#i went to bed and slept for like 12 hours and then my neck and back were really bothering me ghjklkjljfkjg
roosterforme · 4 months
Covering the Classics Part 12 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: When Anna noticed that a new poem by her favorite, amateur writer had been posted, she was afraid to read the finality in his tone. But Bob always managed to surprise her. And maybe she could find a way to surprise Kevin, too.
Warnings: Angst, Kevin is a dick, adult language, 18+
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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After that, it was radio silence. Anna didn't reach out to Bob, and he didn't try to either. He went to the Hard Deck on Friday night and lasted about an hour before excusing himself. Nobody asked him why he was bailing after one ginger ale and a single cup of peanuts, and that was enough to tell him that everyone knew. Everyone knew he slept with Anna. Everyone knew she was married. Everyone knew that they shouldn't talk about it in front of him for fear that the ladies would snap their necks. Even Nat was being very kind and considerate which wasn't really like her at all. 
When Bob was halfway to the door, he felt a small hand curl around the back of his bicep. "I'll see you tomorrow night for D&D?"
He nodded down at Jessica's hopeful face. "Yeah. I can pick you up if you want."
Her face brightened a little bit. "I'll text you in the morning." He turned to walk out, and her hand slid down his arm. "Hey, Bob? Don't give up hope on her, okay?"
He didn't know how to respond, so he just kept walking. He had no idea what to say or what to think. It wasn't like he could stop loving someone overnight. He didn't really want to either. Anna's life was quite frankly messier than he had ever expected. She did a pretty good job of hiding it from everyone, and it seemed like she would have continued down that path if they didn't have sex. And that was the other issue; it wasn't just sex to Bob. Anna knew about the things he tried to hide himself, and she seemed to want him in that moment anyway. 
Her words from the previous night made him ache. 
'You're perfect. You're Sky Writing. You're the handsome man from the bookstore who smells like tea and soap. You're Bob, the guy my friends knew I would fall in love with as soon as I met them.'
If that meant she was in love with him or that she thought she could be someday, then he was afraid to walk away from her. But now he was terrified of getting hurt or somehow hurting Anna like Kevin had. Part of him believed if he could just see Anna's husband with his own eyes, confirm that he was exactly the way she described him, then he might be able accept that she just needed time to settle her divorce and to heal. If that was the case, he wanted to make it work. 
In the meantime, when he got home, he ended up standing in his living room, staring at his bookshelf before going upstairs and staring at his bed. He could still picture her red hair all spread out for him. He could still feel it between his fingers as the silky strands slid along his palm. He could taste her on his tongue. He could hear her telling him what she wanted.
Bob picked up his computer and slipped under the covers, knowing he wasn't going to be able to sleep right now.
It had been there since early Saturday morning. A new one. Anna desperately wanted to read it and memorize it like she had the others, but she was afraid to face the finality. Her email alert mocked her every time she looked at it.
Sky Writing has posted a new, original work! Click the link below to check out the subscriber that you follow!
Bob wrote a new poem, and she didn't think she could handle reading exactly how he viewed her now. He'd never be like Kevin, openly belittling her or putting her down, but she knew the shiny packaging had been removed now, and he saw what was really inside. Just a mess of a human. She put off reading it and put off reading it, but when she was sitting at her desk at work on Monday, she made herself decide between reading the new poem or calling Kevin. After a fairly short debate, she decided to read the poem. It was probably so bad, calling Kevin later wouldn't even feel painful in comparison. 
She tapped on the link in her email and was taken to something so unexpected, she gasped as she read it.
There is empty space on my bookshelf,
The one I bought with you in mind.
I didn't know it was for you at the time,
But one night made it obvious,
Before an instance took it.
Reality surpassed intention today.
Your worn favorites and mine pristine,
Should mingle and mix,
Genre forgotten.
Dog eared pages became so endearing.
But I'll never see them on my shelf,
Unless you come back and stay this time.
The format was different from what he usually wrote, but it was so obviously Sky Writing. So obviously Bob. So obviously about her. And he didn't sound angry. Could he possibly miss her after everything she did and said?
She jumped when her phone vibrated on her desk, and for a split second, she believed it could be Bob. Her heart beat faster with anticipation, but it was from somebody else.
Jessica Reed: If you don't come down to this weird tree right now, we're going to come up and get you.
Anna had lost track of time. It was after noon now. She knew that her friends were trying to make sure she was holding herself together after she refused to go to the Hard Deck over the weekend. How could she continue to go somewhere that Bob had the rights to first? It wasn't until she read his Sky Writing poem that she thought perhaps there was a chance he might not only be okay with her presence but perhaps even miss her like she missed him.
With her sad little lunch in hand, she dragged herself down to the quad, trying to decide when was the best time to call Kevin. She was tired of going through lawyers who couldn't seem to get him to budge, and each ninety day window just ate away at more of her soul. She should have been so much more careful with her writing when she had the opportunity, and now he'd completely locked her out of being able to access it. 
No, she was going to have to beg him, plead with him, anything it took to get what she wanted without giving away where she'd moved. Maybe if he agreed to let her have her manuscript, one of her friends would let her borrow money for a flight back to New Jersey to retrieve it. She was getting ahead of herself, but she couldn't help it. She needed to at least get this one thing.
"There she is!"
Anna looked up to see her friends directly in front of her on the bench by the tree, and the fact that they both looked happy to see her made her heart ache. "Hi," she said softly as she sat down between them when they both scooted over.
"Hummus?" her friend asked, passing along a container while she bit into her perfect looking chicken salad sandwich on artisan bread. Anna accepted a few bites of Bradley's gourmet snack, because she was absolutely starving today.
"Thanks," she murmured, and she let herself sink into the background a little bit as the two other women continued the conversation they'd been having. Now that she was down here with his friends, she couldn't stop thinking about Bob again. His soft hair and his kind eyes. The way he always paid attention to her when she was talking. How good he made her feel.
She listened to her friends argue about alumni weekend for a few minutes before she finally cut them off to ask, "Has Bob said anything about me?" Both of them looked at her, and she quickly added, "I can't stop thinking about him."
Jessica smiled softly and said, "Not a word, but I've never seen him look so sad. And I mean that in a good way, because although I know he's confused and hurt, I'm pretty sure he just misses you."
"But," the other woman quickly cut in, "the most important thing right now is making sure you take care of yourself. Even if you are in love with Bob."
"Oh!" Jessica exclaimed. "I have an idea! We could just kill Kevin!"
Anna snorted in spite of herself. "That would actually solve a lot of my problems. Maybe even all of them."
"Only one problem with that," Advanced Calculus said blandly. "You're not a killer, Jessica."
"I could kill someone," Jessica muttered under her breath, and truly Anna almost laughed, because Jessica Reed was one of the gentlest people she'd ever met. The most violent thing about her was her Dungeons & Dragons character. "I could at least probably slap him."
"He wouldn't know what hit him," Anna said, and all three women erupted into laughter. And it felt so strange to feel genuine happiness, even if it only lasted for a few seconds, that Anna almost started crying. As their amusement died down, she asked her friends, "Do you think.... Bob would respond if I texted him?"
Jessica squeaked, and then both women said, "Yes."
Bob was back to square one. Back at the bookstore. He was fifteen minutes early. He was already looking through the Classics. He was about to meet up with Anna. He was nervous.
Nat scoffed when he told her where he was going, and he truly did appreciate that his friend wanted him to proceed with caution, but she just didn't understand how Anna made him feel. Being friends with her after sleeping together a total of one time might kill him, but he knew that was probably all he could have now.
It was almost like he could sense that she was there. He looked up from the Shakespeare volume in his hand, and he saw her walk in the door. As he got closer to the loft railing, he saw her glance up and meet his eyes like it was some depraved version of Romeo and Juliet. She mouthed the word Hi before she headed for the stairs, and in less than a minute, she was standing right in front of him. 
Anna looked nervous, but everything else was just the same. Those perfect freckles decorated her face. Her brown eyes were bright. Her pretty hair was in a messy braid. He saw her burgundy nail polish as she fidgeted with her denim jacket. He wanted to know if she still thought he was the kind of person she could love. He wanted to ask her if her husband was any closer to signing papers. Instead he said, "I was surprised when you texted me."
Her eyes went wide, and he wished he could shove his foot in his mouth as she started looking around anywhere but at his face. "I need some books for my feminist literature course, and I just thought maybe you'd like more books for your bookshelf."
Had she read his newest poem? It was a sloppy one that he wrote late on Friday night and posted on a whim. She could have deleted her account by now or vowed never to read anything else by Sky Writing. But that didn't stop the poem from being about her.
"I do need some more books for my shelves," he replied, and her eyes finally settled on his again. "And you don't have to be nervous around me. I know you're dealing with a lot, and I promise I won't touch you or anything."
Now she just looked sad and distraught, but she nodded and turned down the very aisle where they first met. Bob had to fight to keep a few feet of space between them as she said, "I'm looking for Mary Wollstonecraft, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton."
They worked their way slowly up and back down each aisle, falling into a natural conversation in spite of the awkwardness between them. In spite of the way Bob couldn't keep himself from looking at her as she ran her fingers along the spines. When she wanted something that was on a top shelf, he reached it down for her. When her hands got full, he offered his up for her use. And to his delight and also sadness, she kept recommending books for him along the way. That's how he ended up with Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day as well as The Importance of Being Earnest in his hand when she led the way downstairs to pay.
Bob cleared his throat as Anna reached into her pocket for some cash. "I can get them."
Her brown eyes snapped up to meet his, and her cheeks turned pink. He already knew what Kevin did, and while he didn't think there was any harm in saying it, he could tell that she at least had her pride intact. "The college is going to reimburse me," she said firmly before handing forty dollars across the counter.
"Right," Bob said before paying for his own books. When they walked out into the fading sunlight, he looked down into her pretty face. "Will you let me drive you home? Not because I think I need to, but because I want to?"
She seemed at war with herself as she looked across the street and pressed her lips together. But her eyes fluttered closed and she said, "I would really appreciate that."
The interior of his truck was quiet the whole way as their books sat on the seat between them. Only the soft hum of the radio helped Bob hold his thoughts at bay. The ride wasn't too long, and when they were most of the way there, Anna finally spoke. 
"I'm going to deal with my shit. I promise."
Unsure exactly how he should respond, Bob simply said, "Okay."
When he pulled up in front of her building, he turned toward her, intending to ask if she wanted him to walk her up, but she was gathering her books together as she said, "I don't know how you feel about me now. I don't know if you could want me again. But I am going to deal with Kevin. I am going to fix my life. Because I want to move on. I need to." When he was so flustered that he didn't immediately respond, Anna said, "You know where to find me. Thanks for the ride."
He watched her run up the sidewalk before struggling to open the door with her arms full, and then she ducked inside when he finally figured out what he wanted to say. "I'll find you."
If Anna even had a hope or a prayer at a chance with Bob ever again, she needed to work up the nerve. A real chance with him now that he knew all about her disastrous marriage was what she wanted, but she needed to sort Kevin out first. 
As far as she could tell, everything came down to two options: keep her freedom by giving Kevin ownership of her manuscript, or keep her self worth by fighting until she didn't have anything left to give up. And both of them sounded terrifying. The whole weekend passed where she tried so many times to call him. She took her phone out again and again, let her thumb hover over her husband's phone number, and then chickened out. His voice was like a distant memory, and she didn't want to bring it back to the forefront of her mind. He hadn't reached out one time since she up and left without telling him where she was going, and she was afraid to let him know where she was now.
The worst part was, he would know immediately why she was calling. He knew that he had the one thing she wanted. He cut off her access to the cloud files where she should have been able to piece her writing back together. It would have been time consuming, but she would have been all too happy to do it. She should have known better than to let him have so much of her life and so many of her resources in only his name, but there was a time when she trusted him. That was the part that made her so sick. She had trusted her husband, and now look where it got her.
A shiver went through her body as she woke up for work too early on Monday morning. She wanted Kevin's computer where everything was saved. She wanted access to the cloud. She didn't want a damn penny from him otherwise. She was aggressively brushing her teeth, wishing she had more to eat than a granola bar when she spit out her toothpaste and rinsed her mouth.
She hated him. She hated him so much, she was going to call him right now. Without a backward glance, she marched over to where her phone was charging and pulled the cable out. Before she could even think about exactly what she was going to say, she tapped on his stupid name.
Anna was breathing fast and deep, her heart pounding in her ears when she heard his voice for the first time in so many months.
"Anna?" he asked, her whole body cringing after just one word. His voice was scratchy as if she had woken him up, but it was 9:16 in New Jersey. He should be on his way to work if not there already.
"Kevin," she snapped, gripping her phone tighter. She was getting angrier by the second as she listened to him yawn while she looked around her tiny apartment.
His tone was condescending as he said, "Of course you'd call me at six in the fucking morning after I haven't hear a word from you except through a lawyer since July. What the hell do you want?"
She couldn't do this. She couldn't talk to him. While she felt strong a few minutes ago, her resolve was already crumbling. She wanted to tell him that he knew damn well what she wanted, but then she zeroed in on what he said. "What do you mean it's six in the morning? It's after nine."
His voice was suddenly loud and harsh. "I meant exactly what I said. I'm in California for a medical convention. Now get to the point of your call."
Her mouth felt like sandpaper as she carefully put her phone on speaker. She started searching for Neurological conventions in California while she told him, "I just want my manuscript. Please, Kevin. That's all I want, and then you can be rid of me."
The bite was gone from his voice, replaced by a lazy tone, and he spoke to her as if she were a very simple child. "It's not going to happen, Anna. I didn't cut off access to it for no reason. It's worth money. You can pay me for it, or you can kiss it goodbye. I might even publish it myself."
She was gasping for air as she scrolled through her search results, coming up with a conference in Carlsbad that was starting today. As the page loaded, she swallowed and told him, "I'll sue you if you do." But even she knew she was full of shit.
"What what money, Anna? I'm surprised you can still afford your lawyers. I don't even want to know what you're doing to make ends meet right now."
Then she saw it. She saw his name. He was a keynote speaker at the National Neurological Physicians Association conference. He was less than an hour away. She sank down to her knees in surprise and fear. Her mind was swirling with information and ideas, and she couldn't even comprehend what Kevin was saying now.
"What?" she gasped.
"I said come up with some money for me, or I'm not signing shit." Then he ended the call as her hands started shaking. She dropped her phone onto her bed. He was in Carlsbad. Maybe she could surprise him. Maybe she could talk him into it easier in person.
Anna had to run to the bathroom to be sick, but her mind was made up. Once she cleaned herself up again, she tearfully made the decision to cancel her morning classes via email, and then she started grabbing her purse and her essentials. She folded up the newest copy of the divorce paperwork her lawyer had emailed to her and tucked it away. Then she ran for the bus stop, nearly tripping several times as she read through the schedule of speakers who were at the conference this week on her phone. If she caught a bus within the next fifteen minutes, she might make it in time to see Kevin right before he gave his welcome speech.
We will meet Kevin in the next chapter. Now is an acceptable time to start sharpening your knives. Bob, please don't give up on Anna. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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Secret Love II
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So, here we are with the second part! I don't really where I'm going with it right now to be honest, so I'm just gonna I’ll just let my imagination run wild.
Thanks for your reviews, don't hesitate leave me some, it always makes me very happy to know what you think of my writings :)
P.S Part one is HERE
A few hours after leaving your hotel room, you return there hoping to be as discreet as you were before. On tiptoe, you reach your bed and slip under the covers, your mind always with Alexia. She also went to her room, you both agreed that it was important to enjoy the last hours of sleep before dawn. While you are looking for sleep, you don't realize that Ona’s breathing is no longer as deep as when you left, indicating that she is awake.
"... going to be late!"
Ona’s voice comes to you like through a fog and you need a few blinks of eyes to finally fix your gaze on her face.
"Breakfast is in seven minutes, you know how is Vilda with late people"
Oh man. You jump of your bed, frantically searching for your clothes by making more mess than anything else. You sprint in the bathroom to wash your face and comb your hair in a messy bun, trying to get the sleep of your face.
"Ona go, don't be let yourself" you say to your roomate.
"You sure?" she asked, popping her head by the door.
"Ok. Your shirt is upside down."
You swear before you put it right, jump in your sneakers and go out slamming the door of the room. Obviously the elevator doors close a few meters from you, so you decide to take the stairs. It’s a miracle you’re on time and you're not even the last one.
You spot Alexia, sitting next to Jenni and Irene, with the same fresh, rested look as if she had slept 12 hours straight. This woman, you thought, before serving you a breakfast tray and looking for a free place.
"Y/N what's that?"
You turn around but Aitana had time to have a close look to the hickey Alexia made two days ago. Her loud question made everyone turn around, even if you all were supposed to be focused on your strength exercises.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, your mind racing while looking for a good excuse.
"You got a bruise on your neck"
At this point those who were furthest away turned their attention to their exercises, but you feel that the look of several of your teammates burning your back. You crossed Alexia's eyes for a second and open the mouth to talk, but another voice answers before you.
"It must have been when you fell while getting ready, the morning you were late. I thought she was gonna break her neck."
The second sentence is more for Aitana than for you, but she seems to accept this answer with even a small laugh before grabbing his dumbbell again. It's Ona's look that you cross this time and since you don’t know what to tell her, you’re starting to do your exercises again.
"So, you and Alexia uh?"
