#i wish i was an isopod
sky-daddy-hates-me · 5 months
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This person says they're anti-israel and pro-palestine. They say they believe the human rights media when it comes to Israel's genocide yet they claim they're unreliable when the same media outlets point out the human rights abuses in West Papua by Indonesia.
If you only believe that countries that aren't your own are capable of breaching international humanitarian law, committing genocide, and colonisation, then your blind loyalty to your government will be your undoing.
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l0rd-0f-c0ws · 1 year
for some reason in class i just couldnt do anything but make weird isopod memes. heres all of them
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Bonus horseshoe crab :)
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its-a-beautful-day · 5 months
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A lil fanart of @passionpeachy snailsona 💖
Thought they would enjoy this lovely lush spot of moss I found the other day 🌱🪴🌿 and maybe meet a friend!
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me when in on my computer
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piplupod · 7 months
maybe im wrong and too soft or something but I just feel like if we can extend a bit of kindness to insects, one of the most widely hated groupings of living things, then I think we should. so many species of insects go extinct and people CHEER when they hear that. that was a whole species of a living thing that had entire lives that they lived, and you are cheering ???? you are celebrating that a living thing is now never going to exist ever again??? just because it has a certain appearance???
it just feels so grossly cruel to me and it makes me feel very ill when I think about how thoughtlessly cruel people so often are towards things that live and breathe and have life cycles and heartbeats.
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oleandy · 7 months
it's been super humid here recently thanks to all of the rain and i walked into my room where cassini's (my python's) tank is and oh my god it smells like Wet and Snake in here. not in a bad way though
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artcorvid · 9 months
Ive been soooo obsessed with ispods lately. I loved them for as long as i remember and I already knew people kept them as pets but only recently concidered keeping them myself. The last straw was playing this game called Bugaboo where you take care of little bugs in a tamagochi and the firt pet is an isopod and i was like: thats it. I cant wait any longer. Im getting pet isopds.Ive already ordered a terrarium for them and have been doing tons of research on how to take care of them I JUST CAN`T WAIT.
Also there is like a WHOLE community of people who breed them and select different morphs (wouldnt be able to afford any of the rare onse though lol) it`s so fascinating!
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Apologies for poor photos, but my Alloniscus perconvexus spawned something orangey!
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The pics are a little misleading. It's not quite this orange in person. The eyes appear black to me, so likely not amelanistic. For comparison, this is the regular coloration, taken at the same time under the same light.
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sometimesanequine · 8 months
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dollopheadedmerlin · 5 months
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Finally planted my crested gecko enclosure! May aff a few more plus some hardscape, but what do we think so far!?
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parin-gurumin · 3 months
I'm not entirely sure if this would be considered a "hot take" but I'm a little disappointed that the general designs of lusus doesn't have a more specific philosophy. What I mean is that when I learned that the lusus in Hiveswap don't carry over a "species guideline" (That's the best nonsense term I could think of to refer to this thought I have) I was rather disappointed. For example I WISH the olive bloods all had some form of feline lusus, be it be practically like a tiger or have it be some kind of amalgamation and play on words. (Ex: A Catfish, it could be primarily feline but have some tactfully incorporated fish elements in the design)
Like, I have a lusus plotted out for my FOR FUN trollsona and because I'd be indigo blooded I figured I would incorporate a horse aspect. (the design isn't straight up a horse, it's a play on words of another animal but taking the horse part literally)
That's just me though!
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Reminding myself of the post where someone googled Big Water in the middle of the night, thinking it would summon a drink
*wishing for Big Tea*
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wormsdyke · 1 year
rereading the wikipedia page for horseshoe crabs while giggling and kicking my feet in the air
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ok ok but let brad keep isopods
SEE I WAS DEBATING ON IT because I also have isopods as pets HOWEVER. the reason brad keeps bugs is primarily because he loves keeping dangerous predators he gets to watch hunt (and also because he can relate to them etc etc), but everyone loves isopods and they're completely harmless. if he was going to have any detritivores, he would definitely go for millipedes first, especially the larger african species such as archispirostreptus gigas and spiropoeus fischeri (I have both, hence how I know he'd like them too LOL), since at least they have a toxic defense mechanism. but I still dont think brad would see any use in keeping bugs that dont hunt their own food unless he's using them to feed to other bugs that do (such as his roaches and beetles that he breeds as feeders), because that defeats his purpose for keeping them. and, unlike what casual keepers on social media will tell you, isopods make pretty terrible feeders because their exoskeleton is too hard and they have very little protein for their size 😭
however, just because brad wouldn't personally choose isopods doesn't mean they won't be added to his collection in wafwaf's future 👀 this IS a slow burn after all, and david's gonna get to keep his own bugs eventually too! it'll just take. you know. like a billion more chapters until we reach that point LOL
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piplupod · 7 months
i cannot figure out why I get nightmares every now and then where I'll be freaked out by my isopods 🤔 In real life, I love and adore them and am never freaked out by them unless occasionally seeing a dead one triggers an innate fear response in me, but even that is rare!
but once in a blue moon I'll have a nightmare that features them in a pretty normal way except I'll react to them as if they're maggots - it's so strange. even in the nightmare, I'll know it's wrong, that I shouldn't be feeling so scared of them, i /love/ these lil guys, but my body and brain react as if I'm looking at a bunch of maggots or similar. ITS REALLY WEIRD
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rottysphere · 1 year
I love animals and creatures and little guys and beasts they make the world bearable
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