#i will never stop thinking about the fnaf 4 box
camzverse · 6 months
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..perhaps some things are best left forgotten, for now.
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foxoftamriel · 1 year
Five Nights At Freddy’s, Authorial Intent, The Box, and why CC doesn’t really matter.
Authorial intent is the act of, rather than looking at the story itself, you focus on the author. Why did they write this, why did they act this way. That’s what I want to focus on, Scott Cawthon after the release of FNAF 4, and what that means for the story. Scott was, for lack of a better word, frustrated after FNAF 4. Think about the box, how he never gave us a concrete answer to what it was because no one got the complete story of the game. He gave MatPat the hint “why is little toy Chica missing her beak?” Well, I have an answer to both of those, CC doesn’t matter! He’s not Golden Freddy, Cassidy is! And he’s definitely not the Puppet, that title is Charlie’s. So in the grant scheme of things, who is he? Well, he’s the brother that Michael accidentally murdered. That’s why Scott was so frustrated. He didn’t mean to tell us about CC, but rather about Michael. It was Michael’s backstory. This was Scott trying to tell us “this is the boy you play as in the rest of the series, and this is why he spends over five nights at Freddy’s”. But, due to the lack of information at the time, no one understood. So he introduced William Afton as the Purple Guy in the books, then again in the games, and made his daughter the antag, as well as making another antag a representation of his wife. This game was supposed to make you connect the Afton’s to the protag of the series, make you realize that the protag is an Afton. But no one got it. So Scott threw his hands up and said “fine! I’ll just tell you!” And gave us the cutscenes after the SL custom nights, which gave us more information about Michael than anything. Michael turning purple isn’t actually him turning into a rotten corpse (how could he get a job as a corpse? Even if Fazbear Entertainment is garbage, he’s a corpse! That’s wayyyyy past the line) but rather to connect him to William, to the Afton’s. He even shares the same VA as William! Scott basically threw in our faces that Michael was an Afton, and the kids in FNAF 4 were Aftons as well (think about the empty girl’s room, which SL gives us an answer to), therefore Michael = Foxybro = MC. Then he finally closes it off with FNAF 6 (ah satiating FNAF 6 ending, I miss you), giving us Henry’s line about his “brave volunteer” wanting to die in the fire. And I think that’s what finally put the FNAF fandom in agreement about Michael (at least, the FNAF fandom can’t agree on much, so Scott still needed more confirmation in Fazbear’s Frights since MatPat thought Michael was CC as a robot). I mentioned earlier the line “why is little toy Chica missing her beak?” She’s missing her beak because the cutscenes aren’t even from CC’s POV, they’re from Michael’s, how he remembers his little brother, and how he remembers himself. CC is, frankly, a little bit too much of a crybaby to be realistic. And yes, this is a game, so I might be looking to far into it, but CC never stops crying, even when the Fredbear plush tries to comfort him. And about the Fredbear plush, I don’t think it’s William talking to him or a spirit, I think Michael saw CC with the plushie all the time, and interpreted it as an object of comfort for him, that’s why it’s literally everywhere, Michael remembers CC bringing it with him everywhere. And how does Michael look back at himself? With nothing but hatred. He sees himself as the older brother who lives for nothing but torment (we don’t get any scenes of Michael being nice until CC is dying). And he’s afraid of his younger self (think about how many YouTubers jumped at the Foxybro jumpscares). And the gameplay? That’s William punishing Michael, and that’s why we see it in SL. So why is little toy Chica missing her beak? Because Michael Afton has already been Fritz Smith, and the image of Toy Chica without her beak is burned into his mind. I believe almost to complete certainty that the first concept of the box was something connecting FoxyBro to the FNAF protags.
That was very ranty, and there was some other things I wanted to add. But for the sake of all our time, I’ll end it here. Thanks to anyone who read all the way through.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Well I bleached my hair for 1 hours snipped a chunk off for test and dyed it for 3 days in a row(purple one side blue turned green then blue again)
Next FNAF AU(but take a break and drink a lot of water and rest for at least 5+ hours)
I do take breaks, I promise, lol. The whole fic is done and I'm working on other projects rn. (Actually, I'm about to close my ask box so I can answer asks.)
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This is FNAF inspired, not FNAF based. (Hence why I took FNAF out of the fandoms list on AO3.) I've made up my own lore and rules though I kept several of the original. If you guys want what I came up with, just ask!
Soap lunged for Alex as he saw him grabbed and then dragged back, but no sooner had he done that then his leg had something wrapped around it and he felt himself being dragged into the darkness, screaming before he could help himself.
He managed to twist onto his back and kicked hard at what had grabbed him. It let go and he scrambled to his feet, about to run back to the hallway but then something was moving past him in the darkness, so he turned and ran in the opposite direction.
Sheer fucking luck kept him from running into anything and he gasped, sliding to a stop as the lights in the hallway behind him turned on, halfway shielded by something dark and wet covering his left eye. He turned around, watching in horror as Rodolfo was lifted up, kicking and screaming, and then he was carried into one of the party rooms.
Oh god, oh god, oh god. Fuck, fuck. Think Johnny, think! He hit his head before jerking back as Roach suddenly jumped up in front of him. “Hi! I’m Roach!”
That one had been Gary’s favorite… 
Roach grabbed at Soap and he jerked back more before he could be grabbed. The rest of the restaurant was still dark and so Soap suddenly lunged forward, shoving at Roach as hard as he could and knocking Roach back on his shell. 
He almost felt guilty as he watched all six of Roach’s limbs wave above him before turning and running off, ducking down and hiding under a table.
“You know I don’t like hide and seek…” 
Soap tensed as he recognized the voice. Ghost… He watched Ghost’s legs, only able to see the outline due to the light in the hallway, walk over to Roach and then Roach was being pulled up and put back on his feet. 
He whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. 
“Come back out and play… I don’t like hide and seek.”
Soap moved further under the table, touching his head. It burned so bad… He could feel where the skin had split from the impact. 
He knew these tables well. They had three rows of six. He knew because he and Gary used to play hide and seek with them. Simon never had enjoyed that game… 
He jerked and cried out at a sudden crashing noise and then the legs headed in his direction so he quickly scrambled backwards, hiding under the table right next to him.
They had put the tables into a grid. A B C for the three rows. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for the columns. 
He had slid into A1, where he saw Ghost crouch down and look under. Thankfully, Ghost did not see him until B2 where he’d moved to. 
“Come out and play, Johnny.” 
Soap stiffened at his name. That hadn’t sounded like Ghost’s voice box. It had been low and… rasped and… human. 
“Please don’t be so cruel… Now is not the time for games!” He heard Roach call and Soap tensed at how close his voice was to him.
Ghost stood straight back up and then he went to A2, crouching down and looking, again. Soap remembered how Simon used to play games… He always played in patterns. Soap and Gary had had fun trying to crack them and figure them out.
If Ghost wanted to cover every table, he’d have to go in a zigzag pattern. That meant… B1 was next. Soap took a deep breath and then waited until Ghost was walking to quickly scramble to the right, to B2. He flinched at another crashing noise, realizing they were trying to make him reveal his location.
“I’m not enjoying this game, Johnny.” 
Soap squeezed his eyes shut, trying hard to even muffle his own breathing. He waited for Ghost to crouch down to check B1 and then stand again before quickly rushing out and to A2, which had already been checked. 
Soap trembled, recognizing Simon’s voice so easily. 
“Calm down, Ghost! You know it’s not good to get so worked up! What do we do when we start to panic??”
“You’re right, Roach. I shouldn’t get so worked up. I just really don’t like these games!”
Soap pulled his knees up to his chest, rocking himself in an attempt to soothe himself. Deep down, he knew he’d already known they were in there… Maybe that was why he found himself coming back over and over and over. 
Even though he’d seen what happened to them… 
He didn’t save them. He’d followed them down to the basement and… he hadn’t saved them. He should have. He could have. But he didn’t. Now they were going to kill him for it. 
“Please come out and play.” Roach pleaded. “We just want to play.”
No they don’t. They want to punish Soap for being a coward and not helping them. He was sorry… He was sorry… He should have helped them, he was sorry… 
“Please come out… You’re hurting our feelings, you know. That’s not nice.”
Soap shook his head, covering his mouth to stifle his own breathing. Another crashing noise sounded and a sob wracked his body. Fear coated his skin in a slimy film and then sank in and he tensed as he saw both sets of animatronic legs freeze.
“Found you…”
Soap shook his head as he saw Ghost’s legs start in his direction and he tried to move further under the table, but his leg was grabbed before he could and he was dragged out, picked up, and then slammed onto the table, knocking the air out of his lungs. 
He had to take a moment to recover, feeling almost like the world had gone black and white as he stared up at what he remembered to be a very colorful ceiling. Then, the color flooded his vision again as he felt cold mechanical hands wrapped around his arm and he gasped in air, the desperate need to survive returning.
“I’m sorry!” He cried and struggled against Ghost, who was attempting to grab his arms. He brought his legs up and kicked as hard as he could, managing to kick himself up the table and then jumping up, leaping to the next. B2. 
He jerked and turned around, seeing the table go flying across the pizzeria. He didn’t even hesitate, jumping to the next table as Ghost surged forward and put his hands on the table Soap was standing on. It was the next to fly and Soap found himself on B3. 
“Ghost! You need to calm down!”
“You never knew when to stop, Johnny.”
Soap knew Simon was right. He never had. He scrambled to run to the next table, barely managing to make it before the table was also flying across the room and he was on B4. When he tried to jump to B5, he stumbled and fell, hitting his head on the table, right in the same spot.
His vision went blurry and he slumped over, reaching up and touching his skull. It didn’t hurt anymore, but his head just felt so cold…
The fight to survive just drained out of him and he didn’t fight as he was lifted, again, and then he was carried across the pizzeria before being set on the stage. 
This was it…
His head fell backwards and he let out a heavy sob. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” He shook his head. “I came back to see you both so many times… I’m sorry… I should have saved you and I didn’t… I hate myself so fucking much… My cancer is back and I’m not going to accept treatment because of what I did…”
“Roach, you have first aid function. His head appears to be bleeding!”
“Yes, Ghost, I do! Let me get the first aid kit out of my chest!”
Soap frowned and lifted his head. Well… he didn’t quite know how animatronics functioned, but he didn’t think they provided first aid before murdering someone… Though, Simon and Gary had always been so odd. 
Ghost held Soap up and then Roach was pulling out a first aid kit from his chest compartment. “On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your pain!”
Soap blinked at Roach and then reached up, holding his head. “Uh… Uh… 3… The pain went away…”
“That’s not good. You might have a concussion.” Roach then was bandaging and wrapping Soap’s head. “Poor thing! You must have taken quite the tumble!”
Soap stared at Roach. “You were chasing me!” He knew the animatronics were likely on a limited AI but come on!
“You’re the one that hid.” Ghost moved into his vision, smiling. “You know I don’t like hide and seek!”
Soap looked away and then he closed his eyes, groaning and holding his head. God, he just wanted to sleep… He was so exhausted and so tired of this night… He wanted this to be over. “I’m sorry…” He whispered. “I loved you both so much…” He hugged himself and hunched over, tears streaming down his face, again. 
They didn’t respond and a sob wracked his body. “I’m sorry…” He repeated. “You both died and it was my fault because I could have tried to stop him and I didn’t… You both didn’t deserve that…”
Oh the irony… All he’d wanted was a picture with Ghost… Just one last thing to remember the pizzeria by. He’d already had one with Roach because Roach was free roaming, not Ghost. And he’d found two others who’d had some horrible deep attachment to the place, as well.
Of course, no one without a deep attachment likely would have answered that post. He felt horrible for that, too. Rodolfo was going to die, Alex was probably already dead… And it was because Soap had wanted a fucking picture before he died. 
Soap sniffled and looked up as he felt his shoulders pushed and then Ghost was nudging him to lay down. He understood. This was probably it for him. That was okay…
He was too tired to fight it, now. A slow, dull pain had started to flood his skull and he realized that that might kill him if Ghost and Roach didn’t get the chance. He moved so he was lying along the side of the side and reached up, touching Roach’s face. 
The eyes stared at him… Empty. That was okay. 
“I loved you.” Soap murmured. “I know… I was too much but I tried to show you in my own… fucked up way. You were both so good… So much more good than anyone gave you credit for and- That wasn’t fucking fair.” 
Both just stared at him, unmoving. That was okay. 
“It’s okay if you hate me. I hate myself. I hate myself so incredibly bad.” Soap closed his eyes, finally, not wanting to look at them as they killed him. He couldn’t face them. Not really. It was his fault… He deserved this. 
“You should rest! Your head took a beating!” Roach said and Soap softened as he felt his hand touch his face. 
Soap snorted, since that was an understatement. “I think head trauma is the least of my problems, now.” He mumbled, furrowing his brows. 
“Your head took a beating.” Simon sighed and reached up, touching above Soap’s eye. “You should be more careful, Johnny. Gary…”
Gary moved over, already holding a first aid kit. He tsked as he started to bandage Soap’s head and Soap found himself closing his eyes and just melting into the touch. “Why should I? I’m just going to die, anyway. If I die because I fell on a table or because of cancer… Who cares?”
Both were silent and when Soap opened his eyes, he saw a grimace on Gary’s face. Guilt struck his chest and he looked down. Right. He’d been trying not to bring up the cancer, anymore, because he’d realized that he was guilting Simon and Gary into spending time with him. 
He liked spending time with the other two, hell he loved it. He wanted to spend all of the time that he had left with them… 
“Just be more careful, Johnny.” Simon sighed and shook his head. 
Soap winced and nodded. “Okay, Simon…”
Gary finished bandaging his head and then he smiled, touching Soap’s face. ‘All better.’ He signed when he was done. He’d been excited when Soap revealed he knew sign language.
Soap hadn’t told him that he’d only learned for him. “Thank you, Gary.” He reached up and touched the bandaging. Then, he got into his pocket and got out the butterfly figurine he’d found. “I found it…”
Gary’s eyes went big and wide and he took the figurine before immediately going and showing it to Simon, who smiled and nodded. “It’s pretty.”
Gary snorted and then he appeared to cradle the figurine to his chest, melting. Soap thought he was so pretty when he got excited like that.
Simon pulled Gary over and kissed his temple and Soap looked away, jealousy filling his chest. He wasn’t sure which one he was more jealous of. Finally, Soap stood and brushed himself off. “We should eat, I think.”
“Okay.” Simon nodded and stood, helping Gary up as well. “Let’s eat, then.”
Soap opened his eyes, again, seeing that Ghost and Roach were still just staring at him. He shook his head, looking up at the ceiling. He was tired… He was tired and he was done. Oh well, if he was going to die, at least it was here… By them again.
“Roach… Ghost… What are you two up to??”
Soap gasped and jerked to sit upright, recognizing the Red Velveteen Rabbit’s voice, immediately. Oh no… Alex! That’s right! She’d grabbed him!
Even if Soap was ready to die, he couldn’t let his friends die! Not again! Not when he could stop it.
