#i will get caught up with these eventually istg
makenna-made-this · 8 months
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BAWKtober Day 11 - Pumpkin Patch Party
Party bawkers in the hoooousee toniiiight
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sunnyhvnny · 1 year
Aemond being a voyeur and just watching all the time. During the day, her baths and when shes sleeping.He starts touching her to see how far he can get before she starts to wake up. One time she wakes up but he doesnt realise that shes awake so at  night  she starts wearing revealing nightgowns or nothing at all. Can you plea write what you think his reaction would be?
I don’t know if I said this before but istg I feel like Aemond is the most likely character to be a voyeur.
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Aemond would consider himself a calculating man. He wasn’t cautious, per se, but he always made sure to not be caught playing with fire. That was, of course, until she came around.
From the first moment Aemond’s eye landed on her, he wasn’t able to look anywhere else. He found himself using the secret passageways in the Red Keep to watch her undress, watch her bathe, and soak in the bath. When she fell asleep he had even snuck into her room to watch her sleeping form. He watched every inhale and exhale. Every time her breasts rose and fell with every breath. It was really no surprise to him when he found that he could hold back no longer.
He waited that night, like every night, for her to fall asleep until he quietly entered her room. It started with soft touches. He had only wanted to feel her soft and smooth skin and while she slumbered he did. He ran his fingers up and down her arms and along the column of her throat. He enjoyed tracing her collarbones with his fingers and watching her face scrunch up as he must have run over a part of her that tickled. That first night, that was all he did.
The following nights, he became more emboldened. He soon found himself smoothing her hands over her stomach and trailing her thighs under her nightgown. He didn’t stop as he grew hard, he would deal with himself later. Eventually, his hands found purchase on her soft and supple breasts. He gently fondled them and let his fingers toy with her nipples. He wouldn’t leave her room until his hand trailed under her nightgown and found her pussy.
He played with her folds and rolled her clit around with his fingers until she was wet. Aemond knew then that he was playing with fire and that was when he always left. When he left her room, it was the only time his eye wasn’t on her. He didn’t know that after he left she opened her eyes and finished what he started. She delved her fingers into her soaking pussy and imagined they were Aemond’s.
Not aware of any of this, Aemond came back to her chambers every night. It wasn’t until her nightgown was so sheer that he could see through it with only the moonlight as an aid that he realized that her regular sleeping attire had changed. Her nightgown now barely hung below her cheeks and, Aemond noticed, she had forgone the heavy blanket she used to use and instead was sleeping with only a sheet.
His hand was on the inside of her thigh when he heard a soft hitch of a breath in the darkened room. He tried his best not to show that he heard it but his mind started to turn over the past few days and he gently rubbed the inside of her thigh.
Her sleeping patterns had not only changed but he had noticed her flushed face when he entered a room she was in recently. She had begun to wear sapphire-colored gowns and had gone out of her way to touch his arm and hands at meals.
He looked down at her as he slipped his fingers inside of her for the first time and enjoyed how she tried to hold still. He had realized she was awake when he heard the hitch of breathing and wondered how many nights of him sneaking into her chambers to touch her she was awake for.
It was a surprise to him to be certain. He had tried not to be caught and he thought if she ever did catch on then he would certainly find himself in trouble. He had not expected her to practically present herself for his taking. By the wetness between her thighs and the way she squeezed around d his fingers, he could tell that she wanted this nearly as much as he. Maybe that was why, with a smug smile he found himself climbing onto her mattress, albeit carefully (he didn’t want her to know that he was aware that she knew), and spread her legs gently and lowered his face to her weeping core.
They both knew there was no more pretending when she couldn’t hold back a moan as he licked a stripe up her delicious cunt.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Evan Buckley x female reader - tsunami episode - they have been dating for 4 years and Buck has recently proposed, reader and Buck spend a day on the pier with Christopher but they soon get caught up in the tsunami. Reader gets injured badly (hit her head/unconscious/broken bones etc) and Buck struggles to find her and panics. Some hospital scenes with Buck and reader and 118.
angst, injuries(if ur comfortable too write about it), heartbreak, fluff 🫶🫶
waves - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: you guys always have such good ideas istg… so funny story i was gonna finish this last night but i was drunk so i couldn’t 😁
every time her eyes were forced open, y/n was faced with a new horror in front of her. the murky grey water full of debris scratching against her skin. the stinging salt water in her eyes and lips. the salt from the sea diving into her scrapes. the feeling that she was drowning and there was nothing she could do to stop it. the ocean has always been scary, but it’s never scarier than when you’re in the center of its wrath. she came up for air, only to take one deep breath before being forced under the surface again. she’s a good swimmer. she knows she can swim, but no one prepares you for a wave from hell in swimming lessons.
y/n and buck had taken christopher out for the day, trying to get buck more involved after his accident. they went to the pier, the arcades, anything that christopher suggested they did.
they were supposed to go to the movies. to see a film, but the only thing they saw now was pure calamity in front of them.
she didn’t think buck could take much more pain and uncertainty in this world. he’s the toughest man, but even the toughest soldiers can fall. y/n’s concern for him had peaked. his life felt empty when he didn’t have y/n or the 118. he loved working more than anything, saving people ended up saving him.
he knew y/n before she even started working at the 118. they had been in the same training program, and y/n was eventually transferred to los angeles. buck was so fond of y/n. he loved her more than anyone, which frightened him but also made him filled with electricity. she was alluring, talented, and the sweetest person he’s ever known. she showed him love when he needed it.
so, the ring was in his apartment, shining in one of the hidden compartments in his closet. he was certainly prepared to whip it out and spend the rest of his days next to y/n, but then, a kid with some bombs took over. the engine was on top of buck before he could take a breath, and all his plans to propose were thrown away. it was now or never, he thought, laying on the stretcher. he’d switched from gut-wrenching wails to a solid “marry me.”
now, y/n looked for buck wherever, but the shore had become one with the whole city. the pier was gone, and she didn’t know if buck and chris were too.
she was being shoved across the water, her body being smacked with incoming debris. her head made contact with a slab of concrete that the wave had taken up. after, she’d made contact with another piece that sliced through the side of her abdomen, leaving a clean gash that was releasing a spill of blood. before she knew it, the the water was cold, but she started to feel warmer by the minute. the water around her started turning red, and her face became paler as she accepted her fate. she wanted buck to be there to save her. she wanted to be able to save herself, but the aggression of the water made it near impossible. she allowed her frail body to wash up on top of a white delivery truck, laying there with her maroon blood smeared on the top of the truck.
she was transformed into survival mode, thinking of anything she would be able to do without killing herself even more. she was able to reach for a piece of sopping fabric, pressing it securely against her belly where the massive slash was. there was nothing to be done for her head as the damage had already been done. she’d be damned if this tsunami killed her, but as long as she knew buck was out there, she was going to fight like hell.
buck felt completely lost. he was settled on top of a fire engine, christopher being cradled in his arms as they faced the disaster together. they were the only two people on bucks mind, y/n and christopher. at least he knew where christopher was, but he was separated from his fiancé the moment the wave flooded the pier.
buck tried to stay positive, he really did. but, seeing all the bodies float past limply brought his spirits down. he knew that he would be okay, but the woman who’s the center of his universe could be dead. buck thought nothing could hurt more than his accident. on the contrary, the thoughts in his head during these moments of his life hurt more than any physical pain he’s experienced.
buck stayed silent, not wanting to scare christopher but the boy had his own questions. “how come y/n is gone?”
“she, um, she got lost in one of the waves, pal,” buck mumbles, trying to contain himself from completely breaking down. “we’ll find her when this is over, alright?” buck wishes he had a more firm answer, but there is nothing in this environment that is stable. no one knows a single thing that could or couldn’t happen.
suddenly, everything turned to nightmare fuel. christopher had fallen, and was swept away by the harsh flow. buck screamed his name, jumping in after him and searching for him anywhere. he swore his heart stopped, watching the exhausted boy fall into the unknown pit of water. everything had become a blur to buck. he didn’t even care about anyone else as long as christopher went home to eddie, and y/n went home with him.
bucks heart fell with eddie’s face as their reunited with each other at the hospital. he was carrying the weight of two missing people, feeling like it was only his fault. he wanted y/n there so bad, he so badly wanted her to hold him and say it’ll all work out in the end. y/n was gone, and buck had no fucking clue because now, she could be anywhere. he loves her more than anything on this planet, and a wave can’t change that.
buck continued to notice the shallow breathing of eddie, the pure horror on his face as he might’ve lost the person he adores most. there’s no pain like losing a child, and buck could never live with himself if he didn’t save christopher. alas, when eddie’s eyes directed to behind bucks cut and dirty body, he saw his son wrapped up in a warming blanket. buck felt like complete shit.
he knew he saved christopher, and he was thrilled beyond words. but where was y/n? he had to know. the sun had already set and if she wasn’t found, she was probably dead. the word rang through bucks brain, repeating itself over and over like a monster under the bed. she’s the best thing that ever happened to him, and he never guessed that it would shoot him in the foot until now.
“buck!” bobby yelled, beginning to walk over with hen and chimney as eddie sprinted to his little boy. “hey, what’s wrong, kid?”
buck could barely formulate words, the heaving in his chest was too strong to hold anything else. he panted while spitting out y/n’s name. “i cant find her, guys i tried so hard but we just got separated so fast-“
“alright, buck hang in there,” hen says, placing her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to ease him. “we’re going to look around, ok?” buck nods, knowing that this isn’t easy for them either. y/n was the light at the station, being able to cure a bad day and always making every glad to be at work. she made it the best experience, and she became their best friend outside of work too. they’d lose a coworker, but they’d lose a member of their family above all else.
buck storms around the parking lot in the triage areas, desperately begging them for her name. “do you have a y/n here? y/l/n? ive been to all of the other ones and if she’s not here i don’t know what to do.”
“she’s not on my list, sir. i’m so sorry, but have you checked the black tents?” the sad woman asks, acknowledging the tarp that was decked with body bags. buck stared at them, like they became the only thing in the world.
“i- i cant-“ buck breathes, turning around to break the contact.
“i know, you’re ok, buck,” hen speaks, as buck falls into her arms, his knees barely holding any support of his body. he tries to match henrietta’s breathing, her comforting voice soothing his ears. he tried to ignore everything around him, but the aggressive sirens of another ambulance and the lights illuminated the teams faces.
he watched as the two paramedics opened the doors, revealing another on next to a womans body, squeezing the air into her lungs with the bag. buck knows. he sees her damp hair on the stretcher, the hair loves and admired every day. he sees her crimson-stained outfit, the one he complimented her on this morning. lastly, he sees her beautiful face, the face he could never forget. he wants to sprint over to her, but his feet are planted on the ground. he has no more fight left to give, and he lets himself fall to the ground in exhaustion.
the next time his eyes peel open again, buck is sitting behind a curtain, an oxygen mask around his head and a bottle of water being handed to him. “drink this,” bobby demands.
“thanks,” buck replies.
“don’t thank me. you did great work out there today, buck. i’m proud of you.”
“thank you, cap,” buck twists the cap off, starting to take sips of the water. “please tell me i wasn’t dreaming when i saw y/n.”
“you weren’t. she’s in surgery now. she had a pretty nasty laceration on her head, and an even worse one on her abdomen. they’re thinking it hit her appendix, so they’re going in to take it out before it causes more harm than good. they did a few test on her as well,” buck hisses at bobby’s words, not wanting to hear anymore but needing to know. he didn’t know if it was good or bad, but he had to know. “she has a severe concussion. she’ll probably be disoriented and confused when she wakes up, and surely in pain. buck, hey,” bobby notices the man starting to zone out. she’s still hurt, and it’s not enough for buck. he wishes he could put a force field around her, wanting to take the force of anything that might hurt her. knowing that this out of the ordinary thing almost took her life pains him beyond injury.
“s-sorry,” buck whispers. “i want to see her when she’s out of surgery.”
“you can, but i need you to know that it’s going to look bad. she’s going to be intubated and definitely banged up. you have to know that she’s going to be ok. so, say it,” bobby tells him.
“say she’s going to be ok.”
buck gives him a confused look, trying to contain the waves of his own tears as he utters the words out. “she’s going to be ok,” before he knows it, the dam breaks and bobby’s hugging buck, comforting him from the emotions that have taken over.
the minute buck gets the confirmation to see his girl, he’s passionately walking down the hallway of the ICU, scanning the rooms for the only one he cares about. scarily, bobby was right. it looked bad. she had cuts through her cheeks and her shoulders, even passing through her eyebrows and forehead. she had a thick bandage around her abdomen, protecting the incisions on her stomach. the lights were dimmed, protecting her eyes from hurting her head even more. the tube down her throat was a haunting sight for buck to see, realizing that she could barely do it on her own.
he sat in the chair next to her, anxious to even graze her hand. he just watched her chest rise slowly and sink down again, next to the hissing of the machine. and he stayed there. he couldn’t bring himself to leave her side again. he lost her once, it wasn’t happening again. so, buck sat next to her until her anesthesia wore off. some people might’ve thought he was a statue, the way he didn’t rip his eyes off of her.
the doctors came in a while later when y/n started breathing over her tube. she was still sleeping, but she was breathing on her own. buck knew she could, he knew this wouldn’t be the thing to take them apart. the worlds had it’s go at trying to separate buck and y/n, but it never works. until death do them part, literally. buck looked at the ring on her finger, almost forgetting that they’re planning a wedding. he’d been given the ring from the nurse, who took it off before her scans. he was the first one to put it on her finger, so he did it again.
the 118 had piled into her room, eddie bringing christopher to his tías house to spend time with her. he came back when he heard about y/n. buck just saved the life of his son, and y/n saved bucks life before he even knew it. the entire team knew it. they needed her to be ok, or work would truly never be the same.
she’d worn off the anesthesia a few hours later, looking at her family surrounding her.
“hey, baby,” buck smiles, still dressed in his muddy clothes. “i know it hurts, it’s ok.”
“what happened?” she asks, rasp in her voice.
“there was a tsunami, y/n. it got you pretty good, too,” bobby added, standing at the edge of her bed. “you fought that pretty good, y/n. they said it was pretty ugly when they found you.”
“yeah, i remember,” she squints. “but why am i here? shouldn’t i be at work soon?” buck gives his captain a confused look.
“she’s just confused, buck. it’s the concussion, don’t worry about that,” eddie whispers behind buck into his ear.
“do you remember seeing anyone or anything?” hen asks.
“i remember being scared, for buck and c-christopher. i thought they were dead for a little, and i thought i was next. but i couldnt just drop there and give up on them.”
buck noticed her exhaustion, from the pain medicine and just the stress of her disorientation. “you should get more sleep, honey. you’re gonna need it.”
