#i went down a rabbit hole trying to read about it and could not find anything that made it sound true at all
pirdmystery · 3 months
when me and @gratziella were on a vampire walking tour in new orleans, our guide, who was wearing a bright red suit, told us a story that as far as I can find is an urban legend about two brothers who kept people in their apartment in the french quarter and drained their blood. trying to imply it was the inspiration for interview w the vampire he asked if it reminded us of anything and this other guy on the tour goes “louis. lestat.” like completely flatly like that and the guide just repeated “louis. lestat.” then moved on and talked about something else. anyway you probably had to be there but the way they said it is now stuck in my head forever whenever i think about iwtv
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msbluebell · 6 months
How We Fall For People Like James Somerton
We're all joking, but this James Somerton thing has me really fucked up.
I wasn't a huge fan of James. I saw a few of his videos and liked them. In the ones I saw he was calm and explained things straightforwardly and even the one or two times he said things against white women...well, that's language I've been seeing on Tumblr since I joined back in my tweenage years. I thought it was just a dismissive joke pointing out a frank reality.
I didn't watch him too much. Just a few videos. I kept meaning to watch more, but I didn't because sometimes I wanted something easier. But I regarded him sell because of how informed he seemed.
And that's the thing, isn't it? He SEEMED informed. He spoke confidently and sometimes quoted queer sounding articles and I trusted him blindly. And why? Because he was giving me information that SEEMED well researched.
Illumanaughtii too. I WAS a consistent fan of hers before other youtubers came out. Because she presented information really well and I like hand drawn characters and because she read academic sounding quotes. I trusted her and her information was stollen. And I feel like a fool for ever having trusted her now, but at least her stollen facts were apparently accurate. Maybe.
James though, he straight up lied. Todd in the Shadows went through a lot of effort to expose those lies. He did so much research that I didn't bother to do. And he admitted he only did it because he happened to know people more informed than him that noticed the lies and went down a rabbit hole.
And maybe if I was more involved I would have noticed. But that's beside the point. what's getting me is I didn't bother to check myself, I just blindly trusted.
And the worst part is I can see why it happened.
I work.
I work, and then I get home, and when I get home I stress. I stress about work I have to do tomorrow, or classes, or finding a new job that actually pays a livable wage. And to escape that stress I go online to AO3, or tumblr, but especially Youtube.
Because I like youtube, I like to have noise in the background while I work. I like to listen to things while I read. And some of the time it's ASMR videos, or watching someone cook something. But mostly? It's history things or video essays.
And when I'm working, or reading, I'll hear a fact, and I'll look up, and I'll think "Huh, that's interesting to know, I didn't know that." And I won't think anything about it.
Because I'm busy, or I'm tired. I'm tired from work, and I don't want to do more work. Or sometimes it's mental health. This is my coping mechanism. I'm trying to learn things, do something to distract myself. I'm not looking to disprove things.
In other words I'm lazy. Or, if I'm being kind to myself, I'm tired.
Maybe if the topic was something I was an expert in I would have noticed. I'm a former ballerina, I'm a failed history major dropout. Maybe if he'd said something like "Holodomor never happened" or "Boudica is a Finnish folk hero" I'd have noticed. Maybe.
But he didn't, and I didn't notice. I assumed he did the work, and why?
Because surely a gay man wouldn't spend hours on youtube talking about Queer history if he wasn't passionate. Because he, a queer man, would surely know about queer history. Surely he wouldn't want to spread lies and hate. And he's quoting from books and articles so why wouldn't I trust him?
My trust was blind and unfounded.
And now I'm reeling from that. I'm reeling because I'm starting to feel like I can't trust a lot of people. How can I listen to any Youtuber casually now?
I can't, I never should have assumed I could.
Now every informative video feels like I need to do tens of hours of research just to be sure what I'm hearing is true. I feel like I can't trust anything unless I do.
James Somerton took my trust.
And it's not only that either. That's not what scares me the most. It's that there are THOUSANDS of people like me. Millions like me. Who are learning something from a video or a tweet or a tumblr post from someone they assume is an expert and are blindly trusting because they assume they can trust it. They don't intend to do their own research because they're tired, or don't know how. And that scars me. I was a history major, I studied tyrants and misinformation and the rise of propaganda, and I, with all my tools to notice, was still blind.
You cannot blindly trust a video, you cannot blindly trust a tweet, you especially cannot blindly trust a tumblr post.
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bigwishes · 9 months
Ask and You Shall Receive
Keanu was a party boy from the streets of New York. Spent most nights in the clubs dancing up on guys. Half the time he'd end up shirtless dancing on the bar flexing in lean muscles driving everyone wild.
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Keanu burst into his apartment at 3am half drunk stumbling down his hallway. He didn't manage to score tonight and was horny as hell. If he couldn't fuck, he'd have to relieve himself some other way.
He threw himself down on his bed and flicked open an incognito tab on his phone. Keanu normally found himself bringing home twinks and twunks but what he really wanted was a guy with some size, a huge bodybuilder to totally dominate and make into his bitch. Keanu got hard just thinking about it and went straight to looking up images of massive tanky guys in tight constricting posers. Keanu scrolled through images until he found one with a short caption tied to it. He read it getting finding himself drawn to the fantasy. He had never seen something like this before and clicked on the photo being taken to a website with hundred of captioned photos and stories about guys growing from a skinny jock into a bodybuilder as big as a mountain. Keanu's eyes were glued to the screen and he was captivated by the fantasy.
He had dumbed his load on his bare stomach and chest 3 times and he was ready to go again realising he had discovered a new fetish. Scrolling down the rabbit hole he found one offering suggestions / asks for transformations with a personal touch. Keanu's half drunk brain half horny brain thought he had come up with the perfect suggestion...
"I want to grow so big bodybuilders look like twinks next to me"
Keanu chuckled to himself and fell asleep with one hand on his dick.
Keanu woke up groggy the next morning feeling the pain in his head from his hangover. He would rather spend all day in bed but he knew he had to get his morning routine on the way. Keanu got up, making himself a cup of coffee as he wasn't one to eat first thing. He then dropped down on his half and tip toes to pump out 50 push ups and 50 sit ups like he did every morning.
Keanu picked himself up off the floor and moved his sweaty body to the bathroom for a shower. Looking in the mirror something was different, his body seemed fuller and not just from a pump but he felt bigger too. It was probably his ego combined with his hangover making him feel bigger than he really was but that didn't mean he still didn't feel big.
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All day Keanu felt stronger, when he was lifting boxes at work, carrying shopping home, even when he was out flaunting his body on the dance floor he found himself clumsy and bumping into people more often, found his clothes feeling tight like they had all shrunk in the dryer, but he didn't think much of it.
The next morning was almost the same, wake up, coffee, workout but instead of taking a shower instead he had to go back to the kitchen and make himself something to eat, for some reason he found himself starving and craving a protein shake.
Keanu mixed up a shake and made himself a bowl of cereal which is scoffed down like a beast. He caught a whiff of himself still sweaty after his workout he then went to take a shower. Only this time when he saw himself in the mirror he definitely noticed the difference.
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His muscled were thicker but not just thicker they were bulging out of his clothes. His mouth dropped and his brow tensed with shock as he flexed his bicep examining himself in the mirror. He dropped his pants leaving himself in his underwear trying to examine his thick quads but he couldn't quite get a look even when he tried standing up on the edge of his bathtub. Although he could feel just by tensing his legs and from how tight his underwear was around his ass he had definitely gained a lot more than a few pounds of muscle overnight.
Right as Keanu was about to get in the shower his phone alarm rang telling him to leave for work. He quickly dashed out of the bathroom throwing on any clothes he could get around his new bigger frame. His clothes still fit but he definitely felt them struggle to stretch over his back as he moved. Running out the door and into the apartment complex elevator he got almost to the bottom floor when he saw a small dark patch in the bent reflection. Upon closer inspection Keanu saw faint pit stains on his shirt under both his arms and the elevator smelt slightly of sweat. He scratched the back of his head.
"Guess that's what happens when I don't shower after working out" he thought.
Getting used to the changes were strange. A crate he'd normally need to ask for help to move he almost through across the room on his own. Lucky everyone at work was used to the smell of manual labour otherwise other people at his job might realise he forgot to shower.
The next morning Keanu got out of bed hearing his stomach growl. He Instantly got up rubbing his six pack, feeling his abs be more defined than yesterday. The novelty hadn't kicked yet, at least not until he had something to eat. Hungrier than yesterday he smashed a shake and two bowls of cereal. After eating he hit his normal workout and went to take a shower. He saw himself in the mirror, bigger and fuller once again. As the water was warming up Keanu sat on the edge of his bath, looking down at his chest bouncing his pecs to himself.
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His back was wider, lats and chest sticking out competing for space with his arms. His legs were wide and his quads rubbed against each other. Keanu's walk was slowly turning into more of a lumber.
He grabbed his pec with his massive hand and rubbed his hard defined abs. By the time he pulled himself out of his self inflicted trance he had run out of hot water and his alarm was ringing for him to go to work.
"fuck" he said turning the shower off running to his bedroom to grab some clothes.
Keanu frantically ran around his room trying to find something to fit, his jeans wouldn't go up over his massive legs, his arms wouldn't fit through the arm holes in his shirts, he couldn't even get his button ups to come half way across his chest. The only thing he had left were his gym tank and shorts. Both of which used to be loose casual fits for him but now they were tight, like a bodybuilder who ordered the size down from what he needed.
Keanu frantically ran out of his house to the apartment building elevator. As the doors open he went to walk through them when he bounced out, both his shoulders smashed into the duel opening doors. He was so used to knowing when it was open enough for him to enter for years and now he was clumsy with his new size. Standing in the elevator the smell of sweat was starting to become potent. He'd have to make sure he took a shower on his day off.
Keanu woke up groggy from a late night of partying until 4am. Sitting up in his bed he felt a constricting pressure around his legs. Pulling back his bed sheets he saw a pair of jeans ripped and torn around his massive tree trunk legs, so tight the veins of his legs could be seen pressing through the fabric that hasn't been ripped.
Keanu stood up hearing the sound of denim. He tried to take off the jeans but it was like peeling off a layer of skin. It was like they had been shrunk after putting them on.
Finally pulling them off he realised how badly he needed a shower. two days of hard working and a full night of partying without a proper shower left him stinking worse than all the guys he worked with combined. He walked down the hall, bumping into a few things along the way struggling to reconfigure his internal gyroscope. After waking up as big as he was yesterday he expected he'd stop growing by now, but he was shocked at how massive he was when he looked in the mirror.
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Keanu was twice as wide as he was yesterday and easily twice as dence. He struggled to curl his arm up to take a selfie, his bicep and forearm fought against one another and it was almost like he was forced to flex if he wanted to use his arms.
He dropped his arms to the side trying to leave them resting comfortably but his wide back and lats made his arms stick out like he was always doing a lat spread. Keanu took a few steps hearing his steps making his entire apartment vibrate sounding like he was stomping just from a regular step. His muscles bounced in the mirrors and he got hard looking at his size move. Keanu reached down and found it difficult to reach his dick, as he rotated his arm forward his shoulders and biceps collided, he could just barely grab his dick, not just from how his massive muscles constricted his size but from how much girth and size had been added to his manhood. It wasn't something he had been noticing compared to the massive changes of his swelling muscles everyday.
Keanu waddled his massive frame back to his bedroom, feeling his thighs rubbing against each other constricting his movement. He made it to his bed lying down feeling his massive weight bend the frame in. He pulled out his phone which was dwarfed by his enormous hands. Keanu reached down to his dick able to comfortably move with one leg half cocked in the air.
Keanu went to the cite he was on the other night and found a reply posted to the request he just barely remembers sending in. He read the story seeing images of him posted in between long paragraphs about him growing when he's asleep. Keanu began to jerk himself off moaning as he read the story. He got to a paragraph where he read about growing whilst he pleasured himself, he felt the blood pump up his muscles and heard as his body adjusted itself with the constant swelling of size. His phone looked like it was becoming smaller by the second and it was harder for him to keep his hand wrapped firmly around his manhood.
