#i will tag this properly if i remember to later
shuuen-no-cimory · 3 days
Also of course, it ain't me if I don't crossover my current hyperfixation with my ultimate current hyperfixation. So... Degrees of Lewdity x ProjectMoon! (This post is full of me yapping as I explain each drawing, so I guess, be ready?)
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First, I'll go hard with Whitney as R Corp. 4th Rabbit Team. The initial idea was that he reminds me so much of RHeath LMAO But eventually I love the idea because I think he'd go along with Myo well. Plus... Somehow imagining Whitney in Rabbit Team Hatchery shenanigans seems... Interesting.
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Next is Eden. If anyone notice, I originally designed him based of 2 Abnos: Der Freischutz and Big Bird. Der Frei was, of course, a nod to his title as a Hunter, and a marksman as well. For Big Bird... Yeah definitely there's the Big Bird in DoL, yet I think temperance-wise, Eden does felt similar to Big Bird. A creature living in a forest, thinking they protect others by doing the action that definitely doesn't seems to be out of protection. As for RRH, oh think about this: Being hunted down while getting marked. One by a hunter, and another by a wolf. Oh isn't it just reminds me of something...? Right
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Funny enough, before I designed the school LIs properly, I reimagined them as The City's feathers. "If they're living in the City and has to work with one Wing, which one they'll work on?" I've talked about R. Corp Whitney earlier so I'll talk about the others! Robin, L Corp. - I can imagine him with the pressing needs to survive under the weight of Bailey's rent ends up either being sent or signed himself up as an agent for L Corp. The Wing doesn't ask that much requirement as per Hokmah's story while the agent supposed to have a great pay (being a wing and all). Hence, I think he might work for L Corp. Sydney, K Corp. - The idea was that after graduating, Sydney might follow Sirris path in science. Being the obedient child she is (as we sees on the game before they get corrupted), she probably choose to do what Sirris might do hence her as K Corp. researcher. Oh anyway, truly this is just a fyi that doesn't seems to be related to anything, I reimagined Harper as Dongrang in this scenario, with the whole Teary-Thing problem exist. Oh, lucky enough for Sydney to help producing K Ampule that definitely just as seen in the canon Limbus story. Just saying. Kylar, W Corp. - This one actually a rather fun idea. This is set with the idea that Kylar work as the Clean Up Member, with parents that's definitely unaware with how their child work but nevertheless proud with him. They'd even use WARP Train solely to be sent off by Kylar each time, much to Kylar silent dismay. If only they know what Kylar has to clean up among the 6 seconds they went into the train... Read one of the reblog tag and yeah. It has to do with Love Town. And pretty much how Kylar had to regularly assemble his parents again and again each trip they made.
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LCB! SYDNEY LET'S GOOOO!!!! This idea came as I made my LCB-esque ID Card for Sydney. The idea of LCB Sydney's background was that it's pretty much what happened in the game, but make it The City-esque and seen from Sydney's eyes. It's fun imagining her as a Dieci Fixer who was caught in a complicated issue which she rather dip out from as she hasn't fully grow the backbone to face it yet. Oh right, in this AU I reimagined Ivory as Abnormality and both Sydney and Kylar got their EGO. Sydney got their Longing Phase EGO (HE, Gloom) while Kylar got the Haunting Phase EGO (WAW, Wrath). I actually had a draft of how the EGO works and its gimmick but let's talk it later on lol
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When Yield My Flesh event is up on Limbus, my head doing the funny by thinking, "Damn... Jun Wren sounds cool..." then I remember Tingtang exist like jfgdjfgbjd HE FITS BETTER AS TINGTANG WHY DIDN'T I THINK ABOUT IT ON A SIDE NOTE, I also had the thought on how Bailey MIGHT kills it as either a Kurokumo or a Middle. After all, Middle never forget... Just like how Bailey never forget your rent LOL
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And last but not least: Sydney and Robin as L Corp. Agent! Robin will be a high Temperance agent which work for Safety Team, while Sydney is the high Fortitude, high Prudence Disciplinary Team Captain. Oh, if you do notice: I made Sydney's cross looks like Penitence EGO Weapon. It's actually based of this idea of how One Sin and WhiteNight's dynamic thematically fits Sydney the Faithful and Sydney the Fallen. The name of both Abnos' EGO Set-- "Penitence" and "Paradise Lost" respectively, both fits the image of each Sydneys. Hence, I draw them in both EGO Sets!
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sydsaint · 3 days
My Boy!!!!!! He's back and he's ADORABLE AND SEXY <3
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Summary: Wheeler makes his triumphant return to AEW and the BCC. The first person to greet him upon his return? His boyfriend and fellow BCC member of course!!
