#i will be homeless before I'm disrespected like that. and i mean that.
holmesshire · 2 months
WARNING!! RDR2 SPOILERS Greetings folks! Welcome to uh... a beginners experience to RDR2 itself. I HAVE played a bit of the game (8-ish hours fiddling around grabbing the concept of the sandbox-like elements..), but I'll be here to post my daily experience on this game. Without further ado..... Log 01
alright firstly I will admit, before even starting for the day with my intents I had a look around camp. Hosea was teaching Jack to read, Abigail waving Arthur off... .. and (being the curious fool I am) decided I'd eavesdrop on this interaction.
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...needless to say, I don't think they were too impressed. My first mission I took to start Chapter 2 was Uncle's mission. I was stoked to start this... cause.. VALENTINE! (but seriously why is this town so close to horseshoe overlook??? that thought was consistent in my head...). Being the goody two shoes I was I prompted to help the coach with his horse.
disaster struck me soon after.
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SO I HAD TO MISSION RESET... .. not the first time I failed the first part of the mission Eventually though we did get to Valentine. The prospect of the saloon sitting right infront of me nearing this mission had me STOKED. Not to mention when exiting the general store I was convinced Arthur was drunk... (I played GTA5, I'm familiar with when Rockstar wants to throw in the being drunk feature). Alas, he wasn't. So the mission continued!
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"Did you shoot him?" no. kinda wish I did, I don't like seeing a women get disrespected like that :(
The usual went down from there as most RDR2 players probably know -- save Tilly, accidentally knive the guy Karen was having problems with... (that's intended in the game right? cause I gasped when I stabbed him) .. OH, AND THE CHASE!
No pictures I'm afraid but I can clarify, Jimmy was saved. Is that going to cost me? Probably. I mean later on in this gametime Arthur was telling Dutch about Jimmy... that's gotta hold some importance, right? Ahh... I like to be civil.
As I was still in Valentine after Uncle's mission, I noticed Javier was in the saloon so I went in there. Had a good giggle at the "he about to kiss that guy or punch him?" comment and did NOT hold my composure whatsoever when the bar fight itself started.
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never thought I'd get so offended at getting my hat knocked off though........
IT HAPPENED TWICE! yes, I am saying after this first bit I picked up my hat, then Tommy comes in and WHERE IS MY HAT. GONE. VANISHED!!!!!! (I died to Tommy on the first go too... what an absolute loser I am to this. All because I forgot how to block......).. I passed the hurdle on the second go. Felt bad for Arthur being covered in dirt after the cutscene happened, and I nearly lost it into a giggling fit when DUTCH showed up. My thoughts were fixed on it; WHY IS DUTCH HERE?!
Now listen, after my hat got knocked the second time I waited patiently for the lore to settle and the cutscene to finish, and I made a beeline for the saloon. Wasn't leaving without my hat, no sirree...
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this resulted in me finding out about Cigarette Cards! Apparently according to Google there's 144 in total. Uhh... that's another thing on my bucket list! (Alongside completing William's first task with the Harlow's, and Deborah's bone collecting task). Oh, and dumb dumb over here didn't realise my hat was back on my horse back in the camp. Pretty dumb guy if you ask me...
There were 2 "strangers" I met after this mission, both inside of Valentine; The biographer and the homeless vet.
I came across the biographer first, this guy RAVING about a gunslinger. I found the whole thing delirious considering there's a sheriff.. . ain't gunslingers like outlaws? (Talking about the fact Valentine's SHERIFF was nearby. This biographer had a lot of guts rambling on about his tales and actively wanting to track historical outlaws for this biography of his...)
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i'm onto you mister. You shady fella you...
Now in my opinion, the homeless vet had me in a HEARTBEAT. Had me confused as heck at first because his dialogue startled up whilst I was behind the same house he was infront of.... I was crashing into everyone to be generous to this guy. However I found him!
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Believe me, hearing about this guy had me down. The one arm caught my attention first and really, REALLY I felt for this guy. (Of course I gave him the hug, the guy needs it if you ask me...)
FINALLY I made my way back to the camp. All these prompted missions interested me, However it was Kieran who had my attention straight away. The darn O'Driscoll who was tied up? THAT GUY? A MISSION???? How can you not be sceptical of that! Dutch was going to castrate this guy. CASTRATION. CASTRATION?
Yeah, pretty big stuff. Soo... Kieran admits to an O'Driscoll camp. I was reminded of that whole 6 (was it 6?) gangs index you can find index, and generally stuff about overrunning the camp spaces. Of course I was invested... and John being up? I took full advantage of poking fun at this guy on the way there... (in my defence Jack was literally staring me down earlier today. Gotta set my priorities straight.../joke)
The ambush occurred, and uh... things went "smoothly" (that's a lie, our silent ambush went straight to charging). I was sat there questioning everything at one point because both Bill and John were scattering. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? ... .. we did it though.
The kicker where Kieran protects Arthur stabbed me good. I have the clip... "oh my god.. wait WHAT?" -- (me, today)
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or this. This encapsulates my reaction just as well.
My main question though is how QUICK Kieran was to jump on and join the Van der Linde gang.. Kieran... buddy I'm starting to see why Dutch was so eager to castrate you. You my friend have got balls of steel....... I'm suspicious though. Undeniably, the guys sketchy to me.
I'll catch you round on Log 02 when it comes...... hoo boy, we're only getting started and I know it...
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khaire-traveler · 9 months
I don't want to be disrespectful but I'm feeling conflicted working with Hermes sometimes.
He's always been kind to me. I'm very grateful for that.
He has encouraged my passion for helping others especially the homeless and disabled. It's just so much discourse around me is telling me he's evil or at the very least dishonorable because he's apathetic and a trickster/thief. That he's only in my life because I'm amusing or easy to manipulate.
Gods aren't human and they're complicated. I just sometimes feel alone in my appreciation of him. I feel like I have to give up when it comes to talking about him around anybody else. Have you ever felt like this before in your practice? Thank you for listening.
***Please read this knowing I had good intentions and my tone is meant to be kind, respectful, and serious. I say this now because this feels like it may be a sensitive topic, and I don't want you to interpret this as me trying to be critical, rude, mean, etc. I promise I am not upset at you, Nonny. I know this was probably difficult for you to share.***
Hey, Nonny, thank you for entrusting me with this topic.
Honestly, I haven't seen any discourse about worshipping Hermes (keep in mind that this is the only social media, besides YouTube, that I use), but what you're describing sounds very similar to the discourse around worshipping Loki (I am a devotee of them as well). If you don't know about the discourse around Loki, I actually encourage you to look into it because it's a good example of how people will literally criticize a deity to hell and back, especially for things they did in myths or based on a person's random UPG.
The thing is, Nonny, that there is nuance in everything. Nothing is ever so neatly black and white or good and bad; there are always layers. Hermes is a god of thievery, yes, but have you considered that some people steal because they literally have no other access to basic needs, such as food or medication? Hermes is a trickster god, but have you considered that maybe it contributes to his love of laughter and fun? That in order to have a good time, sometimes you need to be witty and a bit chaotic? Being a god over these things is the same as Zeus being a god of storms: these things will happen passively, and it doesn't have to mean that god is making or causing something to happen. Just because someone gets their wallet stolen doesn't mean that Hermes was behind it. I guess it's kind of the idea that correlation does not equal causation.
About Hermes being apathetic, though, that's an absolutely ridiculous claim if I've ever heard one. In the myths, who tended to come to people's aid the most, unprompted? Hermes. Who has the epithet of joy-giver, ready-helper, and luck-bringer? Hermes. Who did some ancient shepherds pray to when their herds (their livelihood) were attacked, ancient beggars struggling to survive on the streets, ancient travelers who were terrified and lost their way? Hermes. Hermes is MUCH more than just a god of trickery and thievery. He is a god of the people. He genuinely cares about his worshippers, which literally every worshipper has told me that I've interacted with, and he takes good care of his devotees. I encourage you to research Hermes further and read about how he was worshipped in ancient times. Try to better understand who he is as a god; the view of him you're describing to me comes across as being rather black and white and disregards all of his other domains and aspects.
You need to know, Nonny, that I am someone who believes that the gods can and do love us. I believe that they can and do support us. I also believe they can and do make mistakes or upset us sometimes, but that doesn't make them (or us) evil, bad, or wrong. I believe that Hermes loves me and all his worshippers (and even others who don't actively worship him, I bet), but that's just my belief, similar to how these people talking about random Hermes discourse are simply expressing their beliefs. Remember, Nonny, that these people's beliefs are not facts. They do not dictate your life or your world view or your relationship with Hermes. Only you can decide how those things look for you. So I ask you, what do you believe? What do you believe is true about Hermes? What has he shown and expressed to you personally? How has he treated you? What has he helped you with? What has he done for you? Do you feel happy worshipping him? This is something that you need to settle within yourself. No one but you can give you the answer you're searching for.
