#i wonder if they be knowing what will happen inside the fandom when they send certain pics
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
i was wondering if you can do like a secret admirer / friends to lovers thing with tim bradford? like reader or tim are sending each other notes and get them something that they’ve mentioned before but never had time or the resources to get. sorry if that sounds confusing
I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted; if it's not, let me know and I'd be happy to try again! Thanks for the great request and please feel free to let me know what you think!🤍
Secret Admirers
Warnings: fluff, brief angst, friends to lovers, obliviousness, brief LA Rams slander
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“How am I supposed to consider you a friend when you say things like that?” you ask.
Tim shakes his head. “You’re just mad because I’m right.”
“There are other things to do besides football,” you argue.
“I thought it was my night to pick.”
“You always pick football.”
“The Rams are playing.”
You sigh dramatically, leaning against Tim’s shoulder. “Fine, turn on the game, let me lose a few more IQ points.”
Tim’s shoulder moves below you, the only sign that he’s laughing at your actions. If you didn’t want to watch football, he wouldn’t make you, because he’s a good friend. No one knows; you only got close to him because of your relentless pursuit of getting to know him. And now you’re inseparable.
“You know you’re my closest friend?” you ask.
“Then you should get out more,” he deadpans.
“You love me.”
“Whatever you need to hear.”
“Tell me I’m your best friend and I’ll tell you the Rams are making it to the Super Bowl.” You lower your voice to add, “For once.”
Tim’s eyes narrow as he moves to look at you. “You have to mean it.”
Nodding, you put on your most serious expression.
“You are my best friend,” Tim says.
You smile brightly, and Tim presses his lips together to hide his smile.
“The Rams are going to the Super Bowl. Guaranteed,” you tell him.
“Well now they are. You’re our luck,” Tim mumbles, leaning back against the couch again.
“Heard that.”
You haven’t seen Tim in almost a week. After the game ended, a win for the Rams, he got called into work and has barely been home since. Just long enough to sleep and eat each night before he’s gone again. Los Angeles has been dealing with numerous crime sprees, like a miniature version of the Purge that the Mid-Wilshire Division faces singlehandedly.
Your stomach rumbles around lunchtime, and as you reach for your bag, you realize Tim probably hasn’t had a good meal this week. Dialing the number of his favorite restaurant, you place a huge order to be delivered to the station, not even thinking about letting Tim know who it’s from.
Knowing Tim has food he’ll enjoy, you rest a little easier and continue your day with a small smile.
“Hey,” Tim sighs, letting you inside. “Sorry I’ve been so busy this week.”
“No problem, glad you’re home.”
“You’ll never guess what happened,” he says. “Someone sent a ton of food from my favorite restaurant yesterday afternoon. The timing was perfect; we were all exhausted and starving. And… it’s been so long since someone just did something nice for me like that.”
Tim smiles as he shakes his head gently.
“I wish I knew who it was from so I could thank them properly.”
You consider telling him, but first, you ask, “Think it’s a secret admirer?”
Tim barks out a single laugh. “Yeah, because this is going to become a regular thing.”
That’s all the answer you need. Keeping your mouth closed, you nod and become Tim Bradford’s secret admirer. He deserves everything and more, and it’s up to you to show him.
You’ve always felt something for Tim, and as you start taking note of little things he likes or wants, you avoid confronting what these feelings could really be.
“More to come,” you say as you finish writing the letter.
After a few days of giving Tim small gifts and becoming more attuned to his wants and likes, you add handwritten notes to your deliveries to add a personal level. He hasn’t seen your writing enough to determine you are his secret admirer, so you give him the acknowledgment and words of affirmation he craves, often without knowing.
Securing the note to the top of the box, a new Rams jersey, you smile. Being Tim’s secret admirer makes you happy, but more than that, it makes Tim happy, which is the one thing you want in the world.
Tim opens the box before the letter, his eyes widening at the brand-new, once-worn Rams jersey. Closing it quickly, he reaches for the letter before stopping. Tim feels strange accepting the gifts, especially one that is so expensive. But, if whoever this is wants to do something so kind, the least he can do is accept them. It’s not just about the money, though, Tim realizes. His thoughts often drift to you, and he can’t place why, but he still wonders if accepting something from others will create a rift in his relationship with you.
First, it’s not too expensive. You deserve so much more than you would ever be willing to get for yourself. So, accept it and enjoy it.
Tim shakes his head; whoever wrote this knows him better than he thought. They’re probably close.
Happiness isn’t something you have to earn or prove you are worthy of.
Closing the card and tucking it underneath the jersey, Tim prepares to leave for the day. After stowing the thoughtful gift from his secret admirer in his backseat, he drives to a nearby store to pick up a few things for dinner.
While shopping, Tim sees something you have always wanted but have never been able to afford. After receiving so many kind gifts and hearing the exact words he unknowingly craves, he feels a strong urge to give you something you want and deserve, too.
It's after dark when he leaves the store, so Tim decides to put it on your porch in the morning as a surprise. You’ll know his writing, so he prints a note that you deserve nice things, even when you don’t feel like you do.
Once it’s safely on your porch before sunrise, and Tim is driving to the station, he realizes that he doesn’t like having a secret admirer. Not because he doesn’t like the gifts or the money spent on him, but because he doesn’t want to lose you if the secret admirer wants more.
Tears gather in your eyes when you see the gift on your porch. After years of daydreaming about spending that kind of money on something you love and then talking yourself out of it with an argument that you don’t deserve it, you don’t know what to do. The note attached to it silences each of the thoughts racing through your mind.
Being a secret admirer and having one are very different things, and you’re not sure you like this.
Each gift Tim receives over the next week deepens his frown, even as he reads the kind notes attached. He wants to know who it is, so he can explain that he’s grateful, but it needs to stop. You’ve stayed at his side through each letter, glad that someone is being kind. Tim’s contention comes from the fact that when he gets something, he wants to call you and share it with you, but that may not be fair to you. Yes, he’s your secret admirer, but he doesn’t want to lose you because of his. It’s probably an irrational fear, but if someone is doing this and expecting to move forward into a real relationship with Tim, he can’t. He won’t.
On Friday, the end of his first week as your secret admirer, he sends you a bouquet, not made of flowers, but of things that constitute your favorite hobby. It’s incredibly thoughtful, and the note comes straight from his heart. He mentions something specific about your past, smiling as he pictures your excited smile.
When you accept the large arrangement, your eyes widen as you reach for the card first. The last line mentions something you’ve only talked about once. The one time you confided about it to someone was to Tim Bradford.
Your jaw drops as you realize that Tim is the only person who could have been doing this over the last week. That means he probably knows that you’re his secret admirer, too. Grabbing your car keys, you drive straight to the station, ready to tell Tim it’s been you and you meant every word you said.
“Who dropped it off?” Tim demands.
“Sergeant,” the woman begins.
“Don’t tell me that it was a delivery, they have to give a name. I need to know who is giving me this stuff because I can’t accept it!”
You stop in the hallway, listening to Tim’s raised voice as he refuses to accept a gift. 
“I can look into it.”
“Please do,” Tim says, quieter.
Stepping out of the hall and walking toward the bullpen, Tim sees you, and his shoulders drop in relief. He walks to your side and leads you somewhere private to talk.
“You don’t want a secret admirer anymore?” you ask softly, your fingers brushing the edge of the envelope hidden behind your back.
“Why not?”
 Tim sighs, rubbing his hand on his jaw before answering, “Because I’m in love with someone else.”
Even though you were sure the letter was from him, you drop your eyes and begin second-guessing yourself. Maybe you mentioned it to someone else, or they just found out. Tim notices your change and steps closer.
“What’s going on?” he asks gently.
“Nothing, I just- I should go.”
You rush out, and Tim can’t chase you because he has to work. He calls and texts you throughout the rest of the afternoon, growing grumpier with each ignored message and ring.
When he finally gets off work, he drives straight to you and knocks on your door, determined to get answers.
“I thought it was you,” you admit, opening the door and not letting him speak. “I was getting letters too and I thought they were from you.”
Tim’s anger dissipates nearly immediately with your soft voice and downcast eyes. “They were. The letters were from me.”
“That’s why I can’t let whoever is sending me such thoughtful gifts continue,” Tim interrupts. “Because I have feelings for you.”
You pull Tim inside, leaning against the door as you say, “But it's all been from me.”
Tim’s eyes widen, and his mouth gapes open as you pass him an envelope. He opens it, nearly choking on air as he sees two tickets to the next Rams game.
“Why didn’t you just tell me at the station?” he asks, looking between you and the tickets before moving toward you.
“You said you were in love with someone else,” you answer with a shrug.
Tim chuckles, letting you see his smile as he bends to look into your eyes. “Because I didn’t know it was you.”
“I was going to tell you. At the game, if you’d let me go.” You fiddle with your fingers until he slides his hand between yours.
“I have a better idea.”
Tim sets the tickets on the table behind him. Turning toward you, he takes your face between his hands and kisses you. His slow, languid movements reinforce everything he has expressed through his actions and written words over the past week.
You gasp when his lips meet yours, clutching his shirt in your grasp as you kiss him, letting your actions speak yet again.
“Will you go out with me?” Tim asks, breathless as he pulls back, his hands dropping to your waist. “Some walking angel gave me a few Rams tickets, and I’d love to take you.”
“Depends,” you answer with a hum. “What are your thoughts on secret admirers?”
Tim squeezes your waist gently. “I love mine.”
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suniix · 11 months
05 | miyamura x reader
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synopsis | baking with miyamura makes you realize something you’d rather not think about. an unexpected encounter in the school hallway brings up an old memory
word count | 2k+
note | so sorry for taking so long to update 💀 im not really in the fandom anymore but i don’t wanna abandon this fic.. also i wrote most of this awhile ago so sorry if you notice a style change, once im done with this fic everything is going to be rewritten. i had some formatting issues with this chap so if it seems like a chunk of the chapter is missing pls let me know 😭 ALSO IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST PLS SEND AN ASK!! REPLIES GET LOST IN MY NOTIFS EASILY SO I MIGHT NOT SEE IT!!
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“Wait, did we need baking soda or baking powder?” You ask while holding the two small boxes in each hand.
Miyamura peeks over your shoulder. “Baking powder.” He says while plucking the box from your hand.
It was early in the afternoon when Miyamura stopped by your home to drop off some cinnamon rolls. A few weeks have passed since the first day of school and it was common for him to stop by after school or during the weekends, occasionally bringing sweets with him. When you opened the door the first thing he noticed was flour all over your hands and face. He quickly noticed the messy kitchen behind you and asked what happened while struggling to hold back a chuckle.
You explained that it was your grandma’s birthday today and you wanted to bake a cake for her and have it ready by the time she got back. One small problem though— you had no idea how to bake a cake.
“Thanks again for helping me out, and sorry you had to waste your Saturday doing this for me.” You say while gently cracking an egg, letting the yolk fall into the mixing bowl. You peer inside, noticing an eggshell had fallen in. Grabbing a spoon you scoop it out.
“It’s not a bother, really.” Miyamura shrugs. “I didn’t have any plans for today, so I’m glad I have something to do.”
You watch as Miyamura expertly cracks an egg open with one hand, letting the yolk fall in without any eggshells. “How do you do it? Each time I crack it open an eggshell always falls in.”
Miyamura chuckles. “It’s just practice, watch.” He grabs another egg and taps the side of the bowl with some force. Then with both hands he opens up the egg and out falls the yolk. “Now you try.”
Grabbing the last egg, you tap the side of the bowl with the egg and get it to crack. Holding it over the bowl with one hand, you look to Miyamura for guidance.
“First, grab the egg with both hands.” He gently grabs your other hand and brings it up to the egg. His hands are warm, the kind of warm that reminds you of being under your favorite blanket on a cold night. “Make sure one thumb is on the left side of the crack while the other is on the right side.”
You nod, placing your thumbs on both sides. “Now you just gently pull the egg apart, slowly.” He says, letting go of your hands.
You nod once again, gently pulling the egg apart as the yolk slips out without any eggshells falling in. “I did it!” You cheer, turning to face Miyamura.
He’s already staring at you with a genuine smile on his face. You don’t know why, but it makes your heart skip a beat. “I always knew you could. Now, the next step is to..”
You don’t process what his next words are, you’re too busy wondering why lately your cheeks heat up around Miyamura and how any sweet gesture he does for you makes your heart beat a little too fast. It’s been happening too often and you’re not sure how to feel about it. You snap out of your thoughts when he turns on the mixer, the noise echoing throughout the kitchen.
“Pass me the sugar please.”
Passing the sugar to him, you watch as he slowly adds sugar into the mixing bowl. “While I’m doing this you can get the flour mixture ready.” Miyamura looks up at you and you nod, quickly turning around to prepare it.
Miyamura had already set the flour in a bowl, all you needed to do was add the baking powder and salt. Looking at the recipe on your phone, you couldn’t find the measurements anywhere.
“Uh, Miyamura?”
“I can’t find the measurements.”
“What?” He sets down the sugar, walking over to you and leaning over your shoulder to see your phone’s screen. “It doesn’t say?”
You shake your head, scrolling all the way to the bottom to find nothing. “That’s odd, try adding two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and one fourth teaspoon of salt.” He says before walking back over to the mixer.
You silently repeat the measurements in your head, trying not to forget. After adding the baking powder and salt you mix it in then bring the bowl over to Miyamura. “Alright, what’s next?” You ask.
“Add the flour into the bowl.” He says while patting the side of the mixing bowl.
“Alright!” You lift the bowl, tilting it so a good amount of flour would fall into the mixing bowl.
“But make sure to do it slowly, or else!—”
It was too late, you poured the flour in too quickly, resulting in the flour puffing up in your face because of the mixer. You look up at Miyamura, making him burst out laughing.
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As soon as your grandma arrived home you rushed towards her and brought her to the kitchen to show her what you (and Miyamura) had made. Her eyes twinkled in surprise. “Goodness! I can’t believe you remembered!” She said in awe, walking up to the counter and examining the cake.
“I made sure to leave sticky notes everywhere to make sure I wouldn’t forget today!”
Your grandma walked over to you and brought you close, hugging you tightly. You immediately hugged her back, relishing in the warm embrace. How long has it been since you’ve been hugged like this?
“Thank you so much Y/n.” She whispered to you before pulling away. She turned to look at Miyamura before pulling him into a hug that surprised him. “And thank you as well young man, I can only imagine how cooking with my grandkid went.” She chuckled, which prompted a ‘hey!’ from you in response.
Miyamura couldn’t help but laugh as well. “It wasn’t a bother at all, Y/n is my friend and I don’t mind helping them.”
Your grandma nodded. “You’re such a kind young man, I hope Y/n finds someone like you in the future.”
You found yourself silently agreeing with your grandma. While Miyamura appears quiet and gloomy, he is actually really kind and caring. He’s patient, that much is certain after he helped you bake a cake, and he doesn’t get frustrated at you when you forget the simplest of things. Yeah, you wouldn’t mind dating— wait.
Once you fully processed her comment you let out an awkward chuckle. “Come on now, let’s eat!”
There’s no way you just thought about dating him.
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Monday came a lot quicker than you’d like.
Sunday was uneventful, apart from you constantly thinking about your grandma's words from the previous day.
Scratch that, Sunday was the day your perspective on Miyamura changed.
You hadn’t thought about it much before, but why would you? You were content with just being friends, it was the whole reason you decided to stay with your grandma! To make friends!
But your grandma’s words left you thinking. You were happy to be his friend, truly, but was it okay to want more? To want to have something that was more than just friends?
Hugging your pillow you quickly shake your head. No! No way! You refused. I don’t like him that way! I don’t! You argued, squeezing your pillow tightly as if it were the one confronting you about your feelings.
Those words were meant for you and you alone, for no one was accusing you of liking him. There was no one to convince but yourself. You let out a sigh as you loosened the grip on the pillow, asking yourself the dreaded question.
Do I like Miyamura?
The immediate answer you thought of was yes, but you paused. Why do you like Miyamura? Was it simply because your grandma brought it up and you felt the need to make her happy, to show her you were happy with him just so she could be happy for you?
You thought of the moments you shared with Miyamura and had your answer. No, this was not because of a silly comment your grandma made. Your feelings were always there, deep down. You just never realized you wanted more until you realized you could have more.
Now what to do with your newfound feelings.
Should I just cut him off completely and hope my feelings die? You contemplated for a second before quickly shaking your head. Simply thinking about cutting contact with him hurts your heart, so there’s no way you’d actually be able to go through with it. No, be mature about this! There’s no need to do that! Just.. pretend our feelings don’t exist!
Despite your plan, sleep didn’t come easy. You spent the whole night thinking about scenarios that could happen on Monday. Maybe you walk into school and Miyamura somehow figured out you liked him and stops being friends with you, maybe he suddenly announces he’s dating Hori, maybe—
You quickly stop yourself. There was no need to overthink this, Miyamura doesn’t even know you like him! This conflict is completely one sided which means there is nothing to worry about— yet.
Before you knew it, Monday morning came and you had gotten absolutely no sleep. You sluggishly put on your clothes, wanting nothing more than to just crawl back to bed, but school was waiting for you. Miyamura was waiting for you.
