#i was watching catching fire the other day and was lucky enough to spot a tear in his eye
kitconnor · 9 months
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it's the things we love most that destroy us.
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itsagrimm · 2 years
He Who Comes From Under The Water
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Chapter 1 - The Promised Bride
Monster!König X she/her afab Reader
CN sexism & patriarchy, mentions of death, suicidal thoughts, accidental attempted drowning, arranged marriage, choking on water, mention of a human bodies decomposition
eventual smut.
Beta-read by @sandinthemachine and @queenquazar. Thank you both so much for supporting me with obsessing over fairy tales.
“So, you are a king without a queen?” The old man asked while throwing his rod back into the water. “I suppose you require a queen then, eh?”
The king, considering the old fisherman’s words, slowly nodded. “I suppose I do. But where does one get such a fine lady?” 
The water below the wooden landing was dark and dirty. Frogs croaked and fireflies danced over the green sludge and water lilies, lively and playful like the flecks of sunlight that reached the surface through the thick forest trees. A pretty scene on any other day.
Not this one.
Your tears had long stopped flowing into the water of the deep pond. Now, you sat there, your hand tangled in the water and your thoughts lost, dark and deep like the water below you.
A few days ago, your grandfather died. A kind old man who had spent the last years of his life close to the warm oven in winter and fishing in the pond in the summertime.
You remembered bedtime stories as a child with sweets sneaked into your hands. You remembered kind eyes who watched out for you as you grew from child to maiden. You remembered worry in those same eyes when your father died in the forest chopping wood, when your brothers perished in a tavern fire, your uncle and your mother succumbing to sickness, and - finally - your cousin breaking his neck after climbing a tree.
Yes, there was a lot of pain in your grandfathers’ eyes. But even more to worry.
The old man had been your last living relative, and most importantly your last male relative.
And now you as an unmarried village girl from a clearly cursed family, had no one who could inherit your family’s house and support you.
It was only time until the village would shun you and chase you away to get rid of all the bad around you.
That is if you were lucky.
You could try to make it into the city where you would live for a while as a beggar or, if you were hungry and deemed pretty enough, work as a whore.
In his last days, your grandfather tried to arrange for a husband, but no one wanted a cursed girl, and so his last words to you were to visit his favorite fishing spot.
You sighed.
Now, you sat on the same spot where your grandfather had sat, catching fish, and gazing over the water.
Maybe that’s what he had meant, you mused. It would be easier to end it all here and jump into the pond only to never return to the surface, drowning your sorrows and yourself with your grandfathers’ blessings. At least you would choose your fate with your chin proudly raised and your dignity untouched, floating into the abyss in your best billowing skirts from the funeral and no more tears left to cry.
As much as that was possible considering your situation.
“It’s a good place to leave this world,” you spoke out loud to taste how it felt on your tongue. It resonated, with the forest, the pond, with you.
“Indeed, it is.”
You twitched in surprise, heart jumping into your throat.
“Who is this?” you called over the water, glancing around for whoever lurked within the trees, hiding between the ferns.
A hand, big and wet, snatched yours from the water and pulled you in with one strong tug.
You wailed in surprise before crashing into the pond and swallowing the muddy green water, gurgling and gasping for air. Something seized you – strong and solid. Instinctually you kicked and punched it.
Was this it?
Fighting for your life you thrashed around, struggling and trying to free yourself to get back up to the surface. But whoever had you in a hold only dragged you down, carrying you further into the dark.
Your panicked eyes widened, trying to see who attacked you, trying to see anything.
It was dark. Only the dark, green water around you.
No, no, no, no!
Your lungs heaved for air as your heart drummed painfully in your hurting chest.
A second hand twisted around your throat and over your face. Instinctually, you opened your mouth and bit down.
The hands jolted back with a howl reverberating in the water, releasing you from the deadly weight dragging you down. Hungry for air and with burning lungs you swam up with frenzied strokes, pushing through the surface. Gasping and coughing you breathed, feeding your body with much needed air.
Quickly, you glanced around. No one there. Was this someone from the village trying to get rid of you? Did you manage to drag your attacker down with you? Or was it an animal in the water?
Before you could move, something grabbed you again and lifted you a good length out above the water.
You screamed and kicked again only to have your legs and hands fixated in an iron grip.
“Hold still!” A voice commanded you, foreign and vibrating close. You struggled on, thrashing your body against the solid form behind your back, unwilling to take any chances and die here without a fight.
“I said, hold still!”  the grip around your limbs tightened, forcing you into stillness. “There, finally.”
Slowly, you turned your head. You were caught in the grip of a dark, green form, pressed against what must be its chest and stared at by sharp, watery eyes from a nearly obscured face from tangled wet hair and a beard.
Who is this? You thought to yourself, still heaving for air.
“Why are you fighting me?” the strange being said, “I’m here to take you in as my bride. Just like I have promised.”
You coughed again, a bit of swamp water and spit running down your chin, splashing onto the being’s arm.
“What?” you cried and with your head still spinning.
“What what?” The large figure snapped back, “The old man asked me to take you as my wife, yet you bite me? Is that how you want to treat your future husband? Do you want me to let you go? I have no need for an unwilling bride.”
 You blinked, your body slowing down and your mind starting to think clearly again.
“You nearly drowned me. Let me go!” you cried out as much as your abused lungs allowed.
The figure blinked and instantly dropped you.
With a loud splash you crashed back into the water.
Your body seized and your mind raced, struggling to comprehend and move your body up.
You made a few weak swimming strokes, but it wasn’t enough to move your still tired and abused body up. Water started filling your lungs again and you were about to dr-
Something grabbed you and lifted you. Again.
“Woman!” the strange being cried out in annoyance, “What are you doing?”
You coughed, swamp water from your hair dripping over your face, disorienting you further as you gasped for air.
“Wait, maiden, do you need to breathe?” the strange creature asked, “Make up your mind! I was just trying to take you home, but you don’t want that. So I did like you asked but then you started sinking like a stone back into my waters again, heaving for air!”
You shivered, “Of course I need to breathe! All humans need air, idiot! What kind of question is that?!”
The creature groaned and grumbled, “The old man forgot to mention you are a human. I thought you might be a nymph or a bigger frog lady. Well, that’s just bad luck.”
You snorted, “Oh, I am sorry that me needing air is inconvenient for you! I nearly died down there in those muddy waters!”
“Hey, those are mighty fine waters of mine, thank you very much. Besides, the second time was not my fault.”
“Your waters?” you managed.
“Who else’s waters?” the figure deadpanned as you’d asked the most obvious question, swayed, and started moving towards the landing before carefully putting you onto the planks instead of holding you like a cat holds its naughty young, “Stay. Let me take a better look at you.”
You huffed and collapsed onto the planks out of the wet arms. It wasn’t like you could run anyway with your body still shaky and weak from the near drownings. Instead, you lifted your head for a better look at the stranger as they studied you.
The strange being from the waters was built like a man, but huge and larger than the tallest man you had ever seen. And it had the face close to a man too under all that unkempt hair and beard. But its facial features were fine, much too fine for any man who could lurk in the waters, and slightly too angular and with eyes a bit too lively and sharp to belong to a human as they studied you.
“Pretty girl.” the man from the water finally grumbled, “A bit unruly but pretty. At least that the old man did not lie about it.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “Thank you?”
The man shrugged, “Sorry for trying to drown you, apparently, I misunderstood your fragile physique.”
Fragile physique. He made it sound like an insult.
You took one final breath and summoned your strength to sit up to be on the same eye level as the large man from the water.
“Who are you?” you asked while trying to sort your wet skirts.
He snorted and waved slightly.
“I am König – king of all under the waters. Naturally. And you are the bride I was promised by the old fisherman a couple of days ago.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, “Do you mean my grandfather? He used to fish here.”
The man shrugged, causing little waves around his shoulders where he emerged from the pond, “Most humans all look and smell the same to me, honestly. He was old for a human, liked to share stories, and left me a bit of tobacco as offerings sometimes. Smelled of smoked fish.”
Memories of your grandfather flashed before your eyes where he sat on the bench in front of the house, smoking his pipe in the late hours of the day, watching the sun go down.
Your mouth went dry.
Had he? Did he really?
Did he, in all his misery and worry, promised your hand to a strange man from the pond – a huge and wet and cold and clearly dangerous monster.
You went stiff from the overwhelming thought of being given away like that to a stranger - to a monster.
“Well, you are a human but I’m not in the habit of breaking promises and I'm sure you would make a good enough queen,” König continued, “Unless you object of course. There is little as unhonourable as having an unwilling bride, not even the slimiest toad approves of that.”
König babbled on about waters and ponds and marriage but your head was spinning. Your grandfather arranged for you to marry an algae cover man from the pond who's idea of home nearly killed you. The painful absurdity of it made you consider jumping right back into the water.
The cold, dark and green water.
The buzzing of the summer insects and splashing of the little waves drowned everything else out, turning louder and louder and louder and-
His hand touched your arm, slowly shaking you.
You jolted up only to fall back.
“Yes?” you managed while leaning back, away from the large, clawed hand.
König’s watery eyes shifted around you as if searching for the right words.
“Listen, I don’t know too much about you humans, “ König started, “but you look cold and miserable. Maybe let’s worry about that first and talk about our wedding later.”
You blinked as the realization in all its form settled in.
Marrying him?
He would drown you in this pond, your flesh rotting and being picked by the fishes until nothing but a pile of bones were left.
Your bones, your lovely bones.
No! You had felt your life slip out of your fingers, the precious air bubbles escaping your lungs bare moments ago. Your cold hands wandered around your pained body intuitively, cradling yourself and trying to protect you from the outside world. You weren’t ready to give up on this life - to give on your body - and you would keep yourself safe and alive. This was your skin, your hair and flesh and bones! Death would come to you one day but you would be damned if it came today at the bottom of a dark pond and by the hands of a man.
“Yes, you are right. I should get dry,” you managed, sensing a chance to escape.
With wobbly legs, you tried to get up only to sway and stumble down on your knees. You needed to leave this place.
König tilted his head, watching you.
You tried again; your muscles too weak to carry you.
“Dear,” König said with slight amusement in his voice, “Your will is admirable, pretty girl. But I doubt it will be enough to get you home.”
“So? Will you drag me back into the pond and finish your work?” you replied, considering the option to crawl home and far away from the water
“Why would I do that, bride?”, he chuckled before turning serious again, looking at you with those blue more than clear inhuman eyes, “I have heard it’s not customary but allow me to get you to your home before you hurt yourself. You humans take so long to heal and an injured bride during the wedding would be a nuisance.”
Fearful you tried to move again.
He watched, waiting for your answer.
You considered his words. Your home. And he clearly wanted you in one piece at least before the wedding.
“No pond?”, you asked with an oh so thin weak voice.
“No pond.” He reassured, “That’s clearly not your element, my little bride-to-be.”
Slowly, you nodded.
Carefully, as if not to spook you, he scooped you back into his arms once again and pressed you to his chest.
You felt yourself going stiff again from fear, but before you could cry out, König stepped out of the water and away from the dreaded pond.
“See, no pond,” König spoke soothingly, and you felt his voice vibrate in his chest as he moved and swayed to avoid branches while shielding you with his shoulders, “I’m keeping my promises, my little bride.”
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I saw the strawhats chronic pain asks and had a moment of CROSS GUILD CHRONIC PAIN-
Crocodile is an amputee. Like. Canonically. Phantom pains.
Mihawk has HELLA light sensitivity vibes ((I Gift him,,,,, my migraines))
And Buggy? Oh my favorite little punching bag, I bet the spatial awareness necessary for his DF must he OFF THE CHARTS, not to mention bomb making, harmful chemicals, etc, I feel it in my bones that he has an autoimmune disorder of some kind and also migraines bc the highest flattery I can give is projection.
Ignore this if you wanna, t'was just a Thought, love your blog, Bean!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
YAY CROSS GUILD ASK I AM IN SUCH A CROSS GUILD MOOD LATELY YESYESYESYES!!!!!!!! And I'm making this romantic because if I don't make cross guild gay I might die. Thank you.
Okay, so what I'm hearing here is that they keep their lights real low on their shared tent, and whenever they have meetings: At the start of their business relationship, they're still learning how to get used to being together. Buggy is used to stage lights but only for a while and he doesn't want these two to know another weak spot of him (also the pain around his whole body is killing him sometimes), so he tries to deal with the migraines and being uncomfortable because he knows that complaining will only lead to these two using him as a punching bag. But lucky for him, Mihawk does mention one day that he hates brightness (because edgy vampire can't say 'my head fucking hurts' like a functional human) and so he says something about candles. Buggy is afraid they might set the tent on fire but he prefers this over the headaches. Crocodile doesn't give a fuck about this, honestly. Then, they start growing closer and y'know, I'll just skip to them dating- They're dating. They share a tent there at Karai Bari. And now it's something to do instinctively? Like they just keep the lights low or light up some candles and they just live like that. Whenever they're on a ship they do this too.
Following what I just said, they're affectionate but like, in a weird way. Because, y'know, look at them. Buggy ends up crying and complaining about his headaches and also when his body won't stop hurting. He's a drama queen, of course, a diva. He lives flashily. Cries flashily, too. He always curls up beside Crocodile so the big big comfy man can provide him some comfort and warmth and pats on the head or something. Crocodile just runs his hook through his hair softly and lets him be annoying for a while until he falls asleep on top of him. If he has to do something he just??? Won't do it??? He's a pirate but he isn't a fucking monster. One day Mihawk catches them and they share that look of understanding that only cat owners understand, because God (Nika is the only one I believe in, something something amen) is watching and if you dare to move when a cat's in your lap, you go instantly to hell. On the other hand, when Buggy cries and Mihawk is the one around, he gives him some painkillers and turns off the lights completely to then read Buggy one of his books. He does this without saying a word and the first time this weird, silent sign of affection happens, Buggy is speechless. And also, yes, Mihawk can read in the dark perfectly well because he's a cat. He sees in the dark. I even think Buggy can see his gold eyes staring at him. They're like the headlights of a car. Oh, and Mihawk deals with his migraines in perfect silence but when it's a bad day he gets into a very irritable and irascible mood. Most people would be complaining about it but at least this way he's more talkative? Somehow? He's a bitch to Buggy for a while and then they just talk shit about other people together while Crocodile makes a comment like "If you're well enough to complain, you're well enough to continue worki-" and it's, like, the and only time Buggy instinctively throws a pillow at him to shut him up. Never again, though. Scary mafioso-looking boyfriend.
