#i’m going to increase it tomorrow & see if i find a difference like that will Tell
bibleofficial · 1 year
i hate grass so fucking much fuck lawns like the 3 things in my life i’m determined to NEVER deal w AGAIN is a) lawns b) cars/maintenance c) garage doors
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wandascosmic · 2 months
i remember it all too well
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: when you get a phone call in the middle of the night, you think nothing of it. what you didn't expect to hear was the worst news of your life.
word count: 1252
warnings: heavy angst, car accident, mention of dying
a/n: this is some of my older writing so the writing style is a little different
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Y/N is jolted awake by the sudden sound of ringing beside her bed. She rolls over, eyes half closed, glancing at the caller ID.  
“Don’t know them.” She mumbles, rolling over, so her back is facing away from her bedside table, closing her eyes once more. There’s a beat of silence, until the phone starts ringing once more. She groans, grabbing her phone halfheartedly, her thumb right above the decline button. 
Suddenly, she jolts up, recognizing the number and her eyes go wide. Taking a deep breath, she accepts the call. 
“Nat?” She asks, putting the phone to her ear. 
“Y/N? Oh my god, Y/N, thank god you answered.” Natasha says with a frantic voice, sounding like she was out of breath. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Y/N asks, getting out of bed, her worry increasing by the minute. This is Nat, the rock-solid, always composed fiery redhead who sounds frazzled. Something is incredibly wrong, and Y/N’s anxiety is only increasing by the minute.
“Nothing-Wait, yes, something, I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” 
“No, no, it's okay. Deep breath, okay?” Y/N says. Natasha exhales. “Can you tell me what's going on?”
“Well it’s not exactly good news-” 
“Nat, it’s fine. What’s happening?” 
Your blood runs cold at the words that come next. 
“Y/N, Wanda’s been in a car accident.” 
Y/N’s heart drops, and she freezes in place, unable to speak. Is this real? “Y/N, are you still there?” 
“My Wanda?” 
“Yeah,” Natasha breathes out.
“Am I dreaming?” 
Natasha sighs. “No, you’re not.” 
“How'd it happen?” Y/N asks, on autopilot.
“I don’t know, it was really sudden. I just got a call 5 minutes ago from Shield Hospital, apparently, she lost control of the wheel, and she ended up sandwiched in between two cars both driving towards her. They say she’s lucky to still be alive.” Y/N nods, despite Natasha’s inability to see her face. “Y/N, do you think you could do me a favor?” 
“Yeah, anything,” Y/N nods, biting her nail to keep herself in the present, her worry increasing by the minute. 
“I’m on a business trip, so I’m out of the country at the moment. I swear I’ll be at the hospital by tomorrow morning, at the latest in the afternoon, but do you think you could go to the hospital and check on Wanda for me, please? Just to tell me how she is? And,” Nat pauses, “for yourself?” 
“Yeah, sure,” Y/N says, opening her closet and finding the quickest outfit she can.
“I’ll get there in about 20 minutes and I’ll text you, how’s that?” Y/N says, still barely processing the events that have just happened.
“Perfect, thanks.” 
Y/N quickly says goodbye and hangs up the phone. The second she steps outside, memories of Wanda overwhelming her every thought. 
“Come on, detka! It’ll be fun, I’m finally old enough! I wanna see what my options are!” Wanda says, holding Y/N’s hand behind her, dragging them both towards the DMV. 
“Maximoff, you don’t even have your license,” Y/N says, laughing, her gaze trapped on the girl she’s lucky enough to call her girlfriend. 
“I know, but I’m a great driver. I beat you and Pietro in that racing game all the time.” 
“Mario Kart, Wanda. And that’s not the same,” Y/N says, stopping them and dropping a quick kiss on Wanda’s lips, smiling down at her. 
“Happy 16th, Wanda.” 
Wanda smiles back, bringing her girlfriend into a deep kiss. 
You wrap your arm around her, Wanda’s head instinctively going into the crook of your neck. 
“I want that one,” Wanda says, pointing at a red sports car, that seems like it was only meant for her to drive.
“Whatever you want, Maximoff,” You peck her lips, resting your head on top of hers. “But you still need your license.” 
Wanda pouts. “Pietro would’ve bought it for me by now.” 
“Pietro bought a 2000 dollar gaming console for himself because it was your neighbors’ parrot’s birthday.” 
“The old one was broken.” 
“Still not justified.”
“You’re no fun, detka,” Wanda pouts.
And even though you’ve tried, you could never say no to her. “I’ll buy it for you next Saturday,” you kiss her cheek, “It’s Sunday today, your appointment is on Wednesday, and you’re obviously passing, so you’ll only have to wait 2 days before you can be on the road.” 
Wanda’s eyes light up, her grin present on her face once more. 
“You can never say no to me,” she teases, aware of your remarkable leniency when it came to her. 
You blush. It was incredibly true, but that won’t stop you from trying to deny it. “That’s not true.” 
Wanda laughs, the angelic sound reaching your ears and putting you in a trance only she’s capable of creating. “It’s absolutely true, milaya.” 
If you could bottle Wanda’s laughter and get drunk on it every night, you would do it in a heartbeat. 
“Fine, it’s true. Maybe stop being cute then I’ll be healed from the Maximoff trance you’ve expertly put me in.” 
“Not a chance, detka,” Wanda kisses your cheek, then slips her hand into yours and interlocks both of your fingers. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” 
You hum. “Bummer, maybe then I wouldn’t have to restock all my sweaters every 3 months because a certain green-eyed witch keeps stealing them.” 
Wanda slaps your arm, causing you to laugh. 
“I’m kidding, baby.” You stop the both of you, pulling her into your arms. You bury your face into the crown of her head while she buries hers into the crook of your neck. You could stay here forever. 
“I love you so much.” You tell her, closing your eyes and breathing in her perfume. 
“I love you too,” Wanda answers, tightening her arms around you as much as she can. 
You don’t know how long the two of you stand there, when suddenly you’re struck by the sight of Wanda in your mind, bedridden, covered in stitches, and dying. Because of a car accident. That could never happen. You wouldn’t allow it. 
Wanda notices your change in demeanor and pulls away, her brows furrowing and concern in her eyes.
You put both your hands on her cheeks, staring into her transcendent emerald eyes, only a few centimeters away from your own. 
“Promise me you’ll be safe in that car, ok?” You tell her with tears in your eyes. “I don’t ever want to lose you, Wanda.” 
She smiles, holding both your wrists and rubbing her thumbs over the back of your hand. “I promise, detka,” She kisses you, and you feel the worry dissipate from your body. “I’ll be ok.” 
You take a deep breath, letting your anxious thoughts calm down. “Ok, good,” you say as you grab her hand once more. “Let’s go scare Pietro at your party, ok? I can’t wait to get him back for last year.” 
Wanda chuckles at your antics, her laugh becoming a serene smile on her face. She didn’t care about the party. You had already made everything perfect in her mind.  
As the two of you start walking, Wanda’s voice cuts through the air. 
“Hey, Y/N?” You hum in response. 
“I never want to lose you either.” 
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you back your car out of your driveway. 
Then, you drive off into the night, in the direction of your dying, once greatest love.
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cars-on-the-moon · 11 months
Carlando hurt/a bit of comfort just below!
(everything stems from author’s imagination)
“Cabron!” Lando shouted, holding his suit in order to jog quicker.
The Spaniard slightly turned his gaze at him but returned to Rupert, carrying on their conversation.
Rupert nodded and smiled when Lando clasped his shoulder.
“Alright?” he asked the trainer. “Hot innit?” he grinned.
“And you’re going to have to race.” Rupert remarked, giving him a kind pat and stepping a bit back to reach Gino.
Lando’s eyes returned to Carlos, who hadn’t interact with him yet.
“What is it?” he asked him.
“What? Nothing.” Lando shrugged. “I’m a bit jittery.” he revealed.
“Calm down. Everything’s good.” Carlos replied him, almost dismissively, a tone the other man never possessed for him.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but quickly disregarded it.
“Are we training this week?” he asked him.
“I will be very busy.” Carlos replied, typing something on his phone and quickly burying it in his pocket. Finally, his eyes found Lando, but the Brit only saw emptiness.
“Carlos, are you okay?” he finally asked by micro-analysing all the wrong signs.
“I’ll see you later.” Carlos said and just like that, he walked away.
Lando stood there, watching him as he increased the distance between them. He watched as Carlos finally disappeared around Alpine’s motorhome, leaving him alone and extremely confused.
The great mystery of detached Carlos carried on for the extent of the week and when he never received a reply to his golf invitation, Lando gave up to focus on his race.
“Who from the grid was born in 1994?” Will asked then and instantly Lando pressed the little buzzer button.
“Carlos Sainz.” he replied.
“Ah! There you go! A point for you!” Will excitedly said.
“That’s 7-1.” Oscar reminded them the score.
“Well,” Lando grimaced. “I’ve had better days.” he playfully said to the camera and thusly, the silly YouTube game for the official channel, ended.
Will waved them a polite goodbye as Lando shuffled further into the sofa.
“Mate, you’re miserable.”
“Yeah, thanks Oscar.” he rolled his eyes before shutting them both.
“Oh, you’re in that mood.” he heard the Australian remarking and he hated him a little. The other Australian who was making his life hard once again in his own team. Sharp tongued and funny in a whole different way.
“Piss off, mate.” he mumbled and tried to sound as playful as possible.
He heard the faint sound of Oscar’s giggle as he was leaving the room and finally he found a good time for solitude and peacefulness.
He missed the podium for a tenth of a second and climbed out of his car with a granule of disappointment.
“Are we on for tomorrow?” Caco asked him, finding him outside hospitality.
Lando finished signing a picture of him and turned to the Spaniard.
“Yeah, Max told me you booked it.” he said. “Is Carlos coming?” he asked him.
Caco raised his eyebrows then but quickly schooled his expression to return to normal.
“I don’t know. This triple-header has been hard on him. We’ll see. It’s either going to be Rupert or him.” he replied.
Lando squinted.
“See you at eight.” Caco said, tapping his back.
When Lando arrived at the padel place hopeful, he got disappointed again. The other three players were already in the court but Carlos was nowhere to be seen.
“Are we doing Britain versus Europe?” Rupert grinned at him.
“Sure.” Lando shrugged taking his place in the field.
Max bumped his racket on Caco’s and walked in order to execute the first little serve.
“Carlos coming?” Lando asked Rupert.
“Um, no.” the Brit replied, dipping lower, focused forward.
If Lando got disappointed again, he never showed it.
‘Cabron? Is everything alright?’ Lando had to try again because the though if Carlos being that cold was so unsettling, he couldn’t relax when he was thinking about it.
He was tired enough to not having realised that the next day he was in Mexico City. It took him around ten minutes to remember his plane ride and a few more to actually decide to get up.
He trained intensely and ate his wrap with such eagerness, as if he was a starved man.
Still nothing.
Sunday’s driver’s parade came in a blink of an eye and Lando searched for Carlos before he was waved by Oscar to join him in their car.
“Were you looking for something?” Oscar asked him when the car started moving.
“You.” Lando replied, smiling towards the crowd.
Oscar hummed a bit unconvincingly but nevertheless, let it go. Sometimes Lando thought that the young Australian knew more than he revealed. Behind that quiet stance he had going on, he was observant and intelligent. Lando hated that. ‘Hate’ perhaps was a strong word.
“Carlos!” he finally found the man, as he was taking with Max.
Both men turned to find the source of the voice and one of them smiled widely. It was Max. Only Max smiled.
“I was just telling him how team Europe obliterated team Britain last Monday.” Max teased him immediately.
“I was out of form.” Lando sniffed, playing it cool. “Where have you been mate? You miss both padel and golf practice.” he placed his hand on Carlos’s upper arm, forgetting the cameras around them for only a moment. He let go of him then, staring, wanting to hear a word from him.
