#i went with my mom and we did this so quietly. that i don't think i mentioned it here either
measuredoutinyears · 7 months
How do you tell your own family that you're autistic
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buggybambi · 5 months
mama’s boy | carmen berzatto
content warnings: angst. donna insulting reader, mom!reader, carm and reader are married, carmen defending reader??, she/her pronouns for reader| content level: all ages, just be mindful of the angst.
summary: family dinner with the berzattos was never peaceful. until donna brings up your maternity leave.
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“I don’t know. Maybe we should just.. not go.” Carmen offered as he held Winifred, or Winnie as you two called her, in his arms. A bottle pressed close to her mouth as she drank, with him lightly bouncing with her.
“Carmen, your mother has been calling and texting me all week asking what we plan on putting Winnie in. She barely got a chance to meet Winnie when she was born and I want her to at least get the chance to bond with her granddaughter.” You say as you cut up the vegetables for dinner.
Carmy lets out a sigh as he sits in one of the dining room chairs. “I just don’t want her to say something.” He mumbles. “She always says something, I just— I don’t want her to make you upset or say something insulting to Winnie.”
You turn the heat down on the stove, walking over to Carmen, placing your hands on his shoulders. “We can always leave. I just think it’d be nice for you and Winnie to see your family. That’s her family now, too.” You say softly as you stand behind him, gently scratching his scalp.
He leans his head back, looking at you upside down. “How’d I ever get so lucky to have you?” He asks. You press a kiss to his lips, smiling. “You have spit up on you.” You say softly, walking back over to the stove.
So far, nothing major had happened.
You'd been at Donna's house for nearly an hour and no comments, remarks or anything had been made. In front of Carmen, anyway - who was now in the living room with Pete, Richie, Fak. While you, Sugar and Donna stood in the kitchen, with you shaking up a bottle for Willow.
"So, when do you go back to work?" Sugar asks. "Two weeks. These past two months have been going past so fast." You answer with a smile. Thankfully, your job was flexible and let you work from home so you could handle Willow while Carmen went back to work.
"You still aren't back? Hm. When I had my kids, I was back to work after a week." Donna comments. Sugar quietly whispers a "mom" to try to get Donna to stop before she looks at her. "What? All I'm saying is, women now-a-days are just so.. lazy. They don't want to work. Your baby doesn't need you for three months, put her in a daycare." She scolds.
You stand there for a moment, processing before you quietly excuse yourself and exit the room. You went over to Carmen. "I'm gonna go feed Willow." You say, gently taking your daughter into your arms, lightly bouncing her.
Carmen knew that look. He'd worn that look before. His mom had said something. He waited until you were down the hallway and he heard the faint click of the guest bedroom to go into the kitchen. "What the fuck did you say to my wife?" He asks, his tone angry.
"Carmen-" Sugar begins. "No, Nat. What the hell did she say?" He demands. "All I said was I was shocked she isn't back at work yet. I went back when you guys were less then two weeks." Donna answers as Nat takes a step back, standing by to de-escalate.
"Ma, it's none of your business. She isn't you! She knows what's best for her body, it's not for you to try to debate." He says. "Carmen, do not raise your voice at me."
"Do not comment on my wife's decisions." He responds. "You're being very overdramatic, Carmen." Donna rolls her eyes. "She's my wife, and I'll be as dramatic as fuck for her." He says, before he turns and walks out.
He slowly opened the bedroom door, finding you on the edge of the bed. The half empty bottle beside you, a small towel thrown over your shoulder, with you gently rocking Willow. "Yeah, I know. You and I are both kinda new at this, huh? But we're learning." You spoke softly.
He steps in, smiling. "Hey. You okay?" He asks in a hushed voice, sitting gently down beside you. You nod, smiling at him. "Are you alright?" You ask in return.
He nods, placing a kiss on your head, wrapping an arm around you and stroking Willow's cheek with his pinky. "We're all good." He says, eyeing the bottle. "She's eating more." He points out.
You nod. "She's doing better at it." You reply. "Of course she is. She has you as a mom and you're the best mom out there." He says. You peck him on the cheek, laying your head on him.
"I love you."
"I love you, more."
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
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His name was Mo.
He was a friend of my mom and... and the human called Randall. Before I was born, and a few weeks after...
R-Randy and Mo, they... They went to destroy some computers... And they exploded... Randy got really badly hurt... like, mortally hurt...
So Mo...
Mo took his memories... So that he could live...
Mo's memories are gone...
Nico quietly hovered in the white void around them, listening to her story. His expression was unreadable.
So that Mew... Mo...
He's dead...?
Lav rubbed her arm, uncertain where this was going. Yes, pretty much...
I'm sorry, Nico...
Nico went silent for a good while, before sighing.
I would've liked to talk to him... Ask him... why... Why he left... What he was thinking...
But... I guess...
A somber smile appeared on his face.
I still kinda have a family.
If my parent Mew is now your dad...
That kinda make us siblings, right?
Lav looked at him, stunned, before smiling widely.
I guess it kinda does...
I doubt my dad will see it that way any time soon, though.
Nico laughed. At least we can be siblings in spirit, if nothing else.
Lav chuckled, happy at the thought.
How did you find out, anyway? About... Mo...?
I found Mr. Fuji.
Fuji...? He's... alive?
Yeah... We're at his place right now. He... He recognized Daddy's Mew form.
Oh... His brows lowered. ...Huh... That must've been weird for him.
It wasn't fun...
She shook her head suddenly before giving Nico an excited smile.
But, Nico, listen!
We need to set up a place to meet!
His face brightened, a cautious smile appearing. Meet?
My family and I talked things through last night! My mom and dad want to come with me to meet you. But we don't know where...
Nico appeared thoughtful. Not at my home... I'm sorry, but I don't want to risk any of your family being a threat...
I understand, Nico. I figured you wouldn't. That's... kinda why mom and dad want to come with me... They can't tell how much they should trust you without meeting you.
He smiled and nodded in understanding. That's fair too. Baby steps.
This... means more to me than you think...
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
I know Janis's spring fling date has a name but can you do reader is her date and their reaction to Janis babysitting high Regina pls?
Adventures in Babysitting
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Description: Shane basically dumps a very drugged up Regina with Janis and Reader. Chaos ensues.
Warnings: fluff, Regina being high (lmao), Janis being annoyed
"Regina, honey, let me help you."
If you were to ask Janis how her Spring Fling was gonna go, she wouldn't have thought it would be this.
Shane had dumped Regina on her and Y/N, before running off to dance.
Y/N and Regina were close so when the blonde saw Y/N, her eyes lit up.
"Y/N/N! My baby. How are you?"
Janis chuckled at the girl. Regina turned at the sound and her eyes got wide. "Janis! Oh my god, I've missed you so much!" Janis smiled awkwardly at the blonde and they widened as Regina threw herself in to Regina's arms.
Y/N had to stifle a giggle as Janis glared at her, awkwardly patting Regina's back. Y/N softly spoke to Regina. "Hi, sweetie. Are you feeling okay? Do you need your meds or anything?"
Well, that was the wrong thing to say as Regina turned to Y/N with tears in her eyes. Her lip wobbled as she threw herself into Y/N's arms, who welcomed her gladly.
"No! I'm in pain, and Shane left me alone and I just wanna be out of this fucking brace!" Janis felt bad at the blonde's words. She didn't like her but she didn't deserve this.
Janis sighed and said words she'd probably regret.
"We'll hang out with you Regina."
Y/N and Regina looked at Janis shocked. Regina had tears in her eyes again. "Really?" Janis nodded, looking at her girlfriend with an awkward smile. "Yeah, Gina, you can hang out with us! We'll take care of you, sweetie."
The blonde did a little happy dance, before pain shot through her back and she winced. Y/N noticed and gently guided the girl to a chair. "Do you need more meds, Gina?" The blonde nodded to the best of her ability.
"They are in my bag. I think Cady has it." Y/N nodded, pressing a kiss to Regina's head and one to Janis's lips. "I'll be back okay? You guys don't have too much fun without me okay?"
Y/N found Cady with Gretchen at a table on the other side of the gym. Cady happily handed her the bag, before catching something behind Y/N.
Y/N followed Cady's eye line and laughed out loud. Regina must've gotten thirsty so Janis was attempting to help Regina drink out of a cup. It looked like a mother helping her toddler. Y/N pulled out her phone and videoed it.
Janis was holding the cup as Regina slowly swallowed the mouthful of liquid she had. She held her arms out like she was going to ask for another drink, but to Janis's surprise, she pulled her into a hug.
Y/N cackled as Janis awkwardly patted Regina's head. She turned to see Y/N laughing at her and sent her a glare. Y/N stopped recording and made her way to the duo. Janis handed Y/N the cup and playfully glared at her. "Your turn."
The dance dwindled on for a few more hours before everyone started to head out. Y/N had offered to take Regina home so after her and Janis got her in the car safely, they headed to the blonde's house.
Regina had fallen asleep rather quickly in the car so Janis and Y/N talked quietly with each other. "I had a fun time tonight, even if we had to babysit Regina."
Y/N smiled and put her hand on Janis's thigh. "I had fun too baby. Regina happened to be a plus." As if on cue, the blonde mumbled incoherent words and went silent again. The two girls giggled as they sat in comfortable silence.
After dropping Regina off at home, after 10 minutes of her mom talking their ears off, Y/N and Janis got back in Y/N's car. As they drove off, Janis noticed Y/N wasn't driving to her house.
"Uh, babe? We aren't going to my house?" Y/N smirked, placing her hand high on Janis's thigh. "Nope. We are going to my house. My parents aren't home."
Janis blushed and stuttered. Y/N giggled at her reaction.
"The night isn't over yet baby."
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daysofyellowroses · 5 months
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richie jerimovich x afab single mom reader | 4.6k | tw: smoking, language, little bit of smut
this story basically came from me listening to norman fucking rockwell and radio by lana del rey (my robbed queen) on repeat, two songs that don't have a ton to do with this story but I was vibing to them and thinking about the fact that I actually really find richie attractive and this story just came out
“Alright, I'll see you later thanks so much!”
You hurried down the steps of your house, jiggling the keys in your hand til you found the key fob for the car and unlocked it. Your bag was tossed into the passenger seat, and you quickly started the car.
When you pulled up in the crowded car park, you checked the time and let out a sigh. Five minutes late. Of course. You grabbed your bag and headed straight into the building, adjusting your coat as you slipped into the auditorium. 
There was a group standing at the back, but you scanned over the seats anyway, spotting an empty one and quietly sitting down, smiling as you saw Richie sitting in the next seat looking like he was struggling not to fall asleep.
“Hey,” You whispered, resting your bag in your lap. “Did I miss anything?”
“Oh, hey,” Richie smiled a little, sitting up and gesturing to the stage. “Nah, you didn't miss anything except this jabroni talking shit about lunch menus.”
“The usual then,” You nodded, looking at the stage. “His voice just drains me. I nearly fell out of my seat when he was talking to me at the last parent's evening. At least it would have rescued me.”
Richie laughed a little, rubbing his jaw and letting out a yawn.
“I hate these things. Can't they just send a letter home with the kids saying whatever all this is?”
“I wish.” You sighed, glancing over to Richie. You were a little surprised to see him, usually it was Tiff who came to these meetings, sat beside you in boredom. Maybe she wasn't feeling well or something, it was a rare occurrence for Richie to show his face at any school event that didn't directly involve Eva.
“Before I forget,” You looked back to your bag, reaching into it. “I have something for you. Here we are.”
You pulled out a folded slip of paper, handing it over to Richie with a smile.
“What's this?” Richie raised a brow with a grin as he unfolded the paper. “To Richie, you are invited to Mia's fifth birthday party on Saturday at 1pm..”
He looked over to you, holding up the colorful invite. “This is so adorable, really. Eva is so excited for the party, she spent an hour telling me about it the other night.”
You smiled as you watched Richie look back at the invite before carefully folding it.
“Honestly I think Mia would be happy if Eva was the only person to show up,” You grinned. “she keeps asking if she'll definitely be there. And she wanted to make sure you and Tiff got invites, she doesn't really understand that parents don't need invites, but I think in her mind if she invites you both then Eva will definitely be there.”
“That's fucking precious,” Richie smiled, looking over to you. “I'll be there, I got Eva on Saturday. But I think Tiff is..away, this weekend.”
You reached out to gently touch Richie's arm, giving him a warm smile. 
“But you'll be there, thank god. I'm gonna need someone to talk to because I can't deal with the mommy cult.”
Richie nodded, letting out a chuckle before looking to the stage.
“You know, I'm pretty sure he was the principal when I went here. And he was still giving the same speech.”
You let out a laugh that was louder than you intended, covering your mouth when a couple of heads turned to look at you and the principal craned his neck forward to see the cause.
“Please hold all comments until the Q&A,” He frowned, looking over the top of his glasses. “As I was saying..”
“Q&A?” Richie muttered, slinking back in his seat. “What is this, Cannes fucking film festival?”
A long hour later, you and Richie slipped outside for a smoke as soon as the meeting ended, avoiding any run-ins with the mommy cult that always seemed so keen to recruit you. 
“That was torture,” You sighed, reaching into your bag for a light. “I hate that man, honestly.”
“Me too,” Richie nodded, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and holding it out to you. “He hates me too though, since I called him a jumped up little fucker.”
You laughed as you slid out a cigarette, placing it between your lips and flicking your lighter.
“He is though,” You murmured, handing your light to Richie and exhaling.
“He definitely hates me too. I can feel it. Sorry I can't bring anything more exciting than rice crispy squares to bake sales, I have a fucking life.”
You let out a sigh as you flicked your cigarette, glancing over to Richie and laughing.
“Sorry, I don't mean to get all..uppity. How's everything with you? I heard the Beef is getting a makeover?”
“Yeah,” Richie nodded, exhaling smoke and resting his hand on his pocket. “It's uh..it's all good, yeah. Chaotic, but that's to be expected right?”
“Right,” You smiled, pulling your coat a little tighter. “It must be exciting though, knowing you're about to start something new.”
“Mm,” Richie nodded, taking a long drag on his cigarette. “I guess I'm just not letting myself get too excited just yet. Just in case.”
“That's fair,” You agreed, taking a drag of your cigarette and glancing over your shoulder as you heard voices coming from the front door of the school. “But I think it will work out. Gut instinct, I'm never wrong.”
Richie laughed softly, smiling as he looked over to you.
“I'll have to borrow some of your faith, I got this..thing coming up that I'm-”
“Oh my gosh, there you are!”
You raised a brow as you heard a voice behind you, turning around and forcing yourself to smile as you spotted one of the ringleaders of the mommy cult. Perfectly styled hair, flawless makeup, a coat that cost more than your mortgage, and a very fake smile on her face.
“Hey Sarah,” You smiled widely, your mouth hurting a little. “How are you?”
You heard Richie scoff behind you and tried not to laugh.
“Ugh, I'm such a mess right now,” Sarah sighed, tossing her long curls over her shoulder. “I just had to throw something on to come to this, I was just so busy all day.”
“Mm,” You nodded, biting your tongue hard. If spending your husband's money and fucking your PT was a career she'd be the CEO. “Yeah, it's..it's tough.”
“I know,” Sarah smiled, touching your arm. “I meant to catch up with you at the gates this morning but you just looked so..frantic.”
Sorry we can't all turn up at the school gates in designer gym wear with a perfect ponytail and a decaf latte, you thought to yourself, forcing the smile to stay on your face.
“But I wanted to check in with you,” Sarah continued. “About Saturday. Will you be serving food? Drinks? Cake?”
“Will I be serving food, drinks and cake at my five year old daughter's birthday party?” You raised a brow, tilting your head slightly with a smile. “Yes, yes I will be doing that.”
“Okay, awesome,” Sarah smiled. “Well Tabitha isn't eating meat, dairy or preservatives at the moment, just so you're aware..but please don't let that interfere with your plans, I can always just bring something for her myself.”
“Awesome,” You smiled, your cheeks starting to ache. “Well I have to be off but I'll see you Saturday, can't wait.”
Once Sarah had walked away you let out a deep sigh before turning back to Richie and taking a long drag on your cigarette.
“Well that was..awesome,” He grinned. “free entertainment.”
“For you maybe,” You sighed, laughing as you flicked your depleted cigarette away. Richie reached for the box and you shook your head. “God I can't stand that fucking woman. You know her precious Tabitha was eating hot dogs and cake at the birthday party last weekend. Funny how she always seems to develop new eating habits when I'm the one throwing the party.”
“Hey, don't let her get to you,” Richie insisted, gently touching your shoulder. “The party is gonna be awesome, the food is going to be great, if you need anything at all just hit me up, alright?”
“Stop being so sweet, I'll cry,” You laughed softly, gently squeezing Richie's arm. “But thank you. I appreciate it.”
Richie waved his hand with a smile, shaking his head. 
“Don't mention it. I gotta get going but I will see you Saturday, right? Gonna be awesome,” He teased in a high pitched voice.
“Oh fuck off.” You grinned, walking over to your and being unable to stop the smile the whole ride home.
For the rest of the week, you found yourself excited and nervous for the party, when usually you were totally calm. The past four had been a breeze, blow up some balloons, play music, serve cake. But this one had you feeling more on edge. 
On the morning of the party, you tried to relax yourself. Your best friend had come over to help you set up, and very sweetly entertained Mia while you got everything set up. You laughed when your best friend pointed out that your house looked more like a meeting of the Taylor Swift fan club than a birthday party, but Mia was a girl who knew what she wanted. 
Once everything was ready, you ran to have a shower and get changed before the first guests arrived, taking a little extra time with your hair and makeup but not too much because there was no need for full drag for a child's birthday party.
To your surprise/relief, the party seemed to be a hit. Mia and Eva were glued together the moment Eva arrived, the two of them running off into the house giggling, leaving you alone in the hallway with Richie.
“That's her day made,” You smiled, embracing Richie in a hug. “Thanks for coming.”
“My pleasure,” Richie gently stroked your back before you moved apart, holding out a large pink gift bag. “Got somewhere I can leave this?”
“Of course, come on through,” You smiled, heading into the living room where the coffee table was already starting to get full. You told yourself you had probably given the equivalent amount of gifts over the past few months between all the other kids parties but it still felt like too much. “You can just leave it with the others.”
“I would say what it is,” Richie smiled, setting the bag down before turning back to you. “But I don't know. Some teddy bear looking thing that's got some whole backstory, apparently.”
“They all have a backstory now,” You grinned. “I can't keep up. Do you want a drink? Something to eat?”
“Sounds good,” Richie nodded, gesturing to the door. “After you.”
A couple of hours, half of Taylor Swifts's back catalogue, dozens of hot dogs, endless cupcakes, and a couple of sneaky beers later, you were feeling much more relaxed. 