“bucks right. we can come back to see you tomorrow, y/n,” hen stands. “we love you, y/n. you did good.”
“you’re tough, y/n, you’ll be alright,” chimney adds, patting her hand and starts to clear out of the room.
“don’t go, buck,” y/n says, grabbing his hand with her eyes shut tightly.
“i’m not going anywhere, y/n/n. you’re stuck with me,” buck tells her, leaving a kiss on her hand and he sees the corner of her lips rise with it.
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shiyosugi · 6 months
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CHARACTERS: (MY FAVOURITES) Yoichi Isagi, Shoei Baro, Sae Itoshi, Ikki Niko, Ryusei Shido, Rin Itoshi
A/N: Should I do another part for other characters? And I was sort of inspired by Yamada from Loving Yamada at Level 999, he likes to kiss his girlfriend istg. New year, new headcanons.
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He wasn't expecting his girlfriend to be very affectionate. He wasn't complaining though.
He loved that everytime you and him were together alone, you would give him a quick kiss on the lips or on any part of his face.
It pleased him everytime you showered him with kisses, especially when you were praising him.
With you being all touchy and clingy to him, it convinced him just how much you loved him and he won't doubt you.
A day without your lips being all over his face felt off to him, he was just too used to your touch.
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He can't believe how clingy you can be sometimes. Showering him with kisses almost every hour.
He might seemed bothered by it at first, but he soon get used to it and even managed to control your habit for kissing him.
If he was cleaning and you were about to be all over him, he would ask you to do the chores which you did without complaints. After you were done, he will let you kiss him for as much as you want, and he will give you kisses as well.
When you gave less kisses than usual, he would feel a bit uneasy, because your kisses were what calmed him down, strangely.
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At first, he limited you from kissing him too much but you were stubborn and managed to force more kisses to him than he expected, which he soon warmed up to it.
When you didn't give him that much affection as usual, he would think that he might have upset you and he showered you with kisses to make up for it.
Sometimes he was too used with you kissing him every single moment that he could forget or careless about the lipstick stains you have left on him. Of course, the pro player's teammates have to remind him about cleaning his face before any practices or games.
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He didn't know what to feel as he got himself a... very affectionate girlfriend. He got flustered at first but as time passed, he began to take your habit of kissing him as a normal thing.
When he was comfortable enough, he let you moved his bangs away and kissed him on the forehead, but that was in private only.
He can be needy sometimes since you spoiled him too much with kisses, when he wanted you to kiss him, he would demand it and you gave him just what he wanted.
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The man himself loved to kiss you so he liked that you were affectionate and clingy yourself with him.
In this case, you were the one who got showered by kisses almost every single moment, but you did the same to him also.
Sometimes, he restraint you from kissing him as a way to tease you and obviously loved it when you restraint him from kissing you also. He loved playing games with you.
However, when you didn't kiss him as much as you always did, he would trapped you in his big arms when he caught you doing nothing until you started kissing him, passionately.
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Poor boy, he was flabbergasted. The way you kissed him as if it was nothing made him flustered.
Most of times, he had to stop you from kissing him, not because he didn't like it, it was because he was too nervous that he might passed out.
Eventually, he got used to your kisses and no longer nervous about being kissed by you. In private that was it, in public, he tried his best to stop you from trying to kiss him, he will get nervous.
When you didn't give him that much kisses even for a day, he would thought he did something wrong. He was still trying to understand you, be easy with him.
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yanyanobsessed · 2 months
more yandere cult leader headcanons cuz... i cant get enough! i need to give them a name eventually istg
• Yan! Cult leader who slowly starts seeing their god in you.
• In the beginning, they are simply mesmerized by your presence in a way that was completely new to them.
• With time, however, they started rationalizing it to themselves- You were benevolent, and pure of heart, and your appearance was positively divine.
• They started seeing more and more divinity in you- From the way you smiled and laughed, to the way you watched them preach with full attention, to the way you seeked them out for praise and tasks to further their mission- Each step making them fall for you, seeing you as more and more heavenly each passing day.
• The first time they saw you cry, it was like something in them shattered. You had been hurt by one of the other worshippers- Torn down for the high priests so called 'favoritism' towards you. They were torn asunder by their emotions, half of them determined to bring the damned to justice, the other half desperate to console their perfect little lamb.
• They prioritized your emotions and consolation, burying the rage brewing under the compassion when you came in for a hug and caught their breath. They took a moment to adjust, relaxing into it as they cradled your sobbing form, whispering reassurance as they rubbed your back. You deserved the absolute world in their eyes. You were the world in their eyes.
• Trust that the damned soul that made you cry was, quite efficiently, dealt with. They 'left' the camp, conveniently 'discharged' for their misconduct- on the other hand, the stew served for dinner that night was quite tasty, meaty and hearty as can be. It did quite a good job of cheering you up, to their delight.
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Enhypen maknae line reacts to their so falling asleep on them
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Hi :D Im back
Thank you for your support
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Enjoy this wierd ass looking heart i drew i guess?
Hyung line :3
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Warnings: grammar errors (commas illude me), fluff, me simping for sunno the entire time, spelling errors, not proofread, were all single pringles together, pronouns not specified, "their" used once
repost if you saw the original unfinished version that i accidentally posted because i know some of yall did💀
Confused but happy
Ya know how he does that head tilt when he's confused
He does that
Pouts his lips and just stares at you in confusion
He's just a little confused baby
There all babys tho
He'll still cuddle you
Just with a little more confusion than normal
Will play with your hair
Running his hands through it
(ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
There are no words to describe the feelings he makes you feel
He loves it when you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on him without a word
Its like you two have your own secret language with no words
*so walks in the room*
*makes eye contact with him*
*falls asleep in his arms a few moments later*
I wish i could do that
He definitely looks forward to when you come home from a long day
Just so you can collapse onto him
I know i said Hoonie was my bias wrecker
Oh well
Smol cat boi
Would not let you stay on his lap
Literally rolls over with you on top of him and lays on his side
Then he doesn't let you leave his arms
But have yall ever been in someones arms when there sleeping?
Me neither
I think it would be really hot
I meant temperature
I mean if were talking about Jungwon...
But just imagine being trapped against someones body
Unable to move
And overheating
Yeah you push him off you
But then you crawl on top of him
Because you cant fall asleep without him
And you want to make him suffer the way be made you suffer-
Anyways you fall asleep
Like two peas in a pod
And you wake up sideways cuddled into him again
Because he woke up with you on top of him and pushed you off
And then you ended up in the same position you were im before
That sounded really wrong-
Im gonna stop now
Before i make any other wierd jokes
Well he says he hates it
Because really who can resist a sleepy person when all they want is to sleep on you?
Except him
Or at least he tries
But he still lets you fall asleep on him without complaining
Suspicious  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° 
As soon as he double checks that your asleep he starts hugging you
Because he cant show weakness when your awake
No no
Because then he would be caught
For you
And that's not allowed
According to him
Definitely accidentally wakes you up
But you don't tell him
Because you just want soft riki
Who desent
Seriously when he's no serious or tensed up and actually acting like a maknae it makes my heart melt 🥰
You listen to him as he hums you a little song
Thinking your still asleep
Eventually you really do fall back asleep
And he probably falls asleep too
The two of you are another victim to the hyung photos
They will take them just to embarrass you istg
Not even to say how cute you are together
"look how wierd their face looks😀"
It was definitely Sunghoon
Getting back at him for taking sleeping pictures of him sleeping
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dark-chocolatt · 2 years
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tho, i write with a male reader in mind, i just make it gender neutral, THEY AREN'T A KID, THEY'RE A TEEN ISTG
genre: hurt/comfort
platonic to romantic relationship !
“𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞, 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮”
content warnings: incest, possessive behaviour, age gap, subjugation, yandere zhongli, conflicted feelings
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your step-brother was way too charismatic, touchy, and so kind towards you. you didn't mean to develop feelings but eventually, you ended up wanting more than your current relationship with him.
at night, your thoughts would wander, how would it feel to cuddle with him? to kiss him? to feel his touch all over your sensitive body?— with each fantasy that came to mind, you could feel your body aching.
god, i just wanna be with him you groaned, dragging your hand down your face. it was almost laughable, how much you pined for him, sure, you weren't actually related but fuck, it felt wrong to think about him that way.
you had never felt so frustrated beforehand, unable to do anything about your longing for him. clutching a pillow in your arms — a couch pillow that reeked of his scent — you sighed, feeling the familiar hollow in your chest, still heavy and just as painful as it always was.
at first, it was just admiration, but as time passed, you realised that you had fallen for him. it had dawned on you, just how stupid were you to fall for him? you chuckled, feeling bad for yourself. why would he like you? he only treated you like a sibling, why would he even think of you that way?
a few tears slid down your cheeks, wetting the pillow you held to your chest. for a moment, you truly felt helpless, oh well, at least it'll stay a secret, he doesn't have to know after all you hummed, smiling bitterly.
slipping on your headphones, you decide to drown everything out with music — but instead, your thoughts fill up with even more fantasies, about marrying him and what he would be like as your lover; it filled you with a deep sense of poignance, knowing you could never be with him.
minutes felt like hours, and because you were too caught up in your head, you didn't realise that your brother had finally come home. “i'm home!” he hollered into the quiet home, a quizzical gaze landing on the scattered pair of sneakers beside the entrance. “my, i wonder who left their shoes here?” he chuckled fondly, placing them in the shoe closet along with his own.
stepping into the living room, gold eyes brightened at the sight of you. he stepped closer, furrowing his eyebrows when he realises that you're crying — dropping his briefcase on the carpet, he makes his way to you.
your eyes shoot open when zhongli's hand cups your cheek, glassy e/c ones meeting his worried gaze. “what's wrong? why are you crying?” he asks, dropping to his knees.
wiping away your tears, he caressed the back of your head, pulling you into his embrace. “whatever it is, your big brother will do his best to help alright? are you upset because you lost your nintendo switch? i can buy you a new one don't worry—” “i, it's not that” you whispered, cutting him off.
gently, you pushed him away, smiling at him. “it's not something you should worry about” you responded, looking away from him. his frown deepens, just what on earth happened to you to get you to act like this?
he envelopes one of your hands in both of his own, gazing down at them tenderly. his thumb traced reassuring circles into them, “please tell me, i just want to help you, you matter so much to me so i don't want you struggling with anything” he says, voice fading into a whisper.
minutes pass, and eventually, he takes a seat next to you on the couch, hugging you and rubbing your back. with a soft sigh, you stand up, only for one of your hands to be caught by one of his own. “you haven't told me yet” he persisted, eyes prying for an answer.
“you don't need to know” you snap, yanking your arm away. you rush to your bedroom, him chasing after you and just before you can shut the door, he pushes it open, pressing you against the wall.
his grip on your shoulders is weirdly possessive in a way, tight but not rough enough to leave a mark. “tell me, i'm your big brother, i can help you with anything, please don't shut me out” he pleads, fixated on your every move. your heart skips a beat in your chest when he does, you could practically feel his breath on your face.
your head is downcast, face getting hotter with each second that passed. it seems that he won't budge so you eventually decide to tell him about something else.
“it's just something with a classmate of mine—” “don't lie to me” he warns, eyes dark and piercing into you. a meek whimper slips past your lips, why did he sound mad? you wondered, feeling nervous. you gulp down the saliva building up in your throat, hoping he didn't hear you.
“i, i can't tell you” you replied, voice sounding a bit whiny. zhongli's eyes are half-lidded as he stares down at your small frame, eyebrow gently quirking up, “and why not?” he inquired.
just why was his cute little sibling being so awfully dodgy? did he do anything wrong?, you just had to tell him and he'd do anything to make it right.
“cuz, you'll hate me” you whimper, tears welling up in your pretty eyes. his eyes widen, “oh sweetie, i would never hate you” he cooed, bringing you into his arms. he pats you on the head, trying to soothe you.
“e, even if i love you? romantically?” you whisper, stunning the man. you felt the same? you loved him that way too? god, he could feel his joy bubbling within him. his lips slowly curved up into an uncontrollable smile. slowly, he lifted you into his arms, sitting on the bed with you in his lap. “oh darling, my sweet little darling, i will never hate you because,” he pauses, pulling you in for a gentle kiss that tinted those soft cheeks in a tinge of red he absolutely adored — he chuckled, “i love you like that as well~” he cooed, hands encircling your waist.
a soft and cute little smile graced your face, you were so glad your brother didn't hate you. you kissed him again, shying away with a soft giggle after. “aw don't be shy baby, you're mine now, and i'm yours right? would you like that honey?” he asked with a soft voice. you nodded eagerly, causing the smile on his face to widen.
his cute little sibling was now his darling, he didn't kill off your parents in that accident for nothing. as sickening as it was, he knew he had to have you.
he peppered kisses all over your face, ecstatic to finally have you as his own.
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muffinsin · 5 months
Hey, the succubus ask was really good! Loved the concept of Dani and her first time. I always liked the idea of Dani getting corrupted for her first time. I agree with your interpretation that Dani is the kinkiest of the sisters, but surely she wasn’t always that way. Poor innocent Dani, the youngest of house Dimitrescu. Naïve and viewing the world through rose tinted glasses because her only exposure to romance is through overly idealized and fictitious storybooks. She’s sheltered. The only interactions she can get aside from family are villagers/maids that have to tolerate her unless they want a sickle to the throat, thus all “friends” are disingenuous. In the rare occasion an outsider or foreigner gets trapped and forced to work in the castle it is still shallow and short lived interaction as many either feign interest to escape, caught escaping and are punished, or get themselves killed in the process of escaping. Most importantly, these are fragile mortals. Dani can never completely express affection physically because she has so much love to give and she gets so caught up in her emotions squeezing too hard during a hug, dragging a maid to show her something, shakes them too fast before realizing she’s killed them in her excitement. It’s not fair, Bela and Cassandra are better at controlling their strength. They’re able to have numerous relationships throughout their undead lives and Dani has yet to have one. Not to mention the frustration of her family babying her. She’s sheltered, innocent, but especially desperate. Dani wants to be loved and desired and to give it back, but her love proves to be deadly. Until one day…..an outsider appears, a fellow immortal. A female demon, not a succubus, but definitely a demon living among humans and traversing the world. Stumbling upon the secluded village during their trip to Romania. They sneak into the castle, no foul intentions they were just curious. They get caught by Bela and are brought to Alcina. The demoness does not put up a fight knowing that they can’t be harmed. However, they are disturbingly calm and quiet, which Bela and Alcina are not used to since a real human would be screaming, begging, fighting. Eventually, Alcina decides to put the “human” woman in the dungeon for the time being. Right then dani comes into the room to ask a question. She stops mid sentence with eyes locked on the outsider. The demoness finds her attractive and sensing an opportunity decided to wink at dani, showing interest. Dani is instantly taken by the mysterious woman and her romantic delusions are fueled. “She must be the one,” she thinks, “I must have her,” she reasons. Dani begs Alcina to have the woman. Alcina eventually agrees since she didn’t have plans for the woman before. Dani takes the demoness back to her room creating a tea party, including seats for stuffed animals (I headcanon that she has a shit ton of stuffed animals and talks to them sometimes lol). The demoness is still calm and quiet, listening to Dani intently as she rambles about her fav novels. Until dani slips up and mentions how lonely she is. The demoness picks up on this and questions dani, learning how inexperienced her “captor” really is. The demoness finds Dani very attractive and feels a genuine connection, so she decides to give Dani some of the love she’s been missing in her life…..exposing her to what real love and desire can feel like😉
I’m so weak for Dani istg-
This is a long one everyone XD also, very glad I finally got to tend to this!! Y’all don’t know for how long this has been sitting in my inbox ;-;🙇‍♀️
Let’s get into it!👀
Masterlists: 1-3
Daniela Dimitrescu is a hopeless romantic, this much is known throughout the entire castle. Another thing that is known: to avoid her at all costs, to avoid detection by the youngest daughter under all circumstances.