“I have been experiencing a few back pains.” Carlos replied him. Coldly; absolutely coldly.
“You? You have never been in pain since I’ve known you.” he said.
“Well, perhaps because I’m getting old.” Carlos spat out and yeah, something was definitely wrong.
“You’re not even thirty yet, mate.” Max added to the conversation when Lando’s silence filled the space.
“Anyway, I’ll see you later.” Carlos chose to ignore Max’s utterance and Lando’s concerned gaze, walking away immediately a second after.
‘How’s your back? How are we going to golf in November?’ He wrote before placing a laughing emoji. He stared at the screen and contemplated on whether to send it or not.
He had tried again to talk to him on Thursday evening, when he saw him outside Ferrari, getting Senior’s attention first.
“Lando Norris!” Senior hugged him. “How are you son?” he asked.
“I’m well and you?” he replied him politely.
“You are having a fantastic season. Congratulations!” he said to him.
Lando nodded affirmatively and finally turned to Carlos.
“I have been texting you. How is your back?” he asked him.
Carlos finally looked at him, brushing his fingers through his hair.
“It’s fine.” he replied him.
Lando inhaled deeply, biting down his tongue in order to stop himself from really barking at Carlos that he had been awful and cold and distant and unfamiliar.
“Are you? Fine?” he pushed just a bit more.
“I’m busy. Pa, let’s go?” he asked him turning around and climbing the little red steps.
Lando furrowed his eyebrows, watching him once again disappearing.
“He has been strange. He is angry.” Senior said to Lando. “He is bad with respect. He takes things very seriously, especially from you.”
Lando turned to the older man quickly.
“What? What do you mean? What did I do?”
Lando jogged to his motorhome and texted both Jon and Max.
“Havent you seen the video I’ve sent you a week ago?” Max asked him through the line.
“No, I must have forgotten.” Lando replied him. “What is it? How did you know what I’m talking about?” Lando furtively asked.
“Because you did him dirty man! It’s a complication of the same interview and it was all over Twitter.”
“What the fuck?” Lando whispered and quickly ended the call.
He remembers the interview; it was with some American podcast and he remembered having a miserable time but trying still to be funny and relaxed.
“I’ve had this question ninety three times,” he giggled. “There are not many friends around…I consider Max and Lewis the only two strong drivers…Carlos made a lot of mistakes in that, yeah…Friends is a very big word…He didn’t help me, he did it for himself, of course…Except from me I would like Oscar to win the Championship…Haha, no, Oscar, not Carlos…I wish I could climb to fourth and pass Charles…What? Carlos is? Carlos is above Charles? I didn’t expect that!”
Lando cringed to the last line and locked his phone, placing it on the massage bed next to him.
“Why the fuck would someone make a fucking compilation of that?” he asked the room through his teeth. “And fucking tag-” he didn’t finish his utterance in order to take a deep breath in.
“Lando, what is it?” Jon asked him.
“Have you seen this?” he showed him the video.
“Ah, yes. It was all over Twitter-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he demanded through a foul squeal.
“Because we have a job to do-”
“I don’t need the tough love, Jon. Why did the PR-you know what? I’m leaving.” he jumped off the bed and went looking for his backpack.
“I can talk to PR.” Jon offered.
“No, leave it. The point was to-fuck.” he couldn’t bear to explain either.
He returned to his hotel room and after a warm shower he fell on the bed very keen on sleeping.
It was sudden and overwhelming. He was used to pushing down and down everything that had to with Carlos; everything that wasn’t the friendship they had built. He had locked away the desire that had slowly grown within him. Memories, moments risked back from every time he had though a bit more than he should have. When Carlos had looked at him a certain way, the way he had smiled, the way he had touched him.
Each word echoed in his mind, the dam of restraint broke. Tears welled up in his eyes and the anguish of unspoken love and pain washed over him. He was vulnerable and exposed to himself like never before. He wasn’t as daft as he presented himself and he had realised his feelings long ago and because of that again, he had buried them deep inside, where even intrusive thoughts could not win.
“I didn’t mean anything bad. I was trying to be cool or whatever. Carlos, you know me.” he sent. Perhaps it was too simple or perhaps it was too much, but Lando needed to do something, to say something and opted for that. If he was to overthink it, he would have never sent it.
The long awaited reply didn’t come, even on FP Friday and he felt an emptiness in his stomach, still his words about Charles echoing in his mind.
“Good job! Let’s do the same on quali, yeah?” Will smiled at him.
“Of course.” Lando agreed and pulled out his headphones.
He was miserable. He was miserable at training, at dinner and even in his hotel room when he was in the confines of his own space.
He stared at the unanswered text, and the one above it and the one right above the other.
That son of a bitch. He hated him. He absolutely despised him.
“That’s a pole position!” Will said in his ears. “*Good job! Need lineup?”
“Hey-yo! Yes!” Lando pressed the radio button, slowing down. “Yes! Gimme!”
“P2 Sainz, P3 Leclerc, P4 Verstappen, P5 Hamilton.” Will announced him.
“Well shit.” Lando mumbled after making sure he had his thumb off the radio button.
Charles approached him and told him something about turn seven while Lando was absolutely stuck on Carlos. The driver mode was off and he was back to a new kind of pinning; after so long he had reached this part. Distant unrequited pinning without even realising.
“Good job.” Carlos patted his shoulder when he approached him to get photographed.
“Oh, he speaks.” Lando said through his teeth, smiling to the cameras.
Charles must have heard him because he turned his head to look at him, but did not remark.
And just like this, the Spaniard walked away.
Lando felt his heart dropping and tried really hard to school his expression to a neutral one when he returned to the garage and was congratulated by everyone.
“Carlos, this is getting ridiculous.”
“My tyres are gone, man.” he said to the radio line.
“Push as long as you can. Two laps to go.” Will said to him and really Lando knew the answer. They hadn’t expected that kind of degradation and there was no room for a pit stop, he wasn’t far enough from the Ferrari behind him. He was rather sure that on the next DRS zone, he was going to get overtaken. There was no point making his tyres pop.
It was Carlos’s Ferrari that made a move on turn four of all the turns and Lando tried to defend but it was useless.
“Lando, don’t fight with him, we need to finish.”
“Wasn’t gonna.” Lando replied Will a bit annoyed. He looked on his mirror and saw Lewis behind.
“One corner, Lando.” he heard and inhaled deeply. “That’s it! Well done! P2!”
“Thanks guys, I’m sorry about the tyres, I’m not sure what went wrong.” he addressed the whole garage and factory and let go of the button.
He watched as Carlos stood on his Ferrari and raised his arms up. His eyes caught his father and walked quickly to him, keeping his visor down. His eyes were destroyed by the sweet and the tears that had started forming the moment he had got out his car. Every emotion he carried burst out of him completely. Out of the blue.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Carlos waiting for him.
“Sorry.” he said to him the moment he embraced him.
“My fault.” Lando replied him.
Carlos pulled back and reached for his visor, raising it up to find his eyes. Oh, the Twitter people were going to have a field trip.
“Lando?” a question in his voice.
Thankfully, the director had to take Carlos away for his interview with DC and Lando managed to weight himself, calm down and take his balaclava off in order to wet his whole face with water. Good enough.
“What happened?” Lewis asked him in the cool down room.
“My tyres were destroyed. There was a massive increase on the asphalt heat.” he replied him.
Carlos walked into the room two and went straight for his water. He looked at the screen and his gaze stayed there for the whole minute they remained in the room.
The cameras cut and Carlos turned to him.
“Okay?” he asked him.
“Yeah.” Lando shrugged and followed Lewis.
He was drenched in champagne by the both men on the podium and smiled for the picture.
“Oi! Look here!” Rupert met them in the hallway, pointing his phone at them.
He opened his instagram and found no post; not like the last time. There was no use of the word “carlando”. There was nothing.
He threw his phone to his side and placed his arms over his eyes, trying really hard to not release what he actually felt.
“Jon, can you do me a huge favour?” he asked the drowsy man on the other side of the line.
He walked and decided he, under no circumstance, would ever say to anyone that he walked alone at that time of the night around São Paolo until he reached Carlos’s hotel.
“Carlos, it’s me.” he said as lowly as possible when he heard shuffling from the other side of the door.
The door opened and Carlos appeared, semi-naked and very sleepy.
“Lando- what the-”
“I’m sorry.” Lando stopped him, shutting the door behind him. “I hadn’t realised-I didn’t mean all that, it sounded awful.” he said.
Carlos pulled over his head a t-shirt and fixed his hair by fluffing them even more than before.
“I was being sarcastic and a bit annoyed with the hosts. I don’t remember anything.”
“Lando, okay,” Carlos rubbed his face with his palm and took a step forward. “It’s okay if you feel that way-”
“But I don’t! I think you are a very intelligent and strong driver and of course you can win the Championship and of course you are my friend and of course you are above Charles. I was just-just teasing-I don’t know!” he said all in one breath, feeling his eyes stinging. He wouldn’t cry. No.
“It’s not about-you-I cannot do this.”
“No, you will.” Lando took a step forward too. “You have been awful and you never told me why. I had to find out from your dad?”
Carlos exhaled lengthily. He was tired, he looked it certainly.
“You are welcomed to have those opinions. I just always think that friends should support each other and it’s all I have done since the first time I saw you. I met you.” Carlos tried to translate his thoughts into English, poor man. “I know it’s just press but sometimes words hurt especially from your friend. But well, you said there are no friends around.”
Lando blinked at him. His hand hovered above his neck by its own accord and he felt his breathing quickening.
“You are my friend. It was stupid and I didn’t think about it too much.”
“All I am saying is that support and respect are everything for me. I think that I have been both since we have met. But still, your opinion is your opinion Lando. Now I know that you feel-”
“No,” Lando said moving towards him and grabbing his face between his palms. He needed for Carlos to look at him right in the eye. To make sure he was looking. “I think you are incredible, Carlos. I-I think you are everything.” he whispered, his eyes falling on the Spaniard’s plump lips.
Carlos slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise but didn’t push him away, he didn’t falter.
“I’m sorry. I was trying to be cool or whatever. My mind is a mess sometimes.” he said.
Carlos slightly nodded, afraid of disturbing Lando’s hold.
“Cabron,” the slightly taller man whispered. “I’m sorry. You can explain everything, I can too.”
A goddamn tear escaped him and he went to wipe it but Carlos beat him to it and caught it with his thumb.
“Don’t. Lando,” he breathed. “Kiss me.” he uttered.
“What?” Lando stuttered.
“Will you? I want to show you that I believe you and that I’m sorry too.” he explained.
And again, Lando wasn’t as daft as he portrayed himself. He would be pretty dense if he didn’t just do it. So he did.
Carlos tried to show him and he succeeded, making him a moaning mess. Who would have thought? Well, Lando had thought.
“Carlos…” he whispered when they finally paused.
“Cariño.” Carlos run his fingers through Lando’s curls. “That was bound to happen from the very start, no?” he smiled lopsidedly.
Lando mirrored him but his grin became wider, wilder.
“Yeah, yes it was.” he giggled.
“Let me post the Carlando picture now, eh?” he playfully said, leaning in again.
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hetalianskywalker · 5 months
Day 8: Choosing to Help
Pairing: Mer Vaughn x Jedi Reader
Summary: Sometimes helping is more than worth the danger.
Author’s Note: So I know I haven’t given much detail on the Jedi in this AU. And that will change in tomorrow’s fic. So sorry if anything is confusing here because of that. Hopefully, there isn’t. Also, when you see the prompt… get your mind out of the gutter. It’s not gonna go down that route. 🤣