For the most part, you'd managed to avoid Sarah and the mommy cult, who mostly stood in a circle, one hot uneaten cupcake between them. There were some lunch boxes with half eaten salads in them, and you were sure there wasn't a crumb of cake left.
You were in the kitchen with your best friend, showing her some of the pictures you'd taken of the day when Richie came in, giving you a nod.
“Oh, perfect timing,” You smiled, holding out your phone to Richie. “How cute is this photo of the girls? I think I'm gonna have to get it framed.”
“Let's see,” Richie smiled, walking closer and accepting your phone. “Well look at that..that's possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen.”
“I'm gonna have to take off,” Your best friend smiled knowingly at you as you raised a brow. “It was a great day, honestly.”
As she was leaving you got a ‘He’s fucking cute’ mouthed at you and you had to bite your tongue.
“I know it's corny but I hope they're best friends forever,” You smiled as Richie handed your phone back. “they're so sweet together.”
“That is so corny,” Richie rolled his eyes with a grin. “But I get it. Even if it is really corny.”
“Shut up and get me another beer,” You raised a brow with a smile. “I should have you thrown out for being so rude to the host.”
“Alright, alright,” Richie held his hands up, walking backwards to the fridge. “I'm truly, truly sorry, you've been an amazing host, really.”
“Thanks,” You smiled, setting down your empty beer bottle. “I was weirdly stressed over all this but..I think it turned out okay? The cake was good, wasn't it? Like, it was okay?”
“Okay? It was out of this fucking world,” Richie opened the fridge, getting two beers from the bottom drawer. “Truly. You made it yourself right?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, accepting the beer Richie handed you with a smile. “I always make Mia's cake. Chocolate cake with peanut butter cups on top, it was what I asked for when I was five. Well, I asked for peanut butter cups instead of a cake but my mom compromised. It would be so much easier to just buy a cake, but..I just feel like I need to overcompensate because..”
“Because her dad is a bum,” Richie muttered, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “Sorry, that was..inappropriate. Forget I said that.”
You smiled as you opened your beer, watching Richie look like he wanted the ground to swallow him. 
“It's okay,” You insisted. “I've called him a lot worse. But I'm glad that the cake went over well.”
“Absolutely,” Richie nodded, taking a sip of his beer before glancing to the door. “Listen, before I forget..I actually have an extra gift for Mia. But I thought I should run it by you first.”
“Oh?” You set your beer down, resting your hands back on the counter. “What is it?”
“These,” Richie reached into his back pocket, pulling out an envelope and handing it over to you. “I managed to pull some strings.”
“What is this?” You smiled, turning the envelope and slowly peeling it open. You let out a gasp as you saw what was inside, carefully taking out a ticket to the Eras tour, looking back into the envelope and seeing three more.
“This is..”
You took a deep breath, laughing after a moment. 
“Richie..have you been walking around all day with these in your pocket?”
“Well..yeah?” Richie frowned, gesturing to the tickets. “I don't know if Mia still likes Taylor Swift but Eva really wanted to go to the concert and I figured if Eva likes Taylor Swift then Mia likes Taylor Swift, probably, and I thought it might be weird or a lot if I took them on my own and I don't even know if you're a Taylor Swift fan but I mean who isn't, really, and I-”
“Richie,” You held your hand up. “This is going to be her favorite gift of all time, it is unbelievably generous of you. I can't thank you enough, truly. This is..amazing, I can't wait to show her.”
Richie was silent for a moment, a smile stuck on his face.
“Don't mention it, happy to do it.”
You waited until all the other guests had left before you sat Eva and Mia down and got them to close their eyes, placing the tickets in their hands. You were pretty sure your hearing wouldn't come back for a solid day or two, you'd never heard screams so loud. 
While the girls played together, Richie helped you clean up, despite your insistence he was a guest and didn't need to.
You were standing on a stepladder taking down deflated balloons, handing them to Richie who was putting them in a trash bag.
“Oh shit, did I tell you about the soft launch?” He asked.
“The what now?” You raised a brow, glancing down at Richie. “What's a soft launch?”
“Like a..trial opening, for the restaurant,” Richie explained. “For family and friends. Just so we can see how it will go.”
“Oh,” You nodded, looking back to the balloons. “I get you. That's exciting, when is that happening?”
“Next Friday night,” Richie held the bag open as you dropped more balloons in. “You should come. Bring a friend, have a night out. I can put you down, if you want?”
You couldn't help but smile at the hopefulness in his voice, turning to look at him and leaning down a little.
“I want that very much,” You murmured softly, lightly biting your lip as you watched him take a breath and lean in closer. You felt your heart race, the scent of his cologne engulfing you and making you want to grab him and jump into his arms when you heard an excited shriek and quickly pulled back, clearing your throat and smiling as the girls came running back into the room. 
When you waved Richie and Eva goodbye, you let out a deep breath as you closed the front door, your heart still racing.
The week that followed was the longest of your life. Days went too slow and too fast. You spent your lunch breaks frantically searching for an outfit for the restaurant launch, sending endless links to your best friend for approval. You went back and forth on whether you should get your hair and makeup done professionally or if that was too much, but what if the restaurant was going to be fancy? You wanted to look the part after all.
When Friday came you raced home from work, changed into sweatpants and a comfortable baggy t-shirt before taking Mia to your friend's house, offering a thousand thank yous for the babysitting and a thousand promises to take them out to the Bear next time.
When you got home your best friend was just pulling up, and you quickly pulled her into the house.
You settled on allowing your bestie to do your hair and makeup, which proved to be the perfect choice when you couldn't stop looking at yourself in the mirror.
The dress you'd ordered hung in the closet, waiting to be worn. It was quite simple, black and mid-length, but still elegant and just a little bougie because..how often can you say you're going to a restaurant opening?
You looked up from the mirror, smiling through the nerves.
When you were walking around the corner to the restaurant, you raised a brow as you saw a line down the block, linking arms with your bestie as you went to join the queue.
“So,” Your bestie looked over to you with a grin. “You're definitely fucking him tonight, right?”
“What?” You laughed, slightly nervously, looking over to your bestie. “Don't be ridiculous, we're just friends.”
“Mm, okay,” Your bestie nodded. “you tell yourself that.”
You rolled your eyes and gave your bestie a nudge, the two of you bursting out laughing.
When you reached the front of the queue, you felt a fresh wave of nerves hit you as you walked into the restaurant. It looked incredible, totally different than it had before. You were just getting used to it when another new sight hit you, one that almost had your jaw on the floor.
“Ladies, welcome to the Bear,” Richie smiled, appearing in front of you in a suit, with a new cologne that had you feeling on edge already. He clicked his fingers and there was a waitress beside you both offering to take your coats. 
“You are in for an incredible evening, when you're ready follow me and I'll take you to your table.”
“Oh yeah,” Your bestie whispered to you as Richie led you to a table. “you're definitely fucking him.”
You slowly relaxed as the evening went on, enjoying having a rare night out. The wine was heavenly, the food was incredible, and having Richie drop by to check in on you was the cherry on the cake.
At some point he disappeared from the floor for a while, and you found yourself missing him, but focused on having some quality time with your bestie.
When you finished dinner, you felt like you wouldn't be able to move for a week, a wonderful feeling. You couldn't believe it when Richie appeared, coming over to your table with a tray in his hand, a plate covered with a cloche.
“Dessert, ladies,” He smiled. “enjoy.”
“Oh I honestly couldn't eat another-”
Your hand flew over your heart as Richie set the plate down, lifting off the cloche to reveal a large peanut butter cup with caramel drizzled around it.
“Thank you,” You managed after a moment, looking up to Richie. “I love it.”
“My pleasure,” Richie gave you a wink. “Enjoy.”
“Alright, smile,” Your bestie grinned, taking her phone. “I need a photo of this.”
After the perfect dessert, you felt like you were riding on a high, catching Richie's eye from across the restaurant and giving him a smile before looking back to your best friend. 
“I'll be right back.”
You got up and went to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror and taking a deep breath. You smoothed out your dress, did a little over the shoulder look before spritzing on a little extra perfume and heading back out. You bumped into Richie almost immediately, taking a step back with a smile.
“Careful, I might think you were waiting for me,” You teased. “Thank you again for that dessert, and for everything..it's amazing.”
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Richie nodded, looking down for a moment before looking back up with a smile and a raised brow. “Something on my face?”
“No,” You smiled, gently touching his tie. “Just..admiring this new look.”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Listen, I know you're probably gonna be going out to celebrate after this and I am being extremely presumptuous but I've had a bottle of wine so I can say this..”
You took a deep breath, looking away for a moment before looking back to Richie.
“If you're around, later..you know where I am.”
You walked away before he could respond, your heart thundering in your chest. You and your bestie collected your coats and decided to go have one more drink somewhere before heading home in an Uber, your head on her shoulder. 
You waved her off when you got dropped home, heading inside and checking your phone. Your friend who was babysitting Mia asked how the night had been, you sent a quick reply before heading upstairs to change. 
You put on some comfortable pajamas but kept your nice underwear on, just in case. You took your makeup off and did your usual nighttime routine before heading down to the living room and getting comfortable on the couch. 
An hour later you had a knock on the front door, smiling to yourself and getting up from the couch. You opened the door to find Richie on the other side, his head in his head.
“I just hit on your elderly neighbor,” He groaned. “I got the wrong door and said some things..can I come in?”
“Get in before Mr. Williams calls the police,” You grinned, taking Richie's arm and pulling him inside. “There's gonna be rumors about a late night deviant.”
“Hey, less of that,” Richie grinned, closing the door behind him. “I'm a lot of things but I'm not a deviant.”
“So what do you call terrorizing elderly men at night?” You teased. “Because I can think of a few words..like..”
You muffled a laugh as Richie put his hand over your mouth, gently moving your hand to his wrist and giving him your best doe eyes.
“Very funny,” Richie grinned, lowering his hand. “How you feeling? Alright?”
“Me? I'm feeling great,” You smiled, gently taking Richie's hand and guiding him to the stairs. “Let me show you.”
You raised a brow as Richie didn't follow you, turning back to look at him. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Richie nodded, clearing his throat. “I just uh..we don't have to just..” He gestured to the stairs and you couldn't stop smiling.
“So you came over to..talk?” You raised a brow with a grin. “watch TV? Have a cup of coffee?”
“Well, not..” 
“Richie,” You smiled, stepping closer to him. “Just spit it out.”
“Right,” He nodded. “Okay, I just..I really want to go upstairs but I don't want you to think I just came over for that like..I'm not that kinda guy, we can go for like a real date, see how this-”
“Richie,” You placed your hand over his mouth, raising a brow. “I know. I'm not like that, I know you're a decent guy. We got all the time in the world for dates, but right now I really need you to take me upstairs and fuck my actual brains out.”
You slowly moved your hand, smiling as Richie immediately closed the gap between you, his arms wrapping around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. He tasted like cigarettes and whiskey and you couldn't get enough, letting out a gasp as his hands moved down and he picked you up with ease. 
You weren't sure how you had the patience to get upstairs, but the moment you got Richie into your bedroom you couldn't wait much longer, letting out a moan as he threw you onto the bed and immediately began tugging your pajamas off. 
“Fuck,” He groaned, pulling back and looking down at you. “Were you..did you have these on all night?”
“Yeah,” You murmured softly, your hands holding Richie's tie and tugging him down for a kiss. “Am I keeping them on?”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
You lifted your legs, giving Richie a preview of how wet you were, meeting his eyes as he slowly peeled off your pants, tossing them over his shoulder. 
“Waiting for an invitation?” You grinned, laying back and resting your arms by the pillows. 
“Such a pillow princess,” Richie grinned, sitting up and undoing his tie. “didn't expect it.”
“You think so?” You raised a brow, moving your hand down between your legs. “Might have to start without you if you're taking so long..”
You grinned as Richie practically tore off the rest of his clothes, letting out a soft hum as your fingers dipped into your wet warmth, reaching your other hand out to Richie.
“Come on..don't keep me waiting all night.”
“Are you always so bratty?” Richie grinned, climbing onto the bed and watching you closely.
“Sometimes,” You murmured softly, meeting Richie's eyes. “But you can talk, with that pillow princess comment,” You moved quickly, straddling Richie's waist and holding his hands above his head. 
“Maybe I should let you do all the work, for being so rude.”
“Fuck,” Richie muttered, shifting his hips a little. “just say the word and you got it..”
“That so?” You smirked softly. “Might just have to put that to the test..”
“Yes ma'am.” Richie murmured, smirking as he sat up, kissing you deeply and pushing you down onto your back as you let out an excited squeak.
In the morning you texted a picture of a sleeping Richie to your best friend, captioned ‘We're just friends’
Two weeks later you and Richie stumbled upon Sarah's laundry room and made excellent use of the washing machine.
Six months later the two of you take your girls to the concert, holding them up on your shoulders. Richie teases you for singing along and you choose not to point out his hypocrisy, as he belts out every word. He leans in to kiss you and the girls shriek excitedly, you kiss him back and feel like everything will be just fine.
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thefallennightmare · 24 days
Please do a headcannon for Noah meeting already pregnant reader at a festival or through a VIP and instantly wanting to know her better even given the situation. Maybe she assures him she was in grass and no where close to the mosh pits. Baby starts moving around like crazy when it hears Noah's voice.
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka
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"Holy shit," Noah muttered to himself when his eyes landed on you.
You, five months pregnant, were standing in line to buy Bad Omens merch.
Noah was helping out Steven, who gave him a weird look.
"What's up?"
Noah pointed to you, who was busy typing away on your phone.
"She's pregnant and at a music festival," he said with worry in his voice.
Steven patted his shoulder. "I'm sure if she didn't feel comfortable, she wouldn't be here. You're always caring about other people before yourself, man."
Rolling his eyes, Noah went to work helping Steven for the next long while. Every so often his eyes would land on you as the line moved forward.
There was a moment when there were only six people ahead of you in line where your eyes caught Noah's and your heart jumped into your chest. His gaze lingered on your face, a smile pulling at his lips, and you caught when he flicked his gaze down to your stomach.
Being pregnant while at a music festival would make others question your decision but you were not about to miss this lineup of bands because you were pregnant.
You were about to become a single mom in four months and knew your time would be limited so you wanted to do all the fun things before that happened.
"Hi, what can I get for you?" Steven smiled when you finally reached the front of the merch booth.
You gave him a warm smile and pointed to the Hell I Overcame sweater. "Can I get that in a large, please?"
Noah, whose eyes never left yours, grabbed the sweater from the box and handed it to you.
"Did you want water or anything to drink?" He asked after you paid.
You held up the reusable water you'd brought from home. "Already on my fourth refill of the day."
You were the last person in line so you didn't have to rush.
Noah shifted on his feet, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Did you enjoy the show?"
You nodded, clutching the new sweater to your chest. "I did. I've seen you guys four times now. One of my favorites."
Noah could wipe away the proud smile on his face but you knew he wanted to ask something. It was lingering in the way he stared down at your bump again.
"Don't worry, I sat on the grass. Totally safe and away from any crazy moshers," you giggled.
You could practically see the worry lift away from his shoulders and he adjusted the hat on his head.
"Are you here with anyone?"
"I was with a group of friends but they already left. Thought it wasn't worth waiting in line for merch."
Noah snickered. "And what do you think?"
You licked your lips, keeping your gaze directly in line with his. "Definitely."
Neither of you said anything for a moment until your baby began moving in your belly, causing you to place a hand over your bump.
"Not now," you quietly groaned. "The nearest bathroom is on the other side of the grounds."
Noah gave a confused look so you sighed. "Some think it's weird but every time I play your music, he moves. Without fail."
"Really?" Noah wondered. "So whenever he hears my voice, it makes him move."
You nodded, with a hand still over your bump. "He hasn't stopped since we started talking."
His eyes shined as he looked at your hand and hesitantly, you motioned to it.
"Do you?"
"Only if you're comfortable with it," Noah said.
He was always curious about how it felt but never knew any pregnant women who felt comfortable about this.
You reached for his hand and placed it on your bump, your son still moving.
"I play your music in my coffee shop and he thinks it's always time for a dance party," you admitted with a laugh.
Noah stared deeply at your bump, marveling at how it felt against his hand.
"Shit," he murmured but then shot his eyes up at you. "Sorry."
You waved him off. "Nothing he hasn't heard before."
Noah stood straight up now and cleared his throat. "You said you have a coffee shop?"
"It's a small place in downtown L.A. My ex husband never cared for it so I got it in the divorce."
"Ex?" Noah did his best to keep the smile at bay.
"Yep. The divorce was finalized four months ago when I found out I was pregnant. He doesn't care so I'm all on my own with everything."
Your cheeks reddened when you realized you divulged too much to this stranger who actually wasn't a stranger. You'd been a fan of Bad Omens for years.
"Sorry, you probably don't care to hear this," you cast your eyes down.
"No, it's alright. I'd love to hear more if you're up for it," Noah said with a smile.
Immediately you agreed. "Meet me at Park Cafe tomorrow? Anytime."
Noah nodded eagerly. "I'll be there."
With a wave you said your goodbyes.
The next day at 10 a.m, Noah stepped through the door of your cafe wearing that smile you found your heart fluttering at. Your baby immediately moving around in your belly.
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beiasluv · 1 year
heyyy so i was thinking what would happen if neteyam went to jake for advice on how to ask the reader out, i just thought it'll be a cute moment :) you don't have to write it if u don't want to, completely up to u 💓
have a lovely day gorgeous 🫶
a father’s advice? neteyam x reader
a/n: that’s actually so cute / ye grammar mistake cuz I’m too potato / hope you enjoy, gorgeous gorgeous girl 🤍
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saying who’s got the most rizz in the family is hard, their blood is strong. but one thing neteyam can’t deny, is that his father is the original rizz
how did he managed to pulled off neytiri? he don’t fucking know. the daughter of the chief while he is a ‘dreamwalker’ to them? he got them rizz
neteyam, being the golden child he is, is determined to follow his father’s footsteps.
and who else could he ask advice from? lo’ak? nope, that boy would never miss a chance to make fun of him, if he would go for his assistant. plus, he got rizzed up by tsireya, he down real bad.
kiri? nah, she has her own world and neteyam respects that. letting her be her free-spirited self would be the best option.
spider 👁️👁️ what does that boy know? does he even have a girlfriend? *ahem* i guess we’ll never know. he got the lowest rizz game in the family, with all due respect from neteyam.
neytiri? i guess? bet she would be more of a pain in the ahh if he would go to her for advice. being a mom she is, she would definitely judge neteyam’s crush and all of his dream would crash down. no, we don’t want that.
jake, it is.
but how? how to make it the least awkward to approach his dad about stuff like this?
he tried to give his dad signals and signs everyday but he doesn’t seem to pick them up. he even started to doubt if his dad is the real player, cuz them boy is clueless😭
“yes?” jake replied with his back facing neteyam.
“how do you er…like send a sign?”