You quickly shake your head to get rid of your thoughts. Running down the stairs you quickly spot the clock on the wall and notice the time. You were currently a few minutes ahead of schedule so you slowed your pace, taking your time to put on your shoes.
Ok, since I’m early, maybe I can surprise Miyamura at his door this time! You smiled at the thought. He had always been kind enough to wait for you to walk to school together, it’ll be nice to surprise him this time. Thinking about his possible reaction made you giggle, but you quickly stopped yourself. If anyone else were in the room with you they’d think you’d gone mad for laughing for no reason.
Leaving your home you make sure the door is locked before heading out. The morning air is crisp, making you wish you were back in your bed. It’ll be worth it though, seeing the surprised look on Miyamura’s face—
No! You shake your head. Gotta snap out of it! You walk up the stairs to his apartment door, footsteps echoing against the walls. You’re so lost in thought, trying to get your mind off your feelings when you bump into something, or rather, someone. You immediately jump back, ready to apologize when a voice cuts you off.
His voice was a bit deeper than usual, but you’d recognize his voice anywhere. You look up to see Miyamura, a surprised look on his face. You take a moment to recollect yourself, clearing your throat and standing up straighter. “I woke up early so I thought I’d surprise you by picking you up this time! But jeez, you left so early I didn’t even make it to your door before you left.” You explained.
He chuckles in response. “Well you got me, I’m surprised.”
He gestures to the stairs. “Since you technically got here first, lead the way.”
You don’t argue, happily going down the stairs first while Miyamura followed close behind. Once the two of you are out on the street you walk side by side, your shoulders occasionally brushing against each other.
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Time goes by so fast that you sometimes wish it’d slow down.
It feels as though just a few minutes ago you had arrived at school with Miyamura, but now the school day had reached its end. It was relatively boring, except for the part where you couldn’t seem to act normal around Miyamura. He asked you a couple of times if you were feeling okay, even brushing his hand against your forehead to check your temperature (which did not help you at all). If your friends noticed they didn’t comment on it and for that you were grateful.
Forget your earlier thought, you’re glad time passed quickly.
The sun was low, painting the empty hallways a golden color. You were walking alongside Hori, helping her carry some files to put away in the student council’s room. Your shoes squeaked with each step you took, but neither of you seemed to mind. The silence around you and Hori was no longer tense, in fact, it was quite peaceful. Hori seemed content, as though whatever was bothering her before was resolved. The doors to the student council room come into view when Hori breaks the silence.
“Hey, can I ask you something?”
You nod in response. “Of course! What is it?”
“Do you like Miyamura?”
The question catches you off guard, making you stop. Hori walks a few steps ahead before slowing her pace and stopping completely, keeping her back to you.
“What do you mean?” You’re not sure how else to respond. You had just barely found out you had feelings for Miyamura, so you’re not even sure if you’re ready for your friends to know yet.
She turned to face you. “You’ve been acting off today, and I don’t want to seem nosey, but.. I was just curious.”
You’re silent for a moment, still unsure as to how to respond. Hori takes that as an answer. “Listen, it’s okay if you—”
“I don’t.”
Hori shoots you a confused look. “You don’t?”
“I don’t.” You reaffirm, hoping she doesn’t notice the shake in your voice.
Hori simply stares at you before turning and continuing to walk. You let out a sigh of relief— you’re not sure if she bought your lie, but you’re at least happy she didn’t press you to tell the truth. You don’t think you’d be able to handle admitting it out loud.
Before Hori has the chance to open the door it slides open, revealing a guy with pink hair. “Oh, sorry.” His voice is so soft you almost don’t hear it as he steps aside for Hori to enter. She thanks him and enters the room to file away the papers and your eyes briefly meet his pink ones.
For a moment you remember something you’d thought you’d forgotten. Suddenly you’re six years old again, stretching out a hand to befriend a lonely boy.
Your eyes remain on his figure as he walks away, not noticing Hori was waiting for you to hand her the files until she taps your shoulder. “Oh! Sorry!” You hand her the files and she places them inside a cabinet before walking back out to the hallway with you.
“Hey Hori..”
“Do you by any chance know the guy that was just in there?”
That question catches her attention and she looks at you confused before shrugging. “No, but I can probably find out.”
You shake your head. “No it’s alright, it’s just.. he seemed so familiar.”
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
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euphor1a · 10 months
Riding Soobin’s thigh
thirst drabbles (11/∞)
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fandom » txt
pairing » soobin x f!reader
rating » 18+ (minors dni!)
genre » smut, established relationship.
word count » ~ 1460
warnings » profanity, light dom/sub undertones, reader is thirsty, teasing, implied size kink, thigh riding, dirty talk, breast play, lmk if i missed anything!
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You know he’s probably working on something important. The furrow between his eyebrows and his hyper focused eyes are kind of a clear giveaway. So, it’s probably for the best and the most natural thing to not bother him until he’s done. You know.
But God, why does he have to look so sexy while working? The glasses that sit low on the bridge of his nose being the most criminal of it all. You wonder if you’re a total weirdo for feeling so turned on by a rather simple thing.
To your defense, this is the first time you’ve seen Soobin working from home. And, he doesn’t exactly wear his glasses frequently. But then again, it hasn’t been long enough since you started to spend more time at each other’s places, often staying the weekends together instead of going on dates. 
“Soobin-ah~” you coo, hoping, praying that he answers. God, you are so desperate, down bad. 
“Mhm?” He answers, long fingers quickly typing something away on his MacBook. His gaze is transfixed on the screen, not once reverting towards you. The strangeness that’s been pooling in your stomach increases tenfold. You want him. Fuck, you might as well be crazy. 
“Soobinnie…” you mewl, wanting nothing more than his attention right now. 
Soobin looks at you for a split second, his face blank. “What happened?” 
You sigh, mumbling an almost inaudible ‘nothing’ and lowering your head. He shrugs it off, going back to his work nonchalantly. What can you possibly tell him? That you’ve been admiring him for half an hour now and you’ve made yourself wet in the process?
But you’re no quitter. It’s embarrassing to tell him out loud, but you can surely do something to get him on board instead of confessing your sins, right? 
You unbutton his oversized shirt you’re wearing as silently as possible, taking small steps to reach where he’s sitting on the couch, completely unaware of your intentions. 
“Baby, what are you doing?” Soobin hisses under his breath, caught off-guard by the feeling of your warm hands squeezing his shoulders firmly. 
“I thought you could use a massage.” Your voice is gentle, scared of rejection. 
He can’t help the smile that curls his lips upward. “Aww, thank you, my love.” Your heartbeat picks up speed, hands continuing their journey across his broad shoulders. It only turns you on more, thinking about the times you had scratched up his back while he fucked you so good. 
You let your thumbs rub soothing circles around his neck, earning a groan from Soobin. It makes you clench around nothing, a trigger flipping inside you. 
So you lean down, dropping a fleeting kiss on his neck to test the waters. To your dismay, he doesn’t react to it at all. You swallow nervously, nuzzling the crook of his neck, more bold with your kisses now.
Soobin halts momentarily, your ministrations sending shivers down his spine. He has no clue why you suddenly did that, but he can guess what you really want when you reach for his earlobe and start nibbling at it.
“Oh, I didn’t realize that it was supposed to be this sort of massage.” He teases you, still trying to focus on his work. But you aren’t having any of it.
You hum in response, letting your hands wander off towards his chest, your mouth hungrily sucking a hickey on his neck. Soobin shudders as you slowly move downward, stroking his thighs teasingly before squeezing them rather roughly.
“Fuck,” he groans, your hands sneaking under the material of his shorts swiftly. He grits his teeth, your fingers gently caressing the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. It’s almost ticklish — but in a very good way, goosebumps spreading all over him. He can also feel his cock starting to stir in the confines of his boxer-briefs, a sigh escaping him.
Soobin removes the MacBook from his lap, spreading his thighs apart, giving you access to more. You smirk, excited to see that your plan has worked. But, you continue to stimulate his soft spots to get him properly aroused, so that he doesn’t back off later on. 
But the more you see his thighs, the more you realize that you want to feel them against your pussy. The way his muscles contract every time you hit a more sensitive area has you feeling dizzy. You’re not sure why this is the first time you’re noticing how strong and thick his thighs are. But it really shouldn’t be a surprise — considering that he’s pretty big in every aspect possible.
After a while of teasing him, you go over to the opposite side to face him, quite impatient by now. You’re met with a pair of dark, dilated pupils, drinking you in with desire. You shiver under his gaze, discarding your panties and positioning yourself over his left thigh. 
Soobin quirks an eyebrow as he watches you with piqued interest. His hands come up to caress your sides underneath the shirt loosely hanging from your shoulders. You lean down to capture his lips in a searing kiss, your hands around his neck. Soobin reciprocates with the same hunger, his tongue entangling with your own. 
As the kiss gets heavier, the urge to have some friction between the two of you grows rapidly. And to relieve you from your misery, you start to lower yourself on his thigh. Soobin growls when your wet folds make contact with his bare thigh, his hand squeezing your ass firmly. “Fuck! So impatient that you wanna get off on my thigh, huh?” 
You mewl needily in response, rubbing yourself against his thigh. “I just, I just wanted to see how it feels…” 
“Aw, I’m always happy to fulfill your cute little fantasies. How is it, baby?” Soobin enquires, dropping a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“Hmm, so good.”  You hum as you continue rolling your hips in slow and smooth circles. Honestly, you didn’t know what to expect, but this is so much better than anything you could possibly think of. You can feel your juices wetting his skin, the friction oh so delicious. Soobin reaches up to tuck a stray lock of hair between your ear fondly, his hand on your waist — guiding you on himself. 
You sigh at his touch, moving your hips with a passion in an attempt to get yourself off. He caresses your back before sliding off the shirt from your body and throwing it off somewhere. Soobin grabs both of your breasts immediately, looking like a starved man who’s just been presented with a full course meal.
“So soft.” Soobin murmurs before taking one of your erect nipples into his mouth, his fingers teasing the other. A strangled whimper escapes you, your nails raking on his clothed chest — the delicate material getting snagged in a few places. He’s so good at sucking your tits, alternating between twirling his tongue in circles around your nipple and sucking and nibbling lightly. You can’t help but let out a string of moans as waves of pleasure crash through your body.
“Nngh, Binnie,” You cry out, “Feels– s’good!” He smiles softly in response, his adept tongue slurping at your stiff, sensitive peaks. 
Soon enough, you start to feel your pussy spasming and every little sensation amplifying with each roll of your hips.
Soobin licks his bottom lip, eyes hungrily watching your every motion as you move so desperately to get yourself off on his thigh. Knowing very well that you’re very close to your release, he thumbs your clit gently to assess your reaction.
“Ugh, Soobin!” Your whimper encourages him to go on, calloused thumb rubbing your clit, adding more to the pleasure from his thigh. He leans forward, whispering lowly into your ear as he feels the heat of your cheeks against his own, letting out breathless moans.
“Do you like fucking my thigh like that, hm? You like it when your pussy rubs against my thigh and makes a mess?”
“God, yes!” You squeal, moving frantically against him, your cunt starting to pulsate as you start shaking. Soobin grunts, his lips finding yours again and again, muffling your loud moans. 
“I’m gonna come.” You whimper helplessly, his expert fingers teasing out the pleasure from you. It feels unspeakably good, your hips moving on their own, slippery folds gliding along his wet skin.
“Then come, baby. Cream all over my thigh like the needy girl you are.” Soobin murmurs huskily, clenching the muscles of his thigh.
And that does it for you. You moan his name urgently, your body breaking out in exhilarating sensations as orgasm hits you in tidal waves. He holds you close, his cock twitching as you try to recover, your nectar sleeking his leg even more. 
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 💌 author’s notes ꒱
thank you so much for reading <33!! i hope this was enjoyable! it was... an experience rewriting this old work from my old blog🧍🏽‍♀️ (s/o to the sweet, sweet anon who asked me to repost this long ago)! my apologies for any mistakes left in there!
consider leaving a reblog or a comment to let me know what you think of this <333!! feedback through asks will be appreciated too! support your local writers, it keeps us motivated to create and share 🌸!
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Lost Fic #180
1. Good morrow dearest Mods Firstly thank you for all the good work that you all do for the fandom because this was really impressive when i first stumbled upon it and easy to sieve through. Really Wowwww I'm not much of a fanfic reader myself, but there was the monologue that stuck with me from a tiktok edit and I really want to find which fanfiction was it from (since i couldn't find the edit anymore :"") (Im regurgitating whatever i can remember so please bare with me, i hope it wouldnt be so painful.) It was from the POV of God but the narrator refers to God as "She". She talks about making Crowley and Aziraphale. Being the first to break Crowley's heart. And then she invents Creativity for Crowley because She owes him that at least. She gives Aziraphale a sword but then will give it away on his own will. She did not give Aziraphale a heart but he invented it himself. From what I remember there was no dialogue in this part of the piece. (But I wouldn't know for sure since I've never read it before...) I tried tagging From POV of God Good Omens in AO3, but I couldn't find it either If it happens to not have existed, that's alright, however are there some fanfictions that are similar to this? With the kind of emo yet touching written by God feel narration about the husbands with not much much dialogue, like as if She was just watching from above. The kind of outsider feel with the insider knowledge AHAHAHA I'm not sure how to describe it. Emotionally like bittersweet tea with a dash of honey. Thank you, and I wish you lovely days to come mods &lt;3 - @whiskedawaybythewind
2. I'm sorry, but I'm looking for a Fic it was a Muriel & Crowley, and there was this scene where Crowley finds out that Aziraphale regrets his decision because a Pen that he (Aziraphale) stole, and send with muriel so he can understand the message. I don't remember much more, :( - anon
3. Hi! I’m looking for a relatively new fic I read a while back. It featured Azi and Crowley living in the South Downs and Crowley is snatched while out grocery shopping by a gang of mafia guys, and they ransom him to Azi, who shows up and calmly scares the shit out of them by telling them he’s “The Bookseller.” I can’t find it to save my life and I want to reread it! - @doodlegirll
4. Hello dears! First off, thank you so much for all the work you do for the fandom. I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. Aziraphale is discorporated during WW1 and Crowley was sleeping and didn't know. During the church scene in 1941, when Crowley comes aziraphale has a flashback and is barely able to save them. They talk about it after. Thanks again! - @candysunset27
5. Hi!! I’ve been going through this account for a while and it’s been so so great finding tons of fics with all the tropes I love!! There’s this one fic I saw that I can’t remember and I was really hoping you could help me find it! From what I do remember in the fic, Aziraphale is suicidal, and keeps on discorporating himself. If it’s too much of an ask I totally understand- Take all the time you need !!! 💖💖💖💖💖 - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Saturday lovely fandom. We’ve reached the seminal episode of their secret dating period. This ep doesn’t need much of an intro. Just lots of goodies and an ending that still makes me blush... I fit everything I could gif wise ha Let’s get started.
5x12 Death Notice
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We start off with Lucy and Tamara and I’m so glad we do. This scene is perfection. Tamara is testing the waters with her. Saying she was surprised Lucy was here....I have a feeling Lucy been out a ton since she started dating Tim. Love this. Tamara giving her crap saying she stayed up till 1am and she wasn’t here. Lucy trying to brush it off saying they must missed each other that’s all. That trivia ran late for her. Tamara can’t do it anymore. Calling her pseudo mom’s bluff. Straight up telling her she saw Tim drop her off. HA I wonder what she saw? Must’ve seen her kiss him good night.
Which makes me all giddy inside. Lucy gets so excited and drops her bag. Exclaiming 'Thank god.' Telling her she’s so sick of cover stories. Tamara asking why they’re being so secretive? Lucy explaining they’re figuring things out. I love Tamara being a facilitator for them. Saying she can do whatever they need for alone time. Lucy tells her they’re not sleeping together. It’s the way the music stops in this scene that kills me after she says this. Tamara is then the fandom and says ‘Why not?’ Lucy tells her they’re taking it slow. They want to do this right.
Tamara follow ups are perfect. Asking her if she’s not sure how she feels? Lucy saying she knows exactly how she feels. ‘The most amazing relationship she’s been in since ever. ’my heart. Tamara’s questions her again and says ‘ So....You’re waiting why?’ Haha Tamara is out here trying to get Lucy laid LOL I love it sfm. I think Lucy knew once they started they wouldn’t stop. Kinda like the Pringles slogan. ‘Once you pop you can’t stop.’ Heh Once they started she knew they wouldn’t be stopping...
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Lucy finds Tim immediately at work after her convo with Tamara. Gah these two could not be more obvious in their stupid happy smiles. Sure no one has seen Tim smile like he does with her. What happens when you're properly loved. I love the way Lucy gravitates towards him when she finds him. How he instantly gets as close to her as possible. Nary an inch between them. Smooth you two. They are radiating sunshine and happiness and they haven’t even slept together yet. That’s how well it’s going for them and I’m dying with glee.
