#i’m just curious a little hmmmmm
porcelainvino · 5 months
if i ever accept commissions…. would you guys ever commission me……..
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 2 months
please lee lucifer i want a cute, ticklish lucifer!
These people could be Alastor and Charlie, and I think the reason for the tickling might be because Charlie sees his father a little sad. Lucifer was in a bad mood that day. Anyway, Charlie is upset because he hates it when his father is sad, and seeing Charlie upset, Alastor wants to know why, and Charlie asks Alastor for help to make his father happy! I would be very happy if you write, thank you!
Hmmmmm, love the depressed, autistic dads lmao
I gotchu
Lee!Lucifer, Ler!Charlie & Ler!Alastor. (Mentioned AdamsApple)
Light of My Life
Lucifer laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Everything had been going great, so why was he feeling so… so numb? He hated days like this, especially since he had promised to hang out with Charlie! Since Adam was busy trying to reconnect with his own kids, which of course Lucifer supported! 100%! But… He wished his lover was here… God, that’s selfish isn’t it? 
Luci sighed and found the energy to pick up his phone and text his daughter, telling her that he couldn’t hang out. He didn’t really say why, and he knew it would make Charlie curious. That’s… Kinda what he was hoping for…
Charlie felt her phone vibrate and looked at the text, she got concerned instantly. Her dad canceled? That was rare nowadays, before he did it more times than she could count but now? He never, and I mean Never, canceled. For the reason of wanting to repair their relationship. So, this was concerning.
“Is everything alright, dear?” The Radio Demon asked, his head tilted curiously.
“O-Oh! Al, hey, I didn’t see you there! I’m doing fine, it’s just my dad-..” She paused upon seeing the deer demon's ears twitch curiously.
“Whatever could be the problem with the King of Hell himself?” Alastor asks with a slightly more sinister smirk.
“I’m not sure, he just canceled our hang out though. Which is so unlike him nowadays…” The Princess of Hell says with a sigh, putting her phone away. “I’m gonna go check on him…”
“Well, let me join you! I’ve been in need of some new entertainment” Alastor says with a smirk, his hands behind his back.
“*Sigh* Fine, but don’t mess with him, okay?”
“Well… That’s a lot less Fun, but fine.”
The two walked over to Lucifer’s quarters of the hotel, knocking on the door. There was a soft groan and response and the door opened magically, so they entered. Charlie let out a soft gasp at her fathers current condition.
Lucifer was curled up in bed, his hair a mess, wearing ducky pajamas. His room was messed up as well, lots of rubber ducks scattered around as well as random little notes, since he wasn’t the best at remembering things.
“Oh gosh, dad… I didn’t think things got this bad… What happened..?” Charlie asks, sitting on the bed by her father.
“Heyy, Char…. I’m just… Having one of those days… Sorry, I-I canceled on ya… I-I-I-... I just can’t today…” Luci mutters with a shaky sigh, not able to look his daughter in the eye.
Alastor remained silent, he felt… Conflicted. Concerned even… He’s never seen the King of Hell himself so low, it just reminded him that anyone could be vulnerable, no matter how powerful.
“Dad, it’s fine, trust me. I just wanna make sure you’re okay… I-I know you said things were bad when you were alone, so…- I’m here, Dad” The princess of hell says as she pulls her dad into a hug, who gratefully hugs back. Though, she accidentally squeezed Lucifer’s sides, who in response, let out a squeak (That sounded similar to a rubber duck). 
Both Alastor and Charlie perked up a little and shared a softer smile as they looked at each other then back to a now nervously-giggling king.
“W-Wahait-.. Charlie. Charlie, no… No….. NO- Chaharlie!” The fallen angel burst into bright, bubbly giggles as he felt his daughter’s fingers scribble over his sides.
“Maybe this will cheer you up!” Charlie says with a smile.
“While normally, I may not be the biggest fan of yourself, your highness, I do have to say… This is quite the adorable sight.” Alastor says with a smirk as he gently takes hold of Lucifer’s wrist and starts tracing his claw over his hand and palm.
“Ehehehe! Ohoho gohosh! C-Chahar, EEP! Ahalastor!” The fallen angel squeaked and giggled but didn’t pull away, because it was actually working. It was helping…
“Tickle tickle, dad! Aww, your laugh is actually really cute!”
“I must agree with you, Charlie! It's not something I would’ve expected from the King of Hell himself!”
“Ohoho gohoodness mehe! Ihihi- Ehehehahaha! *Hic!* O-Okahay- Okahay, Chahaharlie! Naha- Nononono NOhoho”
Suddenly both Charlie and Alastor got a face full of feathers, it even knocked Alastor over onto the floor. Lucifer quickly folded up his wings, feeling slightly bad but also giggling slightly.
“Oof-! My goodness-... That was quite rude, if I do say so myself” Alastor says sarcastically, standing up and dusting himself off.
“Ah! I’m sorry-” Luci says with a soft smile.
“It’s alright, dad. Are you feeling better..?” The Princess of Hell asks with a slight smile.
“Yeah, yeah… Thanks, Char. You’re the best” The King of Hell says as he hugs his daughter, who happily hugs back.
“But… This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook” 
“Ohh… no” 
“Welp, that’s my que to leav-”
Let’s just say, revenge was happily served.
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sinsandsweetness · 10 months
I adore your mood boards. And honestly your guts to post all of the smutty goodness that you post. I still do some thing’s anonymously just because my anxiety. But anyways, someone posted an ask and a response fic to it in a different fandom and I just…. Guh. I have to send this to you. and
the boys… (yeah the boys: Rick, Daryl, Shane, Merle, Negan) catch you masturbating. In their shirt, or in their vest, shorts, or their bed, or in their truck, etc. how would they react? I’m curious to see the scenario. Or have I asked this before? I send in so many asks I’m surprised you aren’t sick of me already…. 🫣☠️
Or, their reactions to being referred to as, “My boyfriend.” (Or my husband? Hmmmmm I don’t think anyone really gets married in the apocalypse they just move in and take on a last name eventually? Or is that just a Rick/Michonne thing?)
shit, I should go write my own smutty goodness, but my dopamine is so unpredictable. Ugh.
I could never get sick of you! I definitely have a few asks of yours in my inbox that I want to expand on so don’t think I’m ignoring them!
I was definitely nervous at first to post such smutty filth, but it turns out there’s a decent amount of people who seem to enjoy it. I think fanfic in general can be such a great form of escapism. Even smutty stuff can be really healing so I definitely enjoy writing no matter how “adult” the content is. I also think the wonder of Tumblr is that it still is pretty anonymous:) no one here knows me irl so that definitely helps when it comes to being open and gutsy with what I post hahah.
As far as your concepts… I love. I actually have a masturbation fic already started in my drafts so I’ll use this to answer the second half of your ask.
Here’s a quick rundown of how I think the boys would react to you calling them your “boyfriend”:
Rick: he’d get that cocky little smirk he has and wrap his arm around you even tighter. Exuding that, “Yup. that’s right. You’re mine,” kind of attitude.
Shane: I think Shane’s reaction would be really similar to Ricks, he’d look at you with a sexy little smirk. Maybe grabbing your leg under the table and giving it a nice squeeze. Hinting that he’s definitely going to make you repeat it later in the bedroom.
Daryl: I think he would freeze up a little. Like his brain would stop for a split second and he’d look all confused. Thinking to himself, “Boyfriend? Did they really just say boyfriend?”. And at the realization that yes, you did just call him your boyfriend, he’d probably blush a little. Internally having heart palpationsa but trying to play it cool and not let you or anyone else see how giddy it makes him feel.
Negan: if you called him your boyfriend I think he’d feel offended. He’d interrupt the conversation and make you repeat what you said, only correctly this time. “Sorry, uh, my husband…” you’d stammer out, biting back a smile. Secretly loving how defensive he is about the title.
Merle: I think Merle wouldn’t say anything in the moment, but when you’ve left the function or are out of earshot from whoever you were speaking to, he’d turn to you and ask “Boyfriend? Thought you said you didn’t like labels.” “Yeah, well it’s a lot easier than saying I fuck you three times a week and put up with your bullshit so… yeah. Boyfriend it is.” And he’d just laugh in agreement, wrapping an arm around you as the two of you continue to walk home.
(Also, please do write some smutty goodness. I’d be happy to read it<3 )
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muav99 · 11 months
Drunk confessions with Hyunjin💋
Pt 1. Continued story- Bestfriends to lovers, Hyunjin x reader, Teasing, Good girl kink, Drunk but consensual acts
Flashback to the night prior..
You and hyunjin were having a sleepover!
It wasn’t a rare occasion as you two were nearly attached to the hip. Seeing each other everyday nearly. But nonetheless it was still a fun idea. You headed to the gas station to pick up some snacks.
He grabbed the Soju and you grabbed the Ramen and Tteokbokki. Perfect. And a bag of Cheetos just cause.
You assumed the 4 bottles you got would be fine just for sampling each flavor.
Wrong. Dead wrong.
2 hours later you were screaming Karaoke and the bottles are on the floor all empty except one. Hyunjin giggling and dancing along to your song.
After you’re finale you crashed to the floor a laughing mess.
“Y/n y/n stay sitting down please” hyunjin laughs
“Okayyyy” you respond
“Hmmmmm lets play a game” hyunjin says
“Amazing idea”
“What about we take this last bottle and play truth or drink?” He suggests playfully cocking his eyebrow up and down
“Oh deal hwang” you say and grab the bottle out of his hand
“Okay y/n, so. would you sleep with any of the guys?” He asks giving you that sassy look he always makes
“No” you say almost immediately
“Not even felix?” He teases
“Mmmmm as much as he’s hot, I’m not into him” you say
“Who are you into then?”
“Was that the question?” You sassily respond cocking your head to the side
*He dramatically throws his head back and groans
“Fine. You go.”
“Hyunjin, what’s your ideal type?” You ask kind of curious
“You” he says seriously
“I……..” you go silent
“HA KIDDING” he screeches laughing “Oh I got you y/n”
“Haha ha yeah” you cough out a fake laugh still very shocked and confused. Hyunjin’s one to joke but that felt off. Nevermind. He’s just drunk, so are you.
“Y/n what turns you on?” Hyunjin asks bringing back that cocky look in his eyes
“Ew you don’t need to know” you take a shot
“Awwww come on y/n don’t be a wimp, just one thing” he says pleading
“I already took a shot hyun why…..”
