#i welcome disagreement but i dont accept it
totwototwo · 6 months
Just rewatched in the flesh and finished watching young royals and i have to say Wilhelm and Kieren are so beautifully similar that if you love one, you will no doubt love the other
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xwiedzmax · 10 months
Fable lore made me cave
so.. recent lore huh? never posted anything on here before, but todays lore made me cave. so.. welcome to my rant? Icarus' agression towards Rae/Enderian upsets me on a personal level, but it is explainable from their pov. for a very long time they have struggled with many things, from not remembering their past, to being corrupted by Enderian and issueswith Quixis. their first problem that someone else has heavily impacted (well.. i do have a theory about the resets but thats a rant for another day) was getting corrupted by Enderian, at least in their eyes. Enderian did not force them to kill Haley (or any other bad stuff they did), nor did she propose it, they were doing it on their own accord. they were trying to gain Enderians approval. and I believe they have been doing that for a very long time in the past. Fable ignored Isla, focusing on his job a lot more, so I dont think he was a very good father either. therefore, I think Icarus would try to gain Fable's attention and respect. I think Fable influenced their childhood a lot, they learned and followed him, and he realized that they were becoming a 'mini him' from a young age. I dont think Fable necesarily cared about them, more about their potential and what they could do in his benefit. because of that I think they followed Fable around, and Fable let them follow him and learn from him, but everytime they tried to say something of their own or had their own opinions, they would be quieted (yes, this is more of a theory/headcanon than anything else, but it seems correct based on what we have). connecting this, to how they're acting now makes sense to me. they're following Fable and agreeing with him, they haven't said a single thing that voiced their disapproval or their own opinion on the matters Fable is discussing. they just smile and nod, everytime he says something. Icarus also said to Rae that he's blindly trusting Enderian, and they were upset about him wanting to find inconsistencies in the overall story, as well as getting more than 1 point of view of the events from the past. they are upset that Rae even listens to Enderian, because in their eyes, she has done nothing good, she only manipulated and lied. they dont fully know, or dont want to accept how much control over them Enderian actually had during the corruption. they simply despise Enderian, and want to believe nothing she says or does. Fable appeared in their time of need. they were struggling with their memories, and Quixis was still around. Fable seemed to give them hope of actually progressing and getting information. they also discovered a family member, someone they didnt think they had. the idea of a family gave them hope to trust Fable, thinking he would have more information about them, their past and generally just helpful information. Fable promised them some sort of safety that they believed, and that was really their only actual lead, because none of the gods have proven to be of some sort of help. when they got Fable out, he immidiately helped to 'stop' Quixis which gave them another reason to trust him, but he immidiately used that to his advantage, first trying to create a bond between them, gain their trust and give them some sort of comfort and safety. after the incident in the library, he immidiately took over any sort of control Icarus had. he placed his opinions and ideas in them, giving them a straight line of thought and absolutely no place for disagreement. he manipulated them into not trusting Rae, and since they already were in some shock and distrust because of their own brother hurting them, they believed everything he said. involving Enderian in his logic made it even easier to believe for Icarus, since theyre very much not a fan of her and already disagree with everything she has done. blaming Enderian for basically every trouble they stumble upon is Fable's main card to getting Icarus to agree with what he's saying, not including just the overall manipulation (helicopter parenting, isolating them n stuff).
besides that I do think the pure instinc of following what Fable says and does is kicking in for them, since thats what they did as a child, it is some sort of safe ground for them to not get punished and it is easier to follow what their father figure says, instead of thinking about what is true and what is not, what does and does not make sense. it is easier for them to follow the lead, and they have been choosing the easier path before, so it doesnt come as much of a surprise
anyways.. i shouldnt be allowed to write a long post like that. if anyone read through that all, first of all thank you, second of all have a nice timezone mate (oh and sorry if there are spelling mistakes and/or formatting errors in the text)
i shall disappear to the void now
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
A long time ago, i broke up with my best friend.
But since i enjoyed being alone so much, I felt amicably ghosted. No hard feelings on my end. I never found out about hers or the why.
Then i happened to walk behind her and her new best friend at a school retreat, where they just shit talked the retreat speaker's vulnerability. And i realized what a relief it was to not have to pretend to be ok with her comments anymore. And i realized how much i had smiled, nodded, tried to see her side of things, and have always been simply in denial. I could never believe in other people NOT acting in their best nature. I had to have faith in people being good...because when in situations or relationships i couldn't get out of, the only way to survive, was for me to honestly believe it could not be as bad as even the slightest bad faith interpretations. I couldn't allow myself to believe a situation or relationship i was in, was bad. I have to nod along, smile, and be in internal denial with myself about my disagreements with others.
I say this, because when i watch myself constantly changing my mind, accepting all foods for thought, and just acting so gullible and easily influenced by every post from the FE3H fandom for the past few years, i feel i should admit that there is a voice in the back of my mind, that IS aware of my own opinions, and is unconfidently hanging on...but i just dont want to believe in bad faith interpretations of what others are posting. I don't want to believe I'm arrogant enough to know more and not need to listen to what others have to say, either. So i smile along with my best faith interpretations of them, and i say that i agree, or at least that i am persuaded. I make posts admitting that i am the gullible type. Because I really do get persuaded, and shove my personal opinions into my mind's back drawer.
Specifically right now, i just wanted to vent about how I've always preferred and headcanoned Dimiclaude as being sweet to each other. Dimitri is the proper, polite, and a little naieve, but later, idealistic prince, who adores Claude and gets the blushies from Claude's more bold demeanor. While Claude is internally fighting against the jaded experiences that the world has proven to him, vs the faith he has to have in humanity, in order to have the Hope necessary to move forward, beyond his trauma, all motivated by an inherently defiant, risk-taking personality he inherited from Tiana. Dimitri's instinctual, altruistic compassion serves as a glimmer of validation to all of Claude's Hopes about people, the world, and thus, his dream. Claude's imaginative practically in striving towards his dream feels wise, insightful, and admirable, seemingly-impossibly breaking through Dimitri's moments of despair. I headcanon Dimiclaude as having a lot of fondness for each other.
I've always had my own interpretations, but i feel like i let others' ideas steamroll thru them. I laugh along when other Dimiclaude shippers post about:
Claude being flirty. (He's playful, not flirty.)
Dimitri and Claude annoying each other. Like confusing Annoyance, for Passion, for Love. Straight out of an "enemies to lovers" plot. But instead of asserting that I don't like "enemies to lovers", i smile along. (Maybe i enjoyed the communal enthusiasm too much.)
Dimitri exasperated with Claude. I know Fire Emblem Engage had to portray all 3 lords as having friction with each other, to justify their bracelet's "Emblem of Rivals" name. But being critical and exasperated with Claude was Edelgard's thing. Dimitri is not like that. He's always been very welcoming, impressed, and had faith in Claude. Even that one time he overheard Claude's schemes for the Battle Of Eagle & Lion, he sounded so genuinely shocked with disbelief that Claude would do anything bad. If Fire Emblem Engage wanted to justify the "Emblem of Rivals" name by portraying friction between the 3 Lords, it's supposed to go: Claude says something jokingly, Edelgard is exasperated with him, Dimitri sincerely believes Claude's words too quickly/literally, then Edelgard critiques Dimitri's naivete. That's even how their relationship dynamics were portrayed in one of their first introductory cutscenes together in the FE3H canon.
All of those things listed above, were funny in the moment. Whether in a fanfic, a posted headcanon, or even in Fire Emblem Engage. And it was fun, jumping in on all the fangirling over those silly moments. But they weren't really indicative of the original Claude and Dimitri FE3H canon portrayals that I fell for. It was fun to fangirl along with the community. But that's not how I really believe Dimiclaude to be. Or at least, not how I personally prefer to see them as. Other people may prefer to see them as flirty, annoying each other, and Dimitri exasperated with Claude. And yes, it's still funny sometimes, even to me. A quick fanart or fancomic of those things are hilarious. But that's not really how I personally see Dimiclaude. I don't ascribe to those portrayals, but at the time, it was fun to laugh along.
But last July (2022), i had had my last straw. The majority of the fandom was fangirling about Dimiclaude just bullying each other and that being peak entertainment. ...Bullying is one of my biggest pet peeves. I have dropped numerous, extremely popular, extremely well-made anime series for portaying too much bullying. I don't find it entertaining. I find it triggering. In fact, it used to make me instantaneously go into an almost-violent rage. It still faintly makes me feel the need to enact physical violence. I don't want Bullying in my Dimiclaude. Enough teasing from Claude to make Dimitri blush, yes. But not them being sharply biting towards each other.
And this was already amid prevalent headcanons/jokes in the fandom about constantly teasing, debasing, and humiliating Claude. Bringing Claude "down a peg" has become others' popular headcanons. Whether being made the fool or the butt of jokes by Cyril, Felix, or any number of characters, it's become far too popular for my comfort to watch Claude so frequently thought of as just the butt of jokes. Someone to reveal as foolish and not as cool as he acts. I've even gotten tired of some headcanons about Dimitri making Claude blush. It was fine when it was for emotionally touching reasons, but headcanons where Dimitri exposes Claude as just a fool and exasperatedly putting up with it, had become common at one point. And I have to start admitting that it wasn't to my tastes.