Warnings: some references to war trauma and this world’s version of order 66. But I think that’s it.
Word Count: 814
Prompt: A squid with human eyes must not be harmed, thrown back as quickly as possible. I’ve seen too many good fishermen cursed to let it happen again. 
Prompt 3062 by deepwaterwritingprompts
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The whole fishing boat goes deadly silent when they see what was in your hands. The massive fishing net had been pulled onto the deck. Among all the fish, you had seen the wriggling tentacles of an oddly colored squid; it was white and blue with a little bit of orange. You had slowly picked it up only to be met with a pair of brown human eyes. You just stood there unmoving and soon the whole crew stood around you with a meter of distance.
A gunshot draws you all out of your almost trance like state. Your captain stands with his flint lock pistol aimed at the sky.
“Don’t hurt it and throw it back.” No one moves. “Now! Do you want to be cursed!?” They all scramble out of your way as you dash to the railing. You hold your arms out to drop it in the water only for the tentacles to wrap around your arm. You hear the other sailors gasp behind you.
To your surprise though, it’s gentle and it looks at you expecting something. What’s worse is that you know exactly what it wants, but you can’t blow your cover here.
“Please let go.” You plead. It blinks at you for a long tense moment before it does just that. You let out a sigh of relief as the ship immediately begins heading for shore.
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You have never had so many good luck charms thrown at you. The Mer who show interest like that don’t just give up and they all know that wasn’t the end. The Captain is just relieved he was able to save your life. However, for the safety of himself and the rest of the crew, he asks you to find different work. You are a bit annoyed but you don’t hold it against them.
And they are right this wasn’t over; you soon see that squid in the river that ran along the road home. You shiver, but don’t shrink away from it. In fact, you kneel down at the sandy river bank as he comes up to you. This river connects into the ocean you remember as he stops in front of you; you should have taken another way home.
“If I do this for you, they’ll know I’m here.” You want so badly to turn him away, but the pleading look those eyes give you makes you cave. You had seen and felt so many men with those same eyes die around you during the war. Even after your Mer clones tried to kill you, their dying cries on the battlefield still haunt your dreams.
You extend your hand out into the water and softly begin to chant. The squid swims up to you and you feel the slimy skin under your fingers. He waits patiently as you slowly transfer your raw magic to him; even with all your Jedi training, bringing suppressed magic back to the surface is difficult. You close your eyes, trying to increase your focus; you have to hurry.
A loud gasp of an all too familiar voice fills the air and you stop chanting. Your vision swims and the Mer clone’s arms barely catch you before you hit the shallow water.
“Easy. I got you, sir.” You laugh even though it makes your head hurt. You cuddle into him. You shouldn’t after what had been done to you by his brothers, but you have been alone for what feels like forever. It is nice to be held again.
“I’m not a general anymore.” You say softly. You feel him slowly get to his feet, but you can sense his uncertainty. You slowly examine his blue and white armor, recognizing the famous battalion color. “You have been stuck inside a squid since before the end of the war huh?”
“The war is over?” You have a lot to fill him in on and very little time to do so. The Inquisitors will be here soon; you know it.
“We need to run. I am now a wanted fugitive and you are property of the new empire.” You can sense his confusion and fear, but he hold you to him protectively. You could cry; you haven’t felt protected and safe in a long time. Slowly, you look up at the orange and white helmet, recognizing the pattern from an old friend. Those brown eyes from earlier meet yours and you can see black curls with blue tips sneaking out under the helmet.
“I’m Captain Vaughn.” He begins moving quickly toward your home, going the direction you had been headed before. “Gather your strength. I’ll protect you. I promise.”
Once you grab your kyber sword, you and Vaughn steal a small ship in the dead of night. He is able to activate the runes to get the ship in a hyper current just as your Inquisitor executioners arrive.
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
Fight for You
(This is the x reader version of Fight for Us and the only differences are after Sydney and Mitch leave to find Victor ; the other versions are linked here!)
Pairing: Victor Vale x fem!reader
Summary: Victor gets sick while searching for EON, and when he doesn't answer his phone, Sydney calls for help.
Warnings: sickfic, angst, comfort at the end, spoilers for Vicious
A/N: The "x reader" part of this is very brief but I think it works. Maybe. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to let me know what you think!
“Which one will this be? Thirty?” Sydney asks, patting Dol’s head as she speaks.
“I don’t know. I lost track after the third or fourth state,” Mitch answers.
“It’s not about the number of hotels,” Victor answers as he enters. “The point is that you’re safe and no one knows where we are.”
Sydney nods, turning her attention to the window after Dol leaves her to stand at Victor’s side. She whispers, “Traitor” under her breath but doesn’t do anything about Dol’s increasing favoritism.
“Still going hunting tomorrow?” Mitch asks.
“Yes. We need to find EON and this guy is our first lead.”
“Need any backup?” Sydney asks.
Victor turns to look at her before answering, “Actually, I might. Dol, let’s go buddy.”
He leads Dol to the door, pleased with Sydney’s gasp and Mitch’s laughter. Victor has to find this EON guy because he has more than his own life in his hands now. Sydney and Mitch deserve more, and even though he doesn’t even know the guy’s name, he’s confident that he’ll be easy to find. Like the coward he is.
It’s dark outside when Victor wakes up, the small lamp in the kitchenette giving a faint glow that allows him to see. His throat is burning, like a flame is fighting to consume him from the inside out. Sitting up with a painful swallow, Victor gauges the pain. It undoubtedly hurts and will bother him until it goes away, but he decides it isn’t enough to justify numbing the pain.
Victor tilts his head against the plush cushion behind him but can’t go back to sleep. Fighting a groan, he stands and makes his way to the kitchenette, freezing when he knocks a stack of disposable travel cups over. Glancing over his shoulder, Victor smiles to himself when Dol walks out of Sydney’s open door, his head low as he curls up beside Victor’s feet.
Turning back to the microwave, Victor starts preparing a cup of water for tea. He’s never had someone around to care for him when he’s sick, so he learned how to do it himself long ago. 
“Vic?” Sydney asks, walking into the living area as she rubs her eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Hey,” Victor replies quietly. “I couldn’t sleep; just making some tea. Do you want some?”
Sydney stands beside him, rising to her tiptoes to look over his shoulder. “Is there any hot chocolate left?”
Victor hums as he opens the small container, nodding to save his voice and avoid the pain of talking. Adding another cup of water to the microwave, he prepares Sydney’s drink first.
“Why does Dol like you more than me?” Sydney asks, an exaggerated pout as she crosses her legs under her on the couch.
Shrugging, Victor walks to her side with both drinks in hand. He gives Sydney a warning look, which would scare anyone else, but she knows he’s just telling her the cup is hot.
“Maybe he likes tall people,” Victor jokes.
Sydney gently shoves his shoulder, moving back as Dol settles on the floor between her knees and the table. Victor takes his first sip of the tea, nearly burning his mouth, and closes his eyes as the hot liquid temporarily soothes the pain in his throat. When Victor coughs, a harsh but short noise that seems to shake his entire body, Sydney turns toward him.
“Are you okay?” she asks quietly.
Sydney raises her eyebrows, expectant of a longer answer.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” she asks, raising her right hand with an extended pinky.
“Not doing that.”
Sydney rolls her eyes but smiles, growing sleepier with each passing moment. Victor finishes his tea and leans back, grateful for the relief and Sydney’s distraction. Both Dol and Sydney are asleep before him long before Victor goes to sleep, a dreamless sleep that could either be a good sign or a warning that darkness is coming.
Victor wakes again, and the sun is up. Determined to find EON, not just the no-name man in the files Mitch found, but the leader, Victor leaves a short note by the coffee pot and leaves. His throat feels better, more of a dull ache now, so he feels prepared to finish what he started or at least take a few more steps toward the end of this fight.
Dol raises his head when the door opens, but Victor whispers for him to stay, and Dol listens.
“Good boy. Take care of them for me,” Victor adds quietly before closing the door and disappearing.
Dol lays his head back down, his alertness elevated with Victor gone. When Sydney wakes, he barks once, almost like he’s calling for Mitch.
“Morning,” Mitch says, entering the living area (and answering Dol’s call). “Why are you on the couch?”
“Um, Victor woke me up last night and I guess we fell asleep out here,” she answers before yawning.
“Why’d he wake you up?” Mitch opens the minifridge in search of his chocolate milk while he speaks.
“Not on purpose. He knocked something over making tea; said he couldn’t sleep. He was also coughing.”
Mitch looks at her over the door of the minifridge before standing. “Coughing?”
“I think he’s sick or something, he didn’t seem like himself.”
“He left,” Mitch says, his eyes landing on the note. “But we’ll keep an eye on him. He’s safe with us.”
Sydney nods, turning the television on to mute her thoughts of Victor being sick and alone while trying to fight the people who have killed plenty of EOs before.
“I’ve been thinking you look like a Josh,” Victor says, standing in the shadows. “But if you want to fill me in on the name of the guy who’s going to give me answers, feel free.”
The man stops, looking around aimlessly. “Who are you?”
 “I’ve got a lot of names, but I asked first.”
“I’m not telling you anything!”
“Really? Not even who runs EON?”
Victor’s throat begins to burn with a hot, sharp pain. He presses his hand against his neck to offset the burning-thorn-like pain.
“Fine, I’ll tell you my name,” the man calls. “Jake. And your name doesn’t matter, EO.”
Victor tilts his head, slightly impressed that he got so close to guessing his name. The way Jake says “EO,” like a dirty word, makes Victor pleased. He means to show EON how much they underestimated him and every other EO.
Stepping out of the shadows, Victor increases Jake’s pain, causing him to fall to his knees. He approaches the groaning henchman and smiles. 
“Like I said, you’re going to give me answers. Who calls the shots for EON? Just one name and the pain eases.”
“He’s not answering,” Sydney complains, passing Mitch’s phone to him.
“When did you take this?” Mitch asks with pinched brows. “Wait- Vic?”
“Yes. He told me if I ever needed him to call and he’d answer, but he isn’t. Something is wrong.”
Mitch sighs, pulling his laptop out of his backpack and opening a tracking software. If Sydney is wrong and Victor is okay, it should show that he is on his way back. 
“This will show us his location even if his phone is dead. The tracker is its own device, so the phone doesn’t have to be on,” Mitch says as he logs in.
Sydney is not interested in the infomercial on tracker specs but keeps the comment to herself. She holds her breath as the map loads, not releasing it until Dol nudges her harshly.
“Where is he?” she asks.
“Still at the meeting place,” Mitch answers quietly. “He should be gone by now.”
“He needs help!”
Mitch’s eyes drop to Sydney’s arm, gazing at her covered bullet wound. “Does it hurt?”
“Then he’s alright for now, but let’s go anyway. Worst case-scenario, he’s fine and gets incredibly mad at me for bringing you.”
“Will he get mad at me too?”
Mitch laughs but doesn’t elaborate as Sydney and Dol follow him to the stolen car in the hotel parking lot.
As if Victor could ever be truly mad at Sydney for trying to help. The only time he gets cross with her is when she puts herself in danger, and even then, it’s a cover for his begrudging care for her.
It hits Victor out of nowhere, like a train with no whistle. His throat feels like it’s closing, he feels simultaneously hot and cold, and his body alternates between coughing and sneezing even as he shakes.