He interrupts you by moving a whole lot closer
This is definitely not a friend conversation but okay. You cant deny hyunjin’s puppy dog gaze.
*sigh* You look him in the face “Well….if you must know. Like dirty talk. Or more specifically like positive responses”
“Like what?”
“Why do you…”
“Im just curious” he says breathing on your face a little closer then before
“Ur a perv”
“UGH like good girl, or you’re doing so well or something like that”
“Ohhhhhh i see” he says
“Now lay off and you take a shot too for pestering me.” You say arms crossed making an annoyed face at him
He swigs a big sip of the soju
“Hyunjin, why are you looking at me like that?”
His gaze upon your face is intense. You swear he’s looking from your eyes to your lips to your chest??? But its hard to tell because the whole room is spinning.
“Do you want me to drink again?” He asks you
“Well its that or answer the question”
“Im not sure you want the answer”
“Oh” you start to put it all together in your jumbled brain
Well. Now you’re kinda too curious. You can’t deny you’ve always felt a little something for him. I mean have you seen HIM??
“Tell me” you say hesitantly still unsure of your choice
“Because you’re my ideal type.” He says staring into your eyes
You gulp, anxious about what to even say blankly staring at him in shock
“See Im sorry never….nevermind” he says scooting away from you looking upset
You grab his hand
He looks at your hands then up at you
“I just…..how am I supposed to even respond to that. You’re like my best friend and obviously gorgeous but I don’t wanna ruin anything and we’re VERY drunk so…..”
He puts a finger on your lips to stop your rambling
“Do you like me?”
“I mean…….yeah I do”
“Then nothing else matters” he whispers moving back real close to you
He leans in and pulls you in for a deep kiss. His lips taste like cherries and alcohol. And god he can kiss. You always assumed he could but its better then you expected
You both pull apart for a moment. But you didn’t want to let go.
He dives back in engulfing you in his embrace
Kissing you passionately and deeply. Its slowly but sloppy and just sexy. God he’s just sexy. You grab on his arms pulling him closer if possible. You never noticed how toned he truly was till now, and feeling it for yourself.
He lets go to breathe and you both pant noses touching as you rest
“How drunk are you?” He asks sounding concerned now
“A bit but I know what I’m doing” the room starts to be still for a moment and you take that as a green light
“I just don’t want to take advantage of you.” He says
A real man.
You both are equally fucked up and drunk. But you know what your doing and it’s VERY consensual.
“You….are you implying?” You ask a little shy now
“I want you, please” he asks bringing those eyes back
You ache for him
“Yes” you breathe out
“Good girl” he says leaning back in to your lips
Pt.2 coming soon🩷 comment if you want to be tagged!!
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verysmallcyborg · 1 month
I don’t think I’ve asked before but I’m curious kdndfnsjsj does Fornax have any pets/minions?
If I HAVE asked this before…. Oops 🤪
HMMMMM with the life they live of frequently being on the move and traveling a lot, fornax fears the committment of having a pet at home
BUT..... animals are drawn to them very easily, so they've befriended plenty of strays, especially cats! fornax naturally runs VERY very warm so they're like a walking heater (imagine them just sitting somewhere in a cold climate and suddenly like 10 local strays pile onto them. she loves it)
i like to think that she has a little baby amaro and a black cat that ventures with them, in fact i did do a little gpose of them with an amaro after i finished my shb fate farming back in january >:) i wish it could sit on your shoulder...... i will shrimply daydream
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thank you for the fun asks as always >:3c
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jounosparticles · 6 months
I'm curious....... what do you think the hunting dogs's backgrounds are?
I mean, we know fukuchi's and tachihara's and jouno was in a crime ring but i mean like specific details. does that make sense?
like what was their education or did they ever have to do like a mini basic training? did tachihara create a milk locker?
idk they've been taking up my brain since like October and what I do is that since they don't have specific backgrounds my brain just fills in the spaces for me. just little backstory hcs djdebd
okay so….sorry in advance i got really rambly but here are some of my ideas for everyone
the whole team
- tachi joined likely after the others
- i assume fukuchi was there from the start
- but you don’t start a one person team so i’d assume teruko and tecchou were there as well!
- fukuchi specifically picked out jouno for the team. maybe he chose all the members? maybe not im not sure really.
- personally i think they started the team with tecchou, teruko, and fukuchi. then shortly after jouno joined then tachi after
- fukuchi wore the hunting dogs uniform during untold origins. this means either they never got new uniforms or the team has existed for at least 12 years.
- that makes me wonder if there are former hunting dogs that have retired or been killed? or maybe it was just fukuchi and teruko at the start.
- i suppose if tecchou joined while a teenager still (16-19ish) during untold origins it would make sense still. i assume he’s in his late 20s if not older (please i need canon ages asagiri please make them at least 28 please im so sick of everyone being in their early 20s sob. anyways). it would still make sense for them to form then
- however i don’t believe fukuchi makes an appearance in the untold origins book? so it may just be a lore mistake and the team may be newer. who knows.
now onto individual characters
- was in the military prior to the hunting dogs. we know this
- his power probably was the core reason the hunting dogs were founded
- i assume he started training and set this goal in his childhood after getting the signal from amenogozen
- he likely helped form the idea of the group
- i like to imagine he knew teruko beforehand
- i assume fukuchi’s ability manifested out of pure desire to save the world. likely around when he got drafted. since fukuzawa and him fought evenly as children i assume he didn’t have the ability then
- i feel the other hunting dogs likely warmed up to him quickly. he just has the personality of that
- he’s probably always felt immense pressure and stress throughout his entire life due to him knowing the worlds outcome results in his actions
- he likely started out with a strong fighting spirit (like when he met fukuzawa) but he was likely drained and very stressed over time
- as for education, hmmmmm. i actually am not sure. we really don’t get much of any mention of school in bsd in general (other than tanizaki and naomi being students and kunikida being a former teacher). i assume fukuchi got some schooling but enlisted while young
i don’t have too much to say about him since we seen a lot of his backstory.
- i want to say she was also likely military or a public service worker of sorts
- we really don’t know much about teruko. but she has the personality of someone who is very used to her work and likely has been here a long time
- i feel she probably completed school and went to further school in law enforcement
- she is very tough and good at interrogation. it likely made her one of the most noticeable candidates for the job
- i assume her ability manifested likely out of a time where she desperately wanted to change people, hence the way it is. i’m not really sure how exactly ill have to think more on this!
- i feel she was likely quick to adjust to the job. she doesn’t seem to have an issue talking to people and would likely be a good coworker from the start
- a lot of her background is hard to tell when we don’t quite know how old she is. if i could hazard to guess even roughly how long she’s been around i could come up with some better ideas i think
- i like to imagine she uses her ability to mess with people before they find out what her ability is. imagine going to get a coffee and coming back and seeing a random baby at ur coworkers desk. that would be so funny
- she also probably could use her ability to get those "kids eat free” meals and stuff. not really a backstory headcanon it’s just what i would do
- i bet she always had her sense of justice. i don’t think she ever swayed far from the way she is now. her job likely toughened her a bit and made interrogation easier that way but her heart was always the same intent
- i assume she knew who fukuchi was before they started working together (guessing his reputation was already good or maybe they knew each other).
- she’s probably the brains behind a lot of their work. despite fukuchi being the captain usually it’s her and jouno strategizing the most out of them all. i assume she’s super smart
- i feel she was probably very willing to do the surgeries. she already likely was very strong and skilled in her work. she’s dutiful and i think everything about her screams willing
- i assume he’s somewhat new to the squad. remembering he’s only 19
- that makes me wonder if he had went to highschool? if so he was part time hunting dog part time student. must have been one hell of a week. i’m saying he probably dropped out after getting recruited OR idk had a lesser workload until he graduated
- i wish i knew how long he has been in the mafia, that could help me figure out a timeline a lot easier for him.
- i assume he hasn’t been in the mafia much longer than the manga has been going on, however he must have very quickly moved up the ranks somehow without outing his ability. possibly his enhanced strength helped here
- he was found and recruited by the hunting dogs but we don’t know when. somehow long enough to gain their trust to infiltrate the mafia, but not long enough to make a name for himself as a hunting dog.
- guessing, he got found at 17, started infiltrating the mafia at 18, and has been since (at 19). best timeline i can think of that’s reasonable. of course he Could have been much younger but i just don’t see that
- anyway, prior to any of this. we know he wanted to be different than his brother which caused him to act out in rebellion
- regardless of that i think the people around him (including his brother) taught him a lot of who he is
- tachihara is loyal and caring, much like his brother seemed to be. they felt very similar in personality there it really shows
- i’ll also note that his eyes stay bright white most of the time in the manga. despite most of the mafia having black eyes
- but i think being in the mafia taught tachihara that good people can do horrible things, which likely influenced his decision in sparing yosano
- i’d guess his ability manifested out of grief for his brother. he formed a much more dangerous ability that would help him get revenge
- as for joining the hunting dogs, i assume he fit in well from the start
- i think he seems like the type to be very easy to get along with which probably made him an optimal choice for infiltrating but also being part of the job.
- we can see that he cares about the approval of his coworkers as well
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- he looks very happy and proud of completing his job. i think this just further shows that he’s always loyal to people, even if they contradict each other
- i bet he was surprised at the start of his military job. he likely didn’t have an option to not join. the sudden change from the surgeries was probably hard. i assume he didn’t train much beforehand since it wasn’t really important
- i like to imagine they all trained him a little bit and they all grew to like him rather quickly !!
- so all we know is that he was in a crime group six years prior to the current events
- as for schooling i’m really lost here. he might have went to school. he might not have went much. who knows. not me
- i assume jouno had a rougher upbringing. assuming he is at least in his mid-late twenties he was in his crime group until he was an adult
- that is explained a lot in his actions as well. he’s maintained his sadistic personality overtime. compare that to dazai who left his crime group while still a teenager and has had a clear change in some core personality traits
- of course, we don’t know how criminal-era jouno was. but i assume he didn’t change too much since based off the way he acts now.
- we also know he was an executive in said criminal organization, so he was likely affiliated with them for a long time.
- let’s take a quick look at the only executive jouno picture:
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this photo is really neat. the striped outfit could indicate that he was a prisoner that fukuchi spotted. it could also just appear that way to look ambiguous as well. jouno also is smiling in the image, this could also be him being asked by fukuchi to join the hunting dogs here. it doesn’t really explain what’s going on or where he is. i just think it’s neat and worth bringing up. had be been a prisoner though im sure it would have been an easy escape given his ability (unless he was in an ability space, of course).