He launched off the stage, screaming when he was caught by Ghost and then he was kicking and fighting, beating at Ghost’s arms as he was put right back on the stage. He decided to go the other direction, dragging himself backwards.
But then, he was grabbed by his ankle and pulled right back. “Naughty!” Roach scolded and he held Soap’s thighs so he couldn’t go anywhere at all. “Stay!”
“No! No! You can kill me but don’t kill my friends! Please!” Soap begged. “I can’t fail, again! I can’t let them die!”
“Soap! Soap! It’s alright!”
Soap went still, immediately, upon hearing Alex’s voice and then Alex was coming out from behind the Red Velveteen Rabbit. He was holding his side and limping but he was very obviously alive.
Alex came over and Soap hopped off the stage, rushing to him and hugging him. “I thought she’d killed you! I thought for sure it was over!” Soap exclaimed, pulling back when he felt Alex wince.
“No,” Alex shook his head, huffing a laugh. “No! We can fix them, Soap! We can bring them back!”
Soap blinked. “What??” 
He stumbled back as he was suddenly tugged and then he looked up as Ghost hugged him from behind. “Back off!”
“Woah…” Alex stumbled back as Roach pushed him slightly. “Calm down, guys.”
“Roach, Ghost, play nice!”
“We don’t like to share!” Roach whined and the Red Velveteen Rabbit, River, tsked. Roach almost appeared to flinch back.
Soap knew she was the mom of the animatronics, meant to keep them in line. “Be nice.” River scolded. 
“Yes, River…” Roach and Ghost both said and then Soap was released.
This was… surreal. Somehow, this was more terrifying than when Soap thought he was going to die. “What do you mean we can fix them?”
“We have to put their heads on the bodies. It’ll put their souls back into the new bodies…” Alex sighed. “I know it sounds crazy, but… so do the souls being put into the animatronics in the first place!”
Soap… didn’t want to believe Alex. But… He remembered Ghost saying his name. It had been so distinctly Simon and… He knew it had to be him in there. “We could… bring them back? Fix them?”
Alex nodded. “My Mama is going to help us.” He gestured to River. Huh, it was odd hearing a full grown 19 year old man say that sentence and Alex said it with the perfect cadence to not sound completely ridiculous, too. “She said that the others won’t fight us on it.”
Soap looked up at Ghost and Roach, who both smiled at him. “Won’t!” Roach nodded. “You’re going to fix us!”
This was absurd. “You were just the one saying this was all bullshit and crazy!” Soap cried. “Now you want me to believe that we can take our dead friends’ souls and put them into new bodies! No! That doesn’t make sense!”
“Soap! You saw Blue! You saw Frank Riley! None of this makes any fucking sense! I want my mom back! I want Kyle back!” Alex shook his head. 
Speaking of, Gaz suddenly came into the dining room. “Hi!” He came over and Soap found himself flinching back, involuntarily. Both him and Alex being surrounded by them did nothing to help his nerves.
“No. No, I don’t like this…” Soap shook his head. “It sounds too good to be true… How would this even be possible?”
“I don’t know.” Alex sighed and then his shoulders drop. “Please, Soap? I can’t do it alone… Don’t you want to bring Simon and Gary back?”
Soap again looked up at Ghost and Roach. Their eyes… were so empty. Even with their smiles, they both just didn’t look alive. He wanted their real smiles back. He wanted them in bodies to hold again. “Yeah… Yeah I do… Alright, let’s do it.”
Alex relaxed and then he nodded. “Perfect. Let's go find Rodolfo. Uh… He’s a little… jumpy. Maybe Ghost and Roach, at least, should stay here? Probably Gaz, too.”
Gaz frowned. “Why me??”
“I don’t want to overwhelm him.” 
Soap made a face at how human Alex was treating the animatronics, now. God, this was all so hard to wrap his brain around… First, the idea of them even being alive in the first place and now… Now this? No, he didn’t like the idea of this, but… He supposed it was worth a shot. 
Gaz seemed to almost pout but then he was climbing up on stage and then sitting down, criss cross. “I’m useless.”
“Now, now, Gaz,” River chuckled, “just because you’re not helpful now, doesn’t mean you’re useless.”
Soap shook his head. He hated that life lessons were programmed into the AI. It just felt… almost comical. He yelped as he was grabbed and hugged by Ghost again. “He can’t go! He’ll play hide and seek again!”
“Ghost!” River scolded and Ghost only shook his head.
Soap gasped as he was held tighter, the grip almost painful around his body. “Ghost please… I’ll just stay… You’re hurting me…” He pleaded and then he relaxed as he was released, rubbing where he’d been grabbed. 
Alex winced. “River and I will get him, then. Just… stay here…”
Soap nodded, trying not to focus on his anxiety at being left alone with three animatronics. He’d be okay… he’d be okay… 
Telling himself this over and over did not refrain him from almost puking as Alex and River left. Immediately, he turned and backed away from Ghost and Roach. Ghost stepped forward and then Roach stopped him.
Soap hiccupped again and took deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm so he didn’t run, again. His head was hurting so bad that he did not think he would get far and they’d made it clear they’d chase him, again. 
“Why don’t you like hide and seek?” Soap asked, hoping the AI had a programmed response.
“You know why!” Ghost answered. 
A chill ran down Soap’s spine. 
Soap flinched and looked across the room where Simon had hid behind the stairs, covering his mouth so Frank couldn’t hear his breathing. 
“Come on, Si. Don’t you want to hang out with your dad?”
Soap could see the shine of the knife in Frank’s hand, perfectly pristine and clean… Frank was in the Blue Velveteen Rabbit’s suit, too, which frightened Soap more than it should. He’d gotten called a giant baby for still being quick to startle, though the doctors said it was because of the treatments. 
Simon glared at his father through the stairs and Soap flinched back as Frank came over to the table, hiding further under it. He’d followed Gary and Simon down here… but he didn’t know where Gary was. 
“Alright, alright, Simon. You won. I can’t find you. It’s your turn to play Seeker.”
Soap looked at Simon, pleading for him not to fall for it. Luckily, Simon didn’t move for a moment before Soap watched him fade further into the darkness. 
Frank continued to stalk around the room and Soap watched him look into the corners and behind boxes. Then, Frank’s head turned to the left and Soap gasped, jerking backwards as Frank’s eyes met him. “Hello, Johnny. Looks like I found you.”
Soap scrambled back to try to get out from the table but his leg was grabbed and he was dragged out, instead. “Stop!” Soap cried and kicked as hard as he could, managing to grab onto the table leg as he was yanked. 
Frank only yanked harder and Soap was forced to let go, instead trying to dig his nails into the cement ground. The only thing it did was hurt his fingers as Frank grabbed him and picked him up. “Hello, Johnny!” Frank said and made Soap look at him. “Look, Simon, I found your friend!”
Soap hit Frank in the throat, crumbling as he was dropped, and he scrambled to get away, making the mistake of looking at the stairs.
Of looking at Simon. 
But, ultimately, it didn’t matter anyway, because a moment later, Simon was launching out from under the stairs, attacking Frank as he had started to move to the stairs and hitting him over and over again. “Leave him alone!” Simon screamed.
Frank thrust his hand up and Soap found himself screaming as he saw Simon stiffen. Simon looked down and so did Soap, seeing blood start to drip down his stomach. Frank shoved Simon off and then he was over him, shoving the knife down into his chest and yanking it down.
Soap scrambled back under the table, squeezing his eyes shut and trying not to focus on the wet squishing sound. 
“Shh…” Frank was murmuring. “It won’t last.”
Soap hunched over, throwing up, and sobbing. When he heard Frank approaching the table again, he shook his head. “No, no, no-”
“Oh, shut up.” Something thudded on the table above him and Soap looked over, noting that Simon was no longer on the ground. Soap realized Frank must have put him on the table above Soap.
Then screaming could be heard, again, and Soap jerked his head to look in the direction of the stairs. He recognized Gary’s shoes, almost immediately. They were high top converse that Soap had helped sew Butterfly wings into the backs of. 
“Go, Gary! Go back up the stairs!” Soap cried, going to the edge of the table. He cried out as he was kicked, hard, and held his side, slumping over. 
Gary didn’t move and Soap looked up, able to just see Gary’s face. He looked frozen in terror. 
“Don’t go, Gary. Come on… Simon wants you here…” Frank said.
Soap shook his head. “NO! Go!” He was kicked again, the force causing him to fall completely over, landing in his own puddle of bile. The smell overtook his senses and he gagged, trying to sit back up, but the kick had taken a lot out of his body. He hadn’t had much to begin with.
Finally Gary moved, but he moved down the stairs and not up them. “No! No!” Soap pleaded, dragging himself back up to his knees. “No!”
Frank and Gary both appeared to ignore him and Frank took Gary’s hand, guiding him over to the table. Soap tried to scramble away as Frank crouched down and then he was being dragged back out, by the back of his shirt like a cat.
“See, Gary? It’s all okay.”
Gary was staring at Simon’s body, touching his face.
Soap shook his head. “It’s not, you fucking bastard! Let us go!” He struggled against Frank’s grasp on his shirt. “Let us go! Let us go!”
“No.” Frank shook his head. “No. You’re lucky you don’t fit into Roach’s costume.”
Fit?? Why would he need to fit?? Soap knew he was kind of husky, despite his cancer, but what the fuck did that have to do with anything?! He tried to jerk away from Frank, wanting to just grab Gary and get the fuck out of there. He knew Simon would understand. 
Gary had tears streaming down his face and Soap’s heart broke. “Poor little Gary… Don’t you want to stay with Simon?”
Gary looked at Soap and Soap shook his head. “No… Gary don’t…”
But, Gary looked up at Frank and nodded, anyway. Soap screamed. “No! NO!” He tried harder and harder to break away, but it didn’t work, because the harder he struggled, the more energy he lost. 
Frank threw him to the side and then moved around to Gary. Soap’s eyes widened as he watched Gary put his head back and close his eyes. Frank then put the knife to his throat and dragged it across. Gary didn’t even move and Soap couldn’t move either.
Gary slumped over when it was done, his head falling on Simon’s stomach.
Soap started to shake, his body trying to decide if he needed to throw up or scream again. He didn’t get a chance to do either, as Frank moved over and shoved him back under the table. “You wanted to be under there so bad. So stay under there.”
Soap couldn’t have fought him if he wanted to. All he could do was think about how sorry he was that he didn’t manage to stop Frank. He should have. He tried.
Soap sat on the floor, covering his face. “Why?? Why didn’t you run?!” Soap demanded, looking through his fingers at Roach. “I told you to run!”
Roach just stared at him. “I’m sorry.”
“Why?!” Soap shook his head. But he understood. In some fucked up way, Gary had spared himself from the guilt that Soap had felt every fucking day of his life. 
He doubted animatronics could feel guilt. 
Roach sat in front of him. “I think you could use a hug!”
“Oh fuck you.” Soap shook his head. “You two just spent like thirty minutes chasing me and-” He slumped his shoulders. “It’s not the same! It’s not right! You’re some plastic fucking robot!”
Roach didn’t change, staring at him. “I think you could use a hug!”
Soap shook his head. “No. I don’t want a fucking hug.”
Roach’s arms dropped. “Oh.”
“Don’t be too upset, Roach! Some kids don’t want hugs and that’s okay! Consent is important!” Gaz spoke and Soap watched him almost appear to twitch as he said so. Ah… He was starting to wonder if those little spiels were voluntary. Probably not. 
Soap shook his head and took a deep breath. “Does it… hurt? To be like that?”
None of the animatronics answered for a small moment. Finally, Ghost crouched down. “Yes.”
Soap flinched, not liking the idea of that. “I’m sorry… I wish I had stopped it.”
None of them answered. Soap looked up at Gaz. “You didn’t deserve to die for what your father did.” 
Gaz just stared at him before tilting his head and smiling. “It’s okay! Sometimes mistakes are made! Blue had consequences!”
Soap cringed, remembering the sight of Blue… that rotten grinning jaw. The smell hitting his face… “Did Frank put himself in Blue’s body?”
Ghost grinned. “No.”
Soap frowned and looked at Ghost. “What?”
“I did!” Ghost laughed. “Blue knew what would happen!”
Soap cringed, unsure what that meant. But, he didn’t get the chance to ask because then he was looking up as Alex and River came back. 
Rodolfo was on Alex’s back, looking just completely exhausted. “He’s not going to be able to help us but River said it’ll be fine. He’s barely awake.” Alex murmured, sighing. 
Rodolfo shook his head. “I’m awake…” He mumbled, but his accent was so thick that Soap almost couldn’t make it out, and he was laying his head on Alex’s shoulder.
Soap snorted. “Right.” He muttered. “Let’s just get this out of the way.” He finally stood again. “How are they going to get into the basement? The sensors will stop them.”
“You’ll have to take them apart, first!” River smiled. “Don’t be afraid, it’ll be okay.”
“Are they okay with this?” Soap blinked, frowning, and looking at the three. He became aware that Mateo had not followed Alex, Rodolfo, and River, and that’s when he noticed the Mateo head tucked under River’s arm. Oh. 
“It’s okay! We’re ready!” Gaz beamed. He scooted to the edge of the stage and then he put his hands on the bottom of his jaw before just pushing up and pop-
Soap stumbled back, covering his mouth, immediately as Gaz’s head just popped off. Ghost was quick to rush forward and catch Gaz’s head as it fell and Soap could only stumble back more, unable to process that. Gaz’s body fell back, hitting the stage with a thunk. “What the fuck?!” Soap finally exclaimed, catching Gaz’s head as it was tossed to him and trying not to make a sound with how heavy it was. 
“They need the heads for the ritual.” Alex explained and… that answered nothing.
“So he just ripped his own head off?!” Soap stared down at the Gaz head in his hands, which was still grinning, its eyes now closed. It felt… wrong. Like he was holding a real head. “I don’t… I don’t know if I want to do this… This feels unnatural…”
“It’s okay,” Roach assured. “We’ll be okay! Please, you can do it!”
Soap looked at Roach. Please. 
He took a deep breath and then nodded. “Fine…” If he didn’t do this, he’d be effectively letting them down again and he couldn’t do that… “Let’s just… do this, then. I think the sun is starting to rise.”
“Fuck. The opener comes in at 7.” Alex cringed, looking at the windows of the store where very faint orange light could be seen. “We need to hurry. They’ll call the cops if they come in.”
“Then let’s fucking go!”
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loudestcloud · 10 months
The thought doesn't count if you don't fucking care!