So i think it's time i assert MY preferred headcanons, instead of just smiling along. I realized recently---after seeing a disillusioned Dimiclaude shipper's post expressing my SAME fatigue with this "gleeful demeaning of Claude" that has become the fandom's fun recently---that i should stop believing in the best in people's own headcanon posts. I need to stop wasting time, trying to convince myself that "they dont mean it as bad as it sounds". I just need to admit that i just have different headcanons from a vast majority of the Dimiclaude fandom, and they are just enjoying this ship in a completely different way from me. I had just wanted to join a sense of communal fangirling. But i need to accept that though we are in the same ship fandom, we are enthusiastic about very different things. Maybe even fans of completely different things that have the same name: Dimiclaude.
Well, actually i love Claude more than Dimitri, so maybe i should start using "Claumitri" or "Claudimi". 💛🦌🏹💛
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stylesyourmine · 3 years
safe space ll jj maybank <3
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a/n: hi my lovelies! since i posted my last fic, i've seen so much love on it! wanted to say thank you so much for this warm welcome <3 if you're new here, dont worry i am too! i absolutely loved writing that fic :) please please please feel free to leave feedback in the comments or in the ask box! (it helps a ton) anyways, lets just get straight into today's fic....
pairings: jj x reader
protective!jj soft!jj
word count: 1569
warnings: cursing, fighting with parents, nothing more really.
it was a wednesday morning, bright and early at the exact time of 10:12 am. 'shit', you thought, you should've been in school. but instead of getting up and actually doing something to react to that statement you stayed tangled in your cozy warm sheets. you were doing nothing more than staring at a wall.
this whole week had felt off, you hadn't been to school once. you weren't one to ever miss classes like this, to not do anything but mope. but you honestly just couldn't help it. you and your parents had been having some disagreements lately, some over stupid shit like taking out the trash or cleaning the dishes. but then there were others, like the biggest one, that basically started this all. you quitting your job.
your parents had owned a major clothing shop in figure 8, but it just got to be way too much. you weren't focusing at all, on anything other than this job. it was like it owned you.
you guys weren't rich, but you weren't poor either. you sort of lived in the middle of the pogue/kook borders. you were always considered a pogue though. to go around calling yourself a kook would be social death. the high school you went to was on the pogue side of the island, and so were all of your friends, and boyfriend. yet another big topic on the terms of disagreements.
the pogues were bad influences.
so your parents said anyways, little do they know you were the one scoring the weed every month. it was exhausting, coming out of your room to find your parents yelling at you for minor things that really only bothered them because they were already pissed at you. it wasn't like they were shorthanded, because you really only worked there to make money of your own. no. they were mad because in their minds, you quit because you wanted more time to hang out with your friends. its not a total lie, but it isn't complete truth either. you weren't happy there, everyday it was stress on top of stress and you just didn't want that anymore. you wanted to focus on school and your social life. why couldn't they accept that?
from : my boyfriend <3
hey baby, checking up on you- you've missed school this whole week and haven't text me/seen me since sunday. you ok?
from : john bizzle b
yo. where are you? i need the answers to ms.reds test tmr. call me.
from : braniac maniac
y/n, you are only allowed 7 absences before its a failure grade. you have 3 already, dont make me march to your house. also, are you doing alright?
you picked up your phone, reading the texts in order they came from. pope had text you first, then john b, then jj. god, you didn't even let them know you didn't feel like going in. they didn't even know about the fights with your parents, you didn't want them feeling like it was their faults.
groaning from the bright light, you sent a quick text back to only jj, hoping he would relay the message. you didn't have the energy to text them all back.
to : my boyfriend <3
pay attention to your classes lover boy, i'm fine dont worry. love you.
sighing out loud, you got up out of bed, praying and hoping that neither of your parents were home to bust you. and just as you thought it, and turned your doorknob its like it was magic, your mom was standing in front of you with her arms crossed. her figure made you jump back a little, that of all things was not what you were expecting. how were you getting out of this one?
"what the hell do you think you're doing home? you have school last i checked." her tone was demanding, she was not joking around. she was waiting for a legitimate answer. one that maybe just maybe you could pin some fake illness on?
"i um- i woke up and didn't feel so goo-" you started,
your phone interrupted your excuse, making you stop talking and both of your eyes fall to your side, where your hand was holding it. your mothers hand outreaches and grabs it, reading whatever text was on the screen. her face flashed with anger as she turned the phone, having it face you now.it was jj. shit. you knew this couldn't be good, especially how your parents feel about jj.
from : my boyfriend <3
fuck the classes, i'm coming over after school. no negotiations. i love you.
great. now your mom thought you weren't going to school because of jj. she flipped the phone towards her again and shook her head with a negative attitude.
"this phone. its mine now. no more friends, no more jj. you're going back to school tomorrow but for now?! now you're going into your room. go." she pointed towards inside your room, you guys had been standing at your door for the whole time.
you couldn't understand how she didn't give you a chance to explain what had happened, not now and not when you wanted to explain why you quit.
you started to protest, "but mom i-"
"no complaining. no phone, no friends, no jj. that's it." she then to your surprise, took your door handle and slammed the door shut in front of your face, with such disrespect.
at that moment, you just couldn't. the tears wouldn't stop coming, you wanted out of here. all you wanted to do is scream. at the top of your lungs. you were panicking and sobbing.
6:23 pm......
you're now lying on the cold floor of your bedroom, with tears all over your face. once you hear that ridiculous noise one more time, you get up, it coming from your window. you opened the curtain to see a certain fluffy blonde haired- green eyed hunk you so knew as your boyfriend down at the bottom of the yard. he'd been throwing rocks at the window to get your attention.
"heyy! finally, y/n/n i've called you like 12 times! what are you do- are you crying?" he squinted and climbed the ladder you put up mischievously one day, in order for jj to get in and out whenever he needed.
you sniffled in and dropped your face on your bed, directly behind you. just as jj came up, his hands landed on your waist puling you up from whatever you were trying to do.
"hey hey hey pretty girl- why are we cryin?" his hands immediately came up to your face and wiped all the hair that was stuck to your face and you just grabbed him in for a big embrace. you needed him. all the fighting, all the headaches, the only thing you ever needed was him.
you brought your hand up to your nose, vigorously wiping your face, trying to calm down a bit.
"my parents- i quit my job, which you know but i did it because it was so so stressful. and now they grounded me because i feel like i'm entitled to more time with you and the rest of the pogues then working. my mom-she saw the last text you had sent me and thought i was ditching to be with you. i just couldn't do it anymore j. its like they wont give me a break." he just stared at you with his deep green eyes, making you feel so much better already.
slipping past him quickly, you grab a duffel bag- grabbing whatever clothes you can find around you. he looks at you with a sad expression on his face, as you raced around your room.
"what are you doing baby?" he asked slowly.
"i'm leaving. we're leaving. to the chateau, or anywhere. i just cant be here." with the bag now full you went up to him, him grabbing your hand and helping you down the ladder. first you threw your clothes, and then climbed down with his help.
you saw the twinkie, and familiar faces when you ran up to it. jj reaching out to the door, opening it for you. you got in and saw your friends- pope, kie, john b, and sarah all waiting in there for you. they were there for you. they all greeted you, asked what was wrong and attacked you with all sorts of questions as jj backed out of your families driveway as fast as he could. your heart was pumping. this was riveting.
once you got to the chateau, everyone got out and john b took your duffel, shouting out a remark about how he would be waiting for you inside to study.
leaving you and jj outside of the twinkie, staring at the moon.