I could write an entire essay on how much I love the secret handholding/touching portion of this scene. It was a must to get a really good gif of this. Lucy’s finger touching him as they walk. Because she can’t help herself. Has to be in constant contact with him. Moth to flame. Tim returning the favor with tapping his fingers on her thigh. The most telling smile on his face as he does this. Such small gesture between them is sending into a squee spiral haha
Tim feeling cheeky as he taps on her thigh. Not only taps it but does it TWICE. He did it twice everyone. It was double tap. One wasn't enough for him. *squee* The man loves her thighs and we love him for it. Saw a post said ‘When you’re at work and wanna hold hands. But you’re at work.’ Ha These sneaky little touches sent me into a damn tizzy. We're two minutes into this episode and they're already killing me. Lucy tells him 'Tonight is the night.' Clearly her talk with Tamara bearing some good fruit for Tim LOL She is ready to go after that convo.
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Tim tries to contain his excitement when she tells him it’s go time. Asking her his place or hers? Jealous dog or nosy roommate? ha. This brings up Tamara and her knowing about them. Tim isn’t mad so much as shocked she told her. Lucy having the best reply. ‘She has eyes.’ LMFAO So does everyone else in their world….The world worst kept secret these two my god. I mean it's not like you guys are all that subtle my love. Lucy cheers him up saying she’ll be at a friends tonight though….Tim perking right back up. Looking at the smile on that man above. He is very excited about tonight being the night.
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Grey interrupts the heart eye nation they have going on. They jump a little ha Forgetting they're at friggin work. They were being all happy and cute as Grey walks up. The man knew already but seeing them like this? All flirty, smiley and happy. It was all the confirmation he needed. He asks them to ride together today. Aaron is going to be with Harper. This time not a peep out of them unlike in 5x08. Another telling sign tbh… Lucy mentions this is going to be awkward.
Tim being Tim saying it’s fine. They’ve done this hundreds of times together. It’s not big deal. Lucy tells him yes but never as a couple though. Tim once again not seeing the problem she so obviously sees. Saying on the streets they won’t be. Ok babe… You weren’t great about hiding your feelings when you weren't together. But sure not that you’re together that wouldn't be amplified at all... I love Lucy opening the door for him. Then teasing him in the most flirtatious way. Asking if he won’t be thinking about tonight at all?
A night I’m sure he’s thought about a million times since they got together. (If not a little bit before too) Being flirty right back saying ‘Not at all..’ idk what I love more Lucy checking out his fine ass Or Tim saying thank you to her opening the door. Ok well obviously it’s Lucy blatantly checking him out. Shooting back ‘ Me neither.’ Ha sure... Not that I blame her. I mean my god look at him. Tight jeans a a henley? You check him out Lucy. Mmm. Although I do love him saying 'Thank you' for her opening the door it's adorable LOL It’s a close second. Heh
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We join them getting their shop ready for the day. Lucy saying she could fein food poisoning. Tim seems offended by this idea. Saying she would do that just to get out riding with him? Lucy says yeah with no regrets. Ha Wanting to avoid the weirdness of them having to ride together Tim telling her she’s overthinking this. Then says the most hysterical lie of all.
‘We leave our personal life at the door. Just like always.’ Uh when has that ever happened Timothy? Some of your most intimate and bonding moments have happened in your shop and on patrol but ok. I love Lucy calling herself his Girlfriend. be still my heart. Just out in the open like that. Tim isn't contesting this fact one bit either.
Never be over how ready she is with Tim for everything. Her commitment issues flew out the window when they got together. Makes my heart so happy it might implode. Couldn’t stand the idea with Chris after months. Few weeks with Tim and she’s all about labeling herself as his Girlfriend. Eeeeee. Tim simply says ‘Yeah.’ To her statement though. Trying not to seem phased. Oh my boy.
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The absolute sass in this scene from her is glorious. Trying so hard to prove her point and Tim isn’t listening to her. Lucy does the cutest little dance with her duty belt. Seeing if he’ll notice the mistake she purposely made. He doesn’t…Sharp hard ass Tim Has left the building. Super in love puppy Tim has taken the wheel. Tim is floored she did this on purpose.
Telling her she doesn’t do Tim Tests. He does them. Lucy is on her game today and doesn’t let that hold her back. Saying it’s not a Tim Test. It’s a 'Lucy Lesson' hehe. I adore her touching his arm and saying he’s taking it easy on her. I mean he is….He just doesn’t want to see it. Doesn’t want to admit something has shifted between them. Lucy points out their dynamic has changed and they’re not even on the street yet.
I love her being so damn cheeky with him. Tim is getting antsy af tells her to just get in the car. Done with this convo now. Lucy with her sassy fully sharpened says ‘It’s a shop.’ Taking us all the back to the Pilot. Where that Tim would be appalled at this one LMFAO. The look he gives her I’m dying. Remember when one look used to send her into a tailspin? Now she owns this man in front of her. LOL Tim is so done with her antics and yet impressed with her sass at same time. No words left just points for her to get in car. heh
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I love them coming back from getting coffee together. Mini date on the job. Lucy is all about the touching today. I'm here for it. Touching his arm to get him to stop. Lucy asks if he’s noticed? Tim says of course he noticed. She’s carrying her coffee in her gun hand. Forgetting all about the time he destroyed her in 2x19 over the same thing. Oh my Timothy so blinded by love my dear.
Telling her these ‘Lucy Lessons’ are pointless. Oh but they’re not and you’ll find out the hard way later… Lucy is shocked he doesn’t see how he’s treating her differently. Tim trying to pass it off as her not being a rookie anymore. She can do whatever she wants now. Mmmhmmm… Then the biggest lie of all comes out his beautiful mouth. Saying he would give Aaron the same leeway. This isn't about them.
Lying liar. It’s so cute though he’s just so in love with her and refuses to see reason about this. Just happy to get to spend a work day with his girl. Also this has been the case for years now. It’s just massively amplified cause he’s in love with her now. Lucy never has nor will she ever be just another cop to him. I adore Lucy’s ‘Mm…’ Knowing he’s full of actual crap here. Hehe
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Tim and Lucy are citing our their arrest together. The guy looks through his bag and says his earrings are missing. Asking if Lucy took them? We watch Tim get defensive and looks like he wants to deck the guy. Lucy tells him she didn’t take them. Tim steps in and says they’ll call him when they find them. Basically being like back off my girl right now.
Lucy playing Tim like an absolute fiddle in this moment. Saying she didn’t take them. Tim knowing this and telling her as such. Saying these things happen. Tim ‘Rules matter’ Bradford saying 'These things happen.' Lucy not letting him give her a pass. Saying they don't happen to her. Then bringing it back to them. Telling him she’s been so focused on them and tonight. Wondering did she screw up? Tim looking as lost for words as I’ve ever seen him.
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Tim is frantically checking their shop for the earrings. The man is in an absolute panic about this. Lucy is watching him as he desperately searches for these bloody earrings. Lucy tells them they’ve checked everywhere at this point. Tim refusing to give up on finding them. Lucy saying he needs to report this now. Tim won’t do it. Telling her they’re not there yet… Lucy asks how long he has?
He explains it’s up to his discretion on these things. If they find them no need for paperwork. Lucy reminds him if they don’t he will have to report her to IA. He looks gutted at the thought of that. Won’t even entertain the thought. Instead says they can see if janitorial swept them up. Oh Timothy a man of principles and contradictions for those he loves. 2x01 Tim would floored by his actions. Trying to leave info out of a report for her. Which I just love tbh.
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Lucy comes home looks exhausted and slightly defeated. Tamara is in a panic and says she is almost out of there. Lucy tells her not to worry they canceled their date…Saying today revealed all the issues with dating your boss. Tamara asks if they’re gonna break up? Lucy is SO firm In her reply. Telling her 'No they’ll figure it out.' instantly. Tamara can’t help herself and asks how? Lucy isn't too sure yet. All she is sure of is they're not breaking up. That's a non starter.
Tim shows up at their door. Tamara answers and tells Lucy her 'Boyfriend is here.' hehe Tim’s face is hilarious. He's so cute hands in his pockets as he waits to be let in. Tamara smugly telling him she figured it out. Wanting Tim to be a little proud of her. He is and tells her 'He has no doubt.' when she says she would be a good detective. Lucy appears and says she thought they canceled? That is the face of a man who didn’t think they did. LOL So sassy when he says ‘Uh we didn’t.’ ha
I love the hug she greets him with. My damn heart. He fully expected to be spending time with his girl tonight. Sex or not. When they pull away Tamara is just awkwardly standing there smiling at them. Kinda like us as the fandom when we watch them have scenes haha I think she wants to hear the tea between them. Then quickly realizes they want some alone time and ducks off to her room. Oh Tamara I love you. I think she's just really excited for Lucy. Knowing this one is the real deal.
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Tim tries to come up with a new excuse why they couldn’t find the earrings. Saying maybe they thought it was for a female officer. That they put them in the locker room. Lucy shoots that down instantly. Saying she already checked. That he HAS to report this now. Tim looks so damn defeated when he agrees with her. Knowing she isn’t wrong. Lucy noting that if it had been Aaron he would’ve done it already. Tim sighs deeply replying he knows. But it’s not Aaron. 'It’s YOU.' Gah getting me right in the feels Timothy. Two words meaning so very much.
Tim has it so bad for her he was completely blind to favoring her. To treating her differently. She’s the exception always has been always will be. But more so now. I love how transparent he is in this moment. Telling her exactly what’s happened. Because he gets to now. He doesn’t have to hide the fact that he cares about her anymore. Makes my heart happy. Lucy follows it up with ‘You can’t be objective when it comes to me right?’ Tim just sadly shakes his head no. I love her ‘Mm-hmm.’ Like there we go my love. You're getting it.
Then she brings it home saying 'Thus endeth the Lucy lesson.' The student has become the master ha I remember being absolutely floored by her. In awe really. What a brilliant way to bring her point home. Tim too is floored by this. Lucy is feeling pretty damn proud of herself. I love her putting her chin on her fist. Staring at him with heart eyes. So confident. Tim telling her it was impressive but evil. Lucy says she knows but he wasn’t facing the problem. Tim looking defeated again saying 'Well now he is. So what do they do?'
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This next scene just shows why Lucy is his person. They say the only have two options. Break up or one of them leaves Mid-Wilshire. I love how Lucy doesn’t even contemplate a breakup. That's not on table. Just says it should be her. Tim fighting her on it saying no she she loves it here. Lucy REFUSES to let him take a demotion for her. Tim tries to fight her but she won’t let him. Flat out won’t have it. Of course she did her research on this for them.
Checking see if there another version of his job in the division. I just love them having this conversation together. So opposite of what he had with Ashley. Lucy is including him in her future. Even if that means she has to leave. If that's what they need then that’s what going to happen. Especially if she gets to keep their relationship. Gah I love this scene so much.
What a huge upgrade for Tim. To have someone willing to sacrifice for him. Not something he’s ever had or been used to. She was willing to take a leap elsewhere just for him. He’s finally in a relationship with someone who is gonna fight for him and them as a couple. Put him first. Which he also has never had. I love it so much. It's making me emotional. My damn heart. This episode it’s a friggin dream to watch.
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They return to the station and Tim tells her good job today. Just handing out compliments. I adore it. She has more than earned it. Lucy reciprocates. I love her pulling the lint off his uniform. Such a wifey move honestly. It truly is such an intimate thing to do. There’s that great line from New girl from Cece. ‘Picking lint of a man’s sleeve is the most intimate gesture.’ It’s perfection. Lucy legitimately can’t keep her hands off him in this episode.
I love how Tim looks down where she’s touched him. *heart clutch* It’s the little things that get me so much. Tim makes a joke they’re not partners on the job. Her sweet little shove and his in love smile. These two gonna be the death of me in the best way. It's killing her that they won’t be seeing each other every day. They're breaking up their professional relationship for their personal one to thrive. Tim agrees and doesn't like the idea either. Says that’s even if their shifts sync up.
Lucy seems so damn saddened by this idea. She didn’t even think of that…Saying 'By doing the right thing they’re gonna see less of each other?' Tim replying probably yeah… I adore Lucy’s little whine ‘No…’ She sighs and says she will put her transfer paperwork in tomorrow. Even despite that she's still willing to do this. Tim looks devastated by how sad she is. Won’t even let her takes the kit bags. The sweet smile she gives him. Knowing exactly what this gesture means. (Wish could've fit this part in.) How far we’ve come everyone how far we’ve come.
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Tim comes to see Grey. Says he needs to talk to him bout something he’s been hiding from him. Tim lets Grey know he and Lucy have been dating for a few weeks. Wade sighs and says he suspected as much. I mean we all knew the man knew. He wasn’t going to say anything until Tim was ready to. I love that. Tim letting him know they needed time to figure out their feelings. Grey assuming it’s serious then since they're having this convo. I love the zero hesitation from Tim in reply to this.
That man couldn’t be more all in if he tried. Telling Wade with serious conviction 'It is.' This woman is it for him. His endgame and he will do whatever it takes to be with her. One of my fav Chenford scenes without Lucy even being present. It’s just shows how serious Tim is about her. About them. I’m getting emotional writing this up. He so deserves a partner like her. He saw the sacrifices she was going to make for him. For them. Never had that in his life in a relationship.
So instead of letting her take the bullet for him. He dives in front of her and takes it himself. Knowing she would’ve done it for him. But he would rather be the one to take the hit for her. Gah it’s so romantic. Asking for a position at the station he doesn’t care what. She is so worth any position in his mind. Grey telling him it’s not great. Tim doesn’t care as long as it keeps him with her. He will take it. Doesn't matter what it is.
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We switch to Lucy making a romantic dinner for Tim. Love this btw. Lucy is talking about which division she wants to move to. Tim tells her it’s not necessary. That he talked to Grey and she’s looking at the new 'Court Liaison Sergeant.' Lucy stops dead in her tracks stumbling on her words. Almost stunned into silence. Replying 'That’s a desk job…' Tim is beaming. 'Yeah out of your chain of command.' He is so proud of himself for this solution. So happy and willing to take a desk job for her.
Man is so in love with her. This decision is so significant on so many levels. Lucy even though immensely grateful for this solution pushes against it. Telling him he will bored out of his mind. Tim is on it though. Saying doesn’t matter to him. His objective was to stay close to her. He achieved that. Not only that but for her not to sacrifice her career for him in the process. A desk job is nothing compared to getting to be with her at work.
Gah so damn romantic. Look at our boy. Tim explaining they’ll get to see each other every day this way. Also she won’t have to travel to some far away station. Be treated like a rookie. Have to do midnight shifts because of it. He couldn't stand that fate for her. He loved her for wanting to do it for him. That was the key factor here. That she was willing to do that for him. She put him first. Meant everything.
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Lucy is in awe of this man right now. That OTP line of 'Some things matter more.' Resonates so much in this season. This is also hitting on another from 5x08. Letting Lucy know without a doubt she is worth the effort for him. This man who wouldn’t leave patrol for anyone, wouldn’t uproot for Rachel to NY or walk away from being a cop for Ashley. Lucy once again being the exception. For her he would do all those things listed above and more. Hell he just did.
He walked away from patrol. Something he’s said for years he would never leave. Loved it too much. Then he fell in love with Lucy Chen and all that changed for him. His perspective shifted and she became far more important than anything else in his world. Because she became his world. This is so beautifully romantic I can’t stand it. Lucy wants to fight him some more but Tim cuts her off. Telling her it’s a done deal. There is no use in arguing about it. He’s so sure of his decision. So happy to take this bullet for them. it’s so sexy if you ask me.
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It’s then the tone shifts. Lucy goes from argumentative to turned on let’s be honest. This man just sacrificed a career he absolutely loves just to stay near her. So they could see each other every day at work. She is very seductive as she leans in for a kiss. Silkily replying 'But we're so good at arguing.' I.e. foreplay for them really. Revving both their engines in this moment.
Gah I love the way she places her hand on his shoulders. Just plants one right on him. She is done talking. Done arguing. Just wants to be with him. I’ll forever love him chasing her lips for a second taste when they kiss. He does that a lot and I really love it. Always wanting more. Chasing the high that is her lips never having enough. Needing that second kiss. The way he raises himself up to full height and gets that second kiss. Replying 'I know.' *phew lord.*
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That lovely height difference coming into play above. Tim being much smoother in his lines for this moment than he was in 5x10 with ‘naked time.’ Saying he is hoping they’re good at certain other things as well. Being seductive in his own right. Trying to be sly about sexy times. There was no doubt in ANYONES mind these two were gonna be glorious at it. Not one. I adore her hands moving down his chest as he talks. He is just revving her up in this moment. She can't take her eyes off him.
The way he is looking at her my god. He’s wanted this forever. They both have. But hot damn this man has man has been patient. Lucy following it up with a super smooth line of her own. Asking him if he wants to find out right now? I remember thinking is this real life? It’s the way they’re swaying and Tim’s huge ear to ear smile. Oh my lord. His smile is going to be the actual death of me. Happiness looks really good on you Tim. He is the epitome of love and happiness in this moment. That man is deliriously in love and it’s all over this beautiful face.
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Lucy isn’t pulling any punches with her massive heart eyes either. Her eyes zeroing in on his glorious lips. Looking just as happy and in love as Tim. Almost a fiery look to her heart eyes in that first gif. Like she is so very ready to have her way with this man. Eager to break this slow down of their's right now. Gah then the hotness really ensues after this.