Maybe it would also help for you to look into any potential religious or personal trauma you have and see if that is also affecting your relationship with Hermes. I did this a while back, and it was immensely helpful for me personally. I can't say that I ever viewed Hermes as being evil or anything like that, but I did have some trauma that was making me anxious about spirituality and worship in general. I recommend looking into anything that you may be dealing with as well.
If you feel something is not right within your personal relationship with Hermes, that's something you need to directly communicate with him about. Get his opinions, his insight, and even his advice, if you want it. I think it'd really help you to speak with him as directly as you can about this topic. And you know, if you are really having a hard time worshipping this god, then maybe it just isn't meant to work for now, and that's perfectly ok. It's normal not to get along or click with every deity ever. There are some deities I personally don't worship simply because I don't feel we click well, and that's ok. It's the same as how some humans just don't mix with each other well; you simply go your separate ways and continue on.
When it comes to being alone while worshipping Hermes in the community, I do understand how you feel, but to combat those feelings of loneliness, I try to actively surround myself with other blogs and people who worship or venerate Hermes. There are actually quite a lot of blogs on Tumblr that worship him; it's simply a matter of seeking them out intentionally. I don't know how it is on other social media, however. If you use TikTok (specifically PaganTok), I would actually straight-up encourage you to not. Not for spiritual stuff, anyway. People spread misinformation there like a fucking wildfire, and you will find an overabundance of hatred and ignorance in all its forms. I deleted TikTok specifically because of PaganTok, and it was literally the best choice I've ever made for myself. I encourage you to do the same if that is the issue for you.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck on your journey ahead. I hope this answer helped you in some way. Regardless of what happens with Hermes, I hope you find deities you worship that blend well with you and help you grow as a person. Remember that you are never required to worship a deity if they make you uncomfortable. I feel that's just important to say in general. Gods will be respectful of the fact that you're not, or no longer, interested. They're thousands upon thousands of years old; they have the maturity to accept your rejection respectfully.
No matter what happens, Nonny, you will be ok. Please take care, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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And so watching this episode where he is just sort of like, listen, you gotta let me do whatever I want. You gotta just like be there for me. Dead Dad pass. I was just like, he's just a girl on the Bachelor. -Hannah
So yeah, he has the Dead dad pass and, you know, which was interesting because you know, obviously in real life Dennis Farina passed away and which is very, very sad. It's interesting. It's, this was weird to watch and we had this conversation before. 'Cause Jake's in real life, his father passed. I'm watching it talking about pop pop and you know, my father passed and then Dennis, Dennis Farina also passed. You know, it's weird to watch it and then to like go and like wanna talk about it afterwards. You know what I mean? That's why Jake and I make jokes about it. We make jokes about it all the time because it kinda helps, you know, using comedy to, to to kind of get through whatever weird stuff is going through your brain while watching something like this. -Lamorne 
Was like, you know what, I think I remember being at a fitting and they gave Debra McGuire the incredible costume designer on our show had that. And I feel like Jake's mom was there and you put it on and she liked it. And I kind of liked it too. I was like, man know it's ahead of his time. Those matching sets. He looked good in it. I didn't see it as like a crazy thing. I was like, homeless pencil. I was like, that's disrespectful. That's a cute set. I would rock that set in a heartbeat. I feel like his mom liked it. -Hannah
I mean. Well, you know, it was old school. -Lamorne
Old school. I like That seventies vibe. -Hannah
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gaminegay · 6 months
Wild dream sequence from a while ago that I wrote down
Triple threat and more, the Dreams
Getting ready in the morning with [FLATMATE] can't tell what the time is she says I'm late, I send the message to work but then I think 'am I actually late' BC this happens all the time (me dreaming that I'm late or waking up thinking so but it's actually a holiday or something) and there's just no way it's 3 PM . But our clocks say it is and every other clock in the hallway etc is like 16:02. Too many clocks are different for me to trust any one. I go to work and I wasn't late. V early in fact. Once again my mind has betrayed me
Something something, waiting for a bus and there's a family of mice lives behind the sign. Sat is there ask him if he's scared of mice he says yes so I don't tell him about the mice right by him. Mice love me I record them
I scream and shout and throw a fit as I quit my job. no going back there. [FRIEND] did the same. In the car on the way back I keep asking what will I do tomorrow, what will I do, I have no job, what will I do?
A friend from the past who's incredibly kind lives on the street with his husband and toddlers. They prefer it over being seperated. Make the most out of half cover and cold pasta, we stay with them for the night, their hospitality far surpasses their means.
Wake up (but not really (but I don't know that yet)). I figure quitting the job was a dream or hallucination. Feel like nothing is real. [COWORKER] calls by coincidence as I'm pondering to call him to check how real it all is. I ask how I left work yesterday, he says I didn't talk but seemed really checked out. That figures, if o was having a Moment. At least I didn't ragequit. We meet at [OTHER COWORKER]'s house. Fsr G and B are there but leaving. Get G attention ask if we're doing our usual drink n draw. It's already 9 so no time, G is wearing beautiful gold makeup. Tell the boys (coworkers) can make our usual movie night after all.
Kind of shady mall. I pay for what I think is a turn with a sex robot toy thing but it's a person. She says she'll finger me, I say no I can't its not personal I just don't like it. Some back and forth in what looks like a beauty parlour. I finally agree. She has assistants that dress me up sexy and give me gloves and shit. I lay back in a massage chair and just sort of give up to the experience. There's more people there. Are we going somewhere private? Where are we? As I think that, she suddenly looks like a man with a mustache and begins shooting people, like with a gun. I'm still in the chair I'm freaking out so scared, he seems contemplating if he'll kill me too. Hope for life? No, that was a tease. He beats me to death and he and his friend mock and disrespect me as I die.
Wake up again. At a work thing the same job I quit before. Nice homeless guy is there. We do some spiritual crap, there's a work dinner, [OTHER COWORKER] takes me aside because I'm clearly losing it but I lose him too, he tries to lead ke through a door but it shuts between us leaving me trapoed and him away.
Sleeping (platonically) with acquaintances at a sort of hostel and just can't stop shaking and hyperventilating for hours. I wake them up with my noise despite best efforts. Ashamed, comforted, shaking, scared, gasping for air, terrified.
So glad when the alarm rings. Write it down.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
but we /love/ you
my gran literally just said to me: Your mom and I can vote for whoever we want to and still love you!
me: Republicans have introduced over 200 anti-trans bills in 2022 and 2023. Republican legislators are currently actively pushing bills that would criminalize the existence of non-binary and trans people.
gran: Well they should stop those little 4 year old kids from getting their bodies changed.
me: THAT'S NOT HAPPENING. THAT'S ACTUAL PROPAGANDA. Ok, listen carefully—surgeries like that are not being performed on minors. It's already a thing that they have to wait until they're 18. That's already how it works.
gran: oh.
me: I'm not saying you have to vote democrat. I'm saying if you actually loved me, you would.
gran: It's actually democrats who are in power now.
me: This is state level politics I'm talking about. We live in a red state. But go on, tell me what big bad democrats in Washington have done to hurt you.
gran: Gas prices and welfare!
me: 🤦🏻
I hate everything. That literally is all boomer politics is in their 6-o-clock news poisoned shrunken brains. "Gas price go up when democrat." Her other point? F*cking 'welfare queens.' I kid you not. This lifelong forced birther who is living on social security because she and her husband are retired/unemployed just went on a rant about poor people 'having babies just to get more welfare checks'. WHILE TALKING TO HER RECENTLY HOMELESS AND STILL STRUGGLING GRANDKID WITH THREE JOBS this woman—who dropped out of 6th grade in '54 and can barely read but is suddenly america's top political advisor—tries to go on a rant about f*cking welfare. And yeah you know she meant impoverished black mothers, particularly. This all started because she made another attempt at inviting my mom to our margarita night on the proviso that I don't 'talk politics' because they 'don't care' about the politics that affect my life. I tried FOR 30 MINUTES just now to explain the concept of 'y'all not caring about the politics actually just tells me you don't really care about me'. And it sucks, but I have to live with that. What I don't have to do is spend the little time and energy I have outside of my corporate slave job and side hustles to mollycoddle the feelings of two people who are actively throwing me under the bus of their f*cked up political and religious ideologies.
gran: but we LOVE you!
me: then show it.
me: ok so once more, the 'love' you are giving is actually harming me.
gran: name ONE time.
me: *lists several instances where they threw me under the bus, invalidated me, gaslit me, and disrespected me to my face, and explains how that was hurtful.*
gran: that's your problem—you dwell on things!
me: I don't have the memory of a concussed fish, you mean.
Anyway, we ended on me explaining for the millionth time that I don't feel heard, seen, or understood, and therefore do not feel loved. I said "I have, at this point, essentially written y'all a list of things you could do that would show me you love me, and every time you tear it up in my face and tell me to stop that" (but you still want me to show up for margaritas and put up with getting disrespected and stepped on for the rest of my life). To that gran said, "Make a list! Write it down for me. I'll read it." "Yeah... we'll see."
