#i will not be strong enough for season 14 I fear
soullessjack · 5 months
Jack parasites in me ……. I need to draw him…..need to see him…. Need to talk about him………
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zepskies · 1 year
Series Masterlist - Break Me Down
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
AN: For those of you who enjoyed “Checkerboard,” here’s the requested prequel series! It’s gonna be a long road to get to that version of Soldier Boy. Technically this is an AU set post-season 3.
Series Tags/Warnings: **Rated M. (18+ only.) Enemies to frenemies to lovers. Angsty, messy, moral quandaries galore. This is a romance, but it’s a dark world with morally gray and dark characters, including Soldier Boy, of course. **Smut, language, misogyny, violence, and other chapter-specific tags.
🎵 Listen While You Read:
BMD YouTube Playlist || BMD Spotify Playlist
Part 1 - The Game Begins
Part 2 - You Move Me, Baby
Part 3 - Somewhere Down Below
Part 4 - On the Inside Out
Part 5 - Morning, Night & Day
Part 6 - A Hot Meal
Part 7 - Until Midnight
Part 8 - Something in the Way
Part 9 - Breach
Part 10 - Caught in the Balance
Part 11 - The Lion's Den
Part 12 - All Your Wicked Ways
Part 13 - A Generous Deal
Part 14 - Safe House
Part 15 - The Tower
Part 16 - Soldier Boy
Part 17 - More Than Words Can Say
Epilogue - All My Living Time
Series Complete!
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Not done reading this version of Soldier Boy x Reader? Well, there's more to their story.
(**Notes 18+ only and/or smut)
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In the Dark You and Ben have tackled the insurmountable together, but no one said the recovery would be easy.
Checkerboard** You’re not a supe. You’re breakable. Soldier Boy sometimes forgets that.
Wanderlust** Your wandering hands are keeping Ben up at night.
Love Actually** Ben gets in late on Christmas Eve with a Grinch-like attitude, but you’re determined to force some holiday cheer into his system.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 - Complete
Wake Me Up** [MINI SERIES] A few weeks after you and Ben celebrate your first Christmas together, he is returning from another mission with the Supe Affairs team. When he discovers that you’ve been taken, he’ll do whatever it takes to find you. And then, to help you heal.
Series Complete!
Strong As Blood** After you accidentally break through a solid wood table, you know there’s something wrong with you. You begin to have your suspicions, but can you keep it from Ben long enough to find out? 
(In other words: This is the story of how you and Ben discover that you’re pregnant.)
Part 1 || Part 2 - Complete
Until Morning A quiet moment between you, Ben, and your newborn daughter.
This One's For You Late one night, finding no other recourse, Ben sings to his infant daughter to help her sleep.
Lesson Learned** There’s only so much teasing Ben is willing to take. He has no choice but to punish you. (Sequel to This One's For You)
Green** Ben spends the day alone with his daughter, to varying degrees of success. When you get home, it prompts a serious conversation.
Calculated Risks You and Ben argue about your commitment to being a working mom. When a rogue supe gets loose at Supe Affairs, mayhem ensues, putting not only your life at risk, but your daughter’s as well.
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Getting jealous.** 💚 Ben needs new clothes, but the shop girls think your boyfriend is fair game.
Ben’s reaction to his girlfriend on her period.❣️ How he takes care of you.
Ben loses you. 💔 Includes a “twist” ending…
Talk to Me 💞 In the wake of his vivid nightmare, you confront Ben about his fears and get him to open up. [Sequel to “Ben loses you.”]
Inspiration behind the Part 17 plot twist. It has to do with my love of Smallville. (Spoilers for BMD Part 17.)
How many kids would you and Ben have? The answer is...
Ben's reaction to his daughter Lila's first crush (vs. his son's). The double standard here is ridiculous!
How Ben would react when Lila gets a boyfriend (or girlfriend). Dad!Ben is pretty much what you'd expect...
How Ben reacts when his daughter (Lila) is dating an asshole. He sees an unfortunately "kindred" spirit.
What if Lila caught Ben on a bad day? Featuring reactions from young!Lila and teen!Lila.
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Moodboard below created by @chernayawidow:
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BMD Playlist Posters:
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"But you move me, baby. All my livin time..."
And Side B:
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"A fight for love and glory, a case of do or die..."
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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gaiusgoose · 8 months
I don’t think we’re seeing Smirke’s 14.5
First, I would like to point out that a lot of the point of season 4&5’s “mechanics” was that the fears are not really 14, or 15 but fingers and toes and eyes and teeth of Fear, the singular entity.
For a time it is helpful, understanding how these things function, like Jon’s smiting or how The Web does The Web things, but that’s like understanding that the nose smells and the brain thinks. Really, it’s a singular thing that humans have tried to understand and simplify, abstract and restrict. It’s wholly possible that in tmagp
Now notice how the current few statements have manifested:
First episode we have some more, fairly usual statements:
- the resurrection one, which I think we can all agree would fall into Stranger + Terminus
- Canary, who is definitely, solidly, Beholding focused.
Yet notice that the resurrection one has a blending of fear subtypes, without any distinct dominant type emerging (imo). See how Canary is a subtlety different interpretation of Beholding then we got before, focusing on a fear of the possibility of being seen and ridiculed and all that, while more classic ones are actually about being watched, the action is done. Overall, these points are stretches, and could fit within tma easily, but I think these subtleties are indicative of what is to come
Because next episode, about the artist, is really confusing from a tma perspective. We start with The Eye, focusing on self image then being streamed to the world, yet moving onto a Flesh esque mania of self reformation, but if they’re becoming something of an avatar (generating that fear in others such as their roommate, not themselves, I have another post on this) then they’re probably closer to becoming a part of the stranger. Essentially, the paints are muddled and we can’t just look at it and say “blue”.
Then with about the same level of muddling is episode 3. He’s clearly spiraling the entire time, delusional and fearful. I won’t chalk up his fear of being caught to the eye, that’s probably not strong enough nor supernatural enough to count imo. But as the statement progresses, he becomes more and more corruption + flesh. Corruption and flesh are often packaged together, even Jane Prentiss was the Flesh Hive, it’s honestly quite hard to escape The Flesh, but again like the resurrection from episode 1 it’s muddled to the point where no fear is dominant.
Finally notice the state of Chester and Norris. While I’m hesitant to jump to any conclusions about them, because we know next to nothing, but I suspect they’re some of the first cases of the stated theme of the show “what makes someone a person.” They’re clearly sentient, but they’re also clearly not wholly human anymore. Are they still people? Dunno.
I suggest that in tmagp we might be seeing emergence of a different categorization. I suspect they’re going to focus much more on identity and the loss of it, like tree man and the artist losing themselves.
So uh yeah
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cnwolf-brainrot · 8 months
03 Turtles - Greatest Fears
At least, as sourced from season 3, episode 14: The Darkness Within. I rewatched this episode, where the turtles are shown some of their greatest fears through hallucinogenic visions, and I decided to hyper-analyze the scenes to a friend of mine who doesn't watch TMNT so now I'm throwing these thoughts here as well. Simply put, these are the visions the turtles are shown: Leonardo: the death of Master Splinter Donatello: the death of Angel (who they were trying to help on this mission) Michelangelo: Leonardo turning against him Raphael: himself as the Shredder
As for why each of these are extremely important, I analyze them under the cut~
Leonardo: Leo holds Splinter's praise so much higher than his brothers do. Leo is the eldest child, the leader, the good student and the role model. He strives to emulate his father in all that he does. However, Splinter's death isn't some distant fantasy that Leo could never imagine; it's a real, stark, bone-deep terror that Leo carries. He's seen Splinter on the brink of death before. They all thought they lost him for a bit during season one. Leo knows his father isn't invincible, and that is TERRIFYING to him. He's the one who his brothers look to for guidance, and Leo looks to Splinter... without his father, EVERYTHING falls on his shoulders, and is he strong enough to bear that? This is further proved by the fact that in the vision thing Leo sees, Splinter rescues him before he dies; he looks to his father for guidance, security, everything... having to lead alone is his greatest fear.
Donatello: Don gets like twenty seconds of screen time and that makes me mad, but what he gets is important. Out of all of his brothers, his is the only vision that's focused on someone other than direct family. Donatello is a people-focused character; he goes out of his way to help others, and constantly throughout the series we see how empathetic he is. It doesn't matter if the focus of the episode is helping a dear friend or a stranger; Donny is the first in line to help. Moreover, he takes every single life they touch personally. This is seen specifically through how he keeps a bond with the homeless population of New York (seen in multiple episodes), how he witnesses the loss of April's neighbor Kirby, and how he spends months trying to find a cure for people who were experimented on by the Shredder (seen in the Underground episodes) even after his brothers have all but forgotten about them. Don is quick to protect people, and when he does he takes every single failure to heart. Failing someone he pledged to help is his greatest fear.
Michelangelo: Mikey seeing one of his brothers, particularly Leonardo, turn against him shows so much of his relationship with his brothers. Mikey's the annoying one, the goofball, the one the others are always teasing to the point its almost mean... but every single one of them would jump to his side in an INSTANT if he was hurt. This isn't just something Mikey "knows", it's something he SEES. Every time Mikey is in trouble, or -- God forbid -- an enemy makes the mistake of THREATENING Mikey, his brothers come out in full force. I can't even reference specific episodes here because it's throughout the WHOLE SERIES. Mikey knows he's annoying, and he knows he gets on his brothers nerves sometimes. But one thing he never has to doubt is if his brothers would be by his side... that is, until they're not. If there's ever something that would push his brothers far enough that they're not there with him, then what would he be left with? His brothers turning against him is Mikey's greatest fear.
Raphael: Raphael. OHHHHHH Raphael. The second Raph's was reveal was the second I decided I needed to type out this rant. At first his is simple; The Shredder walks out and attacks him. Raph fights back, as he always does, but eventually the helmet is knocked off and the Shredder's face is revealed... only it's Raph's face. And this shows us just what Raph is scared of; HIMSELF. Raphael genuinely struggles with anger issues in the 2003 show in a way that's a bit more prominent than in other iterations (my favorite example of this is probably the "what's wrong with me?" from the episode Lone Raph and Cub). He's angry, he's destructive, and he KNOWS this. It's something he's been told and seen for years. He struggles with controlling his anger, and he's had times before when he's lashed out and nearly hurt his brothers. Most of the time he brushes it off and recovers and makes up for it by throwing himself into danger to make sure his brothers aren't hurt. What makes this so heartbreaking is that this Raphael is an absolute sweetheart. He's all brawn and thick skin on the outside, but he's an utter softie; take his interactions with Tyler from Lone Raph and Cub, Mrs. Morrison from Touch and Go, or Ryan from this episode. And that's not to mention his interactions with his brothers!! This Raphael has a huge heart for others, and he has no idea. He genuinely doesn't seem to understand the fact that he's a caring person because he only is aware of his own faults. The fact that he sees himself as this -- their greatest enemy unmasked to see HIMSELF underneath -- shows just how little he knows about who he truly is. Raphael's greatest fear is himself, and that utterly breaks, my heart. Ok I'm done that's just my turtle overanalysis for the day, thank you for coming to my TED talk
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bomikalover · 5 months
Did my yearly rewatch of Austin and Ally (all 4 seasons) and now I’m hyper fixated on it. So I decided to yap my head off on here so if you don’t care for anything A&A specific then just scroll and enjoy my other posts or edits of the stuff you do like 🫶🏾
Anywaysss, why I’m here.
