#and /neg and i. am afraid she might see me differently
measuredoutinyears · 10 months
How do you tell your own family that you're autistic
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teriri-sayes · 5 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 291
Brief summary: The pope's group are treated well in Exion's lair because Exion wants to win them back as allies. 3rd Inquisitor barges into their room and questions Clopeh why he was the guardian knight.
Despite being the Dragon Lord's sword, Exion was a rational and intelligent dragon. He lived and acted like an aristocrat, and treated his human employees well, that they were even proud of serving under him.
But he was cunning. The pope's group were treated well, and the butler did not hide that Exion ordered it because he knew of the pope's betrayal, but wanted to win her back to his side again. He offered her a solution to her time-limited life. Of course, the pope had no intention of accepting it because she was obsessed with revenge and world destruction. Cale asked her to rethink about that though.
And that's most of the chapter. We got introduced to what kind of person Exion was and how he was viewed by different people. Cale might think he was dangerous, but given Cale's history, I think Cale would deal with him easily. 🥰 I also liked how Cale was trying to change Pope Kesilia and telling her that there was no need for her negative thoughts. I guess Cale was seeing a bit of DHB on Kesilia, and unconsciously cared for her? Or he knew that Raon was fond of her?
The chapter ended with Clopeh's meeting with the 3rd Inquisitor who was introduced last chapter. She sensed that Clopeh was the new guardian knight because she had the sheath of the sword. So... when Maxi stole the sword, she only took the blade and ditched the sword sheath? 😂
3rd Inquisitor: How is it that you, a mere human, can be the Guardian Knight of the Dragon Lord? Everyone: *silence* Clopeh: *smiles and replies calmly* I'm afraid this is the last thing I expected. I am Cale-nim's guardian knight. How can you place someone, who is nothing more than a mere dragon, a Dragon Lord, in the place where the glorious name of The One who would become a Legend is? Cale: *covers face with both hands* (I wish CH and Raon will come sooner.) Clopeh: Huh? How is that possible? 3rd Inquisitor: ??? Clopeh: How can you ask me if I'm the Dragon Lord's guardian knight and not Cale-nim's, huh? Please answer that, I'm so curious, huh? *smiles brightly* 3rd Inquisitor: *trembles at seeing the madness in Clopeh's eyes* Cale: *still covering his face with both hands* Super Rock: Wow. *genuinely impressed with Clopeh*
Clopeh, no... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 She is a future ally, don't scare her. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Meanwhile, Cale is embarrassed while Super Rock is impressed. 😂😂😂😂 And author-nim, we already know that Clopeh is one of your fave characters... No need to mention how "holy" he looks or "the white-haired man with green eyes" again and again. 😂
Ending Remarks Clopeh's craziness really brightened up an uneventful chapter. Next up would be a continuation of their meeting. Would the 3rd Inquisitor lead them to the World Tree first? Or would the pope and Cale meet Exion first? I look forward to what more crazy actions Clopeh will do. 😂
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gin-juice-tonic · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about gender identity and stuff lately, but to my shame I’m not the most educated person when it comes to lgbt related stuff. Every time I try to search it to learn more I end up freaking out and clearing my browsing history because of the feeling of being watched. I know I’m being unreasonable, but it’s stronger than me. I don’t have anyone to ask about this kind of stuff. Everyone around me is negative about lgbt, I grew up among this negativity. I’m afraid to ask my online friends because I don’t want to seem ignorant or stupid. What have I decided to do? Send an anonymous ask to a stranger about my concerns (sorry about that), whose blog helped me to accept the fact that I might not be who I though I was at the first place. It feels more safe. Back to the point.
As a teen I used she/they pronouns and a different gender-neutral name online for years. I still do it as an adult and now I realise that “she” was more like a compromise for me because it was what I used to be referred as for my whole life, but didn’t feel quite comfortable with. So it’s they/them for me, I guess. Okay. I’ve always preferred to not be related to any gender, but now I see that there’s more to it. I might be a nonbinary, but what if I’m actually an agender? I also consider the possibility of being a genderfluid because one moment I wear a dress and think that it looks good, and the other moment I cry in front of a mirror because of the idea of wearing it. So yeah, it depends on my mood. I don’t know how it works. I’m just so confused. The only thing I know that I’m not comfortable with being referred to as a female anymore. I’ve never really been.
Admittedly, as someone who is binary trans, I do not have a lot of knowledge in this area. I do know what it’s like to not know what you’re “supposed to be” though. And I know it can be frustrating and scary to be lost in trying to figure out your own identity. 
I asked some of my friends, who are nonbinary and genderfluid themselves, and the first thing we all have to say is you should allow yourself more kindness. I am sorry that you grew up around so much negativity. But I want you to know that it’s both okay to feel afraid but also okay to not know everything. If a friend is going to treat you badly for asking questions, they’re not a very good friend. 
One of my friends says the part you said about “making compromises” resonated a lot with them a lot, so you aren’t alone there. As for how you feel in a dress, clothes do not equal gender. You can like how you look in a dress without any of it having to do with girl-ishness. I suggest you try to think about why you like it when you do, and why you don’t when you don’t. My friends also suggested trying other clothes you can express yourself with. Think about why you like them, or why you don’t like them. (Of course, sometimes the answer has nothing to do with gender. I like athletic clothing because they make me look sporty, which is a neutral thing. But it’s good to know what parts aren’t related to gender at all too.) That extends beyond clothes too, any part of your presentation that you think you can play with without getting yourself into danger, you should. 
It’s tempting to feel like you have to scramble to figure out a label. Especially when advice and other people you can talk to can feel sort of “grouped” under them. And there’s a lot of knowledge to be gained that way for sure. But there’s a lot of knowledge to be gained just in figuring out what you do and don��t like. What makes you feel bad, what makes you feel at ease, what makes you super excited. You‘ve got it nailed down that you don’t like being called a female, that’s not a bad start! 
If your friends are people you think are good and kind, I would suggest reaching out to them so that you can explore things a little more with them, considering they know you better than I would. I know it's scary, but there's nothing wrong with not knowing things, and I hope they'd be aware of that too. And even if you call yourself something now and explore more into it, there's no harm if in the future it doesn't fit so good. There's no wrong way to be a gender, and more importantly there's no wrong way to be you.
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xxavengingangelxx · 3 months
Graves Defragged 2/?
Part two, y'all! Prepare to have your mind blown. Mine was. That is all :) Also keep in mind that this is how I see Graves based on my psych and criminology degree. You all might see and likely see him differently and that's okay! I'm guessing here. I'm not sure if what I'm speculating about Graves is correct.
Here we go! Not proofread :( I'm really, really tired tonight. Triggers for mentions of non-con and torture.
Item 11: Promiscuous sexual behavior = 1
C’mon, Graves is full of himself and narcissistic. He can have anyone he wants. I am hesitant to even give this a 1 given we have no idea what his sex life is like but I’m familiar with men who have similar personalities and they definitely bed whoever they want. Now, I happen to write Graves as heterosexual because that’s just how my mind created him (a lot of the story in Long Way from Home and Somewhere Only We Know were taken from some old stories I wrote where Warren Kole played a sheriff who was also a serial killer). But I sure as hell love reading him in all types of relationships!! 😉
Look at that man and tell me he and his men don’t get around they can’t get who they want. Sexy af.
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Image credit: Call of Duty Wiki
There is a good (but dark) fic written on Ao3 that involves Graves non-conning a female citizen who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Given the picture I have of Graves in my mind (he’s a monster!) I wouldn’t put it past him. But that's my point of view. Remember my version of Graves is dark, hence the warnings on my darker fics!
And KEEP…IN…MIND…his Shadows or most of his Shadows have no issues with war crimes. There’s NO TELLING what his Shadows did to female citizens in the homes they invaded. ☹ They’re nameless and faceless which is part of what makes them so terrifying (they’re also huge, okay? Maybe in more ways than one).
Item 12: Early behavior problems = 1
This is another tough one. We don’t really know anything about his childhood. But based on what we have seen with Graves I wouldn’t doubt he at least had issues managing his anger when he was a child/teen. His lack of morality might suggest that it’s something he’s had his whole life. A lack of fear, common in psychopaths, can also lead to early behavior problems because a psychopath’s limbic system is malfunctioning. It’s not built right. This in turn causes a lot of psychopaths to have no fear. No fear or acknowledgement of danger and certainly no fear of punishments.
This is similar to what we talked about above in the sections about lack of remorse and empathy. It’s NOT that Graves feels fear and ignores it. He cannot feel fear. His brain is not wired for it.