I mean, it's not gonna work. I've been talking openly about being non-binary for over 6 months and if you think a single person in my family has googled a single article or study about anything queer (other than maybe 'how do I un-trans my adult child, HELP!'), you're giving them too much credit.
So here I go—off to waste the rest of my afternoon writing a damn list (of shit that should be obvious) instead of working on my side hustles and getting my house clean before work tomorrow. This is why people go no contact. It's always, "oh, I'm not being loving enough? Do more emotional labor for me and then maybe we'll see if you deserve an ounce of dignity or respect!"
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ofmoonlily · 11 months
😡What are their deal breakers? 🔮Do they believe in soul mates?
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My muse in a relationship | Accepting | @tailoringtay
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😡What are their deal breakers?
-People who are only after sex and nothing further. Yuna craves deep emotional connections before offering up her body in a very intimate manner. There will always be someone who will go after her purely to chase their lust, but what can you do? Thankfully, Yuna carries a gun nowadays. :D
-Hateful people. I'm not talking about angry people, or people who are so pent-up with rage they go berserk. I mean people who are just ugly on the inside and full of prejudices. Yuna is half al-bhed and had many experiences being looked down upon simply because she shared a lineage through her mother. It's ugly to hate someone purely for who they are, and Yuna wants nothing to do with someone like that.
-Disrespectful/bigoted ideologies.
-People who yell at workers simply for getting something wrong via accident.
-People who disrespect the homeless/less fortunate.
-People who don't practice good hygiene.
🔮Do they believe in soul mates?
She wants to.
Just like everyone, Yuna wants to believe in fairy tale endings full of love, peace, and happily ever afters. Unfortunately, life and the complex people who live within it make this just a fantasy. Tidus most certainly was that knight in shining armor...because the fayth created him. He was, to a literal degree, her very own personal dream boy. She got what everyone craved.
Alas. She did not get to keep him...
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soda-gremlin · 1 year
Geronimo stilton AU My Lover
Lilli bourgeoisie is an oc so she come from rich family, she's hyperfeminine. She and geronimo in relationship for 3 years, she like when geronimo talk about he's adventure and she really like he's personality. She doesn't like geronimo family and friend except for benjamin & kornelius(oh she and kornelius in polymarous relationship with geronimo)
Beside fashion she also like musical theater, cooking, shopping and adventure too. She's kind but when she dealing with mean or insufferable people she become mean and rude toward them. Example when she first met thea she being nice infront of her after thea is gone
Lilli : That's the most ugliest clothes i ever seen. She's obviously a very very beautiful woman but when she open her mouth you know is like dirt
She's always being passive agressive toward geronimo family and friend. Because she knew they had it coming . There's even one time when she really violent toward them that almost make william get killed, she throwing thing toward trap and thea.
Lilli : Get that bitch out of here get that bitch the fuck out of here now. You disrespectful motherfuck
She even one time make false rumor about how bruce is terrible in bed even though she didn't have sex with him
Lilli : Bruce is terrible in bed. I swear he just lay there staring at the wall i had to do everything by myself what a pathetic fucking man
She making cupcake
Lilli : I like you have a cupcake(to geronimo)I like you have a cupcake(to benjamin)I like you have a cupcake(to kornelius) UGHHHHHHH(to william, thea, trap and he's shitty friend she intentionally skip them)
She and trap have conversation he will never forget
Lilli : You're not very pretty and you're not very bright i'm so glad we had that talk
She love calling geronimo shitty family and friend bitches and cunt.
Before she and geronimo in relationship. She went on a date with him she think they gonna boring date but actually the date went well. Geronimo talk about he's adventure that make her really interested at him. Went geronimo is homeless the one who's helping is her and kornelius, after him got into hospital she taking care of him, there's even a few time she had to cancel few important thing she attend to help geronimo. She try calling he's family and friend but there's only one person helping her kornelius
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss!!
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starszinhis3y3s · 11 months
im gonna fukin kill myself directly cuz of my boss tanisha
like i literally was unable to stop self harming in front of her. she left cuz my hand was bleeding, i was shaking so hard i couldnt get over my stutter. all over her discrimination!! she yelled at me gaslighted me then flipped all the blame back to me and now im the bad guy again! when i went in there to have a civil fuckin discussion about her disrespect and how its literally getting me followed home and how ppl who literally keep their pieces on them are callin me a trap and a tranny. theres one man who comes in, i keep telling management I'm scared that hes gonna blast that shotgun in my face, and tanisha is over there callin me a girl to his face. when hes already told me i needed to stop pretending to be a girl cuz thats "tricking ppl" like. and i cant even get a sentence out before shes uelling over me to get me to shut up. fucking drill sargent ass bigot fuckin cunt assed piece of a wet shit.
shes someone who bullied 2 ppl into quitting and fully fucked over a dad hard enough that he left the entire state to go live wit family. elvas her whipped ass fuckin purse dog of a yes woman. like i cant. ive asked for a transfer atp and she wont transfer me to ANY store within a 10 mile radius WHEN I BIKE I DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS TO RIDE THE BUS OR TAKE A LYFT EVERY DAY ITS ALREADY 3 FUCKIN MILES TO & ANOTHER 3 BACK HOME. i litcherally wanna pop this bitches eyes out her throat. like this decade of anger management skills is doing some bodybuilder strongman type heavy lifting rn. and all the drugs i take. drugs save lives kids 🤦🏽 her life
idk y'all i just am so angry!!! she won't respect me on my terms, and thinks the military type respect is the pillar for all respect or whatever. OH AND GET THIS. IM IN TROUBLE FOR LETTING HOMELESS FOLKS HAVE WATER FOR FREE. WATER. IN SOUTH TX. WTF THAT IS LIKE CONDEMNING THEM TO DEATH idk what else to do besides angry cry and vent about it where i can which is pretty much only here😮‍💨 like ik yall aint gon call the cops on me for talkin bout the fucked up shit in my head. which is kinda my only release for the fucked up shit my ocd wants me to fixate on
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jinxedshapeshifter · 1 year
wanted to agree with your good doctor post
i hate this trend of being seen as a bad person if you enjoy media that has anything problematic in it..it takes away focus from actual issues to play a game of oh im a more moral person than you
agree yeah of course the transphobia shit was weird but if people assume all austistic people are like this one tv character then that's their fault.. and we barely get any representation and even less as main characters so it's not fair to tell people that one stupid moment means they can't like a show
i saw people saying shauns meltdown was unrealistic and that's why they were memeing it but no it's not unrealistic and allistic people were using it to bully autistics.. i saw it referenced on random autistic people's posts for a while after
my big gripe with the show however is that they support and, i think, work with autism speaks which sucks obviously
Before I respond to this ask, I want to make it clear that I know the issues I’m going to discuss are potentially sensitive — you’re free to criticize me but do it in a constructive manner and don’t be an ass over it lol.
Yeah, I looked into the Autism Speaks stuff and while I couldn’t find anything directly tying Autism Speaks to The Good Doctor specifically, Freddie Highmore is tied to them (as in he made a video for them or something like that). For now I’m giving him benefit of the doubt with a massive serving of caution, since as I mentioned it feels more like he did a lot of personal research consulted with actual autistic people and not with people who claim to know about autism. Like to be completely honest, The Good Doctor does not feel like it was written with input from Autism Speaks, at least to me.
(Sent this to my drafts so I could formulate a more accurate/proper opinion on the trans thing. Basically started writing a response, paused, watched She [season 1 episode 14], and now I'm back to finish my response to this ask)
With the transphobia thing, from what I know, by the end of the episode Shaun was being respectful of the patient’s preferred pronouns and he was the one to suggest removing both testicles once it was found that one had cancer and should be removed. That alone had me like “He’s just confused by this, he’s not trying to be a dick” which was actually my mentality at one point, which I think is why saying Shaun is transphobic pisses me off so much honestly. “Transness was a confusing concept to him, therefore he was transphobic” is a gross take honestly. He grew up in an abusive home, then was homeless, then probably never got exposed to the concept of being trans. Why would he not be confused? I know I was as a kid; it doesn’t help that I was raised by Mormon conservative grandparents. Now I identify as non-binary.
I’m not saying you can’t criticize Shaun saying “you’re a boy not a girl” but I also think it’s disingenuous to say he was actively being transphobic or disrespectful because he wasn’t; he was simply confused because it was a new concept to him and was stubborn about it, and that’s not an uncommon thing in my experience. Outside of that, he was trying to learn. He didn't hesitate to ask questions (even asking if he was being inflammatory because he was told he was by one of his colleagues when Quinn got her CT scan earlier), and he even took one of Quinn's analogies to heart at the end (comparing her transition and the freedom that came with it to floating in a pool).
Piggybacking off of that, Shaun is an incredibly empathetic person. I didn't actually realize it until I was scrolling through TikTok, but there are multiple types of empathy (I think this is what is meant when people say "autistic people struggle with empathy"; you might not struggle with one kind of empathy but you might with other types of empathy). The episode She is an incredibly example of this. Empathy can show as an attempt to get to understand why someone thinks how they do; Shaun's subplot in She exemplifies this (I didn't know what else to call it besides a subplot lol). In doing this, Shaun also seems to really bond with Quinn, and I'm gonna be honest, by the end of the episode I was genuinely crying.