The pain dial in his mind disappears as Victor fights to stay upright; Jake watches for a moment before seizing his opportunity. Lunging forward off the floor, he knocks Victor off his feet and drags him backward toward a heavy steel chair. Once Victor is tied to the chair with nearby wires and chains, Jake steps back with an eerie smile.
“I got one,” he says into his phone. Lowering it, he picks up a discarded wrench and a long piece of wood, sharpened on one end. “For now, let’s have some fun. Maybe you can answer some of my questions.”
Victor wants to turn off his pain and transfer it all to Jake, but he can’t focus long enough to do so. He fails to tense before Jake swings the wrench, bringing it down on Victor’s shoulder and pulling him to one side as he coughs again.
“Never bring a sick guy to a gun fight, buddy.”
Mitch calls Victor repeatedly while driving, growing more worried each time he gets Victor’s voicemail. He tries not to show how nervous he is for Sydney’s sake, but she has her face buried in Dol’s fur as she deals with the uncertainty in her own way.
“My arm is still okay,” Sydney says, acknowledging that Victor is still alive.
Mitch’s foot grows heavier on the accelerator, determined to get to Victor before that changes. He doesn’t notice Sydney pull his phone into the backseat or the following conversation.
“Meet my friends,” Jake says dramatically, raising Victor’s bloodied face to the two other men before him. “You can just call us EON.”
“What’d you hit him with, a truck?” one of the newcomers asks with a laugh.
Victor sneezes, his bloody nose making the floor beneath him look like a crime scene. 
“Well, he came like that, so the rest was pretty easy,” Jake answers.
“Pretty stupid to pick a fight when you’re not at your best, sneezy.”
“I’m going to kill you,” Victor says, ignoring the pain in his head and the burning in his throat.
All three men smile, producing different weapons as they arrange themselves around Victor. Victor fights to turn the pain dial up, to kill them with a thought, but it is just out of reach. After two or three blows, sirens sound nearby, growing louder. EON freezes, their weapons raised and ready as they look at one another. 
“Well, it’s been fun, but we’ll take a raincheck,” Jake says, slapping his open palm against Victor’s already bruised face once more before running toward a back door.
Victor hears a door slide open behind him, but his head bobs as he fights to stay conscious.
The familiar voice makes Victor blink quickly, flinching as he sneezes. He hasn’t heard it in a while, though he misses it.
“What did they do to you?”
The question is rhetorical, a whispered comment as quick fingers loosen Victor’s bindings.
“It’s my fault,” he answers, pausing to cough. “I let my guard down.”
Fairly sure he is imagining this to cope with the pain, Victor lets his eyes fall closed again.
“Victor!” Sydney yells, entering through another door. Dol’s bark follows, and Victor opens his eyes, surprised to see the one person he misses kneeling before him.
Warm hands rest gently on his jaw, careful of his cuts and bruises.
 “No, keep those eyes open.”
“Demanding,” Victor teases before the pain lessens and his eyes flutter closed.
Mitch carries Victor to the car, laying him in the backseat and thanking Victor’s savior. Victor regains consciousness in the short drive to a new hotel in a different city, groaning in pain before sneezing several times in a row. 
Once in the hotel room, Mitch tells Sydney not to open the door for anyone while he leaves for a drugstore. On his way to the car, someone says his name.
“Oh, hey,” Mitch says, smiling. “Thank you for that.”
“How is he?”
Mitch cocks his head to the side before pulling a key card from his pocket. “Go find out.”
“I don’t know, it’s been so long.”
“And he needs you now. Impeccable timing as always.”
Sydney moves to sit by Victor when the lock beeps, a keycard unlocking it. Mitch hasn’t had enough time to leave and return, but Dol seems uninterested and unconcerned.
“Hi,” you say, waving a hand at Sydney. “You must be Sydney.”
“I am,” she answers, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. “I was expecting someone... different. You saved him after all this time?”
You smile and shrug. “Not exactly. Right place at the right time, I think.”
“How do you know him?”
“We met in a different life, and I accidentally lost him after he broke out of prison.”
Victor grunts, his eyes landing on you. He says your name, and Sydney moves out of the way to give you access to him.
“They messed up your pretty face,” you whisper as you brush a piece of Victor’s hair off his forehead.
“You came back?” Victor mumbles, leaning into your touch.
You grab a towel from the small arrangement left by housekeeping. Sydney follows your lead, taking two into the bathroom and wetting them before handing them to you.
With a light touch and whispered apologies, you wipe the blood from Victor’s skin, growing concerned when he shivers despite the warm water.
“You’re gonna be alright,” you soothe. “You have Mitch and Sydney.” Dol rubs up against your side to stand between you and Sydney, so you chuckle and add, “Can’t forget this guy, too.”
“Dol,” Sydney and Victor tell you together.
“Fight for them, for me,” you say under your breath.
Victor tries.
"Thanks for calling me back to him," you tell Sydney, smiling when she nods.
Mitch returns with two full bags, smiling when he sees you sitting on the floor and looking up at Victor. He’s talking to Sydney, asking meaningless questions like, “Why can some colors be hot but others can’t?”
Mitch swallows his laugh as he takes a bottle of medicine from one of the bags and tells Victor to take two, waiting impatiently until they kick in.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Sydney asks, moving to the floor as Victor cuddles Dol into his side.
“Yeah, but you pick,” Victor answers.
“Can we keep him like this?” Sydney jokes, looking at Mitch.
“You are worth fighting for buddy,” Victor mumbles against Dol’s back.
You can hear his comments from where you sit in front of them, and you smile as he continues complimenting Dol.
“I should go,” you tell Mitch.
You look at him, and he points at Victor, who has one hand on Dol and the other stretched out toward you.
 “He’s going to need you. He always has,” Mitch adds.
You nod, shifting so you can see Victor and the television.
“How’d you get the sirens?” Victor mumbles, his eyes cloudy as he looks at you.
“Phone app and a speaker.”
He nods, letting his eyes close as his fingers graze your shoulder.
“Always fight for you,” he whispers before falling asleep. 
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Here’s who won:
Aragorn vs. Bilbo Baggins
Éowyn vs. Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck
Boromir vs. Elrond Peredhel
Peregrin “Pippin” Took vs. Fëanor
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Truly a gripping round. Check the tags on the races because they are an absolute riot. The fact that so many of you cried SO MUCH about having to choose between Merry and Éowyn, only for her to stay in the lead the entire time, is killing me. It sounds like it was SO difficult for you. Sooooo difficult.
AND NOW, we’ve created a 🔔REMAAAAAATCH 🔔 between Aragorn and Éowyn! They last met ten days ago in Round One. Will people vote the same, or will they switch their vote? Will it be a close match yet again? Will the increased popularity of this bracket create drastically different results? Guess we’ll find out tomorrow…
And now we must say our last goodbye to some of our beloved blorbos. Eliminated this round were the following:
Bilbo Baggins
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck
Elrond Peredhel
I’m a little heartbroken, not gonna lie. We’ve lost all our Silmarillion characters now—even Elrond, which hurts. AND, finally, some of our Hobbits! I can’t believe it. You guys eliminated Blorbo Baggins.
Round Six (Second Chance Bracket) will start at 12PM EDT (GMT -4)! Once that bracket is complete, we’ll need the results from the main bracket to continue. So Round Four on the primary bracket will start Friday, May 5th, at 12PM EDT (GMT -4).
And now, for some analytics...
Who got the most votes?
ONCE AGAIN, Pippin smashed the competition with 1,909 votes. That’s insane. But also it’s not—I get it. He’s been my blorbo for 20 years. You’re all valid. For reference, though, the person who received the second-most votes this round was Éowyn, and she had 1,117 votes. Pippin had 732 more votes than she did—but of course, her match was more evenly split.
On the losing side, Elrond gave the bracket over to the race of Men with 962 votes. This seems to keep happening to him.
Who got the least votes?
Fëanor has been eliminated with 347 votes this round. I mean, hey. When you’re up against Pippin, there’s only so much you can do. And besides, as many of you pointed out, he’s more of a poor little meow meow than a blorbo.
Which races were the most contentious?
I genuinely didn’t know who was going to win between Boromir and Elrond until the very end. It went back and forth SO many times. But after a very contentious battle, Boromir emerged with a 4% lead.
Aragorn vs. Bilbo was close, with Aragorn winning by 10%... but also, that race had like. Half the number of votes as all the other races. What’s up with that? Every other race had over 2,000 votes total, but this one didn’t even break a thousand.
The race between Éowyn and Merry was close the entire time, but Éowyn managed to hold onto her 12% lead from pretty early on. Did you like the pictures I chose? I thought that was a stroke of evil genius. 😈
Which races were the least contentious?
There were only four races this round, and I’ve already mentioned three of them. The only race that wasn’t a question mark at all was Pippin vs. Fëanor. The creator of the Silmarils, shaper of the First Age of Middle-earth, got absolutely bodied by a four-foot-tall 28-year-old. Great job, Pip.
That’s all for today. Enjoy your rematch. See you tomorrow!
29 notes · View notes
New Records, New Beginnings
A/N: Y’all I haven’t posted a story on here in four months. Four months. I’m genuinely sorry but also first semester of college high key kicked my ass. So here’s a little Christmas gift from me to you, and yes it’s a bit cliche but Hallmark-y type things are what we all love around the holidays (don’t lie, you love those stupid chick flicks too). Hope you guys enjoy! Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Word Count: 2,852 words Warnings: A lot of fluff, like a lot of fluff.
You had spent most of your Saturdays like this, and nothing much had changed.
You would go out around midday after lunch at home, spend time shopping around whether it be physically buying something or just window shopping. It was a way to destress and reward yourself after a week of work that you felt was much deserved.
The only difference now was the increase in people shopping. Around late November and early December your usual shops became more crowded with people trying to find the perfect Christmas presents for everyone they knew. You were at least smart enough to have already completed your shopping for everyone in the first week… except your dad.
The guy who may have been your favorite person in the world also happened to be the one who was hardest to shop for. You loved him dearly, and while yes he did have a wide array of hobby on the spectrum of being a dad, it didn’t make it much easier to shop for him.
So you had landed yourself in a few record stores today, trying to find any album he would like. Generally he wasn’t that picky on music, he loved lots of artists and bands, but combine that with your mentality of record buying being “you better listen to it” and the task was becoming increasingly harder by the second.
You didn’t necessarily notice anyone around you, it was relatively busy given it being a record shop, maybe six to seven other people in the shop, but you were on a mission to find one of the few records you knew was actually worth spending money on given your fathers listening habits. You were also trying to draw away from buying yourself anymore records, given the two you already had snug under your arm.
Gerard, on the other hand, was like any other holiday shopper. Except he managed to be even worse.
He never shopped for Christmas gifts ahead of time, it was always about a week before when he started. He scolded himself every year for doing it, but never found himself changing the habit. So here he was, rushing into a record store and desperately trying to find this one damn record his dad wanted for his birthday… that happened to be tomorrow.
He didn’t scan around, take in any of these new surroundings, instead he promptly led himself to the cashier’s desk, nearly pleading to see if they had it.
“One copy left,” The older man from behind the counter said. He reeked of being pretentious based off of this record hobby, something Gerard found ridiculous when everyone was doing it now. “Back left corner.”