Keanu was on the edge right as he got to the end of the story. He quickly clicked the request button.
"I wanna be stupid big, make me stupid big"
Keanu blew his load all over his abs and relaxed into his bed. His head felt slightly cloudy. Looking at his tiny phone a short story tied to his latest ask popped up on the screen.
A picture of him as an enormous swollen titan standing in front of a mirror in what looked like his bathroom with the simple caption.
"you are so massive and so heavy but so fucking stupid you can barely string a sentence together you dumb horny giant"
Keanu got up and waddled his ridiculous mass to his bathroom where he stood in front of the mirror shocked at his bulging size but before a thought of regret could form in his head he noticed drool pouring out the corner of his mouth and his jaw slowly fell open as all his thoughts evaporated.
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Keanu let out a moronic laugh giggling at how he bounced his pecs in the mirror.
Now if only the monstrous moron could figure out how to get a hold of his dick...
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jxckchxmpi0n · 11 months
Soft! Jack champion headcannons
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Recently, I've been going through a hard time, and thinking about these makes me smile, so I wanted to share ♡
did not proof read || m.list
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You met Jack through filming a movie together. You were both shy but grew close.
Over time you both grew up to be beautiful young adults, and that's when it all started.
When you both have free time you play video games together, it'd be some fighting game he loved and or would be some other game you were obsessed with at that time.
You'd both eventually get tired and log off but stay on the call and talk for a few more hours.
Hanging out in person was your favorite by far.
When he would come over, he would just walk in and find you on the couch reading whatever book had your attention this week.
"How are you doing pretty girl?" he picked up that nickname for you a few years back and it has always stuck.
Climbing over your legs laying on you as you fill him in on the latest drama in the book. he would eventually fall asleep without meaning to.
You'd look down at him with such love in your eyes, his curly hair framing his face just right.
How his eyes fluttered showing he was in a dream.
This view you could never get tired of, seeing him so peaceful made your heart explode.
He would 100% get all your favorite foods and snack when you've had a bad week.
He would go to the moon and back for you just to make sure you have a good day.
"Hey lovely, how was your day? do you need anything from the store?" he would show up to your apartment with flowers and a Lego set for you and him to build.
If there was a new make-up look you wanted to try, he would let you practice on him before yourself.
Anytime you guys went out for a walk and crossed the road if you were on the outside, he would grab your waist pulling you to switch sides.
Anytime he got excited about something he would start talking with his hands more and would go down a rabbit hole of all the little details.
After he realized how much he was talking he would hide his face in his hands and would giggle but then ask you a bunch of questions, so you were able to talk more.
He memorized your coffee/tea order so when he stopped without you, he could always bring you something.
Some days you would go over to his place and sit on his bed while he played games with Mason.
Hours could go by, and you'd sit there watching him play and or watch tv.
Your heart would warm up at when he won a battle and turn to you "lovely look it we beat their asses."
After a few more rounds he would get tired and turn around in his chair to find you sound asleep.
He would try to be as quiet as he could and would crawl in bed with you.
Your hair was all in your face so he would brush it back, his face started heating up as he looked at you.
God he was so madly in love with you.
He then just lays there watching you- but not in a weird way.
He looked at the moles you have scattered around on your skin, he would watch your breathing patterns to make sure you weren't having a bad dream.
Then he'd fall asleep himself.
And halfway through the night you ended up in his arms.
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I love Andrew Minyard as a criminal justice major. Just imagine the possibilities that could happen!! He'd 100% write a paper about nature vs nurture that is about himself and Neil (only if you read between the lines can you tell that tho)
Oh man!! An idea is coming into my head as I think about this!!
Okay, okay, so imagine the following.
Andrew is in his The Serial Killer's Psyche class when he learns about the more recent recent killers, including The Baltimore Butcher.
He lowkey becomes fascinated with the whole thing.
(It's the knives)
And goes down a rabbit hole looking into anything and everything regarding the Wesninski family.
He learns that Nathan was married and had a son, Nathaniel, with a member of another known mafia family from across the Atlantic, Mary.
The son would be the perfect killing machine for these two.
But then he learns that Mary and Nathaniel died tragically in an unknown form.
"The family wants to keep their privacy in these hard times." The press says.
Despite Andrew researching for days (he even went to the library once!) He can't find any record of how they died, but their death certificates have the same time stamp on them so at least he knows they died at the same time.
After finding out as much as he can about the family, he is (and he would never admit this to anyone at all ever) solely on the side of the cops in believing that Nathan Wesninski is The Baltimore Butcher despite there not being enough evidence, etc etc.
Having learned all he could, he all but forgets about the Wesninski family.
Fast forward to the next semester when Kevin tells him they are going to Arizona because he found them a new striker.
As Neil is trying to catch his breath from Andrew hitting him, Andrew is suddenly excepiencing a new phenomenon to him "familiarity"
For some reason, this flight risk reminds him of someone, but he can't quite remember who.
This is new.
Not remembering something.
Is his memory failing him for the first time ever?
He blames it on his meds and moves on
Everytime he sees Neil after he moves to Palmetto, he has the same feeling.
Ever. Single. Time.
It is increasingly aggravating and intirely too intresting.
After weeks spent trying to remember who Neil reminded him of, filing through every person he's ever encountered, and Neil's skitish behavior, he decided that Neil must be a threat.
Why else would his instincts tell him not to trust Neil?
Why didn't he react to the Moriyamas coming south that fall?
Why couldn't he fucking remember where he knew Neil from???
His shell cracked a little bit and he decided on impulse that Neil was going to Eden's with them
Andrew was practically vibrating with rage by the end of that night.
"Who are you?" Andrew asked.
"Wha- I don't understand? I'm Neil?"
"No. I know you, but I've never seen you before." Andrew watched as Neil tensed, wondering what was running through the runners head.
"We don't know each other." Neil made as if to walk away, but he didn't make it far before he had to grab the wall to stabilize himself.
"I know you." Andrew said, grabbing his shoulder.
"No, you don't." Neil shoved him.
"Do you work for the Moriyamas?"
"You think I'm a mole?" Neil scoffed, but it was more slurred with the drugs in his system.
"You're something. And I know how to properly dispose of a body." Andrew said lowly, threatingly, putting both hands on either side of Neil, caging him him.
"So do I." Neil's voice was steady, and he shoved Andrew back as far as he could before taking off.
Neil feeds Andrew half-truths the next day at Wymacks, saying that he must have seen him on the street somewhere. He honestly had no idea why Andrew recognized him.
Andrew doesn't believe that, but he believes Neil's half-truths about his family and lets him go.
Eventually, the familiar feeling is exchanged with actual recognition, and the books continue on as normal
Andrew gets out of Easthaven and sees Neil with his blue eyes and Aubrun hair and brused face, and Andrew freezes for only a moment.
But for that moment, it's like a Christmas tree lighting up in Andrew's head.
Neurons firing and connecting dots he didn't know went to together.
Nathaniel Wesninski stood next to his family
Nathaniel Wesninski protected his family while he was in rehab
Nathaniel Wesninski has been alone with Kevin every night for the past 4 months
Nathaniel Wesninksi was a runaway
Nathaniel Wesninski was alive
Nathaniel Wesninski
Andrew doesn't know what to do with this information yet, so he does nothing
He goes about his decided itinerary for the day
He still doesn't know what to do until "I never understood why he liked knives."
Everyone else was thinking Riko, but Andrew was thinking Nathan.
He decides then and there that he's not going to say anything until Neil tells him.
Neil's "I'm Nathaniel" hits Andrew like a gut punch.
He already knew it but now it's confirmed.
When Neil goes missing, Andrew was the first to tell coach about Nathan's release from prison.
He persuades Coach (read: stares down repeating "Baltimore") to take them to Baltimore because that's where Neil is.
Books go on as normal
Life seemingly goes back to normal after summer break.
They start the new semester with significantly fewer worries, and Neil is figuring out his newfound freedom.
Andrew is in his Advanced Psychology class when Nathan Wesninski is brought up again.
The professor - fortunately for her sake - doesn't mention Neil or Nathaniel at all but assigned them an imaginative assignment
They are to pick a serial killer and study what is known about their at home life and write a paper about what it might be like to grow up in that kind of enviroment
Andrew was going to ignore this assignment, but Neil found out and thought the whole thing was hilarious.
Neil finds out that Andrew was entirely too fascinated by the Wesninski family.
"You liked me before you even met me."
Eventually, they decided that Andrew didn't have to write the paper.
"Mr. Minyard. It is your turn to present."
Andrew and Neil walk to the front.
"This was a single person assignment, Mr. Minyard."
"I think a first-hand account is better than anything I could have come up with. Don't you think?"
"First hand?"
"Hello Andrew's classmates. I'm Nathaniel Wesninski, but please call me Neil. Fair warning. If you ever call me Nathaniel, I will kill you."
They spend the rest of the class basically ragging on Nathan the entire time
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
omg okay this was originally going to be an ask about what you think the ring of wisdom may look like because i wanted to try and hunt something down that was similar to buy (mc has both the ring of light and ring of wisdom by season three I think, and i own the ring of light irl)
BUT THEN i went on the wiki and found out it's made of brass and iron, and also learned that u treasure created the ring of light look since it never appeared in canon (i can dream of them making the other half but unlikely as Solomon is a side character, sad)
AND THEN i was reminded that Michael gave the ring of wisdom to solomon so he could control demons more easily and not have the giant strain. But why give it to him? Why this specific sorcerer? Why aid in that?
So now I'm in a rabbit hole of wondering WHEN solomon got the ring. And if it was after the brothers fell, did Michael do it on purpose? Was he aiming for solomon to become powerful enough to even control the seven of the brothers? AND HOW DID HE FIND SOLOMON AT ALL? I have so many questions now
- ✨ anon
Hmm well if I remember correctly, Solomon gives MC a ring when they become a full fledged sorcerer, but I didn't think it was the Ring of Wisdom that he gave them? Perhaps I misinterpreted that part??
(Side note, I'm almost glad they aren't like to make Solomon's Ring of Wisdom just because OH THE TEMPTATION.)
Anyway, the question is how the heck did Solomon end up with that ring in the first place??
Oh, friend. You have unlocked a CC Solomon Theory because I've thought about this a lot.
I'm going to put it under a read more because of OG and Nightbringer spoilers!
We know almost nothing about the Ring of Wisdom. I can't remember if it's been mentioned in Nightbringer at all. And there may be more instances of it in OG that I'm not remembering. But here are two of the relevant parts:
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This is from Lesson 2-2 of OG. He says he used it to create pacts with the 72 demons. Now, it's obvious that Asmo is one of those 72 demons, which means Solomon wouldn't be able to make a pact with him until after Lucifer & co fell. However, I don't think that means that Solomon didn't start making all his pacts before they fell.
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This is from Lesson 29-5 in OG. And he says that Michael gave him the ring at a point in his life when he was lost, etc.
What does that mean? Is that before or after Solomon met Barbatos?
Now, there is also a part in Nightbringer where Solomon says that he met a friend back when he was locked up in the basement. He says that his new friend's family came to get them, but that they would come back from time to time and talk to him. He promise the friend he would be a good sorcerer so he could protect humanity.
What if that was Michael?
If it was, maybe Michael gave him the Ring of Wisdom around this time. Maybe Michael did it because he wanted to help Solomon protect humanity.
But this is also the story Solomon couldn't tell MC entirely. He stops part way and says he doesn't have the courage. Which means something else happened then, too. Probably something bad.
So I dunno, this is just a theory. But it could explain why Michael gave Solomon the ring to begin with. If it happened before the brothers fell, his motivation could have purely been to help Solomon protect humanity.
Of course, it's possible that wasn't Michael at all and was actually someone else. In which case we would be back to square one with the question of why Michael gave Solomon the ring.