So basically, A TikToker was doing an angel tree gift kid and ordered online and I was, in a nicer way, like thank fuck someone used the internet to get all the kid wanted instead of just going 'I couldn't find it so they don't get that item that they specifically needed like a coat' and she replied with basically 'Oh at least they tried, we should just be encouraging ppl to care, its the thought that counts blah blah' NOT ITS NOT, Its fucking not! and I can tell you cos I know! I hated pink as a kid but because I was a girl, I always got the girls stockings when I needed them (I'm from the UK/we never got enough help to get onto custom lists like that) and it was all pink glittery shit and skin care stuff. The year I got a box from my school, ppl that knew me? Still pink girly shit and products I can't use, It ruined my Christmas each fucking year because I hated all that shit and thought about the other girls who didn't get one but would have loved it! Making me more sad and I'd just have to donate almost all my stocking fillers to a different place. We eventually stopped using services like that because we decided it wasn't working at all for us so just went to the food places when we needed help. I just wanted the cheap plastic cars and maybe some glue sticks and my teachers and classmates knew that, even a pink car would have been nice! My favourite child toys were a purple Barbie car and a pink thunderbirds car, you can combo girly with my interests as a kid but no one ever did, I was more excited about having the canned foods and trying new brands I'd never seen before. Also I never got a jumper in a single one? All these American kids getting coats, It was only last year that i had a stocking with a hat and gloves like damm. Anyway-
It's like when ppl said we as a society need to stop getting art kids the cheap shitty art sets that will dry out and snap in a week, that's not a thought that counts, they're gonna have ONE good day then have a break down over how they think they did something wrong to the kit when actually it was just a shitty gift. Like yes, if this is a 4 year old maybe get them that horrible thing to test the waters so you can find out what they like but art kids still get them into their 20s! If your kid is older than 4, they will have a preference in art medium. Get the kid that paints some nice paints, better if you know what type they like but even paint they don't like is still better than that shit. Get the drawing kid, wait for it, pencils! Whoa! So new! Care about your fucking kid. They can always tell.
It is not. The thought. That counts.
Edit: Actually, I'm not done. Angel trees this year have been pissing me off because, okay so this one TikToker picked a little boy asked for Bluey stuff and she got him really cool bluey stuff because it was very clear that he'd like that because the note said that. Her girl? They girl card she picked up? Just said anime. Just fuckin anime! No show, no genre, no manga NOTHING! Just anime! Imagine if Bluey boy just said Dogs or cartoons. Someone could get a fuckin Monster high doll for him, that's what it'd be like for these anime kids! This girl liked unicorns and make up so I'd assume maybe she's into magical girls but i understand why the TikToker chose this nice BNHA book because BNHA is popular and, ngl it was probably the only thing available in store but again thats why online is a thing. No shade to this lady tho, she didn't a good job. But another person got another girl who just said anime and FNAF. So y'all can write FNAF, but not a single anime name? Because she had FNAF, they got her a demon slayer color book, they did check the pages for age appropriate stuff before tho. But like we are just assuming these kids are into the popular, boy fighting stuff when they might not be and it sucks cos imagine getting a gift of an anime you actually hate, like I hate Demon slayer but love FNAF, it is a safe choice and a good one like sge replied to be about and i was like 100% the best guess... But why are we having to guess on these personalized fuckin hand made lists! Bluey kid didn't have that! The gamer kids don't get that! fuck these poor girls I guess, girls never need shit apparently! Take what you get you piss poor kids and be grateful it's something 🤪 fuck off
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Gotta love seeing RP blogs interacting with each other in anyway. Even when fighting. (Yea I just saw RP blogs fighting... it was fun!)
Oh anyways I know I said that @hiddeninsideaninsanemind was a writing blog but it's also a role-playing blog too. I usually do so via asks which is why I hardly ever did that.
Uhm... if anyone ain't a minor go ahead and send asks please.
If you are a minor or don't wanna go to that blog the go ahead and send asks to literally any other blog of mine but for role-playing go to @shy-the-fox
I might be bored... like in the sense of I wanna answer asks! (And pray Tumblr don't eat them... which is why I recommend going to an RP blog of mine. I have many.)
Actually if anyone wanna talk specifically Fnaf or Undertale I got my Aus that I allow random talk on btw.
I also got the dead plate one which I'm thinking of rebranding soon. But uh it's open. I just might be confused a bit of you talk about some things that are main game knowledge as I have been focusing on friends... oh and I started drawing again!
You all gotta wait a bit before I post the art but I will try to remember to post my art here later.
It will be OC art.. I have way too many OCs but eh. Soke say you can never have too many!
Oh actually I am taking drawing requests! I kinda do more cutesy drawings or a kinda horror realism... I don't have the drawings I made recently ready to show off but when I do I'll try to make sure you all can see what I mean.
(Oh and I was thinking of trying to figure out how to sell art or crafts of mine... like pins. Maybe mental health awareness, LGBTQIA+, physical disability awarenesses, or uhm I dunno quite yet but yeah... maybe some furry or therian things for people qho want that. I mean like pins... I uhm... have a pin maker. That's what I bring it up. I just gotta unbury the pin maker and the box with extra button making material.)
Actually was thinking of getting money for a mic... was thinking of maybe doing some um... talking videos... or like asmr? I dunno...
Uhm... yeah... I wanna do stuff if you can't tell. I also wanna clean my house up... but like... I gotta hangout with friends too! (I will go insane if I stop seeing friends... Not even a joke... I kinda wish it was.)
So yay... sadly I need money to do some of what I want. So a job might be nessicary soon... actually I really should have had a job by now and it sucks that I don't. I know it's mostly my fault but still!
Just a lot going on... and I really have the urge to just... get enough money to leave this house for like a year... longer if possible. I already was thinking of prices to do that... I just need people to live with and I might be able to afford it... I can't really drive so that's also why I uhm want to maybe live with someone else for a little while. Maybe... so far I only know maybe two people who can drive that isn't family. Then one who was trying to get their license... at least one. I uhm... don't have money to take the tests... and honestly... I'm not sure I can do the driving... sure I can drive a 4-wheeler but... I can only go maybe 40 to 60 on it before I start panicking and sometimes lose control of just that vehicle... like panicking as I realize how fast I was going and that I was slightly going to the side... likely I had my grandpa with me. Otherwise I could've gotten hurt or even lost the vehicle in a ditch... or side of the road over there. (They live in less populated area, hence us even being allowed to drive them around honestly. But the roads are dirt mostly and on both sides are large dips ghat are barely large as like the vehiclebut like it's l Iike a hole that goes from town passed where my grandparents over there live and to a mountain, may it's a volcano?)
anyways I should stop talking for now.
But if anyone wanna talk go ahead. And I am sorry if I accidentally deleted your messages or if Tumblr did. Also sometimes I answer asks via my notifications so I may accidentally forget to answer them as the notifications won't tell me if I pressed them versus looking at them and reloading the screen. And sometimes I do know my tumblr glitches and doesn't give me the notification until the next day/next time I turn either tumblr off or my phone.
At least for main, usually it does better for my other blogs... sometimes it doesn't even give me a notification too which is weird. I try looking at my asks tho as much as possible but I had one inbox try glitching... said I had two asks yet only showed one and I didn't see one in the drafts and I know I answered the rest so I may have to restart my phone soon or go ask hunting of it doesn't get fixed soon.
0 notes
deadwriter16 · 3 years
Freddy: always loves it when you sing with him and loves it when you boop his nose he goes crazy over it!
Bonnie: always showing you how to play the guitar and always stands behind you to help you play it, he thinks its so cute when you get flustered after you mess up
Chica: loves it when you cook with her, she also likes it when you two share a pizza together she loves taking the stuff you dont want on your pizza.
Foxy: LOVES racing you, its his favorite thing to do!! and also lets you try on his hats, eye patches and lets you play with his hook.
Toy Freddy: Loves playing video games with you, and lets you try on his hat all the time, he thinks its so funny when you try to take it from him but hes to tall!!
Toy Bonnie: loves watching you do lil happy dances when you hear his music, makes his day, and he loves holding you wile playing guitar
Toy Chica: always making cupcakes with you, and sometimes she gets a lil flirty with you and loves it when your all red or the tips of your ears are literally as red as a rose!
Mangled: likes confusing you with their voice or how they look, they think its so funny when your trying to figure it out.
W! bonnie: lets you play with his wires but always makes sure you dont hurt yourself, and always gives you a lil shock if you make fun of how hes standing, or how he looks.
W!Chica: always asking you to clean her face so she looks a lil pretty, she loves it when you cook for her
W! Freddy: always smiles when you sing fnaf songs with him, HE DIES OF LAUGHTER WHEN YOU FALL!!
W!Foxy: is one to chase after you just to scare you, llike having lil dance parties with you, OBSESSED WITH YOUR HAIR
Puppet: likes humming with you and likes taking naps with you in the music box
Springtrap: smiles when you mock him, always picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and spins you HELLA FAST in a chair if you hurt his feelings. he wont stop till you puke.
P!freddy: likes scaring you just to make you jump and loves making making you confused by teleportting around
P!chica: same as freddy but she does it funnier
(all the other Phantom´s are the same its just i couldint think of ideas for them-)
N!Freddy: loves giving you lil growls to freak you out and loves it when you get flusterd over it
N!Chica: always setting lil booby traps for you and oves it when you get scared by her cupcake
N!Bonnie: Smiles when you play the guitar for him because he cant sense he doesint wanna ruin the strings because of his claws
N!Foxy: anytime he comes out your closet theres always something caught on his hook or on his head, and its usually clothing
N!puppet: likes cuddling you with his arms around your whole body to make you feel safe
PlushTrap: loves cuddling you when you have a nightmare or something and makes himself look cute and always beats the living shit out of the freddels when thy give you nightmares
N!Balloon Boy: always getting something stuck in his teeth and always needs your help to get it out an never hurts you or scares you wile doing it just sometimes breaths hard on your arm just to give you slight heart attack
Funtime freddy: likes scaring you and loves it when you hold bon bon for him
Funtime foxy: loves it when you get all mad when you try to do something you know you cant do
Baby: gives you ice cream all the time and talks sweetly to you, she loves joking around with you
Bolora: loves dancing with you, it comforts her and she likes teaching you to, makes her smile when you get a move right
G!Freddy: loves walking arounf the plex with you and likes talking to you about stuff hes won and what not and always loves singing with you, he adores it
G!Chica: loves cooking with you and she loves it when you give her hugs and kisses on the cheek
Roxy: loves racing you! its so fun to her!! and she loves it when you talk to her about herself makes her feel like a badass and she complemnts you here and there.
Monty: he holds your waist wile playing golf, also helps you swing right, he loves it when you wear his glasses and such and he gets crazy over you when you wear a crop top with him on it, some jeans, shin high boots, and some spiky bracelets like the lil emo you are, he also LOVES when you wear his earrings he gives you and also loves hving his tail around you wile you two walk together, fucking OBSESSED!
(bakugou fucking kinnie's Monty)
im not sure if u meant to send this to me because i know absolutely nothing abt fnaf…i have no idea what ur talking abt /gen sorry
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
There are too many yellow bears in this series.
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Transcript under the cut.
So in Part 1, I mentioned how it was weird that I talked about the identity of the Brother and then skipped directly to the box. So let’s remedy that and talk about the identity of…
[Who is Golden Freddy?]
No but seriously, we do need to discuss Golden Freddy before we discuss the Brother’s identity. Trust me, I’m going somewhere with this.
So Withered Golden Freddy is super easy - he’s the fifth child. We literally see this in Give Gifts. Some people think the fifth child is Cassidy, I personally think it’s Michael Brooks because his name aligns with the night guard’s names on the tombstones, it does not matter, all we need to know is that he’s the fifth child. Enjoy that, it was the only easy part of this theory.
Side note: Shadow Freddy seems to merely be a different form of Golden Freddy. In TTO, Shadow Freddy leads Charlie’s friends to her, and Michael, IE Golden Freddy, is the only one who has a reason to do that as he was her friend. And in canon, Shadow Freddy likely doesn’t show up for the fifth child in FNAF 3 not because he isn’t possessing something, but because said child is Shadow Freddy.
Continuing on, Fredbear - the one with the purple accessories - is likely Sammy, which I went over in the last video. This includes Nightmare Fredbear, the yellow bear in Happiest Day, Fredbear in UCN, etc. He’s also Nightmare, who is to Nightmare Fredbear what Shadow Freddy is to Golden Freddy; the instigator of bad events and the eventual outcome of death. Note that just as Fredbear has different colored accessories compared to Golden Freddy, Nightmare has different colored accessories compared to Shadow Freddy. They’re parallels, but they’re not the same.
But then we get to FNAF 1 Golden Freddy, and FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is… weird.
The most obvious answer would be that he’s the fifth child, but that doesn’t line up with what we established in the last video - the fifth child should no longer actively be haunting the place by FNAF 1, same as the other kids. Even if you want to argue that theory is wrong, there are some other things that don’t make sense; for example, FNAF 2 Golden Freddy is hyper-aggressive while FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is barely around. Likewise, FNAF 1 Golden Freddy seems to be purely a hallucination as you can’t adjust his AI, while Withered Golden Freddy is a physical suit you can tamper with.
FNAF 1 Golden Freddy also has a connection to both bites - both in the 1987 Easter Egg and the fact that he looks exactly like Fredbear as shown in UCN. Plus the poster that summons him occasionally switches to one of Freddy casually tearing off his own frontal lobe, and Stage 01 shows him giving cake to kid with a Foxy mask. The fifth child has nothing to do with either bite, so these connections do not make sense.
The second option would be that he’s Sammy, as he might be the other main 5 animatronics, but that… doesn’t quite add up. First, that would mean that in FNAF 3 he gave cake to… himself, seeing as all the pieces are him. Secondly, he wasn’t around in 1987 so that Easter Egg makes no sense, unless the general connection to a bite is enough for him. Thirdly, there is no Nightmare equivalent in this game (or Shadow Freddy, for that matter). And finally, the big one - if Scott intended Sammy to be Golden Freddy, then he would’ve left FNAF 4 Fredbear’s accessories black. The switch to purple is to differentiate the two, which doesn’t make sense if they’re one in the same.
But you know what’s really strange about FNAF 1 Golden Freddy aside from, like, everything? The IT’S ME hallucinations are connected to him… and him alone. No matter what the game, spinoff, or sequel, FNAF 1 Golden Freddy and FNAF 1 Golden Freddy alone makes these hallucinations.
Because of this, I feel like in order to solve who FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is, we need to solve the IT’S ME hallucinations first. And in order to do that, we have to go back to when they started appearing, which is not in FNAF 1 as you might expect, but in FNAF 2. The FNAF 2 cutscenes show the FNAF 1 location and, as far as we know, are the earliest instances of these hallucinations.
First, we see Freddy’s “error” message, which is later replaced with the “IT’S ME” line. This is why I believe these cutscenes are the origin of the phrase, as it starts showing up only after the first night. It also shows up before and after Golden Freddy appears, so it doesn’t appear to be tied to him here.
The other reason I believe this to be the origin is the hallucinations that accompany the IT’S ME message, one of which is an eyeless Bonnie - which appears in the Night 3 cutscene. And the other image? Consider how the animatronics behave towards you here - Bonnie and Chica eventually turn away, while the Puppet follows you. This matches the FNAF 2 gameplay when you put on the mask - Bonnie and Chica are fooled by it while the Puppet is not.
I’ll be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It’s always…thinking, and it can go anywhere. I don’t think the Freddy mask will fool it.
Combine this with the strange blurred look and the fact that this is labeled as “dream” in the files, and it’s likely this isn’t reality, nor is this literally Freddy. Rather, we’re playing as someone picturing themselves as Freddy - which is why we see the Freddy with human eyes. These images accompany the IT’S ME hallucination because this is where said hallucination started.