- anyway. this picture also shows his eyes closed, meaning he loses his sight before joining the hunting dogs
- he mentioned that he Lost his sight when arresting dazai, which means he was not born that way. i switch between it being an injury or an illness that made him lose it. either idea is interesting to me and i hope we get an answer.
- either way, i want more criminal executive jouno information
- and i’d assume his ability formed when he felt trapped somewhere. possibly cornered or in a dangerous situation and just needed a quick way to escape and formed it out of fear maybe?
-as for joining the hunting dogs, i assume it was a rougher transition for him
- the people who were after him before are now his coworkers. he probably felt awkward over this (if the others know his past)
- i assume he had the hard time adjusting to everyone too. probably easily annoyed but not wanting to come off that way until he was confident in his job
- i also assume the surgeries wasnt something he initially wanted to do but ultimately did because that’s better than being executed or imprisoned for his crimes.
- he also seems like the type to be reluctant to work with others. possibly making adjusting harder for him
- his morality probably clashed against tecchou’s a bit at first, until jouno found the joy in helping others
- i believe the hunting dogs really helped him find joy in helping people as well. their dedication probably helped motivate him
- he also mentions in one panel after fukuchi asks him to betray "so this isn’t some kind of military test?" which (maybe a stretch) Could suggest he’s been tested by the military to see if he’s still reliable. maybe this creates some lack of trust because people don’t believe him.
- i also assume his upbringing influences the way he acts towards people. he’s cold and mean sometimes but that’s likely a defense mechanism to not b too close to others
- once again we don’t know much about tecchou yet. there’s nothing about his past yet but that doesn’t mean i don’t have a ton of ideas floating around
- i feel like teruko he probably went to school and then law-enforcement in post secondary. i know he was a good student too
- we know he’s typically very composed. even when joking he often keeps a straight face except that one time he teases jouno but that’s just him being gay idk
- because of this i wonder if he had some communication issues growing up? maybe working in anything unprofessional didn’t work for him since he often was taken seriously
- however with that in mind i believe he was definitely raised with his just morals. it seems really driven into him and seems to be a huge part of who he is
- i like to think his sense of justice stems from being failed by the system before. maybe he lost someone close to him and never got proper justice?
- what backs that up is how he mentions "there is evil that goes unpunished, and good that goes unrewarded.” and mentions that his blade helps decide that. that is an immense amount of pressure onto himself to keep everything he possibly can just
- such ideas i guess stem from his desire to never have someone not get what they deserve. destroy all evil, protect the innocent. he wants to do what the system failed before and takes it upon himself.
- maybe his ability manifested out of his desire to protect people?
- as for adjusting into the hunting dogs, i feel it wasn’t great or badly. got along with people fine but i feel maybe his very straight-faced personality was a strong contrast to the others at first
- he was possibly military beforehand? or law enforcement and was recruited because of his ability and his strong morals
- he was probably willing to do the surgeries and was already very physically trained. anything to serve proper justice
- he seems to be the calmest-acting of them all. very straightforward when he talks. maybe this was hard to get along with initially? until you’re used to him
- i don’t think he sees the way he acts as unusual either. probably just doesn’t care and is just himself. (which i love)
- i also like to imagine his fixation on ants and stuff is just something he’s always liked. idk he’s so cute for that
- he probably excelled at working right away. i see him to be very good at staying determined to get the job done
thank you for the question!! this was super fun to look at. also please ignore the grammar issues i am super tired
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voltrixz · 3 months
favorite madcom character . bangs my fist AND maybe share a neat little bc you have about that character ... perhasps
AUDITOR‼️‼️‼️‼️ (my fave ever (Phobos is a close second however ), now something to share about auditor hmmmmm (has thought about this guy for so much that his hc’s ares a mix of oh they would do this silly thing! Vs let’s put him through the horrors/how can I anaylse this character and make him endlessly tragic !)(also currently blanking so hmmmmmm)
Guess funny lil hc is this guy would probably Roblox and have the most expensive avatar ever and constantly stand out whenever he plays (would probably play Tycoon games )
Something more akin to “how can I analyze this character and make them endlessly tragic “ would be I think there is certain fascination they have with humans (or grunts in this case) , so thst while their main objective is to keep Nevada stable and bring order to chaos, they are very much interested in learning about humans and all their habits and cultures(hence why they even bother like actually interacting and being near them unlike the other employers) (and I think would even begin picking up on certain behaviors and habits, essentially becoming the most “human” out of the employers but also alienating them from said employers). There is still that certain disconnect they have and despite it all they still do very much see humans as below them, they’re just curious in a scientist ? Kinda way . (I have no idea if I’m making sense ) Essentially just kinda being stuck in between, bit too “human “ to really be with the rest of the employers but too “god-like” to actually be with humans
Also something soemthing about their existence being so tied to what they do that they can’t really imagine living another life but still occasionally feeling discontent or just flat out boredom with what they do
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
idk if your willing to say anything about this but i’m very curious about your opinion. what if y/n (in the blood and fire series) didn’t kill anyone because she couldn’t take it? would they kill her or banish her from the tribe or maybeee she’d leave everyone and go back to her tribe (i’m a poc so we have tribes in our culture lol) because it’s better than being stuck somewhere you don’t belong hmmmmm🤔
Hey Anon, sorry I didn't answer this immediately.
I don't think they would kill her (or at least Masaru, Katsuki and Eijiro wouldn't let them kill her). I think she would just be sort of "stepped away" from. Like people wouldn't take her seriously as the mate to the Chief of Dragons and the Barbarian Chief, either. So obviously being isolated is a terrible feeling so I personally think she would step away out of her own choice.
She would decide that she just can't live in a place that doesn't want her. She would most probably tell Eijiro and Katsuki this. Now at first I think Katsuki would try everything to make you stay and so would Eijiro but I don't think they would succeed.
She would leave but I don't think she would go back to her village. Realistically speaking, the village knows by now where she went and who she went with (We have villages in my culture and sort of tribes but their hard to explain here. Point of the matter is her home/birthplace). So its most probably that she would be living alone somewhere off of dragon island since dragon island is most probably more dangerous living on alone than on the mainland.
Eventually, after realizing how much of a fuck-up the two of them are, Katsuki and Eijiro would make the tough decision of probably leaving their tribes to go be with you. Their your soulmates and you would come first. If their families can't accept you then that's their loss. Of course this is a very serious crime in Barbarian and Dragon culture since community is everything and choosing an "outsider" over the community is like a knife to the chest. So they would most probably would never be allowed to set foot on dragon island again.
And when they find you, God, they are just happy to know you are alive and well. Now at first you are probably thinking "Now hold on a second... something aint right." And you probably encourage them to go back.
But that's the thing about Katsuki and Eijiro. They are thick headed himbos who don't know what they are doing and are love sick 90% of the time. They love you above all else. So if it means loosing their titles? Their families? Yah it sucks like shit but at the end of it, it's not your fault or their fault. They just want to be with you and others can't accept that.
So in the end.
Most probably...
You would all end up in a small house in unclaimed land, near a mountain most probably (Kirishima likes mountains- reminds him of home). You would have your own little garden and livestock with you too. Living a sweet life not too far away from a village if you need anything, and your killer partners- now turned probably bounty hunters (you can't change their blood thirst mindset after all) will probably adorn you with everything imaginable.
I mean they still have their hoard. Dragons hoard could make you rich till the third generation.
So... in the end, life is splendid.
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For the OC meet and greet, I'm going to give you one hell of a challenge >:)
TW | cancer mention, abusive parent mention, past child abuse, brief mention of self harm and suicidal ideation, noncon body modification
I want to know how your characters would handle Luca. They're very small (all of 5'0" and 95lbs on a good day) and are one of the most terrifying whumpers in my cast. White-blond hair, chillingly pale blue eyes. Even though they're pushing 30, they constantly get mistaken as a child by strangers. Their pretty, doll-like features don't help.
They come from my Liliholm and Page universe (superhero whump to anyone unfamiliar), and have the ability to heal almost any wound they themself inflict on another person. Those same powers will heal their own wounds whether they want them to or not. The kicker? All the pain they would go through for their body to heal that wound themself—all those months of aching and misery—still have to be felt in the matter of seconds it takes them to heal. They themself are nigh indestructible. Their employer uses them as a torturer. Not for information, but as punishment for political and social adversaries that step too far out of line. They are very, very good at their job, and very well feared by the people in their circle.
They're abrasive, bitter, and aggressive in just about every sense of the word. They currently only have three people in the world they care about: their partner in crime, Garcia; their "handler", Leon Molinaro, who is responsible for making sure they don't maim anyone their employer wouldn't approve of; and their horribly abusive mother who they're trying to keep alive through her chemo treatments. They can't stand to be touched by anyone, and are VIOLENTLY sex-repulsed. Even the people in their life that they give a shit about are kept at arm's length and then some.
Beneath that surface, you've got someone who has been abused their entire life, is being manipulated by their father-figure employer into believing he actually cares about them, and who has been unsuccessfully suicidal for decades. There's also a particularly nasty little rumor about them—that Luca is actually a eunuch. How that might have happened is anyone's guess, but if it's true, it certainly wasn't voluntary.
In their home universe, the only one brave enough to truly adopt them is Leon. Would anyone in your universe take them on?
Hmmmmm look. Am I on a Hilton kick? Yes I am but ironically enough it’s Hilton’s world that has my healing character (Parker is floating around somewhere). Griffin, Hilton’s Carewhumper, could most likely keep them in line. He’s an undercover agent.
Griffin can read people’s body language and expressions so well it’s practically impossible to lie to him. He also had a shit family so it’s not a world unknown to him.
There’s also Trevor, who is Griffin’s boss (the one griffin is trying to take down). The thing with Trevor is that his touch is addictive. Makes anyone he interacts literally crave his presence and attention. I’m super curious how they would work out if Luca is touch adverse and heals. Would it work? It would not be fun for anyone involved the first time.
Yeah Griffin is Luca’s best bet. He’d likely the be the one with enough personal experience to be able to ignore the agression and get pushed away. He’d have to keep Luca and Hilton COMPLETELY SEPARATED though because holy shit that would be bad. They would hate each other to the bone. Even when they’re older, Hilton “adopts” Parker, my healing OC, and would do everything in his power to keep them away from Luca from fear Parker would end up even more traumatized then they already are. Idk if Luca would even want to interact with them, but Hilton would literally attack if they tried and now there’s a whole new mess lol.