"its gonna be okay sweetheart, i promise." his fingers intertwined with yours and suddenly, everything was going to be okay.
because he, was your safe space.
a/n: hi hi!! this was my second go at a fic! what are we thinkin?! please please feel free to drop some feedback in the comments, it would help tremendously. im so proud of these lately! thank you all <3
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you mean by you don’t think femme4femme is a thing? Like do you not agree with it or not think people have that experience, or is a historical or terminological disagreement?
no like theres plenty of feminine women who want to fuck other feminine women it just doesnt really have much to do with the butch/femme subculture and like most people who are going out of their way to announce that they're femme4femme are just doing it in a defensive like uhmm i only like pretty cute soft pink uwu girlsss 🥺 way thats just terminally irritating 😭 ur the default majority already so it like comes hand in hand with this idea that butch4femme couples are like somehow privileged and proximal to heterosexuality or something ... and to me in that context femme is just meaning like that ur a feminine woman in purely aesthetic terms so like idrc if ur using that word to describe who u wanna bang in the appropriate context, but i dont think it constitutes a femme identity in the butchfemme way which literally only exists in the first place out of courting rituals between butch and femme women. so yeah its historical/terminological for sure, hopefully what i said makes sense<3
i do think its worth considering like how internalised lesbophobia and the stigmatisation of gnc women etc might be affecting this and like i say, a lot of the like aggressively femme4femme ppl are young gays w a lot of internalised lesbophobia who need to make it clear that theyre like an acceptable pretty soft whatever lesbian not like those dykes, but thats not me saying that ur problematic for not fancying butches or something - like were the roles reversed id be the exact same bc feminine women just arent what's attractive to me n thats fine. but the reason a lot of our hackles go up at that term is because through experience we've come to associate it with dehumanisation of our partners and dismissal of our desire, etc. a lot of ppl have some kind of variation and maybe like really androgynous girls or all sorts of girls who are both feminine and masculine or whatever whereas i feel like if ur out the gate dismissive of anyone whos not hyperfeminine that is just to me more likely a sign that uve got some stuff to deal with. but thats for u & like ill never dismiss someone purely based on who theyre attracted to thats crazy but if ur framing it in a way thats clearly defensive against proximity to the gnc women in ur community or something then yeah i dont think you have any right to the subculture which they built and defended as a safe space from people exactly like u!! i hope that makes sense and any follow up qs are totally welcome if i said anything that confused u or u dont agree, i hope i dont come off hostile or anything 🥺 also i just realised i have a really bad habit of oscillating between second and third person when i start talking about an abstract group so jic im not referring to YOU, anon but to like a vague ye <3
#ask#anon#butchfemme#feminine lesbians who like other feminine women can still be gnc and have complicated gender bla bla etc etc etc#i just mean this one specific history and subculture it doesnt make any sense for u to claim if u have no interest in butches#and like im alwayssss saying terms just exist to describe experiences so im not like gatekeeping ur experience or whatever#im just saying the term femme in that sense has no meaning to me outside of the experience of like relating to butches in a certain way#so idrc if ur like#saying that on ur dating profile to communicate who ur interested in w/e#its just the girls who come on here and are all omggg can we stop erasing femme4femme femmes!!!! or whatever#please turn on any lesbian tv show ever and tell me where this erasure is queen#i feel like im struggling to explain the type of person bc its like ...iykyk#but usually if i meet someone who just happens to like fem girls theyre not going to be all OMG I ONLY LIKE PRETTY PURE SOFT DELICATE GIRLS#EYELINER HIGH HEELS MINI SKIRTS CHRISSY CHALALAPECKA<333#the second i meet them whereas if im on some girls acc n shes got 'femme4femme' in her bio 9/10 times i scroll down her blog n its very tha#and ik these girls would define me . a stone femme . as like butchy femme or soft butch or w/e#because the fact that im obviously the 'girl one' when i stand next to a masc one is how im conceiving of myself#rather than like what would a str8 guy think if he saw me walking down the street#sorry this is sooo long i just feel like its such a Thing and like all of us know without saying exactly why i dont like it but i do wanna#explain what that is so it doesnt look like im just being a hater to girls who like that pic of the girl putting makeup on the other girl#or w/e#im an ally to ur culture just wish it was more mutual <//3
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steelycunt · 2 years
what do you think the lupins think about sirius getting disowned? ofc hope wouldn’t know the history behind his family, but would that change anything in lyall’s mind about his opinion of sirius? and how would hope handle it? I imagine she would try to be as welcoming as possible, not just because it’s in her nature and she would have done that anyway, but also because there’s more on the line since she wouldn’t want him to feel turned away by her (lyall… a diff story isn’t it). also, I don’t think she would see it as “he got disowned by a powerful wizarding family” but rather “he got turned away by his own parents” yk?
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hello hello 2 u both!! to some extent my thoughts on this depend on how well they really know sirius when this happens, which i imagine to be--not very (at least in lyall's case--i reckon he kept his distance from sirius as remus' friend, but had less of a choice about this once sirius was remus' boyfriend). also--im not sure when they'd find out? would remus tell them? i definitely dont think he'd tell them about stuff like the prank, though admittedly this isn't really a similar thing.
anyway, going off the basis that they find out around when it happens, i agree with first anon that hope would be very welcoming about it (though she always would be), and probably wouldnt have had a dissimilar reaction to the potters if sirius had turned up on their doorstep rather than james', despite the fact that the lupins definitely have less money and means with which to take in another sixteen year old boy. seeing as she isn't familiar with the noble and most ancient shit surrounding sirius' family, her perception of sirius would pretty much always b shaped by remus' relationship with him, and therefore she trusts that he's a good person + friend who's had a shite deal. so as u say, in that situation she just sees a boy whose parents treated him so poorly that he had no option but to leave, and therefore feels a need to make it clear that he is loved + welcomed in their home and would probably be even more on lyall's case about the way he thinks of him.
i don't imagine lyall to have had many run-ins with sirius at this point, honestly. i can't imagine he's been to their house that many times, and so its one of those dad situations where you can have a bestfriend for six years that you regularly mention at home and your dad has still only clapped eyes on/spoken to them like...twice, in all that time. nevertheless, he's heard of sirius' family, and that's largely responsible for how he views sirius (+ the fact that he views sirius...negatively). i think he only really starts meeting sirius for himself more regularly once he's dating remus, and for the sake of this conversation we're going to say that's after sirius is disowned, though it could well be before. as for his view on it...at first i honestly don't think he'd care much. i can't see him doing a sharp 180 on his view of sirius, the same way he couldn't have done a sharp 180 on his view of werewolves after remus was bitten. i imagine initially he sort of thinks, well, ok, he's disowned, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's any better than them. it could well just mean that there were disagreements within the family or he didn't want to live up to his role as heir or they're all just horrible people, and sirius removing himself from that situation does not necessarily, as far as lyall is concerned, demonstrate some great difference in character between him and the rest of his family. lyall is constantly wary of the danger that pureblood families like the blacks + their ideologies pose to his son, which massively affects his (rather dogmatic) attitude towards sirius. he accepts sirius' friendship with remus, he's never going to do anything to try and intervene there, but he never quite trusts him.
i think this is roughly his initial view, but over time + particularly after r/s start dating, and become adults who live together + it becomes undeniable that sirius intends to make a life with his son, lyall gradually accepts that sirius must actually be alright, and that there must actually be some differences between him and his family that were reflected in his being disowned as a boy. by now they aren't really going to see each other all that much anymore anyway, but he does definitely make his peace with sirius and his intentions towards remus.
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In one of your earlier episodes, you mentioned J/G/R's testimony in the high court case, and that it had been disingenuous in some way. Do you recall in what way, exactly? Or if not, do you remember the source you got that take from? (ie please dont make me read the actual court transcripts...lol) Love you guys! keep being awesome!
Hello! Thank you! :) I believe this issue was discussed in my conversation with Erin Torkelson Weber—although I'm sure we addressed it in the Breakup Series as well (btw to answer another message, part 2 of my conversation with Erin will be up in the next month).
The gist of what John, George, and Ringo communicated/implied was that the band COULD continue if only Paul would be reasonable and accept Klein; that it was Paul who was breaking up the Beatles with his diva-like behavior and unreasonable demands. Erin argues they did this for PR reasons, I would argue that there is evidence to support the possibility that John, George, and Ringo would have been open to a reconciliation. On the other hand, they lied through their teeth in their affidavits so...? Still, lying on their affidavits doesn’t eliminate the possibility that they would have been open to discussions with Paul had he bowed and accepted Klein. Since then, writers have backed the assertion that Paul broke up the Beatles WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PROMOTING the story that John 100% quit the Beatles first, effectively breaking up the band (as was his right as commander-in chief/leader-at-every-moment Lennon). I don't know why WHY authors are so sure that John was out in September 1969...but I guess that gives him the agency while also blaming McCartney?
