#like would you guys pay me to draw something in the future?
porcelainvino · 5 months
if i ever accept commissions…. would you guys ever commission me……..
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totheblood · 1 year
i keep thinking about infatuated ellie.. like LOVESTRUCK, nervous, giddy ellie, and ik you’ll do her so much justice
a/n: ik this is from weeks ago but i'm writing some headcanons and would appreciate if u guys could send some more! i also need to note the ai audio i made of joel was inspired by my talented friend saz who had the idea to make a joel ai and have him and ellie interact, her fics are amazing and i believe she will be making her own ellie fic w a joel audio so pls folllow her and read her work! her @ is @dyk3ification also i wrote this in whole foods before my class so if it sucks... thats why.. ai audios at the end! also pls interact w me and my work it makes me so happy ily bye!
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lovestruck!ellie headcanons
ellie is 100%, certifiably, and downright a hardcore lover to her core
when she’s crushing on you she is the type to take anything you do as a sign that you like her back
she’d be like “no, dina, but when she held the door she looked back at me and smiled… who does that?”
“polite people?”
or if you’re sitting next to her in class and she drops her pen, the minute you reach down to pick it up for her she’s imagining your future together
she would just secretly pine after you for as long as she can, way too nervous to work up the courage to ask you out
she’s the type to journal about you, draw you, think that it was weird, and rip it out of her journal
but she’s too sentimental to throw it away so she’d just tuck it into a box in the back of her closet
she’s so observant about the things you do
just by sitting next to you, she knows your favorite movie, your favorite place to eat, and your favorite flowers
(she writes all of this down in case she one day works up the courage to ask you out)
when you do finally start talking she would go out of her way to go to the things you invite her too
for example, you invited her to a GSA mixer (something she wouldn’t attend on her own) at a time when she was working
she called out sick just to attend and talk to you for a total of fifteen minutes
it’s totally worth it to her cause you hugged her twice (she counted)
she does insanely stupid shit like going out of her way to get you your favorite coffee from this very specific place half an hour from campus.
“oh, ellie you didn’t have to do this. thank you so much! let me pay you back.” you’re reaching into your bag looking for your wallet
“oh, it’s no big deal i was in the area,” she was nowhere close to the area. “and it didn’t cost that much,” it was an 8-dollar cup of coffee. “maybe we could go together sometime?”
ellie doesn’t even realize she’s asked you out by the time you’re agreeing with a huge smile plastered on your face
the date goes well, so you ask her on another and another… and another
before she knows it you’re her girlfriend and she can’t shut up about it
she’ll try to manipulate conversations just so she can say the phrase “my girlfriend”
she’s at the movies with jesse and dina and with every preview of a horror movie shes like, “oh, i think my girlfriend would love this movie.”
the barista at the coffee shop makes her latte too sweet and she’s all like, “i wish my girlfriend was here so i could give her this.”
she’s also the type to call you and find out where you are just so she could deliver you her very sweet latte that she knows you would enjoy
she’s also the type to brag about any accomplishments of yours to everyone
“oh yea, my girlfriend won some academic award. she’s such a genius.”
she’s the type to whenever you’re together she would just be staring at you and you’re like, “what?”
“nothing… you’re just so pretty. i’m so lucky.”
there’s not a day that goes by that she doesn’t make you feel like you put the moon and the stars in the sky
all of her weekly calls with joel have become her ranting about how much she loves you
“ellie, all you do is talk about this girl. when am i going to get the chance to meet her?”
“soon, i hope. i think you will really like her. she’s fuckin perfect, joel, i swear.”
“so i’ve heard.”
ai audios:
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Poppy Kisses
Buggy x GNReader
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Attempted murder, Manipulation, implied sexual tension, implied future Dubcon
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Art by Vamos_MK on Twitter. Check them out!
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In and out- That was the job. You'd been asked to murder a certain pirate by a client of yours, He was known as a buffoon and a fool- quite literally it seemed. Buggy the Clown, Captian of The Buggy Pirates. Always failing at his task but getting closer to his goals non the less, apparently he had ruffled some feathers non the less.
Which was why you were hired, asked to join his crew and kill him. Being a skilled shooter made it easy for you to join his crew, however killing him was a different story-
In truth was harder then it seemed to nail this guy- You couldn't stab him for obvious reasons, he was too cautious to go near water and you couldn't risk shooting him since it was loud and you'd risk death by his surprisingly loyal crew.
So you had to get close.. which was just as hard as finding a way to Kill Buggy. He didn't trust easy- He was quite plainly pathetic as a pirate but clever in ways you'd never imagined.
It was awful to say but you hard started to like.. hell even love the goofy bastard? He was fun in a scary way and with him trusting you, you got to see this new side to him.
He watched everyone, including you with hawk like accuracy. Anything even slightly off he could catch and any attitude changes he would immediately notice and question- Who knew this clown would be your biggest challenge.
It took nearly a month before he got comforble around you, playing the act of a wannabe fan of his and an additional two months before he had seemingly started to like you- Clearly his ego finally winning out at your fawning of him.
Soon he was letting you sit in his lap, him telling you stories of his adventures and his past as a pkrate. How he would take your input on his shows and what was needed from your perspective, letting his hand drift to your waist as he would whisper jokes in your ear and drawing true laughs from you.
Sure it started out as a mission but- soon it turned into real enjoyment from your end. So a mission that should have taken 3-4 months tops was pushing on 6... but who could blame you! It was just too damn fun there with Buggy!
Sitting in your room you stared down at the tin canister in your hands, it was a potent poison jell. You rubbed it on anything and it'd dry clear which would work since you noticed Buggy used the same glass cup, claiming it was good luck or something... it was a perfect device to poison Buggy but now- you didn't know if you could.. he had been so kind to you, Even getting you a private room which most crewmates didn't have. Even if it was a bit small and as Buggy had said formally used as a makeup room which explained the large mirrors on the wall. You still knew he had given you space cause he cared..
You sighed as the small snail rang in your pocket, pulling it out you cringed knowing who it was and you sadly answered. Wincing at the angered voice of your client rushed into your ears yelling at you for taking so long-
"What am I paying you for?" Your client hissed. "I-I know we had some hic-" You got cut off by the raised voice.
"Hiccup!? He's a fucking idiot! Tonight is the last night or else I'm putting a hit on you" they yelled before disconnecting the call.
"tonight..." You mumbled. Rubbing your face as you stashed the snail away, stress bubbling in your chest as you sat there.
This was your job...
Slipping the casaster in your pocket you get up to Visit Buggy's room, Something you often did anyway so you didn't bother knocking.
"Hey Bugs?" You call out, seeing the Captian seated at his vanity finishing his makeup.
"Hell Doll! What brings you in?" He says cheerfully, you shrug and plop down on a chair.
"I wanted to stop by and say Hi before we head to dinner" You lie, but the smile it brought to Buggys lips made your heart flutter. Soon you two began to mindlessly chatter as Buggy finished his makeup, you handing him his hat once finished.
"Shit. I forgot my bandana in the map room. I'm going to grab it real quick, I'll be back" He said with a bright smile before leaving. Your eyes traveling to the glass cup- you knew this was your only chance..
You didn't want to do this, You couldnt do this... Paid killer or not when do you find someone like him? Just some fun clown guy who's weird humor actually makes you laugh!?
Walking to the vanity you sat down, still warm from him and slipped on some gloves. Picking up the glass cup and groaning in frustration at the situation.
Forcing your eyes closed you look at yourself in the mirror, feeling like he could see you or you were seeing yourself for the first time.
Sighing you feel a tears start to slip down your cheeks as you place the coated cup down and took off your gloves. Hiding it away as you looked at yourself again, regret on your face-
"...it's your job- love aside" You reasoned before getting the canister and quickly coating a thin layer of the gel inside. Watching how it dried almost instantly and looking undetectable like it had been only polished.
"Please forgive me... I really do care for you Buggy..." You whisper a prayer before backing away at your placed trap, trying to wipe the tears from your eyes and maks if look like you hadnt been crying.
After a few moments Buggy returned to the room with a cheerful smile on his face.
You couldn't do this, as you watch him pour the wine and get ready to bring it to his lips you got up ready to reach for it when he paused- Looking up at your raised form as you prepared to take the cup from him.
"Ready for dinner?" He chimed, you nodding as you watch him grab the glass from its usual spot. Nodding silently as you followed him to the mess hall, You heart pounding as you sat in your usual seat. Food laid out buffet style over the large table as Buggy took center seat like a king- Your head spinning as you stared at the glass. Watching him make his plate before reaching for the pitcher of wine..
"Change of heart?" He said, making you freeze in your raised spot.
He clicked his tongue as he lowered the glass from his lips, His eyes staring right at you with a knowing smirk on his lips. A chill going down your spine- he had never given you a look like that before.. it was like looking at the waters before a beast rose and took your life. He wiped his lips with a napkin just incase any traces of poison had hit his lips.
"I really expected better from you (Y/N)- even after all this time you would have let the berry win huh? But your feelings really did win in the end" He mused and you felt ice flood your vains.. he knew.. he fucking knew!
Looking around you see the crew all staring at you, a knowing look on their faces as they stared at you and their captian.
"I thought your words of 'I really care for you' and 'Love aside' was just part of the act but look at that!" He rose to his feet as you sat back down slowly, fear now lacing your heart as the realization slammed into your chest.
"One way Mirror, Works wonders both in the bedroom and in shows" He chimed. He was watching you- The whole damn time! He was watching you, from the calls to your client to your hesitation to complete the job. He knew.
Fear slammed hard into you and it felt like you were suffocating as he went to circle you like prey, his footsteps seeming so loud in the mess hall now.
Your feet moved faster then your brain- you ran out of the mess hall as the sound of laughter from the crew followed you. You had to get out of here you had to before he killed you!
"Now then, (Y/N) tell me- when do assassins cry for their targets?"
In a flash you jumped back from your seat like it was on fire and ran.
A yelp escaping your throat as you felt your collar being yanked back and lifted into the air. You struggled like a kitten being pulled up by the scruff from its mother and glanced up to see Buggy's floating hand holding you. Reaching next to you ready to stab his hand another gloved hand appeared right infront of your eyes and squeezed a red ball, coughing as the fight started to leave your body and soon you fell unconscious.
When the darkness faded you felt dizzy- like the world was spinning? Groaning softly at the feeling, before the realization that fabric had been placed in your mouth. This seemed to immediately sober you up as you looked around frantically- you were back in Buggy's bed, wrists tied to the bedpost and gagged, legs tied down with blue sill scarves and all your equipment laid out on the floor next to the bed. Buggy standing over it all examining it, he looked up hearing you move.
"Ah you're awake. Good I was beginning to worry that I made that Muggy Ball too strong"
You shook as you sat on the bed you once would have loved to be in, Watching Buggy as he Lossened his hair from the bandana. His blue locks falling down and framing his face as he stepped closer to the bed.
He said calmly as he rose up, watching you struggle and try to yell through the gag. He chuckled at this and patted your leg playfully.
"I wouldn't struggle. I don't think you can handle being knocked out again"
He said in amusement, removing his shirt and vest with ease revealing his naked chest- Due to years of training and his devil fruit abilties leaving him lean and flawless of marks. Just like how you had imagined.
"Got to say, I'm really impresses. With all the equipment in that little kill kit of yours I'm sure you could have done the job easily- But a painless poison that would let me sleep and die peacefully?.. it's almost too kind... whats it called? Poppy Kisses right?"
Warmth flooded your face and body as you watch him crawl closer to you- Seating himself right on your waist as he smiled down at you brightly, tapping a finger to your chest with a gleam in his eyes. He looked beautiful, terrifying but beautiful.
"Must have been hard, I saw your face.. you looked so hurt using that posion"
"So complicated.. So much trouble you are- So expensive too. Do you know how much I had to pay to your guild in order to make them say you died trying to murder me?"
He smirked as he began undo the buttons of your shirt. Your eyes widening in shock as he spoke and began to undress you.
"You're so lucky I like you~"
He purred, before placing a slow kiss on your cheeks. You felt the red grease paint smear and stain against it, accidently letting a moan slip the gag as his fingers pulled your hair, which he clearly reveled in. Leaving your wanting his lips as he traveled to your jaw, ear and further down.
His fingers working deeper into your hair as he removed the shirt from your body fully- the cold making you shiver at his warmed touch as red kisses blot your neck.
"Now my daring little assassin, I do believe some compensation is in order for all those expenses. Don't you?~"
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tired-teacher-blog · 7 months
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Characters : Tattoo artist Aizawa/ Florist fem reader
Featuring : Eri/ Hizashi Yamada/ Nemuri Kayama/ Oboro Shirakumo/ Emi Fukukado
Warnings and Genre : Fluff/ Romance/ Smut and Angst in future chapters/ Multi Chaptered Story
Summary : In a desperate attempt to get closer to the tattoo artist dominating every speck of your brain, you decide to pay him a visit one evening as a client seeking his service. This encounter will prove to be the beginning of something much bigger between you two, but will this new found passion be enough to stand against the difficulties your future holds?
Notes : Loosely inspired by this/ Art below is by the wonderful @/ael-draw who gifted me this gorgeous piece.
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Masterlist|Second Masterlist|Third Masterlist
Chapter Count : Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Part 11
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_ "Eraserhead.." you mumble to yourself while browsing the pictures shared on the website.
You've always been intrigued by the name he has chosen for his studio, but more than anything, you wish to know more about the man himself, he's the reason why you're doing any of this after all.
Of course he is, because the mere thought of him branding you makes all your uncertainties vanish, and you are now anxiously counting the seconds until tomorrow comes.
You bite down on your lip while studying the pictures carefully, admiring him and his colleagues as they're clearly transferring their passion onto their clients' skin. The care, the focus and the beauty of it all is obvious in every photo, it is certainly more than just a job for them, it is love.
You snuggle up in bed a little deeper, bringing the covers over your head and clutching to your phone while browsing through the photos, until one of them stops you.
Your eyes gleam and your grip on the device tightens as you eagerly take in the details of the man in front of you. He looks so handsome, with his hair tied in a half bun that allowed you a better peek at the long slender neck you wish to run your fingertips along. Oh how you wish..
He's wearing a simple black tank top that accentuates the art adorning his flesh and confirms your previous suspicions, that the glimpses of ink you have so far been fortunate enough to see, are in fact but a touch of what's been hidden.
You want to make sense of the art he has chosen for himself, it's beautiful, elegant and obviously bears a meaning to him, but as much as you wish to, you cannot possibly understand the story behind it.
Your eyes land on his well defined muscles, taut underneath his skin as he diligently worked around a girl's thigh.
_ "Oh crap.." you breathe out as it suddenly hits you, that just in a few hours you will be exposing yourself to him much like the girl in the photo is.
Your body stiffens and your cheeks heat up as countless questions race in your mind, what if you decide to have it on your back? Or leg? Or tummy? Then would you have to remove your clothes for that? Obviously.. would you be able to do it though? You aren't so sure anymore..
Wouldn't it be much easier if you are to meet with one of the other artists? His loud blond friend perhaps, or the cheerful tall guy whom you seldom ever see since he usually comes a little later than the others.
Is it wrong of you to rush into this without thinking everything through? Seriously, what are you hoping to accomplish anyway?
Do you expect him to be charmed by you? To speak more intimately? To start something that would bring you two together?
How ridiculous! He would be doing his job and nothing more, so perhaps you ought to keep these outrageous thoughts to yourself and learn to give up on your absurd infatuation.