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You stand in the BCC locker room practically vibrating with excitement. Jon notices the eager smile on your face and chuckles.
"Calm down, kid, he'll be here soon." Jon ruffles your hair playfully.
"Right." You cough. "Sorry, Mox." You apologize and stop pacing the room like a feral animal.
Bryan laughs from across the room and shakes his head. "It's alright, kid. You miss your boyfriend, so what? Can't blame you for that."
You feel a bit better about your excited state after Bryan's reassurance that your feelings are valid. You decide to save your energy for the match you've all got later and sit down on a bench. Your leg bounces up and down rapidly while you wait.
A while later, the locker room door swings open, and you hop to your feet. Claudio steps through the door, and you frown, disappointed that it's not Wheeler.
"Wow, YN." Claudio muses when he sees your frown. "You could as least try and act like you're excited to see me." He jokes.
"Sorry, Claudio." You rub the back of your neck.
Claudio laughs again and steps out of the way of the door. He smiles and watches your frown warp into a smile when someone else steps through the door.
"Wheeler!" You practically jump for joy when Yuta comes through the door.
"Hey, YN. You miss me?" Wheeler muses and opens his arms up for a hug.
You hug your boyfriend tightly, not caring one bit about Jon, Byan, and Claudio all watching you.
It's been weeks since you've been properly able to see Wheeler. Your busy schedule working on AEW and New Japan for the last few months means you haven't been home in a while. And to say that you've missed Wheeler would be the understatement of the century.
"Gosh, I am so glad that you're back." You snuggle up to Yuta happily.
"Me too." Wheeler chuckles. "I can't wait for us to tag together tonight!" He gushes. "It's been way to long since I've been able to get into the ring."
After you've reaquainted yourself with your boyfriend, you let him mingle with Mox, Bryan, and Claudio for a while.
Everyone gets ready for the tag match and file out of the locker room. Mox leads everyone through the back halls of the arena so the team can head out to the ring from the side entrance as usual.
You all come to a stop at the darkened entrance and Mox waits for his music to play.
"You ready, Wheeler?" You ask Yuta, standing shoulder to shoulder with him.
"Hell yeah!" Wheeler nods, his hand brushing yours.
The two of you lock your hands together and wait for your cue. Mox's music hits and everyone files out toward the ring. You and Wheeler head out last and strut down the stairs shoulder to shoulder. The crowd is electric as everyone heads down to the ring. You admire the eager smile on Yuta's face as the two of you head down toward the ring.
God, you've missed this.
Being in the ring is always fun, yes. But nothing beats being able to wrestle in the ring with the man that you love.
"Alright! Let's do this!" You hop up onto the apron with Wheeler and the starting bell rings.
Claudio starts out the match so you eagerly await a tag in. Claudio eventually grows tired of being in the ring and heads over to the corner to tag someone in. You're the closest one to Claudio so he tags you in.
You hop into the ring and hit a few offensive moves on your opponet. The crowd eagerly cheers for you and you soak up the attention like it's a drug. You start to really get into the moment until you remember that Wheeler is eagerly waiting for a tag on the apron.
"Go get 'em, babe!" You roll over to your teams corner and tag Wheeler into the match.
"Yes!" Yuta cheers for himself and happily hops over the top rope and into the ring.
You laugh and step through the ring ropes back out onto the ring apron. When you turn back around Wheeler is going at it with his opponnet and you can tell that he's having the time of his life. It makes your heart flutter seeing how happy he looks being back in the ring after so long.
"Yeah! Get him, Yuta!" You cheer for Wheeler while he's in the ring.
The tag match comes to an end when Wheeler manages to pin his opponnet to the mat for the win. The bell rings and the rest of the team drives off your opponets from the ring.
You jump through the ring ropes and haul Wheeler to his feet. He leans on you, breathing heavily as you raise his hand in victory.
"Yeah! Nice job, babe!" You praise Wheeler and lean over to kiss his cheek.
Wheeler hugs your side and the rest of the team all file back into the ring. They surround you and Wheeler and everyone celebrates both the victory and Yuta finally being back in action.
Your boyfriend is back in action and better than ever. And the BCC is on their way to being back on top of AEW.
All is right in the world again.
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vgilantee · 1 year
chad x ethan x reader threesome is a need
*cracks knuckles* alright, time to talk more about my favourite relationship (this is going to be established relationship, because we've done a good few get together smut suggestions) Also this is post college and an au where eth wasn't ghostface!
