#i worry that having an easy out of learning this skill makes younger people even more vulnerable to being lied to and fucked over
kittoforos · 9 months
a lot of Posts floating around now about chatgpt in college, lxds. some things people are saying are true of course, but I work in at a large public university in the usa and I will set aside my cool laissez faire tech accelerationist cynicism to be totally honest for a moment:
the argument that ‘essay writing is a super specific skill that doesn’t matter in professional life so you should disregard those courses and just cheat to get the degree’ is very concerning to me, even as someone who doesn’t give a fuck about cheating per se, bc we don’t teach ‘essay writing’ in reading comprehension courses. or at least decent instructors don’t. I don’t. all that stuff about it being a cultural code is like, true above basic courses (so like, in grad school and even advanced undergrad courses yes it’s about *how* you write with all the attendant bullshit) but in that kind of remedial textual reasoning class in undergrad that’s required to get the basic ba degree, *nobody* writes in the prestige cultural style. the task in question is to be able to parse text and understand and construct logical arguments, and to be able to tell when an argument has something wrong with it, and to explain this clearly to other people. which you will need all the time forever in this hashtag society no matter what your job is, so you can tell when institutions are taking you for a ride. so like. …. :/
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transmandrake · 1 year
Feel like talking about art... I worry a lot that I've passed some kind of 'peak' in my art, not per se skillwise but productivity wise.
'I made a 65 page full colour full shading comic chapter and had it printed! Oh my god, I could never do that now', I think. But thankfully in this age I've seen this exact thing happen to so many artists slightly older than me... intense productivity in school, sudden drop in early 20's, figure shit out in late 20's. It makes sense, art was basically the only thing keeping me together for many of those productive years, and I was miserable.
And now, yeah, I'm back in a high stress environment, but this time I'm managing my own progress and am doing things I want to do on some level, that aren't art. Is it any wonder people go on massive hiatuses when theres no longer One Thing they want to do?
And well also. The classic. It is bonkers the amount of people I grew up admiring who crashed and burned in college and then get diagnosed with, well usually several things but especially ADHD. I'd like to think I'm "learning from other's """pitfalls"""" by nipping that revelation in the bud early (healthcare system tho... pls gimme anything... an appointment, maybe...) but I've been ruminating a long time on art advice and life advice and a lot of the time it's not possible to 'skip' on doing the 'wrong' thing.
So much art advice is like 'man i wish i learned anatomy or x thing when I was younger, so much time wasted' and yes it seems true in hindsight, learning anatomy is pivotal to my current art... but I think I had to *get* to a point art and well growing up wise where that was even something I could fully comprehend. Theres lots of things where, yeah, I'm sure sitting 12 year old me down and getting them excited about Bones and Muscles wasn't *impossible*, but there was like 100 mini lessons that have no names I had to learn first. It's like, a skill tree in a video game. You have to learn fireball I and II before great fireball IV or whatever. It's easy to say man, why didn't I learn Hard Thing sooner, I would have been so much better by now, when in order to be able for Hard Thing you had to learn all the smaller easier things it leads to. Going straight for the big guns isn't impossible, but you'll end up having to go backwards at some point. In fact I feel like that's what's happening to me now!
I'm like, why is my art shit conpared to a few years ago, why am I half-assing everything, and you know what I spent 5 years only doing full colour full shading stuff because that was The Inevitable Artistic Conclusion and doing Less would be Wasting My Time! And I think that was the right choice actually. *Because* it made me learn that thought process wasn't true.
Also ummm FFAK by kosmicdream who I am sheepishly not tagging basically rewrote my brain? A 6000+ and not even half finished comic drawn with maximum speed and not sweating the details? And its great? And at no point did I think the story was worse off for not being polished to 100% 'completion'? Preposterous!
Well, not really. Loads of comics are like that. I knew I didn't want to be like them. But hm, its a conscious choice now rather than a feeling of shame at not completing things. The reassurance that, it's okay to not finish things, and it's okay to do less in order to finish things. Balance. FFAK just really punched that lesson into my skull rather than the light jabs of comics I'd loved before. I can count the comics I read as a kid that actually *finished* on like, two hands max. I reevaluated, what do I want to be, perfect incompletion or finished imperfection. And chose both and neither because I'm a vile little contrarian.
Am I going to finish my comic? Finished doesn't exist, so no. Does that mean my tedious perfection is justified as long as the unfinished work is what I envisioned? Also no, because I am not the same person I was when I stopped lifting the pen and my idea of perfection is also always just out of reach. Also it's. A story. I want to tell it. Not look at it.
Like, just... do what you want. What you want will change, you can't put a box around it. But also develop discipline, because that box helps. It's always breaking and expanding and shrinking but the box has to be there. You have to try. But you won't succeed. And that's okay, because that's not the goal. It's a dance, not a house.
You might want to build a place to dance easier but you've gotta dance. And you suck at dancing but you love it. And if you don't love ot anymore, go work on the house until you want to again, and you'll think, why am I building this goddamn house instead of dancing, and you'll keep forgetting that the house exists to dance in. Then someday you come back off the scaffolding and realise, woah, holy shit, dancing here is going to be so much better.
And you think, why didn't I make the house like this in the first place? Well, because you only started building the house when you didn't want to dance, imagine if you made the house perfect, and then stopped liking dancing? Well you'd be me, you'd knock that house down, and you'd rebuild it all shit, because you didn't need the house to dance, you needed the process of building it. You can make that perfect house all the time, but you can only make a shit house once. No matter how you try, you're gonna figure out why the house is shit, and make it better.
And you'll say, why didn't I make this first before! I'm learning so much! And you'll remember why, it's because everyone said 'man, don't make a house like I made it. Look at my new house, its so much better, do that! I wasted so much time on the shit house!' But they didnt. They learned. You made their perfect house with no understanding of why it was perfect. You had to break it, to rebuild it, to retrace the steps, to learn.
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
My 29th birthday is this month, so I offer 29 pieces of advice I wish I could tell my younger self:
You spend too much time worrying what other people think of you. They don't.
Go to therapy.
When it comes to friends, four quarters are better than 100 pennies.
There is a huge difference in not giving a fuck and not caring. I can't explain it, but it's there. Give no fucks. Care.
One day, you are going to be so glad that your suicide attempts failed. Hold on for that day.
The five stages of grief are not linear.
Grief is not limited to death. You can grieve over your missed childhood, your lost friends, and your disability.
A Southern accent does not make you stupid or poorly educated. You can spend your whole life hiding it and speaking like you have a stick shoved so far up your ass that it's stabbing your palate, or you can unclench and speak the way you speak. You can't disprove a stereotype by abiding it. Speak. Prove people wrong, so that one day others don't have to hide part of who they are to be taken seriously.
At 20, you spend 1% of your energy on 100 things. At (almost) 30, you're at more like 10% of your energy on 10 things.
It is way more important to actually be a good person than to seem like a good person. Fuck the PC language, fuck the virtue signaling, fuck fear of being cancelled or whatever. Just go live by your values and let your actions speak while you are silent.
No employer will hire you for soft skills, but they also won't keep you around without them.
Atheism does not make you morally or intellectually superior.
You can put yourself first without being selfish. Not existing to serve other people is not selfish.
You can learn to compromise the easy way or you can learn to compromise the hard way, but you're gonna fucking learn.
Filters distort your sense of self and train your brain to be hypercritical. There's nothing wrong with your face.
FUCK monetizing your hobbies and making a career out of your passions. You will start to hate them. Make a career out of something you're good at and can stand the drudgery of, then pursue your hobbies and passions from there.
Yes, that 32 year old is exactly your type but why the fuck does he want to have sex with an 18 year old? He admits he doesn't like you. He admits women his age don't like him. Put 2+2 together and fucking RUN.
High school and college are absolutely not a reflection of the real world or how life will turn out. They are not the best years of your life.
You are just like other girls and as soon as you get over that pick me ass bitch phase, you will make some incredible girlfriends and your life will be so much richer.
You don't need to keep a wall up between your heart and the one who loves you. Love is terrifying, but it hurts more to keep him out than to let him in.
You have always had an incredible moral compass. You will lose friends over that level of discipline. But you will also have friends who love that about you, even when it applies to them.
Stand on your convictions no matter which way the wind blows. Listen to the arguments presented and analyze them within your moral framework. Tolerance does not mean blindly going along with anything other people say.
Enjoy drinking while you can because you're going to go from drinking men twice your size under the table, to death by hangover after three pints.
Being raped was not your shame. It's his.
You need an influx of different ideas around you. Echo chambers are dangerous and they create a mob mentality. They make people downright nasty. Spending time around and listening to people you disagree with is not an endorsement of their ideas; it's an endorsement of critical thinking and civil exchange.
Red Bull and Slim Jims IS NOT BREAKFAST.
People harp on about water, fresh air, sunshine, and taking walks because you actually do need all of those things. Trust me, you'll feel better if you slither out from under that rock and move a little.
Speak to yourself how you speak to the ones you love. Treat yourself how you treat the ones you love. Give yourself the grace you give the ones you love.
Choose joy. Choose to burn the special candle, choose to wear your favorite perfume every day, choose to put on your tiaras whenever you feel like it, choose to wear what you want, choose to paint your walls something wild, choose to stay up until 3 at a bonfire, choose to sleep the next day in your hammock. You only have this life, so choose joy.
Again, this is advice I would give myself. If it doesn't apply to you, then it doesn't apply to you. But I have always found wisdom in listening to what people would say to their younger selves. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that.
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Chapter 34: Training Troubles
There was always some... controversy when it came to kids in the clan, admittedly. While it was part of life before Dusty's region, something Jaques confirmed, some people in the clan weren't sure it was the best idea. This was a criminal organization at the end of the day, and that wasn't something many would want their kids to be a part of. Even if many did end up growing up to join the clan, having them in from the beginning, well... could lead to awful things.
It was part of the reason Reginald designed the orbital station the way he did. Sure to make them untouchable (even if the current state of the station showed that wasn't the case), but to make it feel safer for the younger members. Make it so they wouldn't get caught up in someone's blinded cause for 'justice against the clan', or something. Even if you argued it was the parents' fault for them being tied up in the first place, no one could justify anyone harming a child.
Besides, it was a regrettably known fact that a decent bit of the younger members of the clan had lost their homes and came from abusive situations. In that case, there wasn't exactly anywhere else besides the clan for them to stay. They didn't have the options like Smith's family. And even if they did, it was easy to lose the parents without the kids being involved at all. That was just life, sadly.
For those who lived in the clan, training began at the teenage age with their parent's consent. Or, their own if they didn't have any family with them. It was usually simple, just going through a few scenarios that could happen when they were older and robbing places. See what their instincts were, and helped show them how to adapt to the situation. No one got hurt, and the worst they could come out with was a bruise if they knocked themselves into a wall.
There hadn't been any training sessions in a while from what Macbeth heard. It made sense, he supposed. With the station being stuck on another planet, they had to focus on the issues at hand before worrying about the teens' futures...
"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Mr. Macbeth." He heard Reginald say as the ghost walked into the living man's office.
"It's no issue Chief," Macbeth said, a slight sigh in his voice as he reached up and readjusted his hat. It was never an issue, he didn't have anything to 'do' anyway. He just kept an eye on the younger kids or did other small tasks around. What more could you expect from a train conductor without his train? "Is anythin' the matter?" he asked.
"No, nothing's the issue," Reginald stated as he shook his head faintly. He did move some files to the side faintly, which made Macbeth raise a brow. "I was just wondering if you would mind doing me a favor."
"I don't see why I can't," Macbeth responded. "What you had in mind?"
"Well, I was talking with some of the other parents the other day. And we thought it would be a good idea to do a bit of training with some of the teens again."
"And you want me for the job?" Macbeth asked, letting out a small sigh as Reginald nodded. He could do it, he supposed. He got along with most of the teenagers well. Mostly because they knew him from their lives in the clan. He didn't know why the kids liked to cling to him. Sure he had a soft spot for them all, but- He was getting distracted.
"If you're busy, it's fine," Reginald stated as the ghost looked back up at the living man.
"No, it's fine Chief," Macbeth said with a nod, Alexsandera poking their head out from their hiding spot slightly. "It's important for them to learn these things. Even if they chose to leave the clan later in life, the skills could help them out in the real world."
Reginald gave a nod to that, pulling out one of the files as he began to write things down. “I've already got a list of the teens most likely coming if you want to use it to help with ideas," Reginald stated. "You have Hattie and Platinum, of course, as well as Van, Beatriz, Cora-"
"Wait for a second Chief," Macbeth said, making Reginald glance back up at him. He could see just a bit of worry in the ghost's eyes, even if he tried to keep it to himself. "I think some of my memory is missin', who's Beatriz again."
"Huh, you get worried over not recalling a name?" A voice said, making Macbeth turn around. He saw a figure leaning in the doorway, taking a sip out of some pink drink. "Almost a little odd considering the number of people here." They rolled their eyes before glancing at him. "I'm Beatriz, She/They."
"Well, nice to meet you. I'll see you training then." He said, the girl rolling her eyes a bit before leaving. He gave a small sigh as he glanced over.
"Yea, she's in that stage of life," Reginald said, leaning back in his chair. "Not the first time someone’s caught her near my office. Not sure why, she just likes to be around here... She joined the clan about a month before we ended up here, so..."
"I was dead," Macbeth said, getting a nod from the Chief. Macbeth still was dead, but Reginald knew what he meant.
"I'm sure it will be fine, she's already shown some strength in the skills needed for a Toppat, after all," Reginald said, glancing down at his files a bit as Macbeth glanced at Alexandra. It would be difficult, he knew. "Oh, and just another thing to be aware of. You recall how Grooves was visiting a bit ago, right?"
"Yea, his music mixed with Snatcher's voice was givin' me a headache." He said, Alexsandera heading back into his hat.
"Well, I brought up the training to him while he was here, and he said we could use Dead Bird Studios as a place to train. I know it's a bit of a trip for training, but Right Hand Man thought with you, it would be safer than the forest." The chief glanced up at him. "That is alright with you, isn't it?" He asked.
"Yea, no need to worry," Macbeth said, adjusting his sleeve. "Just have someone drop off the plans to me later and I can start workin' somethin' out."
"Of course, thank you again for the help," Reginald said.
"No issues Chief," Macbeth said, leaving the room and glancing down the hall. He wasn't the best when it came to leading training, but he was one of the best when it came to making sure the kids would be ok. That was the only real reason he could think of why Reginald wanted him to do the task, instead of someone like Carol. It's probably a good thing in that regard. Cora was already turning out a lot like Carol so best not to help her with that.
It took a bit for the group to gather up and head to the studio on the day of training. And even then it took a bit to get there, most of the teens hadn't left the forest much, if at all during the time they were crashed here. And Macbeth had to keep an eye out for when one might try to sneak off. The last thing he, or anyone else needed, was them getting lost at a time like this, in a place like this. They are dead before they know it.
Once inside the safe, shaded, and air-conditioned building of the studio, Macbeth got to work on setting up the area. He wasn't the most creative, admittedly. Just a simple 'sneak in and steal before getting out' kind of deal. No big special conditions.