Now, remember our requirements for the Brother earlier. They must be someone who worked in the FNAF 1 location, and we know that they worked in more than one Freddy’s as well. We also know that this person is not Michael Afton.
We know that whoever we play as in these cutscenes knows how the animatronics behave in 2, and this cutscene takes place in 1′s location. This indicates the player character moved from the FNAF 2 location to the FNAF 1 location, which fits the requirements for the Brother. This indicates that the person creating the IT’S ME hallucinations is the Brother - which in turns means that the Brother has to be FNAF 1 Golden Freddy.
But what else can we learn about him? Well for starters, we also see the Puppet, the one who gives life, right before the cutscenes stop on Night 4, despite the main gameplay continuing for several more nights. We see the Golden Freddy suit right before that, so that might be the suit that the player character is possessing - note that he does not have pupils yet like in FNAF 1. This indicates that the Brother died and was given life in the FNAF 1 location, further narrowing our requirements. And the Freddy with human eyes hallucination looks suspiciously like someone who was stuffed into a Freddy suit. See where I’m going with this?
Our final piece of evidence that links this all together is that Golden Freddy has a connection to both ‘87 and ‘83, yet is not Sammy. You see, when people ask “who did the Bite of ‘87?”, they’re asking the wrong question. Which animatronic did the Bite matters very little. What we need to know is who caused the Bite. The animatronics, including Fredbear himself, ask “was it me?” in the teasers, indicating the IT’S ME might be a response to this question. It’s not the animatronic that matters - it’s the person.
Phone Guy worked in the FNAF 2 location, and knows how the animatronics worked. He moved to the FNAF 1 location and recorded his phone calls before being stuffed into a suit on Night 4, the same number of nights the FNAF 2 cutscenes run for. And Phone Guy… is the one who tells Jeremy to wear his uniform and stick close the animatronics, after it was established they weren’t acting right around adults. In FNAF 1, after Phone Guy’s death, the first instance of Golden Freddy we can confirm… happens to land on the anniversary date of the Bite of ‘87.
Phone Guy caused the Bite of ‘87… and the Bite of ‘83. Phone Guy is the Brother.
[Why Phone Guy Being the Brother Makes Sense, Actually]
It may sound crazy at first, but Phone Guy being the Brother and FNAF 1 Golden Freddy is what suddenly makes this seemingly almost random series of events come together into a coherent story. So, without further adieu, let’s summarize the plot of FNAF.
We start with William kidnapping and killing Charlie. This then traumatized Sammy, which in turn caused his older brother to bully him and eventually kill him by accident. Wracked with guilt, the brother took the plushies that Sammy possessed and tried to stitch them together into one, then locked them into a box and tried to repress his memories of the incident.
William then kidnapped the Brother, leading to the events of FNAF 4 with Sammy trying to kill him. The Brother eventually escapes but never opens the box and faces the truth, instead eventually picking up a job at Freddy’s. Five kids are killed at that location and possess the pre-Withereds. William kills another five for their remnant in 2 before being moved to the day shift. The Brother, now known as Phone Guy, accidentally causes another Bite to happen. This and the murders drive him to take up the night shift. William, meanwhile, is killed by the kids and sealed away, and the original five rest while Sammy takes their place.
Phone Guy works there for years before Sammy finally succeeds in killing him near the anniversary of the Bite of ‘87. He then becomes FNAF 1 Golden Freddy, who’s basically a representation of his guilt over the Bite - keep in mind that he never did open the box, which Scott described as “fitting”. The FNAF 1 location eventually shuts down, Fazbear’s Fright opens, and Sammy and Charlie are both freed. Some, uh, stuff happens with Michael, and eventually the other five kids are put to rest as well and William is killed off for good.
Rising action, climax, resolution, ect. - FNAF suddenly has a plot, with all of the proper elements and everything. Scott's “four games, one story” hint suddenly makes a lot more sense, doesn’t it?
Oh, and if the general plot of “Guy works five nights at a pizzeria before his younger sibling, possessing multiple animatronics, kills him and turns him into an empty suit” sounds familiar… well, that’s because it’s the plot of Sister Location. Back during TSE’s release Scott said the books were an AU because the original plotline just had too much stuff in it to write any more stories, but then turned around and released SL and FFPS. I think he realized that by just paralleling the same narrative but switching the focus from the Emilys to the Aftons, he could create a lot more stories.
So, okay. All of that makes sense from a story perspective, but what about a theory perspective? What evidence is there to support Phone Guy being both Golden Freddy and the Brother? Well, there’s… a lot, actually. So much so, in fact, that we’re going to speedrun it.
“Well, I think that’s it. Uh, you should be golden.”
Also, the numbers you’re punching in are the hex code of William’s “Save them” sprite backwards, which might be a nod to the “Phone Guy is the killer” theory. It was still popular at the time, so the number being backwards might indicate it was wrong - because Phone Guy isn’t William, he’s Golden Freddy
“Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I’m finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact.”
While I have heard some evidence against the idea of Phone Guy being the Brother, most of it seems inconsequential. Here’s a quick run-down:
Phone Guy sounds too old to be the Brother - Scott’s not a professional voice actor, and he never intended there to be more games after 1 upon release. Also, Phone Guy’s voice actually does get lower in pitch over time (compare his voice in FNAF 3 vs FNAF 1). If this was a professional voice actor Scott chose out later in the series this would be valid, but as is it’s a bit too nitpicky in my opinion.
Phone Guy is too old to be the Brother - Assuming Phone Guy started working in Freddy’s in ‘85, then that puts him at two years after the Bite. If he was 16 at the time of the bite, he’d be 18 in ‘85, old enough to get the job. Even if he was 14 plenty of jobs will hire 16 year olds depending on the state’s labor laws.
His line about Fredbear’s in 2 doesn’t make sense - The “previous owner” he mentions is probably not Henry, who would be his father if he was the Brother, but rather William. Keep in mind this is after the murders, so I don’t know why they’d be contacting Henry at this point. Some people also think that the location of the Bite of ‘83 was Fredbear’s, making it weird that the Brother wouldn’t be 100% sure of its name, but the token in Help Wanted confirms that that location was the first Freddy’s.
So yeah, that’s quite a bit of evidence. But in addition to everything else, I’d also like to discuss this theory relative to UCN.
[How This Ties Back Into Ultimate Custom Night]
You see, UCN has two major theories going for it: One is Willhell, one is Mikehell, and one is my personal favorite, the Theoriest’s Hell.
[Please Stand By]
One is Willhell and the other is Mikehell. The problem with both of these theories however is that neither of them… work, or at least work as well as we would all like them to. Let’s recap:
Willhell is the more solid of the two, as it makes more logical sense and more of the dialogue fits Will better than Michael. However, it is not without a few problems.
The biggest issue is Malhare’s appearance in FFPS, as it’s a bit hard for William to show up after UCN if he’s supposed to be in Hell. There are also a few other things; for example, the Puppet claims she doesn’t hate him which is a bit odd. Not to mention the emphasis on “the one”, which seems weird considering WIlliam has killed multiple kids. Fredbear can also insta-kill you and Golden Freddy shows up at the end of the game, so there’s some sort of significance to those two characters and the Bite here, which also doesn’t tie back to Will.
Mikehell fixes this by claiming Michael is the Brother; thus, “the one” is the Bitten Child and the connections to the Bite suddenly have an explanation. However, this theory has holes of its own - namely, that FFPS kind of sort of directly states that Michael isn’t going to Hell.
For most of you, I believe there is peace, and perhaps more, waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although for one of you, the darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don’t keep the devil waiting, old friend.
If “one of you” refers to William and there’s peace waiting for the others, than that means that Michael is going to be at peace after FFPS, which doesn’t make sense for Scott to have brought attention to if he’s the protag of UCN.
This one also doesn’t make sense from a character standpoint. Even if Michael was the Brother - and I already went over why I think he’s not in the first part - he already more than repented for his sins by dying while freeing Elizabeth.
And finally, the “leave the demons to his demons” scene also doesn’t make much sense here - Michael killed his brother accidentally, so “demon” is too harsh. He could be the Freddy sprite and the text is referring to Will, but… why would he be Freddy, aside from that being the sprite in OMC’s original appearance?
So with neither of these theories working perfectly, I’d like to suggest a third option: Brotherhell. Basically it’s the same thing as Mikehell, but without the Mike.
This immediately fixes most of the issues with Mikehell. The Brother never opened the box from 4 or really even came to terms with what he did, so him being punished makes sense in this context. “The One” is Sammy, who 4 already proved to be very vengeful towards his brother. This would explain why Fredbear can insta-kill you, as he and The One are the same.
The Puppet saying she doesn’t fear him anymore, but also doesn’t hate him? Assuming he used to scare Charlie like he did Sammy, he would indeed not scare her anymore without her truly hating him. And the scene with OMC? The Brother is Freddy in that scene because he became Golden Freddy when he died. And that’s why you see Golden Freddy at the end - he’s not only the player character, but a representation of the Brother’s guilt as well. Note that while the Bitten Child passed on in 3 and the original 5 and Elizabeth passed on in FFPS, no one ever actually freed the Brother.
The only snag I can think of with this interpretation is Orville’s one line:
He tried to release you. He tried to release us. But I’m not going to let that happen. I will hold you here. I will keep you here. No matter how many times they burn us. (They burn us).
However, one could argue this refers to the fire in FNAF 3, rather than the one in FFPS. Henry (the player character in 3) tried to burn everything and release the Brother, Sammy and Charlie. Whether or not this works is a bit ambiguous, but it at least has less problems regardless than Willhell or Mikehell.
[So is any of this right?]
Now that we’ve finally covered the entire lore - or at least the most confusing bits - it’s time to ask the important questions, like “was any of that even correct”? And the answer is… I dunno. No, really. I could’ve been wrong from the start and Michael is the Brother and none of this meant anything and I just wasted nearly an hour of your time talking about all of this. And given that Scott seems sort of, uh, completely terrified of fan backlash, we probably won’t be getting any definitive answers anytime soon.
However, if nothing else, I hope this theory serves as an interpretation of FNAF that makes for a good story. Instead of this confusing mish-mash of seemingly random events and people, we’re left with a simple story about a small child trying to get revenge on his older brother, who’s still grappling with coming to terms with what he did. It’s creepy, it’s poignant, it’s sad, and it is Five Nights at Freddy’s.
[IT’S ME Jumpscare - Weird Al over Credits]
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xbrittaniax · 4 years
FNaF: The Rules have changed ch.4
[Last of my posts from dA, From here on out I have to write as I go.]
Ah yes, This was how Scott wanted to spend his night. Crammed In a security office watching over Bat shit crazy Animatronics with a Tickling problem, Re-Explaining every single procedure to Vincent and Mike making fun of him over the phone... He didn't get paid enough for this.
"And make sure you keep the music box wound. I don't want to find out what the Puppet does now." He shuddered at the thought, Of course, Mike intruded on the conversation.
"God Phone guy, You act like he's never worked a night shift before. I'm pretty sure he has the Intellect to keep a music box wound and to keep peeping on Foxy." Mike rolled his eyes, His right door remaining shut, The different Freddy variation's still mad about his swearing last night. It was Only one AM.
Vincent snickered as Scott sent a glare over to the phone. "Listen here, You little--"
"Ah!" Jeremy exclaimed, "Don't swear! You'll be In Mike's position if you do."
"I already am." Yeah, He didn't get paid enough for this. Most of the Animatronics were avoiding Him tonight, Save for Original Freddy, Who had caught wind of his outburst the night before as well.
Mike cast a glare to the phone, Folding his arms irritably. "Need I remind you that You're the reason I'm in the mess In the first place? Mr. 'Let's run to Mike's office and Shoulder tackle him'."
"I said I was sorry!"
Vince grinned at the banter. "Man Scott, I had no idea you ran a Babysitting service on the Night Shift." He leaned back In his chair as The two Bickering Nightguards yelled In protest.
"Hey! I am NOT a child!" Mike complained.
"Me either!"
Scott snorted In amusement. "Yeah, And now I have three kids to watch." He side-eyed the phone as he picked up the tablet to check on Pirate cove.
"Hey!" All three Nightguards exclaimed
3 AM
"What's everyone's power looking like?" Jeremy asked to make conversation, Mike had grown unusually silent, Vincent only offered a small acknowledgment that he had understood what Phone guy was telling him, Who was also silent save for the tips he occasionally gave them. "Mine and Vince's power Is at 53%."
"48%," Scott answered.
"I'm bored," Vincent complained, Propping his head up with his arms against the desk. "We haven't had anything happen."
"That's a good thing, Vince." Scott side-eyed the phone for like the fiftieth time that night. "Unless you want to get tickle attacked by one of the Animatronics..."
Vincent shuddered at the thought. "I'm just saying. It's going by so slowly without any incidents."
Jeremy giggled at the two. "What about you Mike? You okay?"
"Not particularly..." He didn't even want to look at the power meter, He knew he was low. "Hey Phone Guy, Is your left door open?"
"For the moment," Scott grunted as he slammed down on the Right door button. "Why? Is something there?"
"Nope." Mike got up and ran out of his office, Behind him he heard the power shut down as he rushed Into the nearest office, Which just so happened to be Scott's. He skidded to a stop just to the left of his desk and doubled over catching his breath. "That was close."
Scott glanced over at him with a bemused expression. "You gonna be alright?"
Mike nodded, Grinning. He sat down on the desk, Checking the Camera's for Scott while he checked the doors. The brunette noted how the Raven haired man seemed to tremble as he checked the Door light's, It reminded him of Jeremy. "You gonna be alright?" He mused, Looking up from the Tablet.
Scott flinched, Opening the right-hand side door. "Yeah, Just a little jumpy I guess."
"Uh-huh, And the shaking? Is that being Jumpy too?" Mike peered at his colleague with amusement.
Scott blushed In response to the question. Had he been shaking? He hadn't even noticed. "Shut up." He muttered, Poking his head out of the Left door, Listening for any odd sound.
"Are you guys breaking up? I was really rooting for you guys too." Vincent chuckled, Jeremy even giggled at that. Mike could tell that Vince was going to be a bad influence on the bubbly Nightguard.
Mike laughed sarcastically. "Ha-ha, Shut up and keep the Music box wound up, Newbie."
Even Phone Guy had to snort at that one, Shooting Mike a grin of approval. But his grin was short-lived when he saw the giant Bear Animatronic standing behind his desk, Oh god. He reached behind himself and hit the door button but It clicked, Locked up.
"Ooh, This coming from the Rookie."
"Who had to be oriented by Scott tonight? That's right, You."
"You better watch It, Mikey boy," Vincent grinned, Having seen Freddy creep Into the office. He decided not to tell them to make things interesting. "If you're not careful, Karma might creep up behind you." He leaned back In his seat, Crossing his arms behind his head as he watched the feed outside Scott's office.
Mike scoffed, Rolling his eyes. "Whatever," He looked away from the Tablet and up at Phone Guy "You sure you're gonna be alright? You're pale."