Excerpt from the Beatles and the Historians: "Lennon, pivoting away from the Lennon Remembers interview of only a few months earlier, also argued that while McCartney was acting selfishly and unreasonably any personal or musical disagreements between them could be overcome. In stark contrast to Lennon's statements to Rolling Stone that there was "not a chance" of the Beatles recording together again, Lennon declared that the group still could perform as a functioning unit once McCartney simply bowed to the majority rule and accepted Klein. (Diana's comment: McCartney disputed the “majority rule” concept, arguing that traditionally Beatles’ decisions were unanimous; McCartney also quoted the song GOD to prove that Lennon no longer identified with the group). From Doggett (who I don't recommend, nevertheless his book contains good information): " Lennon's affidavit...from our earliest days in Liverpool, George and I on the one hand and Paul on the other had different musical tastes. Paul preferred "pop type" music and we preferred what is now called "underground". This may have led to arguments, particularly between Paul and George, but the contrast in our tastes, I am sure, did more good than harm, musically speaking, and contributed to our success.' The truth was being stretched beyond the laws of physics. The contrast of 'musical tastes' was not only inaccurate and intended to denigrate McCartney's work, but Lennon's claim that he welcomed the mix of styles was sharply at odds with his scathing comments about his partner in his recent Rolling Stone interview. Fortunately for Lennon, the magazine's distribution network did not extend to the High Court." From Erin's book again (The Historians and the Beatles): "The testimony of all four Beatles, which quickly became public, made a lasting impression on the public perception of the group's artistry and its inner workings. As with Lennon Remembers, parts of Trial testimony were used by Beatle's' writers for decades to explain the group's working relationship as well as its dissolution, but few authors addressed the very real agendas or omissions that the testimony contained. There were no irresolvable conflicts within the Beatles; and while Lennon, Harrison, and Starr wanted to save the band, McCartney wanted to end it. This was the initial version of the breakup that searched into the public consciousness. ...at the time McCartney's distrust of Klein was widely viewed as unreasonable — reporters described it as "irrational" while Lennon, Harrison, and Starr's reluctance to being managed by McCartney's in-laws, the Eastmans, was perfectly understandable. ... McCartney had unequivocally won the first crucial round in the Beatles legal battle, even if he now found himself hated by the press, the fans and the other band members Klein, unable to personally defend himself at the trial, went on a press offensive, ...he identifies McCartney as the instigator "if anyone broke up the Beatles, it was him" and does not mention Lennon's September 1969 departure. He downplays the intimacy of the men's friends, blaming McCartney's behavior for any distance "every time John let his guard down McCartney hurt him" — and pronounces Lennon's supremacy in the Lennon/McCartney partnership"John had written most of the stuff. Kelin repeatedly reassures reads of Lennon, Harrison and Starr's personal and professional happiness and their eagerness to credit him for it. Kelin portrays himself as a champion of artists...Klein repeated many of these arguments in his interview with peter McCabe. He attributed their loss at the trial not to legitimate questions regarding his financial deals but to his "anti-establishment" status, buttressing his and Lennon's reputation as rock and roll rebels. Reinforcing the message that the major disagreement lay with the Eastmans. He reassured everyone he would be happy to accept McCartney back and speculated that it would take two years for the other man to see the error of his ways.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Anonymous said:
you're really out here lecturing people about their t100 bitterness when you whined for a year about GoT despite not even watching the show to see how it ACTUALLY played out. Maybe you should practice what you preach and stop spreading negativity about a show you didn't even watch.
See here’s the difference. 
When I made statements about GOT, i kept it on my blog. Which is NOT linked deep into the fandom. I’ve mostly stayed out of GoT fandom. I never sent anyone asks about my disagreements. I never bothered people who LOVED how it ended. And be aware, I think some of the interpretations of the ending for certain characters as “good” are not good. And you know what I did? 
Minded my own business. 
When people asked me my thoughts about why GOT didn’t work, I answered.
In fact, almost everything I say on my blog is because someone asked me my opinion. You yourself ARE ASKING ME MY OPINION about your damn, nosy, critical opinion.
I have analyzed what I saw as failures of the show and how they didn’t live up to the promises.
AND I waited until the show was over to do it. 
I don’t agree with the 100 fandom’s assessment of the story. IF we get to the end of the story and Bellarke is not wrapped up, then maybe I will. As of yet, I DO NOT. AND I AM STILL ENJOYING THE SHOW.
I barely write about GOT at all. Maybe six times since it ended. Often just briefly. I’m a writer, I’m allowed to talk about story. So are you for that matter.
In fact, I’ve said more critical things about the 100 than I have about GOT, because I LET GO AND MOVED ON. AND I DONT OBSESS ABOUT IT. And I dont’ intrude on other people’s fandom experience by demanding they shut up.
I dont’ say you can’t have your opinions. That would be dumb. I say LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT. 
And i find it SO very interesting that with the population that is MOST critical of the show they are so obsessed about are completely unable to accept any criticism of their own statements, opinions, theories and interpretations.
It’s like you think you have a right to slag on the show and call it terrible, but when people put the same critical assessment towards YOU, you’re mortally offended and feel like they have no right to have opinions about the content that YOU have put out.
The opinions, the blogs, the tweets, that’s all content. And it is now part of what fandom can have opinions about.
Guess what? I believe that your interpretation of the 100 is shallow, narrowminded, and missing the story.
Welcome to the world. Just because you think you’re right doesn’t mean that your opinion is unassailable. 
But even so, you won’t find me telling you you’re wrong. I mean, you as a person. I don’t know who you are because you’re a coward who sends anon asks to people you don’t agree with. 
With all the people I don’t agree in fandom, find me someone I’ve argued with, on THEIR blog, in THEIR comments, on THEIR twitter. You won’t. Because when people post opinions I don’t agree with, I move on and leave them to their opinion.
I haven’t had an argument on someone else’s blog in, like three years. I stopped. I stopped reblogging other people’s meta, even when I agree with them because I’m done. ALL I DO IS POST MY OPINION. If that opinion disagrees with your own, that’s just too damn bad. And I ask that you keep your dissenting opinion off my blog, out of my replies, and out of my inbox.
Me practicing what I preach: don’t send nasty anons, disagree on my own blog, ignore people who post things I don’t like, keep my opinion on my own posts.
you: blocked.
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iamknicole · 5 years
Unicorns & Rainbows (AU)
Family Ties
Apryl had gone to see her cousin. The two of them hadn't spoken much since Haleigh had gotten pregnant. They had a disagreement about how Kandice felt about it and hadn't been on the same page since.
Roman let Apryl in and let her know that Kandice was up in Haleigh's room. When Apryl got upstairs, she stood in the doorway of the bedroom watching her cousin dust and clean.
"Kandi what are you doing? It ain't dirty in here." Apryl laughed going to sit on the bed.
"It was dusty, Apryl. I'm only dusting." She mumbled still wiping down one of the dressers.
Apryl sighed looking around the room. "You know dusting and cleaning won't make them come back home."
Kandice rolled her eyes trying to ignore her cousin. She knew Apryl was right but she didn't want to admit it. Figuring if she kept it clean Haleigh would know that she was waiting on them.
"Don't try to force yourself on them. You and Tasha both. That's only gonna push them away more. Give them time."
"They're our babies, I cant just let them be. I want them to come home."
"But you need to," Apryl said softly. "They've already moved out and Hae is leaving the bakery. They need space, Kandi. As much as you want the opposite, give them their space."
Kandice frowned and turned to face her cousin. "How did you know Hae was leaving the bakery? I just got her two weeks yesterday, I haven't told anyone not even Roman."
Apryl cussed under her breath which didn't go unnoticed by her cousin.
"So you're the reason why she's pulling away from me? I make one mistake you just swoop in tryna take my place."
"Kandice, I'm not tryna take your place," Apryl said standing from the bed. "I am simply helping her and Ardian so that they dont accept it from the wrong people. Don't you sleep better knowing that they're okay and safe?"
Kandice thought for a second then laughed sarcastically. "They're staying in you and Jey's first place. Let me guess, she's leaving the bakery to go to your store."
Apryl sighed.
"Jey and I were trying to help. We wanted to make sure they were safe. They're 16, do you know what would've happened to them if we didn't help?"
"If you and him wanted to help then you should've told them to stay home where they were safe!"
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"First, their minds were made up, they were moving whether we helped or not. Second, I wouldn't tell them to stay where even I knew they weren't welcomed. You and Tasha can try to blame whoever you want to but you both know that this is on the two of you. Yeah you were mad when you found out Koda was having sex just like me and Trin were with our boys but guess what we did," Apryl paused dramatically, "We got over it and accepted it. We pacified them with that boys will be boys shit. So why wasn't it the same for Hae?"
"That's not the same thing. They didnt get anyone pregnant."
"Yeah probably because they're fathers showed them how to wear a condom properly and didn't just give them the damn box. You could've taught her how to put one on her self like mama and Auntie Carmen did with us. Or you could've put her on birth control when she turned 14 like our mothers did. There were options, the sex talk wasn't enough."
Standing quietly, Kandice stared at her cousin with tears in her eyes. She put the back of her hand to her nose. She was so angry with herself. Why couldn't she go back and change it?
"You can be mad and accuse me of tryna to take your spot but I know that you're thankful I stepped in to help. I dont know if you have completely ruined your relationship with your daughter but I do know that you hurt her bad and at this point she can do without having you in her life right now," Apryl told her honestly. "I'm not gon sugarcoat shit. This is not unicorns and rainbows, this is real, raw and uncut. If that girl decides to never talk to you a day in her life and keep King from you and Tasha nobody would blame her or him. Just like we told our children "sorry" is a sorry word and it font fix everything."
With that, Apryl left the room. She couldn't stay too much longer with her cousin. There was much more that she wanted to day to Kandice but now wasn't the time. She hoped she lit a higher fire under her ass and gave her more to think about. Even though she would hate it for Kandice, she knew Haleigh wasn't far from completely cutting her mama off.