So let’s say you’re captive with Graves. Swinging at him doesn’t work, threatening doesn’t work, and actually hitting him only gets him to hit you back hard enough for you to at least lose partial consiousness or balance. If Graves is not afraid of you, not afraid of the repercusions of taking you, what the hell can you do to at least somewhat control his behavior so he at least shows more stable mood and hurts you less?
Positive reinforcement. Rewards. Psychopaths respond to rewards. Positive reinforcement means adding a desired stimulus. OC figured this out in one of my longer fics (although subconsciously) and gave  in to sleeping with Graves. As OC became more and more compliant, Graves’s behavior became less unpredictable and less violent. If she were to act out again in the future, however, he wouldn't hesitate to at least smack OC maybe even in front of their son.
Positive reinforcement, guys and gals! Give Graves little tidbits of obedience and information. You’ll be playing him and he won’t even know it. But Graves is hella good at figuring out hidden agendas/intentions. So when he does (no, not if, when) find out, he’s gonna hurt you.
Negative reinforcement is the removal of an undesirable stimulus. This works with psychopaths but not in the way positive reinforcement does. So you can stop hitting him and calling him names but it won’t work as good as you providing Graves with positive reinforcement.
Remember Graves responds to money! That is a positive reinforcer.
Item 13: Lack of realistic, long-term goals = 0
Here we have another one that does not apply to Graves. Graves shed his Marine skin with a goal in mind. It might have sounded unrealistic but Graves pulled it off. He’s a billionaire with a PMC staffed with some of the most dangerous men on Earth.
Item 14: Impulsivity = 0
We touched in this earlier when we talked about behavior controls. Graves is meticulous, thorough, detailed, and precise. The big decisions are made with painstaking order/detail. We have talked about (and we can see) that Graves might have issues controlling his actions when he is angry. Piss him off enough and he’ll smack you (Whether you are male or female! Remember he was almost giddy when he was about to torture Valeria, a woman), I can almost guarantee it. At the very least. Piss him off enough enough and he’ll put you on the floor. Piss him off beyond that, you might have to spend a few nights in a hospital.
But Graves is certainly not impulsive when it comes to big decisions. He didn’t get to be a billionaire in charge of his own PMC with contracts left and right by making a habit of being impulsive with important decisions.
Item 15: Irresponsbility = 0
At least in my eyes! You don’t get to be where Graves is, as successful as he is being irresponsible. A business as successful as his is not one built on impulsivity nor irresponsibility.
In relation to this, I’m willing to be a whole paycheck of mine that Graves vets his men better than the FBI.
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Image credit: Call of Duty Wiki
These men are so loyal they died for Graves without so much as a second thought while in Las Almas. Remember that I also touched on the fact that their loyalty for Graves goes past humanity and morality. I tried to illustrate this in a fic where Graves’s men have no issue torturing a female POW.
Look at that they did in Las Almas! They murdered citizens to include women and children. And like I mentioned before, there’s no telling what those men did when they invaded those homes before they killed their victims.
Graves didn’t like the limitations of the Marines. So why would he pick men with those moral limitations? Answer is he wouldn’t. He’d pick men who would do whatever he ordered them to do to whomever he wanted it done to. The only way I could see Graves maybe having some men with some morality is for SAR or search and rescue missions. He certainly does not want his ethically untoward men rescuing someone only to victmize said rescue subject on the ride back to the US.
Item 16: Failure to accept responsibility for own actions = 2
Graves is a pro at this, ain’t he? Remember the missle crisis he was indirectly responsible for? Instead of admitting it a whole clusterfuck of consequences cascaded because Graves and Shepherd tried to cover up what they’d done wrong.
Remember Congress? When Graves said he did not put 141 in danger? But you did, Graves (don’t tell him that…he might try to swing at you)! Your men shot first. Now, yes, Alejandro lunged at Graves. But nonlethal force should be met with nonlethal force. Graves’s men are loyal to a fault. When someone so much as steps too close to their commander, they shoot to kill.
And of course Las Almas! Those were hardcore war crimes being committed. And like I’ve mentioned before, I wouldn’t doubt that Graves’s men took a few liberties with individuals they found attractive in the homes they invaded. Not everyone might see it like that but remember the actions in Las Almas were meant to intimidate.
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Image credit: Dan Allen Gaming on YouTube
And in some of the fics I’ve written where Graves victimizes OC, Graves blames OC for the torture she suffered, telling her that if she had just given him what he wanted to begin with (homing beacon codes to find 141) she wouldn’t have suffered at all. That’d she’d have no scars on her body and no mental trauma from what was done to her. He ordered his men to carry all that out and he watched it happen but OC, the victim, is responsible. According to Graves.
I think a lot of people really underestimate how dangerous and cruel Graves’s men can be. And yet, we Graves/Shadow Company fans have a certain affection for them 😉 Because to be honest, with all the shady stuff they do, who knows how many times they’ve saved the world. All without getting thanked for it.
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Image credit: Shadow Siege Limited on Blizzard Entertainment
Item 17: Many short-term marital relationships = 0
We have no proof Graves has ever been married. It would be somewhat reasonable to conclude that Graves could be involved with quite a few sexual partners. But for marriage…we have absolutely no idea!
Item 18: Juvenile delinquency = 0
And let me tell you why. Graves was in the Marines and some positions in the Marines require a top secret security clearance. Graves’s involvement in military contracts certainly requires a top secret clearance and perhaps maybe a SCIF clearance. You cannot have any significant juvenile delinquency and be trusted with one of these.
Item 19: Revocation of conditional release = 0
None. He hasn’t been arrested (see above for my reasoning for no juvenile arrests). And if he was, I’d be willing to bet some highups in the military, CIA, and NSA would make his charges disappear.
Item 20: Criminal versitality = 2
Oh boy, if there was one item that described Graves it would be this one! This refers to the variety of criminal activity Graves is involved in. Well, we know he’s involved in some shady contracts that involve taking lives. He’s a mercenary after all. Technically, what Graves is doing, killing people for money, is illegal. Essentially invading another country and wiping a town off the map is highly illegal. Shooting to kill at 141/SAS is illegal! So not only is he involved in several types of crime but he is involved in crimes across countries, across the world.
With the money he makes, he hires nameless, faceless men with no moral compass who will then do whatever twisted deeds he tells them to and more. He also buys weapons intended to take lives for money, which is, of course, illegal.
Phew! So what does Graves score on the Psychopath Checklist?
A mere 20! The requirement for psychopathy in the US is 30 and in the UK 25.
According to Canadian psychologist Robert Hare’s research (and he’s done a lot) Graves does not quite rise to the level of psychopath. However, remember that we have very limited information. We essentially have no information about Graves’s childhood or early adulthood other than he enlisted in the Marines. With more information, his score could have gone up, remained the same, but it would not have gone down.
You’re probably like: ummmm…WTF?
And I’m with you! :D I fully expected for him to at least meet the cutoff! These posts I make are discoveries I’m making with you. I had no idea he would score so low!
Is Graves a questionable human being? You bet! Would you jump for joy if he showed interest in you (we all would haha)? But for real, he’s dangerous, he’s callous, and he can be really cruel. Just because he does not rise to the level of psychopathy does not mean he lacks remorse or lacks empathy. Those are still very real things that are part of who Graves is. This applies also to his lack of fear and his responsiveness to positive reinforcement.
Graves’s brain might look a little something like this:
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Image credit: Quora (functional MRI or fMRI that takes images as the brain is working and seeing what lights up)
There is a lack of activity in the prefrontal cortex but that activity is not totally absent. Graves might let his emotions get the better of him when he’s one-on-one but overall he’s not impulsive. I'd expect to see a little more activity in his PFC actually. You’ll also see a lack of activity in a part of the brain called the amygdala. That is part of the limbic system, a more primal part of the brain. The amygdala processes negative emotions, which explains while men like Graves do not fear punishment or danger. He will, however, respond to positive reinforcement which increase endorphins, dopamine, and other feel-good neurotransmitters.
You can also see it below! There is high activity in the frontal lobe of the control as well as reasonably high activity in the limbic system. Jim's brain shows a lack of PFC activity as well as a lack of activity deeper in the brain in the limbic system.