“neteyam, i thought we went over this already,” he sighed. “press your collar when speaking, and say ‘over’ when you are done talking”
“oh!” he scratched his neck. “okay, sorry, dad.”
neteyam was hopeless 😭 but to get a girl, he can’t just give up easily
he tried again, now, with a little help from his sister
“dad,” he walked quietly into the marui where his dad is resting.
“what?” he grumbled.
“erm…last time…when…” his words fumbled around each other, while kiri came into the marui.
“when what? get to the point,” he shifted the blanket off his chest and sat up.
“dad, he is asking you how to ask a girl out,” she said nonchalantly as she looked through the drawer. “you’re welcome, bro,” with a swift of her tail, she was out the door.
“oh, well,” jake chuckled loudly. “have i heard correctly?”
“well, yea..yes.”
“c’mere, son,” he patted the mattress. “let me show you.”
jake would be so proud. he would laugh uncontrollably for like 10 minutes cause neteyam got him worried there.
but his son ask, he will reveal
“now, welcome to “the way of rizz 101” class with jake sully,” he joking said. “there are many ways to ask a girl out, alright, but there is a main pattern you must look out for.”
“number 1: set the mood. it is the most important, alright?” he ruffled neteyam’s locks. “you could never go wrong with setting the mood, look for spots, lighting, and the feels.” “guess where we got down, the tree of souls, yeah, magic, am i righ-“
“ew dad, please.”
“okay, listen to the experts, son,” he laughed. “number 2: make it personal, PER-SO-NAL”
“yes, i understand, I’m not dumb”
“no, son, it’s really important. don’t reuse your letters, never get her the same gift. DO NOT never ever use the same pick up line. AND definitely do not use the same pattern for every girl.” (amen to deja-vu from olivia rodrigo, guys)
“number 3: be yourself,” he patted his son back. “don’t be afraid, if she doesn’t accept your offer, don’t let it consume you.”
“how can i do that?” he retorted.
“what is she like?”
“she is the only girl i have ever laid my eyes on and they were stuck! can’t imagine even just one other girl that i have felt the same feelings i am feeling right now.”
“that’s the spirit, atta boy,” he chuckled. “then, i pray for eywa that this is the way.” “eywa will show you the way if she is the one for you,” he smiled softly.
“and a honorable mention, do not ever make a girl cry over your stupid mistakes, alright?”
“how would i know?”
“you would feel it, respect her, respect her as a goddess, hell yeah, adore her, like eywa,” he added. “she is gentle but deadly, the spirit of life. always ask for consent, always. when you are mated for life, you both become equal.”
“let her guide you, and let you guide her,” he held his palms together as one. “now, how to rizz a girl up is not useful without your effort,” he patted his son’s head and pushed him up.
“go get the girl, atta boy!”
today is a great day to go touch grass 😳 i mean- take care of yourself 🤍
@rosaryos / @bumblinbumblvee / @loudcolorwolfgarden / @nyotamalfoy / @fangirl-2610 / @astablacksword / @lokisblueskin
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peachhcs · 3 months
i was wondering how sam starts to fall and relize that will is worth t her risk? because i know they went on the one date
the 3 times samy's confused about her feelings and the 1 time she isn't
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy's afraid to date her best friend in fear of ruining everything, so she spends the entire summer trying to understand her feelings until it finally all clicks.
4k words
wow! my longest fic ever for this series. i loved, loved loved writing this and i'm planning on doing a similar type of style to this soon so stayed tune for that! as always, keep sending in requests, they're so fun to write :)
au masterlist
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sitting at the kitchen island while ellen helped curl samy's hair, the girl's stomach churned into knots for some reason. she was so so excited for senior prom, but her anxiety wouldn't shake. something was tipping the youngest hughes off her balance, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. luke and her mom must've been taking notice of her unusual silence because the girl hadn't stopped talking about prom all week.
"your hair's gonna look so beautiful with these curls," ellen gushed, breaking the silence in the kitchen.
"you think so?" samy wondered quietly, hands fidgeting in her lap.
"oh for sure. i just know you and will are gonna look so amazing," the older woman continued while samy's stomach twisted into knots again hearing her best friend's name.
luke, who stood a few feet away, picked up on his sister's quietness again. he studied her face, gears turning in his brain, the pieces in his head slowly falling together that answered her sudden shyness.
"i think it's so nice you and your friends are bringing some of the guys. i really think they'll have fun even if they don't say it," ellen continued.
samy briefly nodded, her mind stuck on will. "yeah, it will be fun," her eyes met luke's across the way and because they were siblings, he instantly read her gaze.
samy's friends were the ones who brought up the idea about her bringing will to prom. the brunette didn't have a lot of options considering she didn't like many of the other guys at her school. marley suggested "the hot hockey friend" (her words) and everyone else immediately agreed.
sure, they teased samy about will before and always went on about how hot him and his friends were, but the girl never looked past that. she never gave it a second thought until now.
the days leading up to prom have left serious anxious butterflies in samy's stomach for reasons she didn't quite understand completely. her and will texted back and forth like they usually did, but something felt different. there was something different that the brunette couldn't put her finger on it and the more she thought about it, the more she thought about her friend's teasing remarks and the boys' teasing remarks anytime they all hung out.
"okay, i'm gonna let these set for a minute before we start doing anything else," ellen decided as she shut the curling iron off and disappeared out of the room.
the hughes sibling code was that you never brought up anything around the parents you wanted to discuss, so luke shifted himself closer to his sister once their mom was out of earshot. samy met his wondering gaze.
"what's up?" luke asked in a near whisper.
"what?" for a moment samy played dumb. she feared her little bubble of anxiety was coming off as too noticeable.
"you look nervous. like way more nervous than before," the middle hughes casually pointed out. his sister's face flushed.
"i'm not."
"really?" luke didn't believe her. not even for a second. he grew up with her, so he knew every single one of her quirks making it impossible to hide them.
"yeah?" she toyed with her fingers and avoided eye contact—a dead giveaway for the older boy.
"samantha," luke using her full name meant he was being seriousness and wanted her to be serious too.
"i'm just like kind of freaking out and i don't know why," the youngest hughes finally admitted.
the boy raised his eyebrow, "what do you mean by freaking out?"
"like..there's these butterflies in my stomach and my heart won't stop racing," samy tried her best explaining.
"are you nervous for prom?" luke wondered.
"i-i don't know..maybe? i just..it feels weird," words weren't coming easy to the girl. she looked away, feeling embarrassed that she was even feeling this way.
the middle hughes hesitated for a second, thinking back to a few minutes ago when he noticed how his sister grew quiet at the mention of will's name. "does it have anything to do with will?"
the girl's face blushed around the edges, "that's the problem. i think so, but i-i don't really know."
"i mean you're just going as friends. it doesn't mean anything," luke shrugged until he saw his sister's gaze again and something in his expression shifted. "or does it?"
"i don't know," samy nearly whispered.
her brother finally understood what she was trying to say.
"do you want it to mean something?" luke asked.
"i-i wanna say yes..my heart wants me to, but..my head is confusing me. i don't know why i feel like this about will," she looked at luke as if he had all the answers for her.
"it sounds like you may have..feelings for him? or you're starting to?" his words made the girl's stomach drop. feelings?
"feelings?" her thoughts slipped out of her mouth.
that didn't make samy feel any better than before. luke quickly cut in when he saw her expression drop, "that's not a bad thing. i had a small inkling."
"inkling? will's my best friend..he's like another brother to me. i-i can't have feelings for him," the girl looked over at luke who only shrugged.
"i dunno, just something to think about. you seemed anxious when mom mentioned him and you aren't usually."
"something about this just feels really different and i..i can't understand why. or maybe i do and i don't wanna believe it," samy mumbled the last part.
"is it a bad thing to like him or something?" luke crossed his arms as he drew back off the counter.
"i mean..no. it's not. i just..he's my best friend. that's all i've ever seen him as. i don't know why things suddenly feel so different," samy admitted.
"i get it. just..see how the night goes? see what happens? for all he knows, it's just a friends thing," the middle hughes tried reassuring her. all samy could do was nod and take some deep breaths to ease the racing thoughts.
the excitement finally started dying down around two in the morning. people drifted back towards their rooms as sleep filled their eyes knowing their hangovers would be pretty killer in the morning. the youngest hughes lingered in the conference room just taking in the scene of what was once a packed room while everyone congratulated the boys on their drafts.
her parents retired hours ago and the older hughes brothers were somewhere in the building either asleep or continuing the party in a smaller room. it was just her in there staring blankly at one of the walls lost in thought until one of the doors cracked open.
"found her," gabe's voice broke the silence. samy's gaze slid to his as he slowly shuffled closer towards her. ryan wasn't far behind.
"you okay?" the darker-haired boy wondered when he got closer. "we've been looking for you."
"oh, yeah. i'm good," samy nodded as gabe plopped onto the couch with ryan on her other side.
"smitty passed out upstairs in the room. no way he was waking up," ryan laughed briefly. samy pictured the blonde in her head and it brought a soft smile to her lips.
"did he tell you?" she asked the two boys. both of them raised their eyebrow like they didn't know what she was talking about.
"tell us what?" ryan wondered, both of their gazes shifting over to the girl between them.
a small flush spread across her cheeks. she for sure thought will would tell them as soon as he got the chance considering how much they were always teasing him for it.
"he..he uh..we kissed," samy mumbled quietly.
gabe and ryan's smiles grew into the widest and biggest the brunette's ever seen them besides when they scored goals during a game. 
"fucking finally! when did that happen??" gabe exclaimed.
"we finally caught each other in the crowd. we went into the hallway and i guess everything just..spilled out," samy explained what the two missed.
"so what? you're boyfriend girlfriend now?" ryan nudged her arm, a large smirk on his lips knowing the guys owed him now.
"no?" ryan and gabe exchanged a curious and confused glance. the brunette's gaze fell away from them as she toyed with her fingers.
"we're just gonna like go on dates and see how it goes and if it goes to shit then that's okay and nothing is ruined between us," she shrugged some.
"i don't get it," gabe said.
"it's like a grace period. we go on dates just to see how we'd be in a relationship and if we aren't good, then it's like nothing happened," she saw their glances and for some reason neither of them made her feel good.
"but you guys like each other..so wouldn't that like..not make sense if you don't decide to be official but you still like each other?" ryan raised his eyebrow.
"maybe..but i dunno. just scared," samy's voice softened out which immediately made gabe and ryan's expressions soften too.
"scared? of what? will? he's your best friend," ryan almost laughed before knowing that wouldn't be the right move.
"that's the problem. he's my best friend."
"i'm lost again," gabe's confusion earned a playful eye roll from the youngest hughes.
"i've known will since we were babies. all i've ever known him is a best friend. a brother. these feelings are still new to me and..i'm still scared. i'm scared that it won't work between us and we ruin everything we've ever had," samy's confession had her own heart clenching in tight knots. that familiar feeling of anxiety returned anytime she thought about her feelings for will.
"hey, i get it. when julianne and i started dating i was scared too. she was a really good friend of mine and i didn't wanna ruin that. i mean..we know will, you probably know him better than us, but he's not like that. he'd do anything for you samy," ryan touched her arm, giving it a gentle squeeze while gabe nodded in agreement. a soft smile replaced the small frown on her lips.
she knew when ryan called her samy and not hughesy, he was being genuine.
"i mean, you should've seen him back in october and before he even realized he liked you like that. he'd never do anything to hurt you or put himself in a position to lose you," gabe added.
"i know it's hard to shake the jerky hockey guy persona, but trust me when i say will is far from that. you know that. if you called him needing something, he'd drop everything for you. i know he really, really wants this to work out between you guys," ryan grinned wider.
luckily, the boys' words eased some of the anxiety building in samy's stomach. she hooked her arm around ryan's, giving it a loving squeeze.
"when did you guys become so good at giving advice? i swear you were teasing me two days ago," her words made the three of them laugh.
"i guess we're growing up, huh? we're not kids anymore," gabe's eyes drifted across samy and ryan's glances.
"i'm really proud of you two. i'm gonna miss you being in michigan with me this fall," she ruffled up both of their hairs making them squirm away.
"i can't believe it's already over. went too fast," ryan hummed, leaning back into the couch.
"you can say that again. i can't believe boston's in two months," a sad smile appeared on gabe's lips.
the idea of her best friends being miles away from her made samy's stomach twist into more knots. she lived for moments like these where the late hours made them vulnerable and anything tumbled out of their lips into the open air. these moments wouldn't happen anymore when the boys headed to botson. everything was changing soon and samy wasn't sure how big of a fan she was of all of it—especially trying to navigate her feelings for someone she cared deeply about.
samy's heart hammered against her chest with each step she took onto her front porch. one step matched the thud of her heart and the blush rising to the tips of her ears. will's heavier footsteps weren't far behind, insisting that he walked her to the door to make sure she made it in safely.
all of these little gestures were so new to them. samy was so used to the blonde flying out the door passed her after her brothers in an attempt keep up with them. sometimes he'd even knock into her accompanied with a weak apology as he passed through. having him walk her to the house was entirely new territory in their relationship.
the brunette slowly spun on her heel, instantly finding will's gaze already on her. a soft smile sat on his lips as his eyes darted between her own. his shoulder fell against the one of the support beams, hands slipping into his pockets trying to act casual despite the pounding in his ears.
"i had a lot of fun. thank you, again," samy broke the silence first.
"yeah, me too. it was really fun," will agreed.
everything about them standing inches away from the front door where her parents and brothers were on the other side made samy feel like she was in high school again after a first date. the giddy smiles; the racing heartbeats; the awkward waiting and deciding if a kiss goodbye was appropriate while wondering if the older boys were watching them from an unknown location. 
"next time you should show me around plymouth," the girl teased slightly earning a blush across will's cheeks.
"you haven't seen all of it already?"
the girl smiled, but shook her head, "no, not really. i'd love to get your take on it."
"noted. i'll have to come up with an itinerary for us then."
the two shared a loving smile. samy noticed the way will's gaze briefly flicked down to her lips and the action made her heart flutter.
she decided to help him out by slowly inching closer, the small gap between them quickly closing. will caught on fairly fast. his hand slid onto her cheek, directing her chin upwards to meet his soft lips while samy hoped he couldn't feel her rapid heartbeat beneath his palm. 
the blonde used his other hand to wrap around her hip, tugging her impossibly closer while samy's danced through his hair and clutched his shirt. the kiss had both of their heads spinning until they finally pulled apart.
"see you tomorrow at the game?" will whispered with kiss-swollen lips.
the smile he loved spread across samy's own kiss-swollen lips as she nodded, "i'd never miss it."
he reluctantly let her go, watching as the brunette disappeared back into her house. the smile never disappeared from will's face the entire drive back to plymouth.
inside, samy leaned against the door just taking in the entire date. her eyes sparkled, replaying the way will's lips felt against her own—how passionate and sweet he was.
her high continued as she shuffled into the living room where all of her brothers were still awake watching the tv. they quickly met her gaze and the lovestruck expression dancing across her features.
"someone's smiley,"  jack commented in amusement, turning the volume down a few notches.
"maybe it's too early to say this, but i really think it's gonna work out between us. at least, i really hope it does."
the three brothers exchanged a brief glance. they had never heard their little sister talk that way about someone before—not after a first date. all three of their chests warmed seeing their baby sister look so happy despite them never admitting it. 
"that good, huh?" jack smirked some. samy nodded, joining them on the couch for a few moments before going upstairs.
"he's so perfect. he did everything right and..i just.." the youngest hughes trailed off for a moment while her brothers watched her expression slightly fade.
"i sense a but coming," quinn commented. samy met their gazes briefly before looking away.
"not a bad but..i just..i've never felt this way about someone before. my chest..it feels so..so full. it scares me," the girl didn't know how to explain what she was feeling nor was she sure if her brothers would even understand.
samy's words brought luke back to the conversation they shared a few months ago as the youngest sibling got ready for prom. he remembered how nervous she was—how unsure she seemed of it all. 
"remember prom?" luke wondered, meeting his sister's wandering gaze. 
"what about it?" 
"remember how scared you were then too but because you were unsure about the feelings you had for will because of how new they were?" the siblings didn't know where luke was taking the conversation, but they waited for him to go on. 
"now it seems like you're scared because of how you feel. you're not unsure anymore. you know how you feel for will, but it's scaring you," samy glanced at jack and quinn, getting lost in what luke was trying to say. 
"you're losing me," she said. 
"i think being scared of how much you like someone because you've never felt such strong emotions before is all the more reason to fall for them. to go all in," the curly-haired boy shrugged. 
in luke's weird, roundabout explanation, it somehow made sense to samy. she smiled briefly, letting her brother's words really sink in. 
"plus, we've seen the way he is around you. i don't think someone would act the way he does if he didn't really wanna be with you," quinn mentioned. 
samy decided to sleep on her brother's advice, hoping something would give her the sign that going all in with will wouldn't be a choice she regretted. 
goodbyes were never easy. the cooler breeze of august mornings meant the end of summer. june bled into july. july bled into august. august marked the start of a new chapter, but the end of a really good one. the boys' usntdp years were over and all of them were once again packing up their lives to move out to boston to start something new and a bit unknown. samy sat in her childhood bedroom picking out the best memories to bring to college with her. 
even though she'd only be minutes away, heading to college was something the girl thought was still months away. sitting on the floor stuffing clothes and knickknacks into boxes brought a small line of tears into her eyes as august continued slipping away. 
on one of her freer days where she wasn't busy packing her own life away, samy drove up to plymouth to help the boys. it was also an excuse to see them more before they all left. 
she sat in will's room watching him sort his things into boxes attempting to hold herself together for the sake of both of them. if one them cried, then both of them would. her fingers clasped around some picture frames waiting to be wrapped. a smile spread across her lips when she saw what picture was inside. 
"i've never seen this picture before," the girl commented, casting her gaze towards her boyfriend. will's eyes flicked up, crinkling around the edges when he saw what photo. 
"i think it's from like a few years ago. you were at the game and mom wanted a picture," the blonde smiled briefly. 
the two looked awfully young. maybe fourteen or fifteen? will was still dressed in his hockey gear, helmet and stick in one hand with the other wrapped around samy's waist. he must've hit his growth spurt that year because he stood a good few inches above the brunette and samy knew she was always taller than him until he started growing more. the camera definitely captured the joy because of how wide each of their smiles were. 
"it's really cute. are you gonna put it up in your dorm?" samy teased a little. 
"yeah, probably. it's one of my favorites of us," will's response caught her off guard for some reason. 
her boyfriend had his back to her, so he didn't see the longing gaze. when her eyes finally left him and returned the the pictures again, she began realizing just how many were of her and him. the past two years samy hardly noticed what all of his framed pictures were. she just figured they were of family or him and his boys, not realizing over half of them included her smiling face. 