It would be best if you do, for your own sake..
Your body jerks violently to the blaring sound of the alarm clock, and you sit up at once, pressing your fingers to your throbbing temples and wincing in pain.
Is it morning already? When and how did you fall asleep anyway? It's hard to tell, because the last thing you can remember is the first thing on your mind right now, him.
Your day is passing in a haze, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot think of anything else but him.
You smile at yet another satisfied customer as she picks up her colorful bouquet and walks out of your shop all happy and excited about her purchase.
_ "It's almost time." you sigh heavily while peeking at the studio across the street— like you have been doing the whole day, still closed but won't be for long.
Your eyes shift to the wall clock hanging opposite of you, it reads six forty-five, almost time to lock up and get to your appointment with Mr Aizawa who will soon be here..
The butterflies in your stomach are fluttering furiously in rhythm with your pounding heart as you clean up around your shop to kill the few minutes left until you see him, and just like clockwork, he does in fact appear right as you are done securing your shop's front door, greeting you like he always does before walking into the studio where his colleagues already are..
_ "Oh good evening Miss! You're right on time," Ms Kayama greets you enthusiastically as soon as you walk in, "boss will be seeing you in a moment so why don't you have a seat first."
_ "Thank you." you do as asked, biting on the inside of your cheek nervously and watching while a couple walk in and are immediately greeted by the tall guy whose cheerfulness you frankly envy.
You're not really sure how long you've been sitting there -eyes moving between gleeful artists and their excited clients as they work out the details of their desired pieces- but it couldn't have been more than mere minutes before his warm greeting reached you, "welcome back."
_ "H.. hello Mr Aizawa." you curse your wavering voice as you stand up too quickly— that your head starts spinning, grateful for the hand you're keeping on the back of the chair for support.
_ "I'm glad you came back." he gets even closer to you as he speaks, so much closer that you can catch every little detail of his handsome face.
_ "Thank you." that's right, you were a mess yesterday, and you did make a fool of yourself over the whole thing, but for some reason you don't regret any of it since it somehow led you a bit closer to the guy you've spent months admiring from afar.
_ "Please follow me."
You walk closely behind him, admiring the stature of the man controlling every speck of your being, and wishing you could just reach out and touch him, but that would be too creepy wouldn't it? You're not even that close..
You shake your head to chase away those weird thoughts fighting within your brain and focus on the reason why you're here instead, the man is running a business for heaven's sake, and you have to respect that.
_ "Wow! This is.." you bite down on your lip to stop from squealing like a little girl as you finally take in the room where he spends all his evenings.
_ "So, you like it?" he sounds a bit flustered, the tone of his voice is way softer than before, as if awaiting to hear more from you.
_ "I love it, you have a great taste Mr Aizawa."
He truly does, and you find yourself admiring the colorful art brightening the otherwise dull walls around, the framed designs hanging neatly, and even the equipments that you cannot recognize or understand the need for them.
He is an artist, and it clearly shows everywhere your eyes have landed.
_ "Thank you, hearing this from you means a lot." and there it is, that beautiful smile of his.
You wonder what he could've possibly meant by that, does your opinion really matter to him? Or is he just being polite? No matter what it is, it's not the right time for you to lose focus, you have to get yourself together.
_ "I really mean it Mr Aizawa, and I'm really happy I get to see where you work up close." and the sparkle in your eye doesn't go unnoticed.
_ "You seem more relaxed today, I'm glad," he tilts his head to the side as he speaks, his luscious locks flowing around his face and neck, and casting a dazzling aura around him, "please have a seat." he gestures you towards the comfortable looking tattoo chair placed in the middle of the room before pulling out a stool for himself.
_ "The sketch is ready," he grabs his iPad from the large table where his equipments are neatly placed, scrolling through it a bit before announcing, "here you go, we can do some alternations if it's not how you pictured it."
_ "Thank you." heart is pounding in your chest and breath is caught in your throat as you accept the device, and soon, your nervousness is replaced with a giddy smile that you cannot control as your eyes finally land on the digital art that's shortly to be transferred onto your skin.
_ "So, I take it you like how it came out." he must've caught on to the meaning of your bright expression, and you can swear you sensed a little relief in his voice, as if he's been anticipating your reaction.
You know you shouldn't read too much into it, it's his job to meet his clients' expectations after all, but you just cannot help that tingling sensation spreading throughout your body as you delve deeper into delirium.
_ "I love it, it's perfect," you pause for a moment to admire it a bit more before snapping your head up all of a sudden, "oh by the way, I thought of an ideal spot for it, my wrist." this would be the only way for you to keep your clothes on when he starts working on you.
He looks at you for a moment but says nothing, pursing his lips and puckering his brow as if he's deep in thought, triggering your anxiety with every second that passes as you start wondering if something is wrong.
_ "May I suggest something?" he takes your hand in his, running a thumb over the sensitive skin of your wrist before continuing, "look, this part right here is very delicate and it would be quite painful."
It's warm, hot, burning hot where his hands are holding you, your heart races and goosebumps appear under his touch as he keeps talking, "since it's your first time doing it, I don't recommend this placement for you, but maybe if we push it up a bit and make it closer to your forearm where the skin is a little thicker?" and his fingertips press lightly there on the spot suggested.
_ "Y.. yes, okay." your voice quivers again, like it always does around him.
_ "Alright, perfect! I'll print it out right away so we can start immediately."
Good, this will give you a few minutes to collect yourself..
_ "So, what do you think? That's two inches, but we can resize it if you want." he leans back and gives you a chance to assess the sketch printed onto your skin, holding up a mirror for you and smiling as he does.
_ "I like it a lot! It looks gorgeous." the perfect design and the perfect size and you can't wait to get it permanently etched into you.
You have been so engrossed into admiring yourself for a moment that you almost missed his lingering eyes on you, almost.
_ "Shall we get started then?" he stands up from his stool to grab his kit and a pair of gloves before returning, "I'm going to ask you to sit back and put your arm on the armrest here, it's a small piece but will take about an hour to finish up since we're coloring it, if it gets too painful we can take a break that's totally fine."
_ "I understand."
You've always had a somewhat high pain tolerance, you've never been one to whine or complain over anything, which is probably why you're finding the persistent sting of the tattoo gun endurable, but maybe it isn't even that, maybe the reason why you don't mind the pricking sensation is actually the man causing it.
That must be it, yeah, looking at his side profile while he's deeply focused on work, eyes narrowed and lips sealed in a firm line, muscles lean and stretched as his arms move elegantly, hair pulled in a low bun with a few rebel strands tucked neatly behind his ears.. this sight of him is making you lose your sanity as you gawk at him stupidly.
You don't want your time with him to end too quickly, you wish it would stretch out to infinity, or at least until you're able to come up with a proper topic for discussion, it's the only time you have for such a thing.
However, the man needs his focus for your sake and his own, so no, it's not the right time for such a thing..
_ "And we're done, I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable," he leans back with a muffled groan as he straightens his back, smiling at you while finally removing his gloves, "you endured it well, I'm proud."
_ "Wha.. I.. thank you." why would he say something that is -once again- making you stutter like an idiot? It's not fair.
_ "Alright, let me show you how it came out before I wrap it," he picks up the mirror again and holds it out for you, "it's a little red and swollen right now but that's to be expected so don't worry about it, it should heal nicely if you follow my instructions."
_ "I will, thank you for.. for everything." for everything..? you regret the words coming out of your mouth as soon as they do, what if he asks what you meant by that?
Are you willing to tell him? That you're grateful for his patience with you? For not laughing at you or kicking you out when you burst in without a previous appointment like a normal human being should do?
_ "You're welcome," and he doesn't ask for further explanation as his gaze softens, "alright now listen carefully, you will have to apply a generous amount of ointment on the area at least twice a day until it completely heals," he starts explaining as he gently picks up your arm and rubs lotion on it, "be careful not to wash it for at least a day, after that you can remove the bandage I'm about to wrap your arm with and wash the spot carefully with antimicrobial soap and water before patting it dry," he wraps your arm slowly while making sure not to irritate the fresh wound, "also, don't peel off the dead skin, just be patient with it."
He steps back and holds out his hand for you to take, before pulling you gently to your feet, "it was great having you, I'm glad I was the one giving you your first tattoo."
I'm glad I was the one giving you your first tattoo..
You bid him goodnight and walk out to the reception desk where you finish up paying before finally leaving the studio for potentially the last time, ever..
I'm glad I was the one giving you your first tattoo..
Will you be able to forget his last words to you? Will you ever awaken from your delusions and see everything that's just happened as it actually is instead of what you wish it to be?
I'm glad I was the one giving you your first tattoo..
Probably not.
To be continued..
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snickerdoodlles · 3 months
headcanons behind fic: Chay's allowance and KimChay zero baht dates mentioned in long & short
Kim chokes trying not to laugh. “Seriously Angel?” Chay looks at him, lips pulled into a pouty moue like what? “You only take me out on zero baht dates, but you’ll pay people to draw us as cats?” Chay sniffs primly. “I only use my allowance for education and fine art,” he says, haughty.
Korn giving Porsche and Chay a large allowance comes up in a lot of my fics I think, because I see him giving all of his sons and his wards a large allowance. And for once, it's not actually a part of his usual manipulation and control tactics.
(Well. It's not not about manipulation and control, because everything Korn does involves manipulation and control. Korn absolutely monitors their accounts and purchases, not to mention he's absolutely the sort of person to always have a mental ledger of favors given and owed for everyone, especially family.)
However, he doesn't need to control any of the boys' finances to have control over them and he's so present over all of them that giving them access to their own money (vs having them request it from him directly) doesn't give him any more advantage over them or could even run counter to it.
No, I see Korn giving all the boys a hefty allowance as a personal push back against the ghost of his father.
We don't know anything about grandpa Theerapanyakul beyond the fact that Gun invoked his name while yelling at Korn and the mere comparison of them rattled Korn more than the literal gun war happening in his own home. Of all the terrible fathers in this series, the grandpa takes the cake apparently!
Alongside Korn's deep-seated control issues, he also has this weird...thing where he really, really wants to be seen as a caretaker and good provider. He never outright denies his sons and is seemingly very supportive of them-- Khun was allowed to fall back and be taken care of, Kim was allowed to live separately to become a musician, he paid off judges in the name of Kinn's childhood dream, later he supports Kinn and Porsche's relationship-- and the whole fucked thing with Nampheung and the narrative he's constructed around him taking care of her. Even Korn's relationship with Gun is a little bit weird given how much he talks about competition. Like, he desperately wants to be seen as a good provider and caretaker, he just also can't stop being Korn and has that stupid-ass metaphor with the knife and the apple. It's a very crunchy contradiction.
Anyways, Korn's issues aside, I see Korn giving his sons and later wards personal allowances as a part of his personal image of himself as a good provider.
And Porsche and Chay hate it.
(Porsche reminds Chay they're very grateful. Chay mutters where was this help when Porsche took out an informal loan too young. Porsche hisses and whips his head around for any walls that are listening.)
Chay mostly just tries to ignore the supposed pile of money apparently just...sitting there, for him, and spend no differently than how he usually would (it doesn't feel real, digital money is never real to him). However, after so many years of Porsche sacrificing to save money for his needs and future, Chay can't bring himself to ignore the account completely when it comes to things like school or food. He never actually looks at his account, he mostly just squeezes his eyes shut whenever he uses his card for essentials and waits for the system to deny him, except it never does. That does not make Chay feel any better about the situation.
The only time Chay's close to breaking his "no treats" stance is shortly after he and Kim get together. Chay wants so badly to treat Kim to something really special, but. Money. He frets. He makes a pros and cons list. He paces. He has an entire argument with himself in the mirror. He angsts. He takes one look at Kim's happy face over a candlelight dinner and decides fuck it, that's a guy he's going to spoil to the moon and back, stupid blood money allowance be damned.
Except, as established, Chay's never looked at his actual account, so he goes to Cash the accountant to see what his options are for spoiling dates. Like, he's been paying his tuition and the card always goes through at the grocer or noodle house, and Korn does keep telling him his school allowance includes some extra spending money, but Chay wants to spoil Kim. A band they like will be on tour in Bangkok around Kim's birthday, Chay's gunning for special VIP tickets and some extra money for merch and dinner. Surely stupid rich mafia has plenty of money to spare for that.
Chay: would I, uh, be able to get a little extra money? tickets are 3000 but they're for a really special occasion and-
Cash, thinking about Kinn's 3000 dollar helicopter tickets: I don't care, let me just pull up your account details
Chay: thank you so much 🥺
Then Cash turns his screen around to ask Chay how much money he needs and. That is. A lot of money. So many digits. The decimal certainly in the wrong spot. Then Chay looks to the top of the corner and nearly screams because that's his name on the account, what the fuck?
Cash: Khun Korn said to have enough money to cover your tuition
Chay: [does not point out the initial balance was 3x his four year tuition]
Chay...leaves. He thinks. He doesn't know how he got from Cash's office to his room but his next stop is his bed to scream into his pillow until his throat hurts. Fucking rich people.
In protest, Chay takes Kim out the next evening on a zero baht date. They walk along whatever part of the river's nearest to their university to watch the sunset, have to jump a fence and duck two railings to even find a private sitting space away from any other river goers. The view's passable at best, at least free of most industry stuff thanks to the proximity to school but hardly the most inspiring. Chay spreads out his flannel for them to sit on, and feeds Kim dry packet ramen and stale shrimp chips he got free from a university event. He didn't even buy a drink, they survive off a mostly full bottle of grape soda Chay stole off a friend.
(It's a magical evening for Kim, obviously. Ferreting out little hidden spaces hand-in-hand with Chay, enjoying the nighttime air curled together, eating terrible cheap food that somehow tastes good? This is DOING things to him. He will be bringing a guitar and minimum two water bottles with him next time tho.)
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autismprotocol · 2 months
TMAG Theory Board Update (EP 11-12)
Hi guys sorry about the late posting I've just started a new quarter of college and its been pretty hectic. also got into my school design BFA program so pretty stoked about that! Anyways lets get into the Episode Breakdowns because even though not a lot of lore related things happened I still have a lot to talk about
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For the breakdown I'll separate each by episode in sequential order
What Happened in Episode 11: Marked
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Celias Rude Awakening- we jump right into the weirdness straight away with Celia waking up on the side of the interstate. she indicates that this is not a weird occurrence and ends the scene by telling someone named Jack that she's "on her way." If you remember episode 8 after Celia and Sam talk to Gerry and Gertrude, she mentions stuff about wanting help with her own mystery. When Sam asks about it she says she's looking into Time travel, other dimentions and teleportation. Many people have theorized that maybe Celia is just a super heavy sleepwalker, but I think the she teleports random places out of nowhere. This could be a side effect of her reality hopping if this Celia is originally from The archives universe.
As for the identity of Jack I'm not quite sure about that yet. I cross referenced the name Jack with past episodes of TMA. The only thing that came up was Jack Barnabas from the statement about dating Agnes Montague (aka an avatar of the desolation and Jesus-like figure for the cult of the lightless flame) So Unless Celia is secretly Agnes of Agnes reincarnated , I can't find any way to link Barnabas to Celia. (if anyone has a theory feel free to send it my way.)
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Sam Lore- this one is pretty minor story-wise but I thought it was interesting. Before the statement for the episode is presented we get some classic Sam and Alice Banter ™ most of it is pretty lighthearted but I noticed Sam mention something that could indicate he might be an amputee.