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Image credit: Rice University, Inside the Brains of Psychopaths
Psychopathy DOES NOT equal psychotic. They don’t mean close to the same thing. Psychopathy is mainly dictated by a lack of remorse, empathy, and fear. Psychotic means someone who is out of touch with reality. Think hallucinations, delusions, and so on. Psychotic people do not make good criminals. They’re sloppy and tend to get caught fairly quickly. A psychopath is super in touch with reality! The pick up on details and cues we do not. They do not feel fear and don’t care who they hurt, allowing them to move on with their lives. So if someone says: Graves is psychotic! You can say: ah-ah! Psychopathic :D
Y'all I'm very tired lol I hope you enjoyed. I FUCKIN LOVE talking about this stuff and I can talk about it forever! I can post soooo much more on Graves if y'all are interested :)
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margaretoakgrove · 2 years
Not a monster
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For Heisenberg it's never been a secret that here in the village he is called the most dangerous of all the four lords.
And for you, the lord's beloved, it's never been a secret either.
His reclusive life in the old factory on the very outskirts of the village, his superhuman physical strength and the power of controlling metal terrify the local villagers, making them create false rumours and foolish horror stories about him.
But you've never been afraid of him although you know that he really is dangerous but in your eyes for a completely different reason.
And the reason is his free and rebellious mind.
You are firmly convinced that the most dangerous person is the one whose mind cannot be controlled, and for you Karl has always been that kind of a man.
It doesn't matter how much time he spent in Miranda's research facility as a lab rat, she didn't manage to brainwash him and turn into her mindless and powerless slave.
The witch proclaimed herself his true mother and still calls him her son, but Karl, the only one of the four lords, knows the whole truth that is skilfully hidden behind the abominable lies.
The man knows that for Miranda he is nothing but another test subject which has become a failed vessel for her long-dead daughter. Just like his siblings and any other living soul in this godforsaken place.
Unlike Alcina, Donna and Moreau, Heisenberg never craved the love of the woman who turned his whole life into an actual hell.
To her within himself he found nothing but furious rage and hatred. Furious to the point that, being a genius at engineering by nature and with the help of his superhuman powers, he has began to create a huge army of mechanized undead soldiers, controllable by him and him alone, so one day he could make the crazy witch pay for everything she's done to him, grinding her with no mercy into paste, finally gaining desired freedom and becoming the only true ruler of his life, holding it within his own hands…
But the days when sadness pays our hearts a visit and a swarm of negative thoughts starts attacking our minds from time to time happen in the life of any human, even in the life of such a tough man like Heisenberg.
Today, feeling especially down, he bitterly told you that you shouldn't have stayed with him, that he was scared damn Miranda would take control over his mind one day and force him badly hurt or even kill you because, after all, he was a monster created by her. A very dangerous monster.
It seemed to you as if your heart cracked and began to bleed after everything he said.
"No! No, that's not true! You are not a monster! You've never been and you will never be a monster!" You slowly came to your beloved and carefully took his face within your hands. "You didn't choose this life. You didn't want anything what happened to you, but the humanity of your soul wasn't taken away, and i see so much human in you. The metal army of yours…those people…they were already dead. You didn't kill anyone of them. Miranda tried to make you feel like monster, but never forget that it's not for me but for her you are the scariest danger because she can't control nor destroy your free mind and human heart. Trust me, my dear, it's not in her power, that's why the damn witch is already failed! Karl, look at me…Please look at me…"
And he raised on you his eyes full of sorrow.
"I am not afraid of you. I love you. I accept you for who you really are and with everything you have. I want you to know that you are never alone because i am always here with you. I love you, Karl. I love you too much no matter what with all my heart. Everything is going to be alright, my love, and believe me when i say this. Together we can overcome absolutely anything!"
Heisenberg firmly closed his eyes, took your hands in his and gently kissed each palm before embracing you with all his might, nuzzling your hair. You immediately wrapped your arms around the lord's wide and strong back, slowly and tenderly rubbing it not even trying to hide the tears that were streaming down your cheeks.
Heisenberg knows perfectly well that in his life you are a bright lantern whose ever-burning light always helps him to walk through the darkness of sad days, and for that to you he is endlessly grateful.
And when the time of overwhelming sorrow is finally going away, the most powerful lord of the village is ready to fiercely fight again for his future happy life in freedom with you and only you.
For a life that no one will ever dare to ruin.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 2 months
Hey! I’m kinda struggling to understand myself at the moment so I was hoping someone else might have experience with this.
I am ace and possibly aro and about two months ago I was in a very brief relationship with a good friend of mine. We had tried to go out before but I didn’t know her that well back then so I always got scared and backed away from any kind of physical touch and we decided to just stay friends.
Now, at the time of the second attempt, we had been friends for almost two years and I felt something towards her that I would have thought were romantic feelings. I got jealous whenever she mentioned another potential girl she liked, imagined how nice it would be to live life together and stuff like that. So I asked her out and we started dating.
Only for me to find out that nothing had changed. It was as if someone had flipped a switch. The second we called each other girlfriends, I felt like I was stuck in a fight or flight situation and I wanted to avoid her desperately. So we went back to being friends.
But now, two months after that, I lie awake at night thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have called it off so quickly. I feel like she is the only one I know that really gets me and that I could see myself with in the future.
This is all so contradictory and confusing to me, so maybe if someone has experienced something similar at some point I would greatly appreciate some advice! <3
It does sound like you might be experiencing romance repulsion. Romance repulsion is negative feelings that appear in certain romantic situations (what situations depend on the person), and feelings like anxiety, fight or flight, wanting to hide from the other person, etc. are all common romance repulsion feelings.
It is possible to experience romance repulsion to someone you are also romantically attraction to, which can be confusing and hard to navigate. It's possible to experience romantic attraction up until you are actually in a relationship with that person and then have the attraction fade or disappear (if someone thinks this is happening, I always recommend looking into frayromantic, lith/akoiromantic and aegoromantic labels if the person is interested in looking more into things).
It's hard to say 100% if you were to stay in the relationship if the repulsion would have faded, repulsion can be hard to predict. But it's not something I'd recommend trying for very long because when you try and push through repulsion it usually gets worse, not better.
What does tend to work is to see if there's any way to have a relationship that doesn't set off the repulsion. For example some people might be more comfortable in a QPR (which is a catchall term for any relationship that can't be easily categorized as romantic or friendship, and tend to be heavily tailored to the people in the relationship), and then defining the relationship as platonic. So for example you can still have a committed relationship and do things you want in a relationship but leave out anything that sets off your replusion.
This doesn't work for everyone, so don't feel pressured if it's not right for you, but don't be afraid to try different things and see how they go. Remember there's no rules in what a relationship can look like and what it can involve so long as it's not harming anyone and the people in it are happy with it. Hopefully you do eventually find something that works for you.
All the best, Anon! Good luck!
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 3 months
Rules and Guidelines
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First thing first, everyone please be respectful and kind. Opinions and criticisms are welcome as long as they are respectful and polite. If I find anything in my inbox that is disrespectful or even borderline hateful, I won't respond to them.
Almost all kinds of requests are welcome but I may not write all of them. What I write depends on my mood tbh. Different AUs are also welcome.
If I don't like a request I won't write it.
I write for almost all characters.
Don't send requests with weird kinks and scenarios. I am not going to write anything like the reader being a s*x toy to a character.
I don't write full on smut. I am not good at it.
Keep the requests simple and as detailed as possible to give me a better idea about what you want.
You can send requests for both HOTD/GOT characters and my OCs
Sometimes I will update 2-3 times a day and sometimes I won't update at all for a week or month. This is just a time pass/hobby for me, not a full-time job.
There will be some n*n c*n, in**st, angst, anything 18+ etc etc here. You have been warned beforehand. If you don't like it then feel free to block me.
Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Writers put a lot of their time and creativity into writing content for free, and it really sucks to see someone else stealing the hard work.
Both team green and team black supporters are welcome here.
Keep in mind that Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon is a fictional work. Just enjoy it and not let it impact your real life
My OCs
My OCs can be used/written in different eras and different AUs.
Viseriya Targaryen: Originally created her as Maegor the Cruel's niece. Her mother is Rhaella (OC, Maegor's sister in that era). Could use her as Rhaenyra's daughter (HOTD), or Daenerys's sister, etc. She has a thirst for power and won't hesitate to sacrifice anyone who doesn't matter to her, but will fiercely protect any she truly cares for and loves.
Rhaella Targaryen: Maegor's sister in that era. Viserys's sister in HOTD. She is power-hungry. Known as one of the most beautiful Targaryen. Wants her daughter to be queen. Taught Viserya (her daughter, OC) how to control and manipulate both men and women. Definitely not winning the mother of the year award. If she was in Otto's place she would have sent her daughter to Viserys' room. In HOTD she and Otto have an affair going on.