"He's always pale, He's practically a Vampire," Vince spoke up again.
"What's wrong? Someone out there spooking you?" Mike teased, But when Scott shook his head without a sarcastic retort he knew something was wrong. "Scott?"
"B-Behind you..." Scott pointed, Mike looked over his shoulder and shrieked as he fell off the desk In surprise.
"Not you again!" He yelped, Staggering to his feet as Freddy slowly moved out from behind the desk, Mike grabbed Scott by the arm and made a break for the Right door, But just before the two made It out the door slammed shut. The brunette slammed his hand into the door out of frustration and whipped around. They were trapped in there with him.
"We meet again, Mister Schmidt," Freddy spoke, Slowly approaching the two men. He turned his head to regard Scott. "Mister Scott, Nice to see you."
Mike and Scott both began to inch backward away from the Devious Bear Animatronic. "Freddy..."
"Can't you cut us some slack just this once?" Mike knew this was unlikely, But figured It was worth a shot.
A low and somewhat taunting laugh was his answer. "I must admit, You're amusing, Mister Schmidt..." The bear took a step closer to the two Nightguards.
"Can you stop calling me Mister Schmidt? I go by Mike, Or Mikey, Or M-Dog, Or Mic--" Mike was cut off by a sharp elbow to the ribs, To which he groaned in Pain in response to.
"Can you stop making him mad?!" Scott cut In, Side eyeing Mike.
Freddy seemed to pause, Blinking at the two now bickering Nightguards.
"Me!? You just hit me! You broke another rule!" Mike exclaimed, Pointing his finger accusingly.
"You're yelling, Also against the rules, Jackass."
"I'M NOT YELLING! And you just swore!"
Meanwhile, Vincent had fallen out of his chair laughing at the two, Forgetting entirely about his duty of winding up the music box. "Mommy Daddy stop fighting!" Jeremy joked, Making Vince laugh harder.
Jeremy's words seemed to snap the two arguing men out of their ridiculous fight, They slowly turned their heads to look at Freddy who had been standing there with his arms crossed and tapping his foot impatiently. "Are you two finished?"
"Uhh, No?" Mike smiled nervously.
Freddy was not pleased with this answer.
He grabbed Mike by the shirt and threw him onto the desk, Stalking towards him menacingly. Mike quickly rolled onto the floor and tried to move out of his reach but Freddy put a paw on him to momentarily pin him in place, All while Grabbing Scott and putting him on the ground next to Mike. He weighed them both down by straddling their thighs, With one knee to the left of Scott and the other to the right of Mike.
"Now then, If you two are going to keep fighting with each other," Freddy hovered one hand threateningly over Mike's side and the other over Scott's stomach, His fingers twitching ever so slightly. "Then you're going to laugh with each other!"
Phone Guy covered his face to hide his nervousness, And so he didn't have to watch.
"F-Freddy, C'mon... You don't have to do this." Mike couldn't hold back the nervous smile as he caught sight of Freddy's twitching fingers hovering over one of his worst spots.
Freddy ignored Mike, His fingers began dancing up and down his side. His other hand began to poke and prod at Scott's midsection almost experimentally. He seemed to be searching for reactions but due to his face being covered he couldn't gauge which spots were more sensitive.
Through his giggling, Mike had an epiphany.
'Try not to make eye contact, It seems to be some sort of challenge to them.' He recalled Scott telling him on his first night. Huh, So some of his advice still applies even after the update to their A.I. 'They get more aggressive, It's like they think you're taunting them. Especially Freddy.'
Smart. Mike closed his eyes to avoid looking at the Bear any longer. So not only was the other night guard unable to fall victim to any of Freddy's attempts at causing anticipation, But he wasn't making eye contact. therefore Freddy was being easier on--
Laughter interrupted Mike's train of thought. Though It was his own, It snapped him back to reality. "Hahahahahaha! F-Freddy Stahahahap!" Mike yelped as he felt both large plush bear hands attacking his sides, At least his shirt offered some protection.
"I've been trying to figure out why you keep consistently breaking the rules, Can you help me? I'm at a loss." Freddy taunted.
"Shuhuhuhut uhuhup!" Mike complained, His body jumped In surprise when he felt an elbow connect with his arm, Though It was only Intended to get his attention rather than inflict pain. He opened one eye and looked to Scott.
"Stop it, You're only making things worse for yourself." He warned.
"Hohohohow could things get any wohohohorse?! Wehehehehe're stuck here for lihihike two mohohore hours!" Mike shot back, Not heeding the Veteran's advice. Freddy took this as a challenge, His hands slipped under Mike's shirt and he dug his wiggling fingers Into his sides. He screamed in response. "NO! NOHOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His body revolted against the sensations, his back arching.
"That's how." Scott sighed.
"I tried to warn you."
Freddy's large fingers moved surprisingly nimble against Mike's bare sides, Plush fabric skidding along sensitive skin while occasionally kneading the tender muscles. He seemed to be driven by the sound of the Helpless Nightguards hysterical laughter, And he analyzed his reactions closely to determine the best way to drive him further Into madness.
After a few more minutes the Animatronic stopped, Pulling his hands back to let Mike breathe. He turned his attention to Scott in the meantime. "Mister Scott, I must say I'm a little surprised. You've been avoiding us for years." Scott mumbled In retort, But It was inaudible to the bear due to the muffling caused by his hands. Freddy reached down and pried his hands away from his face. "It's unlike you to be this far off your game..."
"What can I say? Everyone has an off night." Phone Guy answered calmly, trying not to show how nervous he was.
"Under different circumstances, I might have given you a break." Freddy seemed somewhat apologetic, Much to Mike's surprise. "But you did break our rules... So I can't take It easy on you. My Apologies, Mister Scott."
Mike opened his mouth to say something, But quickly stopped himself, For fear that Freddy would start round 2. Scott nodded. "It's okay, I understand." He mentally braced himself, Unsure of how the Animatronic would start.
Freddy kept a hold on Scott's hands so he couldn't hide his face, And he slowly began to lower his hand, His eyes put off a faint blue glow In the dim lighting of the office. He was focused intently on the tense Nightguard.
Phone guy watched his hand for a few seconds before tightly closing his eyes, trying to ease the Anticipation building up. He knew that Freddy was making mental notes of some sort based on their reactions, He had noticed it with how he adapted to Mike's responses. So he hoped by not giving in and giving a reaction, He would get bored and stop.
Then again, This tactic never seemed to work for Phone guy. Not with Purple Guy or Fritz, And Certainly not with Freddy.
After a few moments of 'no selling' Freddy, The bear chuckled In amusement as he stilled his hand. "Mister Scott, Do you honestly think this is going to work? I know you're ticklish." He unbuttoned a few of the buttons on the Nightguards shirt and drug his fingers from his stomach to his ribs. "I already know where you're most ticklish, Too." He teased, Methodically tracing his rib bones.
Phone guy had tried to keep his laughter contained, He managed to do so for all of ten seconds as it shook his frame. But soon he was reduced to a pile of laughter and whimpers. "Nohohohoho...! Stahahahahap!"
Freddy soon picked up that lighter touches seemed more effective, And once he lightened the pressure he was using, Scott began to laugh even harder. "Hm, You seem to be more sensitive to light tickles. How adorable." He teased, Noting the way The laughing Nightguard's face flushed and his squirming picked up. "Interesting. Teasing also seems to work well on you." He observed. Despite his best efforts It seemed that Freddy was learning all of the ways to drive him up the wall.
It only got worse when The Animatronic released Scott's hands and began to attack him with both hands, One hand lightly tracing bones and the other spidering ever so lightly up and down the sensitive ribs. He shrieked. "NNAGH! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FREHEHEHEDDY DOHOHOHON'T!" He squirmed feverishly, Pushing at Freddy's arms as he tried to escape.
Mike was taken aback by the reaction. "Now I know why you tried so hard not to get caught all this time, You're more ticklish than Jeremy!" He chuckled, Emphasizing his point by reaching over and playfully squeezing the hysterical man's exposed side.
"MIHIHIKE!" He yelped, swatting at his hand. "YOU'RE NAHAHAT HEHEHELPING!"
"Sure I am! I'm helping Freddy." Mike couldn't help but grin at the sound of the whine he made.
"Why are you laughing then, Cutiepie?" He winked.
The Raven haired Nightguard's face flushed, Either with embarrassment or Anger, It hadn't been determined yet. "SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUP!"
"That's not very nice of you to say. I think you should apologize."
"Hey, Big bear." Mike turned his gaze to Freddy. "Can I give you some advice?"
What advice could Mike possibly offer Freddy? He's never successfully tickled Scott before, He only tried once and... Oh no. no no no. "MIHIHIHICHAEL SCHMIDT DOHOHON'T YOU DAHAHAHARE!"
"Or what? What are you gonna do? Laugh me to death?"
Mike grinned mischievously. "I think he has ticklish knees, I never got a solid reaction but he was probably hiding it."
Freddy stilled his hands, Giving Phone guy a chance to catch his breath. Scott didn't wait very long before he grabbed Mike's side and began squeezing it. "You jerk! You're... Not supposed to... H-Help him!" He panted.
Mike yelped and began laughing again, He tried to squirm out of Scott's reach but he followed his movements. "Stahahahap tickling mehe!" He complained.
"N-Not so nice, Is It?"
"That's Ihihit!" Mike snapped, Turning onto his side as much as possible, And he launched his tickle attack on Scott, Blindly attacking whatever spots were exposed. "You asked for ihit!"
Freddy had to admit, He was amused by the two. He abruptly got off of them, They hadn't even noticed. He chuckled to himself and stood up, Exiting the room. Leaving the two to fight each other. Deciding they had enough for the night, And also that they would nearly kill each other anyway. Besides, He had another set of Nightguards to visit...
Jeremy and Vincent had to mute the phone system because there was nothing but roaring static and high pitched beeping coming from Scott's Line. "What's that sound anyway?" Jeremy asked, Having just unmuted it to check if it was still present. It was.
"It's the sound of two idiots who got themselves trapped in an office with Freddy," Vincent replied after shaking his head to get the ringing out of his ears.
"I don't understand." The blond frowned.
"Simple, The microphone we give Freddy is a dud Because if we gave him a live mic, We would be hearing the sound of screaming kids and mechanical whirring. So to cut out any annoying sounds, He has one built-in right in front of his Voicebox." Purple guy explained, Checking the music box just in time to wind it back up. He felt his heart skip a beat when he saw how low it was. "S-So what you're hearing is... Microphone interference. He's too close to the phone."
Jeremy nodded, It seemed to make sense. "You sure do know a lot about the Animatronics."
"Just enough to not get myself killed. Fritz knows more about them than me, I guess he's really into tech stuff. He said something about magnets too, But there's only so much I can listen to without zoning out."
"Fair enough, Fritz tends to get enthusiastic about things, It gets hard to listen for an extended period of..." Jeremy froze up, Locking eyes with Freddy. "T-Time."
"Right." Vincent responded, Completely unaware of the threat in the doorway.
Jeremy tried to close the door, But It locked up. The sound made Vincent snap his head in the direction of the Right door. "Jeremy!" He quickly grabbed hold of the Blond and rushed out the left door dragging him behind him. They just made it out when the door slammed shut. Vincent nearly slammed Into the wall from the momentum but caught himself with his arm, Jeremy skidded to an ungraceful stop beside him. "You okay, Kid?"
He nodded, Adrenaline still coursing through his body. "Y-Yeah... how did you know the doors would close?"
"Fritz." Purple guy answered simply.
"Maybe I n-need to sit In on one of Fritz's lectures." Jeremy joked, Smiling a bit as he did.
Vincent straightened up his posture, Chuckling as he tenderly rubbed his wrist. "You sure about that? If you're not up to technical terms He can put you to sleep real quick."
"I think I can keep up." Jeremy nodded to himself, Then looked at Vince's wrist. "That's the arm you caught yourself with, Did you hurt yourself?"
"Eh, It's just a little sore. I'll live. Hey, Instead of hanging out In the wide-open, Let's go check on our Lovebirds." Vincent suggested, Still holding his wrist.
"Alright." Jeremy agreed. Following after the taller Nightguard.
"Mihihihihike!" Scott was now opting to shield himself rather than get revenge, That was when he noticed Freddy was gone. "Mihihihike! Stohop!"
"No way! You've earned this. Don't think I forgot about the hazing stunt you and Jeremy pulled! I'm just getting you first. Jeremy's dead when I get my hands on him!" Mike responded, Skittering his fingers across the other man's stomach lightly.
When Scott rolled over onto his stomach that was when Mike also realized Freddy was gone. "Oh, Hey Freddy's gone." He commented, Pausing his attack.
"No shit! That's what I've been trying to tell you, Jerk!" Phone guy swore, Curling In on himself to protect any sensitive areas.
Mike narrowed his eyes and scanned his coworker for exposed spots, But no luck. Not even his knees were accessible. "Something tells me you've been tickled Into hysterics a time or two before." He chuckled.
Phone guy just glared in response.
"He has, By just about everyone." Vincent declared as he and Jeremy strolled Into the office. "But I am a pro when it comes to Torturing Scott. Aren't I, Scottie?" Vincent teased, Nudging the heap of a Nightguard with his foot. Who groaned In annoyance In response.
"Wanna help me then Mister Pro?" Mike asked, Partly joking.
"W-What!?" Scott's eyes widened with horror as he uncurled and stood, Quickly backing away from the now evilly grinning Nightguard. "N-No! Don't you dare!"
"Well, Since you put It that way...Michael," Vince chuckled lowly, Taking a step towards the terrified Man. "I'd be happy to help."
Phone Guy yelped and hid behind Jeremy, Who had just finished winding the music box and checking on Freddy. "Hey, You guys might wanna shut the right door. I think Freddy Is out of our office." He was seemingly unphased by what had been going on around him.
Mike slammed down on the button. "Time update?"
"5:45 Am." Jeremy smiled, Putting the Tablet down. "Hey, Where'd Scott go?"
"Behind you. He's afraid of me for some odd reason." Vince chuckled as Jeremy turned around to face Scott.
"It's okay, We're all a little scared of Vincent." He giggled.
"I-I am NOT scared of him!" Scott huffed Indignantly, Crossing his arms stubbornly. "I just don't trust him."
"That hurt me. After everything we've been through." Purple guy grinned in response. He stepped closer to the two, Outstretching his arms. He nudged Mike, silently telling him to play along. "I think we need to hug out our differences."
"I agree. Truce?" Mike mimicked Vince's approach. Jeremy's face lit up, Finally, It seemed his friends would get along!
"You hate hugs! And You--"
"That's a great idea!" Jeremy beamed, Stepping aside.
It was too late, The two had launched themselves at the Raven haired Nightguard. The room was once again filled with laughter, Leaving Jeremy to check the doors and the music box. He couldn't help but Giggle at his friends.
All worries about Springtrap escaping had been long forgotten... For the Night.
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kimtanathegeek · 4 years
Well, hey there! First post!
 Hey everyone, Kimtana here, and this is my first post in my blog journal thing. My blogurnal. I’ve been debating on whether to blog or not. But look, here I am, doing the thing. This might be cool, this might be interesting, or this might be a waste of everybody’s time. Only time will tell.