I feel like I need ice water and a spicy fic involving this moment after I watch this ahha (I highly recommend this one btw.) Lucy is unbuttoning his shirt as he leans in for a sensual kiss. Needing a head start on getting that man shirtless. It’s the forehead touch and the way that kiss heats up quickly. Also looks at the smiles on these two as he leans into kiss her breathless. *internal screaming* How gently his hand is coming up to cup her face and jaw.
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His hands don't make the full journey due to Lucy's eagerness with his shirt. Ripping it off in record time. Never seen a shirt ripped off so quickly. She wasn’t messing around at this point. Her little moan as she rids him of hit. Oh my lord. Tim understood the assignment and came prepped with that shirt. Those snap buttons coming in clutch at this moment. Lucy is so ready to have this man. Years of UST coming to an end in this moment. It’s glorious. Never be over her urgency to get him out of that shirt as soon as she possibly could. I do not blame her. Lucy looking down at her handiwork when he breaks their kiss for a moment to look at him and all his glory.
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I welcome shirtless Tim back to our screens. Hello biceps and deliciously toned chest. We missed you. Let's not forget the jawline we could cut glass on. Phew Lord. Also look at how effortlessly he rids himself of his sleeves. Not breaking eye contact whatsoever as he pulls himself free. *fans self* Forever love Lucy checking him out as he sheds himself of his shirt. Finally getting to and not having to hide how attracted she is to this man. Lucy is so very ready to have this beautiful man in her bed. Not hiding checking him out in the least.
Her fingers are just hanging out in front of his jeans with a tight grip. Keeping this man as close to her as possible. Fingers dancing on his insane abs that she can now enjoy and touch. Once Tim is rid of the shirt he is on her like white on rice. Lord have mercy. Encasing her face in his hands and basically devouring her with his lips. hot damn. Lucy is so giddy as he has his way with her. Look at her smile. More than willing to be at his mercy.
I love that he’s so gentle In cradling her jaw but so fiery in his kisses. I had been waiting years for this moment. Actual years ha Rookie day one girl here. Her checking him out and smiling into this hot kiss is one of the best parts. It’s almost like she can’t believe this is finally happening. She too is deliriously happy. Her hands are also encasing him once he rejoins their kiss. Gah it’s the way she has one behind his head drawing him to her. The other running up and down his beautiful back.
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Tim is literally kissing the life out of her and Lucy is here for it. She is putty in his hands. Just having his way with her in this sexy make out. It’s the swaying, the touching and how he can’t keeps his hands off her face. Getting as close to her as he can in this moment. Lucy’s hands roaming up and down his back. Eventually landing on his hips. Finding purchase there. Her mission to also not let him get far from her.
Good god this scene is sexy and I love it so damn much. I still can’t believe we got it. Over a year later and this scene still has me in shambles when I watch it. That we got this heavy make out session with him shirtless. Lucy running her hands all over him like she can't get enough. She is very thirsty and he is a giant glass of ice cold water. Getting to see all the scars and such on his back was a nice bonus I have to say. Mmm. Yum.
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I adore her giggling as he starts to move them towards her bedroom. She is on cloud 9 and straight up euphoric right now. The high of endorphins she’s feeling in this moment are spilling out. Coming out in excited giggles as Tim takes over. Literally pushing her against a door frame to have his way with her more. lord. Pushes her up against that wall and continues to kiss her passionately. It’s the sexy thud as their collective body weight hits the wall. His hand bracing their impact somewhat. My god.
He is so determined in his movements in this moment. What’s that song 'Wild horses couldn’t drag me away?' Nothing was keeping Tim from her in this moment. Such certainty in how he moves them towards the door frame. Lucy is holding on for dear life to his hips as moves them toward the wall. I’ll never be over his hand cushioning her head. He’s so lost in this moment but makes sure she doesn’t get hurt.
Even in this moment where they’re both lost in this passionate make out he’s her protector. Something so damn soft and adorable about this gesture. Lucy is in no frame of mind to care about her head in this moment. Lost in his lips and touch. Straight smiling to death as Tim Bradford has his way with her. Hands caught up in her hair as he kisses her as if his life depends on it. Definition of passionate embrace. Legit fireworks for them both as they continues this spicy make out.
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They take a beat once they’ve reached the door frame. Making out some more against it. Tim has her firmly pressed against it. We can see he has an intense hold on her face as he continues to kiss her breathless. Lucy clinging to him like he’s a damn life raft. Moving one her hands up to the back of his head. While the other stays planted on his hip. Tim deciding it's time to move to her bed and walks them back not breaking their kiss at all. Who needs air right? Sweet lord.
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It’s the cute giggles as he basically slams the door with her back. We see her curls pressed up again the door. My god. They’re about to find out how really good they are at this. Amazing her bed survives this honestly LOL I can’t count the number of times rewatched this scene including watching this time around.
Good lord that scene is most romantic and yet the sexiest scene ever at the same time. The entire episode is one beautiful thank you to the fans for waiting. Every moment building on the last till we get to this final moment. A moment where we’re all a puddle of shippy goo haha Oh my lord that was fun to write although nerve wracking considering the enormity of it. Such a damn good ep I cannot. I need some ice water any one else?
Side notes-non Chenford
Oscar always hilarious. Love when he comes on.
That’s it really hahah my brain gets taken over by Chenford in this one.
Forever thanks to those who read, like, moment and reblog these reviews. Makes all the effort so very worth it. I shall see you all in 5x13
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
relationship hcs ; hades
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requested by ; anonymous (17/05/23)
fandom(s) ; disney’s hercules
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; hades
outline ; “hiii :] i was wondering if you could write some nsfw and sfw hcs of hades (disneys version) being your s/o? thank you so much!!!! im 19 btw, less then a month from turning 20!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
although your boyfriend’s aspirations and goals are extremely outrageous, and his treatment of those beneath him is less than ideal, hades is never anything less than a sweetheart to you — going to great efforts to make sure you are accommodated and respected everywhere you go in the underworld (even if that usually causes quite the headache and some screaming rows between himself and some of his more rebellious/stubborn subjects)
he always makes an effort to impress you, showing you a side of himself that is a complete gentleman worthy of the title of ‘ruler of the underworld’ (and hopefully ‘king of the gods’ with you by his side): dressing in his finest robes, offering you his outermost layer of clothing if you mention feeling cold, offering you his arm as you walk side by side, bringing you gifts, and calling you the sweetest pet names (think things along the lines of ‘sweets’ or ‘darling’ depending on whether you’re in a private area or not)
he’s quick to get jealous and will lash out severely at anyone he deems as being too ‘flirty’ with you — hair burning into a veritable inferno, yelling so loud you can feel the vibrations of his voice messing with your heart, and sending the other person scurrying away with their tail between their legs before regaining his composure, taking a deep breath, smoothing his hair down and turning to talk to you as if all of that hadn’t just happened
hades is extremely playful and loves making you laugh, which means that the two of you have so many inside jokes that make absolutely no sense to anyone else — it also means that whenever he’s dragged up to olympus he’s sat with you, a glass of alcohol in hand, making sassy comments about the other gods whilst you try your best not to burst out laughing at whatever he’s saying
he always joins in on whatever gossip you’ve heard with as much enthusiasm as you (if not even more than you) — hanging off of your every word, nodding along to your words, giving appropriate reactions (e.g. ‘really?’, ‘oh they did not do that’, ‘what a moron’, ‘he’s a guy!’, etc.) and even offering up some gossip of his own that he’s learned from the fates or that he’s learned from some of his servants in the mortal realm (meg, for instance, is an excellent source of juicy gossip if you can manage to get a hold of her)
he has a habit of referring to you as his ‘king/queen/co-ruler’ when talking to his servants and any mortals he’s stumbled upon whilst doing his job — it’s generally believed that he’s just talking about the underworld but you know all too well that he’s talking about something much, much grander
whenever he’s in a low mood, he recharges by basically collapsing on top of you and complaining very dramatically about whatever is bothering him — either burying his face in your chest whilst you cradle him there and stroke his back, or lounging over your lap and clutching his hands over his eyes whilst he rants and you caress the side of his face and listen to his complaints
(he does the same for you, of course, but sometimes it’s nice for him to be vulnerable and let you take care of him)
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i do wonder what the air is like up there on the high horses that the lonely are sat upon. it must be thin, as it seems to be making them forget things. especially their own behavior.
for our new and returning students, the lonely have been around for quite some time, and they will let you know. they will also tell you how much they know and how important their thoughts are because of it. but it wasn’t the current proprietors who built this reputation. no no. the current cannot match up to the original. nor can they match the level of authenticity their page once held. now, they claim they need to respond to those who they view as tearing down a fandom they believe themselves to be the queens of. they need to stand up to these troublemakers and provide facts . to debunk the lies. they have made their blog’s personality all about pointing fingers and placing blame on other bad actors, while refusing to acknowledge what they have become. they are a shell of their former selves. a joke. long gone are the days of thousands of interactions with their posts, or of being seen as a pillar in their fandom, or even of being a source of actual information. they were once even a frequent target of those who they now call friends and openly post with. poor them. victims always.
in days past, they posted horribly offensive commentary on past girlfriends of the actor who they claim to be fans. namely, of her looks. ask them, and they never did that. now, they are friends with the mods who were creating edits of the actor’s now wife portraying her as a literal child. but that is just fine by them. they are all on the same side now. it’s in the name of cleaning up the fandom. however, you won’t find evidence on their blog of their vile behavior and former comments; no, that's because they deleted it all in order to hide the evidence. they’ll claim it never existed.
it does. i’m sure their new friends have the proof, too.
these two groups who have now merged, they do not only create burners, send anons, and send hate to others, but they send it to themselves too. please sympathize with these blog mods who are victims of this online meanness. if you don’t feel for the victim, for them, you are a monster and that’s your burden. you are also delulu and just want this actor to pick you. they had thousands of interactions in months and years past but now get less than a handful of likes. all of these current likes and notes come from the former enemies but now friends blogs. they post nothing about the actor they claim to be here for. they post no news, nothing about his projects other than the widely reported pap photos. they have sources but know nothing about upcoming projects. claiming you have a photo does not insider-info make. they just want to tear down the other side.
they claim to have sources such as pics of the couple’s house. other sources that want to talk about his private life. but they will not tell you or show you. their new friends have the floorplans of a house that is where the actor is from, so they do too. a new friend travels to the area and it is definitely not there for the actor, but to question it means you'll be made fun of relentlessly. that magazine article is definitely going to happen. this fall. maybe next spring. there is no way they would get false info. they are too experienced. they know all and are the voice of the fandom. don’t you dare question them.
do you want to know where your following went, lonely? you pushed them away. you insulted them. you are arrogant, rude and lost all credibility to have those nuanced conversations you so desire. you made your personality to be about prioritizing getting a rise out of the other team. you, and I mean both of you, have become a laughing stock, blocked by so many.
you have me blocked, but everyone knows blocks don’t mean anything when screenshots fly around within minutes. feel free to call me names. to send your burner accounts after me. you have become a joke. looking forward to your next post and its three likes from yourself and your “friends”. or your reasoning for now being friends with those who spoke so horribly of you.
how disappointed queen and mrs potts must be with you and what you have made their account become.
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securitybreach · 3 months
hellooooo what are ur favourite frostiron fics? i’ve exhausted most of my favourite tropes and i’m looking into new tropes to obsess over if u have any recs? tysm! :)
Hi emeraldfrostraven,
thank you very much for your message! This turned out harder than I thought (please excuse me for making you wait) because there are so many talented writers in the frostiron fandom. So this is a very short list but I enjoyed every single one of those stories and I hope that you might enjoy them too. There were a few other fics I would have liked to share but they're locked and I decided to respect the authors' decision.
Thank you again for sending this ask. I hope there are a few fics on my list you don't know already (that's why I decided to pick some older stories). I'm wishing you tons of fun!
Everything by the very wonderful @fullofleaves, whose glorious fic Are You There, God of Mischief? It's Me, Tony (Explicit, 2013) was the first frostiron fic I ever read.
Let's Go Get Lost by hypnotically: Loki doesn't want to be here. Tony doesn't know how he got here. They probably should have taken the jet. (Teen And Up Audiences, 2013)
Bostock by hannahrhen: Tony sets out a lure with almonds and powdered sugar. (General Audiences, 2014)
of Trust and Necessity by @roseapprentice: A story of card games and dubious claims. After five years, Loki finally escapes Thanos's pack. And immediately gets all snared up in a new one. (Mature, 2014)
Those Sinned Against by Arkada: When Asgard invades Earth - led by a huge blond man in a red cape and wielding a massive warhammer - it takes six months for Tony Stark to come up with a plan to turn things around: let himself be taken prisoner, and bring the Asgardians down from the inside. But it takes less than an hour for the plan to get away from him, thanks to the black-haired Asgardian prince who takes personal - very personal - charge of him. (Explicit, 2014 - 2015)
Taking the Fall by @usedupshiver: Everyone expects Tony to end up eaten alive sooner rather than later when he is put in the same cell as the Lyesmith, a man so dangerous even the members of his former gang are afraid to come after him. But sometimes it might actually be wise to just grin in the face of danger. (Mature, 2015)
A Matter Of Inertia by @roseapprentice: There was a tall, lanky omega getting into his car, holding an especially shiny-looking switchblade pointed in Tony’s general direction.Tony was fairly sure he’d had more than one wet dream in his life that started about like this, and the thought distracted him until the passenger door slammed shut and the omega snarled, “Drive!” with deadly ferocity.Yikes. Tony turned his wheel to steer away from the barrier and stepped on the gas.In which Tony makes a lot of bad decisions, and regrets none of them. (Mature, 2015)
Project Snowflake by @usedupshiver: When Howard Stark met his untimely death he left behind a secret project no-one ever knew about. (Teen And Up Audiences, 2015)
Did You Do Something With Your Hair? by STARSdidathing: Loki cuts his hair and Tony is extremely fascinated, almost to the point of obsession. Honestly, Tony's just trying to ignore this wonderful new problem. (Teen And Up Audiences, 2016)
From Anonymous by STARSdidathing: When Tony was caught in a lab explosion three years ago, he was lucky to walk away with his life. He gained a lot of injuries and retreated from the world. He now lives in seclusion in an apartment complex he owns, but his retreat doesn't stop him from noticing his neighbour or developing a crush on the handsome man. (Teen And Up Audiences, 2019)
Clockwork by @amidnight--dreary: When Loki's suppressants fail, he registers to be paired with a companion during his next rut. It's a lot easier than finding an actual mate, which he's already given up on, anyway. He doesn't expect much to come of it except the very-much needed relief and a few days of casual fun. He certainly doesn't expect to fall in love, but it just kinda happens, anyway. (Explicit, 2022)
(This list is also my contribution to the @frostironflashbingo May to August 2024, Card 1: Free Space)
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spacelesbiandisaster · 2 months
Do you guys think Barriss knew about what happened with Rafa and Trace Martez?
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Because I started to rewatch Clone Wars recently to pickup on lore for a fanfic I pretend to write I started to wonder if Barriss was aware of the Martez parents fate and ended up with a headcanon about that.
So, we a (almost) certain that was Luminara the one who changed the trajectory of a crashing ship who end up destroying the Martinez sisters home with their parents still inside. At least the description that Rafa give us mach her almost perfect:
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I sure that is a lot of beautiful green skin Jedi with the order, even Barriss fits in that description if we really want to push it, but I think it's already common sense with the fandom that Rafa was talking about Luminara. And I couldn't agree more! Luminara being the one involved in this opens up so much room for potential new stories.
Could you imagine a Tales of the Jedi arc with Luminara fighting in the war and having to make difficult decisions such as that to protect a falling republic? How would she deal with her responsibility was a Jedi when the council is constantly sending away to battlefronts? That would be absolutely perfect! I almost with I could suggest to Filoni personally.
But the way Rafa describe the scene sounds like Luminara wasn't the only Jedi who came see her and Trace...
"Afterwords the Jedi came back and one of them came over to me. (...)"
One of them.
So who are the others?
I believe Barriss must been one of them. Remember this all happened in the beginning of the clones wars while the Jedi were capturing Ziro the Hutt (I believe it was in season 1 or 2). There's is no reason for Barriss don't be around at the time, especially given that she is Luminara's Padawan and they were on curruscant, not too far away from the Jedi temple.
She was with Luminara when that ship start to crash. Maybe she even was the one to made the call to set the ship on the apparently empty house to save the people she saw walking on the street and bc everything was happening so fast so Luminara agreed. And honestly, what other choice did they had? It's not like they knew the Martez parents was inside the house, Jedi don't have x-ray vision, and was their job to save as many life as they could. So the two of them did what they had to do, but later they learn about the orphans girls and pay they a visit. Luminara took the responsibility of talking to the orphans because she was the Jedi master (and probably bc Barriss would had been too shocked to stay put in she situation. She is a teenager girl after all) while Barriss stayed aside watching.