"you're taking all of these with you?" samy wondered a bit softly, referring to the picture frames still. 
will finally met her gaze again, not noticing the emotions coursing through her. "yeah, that's the plan. i don't know where i'll put all of them, but maybe i'll take them out of the frame and put them on the photo wall instead if they don't all fit somewhere," the blonde explained with a brief grin. 
the boy finally noticed samy's sudden quietness and her soft expression. he approached her, pushing some of her hair behind her ear, "you okay?" 
"oh, yeah, yeah. sorry. getting sentimental looking at all of these photos," the girl mumbled out a small lie. she didn't quite know how to put what she was currently feeling into words or how she felt so loved that will wanted to display her everywhere in whatever room he was in. 
"i know. mom keeps showing me all of these baby photos and finding things as we pack up," he rubbed the girl's arm before leaning in to place a gentle kiss to the side of her head. 
"i can't believe summer's already over," samy sunk onto the bed for a moment, eyes on the ground because if she looked at will she'd definitely start crying. 
"it went by way too fast. college came way too fast," the boy chuckled, finding a spot beside her. 
"boston's so lucky to have you, will. you're gonna do so great there," even though being over 600 miles away hurt, the girl knew how much will loved boston—dreaming of going there like everyone else in his family. 
"wish you were coming too," he took ahold of her hand, giving it a lot of kisses which made samy blush a deep crimson. 
"i know, but michigan's always called my name," the girl chuckled while thinking of quinn and luke. ever since she visited for the first time to watch quinn play, 12-year-old samy knew the university of michigan was where she would be one day. 
six years later, the girl was getting ready to move in and start her collegiate soccer career. 
"you know, gabe said he's not excited to live with me knowing how much i'm gonna call you everyday," will joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
in that moment, something in samy's head clicked. she finally looked over at her boyfriend and for the first time, she finally saw for herself that look everyone has told her he's looked at her with since they were kids. his blue eyes were nothing but orbs of a bright sparkle, entirely filled with nothing but love and adoration for the girl sitting beside him. 
"i'm gonna miss you a lot, hughesy. i wish i sucked up my pride and ego and told you how i felt a lot sooner," will admitted. 
his words exploded something inside of samy's chest. it was that feeling she's been scared of all summer, except this time, she wasn't scared anymore. she remembered luke's words about going all in when you felt something as strong as she felt. 
"me too. i wish i caught on sooner," the brunette chuckled, easing her forehead to rest against his. 
"i'm gonna call you every single day, watch every single one of your games, think about you all the time—" will's words quickly died in his throat when samy placed her lips on his. 
for the first time since the two admitted their feelings for one another, samy knew exactly how she felt about her best friend: in love. 
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acrux-jr · 7 months
Meeting Abby -
(Extension of Carousel - prequel)
Summary: What Mike didn't know was the two of you had already met, and Abby wholeheartedly approved.
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: pre-established relationship, fluff, dates
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This was your 3rd date since the carousel meeting. Mike was still well Mike, the more quiet, nonchalant, and tired type.
Mike really was interested in you but his mannerisms did leave you questioning if he did or of he was trying to get a quick fuck.
The two of you sat at the diner, it was 1 in the morning. It was an odd ass hour to have a date but Mike said it was because of his work hours. Though there was a tinge of fear that maybe you were a side chick or he was trying to land some action.
You were wide awake, you had a nap after class so the sleep wasn't creeping on you but it was slowly on Mike.
Every so often he would nod off and blink himself awake, hoping you wouldn't know; you did.
"Do you want to schedule this for another time?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head 'no.'
"You look tired Mike."
He liked it when you said his name, and showed concern.
"S fine. I have a semi-normal shift tomorrow."
"Then you should be sleeping then. I don't mind waiting. "
Mike didn't want to say so he shrugged instead. "S fine," he repeated.
You gave a sigh but nodded. You noticed the book by. "What's the title?" You asked, cutting the country fried steak to eat.
"Oh um it's called dream theory. It's … hmm.. it's about how every single thing we see is stored in our brain in like this deep vault and dreaming subconsciously unlock those tiny details."
"Hmm. I think I've something similar to the whole we remember everything subconsciously but I never really looked into it. Though I guess it could explain my art."
"Your art?"
"Yeah about half my paintings are landscapes, but I don't really remember any of those places when I was too small. Like um when we went to see snow the 3rd time around when I was a little older and able to grasp some things, I remember I dreamt this oasis of cold in the redwood forest, a tree had fallen down and was mostly covered but some red was showing. Anyway, I dreamt it but don't remember the actual day, just that one scene and when I painted it my mom was shocked I even remembered that specific place. I was still small, she even showed me pictures."
"What made it stick out that you mom knew it was the place you guys went too?"
"Oh um hehe yeah, there was this small grave with flowers on it. It was in the painting as well."
"How old were you?"
"Maybe anywhere from 3 to 5."
"And you remember that detail."
"I'm assuming so, the picture my mom showed was when I was like 1 but we revisited again about that age range. There were no pictures at that spot again because of the grave. We recently started going again and I leave flowers."
"That's nice, I mean to leave flowers for someone you don't really know."
"Yeah, I guess. It was such a lonely place for a grave though so I guess maybe that's why I leave flowers, so they're spirits can know someone else enjoys that spot too. They must have really loved it to be buried there."
"You believe in spirits and the afterlife and all that?"
You hesitated, "I don't know. Do you?"
"Maybe," was his short reply. The conversation came to a stop as the two of you ate quietly.
Glancing at the time, you say it was 1:30 a.m. now.
You quickly finish as Mike finishes his. "Come on l, get up." You leave $25 on the table for the food and tip. Mike protests but still allows himself to get dragged away.
The moon is full, and the asphalt is wet from the earlier rain. You jump on the bed of the small beat pick up truck, patting the seat next to you. Mike took the offer and sat next to you.
With the dead of night and few lights, the two of you stargaze. Mike listens as you ramble on and on about the constellations, giving a nodded and humm of acknowledgment to show he's following along.
He looked at you. As you talked and talked, he loved how your hair frames your face, or how he noticed you fret about your mascara even now and then especially if you laughed a little too hard you'd cry a bit, he liked how passionate you got, and he really liked how kind you were.
While he would get praised for taking care of his sister from strangers, for being kind and self-less. He still felt selfish in a way.
He looked at your headband, shiny black and small. Abby popped into his mind. He knew that after texting for a day he was already too deep to let this be a fling.
It became silent after you were done listing the constellations, now just appreciating the night.
Mike cleared his throat to talk, and you turned your attention to him.
"Would…," he breathed out, "would you want to meet my little sister Abby?"
Your eyes widened in shock. While Mike didn't say much, he said even less about his sister. Another reason why you thought this was maybe just a fling, or trial run before he really got out there.
You opened your mom to speak but nothing came out.
Mike sighed and got up. "It's fine. I gotta go-," "Wait!"
Mike stared as you went up, "I wanna meet her! I do, really. It's just I was shocked since you've never like well talk about her."
Mike stared at you still not really knowing what to say. "Look Mike. What do you want out of this? Before asking if I wanted to meet your sister I was kind of getting the impression this was like a fling. And I'm not really interested in a fling right now."
"Oh?" You questioned.
"Well what made you think this was a fling?"
Mike looked down, not really wanting to look you in the eyes. "I don't know, I just got the feeling you weren't too interested. Mike, well we've only been together for about 3 dat3s. I genuinely can't recall anything you like or dislike or memories you've shared. Even when I text you it feels a bit one-sided."
You hummed as you continued to look at the stars, giving Mike some time to collect his thoughts.
"I'm not really a big talker if you haven't noticed. To be honest, I like to listen to you talk. You have a nice voice."
He gave you a look, "Okay?"
"Okay I can work with that. I just needed to know if it was disinterest or if that's just how you are."
"So it's fine? If I don't speak a lot most of the time."
"I guess we'll find out together, but between you and me I like that whole stoic, "bad boy" look / attitude you have."
Mike laughed and smirked. "Bad boy?"
"Mike every now and then you look like a genuine degenerate."
Mike raised his eyebrow. He closed the distance between the two of you. "Yeah? Isn't that what you like though." He whispered before he gave you a chaste kiss.
You blushed and gave a small laugh. "Yes, yes I do."
You brought out your phone and the time read 2:30 a.m.
"What time do you have work?"
"11 a.m. to 5 p.m."
He had an amused look on his face, "What?"
"Oh my god! Go home already you have work in less than 12 hours ! You still have to sleep!"
"Don't sleep much to be honest." You huffed air out of your nose.
"Well you should."
Mike grinned, and he put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "I like the color green."
You smiled back. "Green? Hmm…"
"Hmmm… what?"
"It fits you."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah of course, green is a very strong but soothing color."
"It is."
The two of you sat in silence before Mike's phone rang. He looked at it and rolled his eyes.
"Hello. Yeah. Yeah, got it. Okay I'm on my way."
He gave a sigh, "Sorry that was my aunt. I asked her to babysit but I guess something came up at her place."
"Oh okay that's fine. Text me when you get home so I know you made home safe."
He gave a tired smile, "Isn't that my line to you?"
"It would be if you weren't running on minimal sleep."
"Fair enough. But text me too okay, in case I forgot while talking to my aunt or you get home first."
You gave a nod and he gave you another chaste kiss. You blushed again, and smiled. He hopped off the truck and waved bye. You waved as he left the parking lot in his beat up car.
You rushed inside your car and towards home, excited to tell your friends everything.
With texts of 'I'm home,' and 'goodnight' s, the two of you feel asleep dreaming of each other.
A week had passed before Mike brought up meeting Abby again. This date was way earlier and on his day off.
"Do you think she'll like me?"
Mike paused. "I'm not sure to be honest. Not ! Not that you're unlikable or anything like that! She's just a timid kid, hell she barely likes me."
"I'm sure she likes you Mike."
"Yeah well you haven't met her," he grumbled.
You gave an amused look but relented. "So she gets out in an hour right?"
Mike nodded.
"Okay and you said she likes art right? To draw and such?"
Mike nodded again. "Okay, perfect. I'll be back here at 3!"
As you started to slide out the booth, Mike stared at you confused. "Wait where are you going?"
"Don't worry I'll be back." You practically dash out the door to your car.
Mike gave a frustrated sigh and got up after paying the bill. 'I guess I'll just have to wait until 3 too then.' He ran a hand through his curly hair and hopped in his car.
Mike parked at the diner, looking back at Abby. "Okay we're gonna meet a friend of mine okay Abs?"
Abby furrowed her brows, "Your girlfriend?"
Mike nodded. Abby stayed silent. He got out of the car as did she. He held her hand as they entered, he spotted you immediately.
You h/c shining from the sun, you were drinking water while reading a book. Lost in your own world Mike cleared his throat. You looked up at him and then down at the little girl.
Abby recognized you as you recognized her. "Hi!”
Before you could get another word in, Abby motioned you forward. You raised an eyebrow towards who gave a shrug reply but you went with her request.
“Don't tell Mike about Mr. Bunny.” She said in a hushed whisper.
You stared at her then at Mike and then at her again. “Okay. Got it. But why?”
Abby looked at Mike, shoved him slightly to get away from their secrets. She cupped her hand, “Because I want to have a secret between us. I like you, you gave my Mr. Bunny when you didn't have to.”
You gave a warm smile, “ Okay deal. Pinky promise, and seal the deal.”
As you pinky crossed and thumbs stamped together, Mike gave you an expectant look.
Abby slid in across from you and Mike sat next to her.
“What?” He rolled his eyes.
“What were you two whispering about?”
“It's a secret!” Shouted Abby.
Mike looked at you again. “Sorry can't see, those are the secret rules and it's backed by a stamped pink promise. You'll never know.” You have a sad look and shrugg. Abby laughed at your expression and Mike shook his head.
“Well I guess it can't be helped.” You and Abby nodded.
You remembered a thought, “Oh yeah!” You rummaged through your bag and got the present for Abby you bought.
“Here you go Abby. It's a sketchbook for your private drawings.”
“Private drawings?” She turned her head to the side.
You smiled at her, “Yeah, drawings for yourself. I have a lot of them that I don't wanna share because they're private and for me.”
“You draw!”
You nodded and hummed. “Can you draw me something?”
“Uh sure. Is it fine if it's in your book?”
She nodded vigorously. “Okay what do you want me to draw?”
She pondered the question. “Oh! A bunny!”
“A bunny? Hmm okay like a realistic bunny or a cartoon?”
“Yeah sure.”
Mike smiled. “Yeah she's been obsessed with bunny's after some girl won one and gave it to her instead.”
You fought off the smile as you drew, and Abby giggled. Mike gave her a questioning look but all Abby did was stick out her tongue, which Mike did back, only for a split second though.
Mike and Abby watched as you sketched out the cartoon bunny, erasing and redoing the line a couple of times. You finished the outline as food came, Mike ate and watched as you stuck your tongue out slightly finishing up the little details. It had a top hat and a bow.
“Alright Abby, here you go!”
Abby squealed in delight. “Thank you!” She stared are your drawing as she ate, it did resemble Mr. Bunny. Mike noticed that too but thought it was a mere coincidence.
The meal went smoothly, with Abby begging for a shake and Mike giving in. Sitting here, you thought it was nice, maybe something to get accustomed to. In fact, you hoped it was.
Y'all I can't stop writing im procrastinating 😩 anyway enjoy!!
Taglist: @stinkii-boii @hellothisisprincesskitty
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Is there some space for me In that bathtub?
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Johnny arrived home by surprise, but the surprise is for him when he sees his pretty wife and his 4 year old son playing in the bathtub sharing a wonderful time.
Soap x wife reader.
Warning: as always, spelling and grammatical errors.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
He opened the door quietly, trying to make the least noise as possible, he didn't want to ruin his surprise.
He hasn't been at home for weeks, his wife and son were wondering when he would go home, «soon, I'll go home soon» that was the same answer he gave them every time they were in a video call with him.
Finally the moment arrived, he brought a lot of presents for his two favorite people, he put them over the kitchen's table, he saw all the paintings you and your son had been doing, all of them posted in the fridge doors so he could see them when he arrived, the sound of laughing caught his attention, he went upstairs and heard your voices.
- Mommy stop! We will have bubbles for all the house!!!
- So what? The house will be clean as much as us! Look at that hairstyle! You look like your dad!
Your toddler's smile disappeared after those words, you felt guilty. He really wanted to see his father.
- When will dad come home, mom?
- I don't know yet my love, we have to wait and be patient.
- we've been waiting for ages!
The sad face of your little man is something you can't handle, you always try to make him smile. So you put some bubbles on his chin.
- you're right, look at you, you already have a beard!
- MOM!
A loud laugh echoed in the bathroom, Soap was observing everything from the mirror of the bathroom, waiting for the right moment to appear, he never thought about all of this, a wife, a child, a family, it wasn't a possibility until he met you, since then, every second with you and your child is something he appreciates. His thoughts are one more time interrupted by the sound of your voice singing for your little boy.
«Slipping through my fingers all the time, I try to capture every minute the feeling in it...»
- I love you mommy
- I love you more my little angel
The time he had been waiting, he got close to the bathroom door frame.
- I love both of you, a lot.
While your son was extremely happy, you were having a heart attack, which was the funniest thing about this moment.
- holy shit! Johnny, you scared me!
Soap went close to the bathtub to hug and kiss both of you.
- I'm sorry love, I was waiting to do a great entrance.
- Hey buddy! I missed you! How are you? Did you take care of mommy?
- I did! Look! We're taking a bath and playing with bubbles!
- Looks very funny! is there some space for me in the bathtub?
- YES! mommy look, dad will join us!
- Oh yes! He really needs a bath! We will have to help him to be as clean as us, don't you think?
- YES!!!!
These were the kind of moments Jhonny loved the most, all of you together, he really was trying to capture every minute he was at home.
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
Head Over Heels
pairing: Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
summary: As Y/N watches Steve with her baby, she realizes she may be head over heels for him, and she can't help wondering if he feels the same way.
word count: 5017
warnings: so much fluff i got a toothache writing this
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Y/N woke up slowly, feeling the sun shine down on her. She doesn't remember the last time she was able to sleep in this late; it was probably the early days of her pregnancy. 
Why was she still sleeping?
She shoots up in bed and looks to her right, but there's no crib. In fact there's none of her things here. Because this isn't her room. It all comes flooding back, and she remembers handing James off to Steve and falling asleep. So where is James?
In her haste to get up, she trips over something - someone - Eddie. He groans as she falls to the ground, letting out an 'oof' as the wind gets knocked out of her. He tuns and goes straight back to sleep - did he even wake up? - and she scrambles to get up and open the door, going through the short hallway to see Steve on the couch. She's about to shake him to wake him up, ask him where the fuck her child is, when she sees how he's laying. 
He's sprawled on the couch, one arm above his head. His mouth is open, and he is lightly snoring. One leg is off the couch and the other is laying off the end. And on his chest is James, one hand clutching Steve's shirt and the other stuffed in his mouth. Steve has one hand on James' back, and both boys look like they could stay asleep for 12 years. 
Y/N sees a camera on the counter and she grabs it, not willing to let this moment go. She lifts it and takes a picture, smiling as it pops out of the top. She watches as it develops, longing bursting through her even though the exact moment is still playing out in front of her. 
James stirs on Steve's chest, but before she can grab him Steve's eyes shoot open and his other hand goes to James. She quickly sets the camera to the side and pockets the photo, watching as Steve blinks slowly and smacks his lips together as he wakes up. James puts his hands on Steve's chest to sit up, looking at his mom and letting out a cry. 
"Oh," Y/N laughs, going to pick her baby up as Steve stretches, neck popping. "Thank you for taking him. I haven't had that much sleep in awhile." She watches as Steve smiles at her tiredly. James lets out another cry and Y/N sighs.
"I had to break into your trailer in the middle of the night to grab a bottle and diapers." He tells her. 
"Shoot, I didn't even think about that. I usually don't sleep for that long, I thought I would wake up before he needed anything." She feels embarrassed that Steve went into her messy living space and had to change her baby. She'd had a couple close friends babysit for an hour or two, but she'd never have someone take care of her baby like that. 
It felt nice. 
"Don't worry about it. We had a fun time. He only cried once, and it was at your place." Steve leans over and grabs Clover, the small tan bear that James could hardly bear to be separated from that justice fallen from his grasp while he slept. 
"Thats why I didn't wake up." She looks at James, who is babbling as if he's gonna tell her all about his and Steve's night. "I'm sure you had fun with Stevie." Y/N tells him, blinking when he screams. 
"I take that as a yes." Steve hopes the blush rushing to his cheeks isn't that obvious. 
"Thank you so much, Steve. You're a life saver." She reaches in for a hug, letting James squeal in between them. 
"Hey, where does Steve live?" Y/N had called Eddie, which was strange because she lived a literal 3 second walk to his trailer. 
