#i will never be sure of my mbti type
lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
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✨Gabe Symbolism✨
#Elena of Avalor#Gabriel Nunez#Gabe Nunez#My edit#I was looking through my Tumblr drafts and came across this thing#I don’t know why I never posted it but I’m doing it now#It looks pretty actually#Unrelated but I’m now thinking of making a personality (?) aesthetic for Gabe#aka his Zodiac Sign MBTI type enneagram type and other stuff like this#Or/and I’ll make a MBTI gifset illustrating Gabe’s cognitive functions because you can’t imagine how often I think about it#I’m not sure how to make it though but I’ll try#Akajdkfkf this is such a self-indulgent thing honestly :’D#But I love Gabe and I love MBTI so nobody can stop me#Oh and I’ll make some notes regarding the things I’ve chosen for Gabe#because my mind is still fresh even though I don’t remember when I made it#His surname has several meanings one of them is ‘son of Nuno’ (duh) another ones are ‘grandfather’ ‘ninth’ and ‘squire’#(those are meanings of the name Nuno)#Squire doesn’t seem like the most popular meaning but I’ve chosen it either way because this one is the most fitting to Gabe#When it comes to animals there are several ones that would fit him like a dog or a lion but well a bear seems to be fitting too#Not because he’s a cute teddy bear pls don’t traumatize me by saying it#Y’all will probably kick me for choosing the blue color for Gabe because this is way too obvious but tbf it actually fits him#And brown does too#He’s like a stoic cliff by the wavy sea#As for stones don’t even ask me it’s hard finding their meanings#Oh and back to animals for a moment I thought of replacing it with a deer because of the leaping stag move#But a deer doesn’t fit (spiritually) him that much sadly#Also if you read my Gabe fic you should know that a deer is a symbol of Gabe’s patrol not without a reason hehe
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literatureloverx · 2 months
is Fyodor's type just an INFJ reader? 😭
Well, no, I don’t believe that’s the case. I have the feeling that an INFP might be a better fit for Fyodor. However, considering the criteria I’ve mentioned (which I’ve tried to approach as objectively as possible, rather than from a personal or subjective perspective), I don’t think the specific personality type is ultimately that significant.
If I were to rank his ideal types, it might be something like this: INFP > INFJ > ISFJ > ENFP > ISFP.
I’m not entirely sure if your question is implying that I’m projecting my own personality onto Fyodor’s ideal type, thereby making my analysis invalid, or if you’re simply asking because you see the INFJ personality type as fitting him well.
Regardless, my intention was never to project my personality onto his ideal type.
If anyone is interested in me analyzing the MBTI types of Fyodor or other characters, as well as their ideal partners, I’d be happy to include those in the ideal type headcanons I’m working on for Dazai, Chuuya, and Nikolai. Just let me know! ❤️
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wonton4rang · 4 months
hey! i read you wanted to write more for woonhak so i had an idea :)
maybe “firsts” with him? as in asking e/o out, officially dating, first kiss, etc! (maybe you could include making out, WITHOUT any suggestive remarks ofc!)
it’s all up to you! have a good day 🫶
omg ilysm!! i literally had no idea on what to do for woonagi so thanksss<33 hope u enjoy this.
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i love u 3000 ¡!
pairing: woonhak x reader.
warnings: none!! fluff, some angst maybe, kissing and lots of giggles :')
summary: short scenarios of firsts with woonhak.
note: should i make a series with this theme? all bnd boys w the same scenarios. it would also include some suggestive/ smut for the other members. UPDATE: i am making the series!! you can see it here.
first encounter; i feel like he would most likely fall in love at school, not because he's young but also because that's the place where he spends the most time and it's not on a "professional" type of way so he can actually focus on just having fun and creating relationships. you are for sure one of his close friends and he just got so used to your presence that he didn't really noticed he liked you for more than just a friend.
first time he realises he's in love; it would be a day you fall in the field during gym class, he would get so worried about your wellbeing, carrying you on his back until the nurse's office. but that wasn't what made him realize he liked you, it was the way he went back to the field after he made sure you were being treated so he could push the boy who made you fall, telling him how lucky he is that you were fine, otherwise his face would be meeting the dusty ground. woonhak was NEVER a fighter, did he get overwhelmed and yelled? yes, but never this type of aggressiveness. so it was pretty obvious for him once he held your hand in the nursery and realized how crazy he was for you.
how would he confess; contrary to his mbti and his usual behaviour, i do think that woonhak would be a shy person when it comes to love, he won't doubt to express his love once you are already together but to confess?? it would make him go sleepless for a few nights, his hands sweating when you get close to him after he called you up to meet at his house, his parents were out and it wasn't weird because you mostly hangout with him like this everyday. but today you noticed how nervous he looked and kinda pinpoint what he wanted to do when he whispered a little "i need to talk to you". he would tell you how much he cares about you and that he understands if you don't feel the same way, it's just that he wouldn't forgive himself if he never said anything and lost his chance. and well, he did have a chance.
officially dating w woonagi; he's an extroverted boy, very energetic yet he would try to keep his cool with you too. he would definitely be a clingy boyfriend, the type of boyfriend who's friends would be tired of hearing your name each time they were having a conversation.
"are you going out tonight, woonhak?"
"i think y/n wanted to do something, let me ask her"
"do you want pizza or hamburgers for today?"
"y/n likes hamburgers better, can we have those?"
"haerin asked about you yesterday"
"did you tell her that i am dating y/n and i love my girlfriend very much?"
"woonhak, for fucks sake, haerin is your cousin"
"ah, you're right" type of boyfriend.
that doesn't mean he won't have his own opinions though!! he does knows how to separate you from himself, so it's not like his life revolves or depends on you only.
first kiss; it would honestly happen spontaneously, he would try so hard to make it special and actually plan it but it always got ruined, something happened, you guys got interrupted, anything. so when you actually kissed him in the lips for the first time he would get frozen, looking at you with wide open eyes and his hand going up to his lips because he just couldn't believe it.
"i'm sorry if you didn't want to-"
"can i kiss you again?" and he would kiss you lots, all over your face with that bright smile of his while you both giggled, the other boys side eyeing you both as you apparently forgot they were there too.
first time he wanted to do more than just a peck; woonhak is a very hyper person but he is also really chill (idk if that makes sense) so you would be just doing homework together or watching a movie when he leaned in for a kiss, then another one, and another one. that's when you looked at him with a tilted head, asking for an explanation in silence.
"can i kiss you?" you nodded a little bit confused, not understanding why he asked for permission to do something he already did. "like... kiss you, kiss you"
and that's when you understood, allowing him to do so and laughing during it because you guys didn't even know how to get the correct angle and pace, teeth smashing for a few minutes until you finally got the hang of it. it was so cute the way you guys kissed with so much dedication and pure love.
first time meeting your family; he would be literally shaking, like physically trembling the second the door opened and your dad showed up. he even thought on sneaking out when he went to the bathroom once, but then it eventually got better, he started trusting a little bit more in himself and opened up to your dad and mom, chatting with your old man about some bands from the 90s and that basketball team he loved, plus helping your mom with the dishes and rizzing her up on how pretty she is and how pretty her daughter came out because of it?? your parents love him and you can have it for sure that he'll be visiting them even without you, just to check up on them and bring them some food.
overall, i truly believe that woonhak would be a really funny, outgoing and sensitive boyfriend. he would love you like you are the only person in the world (cause for him, you are), he would try to always make you happy and never have an argument because he knows how mad he can get and he would hate to say harsh things to you.
i also see him as a 50,50 when it comes to commitment, he wouldn't cheat but i can most definitely see him ditching you over his job or school stuff, just to apologize later with the excuse that it's "about his future", and he's right, but there was no need to be rude about it.