Now that we're talking about Crocodile, the phantom pains: They stress the fuck out of him. They're painful and uncomfortable and he wants to strangle somebody. On a good day, that somebody isn't Buggy. And on a bad day, Buggy really tries to be the sweetest fucking thing on earth by making everything comfortable for him and disappearing right away. Maybe he starts an argument with Mihawk for something stupid but they make up later, it's fine. But, you know what? Sometimes he needs comfort and somebody to distract him too, so one day (when Buggy is about to disappear for hours so he doesn't end up suffering the consequences of staying too long with him) he tells Buggy to stay. The clown is frightened, but he does what he's told and- And it's surprisingly sweet? Crocodile just tells him to talk to him. Explain something. Anything. Complain about the fucking weather or tell a joke. Anything. And Buggy is genuinely surprised but ends up either talking shit about people or telling him anecdotes or just reading him the paper. And Crocodile seems to like it??? A surprise for both, really, but the man actually likes having the clown around because it is working really well as a distraction and when Buggy is not being annoying Crocodile realizes why he loves him. He loves him when he's annoying too, though, he bullies him out of love. Sometimes he just tells Buggy to come sit on his lap and stay there and Crocodile is still in pain but somehow being with the clown makes him feel better. Mihawk tries to be comforting on these days too but it's more of a "you ought to rest, otherwise you'll be irritable all afternoon and you cannot keep frightening the subordinates" type of silent care than anything.
Also, I want to add Crocodile almost murdering a man one day because they were doing business with him on his ship and he had a lot of lights on (when he was asked not to) and both Mihawk and Buggy were visibly uncomfortable the second they entered the room. I love protective Crocodile. He looks like he'd just murder men without any remorse for talking shit about the other two. I like it.
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kkaisarion · 1 year
sing it strong
i was writing this for @forlorn-crows mushy may, but then swiss decided to have Thoughts™️ about rain while taking a bath. who amongst us
prompts: bathtime (day 1) + crush (day 2)
rating: explicit
pairing: swiss/rain
tags: masturbation, mention of knotting, swiss has immediate regrets
word count: ~700
on AO3 and below the cut
Swiss heaved out a satisfied sigh and sank deeper into the water. The hotel bathtub was too small for him to fit properly—or anyone for that matter, except maybe Dew—but at least the water temperature went high enough for his liking. He wanted to feel like he was being boiled alive, like every muscle ache he had gotten from jumping around the stage was being erased from the inside out.
After tonight’s ritual had finished, the whole band went out to a bar, running on the adrenaline high that they always got from a show. It was their typical kind of bar, noisy and crowded and full of energy. Usually, Swiss would be one of the last to leave. But tonight, everything had gotten too loud and overstimulating, so he left to go back to the hotel where the band was staying. At least, that’s what he told the others.
In reality, he was more than a little pissed off at how Dew kept hogging all of Rain’s attention, draping his arm across his shoulders and talking directly into his ear. Swiss liked the fire ghoul, he really did—but something about his behavior tonight just rubbed him the wrong way. Rather than risk saying something he’d regret later, Swiss decided to leave the bar altogether.
Now, alone in the room that he was sharing with Rain, he took advantage of the rare opportunity to take a bath. It had taken no time at all to finish washing his body, so now he sat idly waving his tail from side to side and watching the water move around it. Before long, his thoughts drifted over to Rain. As they tended to do nowadays, more frequently than Swiss would like to admit.
Both of them just joined the band, and being the new ghouls, more often than not they were paired together during travel. Since the very first time that they met, Swiss was drawn to the water ghoul. Drawn to his sweet personality, his unfairly good looks, his—well, everything, really.
Swiss tried to ignore the warmth building in his gut, but eventually his hand made its way into his lap. He let out a soft sigh when he wrapped his half-hard cock in a loose fist, and stroked it lazily as it filled out. Swiss took his time at first, rubbing his thumb across the slit and down to the spot underneath the head, and then back up again. And then images of Rain started flashing through his mind, and he couldn’t help from speeding up his movements. Swiss thought about Rain’s strong forearms, exposed when the water ghoul rolled up his sleeves. His long fingers that moved gracefully up and down the fretboard of his bass. And the curve of his ass, highlighted so perfectly in his uniform’s tight pants.
Swiss moaned as he planted his feet on the bottom of the tub and thrust up into his hand, the motion making the water splash against the sides. He figured that since he was the only one in the hotel room, he didn’t have to worry about being loud. He imagined how it would feel for Rain to fuck him, his cock filling him up so perfectly. Or maybe, if he was ever lucky enough, Rain would let Swiss fuck him. Swiss would be so good to Rain, would do anything and everything that he asked for. He’d hold him close and fuck him slow and sweet, or pound into him so hard that Rain couldn’t catch his breath, or anything in between.
The base of Swiss’ cock began to swell, and he brought his other hand up to squeeze around it, hard. He wanted to grind his knot against Rain’s ass, teasing him until he was asking for it. Swiss wanted to get him stuck on it, wanted to cum deep inside him, wanted to—
“Fuck, Rain ,” Swiss came on a loud groan, shuddering as each pulse shot out. He panted as he slowed his strokes, still keeping a tight grip on his knot. Then Swiss closed his eyes and leaned his head back, getting lost in his post-orgasm haze. 
Suddenly, a knock on the door made him jolt. Rain’s voice came through from the other side.
“Swiss, are you okay? Did you call my name?”
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haeseolar · 1 year
[thread fic] 04.
introspection, fluff, kinnporsche: happily living in the countryside after not returning to the mafia, content in spending the rest of their days catching fish and talking.
twitter link
“Do you regret it?” 
“Hm?” Kinn turns to look over his shoulder, hoping that the fish he’s cooking over the bonfire doesn’t suddenly burn as soon as he stops watching it.
“Staying here,” Porsche gestures to himself and the wilderness around them, “With me.”
Kinn rakes his eyes over Porsche’s appearance - he’s a little worn around the edges, his clothing frayed and dusty from hiking around the terrain, but his eyes are bright and warm as they reflect the flickering flames of the fire. Porsche picks up on the intense look and shifts in his spot, a telltale sign that he’s becoming shy, but he doesn’t look away just yet. 
“Come here,” Kinn says, turning back to the fish. It’s perfectly crispy on the outside, and even without any seasoning, he knows it’ll taste good. He’s gotten used to this now - the small things in life that he took for granted before after being waited on hand and foot for as long as he could remember. Yet, the simplicity of it all - of not being able to season his food like he once did, or not being able to take a hot shower whenever he wanted, or not having constant access to everything at all times with his phone or tablet, has finally faded into obscurity when faced with the things he does have now.
Porsche sits with him, crossing his legs and pressing their knees into each other's for reassurance. This is another small thing, the constant presence of another person next to him, someone that has stayed with him despite all the signs pointing him to run the other way and never look back - this is the thing he’ll never take for granted. Porsche is full of tiny fragmented pieces that all add up into something so big that Kinn still can’t quite fathom that he’s lucky enough to have this: a life, just the two of them, alone and free from the immediate worry of having to be anything else apart from themselves. 
Kinn sits back on his haunches and hands over the stick that has the fish on. They have a perfectly good set of plates and cutlery now, hidden away in cupboards in their small home just up the hill, but there’s still something so comforting and fulfilling to sit outside under the stars, their only source of light and heat being the poorly cobbled together fire they’d made earlier, as they sit and trade stories into the night.
Porsche glances at him, but takes the fish and starts picking it apart, immediately giving Kinn the first bite. Kinn smiles around the mouthful, playfully nipping at the tips of Porsche’s fingers to make him yelp and flinch back.
“I don’t regret it,” Kinn finally answers after he’s finished chewing his food. “I get all this - freedom, happiness, no responsibilities, and I get to have you, too.”
Porsche’s scowl melts off his face, opening up into something more youthful. Wide eyes, lips parted, and so hopeful that Kinn can’t believe that he’s his.
“Sap,” Porsche snips, but there’s a small smile blossoming on his face. “I don’t regret it either.”
Kinn nods, grinning right back at him. He recalls how truly glad he is that their brothers had all banded together to cover for them this whole time, funding their life secretly while also taking turns to come and visit whenever they could. They’re the only ones who know that they’re still alive, out in the countryside and thriving.
“Why did you ask?” 
Porsche pauses, his hand halfway up to his mouth with flakes of fish between his fingers. “Because I don’t want this to end,” He huffs a laugh and shoves the fish into his mouth, “I just… assume that you’d wanna go back one day.”
Kinn’s heart thuds in his chest, the cool night breeze slicing through the contrasting heat of the fire warming their skin. He shivers, goosebumps rippling over his body. 
“I’ll only go when you want to go,” Kinn answers honestly.
“Then we’ll probably never leave,” Porsche chuckles, humming in contentment as he eats. He always does this cute little shoulder shake when he’s eating something good, the corners of his lips curling up at the corners like a content kitten that’s finally gotten its first taste of cream. 
Kinn bumps his shoulder into Porsche’s, who immediately returns the gesture and offers him another bite of the food. 
“Guess you’re stuck with me then,” Porsche jokes, but he can hear that underlying worry that he wishes he could erase for good.
“Forever,” Kinn promises, placing a chaste kiss on Porsche’s cheek, feeling the pleased glow of them beneath his lips.
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saryasy · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
hi jo!!! thank you so much and to @writerkenna and @livingincolorsagain for the asks! okay let's see in no particular order:
1. 500 Days of Winter, M, 16.7K
In a small, dark room in the middle of nowhere, just outside Bucharest, two bodies intertwine. The chorus of sounds and three little words plays over and over and over again. They don't let go for one second.
Tomorrow the world will come knocking at their door, their lives will be turned upside down, but for now, they have each other, and for now, that's more than enough.
Or, the story of Sam and Bucky, and the five hundred days that bound them together.
okay I lied I'm starting with quite possibly my favorite fic I've ever written. I've put a lot of work and care into this one and I'm extremely happy with how it turned out. helps that I was possessed at the time and wrote it quicker than I ever would
2. my struggling form, my willing soul, T, 2K
It was hard, being back into the cold, gray world that was his New York apartment.
Sometimes, his eyes would look around frantically, searching for a sound that rang through the stillness. Only for him to realize that the sound came from within; an old memory, laughter and music, dancing, kids running around. A tender touch to his neck. A satisfied smile of finally being home. Eyes as beautiful as the sunset they were watching, just as striking, just as deep.
He could look at nothing else till the day he died, and would die happy and sure that he’d seen the most beautiful sight this world had to offer.
the first fic in my inspired by Hozier series! it was born into existence through sheer stubbornness (and my deep need to do a bucky character study) I kept listening to the song (which I still fucking love) and reading the lyrics and then this happened and I couldn't be happier
3. darling, i’d go through it again (if i could hold you for a minute), M, 1.8K
There’s an irritating feeling in his chest, making it harder to breathe. It was like this when he first stayed home and Sam started going on missions alone - well not exactly alone, but without Bucky. It took some time, but he got to a better point where he could actually breathe while Sam was away.
This is different, though. This isn’t the tightness of chest he’s come to be on familiar terms with, nor is it the forceful beating his heart has gotten used to dancing to.
He wants to voice it, to let it out, but when he goes to, the words lodge in his throat.
another one from the series and my first MCD! I really liked playing with the fantasy elements in it too
4. for all of the things i am (not), G, 1,8K
‘You’ll find the one,’ people like to say, but the thing is, he already has. He was lucky enough to find him in the scorching desert heat; blond locks that looked like they were on fire, a pair of green eyes so captivating, you couldn’t help but follow them everywhere, and a smile that could bring the proudest men to their knees. He found him, but he slipped away from between his fingers in the darkness of the desert sky as he sank to his fate. Forever falling, forever gone.
Or, Sam's grief catches up with him.
had to throw in my only gen fic up to date and ngl I wanna write another one. unfortunately the engagement with these is quite low I find myself leaning towards character studies with background shipping. but yeah would love to do it again
5. Firsts & Lasts, T, 613
You never know that your last time is going to be your last.
Or, Sam considers his lingering feelings for Riley, and his developing ones for Bucky.
look I have such a soft spot for samriley, I love writing them so fucking much. the tragedy is oh so gorgeous. I really hope to write that samriley idea I have one day
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Welcome to the Playground
Timari January: Day 27 (Wanderlust) by @maribat-calendar-events
Summary: Gotham is a wasteland, but it’s THEIR wasteland and they wouldn’t go anywhere else.
Back to Timari January 2023 Masterlist
Some might think of Gotham as a horrible wasteland.
And they’d be right. Their infrastructure was literally crumbling before their very eyes. The clouds above them, a concerning mix of red and black thanks to all of the lingering chemicals in the air, swirled constantly, as if they were just waiting for the worst possible moment to send an actually natural disaster their way. A glance down the wrong alley would lead to the worst possible sights – a smattering of blood and a corpse curled by a dumpster, a wheelchair on its side with no disabled person in sight, a rat. Any given area has been devastated by a Rogue attack at least once, and it shows.
But it was their wasteland, thank you very much, and as much as they might have complained about their twenty insurances making up for the insanely low rent prices, no one ever really tried to leave.
Besides, there was plenty to find beautiful within the city.
Namely: the people.
Marinette and Tim sat on top of a rooftop. They were two of the many people doing so. Ever since the bats had started cropping up all over the city and taking to the rooftops in search of crime, it became a popular thing to do for both the wary and the daring. The wary got to stay within the hypothetical sight of the vigilantes, and people were more hesitant to do something to them when they didn’t know whether a simple mugging could turn into a beating for them. The daring got to clamber up rickety fire escapes (if the buildings around them even had them, some climbed the somehow even less stable drainpipes) and stand close to the edge, just waiting to get hurled from a roof by a stray explosion.
Which were they? Wary? Daring? Something else altogether? Who knows. Certainly not them.
They didn’t seem to care about analyzing themselves, though, as they sat on the edge, drinking hot cocoa despite the warmth the spring air provided.
If you were particularly lucky – or particularly unlucky, which was definitely what they were – you might catch sight of a Rogue on their way to go and commit atrocities. Watching them slinking through town, while mildly concerning for obvious reasons, was always a treat. They were a blip of color parting a sea of grays and blacks, all while trying their damndest to mesh into those colorless blobs in hopes that they wouldn’t get spotted by a bat prematurely.
That was rare, though, Rogues usually lived and breathed their jobs in the most literal sense by not leaving the building until their scheme was up.
No, it was much more common to have to search for anomalies in the crowds of people who were rushing to work and school and their homes in hopes that, if they simply moved fast enough, they would get to their destinations without incident.
And, when they did, they were happy to point them out to each other.