It is clear: detection by this daughter means sure death.
While with Bela there is more than just a fleeting chance to survive, should one only mind their manners and not get on her nerves,
And even Cassandra is somewhat survivable, should she not have her eye set specifically on you,
Daniela’s attention means death. Not a single one has survived an encounter with this one.
Sometimes, it is unavoidable to slip from her attention. And when she does see you, it is said it’s over already. Death comes to every “lover of hers”.
A delusional romance begins the moment she sets her eyes on her prey, and should anybody break this delusion of hers, they will be punished with death penalty. Not that there is an alternative, really, because even if one plays along, Daniela always ends up killing her playthings, leaving them disfigured and cold.
Now, this is what the stories say. And they are not completely wrong.
Save for Daniela’s view. The poor thing, who entirely shut away from the romantic, fairytale life she wishes to have.
Yearning, she asks herself: if she is locked in the castle the way Rapunzel is trapped in the tower, where is her saviour?
The one to lessen the solitude in the large castle? Her soulmate…
And poor Daniela, delusional and all too desperate to fall in love she rushes every step along the way. Instead, she falls madly for every person, believing- truly- they were instantly as madly in love with her. And, she is disappointed every time.
Eager and entirely deprived of romance and a partner, Daniela aches for true love. A relationship, a proper one.
Yes, those that catch her attention do not live. And each time she kills them, a small part of her heart breaks off.
She doesn’t mean to kill her lovers! She’s just- excited. She forgets how fragile humans are.
And so, she becomes more and more deprived of all of it.
She watches her sisters take lovers and spend their time with them, hears them bed them.
Yet, she is denied such a thing. Being the “baby” of the family, it seems nobody is good enough for her according to her sisters and mother.
Maidens willing and eager to bed her are scared off quickly by her protective sisters, or even torn apart entirely for daring to attempt to defile the youngest daughter.
The youngest sister, who is no longer young. Centuries pass, lifetimes, and poor Daniela is stuck in her role of a baby sister and daughter, coddled and spoiled through and through, protected and loved.
Oh, but so very isolated. Protective sisters ensuring her safety to the point she is unable to have dates or sex, an even more protective mother regularly proving and demonstrating she will slice all unworthy ones to ribbons who dare as much as touch Daniela.
Oh, but she yearns to be snatched right under all of their noses. She yearns for a relationship, for love. Something that lasts.
She promises, each time, she will be careful with her lover. Yet then excitement kicks in, and limbs are far too easily ripped and broken. Her love is deadly, her attention a curse. Her affection is a plague, and as such it leads to a lover’s death.
Yet…this is to change one day, unbeknown to Daniela.
It’s the day a demoness enters the village.
From far away, and eventually stumbling into the village, you traverse the world, looking for big and small wonders. It seems, you have found one, when you eye the large castle in the distance.
Between trees and clouds, a tower peeks out. The top of a large, luxurious castle. With its windows shining in the light and wind curling around its tips, flags waving in the wind.
The air is bitingly cold, but you don’t mind. You run warmer than most due to your inhuman nature.
You’ve met a single person so far, a woman, lost to the flame. In her dying phrase she spoke to you and warned you of the wicked witches in the castle.
Of course, this peaked your interest.
As you approach the castle entrance, you see the blood seeping into the wooden gate and staining the stony ground. You raise an eyebrow curiously.
It’s rare you come across killers. The world is painfully boring compared to the torture and pain, punishments and blood that is spilled where you come from. The thought of being among murderers excites you.
Is this why the village is so empty?
With ease no mortal would possess, you push open the heavy iron doors to the castle. Inside, it is warm. Nearly overwhelmingly so.
But, it is intentional, you notice. Every window in the entrance hall is closed. A fire is lit. Carpets scatter on the floor. It seems the inhabitants like it warm.
“Curiosity killed the cat”, you murmur to yourself with a small giggle. Perhaps you’d be cautious if anything in this world was as a threat to you.
Alas, you only feel burning curiosity.
You see a large painting, vases and flowers, rich colours and heavy curtains. The castle looks as though from a completely different decade.
As you walk, you hear light buzzing around you. A couple of times you need to swat some flies away.
At last, you find yourself in what seems to be a large hall. You find another large door. The windows next to it suggest it leads to the castle gardens. Yet, just as you grip the handle of the door, you hear loud giggling and the even louder buzzing of wings and flies.
You feel a body press up against your backside, and hear laughter in your ear. Yet when you turn, you see only flies.
It seems, the first “witch” is revealed to you. A brunette, with a large smirk and blood coating her lips. She stalks around you, as though you are her prey.
When you feel hands on your shoulders, gripping tight enough to bruise, another is revealed. A blonde. She grips you tightly, and laughs happily.
“We’ve caught you now, little one”, she hums, all too pleased with herself. She doesn’t seem to care for the fact you haven’t even attempted to move from her grasp. In fact, she seems entirely too sure of herself.
Both women’s faces are bloodied, their makeup smeared. They reek, of blood and sex, poorly covered by their rich perfumes. You doubt a mortal could smell, though.
They stare at you for a moment when you merely look at them and take in their appearance. Then, as though reminded of what they want, the brunette grips your arm tightly and pulls you with her.
“Mother will know what to do with you!”, the blonde tries to threaten. Intrigued, you follow without putting up a fight.
More elegant halls greet you, as well as warm carpets and lit fireplaces. The women are dressed in black dresses, with black, thin coats and black heels. Gloves cover their hands.
When you enter a room, you find a woman, too tall to be mortal, dressed in white. She must be the mother of the two, you think.
Unlike her daughters, the woman seems less animalistic in her movements. She doesn’t seem to bother trying to catch you, while still attempting to present herself as a predator.
“So, you have broken into my Castle”, she speaks, loud and clear. You hear the girls snicker next to you when they let go of you.
“I was merely curious, Milady. I mean no harm, I’m simply passing through”, you answer, voice as steady as hers. It seems to catch the three off guard.
“Mother! Let me have her!”, The brunette demands. She’s holding her sickle tightly, her smile wide and sadistic. You merely raise an eyebrow at her. You wonder, how fast will the little sadist grow tired of you when you will not scream in pain?
“Mother! I captured her for you!”, the blonde pipes in. She frowns angrily, almost pouts. It can almost be described as adorable, how the woman seems unhappy about her sister asking for what she believes is rightfully hers.
A large, gloved hand sets on her head, and it seems to calm the angry blonde. “Patience, you two. She must be sampled first”, the tall woman, their mother, answers simply.
Despite their apparent wild nature, they both obey the command and back away a little.
It’s your turn to frown when your arm is lifted, your wrist exposed for the countess. You watch curiously as she digs her teeth inside, the pain others would experience barely a numbness you feel.
All three seem unsatisfied with your reaction, how you merely watch curiously and drop your hand back to your side when she is done. Still, the mother of two doesn’t let this bother her, it seems.
She wipes her lips almost gracefully, then sniffs richly. “She is of no use to our cause”, she declares, and almost immediately the two women in black push themselves back against you.
“You heard her! We can have her! Why can’t I ever get the first bite?!”, the brunette argues from your left. She tugs your arm harshly, sneering at her sister.
“You know I get the first bite! Mother! Tell her!”, the bratty blonde answers, her hands tightly around your right arm, tugging and baring her teeth at her sister.
You dare snicker at them, giggling at their reactions. They both draw back a little in confusion.
Just as the older woman opens her mouth again, likely to quit the bi keeping between the two, the large doors are pushed open yet again.
You inhale automatically, smelling a sweet, flowery aroma in the air. A third woman- a third sister- appears.
“Mother, why isn’t the librar…”
The moment you spot her, Daniela spots you. You hold your breath for a moment without meaning to.
The third sister is breathless, rivalling the other two in beauty and effortlessly standing out. She smells less dark, does not reek of human arousal and sweat, although she shares the bloody aroma of her sisters. Still, she smells of flowers and perfume.
It seems, you found someone worthwhile in the castle.
Daniela gasps when you wink at her, her hand rising to her chest automatically. A large grin comes to her face, and the glint even reaches her eyes. She understands: that’s why all these people have died! She was just waiting for you! Oh, surely you must be who she is meant to be with!
Daniela shrieks and quickly grabs your arm, pulling you away from her older sisters as she sees them summon their sickle already, having seen the flirty wink thrown her way.
“Mother!”, she pipes up. “Mother!”, she repeats, ensuring the tall woman looks at her. Daniela nuzzles against her hand eagerly, unaware of the daggers the woman shoots your way.
“May I keep her, please?”, She begs, golden puppy eyes full on display. You smirk at this- the auburn haired woman certainly knows her weapons. You can immediately tell she is the youngest of the bunch, by the protectiveness of her family as well as the puppy eyes only she pulls out.
Puppy eyes, the Mother of three seems to have trouble denying.
“Your sisters have caught her, Daniela. Aside from this, she was supposed to go in the basement, my dove”, the older woman reasons. Both older sisters seem pleased by this, their eyes flashing to you murderously.
“Please, mama, I want her”, Daniela begs. She can’t help the smile that comes to her face- she knows Mother will give into this.
And right she is. With a sigh and a gloved hand patting Daniela’s head, the countess grants her youngest the wish.
“Mother! She’ll just die with her anyway! I want a turn before that!”, The brunette immediately complains. You eye the redhead. She seems genuinely hurt by her sister’s words.
“She won’t! I’ll take good care of her! She loves me!”, she argues, oblivious to your surprised gasp and raised eyebrow.
Love? Now, she’s a little ahead of herself. You don’t deny that you feel attraction to the beautiful woman, however.
So, without much more ado, you feel her grasp your hand in hers, tugging you from the chamber.
“I’m Daniela!”, she introduces herself eagerly. She’s beyond happy and pleased with herself, and her grip on you is tight. The numbness in your arm has you realise- the enthusiastic thing would have broken your hand had you been a mortal.
Daniela yelps in surprise when you come to a halt, instead hold her hand gently and pull it to your lips. She blushes sweetly as you kiss her knuckles. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Daniela”.
You are not overly secretive with her, and share your name freely. She grins at this, and repeats it. You find, your name sounds beautiful coming from her soft lips and spoken in her gentle voice.
“We’ll be so happy together!”, she says then, tugging you along once again. You follow her eagerly, adoring the little skip she has in her steps.
“May I ask, Daniela”, you coo. “What is this place?”
She doesn’t seem bothered by your questions at all. You’re the first to fill the silence with her.
“Castle Dimitrescu, silly. It’s your new home!”, she beams. You hum. It certainly isn’t a bad place, even if the excited little thing is wrongly under the impression that this is your home.
Funnily enough, she won’t be wrong.
You follow her until she brings you to another room- this one is large and bright, full of- everything, really.
There’s a large bed, fit for a princess. You startle momentarily as the woman dissolves into what seems to be many flies. She manifests at the bed again, giggling as she plops down on it, surrounded by pillows and blankets, and more stuffed animals than you have ever seen in a single bed during your travels.
You walk past a small desk with pots and silverware on it, past shelves stacked with books and a canvas with a few flowers drawn on it, until you too sit on the bed.
Your eyes widen when she suddenly moves again, instead straddles your lap and holds onto your shoulders tightly.
“I’ve been waiting so long for you, my love!”, she declares, her head resting against your shoulder.
You notice she is cold, even through the black dress she seems to share with her sisters. She feels incredible against your warm skin. In turn, Daniela all but sucks up the warmth of your skin.
“Do you like my room?”, she asks, her hair tickling your face. You don’t mind. You can’t help but smile when wide, golden eyes look up at you as she asks. You realise they nearly sparkle in the light.
“I do”, you answer honestly. You can’t help but wrap your arm around her, holding her hip to steady her.
Again, you notice her flesh is cold, but also soft. She’s incredibly human for an inhuman being, a mutant.
“I love it, in fact”, you correct yourself, and she beams up at you. “Do you enjoy reading?”, You ask. You can’t explain it, but she is intriguing. This little ball of sunshine among darkness has you curious.
Her eyes widen, and her lips part. She rambles, and you love every bit of it. With each word you feel your attraction and admiration for her grow.
She talks of her favourite books, romance and fantasy ones, of princesses and fairytales, of love and war, of poetry and what not.
She swarms off your lap as she talks, instead guides you to move off the bed as well and sit at the small table near it. You follow, captivated by her words.
As she talks, she moves fast and gracefully. Light shines through the window and caresses her skin and the edges of her dress.
Your auburn haired “captor” looks beautiful.
“So it is company you seek?”, you ask when she takes a breather. She’s been rambling non stop, but you don’t mind. You think it’s endearing.
A sigh passes her lips. She sets up some stuffed animals around you, before she too falls down on one of the chairs.
It almost looks like a tea party, and you wonder whether she ever has real ones- Whether she has people to have them with. The poor thing seems pitifully lonely, so much so she must do with stuffed animals put in small dresses for company.
You understand her, though, and lift the tea pot. It’s empty, but you don’t mind playing along. Daniela smiles again when you “pour” tea into her cup, then into each standing in front of the stuffed animals;
A green giraffe. It’s knitted, and wears a small, dark jacket, which is knitted too. You see blood covering the neck and figure Daniela must bite it sometimes.