Aerion Targaryen: In Maegor's era he is Maegor's brother. Cruel and mad. Completely loyal to Maegor. Could be Rhaella's husband and Viseriya's father in some AUs. And Viserys's and Daemon's brother, the middle child. He may be cruel but he is winning the father of the year award. In one AU he and Alicent are having an affair, Aemond might be his son.
Maegor ii Targaryen: Maegor the cruel's son and heir. Just like his father. Has a weird obsession with Targ women, especially Rhaella and Viseriya (OCs). A complete red flag and a negative character.
Aerys Targaryen: Alicent's firstborn son and the one who usurpers Rhaenyra. Hates Viserys with all his heart. Could be Aerion and Alicent's affair child on a different AU. A Targ traditionalist and believes the throne belongs to him.
Daenara Targaryen: Alicent's eldest daughter. Married to Aerys (OC). Shares the same sentiment and views as Aerys. Some believe there is something going on between her and Ser Criston Cole. She is a warrior and would rather be on her dragon and fighting her enemy and sit in the castle and wait.
Rhaeon Targaryen: Daemon's eldest child and firstborn son. Just like his father. Hates the Hightowers and the Greens, especially Aerys. He is not afraid of taking risks and is a crazy mastermind. Has a lot of battle scars. He was present at the scene when Aemond lost his eye.
Lyra Stark: Originally created her as Ned Stark's eldest daughter. Tywin marries her against her will to get control of the North. Depending on the AU she could be a submissive who later falls in love with Tywin or a manipulator who uses Tywin to get the north. For HOTD she could be Cregan Stark's sister. For the conqueror's era she could be Aegon's third wife. For Maegor's era she and Aerion fell in love and she eloped with him the night before her wedding to another man.
Jocelyn Lannister: Originally she was created as Tywin's daughter. She is known to be extremely beautiful, cunning, and seductive. She inherited Tywin's brain and his hunger for power. On the outside, she seems kind and loving but she is actually worse than Cersei if need be.  
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a Mai-Azula-Ty Lee analysis bc i have Many feelings
so this is definitely super random for my blog, but i just rewatched the boiling rock (bc ofc i did lmao) and i've been obsessed w this quote since like age ten, but it just hit different this time around and i feel the need to share:
"You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you."
so. here's the thing. this quote is objectively insane for a million reasons, but i want to talk about some of the parallels we can pull from it bc imo it makes it so. much. WORSE.
"No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more!"
here comes the main theme of this post: fear, juxtaposed with love.
i do genuinely believe that Azula loved Mai and Ty Lee. not in the way typical friends love one another, because Azula is not a typical person who learned to love in a typical way, but love nonetheless.
(we can trace this back to her relationship with her father VS her relationship with her mother. Azula had a very distinctive way of looking at her childhood: she was her father's daughter, and Zuko was her mother's son. while we never saw Azula's reaction to his banishment, whether it was positive or negative, this surely cemented this idea for her. once their mother was gone, her father had no use for him. but of course he still had use for her—he loved her.
and if her father loved her, in a father-daughter relationship fueled by fear and intimidation, and her mother didn't, in a mother-daughter relationship that wasn't, what do you think she learned of love? but we'll bring this idea back later.)
she loved them, and she trusted them, and they betrayed her.
but before i really dig into the quote, i want to go over this love-fear juxtaposition, because it is a common theme throughout her character arc as she spirals further and further.
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this scene is set after the betrayal, and the fact that they brought in a hallucination of her mother is very, very important.
once again, these opposing feelings of fear and love are brought back again. before, i said that Ursa and Azula's relationship wasn't fueled by fear. but is that true? Azula says very clearly here that her mother fears her and thinks that she's a monster. And this hallucination of her mother, a figment of all her worst fears and regrets and internal conflicts, brings up Mai and Ty Lee.
And then:
Even you fear me. No. I love you, Azula. I do.
"even you fear me" "no. i love you"? this is so, so crucial to what we know about Azula and her perception of love. she views love and fear to be very closely linked, even intertwined, not something to be separated in such a way.
even you fear me — but do you love me? i don't know if you do. but you fearing me does not stop you from loving me. they are not separate entities. i do not know how to be loved if i am not feared.
no. i love you — you are my daughter. i do not fear you. i love you. they can be separate. i love you without fearing you. no, i do not fear you. i love you.
and this is Azula's breaking point. tears stream down her face and she shatters the mirror. this separation of fear and love—it's too much. she doesn't know how to handle it. she knows fear without love, but she does not know love without fear.
her relationship with Zuko is another prime example. i fully believe that Azula loved her brother, or at least cared for him in some capacity. you see it in scenes such as these:
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she had no reasonable ulterior motive here. she genuinely was trying to help him and look after him—but he's also afraid of her. he's afraid of what she might do or what she wants from him, even if in this particular scene that fear is unnecessary.
even when she recruited Ty Lee, she used fear to get Ty Lee to join her:
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Ty Lee is legitimately happy to see Azula, but you can see the fear on her face when she turns down Azula's offer to search for the Avatar. and then, you can see that fear again when Azula tells her she'll be attending her show. and of course, Azula sets the net on fire, and Ty Lee ends up accepting Azula's offer.
i do believe Ty Lee and Azula had genuine love for one another, but Azula just never knew how to have that love without the fear.
and finally, we come back to the quote.
I love Zuko more than I fear you. / You should've feared me more.
or: I love Zuko more than I love you. / You should've loved me more.
the use of the word "miscalculated" fits perfectly here. everyone adores Azula. she's the prodigy, the crown princess, the Fire Nation's darling. no one is supposed to love Zuko. Zuko is the failure, the banished prince, their nation's greatest shame.
you miscalculated. you were supposed to love me. you were my friend. you were my ally. i trusted you. i made you fear me. you were supposed to love me. no one loves Zuko. everyone loves me.
you miscalculated. love doesn't work like that. love doesn't come with fear. fear chases love away. you made me fear you. you made me hate you. i chose Zuko, because you don't know how to love.
and it all always comes back to Zuko, doesn't it?
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but i'm yours. Zuko was mother's, and mother is long gone, and see, Zuko was a traitor. Zuko was nothing. you treated Zuko terribly because Zuko wasn't yours. but i am. i am your daughter. i am your prodigy. i am your princess. i am your heir. how dare you treat me like him. like nothing. how dare you.
i also believe that this was the true final blow that sent her spiraling into her downfall. she's extremely vulnerable here: her two most trusted friends and allies have just betrayed her, and here it is, another betrayal. where she is usually cool and collected, she is snappy and hot-headed, here.
his betrayal is quickly and immediately rectified when he informs her she will become the new Firelord. see, she's not like Zuko. Zuko is banished with no crown and no legacy. she is different. she is her father's child. Zuko is her mother's. she gets the throne. he gets nothing.
but Mai still chose Zuko. and she was absolutely furious, of course, but even this she could still handle. it's what happens after that she can't.
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The thing I don't understand is why. Why would you do it?
why would you choose him? why would you choose Zuko? only one person ever chose Zuko: Mother. but she doesn't matter. she's gone. but why. why. (why do they keep choosing Zuko?)
and then, probably my favorite shot in the entire series:
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Ty Lee looks at Mai, then Azula. it's barely a second long, but it speaks volumes. she's making a decision. Mai, or Azula? Mai, or Azula?
throughout our time with Ozai's Angels, it's obvious that Ty Lee is Azula's right hand woman. she goes with her everywhere. even in this scene, Ty Lee is right next to Azula the whole time.
and Mai chose Zuko. Mai chose Zuko. she says that "I love Zuko more than I love you" and she should've loved her more, and so now Azula is going to kill her. she's about to summon her lightning, and—
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so Ty Lee chose Mai. and Mai chose Zuko. and her mother chose Zuko. and Azula chose her father and her nation and her ambition, and she thought her father chose her, and he did, he did.
thing about Azula: she loves. she loves Zuko, and she loves Ty Lee, and she loves Mai. but she doesn't prioritize her love the way Zuko does. her love comes last. her father comes before her love. before her father, her nation. but before all of that, her ambition.
for her ambition to ever come to fruition, she needs fear, doesn't she?
and Zuko fears her.
so she wins. right?
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she loses.
she gave up everything, absolutely everything, and she. still. loses. to fucking Zuko.
he won their mother's love. he won Mai. he, indirectly, won Ty Lee. and now he won the crown, her crown.
Azula, born lucky, born a prodigy, never wins.