"Don't mind me, darlings." DJ Grooves called from nearby, making the ghostly conductor glance over. The penguin was standing by some cameras, making sure they were recording. His daughter is in a playset nearby, reaching for Hat Girl nearby. "I'm just recording this as footage to show my penguin actors later, been thinking of doing a spy movie."
"Fine, just don't interrupt," Macbeth said with a slight sigh, looking to the side as he walked back to the group. "We're doin' this two at a time. Even in a criminal clan, teamwork-"
"Is very important, we know," Lavern said, twirling her hat around her finger for a moment, rolling her eyes with a slight smile. Macbeth sighed. He knew she was just messing around, it's what teens do. He said similar things long ago...
"Well, you can go first if you're having that attitude," Macbeth said, a faint joking tone to his voice. Just barely noticeable, this was serious after all. The girl shrugged before walking over. "Ok, very simple situation. There's something of value in there you want to steal, but there are guards and cameras all around."
"I volunteer to join!" Platinum said, rushing up beside the girl with a smile. "Now, it's a very tight situation, the longer we stick around, the more likely we are to be at risk the longer we are there." Lavern nodded in response to the robot. "So that means the best thing to do is get in, and get out quick."
"We burst through the doors on a motorcycle!" Lavern quickly added, Macbeth face-palming himself as the two burst through the 'doors' of the 'building'.
"Well, now they all noticed you," Macbeth said, watching the teens burst into room after room to get to the object of their desires. He went up to one of the boxes and was meant to represent a cop. "And now they have their guns pointed at you."
"Platinum, hand me your hat," Lavern said, the topbot nodding. He handed her his hat, and before Macbeth could process what they were doing, Lavern threw the metal hat and the boxes, knocking them over. "I took the cop down, garb the gem."
"Well... that's one way of doing it, I suppose," Van said from nearby, as Platinum took the object of desire, a random rock Trya picked up on the way here.
"Thank you, thank you," Platinum said as he bowed, Hat Girl letting out a chuckle as she watched.
"Rule number three from the reign of Randy Radman, don't celebrate until you know it's over!" Macbeth said as he quickly rushed a pile of boxes in front of them. "Your exit is blocked. There are three more of these around but I'm too lazy to push them."
"You could have drawn cop faces on!" Dayna called from the sidelines.
"Come on, let's get outta here," Lavern said as she looked at Platinum, the two rush to the right of the boxes. Macbeth quickly tossed a piece of paper he had nearby and threw them, both just barely dodging it. But now they were backed into a corner as Macbeth pushed the boxes closer. "You do realize this is, basically DnD right?"
"You don't talk about DnD when at risk," Macbeth said, quickly tossing another paper at Platinum. He couldn't dodge in time and soon had to sit down. "now, I know Platinum is a robot. But he has just been shot, what do you do?"
"Uh.." Lavern said, glancing around the room for a moment. She then got a smirk and quickly raced up to the boxes, Macbeth taking a step back as Lavern went to kick them over... but slipped and fell before she could. Macbeth sighed and quickly went over, garbing the teen's hands and getting them behind her back. "Come on! They would be so stunned I even tried that they wouldn't be able to move!"
"And they wouldn't expect this!" Platinum said, quickly racing behind the Conductor, who simply stepped to the side, leaning his foot forward a bit for Platinum to trip on it. The robot let out a shout as the ghost grabbed him by the hood and then got him on the ground. "So... I supposed we failed."
"Yup," Macbeth said, letting out a sigh. "Your energy is good, but it's also going to be what gets you locked up if you're not careful."
"It was good energy though." DJ Grooves called from nearby, making the ghost roll his eyes as he brought the teens back to the group.
"You stay here while I reset everything up," Macbeth said with a sigh. This is why he preferred training in abandoned places. Less work to set sections up, and was often closer to the real environments anyway. But still, he would deal with it.
"I still say we were close," Platinum said as he leaned against the wall.
"You don't just burst into places and expect it to go well. Our world isn't a movie after all." Tyra said, rolling her eyes as she adjusted her hat. Van gave a small nod, and Platinum glanced to the side. She let out a sigh as she turned to Macbeth. "You what some help setting things back up?"
"If you help, yo' goin' next," Macbeth said, the girl shrugging as she began to head over. He let the smallest smile form on his face.
"You feel like something is.. oddly familiar about this?" Hat Girl asked, glancing at the others. "And not in an 'oh it's because we're training’ way?"
The group shrugged and Beatriz sighed. "The scenario we're going through happens time and time again on the news. And books, and movies. Wouldn't call it odd though." They claimed, making Hat Girl shrug.
Tyra already had a plan in mind as she glanced around the area. Macbeth had done well with what he had to work with. She could already note possible weak spots of entry through 'windows' and other places. When it was finally set up and ready to go, Trya had Van being her partner in this. The first thing she did was have them avoid being 'seen' by the entrance as they stuck to the side, already letting Macbeth breathe out a sigh of relief.
Tyra glanced at one of the 'windows' and quickly examined it. Van tilted their head as they saw Tyra glance into the 'building'. After a moment she glanced at Macbeth, making a quick jester of a fist going quick, then shaking it.
"Alarm?" He asked, getting a nod from the teenager. "I feel like breakin' a window wouldn't be enough to trigger one, never rob a museum myself... Let's say there isn't one tied to that window."
"Of course, Tyra has better luck immediately." Platinum sighed, crossing his arms.
"She's just smarter than you when it comes to this stuff," Beatriz said, making Platinum glare at them. "She can probably pull off your look way better too."
"And there's the flirting, even if Tyra can't hear." Cora sighed, looking at Donnie who shook his head faintly, only to freeze up as Beatriz glared at him. Cora shook her head. "I'm honestly surprised you haven't hit on every girl our age yet. Like, Hat Girl is right there."
"Keep talking like that and I'm going to accuse you of being jealous," Beatriz replied, letting out a small smirk as Cora shook her head, before looking away. As soon as the group turned their attention back to the course, Beatriz leaned into Platinum. "Between you and me, I tried that once and your father made it clear that wouldn't happen again." They whispered.
Platinum had to hold back a chuckle at that comment as he turned his attention back to the set. Even if he couldn't see everything well, he still wanted to see how Van would do.
Tyra and Van glanced forward at the 'guard' that was blocking the 'door'. "Hand me something small," Tyra whispered, Van nodding and picking up a lost camera lens that was nearby. She quickly tossed it out of view and hid.
"What was that?" Macbeth asked as he turned back over to the set, having been distracted by the dweller for a moment. Tyra couldn't help but let out a smirk as he headed past where they were to check, grabbing Van's arm and quickly racing to the next room. Macbeth let out a sigh when he noticed that. "Oldest trick in the book."
"Is it broken?" He heard Groove's call from nearby.
"It isn't cracked." He responded. He then got into the next room, gently pushing one of the 'guards' forward, before pausing as he saw Tyra and Van just barely hiding. The rock was already gone from its place, a small ball now in its place. "You two are doin' better than last time." He commented.
Van smiled in thanks but stayed in their hiding spot as they tried to think of what to do next. They saw Tyra just glancing down at the rock, trying to think of the next step, and having no real luck. They glanced at the stand near their hiding place and got an idea. "Be ready to run." They whispered.
Van took off their shoe quickly, and tossed it at one of the stands, making the object on that knocked off. They watched Macbeth glance over, and begin to head over. But more slowly, glancing at the hiding spot. He knew they were there, but the real guard wouldn't have that information. He just kept glancing as he took a few steps until he got to the object. He sighed as he went to pick it up, hearing the quick footsteps.
"Go Van go!" Platinum called, having faintly caught the blurs racing to one of the exits. Van let out a smile upon hearing him, and Tyra rolled her eyes as she quickly burst through the exit door.
"We're not in the clear yet." She said, pulling Van behind one of the crates and holding her breath for a moment. She needed to wait for the final chance to run off, and then get somewhere they could have beamed back to the orbital station safely... Her grip on the rock tightened as she heard the footsteps.
"You two can come out now. Any guard would have gone back inside by now." Macbeth called, and Van got out of the spot, Tyra following along with some hesitation a moment later. "Well done. Although note; you probably won't be as lucky in the future, even with more toppats to help."
"Don't worry, we know," Tyra said, handing Macbeth back the stone to place back as the others came over.
"That was so good you two," Dayna said, clapping her hands slightly as Tyra just shrugged. Platinum hugged Van when he got to them, only to pause and pull away after a moment. Dayna gave a small smirk. "oh, is this what I think it is?"
"Anyway great job Van you were amazing and Tyra too I guess," Platinum said, a faint bit of panic in his voice. Van started to get a blush on their cheek, but Platinum turned away before he could notice it. "So, Mr. Macbeth. We did the stealing situation, weapons time?"
"The other five still have to go through, Platinum," Macbeth said, readjusting Alexsandera's mask on their head before turning back to the group. "And even then it's probably not best to do that kind of training today. Someone could get hurt and we don't know where the nearest first aid kit or medical station is."
"Admittedly, fair point." Platinum sighed, shaking his head a bit as he put his arms in his pockets. "I don't think there's a gun or tank around here anyway."
"The studio's disco balls might as well be tanks with how much power they have." Hat Girl said, earning a head tilt from most of the teens. "Trust me, I would know. Not very fun to dodge." She added as she crossed her arms. "Especially with the shockwaves they produced."
"Shockwaves?!" Donnie asked, earning a nod from the alien among them. "What were you even doing at the time?!"
"Typically me at-the-time stuff." Hat Girl said with a shrug.
"Alright alright, we only have so long to train today," Macbeth said, before glancing at Cora and Beatriz. "You two are next."
The rest of the training for that 'section' went decently well. The quality of their training wasn't as well as Macbeth hoped it would be, admittedly, but he and they all did well with what they had. Cora and Beatriz did get 'spotted', but they still managed to get out and away before Macbeth could get them down. Dayna and Donnie almost made it, but Dayna tried to get out 'with style' and that allowed Macbeth to get them. Hat Girl went in with Platinum, and again they almost got out.
After that Macbeth decided it would be good to take a quick break, mainly to think of what to do next. Although part of him just wanted to visit his fellow Conductor, he couldn't risk getting drunk. Even if the nightmare from the night before was still ringing in the back of his mind.
Grooves led the others to a lunch room to get something to eat, something they were all happy with.
"You probably could have been more careful with that roll you did," Grooves said, showing some footage of Dayna and Donnie's attempt. Dayna gave a small shrug as she readjusted her hat upon her head, moving some hair out of her eye. "It will make a good reference, at least."
"Well, I'm happy to be used as a reference," Dayna said, leaning back in her chair a bit. "It's almost like a stunt double, in a way."
"I'm not sure it is." Hat Girl said, one hand tapping on the table with the other holding Dinenna close to her. The young penguin currently had a hold of her hat, holding it like it was a treasure of her own. "You know, it's weird to think there probably wasn't always training in the clan."
"It makes a bit of sense though," Beatriz said, taking a sip of their drink. "I mean, the clan was probably just full of adults when it was first made. A little surprised it isn't still like that."
"Well, when the clan first formed, it was the 17th century or something. I dunno, I don't pay attention to toppat history. How do you think J got his nickname?" Platinum stated as he glanced over at Van, who gave a small nod. He then glanced back at Beatriz. "Things were different back then. Now it's safer and more common. The clan is more of a big family than a criminal group anymore anyway."
"Must be annoying to some people who join, but they adapt," Cora stated, Hat Girl giving a nod. The clan had quickly become her family after she ended up here. After all, she couldn't really...
"Hat Diva?" Dinenna asked, making Hat Girl glance down at her. "You alright?"
"Yea, just, don't know what happened there." Hat Girl said, leaning forward on the table. Grooves got a worried look and placed a flipper on her back. She looked over and gave a faint smile. "I'm fine. Really."
"You didn't seem fine for a moment there." Donnie pointed out, a little quietly. Platinum gave a nod to that.
"It's just... brought something into my mind but I couldn't grasp what exactly." Hat Girl admitted.
"Something to do with this planet?" Beatriz asked, Hat Girl giving a nod. She was pretty sure that was what it was... Maybe it was something involving Snatcher's death wishes? Maybe the spell he used to remove her memory of the first time around did something more. "Like a movie maybe?"
"No, I think I recall all the movies I was in here pretty well." Hat Girl said, leaning against her chair once again, being careful to keep a hold on Dinenna in case she fell. She glanced over at the posters that lined the walls nearby, showing her in her younger years. It brought a small smile to her face.
"You know, I'm still impressed by how well you performed back then if I am completely honest." Grooves said as he glanced over at Hat Girl, who gave a smile in return. "I knew from the moment I saw you that you had talent, but now considering your whole race to get those timepieces, it's amazing how well you perform."
"Well, it was mostly just being myself anyway. You and the Conductor were the ones who made the stories out of it." Hat Girl stated.
"I'm still a little salty you were in movies without me," Platinum stated, his sister rolling her eyes as he glanced at her.
"Did you even, exist back then?" Beatriz asked, Platinum giving them a slight glare as they let out a chuckle. They leaned into him, whispering to him quietly. "If it makes you feel better, I have no idea how you only have a crush on one person in the entire clan."
"Why do you all say things like that!" Platinum said, knowing his cheeks would be blood red if he was capable of blushing. Beatriz let out a shrug and Hat Girl let out a chuckle. He quickly turned away, mumbling a bit before seeing Macbeth coming over. "Please for my sake say the training set is ready again."
"It is, at least, the best idea I can think of," Macbeth said. "You were right about one thing, you were right about Platinum. It is best to be quick and, maybe, a little careless at times." He looked over at the robot, who gave a smile. "So we're going to do a few fast-paced ones. Try to get the...rock, I guess. And get back before you get grabbed I guess."
"That will be a little much for you to try on your own." DJ Grooves said, before letting out a snap of the tip of his fingers. "I can see if some owls or penguins could help."
"Hey, don't go trying to distract my owls without my permission, peak neck!" The conductor's voice called as he entered the room.
"Oh come on, it will help the training for Hat Girl," Grooves said, leaning back in his chair a bit as he gave a slight smile.
"You can't see my eyes, but I'm givin' you the biggest glare of my life." The Conductor snarled.
The room got quiet for a moment.
"You... have eyes?" Beatriz asked, looking at the bird. Or at least, the creature that claimed to be a bird. They didn't even know what to call what they thought he was. The Conductor gave a slightly confused nod. "Where?!"
"Under me feathers... Wait, did ye all think I was an eyeless creature with magical sight or somethin' of the sort? I'll have ye lads, lassies, and in between people know that-"
The rest of the training for the day was pretty simple. Macbeth did end up having to the weapons request once the Conductor pulled out a few he used in his movies.
Don't ask why he had real weapons for movies.
Macbeth did make sure they were all outside for that part of training and made sure the only one at risk of getting shot was him. He did this in the training back when he was alive, and there was no point in worrying about getting shot at all when you're dead. Besides that, they also did other types of training, mostly focused on speed and stealth. Eventually, they finished and began to pack up to head back to the station.