There i said it.
The only one I give slack is Ally’s mom as she mostly lives in Africa for work (I think?? I kinda black out the parents storyline since I’m here for any else but the parents) plus she wrote a book and when she was in Miami with Ally she spent all her time WITH HER DAUGHTER. She gave advice, presents, and even gave her an opportunity to sing at her event which was the event she overcame her greatest fear. She was polite and sweet to all the kids, put effort to talking to them, and getting to known them. We’ve seen her for maybe 2-3 episodes TOPS in the whole show but I never disliked her. Do I think she could have had a talk with her ex-husband and made him work at his own business?? Yes but they spilt for a reason and maybe she was just already mentally clocked out of anything dealing with him…cuz I know I am.
Her dad on the other hand I majorly dislike. He opened a business just to leave in the hands of his only daughter between ages 14-18 while she was already occupied with school and then her career as an artist. Plus she had friends and a young life that she wanted to live. Fortunately Ally was lucky her 3 friends stuck around all day in Sonic Boom helping out and hanging there instead of completely leaving Ally out since she was constantly busy with work.
He was also extremely cheap. Like being cheap with urself is fine but with ur daughter is a whole nother thing. Like when he gave her emergency funds for when she went to go on tour with Austin and she actually needed it as she was stranded in an unknown state. Just to find out that her dad only gave her $6 and an expired coupon. She once again was on her own and performed for her own well-being.
And he was also unsupportive of Ally sometimes. Like in the first episode when he said that she had one in a billion chance of making it into the music industry. (Austin’s dad said that as well, but we’ll get to him later) WHAT?! Is it so hard to be supportive of ur daughter. (He does support her in future episodes but for me it’s says a lot that the first impression we get of her father is that he’s unsupportive and only wants her to run the family store)
Speaking of no support and forcing their child to follow their footsteps…Mike and Mimi Moon.
They also came out the bat being unsupportive but seemed to care enough to not force Austin to work at the Mattress Kingdom. But they heavily offered the job every time something went slightly off course with Austin’s Career. (Him getting vocal nodes or when he chose loving Ally over his career that he’s been passionately working on for years)
Both of A&A’s parents were just letting their kids travel by themselves or go on tour by themselves. (It’s EXTREMELY common for parents to be MIA in kids tv but these rubbed me the wrong way) like we rarely saw Mr.Dawson at Ally’s performances Vice versa with Austin and his parents. It took Austin having to go the doctors or Ally moving away super far to accomplish her goals to get their attention.
I’m not surprised Auslly has such a strong unbreakable bond when they’re two only children with neglectful parents who are unsupportive of their dreams. They have no one to relate to and share the passion with beside each other. They both have best friends that have been in their lives YEARS before each other yet Auslly talk of each other as if that’s all they have is each other. (Side note: the way Auslly write their songs make me question how much stuff they truly went through together. Like “You can come to me” lyrics are so sweet and intimate but also so deep but it’s extremely evident that they are singing these lyrics to each other and only each other. Like they surpassed hurdles that Dez and Trish weren’t there to surpass with them. I wonder how much of Auslly we haven’t seen and will never see.)
Dez and Trish aren’t only children like Austin & Ally. Dez has a (older?) sister and Trish has a little brother. Both their families seemed extremely happy, loving, and outwardly supportive of them…I can’t say the same for Austin and Ally.
I could go on and on about this topic alone but I’ll spare your eyes from all the reading and stop yapping. But I’ll gladly talk about all my other thoughts about certain A&A things. Like the Auslly dynamic in a whole, why Austin’s passion for music is so strong, or even why Trish can’t keep a job.
But that’s a yapper-sation for another time.
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learning that Ehwa is best girl to you is interesting - I don't disagree but this is a great excuse to ask for some Ehwa propoganda
justify yourself
You don’t know what you’ve wrought upon yourself
Part 1: Personality
Ehwa hits the great mix between confident and strong as well as naïve and compensating. Due to her status as the only Yeon daughter for the next eighty years, Ehwa obviously has a lot of burdens placed on her, something we see early on in the season. The struggles of trying to live up to her family’s expectations plus the complex she has about her “defective” powers means she puts on the front of a noble and strong headed woman so that her weaknesses can be covered up.
However, the thing is, Ehwa is never actually cruel. In Trustworthy room, the only people she tells off is Prince and Viole, and even then, she still attempts to get to know Viole. As the arcs progress, Ehwa gets nicer and nicer due to her emotional needs being met thanks to S&S. By Hell Train, she’s simply just a good person, meanwhile even now Endorsi still struggles with her temper and Yuri recently just committed genocide (not to say this makes them bad characters though).
I also really love Ehwa’s childish side. We know that Ehwa entered the tower at only age 14, and that her previous life in the Yeon family gave her very little support (aside from her “Mama”). Just like Khun, Ehwa is a person whose childhood was stolen from her, and thus her emotional growth was stunted. As she becomes closer with S&S, she stops maintaining appearances and starts acting more like a girl her age. It becomes especially pronounced when she meets Rak, as she really loves reptiles, and starts following him around.
Part 2: Powerset
While there are many cool abilities in ToG, one of my favs is the Yeon flame. The idea of a living flame existing inside someone, and the fact that it could take control when the user is put under enough stress is super cool.
This is shown to great effect in Ehwa’s fight against Angel, when her childhood trauma and current emotional disturbance causes the Yeon Flame to take front seat in controlling the body while Ehwa dissociates or something. She went from struggling against Angel, to no diffing her in an insane boost of power, especially since said power allows her to fly, something stated to be very difficult for Regulars as it requires extreme shinsu control. SIU himself even said that when Ehwa masters her power, she’ll have abilities that can put even Ran to shame (y’know, one of the most talented Khun family members)
Also, unlike some other powers, Ehwa’s undergoes development. At the beginning, Ehwa suffers from power incontinence, having it leak out when her emotional state becomes turbulent and uncontrollable when using it. When Horyang and Viole, the rocks of team S&S are gone, Ehwa starts worrying about hurting her other teammates. However, instead of being able to learn to control her powers from this fear, she instead learns due to her desire to protect them, allowing her to take out the parasite Beta had. Finally, when up against Angel, all the turbulent emotions she feels leads to an explosive rise in power, but only for a few minutes.
Ehwa still has a ways to go in mastering her power, and the moment when she’s able to utilize her full potential while being in control will certainly be an amazing scene
Part 3: Development
Ehwa starts off as very alone and without confidence in herself. This stems from an incident in her childhood, when she was about 4 or 5, when she accidentally burned one of her maids alive. The people around her, instead of consoling her, praised her for her talent, which led to a complex about her powers. She feels the need to be useful to her family and live up to their expectations, but she’s also afraid of hurting people close to her.
During Trustworthy Room, she starts off as very prickly due to the pressure she feels about passing the test. Yet even so, she still remains naïve in that she takes a drink from Prince as well as hoping to become good-natured acquaintances with Viole. Ultimately, she doesn’t get to do much and is then left with a team she had no real say in, but she still sticks with them anyways.
By the 21st floor, Ehwa has sort of gotten used to her position in S&S. She’s still very hotheaded, and tends to blow up when either Wangnan or Viole are involved. However, then we get a look at her deeper insecurities when she talks with Arkraptor. Ehwa calls herself defective, unable to control her own power and needing to rely on Viole to stop herself. The 10 Families promote division amongst themselves, so for Ehwa, relying on others is extremely difficult. But even so, Arkraptor consoles her by saying that whatever her trouble's are, they aren't any worse than what everyone else is going through. Her power incontinence is just a hurdle she can overcome, and until that happens, its perfectly fine for her to rely on Viole and her other teammates.
After the Flower of Zigena, Ehwa is left in a depressive state over the actions her family has taken. I pointed it out in a separate post, but Ehwa doesn't look like she's surprised her family was corrupt, but more that she was trying to avert her eyes from the truth. It’s only when Hwaryun points this out to her that Ehwa declares that she will accept the 10 Families mistakes and then fix them (Fun fact she never wears the Yeon flower and gems in her hair after this).
This is also when her relationship with Viole changes. At first, she saw him as just a bad person, which makes sense, he is part of a terrorist organization targeting her family after all. However, it’s through getting to know him and the sins that her family has committed that Ehwa realizes why someone like Viole is necessary. Her feelings evolve from just a simple crush to a genuine admiration of his courage and charity.
While Ehwa doesn’t have much focus during Workshop battle, we still see her growth in learning to control her powers in order to protect her friends. There’s also a nice line of set up from Quaetro about her powers that will be the basis for her character development in Hell Train. “Who would listen to someone who’s afraid of herself?”
In Hell Train, Ehwa is pitted against Angel, an illegitimate child of the 10 Families. Angel received no love in her childhood, not even from her mother, and was eventually given away because she had some talent. This contrasts with Ehwa, who was born with loads of talent and received a lot of doting as a kid. However, the doting Ehwa received ultimately ended up harming her due to the callous nature in which they praised and pushed their expectations on her.
During the beginning of their fight, Ehwa can barely stop Angel. As she’s running away, all she can think about is how so many people failed to teach her anything about her flame. She can’t believe that she was flame itself from the moment she was born, because to her, the destructive flame she possess is in conflict with her own kind nature.
It’s only when Angel kills Hongjo, someone who had been kind to Ehwa up until then and even attempted to protect her, that Ehwa comes to the realization of what those words really mean. Her rage overtakes her to the point that the Yeon flame has to take control, in the process losing her own self. As a defeated Angel watches Ehwa continue to use her flame, as the audience we’re meant to feel fear and sadness that Ehwa is losing herself like this. It’s no coincidence that this moment comes about in front of Bam, who had just previously lost his mind to the Thorn.
Ehwa is only able to regain her sense of self when Bero Bero crashes into and starts yelling at her. Bero tells her she needs to take responsibility for her power, responsibility that no one else in her family will take. As these words sink in, Ehwa is reminded of her “Mama”, a loving maternal figure who told her the same thing.
Ehwa’s character growth stops about here, mostly due to her exiting the story, however we still see her through the Name Hunt Station arc. At the beginning, Ehwa is removed from Team Sweet and Sour and placed with Bam, Wangnan recognizing her skill and believing she can keep herself alive as she stays with Bam. Ehwa is incensed by this, even running up to Bam and telling him to make Wangnan change his mind, and when Bam says otherwise it shocks her. Ehwa wants to stay with everyone, but due to the difference in abilities she can’t. She now has to take responsibility for protecting herself first and foremost.
This is her mentality when going into the fight against Karaka vs Yuri. She still wants to continue despite being badly injured cause if she didn’t, it meant she left Team S&S for nothing. However, she ends up getting put into a hostage situation, and at that moment instead of thinking about her own well being, she thinks about how to save Bam. She ultimately sacrifices herself, but she does so with a smile, telling Bam that it will be okay. She went from distrusting Viole due to his FUG ties to implicitly trusting Bam to keep moving on to protect more people.