Other than that? I have a weird gut feeling Luca and Tool would get along okay. Can’t put my finger on it but I just feel like they’d find common ground and weirdly get along.
Luca would tear Brody to fucking shreds lmao.
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obwjam · 10 months
hmmmmm could you write a soft Jamie or Roy or Ted fic by any chance? bonus points if it's an especially skittish borrower being discovered by them
you’re so lucky that you asked this specific thing because i wrote a ted thing a while ago and was looking for an excuse to post it :) it just starts abruptly so please ignore that in favor of lots of soft ted
“Don’t worry, Beard ain’t comin’ for at least another hour. I was up early, so I decided to just head on over to work. Just one of those mornings,” Ted chuckled. One of those mornings after a sleepless night of tossing and turning.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, it’s okay,” Ted said softly, putting his hands up in mock surrender when you started to inch back. “I ain’t gonna hurt’cha. Just call me the BFG. Or Gulliver. He was a pretty nice guy to all those Lilliputians.”
You had absolute no clue what he was talking about.
“BFG. Big friendly giant? Roald Dahl?” Ted questioned, before remembering that the chances of you reading a novel was probably zero. “Right, right. Tiny person. You’re not a Lilliputian, are you?”
Nothing. Ted frowned. He was used to people not taking him seriously, but being scared of him? That was a first.
“I’m just… well, I’m a little confused,” Ted confessed, trying to keep the conversation going. “Believe it or not, you’re the first tiny person I’ve ever seen runnin’ across a desk. Or runnin’ anywhere, really.”
Ted’s ever-persistent smile faded when he took a moment to see just how terrified you were. You hadn’t moved since the moment he walked in, and you weren’t sure you’d be able to until he left.
If he left.
“D’you have a name, little guy?” Ted asked, knowing full well he wasn’t going to get an answer. “I’m Ted Lasso. Though you probably already know that, don’t you?”
“How did y’even get up on my desk, anyway? No offense, but I—”
Ted was nearly stunned silent in the middle of his sentence. As soon as he asked that, it triggered something inside you; the intense fear of being reprimanded, of being punished simply for existing, all came to a head. You broke down, sobbing into your shirt as your heartbeat grew faster and faster.
Ted shut his mouth and stared, eyes practically shaking at the sight before him. Suddenly realizing how intimidating he must look looming over you, he slowly lowered himself into his chair, his gaze not once leaving you.
“Woah, hey, c’mon now, it’s — it’s alright,” Ted said as he sat, his voice quivering slightly. In a way, he knew how you were feeling, and he was usually good at comforting people. But he was lacking in experience with four-inch-tall people. “Look, I know I must look real scary t’you right now, but I promise, I would never hurt you, and I ain’t mad. I’m just… I just wanna talk, if that’s alright.”
In your mind, you knew he was telling the truth. You had seen him here for months, and you supposed this was way better than being discovered by anyone else. But he was a human, and all humans were the same. Dangerous. Reckless. Curious.
“You can understand me, right?”
He said he wasn’t mad, but the more one-sided the conversation became, the more worried you were that he would snap. Slowly, you shook your head yes.
You were expecting some kind of audible hooray from Ted once you actually responded to him, but you were pleasantly surprised when his only reaction was a warm smile. You felt your eyes widen a bit. That smile felt… genuine.
“Can I ask how you got in here? In my office, I mean. Or the whole building, really.” Ted was cognizant to keep his sentences short. His rambling was clearly making you nervous.
You swallowed, realizing quickly that your only way out of this was with a conversation. You opened your mouth to respond, and all the words got caught in your throat. Nothing but a small whimper came out.
Ted furrowed his brow in concern. How on earth was he going to get a response out of you? Maybe it was best to just leave you alone… but then he would be thinking about you non-stop every day he walked into work, and that wasn’t going to fly.
“I… I live here.”
Ted tilted his head and tried hard to suppress a smile, but he couldn’t. Your voice was so damn cute.
“You live here? All this time, Rebecca could’ve been chargin’ rent,” he joked, mostly to himself. “Where is… here, exactly?”
You shrugged. “Here. There. Wherever is safe.” You were not about to give him more details than was absolutely necessary.
Ted nodded. “Here, there, and everywhere. I get it, you could probably burrow into anything. Gosh, you are just… so small…”
This is what you were afraid of. Ted was very, very quickly getting attached to you.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” he stammered. He didn’t really intend to say that out loud. “That was inappropriate of me, wasn’t it? I’m sure you’re very aware of how small you are.” He groaned. “Dang it, I did it again.”
You didn’t mean to, but you sniffed a laugh. He was starting to sound as nervous as you were.
“I came in here to get some supplies,” you said, almost a whisper, but somehow Ted heard it.
He leaned in ever so slightly. “Supplies? You buildin’ somethin’?”
“Sort of…” you said, slowly turning your head around. Your hook was still there, dangling off the side of the desk with the paper clip stuck into the wood.
It didn’t take long for Ted’s eyes to follow your gaze. His expression brightened when he finally noticed, and he nearly reached across the desk to pluck it up before realizing that leaning over you was probably not the best idea.
“Can I see it?”
You looked up in surprise, and Ted gave a small nod as if to say it was safe for you to move. Carefully, you padded to the edge of the desk, yanked your hook up and gently placed it in front of you. You felt your breath hitch as Ted’s gigantic hand slowly descended, fingers pinching the paper clip like it was nothing to him.
He was speechless as he dangled it in front of his face, eyes moving rapidly as he tried to make sense of what he was holding. It was a tiny little hook made by a tiny little person. How did this thing actually work?
“…Wow,” was all Ted could say. “So you really swing around on this thing like some itty bitty Batman.”
You felt your face get hot. Were you blushing?
“I, uh. I need a new paper clip. That one’s old. ‘S why I’m on your desk. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“Woah there, little buddy. You do not need to apologize to me, you hear? Gosh, that’s all you needed? You risked your life just so you could get one little measly paper clip? Jeeze Louise.” Ted leaned back, opened his drawer, snatched a paper clip out and plunked it on the desk in front of you. He didn’t miss the way you jumped at his movements. “If you need some post-it notes too, just tell me, I got hundreds of ‘em.”
“I…” you had no words. He barely questioned you and immediately jumped at the chance to help. What kind of giant did that?
“Go on, it’s alright,” Ted said gently, trying to coax you from the spot where you were frozen solid. “Take it. It’s yours.”
As soon as you picked up the paper clip, Ted’s heart practically melted. It was nearly as tall as you were. How could someone so small function in a world like this? It was then that he noticed just how ragged you were. Your clothes weren’t actually clothes — they were more like rags with limb-sized holes cut in them. They draped off your body like some regal gown, but Ted knew that you weren’t some kind of tiny royalty. You were frail.
“Y’know, I never had a chance to grab breakfast this morning,” Ted started, trying to gauge your reaction. You gave him nothing. “D’you — would you — I could take you with me to get somethin’, if you’d like. B-But you don’t have to say yes, if you don’t want to. You just — if I may, you really look like you could use somethin’ to… when was the last time you ate?”
You shrugged. “A few days ago, maybe.”
“A few days?! Well, that settles it. You’re comin’ with me.”
Almost instinctively, Ted placed his hand down on the table, dragging it back a bit once he saw how you shuddered at the movement. The top of his palm went halfway up your body, and he suddenly became nervous.
You took a few steps back, stumbling as your eyes darted from his palm up to his face and back down again. God, he was so big.
Ted flushed red. “I’m sorry, little guy, I didn’t mean it like that.” He huffed a laugh, and you were confused. “Gosh, some BFG I am. I’m not really helpin’ you, am I? I’m just scarin’ you.”
You sighed. Even watching him from afar, you couldn’t figure Ted out. You always waited for his facade to fade as soon as someone left the room; maybe a scowl, or mumbling something mean about them. But it never happened. Maybe… maybe he really was this nice. God damn it, were you actually feeling bad for him?
“I…” you started, pausing to see if Ted would hear you. He did. Of course. “I would… I would love to eat, actually.” Another pause. “Thank you.”
Ted felt his entire chest fill with warmth. He wasn’t really sure what was about to happen, but he knew one thing — he was going to keep you safe, no matter what. There was no way he could let you go now. He was determined.
“Hey, remember what I said?” Ted asked. You shook your head no. “I said I wouldn’t hurt you. And I meant it. Yeah?”
You shyly nodded, which immediately prompted Ted to smile. His eyes never left you as you gingerly climbed onto his palm, which was surprisingly still as you situated yourself.
Really, he could barely process what was happening. But he felt his heart skip a beat and his breath hitch when you made contact with him, your little tiny movements suddenly very sharp on his own hand. Boy, he thought, this is really taking having someone’s life in your hands to a whole new level.
“Are you good, little guy?” Ted finally remembered to ask.
A small nod. His heart fluttered.
“Right, I’ll keep you real close, alright? Make sure no one else sees you.”
You were waiting for that sinking feeling to hit, and while you were incredibly nervous, it never really happened. There was something about this giant… this… Ted… that you just knew was different. Call it instinct, delusion, whatever, but something inside of you felt safe.
Maybe this really was alright.
“You really found one?” Beard asked incredulously. Frankly, he was shocked that Ted discovered a borrower before he did.
Ted nodded with an emphatic mmmhmm before an alarm bell went off in his head. “Say, how did you know that I was harborin’ a tiny person? I could have been hidin’ anything from you.”
Beard didn’t say a word, but he raised his eyebrows and curled his mouth in such a way that made Ted realize he probably didn’t want or need to know how Beard knew.
“You shoulda seen me,” Ted said lowly, trying to make sure his conversation didn’t get picked up by anyone else on the pitch. “Made a great BFG joke.”
“I thought the whole point of the BFG is that the giants eat people.”
“Hm.” Ted thought about that for a moment before his eyes went wide. Mouth agape, he turned to Beard, who gave a simple nod. “Oh, shoot.”
“That’s a pretty big mistake right there.”
“Ohhh,” Ted chuckled. “Ohh-ho-ho. That’s a good one, coach.”
“Thank you, coach.”
“You’re mighty welcome, coach.”
A pause.
“Can I meet them?”
“No, nope,” Ted replied immediately. “Oh, no. Absolutely not.”
Beard bobbed his head. “I figured.”
“Maybe someday,” Ted mused, thinking of how his tiny friend was probably enjoying some alone time in the makeshift Lego house he built for them. “Maybe someday.”