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These could not mean anything and I find it weird that it hasn't been mentioned until now but thought it was kind of cool and I will probably be drawing sam with a prothetic leg in the future cause I really like this head-canon. It also begs to question if he is missing a leg. it might have anything to do with his past as a Magnus institute test subject but then again could just be a fun character detail added by Jonny and/or Alex .
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The Statement- Getting into the statement we get another Ink5oul appearance. Also possible Ink5oul identifying as she/they. (and lets be honest being a fear avatar is pretty non binary core). I found this Episode gave me a feeling of a hybrid between the Vast, Buried and the Flesh some people are theorizing that is might be a new entity called the Deep but I think that the fear of the ocean could easily apply to the vast or buried. Not much to say about this story though pretty standard Magnus horror that also gave us a hint to what Ink5oul's goal could be/which entity they serve.
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Post Bonzo- Gwen has a debrief with Lena after her first Externals Liason assignment and her meeting with Mr. Bonzo. Undoubtedly Gwen is still pretty shaken from her encounter, even arriving late to work due to sleeplessness. Gwen is able to ask Lena a few questions mainly she wanted to know who's name was written on the letter given to Bonzo
Lena is largely unhelpful but tells Gwen she should have worked it out by now and if not to pay close attention to the case load for the next couple of days. before the latest episode my guess was Klaus because that is the only person mentioned so far that the OIAR intends to kill. but more on that later
Marked- Now were getting to my favorite thing about this episode. This episode title can have two meanings. The first is the more literal interpretation. Tattoos are marking of the body and the case this episode was all about tattoos so easily a good name would be marked. But I believe this is a red herring meant to misguide listeners who have not consumed all 200 episodes of TMA because if you know the world of Magnus Archives the term Marked takes on a entirely different meaning.
In TMA the term marked is used to indicate that somebody has been influenced by one or more or the fears and are one their way to becoming an Avatar. I think this could be a coded way to tell the audience someone in the OIAR has been marked. I have two potential candidates
Alice Dyer- Alice has been having dreams about the Institute after her and Sam's adventure into the ruins. also she mentions feeling like someone's watching her (common to people influenced or fed upon by the Ceaseless Watcher/The Eye) My guess if she is marked it would be by the Eye.
Gwendolyn Bouchard: Probably the most likely culprit. The main way an entitly tends to mark people is through encounters with other avatars. Gwen has just had an encounter with Mr Bonzo last episode who I strongly believe must be an avatar of some sort.
What Happened in Episode 12: Getting Off
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Aww Sam!!- Sam asked Celia out and it was adorably awkward. not much to say I just loved this interaction and I'm longing for a new Magnus brand office romance hopefully is wont be an agonizing slowburn that ends tragically like a certain pair of morons from Archives (I love you Jon and Martin but Jesus christ)
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It's Bonzo time bitches!!- Probably one of the most gruesome Magnus statement I've ever listened to (good work Alex) Mr Bonzo completely annihilated some poor dude at his bachelor party. Based on the date of the Incident the I can confidently say that whoever Baz (the groom) was he was our mystery person the OIAR sent Mr Bonzo to get rid of. Along with some of the bloodiest imagery we learned a few things about Bonzo. The most interesting detail is that Bonzo has to be summoned by playing his theme song I think the CD of his theme song acts somewhat like the tapes did in TMA by materialising out of nowhere. Also fun fact you know that torn seam that is right down Bonzo's middle? that is actually is his mouth lined with rows sharp teeth so I guess I know that now (so fun) Moral of the story dont f*ck with Mr. Bonzo
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Alice knows something: Theres been this recurring audio glitch throughout TMAGP thatnks to a few extremly observent fans we have started to relize that these glitches are not at all random and are actually letting the audience know when a character is lying (i actually reposted somones deepdive into all the istances of this glitch so far if you guys are intrested in knowing more) why i bring this up now is becuase since we know when any charater is lying we also know when they are being truthful if there is no glitch when they say somthing and at the end of this episode this interaction occurs
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Alice goes ahead and makes a joke about this to annoy Gwen but the fact theres no audio glitch when she says "I know" means she does actually know who is behind the OIAR and is activly refusing to share it with Gwen or the others. What do you know Alice!?
and that's about it im already loving these next batch of episodes and am so excited to learn more (ERROR has to show up somtime )
thanks to everyone who resonded the poll on the last update I will continue to include drawings into the breakdown even if it takes me a little bit of time to post. anyways I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm about ready to pass out so thanks again and the ask box and comments are always open for discussion and theory crafting.
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wonysugar · 9 months
it’s so over for me…. ch. 7
starbies~~ (half written)
a/n: I’M SO SORRY FOR BASICALLY POSTING THIS CHAPTER NOW😭i originally wanted to post it yesterday but thenvoekfke i passed out,,, so sorry. so uhm?? next chapter coming out later today<33 thank you
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running into ning today wasn’t something you had originally planned, since, you know, you barely even go to starbucks in the first place. today was just some sort of craving you randomly got while doing your assignments.
you approached her, laying gentle taps on her shoulder, causing her to turn around. her resting bitch face immediately turning into a wide grin upon seeing you. you were flattered, in a way. you never really doubted your guys’ friendship, but you didn’t except such an enthusiastic reaction from her.
“oh. my. god. y/n!!! it’s so great seeing you!” she exclaimed, grabbing you by the arm and jumping up and down which earned very intense stares from the other customers there with you, and despite not usually wanting to draw any attention, you didn’t really give a fuck about it, you still quietly greeted her back, wearing a bright smile.
she offered to pay for your drink, to which you hesitantly accepted, despite her being very financially stable for a college student. plus, you never really go to starbucks, so, after reluctantly accepting, you told her to get you whatever she thought was good. she proceeded to order some sort of thing that sounded like a cryptic harry potter spell, to which the barista apparently immediately understood.
you acquired your order minutes before she did, so you took the chance to settle at the closest table. it didn’t take long for her to sit down facing you, her hand holding a bag containing a chocolate chip cookie with her pinkie and somehow managing to grab ahold of some unknown drink. her other hand holding what seemed to be a… pumpkin spice latte..? you weren’t too experienced, but pretty much everyone knew what a pumpkin spice latte was.
“i didn’t peg you for a white girl, ning.” you said, jokingly squinting your eyes at her as she rolls hers.
“oh shut upp.. that one isn’t even for me,” she vaguely motions at the ‘forbidden’ drink, “aeri asked me to get it for her.” she clarified, your eyebrows unconsciously lifting themselves up. aeri, huh.
whatever, you didn’t care about her. you never did, so why were you so.. immediately uptight at the thought of her?? quickly, you switched the topic of the conversation and focused on talking about other things. the exams coming up, future hangout plans, both of your friend groups.
“oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, by the way, there was like this one private account on twitter that dmed me, and they were like?? asking to kiss me or whatever and it happened the same day you guys went apeshit and like.. apologized about it yesterday.” you quickly took a sip from your very good drink, kept note that ning had incredibly good taste, then carried on, “the apology in question was mostly just them being an ass, so. that was weird!” you giggled.
upon looking at her expression, you noticed that she didn’t seem to find it as humorous as you did. instead, she looked like she was trying to force out a fake giggle, but couldn’t.
“girl, you good?”
“no yeah. i am. i’m great, even.” she cleared her throat, taking comically large sips of her drink, basically finishing all of it in one go. what the fuck?
you stared at her dead-panned, you knew her, you knew that looking at her that way would eventually get her to say what’s on her mind.
and you were correct in thinking that!
“ughh okay don’t tell anyone i told you this and under no circumstances do you tell this to aeri but… okay so we-got-really-drunk-and-high-and-she’s-the-one-that-sent-you-those-messages-and-the-account-she-used-was-her-private-one—“
she then stared at you, apparently expectant of something. the only thing that you could do at that moment was pull out your phone and open up twitter.
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taglist : open
@yuki3000 @livelaughchoerry @frenchyypoo @ilovechanhee @beawolfbealionbeyou @jeindall777 @haerinfangs @rdfgfv @wygism @kimsgayness @mightymyo @havex00 @joonket @yerisdumbass @soon2berock @ddeulgiheree @kyaitosz @deong @haerinkisser @victio @imahallucination11 @wintersera @winteresss @pandafuriosa60 @astrojeezus @hyehae @manooffline @waevrs @baebeefyburrito
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auteurdelabre · 7 months
Losing our Minds Together Part 1 [Joel x f!reader][Bill x Frank][Ellie x Riley]
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Summary: As an artist by trade it's only natural that you'd agree to give your young neighbor Ellie drawing lessons. You just weren't counting on her stoic father Joel Miller getting under your skin.
Rating: 18+ (for future chapters)
Word Count:
Pairing: Dad!Joel Miller x f!reader (no use of y/n, no physical descriptions) , Bill x Frank, Ellie x Riley, Tommy x Maria
Warnings: This is saccharine slice of life with smut and a Soft!Joel. You have been warned. There is smut, but when it gets to those chapters you will have plenty of warning. (That is if there is interest in my story!)
A/N: Hey ya'll I loved writing "Something to Fight For" so much, building a world for these characters to live a kinder, softer life. I couldn't stay away from the idea of another AU story for Joel x Reader, this one with less angst , our fav girl Ellie's first crush, and our fav guys Frank and Bill falling in love. Nothing like my other work, not associated with it at all, just similar in that I'm the one writin' it heh heh. But PLEASE let me know what ya'll think in the comments.
Losing our Minds Together: Chapter 1
I don't paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.
- Frida Kahlo
It needs more blue.
No, no. That's wrong. It needs white, just a little dab.... There.
You step back from the canvas, satisfied.
The music is blasting, something moody by The Smiths. A bit before your time, but you've always had a proclivity for older things. Old houses, like the one you live in. Old furniture artfully arranged in the rooms, beautifully carved and one of a kind. Old music, like the stuff that blasts from your CD player now.
You think it's because you grew up with your grandfather. The kindest, most patient man you'd ever met. The kind of man that saved you after your parents died in the car accident. Not just in sheltering and feeding you, but in building you up again. Reminding you what was so wonderful about being alive.
He's the reason your an artist. He's the reason you're alive at all, really.
You brush the hair that's fallen into your face, feeling the dried paint there and breathing deeply as you step back and survey your work.
This one is the ocean, a trite and overdone concept, but working only with the palette knife gives it fat swathes of colorful texture. The kind that makes each wave seem possible to touch, to dive into.
Your next gallery showing is coming up, and you have a few more pieces to create. It's a multimedia exhibition, and your latest batch of ceramics needs to be fired. You sigh, thinking of the kiln you had to sell last month to pay the rent. Money is a bit tight these days, your art's not selling like it used to.
Over the music you hear the sound of beeping, high pitched. You turn, looking through the large bay windows of your studio/office.
There's a moving truck, and alongside it a silver blue truck gliding into the driveway next to yours.
New neighbors. You'd forgotten the couple across the street had mentioned that the place was bought. The place next to yours had gone unsold for so long that you just assumed it would stay abandoned forever. You'd enjoyed that, feeling more free in your backyard without the old biddy who used to live there shooting you daggers.
You take a sip of your coffee, watching as the moving vehicle backs into the driveway next to the truck.
A young girl scrambles from the front of the truck, dressed in jeans and a faded black t-shirt layered over a striped long sleeved shirt.
She walks quickly towards the house, her dark eyes blown wide.
"This place is fucking huge."
You giggle silently to yourself at the young teens observation. She can't be more than fourteen with her dark hair in a knotted ponytail. It swishes back and forth as she takes in the entire house.
You watch as a tall man with broad shoulders and tousled brown curls steps down from the truck. He's wearing jeans and a black t-shirt that pulls against his thick biceps.
"Watch it," he says without malice. "Swearing isn't exactly becoming of a young lady."
You hear a twang in his husky voice, one that doesn't match his daughter's. Texas maybe?  You've never been great at placing accents.
You watch with mild interest as he begins to unhook the ties holding the boxes in the flatbed.
"Yeah well when I see one I'll tell her," the girl replies.
You feel yourself bubbling over with laughter. She's quick. You smile around your coffee cup, watching them.
You find yourself rather fascinated with the duo, listening to them banter back and forth from your window. They carry boxes inside the house , talking the entire time. You can't hear everything, but you think you hear the words "baby" and "school".
"This place is amazing, Joel," Ellie says.
Joel. Not dad. And yet when you watch them interact it's certainly as if they are family. You suppose that he's perhaps the step dad, that the mother will be joining soon.
You consider going over, being neighborly and offering some help. But a quick beep of your watch reminds you that you're already behind on your own tasks for the day. 
You grunt carrying the large box of dried ceramics up the steps of the gallery. The site conditioning hits you and you send a silent prayer to whatever god is in control of temperature.  Through the double doors at the back is Frank's personal studio. He owns the gallery, recently moved here but still loves to create his own art. He's really big into textiles and ceramics.
He's the one who first taught you to throw on a wheel.
Frank was friends with your grandpa as long as Frank had lived in Wyoming. He's known you since your were a heartbroken twelve year old moving to a new city with a grandfather you barely knew.
You were coming from New York. Big city, big apple, big dreams. Moving to Wyoming had felt like a punishment. Leaving your friends and life behind.
But Wyoming is where you found your love. Art. Paint, ceramics, drawing, anything you can get your hands on.
"Honey!" Frank calls out when he sees you burst through the doors, rushing over to help you carry the items to a nearby table. He grunts, hefting them onto it along with you. 
Frank is tall, lean and impossibly handsome. When he smiles it lights up his face. He's always dressed well, chic like any gallery curator.
"You really need all these fired today?"
"Yeah," you nod panting. "Exhibition is coming up in soon. I gotta be ready. And I wanted to test some of the glazes first "
"We have those test tiles," Frank reasons. Frank always thinks he knows better about most things (which makes it extra annoying when he is).
"Yeah but you know it's not the same," you argue. "My pieces are totally different than-"
The two of you begin to debate the merits of test tiles as you unload the items and Frank places them into the kiln.
"These are great," Frank says, but you hear the catch in his tone. Great, but not like the stuff you used to make.*
"You wanna grab a bite?"
"Not this time," you say wincing. You don't want to have to say the words out loud: you're on a budget. A shitty one that means store bought coffee and no more non essential clothes shopping.
Then Frank says the two words that cause any broke artist to rejoice.
"My treat."
It's busy in the cafe down the street. The one Frank comes to at least once a day. You settle into the bar along the window while Frank brings over his drink and your huckleberry pie. 
You chat a while longer, mentioning your new amusing neighbors and how you're going to miss having the quiet to work.
"Is the dad cute?" Frank asks with a brow raise. Frank loves hearing about your romantic life, you assume because his is so littered with bad dates and worse boyfriends.
"I didn't get a great look at the front," you admit. "But he wasn't bad from the back."
Frank laughs around his espresso cup before you suddenly feel him tense beside you. You watch your friend's eyes go owlish behind his glasses and follow his gaze out the window.
Coming up to the cafe with a scowl is Bill. Everyone in town knows him. Bill. The quiet, intense mechanic that owns the place around the corner. The one who comes in for coffee at roughly the same time every day. You roll your eyes at your friend, taking another bite of pie.
"Shhhh," Frank says, pressing into you with his shoulder as Bill walks in, the bell tinkling above him. You both watch as he strides heavily to the counter.
"Black coffee."