"You alright there, Mr. Macbeth?" Beatriz asked as they came over to where the ghostly conductor was. The ghost gave a hum as he looked over. "You look like you've been staring into space for a while now."
"Sorry, Snatcher again." He said as he got up. "I didn't try to let it show, but he is annoying today and I cannot just block out his voice for the life of me." He sighed as he lifted his hat so that Alexsandera could go in. "Part of the reason trainin' wasn't so good today." He admitted. "I'll try and do better next time."
"Hey, I have never been to any training sessions before, so I say it was fine. I enjoyed watching the others fail." They said with a chuckle, glancing back at the group of teens. They paused and turned back to the ghostly Conductor. "They all missed you. Even if they didn't flat out say it, I could tell."
"To be honest, I'm still confused about why I was 'missed' so much," Macbeth said. "Like, I could understand those I was close to, like Sven and Carol." He rolled his eyes a bit. "And the kids, they miss anyone that goes away, it's what kids do."
"You have no idea," Donnie said as he walked over, one bag they had brought over his shoulder as the conductor glanced at him. "It took over a week for most to not cry at least once a day about you."
"Now yo' just makin' me feel guilty," Macbeth said, Donnie quickly raising his hands in the air.
The ghost glanced down at his hand for a moment. He bent down and picked up some sand in the ground. With just a little focus, he could make the sand fall through his palm, like he wasn't even there. It was a bit of a weird feeling, stuff going through him. It made him pause as he stood back up, glancing to the side.
"It's still... hard to think about..." Macbeth said, looking at the two. "Knowin' something like this is possible, yet... I'm the only one back..." he let out a chuckle. "Still surprised it was me. Snatcher could have brought back a good leader. Like Dusty, Reylando-"
"Wilford?" Beatriz asked, only to almost feel a sudden chill in the air as it seemed everything around them froze. They pulled some of their long, palish brown hair and wrapped it around their neck in an attempt to warm themselves.
"Macbeth never thought Wilfrod was a good leader, despite what the people say about him being a good leader-" Donnie started, then paused as he glanced at the ghost. "But you lived through his reign. So you know better."
The ghost gave a nod, and suddenly the chill around Beatriz disappeared. "Believe me, the strongest does not equal the best," Macbeth said, there was a bit of hatred in his voice, but he was doing his best to hide it. "He's only considered good at all when you compared him to the leaders that came before and after him." And even if you asked him, Randy was far better than Wilford could ever hope to be...
"Macbeth, guys!" Hat Girl called, making them all look over. "We should be heading back before Dad sends Papa to check on us."
"Right... This is why I don't talk with people." Macbeth sighed, looking at the teens. "You all go ahead, I'll be back here. Just don't try leavin' my sight."
"Well, I'm going to annoy Tyra on the way back. Way better than talking about clouds or something." Beatriz said, eyeing Donnie who rolled his eyes.
As the group began to head back, Alexsandera popped out of Macbeth's hand, giving a small sound of worry.
"I'm fine Alexsandera," Macbeth said, looking at the dweller as they slid down to rest on his shoulder. "Just, thinking about the past. Just adult stuff, nothing to worry your ghostly head about."
The Dweller gave a small nod, before looking up at the sky. Leaving Macbeth alone in his thoughts.
If only...
"Hydartic" Badge Seller said, staring at the glitching screen near the cruise ship. "I know you are in there. Please, let me speak."
Eventually, the electrical spirit appeared on the screen. "I'm here Badge, I'm here," Hydratic said, rolling his eyes. Not that the Badge Seller would be able to tell. "What is it?"
"I have spoken to Autiomaa again recently, and they might be ready to begin heading to the forest." Badge Seller said, resting his constantly shaking body against the boxes. The being inside the screen paused at the information. "Will you be joining? Anamund can make a storm to get you to the valley."
"Is that... really necessary?" Hydartic asked, glitching a bit. "I mean, I could still be years before the second coming-"
"I can feel it. The soul has already been chosen. The conditions just need to be met." Badge Seller said.
"But..." Hydartic shook his head. "I knew this was going to happen eventually, the vision of the being we once were says so." He shook his head. "But I'm not ready! I like just being carefree with the seals and the captain!"
"You still will be." Badge Seller said.
"But how will the captain react?!" Hydratic asked. "All he knows is I had these visions about what is going to happen. How will he react when he finds out I was-" He suddenly stopped, and glanced at the Badge Seller. "All this isn't what you came here to tell me. Isn't in Badge?"
The Badge Seller was quiet at the comment, before slowly glancing down at the green and black badge he held in his hand. Eventually, he whispered so in case anyone was listening, only the spirit could hear.
"I believe we have one of our forest's lights."
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abrushwithdeath · 2 years
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach? ( and is punching involved lmao )
Headcanon A-Z meme
(To quickly answer that last part- punching is almost ALWAYS involved, let's be honest lmao) Seriously, though? Her thinking, when it's called for, can be pretty damn creative. I mean, she's lead a few teams of her own for that reason- she's got the skills for strategy and also good on-the-spot decision making, including the capabilities to scrap a plan and quickly replace it with a new one on the dime if needed. (Though in the case of "creative" meaning something more artsy- she'll leave that up to other people. She likes to read, she enjoys her share of music and media too, but she's not inclined towards making it herself. She's got too much other shit to do and not enough time to hone a skill like that. Though in her adolescence, as a teenager, she did have a phase where she really wanted to take up learning to drum and/or play guitar (during her more punk/emo phase lmao). It never went anywhere because, again, lack of time and, though Raven and Irene were generally actually fairly supportive of plenty of her interests, they didn't want her wasting time on that when she had more "important" things to be doing.)
Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? She tends to lean towards being as self-reliant as possible (though, in all honesty, she's generally more of a follower than a leader, especially when she's younger and still learning about herself and her place in the world), so it should come as no surprise to hear that she relies mostly on her own ideas. She will, in times of distress, confusion, or just "weakness" (it's not an actual weakness, but she perceives it as such- at least in relation to herself), however, more subtly seek out the opinions of others. Again, as she gets older, she realizes that's not something she needs to feel embarrassed or hesitant about doing, so she gets better about asking for help or asking about the ideas/thoughts/opinions of others when she's unsure of something. But generally speaking, she tends to rely on herself. It's a trust thing, mostly. Her issues with trust are rooted incredibly deep, after all.
What's their problem solving approach? If it's something that can be hit? Then hit it until the problem is solved! Easy as that! lmao Seriously, it's worked out for her well in the past and she's a damn good fighter- especially in hand-to-hand combat (and even more so after she has the strength of Carol Danvers and, later (post losing Carol's powers), Simon Williams). But if she CAN'T simply fight her way out of it? She's smarter than she lets on- she's the kinda girl to look at things from as many angles as possible and work out a plan that way. She's pretty good at laying out the ways a plan might go wrong and preparing to curb the chances of failure in whatever ways possible. And if that's not gonna work? Well, she's usually equipped with a back up plan. Of course, in the superhero game, things don't usually go as planned and it's impossible to prepare for every outcome, obviously. But, as I said before, she's quick at improvising or just winging it lmao Much to her detriment, however, is the fact that she's spent a good portion of her life learning to fight ALONE. That's not to say she didn't have a team when she was with the Brotherhood, but there were plenty of times that they were split up and she was left to fight by herself. Not to mention, it wasn't always a "look out for each other" kind of thing. In fact, she was used to focusing more on herself than worrying about other team members. So, at least when she's younger, a lot of her spur of the moment planning is focused on herself and what she can do as a centerpiece. Not because she's self-centered or anything, but because that's how she was taught. So it's something she's had to learn to overcome- to not put the brunt of it all on her shoulders when there are other people who are fully capable of helping and doing their part.
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forjongseong · 2 years
Heyyy yeah the thing said I could also be a snake type too when I did it like for the primary part.. honestly I felt that the secondary hit home a bit more than the primary for me,,, so like the Bird type — it’s so funny because whenever I read like interviews and stuff,, reading Jay’s is always like reading my own versions of the answers (if I was an American born kpop idol who’s younger than me) so even readjng through the bird secondary stuff I was like hmm this seems kinda like Jay (and myself) 😭😭😭
The methodical parts and like preparedness and stuff though I would just put down to my anxiety 😭😭😭 and of course not all bird types would have to be anxious but that’s like the main factor I think for me.. like I just cannot adapt to change or things not going as planned (with regards to like things that have stakes,, like uni stuff essentially).
I also have a lot of curiosity so whenever there’s something I want to know, I’ll find out about it immediately or at least take note of it so I can find out when I have time,,, I love learning and I think knowledge is one of the most important things a person can have bc no one can take it from you (at least in like an easy way anyways).. I definitely have a lot of hobbies, things like playing instruments, drawing, painting, language learning, reading writing and I guess in a way I have learned skills from some of those hobbies too ..
The thing about learning that I think is so cool is that we’re kind of always doing it.. like even without knowing or meaning to, we’re constantly learning about the places we live and the people we talk to, the celebrities we like, new ways to use technology and even just about ourselves .. anyways.. I said so much,, my fault 🧘
Wow that's so interesting I literally got goosebumps because I was here just making assumptions and you just confirmed that it's true based on how much you relate to him? Bye I think I may have premonition powers
Yes the methods and being prepared! I value knowledge and skill too but my lazyass just does not have the willingness and patience to learn everything that interests me.... and when it comes to adapting Bird and Snake are total opposites! I can improvise and bluff my way out, no worries aksdjajskdja
YOU'RE A BIRD CONFIRMED THEN because the way you COLLECT hobbies and skills, and I also agree WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING AHSHDAH LIFE IS A WHOLE LESSON omg
You didn't say too much I for one am COMPLETELY INTRIGUED I love learning new things about people and friends I LOVE THIS!!!
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baekhvuns · 8 months
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Bestie, ateez ain't making it easy for me to live especially seonghwa. 😮‍💨 BCZ THOSE LONG HAIR AND THOSE POOL PICTURES AGHHHHHHHH GOD! Anyways, about my life 😃, so, i am taking like a drop year...i obviously had to as you know my whole situation BUT I'll be doing some certificate courses and you know learning something skill based while i...do a job, yes you heard tht right😞 I GOTTA MAKE SOME MONEYYY and honestly I've cancelled out going abroad for a few years at least, I'll solely would be focusing on living here and...yeah. I'm not completely giving up, but, focusing on some other things. Mhm. The only prblm is tht my mum thinks I'm, wasting a year and considering how much of an overthinker she is, she's worrying about what others would say and Quite honestly I don't give a shit...the universe wanted me to do this...like this is my life and it's going on how it was planned so I don't see why I should be bothered by a few relatives 🙄
And other than that I HV BEEN OBSESSED WITH CHALEYA 😭 like I sing tht song every 3 seconds fr i can't. And I've been getting obsessed with oneus, their new single baila conmigo 😮‍💨 oh my lord. Another controversial thing...i didn't like jungkook's new single 3D ..... like...what was even the point?? Bro- and i hv no idea who jack Harlow is..I've seen people obsessing over him BUT THT RAP 😭 NAUR THT DIDN'T DO IT FOR ME. and honestly, it's so weird how jungkook's basically singing abt doing the deed every damn time, like ok boi I get it, and I liked seven obviously BUT I HOPE HIS ALBUM DOESN'T HV EVERY SONG IN IT LIKE THIS!
Ok what're your opinions about this whole lisa situation tho? Her performance at tht one r-rated dance thingy? Honestly, ok hear me out, idfc what lisa or Jennie anyone does in general, it was her choice she did it...and people keep hating on her bcz tht what people do...what I want to say, is what if it was a bg member...like what if it was jk or taehyung doing something like this? I bet all these girls would go crazy and be obsessed over it or something like, "omg they're breaking the kpop standard" i genuinely despise this double standard thing.
Ok rmr i told you my cousin was getting married HER WEDDING IS SET IN JANUARY 😭 AND I'M THINKING ABT MY DRESSES AND ALL. And I've been a little crazy abt traditional and ethnic clothes rlly, like yesterday me and my mum were acting like besties on a girl's night fr, we took out so many clothes and tried em in, she made me wear a saree 😭 AND IT LOOKED SO GOOD LOKE SAREE TRULY GIVES AN ELEGANT AND RICH LOOK, i felt like those 1920s rich mistresses. I mostly wear Western clothing, like only ever rarely, you'll find me wearing a suit or something similar but as I'm growing up my feminine energy keeps on blossoming so i def wanna wear a suit.
Can you imagine it will be my first ever suit...my younger cousins hv worn those things so many times and I'm making my new one, progress ig.
But yeah and no my mackenyu obsession is not dying down 😃. OH ALSO ITS HOODIE SEASON FINALLY THE ONLY THING I LOKE ABT WINTERS! And forget about the present seonghwa...THE BABY SEONGHWA 😭😭 HES SO CUTE LOOL AT THOSE CHEEKS I WANNA NOM NOM 😭
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the long hair and the pools pics omg no bc those has me screaming at night hfkwjdlw
oooo like a gap year??? but on certificates omg ok what certificates r u doing 👁👁 marketing, sales certifications r >>> I GET IT 😭😭 need to make money in this economy can’t even breathe without having to pay
omg not the what will others say, the brown parents and the “log kya kahenge” will NEVER leave their minds god damnit,,, tell ur mom gap years r a good decision 😭😭😭 !!!!! travel, live a little and idk start a small business or a job! no ur right, if it turned out this way it means it’s meant to be done this way <3 FUCK YOUR RELATIVES RESPECTFULLY i can’t believe it’s still the same mindset in every brown parent’s mind 😭😭
STOPPPP I HWVE BEEN TOO I WAS JUST HUMMING TO IT AND DOING THE DANCE STEP (have not watched jawan yet!) SUCH A CATCHY SONG???? SRK DOING IT AGAIN,,, omg oneus ive not heard abt them in a WHILE
ooooo ive only heard the part that replays on ig = the chorus so in that sense i grew to like it ive been doing the dance to it that “u know how i like it girrrrlll” part kdvwmcjclikc I DIDNT LISTEN TO JACKS PWRT IM AFRAID ITLL RUIN IT FOR ME FBWKDJKW LMFAOOOO honestly i don’t mind,, i do hope his album has lil different genres, pop, dance, r&b, reggaeton etc excited for it actually!!
hmm so i get the whole “ur a kpop idol pls maintain a image” but honestly it’s not that bad??? it’s a creative choice and it’s a form of dance that’s on the more provocative side?? but u know what i do dislike, those toilets they have in the men’s washroom at crazy house that are a WOMENS MOUTH STRUCTURE. if it’s seen as an empowering thing, i completely disagree with it
but again, idk the issue but i also get why knetizens r talking abt it bc asia is quite conservative to these things so they find it weird and all and prefer to keep it under wraps UNLIKE THEIR MEN THAT GO SEE IT SO FJWKDJKW ur right,, if any other man did it (they literally do it w the stage outfits some of them wear) they’d get 100k likes and praises but when it’s blackpink and blackpink esp it’s suddenly a big controversy
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omg ur turning into a women, i used to be like that too (partially bc we never have events for me to wear them at) but it’s so comforting and feminine-y to pick out fabrics and jewelries and matching outfits for weddings 😭😭😭 ur turning into a women omg <33333 but omf lmk i will rec u stores to buy clothes from and ur gonna gate keep them 🔫
link no.