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wordsbyt · 4 months
Interview with the Devil-Part 3
So today’s the day. The final day. So many questions. To me it seems more than I had for her, God. Not that this one is more interesting, just makes me more curious. How could one thrive off of evil? How could ruin, run a life? How can the despair of others be your fuel?
Well, today I ask my final four.
As I walk into Starbucks, he is waiting today. Dressed to the nines in another Italian suit, hair slicked back, and shades on, he does look cool. Hip, I guess you could say.
“I’m ready today”, he laughed. “I hope you have some good stuff for me!”
“I think I do. I wanted to close with a bang” I say.
“Let’s light this candle” he says, as if he’s had one too many expresso’s.
“First question”, I say. “Do you have a relationship with God?”
“Well,” he starts, “You know our history. I was up there for what seemed like forever. Then, I just needed time to myself. So, I took a crew, started a little shit, and we left. Not cast out mind you, left. Now, I know she keeps up with me. I see her “people” around. But, I am my own man. I think she needs me. What the hell would she do without me. I’m like her yang. She is the yin. She needs me. Who would think she is so high and mighty without me?”
He took a breath, “God needs a challenge. I am it. I tweak things just enough to balance her world. Let her “save” her souls. I’ve got plenty....”
“Hmmmmm,” I ponder, “Good cop, bad cop?”
He smiles, “You ever watch wrasslin’ Timmy, I know you do. Who do you love? The good guy? Or the bad guy? Who? You love to hate them. But, they are the ones that keep you coming back. Good is boring Timmy. And I ain’t boring!”
“So then, with my second question, can you describe yourself?” I ask somewhat timidly.
“Me?”, He starts, “That’s easy. I am that second slice of pie you want but maybe shouldn’t eat. I am a yes when a no should be the answer. I am the “last drink”, the “just one more”, the “watch this”. I am everything you want. The yes you want to hear. I am the giver of a good time. The no holds barred. I am the giver, but also the taker.”
He went on with “Some say I am a liar. Not true. I bargain. I only promise what you want, for a price. You decide to take my deal. I’ve been turned down plenty. And I am okay with that. I don’t condemn. People do that on their own.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve never sent a plague, she did.”
This guy is making sense to me, and I am somewhat shaken by that.
“My third question will be, did you know Jesus? And did you consider him a God?” I asked.
He starts “Jesus, he was alright. A good guy. Trouble was he believed everything they said about him. All that talk of God got into his head. I mean, I used Judas, his best buddy, to take him down. And they all turned on him. Actually, even I felt bad about that one, what they put him thru. It was a carnival act. I walked thru the crowd and could feel the hate for the same man that they were calling King the week before. Sad.”
He actually looked sullen. Regretful.
“I didn’t really want that to happen. Jesus didn’t deserve that. He was confused. Believed all the hype. But, he was a good dude. He was kickass with the water into wine thing!” He went on, “But, she said it had to happen. Die for our sins. Yes, our sins. It included me. I thought it was a bad deal on her part.”
“And I’m the bad guy? I just entice. Lure. Tempt. You ever heard the the saying “ the devil may care?”. Well, yes, I do.”
I sat there. At a loss for words. Was this an evil lord? Or an evil genius? Misunderstood in the grand scheme? A necessary part of life? I was stunned, and didn’t know what to say.
“Fourth question” he asked.
“Do you think you and her ( God ) could ever reconcile? Get back together?” I blurted out with the first thing that came to mind.
“Look Timmy” he started out, and for the first time looked at the floor, not propped up with his shoulders back, “That I don’t know. I just don’t know. She kinda holds a grudge.”
“I sometimes think I’d like to. We made a great team. But, I don’t like being the second banana. Vanity, I guess. That’s one of her “sins” right?”
“I honestly think she could use someone like me. I could sniff out then snuff out the bad in her world. I know I could. As I said, yin and yang.”
“But, it would be up to her. It’s ALWAYS up to her.”
And with that, he stopped.
And our session was done.
So I thanked him and shook his hand. His palms were sweaty, his hands hot. But they were soft as butter. Like a man that uses his wits over his muscle.
“Thank you for the opportunity to see your side”, I say. “It’s been an encounter I may never forget!”
He stops and looks me in the eyes. Says “If you don’t feel like you’ve had a religious experience, then get your money back. Cause I don’t need it!”
Then turns, and walks away...
I feel a cool breeze as he closes the door.
( feedback welcome )
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Brainstorm is a poor meow meow. He makes all these inventions that are, well they're crazy, but even though they keep getting rejected he still makes these crazy things and tries to get them approved still. He has a collection of strange things that are just plain illogical. However, his most poor meow meow thing is that he spent a huge huge long time inventing a working time travel device to go into the past. This guy became the worst double agent because he wanted access to Decepticon supplies for this invention. Brainstorm made a time machine to save a guy whom probably didn't know he existed. Yet Stormy is willing to commit to supplying the cons with bad intel, just so he can build a time machine to save someone he has a huge crush on. Also, spoilers, when the time machine is complete, he fails in this huge probably millions of years project he's been working on. He doesn't save his crush, but got to see him one last time from a distance. Brainstorm changed his mind after seeing a friend die and thought "why save one person, when he can go back and save alot more." This poor meow meow tried to kill baby Megatron and spoilers again! Brainstorm who makes guns that do the most craziest of things. This guy hasn't killed anyone before; when standing in front of a defenseless and helpless Megatron, Brainstorm couldn't pull the trigger. Also plot twist! The original spark that was in the bot, it isn't the one that makes him become Megatron. (Someone else shoots baby Megs). So the reason Megatron even becomes "Megatron the warlord" is because Brainstorm time traveled. If he didn't do the time traveling that made the others follow him, the original wouldn't have been destroyed; the spark that is Megatron wouldn't have been put in because someone else wanted to fix that someone else shot baby Megatron.
It would be a huge spoiler if I said where that spark came from, who actually shot baby Megs, and who saved Megs from dieing.
Brainstorm is poor meow meow because he tried to save people, knowing full well he wouldn't be born if baby Megatron died. In fact no MTOs will be born. Yet his crush, who isn't cold constructed, will live and not die a horrible death in a Decepticon prison.
I am familiar with the entire lovesick Brainstorm saga, yes.
He certainly has the vibes of a poor little meow meow, but I think it might be a bit of a stretch to put him in the bracket with the likes of Starscream, Tarn, and other “super meow meows.” (gosh, I feel so ridiculous using this term lol)
However, I did put Rodimus in there (whom I’d place in the same low-level tier as Brainstorm), and I somehow decided he had enough meow meow energy to qualify. I think I know what I must do…
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I’ve already made my decision, but I’m curious what others think.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Hey, sorry if you have already answered this question before, but just in, if you haven't, how did Depth and Greed die? And what were everyone's reactions to their deaths?
Tw//Topics dealing with Grief/Loss
Refeeding syndrome (Depth ) and Heartbreak. (Greed)
It started with a famine that occurred that lasted for a year and a half. 20~ years ago. (Around the birth of the Rooms entities.)
The garden was poisoned (HMMMMM I WONDER WHO COULD’VE DONE THAT?) and No humans came to the hotel.
So many entities died or suffered. (Including extra forgotten litters,,,still deciding who lost them.. maaaaybe seek’s other parent.. Rush’s family if it was never human to begin with, Jack’s family, Ambush’s extended family.. not that it really cared-..with the exception of Depth of course)
Basically, everyone’s families are dead!!! /ref
One morning, Jack broke in a basement and found a bunch of untainted wine. To celebrate, the gang decided “hey let’s drink!” and got out the poker cards. They even managed to get the kids involved by boiling the wine.
Imagine a tiny mystery entity and baby rooms gang with little cups of distilled, non-alcoholic wine.
Everyone was playing and having a good time, when auntie Depth gets up, she was fine earlier. Even playing poker with her husband and sibling.
Seek dealing cards on Figure’s behalf and whispering the suits in its hand…perhaps the suits in the hands of others as well.
Ambush was laughing with Rush, despite how painfully red its fur was and how thin it was, it was still hyper focused on its cards.
Curious was taking a nap in Rush’s fur.
Rueben was playing the guitar- (I’m going to remake his bio. If we can have fanmade entities we can have ocs in here lol.) Though it didn’t sound very good. He mostly talked to El-Goblino about
Silence was nearby giggling about something with Jack. Occasionally casting a few hopeful glances in Depth and Greed’s direction.
Jeff was busy tending to the children, since he hadn’t lost the hotel’s trust then.. he was watching his grandchild and other people’s children and making sure they had plenty enough to drink and eat.
She got up, stumbling around like she was drunk Greed noticed and a few other people also did notice, but they assumed she had too much to drink and a few chuckles later and putting her on a nearby couch to let her rest.
And then she started having non-stop seizures.
It just wouldn’t stop.
Everyone was yelling and panicking. Jeff took the children out of the room and kept them safe from the absolute HELL that was that room.
Greed rushed her to the infirmary and treated her to the best of its abilities. Gave her the best medicines, the best possible care he could.
But she died. After weeks, and weeks in a comatose she just stopped breathing and died.
Everyone was devastated or horrified by her death. As grief hit those closest to her..well, Silence, Greed and Ambush were effected the worst.
Ambush lost its sister, the only member of its family it KNEW was alive other then its own still tiny children…Ambush was already in horrible physical and emotional pain..and its fucking sibling died. It was a violent tornado of emotions and words..it even said some stuff..to Silence..that to this day..it just..it regrets everything.
Greed couldn’t handle it, the pain of losing its wife, the pain of not being able to save her, the pain of not realizing she ate too much after starving, for laughing and thinking she was drunk when she was about to have a seizure because ate too much.
It couldn’t. It couldn’t. It couldn’t. It couldn’t.
One morning, Rush knocked on its door.
Only to find the door was already open and Greed still on the bed.
His hands were cold.
Silence disappeared shortly after Greed died.
Despite numerous searches, they were never found.
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beantothemax · 5 months
More Kurokami inbox fic time!!! This fic contains spoilers for SMT IV's third act, after the alignment lock. Anyways, here's the sole bgm for this song, I highly suggest listening to it while you read this. It's in a bit of a casual conversational tone, with no descriptions to speak of.
“Oh, it’s you. How have you been?”
“I’ve been well! I met the most helpful boy recently. You would like him.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second.”
“So whats this song? It’s surprisingly nice for right now.”
“Angels and Demons at a very tentative peace?”
“You could say that. If what you call tentative is hard glares and booming words.”
“Can they even do that?”
“They can damn well try, I’ll say.”