It could had been more Jedi with them, but I believe that is very unlikely given that they were fighting a war. The council couldn't realistic spare 5 Jedi to speak to every orphan the war left, but a Jedi Master and their Padawan seen fit for this quest.
At first I thought that was it: Luminara told the sisters the force would be with them and didn't do anything else about the situation, but analysing further what Rafa told Ahsoka changed my mind:
"(...) Trace and I were left, without a home. Just left there to find our way in their system."
Of course that Rafa could be referring to the republic was the Jedi system and they were left on the street, but being Luminara the Jedi involved I believe she left the girls on a orphanage of sorts and when Rafa become of age she find a place and won the right to bring Trace with her. So they had some kind of assistance after their parents death, but we all know that this kind of system had lots and lots of problems and high chance is they weren't take care properly. Not that Luminara or Barriss could had known such a thing, so they truly believed they were doing good to Rafa and Trace.
But why this is important?, you may ask. What difference does it make if Barriss was that or not?
Well, do you remember what happened to Ziro not long after that?
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He broke way from prison!
Jabba paid Cade Bane (and I think Aurra Sing too) to go to curruscant's prison and take Ziro back to Nal Hutta to pay for the crimes he commit against Jabba's son. The show have two whole arcs about it and both together form one of my favorites stories on the clone wars.
But picture this: Barriss up to that point was very careful to not hurt anyone. On the second battle of geonossis she is talking about the importance of saving lives even when it means sacrificing herself going as far as asking Ahsoka to kill her just to prevent some weird mind controlling worms to spread to the galaxy. This same girl unintentional kill two person to same many on that ship crash and couldn't do anything to truly help the orphans that were left behind. All because of some Hutt crime lord the Jedi and the republic allowed to prospect in Coruscant (Ziro had a damn cantina on the lower levels! With bounty hunters and other criminals running around all the time and no one made anything about it until Jabba's son, another crime lord, order they to act). And like that wasn't enough, Cade Bane kill lots and a lot of people during his mission to "rescue" Ziro.
I can imagine Barriss looking at all that and wondering what was the point of sacrificing the Martez parents on the first place if everything just end up returning to the status quo. The choice Luminara and Barriss made didn't make anyone life better. People still died. The Martinez sisters were alone. And both the republic and the Jedi were conducting their actions base on what Jabba the Hutt wanted.
That could had been the moment she realized the number of wrong thing were happening because of the order and how far they had fallen from their old ways. Barriss was a solder when she should have been a pace keeper and there's nothing she could do that made the Jedi realize what they were doing to her, to all her Padawans friends and to the galaxy as a whole.
Well... Almost nothing...
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My personal theory/headcanon is the Martinez sisters incident were the thing that let Barriss to her radicalization and to the Jedi temple bombing.
She probably decided to stay in Curruscant to try to help the people who live there even though she supposed to stay with Luminara and ended up meeting Letta and her husband Jackal (I think that's how it's spelled) and Letta start to talk about doing this great act to attract attention of the Jedi and of the people and was Barriss was spending all the alternatives she had to resolve the problem in a pacific way she started to agree.
I also think the bombing didn't work out the way Barriss intended to because the girl were a total mess on the Wrong Jedi arc.
Maybe Letta feed the nano droids to her husband a little to early, or they were never meant to be feed the him on the first place (Can you imagine Barriss Offe planning on using a civilian was a living bomb? The Barriss we knew from the second battle of geonossis would rather eat the droids herself!) either way Barriss definitely wasn't in her right mind. Other wise she could had save both Ahsoka and herself from prison very easily by blaming Ventress for all her crimes and this is how:
In the Wrong Jedi arc Barriss a holo transmission were she both learn that Ahsoka and Ventress were together and tell Ahsoka were the nano droids droids were.
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Right after that Barriss proceed to stole Ventress lightsabers and go to the deposit Ahsoka is look for the bomb's disguise was Ventress so she can fight Ahsoka.
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But why she does that?
If her intended was to further incriminate Ahsoka she could had just called the guards who would seem Ahsoka in a room full of nano droids and would go like "Yeah, she returns to the crime scene, there's is no way this kid is innocent".
And if her intended was to incriminate Ventress she should had put her in the room while unconscious. Then she could proceed to fight Ahsoka and stage a situation were Ahsoka finds Ventress there and when the guards eventually show up they would shoot at the separatist rather than command Tano.
So yeah, Barriss was spiraling over guilt so hard she couldn't think straight. And I couldn't think of any other reason in cannon that could had sparkle such reaction (I you know of something else I'm begging me to tell me!).
Barriss had to correct her mistake if the crashing ship incident, but the Jedi didn't listen to her, so she plan something big to gain the attention but her accomplice fuck somethings up and everything gotta way out of control so she ends up killing even more civilians and the rest we can imagine from there: She kills Letta because she was freak out about taking all the blame, end up feeling even more guilt (if this is even possible) and on a desperately attempt to save Ahsoka she tries to blame Ventress but fails spectacularly.
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This is all speculation, but I'm choosing to believe that the Martinez parents death play some part on Barriss's Arc. It really is a tragic event that exposes all the cracks in the role the Jedi said they perform as well as the failing republic as a whole.
I would love to Barriss reaction to that on screen I totally think could be part of a hypothetical Luminara story on a future season of Tales of the Jedi.
But what do you think?
Like I said I planning to write a fanfic that has a great role for Barriss and would be super helpful to her others people opinions on the character, so feel free to reach me out to share your personal head cannons and theorys!
(Ps: I'm still learning english so please forgive me if that was a hard to read post)
(Also could you imagine how funny/tragic would be if both Ahsoka's ex-girlfriend and ex-mother in lawn were involved in the death of her current girlfriend, that being Trace, parents? That is good lesbian drama right there!)
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Somewhere Out There Is Somebody (Part 1)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, f!reader, Valentine's Day, Soulmate AU
Summary: On February 13, those over 16 receive an empty box in the mail every year. You place items in the box and they appear in your soulmate's box the following day. Until now, you haven't figured out who your soulmate is. But after an unexpected run-in with your least favorite aviator, you discover your other half may be closer than you think.
Word Count: 4030
TW: Soulmate AU, Fluff, Light Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Right in Front of You the Whole Time, Language
Note: Thank you to @wildbornsiren and @green-socks for helping me work out this concept. Your advice really gave me the confidence to pursue this idea! 💖 And also thank you for beta reading, Sam! 😘
I wanted to come up with an original concept for a Soulmate AU and I have not seen one done exactly like this so I figured I would give it a shot! I would love to know what people think of it as a concept as well as the execution in the fic! 🥰
Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2
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You couldn’t believe it was already February 13th. You had been so preoccupied lately with the last few missions, increased training, and yearly inspections that it completely slipped your mind. Yet there was no denying the date when you checked your mailbox and found a red, heart-shaped box with a ribbon tied around it. 
“Oh, shit,” you cursed under your breath as you picked the Box up. It looked exactly the same as it did every year since it had first shown up in your mailbox when you were 16. Just as it looked the same as every other Box that magically appeared in everyone’s mailboxes on this day once they reached that age.
No one knew exactly how it happened or when it started. Some say a form of the Boxes had been around since the 1800s, while others claimed to have found mentions of something like them back in the 1500s, while some scholars tried to argue the proof of their existence as far back as the 1300s or even crude versions in Ancient Rome. But in modern times, a holiday was formed around the arrival of the Boxes, one centered on love and giving. They called it Valentine’s Day after one of the earlier mentions of the event in a poem. And every year at that time, the same thing happened all over the world.
On February 13, the Box would appear in your mailbox. When it did, you would place items into it, things that either showed off who you were or showed your love and admiration for the person about to receive what you picked out. Then, you would place the Box back into your mailbox by midnight. The next morning, the Box would still be there, but it would now be filled with different objects. Objects that your soulmate had placed in their Box the day before.
Over the years, you had received a wide variety of trinkets from your soulmate: various types of candy, love-themed stuffed animals, the occasional jewelry, a wooden rose, a well-worn baseball, a picture frame left empty just waiting for a photo to go inside it, a bottle of half-used cologne, a stack of recipes.
And every year, there was a famous love poem nestled at the bottom. You often wondered if he would write you original poetry if it was allowed, but the Boxes didn’t permit that sort of thing. Nothing handwritten or originally composed, no photographs, no business cards, no blatantly identifiable items of any kind. Anything you placed in your Box that was deemed too telling by whatever magic or energy made the Boxes work remained in your Box when you opened it the next day.
It had only happened to you once when you tried to send a pin with the Naval Academy’s logo on it the year you were accepted, but apparently, it was too much of a hint as to your identity to pass on to your soulmate. It seemed as if the Boxes wanted to help you find your soulmates, but didn’t want things to be too easy for you either.
Glancing at your watch, you cursed even louder as you realized that at this time of night, the only places in the area that might still be open were convenience stores or the Walgreens a few blocks away. However, this close to the deadline, stores like Walgreens that catered to the Boxes were usually packed with last-minute shoppers or picked clean by now. So, with a sigh, you jumped back into your truck and drove down to the convenience store at the end of the block. 
Unfortunately, there really wasn’t a wide selection to choose from. Just meaningless junk and useless items. Reluctantly, you settled on a California shot glass (broad locations were usually allowed and your soulmate had once sent the wrapper from a bottle of whiskey so you assumed he drank) and a car air freshener shaped like a heart in one of your favorite fragrances. It was pathetic, but at least it was something.
As you headed up to the sizeable check-out line, you stumbled to a stop as you recognized the man at the end of the line. You stared at the back of his head all day during briefings and meetings so even from behind, it was impossible to mistake him. For a moment, you considered waiting for him to finish checking out or even just leaving the store now without your purchase, but it was almost 11:30 pm and time was running out to get your items into your Box. So, taking a deep breath, you stepped into line.
Sensing someone approaching from behind, Hangman glanced over his shoulder and did a double take as he recognized you. He flinched slightly and his shoulders tensed, yet his usual cocky smile slowly spread across his face. “Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here. I would have thought Miss Perfect would have had her gift planned out weeks ago. Cutting things a little close there, aren’t we?”
You felt the familiar heat rising in your chest that happened anytime you were around Hangman. Ever since the day the two of you had met at the Academy, you had gotten along like oil and water. Always trying to one-up the other or prove you were the best, your interactions usually ended with some sort of heated argument or screaming match. The universe seemed to enjoy your little feud because, by some bizarre twist of fate, the two of you had ended up in the same squadron after graduation. And you were both transferred together to the next one. Then to the same class at Top Gun. And yet another joint squadron change. It was practically unheard of, and yet, since the first day of either of your careers, you had been working together. But it never lessened the antagonistic tension between you. If anything, it only got worse as time went on.
When you were in the sky, the two of you could work together in perfect harmony and despite everything, you were the perfect wingmen for one another. Yet, the moment the two of you got face-to-face on the ground, that was when things became hostile. Just like now.
Trying your best to maintain your composure, you snapped, “We’ve been out of the country for the last two weeks. When was I supposed to get anything? Besides, you’re here too.” Looking down at his hands, you rolled your eyes as you spotted the fighter jet-shaped object he was holding. “A keychain? That’s the best you can do? Wow, Bagman. Some girl out there is so lucky to have you as her soulmate.”
Hangman’s jaw clenched tightly and you could tell he was trying his best not to start cursing you out in the middle of the checkout line. Instead, he just sneered, “Yeah, well, you’re one to talk. I’m sure your soulmate is going to love that tacky glass and a single air freshener.” 
You felt your cheeks growing warm as you stared daggers at him, but it wasn’t all due to anger. Though you would never admit it, you knew he was right. This was a pathetic excuse for a present for the person who was meant to be the love of your life. He always gave you such lovely, meaningful gifts and this was the best you could do? You wish there was some way to explain what happened. That this was all due to bad timing and an insanely busy schedule and that you had wanted to give him so much more. But without a way to send personal messages, this was all you could do. 
However, just because all of that was true, it didn’t mean you were going to let Hangman get away with pointing it out. Still glaring at him, you said, “As a matter of fact, I know this is exactly the sort of thing he will love. You don’t know anything about him or me outside of work, so why don’t you just shut the fuck up, and worry about your pathetic gift and how disappointed your soulmate is going to be in the morning.”
For a brief moment, the expression on Hangman’s face wasn’t one of anger or rage. It was one of pain. And you realized he probably felt as shitty about his gift as you did about yours. You knew there was more to Hangman than he ever revealed to the other aviators, and at this moment, you felt like for the first time you might have gotten a glimpse of this other side of him. But before you could say anything, he steeled his face once more and whirled around to face the counter without another word.
Even with his back to you, you could see he was still very upset. His broad shoulders were tensed as he stood slightly hunched over and drawn in on himself. Suddenly, you had the urge to wrap your arms around him from behind and press your face against his shoulder blades as you whispered soft apologies to make up for what you had said. But you quickly shook your head to snap yourself out of it. This was Hangman. The two of you fought more than cats and dogs. This was just how it was between you. And yet, as he finished paying and glanced quickly back at you one final time, you couldn’t help but wish you had apologized after all.
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That night, you tossed and turned in bed, haunted by what had happened with your run-in with Hangman and how you should have handled it differently. However, all of it was forgotten the moment you woke up and remembered what day it was. Springing out of bed, you threw on some clothes and rushed out the front door.
As much as you wanted nothing more than to run downstairs and return with your Box as quickly as you could, it just wasn’t possible. The entire building had the same thought. As soon as you stepped out of your apartment, you were met with a crowd of people all struggling to make it to the stairwell. The landlord had hired someone for each floor to attempt to control the traffic, but as usual, it was a useless endeavor. There was nothing to do but wait your turn as the horde of people slowly made their way down the stairs and to the row of mailboxes by the front door. 
When you finally made it to your mailbox and retrieved the package from inside, you hurried back upstairs with the Box clutched tightly to your chest. Some people couldn’t stand the anticipation and had ripped open their Boxes in the lobby, but you preferred to open yours in the privacy of your apartment. Luckily, getting back up was a lot quicker than getting down. The crowds had thinned as most people made it down to their mailboxes and you were able to make it back in only a few minutes.
Once inside, you leaned heavily on your door, trying to calm your excitement. You waited all year for this moment, to get just the tiniest glimpse into the person who was supposedly your other half. Yet no matter how happy you were, you couldn’t help but dread the feeling of disappointment he must be having seeing what you placed inside your box this year. You just hoped you could make it up to him next year, potentially even in person. But maybe that was too much wishful thinking. 
Taking a deep breath, you opened the lid. The second you saw what was inside, you dropped the Box as if it had burned you, spilling the contents across the floor. Gasping, you slid down the door to the ground, your hands pressed tightly over your mouth. You couldn’t believe your eyes. There had to be some kind of mistake. Somehow the Boxes got mixed up and yours was sent to the wrong person while you received this one instead. Because this could not be your Box. 
Yet, there was no denying the truth. A piece of paper stuck out of the Box. Glancing quickly at it, you saw that it was your yearly love poem, though this one had a theme of forgiveness and doing better in the future as well as love. As in, asking forgiveness for such a crappy gift this year. Because there, peeking out from underneath the table where it had landed, was the only other item from the Box: a familiar-looking keychain shaped like a fighter jet. 
A million different explanations ran through your head as you tried to think of some rational explanation that didn’t end with your soulmate being your wingman. They probably sold these same keychains in thousands of stores across the country and maybe he finally figured out your clues and realized you were a fighter pilot. Maybe he got his pilot’s license this year and this was his way of sharing the news. Maybe he might have gone to an airshow and wished you were there with him. Or…. maybe the keychain you now held in your hand was the same one you had seen last night in the convenience store.
You had to find out for sure. There was no way you could go about your day until you had verified this was all just some big cosmic misunderstanding. So, you grabbed the keychain, your bag, your keys, and your jacket before hurrying towards the door. 
Your jacket was only half on as you threw open the door and were almost hit in the face with a fist that was in the process of knocking. Dodging back, you saw Hangman standing in the hallway, his chest heaving as if he had just run the whole way here. Glancing down, you saw that in the hand he didn’t have raised, he was holding your shot glass and air freshener. So, it was true….
At the same moment, he noticed the keychain in your hand. His eyes grew wide as he whispered, “No fucking way…”
“How?” You stumbled backward, and for a moment, you thought you might collapse. But a large hand shot out and grabbed your elbow, steadying you. Hangman had touched you many times before, yet there was something different about this time. It felt safe and comforting and it sent a small shiver across your skin. 
You wondered if Hangman felt it too because his grip tightened and he pulled you a little closer to him. His eyes searched your face as he asked, “Are you okay?”
No, I’m not okay! What about this situation makes you think I’d be okay? You wanted to scream at him, but you know it wouldn’t do any good. So, you just pull your arm out of his grasp and take a few steps back. “Yeah, I’m fine. I-I just need a minute.” 
You hurried off into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water off the counter. Draining it in just a few gulps, you wipe the back of your hand across your mouth as you try to figure out what to do next. Your mind was running a mile a minute and all you wanted to do was to lay down in your bed, burrow under the covers, and forget this morning ever happened. However, this was not something you could just ignore for now and figure out later. Hangman was still in your living room just waiting for you to return. You knew you had to face him sooner or later, so it might as well be sooner.