A blue fish, round and silly looking with a top hat on top of it. It seems to be made out of cotton, if you had to guess.
And a pony, light pink, with dark pink hair. Dressed in a purple dress with a silver ring serving as a crown.
“I love my family. Mother, my sisters”, Daniela explains. She looks longing almost, and when she grasps your hand, you give hers a reassuring squeeze.
“I love the castle too. I don’t remember living anywhere else. I’ve been here all my life. In this region. We are sometimes allowed outside, in the forest, to hunt”, she explains. You hum in acknowledgment as you “sip” your tea. The action makes her cheeks burn.
Daniela’s never really had a proper tea party with her lovers, they simply never did it right. And her sisters soon grew out of it and didn’t wish to entertain her parties anymore. But you seem to know exactly what to do. Daniela grins for a moment- yes, you are her soulmate, she is sure.
“I love being so close to my sisters. They’re everything to me”, she continues on. She sounds content, but- longing. Being the only mutant among mortals has you long for company, too.
“And the castle is so grand and beautiful. I’m thankful to be able to call it my home”, Daniela speaks gently. She reaches for her stuffed animal as she does; the giraffe. With petite fingers and gentle movements, she plays with the knitted animal’s head.
“I just…”
“Feel lonely”, you add for her. Golden eyes snap to you, widening in amazement. “Yes! Yes, lonely!”, Daniela confirms.
You notice yourself lean in closer to her, and see her do the same. She’s adorably desperate already, her hand knocking over teacups as she leans over the table. When you cup her cheek, she smiles happily.
GYou can no longer hold back, nor do you attempt to. Your body urges you to take her, but also, you do want to give the beauty what she seeks. Perhaps your solitude has ended too.
Daniela hums in surprise when you at last push forwards the last bit, cupping her reddening cheek as it grows warm under your fingertips.
She hums into the kiss, clumsily trying to return it. At this, you smile against her plump lips. She isn’t an experienced kisser, but good enough from the few kisses she stole from maidens here and there. You have no problem teaching her.
Daniela gasps as she is pulled forwards, swarming eagerly to sit herself back on your lap. “You’re so intriguing”, you speak honestly, your breath warm as it tickles against her lips.
“Please, my love. Be mine”, she whispers.
Again, she grasps your hand tightly. And again, you feel how desperate the poor, murderous thing is. You know yet again the redhead would’ve accidentally hurt you with her own strength if you could feel any pain.
But you don’t mind taking your time with her, teaching her to be gentle and sweet at times. You know you can be, will be, with her. She seems delicate like the flowers she smells of.
You inhale, and are surprised when you find another scent. She’s aroused already, decades of pent up frustration making itself known. She’s eying you desperately, tugging your hands and kissing you eagerly.
She wants to be taken, so badly, and is so eager and fast.
It’s as if Daniela fears should you not pluck her now, her sisters will once again ruin the opportunity for her and take you away.
No such thing happens.
You take your time with her, instead too. It’s funny how the auburn haired woman has grown on you in such little time. You enjoy her ramblings, and think she is genuinely cute. You want to give her this experience of love and desire.
Daniela gasps when you grasp and squeeze her hips, her thighs pushing harder against the outside of yours. She’s adorably shy now, hands searching for a spot to hold onto.
You smirk at her, an index finger under her chin tipping up her head and making her look at you. “Is this your first time, sweet thing?”, you ask. She certainly seems as though it is.
With a blush and a shy look cast downwards, Daniela confirms this. She grinds forwards on top of you, her warm core mere inches from yours. You practically feel her want.
“Please, my love, take me”, Daniela gasps out, her hands at last tugging the front of your top. “Want me”, she begs, quietly, more to herself than anybody else. She wishes for many things, but truly wishes to be wanted. To be desired and admired, obsessed over.
You’re not about to disappoint her.
Daniela gasps when you suddenly lift her as you stand, the feeling so foreign to her. Oh, but she loves it! It has her grin and hold onto your shoulders, hook her legs around you. She feels you hold onto the back of her upper thighs to keep her elevated, and it has her blush yet again.
Never has she been touched there, not even for a moment.
She giggles when she finds herself set back down on the bed, a hand to her chest pushing gently and having the beauty fall back against reddish sheets and blankets, fluffy pillows and a few stuffed animals here and there.
With wide eyes and her breath held she watches you drag the corset off her painfully slow. She whimpers, your hands loving yet greedy, fingers sliding across her covered skin as you work on undressing her.
“You’re irresistible, Daniela. Allow me, I must simply see more”, you husk into her ear, leaning above her as you unzip her dress and gently pull it down her pale, creamy shoulders.
Daniela is breathing heavily, her eyes lidded as she watches the garment she is so used to be peeled from her skin.
Only one had attempted to do so before, only one had come this far. But they had been fast and rough, and it was only months later she understood why her sisters were so enraged with the woman: she took advantage of Daniela’s nativity, of her desperation and innocence, too eager to defile and use her, taste her like a forbidden fruit before digging the knife she’s had on her into her chest.
She eventually forgave her sisters for the cruelties done to the women.
She knows, they look out for her.
But you are different. You don’t have a hidden weapon ready to be dug inside of her the moment she is caught off guard. You like her, you practically worship her with your sweet touches and kisses pressed to her lips and jawline.
Daniela melts like butter under your very fingertips.
The virgin attempts to appear cool and seductive instead of shy, yet can’t help but wrap her hands around herself once all but her bra and panties are off, a blush adamant on her cheeks.
You know, you’ll enjoy taking her. You’ll take and defile her for yourself, taste and bring her to orgasm over and over again until the little thing can’t keep standing. And when she does get enough, you’ll keep her in your arms.
Perhaps this delusional woman is right, perhaps she is destined to be with you. The chances are slim, but you enjoy her company and decide to take a risk in this secluded castle.
Daniela watches hungrily as you pull off your clothing, one by one revealing slightly scarred skin. Scarred from your past- no mortal could do such things to you.
She stares, and she knows it, and attempts her best not to. Still, you see her struggle and try to advert her eyes from your chest, yet they keep flickering to it.
More clothing is dropped to the floor, until you equal her.
You lean over her, chuckling as she gasps and tries adorably hard to keep eye contact instead of ogling your chest.
No matter. You will teach the shy, but desperate woman to be dirty. Dirty as you can be…
Daniela gasps high pitched when you take ahold of her breasts, squeezing and groping her shamelessly through her thin, lacy bra.
Her hand shoots to her mouth, attempting to stifle her sweet noises.
No, that will not do. Not at all, in fact.
You tsk at the woman, your hand eagerly tugging hers away and replacing it with your lips. Again, she moans into your mouth, her hips grinding against the air and lifting to reach you.
“Let me hear you, my beautiful Daniela”, you coo, and your words make her head spin. She whines, a breathless plea.
She wants to be touched so bad, but you intend on making your beautiful girl beg a little more for you.
Daniela’s back arches a little when you capture her breasts again, squeezing the large mounds eagerly. She’s soft, and thick, with a very large chest. The sweet virgin’s nipples are sensitive, even with the layer of the bra covering them.
“Do you like this, sweetheart?”, you coo into her ear. Daniela whimpers, her head nodding fast.
She’s trying to stay quiet, and barely manages so. She knows, should she scream, it’s likely her family will come running to her “safety”.
“Yes, my love, please my sweet!”, she begs quietly, but desperately. You can tell she is long due for these kind of touches. Or any, really. The poor thing is soft and sensitive below you, entirely unused to being touched- let alone being touched properly.
“Good girl”, you coo, eyes flashing at the audible, hitched breath that comes from her. You know, below her sweet, innocent surface this one is naughty.
You know, her eagerness to learn and try things- clearly proven by her room- will prove to be very exciting. You can just imagine introducing her to all that you have come across in your travels.
You smile down at her, chest heaving as she pants, her neck bared to you and wrists resting at the sides of her head, her eyes lidded as you toy with her. She’s so submissive, so eager underneath your exploring and wandering fingertips.
“Please, my love, please touch me”, she begs. You smirk at her, an eyebrow raised as you tip her head back up for you.
“My, but I am touching you, my sweet little Daniela”, you counter with a large smirk. She’s blushing for you, before plump lips part and she begs sweetly: “Please touch me between my legs, down there…”, she asks, adorably shy. You nearly giggle at her. She’s holding back, shy and adorable for you. You can’t wait to teach her.
As such, you eagerly slide your hands down, dragging her bra with you. She gasps again when her nipples are bare and revealed to you and you merely throw the black bra to the pile on the floor.
You can barely wait. This foreplay has already soaked your underwear throughout. Ah, and you’re not the only one.
Daniela is utterly wet, her underwear sporting a dark, wet spot where her slit is. You caress her through her underwear, smirking as she gasps and mewls below you.
It’s an easy task to find her little clit.
Oh, and how it has the auburn haired moan and writhe on the bed for you when you target it and rub it through her soaked panties.
Daniela all but grasps your wrist, begging you to keep going.
Her golden eyes are set on you as you toy with her, licking and sucking the soft skin at her thighs.
You can smell her arousal clear as day, and do your best to hold back and not grab her by her hips and smudge her wet core against your lips. Your mouth waters at the mere thought of tasting the virgin on your tongue.
She grasps your hair firmly, tugging and shrieking as her legs start to shake already. The poor thing is inexperienced, eager, and overly sensitive all over.
A filthy thought crosses your mind, how you wish to ruin her for everybody else, so that she may only be yours.
Inhaling, you smell her arousal yet again. Daniela begs previously, her eyes squeezed shut already. You can tell, after mere moments of stimulating her clit she is close already.
Daniela whimpers at you when you pull your hand away, instead lifts her hips to help you guide her ruined panties down her smooth, soft legs. She grasps the bedsheets tightly when you tease the short, dark auburn hair between her legs.
“You smell astonishing, sweet girl”, you coo against her thigh. Still, she feels your breath on her most private part and whines in want. She aches for you, and you can see the wetness that flows out of her like honey.
“Allow me a taste, my darling”, you whisper then- no longer can you hold back from tasting this honeyed core. Her hole is tight and unfucked, all yours to stretch. And stretch it you will, rest assured.
Daniela shrieks for a moment as you lick alongside her slick slit, her cheeks burning and her head falling back on the pillow as you lick her and moan at her tastes.
Her face burns warm as you once again lean against her core, your nose brushing against her pink clit as you push your tongue inside of her.
Your hand snakes down between your own legs, beneath your panties and inside of you- you’re in high time for some relief.
Unsurprisingly Daniela moans and squeaks again in no time, gasping and squirming so much you must hold her hip still with your remaining hand. Your gentle, but firm touch turns her on all the more it seems.
You lick inside of her eagerly, tasting her and pushing your tongue in and out. Each time it comes covered with more of her juices, and each time you dive in hungrier than before.
Her hand tangles in your hair again, tugging and grasping, the other tearing the sheets blow her.
“A-Ahhahhh! My lo-ove, please! I wa-aah-AH!”
You thrust your fingers in and out of your core fast, partly already imagining them inside of her- stretching her tight cunt effortlessly, rubbing up inside of her pussy. The deprived woman is incredibly sensitive for you, so much so you know you could make her cum over and over again from simple touches.
It seems, the closer she gets to her orgasm, the more sensitive she becomes.
Daniela’s legs push over your shoulders when you move closer, her heels digging inside your back occasionally.
She can’t stay still, it seems, too eager and sensitive, now even groping her own breasts for you.
You know, you will need to tie this one down in the future. Clearly, Daniela cannot be trusted to stay still when she is so preciously needy.
Each delve of your tongue inside her honeyed core earns you a small moan and gasp, each brush of your nose against her clit has her hips jerk against the grip you have on her.
Cautiously, you tighten this grip. You don’t want to hurt the dainty creature underneath your fingertips, and it seems to do the trick because Daniela’s movement is minimised.
You curl your finger within yourself and keep thrusting them. Long and sensual licks turn to rough and needy eating out. She’s near driving your crazy with her little moans and whimpers, her tight cunt wrapped snugly around your tongue.
You want nothing but to pleasure her. To hold her down and fuck her, to show her desire among love, shown to her in the form of your kisses and care.
Daniela cums fast, and you eagerly climb onto the panting woman.
“Have a taste, my precious Daniela”, you whisper, your tongue darting across hers when your lips meet. Daniela feels you tease her soaked cunt with wet fingertips, and moans as she sucks her own taste from your tongue.
Never has she been treated this way. She assumed, but had no idea it felt this good.
You watch her pant below you for a moment, the back of your hand stroking along her pink cheek. Never have you met a woman like her. Someone this captivating and adorable, yet seductive without any effort at all. You want to treasure and ruin her at the same time, only in the best way of course.
Daniela opens her mouth and sticks her tongue eagerly when you present your fingers to her, her brows furrowing in what can only be her infamous puppy eyes. You too, it seems, are to fall for them
She moans and hums with your fingers in her mouth, your wetness on top and surrounding them.
“Let’s try something else, my pretty darling. I’ll ensure you’re all mine”, you whisper. The realisation of Daniela’s sensitive clit inspires you. You wonder- how many orgasms can you drag from her without any insertion until she begs for it?
You’re about to find out.
The Dimitrescu daughter squirms as you align your core with hers, a gasp passing her wet lips and warm breath hitting your fingers as she understands.
“Keep sucking them, princess. I want them entirely clean”, you coo. She immediately gets back to work, though wraps one leg around you to pull you closer.
With the first push of your clit against hers, she is moaning and groaning around your fingers already. You press down on her tongue and she shrieks, eyes wide as she helplessly expects you to help her get off. No, to get her off.
“Are you going to be a good girl and tell me how much you love me?”, you coo.
You know you’re feeding into her delusions, but you just can’t help it. As a demon, you are very well within right to be a little wicked. And what sweeter way of portraying this is there than to use the beautiful, naive’s woman delusion and isolation against her.
The lonely princess wants a lover so very bad after all. Very well, she has one now. And you will never let the auburn haired woman go again.
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ireneaesthetic · 1 year
Pointing out little moments and details of scenes that need to be remembered.
music room scene • episode 5
i'll never shut up about edvin and omar's acting and this scene is one of the best ones hands down. insanely proud of them.
quick reminder: it's not me taking any side, but an analysis as objective as possible of little moments i like to dive more into.
wilhelm's astonishment when he finds out simon’s song is about him. he was so caught up in his own thoughts and internal conflicts that he didn’t realize it, not even when he heard it standing right there and simon kept looking at him until his cheeks were blushing, pouring his heart in every word he wrote and was singing for wille to listen.
side happy note: this means the adoration on wilhelm's face, hearing simon sing at the ball, was out of pure love and pride towards him.