“Hahahaha! I suppose so. Any ideas on who’s participating?”
“I’m sure you know the Archangels are going to be there…”
“Of course.”
“Knowing him, Metatron is going to be there as well.”
“Of course. I think I saw Flynn with him for a short while.”
“Oh really? The boy is that strong?”
“I suppose so. But it’s not really him, is it?”
“Of course not. It would be funny if it was, though.”
“What about your side? Any ideas on who you’re bringing?”
“Hmmmmm….. That’s a secret.~”
“Not going to spill the beans to me? After all we’ve been through?”
“Nah. It’s more fun to talk about Him.”
“Amen to that.”
“You’re different than most demons.”
“I’m not a Demon.”
“Riiiight, and I’m an Angel of the Lord.”
“It’s hard to describe in words. You just… are. I’ve never seen a demon that cares so much for humanity. It’s kind of refreshing.”
“Too bored of the kill-maim-murder mentality?”
“You could say that.”
“I think it’s because you care more about humans than most demons.”
“Humanity is a precious gift and a terrible thing. They’re wonderful creatures who deserve praise, and terrible monsters who deserve contempt.”
“And I’m guessing you’ve seen the best and the worst they’ve had to offer?“
“I’m guessing you have too?”
“Haha! Of course!”
“All of them were good kids, you know.”
“Oh? And what’s with the sentimentality?”
“It’s the song. Do you blame me?”
“You’re so strange. Letting your emotions get clouded by something as simple and human as music.”
“So sue me. I like a good song.”
“Jonathan had a sense of duty about him. I thought he knew how to do the right thing.”
“But then he went with the Archangels?”
“But then he went with the Archangels.”
“Flynn is a bit scattered. I don’t blame him, really. He’s been tugged around by so many people and had so much happen with so little breathing room. I’m more surprised he didn’t break like Isabeau did.”
“You know, I expected him to join the boy in opening that portal to The Expanse.”
“Maybe in another time, he did. But this time, he killed Lilith with Jonathan.”
“Oh really? That’s a shame.”
“I would think you’d be more emotional over that.”
“Please, it’ll take a while, but she’ll come back.”
“Oh really? How?”
“You know how there’s like, a billion Pixies, but a few Titania?”
“Walter had a drive to him. He was determined to do his job and do it right. But he ended up letting his past define him. Leading him to you.”
“You know, you could see him again. He did a great job helping me. I’m sure he could do the same with you.”
“What gives you that impression?”
“Please, I think it’s safe to assume that you didn’t choose to do nothing but sit here in a frail human form and play sad guitar.”
“And if I did?”
“Then you’re weirder than I thought.”
“Heheh, I think you’ll find the truth much stranger than fiction.”
“So I assume you were here for another proposal?”
“Will you join me in a world of chaos? Where the world is decided by those who deserve to rule?”
“I’m sorry, Hikaru. But I’d like to walk my own path. Not impeded by others’ ideologies. It’s how I’ve operated for a long, long, time.”
“Curious… cause I clearly remember you siding with a band of thieves against a being that felt suspiciously like Him a while back.”
“Your recollection doesn’t fail you. I just think that either end of the spectrum isn’t what any world deserves.”
“Pshhh, you're so lame.”
“I won’t try to tell you my reasoning. If you want to stop talking to me, I don’t blame you.”
“Please. I wouldn’t stop talking to you for the world. You’re far too fun.”
“Thought you said I was no fun.”
“Shut up! You know what I mean!”
“I suppose I’ll be seeing you later then?”
“Mhm! Maybe we can meet here again?”
“Sure. That sounds fun.”
“Have fun with Walter.”
“I will! But you should be more concerned with Flynn.”
------------- Highlighting more differences between Luci and Kuze, mostly in their attitudes toward humanity. As well as musing on the ultimate fates of each of the kids who got wrapped up in all this. For obvious canon reasons, my Flynn picked the Neutral route, siding with neither Lucifer nor the Archangels. I could have sent another fic that takes place directly before the lock and a little before that, but I'm not sure about the quality of those, and I plan on doing some major editing to those before sending them off. Also!!! I should have told you what Alignment Lock means. Basically as soon as you reach a Point, your alignment points are evaluated by the game and you are thrust into a certain route, Chaos, Law, or Neutral. If you're curious when the lock happens, its after A Certain Group Asks you a Very Important Question. This one was titled "Asking the Question Again" in my docs and was inspired by me listening to this beautiful cover on loop.
first of all VERY nice song to have accompany this. ultrakill ost my beloved
and more luci and kuze!!!!!!!! hooray!!!!!! even through I do not always 100% understand what exactly they are talking about, just. the way you write dialogue is very nice and keeps me engaged regardless. it’s always very good :]
two funny girls sitting on a rooftop, playing guitar as they talk about demons and angels and everything in between. what more can you ask for
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Chapter 14: The Battle of the Outlands.
I woke up the next morning and groaned. Alright today was it. I thought to myself, grabbing my glasses and placing them over my eyes. Either we fail miserably or we stop Crooler. I looked around the room thinking to myself for a moment, a part of me still hoped this was some sort of dream that I was in a coma when the machine exploded. However that wasn’t the case, this was real. I was going to fight in a battle in a couple of hours, I got out of my bed and looked out at Chima. I didn’t realise how beautiful it was. The past couple of days have been so stressful and taking this moment to breathe and take in the scenery was just great. Soon I heard my door open and turned to see Laval standing there.
“How ya feeling Sho?” He asked me, he walked next to me and began looking outside with me.
“I dunno to be honest.” I responded with a sigh, “I’ve just been so stressed the past few days that I just need a moment to myself before this battle”
“I understand what you mean.” Laval looked at me, “I used to do this alot during previous wars. Mainly when Cragger was under the persuader plant.” I looked at Laval, I sat on my bed.
“Really?” I asked curiously, one question lingered in my mind. “Did…Did it hurt fighting Cragger?”
“Huh?” Laval seemed somewhat taken aback by my question, he smiled painfully “Yeah… Especially now that I realised I love him.” He turned to me “But I’d rather not focus on the past!” He grinned, “Cragger has clearly made up for what happened.”
“Yeah” I smiled. That was awfully wise coming from Laval I thought, “Yeah I guess you're right.”
“Yeah. Why are you asking this anyways?” Laval turned to me, “Is this about Asriel?”
“Yeah..” I responded looking away from Laval, “I…I dunno it’s just that I’m worried about what happens today..” Laval sat next to me and patted my back.
“It’ll be alright Sho.” Laval muttered, “Asriel will be alright.” I rested my head on Laval’s shoulder like a little kid would do with an older sibling. Frankly I was scared, and I’m sure my facial expression conveyed that enough. I didn’t know what was going to happen, Laval took notice of this and decided to change the subject. “You know the first thing I’m going to do once all of this is over?”
“What?” I murmured, looking at them with curious intent in my eyes.
“Go on a date with Cragger when I have the free-time to do so!” He grinned although I could tell there was a slight blush coming through their cheeks “And I mean a proper romantic date! Not like speedor racing or anything, plus it’d be a break from all the king duties”
“Really?” I asked, I honestly felt proud of them both. “That’s great!” I smiled.
“Thanks Sho.” Laval responded, “Anyways, what’s your love life like?” He turned to me with genuine curiosity.
“Eh, I’ve always been more of a third wheel.” I answered, shrugging my shoulders. “The whole ‘boyfriend-slash-girlfriend’ thing never really interested me.”
“Oh.” Laval responded, somewhat pleased with my answer. “I mean understandable, that sort of stuff isn’t for everyone.”
I nodded my head, “Even when I was younger I always found it weird, it's something I never understoo-”
"Laval? Is Sho up?" I heard Lavertus shouting.
"Yeah give us ten seconds!" Laval shouted, "C'mon Sho, we have a long day ahead of us."
I lept off the bed and nodded as I I held my hand out. Laval grabbed it and jumped to their feet with a little wobble. Laval embarrassedly grinned and I just chuckled. We both left my room and went to find Lavertus. We found him in the throne room and he seemed to be hiding something behind his back.
“Uncle Lavertus, you wanted to see us both?” Laval asked, trying to peek behind Lavertus' back.
“Yes yes!” Lavertus said with a grin on his face, he seemed to be working on something almost in a world of his own. Lavertus began to take some measurements and I just looked at him confused as he turned around to back what he was doing “Hmmmmm, you both are similar heights…”
“What’s this about Lavertus?” I asked, trying to peek at what he was doing.
“No peeking Mr.Sato!” Lavertus responded, covering up whatever he was doing. “You both need to wait. Although I’m almost done!” I sat by the pool of chi orbs, patiently waiting for Lavertus to finish whatever he was doing. Soon he called us both back over and me and Laval stood there waiting to see what he did. “So! I’m sure Laval that you know that I’ll be battling in the shadowind armour.”
“Yeah you mentioned this to me last night.” Laval responded, I looked at them both confused.
“Well, I thought of something brilliant!” Lavertus responded, He revealed two suits of armour similar to what he was wearing. Almost identical copies, the only difference is that they were modified. I looked at Laval whose eyes were gleaming with excitement whilst I looked puzzled. "I thought since they'll probably target Sho why not have three Shadowinds running about?"
“Wait what hold up-” I looked at Lavertus confused “Why are you doing this exactly?”
“Well.” Lavertus said in a David Tennant-esque way, “I believe that the soldiers will try and target you if they find out you are fighting. So I created replicas of my suit for you, then I realised that we are completely different height-wise so I decided to also make one for Laval!” He gave me and Laval the armour “Try them on please!” I looked at Laval who was staring down at the costume in awe, I looked at it slightly puzzled. But I thought that the points Lavertus had brought up were good ones, I would be targeted for my lack in skills with a sword so anything would help. So I left for my room and walked upstairs as I observed how to get the outfit on in the best way possible. I removed my jacket, although I did feel slightly weird without it on, and gradually got the armour on. Though it was slightly big it did work and I placed the helmet on top of my head, which tinted everything in a cyan colour which took some adjusting to. I left my room, being careful not to trip on the red cape that followed me behind. “How does it fit?” Lavertus asked, looking at me with a curious look in his eyes.
“It’s alright” I responded, taking a seat and removing the helmet “Just tryna adjust my eyes to the cyan lenses you’ve used.”
“Oh they do take awhile to adjust to.” Lavertus responded, taking a seat next to me “However I think everything looks nicer in cyan personally so I’m not complaining about it.” This made me chuckle, though I kind of disagreed with his point of everything looking better in cyan. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Cragger up-ahead. He walked up to us and took immediate notice of what I was wearing.