so yeah, if you can put up with his hyper, loving, talkative, kind self and his touchy hands, irritable mood when stressed and his yelling in general for everything and because of anything, then woonhak is definitely your pick <3
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wendytestabrat · 4 months
kyle LOVES cartman's determined attitude
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what i rlly liked abt the end of obesity special was it showed once again how all of the shit kyle acts like he hates about cartman is what he actually loves, as i've talked about before 483836738 times. kyle actually loves cartman's unapologeticness and sass even though he shits on him A LOT for it, evidenced by the the fact that he gets all annoyed when cartman starts suddenly acting good LOL (i.e stunning & brave, all of season 20, and post covid). but mainly what he loves about cartman is his DETERMINATION. as i've talked about before, that's one of the main things C&K have in common is they're both EXTREMELY stubborn and passionate and never give up when they set their mind to something (and i analyzed this in their MBTI types bc they're both Js) even if they're both fighting for completely opposite things and this special RLLY emphasized how much kyle shares that trait in common with cartman when the insurance guy is like "i didn't realize i was dealing with someone who had so much determination" LOL. i remember i talked abt in a rant once a longass time ago how that's the main thing cartman loves about kyle and i used the moment in imaginationland where cartman is like "KAHL YOU'VE NEVER WALKED AWAY FROM ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE!1!1!" as evidence, but i've never rlly talked much about how much kyle appreciates that trait in cartman too. this special rlly showed how kyle LOVES cartman's tough boisterous obnoxious attitude and he appreciates his persistence in getting pretty much anything he wants. that's why kyle was DISAPPOINTED to see cartman so upset and easily giving up when he couldn't get the weight loss drug. he doesn't understand how cartman is tough and has willpower with literally everything EXCEPT his health (and other things that are good for him such as his school grades, i mean according to kyle bc i don't give a shit about grades either) LOL. that pep talk kyle gave cartman about being tough rlly helped cartman and got through to him bc fighting for the shit he wants is his whole thing and kyle was reminding him who the fuck he is. (yeah heidi could never lol). the fact that kyle even thought of that as something good to give cartman advice on, shows it's something he's observed and even ADMIRED about him over the years. so that's how we know in all of those moments when kyle would shit on cartman for being bad, breaking the rules, and always needing to get his way that he was just full of shit and lying bc he likes it LOL. like i remember back in "scott tenorman must die" how kyle kept telling cartman to let it go and drop it when he saw how cartman wasn't giving up and kept trying over and over to get his $10 back from scott, but the fact that kyle was even observing how much cartman wouldn't give up, shows how much this trait about cartman rlly stood out to him and INTRIGUED him. and the main reason why cartman's tenacity interested kyle so much and he was going out of his way to shit on him for it is bc kyle knows damn well he can be like that too, so either he was shitting on cartman for being overly tenacious bc he's insecure that he has that quality in himself, or he just secretly admires the trait in cartman and doesn't know how to process it (it's probably both) LOL. i'm sure kyle liked how there was finally someone else in south park, let alone in his friend group, that's as persistent as him and can match his energy bc he's tired of being the only one in town who's extremely extra lol. this DEF goes hand in hand with that rant i did a while back about how the reason why kyle hates seeing cartman sad and it hits him way harder than when he sees stan sad is bc he's used to seeing cartman's tough over-the-top extroverted personality and LOVES that about him even though he won't admit it, and this special just further proves my point. so thank you once again matt & trey for proving me right for the 47383573838 time.
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lycheedr3ams · 4 months
Ahhh please please yes könig analysis and characterization please 🙏🏾
I feel so bad, I forgot to respond to this when I posted my first König character analysis post. Here's the second one!
König Character Analysis
Part 1: His past | Part 2: König's MBTI
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I know the validity of the MBTI/16 personalities is debated in the psychology world, but I personally think it can be a good baseline guide to understanding someone's personality. My MBTI is accurate for me and a lot of people I know, so I wanted to do König's. The MBTI is a personality assessment based on the following traits: introvert/extrovert, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. you can take a test to see which traits you fit (I like this one) for example, I'm INTJ: introvert, intuition, thinking, and judging. see here for more detailed info (I take quotes from this source throughout the post)
I think König's MBTI is...ISTJ (more details at end of post)
Introvert is obvious, we all know könig prefers to be alone. it's never explicitly stated, but heavily implied based off his bio about being bullied and misunderstood. he also wears a sniper hood all the time. mans is not social
Sensing may be less obvious, but this is what it is: "People who prefer sensing tend to pay a great deal of attention to reality, particularly to what they can learn from their own senses. They tend to focus on facts and details and enjoy getting hands-on experience." I think this makes the most sense for konig. as someone who has been bullied and needs to be hyper alert to stay alive at work, sensing makes much more sense for him than intuition. konig doesn't seem like someone who has much intuition, or even trusts in such things. Being Austrian, konig is also likely very practical and to the point, so he wouldn't have any need or place value in an intangible thing like intuition.
Thinking is obvious for konig, I think. I'm not saying konig doesn't have emotions of course, but he doesn't seem like the type of person to live by his heart. Again likely a cultural difference, Konig would be practical and value facts over feelings. About people who are thinking: "They tend to be consistent, logical, and impersonal when weighing a decision." Also as a mercenary, there isn't any room for emotionally-charged decisions. Konig is for sure a thinker. I don't think a feeler would do well as a mercenary personally.
Judging suits konig better than perceiving: "Those who lean toward judging prefer structure and firm decisions." Of course konig values structure, he went into the military when he was 17! This is also another cultural thing most likely, since Austrians tend to be very formal and respect hierarchy. I'm not saying every Austrian is like this, but you get me. Also as a mercenary, konig must make firm decisions, unlike perceivers who "lean toward perceiving are more open, flexible, and adaptable." I don't think konig is the type of guy to sit down and have a democratic discussion. it's his way or the highway and you can't change my mind (unless it's coming from a higher-ranking officer). konig knows he's damn good at what he does, and he's going to make the best decisions for the team. listen to his voice dialogues, he's constantly telling people that it's "better off in my hands" or to give something to him for safe keeping. if you want something done right, do it yourself, is likely his motto
This is my reasoning that konig is an ISTJ
Here's the 16 personalities website description of ISTJ:
"People with the ISTJ personality type (Logisticians) mean what they say and say what they mean, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. With their responsible and dependable nature, it might not be so surprising that ISTJ personalities also tend to have a deep respect for structure and tradition. They are often drawn to organizations, workplaces, and educational settings that offer clear hierarchies and expectations."
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rainytypology · 1 year
A view of each MBTI type by an INTJ:
Saw a few of these lately so why not? Lol
INTJ: My type and the best type obviously. Kidding. Not really. Healthy/mature ones are interesting and helpful, nice and easy to talk to. I've noticed immature ones try a little too hard to seem edgy and cool to fit into the "cold" INTJ stereotype when that's not a flex at all. I think a lot of us are impatient and stubborn too.
ENTJ: Often driven and motivated individuals who put in a lot of effort into what they do. I admire their hardworking nature. I've unfortunately come across a very unhealthy one before who was quite possessive and narcissistic. I did not have to deal with them personally, but a few of my friends did and their horror stories of that ENTJ will probably be stuck with me forever.
INTP: Their minds are...unique. I wonder what goes on in there. Such weird yet interesting individuals. Sometimes a bit rude, unintentional or not. My younger sister is one and I have to resist the urge to fight with her a lot lmao, but maybe that's just us being siblings.
ENTP: Love them. ENxPs in general 🤌🤌. I've never come across a boring ENTP. Often so chaotic. Never fail to make me laugh. I can have the funnest conversations with them. So witty.
INFJ: One of my best friends is one and it's kinda funny how similar yet different we both are. Ni dom things I guess. Other INFJs I've observed seem to have a lot of patience and kindness. Genuinely have a good heart and want the best for others.
ENFJ: I've only met two personally. Can be funny and witty, really approachable people. Both are very loyal and care a lot about their families, they carry a lot of responsibilities for others. Do not like to show their struggles, will probably mention it briefly before changing the subject.
INFP: Probably my least favorite type due to having bad experiences with them. Unhealthy ones can be so whiney and pathetic. Always want to cry and complain but never actually do anything about it. Can burst emotionally without warning. They can be so exhausting to deal with. I'm not gonna automatically hate you if you're an INFP though, that's just stupid lol, but I will be wary. I only have one INFP friend for now and likely because she's a lot older than me, she's much calmer and more considerate compared to the previous INFPs I've encountered.
ENFP: Some weirdos fr but I love it. Always so talkative and excited. Why are you guys lowkey kinda sad though 😭
ISTJ: I haven't come across any irl yet, but a few of my favorite fictional characters are ISTJs. One of my fav kpop idols as well. Not really sure where the boring stereotype comes from as I think ISTJs are quite nice.