"Uh," Eddie blinks, not sure what to answer. "Is there a reason you want to stalk my friend?" 
"I'm not stalking!" She laughs, but Eddie is still confused. "I made him a cake." She says it quietly, and his eyes widen. 
"Y/N," He starts, trying to think of what to say. "Why did you bake Steve Harrington a cake?" How is Steve Harrington pulling Eddie's hot neighbor? 
"He took care of James all night last week. I need to do something nice to thank him." She says it as if its so obvious, and Eddie just nods. 
"Uh, I can give you his street. You know what his car looks like, and he doesn't have work today so he's probably there with the kids or something." At his words Y/N's heart races a little bit, because Steve is just so good at taking care of children and she finds it so, so hot. 
"Okay, that's fine." Y/N tells him. She almost drops the phone when he answers.
Steve lives on the rich side of town. He lives on the opposite side of her.
"You there?" Eddie asks when she goes silent. 
"Yeah, sorry. When is he coming to yours, Ed?" She asks. She doesn't want to know just how rich Steve is.
She's weird about money. She works at the diner, where James plays in the playpen that she spent way to much money on and the owners graciously let her keep James there. She barely makes enough to live at the trailer park and pay for James' things. What was she thinking, making Steve a cake? 
"Tonight." Eddie smirks. He'd like to give himself the credit for getting Y/N and Steve together. He knew they would be perfect together, because Y/N's hot and nice and has a child, which is basically Steve's type, and Steve is nice and great with kids, which is basically all Y/N's ever wanted.
So yeah, he's gonna take the credit for this one. 
"You should come over." Eddie smirks. "And before you say anything you can bring James." He knows her main excuse is James, and that for some reason she's backing away from him. 
"He's just going to be loud and probably ruin everyone's time." She tells Eddie, and sighs when James yells. 
"Well Steve clearly doesn't care." Eddie knows he's pushing it. 
"I'll think about it." She whispers before hanging up. 
People should just call him the matchmaker.
"Where the hell is Steve?" Eddie asks after Robin shows up and Steve isn't immediately following. Robin furrows her brows as Nancy walks through the door, holding a bag of snacks and booze. Jonathan follows, a small bag of weed in hand.
"He called and told me he was already here." Robin says, confused because when she looks into the small trailer Steve is nowhere to be found. 
"He hasn't showed up." Eddie turns to let Robin in, who goes to check the bathroom and Eddie's room as if he was lying. 
"What the hell," Robin mutters. Eddie looks around, concerned. He hadn't heard from Steve, and he didn't know why he told Robin that he would be here when he hadn't even talked to Eddie about that. He was starting to worry when he looked out the window and spotted Y/N's trailer, and right behind it a beamer stuck out. 
"I know where he is." Eddie announced, smirk on his face as he turned to the rest of the group. They all stared at him expectantly as he paused for dramatic effect. "Isn't it obvious? He's at Y/N's." 
Y/N was covered in everything from flour from the cake to spit-up from James when she opened the door and saw Steve, standing there in his probably expensive clothing and even more expensive cologne. 
It was all she could think about. She knew it was wrong, and she tried to think about how Steve had taken care of James all night, how he had even thought to grab Clover. She thought of the polaroid on her end table next to her couch. 
"Steve," She sounded breathy and Steve was already head over heels for her. 
"Hey," Oh God, he forget how to flirt. The most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen and he was going to blow it. "I was on my way to Eddie's and I thought I'd stop by." He told her with a small smile. 
"So you're not exhausted from the other night?" She turned to open the door wider. He looked tired, and she knew that he was probably still trying to catch up after sleeping on the couch and waking up in the middle of the night for James. 
"I just don't sleep well." He said as he walked into the trailer. "I came by to see if you needed any help before tonight. Eddie told me you were coming." Of course he did. 
"I actually really need to take a shower? James is sleeping, so it shouldn't be too bad. Thank you so much." She practically rushes to the bathroom, so excited to be able to take a long shower. Well, not long, but long,  but much longer than the two minute showers she'd had to take while James played on the bathroom floor. 
Once she felt like a new woman, she walked out to see Steve sitting on the couch, staring at the picture she had taken at Eddie's. 
"This is adorable." Steve told her, smirking. She felt herself flush at the fact that Steve found the picture. 
"I thought so too." She said, sitting on the couch next to him. She yawned, which caused Steve to yawn in turn. They smiled at each other. 
"Maybe we could watch some TV before going to Eddie's." Steve suggested, knowing that all he wanted was sleep. This would do though. At least they would be resting. 
"Good idea." She reached for the remote. "We just have to be quiet, because I might kill you if James wakes up." She's only half joking, so Steve smiles. 
"Fine by me." He says, shrugging. 
Five minutes later, they're both passed out on each other. 
And that's how Eddie and Robin find them when they walk in after their knocks go unanswered. Steve looks uncomfortable, his back against the couch and his legs still in sitting position, but his mouth is open and he's snoring. He's got an arm around Y/N and the other under his head. Y/N is laying practically on top of him, legs curled up with a peaceful smile resting on her face. 
"You've gotta be joking." Robin says softly, blinking at them. Of course they were taking a nap. 
"Are we surprised?" Eddie asks, and the two simply shake their heads and leave Y/N and Steve to their nap.
"Why didn't you tell me his birthday was tomorrow?" Steve looks hurt as he follows Y/N across the lawn to Eddie's, holding James so Y/N can hold the bottles of margaritas and the diaper bag. James squeals as if he agrees, which makes Y/N roll her eyes.
"I'm telling you now, aren't I?" She had only told Steve because he saw the presents hiding in the shower, small boxes nicely wrapped. When he asked, Y/N nonchalantly told him that James' party was tomorrow because that's when his birthday was and Steve was welcome to come, she was making a cake-
"You should have told me sooner!" He argues as they walk up the steps.
"I thought Eddie would've told you." She shrugs, kicking the door so someone will open it.
"Well, don't you look like the perfect family." Robin is already intoxicated as she leans against the door, smirking at Steve.
"Did you know James' birthday is tomorrow?" Steve asks as he follows Y/N into the house. Robin snorted.
"Yes, Eddie told us last week." Nancy raises her eyebrows, because they all remember why Steve hadn't heard about it - the two had fallen asleep in Y/N's trailer instead of going to Eddie's. They had woken up sore, Steve moving Y/N to the bed before driving home, smiling like an idiot the whole time.
"Well no one told me!" Steve slaps his free hand against his thigh, causing James to slap his hand against Steve's chest.
"Oh my God, it is not that big of a deal!" Y/N has already poured herself a marg and put the diaper bag down in the corner. "If you have to work it's fine! It's his first birthday, he is not going to remember it." She takes a large gulp of her margarita - more like multiple gulps - and Steve puts a hand to the middle of his eyebrows.
He looks like such a dad.
"How am I supposed to get him presents?" Steve asks finally. Everyone stares for a second until Eddie louts out a loud laugh. It startles James, who lets out a cry and reaches for his mom. She frowns and lets out a small sigh, taking her baby and shushing him as he cries against her chest. 
"Steve, he's one!" Eddie yells, making James let out another cry. 
"Maybe don't yell." Y/N takes another big drink of her margarita while bouncing her baby. 
"What does he want? What do you need?" Steve ignores everyone and looks straight at Y/N, who lets out a sigh. 
"You can bring a fruit salad." She tells him with an eye roll, putting James down on the ground as he starts to wiggle. 
"I need to bring something else." Steve kneels down and grabs Clover out of the diaper bag, making a face at James as he gave the baby the stuffie. 
"You don't. I'm telling you right now that you can just bring yourself and that is fine." Steve shakes his head at Y/N's words, grabbing the beer that Eddie handed him.
"You think I'm gonna come to a party and not bring a gift?" Steve stands and crosses an arm while taking a sip of the beer. 
"Oh my God." Y/N's margarita must be done because she refills it. "Steve, if you don't come here tomorrow I will go to your house and force you to come here. And James is not going to give a shit if you have a present, as long as you're here." 
"Shit!" When James screams it, everyone turns to him. Y/N takes a deep breath. 
"This is your fault."  She looks at Steve, who is covering his mouth to hid his smile. 
"How is it my fault!" He asks, eyes wide.  
"Stop asking stupid questions." She is drinking her margarita like it's water while everyone else is still on their first drink.
"Maybe you should smoke some?" Jonathan suggests, earning the dirtiest look from Y/N. 
"Around the baby?" Nancy smacks Jonathan's arm and rolls her eyes, taking a drink out of her red solo. 
"Oh my God," Eddie rolls his eyes and downs his whole beer. 
"Can I bring alcohol to James' party?" Robin asks. Steve scoffs. 
"Robin, Jesus," He rolls his eyes and leans against the counter, next to Y/N. She leans against him, and his hand goes to her waist. Robin and Eddie shared a look, but neither of them were drunk enough to comment. 
"It's a valid question!" Robin defends. 
"Yes, it is alcohol friendly." Y/N tells them with a smile. She leans further into Steve as she takes another drink. James gets tired of playing with Clover and tries to make a break for it to Eddie's room, Steve shifts his weight to put a foot out, stopping James from going any further. He sits back and looks up at Steve, wide eyes looking betrayed. 
"What do you want for your birthday, hm?" Steve leans down and picks James up again, who screams and puts his hand in his mouth, chewing. "Maybe some teething toys." He pulls James' hand out of his mouth and lifts his eyebrows as James scrunches his face and lets out a cry, legs kicking. Steve struggles to keep his beer from toppling where it's pressed against the baby.
"That was so mean." Y/N frowns dramatically, grabbing a piece of ice from Eddie's fridge. She placed it on James' gums, and the baby immediately began sucking on it. 
"I cannot right now," Robin took Eddie's beer and chugged it, leaving Eddie to stare frozen.
"I need another margarita." Y/N turns and lets Steve hold the ice for James as she pours another large cup. 
"Oh, it's gonna be a fun night." Eddie grabs another beer and pops it on the counter. James grabs the ice from Steve in a swift move and lets out a scream as he throws it on the floor. Steve just stares before switching his beer to his free hand and downing it. He accepts fresh one from Jonathan, who had gotten up to refill his own drink, as James cries. 
"I think he's just tired." Y/N sighs, putting her drink down and grabbing James from Eddie's arms. "We shouldn't have brought him here." The way she says we makes Steve go a little dumb for a second. All he can thinking about is the fact that she thinks of him and her and James together - like a family. He would never say it out loud, because he's sure she doesn't mean it like that, but he's already run with the idea. All he's wanted since he realized his parents were never getting any better was to have a family of his own, his people that he could take care of. 
"Just put him to bed in my room." Eddie flicks his hand toward the back of the trailer, and Y/N blinks. 
"Your sheets would give my child twenty-seven different diseases." Y/N talks over James' cries, which are just empty cries from his tiredness. Jonathan starts coughing when a spurt of beer goes up his nose from laughing. Eddie rolls his eyes. 
"I just washed them!" Even James became quiet at that. No one believed these lies. "Okay, I know how it sounds, but I promise I did! Go check!" Y/N shares a look with Steve, and they both walk to the back room to see what they're dealing with. 
"I was not expecting this." Y/N says when she finds Eddie's bed unmade but clean. 
"He's probably having someone over soon." Steve chuckles as she lays James down. She sighs as she begins moving the pillows to create a barrier so James doesn't roll off the bed. 
"I didn't bring a bottle." She whispers, soothing the space between her baby's eyes. James goes from being wide awake to being slightly sleepy, but it doesn't work as quickly as Steve has seen his bottle work. 
"I packed one before I left. I think Eddie has some milk." Steve gets up and leaves quickly, and Y/N isn't sure if it's the alcohol or Steve that makes her heart warm. 
"Do you wanna know a secret, James?" She whispers, leaning in close. James kicks his legs and babbles some gibberish, smiling at his mother. "I think I like Steve Harrington." She smiles as he giggles. 
"Eef!" He repeats, and it doesn't sound anything like Steve but she laughs anyway. 
"What're we laughing at?" Steve comes back in with a bottle, and as Y/N sits up James gets excited, kicking his legs and waving his arms, excited for the bottle Steve was holding. Steve shakes it a little bit as he sits on the bed, handing the bottle to James. The baby drinks it quickly, his eyes closing. Y/N and Steve stay quiet as they wait for James to fall asleep. 
"You can go out there. I'll wait for him to fall asleep." Y/N whispers as she cards her fingers through James' short hair. 
"We're in this together." Steve puts a hand on her knee, and she melts into the touch. She looks up at him, and in that moment she wants to push Steve on the bed and kiss him senseless. Before she can do anything, James lets out a hiccup and they both look at him. He's asleep, the bottle laying discarded on the side. 
"Thank you." She says when they both exit the room, carefully shutting the door. She thanks God they don't have the money to buy one of those fancy ass noise machines, so James will likely fall asleep fine with the party going on. He's fallen asleep to worse in the trailer park.
"Anytime. I meant it." He tells her, and she knows her cheeks are heating. They were already warm from the alcohol, but this is worse. She needs another drink. 
"At least now we can hang out without a kid interrupting everything." She grabs his hand in a bold moment, and she watches his face blush as he squeezes it and smirks at her. 
"For the record," Steve says as he picks up her red solo cup to give to her, his beer in his other hand. "I'm okay with your kid interrupting us." There's music playing as he takes her free hand to pull her into him, ignoring the laughs and jokes from the others who are sprawled in the small living room. 
"You don't mind it?" She asks as she lets him place her hand on his chest, his own going to her waist, just a little bit lower than modest. 
"Not one bit." He shrugs as he says the next part. "But I am glad to have you all to myself at last." She leans closer and tucks her head into his chest, because otherwise he would see the stupid look on her face. 
Oh yeah, she's head over heels for him. 
When Steve shows up, Y/N's heart races, and not just because of the tight ass jeans Steve is wearing. He's carrying about five presents, ranging from huge to a small gift bag, and a bowl of fruit salad. 
"Steve Harrington," She starts, James on one hip and a probably alcoholic drink in a pineapple cup in the other. Her trailer is decorated in beach themes, a table with drinks and food and different color pineapple cups on the table. James has a small pineapple cup that's blue, matching his white shirt and blue overalls, the outfit being topped off by a blue hat with blue sunglasses. 
He looks adorable. 
The only thing better than James' outfit its Y/N's. She's matching him, blue sunglasses and all, her own blue hat a baseball cap with a Hawaiian flower on it. Her pineapple cup matches the colors of a normal pineapple, the only one to have done so. 
"Robin and Nancy got me all the decorations." Y/N smiles, distracting Steve from the sunglasses and hat Robin puts on him. Nancy throws a lei over his shoulders before he even knows what's going on. 
"Why didn't we just throw this at my pool?" Steve asks, setting his gifts down on the apparent gift table and puts the fruit salad on the food table. 
"Seef!" James calls. Y/N lets out a laugh as he reaches his short arms over to Steve. 
"That's better than 'eef.'" She tells Steve, his face all smiles as he takes James. Steve tickles the infants stomach, who giggles and squeals. 
"I didn't know you had a pool." Y/N goes to make Steve a drink, picking the large blue pineapple. This is not technically a lie, as she didn't know for sure. She had a pretty good idea, however. 
"You never asked." He smirked as he took the drink from Y/N's hand. He took a sip and almost coughed. "A bit strong, don't ya think?" 
"Well, you're three drinks behind!" Eddie yells from his trailer, carrying two six packs of beers and a present. "And the kids are coming soon." 
"What kids?" Steve asks, taking a larger gulp. 
"I invited your kids." The way she says it makes Steve's heart light, his kids. 
"I made Jon take them so I could start on the drinks." Nancy raises her pink pineapple, and Robin clinks her purple one against it. 
"We told them the start time was half an hour later so we can make a dent in the alcohol!" By Robin's laugh, it seems they have made a dent in the alcohol pretty well. Steve drinks more of his drink. 
"Steve could you come help me get the pack-n-play from inside? That way James can sit in it and we can play some games." She smiles as Steve hands James off to Robin, who is making grabby hands with the one not clutching the drink. The two walk up the steps and into the trailer, their sunglasses pushed to their forehead.
"What're you doin'?" Steve asks as Y/N rifles around her kitchen drawers. 
"What you think I invited you in just for that stupid old thing? I tug that shit with me to work and back everyday." She smiles as she pulls out the cigarette and a lighter. Steve smirks. 
"They're gonna realize even if we only smoke one each." He says, but he's moving toward her. 
"That's why we're sharing one." She smiles as she pops it in her mouth and lights it, taking a drag before handing it to Steve. He takes a hit, thinking shortly about shotgunning with her, however Y/N turns toward the open window and sticks her head out, blowing the smoke. Steve smiles as he presses up against her to let the smoke out. They take a few more hits, almost reaching the end of the cigarette before someone catches them. 
"You idiots." Eddie pokes his head around the trailer, and Steve has to lean uncomfortably to turn around. 
"Go back and babysit for five more minutes!" Y/N giggles, and Steve turns toward her and smiles. 
"I hate you guys." Eddie leaves, which means he doesn't see the moment Y/N's eyes venture to Steve's lips, the moment they both lean in slightly, foreheads bumping. 
"Steve!" Of course Dustin interrupts, and Steve hits his shoulder against the windowsill as Y/N accidentally hits her forehead against him. 
"Fuck," She mutters as her sunglasses fall to her nose.
"That little shit." Steve slides back into the trailer as Y/N follows, him going to grab the pack-n-play and her putting the cigarette out while pushing her sunglasses back up. 
Oh God, she almost kissed Steve Harrington.
She takes a deep breath, fanning at her face with Steve's back turned, before she grabs both of their drinks and follows him out. 
"He is so tiny." Y/N sees El smiling at James, who is blinking at her with wide eyes. He's never been around this many people, and Y/N knows that soon he's gonna scream. She makes herself and Steve another drink - spiked punch, her favorite - and hands it to him before grabbing James from Max's arms. She nods her head hard to make the sunglasses fall and deposits James into his pack-n-play, smiling as Steve comes out of the trailer with Clover and a couple other toys. 
"Hey, what're you drinking?" Dustin asks Steve as he looks over the drinks on the table. 
"If I catch you with even a drop of this, your ass is grass." Steve grabs a coke from the ice chest and shoes it at the kid. "That goes for all of you little," Steve trails off as he hears James squeal, remembering last night when James repeated the one word he shouldn't. 
"You're no fun." Max frowns as she grabs a coke. 
"We're not kids anymore." Mike crosses his arms like a child, crossing his point. 
"You're always gonna be kids." Jonathan smirks, finishing off his beer. 
"Henderson, you're going to be a kid until you're married and have kids, alright." Steve cuts him off, rolling his eyes but still catching Y/N's quick flinch. "Poor choice of wording, I'm sorry." Steve tries, taking a long swig of his drink from the straw. 
"It's alright, I get it." She smiled. She did get it. Times may have changed slightly, however they hadn't changed enough for her to be accepted by everyone. 