The usually friendly barista doesn't even say good afternoon. Bill doesn't do pleasantries. He slides the two wrinkled bills towards her.
"Still that guy, Frank? Really?"
Frank is smiling shyly. He gives a short shrug of his lean shoulder, before his eyes are back on Bill. As if he feels the gaze Bill glances over, catching Frank who  pretends to be laughing at something you say.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"He saw me staring," Frank says gripping your arm and shaking it gently. "Pretend you're telling a joke. Pretend you're funny."
"I am funny."
"Really?" Frank asks, his face amused. "I've never seen proof of that."
You give his shoulder a playful push. "When are you just gonna ask him out?"
"I don't even think he bats for my team," Frank murmurs back. "How humiliating would that be? I confess a year long crush just for him to tell me he's straight? No thanks. I did enough of that in college."
You smirk at that, nudging him with your elbow. "Wimp."
Frank says nothing, simply watches from behind you as Bill takes his coffee, heading outside back to his shop.
"Thanks for the pie," you say earnestly. "It's been forever since I had anything other than something I can heat in the microwave."
"Finances still tight?"
You shrug.
"Told your grandfather not to remortgage," Frank says under his breath.
"It's not all that bad," you insist. "If my next show goes well I'll be able to pay off the majority."
If you show goes well. If not, it might be time to think about selling. The thought of selling your grandfather's place with all its memories is upsetting.
"You should think about teaching art classes again," Frank suggests gently breaking into your thoughts. "You used to love doing that."
"Yeah well," it's your turn to shrug. "Things change."
"Only thing constant is this life is death and taxes," Frank agrees. "But what I'm hearing is you have taxes you can't pay."
You go quiet.
"Just think about it," Frank urges you.
"Okay," you nod at your friend before scraping the last bit of huckleberry onto your fork. "I'll think about it."
Your car rambles into the driveway hours later, the sun setting behind you. You're tired, spent from dropping buying specialized art supplies in Colter Bay.
The last of your money for this month, but if it's as good as the woman in the shop promised then your pieces are going to look amazing. And you need them to look amazing. You need to make sales.
You give a groan, pulling the bags from the seat next to you. You stretch to a stand, your mind whirring with all you need to do in the coming weeks.
"Got any garbage bags?"
"Christ!" you scream at the unexpected male voice behind you, dropping the bag you're holding in fright.
The man, Joel, your neighbor stands looking aghast. His hair is sweaty at the temples, his t-shirt damp along the collar. He's been lugging boxes all day, the moving truck is gone and his truck's flatbed is bare. He has a beard, closely trimmed and the same shade as his hair. Up close you can see it's threaded with bits of grey.
You look down to your feet, your worst fears confirmed. The expensive brushes you bought have snapped under the heavy gloss varnish bottle which has cracked and leaked all over the bag and now dribbles onto the driveway.
"No," you drop to your knees, trying your best to scoop the vanish back into the bag even though you know it's pointless.
Joel drops to one knee as well, even though he can tell it's fruitless. He looks at your crumpled face as you stare at the waste, shaking your head.
All you can see now is dollars and cents being quickly soaked up by the ground.  You drop your head into your hands.
"Fuck. No. This can't be happening."
You twitch when you feel a heavy hand at your shoulder. A tentative gesture of apology from the man knelt across from you. 
"I'm so sorry," Joel says, his face twisted into genuine concern. "I'll replace 'em. Just tell me where and I-"
You're so angry. Angry about the fact that you have no money. Angry about your art not selling as well. Angry about the pitying look in Frank's eyes when you talked about the mortgage. And now deep thundering fury at the man who gapes at you with wide brown eyes.
You glare before you angrily push his wide hand off your shoulder.
"Stay away from me you fucking hillbilly."
Joel's eyes blow wide at your sudden vitriol. You jerk to a stand, bringing the ruined supplies with you. Joel is still kneeling there, staring at the remnants of the varnish. 
Without another look you rush to your house, holding back furious tears as you force the key into the lock.
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archie-sunshine · 6 months
Hi! Hello!! It's 5am and after reading the 1.5 Driftrod chapter I couldn't help myself by showing my appreciation for it- LIKE THANK YOU!!
My mean Drift apostle- I love how you characterise him! Thank you for sharing this! (Also, amazing how they both got send to horny jail, tho I doubt it would stop Drifty from being a mean teasing b-)
Anyways, a did question did pop up- two actually. But they don't really relate to each other. Kind off?
First, what are your thoughts on Hotlock? My heart, brain and evil horny half of me aches for both sides of Rodimus and Drift so I always have double brainrot about them (-size difference. it's the size difference.)
Second, I didn't find it anywhere on your info page(or maybe it's just me being blind, apologiesif it's the case) but do you have a Ko-fi or something similar? I'm a broke uni student but I still wanted to support you in some monetary way! (Also because I totally want to commission hotlock but felt guilty by just asking without paying hhh)
Sorry for the long ass ask! 5am me is ecstatic about what they just read and future me will feel shame and pass it down to at least three generations for making a fool out of myself.
Have an amazing day and keep being great!!
So do u guys ever get an ask that leaves u kinda sittin there like this?
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*ahem* anyways!! Sorry, i got very carried away drawing sketches for this ask so if this is like- super overwhelming i apologize
THANK YOU!! FOR ENJOYING THE SECRET DRIFTROD FIC!! I have a lot of thoughts about drift and his sex life and libido and personal preferences. I won't go into heavy detail(unless someone sends an ask wanting to hear about my thoughts) but i fully agree that drift has a mean streak the size of the grand canyon, but also has so much internalized guilt that he REALLY tries to not do anything about it. Rodimus is oblivious to it- until Drift eventually snaps and makes his intentions very very clear. But there were some obvious warning signs, i.e. being a very persistent sex pest and getting way too revved up from bullying rodimus with the magnetizer on.
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AS FOR HOTLOCK??? I genuinely hadn't thought about it- until i read an absolutely life changing brain shattering wip from a friend of mine. AND NOW!!!??? NOW ITS IN MY BRAIN. i cannot get it out of there. LOVE hotlock, lots of thoughts on hotlock. The tension, the hatesex, two pent up freaks with the libidos of rabbits. What's not to love right? (apologies, im not the best at drawing Hot Rod idw style but i think this gets the point across yea?)
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I personally find it very compelling that they would start out hating each other, and hot rod would likely continue to consider their whole relationship more of a sexually charged rivalry. but deadlock I believe would become almost animalistically possessive of hot rod. Still hating him, still savoring the thrill of hunting him for sport for the express purpose of beating the brakes off him. but uh... not wanting anything to get between that.
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I like to imagine that characterization for deadlock no matter who he ends up with, BECAUSE, I also really enjoy the idea that Drift would harbour a lot of guilt and shame for that part of his life? like i personally believe Drift would try to cover up as much of deadlocks remaining character traits as possible out of guilt, pretend they arent there and that he's a much more even tempered, normal person about the relationships he's in.
Now is that possessiveness or mean streak really gone?.... I mean...
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drift would probably very much like you to think so.
NOW!! about commissions, first of all holy shit thank you? what? Don't spend your money on me good god- I USED to have a ko-fi, but i have not used it in a very long time!! I really appreciate the sentiment, but especially if youre hard for cash, I'd be happy to just draw requests because i think they're fun!! so feel free to suggest whatever you'd like to see(as long as its like- one of my hyperfixations bbgfdgfds-) I personally really love making people happy with my art, so like- praise, recognition, and knowing that my work made people happy(via comments or tags or inbox messages) is like fucking crack to me. I'd love to draw driftrod/hotlock for anyone, literally anytime, bc it would make them happy :] and that would make me happy :]
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Like, see? I farted this drift out in under 10 minutes and it made me so happy to draw and i went 'omg the little people in my puter are gonna love this drawing' and it brought me infinitely more joy than the 25 bucks id get as payment for it.
IF!! I do open for commissions though, i'd likely be accepting payment via my paypal in CAD, and you'd likely see me open for them on my blog if you're following me!!
I know this post is already like exorbitantly long, for which i apologize, but i do want to say you should never apologize for the enjoyment you gain from someones work!!! This ask has made me so happy!! It makes me really glad to know that someone out there who i don't even know was brought joy by my very stupid fanfic at 5am somewhere. ALSO??? the fact that someone halfway across the world from me can see and love and enjoy something I made??? THE WORLD IS BEAUTIFUL WHAT?? The connection that fandom and creation can bring is beyond description and I am glad that my work reached you. any of you. all of you. thank you anon.
(jesus christ im getting emotional in this chilis today)
[Feeling nosy? Send me an ask or request in my inbox!!!]
[full sketchpage under the cut!]
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86 notes · View notes
sanaxo-o · 2 months
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Magnetic (Eric Sohn)
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Too @sohnric : Happiest Birthday my Eric Stan 🥺. Omg you’re older now damn…okay to start off I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest and keep on being unhinged like always 🥺. Thank you for always being there for me and saving my ass from Izzy 🧍‍♀️. I love you loads and I hope you always know that. This is just something small I prepared for you since well…it’s your birthday. I hope you enjoy this even tho it’s not that good 🥺😭. Love you <3 and yes this is the reason why I did not ask you too beta read the Eric fic 🧍‍♀️💔. P.S don’t worry I did not stay up the whole night. I set an alarm clock to wake up sat 3:30 😚. I hope I wake up 🧍‍♀️. If it comes late then you know why that is! Well last but not least, enjoy your day to the fullest :) let’s keep on talking about Weak Hero Class 1 and what not in the future too <3
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Warnings/Genre: friends too lovers, cursing, making out, mentions of food, Eric is kind of flirty (I tried), sunshine x moon trope, reader is very oblivious, reader is a psychology major (idk if psychology majors have jury or no but I searched on google and google said arts students have jury so I think I am right but ik it’s wrong!), drinking but not really since they don’t drink in the scene (reader is just getting the after effects of drinking), reader likes to crochet! A small joke made out of the Shakespeare drama Julius Caesar 😭. I guess that’s it…lmk if I miss anything!
Word count: 6,077
Sana: Hihi, I am back with an Eric fic (I have more Eric fics than I have for my own bias wow). This is just a small something I wrote for bar so I hope you guys also like this. A special and huge thanks to @quaissants @strayed-quokka and @o-onikix for beta reading this and helping me in the process. And also a huge thanks to @sungbeam for making the banner for me 🥺🫶🏻. Love you. I was too scared to ask ally to beta because it was not my best work 💔. I was gonna add the other banner for this but then my friends moms said that it looks like he has a pacifier in his mouth so I was like nvm 😭.
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @sohnric @mosviqu @deoboyznet
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All this was new to you. These feelings, these butterflies wandering in your stomach, the feeling of love, those red cheeks, the feeling of falling in love and at last, him. He was new to you.
All these feelings you had were so new for you. Deep down you always knew and expected to love a man similar to you, and yet he was the complete opposite of what you could’ve imagined.
That is why it was a complete shock for you when you understood your true feelings for Eric Sohn, who was the complete opposite of what you expected your partner to be.
He was like the sun, always bright and drawing everyone's attention, annoying the hell out of them. And you were like the moon, lover of quiet places because they’d let you wander around your own world.
He was the polar opposite of you. You liked having your own space while he…well he loved getting into other’s space and annoying the hell out of them. That’s how you liked to describe him most of the time.
If anyone ever asked you what you thought about Eric,the first thing to come to your mind was ‘He’s a good guy but he’s noisy.’ Which is true! No matter the time or place,Eric would always have at least some energy to spare for you.
Sometimes you admire him for having that much energy in him. Like how can someone go a whole day screaming here and there without feeling tired or having a sore throat??
Blinking your eyes,you look down at the crochet you were working on, only to sigh in disappointment when you realise that you had messed up the pattern, again.
Still continuing with your work,you pay no mind to the people around you who were talking and screaming loudly with their fellow peers. You were fixated on finishing on whatever this was going to turn out to be.
“What’s that?” You hear a voice ask from beside you which makes you halt your hands and look up, only to give out a small grin when you realise that it was none other than Eric Sohn.
“Ah well…it was supposed to be a cute frog but I don’t know what it is anymore.” You mumble quietly as you go back to crocheting the now demonic frog (that was your personal assumption).
“I think it’s cute though.” He says softly as he looks into your eyes when you look up at him again.
You divert your gaze everywhere around the room, just to ignore his. Everything was now interesting, even the guy who was hogging the food. Your cheeks continue growing bright in colour as you try your best to avoid his intense gaze.
“You do not have a good taste then.” You say with sass as you elbow his stomach when he snorts at your reply.
“Really? But I am friends with you. Does that still mean I have bad taste?” He says cheekily and places his head on his hands which were placed on the table. Looking up at you he brings his hands up and pokes your cheek softly.
“That’s not what I meant! You know that!” You yell at him but soon a small smile comes up on your lips when you feel his fingers poking your cheek continuously.
“Your words, not mine but, let’s leave it like that. I came here to ask you something else..” Eric says that as he sits up properly while fixing his now messy hair.
You stop your hands from crocheting as you push Eric's hands away from his hair when you realise that he is just making them more messy than they already were.
“Your eyes are pretty..” Eric whispers softly. You momentarily stop fixing his hair, as you stare into his eyes for a moment, only to cough to hide your embarrassment.
“Stop that..” you say shyly as you fix his last strand of hair and move away from him to keep some gap between you two which you had closed without neither of you guys realising.
“Stop what? And you coughed on my face, thank you very much.” He says sarcastically as he grabs your handkerchief to wipe his face jokingly.
“Whatever,” you mumble as you snatch your handkerchief from his hand and go back to crocheting. “What did you want to talk about anyways?” You mumble as you again fix your gaze on the frog (which had these huge ass eyes and looked more like a demonic creature hence, the name.) you were crocheting again.
“I was wondering, since we’re free after our jury today and the sem is over now.. We would mostly be free, right?” He asks cautiously as he takes away your frog and places it on the table to have your full attention on him.
“Where are you going with this?” You ask in complete confusion when Eric takes ahold of your hand in his and places them on his lap making you face him.
“Promise that you won’t back out once I tell you about the plan.” He says while putting his pinky finger in front of you, urging you to lock yours with his as a way to keep the promise tact.
You stare at him and then at his finger for a moment before letting out a small sigh at his childish behaviour. “Fine, promise. Now tell me..” you say with a small grin when he breaks the fingers apart but still having a hold of your other hand in his large ones.
“We have a sealed deal, okay? This gesture means that I can break your finger if you don’t stay true to your word and break our promise!” He says while pointing his finger at you. You only smile at him and nod your head when he boops your nose with his finger.
“Everyone was planning to go to the amusement park tomorrow in the evening…I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Wait- no I want you to join us.” You stare at Eric when he says that.
You didn’t hate going out per se, but you would rather just stay at home on the last day of the sem,catch up on your lost sleep and the dramas—be a couch potato in general.
You had a lot more time to have fun with your peers and friends the day after. You just needed some alone time away from everything and just focus on yourself.
Before you could even back down you remembered how you had promised Eric to not back out of whatever he was about to ask.
“For how long?” You ask him as you stand up and grab your stuff to exit the cafeteria with Eric by your side.
“Just for a few hours. We were planning on going to the new restaurant which had opened up but if you get too exhausted we can just go over to your place and order some food. I know how you get when you’re exhausted..” he says with a smile as he grabs most of your stuff and carries them for you instead of you having to ask him to do so.
You smile at his gesture knowing how he would always step in first to help you out even when they’re just small things.