 Ok, so, might as well say a little about me, eh? As I mentioned, I’m Kimtana. I’m from the Boston area in the US. I’m a geek, nerd, and theorist by nature.
 I am a small YouTuber with a gaming/geekery channel, which you can check out here. You may notice that it’s been a LONG time since I posted a video, and that would be because in August of 2018 I had to move from the room I was renting, which is where I ate, slept, and made YouTube videos. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to move into a new residence until February of this year. For those of you keeping score, yes, I didn’t have a place for a year and a half. That was fun…
 And even more unfortunately, the week after I moved in, before a single box was unpacked, COVID-19 happened. My dad and brother are severely high risk, and I usually take care of them on weekends, so I have found myself staying at my family’s house beginning in March. I’ve been here for over 4 months, and I’ll be here until the end of September. Some day I’ll have a recording space again….I really do miss recording and editing videos, though. A LOT.
 I am a crafter, especially in the art of upcycling. I love turning rubbish into something cool. I even have a few videos on my channel of how to make some cool stuff. But I also love doing pixel art, especially with perler beads. And I’ve recently discovered cross stitch during quarantine. I’m doing surprisingly well with it, and might show some of my beginner’s attempts in a future post.
 I’m a gamer. I’ve been gaming since I was a kid when the Atari 2600 was a thing. That’s right, kids, I’m old. 😊 So, much of my YouTube channel is made up of Let’s Plays. Gaming has helped me immensely with my depression during the years, so it’s become a love and a coping mechanism for me.
 I am a fan of multiple series. Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Pokemon, FNAF, and Undertale. I spend hours just going through Pinterest pins of art, comics, memes, and theories. Man, I love theories. Someday I’ll make videos on some of the theories rolling around in my brain. I love talking through theories with my brother, who is also a fan of most of these. He’s also got some incredible theories, though he’ll never admit it.
 I’ve also recently tried to get back into drawing. I used to draw all the time as a kid and young adult, but people’s cruel comments made me stop. Well, decades have passed, and I kind of want to do a fancomic for a story that’s brewed in my head over the past couple months, so that might be something I actually start doing. I’ve seen some amazing fancomics, and I adore how they nurture the fandoms and let the fans continue to enjoy the game/series/film. They’ve really motivated me to put pencil to paper again, and some day I might actually post some of my work. Maybe.
 I think this is a good place for me to stop. This post has already gone on for quite a bit. But I hope you’ll keep reading my posts and check out my work. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you when I see you! 😊
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stick-zac · 7 years
Something from today #152 - #200
Something from today #200 F*cking 200! Woo!
#1 *Me and my friend had finally beaten Black Ops III on the Realistic Difficulty* Friend: The trophy is no one will believe you, how crazy is that Me: What’s crazy? Friend: I’ve beaten the game on Realistic and I got the trophy Me: No you didn’t Friend: Yes you did, you saw me Me: I didn’t see anything Friend: What? You, you just played it with me Me: Nope Other friend: I didn’t see anything Friend: … f*ck you guys
#2 Friend: He kinda looks like Frankenstien (Referring to a guy we saw get on the bus* Me: That’s messed up… it’s Dr Frankenstien
#3 *Me and my friends playing the final level of Black Ops III where the guy gets torn apart* Me: Hmm I wonder what will hap- OH MY GOD WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?
#4 Friend: Are you 100% sure? Me: I’m not just 100% sure, I’m 110% sure. No wait, 1000%, no wait! 10000% sure
#5 Friend: *Gives his opinion about something on the internet* Me: No one cares Friend: Someone does Me: This is real-life, you don’t get an opinion in real life!
Something from today #199 Me: I couldn’t harm anyone, my body physically prevents me from doing so
-7 Hours Later-
Me: Goodbye *slaps my friend on the back with a ruler and runs like hell*
Something from today #198 *Friend arrives* Me: You got the goods? Friend: *Tosses me his USB and nods his head* but you gotta print something for me Me: Sounds fair
*Once we’re finished*
Me: Nice doing business with you
Something from today #197 Friend: Why are you sad? Me: The conspiracy theorist guy wasn’t in the tunnel Friend: Awwww
Something from today #196 Friend: Any girls you like? Me: Nah, I’m not planning on having a girlfriend Friend: … Me: I’m planning on having a wife Friend: OHHHHHH Sh!t we have a smooth motherf*cker here
Something from today #195 Friend: *Says something problematic* Me: *does the what are those at his face*
Something from today #194 Friend: *looking at me suspicious* Me: What? I didn’t kill anyone… yet
Something from today #193 *I’m walking by and I hear one of my classmates saying ‘Exactly’ Me: Did someone call my name? ExZACtly? Friends: Hahahaha Me: *In my mind* nice one
Something from today #192 SFT #200 is coming up soon so if you want to be featured then send me a message with it and boom! You’re in *Me and my friends playing COD BO III* Me: Anyway I was WHAT THE F*CK KILLED ME! THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE BIGGEST LOAD OF F*CKING BULLSH!T I’VE EVER oh wait there he is
Something from today #191 Friend: How’s Black Ops III? Other friend: I don’t, I didn’t get it Friend: *Picks up a random box intending to joke with it* here is a free copy Other friend: … this is actually it Friend: …
Something from today #190 Mum: You guys need anything? Me: I need Tic-Tacs Mum: Here ya go *hands me Tic-Tacs* Me: … I wasn’t really serious…
Something from today #189 Friend: You guys want anything? *Me and my friend make outrages requests thinking he isjoking*
-20 minutes later*
Friend: here you go Me and my friends: …
Something from today #188 *Teacher asks us to explain something* Friend: It’s like when you do that… and… I don’t know Me: What do you mean? Female friend: *smiles at my cleverness* Other friend: Oh shut up
Something from today #187 *Me and my friend playing Black Ops 3 Multiplayer* Me: Where are you? *I secretly know where he is* Friend: Not anywhere near you Me: Alright then I guess I’ll just AHHHHHHH! *Fires a minigun at him* Friend: AHHHHHH!!! Me: I was lying, I saw you running there earlier
Something from today #186 *Me and my friends playing Black Ops Zombies* Me: Where is the Random Box located? Friend: You mean Mystery Box? Me: Whatever Friend: No, it’s called the Mystery Box Me: It’s called the screw you box Other friends: OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Something from today #185 *I’m typing up a Resume* Friend: What are you doing? Me: I’m writing a resume Friend: I’ll let you resume that Me: Aeeeee Other friend: What’s so funny? *I tell him what happened* All of us: Aeeeeeeeee
Something from today #184 Me: *telling my friend a scary story* and then, he never existed at all *Lighting goes off* Me: Ahhh! What perfect timing
Me: My phones battery is at the halfway point Friend: Ha, you and your phone Me: What about yours? Friend: Let’s see *pulls it up and then puts it back down* Never mind, I’m nearly dead
Something from today #183 *Me and my friend playing GTA V* Friend: *starts making drumming noises* Me: *Makes gutair noises* Other 2 friends: *join in* All of us: *start singing*
Something from today #182 *My brother asking what my older brother got him for his birthday* Brother: What did you get me? Older brother: Soap Brother: Soap? Older brother: To wash yo a$$ *Me and my older brother: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Something from today #181 *Me and my friends playing Uno* Me: *after seeing the FNAF 2 trailer* London Bridge is fall- *Friends places a Draw 4* Me: *Still singing* F*ck you too
Something from today #180 Me: *starts singing a song* lalala-AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Friend: What’s the matter!? Me: Creepers…
Something from today #179 *Me and my brother arguing while eating Hungry Jacks* Brother: Oh shut up *throws a fry directly into my eye* Me: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Brother: Oooops… *hands me a fry* here you go
Something from today #178 *Me playing Minecraft* Me: Oh some Iron, and now I go to mining an- AHHHHHHHHHHH Mum: *comes bursting through my room door* what’s the matter! Me: I got scared by a Creeper…
Something from today #177 *Makes a well timed and clever reference* Me: Anyone? No?… okay…
Something from today #176 Friend: You have to stop saying Grade 11, it’s Year 11 Me: Grade Prep *Me and my other friend start laughing* Other friend: Grade Kindergarden Me: Grade College *We just burst out laughing to the point we can’t talk properly*
Something from today #175 *Student is eating a grilled cheese sandwich and he has blond-ish hair* Teacher: Hey, be careful, the sandwich is almost as golden as your hair Me and everyone else: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Something from today #174 *Me and my brother playing COD BO Zombies* Brother: Alright listen to me, we are going to turn on the power and whatever you do don’t- Me: Whoopsie Brother: Did you die? Me: Maybe Brother: -_-
Something from today #173 *My little sister can’t properly say words yet* Sister: Give me tips *She meant this referring to my chocolate bar* Me: Here is a tip, get a job! *Self hi-fives*
Something from today #172 *Me and my friends are in class* Me: *When I’m sneezing* ahhh, ahhh, YABBADABBADOO! Friend: *starts laughing*
Something from today #171 Guy in class: Whenever I think of phones I immediately think of Apple Me: Same, when I think of McDonalds I think of the Yellow Arches *Me and guy nod at each other saying we understand what we mean*
Something from today #170 *Me and my friends are cracking puns and one guy doesn’t like them* Player Hater: Don’t make any more puns! *All of us are silent until…* Friend: *Makes a pun* Player Hater: That’s it! I’m done *Gets up to leave* *All of us are bursting with laughter and one friends starts choking on laughing so much*
Something from today #169 (Hehe, it’s still funny) Me: Phew, the suns got me beat, and not in a good way *Friends start laughing*
Something from today #168 *Me and my friend in IT Class* Me: Look at what I did *Friend looks over and does a thumbs-up and in the process, rips out the ear phones from his ears* Me and him: Ooooooooooooooooooooooouch! Me: I felt that
Something from today #167 *Me and my friends hanging out in sun* Me: I’m lucky I can’t get a sun burn Friend: Yeah, you lucky pale bastard
Something from today #166 *Me and my brother arguing* Me: And furthermore *Skype Buzzer goes off* *Me and my brothers both check our phones to see if it’s ours* Me: Back to what I was saying
Something from today #165 *Me and my friends playing Minecraft* Me: Anyway I just- AHHH Friend: What? Me: I found a huge ravine Friend: How big Me: So big it would make King Kong say “damn son, where’d you find that?” Friend: Must be pretty big if it makes King Kong, who cannot speak, say “Damn son”
Something from today #164 *Me and my friends having a calm argument* Friend: And that’s why I hate it Me: Well your mother then! Friend: … Me: Oh sh!t, I’m sorry, that was too mean, I didn’t mean it, I’m just under a lot right now Friend: It’s cool
Something from today #163 *Me hugging my female friend goodbye* Me: *whispers* I’m going to miss you
*Me hugging my male friends* Me: I’M GOING TO MISS YOU! *Lifts them off the ground*
Something from today #162 Friend: You’re late Me: No I’m not Friend: You said you’ll be here by 7:50 Me: And I am *shows phone to prove it* Friend: Mine says 7:51 Me: Then your phone is wrong Friend: No it can’t be, it’s an Apple Me: Then you’re both wrong
Something from today #161 *My friends are complaining to me about an event the school has organized because I was partly involved in making it* Friend: When are you going to change? Me: The minute you get the d!ck out of your mouth Everyone else: ohhhhhhhhhhh burn! Friend: … you win
Something from today #160 Me: Mum, holla at me if you need anything
-5 minutes later-
Mum: I’m hollering at you!
Something from today #159 Mum: Your sister thought the word jacket was funny Me: Well it is. It is like a jumper you can open Mum: Haha, very funny Sienfeld
Something from today #158 Me: Hey Mum, didn’t you say you’re going to get out of bed and doing something? Mum: Yeah but then I found my book
*Me and my brother have a 2 hour on the PS3/4 rule so we have equal turns and I’ve been playing for 4 hours* Brother: Get off Me: What? Brother: It’s been 4 hours Me: Alright but can I get an extra 20 minutes since I started at 5:20? Brother: You’ve been playing for 4 hours! Me: Ohh yeah
Something from today #157 *Me and my friends playing Uno* Me: Sorry but I have to skip you Friend: You’re not sorry Me: Yeah, you’re right I’m not
Something from today #156 *Me and my friend raising the school flag* Me: *Asks a question* Friend: Why don’t you just Google it? Me: Does it look like I have access to Google here!?
Something from today #155 Friend: Hey look at these *pulls out some cards* Me: What are those? Friend: -_- Me: :D
Something from today #154 Me: Your an a$$hole Friend: … Me: The good kind Friend: ? Me: Like a loveable a$$hole Friend: Ohhh
Something from today #153 Brother: *eating a bag of Dorito’s* Me: Yo, gimme one Brother: Alright *hands me one* Me: What am I? Someone on a diet? Fill me up!
Something from today #152 *Me and my brother arguing about who has to get the drinks for our dinner* Me: I did it last time Brother: Come on, rock paper siccors! Me: Fine! *On the count of rock, both of us flip each other off at the same time* Other brother: *starts chocking on his drink*
@infinityonmeme @jlukeayy
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angelmeat666 · 8 years
My fnaf au, read it if you want :3
Generation 1. ????-1982 The grand opening of circus baby’s pizzeria! The animatronics are quite futuristic and really human like, there’s baby, ballora, Funtime foxy and Freddy! Plus their little pals bidybabs and minireenas. The pizzeria is really fun cause the kids can be entertained by fun fox and fun Fred or exercise with ballora, but the kids absolutely love baby! She can almost do everything like think, learn, teach, play and more. The pizza is delicious too, everything was fine, the animatronics were doing their job until that one day. I don’t know why she did it but baby didn’t want to play anymore, she didn’t want to be told anything anymore, before anybody noticed the little girl was gone and no one knew where she went. She’s dead. Baby killed her but it was an accident, as long as no one knows about this we’ll use something to snap them back to their old selves! Maybe something called “controlled shock” so they can be normal again, their robots anyways they can’t feel pain! But we need to put baby away so she won’t do that to anymore kids ever again.. - The day was great but our night shift always quit, maybe cause it’s too dark? Oh well. We’ll hire a new one and give them a better pay? That’ll probably keep them longer, anyways what will the kids think about baby being gone? Maybe just say she’s out of order, the kids will understand, we’ll just close up for today because it’s really late. The new night shift is here and ready to work! Just gonna lay back and relax and make sure nobody steals anything. CHOMP! Fun fox snapped at his head killing him instantly, the staff found the body but not sure how he died but their just gonna say he had a heart attack. Hire a new one and tell him to be careful this time, the second night shift is here and ready to work but they told him about calling 911 if he needs medical attention, also there was a dead body in the vent.. Have a nice day! The night shift worker was named eggs Benedict, they told him to use controlled shock on the animatronics so they will keep working. But then baby told him about the truth of this pizzeria and how he needs to help them, he helped them and baby just used him so they can escape and live happily. Eggs thought he would live but they took out his guts, his bones, his veins so they can use his skin and be human! It worked for almost a week, they were so happy but then he started to rot. Smelly, yuck, he turned purple and because that colour was inhuman they had to ditch the body and try to find a new one (instead they got their old robot “skin”), but they didn’t know he was still alive and now he’s purple man because of his skin colour, angered fuelled his soul, used then left for dead! Killed 2 innocents! Those rotten robots, evil robots! Purple man wanted revenge, he wanted to get rid of these kind of restaurants so he burned each one (around where he lived) even if those robots in the other ones didn’t do anything, he burned them but what he didn’t know what that there was still children, families maybe in those restaurants. Purple man the killer, hater of kids.. Robots too but he didn’t mean to kill the kids but it was too late to clear his name, his name was in the newspapers but not for a good reason. Purple man didn’t like this but then he ran away where he was never seen again.. Bye u jerk why u kill robots man
Generation 2. 1983-1987 fredbears family diner
Redesigned robots, soft n cuddly animals were better than human robots anyways, ah 4 years without an incident.. Feels nice to not close this one down too :^) fredbear and spring Bonnie were playing their instrument, they played country music which was calming cause it wasn’t too loud for the parents. The kids loved listening to them and sometimes the kids tell the animatronics stories too! They listen, but what the staff didn’t know what that the animatronics could learn, they learn’t how to love, feel, talk, notice things and they developed personalities. Fredbear liked spring but she didn’t notice even when it was obvious, fredbear tried to do things like humans do like making jokes even if he wasn’t programmed to do that, one day these kids were fooling around, fredbear told them to be careful but before he could stop them or make them stop there was a kid locked in his jaws, still singing he bit down and there was people screaming as they watched in horror, blood dripping down from his mouth and the kids trying to free the boy from his jaws. The staff called the ambulance then shut fredbear down and tried to remove the little boy, to be safe they shut spring Bonnie down too but meanwhile the boy was freed and the restaurant had to be closed down fredbear was sitting against the wall with spring Bonnie trying to tell her how he felt before anything happened to them, spring was happy he finally said that but while they were having a moment the staff didn’t know what to do with these learning robots so they shut spring Bonnie off first and put her in the safe room but since fredbear was too heavy to lift they left him alone to rot away, same with spring.