Marinette would grin and point out a group of three teens, who were always, inevitably, doing Dumb Shit. They had even come up with a name for it:
“They’re doing a Robin,” Marinette murmured, watching them gear up to test out the theory that cartoons proposed (will someone bounce if they land on a canopy?).
Tim glanced over to make sure they were only two stories up, and therefore wouldn’t get too hurt, before turning to glare at her. “You know I resent that.”
“I do,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him for just a moment more before turning an eager gaze back onto the teens who had learned that, no, actually, cartoons were liars and wooden supports are not meant to handle people falling on them. The shopkeeper was not pleased to be the one to suffer second most from their experiment (she was pretty sure one of them had twisted their ankle, yikes), and she was sure that, if he could get through the door that had been blocked off by fallen debris, he would be trying to hit them with the broom he was waving threateningly.
The teens scrambled off, and with them, their entertainment.
But that was fine. They found something else to concentrate on soon enough.
Tim jerked his chin to point at a blob of yellow on the horizon. “He’s heading our way. We’ll have to move soon.”
She blinked and squinted to see that, yep, the blob was moving. Damn it. Signal, they were trying to enjoy themselves here, couldn’t you relax on the crime fighting for, like, a day?
And then she saw a flicker of blue and red out of the corner of her eyes and snorted. “Nah, he’s gonna be distracted.”
There was a moment as they considered whether they wanted to follow Signal to observe him. They both knew him well, of course, but there was a difference between fighting/being siblings with someone and observing them in their natural state.
They collectively decided that, no, that was too much effort for such a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
Something else was quick to catch their interest, anyways.
A pair of tourists were easy to pinpoint. They were wearing gas masks for no real reason outside of the fact that they didn’t want to be ‘tainted’ by the Gotham air, which was fair considering everything but cowardly, and their clothes were just a smidge too bright, too interesting. Besides, they were looking at their phones – probably at a map app – and everyone in Gotham knew that you needed to look people in the eyes as much as possible, because people were less interested in attacking you if they knew you could identify them in a lineup.
Tim hummed. “Good to see that people with wanderlust are finally including Gotham in their must-sees.”
It wouldn’t happen again. The pair of people walked up to a hotdog vendor and immediately got held at gunpoint by the owner. Most Gothamites didn’t take kindly to the kind of people that viewed Gotham as a zoo that you just have to see for yourself to see all the insane, backwards people there. Which was understandable. The gun part probably wasn’t, though.
They should probably help but, hey, people that aren’t Gotham citizens aren’t their problems.
Also, that guy sold the best hotdogs. Sure, they definitely shave a few years off of your life while you’re eating them, but they’re worth it. They weren’t going to get on his bad side.
Speaking of. She was beginning to crave hotdogs.
She knocked her shoulder with Tim’s. “Food?”
“Am I paying?”
“Obviously. I’ll owe you one.”
“You already owe me seven hundred.”
She grinned. “I’ll owe you seven hundred and one.”
He sighed deeply, but his lips were twitching upwards despite his best attempts. He pushed himself to his feet and flipped his sunglasses down to hide his identity.
“I still think sunglasses are the worst way to look inconspicuous in Gotham. Please just get a wig.”
“You’re wearing enough colors to make any other Rogue jealous,” he sighed. “You can’t call me inconspicuous when you’re doing that.”
She patted her pale blue dress to get as much grime off of it as she could. “The difference between us is that I’m not trying to hide.” She took the hand he offered and allowed him to pull her to her feet. “Anyways, I’m feeling hotdogs.”
He hummed as a kind of agreement and they started down the fire escape. “I think I wanna visit the planetarium today.”
“Me too, hope it’s not still closed from Selina’s last escapade.”
“Eh, if it is, I think the botanical garden is nearby… if you want to risk Poison Ivy, obviously.”
She snickered. “Poison Ivy would make a visit even more fun, are you kidding me?”
And, though they didn’t really recognize it, they, too, were people that were often observed in Gotham. Not because Tim was somewhat famous or because Marinette wore bright colors, but because they were both undeniably happy about living in their city. About being around each other. It was strange.
But who cares about being strange when you have someone to be strange with?
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xexiar · 1 year
Keep Watching. Ch 6
Ch 5 Ao3 FFnet
Chapter 6
It was a struggle to convince mom about the meal plan that All Might wanted me to start. Especially since I couldn't tell her why I was doing this. Not to mention how I also needed to get a few workout gear. But I gave up talking to her when she said how all this was pointless. So that night, I decided to make a few stops by the local pawn shops. Maybe I'll be lucky; they had some weights and other stuff.
As I walked, I saw a few classmates hanging out in front of a convent store. I did notice that one of them was Kato. So, I decided to take the roundabout path to the next pawn shop. While waiting for the light to change, I hoped nobody noticed me. "Hey! Isn't that Midoriya?" Oh no. I looked over to my left and saw how they had all eyes on me.
The light needed to hurry and change because they were making their way to me. But it wasn't fast enough as Kato placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well, well. What a bastard like you doing on my turf?" I tried to cross the street when the light changed, but Kato held me in place. "Don't leave, buddy."
Kato and his friends dragged me into a back ally and took turns punching me. One of the girls was recording everything on her phone. "Smile for the camera, quirkless." At that moment, I heard the sound of a switchblade knife being flipped. "Help him smile, babe."
Watching as one of the boys came towards me with the knife out. As he got closer, I suddenly felt something by my hand and took a quick peek at what it was. It was shards of glass from the window Kato slammed me into. I took one of the pieces and lunged forward. But at the last second, I threw the glass at the guy with the knife. He then activated his quirk that turned his body to smoke. Doing so had the glass not hurt him but also made him drop the knife.
I rushed and grabbed the knife. Once I had it in my hand, I quickly stepped back to avoid Kato's finger quirk. When his fingers touched the ground, I took that chance to slash off one of his figures. As he screamed in pain, I threw the knife at the girl. She dodged it, but it gave me enough of an opening to run past all of them. I ran all the way to the main streets.
My lungs felt like they were on fire when I finally reached the pawn shop. Stepping inside, I was greeted by the shop owner. "What you want now, kid?" He was in a grumpy mood but was nice. I walked over to the counter and took out a few bills.
"Do you have any weights and other workout gear?"
The owner took the money and started to count it. "This will cover at least one dumbbell." He then started walking to the back. "But for you, kid, I'll throw in some hand grips and boxing hand wraps. By the way." He turned to me and pointed. "What happened to your hands?"
I looked at my hands and saw that they were bleeding. "Just a few scratches." The owner shook his head and went to the back room. When he returned, he gave me a gym and book bag. He went about what was in each of them. "Thanks so much, Uncle." He smiled and opened the door for me. As heavy as everything was, I was surprised I could carry everything home.
The next day as I walked to school, something seemed off. During my walk, I spotted Kacchan and tried my best to stay as far as possible. I hope he didn't notice me following him to school, especially after the week of him trying to catch me. I wish I could tell him that I started training with All Might. But I promised to not speak a one to anyone. Maybe one day I'll be able to tell Kacchan. Would it make him happy? Or angry?
As I walked into class, I saw how Kato was sitting on Kacchan's desk. I also could see that Kato's left hand was bandaged up. After yesterday I was hoping I wouldn't have to face him today. But it doesn't seem that would be possible. And telling how everyone gave me death stares, it was clear Kato told the class what went down.
When I reached my desk, I wasn't the least surprised. Written on my desk were all sorts of insults. Many weren't even that creative. As I sat down is when the teacher finally came in. That's when I noticed how Kato smirked at me before looking at the teacher. "Mr. Aoki, you don't mind if we give the quirkless an early morning lesson?"
"As long as it stays within the class." Why was I not surprised. Mr. Aoki and many other teachers encouraged the class to beat me. Something about putting me in my place. I saw how two of the students went and locked the classroom doors.
As Saito threw me to the back wall, one of the girls used her quirk. She levitated spikes from another student and had me pinned to the wall. Thankfully it only held my clothes and didn't cut me. I then watched the guy whose quirk gave him rock skin get ready to punch me. He punched my stomach, and I coughed up blood. Then came a punch to my face. "Ree, remove the spikes. Let Koji break the bastard's arms."
With the spikes gone, I fell to the floor. Taking in a deep breath, I grabbed one of the spikes. When Koji grabbed me by my hair, I quickly rammed the spike into his foot. "Damn it!" He pulled me up, but I used my foot to kick the spike down more before punching me. He then let me go, and I grabbed another two spikes. I was done being their damn punching bag.
One by one came at me. Somehow I was able to dodge each of their swings, all while I drove a spike through everyone's leg. The only three that were left were Kacchan, Kato, and Saito. But that's when I noticed that Kacchan never moved from his seat. "Come on, Bakugo. Help us out, man."
Kacchan just looked at Saito. "This is your fight, not mine. Besides, I don't help extras." The look of horror on Saito's face as he looked back at me was very pleasing. I couldn't help but smile as I waved for Kato and Saito to come at me. At that moment, all I cared about and felt was the burning rage to punish the idiots who took Kacchan away from me.
Kato and Saito looked at me and didn't seem to move. When I stepped forward, they backed up. But just then, the first bell rang. For the rest of the day, everyone left me alone. Even during lunch, nobody looked my way. It felt nice to eat lunch without dealing with people pouring drinks on me. At that, it just felt nice to eat after whatever came over me.
When Kato texted me this morning, something didn't seem right. He went about how he crossed paths with Deku and how the nerd cut him. That didn't sound like Deku. The nerd didn't have a mean bone in his whole body. He was too nice sometimes. It was sometimes what made it easy to bully him.
But as I pondered what Kato told me, it got me wondering. I had known Deku for so long, and that's when it hit me. As much as the nerd smiled or put up with everything, he was smart. Heck. When I read through his notebooks, he takes amazing notes. Sometimes a little too detailed. Especially the notes on the quirks of everyone in the class and their weakness. I didn't see anything about me, but that doesn't mean he hasn't written about me. Oh, I have a bad feeling about today.
As I sat in class, Kato told everyone they needed to finally put Deku in his place. While he spoke, I saw how his left hand was bandaged up. So his story about Deku cutting must be true. But what did Kato do to get Deku in that position?
"As long as it stays within the class." When Mr. Aoki said those words, I watched as everyone started to move. I stood in my seat. Whatever was about to happen, I did not want any part of it. Compared to everyone in the class, I was the only one who knew that Deku was fast. When that nerd really wants to, he finds a way. And I was right when I saw the fear in Saito and Kato's eyes.
"Come on, Bakugo. Help us out, man."
"This is your fight, not mine. Besides, I don't help extras." The horror that crossed their face was a sight to see. Whatever was happening behind me must have been amazing. Watching how Kato and Saito shook in fear and stepped back was perfect. But sadly, my entertainment was cut short when the bell rang. Even Mr. Aoki looked horrified.
Once the school day was over, I watched as the injured extras stumbled out of the classroom. I waited till everyone, besides Deku, was gone. That's when I turned to the nerd. "Where have you been running off to?"
"Can't tell you." As he packed his bag, I noticed how exhausted he looked. Which means he hasn't been sleeping again.
"You're going to tell me." Deku flinched as I walked over to him. I grabbed him by the collar. "Spill it."
Deku just looked right at me. There was no avoiding eye contact or crying. "I just can't." With that, I pushed him back in his seat. "Kacchan!"
"Don't Kacchan me." I stepped on his lap, pinning him to the chair. "Your mom called the old hag. She never does that. So, spill it."
That's when Deku started to cry as he looked away from me. "I want to tell you, but I just can't."
"Look at me!" I grabbed his chin and made him face me. While looking into those green eyes of his, it was clear he was serious. "If your mom calls the hag one more time, I will beat your ass. And I will make you tell me what's going on." I let his face go. "Got that, nerd?" I removed my foot from Deku.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." Deku got up and grabbed his book bag. I then watched him go into his bag and take out a small box. He handed it to me. "Happy birthday, Kacchan." With that, I took the box, and he ran out. That damn nerd. I placed the box in my bag and started leaving class.
When I got home, I remembered Deku had given me something. Before going to my room, I looked around the kitchen and saw the note on the fridge. Another birthday of them working late again. I grabbed a few ingratiated from the fridge and made myself my own birthday dinner. "Happy birthday, me."
Once I finished eating, I went to my room and brought my All Might doll next to me. As I pulled the box from my book bag, I could feel my heart racing. Even when I was a complete jerk to Deku, he still gave me something for my birthday. My face started to burn as I looked at the small box.
As always, the box was nicely wrapped. That nerd is obsessed over the smaller details. It always felt like a crime to unwrap these. But taking a deep breath, I finally slowly peeled away the wrapping. And was in complete disbelief. It was the latest hero fighting game. That damn nerd.
Come the next few weeks, I noticed how everyone kept their distance from Deku. At that, not even extras from the other classes bullied him during lunch. Something about this felt nice. Especially when I sat alone, I had a clear view of that nerd. What made the sight questionably confusing was how I enjoyed seeing him smile.
I should be annoyed, maybe angry, at his very existence. But during these small moments, I simply enjoyed my little secret. Since there's no way he'll get into the same high school as me, maybe I could use that time to fix our friendship. But same time, there's no way that would be possible. Maybe it'll be better to finally accept that I must completely leave him behind. And just focus on being the number one hero.
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fang-wife · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
loft music | tamaki amajiki
➳ tags ;; mean!reader, sub!tamaki, teasing, mild humilation, degradation, unprotected sex, the petname bunny n fucktoy, sweet lil ending, there’s only one bed, oh no!
➳ wc ;; 2.4k
➳ a/n ;; speed wrote this shit at 6am and it’s currently 9am. i haven’t slept...
edit: reposting cause it didn’t show up in the tags </3 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
He thinks you’re joking most of the time.
It’s to be expected of someone like Tamaki - all nerves, fear, anxiety. He isn’t sure how he’s supposed to believe someone like you actually means all the flirty things you say. Certain you’re making fun of him, he tries his hardest to let the commentary slide off his shoulders like he needs it too.
But it’s hard. You make him feel so frazzled. It’s so hard to pretend he isn’t bothered by your too close touches, the warmth of your breath, the feeling of your body pressed against his when you hold his arm on patrols. It’s like he knows - deep down, that you’re doing it to mess with him. He knows that you’re doing it to see him frustrated because you make that face when he squirms. It’s so evil and so mean and humiliating -
and so unbelievably arousing. It makes his breath catch in his lungs - his stomach twist and turn. It makes his entire body burn with desire and he hates it. He feels uneasy when he sees you - not knowing what thing you’ll do to string him along like before. There’s a restless that you’ve grown inside him - planted in his heart and lungs that he finds inescapable. He’s more afraid of it when you’re not there, on the days you don’t bother him at all.