Title: double the relaxation
a/n: my original intention was to fall straight into smut. Then we ended up with plot. It got a little sloppy (no pun intended) toward the end because it got late and i got tired 
word count: 3.1k (oop)
warnings: smut, obviously. m/m/f threesome. Oral (f receiving). Double penetration in vagina. No protection (wrap before you tap kiddos). also the reader doesn't pee after sex (afab people please pee after raw sex, you don't want thrush)
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Work was exhausting and you knew, walking through the door, that both your boys were home already. you were later home than usual, and they were no doubt going to smother you with questions about why, and you didn't think you would be prepared for that. You were used to being tired after work, but after dealing with several too many difficult people you were tapped out.
As you dropped your keys into the bowl by the door, you could hear someone moving around in the kitchen preparing food, and the TV playing the droll of news from the living room. Maybe you could sneak into the bedroom so you could change out of your work clothes before either of them saw you, let you get rid of the day before facing more people. You loved Chad and Ethan, they could read you like a book, but sometimes you just needed a moment where you could pull on one of their shirts and sit in the dark of the bedroom to recollect your brain.
You managed to sneak past the kitchen and had just escaped past the the living room when ethan's curls spun and he turned to face you
"Oh hey, you're home late." he quickly stood from the sofa and rounded it toward you. "You okay?" Your tiredness was apparently written all over your face, as he had barely stopped in front of you before asking. He took a step closer, offering out his hand, and you all but collapsed into Ethan’s chest. 
“Work sucked. People suck.” You mumbled into his chest, eagerly taking in the warmth of him as he wrapped his arms around you. You could feel him nod against your head as he pressed a kiss into your crown. Ethan pulled away gentle, hands resting on your waist as you looked up at him with tired eyes. 
“Go get changed, okay? I’ll meet you in there.” You hummed, nodding, before continuing your way toward the bedroom. The kitchen smelt like a low-energy dinner: a frozen pizza or dino nuggets. But you were more than happy for that, the carby dinner to drown your exhaustion in. 
You had only just pulled Ethan’s shirt on, foregoing putting on shorts, when you heard the light tapping on the doorframe of Ethan in the bedroom doorway. Your hair was pulled out of its work updo and was messily falling down to your shoulders, makeup not yet removed. Even looking so tired and done with the day, Ethan couldn’t help letting out a soft sigh.
“Feeling better?” He walked toward you, once again offering you a hand. But instead of letting you fall into a hug, he lead you toward the attached bathroom to help wash off your makeup. The water was warm, and you sighed against Ethan’s hand. “How ‘bout now, pretty girl?” You looked up with a contented smile, looking a little less tired now that the final remnants of your workday were gone and Ethan’s hands had soothed over your skin. 
As soon as the washcloth was placed in the sink, you brought your hands up to Ethan’s cheeks and pulled him forward, pressing his lips against yours in a relieved kiss. You felt him smile against your mouth, hands slipping around your waist and pulling your hips into his. One of your hands moved from his cheek to the back of his neck, wanting nothing more than to wrap your fingers into the curls on the nape of his neck. You pulled away to take a breath and let his forehead rest against yours.
“Much better now.” Your breath tickled his lips as you spoke, and he let out a soft laugh.
“You’re gonna make Chad jealous.” His voice was full of humour, knowing Chad would never really be jealous watching the two of you together. You shifted your head and Ethan moved his, thinking you were going to reconnect the kiss. But instead you swerved, pressing your lips along his jaw and down his neck softly, pulling the smallest whimpered breath from throat. 
“Good.” You whispered against his neck, and in response, Ethan slid his hands under your thighs to prompt you to jump. After wrapping your legs around his waist, you expected Ethan to place you on the bathroom counter but instead, he took a step back and carried you back into the bedroom, gently lowering you onto the mattress. 
You rolled your hips up into Ethan as he lay you back, laying on top of you between your thighs. You were tired from your day sure, but with Ethan on top of you, hand under your jaw guiding your mouth back to his, any exhaustion was quickly replaced with need. 
Sitting back on his thighs, Ethan let you run your hands up his stomach to his chest, pushing up his shirt as your fingers danced over his skin. He happily obliged, tossing the unnecessary garment onto the floor beside the bed. He was quick to move back down, not wanting to be apart from the kiss for longer than he had to, and as your nails gently dragged down his chest, the sound of a clearing throat came from the doorway. 
“Here I am, slaving away in the kitchen, and you two are in here having fun without me.” Your head fell back with a laugh before looking over at Chad in the doorway, Ethan kissing his way down to the base of your throat before dragging his tongue along the skin and across your jaw as you opened your mouth to reply to Chad, the feeling of his tongue leaving you gasping. He eased his assault on your skin enough to let you talk.
“Wasn’t the plan.” You hummed as Ethan rolled his hips. “Besides, frozen pizza isn’t slaving, babe.” He rolled his eyes, and as if he could see Chad’s movement, Ethan bit down on your neck. You gasped and your hips bucked into him. “I appreciate it though.” Your reply was whined out. 