You were back in your room, reading a book while listening some music. It was free time but it was so cold outside that you didn't want to go out for now. Ona had said nothing until now, even during the meal time when you found yourself sitting in front of her. Even if you knew the subject was coming at some point, you appreciate the fact that she chooses to be sure she isn’t being heard by anyone to bring the subject.
"Well... Maybe"
You can't fight back the smile on your face and your vague answer seems to be enough for your roommate.
"Who knows?" she asked.
"No one, apart from Alexia’s mother."
"Even Jenni?"
You bite your lip and shakes your head. You know Alexia want to talk about it with Jenni, she's her bestfriend after all. But you had a rule and she just get with it.
"We got together six months after I arrived in Barcelona, I had a hard time understanding what was happening the first time she tried to flirt with me."
You smile in spite of yourself, the flirting was not necessarily the strong of Alexia but you always found it touching.
"And then we broke up when we lost against Wolfsburg, she thought our relationship was what kept her from focusing on the game and the win."
You swallow with difficulty, these memories being particularly dark for both of you. But now that you’ve started talking about your story, you can’t stop. Especially since the Catalan seems to be an excellent listener.
"After that we lost the final... It was awful. I spent every second trying not to look at her, not to show anything to anyone. No one knew and they thought I was disappointed that we lost the final when I was in reality heartbroken."
Lost in your thoughts, your gaze on your hands, you notice only when you feel her presence that Ona left her bed to sit next to you. She places her hand on your arm and you look up at her smiling, which must probably seem strange to her given with what you're saying after.
"Weeks and months passed and we found ourselves training for the Euro. And you certainly don’t need me to remind you what happened with her ACL."
Ona’s grimace speaking of herself, you continue, leaning against the wall behind you.
"I wrote her several times to tell her that I was thinking about her, but she didn't answer. I didn't expect her though, I knew that she had cut contact with almost everyone. But when we were eliminated and I returned to Barcelona, I found her one time on my doormat. She was... I never saw her like that Ona. She was destroyed."
The memory of this moment gives you shivers and you shake yourself mentally to return to the present.
"I let her in and she talked about her insecurities. She told me she was supposed to be in rehab in 15 minutes, but she didn’t want to go. She felt that it was useless and that she would never play again. So I threatened to call her mother and took her there. That’s when we started seeing each other again and got back together soon after."
There was a small silence, during which Ona seemed to digest the information you had just given her. With frowns, she looks at you thoughtfully when answering.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was this deep. And I’m sorry you both had to go through this without being able to tell anyone."
"It's in the past now. I can't talk for her but she makes me really happy. You really saved us this morning, but please keep it to yourself for now"
"I will"
She smiles and you kiss her cheek before she gets up to go to the bathroom. Thinking it's better to inform Alexia, you take your phone.
You - Can you talk?
Mi Reina ♥ - Yes, what's up?
You - Ona knows about us, I kind of just told her everything.
Mi Reina ♥ - Well she kind of cover you up this morning so it was obvious Guapa
You - Sorry if my girlfriend can't keep her lips to herself :)
Mi Reina ♥ - Touché.
Mi Reina ♥ - Can I talk to Jenni about us, since Ona knows?
You - If you want to, it's ok for me.
The next day, it didn’t take you long to realize that Alexia had spoken to Jenni. You have surprised the gaze of the striker several times, examining you with a thoughtfulness look. Every time you catch her looking at you, you were foolishly blushing and it was only when Alexia slapped her head that she stopped looking at you.
Time pass and here you are, at the final of the World Cup. The more you advanced in the tournament, the harder it was to manage time for you and Alexia. But you had a few moments, thanks to Jenni and Ona who covered you a few times. You didn’t escape Jenni’s threatening conversation, based on "Hurt my best friend and you won’t see the light of the day again" but other than that she seems to have given you her blessing.
You were in the locker room once again, but this time it was the Final. You were playing against England, your last game of the tournament. You're not really listening what Vilda is saying, focused on your boots. You start the match, next to Alexia, Ona, Jenni and your others teammates. You’re stressed, you can’t wait for the game to start now.
You haven't forget the promise Alexia made this night in your hotel, but you haven't bring to topic again. Even if it doesn't happend, you couldn't be more happy.
What it seems an eternity later, you were on the fields and the referee was blowing in her whistle. You made it, you were World Champions. Tears of joy and relief invaded your eyes and you find yourself caught in a collective embrace, without really knowing who is tight against you. Cries of joy, tears and the cheering of the crowd around you seem to come from far away.
When you are able to stand up, you find yourself facing Ona who also huggs you before mumbling "I have to find Lucy". Of course she have to, not matter what is her relationship with her, they are really close.
You search for a particular person too, your eyes scanning around for pink hair. When you spot Alexia, she's on the ground and Jenni is helping her to stand up.
A bit like in a dream, you start running towards her before throwing yourself in her arms. The mix of emotion makes you feel like you’re floating when you wrap your legs around her waist and she hugs you back.
"We did it" you say, while she keeps you in her arms.
"Yes we did" she answers, with the most beautiful smile in her face.
If you weren't already madly in love with her, you'll probably fall again right now.
"So… What now?" you asked soflty after some seconds of silence you passed admiring her.
"I'm going to kiss you."
And she did, barely letting you the time to understand what she said. Keeping you in her arms, she approaches her face to yours and places her lips on yours, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Of course you hear exclamations of surprise around you, but you can’t focus on anything other than Alexia. She ends up putting you down, letting go your lips for a few seconds to catch her breath. You then kiss her a few seconds later, drawing her as close as possible.
You may have won the World Cup, but ultimately your greatest victory is her.
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
Head Over Heels
pairing: Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
summary: As Y/N watches Steve with her baby, she realizes she may be head over heels for him, and she can't help wondering if he feels the same way.
word count: 5017
warnings: so much fluff i got a toothache writing this
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Y/N woke up slowly, feeling the sun shine down on her. She doesn't remember the last time she was able to sleep in this late; it was probably the early days of her pregnancy. 
Why was she still sleeping?
She shoots up in bed and looks to her right, but there's no crib. In fact there's none of her things here. Because this isn't her room. It all comes flooding back, and she remembers handing James off to Steve and falling asleep. So where is James?
In her haste to get up, she trips over something - someone - Eddie. He groans as she falls to the ground, letting out an 'oof' as the wind gets knocked out of her. He tuns and goes straight back to sleep - did he even wake up? - and she scrambles to get up and open the door, going through the short hallway to see Steve on the couch. She's about to shake him to wake him up, ask him where the fuck her child is, when she sees how he's laying. 
He's sprawled on the couch, one arm above his head. His mouth is open, and he is lightly snoring. One leg is off the couch and the other is laying off the end. And on his chest is James, one hand clutching Steve's shirt and the other stuffed in his mouth. Steve has one hand on James' back, and both boys look like they could stay asleep for 12 years. 
Y/N sees a camera on the counter and she grabs it, not willing to let this moment go. She lifts it and takes a picture, smiling as it pops out of the top. She watches as it develops, longing bursting through her even though the exact moment is still playing out in front of her. 
James stirs on Steve's chest, but before she can grab him Steve's eyes shoot open and his other hand goes to James. She quickly sets the camera to the side and pockets the photo, watching as Steve blinks slowly and smacks his lips together as he wakes up. James puts his hands on Steve's chest to sit up, looking at his mom and letting out a cry. 
"Oh," Y/N laughs, going to pick her baby up as Steve stretches, neck popping. "Thank you for taking him. I haven't had that much sleep in awhile." She watches as Steve smiles at her tiredly. James lets out another cry and Y/N sighs.
"I had to break into your trailer in the middle of the night to grab a bottle and diapers." He tells her. 
"Shoot, I didn't even think about that. I usually don't sleep for that long, I thought I would wake up before he needed anything." She feels embarrassed that Steve went into her messy living space and had to change her baby. She'd had a couple close friends babysit for an hour or two, but she'd never have someone take care of her baby like that. 
It felt nice. 
"Don't worry about it. We had a fun time. He only cried once, and it was at your place." Steve leans over and grabs Clover, the small tan bear that James could hardly bear to be separated from that justice fallen from his grasp while he slept. 
"Thats why I didn't wake up." She looks at James, who is babbling as if he's gonna tell her all about his and Steve's night. "I'm sure you had fun with Stevie." Y/N tells him, blinking when he screams. 
"I take that as a yes." Steve hopes the blush rushing to his cheeks isn't that obvious. 
"Thank you so much, Steve. You're a life saver." She reaches in for a hug, letting James squeal in between them. 
"Hey, where does Steve live?" Y/N had called Eddie, which was strange because she lived a literal 3 second walk to his trailer. 
"Uh," Eddie blinks, not sure what to answer. "Is there a reason you want to stalk my friend?" 
"I'm not stalking!" She laughs, but Eddie is still confused. "I made him a cake." She says it quietly, and his eyes widen. 
"Y/N," He starts, trying to think of what to say. "Why did you bake Steve Harrington a cake?" How is Steve Harrington pulling Eddie's hot neighbor? 
"He took care of James all night last week. I need to do something nice to thank him." She says it as if its so obvious, and Eddie just nods. 
"Uh, I can give you his street. You know what his car looks like, and he doesn't have work today so he's probably there with the kids or something." At his words Y/N's heart races a little bit, because Steve is just so good at taking care of children and she finds it so, so hot. 
"Okay, that's fine." Y/N tells him. She almost drops the phone when he answers.
Steve lives on the rich side of town. He lives on the opposite side of her.
"You there?" Eddie asks when she goes silent. 
"Yeah, sorry. When is he coming to yours, Ed?" She asks. She doesn't want to know just how rich Steve is.
She's weird about money. She works at the diner, where James plays in the playpen that she spent way to much money on and the owners graciously let her keep James there. She barely makes enough to live at the trailer park and pay for James' things. What was she thinking, making Steve a cake? 
"Tonight." Eddie smirks. He'd like to give himself the credit for getting Y/N and Steve together. He knew they would be perfect together, because Y/N's hot and nice and has a child, which is basically Steve's type, and Steve is nice and great with kids, which is basically all Y/N's ever wanted.
So yeah, he's gonna take the credit for this one. 
"You should come over." Eddie smirks. "And before you say anything you can bring James." He knows her main excuse is James, and that for some reason she's backing away from him. 
"He's just going to be loud and probably ruin everyone's time." She tells Eddie, and sighs when James yells. 
"Well Steve clearly doesn't care." Eddie knows he's pushing it. 
"I'll think about it." She whispers before hanging up. 
People should just call him the matchmaker.
"Where the hell is Steve?" Eddie asks after Robin shows up and Steve isn't immediately following. Robin furrows her brows as Nancy walks through the door, holding a bag of snacks and booze. Jonathan follows, a small bag of weed in hand.
"He called and told me he was already here." Robin says, confused because when she looks into the small trailer Steve is nowhere to be found. 
"He hasn't showed up." Eddie turns to let Robin in, who goes to check the bathroom and Eddie's room as if he was lying. 
"What the hell," Robin mutters. Eddie looks around, concerned. He hadn't heard from Steve, and he didn't know why he told Robin that he would be here when he hadn't even talked to Eddie about that. He was starting to worry when he looked out the window and spotted Y/N's trailer, and right behind it a beamer stuck out. 
"I know where he is." Eddie announced, smirk on his face as he turned to the rest of the group. They all stared at him expectantly as he paused for dramatic effect. "Isn't it obvious? He's at Y/N's." 
Y/N was covered in everything from flour from the cake to spit-up from James when she opened the door and saw Steve, standing there in his probably expensive clothing and even more expensive cologne. 
It was all she could think about. She knew it was wrong, and she tried to think about how Steve had taken care of James all night, how he had even thought to grab Clover. She thought of the polaroid on her end table next to her couch. 
"Steve," She sounded breathy and Steve was already head over heels for her. 
"Hey," Oh God, he forget how to flirt. The most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen and he was going to blow it. "I was on my way to Eddie's and I thought I'd stop by." He told her with a small smile. 
"So you're not exhausted from the other night?" She turned to open the door wider. He looked tired, and she knew that he was probably still trying to catch up after sleeping on the couch and waking up in the middle of the night for James. 
"I just don't sleep well." He said as he walked into the trailer. "I came by to see if you needed any help before tonight. Eddie told me you were coming." Of course he did. 
"I actually really need to take a shower? James is sleeping, so it shouldn't be too bad. Thank you so much." She practically rushes to the bathroom, so excited to be able to take a long shower. Well, not long, but long,  but much longer than the two minute showers she'd had to take while James played on the bathroom floor. 
Once she felt like a new woman, she walked out to see Steve sitting on the couch, staring at the picture she had taken at Eddie's. 
"This is adorable." Steve told her, smirking. She felt herself flush at the fact that Steve found the picture. 
"I thought so too." She said, sitting on the couch next to him. She yawned, which caused Steve to yawn in turn. They smiled at each other. 
"Maybe we could watch some TV before going to Eddie's." Steve suggested, knowing that all he wanted was sleep. This would do though. At least they would be resting. 
"Good idea." She reached for the remote. "We just have to be quiet, because I might kill you if James wakes up." She's only half joking, so Steve smiles. 
"Fine by me." He says, shrugging. 
Five minutes later, they're both passed out on each other. 
And that's how Eddie and Robin find them when they walk in after their knocks go unanswered. Steve looks uncomfortable, his back against the couch and his legs still in sitting position, but his mouth is open and he's snoring. He's got an arm around Y/N and the other under his head. Y/N is laying practically on top of him, legs curled up with a peaceful smile resting on her face. 
"You've gotta be joking." Robin says softly, blinking at them. Of course they were taking a nap. 
"Are we surprised?" Eddie asks, and the two simply shake their heads and leave Y/N and Steve to their nap.
"Why didn't you tell me his birthday was tomorrow?" Steve looks hurt as he follows Y/N across the lawn to Eddie's, holding James so Y/N can hold the bottles of margaritas and the diaper bag. James squeals as if he agrees, which makes Y/N roll her eyes.
"I'm telling you now, aren't I?" She had only told Steve because he saw the presents hiding in the shower, small boxes nicely wrapped. When he asked, Y/N nonchalantly told him that James' party was tomorrow because that's when his birthday was and Steve was welcome to come, she was making a cake-
"You should have told me sooner!" He argues as they walk up the steps.
"I thought Eddie would've told you." She shrugs, kicking the door so someone will open it.
"Well, don't you look like the perfect family." Robin is already intoxicated as she leans against the door, smirking at Steve.
"Did you know James' birthday is tomorrow?" Steve asks as he follows Y/N into the house. Robin snorted.
"Yes, Eddie told us last week." Nancy raises her eyebrows, because they all remember why Steve hadn't heard about it - the two had fallen asleep in Y/N's trailer instead of going to Eddie's. They had woken up sore, Steve moving Y/N to the bed before driving home, smiling like an idiot the whole time.
"Well no one told me!" Steve slaps his free hand against his thigh, causing James to slap his hand against Steve's chest.
"Oh my God, it is not that big of a deal!" Y/N has already poured herself a marg and put the diaper bag down in the corner. "If you have to work it's fine! It's his first birthday, he is not going to remember it." She takes a large gulp of her margarita - more like multiple gulps - and Steve puts a hand to the middle of his eyebrows.
He looks like such a dad.
"How am I supposed to get him presents?" Steve asks finally. Everyone stares for a second until Eddie louts out a loud laugh. It startles James, who lets out a cry and reaches for his mom. She frowns and lets out a small sigh, taking her baby and shushing him as he cries against her chest. 
"Steve, he's one!" Eddie yells, making James let out another cry. 
"Maybe don't yell." Y/N takes another big drink of her margarita while bouncing her baby. 
"What does he want? What do you need?" Steve ignores everyone and looks straight at Y/N, who lets out a sigh. 
"You can bring a fruit salad." She tells him with an eye roll, putting James down on the ground as he starts to wiggle. 
"I need to bring something else." Steve kneels down and grabs Clover out of the diaper bag, making a face at James as he gave the baby the stuffie. 
"You don't. I'm telling you right now that you can just bring yourself and that is fine." Steve shakes his head at Y/N's words, grabbing the beer that Eddie handed him.
"You think I'm gonna come to a party and not bring a gift?" Steve stands and crosses an arm while taking a sip of the beer. 
"Oh my God." Y/N's margarita must be done because she refills it. "Steve, if you don't come here tomorrow I will go to your house and force you to come here. And James is not going to give a shit if you have a present, as long as you're here." 
"Shit!" When James screams it, everyone turns to him. Y/N takes a deep breath. 
"This is your fault."  She looks at Steve, who is covering his mouth to hid his smile. 
"How is it my fault!" He asks, eyes wide.  
"Stop asking stupid questions." She is drinking her margarita like it's water while everyone else is still on their first drink.
"Maybe you should smoke some?" Jonathan suggests, earning the dirtiest look from Y/N. 
"Around the baby?" Nancy smacks Jonathan's arm and rolls her eyes, taking a drink out of her red solo. 
"Oh my God," Eddie rolls his eyes and downs his whole beer. 
"Can I bring alcohol to James' party?" Robin asks. Steve scoffs. 
"Robin, Jesus," He rolls his eyes and leans against the counter, next to Y/N. She leans against him, and his hand goes to her waist. Robin and Eddie shared a look, but neither of them were drunk enough to comment. 
"It's a valid question!" Robin defends. 