ESTJ: I don't think I've met any yet and have typed a few idols as an ESTJ. I know they get a bad rep, but I honestly just think it stems from ESTJ's tendency to be direct, no bs, which can be intimidating/overwhelming for people. They can be really weird and silly only if they're comfortable.
ISFJ: I don't know any ISFJs irl, but seeing ISFJ idols/celebrities, they're just usually nice and kind people. Quiet but do enjoy being with others.
ESFJ: Honestly think my other best friend may be one 🤔 I do think she has a high Fe for sure. They seem to care the most about their presentation and other's opinions of them.
ISTP: I've only met one and they were okay. Pretty chill and had immense "idgaf" energy. But that attitude was also what made them a bit unlikeable as it extended to having a disregard for feelings and morals. Nobody's perfect, but I don't think it's that difficult to have common human decency. I do like a few ISTP characters and celebrities though.
ESTP: One of my older siblings is one and we get along fine. She has a good eye for aesthetics. Her and other ESTPs I've seen don't really seem to be super serious people, they're just trying their best to enjoy life. Adventurous and open minded. Can't seem to stay still.
ISFP: Have only met a few irl and I've also typed several kpop idols as one. From what I've seen, they are a lot calmer compared to INFPs. They're quite passionate but more realistic individuals though, always going for what they want (likely due to aux Se). Also quite blunt lol but it does not top IxTP's honesty.
ESFP: Have not met any irl yet, but from observing an ESFP I follow and ESFP celebrities, I like their straightforwardness. Passionate and expressive. Funny.
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xotaemintol · 1 year
Hello, can u do a headcanon: Relationship habits with Taemin
Now, all of this is really just based off of very small things I’ve seen him do in lives and stuff and also his MBTI (we’re both INFP’s btw lolololol) so if it doesn’t feel very accurate then I’ll be pleased to make changes and make it however you want or feel would be more accurate to the unhinged man himself, anywaaaays here you go!!
FLUFFY FLUFF no pronouns used, no gender implied!!
Taemin has a habit of making you try anything he's eating, even if it's bad.
-He's the type to try new things often, and he wants you to try them too so he'll literally force you to eat it even if he knows you won't like it
-"Just try it!" "C'mon! Just a little bite!"
-eventually you'll give in and try it after five minutes of him prying, and just when you think he won't do it again, he asks you to try the drink too
-he accidentally bought a veggie smoothie when he was out and when he tasted it he literally gagged and was like "baby, try this!" You said no but he literally whined and kept asking until you finally drank it, and surprisingly it was delicious
-when he cooks he always waits for you to try it first, he loves seeing your reactions when he makes something that tastes good
He says things that sound questionable all the time and you think he does it just because he finds it funny
-Minho once came over without a warning before and you had both just woken up, he saw you both coming out of Taemin's room looking like you got hit by a tornado and when he asked what happened, Taemin said: "we had a long night."
-When you were celebrating your anniversary he gave a small speech and in it he said: "I'm so happy to spend my life with you, even after everything you have done, I couldn't be happier with everyone else." Needless to say, it raised a few brows and he had to explain that he just meant all the good things you've done for him
-he accidentally made it seem like you were getting married once when he was trying to explain that you were moving in with him and Minho (not knowing) sent a four thousand dollar engagement gift to congratulate you
He does this thing where he'll pet your head but super aggressively
-he usually does this to Kkoong and Ddaeng, but he also does it to you now too
-he'll randomly pet the two adorable cats and then he'll turn to you and basically tackle you to aggressively pet your head while calling you cute over and over again and kissing your entire face
-you had to run from him once because he was trying to pet your head after you had just got your hair done, he caught you anyways and made sure to be extra aggressive and really hammer in just how adorable you are
-to put it simply, he has extreme cuteness aggression towards you so he squeezes you face often, pinches your cheeks, hugs you so tight you might pop, and will straight up tackle you because he thinks you are just so cute
He takes ages to respond to messages when he's out, even if he's not busy, he can take hours to respond
-once you texted him asking if he was eating dinner before coming back home so you'd know if you needed to cook for two or not but he never answered and because you didn't know if he was eating already or not, you cooked two full meals...he had already eaten...
-he may take hours to respond but when he does text you he'll send like 50 texts and when you don't respond right away he'll get offended
-'why aren't you responding to my texts? Are you busy?' 'Didn't you miss me??? What's taking you so long?? Helllooooooo???'
-he'll get super clingy when you take too long to respond to him, and if he gets home before you do he'll be upset the rest of the night until you spoil him with attention
He stays up late and watches Kdramas or Anime for hours and will get so immersed in it that he'll forget you went to bed and will yell and scream when he gets excited
-you catch him almost every night watching something different and have to remind him to go to bed so he isn't tired in the morning
-when he watched Tokyo Ghoul he screamed during the last episode because he was so excited and woke you up, you told him to at least be quieter and expected him to come to bed soon, but instead, he stayed up till morning and then passed out on the couch with a blanket 
-once you fell asleep on the couch with him while watching a movie and he accidentally woke you up with his cheering
You don't argue often, but when you do he can't be serious
-he smiles and laughs in the middle of small arguments, he'll be grinning the entire time and it's not because he doesn't take the situation serious, it's just because he doesn't even get why you're fighting anyways
-he laughed when you were arguing about getting a third cat and you couldn't even take the argument serious anymore
-even when arguing he finds you so cute, he'll literally drop the whole conversation to attack you with affection
Is such a cat and plant dad that when he's upset with you he'll go and talk to them about what made him upset
-he sits in the living room sometimes and talks to them about you in general, but when he's upset he'll sulk and grumble to the plants about you
-'can you believe that? I can't either'
-even when he's not upset he still talks to them about you
-he's so dramatic he once cried to the plants saying that you were going to divorce him and take the kids, this happens whenever he has to suddenly cancel dinner plans or whenever you get upset at him for keeping you up or for buying expensive cat toys
He may take hours to respond but he'll send long video logs of his day to show you how his day has been going
-when he's filming or traveling he makes super long videos in that hour long wait of a response, he'll talk to you through the videos and ask you about your day and ask if you missed him or what you ate
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oraclekleo · 4 months
Lee Know (Stray Kids) - Relationship Role Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): E. A. Poe Tarot
Spread: Relationship Role
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Min Ho
Stage Name: Lee Know
Group: Stray Kids
DOB: 25.10.1998
Blood Type: O
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Sign: Earth Tiger
Life Path Number: 8
Masterpost: Stray Kids
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Lee Know (Stray Kids) - Relationship Role
Full Name: Lee Min HoStage Name: Lee KnowGroup: Stray KidsDOB: 25.10.1998Blood Type: OMBTI: ISFPSun Sign: ScorpioChinese Sign: Earth TigerLife Path Number: 8
Spread / Question: Relationship Role Deck(s): E. A. Poe Tarot
Friend - King of Pentacles, 5 of Wands
When it comes to friendships, Lee Know is sure to be the very caring type, the friend who will treat others with little gifts and acts of service. He’s not exactly the shoulder to cry on type, but when you are sad, he’s likely to just go and buy you a bucket of ice cream as a treat. He is a kind friend but not the one to be disrespected or intentionally annoyed or tested. When he feels like his friendship isn’t valued the way he wants, he’s very likely to let his friends know in a passionate way. Lee Know is surely a fun friend, while he does like to be respected, he also can bicker and playfully fight with his mates. He doesn’t take himself overly seriously and can even make jokes about himself or go as far as doing some self-burns.
Girlfriend / Boyfriend - Page of Wands, XV The Devil
As a boyfriend, Lee Know might be a handful… a pain in the ass even. Lee Know is not exactly the super cute romantic boyfriend. He is playful and fun, yes, but his dirty mind takes him to gutter way too often. He might become rather excited and handsy right from the start of the relationship which is not for everyone. If his partner is a shy type who likes to take things slow, Lee Know will probably get bored very quickly and run away from the relationship. On the other hand, more… let’s say a strong-willed person who can tease and banter with him, match his wits when it comes to double meaning naughty remarks while at the same time keeping him on a leash and making him respect their boundaries… That’s something Lee Know might feel very excited about. He’s not a full dom type, despite his attempts to give that impression. The cards suggest he might actually like to be kept under gentle and fun control.