As Chad began to make his way toward the bed, Ethan moved away from you again, and you chased after him wanting to feel his mouth on your skin. But he pinched your sides, causing you to squirm, then pulled your shirt over your head. As soon as your chest was bare, Ethan moved his mission to mark your skin down to your chest, gently biting the crest of your tits and leaving wet kisses in the valley between them. 
You felt the bed dip behind you and, without lifting his mouth from the crook of your neck, Ethan pulled you up to sit, allowing Chad to easily slot himself behind you. Ethan let Chad drag you both toward him, letting you sit on his lap while Chad’s legs stretched out underneath you and brushed against Ethan. 
It was one of your favourite positions to be: sat on Chad with your legs wrapped around Ethan, one hand on Ethan’s shoulder while the other reached behind you to hold onto the back of Chad’s neck. Their hands alternating between holding onto you and reaching for each other, Ethan kissing you while Chad makes your neck and shoulders, sometimes their mouths leaving you altogether to kiss each other. 
As Ethan takes your right nipple in his mouth, your head falls back into Chad’s shoulder, exposing your throat and the hickeys Ethan had left you. Your hips rolled, grinding back against Chad before pressing down on Ethan causing both men to let out a low moan. 
“Ethan.” His name comes out in a breathy moan and you feel his teeth gently tug on the bud before pulling away with a pop. You whine as he leans away completely, but it quickly breaks as he moves to your left. 
You feel Chad’s mouth drag up your shoulder to your ear, letting out a relieved sound as he pulls your earlobe into his mouth. 
“Didi you have a rough day, baby?” You hummed out an agreement, the only reply you could make with Chad’s husky voice in your ear and Ethan’s mouth on your tit. “Okay, just relax. We’ll take care of you.” Ethan’s tongue runs along your abused nipple before sitting up to look down at you. 
“You don’t have to do any work, okay. We’ve got you.” Ethan mutters against your cheek before letting Chad guide your mouth toward his with a grip on your jaw. 
You let out a moan as your mouth meets Chad’s for the first time that evening, and the noise gets sharper as a hand - you aren’t entirely sure who’s but you think it’s Chad’s - slides down between you and Ethan and begins to rub lazy circles on your clit. You’re desperate for more, so your hips roll unconsciously, and Chad begins to rut against you. 
“More. Please.” You plead against Chad’s mouth and you feel him chuckle. Ethan gently unwraps your legs from around his waist, your arms following suit, and your eyes fly open, about to fight to get him to stay, only to see him begin  to wriggle out of his sweatpants. 
Chad breaks the kiss, peppering kisses along your shoulder while looking up at Ethan, his fingers never stopping their rubbing of your clothed clit. 
“Look how pretty he is, chest all flushed just from sucking on your tits while you grind on his cock.” You whine, rutting against Chad’s hand as Ethan teasingly palms his cock just too far away from you to touch. 
Suddenly, Chad’s fingers pull away only to dip into your underwear, collecting some of your leaking slick before retuning to his motions against your clit. With his hand no longer on top of the fabric, Ethan begins to pull your underwear down, kissing your legs above the waistband until he finally leaves you naked. As you stared down at Ethan, you felt more than heard Chad groan against your skin as Ethan’s fingers grazed over his cock while he removed your underwear. 
“Gonna take care of you, gorgeous.” Ethan mutters more to himself than you before he leans forward, laying on his stomach and his breath hitting your cunt. You let out a cry, pleading for more as his mouth is so close. 
“Such a tease.” Chad’s voice rumbles against your shoulder and Ethan looks up at him, giving his thigh a pinch. “Only because it makes her wetter.” Ethan doesn’t give you a chance to reply with a snarky comment as his tongue licks a broad stroke across your entire pussy, collecting slick on his tongue with a groan. “So good.” 
Then the pair of them get to work, Chad’s fingers rubbing circles over your clit and Ethan’s tongue swiping over your leaking cunt, occasionally pushing the muscle into you as you grind against his face. You gasp and moan, the sounds echoing around the bedroom as the knot in your stomach tightens. 
“Please.” You aren’t sure what you’re begging for, but the men who are conducting their wonderful assault on your cunt do, and they work in sync to leave your hips rutting and your head rolled back with a loud moan, cumming against Ethan’s mouth. He slows his lapping, drinking up your release while working with Chad to help you down from your high. You pant heavily, revelling in the feeling of their kisses on your sweaty skin. 
“More.” You are barely back from your orgasm, but you need them. 