"Yes, it is alcohol friendly." Y/N tells them with a smile. She leans further into Steve as she takes another drink. James gets tired of playing with Clover and tries to make a break for it to Eddie's room, Steve shifts his weight to put a foot out, stopping James from going any further. He sits back and looks up at Steve, wide eyes looking betrayed. 
"What do you want for your birthday, hm?" Steve leans down and picks James up again, who screams and puts his hand in his mouth, chewing. "Maybe some teething toys." He pulls James' hand out of his mouth and lifts his eyebrows as James scrunches his face and lets out a cry, legs kicking. Steve struggles to keep his beer from toppling where it's pressed against the baby.
"That was so mean." Y/N frowns dramatically, grabbing a piece of ice from Eddie's fridge. She placed it on James' gums, and the baby immediately began sucking on it. 
"I cannot right now," Robin took Eddie's beer and chugged it, leaving Eddie to stare frozen.
"I need another margarita." Y/N turns and lets Steve hold the ice for James as she pours another large cup. 
"Oh, it's gonna be a fun night." Eddie grabs another beer and pops it on the counter. James grabs the ice from Steve in a swift move and lets out a scream as he throws it on the floor. Steve just stares before switching his beer to his free hand and downing it. He accepts fresh one from Jonathan, who had gotten up to refill his own drink, as James cries. 
"I think he's just tired." Y/N sighs, putting her drink down and grabbing James from Eddie's arms. "We shouldn't have brought him here." The way she says we makes Steve go a little dumb for a second. All he can thinking about is the fact that she thinks of him and her and James together - like a family. He would never say it out loud, because he's sure she doesn't mean it like that, but he's already run with the idea. All he's wanted since he realized his parents were never getting any better was to have a family of his own, his people that he could take care of. 
"Just put him to bed in my room." Eddie flicks his hand toward the back of the trailer, and Y/N blinks. 
"Your sheets would give my child twenty-seven different diseases." Y/N talks over James' cries, which are just empty cries from his tiredness. Jonathan starts coughing when a spurt of beer goes up his nose from laughing. Eddie rolls his eyes. 
"I just washed them!" Even James became quiet at that. No one believed these lies. "Okay, I know how it sounds, but I promise I did! Go check!" Y/N shares a look with Steve, and they both walk to the back room to see what they're dealing with. 
"I was not expecting this." Y/N says when she finds Eddie's bed unmade but clean. 
"He's probably having someone over soon." Steve chuckles as she lays James down. She sighs as she begins moving the pillows to create a barrier so James doesn't roll off the bed. 
"I didn't bring a bottle." She whispers, soothing the space between her baby's eyes. James goes from being wide awake to being slightly sleepy, but it doesn't work as quickly as Steve has seen his bottle work. 
"I packed one before I left. I think Eddie has some milk." Steve gets up and leaves quickly, and Y/N isn't sure if it's the alcohol or Steve that makes her heart warm. 
"Do you wanna know a secret, James?" She whispers, leaning in close. James kicks his legs and babbles some gibberish, smiling at his mother. "I think I like Steve Harrington." She smiles as he giggles. 
"Eef!" He repeats, and it doesn't sound anything like Steve but she laughs anyway. 
"What're we laughing at?" Steve comes back in with a bottle, and as Y/N sits up James gets excited, kicking his legs and waving his arms, excited for the bottle Steve was holding. Steve shakes it a little bit as he sits on the bed, handing the bottle to James. The baby drinks it quickly, his eyes closing. Y/N and Steve stay quiet as they wait for James to fall asleep. 
"You can go out there. I'll wait for him to fall asleep." Y/N whispers as she cards her fingers through James' short hair. 
"We're in this together." Steve puts a hand on her knee, and she melts into the touch. She looks up at him, and in that moment she wants to push Steve on the bed and kiss him senseless. Before she can do anything, James lets out a hiccup and they both look at him. He's asleep, the bottle laying discarded on the side. 
"Thank you." She says when they both exit the room, carefully shutting the door. She thanks God they don't have the money to buy one of those fancy ass noise machines, so James will likely fall asleep fine with the party going on. He's fallen asleep to worse in the trailer park.
"Anytime. I meant it." He tells her, and she knows her cheeks are heating. They were already warm from the alcohol, but this is worse. She needs another drink. 
"At least now we can hang out without a kid interrupting everything." She grabs his hand in a bold moment, and she watches his face blush as he squeezes it and smirks at her. 
"For the record," Steve says as he picks up her red solo cup to give to her, his beer in his other hand. "I'm okay with your kid interrupting us." There's music playing as he takes her free hand to pull her into him, ignoring the laughs and jokes from the others who are sprawled in the small living room. 
"You don't mind it?" She asks as she lets him place her hand on his chest, his own going to her waist, just a little bit lower than modest. 
"Not one bit." He shrugs as he says the next part. "But I am glad to have you all to myself at last." She leans closer and tucks her head into his chest, because otherwise he would see the stupid look on her face. 
Oh yeah, she's head over heels for him. 
When Steve shows up, Y/N's heart races, and not just because of the tight ass jeans Steve is wearing. He's carrying about five presents, ranging from huge to a small gift bag, and a bowl of fruit salad. 
"Steve Harrington," She starts, James on one hip and a probably alcoholic drink in a pineapple cup in the other. Her trailer is decorated in beach themes, a table with drinks and food and different color pineapple cups on the table. James has a small pineapple cup that's blue, matching his white shirt and blue overalls, the outfit being topped off by a blue hat with blue sunglasses. 
He looks adorable. 
The only thing better than James' outfit its Y/N's. She's matching him, blue sunglasses and all, her own blue hat a baseball cap with a Hawaiian flower on it. Her pineapple cup matches the colors of a normal pineapple, the only one to have done so. 
"Robin and Nancy got me all the decorations." Y/N smiles, distracting Steve from the sunglasses and hat Robin puts on him. Nancy throws a lei over his shoulders before he even knows what's going on. 
"Why didn't we just throw this at my pool?" Steve asks, setting his gifts down on the apparent gift table and puts the fruit salad on the food table. 
"Seef!" James calls. Y/N lets out a laugh as he reaches his short arms over to Steve. 
"That's better than 'eef.'" She tells Steve, his face all smiles as he takes James. Steve tickles the infants stomach, who giggles and squeals. 
"I didn't know you had a pool." Y/N goes to make Steve a drink, picking the large blue pineapple. This is not technically a lie, as she didn't know for sure. She had a pretty good idea, however. 
"You never asked." He smirked as he took the drink from Y/N's hand. He took a sip and almost coughed. "A bit strong, don't ya think?" 
"Well, you're three drinks behind!" Eddie yells from his trailer, carrying two six packs of beers and a present. "And the kids are coming soon." 
"What kids?" Steve asks, taking a larger gulp. 
"I invited your kids." The way she says it makes Steve's heart light, his kids. 
"I made Jon take them so I could start on the drinks." Nancy raises her pink pineapple, and Robin clinks her purple one against it. 
"We told them the start time was half an hour later so we can make a dent in the alcohol!" By Robin's laugh, it seems they have made a dent in the alcohol pretty well. Steve drinks more of his drink. 
"Steve could you come help me get the pack-n-play from inside? That way James can sit in it and we can play some games." She smiles as Steve hands James off to Robin, who is making grabby hands with the one not clutching the drink. The two walk up the steps and into the trailer, their sunglasses pushed to their forehead.
"What're you doin'?" Steve asks as Y/N rifles around her kitchen drawers. 
"What you think I invited you in just for that stupid old thing? I tug that shit with me to work and back everyday." She smiles as she pulls out the cigarette and a lighter. Steve smirks. 
"They're gonna realize even if we only smoke one each." He says, but he's moving toward her. 
"That's why we're sharing one." She smiles as she pops it in her mouth and lights it, taking a drag before handing it to Steve. He takes a hit, thinking shortly about shotgunning with her, however Y/N turns toward the open window and sticks her head out, blowing the smoke. Steve smiles as he presses up against her to let the smoke out. They take a few more hits, almost reaching the end of the cigarette before someone catches them. 
"You idiots." Eddie pokes his head around the trailer, and Steve has to lean uncomfortably to turn around. 
"Go back and babysit for five more minutes!" Y/N giggles, and Steve turns toward her and smiles. 
"I hate you guys." Eddie leaves, which means he doesn't see the moment Y/N's eyes venture to Steve's lips, the moment they both lean in slightly, foreheads bumping. 
"Steve!" Of course Dustin interrupts, and Steve hits his shoulder against the windowsill as Y/N accidentally hits her forehead against him. 
"Fuck," She mutters as her sunglasses fall to her nose.
"That little shit." Steve slides back into the trailer as Y/N follows, him going to grab the pack-n-play and her putting the cigarette out while pushing her sunglasses back up. 
Oh God, she almost kissed Steve Harrington.
She takes a deep breath, fanning at her face with Steve's back turned, before she grabs both of their drinks and follows him out. 
"He is so tiny." Y/N sees El smiling at James, who is blinking at her with wide eyes. He's never been around this many people, and Y/N knows that soon he's gonna scream. She makes herself and Steve another drink - spiked punch, her favorite - and hands it to him before grabbing James from Max's arms. She nods her head hard to make the sunglasses fall and deposits James into his pack-n-play, smiling as Steve comes out of the trailer with Clover and a couple other toys. 
"Hey, what're you drinking?" Dustin asks Steve as he looks over the drinks on the table. 
"If I catch you with even a drop of this, your ass is grass." Steve grabs a coke from the ice chest and shoes it at the kid. "That goes for all of you little," Steve trails off as he hears James squeal, remembering last night when James repeated the one word he shouldn't. 
"You're no fun." Max frowns as she grabs a coke. 
"We're not kids anymore." Mike crosses his arms like a child, crossing his point. 
"You're always gonna be kids." Jonathan smirks, finishing off his beer. 
"Henderson, you're going to be a kid until you're married and have kids, alright." Steve cuts him off, rolling his eyes but still catching Y/N's quick flinch. "Poor choice of wording, I'm sorry." Steve tries, taking a long swig of his drink from the straw. 
"It's alright, I get it." She smiled. She did get it. Times may have changed slightly, however they hadn't changed enough for her to be accepted by everyone. 
"I didn't mean it like that." Steve tries again, but Y/N just shakes her head. 
"It's fine." She knows he didn't mean it. She knows it's just the way Steve views the life cycle. 
God, she was a fool. Steve probably wanted to start fresh, wanted to have his own kids after being married. 
"It's not," Steve moves closer to make it a more private conversation. Everyone begins to start talking in groups, and Eddie begins trying to set up a way to play music outside and not blast it from his trailer. "I swear I didn't mean it like that." He feels like shit for chosing his words so poorly. Before Y/N can respond, James is screaming and she's rushing to him. It seems he's just hungry, so she decides it's time for presents so they can get right on to cake. 
"Can you grab a chair from around back?" She asks Steve, who nods and grabs one. He sets it down next to the presents, and everyone gathers around. 
"Thank you guys for coming." Y/N smiles at her friends, heart beating with love. "I'm so lucky that I live next to someone with such great friends." She jokes, looking at Eddie. He raises his bottle to her as everyone laughs and insists they're all friends. 
James isn't helpful with opening the presents, trying to chew the wrapping paper at every chance he gets. Steve is luckily quick enough to get it out of his mouth, but this makes James angry. Everyone got the cutest gifts, like the clothes Nancy and Jonathan brought to the baby guitar Eddie proudly gave. The kids got cute figurines and bath toys, and she'd opened a couple of Steve's gifts - teething toys. She almost cried when she opened them, asking Steve to put them in the freezer right away. When he got out, she was opening the largest present - a cute little kitchen that she can put in her living room so James can pretend to cook. Y/N was glad the sunglasses hid her teary eyes. 
"You didn't have to do this." She tells Steve as everyone begins helping with the cleanup. 
"Of course I did." He turns to James and smiles, tickling his stomach. "Anything for my family."
Oh yeah. She's head over heels alright.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-1877 @roxaya @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterinaa @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @mcueveryday @mads-weasley @alicetweven @damon-loves-pie @gaysludge @l0v3e1i 
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Hands to Myself | Part 3
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Plot: A few months have passed and none of your friends have suspected a thing about you and Harrison. Out of the blue he surprises you with a trip to the Greek island of Skopelos, the same island where the movie Mamma Mia was filmed. Alone time on an island far away from home will only fuel the fire of your relationship.
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warnings: swearing, smut
* * * * *
“Seriously?!” I asked excitedly
“Yes babe, seriously, we’re going to Greece” he said smiling at me.
“When?” I asked
“We leave in 12 hours” he said chuckling at my excitement.
I smiled wide and jumped into his arms to hug him. He hugged me back “just the two of us, on an island far away from home, for two weeks”
I kissed his cheek “we should get packed” I said
He nodded “we should get some sleep too, we have an early flight”
“You gonna be able to keep your hands off me tonight?” I asked giggling
“I’ll try to behave” he said smirking.
We went into the bedroom and started to get some things around. In the past month, I had secretly moved into Harrison’s flat. I already spent so much time here anyway that moving in just made sense.
As we packed, I could feel that all too familiar urge pulling me towards Harrison. I wanted so badly to kiss him right now, but we needed to pack and at least attempt to get some sleep. I shook off the feelings and continued with my bags, reminding myself that I had two carefree weeks with him on a warm Mediterranean island.
After packing we had a quick dinner and promptly went to bed. As usual I kissed him goodnight, but had a hard time pulling myself away from his lips.
“Babe we need to sleep” he said chuckling against my lips.
“Just a few more minutes” I said giggling
“Fine” he said smirking against my lips, before kissing me back.
I smirked and kissed him deeply, climbing on top of him so I was straddling his torso. I could tell he was getting a bit turned on because he practically melted underneath me, cupping my face in his hands as he kissed me passionately. I was a bit turned on as well, but I knew we had to get some sleep.
I pulled away after a few more minutes and laid back down beside him. He pulled me closer to him, the two of us drifting off to sleep.
• • • • •
The next morning the alarm went off at 5:30am. We got dressed and loaded our bags into the car. We drive to the airport and went through the tedious process of checking our bags in and going through security. Eventually our 6:30am flight was ready to board. We had a 4 hour flight and a 45 minute ferry ride ahead of us before finally arriving in paradise for two weeks.
Once the flight had taken off I cuddled into Harrison’s side as we watched a movie on my phone. Even though I’d slept all night I was still pretty tired and ended up falling asleep. I woke up a few hours later to realize we’d be landing soon. I smiled excitedly looking out the window as we landed.
After getting off the plane and getting our bags we caught a cab to the nearest port and got on a ferry to take us to the island. I held onto Harrison’s hand as the ocean air blew around us on the boat ride. I could see the island in the distance and started to get even more excited.
Once we arrived on the island we grabbed our bags and boarded a Jeep, the driver taking us to the bungalow that Harrison has booked for us to stay in. It was amazing! It had a balcony that overlooked the ocean, a large king sized bed, and was in close proximity to the beach and other fun places to explore.
“Oh my god I can’t believe we’re staying here for 2 weeks!” I said excitedly as I looked out over the ocean.
“You like it?” I heard Harrison ask, smiling as he walked outside to see me
“I love it” I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him softly.
He kissed back for a few minutes before pulling away. “Would you like to get some lunch and head down to the beach?” He asked.
“Yes!” I said smiling.
“I figured you’d want food before doing anything” he said chuckling and taking my hand. We went down into the town and chose a small cafe near our bungalow.
We ordered some gyros and iced tea, eating outside on the patio to take in the sites. The town was small and cute, but with lots to do. The streets were bustling with people going to the shops and site-seeing.
After we finished eating we left a nice tip for our waitress then walked back to the bungalow to get ready to go to the beach.
I put on one of my new bikinis then went back to the bedroom to look for my sandals. Harrison walked into the room as I was I sliding my flip flops on and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Yeah?” I asked, looking up at him.
He smirked at me “you look really hot in that bikini”
I smiled “thank you”
“You ready to go for a swim?” He asked kissing my cheek.
I nodded and grabbed his hand. The beach wasn’t very busy, but we were on a resort, so this plot of beach wasn’t open to the public, just the people staying at the local bungalows.
The water was super clear and blue and just the right temperature. I waded out into the shallow water, up to my hips and looked out at the sailboats in the distance.
I looked over at Harrison who seemed to be more interested in looking at me than the boats.
“Enjoying the view?” I asked teasingly.
“Definitely” he said chuckling, walking closer to me.
I splashed him playfully when he got close enough to me.
“Oh I see how it’s gonna be” he said laughing and splashing me back.
I squealed and we continued to splash each other until I realized he had gotten close enough for me to feel the heat from his skin. I looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss me.
I kissed back, knowing all too well that he was just doing this as a distraction. Soon enough, almost as soon as I predicted it, he picked me up and dragged me out into deeper water.
I couldn’t help but giggle a bit. He was significantly taller than me so even though the water was up to his shoulders, I wouldn’t be able to stand with my head above water. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed my forehead to his.
“You’re all mine for 2 weeks” he whispered
“I’m always yours” I said giggling
“True, but here we don’t have yo worry about getting caught, nobody knows us here”
I smiled “that is true”
“Which mean we can do this whenever we want…” he whispered before kissing me softly.
I smiled and kissed him back tangling my fingers in his wet hair. The kids got deeper and the all too familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach hit me like a truck. I moaned softly, but loud enough for him to hear.