Lover - 0 The Fool, King of Swords
Lee Know as a lover becomes a little more dominant as he’s more sure about himself in this case. He might like to be in charge when it comes to sex, on the other hand, the Fool card suggests him being very open towards experimentation and towards pleasing his lover in any way they ask him to. Lee Know is likely to have a very open mind when it comes to sex, he’s likely to be a diligent student of any erotic art, technique, position, toy… you name it. Lee Know might become a real tease as he probably likes to keep a very cool and even aloof impression on the outside but becomes a daring explorer whenever the situation allows it. Expect him being a relentless tease in public where he for example keeps a perfect poker face while his hands grope his lover under the table, driving them towards the edge and crazy while the rest of the company is none the wiser about what’s going on.
Wife / Husband / Spouse - X The Wheel of Fortune, I The Magician
If Lee Know ever gets married, and it’s a big IF as the Wheel suggests that this is not at all a certain thing, he’s likely to keep his eye on everything that’s gonna go on in the marriage. He’s not likely to be overly controllable, though. The Magician is a card of a smart but also practical person. If Lee Know’s spouse is really good with finances, Lee Know is likely to leave the family budget and all money related issues in their capable hands, trusting their abilities. He’s likely to make sure that everyone in the family knows what their role and job is, if he’s got children, those are likely to become involved in house chores soon in their life, simply to learn how to do them and that it’s important for the whole family to share their duties.
One-Night-Stand - 10 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles
When it comes to one night stands, Lee Know might find those appealing. He’s a little daredevil, after all. He might feel like those are achievements, testimonies to his irresistible charms. It really inflates his ego when he knows he’s able to be so sexy and charming that the person he just met is willing to let him go all the way. Lee Know is not likely to regret his one night stands, on the contrary, he might be rather proud of them. They somewhat add to his self-worth as he feels confident about winning anyone he desires.
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After a very long time, here is one of my idol readings. For a very mysterious reason, I haven't done Lee Know's Relationship Role reading before. It's really weird because my bestie is his devoted fan for years now, I can't believe she didn't make me do this reading ages ago. 😂
But here we are! Better late than never, right?
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
I saw your requests are open, could i request a Billy Hargrove friends to lovers fake dating oneshot?
Reader has an outgoing personality and is super caring and protective of her loved ones.(If you know what the enneagram types are shes a 7 and in the mbti types shes an ENFP. If you dont know what those are, its all good dont worry about it!)
She grew up in a loving household but her family is having a get together and she told a family member she had a bf that way people would stop asking her about dating and now shes in a heap of trouble till she realizes no one in her family has met billy..?
Fake It
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Summary : After lying and telling your family you had a boyfriend, they want you to bring him to a family gathering. Realizing you needed a fake boyfriend, you ask your friend for help. Warnings : ooc billy, not proof read bc im sleepy Notes : ooooh i like this idea, thank you for requesting it! i hope you enjoy it <3
You knew you shouldn't have told your gossipy aunt that you had a boyfriend. She was visiting and she kept getting on your nerves. While doing schoolwork, she sat next to you and started asking about your love life. You wanted her off your back so you said you had a boyfriend and she seemed pleased by your answer.
Then your mom asked you to bring this mystery boyfriend to your family get together.
Of course your aunt would tell your mom, she couldn't shut her mouth and when it came to her sister, it was physically impossible. Then she spread it to the rest of the family and now, only a week out from the gathering, you needed a boyfriend and fast.
You ran through any of your guy friends that could work, but most of them had met your family and they knew you'd never date any of them. Steve was the closest to a possible date, but he wasn't the best liar.
You were laying on your bed as you thought through all your options. Maybe you could say that you had broken up with this made-up guy, but your family would dig for details. Maybe you could say he went to another school in another county, but that would clearly be a lie.
Then it hit you. You knew a guy who hadn't met your family, you had barely mentioned him at all to them, and he could play the part well. You rolled over and grabbed the phone, dialing his number quickly. It ringed a few times before you heard him pick up.
"Billy, I need your help."
"If this is about Mrs. Scott's research project, then-"
"No, it's nothing for school. I...I can explain this later but I need you to be my fake boyfriend."
Billy went quiet for a few moments and you thought he hung up.
"Billy, you there?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. It's just...fake boyfriend?" He replied before laughing. "I mean, in what situation do you need a fake boyfriend? You could easily get any guy to actually date you, why ask me?"
"Listen, my aunt told my entire family I have a boyfriend and they all want me to bring him to this family gathering I'm having. It'll just be a one time thing. You'll drive us there, we'll act like a nice couple, then go home and hopefully my family will stop bothering me."
"Okay...what's in it for me?"
You sighed, rolling onto you back to look at the ceiling. "Name it."
Billy thought for a moment, then said, "I want one real date."
"A...real date?"
"Mhm," he hummed.
You twisted the phone cord around your finger as blush warmed your cheeks. "Fine, we'll go on a real date."
"Alright, babe, see you at school."
You giggled. "Bye, Billy."
You heard a click from his end before you put your phone up, taking a deep breath. You couldn't believe Billy Hargrove agreed to be your fake boyfriend for your family gathering in exchange for a date.
The following week consisted of you and Billy hanging out at school more and calling each other at night. You two basically planned your entire relationship out, making sure your family couldn't poke holes in it. You two met at school in english class, he would walk you to your locker and next class everyday, you caught feelings but he confessed first, your first date was at a diner near the school, you go to all of his sports games and wear his jacket.
The day of your family get together, you got ready and waited for Billy to pick you up. Your parents had already gone over and most of your family has probable done the same. You heard Billy's Camaro pull into your driveway and you went out to meet him.
You slid into the passenger's seat and as you buckled your seatbelt, Billy leaned over and kissed your cheek. You instantly blushed, you hand reaching up to touch where his lips just were.
"W-what was that for?" You asked, a smile pulling at your lips.
"I'm getting into character," he answered, taking your hand in his and intertwining your fingers as he pulled out of the driveway.
You two pulled to the side of the road, across the street from your grandma's house. You both got out of the car and when you reached Billy's side, his hand found yours again. You smiled at him then led him to the front door.
You rang the doorbell and you heard a loud conversation approach the door, no doubt your grandma and your gossipy aunt. The door swung open and the conversation stopped, being replaced with excited cheers from your grandma and aunt.
"Oh, it's so good to see you, sweetheart!" Your grandma exclaimed, pulling you into a hug and squeezing you tightly.
"It's good to see you, too, grandma," you said as you pulled away from her tight grip. You saw your aunt and grandma's attention go from you to Billy.
"And who is this?" Your grandma asked, looking him up and down.
"This is my boyfriend, Billy," you quickly answered.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Billy said, shaking your grandma's hand carefully.
You smiled and slipped by as your grandma started to talk his ear off and compliment him. You gave your aunt a quick hug. You noticed how she was looking at you then Billy.
"This is the boyfriend you told me about?" Your aunt asked.
"Yes, why would I lie about that?"
She sighed and mumbled something about getting more wine. You looked over at you grandma and Billy, the two laughing at something Billy had said. Seeing him dressed up nicer than usual and getting along so well with your loved ones caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
Billy looked up from your grandma and made eye contact with you. You saw a soft smile slowly form on his face, which made you blush. Your grandma grabbed his hand then yours, snapping you two out of your little moment.
"You two must be starving! Come on, we were waiting on you two eat."
The actual dinner was easy. Everyone was mainly focused on eating, asking a few questions about you and Billy here and there. Sometime during dinner, Billy placed his hand on your knee. You kept your head down as you ate because you knew you were blushing.
But, of course, your aunt noticed. She swirled her glass of wine before taking a sip and placing it down. "So, Billy, what do you plan to do with my sweet, sweet niece after high school?"
"Oh, um," Billy muttered, looking at you and trying to think of an answer. You moved his hand from your knee and held it under the table, smiling at him. "Well, maybe move back to my hometown in California. I want to help her through college or her career, whatever she wants to do. Maybe even marry her one day."
Your mother and grandma 'aw'ed at the two of you as you smiled at each other. You aunt, however, still wasn't convinced. "You should know what she wants to do after high school, she never stops talking about her plans for the future."
You quickly tried to take control over the conversation. "Sometimes people change their minds once they actually graduate high school, you know? I mean, I know what I want but I don't know what I'm going to do until it actually happens."
"Hmm," you aunt hummed, grabbing her wine glass and leaning back in her chair. Her eyes darted between you and Billy, a skeptical look in her eyes. "You two are faking it."
