Changbin?”
“I didn’t want our relationship to end but you pushed me to it! You forced my hand!” He shouted at you for two seats down.
“Everyone,” you dramatically looked the other members directly in the eye, “he cheated on me.”
Gasps erupted throughout the restaurant, including the staff playing into the story. They spoke over each other, everyone trying to get their words in as Changbin’s mouth dropped to the floor in shock. You forced yourself to repress a smile seeing the disbelief on his face, his reaction much funnier when he broke the fourth wall to look at your manager as well.
How could you’s and shame on you’s echoed throughout the restaurant, Hyunjin’s words particularly catching your ear.
“Cheating is unforgivable, how disrespectful. I could never be friends with anyone who cheats on their significant other,” his serious tone drawing in the rest of the table above all the jokes spewing about, all eyes on him now.
“Care to explain more, Hyunjinnie?” You and Changbin sat back down and gave him the floor to speak.
Hyunjin cleared his throat, “I can’t stand it. Just break up with them. If you truly cared about someone, you’d never, never treat them with that level of disrespect, even if you’re on bad terms.”
He was clearly upset now, arms crossed across his chest and looking down at his bowl. No one really knew what to say as his emotions were much more intense than the previous vibes of the dinner. As the host and since it was your fault the topic was brought up, you comforted him, “I agree with you—“
But Jisung adds fuel to the fire before you could continue, “I have something to confess.” Everyone turns to him. “I saw who Changbin cheated with. I caught them together.”
More gasps, fists slamming on the table, angry exclamations demanding to know more. “It was…” he paused and looked around the table, then stuck his finger in the direction across from you, “Hyunjinnie!”
Faking a faint, you fell back into Chan with a hand over your forehead. The oldest wrapped his arms around your neck and shielded you from the subject of the incoming yelling match. There wasn’t much you could really understand as everyone spoke over one another for the billionth time that night. When he released you, you faked wiping tears as Hyunjin went mute with his mouth agape.
“Any last words before we,” a fake sniffle, “move on?”
“I DIDN’T KNOW! I PROMISE!” He came over to your side of the table and fell dramatically to his knees, taking your hand and placing your palm onto his cheek.
“What are you doing, get up.” You tried to take your hand back but he only held on tighter.
“Say you forgive me.”
“You need to be on a drama with how dramatic you are,” you joke, trying to divert your attention from how tightly he held your hand made your tummy warm.
“I won’t let you go until you say it!” His eyes were beaming up at you with sparkles so bright, even the stage lighting wasn’t nearly as blinding. Part of you felt like he was apologizing for something he truly did to wrong you, you almost fell for it.
“Fine, fine! Forgiven. Get up and finish your food.” Hyunjin quickly kissed the inside of your palm, unsure if the cameras actually caught it, and went back to his seat.
Conversation shifting to something you weren’t paying attention to, lo and behold, your mind wasn’t nearly as focused as it should be. There was more screaming and yelling, mostly Changbin and Jisung, and you couldn’t even laugh with them because you were internally battling with yourself about his fucking eyes. Hyunjin’s eyes and how sincere they were, how soft and patient and agonized they seemed to be about a situation that was purely for show. It caught you so far off guard that when the members continued with the skit, you let them take the reins to do whatever they wanted.
By the time it was time to choose cars to head home, you were just going with the flow, not caring about the show anymore. What you needed was an ice cold bath. A freezing shower to get rid of the heat in your cheeks whenever Hyunjin’s gaze would linger on you for half a second longer.
That was exactly what you did as soon as the cameras were off and you were back at your hotel room. You rushed off to be alone and get rid of all the stupid thoughts that made your head dizzy because what the fuck?
It wasn’t like you were touch deprived, your members were practically an extension of your physical self. It was just the way he looked at you. Why were you so upset over a look? He looks at you every day, nothing new. You were looking back at him. Straight into his eyes. He was on his knees. Your hand was on his cheek. He was nuzzling his face into your skin. You almost leaned in. His lips looked so kissable. He did kiss you— your hand, at least.
Oh, it’s fucking over for you.
Knock, knock, knock.
The consistent rapping on your hotel door shocked you enough to pull you from the butterfly inducing realization. Just a robe on and hair still dripping, you rushed to check the peep hole to find the one person you didn’t want to see standing outside.
“Why’re you here?” You said a little colder than intended.
Hyunjin scoffed and held up the bag of chips and soda, “what a rude way to greet someone bearing gifts.” He pushed past you and threw the snacks on the bed along with himself. “Go get dressed, they have Netflix on the TV.”
You didn’t even have the will to say no, doing what he asked and changing into comfy clothes. Big sweats and a baggy hoodie seemed decent enough, and so did standing at the foot of the bed while he was sprawled out, clicking through the different movies. “What are you doing here?” You finally asked.
“Hanging out?”
“Obviously. Why?”
“Am I not allowed to hang out with you?” He had a point. “You were also really quiet at dinner.” Frowning a little, you sat at the foot of the bed and took the bag of chips. Admittedly, they hit the spot, he knew they would and smiled to himself when you visibly relaxed.
“That one,” you spoke again as he hovered over the movie you’d been telling yourself you’d watch when you had the time. Well, now you had nothing but time.
Cross legged and still on the edge of the bed, munching away while fully invested in this terrible movie, Hyunjin admired the way you’d copy the actress’s slight body movements when she was around the love interest, as if you were taking notes. Tilting your head, sitting up a little straighter, leaning your head on your palm, or tucking your hair behind your ear. It was utterly adorable and he loved being able to see you like this. Somehow, you forgot he was even there until the bed shifted behind you.
Suddenly there was heat, too much of it. You were suffocating with the obvious fact that you were not alone and haven’t been for the past hour. Hyunjin’s arm was bumping against the back of yours, seemingly innocent.
“Are you gonna share?” He said, chin brushing your shoulder as he gestured at the mostly empty bag of chips. You didn’t say anything, only holding it in his direction. His hand encased yours to bring it even closer to him, making your fingers almost shake with anxiety. It was nothing. Literally nothing. But it felt like everything.
“Open,” he commanded for the second time tonight. When did he get so close to you? You could practically smell his shampoo and body lotion. Dumbly, you faced him slightly and opened your mouth enough for him to slip a chip into it. Then unexpectedly, his fingers tipped the bottom of your chin up to close. “Chew before you swallow.” Your eyes followed his hand as it retreated, leading up to his own gaze that was already staring back.
The sound of your swallowing was comically loud, you wished the ground would open up and eat you whole. “I don’t want to kiss you,” you rushed to say.
Hyunjin smirked, amused. “I don’t want to kiss you, either.” His actions contradicted his words as his face unnoticeably inched forward. Warmth was swirling around you now, his shampoo, his lotion, his skin, his clean clothes, his left over toothpaste— “your breath smells like chips.”
There it was. Butterflies gone. You shoved him and his stupidly smug smirk harshly back by his chest and he thumped back into the bed. Immediately, you ran into the bathroom to rinse your mouth with mouthwash before coming back and attacking him. You were slamming the soft pillow into his body without so much as a complaint. More so, he was laughing, not even a wince because it didn’t phase him at all. It wasn’t enough. He didn’t get it.
Moving into a stronger position, you went from standing at his side to trying to hop over him onto the available bed space, failing miserably and flopping onto him instead. Chest to chest, practically straddling him, Hyunjin gripped your waist to keep you from falling off the edge. That also meant there was no where to run. “Now I really don’t want to kiss you.”
“But I really want you to.” His hands keeping you in place, the proximity, minty fresh breath— from you, at least. Your hand drifted to his face, ghosting fingertips up along his cheek to push his hair from his face. Another thing for the second time that night, he leaned into the touch, enjoying it much more than he should.
This felt like the right moment, right? This was how that girl did it in the movie. She did all those steps, the lean in, touch the cheek, brush the hair, what came next?
It was the actual kiss, the one part you couldn’t get yourself to initiate. It’s been too much teasing him, perhaps if you only just gave in a little— a slight graze of your lips against his, that’d be the ultimate power move. Payback for the emotions he made you feel earlier this evening. Just close enough to make his eyes flutter closed, make his breath hitch, make him pucker and wait for you to close the distance and feel one another for the first time.
That’s exactly what you did, and fuck, was it hard not to cave. His soft breath and pillowy lips, you almost did.