“Let’s go back to the room…” he whispered against my lips.
I bit my lip “I want you so bad”
With that he carried me into to shallower water and put me back down. He put his arm around me leading me back towards to the bungalow.
As soon as we ascended the stairs and got inside his lips were back on mine, his hands grabbing onto whatever they could get ahold of.
I pulled off his swim trunks as he untied my bikini top and the sides of my bikini bottoms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he pinned me to the wall, kissing my neck.
I moaned softly, slowly reaching down and taking his semi-hard member in my hand, rubbing it slowly.
“Fuck babe” he groaned as he kissed down to my breasts, taking one in his mouth. I rubbed him harder and he groaned against my chest. I continued rubbing him faster, feeling him getting harder in my hand.
After a few minutes he picked me up and pinned me to the bed. I watched as he lined himself up to my center and slid in. We both moaned at the sudden contact with each other.
He started thrusting slowly at first but my small moans drove him crazy. He started going faster and deeper, which drove both of us insane.
“Fuck, Harrison! It feels so good!” I moaned
“Mm, you’re so tight!”
I moaned loudly, wanting more. More of his hands, more of his moans, more of his dirty words.
“Tell me about your fantasies” I breathed out “tell me about all the things you’ve ever wanted to do with me but never have”
He groaned, most likely thinking about it. “I’ve always wanted to fuck you in a public place” he groaned, thrusting deep. “The fear of getting caught is hot”
I moaned, thinking about it “we should do that while we’re here, sneak off into a quite alley”
“Ugh, babe, don’t tease me with that thought”
“I’m not teasing, I want to do it” I whispered in his ear.
“Fuck” he groaned.
I could tell it pushing him over the edge. His thrusts got deeper and harder, causing me to moans loudly. I was seeing stars.
“Babe, don’t stop” I said almost to my breaking point.
He continued going and I could tell he was close. We were both covered in sweat, panting and moaning each other’s names, so loudly the people in the nearby bungalows could probably hear. I figured they’d better get used to it, we were here for two weeks and couldn’t keep our hands off each other. In fact, I could tell that this wouldn’t be the only time we’d end up having sex today.
“Baby! I’m there!” He groaned, seconds before I felt his hot load dumping inside me.
“Harrison!” I moaned loudly, hitting my climax seconds later.
We both laid there panting, trying to catch our breath. I looked up at him and he smiled, kissing me softly. I kissed back, running my hands through his still damp hair.
“Shit, I love you” he said softly.
I smiled “I love you too”
It wasn’t the first time we had told each other that. We said it quite often actually, but whether or not those words held any truth was still a mystery to both of us. We did love each other, but in what way we were still unsure, but I had a fairly good idea of how I was feeling.
He played with my hair, running his fingers through it. “I’m glad I met you. You make me happier than anyone ever has”
I blushed “before I met you, I was lonely, pretending to be content with my life”
“Me too. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me”
I bit my lip “do you really love me?” I asked
“Of course I do”
“For real?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you love me, or are you in love with me?”
“At this point, I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with you” He said, rubbing my cheek with his thumb.
I blushed and smiled “really?”
“Do you love me?” He asked
“Yes, and I’m falling deeper everyday” I said cupping his cheeks in my hands.
He smiled wide and kissed me passionately. We didn’t need to speak anymore words at this point. We both knew where this was headed and there was no turning back now.
* * * * *
To be continued…
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Whumptober day 12:
"I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?"
Red | insomnia | "im up, im up!"
Fandom: Voltron 
Prompts used: All
Alrighty! Part 2 of day 3! Hehehehehe! (This turned Klancey on me so fast i didnt even see it coming…) As always the timeline is screwed, I am pickpocketing the moments I want and placing them on a conspiracy board to my aesthetic liking. This deals with the aftermath of isolation, and its effects- to the best of my limited knowledge- so please tread carefully. Would love to hear from y'all if you like it! Thanks! 
Ps: Since alien measures of time are slightly longer I'm going off of someone elses calculations of what they may be. (Spiralled_Fury on A03) so a movement is 1.23 weeks which is roughly 8 days and something hours. 
The observation deck is quiet and dark, nothing but that soothing blue glow of Altean technology- nothing like that yellow of-
The stars, foreign as they may be, are nice to look at. The castle hums, and Blue is present in his mind, and it's a calm night in the open space. In a few minutes he'll make his rounds, check on each inhabitant of the castle, each of whom he sent to bed about a varga- hour- ago. It's been about a movement- a week since the pod, and that extra day and a little that he was in it- since his… rescue. He's tried his best to return to what was, but sometimes he wonders if he even should. 
He loves his team, he has been 'loverboy Lance' since practically birth. He cared so deeply about others, in detriment to himself typically, that even as a baby he knew when something was wrong with his family. They worried about him and his horrid taste in people, Hunk had barely made the cut and he's… well Hunk. But he just knows that if his Mama had been here watching their lives, he'd have gotten smacked upside the head, hugged to death, and whisked away with only the destruction her Chancla left behind them. 
That other voice in his head however pipes up, reminding him that they are children in war, lost in space and far away from all they have ever known. This team of teenagers is being led by two young adults, with one actual adult juggling a million duties behind them. This is a battlefield, and in a castle meant to house so many many more, 7 people barely fill a corner of it. 
Lance knows that they are good people. The thing that scared his family the most, was not that he could not discern the good and the bad people, but that he cared for them anyway like it would do something. (That's not true, he went to them because they gave him the time of day, you can only be used if you have a use after all…) 
But with the team, he knew they were good people. But they were also tired, traumatized and thrust into the turbulence, trials and tribulations of war and adulthood in one go. Lance had chosen who he was going to be the minute they'd all met in the desert. For kids lost in space needed something to ground them, something to make them smile, and remind them to rest, and to reminisce on home and what they fight for. But that apparently also made him the least, it felt like he was always coming up short or failing all together. That what he was doing was nothing to the team. 
He… didn't want to go back to that. But if he had to choose between that and the room, well… it wasn't a hard choice he supposed. 
His knees creak as he stands, he has to consciously straighten his back and neck- he doesn't have to duck or crouch anymore, there's room Lance, remember- his legs wobble for only a second before he takes his first step. He reminds himself that that's okay, he was gone for… a long time, and he sat or crouched or layed for all of it, his legs needed time to adjust to walking again. 
Bare feet pad slightly as he makes his familiar route. The Alteans are first, he can hear Corans snoring outside his door, and a small peek shows Allura curled up with the mice slumbering in her hair, her brow is relaxed and form loose, she needed the rest. Shiro is next, and he frowns at his leader's tense form, fist clenched in his sheets. He leans against the doorway, wracking his brain for a tune, and hums the first one he thinks of softly. He doesn't know why it works, why Shiro's whole form melts into the bed after a few moments of it, but he won't complain either, Shiro deserved good sleep. 
Hunk is next, and like Coran he can hear his snores through the door, though a deeper timbre and slightly quieter. He wants to peek in but Hunk is a light sleeper so he allows himself a few moments to listen before moving to Pidges room. The little gremlin is stubborn and Lance always has to prepare for the possibility of her being awake, so he braces himself as he opens her door. Her breaths are soft and though he has to maneuver around her heaps of who knows what, he finally finds her sprawled like a broken starfish in her bed, glasses askew and laptop haphazardly on her lap. He smiles at the drool at the corner of her mouth and shakes his head, carefully slipping off her glasses and placing them atop her laptop on her side table. He pulls the covers over her as she curls up on her side and lingers for only a moment, he still has one more person to check on. 
Keith's room is empty, two warring feelings hit him at once- a wave of panic and a tired sigh of exasperation. He makes his way to the training room, hearing the sounds of the gladiator from down the hall. He's too tired to interrupt this time round, Keith's chest is heaving so he'll probably be done soon anyway. He leans against the doorway watching mullet maneuver around the sparring section, more aggression than tact in his movements than usual, and finds his eyes feeling heavy. 
It's not a new feeling, he's felt strangely heavy for a while now despite his ribs doing their best at being one of those wooden frogs that you can make croak. He's only been able to get a few hours in this week, not that the team knows, or they haven't said anything. But everytime he closes his eyes…
The walls glow yellow and seem to creep closer every time he blinks, but if he doesn't blood starts to seep from the crevices he could never peel open and flood the room. He'll float there, eyes unblinking as he screams but no sound reaches his ears. The not bread and the not water dance a tango in front of him before launching down his throat as pain erupts from his very bones and his head expLOADS-
"I'm up, I'm up!" He flails, wobbles backwards, falls-
Finds himself looking into Keith's frazzled eyes as the sweaty samurai holds him to his tense form. The image and sensations are too real, it was just a dream, he must have dozed off, he's fine, Keith is here and he's fine. 
"Sorry, I uh… was here to make you sleep ha…" Lance's body refuses to cooperate, but Keith seems to read him well enough, moving them until they're both simply sitting in the entrance. 
"You were… uh, you didn't look er no, I mean that it just seemed like something was freaking you out." Keith to his part, is even more awkward than Lance, but he's also actively working his sentences through so that's something. 
"Oh yeah… I'm fine, sorry." Lance looks away, rubbing at his face to stave off what he saw. 
"You look exhausted, I thought you were already in bed. What are you doing up again?" Keith ducks his head to see his face, sweaty mullet hanging in a scraggly mess. 
"I look awesome." Lance scoffs halfheartedly, definitely not saying what he was going to say because 'I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?' Would not go over well.
"What!? What do you mean days??"  
Oh well, maybe he's more tired than he thought. Lance laughs stiffly, moving to stand, but only accomplishing a weird half crawl wobble before Keith moves to keep him in place, they naturally fall into a tuffle because like hell is Lance going to have this conversation when hes so artfully avoided it and no ones brought it up and everything is FINE! 
And he's pinned. 
Keith is slightly winded- Lance's boney knees had a few purposes thank you- but he has Lance's wrists pinned on either side of his head, and legs pinning the rest of him in an annoyingly cool move that Lance will be learning later. But there's no triumphant grin or banter, instead worry still clouds his expression. 
"Have you slept at all since you've… been back?" He- like everyone on this ship- have refused to really bring up what went down. And it's not like Lance did either! But he's scared still, of things that happen again before his eyes. Keith's finger presses gently on his cheek, turning Lance's teary eyes towards him once again. "Talk to me, Sharpshooter." 
And Lance's soul, tired and weary, breaks open like a flood gate. Tears leaked down his cheeks- warm, they were always so warm against his cold skin- and he trembles- shivers, it was cold there, he was so cold. 
"I'm scared." He utters the words like a secret, and really it is one. Even if they saw him broken and at the end of his rope, Lance had tried so hard to return to his role when he got back, to be useful… “I don’t want to go back Keith.” 
“We will never let that happen! That guy isn’t going to hurt anyone ever again, and I promise to keep anyone else from doing it too!” Keith’s adamant response and determined eyes are enough to make him sob again, Keith falters wiping some of the tears absentmindedly. “What did I miss?”
“I don’t,” he swallows thickly, trying to get his thoughts in order, “want to be the seventh wheel anymore. The least. I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t-” he chokes on another sob and Lance is hurriedly pulled into a warm embrace. 
He’s startled for only a moment before heat chases away his cold, and safety wraps around him, and he burrows into it, hands gripping tightly around shoulders, afraid the moment will end too soon. 
“I’m sorry we made you feel that way. We were an absolute mess without you Lance, you have no idea how lost we were, I think I was literally ready to kill one of them. And I wasn’t alone in the sentiment. We can’t do this without you, and I don’t think we’d want to either.”
“I think,” he sniffles, voice muffled in Keith’s chest, “that’s the most I’ve heard you say at once in a while.” He squeezes tighter, voice softer, “thank you.” 
“I don’t know exactly what you went through, but I’m here if you need anything. And the team will be too, I’ll make sure of it okay?” Lance is hesitant in his nod, worry still deep in his chest. “Alright dork, movie night on the couch. If you’re gonna be awake so am I.” 
Keith stands and Lance yelps as he’s lifted, gripping Keith’s throat tight enough to choke. His face burns a brilliant shade of red to match his swollen eyes no doubt, and he can only give Keith’s little grin a petulant look. 
“I can walk.” 
“You could.” Keith agrees as he turns and starts the journey towards the common room. 
Lance watches him as they walk, aware of how out of character this was for them, How much Keith surprised him. He even worries this is a dream, that he’ll wake up alone in that cold dark room, or worse yet, that something terrible will happen next and the team will- but Lance doesn’t think even his mind could imagine these strong arms and abnormally warm chest. He’s set down on the couch, his fingers tighten on Keith’s shirt unconsciously. 
“I’m staying, I promise.”
And that meant more than Keith will ever know.
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she-karev · 5 months
Mama Bear (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Canon Season and Episode: Season 19 Episode 8
AN: Hey guys this chapter is set three months after the last story and will focus on Amber and Andrew’s new role as working parents. The next two parts will be posted over the next two days so hand tight and I always appreciate a like and reblog.
Summary: Amber comes back to work after maternity leave and finds out that Owen and Teddy’s daughter, Allison bit Pru and Lucy.
Words: 5022
January 10th, 2023
I slowly open my eyes as the morning light hits me from the curtains. I’m in bed wearing Andrew’s white button down and my underwear after we got Lucy down and she slept for 8 hours straight. I think she knew today was mommy’s first day back after maternity leave and decided to show mercy. I grab my phone charging on my nightstand and see it’s about an hour before my alarm goes off. I put the phone down and hit my head on the pillow looking to get some more rest. However, an arm snakes around my ribs telling me I’m not gonna go back to sleep.
I can feel Andrew curling himself against my back and kissing my cheek, “Buongiorno bella.”
I groan tiredly, “Don’t speak Italian. I need to get as much sleep as I can and you speaking Italian is gonna make me want to wake up and use all my energy on you.”
Andrew chuckles still spooning me and defies me, “Okay…Ma ti bacero comunque per molto tempo.” (Translation: But I’m still gonna kiss you for a good long time.) He continues kissing my cheek and works his way down the side of my neck nipping me causing me to moan softly and grin despite my previous attempt to shoo him away.
“I’m nervous enough as it is leaving our daughter in daycare while I go back to work since I went on maternity leave. And people are gonna be underestimating my abilities as a surgeon thinking that motherhood has made me soft.”
Andrew kisses my head and grins, “You know someone once told me that sexual intercourse is a really great remedy to reduce stress and nerves.”
I laugh at his ridiculous attempts to get back in the saddle, “Is this peer reviewed or is this just a way to take advantage of alone time while the baby is asleep?”
“...Can’t it be both?” I grin at him mischievously before pushing him on his back and straddle him surprising him, “Whoa, I could wake up like this every day.”
I lean forward till we’re face to face and speak in a low husky voice, “I know you could, but this feels like a special occasion and I don’t want to waste it. We make it quick and we make it good.”
Andrew rumbles in his throat in approval, “Yes ma’am.” I lean forward to kiss him. We make out passionately ready to take things further when Lucy crying over the baby monitor stops us. I pull back and groan at her bad timing as does Andrew who slumps his head back on the pillow annoyed, “I’m not quick enough for us to get that in time.”
I pat his chest in comfort and get off him to get out of bed. I walk to the pale pink nursery across the hall rubbing my tired eyes. I open them to find Carina already in the room reaching down the fancy white crib and putting the crying baby in her arms. Lucia is in a white onesie with strawberry pattern and already has a puff of dark brown hair on top of her soft head. Carina rocks the baby gently singing to her and Lucia is still crying telling me she’s hungry.
I take Lucia from Carina’s arms, “Hi sweetheart it’s time for breakfast let’s go to the kitchen oh yes.” I walk to the kitchen where there are baby bottles everywhere as well as formula. Carina is following me no doubt already attached to her niece.
My sister-in-law moved in with us a few weeks ago after Maya kicked her out when Carina put a 5150 on her when she tried to leave the hospital despite being at risk for a heart attack. The morning after she came to our house in tears carrying a suitcase asking for a place to stay. Now she’s spending her free days in our home helping with the baby no doubt finding joy where she can while her marriage is falling apart. I feel bad for her I do and I appreciate the help but at this point it’s like she’s raising the baby with us.
“If you want, I can take her into daycare before I drive to the clinic. It can give you some time to rest.” Carina offers over Lucy’s screams.
I take the bottle of breast milk out of the fridge and cradle Lucy so she can eat. As soon as the tip is over her mouth she quiets and gets to work eating, “It’s fine Carina me and Andrew can take her in. Once I’m up fully I have a hard time getting back down, thankfully this little girl didn’t get that from me.”
Andrew walks in wearing his black t shirt and jeans, “Yep because by now we would’ve dropped her off at an adoption agency.” He starts the coffee machine.
I coo at the baby who is peacefully drinking her milk, “Wait the clinic? I thought Bailey’s clinic was postponed due to budget issues?”
Carina sighs, “It is I’m going to the clinic at the station and helping with patients.” I look up surprised at her as does Andrew and she notices, “What?”
I continue feeding Lucy as I explain, “I didn’t think you’d want to go there today after um...well after-”
“My wife kicked me out and told me our marriage was over?” Carina finishes.
Andrew clears his throat, “We were trying to tread carefully but yeah. You know Warren is a doctor and I can go in and cover for you if you want.”
Carina shakes her head, “Thank you but it’s important work and I am not gonna abandon those patients. Maya is not gonna take that from me.”