As sweet as this moment is, it’s also the greatest tragedy to happen to Ehwa. Her removal from Team S&S and then her loss at NHS, makes it so that Prince and Arkraptor die, and she remains completely unaware. The family that accepted her as she was became broken all without her knowing. If Ehwa had been with them, there’s no doubt in my mind that at least one of them would have survived, her Yeon flame wouldn’t allow for anything else. Instead, her absence sealed their fates. The responsibility she had towards protecting them is now destroyed.
When Ehwa finally reenters the story, I have no doubt that her arc will focus heavily on the fallout of losing Prince and Arkraptor.
It’s also interesting that she was kidnapped by Revolution, the group whose goal it is to reform the Ten Great Families. If we wanna get wild, Ehwa might become the new Yeon Family Head candidate.
That’s about all I have to say aside from gushing about how pretty she is, but I’ll let that happen during the S2 anime.
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slymewizard · 1 year
IF ANY OF YALL HAVENT WATCHED ADVENTURE TIME OR STOPPED PARTWAY THROUGH AND WANNA BINGE IT BEFORE FIONNA AND CAKE ENDS NEXT WEEK HERES A LIST OF EPISODES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT! (And a few that are just good to watch in general) (Adventure Time lore is dense and filled with references to previous episodes so theres a lot to cover even cutting out unimportant ones. Start as soon as possible so you guys can finish in time for thursday)
Season 1: The Enchiridion, Ricardio, My Two Favorite People, Evicted, What is Life, Ocean of Fear, Freak City, Henchman, Finn Meets His Hero
(9 episodes)
Season 2: It Came From the Nightosphere, The Real You, Death In Bloom, Susan Strong, Go With Me, The Limit, Mortal Folly, Mortal Recoil
(8 episodes)
Season 3: Memory of a Memory, Too Young, Wizard Battle, Fionna and Cake, What Was Missing, The Creeps, Beautopia, Holly Jolly Secrets (parts 1 and 2), Dad’s Dungeon, Incendium
(11 episodes)
Season 4: Hot to the Touch, Return to the Nightosphere, Daddys Little Monster, In Your Footsteps, Sons of Mars, Burning Low, Lady and Peebles, You Made Me, I Remember You, The Lich
(10 episodes)
Season 5: Finn the Human, Jake the Dog, Jake the Dad, All Your Fault, Bad Little Boy, Simon and Marcy, Puhoy, Be More, Sky Witch, Frost and Fire, Too Old, Earth and Water, The Vault, Play Date, The Pit, Apple Wedding, Blade of Grass, Rattleballs, Betty, Lemonhope (Parts 1 and 2), Billys Bucket List
(22 episodes)
Season 6: Wake Up, Escape From the Citadel, The Tower, Breezy, Something Big, Joshua and Margaret Investigations, Is That You, The Cooler, Evergreen, Astral Plane, Gold Stars, The Visitor, The Mountain, Dark Purple, Jermaine, You Forgot Your Floaties, Orgalorg, On The Lam, Hot Diggity Doom, The Comet
(20 episodes)
Season 7: Bonnie and Neddy, Varmints, Mama Said, Stakes (Parts 1-8), The More You Moe the Moe You Know, Kings Ransom, Crossover, The Hall of Egress, Flute Spell
(16 episodes)
Season 8: Broke His Crown, I Am A Sword, Bun Bun, Normal Man, Elemental, The Music Hole, Preboot, Reboot, Two Swords, Do No Harm, Jelly Beans Have Power, Islands (Parts 1-8 except maybe 2)
(18 episodes)
Season 9: Orb, Elements (Parts 1-8), Abstract, Ketchup, Fionna and Cake and Fionna, Whispers, Three Buckets
(14 episodes)
Season 10: The Wild Hunt, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Seventeen, The First Investigation, Jake the Starchild, Temple of Mars, Gumbaldia, Come Along With Me
(8 episodes)
(136 episodes total, 143 episodes skipped, approximately 25 hours and 40 minutes total)
None of Distant Lands is SUPER necessary but I recommend watching all of them.
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chibrary · 5 months
ARTICLE: "The plane journey that convinced Ferrari on Leclerc" (Autosport Plus, 2018)
While Ferrari is doing all it can to help minimise the pressure - with boss Maurizio Arrivabene saying this week that the only goal for next year is for Leclerc to gain experience and 'absorb' the tricks of the trade - there is a feeling that in reality it secretly expects much more.
To realise why that is, you have to wind back the clock a little and understand that the decision to sign Leclerc was not some spur-of-the-moment call forced upon Ferrari because it was in a rush to sign somebody.
Ferrari made its decision on the eve of the Italian Grand Prix to pick Leclerc over Kimi Raikkonen not because it had to, but because it wanted to.
Leclerc's speed was obvious. The need to potentially shake up the internal dynamic at Ferrari was real.
And those fears about it being too early for Leclerc, of a young man not able to cope with intense pressure and at risk of being burned out and thrown onto the scrap heap before he hit his peak? The team management's minds had already been put at ease on that front.
It is often said that the qualities of an individual are found not when they are celebrating success, but when they have to pick themselves up from the bad moments.
And in Leclerc's case, it was the way he was able to cope with the death of his father in 2017 that proved a defining moment in convincing Ferrari that he had all it takes to deal with the pressure of racing for the Prancing Horse.
For someone who was as close to his father as Leclerc was, that loss last year was deeply painful. And, coming in the middle of an intense battle for the Formula 2 crown, it could have been enough to trigger a loss of concentration and a drop in form.
But amid all the personal heartache Leclerc was suffering, Arrivabene recalls meeting him on the Ferrari charter flight to Baku that week, and how the youngster's attitude there left him in no doubts about his star qualities.
"I asked him how he was after losing his father a few days before," explains Arrivabene. "He replied that he wanted to win the race, and then go home for the funeral. That is exactly what he did.
"If a guy can handle these moments, I do not think that he will have problems adjusting to the pressure of F1."
Leclerc has spoken openly about how the emotional rollercoaster of that weekend - the crying in the helmet after he took pole position and then the wins - meant those were days where he grew up a lot.
It is important to remember though that Baku was not the first time in his career Leclerc has faced supreme challenges. He knows full well how to keep his head under control when things are not going the way he may have hoped.
There was the risk as he started out his career of being unable to continue karting because the funds were drying up. Only a bit of help from his brother Lorenzo's best friend, Jules Bianchi, in convincing Nicolas Todt to try to help, made the difference.
Even today Todt remembers a very nervous Leclerc being dressed in a super smart black suit for their first meeting... and impressing throughout.
Then there was the difficult time in the middle of his 2015 European Formula 3 campaign. Taking a seat in the Van Amersfoort team that Max Verstappen had shone so strongly for in '14, Leclerc began the season in fine form with a series of wins in the first half of the year.
But something - most likely related to a senior engineer departing mid-season for personal reasons - changed within the team and Leclerc found himself suddenly on the back foot over the second half of the year. Where once he was battling in the top three week in and week out, suddenly he was fighting to be in the top 10.
Leclerc had to dig deep to try to recover; find answers about what had gone wrong, as he came home fourth overall in the standings.
But a super strong showing in Macau, where he finished second right behind winner Felix Rosenqvist, suggested he had kept his focus and unlocked the answers that were needed.
That time also marked Leclerc's arrival in the Ferrari Driver Academy, which helped him both progress as a driver and also show more evidence that when the intensity and pressure increase, he just gets better.
As manager Todt recalls: "Ferrari has helped him in many ways. Physical, mental preparation and also the contribution of the simulator played an important role. Of course, even more pressure has come, as is normal when you are part of the Ferrari world.
"But we have found that the greater the pressure that Charles is subject to, the greater his performance on track. That is a fundamental aspect, because today in the paddock I think that all the drivers have excellent sporting skills. But what makes the difference is the head, and on this front Charles I think is very solid."
Vettel will not be unaware of how fast and how mentally strong Leclerc is. Even if he hadn't seen it for himself, he has probably been told well in advance by Arrivabene why Ferrari is convinced it has the right man.
Did that prompt Vettel's recent suggestions that it will be important that the pair of them work together - rather than against each other - for the good of the team? Is he seeing a shift in the sands at Maranello as things will be different to how they were with Raikkonen? Only Vettel knows the answer to that.
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ordinaryschmuck · 11 months
Bob's Burgers Halloween specials ranked
(Because screw it, why not?)
11. Tina and the Real Ghost--This one's more awkward than funny. I honestly feel bad for Tina for falling in love with an empty box...and grow to hate Tammy for being so petty to steal the box away from her. Even the B-Plot of ghost hunters in the restaurant isn't all that funny. Honestly, the funniest bit is when Bob's unexpectedly swarmed with bugs after a brief moment of cockiness. Other than that, pretty weak episode.
10. The Wolf of Wharf Street--PROBABLY the most irresponsible Linda's been with the kids and Bob believing Teddy's a werewolf was a bit of a stretch. Still, some spooky atmosphere carries this one a bit, so I can't hate it THAT much.
9. Apple Gore-chard! (But Not Gory)--There need to be more episodes with Louise and Jessica. Their friendship is easy and cute in a lot of moments. Anyways, as for the episode, it's pretty standard. Some REAL Halloween stuff doesn't happen until half way through and the jokes aren't all that funny. There's barely any attention on the lesson, making it feel more like a waste of time if anything else. It's just Louise and Jessica's friendship that carries things if anything else (Seriously, MORE of that)
8. Pig Trouble in Little Tina--A great episode about peer pressure and with a fun subplot about Bob's gross ear wax. It's just that none of it screams HALLOWEEN to me. There's some spooky imagery, but a lot of this episode feels like something that could happen in ANY episode, especially Bob's subplot. Great episode, but not so great of a Halloween special.
7. Heartbreak Hotel-oween--This one's cute. That's all I can say.
6. Teen-a Witch--Tina trying to be a witch is more cute than it should be, even if the jokes aren't strong with this one. Thankfully the subplot of Bob obsessing over who's stealing his jack-o-lanterns is funny enough to carry it.
5. The Pumpkinening--Weird title, but it's an episode with Gayle. They're naturally weird, and this one's no exception as Linda and Gayle hunting down who knows that they smashed pumpkins from a contest. Add that with a warm ending and a great subplot of Bob dealing with the stress of being a house with GOOD candy, and you got something fun.
4. Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street--The kids hunting down a candy kidnapper is fun and Bob and Teddy trying to show up an impressive handyman has some good laughs to it. Solid special.
3. Full Bars--It's always fun seeing the Belcher kids use their brand of chaos to do something good. The only thing that drags it down is the guinea pig murder mystery. Some good jokes are there, but I can't help but cringe as Teddy ruins his own party and the payoff isn't all that funny. That credit scene where Bob danced in the fat suit for Linda was cute as shit, though.
2. Fort Night--The introduction to Millie, and a great one at that as she tortures the kids who are in a situation that's...way more dangerous than you think in hindsight. They really were that close to death, huh? Still, a pretty empathetic episode as we all know there's no worse fate for a kid than missing Halloween and you REALLY want them to get out. And I'm sure some parents can relate to Bob and Linda's plight to make a costume for their kids and the payoff for this one is pretty good.