Knock, knock, knock. “Y/N’ie, can I use your hair drier? The outlet in my bathroom doesn’t work.”
Saved by the fucking bell. Hyunjin audibly groaned, annoyed that his perfect moment was once again stolen from him.
You quickly pushed off of his body by his chest and rushed to open the door, stroking your hair flat and revealing Jisung on the other side. He immediately went into your bathroom, not noticing Hyunjin on the bed lobbing his head back with frustration.
“Han Jisung, you’re the worst. I was so close! Couldn’t you have waited two more minutes?!”
Jisung, frightened by the unknown voice, peaked around the doorframe and saw the other boy. “Oh, was I interrupting something?”
“Yes!” You shook your head with emphasis, holding up your hands like waving a white flag.
Everything else happened so fast. One second you were standing next to Jisung and the next, Hyunjin was rushing over to the both of you saying something along the lines of, “give me my kiss!” You had pulled Jisung in front of you without really thinking about it and put him into Hyunjin’s line of fire. The two smashes foreheads at the fast pace the older moved, both crumbling to the floor in pain.
With the way the night started, this was a solid way to end it— watching your two friends rolling around the floor in pain as you laughed your ass off at their idiotic tendencies. Then them proving said idiotic tendencies as one tried to— hopefully playfully— strangle the other, in which you don’t know who started all the rough housing, you’re just there to patch them up when they’re done.
A/N: don’t ask me where i’ve been idek LMAO. this is so bad im really trying to start writing again pls bear with me
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thorias · 2 months
So I know I've been fixated on this, but the more I think about it, the more signs are pointing to the timeline getting reset. Upon rewatch, there are just so many things about the events of ep5 that simply don't add up if this was meant to be permanent.
First, there was that weird psychic blast that hit Madelyne/Jean right before the attack. What was that about? Could it have been Cable? Possibly. But it seems awkward when it happens right before he shows up in the flesh anyway, so my guess is it had to do with someone else. But who?
It might be a stretch, but given what happened in ep6 with Xavier on his way back to Earth now, I could see it being Charles trying to warn them from the future via time travel tech. I might be way off base on that one, but we've certainly seen weirder things happen.
Also, Rogue wearing a version of her famous first-date-with-Remy dress in the comics only to dance with Magneto while Remy dies without knowing that she'd chosen him is a detail that stands out like a sore thumb. That didn't happen by accident. This was a very deliberate choice by the writers and unless the point of it was to just be intentionally cruel to Gambit AND Romy fans, (and I kind of doubt it was) this is going to come back somehow. These writers have been very reverential to the comics and they had to have known how fans would react to that. If those events aren't going to change so Rogue dances with Gambit instead, (paying off that line in ep1 about suffering her hand for a dance) then why do it this way? To heartbreakingly end one of the most iconic and popular relationships from X-MEN TAS, which was built up over 5 seasons, with no payoff at all? How is that an ending that would satisfy anybody?
Maybe I've got my tinfoil hat on a little too tight right now, but I just don't see any way that this is going to stick. I don't know if the attack will be prevented entirely, (probably not, tbh) but something about that night is going to be changed. You don't establish that the whole reason Cable's here is to stop the attack and then have him completely fail at stopping it.
Maybe Cable, Xavier and Forge put their heads together, get Cable's tech working properly and manage to warn everyone in time to make a difference.
In fact, I read a brilliant theory the other day that Xavier would use Madelyne/Jean as psychic conduits to make the X-men and everyone at the gala remember what happened before the attack starts, giving them enough of a heads up to save themselves. And ep5 was literally titled 'Remember It'; I mean, it could be more perfect.
AND since Sinister was behind the attack, how fitting would it be for Cable (the product of Sinister's machinations) to be the one who thwarts him?
What if Cable and Xavier manage to warn everyone in time, all the mutants of Genosha band together with the X-men to take the Wild Sentinel down and then afterward the gala happens, but with Rogue dancing with Remy this time?
I don't know... that's probably wrapping things up too neatly (and the teases of Remy becoming Death are piling up fast, so we can't rule that out) and I'm sure there are going to be consequences to the Sentinel attack that stick even if they do reset things, but narratively, this would make a lot of sense, not to mention finish the story in a way that doesn't leave Gambit/Romy fans utterly depressed and miserable.
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scarlet-moonlight · 6 months
One thing I love about Aphelios is imagining how he expresses himself without his words so heres some scenarios/headcanons I imagined about it!
-Its always the small gestures when it comes to him;squeezing your hand as he’s holding it, wrapping an arm around your waist in crowded areas etc. He depends on his actions to show you how he feels, because he can’t actually speak a lot of the time, but even in the off chances he can, he finds it hard to use his words as he not used to talking about his feelings. His actions may seem small, but they speak volumes. Being on the recieving end of flirting and romantic words will also make him very flustered (But he secretly likes it so keep doing it)
-Sometimes if he finds you sad or sulking, he’ll sit next to you and start humming a little melody as he puts his jacket over your shoulders. Gathering you into his arms, stroking your hair and nuzzling into it, stop his humming to leave lil kisses on your head every now and then, just comforting you to help you calm you down from whatever you’re dealing with. He’ll pause if you wanna tell him whats going on, but even if you don’t want to, he’s perfectly content with sitting there as he hums his song. His humming voice (Is that a thing?) is gorgeous, and he’ll even do it if you aren’t sad if you ask him.
-Aphelios also loves dancing! He probably loves something close to ballet honestly. He dances a little waltz by himself when he thinks no ones wtatching, twirling and spinning around in the moonlight. Its worth it to just quietly admire him as he’s dancing. If you wanna get self indulgent however, sometimes he gets a little too into it and accidentally pulls you into his arms, spinning you around the room. The flustered look on his face when he realizes what he’s doing as he’s holding you is priceless. if he gets close enough with you though, he’ll love to dance with you under the night sky. Prepare for all his charms to come out there (He didnt even know he can have them but hey, the night is just that romantic for him I suppose)
-Just like his HEARTSTEEL counterpart, Runeterra Aphelios finds music to be a way to express himself. It’s his source of comfort for both himself, and you!
-Contrary to popular headcanon, I think he likes writing more than any other form of communication. (Though obviously he can do sign language and teach you if needed) Writing feels like a very personal thing to him because its one of the only ways he can express his own feelings, and puts a lot of heart into them as such. He’ll write letters talking about the places he travels when he’s away, promising to come back to you no matter what, how much he misses and loves you in the most poetic ways possible. Also he’s also super into caligraphy. It fits nicely with him being the songwriter in HEARTSTEEL.
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Every time I hear people try and explain the "right" and "wrong" ways to write an OC, I always think about Trunks.
If you aren't familiar with Dragon Ball, let me explain this absolute "trainwreck of an OC" to you.
So, Frieza's this impossibly powerful bad guy. He's over a thousand times more powerful than everyone else in the cast and it's only possible to defeat him because Son Goku, halfway through the fight, fulfills an ancient alien prophecy and becomes a legendary once-in-a-thousand-years godlike avatar of his people.
At the very end, thanks to this miracle taking place, Goku defeats Frieza and disappears.
The next arc begins with Frieza showing up, having been resurrected as a cyborg offscreen. Goku hasn't returned. Thankfully, this mysterious boy Trunks arrives. A Saiyan character with purple hair even though all Saiyans have black hair, no exceptions. Also, he has a sword. Nobody in Dragon Ball uses weapons but he has a sword because fuck you, that's why.
Trunks reveals that he has also fulfilled the alien prophecy. He's the other person, never before mentioned, who possesses the once-in-a-thousand-years godlike avatar of his people powers. He instantly shitstomps Frieza without breaking a sweat. Like, it's barely even a fight. He takes Frieza apart comically fast.
Then Goku shows up to give him a pat on the back, whereupon Trunks proudly announces that he's the time-traveling offspring of a ship between two characters who haven't even spoken to each other once in this entire series thus far, one of whom has been in a committed relationship with someone else since the very first arc of the story over a decade ago and the other of whom is a villain.
And. And I cannot emphasize this enough.
This is the single most popular and beloved character in Dragon Ball. People went nuts for this guy. He checks off just about every single box on the "Do Not Write Characters Like This" checklist and everyone loved him for it.
So. Like.