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chire-central · 5 years
Hi. I am an agere and regress due to trauma. Tbh I am nonsexual in and out of regression in general. I read a little about chire and cglre and I like the idea of not being associated with kink. I however do call my partner Dada or cg or variants as a term of endearment. Then it seem like a lot of hate is on the ChiRe community and not a lot of people accept it. I do not mind cglre people and I know people have their own life and all but sexual things make me really uncomfortable. :/
Howdy! Well, in terms of hate/disagreement of people with chire, a lot of people who are connected with cgl have chire on their blacklists bc we just dont interact with eachother. Other agere people geel uncomfortable with us because some old mods of ours did and said some bad things in out old discord and hurt people, but theyre not here anymore.
I cant tell you whether you would ultimately feel more comfortable in chire or cglre, but i hope which ever you choose its whats best for you. I know the cglre community is doing its best to seperate itself from its connection to cgl (despite the name) and thats its non kink, so some people feel best there. Some people prefer chire because we have no kink associations and they have bad experiences with cgl. So while id be glad to welcome you to the chire communiry, it all depends on what youre most comfortable with.
Also, theres a lot of chirebs who use parental language for their significant others/carers, so thats really no problem!
Im sorry if this answer seems really wishy washy!
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prostitution isn’t work
in response to this article:
so the claim here is that prostitution is transactionary. no disagreements there. the question is, what is being bought and sold in this transaction? is it a service? or a product?
Sex work – not that radfems would ever use the phrase – isn’t viewed simply as a commercial transaction but rather, as blood money exchanged for abuse that can only ever happen in a world where women are unequal. That selling sex somehow reduces every woman to a commodity, valued exclusively for the extent to which we’re found fuckable.
is letting a man you dont desire have sex with you “doing work”? if that is the case, then why to prostituted women become less desirable “service providers” as they get older? wouldn’t their experience make them highly sought after, as is seen in other service industries? and if it’s apparently a skill (rather than a surrender of bodily autonomy), then why isn’t it taught in schools? why don’t we teach children about butchers and bakers and prostitutes?
why can’t you get a diploma in prostitution? why doesn’t it need to be taught at all? the job is compared to miners and minimum wage earners but those people need training to learn how to complete the task, prostituted women require no such training because sex is not a skill nor a service, it’s an act of intimacy.
if a man goes to his accountants office and finds his accountant passed out on the floor, he can’t get his taxes done. if a man goes to a prostitute and finds her passed out, he can still do what he came to do, because he doesn’t want a service fulfilled, he wants a body to control and exploit. this transaction isn’t about doing something for your client, it’s about letting him do something to you, which is not the same as providing a service
Radfems love to present testimony of industry “survivors” who were abused as children, have substance abuse problems, mental health calamities, or have experienced bad industry treatment and are now abolitionists. Heavy reliance on such testimony is severely problematic.
As revolting as it is, every industry is full of women who were abused as children. Why? Because the numbers of abused women the world over is deplorable.
Welcome to neoliberalism where presenting evidence and statistics to support an argument is “severely problematic.” Every industry is going to have some proportion of women who were abused as children, but none are as high as they are in prostitution:
Associations between childhood maltreatment and sex work in a cohort of drug-using youth
The prevalence rates for abuse in the sample were 73% for physical abuse; 32.4% for sexual abuse; 86.8% for emotional abuse; 84.5% for physical neglect; and 93% for emotional neglect.
Juvenile Prostitution and Child Sexual Abuse: A Controlled Study
The present study indicates 73% of prostitutes were sexually abused in childhood, compared to 29% of a control group obtained in a random population survey.
Prostitution in Vancouver: violence and the colonization of First Nations women.
Seventy-two percent reported childhood physical abuse, 90% had been physically assaulted in prostitution, 78% had been raped in prostitution. Seventy-two percent met DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. Ninety-five percent said that they wanted to leave prostitution. Eighty-six percent reported current or past homelessness with housing as one of their most urgent needs. Eighty-two percent expressed a need for treatment for drug or alcohol addictions.
Early Developmental Experiences of Female Sex Workers: A Comparative Study                                              
Sex workers described both parents as less caring than did the OWCSA women. They were significantly more likely than the OWCSA women to report childhood sexual abuse. The sex workers were more likely to have left home early, to have become pregnant before the age of 19 years and to not have completed tertiary study.
Adolescent prostitution in Canada and the Philippines
45% of the EX group and 23% of controls had been abused by different assailants on at least two different occasions; assailants were a biological father for 21% of the EX and 4% of the controls. Of the EX, 73%, and 46% of the control group were abused before age 10; 45% of the EX and 2% of the control group had been abused continuously for more than a year; 43% of the EX and 6% of controls had been abused on at least 20 separate occasions. Of the EX, 80%, and 12% of the sexually abused controls had experienced intercourse during the abuse.
Sexual Abuse as a Precursor to Prostitution and Victimization Among Adolescent and Adult Homeless Women
The results suggest that early sexual abuse increases the probability of involvement in prostitution irrespective of any influence exerted through factors such as running away from home, substance abuse, and other deviant activities.
If the sisterhood can support my decision to swallow contraceptive pills or terminate an unwanted pregnancy, then there is a duty for them to support my choice to have as much or as little sex as I like and, if I so choose, put a price tag on that sex.
Decriminalized prostitution, where both purchasing and profiteering off of prostituted women was legalized as well as the act of prostitution itself, has been shown to increase sex trafficking in countries who have implemented it (x x). Many sex-posi feminists argue that this is because of a safer reporting atmosphere that artificially inflates the recorded instances of sex trafficking, however that theory fails to explain why countries who implement the Nordic model, where only the act of prostitution is decriminalized, don’t see a rise in sex trafficking.
We live in a society where every right a citizen has imposes responsibilities on the rest of the citizens in that society; you don’t have the right to exercise your bodily autonomy by punching another woman in the face. You also don’t have the right to exercise your bodily autonomy by helping to perpetuate a cycle of misogynistic abuse that harms literally millions of women and girls all over the planet. You can’t claim that sex work is work and then also claim that selling your body is an individual choice with no externalities; morals aside, that’s not how an economy or an industry works.
Coerced participation, trafficking and lacklustre working conditions are used to pad out the claim that no sex worker has truly chosen their toil. Not only is such an argument predicated on the false-consciousness argument so intoxicating for radfems, but it pretends that sex work is some kind of special case; that sex work shouldn’t exist because there’s certain labour that simply shouldn’t be sold.
Prostitution is not “labour” and purchased sex cannot philosophically be consented to; it is compliant sex, at best.
Point to any industry and there will be examples of bad practices, abused workers, and unsafe conditions.
This is simply not comparable, no other industry has the same risk profile as prostitution in terms of type of harm suffered nor prevalence.
Welcome, my friends, to capitalism. This doesn’t make trafficking or coercion unimportant issues, but equally, it doesn’t make their presence in the sex industry a special case. There are no shortages of industries that need better oversight. But equally, in no other industry where bad practices exist do we ever talk of abolition.
No kind of oversight is ever going to make the sex trade an acceptably   harmless enterprise to women. Bad practices don’t just “exist” in the sex trade, the sex trade is a bad practice. There’s literally no way to make it good. The vast majority of prostituted women are trafficked and coerced, and guess what? If they didn’t exist, the sex trade would collapse because of lack of supply. If only privileged Western camgirls and high class off-street prostitutes existed, which is what non-coerced non-trafficked “sex work” would look like (in theory, statistically even those fully consenting women will experience rape and sexual assault while “working” at some point), there would be a ~90% undersupply. And then what do you think would happen? Would the millionaire profiteers of the sex trade throw up their hands in defeat and walk away from a cheap (or free), easily sourced product that can be sold hundreds of times over? Of course not! The sex trade literally could not survive without rape and exploitation, the same cannot be said for any other industry.
Criminalising an entire industry because of isolated bad examples takes away choice from free-will participants and justifies doing so on the behaviour of abusers. Doing so is victim-blaming and paternalistic.
Under the Nordic model, only buying sex or selling someone elses’ body for sex would be illegal, prostituted women themselves wouldn’t be criminals. Those “isolated bad examples” are the status quo, they’re not rare or exceptional in the slightest. The free will participants of this industry are a minority; implying that the rest of these women are just going to have to suffer so that the privileged minority can do what they want is paternalistic, and saying that women are treated badly in the sex trade because of “isolated examples” and not the underlying dynamics of the industry is victim blaming.
Prostitution and Trafficking in 9 Countries: Update on Violence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
We interviewed 854 people currently or recently in prostitution in 9 countries (Canada, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United States, and Zambia), inquiring about current and lifetime history of sexual and physical violence. We found that prostitution was multitraumatic: 71% were physically assaulted in prostitution; 63% were raped; 89% of these respondents wanted to escape prostitution, but did not have other options for survival. 75% had been homeless at some point in their lives; 68% met criteria for PTSD. Severity of PTSD symptoms was strongly associated with the number of different types of lifetime sexual and physical violence. Our findings contradict common myths about prostitution: the assumption that street prostitution is the worst type of prostitution, that prostitution of men and boys is different from prostitution of women and girls, that most of those in prostitution freely consent to it, that most people are in prostitution because of drug addiction, that prostitution is qualitatively different from trafficking, and that legalizing or decriminalizing prostitution would decrease its harm.