I grin at her positive attitude, “Have you two talked since that night?”
“Nope, I tried texting and calling her to see if she’s okay but it goes straight to voicemail. Also, I don’t know if she’s in the station today so it’s either gonna be a bad or worse day for me.”
Andrew stirs his coffee with a serious face, “Do you want me to kick her ass if she’s in?”
“Baby in the room honey.” I remind him and Lucy finishes her breakfast, “I highly doubt they’ll let a woman who thrashed in her hospital bed and had a cardiac event come into a fire station anyway. But in the event, they do you know where to find me and I can shoot breast milk in her eyes as payback.”
Carina chuckles, “I will call you if it comes down to that. Thank you both but I am okay I will be okay it’s a day to save lives and I am doing that.”
“Amen sister.” I wipe Lucy’s mouth, “Today is a good day for me too. Not only am I getting back to work but we’re also treating a celebrity, Jermaine Talbott.” I smile at that as Carina looks at me confused, “Number one draft pick for the Seattle Seahawks? Has tackles and sacks that rivals Tom Brady? Come on how do you not know this?”
Carina shrugs, “I’ve been in this country for five years and football to me is when you kick the soccer into the net.”
“Okay I don’t have time to educate you I gotta get ready.” I walk to Andrew and hand him Lucy, “Can you take care of her while I shower and we can drop her off at daycare?”
“Yeah of course it gives me time to spend with my favorite daughter before I go into a six-hour surgery.” He holds her over his shoulder and kisses her cheek. I walk away before I get caught up in her cuteness so I can get ready for my first day back at work.
We walk down the hall towards the daycare with Lucy in a stroller I push anxious about leaving her. I know it’s not a bad thing for me to leave her in daycare while I work. All the parents say it’s a great program and the nurses are super nice and text pictures of the babies. I know it’s a good thing for me to go back to work so I can be a good role model for my daughter and she can be inspired to change the world as she grows.
“Okay Lucy mommy and daddy are gonna be saving lives while you play with the other kids all day.” Lucy looks at us blankly with her blue eyes while wearing a pink onesie that says princess, white pants and a white hat, “Don’t look at me like that you’ll know the pressures of being an adult when the time comes and you’ll know mommy was strong to leave you in daycare despite how cute you are and how much I’m gonna miss you. I love you sweetie but I also love being a doctor too.”
Andrew grins as we stop outside the daycare ready to check in standing behind Alex and Jo who are with Luna in a stroller, “Now Lucy don’t worry if anything goes wrong today and that is a very big if, mommy and daddy are only a 30 second elevator ride away. And you have your cousin Luna in there to keep you company, right Luna?”
Jo awes at Lucy, “Hi Lucy. Oh, I remember when I first dropped off Luna at daycare, I was a mess. But don’t worry it gets better and back then she didn’t have a cousin to play with.”
Alex checks Luna in and the orderlies take her inside as he stands next to us, “You got nothing to worry about sis, the people taking care of her are some of the best pediatric nurses in the hospital. Plus, they text you pictures and updates.” Alex hands the clipboard to Andrew to check her in.
“Okay if you have trouble putting her down try The Beatles or AC/DC both of those works like a charm and in case we’re in surgery and don’t answer, my sister’s cell is here and she can come right down.” Andrew explains to the orderlies who take the stroller from me and I whimper at the separation. I grip Alex’s upper arm in anxiety so tightly he yells out in pain.
I inhale, “Okay I’m in the pit all day so can the three of you rotate to hop up here and check on her every ten minutes?” They all say no to my ire and Jo stands in front of me with a reassuring grin.
“Okay Amber take a deep breath.” Jo takes a deep breath and I follow, “And out.” We do that, “This is a good thing, it’s good for her to see you work and achieve that way she can do the same and become supreme justice of the court. It’s good for her to see mommy work and she knows she is always on your mind no matter what. Drill that into your head and you might just end the day feeling good about yourself. Okay?”
I nod, “Okay...here I go off to save the world.” I walk away from the daycare and take a deep inhale to steady myself before starting my first day.
I discharged a patient with a broken arm to a private room leaving the pit empty. I go over the charts and see Adams, Millin and Yasuda approaching me with eager faces no doubt hungry for surgery.
Adams greets me first, “Welcome back Dr. DeLuca if there’s anything you need to ease back into work after maternity leave, I would be more than happy to help.”
I look up at him with narrow eyes, “Are you doubting my abilities to fully come back to work Dr. Adams?” Millin and Yasuda look amused at how Adams already made me angry while he looks sheepish.
“Oh no, no absolutely not I-I just thought that-”
“You like so many other males immediately assume that just because I had a baby, I cannot do my exceptionally difficult and time-consuming job. I went into labor and pushed a ten-ounce beautiful baby from my vagina, it’s not like I went on a sabbatical to Antarctica. With that being said, Adams you will take beds 1 to 4, Millin 5-9 and Yasuda the rest. Report to me if you have any questions.”
“But the beds are empty.” Adams states.
“You think I don’t have eyes?” I snap and he keeps his mouth shut, “We work in a busy city in the center of the population odds are there’s bound to be at least one patient coming in every 10 minutes and when that happens, I expect you all the treat them accordingly and not give unnecessary surgical hours just because you are greedy to cut. Nod if you understand.” They all nod, “Great get to work and get the beds and charts ready for our future patients.”
I turn to the station and hear them bicker behind me with Yasuda starting, “I am not losing another surgery.”
“We don’t have to compete over everything.”
Yasuda ignores Millin, “First person to do an actual procedure gets the bedroom to the left of the stairs.”
“What? I already drew that room.” Adams argues.
“And I'm appealing the draw.”
“Less talking more working people! I can make it so you’ll get scut till my newborn walks now go!” I hear them walking away when I hear a man pleading by the entrance. I turn to see a guy leaning over clearly in pain.
“Help! Please!”
The interns rush over to him trying to claim him. I roll my eyes and rush over so they don’t rip him apart like a ragdoll, “Sir I’m Dr. DeLuca can you tell me what happened?”
I help him stand along with Millin as Yasuda gets a wheelchair, “I failed, doc. I couldn't do it.
“You couldn't do what?” Adams asks.
“The Pho-Nomenal Challenge.”
I raise an eyebrow, “The what?”
Yasuda stands behind with a wheelchair and I help him sit on it as she explains, “The Pho-Nomenal Challenge is three pounds of meat, three pounds of noodles, three liters of broth. If you finish in an hour and a half, you win $250. Did you just come from there?”
The man explains, “No, I tried it five days ago, and I have not been able to take a crap since. Please help me.” I try to keep my disgust to myself and lead him to a bed. In a strange way this seems fitting for my first day back.
After getting him in a gown I do a physical exam in the bed at the pit with the interns observing from behind me. Jared Gillespie is lying on his side groaning in pain. It’s what happens when you try to down nine pounds of food in under two hours.
“Question Adams what are the symptoms of extreme constipation?”
“Um severe abdominal pain, bloating, difficulty sitting.”
Jared groans as I press down, “Very good, Millin what is the home treatment?”
“Increasing your water intake, eating adequate sources of fiber, exercise, reducing stress.”
“Jared, have you tried these methods before coming here?”
“How am I supposed to reduce stress when my entire body is full of pho?” I ignore his outburst and focus on his abdomen that feels rigid, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m just I’m very uncomfortable.”
I snort at that understanding, “I just gave birth I know how uncomfortable and constipated you feel, trust me.”
A nurse walks toward us, “Excuse me um can I borrow one of you?” The interns raise their hands and call out like third graders.
I sigh, “Millin go.” She leaves the pit and follows the nurse, “Your turn Yasuda how do we visualize his bowels?”
“We get a KUB and then do a digital rectal exam.”
Jared turns to us shocked, “Wait I’m sorry digital?”
I try to ease his worries, “It’s relatively painless as long as you relax while you bend down and we-”
“Okay never mind.”
I take the gloves off and feel my body telling me to go to the restroom. I sigh and walk to the remaining two interns, “After ruling everything out, you can try a stool softener or an enema. If none of that works then we can consider doing a procedure. I have an emergency to tend to, let me know how it goes.”
Yasuda tries to butter me up, “Um Dr. DeLuca maybe I can handle the emergency while Adams stays here with Jared.”
I narrow my eyes at her trying to get surgeries while I’m lactating, “Can you take the breast pump out from behind the station, go to a private room and pump out milk for my growing child?” Yasuda looks at me awkward about that and I grin maliciously, “I didn’t think so now move.” She moves out of my way and I grab the bag from behind the station so I can get down to business.
I exhaled in relief inside the resident’s lounge bathroom as I fill up the last bottle and put my bra and top back on. I put the items away, sling the bag over my shoulder and walk down the hall to go back to the pit when my phone rings. I see the daycare is calling me and I immediately answer it.
“Hello? …What?” The daycare told me to come down stating there was an incident and I ran down as fast as I can opting to take the stairs since the elevator was full. I run inside the daycare and everything looks normal except Lucy is sitting with Pru Miller while a nurse plays with them and Bailey is talking to the daycare supervisor. I rush toward Lucy and kneel down relieved to see that she’s okay as she plays with her plush green dragon, “Hi sweetheart what happened? Is everything okay?”
Bailey explains as she kneels down next to me in front of our daughters, “She’s fine and so is Pru they just had a little…encounter with Allison Hunt.”
“What do you mean? What kind of encounter?”
“Allison bit Pru and then she bit Lucy while they were playing in the carpet.”
Her telling me what happened incites something in me, it’s like a new kind of fury has developed in me, “What? Hunt and Altman’s kid bit my baby?”
“And mine and before you go into-”
I turn to an orderly, “When are that little shark’s parents getting here and what is the hardest object you have in this room?”
“Amber, I know what you’re feeling right now and I know the rage pulsing in your body is something I can’t mend but I’m gonna try to. Pru told me it was a one-time thing. The three of them were playing and apparently Allison was trying to say something and she couldn’t get the words out. Kids bite it happens.”
I scoff, “My baby isn’t even six months old yet, she shouldn’t have to worry about bullies this early. Why aren’t you mad? She bit your daughter too.”
“And I will talk to her parents but I am keeping in mind that Allison is three years old. She is not a bully; she doesn’t know what she’s doing and I’m sure when she’s told of this when she’s older she will feel bad.” I inhale and exhale as I hold my baby in my lap, “Now we will calmly tell the Hunt’s what is happening and hope this is a one-time thing. I am emphasizing the word calmly DeLuca can you do that?”
“…Can I calmly suggest they put a muzzle on their kid?” Bailey looks at me with a ‘really?’ look when Andrew walks inside the daycare looking worried.
He kneels down next to us relieved to see our baby in my lap, “Hey, a nurse came to me after my surgery and told me to come down, is everything okay?”
“Hunt and Altman’s little Damien bit our baby girl.” I explain in an angry tone.
Andrew looks shocked, “Which Damien?”
“Allison.” Bailey explains, “She bit Lucy and Pru.”
Andrew strokes Lucy’s short dark hair with an amused chuckle, “Oh is that true bambina? Was Allison a little rough during playtime?”
I look at him bewildered by how nonchalant he is, “Playing rough is stealing blocks or making noise during naptime. Biting is another story.”
“Well honey kids bite all the time it’s no big deal.”
“No big deal? This is our daughter, and yours.” I point out to Bailey, “Our three-year-old and five-month-old daughter who was bitten by a three-year-old. Why am I the only parent here who gives a-”
“Read the room.” Bailey reminds me.
I sigh remembering I’m in daycare and that I need to filter, “Right, why am I the only parent here who gives a chocolate pudding emoji about this attack?” I ask frustrated for Lucy who is too busy with her dragon to notice.
“Amber it’s not like Allison targeted Pru and Lucy.” My husband tries to mediate which means he thinks I’m overreacting, “Their babies and babies’ bite. I mean what if this was Lucy who did it?”
“But she didn’t.”
“But what if she did?”
“She didn’t.” I remind him sternly.
“Look as angry as you are and I feel you I really do Hunt and Altman are gonna feel as bad as we would have if Lucy did the biting. Don’t you agree?” I look at him with narrow eyes and stay silent confirming my answer, “Great so we will gently tell them what happened and not have to worry about this because odds are it will be a one-time thing.”
I sigh, “I will be civil.” I handed Lucy to him and we stood up to fill the injury report with Bailey. I fill out my information with Andrew holding a sleeping Lucy over his shoulder.
“We’re all the parents page?” I turn to see Hunt and Altman walking in and I take a deep breath reminding myself to be civil.
“Just the parents involved in the bite.” Bailey turns to face them, “Your kid bit my kid.”
“And mine.” I add venomously still pissed and they look shocked.
“Which?” Hunt asks.
“Allison. Bit Pru.” Bailey explains in a serious tone.
“And Lucy.” Andrew adds serious as well still holding our baby.
“That seems like a one-parent job. Let's make this one about you.” Hunt smugly says leaving Teddy to deal with us as we glare at her.
She sighs, “We are so sorry.” Bailey hands her the clipboard that she takes looking guilty.
I inhale seeing I’m no longer needed and turn to Andrew, “Okay I think you’re good to take care of the rest. I have a patient in the pit who needs to make a chocolate pudding emoji.” Andrew and Bailey look at me confused, “Don’t ask.” I smile at my daughter still sleeping on her dad’s shoulder, “Okay sweetheart mommy has to go to work but I will see you tonight don’t let the other kids tear you down.” Altman looks more guilty if that was possible but I ignore it and give Lucy a big kiss on her cheek, “It was nice talking to you, Dr. Bailey.” She nods in acknowledgment and I face Altman glaring daggers at her before leaving. As I leave, I distinctly hear her saying “If looks could kill.” That alone makes me grin to myself glad that I haven’t lost my touch.
I walk down the hall to find Yasuda outside the all gender restroom which tells me they performed the enema on Jared and is waiting for him. I approached her.
“You did the enema?”
“Yes ma’am.” Yasuda confirms leaning back against the wall, “I am just waiting for confirmation from the patient himself.”
“How long has he been in there?”
“About twenty-five minutes.”
I groan in disgust, “Oh god I hope my kid doesn’t do stupid challenges like this and end up in the same predicament.”
Yasuda shrugs, “Well making mistakes and doing stupid things makes us smarter and more prepared for life.” I look at her with a raised eyebrow, “How else do you think I got to be this stellar person who wants to achieve more than anyone else in life?”
“Have you bitten babies along the way?” I ask angry and she looks startled by my topic change, “Because that’s what happened to my kid. Altman and Hunt’s demon spawn bit my baby and everybody except me is writing it off. I left her because I trusted my husband enough to think that the daycare would take care of her but I left her alone for five minutes and some tiny little snake from the garden of Eden sunk her teeth into my baby. I swear if that kid becomes an intern here, I am gonna make her life hell.” I exhale in rage and look at Yasuda staring at me obviously taken back, “Sorry I’m angry and I rant when I’m angry.”
“Plus being a new mom, you’re bound to have mama bear moments especially when your baby cub gets hurt. And the way I saw Hunt and Altman biting each other’s head off my first week kids are bound to copy what they see at home.”
I chuckle at that, “That probably explains why I had so many anger problems as a kid. Oh god I want my kid to have a better life than I did growing up, instead she’s getting bitten on her first day of daycare.”
Yasuda looks at me in sympathy which I hate, “Kids are tough and the bright side is her hippocampus isn’t fully developed so she won’t remember this.”
“That is true.” Adams approaches us and I glare at him, “Adams where the hell have you been? Are you letting Yasuda do all the dirty work?”
“Um I was watching the Tanks surgery from the gallery.”
“Your patient is your patient until he’s discharged you don’t just hand him off to your co worker and expect her to do your chores.” I groan at his incompetence, “I do not need to be pissed off more Adams I’m already feeling like punching one brat don’t make me feel like punching two.”
“You should listen to her and agree because she will be violent.” Yasuda tells him to save him from the green-eyed resident.
Adams looks at Yasuda confused, “What are you doing?”
“Can't rush the rectum.”
“Wh-Uh, you're a surgeon. We are surgeons.”  
“Yeah, and general surgery's all about poop in the pipes, Skywalker.” I glare at both of them and she explains, “We have a bet whoever gets a procedure done at the end of the day will get the master bedroom and this enema of mine counts.” She turns to Adams with a smug grin, “Curtains or shades? My room gets a lot of light.”
“Eh, it's not your room until you have success.” We hear the toilet flush confirming the enema worked.
“Congrats Yasuda you win, Adams take the loss like a woman.” The door opens and Jared comes out looking much better, “Jared, how are you feeling?”
“I feel like I just lost 10 pounds.” Jared holds their shoulders gratefully and I am glad not to be touched by him after his crap marathon.
“Pho-tastic!” Yasuda yells out happy, “It's another dish on the menu.”
“I want to say thank you so much for your help. Now I can go back.” I look at him confused.
“Uh, um, I'm sorry?” Adams asks confused as well.
“To the restaurant. I need to win that $250.” I look at him dumbfounded and I shift into my stern mama bear face. I calmly hand Yasuda the tablet and she takes it sensing I’m about to tear this boy down.
“Young man, do you have any idea how badly this could’ve gone?” Jared frowns at my serious question, “You ate three pounds of meat, three pounds of noodles and three liters of broth in under two hours and came here with your pipes more clogged than Homer Simpson’s! And this right here was the best-case scenario your stomach could have burst and you would have to eat through a feeding tube at the age of 22 do you want to live like that?” Jared shakes his head clearly scared of me, “No! Nobody wants to live like that and you’re taking that risk going back and doing this dumb contest.”