That's something I think about whenever I see people complain about OCs that have weird hair and weird names and are too powerful and inexplicably related to canon characters and stuff like that.
Y'all went nuts for it when it was Akira Toriyama writing it. So maybe those characteristics aren't as bad as popular opinion likes to make it sound.
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showstopper35 · 6 months
tbb band au
a/n: spontaneously decided I had to make this or I would die, so you’re welcome?
Hunter - Lead guitar, but he doesn’t sing. No, he’s just there to look pretty. The fangirls are utterly obsessed with him. He flings his sweaty headband into the crowd at the end of shows. Sometimes he plays so aggressively that his fingers start to bleed on his guitar. Most pro photos are of him, and he has the most tumblr fan blogs.
Wrecker - I think we all know he is the drummer. And he loves it. Has accidentally broken many a snare during practices and shows. He arrives on the stage first and loves to hype up the crowds. When the Bad Batch (the band name, I’m so creative) aren’t touring, he often volunteers to drum for other bands.
Echo - The Batch once opened for a band called the Dominos, who were more popular. After they broke up, Echo joined the Bad Batch as a keyboardist. He also provides backup vocals from time to time. He is usually the voice of reason if there is tension between the members.
Tech - I bet you thought he was going to be on keyboard, right? No. He plays the bass. I mean, have you seen his hands? He is terrible with the press and awkward with the fans, but when he gets on the stage and plays the bass lines, the crowd lives for him. He has a very dedicated cult following, and possibly the most fan edits on TikTok.
Crosshair - The lead singer and rhythm guitarist. His mysterious, bad-boy aura is why he was chosen as the singer. All of the boys can sing, but Cross was really the only one who put in the extra effort. With countless voice lessons and perfect pitch, he has a raw, anguished wail similar to Bono from U2. Outside of the stage, nobody knows anything about him. It’s intriguing, and attractive.
Omega - Omega started as their #1 groupie, and now she travels as a stagehand. Occasionally she is allowed onstage to play the most random of instruments. She has a Twitter account with a fake name that posts surprisingly accurate facts about the band and awful candid photos of the members. She also runs their TikTok.
-fans of Bad Batch are known as “batchers”
-Cody is their manager under Kenobi Chords Records
-Howzer has a solo act and he has opened for them a couple times
-They once did a “Bad Batch reads thirst tweets” video
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thesiltverses · 9 months
any clues on whats next after tsv ends ? :)
No concrete confirmation, but we did put out a Patreon post back in spring with a few draft pitches, to gauge initial interest and see what kind of genre storytelling folks were most excited to see from us.
I'll paste them below, so you can see the kinds of things we've had in mind (#2 and #3 were the most popular, but it was a fairly even spread outside of that). We've had a few more really fun ideas since then that I'll keep schtum about for now.
General feedback was that people were most enthusiastic about seeing ongoing, multi-season projects from us, which makes perfect sense and is much more sensible for us anyway in terms of sustaining a livelihood / retaining audience members along the way.
That said, TSV has been a three-year endeavour which is a big commitment, and personally I think the best horror is often self-contained, short and sweet.
So I'd really love to have the time to work on a few miniseries-type shows as well, but also need to recognise that we likely don't have the bandwidth to juggle two projects simultaneously.
With all that in mind, I think the direction we're hoping to be able to pursue is:
1+ shorter horror miniseries or one-offs with production or network partners (if they want to work with us) where we're largely on writing duties or with a lighter load.
1 longer, ongoing weird-fiction show which is all ours, baby, all ours.
Draft pitches
#1: Manes
Genre: Historical horror, cosmic horror, family drama with murderous stakes
Influences: The Terror Season 1, pretty much.
Summary: In 208 AD, the ailing Roman emperor Septimius Severus travels north across Hadrian's Wall into Caledonia, with the aim of finally uniting Britain under imperial rule.
For Severus, there's more at stake - his two sons are openly at odds over the succession, and it's openly said that civil war will follow the emperor's death.
Severus himself rose to supreme power through violence and the elimination of his rivals. Now, haunted by the possibility of revenge by the shades of the divine dead and dwelling unhappily on his legacy, the emperor hopes to share his final triumph with his sons and demonstrate a different lesson to them - that an equitable peace is a lasting possibility.
But as the Roman column makes its way north into apparently endless woods, surrounded by cronies, schemers, Britons, soothsayers, priestesses of Cybele, and more, the emperor and his family find that their enemy is nowhere to be seen - but they are being pursued by a force that is both strange and terrible.
And soon enough, the Romans realise that they have perhaps strayed not into Caledonia at all - but into a hostile realm of their own imagining...
Why make this show? We adore period horror, and there's far too little of it out there.
Severus and his family are a fascinating set of characters who we'd love to spend some time with - as ethically-compromised participants in a very Shakespearean tragedy, and as individuals whose heritage, religious beliefs and psychologies allow us to explore aspects of ancient Rome that haven't been done to death in fiction already.
#2: I'll Dance In The Deep Shadow
Genre: Weird-fiction noir, paranoid espionage fiction, cosmic horror
Influences: Cold War spy classics, Roadside Picnic
Summary: Across the water from the mainland UK, a vast walled city has come unexpectedly into existence.
The city’s walls are composed of purest shadow; its leaders have not revealed themselves to us, nor have they made demands of us.
Upon its streets, our own dead and forlorn doubles wander; grinning doppelgangers who seem to know something terrible from the future that’s to come.
We call the city Umbra.
Umbra is a bottomless well of shadow and secrets; its darkened landscapes are home to suppressed memories turned savage and monstrous.
Its citizens and its guards are twisted echoes, repetitions, and whispering relics of the world's buried past - and they will not reveal Umbra's purpose to us.
Around Umbra's great walls, representatives from the world's governments gather and plot against one another - mercenaries, guides, spies, black-market traders, scientists and killers - to infiltrate the city, map its streets, and navigate its dangers for themselves.
Why make this show? Less of an Eskew sequel than it probably sounds at first glance, this one. 
We'd love to do a paranoid, twist-filled, pessimistic John Le Carre-style spy thriller, with multiple characters who can neither trust themselves nor each other - and we feel like we've got some really interesting horror themes around memory and forgetting here to explore with this concept.
#3: Our Wars Have Ended
Genre: Dark fantasy, New Weird fantasy
Influences: The Black Company, the Bas-Lag series, Gormenghast.
Summary: It’s a strange time to be alive.
Thirty years ago, countless legions of the ancient dead rose from their graves to conquer the living lands; lands which now rest in an uneasy - but peaceful - state of occupation.
Withered corpses sit upon the thrones of the living and play silent courtier in the shadowed halls, acting out the rituals and habits of their past lives while dead men and women keep watch from the ruined towers. 
Mortal historians and linguists frantically mediate between our returned masters, trying to keep the peace - which estate belongs to whom? Who shall rule eternal? Which traditions deserve to live on?
But this is a time of wondrous change, too - new technologies, empowered by the revelations of the Dead Reclamation and the will of the Ancestors. Strange machines rumble through the hills and necronautical vessels delve into the unexplored territories of the afterlife itself.
And it has been announced that the Hollowbrow Queen will unite the nation with a powerful gesture, taking on a living consort in a marriage of the fleeting and the eternal.
On one side of the conquered country, an old veteran leads his mercenary company on a reluctant expedition towards the capital, in the employ of a long-dead king on a mission of revenge.
On the other, a young dead-diver and essayer into the realms of the dead is hired to investigate a peculiar mystery, and a conspiracy that may involve both the living and the returned…
Why make this show? Because Game of Thrones had no interest in the (to us) enjoyable questions of 'well, why do the ancient dead want to conquer the living, exactly? What happens once they've done it?' and we'd love to deconstruct that and play with the idea of loathsome undead aristocrats from every period of history squabbling with one another over what their conquered nation actually means.
Because we think we've built up the confidence and the skills to take a big swing at an epic adventure story and a semi-traditional fantasy - it feels like an idea that could potentially appeal to a wider audience while remaining true to our own core values of Weirdness, Horrible Things and More Weirdness.
#4: To Those Who Wait
Genre: Cosmic horror, dark comedy, mockumentary
Influences: Dead Set, Ghostwatch, Savageland, Evil Dead
Summary: Eskew Productions has gone in a surprising direction with its latest production - a new reality experiment and dating-show podcast.