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they are frozen in place, wille's eyes staring but simon's are kind of lost, like he's dissociating for a moment - he zones out.
the camera work in this scene is *chef's kiss*: the way it approaches simon closely and then moves from one to the other, focusing last on him. it captures his emotional state and makes it relevant for what comes next. perfectly done.
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he has to put himself together and look away before the "yesterday was a mistake". he gets what it feels like: he's been through this before in the first place - "we should maybe forget about it" - and he wasn't ready either to have his hope and heart shattered by hearing the last thing he wanted to.
simon knows his words will hurt wille just like wille's hurt him back then. they're heartbreaking to hear as much as to let out.
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he barely looks at wilhelm before turning around and heading to the door, not even waiting for a proper reaction from him.
it reminds me of the time simon saw wille shed a tear in front of him and walked away as soon as he stopped talking, cos to stay would've only hurt more - this is exactly it.
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the camera that gradually zoomes in and the shot getting so close we can easily read wilhelm's every. single. thoughts spinning in his mind.
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simon's step back, a physical response that we’ve seen before in relation to wille's behavior - during their first fight in the music room - and it basically comes from his tendency to distance himself when a negative sensation or situation arises.
it's like a defense mechanism.
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the impact simon's sarcastic smile has on me istg.
it's more than anger, disappointment, sadness - he is so done. in his pov all he knows is wille kept something crucial a secret from him and there's no valid reason to justify it. he lets him speak, he listens, but can't take it.
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wilhelm's silence to simon's words is just as powerful: he didn't know what he chose to do to protect him would turn into the mistake hurting him the most. it caught him off guard, in a 'this is all my fault' type of way: it's fair for simon to be mad, he's completely entitled to feel this way about him, so wille doesn't fight back.
their teary eyes make it x100 sadder.
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it's like a vicious circle: wilhelm acts according to what seems best for him in order to fix things but, whenever he tries, he can't make it right. he just wants simon back into his life, but ends up watching him leave eventually - again.
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he entered the room to check on simon and clear things up, not expecting to find himself alone with growing anxiety and all he cares about (re)falling apart instead.
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undercovergamer · 6 months
✨Klee’s Friendly “Monster”✨
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(Requested by an anonymous user)
It’s a busy day in Mondstadt, and none of the Knights have enough time to watch Klee. However, luckily for them, a certain oni just so happened to be in Mondstadt because ✨lazy writing✨, so not all hope was lost. Itto ends up babysitting and playing games with Klee, as per Kaeya’s recommendation.
‼️This fic is strictly familial, do not interpret otherwise /srs or I’ll eat your knees. /neg‼️
⚠️Also contains tickles so if ur not comfortable with that, do not read more than like… half, ok?⚠️
Anyway, I’m so sorry for the wait and enjoy this wholesome family fic 😛
I better not despawn again or istg :((
Word Count: ≈4157
It was a sunny day in Mondstadt. Master Jean needed someone to watch over Klee for the day while she took care of some important work. She’d asked Kaeya for help with this, but he had other plans this day. Of course he didn’t mind playing with Klee, but he was too busy to watch her properly. Hmm, what to do…
Jean sighed, trying to come up with solutions. “What should we do then? Maybe… maybe Lisa could watch her?” she suggested.
“I’m afraid she’s fully booked at the moment.” Kaeya replied with a slight smirk, making Jean narrow her eyes. “But, I do have another suggestion.”
“Go on.” It seemed as if everyone was busy, who could he possibly suggest?
“I’m sure you’ve heard about that new guy in town. Y’know, tall, white hair, red horns..?” Kaeya explained, hoping Jean knew about him already.
She looked at him in disbelief.
“You can’t be serious…” Surely he of all people was not the most responsible choice…?
“Of course I am. I’ve gotten to know him quite well, actually. He already gets along great with Klee.” Kaeya said confidently.
“I’d argue his grandmother is a better choice. I mean, if she can handle Itto, she could handle anyone.”
“Aw, come on. Give him a chance, he’s an adult! I’m sure they’ll be alright.”
Jean wasn’t too enthusiastic with this idea. Especially not since Itto had already caused trouble, despite being in Mondstadt for just over a week. Two days ago, he had refused to leave the Cat’s Tail after closing hours, arguing that the cats wanted him to stay. And a day before that, he and his gang were caught placing posters around the buildings and walls without legal permission. If it wasn’t for Kaeya taking a liking to him and his granny, he’d be in jail by now.
It took quite a while, but after some back-and-forth, Kaeya finally managed to convince Jean to let the oni babysit.
“Ok, fine! But you will also be held responsible if they cause any trouble.” She said, still a bit anxious about the idea.
“He’s responsible when he wants to be. Please trust me on this.” Kaeya reassured with a confident smirk.
After their conversation, Kaeya went to look for Itto so he could tell him the news. He was already hanging out with Klee, who was showing off her cool witch outfit, so it didn’t take long to inform the two. Already besties, they happily agreed to the idea, so Kaeya decided to let them wreak a little havoc on their own for a while.
Eventually, the two sillies left the city to play in Windrise instead. Klee sat on Itto’s shoulders and used his horns to steer him in the right directions. Once they arrived, Klee helped him explore the area so he’d know where everything was before hanging out around a nearby fishing spot.
“This place is pretty chill. It’s so peaceful here!” Itto said, looking at the little fishies swimming around. He thought they were pretty cute.
“Yes! This place is the best!” Klee exclaimed, happily jumping up and down.
“Hahaha! You have good taste, lil’ dude! Er… dudette! What’cha wanna do now?” Itto had plenty of ideas already, but he wanted to know Klee’s thoughts first.
“Klee wants to show you how to go fish blasting! It’s lots of fun, and we get delicious fish at the same time!” Klee exclaimed, getting ready to throw some of her signature dodoco bombs.
“Ah, er- how about we play something… less explosive? You know, like Jean said, we can’t blow anything up…” He’d been told to keep her safe, after all.
“But-! Aw… ok…” Klee said sadly, looking down in disappointment. How can grown-ups be so cruel?
“Aww, why the long face? It’s ok! We could play tag instead! Or how about hide-and-seek? Whatever you want!” He tried to suggest some other fun activities to cheer her up.
“Ooh! Yes! Klee loves those games! Let’s play both!” It worked like a charm as she looked up at him with a beaming smile.
“Ooh, both? Like at once? … Oh! Then maybe we could add new rules and stuff, right?” Itto suggested with excitement, curious to see what they could come up with together.
Klee gasped. “Yay! We can make our own game!” she cheered. She loved making up games with her friends, so this idea was perfect!
“Yeah!! Exactly! So what do you wanna add? I think we could go with regular hide-and-seek rules, but the hider can run away and change spots ‘n’ stuff…” Itto was more than ready to cook up some rules, but he quickly realized he’d have the upper hand…
“How about this: You hide, and run, I guess, while I seek! It’s more fair that way since you’re tiny.” Itto said with a chuckle, feeling proud of his idea and giving Klee a playful pat on the head. Winning too easily would be boring for both sides, after all.
“Ooh! Okay! But Klee wants to play pretend, too! How about you play as a big, scary monster? It’ll be fun, teehee!” Klee suggested, feeling excited about her idea. She wanted to be a witch that could cast spells to protect herself from the “mighty beast” before her.
“Hmm, good idea, little witch! We could have different safe spots too, like that tree! So basically if you touch it, you’re safe and I can’t get you.” Itto explained, looking around to decide on some other areas too.
“Yes!! Let’s go find more safe spots!” Klee exclaimed, excited to expand their play area.
After lots of planning and walking around to mark safe spots and barriers, they put their heads together to imagine where exactly their play area was. Klee had two spells at her disposal: one to freeze the monster in place, and one to turn herself invisible. They last ten seconds each and give her more control over the game, making it more fun and exciting. The different safe spots were marked with little rock piles and sticks. How cute!
Once the planning had finished, the sillies went back to the lake to officially start their game.
“Alright! I’ll count to 20, right? Heh, I won’t go easy on you, so you’d better find a good hiding spot!” Itto said playfully, covering his eyes to start counting.
“Eeee! This is so much fun!” Klee cheered, jumping up and down with excitement. She could barely wait for the game to start!
“Hehe. You ready? One… two…” Itto started counting, and Klee quickly ran off to hide somewhere… The games had begun!
“18… 19… 20! Ready or not, here I come!” He called out, looking around himself just in case the little witch had hid nearby. “Where did you go…?” he said playfully, searching around the area.
He checked behind a tree… but no one was there.
He checked in some bushes… but no girl was found.
He checked behind a large rock…
“Aha! There you are!” …and found little Klee crouched down behind it!
“Eep! Oh no! Hehehe!” She quickly got up, making some dramatic motions with her hands before shouting “Freeze!”
“Ack- noo!” Itto dramatically acted as if he got frozen in place by her magic.
“Hehehe! Can’t catch me!” Klee taunted playfully, running away to hide somewhere else.
“J-Just you wait!” Itto stuttered, pretending to feel cold from the “spell.” After ten seconds had passed, he shook himself off and sprung back into action, searching once again.
He checked near some trees, looking behind them.
“Where could she be…?” he asked himself, but then.. he heard a giggle coming from some nearby bushes. He could’ve sworn he saw a little red hat sticking out! So, he got an idea.
“Oh noooo, where did she goooo~? Ah, she’s too good at hiding! I’ll never find her at this rate~!” he said, louder than necessary in a silly voice to make Klee laugh.
“Pfft- hehehehe!” she tried to hold it in, as to not reveal her brilliant hiding spot, but Itto was simply too funny. He grinned and moved closer to the bushes, hearing the giggles increase.
“Oh? Who put this giggly bush here? That’s so strange…” he said, pretending to inspect this mysterious bush. But then…
“BOO!!” Klee suddenly jumped up, scaring the mighty “beast” before her.
“AAH!!” Itto actually got spooked and stumbled backwards, making Klee laugh.
“Hehehehe! Are you okay, Mr. Monster?” Klee asked, giggling at the oni’s dramatic reaction.
Itto cleared his throat and composed himself, nodding at her question. “Hahaha… y-you little rascal! Just you wait ‘til I-”
“Wooosh! I’m invisible!” Klee interrupted, casting her little spell and giggling as Itto pretended to lose track of her. He seemed so confused, looking around dramatically.
“Wha-?! Huh?! Where did you go?“ he said, turning around to look elsewhere. “Little witch? Come back!” he called out, being a master actor.
“Hehehe!” Klee ran around him, poking his sides suddenly, which made him jump.
“EEP! Hey! Wh-?! Who did that?!” Itto exclaimed, turning around, but Klee wasn’t behind him anymore. She giggled and ran around him, poking and tickling him for the funny.
“Ack- pfft- h-hehehey!” Itto giggled, trying to shield himself while pretending not to see the little witch poking him relentlessly.
“Hehe! Tickle spell!” Klee said, poking and tickling every time Itto looked away from her.
“Th-Thahahat’s n-not a spehehell!” He said, trying to step away from the little attack without squirming too much. “Y-You m-mahahade thahat uhuhuhup!”
“Hehehe! The monster is ticklish! You’re funny!” Klee said, giggling at the revelation and giving him a playful hug.
Itto quickly composed himself after that adorable attack. “Eheh… y-you know you’re not invisible anymore, right?” he said, smiling playfully and looking directly at her.
“What..?” Klee looked confused, but then remembered the ten second rule. “Oops..!” Oh no, he could see her now!
“Heheh, imma getcha!” Itto said, getting ready to capture the mischievous little witch once and for all!
“Eek! Hehehe!” Klee playfully ran away, running towards a safe space.
“Ohohoho! No you don’t! Get back here!” Itto said playfully, making his voice a bit deeper to fit his role.
Klee ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, giggling with anticipation as she was about to reach the safe space in front of her. But then… she tripped, barely missing it, and fell to the ground with a thud causing her hat to fly off. Itto gasped, catching up and quickly crouching down beside her.
“Whoa! A-Are you alright there, kiddo?” Itto asked, carefully helping her stand back up. She looked up at him with big, teary eyes. Oh no…
“Aw… hey, are you hurt? You ok?” he asked softly, checking if she’d scraped a knee or something.
“Th- *hic* That was so scary!!” Klee sobbed, sniffling and covering her eyes.
“H-Hey, don’t cry… you’re ok! It’s ok! C’mere, lemme give you a big ol’ monster hug!” Itto said, grinning playfully to lighten the mood. Klee hugged Itto, getting herself lifted into the air in a playful bear- I mean- monster hug.
“Hey, you okay, little witch?” Itto asked, patting her head softly.
“Mhm… Klee just got scared…” she said, wiping her tears and smiling a little, hugging her not-so-scary monster friend.
“Aww… it’s okay, little one! Uncle Itto is here to cheer ya’ right up!” Itto crouched down to pick up Klee’s hat, gently placing it back on her head.
“Hehe! You’re the best!” Klee said, smiling and hugging him tight.
“So whaddya say? You wanna keep playing?” he asked in a playful tone.
“Hehe! Yes!” Klee said, smiling happily.
“Alright! One sec.” Itto said, clearing his throat. “Rawr! I got you now! Mwahahaha!” he said, getting back into his role instantly and playfully holding the little witch in his mighty monster hug.
“Eek! Oh no! Hehehe!” Klee started giggling, but hugged him back tightly anyway.
“What will you do now, hm? There’s no escape from the almighty Arataki ‘Playful Tickle Monster’ Itto!” He kept his speech dramatic to make their game more immersive and fun, sitting down to lean against a tree, with Klee in his lap.
“Hehehehe! Freeze!” She exclaimed, giggling lots and flailing to escape that playful trap.
“Heh, nope. Sorry, little witch, but your spells don’t work on me now!” Itto said smugly, pointing back at the tree he was leaning on.
“Oh no!” It was one of the safe spaces they’d marked! Klee had lost the game!
“Hahaha! Brace yourself, kiddo! Cus imma getcha!” He teased, playfully wiggling his fingers above her. “You alright with that?” Itto asked with a playful grin, making sure Klee was still having fun.
“Hehehe! Yeah!” She exclaimed, playfully giggling as the tickly hand came closer.
“Alright then! Stop me whenever, ok?” He said before playfully tickling her tummy, keeping it gentle since she’s so tiny.
“Kitchy kitchy coo~” he said in a silly way.
“Eep! Hehehehehe!! That tickles!” Klee squeaked, giggling happily and playfully squirming. Itto wasn’t holding her or anything, so she could escape whenever she wanted to.
“Tickle tickle~” Itto said playfully, giggling along with her. She was so cute!
“Ehehehehehehe!! Eek!!” Klee squealed and pushed his hand away.