1. The Hauntening--A genuinely creepy and intense special for this show, where the jokes don't take away from the scares but add to them. This really feels like how these characters would react to a horrifying situation, making you fear for their lives even more. And even the big twist in the end doesn't ruin the episode, but adds to it, showing how much this family cares for each other and how much they'll do to make one of them happy. They might have gone a LITTLE far, but it's in that gray area where you can accept it. Being sweet and spooky is no other combination you can get from any other show except for this one, and I love it.
And that's all. Well, for now. Season 14 hasn't had its Halloween special yet. It's probably pulling a Simpsons and waiting until November for some reason. And I'm not waiting until then. This is the Halloween Special on MY blog, so there. Happy Halloween.
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a-dumbass-jester · 6 months
Yttd x tma au!!
The main post with plot an a full explanation and story.
{Part one} (it’s much more bref there, this is much more in depth and organized)
This focuses more on the dummies bc I love them but I also think that theme of loss of humanity fits well with them {this post will have a lot to do this them and their plot}
{Art I drew}
Words: ~4,500
- Overview -
Sara Chidouin - The End
Midori - The Web
Sue Miley - The Spiral
Tia Safalin - The Dark
Rio Ranger - The Stranger
Shunsuke Hayasaka - The Eye
Hinako Mishuku - The Desolation
Anzu Kinashi - The Stranger
Ranmaru Kageyama - The Lonely
Mai Tsurugi - The Slaughter
Naomichi Kurumada - The Extinction
Q-Taro Bugerburg - The Hunt
Megumi Sasahara - The Corruption
- Intro -
So to start yttd aligns with tma a lot actually!! First off chapter one had a very strong paranormal theme to it, as well a lot of manifestations/themes that the entities had though out the game. The most obvious because the dolls (stranger) and death (end)
The timeline fits to!! The death game happens April 2017, which is a few months before The Unknowning, around/mid season three(3). The change happens October 2018 which is enough time for the plot.
In case you are here for yttd and don’t know anything about the Magnus archives, tma is a horror fiction podcast where there are 14(now 15) fear based entities/gods, that feed of of peoples fear. And occasionally instead of fearing an entity, some people ‘sympathize’ with it. Becoming an vessel or avatar for it instead. I don’t think you have to worry about not having context to tma because I think I did a pretty good job explaining it. if you are confused a quick Google search will probably answer your questions. I even linked the entities wiki page if you quickly want answers. If you are interested in tma or even just a specific fear but don’t wanna listen to a 200 episode podcast, this is a rlly good playlist explaining the entities.
- Asunaro -
So basically everything is the same except that yttd and tma take place in the same world. I can see asunaro being like the Magnus institute in how it serves the eye, I can see it serving an entity as well, but instead of it being one entity, there’s different parts that are dedicated to different ones, because there’s a few asunaro matches with, the most obvious one is The End, also known as Death or Terminus, is well death. Considering their focus on death and a full on death game makes it fit quite well. I can also see The Web or the Mother of Puppets playing a part because as we see a few times (especially in the mini episodes) they try to control the participant’s lives like how they framed Alice for murder. but also in the way they had the ai simulations. They knew every way it could play out, everyone’s chance at survival, what they do when threatened with death, what they do when they’ve lost everything, playing with them like puppets. Due too asunaro’s assassin history in Kai’s backstory I can see them connected to The Slaughter as well. I don’t think asunaro would have started out serving an entity. The would’ve done what they did in cannon and then found out they exist and that they aligned with some of them and ended up here. The entities that helped them realize that would’ve been The Eye and Stranger. When they started stalking the future participants they caught the attention of The Eye, also know as the Ceaseless Watcher or Beholding. It started to let asunaro use it to get information. The doll thing was also an accident. They started to make the dolls to help with people mourning loved ones like in cannon, but got influenced by The Stranger or the I Do Not Know You and started replacing them entirely, and make them look a lot less human, and leaning into uncanny valley. like something was wrong but you just don’t know what.
- Asunaro’s Employees -
While I know Sara isn’t an employee, her existence still plays a massive part with The End and the company. Like I mentioned in my original post I rlly like the idea of her being deified by asunaro. So I can see her playing a similar role to Angus. Her father was fascinated by The End and very early on he started to raise her for it. Asunaro quickly caught on and was more than happy to help. So along with raising her to be perfect for the death game, They raised her to be the perfect vessel for The End. She didn’t become an avatar until during the death game. They kept her from becoming an avatar before then. She was heavily marked by it, but they wouldn’t let The End take her before that point. So when it did make her an avatar it was very sudden, and all at once. The entities were kept a secret for her entire life, so when she started getting the dreams of how the still alive participants would die during the game, she just dismissed them as simple nightmares what came with trama. But then those dreams actually happened. How she saw them die in the dreams is how they ended up dying in the game. And then the roots showed up. She saw the way death wrapped around everyone in a way only she was able to see. By the end of the death game She becomes The Ends main avatar. She goes from a sort of death prophet to Death incarnate as It and Asunaro takes more and more. She becomes their Angel of death.
I don’t have to much of an explanation for this one. But i remember someone calling him the puppeteer doll, and that he kinda messes with people like puppets or play things, so I think it lines up with The Mother of Puppets. That and I think a simple basic kind of fear would work well with him. I could see him using spiders to subtly scare people, especially the people he’s close with like Shin. He is the reason Shin had an encounter with The Web in high school. I can see him as the head (or at least someone higher up) of The Web section/avatars. He became an avatar rlly young. He had always rlly liked The Web and With his connection to Asunaro he was able to connect with it, and commonly used it to mess with people. Even as a little 5 year old.
As I mentioned here she’s the perfect avatar for The Spiral, also known as The Distortion or The Great Twisting, If not a victim of it. In the game she gaslights people into thinking that their loved ones death was their fault, and she was also driven mad by asunaro. Due to The Distortion also having a theme of hallucinations, the ones we see in game would have been her doing, or at least part of it. This next part is a bit unimportant but I wanna include it anyway, I hc backstory is that she’s Mai’s sister and was taken from them at a young age under the guise of letting her research more of the disturbing stuff that she was interested in. They framed her death and changed her last name. Slowly they started desensitizing her, as she slowly got used to stuff like death and suffering. As well as loveboming her, stuff that can be used by The Spiral. That overall theme fits The Spiral to me. She becomes an avatar as an adult, when she goes mad in cannon. And actively used The Distortion during the death game. Like I mentioned earlier, she used the hallucinations to drive people mad, and made them spiral as much as possible.
I originally assigned her The Dark also known as The forever Blind or Mr Pitch, because of the way tma blended science and religion with it specifically with Manuela Dominguez. I can even see her playing a similar role. Ok I have to be honestly I don’t have a lot for this one. I just rlly like the idea of Dark!Michiru. I can maybe see her becoming an Avatar trying to escape an entity. she was a researcher and maybe fell victim to The Ceaseless Watcher, and in a way to stop it she gouged her eyes out to sever her connection to it, and in the process fell into The Forever Blind. Also I’ll get into this when I talk about Hayasaka (in the dummies section) but I like the idea of her serving The Dark while he serves The Eye, two(2) entities known to hate each other. But anyway back to the eye thing, Hayasaka and Emiri helping her after literally going blind. And still being blind during the game and using a cane, and often using the dark during it as well. But yea I just rlly like dark!Michiru.
I’ll get into him a bit more with Anzu, but this happens after the death game. Where he is rebuilt and finds out about Sei and has a bit of an identity crisis. That along with the doll thing makes him end up falling into The Stranger. He and Anzu got close after the game. They bonded over liking to dress up/costumes and preforming. Anzu even got him to become a clown. So when Asunaro pushed her into The Stranger he followed, and went on a similar arc as she did.
Obviously like I said earlier Mr Chidoun serves The End. I know there’s a theory that he and Meister are the same person but going purely of of Meister I can see either Web or Stranger. Web because of his association with Midori, and probably Stranger because of the doll thing, l can imagine him leaning into uncanny valley, he also looks a lot like Nikola, like if Meister was a clown. Kai was almost an slaughter avatar, and by almost i mean it’s what asunaro wanted, but he couldn’t actually fit it. I don’t rlly have one for Gashu actually. Maybe Stranger because he makes dolls? I can also see him leaning into uncanny valley, but that’s literally it.
(Reminder that this post is important for this section)
The dummies overall story: so it’s the beginning part of that^ post where Midori was fucking around and put their human souls in their dolls and ais. It worked and after the death game they rebooted and rebuilt them. This is where it starts getting a bit different. They were still experimented on, trying to find the exact differences between Human and doll. However this time they are more focused on turning them into avatars. Anzu and Hinako were the easiest, all they needed were a slight nudge and they would keep falling whether they wanted to or not. Ranmaru, Hayasaka and Mai were more difficult. They aligned well with an entity, however they clung to their humanity much more than Anzu and Hinako did. They did eventually fall with a big enough push. Kurumada was the hardest to deal with. First off he didn’t actually align a whole lot with one specific entity. He had some connection to two(2) or three(3) entities, but not enough to become an avatar. They did eventually find one but it wasn’t even fully formed, they had to push even harder.
In order of when they became avatars
{important} As I mentioned in my Og post Hayasaka Is PERFECT for The Eye. On the wiki page, it says The Ceaseless Watcher fears are focused on being watched, Having secrets revealed, Horrible knowledge, Being exposed and judged, which works VERY well considering he was the one to watch over the rest of the participants. Before his memory’s were erased for the death game, he knew everything about everyone, he’s watched them all for a few years now. The Eye had originally marked him in high school, teasing him with the knowledge thing it has. he didn’t follow it because he didn’t know what it was yet. When he started working for Asunaro and they told him to start stalking the participants, it came back, and it loved him. He fit so perfectly, it couldn’t help itself. Hayasaka hated it. He rejected it for a while, until a few months in Michiru helped him get used to and accept it. Overtime he got more and more comfortable with it. He does become an avatar before the death game. So he has access to The Eye during it. I’m imagining him getting hungry at some point and tries to get a Statement, and ends up going to kurumada and asks him about his encounter with The Buried from when he was in high school. In which after he finishes he freaks out and almost blows up at him, but Hayasaka stops him and explains everything. I would also like to mention that he also acts a lot different during the game now. Going back the the {important} thing, he was much colder and assertive The Eye didn’t let asunaro erase his memory, so he remembered everything anyway. It’s also what tipped asunaro off to what Midori did, because like why does Hayasaka act exactly how he did as a human, and not his ai self. And why does he still know everything. The Ceaseless Watcher also told him what Midori did. And he tried to tell the others about it as well. Especially the other dummies because 1. He genuinely wanted them to know about what actually happened, and that they are really them and not an ai copy, and 2. He wanted to bring them together, so that had each others backs. ‘We are in the exact same position, let’s work together’ they helped each other get used to everything as well.
She started becoming an avatar a little bit before the Death game. Midori recognized that she had a lot of potential for The Desolation. So he started leading her down that path with getting her to go after and  destroy the people who hurt her/people she dislikes. Slowly she became more and more destructive. It ended up real bad after the game. She knew exactly what asunaro did to her. How they destroyed her life and took everything from her. The sheer anger that she felt. She sought out to harm the people that did that to her. After that had started she began to spiral. Eventually she started harming more people, people that didn’t do anything to her. Slowly becoming more sadistic. she thrived on that destruction, the pain she brought others. One day She was burning down someones house and got caught in the flames a little bit after the game. She was the first one the rest of the dummies become an avatar. Hayasaka already was one. This made Mai, Ranmaru and Kurumada realize what exactly asunaro was going to do to them. Anzu decent made them realize how bad it was going to be.