Eight lovelorn singletons have been given rooms in the exclusive Gregory Hotel. Over the course of six weeks, these contestants will go on dates, carry out team challenges, and ultimately try and find themselves a life partner - all without seeing each other's faces.
The aim of the experiment? To prove that good things really do come to those who wait.
As they pore through a mixture of recorded and behind-the-scenes footage, however, it may become very apparent to listeners that something else is waiting in the Gregory.
And one by one, our contestants find themselves at risk of far more than being voted off...
Why make this show? As a great big act of play more than anything else.
We adore horror mockumentaries, but in audio-drama they tend to be faux-journalistic. 
Doing a show that instead mimics hokey reality shows to the point of being mistakable for the real thing, but turns out to be a ghost story instead...that's a lot of fun to us.
#5: In The Devil's Counties
Genre: Historical horror, cosmic horror
Influences: Nathan Ballingrud's Wounds, Seven Samurai, Between Two Fires, Dog Soldiers, Aliens…
Summary: As the Magna Carta states: “All evil customs relating to forests and warrens, foresters, warreners, sheriffs and their servants, or river-banks and their wardens, are at once to be investigated by twelve sworn knights of the county, and within forty days of their enquiry the evil customs are to be abolished completely and irrevocably.”
In early-medieval Sussex, a motley group of knights rides out to investigate tales of ungodly horror and acts of forbidden worship from deep in the English countryside - including Ralph Dagworth, 'hell's mapmaker'.
What the party of knights discovers out in the warrens and the forests of the county, however, is far stranger and more terrible than any Christian conception of hell…
Why make this show? Again, because we're itching to have a go at some period horror, and that weirdly specific Magna Carta quote is just too fun to pass up as a springboard for some 'isolated squaddies in enemy territory' storytelling. (Sadly, it does have a more grounded explanation.)
#6: Strangling Knot
Genre: Anthology horror
Influences: Junji Ito, experimental 8-bit horror, Black Mirror's Bandersnatch
“The rules of the game are simple. This is a place of endless forking paths and one exit. 
There’s something terrible in here with you. Get ready."
A Choose Your Own Adventure-style horror audio anthology; each episode is a distinct story with branching paths that may lead to failure (most of the time) or escape (more rarely).
Why make this show? This is likely the only show that we could reasonably produce as a side-project (and we've been chatting to a couple of other talented horror creators about it already, sssh).
We'd like to be able to play with single-narrator horror storytelling again that's relatively quick and easy to produce - but we do want to at least try and ensure it doesn't feel like we're repeating I Am In Eskew.
There's some really fun stuff happening out there already with CYOA-style audiodrama, and that seems like an opportunity that's ripe for playing about with.
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katzenmas · 5 months
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── This idea came to me in a vision while i was rewatching the show. This first chapter is more of an introduction because the reader (SPOILER AHEAD) hasn't travelled back in time yet. I wanted to get this chapter out of the way as soon as possible so i can start writing the more interesting ones hehe. This fic will be a Johnny Soap MacTavish X Reader, but you are technically married to Graves in this chapter. He won't really show up after this unless you're talking about him.
Warnings : Some suggestive dialogue, implied sex. No use of Y/N, Female Reader ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
PART 1 Inverness, 2018 People disappear all the time. Ask any policeman. Better yet, ask a journalist. Young girls run away from home. Children stray from their parents and are never seen again. Housewives reach the end of their tether and take the grocery money and a taxi to the station. International financiers change their names and vanish into the smoke of imported cigars. Many of the lost will be found, eventually, dead or alive. Disappearances, after all, have explanations. The little inn did not look like a place people would disappear in. Mrs. Baird’s looked like any other run down Highland bed and breakfast. With peeling paint and near dead flowers, the smell of cigarette smoke stuck to the walls in the rooms. Mrs. Baird herself almost looked like her inn. In her late sixties, always bustling and talking, still she made no objections when Phillip turned the room she rented us into a second office. His laptop and papers strewn around the desk, walls now had something akin to maps tacked onto them. It was your husband’s great idea to take a second honeymoon trip. Inverness was a strange choice, the setting so different from the one you were used to in Texas. But when Phillip came to you with two plane tickets and news that a one month break was needed, you wouldn’t even dare to turn him down. Walking down the rickety stairs of the inn, you found your husband sitting in an armchair near a fireplace, a book about the Jacobite rebellion in his hands. He looked so peaceful sitting in the maroon chair, the flames from the fire basking him in a soft glow. “How long are you going to stand there and stare at me Mrs. Graves?” your lips quirked up in a smile as you walked over to your husband. He set his book down on a coffee table and beckoned you to sit across his lap. Your hands found their home looped around his neck and he smoked into your collarbone. “I don’t know Mr. Graves, you make a fine subject for staring, maybe I’ll never stop” you giggled and ran your hands through his hair. The sudden quietness behind you two told you that Mrs. Baird has put down her broom and was covertly watching you. While golf and fishing are Scotland’s most popular outdoor sports, gossip is the most popular indoor sport. And when it rains as much as it does in Scotland, people spend a lot of time indoors. “She’s staring again” You mumbled and Phillip donned a devilish grin. Suddenly he hoisted you up and ran the length of the stairs to your room. The sudden change made giggles erupt from your mouth as you clutched tighter to him. ‘“What in god’s name are you doing!” You yelled at him through fits of your giggles and your husband threw you down on the bed, before getting on it himself. He was halfway sitting up, with his knees digging into the mattress and he smiled at you. “I’d hate for the dear old thing to be disappointed in us,” he answered. Sitting up on the side of the ancient bed, he bounced gently up and down, creating a piercing rhythmic squeak. The footsteps in the hall stopped abruptly. After a minute or two of bouncing, Phillip gave a loud, theatrical groan and collapsed backward with a twang of protesting springs. You giggled helplessly into a pillow, so as not to disturb the breathless silence outside. Phillip waggled his eyebrows at you. “You’re supposed to moan ecstatically, not giggle,” he admonished in a whisper. “She’ll think I’m not a good lover.” “You’ll have to keep it up for longer than that, if you expect ecstatic moans,” You answered. “Two minutes doesn’t deserve any more than a giggle.” “Inconsiderate little wench. I came here for a rest, remember?”
“Lazybones. You’ll never manage the next branch on your family tree unless you show a bit more industry than that.” Both of you chuckled as Phillip moved to lay next to you, bringing his hand around your middle and squishing you closer to his chest. That’s how sleep found you, being held close by your husband’s strong arms as his rhythmic heartbeat slowly lulled you into sweet sleep. The rustling sounds of your husband getting dressed stirred you from your dreams. You slowly sat up in the bed and stretched, the downpour outside has finally stopped which meant you two would be walking around town tonight. “ Let’s stop at that pub from yesterday. That might’ve been the best salmon I’ve ever eaten” Phillip noticed that you woke up and started making plans about today’s escapades. First you were going to meet some tour guide that would drive you two to some historical sites and then back to Inverness. “I distinctly heard the barman at that pub last night refer to us as Sassenachs.”
“Well, why not?” said Phillip. “It only means ‘Englishman,’ after all, or at worst, ‘outlander,’ and we’re all of that.”
“I know what it means. It was the tone I objected to.” Phillip searched through the bureau drawer for a belt. “He was just annoyed because I told him the ale was weak. I told him the true Highland brew requires an old boot to be added to the vat, and the final product to be strained through a well-worn undergarment.”
“Ah, that accounts for the amount of the bill.”
“Well, I phrased it a little more tactfully than that, but only because the Gaelic language hasn’t got a specific word for drawers.”
You reached for a pair of your own underwear, intrigued. “Why not? Did the ancient Gaels not wear undergarments?”
Phillip leered. “You’ve never heard that old song about what a Scotsman wears beneath his kilts?”
“ No and I’d rather not hear about it now. Off to the bath you go, the stench of the fire still clings to your hair” You playfully messed with it and your husband smiles, cupping your face in his hand and kissing your brow.
“Only if you join me”
The walk to the town square was a bit hard, dull ache between your thighs after Phillip decided to fuck you senseless in the shower, was making itself known. Taking small steps you idly window-shopped. Your husband was on the phone, talking to the tour guide when your eyes caught sight of a vase. It looked tacky, the colors were bright and the shape was a bit lopsided but the drawing depicted on the vase itself was beautiful. A myriad of large stones in a valley, the sunset drawn behind it was basking the stone in a soft glow.