As you walked back into the living room, you saw Hangman standing by your bookcase. When you got closer, he held up the picture frame you had received in your Box a few years ago. With a wistful smile on his lips, he said, “You still have this. And you kept it empty…”
With your arms crossed tightly across your chest, you gave a half-hearted shrug. “I never had the right photo with the right person to put in it.” As you reached out to take it from him, your mind flashed to the hundreds of photos with you and Hangman people had taken over the years. “Or I guess I did and just didn’t realize it.”
Jake ran his thumb across the back of your hand. “Sweetheart, I–”
The pet name was the final straw as you felt something snap within you. “No, no, I’m sorry.” You pulled away from his touch and placed the picture frame back on the bookshelf. “I’m sorry, but it can’t be you. It– It just can’t be.” 
Hangman turned away but not before you saw the pain flash in his eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you. I guess you thought you’d be paired with someone better. Someone you could at least stand to be in the same room with.” He started heading towards the door, but you jumped in front of him to stop him from leaving. 
“No, it’s not that at all. Hangm– Jake.” His head was still hung low so you took his face between your hands and turned it so he was staring at you. Taking a shuttering breath, you explained, “It can’t be you because I don’t think I can handle the fact that we’ve known each other for almost 10 years and didn’t know. That my soulmate was right in front of me this whole time and I never…. That I wasted so much time arguing and fighting with him that I never allowed myself to see him for what he truly was.”
But it didn’t matter how much you wanted things to be different. There was no denying the truth at this point. In hindsight, it all made perfect sense. That heat in your chest you felt every time Hangman walked into the room wasn’t hate at all. It was love. Love you thought you could never have so you used it to fuel your anger towards him. You had turned the magnetic pull between you into something ugly and bitter all because you were hurt he could never be yours. And because of that, you almost ruined everything. 
Jake must have seen the tears forming in your eyes and the way your lip trembled as you tried to hold it together because his pained expression softened into one of understanding. “Oh, sweetheart.”
He softly took your arm and drew you into his chest. The gesture was so tender and soft that you couldn’t fight it anymore. Tears began to pour down your cheeks as you buried your face into his shoulder. Jake’s hand gently caressed your back, rubbing small, soothing circles across it while you sobbed. And it felt so right. The hot feeling you got in your chest whenever Hangman was around spread throughout you and when he lightly pressed his lips to the top of your head, you thought you might explode.
As your tears began to dry up and your sobs faded, you still remained wrapped in his embrace. In fact, you never wanted to leave it. But there were still some things you needed to figure out.
So, you lifted your head slightly, and whispered, “The worst part is, I know it’s you. I’ve known since the minute I first saw you back at the Academy. Sitting in class with that stupid toothpick in your mouth and the big ol’ grin on your face. You were the most handsome man I’d ever seen, and I instantly fell for you. For a moment, I even let myself imagine you might be my soulmate.” You tilted your head up to look him squarely in the face. “But when I asked you about one of the poems my soulmate had sent me, you said you’d never heard of it.”
Hangman smiled softly with a sorrowful gleam in his eyes. “I remember that day perfectly. You walked up to introduce yourself and when I saw you, I couldn’t breathe. You were the most beautiful person I had ever seen and your voice… When you mentioned the poem, I had a momentary flash of hope that it could be you. But it was a really popular poem and one I had sent a few years before, so I just figured it was wishful thinking. And I couldn’t admit it right then anyway. Because with her – with you – I was Jake. As open and real and vulnerable as I’ve ever been with another person. But when you asked me in class, in front of the rest of the cadets, you were talking to Hangman, and he would never be caught dead reading poetry. So, I lied. And it seems that I doomed us both.” 
You shook your head frantically. “No, Jake. This isn’t just on you. I lied too. I was so upset that you weren’t my soulmate that when you started asking me about what sort of music I listened to and you mentioned a bunch of artists, including the band whose CD I had sent you, I said I didn’t know any of them because I couldn’t handle talking to you right then. I just wanted the conversation to be over. But if I had just told the truth, you probably would have realized who I was. So, this is just as much on me as it is on you.”
“Thank you.” He placed another kiss in the middle of your forehead and a wave of warmth flowed through you all the way down to your toes. Then he chuckled, “I guess the universe knew we were idiots and needed as much help as we could get. Maybe that’s why we’re still stuck together through every mission and every transfer. Not even the United States Navy is a match for soulmates.”
“I guess not,” you giggled. Then, turning more serious again, you said, “I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. I am lucky to have you as a soulmate. And I’m not disappointed in the slightest.”
“I’m sorry too. I do in fact love my glass and air freshener.”
You rolled your eyes. “You called that glass tacky yesterday…. And you’re not wrong. You don’t have to pretend to like it. I know it’s crap.”
Jake grabbed your shoulders and held you away from him so you could see his face. “I’m not pretending! I really do like it!”
“Because you gave it to me.”
You groaned as a huge smile lit up your face and you playfully slapped his chest. “Oh, God. We’re going to be one of those super mushy, romantic couples that drives everyone crazy with how in love we are, aren’t we?”
“I’m counting on it.” There was absolutely no humor or playfulness in his tone. Just complete sincerity. And as you gazed into his pale green eyes, it felt as if you were staring directly into his soul. It felt as if you were staring directly into your own heart. 
Jake’s fingers brushed against your cheek before gently tilting your chin back. Your eyes fluttered shut even before his lips pressed against yours. Before this moment, you thought you knew what a kiss felt like, what love felt like. And yet, nothing you had ever experienced felt anything close to kissing Jake. It was like sticking your finger into an electrical socket but instead of pain, your body vibrated with a euphoric buzz of pleasure. 
And as he drew you in closer against his chest, it felt as if your hearts began to sync and beat in time until the two thumps melded into one. There was not a single sliver of doubt left in you. Jake Seresin was your soulmate and you couldn’t be happier about it.
When the two of you finally pulled apart, you continued to gaze into each other's eyes. You reached up and ran your finger across his kiss-swollen lips as you asked, “Well, what now, Jake?”
Jake took your hand and pressed his lips firmly against the back of it before he whispered, “Now, sweetheart, I think we start making up for lost time.”
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Taglist: @valoraxxx-blog, @m3laniehearts, @autumnleaves1991-blog,  @rule107, @vintageleather, @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak, @slutforadambanks, @americaarse, @reneki, @ynbutbetter , @sugarcoated-lame, @imagineadream, @sadpetalsstuff, @salty-thembo, @rachelizabethgraham, @duckandrobin, @queenbbarnes, @grincheveryday, @uselesslyromantic, @choochoo284, @littlebadariell, @blue-aconite, @thescarletknight2014, @dempy, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @shirley2996, @kkrenae, @zebralover, @startrekfangirl2233
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givepie · 4 months
Hm! I feel a rant coming on! Everyone duck!
Let start with a general question: what counts as theming?
To me, theming is the set pieces, pre-show, and anything laid out in a rides area to help develop a story. Most of the time this helps world-building more than anything. To me, even music can be a piece of theming because it helps to set a tone. For example, when riding Smiler, the laughter sounds almost manic and it makes you realise straight away that something is off, before you even step foot into X-sector.
Anything that DOESN'T fall into this classification such as website and app pages, falls into "storytelling". In a theme park, it is almost impossible to tell the entire story from one repeated instance inside of said story. To tell a complicated story like that of the Smiler, it would take so much exposition, which is very much not the point and would take away from the experience as a whole.
So storytelling isn't a bad thing, it's how they handle it.
To me, there are three behemoths of theme park theming and storytelling worldwide. That I know of.
Baron 1898, X-Sector post-Smiler, And Forbidden Valley post-Reborn.
Baron 1898 is pretty easy to grasp while you're there, even as a non-speaker of the language. You're going on a mine tour and 3 ghost ladies are PISSED that you're going down there. The actual theming is downright impressive ans I would love to see it in real life. You can then look up the story to find out who the ghosts are, who the Baron is, and how the mine came to be. Really good treat for people who decide to look.
Forbidden Valley has a story that has remained relatively consistent throughout the years. It has wondering actors that establish the world in a realistic yet entertaining way rather quickly. There are an official operation; there are people opposing the operation so there is something sneaky going on; there is a tour group taking advantage of the centrepiece so the Alien is a tourist attraction in this universe, too. Just little things that help put together a bigger picture.
Of course this starts coming apart a little bit when the audio starts explicitly telling you what is happening, but it still holds. You see someone's office, a crashed helicopter, weapons for warding off the alien. All things to help build up this universe you are now ankle-deep in. And then there's the 3 pages on the Internet that break down the story for you, which can also be seen in the shop.
Finally, of course, there's X-sector. It doesn't usually have roaming actors, and the theme suits better that way. Without the roaming actors, you see that the Ministry are secretive. Trying to stay out of the limelight, except for the skeleton crew they send out to keep the coaster safe and operational. It shows a tone.
However, people casually wondering what this is about can never get an easy answer. Cause the answer is spread out across what remains of a decade-old marketing campaign. Fun for people who want a deep dive, not so fun for people who are just lightly curious. The website barely tells you anything either.
But, on a positive light, the story is so complex it keeps a fandom. Not many coasters have that. It's an insane accomplishment.
And I have a theory as to why. Now, stay with me here I think I'm about to upset some people:
It has aspects of social and political commentary. "Not everything is political" ALL GOOD ART IS A COMMENTARY ON THE TIMES AND CIRCUMSTANCES YOU WERE RAISED IN SIT YOUR ARSE BACK DOWN.
RIGHT, so, Smiler is a story about the government dedicating an organisation to keeping people artificially content to keep people compliant. What are Brits notorious for doing, in comparison to the French?
Doing fuck all. This wasn't always the case. We would riot, we would strike. Now we strike but while the other half of the country complains and just tells the strikers to sit back down and take the mistreatment. We are miserable, we complain, and we go about our day. And that's the joke. Its funny. So why bother changing it?
And if we can't be bothered changing something cause it's funny, what happens if they make everything purposefully funny? They'd never have to deal with the strikes in the first place.
The government functions off of our social compliance, which can come from making jokes at our own expense. We even see it now with our drowned-rat-faced PM as he continues to make a fool out of himself so he's funny. If he's funny, we want to see him more. That's a valid strategy nowadays.
Smiler. Is about how Keep Calm And Carry On is a stand against progress.
Smiler. Is a political and social commentary on the people of Britain. You're welcome.
The problem is: it doesn't. Instead of taking inspiration from its sister park, Alton, Thorpe decided to take inspiration from Icon and its shoebox station.
Where is Fearless Valley taking place? When is Fearless Valley taking place? What point in the story are we looking at here? The issue [only issue, really] with Hyperia, is it entirely relies on storytelling and a few bits and bobs in the queue.
Remember the shortcoming in Nemesis? Where you can get a good grasp of the story without it being blasted in your ear? Yeah here they straight up tell you the story, too. The theming has BECOME the storytelling.
Next question: what is Hyperia, the coaster, supposed to be? Yes, we know the story is that a goddess called hyperia overcame her fear of the sea by building wings and escaping the island she was trapped on [for some unspecified reason. Is hyperia evil?], but what IS the coaster supposed to be?
Smiler is the Marmaliser, the machine that transforms you into a smiling advocate. Nemesis is the tentacles of the monster overtaking the metal that pins it down. Baron is the track the drill takes to get into the mine.
What is Hyperia? Are we following Her as she soars, were we stuck with Her; the Icarus to her Daedalus? Are we following in her footsteps as part of a ceremony Her followers reenact for her blessing? Are we supposed to be Her? It's never really specified.
The station is chocked full of a last-ditch attempt of theming, which in comparison with the whole lotta nothing you get from the queueline? It feels cramped. It feels cheap. It barely feels like it belongs on a stage alongside Taron, Velocicoaster and Voltron Nevera. If they didn't have the budget to do the storytelling and the theme, they should've gone for theme.
Any story with no theme feels cheap and artificial. Any theme with no story still stands out and has breathtaking scenes. If they focused more on the white-gold colour palate and maybe had a few statues around and about they could pass it as some sort of pantheon, like climbing Olympus.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed in all aspects of the Hyperia theming. It feels lazy, tacky and underwhelming when you consider Swarm is a 5 minute walk away. I'm hoping it improves at some point.
I geniunely think the stone head of Collosus is much better than anything in Fearless Valley and its inconsistencies. The Black and gold buildings feel very sleek and out of place for a story ultimately about a goddess who forged. She forged her own wings. She forged her own bravery. Shouldnt the building look a little home made? Where are the bolts? The soldering? I want to see her anvil and hammer pride-of-place, not shoved in the corner of the station.
Cmon thorpe. Get your arse in gear.
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Somewhere Out There Is Somebody (Part 1)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, f!reader, Valentine's Day, Soulmate AU
Summary: On February 13, those over 16 receive an empty box in the mail every year. You place items in the box and they appear in your soulmate's box the following day. Until now, you haven't figured out who your soulmate is. But after an unexpected run-in with your least favorite aviator, you discover your other half may be closer than you think.
Word Count: 4030
TW: Soulmate AU, Fluff, Light Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Right in Front of You the Whole Time, Language
Note: Thank you to @wildbornsiren and @green-socks for helping me work out this concept. Your advice really gave me the confidence to pursue this idea! 💖 And also thank you for beta reading, Sam! 😘
I wanted to come up with an original concept for a Soulmate AU and I have not seen one done exactly like this so I figured I would give it a shot! I would love to know what people think of it as a concept as well as the execution in the fic! 🥰
Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2
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You couldn’t believe it was already February 13th. You had been so preoccupied lately with the last few missions, increased training, and yearly inspections that it completely slipped your mind. Yet there was no denying the date when you checked your mailbox and found a red, heart-shaped box with a ribbon tied around it. 
“Oh, shit,” you cursed under your breath as you picked the Box up. It looked exactly the same as it did every year since it had first shown up in your mailbox when you were 16. Just as it looked the same as every other Box that magically appeared in everyone’s mailboxes on this day once they reached that age.
No one knew exactly how it happened or when it started. Some say a form of the Boxes had been around since the 1800s, while others claimed to have found mentions of something like them back in the 1500s, while some scholars tried to argue the proof of their existence as far back as the 1300s or even crude versions in Ancient Rome. But in modern times, a holiday was formed around the arrival of the Boxes, one centered on love and giving. They called it Valentine’s Day after one of the earlier mentions of the event in a poem. And every year at that time, the same thing happened all over the world.
On February 13, the Box would appear in your mailbox. When it did, you would place items into it, things that either showed off who you were or showed your love and admiration for the person about to receive what you picked out. Then, you would place the Box back into your mailbox by midnight. The next morning, the Box would still be there, but it would now be filled with different objects. Objects that your soulmate had placed in their Box the day before.
Over the years, you had received a wide variety of trinkets from your soulmate: various types of candy, love-themed stuffed animals, the occasional jewelry, a wooden rose, a well-worn baseball, a picture frame left empty just waiting for a photo to go inside it, a bottle of half-used cologne, a stack of recipes.
And every year, there was a famous love poem nestled at the bottom. You often wondered if he would write you original poetry if it was allowed, but the Boxes didn’t permit that sort of thing. Nothing handwritten or originally composed, no photographs, no business cards, no blatantly identifiable items of any kind. Anything you placed in your Box that was deemed too telling by whatever magic or energy made the Boxes work remained in your Box when you opened it the next day.
It had only happened to you once when you tried to send a pin with the Naval Academy’s logo on it the year you were accepted, but apparently, it was too much of a hint as to your identity to pass on to your soulmate. It seemed as if the Boxes wanted to help you find your soulmates, but didn’t want things to be too easy for you either.
Glancing at your watch, you cursed even louder as you realized that at this time of night, the only places in the area that might still be open were convenience stores or the Walgreens a few blocks away. However, this close to the deadline, stores like Walgreens that catered to the Boxes were usually packed with last-minute shoppers or picked clean by now. So, with a sigh, you jumped back into your truck and drove down to the convenience store at the end of the block. 
Unfortunately, there really wasn’t a wide selection to choose from. Just meaningless junk and useless items. Reluctantly, you settled on a California shot glass (broad locations were usually allowed and your soulmate had once sent the wrapper from a bottle of whiskey so you assumed he drank) and a car air freshener shaped like a heart in one of your favorite fragrances. It was pathetic, but at least it was something.
As you headed up to the sizeable check-out line, you stumbled to a stop as you recognized the man at the end of the line. You stared at the back of his head all day during briefings and meetings so even from behind, it was impossible to mistake him. For a moment, you considered waiting for him to finish checking out or even just leaving the store now without your purchase, but it was almost 11:30 pm and time was running out to get your items into your Box. So, taking a deep breath, you stepped into line.
Sensing someone approaching from behind, Hangman glanced over his shoulder and did a double take as he recognized you. He flinched slightly and his shoulders tensed, yet his usual cocky smile slowly spread across his face. “Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here. I would have thought Miss Perfect would have had her gift planned out weeks ago. Cutting things a little close there, aren’t we?”