"I didn't mean it like that." Steve tries again, but Y/N just shakes her head. 
"It's fine." She knows he didn't mean it. She knows it's just the way Steve views the life cycle. 
God, she was a fool. Steve probably wanted to start fresh, wanted to have his own kids after being married. 
"It's not," Steve moves closer to make it a more private conversation. Everyone begins to start talking in groups, and Eddie begins trying to set up a way to play music outside and not blast it from his trailer. "I swear I didn't mean it like that." He feels like shit for chosing his words so poorly. Before Y/N can respond, James is screaming and she's rushing to him. It seems he's just hungry, so she decides it's time for presents so they can get right on to cake. 
"Can you grab a chair from around back?" She asks Steve, who nods and grabs one. He sets it down next to the presents, and everyone gathers around. 
"Thank you guys for coming." Y/N smiles at her friends, heart beating with love. "I'm so lucky that I live next to someone with such great friends." She jokes, looking at Eddie. He raises his bottle to her as everyone laughs and insists they're all friends. 
James isn't helpful with opening the presents, trying to chew the wrapping paper at every chance he gets. Steve is luckily quick enough to get it out of his mouth, but this makes James angry. Everyone got the cutest gifts, like the clothes Nancy and Jonathan brought to the baby guitar Eddie proudly gave. The kids got cute figurines and bath toys, and she'd opened a couple of Steve's gifts - teething toys. She almost cried when she opened them, asking Steve to put them in the freezer right away. When he got out, she was opening the largest present - a cute little kitchen that she can put in her living room so James can pretend to cook. Y/N was glad the sunglasses hid her teary eyes. 
"You didn't have to do this." She tells Steve as everyone begins helping with the cleanup. 
"Of course I did." He turns to James and smiles, tickling his stomach. "Anything for my family."
Oh yeah. She's head over heels alright.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-1877 @roxaya @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterinaa @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @mcueveryday @mads-weasley @alicetweven @damon-loves-pie @gaysludge @l0v3e1i 
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melissaeilishortega · 7 months
It's alright love
A/N so this is the one-shot that isn't finished should I continue it?
Summary: Reader and Billie have been dating for a while, the time has come for y/n to meet her family properly. Reader is very shy and stressed about it. Just a small cute thing :)
A/n: this is my first time writing a fanfic since my Danganronpa phase so 💀 also not spelled checked cause I ain't spell checking that. Also...it's Blondie but with our time iykwim like it's 2023 but it's Blondie cause Blondie 😍😍😍😍😍
The original request was very shy!reader but I feel like I did more very anxious!Reader so...
It was three in the afternoon, I was resting my head on Billie's chest, cuddling and pressing soft kisses from time to time while listening to soft music. We were going to her parents house in a few hours and it's all I could think about. Billie and I have been dating for quite a few months but I've never got to know her family properly, I've always been too stressed and shy to ask anything or even talk to any of them.
"Are you okay love? You seem distracted." I hear Billie's soft voice say.
I've always struggled with my shyness. It was honestly a true miracle I started talking with Billie, she just makes me so...comfortable?
"Love?" She repeats.
I lift up my head looking straight in her eyes. How could someone have such beautiful eyes? How could someone be this beautiful to start with?
"Is it about the dinner with my family?" She whispers softly.
"I'm sorry bils, I don't know if I can." I answer, my anxiety is taking over even if I don't want it to.
"it's alright love, it's gonna be all good. Why are you so stressed?" She asks me. I can feel some sort of concern and confusion in her voice.
I sigh before admitting the truth. "I'm scared I'll embarrass myself because I'm too shy."
Billie giggles softly before putting one of her hands through my hair.
"Y/n look at me. I'm a literal copy of my brother but in different fonts and my parents are the sweetest and most caring people ever. You can't go wrong with them. Plus you've already seen them! Look, I'll always be next to you and you can hold my hand and squeeze it as much as you want or need. Deal?"
I smile softly at her words. I'm so glad I went to her party, I always wonder what would've happened if I never texted her happy birthday.
It was currently 5:47 and we were turning into the street. I was doing good ignoring my stress. Billie had her right hand on my thigh (I'm Canadian idk in what way yall drive in California) and I was simply resting with my eyes closed, listening to the sound of the rain mixed with the sound of Dragon's engine and Shark breathing very very loudly in my ears. Everything was going better until Billie turned in the driveway. The anxiety of embarrassing myself started settling in again I could tell Billie noticed since she started pressing down softly on my leg to try to calm my leg bouncing which had became more severe.
"want me to hold you?" Billie said before we got out of the car.
I nodded before pushing the door open. Billie ran to me with the umbrella, shark running behind her and I couldn't help but laugh at their cuteness. I felt her arms snake around my waist before feeling her soft lips kissing my shoulder. We walked up to the front door and Billie softly knocked on the door before opening it. She made me get in and shook the water off the umbrella before putting it down to hug her mom. Walking in here felt like walking in your grandparents house for brunch on a Saturday morning, all warm and cozy. When Billie pulls away, Maggie turns to face me before offering me a hug which I hesitantly but gladly take. I now know where Billie gets her hugs from.
"It's good seeing you again sweetie." Maggie says before pulling away from the hug.
"Uhm it's nice seeing you guys again too." I say quietly, looking at the floor. Shit. That sounded mean. At this point I'm holding Billie's hand so hard. The specific thing
I feel Billie's arms go around my waist again before kissing my shoulder again. We could hear Patrick, Finneas and Claudia having a chat in the living room. We could also hear Peaches and Shark playing together. (Does anyone knows Billie's other foster puppy's name?)
"wanna drop our stuff in my room and then join everyone?" Billie whispers in my ears.
"uh yeah, yeah." I say quietly, I just wanna disappear at this point.
I follow Billie to her room, I watch as she closes the door. She sits down on her bed before indicating me to sit down next to her. I sit down and I feel her hand on my thigh. I look at her smiling.
"it's okay to be shy babe." She says looking at me with a serious look on her face.
"they know you're shy honey. Look I'm gonna be with you the whole time, you can go chat with them once you've gotten more comfortable. It's alright love."
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awfulwriter123 · 8 months
Late Night (Rhea Ripley X Reader One-shot)
Hey everyone! Okay so i wanted to write something short and sweet, and this came to my mind. I wanna write something for Halloween i just don't know what yet, might be day of halloween fic for you guys there but idk. As always happy reading everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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"What time do you think you're going to be home tonight?" You asked your girlfriend over the phone as you pet Luna's head as it was laying across your lap.
"I honestly don't know babe, might not be home till like 1 am if im lucky." The thick aussie accent of rhea said with a bit of sadness in her tone.
"I might just wait up for you." You giggled lightly. "Don't do that princess, you need your beauty sleep." You sighed lightly. "Okay I won't." "My plane is getting called love, I'll see you in a bit, love you" "Love you too" You hung up the phone and put down on the table next to the couch when Luna picked her head up to look at you.
"Oh we are staying up to see mommy aren't we baby?" You grabbed both side's of her face lightly and shook her, to which she started licking your face which cause you to laugh.
"Alright, alright, let's see what we can put on while wait for momma." You looked at the clock which said '10:49 PM' 'Only 3 hour's, I can stay up that long' You thought to yourself, you quickly found a movie to put on and sat back to wait for rhea.
~Time Skip~
Rhea walked up to the front door of her house exhausted, after walking around for hours, having a match, and then not getting any sleep on the somewhat quick flight, she was ready to plop herself in bed next to you and sleep.
When rhea unlocked the front door and put her luggage down to close the door back and locked it, she heard little pitter patter of paws and turned to see Barry come at her. Which he immediately jumped her and started licking under her chin, considering that's all he could reach.
"Easy buddy easy, yeah I missed you too, where's your sister and mom hey bud?" She said to him as she deiced to leave her luggage there as she got "injured" and had the next couple of week's off and walked towards the living room.
She walked in to see you laying on the couch with Luna between your legs with her head on your chest and 'The Dark Knight' playing on the tv. Luna did pick her head when rhea walked in and her tail started to wag as she walked over.
"Hey good girl." Rhea said as she pet Luna on the head and looked towards you. "I told ya to not try and wait up for me." She laughed lightly and ushered Luna off of you so she can carry you up to bed.
The dog's went up the stairs first and waited for rhea, with you in her arms, at the door which was already opened. Guessing you left it open, she put you on the bed lightly when the dogs got up to cuddle next to you she shook her while chuckling quietly as to not wake you.
After changing quickly into her pajama's and ushering Barry off her side of the bed so she can cuddle you, she slinked into bed next to you as gently as she as to not wake you. Apparently not gently enough.
"Hey." You said with a tired voice and your eyes fluttering open lightly. "Hey gorgeous." She said with a small smile on her face, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead which cause you to smile.
"When did you get home?" You asked whilst cuddling further into her for warmth. "10 minutes ago, not even maybe." She said whilst rubbing a hand on your back trying to coax you back to sleep.
"Go back to sleep baby, I'll be here when you wake up." She said quietly, to which you quickly leaned up to plant a kiss under her jaw. "I love you." You said before ducking your head back into her chest.
"I love you too." You heard her practically whisper, as you slowly drifted off to sleep with the eradicator's arm's around you.
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pearlyinluv · 11 months
Scaramouche x FEM!reader
Best Friends to lovers smut
Idc if you're a minor or not interact I can't stop you anyway
(I have no idea how to start off any fanfiction so please don't judge and I tried my best to be detailed)
For context:you and Scara have been friends for a while cuz you're both immortal and shi and you're the only one who hasn't betrayed him yet
(I have no idea how punctuation work)
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ <3 ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Scaramouche had dragged you to his place once again, nothing unusual. You were both sitting on his bed while he was sewing some sort of doll. The sunlight that passed through the window fell so beautifully in his perfect skin. He was truly a sight to behold. You hated to admit it but you definitely had a crush on him.
You kept admiring his beauty until his voice snapped you out if your trance. "Quit the staring. It makes you look stupid." Scaramouche remarked and glared at you.
"Sorry.." you mumbled an apology almost too quiet for him to hear.
"Whatever" he rolled his eyes and went back to sewing that doll. He looked so beautiful all focused, oh how you wished that focus was on you.
You tried to keep yourself distracted with something looking around his room trying to find anything interesting. That was until your earring fell off and landed underneath his bed.
You bend down and looked underneath the bed trying to find it.
Scaramouche gave you a side eye "what are you doing?" He asked
"Just trying to find my earring" you replied calmly.
You kept searching for your earring, it seemed to have evaporated. It was then you spotted a doll underneath his bed it looked like he made it himself. You reached for it and it looked like you.
Did he make a doll of you? That would be adorable not gonna lie. You chuckled softly. Ofcourse he noticed. "What do you have there?" He seemed curious what you could've possibly found underneath his bed.
"A doll. Is that supposed to be me?"
You looked up at him and held the doll in your hand. His face flushed pink instantly. "Ofcourse not idiot."
"Well then who is it?"
"My mom"
"We both know you hate her"
"Shut it"
You laughed softly and teased him a little "oh come on, Scara! It's cute I like it."
Scaramouche just scoffs and turns his attention back to the doll he was making. He couldn't help but glance at you once in a while.
To say he was attached to you was an understatement.
His past betrayals gave him huge attachment issues. You're his only source of comfort next to nahida. He noticed the way you were hugging the doll he made of you. It made him smile a little even when he tried to hide it.
He couldn't deny his feelings for you. He hated how human it made him. Love is such a stupid concept. Why would anyone want that? Humans are so weak. He couldn't believe that he actually felt human emotions. It made him want to physically recoil and hide away in some corner. How could he stoop so low? Honestly, it's embarrassing.
You two kept sitting there not saying anything. The silence was deafening, and he hated it. He saw that smile on your lips. How badly he wanted to press his lips against yours.
He finally decided to speak
"How can you even tolerate me?"
What kind of question was that? You looked up at him and shrugged
"I don't know you're not as bad as you think"
You smiled at him.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked not daring to look you in the eyes. 'idiot. What are you doing?!' he thought to himself
"Sure! You can tell me anything!"
"Y/n.. I- I feel things.."
'idiot. Idiot. Idiot.' he kept repeating in his head.
You laughed softly. It calmed him a little seeing you too busy laughing to notice his blush
"What do you mean with you 'feel things'?"
"Nothing just forget it"
He waved his hand dismissively
"No no tell me go on" you pressured him to just tell you. He always did this, speaking in riddles and then just dismissiving it. God how you hated that
He took a breath through his nose which confused you since he told you he didn't need to breathe"For you.." he mumbled quietly
"What?" You asked making sure you just heard what he said correctly
"For you now kill yourself or something" he crossed his arms and looked away
So you did hear him correctly. This was certainly a shock to you. Without thinking you took his hand and leaned in to kiss him. His eyes widened he didn't expect this at all. You pressed your lips against his and closed your eyes while putting one of your hands at the back of his head the other one on his chest
It took him a little while to process this but once he did he closed his eyes and kissed you back
He grabbed the back of your head by your hair a little too tight, which earned a gasp from you. He used that opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth exploring every bit of it. You gladly did the same. He pulled you onto his lap so you two were as close as possible. Your chest pressed up against his. Your hair slightly messy because of his tight grip. You tried pulling away for air but he didn't let you. "No.. you're not pulling away darling. I'm not letting you"
*He laughed and pressed his lips against yours again before speaking once more "I don't care if you suffocate. Wouldn't that be a nice way to die? Kissing me?"
He chuckled and while he was talking you used the opportunity to catch your breath before he pressed his lips against yours once more.
His mind was already filled with dirty thoughts about you.
He finally had you and he would never ever let you go again. That's for sure.
He grabbed both your wrists and pinned you to the bed before sitting between your thighs.
"May I?" He asked with that smug grin of his
You were a blushing mess already and just nodded you didn't even know what he was referring to.
He moved his hand to your shirt and tucked on it. In response to that you took it off. He admired your almost bare chest and leaned in and buried his face between your breasts and laughed softly.
"Enjoying yourself?" You asked while looking away embarrassed
"Very much." He said with that shit eating grin of his. He unclipped your bra and threw it somewhere into his room before he started to suck and bite your neck
You whimpered softly which only motivated him more
He left hickeys across your neck and collarbone before he moved down and kissed your nipple, which gained a quiet moan from you. He smiled and gently sucked in it making you whimper. He then trailed kisses down your chest to your stomach until his face was between your thighs and he bit your thigh
Your face was completely red and you looked at his face. He looked so perfect between your thighs. You could look at him there all day
"Do I have your consent mademoiselle?" He said with a chuckle and a mocking voice
"You do" you said in the same mocking tone
He then opened your skirt and pulled it off same with your panties
"My my so wet already and I didn't even touch you there yet"
He smirked up at you
"Shut up and just eat me out already"
"Oh?~ someones desperate. But fine since you asked so 'nicely' I might as well" he placed a soft kiss right on your clit which got a moan out of you
Then he started using his tongue on your clit. He savored every bit of your throbbing heat. Enjoying the view of you squirming and whimpering in pleasure because of him. Then you felt him insert one of his fingers.
"S-scara-.. a-ah~"
Hearing you moan his name like that turned him on so much "hmm?~" the vibration of his voice against your sensitive core made you whimper louder
"D-dont .. stop please~"
He inserted a second finger.
He was stretching, curling, pushing deeper until you were a hot mess for him, making sure to hit all of your spots. You were squirming whimpering under his touch. His tongue felt so good licking over your throbbing clit. He moved his tongue between your folds devouring your taste to the fullest.
You felt a familiar knot in your stomach curling up tightly inside you. "Scara-.. ngh~ I-im close.."
He pulled his fingers out and lifted his face up and smirked at you. That same shit eating grin you hate it. "Already? We can't have that yet can we darling?~" he chuckled as you felt your climax fading away
You protested and whined "Scara! You can't just stop!"
"Yes I can"
He pulled you close and kissed your lips roughly. He used one of his hands to pin your wrists above you head and he moved his head to your neck and bit down drawing some blood. He gently licked the blood off your neck and kissed your nipple to which you whimpered again.
"Why don't you do me a favor hm?~" scaramouche said with his signature smirk. You tilted your head slightly to the side in confusion and he gestured towards the tent in his pants. You gasped softly and blushed.
"Don't tell me you're getting too shy now?~"
You moved your hand and undid his pants before pulling them down. You pulled his boxers down and we're a little surprised by the length
He was 7 inches long and the base was #FFFBF2, the tip was #EF8D88 and he had a vein on the left side of the base, the girth was 4,69 inches.
You laid down in between his thighs and softly kissed the tip and he shivered a little. You opened your mouth a little and took the tip inside gently running your tongue over it. He bit his lip trying to hold in his whimpers. You let go of the tip and ran your tongue over the base. You kept doing that for a while until you put the tip back in your mouth
"Mhh~ keep going like that y/n..."
He put his hand on your hair and pushed it deeper into your mouth. He pulled you back up by your hair guiding your head gently. You slowly went back down and ran your tongue across it while gently sucking.
He pulled your head back up by your hair. "Look at me.. keep your pretty eyes open and look. at. me." He said softly but sternly at the same time.
You looked up at him holding eye contact. "Good girl~" he moved some hair out of your face. He caressed your cheek gently before pushing you back down balls deep into your throat. A few tears ran down your cheeks because of your gag reflex. "Don't cry" he laughed softly and you kept eye contact with him
He put his other hand on the side of your head and grabbed your hair and pulled you up again before pushing you down again
He did this slowly for a half a minute until he got a little rougher
He pushed you down roughly again and pulled you up just as rough your scalp hurt a little already
Not even 20 seconds later he was full on face fucking you using your mouth for his own pleasure
Your mouth was drooling a little and you felt his grip tighten.
"Only- ngh~ a little more... It's over soon.."
He groaned a little and even let out a whimper. A few moments later he slammed his dick into your throat until your nose was touching his pelvis. You felt his hot seed slide down your throat and he let out a loud whimper. You pulled away from his hardened length and gently pushed him onto the bed trailing kisses up his stomach before kissing his lips roughly.
"A-ah!~ y/n!~" he moaned when you suddenly sat on his lap pushing his dick inside your tight pussy.
You whimpered and started gently moving your hips as you grabbed his wrist and pinned his hands above his head
"Y/n- what are you-.. nghh!~ doing??" He said between deep breaths and moans. "What does it- ah!~ look like..?" You replied back with a smirk. You kept grinding on his dick and his breathing got heavier and heavier. He struggled a little to get out of your grip and when he did he gripped your hips tightly and guided your movements
You were both moaning and blushing messes. He then suddenly flipped you around and started pounding into you.
He leaned down and kissed one of your nipples while he kept fucking you relentlessly. You wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer and your arms around his neck.