Soon you found yourself meeting Phillip at the crossing of the High Street and the Gereside Road and you turned up the road together. He raised his eyebrows at your purchases.
“Vases?” He smiled. “Wonderful. Perhaps now you’ll stop putting flowers in my books.”
“They aren’t flowers, they’re specimens. And it was you who suggested I take up botany. To occupy my mind, now that I’ve not got nursing to do,” You reminded him.
“True.” He nodded good-humoredly. “But I didn’t realize I’d have bits of greenery dropping out into my lap every time I opened a reference. What was that horrible crumbly brown stuff you put in Tuscum and Banks?”
“Groutweed. Good for hemorrhoids.”
“Preparing for my imminent old age, are you? Well, how very thoughtful of you.” You two laughed as suddenly a small green car stopped in front of you. The man in the driver’s side seat looked no more than fifty. Big rimmed glasses sat atop his small nose, wild curly hair had bits of gray in it and you noticed one golden tooth as he sent a smile your way.
“ Mr. and Mrs. Graves! Pleasure to meet ya, I’m Colm I’ll be takin’ ye to Craigh Na Dun”
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
part two of cpns related to wyb’s selfie (timeline)
I wasn’t expecting to make a second part cause i felt like the first one is already well and good. but we all know with this fandom, clues come in as time passes by and i wanna share it here and archive as well.
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you young people have changed to climbing mountains when you fall in love now…. 💕
for the past days, BXGs have been trying to piece this timeline of their vacation together. the popular guess is that they had one in Beijing ( camping trip ) and another one in Inner Mongolia. i think what the zsww rumor house was saying is true about them wanting to have more quality time together and not just a quick meet up in secret and say goodbye. whether what we think is true or not, it’s all for fun and sugar ok. it’s not like we want to out them or anything. we get things from what they share and go from there. the goal is not to stalk them or anything.
we have two options:
1. Assuming that two people went there together, the most likely time based on Bobo’s outfit is 8.27-8.29 or 8.27-9.1.
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After ZZ got off work in the early morning of 8.27, the crew began to change scenes and work was stopped for a while. He arrived at the hotel and started working at 9.1 afternoon, with some free time in between.
Then ZZ posted on Weibo on 8.29 ( Tod’s Ad ) showing Beijing. If it was posted by himself, then they would be returning to Beijing together on 8.29; if not, then it is possible that they would go separately after playing together, with one going directly to work and the other going back to Beijing.
It takes about 5 hours to drive from Beijing to the Geopark. It takes about 3 hours from the Geopark to the hotel.
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( p1 is a tourist posting about their experience traveling from BJ to IM and going to that particular volcano during this time, going back 8.30-9.1 and the weather was good to wear shorts. they also shared some itinerary, so it’s some proof. )
2. Next is first week of September, since XZ photos were taken 9/5 and the whole black cloth operation at his hotel 9/10, there could be something going on at the time. Remember this was also the time that WYB’s douyin IP was turned off.
I think at the end of the day, the exact time is not important. What matters is we get to clown. Lol. Maybe in the future we will know more if they share stuff in interviews for LOCH/Mermaid.
FANS ALSO DISCOVERED that the place WYB went to is popular for photoshoots where you act like you’re in the Moon. And I have to agree. It’s the best place to do so, no need for a studio.
This is so sweet. knowing how the 2 of them are so obsessed with the Moon. 🌙
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BONUS: matching gray shirt! 🤍
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ro-is-struggling · 1 year
Hi!! I was thinking that 6 (song) would go amazingly with Steve like maybe he’s still hung up on Nancy but like reader is in love with him? ASDFGHJKL if you could make this possible I’d dieeeee. Thank you so much
Hi beautiful! thank you so much for participating in the celebration and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to your request, I'm going through stuff lol but despite that I had a great time writing this fic even though it's pure angst with no happy ending. I hope you're ready to cry!
One Last Time || Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: You knew Steve was still in love with Nancy, but you didn't care. All you cared about was holding him in your arms one last time. 
Warnings: angst, unrequited love kinda, jealousy, no happy ending
English is not my first language 
Word count: 1700
This fic is part of my 600 followers celeration
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Sitting alone at the table with dinner served, your gaze traveled from the clock to the door passing by the phone as you waited for a signal from Steve. You were supposed to have a date. You cooked for him, put on a nice outfit and styled your hair, only to have him stand you up. Again. It wasn't the first time Steve had been late for one of your dates and you knew it wouldn't be the last, not as long as she was still in his life. 
Nancy Wheeler was the reason behind all your problems, fears and insecurities. She was everything you weren't —pretty, smart, charismatic, popular— and even though her relationship with Steve had ended a long time ago, she still held the key to his heart. He was still in love with her and it seemed there was nothing you could do to change that. No matter how hard you tried to push her out of his heart, to replace her, it was all in vain. He would never look at you the way he looked at her.
Of course Steve wouldn't admit that out loud. When he was with you he would shower you with gifts and compliments, telling you how happy he was to have you by his side and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. But you knew those were half-truths. He did love you, but not like he loved Nancy. You didn't need to hear him say it to know it, you could sense it in his kisses and the way he looked at you. That special sparkle in his eyes when he looked at her disappeared when he turned his gaze to you. 
You were his consolation prize, his second choice. He was with you because he couldn't be with her, you knew that from your first date. You knew he didn't love you but still you stayed by his side, keeping the naive illusion that someday things would change. You hoped you could make him fall in love with you over time, show him that he had nothing to miss about his relationship with Nancy. Unlike her, you did love him and you hoped that would be enough to make him forget about her.
Still, your relationship wasn't terrible. Most of the time you didn't even remember Nancy and all that she entailed since Steve didn't mention her very often. All of your friends agreed that you were a wonderful couple. You two loved each other and spent most of your free time together. Steve loved to take you on dates and give you gifts, although your favorite times with him were when you would lie on the couch and watch a movie cuddling, enjoying each other's warmth and company. You forgot all your worries when he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his body, finding peace in the soft sound of his heart beating against his chest. The world around you ceased to exist in those moments, there were no fears or insecurities, just you and Steve.
The memory of those moments was what made situations like the one you were going through now more tolerable. You knew that Steve was with her while you were saving the leftovers from the dinner you had worked so hard to prepare. You knew that Nancy was once again the reason your boyfriend missed one of your dates, but you also knew that she didn't love him, not like you did. They didn't share those special moments you had. She didn't hug him tightly or talk to him as lovingly as you did. She didn't hold him at night, stroking his hair tenderly until he fell asleep in your arms. She didn't leave a little bit of her heart in every single thing she did for him. You did all those things. You and only you. Steve was dating you and not her. Nancy might still hold the key to his heart, but it was only a matter of time before she lost it to you.
When the phone rang you rushed to pick it up, hoping to hear your boyfriend's voice on the other end of the line. You smiled when you discovered that it was indeed him, momentarily forgetting all the pain you felt as you listened to his voice.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, I lost track of time." Steve apologized, sounding genuinely sorry. "I promise I'll make it up to you."
You were ready to forgive him and forget the whole thing, like you used to do when these things happened, but then you heard her voice in the background and jealousy took over you again. Nancy laughed in the distance, happy, while you climbed the walls of your house imagining what Steve could be doing with her for so long. It felt like she was taunting you, like she knew you were being killed slowly by uncertainty and it amused her. Your jealousy-blinded mind felt attacked by her, further aggravating your temper. 
"It's fine," you said in a dry tone that denoted the complete opposite of your words. "Just get home soon."
He told you he loved you before he cut the call short, but you were too hurt and angry at the time for his words to soften your heart. You dropped onto the couch, defeated by the storm of conflicting emotions swirling inside you. You didn't know what to do, what voice to listen to. You loved Steve, but you honestly didn't know how much longer you could go on like this, missing him even when he was by your side, dreading every time she was near, competing for his heart.