To address the "Shaun's meltdown was unrealistic" I also found out that shutdowns are essentially internalized meltdowns (as in they're two sides of the same coin). There are so many ways that meltdowns and shutdowns can present; a lot of my meltdowns have involved me self-isolating and throwing things, vs tantrums which usually involved yelling and no longer happen as I am 19 and have grown out of them (although meltdowns have also in the past involved me yelling too, although it wasn't as common. Granted I experience shutdowns a hell of a lot more than meltdowns).
The other thing with that: can hospital personnel even do that? Can they force residents to switch departments like that? Can you force a surgical resident to switch to pathology like that?? After medical school you enter residency to study your specific field of medicine that you want to go into (for example, if I want to go into neurology, after med school I'd become a neurology resident). Residency DOES NOT FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT AS FAR AS I KNOW????
Not just is Shaun's meltdown realistic, hospitals don't generally work like that, you can't force residents to switch specialties like that lol.
Anyway long post over, I am so normal about The Good Doctor :)
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bucky-at-bedtime · 3 years
Stucky Fic Recs
So basically I went through all of my ao3 bookmarks and collated a list of some of my favourites (I couldn't fit all of them on this list, so if anyone shows interest there might be a part two).
Please read tags and descriptions of the works before reading, some of them are pretty dark or extremely horny so just make sure you check that the fic is for you!!
Please please please send me your favourite fics in return! I am always happy to hear fic recs, headcanons and any other ideas/comments you all have!
Without any further ado, here are a few of my favourite Stucky fics:
‘Not Easily Conquered’ series by dropdeaddream, WhatAreFear
Rating: M, Words: 117,692
“I told you, you heard me: I told you never to follow me into Hell. Now I’m not vain enough to think that’s why you’re out here now — if there’s any person in what’s left of this God forsaken planet who’s part of a bigger picture, it’d be you. But I’ll keep saying it until it sticks. You got nothing to prove. I’m not worth much, I damn well know that, but I’ll ask you anyway: Stay for me. If you leave me alone in this world I’ll turn into something terrible. I’ll turn into the nasty creature that’s growing inside me. This war, it’ll swallow me whole”
[To me, this fic is like the classic Stucky 101 fanfic – if you're a Stucky fan and you haven't read this, I highly recommend it. The authors explore the Steve/Bucky relationship in such an interesting, tragic, emotive way and I cry every time I read it. I couldn't praise this work enough.]
‘Ain’t No Grave’ series by spitandvinegar
Rating: M-E, Words: 131,789
"Yeah, he never calls me by my name," Steve says. "It's always champ, ace, hotshot, that kinda thing."
"Man, that is flirting," Sam says. "That nicknames thing, he is flirting with you. He's just working his way up to calling you baby or something."
Steve goes redder than a damn coke can. Sam pumps his fist. "Yes, I am so right, I am wise as hell. He did, didn't he?"
"He called me sweetheart," Steve says grimly, "because he's a drug addict with brain damage."
"Or because he looooooves you," Sam says. Captain America throws a cookie at his head. Sam eats it, because he deserves a treat for being so damn wise.”
[I'm currently re-reading this fic and absolutely loving it. The way spitandvinegar writes Bucky's road towards recovery and Steve's entire characterisation – it's all just so good. It's another one that covers some pretty dark themes, so make sure you're checkin those tags!]
'Einherjar' by thecommodore_squid
Rating: M, Words: 71297
But Steve was fine.
Sure, he hadn’t seen Bucky in months, and sometimes he was at the punching bag so long that his skin started to peel off to expose the bones of his fingers, and sometimes he couldn’t find the energy to drag himself out of bed, and sometimes he went weeks without sleeping, and sometimes he thought about throwing himself head-first off the nearest tall structure, but he was fine.
He was absolutely, perfectly, one-hundred percent, fucking fine.
AKA In which Steve learns how to deal with his shit, and Bucky learns how to stop leaving.
[basically the definition of a recovery fic, I absolutely adore it. This is tragic and amazing and makes me cry and smile. It’s got a bunch of fantastic cameos and It really just ticks so many of my boxes.]
‘Like real People do’ by 2bestfriends
Rating: E, Words: 67,775
“"Ask me what?" demands Bucky. "I didn't hear a question."
Steve licks his lips. "Will you stay with me? Will you come back home, Buck?"
"Home," repeats Bucky in a small voice, and then he's crying for real.”
[Basically soft lumberjack!steve and lonely twink!bucky being horny and in love. This is a comfort fic for that’s really just about my favourite boys falling in love.]
‘This City Bleeds it’s Aching Heart’ by anonymous
Rating: E, Words: 34,537
“The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.”
[The plot in this one is just a good time and i think it’s just a really fun take on the fake relationship trope. Also some really great characterisation.]
‘Home is Wherever I’m With You’ by cydonic
Rating: E, Words: 88,570
“Bucky kisses Steve and Emma goodbye before they leave for school, which is why – partway down the road – Amelia turns to him and asks, “why are you and Daddy kissing?”
Which is definitely a conversation Bucky’s been expecting since Steve just did it, but it still takes him by surprise. Again, he thinks he should wait for Steve, but Amelia’s not the sort of kid to let anything rest. Plus, Bucky’s taking her to school where she will undoubtedly share the story with anyone who’ll listen.
He also stops to think that Steve’s asked him to stay, which means Bucky must be trusted with their happiness and well-being, at least in some small capacity.
Bucky clears his throat and searches for some explanation that will help Amelia make sense of this sudden turn of events. “Because we love each other,” is all he comes up with.”
[Bear with me, this is a House Flipper!Bucky Au. And dad!Steve. I just love a found family trope I’m not gonna lie to you. Another comfort fic that warms my lil heart.]
‘Lucky Seven’ by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves)
Rating: E, Words: 94,364
“Back from where--?” James says, the sentence ending in a distinctly undignified squawk as Steve sweeps him up in his arms, bridal-style, and starts carrying him upstairs.
James tenses momentarily then relaxes into Steve's arms and throws back his head and starts laughing. The laughter peals out of him, his body shaking, his amusement occasionally broken by little gasps of pain.
“What's so funny?” Steve frowns.
“You are,” James says, still giggling. “You're ridiculous, Steve Rogers.”
“Behave. Or I will drop you,” Steve growls.
[The shrunkyclunks modern AU of my dreams featuring Mechanic!Bucky and cap!Steve and some really beautiful writing.]
'Dishonor On Your Cow' by mandarou
Rating: E, Words: 111695
“Sergeant Barnes?”
“Oh, hell no, don’t call him that, man,” Sam warned.
“Captain Fuck Off!” Barnes shouted over him. “Fight me!”
Steve didn’t know whether to laugh or just slink away. He managed to combine the two by pacing two steps and snorting instead. Like a bull.
“I’m gonna need you to calm your ass, Barnes,” Sam said as he went limp again, obstructing Barnes’s struggling under him. “This is so undignified. That is Captain goddamn America.”
“Captain goddamn America!” Barnes repeated, louder. And angrier.
Steve cleared his throat again. “I’ve been looking for you,” he told Barnes.
“I hope you brought lube this time!” Barnes shouted.
[I’m not gonna lie it took me a minute to get into this one but by the end I was crying with them, laughing with them, and just really in my feels. Some very insane things happen so here’s a few of my favourite tags: ‘Seargent Barnes is done with your Shit Steve’, ‘blatant disrespect of a man’s motorcycle’, ‘Steve you ding dong’ and ‘PR nightmares in the form of Supersoldiers’.]
Propietary Information by Notlucy
Rating: E, Words: 85141
“Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.”
[We were never gonna get through this list without a Sugar Daddy!AU (I have a weakness). This one is… saucy and sexy and sweet and uh pretty kinky so read the tags and all. I’ve read it a few times, and I love the way the author has written Steve in this one, he just makes my heart go '!!!']
‘Roots Have Grown’ by AustinB
Rating: M, Words: 17280
“Bucky is a mildly agoraphobic veteran with funds to spare, who becomes enamored with the cute blonde guy in his building.
So when Steve mentions needing a roommate to cut down on rent costs, Bucky decides it would be a good idea to volunteer.”
[Another weakness of mine is Roommate AUs, and this one is phenomenal. I tend to go for post serum!Steve stories more often, but this is a pre-serum Steve that I just adore.]
‘The Cold Never Bothered me Anyway’ by icoulddothisallday
Rating: E, Words:75562
“Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life in a state of mild hypothermia. Steve Rogers has spent the last 70 years in the ice. The two things aren’t related until, suddenly, they are. Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU (AKA the awkward bb au).”
[I think this is the only soulmate AU in my bookmarks? I would totally be down to read more though! This one is really fun and really enjoy Bucky’s characterisation here!]