"Honey, they're a young couple. Leave them alone-"
"No, mom, they're clearly faking it," you aunt said, cutting off your grandma. "He doesn't know what she wants after high school, he hasn't even thought about their future. I mean, it's clearly there-"
"I'm sorry not everyone has their entire lives planned out step by step!" You exclaimed. "I mean, you didn't even have your life planned out this far!"
"You two are faking it," you aunt paused and leaned in closer, "and you both are terrible liars."
You quickly got up from your seat and left the table, storming out of the room. Billy watched you leave before quickly following you. You walked outside, leaving the door open behind you since you knew Billy was following you.
"I can't believe her! It's probably just the wine, she can never get enough of it-"
"I mean, how dare she judge us? Her marriage failed and it didn't even last 5 years-"
"Maybe we should just go in there and admit it. Then we can leave and go our separate ways and-"
You finally stopped talking when Billy yelled your name. You looked at him, noticing how close you two were.
"What?" You asked.
Billy hesitated for a second then cupped your cheeks and kissed you. You melted almost instantly, your hands reaching up to get lost in his curly hair. His hands fell from your cheeks to your waist, pulling you as close as possible. You were on your tippy toes and you tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss.
"Hey sweetie, I'm sorry-" You aunt walked out but froze when she saw you and Billy kissing. She quickly turned and walked away.
You two pulled away when she was gone, looking over at the door and laughing.
"Do you think she thinks we're faking now?" He joked.
"I doubt it, but there's one more thing we can do to really prove it."
"And what's that?"
"I owe you a date, remember?"
Billy smiled, cupping your cheek again before giving you a quick kiss. "Maybe we can that first date at the diner real."
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seokmthw · 1 year
zb1 members as your brother
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⇢ pairing: zb1 x reader
⇢ warnings: fluff (ish?)
⇢ word count: 929
⇢ notes: this request was super fun to write! i want to try and get some more headcannons like this up at some point so if there's anything in particular you guys want just send it in my asks and i will see if anything inspires me! enjoy~
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he’d be the type of brother you would do everything with, whether that be because you're close in age or just have a good bond
it’s rare you bicker and argue about anything, really
like he’s your bff and he loves being able to hang. out with you even if you don't do much aside from talking
he loves taking pictures together for mother’s and father’s day gifts
you know those like really cheesy jcpenney photo shoots? yeah, those
“you wanna go get mcdonald's”
“it's 3am”
literally just the dream sibling honestly like anyone who is related to hao is so so lucky because he's so caring about the people he loves and is close with
the supportive older brother
listen… you know how he wanted to become a teacher? that would shine through as a sibling as well
he would be willing to sit down with you and help you with homework for a class you're struggling in and wouldn't lose his patience with you a single time
always knows how to comfort you
ruffles your hair when he's proud of you and engulfs you in a hug when he's extra proud of you
con to having him as your brother: he's too honest
like if you snuck out or something and he knew about it he would feel too guilty keeping that from your parents
which would… cause a few arguments
overall though, he only wants what is best for you
the brother you're completely opposite from
he's the chipper sibling who's always energetic and happy at any given moment (usually)
and you just don't know how
so sometimes, this gets on your nerves and he's definitely aware of it
“y/n~ why are you always so grumpy?”
“why are you always so cheery?”
really though, it's obvious he cares about you and your well being
mainly just bickering as siblings and nothing more than that because you get along pretty well despite that little difference
the acts of service brother
ricky doesn't have an official mbti and he strikes as an introvert, so he would be the quiet acts of service type of brother
like if you're struggling with anything he would just silently help you with no expectation of anything in return
he just cares about you and wants to make sure you're doing okay
sometimes just surprises you with your favorite drink from starbucks
or makes up an excuse for you to get out of going out with your friends if you don't want
he would also cover for you if you got in trouble
the protective brother
literally doesn't matter if he's older or younger than you, he would defend you with his life if he needed to
like if you mention getting bullied at school, he would have a very stern conversation with whoever it was
he would definitely use his height as an advantage bc most people are intimidated by him
so really, after a few instances of him confronting people, they would know better than to bully you
would check up on you in school
“yeah, this person in my class really annoyed me today”
“do you want me to beat them up?”
“no, gunwook, that can't just be your last resort”
the gifted older brother
like he's just always so good at everything and you feel like you don't live up to that
but taerae always reassures you that there's nothing you have to worry about
this does spark some arguments with him and your parents every once in a while
but ultimately, taerae is so so supportive of you and encourages you to try new things
because you never know what you'll like!!!
and there's a good chance you'll be good at something he's absolutely terrible at so it'll even out
he's basically the golden child and you want to be too
you'd still have a good relationship with him and would love spending time seeing him excel in all of his extracurriculars
the most annoying mf to be siblings with (said endearingly)
like all you do is bicker and fight over anything and everything
you want some alone time? too bad! he's gonna pester you until you yell at him and get in trouble for doing so
idk your parents are kinda sick of you guys
he's so funny though like you do enjoy being around him when he's not an absolute menace
and you do love him, that's for sure
but sometimes… strangling him for some peace feels like your only option
will literally provoke you with petty stuff like the whole “i’m not touching you”
you wouldn't trade him for the world though
the popular older brother
he's friends with literally everyone and your friends have little crushes on him
he's always out at events your school hosts and is usually with friends until curfew
he's always introducing you to knew people and it's able to tell you whether or not your crushes are worthwhile
he usually has really good advice on finding and keeping good friends
and is always there to help you if there's every drama
he hardly gets involved in any himself, but somehow he always knows how to navigate yours
“you can do so much better than them, y/n, why don't you go for this person instead?”
always wants what's best for you
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Hey, I'd love a matchup for Castlevania, if you're up for it (was not the person who wrote you those ask anons btw, although I appreciate them clearing things up).
I’m a heterosexual cis woman, although I’m starting to suspect I’m on the asexual spectrum. So, I'd prefer a male matchup. Also not super sure I'd be down with polygamy.
I'm a premed student (no time for irl dating unfortunately 😭). I also work as a volunteer EMS on weekends. Outside of my school and work my hobbies are singing (musical theatre and classical mostly), theatre (backstage work as well as performing), skiing (the only sport I’m any good at) and TTRPGs (was this close to getting my group to play a Castlevania campaign 😔).
I’m also a big nerd about history, American comics, and folklore. I’ll rant for hours about my special interests if nobody stops me. I’d describe myself as ambiverted. I'm socially awkward, but also very loud and expressive. I’m a bit oblivious, I’ll admit lol, but I do my best. My MBTI is ESTJ, and while I doubt MBTI's accuracy, I agree I’m very Type A. When it comes to the things I’m good at, I’m a major perfectionist, but I’m proud of how hard I work. I think my greatest weakness is probably thoughtlessness, but my greatest strength is humility.  My giving love language is acts of service, and my receiving love language is quality time. I'm verbally affectionate towards friends but I freeze like a deer in headlights if somebody flirts with me. Also: I know appearance isn’t super important, but I think it’s important to know I’m only around 5’0 tall. As my friends say, "headpat size."
A/N: Okay for you my PreMed Student Anon (that’s amazing, congratulations by the way!)I have two potential matches in mind. You said you’re heterosexual and would prefer male results, so I chose two from that gender because I honestly couldn’t decide which would please you best. For you, I’m thinking either Dracula or Alucard would be your perfect romantic matchups! (It really does just come down to which man you’d like better: father or son, lol.) 
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Dracula (Vlad Tepes), as terrifying as he may be when he decides to enact justice on the human population, is a very reserved and intellectual man. He’s introverted and devoted much of his life to learning about anything and everything from medicine to history to poetry. 
In this instance let’s pretend he’s either never met Lisa or he did meet and fall in love with Lisa but she either lived a full life and died of natural causes, or Dracula was able to overcome the anger and blame he held for humanity following her murder.
Dracula is a patient man. Being immortal means he understands that you must dedicate much of your time to your studies and your volunteer work. So long as the few moments you do get to spend with him are uninterrupted and meaningful, I believe he’d be understanding, and even supportive of your academic endeavors. He was more than happy to aid Lisa in her quest to learn more about biology, so I have no doubt he’d do similarly for you. Any questions you have, he’d gladly answer them. Any resource he has in his castle, any book or scroll, any record of any kind is yours to inspect. He has no doubts that you’re going to make a very accomplished professional one day, and he has every intention of doing whatever it takes to help you get there.