“Greedy little thing.” Ethan mutters against your thigh, but he sits up, wet stain of precum darkening the front of his boxers. Chad gently passes you over to him, letting you fall against his chest and you eagerly accept the messy kisses Ethan leaves against your mouth. 
Behind you, Chad stands, getting off the bed to easily strip off his clothing before he takes you back from Ethan, his now freed cock resting flat between your folds as you back meets his chest. 
Ethan sits back, happy to watch, and you lean forward to rest your hands on Chad’s knees, grinding against his cock for delicious friction. Every now and again, the tip of his cock would catch on your hole or bump against your clit, and the feeling would have your head drop forward,  eyes squeezing shut. Chad’s hands sat on your hips, letting you control the speed but occasionally pulling you down against him a little harder, and Ethan gently grabbed you by the throat, forcing you to look at him as you desperately ground against Chad. 
“Do you want him inside you?” You gasped, nodding as best you could with Ethan’s hand still on your throat. He looked behind you, meeting Chad’s flushed gaze. “You heard her, pretty girl wants you inside her.” 
Chad quickly took control, stopping your hips to raise you enough for Ethan to reach down and take his cock, lining Chad up so he could easily pull you down. Ever the tease, Ethan gave Chad’s cock slow strokes, thumb running over his slit to cause the man beneath you to growl out a moan. Before finally, Ethan moved his tip so it gently pressed inside of you, and in swift motion, Chad pulled you down, bottoming out inside of you. 
A moan broke from your throat as your pelvis dropped down against Chad, his cock hitting deep inside of you. With Chad’s help, you rode him, pulling so he was almost all the way out before dropping back down. You fell back against his chest, unable to hold yourself up, and Chad leaned back to rest against the bedhead, leaving Ethan with the perfect view of Chad’s cock thrusting in and out of you, the occasional leak of slick falling onto the bed. 
“You look so good, taking me so well. God nice and tight around me.” Chad muttered nonsense against the side of your neck, nipping and kissing at the skin. 
“Think you can take more?” It wasn’t the first time you had taken Chad and Ethan at the same time, but you usually needed more prep. But Ethan could see how wet you were, was watching you leaking a consistent stream. And he wanted nothing more than to join Chad inside of you. 
“Yes, please. Eth, I need you. Please. Inside me.” You were babbling, begging for Ethan, all while Chad’s place never slowed or faltered. 
You heard rather than saw Ethan take off his underwear and shuffle closer to you and Chad, kneeling between both pairs of thighs. He dragged the tip of his cock along where you and Chad met, and all three of you let out a hiss. Ethan replaced the tip of his cock with a finger, gently pushing it inside of you on top of Chad’s cock, and you let out a cry at the feeling of his finger curling up, rubbing against your g-spot while Chad fucked up into you. 
Both at an agonising pace and all to quickly, Ethan moved his finger at the same time as Chad’s cock before adding a second, then a third, scissoring his fingers inside of you to stretch you out. With his fingers running along Chad’s cock, Chad would occasionally let out a groan against you skin, a sound that turned into a choked moan as Ethan’s other hand began to gently play with his balls. 
You and Chad were both panting, heads falling back as Ethan worked you even further open. You let out a pained whine when Ethan pulled his fingers out of you, feeling a little emptier now that the stretch had diminished. But your patience was quickly rewarded as Ethan leaned down over you and captured your bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Chad,” Ethan whispered, “stop a sec.” You sobbed out in complaint when Chad came to a halt inside of you. 
Carefully, Ethan began to push his way inside of you. You let out a high-pitched moan at the painful stretch, and Ethan and Chad hummed out their own low sounds as their cocks dragged against each other inside of you. Finally, when Ethan bottomed out inside of you, he paused.
For a moment, the three of you lay there, you wedged between Ethan and Chad with their cocks both buried inside of your pussy. Your head fell back against Chad’s shoulder, so overwhelmed, and your eyes watered. They both peppered small kisses on your neck, your shoulders, you jaw, everything to keep you present as your thighs shook, one pulled over Ethan’s waist. 
“Doing so good, taking us so well.” Your fogged mind wasn’t too sure who was praising you, their voices blending together as they praised and complimented your ability to take them both, I love you’s kissed against your skin.
“Please, move.” They could barely hear your tiny, desperate voice, and Ethan would have missed it if his ear wasn’t right by your mouth, but he looked over your shoulder to Chad and nodded. 
Chad was the first to move, carefully pulling out of you then, as he began his move back in, Ethan pulled out. Gradually they got faster, setting a rhythm that never left you empty and had you shuddering against them, sobbing and moaning as they fucked you. 