It would be rather sinister if Michael gave it to Solomon after the brothers fell for the sole purpose of Solomon being able to control them.
It makes sense that Michael would need a human for this because he can't make pacts with the demons himself. But maybe Solomon didn't want to do what Michael wanted him to do and therefore decided to do his own thing instead. He only has a pact with one of the brothers, so he's not exactly going through with that idea.
If Michael is Nightbringer, this could explain why Solomon said that Nightbringer made him who he is. At the same time, it's pretty clear from Solomon's conversation with Nightbringer that he disagrees with Nightbringer and is kinda defiant.
But if Michael is Nightbringer and he's always wanted to control the brothers, that could explain why Nightbringer wanted MC to make pacts with all of them. Perhaps by creating pacts with the brothers in the past, MC has strengthened their pacts with the brothers in the future, too. That could make it easier for MC to control them, especially to control them all at once.
Which is kinda the point of the Ring of Wisdom. As you said, it's meant to allow someone to control multiple demons without it being as draining on the body.
Unfortunately, I still feel like I don't have enough evidence for any of these theories to say for sure that I think they're right. I kinda always thought Solomon's friend was Michael because to me that seems like the scenario that makes the most sense and fits with the Ring of Wisdom situation.
But in the end, I'm hoping they will reveal more about this part of the backstory. Even if I'm totally wrong, I would still very much like to know why Michael gave Solomon the Ring of Wisdom. Because that feels like a really big deal and so far all they've done is just kinda mention it briefly.
ANYWAY well you see I spend too much time thinking about this stuff. But I also have many questions! Here's hoping we get the answers soon!
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its-in-the-woods · 24 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 10
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. Like why are you even here leave. Hurt/comfort, morning sex, fingering, unprotected sex, fluff, and more fluff. Older man younger woman, P in V, possesivness, slight sub/dom if you squint. Tiny pinch of angst and drama.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.Thank you for your patience her is the latest chapter so much love to everyone reading.
His head is on your chest, your fingers running through the jet black hair, his arms around you. Your mind wanders as you trace symbols on his skin. The pang of sadness knowing that he will be gone again, knowing that even if the next three weeks go well, he will be going back to LA. The thought scratches at your mind, a pang of anxiety making you want to throw things. Life was a cruel and uncaring mistress. 
You feel Walton shift, you relax your body so he can lie beside you. His hazel eyes catch yours, you shift so you're both facing each other. Blankets half tossed over, pillows crumpled and folded into something comfortable. 
“I can hear your brain running,” Walton says his hand going to run down your ribs onto your side. 
“It’s nothing,” You lie, the last thing you wanted was to spoil the night.
His hand comes up and tucks hair behind your ears, “You are many things, but a good liar is not one of them.”
You sigh and roll to look up at the glowing stars above you. “I don’t know how to feel about the end of filming.”
“Hmm?” He asks, hand resting over your side, warm and comforting.
“I know you’ll have to go back to LA, and I am going to be here.” You gesture at the tiny space, if things went well maybe you could find a nicer spot, but it still would mean you were alone. 
Walton sits up so he can look at you, the man appreciates eye contact, as you try not to look at him. 
“Who says I am going to be leaving you?’ He queries, hand rubbing up and down your sides. 
You turn to him rubbing at your lip, “You live there, I live here. That’s your whole life.”
He wiggles closer to you, “And so you decided that I would just leave you here without asking me?”
“I-” You stop for a second, you had been so lost in your head the last few days that you had failed to ask him what he wanted. The brief conversation in the kitchen about the two of you being in a relationship tricked through your brain. “I guess. I’ve jumped to conclusions.” 
Walton nods, large hands sitting possesively on your hip. “Yes, you have. I know you probably thought the worst the last few days. But I am here now, and I don’t plan on leaving you here when filming finishes.”
You take a breath, the mixed feeling making you feel dizzy, “So you’re going to whisk me away?” The words leave your mouth and you immediately wish you could take them back.
Walton’s hand grips into the flesh of your hips, possessively moving you closer to him. Eyes locked on yours, “You don’t need whisking away. You’re a grown woman, who is stubborn and has fought hard to be where you are. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have someone who cares for you.”
Your heart aches at his words, all of them ringing true. You had fought hard, you had done everything in your power over the last decade to try and secure a spot in this world, to try and make it in the industry. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t lonely. It was very lonely, and friendships were closer to acquaintances. Him being in your apartment, wanting to be here with you, caring about you as much as you did about him. It felt. It felt amazing, the walls you had so carefully crafted around you didn’t need to be there with him. You could be you, and he seemed to feel the same way.  
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you want to do long distance, we will do that, you want your own place in LA, done. But I want you. When I said I didn’t take relationships lightly I meant that. This isn’t a fling to me.” Walton said his voice soft but firm. 
You nod your head, “I don’t know what I want. When I didn’t hear from you it hurt. I’ve never hurt like that over anyone. It was awful, and as soon as I saw you today. I just didn’t want to let go. My brain is a mess, and maybe it’s the lack of sleep or the fact it’s midnight.” You feel flustered, the man made your brain feel like mush. He leans over and kisses you, lips gently pressing against yours. 
“I find midnight to be often when the best conversations are had.” He whispers, hand massaging at your hips. “I never stopped thinking about you, all the questions, interviews, photos, I just couldn’t wait to be back here.”
You hum softly, “I will go wherever you want to go,” You speak it out like a small promise, “I don’t know how, can that even be worked? I’ve never tried to work anywhere but here. Could I even get a place in LA?” 
He chuckles kissing you quietly, “If you’ll let me, I will figure it out for you. I’ve got a little experience in that department. You should come down with me next weekend. It’s a long weekend here and it would be good for you to see the city. See if you like there.”
“Oh, Umm,” You feel slightly flustered by how eager he was to take you to LA, “Are you sure?
Walton nods, his hand coming up to run over your cheek, “If you want to, I want you to want to.” 
You lean forward kissing him softly, he pulls you close and you snuggle into his side. He is warm, your fingers playing along his collarbone. “As long as I am with you.” You giggle slightly, “Maybe I am needy,”
Walton lets out a snort, “You are just figuring that out now?”
Giggling some more, “It’s all your fault. I was a perfectly capable woman before you. Now I am clingy and needy.” 
He lets out a laugh at that, turning to tickle along your sides. You squeal, trying to move away and tickle him back. He grabs your hands pining them above your head as he continues the assault, finishing by blowing a raspberry on your stomach. 
“Stop-” You wiggle trying to get yourself free but he is much stronger than you. Huffing as he finally relents coming in to kiss you again. Feeling yourself shiver as he keeps kissing you, how he held you completely still with one hand. That was something new, and you definitely wanted to try more of it. 
He leans back from kissing you, and your face must be red, breath speeded up as you licked at your swollen lips. “You like that,” His hand squeezed around your wrists, and you swallowed and nodded your head at the question.  
He grins, kissing you again before letting go of your wrists, “We will explore that later, for now, this old man needs rest.”
You chuckle and cuddle close, he throws the blankets around you, a hand coming to hold you against him. The warmth and comfort of having him beside you has you drifting off to sleep. 
Your alarm is ringing, you try to find it but something is in the way. You try to move but you’re wrapped tight. Groaning you open your eyes, hands around your chest makes your heart rate spike. Trying to remember how you got here. 
“It’s just me,” Walton mumbles against your neck, and you sag at his sleepy voice. Reality slowly slips in as your brain starts to wake up. You were safe, the memories of last night coming in in pieces. 
“Can you get the alarm,” You murmur, voice raspy and dry. Noting a good glass of water couldn't fix. 
One hand leaves you and the sound of the alarm ceases. You relax against him, letting out a sigh. You're so warm and slightly uncomfortable. Your left arm was pined and you have lost feeling in your fingers. Trying to wiggle to get some room, feeling his body press against yours. He moves back and you roll over to face him, his eyes are still closed. Looking relaxed as he lays beside you. One eye opens to look at you. 
“Good morning,” He mumbles, the arm that’s still under you dragging you beside him. 
You snuggle in, the smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen. You are very thankful you remembered to pre-set the machine last night.  “Good morning, to you too. I hate to ruin the afterglow but I got to get up.”
He grumbles and pulls you tighter against him. “Nah-uh” His lips kiss any skin they find. You wiggle against his side as he kisses down you neck.
“Wwaallttoonn,” You squeak, “We got to go.” But he is holding onto you, you know if you really put up a fuss he’d let go, but if you’re honest you’d rather be here than at work. 
He blows a raspberry against your neck and you are struggling harder now to try and get away. Laughter pulling out of you from the tickling sensation. His hands tickle under your armpit and you try to get him to stop, screeching and grabbing at his hands to know avail. He grins as he stops, that smile always made you melt a little. 
“I need breakfast,” He grumbles, hand cupping your ass. You squeak as his hand lifts your thigh over his hip. How the hell he could move you so easily was something else. 
You gasp as his fingers leisurely went up and down your folds. “Oh, you ass,” You squeak as he continues what should be classified as torture. Parting you he rubs against your clit, making it ache, still tender from the previous evening’s fun. You grind down onto his hand, his cock hardening against your thigh. His fingers slipping up and down as you feel yourself get wet. He was way to good at that. Your head rolling slightly at the sensation, just putty in his hands. 
“Always so wet,” He moans into your ear as his fingers work in and out of you.  
Whining you rocking against him, your mind melting as he stretches you. His fingers leave and you don’t even have a chance to complain before he slides in.
“Fuck that feels good,” You whine moving your body closer as you fall into a rhythm. Your fingers dig into his back as you rut against him. He easily has you on your back, pushing your legs up as his hips move faster.His fingers spreading you open as he works at your clit, that now familiar pull coming from your center. He knows exactly how to wind you up, the hitch of your breath as you squeeze around him. Making his fingers falter as his cock gets squeezed, but he doesn’t ease up, mouth hushing you. Walton isn’t far behind, he slides out to release on your stomach, fingers replacing where he had been. He works his fingers with the same rhythm he works his cock, as he helps you over the edge. Until he’s bitting into his lips hot ropes splashing onto your stomach.
You groan laying there a sweaty damn mess, as he flops beside you, chest raising up and down as you both come down. He grins and kisses you softly. Your phone’s alarm goes off again. Walton groans and slaps at it until it turns off. 
“That’s one way to wake up,” You laugh, your hands running over his chest.
“Mmhmm,” He mumbles, eyes partially closed as he kisses your cheek. You both take a moment to just enjoy the post-orgasm bliss before getting up.
The door bursts open and Trevor’s face is beet red. You had been cleaning up, looking forward to the end of the day. Shooting had gone way over after one of the other actors had had a minor breakdown. Now Trevor was here shoving his phone in your face. 
“What-what” You glare at him, taking the phone and looking at the screen. The blood drains out of your face as you see several photos of you and Walton. One even is of the two of you kissing outside his apartment. “Oh my god,” 
“They just published these an hour ago,” Trevor said his hands taping against the counter. 
“Where- how- That’s my damn apartment.” You squeak, scrolling through what was an internet gossip rag. “This is all bullshit, I am not his personal assistant. Where are they get this info from.”
Trevor is pacing back and forth. “I don’t know, but clearly someone has been following you both.”
You hit the bottom of the website and wonder what world you’d woken up into. The trailer door opens again, and Liz is there now. Your heart falls, she looks beyond upset. Her own phone clenched in her hand. 
“Don’t even start Liz,” Trevor has put himself between the two of you. As much as you appreciate the gesture you were perfectly fine handling the woman.
“You got some nerve,” Liz growled, “I had already warned you to steer clear of him.”
You look between the two co-workers not entirely sure what to say. Why would she need to steer clear of Walton? This smelt like more than just professionalism the woman looked jealous. Why the hell was she jealous, the door banged again and you watched Walton come in. Fake blood still covering his clothes. 
“She’s got some nerve?” Walton is standing in the doorway, as always you were the last to know. How was everyone so on top of this?