Along with that patience comes an understanding that sex is not the end all be all in life. Sure, it has its place for either pleasure or reproduction but it doesn't need to dominate relationships. If sex is something you're hesitant about, or against having, it doesn't make much difference to him. Dracula would be fine without sleeping with you, so long as he can have you in other ways. Holding you close, holding your hand, sitting next to you in front of a warm fire- those things are what make him feel close to your heart. 
Dracula also enjoys how animated you get when you go on rants about your special interests. He’s very versed in history and folklore as well, although not American comics, so he would listen intently as you teach him all you know. 
As an ESTJ, you would be very grounding for him (an INTJ), while still having a great deal in common. The both of you value an intellectual connection in a relationship while your more empathetic, extroverted side would help push him to see the truth of humanity where he may previously have only seen things in shades of black and white. You both strive for the best, and that suits you just fine with your perfectionism, but do be warned, there may be times you don’t see eye to eye. What you hold as most important in an issue or debate may be different than what he holds. Remember to be patient. INTJs are prone to stubbornness, but being a Type A personality, I do not doubt that you’ll be able to handle any contrary moods of his just fine. 
Your thoughtlessness can also be a source of discourse within the relationship, as Dracula is bound to worry about you. You’re human, you're fragile and under so much pressure. He cares deeply for you and does not want to see you hurt. The one advantage you do have, however, is your humility. It keeps you from being both arrogant and thoughtless which is a much more dangerous combination. So long as you are aware enough of your limits, and keep your wits about you the best you can, Dracula promises to trust you enough to let you come and go as you need to, so long as you’re willing to admit when you need help. But with your best trait being your humility, that shouldn't be a problem. 
Dracula is so touched by your acts of service. Being such an ancient and scary vampire no one ever thought to make him tea or ask if he needed help with anything. He feels so fortunate to have a partner who does not see him solely as ‘Dracula’, Lord of Vampires, but as Vlad Tepes, a man at heart. 
Not to mention your size difference is too adorable for words. He’s so tall and you’re so tiny… He always kneels whenever you ask for a kiss, he’ll never ask you to step on a stool or climb a ladder to reach him. He’s more than happy to come to you. He loves you. You are his new light, his new reason to believe in humanity. 
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Alucard (Adrian Tepes) could also be a good match for you! He’s an ambivert like you, although he may not admit it. He’s the son of a scholar and a doctor, so he’s very understanding when it comes to your education and career. And his empathetic nature makes him extremely compatible with your considerate one. 
As Alucard is a dhampir and immortal, this matchup could work in either medieval times or modern times. For the sake of this matchup, imagine whatever you might prefer. 
Alucard hasn’t always had the best experience when it comes to sex. Granted, you can’t judge every potential future experience based on one horrible one, but he’s not the kind of guy who jumps into bed easily. He has reservations and feels very insecure about the whole act. Should he ever engage in it, he’d need a partner who’s very understanding, or just as nervous as he is about the whole thing. In hindsight, I don’t think Alucard would mind not having all that much sex: for him, your continued company means more than any sexual endeavor could. 
Alucard is very impressed with your decision to go into pre med. He knows how much work that means you’re going to be undertaking, and he’ll do whatever he can to support you, either in your studies or in your personal life. He’s very well-read and rather educated on biology as his mother was a physician, so feel free to ask him any questions or have him quiz you before exams. He’s also a bit of an obsessive lover. When he decides he likes someone, he makes a point to memorize that person. (Recall the Trevor and Sypha dolls?) He wants to know what you think and why you think it. That way, he can anticipate your thoughts or needs. 
And he does quite enjoy it when you sing to him, especially if you sing him to sleep. Sleep hasn't always come easy to him, but with your presence and your lovely voice, it’s as if an angel is singing him a lullaby. I also believe Alucard would absolutely thrive playing TTRPG: he’s sarcastic, smart and strategic. I really think he’d dominate any campaign he set his mind to. Plus, it’d be great socialization for him besides you. 
As an ESTJ you’re fairly compatible with Alucard’s INFJ. You’re just extroverted enough to pull him out of his idealistic daydreams, but grounded and predictable enough not to shake his confidence or trust in you/your relationship. The only possible issue is that INFJs can sometimes get caught up in the fantastical destiny of it all: it’s about people and purpose. Whereas ESTJs tend to be a bit more practical- you value reality and stability a bit more than potential and daydreams. But I don’t envision this to be a huge problem, so long as you push communication with Alucard. He internalizes a lot. He’ll need to be reminded to share his inner feelings. So long as you do that, I don’t see any major discourse between you two. 
Alucard may be a little disappointed in your moments of thoughtlessness, but at the same time, he finds them endearing. You try so hard: you’re a perfectionist like he is, and even though you’re only human, you strive for the same greatness. It’s rather admirable. He likes that about you. 
Alucard would also be very touched by your acts of service, mainly because he often finds himself doing the service for others. It’s nice to be taken care of for a change. And he is very happy to spend quality time with you. He’d follow you everywhere if you let him. So long as he’s near you, he feels complete. He’s always leaning down to give you soft forehead kisses whenever you’re around. You’re so precious to him. 
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coldhndss · 8 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ Blue Lock Matchup No.4 @yae-mikko
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Hello! Not gonna lie, I was kinda excited to write this since I am comically obsessed with the character I matched you with (I’ve started this straight after I finished the last one despite me being sleepy BUT here I am, and here it is!).
So unless the header hasn’t made it obvious enough, I’ve matched you with Nagi Seishiro!
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―୨୧⋆  “...dependence on the situation and people. I am someone shy and reserved, I seem like someone cold (INFJ) but I am the least cold person in the world, so if I notice that the other person is shyer, I take the initiative.”
These of aspects of someones personality can either be the make or break of a friendship. If both people in a conversation are too shy to interact with each other, the convo will fall out and it’ll overall be pretty awkward. Seeing how Reo, someone extroverted and outgoing was able to drag the unwilling Nagi out of his shell, I think you’d be able to do the same!
With your ability to take the initiative if the other party is too shy, or in Nagi’s case, too quiet and unbothered, your friendship would definitely flourish. With him coming off as typically cold due to his demotivated and listless nature, and you being someone able to adapt to this easily, he may even feel at ease knowing someone like you isn’t overbearing and loud, and how you may even share the same demeanor as him at times. Though we don’t see it much in the manga, I feel as though Nagi has some unspoken loneliness to himself that isn't really mentioned. Meeting someone like you would definitely open up his view to the different types of people that are out there that he never really took the time to notice or appreciate.
I don’t really take by MBTI that much, I usually just use it to grasp a general view of someone personality for these types of things. Though in my opinion, the ‘feeling’ aspect of your MBTI would really help you to take in the things that he would leave unsaid and help you to understand how he’s really feeling inside, seeing as he doesn't usually show any sign of his emotions most of the time (I have a lot to say about this later!).
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “Mature, affectionate, empathetic, kind, intelligent, independent and I am the mother of my group of friends (and I love to pamper them)…”
These are some of the main aspects of your personality that drew me to match you to Nagi! Seeing as he isn’t usually the type of person to act for himself (pre-Blue Lock, and partially currently), he’d thrive by the side of someone who can look over him and push him to his potential. You being the mother of your group of friends (so cute!) is another thing that enhances my thoughts that you’d be a good match for Nagi. It’s kind of obvious that he sort of needs someone to take care of him and make sure he doesn’t laze and sleep around all day, and your affectionate nature would definitely enhance this. In a setting where the two of you are close school friends, this is how I imagine you would be:
I doubt Nagi sleeps in a lot seeing as he usually gets up to his alarms as we see in his manga, though you’d ring him each morning just to make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep while getting ready or anything like that. He’d thank you, saying he probably would fall asleep if it wasn’t for your calls, and convinces you to stay on the phone with him until you walk over to his house so the two of you can head to school together, claiming he might even fall asleep while walking. As surprising as it sounds, it's believable since it's Nagi. Seeing as he makes it known how he sees so many things a bother, food is no exclusion. Because of this, he doesn’t make any lunch for himself to eat at school since apparently eating bothers him too. You make sure he doesn’t make this a habit, and make food for him alongside yours the night before. He tries to distract you from the fact that he barely took five bites of it, by thanking you before placing the lid back on top, but you stop him and tell him to finish it, hinting that you won’t call him to keep him awake in the mornings anymore (the only reason this worries him is because he has a time limited game mission to complete during the time he wakes up to get ready for school). So, he ends up finishing the food despite him not being bothered to.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “ I also defend all my loved ones with cape and swords, and I am brave and strong”.