11 YEARS?? ELEVEN YEARS???? WHAT THE FUCK????? ANON UR A CHILD WHY R U HERE …. he’s 4 years older than me 😭😭
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pillowradar1 · 1 year
The Best Guide To What's the Best Way to Learn Piano in 2022? (In
15 Recommendations for Learning Piano As An Adult (2022) Knowing piano as an adult, or any kind of various other music tool, is not as hard as one could believe. Even much more importantly we need to have to keep our thoughts in good health and wellness! Discover A Vocoder from a Certified Professional Teacher By right now, you may believe your first piano session is pretty effortless, but there's a deeper, much more challenging information that adheres to along only like your piano homework. Several individuals dismiss learning musical equipments since they feel that they are as well old to find out. It appears like people wish to generate tools for their hands (although their palm foreign language isn't really established yet, if you are intrigued you can easily explore for tools in the thesaurus or from the internet). Thus in any kind of instance, right here are some things you may discover to make use of your palms to find out guitar, guitar-playing, electric, and cymbal. Age, however, is simply an reason. When talking concerning how easy it would be to acquire by as a younger individual along with no social capabilities, these are all the excuses that men have to look for, or at minimum pretend to look for, to acquire through. It can have been much easier for any man to be a young male along with only social skill-sets, or a wealthy man who can easily afford to carry out thus. Males appear to possess a whole lot in usual. We never ever cease learning throughout our lives, and you can find out the piano at any grow older. The pianists we teach at the University of Missouri are exceptional, as effectively as awesome people. "The University of Missouri is exclusively positioned in today's music industry, and we understand that we need to grow as an sector.". Mizzou-Boulder is a region-wide area for neighborhood artists. All pupils who possess a degree are entitled for financial aids. Right here are some of our ideas! When talking about how to play for extra settlement, take a appearance at our pointers to gain on a competitive basis and review yourself versus various other people who've carried out it in the past. For instance, look at my rank of the leading 5 gamers in specialist MMA, or locate some of my favourite personalities of the '90s. For the greatest fighting card difficulty, inspect out my preferred competitors over on G1 Fighting, and some of my worst rivals. Utilize grow older for your conveniences If you are an grownup, learn to play piano through utilizing your grow older to your conveniences. It's like a capability for which you are going to have to learn your songs. But if you are not yet an adult, learn to live with the simple fact that you are being showed brand-new capabilities through the songs in which you are developing up. Also only playing piano doesn't automatically create you a entertainer, but in the long run, it has actually some perks.
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Most people start learning a music musical instrument when they are young, having said that, that is not essentially an advantage, as a lot of kids are typically forced to carry out it, and might not even develop to like it. I Found This Interesting had were gradually obtained at a later grow older. Once folks have started to cherish what they are learning and the courses they obtain from trainings, they start knowing music musical instruments. Discovering an guitar as an adult, on the other hand, provide you the freedom of choosing what you desire to discover, and you may utilize that incentive to know factors much faster. The only limitation is that the tool you desire to discover is for your private liberty to decide on. All others take pleasure in liberty of choice and the very same, to be understood, to determine. But it is significant that learning takes the effort and the stamina to comply with the planning.
Time may additionally be on your edge, especially if you have retired, or even if you possess a modest revenue and you don’t worry regarding amount of money as a young individual would. When speaking concerning how to pick a retirement financial savings planning, you perhaps understand all concerning retirement financial savings courses that are prominent along with young individuals. Having said that, in my take in, numerous grownups who do opt for investment courses are not thinking about whether their future life will definitely come with tax benefits. You can commit as a lot opportunity as you may, work with a educator, pick how and what you desire to discover. What is an scholastic occupation? For a occupation in service, I possess a few options: Bachelor of Fine Arts; I possess some graduate-level job in the market right right now, but I'm not as good at it as I yearned for to be. Qualified degree; I adore what I do, I carry out great deals of writing and participate in writing.
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lovelyhearts-things · 2 years
Get to know me!
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My name is Ubby Heart Ravana Maggay, but I prefer to be called Heart, and I'm 16 years old, turning 17 next year on February 27. I was raised by my loving grandparents. I graduated from John Wesley College, where I met my barkada. I am currently studying at Saint Paul University of the Philippines. I love playing badminton and watching volleyball games. I have been playing badminton since grade school. Besides playing badminton, I also enjoy spending time with my cat, Sachi, and my little brother, Markus. Yes, I am a cat lover. They are beautiful, purring, intelligent pets that love and entertain us every day. And since I am the eldest in my family, I have to take care of my younger siblings whenever my mom and dad go out to work. My father works as an engineer at the Department of Agriculture, while my beautiful mother is a teacher. They both work hard for us siblings; they're also my inspiration and motivation to study hard and to not give up on my dream. My favorite color is purple or any pastel light colors. I love to eat takoyaki, fries, minatamis na saging at kamote, chicken curry, kaldereta, carbonara and spicy foods. A fun fact about me is that I can understand kampampangan and speak a little bit. I love cooking and eating. My hobbies are watching anime and reading comics. I'm also a big fan of J-pop and K-pop. I’m actually single and not ready to mingle because I’m afraid to commit and have trust issues. I’m pretty soft-spoken and my introverted parts of my personalities often get stereotypes as being cold and having guard up around myself. Yet I don’t have any guards up. This is just who I am. I’m extremely private individuals who prefer to only become involved in relationships that are meaningful and genuine. I would rather spend time alone than waste that time on someone who isn’t willing to give a sincere connection. I tend to hide to hide my true opinion, try acting like everything is ok. I am calm but energetic. I try to look and act cool but I’m actually really caring. I'm the kind of girl who is quiet in large groups or around people I don't know; you only see the real me if we're close. I smile and laugh a lot, especially at the most inappropriate times. I'm a hopeless romantic. I trip over air, upstairs, and over people's feet. I am the hardest person to offend, but it is all too easy to make me feel horrible. I hate telling people about my problems; they don't need to worry about me. I'm the one who listens to other people's problems. I believe people should not be judged before one takes the time to get to know them, yet I am guilty of doing the exact thing. I love to think rather than talk. I'm awkward, clumsy, shy, strange... but this is me. Take it or leave it.
After 10 years I see myself with some good qualifications, working in the hospital, my own hospital, spending time with my family, friends and doing something for my society and mother nature. 10 years from now, I’m going to be a rich auntie. Spoiling my parents and nieces. Yes, it’s vital to where I am leading to, even though I’m having a hard time adjusting and understanding my lessons I know for sure It’s going to be worth it and I’m going to make it.
STEM is the best choice this is for the reason that when you’re engaged in STEM subjects, students can develop and strengthen their cognitive skills and learn the basics of coding and engineering in primary schools. It is  is a highly technical track that equips students with the skills necessary for pursuing further studies and professions in medicine, engineering, economics, and more.
My choices are BS Biology or MedTech, also the reason why I choose STEM, because I want to attain my goal to be a professional license doctor in the future. Why I like to become a doctor is, it is a noble profession. It is my childhood dream. I can always associate with patients and treat them. Of course, to become a doctor I have to study hard and get good results.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗗𝗨𝗞𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 || dark!jan (the edukators/die fetten Jahre sind vorbei) x reader
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬 | in scoping out his next target, jan hadn't realised that you wouldn't be joining your family on their next vacation; in choosing to stay home, you hadn't realised what you were in for.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 | smut (noncon, with fingering and penetrative sex), innocence kink, virginity loss/first time, brief exhibitionism, degradation, daddy kink, spitting (in mouth and on pussy), breaking and entering/home invasion, touch of misogyny kink, slight objectification kink (petnames like babydoll/dolly being 99% of this), slight bleeding (from sex specifically), death mention (no threats, just the fear of threats if that makes sense?)
𝗔/𝗡 | you don't need to have seen the movie to understand this fic, as long as you know that jan and his friends break into rich people's houses as part of their anti-capitalist rebellion. note that the vast majority of dialogue is written in english for simplicity, but that these conversations would actually take place fully in german.
this is a DARK fic, if you hit 'keep reading' I don't wanna hear you upset about content listed clearly in the warnings section
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It’s probably normal to hear a bump in the night, to wake up and be a little freaked out, but to ultimately just stay in bed and not do anything about it. At first you were sure you were sure it was nothing, though your gut told you otherwise; then, as you heard more and more you spent quite some time convincing yourself that it was just pipes creaking or the foundation settling. But the thing about pipes and foundations is they don’t speak German.
“Hier entlang, hier entlang,” someone whispered, and footsteps shifted all along the lower floor.
Maybe you were still asleep, and this was just a strange dream, a terrifying dream. You pulled the blanket up over your head and prayed to wake up, but the denial turned to terror when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
You jumped out of bed, but it was too late to go out your bedroom door— you could hear them walking and whispering outside. Your bathroom had a small window, but even if you managed to fit through it you’d be on the second story with no way to ropel down. Maybe in your mind you could be some daring adventurer with the perfect plan to escape, or with the skills to defend yourself with something random you could grab, but you knew better than to really think you could do anything but hide.
As the footsteps and voices got louder, your eyes frantically searched the room and finally landed on the large upright dresser— maybe it was a little obvious, but it had a handy little feature that made it lock from the inside. It had come in handy for a decade of hide-and-seek, and now it would hopefully serve you one last time.
With not a second to spare, you ran over and grabbed the golden handles, swinging the doors open but being careful to shut them quietly after you’d stepped inside and made room for yourself among the coats and dresses. You searched for the lock in the pitch darkness, only able to find it because it was right above the keyhole that glowed from the dim light outside. Just as you turned the knob and heard the metal lock slide inside the wooden door, you heard your bedroom door open.
Someone walked around your room briefly, you even heard them pick something up and set it down— probably your bedside lamp, based on where it was coming from, but you obviously couldn’t be sure and frankly didn’t care that much. Footsteps approached the dresser and you saw the keyhole light up as a flashlight passed over it.
“Let’s take all the clothes and put them in the fireplace,” a voice in the room announced. “We won’t actually light the fireplace, but it sends a message.”
You covered your mouth with your hand to try to keep quiet when the doors shook briefly from an attempt to open them.
“Fuck, it’s locked.”
“Here, you go on to the next room, I’ll pick it,” a second voice decided, and you heard more footsteps as someone else approached the armoire. “Look how fancy the dresser is, they’ve probably got furs in here too— god knows people living in a house like this can’t miss an opportunity to destroy the environment.”
You heard something jiggle inside the keyhole, a clicking noise that went on for just a few moments before you heard the metal slide inside the wood again and the doors slowly opened.
A man, dressed in black and holding a flashlight in his gloved hands, stared at you from behind a mask that left only his brown eyes visible. You both stood still, staring at each other, until he did exactly the last thing you expected: he lifted the mask up to his forehead and showed you his face.
He was a lot younger than you would’ve expected, though he had the scruffy beard of a guy trying to look older; his teeth were slightly crooked when he smiled at you, and when he raised a brow while he gave you a quick look-over, you noticed the way they almost connected in the middle.
Under his gaze, you suddenly felt very aware of how little your lacy, baby pink nightgown protected you from the chilling night air.
"Well, what's this?" he asked coyly as he watched you shiver. "Guess these capitalist pigs left one of their little piglets behind." He put on a cooing sort of voice as he addressed you directly: "Did mummy and daddy leave you all alone while they went on holiday?"
He stepped closer even as you tried to shrink away, examining you carefully.
“Get out of there, silly, what are you hiding for? I’m not gonna hurt you,” he assured, not that you found it especially comforting. When you didn’t step out of your own accord, he grabbed your arm and roughly yanked you forward; he slammed the dresser doors behind you, and you whimpered in fear as he pinned you down against them by each arm. "Shh, hey, don't worry— I'm here to take care of you, you can call me daddy instead until your heartless banker father gets back. Go ahead, tell me what's wrong."
"Ah ah," he tutted with a mix of bemusement and disappointment, "I already told you how to address me."
You shuddered but finally responded, "Daddy, I'm scared."
He gave you a demeaning little pout, but you continued.
"Some men broke in and I'm alone and… and I don't know if they want to hurt me."
"No, baby, they don't want to hurt you," he promised with a gentle smile, but it turned horrifically sinister as he leaned in to add with a whisper: "but we will if we have to."
You swallowed thickly, your gut twisting when you felt him breathe out against your neck.
"So you're gonna be a good girl, right?"
You nodded quickly, turning away when he leaned in closer, looking down at you with darkened eyes and running the fingers of his black gloves over the neckline of your pyjamas.
“You were just waiting for me, huh? All tucked in in your cute little nightgown, dressed up like a doll,” he grinned. “I bet you want daddy to play with you, hm?”
He laughed cruelly when you shook your head, fighting harder to get away again as he squeezed your arms tight enough to leave marks where his fingers had been.
“Wanna play, little dolly?” he continued, pressing his body into yours and roughly shoving his leg between your thighs. “I know you do… c'mon and give me a kiss," he requested.
“N-no,” you stammered, but he grabbed your jaw in his gloved hand and forced you to look ahead, slamming his lips onto yours and ignoring your muffled protests. When he pinched your side you gasped instinctively, and he shoved his tongue inside your mouth roughly— but that only lasted for a moment, before you found renewed strength and managed to shove him back. It wasn’t far enough to free yourself, but enough to get a break from the oppressive kiss.
“Aw, don’t be mean,” he pouted, wiping his mouth with the back of his gloved hand. “You said you’d be good for me, remember?”
“Just stop, please,” you whined, gasping before you could stop yourself when he rubbed his thigh up against you— hitting right on your clit which throbbed in spite of everything. Somehow the fear made you more sensitive, or at least something had because you’d never felt quite like this before.
“See? You’re all worked up,” he explained, “I’m gonna help you.”
This time when he leaned in he started to kiss and suck at your neck instead, starting right beneath your ear and moving down slowly until his tongue laved over the crook where your shoulder began. As much as you hated it, it made arousal pulse between your legs where his thigh continued to push hard on you.
When he moved even closer, you could feel his erection against your hip; you didn’t even realise that you’d let out a gasp until you felt him smile against your neck. “Oh, babydoll… you want daddy’s cock inside you, I can tell.”
“N-no, I don’t— just stop,” you begged.
“If only it were so easy, to just ask someone to stop,” he mused. “You know how many times we asked people like your father to stop before they fucked us? You know how far that gets us? You don’t just get to ask nicely, you have to fight for it…”
He chuckled as you writhed in his embrace.
“But you’re too weak to fight, poor thing.”