You liked how he was always so observant and not full of himself unlike some people you knew in the past.
It’s the little things he does which makes your heart beat grow faster. It makes you feel like you just came back from running somewhere or as if you dashed through the hallways to reach your class on time.
It’s as if your heart starts pounding whenever he is closer. You sometimes wonder if you can hide your feelings well or not. Because even from afar, he looks so…surreal. The only thing that comes to mind when your eyes meet his is ‘oh my gosh, his eyes are so pretty’. You do wish to drown in those deep eyes, sometimes.
If staring at him for the whole day was a paid job you’d probably be a billionaire by now because of how much you stare at him.
“Maybe we can go to the nearby club when I am more free? Just the two of us are fine.” You tell him as you grab your books from his hands and enter your class, not waiting back to hear his reply knowing he was just going to agree with what you just said.
Standing beside Eric you look around in awe amazed by the different kinds of rides in the park.
You notice Eric walking away for a moment saying he wanted to buy something urgently so you paid him no mind and just gave a small nod at him acknowledging his words.
you were so immersed by everything that you failed to notice his return. He came back, holding two cotton candies in his hands.
“Here.” You hear his voice beside you.
Looking at him your eyes gleam with happiness when you take notice of the pink coloured sugary sweet in his hand which he was offering to you.
“Thanks!” You say happiness evident in your voice and your features as you take a few bites out of the cotton candy.
“Woah, can we ride that?!” You shout in excitement as you grab Eric’s hand and pull him towards the queue to buy the tickets for the ride.
You look back at Eric when you see him just standing behind you with a straight face, no expression adorning his facial features as he smiles at you nervously when he notices your excited gaze looking back at him.
“What’s wrong?” You ask once you notice his nervousness.
“Are you sure…you want to ride that?” He asks while scratching the back of his neck while trying to look anywhere but you.
He could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment knowing he’s just ratting himself out by trying to avoid getting on the ride.
“Yes! I have always wanted to try this out with someone!” You say with excitement as you wave his hands around trying to convince him to get on the ride with you.
“Since you’re insisting and begging so much…I might as well get on the ride with you. Don’t worry, you can hold onto my hand if you get scared!” He says with fake enthusiasm (and probably even gaslighting himself into believing that he would be fine on the ride) as he grabs your hand and drags you towards the ticket counter. “Ticket for two please.” He requests the cashier.
“We don’t have to ride it if you’re scared or something..” you reassure him when he starts walking towards the first seat of the ride.
“No, I want to. I told you I am there to protect you, didn’t I?” He bluffs as he lets you settle down in the ride before getting in right after you.
After helping you fasten your seat belt,he looks around the area in wonder when he feels the ride moving slowly.
He could feel his palms getting sweaty with fear and nervousness when the ride started moving, but he tried his best to stay calm and collected.
Closing his eyes he pays attention to the sounds going on and off through his ears as he tries to drown them out when he feels your warm hands embracing his sweaty, colder ones.
Peeking through his right eye he could see you looking ahead with excitement when the ride came at the most exciting part.
“Can…can you hold my hand?” You hear his small voice squeak through his throat as he holds out his hand for you to hold it.
“And you said you were the one to protect me.” You tease as you immediately grab his hand in a tight grip to help him calm down.
“Woah okay…” you turn your head and look at Eric’s flushed face as you rub your thumb against the back of his hand in a way to give him some comfort. “Why is this going so sl-” before he could complete his sentence a loud scream escapes his lips as he pulls you closer to him with great force.
Letting out a scream you look ahead of you as you feel your heart thump in fear that’s what you hoped so when Eric clutched your hand tightly while pulling you closer.
You could feel his breath fanning your face making you shiver. Closing your eyes you look away from his face as you look around the view when the ride starts to slow down.
Loosening your hand which was gripping onto Eric’s, you slowly let go of it as you immediately undo your seatbelt and get out of the ride when the ride comes to a complete stop.
“Oh..let’s go to a restaurant or somewhere..” you mumble tiredly as you start walking away from him. Too embarrassed and shy to look at Eric’s face.
“Aren’t you tired though?” Eric mumbles once he catches up to you. Gripping onto your hand he takes hold of your purse so that you can walk more freely.
“You don’t have to do that..” you say softly as you try to take your purse back from him only for him to gently push your hand away in reassurance.
“It’s fine. I can handle that.” He says as he pulls you closer by your waist and leads the way to his car. “Oh…is this the frog you were crocheting?” He mumbles once his eyes catch the small crocheted item made by you.
Keeping it in the backseat, he helps you put your seatbelt on. “Let’s head back over to my house. You already look exhausted with all the activities you did.”
You look over at him when he says that. He really does pay attention to the small details related to you. “I thought you wanted to go out and have some dinner with the guys?” You say softly while eyeing his side profile.
His lips which always looked so kissable, you admit to yourself that there were times when you had thought about kissing Eric but he does not have to know that, now does he?
“Hmm no it’s fine. I would rather spend the night with you than listen to them talking about some stupid things.” He says with a chuckle as he gives your hand a light squeeze in reassurance. “Oh by the way, can I have the frog you crocheted?” Eric asks once he had stopped laughing.
Looking at you for a split second, his eyes travel down to your lips for a split second only for them to divert back to your eyes.
“Why would you want that?” You question back, your brows furrowing in confusion as you grab your purse from the backseat and stare at the crocheted frog which was handing on the chain.
You didn’t exactly like it because it was not your best piece, you were still learning and you just crocheted for fun and to help you with stress.
You made the frog crochet into a keychain because you did not want to throw it away despite it not being the best thing you made.
“I like it, it’s cute!” He says with a smile on his face. His cheekbones rising up making his cheeks look puffy (in a cute way of course).
“It’s so not cute, Eric..” you say with a sigh as you shake your head at his silliness when he whines at your answer.
“Why can’t I just have it? I like everything you crochet..” he replies back once the car comes to a halt at the red light. “Come on, let me have it. I will treasure it the same way I treasure you..” he says softly as he places his hand on your thigh to convince you.
Looking up at him you break eye contact almost instantly when you notice him staring at you intensely, “Look at me..” he whines as he places his hands on your cheeks and makes you stare at him. Squishing your cheeks together he lets out a small laugh while looking at your lips which were in an ‘o’ shape. “Give me the frog please.” He pleads while batting his eyes together in a fast motion to try and convince you (well hopefully).
You could feel your heart beating at a fast pace again. If you could, you would just kiss him but that’d be too reckless of you, no? Snapping out of your thoughts you clear your throat and speak up.
“I can make one for you especially..” you say, your words coming out a bit jumbled because of your cheeks getting squeezed together.
“You can?” Eric asks softly as he slowly pulls away from you and turns ahead when the light turns green.
“Of course, since you so badly want the frog I can just make something else for you. Something better..” you say with a nod as you keep your bag in the backseat again.
“But I would still be happy if you gave me the frog crochet..” he replies in a sing-song voice as he turns on the radio to play some songs.
You sigh when he says that, there’s no winning against Eric when it comes to something he wants. You knew how stubborn the latter was. Youjust couldn't argue with him, especially with those eyes of his, which would always sparkle when talking with you (it might be your delusion speaking, but you always saw his eyes sparkle when talking with you and you only).
You smile in delight when Eric plays Best Years by 5sos. He still remembers your favourite artist. He was also the one who accompanied you to the concerts and saw you going crazy, so it was kind of an unforgettable experience.
You sigh in satisfaction as you look out the window in content while humming and singing along to the lyrics of the song while Eric drives the car.
Entering the house you place your bag on the counter table as you go in the washroom to wash up.
Knowing Eric, he might already be ordering some food so that was least of your worries. The guy knew your favourite food all too well.
Turning on the shower you wait for the water to get hot as you strip off your clothes.
Once it is lukewarm, you enter the shower as thoughts start to occupy your mind.
Did you really like Eric? Or was your heart just not functioning properly? And….and those butterflies wandering in your stomach when he does or remembers something you like. Oh gosh! You never felt this way for any guy before, that’s for sure.
You and Eric are like the polar opposites, everyone knows that. They still wonder how you and Eric are still together as friends knowing how the other guy is.
You were someone who always preferred your own space, you liked being in your own shell and just being lost in your thoughts.
Eric was the opposite! He was always outgoing, just like everyone calls him the social butterfly and boy was he true to that name given to him.
He could instantly make anyone comfortable with him be it a small kid, an adult or someone older than him. He had that kind of charm in him.
Getting the bottle of shampoo which Eric had you start washing your hair with it as you think back to the time when Eric had approached you.
Sitting at the back of your stats class, you try your best to pay attention to what the professor was saying but it was not that easy.
The headache you were having since the morning was getting worse, now it was truly your fault for going to a club with your friends on a Sunday night knowing you had early classes the very next day.
But what could you do when you just wanted a few drinks to get your mind of all the stress the major you were majoring in was giving you?
To put it simply, it’s not easy being a psychology major. The amount of assignments which are piling on your desk at the dorm and at your house along with all the essays you have yet to turn in.
No matter how many times you stay up all night the work just keeps on increasing, as if you broke the stop button.
So when your friends offered you to tag along with them to the nearby club for a few drinks how could you even turn them down? So of course you went along with them and had a little bit too much.
Massaging your temples with your eyes closed you try your best to think of something else. Anything to distract yourself from the massive headache you were having.
“Here, take some painkillers.” You hear a voice say from beside you. Turning your head around you could feel your voice getting stuck in your throat when you see the man sitting beside you.
Messy blond hair, he had decent casual clothes on. A pair of a hoodie with a cap on top of his head which was now in his hands since he was trying to fix his strands of hair which were getting in his eyes.
“Let me help you.” You say softly as you lean closer towards him and help him fix his hair.
You don't even know where you got this confidence from but it’s as if your hands moved on its own before you could even comprehend what you were about to do.
Leaning closer to his face you fix his hair as your eyes stay focused on his hair. You try your best to not look anywhere else but the oversized hoodie was revealing his collarbones and you were oh so tempted to check him out but you stopped yourself.
“You have pretty eyes.” You hear him say. You did not even know his name and you were already blushing at something a stranger said to you? How could he have such a huge impact on you so quickly was beyond your imagination.
“Oh thanks haha.” You say with a shy voice as you move away from him before you do something you’d regret (example: kiss him).
“Oh here. Take it.” He says once you move away from him. Sliding the pills to you he grabs your bottle of water which was beside him and opens it up for you.
“How did you know I was having a headache? I don’t think we've ever met each other before.” You question him while taking a pill in your hand.
“Oh well we have a few mutual friends but we never talked with each other before. I was at the club yesterday and noticed you.” He explains himself while grabbing a random paper which was lying beside him to doodle on it.
“Ah I see..thanks for the medicine…?” You furrow your brows when you realise that he never introduced himself to you.
“Oh! It’s Eric but you can call me anything you’d like. Maybe…yours?” He says with a flirty and cheeky smile adorning his oh so handsome face. Standing up from the chair he gets ready to leave the classroom only to turn around to look at you again. “See you around..” he waits for you to complete the sentence.
“Y/N,” you say with a small smile. Scrunching up your nose, you close your eyes when he pats your head with his hand.
“See you around, Y/N.” Eric says as he starts walking away.
Flashback end
Turning off the shower you leave the washroom with a bathrobe wrapped around your body.
Opening up the closet of Eric’s you look through his clothes when your eyes catch the black hoodie off his. The same one he was wearing on the day you both met for the first time.
Grabbing the hoodie you slip into the clothes as you start drying your hair with the towel Eric had kept for you.
“Wait, let me help you.” You hear Eric’s voice say as soon as he walks in the room.
You look at him through the mirror as he helps you in drying your hair with the towel.
“You’re wearing that hoodie.” Eric says with a grin as he grabs the comb to untangle your hair.
“It’s comfortable..” you mumble with a small smile on your lips.
Sitting on the couch, you take a bite out of your pizza slice as you turn on the TV to watch the series.
From the corner of your eyes you notice Eric taking out a packet of ramen making you let out a groan in annoyance at his behaviour, “Why can't you just eat some of the food which is served right here instead of making some noodles which you inhale almost everyday?” You question him once you have swallowed your food.
Eric just shakes his head as he smiles at you sheepishly. You knew winning against him was useless since he won’t listen to you either ways so you just let him be and continue eating your food while sipping from your can of coke (very original 🙄).
Giving him a slice of pizza which was in your hand you rest your body against the armrest of the couch as you place your legs on his lap so that you can be more comfortable and relaxed.
Heaving out a sigh you look at the TV screen when a question pops into your mind. You give Eric a look as you notice how his whole attention was on the TV.
You always wondered why that man was never dating anyone when so many girls out there were quite literally dying for him. Even the slightest bit of attention given by that man to them made them feel accomplished.
Well technically in their eyes you were the one person who has accomplished their dream. Which was too close with Eric and well…you might be the only girl who would get his whole attention whenever you want it.
The man would quite literally drop whatever he was doing just so he could talk with you. That was also the reason why everyone used to call him a simp and a lovesick puppy for running around everywhere just to be with you.
“Why are you not dating anyone?” You ask suddenly while staring at Eric’s side profile. You widen your eyes when Eric starts coughing while holding his chest.
Immediately sitting straight you grab the glass of water which Eric had brought along with him. Standing up you walk beside him in hurry as you help him drink the water while rubbing his back soothingly hoping it’d help him calm down.
“Feeling better?” You asked nervously once Eric had stopped coughing. Once he gives a slight nod to your question you sign in relief as you go and take a seat beside him.
Taking a seat you grab ahold of Eric’s hand while massaging them gently.
“Why did you ask that question so suddenly?” Eric mumbles as he takes a big gulp of water while trying to control his breathing.
You just simply shrug at his question as you look away from him, anywhere but him. You did not have it in you to look him in the eye after asking such an absurd question.
“I was..I don’t know. Curious maybe?” You say in a hushed tone as you slowly bring your gaze back at him. If someone saw you right now, they’d think you dreamt about something scary because of the way your eyes were shaking. “I mean don’t get me wrong! It’s just that…everyone wants you as their boyfriend but you never pay attention to them. Why’s that?” You question him slowly.
“Do you want me to be your boyfriend?” Eric asks softly as he fully turns his body towards you to face you.
You could feel yourself choke at his choice of words as you immediately let out a nervous laugh when he says that.
“What are you talking about? I am serious Eric…” you say with a shy chuckle as you slap his shoulder gently. Trying to play it off coolly.
“Well then what about you then? A lot of guys I know like you, they even asked you out but you always turned them down. Why’s that?” He asks the question with his brows raised, waiting for you to answer his question.
You look down at the ground in wonder. Why did you turn them down? It’s not like you were waiting for someone else or were you? You immediately shake your head when you realise how Eric was avoiding your questions.
“Don’t change the subject!” You say with a glare as you flick his forehead gently.
You smile softly when he acts as if the flick hurted him knowing damn well that he was just acting to tease you.
“Do you just not see it?” Eric says while rubbing the back off his neck shyly.
You stare at him in confusion when he says that.Notice what? The way he pouts whenever he’s eating something he likes? Or the amount of tattoos he has on his body? Or maybe the fact that he's always having the same heart eyes when talking with you? Well of course you would ignore the last bit! But he doesn’t have to know that, now does he?
You just shake your head at his question, waiting for him to make himself clear so that you can assure yourself that whatever your hunch was telling you was in fact correct! “I like you silly..” Eric finally says with a small airy chuckle leaving his lips.