Although we don’t get to see it much, we know that once Nagi gets heated about something, he actually gets mad. As surprising as it sounds, not everyone is like this with their loved ones. Some people simply brush it off, or don’t respond in fear of them being verbally attacked as well. For him to know that you’re there for him just as he is would definitely add an aspect of light to his dull view on some things. Although he doesn’t show it, he’d never let anyone make fun of you or tarnish your name behind your back. Seeing as he usually acts unbothered and uncaring of most things, no one would really think that he cares about being confronting for another person until they start to talk about you in front of him, needless to say, his tall and intimidating demeanour was enough to scare them off.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “..I'm a normal girl, 1.60 cm, black/brown hair, brown eyes. I have chubby cheeks and my friends love to squish me (sometimes it hurts).”
With you being significantly shorter than Nagi (not to say that you’re short, it’s just in comparison to him). He’d see you as a cute little person that he should protect. Given that you also have chubby cheeks, as kids, I’d imagine that he’d enjoy squeezing your cheeks, saying that they’re soft and fluffy like marshmallows. Someone like him would definitely lift your confidence and make you feel better, even when you feel like nothing special (which you definitely are not!). He’s the type of person to say something really meaningful without even realising it until he sees you tear up (to which he still doesn’t realise that what he said had that much of an impact on you).
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literatureloverx · 18 days
QUEEN I FOUND OUT THAT YOU HAD POSTED A FACE REVEAL BEFORE????? i’ve seen the poll of it since ive been on your blog ever since you’re first post but I NEVER SAW THE ACTUAL. FACE REVEAL?????? HELLO???
that picture must have been HEAVENLY for the people that laid their eyes upon it. i know DAMN TOOTIN WELL that you are definitely ETHEREAL. but speaking of it will you ever post it again?? i am NOT forcing you because it’s YOUR boundaries and if you deleted it for PRIVACY REASONS that is completely fine🐺🤞🏽 im also curious on why you deleted something that could be worthy in a art museum (HOWEVER. YOU DO NOR HAVE TO FEEL PRESSURED TO TELL ME QUEEN. IM SURE YOU’LL KEEP YOUR BOUNDARIES UP AND HIGH AND STRONG🙏🏽 )
this is the last part I PROMISE I WON’T STRETCH THIS OUT💔 (it’s an extreme extrovert problem) thank you SO. SO. MUCH FOR PUTTING POSSIBLE VISUALIZATIONS IN THE WEDDING POST YOU’RE MY SAVIOUR🙏🏽 (little overreaction but truly it helps me a lot, i have a hard time reading stories without visualizing, i can visualize easily but it’s hard to think of a house as fancy as theirs😞)
-🍷💝 ANONNN🤞🏽
Well, well. ♥️ I’m appreciating your flattery, but I’m truly nothing special. I’m certainly flattered, which is why I will post this again, 🍷💝-anon. (By the way, you mentioned you’re an extrovert—what is your MBTI type?) But I will do this just this once, okay? ♥️ I will delete it in about 1-2 days.
Please do not spread or save it. I trust you, my dear anons. ♥️
[picture deleted]
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riririnnnn · 6 months
Hello i just want to who do you think is gonna win bm or pxg i wanted to ask your opinion cause you theories are creative on completely different not we almost have same mbti im ENTP 7w6
You know, I don't actually know much about MBTI or Enneagram type much—I just took two quiz, got the results and then just went with it. Time to time, I do see some things related to ENFJ and 6w5 on any of my social media's feed, and I just go, "Yeah, same." And that's it, lol.
Jumping into your main question:
Did you just say my theories are creative?
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LMFAO, thanks <3
Anyway, so BM Vs PxG, huh?
Hooooooonestly, I'm not sure. I mean, I am sure, but at the same time, I'm not. The thing I'm thinking seems cliché, so it feels like a lie: BM will win.
Well, first of all, it's Isagi's team and:
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BM and PxG, both haven't lost a single game it now, so winning the match against eachother is like indirectly claiming the best team of NEL title, and the protagonist's team not being the best after the protagonist has gone through hardships and proved himself multiple times—doesn't sound right, you know.
But it's not uncommon for any Shōnen Mangas these days to have moments where the protagonist doesn't get the longer end of stick.
However, I have other reasons, other than Isagi, to think why BM will win:
1. Kunigami Rensuke
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Kunigami didn't have that much of moments to shine till now. Yeah, he did have some moments here and there, but it was pretty obvious to sense that Kaneshiro-san was saving him for PxG where he can go head to head with his real rival, Shidou Ryusei.
And hallelujah!
Kunigami has gone ham against Shidou and we have only seen them together in like one chapter? Just imagine what might happen in the future! Further, Shidou has already scored a goal and I don't see him scoring another one because:
Rin is there too. He will surely score a goal and for BM to win, max goal limit for PxG is 2.
Sure, Shidou can score two goals, it isn't a farfetched thing to say, but Rin scoring NO goal in a match? Nuh-uh, Sun might as well rise up from the west at that point.
2. Michael Kaiser
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You will never understand how much I want to just roundhouse kick those people that say, "Kaiser has gone downhill," or "Rin has devoured Kaiser," like, my brother in Christ, there are, literally, 2-3 people man-marking Kaiser—he is a great soccer player, but he isn't a God, he has his limits. Sure, Rin might one-up Kaiser in the future, but as of Chapter 256, he hasn't.
Secondly, the whole Kaiser Vs Isagi thing—trying to one-up eachother, they literally elevate eachother's level simultaneously, so I can imagine: Isagi blocks/steals a goal from PxG -> gets counter-attacked and blocked -> Kaiser comes to steal the goal and scores.
Why for the love of Blue Lock we are forgetting about Kaiser and Isagi teaming up together? It's something that has been anticipated for so long! I just bet that Kaiser x Isagi goal is going to be breathtaking! And no, I just can't imagine Kaiser x Isagi goal being blocked/unsuccessful.
3. Hiori Yo
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Without waiting for more chapters, we can confidently confirm that Hiori's matchup in PxG is Charles and though that 15 year old Imp is AWESOME, we can't forget the literal renaissance Hiori went through during the Ubers match—I don't think so that Kaneshiro-san will do all that just to make Hiori lose against Charles.
Further, Charles is the main gamemaker of PxG, if Hiori were to get a hold of him, it indirectly means that he got a hold of PxG. We have already seen (in Chapter 256) that Hiori was able to see through Charles, so the Cyan haired boy can win against the Imp in the future too.
4. Kiyora Jin
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This boy got to do something.
No, he literally has to do something at this point.
His anticipation has been built up for so long that it feels criminal if he doesn't do anything major in the match. With him as an element of surprise for us readers, he is the main one that has made the probability of BM winning, at least, for me.
Further, there is a high chance of him being a match up of Karasu and we all know how much of a smartass that crow is + his physique. Kiyora got to pull some life altering moves.
. . .
Now, to focus on PxG:
You know, when I started reading NEL, I thought it was unfair how PxG is so strong, but now that I look at them, they seem.. fair?
I mean, to be honest, after seeing BM's behaviour, I though every team was like them—hungry to score by themselves, but it seems like other teams are quite harmonious and they work as a team rather than a group of strikers.
The main group in PxG is, obviously, Rin's and Shidou's while Charles acts as the starting point of a goal or something.
However, Kunigami is doing a great job in keeping Shidou on his toes and by the looks of it, I can't think of anything other than that Demon pulling a red card to stop the Cyborg Hero.
Now, as for Rin, he got Isagi and we all know that Isagi can surely keep up with him and though Isagi has to keep up with Kaiser, Rin has to keep up with Kaiser too. Besides, it isn't Isagi's first time going against Kaiser while it's the first time for Rin to go against Kaiser. To add more gasoline to the fire, Isagi has been doing all that WHILE going head to head with the opposing team.