You knew that he didn't love you yet, you could live with it as long as there was a possible future for you. You needed to know that all the effort you were making now was not in vain, that you had a chance at happiness. You needed Steve to assure you that he wasn't going to leave you for Nancy at any time. You were willing to keep working on your relationship, to bet on a future together if he was too. You wanted to think that you knew he did, that asking him something like that was silly since it was obvious that Steve wanted to be with you, but the truth was that you didn't. You knew he loved you and was happy with you, but you weren't sure he was as invested in his relationship as you were. And you needed to make sure you weren't wasting your time with him. You needed to know if Steve wanted to put his past with Nancy behind him, because nothing you did would matter if he wasn't willing to forget her.
So in the heat of the moment you decided to give him an ultimatum. Steve would have to choose between Nancy or you because you couldn't go on living in doubt. Jealousy and uncertainty were eating you up inside at all hours, slowly transforming you into a version of you that you didn't recognize. You didn't want to let your insecurities get the best of you, it was time to do something about it. 
You had to put an end to your suffering, even if it meant ending your relationship with Steve. You knew it would hurt if he rejected you, but at this point you were convinced that anything was better than the damn uncertainty. 
Part of you felt bad about your decision, thinking it was unfair of you to attack Steve with an ultimatum like that. But it was also unfair to live the way you did, so you tried your best to stick to your decision. You paced back and forth as you waited for your boyfriend to arrive, your mind full of fake scenarios about what might happen. You tried to stay calm, to not let your nerves get the better of you as you imagined the worst outcome, ignoring the voice in your mind that told you this was a bad idea. You decided to focus on what you would say to him, planning your words carefully so as not to sound too harsh but still remain firm. You wanted Steve to know that you meant business without coming across as overbearing since you understood that this was a difficult situation for him as well. 
You had your speech all prepared by the time you felt the sound of the door. You jumped to your feet, approaching the entrance to greet Steve as you went over the words you had prepared over and over in your mind. ‘Stay strong, you got this' a voice in your head encouraged you, trying to calm the nerves storming inside you as the door slowly opened, revealing your boyfriend on the other side.
You tried to stand your ground, but all your anger disappeared as soon as you saw the remorseful puppy expression on Steve's face. He was looking at you with guilt in his big brown eyes and a pout on his lips, hiding part of his face behind a bouquet of red roses. He looked adorable, enough to make you forget all the words you had been memorizing for the last half hour. 
"I'm so sorry, baby. I know you had a big date planned and I fucked it up, I'm sorry." Steve apologized, the regret clear in his voice. Suddenly, the anger and jealousy you felt minutes before was replaced by fear. Fear of losing him. Fear of never hearing him call you 'baby' again. Fear of never feeling his lips on yours or his arms around your body again. You couldn't lose him, not now when he looked so adorable and apologetic, willing to do anything to make up for his mistake.
"It's fine," you said, letting out a sigh, taking the flowers he offered you and bringing them to your nose to smell the scent.
"I love you," he declared, taking your face in his hands and joining your lips in a kiss. You knew his words were not true, not entirely at least, but you decided to ignore him for the moment, allowing yourself to get lost in the kiss. You decided then that you would let the fantasy continue for one more night. You could talk to him about your feelings in the morning, but right now you didn't want to fight. All you wanted was to hold Steve in your arms as you slept for one last time.
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mooncello · 3 months
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What a fun Sunday so far. ⚡ thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch (LOVE seeing some of your writing process), @shrekgogurt (still haven't recovered from ch 13 of ikabikam in the best way possible), @emeryhall (happy anniversary!) & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (anguished Baz is such a vibe fr).
For today's update:
Enter Niall & Dev.
Truly one of the most unexpected delights of writing this fic has been the insistence of Niall and Dev to show up and take a prominent role in the story. I adore them. I adore them as individual characters, and I love who they are for Baz.
Here's a little from chapter 2 of lost boys. This chapter will publish next week! I'm traveling this week, so I'll post once I'm back.
Under the cut because of length. It's a 30+ sentence Sunday, y'all.
Baz POV, 16 yo, year 12 (school).
Towards the end of lunch, I hear a familiar booming laugh across the canteen. I figure I have two minutes until impact. I tuck my sketchbook and pencils away and twist the lid back onto my thermos of tea. “Just a head’s up,” I say to Niall, who is still contently working away, “we’re about to be interrupted by the demon of chaos hims—” “Bazza!” There’s the solid thump of a hand against my shoulder and the dramatic collapse of tall, muscular limbs into the seat beside me. “My favourite nerd. How’s it going, cuz?” Dev flashes his white, perfect teeth at me before snatching my remaining bourbon biscuit. His fingernails are painted turquoise today, his dark hair is swept away from his face, and he’s wearing eyeliner. The bastard looks amazing. Despite being cousins, we never really hung out as kids. Always kept to different social circles. Which is to say Dev constantly had a roving pack of friends, and I had nobody (save for the lost boys in my dreams). But when I got outed this past spring, Dev decided to take a more active presence in my life. He even convinced me to join the football team with him. He’s charismatic and popular in his own way, and so unabashedly and loudly himself that even the nastiest bullies don’t bother him. It's been nice, having Dev in my life. Even though it means I now deal with his chaotic, abrasive personality all the goddamn time. “Dev, this is Niall.” I make a small sweeping motion to the boy across from us. Dev raises his chin in greeting. “New kid. Hey.” Niall smiles faintly. He looks rather disoriented. Possibly awestruck. I don’t blame him. Dev tends to have that effect on people. I’m almost envious of it. Another smack hits my upper arm. “Did’ya hear about practice this afternoon? Thirty minutes later than usual.” “Yes, I received the same team-wide notification, Dev, thank you.” Dev is now peering at Niall’s drawing tablet without shame, while continuing to talk to me. “A bunch of us are getting ice cream after the match on Friday. Wanna join?” “That’s a very solid maybe,” I tell him in a tone that communicates I’d rather eat grass laced with slug poison. I like playing on the pitch, but I’m not about to huff dairy with a bunch of footballer lads. “Great.” Dev stands, all six feet of him, and squeezes my top knot. I sigh and bat his hand away. Clearly I need to have another conversation with him about acceptable physical contact. “See you at practice then. Nice meeting you, Niall.” He’s off in a swirl of flair and overpriced body spray. “Sorry about him,” I murmur to Niall. I really hope he’s not scared off.
hellos & tags! xoxo
@thewholelemon, @best--dress, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla, @whatevertheweather, @artsyunderstudy, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @fatalfangirl, @youarenevertooold, @raenestee, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife, @nightimedreamersworld, @rimeswithpurple, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shemakesmeforget & @arthurkko (your merwolves ... still thinking about your merwolves)
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whatsjulietslastname · 4 months
I just realized Max and Chloe couldn’t even go to a therapist after they left Arcadia Bay.
We already know that they are the only one who can possibly understand what the other went through, because obviously no one would believe them if they just told them Max had time travel powers and was responsible for the Storm (even though I don’t believe she was but that’s a discussion for another day…). Like, no matter how many friends they make afterwards, they’ll never feel connected enough with them because of it, and that’s an aspect that I found really interesting in this ending. Even if Chloe and Max go to Max’s parents, like the popular headcanon say, I don’t think they’ll ever tell them everything that happened this week. They’ll most likely keep this knowledge just between the two of them, and that’s something that is really present in their relationship, the whole ‘it’s us against the world’ thing.
But anyway, I was thinking how hard it would be for the two of them to just move on, and go on with their lives after something like that, both for different reasons :
We’ve seen in Max’s nightmare how her powers and everything she’s seen and went through had a huge toll on her mentally speaking, and that’s just logical, but she was also kidnapped, sequestered, drugged and mentally abused by an adult she trusted, she’s seen one of her friend kill herself before her eyes, she had to kill/refuse to kill her paralyzed best friend, then had to watch said best friend’s dad leaving while being the only one to know he wouldn’t come back, she’s seen her best friend die countless times before her eyes, AND her hometown was blown away by a storm she’s convinced she caused.
Meanwhile, Chloe had her best friend back, only for said best friend to jump in her arms every two days telling her « hey let’s not to do that really fucked up thing we were about to do because you’re dying and it’s gonna be traumatizing I’ve seen it » and she had to go along with it without knowing what was going on. Gentle reminder that to Chloe, everything happened WITHIN A WEEK. That must’ve been genuinely confusing, especially when at the end of the week, there’s a storm coming and Max just goes « that’s my fault, oh my God » (I know there was a lot more explaining in the game but I’m trying to show how rushed and strange it felt to Chloe) and then suddenly her hometown is being blown away before her eyes and now she’s leaving with her best friend. And I didn’t even mention the whole Rachel thing. Because yes, at the end of the game, Chloe is still very much grieving.