He moves closer towards you so that he can pull you closer, “I have never paid this much attention to someone before but you. It’s like…I am magnetised whenever I am with you. I cannot feel myself wanting to leave your side whenever we both are together. I always try to play it cool when it comes to you but I just seem to fail at that. Everyone knows that but you..everything about you sticks to my heart. It’s like…it’s something I cannot express in words.” He says softly while pulling you closer.
All you could ever think about at that moment was, ‘Oh my god?’ You couldn’t get yourself to believe it when Eric brought himself closer towards you, you immediately snapped out of your thoughts.
“Is it fine…if I?” You give him a small nod when he asks that.
And there it is, the spark you always felt whenever he did something oh so small but it always somehow made you feel special.
The way he gently grabbed a hold of your chin slowly moving to the back of your neck while his other hand gripped onto your waist, squeezing it lightly he pulled you closer while moving his lips in sync with yours.
You could feel yourself shiver at his feather light touches, especially when his hands started to travel up towards your spine. The lingering sensation stayed there even when his hand was already engulfing in your hair.
You immediately entangle your hands in his hair while kissing him to deepen the kiss.
You wrap your arms around Eric as you pull him closer towards you. You never thought you’d ever be cuddling with Eric like this.
I mean you never thought of Eric as someone who’d enjoy being the one being cuddled but looking at the man right now you could tell that he was enjoying this more than anyone.
You slowly snuggle closer to Eric as you listen to his calm breathing. You never thought that this day would come but here you are, laying on the same bed with Eric Sohn, cuddling together.
To say the least, you were content with what you had at the moment. This is all you could ask for.
Entering the auditorium you sigh in embarrassment when you see Eric, Sunwoo and Haknyeon playing around with the props which were lying on the stage.
It’s been a few months since you both made your relationship official. Everyone around you was obviously more than delighted to hear it, I mean the lovesick boy's love was finally accepted by you.
And ever since you guys made the relationship official, of course you guys were named for being the cutest couple and for making the singles in the group more single than ever because of how you and Eric flirt all the time when together.
You walk towards them with your hands behind your back as you let out a chuckle when Eric falls on the ground dramatically.
“Et tu, Brute? Wait no…Et tu, Sunwoo?” Eric says with hurt as he looks up at Sunwoo who was holding the sword in his hand with a crazy smile on his face.
You widen your eyes when Haknyeon pours some water on the floor as a way to depict the blood shed by Sunwoo.
You notice how Chanhee, who was sitting on the edge of the stage, starts hiding his face because of his friends behaviour.
You just go and take a seat beside him while you wait for Eric to take a notice of your presence.
You were about to open your mouth to speak with Chanhee when a loud voice beams through the whole auditorium making you laugh, “Y/N!” You immediately stand up from your seat and open your arms, waiting for Eric to hug you like always.
“When did you get here, sweetheart?” Eric mumbles, his face being placed on the crook of your neck as he melts in your warm embrace.
“Just now while you were imitating about being stabbed. I was about to talk with Chanhee when a certain someone came running here.” You say with a teasing smile.
You laugh when Eric glares at Chanhee playfully before holding you closer, “Mine!” Eric says to Chanhee before sticking his tongue out at him.
Chanhee just sighs and nods at the younger’s behaviour as he stands up from the seat to walk away from you both.
“Where are you going?” Eric questions in confusion when Chanhee starts walking away towards Sunwoo and Haknyeon who were, well…throwing water at each other.
“Not interested in looking at you both being all lovey dovey in front of me!” Chanhee shouts back as he gets on the stage which was a great mistake because he apparently became the boy's next target.
“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a girlfriend like Y/N!” Eric teases and laughs loudly when Chanhee throws a middle finger at him while trying to save himself from the two boys.
Diverting his attention back to you he offers you a smile as he takes your hand in his while walking towards the exit door only to stop when you start looking through your bag.
“Here..” you take out a small crocheted keychain which was of a flower. It was abit tiny in size but it’s something Eric would cherish so you were more than happy to make something so special for him.
“For me?” He asks in astonishment while gently taking it from your hand. Scared it might fall apart if he grabs it aggressively.
“Sweetheart, it’s beautiful.” He mumbles while immediately attaching the keychain on his bag.
“You like it?” You ask with happiness. You were glad he liked the item you crocheted. When he gives you a nod you immediately hug him tightly. “I am glad you do! I was gonna crochet something else but then it turned out to be Sunwoo in evil form so I discarded it.” You say with a smile as you pull away from him.
Eric laughs at your choice of words while holding your hand tightly in his grip.
“Want to get some ice cream?” He asked once you were out of the auditorium.
Seeing you nod enthusiastically, he immediately starts dragging you towards his car.
Well as they say, opposites do attract and you were glad you found Eric. He was kind of like your other half, you never thought or even dreamt about this moment but here you were, going on an ice cream date with your boyfriend.
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daisygirlwrites · 10 months
garreth weasley dating hcs
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note: reader's house isn't mentioned but i wrote this with my slytherin MC in mind!
a/n: hey hey! finally, posting something for hogwarts legacy. i had some much fun writing this and there's definitely more coming soon!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・
First date would be at the Three Broomsticks. This is also where you have your first argument since you wanted to pay for the date (especially with how much money you had) and Garreth, being taught that the gentleman takes care of their lady and the bill, is really insistent that he'll take care of it. Eventually, you let him pay for your drinks. However, you basically spoil him by buying his favorites from Honeydukes and getting him expensive potion ingredients.
in a modern au, he'd definitely call you his sugar mama as a joke
because of this, he wouldn't mind being a future stay at home husband
Whenever he sees you get upset, he’d say “None of that!”. He then proceeds to squish your cheeks and aggressively kiss all over your face. 
he does this in front of everyone. Sebastian teases you ruthlessly, mimicking Garreth by grabbing Ominis and making kissing noises
Clingy. Will whine whenever you have to leave for class and wrap his arms around your waist. Have to physically pry him off. Sends you an owl an hour later, with the message “I miss you” along with a crude drawing of him crying
his main love language is physical touch. as a Weasley, he grew up with a large and loving household, so physical affection is normal for him.
however, when you started courting, Garreth knew that he didn't want to let you go. especially with the attention of being the new transfer student and the Hero of Hogwarts, he was scared of losing you.
Watches you sleep. When you wake up, he’ll tell you that you snore really loud and that you drooled on his pillow. 
he'll also say that you look very beautiful and that he'd love to wake up every morning seeing you like that.
Passes notes to you in class. Sometimes it’s random questions, really bad pick up lines or drawings of cats
"would you still love me if i were turned into a worm?"
"if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber ;) "
"i'll finish your potions homework if you'd let me nap on your boobs"
Speaking of which, whenever he sees two cats together, he’d point them out to you and say “That’s us!”
he does this every time you guys go to Hogsmeade
he also points out other animals and beasts with their mates and saying he same thing
one day, Garreth looks longingly at an elderly couple before he glances at back you
fun fact, some of these headcanons are based on my husband!
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kimhargreeves · 9 months
Before You Go-Jin Itadori x Reader (Jujutsu Kaisen)
(A/N: Why did Gege draw almost all of JJK dad's attractive dilfs?! Anyways I've decided to write a short fic of Jin Itadori one shot since others have simped over Toji. Don't think anyone else thinks Jin is attractive, nobody requested this but I decided to write this. Let me know if anyone wants part 2, though it's already being planned. Also, should smut be included or not? Let me know JJK fans.)
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Summary: Jin and You have been friends since childhood, final exams are coming up now determining both of your futures. You're crush on Jin Itadori is known to everyone, so you make it seem like you haven't studied for exams for spend time with him. It's Christmas Eve when head to his home and a decision is made when you're both alone.
"Reading that book again, Jin?" I blush when the pink haired man with glasses focuses his eyes back on me when he decided to close the book he had. Taking a small break from it.
"Finals are approaching, (Y/N). I gotta give it my all pass the test, you know how my father will be if he finds out I didn't pass."
I chuckle at him always becoming worried when it came to exams. "Don't stress yourself too much, Jin. You're the smartest guy in class, and the smartest man I've ever met."
Jin pouts while looking at me as he fixes his glasses back in his nose.
"You want me to help you in studying, don't you?"
I chuckle and try to laugh it off but saw a small smile spread across Jin's face when I sat back down with him and nudged my shoulder with his, leaning a bit too close to him.
The cold didn't bother me a bit if it meant I could get close to Jin. The weather was getting chilly since it was December and snow had fallen a dew days ago, and Christmas was just a day away.
"If you're so kind or have the time to. Then yes, I would gladly like you to help me."
Jin sighed struggling to not smile again. "You owe me this time, (Y/N)."
"Know what? For what's left of the school year I'll bring you lunch everyday, that'll make us even. I know how much you love my cooking." I blushed glancing over to look at his cute face.
"You're cooking is really good. You'll make a fine housewife someday."
I blushed a deeper shade of pink when he said that, "You think so?!"
Jin hummed in agreement and turned to smile at me.
"Then I'll make sure to marry a man who'll love my cooking. Maybe the man I'm looking to marry might be closer than I think." I smiled wide deciding to go further with the flirting.
"Maybe so.." Jin said fixing his glasses again and opening his book again, now passing it onto his other hand so I could take a good look at it as well.
Jin began to explain further on the subject and what might possibly be on the final exams. I didn't really may much attention on the topic since I already knew all about it, I just wanted to be as close to him as possible, be with him since I don't know if he's planning on traveling soon since we'll both be graduating from college.
The two of us remained together with me pretending to pay attention when I rested my head of my crushes shoulder, I felt him tense a bit when I did that and I internally chuckled when Jin had stuttered and quickly continued with his lesson.
"So, did you get any of that?" Jin asked closing the book and glancing down at me. I looked up and shook my head.
"Nope. I'm sorry."
Jin sighed defeated and I quickly sat back and watched him begin to stretch and stand up. "Well, it's getting late-"
"Let me make dinner for you!" I shouted making him look at me surprised. "I-I mean…yes! I made you stay out here on campus when you could've declined teaching me, let me cook something for you and your dad." I offered.
"What about your par-" Jin didn't finish the sentence and came over and rested his hand on my shoulder.
"Let's go, (Y/N)."
It must've slipped from Jin's mind…when he was about to mention my parents. It had been a year since they passed away, or killed as the news officially said, no evidence or anything was found on who killed them.
For a short time when that happened, the small Itadori household let me stay with them. If it weren't for Jin, would've been long gone.
My parents knew about my crush on Jin Itadori and I would often dream and tell them that'd they better be present on our wedding. A girl can dream..I wanted them to take part in the many things I wanted to do, unfortunately I was alone now.
"I'm home!" Jin announced when he was the first to step into his and his father's shared home. I placed my belongings near the entrance and took my shoes off before going inside the residence.
"I brought (Y/N) home!"
Jin loudly said and I walked with him with grocery bags in hand. The older Itadori suddenly appeared before us looking over at his tall son and over to me.
A small smile forming on his face, "Ah (Y/N)! It's always nice to see you with my son. This is your home too."
I smiled blushing when I felt Jin's eyes on me as he held a glass of water and started to drink, I bowed a bit and held the bags up a bit. "Thank you very much, sir. If there's no trouble I'll be preparing you both meals for the night."
"You're too kind, (Y/N). You know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, I see you're all ready doing fantastic job on my son, Jin."
Jin who has been drinking choked on the water and started to cough onto the sink. I raced over to him quickly dropping the bags and patting Jin's broad back.
We both heard his father laughing. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." He suggested with a small smirk and left towards the living room area.
"That old man." Jin smirked wiping his mouth and standing back straight, "it's nice to see him like this every now and then."
I smiled and looked up at him. "I really care for him as well. I hope you'll like what I'm preparing to cook." I rolled my sleeves up and began row ash the vegetables.
While doing so I heard some pans being taken out of the shelf. I turned and saw Jin wiping them and making sure they were dirty to use, "You think I'm gonna let you be the only one to cook?"
I hum and smiled. "Fine. You can help me out just a bit, but then you'll be out of the kitchen." I said continuing to wash the vegetables and slowly my sleeves began to lower themselves down about to get wet.
I gasped lightly when Jin grabbed my arms and began to carefully roll the sleeves to my dress up, making sure they wouldn't slip again.
"There wouldn't want you to get that cute dress wet." I blushed heavily and felt my heart beating faster.
"How about the person wearing it?!" I quickly asked.
Jin chuckled and simply patted my head. "Let's get cooking, (Y/N)." He said winking at me.
"Ahh this smells delicious!" My mouth watered at the many dishes I prepared with the help of Jin. His father, Jin and I were sat down on the cushions and saying a small prayer.
From outside of the Itadori home, I could see the sky getting darker with snow beginning to fall and many colorful Christmas lights brightening up the streets.
"And let's thank (Y/N) for preparing this delicious meal for us, may many blessings fall on you, my dear." Itadori's father said.
Making me blush and smile at the older man with Jin pouting at his father. "I also helped, you know?"
Ignoring his son, his father continued to speak. "When I'm on my deathbed promise me you'll continue to be a part of his family, and bringing me your famous chicken soup I enjoy."
My expression on the old man softened. Maybe he meant it if Jin and I were to marry, if I would continue to look after him too.
"Don't mind the old man." Jin sighed making his father hit his shoulder with a newspaper.
"Stop slouching and sit up straight." Jin nearly choking on the tea I prepared.
I began to chuckle then laugh at their interactions. "Don't you worry, sir. I'll continue to be a part of your family until the day I die. That's if your son is willing to accept me as well."
I blushed and hid my face looking at my lap. "I-I" Jin stuttered and his father answered for him.
"He accepts! Now let's dig in before the food gets cold." His father seemed really happy. Jin and I glanced at one another and smiled with a bright blush on both of our faces.
"You're more than welcome to spend the night here. It's getting colder and it can be dangerous to walk back home, thought we wouldn't have allowed you to leave if you had insisted." Jin's father had told me earlier when the three of us finished eating.
It was late and the streets were completely empty. Snow continued to fall and decorate the once melting ground. The night felt so peaceful.
I smiled to myself when I heard Jin's father snoring throughout the small home. I remained seated staring outside the glass door and watching the snow gently land on the door, and also admiring the medium sized Christmas tree I had gifted to them which was lit up colorful lights.
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Jin's gentle voice said when he came and saw me seated on the cushions.
"Decided to stay up a bit longer." I softly said still staring outside and turning to look at him. He was wearing warm pajamas, while I was wearing some clothes he lend me, pants that fitted a bit too big along with another large hoodie that could fit two people due to how small I am.
I also had a warm blanket over my shoulders. "Tomorrow's the final exams.." I commented.
"Want me to help you out?" I shook my head at Jin's offer and smiled looking at him again.
"I'm good. Thank you for always looking out for me."
I felt Jin move from where he once was and he took a seat down next to me and now drapped the blanket over on both of us. The close contact to him made me now blush a lot more, if he were to lean closer I think he would be able to hear my heart beating faster.
Jin hummed looking at me when I quickly looked away from his eyes, I felt him fixing his glasses before I felt one of his hands land in my forehead.
"You okay, (Y/N)? You seem a bit too red."
"No! I-I'm completely fine."
I began to overthink things now and was truly scared. Final exams. Depending on what we might want to work for, we could remain in Japan, leave the city or country. I don't want Jin to leave if any offers would be given to him by the choice in work he's been studying for.