In the radfem imagination, for the selling of sex to be understood as so very horrible sex is understood as having special properties; that it can never just be labour like any other, seemingly because no other job necessitates so much cock.
First of all, the aggressive cock talk doesn’t do much to combat the perception that critiques of radical feminism are often underpinned by lesbophobia. Doctors look at cocks all the time as a part of their professional occupation, and radfems don’t object to that, because a service is being performed in that context and neither party is harmed, nor do they receive sexual gratification.
Radfems apparently find it inconceivable that women could actually chose to have contact with a penis they’re not in love with. That having random-cock-contact could actually be found fun or lucrative or even a preferable use of one’s workday than toil in a factory, a lecture theatre or a coal mine.
Casual sex is a pretty common thing and it’s not exclusive to the sex trade. The choice to enter the sex trade (a choice made be very few participants) frankly is often underpinned by a history of sexual abuse (as evidenced earlier) and associated with certain psychiatric disorders (x x, the pattern of causation is tricky but either direction supports radical feminist theory) even in wealthy “developed” countries like the United States.
Aside from that, purchased sex cannot be consented to because it’s sex you wouldn’t be having if you weren’t getting paid (you might be having sex with someone but not with that specific individual), not to mention that the whole “selling a service” argument kind of falls apart if you also claim that the sex you’re selling is consensual. If you’re selling a service, the receiver of the service decides on the circumstances of that service fulfillment.
Such views aren’t grounded in women’s lived experiences. They fail to recognise that quite a few of us not only really like the cock, but that having contact with it doesn’t necessitate “giving ourselves away”. Instead, they rely on a moralistic opposition to any sex that’s had in quantities greater than every second Tuesday.
The quantity of sex is not the objection, and the implication that sex always involves cocks is interesting. In any case, you can enjoy as much cock as you want without prostituting yourself, this seams like a false equivalency.
And they use terms like “sell herself” as though, at the end of the transaction, a woman has sold off a body part. Cue Catholic school metaphors about virginity loss.
I suppose “rent herself” makes more sense but it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
My worth isn’t determined by how much sex I’ve had. Equally, having sex for money doesn’t change me as a person any more than teaching for money or writing for money does: we each sell our time – our labour – to the market
And yet somehow people who teach for money don’t experience far higher rates of PTSD than the general population
Sex work isn’t an industry you have to love, nor is it an industry you have to find empowering. But love and empowerment aren’t things we ever expect of any other industry either. The sex industry doesn’t need your admiration, but nor does it deserve your condemnation.
Any industry that relies on the suffering of women and girls to servive deserves the condemnation of feminists. This is not a difficult concept to understand.
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moisummertime · 2 years
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The past few weeks living in Bandung again has been pretty tough if I can say. adjusting myself to this old dynamic which I don't really like feels pretty scary most of the time. I'm scared that I will be like these people who live, work, breed, and die in the same place. Kinda weird to be honest when I think about it again. I wouldnt have this kind of fear if I lived in a chilly place like Bali. I wouldn't mind planting my root there. So, I think it's not really about the idea of living a life of a rat race that is conventional. I mean at the end of the day it's up to me, and maybe my futur partner on how we want to live our lives. I dont need to follow traditional system, I dont have the need to be accepted, I need to be comfortable with my values. I mean the life I'm living is still also a rat race, just more flexibility. I get used to waking up and working. No need to have a long commute or anything. It's a privilege for sure. Having more flexibility and a relaxed work environment. But yea, it's not really something that I can rely on the long term so I try to make the most of my time here. I should consider my natural timing when I move around. It was very exhausting emotionally to be back here. I really wish that I could stay longer in Bali to avoid this mad stuff. Although I know I had to learn to stay patient with my current living condition before I start to take off again. It would be nice to have company who can listen to me venting about this. Thankfully my boss were there lol All I need is just venting, being angry at what life gives me then moving on. Venting is definitely important for me. I always have the need to do this. Just complaining and complaining and that's it. no need advice or anything or have people telling me to be understood or even have one solve my life problem. Venting is just a good thing for my stress. Like what I'm doing here by writing all these stuffs, I'm currently venting lol
2022 is probably the year where I continue to burn so many bridges. I mostly burn bridges with men from my past and friend that I don't think I can continue a friendship with. I'm not sad when I burn bridges with some asshole, but with some friends, I'm pretty sad and upset. Maybe I expect too much, but yea I just don't believe in second chance. There were so many examples where I welcome them again and lower my ego down and all I get is another disappointment. So, I just start to do things by my rules, whether they like it or not. On some Special case, I do try to be more assertive and accommodating. In some situations where there's a problem, being open and communicative is def the best solution. I mean It's probably the perfect conflict management model but people are different. Being nonassertive and avoidant is difficult. Although I somehow understand that confrontation can be scary and people may get hurt, in my opinion, to have more clarity of certain situation is better than suddenly one being extra quiet and avoidant, and suddently become friendly again like wtf. I always need to talk it out so we can have a better understanding of what to do next to avoid similar things happening. Disagreements, fights, conflicts, can be very important and significant lessons in one's life. Sure, I can always burn bridges, but for some I just want to keep them around and try to approach things gentler. I meditate every day and I can't even be compassionate with people, that's just hypocrites. Why do I even meditate in the first place? I'm still learning to be more gentle, to love and understanding, accepting, be more patience, kinda difficult for a bitch like me but I'm not gonna stop learning :3
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nogooddeetz · 7 years
Are you still doing the thing where people can request DEH fics? Because if so i feel like it would be cool to see the Murphy family's reactions the first time Connor painted his nails black and when he told them he was gay? I'm sorry, you dont have to do this, i just thought it would be sort of interesting. Thankss 😁
I sure am! and I’m happy to do it too, no need to apologize! x the more requests, the merrier! ~Connor cracked open a window. He had no idea this stuff smelled so intense.He didn’t know what he was thinking when he snatched Zoe’s black nail polish, he had just been bored and suddenly felt the need to do something about his looks. And let’s face it, this shit was pretty cool.After making a mess of his floor and his hands, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth the whole time he focused hard on the task, he was satisfied with the result.His nails were matte black and he loved it.How edgy is this? No guy at his school wore nail polish and instead of feeling embarrassed about being different, Connor felt empowered.He was the weird kid anyway, why not go all out?Connor stared at his hands, modeling them in front of his face to see the full effect of his art work. Yes. Definitely a good idea.Suddenly he heard pounding on his door.“Connor! Have you been in my room again? I told you to stop going through my stuff!” Zoe’s voice pierced through the door.Connor sighed and rolled the cap closed on nail polish bottle. Then he got up to open the door.“Sorry, I just borrowed this for a minute. All yours.” He said and handed Zoe the bottle.“You borrowed nail polish?” Zoe asked confused and then her eyes traveled down to Connor’s nails. “Oh my god, you painted your nails!” She squealed. Then she started laughing.“What? Guys can paint their nails too.” Connor defended himself, determined not to feel embarrassed about his fashion choice. Zoe laughed again.“Yeah, I know, it’s just… Connor your fingers are a mess!” She laughed at him. Connor rolled his eyes. “Well, it’s not like I’ve done this before, you’ve had a head start.” He mumbled.Zoe laughed. “I know. Come here.” She said and walked back into her room. Connor stood still and confused for a moment before following her to her room.Zoe handed him a bottle of nail polish remover and a q-tip.“Let me introduce you to my good friend, the q-tip. You’re supposed to clean off the excess so that it doesn’t look like you just dipped your fingers in the nail polish, you doofus.” She chuckled and pushed the bottle and q-tip in Connor’s hands. Connor looked at them and then back at Zoe.“Oh… Thanks, Zo.” He said, still taken aback by her kindness. He and Zoe didn’t hate each other, they just… Didn’t interact much unless it was to scream at each other for something the other did wrong.“Sure. I want the nail polish remover back though. If you’re gonna start painting your nails regularly, you’re gonna have to buy your own supplies. I’ve only got enough for one.” Zoe explained. “Fair enough.” Connor replied and walked back into his room to clean his nails up.