The sound of skin slapping could be heard all around the room. "How are you feeling, doll?" Scara asked you breathlessly while hitting your g-spot. "A-ah!~ mphf!~ g-great!~" you replied as your nails gripped his back.
You kept moaning out his name as he rearranged your organs and he grabbed your chin and kissed you roughly, before pushing his tongue into your mouth.
Soon you reached your climax and came undone all around his cock. He kept thrusting into you for a few more seconds before filling your womb with his hot seed.
He pulled out before collapsing in the bed beside you and pulling you close. "Are you alright? Not that I care anyway"
You just nodded in response panting heavily "good, now go rest you look like a mess"
This was my first ever fanfic/smut fanfic
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byunpum · 1 year
Experiment 56 [part 6]
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
and sullyFAM x human reader, spider x reader , and quaritch x reader (dont blame me )
Tw: mmm neteyam baby, reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, Sad, violence, kidnapping, quaritch is acting weird, a surprise at the end, net and spider fighting like baby girls, all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Experiment 56 materlist | Experiment 56 sequel Masterlist
Note: We are getting closer to the end ahhh. I hope you like this part a lot, I made some changes with the characters. I don't want anyone to be the "villain" at the end. I want eywa to be in control of everything. *wink* Plus there's a surprise at the end. And remember that if you want me to do more stuff about other characters, go ahead, the request is open. From now on I warn you that I am not very expert in this Navi culture, but I did my best. And I'll be using events that happened in the movie, but they won't be exactly the same. And sorry for the spelling. English is not my mother tongue.
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Spider opens his eyes…he was on an abandoned rock, he had several bruises on his body. When he fell from the ilu he had hit his head. Slowly he gets up and rubs his eyes. Trying to remember… until everything that happened comes to his mind. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!!!" He starts screaming…he stands up and tries to see something in the distance of the ocean. But nothing…he needs to go tell the others. But how, he had no way to get there. He wasn't a navi and he wasn't like you. Out of nowhere, he sees how your ilu, comes closer and looks at him. "Hì'i … I need you to take me home. Y/N is in danger" says spider, speaking calmly so the creature doesn't panic. Your ilu settles sideways and looks at spider, she is inviting him to come up. Spider couldn't believe it, Hì'i understood. This has to be eywa, she was helping him. He quickly climbed in and began the ride back to the village.
You hadn't been in the boat that long, but the adrenaline was already down…and the movements he was making were making you dizzy. Quaritch was next to you, and noticed how you were closing your eyes. "Hey, hey honey…don't close your eyes. I have to take you back to the base" Quaritch tried to get you back in the seat. But it was too late, your eyes had closed. "Shit…" complained Quaritch, you had passed out. "hey lyle, help me out here… we need to get her comfortable." Lyle came over and helped get you settled. He watched as Quaritch, carefully adjusted your head. "Boss… careful, you look very…" Quaritch gave him a fulminating look. Lyle took the hint and continued doing his job. Quaritch sat down next to you, and straightened up. He had to concentrate…but something in him told him this was wrong. He had to get it out of his head…he had a mission, and he had to accomplish it. That's what Miles Quaritch would do. That's what he would do, right?
Meanwhile, neytiri and Jake had returned from the ride they were taking to tuk. They happily walked into the marui, they were making some jokes. When they entered, all their children were there, but neytiri noticed that you and spider were present. "where is y/n?" she asks as she starts looking for breakfast things, " she went out for a walk with spider, you know they were upset yesterday. I think they're making up." Says loak, who was quietly lying in a hammock.
Neteyam approached his parents, he had to tell them what you and he decided the night before. He was excited, but he didn't know how his parents would react. It's not like they didn't know what was going on between you and Neteyam, but telling them in person scared him. "mom, dad… can I talk to you? Well… to the whole family." Neteyam said, as he sat down on the floor, kiri and tuk followed him. And loak shifted his gaze to his brother, but without leaving the hammock. Jake and neytiri accompanied them, they gave each other a few looks before sitting down on the ground. "Well… I wanted y/n to be here… but I know she'll be here soon. But I can't stand the feeling…" Neteyam takes a deep breath. Everyone is looking at him very intently. "Y/N and I….are a mate. We have bonded before eywa… and I hope you all will accept our relationship" neteyam said, quickly and confidently. His first instinct was to look at his mother's face. Neytiri was silent, she had no expression on her face, she didn't know what to say. "Well…I knew that already, with how cuddly you two have been lately mmm it was obvious" loak said, as he settled into the hammock and continued sleeping. Kiri got up and hugged her big brother. "I'm so happy!!! it's about time!!!" tuk is also hugging his brother. " yes, yes yes yes" tuk hums as neteyam hugs his sisters back." Son…" said Jake as he stands up to approach neteyam. Jake knelt down in front of him, put his hands on his shoulders and smiled. "Congratulations… but we already knew that" neteyam's face went blank, how come they already knew that. Neytiri laughed a little and talked." You think we haven't noticed your attitudes… or how you and y/n share matching items of clothing. Or how y/n have your scent" neytiri teases. "We can smell it a mile away, you need to calm down" loak complains from a distance. Neteyam smiles, and looks at his mother. "I am happy with you…I want you to take care of each other and know that your relationship is not common, but not impossible. I love you both and I will always be here to take care of you." Neytiri hugs neteyam, the embrace is warm and welcoming. "when y/n and spider arrive… let's celebrate!!!" kiri says as she thinks about what gift she was going to give you. It was a tradition, to give something to the new partner of some family member, well…you weren't new to the family. But it was the perfect excuse to make you a new top.
Neteyam started playing with tuk and kiri looking for things to prepare your gift. "This is very strange, she doesn't usually take this long" says Jake. "I'm sure they're on their way" said neteyam, until he sees spider walk in to marui very agitated, with teary eyes." THEY'VE GOT HER, THEY'VE TAKEN HER!!!" shouts spider." WHO?" Jake approaches the boy, grabbing him by the shoulders. Everyone present stood up from their places to approach spider. " THEY…THE SOLDIERS…HAVE HER!!!!" spider was still crying. " Spider what are you saying?" neteyam approaches the boy. His heart wants to burst out of his chest…his breathing becomes difficult. " THEY ATTACKED US…AND TOOK HER AWAY IN A BOAT. I SWEAR I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" Screams spider…the poor boy doesn't know what to do, he has all of y/n's relatives surrounding him, and of course he was scared, they were twice the size of him.
Neytiri feels like she was going to faint, as her eyes start to fill with tears. She falls to the ground and starts screaming." NO, NO, NO… MY LITTLE ONE, NO" Jake comes over to reassure her, he too was in a state of shook. "Jake, they took her…they took my little girl" neytiri screams. All these years taking care of you like her greatest treasure, defending you from others…from their insults, from their indifferent treatment. And now she had taken you away. She couldn't stand it. Jake didn't know what to do… kiri and tuk were still questioning spider, who was crying and trying to explain what had happened. While loak was on the other side of his mother trying to get her to calm down. Jake could see loak's tears running down his cheeks as he tried to be strong for his mother. And neteyam…wait, where was neteyam?
Neteyam was already on his way to his ilu, his eyes were pure hatred and frustration. In his hands he carried his bow. They had captured his mate, he wasn't going to let them get away with it. He was about to climb onto his ilu, until he felt someone tugging on his arm. When he turned around it was his father." What the hell are you doing" yells jake, as he tries to pull his son to him. "I'm going to rescue her!!!! That's what I'm going to do" Jake holds Neteyam by the shoulders. "Listen to me…I'm sure those guys, they're already at the base. They're already in the woods, you know what will happen to you if you go there now?" neteyam turns away from his father. "I don't care, we have to go look for her !!!!" shouts neteyam, jake had never seen him like this. Neteyam always tries to control his anger, but now it was impossible. "son look at me" jake is holding neteyam's face. He can see tears welling up in his eyes, jake knows how he feels, he feels incompetent, guilty, upset. "we're going to get her i promise" jake speaks, while he himself can't keep his feelings to himself. They had kidnapped one of his daughters, but they had to act smart. "but dad… they're going to hurt her" neteyam complains. "Let's call norm and the other guys. We need a plan." Jake wipes the tears from neteyam's face, and they welcome him into their arms. "We're going to get her… I promise. You and the Family." If it were up to Jake, he'd be flying full speed ahead in his ikran, get to the base…rip the heads off of anything that got in his way and take you back home. But I knew that was suicide… he had to have a plan.
AREA 12, northeast of pandora:
You opened your eyes slowly, wow… your head was spinning. You feel like your head is going to explode, you slowly sit up, and feel the softness under your hands. Your eyes are still adjusting to the new clarity, but as you look down you see that you are on some kind of bed. You look up startled, and see a white room, there are only several pieces of furniture. The bed, a closet, a desk and some small lamps. You knew what these things were, since you had slept over in norm and max's labs when you were little. But this room was strange…there was a window…in which you could see the flora of pandora…it was beautiful. As you analyze the room you see how on the right side there is a door. You run towards it, but fall to the floor. You are very weak. And that's where all your memories come back.
You remember how you fell into the sea, how you saw spider floating unconscious, how they grabbed you by your braid and how they took you away in that disgusting boat. And those men, you remember them too. You stand up a little and crawl to the edge of the bed. You hug your knees and can't help but cry. You were scared…where was everybody. where was neytiri? jake? They always rescued you. Where was neteyam? They didn't know where you were, and if spider was dead…would he be okay? You had so many questions in your head. You wanted to go home.
The door to the room opened, you looked up to see him. It was that man, you knew who he was. Your father had told you about him, and how they had their conflicts. And how he tried to kill him. Besides, you still remembered the first time he tried to kidnap you in the forest. The man came a little closer to you. "Hello…pretty" I said Quaritch." Don't call me pretty" you affirm, and move a little further away from him. "oh wow…you can speak English." Quaritch doesn't give up and continues to slowly move closer. "of course you idiot…or wait, I forgot. you guys think you're the only beings with intellect?" you say as you shift your gaze.
"Wow, I didn't know you had that temper…I like it" Quaritch sits down in a chair that is about 5 feet or so away from your bed. "hey, I'm not here to hurt you…just" you interrupt him." no? then what did you kidnap me for?" you challenge him, as you stand up a little, forgetting how weak you were, and fall back down to the floor. "Hey calm down… I see that you are weak. And for your information it wasn't me who did that." I said Quaritch. "Then who?" you ask. "The RDA, they sent me to find you. You're important y/n" say Quaritch, as he gets up from his seat and walks over to a small table right next to the closet, and starts to prepare a glass of water. "Important? To what or who?" you want to know what the hell you were doing here and what they wanted from you.
Quaritch approaches and offers you the glass of water, you refuse to take it." Hey…. I'm not trying to poison you. I swear" he raises his right hand, and drinks from the other glass of water. You analyze the scene and see that nothing has happened to him. You decide to take the glass, you were dying of thirst. You drink the water as if there is no tomorrow. "Wow…someone was thirsty" Quaritch sneers and kneels down right in front of you. "you are the salvation of the human race, with your DNA it will be possible to make mutations in humans, thus allowing them to breathe and live here in pandora. A whole new race would be created." Said the man. "But why don't you create others like me and leave me alone?" you place the glass next to you. "honey… you are one of a kind. There is no other like you… not here in Pandora, not in any other area of space." Quaritch looks you in the eye, the voice he is using makes your hair stand on end. You couldn't deny that this man was intimidating. "You're doing this to attract my father, aren't you?" you ask him dryly, while you don't take your eyes off him. "Mmm no, that blue monkey doesn't interest me anymore. I have other plans." said Quaritch, as he stands up. To be honest he had lost interest in looking for Jake a long time ago. He didn't even know what he was doing in this place anymore.
"You have to be grateful, little one," said Quaritch, as he opened the door to the room. "Why?" you ask. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be in a cold, filthy metal cage. So …you're welcome" he turns his gaze, gives you a smile and starts to walk out. "oh, by the way, you need to put on the clothes over there" he points to a bundle of clothes lying next to the bed. "That's your new uniform, that door on the left is the bathroom, you can do your business there. You have water on that table and later someone will bring you food" He walks out of the room leaving you alone. You looked at where the clothes were. You didn't know what this kind of cloth was. You had never used anything like this before, you were used to wearing your navi female clothes. This was weird…you examine it for a while. But you start to feel cold…maybe he was right. Besides, your father had told you that it was always better to go with the flow, if you were vulnerable, so you would wear these clothes. You didn't want them to get upset with you and hurt you for not obeying.
You get up from the floor and start to take off your clothes. You put on the new clothes, wow they were so different, they felt different. You didn't like it, but it gave you warmth. You were wearing a matching style of sweater and pants. Gray color. And you noticed how on the chest on the right side there was a label that said "experiment 56". Out of nowhere you got nauseous, and dizzy. You ran to the bathroom, and threw up in some kind of bucket. You opened a lever so that water came out and cleaned everything. This must be the sink, you tell yourself. You wipe your face and go back to bed. You lay on your side and lay there waiting for something to happen. You couldn't help but cry, you missed your family.
Quaritch was watching everything from the cameras in the security area. It was an exclusive room, where there were about 6 cameras recording everything in your room. "You just saw that girl naked," says Lyle as he walks in and sits in one of the chairs. "No, I just logged in… I'm not depraved like you" miles keeps looking at the screens, while watching you wipe your face. I could tell you were in pain. "I don't know, what's wrong with you… I feel like something in you has changed. What's going on here?" Lyle taps his boss on the head, the two of them had that confidence. Not everyone could touch Colonel Quaritch, but Lyle gave himself that freedom. "you wouldn't understand lyle" said miles, as he turns his face to look at his friend. "You feel like you're not you, don't you?" says lyle as he settles further into the seat. "You feel like you're not that person, you know… we have their memories, but you feel like they're intruders." Quaritch looks at his friend. "that's true" Miles states, lyle reaches over and places a hand on his friend's shoulder." But we have a mission, and the orders are clear. You've already done a lot for that girl…she's comfortable and safe in a room. The rest…will be the responsibility of the scientists" said lyle getting up and walking out of the room. Miles knew those lab rats weren't exactly nice. They didn't see you as an ordinary human, but as a thing to be tested. He had already been through it, when he first got his avatar body, and it wasn't a very pleasant experience, so he decided that he would take care of you. Or so his "other self" inside him decided.
Meanwhile in the Metkayina village….
Neytiri was sitting right on the edge of the entrance to the marui, contemplating the view. She hoped you would come back. You always did… her memories were lost to that moment, where you were lost in the forest for 2 days. You were only 6 years old, she remembers the feeling she felt at that moment. She and Jake went looking everywhere for you and nothing. Norm and the others helped in the rescue. Mo'at was trying to comfort Neytiri, telling her that you were a brave, strong and smart girl. That she would come back. "daughter mine…. y/n is like the river, it runs away…it flows, but it always returns to its home the ocean…it will come back to you" and so it did…neytiri was looking for some things in the forest, preparing to search for you again. Until she felt someone hug her leg, she looked down and saw her cute little girl. Her eyes were teary, but she was smiling. "mom…I got lost" neytiri held her in her arms and promised never to let go. But this was not the case.
Neteyam accompanied her, she hugged him. Neytiri could feel neteyam's tears fall into her arms. Knowing that her children were suffering was killing her. She turned back, and saw a desperate Jake, trying to communicate with Norm. She knew he was at the point of collapse. Kiri and tuk were sitting looking at their father and spider, and loak… he was out for a walk. Neytiri knew it was to cry alone. She looked at neteyam one more time, stroked his head. "calm love…the river always returns to its home, to the ocean" she could hear neteyam sobbing louder. She didn't want to think how you were, she had the feeling that you were suffering.
" norm, can you hear me!!!!" jake tries to move to find the signal. Spider holds the wires, making a kind of antenna. "yes jake, I hear you clear. What's going on?" norm says on the other end of the comlink. "they have y/n, they kidnapped her. You have to come here, you have to help me find her" norm couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I'M GOING THERE !!!! GIVE ME 1 HOUR" norm runs, to tell the others and start packing up and getting the ship ready. Jake dropped the device that looked like a portable phone, collapsed on the floor, and couldn't help but cry. What had he done wrong, kiri came over and hugged him, tuk went with her. Spider watched the scene, jake invited him into the hug. Spider joined him. "It's not your fault kid… it's not your fault" says jake. As spider looks at him. And then hugs him tighter.
Loak was walking on the beach, collecting shells for your collection. He decided that when you came back you would have new shells to organize. Tsireya came over, by now everyone in the village had heard what was going on. "loak… are you ok?" tsireya put her hand on the boy's man, he was on the ground looking for corals. She could hear him crying, she knelt down and hugged him. "They're going to find her, I promise" loak turns and hugs her. The moment was interrupted when he hears some kind of ship arriving off the coast of the village. Norm had arrived faster than he said. Loak said goodbye to tsireya and ran towards the marui.
Jake ran, towards Norm. These two hugged… it was a long hug, it was like a "I'm here brother, I'm going to help you" Norm looked at Jake and said "come on …. I've got the stuff". Jake led him to the marui, norm went inside and started to get his stuff out. Max accompanied them. Everyone in the family watched as Norm tried to locate a few things." Ok, spider you have to tell me where they were last" spider told norm everything, neteyam listened attentively. "It hurts…because we were making passes" said spider as he looked down. Not until he feels someone grab him by the throat and his body is lifted off the ground. " you fucker…if you weren't so nosy" neteyam had the boy in his hands. "NETEYAM" shouts neytiri, while jake tries to make neteyam let go of the boy. Kiri was trying to remove his brother's hands from spider's neck. Spider was losing his breath. " Wait…" he couldn't speak, jake and norm were able to make neteyam let go of spider, he fell to the floor. "are you crazy…what's wrong with you?" yells kiri to neteyam, neteyam was already walking back to where the boy was, until loak stops him. "ENOUGH, STOP IT!" shouts neytiri with tuk in her arms, the poor girl was scared. "This is no one's fault…let's calm down." Norm states. Kiri tries to help spider, this one had a big mark on her neck. While neteyam sat on the other side of the marui. The atmosphere was calming down, but it still felt tense.
"Jake… this is something almost impossible. We don't know where they went, I bet they went to base 12. The one near our camp, the one in the mountains" norm looks at jake worried. "I think the right thing to do is to go back and investigate from there, it's useless here" Norm waits for an answer from his friend. Jake looks at his family, they have all listened. "let's go, what we're waiting!!!" says neteyam. Jake looks at the others, they all approved the decision. "well so be it…sully we will go home." Jake announced, as everyone got up to prepare everything for the return. Jake decided that they would all go back in norm's ship, it was fast. Neytiri didn't like the idea, but agreed.
Before leaving Ronal approached the family. "I hope you find the girl… you know you will always be welcome here, this is your home" said Ronal as he handed her something she had prepared for you. You had won ronal's affection, she didn't want to show it, but she had cried a little. You were a wonderful girl. Neytiri wiped her face and thanked her for the gesture. "We'll be back very soon, and thanks for everything" Jake affirms. "Anything… count on us" Tonowari gives him a handshake. And lets them go. Jake knows this was going to be hard, and that it was highly unlikely they would find you easily, but he had to try.