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borderlinereminders · 1 month
this might be too personal/complicated/heavy for you to answer, no problem at all if you just delete this ask
tw: suicidal ideation
I have no idea to who and how it is okay to talk to about suicidal thoughts. I'm not looking for help, I'm coping well at the moment, it's just really really lonely to keep quiet about something that feels so big and i would like to have someone to share my problems with, but I am very scared to overburden people like i used to do and make them worried for my life every time i retreat and disappear for a while.
It looks like I'm not getting any therapist in the next couple years. I tried to talk to a psychiatric nurse about this when I was in a clinic, but she made that conversation about why im afraid to tell others, implying that the negative consequences I see are mostly just anxiety. Which, uh, they are definitely not and that conversation was pretty discouraging.
I'm trying my best and for the moment I'm doing pretty well, but I don't believe that I'll get old. I'd like to talk about that to some close friends, but it seems like a way too big emotional burden to put on someone who would probably blame themselves if something does happen. I don't have a diagnosis yet, so I don't know if I could access self help groups either.
It would be nice if you could share how you would handle this and your thoughts?
Either way, thank you for your work<3
Hi anon!
How I’ve dealt with this is I’ve sat down and had the hard conversations with my loved ones about what their boundaries are and what mine are.
Some of my friends will ask me if I’m in a head space for a heavy topic before telling me things. That’s a really respectful thing to do! Certain people, like my best friend, have my consent to just dump whatever in a text to me or call me at any time with a heavy topic. I have different rules for different relationships.
Talk to your friends about these feelings of being unsure what’s okay to share. It’s so valid to be unsure but I honestly find people appreciate being approached and asked what’s okay. Maybe you can come up with some guidelines together. Each relationship is different and each person has their own boundaries. There’s no one answer.
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thelovelyfawnsworld · 2 months
I can’t help but think about Elain when I listen to Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
I can’t help but be reminded of the things she endured and the nasty things this fandom has said about her while I listen to this song. So here are some lyrics from the song that is just so Elain coded:
You don't get to tell me about sad… I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?
Most people often disregard Elain’s trauma. I’ve read people defend Nesta’s nasty behavior towards other people, they always say that it was because of her trauma. But they would tear Elain to shreds because she spent months in her room, withering away after they had been turned into Faes. That she should’ve just told her sisters what she was seeing instead of babbling poetic nonsense to them and wasting away.
If you could understand Nesta’s response to trauma, why couldn’t you understand Elain? Nesta wasn’t the only one who went through tons of trauma. In fact, it is explicitly stated in the book that Elain was the one who had so much to lose. She was engaged to a human, she was supposed to marry and have a future with that man even if he was a fae-hating human. She wanted that future with him and was looking forward to it. But suddenly she’s kidnapped, dunked into a massive tub, turned into a fae after who knows what she experienced inside that tub, and then she suddenly kept seeing things she couldn’t comprehend.
Of course, Elain would grieve for her human life. She did not only grieve the death of her humanity but also the death of her future family that she was looking forward to create. She grieved silently and she was miserable.
The scandal was contained… At all costs, keep your good name. You don't get to tell me you feel bad.
Now, this might be a little bit of a head cannon. But in my mind the scandal in this line would be that fateful night with Azriel which Rhysand stopped when he caught them. It would have been a scandal, an issue if they were caught by Elain’s supposed mate. There would have been repercussions that may lead to another conflict or war. But thankfully, Rhysand had contained that scandal by ordering Azriel from ever pursuing whatever they had.
Now, Elain must keep her good name, be the good little girl she is, and play as a pawn in this little political chess game that Rhysand and the other high lords are playing. But in my head, they don’t get to tell Elain that they feel bad for her if they ever see her act negatively, or even act sad because of what happened between her and Azriel. They don’t get to tell her they feel bad when they had caused it. (I’m looking at you, Rhysand.)
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
In this line, I am reminded of the people who always complain about Elain’s character, how boring she is because she’s not the typical strong warrior-like female protagonist like her sisters. But really, you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised her. You wouldn’t last an hour in Mama Archeron’s grooming. You wouldn’t survive being controlled all your life like Elain.
'Cause you lured me
This reminds me of that dream Feyre had in ACOWAR where Elain had been lured by this image of Graysen, only to be captured by Hybern. Yup, that’s the only thought I have here.
You caged me and then you called me crazy
“You caged me,” everyone caged Elain to be this sweet, soft, kind, and gentle woman. She was caged by the expectations of other people. She is expected to follow the image that was set upon her at a younger age. She was often stifled by the people around her.
And then, when she acted differently, when she started babbling nonsense and just staring with a glazed look, the same people thought she was going crazy.
I am what I am 'cause you trained me
Again, readers may find Elain boring and so bland. But she is this sweet, gentle, and soft lady because she was trained to be like this. She is like this because she was groomed. How would she break free from this mold if all her life, she’s been taught to be like this? If she was never given a chance?
I’m sorry that Elain was a victim of grooming, that she couldn’t fit the standard you created for a female protagonist. I’m sorry that she doesn’t fit the mold that you created for an exciting protagonist.
this is what happens when your two hyperfixation is taylor swift and elriel
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markantonys · 10 months
I am so curious how RandAvi relationship is gonna develop in the show and what their dynamic will be like. I imagine it to be at least a bit different considering they're both in different places at the end of season 2 (both literally and potentially emotionally).
yeah i can't wait to see what the vibes are like!!!!! finally getting to see avirand (& finally getting a true sense of the show's polycule adaptational direction in general) is my third most anticipated thing for season 3 (first most anticipated is gawyn and second most anticipated is cauthor cpr djkfgjh)
there are a couple significant book avirand elements that i'm skeptical will make the show: 1) rand is already involved with elayne and aviendha feels guilty about liking her friend's man, 2) aviendha saw in the silver rings that she is fated to love rand. but i believe the overall vibes of the relationship could still be preserved without those!
as i was talking about the other day, i think #1 is almost certainly out seeing as timeline-wise it just doesn't work to make randlayne happen before avirand in the show. and i will be thrilled to see this element removed! i adore avirand both as a ship and as individuals, but this element was Not a good look for them (rand & elayne's official relationship status is neither here nor there - the fact that avi KNOWS elayne has current feelings for rand and will be hurt by avi sleeping with him is the issue (which avi herself rightfully acknowledges & feels incredibly guilty about & works to make amends with elayne), and as for rand, i suppose elayne's plot device conflicting letters give him plausible deniability, but, well, if you really have to get into the weeds of proving why something isn't TECHNICALLY cheating, then you're already on shaky ground haha). and ESPECIALLY in a poly situation i think it would be a very very good move for the show to stay away from anything like "rand hooks up with a new woman because he thinks of himself as single even though his previous woman still considers herself attached to him in some way, unbeknownst to him" because as we know, "it's just cheating" is the biggest negative stereotype against polyamory, so the show would do well to steer as clear from that as possible imo, and i have faith it will do so since i doubt it will share RJ's strange insistence on getting rand into a polycule without him having any idea he's getting into a polycule until the last possible second lmao and will instead let rand participate in the poly negotiations directly. with luck, we will avoid most instances of Forced Miscommunication where WOT romances are concerned! (but believable miscommunication would be a-okay with me.)
so let's say all of the elayne-related conflicts for avirand are out. what might replace them? the obvious thing is that aviendha instead feels conflicted for egwene's sake, since she's aviendha's friend as well and also has involvement with rand. this would be a very similar vibe as the elayne-related conflicts, but would work better and not stray so much into questionable territory because egwene's relationship with rand is fully in the past and both parties are in agreement on that, and because egwene is there with avirand in person and can give them her blessing right off the bat.
so that's one possibility. but at the end of the day, the core of avirand is simply "they clash at first and resist their feelings for each other, but eventually give in" and there's any number of things baked into the story that could accomplish this same vibe - it doesn't strictly need to be related to aviendha feeling conflict over rand's relationships with others. some other possibilities include but are not limited to: culture clashes, personality clashes, rand is resistant to get close to a new person romantically after lanfear (for his own sake bc it gave him trust issues and/or for the other person's sake bc he's afraid it'd make lanfear target them), aviendha's going through a major unwanted life change in her transition from maiden to wise one and has gotten the other life change of falling in love tangled up with that in her mind, aviendha has complicated feelings towards the car'a'carn and/or resents rand for being the prophesied destroyer of her people's way of life, etc etc etc.