He can’t understand himself. Why he’s so disappointed when you’re partnered with someone else on patrol. Why he goes home feeling extra miserable when you haven’t said something to push his buttons. It makes him feel like a puppy waiting for it’s master - downtrodden and depressed without your attention.
There’s the jealousy too. That bitterness in his mouth when that new rookie clings to your side with doe-eyes. It made him sick to see you pinch the newbies cheek with any kind of affection - ruffling his hair and throwing your arm around his shoulder.
It’s all unreasonable. And confusing. He doesn’t know how to feel about you and can’t determine how you feel about him. There’s not even anyone he can tell because how was he supposed to explain himself?
But he has to rid himself of this frustration somehow - manage it before he really breaks down.
{ ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ }
He knows for certain that being on this mission with you, alone - in this room with one bed, will not help him at all.
He cannot remember a time he felt this miserable. His heart damn near fell out of his ass when the receptionist told him about the mix-up. It didn’t help that he saw that little whimsical look in your eyes when you registered it. The faux disappointment and shrug. Tamaki doesn’t trust you at all, not one bit.
He figures he must’ve done something truly evil in a past life to deserve this. He’s expecting some kind of commentary from you given the whole situation when you enter the room. There’s a couch, and a desk. A singular lamp and a TV - and the bed is big but not big enough for two. Not big enough for you to sleep truly separate.
He awaits your commentary anxiously, as your eyes drink in the surroundings. He’s not sure what he’s expecting, but he knows it’s not you opening the curtains and staring out into the city.
“It’s really a beautiful. Shame we’re only here for a mission,” ― you sigh, stretching your arms and yawning ― “I’ll take the couch tonight, by the way. We should sleep soon,”
His eyes widen. Did he hear you correctly?
“Sorry, what?”
You turn your head and blink at him, head cocked to one side. You blink a few times before knitting your brows together.
“Y-you’re gonna sleep on the couch?”
You nod.
“Yeah. You’ll be using your quirk a lot tomorrow, so at least for tonight - I’ll take the couch”
Tamaki isn’t sure what he’s supposed to feel about it. He knows it shouldn’t be disappointment. He nods dumbly.
“Oh.. okay”
“Cool. I’m gonna get washed up and head to bed - I’m beat”
He watches you slink off to the bathroom, dumbfounded.
{ ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ }
You’re putting on skin cream as Tamaki contemplates your proposal. The only thing in the background is some TV drama - but the words are blurring. His head is racing with a million thoughts. You’re not even fazed - seemingly off somewhere in your own world as Tamaki sorts his own emotions out by weight.
Everything else, reason, shame, anxiety - is drowned by the most unpleasant feeling of disappointment he’s ever experienced. He’s trying his hardest to understand it but every time he tries - his brain fires off into question marks. Why the hell is he so disappointed? Shouldn’t he be relieved?
But he isn’t. He feels so uneasy he wants to throw some kind of tantrum but he can’t. He’s changed into pajama pants and a loose white shirt - his legs crossed on the bed. He chews his lip nervously. Why does he feel like this?
“Uhm, y-you know you should.. sleep on t-the bed with me. Uhm, since - we’re both gonna be.. uhm, busy”
What is he saying? What is he doing?
You pause, turning over your shoulders with your brow quirked. You mask your amusement, straightening your face.
“Oh.. uh - you sure? Won’t that be uncomfortable for you?,”
You smile at him.
“Then.. sure. Let me know if I make you uncomfortable”
And with that you turn away to face the mirror - finishing the rest of your skincare and putting it away as Tamaki anxiously sets alarms on his phone and adjusts his side of the bed. He tucks himself in before you do - with his eyes closed, listening to the rustling of your movement. He waits and waits for what feels like an eternity until your body weight dips on the other side of the bed.
He can feel you. Your body radiating a pleasant warmth - the smell of hotel soap and your skin cream and whatever detergent you always use. He buries his face into his pillow to try and mask his burning humiliations but his mind feels so blank. If he moves an inch your bodies would be touching - the lights are off but the city is bright enough that it doesn’t matter. Tamaki shuts his eyes and prays for something. Not entirely sure what, but something.
You move around and bristle against him - and he flinches.
“Tamaki, you okay? Sorry about that -”
Your voice has gone low in the night, soft and gentle. He squirms. Unsure what to do with this leftover frustration, he hugs his pillow to his body and buries his face in it.
“‘m fine,”
“.. You sure? You seem kinda off. You can talk to me,”
Your assurance is gentle. It makes Tamaki feel strange. You’re lucky he can’t see you because your smile would give you away. He’s so obvious it hurts you, but you play nice. You can be mean later, soon so for now  - you play nice.
He doesn’t say anything - doesn’t know what to do with himself. His cock twitches pathetically in his pants and he freezes. His body runs cold with a shiver. You turn to face his back.
Tamaki feels like prey more than ever. Like most predators, you know when to sink your teeth in. He’s not exception not really. You scoot closer to him, voice just a whisper.
“Am I making you uncomfortable, Tamaki?”
He can’t answer, but he shakes his head.
“No? Then what is it?”
You’re close. Too close. He trembles as your body presses against his back - let’s out a noise.
“Use your words, Tama - I won’t bite. Why do you feel like this, hm?”
Your hands hover above him. His body shudders. His voice hiccups, a sob deep within his ribcage pouring out of him. It becomes clearer than ever that he needs you to touch him. Shame blooms in his belly.
“I won’t touch you till you say yes” ― you sound amused, the kind he’s learned to recognize ― “If you want to go to sleep, just say the word”
He breaks. Shatters into pieces as a tremor tears through him.
“Please what?”
“Touch me, touch me please - can’t,”
Your hands come up under his shirt, pinching his nipples as you place a kiss to his shoulder. His back arches, whimpering as his eyes shoot open. Your breath ghosts along the nape of his neck, your hands settled at his chest.  
“Okay” ― you soothe ― “Turn around for me, baby”
Baby. Tamaki shudders as he flips over to face you. You reach over to flip the lights on - only a gap between you two. His brain feels like it’s melting - your face is so close to his own. You give him a small smile - eyes brimming with tears and expression burning red. You reach your hand to wrap around his neck and bring him towards,  kissing him feverishly. He moans when he feels your tongue in his mouth.
He kisses you eagerly, hands frozen at his side as your tongue explores his mouth. Outlines his teeth, brushes against his own - he melts into the touch. He whines disappointedly when you stop.
Your hand cups his face.
“You’re such a pervert, Tamaki” ― you grin, brushing your thumb against his lower lip befores ticking it in his mouth ― “Got so antsy without me. You like being teased so much?”
Not in a spot to deny it, he merely shuts his eyes.
“...why did you stop t-teasing me?”
You chuckle, kissing the shell of his ear as your hands slide up his waist, around his body.
“I thought you didn’t like it baby,”
He muffles himself, mumbling about how he didn’t think he did either. Your hand travels down, squeezes his hard cock from his pajama pants. Gasping for air, he moans and ruts into your palm.
“You like when I’m mean to you, Tama? Like when I make fun of you ‘n tease you?”
You hold a hand up to his mouth with a warm smile.
His eyes go wide as you blink at him curiously. A pang of shame hits as he spits into your palm weakly, watching through lidded eyes as your hand travels to his cock - just underneath his sweats. His hands fist the sheets as you pump him lazily.
“You’re cock is so red ‘n pretty, Tamaki”
“You’re ― hic ― you’re m-making fun of me”
“’s that why you’re so hard? It’s drooling all over my hand. You’re so wet - they’re gonna have to change our sheets in the morning” ― you tease ― “They’re gonna know how lewd you are bunny, so much keeps coming out when I touch you”
He shakes his head, grits his teeth. He can feel himself creaming into your fist, overwhelmed by your touch. His eyes are screwed so tight it aches. So lost in pleasure and the sound of your voice humiliating him.
“You like being my little fucktoy, bunny? Like when I treat you like a pet and play with you whenever I like?,”
“Aaah, aah - pl-please” ― he shakes his head furiously ― “can’t t-take it, please”
“Bet you’re gonna make the cutest face when I let you fuck my pussy,”
His eyes shoot open as he feels you scoot closer to him. You pull his pants down swiftly - your hand covered in pre-cum. He watches with wide eyes as you pull your own shorts down, a string of arousal trailing down your thigh. Tamaki watches it with hearts in his eyes, making you laugh deeply. It’s an affirmation that you meant everything you said - that he was making you like that too. It’s enough to make him sniffle.
He watches as you lift your leg up - tugging his cock towards you. It’s pretty - thin and long and so red it’s almost purple. Your cunt envelops it . Clit throbbing against the tip, Tamaki’s sure he’ll cum if he moves. You grind against him so slowly, bringing his face towards you.
His mouth drops open as you kiss him. His dick is twitching relentlessly at the way you gasp.
“Feel how wet you make me when you look all pathetic?”
“Can I please, nghh - can you please let me,”
“Wanna cream inside me, bunny? Wanna fuck me so bad you’d do anything?”
He nods rapidly. A silent scream leaves his mouth as you adjust - slide yourself right down onto his cock. You feel so much better then he could ever picture. Soft and tight and warm and wet - like pure fucking velvet. His hands dip into your hips for support. Through lidded eyes, he watches your hand come down between your thighs.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t - ‘m gonna,”
You feel him spurt his hot cum into you with a loud, broken cry. His throat, sored from exhaustion, doesn’t serve him any better when you start moving. Fucking yourself on his overstimulated, half-hard cock with face paced rhythm. Your fuckin his cum right back into you and he’s sobbing through the overstimulation. His mind feels so broken - so pliant and obedient.
“’s too much ― ! p-please, can’t”
“Shh, ‘sokay baby,”  ― you groan, meeting him in a kiss that manages to overwhelm him even more ― “Fuck, gonna cum, fuck”
The tension in your gut snaps like a rubber band and your whole body spams. Clenching down so tightly on Tamaki, he sobs. You’re whispering good-boy and other praises until you’re down and sobered from your high.
When you open your eyes - Tamaki is staring at you in amazement. His cock has gone soft inside you but you don’t bother telling him to pull out.
“You did so good baby,” ― you kiss the crown of his head ― “good job”
He feels small and warm under your touch. A blush forms on his cheeks, words completely failing him to express himself. You don’t make him. Brushing your thumb against his cheeks, you smile.
“I know I tease you a lot, Tama - but I really do like you,’
His eyes shoot up in surprise. He shrinks when he hears you giggle, flushing.
“I.. I l-like you too”
You chuckle, petting his hair and burying his face in your chest. You let your chin rest atop his head and nod.
“Then we’ll have to talk more tomorrow. Let’s sleep, okay?”
He blushes, embarrassed but content..
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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otptings · 3 years
Bear & Bunny
Tumblr media
→Idols: Lee Haechan & Na Jaemin (only picture that I could find with Haechan & Jaemin, sorry Jeno Stans)
→Requested: yesss Hi!!!! I wanted to know if you could write a something along the lines of dancing to bachata with jaemin and haechan and it gettin really steamy and you end up speaking in Spanish with them and it really turns them on 😳😳😳 and they end up really whiny and needy . Haechan gets bratty and grinds up on y/n and jaemins whining starts to get annoying so y/n needs to put them in the toilets but someone walks in so they have to be quite but end up leaving to finish off at home and y/n ends up punishing them at home by overstimulating them and making them cry by straping them up with ropes and putting viberators on them while you just watch them and messing with the controls but ends up feeling nice and takes it off them and cuddles them oop thanks in advance:)
→Genre: Smut
→Word Count: 3k+
→Warnings: semipublic sex , three some m/m/w (there is mxm action in here), shibari, deepthroating, edging, brat!Haechan, sweet!Jaemin, overstimulation, sweet aftercare, degradation, female masturbation, oral (m receiving), fluff towards the end,
→Synopsis: Dancing with your boyfriends was a great date idea, having sat through multiple dance practices and knowing that they could keep up. But after your brat affects your good boy you need to take matters into your own hands
→A/n: this took a good minute for me to write, and it took me a while to get a consistent theme going for the writing, I still am not too proud of it, but I like the ending well enough so I'm still happy with it. this is my first mxm anything on Tumblr I believe, so I really hope that you guys enjoy it. if you did please like, reblog, or donate to my Ko-Fi in my bio. If you like this you can request they are open for NCT, Enhypen, SVT, and Treasure.
You loved your boyfriends, it was glaringly obvious. No matter how much you jokingly rolled your eyes at their sometimes extreme displays of affection when it came to you, or jokingly threatened to change the locks on your apartment so that they would finally sleep in their respective dorms it was clear to see. You were completely and undeniably smitten by them, and who could blame you? Haechan and Jaemin were two of the sweetest people you know, and always knew how to woo you. Maybe that’s why the both of them courting you was successful when you had zero plans to date an idol.
Maybe also do to the rare elaborate surprises they planned for you when both of their schedules coincided enough to have a day free. Like when they convinced the company ( and Chenle) to rent out - Haechan’s expensive ass idea - Lotte World for the three of you on your three month anniversary , or when they take you on a really sweet date that causes them both to tease you relentlessly over your crying, like the time when they created the perfect picnic area - Jaemin’s idea -  curated with your all three of your favorite snacks and drinks just to gift you promise rings on your two year anniversary along with a picture book - Haechan’s idea again, occasionally his ideas are cute, and cheap- of random moments from dates over the years.
Their complicated and meticulous dates always made any that you planned pale in comparison. Despite this the boys were always ecstatic when you convinced them to take a day off for a date night. This time you were able to book a practice room - with the help of Taeyong - for two hours and were planning a special date that you hoped would even be on the sama radar as theirs. You were going to teach them how to dance. Not just any dance, bachata. They were constantly wanting to know how to learn Spanish, so why not teach them a special dance?
That was the original plan at least, spend one hour teaching them, and one hour dancing along with them. You’ve sat through many of their practices, including some routines that were bordering on inappropriate for their fan base, so you knew that they would be able to keep up where friends and exes failed. Sure, the dance tended to be more on the sensual side with how close you had to be and the soft music, but you really only had dancing in mind when you planned this.
However, dancing along with them with Jaemin behind you, he likes back hugs and holding you around your waist, and Haechan in front, he gets handsy when he thinks you can’t see them, and you were starting to regret it. The first hour passed quickly, both of the boys catching on quickly due to their lifestyles, so when you joined them the three of you moved in sync. Despite your hips being pressed against Haechan, and Jaemin’s grip on you bordering on painful, they were perfect dance partners despite the unconventional method. The three of you were in casual conversation and you were grateful that they had agreed to dance with you.