'War, Children' by Nonymos
Rating: E, Words: 106615
“After Bucky was released from the hospital, it only took him a couple of weeks to give up on himself. Difficult to believe in any kind of future when the simple act of staying alive was almost too big an effort.
Out the frosted window, across the street, there was a tiny homeless guy burrowing under an awning.”
[An interesting exploration of Bucky’s PTSD with a trans!Steve which was a cool take on his character too!]
'The Company You Keep' by orbingarrow
Rating: G, Words: 51191
“Hurt, hungry, and on the run, the Winter Soldier doesn’t have a lot of safe options to go to for help. Figuring that any friend of Captain Steve Rogers is unlikely to be HYDRA, Bucky takes a chance and reaches out to the first Avenger he can find.
It works out better than anyone could have expected. Eventually.”
[hurt/comfort, recovering Bucky, protective Steve, found family and domestic avengers, need I say more? I absolutely loved this one]
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dabistapledick · 3 years
Scared, Chapter Three
“Uh Kacchan?” his voice was timid, he was terrified about what would happen after this intense staring contest between his friend and this man -he’s really scruffy, is he homeless? - ended.
“Yes nerd?” kacchan was still glaring at the man refusing to break eye contact. Izuku needed to find a way to break this up before it became a fight.
“M-my throat kinda hurts, can you get me some water, please?” It was the perfect excuse, if he was in pain. Kacchan always tried to help him, even if that meant losing a silent argument. The boy held eye contact with the scruffy man for another minute before he sighed and turned to grab a Styrofoam cup and fill it with water from the small dispenser. Izuku turned to look at the scruffy man expecting him to be upset over Kacchan's disobedience, but the man looked more amused than anything. Which was surprising, most people found Kacchan’s attitude to be disrespectful.
“Here nerd”
Izuku smiled “Thank you Kacchan”
“Your welcome you idiot” he ruffled Izuku’s hair lightly before placing a pillow behind his back to help him sit up. The insult had no harmful intent and both boys knew that. Insults where just how Katsuki showed his love.
“Ehm” Aizawa cleared his throat trying to regain their attention.
“You are by all mean welcome to leav-”
“Great well be going then”
Aizawa just sighed
“Oh, Kacchan let scruffy man finish talking” Katsuki snorted at the nickname while eraser just raised an eyebrow.
“Scruffy Man?”
“Yeah! Sorry, that probably sounds like it was an insult It wasn’t I swear I wasn't trying to be mean I just didn't know what to call you an i-” the boy started mumbling as his breathing rate picked up. “Woah woah calm down, I'm not mad I thought it was funny, okay?” Izuku didn’t respond, his thoughts spiraling as he muttered scattered apologies.
Katsuki reached a hand towards his childhood friend and lightly grasped his wrist, loosely enough for Izuku to pull away if he wanted but just tight enough to be grounding. “Nerd. breathe.” Nothing happened almost as though Izuku didn't hear a word out of his mouth. Katsuki sighed, he hated when this happened, he didn't know how to handle it.
“Izuku. Take a goddam breath.” As if snapped out of a spell Izuku gasped, struggling to regain his breath. Katsuki sighed, sounding more relieved than anything.
“You with me now nerd?” Izuku nodded
“S-sorry kacchan”
“Don't apologize Zu- Nerd” Izuku smiled
“Okay kacchan”.
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Hitoshi Shinso part 1
𝐻𝑒𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐻𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒! 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠!
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗: 𝟚𝟘𝟟𝟛 / 𝟚𝕜
Finally, break. I sat down on a bench nearby my office, my hot steaming coffee in one hand, the other holding some taiyaki, which was warmed.
I took a bite of my taiyaki, enjoying it as I began chewing. I had about 7 minutes left already so I had to eat quickly, taking sips of my coffee from time to time.
When I had about 3 minutes left of break I had drank all my coffee and my taiyaki was all eaten, so I decided to quickly head to the break room to refill my coffee since I didn't have any taiyaki left so there was no point in trying to get more of that. Luckily though, the break room had a coffee machine, so that’s where I decided to go.
After walking down the halls of the hero agency I worked at, I found the door with the sign that read: ‘Break room’ and by now I had to be quick, with only 2 minutes left until I needed to be back in my office so I opened the door and quickly went over to the coffee machine.
The machine had been a little dirty and any other day when I wasn't in a hurry, I would quickly clean it but there wasn't nearly enough time for that.
I quickly made my coffee, putting in my desired amount of cream and sugar into it before quickly putting the lid on and turning around and dashing off, although I didn't get far as someone bumped into me, causing me to trip.
I, of course, was completely pissed off and turned over to see who had tripped me and hadn't even bothered to apologize or help me up.
Who I looked up to see was a man with violet hair that stuck up, and he had dark purple eyes to match his hair, he was also in some not very professional wear, not to mention this weird, almost mechanical looking mask, it appeared almost like he was wearing some sort of hero costume, although I doubt that he was a hero looking like that, he gave more of a hobo look then a hero.
“Is there a problem?” the man gruffed in a low tone, and it also sounded slightly irritated, his face deadpanning as he stared at me on the floor.
“Yea there's a problem! You shoved me over and acted like it didn't happen!” I snarled at him, attempting to contain my teeth from my quirk to appear.
I got onto my feet and wiped the dust off my clothes as the man just stared at me “And? It's not my problem, maybe you should have been looking.” he replied calmly but also in a strict tone, which only pissed me off more. By now I knew I wasn't going to make it back before my break was done.
“Well at least apologize or something! I’m already gonna be late to get back to my office because of some hobo with an attitude, I have respect for homeless people who aren't all attitude-filled.” I shot back at him, picking up my coffee that somehow managed to not spill, and then turned to face him one final time, before turning on my heel and began going back to my office.
The man seemed to be following me, which was concerning but I continued until I turned quickly into my office and the man walked past it, glancing at the door for a second which unfortunately had my profession and name on it, which meant now he knew my name, which is what truly concerned me.
About 10 minutes later the man was slowly starting to leave my mind when a coworker knocked on my door to which I allowed them in.
“Yes, Eri?” I asked the teen with extremely lightly colored blue hair and little horn on the side of her head and crimson red eyes.
Eri was a trainee coming over for her hero work studies from UA, she apparently knew the head of this agency, her quirk and backstory was an interesting one too.
Eri looked up at me slightly “The boss wants to speak with you” she said quietly, but I was able to hear her, but the words were enough to make me falter in my professional standing in pure fear.
The boss was someone to only call employees if they were in trouble or they did something wrong, and I know I was late to get back, but usually, they don’t get upset about something like that, so why did they need to see me?
As millions of thoughts clouded my thoughts I felt Eri poke my shoulder “Miss? Are you okay..?” Which was enough to pull me out of my thoughts
“Y-yes of course! I'm fine Eri, thank you for telling me, I’ll be right there.” I said, composing myself once again.
Eri nodded and left, and I soon left as well and shut my door, then headed up the stairs to the boss’s office, on the door it read: ‘Hitoshi Shinso <Puppeteer>’ which was the name of the hero that runs this agency.
Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, too which it opens, and suddenly, my stomach dropped, my mind was going crazy. Shitshitshitshitshit! That was all I could think.
There in front of me was the same man I had seen before, and he just stared at me, as he slowly backed away to let me in.
I slowly entered his office, it looked like a normal office, with a black fluffy rug under his desk and a black couch with yellow pillows.
He went over to the desk and sat down, then gestured to the seat in front of his desk, while I of course didn't hesitate and walked over onto the rug and sat on the chair.
“So… would you like to make an assumption as to why you’re here…?” He asked in a calm and almost amused tone, his face twisting into a slight smirk. I slowly shook my head “No sir, I think I’m well aware as to why I’m here” I replied, trying to hide the worry in my voice.
Mr.Shinso only chuckled “Then please, tell me why you think you’re here.. And I’ll tell you if you’re right or wrong” he hummed out smoothly, making me much more worried by how calm he was.
I let out an audible sigh and nodded “I was disrespecting you, sir..” I said, looking down in my own shame, only for him to tsk at me.
“Wrong.” He said, still smirking “Now look at me.” He said, snapping his fingers and making me immediately listen and shoot my head up to be even with him, well other than me being slightly shorter.
“Well then why did you call me sir..?” I asked meekly, while he just chuckled at me some more. “I called you here because of yes, what happened in the break room but not to give any trouble to you, in fact, I’d like to commend you for the fact that you stood up to yourself. Most in this agency just let me push them around, but you… you’re different as you stood up for yourself, lecturing me which was certainly appropriate. Although for next time, please refrain from referring me as a homeless person.” He explained to me, as I blunk there in confusion.
I just sat there dumbfounded, my hands on my lap, that was until he cleared his throat “You mean it?” I confirmed, tilting my head which made him nod “And to apologize for my rudeness maybe I could let you off work early and we could go eat someplace?” He asked, hiding his face behind his mask slightly and I had a pretty good idea on why.