there's a TON of juicy stuff to choose from, so i would imagine we do still get some degree of an enemies-to-lovers, push-and-pull tension between show!avirand! it's a really fun vibe, and the show can easily capture it, even if it needs to change some of the specifics (and that would be in keeping with the show's general approach of "different details, same vibe"). however, there's always a chance they might go for a different vibe! one thing i found noteworthy is that aviendha seemed much more easygoing and lighthearted in s2 than she is in TSR-TFOH, so maybe the vibes of the relationship will be adjusted accordingly. on the other hand, in s2 we see aviendha as a maiden, we see her at peak self-confidence and we see her interacting largely with someone she's decided she likes (perrin), so naturally she's in a good mood! in s3 when she learns she has to become a wise one, her self-confidence will be shaken and she'll be feeling pretty adrift and unhappy, and on top of that if she and rand get off on the wrong foot and she decides she doesn't like him, then we might see Grumpy Aviendha emerge more strongly, which would bring us back to our book vibes of avirand bickering and needling each other. (which would be really fun to see in the show bc it's such a different vibe than the High School Sweethearts & FWB-To-Lovers we've seen with rand's show romances so far. and the show's emphasized how rand has a soft gooey core but can get very stubborn and lash out when pushed, so i think he would vibe really well in an Irritants-To-Lovers arc!)
okay finally making my way back to potentially-cut-element #2, the silver rings. the only real reason that's needed in the books is so that RJ could force aviendha to Give In and sleep with someone she considers her friend's boyfriend. but if her obstacles towards giving into her feelings for rand are more just "he's annoying" than "it would majorly violate my personal code of honor", then she doesn't need to be given a Huge Inevitable Reason about why she must sleep with him, and thus there's no real reason to include Fated Romance angle imo (especially since avirand has a ton going on even without it, and we already will have 2 Fated Romances in rand/min & mat/tuon where the Fated Romance portion is actually a key element - so for avirand where it is not a key element, the show may as well cut it out so as not to overdo Fated Romances since we know how much RJ loved that trope). not to say that aviendha won't still go to rhuidean or that the silver rings would be cut, of course! just that the specific element of her learning she's fated to love rand may not feature (or it may! there's also no huge reason why it SHOULD be cut, besides just cutting down on the number of Fated Romances IF they even decide they want to cut down on that. maybe they won't want to!)
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thewatcher727 · 9 days
Updated 7th August 2024
Time for introductions!
Greetings to all you lovely people. My name is Jack (or John as I commonly go by). Welcome to my Tumblr! I took an interest in writing FanFictions back in 2012. I’ve written several stories, also took breaks here and there, but now I am back and writing primarily for Sonic! It’s a franchise I’ve adored since I was a kid and I always wanted to find the confidence to write stories around them. With that said and done, I post regular previews to my next updates. Feel free to drop me a message anytime!
FanFiction Profile:
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Writing & Reviewing Tips & Advice:
I've been writing FanFictions for over 10 years now. It's safe to say I've learned a thing or two. That's why I wanted to take this time to share what I have learned with you guys. However, one thing I do want to make perfectly clear is I am not a professional writer at all. These tips are solely based on my own personal experiences.
Review Tips:
What Is Constructive Criticism?
Don't Be Afraid To Speak Your Mind
Understand The Difference Between Constructive Feedback And Just Being Mean
Explain Properly Why You Like Or Dislike Something
Don't Take Offense If The Reader Doesn't Decide To Take Your Feedback On. It's Up To Them
Remember, At The End Of The Day, It Is Just Your Opinion. You Might Not Always Be Factually Right
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Expressing Your True Thoughts
Clarify How Feedback Benefits The Story
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Don't Worry About Making It Perfect
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Be Inspired, Not Controlled
Make Sure To Have People Who Tell You The Truth, Not What You Want To Hear
How To Make A Scene Immersive
There’s Always Different Ways To Approach Writing
Revise and Shine
Portraying Characters Out Of Character
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Writing Description Notes:
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Writing Description Notes
A handy list of my Sonic FanFictions:
The Untold Tales Verse
Have you ever wondered what Sonic and friends were up to between thrilling escapades? The Untold Tales Verse is a groundbreaking series that unravels the enigmatic gaps in the Sonic universe
Sonic: The Tournament of Chaos
Plot Summary: Weeks have passed since liberating the world from Dr. Eggman. The announcement of the mysterious tournament with the Chaos Emeralds as the prize calls Sonic the Hedgehog back once again. Determined to win the powerful gems, Sonic assembles his team for their toughest battle yet. (Story 1 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14084460/1/Sonic-The-Tournament-of-Chaos
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49636771/chapters/125281660
Be One World, Be The Light
Plot Summary: Plagued with nightmares of a future that never came to be, Silver the Hedgehog seeks answers in the past. Meanwhile, Blaze the Cat is confronted by a being like no other who threatens to erase those she cares for. Join the heroes as they learn some secrets are best remained buried. (Story 2 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14128690/1/Be-One-World-Be-The-Light
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49716742/chapters/125491246
Our New Life Together
Plot Summary: Reunited at last, Blaze and Silver begin their new lives together in the Sol Dimension. While spirits are high, emotional pain continues to leave invisible scars. Follow the reunited friends as they learn the true meaning of friendship and adventure. (Spin-Off of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14165460/1/Our-New-Life-Together
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49951156/chapters/126114025
Sonic Chronicles: Return of the Dark Brotherhood
Plot Summary: Shade's loyalty is put to the test as the Nocturnus Clan make their return. As they face their greatest challenge yet, the heroes reflect on the memories they've made and the bonds of their friendship that will last forever. With high stakes and dangerous obstacles ahead, they must come together to save their world one last time. (Story 3 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14214179/1/Sonic-Chronicles-Return-of-the-Dark-Brotherhood
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49951984/chapters/126116539
After The Storm
Plot Summary: The heroes find themselves grappling with the aftermath of their greatest challenges yet. Memories of triumph and sacrifice linger as they lean on each other for support. With the past as their guide and the future as their horizon, they stand resolute, ready to write the next chapter of their legendary journey. (Story 4 of the Untold Tales Verse)
Status: In Progress (Updated 14th September 2024)
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14341784/1/After-The-Storm
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54817303/chapters/138943699
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again Verse
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter.
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again
Plot Summary: After the defeat of the Meterax, Sonic and his friends return home, relieved to finally be back where they belong. However, their respite is short-lived as new adventures beckon. With peace restored, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and the rest of the gang find themselves facing fresh challenges and foes. Sonic’s back in style! So watch out… For Sonic X!
Status: In Progress (Updated 9th August 2024)
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14344080/1/Sonic-X-Gotta-Go-Fast-Again
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54991219/chapters/139406080
Solo Chronicles
Dive into Sonic's world through standalone stories that break free from the constraints of continuity, offering fresh adventures and endless tales.
The Lone Guardian: Shadow's Search For Purpose In A New World
Plot Summary: Shadow the Hedgehog finds himself at a crossroad. After living for over 100 years, he is filled with a sense of emptiness, wondering what his purpose is now that he has outlived his friends and allies. As he wanders through the deserted Station Square and visits Angel Island, he is visited by a friendly face who helps him to understand that he still has a purpose.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14196978/1/The-Lone-Guardian-Shadow-s-Search-For-Purpose-In-A-New-World
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50273557
Chaos At Play: Sonic & Friends Take On The Ultimate Day Off
Plot Summary: Sonic and his friends take a much-needed break from their usual battles with Eggman, enjoying a day of fun and relaxation. As they explore their world without the pressure of danger looming over them, they discover new things about each other and themselves, forging stronger bonds along the way.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14200635/1/Chaos-At-Play-Sonic-Friends-Take-On-The-Ultimate-Day-Off
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50830051
Sonic & Amy's First Date: A Night To Remember
Plot Summary: After years of asking, Sonic finally agrees to take Amy out on a date. But the blue hedgehog has no idea what to do on a date. Join the two hedgehogs as they experience a night to remember forever.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14203138/1/Sonic-Amy-s-First-Date-A-Night-To-Remember
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51156406
Whispers In The Storm
Plot Summary: In the midst of a stormy night, Amy finds unexpected solace and security when Shadow seeks refuge in her cottage. As the rain persists, their shared moments become a cherished memory, leaving both of them contemplating the possibility of something new. Through acts of gratitude and heartfelt conversations, their connection deepens, revealing the potential for a lasting bond.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14292740/1/Whispers-In-The-Storm
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51156646
Under The Sun, Beside The Star
Plot Summary: In a world finally at peace after the absence of Eggman and Starline, Sun the Hedgehog finds the courage to ask out his long-time crush, Staria Amantha. Together, Sun and Staria navigate the highs and lows of their budding relationship, discovering that love can be just as thrilling and unpredictable as any battle they've faced before. (Non-canon story set within the Werehog Verse)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14299175/1/Under-The-Sun-Beside-The-Star
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51649651
The Art of Dance
Plot Summary: As the Celestial Yuletide loomed on the horizon, Blaze prepared to embark on another Christmas keeping suitors at bay. But her plans take an interesting twist when Silver unexpectedly dropped by for another visit. Little did he know, this particular visit would lead him to an intriguing crossroads of a shared adventure, where they discover the true magic of the art of dance.