“Mis buenos chicos. Tan orgullosa de ti.” Jaemin started to giggle, squeezing your waist twice while Haechan’s jaw dropped, causing a giggle to escape you too. You’ll never understand why the boys are so amazed hearing you speak Spanish. Hell, they speak three languages almost fluently to your measly two.
“What’d you say? Say something else in Spanish.” Haechan’s voice started taking on the whiny tone that you ‘hated’, pouting all the while.
“It sounds so nice.” Jaemin spoke up from his spot behind, placing his head in the crook of your neck so you could feel his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin. Having both of their attention on you tended to be intense, especially now having them pressed so tightly against you with the sensual music playing softly over the speakers.
“Los mimo demasiado a ustedes dos.” You hated how easily you gave in to them, but their shared amazement made it a little worthwhile. “You guys are always so amused. It’s not that impressive.”
“It’s sexy when you speak Spanish.” You smacked Jaemin’s arm jokingly, giggling when his grip on you tightened. Surprisingly through this whole exchange you’d hadn’t stopped dancing, faltered temporarily at the beginning but were still smoothly dancing against each other. Though this dance isn’t supposed to be sexual you couldn’t help but admit that having two extremely attractive men dancing against you, and ones that you were lucky enough to call your boyfriends was starting to get you worked up, and you could feel the fire starting to grow in your stomach.
Haechan is known for his bratty behavior with his groupmates on camera, if only his fans knew how far it truly goes. Like now, his knee sliding in between your legs, purposefully pressing against your clothed cunt. You know that all he wants is a reaction out of you if the smug smirk on his face is anything to go by. Jaemin wasn’t a brat but something about Haechan made him want to act up. That’s the excuse he’ll try to use when you inevitably punish them later. For now all Jaemin can think about is relieving the building pressure in any way possible, even if it means rutting against you accidentally causing you to grind on Haechan’s thigh. That pulled a shaky gasp out of you, and made you come to your senses.
“Stop.” They instantly backed away from you, giving you enough space to take a deep breath without the smell of both of their enticing colognes. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Jaemin had the nerve to at least look ashamed, staring down at his shoes while holding his hands behind his back. Haechan on the other hand wanted to irritate you, smug smirk still painting his face.
“I wanted to have fun. Wasn’t that the point of this?” A pout replaced his smirk, but his tone told you everything you need to know.
“Bunny? Any excuses?” Jaemin only shook his head quickly, knowing that they wouldn’t help the situation. Smart bunny.
“You still want to have fun, bear?” Stepping closer to Haechan you grabbed his chin harshly, forcing him to make eye contact with you and the brat inside of him faltered a little. Knowing that he wouldn’t like whatever outcome.
“I do. If I can’t have fun with you then I'll just have fun with Jaemin. He’ll let me touch him.” Laughing you pulled your hand back, before smacking Haechan’s cheek. A shocked gasp left his mouth from the impact but it got him to finally shut up.
“We still have 20 minutes until your manager comes to take us back to your dorms. I’m going to the bathroom down the hall, you two will pack everything up and meet me. You have five minutes.” Turning around you briskly walked out of the room, smiling when you heard the two of them scrambling to get their stuff. First thing you did was set the timer on your phone for three minutes and 30 seconds - who said the boys really needed the full five - the second thing was making sure the bathroom was completely clear. Last thing you needed was for there to be another scandal about your relationship with the boys.
Excitement ran through you as the timer ticked down, closer to their inevitable punishment. It was down to the last 30 seconds when the bathroom door opened and Jaemin peaked in. Once Jaemin saw you he quickly walked into the bathroom followed by Haechan with 17 seconds to spare.
“Good boys, you’re on time at least.” Jaemin shyly smiled while dropping his bag and kicking it to the corner. Haechan followed suit, not wanting to get in any more trouble than he already was.
“Lock the door bunny. Haechan, on the counter, hands on your thighs. No touching.”
Jaemin locked the door while Haechan hopped on the counter, a pout evident on his plump lips but he knew that he was in no place to argue. Jaemin crossed the room in two steps, tugging his lip in between his teeth while wringing his hands nervously. Grabbing his shirt you pulled Jaemin closer to you until he was pressed against your chest, wrapping one of your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss, ignoring the way that Haechan whined at the lack of attention.
Kissing Jaemin was always soothing even when he knew he was in trouble. Jaemin allows you to lead, constantly relenting all control to you. It wasn’t in him to try and change the tempo or take it further. He was at your mercy and only moved at your pace, sliding his tongue over your bottom lip only after you’d already nipped at his. At first the kiss was awkward, too nervous over where to put his hands, still wary of his punishment but they finally made their way to your waist. Sliding your hand up into his hair you tugged lightly, swallowing his high pitched moan. When Jaemin started to rut against your leg, finally losing the slightest control was when you pulled away.
His blown out eyes, and bright blush lining his cheeks made you want to devour him but you had to pace yourself, and him. Last thing you wanted was for him to cum before you got home and truly played with him. Grabbing the top of his sweatpants you looked up at him, waiting for his subtle head nod before pulling them down to the top of his thighs. Just enough to release his pretty cock.
“This isn’t fair.” Haechan whined from his spot on the counter. How dare you forget about him? Sitting here not getting any attention while Jaemin got everything. Wasn’t this supposed to be a punishment for the both of them? “Why is Jaemin getting all the attention from you? He was bad too.” Haechan was falling right into your trap and didn’t even know it.
“You're right. Maybe you should give Jaemin attention instead. Come here.” Haechan pouted again, realizing that he still wasn’t getting any attention from you before jumping off of the counter and replacing your spot. “You play with Jaemin all that you want, but don’t let him cum.” Haechan being a complete cum slut, already wanted to complain despite getting exactly what he wanted. You were no longer playing with Jaemin, he was.
“That’s not fair.” Haechan whined again but shut up when he saw you rummaging around in your bookbag. He went quiet when you pulled out the pretty vibrating plug, one of his least favorite toys due to your tendency of plugging him before leaving the apartment and sporadically turning it on until his knees turned to jelly.
“Think about it like this. If you make him cum then you’ll be wearing a vibrator until we get home.” Haechan rolled his eyes before turning his attention to Jaemin, looking up at him with his pretty brown eyes that constantly got him what he wanted outside of moments like this. Jaemin gulped loudly when Haechan placed his hand around the base of his cock, not lube or spit, just the roughness of his palm as he started to slowly move his hand.
“How does it feel bunny?” Jaemin wanted to whine at your taunting tone, used to your near constant praise for him.
“G-good.” You giggled at his voice cracking. Haechan never stopped working him over his hand, now placing his pouty lips around the head, causing Jaemin’s hand to fly from his side where he had them balled up by his side to Haechan’s hair, fisting it tightly as his mouth dropped open. Haechan’s tongue darted out and licked over the slit, tasting the salty pre cum as he suckled on the tip.
There was one thing that Haechan did best, and that was tease. Which is why you weren’t surprised when he pulled off Jaemin’s cock, and licked a broad strip up his balls to the head. A loud moan left Jaemin’s mouth, which quickly multiplied and reverberated off of the tiled bathroom walls when Haechan took as much of his cock down his mouth. Jaemin’s cock may have been longer than Haechan’s, but it was skinnier, enough to satisfy you but still leave you wanting more. Explains why Haechan easily made it to the base, pubes tickling his nose while he took a deep breath to relax his throat, the smell of Jaemin’s favorite body wash and slight must from dancing for so long. Haechan looked up at Jaemin as best he could, causing Jaemin’s hand to drop from his hair down to his cheek, stroking it sweetly with his thumb. Jaemin spared you the first glance since Haechan started blowing him and wasn’t shocked to see you sitting on the counter, one leg propped up showing off that you were two fingers deep in your soaking wet cunt, eyes just as blown out as Haechan’s. Smiling sweetly at him you pulled your fingers out, rubbing them over your clit.
The moment was interrupted by someone rattling the bathroom door, causing all three of you to nearly jump out of your skin. Haechan gagged quietly as Jaemin unconsciously bucked his hips. Silence fell over the bathroom as none of you dared to move until you heard the sound of quiet cursing and footsteps heading back down the hallway. Haechan pulled off, coughing lightly as he wiped the drool and tears off of his face.
“Too close. Let’s get home so I can punish you two properly.”
The boys deserve their punishment, Haechan actually craves them. You couldn’t allow them to think that if they teamed up against you they could be in control, that they were suddenly the doms in the relationships. Especially when they looked so pretty as your subs.
Like right now, the both of them were kneeling on your carpeted bedroom floor. Both of them tied up - Jaemin with his favorite light pink rope, Haechan with his favorite dark red - the ropes contrasting their skin tones perfectly. It was a simple tie, something to keep their hands bound behind their back, looping over their chest just for a little more stability. A pair of scissors was resting on the dresser safely out of their reach unless they used their safe word. That wouldn’t happen tonight though.
The boys were playing with their favorite toys, Haechan’s vibrating plug and Jaemin’s vibrating cock ring, and the results were already better than you thought they’d be. You’ve already turned down the vibrations multiple times, postponing both of their orgasms until you felt that they deserved it. Climbing off the bed you cupped both of their cheeks, relishing in their flushed faces and bright blushes spreading over their chests. Jaemin’s moans were music to your ear, almost harmonizing with Haechan’s needy whines, both of them wiggling around in their ropes. Jaemin’s moans were beautiful but you needed him to be quiet, both of them actually, if you didn’t want the neighbors to hear.
So you did. Pulling your hand away you slapped Haechan on his right cheek, feeling a twinge of arousal in your stomach at his loud gasp at the feeling. Placing your hand softly on his cheek you turned to Haechan, rubbing his bottom lip with your thumb.
You couldn’t help but feel warmth blooming in your chest at the sight in front of you, Haechan nuzzling into your palm as you rubbed his cheek, soothing the burn from the slap while Jaemin opened his mouth, taking your thumb into his mouth.
Seeing the sight of your two beautiful boys, completely vulnerable to whatever you decided to, red marks appearing on their skin where the rope loosened enough to rub over the exposed skin. Lips puffy and bright red due to their kissing and biting. Knowing that they trusted you enough to let you punish them, neither safe wording even if their knees are getting rubbed raw, and they were shaking from the constant edging.
Though you were punishing them for trying to team up against you, truthfully both of your boys held all of the power.
“So pretty. My beautiful baby boys.” Jaemin ran his tongue over the pad of your thumb, sighing as he sucked on it aggressively. “Wanna come for me?” Pleads of ‘mommy’, ‘please’, and ‘need to’ left Haechan’s lips, Jaemin letting out a garbled moan around your thumb.
“Cum for me then.” Reluctantly you sat back, letting go of them and turning the settings up.
They always know how to put on a good show, even when they’re not trying. Like now, Jaemin was the first to cum, squirting all over his thighs and lower stomach with a loud cry. Quiet sobs leaving his mouth as overstimulation set in before you cut off his vibrator and turned your attention to Haechan. Haechan’s loud moans have only gotten louder since you turned it up, achieving impressive pitch as he finally came. Leaning forward to place his head on the edge of the mattress as his body continued to shake. Turning off his vibrator you allowed the both of them to catch their breath, combing your hands through their hair as they’re quiet breathing filled the room.
Looking at the boys now, cleaned after their shared shower and in fresh pajamas, sleeping practically on top of eachother - Jaemin loves sleeping on someone’s chest - that same warmth grew again from your place in the doorway. Blessed is the true word you could use, that these two amazing boys were all yours. Walking over to the bed you lifted the blanket up, snuggling in behind Jaemin and sighing as his warmth seemed to surround you.
“Bear?” Jaemin’s sleepy murmurs surprised you, having assumed the boys were already asleep.
“No baby. Go back to sleep.” Jaemin groaned lowly, turning around and throwing his arm over your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Night. Love you.” Jaemin’s sentence faded off towards the end, followed by a deep sigh as he fell back asleep. Reaching over to Haechan, you pushed his hair out of his face, smiling softly as Haechan moved closer to your hand.
“Love you too. Both of you, so much.”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
I propose slow loving sex with Gojo thank u for ur time
propose and you may receive
prince charming - gojo x reader (2.5k)
[comments and reblogs are much appreciated! // my jjk masterlist] 
warnings: afab reader, no pronouns. not sfw. minors dni! light fingering, piv sex, coming inside, soft. . . soft . . .
Most people who know Satoru Gojo would tell you that the man has two modes. Two ways of being. There is the way that he is from day to day; the laugh, the shovelling of sweets into his mouth, the constant stream of upbeat nonsense and jokes that few people are able to keep a proper track of. This is the Satoru Gojo he is with his students, you think – when the weight of being the strongest does not weigh so heavy on his shoulders.
Then, there is the Satoru Gojo in battle. There is the lift of his blindfold, the way that his blue eyes bore into his enemies – the self-assured way of talking, the ruthless precision with which he deploys his skills. This is the Satoru Gojo that does bear the weight of all of his strength; but his lips still quirk at the corners, he still cracks a joke sometimes though his tone is steely. They have shades of one another, those two personalities - but still, they are the two personalities that he chooses to show the world.
You, however, are permitted to see a different side than most people do.
You see Gojo now, with his body over yours, his soft lips brushing your jawline. You see him with his big hands, cupping your face so he has more access to your neck and your ear, the kisses coming slow and soft and relaxed. He is a large man, despite the fact that he is tall, lithe muscle as opposed to pure brawn – he cages you beneath him like he never wants you to be able to escape him.
You do not want to escape him. Not least when you finally manage to capture those lips in your own and you taste sugar on his tongue. As his teeth nip gently at your lower lip and a breathy sigh is transferred into his mouth; as his long fingers run down your body, appreciating you with a soft hum.
“I’d ask what I did to get so lucky,” he murmurs, voice low and throaty, “but I think I deserve you.”
Some things do not change; Gojo’s arrogance is always there, beneath the surface. He is lucky you find his self-confidence charming, your lips sliding into a smile as your own hands gently push up the shirt he’s wearing. His skin is warm and soft beneath it (you dread to think how expensive it was; Gojo spends money like it’s going out of style, and you have a myriad of gifts to prove it).
“You don’t shut up, do you?” You ask him, mildly, your smile not leaving your face. He laughs softly, and it feels like wind blowing through a field of flowers.