“Is this your attempt at asking me out sir?” I giggled a bit, while his eyes slightly widened “What if it is? Are you judging me?” He retorted while I could only smile back “No no, just simply questioning” I hummed while he smirked more and pulled his head away from the mask, revealing a light blush dusting his cheeks.
“Then it’s a date, see you when?” I asked when I realized he was packing his stuff up. “Now if that works for you and you aren’t in the middle of something too important.” He said, glancing at me as he placed different files into his bag.
“W-Well yea I don’t have that many important things coming up-” I was cut short by him grabbing my arms and dragging me out of his office “Good, go to your office and pack up for the day then we can leave.” He said, giving me a side glare.
It’s like he just flipped a switch and went to the cold person I met in the break room, except for this gentle softness I now saw in his face.
I did as he told me to and went over to my office and grabbed all my stuff, placing it in my own bag, and then walked out where he was waiting by the exit of the building.
I quickly went over, although I struggled as I had heels on.
Once I was in front of him, he nodded and began walking out with me following him.
After walking for a bit we arrived at a restaurant, it looked decently pricey too, so I glanced at my boss “Isn’t this a bit… much?” I asked, to which he only shrugged “You’re a colleague, and this isn’t much of a problem to me money-wise anyway.” he explained, patting my shoulder.
I took that as an okay to start going inside, and I seemed to be right as he followed me inside and went to the front and he switched places with me and was now in front.
“I’m here for my reservation.” He said in a calm and collected tone, the waitress nodding and asking for his ID to which he complied and pulled out for her.
Once seated, he began some small talk. “I was looking through your files.. And your quirk is called Neko, correct?” He asked, which was slightly concerning but I nodded “yes, it allows me to either turn into a cat or grow certain attributes of one, such as ears or a tail” I explained, making him nod “I see.. Do you use it often?” He asked, just as the waiter came and asked for our orders.
After quickly ordering I responded to his question “No, I don’t really have reason to sir” I explained smiling a bit, making him nod “Hm.. formalities are not needed, Shinso will do just fine.” he nodded, making me smile a bit.
“A-Alright Shinso!” I said, the name rolling off my tongue smoothly as the blush on his face soon came to slowly flutter back, while I just giggled at him.
“So, you’re a pro hero?” I asked, once our food had arrived, and he nodded “mhm, underground one though so I’m not as well known.” He said just in a tired tone, so I decided to get him slightly interested.
“Y’know if you weren’t underground I bet you’d be popular with those looks of yours, that is if you at least tried putting a brush through that hair of yours” I giggled, while I saw the blush on his face grow.
“What do you mean by ‘tried’? Are you implying that I can’t brush my hair due to how messy it is?” He said, staring me right down as if he were trying to intimidate me. It didn’t work though as I continued giggling.
“Maybe, maybe not~” I hummed, eating some of my food while Shinso grinned again. “We’ll have to see won’t we miss [L/n]?” he smirked, challenging me to something but what?
“Sure, but what’re you placing down?” I asked, making Shinsou smirk “If I can get a brush through my hair and style it tomorrow, you’ll work as one of my assistants, meaning moving in with me as well, if you win, however, and I’m unable to, ill allow you to run the agency for 24 hours exact.” He said emphasizing the ‘t’ in ‘exact’.
“Must be pretty bold to put conditions down like those, but I’m not objecting” I hummed, smirking at him
“We shall see who wins Miss [L/n]”
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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With all the negative attacks on President Trump I found this interesting FROM a Democrat..
This is something I’m asking you to read. It’s not for aggravation, debate or comment. If you comment I won’t answer. I’m just asking you to read what someone else wrote but I agree with mostly...
I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given,
let's move on from that...
How about the division of America..
Do you really blame Trump for that?
How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?
How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?
How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?
How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 Democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...? Was THAT when Trump divided America?
I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...
Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...
Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?
It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive win Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...
I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.
Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?
Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...
What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?
What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?
What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?
What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?
Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?
It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...
If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:
Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that:
Were the KKK?
That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?
Let me ask you this as well.
Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? Don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..
President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...
Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him or tried to work with him to help make America the best it can be?
WHY? They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...
Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!
How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence,and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...
DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it? Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!
Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..
What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..
What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...
JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.
When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.
Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???
If you haven't started asking yourselves those questions, maybe you should..
As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....
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agirldying · 3 years
I'm stuck in toxic, borderline abusive relationship. It's mutual; we're both equally bad for each other in different ways. There's things we've done to ourselves and other people for and because of each other that are so insanely fucked up it's a miracle we haven't been forcefully removed from each other's company yet.
The worst part is that it doubles as the best relationship either of us have ever had, romantic and otherwise. There are things neither of us will disrespect about the other person, and a "no" is definite. We've been there for each other since the beginning and there's absolutely nothing that could scare the other person away. We haven't fought in at least three years and we have a disagreement maybe once every four months.
We're killing each other. It's slow, but undeniable. Dying young is inevitable if we stay how we are. It's something we talk about often and something we've accidentally normalised. Recently, I've come to the realization that them dying for or because of me is something I definitely fucking do not want. I've asked them repeatedly to absolve the most fatal part of our relationship, but this can only end if it's mutually agreed and they've denied me each time. Which is fair enough, really. It's a core foundation of everything that makes us us, and removing it would make it far too easy for someone to leave or someone to come between us.
I'm not willing to let them leave and I'm not willing to leave. Not that I could, anyway, because they'd absolutely kill themself. They've admitted this and I'm far too aware they mean it (it's not a threat, it's how we function). We don't have anyone but each other, courtesy of insecurities and jealousy. Leaving wouldn't just mean being alone either, it would mean homelessness or prison. Our codependency goes far beyond attachment issues, and it just isn't worth escaping each other.
I'm at a loss at this point. It began to go so horribly downhill for us around five months ago, and we've been getting worse ever since, even by our standards. I'm not sure what happened, and I'm not sure how to fix us. To be entirely honest, I'm not so sure I want to. I just know they deserve better than whatever the fuck is going on right now.
Chances are we'll probably just kill each other before we can afford appropriate intervention. Kind of fucked up that this is the closest understanding of love either of us could get.
Hey anon,
It’s beyond borderline. Not only are you finding yourself justifying the abuse with your former comradery, but your partner is essentially holding you hostage by convincing you they’ll kill themselves if you leave. 
My ex-boyfriend told me he would kill himself if I tried to break up with him. It took him deleting years of my journal entries for me to take that bet, and of course he didn’t actually kill himself. The suicide threat was just a coercion tactic. In the most recent relationship I’ve had, it wasn’t necessarily healthy either, and we also reached a stalemate of “this isn’t good for either of us but we are the last things we have”. Eventually I just went “too bad” and broke up anyway. Honestly it was really freeing for the both of us.
Never feel like your relationship or partner is keeping you from being happy and autonomous. If breaking up is what you want to do, you should be able to do it. For your partner to tell you they’d kill themselves if you left is toxic and not your responsibility. You both deserve to be apart.
Please keep me updated and let me know if you need anything.
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happyk44 · 4 years
"This is Macaria-"
The woman smiled and shook Hazel's hand. "Call me Mac."
"-Melinoe and Zagreus." Nico clapped his hands them brandished them out to the sides. "Godly siblings."
"Hi." Hazel shook the other two's hands before turning back to Mac. "I remember meeting you before."
"I run Elysium," she said. "So we got introduced during your trial. I thought it was very sweet of you to defend your mother like that. Though I did miss having you join me."
Hazel's skin burned. She ducked her head. "Thank you."
"She means it," Melinoe said. "She's too nice to lie."
"I can lie," Macaria huffed. She crossed her arms. "I'm just not a fan of it."
Zagreus snorted. "Baby."
Macaria cut her eyes at him. "I'm sorry, Zag. Which one of us is the baby here? You?"
He scowled. Despite being a head shorter, he seemed to cower from her hard stare, muttering, "Technically they're the babies."
"They're heroes," Melinoe said slowly. "They've done more than you."
Zagreus pushed her face away. She barely teetered, taller than all of them and clearly well stanced, like their father. "Yeah, well, I didn't disappoint our mother."
"I'll do anything to get that rapist out of worshipping range," Melinoe said. "He doesn't deserve his place."
Melinoe. Oh.
Hazel dropped her gaze from her face.
She was on the other side of the first war.
"But did you have to do it that way?" Macaria sighed. Shaking her head she slung an arm around Nico's shoulders. "Look at him. He's so squishy! How could you torment this face?"
Melinoe looked at their sister. No emotion sat in her eyes. "Easily."
Nico rolled his eyes and slid out from under Macaria's hold. She let him go without compliant. "Are you taking us to dinner or not?"
"What, are you homeless again?" Zagreus scowled. "How many times I gotta show you how to hunt?"
"I'm not homeless."
Zagreus ignored Nico. "He was very homeless. We found him on the street, just starving. Absolutely ridiculous. Like I didn't show him how to catch birds when he was seven."
Hazel giggled as Nico's scowl deepened. "I was ten with no memories. Leave it alone."