Generation 3 Freddy fazbears pizza! 1999-2006
New and improved animatronics, cuddlier softer and meant to look like plush but still look like animals. There’s Freddy, Bonnie, chica and foxy! They had jobs to let kids know what to do and not to do, of course they needed strict rules so no kids get harmed again. This pizzeria is going great! Freddy singing about pizza. Kids watching from a distance, maybe this pizzeria is gonna go without incidents! (Rip records lol) they even had their own cartoon! It didn’t last long due to budget but still going great, foxy on the other hand sadly lost his balance and fell down off the stage in pirate cove landing on a child only breaking his leg, poor foxy, his eye is broken and his right arm is loose, there’s a hole in his chest from the kids leg going through it, his jaw is busted and some teeth fell out. Yikes I don’t think the staff can fix this one this time, they closed the pirate cove down and said it was “out of order”. Poor old foxy left to rot just like.. Wtf there’s a strange bear in the cove, well shit, I guess they put him there due to space. The years went on and the animatronics are starting to look kinda crappy now, not like how they first started out. Maybe we should give them a reboot? While the restaurant closed and they since they really liked these robots they put them in storage for a bit while they sketch out the reboots, they also put all the furniture away except the boxes full of toys and party hats, while they did that Goldie tried to look for spring but then there was smoke? Where was it coming from? Purple man was setting the place on fire not knowing there was barely anything in there (no windows) Goldie escaped thinking spring would be safe, he was wrong spring burned a little from the fire before the firefighters put the fire out. The fire spread to the trees where purple man was caught in the flames, he died and his soul found a dying spring where he possessed but got trapped in the spring bunny and since he didn’t want to feel trapped he made spring feel trapped in her own body and now with a messed up voice, burned fur and broken a broken eye, spring seems really frightening to the staff and left spring in a new safe room/storage only to develop insanity, depression, trust issues and claustrophobia.
Generation 4 (reboot) 2007-current day
The new reboot looks great! Cute animals are the “it” thing today, the kids love them. Since they have a better build and they can’t loose balance their free to wander and talk to the kids! The parents can book party rooms if the child has a birthday, now there’s two more animatronics, marionette and balloon boy! One gives gifts and the other gives balloons to the kids, the rebooted foxy didn’t last long. She was pulled apart but children because they climbed and tugged on her arms too much, we decided to was best to loosen her arms and legs and make her easy to pull and put back together, she was turned into a building station but it was “for the best”; just like the old fredbears family diner the animatronics learned and grew personalities and they stored memories in their “memory chip” cause at night they turned the pizzeria into a hangout and they talked and are things even if they can’t eat but they found a way to eat anyways lol, one night while hanging out they heard kicking and yelling in the wall? Strange, they went to investigate but the toys were pretty weak so they went and opened the parts and service room and told the oldies to open the door for them and they did with Goldie’s help and there they saw a weird bunny thing, broken ear and burned slightly on one side. He was throwing things and kicking boxes like a little kid but it was literally the only thing he could do in that room, when they opened the door they scared poor spring and he hid behind the boxes like a cat, scaredy cat rabbit they said where spring got mad and came out of the room fast. The first look at the broken bunny kinda sent chills down their backs but then toy chica said “hi” and everyone else did the same and each of them got to know spring where spring was actually a sweetheart, changed attitude at times but he was really nice if you got to know him well, it was nice to watch him reunite with the old gold bear. Lefe is gud.
Generation 4 (never happened yet)
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Full Circle
DISCLAIMER:  This story was written back in 2015 before FNAF 4 came out.  If canon divergence doesn’t bother you, it’s still a fun read.
Title:  Full Circle Part:  1/1 Author:  Murasaki Rose Beta:  none Genre:  Horror/Romance Rating:  PG-13 Spoilers:  Major ones from the third game. Warnings:  Violence, Slash ~i.e. male x male pairings Pairings:  Golden Freddy x Phone Guy
Disclaimer:  Here we go...Five Nights at Freddy's and all related characters are the property/creation of Scott Cawthon.   In other words, they aren't mine and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
Author's Note:  Sequel to - Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down
Flames will be used to keep me warm while I write and will only serve to make me more determined to continue.  (They may also cause me to break out in bouts of maniacal laughter.)  Soooo......come at me bro.
Summary:  The restaurant is gone but they still can't cross over.  Not when HE is still there.  When an old evil is unleashed in a new location, it may provide the key to their salvation.  Will Fazbear's Fright finally grant them the peace they deserve?  Or will Golden Freddy, "Phone Guy", the Marionette, and the children be forced to watch the tragedy of Freddy Fazbear's repeat itself?
Again, MAJOR SPOILERS for the third game.
The sound of playful giggles echoed through the empty restaurant, bringing a smile to the guard's face.  It wasn't often that the children left the suits to have fun.  Suitless, they couldn't go any farther than the main party room or the cove, but it was enough.
Sensing the familiar presence of Golden Freddy behind him, he turned to face the other spirit.  "What is it?"
Golden's form began to flicker wildly, going between the empty suit and that of a twelve year-old child like someone flipping a light switch on and off.  The flickering grew faster and faster until the guard grew nauseous, an impressive feat for someone without a living body, and had to look away.  A sudden burst of energy knocked him back a few meters, disorienting him enough he had to reform his "body".
"Sorry about that," a new but somewhat familiar voice said.
Looking in the direction of the voice, the guard was met with an astonishing sight.   Golden had finally stopped shifting forms...and was now something altogether different.  For the most part, he looked like an adult human though his hair was the same yellow-gold color the suit's fur was and his eyes...at first glance they appeared black, but a closer look revealed that the irises were bright blue.  He was wearing a light yellow dress shirt, yellow-gold slacks, and navy blue dress shoes, bow tie, and top hat-
"You have bear ears."
Wiggling the appendages, Golden grinned.  "But I don't look like a suit anymore."
The guard rolled his eyes, "You don't look like you did when you were ah, alive either."  He'd made the connection between Golden and his young friend, the first of the five to go missing, years ago.
"Hey, I had to wait like...ten years to get you and unlike them, I grew up.  I'm way older than I was back then, so why not look like it."  He jerked a thumb in the direction of the other spirits, "I also think like an adult, but they're still stuck as kids."
A wicked idea crossed his mind and it must have reflected in his expression because the guard was now giving him a wary look.  It was all the warning he had before all 221cm of Golden's new human form tackled him to the ground.
"Adult.  Riiiight."
"I'm young at heart."
"You're impossible," the other groaned.
Laughing, Golden rolled them over and pulled the former guard into the same position they usually rested in, with the shorter man draped across his larger form, head resting on the other's chest. 
Looking down into the smiling face of the other man, Golden felt the urge to try something he'd never had the chance to do before.  He knew it wouldn't be the same as if they were alive, but he wanted-
Gently cupping the smaller man's face with both hands he pulled the unresisting guard into a kiss.
The physical sensations were missing, but the warmth and emotion behind the action was still there.  It felt amazing.
Pulling away just far enough to press their foreheads together, he smiled.  "This okay?"
The guard gave a shy smile in return, "Yeah."
A thunderous crash was the only warning the guard had before four small forms flung themselves at him and Golden, clinging to them for comfort as they trembled in fear.  "What happened?!"
"ThE sUiTs HaVe bEeN BrOkEn bEyOnD RePaIr."
Done speaking, the Marionette appeared before them and raised an arm to point down one of the halls.  Golden looked confused, but the guard-
"Stay here," he ordered, running down the hallway.
"What?!"   That was usually his line.
He knew something was off.  Should have known that HE would find a way out.  Reaching the scattered remains of the animatronics, he knew he was right.  Stepping through a door no one could see and few knew ever existed, he scanned the dark room, his eyes landing on a familiar figure leaning against a wall.
"I knew it was you."
Chuckling, the other spirit, this one clad in the purple guard uniform, gave him a mocking bow.  "You always were the observant one."
He tried not to show how close to home that dig had hit, but judging by the smile on his face, the other knew.
"Haven't you hurt them enough?!"
"Until I'm free, it will never be enough."  He gestured to the rotting Golden Bonnie suit behind him, "and thanks to you, my body is still trapped in that damn thing."
"You want MY pity?  The way I see it, it's your fault we're ALL here," he glared at the purple-clad spirit.  This monster had taken something wonderful and used it in acts so foul the taint never escaped the company.   When he'd found the man's corpse, he and the current employees decided it would make for an ironic sort of justice to leave him there.  He was the one that convinced the uppers to rush the sealing of this room and since they were retiring the spring lock suits, no one asked about the Golden Bonnie in the back.
"YOU!"  Golden roared, startling both guards.   He'd followed the energy of his guard to this room, not expecting to find his killer too.
"I see you still have your shadow."  The purple uniformed guard smirked, "He followed you around like a lost puppy for months.  It was so easy to trick him..."
Golden roared and took a swing at the smug spirit, stopping short when he vanished and the other gold suit jerked.  Dashing between them, the guard placed his hands on Golden's shoulders.  "Let's go."
"But he-"
"Can't leave.  Now that he's broken the others, h-he doesn't have a strong enough anchor to leave the room."  Moving his hands from the spirit's shoulders to take his hands, he gave him a sad smile. "C'mon, the Marionette can't keep them entertained forever."
"No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No damn it!"  They'd found him.  Those damned amusement park people had found the Golden Bonnie suit and brought it here!  If HE had figured out how to move...
The familiar giggle of Balloon Boy echoed the halls confusing the former guard, breaking his train of thought.  'What the hell?'   He went back to the security room where a replica of the light blue night shift uniform was draped over a chair and three of the attraction's employees were checking over the equipment.
"So if this thing starts to move, our night guy can just lure him away with this?" one said, watching another casually flick through the glitchy cameras making a deep feeling of dread come over the spirit.
"That's the idea.  I read that noise attracted these guys," he waved a hand at the box containing the shells of the toy animatronics.  "They were made by the same company, so I bet they all react like that."
"I still don't see how that rotted hunk of junk could possibly move," the lone female commented.
"Dude!  Didn't you read all the lore?"
"Yes, lore," the woman scowled.  "Just because I'm a fan of horror, doesn't mean I think any of this is anything but urban legends gone wild."
"You gotta be kidding me!  This stuff is totally real!"
Closing both panels, the third worker stepped between the other two before they got out of hand.  Again. 
"All right, let's compromise.  Even the boss knows that something freaky was going on with the animatronics.  Remember when he found the employee records and tried calling all the old surviving night guards?"  Both workers nodded.  "Well, none of them would talk about it.  He even tried offering them money to talk and they still wouldn't say anything."  He fixed his over-excited co-worker with a stern glare.  "That doesn't mean that every story about the place is true."  He clapped them both on the shoulders and led them out of the room, "Everything in here is working so let's move to the next room, we've still got a lot to do before the park closes."
"These guys are idiots.  Are you sure we need to do anything?"
The guard gave Golden a warning look, "Yes.  You and I both know HE won't stay ah, idle for long.  He's had nothing to do but practice."
"It's not going to be easy.  None of us have a suit to fight back with."  The others had been trying to move the empty suits but without endoskeletons all they had accomplished so far was popped lights and further strain on the building's already over-taxed electrical wiring.
"Let's hope this guy can keep himself alive until we figure something out."
"No fuckin' way!"  Dodging an arm that came so close it knocked his hat off, the young man was just barely keeping his disbelief from interfering with his actions.  He'd been warding this damn thing off for four nights straight and the over-taxed wiring in the building had finally given in, leaving him defenseless.   There'd barely been time to call 911 before the thing had appeared, peering into the room from the doorframe.  Now the damn building was on fire and a rotted animatronic rabbit was trying to kill him!
Tripping over his own feet, he landed painfully on the ground, gasping for air.   The ventilation was already off and now the fire was taking what little good air he had left!  Rolling over, he looked up and flinched backwards violently, the thing was leaning right over him, its' permanent grin mocking him in his failure.  One huge hand reached towards him when suddenly something large and brown crashed into its' side.   Scrambling to his feet, he saw that the Freddy suit that had once stood outside his office had been what saved him.
"Don't think about it!  Just run!"
With the rabbit getting back to its feet and the fire still an immediate threat, the young man took the voice's advice.  In the hall he could see the fire was spreading quickly and wasted no time heading for the fire exit.
He came to a jerking halt as something grabbed the back of his shirt and hoisted him off his feet, bringing him face-to-face with the molding animatronic.
"NO MORE!" a new voice bellowed just before the rabbit was knocked off its' feet again, sending the guard crashing painfully to the ground.
"They can't hold him off for long, you need to keep running!"   Invisible hands pulled him to his feet.
Not questioning the oddly familiar voice, he took off down the hallway once more.   Above his head, a beam cracked and groaned and he felt two hands push hard on his back sending him rolling to relative safety on the opposite side of the burning beam just as it crashed behind him.