Anzu’s transformation hit everyone hard. They had meet Hayasaka and Hinako after they started succumbing. They basically watched Anzu die. They saw a sweet kid become a monster before their very eyes and they couldn’t do anything about it. Luckily for the others their change weren’t that bad. It was very easy to get Anzu to spiral into The Stranger. All she needed was a push, first Asunaro wanted to get a proper mark on her. Anzu was already a clown and now a doll, both things very associated with I Do Not Know You, so it was very easy to get its attention. The doll thing was already a bit of a mark. But The official mark would’ve been similar to Mag 87: The Uncanny Valley. Asunaro got in contact with a Stranger avatar (probably Gashu if he wasn’t dead) and had them fuck with her(resulting in a very solid mark). This happened relatively soon after the game. Asunaro also got her interested in ‘The Circus of the Other’. (And even tried to reach out to them to let them know they might have a new member soon!!(if their plan worked(it did))). The lack of identity started soon after the marking. After going something so traumatic, she changed quite a bit. That and The Strangers affects starting to plant in her head. She also leaned into it because it had a huge theme of not knowing, she probably wanted to forget everything that happened and live in bliss. The disconnect from her identity only got worse she properly got involved with it. Her personality and just who she was as a person changed a lot, both physically and mentally, which slowly made her feel like she wasn’t “Anzu Kinashi” anymore. I mean “Anzu Kinashi” was dead (legally at least), and because of that, her being a doll now, and having to be cut off from her family. She was kept in asunaro’s facility. Everything was different now. She was different. Anzu ended up changing her name because 1. She didn’t feel like it fit anymore and 2. To let “Anzu” rest. I cant rlly think of a name she would choose but all I can come up with is Pierrot. At her end point she leaned very heavily into uncanny doll. She still Had a lot of energy and emotion but now there was something off about it, almost empty, hollow and fake. She also likes to wear masks. Not the one she used to wear though. That one’s for Anzu, she has a collection of different masks now. She still has the old one, it’s sitting nice on a shelf. A place to mourn who she was. The timeline is a bit weird. It’s main issue how fast can she loose it. because the game happens in April, while The Stranger’s ritual, The Unknowning happens August. I Hope she can join Circus of the Other before the Unknowning but I feel like that’s stretching it a bit. Anyways Breekon (and Hope If he’s alive) go get Anzu and she joins them, and kinda fucks around over there for a while, and properly leaves everything behind. (Also she knows English because she’s an ai now and can download it)
Unlike Anzu he had always been connected to an entity. The Lonely was always there. It followed him as he grew up. The ever present fog that was everywhere he was. With the hc from this post, first off I think a lonely ice skater could be rlly cool but also like I mentioned his parents were ice skaters and held him to a high standard and since so much of their love for him came from that when he wasn’t living up to their standards he felt less loved. More alone. He started to become a few years before the death game. When his relationship with his parents got worse and he started getting outcasted. He started falling into The Lonely. It was very very slow. But when he got into the game and found out what was happening, he immediately pushed it away. No matter how badly he wanted to fall into it and let it embrace him, he pushed it away. And clung to his humanity. He didn’t want to become a monster. Especially after what he saw what happened to the others. How they lost themselves. Eventually asunaro got tired of waiting and started isolating him. Soon enough they didn’t need to anymore, and He was doing it on his own. The closer he got to the lonely, the more tempting it was. eventually, he let go, fell into the fog and was never seen again.
Mai was touched by The Slaughter before due to asunaro seeing an opportunity when she started carrying around a knife but when she was brought into the death game, something touched by The Slaughter, and it’s affects over her got stronger, however it took her much longer to succumb to it than Ranmaru. Partially because she wasn’t as tied to it as Ranmaru was to the lonely but also because she had more self control. She was able to withdraw herself from it for a lot longer than he was. But, she did become. It had been terrorizing her for months to even over a year, and eventually, she broke. She became when she had an outburst of pent up anger and emotion towards asunaro and killed a ~dozen of employees and broke out to try and live normally again (or as normal as you can get when ur an avatar and a doll)
Kurumada was easily the hardest to assign. He never fit an entity like the others did. Asunaro bet on slaughter due to how violent he got during the incident, but he didn’t stay angry. He quickly burnt out and just didn’t know what to do. when he was taken into the death game and his memories were erased he did kinda regain his anger but it quickly faded when he got back them and even got worse to the point of being suicidal after he fully realized that everything had changed. He just wasn’t angry anymore. He was tired and did want to do anything. Asunaro couldn’t get him connected to the slaughter anymore. (I also didn’t wanna give the only character who’s not paper white the sudden violence one) he didn’t fit any other pre existing fears so he just kinda sat there for a while, watching the people he loved become monsters. And then The Extinction came into knowledge. The fear of the death of humanity and Catastrophic change. In the past few years everything has changed for him. The loss of his mentor and his dream of being an boxer, his humanity, he’s dead, he’s now a ghost possessing an ai stuck in a doll, he’s now stuck in a facility that did all of this to him. And hell he’s basically a different person now. Even the death of humanity works because he by definition isn’t human anymore. Not to mention he was in a death game and facility where humans die and are replaced with ai dolls. The Extinction also has a huge theme of tech, which works with kurumada considering he’s an ai now. Asunaro didn’t even have to anything to get him to start becoming. The Extinction taking kurumada is what made them realize it existed in the first place. After that they started to subtly push him in that direction. He was the last of the six to become an avatar. After Mai had her outbreak, the only ones left were him, hayasaka, and Hinako though she often went missing for days if not weeks at a time. And even then she’s only really come back to occasionally sleep even though she doesn’t need to anymore. So it was basically just Hayasaka. He did start to see some off the others again after he became an avatar. I like to imagine his avatar-ness being a lot like {this} I don’t know what to add to that, he’s just like that. He’d hang out in abandoned cites. The person finding him could be Hayasaka or Sara maybe.
- Other participants -
Q-Taro had a similar arc to Daisy. He was first properly marked by The Hunt when he went to America to learn how to use a gun. The person that taught him was a Hunter and they noticed that he he reeked of The Hunt, and used that opportunity to properly mark him. His affiliation with The Hunt became more obvious when the he was put into the game. The way he was so quick to weed out the weak and leave them for dead is something strongly associated with The Hunt. Because as mentioned by Jon in S5, ‘yes the hunt is associated with the Chase but it’s mainly the fear of being seen as weak and being left for dead, and being prey.’ His connection to the Hunt only got stronger as the game went on. During 3-B Safalin (or someone with asunaro (maybe Hayasaka)) mentions he’s becoming an avatar for The Hunt, and that he’s going to become a monster at some point. And this adds another reason he sacrificed himself and died in Keijis place. I also rlly like the idea of Q-Taro having a more animalistic fear. I also like the idea of him and Mai feeding together, since The Hunt and Slaughter are similar fears. 
Megumi has always been touched by The Corruption, especially after she joined the police force and made her way to the top. but her death was what made her an avatar. she comes back probably in chapter 2 and attacks the cast. She's a Corruption avatar because I want her to be as disgusting on the outside as she is on the inside (and because of the corruption in the police system)
- Closing -
To end this off I would like too add some hcs, specifically encounters some of the people had with entities, as well as some alignment due to most of them dying before they could possibly become avatars. I already mentioned that Shin as well as most of the cast, had an encounter with The Web due to midori. Whether it was more subtly like most of the cast or more obvious like with shin.Kurumada had an encounter with The Buried, that’s why his first trial was like that. The real Hinako was end aligned. Keiji is touched by the corruption due to being part of the police force. In my original part I mentioned desolation!joe and vast!mishima. Desolation Joe could’ve possibly happened by him finding out about what asunaro did to his father (and what they did in general) and wanting to burn it to the ground (think Tim stoker). Vast Mishima actually could’ve happened before the death game. I can see him a lot like Simon, painter who fell in love with the sky. I feel like his also pretty curious so maybe he’d have an encounter with the vast thought it was fascinating and wanted to figure out what it is. But as soon as he realized what he was dealing with, he would’ve tried to get away. The main story/ death game is still relatively the same, just with the entities added in.
Thank you so much for reading!!! This has been something I’ve been working on since October, ever since I started The Magnus archives. You reading this and listening to my ramblings means a lot to me!!
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whinlatter · 1 year
hello i'd like 1 8 14 and 22 about argus filch please. plus what is his favourite season?
i might have known you'd be the one to choose mischief... come on argus filch. let's be having ya
Canon I outright reject
that the tartan scarf-wearing scottish nationalist argus filch would ever deign to work in a wizarding school which drew students from across the united kingdom and ireland and therefore did not respect the principle of devolved education and the noble pedagogical tradition of both the scottish enlightenment and the free church. filch votes SNP and no doubt took nicola sturgeon's recent arrest as hard as he did umbridge's removal as headmistress in 1996
Tumblr media Tumblr media
8. Unpopular opinion about them
that his means of punishment were a) cruel and b) disproportionate. when the carrows chained up children and tortured them they did it for bad reasons (blood supremacy, suppression of political dissidents). when filch did it, it's because they literally made his life a living hell:
“Dung,” [Filch] muttered furiously, “great sizzling dragon bogies … frog brains … rat intestines … I’ve had enough of it … make an example … where’s the form … yes …”
if i was forced to clean up dung, dragon bogies (which sizzle???), frog brains and rat intestines on the daily i too would become a strong supporter of corporal punishment and/or the wizarding equivalent of katharine birbalsingh
also filch is literally an oppressed minority ergo he can do what he damn likes in the face of his oppressor. hagrid literally calls him a slur. hagrid. (more fodder for the hagrid is a death eater theory i fear)
14. Most heroic moment
filch is the unsung hero of the series but it's a tie between when in CoS when filch literally makes ron stare at that trophy with tom riddle's name on it in detention in the chamber of secrets aka handing them perhaps the biggest fattest clue as to what is Afoot OR when dobby reveals that filch knows about the room of requirement a room which eluded both the marauders and albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore. slay, honestly
22. Best physical feature
legs. he's a proud scotsman who waps the kilt out for any occasion. his thighs are the envy of the wizarding world
finally, obviously argus filch's favourite season is the summer, when all of the snotty little children are gone and he and irma are free to romp in the sunlit grounds as they both deserve
50 Random Character Asks
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Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @sorry-bonebag
Oooh okay, this is weirdly hard, because I watch a lot of shows repeatedly, but I don't know that I turn to any of them for comfort when I'm like...upset, or stressed. When I do return to a show, it is either because it makes for good background sound to help me concentrate better on a task, or because it's wriggled its way in to my brain and I need to just get it out of my system. But honestly, if I'm feeling in need of comfort, I mostly just watch whatever I was currently working my way through, or start something new, because I mostly just need something to distract me for long enough that I forget how to experience emotions.
So, I guess for this challenge, I'll just talk about the shows that I have rewatched the most.