"Please, I'm not a part of whatever you’re talking about,” you tried to explain, “I don't know much about what Papa does at work—"
"That's your problem, baby, you're blissfully ignorant! Not all of us have that luxury. But the good news is, I'm here to educate you." He pushed up even closer to you, speaking lowly right into your ear with rage starting to bubble up in his voice. "Your father is a piece of scum who feeds on the working class and then robs them blind. You live like this, unquestioningly, and the rest of Germany suffers. Stuck-up bitch like you wouldn't even notice me if you saw me on the street, would you? Wouldn't even give me the time of day, but now you're at my mercy. That’s what you people need to learn: that you’re not gonna be on top forever.”
Suddenly you felt his hand cup your sex through your nightgown, and you choked on your gasp. “No—!” you started to shout, but his right hand covered your mouth as the left hastily pulled your pyjamas up and reached under them.
“Stop fucking squirming,” he grunted as he reached between your kicking legs and slid quickly up your thigh. “Mm, bet you’re hiding a pretty little cunt under this nightgown— hold still, baby, you’re gonna like this.”
Finally maneuvring his way into your panties, he abruptly shoved two gloved fingers inside of you, watching closely as you scrunched your face up tight in discomfort. He thrusted and twisted them around for a bit, carelessly stretching you open as you tried desperately to squirm away; it stung a bit, and the leather of the gloves was cool and awkwardly firm against your walls. For some reason, when he dropped his free hand from your face, you didn’t try to scream again— maybe because you knew no one who cared could hear you— and you just panted heavily instead.
As quickly as he’d pushed them in he pulled them out, bringing the glove up to his mouth to take it off with his teeth with a little growl before rubbing his bare hand over your pussy again. You whimpered when he slid his fingers inside you again, this time feeling the texture of his skin as he curled the pads of his fingers right against your spot. “Yeah?” he mumbled his taunt around the leather between his teeth before spitting the glove out onto the floor. “Fuck, so warm… you’re so wet already, dolly, has nobody been giving this pussy any attention?”
He stopped moving his fingers inside you to pull out and give your clit a few slaps, licking his lips when you cried out from the sharp sensation.
“Huh?” he reminded you to answer when you never gave a response.
“N-no,” you shook your head, finally, and he smiled like he was proud of himself.
“Yeah? You’re not a virgin, are you?”
You only looked down at the floor, blinking a few times as you focused on the teal carpet, and heard him laugh darkly.
“Oh, dolly, I might break you,” he warned roughly as he pushed your gown up to your waist, ignoring your sobbed pleas for him to stop. “We don’t usually take anything from the people we visit, but if I take your virginity maybe your people will finally get the message.”
“Please— you don’t have to do that,” you stammered, rushing through whatever you could think of to make him change his mind, “I won’t tell anyone you were here. You can have whatever you want, if I call them they can send you money—”
“You aren’t even fucking listening to me, we don’t want your expensive bullshit and we don’t want your dirty fucking money!” he corrected sternly, clutching your sleeves tighter and shaking you slightly with the intensity of his movements. “We just want you to be afraid, because the revolution is coming.”
But you were afraid of something much more imminent than a revolution.
“Get on the fucking bed,” he demanded, though you couldn’t do much else considering he was already roughly tossing you onto it, climbing on top of you and pinning you down when you started to crawl back instinctively. With his legs resting on yours and keeping you (somewhat) still, he only needed one hand to grab your shoulders while the other rushed to open his jeans.
Your eyes got a little wide when you saw his cock— before that, it was almost like some part of you didn’t really think he’d go through with his, but now you could see clearly that he was hard and ready… and big enough to make you question how that thing was even supposed to fit inside you.
He tore through your panties like they were paper; he lifted and spread your legs as he sat between them and, much to your humiliation, just stared down at your pussy for a moment. You’d never felt so exposed and it made you feel worse than ever. “Knew you’d have a pretty cunt,” he announced smugly, “can’t wait to see it all stretched out and covered in my come— I’m gonna ruin you, babydoll.”
You weakly struggled as he held your hips down with one hand and haphazardly stroked his cock a few times with the other, rubbing himself over your opening before pulling his hips back to spit right onto your clit. After spreading the improvised lubrication around with his head for a moment, he pushed down on it with his thumb to line up with your hole and, without any further warning, slid inside in one motion.
You bit down on your lip hard, and even that wasn’t enough to distract you from the sting; it felt like he was ripping you open, not to mention going so deep that you could feel him in your stomach.
He groaned loudly, head falling back for a moment as he started to thrust into you. “Fuck, I can tell you’re a virgin— it must be hurting you, huh?”
But the question was a bit redundant, since tears had already begun to stream down your temples and your fingers were clutching tightly onto the sheets beneath you; if they were any less expensive, they probably would’ve ripped.
“Maybe a little pain will be good for you,” he decided with a smirk, “I think a spoiled brat like you has been spared the rod a few too many times.”
It was definitely more than a ‘little’ pain, and it only seemed to sting more each time he pulled back and pushed in again— he wasn’t going very fast, yet, so that was one thing you could almost be thankful for. That said, he wasn’t very gentle either.
He hastily reached up under your nightgown to grope your breasts, quickly moving from one to the other as he squeezed them just a bit too hard. “You like how daddy plays with your tits, don’t you?” he grunted. “Say, ‘yes daddy.’”
“Y-yes, daddy,” you mumbled awkwardly; maybe being embarrassed to say that was superfluous considering everything else happening right now, but your face got warmer regardless.
A whimper almost caught in your throat when he pinched your hardened nipples, but it broke through when he seemingly-randomly gave a spank to your inner thigh.
He looked down at where your bodies were joined, where he was stretching you out with steady pumps of his cock that filled you to the brim, before reaching up to quickly pull his black sweater off over his head— a t-shirt underneath came off with it as his chest was exposed. He wasn’t unreasonably pale but he clearly wasn’t the type to get a ton of sun, and he had a thin scattering of dirty-blonde hair over some of it. It was sort of embarrassing, now, seeing how thin he was and yet he was still so much stronger than you.
"You're getting so wet, babydoll, look— you're making a mess on these expensive sheets," he grinned. And he wasn't lying; the sting of the stretch had slowly faded, replaced with a friction you actually couldn't help but enjoy. Each time he moved, he seemed to slide right over a spot that made you tighten up your legs so they wouldn't shake.
But, apparently, there was still plenty left that he could do to hurt you.
You cried out, so louder it echoed across the room, when he suddenly thrust into you hard and deep, hitting the very end of you as your body involuntarily jolted— he clapped his hand down over your mouth instantly, muffling your cries to near-silence as he set a punishingly fast pace out of nowhere. You couldn’t turn your head when you heard your bedroom door open, but you could glance to the side and see another burglar appear in the doorway, staring forward at the scene in front of him.
A new sense of shame burned inside you for being seen in such a way; oddly, it came with guilt, too, as if you were doing something wrong yourself, when really it was just something wrong being done to you. The man on top of you didn’t seem to feel much of either, though: he didn’t even slow down.
"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" the other man asked his partner, face still hidden but his voice a mixture of bewildered and disgusted. "This isn't how we roll."
"Fuck off, I'm almost done," your attacker scoffed. You tried to use the distraction to fight him again— you swung your arms to try to scratch his face or push him away, but without even hesitating he simply stopped covering your mouth to pin your wrists at either side of your head.
"Is this really what you think the revolution is about?" the man in the door sneered. "Or does that even matter to you when you think you might get some ass? Jesus, I always knew you were a creep but this is…" he trailed off.
"Maybe you should take a turn with her, might fix your attitude," the man on top of you suggested. "She's real tight— trust me, you'll feel better."
"I promise that raping that girl isn't gonna make me feel better, Jan," he frowned.
"Fine, then just go so I can finish and I'll meet you guys in the yard," Jan— apparently that was his name— instructed.
"Don't go," you begged the man in the door, seeing the concern on his face— you could tell he wanted to stop Jan, maybe if you asked him to, he would.
"Shut up, bitch," Jan growled, correcting you with a slap to the face.
The man in the doorway just shook his head and sighed, stepping back into the hall and shutting the door behind him. You cried harder, more sure than ever that Jan was right when he said you were at his mercy; and he didn’t seem to have much.
He fucked you rough and fast, recklessly chasing his own pleasure with no regard for yours. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean that you didn’t feel any pleasure, though… it was building, in fact, sort of like when you touched yourself but so much stronger, and deeper, and threatening to overflow at any moment. “Oh fuck, you’re close,” he noticed with a tilted grin, “you love it so fucking much, huh? Wanna cream on daddy’s cock?”
You shook your head but he slapped you again, spinning your face to the side as he held both your wrists above your head in one hand and gripped your jaw with the other.
“Stop lying,” he growled, “I can feel it, I can feel your cunt getting tighter… you’re gonna come so fucking hard for me, aren’t you, babydoll? God, what a nasty fucking whore you are…”
He held your face to look straight ahead, up at where he hovered above you and bared his teeth in a snarl, before forcing your mouth open and spitting into it. You grimaced and tried even harder to squirm away but he quickly clamped his hand down over your nose and mouth so you couldn’t try to spit it back out again.
“C’mon, swallow it,” he instructed roughly, voice a bit strained from the force it took to hold you down. You could hardly breathe with his hand this way, and when you tilted your head back to try to get away from it, you accidentally swallowed his spit with a disgusted, muffled grunt. “There you go, good girl,” he purred as he watched your throat bob a bit involuntarily, “that’s it, I know you wanna come— say it! Say ‘daddy I wanna come.’”
He let go of your mouth and slapped you again before you even had a chance to hesitate. “D-daddy,” you whined, “I… I—”
“It’s not that fucking hard,” he hissed, “just say it, you dumb fucking slut!”
One more slap was apparently all you needed to just choke it out: “I wanna come, daddy!” you cried, back starting to arch as the pressure of holding back your release became too much to bear.
“Then fucking come,” he demanded, “come for me, baby, right fucking now.”
You tried to hold out just a moment longer, just to spite him, just so you wouldn’t obey him so easily… but it only took one rough thrust right into the end of you to make it all spill over. You came with a sob, shaking and jerking beneath him for a moment before a warmth spread through you; it started right where he filled you and spread everywhere until your mind was all foggy and your fingers started to go numb— or maybe that was just because of him pinning you down at the wrists.
Much to your disgust, you could hear how wet you had become with every stroke inside you, a sickening squelching noise that made him laugh as your face tingled with numbness and burned with shame all at once. “Oh fuck, that’s it,” he praised, “naughty little dolly, making a mess on daddy’s cock with that dirty fucking cunt of yours… I’m gonna cover it in my come, are you ready, baby? Ask daddy to come on your pussy, don’t make me hit you again.”
“Daddy, please,” you mumbled quietly, “come on my pussy…”
“I can’t hear you, babydoll, you need to speak up,” he mocked.
And you were just so exhausted and overwhelmed and his thrusts inside your sensitive walls were starting to get painful again— that was why you really meant it when you sobbed through your begging: “Please, daddy, come on my pussy!”
With one more panted moan he pulled out and only had to give his cock one blur of a stroke before white, warm come began to paint over your sore opening, your swollen clit, your bruised inner thighs. “Fuuucckkk…” he groaned under his breath as he watched himself coat you, and you caught a tinge of pink from your blood on his cock and hand as he slowed down to a stop. "Sheiße," he sighed, letting go of your wrists to sit up and close his eyes for a moment before looking down again at where you were limp and splayed out on your bed beneath him. “See? I’m getting reckless, I really shouldn’t be leaving evidence…”
Even without that, you knew his name and face, but apparently he was focusing on the copious amounts of DNA he’d just left on you.
“I suppose it won’t be a problem, because you’re not going to tell anyone,” he posited, leaning down slightly to hover over you as you swallowed around the rock that had suddenly formed in your throat. “You know how I know you won’t?”
You weakly shook your head, already terrified to imagine what the answer to that question was going to be. Of course, your first assumption was that he was going to kill you, or threaten to do so if you involved the police. He knew where you lived, he could threaten your family, too: the thought made your skin crawl as he leaned down further to whisper right against your ear as you instinctively turned your face away from him.
“Because if you tell someone that I raped you,” he finally continued, “then you’ll also have to tell them that you liked it.”
Speaking right against your ear, it took him no effort at all to stick his tongue out and lick you right on it, making you squeal with fear and disgust.
He quickly hopped off the bed and recollected himself, stuffing his softening and blood-stained cock back into his pants before gathering his discarded clothes from the floor. "Your folks won't be home for two more nights, right? I should come visit you again," he winked when he spared a glance at you. “Now get some rest, baby, you deserve it. Don’t worry, I’ll lock the front door behind me when we leave… wouldn’t want anybody unsavory getting in, now would we?”
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Ben 10 lore that exists in my heart regardless of canon
- Ben’s personality in his mid-late teens is a mix of his Alien Force and Omniverse self. On the surface, he’s very cheerful and kind even if he is a bit of arrogant showoff. He makes jokes and plays around and acts as if he isn’t bothered by the things in his life. Those who know him best understand a good portion of his outward confidence and cockiness is just a facade to cover up his insecurities and to project the ideal, effortless hero. While sometimes seen as immature, most beings know Ben 10 means business as he takes his unofficial job and people’s safety very seriously. He’s clever, adaptable, charismatic and empathetic which makes him a formidable opponent and a loyal friend. Doesn’t open up easily but if you get to him, he become so dearly attached. 
- Drinks smoothies so much for several reasons. Comfort food go brrr, reminds him of the good easy times with him Gwen and Kev. It’s also a light but generally nutritous food to give him energy for heroing. Anything too heavy and he’ll be puking (both from physical and emotional stress). Though he jokes about his mom’s health foods, his are a crazy concoction of add in proteins and vitamins/minerals bc he knows he’ll out and out collapse without it. (Still has on occasion bc boy still doesn’t eat right/enough)
- While Fame is exciting for him at first he soon begins to detest it. Not the fans, no, he can’t bring himself to hate the people who look up to him. But he hates the constant attention, that he can’t walk outside without being mobbed. the only place he feels safe is his hometown where most people are so used to him and his weirdness that they don’t react much anymore. Takes to wearing a cape and face shield when going out anywhere so he can actually get things done without being recognized and mobbed.
- Part of the reason Bellwood isn’t concerned with Ben is partially because ben’s been weird and alien for as long as they can remember but also many don’t realize how famous/powerful he is. Yeah that’s just Ben Tennyson over there, sometimes he turns into funny creatures- wait what do you MEAN he’s the savior of the universe?? He cried over a spilled smoothie the other day.
- Does mostly online schooling by the time he’s 15. At first he tries to do half day things to maintain something of a normal life but it quickly becomes overwhelming and dangerous him/the school. Finishes his GED early but the Plumbers and Azmuth make him take additional college level and alien courses to prepare him for his future role. Ben gripes but really does love learning all these things, especially on his terms (ADHD and stress + the public school system do not always go hand in hand). He’s a quick learner when he deems the information important and is made accessible to his learning needs.