"The absolute disrespect he showed me." Zagreus shook his head. "It's like he never loved me."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Nico exhaled sharply. "Why did I agree to this?"
"Love?" Macaria suggested, taking both their hands and yanking them forward.
Shadows rushed past Hazel's skin, a burst of light pulling them into the foyer of some fancy restaurant. She looked down, her clothes changed from her SPQR shirt and cargo shorts to a simple flower-print blouse and circle skirt. Even her sneakers were gone. Replaced with comfy but strappy flats. She ran a hand over her hair, feeling intricate braids curling down her back.
She looked at Nico, who was regarding his new outfit with disdain. She knew he hated getting dressed up, preferring loose cottons and the weight of his aviator jacket. But he looked nice. A clean white button-up and black slacks, black dress shoes to match and skull cufflinks.
Among the other three, Macaria took her attention first, stepping forward to meet the hostess. Her hair, previously dressed down, was pulled up in a tight bun, showcasing the curls against the back of her neck. No longer in a black hoodie, she was wearing a black a-line dress that cut off at her knees, heels giving her another two or so inches. The dress glittered soft with the sparkle of cut diamonds. As the hostess looked down at her book of reservations, Macaria shot them all a pleasant smile, a gold clip pulling back her bangs.
Hazel glanced over at the other two.
Holding a black and white clutch in her hand, Melinoe was now wearing a floral printed shirt, much like Hazel's, but with a far lower cut and darker colours. Her dual coloured hair was braided around her head like a crown. Small glittering flowers were adorning the braids. Her pants remained the same, black slacks that sank far below her ankles, hiding her shoes from until she shifted, showing off an open-toed sandal.
Zagreus was admiring the rest of the entrance way. He smiled softly as another customer walked past. The man's eyes lingered on him for just a moment too long if the way his wife clutched at his wrist and glared at him was anything to go by. Hazel watched them furiously whisper at each other as they walked out the door.
She understood the linger. Almost felt sorry for the man.
Zagreus had gone from high-waisted pants to a high-waisted split skirt. His shirt was black, a comfy blouse, with a mess lining that would've shown off his cleavage had he had any. Like the others he was adorned in jewels, but more so. It dripped off him. Gold and silver rings. Bracelets glimmering against his wrists. A plunging obsidian necklace around his throat with an emerald skull pendant hanging. Alongside it, he had on a golden choker. Instead of diamonds in his hair, he had diamond ear crawler earrings shaped like a stag horns.
As the hostess gestured for them to follow, Macaria turned to all of them, clapping her hands. "Oh, we all look so cute. We should take a photo."
"At the table," Melinoe said, walking past her and on the heels of the hostess. When she walked, people stepped out of her way fast. It was nice to not have to beg "excuse me" just to move someone out of her way in a fancy place.
At the table, Macaria let them all sit down before corralling them close together for a photo on her phone.
"You act like we've never been here before." Zagreus snapped his fingers at a man wheeling away a cart of wine. The man came at once, looking starstruck as he looked Zagreus over.
Macaria rolled her eyes. "They haven't been here," she said, Zagreus ignoring her to order wine.
Other than that, he paid the man no mind. And still the man looked at him like he'd painted the sky.
"Zag has that effect on men," Melinoe said as the man left.
Zagreus smiled at her. "People love the concept of being reborn." He fiddled with his earrings. "They love feeling young."
"Please don't do anything to that man," Macaria said, taking a menu as they were handed out. Rapidfire, they all echoed out drink orders, Nico even faster with his order than Hazel was. A mumble of “water” trembled from her lips and she watched the waiter walk away, feeling unable to keep up
A hand resting over hers, Nico leaned in to whisper, "Just relax. They do this all the time. And you can talk if you want to but they'll never force it out of you. Though if you do add in, they'll love it." He flipped open the menu and clicked his tongue, his voice louder now. "Oh, steak."
"No steak is as good as mine," Zagreus said immediately. "No one order steak." He pointed at Hazel. "No steak."
She laughed under her breath. "I don't like steak that much."
"You will when I cook it," he said. The man came back, carting a fresh bottle of whatever he had asked for. "Oh finally."
"It was literally a minute," Melinoe muttered.
Zagreus ignored her, smiling a dazzling grin at the man as he put the bottle back into the ice. "Oh, do leave it for us, won't you, darling?"
The man spluttered through an agreement, stumbling back. Hazel watched him nearly trip over his own feet before another waiter managed to grab him and put him back together. Zagreus snorted and took a sip.
"Poor man," Hazel said, looking down at her menu. Despite being dyslexic, she found she could read each word. Melinoe smiled at her over the top of her own menu.
"He'll be fine,” Macaria assured.
“Just another soul for our father’s world,” Zagreus said.
Nico snorted. “That’s awfully confident.”
“Look at him.” Zagreus nodded discreetly in the poor man’s direction. He was still watching their table, nearly spilling a drink against the white tablecloth of another table. “All men are weak against my pretty eyes.”
“More like your slutty vibes,” Melinoe said. She clicked her tongue. “I think...” A light smirk slid over her lips. “I’ll get the steak and potatoes.”
“Do you want me to kill you?” Zagreus pointed a fork at her. “I’ll do it, don’t test me, traitor.”
Melinoe smiled at him. “Leave the fork threatening for others, Zag.” She snapped her menu shut. “I’m getting lobster and alfredo ravioli.”
“Oh, that sounds nice.” Macaria shut her menu and placed it on top. “I’ll get that. And maybe some bread.” She sighed deeply. “I love bread.”
“You and our father,” Zagreus laughed. He closed his menu and looked at Hazel, a mocking but somehow sweet grin over his lips. “She’s not allowed to go to France anymore because of how much she likes bread.”
Hazel looked at her, lost and amused.
“Just because I threatened a baker during a war does not mean I should be banned from travelling.” Macaria sighed. “I wish Father would recognize that already. I was very tired and overworked and just wanted comfort food. There were so many sad children looking at me everyday. I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“They were looking at me too but I still didn’t threaten to kill a man’s family in front of him if he didn’t bake for me,” Melinoe said.
“Yeah, but you don’t have a heart, Mellie.”
Melinoe’s eyes narrowed. “I have a heart.”
Zagreus nodded at Nico. “Squish face.”
“You have got to stop bringing that up.”
Nico snorted and closed his menu. The action made Hazel realize she was the only one without a choice. She blinked rapidly, drawing her attention back to the words and trying to ignore the prices.
Leaning in close, Macaria whispered, “You can get finger foods if you’d like. We won’t mind. This isn’t a business dinner.”
Hazel felt her skin warm. She hadn’t even considered that eating something that required fingers would be inappropriate. She’d never been rich growing up. She wasn’t the daughter of a diplomat and her father had not been a highly active participant in her life at the time. Not after her mother wasted her demand on what basically accumulated into a “get rich quick” scheme.
She was never sure if she should be offended about it. That her father was active in Nico’s previous life, even if he barely remembered it. Perhaps he didn’t care about her in the same way, didn’t love her mother the same way. Or maybe he saw the curse coming, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it and not wanting to watch another one of his mortal children be thrown to the wolves.
He didn’t take her back to the Underworld, even though he had all the right to. Even though she’d been expecting it.
Their relationship would always been complex. But she could appreciate that he was trying. Whether it was now or something he’d always been doing. Hidden in the shadows. Out of her sight.
Closing her menu, she watched Macaria stack it on top of the others. She folded her hands over her lap, feeling visible and out of place. She looked at Zagreus across from her. Nervously, she reached up to tug at her earlobe. “Um, your earrings are...nice.”
He smiled softly. “They were a gift.”
“From another poor mortal?” she asked, trying to sound teasing.
He grinned, wicked and wide. Success bubbled in her heart. “No, no. From my boyfriend. Menoetes.”
Melinoe snorted. Hazel closed her eyes, translating from Greek to Roman. “The cattle guy?”
“Yes!” Zagreus slapped the table. “He’s so handsome.”
“I still cannot believe out of all the people you could’ve chosen-”
“He’s handsome, Mel.” He took another gulp of his wine, glaring at her over the rim of the glass.
“Handsomely dirty, I guess.”
“Stop talking to me.”
Macaria beamed at the two of them. Under the glow of the lights, they all seemed ethereal. Regal entities. At first sight, they’d seemed average, like any other person who walked along the street but now...
Hazel swallowed and looked back down at her calloused hands and bitten down nails.
“Oh, Hazel.” She looked up at Melinoe. “Nico says you have a boyfriend as well. Frank? Do you mind telling us about him? Is he treating you well?”
Nodding, Hazel relaxed. Frank was easy to talk about. “He’s really sweet. He was, um, part of our team when we rescued Mors - Thanatos - and took down Gaea. And he was really helpful when Nico dropped me off at camp. He introduced me to everyone and showed me around camp and even-” She snorted. “-helped me with the wolf-trained demigods.”
“Ugh, Lupa.” Zagreus rolled his eyes. “Between her and Artemis, I’m almost afraid to shoot wolves. And you know how many of them try to steal my catches? Opportunistic bastards.”