“You love me for it,” he says, all fondness, and he’s right. His shirt is parted from his top half and you admire him; unmarked skin (you suppose his technique means he’s free from the scars so many other jujutsu sorcerers learn to live with), the lean but taut muscles of his abdomen and shoulders. You run your fingers over him and he sighs, leaning into your touch like a cat. Your thumb brushes the hollow of his throat as you take a handful of his pale hair and drag him down into another kiss.
If nothing else, it occupies his mouth.
You can feel his hardness straining in his ripped jeans (pre-ripped for his convenience, with an eye-watering price tag, but even you have to admit that they make his ass look rounder and cling to his thighs and crotch in a way that makes you needy and heated if you stare for too long) as he moves his body against you, half-grinding.
You’re on the couch. You really should move to the bed – heaven knows Gojo’s is big enough for both of you – but there’s something domestic and sweet about Gojo kissing you here, amongst the remains of the sweets he’d been feeding you and with a romantic comedy neither of you are watching any more playing on the screen.
It’s so easy to feel like everything with Gojo is a life-or-death situation – to ascribe more meaning to a brush of his fingers on your shoulder or a murmur of ‘I’ll be home later tonight’ than you really need to.
This, though - this is simple, and easy. It lets you forget the world outside, just for the moments in which Gojo’s body is pressed against yours – lets you think of yourself as a normal couple.
There is nothing more romantic to you than the thought of you and Gojo being able to be just anybody.
So you spread your legs further apart so he can settle between them, sighing as his mouth moves from your own to brush kisses over your cheeks and the bridge of your nose instead.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” he tells you, as he pulls back and tugs on your own shirt – you allow it to be removed, thrown onto the ground where you may never see it again. Much more interesting than the lost shirt are Gojo’s hands, large and warm, sliding up the expanse of your stomach and to your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh. He undoes the catch of your bra as if the motion is as easy as breathing – and maybe to him, it is. Upon your flesh being newly bared, he sighs, leaning down to kiss the swell of the curve. To find your nipple with the warmth of his tongue and tease it to hardness as he flattens his tongue against it and laps at you, the motion sending little electric shocks of pleasure to the place between your thighs. You sigh and squirm, and he gives the hardened bud a gentle graze of his teeth as he pulls back to look at you.
The sight of his blue eyes concentrated wholly on you and all of the distilled starshine contained within always makes you lose your senses for a moment. It should be unfair, you think, for him to look like that. For those wide blue eyes to seem so innocent when you know that he is not--
“You’re so beautiful,” he tells you. You know that he’s telling you the truth; Gojo is not the kind to mince his words. His hands rest on your waist, curving down over your hips to tug at your bottoms and make short work of those too. You lift yourself slightly to allow it, Gojo wriggling so that he can get them off without ever having to really move from between your legs. The bottoms go the same way as your shirt, and you are below him now in nothing but your underwear--
Though that’s barely covering anything. Gojo sighs to see the pale white of the piece you’re wearing has gone translucent from the gush of your slick, clinging to the outline of your folds and showing him just how needy the kissing and the touching and the groping has gotten. He trails a finger down and brushes your mound through the fabric, ghosting over your clit.
“This is for me, doll?” He asks you, a smirk on his face that you want to kiss off.
“You know it is,” you breathe, lifting your hips – and the smirk softens into a smile.
“Maybe I like hearing you say it,” he murmurs, increasing the pressure of his touch so he is rubbing you through the cotton; his big fingers pressing against your clit, making your hips jerk. You don’t know if you want to jerk away from the sensation of the fabric pressing against your swollen nub, or jerk into the pressure that you want so badly – so you settle for circling your hips, panting soft little noises.
Gojo smiles at you and the expression on his face is dazzling. Your heart skips a beat; he’s so beautiful. You’re so unbelievably, amazingly lucky--
“Don’t look at me like that,” he says, leaning and kissing your cheek, burying his face in the crook of your neck to kiss and lick and suck at the skin there. Your back arches as his attentions send yet more shivers down your spine, set you aflame even further. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear his face was warm – is he blushing? “If you could see yourself, you’d understand--”
“If you could see yourself,” you tell him, through the pounding need in your chest, “you’d understand exactly why I’m looking at you like that--”
“Oh, I know,” he preens, though his face is still warm. He hooks his fingers into the wet underwear and pulls them over your thighs. “I know why you’re looking at me like that! I’m gorgeous-- but . . .” He seems to stumble over his words before he manages to get a good hold on them again, before he pulls back and the flush on his cheeks is only barely there. “You don’t know how gorgeous you are, and . . .” He places a hand to his chest. Your underwear is dangling from his thumb, though you’re not entirely sure how he fully tangled you out of him in the position the two of you are still in. “It breaks my heart!”
You smile despite yourself.
“You’re being too romantic,” you tell him, though your insides are secretly all aflame and bubbling. “It’s not like you.”
“I’m wounded,” he says. One hand lands on your thigh, drawing circles and patterns on the slick skin – his middle finger gently nudges the very outside of your sex, teasing the puffy lips apart so he can brush your clit. Your gasp dies in your throat. “I’ll have you know I’m an absolute Prince Charming, baby--”
And he’s giving you that charming smile, even as that same finger presses deep inside you in one swift movement and your knuckles clench on the couch cushion. You groan aloud, lifting your hips to allow him deeper, to make you feel fuller--
Your eyelashes flutter, eyelids somewhere between open and closed, but you still see that Gojo’s own gaze is fixed on you. It’s tender. Loving. You feel strangely exposed beneath it – but at the same time, you feel warm and comfortable and right as he adds another finger and stretches you out on it, scissoring them apart. He brushes the spongy spot of your walls that always hits different and you sigh, murmuring out his name--
“Satoru,” you’re practically whining. “Satoru, faster, please—”
“Prince Satoru,” he corrects you, with a grin that’s slightly crooked to one side and more charming than it has any right to be. He pumps his fingers in and out of you a few more times, until they are thoroughly coated in your wetness, until the fire inside you has been suitably kindled and your breath is uneven and your face is hot – and then he pulls them out.
You don’t have time to whine.
Not with the sound of his zipper, the sound of him kicking off his expensive jeans – the heat of him settling over you on his knees and taking your hips to slide you easily onto his cock.
He groans out your name like it’s all he ever wants to say.
“You feel like you were made for me,” he says, and you reach up and grab a handful of his hair again. He lets it be pulled with only the softest sigh – lets you bend him over you so the two of you are cheek to cheek, chest to chest, so close that you can feel his heart beating. “Fuck, doll--”
He’s right. He fits inside of you like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle; warm and tight and perfect.
It’s a triumph, for Satoru Gojo to be lost for words – but he stops speaking as he fucks you slow and soft. It’s not that you and he only usually fuck hard and rough – but his job is stressful, and he is teasing and smug, and it’s more usual for you to be bent over on his bed as he pulls your hair and runs his mouth than it is for anything like this to happen.
He doesn’t seem to have any complaints about it, though – and neither do you. How can you complain when he holds you so gently? When he kisses you like he’s savouring the taste of you instead of devouring you?
He’s not speaking, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t noisy – he’s panting, groaning, moaning. He’s always loud in bed – he has almost no self-control when it comes to pleasure, you don’t think – but the noises also go right through you in only the best of ways, making you shiver and shudder. It’s unfair that his voice should sound so good. It’s unfair that he should have almost no flaws--
Some people might say his personality is a flaw, you suppose, but you unfortunately find him charming.
You wrap your legs about his waist and his cock hits deeper, brushes that same spot inside of you – but you find you do not care so much about the orgasm as you care about having Gojo in this embrace.
Not caring about it, though, doesn’t mean that is not going to happen – not with the slow thrusts of his hips, or with the sight of him with his lip bitten and his hair all mussed up from your tangling.
You’re not sure if Gojo has ever found something that he isn’t good at, and fucking you is no exception. His cock hits every spot inside of you and seems to find new nerves you didn’t know would feel so good when stimulated; your entire abdomen (hell, your entire body) feels like it’s on fire. You were slick enough before he’d entered you, but now you can feel your own arousal pooling on the couch cushions beneath you – you can hear how wet Gojo’s cock must be, on the push-pull of him fucking into you. The glide is slick and silky and searing, and your fingers flex on his back, as the tight string inside of you readies to snap.
“Sat-- I’m-- ‘m gonna--”
Your words are lost to the feel of him, to the haze that seems to descend around you whenever you and Gojo are together. You see the curve of his smile, hear him softly whisper;
“S’alright, baby--”
A stroke of his hips that has the flat plane of his pelvis pressing against your clit and you let yourself go, tumbling into the bright lights of your oblivion, your thighs tightening reflexively about him as if you want him to drown inside of you. Gojo sighs, groans, moans out your name as your cunt milks him for all he is worth, squeezing around him – and, he, too, lets go. Heat. Warmth. Gojo’s cock, twitching, heavy and perfect and right inside of you.
“I love you,” you whisper, against his collarbone, in time with the beating of his heart – and Gojo looks at you as his hips continue to roll slow and leisurely, eking out the final drops of his release as it settles inside of you like a claim, and he smiles slow and soft like honey or syrup.
“I know,” he says, quietly. “I love you too.”
He stays inside of you, on top of you, in the embrace, even as his cock begins to soften. Enjoying your warmth, your presence, your closeness.
Maybe he is a Prince Charming.
You’re not going to say that aloud to him, though.
He’d never let it go.
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theringers · 3 years
hard work - mick schumacher
summary: you spent your entire day studying and you need some help winding down at the end of the day
a/n: hi, hope y’all enjoy this. i woke up thinking about it and couldn’t stop so i wrote it down. as always feedback is very much appreciated :)
also this is unedited will fix later thx besties
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warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, fingering, unprotected sex
Mick was propped up on the bed, casually scrolling through Netflix to figure out what to watch next.
Lucky him, you thought as you dropped your head into your textbook for the millionth time that day. It was almost 6pm and you hadn’t left your office. Only to use the bathroom and to get a little bit of food.
Finals were brutal and this year was no different. You had four cumulative exams coming up in the next week and your boyfriend decided that this weekend would be good to visit. “I’ll help you study,” “We can work together” yeah right.
He was watching tv and minding his own business, which you appreciated. No distractions.
He was very distracting as is, so you were glad he was making an active effort to stay out of your way.
You read over the formulas again and your temples strained, having trouble even remembering the easiest of formulas. You were overworking yourself. Sometimes you can hit a point where more studying just won’t help, it’ll only hurt and frustrate you.
Mick had been asking you to take a break all day but you refused, needing to stay in the right headspace to focus.
A smirk was plastered on his face when you walked into the room, excited that you were finally settling down. You plopped on the end of the bed. “I’m exhausted. Everything hurts. Fuck this,” you said. It was your typical reaction to studying. You loved what you were studying but reviewing anything this much could make you hate it.
“Oh, darling.” He said, smiling at you and holding his arms out. He looked so sweet, cuddled up under your fuzzy blankets with a big sweatshirt on. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, trying to hide your appreciation. You slowly made your way to Mick and sat next to him, legs hanging off the bed. You patted your hand on his blanket covered thigh, groaning.
“You look stressed,” he said. “Come here.” He pulled the blanket off and patted the space between his legs. Being in his arms sounded like a dream right now. You scooted towards him, sitting between his legs with your back flat against his chest. He squeezed his arms around you in a hug. “You’ve done so much work today and I’m so proud of you.” You smiled at his words even though he couldn’t see your face. “You deserve to take a break.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, exposing your neck to him where he placed a soft kiss. You leaned your body into his, feeling a sense of relief and relaxation. It was crazy how fast he could change your mood. “I’m so lucky to have such a beautiful, intelligent woman,” he whispered in your ear.
You wanted to mess with him and crack a few jokes but you had no energy left to fake fight with him. His fingers drew a trail down your arm leaving goosebumps in its path. A chill ran through your body.
You could feel his hot breath still against your neck making your head fall onto one of his shoulders. His finger followed the trail it just made back up your body and the muscles in your stomach tightened when it grazed your collarbone. It was one of your most sensitive spots.
He moved his finger at an agonizingly slow pace, driving you insane.
He dipped his finger in the valley of your breasts and you looked down to see him take one in his hand. Lucky for him, studying all day means no bra needed.
You let out a soft moan as he kneaded your chest, getting rougher by the moment.
His other hand snaked it’s way around your body and dipped into your sweatpants, teasing your cloth covered entrance. “Oh, Mick,” you said, shifting your body when he placed the slightest touch on your center.
“You need to relax, darling.” His soft voice said into your ear. You knew he was right. He wanted to make you feel good but he was teasing you. Your desire for him was winding you up more than it was settling you down.
You inhaled in and let Mick have complete control. Your body settled comfortably into his and you were putty in his hands, literally. He held you securely with one hand groping your tits and the other down your sweatpants. “Focus on the TV, pretend I’m not here.” He said. “I want to make you feel good. You worked hard.”
You rested your body onto his as he played with your clit. His fingers went in circles, sometimes venturing off course to explore the rest of you. If he felt you tense up, he would give your clit a light smack to remind you to calm down.
Your body felt ice cold and on fire at the same time.
He nudged your thighs apart and you let your knees fall to the sides opening you up for him. He continued to leave kisses all over your neck and shoulder while his finger slid between your folds.
You were dripping wet and he was surprised. He knew how to turn you on but it had only been a few moments. “Were you thinking about me today?” He asked in your ear.
“Yes,” you said, keeping your voice low.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked as he let one finger slide inside your core.
Your hips bucked at the full sensation but his other hand held your body down.
What didn’t you think about today? Any time you couldn’t focus your mind wandered to your boyfriend. His body. His hands. His mouth, his tongue. All of it all over you and you wanted it so desperately.
“You fucking me. Hard.” You wanted to keep it vague. You wanted to be surprised to see what he has up his sleeve and not give him any ideas. He groaned in your ear.
You lifted the blanket and watched as his finger pumped in and out of you, the muscles and veins in his wrist and forearm prominent. Your focus was on his middle finger as you patiently waited for him to push it inside of you. He knew what he was doing so you were going to let him be in control, but god did you want to feel him so bad.
“You look so hot like this, darling. Completely under my control. Just let go,” he said.
You took your eyes off of his hands and looked up at the TV. Your mind focused on the pleasure he was bringing you. He took this as the perfect opportunity to let his second finger inside of you, catching you off guard. You twitched once again and moaned, wanting to be filled up all the way with him. It felt amazing but it wasn’t enough.
“Baby, I need you to fuck me,” you whispered.
His fingers began to pump harder. “What was that?” He asked seductively, his mouth lingering near your ear longer than you would have liked. “I didn’t hear you. I’m going to need you to say it again.”
You huffed out of annoyance. You needed relief and he was just having fun. “I need you to fuck me. Right now.” You felt his thumb inch closer to your clit and start rubbing in sync with the movement of his other fingers.