- Ben definitely has ADHD speaking of which, it was nearly uncontrollable as a child bc his free-spirited parents didn’t believe in medicating. Ben convinced them he needed it and after some trial and error, found meds that worked. As he became more involved in heroics/growing up he had to change his medicine regimen (resulting in him being a bit more off the rails in OV) and needed antidepressants and therapy to manage it better. As an adult he has a whole litany of coping mechanisms (good and bad yes) and regularly checks in with his therapist and doctors to keep things under control. 
- Has a complicated relationship with his necrofriggian children. Considers himself their mother and worries after them. They too feel a connection to their parent despite this being unusual for their species. A few visit (some more than others) while they grow while others maintain distance. Ben never breathes a word of them to the media for fear of them being targeted. Still he keeps an eye on them and ensures all 14 mature to adulthood (another rarity for the species). Checks in every now and again with the ones who don’t want to see him and those that do. Two join the Plumbers and Ben is both proud and worried. His youngest becomes partners with Rook Ben.
- Just in general loves kids, they’re his favorite fans and while he’ll grumble at pushy adult fans he always smiles and kneels down for the little ones. Not so secretly wanted to have children of his own but knew it was a risk overall and used a lot of that energy with mentoring and teaching. Eventually had Kenny later in life (late 30s-40s) and was over the moon, becoming such a loving and doing parent or as much as he could be with his hectic schedule. 
- Omnitrix can’t come off, never has at any point since it first latched onto Ben’s arm. Azmuth tried and failed to get the device off, doesn’t let Ben know for many years as he feared the consequences. The watch loves and protects Ben even beyond it’s programming making him much more durable to damage and releasing energy charges when he’s threatened. Not even removing Ben’s arm would separate them. They’re stuck for life.
- Ben does have Anodite heritage but the Omnitrix actively suppresses it and uses the built up energy to power the transformations which is why ben is mostly unaffected by what should cause a massive energy drain on him. Theoretically if Ben learned to harness and safely use his Mana at an early age like Gwen he would have been fine but letting it build up without safe outlet meant activation would have killed him. Omnitrix Ben, however, went his whole life not knowing of his latent abilities and how the watch saved his life.
- Ben’s eyes get more green and glowy as time passes from the Omnitrix. At first they think its a trick of the light but by the time he’s an adult his eyes are pretty much glow in the dark. His veins light up too after long stretches of using the Omnitrix. Its vaguely unsettling to people who aren’t used to Ben.
- Max and the Earth Plumbers work so, so hard to keep teen Ben on Earth when half the universe is blowing up their comm lines asking for The Ben 10 to help with whatever problem of the day. Ben himself doesn’t quite understand when he’s younger the prestige and expectations on his shoulders. Max throws up a million and one roadblocks so Ben can live as normal a life as possible while he still can. Still, while doing that he Still overloads Ben with expectations and responsibilities on earth and beyond. He becomes a soldier again with Ben as their greatest weapon. He never forgave himself of losing sight of his grandson underneath the hero esp after Ben’s breakdown. 
- Rook partnership with Ben ends not long after Omniverse with his promotion to Magister. Ben tries to play it cool but the thought of another loved one/teammate leaving his tears him apart. Max revealing that Ben most likely wouldn’t get a new Plumber assigned partner since he’s almost an adult and won’t need it and Rook accidentally missing their last smoothie run due to a scheduling mishap causes Ben to snap and have the nervous breakdown that had been building for almost a decade. He completely loses it for a little while and needs to take an extended leave of absence from school and heroics that lasts about a year. Spends time recovering both on Earth and Galvan Prime, does some diplomatic training, learns about aliens, actually confronts the stress and loneliness of his life. He comes out the other side stronger but still fragile and exhausted.
- Ben’s above mentioned breakdown brings him closer to all his friends who didn’t quite realize the extent of Ben’s burden. Rook had been under the impression Ben didn’t like him all that much so the knowledge that his departure was the final straw for friend/hero’s collapse was shocking. Ben and Azmuth also become closer, the Galvan becoming fiercely protective of the boy seeing as his Earth family didn’t do well to keep him safe. It takes years for him to get over his anger at Max for putting so much on his grandchild. Ben makes more friends, in and out of the hero business, finally gets a therapist and gets some of his burdens eased a bit. It’s not a sure fire fix and Ben has several smaller breakdowns the rest of his life but its something.
- Azmuth was straight up suicidal before he met Ben for the first time. Ben gave him back hope for the universe and his ability to create items for peace not weapons. The boy infuriates him, frightens him, frustrates him but Azmuth cannot deny in his heart of hearts that he loves Ben dearly. He’s very upset at Ben’s breakdown and doesn’t know how to handle the worst of the initail outbursts. Azmuth talks Ben down from a suicide attempt. He reaches out to Ben that he Too felt overwhelmed by pressure, thought himself only good for war. Ben’s arrival in his life saved him and now he will do the same for Ben. It’s the first positive step forward in Ben’s recovery.
- For no other reason than I like it, Azmuth primarily refers to Ben as Benjamin (mostly to annoy the kid but he likes the way it sounds too) and Ben in softer, more serious moments. 
- Professor Paradox continues to flit in and out of Ben’s life. He says its because Ben is the most equipped to handle universal peril (true) but he’s also just very fond of the boy. Ben, existing in so many forms and having such importance also exists a beat outside of normal reality which Paradox identifies with. Ben is naturally attuned to time related problems because of this (instantly IDing Spanner as from the future before being told later deducing him to be his unborn son). Plus Ben named him, way back when. He’s just drawn to Ben.
- Adult Ben, while being seen as an impressively skilled fighter and champion, really has his strength as a universal diplomat of sorts. Based out of Earth, he helps mediate and defuse conflicts, advocate against tyranny and overall preserve peace and balance. He’s not perfect, he makes mistakes and sometimes is forced to become violent (and yes kill) but overall is regarded as a peacekeeper, something younger ben simply couldn’t understand. 
- Gwen gets her degree and primarily does work with advocacy and teaching about magic/alien culture. While she and Ben are still close, there’s a bit of a frustrated divide in that she isn’t helping him share the burden of the universe. Gwen never wanted to be a hero and has enough worth to not shackle herself to a job that’ll burn her out. Ben loves heroing but gives too much of himself away trying to fix everything. They get into screaming arguments that it wouldn’t be so bad out there if she just helped him but she refuses to budge and says he shouldn’t make himself do so much. They always make up and thy still are each other’s closest relationships.
- Ben marries Kai in a political move, Kai is Asexual and Ben Aromantic. They didn’t love each other but they got on well enough and Ben was really feeling the stress of carrying the hero burden so Kai also being involved made him feel like he wasn’t alone. Both were also so tired of the universe constantly asking about their love life and said ‘fuck it we’re married leave us alone’. Gwen was always mad about it feeling Ben deserved better but the two of them were happy with it. They had separate rooms, mostly separate lives but they became strong friends and supports with their strictly platonic marriage. They had Ken via Invitro in an incubator and were loving if extremely busy parents. 
- Also from the moment he appeared, Ben knew that Spanner was his future son, Kenny. He played ignorant and then was kind of deliberately teasing him in future encounters. He knew the rules of time and didn’t want to disrupt things further even if he was angry and worried as heck about why Ken felt the need to time travel. When future Ben catches up in the timeline, Kenny gets SUCH a lecture. 
- Ben isn’t quite immortal but he’s also not entirely human anymore either. The Omnitrix not only keeps him safe from most harm but it lightens the effect of aging. Ben 10 is active many, many years when most humans would have been forced to retire. He’s not sure how long the watch will keep him alive and it terrifies him. Gwen too is functionally immortal however she ages like a normal human, then when her natural death came, shed her skin and became a fulltime Anodite. So in the end, it was her and Ben together wondering which of them will die first. Gwen has trouble retaining her humanity as pure energy and swears she’ll let herself fizzle out when Ben goes. When that’ll be however...
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jiye0ngs · 2 years
Hey hey hey i was wondering if I can also have a request hc for eleceed kayden and kartien (separate) where mc is their younger sibling who went “missing” and suddenly boom 💥 there’s news of mc is pretty much alive healthy also married? and they have a kid with them 👁👁 how would these two kings react ??? Also love your writing it faces me some great inspiration and I hope you have a great dayyy 💖💖✨
thank you! have a great day as well, anon <3
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✽ — suffice to say this man spent too much time worrying about his dear sibling. You can imagine his absolute exasperation after finding out they’re alive, and well, and away from harm, but not only that; married and with a child too. 
✽ — “You are insane,” are the first things he says. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been searching for you? Idiot. You don’t even contact your own brother?” – most likely goes on a tangent like this. Demands to be told the whole story too, from start to finish. But naturally his mild annoyance wears down and, at the very core, he lets his sibling know he’s just relieved to find them safe, contented, and happy. Might get the tiniest bit emotional and allow a once in a lifetime hug. Might.
✽ — He connects with the MC’s extended family well, after spending time with them and somewhat getting to know their spouse and kid. Kartein, as with all things, prides himself on his exquisite taste for people, so once he’s gotten to know his sibling’s spouse long enough he approves quite well of them. Cue Kartein now sponsoring their fancy dinner dates and overseas flights.
✽ — NOW THE BABY. Oh, the baby. 
✽ — At first look Kartein might not be the image everyone’s mind conjures when they think of a person that likes children, but Kartein actually has a very big soft spot for his niece/nephew. Occasionally, he mulls over the fact that his sibling just disappeared without telling him and, most of all, never informed him about his niece/nephew, but he respects his sibling’s choices and decisions and is just happy he gets to spend time with family.
✽ — When I say he spoils them, he spoils them. All the effort when it comes to toys and books and clothes. Birthdays? Kartein has a whole stash of presents ready. Christmas? New Year? Halloween? This uncle is ready for every season and holiday imaginable. All the gifts are expensive as hell too, with some even being personalized or gold-plated or studded with little diamonds — MC has to remind Kartein to go easy on the kids lest they grow up to become too materialistic 😭
✽ — He’s down for babysitting too. The first few times might not be the smoothest, as Kartein still isn’t well-versed in the likes and dislikes of children (they’re mildly gross too, always sticky and eating things off the floor...) but he soon takes up to the challenge of constantly taking care of his sibling’s kid/s. He reads them books and lets them tinker around with his healing apparatus, converses with them on anything they have in mind, and wholly supports their interests and anything their little hearts want to discover and learn. Becomes skilled at braiding hair and washing clothes and sewing/patching up any ripped blankets, shirts, or stuffed toys. 
✽ — Speaking of stuffed toys/plushies: the kids would definitely bring any of their broken toys for Kartein to ‘heal.’ Kartein could never say no, so of course he pretends to use his powers (for some reason, it works sometimes,) or secretly repair them. It never fails to make the kids smile and, by extension, see Kartein as their ultimate idol. 
✽ — Most likely talks to his nephew/niece about refined culture too, whether it be about music, visual arts, fine arts, fashion, or sciences like astronomy, anatomy, or botany. They visit museums and galleries every once in a while together, Kartein not being able to resist buying them anything they want when they go to gift shops. 
✽ — Because it’s Kartein, the kids will be eating haute cuisine every time they come to his place for sure.
✽ — I see him as the type to help kids out with their homework and helps them improve on anything school-related that they’re stuck with, especially with mathematics or sciences. Of course he is greatly proud when the kids come home from school and boast about their accomplishments.
✽ — He’s a great uncle overall. MC has a growing comptetitive streak with him since the kids like their Uncle Kartein a little too much more than their own parent 😭 Either way, it’s just good that they, as siblings, get to see each other again, knowing their family is safe.
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✽ — This man is just relieved that his sibling is alive once he gets to see them. Immense strength runs in their genes anyway, so he was only slightly worried when news of MC disappearing got to him. As always, he just knows they can handle their self.
✽ — BUT THE FAMILY? Man, Kayden uses this to tease MC to no end. You really went all out once you were away, huh? Remarks like that were going to be frequent and then cranked up to a thousand once the siblings reunite. He can’t help it, Kayden is a professional shit-talker.
✽ — All jokes aside though, Kayden is Kayden to the bone and he just respects his sibling’s decision as well. As long as you’re safe, just do what you want to do. He forges a civil relationship with the sibling’s s/o and thanks them for looking out for his beloved sibling. May or may not reveal past childhood stories about his sibling to the s/o during dinner, who knows.
✽ — Onto the most important part: The Baby.
✽ — Now, if the baby were a little older, Kayden would actually know what he’s doing since...he’s got a kid (? a seventeen-year-old apprentice is more or less a kid, right?) that he’s gotten to know over time. But if it was an infant we were talking about, well...Kayden has a tiny fear of, I don’t know, not being able to hold them properly since those things were so fragile and stuff. 
✽ — But he does make up for bonding with the baby through playtimes; shaking their little rattle for them and doing puppet shows for the baby, etc. etc. Follows a routinely schedule of mealtimes and naptimes and soaking-the-baby-in-the-sun times, just as he was with Jiwoo’s kitties. Basically carries over what strategies he has from being a full-time cat father, modifies it a bit, then applies it when he’s on Uncle Duty.
✽ — When the kid grows a little older, you bet they’ll hang out all the time with their Cool Uncle Kayden. Now, it can get a bit hard to bond with your niece/nephew when you’re an internationally renowned Awakener with hundreds upon hundreds of bloodthirsty enemies on your trail, but Kayden does his goddamn best to make sure they’re safe, happy, and having a great time overall. Goes along with them to parks, helps them in physical activities (and might even train them upon request too), treats them to ice cream and goes with them to the roller skating rink every weekend on the agreement that they finish their vegetables and take care of their physical health. It’s really a cool time.
✽ — When they’re Older Older, maybe somewhere around Jiwoo’s age or a little younger, that’s where even more training kicks in. To Kartein’s distaste, who thinks Kayden being fight-crazy enough to even teach his niece/nephew as well is sooo absurd (/j all the time of course), Kayden helps them improve on their abilities and powers from a developing stage. He’s always a great mentor as he usually is, and it’s not that different from what we see with how he trains Jiwoo. Is so, so fond and proud of his nieces and nephews when they fully utilize their potential to the maximum and beats their opponents’ asses during sparring. 
✽ — Is the basis of gossip at the niece/nephew’s school. I place my bets that these kids have to suffer whispers of omg is that your uncle is he like an actor or a model omg omgomg from both students and teachers alike every time Kayden has to pick them up from school or something. 
✽ — 10000/10 Awesome Uncle he’s surprisingly wise, fun, and a little goofy but also kind of a menace which, come on, who doesn’t love a menace? MC kind of gets headaches from it though. Kayden was already a pain in the ass growing up, him letting their own kids join him in being menaces just adds to the trouble. (They all love one another though. One can just say that teasing is a love language in their family.)
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cazimagines · 3 years
Hey! 🖤
If you are taking requests, what about headcanons about Laszlo dating an insecure reader that sometimes doesn't think they deserve him because they think they're not smart enough... not like I'm projecting or something 😅
Thank you for your time and I love your writing! ✨✨✨
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I feel you on this 😅
- John didn't want you involved in the case of the murdered boys, because after all, he thought that something like that would be too horrific for his younger sister to see and although you did find it all terribly ghastly you wanted to help as much as you could, and rather you quite enjoyed spending company with one of John's closest friends Dr. Laszlo Kreizler.