Before Jin could pull his hand away I quickly grabbed it with my right hand, making him look down at me surprised. Without spilling any tears I looked over to him.
"Are you scared, Jin? On what the future might hold…for us?" I muttered not wanting moments like these to end.
"Honestly I am..but I know my father will have my back no matter what I decide to do. I'll have to learn to out those fears aside.. I'll have to work hard I can give my old man a nice life for the remaining year's…how about you? Do you have a goal in mind?"
I blushed and thought not too hard. "This might sound stupid..But I want to have kids. Children of my own."
My answered seemed to surprise Jin. "Don't you think it's a bit too early for that?" He joked still holding my hand.
Whatever our relationship may be. It's clear as day to anyone that we both care about each other a lot, pining over each other from time to time and it's clear there's an attraction on both sides. Thing is nothing has been official and no words have been said about it.
"Wouldn't you want to have kids? Maybe a small Jin running around the place?" I suggest and saw Jim thinking hard until he smiled a bit.
"A small Jin, huh? Another boy filling up the household..a girl would be a nice addition too." His words warmed my heart.
"Guess I'll have to find the right person for the job." We both said at the same time and smiled.
We both went back to looking at the window and I never felt so calm and relaxed in Jin's arms. Starting a life with Jin and having a family, kids with him doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
My eyes widened a bit when I felt his hand under my chin making me look up at him. I could see his warm eyes under his glasses. I began to close my eyes when Jin started to lean down further to me, my hands went up to grasp onto his hoodie when I felt his lips press against my own. I closed my eyes and hummed into the kiss when one of his hands was now placed behind my neck cradling me closer to him.
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donnerpartyofone · 1 month
This morning I went over to the church to see my favorite guy, who is so often surprising and challenging. He seemed a little out of sorts today, stammering and losing his place; I sometimes worry about this old guy, and I was paying attention. Then at the end of the mass he said that they're having air quality problems in the rectory and the EPA is involved. I hope he's not getting brain damage!
It was sort of funny, though, because the homily was about having trouble focusing--not being able to concentrate, and having anxiety about the future. That was pretty relevant to me, medically and otherwise. I'm writing this on the morning of the new moon, just to be extra flaky, about how much trouble I have forming goals.
Pursuing goals is also hard, but step one should be having a vision, and that's the really impossible part. When I was a little kid I had two ambitions: to be a writer, and to be dead. The latter thing represents one of the main motivating forces in my life, which is pain avoidance. I think this is the chief motivator of many people without them even realizing it; comfort-seeking itself can be a form of pain avoidance. Pain avoidance is not a legitimate goal, it's more of a reflex, and it can become a preoccupying distraction from any kind of actual ambition (especially as fulfilling ambitions often involves some amount of discomfort). Focusing on what you do not want is not equivalent to focusing on what you do want.
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I never had a very good idea of what I want. I found this out when I went into therapy as an adult; I couldn't formulate any notion of what I wanted out of life. I couldn't even come up with any masturbatory, pie in the sky fantasies. I might vaguely be able to say something like "a bigger, nicer apartment", but I can't come up with any compelling ideas about what that would even look like. I try, but I know I'm faking it. Certainly part of my interest in religion and occultism is the idea that I could train myself to really clearly conceptualize any kind of goals or desires. In the case of occultism specifically (and, let's be honest, many forms of self-help), visualization is always a key element. In recent years I learned that I am abnormally incapable of forming mental images, and I have come to believe that this is intimately connected to my inability to figure out what I want or how to get it.
Nearly all of my thinking is verbal. I found out what aphantasia was while talking to my dad, who is extremely visual with an excellent grasp of spacial relations (something I have almost no concept of). He was shocked when I said I can't really picture anything, asking me "Then how do you do anything?" He said when he decides to make a sandwich, for instance, he automatically sees himself performing the actions of sandwich-making, and sees the aspirational sandwich in his mind's eye. Visualizing is essential to his entire executive process. It so happens that I am aphantasic and I have a lot of executive dysfunction. I no longer think this is coincidental.
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(I'm also very faceblind, and I think this is connected; something to do with the ability to reconstitute a visual memory and relate it to something that is presently in front of me. But anyway...)
Perhaps oddly, I am an artist, or at least I have been. But I've never been able to draw from my imagination, like at all. The best work I've ever done is all swipes; I am a great believer in swipes, it can reveal a lot about your personal style and obsessions and when you re-draw someone else's art. But I can't just sit and think up something fun to draw, even when I try to just doodle I'm usually responding more to the lines I see emerging on the paper than anything I'm thinking or feeling. I think this is related to the fact that I'm an obsessive scopophile; I take in a lot of detail from my environment, and I watch movies with the same attitude and frequency with which most people listen to music. Recently I started to joke that I have an image deficiency and that's why I have to consume huge amounts of visual media, I need the external infusion. But like, it's not that much of a joke, maybe.
In my 30s I randomly developed this condition where scar tissue grows over your corneas, and I had to have a series of freaky eye surgeries. My doctors always asked if I grew up somewhere warm and sunny and windy, if I do a lot of outdoor sports (sometimes this condition is called "surfer's eye"); I thought this was pretty funny since I couldn't be more of an indoor kid, although maybe cycling is somewhat at fault. Still, my preferred diagnosis is that I watch so much trashy and violent crap that it literally scars my eyes. It's as good an explanation as any! And it does have this weird synergy with my other visual problems.
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Anyway, it's not as if I've done absolutely nothing with my life. Quite a few personal achievements piled up in just the last couple of years; certainly I've benefited a lot from luck and the good will of others, but nothing would have happened without my own creativity and commitment. I just wish I had more, you know. Vision. I spend too much of my life "taking one day at a time" and waiting for things to happen to me, assuming I don't have much control over my experiences. I'd rather be able to imagine something that I want to happen and act on it; regardless of whether the thing is going to happen, I'd like to be able to formulate a goal other than paying the rent, or like, not waking up and going to sleep in a state of stark terror. I'm not sure how to get myself to that place, but maybe saying that that's what I want can count for something.
Anyway here are some photos of the thoughtfully planted shrubbery from the church. I missed the full bloom of the weeping cherries, but as soon as they die off the shrubs below turn bright red, pink, yellow, and white. It's pretty inviting I must say.
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super-paper · 1 year
:re your tags about body motifs in bnha got me curious about something. I can think off the top of my head several examples of how this applies to the trio, and a couple more about how this applies to AFO. But can I ask you to expand on how the eye motif is present in AFO specifically? The hands and mouth are obvious, but I can't say I've ever picked up on the symbolism around eyes when it comes to him. Well, unless you're referring to that scene with the sensors in Tartarus. But I'm curious if there's more that I missed, and since I'm a slut about themes and symbolism (and the eye theme relating to the todofam in particular), I would love a deep dive into it and how they're connected, if you don't mind sharing, of course 👀 Really love your meta btw
Thank youu~!
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Yea, the eyes def receive less focus overall compared to the emphasis placed on AFO's mouth/hands-- but I feel that AFO's association with eyes is still pretty important even if they don't get as much focus, and the rare scenes where we -do- get to focus on his eyes + his relationship with eyes do a lot for his character.
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↑ Breaking down AFO's character design to its barest essentials, you can see Hori more or less designed his "true" appearance with these three elements in mind: mouths, hands, and eyes. A perpetual mask-like grin, the stigmata marks to both hands, and completely blank white eyes. Hori uses the composition and lighting in his art to further emphasize these aspects, usually by placing focus on one part/motif at a time-- AFO is essentially introduced to us in pieces, bit by bit, body part by body part.
I would say act 1 focuses primarily on his hands, while act 2 shifts to focusing on his mouth/smile. The final act is where we finally start exploring AFO's relation to eyes-- and imo, Hori chose to focus on AFO's eyes last b/c AFO's eyes seem to be what connect him to his humanity and """true""" feelings:
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Panels that emphasize AFO's eyes specifically are almost always tied to Yoichi! It's a neat and completely loaded little detail. In what's heavily implied to be the aftermath of Yoichi's death, we suddenly shift from obscuring AFO's eyes to obscuring his mouth-- the total reverse of how he's typically depicted during flashback scenes. His eyes (and tears) receive all the focus. The narration doesn't match or address what we're actually*seeing* in a fashion that's eerily similar to the way that Tomura narrates over the deaths of his family. There's a lot of set up here already, and I'm looking forward to see how it all ultimately pays off.
And if eyes are ultimately the motif that ties AFO to his humanity, then the lack of eyes throughout Act's 1 & 2 also feels intentional.
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Blank eyes are also a design trait he shares with Twice (i.e. "Guy whose own quirk drove him to insanity and completely wrecked his sense of identity/individuality") and Sir Nighteye (i.e. "Guy whose quirk lets him see into the future of others, and the future he saw caused him to fall into despair and become a bitter husk of his former self")-- both characters are depicted w/ blank eyes for 90% of their screen time, but "gain" pupils during key scenes. Twice stands out in particular, bc Hori starts consistently drawing him with pupils immediately after he's able to verify his identity and overcome the trauma associated with his quirk.
Also worth mentioning: Jin kicks off his entire arc talking about the importance of knowing who you are and lamenting about the pains that come with losing sight of yourself/no longer being able to connect with or trust others, and he completes his arc by affirming that he knows exactly who he is and dedicating his heart completely to others. Nighteye's entire arc is about smashing past his fear of the future and the fear of change while *also* learning to value Mirio and Izuku as individuals instead of merely viewing them as vessels for OFA. Both arcs are very much relevant to AFO's whole deal as a character/antagonist and the overall theme(s) of MHA as a whole. Twice and Nighteye serve as semi-heroic foils to AFO who manage overcome the same shortcomings that AFO implicitly struggles with, specifically because they allowed themselves to care about others-- So imo it's neat that these three all share this particular design trait!
they're also the two characters whose deaths have the most narrative impact outside of Yoichi and Nana/The Shimura Fam (whoops)
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The final act has also been placing more and more emphasis on how a person's eyes look when they finally get to be their best selves and follow their dreams, and how they sparkle and shine when they think about their origins and their hopes for the future (and I've talked about how this contrasts with Tomura's fairly dead-eyed expression whenever he talks about his "dreams" of destroying everything before (link!), so I'm pretty pleased that the narrative is now calling attention to how a person's eyes look + making the total lack of ~shine~ in Tomura's eyes a very intentional thing).
AFO addresses this directly-- on the surface, he appears to be echoing Touya's desire to be "seen" and expresses resentment that people aren't looking at him. But where Touya longs to be seen in a way that truly validates his humanity and reason for existing, AFO instead wants to be "seen" as something completely devoid of those human qualities. Dabi wants people to see Touya, Mysterious Shigaraki X only wants people to see "AFO." He wants to be a looming, mythical figure who blots out the sun itself-- and when people look towards their future, they should only be seeing a path that ends with him and him alone:
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This sequence will never not be thematically relevant
Tomura, Himiko, and Touya all desire the basic human connections that are associated with Hands/Mouths/Eyes. Even as they continue to lash out and use their respective motifs in increasingly violent/self-destructive ways, their core desire never changes. The desire to be touched gently, the desire to be spoken to like a normal girl, and the desire to be truly seen-- that longing for human intimacy (and who they ultimately seek understanding/intimacy from) betrays what their true desires are more than anything else.
AFO shares the same body motifs as the hero and villain trios, but he's a corrupted version of those motifs and represents what hands/mouths/eyes are capable of at their absolute worst. AFO doesn't truly "see" others. AFO doesn't see people as individuals, he only sees them as extensions of himself or as bit-part "roles" to be played out in his increasingly off-the-rails real people fanfiction. AFO doesn't want people to look to the future or even attempt looking beyond him. AFO doesn't want anyone to see what lies behind his shadowy mask and the AFO persona. AFO counts on society to avert their eyes from problems and pretend they don't see, so he can swoop in and play the benevolent savior to those who have been abandoned. AFO doesn't want anyone to see "Tenko," he only wants them to see "Shigaraki." Et cetera et cetera et cetera.
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There's also the underlying implication that AFO wants everyone to have eyes that are just like his:
Blank. Empty. Completely devoid of spark and soul, pushed past the brink of total despair, with no hope whatsoever for a future.
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tired-teacher-blog · 7 months
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Characters : Tattoo artist Aizawa/ Florist fem reader
Featuring : Eri/ Hizashi Yamada/ Nemuri Kayama/ Oboro Shirakumo/ Emi Fukukado
Warnings and Genre : Fluff/ Romance/ Smut and Angst in future chapters/ Multi Chaptered Story
Summary : In a desperate attempt to get closer to the tattoo artist dominating every speck of your brain, you decide to pay him a visit one evening as a client seeking his service. This encounter will prove to be the beginning of something much bigger between you two, but will this new found passion be enough to stand against the difficulties your future holds?
Notes : Loosely inspired by this/ Art below is by the wonderful @/ael-draw who gifted me this gorgeous piece.
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Masterlist|Second Masterlist|Third Masterlist
Chapter Count : Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Part 11
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_ "Good evening Miss."
_ "Uh.. yes, yeah good evening!" did your voice just waver as you returned the man's greeting?
It did, didn't it? Why else would he let out a chuckle while his eyes are lingering on your clumsy hands struggling to lock your shop's front door?
_ "Need any help with that?" his smile slowly disappears as he notices your battle against the entrance lock.
_ "Oh no it's fine I got it! Thanks anyway, good night." and with that, you flee the scene after yet another awkward encounter with the tattoo artist whose parlor just happens to be facing your own shop.
Aizawa Shouta, the man in question, is an intriguing guy.
His ink covered arms— coming to light each time he decides to roll his sleeves or wear a t-shirt, probably hint at more hidden art behind the garment.. his long raven locks that usually sit beautifully on his broad shoulders, are flowing gracefully around his face.. the dark circles under his eyes have never been a surprise to you since his working hours start really late every evening.
However, that harsh exterior does not reflect his personality at all, you're certain of it, and even though your short exchanges have never gone beyond the polite greetings and stolen gazes, something about this man simply mesmerized you..
Who is he anyway? What is his story? Why does he only come to work late when everyone else is heading home?
These questions have been plaguing your brain ever since you met the mysterious guy a few months ago, you've always wanted to know more about him, to befriend him, to have a meaningful conversation, to stand closer to him, to touch..
_ "No! This is not it!" you slap your face with a wince of pain as you snap back to reality, you are daydreaming about the handsome man once again instead of focusing on work.
You flip through the countless search results as you struggle to make a decision, "which one should I get?" it is honestly a big deal.. a commitment.
Getting a tattoo is a matter of great importance, even more so when the person branding your skin is the same one taking over your every waking moment.
_ "I don't like any of these." you mumble irritatedly as you couldn't feel any connection to the art suggested.
Maybe it isn't a good idea after all, do you actually want to get a tattoo? Or is it just a ruse to get closer to.. to him?
You place your phone away and welcome your new costumer with a smile, "good morning Sir!"
Work comes first anyway, everything else should wait till later, it has to..
_ "Here you go! Red roses are the perfect gift, they represent love, passion, beauty, courage and respect, so I'm sure your wife will love them."
The man's eyes light up and his cheerful smile grows wider as he hears you reciting the devine meaning behind his choice, he pays for his purchase and thanks you again before walking out of your shop.
_ "A red rose?" you utter thoughtfully as your eyes study the beautiful flowers before you.
Love, passion, beauty, courage and respect.
Fitting.. although it might seem tacky to some, but if you are to have something inked into your skin, then it has to be meaningful and so, your mind is finally set, "I'll have a red rose."