“Haha! You alright?” Itto stopped for a moment, being careful not to overwhelm the kid.
Klee panted a bit. “Hehehehe! This is so much fun!” She exclaimed.
“Really now? Guess you’re in for more tickles then!” Itto said, playfully tickling the little witch.
“Eeeeee! Hehehehehehehe!!” She had the sweetest little smile on her face, and she was having an absolute blast!
“Ehehehehe! Help! Help! It’s the tickle monster!” Klee squealed for dramatic effect, playfully trying to squirm away.
“Hahaha! You having fun, kiddo?” Itto stopped tickling again to let her catch her breath.
“Hehe… Yes! This is fun!” she said, happy to take a little break now.
“Hehe, alright! Just lemme know when you’re ready, m’kay?” Itto said, making a funny face at her.
“Hehehehehe!” She thought it was funny and gave him a hug again. “You’re the best!” she said, melting his heart. So cute!
“Aww, you two are getting along quite well, I see.” A familiar voice was heard, as a man walked towards them.
“(Gasp) Kaeya!” Klee smiled and sprang up from Itto’s lap, happily running towards him.
“Haha, hello there, little one!” Kaeya crouched down to hug her while smiling softly as she ran into him with open arms.
“Oh hey man! What’s up?” Itto asked, standing up to greet him as well.
“Ah, well, I just came check on you both. You should tell me where you’re going next time. Though, I figured I’d find you two somewhere around here.” Kaeya explained.
“Ohh, right. Haha! Sorry, I totally forgot!” Itto said sheepishly, chuckling a bit at his error.
“Kaeya! Please join our game! It’ll be lots of fun!!” Klee chimed in excitedly, tugging on his shirt.
“Oh? Well, what are the rules?” Kaeya asked.
“Hehehe! You have to protect me from the tickle monster!” Klee said, giggling and pointing over at Itto, who chuckled and made a “scary monster” pose, grinning at Kaeya with a playful expression.
“Ah. I see.” Kaeya had already guessed what the game was, and he didn’t need a detailed explanation. He simply chuckled and accepted Klee’s request. “Very well, then. I’ll keep you safe!” he said with dramatic effect.
“Yay!” Klee cheered, bouncing up and down.
“Aw yeah! Let’s get this thing started!” Itto chimed in, excited to have Kaeya join.
Soon enough, round two began as the little witch ran away, laughing happily.
“Eek! Hehehe! Help!” Klee giggled, running around the field.
“Grr! Imma getcha!” Itto said playfully, laughing and trying to avoid Kaeya as he playfully chased after her.
“Not to worry, little one. Cavalry Captain Kaeya is here to rescue you!” Kaeya replied, taking his role seriously and blocking Itto’s path once he caught up.
Itto was failing to maneouver around properly as the knight kept grabbing him and spinning him around, back to where he started every time he slipped past. It almost looked like they were dancing.
“C’mon, man! Get outta the way!” Itto protested, trying to act fierce despite the silly smile on his face.
“Nope. As Klee’s personal guard, it is my duty to protect her.” Kaeya replied with a smug look.
“Tch. Guess I’ll just have to capture you too then!” Itto said, trying to wrestle Kaeya instead. But, after a few seconds of their playful scuffle…
…Klee said the thing, causing Itto to freeze in place with Kaeya stuck in his arms. Oopsie. He had no choice but to follow the rules of the game.
“H-Hey! No fair!” Itto complained, arms wrapped tightly around Kaeya.
“Oh? Oh my.” Kaeya couldn’t help but laugh softly as Klee used his catchphrase like that. It was adorable.
“Oh no! Kaeya, I froze both of you by accident!” Klee said in shock, gasping with a dramatic look on her face. How could she have done this?
“Ah, how unfortunate. Haha, does that mean we’re stuck here?” Kaeya asked, unsure of what to do now.
“Yup! But only for ten seconds.” Itto said, as Klee started counting down from ten.
“… sooo, this isn’t awkward, right?” Itto asked Kaeya.
“Heh, no, not at all. I think it’s quite pleasant for friends to hug each other like this. Even if we’re frozen.” Kaeya replied with a chuckle.
“Oh, phew! I’m just glad you’re not uncomfortable or anything.”
“Hehe, I don’t mind this at all, actually.”
“Wooosh! You’re free!” Right as their conversation ended, Klee was done with the countdown and the two men were freed from their icy prison, except…
“Oh no! Kaeya!”
… Kaeya was still stuck in Itto’s hug, and Itto started tickling him.
“Pfft- ahahahahaha! Hehey! L-Lehet goho!” He wasn’t too surprised with this turn of events, but had nearly forgotten he was ticklish.
“Nah-uh, you’re my nearest target~ hahaha!” Itto replied with a grin, hugging the squirming man in place while tickling his waist.
“Ahahahahahaha! Kleehehehee! Hehehelp!” Surely one of her spells would do the trick…?
“Um… Klee can’t cast that freeze spell yet. Sorry! Hehehe!” Klee said, giggling at the scene. It was funny to see them both play like this, and certainly quite rare for two adults to act so silly.
“Ahahahah-AH- pfft..! H-Hey…!” Itto brushed over a rather sensitive rib area, making Kaeya yelp.
“What’s wrong, weak spot?” He tried finding it again, making the poor man laugh more.
“Tch-.. bh- bahahAHAHA! AhahahAHAHA!” Kaeya squirmed in failed attempts to escape, and he slowly made his way to the ground.
“Tickle tickle tickle…” Itto found it hilarious how much this man could squirm and laugh. Who would’ve thought Kaeya would be so ticklish?
“AH! Ahahahahaha!! Stop! StohOHOhop! I- I yield!” The knight felt a bit embarrassed to get overpowered so easily, but thankfully Itto listened to his plea and stopped tickling him.
“Hehehe! You’re so funny, Kaeya!” Klee said, laughing at the goofy tickle fight before her.
“Hahaha! Who would’ve thought someone as tough as you could be so ticklish, huh?” Itto teased, helping him sit up.
“Ha ha, v-very funny, Itto…” Kaeya replied, chuckling a little while he caught his breath.
“So, uh… do I win? I mean, I got both of you already, so…” Itto asked, a little confused on the rules.
“I guess so… but it was so much fun!” Klee said, smiling brightly at the two of them, hopping up and down.
“Heh, indeed it was.” Kaeya said, totally not planning his revenge already.
“Hehe! Let’s play more!” Klee cheered, running up to them.
“Yeah!” Itto said, still full of energy as always.
“Good idea, Klee. Hmm…” Kaeya already had an idea. “Hey, would you like to help me get some playful revenge?” He asked the little girl.
“Huh?!” Itto wasn’t having it.
“It’ll be funny, I bet.” Kaeya said with a smug glance at Itto.
“Ooh, hehehe! Yes! He’s ticklish too!” Klee said, smiling up at Itto, who now seemed rather nervous.
“Whuh? Me?? No way! That’s just sillEEHhehe! Hey!!”
“Oops. My hand slipped.” Kaeya teased. He definitely didn’t slide a tickly finger up Itto’s side or anything. And he totally didn’t do it on purpose to make the man yelp.
“Pfft, as if! I’m not ticklish, I was just surp-prihihised! Hehey! Hahahaha!”
“Tickle spell~! Hehehehe!” Klee unleashed her tickle attack upon his tum, making him laugh again.
“Hm?” Kaeya noticed her words, seeing an opportunity…
“Stahaha-! That’s not a thihing!” Itto protested, and he tried tickling her back. But before he could, he felt Kaeya grabbing his arms with his own, rendering him unable to move or defend himself.
“Not so fast. It’s our turn to win now.” Kaeya said, as he proceeded to join the little witch in an act of silly vengance. “Get him, Klee! Time to defeat this tickle monster.” he says with a playful tone.
“Wh- Huh? Wahahait!” How dare they do this? Two on one isn’t fair!
“Hehehe! The tickle monster is ticklish too! You’re funny!” Klee said, giggling as she tickled and poked his tum and ribs.
“Pfft- hngh…” Itto didn’t know what to do at this point. He held back his laughter due to embarrassment, but at the same time he didn’t want to escape and disappoint little Klee.
“Hmm… Itto, are you going to laugh? Or do I need to help her?” Kaeya asked, smirking deviously.
“Pfft- eheh- pffwahahahahaha!!” He had no choice but to give in after that threat, and he couldn’t squirm very far anyway with Kaeya holding him like this.
“Hehehe! Tickly tickly!” Klee said, smiling as she played him like a piano.
“Ahahahahahaha!! Nohohoho!” It wasn’t that bad actually, but he was being dramatic anyway for the fun of it.
“Great job, Klee! I’m sure he’ll surrender in no time.” Kaeya said, chuckling as he tried to prevent the oni’s squirms.
“Nohohohoho! Never!! Hahahaha!”
“Oh, come on. You’ll have to yield eventually… right? Otherwise I’ll have to join…” Oh, he’s just mean.
“Hehe! Klee will lend her spell to you too, Kaeya!” Klee said, giggling at the nervous expression on Itto’s face.
“Really? Why, thank you, little one.” Kaeya said, but once he let go to shift his grip, he didn’t have enough time to tickle before Itto tried to escape.
“This is so unfair!” the oni cried, failing to squirm away as Kaeya pushed him down.
“Sorry, buddy. I’m not quite done with my revenge just yet…” The captain said, before tickling his ribs.
“Ahahahahahaha!! Yohohou ahahahahahass! Hahahahaha!!” Itto laughed and squirmed, but he also tried to hold still so he doesn’t accidentally squirm into Klee.
Kaeya gasped. “Itto! Language!” he scolded, tickling harder and faster as a punishment. How dare he say such a word in front of a child? Unacceptable! Tsk tsk tsk.
“NahahAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Itto’s squirms and laughs involuntarily increased, but Klee had already moved back to a safer distance, laughing at his dramatic reactions. He’s so silly!
“Hehehe! What did he say?” Klee asked in a playful tone.
“Oh, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Kaeya replied, casually murdering the poor oni below him. It was no use though. Klee knew exactly what Itto had said and found it hilarious.
“STAHAHAHAHAP!! I’M SOHOHORREHEHEHEE!! Plehehehehehehease!!” Itto pleaded, curling up and laughing loudly as Kaeya kept tickling him mercilessly.
“Hmm… I dunno. Klee, what do you think?” Kaeya asked, easing up on the tickles to a more gentle and playful one to keep him giggling.
“Don’t be mean to him, Kaeya! He said he’s sorry. That means he’s friendly!” Klee said, moving closer to the two of them to pat Itto on the head.
“Whah..?” He seemed confused, covering his ribs with his arms to make Kaeya go away.
“Ah, I suppose you’re right. My apologies.” Kaeya said, chuckling as he released and stopped tickling Itto.
“Ehehe..! You meanie…” Itto said with a playful tone and smile, making Kaeya chuckle.
“This is fun! Let’s play more! Klee wants to be the tickle monster now! Hehehe!” Klee exclaimed, giggling at their banter.
“Oh dear. I suppose we’d better escape then, right?” Kaeya suggested.
“Ah, well… she never said I couldn’t also be a tickle monster, sooo…” Itto replied with a menacing grin.
Oh dear, someone’s in trouble.
“Hehe… ready, Klee?”
“Hehehe! Ready! Raaawr!”
“Ah- ahahahahahaha!”
Needless to say, the knight fell victom to their “vicious” attacks as the two sillies tickled him playfully. It didn’t last too long though, since neither party wanted the other to suffer. As the day went on, the three kept playing games together until it was time to head back to Mondstadt. They had a real fun time together that day, becoming best friends forever!
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heeracha · 2 years
## sneaking out. — p. jay
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content/warning(s): bf!jay x f!reader, hubby!jay in the end with a daughter. daughter's in legal age. swearing (i think ? i just kinda assume now that i did swear bcs hey thats what i do), a bit of lying. basically, things you do when you sneak out lmAO anyway yeah, unproof read ofc
wc: 1.4k
note: heeracha comeback era ig ??? and not less than 24 hrs she ghosts again /j,,, and omg wow ??? its not a hee fic ???? gasps,,, anyway,, uh,,, this is kinda shit, but i got this idea and it somehowjust seriously fits jay. anyway, hope u enjoy this little something something here <3
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“honey, you know we adore jay with our whole hearts.” your mom says and you know it right away, she’s not going to let you go on a date. “but we have to go to your aunt’s tomorrow for your nephew’s birthday. she’s really looking forward to this.”
“i’ll wake up early, i promise, mom.” you say and she frowns. “i’m always on time!”
“you know that’s a lie, you’re always the last one and always late.” your dad butts in as he helps you and your mom with the dishes. “just one night, honey, okay? you’re always with him. even when it was your cousin’s wedding, it felt like you two were the one getting married.”
you frown and they smile at you. “we have to leave at 5 am. you know how traffic it is.” your mom says.
“and 25 years of being married and always going there, dad still can’t memorize the way there.” you mumble and your mom laughs, hitting her hip with yours. when you’re done with the dishes, you go upstairs after saying good night to your parents. you take your phone out, texting your boyfriend.
hey, wait for me outside the window?
jay <3: youre not allowed to go?
no,, but yk how i am
jay <3: yup i do.
jay <3: if ur parents get mad at me, istg, y/n
you always say that, did we ever get caught?
jay <3: ,,,,,,,,no
jay <3: still, im scared
jay <3: and yk it’s okay if u dont go out with me tonight
jay <3: we can do it the other day
that’s what you always say, but you get pouty and sad like a five year old
jay <3: can you blame me?
im ready, r u there?
jay <3: yup
after putting your covers and blanket over the pillows acting as your body, you lock the door and go to the window, opening it. you wave at jay, who’s hiding behind the bush. he waves back, going closer and you climb out, closing the window as jay waits for you. he holds you by your waist, putting you down and he looks at you, frowning.
“one of these days, you have to actually obey your parents.” jay says and you kiss his pouty lips.
“they never told me to not sneak out.” you say, holding his hand as you two walk wherever your feet could take you. 
the two of you end up going for a drive, watching the stars and talk about the most random shit ever as if you two weren’t going to talk later that same day. jay was a nervous wreck about you two getting caught and your parents getting mad at him, but whenever you told him you should go home, he’d go whiny and tell you that you two will go home after an hour.
eventually, jay takes you home. turning the ignition off and getting out of the car. jay goes to you as you climb out, holding your hand as he pushes the door close. he locks it, walking you to your house, since he parked a block away.
four in the morning. wow.
“see, we didn’t get caught.” you say and jay chuckles, kissing your cheek. “i’ll see you next week? sunoo’s birthday.”