He didn't have time to wonder as flaming debris had caught the sleeves of his shirt on fire when he'd covered his head and now the cheap fabric was rapidly burning.  Tearing it off and scorching his hands in the process, he continued to the fire door and pushed, only for it to rattle in place.  "You have GOT to be kidding me!"  Kicking the door, he could hear the sound of a padlock rattling on the other side.  'Those assholes locked me in!'  He couldn't go back, his path was completely blocked by fire!
"Hold on!" A transparent blue-clad figure passed by him and through the door.  Seconds later the door swung open and he stumbled outside, taking deep breaths of the clean night air.  Looking back at the burning building, he saw a man wearing a dark blue version of the reproduction uniform he'd been wearing.  The man smiled and tipped his duty cap, "See you on the flip side."
Watching him fade away, the young man didn't know what he'd just seen, but he was damn sure it was no hallucination.
The wail of approaching sirens reminded him that he was still too close to the burning building and he stumbled to safety of the boardwalk just as the fire trucks pulled up.
Going back inside, it didn't take him long to find the others, they were standing around the burning remains of the spring lock suit and the murderer it contained.
"You missed it," Golden commented, not taking his eyes away from the corpse.
"Missed what?"
"The light didn't come for him.  Something else did."
The former guard decided it was best he not ask.
Suddenly a bright light pierced the room, so white and pure it made the light of the fire appear almost black.  In this light, the Marionette looked like a child in costume and the four children human, with masks of the suits they once inhabited on their heads.  Smiling, the Marionette ushered the younger ones into the light, beckoning to the guard and Golden.
"Ready?" he asked, turning to face the other spirit who now looked fully human, eyes and ears normal, his height closer to the guard's and a Golden Freddy mask tilted back on his head.
"Yeah," he reached over and took one of the guard's hands.  "Together?"
"I promised, didn't I?" he replied with a smile, wrapping his free arm around the other spirit's waist.  Pushing up on his toes, he connected their mouths in a kiss just as the light enveloped them both.
'I can't believe I'm doing this.'  A few days had passed since the fire and the young guard was still bothered by the events at the horror attraction.  The fire had destroyed almost everything on site, leaving little besides the Fazbear personnel files that the owner had kept at his home.  He'd managed to get his boss to give him the contact information for the guards who'd survived and hadn't gone missing and the list had been depressingly short.  There was one though... the young man felt that maybe this guy...one who had survived a whole week before quitting...he thought that maybe this guy would understand.  So now, just days after being released from the hospital, he was standing like a crazy person on the guy's doorstep.
'No backing out now,' he thought as the door opened revealing a blue-eyed man in his late forties, maybe early fifties.
"Mike Schmidt?"
Blue eyes narrowed in suspicion, they wouldn't be this damn determined.
"I...I know this'll sound crazy....and I won't blame you if you slam the door in my face...but...I think you're the only one I can talk to that won't think I'm insane."
Looking into the young man's eyes, Mike saw something familiar in his haunted gaze.
"You worked at that amusement park."
"Yeah.  I-I was the night guard for Fazbear's Fright."
"Real or an actor?"
"Real," he cringed slightly, "They were going to add me to the attraction...even had a new uniform made so I'd look "authentic" while I worked."  He took a deep breath, "It's gone now.  Everything burned to the ground...including..."  He cut off, not sure if he should continue.
"Come in," Mike moved aside, guiding the shaken man into the living room and pushing him to sit on the couch.
Picking at the bandages still covering his burnt hands, he gave Mike a nervous smile.   "Do...do you believe in ghosts?"  Not waiting for an answer, he continued, "Because, I've met one....and he saved my life."
March 09, 2015
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adobe-outdesign · 7 years
"Charlie" Has Actually Been Sammy This Entire Time (Revamped with Evidence from Both TTO and TSE)
(Revamp of this post, now properly typed out and with tons of evidence.)
(Original theory concept by /u/theGavtel.)
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There were many odd scenes in TSE, but there’s one scene in particular that really seems to have people confused: The ending, wherein Charlie dies via springlocks, then seems to show up at a diner later perfectly fine, only to have John declare that that “isn’t Charlie“. So… what the heck just happened here?
In order to understand this, we need a key moment from earlier in the book. When Carlie confronts William/Springtrap over the kidnapping of Sammy, he says this:
”I didn’t take him, I took you.“
According to William, Sammy is not the child he kidnapped. However, we also know that he didn’t take Charlie - after all, she remembers her dad raising her. But there’s one more key scene to help us out:
”Charlie, this girl looks like you,” he said bluntly.
”Not that much like me.”
”She could be your twin,” Clay said.
Charlie finds a dead body that looks strikingly like her. This isn’t just foreshadowing for her death at the end of the book - it’s spelling out what’s going on.
If you recall, Charlie and Sammy are fraternal twins - Sammy’s never been described, but chances are they look pretty similar. In fact, a quote from TSE directly supports the idea:
Except on formal occasions when Charlie was put into a dress—of which there seemed to be few—it was impossible to tell which baby was which.
They were similar enough that, say, their identities could be easily switched. In other words, what’s really going on here is that the “Charlie“ we’ve been following this entire time has actually been Sammy, who only thinks he’s Charlie.
“But wait!“ you may be saying. “Charlie remembers Sammy being kidnapped!“ But does she really?
If you look back over the scene, you’ll realize that at no point does anyone else confirm which kid was taken. Male pronouns are used for the other child, but that’s only because it’s Charlie’s memory. All she really remembers is her sibling being taken from her.
“But wouldn’t Clay know which kid was taken?“ Guess again:
Clay remembered when Henry had moved to town and began reconstruction of the new restaurant. Someone had told him that Henry had a kid who was abducted several years prior, but didn’t know much else.
Note the lack of gender specified. And at the end of the paragraph:
That was also when Charlie appeared; Clay hadn’t known Henry even has a daughter until that day.
Clay didn’t know Henry had a daughter before then because he didn’t.
In fact, at no point in the entire book does anyone other than Charlie herself tell us which child was taken. For example, those two graves at the end? Glossed over, no name given.
Heck, even the newspaper they look at is carefully handled to avoid giving the gender or name of the child who was taken:
The headline was small, but it was on the front page of the paper on Monday, November 1:TODDLER SNATCHED. Charlie turned away. John began to read aloud, and Charlie cut in, stopping him.
“Don’t,” she said. “Just tell me if it has anything useful.”
[…] She leaned over his shoulder. The story had continued over an entire page inside, with pictures of the restaurant, of the family all together, and of her and of Sammy, though neither of the twins was named in the article.
And check out this delicious piece of foreshadowing with with Clay and Carlton:
“He managed to convince his classmates and his teachers that he had a twin brother, at the school, for the first few weeks of class. I don’t know how on earth he managed it, but I didn’t find out until he got tired of the act and I started getting calls from school that one of my sons had gone missing.”
“But wouldn’t that mean Henry gaslighted Sammy into thinking he’s Charlie? Surely he’s not that bad of a person!“ Are you sure?
Near the back of the book, Charlie came to a Polaroid of her and Sammy together, infants bright red and squalling on their backs, wearing nothing but diapers and hospital wristbands. On the white space below the picture, someone had written: “Momma’s Boy and Daddy’s Girl.”
It’s implied that Charlie was Henry’s favorite - in fact, this may be why William chooses to grab her. In his grief, it’s entirely possibly he made Sammy think he was Charlie to fill the void. Remember how he handled the situation?
Her father never again spoke her brother’s name, and so Charlie learned not to speak it either, as though to speak it would send them back to that time and unravel them both.
[…] She was afraid to even think it, and she trained her mind to shrink from it until she truly forgot, but deep inside she knew it: Sammy.
And let’s not forget his lovely dismemberment of the frog toy in front of Charlie while she begs him not to hurt it. Something was seriously wrong with him.
This also brings the scene at the end of TSE into a new light. It always seemed kind of odd to end on Henry and Charlie laughing at birds - but in this context, it takes on a much darker done, as Henry very intentionally calls “Charlie“ by his dead sibling’s name, furthering the gaslighting.
Speaking of which, Charlotte is a feminine name, but she likes to shorten it to Charlie - possibly because she subconsciously knows “she’s” not actually a girl.
How about evidence in TTO? First off, the heads that Charlie make seem to lampshade this idea, as /u/PuppetGeist pointed out. It’s emphasized during Charlie’s dream sequence with them, as she pictures them crying for her not to leave them, then pictures matted things hanging from the ceiling - the costumes from the room her twin was taken from.
“You,” said the first. Its lips moved to shape the syllable, but never parted. They weren’t made to open.
“I,” the second replied, making the same soft, constrained movement.
“You are,” said the first.
“Am I?” said the second.
“You are Charlie.“ “I am.“ “You are.“ “Am I?“
Or how about when Charlie’s talking with John about Sammy?
“Like I have another self: someone who’s a part of me and is always with me.”
[…] “Then when I learned the truth, and those memories started coming back to me - John, I felt whole in a way I don’t even know how to describe.
That picture John says is of Charlie when she was a very little girl?
A short, chubby girl gave a toothy grin for the camera - minus one tooth. Charlie smiled back at her. “I don’t remember this.“
And, if you needed it spelled out even further, look what happens when Charlie looks into the mirror:
Her refection looked wrong somehow, off, as if it wasn’t herself she saw, but a copy. Someone else dressed as her.
This was what was happening in TTO. The hallucination-based unused pizzeria is the AU version of CBEAR, and it’s also underground - hence how no one knew where it was and why it was connected to Charlie’s house (think SL’s Breaker Room map). The door that Charlie obsesses over, that she feels a heartbeat through towards the end of the book? That’s where the real Charlie has been this entire time - hence why Charlie feels her presence stronger in the hallucination location.
Springtrap says he took the Charlie we know because he doesn’t know that isn’t the real Charlie. And after Sammy-as-Charlie dies, the actual Charlie shows up - because the door opened right before the house collapsed, given her a chance to escape. This is why John says it “isn’t Charlie“ - note how the real Charlie is wearing a dress of all things, while the Charlie we know prefers pants and jeans.
This is also why the dead doppelganger is brought up early on - it’s foreshadowing to there being more than one Charlie, with one of them being dead by the end of the book.
Finally, as I pointed out in this theory, everything in the TSE books parallels the main lore. Remember the message with the box?
Some things are best left forgotten, for now.
We seem to be playing as the Bitten Child in 4 - the noise-making hallucinogenic devices are what gives the Nightmares their appearances, which means the protag must have seen the Bite. However, each night parallels the minigames in terms of gameplay - including Night 6 and 7, the night after the Bitten Child died. Combine that with the hospital items that the Bitten Child couldn’t have seen because he was comatose, and we have to be playing as the Older Brother.
Just like Charlie, he’s repressed his memory of his dead sibling and now thinks he is that dead sibling - which comes to a climax in FNAF 4, the game paralleled by TTO.
Finally, remember how Scott said the “pieces put together“ were in the box and how the Bitten Child is described as “broken“? And how FNAF World has the pieces be the minigame hints, which you put into place to free the kid’s souls?
I have these dreams where I can feel him on the other side of something, like he’s so close to me, but he’s stuck somewhere. Like he’s in a box, or I’m in a box. I can’t tell.
[…] Charlie leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. Locked in a box, a dark and cramped box, can’t move, can’t see, can’t think. Let me out!
TL;DR: William took Charlie. The Charlie we know was actually Sammy this entire time, gaslighted into thinking he was Charlie by Henry. The actual Charlie shows up at the end of TTO after escaping from behind the door, alive and well.
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adobe-outdesign · 8 years
SL Also Heavily Implies the Sister Is the Puppet
(NOTE: Yes, Take Cake does have the voice saying “save him”. However, it’s impossible to deny that the Puppet is mimicking/paralleling the Bitten Child - it looks like him, is posed like him upon death in Mangle’s Quest, and that male child is crying before Purple Guy already showed up. You can interpret that as you wish, but it means that “save him” may not be as literal as one might think.)
So as I pointed out in my previous theory, it’s very likely the Sister possesses the Fredbear Plush. However, if you recall from the good ol’ FNAF 4 days, there were a lot of theories that the Fredbear Plush spirit was the Puppet. So which one’s correct? Easy, both.
Starting off, we have our evidence from FNAF 4 itself concerning the connections between the Fredbear Plush/Sister and the Puppet. For example, the song that the Puppet’s music box plays is My Grandfather’s Clock, about a grandfather clock that stops working when its owner dies. And despite the Fredbear Plush normally appearing on the ground, in one room it appears… on top of a grandfather clock.
Text colors are another hint. For many of the characters, their text color more or less matches their clothing colors - the Brother’s is grey, the Spring Bonnie plush kid’s is green, ect. The Plush’s text color on Night 6 is an ivory color - the same ivory color of the Puppet’s mask.
We also see the Plush present when the Bitten Child dies, implied to be giving him life - the plushies around him fading out one by one, with the golden plush going last. This directly parallels the Puppet giving life in FNAF 2 - masks being added one by one, with Golden Freddy being last.
The Plush also says it will “put [him] back together“, telling him that it will help him. And come Happiest Day, the minigame where the Bitten Child is freed, and who else gives the last cake - but the Puppet child, thus fulfilling their promise of fixing him.
Also note how the Sister’s bedroom in 4 has a tiny Mangle animatronic lying on the ground. In Mangle’s Quest, there’s a massive silhouette of the Puppet itself - making Mangle toy-sized in comparison.
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So what does SL bring to the table? For starters, the Sister possesses Ennard - an animatronic with a shiny while human-like face.
But that’s not our major piece of evidence. Our major piece of evidence comes from the Immortal and the Restless. As I pointed out in this theory, Clara is a parallel to the Sister - blonde hair, “restless“ because she represents a ghost, constantly angry with fits with the “anger is restless“ quote from the trailer, reunites with Vlad in the ending where Michael reunites with his Sister, ect.
With that in mind, remember what happens in Episode 3:
The burning of Vlad’s house is a very obvious parallel to the burning of Fazbear’s Fright. And, if the parallels are to be believed, the Sister was the one who burned it.
Before you try to claim that doesn’t make any sense, think back to 3. There’s only two animatronics left in the attraction save for Shadow Freddy - Springtrap… and the Puppet, who appears in all it’s non-Phantom glory right in the hallway.
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We even see this reflected in the masks in Happiest Day, The main 5 masks fall quickly, but the Puppet’s mask falls much slower - almost like it was hanging around for just a little longer to do something like, say, raze the place to the ground.
Speaking of masks, remember this line from Michael?
“And I found her. I put her back together, just like you asked me to.“
Think back to the FNAF 3 minigames. You free five children. Not six. The Puppet child is there and assists by giving the last piece of cake - but you never do anything to free them. They already have their mask from the get-go. Why? Because Michael already put her back together.
If the Sister is possessing the Plush, that would put the events of SL before the FNAF 4 minigames - and before 2. And what main feature does the Puppet have in FNAF 2?
A mask, identical to the one she sports in Happiest Day. Michael already put her back together, after all. She’s free now.
TL;DR: The Sister is the Puppet. The Puppet and its child have masks because she was already freed by Michael, which is why you don’t give her cake in FNAF 3. She’s also the one who burned Fazbear’s Fright, which is why the non-Phantom Puppet appears in 3.
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