“Great, thanks.” He quickly made his way to the far left aisle and all the way down to where he was instructed to go, eyes scanning over the different bookmarks in-between each album marking a new artist or new letter of artists. He looked up, thankfully seeing you only about three feet away to put the breaks on his legs, but was met with ultimate grief and defeat.
Of course you had to be looking at the same album he needed. And of course, you placed it under your arm with the rest of your records.
So, he had one of two options here: One was to go home defeated, show up tomorrow with some lame card he got at a pharmacy for his dad, and get scolded at by his mother for not being more on top of these things. Second was to approach you, talk to you, and just see if you were willing to let him have it.
But he was bad at talking to girls. Like, really bad.
It was something his friends had joked about before, how he would much rather be reading or drawing than ever talk to a girl. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to (although many times he really didn’t) it was that he felt like he couldn’t. Women were just… hard.
“Um, excuse me.” He spoke up, nerves bundling in his stomach. Hoping this would be an easy interaction for him, he saw you turn around and instantly he regretted everything. You weren’t just a girl… you were a pretty girl. A very, very pretty girl.
“Hm?” You hummed a bit with your eyes growing a bit wide in curiosity. Wow, those eyes, he thought to himself, never seen that color before.
“I’m, um, not trying to be rude or anything,” He began nervously, “But my dad’s birthday is tomorrow and I’ve literally been to four other record stores and no where has the record he wants. This one only has one and you have the last copy so I was wondering-“