KinnPorsche: I have watched KinnPorsche a whopping 14 times, front to back, and there are definitely a few episode (Ep 6 in particular) that I have likely watched more than that. The first 4 watchthroughs were because KinnPorsche was my first BL, and I had never seen anything like it before, and didn't really know where to find more, and so I devoured it again and again because it just made me happy to have a mafia show where everyone was gay and homophobia wasn't really a thing. Unfortunately for me, and everyone, I found KinnPorsche right around the time that I had to write my thesis for my degree, and I had discovered that because I have ADHD and I do not know Thai, it was helpful for me to focus by having something playing in the background, and even more so if it was a Thai show because then the words I was hearing and the words I was writing wouldn't get mixed up. Which meant I found..ten people that I made sit through this show with me one by one until my thesis was done.
Our Flag Means Death: I watched OFMD 11 times, because I hadn't seen anythign quite like it, and because there was non-binary representation, and because it was my first show with elder gay men finding their first love, and because it was just fun, and in my opinion very expertly handled in terms of switching from a slapstick comedy to something much more rich, detailed, and serious by the end. I think I was hitting a pretty significant low, and it was one of the few dopamine hits I could get. So I milked that puppy for all it was worth.
Bed Friend: I literally could not tell you what it was about this show that captured me so thoroughly. I think it was simply just how surprised I was at how much trauma they included in this show, without any advanced warning in the trailers. I just wanted to see Uea happy and so I watched this show repeatedly until the season ended.
The Eclipse: I have seen The Eclipse six times front to back, and traced the trajectory of Akk and Ayan's relationship much more than that. Akk is my favorite BL character. I liked seeing how complciated his character was. And I just remember being the kid who had so many adults asking things of them, so I sympathize really hard with the fear Akk has of letting people down. I also just love how strong of a message Golf was sending, and just loved watching First and Khaotung cry.
What We Do in the Shadows: I have seen the first three or four seasons of WWDITS like five times, and there are particular episodes (The Wellness Center) that I have seen upwards of 20 times. Again because I was sleep deprived, broke as shit, and stressed out of my goddamn mind balancing school and work, I didn't have the brain power to look for other shows, so I just watched this or used it as background noise.
Young Royals: I have seen this show roughly five times. Young Royals is the show that made me realize that it was actually really helpful to have foreign language shows running in the background while I did work. I really liked it, and I thought they navigated sweet and serious very well.
Bad Buddy: I have seen BB four times. I love how much goofiness and joy they managed to pack in to such an emotionally charged show. Ohm and Nanon are incredible actors, and it was a very very very good show. I watched it one, and then saw a fan edit of them on social media and went "I miss my boys" and watched it again. Then I rewatched it with a friend, and then there was a clown rewatch leading up to Our Skyy 2 which was really helpful for me because my lovely mutuals on tumblr are massive Bad Buddy fans and it was extremely educational listening to them discuss the show.
Laws of Attraction: I have watched this three times since it finished airing less than a month ago. I just love Charn and Tin so much.
And then we're gonna get in to movies, because those are the only shows I've really watched on repeat on my own:
9. The Old Guard: I watched this movie 11 times. I do not know why. The first time I saw it, it was fine, the second time I saw it something absolutely rotted my brain, I thought it was the best action movie that has ever been made, and I could not stop watching it. Maybe it's just cause I'm gay and Charleize Theron and KiKi Lane are hot, and Joe and Nicky were allowed to be violent, masculine, gay, and immortal. 10. Big Eden: I do not know how many times I've watched this movie, it's probably five or six. But this is one of my favorites of all time. It never fails to put a smile on my face. Pike is one of my most beloved characters. Before I even really knew or acknowledged my queerness, I saw this film, and for the first time in my life, when the movie was done. I IMMEDIATELY started it back over and watched it again. Back to back. It's so sweet. AH!!!!
I'm not tagging ten people. Whoever wants to, please take this as your invitation to respond.
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nothingtherefornow · 2 years
A Theory for season 5 future episodes after Exaltation
So ….  Marinette almost got akumatized again in Elation (Exaltation in Fench). And just like during the episode Ladybug, she did not resist, and she was gonna take off her hearings, the akumatization was interrupted thanks to Chat Noir quick thinking. But Gabriel's reactions to the events of this episode imply that he is gonna target Marinette in the future of season 5 because of Chat Noir ‘s  feelings for her.
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I’ve read all the season 5 episodes synopses present in the bible, and while none of them mention some plan of Monarch to specifically target Marinette, maybe we can read between the lines, and there’s one synopsis which intrigued me a lot among those that come after episode 9.
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So according to this synopsis, during episode 14, Marinette will apparently be in such an emotional turmoil because of a past trauma that it will be enough for Monarch to try to akumatize her again. But thanks to others elements I’ve learnt from the season 5 bible, I know Marinette still won’t be akumatized this time neither (this is a risk the ML writters seem not to be willing to take) and Kim will be the one akumatized into Dark Humour instead for this episode.
So my question would be this : How will Marinette manage to escape akumatization this time ?
Let’s recap how she did avoid this fate before in all the seasons so far, season 5 included :
Season 2 :
Zombizou :
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When Marinette is under the impression that she’s gonna be punished for one of Chloé’s wrong-doing, her anger is strong enough to attract Hawkmoth’s attention. Since Gabriel didn’t have the Horse miraculous power yet back there, by the time the akuma get close to Marinette, Miss Bustier’s words were enough to calm her anger.
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But on Hawkmoth’s orders, the akuma stays close, and when Bustier spot the akuma, her fear is enough to attract the corrupted butterfly’s attention, and she’s the one who falls under the akuma’s influence instead of Marinette.
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This first time around, Marinette avoided akumatization thank to two things : enough time for her anger to calm down, and somoene’s protection
And as a bonus, season 2 gave us a glimpse of what an akumatized Ladybug would look like through an illusion of Volpina :
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Season 3 :
2. Chameleon :
Or the first time we really got worried (or hyped ?) that Marinette would one day end up akumatized because of the injustices she also faces in her civilian life.
We know the story, Lila’s lies were infuriating Marinette a lot, but by the time the akuma is close to her, she managed to burry down her anger.
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Once again the time and distance between Hawkmoth and his prey was a key factor for Marinette to avoid akumatization, but like before, Hawkmoth wasn’t wiling to leave alone the prey he spotted.
And in the end, he could count on his future best ally next to Chloé to awake Marinette’s pain and anger 
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But Marinette was able to spot the akuma in time, and she had Tikki encouragements, all of this helped her dispel her negative emotions before the akuma even touched an object on her.
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Marinette didn’t have somoene’s protection like in Zombizou to help her against this second akumatization attempt on her, but she found the time to calm down twice.
Unfortunatelly for Marinette, this wouldn’t be the last time Hawkmoth would try to akumatize her, and with the first two attempts having failed because Marinette was able to dispel her negative emotions in time, Hawkmoth made sure that for his next attemps during this season, Marinette’s negative emotions would be too strong and intense for her to contain.
3. Chat Blanc :
By the time this episode came out, Gabriel only ever planned his akumatizations in advance with a specific target in mind twice (Lila and Audrey) by waiting for the right opportunity and eliciting the negative emotions he needs himself, and he did exactly that with Marinette during this episode. And while the events of Chat Blanc have been erased from the main timeline, I think it's important to note how far Gabriel was willing to go just to akumatize Marinette. He not only waited for the relationship between her and Adrien to be strong enough for the break up to be more painfull for Marinette, but he was also ready to ruin the happiness of his own son and to cause him pain (while the next season, during Glaciator 2, Gabriel was for the first time concerned about his son’s negative intense emotions). 
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Last time Gabriel called one of his akuma prey his « masterpiece », he was convinced he would finally win against Ladybug and Chat Noir. And while he’s not wrong that akumatizing Marinette could grant him victory, he didn’t know she was Ladybug at that time, and yet he really was determined to akumatize the poor girl. The only others times he put that much efforts to planify an akumatization was with Audrey, Lila and Chloé, and he knows the three of thems are bad persons and that two of them would gladly assist him against Ladybug. Marinette isn't any of those things, but during this season 3 Hawkmoth really seemed to have it out for her
But we also know how Marinette escaped that one
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Marinette’s despair and heartbreak were too intense for her to calm down, but Adrien saw the akuma coming toward the girl he loved, and he rescued her as Chat Noir by destroying the butterfly just in time.
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And once gain, just like in Zombizou, Marinette avoided akumatization because somoene else spotted the akuma and protected her from it. And the person who protected her from the akuma ended akumatized instead of her, a detail that will be important for my theory later.
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4. Ladybug :
Like I said for Chat Blanc, Gabriel seemed really determined to akumatize Marinette during this season, and for this third attempt he convoluted a plan counting on Lila’s help to not only akumatize Marinette, but also many of the people who are close to her or have her in high esteem. And he made sure once again that the negative emotions would be too much for Marinette to resist akumatization.
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All the previous times Marinette was the target of an akuma, the Butterfly never touched an object on her, but Ladybug was the first episode when an akuma (or here a scarlet akuma) finally got to her and put her under its spell along many others victims.
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No time to calm down, no one to protect her, and an injustice far too great for Marinette to resist the temptation of akumatization like Chloé did in Miraculer and like the characters have begun to do since season 4. The only thing left to stop the akumatization process was either a miracle or a Deux Ex Machina
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And it seems Luck was on Marinette’s side, because Nathalie suffered an attack that made Hawkmoth concerned enough about her condition to drop his transformation, and all the scarlet akuma that came with it.
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Marinette avoided akumatization this time only because of a huge and unexpected stroke of luck.
But that’s four times already Marinette nearly got akumatized between season 2 and 3. Don’t we say “once is a chance, Twice is a coincidence, and a third time is a pattern” ? So what about four times already ?  So like many I though this was the sign Marinette would finally be akumatized in season 4, but unfortunatelly for us, and fortunatelly for the heroes, its seems Gabriel abandonned his want to akumatize her, because even at Marinette’s lowest during this season 4, not once Shadowmoth felt her negative emotions. (Gang of secrets and Kuro Neko for example)
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Marinette felt intense negative emotions during season 4, but none of them attracted Shadowmoth’s attention, either because of some luck power factor she gained from being Ladybug, or because of the same explanation I use everytime something doesn’t make sense in Miraculous : scriptwriting ease
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No akuma came close enough to Marinette during season 4. And I thought it meant Akumanette was too much of a risk for the authors to ever attempt, but then came Season 5 :
5. Exaltation :
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“Why don’t I get to to be happy?” she asks. “Why don’t I get to love who I want to?” At this moment Marinette is hitting a breaking point, she’s tired of everything falling apart. She’s tired to always meet deception and heartbreak everytime she falls in love with someone. She can’t do this anymore. It’s not fair. So it’s no wonder she nearly gets akumatized once again after that.
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And giving up her and Chat Noir Miraculous seems like the only option left for her to finally be happy to love and to be loved freely.
And because of the Migration power used by Monarch during this season, Akuma’s victims has no time to see the akuma coming for them, and thus no time to avoid it or to calm down their negative emotions. Chat Noir didn’t spot the akuma before it was to late and it got Marinette, and just like during the episode Ladybug, Marinette felt too much negative emotions to resist.