“okay. text me later when you arrive?” jay says and you nod. “i love you.”
“i love you, too.” you say. “even though you almost shit your pants at the thought of my parents getting mad at you.”
jay shakes his head, chuckling. “i can’t have them disapproving of our relationship.” he says and you smile. “go, sleep. you need to rest.”
“thank you, love.” you softly say. “i’ll call you tomorrow.”
“i’ll wait for you.” he says and you climb up your window, getting inside your room. you wave at jay before closing the window and he smiles. jay goes back to his car, climbing in and sending you a text before driving home.
jay <3: good night (morning lmao), beautiful. i love you.
you smile, putting your phone down as you lay on your bed, closing your eyes as you let your slumber take you in with a smile on your face, remembering the night you had with jay. even dreaming about it.
but it’s taken away when your phone rings.
you sit up, grabbing your phone and answering it. you look at your side, seeing jay sleeping peacefully with his arms loosely around your waist. you press the phone against your ear. “hello?” you softly say, not wanting to wake up your sleeping husband.
many years after, you and jay got married, started a family just like you two always planned after graduating college and being in a stable place in your careers. 
“mom?” your daughter says. “can you pick me up?”
“i thought you were going to stay over there?” you ask, slowly getting out of bed and replacing your body with your pillow in jay’s arms. you took some clothes, going to the bathroom to change in. 
“yeah, but they invited people over that i don’t know and i’m kind of uncomfortable.” she says and you hum.
“alright, where will i pick you up?” you ask.
after your daughter tells you the location, you drive right away. you wait for her to get in the car and when she does, you say nothing and simply stare at her. she stares back and you chuckle. “what did your dad tell you?” you ask.
“not to go out.” she answers.
“and what did you do?” you ask.
“he didn’t say i’m not allowed to sneak out.” she says and you shrug.
she is your daughter.
“you’re not telling dad, are you?” she asks and you chuckle.
“tell your dad?” you repeat.
“mom, please?” she says, pouting. “i promise, i won’t do it again. and i told you that i was going.”
“of course, i’m not telling your dad.” you say. “if i tell your dad, he’s going to know i picked you up and i knew about you sneaking out. we’ll both be dead.” you say and your daughter covers her face, chuckling. “does your head hurt?”
“a little.” she says. “i drank a little bit.”
you hum. “it’s only five in the morning,” you say. “we’ll go home at seven. we’ll go get coffee, get you sobered up. when we get home, you tell your dad that we went out for breakfast and when he asks why isn’t he with us, you say because he was still asleep. okay?”
“okay.” she says. “you know so much about how to sneak out.”
“i did it a lot back then.” you say as you drive away, going to the nearest coffee shop. just like planned, time was spent sobering your daughter up and getting the smell of alcohol out of her. when clock strikes seven, you come back home, pulling up in the garage as you two go out and get inside the house.
when you close the door, just in time, jay, who is still in his pajamas, comes out of the kitchen with his hands in his pocket. “where were you two?” he asks and your daughter looks at you. you only nod towards jay, gesturing to her to go and greet him.
“breakfast.” she says and you look at your husband, smiling. “i got up early and mom was here, too. so i asked her to have breakfast with me outside.” she lies through her teeth.
jay nods. “were your friends sad that you didn’t get to go last night?” he asks and you daughter shakes her head.
“i’m always out with them, so it was fine.” she says and jay nods. “i got you some breakfast. i feel bad for not waking you up to join us.” she says, holding out a paper bag of food for him.
jay smiles, nodding as he takes it. “thank you, sweetheart,” he says.
“it’s nothing,” she softly says. “i’m gonna go to my room. i’m feeling sleepy again.” she says and jay nods. she comes towards jay, kissing his cheek. “morning, dad.”
“morning. sleep well.” he says and your daughter sprints to her room, looking at you with a smile. when you two hear the door close, jay chuckles. “she really is your daughter.” he says, shaking his head as he turns around to go back inside the kitchen.
you laugh. “how did you know?” you ask, following him.
jay smiles, opening the bag as he eats. “who always helped you sneak?” he asks and you smile. “she’s using your tactics, you’re using mine.” jay says and you laugh. “i’d be mad, but you bought me breakfast, so thanks.”
you shake your head, chuckling. “i love you.” you say and jay only smiles.
“i love you, too.” 
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— august 24, 2022. heeracha.
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naiadere · 1 year
sculpting chisel
yandere! sculptor headcanons
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content warnings: implied forced relationship, obsessiveness, honestly really tame
in honor of miss galatea winning most votes for ds!! this isn’t proof read and kind of bad… also istg, i cannot navigate tumblr for the life of me; this app has me in shambles and in tears, always.
— yan! sculptor who is, smitten. you’ve charmed her endlessly, and she is absolutely captivated by you. as much as you are her muse, you are also her inspiration, and although she enjoys capturing your beauty and your beauty alone; she can’t help but want to sculpt a creation that resembles the both of you. it warms her heart greatly, and whether or not you like her statues matters little to her because she’ll show you them anyway (but she does expect some level of praise in return).
— yan! sculptor who lives in her head, daydreaming of you. if her darling happens to be a survivor, you really must’ve caught her eye. perhaps on a whim, she’s used to playing against the same survivors, but a new addition to the roster? how peculiar, and, enticing. you’ve piqued her curiosity, and if you think you can get away with stealing her attention just like that, then you’re sorely mistaken. she chased you down the entire match, though most of it was her simply following you and seeing how you behave–– observing your features, saving them in her mind for a later date; all while you attempt to dodge her statues.
— yan! sculptor who can’t help but sigh, disappointed whenever she enters a match and notices you are nowhere to be found in the survivor’s lobby. she waits patiently for the day she gets to meet you again, and when she does, she’s elated beyond belief. her mind is lonely without you, her heart even more-so, and her artistic motivation is s depleted. know that as soon as she sees you are sitting on one of the waiting chairs, she will use whatever means necessary to win the match. as much as galatea wishes to visit you during the standby session, she also wants to surprise you, it’s been an awfully long time since she’s last seen you, hasn’t it? may as well make it special.
— yan! sculptor who plays the game as naturally as possible, though she must admit, your mere presence makes her heart race, and her statues are less calculated this time around. when you eventually reveal yourself — whether it be through rescuing a fellow survivor, decoding nearby, or simply moving across the map in her general vicinity — she will immediately change targets. galatea is determined as ever, partially to show off (she’s quite good at playing the game, isn’t she?) and partially because she wants you to pay attention to her. by the time she downs you, she’ll give you an unreadable smile (you’ve not a clue whether or not she’s intentionally being malicious, but her next actions read otherwise) because she’ll switch traits, placing three peepers down in front of you while you’re incapacitated.
— yan! sculptor who leaves you by your lonesome — as much as it pains her to leave just as the opportunity to be with you arises — she still has your fellow teammates to take care of. by the time you’ve used self-heal and gotten up, she’ll chisel over to you via hieroglyphic graveyard and bombard you with statues, and you’ll find yourself back on your knees and incapacitated once again in mere seconds. galatea’s mind is occupied with how she will approach you once she’s done eliminating your teammates. it’s not that she’s particularly nervous, she’s just content with watching you, but she figures it will be unpleasant for the two of you to sit in silence (especially knowing you’re bleeding out). the thought of making small-talk with you crosses her mind as she sets the final survivor on the rocket chair, and she hears them being sent back to the manor while she wheels her way over to you. try as you may to crawl away, but she’ll find you before you completely bleed out.
— yan! scultpor who finally has the time to meet with you alone. as galatea stands before you, you notice she’s still chiseling away despite the fact she’s summoned no statues. there is little time for the two of you to converse, but she utilizes that time wisely; asking all about you. what is your name? what is your occupation? why are you at the manor? it’s quite rare for galatea to initiate conversations, but just this once, for you. she may appear like she doesn’t care about your responses, or that she’s more focused on her sculpting, but she listens to every word you have to say. your voice is engraved in her mind, and before you’re able to bleed out, she’ll extend her hand out to you, revealing the statue she had been chiseling. is it really that surprising that it’s you? don’t worry, she’ll make an even prettier one soon; one that’s grand, that captures all your details and features down to a T. she surrenders before you can bleed out.
— yan! sculptor who spends all her time in the courtyard with you after that match. galatea has you reluctant to leave the safety of your chambers these days, but you can’t stay cooped up in your room forever now can you? if her darling happens to be a hunter, you’re likely to have been a resident of the manor long before her. maybe you’re the first to greet her, or maybe you teach her the ropes of hunting, whatever it is, you’ve got her locked in. it is truly easier this way, she gets to spend more time with you. as a hunter, galatea would be less bold; she won’t need to approach you like how she would a survivor darling simply because she knows when she gets to see you again. she would definitely find patterns in your schedule, or at least study your routine enough to the point where she believes you’re becoming predictable. galatea would somehow always manage to find you in your downtime, though play it off and jest, “fufu… what a coincidence. it seems we always meet each other,” (she pre-planned this interaction three days ago).
— yan! sculptor who often beckons you into her study. she wishes to spend time with you, even if the two of you say nothing, basking in your presence is good enough. it keeps her mind at ease, and she sculpts much finer and nicer works when you’re around. galatea enjoys having tea with you, an afternoon event you would often partake in with the bloody queen and the photographer–– but no longer now, now that you have galatea. you have this gallantry to you, something galatea admires, and it shows when you set a cloth over the small coffee table and serve her tea. the majority of the time with her is spent in silence or scarce small-talk, but usually the sound of her humming is enough. at times like this, you may find her staring at you, but with her eyes pitch black and face expressionless, you can never tell what she’s thinking. galatea never shy’s away when you two make eye contact like this, actually, her corners of her lips tug upward into a sweet grin because all she’s thinking about is how lovely you look sitting still.
— yan! sculptor who adores seeing you dress up. miss nightingale gifts skins and costumes sparingly, so to see you in such lavish and nice clothing (though she would not mind if it was anything less) warms her heart. galatea believes you look wonderful in anything though, as she’s sculpted all variations of you that one could imagine; even your worn-clothes outfit. there is little she can do with helping you dress but she assists in whatever way she can, and although she isn’t the nervous type, her fingers tremble and her face heats up as she zips up your garments. as much as galatea loves to tamper with your hair and face, she would enjoy it much more if you were the one styling her. naturally, her hair is messy, tangled and even matted down, to have you brush it would be heavenly. and to have you clean her stained eyeshadow would be a dream, oh to wipe her smudged lipstick and apply it right. it’s a shame you don’t have matching outfits, she doesn’t see why not, especially with those two survivors — the patient and psychologist — having multiple sets together. but she does what she can, and will attempt to match with you with what she has, perhaps one day miss nightingale may be kind enough to offer you two costumes from the same essence, or better yet, a true set of matching outfits.
— yan! sculptor who asks about how your matches went whilst you were away. the truth is, galatea was spectating them, all of them. but she wishes to hear your opinion first, before she demolishes the survivors you played against that is. regardless of whether you had won, tied, or lost who knows how many times, she will definitely remember whom you played against; and she will definitely be giving them a hard time the next chance she gets to play against any of them. her spite will increase tenfold if you went friendly for them, though she won’t take her bitterness out on you, no, of course not. galatea is many things, but jealous? don’t make her laugh… but perhaps she does feel a little disheartened seeing you show such compassion and to the survivors of all things, your generosity really precedes you. if your sessions ended mainly with wins and/or ties, she will want to spend quality time with you, perhaps in the courtyard or on a picnic–– you can tell her all about the matches over tea and horderves. if your sessions ended mainly with ties/losses, she will want to patch you up if you’ve received any injuries or such. it hurts her heart to have to see you in such a frail state, especially considering her own physical appearance, and it makes her all the more vengeful when it’s her turn to play in a match again.
— yan! sculptor who is hesitant to play duo hunters with you simply for the fact she cannot stand to see you taking flare gun hits for her, let alone stuns in general. although the two of you would make quite the team, as she believes both your abilities are quite enough on their own, her temper may get the better of her in duo hunters. the eight survivors are a headache, and despite the fact she knows it is more efficient for you and her to chase different people, she will find herself gravitating back towards the area you’re in to merely check on you. galatea is determined to perform well in front of you — she usually performs well regardless of if you’re there or not — and if not to impress you, than to satiate her ever growing nerves that the survivors are getting on. but all the flare gun shots and stuns mean nothing in the end, in fact it’s all worth it when you congratulate her after sending the last survivor back to the manor; it’s truly what keeps her sane in this game-mode. and maybe if she does well enough, she can ask for a kiss instead.
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ex-textura · 3 months
oh boy! Thank you @miradelletarot for the tag! This is going to be fun (once i decide who to do it with sdfasklfhjs)
I'm unsure who has done this one and who hasn't soooo.... if you see this, and want to, this is me tagging you!
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Full name: Ilztaufein (formerly of house Melarn, though he dropped that when he changed his name)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bi, but he's got some...hangups about women.
Background: Noble
Class: Divination Wizard
Birthplace: Ched Nasad
Profession: Information broker for Bregan D'aerthe
Phobias: Not really a phobia, but he has a hate for spiders.
Guilty pleasures: Does it count if he's not guilty about anything ever? He loves gossip and is really bad for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He also loves really bad smutty fiction.
Hobbies: Reading, studying, gossiping.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: ahahahahaha. All of them!? ▫ He's prideful (he knows he's gorgeous and he knows he's powerful, even if maybe he thinks he's hotter shit than he actually is) ▫ He's greedy (power, people, fame, money. Whatever it is, he wants it) ▫ He's not the most wrathful but WHEN HE GETS HIS HANDS ON MYSTRA ISTG (also he's a big bitch about it) ▫ He's envious of the gods, for hoarding all their power. He's envious of drow women and their power over the underdark. He's envious of Mystra for still having literally ANY of Gale's attention EVER. ▫ Lust. I mean. The fantasies of Gale alone would be damning but when he finally gets his hands on his powerful little human oh my god. He's not terribly gluttonous or slothful but that's mostly on account of all the vanity.
Virtues: All that said, he's not evil. He helps people who need it, he works for the greater good at the end of the day. He gives freely of his time and knowledge (even if okay sometimes he bitches a little about having to go out of his way he's working on it okay?). He works hard, he studies and practices and hones his skills daily, he's fastidiously clean, he's absolutely loyal to a fault and he loves fully.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Ilztaufein/Gale (gotta come up with ship names)
Acceptable Ships: He's desperately loyal to Gale. He worships the ground he walks on. That said, he has slept with Astarion.
OT3: n/a
Brotp: Izzy and Astarion and two peas in a pod, even if Ilztaufein gives him so much shit for his red eyes and white hair ("Little faerie thinks he's a mighty drow how quaint~!").
