#i’m absolutely sane
flowercrowngods · 1 year
steve ‘floor time’ harrington and eddie ‘no one touch or perceive me’ munson. they flinch at every noise even though they expected a good night, a stable night, but something changed and they’re in sensory overload. steve tries to take eddie’s hand but he pulls away immediately, shrinking in on himself. steve hums and cocks his head, signalling eddie to follow him.
they leave the loud and lively living room, the kids yelling all over each other, and find a dark and empty room and just lie on the floor for a while before they’re ready to come back. they don’t talk, don’t touch, just lie there next to each other. eddie takes steve’s hand when he’s ready for touch again. they start talking in hushed voices, bringing noise back, rebooting their senses, slowly and gently easing each other in again.
when they come back, hand in hand, mike turns down the music and lucas makes sure to remind people not to talk too loudly. the boys are drained, but the kids try their best. they’re all trying their best.
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michaeliad · 1 year
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Ivan the Fool is a lucky fool stock character who appears in Russian folklore, a very simple-minded, but, nevertheless, lucky young man. Ivan is described as a likeable fair-haired and blue-eyed youth.
Adam Milligan, Supernatural // Ivan the Fool, Slavic folklore
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Since Jon is going insane grasping at straws in tma Season 2 I thought it would be fun to join him :)
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glucosegaurdian · 7 days
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Something something a smoothie God the newest chapter got me feeling the emotions
Luffy and Zoro’s interactions with everyone written so in character it made me want to bite someone it’s not even funny anymore I’m obsessed and it’s not going away help
Luffy saw a problem and decided to fix it without telling anyone how he planned to do it and Zoro just reassuring everyone that Luffy has it handled and has a plan gahhhhhhh I’m going to have a stroke
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trashmakerarticle · 6 months
I really hope that when it comes to me, I will write the most OOC stuff about most, especially Batman
Canon: a stoic man that has extreme paranoia and can hardly show emotions
Me: actually that is a man that expresses how much he loves his kids everyday and he needs to brag about them to every other person bc his kids are better then theirs
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justamegafan · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #14
The Yuu Family
Yuu reveals they’re being bullied, so Yuuken, Yuuka and Y/N are telling them what they know on how to deal with a Bully…
Yuuken: What’s going on?
Yuu: A Savannaclaw Student’s been beating me up, so Yuuka’s gonna show me how to fight him after school tomorrow!
Yuuken: You should be ashamed of yourself, Yuuka. Violence only begets violence. Now, that is not the way to deal with a bully. Now, I have found that as long as you let the parental figure know, the bullying will stop
Yuuka (Shaking her head in disappointment and annoyance):
Yuu: I have been, and he still wants to beat me up! Crowley doesn’t do shit!
Yuuka: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s why they have to learn how to defend themself. Put your hands up!
Yuuken: Not so. You and this guy must find some common ground. Remember, “We must never negotiate out of fear, but we must never fear to negotiate.” John F. Kennedy
Y/N (Joins in): But never forget, “Mama Said Knock You Out.” LL Cool J! (High fives Yuuka)
Yuuken: So, Yuu, do you believe that violence is wrong?
Yuuka: Yuu, do you believe it’s wrong to be this pathetic little wimp?
Yuu: Yes
Yuuken: Ahem.
Yuu: Well, n-no. Uh, oh, I don’t know! Can I be alone now??
Yuuken: Well, Yuu, no matter whatever happens tomorrow just know that I believe in you.
Yuuka: And Yuu, whatever happens tomorrow, know that I believe Yuuken is adopted
Yuuken (Smacks Yuuka’s shoulder):
Yuuka: Why don’t you mind your business sometimes, man? Every time I turn my head…
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I see Yuuken and Yuuka, despite handling problems differently will absolutely work together once they find out one of their siblings in trouble. And may the Great 7 have mercy on them, because they sure as hell don’t have any…
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soup-of-the-daisies · 6 months
i’d like to see sirius ‘i don’t need to study i know everything already’ black and james ‘i do my homework at breakfast and still get full marks’ potter at uni and faced with deadlines. i think they’d be chronic procrastinators. i think they’d cry.
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youronlybean · 3 months
shoutout to the Tuesday TOS2 lobbies for being The Only Thing Keeping Me Going Through The Hell That Is Tuesday
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meraarts · 2 years
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How we feeling girlies??? We handling this normal and sane???
Hob | Wuvvy
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ghostzzy · 18 days
i just want to feel magic again
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the-acer-scientist · 1 year
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day to them 🥰
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juniperhillpatient · 3 months
even though scream au azulas introductory scene is using a telescope to spy on katara & jet fooling around & katara masturbating & listening to the voice of her dead dad (who she helped murder) berate her & her deciding to make out with her brother about it… I feel like you still won’t actually understand how insane she actually is in this universe until much later like so many of her decisions are “why did she do that” because she’s absolutely batshit insane next question
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anthonycrowley · 10 months
gomens is Fandom Of All Time to me none of this is news
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willowcrowned · 2 years
oot is about the liminal space between childhood and adulthood oot is about waking up in a world where everything has gone to hell and you’re expected to be able to handle it oot is about wandering around trying desperately to find the answer to a question you have to figure out yourself oot is about finding people from your past only to realize that you don’t really know them anymore oot is about realizing that it’s not them that’s changed, it’s you
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sassmill · 5 months
I haven’t looked in on the unfinished side of our basement in a while and… my dad’s hoarding has actually gotten significantly worse. And we just heard from my grandfather last night that he’s pretty sure my grandmother is going to pass soon. And when that happens, my father’s hoarding is absolutely not going to get better. So. That’s a lot. I brought it up to my mom and she told ME to research psychiatrists that specialize in hoarding. It’s a very eldest daughter kind of day.
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