“Sure.” You replied before he could even finish, moving your arms a bit to reach for the one you had just grabbed, snugly fit close to your body. “It’s for Christmas anyways, for my dad too, but I have more time to find another one.”

“Really?” He asked, somewhat amazed that you would give this to him, and somewhat amazed that he could speak to you. “I- I really appreciate this, like you have no idea, really.”

“It’s totally fine.” You tightly smiled, “Besides, if not that one I’m sure I can find another one my dad might like.” He nodded.
“Um, thanks again.” He said with a kind smile and mini bow of appreciation which you chuckled at before he walked back to the register.
“Just this?” The same guy at the front asked him. Gerard nodded, placing the record on the counter and searching in his pocket with his other hand for his wallet. “I’m surprised you didn’t at least ask her out.” He mentioned as Gerard grabbed his card from his wallet, head shooting up.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
“I mean, not only were there clearly some sparks, but she gave up the record to a total stranger.” The older man explained, “That’s a new level of nice.”
Gerard looked back briefly at where you were, still browsing but approaching closer to the counter, before awkwardly clearing his throat and swiping his card. As soon as it was approved, he removed it, placing it back in his wallet and grabbing the bag.
“My advice, kid,” The man continued, “Don’t waste up an opportunity like this. The worst she can say is no.”
Gerard stood there for a brief moment stunned, and wondering what to do next. Yes, this stranger had a point about you, but the thought of asking you out despite the fact he really wanted to seemed beyond his ability. But then again, he did ask you for a record. That’s the same thing, right? You could’ve said no then and you could say no now, but that’s the worst that could happen.
With no actual foreseeable good outcome, Gerard retraced his steps to finding his way back to you. This time, you seemed more attentive as he approached you, looking up at him with those same stark eyes again. “I just wanted to say thank you, one last time.” He began, “You really saved me from having to deal with my mom scolding me tomorrow.” You lightly chuckled.
“It’s no problem, really.” You admitted, still with a smile on your face.
“Is there anyway I could pay it back maybe?” He asked, trying to put on some level of confidence, “Like coffee, maybe?”
You seemed a bit taken aback by his request, but after a brief moment of thought, responded, “Sure.”
Gerard could feel his muscles release their tense holding as he took a small breath of relief. “Great, uh, could I get your number, maybe?”

“Yeah, of course.” He handed you his phone as you typed it in, handing it back to him. Y/N, it read, fits her.
“Okay, well, see you soon, Y/N.”

“See you soon-“

“Gerard,” He finished ahead of you.
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“Are you ready, Gee?” You asked from the front door, throwing your keys in your bag and awaiting your boyfriend to appear from the living room.
“Yeah, just a sec.” You could hear the frustration of him fighting with his boot echo throughout the hallway, a rough sigh following afterwards in frustration. “Here.” He finally said after a few more seconds, walking down to you and grabbing his coat from the rack.
Just a year or so ago you would have found it a pretty large disruptions to your average Saturdays had another person been mixed into that equation. But now, Gerard comfortably stood by your side riding along your Saturday activities. He didn’t mind it much, more than happy to play the cart-pusher and attempt to control your irrational purchases, like buying every Christmas scented candle you could get your hands on, or anything that had some sort of a dog or cat on it.
But he found some peace in just walking by you and getting weekly errands done plus having some fun while doing it. He had learned to try many new things on these adventures: tofu for the first time, a face mask, and honey barbecue chips were just a few. But it seemed like most items you gravitated towards said something small about you, which helped him to learn all about you quicker.
It also happened to give him a lot of ideas for presents, which was helpful this time of year. He had already found you a couple hoodies you had fallen in love with, a new pair of slippers, and a few other smaller items, leaving the bigger ones to be more creative and thoughtful.
“I haven’t been here in forever.” You remarked, pulling into the space right in front of your local record store.
“I know, right?” He replied, “It’s just so easy to buy this online.”

“True,” You agreed, shutting the engine off, “But at least local stores have cooler, older things that aren’t crazy upcharged.”
“Also, true.” He smiled, getting out of the car and waiting by the edge for you to get out too.
One nice things about record stores is that they never change all that much. Everything was basically the same here as it was last time, which led to a much more relaxed experience looking through each section. Aside from a few new titles and artists, almost everything sat as it was.
Gerard always kept a close eye on you in these situations. He had learned little hints you gave as to when you wanted something. Eyeing it for a bit longer than usual then gasping a bit, excitedly showing him something with a fun fact about it, maybe even blatantly just saying you wanted it. He kept a mental list of all the things you had wanted, trying to make an effort to check off every one (well, almost, bigger things like a dog were for a later discussion).
But here, in the record store where he met you and you him, where you had managed to save him from a hell of a scolding from his mom, his eyes stayed practically glued to your fingers as you scanned each title, lingering on some for longer than others. He stayed like this a good few minutes but keeping his distance and hoping you wouldn’t notice. He had eventually resorted to sneakily walking around and picking out records you wanted or ones he knew you liked. Again, the mental list of these artists stayed glued to his mind.
He had realized relatively quickly that his hands were getting full. He had picked out six or seven right now and hadn’t even made it a third of his way through the store. He took a sigh, looking back to make sure you were occupied and not looking anywhere near the register, before walking up and placing the records down on the front counter. “Would you mind just holding these behind the counter while I look around a bit more?” He requested, “My hands got kinda full.”

“No problem.” A slightly familiar voice echoed, Gerard looking at the older man behind the counter who was smirking, looking between Gerard and you.
Not thinking much of it, Gerard went back to his shopping habits, picking out record after record. He had gone up for another drop-off trip before you finally approached him, “Hey hon.” Your voice spoke up behind him. He quickly turned around, looking down to see the gorgeous woman he got to call his. “I didn’t find much, I was planning on going to the Target here to grab a few things but it still looks like your shopping.”

“Yeah, I am a bit.” He admitted with a small smile, “Go on without me, I’ll meet you there and pull the car closer to that lot.”

“Ya sure?” You asked, your eyebrows furrowing as they always did when you seemed to genuinely care. He smiled even more with a nod.
“Yeah, I’ll be good here.” You nodded back, giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the store.
Despite the distance making Gerard grow slightly more uncomfortable, and despite the fact he knew well that you were just a few store fronts away, he obliged to the opportunity before him and quickly collected every other record he knew you would want. The ridiculous figure holding at least half a dozen records under each arm was a man in love, every customer silently knew it. Because no one would buy that many records. That was a new level of head over heels.
“All set?” The cashier asked, the wrinkles on his forehead curling up as his smile grew, the question sounding more rhetorical and satire than anything.
“Uh, yeah.” Gerard awkwardly responded at the realization that he looked just a bit like a fool. The pile of albums in front of him stared right back as one by one they were scanned and placed into bags. He questioned how he would just sneak them by you, and with no avail to any answer.
As the total rang through his ears, he quickly slipped his card out of his wallet, handing it over firmly and not turning back. The cashier inched a smile, inserting the card into the machine. “So, things are going well?” He asked. 

“Yeah, ya know, life’s going alright-“

“Especially with the girl.” He commented back before Gerard could finish.
“Yeah, uh, really well.” He awkwardly chuckled at him, his lovesick state clearly clouding his vision at times.
The card reader beeped, allowing the older man to remove the card with the receipt and hand it back to Gerard. “Hey kid, do me a favor.” He requested, Gerard quick to nod his head and grab the bags, “When you guys are considering a song for your first dance, come to me and I’ll buy it for you two on vinyl.” Gerard turned to flustered as his eyes went wide in a moment of shock.
“Oh, um, I’m not sure-“

“You’ll be there.” He smiled from, clicking his ben against the desk, “Trust me.”

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“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” Gerard mumbled into your hair as you stood by your Christmas tree together. It was by no means Christmas, a couple days before, still, but you wanted to make sure to open all of your presents before you each went to your own families for the holiday.
“You too, hon.” You smiled back, tucking further into the arm draped over you his hand rubbing the small of your back. “Presents?” You asked cheerfully, he nodded back with a smile plastered across his face.
“Presents.” He declared back.
It had been a solid 15 minutes of ripping open the wrapping-covered boxes before hitting the last one, one which specifically Gerard requested you do last. You could tell by the shape alone that it was a record, a new one on top of the other stack of new ones next to you, but as you slowly ripped it open you realized what it was. You let out a small laugh as your fingers gripped the side of the two records.
“It’s supposed to make up for last year.” He briefly explained. You looked up at him and smiled.
“It’s perfect. Now I can actually give my dad this.” You replied, “But what about the second one?”

“Oh, I figured you give one to your dad, and then we keep one on hand.” He continued, “It was what caused us to meet.”

“That’s very poetic, Gee.” You softly said, standing up and walking over to his spot on the couch. You cupped his face lightly, leaning down to give him a soft kiss on the lips, which he gladly accepted and he moved his lips against yours. “I love you.”