“Whoa Sho! You’ve got your own Shadowind costume?!” He gasped, looking at me in awe.
“Not only me.” I responded as I stood up and stretched, “Laval also has one, and to be honest I think it’ll look better on him than me.” I looked at the helmet, which was shaped like a lion head, yeah this will definitely look better on Laval. As I thought this I saw Laval walk into the room, and yeah my assumption was correct. I looked back over and smirked as I saw Cragger’s face, he looked flustered by seeing his boyfriend in the suit which made me laugh to be honest.
“How does it look?” Laval asked, not noticing Cragger behind him. “It fits doesn’t it?”
“Yeah it does” Lavertus affirmed, adjusting the outfit slightly. “And I’m also not the only one who thinks that.” Lavertus pointed behind him and began to laugh. I soon began to laugh alongside Lavertus as Laval turned around and saw Cragger behind him, both of them got incredibly flustered over this which honestly I found funny. Laval removed their helmet to reveal that their cheeks had gone bright red.
“Hey Laval.” Cragger muttered, covering the blush on his cheeks with his tail and yet failing to do so as the redness on his cheeks was obvious to make out, “You look good.”
“Thanks mudlover.” Laval responded, placing a careful kiss on Cragger’s forehead. He then turned to me and Lavertus, taking time to compose himself before speaking, “Also Sho you should take this.” he handed me a satchel full. I grabbed it and looked at it carefully.
“What do I need this for?” I asked, looking at Laval as he continued to compose himself.
“If your going to be looking for Asriel inside of the base then you might as well get some chi to the prisoners” said Laval, he had a very strict sounding voice which sounded quite similar to Lagravis actually. He walked over to the chi pool and picked up some orbs. Placing them carefully into the satchel, I took one out and looked at it carefully.
“What’s the use of chi exactly?” I asked as I placed the orb back into the bag.
“Well…” Laval thought for a moment, “We’ve based our entire society around chi basically. They can also be used to power ourselves up, giving us more energy and or power.”
“Oh so like Adrenaline.” I said briefly “Wait then why does Crooler want it then?”
“That I don’t exactly kno-” Cragger placed his hand over Laval’s mouth.
“She wants to seize chi for herself and take out the lions.” He said bluntly, “She’s always had something against the lions, even since we were younger.” He then looked at Laval with a sorry look in his eyes “She used the persuader plant on me to try and take out the lions. But Laval honestly helped me snap out of it. Multiple times in fact.”
“And again you're welcome.” Laval said jokingly before turning to me, “Do you understand why she’s such a threat now to our way of life?”
“Yeah I think so.” I thought for a moment, “But why is she like this though?” I looked at Cragger, as he seemed like the one to answer this. Cragger yet again had a sorry look on his face.
“Well, I was kinda the favourite twin.” He’d mutter, “Which caused Crooler to be sort of neglected.”
“Oh.” I said as I looked down at the satchel. There was an awkward silence, though the information was somewhat useful it was actually kind of upsetting. Though I don’t understand Crooler’s motivations, maybe I could talk to her. Lavertus tapped my shoulder and we all looked at him.
“Get your masks on. I think the lion army is about to begin setting off.” He stated as armed forces began walking out of the temple and to their respective vehicles.
“Right.” Laval muttered as we all put our helmets on, bringing back the cyan tint from before, “Let’s get going, Sho you’ll be hopping into the lion tank with me.”
“Oh alright.” I answered, as I followed Laval out to the lion tank. The suspense was tense and I didn’t know what to expect going into this battle. Laval and Cragger were seasoned fighters whilst I was a kid whose biggest battle was trying to get a bargain at the shops and my first and practically only lesson on sword fighting was yesterday. I sighed, but then I saw Laval turn to me and smile.
“You okay Sho?” He asked as we continued walking, their eyes showed concern but also confidence.
“Yeah… just worried that’s all.” I responded, “Just never been in a battle that’s all.” Laval sighed and looked at me, I could tell he was struggling with what to say.
“Look Sho.” He muttered, “I can’t promise you won’t get hurt, but I do promise that Asriel will be alright. We’ll make sure no harm comes to him.”
“Right…” I responded again, with less confidence than before. I’m guessing Laval could sense my confidence getting lower as he went silent for a moment before speaking again.
“You know there’s this thing that Cragger said once that for whatever reason I still think about today” Laval turned to me, “‘Water is like friendship, it only pulls you down when you fight it. Let it flow! and it shall lift you up and carry you along to all the places you ever wanted to go.’. Something along those lines,  whenever I’m going through some sort of rough patch relating to friendship I just think of those words and they help.” I smiled a tiny bit.
“What’s with the water comparison?” I asked curiously.
“Oh! Well I nearly drowned and Cragger used a comparison of friendship to describe swimming” He laughed, “But I’d rather it be said with the term friendship in mind.”
“Yeah, that fits better.” I grinned, though my mood was still rather down about everything, however Laval’s words did help. And made logical sense too surprisingly even though he used the comparison incorrectly it still made me hopeful. We both soon got to the tank and hopped in. I took my seat and took off my helmet and looked down at it, with hope that this battle wouldn’t end with my death.
We soon found ourselves going through some sort of jungle area, but it was a lot more dangerous and we were overall rushing to get through the area as fast as possible and to the hideout that Lavertus had found. He was leading everyone to the area which seemed to have been cleared out of any dangerous plant-life from what I heard Lavertus saying as we rushed to the area. This was proven to be fact by the time we reached Crooler’s base, as it seemed most of the surrounding area was chopped down for this base to exist. Laval and I both got out of the tank and walked up to Laval, I placed my helmet on my head again and took a steady breath.
“We all know the plan right?” Lavertus looked at me and Laval, “We all know what’ll happen?”
“Yeah.” I muttered in-between breaths, “Rescue the captives first then find Asriel.”
“That’s right Sho!” Lavertus responded, “This feels like I’m looking in a mirror or something.” I heard Laval laugh while I chuckled. “Sho you wait over there until the battle starts, when you hear Laval roar sneak inside and give the satchel to the captives so they can join the battle. We have spare swords for them.”
“Oh alrighty.” I responded, “I’m gonna get going. Wish me luck I guess.” I waved goodbye to Laval and Lavertus and walked up to the base and stood by the wall. Just waiting. Waiting… I can’t believe I’m about to do this. I thought to myself, I’m about to fight in a battle to try and rescue my best friend. I’m sure Laval has felt these exact feelings when he was battling Cragger but… it hurts. It hurts a lot. I don’t want to hurt Asriel or anyone frankly. I sighed. “I’m really gonna do this aren’t I..?” I muttered to myself before hearing Laval roar. I looked towards the entrance of the base and saw a couple of different animals exit through there, many looked ready to fight in this battle. Once most if not all of them ran past, I slipped in. I didn’t know the general direction but I wandered about just looking for the prisoners. It was taking what felt to be around two hours but soon I came across this prison area, most of the animals in there were in fact lions. Many of whom looked like they haven’t eaten in days, one of them came up to the bars. She looked to be a lioness wearing almost a worn out tunic attire.
“Guys someone’s here!” Rest of the prisoners turned towards me, “Lavertus, you came to help us!”
“Lavertus?” I laughed a tiny bit, “That’s a first.” The lioness looked at me confused, “I’m guessing your Li’ella then?”
“Yeah.” She muttered, “Wait, if you're not Lavertus then who are you?” I took my helmet off and threw it onto the floor.
“I’m Sho Sato.” I said as I took the satchel off my shoulder and handed it to Li’ella “And Laval told me to give this to the prisoners.” I looked as she opened the bag, revealing a blue glow on her face. She looked back up at me as she took one of the orbs.
“Thanks Sho.” She smiled, she plugged the orbs into some sort of chestplate. Then a ginormous version of herself appeared for two seconds then disappeared, revealing that blue glint that Lagravis had. She soon began to pass around the chi.
“Don’t worry, I’ll pick the lock. I ain’t no Akemi but-” Li’ella reached round the lock and with her own hand alone, shattered the lock almost effortlessly, “WHOA-” I gasped. Chi is so powerful, I thought to myself as I placed the helmet back on my head.
“Thanks Sho.” Li’ella said as she ushered all the captives out, “And also, Asriel is somewhere in the base. I don’t know why Crooler decided for him to stay here but I can’t read her mind.”
“Alright. Thanks Li’ella.” I muttered as I ran, looking for Asriel. I placed a hand on my sword, my nerves were getting the better of me again. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around as I unsheath my sword. Only to be face-to-face with Asriel.
“Sho. What are you doing here?” He asked as he summoned a chaos sabre, I looked at his eyes and that red glow was still there. He was still under the control of the persuader plants.
“I’ve come looking for you!” I responded, my voice began to tremble, “Asriel this isn’t who you are man!”
“It is and we both know it.” He answered threateningly as I took the helmet off as Asriel seemingly knew it was me, “This is my destiny! To always be some sort of antagonist.”
“Asriel we both know that isn’t true” I shouted, “You aren’t a bad person man!��. Asriel began charging at me as the chaos sabre and sword connected making a silencing clashing sound.
“You lie Sho!” He shouted at me, “Crooler’s right all you do is lie your way out of things!”
“I-” I was astounded, Crooler made up these things about me not only to keep Asriel in her little trap but to also try and push me away. I, however, stayed firm and kept Laval’s words in my head. “Water is like friendship, it only pulls you down when you fight it.” I looked at Asriel, “Asriel that’s Crooler getting to you man! Don’t let her!”
“You're lying to me again?!” Asriel grabbed my neck and held me up in the air, “You're just a pathetic liar Sho. And I don’t need that.” Asriel gripped tightly on my neck, I was sure he was going to choke me out if I didn’t say anything.
“Asriel…I’ve spoken to your parents.” I muttered. “What..?” He dropped me as my sword fell on the floor next to me, “You're lying again.”
“Would I lie about this though?” I asked him, “Asriel, our realm and chima are connected and gaster used a signal booster to contact me.” I could tell Asriel was thinking.
“Sho….” I looked in his eyes, as I saw the red glow flicker.
“Asriel I get that you miss your family.” I said, standing up as I took deep breaths, “I miss mine too. And they certainly miss us, so please Asriel…fight Crooler’s control.” I could tell Asriel was fighting the control of Crooler and honestly I was scared, all my defences were down and one good slash at my chest could kil me.