So yeah, I was thinking that they’d really need help after that, because that was really fucked up and it would be really hard to process and accept and heal from, and then I realized that they couldn’t even go to a therapist because even if they did, and just said they were here because they were survivors of the Storm and it traumatized them, that wouldn’t lead them anywhere, and that would really not help a lot.
So yeah, the fact that they seemed to do just fine in Life is Strange 2 and had a pretty normal and cool life together is honestly impressive, kudos to them for being so strong. Let’s just say they healed together thanks to the power of love :)
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heavenlyhoundoom · 2 months
Yet another Sun and Moon show au.
The alternate universe is called "Sunny's Pizza Plex" au. In this universe, Sun, Moon, Earth, Eclipse, Lunar, Happyfrog, Mr.Hippo, and Bloodmoon are the stars of the Pizza Plex instead of Freddy, Monty, Roxy, and Chica, who are the daycare attendants in this au.
Sunny is a glamrock themed golden retriever animatronic. He's the fun loving leader of the group and his main attraction is Sunny's arcade.
Moondrop is a techno themed wolf animatronic. He's the cool one of the group and his main attraction is Moondrop's laser tag.
Earth is an indie folk themed butterfly animatronic. She's the motherly character of the group and her main attraction is Earth's cozy café.
Lunar is a kawaiicore mouse animatronic. He's the sweet one of the group and his main attraction is Lunar's sweet shop.
Bloodmoon is a heavy rock themed bat animatronic(based on old design). He's the tough guy of the group and his main attraction is Bloodmoon's raceway.
Eclipse is a classical music themed lion animatronic. He's the gentleman of the group and his main attraction is Eclipse's art muesam.
Happyfrog is a pop themed frog animatronic. She's the peppy one of the group and her main attraction is Happyfrog's beauty salon.
Mr.Hippo is a tropical music themed hippo animatronic. He's the laid-back one of the group and his main attraction is Mr.Hippo's water park.
Spring was a Christian music themed rabbit animatronic. He was the wise friend the others looked for guidance and his main attraction was Spring's Christian gift shop. He fell victim to a freak accident on stage and was completely destroyed. Lunar ended up replacing Spring and his branding and Bloodmoon(Batty at the time) was built to takes Lunar's place as the little robot helper of the employees.
Batty(based on second design) was Bloodmoon's old identity. He was a small, white and red bat animatronic who wore a navy blue cloak and he was built to be the new robot employee aide, but he wanted to be more than that, he wanted to be one of the stars, he tried imitating the stars in hope he could possibly become the co-star of one of them, but he wasn't able to find his footing, after all of his failure, some mean employees told Batty things like he was destined to fail and that he'll never be anything more than an annoying little employee helper. Batty considered giving up and just stick with the path he was given, but decided to try one last time, not as a co-star of someone else and they're genre, but instead his own star and the genre he enjoys most....
Pigpatch was a counrty themed pig animatronic. He was the least popular of the group and his main attraction was Pigpatch's log ride. One night, he, the other animatronics, and the Pizza Plex higher ups gather around to judge Batty's last attempt at stardom. Instead of any of the generes of the preexisting characters, Batty starts playing some heavy rock, and he was really good at it. Everyone was amazed by Batty's performance, there was only one problem, they couldn't afford to add a new band member nor a new attraction for them, so if he wanted to be one of the stars, he'd have to either wait for when they could afford it, or if one of the current stars retired. Batty was very sad, he excepted his misfortune and was ready to give up on his pursuit to be a star, but Pigpatch got up and told the higher ups that he was retiring, they asked if he was sure about this and he said "Sure, Batty really wants to be a star, and I'm the least popular member anyway, so I think a lot of people will like him more than they like me." Sunny asks where Pigpatch will go and he says that he'll be going solo and travel the world as his own country music artist. Pigpatch would leave. Batty would change his name to Bloodmoon, have his chip placed into the animatronic body he has now, replace Pigpatch and his branding, and become way more popular.
Helpy: He's just Bloodmoon's replacement as the robot employee helper.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Gerardpilled Concert Etiquette Guide
Okay so this is my guide for general concert etiquette I think could help a lot of first timers or just people who might not have thought of this!
This isn’t meant as a definitive, written in stone, lists of do’s and don’ts. In fact a lot of people probably think is is overthinking things. If you want to do any of the things I say not to, go right ahead! I just know I personally have gotten a lot of anxiety in the past over if I’m acting weird/rude at shows and I’m just trying to ease that burden for some of you!! Also don’t feel bad if you have done any of this stuff and/or end up doing it in the future. Most of this I’ve learned through trial and error so I’ve definitely committed social faux pas, it’s not the end of the world :)
My experience is limited to shows in New Jersey, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Buffalo, and Toronto. Honestly the atmosphere/vibe has been different every time. Sometimes it’s just a case-by-case experience depending on location and artist! 
I have never been to a festival show
Most of this pertains to general admission. Seated events are generally pretty straight forward, but all the clothes/what to bring pertain to those as well!
Google your venue and make a plan before going! See what the capacity is, where you can park, etc. if you are getting dropped off/picked up, organize meeting places. Maybe have an organized check-in text system with a friend if you’re going alone. 
Clothes/What to Bring 
Dress comfortably! I feel like tiktok has made it seem going to a show requires An Outfit and that you have to go all out. I try to dress cute, but my comfort and safety comes first. no matter how cool it is outside, assume it’s going to be much hotter inside the venue. Definitely don’t wear clothes you’re afraid of messing up. I’ve gotten beer and other stuff spilled on me, it just happens! Here’s what my partner and I have worn to shows in the past:
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This was in Canada in March so we wore light jackets and were then able to tie them around our waists once inside. Jacket Checks might exist, but basically ruin any spot you previously held in line.
Shower/bathe in some way before attending. Odds are if you’re waiting in line you’ll get a little gross anyway, but you want to start off clean.
Sturdy shoes. Don’t wear sandals. Boots work for toe protection, just make sure they’re easy to move in and won’t make you overheat (especially at outdoor shows) I personally wear my converse run stars. They give me a bit extra height with the comfort of sneakers
Binders. If you want to wear your binder, I say do so with caution. It can get pretty suffocating once in the venue, and they could just make it worse.
Small bags. This is important for three reasons: 1) a lot of venues have size limits for bags you can bring, 2) comfort inside the venue and 3) bag-checks slow down the line. Mini-backpacks seem to be popular nowadays, but even those can be a little inconvenient (plus easy for people to open) so I’d recommended a cross-body bag. I personally just got the Herschel Sinclair Crossbody in Large (and shortened the straps to sit higher on my body). Don't Bring Tote Bags (annoying to hold and easy to steal out of)
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Hydration/food — bring snacks if you’re planning on lining up early! Water too if possible. Most if not all venues will not allow water bottles inside so don’t bring reusable ones. I’m planning on buying one or two of these reusable plastic roll-up ones used for hiking that way I don’t have to waste plastic :)
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Travel light. Bring the bare minimum into the venue. Money, ID, phone, keys are all you really have to worry about once you’re in there. 
Carabiners. These are great for securing so much. I’ve personally gotten like a 10 pack of these little guys that have a little locking system. These are great for keys (either secure to belt loop or internal zipper within your small bag). The bigger ones are great for hats or anything really!
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Might be Controversial, but don’t bring signs. With a few exceptions, signs basically bring nothing good. They block the view of people behind you and most of the time the artist cannot see them at all. A few people have brought fabric banners/flags and I think that makes more sense. They are way less of a nuance. 
Don’t bring self-defense items - these will usually get confiscated by security.
This is usually where you hear about the most drama. General rules should be just be nice and respectful.
Getting on the queue. The quality of the spot you get on the queue and the time you join it range dramatically between venues/states/countries/type of concert. I’ve never personally started queueing the night before, and I’ve always ended up okay. What usually happens is there’s ~20 or so people who line up night before/early morning, and then sudden influxes midday and also 1-2 hours before the show. 
Saving a spot for your friend(s)/cutting. General rule – don’t do it. If you want to be near that friend(s), go to the back of the line where they are. This might sound mean, but cutting is disrespectful to the people who have waited hours. Also don’t put your friend in an awkward position by asking to cut. 