“Love you too, sweetheart.” He smiled up at you, his hands now gripping your hips. “I figured we could put it up on the mantle somewhere, make sure it’s seen.”

“Sounds perfect.” Your hands delicately ran through his messy hair as he let out a purr of sorts in response, “Even if we never spin it, it’s perfect.”
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extasiswings · 2 years
Do you think it is indeed a choice that means something, or do we buddie shippers just need to start thinking that maybe it won't be happening? I really really hope you are right, but if they keep keeping them apart this whole first half of the season, I just wonder if we need to start being realistic? However why would they start the season with that kitchen scene then... I'm sorry this sounds negative and it is def not, I'm still hopeful, I just wonder if other people feel like this :)
Very simply: yes, it’s a deliberate choice, and not only is it not a cause for concern it’s necessary and should be exactly what leads to Buddie canon.
This season kicked off by throwing down a gauntlet that Buck is missing what is right in front of his face (a conversation that took place while he was literally looking at Eddie and Christopher and cooking for them like a whole-ass husband), that he’s searching for happiness in the wrong places because he can’t see what he already has (or thinks he can’t have it). They proceeded to send him off on a journey about fatherhood specifically (but only the illusion of it—donor, not dad) because of the Diaz Boys of it all, because Eddie and Buck still haven’t talked about the shooting, haven’t talked about the will, and are very much not on the same page about Buck’s actual role in Christopher’s life (aka to Eddie, Buck is Christopher’s other dad, to Buck, he’s only a contingency plan if Eddie dies).
Similarly, we also just got a giant flashing neon sign with Tomorrow—Henren’s queer love story (with shooting parallels galore), in which both of them ended up with a life and new dreams that looked nothing like what either of them originally intended or expected for themselves. The trajectory is LOUD.
The separation of arcs is simply because Buck and Eddie are different characters and because their arcs need to be a little bit separate right now while they’re both figuring things out. It’s partly to increase the dramatic tension and draw it out, but also partly for practical reasons. On one hand, there’s the fact that this is an ensemble show and they have other stories they’re telling and other characters—so they laid the groundwork, pivoted over to Hen for a few episodes, and now they’re pivoting back. On the other, there are legitimate plot and character reasons why they haven’t been involved in what we’ve seen so far (which, to be clear, is really just Animal Instincts). Buck is keeping this a secret deliberately. He went to Hen instead of Eddie deliberately—on a character level, because she has some experience with IVF etc and is a good friend, but also because this is not something he can talk to Eddie about. (By contrast, Eddie wanted Buck to be involved in his issue with Chris—Buck’s his co-parent, Buck is always involved, but Buck was the one pulling away and not letting himself get involved).
Eddie’s going to find out about the sperm donor thing. Probably in the very next episode (Cursed). As far as we can tell, he’s going to be the main (perhaps the only) significant person in Buck’s life to be involved in this storyline directly going forward (since Jen said Maddie hasn’t been involved with it at all). Which makes sense, because they’re on a collision course regarding all things shooting/will/Christopher/feelings-related. So they’re not separated entirely.
If I’m right, Eddie’s going to feel some kinda way about it. And Buck will feel some kinda way about Eddie reacting to it. And that’s what will set the stage for where we’re going in “What’s Your Fantasy?” With “Uncle” Buck babysitting (again, explicitly not being a parent) left once again to think about what he really wants in his life, while Eddie is going through a parenting first with Christopher (and Carla) in a scenario that is a perfect opening for them to circle back to what exactly Carla meant when she told him to follow his heart/what (who) Eddie’s heart really wants.
I strongly suspect we will have a canon confirmation of one form or another (because what it means to “go canon” is entirely subjective to everyone but whether that’s a kiss, some sort of confirmation of feelings (to a third party or otherwise), or whatever is all the same to me) by the midseason or very shortly thereafter, but they won’t actually get together officially until late in 6B (or the finale itself because Buck babygirl we have GOT to get you back in therapy)—which would be very S2 Madney of them. Regardless though, it’s happening. Everything they’re doing points to it happening. We are only 1/3 of the way through the season and this is a season-long arc—just be patient and enjoy the ride, because it’s shaping up to be some damn good storytelling.
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queenklu · 2 years
k-drama reclist!
Hello! While most recent fic is off to the betas and I’m waiting for new inspiration to strike, I thought I would write a love letter to all some of the best shows that have touched my heart this last year or so. As always, these rulings are 100% factual and correct, and categories include such necessary requirements as Is It Gay?, Blorbo Squad,  and Does the boy cry?
Tale of the Nine-Tailed
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Plot: Producer of an urban supernatural tv show with ZERO CHILL keeps finding herself running into Actual Supernatural Beings who mostly try to eat her, except for the weirdest of all, a Nine-Tailed fox who’s working off his debt to the underworld and mostly moping about the death of his long lost love. The first half of this show feels like early spn in the BEST way, and the second half genuinely ruined me for most tv romances. Chemistry? Off the charts. Is it gay? No, but the het romance is so fucking good I forgive it. Do the boy cry? Y E S. Did not realize how starved for Men Feeling Emotions I was until I started watching asian shows, jfc. Women? multifaceted bamfs. Blorbo squad? Yes we ARE actually going to adopt his evil brother kicking and screaming and he will just have to feel some feelings about it. Music? I’m not joking when I say that half of my spotify top ten were songs from this soundtrack. Rewatchability? I’ve watched it twice and would watch again.
Beyond Evil
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Plot: What’s a word for someone who’s SO outta fucks to give that he’s totally fine being suspected of his sister’s murder again because at this point it’s funny? That’s Lee Dongsik, a Been There Done That Detective who’s been kicked back to his shitty home town, which immediately starts popping up murders exactly like his sister’s from 20 years ago! And who should come on the scene but Starving For Affection Being Right Detective Han Juwon who is here to FIND ANSWERS!!(TM!)! Though mostly his methods seem to be marching up to potential murderers and begging them to confess. Anyway this show is a fucking DELIGHT of twists, turns, out-loud gasps, and sizzling hot Will-They-Won’t-They(Arrest Each Other For Murder). Is it gay? MMMMMMYES. Look at that gif! Are they gonna fight? Fuck? Who knows, least of all them! Do the boys cry? mueheheheheheeeeee. multiple times. in the rain. DELIGHTFUL. Women? Multi. Dimensional. What a concept!! No useless love interests! Will fuck you up and egg your car! Blorbo Squad. A+++ food family, work family, fucked up misfits who are going to get each other through this if it kills them. Additional notes: someone on the internet described this show as Hannibal (without cannibalism) + Hot Fuzz, and that is...not inaccurate.
Crash Landing on You
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Plot: When Mega Rich Design CEO Seri accidentally parachutes into North Korea, and is somewhat reluctantly rescued and hidden by an army officer and his squad of blorbos soldiers. This is a really fascinating glimpse into the differences of North and South (and from what the internet says, former North Koreans agree that the depictions are pretty spot-on) and all the ways people are just...people, when it comes down to it. Chemistry? Phenomenal. A slow blossoming of two people who have been injured in very different ways and the ways they can grow together despite increasing difficulties. Blorbos? The best. I miss them. The genuine delight I feel seeing any of these actors again in other shows cannot be expressed. Music? I mean, FUCK, the music is its own character, own plot device, own heartbreak. FUCK. Rewatchability: I’ve watched it twice and I want to watch it again RIGHT NOW. Additional notes: Court Lady Choi AND the King from Mr. Queen are in this show!! MY LOVES!
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Plot: Desperately unemployed millennial accidentally falls off a bridge and winds up in a coma, where he strikes a deal: join the “elite” Grim Reaper Squad trying to prevent suicides, and he’ll get out of his coma faster! WARNING: Because this show deals with suicides in all shapes and forms, this show is not going to be right for everyone. ALSO, because our team leader is going through some shit on her own, I would argue that the first suicide attempt she handles is Not Great. However, she does learn and they all get better together. Do the boys cry? Yes, even the Big Bad (who I think would especially appeal to a certain demographic of tumblr seeing as he looks like a Korean Kylo Ren). Chemistry? BDE (Big Divorce Energy). Women? GOOOOODDD IS A WOOOOMANNN. Also, the women in this are allowed to make bad decisions! Blorbos? Kinda weird that our own entry character into this behind the scenes world winds up as more a blorbo than a main character. This isn’t a complaint, I love him and love seeing this actor again from The King’s Affection. Our giant puppy man WILL make friends with everyone, and that’s a fact. Additional notes: This show is both a good watch and a hard watch. Make sure you’re hydrated and have tissues on hand, especially for ep 9 which fails Does The Dog Die.
Other shows that I have feelings about (but maybe not wholly good feelings) below the cut:
Vincenzo: stunning cinematography, great writing, great blorbos, //absolutely NO chemistry between himself and the leading lady.// It sure says something when the lead male has better a better chance of romance with the leading lady’s dad. For all that, though, the Big Bads were fantastic, the fight scenes were stunning, and the character arc of Vincenzo and his mom was where the actors in this really shone. 9/10
The Devil Judge: I wanted to like this show. The first half was really solid, deliciously gay, and full of found family. But none of the characters actually...grew? Or changed? Ultimately unsatisfying. 6/10
Crowned Clown: STUNNING, PHENOMENAL acting. Prince and the Pauper if the Prince was also a fucking psychopath. Absolutely riveting for nearly all of it, but the last episode works too hard to shoehorn the story back into plausible historical fiction, and it loses a lot of impact for it. Yeo Jin-goo (also from Beyond Evil, Hotel Del Luna) REALLY flexes all of his astounding acting muscles in this and pulls off the coin flip of both characters flawlessly. TW: for rape of a young teen, near rape of the queen. 9/10
Hotel Del Luna: Since I mentioned it above, there was one point where I was watching HdL and CC at the same time and Did Not Realize Yeo Jin-goo starred in both of them??? Part my own face blindness, part completely different contexts. TBH I enjoyed everything about this show except for the last 20 minutes, which fucked up an otherwise deeply impactful ending. This is a show about death, revenge, growth, and moving on. I also didn’t feel like the main ship was all that good, but the blorbos will be with me for a good long while. 8/10
The Rookie Historian: Do Not Watch This Show. jfc. Everything good about the premise (Prince who writes romance! Girl who hates his books!) was wiped off the map within the first few episodes. If this show had been a tight 8 eps the pacing wouldn’t have been so off? But it was grueling by the end and we gave up and read a synopsis of the last four eps. Did not feel like we had missed out by quitting early, should have quit even sooner. 2/10
My Only Love Song: Pure fluff, but pretty fun fluff if you’re looking for something light. The time traveling van was the best part of this show, and needed more air time. 7/10
100 Days My Prince: Thoroughly enjoyable! Delightful use of face blindness as a plot point! Main ship cute as hell! OHO! 9.5/10
My Shy Boss: Some fuckery near the end, but mostly pretty solid. GREAT Phantom of the Opera vibes, no real bad guy only bad choices made by delightfully complex people! Maybe the true friends were the anxiety disorders we tackled along the way. 9.5/10
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bihansthot · 1 year
Now, I need your help!! I know you have tattoos, and I might be getting my first ever one tomorrow, on my shoulder. I’m getting my sons Birth flower. Do you have any on the shoulder? Like what exactly does it feel like, what should I be expecting going into this???
Congrats love! That’s so exciting! Hmmm I don’t have one in that particular area but so do have one one my chest which is very boney so it might be comparable? It honestly didn’t bother me much at all, but everyone handles pain very differently. It’s bit of a slightly burning, slightly pinching kind of scratching sensation? It’s very hard to describe but I didn’t find it unpleasant, it’s very similar to hard scratching with your fingernails. I’m actually getting my third this Friday and I’m very excited as I’m finally getting a Mortal Kombat one! I will say if you’re doing the boney part of your shoulder it’s going to hurt more then the fleshy bit because anything on bone hurts more. My chest tattoo goes almost all the way to my bellybutton and the base of my sternum was noticeably more painful than the rest of my tattoo. The one I have on my hip I barely felt, it was very relaxing almost, I should probably disclose though that I’m a bit of a masochist and no stranger to pain so discomfort doesn’t really bother me. Having blood drawn or an IV hurts far more than a tattoo IMO piercings also hurt more to me but I have several of them too. If you’re concerned about the pain they do make numbing creams but I’ve never used one so I don’t know if they work well or not. Just make sure you are well hydrated and have eaten before your appointment which is very important so you don’t faint or have any other issues. Aftercare is extremely important too! Aquaphor is a live saver! It helps keep the tattoo hydrated and keeps it from itching so much which speaking of itching do not do it! Don’t itch it! You may permanently damage your skin and the tattoo if you do. Make sure you follow your aftercare instructions from the artist as it’s been about 7 years since I’ve had one and they might make better products now. Try your best to be relaxed during the process it will hurt less the more relaxed you are, tensing makes everything hurt more. Take frequent breaks if you need to and don’t be afraid to communicate with your artist if you need a break, don’t try and force it! Pain after the tattoo is usually quite minimal but you might want an ibuprofen or two if you can take them. Try to avoid painkillers or aspirin before your tattoo though as it may lead to excessive bleeding. Also make sure the area is well cleaned and don’t use any lotion or sunscreen beforehand, make sure you clean it properly afterwards as there’s an increased chance of infection. Most of all though enjoy it! It’s beautiful you’re getting an expression of your love for your son! Meaningful tattoos are always gorgeous and I can’t wait to see it when it’s done! Hope this helped lovely! 💙
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neptunefairytales · 2 years
Thasmin Watching P.2 (DW Magazine stuff)
I’m posting the second part of the “Thasmin Watching” from the DWM (the third and last part will follow shortly)
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“This episode very pointedly puts the kibosh on any previous hints of flirtation between Yaz and Ryan, with Ryan asking Yaz to set him up with her sister. “I could be your brother-in-law”, he says. “I’d be a good brother-in-law”.”
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“When the Doctor tells her friends that she comes from a planet called Gallifrey, it’s Yaz who immediatly ask for a trip to see the Doctor’s home.”
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“Having lost her beloved Benni forever, Vilms sacrificed herself so that Yaz can live. Is this because she knows love when she sees it?”
Aww my heart...
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“Yasmin’s relief when the Doctor appears on the Skithra ship. Later, Yasmin shows her loyalty to the Doctor by going along with he assurances to Tesla that he has a great future ahead of him.”
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“When all the fam are watching the Doctor at the console, Yaz is the one who knows just how long they’ve been watching her for.”
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“Oh dear, the patnership splits upin this episode -the Doctor is a  sucker for a scientist, and so simpatico with Suki (until she turns out to be the baddie). Meanwhile, Yaz heads off with Gabriela, telling the Doctor to come back for her in a hour.”
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“Not a lot to watch this time, but Yaz’s frustation with the Doctor’s inaccurate piloting at the beginning has a define ‘old married couple’ vibe.”
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“Miss Clairmont discusses her frustrations over Byron’s ambiguous feelings towards her, saying, “His answers only increase the enigmz.” Yaz replies, “I know someone like that”. Claire asks if Yaz would trade her enigmatic person for someone reliable and dull, to which she can only respond, “My person’s a bit different”.
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““We”re not just gonna leave you,” Yaz says ti the Doctor - but they’re forced to do so. Later, this gives us a chance to see how Yaz has developed her ‘What would the Doctor do?’ philosophy: “We’re gonna keep all of you safe. We’re gonna find the Doctor. And we’re gonna take them Cybermen down”.”
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Yaz leads the others in their attemps to rescue the Doctor. Later, she tries to stop the Doctor leaving to detonate the Death Particule, both ot them tearful at the parting.”
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Captain Jack’s heart-to-heart with Yaz about the joy and pain of travelling with the Doctor is delivered with the wistful sadness of someone who’s been there too.”
That’s it for today! I’ll try to post the last tomorrow ;) Please don’t repost my pics, and don’t forget to reblog, it’s what keeps fandoms alive. ^^
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angeltreasure · 2 years
Hi sister, I hope that you're having a blessed lent and that your puppy's surgery went well! I had a question, if that's okay. I wanted deeply to be a nun, my heart was really on fire for that vocation. But due to being disabled by severe mental illness, I was told no. Are there other ways I could be deeply involved in mysticism and the life of the church, bearing in mind my disability? I've thought about volunteering to help with cleaning the church but worry that I wouldn't be trusted due to my psychiatric history. Thank you, may God bless you ✝️💟
Hello there!,
I used to dread Lent in the past for a long time, but this year I finally cherish it more! It’s been really good so far. Thank you! He is resting by my side as I type to you. He had a removal of three spots with a laser, so one paw even has a cast that we’ll take off tomorrow. No throwing up so far, so the medicine is working good. I hope your Lent is going well! I’m sorry you were turned away from others because of your mental illness. Don’t loose hope though. Even though you may not be able to be a nun, you are still a very important to the church, because there are many parts to one body. I would ask your priest just the same to see if there is something you can join. Sometimes we don’t know until we ask. If he turns you away, don’t fear. There are many ways you can still help. You can:
- keep the Commandments. Go to Confession if ever needed.
- try to go to Mass every Sunday. If you’re able to, you can go more than once a week. The Mass is the highest form of prayer.
- donate food to the poor
- you can donate clothing to help cloth others
- money to families in need
- help a family member iron sheet linens used for Mass
- you can can make sure your pew is clean when you’re ready to leave Mass
- you can buy flowers to decorate your church
- you can light a candle to say a prayer for a loved one or maybe your whole church. If lighting a candle is too dangerous for your condition, there are stores that sell fake candles that are powered by simple batteries.
- you can smile at everyone around you when you go to Mass. sometimes a smile is the start of peace. That smile can make such a difference to others especially a visitor.
- you can give a little snack to the homeless. Even if it’s just a tiny water bottle or a little snack bar. You can also give them something like a Rosary, prayer card, or picture you can print out of Jesus.
- if you can’t make it to Mass in person on hard days, remember you can watch one online or listen to one on the radio. You can offer that Mass as a prayer for someone you know who needs prayers.
- pray for the souls of Purgatory any day of the year
- make the sign of the cross before leaving your house
- bless yourself and loved ones with Holy Water
- I volunteered to join groups not present specifically in my church like the Rosary group (we pray one Rosary each day) and a vocation society (I pray for all the vocations in my diocese to help others). Maybe there is one you can find online too.
- you can start a Bible study with parents, siblings, other family, friends, schoolmates, and even coworkers. It doesn’t have to be fancy. The Holy Spirit will help guide you.
- you can call others around for coffee and donuts after church
- you can read Lives of the Saints by Fr Alban Butler. There is a saint written for each day in his book that can inspire you in finding your unique path to holiness to become a saint in Heaven. In fact there are many books on the saints that are quite interesting!
- you can listen to hymns even if you don’t know the words in other languages
- there are many novenas and litanies you can find. Maybe you can pray for others.
- I like watching documentaries and movies about the saints and religious orders. Those can be fun! It can give you a glimpse into their life.
- make time for prayer each day. Start small. It can be just when you wake up or right before going to bed. Increase the time when you feel comfortable.
- sometimes I like spending time outside of churches looking at the statues and sitting in the gardens. This can be a great source of comfort to calm yourself.
- Eucharist Adoration in person is amazing no matter how much time you spend in it! Many saints have benefited from it. If you can’t go in person, you can find a video of one on YouTube.
- although it is not required, you can explore the idea of covering your head. There are many ways from headbands, scarfs, mantillas, veils, hats, and more! Don’t head-cover for fashion alone, but only for loving God. It can be very beautiful. Our Blessed Mother covered her head too.
- find a saint you can learn a lot from. You may find more than one at different times in your life. You may want to learn about St. Thérèse of Lisieux! Her “little way” may be of great inspiration.
- collecting Holy cards or pictures can be fun and used to pray about Bible stories! You could even do both… For example, find a picture of a similar Bible story of the Gospels then take out your Bible to read that story.
- read a little bit of the Bible each day (or listen to it). Start as small as one verse. Anyone is welcome to it. I highly recommend starting at the Gospels.
- buy or make a small book/notebook of your favorite prayers. Use it when you need it and share it them with others.
- remember to take care of yourself too. Eat healthy and get exercise. You body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Hope those can be a great way to start! Don’t feel pressured to do them all at once. Find one that works best for you and see how you bloom. May God bless you. 😊🕊️ 🌹
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plusultranumber1 · 2 years
My Thoughts on Eden of the East EP 1, 3, 4, 5
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The story has intrigued me up until this point, and I like the current path the story seems to be taking. I’m enjoying the unfolding of the mystery of Takizawa and relating to the experiences of Saki. The series seems to be addressing the larger consequences of the generational trend that seem to be plaguing youth of today. At the moment, it seems as though the main driving force of the plot is making the world a better place through different means. 
I can relate, as I’m sure others in my age group can attest, to the predicament we’ve been put in, where the pressure to lead a successful life after graduation seems to become increasingly harder. Having to deal with the increasing difficulty of breaking into the job market and making something of our lives as previous generations before us has been a consistent struggle. In the first few episodes, a constant in both Takizawa and Saki’s world is trying to figure out a way to succeed in a game they were forced into, in Takizawa’s case to improve society, and in Saki’s to find a good job. Both trying to make the most of their situation, and still coming up short. This mirrors the sentiment discussed in Mouer’s Work Culture, which mentioned the trend in the 1990s where some believed that the Japanese were losing the drive to work hard as upward mobility was limited, and a sense of class conflict had given way to alienation. The oppressive societal norm of being expected to immediately step into adulthood can be a daunting task, and it is clear that rebelling against the status quo is at the heart of the anime.  
Another aspect of the anime I related to was the need to outsmart the system in order to gain what you want. Takizawa says to Saki that you must figure out how the game is played so you can get what you want. This reflects the mindset of many in the younger generation having to think smarter in order to gain a better position. Saki brings up a trend in her country of feeling that they can't do anything for themselves, and her experience of being treated poorly at the job interview leads her to try something daring and go along with Takizawa to try a different way to make her way. Moure’s discussion of NEETs(not in employment, education, or training) and the larger “fujitta” phenomenon, which is featured in the anime, shows the deviation from the corporate sector into a more individualistic approach. She rejects shady corporations' message for the youth of today to pave the way for tomorrow, as she sees it really means that they need people to take advantage of. I think the theme of working for oneself compared to working for the greater economy in the traditional sense is going to play a major role in driving the plot moving forward.
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the-arctic-beatles · 2 years
The Tiniest of Sparks Came Into View [and then, you gave me hope again.] [1/?] [Buddie]
Title: The Tiniest of Sparks Came Into View [and then, you gave me hope again.]
Pairing: Eventual Buddie
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Angst [TW: Domestic Violence, Blood, Injuries]
Words: 705
Prompt/Summary: Trying again was hard. Maybe others made it just a little bit easier.
Author’s Note: Angst time. Because I can’t write fluff forever, even if y’all want me to. Bwahaha. Please keep the TW’s in mind, and steer away if this isn’t for you! Stay safe! xoxo -X
Edit: Also, if you’d like to prompt me, please send me a message on here or my ao3! You’ll find me on ao3 here!
Sometimes, the signs that someone wasn’t okay were obvious. A bruise on their face, a sudden meekness to their behavior, or the inability to spend time with others outside of work were a few that Eddie could recognize.
Buck showed none of these.
In fact, he was the opposite. He was still spending time with everyone – both at work and outside of work – and seemed to be spending more time with his loved ones. From what Eddie could tell, he had no physical marks on his face, arms, or legs. He would later scold himself for not thinking that not all wounds could be seen.
As for meekness? Buck was always a little insecure, so if that had changed? Eddie hadn’t noticed. Maybe he should’ve looked closer, seen if there was even a microgram of difference. Maybe then, nothing would have happened.
Or maybe it would have, and the speculation would still be the same.
He’d still blame himself.
Eddie grumbled as he heard his phone go off, vibrating in tune with his ringtone on the nightstand. The clock next to said cell phone read 3:15 am, the bright red numbers glaring angrily at him. He felt like ignoring it; listening to the voicemail in the morning would be preferable, but something in his gut told him to answer.
He picked up the offending device, his heart rate increasing when he saw Buck’s name. His contact photo was blurred in his early morning sleepiness, but he knew it was a picture of Buck and Chris at the park. “’lo?” he answered, trying to sound as awake as possible.
All he heard on the other end was a low-pitched whine.
“Hello? Buck?”
Quieter this time was a cough, followed by another whine.
Eddie sat straight up. If it was physically possible, his heart would’ve flown out of his chest and sank to the ground. “Evan, can you hear me? Are you okay?”
“…sorry, Eds. I…” A cough. “I didn’t mean to call you. S-sorry if I woke you.”
“Evan, wait, I-” The sound of Buck hanging up cut him off, and he sighed. What happened just now? Was Buck okay? Every instinct was telling him to run to Buck’s loft and find out what happened but knew his best friend would only get stubborn if he was pushed too hard. They both worked the same shift tomorrow; he would ask then.
Eddie fell back into bed, covering his eyes with one arm. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Hopefully, tomorrow wouldn’t be too late.
A cup of coffee clicked beside Eddie as he was lacing up his shoes in the locker room, and he turned to see who placed it there. “Buck.” He breathed a quiet sigh of relief – at least he was alive. “Good morn-”
“Sorry.” Buck looked down, sitting next to his friend on the bench. His hands were clasped tightly around his own coffee cup, squeezing it. “About last night, I mean.”
“Why? You know you can always call me if you need anything.”
“I don’t need any help.” The words slipped out quickly – too quickly, Eddie noted. “It… it was just an accident. I… left my phone open watching a movie last night. Must’ve… rolled onto it when I fell asleep and called you.”
Eddie frowned. If he’d used any other excuse, he just might have believed him. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He picked up the coffee beside him. “You look… really tired.”
Buck just shrugged. “I didn’t really sleep that well.”
“Look, if you need to talk-”
“Eddie, I’m fine. Really.” His best friend’s eyes were bright and shining, as if pleading with him to just drop it. “I just didn’t sleep well. I promise.”
“I- okay.” He nodded. “I’m here if you need anything. That’s my promise.”
“I know.” Buck stood, clapping Eddie on the shoulder. “Thanks.”
When Buck walked away, Eddie felt himself tear up and his face grow hot. Buck was covering for something or someone. He was hurting for some reason and didn’t feel as if he could talk about it.
Eddie would make it his mission to find out what was wrong with Buck.
Who was hurting his Buck.
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praiseinchains · 1 month
Gratitude Journal Entry (8/23/24)
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Today I’m Grateful For:
*After receiving some bad news yesterday regarding my health, my parents encouraged me to go out to lunch with them to get me out of my mind for a bit. I’m grateful that they did that, because I had a nice time. We went to the VFW (my dad’s the chaplain there) and we had chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy
*My brother and I spoke a bit online yesterday. I’ve not been feeling well enough to want to speak with anyone on the phone, so the few exchanges we had online were nice, even if all we did was joke around, lol!
*In 2019 is when my health took a huge nosedive. We’d lived here for 2 years, and those years were fine – nothing noteworthy. But in 2019 I really began to struggle. When my doctor found an abnormal heartbeat on the EKG she sent me to the ER. Long story short, I had my thyroid medication increased, was referred to a cardiologist, and was given antibiotics for what the doctors believed was pneumonia. After suffering for several years with what we thought were heart problems, I received the true answer as to what’s been going on. Despite my symptoms, every heart test my cardiologist did showed that nothing was really wrong with my heart other than PSVT (a type of tachycardia) and skipped heartbeats. He really wanted me to see a pulmonologist because he said that my symptoms seem more aligned with that, and pulmonary issues can masquerade as heart issues. Anyway, last month I had a test done and while I didn’t have asthma (as was originally believed) the test shows I have severe neuromuscular weakness of the spirometry (respiratory) muscles. Fancy way of saying that the muscles that control my breathing are weak. Out of 100%, my muscles are only functioning at 48%. Like the rest of my health issues, this has been a gradual thing, so I’ve not even realized that my breathing has gotten so bad – it just feels normal to me now. While it’s scary to think about and scary to realize just how much my NMO is affecting me, I’m grateful that I finally have an answer as to why I’ve been having the issues I’ve been having with breathing. This certainly explains why I can’t exercise, but it’s annoying all the same because I LOVE exercise, and I like to stay in shape. If only my first pulmonologist had done that test when I saw her a couple of years ago, things might have been different. This isn’t something that just happened – this has been going on for a while and it would have shown up on a test had she performed it. But I now know, and I’m committed to working on getting it better, if only a little.
Something I’m Proud Of.
*I’ve not done this for a bit (due to feeling unwell and just being so tired and simply not wanting to) so I’m proud that I’m making it a priority to do it. I really need to start making it a priority again. Even if I’m tired or not feeling well, I can still put something.
*When I got the news about my health, I stayed composed (I don’t think it had fully hit me yet, actually – not until I told my parents) and began coming up with a way to hopefully strengthen my muscles. The first thing that came to mind was pulmonary rehabilitation therapy and my doctor jumped right on board. After reading up more on it, I’m very encouraged that this could help. I’m very pleased that there’s a clinic in the town where we go all the time. If I’m able to get in, I’ll go three times a week for 6 weeks and I’m excited at that. I can come up with things to look forward to on the days I go to therapy. Anyway, I’m proud of myself for being proactive and finding something that might help.
Tomorrow I’m Looking Forward To:
I just love Saturdays, so I’m just looking forward to it in general. Even though I don’t work, my mind is still in that work mode and doesn’t really allow itself to fully relax until Saturday. Perhaps we might be able to eat out for breakfast :-)
Daily Affirmation:
I am resilient and proactive, finding strength in every challenge I face.
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freyito · 4 months
I’m so sorry if this is rude, but do you ever plan to update your queue post? I think some of the stuff on it might be stuff you’ve posted, but I’m not sure
ik u said to ignore this anon but ACTUALLY im gonna use this to my advantage. this isn't me like yelling at you lol just so you know. just to reiterate a couple things
the first is i am missing a couple asks on my queue post and i do essentially queue everything the minute i see i got an ask or i get an idea. normally i delete them off my queue or on my pinned post when i finish them (unless they were never on there which kinda happens a lot ((fics and ideas that just. hit me and dont let go)), but i do post a lot late at night and normally when that happens i update my queue and my masterlist the next day over cause i am too sleepy!!!!!
second is since im getting a lot more followers (like a lot more than i thought id get for such self indulgent pieces lol and even as a m! writer in general tbh) i want everyone to know what i said above!!!! BUT ALSO i dont rlly have a set schedule and i try and write when i can. i did JUST get a job so im still kinda learning to balance my writing and stuff like that since they haven't really given me a consistent schedule. so lowkey half the time i'll be like "new fic tomorrow". and then there is NOT a new fic that day. sometimes i just get rlly excited to post a fic and then i space out for a while, that happens a lot when youve got mad adhd and like sooo many things you can do and want to do!! that you just . do nothing.
i also tend to be overambitious (those who have read my fics since i first posted know lol and also my moots) so i'll like load up my queue with all these ideas and then a month later i'll delete some cause i like. totally forgot.
i also have had a couple of gripes with asks i get... which i hope i dont sound rude T_T. LIGHTNING ROUND THO!!!
i've had a couple of anons (before AND now) drop essentially the same ask (same anons), and i know i don't outright say which ask is which cause i try my best to give fics genuine titles, but just know i dont rlly delete asks !!!!!! unless they are against the rules
ON THAT NOTE!!! i urge everyone to pleaaaase read my rules waghhh!!!! i've gotten a lotta asks about a pregnant reader (specifically!!!!). i'm not here to yuck anyones yum at all but i myself am uncomfy with writing pregnancy (simply cause its a huge fear of mine lol). genuinely that is like the ONLY rule people gloss over (granted i need to update my rules uber soon). that doesn't mean i wont write stuff where reader and character adopt kids or whatever, just no pregnancy nothing like that
i've also had anons/people in my inbox ask "when will x fic come out" or ""check up"" on fics. please know that i am working on everything on my own time!!!! i try my very best to drop fics in order of my queue and i do prioritize requests!!!! but there are days where suddenly i am not feeling an ask or a fic i'm writing so to avoid burn out and fatigue and just overall producing a soulless piece i work on a different piece.
i'm also currently switching from headcanons & drabbles to mainly oneshots, cause i've just had a lot more fun writing bigger and proper pieces!!! that doesn't mean i won't write hcs/drabbles when i see fit ofc, but due to this lowkey like 80% of my asks went from "haha silly little drabble" to full on oneshots (and some even full on fics!). so my writing and ""production"" time has been significantly increased.
also another thing of note: over time i've kinda just slowed down if not halted completely on writing fics for fem readers... the Robin one will most likely be my last x Fem! reader simply cause it feels odd for me to write fem reader all of a sudden. mainly cause i am . a boy lol and i did start this account to write for male readers (cause especially after coming out several years ago it was just so hard to find x male readers yk??). I won't be deleting x fem reader requests cause lowkey they are all kinda bangersss so most of the time I will default to gn reader or switch to male reader as i see fit..
also lowkey circling back to the queue and masterlist in general, all my masterlists have a date at the very bottom for when i updated them o7
That was a LOT I AM SO SORRY.... but lowkey had to get a couple things out there T_T i think it's kinda cause i just switched up on mk and went into hsr so fast so my asks def have a different vibe in general lol...
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