“Do they still lick each other?” Macaria giggled. “I remember during our Roman era, they would chase the chickens. Father would get so annoyed by it but they were dead so it wasn’t like they could do much harm to them. Just bothered them a lot.”
Hazel nodded. “They still lick each other. It was... really weird to experience.” She shrugged. “But they have a very good sense of family. Sometimes. So it’s... not as bad as it could be, I guess.”
“Yes, for wolves they’re awfully picky when they want to be,” Melinoe said. 
Zagreus waved his hand dismissively as the waiter came back and deposited their drinks. “That’s how you keep them in line. Shun the outcast until they learn their place.” He slid his finger over the rim of his glass. “A caesar to start and seafood risotta. Don’t-” He looked at the waiter. “-overdo the lemon.” He smiled, something dangerous in the glint of his teeth, a hunter observing his prey. “I will be able to tell.”
Then he turned his head, voice changing back to the light, happy tone it’d been earlier. “Honestly, I despite the Roman values they teach. It’s so unbearable. I’d go insane.” He gently nodded his glass Hazel’s direction. “Kudos on you for not.”
“Two lobsters and two alfredo raviolis,” Melinoe clipped. “And a round of garlic bread for everyone, thank you.”
The waiter nodded, shooting a nervous look at Zagreus who was sipping his wine, uncaring. Melinoe’s eyes hardened and he let out a squeak turning to Macaria.
She smiled, cutting him off before he even began. “I was the double order, dear. Carry on with the other two.”
Nico squeezed Hazel’s thigh reassuringly. His accent came out, as it always did when he spoke Italian, subtle, a slight undercurrent, but sweet to the ear nonetheless. “Pollo alla parmigiana.” He tapped his glass, already drained. “And another refill, if you would, thank you.”
The waiter nodded. “And you, miss?”
She blinked, her eyes searching down for the words that seemed to escape her. But her menu wasn’t with her anymore, collected to the side with everyone else’s. Nico squeezed her thigh softly again. A calm reassurance.
I have you.
She swallowed thickly. “Uh, the mushroom tortellini, please?”
The waiter nodded and took Nico’s glass with him as he walked off.
Nico leaned in. “You did great.”
She sighed and pretended to be fixing his bangs as she whispered, “Now just for the rest of the night.”
He laughed and kissed her cheek, swift, soft, a bare touch, but enough that she felt settled. The other three smiled at them before delving back into conversation, teasing and almost routine. It was the kind of relationship she’d wanted with Nico when they first met, when he called himself her brother and pulled her out of the shadows of death. Something familiar and soft, comfortable. Familial.
She had it now, with him.
She was eager to have it with them too.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
The Wolf Pack
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Part 4
Request: Yes or No
"I wondered what Betty might be doing." (Y/N) said, taking the money from Jughead.
"Is Archie comforting her? Don't these questions pop up in your head?" He asked. Jughead nodded, taking off his beanie and running a hand through his hair. He seemed exhausted. (Y/N) got some beer, opening it and placing the glass bottle infront of him.
"Why didn't Veronica give you money? She has a owns a restaurant, doesn't she? That just seems selfish to me. Poor Archie, he seems so naive and selfless." (Y/N) said, getting some beer for himself. Jughead grabbed the bottle and started to drink.
"What do you think about Veronica?"
"She's a bitch." Jughead mumbled. (Y/N) held back an amused grin.
"I've noticed. It's a shame that she can't even be bothered to help her friends. I guess she's just a pretty face with an ugly heart." (Y/N) shrugged lightly. Jughead sighed deeply.
"From one gang leader to another, I suggest you cut off anyone who isn't willing to help you and the gang." (Y/N) said. Jughead looked at him.
"How? She's my friend." Jughead said. (Y/N) smiled.
"I can deal with her." (Y/N) said with a smile.
"I don't want her to get hurt-"
"I'm not gonna hurt her." (Y/N) promised.
(Y/N) walked forward, bumping shoulders with someone.
"Shit, my bad." He apologized, crouching down and picking up some of the things the girl dropped.
"It's okay, I should've paid more attention."
"No, no, no. I was on my phone." (Y/N) said, finally making eye contact with Veronica Lodge. She paused before shaking her head.
"It's fine... But if you're so guilty, maybe you can make it up to me with a milkshake at Pop's." She smiled. (Y/N) chuckled, nodding.
"Alright, it's only fair." He smiled.
"I'm Veronica Lodge." She stuck out her hand. (Y/N) faked a surprised look.
"Oh." Veronica furrowed her brows.
"Sorry, it's just... Jughead was talking about you the other day-"
"You know Jughead? How is he? Is he being treated right?" Veronica asked, stepping closer. (Y/N) nodded.
"He's fine. Sorry about everything that happened, Alpha is very serious about his money since some of the members badly need it." (Y/N) said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"How come your in Riverdale?"
"I've lived most of my life in Greendale, I wanted to check the place out." (Y/N) said meekly. Veronica couldn't help but smile.
"Welcome to Riverdale.. Wanna head over to Pop's?" She asked. (Y/N) shrugged, nodding.
"Did you and Jughead have an agrument before Alpha took him?" (Y/N) asked. Veronica shook her head, frowning.
"No, why?"
"Well, it's just that we were talking about his life in Riverdale and he... Nevermind." (Y/N) looked away from her. Veronica placed a hand on his arm.
"Tell me, please."
"He was probably in a bad mood but... He called you a bitch." (Y/N) winced as Veronica blinked.
"I've stuck by his side for so long and he calls me a bitch?"
"He probably had a bad day-"
"Doesn't excuse anything! What an asshole." She huffed.
"How is his girlfriend doing?" (Y/N) asked.
"She's acting like her boyfriend, a total asshole. I get your boyfriend is dealing with some stuff but it doesn't mean that you should act like a total whore! She's trying to cozy up to Archie!" Veronica said, shaking her head.
"Maybe... Maybe she planned all of it. Once Jughead was away, she'd get close to Archie and get with him until Jughead gets back." (Y/N) said. Veronica rubbed her forehead.
"You know what? I need to forget all of them. Betty's always accusing me of something, Jughead follows her around like a puppy, and Archie is always kissing someone." Veronica sighed.
"I really thought they were my friends." She whispered. (Y/N) rubbed her arm.
"It's alright, I'm sure you'll be fine without them." (Y/N) assured her.
"You're really nice. What's your connection to 'Alpha'?" She asked. (Y/N) grinned.
"I am the Alpha, babe." He sent her a wink, continuing on his walk when she abruptly stopped. (Y/N) headed over to his car when Blu parked beside him.
"How'd it go?"
"We'll see." (Y/N) said, getting in the drivers seat.
"Riverdale is so interesting. Better than all the witch bullshit that's going on in Greendale." (Y/N) said.
"Better to have them on our side than against." Blu pointed out, grabbing (Y/N)'s phone and working on the recording. Blu made the recording seem like Veronica was just calling Betty a whore and Jughead an asshole for no reason.
"Why do you wanna pin them against each other?"
"Because it's fun." (Y/N) smiled. Blu handed him the phone back and looked out the window. (Y/N) drove into Greendale, driving to the place where The Wolf Pack hungout. It was a bar owned by (Y/N)'s friend with apartments above that some wolves, including (Y/N), stayed at.
"Veronica's cute but she seems stubborn."
"Penny's like that." Blu looked at him.
"But she's mature. Veronica's childish." (Y/N) got out of the car, heading inside.
"Hey, Jug. I paid your friend a visit and..." (Y/N) played the recording. Jughead clenched his jaw, annoyed and betrayed. (Y/N) patted his back, glancing at the Ghoulies who hung around. Malachai was playing poker while Penny counted her money.
"Daddy!" The screech of a young girl spooked everyone but (Y/N) who grinned widely. He spun around, picking up the young girl as she reached him, causing her to squeal and laugh.
"Hey, baby bird." He cooed. Jughead stared at him with wide eyes.
"You're a a dad?" He questioned.
"Don't act so surprised Jughead, you'll probably be in my shoes soon enough." (Y/N) said.
"This little bird is gonna be the next Alpha after me." (Y/N) said, putting her down and letting her greet the other wolves.
"Why? What if she doesn't want to be Alpha?"
"Only the people related to the original Alphas can become one. If they can't or don't want to, it firstly seems like disrespect and their kid will have to be Alpha or else they'll be kicked out." (Y/N) explained.
"I was thirteen when good ole' dad passed and mom was too mentally ill to know what the hell reality was."
"Thirteen and leader of basically a mafia?" Jughead raised his brows.
"Serpents always act as if their gang is the only one with parents who need to feed their children, felons who were homeless, street kids... The Wolf Pack takes anyone without a home and gives them a place to stay until they're back on their feet. Of course, they have to pay us back but it's easy. Give a bit of money and you have our protection." (Y/N) told him.
"But don't get me wrong, we have a decent body count." With that, (Y/N) grabbed a bottle and went over to his daughter.
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