Liz’s face goes bright red seeing the actor standing there. “She is in my department, I will handle the situation to my best judgment.”
“Actually, no you will not,” Walton said his voice low and commanding. “You’ve been nothing but snippy with her, the relationship we have is no one's business. Pictures posted on the internet or not.”
“It’s unprofessional,” The woman mocks, and you can see the man stiffen with the words. You were honestly surprised at the whole situation. You had never pegged Liz as someone who would have been interested in Walton. Then again everyone was interested in him. 
“There is nothing unprofessional about having relationships with co-workers.” Walton replies, “We are two grown adults. Professionalism be damn. If it was anyone else you would not have cared Elizabeth.”
You watch as Liz’s eyes dart anywhere but at Walton. The confirmation that there definitely had been a thing there, a thing that wasn't reciprocated. The way he used her full name made it all the more real, this was why she had been such a bitch to you from the beginning. Trevor had caught your eye, his eyebrows raised. 
“I am not sure what you’re implying Mr. Goggins. But I am surely not the only one tired of you both being a distraction.” Liz hissed, you wanted to hide under the counter if only to stop yourself from jumping on her. Accusing them of causing a distraction, when she was the one storming into trailers. 
Walton let out a short laugh, “You and I both know what I am talking about. Your jealousy is noted and not appreciated. I figured you were pasted that, but clearly not.”
The whole room is thick with tension, as the two of them stare each other down. You want to leave or say something but your mouth is dry. The thought that Liz’s anger was directed at you because of your relationship with Walton was childish. It was something that would have happened in high school. Here she was spouting off about being professional when she had treated you like dirt. Even tried to turn others on you, and threaten your relationship with other departments. 
“We have less than four weeks left,” You finally say, “Then you will never see me again,”
Liz looked you up and down a sneer still on her face, “Oh don’t worry sweety, you will never-”
“Do not threaten her,” Walton stated, the way his voice was more of a growl made you tingle. “They are empty threats and you know it. Everyone knows about your attitude, and the fact you are only still around cause you’re in bed with every PM in town.” 
Liz’s mouth snapped closed, “That was uncalled for,” For a moment she looked a bit hurt. “Best of luck to both of you. See your boyfriend has your back at least,” 
The woman gloured at you, her face twisted as if she had walked in dog shit. 
You let out a sigh, you were so over this,  “Boyfriend or not your actions speak volumes. I’ve kept my personal life private, and all you’ve done is feed the rumor mill. No one else has said a word or confronted me about it. Production, clearly, doesn’t care or they would have said something. So that’s that, I wish you well Liz.”
You get up and walk out, even if it means never walking back into the trailer. Liz could have it, all the bullshit, all the rumors, it all didn’t matter. Your peace was more important, your happiness was more important. Warm fingers are lacing with yours, you turn to see Walton beside you. You stop between the different trailers and just look at him. His usually bright hazel eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, a small grin across his lips. You lean and kiss him, something quick but gentle. 
“Hey,” He whispers, forehead leaning against yours. 
“Thank you for standing up for me,” You whisper back.
He shrugs a bit, the sun is coming through the clouds dancing across both of you. “She should have let it go a long time ago.”
“I had no idea,” You sigh straightening up. “Then again who wouldn’t want a piece of you.” 
Walton lets out a hearty laugh, “Not sure I would agree. I have my eyes only on you.”
You smile leaning in to kiss him again, you honestly couldn’t care who saw now. “How often do you think my face will end up on the internet.”
“Depends on how many times they catch us,” He grins against your lips. 
Chapter Eleven
**So I have two options. Option one we leave it here I feel like this isn't a horrible way to end things*
**Option two I continue to dive more into their stable relationship, get into some kinky stuff maybe, and probably get some angst in there. I have a vaguely written outline but there is definitely room to continue this.**
Please let me know :)
46 notes · View notes
sokoviansimp · 1 year
can you please do one of wanda and nat x child reader and getting them to do homework and eat hahahahah i love ur fics btw it makes me feel so warm
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary: Wanda and Nat try to get you to do your homework and eat your vegetables.
✒ Tags and Warnings: Homework, stubbornness, fluff, anxiety, making friends
✒ Author's Note: I really appreciate the request! I thought this was such a good idea, hopefully, I did it justice! Sorry, it took so long. To the other requests in my inbox, I am sorry I am so slow but I will be getting to them, they're all so good :)
✒ Word Count: 4744+
✒ Read Time: 24 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU : Socials
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“It sounds like a good opportunity, I don’t think it’s ever really too early to start” Nat urged. 
“I guess, but she’s just so young,” Wanda claimed as she moved to join her friend on the couch. 
“They’ll all be her age, it’s just for a week,” Nat insisted. 
Nat had found a program for young children to learn science and math for a week, it was kind of like a day camp. The parents would drop off the young children daily for 4 hours of hands-on learning. She thought this would be good for you since you have been following very closely in Peter’s footsteps when it comes to his interest in math and science. It would also introduce you to a school setting so that it isn’t so far out of your comfort zone next year when you go to attend preschool. 
To be truthful, you and Wanda were all Nat could think about lately. She wanted so badly to be there for you two, to help you achieve success and be given opportunities that she could’ve only dreamed of at your age. This sent her down a rabbit hole searching for events or activities you could take part in. Most of them were geared toward older children, but the science camp stated all ages so she jumped on it. 
Wanda was hesitant about the program, she didn’t want to push school onto you too early. You should be able to enjoy the time before it completely takes over your life for 14+ years. Nat had a point though, it’s only a week and you would probably really love it. She wasn’t sure how you would react to being left without her all day though, hopefully, now that you have been coming out of your shell the process would be easier but it was hard to say. 
Though, it’s inevitable that this will need to happen eventually. One week of practice would be helpful to smooth out the process once it's mandatory. Wanda really admired the way Nat was so enthusiastic about this program, like the way her voice became more animated and expressive. Wanda could hear the slight rise in her tone as she described the activities that you’d get to experience, and the way she leaned closer in proximity to show off the different amenities on the webpage had Wanda holding her breath and overthinking every little movement of her body. As she got lost in the sparkle in Natasha’s eyes, she couldn't help but scrutinize herself for making everything so awkward, ‘don’t move, don’t breathe. Okay, breathe but slowly. Does she notice? why is this making me feel this way? It’s not like we’ve never been close to each other before.’
“What do you think?” Nat jolted her from her spiraling thoughts, both mentally and slightly physically as Wanda startlingly looked at her. Of course, she hadn’t been paying attention to a thing Nat was saying, but she couldn’t know that. 
“Hmm, yea that sounds great,” she admitted, hoping she hadn’t just agreed to send you to a shield boot camp or something that only Natasha would find fun. 
 “Really?” Nat was beaming at the fact that Wanda liked her idea and genuinely hoped you would have a great time. 
“Ye- yea, I mean, it’s just a week and she’s going to have to get used to spending time without us.” Wanda went on to explain.
Natasha's heart skipped a beat. Us. She knew what Wanda meant by it and even though she recognized it wasn’t anything that she should read into, Nat couldn't help but analyze it. Such a simple phrase, but it had the prospect to hold so much meaning. Wanda had included her in her vision of your future, as a unit, as us. In reality, Wanda knew Natasha would always be there for you, but Natasha couldn’t help but feel a wave of warmth and happiness wash over her at the thought of it meaning something more, causing her cheeks to flush and a smile to form on her face. 
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When Wanda and Nat told you about the camp, you were initially really excited, until you found out that you’d have to go alone. Sure, they would drop you off, but then they would leave, and then, who would protect you if something went wrong? Who would be there to hold you when you got nervous around the crowd of unfamiliar faces?
“Mama?” you broke the silence as you sat snuggled into her side on the couch of the common room, enveloped in mostly darkness except for the soft glow from the television. 
“Yes, detka?” she glanced down at you as your head tilted up to meet your eyes with hers. 
“Do I have to go to da sciewence schoowl?” you asked softly, just barely above a whisper, not wanting to make trouble but you couldn’t get the fact that you would have to go alone out of your mind. 
Wanda immediately shifted her full attention to you in an attempt to create a safe and open space for you to express your worries, “I thought you were excited?”
“Well, I am- I was, but, I don't want to go wiffout you or Natty.” you admitted as you translated your fears from thoughts into words. 
"I see, I understand that you're feeling nervous about going without us, and that's completely okay, my love. It's natural to feel a little anxious when we step out of our comfort zone," she said as she gently rubbed your arm in soothing motions. She wanted to help you work through these feelings instead of blocking off new opportunities due to fear. In the end, she wouldn’t force you to go, but she would do everything she could to get you open to the experience. 
“You know, even adults get feelings like these when they're about to try something new or go to unfamiliar places. I remember when I first joined the Avengers, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. But you know what?” 
“It turned out to be an incredible journey filled with wonderful people and unforgettable adventures. I got to meet my two favorite people in the whole world"
“Me?” your expression shifted from nervous to curious, as you wondered where Wanda was going with this. 
“Yes you, and Nat,” she says unable to mask the smile that forms near automatically from the mention of her best friend.
“What if, der is no one der for me?” you wonder 
"You will have so many other kids there that are your age that you can make friends with, malysh"
“What if dey don’t wike me?” You were genuinely worried about meeting other kids your age. You’ve only ever been around adults and you weren’t quite sure what to expect. Would they all already know each other? Would there be a certain way you were expected to act around them? 
"What’s not to like? You have the kindest heart and the most beautiful spirit of anyone I know.” she was speaking from the heart as she genuinely believed what she told you. Wanda watched you go from this scared little girl who was being held captive in a Hydra base to a kid who gets excited to talk about the solar system and wildlife habitats with Peter. She watched you open up and accept these people, even the men on the team,  into your life despite your wariness. She’s sure you are capable of anything you really put your mind to, “Making friends has one simple rule and if you follow it, it's practically foolproof, do you know what that is?”
You just shook your head in response, waiting for her to continue.  
“Just be yourself. If you do that you'll attract real friends who appreciate you for who you are," she said as she tapped your chest, pointing to your heart. 
“Be myself?” you wondered what it meant as you repeated the words on your own tongue. You don’t recall ever acting like someone else. “Who else would I be?”
Wanda couldn't help but chuckle at your innocence and how cute you were, “Some people try to change for others. They change their personalities, their opinions, and sometimes even their looks just to fit in with other people.”
“Oh. so, wike, pwetending?”
"Exactly! You are capable of so much more than you realize, my little one. Have faith in yourself."
You thought over her words as the show continued to play in front of you on the TV. You were so close to being on board with it, but you couldn’t get over the possibility of being stuck there without a way out. The way Wanda spoke so highly of you, gave you the confidence you needed to believe you could make friends, but what if everything really did go horribly wrong, would you be stuck there all day? 
“Mama?” you continued the conversation after a few minutes of watching tv had passed. 
“I want to go to da sciewence schoowl, but what if I need you when I der?”
Wanda thought about this for a moment, You're far too young to have a cell phone, but a communication line wouldn’t be such a bad thing for you. It could help calm your anxiety and in her line of work, anything could happen so it would make things safer. 
“Well, if there is something really important, you can tell your teacher and she can get ahold of me,” Wanda explained. You didn’t seem too satisfied with that answer though as you gave a somber acknowledgment. What if you weren't able to get the teacher's attention, or the teacher just plain refused, the plan just didn't seem very solid. 
Wanda could see that you weren’t content with her solution, “Or I can show you a trick,” she offered. 
Your face perked up, immediately intrigued, your little hands clutching a stuffed toy tightly, gazed up at Wanda with wide-eyed wonder, “a trick?” you asked
“Close your eyes, my little one,” Wanda explained and you did as she instructed, “now, take a deep breath. Imagine a warm light surrounding us, enveloping us like a soft, protective blanket. or a big fluffy cloud”
As you sat with your eyes closed, a serene smile graced Wanda's face. She concentrated, allowing her own powers to flow through her, and extended her thoughts toward you. With a gentle touch of her mind, she created a bridge between your thoughts, a telepathic connection unique to you.