Notp: Absolutely not Mystra, nor any followers of lolth.
Ilztaufein was born in Ched Nasad and spent the first half century of his life there before it fell to ruin. There he studied to be a wizard and took to divination magic like a fish to water. It was during his studies that he got a vision of the destruction of Ched Nasad, and so to save his own skin he quietly ran before he could be caught in the crossfire. He spent some time travelling the underdark, changing his name and hiding from settlements for fear of being found out and killed for his cowardice, until he came upon and was recruited into Bregan D'aerthe. Shortly after joining the mercenary group he ventured to the surface for the first time and was absolutely blown away by the different peoples and cultures he found there. He tentatively began to learn about Eilistraee, and though he never became a true devout follower it helped him come to terms with his animosity toward more lolth-leaning drow. He learned more surface languages, started enjoying their food and music, and eventually got himself a more permanent position gathering and trading information to and from the surface. That's when he was captured by the illithid; on the surface, haggling with a food vendor on the side of the road just outside Waterdeep.
At first, the abduction was a horrible inconvenience. He had work to do and no interest in making friends with a bunch of (scary powerful) women, a goody-two-shoes hero and some fop of a surface elf. At least there was the wizard, a kindred spirit who understood the importance of a strong mind and lively debate. And ambition.
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
yoo,, can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bain, Jacket, and Houston hcs for how they would react to their s/o being generally flirty with them specifically even while on heists ? (maybe their reactions for both before and after they're officially dating their s/o if it's not too much trouble?? tyyy :P)
apologies for the fucking radio silence on writing and shit , i’ve been caught up in other stuff to the point where i forget to write more content LMAO
You’re flirtatious — BAIN, JACKET, HOUSTON
It’d take him a minute to figure out what you were implying, but istg once he does he is a MESS
Houston would be fixing up the van and you’d pass by and say “Nice pants. Can I see what’s in em?”
He would nearly hit his head on the fucking vehicle as he rolls himself out to look at you but you’d be gone lol
Sydney would bring it up too and go “I think you might wanna fix that problem down there mate.”
If you two are dating, he’ll stop what he’s doing and he’ll look for you
Prepare for one hell of a make out session
If you two aren’t dating, he’ll just go back to work and do his damndest not to get distracted by your remarks
If you’re physical with your flirting then oh my god someone please save this man
He would just freeze up and have no clue how to respond, regardless of whether or not you’re dating him
Houston would be just as flustered during heists, loud or stealth.
Dating or not, he’ll try to dismiss your flirting to focus on the heist, but he would ultimately fail
istg this bottom ass mf
If you two are dating, stealth heists would usually end with you having to haul a very flustered Houston back to the van because whoopsies make out session
He does his best to deny that he likes your flirting, but at some point he just gives up lol
At first he was very confused like- what the fuck did any of it mean autism moment /j
Eventually Sokol slapped the shit outta him to get him to realize that you were flirting with him
Now whenever you make your remarks, he just goes red as he remembers what it means
He’ll be flustered regardless of whether or not you two are dating
And if you’re physical?
I hope you like cleaning melted Jacket off the floor
If you two are dating, he’ll eventually try to flirt physically as well [if you’re comfortable with it of course]
He’d sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist before nuzzling his face into your neck and leave kisses on it just to make you all flustered 😳
And that’s just one of the things he’ll do
Now if you two aren’t dating, he’ll be a tsundere ass bitch and counter your flirting with empty threats or the middle finger as he attempts to hide his flustered face
During heists, Jacket will try to focus less on the flirting and more on the job at hand, especially if you two are going loud
Whether or not you two are dating, if you chuck a flirty remark at him, he’ll dismiss it and try to get you to focus on what needs to be done
“You’re a pretty hard hitter~ I wonder how hard you’ll be in-”
“Please pay attention.”
Stealth heists are a different story though
He’ll react just as he would if you were flirting with him outside of a heist, and while he does attempt to redirect you to the mission, he doesn’t make a true effort to focus back on it
He’ll especially be flustered if you two are in a cramped or in a blind spot for the guards
If you two are dating…
Good luck.
This mf
Regardless of whether or not you’re dating him, he’ll 100% flirt back
Usually your flirting would happen during heists since it’s one of the many times that you can actually speak to him
If you two are dating and he allows you to visit him quarters, the flirting would go on for HOURS
It would either end in a steamy make out session or a tickle fight. There is no inbetween and you can’t change my mind
During heists, you would often slip your flirting in when he’s asking you to do or retrieve something
“Guys, the thermal drill, go get it-”
“I’ve got somethin’ you can use your thermal drill on right here hehehe-”
Hoxton in the background just like “GET A ROOM YOU FUCKIN TWATS”
During stealth heists, you two would be flirting with each other non-stop
Like- Bain can’t say anything without you having a good comeback
If you’re alone on the heist, he’ll eventually let himself loose on you, regardless of whether or not you’re dating, and pull the deep rumbly voice card 😳😳
“[H/N], I swear to God, I will personally go down there and tear you apart if you don’t get your ass back on track…unless…that’s what you want me to do~?”
Regardless of whether or not you comply or challenge him, he’ll manage to get you back on task
Mostly because there were guards starting to close in on your hiding spot but still
If you two are dating and you manage to get out of the heist alive,
Expect a visit from Bain sometime soon
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extralively · 1 month
Sooooo, I just caught up to your latest chapter upload 😭 And umm.... I think my heart just grew 10 sizes 🥹.
Dear heavens above, please keep the Gojo-Wakatsuki-Fushiguro family safe. 🙏 I mean, they've been giving family vibes since Book 1, but this latest chapter is a whole other level.
Yura being fiercely protective of Tsumiki (like a real mom), Megumi being supportive and watching over Tsumiki, Tsumiki being concerned for everybody in spite of her condition and her need for recovery, and Satoru being such a provider and an absolute pillar of resilience, doing his best to hold it all together and even bring the four of them back to his own apartment. Like, okay Dad.
And Tsumiki is a sorcerer now! UAHDKGHASDGK
How do I properly compute this information..? Canon-divergence go BRRRRR~ Let's gooooo 🔥🔥🔥.
Also Yura the Curse Breaker is one hell of a title. 🔥🔥🔥
(I am wondering if Tsumiki turning into a sorcerer is because of Yura, or if it's just an aftereffect of Yura dismantling Tsumiki's curse. 👀 Strongly speculating that Tsumiki has Yorozu's curse technique, but I'll be here waiting patiently for whatever you have planned for 'Miki as the story progresses.. I'm so happy she's alive and well istg 🥹😭)
Side note: There's the rare and occasional story where Tsumiki is present alongside Gojo's love interest and Megumi, and I feel so bad for Tsumiki most of the time, because imagine being a normal human in a "family" full of sorcerers. I don't care how loving that family is portrayed to be, it still has to be an isolating experience. Being the odd one out always sucks, but I guess that depends on the person anyways. Some actually revel in being the odd one out... (👀 looking at you, Suguru, and your biological family of non-sorcerers).
And and and... the way Satoru and Yura both notice that there's something different about the way they look at each other throughout this chapter and just can't find the name for it actually kills me (in the best way). 🥹😭
Also her stuff in his closet? HADJSGKG Might as well live together at this point. 😭
These two have been falling deeper and deeper in love as this story progresses and they're hopelessly oblivious, and I know they're getting it together (in baby steps). 💘 It sends an arrow straight through my heart every time. The payoff when they realize it and acknowledge it themselves is going to be sooooo....
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...She’d missed this. She’d missed him. Yura didn’t think twice before turning around in his arms, her whole body then sagging into him as pure relief washed over her .....she did push herself closer... and finally, she actually felt at home.
Home is where they're all together as a family... 🏡
Also, home = Satoru... Yura, you're so in love with him, how can you willfully brush it under the rug every time?
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he held her close—unwilling to let go. (He’d stayed up a while after she had gone to sleep, just enjoying the way she felt back in his arms, before his own exhaustion took over and he too passed out.) --- Satoru turned his head, his gaze meeting hers. He hated seeing her eyes filled with worry again, and this time it was worry over him. He wanted to make it go away, he wanted to see her eyes lighting up with joy instead of this; he wished one of his abilities were snapping his fingers and making everything right again, but there was only so much that even the strongest could accomplish. So he only turned his body to her, pressing his face against her shoulder. Yura seemed surprised for a moment, but one of her hands eventually slid up his neck, slipping into his hair. Don’t worry about me, he wanted to say. His hands came up to her waist, lightly gripping at her shirt. Don’t worry about me or I’ll worry about you. —he’d lost Suguru, but he hadn’t lost her
"I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends~" 🎶🎧
There's something so sweet and tender and wonderful about being emotionally vulnerable and intimate with someone on this level in spite of the shit storm surrounding you.
Someone play this song on repeat for them until they realize it all, please. I'm begging~ 😭🙏 YOU'RE IN LOVE... They're so in love. 😩😭
One night he wakes Strange look on his face Pauses, then says You're my best friend And you knew what it was He is in love
Satoruuuuu, the signs~ the signs, I'm telling youuuu~ 😭😩
Your fic's an emotional rollercoaster, and I don't ever want to leave. 😁 I can't thank you enough for writing it and sharing it... always~
This message was an emotional rollercoaster, and I appreciated every bit of it ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
Satoru and Yura are so in love that their subconscious have already 100% accepted it, even if they won't actually put it into words. Like they've already accepted that they're a little family, and Yura's brain has already cemented that THESE ARE MY KIDS ILL KILL WHOEVER TRIES TO HURT THEM
(that's also me looking @ canon)
And yes, Yura has a whole section of her stuff in Satoru's closet now, just like Satoru has a drawer full of his stuff at her place too ehehe. Actually, they've got a bunch of each other's stuff scattered around their apartments, they're like halfway living together now--clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, other bathroom products... I mean, if someone were to just walk into Yura's place it would be painfully obvious that she has a boyfriend lol (Satoru's place is big so you'd have to go to his bedroom, but then yep, there's a woman living there too)
Tsumiki is one of them now! I wasn't actually planning for it initially lol but then it just made sense. Now I'm having to plan for more of her presence in later events, but that should be fun hehe. I'll just say that I'm planning stuff, but anything else would spoilers (◡‿◡✿)
But yeah, she was the odd one out in their little family (and any fics that actually bother to include her lmao). I think she might not have felt it so strongly growing up since Megumi wasn't a full-blow sorcerer at that point, but I think she'd eventually feel a little left out whenever she couldn't be included in jujutsu business. But not anymore tho!! ಠ⌣ಠ
Anyway, things are going to get a little bit better for them now (before it gets worse oop), so get ready for some fluffy but emotional moments in the next couple of chapters or so! And as always, thank you so much for reading and commenting like this <333 It truly is what keeps me writing, being able to share it with you guys <333 Thank you so much!
(...also there's a new School Stories oneshot incoming, beware ಠ‿ಠ)
EDIT: also lemme jam to that song while writing the next fluffy moment between them ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
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asterefflores · 8 months
I saw the post about angst in your story. I want to put a comment but mine might be just too long and this app is just not ready for it xD, so I drop it here.
For me, the angst in ur story tilts towards the darker side. It's not just sad, unhappy stuff. I don't know how to articulate it in human language (istg), but I find it remarkably balanced and just feels right. It feels fitting, somehow.
Each arc in your story unfolds at the perfect moment, revealing itself in due course (what am i talking about). Tbh, your story might be considered heavy. I said this numerous times already (maybe) but I love the world-building in it (even tho my brain needs to restart every time).
The characters' backgrounds and the reasons why they are in their current state are intriguing. Moreover, although you introduce certain angsts, what I admire is that you never dwell on them excessively. They are relatable, logical, and not exaggerated or cringe-worthy. They are in the right amounts.
It's like, the story holds multiple layers of surprises each time you unveil the answers to the readers' questions of "why." Also, the angst within goes beyond than just sadness, contain/hiding various emotions and elements of irony.
I remember how the other readers and I went crazy (for fun) with theories in the comments when it was first revealed that Cale had a connection to the Secret Kingdom. We all anticipated something light and fluffy, but oh my goodness, jahahshfhf it took a darker turn that caught us off guard in the most unexpected moment. I love that aspect, and the transitions between each arc are incredibly smooth.
I also love every one of your original characters, (wait you already knew this ajshfkh) but duh, I've never had this much love or enthusiasm for fanfic before. I have a huge crush on your art and writing. It's therapeutic for me to see and read them. Thank you for the artwork and stories, even your daily shenanigans at your office @Xwitter are entertaining to follow up. Love isn't enough to describe how fascinated I am with your work.
I know, I throwing so many compliments for you on this one. I can't help it. I hope you don't mind🧍🏻‍♀️if you mind, I'd still going to do it. So I hope you still don't mind.
Please have a good day 🍀 (Please rest...)
I like to keep the characters realistic with logical responses in any case according to their traits and their back stories and whatnot, I don't like dwelling on anything too much in the plot, sure the angst part is important but if used too much it'll ruin the story not only for readers but also for me lol, it'll feel like I'm forcing it on the characters when, logically thinking, they wouldn't stay depressed for long or behave in certain dramatic ways, based on the way their brain works and all.
And yeah, well, my fanfic was indeed meant to be simple at first you know, but I naturally turn any plot I write heavy and dark with time, and it gets worse gradually but I try to hold back and be reasonable before I mess up at some point lolol
I didn't know you find my transitions between each arc smooth, I'm really happy and thank you for letting me know, all this time I stare at my stories and ask myself "Are there even arcs? Isn't it all a mess? Does anyone notice the transition? Is there even a transition?" Then laugh at my own writing and say it is what it is and keep writing anyway while confident that I'm doing everything wrong somehow XD
And you know, when I introduced OCs in my fanfic I was very sure no one gonna care or pay attention to their parts (except maybe my close friend lol) so I'm really glad to see some readers come to love them eventually, though I think Tristan is getting most love than the rest but that's expected considering his character and his role with Roksoo and Cale lol, I expected many readers would hate his role as their father but now the majority is cheering for him xDD
About my office shenanigans, you just made me recall how my followers on Instagram used to like and anticipate my stories about my daily life at work lolol I didn't think anyone would find joy in them also on twitter/X but glad you enjoy my comical work life 🤝🏻
Lastly, ofc I don't mind, at all, you don't know how many times I read your message and made me smile the whole time, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me 💕💕💕
And I'm trying to rest, I think I'm resting— ok, the fact I don't even know if I'm resting says enough lol but I'm working on it *cough
Thank you again and take care you too, have a good day 🌸🌸
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