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14310640/1/The-Art-of-Dance
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52520977
Gala of Secrets
Plot Summary: Shadow and Rouge are assigned to infiltrate a high-society gala to recover a dangerous illegal artifact. As they navigate the glamorous but treacherous world of the elite, Shadow's past comes to light once more, bringing new challenges to light. Through thrilling espionage and unexpected revelations, Shadow and Rouge discover the power of trust and friendship in the face of adversity.
(Co-written with FantasyLover88!)
Status: Completed
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14366564/1/Gala-of-Secrets
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56791795
Tumblr Exclusive Writing Snippets:
These are basically just random little one shot ideas I have for short and simple stories. They won't have as much writing detail as my longer stories simply because I just wanted these little fics to tell their tale and leave it at that. Enjoy.
Plot Summary: The world was saved, but at what cost?
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/708869363083722752/tumblur-exclusive-one-shot-grief
Thank You, Amy
Plot Summary: He never thanked her for her kindness... Until now.
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/708903835723251712/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-thank-you-amy
Partners Forever
Plot Summary: Shadow has something he really needs to share with Rouge.
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/708904149510750208/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-partners-forever
Omega's Quest For Societal Integration
Plot Summary: Omega excels at many things, but social interaction is not amongst his many skills.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/708982688851410944/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-omegas-quest-for
My Favorite Pillow
Plot Summary: Silver would do anything for Blaze, including being her favorite pillow when she's exhausted.
Link: https://thewatcher727.tumblr.com/post/709345935722938368/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-my-favourite-pillow
The Rage Of A Gentle Soul
Plot Summary: Mephiles is about to face the most dangerous being of all - a gentle soul consumed by rage.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/709785881501925376/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-the-rage-of-a-gentle
You're My Brother
Plot Summary: Sonic and Tails reflect on their adventures together.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/709983044341219328/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-youre-my-brother
Plot Summary: Knuckles and Blaze reflect on their roles as guardians.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/710613374615126016/tumblr-exclusive-guardians
I Miss Him Too
Plot Summary: Rouge just wanted to know if Shadow was really gone again.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/711247550498439168/tumblr-exclusive-i-miss-him-too
Cooking Lessons With Silver
Plot Summary: Romance in the kitchen?
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/711881748974288896/tumblr-exclusive-cooking-lessons-with-silver
Who's Weak Now?
Plot Summary: Infinite makes Shadow relive his worse moment.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/712515963622490112/tumblr-exclusive-whos-weak-now
High Five Mishap
Plot Summary: Amy doesn't quite realize her own strength at times.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/713150096977657856/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-high-five-mishap
Storm Preparations
Plot Summary: Team Dark hunker down for the night as a storm rolls in.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/713784233154494464/tumblr-exclusive-storm-preparations
The Outsider
Plot Summary: Blaze has always felt like an outcast, until now. Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/714418448587014144/tumblr-exclusive-the-outsider
Story Time With Shadow
Plot Summary: Shadow has quite a talent for storytelling. Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/715052667581366272/tumblr-exclusive-story-time-with-shadow
The Joys Of Chao Dolls
Plot Summary: Omega has quite the fascination with Chao.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/715686831089500160/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-the-joys-of-chao-toys
The Last Dance
Plot Summary: Why does Rouge have to be so difficult?
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/thewatcher727/728521629009870848/tumblr-exclusive-one-shot-the-last-dance
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demadogs · 2 years
heyy what are your thoughts on Mike's monologue? Do you think he was being honest or it was a half truth or something? I'm really curious abt what you think bc honestly I'm not sure myself
this might be long i havent dove into this scene in a while.
the short answer is i think it was a mix of some sad truths disguised as romance, things he believes she wants to hear (but is completely wrong), and just straight up lies. but the biggest thing is that what he thought she wanted to hear was what will told him in the van, unaware that those were wills feelings not els.
but before i even talk about it lets just LOOK at the scene. this is what every other romantic scene in the show has looked like:
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and this was allegedly mike and el’s “most romantic scene”.
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they are not happy here. this was right before mike said he loves her and right after. one of the biggest differences in this scene compared to the other ships is the fact that both of them we’re forced into this conversation. mike was NOT going to say any of this. will had to push him to continue. meanwhile el is physically restrained from responding to him. she was forced to listen to him and mike felt like he was forced to say it.
anyways now im gonna analyze the actual content of the monologue:
sad truths disguised as romance:
“i dont know how to live without you”
i think this is true and it could be a romantic line but it could also be really sad. it reminds me of when finn (or millie i dont remember) said that they were like a married couple with no option of divorce. i think what mike really meant by this is that hes scared to confront who he really is without el. he actually already did confront this version of himself after she and will moved. i think when he was without either of them he realized his true feelings and hated it and he just wants to go back to who he was before he figured it out.
“i feel like my life started that day i found you in the woods”
im not as confident in this one but it could honestly be extremely sad when looked at from a different lens. it was the first night after will went missing. it was the first time things in his life got weird and unexplainable. losing will and finding el is what led to all the supernatural trauma theyve been through. i dont think mike associates el with trauma but that night in the woods did change all of their lives forever and nothing has been normal since that night. when mike told will asking him to be his friend was the best thing hes ever done, thats said in a way that could not be interpreted any other way, especially not in any negative way. this can. (that being said im not negating how much mike genuinely does care about her and im not saying he wishes he never found her or anything like that).
then it gets so complicated because the only way mike knew how to reach her was through everything will said to him in the van, not knowing that everything will said was referring to HIS feelings, not els.
what mike thinks she wants to hear (based on what will said):
mike tells el “im afraid that one day you wont need me anymore” directly referring to when will told him that she (he) will always need him and then we see this shot.
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a lot of people interpret this clip as will just being sad that mike loves her but i think here he might actually be realizing that mikes using his own feelings unknowingly to reach her and he feels guilty about it.
will also told mike that “you make her feel like shes not a mistake at all, like shes better for being different and that gives her the courage to fight on” which actually is not the case for el AT ALL. that was the entire reason for their fight in volume one. el told him “i am different i do not belong” and that he thinks shes a monster and thats why she doesnt love him. she doesnt wanna be loved for being different. but will made mike think she does. these are els reactions to when he brings up her powers:
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“youre my superhero”
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“you can move mountains, you can fly”
during the whole monologue shes crying but both times he brings up her powers she stops and just looks mad. she looks like she just realized something and shes not happy about it.
i think will completely unintentionally made mlvn so much worse with his veiled confession in the van.
just straight up lies:
“and i knew right then and there that i loved you” (referring to the very first moment he saw her in the woods.)
this is the biggest lie of the whole monologue and i dont always like to bring in social media and marketing to my analyses but when i watched this for the first time, the SECOND he said this i immediately thought of this tweet:
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we also have proof in the show itself that he didnt feel this way. he brings her home because he just found a lost girl in the woods in the pouring rain. and then he and lucas and dustin immediately come up with a plan on how to get her back to wherever she came from so that the next day they can go back outside and find will.
“i love you on your bad days”
immediately debunked. mikes a fucking BITCH on her bad days. even will thinks so.
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“i love you for exactly who you are”
he doesnt even talk about who she is??? at the beginning of the season we had that whole scene of nancy and jonathan talking about all the reasons they love each other and what does mike love about el? that shes a superhero?
and THEN after the monologue is over its not even mike who gives her the courage to fight on! ITS MAX!!! el doesnt have the power to move the vines until she sees max in trouble. and then later when shes reviving her and theres flashbacks of their moments together, specifically when she says “theres more to life than stupid boys” and “not hopper, not mike, you.” thats huge.
continuing with post-monologue volume 2, its so beyond weird that we dont see el speak a WORD to him after this enter speech. not even just after that speech, after she almost died.