"Now, detka," Wanda whispered, "I want you to think of something you want to tell me, but without saying it out loud. Just focus on the feeling and the words in your mind."
Your brows furrowed and your face scrunched in concentration, your little face reflecting the effort of trying to convey your thoughts through this newfound connection. Wanda could feel your tiny mind reaching out tentatively, like a fragile thread stretching between the two of you.
With each passing moment, the connection grew stronger, and soon your eyes fluttered open, revealing a mixture of surprise and delight. "Mama, can you hear me?" your innocent voice echoed softly between your minds, blending with the quiet hum of the room.
Wanda's heart swelled with joy as she nodded, her eyes shimmering with pride. "Yes, dorogoy, I can hear you!" she exclaimed, "Our thoughts are connected now, and no matter where we are, we can talk to each other like this. Whenever you need me, I will be there for you,” she explained.
In that magical moment, your minds intertwined, You two shared a connection that transcended words. With telepathy, you could communicate your deepest thoughts, dreams, and feelings, strengthening the unbreakable bond between mother and child. Perhaps most importantly to you though, you were able to reach Wanda without the confines of distance. 
As you sat there, immersed in your newfound ability, Wanda couldn't help but marvel at the wonder of it all. She knew that this telepathic connection would serve as a source of comfort and reassurance for you, a constant reminder that you were always connected, even when physically apart.
With that, you were content with the decision to attend the science camp. Not only that, but you were excited again. Instead of focusing on the parts that worried you, you were able to shift your focus onto all the exciting things you were bound to learn and discover. Your mind ran wild with outrageous theories, like discovering fossils or trying to figure out the speed of a flamingo by simply racing beside it. 
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The first day of camp approached rather quickly. In the days leading up, you would often use your new ability to have silent conversations with Wanda. Sometimes you would do it to practice and make sure that you still could when you needed to, and other times you did it to express feelings and emotions that you had trouble translating into words. 
Wanda and Nat were both there to drop you off on your first day, you were less nervous than they expected you to be which they were grateful for. Now that you were able to contact Wanda you felt safe in exploring new experiences alone, and maybe that's because you never felt alone, because she would always be there for you if you needed. 
The camp was divided into different age groups. The majority of the kids were 4th and 5th graders, but there was a small group of children your age. Wanda and Nat were grateful that you would have enough children to socialize with but not so many that it would seem overwhelming. Hopefully, with the smaller group, it would be easier to make friends. 
In fact, you didn't even get to the classroom before you made your first friend, “Hi, I’m Matthew, what's your name?” you turned to the voice that spoke behind you, “Hi! I’m Y/N” you greeted. “Y/N! Dat’s a cool name! You wike space too? I wove space!” he mentioned as he noticed your shirt that showed a playful astronaut floating in space, holding a slice of pizza in one hand and giving a thumbs-up with the other reading Pizza Planet Explorer, “Wanna be fwreinds?” he asked. 
You were caught off guard by how quickly he spoke and became distracted, but of course, you wanted to make friends and you already had something in common, “Yes, we can be fwreinds, I love space too. My favowite planet is Saturn” you enthusiastically replied. 
“I wike Jupiter da most cuz it’s da biggest,” Matthew responded. 
The two of you sat next to each other throughout the demonstrations and even shared a table at lunch. Wanda had packed you a container of yogurt, sliced strawberries and baby carrots, and some Mini turkey and cheese roll-ups which were basically just a turkey sandwich rolled into bite-sized pieces for easy eating. At the bottom of your lunch box, there was a note that read, 
My Dearest Y/N,
I hope you're having a wonderful day at school! I am so incredibly proud of you. Remember, my little superhero, you have the power to do anything you set your mind to. Each day, you're growing stronger, smarter, and more amazing. I can't wait to hear all about your day when you come home. Keep shining bright, my sunshine.
With all my love,
You couldn’t help but smile as you attempted to read the note, you still weren’t really able to read but you were able to pick out keywords like love, smarter, amazing, and superhero, so you got the vibe and felt comforted by it, which is all Wanda had hoped for.
 “What’s dat?” Matthew asked as he saw you set the note down next to your baby carrots. “Oh, my mama wrote me a note” you explained. 
“Oh wow, she must really love you,” he stated as he wondered why he never received any notes with his meal. 
“Yea, she does,” you said with a gleaming smile. 
You managed to survive the entire day without contacting Wanda at all. She hoped it was a good sign as she and Nat headed to pick you up. They were made sure to be there 5 minutes before pick-up so that you wouldn’t have to wait, knowing you’d be excited to see them and tell them all about how it went. 
As soon as the door opened for dismissal, you immediately found Wanda’s green eyes and ran full speed with your arms stretched out reaching for a hug. She enveloped tightly you as she lifted you off the ground for a long embrace. The two were happy to see that your face was filled with nothing but joy. 
Wanda continued to carry you as the three of you headed toward the car. Wanda ducked into the driver's seat after getting you settled into your car-seat and Nat took the seat next to you in the back so that she could hear all about your day. 
“Sooo, how was it? Tell us all about it!” Nat insisted. 
“Was so fun! We learned bout uhm- OH! JUPITER HAS A RAINSTORM! And Mafwew said dat if we went to space, der wouldn’t be any noise.” 
“Matthew?” Wanda asked as she caught glimpses of you speaking through her rear view mirror. 
“Yea mama! My new fwiend! He wikes space tew!” you excitedly announced. You went on to tell them all about the things that you learned and how much fun you had with Matthew. Tomorrow couldn't come quick enough. 
“Did they give you any homework?” Nat asked once you had finished. 
“Oh yea, is in my bag” you answered as you showed Nat where it was in your bag. She read over the instructions and mentioned that you could do it right when you got home. The assignment wasn’t anything too difficult, but it sure was time-consuming. 
The project was about energy and showing how much we consume every day. The worksheet was laid out so that all you had to fill in were blocks of color. You were given a piece to plug into your outlets and once you had the item mentioned plugged in, it would show an amount. Then you had to fill in the bubble that corresponded with the range on your outlet. 
Nat and Wanda both helped you through this but you soon became bored and no longer wanted to do it. It was so repetitive and your toys were sitting right there just waiting to be played with. Eventually you got through it without making too much of a fuss and you could finally get on with what you wanted to do, except that didn't last long because before you knew it, Wanda was telling you it was bathtime. 
“But mama, I just stawrted pwlayin” you said somberly. 
Wanda wanted to give you more time to play but it was already getting late and you had to be up early tomorrow, “I know, I’m sorry baby, but it’s late and you need a bath before camp tomorrow.” Without a fight, you reluctantly followed hoping that tomorrow would be better. 
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When you arrived home from camp the next day, the same dreaded question was asked, “Do you have any homework today?” You remembered how long and grueling your homework was last night, and instead of showing them the papers that your teacher gave you, today, you simply shook your head. Of course, Nat, the trained super spy, noticed the hesitation in your response as the gears turned in your brain and saw right through you. Deciding that she would look in your bag herself once you all arrive at the compound.
You immediately ran to the common room to play with your toys. Natasha, in the kitchen with Wanda, investigated your bag as Wanda cleaned your lunch box. “No homework huh?” Nat muttered as she held up your papers for Wanda to see. They shared a knowing look as Nat mentioned she would talk to you while Wanda finished cleaning out your lunch. 
Natasha entered the common room, a concerned expression on her face, holding your backpack in her hand. She had a feeling something was off when you claimed there was no homework. She sat down next to you, as you played with your toys.
"Hey, sweetheart," Natasha said gently, placing the bag on the coffee table. "I happened to find something interesting in your backpack. Do you want to explain why you said you didn't have any homework?"
Your eyes widened, realizing you had been caught in your little white lie. You fidgeted with your toys, avoiding Natasha's gaze. "I... I didn't want to do it. It- it takes SOO long, and den I don’t get to play." you admitted. 
Natasha reached out and gently turned your face towards her, meeting your eyes. "Sweetheart, I understand that homework can sometimes feel dull, but it's important to be honest with us. We're here to help and support you, but we need to know what's going on."
Wanda entered the room once your bag was all cleaned. Sensing the tension, she knelt down beside Natasha and spoke in a reassuring tone. "Y/N, we want you to succeed in everything you do. And that includes being honest, even when it's hard. We're a family, and families trust and support each other."
A family. 
Natasha noticed the term and felt elated that she was included in the phrase. The three of you were a family. It didn’t matter whether Wanda and Nat were best friends, or something more than that; the three of you were family. You felt their endless love, even if they hadn’t figured out that part of that love lay within each other. 
Your lower lip quivered, realizing the weight of your actions. "I'm sorry, Natty. I didn't mean to lie."
Natasha's expression softened, and she pulled you into a comforting hug. "It's okay, sweetheart. We all make mistakes, and the important thing is to learn from them. Let's work on being honest with each other, alright?"
Wanda joined the hug, enveloping you both in her warm embrace. "We love you, Y/N, no matter what. And we're here to help you with your homework too. It doesn't have to be boring. We can find fun and creative ways to learn together."
You sniffled, feeling a mix of relief and remorse. They were right. Lying wasn't the solution, and you knew deep down that they were always there to support her. You nodded, determined to make things right.
“It can be fun?” you wondered how they planned to turn such a mundane task into something, fun.
“We can turn it into a special challenge!" Nat chimed in
You looked up, curious about the proposal. "A challenge?"
Wanda chimed back in, joining the conversation. "That's right, sweetheart! We'll create a reward system for each task you complete. Once you finish your homework, we can all have a movie night or make your favorite dessert together."
Your eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? We can have a movie night?"
Natasha nodded. "Absolutely! But first, we need to get those homework assignments done. Let's break it down into smaller tasks, so it feels less overwhelming. We'll be right here with you, cheering you on."
Wanda took your hand and sat beside you at the table. Nat and Wanda each took turns reading different questions out for you. 
With their gentle encouragement and the promise of a fun reward, you felt motivated. They both stayed by your side, offering guidance and praise as you worked through each task. They made the process enjoyable by adding some playful moments and even turning math problems into little games.
As you completed each question, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. With every finished task, you grew more confident and proud of yourself. By the time you completed your last assignment, you practically beamed with joy. Almost as if homework was just as fun as playtime with your toys. 
Natasha and Wanda gathered around you, excitedly applauding your efforts. "Great job, Y/N! You did it!" Natasha exclaimed.
Wanda hugged you tightly. "We're so proud of you, sweetheart."
You grinned, feeling a sense of pride and happiness wash over you. With your two favorite people by your side, even homework could turn into an adventure filled with love and support; and as promised, you all enjoyed a delightful movie night, celebrating your achievements. You had shocked both Wanda and Nat with your choice of movie for the night, Planet 51, purely because it was something other than Frozen. 
For the rest of the week, Natasha and Wanda made it a point to create a positive and engaging homework routine for you. They turned studying into a fun activity, incorporating games, rewards, and plenty of encouragement. You learned that honesty and open communication were far more rewarding than any short-lived escape from homework.
Together, you tackled assignments, explored new concepts, and celebrated each milestone. You discovered that learning could be an exciting journey, especially when shared with your favorite people.
A few days later, the aroma of a freshly cooked meal wafted through the air of the kitchen, tempting your taste buds and filling the room with mouthwatering scents as you sat patiently at the table. Once Wanda had begun serving up plates of food, you noticed that the meal was something that you had no interest in eating. Your once adventurous appetite had transformed into a discerning palate, making mealtime a challenge for your loving guardians, Natasha and Wanda. 
"Come on, Y/N," Natasha coaxed, her voice gentle but firm. "You need to eat your vegetables. They'll make you strong like a superhero."
Your bottom lip jutted out, and you crossed her arms, proclaiming, "I don't like vegables, Natty!"