“Challenge.” Adams corrects me and I glare at him shutting him up, “I’m not important here got it.”
I turn back to Jared, “Look Jared are your folks well off? Do they have money to give you if you need the cash this badly?”
Jared shrugs, “I mean yeah but I’m 22 and I’m graduating soon I don’t want them to worry about me if I ask for money.”
“Newsflash Jared they already worry about you! It’s a parents biological need to worry because if they don’t worry about you as you explore your life and figure out who you are through this terrifying and dangerous world then they don’t love you. Do your parents love you?” Jared nods, “Then they would rather have you call them and ask them for money than do this stupid challenge that could result in your doctors calling them and telling them their son lost his stomach or worse all for a few measly bucks you could’ve asked for. Do you get that?” Jared looks down guilty and nods, “Do you?” He nods more and mutters yeah, “Good you call your family tell them what happened tell them your okay and that you need money, go!” Jared walks away looking scared, I inhale and exhale after my speech with the interns looking at me clearly impressed.
“Damn.” Yasuda says with a grin, “I feel really bad for whoever is dumb enough to pick on your cub, mama bear.”
“Oh, you know that’s right.” I confirm and take my tablet back from her, “Come on you two back to the pit.”
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prettywhenibleed · 2 years
𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖄𝖔𝖚 (Kill For You)
Pt 2
Fem!Reader x Paul
Most of this chapter is just the reader, Paul doesn’t make an appearance until the end. 
TW: Physical abuse, not the happiest chapter, language
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That night, I found it kind of difficult to fall asleep. I was tired, very tired, but I was also really excited about tomorrow night. As I lay in bed, my head swimming with thoughts of Paul, I sat up a bit and I picked up the necklace from where I had put it on the bedside table. I held it up to admire it for a moment before clasping it around my neck. It was a pretty simple necklace. Just a chain with a bat on it. But I loved it so much. I don’t know what it is about bats, but I’ve always just loved them. Besides, since Paul had gifted it to me, it made it all the more special to me. Its weird to say this about someone that I have only just met.. But I feel like I can really, and I mean truly trust Paul. I feel so comfortable and safe with him. God! I must sound completely insane. I let out a huff and flopped my head back down onto the pillow. I laid there in the dark for what seemed like hours, before I eventually managed to drift off to sleep.
I woke up the next day later than usual. I rolled over onto my side to check the time on my alarm clock. 1:12 pm. Shit! I cant believe that I slept in that long. I guess I shouldn’t really be that surprised since I did stay out until nearly 2am. I quickly got up and made my way to my bathroom. It's times like these where I'm glad that I have a bathroom connected to my bedroom. I stripped out of my clothes from last night, only now realising that in my daze from last night, I had forgotten to change. Once in the shower, I felt my muscles relax under the, admittedly very hot, water. I let our a content sigh.
After my shower and getting dressed for the day, I carefully made my way downstairs. Trying to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want to do anything that might set my parents off. I hated the weekends. Purely for the fact that both of my parents would be home all day for the next two days. I silently prayed that, for whatever reason, they had decided to go out today. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I found that I was out of luck. I could hear my parents in the kitchen. I almost debated turning back around and going back to my room before they noticed me..... But yet again, I was shit out of luck. "Get your ass in here now!" I heard my dad yell from the kitchen. I closed my eyes, took a deep, shaky breath, and slowly made my way into the room. As soon as I stepped foot in there, I was met with a swift and harsh slap to the face. I stumbled back, not expecting to be attacked. I held my now throbbing cheek with my hand. I tried my best stop the tears from making their way out of my eyes. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I just remained silent as I looked at her with a blank look in my eyes. "Where the HELL were you last night?" My mom screeched. Hands on her hips and a rage in her blue eyes that I've become all to familiar with. I wracked my brain, trying to come up with an excuse that would be believable. "Well? Answer your mother you disrespectful little shit." My dad said, walking up behind me and smacking me in the back of the head. I flinched in pain as his large hand made contact with my head. "I-I’m sorry. I just.. I went for a walk and lost track of time." I tried to tell them. My plan of not letting them see me cry, quickly getting harder and harder to achieve. I tried taking deep, shaky breaths to calm myself and bury the need to cry deep down. "Fucking idiot. Can’t do anything right." My dad said in a low, patronizing voice.
After they decided that they had had their fill of abusing me, I was able to make my way back up to my room. The second I reached my room I locked myself in my bathroom, fell to the floor, and proceeded to bawl my eyes out. I have never, and probably will never, understand why my parents hate me so much. I never did anything to them.... At least, I don’t think I did. Either way, I am stuck here. This is just my life. At least now, for the first time in my life, I have something... Someone to look forward to seeing. Paul. The thought of him was enough to bring me back down to earth. I lifted my head from my knees and leaned it back to rest on the cabinet, under the sink, that I was sitting on the floor in front of. I tried to steady my breathing, taking long, deep breaths. Focusing on the fact that I needed to pull myself together so I didn’t look a complete mess when I meet up with Paul later tonight. I was sat on the bathroom floor for another half hour or so, before I felt composed enough to slowly pull myself to my feet. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed at what I saw. I looked like a complete mess. And to make matters worse, I had a swollen, red mark that almost completely covered my left cheek. I really hope it goes down before I am supposed to meet Paul. I have no idea what I am going to say to him if it doesn’t. I filled up the sink with cold water and used that to clean my face and maybe try and make myself NOT look like I had just been hit and then bawled my eyes out.
It was about 7 pm now, and thankfully, I looked almost completely back to normal.. Save for a bit of lingering redness, but that can be covered up with a little bit of makeup. I'll be having to start my walk to the boardwalk soon. I've already gotten ready. I don’t really have to do that much besides get dressed, brush my hair and, when needed, put makeup in certain places to cover any evidence of my parents hatred towards me. I felt around the back of my head to check on how that was feeling. It wasn’t really that bad anymore. I mean when it happened, it felt like my dad almost knocked me out, but now it was only slightly tender. I should be grateful it didn't get any worse than it did. I tried to shake away those feelings and thoughts, and just focus on the night ahead. Ready, I walked over to my window and climbed through. Repeating the actions from last night. My heart always raced like crazy when I did this. Knowing that at any moment, one or both of my parents could catch me, and that... That punishment would put me out of commission for weeks. I didn't sneak out too often. Only when I really needed to get out for a few hours, but I was never gone for too long, knowing that if my parents walked into my room to find me missing, there would be hell to pay. But now.. Now I felt this unexplainable pull to leave. To spend as much time as I possibly could, with Paul. I didn't know what it was or why he could elicit such strong emotions from me, only having met him last night, but I didn't care. All I knew was that I wanted to see him. To be near him.
After my semi long walk, my feet were finally met with the boardwalk. I sighed with relief. Instantly feeling calmer, knowing that I was only moments away from another amazing night with Paul and the others. As I made my way through the crowd, occasionally bumping into people, I kept my eyes peeled for three blonde heads and one brunette. My search was put to a quick end when I felt someone suddenly grab me and pick me up from behind. My mind immediately going into panic mode and I started to desperately try to free myself. "Hey calm down sugar! It's only me" Paul assured me as he put me down, obviously getting the hint that I probably didn't like being snuck up on and grabbed like that. He honestly didn't mean any harm by it. He was just excited to see you and well, Paul's a very handsy guy. I let out a breath and turned to face him. "Sorry Paul. I just wasn't really expecting to be grabbed like that." I told him before pulling him into a hug. I wanted to let him know that, I too was glad to see him, and that I was fine. Paul instantly, but more gently this time, reciprocated my hug. "I didn't mean to scare you sugar pie. Just happy to see you is all." He said as he pulled away. I just shook my head and waved my hands in a dismissive gesture. "It's okay Paul. Really. I guess I just startle easily." I told him with a small laugh. He raised a brow at me and smirked. "Oh yeah?" He said in a tone that I could only guess meant he had something nefarious going on up in that head of his. "Don't even think about it Paul." I told him with a knowing look. He just broke out in a genuine, sweet smile and laughed. "Ahh! I'm only messing with ya babe." He reassured. Paul wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started to lead me to, I'm guessing, where the others were. I leaned into his side and wrapped my own arm around his waist. Enjoying the comfortable closeness and feeling of safety he provided. Paul looked down and just smiled to himself. He was ecstatic that you was warming up to him so quickly. He would have been pretty bummed out if his mate didn't like him all that much. So he just held onto you a little tighter.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I'm walking in the woods right now. I'm on my way back to my building from riding horses which was fun but now my allergies are going crazy. I've decided that even though it's 8:00 I'm going to go home. I would like to take a shower and sleep in my own bed. Because while I love sleeping in the hammock I think being home has become a little bit more important to me this year. But today was a pretty good day overall even if I'm still pretty sore and I was very nauseous for a lot of it.
I slept okay last night. I did not get enough sleep for some reason. I don't even remember not falling asleep early last night I just didn't sleep good. And when I woke up it was 6:30 and I didn't need to be awake yet but I was and for some reason when I get to lay in bed for a half an hour just being awake I tend to feel better when my alarm does finally go off. And beyond being nauseous this held true.
I left for work and was in a pretty good mood. I had a nice drive and got here before 8:00. There wasn't a lot for me to do today. Like set up-wise. I had done a really good job of getting everything ready already So I just made sure everything was clean and then I went for a little walk. I went to talk to Chris and make sure that buying adhesive at home Depot would be a reimbursed. And he said it was fine. So I will do that either tomorrow or Saturday. And then I just did a little walk around camp until I went back to the art building where I hung out in the hammock inside.
I was already really nauseous but I was also very anxious. Specifically about my hammock. Anton is a very great help but he loves laying in the inside hammock and I want to lay on the inside hammock so I put a wash on my stuffed animals in it and my book and hoped that if he came while I was walking to the nurse that he would not be inside of it but he ended up not coming today. So it was fine. But my anxiety was still very high.
I was going to work today working on my blanket. All 12 rows are completed and now they are sewed together in pairs. And tomorrow I hope to work on sewing the Paris together. And so far Louisa has been a huge help making sure that none of my pairs or rose were incorrect. We laid them all out and made sure and pinned and put notes on things so that things were being laid and sewn in the right direction and it was nice.
And the kids today made pretty good artwork. They were mostly on time which was surprising. And we didn't have any like great masterpieces today. Not to say they weren't wonderful but none like blew me out of the water. I think some of the problem is we have too many white socks. I think if I was to do this project again next year I will get way more colorful socks. Because we ran out of those like on Monday and those ones just look so much cleaner.
But the kids were good and they made good work and while I didn't feel very good everyone was really kind. And I had the counselors helping with the hot glue and while there was one or two small burns nobody was seriously injured which is always my concern.
I did not go to lunch because I had brought my Chipotle from yesterday with me. And I ate half of that and then I just turned off the lights and hung out in the inside hammock until my next class. I just really it did not feel good today and was happy to be alone.
I honestly wasn't sure it was going to participate in the counselor ride tonight because I was feeling so unwell. But I knew that if I didn't I would feel bad about that too so really there was no winning. My neck also just really hurts still and I would love for it to stop hurting so much but nothing seems to be helping. I'm hoping that going home tonight and taking a hot bath will help at least a little bit.
The afternoon groups were great. My day campers really seem to like the sock project even if they have to keep starting over over it over again. And when the stockade boys came a few of them even made some puppets including Jorge. Jorge always makes walruses and I thought it was very sweet when he made a walrus. I was not feeling great still though. And I was trying my best to not let everyone know how bad I was feeling but it was hard. I was talking to Louisa a lot about it today because she spent literally the entire day with me. And she worked on her embroidery and we just chit-chatted while the kids worked and during our breaks we both read Dear America books while laying in the hammocks. She's reading the Titanic one but I don't think she's going to finish it because she says it's already too sad. Which is true.
But she just wants to chit chat I had to be one point be like Louisa please let me read my book I only have 20 pages left. And I really didn't love this one there was a lot of parts where I felt like I missed something because she was skipping big sections but it was still enjoyable at the end and I'm excited to read my next one which is going to be taking place in 1919 which is a nice change of pace because I've been doing a lot of 17 and 1800s.
My last day group camp group left and I still had one more group which was my late pioneer group. I was not thrilled about having such a late group but they were very sweet boys and they did a good job. And they had lots of questions about my blanket which I was finally finishing sewing out the last pair row. And I was able to lay everything out and get it all rolled up and folded.
While we were folding it Elizabeth called me to ask if Louisa was with me and I was like yes she's been here all day do you want me to send her down and at first she said no but then Alexi let us know that her dad was there and wanted to say hello so I sent her to the office. And then the boys finished up and I got my stuff and went to dinner.
Dinner was not good. It wasn't that it tasted bad because I didn't eat any of it. What they had for people who do eat me it was jerked Jamaican chicken and some rice and vegetables. Which is fine. Except there was a very unclearness of about what was vegetarian what wasn't and then they finally brought the vegetarian option out which was like a vegetarian chicken and rice Jamaican inspired dish. Which I'm sure would have been fine not my thing but fine. Except I scooped up and it was still frozen. So I gave it back to the chef and then he said it would be a few minutes in the oven and I waited like 15 minutes but it didn't come out so I just had a couple pieces of broccoli and gave up and left.
Mostly because we were getting ready for the trail ride at 7:00 and I wanted to get going to ice first. So I went and waited by the office and read my book a little bit. And then the people that work up in horses. Braden, Laney, and CC from the pool were up there waiting for Kona ice as well. And they were running a little bit late so we were jokingly like yelling about Jimmy not being there when he was supposed to be. Jimmy is the man that runs the Kona ice truck. And once he was there we got our things and I walked up with them. And they walk so fast. I have little legs guys and I'm old. But I did my best to keep up with them and it was nice hanging out.
I got to watch them tack up the horses. And put all of the things together and then everybody else who was coming on the trail ride would slowly start coming through. Ty was coming as well as Antonio. Tony was there as well. Candella who I love. And I specifically loved that she kept yelling at the horses in very very fast Spanish. I got to ride on Denton. And he was a very well behaved horse.
Which was great because I don't know if you remember my ride last year when I was on Little bolt and he rode me into Elizabeth's car and then into a bush. Denton was a very good listener. And he let me pet his face and his ears and I even gave him some of my snowball. It was mango flavored.
When we did finally get to ride I was all the way in the back because Denton likes to kick. He did not kick anyone but he kept biting the horse in front of us. And I think I did a lot better with controlling the words this year. Specifically because the saddle fit me better and I was not in excruciating pain the entire time. My neck still definitely hurt but there wasn't a lot of looking all the way backwards so it didn't bother me too much and I was able to just kind of be chill about it.
There were like three times where I screamed. The first one was because I thought it was so funny when we were going downhill and he started to trot. I can't imagine what a cancer feels like because trotting seems so fast. And you don't really have anything to hold on to so at one point I started slipping off the front of the saddle because I was writing an English saddle that has no horn. And that was very scary. And then another time I almost fell off and my feet fell out of the stirrups and I started sliding and then I got a crane up in my leg and I thought it was going to die. It was very scary. But I was laughing the whole way through and honestly it was a really nice time. I like to talking to Laney who was riding behind me as our trail guide. And I'm really glad that they cut the trail rides from an hour to a half an hour though because by the time the half hour is done my thighs hurt so much. Thankfully they don't really hurt too much anymore as I'm driving home. But I still have a good time.
Once the trail ride itself was done we went into the ring and we were allowed to just kind of ride in circles and try things out. I got Denton to trot a few more times and I felt a little bit more in control and I got him to turn the way I wanted him to and I felt a lot more secure. I still don't know how you don't slide off the saddle but I was having a good time. Eventually though I did just want to get off of the horse. He kept trying to walk over the jumps and I did not enjoy that and I didn't know how to make him stop trying to do that. And I was very afraid he was going to jump for real. I was very much ready to be done.
Lady wouldn't let me use the stairs to get off of him and I was very afraid of sliding off the horse to get on the ground because my likes keep giving out but I was able to slowly slide down and get off and I did not die. I watched Denton back up to his little house and one of the other girls help me take his tack and saddle off. And then I gave him the rest of my snowball and said goodbye.
That is when I decided I was going to go. It's not as late as I thought it was going to be and I really still do not feel good. And I really think that me and showering and being clean and then being in my own bed will help. I really hope it does. At least emotionally.
I am writing this in the car while I drive home but I'm using talk to text so I feel like it's fine. I'm not looking at my phone at all so hopefully most of this is coming out and it's not nonsense.
I walked back up to the car after and enjoyed being in the woods. And now I am in the car and most of the way home. Tomorrow is going to be a long day but I still think it will be good. My plan is to work and then after my last program I got to get set up for next week and then make sure everything is put away from this week and then I'm going to help with pickup and the ceremony directions. And then I will get out of there. I'm going to go to home Depot and get the adhesive I need. And hopefully you'll be home around the same time and I'm getting home today. It's going to be a long day so I really hope this nausea goes away because it sucks.
I hope you all sleep great. I promise not to post this until I'm actually home. I love you all. Good night!