You take a deep breath and look through your giant glass window at the closed tattoo parlor across the street, "I'll see you tonight, Mr Aizawa."
It is as regular as clockwork— your daily encounter with the dashing man, you are locking your shop's front door when you hear him unlocking his own, and as regular as clockwork your eyes meet and you exchange your daily greeting, except this isn't all that happened tonight, because unlike your usual habit of turning around and walking home, you are advancing towards the man who doesn't seem surprised to see you approaching.
_ "Tattoo, I mean, can I get one?" your cheeks heat up instantly while hearing yourself speak, you're being as awkward as always around him, and wish to disappear right this instant.
_ "Oh.. yeah sure, this is what I do after all," his chuckle is intoxicating, and his silky hair glides elegantly as he cocks his head to the side, "why don't you come in first?"
You have never realized it before, but now that you are standing near each other, he is towering over you, it's almost intimidating to be frank, if not for the gentle smile that seems even more dazzling from up close.
You are right, he truly is beautiful.
_ "My assistant should be here in a minute, but in the meantime I'll take care of you," he offers you a seat at the reception desk before removing his jacket and joining you, "this is a first for you am I right?"
_ "What makes you say that?" is it obvious how ordinary you are?
_ "Well, usually people call to schedule an appointment beforehand, some of them even visit my studio and bombard us with questions to make sure they can trust us with their bodies, but you.." he stops for a moment to clear his throat and shift his gaze from you, "you're something else."
Is that a little blush he's so desperately trying to conceal? No it can't be, you're delirious like usual, and being in a close proximity to him is playing with your mind.
_ "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have barged in unannounced, I'll make sure to do it properly and call for an appointment," you're on the verge of tears as you stand up and bow your head apologetically, "good night Sir."
_ "What? Hey hold on! Don't go," he's fast at intercepting you, grabbing your arm and pulling you back gently, "please don't go."
His grip remains on you, a perfect pressure applied, as if he's afraid you would disappear if he lets go, and you would have.
He's standing close, so close, closer than he did earlier, and you can feel his warm breath fanning over your skin, his beautiful smile is replaced with a little pout, his dark hair falls around his face and you almost.. almost reach out to tuck the loose strands behind his ear.
How long have you been standing there, looking into each other's eyes and saying nothing? Apparently long enough for his assistant to burst out laughing after walking in and finding you in that state.
_ "Good evening boss! Sorry for being late but you know how traffic is at this hour." her eyes move between you two, and her amused smirk hints at something that you cannot -for the life of you- understand.
You return the lively woman's greeting and take a step back, you are still going to leave anyway, despite the inexplicable desire to stay.
_ "Ms Kayama, would you mind passing my seven o'clock client to Hizashi? Also Oboro is running late as usual so would you please give him a call? Aizawa speaks to his assistant while keeping his attention on you.
_ "Sure boss, you can count on me." you cannot understand the reason of her mischievous smile, nor why she looked at you while saying that.
_ "Thank you."
Your blush is reaching your ears and a storm of emotions is fighting within you as you prepare to interject and perhaps save yourself from further embarrassment, but he is quicker to speak, "please have a seat." his voice as soft as ever while waiting for you to do so.
_ "Yes, thank you." and so you do.
He pulls out a chair for himself across from you before picking up a notbook that was already placed on the desk in front of him, "shall we begin?"
You shoot up all of a sudden as it finally hits you, "I.. I'm.." you stutter almost inaudibly, squeezing your fists so hard to stop from shaking, you aren't sure about this anymore, maybe you've made a mistake barging in like that with the pretence of getting a tattoo when all you actually want is to see him.
_ "Is everything okay?" he must've felt your uncertainty towards it since he instantly stood in front of you, his warm hands on each of your shoulders, rubbing soothing patterns while anticipating your response.
_ "I'm sorry I'm just, a little nervous." saying those words is more painful than any needles he could use on you, you feel pathetic, squeezing your eyes shut and wishing you're home alone instead of this.
Maybe you should forget about the whole thing and just leave, you've already made a fool of yourself enough for one evening, what else is there for you to do?
_ "That's fine, having second thoughts is totally normal considering that it would be your first time going through the experience, besides, there are some preparations to go through before getting to the actual thing," his eyes are gazing gently at you as he speaks, "let's take it step by step, and if you ultimately decide against it then we'll stop."
You cannot understand his behavior, he isn't laughing at you, isn't mocking you like you've expected, he isn't even showing an ounce of impatience. Who is he? Trully? And why is everything about him just.. flawless?
You nod slowly and take your seat again, a wave of goosebumps is running up your spine at the loss of his touch.
_ "Alright, so tell me, do you have a design in mind? If not I can help you choose, and it should help if you have a theme in mind." he starts right as he sits facing you.
_ "Oh no that's fine, I already know what I want," you answer quickly before pulling out your phone and showing him the single rose you settled on, "I want this.. this red rose."
He takes the device from your extended hand, studying the picture displayed before letting out a chuckle that travels right through your veins, "I like it, it's soft and pretty, just like you," he comments casually before adding, "what size are you thinking?"
_ "Huh? Umm.. I'm not sure but, I would prefer it to be small, I guess..." you're not even sure of the words leaving your mouth anymore as his previous remark sways you, soft.. pretty.
What is he doing to you? Is it perhaps a part of his job to sweet talk his clients? Yeah, that must be it, why else would he do it?
_ "It's okay we'll circle back to that later, now for the placement, where would you want it to be? This can actually help you determine the size better if you're still unsure about that." his smile never leaves him as he speaks, and for a brief moment your delusions lead you to believe that it could mean more than a friendly smile, but it doesn't, and you know it.
_ "I'm not sure about that either," you feel stupid, it is your first time walking into a tattoo studio sure, but you should've been more prepared.
He remains quiet for a bit and you're struggling to understand what he's thinking, your heart is hammering painfully in your chest as you wait silently for him to reply.
He isn't smiling anymore, infact, the look on his face has turned into one of pensiveness, his lips are sealed in a thin line and his head is tilted to the side, and it is becoming unbearable for you to sit there and wait any longer, it's humiliating.
You open your mouth to speak, to -perhaps- apologize for making his work harder than it should, for being so stupid as to make him dump his work on his colleagues so he could take care of you for the evening, you're trying to speak but don't know how to start exactly, settling for hanging your head in shame instead.
_ "Hey look up," his voice is as soft as ever, "I told you not to worry about it didn't I? Tattoos are not an easy commitment to make."
His chair squeaks as he clearly stands up, circuling the desk until he's mere centimeters from you, the subtle sweetness of his sandalwood scented cologne is tickling your nose as he leans closer.
_ "I'll tell you what, how about I make a sketch of the design tonight, and you can drop by tomorrow to have a look at it, I have what I need for now, so take the night to think more about the placement," his eyes are studying your tense frame as he adds, "and remember, you don't have to go through with it, I'll book your session for tomorrow, same time as today, but you can cancel it whenever you want."
You're overcame with a sudden urge to jump in his arms, and for the nth time that evening you are grateful for the secrecy of your own thoughts as you nod in agreement, "thank you that would be great, but, we haven't talked about the payment yet."
_ "You'll find everything you need stated on our website." he replies while handing you his business card.
You thank him again and bid him goodbye before walking out of the studio that is -unbeknown to you- getting busier and louder.
To be continued..
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onceuponastory · 9 months
desperately seeking sam - sam wilson x reader
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Plot: After meeting Sam at a festival, Y/N finds herself falling deeply and madly in love with him. When they are forced to go their separate ways, Y/N can't wait to see him again... but there's only one problem. She doesn't know his surname, or even his phone number. But Sam has the perfect idea to find her. Pairing: Sam Wilson x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of alcohol. As always if I miss any triggers, let me know. Notes: Sam is not the Falcon or Captain America in this, because I figured he'd be really recognisable if he was, and I wanted to add the element of them searching for one another! I saw a poster like this the other day, and thought it would be something Sam would do, so here we are.
Joining the long queue for the bar, Y/N hums along with the music playing from behind her, the sounds of drums and guitars filling the air. Bopping her head to the beat, she steps closer and closer to the front of the line, smiling as the sun beats down on her. Y/N’s been spending the day at a music festival, and despite being alone, she’s actually having a lot of fun. But that may be because of the cocktails they have. After paying for her drink, she turns, ready to go back to the music, not really paying much attention to her surroundings. That is, however, until she collides with someone, the cold liquid of both of their drinks splashing on his chest. Y/N’s eyes widen, shame seeping through her… much like the remnants of her drink. “Oh, my god. I’m so sorry.” She gasps, immediately sobering up. “I’ll pay for a new one… and for that to be dry cleaned.” She expects the person to be angry, but to her pleasant surprise, the man grins, instantly filling her with relief. His smile is so bright, and fills her with such a warm feeling, that her worries soon fade away.
“No! Not at all. It happens.” He reassures her. “I will definitely accept that drink offer, though. Can’t let a pretty lady like yourself feel bad, right?” He flirts, and Y/N chuckles. It’s been so long since someone flirted with her so openly, and she definitely wasn’t expecting to fall in love with someone at a music festival of all places. …But the man is so attractive, she doesn’t seem to mind. “Well, thank you.” She grins as they rejoin the growing queue at the bar, trying to act cool and like she definitely knows what she’s doing, and isn’t woefully inexperienced at flirting. “Can’t let a handsome guy like yourself go without, now can I?” Y/N watches him curiously, waiting to see how he reacts to the line she dropped. Thankfully, he grins. “I like your way of thinking.”
She soon learns the man’s name is Sam, and he’s originally from Delacroix, but lives and works in New York now. He tells her all kinds of stories, and Y/N hangs onto his every word. He’s so interesting. So funny, so charming, so kind.
And honestly, she thinks she’s falling in love with him.
Y/N and Sam spend the rest of the day together, learning more and more about one another in between musical acts. It certainly is the most unorthodox way she’s ever met someone, but that just makes it more exciting, a funny story to tell all their friends and family. If they ever make it that far, that is. And god, she hopes they do. Thinking about their future may be moving on too quickly, but Y/N doesn’t care. She’s just so happy in the moment. That night, as the festival draws to a close, she and Sam go see the headliner, dancing and singing along at the top of their lungs. As the music pounds, almost pumping through her entire body and bloodstream, Y/N has never felt so alive. And it seems Sam feels the same. “Can I kiss you?” He calls over the music. “What?” She asks, wondering if she misheard him. But then he asks her again, and Y/N realises he’s serious. Smiling, she nods. Sam grabs her, pulling her close as the last song reaches its climax. He presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss, grinning. Y/N cups his cheeks with her hands, pulling Sam even closer to her. Her heart pounds, and her stomach swells. As they kiss, the band turns on their confetti cannon, raining multicoloured pieces down on them, landing on their clothes, their head, their feet.
It’s perfect.
After the last act has ended, Sam walks her back to the train station with the rest of the crowd, keeping a soft, protective hold on her hand. Honestly, Y/N is glad to have it. After their kiss, she feels like she’s walking on air. Sam’s helping to bring her back down to earth again. “It was great to meet you Y/N.” Sam smiles, and Y/N nods, her smile just as wide. Hopefully this dream night lasts forever. “It was wonderful to meet you, too.” She replies. He leads her all the way down to her platform. As her train thunders into the station, he finally lets her hand go. Y/N’s heart sinks, and she reaches out for it again for a moment. Somehow, she already feels at home in his grasp. “Goodnight Sam.” Y/N whispers, pecking his cheek as the train doors open. “Goodnight Y/N.” Y/N almost considers staying there and missing her train, even if it’s just for another second of Sam’s time. As he looks over her, smiling softly. But as the doors' loud beeping, signifying they’re about to close, fills the air, Sam gently nudges her inside. “You better go before you miss your train.” He chuckles. She sits by the window, staring out at the man who changed her night and made her feel incredible. He gives her a wave, and the train slowly pulls out of the station.
But as Sam disappears from view, a horrible realisation dawns on Y/N, spoiling her cheerful mood. Like a rain cloud on a bright, sunny day. “I don’t even know his last name. Or his number. How will I ever see him again?”
“You kissed her? And you didn’t even get her number?!” Bucky gasps in disbelief from across the table, his eyes wide. Sam sighs, nodding. The second he woke up the day after meeting Y/N, after making sure it wasn’t a dream, he headed off to see Bucky and ask for his advice. Or at least… what Bucky classes as advice.
“Yes, I did. And no, I didn’t.” Bucky shakes his head, still in disbelief, which doesn’t make Sam feel any better. “Yes. I know I’m an idiot. But I wasn’t thinking about that sort of stuff, you know? I just was thinking about kissing her, holding her and maybe taking-” 
“Okay, I get it.” Bucky nods, cutting him off. “So, you've already searched through social media for her?" Sam nods. "Well what are you going to do? You can’t exactly camp outside of the train station until she comes back, can you?”
“Can’t I?” Sam jokes, and Bucky frowns. “I know, I know. I’m kidding.” He sighs. And then… an idea strikes. “I know what to do.” Sam grins.
Every day since the festival ended, Y/N hopes and prays that she’ll find Sam again. She scrolls through social media every day, checking for a post or message about her. But each day only brings more and more disappointment. And after a few days with no messages, Y/N just settles back into her regular, mundane existence: going to and from work each day and getting home to enjoy what little time she has to herself before doing it all again the next day.
And trying to ignore the aching feeling in her heart whenever she thinks of Sam, of course. Y/N tries to stop herself from feeling disappointed, telling herself that this is just life. It gives you the best thing in your life… and then snatches it away from you. It may be unfair, but it’s just what happens. Although it may have been foolish, she was still hoping that things for her and Sam would be different, that he’d find her again.
But as the days pass, that seems less and less likely. “You like him.” Her coworker grins, smirking at her from across her desk one day. “You should try to find him.” “How? I don’t even have his number, or his last name. Do you know how many Sams there are in New York alone?” Y/N groans, resting her head in her hands. “I can’t believe that in this world full of technology, you can’t find your true love who you met at a festival. It’s like… some modern Cinderella story or something. And you didn’t even need to lose a shoe!” “Really not helping.” Y/N groans, not even looking up. Deep down, though, she knows her coworker is right. And she’d be lying if she said that despite her disappointment, this whole experience wasn’t exciting her. To have someone searching for her, and to be searching for him just as much, trying every possible route to find one another, like some modern fairytale rom-com mashup.
It doesn’t make the longing for Sam any better, though.
Later that day, after her shift is finally over, Y/N joins the throngs of commuters heading home. Her mind is on other things, like what she’s going to have for dinner, and if her neighbour has actually taken his trash out.
It’s only when she arrives at her train station and notices a group of people huddled around something on the wall that she’s broken out of her thoughts. Curiously, she strains her neck, trying to see what has everyone so interested. Finally, she gets close enough to see what they were looking at. A handwritten poster is on the wall outside the station. When she sees what is written there, her eyes widen.
“To Y/N, the gorgeous woman I bonded with at the festival, yet I was stupid enough to leave without getting her number. Hopefully this works. Keep dancing and call me sometime. Love Sam.” Under the message is a phone number. Y/N smiles, taking out her phone and dialling the number.  He answers right away, of course.
“Hello? Sam?” she asks. “It’s Y/N. …Yeah, I saw your poster. …No, no. I love it! It’s wonderful. Unique for sure.” She laughs. “...Sure, I’d love to meet up for coffee.”
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