- You were always John's youngest sister, whenever he brought his friends from Harvard around for dinner and drinks he would simply mention you in passing as you watched them come in. "Ah yes this is my younger sister y/n Moore, bare her no mind, I believe the drinks are this way" and you adored your brother even if at times he seemed embarrassed by you, so you would try and get involved in their nights together but he would hurry you away. "This is no place for a young girl like you" he would tell you, pushing you out of the door which you found dreadfully unfair as you were only a few years younger than him.
- Laszlo caught your interest pretty quickly. He was the most introverted out of all of John's friends, usually standing at the side and just observing the door. But his quiet persona caught your interest. You tried to talk to him in the times John wasn't around to push you away and he was polite to you. He wasn't like John's other friends who treated you like a child, he spoke to you as if you were an adult on the same grounds at him. The conversation could be awkward, both of you not really sure what to say, but you enjoyed seeing him scramble for words, things to say to you.
- After John moved out you saw less and less of him, and you hardly saw Laszlo anymore which upset you deeply. Over the years you became a lady and was soon expected to court and marry. Already you were past the time most people married and people were starting to ask questions. Your family were trying to convince you to marry, including John but how could you ever marry when your heart already belonged to the Alienist. Your life had been relatevily easy, you never went to university like your brother as that was not what women did, instead you spent your days learning hobbies, going shopping with your friends, attending social events. The norms.
- You weren't really sure how you ended up involved in the murdered boys investigation, you suppose as you found out John was involved that was your ticket to involve yourself as well no matter how much it displeased him. Really you cared for all the boys and you wanted to capture this murderer, but you knew the real reason for helping was to be able to see Laszlo again after all these years.
- But you knew you weren't any help. How could you? You were simply a higher class woman with no skills within any of these areas, simply getting involved because she could. You were convinced any day now Laszlo would ask you not to help out anymore as you had no purpose. But he didn't. He allowed you to stay around even with John's complaining. He would often ask you questions that were bugging him, wanting to hear your opinion. Soon when he found John a bore he asked you to accompany him to dinner, or to the Opera, or even to the park to think. Eyebrows might have been raised at such requests, how much time you were spending together without courting but you didn't mind for you were over the moon at being able to spend all this time with him without your brother.
- Soon it was like you were spending every moment with him, to the point where even John was noticing and making remarks which you and Laszlo brushed off. But one evening this was all confronted. It was late at the institute, you and Laszlo had chosen to stay behind to go over some of the new information while John and Sara had left. To help you and Laszlo had a drink of wine, which lead to two drinks, which then lead to three. Soon enough you two were sitting in the chairs in his office, laughing and joking around.
- You were so happy, and as you looked upon him, seeing how bright his eyes were, how his cheeks were tinged red, you knew if you didn't say something now you would come to regret it. And so there in his office, late in the night and slightly drunk, you confess the love for him that you have kept within yourself for years, the love that you have every time he is near and how much you wish you could be Mrs. Kreizler instead of Miss. Moore.
- Laszlo paled and stumbled with his words. At first, you worried it might have been a mistake and hastily you move to leave the room embarrassed and ashamed. But Laszlo was quick to stop you, pulling you back towards him. From his lips tumbles the words about how he shouldn't, how you are John's little sister, how John would kill him. But then his lips meet yours and everything felt right. Everything was how it should have been.
- John got a dreadful shock the next day seeing you and Laszlo arm in arm. He almost collapsed on the spot if Sara hadn't caught him. He had to sit down with the both of you and talk about how the hell this had happened, what this meant for the future, accepting the fact that Laszlo was now to become his brother-in-law. But eventually, he admitted he was happy for both of you.
- Everything was perfect, the case was solved, you and Laszlo were happily married, it was everything you had ever dare dream about and yet you still felt out of place. Laszlo was a brilliant mind, you were amazed day after day by all the knowledge he had, how he was able to help your patients. Usually, when people met Laszlo they assumed his significant other would have the same brains as him, yet you didn't. You were just like every other upper-class woman.
- It's not as if you didn't try. While Laszlo was out you would go into his office and pick out a book, trying to read it in the hope of improving your knowledge but it didn't work. Nothing stuck in. You felt the room feeling worse than when you entered. You would often stare into the mirror trying to figure out why Laszlo decided to marry you because it obviously wasn't for your intelligence. Was it for your looks? Perhaps he felt pity that you confessed your love that he courted you as he would have felt bad otherwise, or could the worst situation be true and that it was because you were John's sister?
- Laszlo came home early one night and found you crying because of it. You hadn't meant for him to see you but you didn't even know he was there until he came into the room. He held you in his arm for a minute, rubbing your back and letting you cry into his chest so you can let it all out. Eventually, when your tears dried up gently he moved his arm to hold your head up, making you look at him. "You don't give yourself enough credit mine Liebling, I always value your opinion and deductions and you are skilled in ways you don't even realise. Intelligence isn't dependent on academic success."
- He knew. Of course, a brilliant mind of Laszlo knew what was wrong without you even needing to say a word. "I just feel like I don't deserve you Laszlo" you whisper and his eyes soften, "I often feel the same way y/n" he murmurs, "I feel like you deserve better, a man who can hold you with both his arms, who can offer you a life where people won't look down at you for marrying a social outcast. A man who can give you so much more than I can. And every day I wake up beside you and I wonder what a truly lucky man I've become"
- Even throughout all of the doubts the both of you had, each of you knew how much you loved each other and with that, it was enough to cast aside any insecurities and doubts the two of you might have had.
TAGS: @shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @wonderwoman292 @justreadingficsdontmindme @thehuiabird @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemosimp420 @kadeuuijib @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @welcometothemxdhouse @flutterskies @rumblelibrary @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sky-writes-stuff @rhinestxn-e @davianos-blog @mywinterivy @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound @unbeatablecurlgirl
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Hello there! Can you write hcs for Tim with a demigodess!reader please? Congrats on your 600 followers btw^^
Tim Drake x Demigoddess!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much! So I’m totally dense about greek myths and stuff and I was gonna make her Thor’s daughter at first but then I forgot about that I did Hades but when I remembered it was already written so oh well
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You were the daughter of Hades and Persephone
You had kind of a weird childhood
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great childhood
Being princess of the underworld and the daughter of the only sane people in all of Olympus had its perks
But compared to everyone else, it was weird
Hades was extremely protective of you because you were a mortal
Meaning that you could die
The thought of having to greet your soul when you died filled him with so much grief
So, he kept you sheltered, kept you safe
Never letting you lift a finger
As princess you had everything you ever needed and everything your heart desired
Since birth you had been trained by Athena and Aries under your father’s watchful eyes
When you were 16 and you finally wanted to see the rest of the world, you begged your parents to let you go to the mortal world
It took months of begging and when they said no, you’d get so upset that all the flowers in the underworld would wither
Persephone seeing how much you wanted to see the world
So, she convinces Hades to let you go
And he agrees but just as long as you promise to visit
You go to the human world and you’re so oblivious about human life that it’s concerning
Walking around in a floor length dress wondering why everyone else wasn’t dressed the same way
This is how you meet Diana Prince
She recognizes you immediately when you arrive at the Smithsonian, looking mildly confused
Your eyes light up when you see a familiar face
You stay with her for a couple of days before she decides that you’d be better off at the cave
That’s exactly what happens
Even though you whine a little and say you want to stay with her
She just knows it’s because you’re nervous about being in a new place
You know that if you were in any real danger your parents would inflict rage on the mortal world
Feeling mildly comforted at the idea
Diana doesn’t tell them to add you to the group
She just tells them that you need a place to stay and someone to help you find your way around
The first people you meet are Batman, Nightwing and Robin
Immediately being comforted just by looking at them
Batman reminded you of your dad and Nightwing of your mom
And Diana trusted them so you did too
You end up following Tim and Dick around for the next couple of days like a lost puppy
Dick finds it amusing
Tim is kinda unsettled but thinks you’re stupid for some reason
It isn’t until he actually talks to you, he realizes you’re much more profound than he gave you credit for
You don’t officially join the team
You just live there
Everyone thinks that you have no training whatsoever
And that you’re just a princess
Which you technically are but
Until you’re watching them train one day and then remember the days you would spar with Athena
It looked like so much fun
Immediately you wanted to join in
Some of them rolled their eyes and thought you were wasting their time
The others were happy to let you join in
They wanted to make Bart spar you but you looked around contemplatively before pointing at Tim
“If it is alright with you, I wish for you to be my partner.”
Tim blushing because what you said sounded like you were choosing him as a life partner, rather than sparring partner
Of course, Bart teases him for it as well as the others
When Tim walks up to the middle, Dick subtlety tells him to take it easy on you and he nods
The match is over before he can even make a move
You had the speed and strength of a god, it wasn’t a surprise
Not to you at least
To everyone else, kind of a huge surprise
Standing over him and giggling
“I want a rematch.”
“But of course.”
Spending the rest of the day sparring with him
He doesn’t beat you even once
And the others just watch you throw him around for an afternoon
After a while it stops being funny and Nightwing is almost concerned
It kind of hurts his pride but you still acknowledge him
“You know, for a human, you’re very skilled.”
“Uh, thank you?”
After that you go through the other members quite quickly
Some of them gave you a little trouble, like Conner
But you managed to be undefeated
They all think you should join the team after that and you agree
Spending more time with Tim that way
Always talking to him about your family’s history and stuff
Telling him all about your parents love story when he asked to hear about it
You talk so fondly of it and he’s honestly just kind of shocked that Greek Mythology isn’t mythology
I mean, he knew it was real because of Diana
But he never really understood how real these gods were
He falls for you
He loves the way your eyes light up and you smile at him
He loves the way you’re always eager to learn
He loves that you’re so kind and gentle but can also beat people up without even trying
He asks you out but it didn’t go as well as he was hoping
“Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes, a walk sounds lovely.”
“(Y/N), I like you.”
“Aw that’s so sweet Tim, I like you too, friend.”
Everyone else starts enjoying the way he crashes and burns all the time
And Tim would stop asking usually
But he knows it in his bones that you like him too
But he has no other way to tell you aside from marching up to you and kissing you
Makes that Plan B tho
Plan A is getting you a bouquet of your favourite flowers and telling you that he likes you
Not platonically
You grin widely and tell him you like him too
Kissing you just as the sun set that day
It’s one of your favourite memories
His too
Everyone being extremely happy and supporting of your relationship
You can tell Batman is trying to threaten you
But your father is god of the underworld and you have a three headed dog
So, when you and Tim are caught kissing in some hidden crevice in the cave by him and he tries telling you off, you can’t help you smile adorably
“Don’t worry Batman, I have no intention of dishonouring your son.”
Batman is like ???
And Tim is either like “Please don’t speak like we’re in the 1800s.”
or “Please dishonour me.”
He buys you pomegranates as a joke but then you prank him saying that if he eats them, he has to return to the underworld with you
Dick (Nightwing) approves
You like falling asleep in his arms so more often than not you plead with him to stay at the cave and sleep with you
He knows relationships in Olympus generally move a lot quicker so he ends up having to sit you down and explain everything to you so you know his boundaries
Totally accepting them and never going farther than he wants
You appreciate the small things
Like sitting in his lap and eating breakfast
Or being the small spoon
You become the team’s resident couple
Being part of a team, a family is honestly so much fun
Everyone thinking your invincible and practically indestructible
Until one day you’re hurt on the battlefield
Everyone freaking out and getting you back to the cave so you could be treated
The next morning, Tim goes to check up on you and finds something shocking
He’s not sure what to be more surprised by
Cerberus napping at the foot of your bed
Or you crying
Even though the giant, three-headed dog freaks him out, he still sits beside you and asks what’s wrong
“My father demands that I return home. He cannot stand the thought of me being hurt.”
His heart stops
He likes you so much, even bordering on love
And he doesn’t want you to leave
But who was he to stop the God of the Underworld?
Comforting you when you cried, hugging you tightly
“Shh it’s gonna be okay.”
You return home after that and it breaks Tim’s heart
You don’t officially break up but it’s kind of implied because you can never return back to the mortal world
Him being depressed for the next few months but he hides it well
Even though everyone knows how he’s feeling
Things aren’t any better on your end
Your heart aches with every second your away from him
Until one day it happens
Your soul wants to be with Tim
So, it tries to leave your body
You have a heart attack that night and nearly die and it horrifies Hades
He goes all the way to the mortal world to find Tim
Tim doesn’t quite understand how you could have a heart attack from missing him
But is still worried and agrees to go to the Underworld to see you
When he gets there, you’re in so much pain
But once he brings you into his arms you feel sated
When he kisses you, everything fades into a dull ache
Hades wants Tim to stay in the Underworld after that but you argue and tell him to go back to the land of the living
This wasn’t the place for him
“I’ll give up on you, I promise, but you can’t stay here any longer my love.”
“I don’t want to leave your side.”
“I’m sorry, but you know we can’t be.”
Tim goes the next morning and it breaks your heart but you know that it’s for the best
You spend the next few weeks in such sorrow that all of Persephone’s plants die
Hades and Persephone both see how much you love Tim and they are reminded of themselves when they were younger
Making a joint decision to let you go back to the mortal world
But you have to live a long life
That’s the one condition
You running into the cave and crashing into Tim’s arms
Kissing him there and feeling everything go right in the world
You fulfil your parents wish
And live a long, happy life by Tim’s side
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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rainy-day-coffee · 3 years
Hello there and welcome to the writing part of the fandom! Anyway, can I ask for some fluffy headcanons for Cater, Rook, and Silver discovering their fem s/o is a princess please? Thank you!
Thank you so much! It's been a lot of fun so far! I shall do my best as I continue on! Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this!
I was really excited for this one, it’s my first Cater request! I really love him! Although, I still have yet to understand him 100%. I apologize if my view on him is still a little out of wack!
Discovering that fem!s/o is a princess!
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He doesn’t really believe you at first. He thinks it might just be some elaborate scheme you came up with to get back at him. He pulls little jokes on you all the time so it isn’t strange for you to retaliate every once in a while!
Does a spit-take when you confirm your royal heritage
He also apologizes for doubting you 
Prepare yourself to be bombarded with a ton of questions! He wants to know if the royalty life is exactly like they show in those tv dramas!
Despite his outward exuberance, he’s very nervous on the inside. He hasn’t had many encounters with princesses in the past! ....or at all!
He doesn’t doubt your love for him and he knows for a fact that he loves you too! He's not exactly insecure either!
However, Cater can’t help but wonder why you decided to date him. He’s just some regular guy who posts things on MagiCam! Surely you’ve encountered some better suitors in the past.....right? Nonetheless, he’s grateful you trust him with this information!
Hold him in your arms and gently reassure him he’s perfect for you. He may tease you for it, but he’ll appreciate it immensely
He’ll lightly blush if you call him your prince! He absolutely loves this new nickname! It’s kind of true after all!