Even if you weren’t still worked up from the orgasm that had built from Chad alone, you knew with the both of them you wouldn’t last very long. Far quicker than you had expected, the tightness returned, ten times stronger than when it was Ethan’s mouth and Chad’s hand against you. You could barely stutter out,
“C-close.” before your whole body shuddered, a cry ripping from your throat as tears rolled down your cheeks and you came hard around them. 
Chad was close behind you, in a similar situation that his orgasm was building when he was alone inside of your cunt. You felt every vein and twitch as he pressed so tightly against the inside of you and you felt the rumble of his chest as he moaned, cumming inside of you. Ethan’s head fell forward into your shoulder, and your hand lazily came up to his hair, giving his curls a tug. You groaned as Chad pulled out of you completely, and Ethan whimpered in your ear (you didn’t know, so foggy and unable to see that far down, but Chad had reached around and was gently running his fingers over Ethan’s asshole after collecting some of the mess that had leaked out of you) until finally he came, biting down on your shoulder as his cum mixed with Chad’s inside of  you, leaking onto the bed as he pulled out. 
Ethan rolled to the side, not wanting to crush you between their bodies with the post-orgasm deadweight, and pulled you onto your side, your arm reaching over his chest. Finally, Chad readjusted himself so the three of you curled up comfortably on top of the sheets, half-asleep and deciding to worry about the mess later. 
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this wasn't meant to happen lmao. anyway it's nearly 12:30am and i need to go to sleep asdflkajsdf. this will be added to the scream masterlist!
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lunarharp · 1 year
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into the deep end - 30k T orufrey fic, focusing on memory trauma, disability, and romance.
the sweet oblivion of the victim, the poisoned freedom of the other.
for one moment - it had felt like two parts returned - the needed reunion of two disparate halves. no more secrets, no more pain.
the moment you get to give back what you never wanted to take. that moment, under the night-blooming flowers, when they had both let out the same single broken sigh of relief.
but they were never whole to begin with, were they?
qifrey swore he wouldn't say 'sorry' to this man any more if he could help it - sorry is cheap now. he didn't want to be in a position ever again where you only have 'sorry' left. so he just looks down into the threads of his blanket, strains his eye until it hurts, feeling his insides - his throat, heart and head - burn with pain. he expects more, but olly says nothing.
olly says nothing.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#sorry i wanted to make a new post for my fic since the first illustration is new.#*stands in the middle of a desolate field in the pouring rain* Please Read My Tale...Blease..Oh god please..*collapses to the ground*#someone asked if there's spoilers in it. Um...yes. Sorry...it's about everything#maybe i should describe it more? it's about qifrey becoming more and more disabled - as i feel is his canon trajectory#and both of them processing the choices that have been made. it was necessary for me to explore this in order to fully understand orufrey#and for them to have the cathartic conclusion-that's why this is important to me for my witch hat fanwork making life. this connects it all#and having dived into qifrey's mind and lived through oru's feelings i was able to get to a place that is possible for them.#the hit/kudos ratio is so pathetic idek what happened. ppl opening it realising its long and saving it for later or just bailing lmfao#idek any more i hate advertising my writing i hate trying to get more ppl to read my long fics it's so hard 🥲#i'm so much prouder of this than my art...i was able to sink deeply into the orufrey feelings i had always wanted to fully explore#so. it's there lol.........i reread the date/kiss segment today after trying to forget about it thinking maybe the fic is just BAD lol#and like.....nope! i like it very much and this is what i was trying to get across. and it's always there to be read by anyone who wants to#and i will always remember the bliss i felt while writing when i was just lost in their world and living as them. dear GOD i love them.#i'm grateful to myself that i put in the work and love to make this so that i can always come back to it. i wanna illustrate scenes properly#but i'm never satisfied with drawing things i've written because i just can't capture the vivid experience in my mind. maybe one day.
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jerrythebug · 1 month
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Started reading for the yaoi, stayed for the Yuri. Amazing stuff. The things those two women do. I really wasn't expecting All That.
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Also! I knew there was something up with those two and I'm glad they got to exchange I love you's! I wonder if they're gonna do anything else, but I don't have high hopes for them, they're pretty backround-ish characters. I don't think Fire and Icemaiden will 'do' much either. But we'll see.
Also Albert is sweaty because he was just playing basketball. That's right, he was struggling with accepting his feelings I believe, so he played ball with a random alien and ran to confess to Todd right after. Fellas, does basketball make you gay???
Nobody told me comics were this gay in the 90s??? I kinda didn't expect it!