At the dinner table, Connor got to experience the other reaction to his new look.“What the hell is on your hands?” Connor was suddenly dragged out of his own thoughts by Larry’s voice.“It’s just nail polish. Chill.” Connor offhandedly replied. “You mean you did that on purpose?” Larry acquired.“Larry…” Cynthia said in a warning tone. That was Connor’s parents roles in the family: Larry flipped his shit over the smallest things and sweet Cynthia tried to calm his ass down.“Yeah. This don’t exactly happen on accident.” Connor sarcastically replied.“Why the hell would you do that?” Larry wouldn’t let the subject go.“Because I wanted to?” Connor replied, now very annoyed.“Connor, that’s stupid.” Larry said. “Nail polish is for women and queers.” He continued.“Dad, come on, it’s just nail polish.” Zoe chimed in too, which Connor was grateful for, but it was too late now.“Nail polish isn’t gender specific, nothing is really and even if it was, so what? Who is my nail painting hurting?” Connor replied and crossed his hands across his chest.“You as a man wearing nail polish gives people the wrong idea!” Larry argued.“And what’s that?” Connor asked.“That you’re a queer!” Larry raised his voice.“Larry, please, inside voice.” Cynthia tried to remind him.“So?” Connor challenged.“So!?” Larry repeated.“Yeah, so? Who cares?” Connor argued.“I do! I don’t want people thinking my son is a queer!” Larry said.“Why not? They’d have the right idea.” Connor replied. There. He’d said it.Cynthia and Zoe looked shocked. Larry was fuming.“Excuse me!?” He basically yelled.“You heard me.” Connor simply said.“Are you seriously telling me that-”“I’m gay. Yeah. Great solve, Sherlock.” Connor replied, knowing full well that his sarcasm would not be welcomed in this situation.Larry stared at his son and Connor could swear he saw smoke coming out of his ears. After a minute of silence, Larry stood up from the table.“No.” He said.“No?” Connor asked, not believing his ears.“No.” Larry repeated and walked out of the dining room, leaving his barely touched dinner on the table.The remaining Murphy’s sat quietly at the table. Connor couldn’t believe what had just happened. Ever since he came to understand his sexuality, he knew the day he’d come out would not be pretty. Connor himself didn’t have a sexuality crisis or any kind of a freak out over the matter. By the time he figured it out, it was like everything clicked into place. He accepted it. He was nervous for other people’s reactions, but since he’d already gotten the role of the weird kid with no friends, his worries faded away. Being gay was probably not the biggest reason people wanted nothing to do with him. But all Larry, his father, could say was ‘no’? This was ridiculous. Utter bullshit.“Connor.” His mother’s voice brought him back to the situation at hand. He turned to look at her without saying anything.“I will talk to your father. He just needs some time.” Cynthia said, looking at Connor with sympathetic eyes.“Oh yeah, I’m sure Larry will be thrilled in no time.” Connor said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.“Your father is not a bad man. I will talk to him and everything will go back to normal.” Cynthia promised.“Normal as in where I’m not gay? Cause I’m sorry to inform you mom, but you can’t pray the gay away.” Connor said.“Honey, I know that.” Cynthia assured him. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, it will all be okay.” She said.Connor was skeptical with the idea of Larry ever being okay with who Connor was, but he didn’t want to argue with his mother, who believed she could fix and cure everyone. He gave his mother a small smile.“Thanks mom.” He said.Cynthia smiled back and got up from her seat.“I love you, Connor.” She said, before walking out towards the same direction Larry had disappeared in.Connor sighed. What a fucking day.“Okay.” Zoe spoke up for the first time in a while and Connor turned to look at her.“Let’s go buy you some goddamn nail polish.” She continued.Connor laughed. Despite all her flaws and their disagreements, his sister could be pretty fucking great. ~I wrote this out really quick & I’m sorry it’s so short, I hope you like it anyway!~if you have any ideas for deh fics, send them my way & I’ll be happy to write them! my inbox is open! x
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yesprincesslizlove · 6 years
Today i start blogging again with my tumblr
Greetings everyone and welcome to my blog today im talking about getting kicked out of my favorite svencoop group called chenzen i honestly don't remember why they decided to kick me out again I dont remember because of some head trauma and family violence because my dad smashed a plate on my head causing me to have more memory problems what's up why was i kicked from chenzen? Any ideas? Cause im clueless on what happened I should've been given the reason for getting kicked all i remember was having some sort of disagreement or something I dont know and don't remember so if anybody from chenzen such as magg0t butterman buket and other admins are looking go ahead and give me the reason are y'all tired of me again? Or is it something else? I want to be all of your friends but you can't accept that I was born different than you I grew up with no friends and no life i was born with 4 drugs in my system for fuck sake I do have aspergers syndrome which is a form of autism yes I am autistic...I have looked all over gainesville georgia to find a job with no luck because nobody wants to hire a fat loser of a redneck like me they would rather hire a drug addict who only thinks about drugs 24/7 i mean I'm a kind person who enjoys customer service helping people out all sorts of things and i still can't find a job i cried when i got turned down at places like walmart and the fast food industry like Wendy's mcdonalds and jimmy johns so i gave up on looking because itz not worth walking 2 to 4 hours when you can't afford to get a bus pass to town to find a job I would say this much though i did my best on looking for a job i begged the people in my house to take me to find a job and all I got was no and i had the money for gas and everything bug instead i got turned down on everything and nobody will hire me I would try to find a job but it seems nobody wants to hire me i feel like because i talk about the places people like magg0t and buket purposely call these places and tell them not to hire me but that's only my opinion im still giving up on finding a job because nobody wants to hire me i mean look at me I'm good enough to be hired but that's all for now thanks for tuning into mouses tumblr blog
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august 23 2017 age 19
and i yelled out isn't it so beautiful!! and we talked and he asked for my number. i love myself i love my energy i love my life. and on the path to totality i brought up to jacob how theres a small line where its most visible for a longer duration and we headed that way instead, it was perfect. the whole thing was perfect, barely any traffic and we were in the middle of nowhere. so there was a parking. we parked in a power plant parking lot and slept in the car. when i woke up, jacob played the beatles for me, it was nice to hear a day in the life, and magical musketry tour as soon as i woke up.. so amazing. and for the solar ecplise i meditated and did yoga. i felt the earths strong energy.. it was very intense.. with the alignment of the sun and the moon had a great affect on earth, earth;’s energy i felt was bursting- and i was there to feel it all in, to welcome it to my body, and show my gratitude. i screamedwhen the solar ecplise was complete. it looked so unreal! so scary!!! i was surprised! didn't know what a solar eclipse looked like! didnt know what to expect! i didnt look tip pictures the day before! paulo and briksha got me in the mood for loving the earth and myself and yoga by sending group texts about spiritual practices to experience during the solar ecplise. when it was going away, i listened to a recording and aligned my chakras, which was very intense. and i did my favorite yoga move, which is just my crown chakra touching the ground in downward facing dog, and i felt like the earth was feeding me wisdom, and its golden light energy. i sid this for a long time. iw as very grateful for the experience. i learned a lot that day. i was presented with a lesson on being confidence in myself and accepting myself. when aligning my chakras, i felt some heavy emotion on working on my yellow chakra (solar plexus) and crown. actually it was just empashis, something to work on. this week is solar plex chakra, self confidence.. and during eclipse it was crown chakra. where earths golden light was inviting and accepting me and feeding me light. and this week is solar plexus! bc I've lacked in confidence in most things I've been doing, feeling unworthy of challenges and experiences, like today!!!!!!! TODAY!!! so yesteryda i was very stressed about today, i didnt want to miss psychology bc i needed to get the add code to get into the class, but the modeling gig was at 10, and the class at 9:10, and i was stressed all day especially ll night about modeling, i almost didnt go today!! Ive just felt a lack in confidence. thinking about my acne, and how prettier the other girls would be. and yesterday i naired my whole face. i also was trying to sleep early but that didnt work.. i was just very stressed about everything man! but yesertda was so good too, good balance. i got free burritos, free book loans, and applied for a (2) $100 clipper card at the school!! and food stamps!! resources and opportunities are everywhere!! but yesterday i planned this whole day for me and almost woke up and didnt do it.. i woke up at 5 am bc i wanted to shower then do yoga after, bc yoga is so powerful when I'm pure and cleansed and healed from the water, water is so healing. i am grat4eful for the disagreements in my head. for the clash, for committing, and believing in myself and in the universe. i took a shower when i was so close to skipping out on it and yoga, but i FUCKING DID IT. I COMMITED> ad theshwoer was so good! and i was conflicted with shaving bx well you know me and shaving but i said FUCK IT and shaved! the email said to wear high wasied things and the only high waisted i had was shorts. oh and hannah sent me this modeling thing a few weeks ago! but yoga was so gooooooood paulo is a miracle worker i love him. i didnt want to get up, neither of us did, i told him he was the best and he said no you're the best,t. paulo is so great. such a great teacher. then i got ready right after fire and was running late! ibroguht so much shit bc i didnt know what to bring i just brought a lot of vintage tees. i was running late for psychology too but i went still and when i got there it was PERFECT. i emailed the teacher i couldn't stay the whole class and was hoping it wouldn't be a problem and she never replied so i was def taking a chance but when i got there she was doing role call!!! and i was on th waitlist! then after i went up to her and tried to explain myself but she mentioned how she already read my email and to stay as long as i cana or come back, but after  i sat down she called names to give add codes too and i was one of them!! and she said huh you dont have to email me after all!! so perfect!! i was there for like 5 minutes! sp perfect. i left and went to the women