Takes a selfie with you and uploads it onto his MagiCam account! He has to celebrate this new information! #perfectcouple #lovemys/osomuch #myprincess
Can’t wait to shock his sisters with this later~
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Unironically, he has compared you to princesses a countless number of times in the past. The way you talk, the way you stand and walk, even the way you eat! He’s been curious about these things for some time now! Perhaps you’d grown up in a noble family? 
Imagine his surprise when you somewhat confirm his thoughts!
He knows you aren’t lying to him. He has your expressions and everything memorized like the back of his hand after all!
Will thank you immensely for trusting him with your secret, he knows something like that isn’t exactly easy to bring up.
He’ll make you many poems inspired by this new-found fact! He’ll randomly pop-up wherever you are to read them to you! People won’t suspect a thing, they simply think it’s Rook being Rook
Apart from that, he’s not really affected by this information! The status doesn’t make the beauty. He was already madly in love with you before! He’ll remind you of his love everyday!
As you already know, he enjoys expressing himself in many ways! He pulls out all sorts of romantic scenarios from that head of his. Once, he even attempted to serenade you. Grim nearly threw an empty tuna can at the poor gentleman to get him to stop. Another time he arranged a picnic for you in a beautiful meadow he found. He had asked Trey to bake your favorite sweets. Rook made some of your favorite foods himself!
The point is: Rook will treat you like a queen no matter what!
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Apologizes right then and there for anything he’s done to offend you in the past. He’s been raised to show respect to people of noble and royal blood. He’s aware that the rules for treating those of higher class are different within every country.
He worries about your relationship with him. Is it really fine for you to date the knight of an heir to another throne? He doesn’t want you to be punished or to suffer
The worry comes from a good place in his heart. He simply wants the best for you, even if that means he has to live a future looking at you from afar.
Just ruffle his hair, kiss him, and tell him shouldn’t stress so much
Quick to assure he won’t leave you! That isn’t what he wants at all! He’ll shove those thoughts he had in the farthest corner of his brain and spend all his free time with you. You two can do whatever you please! 
If you’re willing to entertain him, he wants to know everything! Do you have retainers? What sort of things did you study? What sort of rules does your kingdom abide by?
This turns into even more motivation to learn all he can and practice his fighting skills! He needs to prove that he can protect you at any given time!
Moments with him can easily turn into scenarios from certain classic novels or movies. Animals love being around you two! They come running whenever you two are cuddling outside or just hanging around!
It all reminds Silver of a fairytale his father used to read him when he was younger.....
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
My Reason
Summary: When Natasha and Yelena are practicing knife-throwing, something goes wrong with Yelena. Natasha soon finds out that her sister is exceedingly touch-starved. What happens when Yelena finds out that Natasha craves affection just as much as Yelena?
Word Count: 2520
  “Alright, poser, move out of the way and let the master show you how it’s done,” Yelena told her older sister, raising an eyebrow as she took some knives from Natasha. Natasha stepped back, giving her younger sister some room as she proudly watched Yelena.
  The two of them had some time to themselves that day, and the two had decided to do a little bit of practice together to see if they could learn from one another. They were currently throwing knives, and Natasha had managed to land every one of them in the middle of the targets.
  Now that it was Yelena’s turn, Natasha was excited to see how her younger sister would do.
  “Aren’t you going to take the knives out of the targets?”
  “That would be too easy. Don’t you want a real challenge?” Yelena questioned, her eyes full of mirth and playfulness as she eyed Natasha. Natasha smiled a little in reply, wondering how Yelena was going to land any shots in the middle of the targets when Natasha’s knives were already lodged in the centers of them.
  Yelena stopped where Natasha had been standing. She eyed the target carefully before stepping to the side a bit and chucking her knife. She landed it perfectly in the middle, the blade squeezed in a tight fit directly next to Natasha’s knife.
  She repeated this multiple times before finally emptying her supply of knives. She smirked proudly before heading forward and collecting the knives from the targets. Natasha had an enormous grin on her face just from watching her sister’s skills in action, and as Yelena returned, the blonde faked a few bows.
  “That is how it’s done,” Yelena informed her before dumping all of the knives on the table except for one that she kept in her hand and was flipping around in a slight show. Natasha could see the way Yelena was looking at her. She had hope in her eyes, and she was looking at her with such pride, but there was also some anxiousness as she gazed at Natasha expectantly, presumably waiting on some sort of praise from the older woman.
  “Wow… Awesome job,” Natasha complimented finally, a loving smile on her face as she reached out and squeezed the joint between Yelena’s shoulder and neck with her hand fondly before running it up her neck slightly to cup just under Yelena’s jaw.
  Yelena automatically melted into the touch the moment that Natasha made contact. Natasha furrowed her brow, tilting her head slightly as she looked at the girl. Yelena immediately snapped to attention, realizing what she had done as she guiltily glanced in Natasha’s direction. She pulled away from the older woman, her walls surrounding her heart pulled back to their usual slightly more guarded position as she crossed her arms over her chest.
  “Yeah,” Yelena cleared her throat, seemingly recollecting herself. Natasha just watched her carefully, her thoughts flitting about in an attempt to try to understand what exactly was wrong with the younger girl.
  “Going to have to step up your game if you’re going to top that,” Yelena confidently spoke and pointed at the target in front of her, her eyebrow raised as some semblance of that signature irritatingly confident smirk came back to tug at her lips. However, Natasha could easily see the nervousness in her gaze since she could not quite meet the redhead’s eyes.
  Natasha squinted just a tiny bit, trying to decipher the nervousness, and Yelena quickly caught onto the body language before stretching in a somewhat over-exaggerated manner.
  “Well… It was fun kicking your rear and all, but I’m going to go get a shower so I don’t stink as bad as you,” Yelena insulted lightly, and Natasha smiled slightly since it was such a Yelena thing to say. Yelena reached over, offering the knife left over in her hand to Natasha. The older woman took it from her, her hand brushing Yelena’s, and the blonde quickly pulled her hand away before making her way out of the practice area. Natasha watched her leave and hesitantly let her gaze drop to the knife in her hand.
  She sighed deeply, throwing the knife in the direction of the target without looking and landing it close to the middle of the target.
  Later in the evening, Natasha and Yelena were reclined in the living room on the couch, the television running. However, Natasha was not really watching it, and her mind kept wandering to the girl that was sitting on the opposite side of the couch, curled away from Natasha a bit.
  Natasha truly was not sure what was going on with the other girl. Ever since Natasha touched her earlier that day, Yelena had been keeping her distance and trying not to get too close. Natasha was really worried that she had overstepped some boundary or upset the girl by the affection.
  However, she could not understand it. Yelena always seemed to be okay with shoulder bumps and casual things like that. And when they hugged toward the end of their adventure a while back, Yelena seemed perfectly fine with that and actually seemed as if she enjoyed it. Natasha herself had been terribly uncomfortable with touch at first, but once she realized how wonderful it was and how nice it felt, she began to treasure it. But since Yelena handled it so well so fast, Natasha had decided to try to make more contact with her, knowing that everyone reacted differently.
  So why was the shoulder squeeze such an issue?
  Natasha kept thinking it over, flashing glances in Yelena’s direction, and she finally found herself extremely worried about upsetting the girl and bringing back flashbacks or some sort of trauma that Natasha did not know about.
  After a long moment, she finally reached over and grabbed the television remote, muting it quickly.
  “Natalia! What are you doing?! How am I supposed to know who gets chopped now?!” Yelena whined, looking at Natasha desperately as she waved a hand in the direction of the television, and Natasha just returned her gaze with calm concern. Yelena suddenly seemed to catch onto what was going on, and she stiffened a bit, looking much more uncomfortable.
  “I, um…. About earlier,” Natasha started, not sure how to begin the conversation. She was not too good at discussing feelings and things, and she was almost as uncomfortable as Yelena was at the moment. Yelena shook her head, shrugging her shoulders, and Natasha let her words die off as Yelena seemed to be taking initiative on speaking about it.
  “It is nothing. You don’t need to worry about it,” Yelena spoke, and Natasha could see that there was more to it than that.
  “You’ve been avoiding me, little one… Did I upset you? I didn’t mean to bring back memories or anything—”
  “No, no, no, it is not that at all,” Yelena negated, and Natasha could see the sincerity in her dark green eyes. The redhead tilted her head, confused. She now had absolutely no idea what had caused the girl to be so uncomfortable.
  “I just… In the Red Room, we had no contact. When we received it, it was a reward. The trainers and people there knew that a small touch went a long way. Many of us… We,” Yelena paused, looking away stubbornly as she settled her gaze on the television. Natasha could tell she was not really watching it and she was more just resting her eyes on a place as she thought through her words.
  “A lot of us needed that, and it was punishable to hug or touch each other… But they used it as a sort of reward as long as it was coming from them,” Yelena spoke, and Natasha quietly listened and nodded softly. She knew that was the case. She personally had to face such hardships, but it saddened her to see that they kept such a system of training alive even during Yelena’s time in the Red Room.
  “When you touched me today… It,” Yelena trailed off, obviously terribly awkward with this and quite uncomfortable as a whole. Natasha was honestly not completely at ease either, but she was trying to at least portray some semblance of it in order to coax the words from Yelena.
  “Well, it was just really nice and I accidentally…
  “I’m sorry, it’s just… This is hard to talk about,” Yelena swallowed, and Natasha just calmly eyed her.
  “When you touch me, it’s so different. It’s long and it lasts and it’s not a reward for killing someone,” Yelena admitted, and Natasha felt pain stab at her heart at her sister’s struggle.
  “And you don’t have any problem giving it so freely. It’s so different and so nice, and it was embarrassing,” Yelena spoke, and Natasha looked at her strangely, finding herself confused even after this lengthy explanation that Yelena was trying to get through and offer her.
  Yelena sighed deeply, and Natasha heard a light curse roll off of her tongue quietly before she spoke.
  “I enjoyed it too much and I was afraid that if you saw that, you wouldn’t want to,” Yelena let herself trail off, clamming up as she tried desperately to avoid looking at Natasha. The redhead just thought about this statement for a long moment, not sure what to say in response. Conversations with this many feelings involved were always hard for her.
  However, after a long moment, she moved on the couch so that she was facing her sister a bit more and she opened her arms. In response to the movement, Yelena finally brought her gaze back to look at Natasha, and she eyed her as if she had lost her mind.
  “Come here,” Natasha spoke, and Yelena looked between her open arms and her light green eyes staring the blonde down. Yelena furrowed her brow, at a loss as to precisely what the redhead meant.
  “Come here,” Natasha told her, moving one of her hands to wave Yelena in her direction. The blonde finally seemed to realize what she meant, and she slowly scooted forward, crawling nearer to her big sister. Natasha just nodded slightly in encouragement.
  Yelena moved a bit closer so that she was in Natasha’s space a bit more, and Natasha snagged the opportunity, taking the younger woman in her arms. She pulled her close and hugged her to her chest.
  To Natasha’s happiness, Yelena immediately let her weight settle heavily against the older woman and she wrapped her arms around her sister tightly, her cheek squished against Natasha’s shoulder and her legs stretched across the couch on top of Natasha’s. Natasha rubbed her back carefully, and she quickly noticed the happy sigh and groan combo that Yelena released as she just fully relaxed in it and even pushed herself a bit closer to the redhead.
  “I enjoy it, too. Contact is not so new for me, but having it with you is, and it just… I really would just hug you all the time if I could.”
  “Why can’t you?” Yelena questioned, her words muffled and her voice akin to a mumble from its place stuffed against Natasha. Natasha ran her hands up and down the girl’s back comfortingly, a chuckle resounding in her throat a little as she looked down at the blonde.
  “Well… I was afraid that you wouldn’t be comfortable with it.”
  “That’s ridiculous,” Yelena immediately responded without any hesitation whatsoever, her voice suddenly quite clear despite her position. Natasha could hear the intense disapproval in the words.
  “Would you be embarrassed?” Natasha asked somewhat worriedly.
  “Would you?” Yelena challenged, her voice now filled with way too much affection and fondness to be too serious. Natasha quickly noted that Yelena had somehow managed to worm her way further up Natasha and was now laying there with her head shoved underneath Natasha’s chin.
  “No… I haven’t really thought about it before,” Natasha admitted, and Yelena huffed a little in response. A tiny smile tugged at Natasha’s lips, the sudden puff of air feeling strange but not unpleasant against her neck.
  “I’d like to try… Y’know… To touch more,” Natasha admitted somewhat awkwardly, and Yelena froze a little, but Natasha could feel the grin breaking out across the blonde’s face as she just snuggled closer to the older woman. Natasha’s smile grew on her face, and she reveled in the contact of the person that she loved the most in the world.
  “We should be careful. We’re starting to sound like those girls on that movie Chilly.”
  “What?” Natasha asked in complete confusion, trying to understand what her sister was trying to communicate. She could tell that Yelena was trying to tease, but she could not exactly get what was so funny because she did not completely understand what Yelena was talking about.
  “You know… Chilly. That movie.”
  “Umm… No, I don’t actually.”
  “Chilly! The animated movie. The one where the sister had powers and was blonde and awesome and shot stuff out of her hands,” Yelena tried to explain, and it suddenly occurred to Natasha precisely what the younger girl was talking about.
  “Frozen?” Natasha questioned, barely holding back laughter.
  “Yes!” Yelena exclaimed, and Natasha chuckled heartily.
  “Hey! Don’t laugh! I was serious!” Yelena whined, and Natasha moved her head over to the side to press a gentle kiss to the Yelena’s forehead. Yelena stilled for a moment but sighed out of her nose in something that sounded like contentment.
  “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing with you.”
  “I was not laughing,” Yelena told her, completely and deadly serious, and Natasha started to laugh once again, the sound heartier and fuller this time. Yelena actually started chuckling with her at this point.
  “I made you laugh,” Yelena proudly pointed out, her voice relaxed and calm as could be. Once Natasha finally got ahold of her mirth in response to her sister, Natasha smiled wider than she had in weeks as she ran her hand up to touch the back of Yelena’s hair. Yelena sighed happily, a slight shiver running through her as Natasha ran her fingers through the blonde tresses.
  “You make it sound like I never laugh,” Natasha chuckled just a bit, and Yelena shrugged sluggishly.
  “You don’t laugh much.”
  “Maybe I never had a reason to,” Natasha countered, and Yelena huffed.
  “So you’re saying I’m your reason? That’s pretty sappy,” Yelena somewhat sleepily told her, her voice slurring just a bit as she shut her eyes tightly in pure enjoyment of her sister’s attentions.
  “I learned it all from you,” Natasha teased, and Yelena just hummed, unimpressed but too comfortable to grace the statement with an articulated response.
  Yelena was slowly nestling herself even closer to Natasha, her breathing growing deeper and more spaced out as she got comfortable, and Natasha smiled lovingly, a warmth radiating through her.
  “Ya tebya lyublyu,” Natasha muttered under her breath, kissing Yelena’s head as she closed her eyes, enjoying her sister’s proximity. Yelena stirred just a little, barely coherent words on her lips as she replied.
  “Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu…”
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