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if mlvn was meant to be why didnt they have a moment like this after she woke up? we dont even see her wake up. we dont even see them for two days!!!!
anyways that was a lot. i hope it all made sense. i think the purpose of the whole monologue was to show that even after mike says what she wanted to hear, shes still not happy with him. shes realized that that she is her own person and her own superhero. the duffers just made it excruciatingly complicated and i hope they do a good job explaining this scene in s5.
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mbslost · 7 months
I am glad that you continue your activities on the Internet. I respect you for your courage. It's terrible that people think it's acceptable to wish someone dead for words on the Internet that don't harm anyone. people who do this behave like children. Please take care of yourself
On my own, I would also like to note that it is strange for me to see Gato's accusations of racism due to the fact that she gave feedback to artists who depicted characters with lighter skin color than they should be. I'm white, so I can't say if the representatives of the POC consider this to be racism, but personally it looks strange and enough from my side… Exaggerated. this is not something that should cause people to be negative, it's just a feedback. it just looks like another "argument" and an attempt to justify hatred towards a person. Yes, it can be frustrating, but that doesn't make Gato a racist, as it seems to me. it is strange that the claims in this case are made to Gato, but not to the artists. you can correct me, because, again, I may be wrong. it seems to me that the situation could be different if people just talked to each other with words through their mouths, and did not accumulate resentment and did not dump it all on public display. this is sad, considering that the situation itself is an absurdity, brought to disgusting proportions by misunderstanding between people. I am horrified by the culture of cancellation over nothing. to be honest, because of this, I'm afraid to post something online, because I can't predict what kind of harmless actions I think I might be dubbed a racist, Nazi or something like that and cancel, although I despise harming anyone and try to express myself as much as possible correct as far as possible. I am glad that apologies have been made and accepted, but all the lost content cannot be restored. I hope that at least Gato is OK, this is the most important thing
sorry if some of the words sound strange or meaningless, I don't know English well and use a translator
dont apologise for broken english, i aint putting to much effort in it either😭
as for what you said yeah i totally agree since.. like in the last hours i just couldnt stop about this yk. why only gato is being so hated but not the people around her that did the messed up shit. (one of them even apologizing so yea). or people going around and saying that her diversity its almost nonexistent (thing i tried to prove wrong with my post about the poc characters in her work)
just like another user said, she could've chosen to not give them and ethnicity because people would acuse her of portraying that group as bad or whatever.
but oh well.. gotta hope everything will end on a positive note "3
also please, remember that there will always be people that will disagree with your opinion/points of view. if they start getting aggressive, block them and take a moment to relax. people could be such gross living being so yeah.. remember to take care of yourself :3
stay safe and drink plenty of water🫶
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highlordofkrypton · 5 months
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Thank you @achaotichuman for the tag!! I LOVE THESE GAMES!! Tagging @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @anartisicandautisticstararcher @positivelyruined @praetorqueenreyna @goforth-ladymidnight
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I only ever started writing fanfiction last October, if we're talking official standalone stories from start to finish. Otherwise, I started writing on Neopets forums under 'roleplaying'. I was curious and it seemed really fun!
How many fandoms have you written in?
Again, official 'fanfiction' that I've written on my own and posted, technically it's only DC Comics and ACOTAR. If we're looking at my docs & roleplaying history, we would have to add Harry Potter, Pacific Rim, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Marvel, Jujutsu Kaisen, Witcher, Tokyo Ghoul, Vampire Hunter D, etc.
How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Eight months, officially. Writing overall, 20 years.
Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I write more fanfiction than I read. I struggle a lot with imposter syndrome and if I read things in my favourite fandom, I always feel like I can't possibly add to the beautiful stories that already exist. I need to be in a specific headspace to read, especially stories that are similar in content. I do love reading when I'm in a good mindset, though. Especially when I'm writing, I avoid reading so not to get influenced.
What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Write with better writers than myself, or writers who have vastly different styles. My writing partner has such a solid vocabulary and strong characterization whereas I'm more of a world-builder and lore-weaver. I've learned so much from her and she's pushed me to be better so she can have something equally as beautiful to read. I also started using beta readers, and that's been super helpful to learn more about my writing through the eyes of another.
Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Overthinking and letting outside worries influence my writing. My best writing happens when I shut the world out, but I often overthink what my possible audience might say, or react negatively too. I'm currently blocked with several fics because I've posted them before I was done, and I'm afraid of disappointing my readers with every new update...
What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
So much medical research. My god, my characters get hurt way too much.
What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love it when readers highlight their favourite parts, lines or characters from my work. I really want to discuss and be excited with readers, but I'm honestly happy with any and all comments!
What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Crackships, crackships, crackships! Also, probably way too many AUs.
What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Action scenes for sure, as well as smut. I've wanted to write long pure smut stories, but I just can't do it! I feel like as a writer, I get so caught up in the details that I can't feel my way through the story like I usually do.
What is the easiest type?
Short pieces that focus on emotion.
Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Right now, I have most of my work on GDocs, but I am actively writing/transitioning to @ellipsus-writes. I freaking love this platform and I can't wait to see how the features grow and evolve.
What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
More Batman stuff, for sure. I'm also currently too intimidated to finish anything right now.
What made you choose your username?
I usually go with a silly username especially on gaming platforms, but I wanted to go more straightforward this time. My name is Mathi and I write lmao.
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keefechambers · 1 year
so I don't have many other trg blogs to follow and my partner is not caught up lol so can I get your thoughts on the season??
Like how did you feel about the new characters?
Fave moment or episode? (Or least if you wanna go there too :p)
Favorite outfit or quote? Or maybe character arc?
How did you feel the stakes were compared to previous seasons? I kinda missed the crime element personally but it did seem to be more personal relationship stakes
AHh! Okay, I loved this season! I am inclined to slightly agree with you that I did miss the heavier crime element. Seasons 1 and 2 were very slick and self-contained in that way and I really enjoyed it, and I hope more of that comes into season 4. BUT I loved that it focused on Deepening the Lore of the family (since Danny has said he wants this to be a sprawling multi-generational epic) and the relationships. I love that the show isn't afraid to let characters actually end up somewhere different than they started.
Favorite new character? REDEEMER obviously!!! (Only halfway kidding)
Spoilers below~
I really really loved the Montgomerys. They really give a lot of insight into Eli's psychology (the same way Baby Billy does for Aimee-Leigh) that I think was necessary. We got glimpses of it last season with Junior and Glendon, but friends and bosses are different than baby sisters. I like that his relationship with May-May mirrored the difficulties that Jesse, Judy and Kelvin have with each other. I don't think it's a secret that Karl was my favorite new addition and I hope he sticks around, even if he's just a small part of continuing seasons as needed. I am a sucker for very large, very sweet men. I loved that Peter was a villain who wasn't, compared to season 1 and 2 where the bad guys were just outright, unrepentantly evil.
I liked the themes of taking accountability and forgiveness and that sometimes people aren't beyond saving a lot this season. May-May having to own up to her part in Peter's downfall, Peter getting away from the militia and realizing he'd become such a different person... I love that the militia fell apart the way it did because I research rightwing extremists and honestly, the petty in-fighting and the grudges and the stupid priorities are true to life.
I also hope we see more of the Simkins as like, ongoing nemeses because they were a very funny mirror to the Gemstones.
My favorite episode was probably episode 6! The fight scene between BJ and Stephen was really really well done and hilarious and the balance of earnest drama and funny jokes that don't undercut the emotional hits was just, top form. I'm ALWAYS a fan of the Interludes, though.
Favorite MOMENT, tho. Like obviously The Kiss is a big one. Top Tier. But really ahhh, I'm a suck for the Interlude bit where Jesse picks up and spins Amber. I love a pick-up and spin. But also Gideon and the Redeemer???
Favorite outfit is definitely Keefe's fire-dance fit, or his finale fit with the cropped sweater. Oh, and there's this peach suit that Martin wears in the episode where Peter disrupts church lunch that is FIRE. Martin might be, fashion-wise, my favorite after Keefe and BJ.
"It's Kelvin's friend, Chief" lives rent-free in my head, but it's quickly being replaced by "DID YOU FUCK DUSTY DANIELS?!"
Character arc wise, I think I gotta give it to Judy. Like. It was sincerely romantic and beautiful to see her go from this insecure high schooler who was terrified that no one would ever love her to an adult woman who is...terrified that she's driven away the person who loves her most it was just GORGEOUS and so well-written and well-acted. Like... I love her. I love her so much. Edi Patterson call me.
I really loved it overall. I think the plot was bigger and messier but I don't think that was a negative so much as a way to set up future seasons and for that, it wholly succeeded.
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