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sapphicsourcee · 1 year
Calliette Sickfic
Juliette was starting to get worried, she hasn’t talked to calliope since last night when they said goodnight to each other, she hasn’t sent her usual ‘good morning’ text, or responded to Jules and she’s not answering her phone. Cal was supposed to go to Juliette’s house so they could spend some time together, just relaxing and watching movies.
Cal acted like she was fine on the phone but she’s been feeling kinda sick and stuffy since yesterday, she just ignored it and pushed through, she even went on a hunt with her brothers, adding two kills to the arrow on her arm, but when she finally got home after talking to Juliette, she took some medicine, maybe a tiny bit too much, took a hot shower and after that, her body crashed.
Jules was really worried and by 12 she decided to just go to Cal’s and see if she was ok, when she climbed through the window everything was dark except for the shaded light coming from the window Cal always left unlocked for her. Jules looked around the room and saw Cal curled up in her covers, asleep. Jules knew something was wrong, Cal was always awake early, training, working out, reading, she rarely ever slept in. When Jules got closer to the bed she saw some open NyQuil and a bunch of balled up tissues on her nightstand. Jules laughed to herself and took a picture before she climbed into the bed, sitting next to Calliope.
Cal must’ve felt Jules next to her because as soon as Juliette sat down she got in between Jules’ legs, used one of her thighs as a pillow, nuzzled her face into Juliette’s shirt, and brought the cover up over her face as her arms wrapped around her waist, “you’re so soft” Cal mumbled, it was so low Juliette definitely wouldn’t have heard it had she not been a vampire, and then she went back to snoring softly.
Juliette sat and read a book on her phone until calliope woke up an hour later. “Jules what are you doing here?” Cal asked as she yawned and stretched, still resting in Juliette’s lap, “I got here like an hour ago. You were supposed to come over and I was worried about you, why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”Juliette asked softly, “I didn’t want you to worry about me, I’m fine” Cal responded, as she sniffled.
Cal got up and straddled Juliette’s lap, covers still wrapped around her, she put her face in Juliette’s neck, it wasn’t until then, that Juliette realized Cal was burning up. “No you’re not you’re burning up and it’s almost 2 in the afternoon and you’re barely awake. Have you eaten today?” Said Juliette,as she was speaking she pulled the covers off of Cal’s body, Cal shook her head, “can I have my cover back please” Cal mumbled into Juliette’s neck. “No. I’m gonna order you some food so you can take some medicine, when you cool down you can have it back, lay on the bed for a second” Juliette said, Cal let out a whine and snuggled closer into Juliette, refusing to move away from her.
Juliette stood up with Cal in her arms, in the year they’ve been together she’s dealt with Cal being sick once and on her period many times, and she is always clingy, and sometimes a little bratty, but she had no problem with it, she carried Cal to the bathroom, she could easily carry Cal around with her strength, and used one hand to grab a rag, wetting it with cold water and going back to the bed. Once Jules sat back down Cal lifted her head and let Jules wipe her face, behind her ears, her neck, and her arms, Cal let out a soft sigh as she laid her head back down on Juliette’s shoulder, the coolness of the rag felt good. Juliette ordered Cal some chicken noodle soup and crackers from Panera bread.
By the time the food got there Cal had fallen back asleep so Juliette laid her down softly and went downstairs to get the food. Juliette got the food grabbed Cal a Gatorade from the fridge, and found some cold & flu pills in the cabinet. After everything that went down, Talia divorced Jack and slowly came to terms with the fact that her daughter was in love with a vampire, so now they were at each other’s houses all the time and nobody blinked an eye when either of them would randomly appear at the other’s house.
Cal took the pills and ate leaning back on Juliette while they watched “The L Word” on Cal’s laptop. They got a good few episodes in before Cal curled up in Jules’ lap and fell asleep again. Jules found the way Cal was curled up in her lap adorable, she took a pities and made it her wallpaper, then closed the laptop and moved Calliope slightly so she could lay down. This was not how she envisioned their Saturday, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.
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kintsukuroi-babes · 1 month
Draft I wrote like a few months ago:
I haven’t been sleeping or eating. I’ve probably slept a total of 12 hours the entire week. I’ve been on a huge Dexedrine bender trying to get everything done and I pretty much got everything done but I am so exhausted, feel like a machine. The other night it was like day 3 no sleep ans I was at work ans I was hallucinating all day at work, seeing shadows run past me or like animal shadows hiding away when I look in the corner. Then I got home from work and the hallucinations got even worse. I saw little bugs moving ans crawling all over, the scarf in my closet turned into a cat that was in the shadow ans he was playing. From the corner of my eye I saw my boyfriend on my bed but it was just the shape of the pillows. When morning hit I wanted to keep doing stuff but I was becoming delirious, talking to the shadow entities and laughing for no reason. My body was shutting down ans I felt like I was on the verge of psychosis so I went to sleep and slept for 6 hours. Then I got up and went to work again, went hope did the same shit. I wrote 11 pages in my diary about one friend and how similar we are and how we met in the mental hospital and have the same issues and go thru the same stuff. I stayed up all night taking Dexedrine (popping them and snorting them) and took all of my Ativan this week to counteract the intense anxiety. I’m so tired, my back hurts, my mind is exhausted. I had to take a lot of my Ativan last night because my heart was beating so fast ans when I went to measure my heart rate I think I felt heart palpitations. I was scared of the worst that I could die so I put Jesus around my neck. I was okay tho. I slept for 4 hours today ans now I’m at work again. I’ve only been eating one small thing a day and not drinking enough water I’m probably malnourished. There’s like no food in my house so, and the drvgs make me not hungry, I’ve just been body checking sometimes to see if it’s working if I’m getting skinnier but it didn’t change as much as I hoped. I haven’t told anyone what I’ve been doing bcuz I just feel so ashamed about it and embarrassed and scared. I don’t want to tell my bf about it bcuz I don’t want him to see that side of me, the manipulative, desperate, weak me. Deep down I’m scared to tell him because I’m scared he will not want me. The bottle of Dexedrine wasn’t even mine I stole them from my best friend and lied about it. Being an addict is so shameful ans I feel like such a horrible person. I hate the old me ans I feel like hee again, I don’t want anyone to know I’m hee again, I’m just like the old me doing this. I just want the rest of it to be gone already.
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harleythealter · 2 months
So I volunteered this past week at a music festival. 7 days of working in the sun, here’s a lil list of ailments.
I started the week just fine. A bit anxious about how much hard work was about to come.
Day one and two, Monday and Tuesday, were fine. Hot, sweaty, but okay. We went home at a decent time. My body recovered well. I only felt violently ill from my lunches which consisted of donated Chick-fil-A fried chicken sandwiches. (Still grateful I was fed).
Day three, Wednesday, I broke out in sun hives by 10 am. From an inch and a half above my elbow to two inches above my wrist, my skin festered into mild hives, but they itched incredibly bad. I also got a patch of a rash or something odd in the crook of both elbows—I suspect it’s just a heat rash or something similar. It was glossy and textured. My uncle brought sensitive skin sunscreen and I started using it twice a day from midday Wednesday.
Thursday was the same as Wednesday, but I remembered to bring my own Benadryl instead of going to medical for help. This was key because Wednesday I spent trying not to crash from the drowsy options medical had. My brother, who has a severe case of Athletes foot, contributed to my ailments. I had to put a bandaid on my big toe cuz I kept rubbing that one and the one next to it together, which was incredibly painful. Additionally, I was developing heat rash/sun hives behind my knees. Using the sunscreen kept it tamer. I used a lot of witch hazel to cool my skin which contributed to Friday…
Friday I didn’t need the Benadryl, my skin was cool and at this point, I had been able to start leveling most of my meals with a massive amount of salad in addition to the food that was provided. On Friday, my phone connected to the internet for a few minutes and I was able to do research as to what was happening, what caused sun hives etc. I suspect that it’s the histamines flooding my system due to eating too much dairy and gluten—which was due to that being the food provided. But then the mild reaction festered when I was out in the sun for 12 hours every day (or more). And then it exploded when I had a mild reaction to heat. It’s something about the sun reacting with the histamines in my body and if my system is flooded with histamine, it’s just bad bad bad.
Saturday was essentially like Friday, except I was wickedly hot and my skin was drying out. I ended up working in the rain from 23:30-3am of Sunday and that’s when my feet started seeing long lasting issues. The skin was sitting and soaking in water. I was so far past pruning that my skin held onto the texture of my footwear for hours and pinched areas took just as long to return to normal. I’d wear a pair of socks, change them every three hours, wash my feet to help avoid a growing ecosystem, and then keep rotating three pairs of socks. My jean shorts were soaked in the rain, and so I slept(really it was the length of a nap) in a camper on top of a blanket. Thankfully I brought my queen blanket cuz the good sleep didn’t start until I pulled that one out.
Sunday I woke at 7:30 am. Four and a half hours of sleep. My leader said I could sleep in, my body protested both sleep and being awake. Sunday was no different from the rest, rotating socks, applying sunscreen. I drank a bottle of water every 20 minutes but only peed every two hours. Just to put it into perspective how much I was sweating and using that water. I was severely concerned about how many minerals I flushed from my system. I was handling shit-mud covered things and so I could no longer scratch any part of my skin with the concern of infecting it with what was on my hands or under my nails.
Today, Monday, I woke up, sun hives are nearly gone but definitely there. I have to keep applying Lotramine to my feet and wear socks to bed, which is so disruptive to my sleep. I also looked in the mirror and have developed three large patches of eczema on my neck and face, which is baaaaad. It’s a different kind of eczema, as it regularly shows up in my hair and eyebrows. So I’m trying to figure out what went wrong. Im grateful they only provided sodas I disliked during meals because I wasn’t tempted to crash my diet like that. I also woke up today with my eyes hardly able to open due to drainage flushing into my eyelids and five hours later, one eye is still affected. My feet are drying out and calloused, although the drying only really happened around late morning—that’s how unbalanced they were
Anyways. That’s an ailments vent.
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survey--s · 10 months
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1 - Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the reason for it?  Suzanne got me some chocolates as a "thank you" for looking after Charlie for a few days while they went away.
2 - Are you a good cook? If so, who taught you? What’s your favourite thing to cook?  I can cook but I don't really enjoy it. My dad actually taught me most of the basics and then I was self-taught for the rest.
3 - When was the last time something in your house broke? Did you manage to fix it or did you need to buy a replacement? The xBox stopped working a while ago but when I tried it yesterday it seemed to be okay. I think it must have just overheated or crashed or something.
4 - Is any part of your body hurting right now? What caused that pain?  Yeah, my left hip which always plays up when it's cold and snowy.
5 - Do you have anything exciting planned for the upcoming weekend?  It's Sunday now and we have a snow day. Next weekend I have work on Saturday and then it's my birthday on Sunday so we're going out for lunch.
6 - If you could spend two weeks in any city in the world, which city would you pick and why?  Tokyo, just because it's somewhere I've always wanted to go and it looks like one of those places where you'll never get bored.
7 - When was the last time you tripped or fell in public? if there was nobody around to see you, did you still feel embarrassed? I skidded on the snow this morning but it was only in the garden. I wasn't embarrassed, just glad I didn't get hurt tbh, haha.
8 - The last time you made a sandwich, what did you put in there? I have no idea, I never really eat sandwiches. I had peanut butter on toast this morning though!
9 - How many hours sleep did you get last night? Was that enough for you or could you have slept for longer? About seven? I woke up wide awake at 6am for no apparent reason.
10 - What’s your favourite time of day? What’s your favourite thing to do at that time? On workdays I love my afternoons. I finish work around 1.30pm, come home, feed the animals, shower and then I have the rest of the day to do what I want. Normally I watch TV, mess around online, play games or sometimes see friends. On weekends I love lazy mornings.
11 - Where did you go the last time you left your house?  I haven't been out properly since Friday but I've been out in the garden to play with the dog in the snow a lot.
12 - Are you tired right now? Will you be going to bed anytime soon?  I'm kinda tired but I won't be going back to sleep. It's nearly lunchtime so I'll feed the animals after this and then probably make myself something to eat.
13 - How many times a week do you get takeaway coffee, if you get it at all?  On average, none lol. It's just too expensive for me to justify on a regular basis. I buy the syrups and stuff and make it at home.
14 - What radio station do you listen to the most?  Radio One.
15 - If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? What sauces or sides do you like to go with it?  Rare, and I like it with mushrooms, fries and onion rings. In terms of sauce, I like blue cheese.
16 - Do you prefer sweet or savoury pancakes? What toppings do you have on them?  Sweet. Normally I have blueberries, honey and bananas.
17 - Are you someone who cracks their joints a lot? Which one(s) do you tend to crack and click the most?  My joints crack whenever I move, haha. Normally my toes, knees, back and neck make the most noise.
18 - Have you ever taken medication or tablets to help you sleep? is this something you do on a regular basis? Yeah, both prescription and herbal ones, but I haven't needed either for a good six months now.
19 - For you, what’s the worst thing about getting up in the morning? What about the worst thing about going to bed tonight?  I just hate actually getting out of bed, especially in winter. I'm fine going to bed at night.
20 - Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks?  Diet. I find the regular ones too sweet.
21 - What do you tend to wear if you’re just hanging about the house for the day?  Leggings and a hoody at this time of year. In summer normally shorts and a t-shirt.
22 - When was the last time you dyed your hair? Did you do it yourself or get it done at a hairdresser?  A couple of years ago. I always do it myself.
23 - Does having to wear a mask stop you doing things? Is this because you struggle wearing one or you just don’t like it?  I couldn't wear one because of sensory issues. I have autism and having something covering my mouth and nose makes me nauseous and panicky. I could cope for a few minutes but nothing longer.
24 - Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Or have you perhaps been involved in one yourself? Were you at fault? I've never witnessed one but been involved in a couple - neither were my fault, though.
25 - When was the last time you baked a cake? What cake was it? Years ago. I don't really like baking. I did make bread during lockdown though using one of those kits.
26 - Do you like wearing bows or accessories in your hair?  Nope.
27 - How many books do you read in a year? Do you enjoy reading or do you have to really force yourself to sit down and read?  I haven't read a book in ages. I never read anymore, I just don't seem to enjoy it in the way I used to.
28 - If you have pets, where did they come from? A breeder, a rescue or maybe a friend who bred their pet? Purrlock is a rescue, Simba and Toby are farm kittens and Archie is from a breeder.
29 - Do you make your bed every morning when you get up?  Yeah, every single day. It feels wrong not to make the bed.
30 - When was the last time you got takeaway food? Was it good? Last week, and yeah, it was pretty good.
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I Stayed Overnight At An Airport for the First Time - Obviously, It Sucked
After two weeks, the BU Summer Challenge came to an end. BU Summer Challenge is basically like a "summer camp" where I traveled to Boston University to take two college classes I chose and attended other activities, such as going to the beach and watching a movie with my friends. Some activities are optional, others are mandatory.
Anywho, let's get to the point.
So I stayed overnight at Boston Logan International Airport because...well...it's a long story.
Here's how it went:
I arrived at the airport around 3:30pm on Friday, August 4. For the first few hours, I turned in my luggage, went through security, and had a last meal with my BU Summer Challenge friends. Around 6:00pm, I was alone. I had to wait until around 8 because my flight was delayed. Initially, I was supposed to board at 7:10.
Once everyone boarded the plane around 8, we all waited about an hour and a half before we had to get off the plane. We basically went nowhere. We had to get off because one of the computers on the plane wasn't working. That didn't mean the plane couldn't fly, but I assume that computer was crucial for navigating around in the air or something (I'm not a plane expert).
So there we (all passengers) are, waiting for the next incoming update. We were told that the flight boarding time was extended to 12:28am. We waited more, and 12:28 passed. That was when passengers began to express their agitation, and I can't blame them.
And then when I found out that the flight was extended to 11:00am the next day (Saturday, August 5), I whisper-shouted "What the fuck?!" while laughing because the situation was just so ridiculous that I couldn't even get mad. When I looked up, I saw a couple people looking at me.
"Sorry, sorry," I said while continuing to giggle.
Later, I noticed one flight attendant trying her best to calm the angry crowd of people down. She said that she can offer beds for us to sleep overnight, which is obviously good. But one of the passengers accused her of having an attitude, and a couple others agreed.
I was like, "Are you serious? She's trying her best to help. Either take the beds or leave it, 'cuz this situation is not getting any better."
It was already getting super late. I remember going downstairs to Carousel 10, where foldable beds were being handed out. The thing is...the music playing above was super loud. It was cold as hell. There was this high-pitched beeping sound that kept going off every now and then. I only slept about 30 minutes the entire night. You might be wondering, "Why didn't you bring a jacket in the first place? Airports are generally very cold, right?"
Yes, you are most definitely correct. The thing is, I lost my jacket and my neck pillow. My jacket was an oversized red zip-up that had the word Boston on the front. My neck pillow was given to me by a friend that I might never see again. I feel so ashamed of myself that I lost two of my most treasured items. The entire night, I was freezing, hungry, and tired. But at the same time, I couldn't sleep.
Anywho, after waking up from my short nap at 4:00 am, I went through security all over again.
As I was walking to my gate, I bought a grey oversized hoodie with the word Boston on the front, along with a couple breakfast snacks. Did I buy a neck pillow? No. I already spent about $34 dollars in total - the grey hoodie being the most expensive item - and I didn't want to spend any more than necessary.
After eating my snacks, I finally got a good rest from 6:30am to 10:00am.