“I’m going to need you to say that one more time.” You felt him begin to get hard against your back and you knew that he would give in soon.
You rolled your eyes and you knew he was smirking behind you. “I need you so badly. I need you to fuck me senseless.” You raised your voice this time. He removed his fingers and slid down your sweatpants. You kicked them off and repositioned yourself so you were on his lap, facing him with your knees on either side of him. You looked at his eyes and smiled. He returned the grin and you looked at each other for just a brief moment. He lifted you up and pulled his own sweatpants off, giving you the opportunity to grind into his hard cock. A soft whimper escaped his lips and you knew he was ready. No more teasing.
He gripped your ass, lifted you up, and lined his cock up with your entrance. He teased you, pushing his tip into your clit before you inched down on him, feeling him fill you completely. The feeling you had been chasing this whole time.
You rocked your hips back and forth with your arms around his neck for support. He guided your hips back and forth and let his hands run all over your sides.
Your head fell back and your eyes were met with the white ceiling. Your back was arched and your hair fell all the way down to the bed.
“Holy shit, you look so incredibly beautiful right now.” He watched you lose yourself in the moment, in the feeling, in the motion of your hips, the collision with his. He reveled in your beauty and still couldn’t believe what you were doing right now.
He continued to bounce your hips, hitting the perfect spot to have you crying out in pleasure. Your pussy tightened around him, letting him know you were about to cum. He pulled you in closer to him and held you as you rode out your high in his arms. His arms held your back tightly as he kissed your bouncing tits. The only sounds that could be heard were moans and expletives as you both finished.
“I love you so much, darling.” He said, kissing your lips.
“I love you too,” you said, rolling off of him and onto the other side of the bed. He stood up to clean himself off and returned with a towel for you and a glass of water. He was met with you, passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Please Don't
Summary: Hotch and Y/N have been pining for each other but everything changes after they go undercover for a case.
Warnings: Criminal Minds level violence, angst
Word Count: 2289
a/n: Thank you for this request!! I love a good Hotch moment. I hope you like it!
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"Alright ladies! Here's the first round." Emily smiled as she set the four glasses down in front of you all.
Girl's night had just started. It being Penelope's turn to pick the nights events meant you, Emily, and JJ were in for a long night of bar hopping.
"Yes!!!" Penelope nearly screamed, grabbing her drink and taking a large gulp. "First question of the night goes to Y/N."
Your eyes widened as everyone turned to look at you. Whatever game Penelope was trying to play was clearly not going to go well for you.
"Oh, God. What is it?" You grimaced, eyes flitting between the three of them.
"When are you going to do something about your crush on Hotch?" Emily wasted no time in getting into the hard hitting questions.
"And don't even bother denying it! It's so painfully obvious." JJ added on, eyeing you skeptically.
"First of all, rude. Second of all, fine. I have a hopeless crush on our boss. Are you happy now?" You playfully glared, knowing there was no use in even trying to pretend.
"So? When are you going to do something about it?" Penelope was giddy, always one to celebrate new relationships.
"Uh, never." You deadpanned.
"Why not?" She whined in response.
"Pen, he's my boss for one. Plus it's highly unlikely he feels the same. I mean, how would I even bring that up?" You shook your head, trying to avoid the conversation.
"Y/N, Hotch is totally into you-" Emily's rant was cut off by the sounds of all of your phones buzzing.
You all shared a glance before confirming your suspicions.
"Another girl's night cut short." You shook your head. "Who needs a ride?"
The four of you quickly made your way out of the bar before piling into your car and heading to the Bureau.
"Damn ladies, looking good." Derek greeted you when you piled into the elevator together.
You hadn't thought about changing before coming in. None of you were wearing anything wildly inappropriate. Your outfit was just a bit more form fitting than a typical day in the field required.
"Thanks Derek." You rolled your eyes, stepping out of the elevator and immediately heading for the conference room.
Aaron's eyes were on you almost instantly. He always looked for you first when a new case came in.
"You ever gonna tell her?" Rossi asked from next to him.
"I have no idea what your talking about." Hotch kept his face neutral despite knowing there was no real point in denying it to Dave.
"I see the way you look at her. You know, I see the way she looks at you too. you deserve to be happy, Aaron." He replied easily, a smirk on his face as he took a seat in the conference room.
Hotch merely shook his head, trying to supress the smile forming at the idea of you returning his feelings.
He quickly moved on to debrief the team ultimately telling everyone to meet at the jet.
Three days later, another couple was dead, and you were no closer to catching the guy.
"Wait, there's a new pattern." Reid jumped up, pointing out the abduction sites on the map. "He's moving south, alternating between 11th and 14th Street. Each abduction happened at a different club on those streets. If he follows pattern the next abduction will be tonight at Cameo." He pointed out the next club on the map.
"So we'll stakeout the club, stop him before he gets another couple." Morgan suggested.
"We can't risk a takedown inside the club." Hotch ran a hand over his face.
"What if two of us go undercover? Pretend to be a couple and then we can stop him when he tries to abduct us." You suggested a new plan.
"That could work." Dave added on, sending you a nod. "You and Hotch fit his victimology."
"What d'ya say, Hotch?" Your heart was beating rapidly, but you refused to let it show. "Wanna go on a date?" You playfully nudged his side.
"It's our best plan." He nodded resolutely. "Go with Emily to get something to wear."
You smiled at him before turning to see a mischievous look on Emily's face. She whispered in your ear as you walked out of the room.
"Get ready. Hotch won't be able to keep his eyes off you tonight."
"Are you sure I should wear this?" You pulled the dress down a bit, trying to cover more of your thighs.
"Yes. You look amazing, and this is definitely going to catch the eye of our unsub." JJ complimented as she added a few finishing touches to your hair.
"It's just now dawning on me why we don't do undercover work." You flinched away from Emily as she attempted to add a third layer of mascara.
"Oh, hush. This was your idea. Everything will be fine. Better than fine if you're lucky." She winked, capping the mascara and throwing it back into your makeup bag.
"Em, this is work. I'm absolutely not making a move on Hotch while trying to lure an unsub to abduct us." You deadpanned.
"I'm not saying make a move! This is your opportunity to flirt a little and see how he responds." She shrugged casually.
You were about to provide another rebuttal when a knock sounded on the door to the bathroom.
"Y/N, you almost ready?" Derek called from the other side of the door.
"Coming out now!" You nearly ran out before Emily or JJ could try to convince you to flirt with Hotch again.
"Damn, L/N." Derek smiled when you exited the bathroom. "Looking good. You know who else might think so?"
"Can it, Derek. I'm in no mood." You swiftly walked past him. You could hear Hotch arguing with Rossi about something as you walked up to the conference room door.
"Dave, cool it will you?" Hotch rolled his eyes, not noticing you yet.
"I'm just saying Aaron-" He tried again.
"Well, don't." Hotch's playfulness rarely came out on cases, but you could see a glimpse of it in the way he bantered with Dave.
"Ready to go?" You asked from the doorway, putting your comm's device in your ear. You felt a blush creep up your cheeks at the way Aaron looked at you.
"Ready." He gave you a tight smile, diverting his eyes from your tight dress.
"We'll be right outside. All the exits covered." Dave reminded the two of you, nodding as you walked out the door.
"Here you go, one vodka cranberry." He winked when he passed the glass over, a subtle reminder about the lack of alcohol coursing through you.
"Thanks." You shifted awkwardly, unsure of what to do now. You'd been by the bar for about an hour, and nobody suspicious had caught your eye.
"Do you want to dance?" You surprised yourself by asking the question, watching as Hotch's eyes widened slightly. "I just, the other couples? Didn't witnesses say they were dancing?" You whispered the last part, obviously trying to limit anyone overhearing your conversation.
"Right. Of course." He looked nervous, but you chalked it up to not doing undercover often.
You lead him to the middle of the dance floor, trying to find the best view of the doors. It took a few minutes of awkward swaying, but the two of you found your rhythm.
"Behind you, there's a man watching us." Hotch whispered in your ear sending a shiver through your spine.
You nodded slightly in response before turning around. You pressed your back to his chest to cover the movement, eyes flitting around the room to observe anyone suspicious.
It didn't take long for you to spot the man Hotch was talking about. You moved your arms up around his neck, pulling his head closer to you so you could whisper to him.
"Got him. How do we get him outside?" You suppressed the urge to grind your hips against Hotch's. It was hard enough to deal with the feeling of his hands on your hips.
He spun you around, pressing your chests close together. Again, he moved his mouth close to your ear to whisper, "we just need to give him a show."
He pressed his lips to yours lightly, waiting for your response. You kissed him back with passion, relishing in the feeling of his lips moving against yours.
Your breath caught in your throat when he pressed a series of light kisses to your neck. You involuntarily tilted your head to the side, giving him more room to work.
"I think we've got his attention. Let's head out the back door." Hotch grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him toward the back of the club.
The cool night air sent a chill through your body, but you didn't have long before the man burst through the door behind you.
Hotch easily overpowered him, knocking the gun from his hands. He pulled handcuffs from his pocket, quickly securing his hands behind his back.
"Morgan, we got him out back." You spoke into your comms, turning slightly when movement in the shadows caught your eye.
"Y/N, get down!" Hotch jumped in front of you just as you heard a gun being fired. He fell into you, slumping against your body. Everything happened so quickly.
"FBI, drop your weapon!" Morgan yelled, running closer to the man in the shadows.
He quickly handcuffed the partner, leading him to a waiting officer while Emily collected the other unsub.
"Aaron?" You looked at him in your arms noticing the blood soaking through his light blue shirt. "I need a medic!" You called down the alley, watching in terror as two medics removed Aaron from your arms.
You were frozen in place as they put him on a gurney and pushed him into a waiting ambulance.
It wasn't until the ambulance was completely out of sight that you realized Reid was talking to you.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" He gestured to the blood on your dress and hands.
You nodded silently, pointing to where the ambulance just was.
"Let's get you to the hospital okay?" He spoke softly, not wanting to add to your distress. He grabbed a shock blanket from a paramedic before leading you to an SUV. Derek and Emily sat in the front, ready to drive as soon as you got in.
You don't remember the ride to the hospital. You don't remember JJ helping you wash the blood from your hands. You don't remember a nurse updating you on Hotch's surgery. You don't remember anything except the look in Aaron's eyes as he bled out in your arms.
"Aaron Hotchner?" The doctor called out into the waiting room. All six of you stood up, eyes fixed on the woman in scrubs. "His surgery was successful. I can take one of you to see him."
The whole team gestured to you, knowing how you felt and how much you needed to see that he was okay.
"Follow me." The doctor lead you down the winding hallways to a recovery room where Aaron was asleep. "He's still under anesthesia for now. It should wear off in a few hours."
You nodded as she left, still unable to form any words as you took in his pale appearance.
"Aaron." You whispered his name, eyes brimming with tears. You pulled the chair as close as you could next to his bed, both hands wrapped around one of his.
You must've fallen asleep because before you knew it, the hand in your grasp was squeezing you back.
"Aaron?" You lifted your head from the side of his bed, eyes focusing on his. "Oh, thank God." You felt the tears brimming again.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay." He murmured softly, moving his free hand to wipe your tears.
"No. You're an idiot who jumped in front of a bullet for me." You whispered back, voice breaking.
"I'd do it again." He took no time to craft his response, only causing more tears to fall down your cheeks.
"Y/N, I don't have anyone else in my life quite like you. I haven't in a long time." His eyes never left yours as he spoke. "You make me feel like I could be happy again. Like Jack could have two people to provide him unconditional love everyday in his life again. Like maybe, just maybe, I could love someone again. I would jump in front of countless bullets for you because I can't imagine my life without you in it."
"Please don't." You whispered, eyes still watery.
"What?" Hotch could feel his heart breaking at the thought of you not returning his affection.
"Please don't jump in front of anymore bullets for me. I don't think I could survive this feeling again." You took a deep, shuddering breath. "Watching them wheel you away on that gurney... it felt like my heart was being cut open. Aaron, there's not a day that goes by where you don't make me smile. Even if it's just the thought of you. I can't imagine my life without you either."
He continued to wipe tears from your face as you spoke.
"Would now be a good time to ask you out to dinner?" He smiled when you laughed.
"I think now is a great time for that." You smiled, leaning your head into his hand.
"Perfect. So, will you get dinner with me?" He nearly whispered.
"I'd love to." You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before setting back against your chair.
It didn't take long for him to fall back asleep. This time, when you leaned your head against his leg, your heart felt full.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Kids getting their quirks w/ Todoroki, Deku and Bakugou
Request: *cracks knuckles* uH may i pls have a headcanon for half half bastard, deku, and king explosive murder when their child’s quirk manifests? have a great day (or night lol) iajsmsjsnsk :D 💕- anonymous 
Okay my baby fever isn’t over but now I know the main factor. Apart from my new obsession with dad Nanami, my period is also here so yay. I’m in pain. SO let’s feed my baby fever even more with some pro hero dads bc I love them and cherish them. Nanami is still ruling my heart though. Love ya💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: babies!!!!, domestic au, dad au, fluffy, no warnings really, unless it causes you baby fever so beware of the baby fluffs.
Todoroki Shoto
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-Baby was called from the daycare because the twins teacher couldn’t control their quirk manifesting. 
-Daycares are ready for quirk manifestation but someone hurt Rei and Ren kinda exploded and they couldn’t control the fire. 
-Rei got startled and her ice blocked both toddlers from the outside world as they were now existing in their own little igloo. 
-He panics because he fears that they hurt themselves or each other by using their quirks. 
-Scenarios of them attempting to hug each other, a habit they’ve had since they were wittle babies, and burning their skin or causing frostbite. 
-He rushed to their daycare, paperwork long forgotten on his agency’s desk as he stormed inside the classroom the small ice barrier splitting the room in two making his heart skip a beat. 
-Motioning to the teacher to leave he approached the block of ice, touching it with his left hand watching the ice melt as he finally spotted his two little girls, huddled together in the furthest spot of their igloo, trembling in each other’s arms. 
-Shoto ducked inside, slowly approaching them as they untangled from each other and rushed to him, meeting him half way in a crushing hug. 
-They both sobbed in his chest as he rubbed their backs. 
-Shushing them he tried to get a coherent story out of them but the only answer he managed to pry from them was a jumble of sorries and sobs.
-Picking them up, he asked them where their stuff was and after getting everything he excused all three of them and left the daycare, leaving a now melting igloo for the staff to clean up. 
-Back at home he managed to get them to calm down completely and made them something to eat. 