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dairyfreenugget · 2 months
(Going insane boinkinh one AU in my head)
Hey hey hey
May I interest you in
(Slowly slides my FaaF AU towards you but void just Disappears without a trace one day before the accolade)
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#i love this au very yummy. a very fun twist on how Flower's dynamic with their parents would progress afterwards#the vessels live but the void exits their bodies in quite a violent manner (extreme pain and literally throwing up an entire person worth of#void). Flower was on guard duty and theyre found barely conscious in a pool of rapidly evaporating void. passes out seconds later#PK also had the displeasure of experiencing extene pain and burning as void forced its way out through his skin <3 And his moulds all melted#and evaporated. after the initial shock wears off theyre hit with “Oh No#the vessel“ and rush to find them. Well somebody else was already looking for the royal pair about this#Flower wakes up dazed and in pain in their father's workshop. their stomach hurts their throat burns and they feel lightheaded. the entire#place is considerably brighter than they remember and in they can hear two faint voices in the background but theyre too preoccupied with#examining their now pure white hand in shock to focus on anything else. until they hear their mother say “My wyrm they're awake” and#suddenly their parents are by their side. Now the two have no idea what void leaving their body might have done to them. Are they still#hollow? are they still dead? do they understand anything are they sentient? or was what was done pernament even without the void? do they#have the mind of a child if their sentience was restored? or do they remember anything? So WL stays by their side and helps them sit up#while their father goes to grab his tools. She's trying to keep them calm and comfort them but theyre still too disoriented to pay her much#attention. Until their father checks their breathing and they yelp audibly from the cool metal contacting their skin and suddenly they seem#much more alert. theyve never experienced true coldness before. PK quickly apologises and tries to be gentler with them. Theyre breathing#properly and they have a heartbeat. And he just pauses for a long while just. listening to their heart beating. Many emotions to be had#after the exam's over he asks them point blank how theyre feeling. And Flower looks up at him still seeming a little disoriented. and then#they lower their hand to their stomach and mutter 'My tummy hurts...a-and my throat burns'. It's to be expected after the way the void#left their body. so he goes to grab them some water and meds and they also ask for food and a mirror. And after he returns they just stare#at themself in the mirror and pull on their bangs for a while then blurt out 'I have your eyes' when PK asks if everything's okay. And he#and he almost chokes up as he replies 'Yeah...Yeah you do'. Flower eventually spins a lie that they remember everything but its all distant#and blurry. Like they were not aware until now. They figured it'd be better to not break their hearts#And now the three have to figure out how to be a family while PK is also scrambling to find a new solution to the infection#oops i meant to only give a brief rundown in the tags which is why it was in the tags. but i got too invested KDHDKFB
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I like doing comparisons for myself sometimes of my first drawing vs a more recent one (vs their in-game appearance) so. might as well put one here :] Plus bdays for all the kids, based on the earliest save files i could find <3
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cangrellesteponme · 1 year
hehe i drew him >:]
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Hippolyte Honoré de Laclos, created by @anawkwardlady ofc
ota-to-english translation for my shit handwriting below:
Hippolyte Honoré de Laclos
not a single thought behind those eyes. hair's getting too long - can't be bothered to get it cut, too busy with ze art ! dry lips (pls drink water) Les Fleurs du Mal, Beaudelaire poorly painted nails (some are straight up cracked)
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mafuteru · 6 months
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i think im gonna try to start tagging my reblogs properly like i used to back in 2018~ lets see how long i actually manage...
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goldenkid · 7 months
also tinder sucks ass
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sntoot · 2 years
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first 3 doodles r pretty much directly from this fic, because i’m loving all the interactions in it so much (tho i subbed batu in as the wol because i know how to draw them easily and they would totally ask hythlodaeus can’t use aetherytes??)
i have no explanation for anything else really. hestia always sneaks into my page of sketches bc i like to color their hair
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probablyahazard · 7 months
so im rewatching landing at point rain (season 2 ep 5) and im just- ahhhhh
like the ep opens with ashoka and anakin joking about how many kills theyve got and even the opening battle seems kinda light hearted. like the republic seems to be doing pretty well and uve got the familiar victorious star wars music in the background.
and then one of the clone makes a joke about how "its a good thing that those bugs cant aim" before his ship is hit and set on fire.
we get a few more seconds of that music turning ominous before anakins ship gets shot down and the music cuts completely.
we're just left with the screams of injured and dying men. we just have to watch as this plan goes to absolute shit and thousands of men die. like trapper and obiwan are the only ones who survive their transport crashing.
like this show is kinda really good at being both funny and enjoyable and also showing that like yeah this is a war and it sucks and people are dying
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orcelito · 10 months
I always find it kind of funny what some other ppl consider "slow burn". Like I've been reading a fic that the writer repeatedly said was slow burn, but some 40k words in and they've had their first kiss...