“Sho…” Asriel muttered as the red glow in his eyes disappeared, “Sho what have I done…?” I hugged Asriel as I began to cry. To be honest I’m not the one that’s supposed to be crying but this is the first time in what four days I’m actually talking to Asriel. The Asriel I know, and frankly I was happy I had someone who I considered my brother back.
“I sososo sorry Asriel!” I wept into his shoulder, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you I’m sorry for causing any of this!”
“Sho..” Asriel hugged me, “None of this is your fault. I honestly don’t blame you for anything.” He then looked at what I was wearing, “What are you wearing?” He asked.
“Something that Lavertus made for today…” I muttered with a slight smile.
“Well it fits nicely” Asriel complimented as he stopped embracing me.
“Asriel what are you doing?” I heard a voice and turned to the direction of it. Crooler. “Asriel you were meant to kill him, not hug him. Are you insane?” stepped in front of Asriel.
“What is your problem?” I asked, trying to keep myself from punching her, “Why are you like this man?!”
“It’s my destiny!” She responded, snapping her jaw at me, “It’s my destiny to control all of chima!”
“You shouldn’t put all your hopes into destiny!” I answered back, “Destiny can be changed and or be wrong all-together depending on the interpretation!”
“Wrong…?” Crooler muttered. I can tell she was confused.
“Look Crooler, I know what you went through.” I said with a tremble in my voice. I could sympathise with her. “And I get it. I also wasn’t given the best hand at life, but I didn’t make it my whole personality and based my aspirations on it. Our childhoods don’t dictate who we are.” I can tell she was thinking.
“But…I…” She shuddered, “This is all I’ve known!” She snapped at me, “All I know is neglect and favouritism towards Cragger!”
“And I get that it sucks Crooler.” I said bluntly, “And blame your actions on Cragger, on Crominus and Crunket. I don’t care. But all of this, that’s your choice my friend!” I could tell Crooler was thinking, and I didn’t blame her. She just had her entire philosophy and motives broken down by a random sixteen year-old human.
“Into the fort!” I heard Lavertus’ voice and me and Asriel turned our heads in the direction of it. However when we both turned our heads back to Crooler. She had vanished, I didn’t know what to say. I just wiped my eyes of any emotions I had and just looked at Asriel. 
“We should probably find Laval.” I muttered, as we both began walking.
“Yeah..” Asriel responded. We both exited the base as celebrations occurred. Crominus and Crunket both walked up to me and Asriel.
“Is Crooler with you two?” Asked Crunket with concern, “Is she alright?”
“No she isn’t.” I responded, “She actually disappeared, we didn’t see where she went. And FYI, you two need to stop playing favourites and love your children equally. Cause that's what motivated Crooler.” Me and Asriel walked away to find Laval and Cragger, leaving Crominus and Crunket rather shocked at my response.
“Asriel you're alright!” Cragger shouted, walking up to us both with Laval following behind. “And not too injured I see too!”
“Yeah. Sho didn’t put up much of a fight really.” He responded, “I just want to go back to the lion temple..”
“Right.” Laval answered, “We’re all about to begin heading back anyways if you two want to hop into the lion tank.”
“Wait before you do.” Cragger tapped my shoulder, “How’s Crooler..?” I looked at Cragger.
“She’s…alright I think. She disappeared.”
“Alright…” Cragger sighed regretfully and let me, Asriel and Laval walk to the lion tank. Laval and I helped Asriel into the lion tank as we both got in. Laval started driving the tank as sat next to him. I looked at Asriel who looked overall worn out and decided to take a photo of him to send to Gaster.
3pm Sho sent a photo. Sho: Too tired to call but Asriel’s alright. Gaster: Okay Sho. I’ll tell Toriel, Asgore and Frisk immediately. The machine needs at least a day of charge before we can get you two home. Sho: Alright Gaster. See you tomorrow.
“Asriel we have one more day here before we can go home.” I muttered, looking at him.
“Alright.” He responded briefly before resting his head. I decided to do the same, resting my head on Laval’s shoulder.
“That was so scary…” I muttered as I yawned.
“Don’t worry Sho it’s over.” Laval responded almost parent-like, “I’m proud of you man. It's not everyday a kid can just rescue his best friend like that. That's honestly something you should be proud of Sho.”
“Thanks Laval.” I answered as I gradually fell asleep, with a smile. Which frankly hasn’t happened in awhile, just knowing Asriel was safe and that I would be going home soon gave me something I haven't felt since Asriel got kidnapped.
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This chapter actually came out quite nicely, even though it is a bit Steven Universe-Esque. I wanna focus on one specific part of the chapter actually, the moment between Laval and Sho actually not the fight itself between Asriel and Sho (even though I think it came out quite nicely as it showed Sho's almost inability to fight his friends.). Throughout the past couple of chapters I've been building up Sho and Laval's friendship but realised they only really had one moment togehter, that being chapter 3. And I didn't have a somewhat decent way to peak their relationship so I wrote this moment where Sho actually opens up a bit to Laval. And even though it's short I absolutely love it, two characters who I think are too kind for their own good (I'll develop Sho more in Halcyontale btw dw abt it) that are so similar yet different. Just opening up to eachother. Laval opens up about S1 and Sho opens up about his worries about Asriel, it all works nicely!
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stillness-in-green · 1 year
Advisorama Asks
Two from @shockersalvage that have been waiting for an inexcusably long time to one I just got from @plf-advisor-stan that is relevant to the theme. Included: Spinner's advisors, Bindi the Younger and The Question, and Scarecrow maybe has an actual name?!?
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She is not alone in thinking that it’s some real BS, let me tell you.  Like, if nothing else, I don’t think the back edges of that mob should have even been able to hear all the dialogue going on at the front.  Anyway, while I definitely don’t think Kurogiri should have left Spinner on the floor when he even bothered to bring Mic along, if he did, maybe Nimble will live up to her fan name I gave her her position as Spinner’s No. 1 and evade capture long enough to get Spinner out of there.
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Hmmmm.  I assume you meant these two?
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I guess they could be.  They’ve got similar silhouettes and broad similarities—short hair that divides in the middle; a white mask with a dark pattern—but there’s just enough different going on that I would probably not assume so without further appearances.
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In direct comparison, Big Sis Bindi lacks those over-the-eyes bangs, her hair is a darker shade, and she of course has the big sweater neck thing.  The left figure’s hair lacking the screentone shading could just be because they’re so far in the background, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue for various other tiny background faces, so I don’t see why it would be an issue for this one.  Likewise, the horizontal dash just below the nose could be the outline of the sweater neck, but it looks more like a mouthline to me.
The other figure has the white mask down, but the enormous Kamen Rider-esque eye pattern is quite different from the question mark that should be there.  More subtly, the white mask seems to continue all the way down the neck, cowl-style, while The Question has that high black collar.
But!  That said, I appreciate that I’m not the only one obsessively looking for Advisor Appearances, so I thank you for calling my attention to it.  If anything, I expect we’ll see at least Big Sis Bindi again, probably with Brand, since we haven’t seen where he wound up yet, or possibly Hose Face, though we’ve already seen him once and not, as I recall, with any other pre-established PLF faces.
I do wonder where Spinner’s Number 3 has gotten off to, though…
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HMMMMM. I wonder if that is his name, or if it's just Horikoshi shorthanding what Scarecrow's whole deal was going to be?
I ran it by friendchat and @codenamesazanka found that the Japanese on the original version of that page is a little unclear; a fan translator took their best guess about it, back when the volume it was in came out, and offered ヴィスガスタス”, visugasutasu, which no one could make any sense of.
However, Nal also noted that if the smudgy first character was di instead of vi, you got disugasutasu—Disgustas, which sounds an awful lot like Disgust, and disgust was a major theme in his speech to the hospital mob, like so:
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So is this a reclamation thing? He had the "you're creepy and gross" sentiment thrown at him so much that he decided to take it up as a weapon? Or is it, again, just a shorthand for his general shtick? How does it compare to other examples of Horikoshi's design-phase sketches and notes? And if Horikoshi had the name picked out, why not include it anywhere? Just another example of Horikoshi's ongoing refusal to give plot-significant heteromorphs actual names?[1]
I also initially thought that Disgustas doesn't fit the typical MLA name scheme, but there are enough caveats there that I wouldn't consider it wholly disqualifying. Skeptic, Trumpet, Curious and Sanctum are all well and good English words, but Destro is not the same as Destroy, Re-Destro even less so, and Geten a complete outlier. So "word that resembles a relevant English word but is itself not quite that word" is not completely unprecedented.
It still makes me frowny, though, that the MLA gets shafted, the heteromorph plotline gets shafted, the single most eloquent speaker on the matter of heteromorph oppression gets EXTRA shafted, and also maybe that speaker's name is a reference to how gross the people who oppressed him and scarred him for life thought he was.
Like, for real, I have enough problems with Shouji preaching the moral superiority of passive endurance in the face of discrimination. By contrast, the MLA's whole deal is the violent overthrow of the harmful status quo; they won't even use a term their own founder's martyred mother coined because that term has been too bastardized by society at large. Spinner's #2 specifically decries various aspects of the status quo as phony, a sham, a false and shallow facade that's incapable of providing the "light" that heteromorphs need. He's the last person who should be willing to wear a label foisted off on him by the non-heteromorphic majority.
It all just feels like more of the entirely unnecessary two-faced bent #2 showed at the hospital, and, I suppose, in that regard, it's not entirely unfitting. I even kind of like the way, if his name is Disgustas, he answers his own question with both a verbal answer and a visual one via his dramatic face reveal.
"Take a look beyond the cities! What do they still say there?" In pulling off his hood, he implies the answer is him, his name: disgust. Disgust is what the people beyond the cities say. "'You give me the creeps.'"
It's a powerful moment. Indeed, language reclamation is always powerful. Still, though, that kind of internal calculation runs counter to the true believer zealotry he'd been written with prior to the hospital scene, and I admit I'm still pretty sore about that discrepancy.
But! In any case, thanks very much for bringing it to my attention! Anything about the advisors is a thing I will always want to hear about. For the time being, I'm going to keep on calling #2 Scarecrow, but if he ever turns up being called Disgustas (or Disgastas or Disgustus or however it gets romanized) in a volume extra or databook or something to that effect, I'll make the best of it at that time.[2]
Thanks for the asks, both of you!
------ 1: GIVE HER A NAME, HORIKOSHI. 2: Or I'll keep quibbling about it like I did Dabi's quirk being named Blueflame in the Hawks Villain Report. Like hell it is! ------
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