You felt the familiar heat rising in your chest that happened anytime you were around Hangman. Ever since the day the two of you had met at the Academy, you had gotten along like oil and water. Always trying to one-up the other or prove you were the best, your interactions usually ended with some sort of heated argument or screaming match. The universe seemed to enjoy your little feud because, by some bizarre twist of fate, the two of you had ended up in the same squadron after graduation. And you were both transferred together to the next one. Then to the same class at Top Gun. And yet another joint squadron change. It was practically unheard of, and yet, since the first day of either of your careers, you had been working together. But it never lessened the antagonistic tension between you. If anything, it only got worse as time went on.
When you were in the sky, the two of you could work together in perfect harmony and despite everything, you were the perfect wingmen for one another. Yet, the moment the two of you got face-to-face on the ground, that was when things became hostile. Just like now.
Trying your best to maintain your composure, you snapped, “We’ve been out of the country for the last two weeks. When was I supposed to get anything? Besides, you’re here too.” Looking down at his hands, you rolled your eyes as you spotted the fighter jet-shaped object he was holding. “A keychain? That’s the best you can do? Wow, Bagman. Some girl out there is so lucky to have you as her soulmate.”
Hangman’s jaw clenched tightly and you could tell he was trying his best not to start cursing you out in the middle of the checkout line. Instead, he just sneered, “Yeah, well, you’re one to talk. I’m sure your soulmate is going to love that tacky glass and a single air freshener.” 
You felt your cheeks growing warm as you stared daggers at him, but it wasn’t all due to anger. Though you would never admit it, you knew he was right. This was a pathetic excuse for a present for the person who was meant to be the love of your life. He always gave you such lovely, meaningful gifts and this was the best you could do? You wish there was some way to explain what happened. That this was all due to bad timing and an insanely busy schedule and that you had wanted to give him so much more. But without a way to send personal messages, this was all you could do. 
However, just because all of that was true, it didn’t mean you were going to let Hangman get away with pointing it out. Still glaring at him, you said, “As a matter of fact, I know this is exactly the sort of thing he will love. You don’t know anything about him or me outside of work, so why don’t you just shut the fuck up, and worry about your pathetic gift and how disappointed your soulmate is going to be in the morning.”
For a brief moment, the expression on Hangman’s face wasn’t one of anger or rage. It was one of pain. And you realized he probably felt as shitty about his gift as you did about yours. You knew there was more to Hangman than he ever revealed to the other aviators, and at this moment, you felt like for the first time you might have gotten a glimpse of this other side of him. But before you could say anything, he steeled his face once more and whirled around to face the counter without another word.
Even with his back to you, you could see he was still very upset. His broad shoulders were tensed as he stood slightly hunched over and drawn in on himself. Suddenly, you had the urge to wrap your arms around him from behind and press your face against his shoulder blades as you whispered soft apologies to make up for what you had said. But you quickly shook your head to snap yourself out of it. This was Hangman. The two of you fought more than cats and dogs. This was just how it was between you. And yet, as he finished paying and glanced quickly back at you one final time, you couldn’t help but wish you had apologized after all.
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That night, you tossed and turned in bed, haunted by what had happened with your run-in with Hangman and how you should have handled it differently. However, all of it was forgotten the moment you woke up and remembered what day it was. Springing out of bed, you threw on some clothes and rushed out the front door.
As much as you wanted nothing more than to run downstairs and return with your Box as quickly as you could, it just wasn’t possible. The entire building had the same thought. As soon as you stepped out of your apartment, you were met with a crowd of people all struggling to make it to the stairwell. The landlord had hired someone for each floor to attempt to control the traffic, but as usual, it was a useless endeavor. There was nothing to do but wait your turn as the horde of people slowly made their way down the stairs and to the row of mailboxes by the front door. 
When you finally made it to your mailbox and retrieved the package from inside, you hurried back upstairs with the Box clutched tightly to your chest. Some people couldn’t stand the anticipation and had ripped open their Boxes in the lobby, but you preferred to open yours in the privacy of your apartment. Luckily, getting back up was a lot quicker than getting down. The crowds had thinned as most people made it down to their mailboxes and you were able to make it back in only a few minutes.
Once inside, you leaned heavily on your door, trying to calm your excitement. You waited all year for this moment, to get just the tiniest glimpse into the person who was supposedly your other half. Yet no matter how happy you were, you couldn’t help but dread the feeling of disappointment he must be having seeing what you placed inside your box this year. You just hoped you could make it up to him next year, potentially even in person. But maybe that was too much wishful thinking. 
Taking a deep breath, you opened the lid. The second you saw what was inside, you dropped the Box as if it had burned you, spilling the contents across the floor. Gasping, you slid down the door to the ground, your hands pressed tightly over your mouth. You couldn’t believe your eyes. There had to be some kind of mistake. Somehow the Boxes got mixed up and yours was sent to the wrong person while you received this one instead. Because this could not be your Box. 
Yet, there was no denying the truth. A piece of paper stuck out of the Box. Glancing quickly at it, you saw that it was your yearly love poem, though this one had a theme of forgiveness and doing better in the future as well as love. As in, asking forgiveness for such a crappy gift this year. Because there, peeking out from underneath the table where it had landed, was the only other item from the Box: a familiar-looking keychain shaped like a fighter jet. 
A million different explanations ran through your head as you tried to think of some rational explanation that didn’t end with your soulmate being your wingman. They probably sold these same keychains in thousands of stores across the country and maybe he finally figured out your clues and realized you were a fighter pilot. Maybe he got his pilot’s license this year and this was his way of sharing the news. Maybe he might have gone to an airshow and wished you were there with him. Or…. maybe the keychain you now held in your hand was the same one you had seen last night in the convenience store.
You had to find out for sure. There was no way you could go about your day until you had verified this was all just some big cosmic misunderstanding. So, you grabbed the keychain, your bag, your keys, and your jacket before hurrying towards the door. 
Your jacket was only half on as you threw open the door and were almost hit in the face with a fist that was in the process of knocking. Dodging back, you saw Hangman standing in the hallway, his chest heaving as if he had just run the whole way here. Glancing down, you saw that in the hand he didn’t have raised, he was holding your shot glass and air freshener. So, it was true….
At the same moment, he noticed the keychain in your hand. His eyes grew wide as he whispered, “No fucking way…”
“How?” You stumbled backward, and for a moment, you thought you might collapse. But a large hand shot out and grabbed your elbow, steadying you. Hangman had touched you many times before, yet there was something different about this time. It felt safe and comforting and it sent a small shiver across your skin. 
You wondered if Hangman felt it too because his grip tightened and he pulled you a little closer to him. His eyes searched your face as he asked, “Are you okay?”
No, I’m not okay! What about this situation makes you think I’d be okay? You wanted to scream at him, but you know it wouldn’t do any good. So, you just pull your arm out of his grasp and take a few steps back. “Yeah, I’m fine. I-I just need a minute.” 
You hurried off into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water off the counter. Draining it in just a few gulps, you wipe the back of your hand across your mouth as you try to figure out what to do next. Your mind was running a mile a minute and all you wanted to do was to lay down in your bed, burrow under the covers, and forget this morning ever happened. However, this was not something you could just ignore for now and figure out later. Hangman was still in your living room just waiting for you to return. You knew you had to face him sooner or later, so it might as well be sooner.
As you walked back into the living room, you saw Hangman standing by your bookcase. When you got closer, he held up the picture frame you had received in your Box a few years ago. With a wistful smile on his lips, he said, “You still have this. And you kept it empty…”
With your arms crossed tightly across your chest, you gave a half-hearted shrug. “I never had the right photo with the right person to put in it.” As you reached out to take it from him, your mind flashed to the hundreds of photos with you and Hangman people had taken over the years. “Or I guess I did and just didn’t realize it.”
Jake ran his thumb across the back of your hand. “Sweetheart, I–”
The pet name was the final straw as you felt something snap within you. “No, no, I’m sorry.” You pulled away from his touch and placed the picture frame back on the bookshelf. “I’m sorry, but it can’t be you. It– It just can’t be.” 
Hangman turned away but not before you saw the pain flash in his eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you. I guess you thought you’d be paired with someone better. Someone you could at least stand to be in the same room with.” He started heading towards the door, but you jumped in front of him to stop him from leaving. 
“No, it’s not that at all. Hangm– Jake.” His head was still hung low so you took his face between your hands and turned it so he was staring at you. Taking a shuttering breath, you explained, “It can’t be you because I don’t think I can handle the fact that we’ve known each other for almost 10 years and didn’t know. That my soulmate was right in front of me this whole time and I never…. That I wasted so much time arguing and fighting with him that I never allowed myself to see him for what he truly was.”
But it didn’t matter how much you wanted things to be different. There was no denying the truth at this point. In hindsight, it all made perfect sense. That heat in your chest you felt every time Hangman walked into the room wasn’t hate at all. It was love. Love you thought you could never have so you used it to fuel your anger towards him. You had turned the magnetic pull between you into something ugly and bitter all because you were hurt he could never be yours. And because of that, you almost ruined everything. 
Jake must have seen the tears forming in your eyes and the way your lip trembled as you tried to hold it together because his pained expression softened into one of understanding. “Oh, sweetheart.”
He softly took your arm and drew you into his chest. The gesture was so tender and soft that you couldn’t fight it anymore. Tears began to pour down your cheeks as you buried your face into his shoulder. Jake’s hand gently caressed your back, rubbing small, soothing circles across it while you sobbed. And it felt so right. The hot feeling you got in your chest whenever Hangman was around spread throughout you and when he lightly pressed his lips to the top of your head, you thought you might explode.
As your tears began to dry up and your sobs faded, you still remained wrapped in his embrace. In fact, you never wanted to leave it. But there were still some things you needed to figure out.
So, you lifted your head slightly, and whispered, “The worst part is, I know it’s you. I’ve known since the minute I first saw you back at the Academy. Sitting in class with that stupid toothpick in your mouth and the big ol’ grin on your face. You were the most handsome man I’d ever seen, and I instantly fell for you. For a moment, I even let myself imagine you might be my soulmate.” You tilted your head up to look him squarely in the face. “But when I asked you about one of the poems my soulmate had sent me, you said you’d never heard of it.”
Hangman smiled softly with a sorrowful gleam in his eyes. “I remember that day perfectly. You walked up to introduce yourself and when I saw you, I couldn’t breathe. You were the most beautiful person I had ever seen and your voice… When you mentioned the poem, I had a momentary flash of hope that it could be you. But it was a really popular poem and one I had sent a few years before, so I just figured it was wishful thinking. And I couldn’t admit it right then anyway. Because with her – with you – I was Jake. As open and real and vulnerable as I’ve ever been with another person. But when you asked me in class, in front of the rest of the cadets, you were talking to Hangman, and he would never be caught dead reading poetry. So, I lied. And it seems that I doomed us both.” 
You shook your head frantically. “No, Jake. This isn’t just on you. I lied too. I was so upset that you weren’t my soulmate that when you started asking me about what sort of music I listened to and you mentioned a bunch of artists, including the band whose CD I had sent you, I said I didn’t know any of them because I couldn’t handle talking to you right then. I just wanted the conversation to be over. But if I had just told the truth, you probably would have realized who I was. So, this is just as much on me as it is on you.”
“Thank you.” He placed another kiss in the middle of your forehead and a wave of warmth flowed through you all the way down to your toes. Then he chuckled, “I guess the universe knew we were idiots and needed as much help as we could get. Maybe that’s why we’re still stuck together through every mission and every transfer. Not even the United States Navy is a match for soulmates.”
“I guess not,” you giggled. Then, turning more serious again, you said, “I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. I am lucky to have you as a soulmate. And I’m not disappointed in the slightest.”
“I’m sorry too. I do in fact love my glass and air freshener.”
You rolled your eyes. “You called that glass tacky yesterday…. And you’re not wrong. You don’t have to pretend to like it. I know it’s crap.”
Jake grabbed your shoulders and held you away from him so you could see his face. “I’m not pretending! I really do like it!”
“Because you gave it to me.”
You groaned as a huge smile lit up your face and you playfully slapped his chest. “Oh, God. We’re going to be one of those super mushy, romantic couples that drives everyone crazy with how in love we are, aren’t we?”
“I’m counting on it.” There was absolutely no humor or playfulness in his tone. Just complete sincerity. And as you gazed into his pale green eyes, it felt as if you were staring directly into his soul. It felt as if you were staring directly into your own heart. 
Jake’s fingers brushed against your cheek before gently tilting your chin back. Your eyes fluttered shut even before his lips pressed against yours. Before this moment, you thought you knew what a kiss felt like, what love felt like. And yet, nothing you had ever experienced felt anything close to kissing Jake. It was like sticking your finger into an electrical socket but instead of pain, your body vibrated with a euphoric buzz of pleasure. 
And as he drew you in closer against his chest, it felt as if your hearts began to sync and beat in time until the two thumps melded into one. There was not a single sliver of doubt left in you. Jake Seresin was your soulmate and you couldn’t be happier about it.
When the two of you finally pulled apart, you continued to gaze into each other's eyes. You reached up and ran your finger across his kiss-swollen lips as you asked, “Well, what now, Jake?”
Jake took your hand and pressed his lips firmly against the back of it before he whispered, “Now, sweetheart, I think we start making up for lost time.”
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @lorecraft, @green-socks, @heart-0n-fire, @marvelousmermaid, @mayhem24-7forever, @wildbornsiren, @hederasgarden, @the-untamed-soul, @inglourious-imagines, @airhogger, @piscesvancouverite, @straightforwardly, @bonnieelizabethparker, @srry-itshockeyszn, @flyinlove, @fandomhopped, @sweetheartlizzie07, @yjwnoot, @wanderdreamer, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @callsign-fox, @imjess-themess, @callsign-phoenix, @shanimallina87, @forever-sleepy-sloth, @notroosterbradshaw, @dezthegeek, @blessupblessup, @cherrycola27, @phoenix1389, @nicangelinee, @smells-like-perfect-senses, @boringusername3, @petlaufeyson, @cycbaby, @topguncortez, @footprintsinthesxnd, @fantasticcopeaglepasta
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klbwriting · 8 months
Adventures In Atlantean-Sitting
Chapter 5
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: some violence
Summary: Orm and YN are cooped up after a metahuman attack, but when its finally safe YN takes Orm to the amusement park
Notes: 'Orm is a witch in the woods' forever
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Orm’s attitude since the movie and diner date had improved immensely. He was still aggravated that he had to wear the bracelet, it itched, and he missed having his abilities, but YN wouldn’t budge. He could see now that trying to run had been a huge mistake and her trust was broken. He wasn’t sure he would ever earn it back and for some reason that irked him the most. The last few weeks they had been getting along great and he found that she was probably the best friend he had ever had. He didn’t realize that she felt the same way about him, but he hoped she did.
YN threw herself into showing Orm everything she could about the surface world. They went on hikes to lakes and wildflower fields where he asked her question after question about nature in the area. Turns out being alone for long amounts of time gives one all kinds of time to learn and YN was very knowledgeable. They would cook together, and she taught him how to bake, though those lessons normally ended with them covered in flour and noticing how much they liked the others’ laugh. And the movies, they went to the movie theater every weekend and watched different shows and movies every night on the couch. It was becoming a routine for them and Orm found he loved it. He was starting to wonder if that’s why he always used to be angry, maybe he, as YN liked to say, just wanted to be a witch who lives in the woods and gives out full size candy bars to the brave kids on Halloween. He had no idea what half of that statement meant, but he got the idea of it.
Another attack happened while Orm was there. They soon found out that it wasn’t Atlanteans, just run of the mill metahuman stuff, but YN still thought it was a good idea to stay inside for a couple weeks, make sure that Atlantis didn’t send anyone to poke around. They spent three weeks inside and by the end of it Orm was crawling up the walls. He didn’t like what the isolation was doing to YN either. Instead of doing things she normally did, she was hiding out with him because she was worried he would try to run again. Finally, he sat on the couch in the early afternoon and looked at her.
“We need to get out of here,” Orm said. YN looked at him from her place on the floor, reading. “You have read that book twice since we started this quarantine. No Atlanteans ever came looking for me, the city is rebuilding from the damage, it seems like a good time to get out and do something.” She put down the book and looked like she was in thought. “Let’s go to the movies.” Orm was trying very hard to get her to agree to go out, just for a little while.
“No, not the movies,” she said, rising. “Go get dressed, we’re doing something new, something I hope you’ll love.” Orm hopped up, not needing told again. They both went into the bedroom and Orm grabbed a shirt while YN grabbed some thinks from her closet. She turned to exit and Orm was already in his underwear, ready to throw on his new clothes. YN stared for a second. “You’ve been hiding all that.” Orm looked at himself.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing,” she said quickly, blushing as she headed to the bathroom to change. Orm smiled a little. They had been dancing around each other, flirting here and there, and it made his blood run a little faster knowing that she was attracted to him. He sighed. He had to face the fact sooner or later, at some point in time he had stopped thinking of YN as his babysitter, or even his friend, she was so much more than that. Maybe she felt the same way? After whatever activity they did today he would have to find out.