Wanda, with her patient demeanor, joined in, her voice filled with warmth. "But sweetheart, vegetables have magical powers! They can give you energy to run fast like-" Wanda abruptly cut her sentence short at the sudden realization that you had never met her brother. Pietro never had the chance to become an uncle before his life was tragically taken from her, him. She struggled to come up with a new comparison, as her mind was scrambling to revive her sentence. Nat immediately picked up on Wanda’s distress and quickly put a reassuring hand on Wanda’s shoulder as she took over, “They can make you strong like Mr. Bucky and Peter,” Nat concluded. 
The presence of Nat’s hand on her shoulder quelled Wanda’s mind from running in circles trying to backpedal as she focused on the way it felt to have Nat soothingly move her hand from her shoulder to her back in a messy circular motion, subconsciously leaning into her ever so slightly.
You glanced skeptically at the colorful array of vegetables on your plate. "Really?"
Natasha nodded, a playful sparkle in her eyes. "Absolutely! And if you eat your vegetables, you might even develop some superpowers of your own."
You carried the skepticism into your look back to Nat, “I alweady hab powers!” You said as you called her out. 
Nat’s eyes widened ever so slightly as she remembered that little detail but you didn’t catch the slight crack in her resolve. She was so used to treating you like a kid, like a normal kid, that she began to suppress the fact that you are in fact enhanced yourself, “New ones,” she responded as she covered up her slight oversight.
Wanda smiled as she watched the interaction, her voice filled with excitement. "Perhaps you'll develop the power to talk to animals or create beautiful flowers with just a wave of your hand."
Your imagination ignited, and you tentatively reached for a small piece of broccoli, eyeing it with newfound intrigue. Hesitantly taking a bite, to your surprise, a burst of flavor danced on your tongue.
"Yummy!," You exclaimed, a hint of both shock and amazement in your voice.
Natasha and Wanda exchanged triumphant glances, their plan unfolding successfully. They knew that sometimes a dash of imagination and a sprinkle of superhero magic were all it took to conquer a picky eater's heart.
Encouraged by your enthusiasm, Natasha and Wanda continued to weave tales of vegetable-powered adventures, turning each bite into a step closer to unlocking extraordinary powers. With every vegetable conquered, your confidence grew, and soon the plate was empty—a victorious battle won against the picky eater dilemma.
As you savored the last bite, you looked up at Natasha and Wanda, a bright smile lighting up your face. "I did it! I ate all my vegebles, just wike a real superhero!"
Natasha and Wanda shared a proud glance, their hearts brimming with joy. Together, they celebrated the triumph of a small victory, knowing that love, creativity, and a touch of superhero magic had transformed a picky eater into a courageous little hero.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda@livslifeonline@reggierizzoli@mythixmagic@lesbicentism@marvelogic@katethewriter @inluvwithfictionalwomen @spooky-reader1 @marvelogic ​@kissforvoid
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befemininenow · 1 year
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You went down a rabbit hole for years and it only made you worse. It didn’t feel right and the influences around you gaslighted you. When you realized your identity didn’t match with what they promised, you broke away from them and became free like a butterfly. Those who despise you only do so because they wish to be brave like you. Your identity is valid and always will be.
In all seriousness, I wished the content I viewed years back would have been less degrading. I probably would have been aware of my identity earlier than intended. Here’s a fun fact about me: I used to be so into magical MTF TG transformation sequences and to a lesser extent, TG captions. I never got full into hypnosis, especially since they were mostly into the sissy type. While I still view MTF TG transformation sequences once in a while, I’m not interested in it as I used to, especially if it’s the forced type that involves mind control. As for captions, I’m only interested in affirming TG caption blogs now.
Something I realized about the stuff I once liked, however, wasn’t so much because of the words. Rather, it was imagining myself becoming one of the girls in those pics. Of course, it only played a small part of me discovering who I am now: a trans girl. I could go on and make an essay about my trans identity, but the point I’m trying to make is that once you find out who you are inside, the things you used as a coping mechanism become less interesting and eventually are abandoned.
The latter pic was used in a caption I liked a few years ago. I know I’m never going to be exactly like the woman in the pic (everyone has different figures). But what I do want to be is to be confident like her. I believe that should apply to all who may be reading this.
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beebopboom · 6 months
A Bookshop in Soho Eden
This is not a new idea and after reading these wonderful post by @the-apology-dance here and @queerfables here my brain just got hooked on it. I wanted to see though, if I could take this idea one step further and oh boy can you - so if you want to join me down this rabbit hole I went down strap in for this rollercoaster - I broke it down to three parts that I will post separately
This is technically season 3 speculation as I bring up some points connected to the Second Coming for further down the line
Also I'm just going to lay out the information then connect in all in the end so just stay with me - it will all connect
But without further ado
Aziraphale's Jobs over the years
Let's start at the beginning or just after - the Garden of Eden
Angel of the Eastern Gate and donned with a flaming sword - technically on apple tree duty according to him but we only see him after the whole eating the apple business. What we do see is him doing is opening his “gate” for them to leave, closing it, and then getting questioned by God - specifically about his flaming sword. The next time we see him he is back at his post on the wall - Adam and Eve are quite a bit away by now - and this is when Crowley comes up to him.
The thing I find interesting about this is that he is still there after the apple business is done and over with - and he is still in guarding position, looking out towards the humans
So let's take a look into the actual bible for maybe an answer as to why -
Genesis 3:24 - “He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turn every way to guard the way to the Tree of Life”
Now the Tree of Life is an interesting mention with it's connection to the Second Coming
So let’s take a quick look into what the Tree of life is
The Tree of Life is mentioned in two particular stories in the bible - Genesis and Revelations - or in other words the Beginning and the End
Adam and Eve had access to this tree and were only warned against the Tree of Knowledge because they couldn’t have both - eternal life or knowledge of good and evil
So once they had taken a bite from the apple God then revoked their access to the Tree of Life by banishing them from the garden and placing a guard - no humans were to have access anymore
Until the Second Coming comes around where all the humans who have passed judgement(all the names written down in the book of life) and get to live in Gods’s paradise again - with the Tree of Life in the center and fully accessible. People are able to consume the fruits from the tree once again
The point I'm trying to make is yes technically he was on apple tree duty then but now he is on Tree of Life duty - it’s the purpose of him remaining in Eden, and on Earth among humans. Protection for and against humans
Now Aziraphale had one more job that I wanted to bring up, courtesy of the Demon’s Guide to Angelic Beings who Walk the Earth, and that is Garden Designer. We don't know exactly when he did this so we can only guess - I’m going to out on a limb and say the 16th - 17th century French Gardens
Developed from Italian renaissance gardens, this style of gardening used symmetry, parterres, and geometrical shapes. I’m just going to touch on some key features but if you want to learn more here are some links (here and here)
These gardens tended to start at the house and were meant to be view from above on the terraces. There would be a main path way that would lead away from the house and would come to a circular center that was often just lawn or water sometimes surrounded by trees, it was from here that the garden was broken down into sections. Through the use of geometry they created perspective and optics with rows and designs of the plants placement. Closer to the house these designs were more complex with them getting less complex the further away. Symmetry and control over the plants was a big part as it was a way show a man's mastery over nature. Water was also a key feature mainly through the use of still water ponds that served as mirrors. On top of all these interesting designs the gardens were often decorated with statues. These gardens were meant to tell a story whether viewed from above or walking within - it would seem as though you were going through different rooms
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Some of these these design elements might sound familiar and they should - it's only reflected in one of the most visited places in the show
The Bookshop - A.Z. Fell and Co.
Aziraphale opened up the bookshop in 1800, but had been working on it for years as we learn from Crowley in 1793, all due to his love of books. Not that the actually wants to sell his books and actively makes it unpleasant to a customer.
The bookshop also serves another purpose though - it's a safe place. I've theorized before in this post about how something happened before 1793 but after 1601 that made Crowley get in trouble with Hell due to their arrangement - a fear that Aziraphale has had from the start. So Aziraphale took this chance to combine the things he loved and the need for a safe place so he could hang out with the one he loved - all wrapped up in the explanation that he was just doing his job and was able to make it a Heaven’s embassy - unable to enter without permission and easy ways to sneak out. But I’m not here to really talk about the emotional connections -
So let’s look at the actual layout of the bookshop - the bare bones at least
As soon as you go through the door you are hit with a second circular doorway - pointed out to be the omega symbol. In this front little area there are three tables but then we lead into the center of the bookshop with a big circle rug lit up by the skylight and surrounded by four pillars. It is from here that the bookshop opens up into different pathways and sections all directed by the actual bookshelves. Towards the back of the shop is a staircase that leads up to the second floor where you can still look down and around the lower floor. There are statues placed all around the shop with extra tables and chairs throughout and quite a few rugs with some French influenced designs on them laying about.
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(credit to whoever made this - you are a godsend)
Rings some bells doesn’t it?
Now you may be asking why these specific gardens instead something more like Eden to commemorate their first meeting on Earth. I mean this is Aziraphale we are talking about - the angel who got himself arrested because he wanted to go on a french date and who decided to learn french, or in other words one of the more romantic languages, the human way. For designing a bookshop that would be their safe space picking a french design is not too far out there.
But what if I told you there was more to his bookshop and the of Whickber Street as a whole.
If you remember the whole Tree of Life rant I went on earlier let me add one more piece of information - the geometry symbol
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so is that bookshop is not only meant to represent their Eden but particularly the paradise that is the reward of the Second Coming? Is he actually really doing his job in protecting the Tree of Life from humans? Even if it was a subconscious choice on Aziraphale’s part - could it explain the concept art of the cut dream?
Technically on Tree of Life duty guarding his books/fruit of eternal life from humans in their modern day Eden.
Now I’ll admit it doesn’t line up perfectly but I wanted to include it because my next point can still stand either way - and I’m going to go more into this idea in the other parts.
Rivers of Time
In Eden there is one big river that when it reaches out of Eden it splits into four rivers that water the garden and reach to the ends of the Earth - Pishon(full flowing), Gihon(bursting forth), Hiddekel(swift or darting), and Euphrates(fruitful). The Tree of Life it is said to have a river on both sides.
Now I’m sure we have all noticed the some weird instances of time being messed with in the show - particularly in the streets of Soho. They are sped up, slowed down, and normal speed. Often these roads are also depicted as wet.
So let me throw in the idea of Timestreams
It’d probably be easier to go read that but basically it’s -
The concept that time is always flowing forward or backwards, and meeting in the middle - always on the move always connected - never quite knowing where you step in. Just like the flow of water.
And wouldn’t it be ironic that Crowley, our time stopping demon, and his car are now constantly in this stream of time darting around only to finally stop and slow down in the bookshop
So we can take the four streets of our little spot in Soho connect it to the four rivers and apply some time fuckery - you get a place that is full and bursting with life, people darting all around looking and buying things that make their life more fruitful. But time is a bit wibbly wobbly for the residents, always flowing and connected - past, present, and future - so we get characters that are parallel’s to the past, that may have existed in a different time or universe, and that repeat often.
So if the Bookshop is their version of Eden it would make these streets representative of the rest of the world - what with a street that lead to chinatown and have various French and Italian restaurants along another - this idea is not too far out there
But also if you take the Bookshop as a little more representative of the Tree of Life in particular with the two streets surrounding it - Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death can very easily be equated with the Tree of Knowledge. The whole of Whickber Street is their Eden.
This is what happens when you have an Angel and Demon with too much affect on the world around them living in one spot for hundreds of years
So to wrap this all up please remember this is just a theory and for fun - take it as you will
But if you have followed along this long and I’ve somehow managed to get you entertain this idea of the Bookshop being their slice of Eden - whether Eden itself or just a single part of Eden (Tree of Life) with the whole street being Eden - wait and see for the next part
After all the apple (coffee) did come from within the Garden and then they lost access to the Tree of Life (bookshop)
This was Part 1
In Part 1.5 it just a couple theories concerning the Book of Life and more, like an intermission
And finally Part 2 we discuss the second place the Tree of Life is mentioned, the Book of Revelations, and how we have already seen a version of the Second Coming
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sgiandubh · 1 year
You know nothing, Jon Snow
It's been a short night and a hot summer day in here. But I just received the last of the goods in my secondary inbox and am still unpacking, pondering and putting the data into context.