Among the remaining players, I can only imagine a goal from Karasu or Tokimitsu. No hate to Zantetsu or Nanase, but a goal from them.. doesn't seem much plausible. As for Charles, I don't think so that he has ever been shown to have interest in scoring a goal by himself, but if he were to turn out like Sae or Aiku, then maybe he can try for a goal too.
. . .
There are many more reasons and things I have, probably, missed out, but the above ones are the ones that I can think of currently. I understand that I didn't address the biggest elephant in the room: Julian Loki.
We don't know if the Master Coach of PxG will play or not, and even if he will, then will he try to score a goal by himself? Nevertheless, till now, I don't think so there have been any panels of him being in the field, let alone a goal by him in NEL. Still, that panel of Loki announcing him surpassing Noa makes me feel like these Master Coaches will step on the field too, but I think a 31 year old can easily win against a 17 year old.
So yeah, till now, my safe bet is on BM.
That's all, I guess.
For sure, I might be wrong in many things that I have said and most likely, I'll be wrong in everything that I said, but it's fun to make up theories!
Why you guys go anonymous to ask questions though? I won't eat you, I promise.
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cherrysoojins · 1 year
💌 𓂂 ⟢ 🕸️ ♡ ☎️
one. ch. 1 ! what to do when she texts? (but you can’t talk to her normally)
being spider-man comes with a lot advantages, but those advantages can have their disadvantages. like jung wooyoung not being able to show up to study groups to be able to see the girl he’s crushing on big-time.
— please revert back to ( master list ) for warnings !
jung wooyoung knew how to talk to people, don’t get him wrong. in the case of MBTI, the first letter definitely started with an “E” for extrovert.
especially as your friendly neighborhood spiderman, he had to put himself out there at least a little bit.
“hey there!”
“how ya’ doing today?”
and a little bit of, “hey! since i’m spiderman can i get a lick of that ice cream bar?” to random little kids who were walking with their parents. he never got a bite of the ice cream, but he sure as hell got a stomp to his foot by an older woman in high heels.
so much for being their damn hero.
nonetheless, he knew how to talk to people. put him in front of a random person he’s never spoke with before, in or outside of the spiderman suit, and he could talk to them for many hours on end, even if he was the only one really doing the talking.
he could do that to any person in the city of seoul, or even outside.
except for one person.
instead of a random person, put him in front of you and suddenly he’s a middle school boy realizing pretty girls actually do exist and they aren’t just a figment of his imagination.
he can still remember his first time bumping into you. a red, blushing mess who stumbled over his words just at the sight of you as he helped you pick up your textbooks because his shoulder roughly slammed into yours, causing you to drop them.
it was his spiderman-ly sense of duty to immediately bend down and help you out, but the second he looked up to utter an, “i’m sorry” it definitely came out as something like, “i’m, oh my god, sorry.” if he remembers correctly. and if choi san was true to his word and did overhear him say that, and wasn’t lying to make him feel even more embarrassed about his first encounter with you, then yeah. he was pretty sure he said something like that. which in hindsight, could definitely be played off as he felt really bad to anyone without context (you, who smiled and accepted his apology, brushing it off in the sweetest way ever).
but if you had context, you would realize the struggle he had taking his eyes off you and how his mind took one hundred million pictures of just your face alone so he could remember it and a recording in his head of your sweet, soft voice saved into “the best sounds ever” files in the front of his mind in second place.
the first best sound is when someone calls him handsome, but your voice extremely close behind that one!
he also tries really hard to remember the soft feeling of your hands brushing against his and the smell of caramel radiating off of you.
point is, he can not talk to you like he can talk to anyone else. he absolutely cannot formulate a proper sentence without at least slipping a cuss word in there because his own thoughts cloud over what he actually wants to say (which is you’re so freaking pretty and have the best personality known to man-kind and he has this insane, school-boy crush on you even though he hardly knows you, but that’s whatever) whenever he sees or communicates with you and he has to hold himself back.
this sort of thing doesn’t only happen in person either, no. it’s clear when he is perched on the roof after doing his city patrol and saving a cat from getting eaten by a dog while thinking about you because you loved cats so much, your family even ran a cat rescue center, and then his phone vibrates with a message.
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jung wooyoung can talk to people. even more so text, he can most certainly text. he types everything he would say to the persons face, and it’s a habitual thing, especially when choi san is your best friend.
but he knew that one day, that habit will somehow fuck something up.
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now he’s done it.
and now that’s he’s done it, there is unfortunately only one option left in this god forsaken world that could help him.
choi san.
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now, there were two ways you would answer.
“sorry did i disturb you? you don’t have to answer if you’re busy, we can talk later! or not at all if you don’t want to!”
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or both, either way, that’s a bingo for him for guessing.
but god, were you the sweetest person on earth. especially to wooyoung, who you hardly even know and this is probably just the way you text and talk to people you don’t know, he guarantees you’re different with your actual friends, but for goodness of all cats well being you acted like such a saint and he loved every minute of it.
except when he made stupid texting mistakes and made you feel bad.
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he was wearing his underwear. he needed some luck on patrol today.
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jung wooyoung can talk to people, he really can.
but talking to you was like asking him to join the avengers. it takes time.
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💌 tag list — @luvvvlyjoong , @92dzgf , @yeomingis , @hwasboyfie , @wooyoluvrr , @shingsoluvely , @jaerisdiction
send an ask or a private message to be added or removed from the tag list ! if your name is red and bolded, it means you may have some settings on that will not allow me to tag you! & as always, if i missed your tag, let me know!
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kidstemplatte · 1 year
I love your work so much it always bring a smile to my face :) I was wondering if you had any headcannons or info on Violetta? I’d love to hear all about her!! (If you’re not saving it for your stories ofcc!)
terzo/reader’s daughter headcanons
thank you so much!!! here is just some super random (mostly baby lol) info i have on her! it’s a bit all over the place so i’m sorry about that! i hope you enjoy!
-before violetta was born, when primo found out she was going to be named violetta, (he was the only person who was told), he planted violets in his garden🥺
-i know i’ve mentioned this before but it makes me smile ——> the only thing that was guaranteed to stop her from crying from ages 0-3 was swiss’s smile. (in this universe swiss is a ghoul while terzo is papa okay) she thought it was the funniest thing ever, it was kind of like peekaboo, the way it just appeared under his darkly colored mask. (omg it’s so cute i’ll never get over it i’m DEFINITELY writing a fic about that )
-terzo would take her anywhere he could. literally could not put her down. heck, he’d be sitting in a meeting with her in his lap. sometimes you had to jokingly remind him she was your daughter too.
-her first word came about in a funny way., you and terzo were trying to convince violetta to say your name.
“say mama, violetta!”
“no, say papa!”
“no, don’t listen to him, say mama!”
“no no no, il mio pipistrello, say papa!”
she looked at you two, and with great confidence, imitated you, saying,
which left you two rolling on the floor, tears nearly escaping your eyes. it looks like she inherited the sass from both you and terzo.
-violetta developed a habit of pronouncing certain words in an accent depending on who said them the most. she said “seestor” rather than “sister” for the longest time. everyone thought it was adorable, so nobody corrected her. there was nothing a sister of sin loved more than little violetta running up to them and saying, “seestor!”
-babysat by not only the ghouls but “uncle copi” a lot🥺 i think he’s the one who teaches her to ride a bike for the first time. (maybe i’ll write something more about this, the concept is so cute😭)
-violetta is a scorpio ♏️ (i also headcanon terzo as a scorpio or a gemini hehe but i think the idea of them having the same sign is cute)
-still working on her MBTI type but i think she’s an enneagram type 4.
-was raised on spooky/witchy/fantasy things like harry potter, tim burton movies, the labyrinth, the dark crystal, as well as a lot of musicals. (phantom of the opera, cats, and wicked especially)
-violetta has a passion for fashion and costuming (hehe rhyming), sometimes her dad goes to her for advice.
when he’s getting fitted for a new robe for a special event, he’s having trouble making some decisions.
“would you prefer the gold or silver trim?” the seamstress asks.
“eh…” he says, honestly not sure.
“give me un momento.” he says, taking out his phone and texting violetta:
“Need your advice in the fitting room per favore”
within a few moments, she bursts in, and as she catches sight of him, instantly says,
“i like gold.“
“gold it is, then.”
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i hope you enjoyed this!!! it gave me some fun ideas coming up in the future!! ❤️
if you have sent me a request, it will be posted!
<3, alice
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