- “It’s alright, you protected each other like we’ve taught you. Your quirk activating is not your fault so stop blaming yourselves.” 
-They didn’t seem very convinced and they reminded him of himself back in high school, when he wouldn’t accept his left side as part of himself. 
-Hugging them close once again he left a kiss on each of their little heads, blowing a raspberry on their cheeks making them giggle at the feeling. 
-He loves the sound of their laugh. 
- “You have no control over your powers and that’s okay. Me and mommy will help you with that.” 
-Deep down he was proud of his girls. 
-They didn’t lose complete control and Rei managed to minimize her ice from coating the whole classroom. 
-He was so happy to have these two little things as his kids. 
-They truly were his world. 
- “I’m so proud of you my little snowflakes.”
Midoriya Izuku/ Deku
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-He thought his son was quirkless. 
-You were quirkless, he used to be quirkless so the logical thing was for your kid to also be quirkless. 
-Nope you were wrong. 
-Turns out he took after his grandma and he has a form of telekinesis. 
-Nothing really strong since both of his parents are biologically quirkless. 
-It was triggered while you were all chillin in your living room. 
-Izuku was scribbling something in one of his notebooks while your son was playing with his hero figurines on the floor. 
-You were watching kitchen wars. 
-Izuku’s phone started ringing and he shot up to get it, sending the notebook and pen flying across the room. 
-You were ready for the inevitable crash but it never came. 
-Looking up you saw both the notebook and the pen, levitating a few inches from the floor a slight green glow surrounding them.
-You were shocked looking back and forth from your four year old to the levitating objects. 
-Izuku was still talking on the phone and hadn’t realized the revelation that was being displayed in the living room. 
-Finally the call was over and he stepped back in, letting out a fucking SQUEAK when he saw his son using his quirk. 
-That was enough to break his concentration and the items clattered to the floor, your toddler looking back at his father with huge green eyes, chubby hands reaching out for him. 
-In a flash Izuku was on his knees next to the little boy, hugging him so close you thought he couldn’t breath. 
-He peppered his chubby face with kisses, praise pouring from his lips like rain as he raised the four year old into the air, baby giggles filling the room. 
-You joined them on the floor taking your fill of baby Midoriya pampering before looking at your husband, tears flowing down his cheeks. 
-You hadn’t seen him cry ever since your son said his first words. 
-And even then you couldn’t blame him, his first word was dada who wouldn’t cry? 
- “He has a quirk! Oh my god he has a quirk!” 
-Izuku brought both of you into a hug, crushing you to his chest as he kissed both of your foreheads. 
- “Thank you thank you thank you.” 
-It hit him like a truck how lucky he was to have you both. 
-A beautiful wife who loves him for who he is and not for his fame *like many other pros had warned him about* and a son who adores him and asks for daddy every second of the day. 
-He didn’t care about a quirk.
-He was scared that his son would also get bullied if he didn’t have one. 
-Right now everything was perfect. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-If you asked him he didn’t want your son to get his quirk yet. 
-If he did that meant that he grew and he wasn’t his wittle baby anymore. 
-Your son was playing with his uncles outside while Katsuki was setting up the barbeque. 
-He was simultaneously holding your one year old and you were having a heart attack seeing your baby so close to a fire but you trusted him. 
-Your son was laughing his ass off as he was chased around the table by four grown ass adults. 
- “Be careful around the table.” 
-The fact that all five individuals said yes mom terrified you. 
-Heading back into the kitchen you only managed to reach the sink before a scream pierced the air and in a flash you were back outside, scanning the yard for who got hurt and where. 
-Then your eyes landed on your son who had a hand outstretched in front of him, smoke leaving his small palm while Kaminari was laying face down a few feet away from him, a groan leaving the pro hero as a palm shaped hole was etched on his shirt. 
-Everyone was silent as they stared at your four year old, eyes wide in awe at the sheer force of a singular explosion. 
-The person who broke the silence was Kirishima who let out a loud woah snapping all of you out of your stupor .
-Bakugou looked at you, pure disbelief in his gaze as his son turned to him. 
- “Dad I’m just like you!!” 
-You swear in his daze he almost yeeted your baby over his shoulder. 
-In one swift motion your son was in his other arm being swung around as their laughs synced into one. 
- “Hell yeah you are.” 
-Joining them you ruffled your son’s hair as you kissed his cheeks, a deep scarlet blush painting his plush cheeks as he hid his face in his dad’s shoulder. 
- “Bravo bud!” 
-Sero was next with the praise followed by Mina and Kaminari who also whined about his Hawaiian shirt being ruined. 
-For the next hours Katsuki didn’t let him go. 
-Didn’t want to let either of his kids go but it got kinda hard with the whole barbeque being his responsibility. 
- “We can train together, and work at the agency and go on patrols and…” 
-As your son rambled on about the things they could do now that he has his quirk, you looked at your husband, a soft smile plastered on his features. 
- “He will never stop needing you Katsu.” 
-You whispered as you kissed him softly on the cheek, catching a glimpse of a single teardrop leaving his eye before he quickly rubbed his face on your shoulder. 
- “I know.”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @luluwiie​ @threeamwriting​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses
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Haii <33
Congrats on the 100+ followers! You deserve it darl
For the event, i would like to ask for a fluffy fic with wilbur owo, is it alright?
I havent think about the scenario yet, but i was thinking about how would “kitchen wilbur” looks like when he made you a cake for your birthday! :D is it ok to you?
I hope you take my request!
Have a good day, again, i love your works, they’re amazing <3 keep going.
Thank you so much for the lovely request and the compliments <3 /p I hope you like the fic!
Birthday Baking
CC!Wilbur Soot x Reader
Word Count: Little over 800 words
Summary: Wilbur bakes you a cake for your birthday :D
TWs: Food (cake)
Notes: This request is for my 100 followers event which is still going! Check it out if you like my writing :)
Important: I’ve moved blogs, I’m over @cloudslostlibrary now :) hope to see you all there!
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You rolled over in your soft bed to lay on your other side. Confusion spread across your still half-asleep face when you were met with more blanket and bed rather than a sleeping boyfriend like you were expecting. Slowly peaking an eye open you noticed that your boyfriend was no longer laying in bed sleeping with you.
“Huh? Where did Wilbur go?” You silently questioned yourself as you sat up in your bed.
Once the irregular heat registered in your head you realized it was far too hot to be in bed and wearing full pajamas. With this realization you quickly changed your clothes before leaving your bedroom to find out where the man had gone so god forsakenly early in the morning.
“Did he leave the bed just to set the house on fire??” You whispered to yourself as you closed the bedroom door behind you and crept out into the house.
“My love!” Wilbur exclaimed once he saw you walk into the living room.
It was an absolutely glorious sight. Wilbur stood in the kitchen with a black apron draped loosely around his waist and a whisk in his right hand. He was surrounded by dirty bowls and pans, the kitchen you had just cleaned last night was practically overflowing with his mess.
“What-” you walked slowly into the kitchen, thinking of all the things he could possibly be doing. “In the world are you doing?”
“I’m baking you a birthday cake!” WIlbur walked up to you and placed a kiss on your forehead, careful not to get any cake batter from his wisk or apron on you.
“But,” You paused for a second to think, “My birthday is tomorrow?”
“No,” Wilbur showed you the date on his phone, “It’s today.”
You laughed at your mistake before jumping and Wilbur and hugging him. You nearly knocked him over as he stumbled backwards to catch the two of you.
Wilbur shook his head and chuckled along with you, “happy birthday, hun.”
Wilbur walked back in front of the warm oven and you took your rightful spot sitting on the counter top across from him. Just watching Wilbur dance around the kitchen baking was treat enough. The fact that you were getting a cake on top of that? Must have been your lucky day truly. Just the thought of the cake made your feet swing with excitement.
Your mind thought back to the cake that Wilbur had made you last year. His mother had given him a family recipe for the perfect birthday cake. It was the same one she made him every year. To be honest it was a right of passage to have been given the recipe. Wilbur had a great amount of pressure to do well and he did not disappoint at all. The cake was light, fluffy, and perfectly browned.
“No way he could top that one,” you thought to yourself.
While you were reminiscing, Wilbur walked over to the mixer and got a bit of the frosting on his finger. He stuck his hand behind his hand behind his back and walked back over to you, gaining your attention.
“Hmm? What’s up?” You asked him, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before meeting his gaze.
“Boop!” He swiped your nose, getting frosting all over it.
You laughed and wiped it from your nose before tasting it. “Mmmm,” You hummed, “my favorite!”
“Only the best for you darling.” WIlbur wiped his hands off on a towel and walked behind you.
He rested his head on your shoulder and placed a quick kiss on your neck before seeing the timer on the oven.
“Oh, it’s time to take them out!” Wilbur walked back over to the oven and took out the few cake pans.
“Wow,” you stared at the cakes, amazed. “They look even better than last year’s! You did a great job, babe!”
Wilbur flashed you a smile as he carefully placed the steaming cake pans on the counter and shut the oven.
Turning off the oven he turned back to face you, “They have to cool down before I can frost and assemble them. Do you want to watch something while we wait?”
“Sure, what do you want to watch?” You asked, hopping off the counter top.
“It is your birthday,” Wilbur reminded you, “you get to make all the choices today.”
“Really?” You further questioned.
“Yup! It is all up to you my love.”
“Hmm,” you took a second to think about your options. “What about we watch some Hell’s Kitchen?” You suggested.
“That sounds lovely, dear.”
@allywritesforfun @wrenqueenisboss @gray-moon2 @graymoonspam @bi-narystars
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tbmaybank · 3 years
New To Town
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Warnings: drinking, slight (very slight) hints towards violence
Summary: y/n just moved to the outer banks to escape her own life, and catches the attention of one of the locals
A/N: another JJ story. I can’t help it, I just love him.
This is just part 1, lots more to come :)
I sat there on the beach, barefoot. Just close enough to the water that the tide would barely touch my feet when it came in. Staring out at the waves, just happy I finally found the town to settle down in. I didn’t have a specific place in mind when I packed up all my belongings, just needing to get away from my hometown. Several places almost got me to stay, but as soon as I stepped onto this beach, I knew this was home.
I had found a job the day I decided to stay. Serving, at some rich looking country club. I don’t really want to deal with entitled rich people all day, but the money should be decent, and I desperately need it since I just used the last of it to get an apartment on the other side of the little island. It was anything great, just a small studio with no furniture yet, but it was mine.
The sound of car doors and people laughing pull me out of my thoughts. I glance over and see a group of people unloading surf boards from a van. I watch them as they one by one end up out on the water, envious on how easily they do that. As much as I love being on the beach, the thought of actually getting in the water was terrifying.
“Hey!” I hear one of them shout, as they jog towards me. “You’re not from here, are you?” He asks as he reaches me.
“Just moved in today.” I reply, standing up and brushing sand off me.
“You picked the outer banks of all places to move too?”
Shrugging, “it’s pretty.”
“Well, I’m JJ.” He says, holding his hand out to me, which I take while giving him a smile. “Y/N.” He invites me to hang out with his friends, says they’re going to go have a bonfire soon back at their place. The old me would have found any excuse to say no, but I didn’t exactly move across the country to stay the exact same.
His friends were all super nice and welcoming. They would ask me some questions about where I’m from, why I moved, etc. Which I answered the best I could without getting too personal.
I’m from a small town in Iowa. I moved because I needed a change in environment.
Not lies, but not exactly truths either.
Eventually everyone started getting tired, and one by one retreated into the house to go to bed. JJ and I stayed out by the fire, if you could call the few glowing embers left a fire. He was explaining all the things they usually do for fun around here, and all the cool spots I need to see while I was sipping on what was left of my beer.
It felt nice, sitting here talking to him. Usually I would be too nervous to fully participate in conversation with someone I didn’t know, especially with him being so attractive. But the way he just always had so much to say made me feel so comfortable with him. Of course, right as I’m thinking about this, he gets super quiet.
When I turn my head towards him, and notice why he’s gotten so quiet, I start feeling clammy and nervous. He’s looking at my scar. It’s not surprising that he’s noticed it, it’s not small by any means, and unless I want to wear long sleeves forever it’s hard to cover up. He lightly traces the long scar down my forearm with his finger, I’m assuming the alcohol is responsible for his lack of personal space here.
“How did this happen?” He asks softly.
“It’s kind of a long story.”
“Can I hear it sometime?” Still tracing it, which is admittedly starting to become relaxing, causing me to unconsciously lean against him.
“Maybe,” I say while yawning, “if your lucky.” He lets out a small chuckle, before asking if I’m getting tired. I nod, still leaned against him. His one hand is still tracing up and down the scar, the other is wrapped around me.
“I think we’re both too drunk to drive. If you want, you can have my bed. I’ll sleep on the floor or something.”
“Are you sure? I’d feel bad taking your bed. I can sleep on the floor, really. I’m more used to that then sleeping on a bed lately anyway.” I say, thinking of my unfurnished apartment, the closest thing I have to a bed is my pile of blankets I managed to get packed.
“What? No. Take my bed. I wouldn’t offer it if I didn’t mean it.” I just nod in response, too tired to argue it. He leads me through the house to his room, and even offers me some sweat pants and a tshirt to sleep in, which I gladly take into the bathroom to change.
When I come back into the room, he’s already got a little spot for him to sleep on, and I crawl into the bed. “Night, JJ.”
“Goodnight, y/n.” Yet despite how tired I was moments ago, I just can’t fall asleep. I feel guilty being on his bed while he’s probably uncomfortable on the floor. I know he insisted on it, but he’s been so overly kind to me that I feel awful for him right now.
After a few minutes I decide to say something. “Are you still awake?” I ask into the dark room.
“Yeah, are you?” I hear him say back, making a laugh escape.
“No, not at all. I’m basically dead to the world right now.” This time his laugh fills the room. “JJ, I feel terrible having you sleep down there. You seem pretty against me trading you spots, so why don’t you just come up here? I don’t mind sharing if you dont.”
It’s quiet for a second, before I start hearing shuffling. He appears next to me on the bed, pillow in hand. “Only if you’re sure.”
“I’m positive.”
He sets the pillow down next to the one I’m using, and gets comfortable next to me. It’s not the biggest bed, so we can’t completely avoid touching. I don’t think either of us mind.
“Hey y/n?” He whispers next to me.
“I’m glad I met you today.”
“Me too, JJ.” He rolls on his side and drapes an arm across my stomach, nuzzling his head against my shoulder. I was a little surprised but the sudden increase in contact, but decide not to think on it too much, my previous tiredness returning as I finally drift to sleep in his arms.
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