And hey, remember when I said the flight was delayed to 11:00am today. It is 11:56am right now. The flight got delayed again. At this point, I am no longer surprised.
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litterednglitter · 2 years
This weekend was not at all what I expected. Friday was coming up and I ended up skipping out on my b-12 and headed home before I was home I got a call from my boss at Allied and he asked me to take up an extra shift...
The holidays are coming up so, of course, I took the extra shift. I went to bed early because my start time was 7AM. When I woke up that morning my ears were swollen and my neck. It looked like I was growing a second head.
Just in case you are thinking yes I still went to work but slept for most of the time on the job. Thank God I had most of my leftover mediation from SC and started to take that. It worked but I'm planning to use it until it runs out.
So the start of my Saturday sucked...but after when I got off of work I headed over to my Smurfs house and we went Christmas shopping for the 1st time in my life. It was a feeling that I couldn't explain. It was AWESOME! We spent hours going over every single item in the store and we went to 3 different stores! We spent a grip! We are still not done... we should be finished by this weekend.
Now, all we need to do is to do a little spring cleaning to throw out and donate all of the old stuff that we don't want. Yet again its going to be another hectic weekend :)
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ivushk · 3 years
Okay, SO. BUCKLE THE FUCKLE UP 'CUZ here's what I've got so far:
Nishiki and Kiryu are still orphans at Sunflower. They come from a tiny village just a few kilometres west from the orphanage. It's a very close and closed-off community. The boys' parents died in a fire when they were very little (which is a common theme for the kids at Sunflower and isn't that a crazy coincidence? *smiles mysteriously*), however the Nishikiyama family house wasn't as badly damaged as Kiryu's so it's just sitting there, waiting for its former residents to reclaim ownership as soon as they're able to (I imagine Kazama would help them with that).
In the next years it becomes a home for Nishiki, Yuko and Kiryu (and Yumi, too, though she feels like a visitor for the most part) in everything but name. It's their hangout spot, their "base of operations", their not-so-secret meeting place. When Yuko's health deteriorates so much that she can't stay at Sunflower anymore, the siblings actually properly move in to make arranging the doctor's visits easier.
It's Nishiki's 17th birthday and all three of them are celebrating and playing games and eating cake and having a good time at the edge of the woods not far from the Nishikiyama residence. They're young and loud and stupid (and ignoring the fact that several people went missing over the course of the last few months) and if Nishiki's heart beats a little too hard in his chest when Kiryu gives him his gift - a beautiful, heavy silver pendant on a slightly-worn leather cord - he doesn't think about it too much (and if he notices that Kiryu stares at him just a bit longer than usual without saying a single word but his gaze is so, so, SO fond-- he doesn't think about it either). (he leaves these kinds of thoughts for restless nights because thinking about his best friend in that way during the day... it hurts. the hurt is good sometimes but it's overwhelming).
They're drunk on the cheap beer they've smuggled from Gen-san's fridge and high on happiness. Unaware that the very same night it would all go crashing down.
At some point they all quiet down and go a little further into the woods than they normally would but no one pays any mind to that. And when suddenly their trio turns into a duo with the sudden absence of the birthday boy himself no one immediately starts panicking. He's been gone for ten minutes, twenty, half an hour. Kiryu tells Yuko to go back to the village, to gather everyone, make them start a search party or something while he keeps looking for her brother (the only things he'll find are the pendant he's gifted to Nishiki with the leather cord torn and the broken shards of his own hope). They never find him.
A year goes by and they hold a funeral for Nishikiyama Akira. Even though there's no body for them to bury. Yuko doesn't cry (she doesn't believe he's really dead). Neither does Kiryu (he used all of his tears up that night, the guilt choking him, and the night after that, and the night after that, and the night-). Yumi does, however. And the nice old lady who gave both Nishiki and Kiryu money for helping her do chores around the house. And the man who gave Nishikiyama a part-time job at his shop (to put at least something towards the cost of his sister's treatment, he felt so indebted to Kazama, and that debt weighed down on him). And a few of the girls and boys from Sunflower too.
Another two years pass. Kiryu moves away to the big city at the behest of Kazama. "It's important for you to continue your education," he says. ("It's important for you to move on," he keeps these words to himself). Kiryu really tries his best. Even makes a few friends (although he's still on the fence about whether he can actually call Oda his friend). It goes as well as it could have considering his circumstances. They say that time heals but Kazuma Kiryu never finds out if there's any truth to those words because he recieves a very short letter - an invitation, actually. To another funeral. But this time it's Yuko they're burying. This time they actually have a body to bury.
Tachibana offers his condolences. Oda offers him a ride to the village and back. Kiryu accepts both.
He can't help but compare this funeral to the last one he's been to. There are fewer people. Fewer tears, too. More flowers. It's quieter and feels something like closure (in truth, it's anything but). Yuko also left behind a will (more like a bunch of wishes since it wasn't an official document but the community decided to honour them anyway). Almost all of her possessions went to the kids from Sunflower, except for the Nishikiyama family house (which on paper actually belonged to Shintaro Kazama) which she left to Kiryu. He can't quite believe it when he hears it and feels his heart break under the onslaught of childhood memories. Still, he goes there later that evening. He finds that little has changed in the time he spent away from the house, from the village, from... all of this, really. There are the same pictures on the walls collecting only slightly less dust. The same books on the shelves and under the broken legs of the old pieces of furniture. The same medicine bottles and equipment in the bedroom, though doubled in quantity. Kiryu's not as devastated as he thought he'd be when he walks around what he used to call his home.
He goes through all the rooms, taking notes of every single thing he finds and every single thing he doesn't. He probably misses a bunch of things (he's not as good at that sort of thing, Nishiki's always had a much better eye for details). Once back outside, he looks for the secret stash they made back when they were teenagers. It's like going through a time capsule. There's a pack of cigarettes he and Nishiki once stole from the teacher's bag, copybooks filled with ugly doodles, dreams for the future and dried flowers and leaves, caps from soda bottles, rocks they thought looked cool, photos and birthday cards damaged by time and weather... the pendant Kiryu gave to Nishiki the last time they saw each other. And a small notebook Kiryu's never seen before. A diary of sorts, a recounting of their days together and their days apart. The handwriting is unmistakingly Yuko's.
It fills him with nostalgia, tears welling up in his eyes, unshed. His heart sinks when he finally reaches the pages where Yuko recounts the last few weeks before she-
She writes about her brother, which is understandable. What's less understandable is the fact that she speaks of him as though he was there, with her. Physically present. Kiryu could chalk it up to the girl being delusional in her dying moments but it doesn't feel right to do so. It's stupid, it's absolutely impossible, he's confused, he's hopeful, why would Yuko hide her notebook there?
The last page. A message. For Kiryu. "Please, Kazuma-kun, help my brother".
Against his better judgement, Kiryu decides to spend the night in the house. Sleep doesn't come to him but that's fine. He sits in the living room, trying to make sense of everything. He sits there until it's way past midnight, until the distant barking of the dogs quiets down, until the rustling of leaves stops, until the very air around him grows still and silent and somehow charged with strange energy. And then he hears it. Three uncertain taps against the window. Kiryu turns his head. It's him.
"Kiryu... Let me in. Please."
He does, without thinking. (He could never very well say no to Nishiki. Even if it got them both in trouble. Even if he's not real.)
The quiet is deafening. It really is him. His best friend (whom he thought dead). His kyoudai. Before Nishiki could say anything, Kiryu wraps him in a tight hug. The only heartbeat between them is Kiryu's own, thundering against his ribs. Nishikiyama doesn't let the hug last, putting some distance between them. He looks guilty, tired; looks at Kiryu with sadness, with longing and something else that he can't quite decipher yet (and it makes him scared but why?). Nishiki also looks older than Kiryu remembers. Not a 17-year-old boy anymore, no. About the same age that Kiryu is now.
Has his gaze always been so sharp? Have his fangs always been this pronounced?
They talk until their throats are hoarse. Until Nishiki pulls out a bottle with some liquid that smells strongly of iron and drinks from it and in that moment Kiryu believes everything his friend has told him. It's crazy, but he does.
Nishiki was abducted that night. Taken from them. By vampires. They hurt him. Forced him to fight other humans (just like him then) for his survival. They fed on him.
It went on and on and on... Days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years. Only thoughts of Yuko, and Kiryu, and Yumi kept him going. He wanted to see them again. He hoped he would. That hope was crushed when Nishikiyama met his match in the arena. No, not his match. Someone far stronger. He lost and was tossed out to die. But another vampire saved him. It was a woman, whose face he saw often among the spectators of his fights. She stood out from the crowd, since she never cheered for any of the humans. Never put any bets. Only looked at all that madness with quiet horror. "Reina" she said her name was.
She gave Nishiki blood. Her own blood, and the blood of the vampires that were much stronger and more powerful than her (but not wiser), and human blood.
He turned and it was even worse than the years of anguish he had experienced. The pain and constant thirst almost drove him mad until he was taught to deal with them.
Nishiki was given a second chance. He escaped. And ever since that moment he's been trying his damndest to help other victims of those monsters. Both, the poor imprisoned souls and the villagers who might have shared his fate otherwise.
also i don't remember the last time i wrote this much in one sitting and i'm tireeeeeed. i'm not cut out to be a writer and it shows nghghghhhhhh
but! but! but! i have a couple thoughts on where the story goes:
kiryu decides to stay in the village and help nishiki
they uncover the vampires evil plans and recruit a few other characters to fight on the side of JUSTICE (i.e. kazama, who up to that point has been kind of in cahoots with the vamps - hence trying to atone by means of creating the Sunflower orphanage; kashiwagi; yumi; reina; tachibana and oda; majima, and yeah he was actually the one that defeatead nishiki and unknowingly caused him to become a vampire, also majima himself turns into a vampire later in the story thanks to a certain mad simp nishitani)
yuko comes back as a vampire
at some point the scene from my fanart happens; something along the lines of kiryu and nishiki being found by the evil vamps and being attacked. then of course nishiki saves kiryu (who's still baffled that this shit is happening to them and vampires are REAL) and tells him to run which he doesn't but it works out fine in the end
the scene of nishiki drinking kiryu's blood is a MUST because i. love. that. shit. (it's also extremely horny dfjvhsdkfhiasdfhisd)
nishiki's personality is somewhere in between his ykz0 and ykz k*wami self (like, he's much colder now but he still cares about others and does things not just for the sake of his own ambition)
idk about the end but immortal boyfriends? sounds nice?
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bippiti · 3 years
YEARNING; jaskier the witcher
pairing fem! witcher x jaskier
summary set 2x2 , jaskier accompanies ciri and geralt to kaer morhen and meets the only female witcher; and as the party continues, one thing leads to another
wc 1.5 k
tags smut, p w/ plot, d/s dynamics, sub jaskier, not rlly any foreplay, making out, intentional lowercase
an this is my first actual fic so I hope you guys like it <33 also I still suck at summaries and this isn't proofread😭
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you had reached kaer morhen a few days earlier, the winter bringing you and most other witchers back to the place you had called home. you had left to go get food from the market, as the men couldn't cook if their lives depended on it. as you entered, arms full of meat and local greenery, your eyes locked with a man you hadn't seen in a very long time
the meat and plants dropped to the floor, forgotten as you rushed to hug him. his strong, arms wrapped around yours, and as your nose met the crook of his neck, you were hit with the smell of woods, sweat, and horse; some things don't change after all. as you pulled away you smiled at the man.
"geralt, fancy seeing you here"
a faint smile graced his face as he laughed, "fancy seeing you here as well, y/n"
your eyes dart to behind him, seeing a girl no more than 12, her green eyes studying you, trying to get a sense of who you are. to her left, a man in a red jacket, with a pretty face. he seemed interesting enough. you walked over to them both, giving them a warm smile.
"I'm y/n pleasure to meet you both" you outstretched your hand to the girl who took it after staring at it skeptically for a moment, she shook it.
"I'm cirilla, nice to meet you miss y/n"
you laughed and she looked at you confused "you can call me y/n cirilla"
"alright then... y/n" she replied
turning over to her left you were met with grey eyes staring into what felt like your very soul.
"the names jaskier, pleasure to meet you" he stated as he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles. you chuckled, feeling your face burn a little.
"pleasure to meet you as well, I take it you're a bard?" you state eyeing the lute strapped to his back
"indeed I am" he chimed taking a slight bow
you looked back to the food you had haphazardly thrown to the ground, as you picked it back up you nodded to the group
"dinner should be ready in around an hour, be there or you shall be what people eat morrow, and while I cook, you all need a bath you reek of horse and sweat" ordered, but the smile on your face made you look far less intimidating than you'd like. you sauntered off after, they became preoccupied with eskel, who had made an entrance after hunting a leshy
as you were nearing the end of your cooking, you heard women laughing and music starting to play. great, a party filled with the village whores, what fun this was going to be. you ladeled the stew into a bowl, expecting both geralt and jaskier to be out mingling with the ladies. as you walked out you saw cirilla looking down, following her eyes you saw the men drinking, the women flirting, many dancing, and doing other things someone her age shouldn't beat witness to. you made your way up the steps, hearing the noise she came closer to you.
"I've bought you stew, would you like to go to your room and chat?" you say as you offer her the warm bowl. she takes a moment to decide, and with a nod of her head she leads her through the hall into one of the rooms, the floor was still wet due to her bath, so you made a note in your mind to clean it as she slept. you both sat on the bed, sharing a peaceful moment of silence.
“so how did you become a witcher? i thought only men could” she inquired, her eyes gleaming with what you swore was.. admiration?
“well it was a process, and quite a difficult one at that” you sighed, continuing “it was even more so because the trials are more catered towards men” she scoffed as you went on “the trial for grass, for example, was already extremely hard to pass and i’m the only woman to have ever passed it, and dozens have tried, so i guess i’m either extremely lucky or talented, for my ego i like to go with talented”
“that’s quite ridiculous,” she says plainly. her face becoming one of sheer panic seconds later “not that you’re the ridiculous one- id never mean that- it’s just that- well i meant that the trials were ridiculous not you!” she says, stumbling over her words and talking faster than the speed of light. you laugh, and her expression morphs into one of confusion
“it’s quite alright i understand what you meant” her shoulders relax as she sighs. you look behind her, the opening in the wall showing that it was already a while past nightfall, the full moon outshining even the candlelight. “with that said, it’s quite late and a beautiful young lady like you needs her beauty rest” she laughs at that and agrees.
after you bid her goodnight you make your way back downstairs, the party was dwindling in numbers. it was safe to assume that they were all in some secluded corner doing god knows what. as you stood at the foot of the staircase you scanned the room for the bard from earlier, he was quite nice on the eyes and seemed to be an interesting character.
you heard someone come up behind you, and you turned around to find the same grey eyes observing you
“we meet again, bard” you say giving him an amused glance
“so we do y/n” he replies, something in his eyes is different but you can’t put your finger on it just yet
“enjoy the little party going on? we haven’t had one in ages” you looked back to see the chaos ensuing he nods and stands to your right, the smell of leather and lavender hitting your nostrils, baths truly could do wonders.
“it’s quite nice but to be honest, speaking to you is nicer”
you look at him, somewhat shocked at his forwardness and your eyes lock for a moment. you look away in a heartbeat, you felt like your face was burning from the tension. and as his hand brushes against yours you make eye contact once more and something shifts.
less than a few seconds later youre both leaning in. the kiss breaks after an instant and then chaos ensues, you grab him by the arm and drag him to your room giggling like children on your way there.
you pushed him back onto the bed and climbed back onto him, resuming your assault on his lips, your hands wandered into his hair, running through it. slowly traveling from his neck, to his arms, to his chest . before you knew it he was taking his shirt off and you taking yours. your lips clashed once more, fighting for dominance, but with a hand to his neck he immediately faltered.
he looked up at you lips swollen and wet. hair disheveled, chest falling up and down with eyes asking, no, begging for one thing. more. you indulged him, after all, you wanted him as badly. you pushed his pants down and pumped his length a few times, his voice breaking as he repeated, almost like a mantra,
“more, please give me more, fuck-“ he inhaled sharply as you pressed down on his leaking tip, it would be more than enough to make his entrance not painful for you. you lined him up with your entrance and glanced at him
“are you ready bard?” you asked, looking for any signs of displeasure in his face
“yes, now please just fuck me-“ he gasps out, having been fully sheathed inside you in one swift thrust. you didn’t let him finish his sentence, nor his train of thought as once you started to move, his head went west. the only things he could do was let out broken moans and beg you to not stop. you sped up, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten. you were close and so was he, you could hear it in his voice. it was getting higher and higher, hitting notes he could only dream of under normal situations. with one final thrust you came, him following suit shortly after. after you rode off your orgasm, you got off of him.
he was staring into space, seeing stars, so it took a moment to register the warm cloth being pressed against his legs. he looked at you and you straightened
“i’m running you a bath, the water will be warm soon” you said and began to put your clothes back on
“y/n” he called out as he beckoned you forward. once you were close enough, he pressed his lips against yours in a slow, soft kiss
“yearning” you said once your lips parted
“what?” confusion evident on his face and in his tone
“yearning, that’s what i saw in your eyes earlier” you said recalling your encounter from earlier in the night
“oh, i mean you can’t blame me, you are a beautiful women” he says, a cheeky grin spreading across his face
you roll your eyes at that and walk towards the bath, checking the temperature again
your eyes meet, the same thought striking your minds
“would you like to go again?”
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