I'm not complaining, but that just doesn't feel like that slow of a burn to me lmao. But Then Again, this is coming from the person who writes some of the slowest of burns... not the slowest, mind you, but like. In discacc, I'm pretty sure their first kiss happened around... what, 400k words in? Something like that. And they hadn't even officially Met (in person) until like some 70k words in.
And Then there's ITNL. Currently 74k words, and Wolfwood hasn't even officially entered the story yet.
We're in for the long haul, y'all :]
#speculation nation#itnl shit#discacc shit#sure i'll tag it. this post has me remembering writing it :')#but yea like. hm. i dont think it'll take as long in ITNL as it did in discacc for the relationship shit to happen#if i had to estimate... maybe around 200k? for the first kiss at least. based on my plans for it & all.#keeping in mind that ITNL as a whole could be 400k words. or more...#im notoriously bad at properly estimating word counts though#as seen by my 'im 150k words into discacc and halfway through the game so Surely the fic will be 300k words'#and im sitting pretty at 500k and still a good third of the game left. whoops.#i say it's not the 'slowest of burns' bc one of my fav fics ever is at... what... 600k? 700k? i havent looked in a while actually#so i dont remember. but after all of these words the protagonist still doesnt even realize he's got FEELINGS.#they held hands Once. easily made up for with everything else in the story. utterly fascinating mysteries. so on so forth#for the intersection of fandoms of ppl who know p5 and my shit. itnl rly is inspired by Marigolds.#the short and sweet summary that really tells you very little (so u have to tell via tags what it is)!!!#the time travel and years passed before even MEETING the other person again#im not going as in depth into it but the inspiration is there. im still just utterly enamored with Marigolds years later#and this is a trope so common in p5 fandom (the NG+ style of time travel) yet i hadnt seen it at all in t.rigun#so. yeah. maybe i moved to a new fandom and am taking inspiration from one of my fav fanfics ever#but to be fair discacc has been largely inspired by Marigolds too. just more with characterization than story structure.#anyways. dont worry ITNL readers there will be vw from like the moment they first meet. flirting inevitable.#but the actual resolution will take a while. Emotional resolution even longer than Physical resolution lol#if u read this far into the tags then xoxoxo love U. hope u enjoyed the hints of the planned structure for ITNL
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ohh i can feel a category five autism event on the horizon
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do u ever speak too soon & immediately regret it.
#yes this is about the trade that just happened three minutes ago#clown shoes of prophecy in the tumblr tags#no i am not Doing Well#I THOUGHT I WAS GODDAMN SAFE FROM THE BRUINS#to be deleted but i am literally resisting the urge to screech like a feral animal in the gym right now i am being soooooo normal#WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME PERSONALLY SPECIFICALLY I’M GOING TO CRY INTO A HOLE I CAN’T DO THIS NARRATIVE IT’S ONLY DYLAN LEFT YOU TOOK HIM#i have to pretend to be normal :) i have to take an exam :) and function as a human being :) instead of crouching like a bug on the floor#and then i will come home and open up the notes app i made two (?) years ago that says ‘if tyler bertuzzi ever gets traded it’s-’#& everyone will be suffering with me. sorry not sorry for the influx of sad bertuzzi posts that are coming like i have Such a relationship#with him as a player &i know he’s the worst but also it really sucks to watch every guy you thought was the core of ur team get traded away#purely narratively speaking in all bemoaning etc etc etc except for the part where we don’t have a gritty net front presence now &#who’s gonna be larks & lucas’ winger & i just cried about tyler in a fight the other day because mickey said ‘i’m sure he wants to protect#those hands but sometimes you can’t you gotta do it for the boys’ & i think mickey said ‘they’ as in the team wants him to not hurt his hand#again but he has to fight & if that isn’t also v much a part of the old gods detroit it was always tyler champion of blood & guts & giving#& regardless of hockey (EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT IT WAS FOR DRAFT PICKS I HATE DRAFT PICKS WHAT ARE U GONNA DO WITH THOSE like at least if#it’s for a guy i could maybe learn to love him but you never remember who you traded to get those draft picks unless it’s narratively r#relevant later but right now it feels like it’s for nothing & i don’t want to learn to love some new guy in five years i miss tyler already)#anyway. ik full well this won’t cause me to actually finish tyler borzoituzzi bc i haven’t even properly started it but i can dream of spite
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elytrafemme · 2 years
my sister and mom described to me the trainwreck i was after i got my wisdom teeth out (procedure went okay btw if anyone needs reassurance abt that stuff i’ve got u!) and explained that at one part i leaned my head into my palm in this very specific way and i can’t tell if this was just done because i was tired but i cant help but realize that this is the exact gesture i make when i’m struggling with a switch so i’m wondering if i was trying to switch out while extremely fucking loopy and my alters were like no bestie you can have at this one 😭
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