locker room and changed and put on make up, i wa slacking some confidence bc of the emphasis i put towards my acne, but i got an uber and went! i was late for that too, but i did it and went! i had coffee and the uber driver braked really hard and i spilled it on my jeans.. i laughed at first and thought about la la land and how she had an interview in the clothes she was wearing when someone spilled coffee on her.. so cute.. and resonating. but i was getting a little frustrated bc i literally have to wear those to a shoot. when i got to the shoot i felt so much better! everyone was so nice and the girls looked normal! i felt like i fit in. I'm not sure how i look in the photos, but i felt a lil awkward bc i didnt know how to pose! but it was so fun!! all the girls were cute and nice!!! and it was so up my alley! so 70s! everything was vintage 60s and 70s and i had a lot of fun! i ended up befriending a girl  i had to do patty cake with and we are going to skate in the near future! she showed up in her long board! it was so fun and we got to go on the website and choose a piece of clothing we wanted ! bc we didnt get paid! but when i told elena that she said i was such a beautiful model that i need to get paid more for that.. so sweet of her.. and when i saw her in the room she said its so nice to be in my presence.. my energy.. and called me beautiful and kept taking pics of me.. so nice of her!! then yesterday i asked ashlan if beloved was hiring and yesterday he called me and said they were going to hire me within this week! i literally had to do nothing and i got a fucking job! the owner called me and everything !! and we had an interview where i wore my new dress from CAMP that i modeled for and it was amazing. i cant wait to work at beloved. i told her i and eifently feel some growth from it, and how my yoga path is focused on diet right now. and she mentioned how she's super into yoga and stayed at a few ashrams and really emphasized diet and being a yogi. love love theexperiecne !! and now I'm here.. contemplating on getting a degree in something fuN.. bc iu only get one life.. might as well study something fun.. like music.. bc i can always teach with a teaching certificate and get a bachelors in anything.. I've been thinking about music business.,. id love to be around music always!! god life is so good and full of opportunity.. i am so happy.. and tonight i get to share all this! but not the whole thing.take chances, take a risk.. do it all. believe in yourself. you are worthy. you are beautiful.. and now I'm going to fire ceremony in my fucking ashram. how sick is my fucking life dawg. how fucking sick. and I'm going to help jesse paint tomorrow in exchange for an africna drum lesson. boom boom my life kicks so much ass!! damn damn damn!!! DAMN MAMA DAMNNANANANNANA.  and going my online english mandatory meeting class made me realize how a challenge is always a best reward,,, I'm not excited bc its online and i won't get an experience from it.. so I'm going to take sippers class,.. or atleast try .. bc everything i was tressed about is working out.. all the classes i was waitlisted on I'm getting into.. and if i take a risk, theres always a learning epcerice to it. i should take it into account with beloved.. just do it.. just take the risk. it was prenseted to me by the universe.. why not.. literally handed to me.. i didnt have to do anything.. and I'm already doubting it and myself,, thinking i cant handle it.. but shut up !! take a risk!! do it!! if i dont like it its not permanent!! ideas for carriers./ majors: music business, therapy (sound therapy- music being healing for me, yoga instructor, model LIFE is limitless!! i can major in anything then get a teaching certificate after a bachelors and teach!! but I'm going to calle lemtnaryhschools tomorrow to see if i can meet iwht teachers and hear what they have to say about their career and system.. and to see if i can get some work down with children to understand the job more(: LFIE IS GREAT AH
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
Australian newspaper cartoon depicting Indians eating solar panel assaulted as racist
Cartoon in News Corp paper by veteran Bill Leak described by critic as shocking … and unequivocally racist, drawing on base stereotypes of third world people
A cartoon in the Australian depicting starving Indian chopping up and feeing solar panels sent to the developing nation in an attempt to curb carbon emissions has been denounced as unequivocallyracist.
Drawn by the veteran cartoonist Bill Leak, Mondays cartoon was his response to the climate deal signed in Paris at the weekend. India is the worlds fourth-largest greenhouse emitter.
Amanda Wise, an associate professor of sociology at Macquarie University, said in her position the cartoon was shocking and would be unacceptable in the UK, the US or Canada.
This cartoon is unequivocally racist and depicts on very base stereotypes of third world, underdeveloped people who dont know what to do with technology, Wise told Guardian Australia.
India is the technology centre of the world right now and has some of the most high-tech industries on the planet in that part of the world. The underlying message is that people in developing countries dont need all these technologies to do with climate change they need food.
But actually it is people living in poverty that will suffer the most through food security, sea level rises, falling of the water table.
The editor of the Australian, Clive Mathieson, confirmed he edited Mondays paper but declined to comment on the Leak cartoon.
The Australians long-serving editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell left the company last week and Paul Whittaker is installed as editor-in-chief, with Michelle Gunn staying on as editor of the Weekend Australian.
Wise told: I dont know too many places in the world where you would get away with that to be honest. In the UK and the US there would be an incredible outcry. It is appalling.
This is really old imagery he has described on. Thin, starving people wearing turbans, who are so starving they are going to chop up solar panel. That is 1950 s symbolism. We have moved on. The rest of the world has moved on.
In Australia people from India are the second largest migrant group and they are coming here on skilled visas.
The Australians cartoon has provoked anger in India. This only demonstrates the provincial ignorance of both the journalist, cartoonist and publishing, said Shoma Chaudhury, editor of Catch News and a well-known local journalist.
India has not only been a sophisticated negotiator on climate change, insisting developed nations pay their dues for destroying the planet, it has also voluntarily started adopting renewables like solar energy in hundreds of villages. It has not needed to be browbeaten into climate intelligence or consciousness, unlike many developed nations.
In truth, the bewildered farmers in Leaks cartoon could probably teach him a thing or two about solar panel, while treating him to the indisputable pleasures of mango chutney.
Leaks cartoon was widely denounced on Twitter, with many users drawing attention to Indias rapidly developing sustainable energy sector.
David Pope (@ davpope) December 13, 2015
How backward is Aust #climate politics? Here, the absurd racist rubbish published by Murdoch’s national newspaper pic.twitter.com/ V6BG2VVnq4
Mr Denmore (@ MrDenmore) December 14, 2015
Hey Bill Leak, some facts on India’s renewable energy sector. They’re a lot smarter than your cartoons are funny. https :// t.co/ 3hkkSwpmk3
Dennis Long (@ dennislong1 950) December 14, 2015
How can @rupertmurdoch publish something as awful as this Bill Leak cartoon? https :// t.co/ MIBOc3a 26 k
Deakin University Prof Yin Paradies, whose research includes the economic effects of racism, also took the view the cartoons message was clearly racist.
The message … is that India is too stupid to handle renewable energy and should stick to coal, Paradies told Guardian Australia. Indicating that developing nations are stupid is racist given that such nations are invariably associated with specific racial groups( ie non-whites ).
Leak, who joined the Australian from the Sydney Morning Herald in 1994, has been accused of becoming more conservative in recent years. He has addressed this criticism head-on, saying it had nothing to do with a serious collision after falling from a balcony.
While trawling through a number of popular leftwing blogs lately, I realised I had to accept a painful reality: I have become a rabid right winger and a Murdoch toady, Leak wrote in 2012.
It seems widely accepted that this terrible turn of events is attributable to the fact that I recently had an accident, after which I had to undergo brain surgery.
Freedom of speech is the freedom to offend, and that entails the freedom of the media to offend anyone.
Neither cartoonists nor journalists should be required to exempt certain groups within society from this general rule when conveying their views. I dont want to be protected from anybodys opinions, especially not from those I find personally repugnant, because its often when observing yourself in violent disagreement with certain ideas that youre best able to clarify your own.
Leak declined to comment on the criticism of Mondays cartoon.
India took one of the hardest public lines at the climate change talks in Paris, and in the lead-up to them. Narendra Modi, the Indian “ministers “, has publicly argued that it would be morally wrong to let rich countries off the hook for their historical emissions. The country has also stood by its decision to use massive sums of highly polluting coal to power growth over coming decades, all while increasing the proportion of renewable energy.
With many of its cities enveloped in toxic smog for weeks and a series of extreme weather events in recent years, the environmental problems in India are clear and the handled in Paris has received a cautious welcome in the worlds biggest republic.
India has reasons to be satisfied with the Paris agreement on climate change that was finalised on Saturday night, said the IndianExpress newspaper.
However the newspaper noted concerns about the inclusion of one line which might prove to be a big irritant in[ Indian] plans to build coal-fired power plants.
A cartoon in the New York Times published during the negotiations also inspired strong reactions in India. It proved India as an elephant blocking the forward advance of the climate talks train.
Last year Fairfax Media was forced to apologise after an outcry over a cartoon by Glen Le Lievre in the Sydney Morning Herald, which was criticised by many, including the Australian, as racist and antisemitic.
A columnist, Gerard Henderson, writing under the heading SMH gives antisemitism a chance, condemned the cartoon as a depiction of a stereotypical Jew of recent memory with a hooking nose, kippah and superstar of David.
Another columnist for the Australian, Michael Gawenda, said it recycled the kind of cartoon image of Jews that was standard fare in Nazi publications.
Fairfax apologised a week subsequently, saying it was wrong to publish the cartoon in its original sort.
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India and France launch international solar power alliance in Paris
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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