So another miracle was needed to save Marinette, and for this episode Chat Noir’s kiss did the job to break the akuma's spell.
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And this nearly akumatization marked Marinette more than the others times, because during season 3 there was still the hope that Master Fu could eventually recruit other temporary heroes to help Chat Noir against a potential akumatized Ladybug. And during season 4 Marinette had plot armor when it would have been the best time for Shadowmoth to target her with all the miraculous she had under her protection. But Marinette also had Alya on her side for season 4, and who’s to say they didn’t both think about a contengency plan in case Marinette ever got akumatized ?
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But this time for season 5 there is no more Rena Rouge or Master fu to help save the day if Ladybug were to be akumatized, and Chat Noir would be left alone against an all powerfull Monarch who would have gotten half of what he wants already.
So without a magic kiss from Chat Noir what would be left for Marinette to do in order to avoid akumatization if Monarch does send an akuma to target her when her negative emotions will be at their peak during the episode Derision ?
The events of Exaltation will have shaken Marinette enough for her to be able to resist and reject the akuma next time Monarch try to akumatize her, if only because Paris’s safety will matters more for her than her own distress and feelings T^T
Kim will be present at Marinette’s side the moment the akuma gets to her, because he is involved in the trauma she will be reliving during this episode (according to the bible and recent leaks, Marinette once had a crush on Kim, and Chloé took advantage of that to cruelly humiliate Marinette by concincing Kim to help her play a prank on poor Mari). He could spot the akuma in time to protect Marinette from it, and thus ends up akumatized instead of her.
Adrien will be the one present at Marinette’s side during Monarch’s attempt to akumatize her, and wathever he may do will be enough to save her from complete akumatization.
There's a possibility that Kim may eventually feel guilt about Marinette’s past humiliation at Chloé’s hands and his participation in this cruel prank for his negative emotions to attract the akuma Monarch will probably sent toward Marinette. That or Adrien could discover Kim's involvement in Marinette's past trauma and be angry enough at Kim that the latter would be left confused and annoyed enough to attract the akuma Marinette would have managed to reject. That or maybe Ondine will hear about Kim helping Chloé pull such cruel prank in the past and she'll be rightfully mad at her dumb boyfriend.
And who knows if after Exaltation, Gabriel won’t have instructed Lila (with Chloé’s help) to make things worse for Marinette the moment she would be vulnerable enough. 
Even if the chances of ever having akumanette appears in the show are low, it’s still interresting to speculate on Marinette potential akumatization since we already have two canon akumatizations for Adrien (Chat Blanc and Ephemeral).
I also remember someone saying : either the authors want to send us a message, or it's teasing at its maximum
But according to the Bible there’s still no akumanette in sight for this season 5, so I think it’s more about showing Marinette’s vulnerability and strength rather than using her potential akuma form for fan service.
Although this may be the only other time Monarch will target Marinette with akumatization during this season 5 after episode 9, other synopses are vague enough that one could imagine some of Gabriel's plans could involve exploiting Cat Noir's feelings for Marinette with other akumas, although it's not specifically said.  
And yet there’s still a chance we could have a glimpse of a potential akumanette for season 5 (either through an illusion created by Lila who will be be akumatized in a Volpina new variation in episode 20 Revelation, or through Gabriel new akuma form Nightormentor when he will akumatize himself in the episode Representation, apparently to separate Adrien and Marinette) : 
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This is a very old tweet of Thomas Astruc, and I don’t know if he made that to tease fans or if its’ really something he was planing to include in the show, but I thought it was interresting to mention
I would also add that according to someone's comment I found on Youtube, the ml writters apparently first planned to have Marinette akumatized during Exaltation, but then changed their mind and delayed it for something bigger in season 6. False or True ? Dunno, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had indeed one day conceptualized an akumanette and then abandoned the idea afterwards
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Dirty, Dirty Little Secret
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Also on AO3
Summary: Crowley has lots secrets. He’s still alive and hiding, for example. But his dirty, dirty little secret is much darker than this. He thought no one knew, but then, he found him. His former friend, now possessed by an archangel. And Michael has a deal Crowley cannot refuse.
Pairing: Michael!Dean x Crowley / Crowley x Dean
Warning: Smut, Noncon / Dubcon, p in a, unprotected sex, forced orgasm, bottom!Dean, Top!Crowley
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2131
Square filled: @spnkinkbingo​: Crowley/Michael / @lgbtqbingo​: Michael!Dean
A/n: Not me forgeting the spn kink bingo deadline is in 5 days haha! I’m gonna try and write as much as I can before the deadline. So, this was one of the square on my card. Happens during season 14 when Dean is possessed by Michael. Canon divergent, Crowley never died. 
This is dark, please, mind the warnings before clicking on the keep reading.
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“How did you find me?”
It was barely a whisper leaving his parted lips. The room was silent, dead silent, only the steps on the floor creaked through the silence.
The bar had been empty for months now, with the exception of him. In the farthest isle he could find, he hid, bought a creepy, old dirty bar, and stayed there.
Out of all the lights in this place, only a couple of light bulbs were still working. The man didn’t think it was necessary to replace them, he wasn’t afraid of the dark. He was the darkness, well, he used to be, before he-
“It wasn’t hard.” The voice sent shivers down his spine. If there was one thing he would never forget, it was Dean Winchester’s raw voice, scratching every inch of his meat suit. “I have to admit, faking your death, your big sacrifice to save the day… I was impressed.”
The creaks stopped close behind him. Crowley didn’t turn around, not that he didn’t want to. Hell, he wanted to look at him, his friend, the man he had the weirdest love hate relationship ever, but he didn’t. He missed Dean, all of those months hidden here, in this bar, his little private paradise… He thought about him. Especially that summer they spent together when he was a demon too.
He shouldn’t have so many emotions. Feelings. He was a demon, for fuck sake. The king of hell- well, the former one… He wasn’t human. The demon felt no attachment, no regrets, no fear.
But when Michael and Lucifer showed up and other alternate realities mixed with all of the troubles he had maintaining control in hell, he just…
“Bailed,” the voice continued. Crowley sighed, placed his glass of whiskey on the counter, and finally turned to him. “You ran away Crowley… Everyone thought you were dead.”
“That was the whole point, actually.” Crowley knew who he had in front of him. Even if he heard and recognized the voice as Dean, he knew he wouldn’t have the hunter in front of him. Not really. “Fake my death, run, hide, bla bla…” 
The moment he laid his eyes on him, Crowley knew he would get all of those feelings he spent months burying back. He hadn’t seen anyone ever since he faked his death, and Dean… Was Dean. 
Crowley’s gaze scrunched the man carefully. His hair was longer and slicked to the side. It was a very nice outfit he was wearing, white button shirt, waist coat sweetening the curves of his chest, and an overcoat thrown over. As a last detail, a red tie was tied to perfection around his neck.
The demon had to admit, the archangel had taste. That shirt really brought out Dean’s strong figure, especially his shoulders.
“Didn’t run far enough,” the archangel tilted his head to the side. The more Crowley detailed the man in front of him, the more he could see him under the shell. Michael. Dean finally said yes to him. So his sacrifice went useless, in the end, if the WInchester thought necessary to say yes to that bastard in order to defeat the big bad devil.
“Well. I tried,” Crowley sighed dramatically. “You can do what you came here for.” Turning around, the demon took his glass of whiskey and drank the remaining of it. “Kill m-”
But when he turned again, it was to be face to face with a way too familiar face. Michael was now in his personal space, so close Crowley could see the stubble barely visible on his chin and smell the aftershave he used. Not the one Dean usually used, but still, under that fake expensive perfume, the demon could also detect something familiar.
Dean’s smell. Cheap alcohol. Motor oil. Gun powder. Bad motel soap. 
A lump got stuck in Crowley’s throat as he tried to hide the true feelings that were raging inside of him. His dirty little secret.
“You know I can see everything Dean saw, I have access to his memory. But I wanted to see it myself just to be sure.” The shadow of a smile stretched on Dean’s lips, completely taking Crowley’s focus. That wasn’t Dean. He had to remind himself of that. But still, the demon’s gaze stayed on the lower part of the archangel’s face. “I don’t want to kill you. Actually, I’m here for business.”
That actually teased Crowley’s inner, lost business man. "Business?"
The smile crept up further on Dean’s face. “I can deal with heaven. With earth. But once this place is destroyed and humans are all dead, I don’t want to deal with what’s under. I need you to take your place back on the throne and deal with all the filthy demons.”
That, Crowley didn’t expect. Michael stepped back, the half non-natural smile still on his face. He was waiting, watching Crowley for any reaction.
“You want me to-” A sarcastic laugh echoed in the room as Crowley turned around once more to refill his glass. “Bloody hell, sure didn’t expect that. And what on heaven or earth would you think I want to be ruling hell again? To be honest, I would rather prefer you ending me right now.
“I’ll give you something in return.”
For a moment, with his back turned and lots of whiskey in his system, Crowley could almost hear Dean. If he focused enough, he could change his pitch a little to match Dean's grumpy one. Michael was speaking slower, so it felt a bit weird… But if he focused, it was like he had his pal back. “What possibly could I want that you have?”
No answer to that question, well, not with words. Behind him, Crowley could hear rustling of clothes, then something light hitting the floor. Turning around, the demon quickly understood.
Michael knew. The thing Crowley wanted but never took even if he could. His dirty little secret.
In front of him, he had everything he ever wanted to see. His chest was perfect, broad, strong shoulders above a soft, defined stomach. Happy trail disappearing in his probably expensive tracksuit. Pale skin, probably way too soft under his hands.
“You always wanted a piece of Dean, and I’ll gladly give it all to you. See, angels don’t care about sex. It’s something God created for humans to have fun and incite them to procreate. Somehow, you’re still human enough to desire Dean.” Michael outstretched his hands, offering Dean’s body like a cake on a plate for a birthday.
A part of Crowley knew this was wrong. It was Dean, inside, and clearly, he hadn’t given his consent. But then, Crowley remembered. 
He was a demon, for fuck sake.
“Alright, let me just write the contract.”
It felt like heaven.
Strange thing to say from a demon from hell.
But being inside of him, inside of Dean, his warm, tight, probably virgin hole… It felt like heaven.
Dean could take him whole, and it was surprising for someone with little to no experience with men. 
“I see those extra inches are of good use,” the man under him commented in a low, unbothered voice.
Crowley grinned. “This isn’t my body, of course. But I didn’t pick this meatsuit for his good looks, obviously,” a harder thrust sent Dean’s body a bit forward. A barely audible whimper could be heard as Michael was caught off guard. It was the only thing that could get a response out of him. Otherwise, the archangel would not make a single sound.
“If you think this will be enough to humiliate me, or to get a vocal response, you’re wrong,” Michael groaned like he read his thoughts. The back of the archangel was turned to the demon, his elbows resting on the counter of the bar. His perfect ass cheeks were presented to the demon that was currently balls deep inside of him. “This body is having normal reactions to what you’re doing.”
Of course, that didn’t convince Crowley. Yes, he knew the human body pretty well for having tortured plenty of them. But the person inside the said body could feel everything. And the hard on the angel had was proof of that.
“Alrighty then, you won’t mind if I pick up the speed a little bit, don’t cha?” 