Leaving the queue. For every show I've been to, people have been pretty cool about this. Always ask (preferably the person/people behind you) if it’s okay first and be clear what you’re leaving for. If you’re getting food/coffee, offer to get them something. If you’re in a group of friends, at least one should stay behind. Try to make this trip as quick as possible. If the person behind you does take issue with it, you could probably ask the person behind them if it’s okay and just forfeit the one-person spot in line. Also, if you are the person being asked, try not to have a problem with it!
Smoking. This might sound specific, but I’ve heard of problems surrounding this. If you want to smoke (anything) while on queue – ask people around you if it’s okay and/or walk a few feet off the line. If you don’t smoke – try not to get upset over people around you doing so. Odds are you’re all standing on outdoor public property, they can do whatever they want. I personally don’t smoke of any kind and people have been pretty nice about asking if them doing so bothers me!
Talk to people! You are all lining up to see the same artist, odds are you have something in common. Especially if you’re by yourself, it’s great to at least know some people before going in. HOWEVER – considering mcr is such a big ‘fandom’ band, test the waters of what is okay to discuss with people around you. Personally I do not want to discuss shipping or basically anything I post online in person. 
Have your bag ready/items in hand before security. Most venues have a simple metal-detector system where they ask you to take off your bag, look inside it, and place it inside a bin so you can walk through a metal detector. 
Where to stand
Okay you’re in the venue – now you have to figure out where it will be best to stand. A lot of people automatically think barricade is best, but that’s not necessarily true depending on what you want to do/who you’re with
Going with parent/friend/partner. If you are bringing someone who doesn't care about the band, I will say aim to stand towards the outer side edges of the stage. If you and your parent is okay with it, ask them to split up so they can stand out of the way. With a partner or friend, maybe ask them to stand behind you if you’re not willing to go to the side. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stuck behind someone who obviously does NOT want to be there. It just kills the vibe.
Barricade. If you’re lucky enough to get barricade, remember this can come with side effects. People have gotten bruised from the metal and have been squished against it to the point of breathing problems. Only stand here if you’re prepared for this!
Middle/center crowd - usually where the crowd can get the most active/rowdy! Stand here if you’re okay with that.
Back. There are plenty of people who just like to attend a concert and vibe with a drink and friends. The back is usually where the casual listeners/older audience members stand. 
Specific to mcr– it’s kinda become a joke at this point, but it does seem Frank’s side of the stage fills up quicker/denser than Ray’s side. Do what you wish with this info.
During the show
Getting merch. I usually aim to get merch after the show. If you get it before, you risk losing a good spot and also you have to hold it. However, the line will be long afterwards and with mcr i’ve heard stuff sold out.
Be attentive! Be aware of your surroundings. If you are someone who has health concerns, make that known to people around you and try to notice if others are struggling. Make sure people aren’t being creepy or making others uncomfortable. 
Be respectful to the openers. Do not talk through the opening sets or stay on your phone during them. You wouldn’t believe how many times this has happened at shows I've been to. I get it, I personally don’t care about any openers for my mcr shows, but I'm going to stand there and pretend like I do. 
Phones. Hot topic issue right here. My recommendation is try to use your phones as little as possible. It’s very distracting for anyone behind you and I guarantee you will not be watching all those videos back. I personally aim to record the little banter between songs because at least that’s unique for every show! If you think something interesting is going to happen or your favorite part is coming up, whip your phone out and aim for less than a minute? (this is just an estimate). After shows I usually have less than 20-30 total videos/photos from the actual set. Especially with mcr, there’s so many people and so much online discussion that odds are someone has captured something. Side note – maybe don’t stand at the barricade just recording entire songs the whole time?
Pushing. It’s going to happen. If it’s obvious it’s an accident, try to be okay with it. Try to be careful, but also don’t leave tons of space in front of you (people will see and it just leads to more pushing). If someone spills something on you, odds are they were pushed and it was an accident. They are probably pissed their drink got wasted. 
Shouting at artists. Debatable. Sometimes what people shout can be funny, other times extremely embarrassing. Don’t harass them or make sexual comments. Don’t shout song titles or fandom-inside jokes. I’ve seen people attempt to have whole convos with artists after getting their attention and it’s just awkward for everyone involved. 
Sorry that was way longer than I expected! Remember these are just my recommendations, and stuff I've personally noticed. If you have any specific questions about anything or if you think i’ve missed anything send me an ask!
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
Hi! If it's not too much trouble, may I ask for prompt 38 with William Moriarty in Viking!AU? For some reason, I can easily imagine this very British gentleman taking on a role of viking tribe leader (who knows why ^^")... Thank you for accepting my previous request with William - I absolutely loved it! 💖💖💖
# tags: scenario; strangers/lovers; kinda romance; mostly angst; drama too; viking!au; slave!reader; inspired by vinland saga; mention of sexual harassment and death; bruises and blood; suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. william james moriarty {mtp}
author’s note: thank you for another request, my precious anonnie! hope you will like it too :)
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38. “You love flowers, right?” “Yes… I love flowers very much.”
Viking expeditions and their popularity among Scandinavian countries had their greatest apogee between the ninth and eleventh centuries of our era. At that time, specific royal families began to gain fame, as well as some names of the most murderous ascomanni around the globe. The Vikings and their trusted companions were warriors known for their strength, cunning, and animal instincts. Of course, the highest-ranking men were also characterized by above-average intelligence and knowledge, but definitely their prevailing features were bestiality, the desire to have large property and as many women as possible.
The leader of the most famous Viking clan in the extreme east of England – William – however, felt no urge to plunder or kidnap women for his own pleasures. He preferred talking to the city’s merchants, scientists and also bartenders, who by far had the longest tongues (and real alcohol). His name was respected even among great rulers, and business with him, though expensive, was by far the most valued and worth every coin.
Traveling by ship around European, Scandinavian and American countries was a kind of adventure for William, but above all also hard work – learning languages, cultures or even traditions of different peoples. From every place conquered or visited by him, the young leader learned as many lessons as he could; he learned the techniques of poisoning enemies, riding bisons weighing several tons or the technique of gluing shoes by himself. He learned about the religion of many minorities, but also boasted considerable interest from women and girls slightly younger than him. As a Viking, he saw many beautiful landscapes, tasted many delicious dishes and specialties, listened to folk music and gained indescribable amounts of gold, gems and jewelry.
However, there was the other side of the coin; he not only saw beautiful things, but also witnessed the death of people close to him, the cries of women and small children begging for mercy, he saw ships and cities burning, he himself administered justice to enemies and gave orders that a normal person would never even think of. He was at once an angel with a wonderful smile, but also a devil craving power and respect. He was disgusted with nobility and at the same time had as much money as the king.
Yet he has never personally raised a hand against a child, nor has he ever harmed a woman; he often spoke to them, showed them a way of escape, promised help when other clans raided defenseless villages. He also thanked for meals and killed those who forced women to perform sexual acts. Although he was a criminal in the eyes of men, women were always grateful to him and willingly helped him heal fresh wounds.
No wonder then that during the next expedition in a row, when he ended up in one of the minor cities and on the day of the slave trade, he almost killed one of the sellers who lined up five young girls – each of them had a dozen or so bruises, gray skin, tired eyes and dried tears on cheeks. The youngest of you was fourteen, the oldest almost thirty... And there was you: stood among them, wanting to die and never be born again. Even though your face was sleepless and your hands dirty from working in mud, there was still a little hope in your eyes. Barely perceptible and almost imperceptible.
You looked calm, and at the same time in your heart there was a huge fear that you were about to find yourself in even worse situation and next to an even worse man than your current owner.
Fortunately, that day the sky was a bit brighter than usual and had the color of myosotis.
“You love flowers, right?” William looked at you and your torn dress with the red poppy embroidered on the right breast pocket, then extended his hand towards you, which held a pale blue flower. A slight, if uncertain and tired smile appeared on your dry lips.
“Yes… I love flowers very much.” You said almost in a whisper, and the man nodded towards his subordinates.
Somewhere between the words that the blond Viking is taking all five girls and the warmth of the sheepskin coat draped over your shoulders, you heard your savior’s name and the announcement that you’d soon be exploring the coastal areas of France.
You were saved.
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