Work with me:
To begin somewhere, this is the exact content of the (in)famous Shamrock Anon submission to this blog, as delivered almost 23 hours ago:
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Put yourselves in my shoes and read with me: "the Irish based drinks company (not the one accessible to fans) is solely owned by him and DF".
An Irish company? "Not accessible to fans?" Owned only by these two people and not her, on her turf? Now that could have been a nuke, because hello, where is the logic in all this, and who does that, and yes, why?
By the time I wrote my brief Shamrock Anon post, in the hope of luring this person to share more, the same message had already been delivered to at least two other shipper blogs. That would make three of us: the controversial newbie (I am not blind, but I am not cantankerous either), the respected veteran sleuth and Super Dispatch, with what I believe to be the intent of pushing an agenda of sorts. I chose not to publish Anon, because: 1) I needed more and yes, I needed to check and 2) I felt there was something bizarre with all this.
@luhafraser published it and I am truly relieved they did. I posted an update that apparently got even more people confused, and carried on with it. It did not take off the pressure (Anons begging, pleading and taunting went straight to the bin), but it gave me time to start looking.
It took me exactly two minutes and a half to find the Irish company's name and registration number, as visible and published on the FMN gin webpage (https://www.forgetmenot.com/ and always, always read the small print).
So long for "not accessible to fans", BS Anon:
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Next stop, the Irish Company Registration Office's website (https://core.cro.ie/), where things went impeccably smooth. FMN Drinks is an Irish company, registered as "Limited", which would translate as Public Limited Company (plc) in the UK:
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Getting more data required a paid search and I stopped to ponder. Really did. Price was a trifle, but that was not really my problem. So I sat on it during the night: it is something I always do when I find myself uneasy or unsure about something.
By noon today, local time, I mumbled "oh, what the hell", crossed myself and pushed send:
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It took 15 minutes to get five of the documents and two more hours and 45 minutes to get the Letter of Status, certified by a living, breathing Irish public servant in that inbox:
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So (in)famous Shamrock Anon, here is my answer to you:
If you think a company specialized in the distilling and rectifying of spirits, with 100 (one hundred) issued shares, worth 1 euro each and with a zero euro declared account balance since last December is proof of capitalist world domination, you are an idiot, Anon. You lured me down that rabbit hole with the preposterous idea that C was not a part of this PO box company - which she is, as one of its four appointed Directors - to try and prove shippers are stupid. Which we aren't.
At face value, this is nothing to write home about. But I said yesterday the devil is in the details and was not disappointed, because you clearly are sloppy (again?) Anon and boy, you do have an untrained eye. It's almost like me when prompted to read somebody's blood test results, you know?
I am now faced with a dilemma: I either buy a cork board, thread and pins and start a trip to Cuckooland, trying to navigate my way across trademarks and trails of companies, and such other niceties that are boring as death. Or, I look at this completely uncalled for embarrassment of riches and let the dots connect themselves, in time.
I always steered my course according to this French proverb: dans le doute, s'abstenir. When in doubt, do nothing. Making sense of a document posted on a real estate company website is one thing. Publishing such documents, which are readily available for the private use of anyone with a credit card, and prematurely discussing them is a personal red line I am not willing to cross.
It would be pushing an agenda and, especially right now (*promo*), writing the script. Circus might be in town, but I am not one of the clowns.
Oh, and Anon: a company is an evolving entity people get into, then get out of and even maybe get back to, at some point in time. A business project is by no means any sort of evidence of relationship/marital status.
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 6 months
Wait what's the thing about gold elves killing eilistraee followers as big eilistraee simp i never heard of this. What do I have to blame Corellon "Known Bitch" Larenthian with now?
...oh boy. I don't have the most time today, but I can always rattle off elven lore. idk why, I just got obsessed in the rabbit hole for a year for some reason, despite not being my favorite.
Ok, are you familiar with the evermeet debacle? Gold elves decided to make a new elf-only land by ripping out a chunk of heaven itself and throwing into the sea? Dark elves mentioned basic water displacement exists, and how every time gold elves try high magic it goes wrong and even wipes out entire elven species? Got banned for eternity even after being proven right, basically for insinuating that a Gold Elf plan is capable of fault. Well after everyone rebuilt from the widespread slaughter of most life on continents worth of coast, thier arrogance boiled over and the main gold elf nation tried to subjugate all other elves. Starting with the country which was Eilistraee's capital of worship. That was the start of the Dark Elf decent, as the country on the other side of the coast started fighting thier way through every nation between the two, using worse and worse means in a desparate attempt to get to dark/green elf nation they'd subjugated. Starting with fire, eventually leading to demons and undead. but. Um. Gold elves got sick of 3000 years of failed subjugation I guess, because they made a magical eternal nuke that wiped it off the face of the planet. Specifically with high magic, which comes through Corelleon and he has sole control over, able to just turn it off at any time. note that it took drow high mages running in and having to manually turn it off, even if Corellon somehow didn't register it happening he still had to approve for it to keep going endlessly. Remember, this nation that was vaporized was Eilistraee's place. The prime dark elf nation realized this was now a war for survival, went full feral cornered animal, and the other elves turned the dark elves into drow. Corellon even barred them from the afterlife, took away much of thier elven powers and cut them off from his love. like, for all elves and nations, even those in other planes or completely uninvolved. If you wonder why Lolth even has power, it's because when they made thier descent there was just her, a god of hedonism, and the slime god. Eilistraee had lost most of her influence because all her worshippers had been vaporized. The gold elves had destroyed all influences of good, so lolth had free reign. I made an unhinged video on it after like a year of reading up on every elf I could find and trying to boil the script down. not the most proud of it since I was barely conscious by the end of editing so there's weird pauses between some lines, and...holy shit looking back I forgot subtitles. I'll need to add those when I have a moment. but if you're interested in the full story. 13:05 for the war, 14:35 for the dark elf part. Or the whole thing if you want to hear a listing of all elves, as I learn that I'm not actually biased against them like I thought, just specifically against the Gold elves and Shadar-Kai. And the lythari, but I don't actually have anything against them, I just think the insistence that they aren't lycanthropes is a bit dumb.
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youaintnothinbuta · 11 months
hello i am back ! thank you sm for your last post, i really enjoyed it!! anyways i have fallen down the jd rabbit hole. could i request a jd x reader where reader is very affectionate but jd is hesitant bc of veronica (he saw her suicide but moved before he knew it was fake and feels super guilty) then reader starts to get a little more distant because of the lack of reciprocation on jd's end. anyways this is gonna go on for too long, could u make it end with reader finding out what happened and reader comforts jd, and he just suddenly melts from the affection. (IM CRYING THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE I'M SORRY )
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Summary: ^^
Pairing: Jd x reader
Warnings: mention of suicide, pretty much all warnings that come with anything heathers related. also probably typos and grammatical errors cos I’m tired
Word count: 774
Request something here !
Relief washed over you when you heard the familiar creak of your window opening. Looking up, you found your boyfriend, Jd, gracefully climbing into your room, a mischievous glint in his eyes as always. He got comfy beside you in your bed, snuggling up as he pulled your diary towards him, trying to peek.
“No.” You snapped it closed and popped it on your bedside table, telling him off.
“You’re really never gonna let me read that thing?”
“Maybe one day, when we’re 40 and I randomly find it after having forgotten about it for years.” You replied.
Jd laughed with a little shake of his head.
The evening went by much per normal, him climbing back out your window to head back to his own home, “I’ll see you at school,” he says as you shut your window behind him.
You let your body sit heavily on your bed, sighing. He had never been the most affectionate, you figured that was just the way he was. But lately he’s been even less affectionate. He’ll still let you be touchy with him, cuddling him and kissing on him but everything on his end has pretty much dissipated. Not even an arm around you as you walk together anymore. It felt like this big wedge was being driven through the middle of your relationship, and he -for some reason- wasn’t noticing it.
Another week or so passed, and the distance between you two had grew exponentially. You couldn’t entirely blame him, for you somewhat adopted this mindset of ‘if he wants to be distant, fine, I can be distant too.’
But it had gone on for too long now, and had gotten worse than you ever thought it could. You barely even talked at school, you just sort of sat together in this weird unresolved silence.
You had had enough. One evening you got yourself out of bed and marched yourself over to Jd’s house, not planning on leaving until you figured out what his deal was.
“Jd, I can’t do this anymore.” You wasted no time, immediately speaking as you crawled though his window, startling him.
“What are we doing?” You stood in front of him, arms crossed.
“What are we doing? You and I. What is happening?”
His confusion was evident, his voice a mix of curiosity and bewilderment, “What are you talking about?”
“Jd, don’t be a dick. You're distant. We barely talk. You haven’t even held my hand in a month. I feel like I've lost you. Have I done something wrong?”
Jd's sigh carried a weight, his figure rising from the bed. “Y/N, I…” he hesitated, the words escaping him reluctantly, “My ex— she hung her herself in front of me. It haunts me. I just feel guilty and I'm terrified that I might drive you to the same point.”
The room fell into a stunned silence, your mind grappling with the enormity of his confession. Your mouth opened to speak, only managing to stutter incoherently. Before he could continue, you closed the gap between you, enfolding him in a heartfelt embrace. Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of your steady breaths. “I had no idea,” you whispered softly, your voice carrying a mixture of sympathy and understanding “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Jd choked out, unsure exactly of what the emotions his brain was trying to process were. You shook your head against him slightly, still holding him in a hug, “I can’t imagine how heavy that must feel.”
Jd winced, beginning to cry into your shoulder, tears starting to flow without reservation. That was the first time anyone has ever acknowledged how much pain he has experienced, ever. Your touch was a silent reassurance to him that he could let his guard down.
Amidst his quiet sobs, you murmured calmingly to him, “Shh, it's alright, Jd. You're not alone anymore. I'm here for you.” Your voice was a steady presence, comfort in a way he’d received from no one except his mom when he was a kid.
As his tears subsided, you held him a little tighter, your fingers tracing soothing circles on his back. “You don't have to be afraid with me,” you whispered, your words carrying the weight of your sincerity. “I'm not your ex, Jd. I just want to see you happy.”
His grip on you tightened, his vulnerability a testament to the trust he was beginning to place in you. He gave you a watery smile. “Thank you,” he managed to whisper, his voice raw, “you wanna just stay here tonight?” He asked. You nodded, getting comfortable in his bed.
A/N: LMFAO I’m so sorry this is SHIT but I had already left it sitting in my inbox so long and I didn’t wanna keep u waiting any longer. I kinda gave up with the end so sorry I hope it’s okay I tried to stick as closely as I could to the request 😭🫶🏼
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majaloveschris · 26 days
I’m not a conspiracy theorists about most of the things in this saga and while I have my own thoughts about the CE relationship I try to be very very rational about everything whether generated by the fandom or public knowledge. But after reading the snippet that mentions the wedding in the Hemsworth article I’m starting to put on my little tin foil hat.
There is something super odd about the way the details were inserted. The way it reads doesn’t make any sense and there are details that just simply didn’t need to be included because they add absolutely nothing to the context of the situation. Adding context/world building is writing 101 but the main point was about Jeremy Renner’s accident and it barely went into any detail about their actual feelings about it.
I can understand why a gathering including the original avengers and their continued friendship would garner interest and that they are asked about one another all the time so that I don’t find weird. But it’s the insertions of certain details that I personally think is very weird.
Coming from a person who doesn’t unusually go down the rabbit hole with these things I can understand why people would be suspicious about this one.
Yeah, it was very weird, as if Renner was only mentioned so they could bring up the wedding. As I said before, Renner and his accident have nothing to do with Hemsworth; the same goes with the wedding. They were there to talk about Hemsworth and his projects. Yeah, maybe if they were talking about him a bit more, then it wouldn't have felt so out of place, but they quickly mentioned him and the wedding, adding "Portugal-American" (just in case, you know), and that was it. The randomness and shortness of it make it seem so forced.