With those words said, the demon gripped the angel’s hips tightly, pulled out completely of the abused hole and thrusted rougher than the previous time. Another whimper blew between the lips of the man under him as Crowley repeated the same movement over and over again, with the same roughness, picking up the speed every time he pushed back inside. And quickly, he was pounding, balls slapping against the now very hard cock hanging between Dean’s legs. 
“That’s enough,” Michael managed to say after a few tries of finding his breath back. Crowley was sure the archangel was about to break the contract and push him away, but hell, he would still be satisfied with what he had. It felt so good, if it was the last thing he felt before his end, then it would be the best way to go. If seeing Dean’s perfectly built back and watching his cock disappearing between his small, round cheeks were the last thing he would see, well, he saved the best for last.
But Michael didn’t push him away. Humiliation did touch the angel though, because the next voice that called his name wasn’t his.
“Crowley, you son of a bitch!! Get out!”
A shiver of pure pleasure ran through the demon’s spine upon hearing the familiar voice. “Dean, finally…” The hunter tried to push himself away from him, but Crowley held him back against the counter with the force only demons have. “Hope you enjoy the show, Michael.”
“Fuck off! Get off!” Dean shouted, but it took only one thrust to shut his pretty mouth. “Fuck…” Was now a whimper he tried to hold back. Of course, getting back the control of his body while he was being fucked stupid, Dean wouldn’t be able to fight for long. 
“You’re enjoying it, look at how hard you are,” Crowley whispered as he resumed his movements. As hard and fast as before, the demon groaned as he felt the hole tighten around his cock. “You can’t tell me you never did this before, squirrel, it’s like your hole is made for me.”
“Fuck… You…” Was all Dean could say before his insults turned into quiet moans. 
“Fucking you, I am doing just that,” Crowley grinned as he slowed down, only to grab Dean’s cock in his hand. Matching his thrusts with his hand, he jerked off Dean real good. Truth was, hearing his moans was all he missed to cum. Michael was good and obedient, respecting the contract, but not very vocal. Dean, on the other hand…
“Fuck… fuck… Gonna- oh fuck, son of a bitch…”
A few moments later, his hole was squeezing him impossibly tighter, it was hard to keep moving. The cock in his hand twitched and hot cum stained the bottom of the counter. The sound Dean made as he came, a mix of a moan he tried to hold back and a groan of frustration, was all Crowley needed to meet his own end. 
Before he came, he pulled out and finished on Dean’s ass cheeks. Not that he didn’t want to fill him with his cum, he dreamed of it. He dreamed of seeing his seed overflow from the tight hole he was just in. But it was part of the contract. He could fuck the body, but was not allowed to soil it.
“Now that this is done,” Crowley muttered as he dressed up again. In front of him, Dean was still motionelles. Then, like he was animated like a puppet, the body straightened and turned to him. A part of Crowley was sad to see Michael back behind the wheel. Even if the moment he spent with the real Dean was short, he really enjoyed it. “Guess I have some work to do now, don’t I.”
“You better respect your part of the contract, demon,” Michael groaned, his eyes flashing blue. There was a slight frown on his forehead, like something was hurting him. “Dean is quite mad at you and banging like crazy in there.”
Crowley nodded. Dean would be mad at him, and the demon knew, if he ever got the archangel out of his body, he would hunt the shit out of him. But hell, he was a demon. Dean was a hunter. Wasn’t it what they always do? Cat and mouse game?
“It was nice hearing you again, Dean. Until next time.”
And then, with a clap of his fingers, Crowley was back in hell. The throne was empty, but dozens of demons were surrounding it. “Hello everyone. Missed me?”
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Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​ @siospins2​ @kazsrm67​ @wtrpxrks​ @deanwanddamons​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @charred-angelwings​​ @jensendreamland​​ @deanswaywardgirl​​ @happyt0exist​​ @waynes-multiverse​​ @djs8891​@mimaria420
Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​ @eevvvaa​​ @wickedinspirations​​ @fictional-affairs​​ @awkward-and-indecisive​​ @cryptichobbit​​
Supernatural Tag List: @cryptichobbit​​ @sexyvixen7​​ @stixnstripesworld​​ @charred-angelwings​​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​​ @lyarr24​​ @fiftyshadesgrl​​
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silverredtail · 2 years
Magnus bullshit-mangus monkey bullshit. Feel free to talk it out with me!
-Mk and mac both are so vuntable to the lonely it's devastating
-Mk is many episodes is shown to being afraid of being left behind and gets depressed when he feels isolated. Season 2(?) Highlights this especially after meetings lbd.l, and wukong doesn't help. He needs to be useful and the lonely can easily give him a cold embrace.(Notes added cause wife is clever: mk hates the cold and reacts big so that would work against the lonely. Mk is quick to fall prey to the isolation but he's just as quick to perk up with others around or has a goal he can focus on) He's also vulnerable to the stranger mainly shown in the calabash episode, he doesn't like it when things wear his friends faces and the stranger can abuse that easy since mk forgets to check things with his gold vision.
- lonely is the same with Mac but it's one he has had to wrap himself in. Hell he'd probably be so deep in the lonelys grasp that he might be close to becoming an avatar..or at least a tool of the entity. The end also might like to play with mac's memories to remind him that Mac is dead and already belongs to it. Compared to the cold isolation the lonely carried the solid embrace of the end would probably feel like a friend.
-red. This may be a dumb one but fuck it, the vast. Spacifically the fear of being insignificant. With his mother's powers I doubt he'd fear the ozone, wind or the sky(eat shit you crusty avatar) but stick that boy somewhere where he is a spec among an endless existence and lost to a lack of control and I think that boy will break. Also maybe desolation but only in that small subsection of the fear of loosing all that's precious to him and watch those he cared about being in so much pain. Like his mother grieving his father when he was locked away.
-mei. Again, could be desolation because of that special brand of cruelty Jane does(same as red)..her biggest fear came from the samadi fire and not being enough for her family. The fire burning everything she loved to nothing but ash. The desolation would eat that up, remind her just how much of a powder keg she is and what destruction she can bring to the world. But others also fit like the dark for the same kind of thought. The unknown, being left in that questionable state(looking at you wukong, could've told them something) was enough to make her loose her cool.
-Wukong. End, eye, web and the buried. He's a mess, he gets a mess with so many entities that claw at him. Let's start strong. His whole hunt for imortallity began because he feared growing old, weak and eventually dying. The end is constantly on Wukongs mind and he thought he ran hard enough..but it took his subject, Mac, his brothers, his master. The end always wins..now he's got mk and the rencarnations of his brothers and master, mortals..the end is back in his mind. The eye, heaven constantly watching him and judging his every action. That has to create some paranoia..make him second guess just how to proceed even if he plays and acts stupid. Same with the web..this monkey hates and fears being puppeted around. Heaven, the many demons that are shits, lbd..he's a weapon and he doesn't want anyone to handle him..and then the buried. Many creatures, demons and celestials have found that the best way to shut him up and make him stop moving is to bury him deep deep down in the earth, chain him, put him in a pot or frying pan, restrain him in so many ways..and he hates it every time and freaks out. Bitch fits so many of the 14 but god damn it ya know?
-pigsy. This one also may seem obvious or stupid depending on who gets to see this bullshit. curruption and the flesh seem to fit him in my opinion. Curruption naturally comes from the need to keep the shop clean so he can stay in business and rot, disease, and the such would shut him down..but in jttw bajie always ended up eating magots and rotten food that wukong never warned him about cause of demons and I think that would pass down..beyond that depending on how his mother and grandmother passed can also make him weaker to curruptions effect. Flesh and the hunt also could kind of comes from his primal nature but also time in the war. Fear of being butchered and being hunted because he's a pig but also just because he's no doubt felt a lot of hatred for being a demon and probably has seen awful things..but curruption seems the strongest for him, idk. I'll come back to him
-sandy. The man who technically started this shit. Slaughter feels the most right for him, from the sheer bloodshed from the war he fought in that caused him to change his very being. He doesn't even raise a hand in anything more then defense because of the mindless carnage that gave him PTSD. (Notes added cause wife is clever: the hunt would also be a good fit because he was the hunter before and now he would fear his sins coming back to haunt him. After all he harmed so many that something would naturally come back and karma's a bitch) The cats help make him feel more himself sure but with that can bring in the stranger or the spiral..those entities that remind him and fill those corners of his eyes with red and bodies.
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leonsliga · 6 months
God, I'm so happy for Leon! He hasn't been able to score a goal lately. He was constantly trying, he couldn't do it, it was noticeable how upset and angry he was. Now it happened, he was so happy, it was great to see him smile. I think it's such a relief for him.
Now on March 14, Nagelsman has to announce the line-up for NT, and I'm so nervous about it. Yes, there are a lot of players in the midfield right now, but Leon is in such great shape that it's a crime not to call him up. Even if Nagelsmann sees the midfield differently, it's stupid to give up a player like Leon because he can help the team. I am glad that Leon played such a good match right now before the announcement of the squad, he left no choice to the coach, and it would just be unfair if he stayed at home.
Same here 🥹 I know that it’s difficult for him to get on the scoresheet these days, especially since Tuchel tends to use him more defensively. Selfishly though, I’m so glad we got to see Leon Scoretzka make his triumphant return, not once, but twice!
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It’s so good for his confidence too; after all, his performance was more than just his beautiful brace (although I’m sure he was proud of it—rightfully so); he was excellent all around. It was his perfectly-weighted assists and his constant involvement in the buildup, coupled with those two goals, that made him a veritable man of the match. He was Bayern’s motor, powering them to victory at every turn, both defensively and offensively.
It’s funny…Leon’s role on the pitch is intended to be subtle; he’s supposed to extinguish fires before they start, and to feed attackers with all the through-balls they could ever need. Nevertheless, it was impossible to overlook him against Mainz. I couldn’t help but think back to some of his best performances during Bayern’s treble-winning season; I mean, how could I not? What we saw vs. Mainz was the Leon we know and love—the Leon we’ve always known was in there, even if his powers have been somewhat subdued recently. After all, we’ve seen him perform like this before, and when he does, it’s hard not to fear the prospect of facing him.
Hell, if even Tuchel, who’s not exactly his biggest fan, was impressed with him, it says a great deal about just how good he was:
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Leon even had time after the match to regale us with a wholesome story about his friends who came to watch him play:
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I’d love to be a fly on the wall when he catches up with them after the match. I don’t think even they could’ve expected him to carry Mainz around in his pocket for all 90 minutes 😂 regardless, I think I speak for everyone when I say it’d be awesome if those friends came around more often! Clearly they bring out the best in Leon, and their support means a lot to him :)
Ah yes, the dreaded March 14, looming as large over Leon’s head as it is for all of us who support him. Good thing Leon came out guns blazing against Mainz. Of the all the times to rediscover your form, right? 🤣 With nt call-ups right around the corner, getting Nagelsmann’s attention is definitely a good thing. Especially if you believe the current reports (which I’m taking with a grain of salt because I like to live in delusion 😅):
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Even if it is a bit last minute, Leon put up a damn strong argument of why he belongs on the national team. Right now though, it’s all in Nagelsmann’s hands. Leon’s done everything he can. Now we just need to hold our breath and hope it was enough 🙏❤️
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