It was already dark, you had slept all afternoon… when you awoke you saw how the view to the window had darkened. You cringed a little. You hoped this was all a dream. But no… you were alone in a room that was too cold for your taste. You walked over to the table where there was water and began to pour yourself some, your stomach growling. You hadn't eaten anything all day. wow, there's nothing to eat here. you look around and there's nothing. You sit down on a chair, and look outside. Are they looking for you? Or did they just decide to leave you here? You were asking these questions to yourself, until the door opened. And you saw a Quaritch walk in with a plate in his hands.
"I'm bringing dinner!!!" he said cheerfully and with a smile on his face. "And why do you have to bring it yourself?" you ask, as you settle into the seat. "Well… if you want someone else to bring them I'll tell them, but I promise they won't be this nice." He speaks as he places the plate on the table. You look at the food, it was kind of strange to you. The only thing you could recognize was a fruit you liked. But the rest was unknown to you. "I don't know if you'll like this… but it's some chicken, vegetables, some grains…" says Quaritch, while you let out a giggle. He looks at you curiously. "This looks disgusting." You say matter-of-factly. You were afraid this would backfire on you, but again you analyze the food. "here use this fork" you take the fork and look at the man. "I know what's dumb!!!" you shift your gaze, and play with the food. Miles stares at you as you move some things around and taste others. He gets a laugh, as you taste some and make disgusted faces. Until you taste the chicken. "mmm this doesn't taste so bad" you say as you take another bite. You are pretty sure you are eating this, because you are about to starve to death. "I was informed that your tests start tomorrow" says miles, you look at him confused." What tests?" you take another piece of chicken and eat it. "I imagine it will be some blood and stuff" your memory takes you back to all the times norm took blood from you." Oh noooo, I'm not going to do that" you say as you drop the fork on the plate. "hey relax, you have to do it…if you don't they will make you. I recommend you cooperate." Miles comments as he again falls silent.
You finish eating, and miles gets up and takes the plate. He walks to the door. "Are you coming to get me?" you ask a little shyly… you didn't trust him. But at least he hadn't treated you badly since you got here. "Well… if that's what you want. Yes" miles looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "It's okay" you say as you settle into your bed." It's okay, get some rest little one." Quaritch leaves the room, and you get more comfortable on the mattress. You were so tired, your eyes closed on their own.
The next day, you wake up when you feel a hand moving you, you turn over and open your eyes. "Hey little one … it's time to get up." Miles says, you sit up in bed. You were all asleep. And wow, you weren't ringing, you watch as Quaritch is arranging something on the table. You get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. This bathroom thing wasn't your thing, you never liked it…it was your non-preferred thing in norm's lab, but you knew how it worked. You looked in the mirror, saw how messy your hair was and noticed the little dots you had on your face. This is what neteyam meant when he said you glowed in the dark too, you smiled to yourself. You missed him so much. A voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "y/n we have 10 minutes. Let's go!!!" shouted Miles from outside. You finish using the bathroom and try to fix your hair, as your braids are in disarray. You decide to undo them, leaving your hair loose. And you make a few small braids on the sides of your face. You had to do something for you, otherwise you were going to die of sadness. You were missing Kiri, she always does your hair. You come out of the bathroom and Quaritch looks at you in surprise.
His tail is wagging from side to side. You notice his behavior, and chuckle to yourself. "You look very pretty." He says as he clears his throat and walks you out. "listen little one…" miles speaks as you walk through the halls of the complex, and boy… were they depressing. " you have a tracker on your mullet, if you run away… we'll find you." Miles says, as he looks at you again. "I hadn't noticed… you can breathe this air without any problem. It's funny" and yes, it was. You could breathe human air and pandora's air without any problem. You looked Miles up and down. He noticed your action. "Do you see anything you like?" he asks arrogantly. You groan a little." Don't get excited soldier, I have my partner" Miles laughs a little." So I was right, that guy is your partner…the blue monkey" you punch him in the arm, Quaritch is shocked. "Sorry…blue monkey? Don't you dare talk about him like that" you say annoyed. "I'm sorry, I apologize" he clears his throat. "Well, he's a lucky boy." You look at quaritch curiously. This man is strange. Very very strange.
Meanwhile in the shelter in the mountains, your search attempts seemed hopeless. There was nothing. They didn't have any contacts so they could spy inside the base. If they got too close, they knew he was going to die. Neytiri and neteyam were ready to fight, but Jake begged them not to, it was risky. Jake knew you didn't want any of them to get hurt. But he was getting desperate too. Norm had no idea what to do. They were all waiting for something to happen. "We have to do something!!!" said loak, as he gets up to walk back and forth in the lab. Neteyam was sitting, distracted. One could tell how down he was. "What if some avatar comes in and pretends to be staff?" says kiri, norm shakes his head. "They have security and as soon as they see us they'll know it's us. We are fugitives" norm shakes his head. "Don't worry, we'll keep working on this, we're not going to give up" says Jake, while an annoyed Neytiri leaves the lab room. They all stand there in silence, no one is in the mood to follow anyone.
Neytiri goes to the spirit tree, it has been months since she has been here. She knelt down and connected her braid to one of the branches of the tree. And began to pray to eywa. "please eywa…. Let my daughter be safe. Let her come back to me. Let her find a soul, who will help her come back to me. No matter how long it takes, but let her come back to me. Please." Neytiri says as tears come out of her eyes. She opens her eyes and gets up to leave. She knew you were okay, but she was afraid of what they would do to you. That was her biggest fear.
Two weeks… two weeks had passed. And you were still in that horrible place. They had done many tests. Both physical and blood tests. They discovered that your DNA was different from that of the human and the navi. It was a new strand. But you shared similarities with both races. They investigated how you were able to wear your braid, although when they tried to touch it, you would not allow it. And Quaritch confronted the scientists, saying they shouldn't do anything you didn't want. You couldn't deny it, he had been very nice to you. It was as if he was someone else… you were so sure he wasn't the same man from that forest who was yelling at you not to move. Now he was kind, funny and your companion everywhere you went. You didn't trust him completely, but you had no choice.
After several tests you began to feel bad, you thought that the discomfort was because you missed your family, but no, this discomfort came from somewhere else. Your head started to hurt, you felt dizzy and you barely touched your lunch. You tried to get comfortable in your bed, but it was useless. So you decided to call Quaritch from an "emergency" button he had placed on the table. He didn't take long to arrive, and when he entered the room he saw you lying on the floor. "Hey little one… what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "I don't know, my head is spinning" you try to explain, but you are too sick for that. Miles takes you in his arms and carries you to the nurse's office.
He's worried about you, and has been since you arrived. Even Lyle has noticed the change in the colonel's behavior, well… if he was still the colonel. His attitude was kinder, he was calmer and he was even refusing to go on some routine missions. Lyle felt like he was talking to someone else. He wasn't complaining, he liked this thousand more, he was nice, calm and he cared about others. It was weird… but Lyle knew it had something to do with you. Or something that had made him change. By chance, Lyle was walking down the hallway near the nurse's office and saw a worried Miles walking from side to side. He had his ears back and his tail was between his legs." Hey colonel, what's going on?" lyle asks him." Oh thank god you're here, y/n got really bad. I don't know what's wrong," Queritch says a little agitated. "hey, take it easy… maybe something she ate made her sick. You know she's used to navi food" lyle tries to calm miles down. "Yes, that could be it," says Miles, as he sits down on a seat outside the nurse's office. Lyle decides to join him. He didn't know what was happening to him. His colonel's heart had gone soft.
"Colonel?" speaks a scientist, coming out of the room where you were. "Yes, what happened?" Miles stood up quickly. "I don't know how to say this… I'm in shock. We did some tests. And everything was fine…until we decided to do some routine tests, you know the normal ones and…" the scientist paused. Lyle and Quaritch gave each other a worried look. It couldn't be what they thought. "The girl is pregnant." Quaritch couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were pregnant? How was that possible? "How is that possible?" Lyle asked the scientist. "Well… if she has a mate, and let's take into account that she shares similarities with the na'vis, it's possible, but you have to do other tests," says the scientist. "Do what you have to do, but carefully" says Miles, while running his hand through his hair. Lyle and Miles stand in silence, in that dark corridor. What were they going to do now?
Fun fact: Hì’i, is the name of your ilu, tuk has named her this way because she has very pretty lines on the sides of her face. Hì'i means heaven.
p.s: So what did you think of this part? I hope you like it a lot, wait for part 7… I will be uploading it very soon. A huge hug!!! <3
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 7: Not Like We Want to Be
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Synopsis: Jack makes a difficult decision regarding the future of your relationship after finding the note that you left for him
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Series Masterlist 💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
After you had basically cried yourself back to sleep once the news broke about you and Jack while the two of you were still in Paris, his phone went off on the nightstand next to him. Without disturbing you asleep on his chest, he reached over to grab it and saw that it was a text from his mom.
Mom- I don't condone cheating and raised you better than that.
He knew he had to answer her because her next step would be to call him and he didn't want to risk waking you up. And he just knew that your mom was probably right beside Maggie at this very moment trying to figure out what was going on.
Jack- I know and I should've been more careful
Mom- Excuse me!?
Jack- I'm divorcing Kelsey and I’ve been seeing Y/N for a while
Mom- Wait…..
Jack- She's getting divorced from Xavier too so we can be together
Mom- I wish you would have gone about this in a different way, but at the end of the day I want to see you happy and I know that Y/N has always made you happy
Jack- I just have to protect her because I know navigating this isn't going to be easy and it's my fault that it's on display for the entire world to see
Mom- Then you need to make sure that you listen to her and don't push her feelings to the side. She's been through a lot already
Jack- I promise that I will
Mom- Just take care of you and take care of her. I'll see you two once you get back home and tell Y/N to text her mom back
Jack- I will once she wakes up
When Jack was going to put his phone back on the nightstand, he decided not to and immediately sent a text to Neelam.
Jack- Nee
Neelam- I'm doing my best here lover boy to put out this fire, but I don't know if I can………
Jack- She told me we should've gone inside and not had been on the balcony, but I didn't listen
Neelam- Well what's done is done and there is no going back. Is Y/N okay?
Jack- No and this is all my fault
Neelam- But we shouldn't be faulted for wanting to choose happiness. I admit that it could have been done differently, but this is the happiest I’ve seen you in a long time
Jack- Um there's something else. I need a favor.
Neelam- 👀
Jack- We're going to need a pregnancy test
Neelam- 😳😳
Neelam- And the plot thickens 😭
You were woken up by Jack placing kisses all along your face and a smile instantly popped up before he kissed your nose and told you to sit up.
“Come on baby, sit up for me. Do you feel any better?” Jack asked you and for a minute you had forgotten about this morning, but still did your best to put on a brave face.
“A little.”
“You need to eat something and I have this too.” Jack replied as he held up a bag and handed it to you. Hesitantly, you opened it to see that there were three pregnancy tests staring back at you.
All you did was look back at Jack and immediately frown.
“No, you aren't getting out of this so stop looking at me like that.”
“What are you so scared about? You have me and I'm not going anywhere.” Jack said as he brushed his fingers across your face.
“It's just…. This would be a lot at one time. I can't imagine going through a divorce and being pregnant. Too much stress.” You quietly confessed as you played with one of the tests in your hands.
“But you're not alone in this, remember that.”
“I know.” You replied while kissing the tip of Jack’s nose making him smile at you.
You went quiet for a minute and Jack grew concerned and lifted your chin so that you could look at him.
“What are you thinking right now?”
“That this baby is going to have a lot of hair between the both of us.” You answered while laughing and brushing your hand through Jack’s curls.
When Jack got off the phone with Clay, he immediately called Urban to ask if he had seen you and when he told him no, his panic level had risen.
He tried calling you again and when it went straight to voice-mail once more, he resorted to calling Janelle.
“Hey, everything okay?” She asked as she was looking in the mirror attempting to put one of her lashes on.
“No, Janelle, have you seen Y/N? Is she with you?” He asked and this immediately grabbed her attention.
“What? I thought she was with you!? I asked if she wanted to hang out earlier and she told me no because she was with you.”
“No! I was out all day and I came back to find a note from her saying she's overwhelmed and needs a reset and not to look for her. How can I NOT look for her!?”
“Oh shit.” Was all Jack heard Janelle mutter.
“What do you mean oh shit?”
“This…. This isn't the first time she's done this.”
“She's done this since her first year in nursing school. You know she has anxiety and panic attacks?”
“Yeah, she's had them since we were younger.”
“Except now when it would happen when she became an adult, she would run. I mean, homegirl would disappear for WEEKS and no one would know where the hell she was and wouldn't tell us when she came back.”
“I… so what am I supposed to do!? I don't want her to be by herself!”
“Okay, okay. Breathe for a second. She couldn't have gotten far. Just…. meet me at my parents house and bring Clay and Urban. I'll call Jeremiah and I probably have to call Tania so she can get a flight out here because she would be the only one that Y/N would talk to during that time if she did talk to anyone that is.”
Feeling your phone vibrate for what seemed like the thousandth time, you pulled it out of the back pocket of your jeans and looked down to see that it was Jack.
You should have known that leaving that note was better than saying anything at all, however you also should have known that he wasn't about to let this slide and wanted to talk to you to make sure that you were okay.
The plate of your food in front of you was left untouched as you pushed it around the plate before checking the time. It was getting close to two in the morning as Ms. Isabella slid in the booth to sit across from you.
Glancing up at her, all she did was grab your hand to give it a gentle squeeze.
“Y/N….” She started to say and you knew what was about to come after.
“You have got to stop running away when things get a little difficult for you. I let this slide when you were younger, but you are turning thirty in a few months. When does it end? I know he's worried about you.” She softly said and the tears were silently falling down your cheeks as you wiped them away.
Any time you would go missing, you came home to Louisville and would go straight to Ms. Isabella at the Waffle House to talk to her. You hadn't done it in a few years so she thought that it was done and over with until she saw you walk in tonight by yourself.
You would turn off your location, come and see her, and stay in a hotel down the street until you felt ready to go back into the world again. You would be right up under your family's nose and they had no idea.
“I know. He keeps calling me and my phone is almost dead.”
“At least let him know that you're okay so he can hopefully stop worrying as much.”
“Jack? Stop worrying when it has to do with me? Not a chance.” You replied while sipping on your mango lemonade that Ms. Isabelle would only make for you when she could tell that you were sad.
“I called it from the time the two of you were eighteen that you would be married so I was definitely surprised once the two of you got married to other people. And both of you were miserable. At least that’s what both of your mom's told me.”
“I… thought Xavier was it for me, however, my feelings for Jack never went away. And that should have been my sign right there.”
“As much as I love having you here, you can't stay with me forever and you need to get some sleep. At home. In your own bed.”
“He’s going to be so mad at me.”
“We don't know that, but what you need to do is be honest about how you're feeling. He's worried more than anything.”
Just then the phone rang in the front of the restaurant and Ms. Isabelle excused herself to answer it. Once she came back to the table, she gave you a look.
“What?” You asked wondering why she was making that face.
“That was him and he's wondering if I saw you.”
“Ms. Isabella….”
“Relax. I told him that I saw you earlier in the day which wasn't a lie and that I would be on the lookout for you. However, you have an hour to get yourself together and go home to a man who loves you and wants to give you the world. Do you understand?”
“Yes ma'am.”
It was around 3:45 when you pulled into the parking garage and began to make your way upstairs. Taking a deep breath, you placed the key into the lock before turning it and making your way inside to see Jack pacing around the living room and looking down at his phone.
Once you placed your keys down, this caught his attention as he looked in your direction and was surprised to see you in front of him.
“I know you're mad at me.” You quietly said to him while he just stared back at you.
“Y/N, you can't even begin to understand how worried you had me. And the fact that I call Janelle and she tells me apparently you would do this all the time. Be gone for weeks without saying something to someone. Do you not understand how dangerous that is?”
“Yes, I know and I'm sorry.”
“Are you? You saw me calling your phone and at the VERY LEAST you could have told me that you were okay. How are we supposed to be together if you aren't honest with me and tell me things? I'm thinking that you're fine and I come home to see a note telling me not to look for you? What the hell is that?”
“I get it, I do. And I should have told you but I’m back and….”
“Do you want to be with me, yes or no? Because if not we can end this right now.” Jack asked immediately, cutting you off.
“What!? Of course I do.”
“Because this is not the first, but the second time you’ve run off and just flat out ignored me without letting me know that you were okay. I am divorcing my wife to be with you and to me it's like you aren't even taking that into consideration with the way you're acting.”
“Are you serious? And I am divorcing my husband for you! And you don't even want to be with her. I've quit my job, lost all of my got damn endorsement deals and moved back here to be with you so don't you dare say that. Well excuse me for being overwhelmed since only one person in this room is being called a homewrecking whore by the media every day and newsflash Jackman, IT ISN'T YOU.” You responded as tears were now falling down your face once again.
“And why didn't you tell me that? That's what people in relationships do! Tell me so that I can help you!”
“I just want to go to sleep.” You shot back as you roughly wiped your tears away.
“Ain't no way in hell you're walking away from this right now. Answer my question, please.”
“Because you have enough to worry about, so I figured that I could handle it on my own.”
“Hmm, and how did that work out for you? You know what? Maybe we shouldn't be together how we want to be.”
“Wait, Jackman, what are you saying?”
“You are still hesitating even though you tell me that you're all in. I get that it's a big change, it is for the both of us but I want this and I'm not really sure if you do.”
“I promise that I do and I love you.”
“Sometimes love isn't enough. I.. want us to be in a good space, but we both have things that we need to work on and work through.”
“No… baby, what are you saying?” You asked as you were now panicking.
“I don't think we should be together right now. I want to be able to love you and love you properly and I deserve the same thing in return. But, you aren't there yet. And this isn't to slight you or anything, but we're both hurting from being married to people who didn't give a damn about us and we need to heal before we can even begin to be in a healthy relationship with each other. And I love you enough to tell you the truth and be honest.” Jack said as he began to play with the ends of your hair.
“No..” You said as you were shaking your head as Jack came closer to you and brought you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.
“Baby, please. If we want to do this the right way, this needs to happen whether we like it or not. You've sacrificed a lot to be with me and I feel like I was putting too much pressure on you and I'm sorry. If you want to go back to Cali, I understand.”
“But… I want to be with you and I'm sorry and we can fix this… just…”
“This is what we have to do in order to fix it. I want to be the person who you deserve and I want to be at my very best for you. I just want you to be able to see that.”
You nodded your head as you hugged him tighter and cried into his chest as he soothingly rubbed small circles on your back.
“It's all going to be worth it, you'll see.”
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