We don't even know if that was the first time they saw him. As you said, Jeremy had been doing more than okay, even way before the wedding. We know Scarlett and Chris visited him; they could've too. All of them could've done it at the same time.
I see what you mean when you say that maybe mentioning the Avengers could be good for clicks and views, but again, they didn't even talk about any other people. They didn't exchange things like a good memory of shooting those movies or something fun that happened behind the scenes. They could've talked about simply the group chat they have; I don't think bringing up the "Portugal-American" wedding was so important, especially when it was supposedly a private one.
If they'd talked about Renner and the Avengers for a longer period of time, maybe mentioning the wedding wouldn't have been so weird, but this way it was, especially mentioning it as a Portuguese-American one.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Quick note, apologies in advance for the vagueness....
Anon who sent me the ask about “joining the group of anons appreciating your takes” asking about the AO3 volunteer and CSEM situation -- I appreciate the faith in me, and I think you were sincerely looking for information and analysis. That said, I was concerned the language in the ask could be read as a bit inflammatory, so rather than reply directly I’m posting independently. 
For those who aren’t familiar with the situation, OTW has released a statement on it here, responding to Rahaeli/Synedochic/Denise’s statements here. (I’d link to the specific tweets but I don’t know how to do that on Twitter, and they’re not difficult to find.) Other people are speaking about it as well but that gets real rabbit-hole real quickly and I wouldn’t know how to curate those properly. 
In any case, I don’t think I’m qualified to discuss this in detail or offer an opinion. When I speak on issues related to AO3, I try to confine it to things I have working knowledge of, which tend to be in the nonprofit fundraising space. I don’t have the legal experience to speak intelligently on this one, and I don’t have a ton of knowledge about what went down, as I don’t know anyone involved very well. That said, I do have ties to some people and groups involved (on both sides) in the sense of “negative encounters in the past” which also complicates matters. There’s a contingent of fandom which enjoys reading my participation as part of a sinister plot of some kind; I suppose it’s more interesting than me just being an awkward dipshit with a history of poor decision-making. Either way, it makes it dicey to speak to wanks in fandom without being very measured. 
Certainly while I’m happy to defend AO3 when I have the knowledge to do so and believe they’re in the right, I also know the organization isn’t perfect and there have been volunteer/labor issues in the past, so I would recommend hearing all sides in this case with an open mind but a critical eye. I unfortunately just...can’t speak to this one in the confidence I’ll do more good than harm. 
ETA: @swords-n-spindles added a useful resource in comments, a burner Tumblr with a timeline and referenced writeup that looks super helpful.
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foullegussy · 10 months
I am making this post because Fontaine Archon Quest made me go down the theory rabbit hole and I need other people to agree with me that I'm not crazy.
Of course this post will have SPOLERS about the Archon Quest and some minor one about world quests, but I'll try to stay vague about them so everyone can still read this.
First thing off, fontaine is super related to Abyss stuff:
So far we have:
Childe actually finally dropping the things from his character story, giving us some weird Abyss fact that doesn't seem to be important yet (but i bet will become later on);
the whole Primordial Sea thing. I don't know if you saw that, but during the Archon Quest (in Marcel's underwater hideout) if you use elemental sight on the water it's black, just straight up black. 
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NOTHING has ever been black before, so that to me just screams ABYSS. 
Also, it was flowing upwards, as in, in reverse, which reminds me of the reverse statue, the reverse city in the chasm, and all of that stuff. Then it would also make sense for it to "reverse" the life it created, dissolving people. 
the world quests in Fontaine being very Abyss related, as well as the constant mention all over fontaine of the name Jakob Ingold, the one who allegedly first discovered the effects the water from Primordial Sea had on people (this is said during the Archon Quest).
So far, in every Archon Quest we've had the Fatui as main villains (except in Mondstadt, but then Signora kinda stole the spotlight, so we all forgot about the Abyss Mages), and the Abyss Order stuff has progressed independently with Dain, but I think they're trying to reintroduce the topic in the main quest this time.
One of my main theories is that the Tsaritsa is at least somewhat right in whatever her objective is (even if her Harbingers are deranged psychopaths), so when we'll eventually get to Snezhnaya it's gonna be some huge mess, but we're gonna get the key to piece together some facts that they've throwing at us since the beginning with no context, and find some common ground (Are she or Pierro still gonna be bosses we'll have to fight? Maybe. Will the common ground be fighting Celestia or maybe saving it from the Abyss that is, maybe, taking over? Also Maybe. I have some speculations, but no proof whatsoever. Just vibes)
The reason I think that the Tsaritsa is not our enemy and doesn't want the Gnosis to, I don't know, take over the world or some shit, is because then why are all the Archons so chill about giving their Gnosis away?
Many say that, well, Signora attacked Venti in Mondstadt, that means Venti didn't want to give his Gnosis to the Fatui, otherwise why would she have done that? 
And maybe that's even true, but 
why isn't Venti more worried about it, then? 
after knowing Signora's backstory, she probably did it because of a personal grudge, ngl
Also, with every other archon it went very peacefully, especially with Zhongli. Zhongli who literally gave it away like it was nothing: if he truly cared about it he would have found another way to get his retirement, the Fatui weren't the only ones he could ask for help, but since he was already giving it away he probably thought he should get something out of it.
Ei too (and while she isn't technically one of the original Seven she has always been there as Makoto's twin, so she's still old enough to remember the Archon War), she literally didn't even have it on her and wasn't worried at all when Miko just straight up gave it away.
Even Nahida gave two of them away, the only thing that was holding her back was not the fact that she needed them, or what the Tsaritsa wanted with them, just the fact that one had just been used by Dottore to create a god to replace her, so she didn't exactly want to give him two of them.
So far all the gods we've met are: either old enough to know some stuff or the literal god of wisdom, who still knows some stuff thanks to Irminsul.
None of them seem too worried about the Tsaritsa's plan. (even mf Zhongli that literally signed and NDA is just chilling) (like, i know you know what the Tsaritsa is doing, and you're a really good guy who literally wants nothing more than his people to be safe, so if you're not stopping her i can't really think of her as a bad guy)
I made this long ass premise to say that when Lyney says that Arlecchino yes, wants the Gnosis, but also wants to save Fontaine, I-
I think that could actually be true.
Or at least I don't think they're the ones behind all of the stuff that is going in in there (realistically speaking, we don't know if Arlecchino actually cares about Fontaine. I don't think she has plans about its downfall, but maybe she just doesn't give a fuck, whether they all drown or not), I think it either directly the Abyss Order, or just a consequences of abyssal energy on the land and water.
(also there's like, three Fatui tents in the entire map and from where they're placed it could actually be them just investigating what the fuck it's going on with the Abyss. I have 100% exploration, so i know i haven't missed any,,)
(from the official Interactive Map)
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The Abyss being responsible might explain a bunch of stuff, like Childe being judged by the Oratrice guilty even when he's not.
Let's put some stuff together: Childe says that, while in the Abyss, he awakened "something", and that he still carries traces of that "something" inside of him.
The Oratrice is a divine mechanism, as such it is powered by divine energy.
In Fontaine we are introduced to Pneuma and Ousia. 
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Each of them is what could be called and "Archè", which (if memories of greek philosophy in high school don't betray me) means something like "original substance", something from which everything else originates (like Heraclitus thought it was fire, Thales thought it was water. I should go back to read it, i might find something there huh).
For Pneuma (the light one) this is easy to understand: after all we know that combined, the seven elements make the Light element, but that is just because the seven elements are actually the spectrum of the Light element broken down, and it is said that the Dragons lived in a realm made of Light. So Pneuma (which means something about life and stuff) is Light, and it is the original substance from which the seven elements derive. 
One thing we know about Pneuma and Ousia is that they are opposites, they are both energy sources, and when interacting they annihilate each other, but also become more stable than when on their own.
Allegedly, this is probably also what Khaenri'ahn machines were powered on (because when the Ruin Serpent charges up he does that AoE attack where he shoot these yellow and purple blocks, which reminds me of Pneuma and Ousia; added to the fact that we know the Research Institute of Fontaine has been studying Dhari machines, this is probably some kind of confirmation).
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Ousia literally means something about substance and matter (so on one hand you've got the "divine mind generating life" on the other you've got the matter, which remind me of the whole Descartes's res cogitans and res extensa, but whatever, another thing to look up again i guess).
If we're working on the whole "opposite to Pneuma" thing (so opposite to Light and elemental energy), then all that comes to mind is the Abyss (also referred to as the Void Realm).
This would tie back to Khaenri'ah and the fact that everything that everything that the Abyss touches gets the Mussolini treatment (this is a joke that literally only italians understand, sorry. Basically: it gets hanged upside down. down with the fascism boys)(i need to stop, sorry, i'm just in a silly goofy mood).
So divine things come from the Pneuma archè, that of Light: the Dragons, after them is the Primordial One, Celestia (Paimon??? The Travelers??? you know, the whole battle pass cutscene is hella sus).
The Abyss is a completely different archè: it exists outside of Teyvat and therefore has different laws (time is different there, we know from Childe's backstory), has taken on many different forms (oozing filth in the chasm, forbidden knowledge, etc) because its purest one is incompatible with the other realms.
(Do the Celestial Nails, placed in areas of high abyssal energy, contain enough divine power to generate an annihilation reaction, leading to funky but stable ley line disorders? Ice from Dragonspine doesn't melt, but doesn't spread either. Same for Tsurumi Island, the Eternal Oasis, and the Chasm)
Logically, there can only be one "original substance from which everything is generated", and the Abyss's presence on Teyvat is unnatural (the Abyss is, after all, a completely different world, it was Nibelung who sought out its power and opened the connection), so conflict is inevitable and again with the greek philosophy (still Heraclitus i believe, but i could be wrong): it is the conflict between opposites that generates things (such as energy). 
(The first human civilization in Teyvat, the one that saw the conflict between the Primordial One and the Second Who Came, is based on ancient Greece. DO WE THINK IT'S A COINCIDENCE???)
Abyssal and elemental energy being opposites also explains why elemental creatures are so vulnerable against abyssal energy, why gods defeated in the Archon War escaped to die in the "dark sea" outside of Teyvat, and the annihilation that leads to stabilization probably explains why some abyssal creatures can wield elemental energy (Abyssal creatures that we know where humans at first).
If the waters in Fontaine got contaminated when the Cataclysm happened (and previous Hydro Archon died), then oceanids, elemental creatures, would suffer quite a lot and escape from Fontaine and MAYBE even get a little bit corrupted as well. 
After all, the oceanid lady in the bottle event was extremely chill and lovely, while Rhodeia is as pleasant as hugging a cactus: is it just different personality or something similar to what happened with Apep (when she became a lot more angry after absorbing Forbidden Knowledge)? Doesn't Rhodeia also mention something about the waters in Qingce once being polluted as well (you know, right where the Chi was sealed? The Chi we know has something to do with abyssal energy from Baizhu's story quest)? 
Just throwing these out there, it's very cool to realize how connected the Genshin world really is.
Going back to the Oratrice, a divine mechanism, who, maybe, sensed the Abyss in Childe and either
had a funky reaction 
somehow knew the influence of the Abyss on Primordial Sea water (which after the world quests I can imagine how it could have happened), saw Childe's abyss-iness (abyssussy??? abussy??? amogus???) and went "Ah! Gotcha bitch" 
the Jakob Ingold thing (because Childe is basically a herald at this point, mf can switch forms like my boy Enjou did back in Enkanomiya, god I miss him). 
What would the abyss order have to gain by flooding Fontaine? Yeah, play the world quests. My boy Elynas is taking a nap bro (he chill tho so it's fine)
AND THAT'S MY PREDICTIONS. I guess. I might make more?? eventually?? 
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