YN put her clothes on for what she planned with Orm and then she splashed some cold water on her face. Yes, Orm was hot, and yes, she was very interested in him beyond the fact that he was hot. Ever since he had arrived, she had been chipping away at his exterior and she loved what she found. If only he could feel the same way she did. But why would he? He was pretty much a step down from being a god, and she just a human, just his babysitter while he waited for Atlantis to forget about him. It was hopeless. She let out a breath and headed back to the living room. Orm was waiting and he smiled at her, and it made her heart flutter. Alright, maybe there was some hope.
Orm was staring. This place looked as bright and colorful as Atlantis, and he felt homesick for a moment. YN seemed to notice and frowned.
“Do you hate it?” she asked, clearly worried she had made a mistake bringing him to the amusement park on the pier. He slowly shook his head.
“No, its amazing, reminds me of my other home,” he said. YN’s heart nearly stopped.
“Your other home?” she asked. Atlantis was his home, what other home was there? It couldn’t be her little cottage. He looked down at her and smiled.
“Atlantis, this reminds of there, my home here is your place,” he said simply, as if it were the truest thing in the world. YN smiled back at him and took his head. “What do we do first?”
“Roller coaster let’s get that out of the way before we try to eat anything,” she said, pulling him in the direction of a large wooden track structure. As they got in line, he watched the cars going up and down the hills and he felt a little nervous.
“What is the point of this thing?” he asked, watching as someone got off the ride and immediately emptied their stomach in a trash can. YN pushed his face so he would stop watching and he wished she would touch him again like that, he loved it.
“It’s a thrill, for some people it’s the closest they get to flying,” she explained. They soon were on the ride and Orm was screaming and laughing as the coaster raced around the track. When it finished he wanted to go again, so they did. However, after the second time he started to feel dizzy and could understand why someone could get sick on that thing.
“That was amazing,” he said as they headed to ride something else. YN took him on everything, the swings, the pirate ship, the boat hide, the haunted house. It was nothing like he had experienced before and by the time they were getting funnel cakes to eat he was trying to figure out how to come back again the next day.
“I guess you like it here,” YN said as if reading his mind. He chuckled. “I hoped you would, I know its not easy being stuck with one person, or in one place, for a long time, I hope this whole thing hasn’t been too bad.” Orm shook his head.
“Honestly, this whole thing, the cottage, the movies, the rides, you, this has been the greatest thing to happen to me,” he said. YN eyes watered a little and he worried he had stepped too far, maybe she didn’t want him to think so highly of her.
“Thank you Orm, that is incredibly sweet,” she said. She moved around to his side of the table and kissed his cheek. He blushed and cleared his throat, putting an arm around her shoulders.
“How about we do one of those games. I see one with water guns, I have a feeling I could win you something,” he offered. She nodded and they threw their trash away, and picked up some other discarded trash as they went and headed to the games.
Orm was very successful with the water gun game. YN walked out of the park with a dolphin the size of her cottage pretty much, holding it under one arm while she held his hand. They walked down the beach, and she stopped him.
“Alright, here’s the best part,” she said, turning back to the park. Orm turned and frowned, wondering what she was talking about. Then he heard a boom and saw lights in the sky. It was amazing. “The fireworks,” she explained as a few more went off. She watched him as he watched the lights. Finally, he sensed her eyes on him, and he turned to her. He was suddenly pushed by some unknown force to kiss her. He leaned in just a little, but stopped, not sure she would want this. His eyes shifted to her lips and back to her eyes and she seemed to understand. She nodded. He didn’t need told again. His lips pressed to hers, his free hand wrapping around to hold her head as his tongue pushed at her lips. She opened them and he tasted her, and he knew he never wanted to taste anyone else again. This was the perfect moment and his heart had never felt so full. He was pissed when the explosion rocked the pier. He turned and before he could stop himself, he was running back towards the attack, YN following him.
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yujeong · 1 year
So, there's this fic I want to write for months now about the first time Pete says "I love you" to Vegas and it made me want to make a post about it as well. I truly believe saying that phrase is a huge deal to Pete and I want to explain why.
Starting with the fact that I loved, loved, LOVED that in the show, he never said it. Not directly, anyway. He didn't shoot Vegas when he had the chance, he shot Vegas when it was necessary to save him, he told him he was right there, he told him he was hungry, he told him he's following his heart. All of those things are different ways of saying "I love you" but it's not the phrase itself. And that's important because it truly showcases the core aspects of Pete's character.
Pete isn't like Vegas. Both of them are very emotional but the way they express their emotions is almost the complete opposite. Vegas is letting them get out of control, spilling out of him, while Pete is keeping them deeply locked up inside him until they eventually explode and he can't contain them anymore. Both of them at first are unwilling to recognise how they feel about the other, the changes that are happening inside of them but Vegas comes to the realization quicker than Pete and tells him so. All of this is why Vegas saying the phrase out loud in contrast to Pete never saying it makes perfect sense in the narrative.
I truly believe that Pete has this feeling in his chest which he isn't even sure what it's called or even if it's what most people would call it but it's so strong for Vegas that he knows he can't live without it so he decided to chase after it. There's this incredible fic by LuckyDiceKirby called "even the clearest water" that has an exchange between Vegas and Pete, in which Vegas asks him if Pete loves him and Pete replies with this:
"I don’t know. How could I know what that feels like? I’m not that kind of person. You make my teeth ache. You make the world bright, like it’s real. It hurts. It’s hurt since I met you, but that means I can never forget I’m alive."
I cannot tell you what I even felt when I read that. It was a mix of pure awe and enlightenment, because it was what I had been thinking after watching the show but was unable to put into words.
Now, as I was writing this post, a thought popped into my head related to this and I want to express it. I think the fandom unanimously agrees that Vegas has the capacity for kindness and softness due to Macau, the wonderful, perfect, sweet little gremlin angel of my heart. Macau is the reason Vegas even knows what love is, otherwise starved for it because no one else in his life gives it to him in any way, share or form until Pete comes along.
This got me thinking: who does Pete have in his life to show him what love and affection is?
At first glance, Pete's environment seems fine and way better than Vegas'. He has people that care about him, he has friends, he has a nice room, his grandma sends him meals that he's allowed to eat in his room. Is this actually true though? Is the main family as kind and sweet and full of affection as it seems?
Well...no, it's not. All of this is superficial. Pete got forgotten the moment Kinn had Porsche in his arms (and bed). No one remembered him except Tankhun, who we could argue also loves Pete superficially and doesn't really view him as a person (I love Tankhun and I say that affectionately. I think post canon he has the potential to change his way of thinking and behaviour towards his bodyguards).
But what about Pete's grandma?, I hear people say. Well, she is the only person Pete says "I love you" to but is this enough to claim that he knows what love is? When he doesn't live with her, doesn't have the ability to physically touch her for comfort whenever he needs to, can't talk to her freely without surveillance? He only gets a glimpse of it and if we also include the fact that he works for the main family for years, he's been deprived of love almost all of his life. No wonder the poor man is confused and doesn't realise what he's feeling for Vegas. He wasn't even a person until the safehouse.
The environments Vegas and Pete grew up in shaped them into who they became and it's evident if you think about it in the way I described above: Vegas' environment is cruel and unforgiving with a speck of actual love in the form of his brother and Pete's is presumably kind but devoid of substance. I'm oversimplifying this of course but I think the core aspects of how he lives in the main family play an important role in Pete's character.
All in all, Pete is a brilliantly written character and I want to thank the writing team and Build for giving him to me. I truly hope that when I manage to write this fic, I'll do his character justice.
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666writingcafe · 8 months
Barbatos' Birthday Surprise (Part Eight)
Author's Note: This is the NSFW/smut part of this little story, so if that's not your thing (or if you're underage), then keep strolling, because this is basically going to detail what Barbatos and MC do after the concert back at their hotel room, if you catch my drift. For everyone else, the content is underneath the cut.
Content Warning/Summary: everything between MC and Barbatos is consensual, rough kissing, biting, blood sucking both in reference to this and this and it actually happening, oral (giving and receiving; MC is gender neutral), mention of implied voyeurism, implied size insecurity (as a result of virgin!Barbatos) reference to this, slight degradation (but it's mixed in with praise, so do with that what you will), penetration (no condom), Barbatos morphs into his in-game demon form (so what the fandom has called level two), wrist-binding via forked tail
"MC." The moment we walk up to the door of our hotel room, any playfulness that Barbatos displayed throughout the concert disappears, replaced by a nearly overwhelming seriousness.
"What's wrong?" I ask. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
"I need to know if you're okay with continuing what we started earlier." Right. The concert. The music combined with the cocktail we both had may have caused us to get a little...bold as the evening progressed. I can still feel his hands on my stomach and his lips on my neck, and I wonder if he still feels me rubbing up against him.
"I wouldn't have done it if I--"
"Yes or no, MC." His eyes are brighter and more intense than usual. "I don't need a long-winded explanation." He sighs again, wincing at his harsh tone. "Look, I don't know if I'd be able to control myself once we're inside, and the last thing I want to do is to hurt you by doing something without your consent. So, let me ask you again: do you want to pick up where we left off?" His heated gaze causes me to swallow nervously, and my "yes" comes out as a mere whisper.
He allows me to enter the room first. Once he closes the door, he quickly pushes me up against it and kisses me. Hard. His tongue quickly finds his way inside my mouth, and he lifts me off my feet, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist in order to prevent myself from falling right on my ass.
I'm sure I'll feel the bump on the back of my head in the morning, but right now, that is the last thing on my mind. In fact, there's only one word repeating itself over and over: more. Whether it's purely physical or a result of Barbatos' most prevalent sin affecting me is inconsequential at this point; I just want him to keep going.
He eventually breaks the kiss, but doesn't back away. Instead, he rests his forehead on mine and gazes into my eyes, making me feel fluttery inside.
"I want to try something," he murmurs. "Lucifer mentioned doing it once, and I wonder if it's as good as he says it is." It takes me a moment to figure out what he's referring to, but then I remember: the night we made our pact. Specifically, what happened right before.
"Okay." I tilt my head so that my neck's exposed to him.
"I'll try my best to be gentle." He leans down and licks a spot on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He then wraps his mouth around it, and a sharp pain radiates from that spot, indicating that he's not only bitten down on it, but that he's pierced the skin. Gasping, I grip Barbatos' shoulders as the pain morphs into something else. Something that causes me to moan. Thankfully, I'm not the only one that makes a noise, for Barbatos groans as well.
"He's right," he whispers, detaching himself from my neck. "You are heavenly." He licks the spot again before glancing up at me. "Would you want some of mine?" The question initially takes me aback, but I quickly remind myself that it is common for demons to drink each others' blood when they get intimate.
"As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm not sure if doing so would be the safest thing for me to do." A soft smile crosses his lips.
"Of course. How silly of me. Can't have you turning into something else, after all." He pauses. "Although, there's nothing that says you can't still leave your mark on me."
"You want me to give you a hickey?"
"I hardly think just one would suffice." Is he being serious right now?
"You do realize that we're due back tomorrow, right?" Barbatos shrugs.
"I like to think that I'm good at hiding things, especially from the Young Master." He gently helps me get off him before stepping back and extending a hand out to me. "Plus, it hardly seems right for you to be the only one with visible evidence of our little tryst, now does it?"
"You're ridiculous," I mutter as I grab his hand. He guides us to the couch and sits down, instructing me to straddle his lap and face him.
"Are you sure about this?" I ask. Barbatos gently smiles, patting my thigh.
"Yes, MC. I'm sure." Gingerly, I lean down and kiss his neck.
"It's okay," he coaxes, sensing my hesitance. "You won't hurt me." He begins rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. His touch and his scent are enough to make me feel less nervous, leading me to start sucking and nipping at his neck.
"You can go harder than that," he murmurs. Somehow, despite the two of us not having a pact with each other, my mind and body treat his words like a command. Soon, the sound of his pleasure-filled groans fill my ears, spurring me to go even harder.
"Good human." Should I care that he said that, given that demons normally use the word 'human' as an insult? Probably. Do I? Absolutely not. Especially not by the time our shirts are off and our hands are roaming each other's bodies as we resume kissing.
I can't help it. It feels nice.
After a while, Barbatos breaks the kiss and places a hand on the side of my face.
"I think it's time to move things to the bedroom," he states quietly. "The couch isn't suitable for what I want to do to you."
"Okay." He stands up, forcing me to wrap my legs around him again as he easily carries me to the bedroom. I know demons are a lot stronger than humans, but I didn't think he'd be able to pick me up with as much ease as he seems to have. I'm not exactly the lightest person in the world.
Once he's put me down on the bed, he straddles me and gently pushes me backwards, making my head hit the soft pillows. He plants a quick kiss on my lips before slowly moving down my body. By the time his hands reach the waistband of my jeans, I've been reduced to pants and gasps.
"Am I good to continue?" he asks.
"Yes." With that, he unbuttons my jeans and slides them down my legs, my underwear soon following. His eyes train on my face as he begins rubbing his hand on me, intent on my reaction. My quiet pants morph into louder whines as he continues. That seems to satisfy him, for his hand quickly gets replaced by his mouth. He begins humming as he tastes me, almost as if I'm one of his favorite desserts or teas.
At some point, my good judgement ends up clouded by how good he feels, and I end up uttering an 'oh god'. Like an idiot. I mean, what kind of human says 'oh god' to a demon? Unsurprisingly, Barbatos stops what he's doing, but rather than scold me, he simply replies,
"He wouldn't make you feel this good." As if to prove his point, he resumes with a renewed fervor. Soon, I'm moaning in time with my mind chanting his name. The added noises he's making push me over the edge, and my hands grip the sheets as pleasure overrides my senses.
Once I've managed to calm down, I sit up and stretch my arms and legs before focusing on Barbatos, who's hardly moved an inch.
"Come here," I tell him. Wordlessly, he obeys, and soon our positions are switched.
"I haven't done this before," he murmurs.
"What, received a blowjob?" He blushes.
"To be honest, any of this."
"Then how--"
"By watching."
"Does Diavolo--"
"Yes. He has me hide in the shadows." He pauses. "There are plenty of people that would use sex as an opportunity to hurt him, and part of my job is to protect him."
"So, even--"
"Not you two. We know neither of you wish him any harm." I didn't realize his duties extended to those type of activities, but in a way, it makes sense. I know Asmo uses his lust as a weapon at times, so what's to stop other demons from doing the same?
"Anyway, I just don't want you to be...well..." Barbatos trails off.
"Disappointed?" I offer. He meekly nods. Did not realize he was insecure about that of all things. I pat his thigh, trying to reassure him.
"I'm a human, remember? Anything you have is going to be a lot larger than what's normally available for me. Besides, I wouldn't change my opinion of you just because of what you may or may not have downstairs. I'll still like you." With that, I remove his pants to reveal...
I can't even form words.
And I don't mean that in a bad way.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Right. Barbatos. Have to make him feel good.
He hisses as I wrap my mouth around him.
This isn't the first time my brain has short-circuited like this. That was with Asmo. He was walking around with no clothes on, not realizing that I was home.
There was a little voice in my head that kept repeating "suck it". I couldn't focus on anything else. The only way I could return back to normal was if I did what the voice told me to do.
Just like now.
Except it's more intense. Probably because this time, it's intentional.
Barbatos groans. I hum in response.
"Fuck, MC."
I want more. I don't care if I choke.
More groaning.
More cursing.
Soon, I feel him shoot down my throat. Of course, I swallow.
He's still hard.
I barely have time to register this before Barbatos grabs me and flips me over so that he's on top again. Moments later, he's entering me.
"You'll have to forgive me. I simply could not resist."
After a few careful thrusts, he begins picking up the pace.
"You feel so good, MC. I understand why everyone's so obsessed with you; you're like the perfect little toy."
Again, I probably should be offended, but I can't find it in me to protest. Not when my mind is turning to mush with each thrust.
A sharp pain indicates that he's bitten down on my shoulder, but somehow that only adds to the overall experience. My hands find their way up in his hair.
His horns have sprouted.
Where's the tail?
My question gets answered quickly, as I feel something wet wrap around my wrists and yank them up.
Speaking of wet...
There's lots of squelching. It mixes well with the other noises, both verbal and otherwise. Asmo would be impressed.
Barbatos' movements become more erratic, which means he must be getting close. Sure enough, he bottoms out moments later as my insides become soaked.
"Are you okay?" Barbatos asks, unwrapping himself from me. "I didn't go too hard, did I?"
"I'm still in one piece, so I'll say no." My joke appears to sail over his head, for he remains serious. "Look, considering that you morphed, you did just fine."
"I did bite you, though." He's spiraling. I can tell.
"Barbatos, quit beating yourself up. I enjoyed myself. Immensely." I reach over and hug him. "I'm glad that I could be part of your birthday present."
"Thanks," he breathes as he hugs me back. We remain still for a few moments as we bask in each others' warmth. Once we let go, he grabs my hands and looks into my eyes.
"MC, would you want to...maybe...take a bath with me?" He quickly adds,
"I promise I won't attempt to go another round. That is, not unless you want me to. It's just that..." He pauses as he takes a deep breath. "If you're okay with it, I'd like to help you clean up." He seems sincere, unlike a certain other demon I know.
"Only if you let me do the same to you."
"Of course."
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